event girl

vr games for adults

Event Girl

In this interactive sex story you control a young student who, during a tour of the cryogenic laboratory, accidentally got into cryo chamber and remained in stasis until 2206. Upon regaining consciousness, you find out that the cost of maintaining your outdated cryo chamber has caused your debt to accumulate over time. Moreover, you have been transformed into a more suitable subject for pay debt repayment. In other words, you’ve become a girl, and quite a sexy one at that! Once you’re debt free, you can apply for citizenship, and you would have gender rights (change your gender at will in any clinic). But first you need to decide on a profession that will help pay off your debt. You can become a stripper, an escort and even a call girl!

Category: 3D, Adventure, Anal, Blowjob, Boobjob, Fetish, Funny, Handjob, Hardcore, HTML, Interracial, Lesbians, Mobile, Strip, Virtual Reality

Added on: January 5th, 2024

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  1. By: Anonymous

    Yay they chopped off my manhood.

  2. By: Anonymous

    I hate games like these (games where they chopped off my manhood)



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