It is the 22nd century, the year 2125 AD on Earth and the development of science has reached unprecedented heights. One such marvel is the Speed DNA Reorganisation Technology, commonly known as DNAReorg. This technology allows DNA to be reprogrammed to achieve the desired physical and even physiological transformations. With a single injection individuals can modify their appearance, health, or even their very identity. The most intriguing and controversial aspect of DNAReorg is its ability to alter gender. You are an 18-year-old student who grew up in a world where DNAReorg technology is a part of daily life. All your life you have been searching for the version of yourself you haven’t met yet. You always wanted exploring a part of yourself you have never really understand. And thanks to the transformation, that you have always admired, you will be able to find the best version of yourself and change your attitude and perception of life!
By: Anonymous
This game is trash I’m a man and want to keep my dick. Sorry your mommy didn’t love you enough. But please stop cutting the manhood off others. If your a man keep your self logging to yourself. If your a woman look up the word Misandry.
By: Anonymous
Looks like a good game it’s not set great for mobile great that’s about it
By: Anonymous
Can you please add X-Change Sleepover?
By: who cares
I like the game sure a bit of a grind for cash, but I like it alot wish I could do more like a example would be as a woman could I have the choice too have a cock? or even be a pervert walk around nude or flash or even purposely no shower, there sooo much you can do with this game lay out honestly I also hope this just dosen’t turn out too be one of those cuck nrt games we got too many of them or at least give a option too turn it off not everyone likes it.
By: Anonymous
Needs an option to keep your dick
By: Anonymous
Sensitive men in the comments