vr games for adults

Amazon Island. Part 2

Our poor sailor from a small spanish Galleon was captured by the beautiful Amazons and taken to their village as a wonderful gift for their great chief Tamara. Now our hero must escape from this island, because Tamara decided to sacrifice him to the volcano spirits! And only you can help him escape from this crazy bitch. First scene: use the stone to break the chain off. Click the red spot to do it. Move mouse left and right to turn away and back. Be careful trying to escape! You better break the chain during the thunderclaps. Turn away every time the chief looks at you. Second scene: your goal is to reach the cave before your health bar runs out. Click to jump when Tamara throws a spear at your feet. Move mouse down to duck when she throws it at your head.

Category: Action, Anal, BDSM, Fetish, Funny, Hardcore, Interracial, Meet And Fuck, Strip

Added on: April 15th, 2019

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