college of bimbo

vr games for adults

College Of Bimbo

This porn game is about a young man (woman, trans-person), who found an ancestral spell book written in Latin. This book (grimoire) is very old and belonged to your grandmother. It appears you not only possess magic, you are one one in the ancestry line of great transfiguration experts. You will have to take Latin classes to read the book and become the greatest witch in history! Once you can decipher the grimoire, you can turn people into bimbos and shemales. The first change you will experience is a test spell which you use on yourself. After that the order of who (and how) transforms is up to you! Good luck.

Category: Action, Adventure, Anal, BDSM, Blowjob, Boobjob, Fetish, Fisting, Funny, Gangbang, Handjob, Hardcore, HTML, Interracial, Lesbians, Mobile, Strip, Virtual Reality

Added on: December 28th, 2023

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  1. By: Roberto

    Try not to burn through your time playing these bad quality games. Best web-based grown-up game

  2. By: Anonymous

    Game is broke. Keeps popping up errors.

  3. By: Anon

    this game was abandoned 3 years ago on release

  4. By: Anonymous

    This isn’t a game yet and literally one porn scene

  5. By: Anonymous

    Hey admin can you update Summer Essence please? Thanks

    • By: admin

      Updated, thanks!

  6. By: J

    Hey admin, can you update forsaken thrones as well please?

    • By: admin

      “Forsaken Throne” updated!



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