Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,<<whoishere $noone>>
<<set $weekcount to 0>>
<<set _rightportraitname to "No one">>
<div class="fore" style="color:brown;">''This is an erotic adult game, with a lot of pornographic content. It's all porn, or leading to porn. If you are under 18 or whatever legal age is required where you live to view adult content, do not proceed. Otherwise, enjoy!
<div class=fore>What's your first name? <<textbox "$name" "Rider">>
And your last name? <<textbox "$lastname" "Strong">>
What color is your hair?
<<listbox "$haircolor">>
<<option "Brown" "brown" selected>>
<<option "Blond" "blond">>
<<option "Red" "red">>
<<option "Auburn" "auburn">>
<<option "Black" "black">>
<<option "Grey" "grey">>
<<option "Bald" "bald">>
<div class=linklist>[[I am over 18 - Begin|Background]]</div><img src="images/silhouettew.gif" width="60%" class="center" />
You felt a painful tingle course up your fingers from the skull you found yourself palming. Images flickered through your mind - seductive curves, playful coyness. Your left lip turned up into a wicked half-smile, seemingly of its own accord.
An illusion of yourself appeared before you, breasts and hips budding outward, your waist slimming to accentuate your now unmistakeably female form, your thoughts turning to airy wisps in your head as your hair grew out and your facial features softened to mirror those of the woman in the glass. You'd never felt your libido on fire like this before, and it made it hard to think of anything concrete. The urge to find a woman (or...a man?) flooded through you.
Before you could act on it, you passed out. And when you woke up in the hospital in Santo Domingo, you were still the same old you. Almost.
<div class=linklist>[[The flight home|Flightback]]</div><<set $mbody to $mbody + 1 >>
<img src="images/malegrowth.gif" width="60%" class="center" />
You felt a painful tingle course up your fingers from the skull you found yourself palming. Images flickered through your mind - strength, power, masculinity. An illusion of yourself appeared before you, growing taller, more muscular, your penis growing longer, thicker, harder. Fire sparked from your fingertips. You'd never felt your libido straining within you like this before. The urge to find a woman as much an embodiment of the feminine as you felt masculine flooded through you.
But before you could act on it, you passed out. And when you woke up in the hospital in Santo Domingo, you were still the same old you. Almost.
<div class=linklist>[[The flight home|Flightback]]</div><div class=fore>On the long flight back, you drifted in and out of a restless sleep. You kept having odd dreams - darkness and light intertwining; people changing quickly, as if in funhouse mirrors; ridiculously muscular men and stunningly curved women caressing, embracing, moaning, fucking. Your seatmate did not seem to appreciate the noises that you emitted.
<<if $transformation > 100>>When you did manage to spend some time awake, you felt...softer. Surely you had a bit more bulk around your waist before? And your cock was never a giant, but you swear it wasn't quite that small.
<<else>>When you did manage to spend some time awake, you felt...harder. Denser. Your biceps didn't look that big before, certainly. And had your cock always felt so difficult to keep hidden in your pants?
Touching the skull that had somehow found its way into your backpack didn't elicit anything anymore. How customs had declared it simply a "novelty vodou souvenir" was a mystery. But it was a mystery you were determined to solve.</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Arriving home|Cabback]]</div><<cacheaudio "oceanwaves" "music/oceanwaves.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "potion" "music/potion.wav">>
<<cacheaudio "drip" "music/drip7.wav">>
<<audio ":all:not(:ui)" volume 0.25>>
/* Changing variables (change before publishing */
<<set $cash to 600>>
<<set $fitness to 10>>
<<set $fbody to 0>>
<<set $chirality to -1>>
/* Transformation will go down towards Ogou/masculine or up towards Erzulie/feminine */
<<set $transformation to 100>>
<<set $name to "default">>
<<set $lastname to "default">>
<<set $mc to {
model : "normal",
body : -2,
mind : -1,
cock: 4,
name: "default",
lastname: "default",
id: "mc",
style: "normal",
level: "",
<<set $noone to {
model : "default",
name : "No One",
id: "default",
level: "",
<<set $whoishere to $noone>>
<<set $mcsex to "male">>
<<set $peerreview to false>>
<<set $workout to false>>
<<set $knowledge to -1>>
<<set $mood to 5>>
<<set $melangetaken to false>>
/* Inventory Arrays */
<<set $InvMC to ["reagents"]>>
<<set $InvHerbshop to ["ucuch", "yohimbe", "huilca",]>>
<<set $InvOnline to ["belladonna", "syrianrue", "iboga"]>>
<<set $InvRandom to ["tucibi", "amanita"]>>
<<set $InvVodou to ["jalap", "hikuri", "pclegba", "pcmarassa"]>>
<<set $pwencho to ["pcerzulie", "pcogou"]>>
/* Hidden/Locked locations/items */
<<set $lock to {
shack : false,
lovecraft : false,
mirror: false,
kykeon: false,
mojo: false,
mojobag: false,
melange: false,
gloryhole: false,
tucibi: false,
hounfour: false,
pwencho: false,
legba: false,
marassa: false,
gretchen: false,
mackenzie: false,
vape: false,
/* Mojo Hand */
<<set $mojo to {
fixed: false,
breath : -1,
legba : false,
erzulie : true,
ogou: true,
answer: 1,
/* Speech initial variables */
<<set $speaking to {
model : "normal",
body : 0,
mind : 0,
name: "default",
id: "default",
<<set $erzulie to {
model : "normal",
body : 0,
mind : -5,
name: "Erzulie",
id: "erzulie",
answer: 0,
style: "normal",
level: "",
<<set $ogou to {
model : "normal",
body : 0,
mind : -5,
name: "Ogou",
id: "ogou",
answer: 0,
style: "normal",
level: "",
<<set $legba to {
model : "normal",
body : 0,
mind : -5,
name: "Legba",
id: "legba",
answer: 0,
style: "normal",
level: "",
/* Townie variable setups */
<<include [[TownieInit]]>>
/* Therapy patient variable setups */
<<include [[TherapyInit]]>>
/* Variable for gay/etc. content, triggered at Gloryhole scene */
<<set $gay to false>>
<<set $trans to false>>
<<set $dealerscared to false>>
/* MC text color change based on transformation */
<<set $col = ["#990000", "#b30000", "#cc0000", "#e60000", "#ff0000", "#ff1a1a", "#ff3333", "#ff4d4d", "#ff6666", "#ff8080", "#ff9999"]>>
<<if $transformation gte 192 >><<set $mood to 10>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 170>><<set $mood to 9>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 150>><<set $mood to 8>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 130>><<set $mood to 7>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 110>><<set $mood to 6>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 90>><<set $mood to 5>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 70>><<set $mood to 4>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 50>><<set $mood to 3>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 30>><<set $mood to 2>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 08>><<set $mood to 1>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 0>><<set $mood to 0>>
/* End MC mood text color change */
/* placeholder for cock descriptions? */
<<set $penis = ["cock", "dick", "prick", "cock", "dick", "cock", "shaft"]>>
<img src="images/places/rincon.jpg" width="80%" class="center" />
<<audio "oceanwaves" play>>
<<set $ to $name>>
<<set $mc.lastname to $lastname>>
It had all started on a vacation to the Dominican Republic. You needed it after that fiasco at the University, and once the official letter arrived to confirm you had indeed received the Ruhtracam Genius Grant for this year you figured you had a little extra spending money, so why not? Your newly-rented rooms and your boring peer-review job would be welcome and waiting for you when you came back. What else you'd do with yourself, you had no idea.
You needed a change. Years of study in biochemistry, chirality, entheogens and other psychotropics - all wasted with one mistake. Or was it?
Wanting to avoid too many other tourists, you ended up staying on a secluded beach in northern Samana province with only a small town nearby: a few shops selling trinkets and souveniers, plenty of bars, and not much else. You did your best to become a girl-drink drunk (they taste like candy!) and <<linkreplace "ogled all the gorgeous women.">>ogled all the gorgeous women.
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" ><source src="images/bikinibeach.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Against your better judgment you even attempted a surfing lesson, but you'd always spent much more time with your nose buried in books or deep down the dark web than working out your soft, flabby body. Embarrassment was inevitable, which of course led to more drinking.
Finally, the day before you were to fly back, you decided to find out if your mistake had really been such a mistake or not. Uncorking the tiny bottle that held the last bit of your seminal "work" you had managed to steal away, you hesitated for a moment. But what more was there to lose? <<col>>''"Ah fuck it"''<</col>> you mumbled to yourself as you poured it into your <<linkreplace "chocolate choochoo">>chocolate choochoo
<img src="images/choochoo.jpg" width=25%/><</linkreplace>>.
<div class=linklist>[[Down the hatch!]]</div>/* <img src="images/places/souvenirshop.jpg" width=600 /> */
You pushed through the colorful clothing and the spinning racks of keychains, back to some wooden boxes stacked in front of a full length mirror. Your reflection, just like the men and women you passed before, seemed to split and morph into two people on either side of you. Through your haze the faces of each seemed to be almost you, yet not quite. Too vague at first. But as you looked on, they both rapidly changed, almost as if a new person was growing out of each reflection...
<div class=row>
<div class=column>
<<linkreplace "The left" t8n>>
The left morphed quickly into a woman with exaggerated feminine curves, her skin darkening just a bit from your own. There was something incredibly seductive - seditious - about her. Every little shift she made seemed designed to entice or enflame. She had a coy smile, a small tear running down each cheek, and you felt like you could almost see her heart beating within her chest.<</linkreplace>></div>
<div class=column>
<<linkreplace "The right" t8n>>
The right's skin became much darker, muscles growing far past your own, yet a bright white light seemed to shine out of them, pulsing with a strong overpowering heat. A smell of struck iron and tobacco smoke wafted over you as you cocked your head and peered at him.<</linkreplace>></div></div>
Neither were incredibly clear, like the hallucinations of other people had been.
Beneath them both, resting inside the top box, was something wrapped in yellowed flannel. Something you ''needed''. When you unfolded the flannel you saw...<span class="imgpop whiteskull">[[a skull]]</span>? But even this was different in the mirror, like a <span class="imgpop blackskull">[[negative photocopy]]</span>. Occultish markings seemed to be all over it. Reaching down to touch it, your hand pulled back reactively as you felt a twinge of pain. You looked back up at the two beings.
Neither were attacting you the way the people you'd seen had. Instead, they both seemed a reflection of you. Something deep inside told you that all your studying and research had been your conscious attempt to tap this unconscious duality within yourself. Neither were you - they were their own beings. Yet also both were you. Both were reaching their hands out to you, eyes crinkled in mirth, but one was much stronger than the other. Would you embrace the yang of the fiery male, or the yin of the watery female?
<div class=linklist><div class="lefttext">[[Shake with the left|lefthand][$transformation = $transformation + 10]]</div> <div class="ctext"> or </div> <div class="righttext">[[Shake with the right|righthand][$transformation = $transformation - 10; $mc.cock += 1]]</div></div><<audio "oceanwaves" stop>>
<div class="fore">Honestly, you didn't know what to expect. The only other person who had taken this concotion certainly wasn't talking to anyone. And at first all you felt was a light pleasant buzzing behind your eyes, but as you got up to leave the bar and walked along the beach road your vision started to <<linkreplace "blur.">>blur.
<img src="images/blurroad.gif" class=center width=50%/><</linkreplace>>
This wasn't like being drunk at all. While the world in general came in and out of focus, the people you passed seemed //too// crisp and clear, while constantly splitting into @@.mirror;mirror images@@ before merging back together. And there was something...different between each half. But that couldn't be, could it? You'd just spent too many months down the chirality rabbit hole and too many recent hours pouring booze down your gullet, that must have been it. Still, something about these double-visions pulled at you from below your belly button, and you realized your moderately sized <<cock>> was doing its best to break out of your bathing suit. Great: you'd re-invented viagra.
But no, that wasn't it. Each individual seemed to have two "spirits" haunting it - both slightly different. One person had one slightly more masculine and one more feminine. Another had one that seemed taller, one shorter. Seeing all these duplicates moving around quickly made you dizzy. It felt like your eyes had crossed, and you couldn't un-cross them.
Leaning against one of the souvenir shops of the small town, you shook your head to try and clear it. There was a hand-written sign in the window but you couldn't make the words out, and you didn't have time anyway: something inside was pulling you through the door, a feeling like the people you'd seen before had caused. Only <<linkreplace "stronger.">>''stronger''
<img src="images/places/souvenirshop.jpg" width=75% /><</linkreplace>></div>
<div class="linklist">[[Something is calling.|Trinkets][$chirality to 3]]</div>
<div class=fore>Slouching in the back of the long Lyft ride home from the airport your head finally clears and you immediately know what to spend your grant money and newfound free time on: what happened, could it be reproduced? Could...could the effects be amplified, or made permanent? Were they even real in the first place? And more importantly, could they work on others? The mere idea of it made your cock stir. Imagine being able to change someone's mental or physical reality in the span of a few moments.
I mean, what the fuck, right?
That vision! What parts were you attracted to becoming, and which were you attracted to finding in others? Were the two beings some personified visions of the abstract science going on in your blood at the time, or were they really out there? No, that's ridiculous. Your first steps should be to spend some time in your study to find out more information about the markings on the skull, and to set up a new lab so you can make more of your...<<col>>''"elixer"''<</col>> you say, and chuckle at the thought. Mirrors and potions and spirits? Maybe Harry Potter wasn't such a children's book after all.
You can sustain yourself by doing your peer review job online while you work on reproducing the variables for your experience and finding a way to meet some new test subjects. You don't know anyone in this city besides your absent landlord and their niece Deandra, who looks after the house, but it shouldn't be too hard to make new friends.
Eager to begin, you take a deep breath as you leave the cab and walk up to your [[Front Door][$knowledge = 0]]</div><img src="images/places/yourhouse.png" width = "60%" class="center">
This is the front door to your building, a large old house in slight disrepair. It's maintained - poorly - by the owner's goth niece $, who lives in the adjoining house.
<div class=linklist>[[Go inside|Foyer]]
<<link "Visit $" "Dee Door">><</link>>
[[Walk to the bus stop|Bus Stop]]
[[Walk up to Kentucky Avenue|Kentucky Avenue]]
<img src="images/places/cluestairs.jpg" width="80%" class="center"/>
<div class=linklist>[[Go upstairs to your bedroom|Bedroom]]</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Go outside|Front Door]]
[[Your study]]
[[Living Room]]</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Descend to the basement|Basement]]</div>
<img src="images/places/citycenter.jpg" width = 800>
A bustling city center. Here you can find some general shops, office buildings, and access to the other parts of the city.
/* Gretchen Random Meet */
<<set $random to random(9)>><<if $random gte 7 and $gretchen.model is "milf" and $lock.mojo is true and $gretchen.treated and $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 20>>
<div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop >
<source src="images/people/gretchen/home/milfwalking.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=column><div class=fore>You catch sight of $ walking down the sidewalk. Well, you catch sight of her amazing cleavage first, and the ridiculous heels she is teetering in. She is definitely flaunting her sexuality now, thanks to you.
<<if $gretchen.home is 0>>[[Stop and talk with Greta|Gretchen Working]]<<else>>She doesn't stop to talk to you, but she definitely slows down and sways her hips more dramatically as she passes, giving you a nice show before walking off.<</if>></div></div></div><</if>>
<div class=fore>[[Gracy's Department Store]]</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>''Take the subway to:''
<div class="column"><div class=fore>''Take the bus to:''
[[Your bus stop|Bus Stop]]
[[The State Park|State Park]]</div></div></div>
<span class="sidetext">\
Money: $<<print $cash>>
<br><<if $chirality gte 0>>
Chirality: <<print $chirality>>
<br><<if $mojo.breath gte 0>>
Mojo: <<print $mojo.breath>>
<<if $knowledge gte 0>>[[Move Along Home|Foyer]]<</if>>
<<if $lock.legba>>[[The Crossroads]]<</if>>
</span>\<div class=fore><<if $knowledge gte 1>>''Review:''<</if>>
<<if $knowledge gte 2>>[[Entheogens and the Kykeon]]<</if>>
<<if $knowledge gte 1>>[[The skull and the Loa]] <</if>>
<<if $knowledge gte 3>>[[Melange and the Mojo Hand]]<</if>>
<<if $knowledge gte 6>><</if>>
''Current Main Goals:''
<<if $knowledge lte 0 and $chirality is 0>>-Get soused. Like really soused.
<<elseif ($transformation isnot 100) and ($knowledge lte 0)>>-Get back to your study and research the odd markings on the skull.
<<elseif ($knowledge eq 1) and ($lock.mirror is false)>>-Visit the university to study entheogenic substances needed for your new brew.
-Buy a mirror at the department store in the city center.
<<elseif $knowledge eq 1 and $lock.mirror is true>>-Visit the university to study entheogenic substances needed for your new brew.
<<elseif $lock.kykeon is true and $lock.mirror is false>>-Buy a mirror at the department store in the city center to set up your Psychomanteum.
<<elseif $knowledge eq 2 and $lock.mirror is false>>-Find the ingredients you need for your modern-day kykeon, brew it in your lab, then test it in your psychomanteum.
-Buy a mirror at the department store in the city center to set up your Psychomanteum.
<<elseif $knowledge eq 2 and $lock.mirror is true>>-Find the ingredients you need for your modern-day kykeon, brew it in your lab, then test it in your psychomanteum.
<<elseif $knowledge eq 3 and ($dee.model is "normal")>>
-Find a woman you can "introduce" to Erzulie.
-Find the ingredients needed for your second elixer, then concoct it.
<<elseif $lock.melange is true and ($dee.model is "normal")>>
-Find a woman you can "introduce" to Erzulie before testing your melange.
<<elseif $knowledge eq 3 and ($dee.mind is 1)>>-Find the ingredients needed for your second elixer then concoct it.
-Bring Deandra to your psychomanteum and haver her drink Kykeon.
<<elseif $knowledge eq 3 and ($dee.model is "gia") and ($lock.tucibi is false)>>-Find the ingredients needed for your second elixer.
<<elseif $InvMC.includesAll("yohimbe", "belladonna", "ucuch", "tucibi") and ($lock.tucibi is true) and ($lock.melange is false)>>-Concoct your second elixer in your laboratory.
<<elseif $knowledge eq 4 and ($melangetaken is false)>>Try out your melange, on yourself or Deandra (or both?)
<<elseif $knowledge gte 5 and $dee.model is "gia">>-Test out your Melange on $
<<elseif $knowledge gte 5 and $lock.mojobag is false>>-Ask around about how to create a mojo bag, and what you saw during your Melange trip.
<<elseif $lock.mojobag and $knowledge lt 6>>Create your mojo hand.
<<elseif $lock.mojo and $knowledge gte 6>>That's it for now! Enjoy corrupting people.<</if>>
''Current Additional Goals:''
<<if $knowledge gte 4 and $melangetaken is true>>-Treat patients in your study; explore their chiral selves and deepest desires.<</if>>
<<if $lock.mojo is true>>-Use your Mojo Hand on individuals around town.<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist><<back "Go back">></div><<whoishere $mc>><p>You are $name $lastname, a 30 year old <<man>>.<<submins 30>>
<<link "''Ingredients at your disposal''">>
<<dialog "Available Ingredients">>\
<<set _Items = $InvMC>><ul><<for _i = 0; _i < _Items.length; _i++>><li><<print _Items[_i]>></li><</for>></ul>
<div class=fore><div class="row">
<div class="column"><<haircolor>></div>
<div class="column">Your current hair color is $haircolor</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><<bodyimage>></div>
<div class="column"><<bodytext>></div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><<print '<img src="images/styles/dick/' + $mc.cock + '.jpg" width=80% />'>>
<div class="column">Your <<cock>> is <<print $mc.cock>> inches long</div></div></div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div>/*
Date & Time Widget Setup
window.GameDays to [
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
window.GameMonths to [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
Below we have to use the multi-parameter version of the Date
constructor, rather than the date string version, because the
date string version treats a missing timezone offset as UTC.
While there are ways to determine players' timezone offsets,
so they could be added to a date string, it's more convenient
simply to use the multi-parameter constructor.
The point of this is so that you can simply initialize the game
world clock to whatever date and time you wish without having to
worry about the players' timezone offsets, while still ensuring
that they all see the same game world dates and times.
/* params: year , month(0-based) , day , hour(24H) , minute [, second ] */
$gameDate to new Date(2024, 9, 12, 8, 30); /* e.g. Mar 17, 2015 03:24 */
Date & Time Advancement Widget Definitions
/* Adds the specified number of minutes. */
<<widget "addmins">>\
<<set _dateOld to $gameDate.getDate()>>
<<run $gameDate.setMinutes($gameDate.getMinutes() + $args[0])>>\
<<set _date to $gameDate.getDate()>>\
<<if _dateOld != _date>><<include "Reset Variables">><</if>>
<<widget "submins">>\
<<run $gameDate.setMinutes($gameDate.getMinutes() - $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of hours. */
<<widget "addhours">>\
<<set _dateOld to $gameDate.getDate()>>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0])>>\
<<set _date to $gameDate.getDate()>>\
<<if _dateOld != _date>><<include "Reset Variables">><</if>>
/* Adds the specified number of days. */
<<widget "adddays">>\
<<set _dateOld to $gameDate.getDate()>>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0] * 24)>>\
<<set _date to $gameDate.getDate()>>\
<<if _dateOld != _date>><<include "Reset Variables">><</if>>
/* Sets to specific minute */
<<widget "setmins">>\
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes($args[0])>>\
/* Sets to specific hour */
<<widget "sethours">>\
<<set $gameDate.setHours($args[0])>>\
/* Sets to specific date */
<<widget "setdays">>\
<<set $gameDate.setHours($args[0])>>\
Date & Time Printing Widget Definitions
/* Prints the current date ("{weekday} {month} {day}, {year}"). */
<<widget "date">>\
<<print String.format("{0} {1} {2}, {3}",
/* Prints the current game day only */
<<widget "day">>
<<print $gameDate.getDate()>>
/* Prints the current time (12H). */
<<widget "time12hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() eq 0>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gt 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours() - 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours()>>\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>> \
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12>>PM<<else>>AM<</if>>\
/* Prints the current time (24H). */
<<widget "time24hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getHours()>>:\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>>\
/* Prints the current date and time (12H). */
<<widget "datetime">><<date>> <<time12hr>> (<<time24hr>>)<</widget>>
/* Prints the current time of day */
<<widget "timeofday">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 4>>
<<print "Middle of the night">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 4 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<print "Early morning">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<<print "Morning">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<<print "Midday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<<print "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<print "Evening">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21>>
<<print "Night">>
<p>''Audio and Sounds''
Audio is currently sparsely used, but you can always mute non-video audio in the settings. Most videos don't have sound; those that do will start muted and can be un-muted if desired.</p>
<p>''Color Themes''
There will be an attempt to provide a dark theme, as well as white-on-black and black-on-white as max-contrast options.</p>
<div class=fore style="color:brown;">Hello! Legba here, creator of A Mirror Darkly.
It's pretty simple for now: you build up chirality by changing others within your home through the use of a mysterious syncretism between science and mythology. Then you use that chirality to permanently change yourself or, through mojo, others in the city and surrounding area.
This started with inspiration directly from the game //Inner Bimbo// so there will be two sides to it: the first is a sexy gif-dump under the guise of providing "therapy" to people. The second will be a slower sandbox where you can see the results of your choices and enjoy a slower mental corruption and physical modification of people who live around you.
As a first-time programmer and storyteller please forgive any rough edges; the look and design of the game will change as it progresses.
Email if you'd like to share suggestions/critiques. I probably won't respond directly, but I'll take all well-meaning advice to heart.</div>
/* maybe add in later
<div class=fore style="color:brown;">
<<if $legba.answer is 0>>
<<elseif $legba.answer is 1>><p>''The game:''</p>
<div style="color:brown;">The game will focus heavily on transformations, sexifications, bimbofications. Then you fuck those transformed people. Inspiration from //Inner Bimbo// means I'll keep the quick-transforming gif-dumps coming, and those will be how you earn points for the slow transformations of people around town. That way the grind is still fun. The game has accidentally slid into //A Spell for All// territory too but I've never enjoyed time limits in porn games so I'm going to avoid those.
Lesser used/more novel porn-stars will be starred, along with some usual suspects. And I will try to weave different characters together in different ways, so your choices change the game a tad when you replay it.
I'm also going to try for some breadth, so it won't just be white waifs or plastic bimbos. We'll try to hit many sizes, colors, shapes, and fetishes at least once. Everything may not be your cuppa, but alternatives will be there.
There will be some light gay/trans/etc. content which I'll keep entirely optional. Same with NTR, cuckolding, or the like - it will probably make it in, but it will always be optional. If I'm making a buffet, I want to provide a good spread. Don't feel required to eat all of it.</div>
<<elseif $legba.answer is 2>><p>''Suggestions or Critiques:''</p>
<div style="color:brown;">Great! You can email me at if you'd like to share ideas, or a scenario you've written, or suggestions/critiques. I probably won't respond directly, but will take well-meaning critiques or advice to heart.</div>
<<elseif $legba.answer is 3>><p>''The Future:''</p>
<div style="color:brown;">I'm trying not to get ahead of myself, but:
-Lots more women (and some men) to transform and fuck
-Unlocking different Loa pwen cho will unlock different scenarios/options/media
-Different spells/elixers for expanded gameplay options
-Fun MtF plans for the Marassa effect (optional and reversible!)
-I like games with intriguing stories in the background behind the porn, so I'll keep weaving real-life vodou into the game, and may add some adjacent stuff in to try to make a half-decent storyline out of it. Eventually.
-Some far-out ideas are brewing, but a good base is needed first.</div>
<img src="images/items/weird.jpg" width = 25% class="center">
<div class=fore><<link "''Game inspiration and intent''">><<set $legba.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "''Sharing an idea/critique/suggestion''">><<set $legba.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "''Future plans''">><<set $legba.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<div class=linklist>[[Credits]]</div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div>[[You|MCnotes]]
[[Research Notes]]
[[Game Info|Game Notes]]
/* if you want to have a mute audio button
<<link "Mute Audio">>
<<if setup.muteAudio>>
<<masteraudio unmute>>
<<set setup.muteAudio to false>>
<<masteraudio mute>>
<<set setup.muteAudio to true>>
<</link>>*/<img src="images/places/uptown.jpg" width = 80% class="center">
<p>Uptown is dominated by the university and businesses that cater to the students and wealthier city residents.</p>
<div class=linklist>[[Ted Chambers Gym]]
<div class=linklist>''Take the subway to:''
[[City Center]]
</div><img src="images/places/downtown.jpg" width = 80% class="center">
<p>Downtown has a more salacious reputation than the rest of the city. It is a mix of funky shops and older buildings.</p>
<div class=fore>[["Herb Your Enthusiasm"]]
[[Seedy bar]]</div>
<div class=linklist>''Take the subway to:''
[[Go uptown|Uptown]]
[[City Center]]</div><div class=fore>Your average department store, complete with home goods, clothing, and "As See on TV!" sections.
<<if $knowledge gte 1>>
<<if $lock.mirror is true>> Buy a mirror (owned)
<<elseif $cash gte 100 and ($lock.mirror is false)>>
<<linkreplace "Buy a mirror - $100">>Buy a mirror (owned)<<set $lock.mirror to true>><<set $cash to $cash -100>><</linkreplace>>
<<else>> Buy a mirror - $100 (need more cash!)
<div class=linklist>[[Leave|City Center]]</div><div class=linklist>The old musty study, crowded with books of yours and former tenants.</div><div class="row"><div class="column"><div class=fore><<nobr>><<if $peerreview is false>>
[[Peer review scientific articles online|Review]]
<<else>>Peer review scientific articles online (completed for today)
<<if $knowledge == 0>>
[[Research the markings on the skull|Knowledge1][$knowledge = 1]]
<<elseif $knowledge gte 2>>[[Order ingredients online]]
<<if $melangetaken is true>>
<<if visited("Therapy") lte 0>>[[Set up your ad for psycho-sexual therapy|Therapy]]
<<else>>[[Manage your therapy sessions|Therapy]]<</if>>
<div class="column"><img src="images/places/study.jpg" style="float:right;"/></div></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Return to the foyer|Foyer]]</div>
<<whoishere $dee>><img src="images/places/deedoor.jpg" width = 60% class="center"><p>''The front door to <<print $ .toUpperFirst()>>'s Apartment''</p>
<<print $ .toUpperFirst()>> is the daughter of your absent landlady, who told you that she's "a bit dumb and a bit weird" - what a great mom. She cleans your house twice a week and tends to the two properties.
<div class=fore><<if $dee.corrupt is true>>
<<linkreplace "Knock on the Door">>
$ answers the door. You can barely believe this is the same girl that used to answer you with such apathy.
<<speech "dee" $>>"Hi there Mr. $lastname! Like, do you want to come in and fuck or whatever?"<</speech>>
[[Go inside|Dee(treated) House]]
[[Leave|Front Door]]
<<elseif $dee.model is "gia">>
<<linkreplace "Knock on the Door">>
Deandra answers the door. Since Erzulie's changes, she's started dressing to show off her new curves more, though she is still sporting the goth look for now.
<<speech "dee" "Dee">>"Hi there Mr. $lastname! Like, do you want to come in or whatever?"<</speech>>
<div style="clear:both;"></div><<if $lock.melange is true and $dee.corrupt is false>>
[[Ask her to try out your Melange|Dee Melange]]
[[Go inside|Dee(Gia) House]]
[[Leave|Front Door]]
<<linkreplace "Knock on the Door">>
Deandra answers the door. She's 19, bored with almost everything, and dresses to hide any curves she may have - though it's obvious she doesn't have many regardless.
<<speech "dee" "Deandra">>"Hello? Like, what do you want old man?"<</speech>>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
Old man?
<<if $knowledge lte 1>>Not having anything else to talk about right now, you mumble some excuse about wanting your rug vacuumed soon.<</if>>
<<if ($knowledge gte 3) and ($dee.mind is 0)>><<linkreplace "Talk to her about the skull" t8n>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Hello there Deandra! I noticed that you seem to be interested some black magic and witchcraft-"<</speech>>
<<speech "dee" "Deandra">>"You mean wicca, dude?"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Yes...of course. Well, in my studies I came across a very interesting skull with magical markings on it. I thought you might enjoy visiting the research room - maybe you call it an altar? - I set up to study it in."<</speech>>
<p>The bored look lifts from her eyes, but she doesn't seem convinced just yet. Your landlady mentioned to you she was 19 - maybe some bribery?</p>
<<linkreplace "Offer to make her an alcoholic drink" t8n>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Maybe I could make us a couple of stiff drinks and you can check it out?"<</speech>>
<<speech "dee" "Deandra">>"Mmmmmm, I dunno..."<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"It would really help me out if you could tell me anything about the markings that I may not know about. I'm sure you're much more of an expert than I am."<</speech>>
<p>That seems to push her over, and she nods. Not the smartest girl, but then she doesn't need to be for this.</p>
<<set $dee.mind +=1>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Great!"<</speech>>
<p>You can now come back at any later time and ask her to come with you.</p>
[[Stay and ask her now|The Psychomanteum]]
<<elseif $dee.mind is 1>>[[Have Deandra over for some "kykeon and skull"|The Psychomanteum]]
<div class=linklist>[[Your front door|Front Door]]</div><div class=fore>You relax on the couch and watch some TV. Maybe it's your imagination, but everything playing seems very sexy today.
<div class=tvbox><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="'
+ either("images/tv/1.mp4",
+ '" type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
>></video><div class=linklist><<link "Channel Surf">><<refresh>><</link>></div></div></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Go back|Living Room]]</div>
<div class=fore><<button "Waste an hour">><<addmins 45>><<run>><</button>>
[[Watch TV]]</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Foyer]]</div>
<div class=fore>A medium-sized boutique gym catering to upscale residents and the college crowd.
/* <<linkreplace "Talk to a trainer" t8n>>[[Talk to Tatiana|Speak to Tatiana]] or [[Talk to Caleb|Speak to Caleb]]<</linkreplace>> */
/* CHEAT OPTION: <<button "Rest up">><<set $workout to false>><</button>> */
<<if $workout is false>>[[Work out]]
<<elseif $workout is true>>(You've already worked out recently. You will have to rest before you can do it again.)
[[Hit the showers]]</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Leave|Uptown]]</div><<widget "bodyimage">>
\<<if ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/mbody7.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 50>>
<img src="images/Styles/mbody6.jpg" width=80% />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 40>>
<img src="images/Styles/mbody5.jpg" width=80% />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 30>>
<img src="images/Styles/mbody4.jpg" width=80% />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 20>>
<img src="images/Styles/mbody3.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 10>>
<img src="images/Styles/mbody2.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 1>>
<img src="images/Styles/mbody1.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "female") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/fbody7.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "female") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/fbody6.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "female") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/fbody5.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "female") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/fbody4.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "female") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/fbody3.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "female") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/fbody2.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif ($mcsex is "female") and $fitness gte 60>>
<img src="images/Styles/fbody1.jpg" width="80%" />
<<widget "bodytext">>
\<<if ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 60>>You have muscles stacked on muscles that strain against your clothes, and you draw the eye of every man and woman as you walk down the street. Power ripples through you as you move. You have reached physical perfection.
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 50>>You are in amazing shape, with chiseled abs and broad powerful shoulders. You cause some double-takes as you walk down the street.
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 40>>You are in great shape, with defined abs and a chiseled chin.
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 30>>You are broad shouldered and in very good shape.
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 20>>You are in good shape, and you get a few looks as you walk down the street.
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 10>>You are in decent shape, but not much to look at.
<<elseif ($mcsex is "male") and $fitness gte 1>>You have never spent much time in the gym and it shows. What muscle you do have is mostly covered in flab.
<<widget "haircolor">>
<<if $haircolor is "brown">><img src="images/styles/hairmbrown.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif $haircolor is "blond">><img src="images/styles/hairmblond.jpg" width=80% />
<<elseif $haircolor is "red">><img src="images/styles/hairmred.jpg" width=80% />
<<elseif $haircolor is "auburn">><img src="images/styles/hairmauburn.jpg" width=80% />
<<elseif $haircolor is "black">><img src="images/styles/hairmblack.jpg" width="80%" />
<<elseif $haircolor is "grey">><img src="images/styles/hairmgrey.jpg" width=80% />
<<elseif $haircolor is "bald">><img src="images/styles/hairmbald.jpg" width=80% />
<<widget "cock">>
<<if $mc.cock gte 12>><<set $penissize = ["glorious ", "magnificent ", "humongous ", "monster horse ", "monster ", "gargantuan ", "god-like "]>>
<<elseif $mc.cock gte 10>><<set $penissize = ["massive ", "giant ", "meaty ", "huge ", "horse ", "magnificent"]>>
<<elseif $mc.cock gte 7>><<set $penissize = ["big ", "large ", "meaty ", "huge "]>>
<<elseif $mc.cock gte 5>><<set $penissize = [""]>>
<<elseif $mc.cock gte 3>><<set $penissize = ["small ", "mediocre ", "modest "]>>
<<else>><<set $penissize = ["tiny ", "miniscule ", "insignificant ", "peewee ", "little ", "pathetic "]>>
<<set $cock to $penissize.random() + $penis.random()>>
<<print $cock>>
/* Refresh current passage (for TV watching, sex scene changes etc. */
<<widget "refresh">><<submins 15>><<run>><</widget>>
/* Gender description widgets */
<<widget "he">><<if $whoishere.body eq -2>>he<<elseif $whoishere.body eq -1>>they<<else>>she<</if>><</widget>>
<<widget "man">><<if $whoishere.body eq -2>>man<<elseif $whoishere.body eq -1>>person<<else>>woman<</if>><</widget>>
<<widget "him">><<if $whoishere.body eq -2>>him<<elseif $whoishere.body eq -1>>them<<else>>her<</if>><</widget>>
/* Unused, keep it secret, keep it safe */
/* Previous just for MC gender widgets:
<<widget "he">><<if $mcsex eq "male">>he<<elseif $mcsex eq "female">>she<<else>>they<</if>><</widget>>
<<widget "his">><<if $mcsex eq "male">>his<<elseif $mcsex eq "female">>her<<else>>their<</if>><</widget>>
<<widget "man">><<if $mcsex eq "male">>man<<elseif $mcsex eq "female">>woman<<else>>person<</if>><</widget>>
*/<<addmins 15>>
<<if $transformation gte 192 >><<set $mood to 10>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 170>><<set $mood to 9>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 150>><<set $mood to 8>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 130>><<set $mood to 7>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 110>><<set $mood to 6>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 90>><<set $mood to 5>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 70>><<set $mood to 4>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 50>><<set $mood to 3>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 30>><<set $mood to 2>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 08>><<set $mood to 1>>
<<elseif $transformation gte 0>><<set $mood to 0>>
<</if>><img src="images/skull.png" width=400 />
<<back "Go Back">>
<img src="images/places/bed.jpg" width = "80%" class="center" >
<div class="fore"><<click "Sleep until Eight in the Morning">><<set $sleepchoice to 1>><<goto [[Sleep]]>><</click>>
<<click "Sleep 8 hours">><<set $sleepchoice to 2>><<goto [[Sleep]]>><</click>>
<<click "Sleep 4 hours">><<set $sleepchoice to 3>><<goto [[Sleep]]>><</click>></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Go back downstairs|Foyer]]</div><<if $sleepchoice is 1>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lte 7>>\
<<sethours 7>>\
<<setmins 30>>\
<<sethours 7>>\
<<setmins 30>>\
<<adddays 1>>\
<<elseif $sleepchoice is 2>>\
<<addhours 7>>\
<<elseif $sleepchoice is 3>>\
<<addhours 3>>\
<<set $sleepchoice to 0>>\
<div class=linklist><<return "Wake up">></div>
<img src="images/skull2.png" width=400 />
<<back "Go Back">><img src="images/places/statepark.jpg" width=800 />
<div class=fore>The local state park has several attractions - a lake, some gorgeous hiking trails, secluded camping sites. You can rent a gazebo for a party, or bikes or kayaks for a fun afternoon trip.
<<if $knowledge gte 2>>If you want to forage for ingredients unmolested you'll have to push deeper [[into the wild.|Into the Wild]]
<div class=linklist>[[Take the bus to your bus stop|Bus Stop]]
[[Take the bus to the city center|City Center]]</div><p></p>
/* unordered list HTML for bullet points: */
<div class=linklist><ul>''Take the bus to:''
<li>[[City Center]]</li>
<li>[[State Park]]</li>
<<if $lock.shack is true>><li>[[Old Country Road]]</li><</if>>
<div class=linklist>[[Walk home|Front Door]]
[[Walk to Kentucky Ave|Kentucky Avenue]]</div>
<<nobr>><<set $peerreview to true>>
<<addhours 4>>
<<set $cash to either ($cash + 60, $cash + 70, $cash + 80)>><</nobr>>
<div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore>You spend four hours peer-reviewing scientific articles online for various journals and publications. It's not glamorous work, but it makes you some money and it scratches your anal, obsessive-compulsive itch.</div></div>
<div class=column><img src="images/Review.jpg"></div></div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Go Back">></div>/* in progress */
<<widget "mcshoes">>
*/<div class="fore">
Scouring the internet and leafing through your reference books, you soon come across the markings found on the skull. They appear to be two different forms of "Veve", symbols used in branches of vodou or vodun. No one is sure exactly where the Veve originated from (curious...) but they are used to draw specific vodou gods, or "Loa", <<linkappend "into this existence." t8n>> Each Loa may have several personifications, so one must be careful to discover which may descend and personify.
<img src="images/veveogun.png" width="40%" height="auto" style="float:right;" />
The veve on the forehead calls to "Ogou", a warrior Loa associated with strength, iron, and total masculinity. He appears as a tall, strong, muscle-bound black man. He aids those devoted to technology, herbalism, war, or anything that can "advance man's mastery over the environment." His colors are red and blue, and he loves spicy white rum with varying herbs, cigar smoke, a sharp iron knife, and most importantly gorgeous women he can ravish and adore. Nothing delights Ogou more than seeing a <<linkappend "pretty woman dressed to provoke and inspire." t8n>>
<img src="images/veveerzulie.png" width="40%" height="auto" style="float:left;">
The veve found all over the skull is for "Erzulie Freda", the Loa queen of beauty, lust, luxury, and love. She appears as a stunning, buxom, fair-skinned black woman, unashamedly coquettish and happy to seduce women just as often as men. Her colors are pink, white, and gold, and she loves refined perfumes, sweet liqeurs, expensive revealing clothing, and strapping young men she can pleasure and fuck with abandon. She can become jealous of any attractive woman not under her dominion.
Above all, she is a hyperfeminine spirit of desire, never satisfied, always wanting more - more finery, more perfection, more sex and adoration. Because of this, one of her main symbols is <<linkappend "the mirror." t8n>>
<img src="images/psychomanteum.jpg" width="45%" style="float:right;">Digging deeper into what may have happened in that shop mirror, you come across the idea of the "psychomanteum": a dim room with a dark mirror placed strategically so as to - supposedly - call upon spirits to show themselves, be they the dead, the gods, or others. @@.mirror;Mirror gazing@@ seems to be a very real thing; whether there is any actual spiritual connection or whether it is the Caputo effect and other psychological tricks, you aren't sure. Interestingly, your research seems to show two types of mirror-gazing: the first with the mirror tilted to show nothing, to invite spirits to show. The second is to gaze into your own face to allow it to change. And it seems you can replicate the second by "face-gazing" as well - staring directly into someone else's eyes for a long time. Curious.
Whatever happened in that dimly lit shop, it happened with three variables present: the skull, a mirror, and your psychotropic mixture. You're certain you can go buy an appropriate mirror at a department store in the city center to set up your own psychomanteum in your house. But you'll have to do some more research at the University's Library uptown to find where you can collect the ingredients for your "elixer".
[[Go back|Your study]]
<div class=fore>Scouring the internet and leafing through your reference books, you soon came across the markings found on the skull. They appear to be two different forms of "Veve", symbols used in branches of vodou or vodun. No one is sure exactly where the Veve originated from (curious...) but they are used to draw specific vodou gods, or "Loa", into this existence. Each Loa may have several personifications, so one must be careful to discover which may descend and personify.</div>
<div class=fore><div class=row><div class=column>The veve on the forehead seems to be for "Ogou", a warrior Loa associated with strength, iron, and masculinity. He appears as a tall, strong, muscle-bound black man. He aids those devoted to technology, herbalism, war, or anything that can "advance man's mastery over the environment." His colors are red and blue, and he loves spicy white rum with varying herbs, cigar smoke, a sharp iron knife, and most importantly gorgeous women he can ravish and adore. Nothing delights Ogou more than seeing a pretty woman dressed to provoke and inspire.</div><div class=column><img src="images/veveogun.png" width=90% /></div></div>
<div class=fore><div class=row><div class=column><img src="images/veveerzulie.png" width=90% /> </div><div class=column>The veve found all over the skull is for "Erzulie Freda", the Loa queen of beauty, lust, luxury, and love. She appears as a stunning, buxom, light-skinned black woman, unashamedly coquettish and happy to seduce women just as often as men. Her colors are pink, white, and gold, and she loves refined perfumes, sweet liqeurs, expensive revealing clothing, and strapping young men she can pleasure and fuck with abandon. She can become jealous of any attractive woman not under her dominion.
Above all, she is a hyperfeminine spirit of desire, always wanting more - more finery, more perfection, more sex and adoration. Because of this, one of her main symbols is the mirror.</div></div></div>
<div class=linklist><<back "Go back">></div><img src="images/places/university.jpg" width = 80% class="center">
While you are no longer allowed to enroll at the University due to the "incident", the Ruhtracam Grant thankfully includes full access to its resources - as long as you don't make too much noise.
<div class=linklist>[[University Library]]
[[Uptown]]</div><img src="images/places/universitylibrary.jpg" width = 60% class="center">
This vast library has been a haven of yours for years. Even now the smell of the stacks evokes feelings of safety and curiosity.
<<nobr>><div class=linklist><<if $knowledge == 1>>
[[Research entheogens, enactogens, dissociatives, and aphrodisiacs|Knowledge2][$knowledge = 2]]
[[Back to campus|University]]</div><</nobr>><div class=linklist>[[Go upstairs|Foyer]]</div>
<div class=linklist>[[The Laboratory]]
<<if $lock.mirror is true>>
[[The Psychomanteum]]
<<if visited("The Psychomanteum") is 1>><<dialog 'Setting up the Psychomanteum'>>You spend some time arranging your newly-bought mirror, a comfortable chair, and some other odds and ends to make this an easy place for you or others to Mirror-Gaze.<</dialog>><<else>><</if>>
This is your Psychomanteum. There is a comfortable chair, dim lighting provided by some lamps and candles, and the mirror arranged just so. You can turn it a bit depending on if you will face-gaze with someone else, or want to mirror-gaze with yourself. There is a table behind the chair where you can safely store your elixers and accoutrements during your sessions. You keep the all-precious skull in a locked box on this table.
<<if $dee.mind is 1>><<whoishere $dee>>
<p>''Deandra is currently here, eager to see the skull.''</p><</if>>
<div class=row><div class=column><div class=linklist><<if $lock.kykeon is true>>
<<if not hasVisited("Quaff some kykeon")>>[[Test out your kykeon]]
<<else>>[[Quaff some kykeon]]
<<if $dee.mind is 1>><<whoishere $dee>>[[Serve Deandra a Kykeon-spiked mojito]]
<<if $lock.melange is true>>
<<if $dee.model is "normal">>(The Loa won't let your second elixer fully function until you bring a woman over to meet Erzulie.)
<<elseif not hasVisited("Prepare some melange")>>
[[Prepare your first batch of melange for ingestion|Prepare some melange]]
<<else>>[[Prepare some melange]]<</if>>
<<if $lock.mojo is true>><<if $knowledge lt 6 and $chirality gte 1>>[[Ask the Loa for help feeding your mojo bag|Mojo Hand][$knowledge = 6]]
<<elseif $knowledge lt 6 and $chirality lt 1>>(Ask the Loa to feed your mojo bag) - not enough chirality.
<<else>>[[Care for your Mojo Hand|Mojo Hand]]<</if>><</if>></div></div><div class=column><img src="images/psychomanteum.jpg" width=90% /></div></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the basement|Basement]]</div>
<div class=fore>Before the incident that had cost at least two people their phDs, your research had become a stumbling run towards something transcendent - at least in your eyes. Picking it up again would require you to find out how to obtain certain…tricky ingredients now that you can’t abuse the University’s resources quite so easily. But before you can continue your research, you'll have to reproduce the original elixer. <<linkappend "At least that should be a bit easier." t8n>>
To create your modern Kykeon, you require some things that will be very easy to order online – either straight through the big box sites, or via the Dark Onion Resources. But you also require a few ingredients you know you’ll have to pick up personally:
''Syrian rue'' and West African ''iboga'' can provide the harmine and ibogaine you need, and you find you can order them online from your home PC along with any more quotidian supplies you may need in the future.
For ''huilca snuff'' you can check out an herbalist shop. Two minutes of googling give you the address of "Herb Your Enthusiasm" downtown.
<<linkreplace "Amanita:" t8n>>The only ingredient you're forced to forage for yourself is that rare ''Amanita'' mushroom species you discovered in the nearby state park. At first you'd taken it to be amanita pantherina or amanita regalis, though far from their usual habitats. Clearly the vanadium and ibotenic acid in it made it something much more rare and wondrous.
Could that be what caused such a visceral, realistic hallucination? Or had you cracked for a moment from all the recent pressure and trauma? You'd always had a bit of an obsession with sex, even if you hadn't managed to have much of it yourself. Maybe that's partly why you fell into this research: a real way to embrace fantasy and the workings of the inner mind, rather than being stuck in the boring reality of your life. Or you just made contact with literal gods that no one else has ever contacted. Right. That must be it.
Whatever the case, once you have those four items you can recreate your modern-day Kykeon in your basement laboratory and find out. This specific combination should be exactly what you need to shift your consciousness into entheogenic, aphrodisiac communion be it with your own libidinous id, a spirit, a demon, or a giant Space Turtle.<</linkreplace>>
<<return "Go back">>
<</linkappend>></div>To create your modern Kykeon, you require some things that will be very easy to order online – either the usual way, or a slightly shadier way. But you also require a few ingredients you knew you’ll have to pick up personally:
''Syrian rue'' and West African ''iboga'' can provide the harmine and ibogaine you need, and you find you can order them online along with the more quotidian supplies you may need in the future.
For ''huilca snuff'' you can check out an herbalist shop downtown.
The only ingredient you're forced to forage for yourself is that rare ''Amanita'' species you discovered in the nearby state park. At first you'd taken it to be amanita pantherina or amanita regalis, though far from their usual habitats. Clearly the vanadium and ibotenic acid in it made it something much more rare and wondrous.
Once you have those four items, you can recreate your modern-day Kykeon in your basement laboratory. This specific combination should be exactly what you need to shift your consciousness into entheogenic, aphrodisiac communion.
<<back "Go back">><<whoishere $flower>>
<<set $flower.answer to 0>>
<img src="images/places/herbalistshop.jpg" width = 80% class="center">
A trendy little herbalist's shop that takes advantage of the cheap rent downtown. It's run by a nice hippie woman who is calling herself "$".
<div class="fore">[[Speak to Flower]]
[[Buy herbs]]
<<if $slowplay.includes("flower")>>[[Go upstairs|Flower House]]<</if>></div>
<div class="linklist">[[Downtown]]
[[Back Alley]]</div><<if $dealer.loc is "alley">><<whoishere $dealer>><</if>>
<img src="images/places/backalley.jpg" width = "80%" class="center">
This back alley between the herb shop and the bar does not seem safe at all. In fact, you're pretty sure there's a man lurking behind one of the dumpsters. Better get where you're going fast.
<<if $dealer.loc is "alley">>[[Talk to the shady dude]]<</if>>
<div class=linklist>''Walk to:''
[["Herb Your Enthusiasm"]]
[[Seedy bar]]
</div><img src="images/places/seedybar.jpg" width = 80% class="center">
<p>One of the many dive bars downtown. It's sleazy but the drinks are cheap.</p>
<div class=fore>[[Bathrooms]]</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Downtown]]
[[Back Alley]]</div>
<<whoishere $flower>>
<table class="h">
<td>Aztec Tobacco "Ucuch": ''$125''
<a data-passage="ucuch" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/ucuch.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("ucuch")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 125>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 125>><<set $InvMC.push("ucuch")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<td>Huilca - dried: ''$100''
<a data-passage="huilca" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/huilca.png" width=150 /></a></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("huilca")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 100>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 100>><<set $InvMC.push("huilca")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<td>Yohimbe bark: ''$150''
<a data-passage="yohimbe" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/yohimbe.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("yohimbe")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 150>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 150>><<set $InvMC.push("yohimbe")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<div class=linklist>[[Return|"Herb Your Enthusiasm"]]</div><<audio "potion" play>>A simple but very useful lab, set up for all your alchemical mad scientist needs. The contrast between the old cauldron and your newer glassware is a constant reminder of the syncretism at play in your work.
<div class=row>
<div class=column>
<div class=fore><<nobr>><<if $knowledge gte 6>>The goggles...they do nothing!
<<elseif $InvMC.includesAll("jalap", "hikuri") and ($knowledge gte 5) and ($lock.mojobag is true) and ($lock.mojo is false)>>[[Prepare your Mojo Hand|Knowledge6][$lock.mojo to true]]
<<elseif $InvMC.includesAll("yohimbe", "belladonna", "ucuch", "tucibi") and ($lock.tucibi is true) and ($lock.melange is false)>>[[Concoct your melange|Knowledge4][$knowledge = 4]]
<<elseif $lock.melange is false and ($knowledge gte 3)>>
You don't have all the ingredients required to concoct your melange yet:<br>
<<elseif $InvMC.includesAll("huilca", "iboga", "syrianrue", "amanita") and ($lock.kykeon is false)>><<linkreplace "Brew your Kykeon">><<set $lock.kykeon to true>><figure><video id="video" autoplay loop width="95%" >
<source src="images/items/firstkykeon.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<figcaption>Concentrating, titrating, and a bit of facetious praying to Ogou and Erzulie (because why not?) help you successfully reproduce your Kykeon. The only thing to do now is sample a bit of it in your Psychomanteum.</figcaption></figure><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif ($lock.kykeon is false) and ($knowledge gte 2)>>
You don't have all the ingredients required to create your Kykeon:
-Syrian rue
-Some common reagents
-Amanita Entheos
<<else>>The goggles...they do nothing!<</if>>
<div class=column>
<img src="images/places/lab.jpg" width="95%" style="float:right;"></div></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Basement]]</div><table class="h">
<td>Syrian Rue ''$75''
<img src="images/items/syrianrue.jpg" width=150 /></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("syrianrue")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 75>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 75>><<set $InvMC.push("syrianrue")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<td>Dried iboga root ''$50''
<img src="images/items/iboga.jpg" width=150 /></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("iboga")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 50>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 50>><<set $InvMC.push("iboga")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<td>Belladonna ''$45''
<img src="images/items/belladonna.jpg" width=125 /></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("belladonna")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 45>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 45>><<set $InvMC.push("belladonna")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<div class=linklist>[[Your study]]</div><div class="row"><div class="column">This far off the path, the only noises are of local birds and the occassional snapped twig of a small animal.
<<if $InvMC.includes("amanita")>><<else>><div class=fore><<linkreplace "Forage for Amanita Entheos">><<set $InvMC.push("amanita")>><img src="images/items/amanitawild.jpg" width="95%" style="float: right;margin:20px"/>
You harvest some amanita entheos fruiting bodies, as well as the mycelium within the soil.<</linkreplace>></div><</if>></div>
<div class=column><img src="images/places/thewild.jpg" width="95%" style="margin:20px"/></div></div>
<div class=linklist>[[State Park]]</div><<nobr>><<addhours 1>><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<set $ogou.answer to 0>><<set $erzulie.answer to 0>><<set $legba.answer to 0>><</nobr>>
<div class=linklist><<if visited("Quaff some kykeon") gte 2 and $mcsex is "female">><video id="video" autoplay loop width="100%" class="center">
<source src="images/items/kykeonf.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif visited("Quaff some kykeon") gte 2>><video id="video" autoplay loop width="100%" class="center">
<source src="images/items/kykeonm.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if visited("Quaff some kykeon") is 1>><<dialog 'Your next steps'>>It seems like you have two next steps: the first is to try your Kykeon on a willing participant in a controlled setting to see what happens with them.
The second is to collect the additional ingredients you now believe you need for your second elixer, your "melange", that will take your base Kykeon and mix with it to focus on more salacious and effusive results.<</dialog>>
<div class=linklist><<linkreplace "Speak to the Loa" t8n>>
[[Speak to Erzulie]]
[[Speak to Ogou]]
<div class=linklist>Back to [[The Psychomanteum]]</div><<whoishere $erzulie>><<set $knowledge to 3>><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" class="center"><source src="images/items/kykeonm.mp4" type="video/mp4">
After sampling the Kykeon you gingerly take the skull out of its box, placing it on your lap as you sit down in the plush chair facing your shadowy reflection in the dark mirror. And you wait.
It doesn't take too long before you know the Kykeon is working: you can see the mirror image of the <span class="imgpop whiteskull">white skull</span> begin to change, as if someone had poured thick ink over it. Entranced, you stare at it. Before too long it is <span class="imgpop blackskull">entirely black</span> just like before.
Looking up at your reflection, you see it split into who you now know to be <span class = "erzulie">Erzulie</span> and <span class = "ogou">Ogou</span>. Their ephemeral bodies twist and shimmer in the mirror until they coalesce with Ogou lounging in your reflected chair, sharpening a frighteningly large knife. Taut muscles flex easily as his hand moves idly at its task. Erzulie is splayed in his lap, her hand langorously brushing back and forth on his cheek. She is wearing a white shift that plays at modesty but in fact starkly shows her large breasts' outline and does nothing to hide her long, lithe legs as they dangle over an arm-rest.
Oddly (well, more oddly than hallucinating vodou spirits) their faces constantly shift in and out of focus. It's as if you are too drunk to focus on them properly, despite everything else being crystal clear. The effect this has as they being to speak is unsettling.
<<speech "erzulie">>"Finally you figured it out, fierce heart! We've been waiting so wantonly, and it's not polite to make a lady wait, especially not one as gorgeous as me."<</speech>>
<p>Ogou rolls his eyes at that, but a smile creeps onto his face as well.</p>
<<speech "mc" $name>>"Wha...this can't be real. You're actually real? You can't be. It's just the drugs."<</speech>>
<<speech "erzulie">>"Oh my chiral carnal champion, you mustn't think in such constrained ways. Here we are - here you are. Do you deny the delights you desire, dear heart? Say you will help us, as we will help you, or you'll break your lover's heart!"<</speech>>
<p></p>Her eyes well up with tears that start to fall, but the coy twist of a smile never leaves her lips. And she's right (or you are, since you're talking to a fucking mirror): whatever is happening to you, you might as well play it out. Maybe you'll give yourself some good advice.
<<speech "mc" $>>"Fine. Fuck. What do you mean? How can we help each other? Can you assist me with my research? Or do you mean the transformation I felt before?"<</speech>>
<<speech "ogou">>"They are the same, dearest dullest blade. You know this. We can sharpen you and your companions - one way or the other. Muscles will harden. Cocks will stiffen. Curves will ripen! There is too much fun to be had, and too few to spread it. The right tool for the right job - always. Devise your new elixer as you imagined before, have them drink it before us, and we will play!"<</speech>>
<p></p>He uses the knife to cut the end off a cigar and begins to puff away. Some small part of you wonders when he had lit it, but that's forgotten as the smoke wafts forward out of the mirror and fills the room, stinging your eyes. It is clear now that these figments are urging you to progress your aphrodisiac/entheogenic research.
<<speech "mc" $>>"Have who drink it?"<</speech>>
You ask, but you think you know. The next obvious step would be trying this on someone else to gauge reactions and make sure you aren't just going insane. First with the Kykeon, but then with the enhanced mix you were tinkering with...before. The one that almost ruined you.
<<speech "ogou">>"For now you may only change they as come here, to you, to us. Your kykeon will allow access to us and the Crossroads, and your next mixture will let you bring other versions through the Doors to fuse with this world's anchor. And if you Fix your Mojo Hand, you can bring your bridle out to the world for even more fun."<</speech>>
<<speech "erzulie">>"Oh yes, do bring them here! Your second concoction will be strong, swift, sanguine when they swill it. It will be a melange of the mirth, mystery, and motivation - a muse for our mambo. And for each we will repay you with gifts to bestow upon yourself, if you yearn for them. Or you may parlay with persons outside our patronage, should you fix your Hand proper."<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" $>>"Can we stop speaking in riddles? My head is swimming as it is."<</speech>>
Ogou's shoulders tense as you speak, but relax a moment later. He takes a long puff on the cigar before answering.
<<speech "ogou">>"You are dull, so we will forgive you. But do sharpen yourself. My lover needs a feminine touch to interact with through your Kykeon. Find someone open and pliable. Dumb. Once we have established this connection, you may create your next melange that will provide chiral congruence and let you alter yourself and others within this...reality. Provide us toys to play with and we will empower your mojo bag to allow transference outside this hounfour."<</speech>>
/* use once you put more items in <<speech "erzulie">>"This first time, we will not fret over your foundering fineries. But do get a few tantalizing tokens if you wish to treat with us often, yes?"<</speech>>
<p></p>While saying this, she gestures dismissively at the sparse trappings in the room. It seems if you want to tempt the Loa to speak with you in the future, you'll have to buy a few niceties to please them. */</div>
<div class=linklist>[["Now, would you like anything today, nadleehi?"|Quaff some kykeon]]</div>
<<whoishere $dealer>>
<<if $knowledge lte 2>>He looks you up and down, scoffs, then looks away.
[[Go back|Back Alley]]
<<elseif $dealerscared>><<speech "dealer">>"Fuck dude, stay away from me! I don't want another goddamn beating. You got what you wanted, now leave me alone."<</speech>>
He backs away from you down the alley, fingering something in his pocket. Guess you burned that bridge.
<<elseif $lock.tucibi is true>>He looks behind himself quickly, before turning back to you.
<<speech "dealer">>"My favorite dude! What can I do for you?"<</speech>>
<<elseif $knowledge gte 3>>He looks you up and down, giving you a quick ocular pat-down.
<<speech "dealer">>"You need something, dude? If not fuck off, I'm workin' here."<</speech>>
<<if $lock.tucibi is false>>[[Ask about Tucibi]]
[[Back Alley]] <<whoishere $erzulie>>
<<if $erzulie.answer is 0>><<speech "erzulie">>Yes, dear heart?<</speech>>
<<elseif $erzulie.answer is 1>><<if $dee.model is "gia">><<speech "erzulie">>"Look for those lovely morsels that can help you create an erotic, effervescent, ebulliant elixer for the else-folk! Modify your medium into a masterful melange. We will use it to enhance and enable our...that is, your partners"<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "erzulie">>"Look for those lovely morsels that can help you create an erotic, effervescent, ebulliant elixer for the else-folk! Modify your medium into a masterful melange. We will use it to enhance and enable our...that is, your partners."<</speech>>
<<speech "erzulie">>"Also, while your masculine company is lovely in its own way we would like a woman as well. Do you know one who may enjoy coming over for a little kykeon and skull?"<</speech>><</if>>
<<elseif $erzulie.answer is 2>><<speech "erzulie">>"You must sycretize your science and our scintillating spiritualism, Shiva. Find what your mind calls tucibi, as well as the orishas' yohimbe, the witches' belladona, and the muxes' ucuch."<</speech>>
''Yohimbe'' has long been known as an aphrodisiac, though much more powerful in animals. It seems the human mind maintains too much control to let the yohimbine work. Surely there's a workaround to that.
''Belladonna'' or deadly nightshade is pretty common, you can order it online. It contains atropine (useful to counter some nasty side-effects) and scopolamine which can help the imbiber agree with anything you may suggest to them.
''Ucuch'' or Aztec tobacco is nine times as potent as tobacco, and also includes alkaloids similar to those found in the potent combination of drugs known as ayahuasca.
''Tucibi'' must be 2C-B, sometimes called pink cocaine, a drug similar to MDMA but more...exotic. It's often used as a sex or party drug. Getting it may be a bit tougher than the other ingredients. You figure you'll have to look around for some less savory characters that may have access to illegal drugs. Maybe somewhere downtown?
<<elseif $erzulie.answer is 4>><<speech "erzulie">>Your mojo hand is what lets you keep touch with the other world when outside our presence. We can fill it, and happily so! But you must find out how to craft it.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=fore><<if $knowledge is 3>><<link "''What are my next steps?''">><<set $erzulie.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "''What do I need for this second elixer, this melange?''">><<set $erzulie.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $lock.mojo is false>><<link "''What do you mean by mojo hand?''">><<set $erzulie.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $chirality gte 1>>[[Ask Erzulie to transform you|Erzulie Spells]]<<else>>Ask Erzulie to transform you (no chirality)<</if>></div>
/* [[Ask Erzulie about something else]] */
<div class=linklist><<link "Go Back" "The Psychomanteum">><</link>></div>
<<whoishere $dee>>
<<nobr>><<set $chirality += 1>>
<<set $dee.model to "gia">>
<<set $dee.mind +=1>>
<<set $ to "Dee">>
<<set $ to "gia">><</nobr>>
As you place the skull in her lap, Deandra pulls her hands up and away from it. After a few moments, they slowly start to lower - but it almost seems as if they are being forced to, as you see Deandra jerk her hands back a few inches several times. Perhaps she's feeling those shocks you felt the first time?
<div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" ></video></div><div class=column>
As her hands finally grasp the skull, her eyes flash an odd color then roll back to pure white. A familiar half-smile slowly takes over her lips. You look up to see Erzulie in the mirrorverse - alone this time - seeming to stand behind the chair, leaning over it. Her breasts are squeezed against the top of it, forcing them together, and it's hard not to keep staring at the amazing cleavage this causes. Her arms follow outside Deandra's, down to where their fingers entwine forcing the teen to caress the skull, following the lines of the Veve with her fingertips.</div></div>
<<speech "erzulie">>"Mmmm, curious! Yes dear heart, dumb but willing, and what few thoughts have such fun ideas in them. I wonder which you'll pick - oh, but we get ahead of ourselves. You have done oh so well, our happenstance houngan."<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" $name>>"What are you doing to her?"<</speech>>
You have an idea, but you want - need - to confirm it. It's important...for the research.
<<speech "erzulie">>"Nothing that she doesn't want. Or some version of her, somewhere. We are contradictions, we loa, you humans, us the world. With our spirit and your substance, we can tease this bit of it, twist that bit, deny one part, encourage the other, and, well..."<</speech>>
<div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/xbooba.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></div>
<div class=column>As you watch entranced (and more than a little aroused) your vision of Deandra seems to blur, as if a dozen different versions of her are superimposed one upon the other, all slightly out of sync. Some dissipate, but others fold back into Deandra whose back arches up, still clutching the skull lovingly. You see her previously flat breasts swell up until they reach something approaching a B-cup, matching the size of the versions that fused with her, straining to break the now too-small top.</div></div>
As she licks her lips they seem to puff up just a tad, more pouty than before. The unassuming, almost androgynous shape she had before is replaced by one with a bit more curves as fat seems to melt from one area only to swell another. While before she had eagerly sat just on the edge of the chair, she seems to relax into it more now, her hips cocked a touch to the side. Her eyes roll back down to look at you, and you see a new hunger in them.
<<speech "erzulie">>"Et voila, mon chiral chasseur du coeur! Deandra as she may have been, a bit more flirtatious, fun, freakish. Me, in particular. The cheval does tend to resemble the cavaliere"<</speech>>
She chuckles, and Deandra chuckles at exactly the same time. You feel your skin shiver, though whether in fear or excitement is hard to tell at the moment.
<<speech "mc" $name>>"So, what. She's just a slightly different her? Or is she hypnotized, or a doll for you, or what?"<</speech>>
<<speech "erzulie">>"My handsome hounsi, I am still riding her. Once we part, she will be fully her - a better her, a stronger her. More fully her than she has ever been. And if you manage to work out your next chiral concoction, who knows what we may find within her to unlock?"<</speech>>
She flashes bright white teeth that contrast with her dark skin, and licks her lips. You notice Deandra mirroring her movements and your cock gets that much harder.
<<speech "erzulie">>"...I do. I know, of course. But I'm not telling. For now, her attraction to you has increased generously, as well as her general desire for sex. You will find her...pliable. But not completely. We'll have more fun bientot. Petit a petit l'oiseau fait son nid."<</speech>>
<<speech "erzulie">>"Concoct your melange! And we will reward you with gifts to change yourself and those around you, so long as those rewards favor us in turn."<</speech>>
<div class=linklist>[[The spell is broken]]</div><<whoishere $dee>>
As Deandra follows you down into your basement while sipping on a mojito liberally but surreptitiously dosed with Kykeon, you suddenly wonder if she's going to scream and run out. It's not exactly a finished basement, and walking into the Pyschomanteum with its rough masonry, dark drapes, and minimal lighting should send anyone with a ration of self-preservation running up the stairs. And that's before you lift a human skull out of a box.
Instead, you notice a flash of excitement in her eyes, which only seems to increase when she sees the plush velvet chair, the smoke-glassed mirror, and the ornate box. Well, she's a bit dumb and a lot interested; you can't hope for a better first (or is that second?) test subject.
Setting your own much more lightly Kykeon-laced drink down, you open the box and gently lift the skull up.
<<speech "dee" "Deandra">>"oh..."<</speech>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="300" style="float:right;">
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/deandraeyes.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Whether it's the Kykeon starting to work its way through her, or her natural curiosity in a glyph-marked skull, she seems enraptured by it. You can see the skull starting to darken in the mirror's reflection - and you know what that means.
<p>No time like the present!</p>
<div class=linklist>[[Place the skull in her lap]]</div><<whoishere $dee>>
You can feel the Kykeon wearing off as Erzulie (or whatever figment of your imagination pretends to be her) shimmers and disappears from the mirror. Looking down, you see Deandra examining her new body as she idly massages her chest.
<<speech "mc" $name>>"Are you okay, Deandra?"<</speech>>
<<speech "dee" "Dee">>"...what? Oh, Mr. $lastname! Call me Dee, Deandra is so formal. Yes, I just...I think that drink you gave me was stronger than I expected."<</speech>>
She giggles, and one side of her mouth twitches into a coy half-smile for just a brief moment.
<<speech "mc" $name>>"Well, if you're feeling so good already, maybe we can have a little fun!"<</speech>>
<<speech "dee">>"Oh I'd love that! But I really need to take a nap. I don't know what got into me but I'm so tired all of a sudden. Come see me a little later?"<</speech>>
With that she gets up, gives you a peck on the cheek during which you are very aware of her newly enlarged breasts rubbing against you, and skips up the stairs.
You think you know what got into her, and you have a pretty good idea of what else might get in there as well.
<div class=linklist>[[The Psychomanteum]]</div><<whoishere $dee>>
Dee's house - modest but well maintained. You can see a few magical tchotchkes and some posters for what you assume are little-known local punk and metal bands.
<<speech "dee">>"Like, I really want to thank you for showing me that skull. I swear it did something magical to me - my body feels so much better than before. Maybe I can show you?"<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Ask for a handjob">><<speech "dee">>"Oh of course Mr. $lastname, I've been dying to!"<</speech>><p></p>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<p>She grabs your hand and pulls you towards the living room couch where she sits down as you stand next to her. The hunger you saw before creeps back into her eyes, and you notice her gaze flickering from your face to your crotch and back again.</p>
<<speech "dee">>"First thing's first..."<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=row><div class=column>Grinning, she starts removing her top. Her new breasts pull free of the shirt and you smile and give a silent thanks to Erzulie.</div>
<div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giashirtoff.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "dee">>"Do you like my boobies? I must still be growing because they've gotten so much bigger. I hope they keep growing, I love them!"<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=row><div class=column>She plays with her tits for your benefit, causing your cock to push against your pants as she happily squeezes them.</div>
<div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" ><source src="images/people/dee/gia/boobs.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=row><div class=column>The bra comes off soon after, and you can tell there's no padding going on - her tits really have grown in size. It's hard to tell whether the tits being flashed in your face or the corrupt, naughty plans for the future that rocket through your mind are turning you on more.</div>
<div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" ><source src="images/people/dee/gia/braoff.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "dee">>"That's so much better! Boobies are for looking at and playing with, not for hiding, don'tcha think Mr $lastname? Now let's have some real fun! I need to practice"<</speech>><p></p>
<p>She fumbles with the fly of your pants for a moment before pulling out your cock and giving it a few quick practice strokes.</p>
<<speech "dee">>"I really like your cock Mr. $lastname, it's so quick to get hard! Is it my big titties that are making you so excited? I'm sorry if it's my fault. It's only right that if a silly girl like me gets you hard, I should take care of you, right?"<</speech>><p></p>
<p>She starts stroking your shaft more rigorously while continuing to babble on and on. You zone out and enjoy the clumsy yet enthusiastic handjob, and even find yourself enjoying her ditzy baby-talk about your cock, her new big boobies, and what good girls do.</p>
<<speech "dee">>"...and really like I can't decide if I should explore more black magic like you are or if I just want to wear pretty clothes to show off my body now that I'm growing into myself, or like maybe I can do both, or what if I want to..."<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" ><source src="images/people/dee/gia/handjob.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=column>After a few minutes you feel an orgasm coming on, and soon you're painting her chest with your cum. She keeps stroking through it all, then jumps up to grab some paper towels to wipe herself off - but you notice her surreptitiously tasting your cum with a finger when she thinks you aren't looking.</div></div>
<div class=row><div class=column>After you both get dressed you leave her lounging on the couch, smoking a cigarette languidly, seemingly very proud of the pleasure she just provided to you.</div>
<div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" ><source src="images/people/dee/gia/smoking.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "dee">>"Come again soon, Mr $lastname!"<</speech>> <p>She giggles at her own joke as she takes another drag.</p>
[[Go home|Front Door]]<<whoishere $dealer>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"I'm looking for some Tucibi."<</speech>>
<<speech "dealer">>"Oh shit, you aren't messing around. Are you sure you don't want to start with something softer? No offense but you don't seem like the type to roll hard. This shit really fucks you up."<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Do you have it or not?">><<speech "mc" "$name">>"Do you have it or not?"<</speech>><p></p> ask, with a bit of impatience. Your next concoction relies on getting this stuff in reliable doses.
He shakes his head and laughs.
<<speech "dealer">>"Yeah I've got some, but it's hard to come by. Actually, a lot of things have been hard lately. Tell you what - if you want a chemsex drug, I'll trade some chem for some sex, straight up. You suck my cock and I'll give you the shit."<</speech>>
You give him a second look. He's pretty...non-descript. Peeking down you can see a growing bulge in his pants.
<<speech "dealer">>"So are you down? I'm not gay or nothin', and I don't care if you are or not. There's a glory-hole in the bathroom of the bar. As long as there are lips on the other side when I get there, I'm a happy man."<</speech>>
On the one hand - free drugs! On the other hand, if you're not into dicks down your throat, you're going to have to find someone who is.
<div class=fore style="color:brown;">''HEY! Legba here. This is your chance. If you say fuck no, you'll never see gay content (or fuck dudes regardless of your gender, if that comes up in the future). You won't ever be forced into anything if you say yes (you can still choose not to in the bar bathroom, for instance) but pick "no way" if you don't even want the option. Most content won't be geared this way regardless.''</div>
<div class=linklist>(Gay&Trans) [[Hell yeah, I love sucking cock!|sexfortucibi][$gay = true; $trans = true; $transformation = $transformation + 10; $dealerbar]]
(Trans) [[If it gets me what I want, why not?|sexfortucibi][$trans = true; $dealerbar]]
(No gay or trans) [[Fuck no, I'm not into that|sexfortucibi][$gay = false; $trans = false; $transformation = $transformation - 10; $dealerbar]]</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Back Alley]] </div><<audio "drip" play>><img src="images/places/seedybarsink.jpg" width = 80% class="center">
The washroom for the toilets, which are located to the left (ladies) and the right (gents).
<div class=row>
<<if $lock.gloryhole is true>>
<div class=column>
<div class=fore>
<<if ($gay) or ($trans) or ($transformation gte 130) or ($mcsex is "female")>>Go into the [[Women's room|Self Gloryhole]]
<<if $dee.glory is true and ($dee.model is "gia")>>Call Dee and go into the [[Women's room|Dee Gloryhole]] together.
<<elseif ($dee.glory is false) and ($dee.model is "gia")>>Maybe you should [[Call Dee]] and watch her have some fun?<<else>>(Women's room)<</if>>
<div class=column><div class=fore>
<<if $mcsex is "male">>Go into the [[Men's room]]<br>
<div class=linklist>Go back to [[Seedy bar]]</div>
<<whoishere $dealer>>
<<set $lock.gloryhole to true>>
<<if $gay or $trans>><<set $dealer.loc to "bar">><<speech "mc" "$name">>Sure, I'll suck your cock, why not?<</speech>>
<<speech "dealer">>"Fuck yeah! Go in and enter the women's stall. I'm sure you can figure out what to do from there, hot stuff."<</speech>>
<p></p>He winks and strolls through the bar's back entrance.
One unsucked cock stands between you and your pink cocaine. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Well, hopefully //something// is hard. <<if $dee.model is "gia">>Just in case you get cold feet when the time comes, you decide you better also [[Call Dee]].<</if>><br>
[[Seedy bar]]
<<elseif ($gay is false) and ($trans is false)>><<speech "mc" "$name">>Fuck no, I'm not into any cocks besides my own.<</speech>>
<<speech "dealer">>Suit yourself. If you want some weed or coke or something, let me know. But this special pink cocaine, this SPC, ain't going anywhere until I get some DSL on my COC...uh, K.<</speech>>
He pulls a little baggie out and shakes it back and forth. Looks like someone is definitely going to have to suck his dick before he parts with it.
<<if $fitness gte 50>><div class=fore>[[Punch his goddamn lights out]]
<<if $dee.model is "gia">><div class=fore><<linkreplace "I know a girl I can call">><<set $dealer.loc to "bar">><<speech "mc" "$name">>I'll find some dick-sucking lips for you, don't you worry. I know just the girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "dealer">>"Now that's what I'm talking about. Send them to the ladies' room of the bar. Once I nut, you get your cut."<</speech>>
It's a good thing you know someone who's recently become enthusiastic about cocks.
[[Call Dee]]
<<else>>[[Go back|Back Alley]]<</if>>
<<else>>[[Go back|Back Alley]]
<<whoishere $dee>>
She answers quickly - she must know it's you. When you tell her you can sneak her into a bar, she inhales sharply before thanking you, but when you tell her she'll have to suck a stranger's cock to make it up to you, the line goes quiet.
<<speech "mc" "$name">>''"Dee? Are you still there?"''<</speech>>
<p><<if $lock.tucibi is false>>You start to worry that you might have find another way to get the tucibi (suck a cock after all? Maybe if you were beefy enough you could just take it from the dude? Is there another source somewhere, or could you synthesize it?) when you hear her respond:
<<else>>You start to wonder if maybe she hasn't been changed enough by the Kykeon to accept, when you hear her respond in a quiet voice: <</if>></p>
<<speech "dee" "Dee">>"...are you going to watch me?"<</speech>>
<p>Her voice sounds breathy, and slightly strained. Something about it starts to get your cock hard.</p>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>''"Of course, I wouldn't want to miss you in action."''<</speech>>
<<set $dee.glory to true>>
<<speech "dee" "Dee">>"OK! I'd love to suck a cock for you, Mr. $lastname."<</speech>>
<p>You explain how to sneak in through the back door, and tell her you'll call her when it's time to meet.</p>
[[Seedy bar]]<<back "Go back">>
<<whoishere $dee>>
<<if $lock.tucibi is false>><<set $lock.tucibi to true>><<set $dealer.loc to "alley">><<set $InvMC.push("tucibi")>>
Dee arrives quickly, casually dressed but proudly showing off her new cleavage.
<<speech "dee">>"I'm so excited! I've never been in a bar before, I could never get a fake ID."<</speech>>
Walking into the women's bathroom, Gia immediately starts giggling: <<linkreplace "there's already a dick ready and waiting in the gloryhole" t8n>>there's already a dick ready and waiting in the gloryhole.<video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "dee">>"It's so big already! You...just want me to suck it, without knowing who's on the other side? That seems so slutty Mr. $lastname. I think I want to - but only for you. I don't know what's gotten into me lately!"<</speech>>
She kneels down and inspects the cock. For a moment she seems hesitant and scared, before a familiar grin appears on her face and she giggles again.
<<linkreplace "She reaches out and tentatively touches the growing dick, before placing it in her mouth" t8n>><video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Slowly she licks the tip before putting more and more of it in her mouth. Eventually she is happilly devouring the entire thing <<linkappend "over and over" t8n>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
It seems the dealer wasn't lying about it having been a while, because it's not long before you hear a grunt and see Dee's eyes go wide. He's cumming, and he's cumming a lot. She looks at you as she <<linkappend "swallows every last drop." t8n>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
The dealer grunts one last time, then pounds the wall twice in appreciation.
<<speech "dealer">>"Fuck that was good! Y'know, everyone knows about this place - if you want to make some quick cash, you could always come back."<</speech>>
He pulls his cock out of the hole, then throws the baggie you saw earlier through it where it lands at Dee's feet. Mission accomplished - and now you know where you can bring Dee to make some quick cash.
<<else>><<set $cash += 20>>
Dee arrives quickly, casually dressed but proudly showing off her cleavage.
<<if visited("Dee Gloryhole") lte 1>><<speech "dee">>"I'm so excited! I've never done anything as naughty as this before."<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "dee">>"I'm so excited! I haven't been able to stop thinking about the last time we did this."<</speech>><</if>>
Walking into the women's bathroom, Gia immediately starts giggling: <<linkreplace "there's already a dick ready and waiting in the gloryhole" t8n>><video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "dee">>"It's so big already Mr $lastname! He must have known you were going to bring your little slut in here to have some fun."<</speech>>
She kneels down and inspects the cock. A big grin appears on her face and she giggles again.
<<linkreplace "She reaches out and lightly touches the big dick, before placing it in her mouth" t8n>><video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Slowly she licks the tip before putting more and more of it in her mouth. Eventually she is happilly devouring the entire thing <<linkappend "over and over and over" t8n>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
It's not long before you hear a grunt and see Dee's eyes go wide with happiness. He's cumming, and he's cumming a lot. She looks at you as she <<linkappend "swallows every last drop." t8n>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" >
<source src="images/people/dee/gia/giaglory4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.male;"God, you're a good little cocksucker"@@ says the anonymous male from the other side. The cock pulls back, replaced by a $20 bill pushed through.
<<speech "dee">>"Thanks Mr. Stranger!"<</speech>>
Dee gladly takes the $20 and passes it to you, looking up at you with puppy-dog eyes. She is all smiles as you help her to her feet.
<<speech "dee">>"Call me again any time Mr. $lastname, it's so hot to act slutty for you."<</speech>>
<</if>><div class=linklist><<back "Go back">></div>
<div class=fore>The women's toilet. There is a very prominent glory-hole in the side of the wall.
<<if $lock.tucibi is false>>
[[Suck the dealer's dick|Suck gloryhole]]
<<elseif $lock.tucibi is true>>[[Suck a random cock|Suck gloryhole]]
<div class=linklist>[[Bathrooms]]</div>
Your classic ratty dive-bar bathroom. There's a very prominent hole in the side of the stall wall that's shared with the women's bathroom.
<div class=fore><<if $cash gte 20>><<linkreplace "Get your dick sucked for $20">><<set $cash -= 20>><div class=vidfocus><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
<source src="images/places/glorypay.mp4" type="video/mp4">
You slide a $20 through the hole, then feed your ready <<cock>> into the plump lips that appear.
<</linkreplace>><<else>>(Get your dick sucked for $20) - not enough cash!<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Bathrooms]]</div><<whoishere $dealer>>
<<set $dealerscared to true>>
<<set $lock.tucibi to true>>
<<set $InvMC.push("tucibi")>><div class=fore>You pretend to start turning away, then quickly spin on your heel and throw a hook at his jaw. He stumbles, and you grab the baggie from his hand and knee him in the gut. He falls to the ground as you pocket the pink 2CB and look around. No witnesses. Well, that was easy!
<<if $dee.model is "gia">>And now you know there's a gloryhole in that shitty bar, which gives you an idea. Maybe you should [[Call Dee]]<<else>>[[Back Alley]]<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist><<back "Go back">></div>
<div class=fore><<if $lock.tucibi is false>><<whoishere $dealer>><<set $lock.tucibi to true>><<set $dealer.loc to "alley">><<set $InvMC.push("tucibi")>>You sit down on the toilet and wait, but it doesn't take long. A dick starts poking through the hole, and keeps poking through. You're surprised at the size of it.
Leaning over, you lick the tip and feel his cock jerk a bit in excitement. Getting excited yourself, you take hold of it with one hand to take more of it into your mouth and are soon enthusiastically shoving his cock in and out of your mouth. You can hear him grunting on the other side of the wall.
<div class=vidfocus><video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" >
<source src="images/places/gayglory.webm" type="video/webm">
You can tell he wasn't lying about it having been a while, because it's not long before you feel a shudder through his cock and warm cum starts spurting into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. In your surprise, you swallow it all.
<<speech "dealer">>"Fuck that was good! Y'know, everyone knows about this place - if you want to make some quick cash, you could always come back."<</speech>>
He pulls his cock out of the hole, then throws the baggie you saw earlier through it where it lands at your feet. Mission accomplished - and now you know where you can always find a dick to suck.
<<elseif $mcsex is "male">><<set $cash += 20>>
You sit down on the toilet and wait, but it doesn't take long. A dick starts poking through the hole, and keeps poking through. You're excited at the size of it.
Leaning over, you lick the tip and feel the cock jerk a bit in response. Getting aroused yourself you take hold of it with one hand to take more of it into your mouth and are soon enthusiastically shoving his cock in and out of your mouth. You can hear him grunting on the other side of the wall.
<div class=vidfocus><video id="video" autoplay loop width="400" >
<source src="images/places/gayglory.webm" type="video/webm">
It's not long before you feel a shudder through the cock and warm cum starts spurting into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. In your surprise, you swallow it all.
@@.male;"God, you're a good little cocksucker"@@ says the anonymous male from the other side. The cock pulls back, replaced by a $20 bill pushed through.
You use some toilet paper to wipe a little cum off your lips and grab the $20 before leaving.
<<else>>Female MC gloryhole story here
<div class=linklist>[[Bathrooms]]</div>
<<set $lock.melange to true>>
The Kykeon was largely about opening channels between the imbiber and whatever the Loa are, be they untapped psychic potential, quantum chirality, straight up gods, or you finally losing your last marble. This concoction would be more...exciting. The yohimbe throws the sexuality of the imbiber into hyperdrive, while the belladonna's tempered delirium should force the conscious mind into the back-seat. Tucibi will do much of what Ecstacy would: its effects include giggling, increased awareness of one's body (including enjoyment of sensations, as well as any possible imperfections one might believe they have), and an obsession with present stimuli or tasks.
Combining these with the Kykeon's effects will turn the concoction into something that delves deep into the mind and plucks out the innermost desires in sharp relief. Who one wants to be - and not be - will be brought to the front of the mind and etched in gorgeous, erotic detail.
Not only that, but you believe the Kykeon itself should let these desire play themselves out - at least temporarily. According to the Loa this will allow you to fuse chiral other-selves with the imbiber, bringing them closer to that desired existence. In reality - who knows? Maybe it will just be a stronger mental trip.
<<linkreplace "Concoct!">><video id="video" autoplay loop width="50%" class="center">
<source src="images/items/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
With a steady hand, a quickening heartbeat, and a hardening cock, you manage to pull the concoction together. Curiously, it seems to naturally diffuse into a vapor as well as remaining liquid. And it smells //inviting.// Cinnamon and frankincense.
It seems like the best option going forward is to once again test your new concoction on yourself or Dee (or both). After you experience how it works, maybe you can put an ad up online to try some amateur psycho-therapy? Assuming it works the way you think, it would be the perfect cover for exploring - and enjoying - the sexy untapped chiral selves of women<<if $gay is true>> (and men!)<</if>> who aren't quite happy with who they are yet. A carefully crafted online ad could bring in people who through desperation or being from out of town shouldn't draw too much attention to you.
Back to [[The Laboratory]]
<</linkreplace>><<whoishere $flower>>
<<set $flower.answer to 0>>
<<if $flower.model is "sativa">><<speech "flower" $>>Hello! What ministrations may I help you with today?<</speech>>
<<elseif $flower.model is "indica">><<speech "flower" $>>Oh hey, Earth Mother bless you man! Do you need help aligning your chakras or are you just looking to get an herbal buzz on?<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "flower" $>>May the earth-mother bless you! What may I help you with today?<</speech>><</if>>
<div style="clear:both" class="fore">
[[Buy herbs]]
[[Ask about herbs]]
<<if $slowplay.includes("flower")>>[[Go upstairs|Flower House]]<</if>>
<<link "Ask $ some questions" "flowerdialogue">><</link>></div>
<div class="linklist"><<back "Go back">></div><video id="video" autoplay loop width="40%" class="center">
<source src="images/items/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $melangetaken is false>>
The Melange bubbles and smokes. Unlike with the Kykeon, you immediately feel your senses sharpen - the shifting of clothes on your skin, a slightly acrid cinnamon smell from the smoke. You can feel the aphrodisiac beginning to take hold, and rather than the Loa coalescing in the mirror you see alternates of yourself fanning in and out of your own reflection. Like when you first gripped the skull, these flip-book versions winnow down to just two alternates of yourself: one with softened features and a slight smirk, the other with sharper features and more pronounced shoulders.
Oddly, the plume of vapor from the Melange is undulating as one stream, swaying back and forth between these two, moving towards whichever your gaze lingers on. Once again the choice is yours to navigate:
<div class=fore>[[Stronger Shoulders|Masculine choice][$transformation = $transformation - 10; $knowledge = 5; $fitness = $fitness + 10; $melangetaken = true; $mc.cock += 1]] or [[Softer Features|Feminine choice][$transformation = $transformation + 10; $knowledge = 5; $melangetaken = true]]
<<if $dee.corrupt is false>>[[Call Dee and have her consume it|Dee Melange][$knowledge = 5]]<</if>></div>
<p>The melange bubbles and smokes, and you feel your senses sharpen and myriad chiral worlds open before you.</p>
<div class=linklist>[[Stronger Shoulders|Masculine choice][$transformation -= 2; $fitness = $fitness + 2]]
[[Softer Features|Feminine choice][$transformation += 2]]
<<if $dee.corrupt is false>>[[Have Dee take it|Dee Melange]]<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist>Back to [[The Psychomanteum]]</div><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=fore>You lean in over the Melange, inhaling deeply while locking eyes with the more masculine $name $lastname in the mirror. A familiar beckoning from deep within you wells up, and your mirror self's eyes begin to widen. It feels like you cannot pull your gaze away from him. Your senses sharpen even further and for a moment you are so overwhelmed by the stimuli and arousal you stumble - and seem to fall @@.mirror;through the mirror@@ and out of this world.
You begin whirling past many different versions of yourself, living different lives in different worlds with different minds and //very// different bodies. Oddly, these versions are always in pairs. One may seem hyper-masculine, one seems hyper-feminine, some are even full-fledged women (and boy do you look cute). There you are as a woman with a cock, there you are as a slim man with a huge dick, there you are with bulging muscles to rival Ogou. But always, even when you focus on one version, there is a second version spiraling around it that seems the opposite. Complementary. A second spirit, or a twin of sorts?
You spot the version of yourself that you had locked eyes with, and careen towards and into them. A shiver hits your entire body, almost orgasmic, and everything goes blurry for a moment. As the visions and dizziness clear, you find yourself on your ass, on the ground.
<<if visited("Masculine choice") + visited("Feminine choice") === 1>>Picking yourself up, you feel as if you've changed yet again. Stronger. But you look like you should in the mirror. Which is odd, come to think of it, because the mirror-you was different just a second ago.
It seems this Melange will allow those dosed to see a range of chiral alternatives and then in some way "fuse" with them to embody that other self in this world. Unless it's simply given you body dysmorphia and you no longer correctly perceive yourself. You've never heard of a //positive// version of it though. You look good. Real good.
<<else>>Standing up you notice the effects are less powerful this time. It seems you can only go through the looking glass once before diminishing returns kick in. Still, you can see a difference: your shoulders are wider, your chin a bit more chiseled.<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist>[[The Psychomanteum]]</div><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=fore>You lean in over the Melange, inhaling deeply while locking eyes with the more feminine $name $lastname in the mirror. A familiar beckoning from deep within you wells up, and your mirror self's eyes begin to widen. It feels like you cannot pull your gaze away from...him? Your senses sharpen even further and for a moment you are so overwhelmed by the stimuli and arousal you stumble - and seem to fall @@.mirror;through the mirror@@ and out of this world.
You begin whirling past many different versions of yourself, living different lives in different worlds with different minds and //very// different bodies. Oddly, these versions are always in pairs. One may seem hyper-masculine, one seems hyper-feminine, some are even full-fledged women (and boy do you look cute). There you are as a woman with a cock, there you are as a slim man with a huge dick, there you are with bulging muscles to rival Ogou. But always, even when you focus on one version, there is a second version spiraling around it that seems the opposite. Complementary. A second spirit, or a twin of sorts?
You spot the version of yourself that you had locked eyes with, and careen towards and into them. A shiver hits your entire body, almost orgasmic, and everything goes blurry for a moment. As the visions and dizziness clear, you find yourself on your ass, on the ground.
<<if visited("Masculine choice") + visited("Feminine choice") === 1>>Picking yourself up, you feel different. A bit...rounder? But you look like you should in the mirror. Which is odd, come to think of it, because the mirror-you was different just a second ago.
It seems this Melange will allow those dosed to see a range of chiral alternatives and then in some way "fuse" with one to embody that other self in this world. Unless it's simply given you body dysmorphia and you no longer correctly perceive yourself. You've never heard of a //positive// version of it though. You look good. Real good.
<<else>>Standing up you notice the effects are less powerful this time. It seems you can only go through the looking glass once before diminishing returns kick in. Still, you can see a difference: your hips have widened a touch, and your waist has pulled in.<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist>[[The Psychomanteum]]</div><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<whoishere $dee>>
<div class=fore><<speech "dee" "$">>I'll be right over!<</speech>>
In her newly pliable state it doesn't take much convincing to have $ come over and try out a fun new drug, especially if it means she gets to hang out in "the Skull room" again. As she sits and inhales deeply from the vapors, and you lock eyes in your mirror-gazing, versions of her accordion out to either side in the mirror. Little differences build up until at the far end of each side you see two very different women. One seems to be $ in a universe where she leaned further towards the rebellious punk, and the other is $ if she were fully the ditz you saw glimpses of previously. Considering all the drugs involved both are going to be hypersexual (of course) but in very different ways.
Curiously there are strong differences between when you consume the Melange and when others do. Whether this is your connection to<<nobr>>
the Loa
<<replace '#tooltip'>>@@.erzulie;it's definitely us, cherie@@<</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><</replace>>
<</nobr>> or your awareness of what's going on is unclear. But while you seem able to see multitudes of yourself and choose between them, for $ you only see a few paths from which to choose.
And while you feel capable of moving back and forth between your selves, for anyone else this choice can only be made once. It may take a few applications to fully unlock some aspects, though probably not with $, but after choosing you won't be able to choose the other once the journey is begun. Some slight alterations may be possible in the future, of course. When you can bend reality (or your perception of it at least) nothing's set in stone.
For now you have a delicious, delirious choice to make:
[[Dee 1][$dee.corrupt = true; $dee.model = "preangelina"; $ = "Sweet Dee"]] is the punk, the rebel who fucks as much as she wants. She's all about feeling good and enjoying herself be it with sex or drugs, men or women, private or public. Forget anyone who wants to get in the way of that. You see a hard glint in her eye and a slight sneer in the lip.
[[Dee 2][$dee.corrupt = true; $dee.model = "presophie"; $ = "Dee Dee"]] is the ditzy bimbo, still just as interested in fucking but more focused on pleasing her partner. Her curves will be softer, her ass a bit bigger, her eyes doe-like and pleading for a good fucking. This giggling dumb-dumb will happily put your cock anywhere you ask her to.</div><<if visited("Therapy") is 1>><<dialog 'Writing the online ad'>>Living in the land of the free has some benefits: you write up your online ad describing yourself as a hypnotherapist and "life consultant" and mention counseling focused on dissatisfaction with one's body or sex life. Avoiding specific phrases like "psychologist" or the like, you don't need any sort of license before you hang up your duplicitous digital shingle.
Because the Melange seems to vaporize easily a simple means of application will be using a diffuser, which should draw little attention and avoid any messy dosing attempts. You write the ad with emphasis on how extreme and experimental your method is - not only will this attract those who may have the most interesting or engaging chiral alternates out there, but it means they'll also be open to the wild experience to come and less likely to freak out as they literally become someone else for a time.
You set a low fee of $30 per session, for the moment. Now you just have to wait and see who replies.<</dialog>>
<div class="fore">
''Patients treated:'' $treated.length
[[Review past cases|Review automated]]
[[Call past patients for a follow-up session|Therapy Call]]
''Available patients:''
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>><<if $hiddentreated.length lt 5>><<include [[Therapy1]]>>
<<elseif $hiddentreated.length lt 10>><<include [[Therapy2]]>>
<<elseif $hiddentreated.length lt 15>><<include [[Therapy3]]>>
<<else>><</if>><<else>>(You can only schedule patients from 8AM - 8PM)<</if>>
''Back to:''
[[Your study]]
</div><<nobr>><<whoishere $dee>>
<<set $corrupt.push("dee")>>
<<set $dee.ti to 4>>
<<set $dee.mind to 3>>
<<set $dee.gros to 2>>
<<set $dee.body to 1>>
<<set $dee.fuck to 2>>
<<set $ to 2>>
<<set $dee.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $dee.finish to 1>>
<<set $dee.start to 3>>
<<set $ to "pre">><</nobr>><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class=fore>$ grips the edge of the chair and shudders with delight as you watch her chiral self pulled back into her, fusing and forcing her to change yet again. Her hair darkens and she seems to grow taller as she stretches out in the chair you provided. Cheekbones lengthen and fat disappears and within moments a thinner, feistier girl is in front of you with that coy smirk now a sneer. Unlike last time, the change is much quicker and much more pronounced.
<<speech "mc">>Dee? Are you ok? How are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "dee" $>>I feel fuckin' sweet, Mr. $lastname. Really great! Kind of tired again. This place always drains me, y'know? I'm gonna go have a smoke but you better come see me soon.<</speech>>
She stares directly at your crotch, then back up at you and winks. As she walks past you she smacks you lightly on the cheek.
<<speech "dee" $>>Don't make me wait too long though, I need that dick.<</speech>>
And with that she saunters out of the room.
Interestingly, not all the changes you expected happened. You swear she was bustier and more fit in the mirror. Maybe her experience with the Kykeon inured her to the full transformation, the way you seem to be? Something to figure out in the future.</div>
<div class=linklist>[[The Psychomanteum]]</div><<nobr>><<whoishere $dee>>
<<set $corrupt.push("dee")>>
<<set $dee.ti to 4>>
<<set $dee.mind to 3>>
<<set $dee.gros to 2>>
<<set $dee.body to 1>>
<<set $dee.fuck to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $dee.tits to 1>>
<<set $dee.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $dee.finish to 1>>
<<set $dee.start to 3>>
<<set $ to "pre">><</nobr>><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class=fore><div class="row"><div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/buttblack.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></div>
<div class="column">$ grips the edge of the chair and shudders with delight as you watch her chiral self pulled back into her, fusing and forcing her to change yet again. Her eyes swirl and turn a bright blue as her cheeks plump out. Her tits push out - though just a bit - and her ass expands. The coy smirk turns into a happy smile, with puppy dog eyes and parted lips. Unlike last time, the change is much quicker and much more pronounced.</div></div>
<<speech "mc">>Dee? Are you ok? How are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "dee" $>>Oh Mr. $lastname, I feel great! My titties look really good today I think. But I'm pretty sleepy, why does this room always make me sleepy? Umm. Come see me soon?<</speech>>
She turns her doe eyes up to you with longing and bites her lip.
<<speech "dee" $>>Dee Dee wants some play time soon!<</speech>>
She giggles, then kisses you on the cheek as she skips out the door.
Interestingly, not all the changes you expected happened. You swear she was dripping with sex more in the mirror, her tits and ass larger. Maybe her experience with the Kykeon inured her to the full transformation, the way you seem to be? Something to figure out in the future.</div>
<div class=linklist>[[The Psychomanteum]]</div><<print $treated>>
<div class=fore><<nobr>><<if $danielle.treated>>
<<if $danielle.model is "mallory">>[[You helped Danielle marry pragmatism and fantasy|Danielle mallory]]
<<elseif $danielle.model is "portia">>[[You convinced Danielle to fully embrace her Barbie desires|Danielle portia]]
<<nobr>><<if $gretchen.treated>>
<<if $gretchen.model is "milf">>[[You had Gretchen act out what her youthful indiscretion may have been like|Gretchen milf]]
<<elseif $gretchen.model is "gilf">>[[You pushed Gretchen to become a total GILF bimbo|Gretchen gilf]]
<<nobr>><<if $kirsten.treated>>
<<if $kirsten.model is "mono">>[[You convinced a woman there is zero shame in enjoying the marriage bed|Kirsten mono]]
<<elseif $kirsten.model is "poly">>[[You convinced a woman that if God gave her a body for sex, she has to use it|Kirsten poly]]
<<nobr>><<if $barbara.treated>>
<<if $barbara.model is "fat">>[[You let a woman discover how sexy a bigger gal can be|Barbara fat]]
<<elseif $barbara.model is "fit">>[[You helped a woman keep the weight off|Barbara fit]]
<<nobr>><<if $vivian.treated>>
<<if $vivian.model is "taylor">>[[You can have huge tits and still keep them practical|Vivian taylor]]
<<elseif $vivian.model is "melissa">>[[The bigger the better, the tighter the sweater!|Vivian melissa]]
<<elseif $vivian.treated2>>
<<if $vivian.model is "isabelle">>[[It's all about the golden ratio|Vivian2 isa]]<</if>>
<<if $vivian.model is "maserati">>[[Bigger and bigger tits!|Vivian2 maserati]]<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $naomi.treated>>
<<if $naomi.model is "maso">>[[You forced Naomi to surrender to her masochistic streak|Naomi maso]]
<<elseif $naomi.model is "muscle">>[[You pushed Naomi to find gains in her pain|Naomi muscle]]
<div class="linklist"><<back "Go back">></div>
<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<whoishere $danielle>>
<div class=fore>
<video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video>
<<if $danielle.visit lte 0>>
Danielle emailed you because she feels like she isn't living up to her full potential as a woman. As a little girl she loved playing with Barbie dolls and assumed that once she grew up she would get to live out that fantasy: curves would come in, breasts would bud, lips grow out. She would find a man who would pay to enhance the things that nature didn't.
For one reason or another, it never happened. But as the melange starts to bubble and smoke out of the humidifier and you ask her pointed questions about her past, you see it all unfold before you like a flip book: dozens of different versions of Danielle, each a bit different based on small life changes.
As you continue, two chiral Danielles solidify to either side of the current one. Both never existed because she always assumed everything would happen to her, rather than doing things for - or to - herself. But in whatever worlds they come from, these other Danielles took the reins.
The first put aside any naive Barbie dreams without giving up on the desire for improvement - she took a pragmatic view of her fantasy, and wove it into her real life when and how she could. A woman can have a real life and a fantasy life at the same time, it just takes a bit of compromise on both ends. Viewing Danielle in this light you see her breasts expand slightly, her ass toning in front of you from dedication in the gym. A tasty MILF treat ready for some fun indiscretion.
The second went just as hard in the other direction: if she truly wanted to be a Barbie, she'd have to go all in. Fantasies don't just fall in your lap, you have to work at them, even if that means you have to fall into some other people's laps. If sucking and fucking your way to your ideal body and lifestyle is how it gets done, so be it. And that's what she did. Concentrating on this Danielle, you can see her tits expand generously as well as her ass, her hair bleaching as her lips puff out a ridiculous amount. The only thing this Danielle cares about is validation through sex, and she needs it from you. Now.
Carefully weaving from the original Danielle to each of these others, you realize the path to one or the other is now open. And the choice of which to make a reality is yours.
<<elseif $danielle.visit gte 1>>$ is back for another visit
<div class=linklist><<if $danielle.model is "normal">>
[[Help her balance fantasy and pragmatism|Danielle mallory][$danielle.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
[[Encourage her to embrace her full Barbie dream|Danielle portia][$danielle.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
<<elseif $danielle.model is "mallory">>[[Help her continue to balance fantasy and reality|Danielle mallory][$danielle.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $danielle.model is "portia">>[[Encourage her to further embrace full Barbie|Danielle portia][$danielle.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<else>><</if>></div><<whoishere $danielle>><<nobr>>
<<if $danielle.visit is 1>><<set $danielle.model to "mallory">><</if>>
<<if $danielle.visit lte 3>><<set $danielle.mind to $danielle.visit>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("danielle")>>
<</nobr>><<if $danielle.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/danielle/therapy/mallorystart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">As this Danielle takes hold, you notice she's had implants done, but not gone too overboard. </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">$ is still very proud of them, and the work she did to keep her body so toned. She's only too happy to show off all her hard work.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/mallorytease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $danielle.visit is 1>><<speech "danielle">>"I've got to run to the gym right after this appointment. Maybe I can stay longer next time?"<</speech>>
<<if $danielle.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/mallorybj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Reaching down and pulling out your <<cock>>, she begins to lick it playfully.</div>
<<speech "danielle">>"I don't have too much time today but if I paid for these great tits, I want to use them!"<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">She flips over on the bed and you stare at her improved boobs as your <<cock>> slips in and out of her willing mouth.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/mallorytits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $danielle.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $danielle.treated>>
<<set $danielle.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("danielle")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("danielle")>>
<<set $callback.push("danielle")>>
<<set $danielle.start to 1>>
<<set $danielle.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $danielle.fuck to 2>>
<<set $danielle.tits to 1>>
<<set $danielle.ass to 1>>
<<set $danielle.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/malloryfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">You're not sure which you admire more: her large, fake tits or watching her abs work hard to grind her into you.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Her work in the gym shows in her ass and back too, but you don't get much time to admire them - after a minute she's begging you to shove your <<cock>> in her ass and finish there.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/malloryfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/malloryass.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Pumping into her, it doesn't take long for you to finish. Ever the pragmatist, $ clenches your cum inside her asshole to avoid a mess.</div>
<<speech "danielle">>"These quick sessions are always so great for motivation and encouragement! Thanks so much Doctor $lastname"<</speech>>
She's out the door before you can even try to correct her on your title.<</if>>
<<if $danielle.visit gte 3>>$'s therapy is complete...but you have a feeling she wouldn't mind a check up from time to time.<</if>>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div><<whoishere $danielle>>
<<if $danielle.visit is 1>><<set $danielle.model to "portia">><<set $ to "Danni">><</if>>
<<if $danielle.visit lte 3>><<set $danielle.mind to $danielle.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("danielle")>>
<</nobr>><<if $danielle.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiastart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">As you focus, you see this Danielle coalesce. She went in for breast implants. And went in again, when they weren't big enough. And then went in again. They just weren't big enough, or fake enough looking, until she ended up with the obviously fake, perfectly round globes you see on her now. Her lips are artificially inflated and re-done regularly, leaving her always looking vapid with her mouth slightly open. Everything about her is as fake as the Barbies she idolized.</div>
<<speech "danielle" "Danni">>Thanks for all your help, doctor! I just like really needed confirmation that I was all the Barbie I could be.<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Moving to the mirror, Danielle seems overjoyed as she inspects her face, then slowly beings stripping and fondling her ridiculously large breasts. She turns around and gives her ass a tiny spank, smiling at the result. Turning back around seemingly satisfied, she looks at you through the mirror with obvious desire before her eyes move down to your crotch while her tongue licks her over-plumped lips.</div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiastart2.jpg"/></div>
<<if $danielle.visit is 1>><<speech "danielle" "Danni">>"Everything seems fine, but I think I'll need a more thorough inspection next time."<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "danielle" "Danni">>"Everything, like, seems fine, but I think I need a closer inspection. Could you please help me? I'm such a ditz I can't do it myself. What do you think of my big pouty lips?"<</speech>>
<<if $danielle.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiabj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Even as she moves towards you to give you a closer look, her hands are already fumbling with the button on your pants. Lying down on the bed, all pretense is lost as you watch her pull your <<cock>> out and lavish it with attention.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">But fuck-dolls are meant to be used. Pushing her to her knees and pulling her giant, fake breasts out of their bra you satisfy your building primal desire by ramming your <<cock>> into her mouth over and over again.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiabj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $danielle.visit is 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Shoving her to the floor you grab her hair as she hungrily looks up at you. Just the desire in her eyes would be enough to make you cum, but the giant tits don't hurt either.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiafinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $danielle.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $danielle.treated>>
<<set $danielle.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("danielle")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("danielle")>>
<<set $callback.push("danielle")>>
<<set $danielle.start to 2>>
<<set $ to 2>>
<<set $danielle.fuck to 1>>
<<set $danielle.finish to 2>>
<<set $danielle.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $danielle.visit++>><</nobr>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiafuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">$ strips out of her lingerie as you take off your pants, then mounts you. This isn't love-making. Her face goes as blank as her mind as she gives in entirely to the pleasure of a hard fucking. You hear her squealing and whimpering with delight as you tirelessly pump in and out of her.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Shoving her to the floor you grab her hair as she hungrily looks up at you. Just the desire in her eyes would be enough to make you cum, but the giant tits don't hurt either.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiafinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/danielle/therapy/portiafinish2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">$ licks your cum off her lips, knowing she's done what she was built to do.</div>
<<if $danielle.visit gte 3>>$'s therapy is complete...but you have a feeling she wouldn't mind a check up from time to time.<</if>><</if>>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>/* not ready yet: <<if $lucy.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("lucy")>>(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $lucy.treated>>[[Lucy is obsessed with the idea of becoming a doll|TherapyLucy]]<<else>><</if>> */
<<if $naomi.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("naomi")>>(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $naomi.treated>>[[Naomi is struggling with self-destructive tendencies|TherapyNaomi]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $vivian2.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("vivian2")>>(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $vivian2.treated>>[[A familiar pair of boobs are back|Therapy2Vivian]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $mia.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("mia")>>(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $mia.treated>>[[Mia isn't sure whether to keep it all-natural or build herself up better|TherapyMia]]<<else>><</if>><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<whoishere $gretchen>>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video>
<<if $gretchen.visit lte 0>>
Gretchen is an older woman - in her mid-60s at least - who came to you because she feels like she hadn't taken advantage of her sexual desires when she was younger. She'd tried a few things here and there, but generally she hadn't played nearly as much as she wanted to.
As the melange takes hold of you both and your questions probe deeper, you find an enormous untapped potential of sexual energy within her. This woman is a freak! But the meanderings of life always nipped her nasty tendencies in the bud.
The first chiral Gretchen you open an easy path to is one who indulged herself occassionally but fully in the past - as a younger woman, still in her prime, she had explored her delicious, carnal tendencies more while not changing her life completely. What if she'd taken care of her body more, become more of an aesthete and less of a daydreamer? This choice would push her back to those days, ready to act them out again - with you.
The second chiral path is a bit more diabolical: what if she'd tried a few times yet circumstances never let her explore at all? Not like she describes her actual life going, but even worse. What if she'd been tamped down too tightly for too long, and all this delicious sexual desire had been sublimating inside her? Why, with a tweak here and there throughout her life, it would finally explode - now, in her sixties. This granny would do whatever it took to embrace her slutty side fully and immediately. As you view this chiral Gretchen, you see how she would change. Obsessive dedication means you see her body tightening itself, freckles appearing from repeated tanning. Her breasts start straining out against her clothes as the choice to get huge fake tits becomes a real one. She'd never embraced the MILF she could have been, but that doesn't mean she can't be a GILF and fuck everyone and anyone here and now, starting with you.
<<elseif $gretchen.visit gte 1>>$ is back for another visit
<div class=linklist><<if $gretchen.model is "normal">>
[[What would she have done if she had acted sooner?|Gretchen milf][$gretchen.model = "milf"; $chirality += 1; $gretchen.visit++; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
[[There's still time to be a hot GILF slut!|Gretchen gilf][$gretchen.model = "gilf"; $chirality += 1; $gretchen.visit++; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
<<elseif $gretchen.model is "milf">>[[What would she have done if she had acted sooner?|Gretchen milf][$gretchen.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $gretchen.model is "gilf">>[[There's still time to be a hot GILF slut!|Gretchen gilf][$gretchen.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<else>><</if>></div><<nobr>><<whoishere $gretchen>><<if $gretchen.visit is 1>><<set $gretchen.model to "milf"; $gretchen.relative to "mom"; $mackenzie.relative to "daughter"; $ to "Greta">><</if>><<if $gretchen.visit lte 3>><<set $gretchen.mind to $gretchen.visit>><</if>><<set $dailyseen.push("gretchen")>><</nobr>>
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/milftease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>As her new self takes hold, $ unbuttons her shirt and massages her new, sumptuous breasts.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You know this version of her responds to aggression. And you need to see those tits up close. Slightly shocked, $ quickly gives in to the pleasure.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/milftease2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $gretchen.visit is 1>><div class=fore>She seems to want to do more, but the melange has stopped smoking. Buttoning her shirt back up you see her bite her lip as she leaves. Next time...</div><</if>>
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/milfbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div><div class=fore>It's not enough. She spins in the chair, pulling your hardening <<cock>> out and tries to choke herself on it.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>If that's what she wants, you are only too happy to comply. You grab the back of her head and force your <<cock>> to gag her as it slams into the back of her throat.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/milfbj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $gretchen.treated>>
<<set $gretchen.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("gretchen")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("gretchen")>>
<<set $callback.push("gretchen")>>
<<set $gretchen.start to 3>>
<<set $gretchen.tease to 2>>
<<set $ to 2>>
<<set $gretchen.tits to 0>>
<<set $gretchen.fuck to 2>>
<<set $gretchen.ass to 0>>
<<set $gretchen.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $gretchen.finish to 1>>
<<set $gretchen.visit++>>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>"Fuck me already!" she practically screams.<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/milffuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She rips her shirt off and you force her over the desk, pumping your <<cock>> in and out of her while pulling her hair as she continues to yell out encouragement between squeals of pleasure.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Pushing you down on the couch, her words turn to one single high moan as she bounces up and down, her big tits jiggling with each thrust.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/milffuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/milffinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>$ seems happy and content to receive your thick load on her face. It's still dripping down her chin as she blows you a kiss goodbye.</div></div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<nobr>><<whoishere $gretchen>><<if $gretchen.visit is 1>><<set $gretchen.model to "gilf">><</if>><<if $gretchen.visit lte 3>><<set $gretchen.mind to $gretchen.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("gretchen")>>
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilftease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">In this reality, $ may have waited too long but she's more than made up for it. A flurry of tanning, personal trainers, and gigantic implants have turned her into a GILF fuck doll. The hunger in her eyes is unmistakable. As she stares at you she can't help but caress her huge fake breasts.</div>
<<speech "gretchen">>"It feels like I'm on fire all the time, doc. Every man I see, I want them in me. Most of the day is spent thinking about when I can touch myself. Can you blame me?"<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Unbuttoning her blouse, she gives you a coy smile as she reveals her gigantic, obviously fake tits. There was no worry about realism when she got them - if anything, she wants everyone to know they're implants.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilftease2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $gretchen.visit is 1>><<speech "gretchen">>"I love showing these ridiculous titties off. You should see the looks I get on my early morning power-walks around my neighborhood. And don't think I don't see what's happening in your pants right now. Granny has to run but next time you're taking these huge titties for a spin!"<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "gretchen">>"Mmm you like these big titties? I had to convince the doctor to let me go this big at my age. Don't be shy, whip your <<cock>> out for Granny Gretchen."<</speech>>
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 2>>
Before you can unbutton your pants she's doing it for you. After waiting for too long, she isn't going to wait a second more to get what she wants these days.
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilfbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">With zero pretense she immediately starts devouring your <<cock>>. All you can really do is sit back and enjoy her overly enthusiastic mouth on your head as she strokes your shaft.</div>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilfbj2.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="75%">
<div class="row">
<div class="column">True to her word you're soon taking her fake breasts for a spin, pumping up and down between them as $ licks the tip of your <<cock>>. Her tits are so fake it can be hard to keep between them, but that only turns you on more</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilftits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $gretchen.treated>>
<<set $gretchen.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("gretchen")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("gretchen")>>
<<set $callback.push("gretchen")>>
<<set $gretchen.tease to 2>>
<<set $gretchen.start to 1>>
<<set $ to 2>>
<<set $gretchen.tits to 1>>
<<set $gretchen.fuck to 1>>
<<set $gretchen.ass to 2>>
<<set $gretchen.finish to 1>>
<<set $gretchen.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $gretchen.visit++>>
<<speech "gretchen">>"You put that fucking cock in me right now!"<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilffuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Throwing you onto the couch, $ slips you inside her and starts gleefully bouncing up and down on your <<cock>>. All you can do for the moment is hold on and enjoy the ride.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">As she falls over delirious with pleasure, you switch holes and shove your <<cock>> into her ass over and over. She's so lost in the moment she seems to enjoy it even more than fucking her pussy.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilfass.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilfass2.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="75%"></video>
<<if $gretchen.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/gretchen/therapy/gilffinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">$ finishes you off by desperately stroking you quicker and quicker. The entire time she doesn't stop talking, demanding you cum on her huge granny tits, begging you for it. As you do, she moans with pleasure.</div>
<<speech "gretchen">>"Thanks for the great fuck hun. Granny will see you real soon - if you're a good boy."<</speech>>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $kirsten>>
<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video>
<<if $kirsten.visit lte 0>>
$ answered your ad because she is worried she'll lose her husband. Raised religious and conservative she always viewed sex as necessary but the pleasure from it as a sin. She thought her husband felt the same. Apparently she was wrong.
He always had a "man cave" but over the years he no longer let her in to see what was in it. Snooping on their computer she found searches that seemed incredibly sinful and corrupt to her. She angrily confronted him about this and it blew up into a horrible fight. Now she doesn't know what to do.
As you both inhale the melange, $ doesn't seem to change much physically but you can see from that inflection point a different past and a different future. Each are based on tiny tweaks to how that argument occurs:
In the altered past she snooped earlier, but maintained a curiosity rather than an anger. Whatever he's hiding in his cave, she slowly decides she wants to prove to him that she's willing to be a part of it. This chiral self reinforces her dedication to him, and a desire to satisfy him completely - within a marriage, any sinful pleasure is actually a glorious thing. In this version, the argument is about her demanding he let her prove herself worthy of involvement in his fantasies.
Alternatively you can see a chiral future where this poor wife realizes that if her husband feels free to indulge in his deepest fantasies, she should as well. She has urges too, it's not fair she's the only one repressing them! Maybe they can explore them together - but from now on, if God is going to give her these desires and a body to act them out with, she is going to take full advantage of that. This version will pervert her husband's desires over time and slowly take them over entirely for her own selfish fantasies.
<<elseif $kirsten.visit gte 1>>Kirsten is back for another visit
<div class=linklist><<if $kirsten.model is "normal">>
[[Convince her there is no shame in the marriage bed|Kirsten mono][$kirsten.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
[[God gave you that body to enjoy it, didn't he?|Kirsten poly][$kirsten.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
<<elseif $kirsten.model is "mono">>[[Help her keep exploring with her husband|Kirsten mono][$kirsten.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $kirsten.model is "poly">>[[Keep expanding her sexual horizons|Kirsten poly][$kirsten.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<else>><</if>></div><<whoishere $kirsten>><<nobr>>
<<if $kirsten.visit is 1>><<set $kirsten.model to "mono">><</if>>
<<if $kirsten.visit lte 3>><<set $kirsten.mind to $kirsten.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("kirsten")>>
<<if $kirsten.visit gte 1>>
<<linkappend "$ reminisces on her first attempt to open up with her husband:">>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/mono1.jpg" width="90%" /></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I had been texting him while he was out to try to set the mood. I guess it worked better than I thought because I was still texting him when he surprised me by arriving home early!"@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I'd bought some lingerie online, something more risque than I ever wore before. It made me feel so good to see myself wear it, I didn't know that was possible. I excitedly stripped down to show him. He was grabbing his crotch before I was done."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/mono1.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="100%"/>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monobj.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="100%">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"He quickly pulled his penis out and told me to see what I had done to him, and to fix the situation. I don't think I was very good but I went slow and took my time. It didn't taste too bad!"@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I didn't love it but the grunts of pleasure made me feel appreciated. When he came I tried to swallow it all but some still dribbled onto my chin. My husband said it was a good start."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monofinish2.jpg" width="90%" /></div></div>
<<if $kirsten.visit gte 2>>
<<linkappend "$ describes (in shockingly lurid detail!) dressing up as a schoolgirl to entice her husband:">>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monostart.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"This time he told me to dress innocent, so he could pretend to corrupt me. I couldn't think of anything better than a schoolgirl outfit!"@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I guess it worked because he quickly ordered me to strip down to almost nothing. It was...really hot. It was even hotter when he forced me to keep my heels on."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monostart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monobj.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"He lay on the bed and I sucked his cock again, slowly. It tasted better this time, like I had missed the taste."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I only did it for a couple minutes before he pushed me down, rolled me over, and shoved his cock in me. I must have been really wet because it went in easily. I felt ashamed, but excited."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monofuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monofuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"To finish he had me touch myself, which I hadn't done with him before. I was so worked up I came twice before he was ready to finish."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/monofinish.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"He came on my face again, and told me I looked cuter like that. So I left it there for a little bit. It got me horny all over again! I really liked how in control he was and how he used me like his sexy wife toy."@@</div>
<<if $kirsten.visit gte 3>><<nobr>>
<<if not $kirsten.treated>>
<<set $kirsten.treated to true>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("kirsten")>>
<<set $treated.push("kirsten")>>
<<set $kirsten.start to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $kirsten.fuck to 2>>
<<set $kirsten.finish to 2>>
<<set $kirsten.visit++>><</nobr>>
<<linkappend "$ divulges that her husband finally showed her his 'man cave' and what it was actually built for:">>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"He asked me to strip down to just a pair of black pumps, which turned me on. I thought we'd go in and watch porn on a huge TV like you always see in man-caves, maybe have sex on a bearskin rug. But then he pulled me through the door was totally bare! A sex dungeon. Before I could process this, he'd gagged and tied me."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/mono6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/mono7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"He groped me roughly, then knelt on a table and forced his cock into my mouth over and over. I was totally at his mercy, and he wasn't going gentle on me. It felt like with my choices taken away, he finally felt completely free to indulge in exactly what he wanted to do. I could finally serve him as a perfect partner."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"Over the next few hours he fucked me in so many different positions, spit on me, slapped me, and used me just like any common whore. And I loved every second of it! I can't wait to see where our relationship goes from here."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/mono6.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/mono8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/mono9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $kirsten>><<nobr>>
<<if $kirsten.visit is 1>><<set $kirsten.model to "poly">><</if>>
<<if $kirsten.visit lte 3>><<set $kirsten.mind to $kirsten.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("kirsten")>>
<div class=fore><<if $kirsten.visit gte 1>>
<<linkappend "$ describes her husband taking her to a bar to loosen her up sexually:">>
<<speech "kirsten">>I was super nervous, but he gave me quite a few drinks to relax me. Probably a few too much, but I really liked how it made me feel!<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "kirsten">>I told him I was feeling a little too drunk, and he said we should go to the bathroom just in case...<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">She doesn't remember how it started, but he quickly had her down on her knees, sucking him off in a public toilet.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">The nervousness quickly gave way to exhiliration as the taboo of doing something so naughty in a public place got her more and more aroused.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "kirsten">>Someone knocked on the door and spooked us before we could go any further...but I think I really liked it. A lot.<</speech>>
<<if $kirsten.visit gte 2>>
<<linkappend "$ describes (in shockingly lurid detail!) fucking her husband's friend right in front of him and his pals:">>
<<speech "kirsten">>He had been talking about his friend Tom a lot, who was a swinger with a...big penis. He wanted to invite him and some other friends over and at least have me give him a handjob. I should have been disgusted, but lately something has changed. It sounded naughty and fun!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I didn't realize how much had changed until Tom almost jokingly took his dick out while I was in the room and asked when the hand-job was going to start. As soon as I saw it I wanted it in my mouth."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I was really turned on as I blew him, but nervous too, so I kept my eyes closed as I did it. The moans coming from Tom turned me on so much!"@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"My husband was surprised when I stripped and asked Tom to fuck me right there on the table. But he seemed to enjoy it as I stared at him, having another man's giant cock slammed into me over and over. There is no way he enjoyed it as much as I did!"@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">By the time the end came around, she only had eyes for the man who had fucked her so well, and given her more pleasure than her husband ever did.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "kirsten">>That night it all changed for me. I started doing this for my husband, but truthfully he had nothing to do with the amazing sex or the fun I had that night. I don't mind him watching, but I don't see why I need him there to enjoy great sex with other men.<</speech>><</linkappend>><</if>><p></p>
<<if $kirsten.visit is 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $kirsten.treated>>
<<set $kirsten.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("kirsten")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("kirsten")>>
<<set $kirsten.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $kirsten.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $kirsten.fuck to 3>>
<<set $kirsten.finish to 1>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<set $kirsten.visit++>><</if>>
<<if $kirsten.visit gte 3>><<linkappend "$ reveals in her final session that she's fully liberated and fucking whoever she wants now, as much as she wants, whether her husband knows or not:">><div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/poly1.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"It wasn't long before I found someone on tinder interested in meeting up, so I went over to his place. He was a little nervous since his roommate was supposed to come home soon, but I was excited by the idea."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"He took some coaxing, but I convinced him to make the first move. We were making out pretty hard when his roommate ended up coming home and caught me topless on the couch."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/polystart.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "kirsten">>The old me would have been mortified and run out of the room, but instead I offered to let him join us. It's what I was hoping for anyway! They were only too happy to pull their cocks out.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/polybj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">$ was finally living her dream scenario: a dick on each side, and four hands to caress and grope her, providing all the stimuli and sex she could ask for.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Over the next hour they took turns with her holes. As she got more and more into the whole scenario, she urged them to fuck her harder and deeper. It is obvious that the fear she felt before was commensurate with the desires she was repressing.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/polyfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/polyfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/polyfuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/kirsten/therapy/polyfinish.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I came so many times, and made sure they both did too. I swallowed both their loads before I left. It was so much fun, I just can't believe I was ever scared of expressing myself this way!"@@</div></div>
<<speech "kirsten">>Thank you so much for helping me realize I was holding myself back from my true desires! I'm going on a fun solo trip so I can take some naughty pictures to send my husband, but I hope we'll see each other again sometime.<</speech>><p></p>
With a wink she leaves you with hot memories and a bad case of blue balls.
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $barbara>>
<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video><<if $barbara.visit lte 0>>
$ has weight issues. Or perhaps she just has issues with her weight. As the melange takes hold and you let her talk about the shame she feels for being fat, you see both could be true.
Two women come into sharp relief, and you will get to pick which one fuses with the $ before you:
The first accepted that she doesn't like carrying the extra weight around, and works hard to make sure she stays fit and healthy. She's still got plenty of curves, but this version is proud of the exercise and dieting she puts in and loves to flaunt her sexy self. All the effort makes her eagar to have her body appreciated by others.
The second version has instead accepted that her body is naturally bigger. And if you're destined to be curvy, you might as well be the most curvy as possible, right? Men love huge tits and a big ass, after all. This Barbara loves showing men the luxurious pleasure they're missing out on by not giving chubby women a chance.
<<elseif $barbara.visit gte 1>>
Barbara is back for another visit
<div class=linklist><<if $barbara.model is "normal">>
Will you
[[Show her what hard work and dedication in the gym can achieve|Barbara fit][$barbara.visit += 1; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
[[Let her discover how sexy a bigger woman can be|Barbara fat][$barbara.visit += 1; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
<<elseif $barbara.model is "fat">>[[Let her discover how sexy a bigger woman can be|Barbara fat][$barbara.visit += 1; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $barbara.model is "fit">>[[Show her what hard work, dedication, and a little loa magic can accomplish|Barbara fit][$barbara.visit += 1; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<else>><</if>></div><<whoishere $barbara>>
<<nobr>><<if $barbara.visit is 1>><<set $barbara.model to "fat">><<set $ to "Big Barb">><</if>><<if $barbara.visit lte 3>><<set $barbara.mind to $barbara.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("barbara")>>
<<if $barbara.visit gte 1>>
<<speech "barbara" $>>I mean, why would I want to be some skinny minny when I could have amazing curves like this? Just look at these gorgeous tits, doctor:<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fatstart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">Why struggle with your weight when you can embrace it and enjoy it? As $ pulls her dress down, it's obvious that not all fat is bad.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I even turn myself on when I catch a glimpse in the mirror. My ass jiggles so nicely when I walk around in heels."@@</div>
She hikes her dress up to show you, and you see a g-string losing the fight to be swallowed up by the cellulite of her big ass.</div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fatstart2.jpg"/></div>
<<if $barbara.visit is 1>><<speech "barbara" $>>Do you think you could handle this much woman? Maybe we can find out next time.<</speech>><p></p>
She saunters out of the room, swaying her hips as she does to make sure her ass bounces back and forth.<</if>>
<<if $barbara.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fatstart3.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I used to be ashamed of my stomach fat, but I don't think I am anymore. It's cute, don't you think? Even more curves to appreciate, and even more of me to jiggle when I get up to something naughty. I can tell you're enjoying it right now...but maybe we can have even more fun."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">She sits next to you, stripping you of your pants and freeing your <<cock>>. Seeing how hard it already is encourages her, and she sucks it enthusiastically, her drool occassionally dribbling down onto her large breasts.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fatbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fattits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Encouraged by that, she spits more onto her chest and wraps her tits around your <<cock>>. It's so engulfed you can barely see it as you pump in and out of her cleavage.</div>
<<if $barbara.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $barbara.treated>>
<<set $barbara.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("barbara")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("barbara")>>
<<set $callback.push("barbara")>>
<<set $barbara.start to 3>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $barbara.tits to 1>>
<<set $barbara.fuck to 2>>
<<set $barbara.finish to 1>>
<<set $barbara.finishf to "mp4">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<set $barbara.visit++>>
<<speech "barbara" $>>You know fatter means tighter, right? I want to know how good that <<cock>> feels inside me.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">You push her over and enter her from behind. Ramming your <<cock>> deep inside her, she really does feel tight. It's all you can do to keep from finishing inside her.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fatfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fatfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">As she rides on top of you, you enjoy the view a mirror provides: big tits bouncing, fat belly jiggling. Before too long it's enough to drive you over the edge.</div>
<<if $barbara.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">As you get close to finishing she cups her breasts beneath your dick, her eyes looking up at you, pleading for you to finish on her tits and give her the validation she desperately desires.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fatfinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "barbara" $>>That was amazing. I told you a big woman is a better fuck! Let's do this again sometime soon.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $barbara>><<nobr>>
<<if $barbara.visit is 1>><<set $barbara.model to "fit">><</if>><<if $barbara.visit lte 3>><<set $barbara.mind to $barbara.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("barbara")>>
<<if $barbara.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"These sessions have really helped me stay focused. And just look at these results!"@@</div>
She struts proudly around your office giving you a great view of her slimmer, sexier body.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fittease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fitstart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"Losing that weight means I can show off this cleavage better, too. Big tits are great but you need to be fit or it's just fat on fat on fat!"@@</div></div>
<<if $barbara.visit is 1>><<speech "barbara" $>>I think I'm ready for more aggressive therapy next time. I don't want to backslide, right?<</speech>><p></p><<else>><<speech "barbara" $>>Are you ready for my more...aggressive reinforcement therapy?<</speech>><p></p><</if>><</if>>
<<if $barbara.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fitbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">You absolutely are, and pull your pants down as $ sinks to her knees, pulling her tits out completely on display. She immediately begins to lovingly suck your <<cock>>.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">It's good, but slow, and you want something a little rougher. So you shove your <<cock>> between her tits and start working it up and down. $ pushes them together, loving how much you're enjoying the sight and feel of her better, fitter body.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fittits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $barbara.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $barbara.treated>>
<<set $barbara.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("barbara")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("barbara")>>
<<set $callback.push("barbara")>>
<<set $barbara.start to 4>>
<<set $barbara.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $barbara.tits to 1>>
<<set $barbara.fuck to 2>>
<<set $barbara.finish to 1>>
<<set $barbara.finishf to "mp4">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<set $barbara.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fitfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Not too long after she's bouncing up and down on top of your <<cock>>, her big tits jiggling with every movement.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Fucking her doggy-style you appreciate her large ass, certainly big but tight and devoid of any cellulite. $ is the perfect definition of thicc.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fitfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $barbara.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/barbara/therapy/fitfinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">You show just how much you approve of her sexy, curvy, fit body when you ejaculate all over her face and tits. She couldn't be happier or look more proud as your cum dribbles down her chin.</div></div><</if>>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $vivian>>
<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video>
<<if $vivian.visit lte 0>>
Vivian contacted you for a simple reason: she feels like her breasts are too small. If you were any kind of useful therapist you imagine you could work on confidence issues or discuss past trauma to solve this insecurity.
But you're $name $lastname. You've got a raging libido, psychoactive entheogens misting up the room, and the inveigling of two <<nobr>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>>@@.erzulie;if you say so cherie@@<</replace>>
<<replace '#tooltip'>><</replace>>
<</nobr>> demi-gods bouncing around your drug-enhanced brain.
While you have Vivian elaborate on her bust-distrust, you see the path forward towards two other chiral Vivs:
The first was born with larger boobs than she has now, but worked to gain confidence with what she had rather than fixating on wanting them to be even larger. That confidence brought out some sexy swagger. In this world, you worked with her to realize that it's not just about boobs, but about the overall balance of a woman's body and that inhabiting that body fully, from head to toe, is more important than just the size of your titties.
The second was born with bigger boobs than she has now, but still desired them to be even larger. She used creams, she studied massage techniques, and when that wasn't enough she got some well-done implants. Your "work" with her exacerbates her insecurities and leaves her entirely focused on the cup-size of her bras. With so much of her ego wrapped up in her tits, she is desperate for attention to validate her choices.
<<elseif $vivian.visit gte 1>>$ is back for another visit
<div class=linklist><<if $vivian.model is "normal">>
[[You can have big tits and still keep things balanced|Vivian taylor][$vivian.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
[[The bigger the better, the tighter the sweater!|Vivian melissa][$vivian.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $ to "therapy"]]
<<elseif $vivian.model is "taylor">>[[You can have big tits and still keep them balanced|Vivian taylor][$vivian.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $vivian.model is "melissa">>[[The bigger the better, the tighter the sweater!|Vivian melissa][$vivian.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<else>><</if>></div><<nobr>><<if $vivian.visit is 1>><<set $vivian.model to "melissa">><<set $ to "Viv">><</if>><<if $vivian.visit lte 3>><<set $vivian.mind to $vivian.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("vivian")>>
<</nobr>><<whoishere $vivian>>
<<if $vivian.visit gte 1>>
<p>In this reality, you encouraged $'s ego reliance on her breast size.</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian/therapy/melissastart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I've done everything I could! The lotions, the pills, the massages. But it wasn't until I got these under-the-muscle implants that I was fully happy."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">She jiggles her new and improved breasts for your enjoyment. They really do look fantastic, and going under the muscle means they look close to natural too. The pride on her face proves you did your job incredibly well: everything about her self-worth is wrapped up in the size of her breasts.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/melissatease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $vivian.visit is 1>><<speech "vivian" $>>I'm not ready to totally show them off just yet, but I think another few sessions should do it! They're really getting bigger, I love it.<</speech>><p></p>
<<else>><<speech "vivian" $>>They've really gotten bigger and better, I love it. And it's all because of you! How can I ever repay you?<</speech>><p></p><</if>>
<<if $vivian.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/melissabj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">The look on her face tells you she only has one type of repayment in mind. She drops to her knees as you whip your <<cock>> out. Gripping the back of her head you shove her mouth onto you over and over. Even like this, $ doesn't forget to hold her huge tits up for you to appreciate</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">She puts her new and improved boobs to even better use after you lay your <<cock>> between them. Pushing them together, she moves them up and down to give you a very luxurious tit-job.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/melissatits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $vivian.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $vivian.treated>>
<<set $vivian.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("vivian")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("vivian")>>
<<set $callback.push("vivian")>>
<<set $vivian.tease to 1>>
<<set $vivian.start to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $vivian.tits to 1>>
<<set $vivian.fuck to 2>>
<<set $vivian.finish to 1>>
<<set $vivian.finishf to "mp4">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<set $vivian.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/melissafuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">She may be entirely focused on her enhanced breasts, but you aren't. You flip her over and push her down. Her shapely ass bounces up and down as your <<cock>> slams into her.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Her giant new tits sway back and forth as she rides you, lost in the pleasure of her new body and the feelings your <<cock>> is providing her.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/melissafuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $vivian.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Your cum explodes all over her face. She sits back, still playing with her enlarged breasts, completely satisfied with their effect on you.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/melissafinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div><<whoishere $vivian>><<nobr>>
<<if $vivian.visit is 1>><<set $vivian.model to "taylor">><</if>><<if $vivian.visit lte 3>><<set $vivian.mind to $vivian.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("vivian")>>
<<if $vivian.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian/therapy/taylorstart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">$ was worried that her boobs weren't big enough, but with your help she's learned that it's more about what you do with what you have.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Having found her confidence, she is always happy to show off what she now finds to be a perfectly good set of tits. Of course, some outside confirmation never hurts.</div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian/therapy/taylorstart2.jpg"/></div>
<<if $vivian.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/taylorbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Once her bare breasts have caused an obvious swelling in your pants, she happily pulls your <<cock>> out and starts to lather it with her spit.</div>
<<if $vivian.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $vivian.treated>>
<<set $vivian.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("vivian")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("vivian")>>
<<set $callback.push("vivian")>>
<<set $vivian.start to 2>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $vivian.fuck to 1>>
<<set $vivian.finish to 1>>
<<set $vivian.finishf to "mp4">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<set $vivian.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Climbing on top of you, she gives you full view of her tits bouncing up and down as she drives your <<cock>> into her over and over.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/taylorfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $vivian.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian/therapy/taylorfinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Soon enough you paint her chest with your cum. There is no better proof that her boobs are fantastic just the way they are.</div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $flower>>
<<if $flower.answer is 0>><<speech "flower" $>>Yes?<</speech>>
<<elseif $flower.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Tell me a little bit about yourself!<</speech>><p></p>
<<if $flower.model is "sativa">><<speech "flower" $>>Oh, well as you know I've always been interested in the fusion of science and the psychological effects of traditional medicines. I used to believe it was a pathway to knowledge about the spiritual world, but lately I firmly believe science has the answer. Currently I'm working on an interesting titration of...<</speech>>
<p>She excitedly delves into her latest hypothesis about the effects of a chemical from an obscure plant believed to cure lethargy. You take a moment to enjoy how her energetic hand gestures cause her boobs to jiggle.</p>
<<elseif $flower.model is "indica">><<speech "flower" $>>Oh, well, you know. I've always been interested in botany but lately I feel lke it was just this stepping stone, you know, towards my spiritual awakening. These days I don't focus on the science too much, just the internal psychedelic journey. We're all one, right? Like, want to come upstairs and smoke a bowl or something and talk about it?<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "flower" $>>Oh, well I'm not too interesting. I've always been fascinated by botany and biology, so that's what I got my degree in. But academia was so claustrophobic, you know? I really believe there's a lot we don't know, which is where my spirituality comes in. Like, we're all connected, and there must be different energies or dimensions that facilitate those connections. Why couldn't there be a scientific approach to exploring the spiritual?<</speech>>
<p>$ idly twirls her hair as she continues.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>There's a lot of institutional fear or disdain towards researching psychedelics and what they can do for us. Maybe it's all just in our heads and there are no other "dimensions", but even then like what's the harm in exploring that to reach a deper understanding of ourselves? I've always been a little too scared to become a full time psychonaut, but I try to experiment here and there when I put a full weekend aside.<</speech>>
<p>She frowns for a moment.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>I'm really torn on that, actually. The scientist inside me wants to stay detached and objective, but the spiritual side of me really wants to dive in and explore. I can't do both due to the subjective nature of drug trips.<</speech>>
<<elseif $flower.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>What do you know about psychotropic trips?<</speech>>
<p>Her eyes widen in excitement at your question.</p>
<<if $flower.model is "indica">><<speech "flower" $>>Quite a bit! Not worrying too much about the science behind it these days, just enjoying the journey, you dig? There are so many different types of drugs, you could spend a lifetime exploring what they all do in different combinations with each other.I've been traveling a lot lately myself, alone and with company.<</speech>><p>She winks at you</p>
<<else>><<speech "flower" $>>Quite a bit! I've tried traveling some myself, but I also have done a lot of research into the effects different chemicals have on the brain, especially those isolated from traditional medicines and remedies. Did you know willow bark contains salicin and was used for thousands of years as an analgesic before it was isolated and turned into aspirin? And yet some French doctor gets the credit and not the indiginous knowledge that lead to it. That's, like, so uncool.<</speech>>
<p>$ shakes her head sadly</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>Anyway, every trip is different, perhaps because the amounts of each chemical change and the balance really matters. Most entheogens or hallucinogens have a medley of active ingredients: dissociatives like ketamine can detach you from your ego and help you accept deeper truths, but are often psychotomimetic - they'll temporarily cause psychosis. Deliriants are closer to a fugue state or sleepwalking, with you entering a kind of dream logic. Like with dreams, you may not remember everything. And then of course your classical psychedelics seem to disable the brain's "filters" and let you perceive all sensory information without regulating it subconsciously. This is where the idea of "expanding the mind" comes from.<</speech>>
<<elseif $flower.answer is 3>>
<<speech "flower" $>>Oh wow, I'd love to have a trip like that! Sounds heavy but enlightening. Let's see...<</speech>>
$ begins rambling about what she calls "Two-Spirits": apparently it is a recent term encompassing much older Native American terms like "nadleeh"(Navajo), "winkte"(Lakota), "muxe"(Zapotec) or "mahu"(Hawaiian). Traditionally seen as combining male and female gender roles to create a third gender, they were often the shaman or medicine man/woman in their community. Modern-day LGBT activists have adopted it, but in the past there were often strong magical powers associated with being "two spirit".
<<speech "flower" $>>They were here first, you know. We should, like, learn from them, don't you think? Anyway I've never felt two-spirit, I think it's pretty rare. I have a theory that it's caused by a combination of clashing ingrained gender roles and entheogenic chemicals often used in ceremonies...<</speech>>
You tense up as she mentions something so close to your own research, but $ seems to only be mumbling to herself in her oddly florid way, complete with hand gestures, and you soon tune her out.
<<elseif $flower.answer is 4>> She scrunches her nose up in disdain for just a second, before her thinking face takes over once again.
<<speech "flower" $>>That's more voodoo or obeah stuff and I'm like, more spiritual than religious, you know? But there may be someone at this old country store that could help:<</speech>>
$ writes down the address - apparently the place isn't on google maps - and how to get there from your bus stop. She also cautions you to go before dusk "since it might be closed otherwise", though her voice oddly drops in volume when she does.
<<elseif $flower.answer is 5>>You describe //some// of the ingredients you used to create your kykeon/melange, with just enough details to entice her.
<<speech "mc" $name>>Would you like to sample it sometime?<</speech>>
<p>$ strokes her chin in thought.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>Intriguing! I've never heard of those ingredients being used together before. The chemical balancing act is...quite impressive. I have always struggled to balance my urges for personal experimentation with my desire to stay objective and do good science. But maybe I can sample this new diffusion and log the experience, do both at once...<</speech>>
<p>She finally nods her head decisively.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>There's a well-lit treatment room upstairs where I live, I'd be happy to try a microdose there sometime.<</speech>>
<div class=fore><<link "Tell me about yourself">><<set $flower.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "What do you know about psychotropic trips?">><<set $flower.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<if $knowledge gte 5>><<link "Describe your Melange trip">><<set $flower.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $knowledge gte 5 and $lock.mojo is false>><<link "Do you know anything about making a mojo bag?">><<set $lock.shack to true>><<set $flower.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if not $slowplay.includes("flower")>><<if $mojo.fixed>><<link "Would you like to sample my personal aromatherapy scent sometime?">><<set $flower.answer to 5; $slowplay.push("flower")>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>><</if>></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Return|"Herb Your Enthusiasm"]]</div><<whoishere $flower>><<return "Go back">>
$ begins to describe the plant:
<img src="images/items/ucuch.jpg" width=250 class=center />
<<speech "flower" $>>Of course fellow dreamer, I would love to tell you more! Ucuch, also called mapacho, is the nicotiana rustica plant. Its nicotene content can be nine times as high as tobacco, which, like, as you can imagine means a much stronger high. It helps anchor your energy in your body, leading to a fuller release and liberation so you can appreciate it more fully."<</speech>>
<<speech "flower" $>>"Curiously, this also means its levels of harmine are also much higher - a substance you may be more familiar with from its activation during the ayahuasca rituals. If you've never been you like totally should, it's quite a trip!"<</speech>>
<p>The odd mix of California surfer-girl accent, hippie vibe, and scientific information is something you did not expect.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>"Before the white man came and colonized America, it is likely this rustic tobacco was more often used for peace-pipe ceremonies and shaman dreaming. Maybe if we all went back to it, like, we'd finally rid ourselves of our natural toxic egos and find more peace. Don't you think?"<</speech>>
<p>Flower seems to drift off into her own thoughts after this. What a space cadet!</p>
<<return "Go back">><<whoishere $flower>><<return "Go back">>
<img src="images/items/huilca.png" width=250 class=center />
<<speech "flower" $>>"Huilca, or vilca, is very interesting! It's a snuff made from the seeds of certain trees like the Yopo. The main psychoactive ingredient is bufotenin, also quite famously found in the secretions of certain frogs. Isn't that wild?"<</speech>>
<<speech "flower" $>>"The Earth Mother always provides if we know where to look, right? If Mr. Froggy won't provide, Mrs. Yopo will."<</speech>>
<<speech "flower" $>>"Anyway, the seeds also contain DMT which I am sure you have heard about. Ground up then smoked or snorted, the DMT and bufotenin balance each other: bufo relaxes you and enhances colors and action, opening you up to whatever is before you. And the DMT is, like, the God Molecule right? It can push you towards the truth of like the entire universe, man! You get to see your fears, and completely throw them away to embrace everything. You lose control but aren't afraid to do so."<</speech>>
<p>She leans in closer as her voice drops to a whisper:</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>"But I think it can even transport you past this world, into the other ones. If you aren't still too scared to do it. I've tried a few times but I guess I haven't found the right shaman yet."<</speech>>
<p>Having bummed herself out, she turns sadly back to her mortar and pestle.</p>
<<return "Go back">><<whoishere $flower>><<return "Go back">>
<img src="images/items/iboga.jpg" width=150 class=center />
<<speech "flower" $>>Iboga is important in Bwiti spiritual practices in Gabon and Cameroon. Taken in small doses for ritual dances, its true use is a purposeful overdose that shunts the user through the doors of perception and provides a near-death experience.<</speech>>
The main chemical that provides this experience is ''ibogaine'', is a strong psychedelic with dissociative properties - it distorts your perception of the physical world and allows one to travel more easily within a dream-like state, listen to their subconscious, or perceive other hallucinogenic effects. Because of this it's often used for psychological introspection, or what some would call spiritual exploration.
<<speech "flower" $>>Interestingly there is a resurgence of interest in Iboga, as it has shown strong capability to completely break addiction to opioids. Overdosing is still common, however, so it remains in a legal grey area. We don't offer it here.<</speech>>
<<return "Go back">><<whoishere $flower>>
[[Return|"Herb Your Enthusiasm"]]
''In Stock''
<table class="h">
<td><a data-passage="ucuch" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/ucuch.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td>Aztec Tobacco "Ucuch"</td>
<td><a data-passage="huilca" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/huilca.png" width=150 /></a></td>
<td><a data-passage="yohimbe" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/yohimbe.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td>Yohimbe bark</td>
''Not in Stock''
<table class="h">
<td><a data-passage="syrianrue" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/syrianrue.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td>Syrian Rue</td>
<td><a data-passage="iboga" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/iboga.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td>Dried iboga root</td>
<td><a data-passage="belladonna" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/belladonna.jpg" width=125 /></a></td>
<td>Belladonna </td>
[[Return|"Herb Your Enthusiasm"]]<<whoishere $flower>><<return "Go back">>
<img src="images/items/syrianrue.jpg" width=250 class=center />
<<speech "flower" $>>Syrian Rue was traditionally strung up in the middle-east to protect against the "evil eye" or from a wandering djinn. Which is very silly of course!
More recent scientific analysis has shown that its seeds contains the same alkaloids as those found in the plant used to make ayahuasca, and so a similar brew can be made through proper treatment of th seeds, if one were so inclined to take a healing spiritual trip to confront what is hiding inside oneself.<</speech>><p></p>
<<return "Go back">><<whoishere $flower>><<return "Go back">>
<img src="images/items/yohimbe.jpg" width=250 class=center />
$ begins to wax on about this interesting bark:
<<speech "flower" $>>Yohimbe is so fascinating! It comes from central Africa, you see, and has a long traditional use as an aphrodisiac when taken as a tonic or tincture. Of course, no one in Western medicine thought ths could be anything more than folklore, so it was ignored for a time.<</speech>>
$ leans in closer, whispering conspiratorially:
<<speech "flower" $>>When someone finally did isolate and test the unique substance within it, named Yohimbine after the plant, they found some very interesting effects on animals!<</speech>>
Apparently testing of yohimbine in lab rats showed that it reversed the negative feedback loop of satiety, and increased sexual motivation even in sexually exhausted rats - they were compelled with desire to continue procreating. Nothing but sex was important to them.
<<speech "flower" $>>Of course this led to testing in humans, in which only mild effects were shown, none of them equalling the aphrodisiac effect in animals. Personally, I think it's because our conscious minds have so much control that the effect is prevented from fully taking hold in human test subjects. No one has tried combining it with hypnotic or consciousness-altering drugs. Not yet.<</speech>>
She then tangents into a monologue about proper and improper clinical testing parameters. You smile and nod for a few moments before turning away.
<<return "Go back">><<whoishere $flower>><<return "Go back">>
<img src="images/items/belladonna.jpg" width=250 class=center />
Belladonna is much more well known by its sinister common name, "deadly nightshade." It earned this name as every part of the plant is toxic if ingested. However, small doses or topical applications have been used for centuries for everything from dilating the pupils to fixing teething pain in babies.
It contains a large amount of ''scopolamine'', a drug known to be used in small doses in motion sickness patches. But in different doses it can cause hallucinations and delirium, albeit with terrible side-effects to go along with it. Topical application reduces the side-effects, and a so-called ''flying ointment'' was often made with Belladonna by witches in centuries past.
The other main ingredient in Belladonna is ''atropine'' which can have curious and enticing memory-disrupting effects. Plants containing it have been used in crafting "love potions" for millenia.
<<return "Go back">><<whoishere $tatiana>>
<<set $tatiana.answer to 0>>
<<speech "tatiana" $>>Hey there!<</speech>>
<div style="clear:both" class="fore">
[[Work out with Tatiana ($50)]]
<<link "Ask $ some questions" "tatianadialogue">><</link>></div>
[[Return|Ted Chambers Gym]]
[[Leave|Uptown]]<<addhours 2>>
<<set $fitness +=7>>
<<set $workout to true>>
<div class="center"><<print
'<img src="images/places/gym/man/'
+ either("1.jpg",
+ '" width=60% class="center">'
<div class=linklist>You push hard for a couple hours, ending up tired but satisfied.</div></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the entrance|Ted Chambers Gym]]
[[Leave|Uptown]]</div>Not yet implemented!
[[Back to the entrance|Ted Chambers Gym]]
[[Leave|Uptown]]''<<print $ .toUpperFirst()>>''
<a data-passage="character review" class="link-internal link-image"><<set $characterreview to $whoishere>><img @src="'images/people/' + $ + '/' + $ + '/' + $whoishere.model + $whoishere.level + '.jpg'" width=95% /></a>
<<if $mojo.fixed>><<if $ isnot "No One">>Mental State: <<nobr>><<if $whoishere.mind is 0>>Unaffected
<<elseif $whoishere.mind is 1>>Enticingly Enamored
<<elseif $whoishere.mind is 2>>Slightly Seduced
<<elseif $whoishere.mind is 3>>Completely Corrupted
<<elseif $whoishere.mind is 4>>Decidedly Depraved
<<elseif $whoishere.mind is -1>>Lamentably Locked
<<elseif $whoishere.mind is -5>>Bwè dlo nan vè, respekte vè
<<nobr>><<print '<<if $slowplay.includes("' + $ + '")>><<if ($mojo.fixed is true) and tags().includes("mojo")>><<link "Work your Mojo" "Mojo Work">><<set $working to "' + $ + '">><<set $mojo.answer to 0>><</link>><</if>><</if>>'>>
<<if _action is true>>
<div class=linklist><<if $playing.start gt 0>>
<<link "Admire">>
<<set $scene to "start">>
<<if $playing.tease gt 0>>
<<link "Teasing">>
<<set $scene to "tease">>
<<if $ gt 0>>
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<set $scene to "bj">>
<<if $playing.tits gt 0>>
<<link "Enjoy some tits">>
<<set $scene to "tits">>
<<if $playing.fuck gt 0>>
<<link "Fuck her">>
<<set $scene to "fuck">>
<<if $playing.ass gt 0>>
<<link "Fuck her ass">>
<<set $scene to "ass">>
<<if $playing.finish gt 0>>
<<link "Cum">>
<<set $scene to "finish">>
<</if>><</nobr>><<set $whoishere to $noone>>
<<widget "whoishere">>
<<if $args[0]>>
<<set $whoishere to $args[0]>>
<<whoishere $ogou>>
<<if $ogou.answer is 0>><<speech "ogou">>"Yes, dull blade?"<</speech>>
<<elseif $ogou.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Is she always like that?<</speech>>He lets out a deep rumbling laugh.
<<speech "ogou">>"Oh yes. But who doesn't appreciate a lover with such an exquisite tongue?"<</speech>>
<<elseif $ogou.answer is 4>><<speech "mc" $name>>What do you mean by mojo hand?<</speech>><<speech "ogou">>Your mojo hand is what lets you mold parts of this world to resemble the other worlds, while outside this room. We can empower your strike, but you must learn to craft your fist on your own.<</speech>>
<div class=fore><<link "''Is she always like that?''">><<set $ogou.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<if $lock.mojo is false>><<link "''What do you mean by mojo hand?''">><<set $ogou.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $chirality gte 1>>[[Ask Ogou to transform you|Ogou Spells]]<<else>> Ask Ogou to transform you (no chirality)<</if>>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go Back" "The Psychomanteum">><</link>></div><<whoishere $character>><<nobr>>
<<if $character.visit is 1>><<set $character.model to "OPTION">><</if>>
<<if $character.visit lte 3>><<set $character.mind to $character.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("character")>>
<<if $character.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONstart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class="fore">Starting description</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">Undressing</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONstart2.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONtease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">tease stuff</div></div>
<<if $character.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">bj stuff</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONbj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">BJ stuff</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">Tit stuff</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONtits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $character.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $character.treated>>
<<set $character.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("character")>>
<<set $callback.push("character")>>
<<set $character.start to 1>>
<<set $character.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $character.tits to 1>>
<<set $character.fuck to 1>>
<<set $character.ass to 1>>
<<set $character.finish to 1>>
<<set $character.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $character.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">Text to go with picture shows here</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">Text to go with picture shows here</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">Text to go with picture shows here</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONfuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $character.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/character/therapy/OPTIONfinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class="fore">Finishing</div></div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
/* Therapy initial variables */
<<set $treated to []>>
<<set $hiddentreated to []>>
<<set $callback to []>>
<<set $actor to "noone">>
<<set $scene to "start">>
<<set $scenenum to 1>>
<<set _action to false>>
<<set $dailyseen to []>>
<<set $therapyTemplate to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
visit: 0,
visit2: 0,
treated: false,
id: "default",
name: "default",
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "normal",
level: "",
home: 0,
<<set $playing to {
<<set $danielle to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Danielle",
id: "danielle",
treated: false,
visit: 0,
visit2: 0,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
<<set $gretchen to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Gretchen",
id: "gretchen",
treated: false,
visit: 0,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
home: 0,
answer: 0,
relative: "grandma",
<<set $barbara to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Barbara",
id: "barbara",
treated: false,
visit: 0,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
<<set $kirsten to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Kirsten",
id: "kirsten",
treated: false,
visit: 0,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
<<set $vivian to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Vivian",
id: "vivian",
treated: false,
treated2: false,
visit: 0,
visit2: 0,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
<<set $vivian2 to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Vivian",
id: "vivian2",
treated: false,
visit: 0,
visit2: 0,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "therapy",
level: "",
<<set $lucy to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
visit: 0,
visit2: 0,
treated: false,
id: "lucy",
name: "Lucy",
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
<<set $naomi to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Naomi",
id: "naomi",
treated: false,
treated2: false,
visit: 0,
visit2: 0,
finishf: "mp4",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
<<set $mia to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Mia",
id: "mia",
treated: false,
visit: 0,
visit2: 0,
finishf: "mp4",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
<<set $mackenzie to {
model : "normal",
gros: -1,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Mackenzie",
id: "mackenzie",
treated: false,
visit: 0,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
home: 0,
answer: 0,
relative: "granddaughter",
knowledge1: Researched skull markings, need to go to University library to investigate drugs
knowledge2: Researched drugs at university library, need to buy/find them and create kykeon then ingest it.
knowledge3: Ingested kykeon, spoke to LOA. Goal - transform Dee to Gia with kykeon, find tucibi, create melange
knowledge4: given in lab, melange concocted
knowledge5: Melange ingested, male/female choice taken
knowledge 6: mojo bag created and infused by Loa. Ready to use on people.
-5: Loa, immune
-1: gros first, mind too strong
0 - unaffected but vulnerable
1 - enamored. flirty pictures
2 - seduced. bj tj
3 - corrupted. sex
4 - ?? ass fucking
5 -
-3: male (able to change)
-2: trans (able to change)
-1: mind first
0: unaltered
1: changed
0-3: charges built up, change body on 3
4: changed, no more body changes possible
0-3: charges built up, change mind on 3
4: changed, no more body changes possible
Right Currently: images/people/rightportrait/$id plus $model
Right Maybe: images/people/$id/$style/$model
Session is: images/people/$id/$style/$model + $scene
Add: pwen cho discussion, Legba trinket for free?
Marassa discussion, marassa trinket option (not available yet - you're not ready for it etc.)
Create "mojo work" template? Where you can change people using mojo hand?<<whoishere $erzulie>>\
<<set _question to "">>\
<<speech "erzulie">>"Something more salacious to speak of, dear heart?"<</speech>>
Erzulie seems tickled about something, but her coyness quickly wins out.
<<textbox "_question" "Ask">>
<<button Ask>>
<<if _question.includes("nadleehi")>>
<<removeclass "#more1" "hidden1">>
<<removeclass "#more2" "hidden1">>
@@#more1;.hidden1;<<speech "erzulie">>"Oh, you don't really want to know more about that. Not yet! We can tell, you know."<</speech>>@@
@@#more2;.hidden1;<<speech "erzulie">>"You've got to know the words to cast the spell, my curious kanzo."<</speech>>@@
[[Finish speaking with the Loa|The Psychomanteum]]<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<whoishere $lucy>>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video><<if $lucy.visit lte 0>>
$ has sought you out because she worries her obsession is becoming unhealthy. She was always interested in dolls: action figures, super heroes, fantasy, sci-fi, you name it. And yes, Barbie too. Unlike $ she isn't focused on the ideal woman Barbie represents, but instead seems entirely focused on the perfection that action figures can provide: perfect smooth skin, perfectly round boobs and butts, perfect costumes and outfits.
Lying on your couch and inhaling the Melange as she worriedly blathers on, it becomes obvious she really does have a total fixation. And the two alternate women who come into focus as the other chiral options fade are both quite intriguing:
The first $ focused on the action figures, literally. From this a smoldering desire to be a doll, look like a doll, be used like a doll built up. This version responded by fully embracing plastic surgery to build a better body, but also fell into the world of latex. What's closer to a plastic doll's skin, after all? And once you look the part, you want to feel the part too.
The other $ also embraced plastic surgery, but for a very different reason: she doesn't want to be an action figure, she wants to act out being the characters those action figures represent. This Lucy fell into the cosplay circuit. She started doing some webcam work, dressing as others' favorite characters in order to earn tips so she could buy her perfect, fake boobs. Perfecting the look of a character and then embracing the sexuality of the look is the high that this $ chases.
<<elseif $lucy.visit gte 1>>$ is back for another visit
<div class=linklist><<if $lucy.model is "normal">>
[[Latex is as close to a fuck-doll as you can become!|LucyLatex][$lucy.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
[[Step one in cosplay - have great boobs|LucyCosplay][$lucy.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $lucy.model is "latex">> [[Latex is as close to a fuck-doll as you can become!|LucyLatex][$lucy.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $lucy.model is "cosplay">>[[Step one in cosplay - have great boobs|LucyCosplay][$lucy.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<whoishere $vivian2>><<if $vivian2.visit is 0>><<set $ to $; $vivian2.model to $vivian.model; $callback.delete("vivian")>><</if>>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video>
<<if $vivian2.model is "taylor">>
<<speech "vivian2">>You were so right! It's about the whole package, and I'd rather have perfect titties than gigantic ones.<</speech>>
$ is back. It seems your previous work was a little too effective: she now is entirely focused on how her boobs, butt, and hips aren't achieving the "perfect ratio" (whatever that means). As you dig through her chiral selves that span out in front of you, you become curious as only one path seems possible. The fact that you treated her before seems to limit the options the Melange is now showing you.
<<elseif $vivian2.model is "melissa">>
<<speech "vivian2" $>>I saw a woman at the mall and her tits were bigger than mine! This just won't do. You need to help me get even bigger!<</speech>>
$ is back. It seems your previous work was a little too effective: having focused all of her attention into her boobs, her initial happiness at her giant rack has turned sour as she experienced others with what she considered even better racks. Perhaps the happiness from the drugs left her feeling a bit underwhelmed with her final state after they wore off?
Peeking into her chiral selves, you become curious as only one path seems possible. The fact that you treated her before seems to limit the options the Melange is now showing you. The only option now is to go even further down the big titty garden path.
<<else>>$ is back for another therapy session.<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist>
<<if $vivian2.model is "taylor" or $vivian2.model is "melissa">>[[Tell her you have already treated her and to be happy with who she is|Therapy][$vivian2.treated to true; $vivian2.visit to 3; $callback.push("vivian"); $hiddentreated.push("vivian2")]]<</if>>
<<if $vivian2.model is "taylor" or $vivian2.model is "isa">> [[Strive for the Golden Ratio|Vivian2 isa][$vivian2.visit++; $chirality++]]
<<elseif $vivian2.model is "melissa" or $vivian2.model is "maserati">>[[Bigger and bigger!|Vivian2 maserati][$vivian2.visit++; $chirality++]]
<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<whoishere $CHARACTERNAME>>
<div class=fore><<if $CHARACTERNAME.visit lte 0>>
PARAGRAPH: discussion problem
PARAGRAPH: option 1
PARAGRAPH: option 2
<<elseif $CHARACTERNAME.visit gte 1>>$ is back for another visit
<div class=linklist><<if $CHARACTERNAME.model is "normal">>
Option 1 ($CHARACTERNAME.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30)
Option 2 ($CHARACTERNAME.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30)
<<elseif $CHARACTERNAME.model is "option 1">> ($CHARACTERNAME.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $CHARACTERNAME.model is "option 2">>($CHARACTERNAME.visit++; $chirality++; $cash += 30)
<<else>><</if>></div><<whoishere $lucy>><<nobr>>
<<if $lucy.visit is 1>><<set $lucy.model to "latex">><</if>>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 3>><<set $lucy.mind to $lucy.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("lucy")>>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/lucy/therapy/latex1.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">Text to go with picture 1 shows here</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture 2 shows here</div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/therapy/lucy/latex2.jpg"/></div>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/therapy/lucy/latex1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture shows here</div>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 3>>
<<if not $lucy.treated>>
<<set $lucy.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("lucy")>>
<<set $lucy.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture shows here</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/therapy/lucy/latex2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/therapy/lucy/latex3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture shows here</div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $lucy>><<nobr>>
<<if $lucy.visit is 1>><<set $lucy.model to "cosplay">><</if>>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 3>><<set $lucy.mind to $lucy.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("lucy")>>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/therapy/lucy/cosplay1.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">Text to go with picture 1 shows here</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture 2 shows here</div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/therapy/lucy/cosplay2.jpg"/></div>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/therapy/lucy/cosplay1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture shows here</div>
<<if $lucy.visit gte 3>>
<<if not $lucy.treated>>
<<set $lucy.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("lucy")>>
<<set $lucy.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture shows here</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/therapy/lucy/cosplay2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/therapy/lucy/cosplay3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Text to go with picture shows here</div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $vivian>><<nobr>>
<<if $vivian2.visit is 1>><<set $vivian2.model to "isa">><</if>><<if $vivian2.visit lte 3>><<set $vivian2.mind to $vivian2.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("vivian2")>>
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isastart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>There is only one line of alternative $ stretching from the one before you, towards some "golden ration" version of her. Each has curves that seem more sensuous, each becomes more obsessed with looking their best and reaching some nearly unattainable ideal. The nose narrows, the lips plumpen. Her breasts lift and expand into more perfect orbs, less natural but even more alluring.
She was a cutie before, but $ is fast becoming a callipygian goddess.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Of course, there's no reason to strive via workouts, injections, implants, and diet to look like this without a desire to show it off, and $ is only too happy to do so for you. As she strips down you can see her perfect, round ass nearly swallows her lingerie.</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isastart2.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isastart3.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>When she takes her slinky red bra off, her breasts don't sag down even an inch - they're as perky, round, and perfect as they were with the support of the bra. Clothes or no, this $ has slowly transformed before your eyes into her version of the ideal woman: a shapely, sensuous siren. </div></div>
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"Isn't my ratio just perfect now? My lips, nose, and chin work so well together, and I'm absolutely in love with how my boobs mirror my hips and ass.@@
She playfully dances in front of you, relishing every inch of her new body. Noticing that her actions have led to your <<cock>> desperately straining against your pants she waltzes forward, reaches down, and unleashes you.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isatease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isabj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Knowing that it's her body making you so hard, $ seems completely content to spend quite some time lavishing your <<cock>> with attention from her pumped-up lips and wonderful tits. Licking and sucking it eventually gives way to titty-fucking.</div></div>
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $vivian2.treated>>
<<set $vivian2.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("vivian2")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("vivian2")>>
<<set $callback.push("vivian2")>>
<<set $vivian2.startf to "jpg">>
<<set $vivian2.start to 3>>
<<set $vivian2.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $vivian2.fuck to 3>>
<<set $vivian2.finish to 1>>
<<set $vivian2.finishf to "jpg">>
<<set $vivian2.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"Want to find out if my pussy is as perfect as the rest of me? Come on lover, put that <<cock>> in me.@@
Do you need any more encouragement than that? You slide into her and slowly start to push in and out of her tight hole.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isafuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isafuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>When you take her from behind, she begins to moan in pleasure. It's hard not to cum as you listen to her and watch her ass-cheeks clapping together</div></div>
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>After you finally explode and your ropey white cum covers her face, she continues to gently lick your <<cock>>. Obviously she wants more of you whenever you can give it to her.</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/isafinish.jpg"/></div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $vivian2>><<nobr>>
<<if $vivian2.visit is 1>><<set $vivian2.model to "maserati">><</if>><<if $vivian2.visit lte 3>><<set $vivian2.mind to $vivian2.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("vivian2")>>
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratistart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"What do you think baby, are they finally big enough? I've done everything I could."@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">$ had huge breasts before, but now they're nothing short of massive. The amount of cleavage - without her even trying hard - is mesmerizing.</div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratistart2.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratistart3.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"Tell me they're good enough! I don't think I'll run into any bitch with bigger tits now, do you?"@@</div></div>
<<if $vivian2.visit is 1>><p>She lets out a laugh as she gathers her things.</p><</if>>
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">As she's talking you can see that she can't help herself from fondling her own boobs. Her obsession has only increased through your "therapy".</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratitease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratitease2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"All the lotions and oils and massaging you have to do to help them grow were such a pain to begin with. But I find myself looking forward to my evening routine now - it means more luscious time with these perfect gigantic tits."@@</div>
She gives a delicate kiss to the top of each breast.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratitits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"Nothing is better than seeing them in action though baby...pull your cock out for me."@@</div>
Within seconds you're shoving your <<cock>> in and out of her cleavage. Her skin is so well-lotioned and maintained you don't even need lube to easily slide up and down. $ keeps her eyes on your face, soaking in the pleasure apparent there.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">As you sit down and she pulls her remaining clothes off, she leans over you for a sloppy blowjob. She seems to take great pleasure in choking herself on your dick repeatedly.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratibj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $vivian2.treated>>
<<set $vivian2.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("vivian2")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("vivian2")>>
<<set $callback.push("vivian2")>>
<<set $vivian2.startf to "jpg">>
<<set $vivian2.start to 3>>
<<set $vivian2.tease to 3>>
<<set $ to 3>>
<<set $vivian2.fuck to 5>>
<<set $vivian2.finish to 1>>
<<set $vivian2.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $vivian2.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Once your <<cock>> is covered in her spit, she flips a leg over you and begins to ride you, moaning as her breasts slap you again and again in the face.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratifuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratifuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">You take your time, enjoying how her huge tits jiggle and swing in different positions. Her big ass quivers almost as beautifully as her breasts as she rides you, or you pummel her from behind.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratifuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratifuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $vivian2.visit gte 3>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">By the time you finish inside her and step back to watch your cum dribble out of her, she seems almost intoxicated - whether with the fucking or her own breasts is hard to tell.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/vivian2/therapy/maseratifinish.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $dee>>
<<set $dee.answer to 0>>
<div class=fore>
<<link "Talk to $" "deedialogue">><</link>>
<<link "Fuck her" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "dee"; $scene to "start">><</link>>
<<if $mojo.fixed>><<link "Work your Mojo on her" "Mojo Work">><<set $working to "dee"; $mojo.answer to 1>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $dee.gros is 3>>You can feel $'s gros bon anj churning and pulsing with the sexualized energy you breathed into her, [[Ready to transform her body further.|Dee Body]]<</if>>
<div class=linklist>[[Go home|Front Door]]
[[Back to the front door|Dee Door]]</div><<nobr>><<print '<<whoishere $' + $called + '>>'>>
<<print '<<set $actor to $' + $called + '.model>>'>>
<<print '<<set $playing to $' + $called + '>>'>>
<<print '<<set $' + $called + '.style to "therapy">>'>>
<</nobr>><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video><<nobr>><<if $scene is "start">><<set $sceneformat to "jpg">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "finish">><<if $playing.finishf is "jpg">><<set $sceneformat to "jpg">><<else>><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>><</if>>
<<if $scene is "tease">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "bj">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "tits">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "fuck">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "ass">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>><</nobr>>
<<set _action to true>>
<<if $sceneformat is "mp4">><div class="vidfocus"><<session>></div><<elseif $sceneformat is "jpg">><div class="imgfocus"><<session>></div><<else>><</if>>
<div class=fore><<nobr>><<if $playing.start gt 0>>
<<link "Admire">>
<<set $scene to "start">>
<<if $playing.tease gt 0>>
<<link "Teasing">>
<<set $scene to "tease">>
<<if $ gt 0>>
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<set $scene to "bj">>
<<if $playing.tits gt 0>>
<<link "Enjoy some tits">>
<<set $scene to "tits">>
<<if $playing.fuck gt 0>>
<<link "Fuck her">>
<<set $scene to "fuck">>
<<if $playing.ass gt 0>>
<<link "Fuck her ass">>
<<set $scene to "ass">>
<<if $playing.finish gt 0>>
<<link "Cum">>
<<set $scene to "finish">>
<div class=linklist>[[Go Back|Therapy Call][$actor to "noone"; $scene to "start"]]
[[Therapy][$actor to "noone"; $scene to "start"]]</div><div class=linklist>Call:
<<nobr>><<if $callback.length gte 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $callback.length; _i++>>
<<set _face to $callback[_i]>>
<<print "<<set $forward to '$' + _face + '.id'>>">>
<<print '<<set $forward2 to ' + $forward + '>>'>>
<<print "<<set $toward to '$' + _face + '.model'>>">>
<<print '<<set $toward2 to ' + $toward + '>>'>>
<<print "<<set $faceplate to '$' + _face + '.name'>>">>
<div class=row><div class=column>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/speech/'
+ $forward2
+ $toward2
+ '.jpg" max-width="50%">'>>
<div class=column>
<<='[[' + $faceplate + '|ReSession][$called to $callback[' + _i + ']]]'>></div></div>
<<set $scene to "start">>
<<back "Go back">></div>
/* working:
<div class=linklist>Call:
<<nobr>><<if $callback.length gte 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $callback.length; _i++>>
<<set _face to $callback[_i]>>
<<print "<<set $forward to '$' + _face + '.id'>>">>
<<print '<<set $forward2 to ' + $forward + '>>'>>
<<print "<<set $toward to '$' + _face + '.model'>>">>
<<print '<<set $toward2 to ' + $toward + '>>'>>
<div class=row><div class=column>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/speech/'
+ $forward2
+ $toward2
+ '.jpg" max-width="50%">'>>
<div class=column>
<<='[[$callback[_i].toUpperFirst()|ReSession][$called to $callback[' + _i + ']]]'>></div></div>
<<if $danielle.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("danielle")>>
(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $danielle.treated>>[[Someone played with too many Barbies|TherapyDanielle]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $gretchen.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("gretchen")>>
(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $gretchen.treated>>
[[An elderly woman worries she wasted her youth|TherapyGretchen]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $kirsten.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("kirsten")>>
(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $kirsten.treated>>
[[A buttoned-up woman fears she'll lose her husband|TherapyKirsten]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $barbara.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("barbara")>>
(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $barbara.treated>>
[[Carrying too much around with her|TherapyBarbara]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $vivian.treated is false and $dailyseen.includes("vivian")>>
(You have seen $ already today)<<elseif not $vivian.treated>>
[[How big is too big?|TherapyVivian]]<<else>><</if>><<widget "session">>
<<print '<<set $playing to $' + $called + '>>'>>
<<if $scene is "start">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.start >>
<<set $sceneformat to "jpg">>
<<if $scene is "tease">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.tease>>
<<if $scene is "bj">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $>>
<<if $scene is "tits">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.tits >>
<<if $scene is "fuck">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.fuck >>
<<if $scene is "dog">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $ >>
<<if $scene is "ass">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.ass >>
<<if $scene is "finish">>
<<if $playing.finishf is "jpg">><<set $sceneformat to "jpg">><</if>>
<<if $playing.finishf is "mp4">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.finish >>
<<if $sceneformat is "jpg">>
<<if $scenenum is 0>>
<<elseif $scenenum is 1>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 2>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 3>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 4>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 5>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" >'
<<else>> <</if>><</if>>
<<if $sceneformat is "mp4">>
<<if $scenenum is 0>>
<<elseif $scenenum is 1>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene + '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 2>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 3>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 4>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 5>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $called
+ '/therapy/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<</widget>>Your more powerful melange, focused more on sex and transformation, will require some additional ingredients:
''Yohimbe'' has long been known as an aphrodisiac, though much more powerful in animals. It seems the human mind maintains too much control to let the yohimbine work. Surely there's a workaround to that.
''Belladonna'' or deadly nightshade is pretty common, you can order it online. It contains atropine (useful to counter some nasty side-effects) and scopolamine which can help the imbiber agree with anything you may suggest to them.
''Ucuch'' or Aztec tobacco is nine times as potent as tobacco, and also includes alkaloids similar to those found in the potent combination of drugs known as ayahuasca.
''Tucibi'' must be 2C-B, sometimes called pink cocaine, a drug similar to MDMA but more...exotic. It's often used as a sex or party drug. Getting it may be a bit tougher than the other ingredients. You figure you'll have to look around for some less savory characters that may have access to illegal drugs. Maybe somewhere downtown?
The Loa also mentioned a "mojo hand", which seems to be the same as a mojo bag that rootworkers and vodou practicioners create and wear. If you could use one in conjunction with your entheogenic, psychosexual brews you could (apparently) enact change away from your home and the Skull. Or your drugs would make you daydream that you could. <<if $lock.mojo is true>>You've created one and can now explore its varied abilities! <<elseif $lock.mojobag is true>> You have learned [[how to make one|mojo bags]] and only need to collect the ingredients then complete the creation.<<elseif $lock.shack is true>>You have been told there is a country store out in the boonies that may have the answer. <<else>>But you aren't sure where to find more hands-on knowledge about creating one yet.<</if>>
<<back "Go back">>/* Townie Initial Variables */
<<set $corrupt to []>>
<<set $style to "normal">>
<<set $fucking to "noone">>
<<set $working to "noone">>
<<set $slowplay to ["dee", "dealer"]>>
<<set $townieTemplate to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
corrupt: false,
id: "default",
name: "default",
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
style: "before",
level: "",
loc: "default"
<<set $dee to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Deandra",
corrupt: false,
id: "dee",
glory: false,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
loc: "default",
level: "",
style: "before",
answer: 0,
<<set $flower to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : -1,
name: "Flower",
corrupt: false,
id: "flower",
finishf: "mp4",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
loc: "default",
style: "before",
level: "",
answer: 0,
<<set $tatiana to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Tatiana",
corrupt: false,
id: "tatiana",
glory: false,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
loc: "default",
level: "",
style: "before"
<<set $caleb to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : -1,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Caleb",
corrupt: false,
id: "caleb",
glory: false,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
loc: "default",
level: "",
style: "before"
<<set $dealer to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : 0,
ti: 0,
mind : -1,
name: "Dealer",
id: "dealer",
loc: "alley",
style: "before",
level: "",
corrupt: false,
glory: false,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
<<set $mahla to {
model : "normal",
gros: 0,
body : -1,
ti: 0,
mind : 0,
name: "Bald Mahla",
corrupt: false,
id: "mahla",
glory: false,
finishf: "jpg",
start: 0,
tease: 0,
bj: 0,
tits: 0,
fuck: 0,
ass: 0,
finish: 0,
loc: "store",
style: "before",
level: "",
answer: 0,
}>><<nobr>><<print '<<whoishere $' + $fucking + '>>'>>
<<print '<<set $actor to $' + $fucking + '.model>>'>>
<<print '<<set $playing to $' + $fucking + '>>'>>
<<print '<<set $style to $' + $fucking + '.style>>'>>
<<if $scene is "start">><<set $sceneformat to "jpg">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "finish">><<if $playing.finishf is "jpg">><<set $sceneformat to "jpg">><<else>><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>><</if>>
<<if $scene is "tease">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "bj">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "tits">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "fuck">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<if $scene is "ass">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>><</nobr>><<set _action to true>>
<<if $sceneformat is "mp4">><div class="vidfocus"><<tsession>></div><<else>><div class="imgfocus"><<tsession>></div><</if>>
<div class=fore><<nobr>>
<<if $playing.start gt 0>>
<<link "Admire">>
<<set $scene to "start">>
<<if $playing.tease gt 0>>
<<link "Teasing">>
<<set $scene to "tease">>
<<if $ gt 0>>
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<set $scene to "bj">>
<<if $playing.tits gt 0>>
<<link "Enjoy some tits">>
<<set $scene to "tits">>
<<if $playing.fuck gt 0>>
<<link "Fuck her">>
<<set $scene to "fuck">>
<<if $playing.ass gt 0>>
<<link "Fuck her ass">>
<<set $scene to "ass">>
<<if $playing.finish gt 0>>
<<link "Cum">>
<<set $scene to "finish">>
<div class=linklist><<back "Go back">>
[[Go Home|Front Door][$actor to "noone"; $scene to "start"; $fucking to "noone"; $style to "normal"]]</div><<widget "tsession">>
<<print '<<set $playing to $' + $fucking + '>>'>>
<<print '<<set $style to $' + $fucking + '.style>>'>>
<<if $scene is "start">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.start>>
<<set $sceneformat to "jpg">>
<<if $scene is "tease">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.tease>>
<<if $scene is "bj">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $>>
<<if $scene is "tits">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.tits >>
<<if $scene is "fuck">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.fuck >>
<<if $scene is "dog">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $ >>
<<if $scene is "ass">>
<<set $sceneformat to "mp4">>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.ass >>
<<if $scene is "finish">>
<<if $playing.finishf is "jpg">><<set $sceneformat to "jpg">><</if>>
<<if $playing.finishf is "mp4">><<set $sceneformat to "mp4">><</if>>
<<set $scenenum to $playing.finish >>
<<if $sceneformat is "jpg">>
<<if $scenenum is 0>>
<<elseif $scenenum is 1>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" height="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 2>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 3>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 4>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' max-width="100%">'
<<elseif $scenenum is 5>>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.jpg"'
+ ' max-width="100%">'
<<else>> <</if>><</if>>
<<if $sceneformat is "mp4">>
<<if $scenenum is 0>>
<<elseif $scenenum is 1>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene + '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 2>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 3>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 4>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<<elseif $scenenum is 5>>
<video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted >
'<source src="images/people/'
+ $fucking
+ '/'
+ $style
+ '/'
+ $actor + $scene
+ either("",
+ '.mp4"'
+ ' type="video/mp4" width="100%" >'
<</widget>><div class=fore>You ask to be let off in the apparent middle of nowhere on a country bend. There are fields on one side, with a small lane winding towards a farmhouse off in the distance. Nestled in the thicketed forest on the other side is a country store with a couple gas pumps on the side.</div>
<div class=row><div class=column><div class=linklist><<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>[[Enter the old country store|Vodou Store]]<<else>>Enter the old country store (closed)
<div class=column><img src="images/places/generalstore.jpg" width = "80%"></div></div>
<div class=linklist>
[[Take the bus back to your place|Front Door]]
[[Take the bus to the City|City Center]]
</div><<whoishere $mahla>>
<div class=fore>A plain looking country store, with snacks, cold drinks, and general goods up front. In the back are a gardening center and some home goods. Your eye is drawn to a beaded curtain covering a doorway near the register. Stepping through brings you into a slightly more...esoteric shop. Trinkets with familiar symbols and names, unfamiliar herbs and items: this is definitely a vodou store. The proprietor watches you with a curious grin.</div>
<img src="images/places/vstore1.jpg" width = "70%" class="center">
<div class=fore>[[Talk to Mahla]]
[[Buy Items]]</div>
<div class="linklist">[[Old Country Road]]</div><<whoishere $mahla>>
<<set $mahla.answer to 0>>
$ is here, ready to spur your shopping. Alongside the many useless tchochkes, candles, and tourist traps you see some possibly useful items to buy. You also feel a strong pull of vertigo when you look at a locked trunk with the words "pwen cho" on it.
<<if $knowledge lt 6>><<speech "mahla" $>>Hounsi or hougan, we have what you need for your practice!<</speech>>
The sales shpiel seems pretty standard, but you notice that during it $ momentarily looks over your shoulder with a squint and a frown before their plastic smile shows up again.<<else>><<speech "mahla" $>>Hounsi $name! How goes your journey as a vodouisant?<</speech>><</if>>
$ momentarily looks over your shoulder with a squint and a frown before their plastic smile shows up again.
<div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore>[[Buy Items]]
<<if $lock.hounfour>>[[Visit hounfour downstairs|Hounfour]]<</if>>
<<link "Speak with $" "mahla dialogue">><</link>></div></div>
<div class=column><img src="images/places/vstore2.jpg" width = "90%"></div></div>
<div class="linklist"><<back "Go back">></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]</div>
<<whoishere $mahla>>
<div class=fore>[[Roots and Herbs|Rootwork]]
[[Charms and Supplies|Charms]]
<<nobr>><<if $lock.pwencho is true>>[[Pwen Cho]]<<else>><<linkreplace "Pwen Cho">><<speech "mahla">>I'm sorry, but these are very powerful and cannot be bought or used by just anyone.<</speech>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]
<<back "Go back">></div><<whoishere $mahla>>
<<set $mahla.answer to 0>>
<div class=fore>This is $'s hounfour, vodou's version of a temple. You see a few different Veve on the floor, flags on the walls, and a door on the north wall. A dark glass bottle hangs from a rope directly in front of the door.
<<speech "mahla" $>>We can speak openly here, $name. Ask any questions you may have about vodou or the Loa. I would be happy to teach you.<</speech>><p></p>
''Ask about:''
[[Spirit Possession]]
[[The Loa]]
[[Spells and Charms]]
<<linkreplace "The room to the north">><<speech "mahla" $>>That is my peristyle, where the all-important potomitain is! Think of it like the most sacred room of the temple. I cannot let you in there, I am sorry.<</speech>><p></p><</linkreplace>>
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]
<<return "Go back">></div><<whoishere $mahla>>
<<if $mahla.answer is 0>><<speech "mahla">>What would you like to speak about? I would be happy to provide clarity for your practice.<</speech>>
/* <<elseif $mahla.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 1<</speech>>
<<speech "mahla">>Answer 1<</speech>> */
<<elseif $mahla.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>...and then I, uh, woke up. Do you know about "two-spirits"?<</speech>>
$'s eyes light up as you describe your "dream".
<<speech "mahla">>Interesting. Oh yes, very interesting! I would say without a doubt that you have been touched by The Marassa, twin Loa of divinity. But even more, this shows you have been initiated somehow. Usually this takes much study and time! But a dream-message this clear is undeniable. We cannot speak freely here, but please step downstairs into our hounfour whenever you'd like, Hounsi $name.<</speech>><p></p>He pulls aside one of the many flags draping the walls to reveal a hidden set of stairs leading down.<<set $lock.hounfour to true>>
/* <<elseif $mahla.answer is 3>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 3<</speech>>
<<speech "mahla">>Answer 3<</speech>> */
<<elseif $mahla.answer is 4>><<speech "mc" $name>>Can you tell me about mojo bags?<</speech>>
<<speech "mahla">>Oh yes indeed! Yes indeed. The mojo bag is an important vehicle of spells for any conjurer or root-worker.<</speech>>
He explains the basics to you:
<<include "mojo bags">>
<div class=fore>/* <<link "Question 1">><<set $mahla.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>> */
<<link "Describe (vaguely) your Melange-induced vision">><<set $mahla.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
/* <<link "Question 3">><<set $mahla.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>> */
<<link "Can you tell me about mojo bags?">><<set $mahla.answer to 4; $lock.mojobag to true>><<refresh>><</link>></div>
<div class=linklist><<if $lock.hounfour>>[[Visit the Hounfour|Hounfour]]<</if>>
[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]
<<back "Go back">></div><<whoishere $NPC>>
<<if $NPC.answer is 0>><<speech "NPC" $>>Yes?<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 1<</speech>>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 1<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 2<</speech>>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 2<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 3>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 3<</speech>>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 3<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 4>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 4<</speech>>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 4<</speech>>
<div class=fore><<link "Question 1">><<set $NPC.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 2">><<set $NPC.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 3">><<set $NPC.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 4">><<set $NPC.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>></div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div><<speech "mahla">>Also called a mojo hand, toby, or gris-gris bag, the mojo bag is an old tradition, similar to the medicine bag for Native Americans. A mixture of assorted items in a bag are kept hidden on your person to carry out the magic (called wanga) it was created for. Different "spells" call for different colored bags with different items or devotions to different Loa.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=fore>While a lot of what he goes on to say sounds like superstitious gibberish (what is rose water or ginseng going to do for you, and who cares what color a bag is?) you try to weave the information with your own experience and scientific reasoning to, uh, hedge your bets.</div>
<<speech "mahla">>The first step in creating your own Hand is gathering the right ingredients. The cloth for the bag is usually flannel. The longer the cloth has been used in some way, the stronger its wanga.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=fore>Maybe some oils or chemicals collect on cloth over time, leading to this superstition? In any case, you know just the right flannel to use.</div>
<<speech "mahla">>The power of the Hand depends on the root included as the base. The most powerful is the High John the Conqueror root, from the Jalap plant.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=fore>You know Jalap is in the Morning Glory family, plants well known to contain ergine - LSA, the natural alternative to LSD. Curious. Wouldn't hurt to include that in your creation. A bit of the root, and a bit of concentrated LSA?</div>
<<speech "mahla">>Always included is a liquid - oil, Florida Water, or something more...lecherous. Perhaps the sweat of your enemy if designed to harm, or your own semen if designed to attract.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=fore>You and $ share a chuckle at that. Thinking pragmatically, you can include a concentrated Kykeon as part of the liquid required. But you see that you can also buy the hard-to-find Hikuri Orchid here, used by the Tarahumara people as a replacement for peyote. Using that as a carrier oil would allow your ingredients to seep out of the bag, while not diluting the psychoactive effects. you can jerk off into the bag. Just to be safe.</div>
<<speech "mahla">>A stone or crystal is included, to ground the wanga and increase its resonance. We have quite an assortment for sale!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=fore>Of course there are crystals involved. This sounds like complete bunk, and the glint in $'s eye confirms it to you. No amethyst or whatever else is going to do anything. But a crystalline matrix of ingredients would be a good way to house them in the bag long-term. Along with the ones you already have this would be the perfect way to include myristicin, which is found in nutmeg. In concentrated form it is more powerful than mescaline, and also mimics and enhances the effects of chemicals similar to MDMA.</div>
<<speech "mahla">>Then items connected to the Loa you want to call on are included. One must ''fix'' the hand by passing it through smoke, sprinkling it with the liquids, then passing it over a flame. Then one ''breathes'' the hand alive by inhaling deeply and breathing over it three times. After that, you must ''feed'' the hand regularly to keep its wanga awake and working.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=fore>''Fixing'' the hand seems like a way to prepare it for use:
-You can prep it with sublimated Melange vapor (the "smoke") and your liquid ingredients.
-Passing it over a flame seems indicative of what to do to activate the effects. You believe your version will be including an exothermic catalyst in a separate section of the bag that, when combined, will cause the reactions to occur when desired.
''Breathing'' the hand seems to indicate a way to spread the effect of the bag to another individual. Since you cannot fumigate people with hallucinogens the way you can in your Therapy sessions, you believe you can spread them by touch. Touching the Mojo then the skin of another should be enough, or touching something that they will ingest or touch in turn. You'll have to be careful where and how you do it. The fact that you'll literally be making your hand a "mojo hand" brings an ironic smile to your face.
''Feeding'' the bag seems simple. Spiritually, you'll ask the Loa to infuse their power into it, converting the chirality they crave into mojo doses. The focus could be a tooth from the skull placed into the bag. Pragmatically, you'll just need to re-up your psychoactive ingredients in the bag from time to time after using it on others.</div>
<<return "Go back">><<return "Go back">>
The "Dancing Lady" is also known as the hikuli or hikuri orchid, and is used in parts of Mexico as a substitute for peyote during similar shamanic rites or vision quests. It is not well-known or well-studied, and is 1 of only 3 orchids known to be used for entheogenic rituals, all from the same sub-family.
Its effects have been described as inducing a "hypnotic narcosis" that then opens up into a "transcendental state of being." It is therefore useful as a form of setting the stage for one's psyche. Compared to peyote, it apparently provides a more hypnotic feeling.
<<return "Go back">><<return "Go back">>
High John the Conqueror, also known as "John the Conqueroo", is both a folk hero and the name for a root often used in low-country American hoodoo. It is sometimes called Jalap or Bindweed.
High John is usually used in mojo bags as the main root, and particularly found in love-based mojo bags (as opposed to "low john" which is useful for money or legal-based mojo bags). The root itself contains concentrated LSA, the natural precursor to LSD that is also found in ergot and in other Morning Glory plant species.
<<return "Go back">>LOA - split into RADA (doux/sweet) PETWO(chaud/hot) GHEDE
Leba - crossroads, me
Erzulie (freda) - duh (womanify/bimbo/sexualize)
Ogou - duh (manify, womanify)
Marassa - twins, 1+1=3: lets you swap forms from one to other. Lets you swap others completely as well? Lets you twinicize people (Ortegas)
Gran Bwa - forest
Filomez - young girl, innocent (schoolgirl transformations?)
Beach/pool/ocean transformations - Agwe, Sirene?
Azaka/Zakti - agriculture. Use to do farm-y stuff? Grow?
bakulu baka - no one calls him. Dressed in chains - bdsm?
Baron Samedi - sex+death together
Erzulie Mapyan - the slave who was raped
Erzulie Zandor - transformation into animals
Simbi - water/snake/magician. Clairvoyance - in a bowl of water?
Silibo - woman, fire/flame/no shame/sacred sex. can also clairvoyance using a pan of water?
Kalfu/Kalfou/Carrefour - dark version of Legba. controls evil forces/magic/spirits. Night vs Legba's day crossroads. Allow evil control?
Marinette - evil she-devil, angry.
L'inglesou - wild, never takes possession
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<whoishere $mahla>>
<table class="h">
<td>High John the Conqueror "Jalap": ''$125''
<a data-passage="jalap" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/jalap.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("jalap")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 125>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 125>><<set $InvMC.push("jalap")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<td>Hikuri Orchid - root and branch: ''$200''
<a data-passage="hikuri" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/hikuri.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("hikuri")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 200>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 200>><<set $InvMC.push("hikuri")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<td>Yohimbe bark: ''$150''
<a data-passage="yohimbe" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/items/yohimbe.jpg" width=150 /></a></td>
<td><<if $InvMC.includes("yohimbe")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 150>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 100>><<set $InvMC.include("yohimbe")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]
<<return "Go back">></div><<whoishere $mahla>>
<div class=fore>(no current charms or sundry supplies available)</div>
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]
<<return "Go back">></div><<whoishere $mahla>>
<div class=fore><<speech "mahla" $>>I am happy to show you what pwen cho I have. But not everything will be available for you to buy. Pwen are both difficult to obtain and dangerous in the wrong hands. Perhaps in the future when I know you better, hounsi.<</speech>><p></p>
<<if $lock.legba is false>><<speech "mahla" $>>However as a token of our friendship I would be glad to sell you a pwen cho for Legba: he is the gatekeeper and the first Loa one should acquaint themselves with.<</speech>><p></p><</if>>
Each pwen you obtain and infuse with chirality will open up new opportunities when using your Mojo Hand, connected to the domain of the Loa drawn down.
<table class="h">
<td>Legba - the Gatekeeper: ''$300''
<a data-passage="legba" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/vevelegba.jpg" width=75% /></a></td>
<td><<if $pwencho.includes("pclegba")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $cash gte 300>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 300>><<set $pwencho.push("pclegba")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Not enough money!<</if>><</if>></td>
<td>Marassa - the Twins: ''Unavailable''
<a data-passage="marassa" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/vevemarassa.jpg" width=75% /></a></td>
<td><<if $pwencho.includes("pcmarassa")>>Already owned.<<else>><<if $lock.marassa>><<link "Buy">><<set $cash -= 100>><<set $pwencho.push("pcmarassa")>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>>Unavailable at this time.<</if>><</if>></td>
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">>
[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]</div><div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div>
<<whoishere $mahla>>
<div class=fore>There are many misconceptions about Vodou. One that is misunderstood - but actually quite true - is that of possession. This is not some forced demonic possession, or possession of one person by another, but rather a voluntary possession of a practitioner. During a ceremony we call upon the Loa, enticing them to come visit and possess one or several people. You see, in vodou there are two parts of every person's spirit: the ''ti bon anj'' and the ''gros bon anj''.
The ''gros'' is the life force shared by all humans, the breathing force of the universe. The ''ti'' is the individual, conscious side of the spirit. The ''ti'' is your personality and character; it makes you who you are. It leaves your body when you sleep, which allows you to wander and experience dreams, or for the Loa to speak to you. This is why you feel like you can visit other places in your dreams, as the part of you that is "you" really can.
The ''gros'' does not leave you or change until death; it is the spiritual power of this world that animates and connects us all. It acts like a spiritual anchor, keeping us tied to this world. Were someone capable of changing that in a person, they would be changing the very spiritual reality we live in! I don't even know what that would look like.
Possession during a ceremony happens when the ''ti'' is pushed out, voluntarily or involuntarily, and a specific Loa enters you and takes control. This is called "riding" or "mounting", and the person possessed is called the "cheval" or "horse." The Loa is treated as an honored guest, provided their favorite food or drink, and allowed to converse with whomever they please. A pleasant aspect of Vodou is that we do not have to imagine what our gods may think or want - they will tell us directly. We even make deals with them, exchanging something they desire for something we want.
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">>
[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]</div><div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div>
<<whoishere $mahla>>
<div class=fore>The Loa are not exactly "gods" but rather the touchpoint between us and divinity through the spirit world. Keep in mind that talking to a Loa is like dealing with a child in many ways. You may have to cajole, beg, feign indifference, or play their game if you want them to agree to something. They are separated into a "nanchon" (nation/family) based on their underlying traits:
''Rada'' Loa are "cool". They are the most happy to help, and the easiest to work with.
''Petwo'' Loa are "hot". They are fiery and difficult, but work stronger magic.
''Ghede'' Loa deal with death. They have a filthy sense of humor, and are usually either laughing, or talking about sex. Or both.
There are other nanchon, but those are the basic three. Different aspects of the same Loa may belong to different nanchon.
<<if $mahla.answer is 1>><div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore>''Erzulie'' embodies womanhood - boy does she! Different aspects of her match different female energies. Erzulie Freda is the wanton jealous lover, desiring pleasure and devotion above all else. She is a "virgin" in the old sense - no one can ever fully claim her as their own, and so she can enjoy whomever she wants. Erzulie Danto is the protector, wielder of the sharp knife. Some see her as "the mother" but that is a bit...simplistic.</div></div>
<div class=column><img src="images/veveerzulie.png" width = 90% /></div></div>
<<elseif $mahla.answer is 2>><div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore>''Ogou'' (or ''Ogoun'') is the paragon of machismo. He is the soldier, the blacksmith, strong, swift, assertive. While strong, he is not pure strength like Bossu or others, but calculated application of that strength. So he is also appealed to by healers, lovers of technology, or anyone who needs to achieve something with aplomb. </div></div>
<div class=column><img src="images/veveogun.png" width = 90% /></div>
<<elseif $mahla.answer is 3>><div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore>''The Marassa!'' So unique, and yet not. They are not Loa in the way the others are: they are more divine, above and beyond, a Loa apart. They are paradox! For they are twins - and yet three. The twins empower the one who comes after the twins, or who embodies them both - that is the third. They embody the dual nature of us all, male and female, spirit and body. Their power is equalled only by Legba, the keeper of the crossroads.</div></div>
<div class=column><img src="images/vevemarassa.jpg" width = 90% /></div></div>
<<elseif $mahla.answer is 4>><div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore>''Legba'' is the first Loa we ever speak to during any ceremony, who makes sure the path is clear and that we are not being deceived or tricked. He is the gate-keeper, the old man at the crossroads who shows you the way. He has a wry sense of humor but will always tell you true. Do not make that mistake with his dark counterpart, ''Kalfou'' - keeper of the midnight gate.</div></div>
<div class=column><img src="images/vevelegba.png" width = 90% /></div></div>
<div class=linklist>''LOA''
<<link "Erzulie Freda">><<set $mahla.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Ogou">><<set $mahla.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "The Marassa">><<set $mahla.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Legba">><<set $mahla.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>>
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">>
[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]</div><div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div>
<<whoishere $mahla>>
<<set $lock.pwencho to true>>
<div class=fore>Wanga - "magic" - can take many forms in vodou. The mojo bag is of course one portable version, letting you carry your power with you out in the world, though it will never be as strong as it is within the hounfour (especially the peristyle).
Candle wanga is very common, as is using a bowl of water or a mirror for farsight or divination purposes. There are ways to elicit dream-magic as well.
''Paquet Kongo'', also simply called packets, are a talisman, gris-gris, or other item that has been infused with wanga. The strongest of these are called ''pwen cho'' and are dedicated to one specific Loa. If you can get a Loa to infuse a pwen with their power, wherever you bring that talisman you will have the guidance and insight of that Loa. These are very powerful items and must be handled with care!
I do have some ''pwen cho'' available here for a few different Loa, though I cannot sell them to just anyone. If you prove to be a capable practitioner, perhaps we can come to an arrangement.
Every vodou practitioner (vodouisant) has a court or stable of Loa, headed by one specific Loa who is their "met tet", guiding them more than any others. Now, the Loa are not fickle per se but they do usually need to be courted and wooed. A ceremony respecting, calling, and drawing a Loa down into a pwen cho is a great way of adding them to your stable and having a more powerful "court" of Loa behind you. You may draw down Ogou for strength, Sirene or La Baleine for matters relating to the ocean, Simbi for farsight, or Zakti for aid in agriculture. Of course there are some, like Kalfou or Marinette, that are only called for left hand work ("black magic") and need to be treated carefully. And there are others like L'inglesou or Bakulu Baka, more wild and wicked, that should never be called down at all.
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">>
[[Back to the store|Vodou Store]]</div><<whoishere $erzulie>>
<<if $erzulie.answer is 3>>Your nipples harden as you feel your cock contract into you. You didn't expect to be turned on by this, but there is a certain undeniable pleasure in the process. You let out an uncontrollable giggle as a pee-shiver arcs through you, signaling the effect is complete.<<else>><</if>>
<div class=fore><<if $chirality gte 1 and $mc.cock gt 1>><<link "Shrink your cock (-1 inch, -1 chirality)">><<set $mc.cock -= 1; $chirality -= 1; $erzulie.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>><<elseif $mc.cock lte 1>>(Shrink your cock) - You can't get any smaller than that!<<else>>(Shrink your cock) = Not enough chirality to transform<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go back">><<set $erzulie.answer to 0>><<goto "Speak to Erzulie">><</link>></div><<whoishere $ogou>>
<<if $ogou.answer is 2>>You feel your muscles grow larger and denser, as fat seems to evaporate from other parts of your body. You are now in much better shape!
<<elseif $ogou.answer is 3>>Blood courses into and through your cock as a flash of arousal sets your skin on fire. You see your cock's length and girth increase before your eyes - it's as if you had never reached your full arousal or potential before, and finally have.<<else>><</if>>
<div class=fore><<if $chirality gte 1>><<link "Strengthen your body (+10 fitness, -1 chirality)">><<set $fitness += 10; $chirality -= 1; $ogou.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Enlarge your cock (+1 inch, -1 chirality)">><<set $mc.cock += 1; $chirality -= 1; $ogou.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<else>>Not enough chirality to transform.<</if>></div>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go back">><<set $ogou.answer to 0>><<goto "Speak to Ogou">><</link>></div><p>''Travel To:''</p>
<div class=linklist><ul>
<li>[[Your study]]</li>
''The City''
<li>[[Ted Chambers Gym]]</li>
''The Country''
<li>[[State Park]]</li>
<<if $lock.shack is true>><li>[[Old Country Road]]</li><</if>>
</ul></div><<addhours 2>>
<div class=fore>To start your Mojo Hand, you fashion your bag out of the flannel you found the Skull in. You keep it fairly flat to more easily hide it on your person. You also include a few different pockets in it, so that you can dip a finger into the Hand portion and one in the catalyst portion before combining them on the skin of your target or in an item to be consumed by them.
You keep the Jalap root in the bag, but soak it through with much more potent refined LSA, as well as your Kykeon. You embed the crystallized myristicin in the root, then incorporate the liquid elements of the Melange as well as a highly concentrated oil from the Hikuri orchid. This liquid spreads through the entire flannel, leaving it oily and with a mild but complex floral smell. There: root, stone, and branch.
For the mystical side of things, you pick two etched teeth from the Skull: one a canine, sharp and curved, to call to Erzulie. The other a molar, strong and square, for Ogou.
The catalyst isn't too difficult - there are a lot of exothermic substances available, and incorporating one that works well with your psychoactive ingredients is fairly easy for someone with your knowledge.
It's also not difficult to get erect thinking of the effects these chemicals could have on people out in the world. So you wrist one off right into the bag. As your cum hits the ingredients you hear a hiss, and a quick whiff of strong odor.
Remembering that you are supposed to Fix the Hand by smoke and then by fire, you bubble up a large amount of your Melange, and feel the by-now expected headiness as the bitter cinnamon-scented vapor wafts up. Yet holding your Hand over it, an odd thing happens: the smoke seems to turn invisible, being sucked //into// the bag, speeding up as it does. You can tell something is still there because of a shimmering in the air around the Hand, like a road on a hot day. But the smoke itself evaporates as it infuses into the Hand. You do this three times, like $ said to, and each time this happens. Each time, you also snap out of the heady Melange-high.
Testing the "flame" part by combining the catalyst with the other ingredients, you do notice the teeth seem to turn from white to black. But that's it. Maybe the same way you became inoculated against the Melange, you can't be affected too directly by these ingredients? Or maybe your connection to the Loa helps protect you. Whichever, it's a good outcome if you want to maintain control and help direct the effect on your targets.
Now all you need to do is have your Loa feed it.</div>
<div class=linklist>Back to [[The Laboratory]]</div><<whoishere $erzulie>>
<<set $mojo.fixed to true>>
<<if visited("Mojo Hand") is 1>><<set $mojo.breath to 1>><<set $chirality -= 1>><<include "mojo creation">>
<<else>><div class=fore><div class=row><div class=column><img src="images/items/mojopink.jpg" width = 80%></div><div class=column>
<<if $chirality gte 1>><<link "Feed 1 chirality into your Mojo Hand">><<set $mojo.breath += 1>><<set $chirality -= 1>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $chirality gte 3>><<link "Feed 3 chirality into your Mojo Hand">><<set $mojo.breath += 3>><<set $chirality -= 3>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $chirality gte 5>><<link "Feed 5 chirality into your Mojo Hand">><<set $mojo.breath += 5>><<set $chirality -= 5>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $chirality gte 10>><<link "Feed 10 chirality into your Mojo Hand">><<set $mojo.breath += 10>><<set $chirality -= 10>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>></div></div>
<<nobr>><<if $pwencho.includes("pclegba") and $lock.legba is false>>
<<if $chirality gte 3>>With your ''pwen cho'' you may now empower your mojo hand and [[Draw down Legba][$chirality -= 3]] into your court. (3 Chirality)<<else>>(Draw down Legba: 3 chirality)<</if>><</if>><</nobr>>
<div class=linklist>
[[Back to the Psychomanteum|The Psychomanteum]]
[[Back upstairs|Foyer]]</div>You quaff your Kykeon, effuse your Melange, and place your mojo bag directly on top of the Skull, itself on a small thin wooden table directly in front of the mirror. From the shadows behind your reflection step Erzulie and Ogou, both smiling widely.
<<speech "erzulie">>Such a clever kanzo! Your pwen cho drips with desire, you nasty nadleehi.<</speech>>
<p>You can't help but smile yourself on seeing her cheshire grin.</p>
<<speech "ogou">>Your implement sharpens, hounsi. This Mojo Hand is a strong foundation, and we will make it stronger still. Once we have given it our touch, you may bring it out and infuse the touch of other worlds within your friends, lovers...or competitors.<</speech>>
<p>Erzulie feigns a pout.</p>
<<speech "erzulie">>Sadly, it will take patience. Tut! Who has time for such slow works, I ask you. But ah well. Men anpil, chay pa lou! You must touch others bit by bit, and you will have to decide on changing their ti bon anj or gros bon anj.<</speech>>
Working your mojo on a person's ''ti bon anj'' will change their personality, beliefs, and relationship with you. These will be mental or emotional changes. Obviously in your case this will bend them towards thoughts of sex, molding them to be more expressive and wanton and closer to what Erzulie and Ogou desire all people to be: ready to fuck at a moment's notice. In this way they will serve the Loa by serving you.
Breathing your mojo into someone's ''gros bon anj'' will be more unusual. You think it will fill an individual up with the universal energy of another world. They will physically move closer to the ideal Erzulie wants: women's breasts and hips will grow, their waist may tuck in, their ass push out. Their lips may plump up - everything that is stereotypically desirable in a woman will be exaggerated. Their own desires or insecurities will also guide these changes.
For the ''ti'' or the ''gros'' you will only see small permanent changes until you hit a tipping point, like filling a balloon with too much air. Once they are ready to tip, they should fully fuse with the alternative version you've taken spirit from and the final change of their ''mind'' or ''body'' should be...exhilirating. Especially the physical changes.
Whether you will have multiple options for changes and how drastic they will be will largely depend on the individual. Some people are more constant across all different worlds. Some aren't. Some will have stronger spirits or minds and may need their bodies changed first to set the path, while others will be entirely open from the jump.<<print '<<set $worked to $' + $working + '>>'>>
<<print '<<whoishere $' + $working + '>>'>>
<<if $mojo.answer is 0>><p>You set to work pruning, encouraging, and developing the chiral alternatives open to $</p>
<div class=vidfocus><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/magic.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $mojo.answer is 1>><p>The mojo hand works quickly: <<print '$' + $working + '.name'>> shudders slightly and their eyes glaze over for a moment, almost mannequin-like, before tilting their head and smiling at you.</p>
<<print '<<speech "' + $working + '" $' + $working + '.name>>I feel...funny. In a good way. What were we talking about?<</speech>>'>><p></p>
<<elseif $mojo.answer is 2>><div class=vidfocus><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>As you delve into the many possible minds of your target and all their tangential selves, you carefully curate those with more...visceral vicissitudes. The effect is subtle but still apparent: $ giggles and her left lip rises in a coy smirk for a split second. Her eyes seem to pulse with octarine energy, her mouth dropping open, as she dutifully accepts her new Loa-tinged mental reality.</p>
<<if $worked.ti is 3>><p>''You have affected $ enough that they are ready for a permanent mental shift!''</p><</if>>
<<elseif $mojo.answer is 3>><div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/melangeBE.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=column>Dozens of variant worlds open up to you, and your <<cock>> stiffens as you see different versions of different women, each one's breasts expanding before your melange-suffused eyes.
<div class=row><div class=column>You see the same happening to their asses - some plumping up, some toning and getting rounder, but all being...improved. Other small differences to cheekbones, lips, and hips can be seen as well.</div>
<div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/melangeBT.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Focusing only on the alternatives of $ you pluck the more sexualized versions, concentrating hard to fuse them with your world's $ After breaking a vodou sweat, you can relax and enjoy the effects: $ sighs in pleasure as her butt juts back a bit more, her hips pull in, her chest pushing forward. Just a bit.
<<elseif $mojo.answer is 4>>met tet?
<div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore><<nobr>>
<<if $worked.mind is -1>>(Ti Bon Anj: their mind is currently locked to you...)
<<elseif $worked.ti lt 3 and $mojo.breath gt 0>>
<<link "Ti Bon Anj: massage their mind (currently $worked.ti/3)">>
<<set $mojo.answer to 2>>
<<print '<<set $' + $working + '.ti += 1>>'>><<set $mojo.breath -= 1>>
<<elseif $worked.ti is 3>>Ti Bon Anj: massage their mind (3/3 already, ready to shift!)
<<elseif $worked.ti lt 3 and $mojo.breath is 0>>(Ti Bon Anj: not enough mojo!)
<<else>>You have already corrupted $'s mind<</if>><br>
<<if $worked.gros is -1>>(Gros Bon Anj: their body is currently locked to you...)
<<elseif $worked.gros lt 3 and $mojo.breath gt 0>>
<<link "Gros Bon Anj: augment their anatomy (currently $worked.gros/3)">>
<<set $mojo.answer to 3>>
<<print '<<set $' + $working + '.gros += 1>>'>><<set $mojo.breath -= 1>>
<<elseif $worked.gros is 3>>Gros Bon Anj: augment their anatomy (already 3/3, ready to blossom!)
<<elseif $worked.gros lt 3 and $mojo.breath is 0>>(Gros Bon Anj: not enough mojo!)
<<else>>You have already modified $ to please Erzulie. Just look at her.<</if>><br>
/* <<link "Other?">><<set $mojo.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>><br>
<<link "Other again?">><<set $mojo.answer to 5>><<refresh>><</link>> */<</nobr>></div></div>
<div class=column><img @src="'images/people/' + $ + '/' + $ + '/' + $whoishere.model + '.jpg'" width=100% /></div></div>
<p></p><div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div>
<<whoishere $dee>>
<<set $ to "normal">>
<<set $dee.gros to 4>>
<<if $dee.model is "presophie">><<nobr>>
<<set $dee.model to "sophie">>
<<set $dee.start to 5>>
<<set $dee.startf to "jpg">>
<<set $dee.startf to "jpg">>
<<set $ to 3>>
<<set $dee.tits to 2>>
<<set $dee.fuck to 4>>
<<set $dee.finish to 1>>
<<set $dee.finishf to "mp4">>
<</nobr>>After so much mojo manipulation, all it takes to tip her over is a touch inside your bag followed by the gentlest caress on $'s cheek. As the effect takes hold her eyes go blank and cross slightly before she closes them and stumbles onto the couch. You take a step back to enjoy her transformation.
<<speech "dee" $>>What's...happening to me?<</speech>><p></p>
This is different than the Melange you've experienced in your "therapy" sessions. They barely seemed to realize what changes were happening, but the incremental changes your Mojo Bag works apparently lets the subject maintain a certain...awareness.
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/transform/xboobc.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Right in front of you, $'s B-cups start visibly pushing out against her shirt, growing as she moans in surprise and pleasure until they must be at least a DD. Her cleavage is finally approaching that of the ideal body you saw in your vision.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">As she falls onto the couch, you see her ass expanding even further than it already had before as she lets another moan escape. The psychoactive elements must be humming perfectly in her veins, because as she recovers, she seems not one bit scared or concerned with the radical changes she's undergone.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop><source src="images/transform/xbutta.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "dee" $>>This is just like those dreams I've been having. Finally, Dee Dee's got great boobies and a bouncy butt!<</speech>>
She giggles and sits up, mouth slightly open in that ditzy bimbo way you've come to recognize. It's only enhanced by her lips visibly plumping up, just as if someone had injected them with botox.
<<speech "dee" $>>Mmmm now you'll have to fuck your Dee Dee even more! Yay!!<</speech>>
<<elseif $dee.model is "preangelina">><<nobr>>
<<set $dee.model to "angelina">>
<<set $dee.start to 5>>
<<set $dee.startf to "jpg">>
<<set $dee.startf to "jpg">>
<<set $ to 3>>
<<set $dee.tits to 2>>
<<set $dee.fuck to 4>>
<<set $dee.finish to 1>>
<<set $dee.finishf to "mp4">>
<</nobr>>After so much mojo manipulation, all it takes to tip her over is a touch inside your bag followed by a light slap on $'s cheek. She grins at that, but as the effect takes hold her eyes go blank and cross slightly before she closes them and stumbles onto the couch. You take a step back to enjoy her transformation.
<<speech "dee" $>>What the fuck is happening? Feels like I took some good shit...<</speech>><p></p>
This is different than the Melange experiences you've witnessed in your "therapy" sessions. Those women largely seemed ignorant to the changes happening, but the incremental differences your Mojo Bag works apparently lets the subject maintain a certain...awareness.
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/transform/xboobc.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Right in front of you, $'s A-cups start visibly pushing out against her shirt, growing as she moans in surprise and pleasure. Her cleavage is finally approaching that of the ideal body you saw in your vision: big, fake-looking tits strapped to her slim frame, at least a DD cup.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Her butt doesn't expand quite so ridiculously, but it certainly rounds out as if years of work in the gym were paying off all at once. Her flat teen ass is gone, and in its place are two wonderfully toned cheeks.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop><source src="images/transform/xbutta.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "dee" $>>Fuck I'm so hot! Look at these giant fake titties, they're perfect. I'm finally who I kept dreaming about becoming. <</speech>>
She pulls a half-smile half-sneer that you've come to expect. It's only enhanced by her lips visibly plumping up, just as if someone had injected them with botox.
<<speech "dee" $>>Mmm my new DSLs are perfect too. We're gonna have so much fun Mister $lastname. You better fuck the shit out of these!<</speech>>
<p>She pushes her boobs together for your benefit.</p>
<<speech "dee" $>>Time to buy some new clothes. Nothing's going to fit me now.<</speech>>
<<else>>This shouldn't exist<</if>>
<<return "Return">><<whoishere $dee>>
<<if $dee.answer is 0>><<speech "dee" $>>Yes Mister $lastname?<</speech>>
<<elseif $dee.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>How are you feeling, $<</speech>>
<<if $dee.model is "sophie">><<speech "dee" $>>$ is great, mister! Sometimes I'm, like, so silly and forget how to do things now, do you think that's bad? But I totally remember how to suck cock good. Oh! Should I suck your cock soon?<</speech>>
She opens her pale blue doe's eyes as wide as possible, giving an inquiring look at you then down to your crotch.
<<elseif $dee.model is "presophie">><<speech "dee" $>>I'm pretty good Mr. $lastname. I sorta think, like, of getting my boobies worked on maybe? Like they're good but I feel like they could be better. They're still a lot of fun though! You can fuck them any time you want.<</speech>>
<<elseif $dee.model is "angelina">><<speech "dee" $>>I'm fuckin' great Mr. $lastname. Look at how hot I am! You couldn't resist these sweet tits and lips, could you? Which is good because I need you to fuck me again real soon.<</speech>>
<<elseif $dee.model is "preangelina">><<speech "dee" $>>Pretty good Mr. $lastname. Having some weird fucking dreams - I wake up sad that my tits aren't gigantic, isn't that strange? I never cared before. But it just feels like they should be bigger. Maybe I should start making you pay for this cunt so I can save up for implants. Or at least get my lips done.<</speech>> She winks at you and snaps her gum.
/* <<elseif $dee.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>What have you been getting up to?<</speech>>
<<if $dee.model is "sophie">><<speech "dee" $>>Umm, lots of fucking<</speech>>
<<elseif $dee.model is "presophie">>
<<elseif $dee.model is "preangelina">>
<<elseif $dee.model is "angelina">>
<<else>><</if>> */
<<elseif $dee.answer is 3>><<speech "mc" $name>>Any plans for the future?<</speech>>
<<if $dee.model is "sophie">><<speech "dee" $>>Ummmm, lots of fucking I hope! I love when you fuck me, and fuck my titties, and fuck my mouth. When I think about other stuff I get so bored and things get fuzzy. Do you think there's a way we could have more sex or show off $'s body more?<</speech>> She jiggles her enhanced boobs for emphasis.
<<elseif $dee.model is "presophie">><<speech "dee" $>>Ummmm, hopefully some more sex soon? I want more of it and I think that, like, maybe if my body was even sexier we could have more sex? Bigger titties, bigger booty! Like what I see when I close my eyes...<</speech>>
<p>She shuts her eyes and a goofy grin creeps across her face as she begins to daydream.</p>
<<elseif $dee.model is "preangelina">>Her nose scrunches up for a moment in annoyance.<<speech "dee" $>>I think...I had some ideas, but now they seem silly. Maybe it's just those dreams messing with my head. But I'd like to find some work that lets me have as much fun as possible. And maybe...I dunno. Sexify myself somehow?<</speech>><p>She cups her small breasts and squeezes them pensively.</p>
<<elseif $dee.model is "angelina">><<speech "dee" $>>Just enjoying life! Find more ways to squeeze sex and fun in, convince you to come over and fuck me more often. Maybe find a way to make some money and buy some new clothes to show off these great tits of mine.<</speech>>
<<elseif $dee.answer is 4>><<speech "mc" $name>>Anything weird happen lately?<</speech>>
<<if $dee.model is "sophie">><<speech "dee" $>>I don't think so mister. Just the pink dreams, but those happen all the time now. They make me feel so good!<</speech>> Her mouth twitches into a half-smile for a moment, then she giggles.
<<elseif $dee.model is "presophie">><<speech "dee" $>>Umm, I don't know, maybe? I think, like, maybe I used to not think about dick so much. And I get these dreams of me in like a different body sometimes.<</speech>>Her eyes go out of focus as she tries to think about this, but apparently it's too difficult and she quickly shakes her head with a laugh.
<<elseif $dee.model is "preangelina">><<speech "dee" $>>Well there's those weird goddamn dreams. And I feel kind of half-baked and empty...not my pussy, though now that I think about it, you could fill that hole sometime soon, yeah?<</speech>>
<<elseif $dee.model is "angelina">><<speech "dee" $>>Nothing weird, Mr. $lastname. Just the usual pink dreams, my raging libido, fighting the man and fucking a man as often as I can...<</speech>>She waggles her eyebrows and licks her now-enhanced lips as she stares pointedly at your crotch.
<div class=fore><<link "How are you feeling?">><<set $dee.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
/* <<link "What have you been up to?">><<set $dee.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>> */
<<link "What are your plans for the future?">><<set $dee.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Anything weird happen lately?">><<set $dee.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>></div>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go back" "Dee(treated) House">><</link>></div>
<<back "Go back">>
''Papa Legba'', guardian of the crossroads, is the first Loa called during any vodou ceremonly. He is the one who opens the door between this world and the other worldsp; the healer, the guide. Usually depicted as an old man on a cane, he has a filthy yet friendly sense of humor. In this form, Legba is a ''Rada'' Loa.
He is often considered the "right hand", and ''Kalfou'' the "left hand": both control crossroads and the ability of magic to function properly by entering this world from the spirit world, but one does so with good intent, and the other with dark and evil intent. In this way Legba and Kalfou are twins to each other, two sides of the same coin.
''Pwen Cho''
This pwen cho will open up the Crossroads to you, allowing you to travel quickly to different locations.
<<return "Go back">><<back "Go back">>
''The Marassa'' are the Divine Twins, embodying the duality of all things: male an female, spirit and worldly, yin and yang, flotsam and jetsam, go-bots and transformers.
''Pwen Cho''
This pwen will open up exploration your Two-Spirit aspect and let you fully realize and embody both sides of yourself.
<<return "Go back">><<whoishere $ogou>>
<<set $lock.legba to true>>
<div class=fore style="color:brown;">''The Crossroads are open to you, hounsi. You may travel freely.''</div>
<p>You can now quickly travel using the left side-bar.</p>
<<speech "ogou">>Legba! A fine friend to have at your side. Doors open and words come more easily when you walk with Legba.<</speech>>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go Back" "The Psychomanteum">><</link>></div>To make this Pwen Cho worth something more than me blathering on, you now have instant travel unlocked from the left sidebar. The Crossroads are open to you.''</div>
<<if $legba.answer is 0>>
<<elseif $legba.answer is 1>><p>''The game:''</p>
<div class=fore style="color:brown;">I want this game to focus heavily on the transformations, sexifications, bimbofications. Then you fuck those transformed people. Inspiration from //Inner Bimbo// means I'll keep the quick-transforming gif-dumps going, and those will be how you earn points for the slow transformations of people around town. This has accidentally slid into //A Spell for All// territory too, but I've never enjoyed time limits in porn games so I'm going to avoid those.
There will be an attempt for lesser known or more novel porn-stars along with the usual suspects. And I will try to weave different characters together in different ways, so your choices change the game a tad when you replay it.
I'm also going to try for some breadth, so it won't just be white waifs or plastic bimbos. We'll try to hit many sizes, colors, shapes, and fetishes at least once. Everything may not be your cuppa, but alternatives will be there.
There will be some light gay/trans/etc. content which I'll keep entirely optional. Any NTR will be optional. If I'm making a buffet, I want to provide a good spread. Don't feel required to eat all of it.</div>
<<elseif $legba.answer is 2>><p>''Suggestions or Critiques:''</p>
<div class=fore style="color:brown;">Great! You can email me at if you'd like to share ideas, or a scenario you've written, or suggestions/critiques. I probably won't respond directly, but I'll take well-meaning critiques or advice to heart. If there's enough desire I may start a discord, but that seems pretty silly for now.</div>
<<elseif $legba.answer is 3>><p>''The Future:''</p>
<div class=fore style="color:brown;">I'm trying not to get ahead of myself, but:
-Lots more women (and some men) to transform and fuck
-Unlocking different Loa pwen cho will unlock different scenarios/options/media
-Different spells/elixers for expanded gameplay options
-Fun MtF plans for the Marassa effect (optional and reversible!)
-I like games with intriguing stories in the background behind the porn, so I'll keep weaving real-life vodou into the game, and may add some adjacent stuff in to try to make a half-decent storyline out of it. Eventually.</div>
<img src="images/items/weird.jpg" width = 25% class="center">
<div class=fore><<link "''What is the inspiration/background for the game?''">><<set $legba.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "''I have an idea/critique/suggestion for a scene/transformation/pornstar/etc!''">><<set $legba.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "''What are the future plans?''">><<set $legba.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go Back" "The Psychomanteum">><</link>></div><<whoishere $caleb>>
<<set $caleb.answer to 0>>
<<speech "caleb" $>>Hey there!<</speech>>
<div style="clear:both" class="fore">
[[Work out with Caleb ($50)]]
<<link "Ask $ some questions" "calebdialogue">><</link>></div>
[[Return|Ted Chambers Gym]]
[[Leave|Uptown]]<<whoishere $NPC>>
<<if $NPC.answer is 0>><<speech "NPC">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 1<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR1">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 1<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR2">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 1<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR3">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 1<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 2<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR1">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 2<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR2">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 2<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR3">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 2<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 3>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 3<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR1">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 3<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR2">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 3<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR3">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 3<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 4>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 4<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR1">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 4<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR2">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 4<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "PORNSTAR3">><<speech "NPC">>Answer 4<</speech>>
<div class=fore><<link "Question 1">><<set $NPC.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 2">><<set $NPC.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 3">><<set $NPC.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 4">><<set $NPC.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>></div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div><div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div><<whoishere $flower>>
With Erzulie's sly smile in the back of your mind, you pull the more lecherous thoughts of the "alternative" $, then fold them into the one in front of you. Maybe it's the effect of the mojo, but you swear you see a little shiver of pleasure every time you coax some of the other world's thoughts into $'s head. One at a time you lay the thoughts and inclinations of randier women into the one before you. Finally everything seems to snap into place like a tree finally falling after some careful cuts; the visions all rush back into $ until there is just one of her in front of you.
<<if $flower.mind is 2>><<set $flower.ti to 4; $flower.mind to 3; $flower.fuck to 5; $flower.finish to 1; $flower.finishf to "mp4">>
<<if $flower.model is "sativa">>
<<speech "flower" $>>I...fuck, I must insist we explore every aspect of intimate...uh...<</speech>>
<p>$ loses her train of thought - you can see fire in her eyes now.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>I need you to fuck me. Please.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She is so wet you enter her easily, and slide in and out as she swears and moans in pleasure. The thoughts you've put in her head, the psychedelic trip you've set her on, and your <<cock>> all combine to keep her in constant ecstasy. </div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Harder, now! I mean...fuck me harder, please.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You throw her to the ground and increase your pace, quickly rewarded with even louder exhortations from $</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Fucking her from behind, you can appreciate the jiggle of her large toned ass as well as the sway of her larger breasts. $ seems to be in an almost trance-like state of orgasm at this point.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafuck5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>The frenzy of the fucking and her constant moans finally push you over the edge, and she continues to squeal in pleasure even as your semen fills her up inside and slowly dribbles out.</div></div>
</div><br><p>You both get dressed, and she smiles as you turn to leave.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>What a fascinating experience! Of course, more data points will be needed...<</speech>><p></p>
<<elseif $flower.model is "indica">>
<<speech "flower" $>>I...shit, put that <<cock>> inside me. I want us to meld completely!<</speech>>
<p>$ flops onto the couch and pulls her skirt aside. You can see a glistening there.</p>
<<speech "mc" $name>>Oh don't worry, we're about to meld real hard.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She is so wet you enter her easily, pumping in and out as she swears and moans in pleasure. The thoughts you've put in her head, the psychedelic trip you've set her on, and your <<cock>> all combine to make her very vocal about her enjoyment. </div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Fuck, your <<cock>> is so good! Let me ride you, I want to fuck in rhythm with the flow. <</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You aren't quite sure what that means, but who fucking cares? Bouncing up and down on top of you, her eyes start to roll back in her head as she almost goes into some psycho-sexual trance. Her pussy seems to grab your <<cock>> tighter and tighter, making it hard not to finish right there.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Seeing no reason not to, you throw her down and begin thrusting even harder, working up towards your orgasm. </div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafuck5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Yes! ''Fuuuck!'' Don't stop, cum inside me lover. Fill me up with your chi!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>The frenzy of the fucking and her constant moans finally push you over the edge, and she continues to squeal in pleasure even as your semen fills her up inside and dribbles out.</div></div>
</div><br><p>You both get dressed, and she smiles as you turn to leave.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>We'll have to vibe together again soon. I need more of that positive energy in my life.<</speech>><p></p>
<<elseif $flower.mind is 1>><<set $flower.ti to 0; $flower.mind to 2>><<if $flower.model is "indica">><<set $ to 2; $flower.tits to 3>>
<<speech "flower" $>>I can't believe I was worried about tripping. This is our natural state, this is how we should be - vibrating at all frequencies, able to fully engage with each other mind body and spirit, you know?<</speech>>
<p>$ gives you half a smirk as she kneels and pulls your pants down in one smooth move, then pushes you over onto the couch.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>Right now I'm really like, focused on the body. You don't mind if we take things to the next spiritual level, do you?<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She's smiling as she jerks your <<cock>>- at least, until she puts her mouth over it and chokes herself on it.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicabj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Mmm, I can't believe how good this feels! The ouroborous of psychic connection, you know? Share your energy with me now, lover.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicatits3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You oblige her, of course, by using your energy to fuck her amazing tits. Her smile only increases while she locks eyes with you.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You increase the intensity and grab her head for more control. Her gaze seems magnetically drawn to your <<cock>> with eyes for nothing else. Maybe you've released the inner slut, maybe it's all those drugs in the air, but you've never seen $ look more content.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicatits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $flower.model is "sativa">><<set $ to 3; $flower.tits to 2>>
<<speech "flower" $>>This mixture of yours truly is marvelous! I certainly feel a heightened li...fuck...libido, increased sensitivity, and even some synesthaesia. You are amenable to testing the libidinous limits, I presume?<</speech>>
<p>$ gives you half a smirk as she kneels and pulls your pants down in one smooth move.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>By which I mean, give me that dick. I can tell my vision is affected, and hearing. Now I will investigate if taste and touch are.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She begins slowly, alternating her focus from your <<cock>> to you. Even now she's the scientist, watching to note down how her different techniques affect your pleasure.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativabj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Mmm, I can't believe how good you taste! It must be something with...uh, pheremones? But I need you to push even further. For science. Fuck my throat - now, please.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativabj3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You oblige her, of course. Her tits jiggle back and forth as you ram your <<cock>> into the back of her throat, over and over.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Noticing your gaze on them, she decides it's time to test her skin's sensitivity further through a liberal application of spit and friction: the titty fuck.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativatits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $flower.mind is 0>><<set $flower.ti to 0; $flower.mind to 1; $flower.start to 5>>
<<if $flower.model is "indica">><<set $flower.tease to 3>><<speech "flower" $>>Holy shit this shit is powerful! It's electrifying my skin, and we see ourselves. Do you see all of us? I, there's just one of me. And definitely one of you. Mmm, I feel like I should get a bit more skyclad, you know what I mean?<</speech>>
<p>She's moving like a dancer in water, swaying back and forth.</p>
<<elseif $flower.model is "sativa">><<set $flower.tease to 2>><<speech "flower" $>>Yes, I feel the effects quite prominently. It's...hard to stay in control, it's getting me quite hot! F...fuck, I need to disrobe. Make sure you are observing carefully.<</speech>>
<p>You think you see a quick wink as she says this.</p><<else>><</if>>
<div class=row><div class=column>Flower had always been professionally friendly with you, but obviously your mojo has done it's job. Her eyes focus in and out on the real world - the current real world at any rate - and she bites her lip, throwing her top to the side after discarding it. When her eyes fully focus back on you they have a salacious glint in them.</div><div class=column><<print '<img src="images/people/flower/normal/' + $flower.model + 'start5.jpg" >'>></div></div>
<<speech "flower" $>>That's so much better. We're like born to be free, right? Gotta let these pretty titties get some sunshine.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div><div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div>
<<whoishere $flower>><<set $flower.gros to 4; $flower.body to 1; $ to "normal"; $flower.mind to 0>>
<div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/transform/xboobb.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=column><div class=fore>After all that build-up the climax happens quickly. $ gasps in surprise, then groans, whether in pleasure or pain you really can't tell. Her breasts grow visibly, pushing her shirt out. It seems like the buttons may pop at any time, but they manage to hold - barely. What were once perhaps a small B cup have ballooned within moments to large, natural D cups.</div></div></div>
<div class=row><div class=column><div class=fore>She leans over on a counter, trying to catch her breath. Whatever hippie floral patterned dress she has on today pushes out behind her, as her ass also expands. Her previous pancake-butt has filled out to full hot cross buns.</div></div>
<div class=column><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/transform/xbuttc.mp4" type="video/mp4">
It's not just her tits and ass that are changing, though. You can see her tattoos changing and undulating along her skin, to match the ones you saw on her alternative self. Her nose puckers up a bit, her cheekbones accentuate, her lips plump. Even her eyes seem to swirl with that strange octarine color, before settling back into a gorgeous dark blue rather than the brown from before.<<if $flower.model is "indica">> Her hair is waving, medusa like, before growing thicker and wrapping around itself making a few dreadlocks.<<else>> Her hair shifts color, its dark brown leeching away followed quickly by a bright, strong red as it flows in wavy tresses around her face.<</if>>
Fully overwhelmed, she stands up and puts her hand against her head, then gasps as she holds her hair and watches the changes happening to it.
<<speech "flower" $>>I think I...fuck, I can't tell if this is a good trip or a bad one. I need to...excuse me.<</speech>>
<p>You enjoy watching her stoned stumble to her bedroom, where she closes the door. Seconds later you hear a toilet flush and running water. You're...pretty sure you can't poison anyone with your mixture. Right?
When she comes back out a few minutes later, the changes are complete and they are jaw-dropping. Not just her physical body has changed, but her demeanor, the way she holds herself: this is almost completely the Flower from the other world. Not really even Flower anymore, but $</p>
<<if $flower.model is "sativa">>
<div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativatease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=column><div class=fore>She walks towards you, calm and assured with a new spark in her eyes. Her hair is now fiery red tresses, and she's wearing a smart pair of glasses and more professional - yet revealing - clothing. You spot Erzulie's influence in the large amount of cleavage she's sporting, giving you a wonderful view of both her bra and her titty-bounce as she walks forward.</div></div></div>
<<speech "flower" $>>I must say Mr. $lastname, I think that was just a bit too high of a dose! But we will record it, and perhaps reduce the dosage in the future. Other than that I think these experiments are going exceedingly well. I'm not sure why I imagined I was some mousy dark-haired woman during that last exposure, but all data is good data as they say!<</speech>>
<p>Whatever has happened, she seems to have found a way to explain it away. And who knows - maybe the other Flower was the dream all along.</p>
<<elseif $flower.model is "indica">>
<div class=row><div class=column><img src="images/people/flower/normal/indicastart.jpg" >
<div class=column><div class=fore>Her eyes sparkle as she steps out and drapes herself on the couch. She's changed into clothing that is both more 60s counter-culture (fringe and a crochet top) but also much more revealing than before. Which is great news, because her newly enlarged tits and ass do a wonderful job filling things out. You note with some satisfaction that she's not too hippie to say no to high heels, even if they are sandals - clearly Erzulie's influence.</div></div></div>
<<speech "flower" $>>Sorry for harshing the mood $name, that last trip just really sent me to the moon. For a sec I thought I was some mousy uptight bitch - maybe I saw myself if hadn't ever explored my psychic and sexual self, you dig? Whoaaaaah.<</speech>>
<p>Whatever has happened, she seems to have found a way to explain it away. And who knows - maybe the other Flower was the dream all along.</p>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div>See who has a T option that fits best in the gym?
Black: Woman/Man to (trans if man) to Diamond to Yvette?
White: Woman/Man to (trans if man) to Jewels to Brandi?
Owner: Man to trans to woman (can be jewels if that works well, in which case just 2)
Yvette has with:
JewelsDouble-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<whoishere $flower>><div class=fore>An airy living room with large windows decorated by $ to provide comfort for clients or patients trying out her herbal medicines. There is more of her hippie side apparent in the decoration, compared to the well-organized herb shop on the first floor.
<p>$ sets up a diffuser, with an opening in the side for essential oils to be droppered in.</p>
<<if $flower.model is "normal">><<speech "flower" $>>Let's test this new blend of yours!<</speech>>
<<elseif $flower.model is "sativa">><<speech "flower" $>>I would very much like to continue our experimentations with that sample of yours Mr. $lastname.<</speech>>
<<if $flower.mind is 1>><p>She strikes a pose, curiosity in her eyes and a slight smirk on her lips.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>I am also amenable to you observing the effects on me, if you prefer an alternative...experiment.<</speech>>
<<link "Observe her bangin' bod?" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "flower">><</link>>
<<elseif $flower.mind gte 2>><p>She runs her hands up and down her body, then pulls you close and caresses your <<cock>> through your pants.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>However, I feel our experimentations may require more immediate stimuli for better results. Don't you agree?<</speech>>
<p> She peers at you hungrily from over the rim of her glasses.</p>
<<link "Dose her and enjoy some drug-enhanced intimate moments" "flower sex">><<set $fucking to "flower">><</link>>
<<link "Get straight to fuckin'" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "flower">><</link>><<else>><</if>>
<<elseif $flower.model is "indica">><<speech "flower" $>>I'm so ready to blast off again, $name. Let's take a trip, man!<</speech>><<if $flower.mind is 1>><p>She runs her hands up and down her body, caressing herself.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>Unless you want to appreciate my aura a bit? I feel like we're really starting to vibe.<</speech>>
<<link "Do you want to appreciate her sex-infused aura?" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "flower">><</link>>
<<elseif $flower.mind gte 2>><p>She runs her hands up and down her body, then pulls you close and caresses your <<cock>> through your pants.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>Even better, let's get high and I can make you blast off another way. Wanna meld auras, lover?<</speech>>
<<link "Dose her and enjoy some drug-enhanced intimate moments" "flower sex">><<set $fucking to "flower">><</link>>
<<link "Get straight to fuckin'" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "flower">><</link>><<else>><</if>><<else>><</if>>
When you are ready, you can place some "medicine" into the diffuser and $ will sit over it and inhale deeply. After her eyes get that distanced look in them, you can <<link "work your mojo on her." "Mojo Work">><<set $mojo.answer to 1; $working to "flower">><</link>>
<<if $flower.ti is 3>>$'s ''ti bon anj'' reels with the dirty thoughts you've breathed into her, [[Ready to corrupt her mind further.|Flower Mind]]<</if>></div>
<<if $flower.gros is 3>><div class=fore>The ''gros bon anj'' you flooded into $ came from two parallel paths. In both, the balance of science and spirituality you see in her never reached equilibrium. As your mojo pushes her body to fuse with a different world's, you have the choice of which aspect dominates her going forward:
Both will have the infused hyper-sexual energy that Erzulie has stitched through all of your endeavors, of course. Both will have bodies more built for sex. But their bodies and their minds will be different:
If you want to reinforce her anal-retentive, scientific, bookish side you can let the scientist in her take over. This Flower will be more of a type A woman. Straight red hair, glasses, more prim on the outside but filled with vivacious energy ready to burst out.
if you want to encourage her hippie, spiritual side you can let the free-love psychonaut take over instead. This Flower will be type B, anything goes, a puff-puff pass type. Curly dreaded dark hair, slightly thicker as she indulges her appetites more. She may not have as much fiery energy as the first but she will appreciate what you do to her more, and she'll never be the type to say no to anything.
Were you to smoke one of these Flowers, the effects would be noticeably different. You can pick
[[Sativa, the scientific type A|Flower Body][$flower.model to "sativa"; $ to "Sativa"]]
[[Indica, the indolent type B|Flower Body][$flower.model to "indica"; $ to "Indica"]]
<div class=linklist>[[Go back downstairs|"Herb Your Enthusiasm"]]</div><<whoishere $characterreview>>
<img @src="'images/people/speech/' + $ + $characterreview.model + '.jpg'" width=20% class=center border-radius=25% /><h2>''$''</h2>
<div class=linklist><<back "Go Back">></div><<whoishere $flower>><<if $flower.mind gte 1>>
<<if $flower.model is "indica">><<speech "flower" $>>Holy shit this shit is powerful! It's electrifying my skin, and we see ourselves. Do you see all of us? I, there's just one of me. And definitely one of you. Mmm, I feel like I should get a bit more skyclad, you know what I mean?<</speech>>
<p>She's moving like a dancer in water, swaying back and forth.</p>
<<elseif $flower.model is "sativa">><<speech "flower" $>>Yes, I feel the effects quite prominently. It's...hard to stay in control, it's getting me quite hot! F...fuck, I need to disrobe. Make sure you are observing carefully.<</speech>>
<p>You think you see a quick wink as she says this.</p><<else>><</if>>
<div class=row><div class=column>$'s eyes focus in and out on the real world - the current real world at any rate - and she bites her lip, throwing her top to the side after discarding it. When her eyes fully focus back on you they have a salacious glint in them.</div><div class=column><<print '<img src="images/people/flower/normal/' + $flower.model + 'start5.jpg" >'>></div></div><<else>><</if>>
<<if $flower.mind gte 2>>
<<if $flower.model is "indica">>
<<speech "flower" $>>The energy this shit opens you up to is just wild, are you feeling it too? Let's entangle our auras, baby.<</speech>>
<p>$ gives you half a smirk as she bends over you on the couch and pulls your pants off in one smooth move.</p>
<div class=row><div class="column"><div class=fore>She is all smiles as she pistons her hands up and down your <<cock>>, alternated with a hoover-like dick-sucking.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicabj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>I love it! We're so in tune right now, don't you think? Just like antennae for all the different us in the different worlds. Fuck, it feels so good!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicatits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Slightly tired of her hippie talk, you grab her hair and push her over, then slide your <<cock>> between her tits and start pumping. The smile never leaves her blissed-out face.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She only seems to get more and more ecstatic, staring happily into your face as you move forward and back.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicatits3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $flower.model is "sativa">>
<<speech "flower" $>>This mixture of yours truly is marvelous! I certainly feel a heightened li...fuck...libido, increased sensitivity, and even some synesthaesia. You are amenable to testing the libidinous limits, I presume?<</speech>>
<p>$ gives you half a smirk as she kneels and pulls your pants down in one smooth move.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>By which I mean, give me that dick. I can tell my vision is affected, and hearing. Now I will, uh, investigate if taste and touch are.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She begins slowly, alternating her focus from your <<cock>> to you. Even now she's the scientist, watching to note down how her different techniques affect your pleasure.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativabj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Mmm, I can't believe how good you taste! But I need you to push even further. For science. Fuck my throat - now, please.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativabj3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You oblige her, of course. Her tits jiggle back and forth as you ram your <<cock>> into the back of her throat, over and over.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Noticing your gaze on them, she decides it's time to test her skin's sensitivity further through a liberal application of spit and friction: the titty fuck.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativatits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $flower.mind gte 3>>
<<if $flower.model is "sativa">>
<<speech "flower" $>>I...fuck, I must insist we explore every aspect of intimate...uh...<</speech>>
<p>$ loses her train of thought - you can see fire in her eyes now.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>I need you to fuck me. Please.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She is so wet you enter her easily, and slide in and out as she swears and moans in pleasure. The thoughts you've put in her head, the psychadelic trip you've set her on, and your <<cock>> all combine to keep her in constant ecstasy. </div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Harder, now! I mean...fuck me harder, please.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You throw her to the ground and increase your pace, quickly rewarded with even louder exhortations from $</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Fucking her from behind, you can appreciate the jiggle of her large toned ass as well as the saw of her breasts. $ seems to be in an almost trance-like state of orgasm at this point.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafuck5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/sativafinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>The frenzy of the fucking and her constant moans finally push you over the edge, and she continues to squeal in pleasure even as your semen fills her up inside and slowly dribbles out.</div></div>
</div><br><p>You both get dressed, and she smiles as you turn to leave.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>What a fascinating experience! Of course, more data points will be needed...<</speech>><p></p>
<<elseif $flower.model is "indica">>
<<speech "flower" $>>I...shit, put that <<cock>> inside me. I want us to meld completely!<</speech>>
<p>$ flops onto the couch and pulls her skirt aside. You can see a glistening there.</p>
<<speech "mc" $name>>Oh don't worry, we're about to meld real hard.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She is so wet you enter her easily, pumping in and out as she swears and moans in pleasure. The thoughts you've put in her head, the psychadelic trip you've set her on, and your <<cock>> all combine to overwhelm her. Her grunts in between swear words are bestial.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Fuck, your <<cock>> is so good! Let me ride you, I want to fuck in rhythm with the flow. <</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You aren't quite sure what that means, but who fucking cares? Bouncing up and down on top of you, her eyes start to roll back in her head as she almost goes into some psycho-sexual trance. Her pussy seems to grab your <<cock>> tighter and tighter, making it hard not to finish right there.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Seeing no reason not to, you throw her down and begin thrusting even harder, working up towards your orgasm. </div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafuck5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "flower" $>>Yes! ''Fuuuck!'' Don't stop, cum inside me lover. Fill me up with your chi!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/flower/normal/indicafinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>The frenzy of the fucking and her constant moans finally push you over the edge, and she continues to squeal in pleasure even as your semen fills her up inside and dribbles out.</div></div>
</div><br><p>You both get dressed, and she smiles as you turn to leave.</p>
<<speech "flower" $>>We'll have to vibe together again soon. I need more of that positive energy in my life.<</speech>><p></p>
<<back "Return">><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<whoishere $naomi>>
<div class=fore><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/transform/eyetrip.mp4" type="video/mp4" width=30%></video><<if $naomi.visit lte 0>>
Naomi has become very worried about some self-destructive tendencies she is noticing within herself. As she lies on the couch and expounds, it becomes clear that she is a fledgling masochist - she enjoys pain. She has not indulged in these proclivities much yet, and certainly not with anyone else. These feelings worry her, and she is not comfortable with what they may say about her - is it wrong to enjoy pain? Shouldn't one seek out pleasure instead?
With the melange wreathing around you both, you ask questions that help her arrive at an intriguing conclusion: perhaps because of her religious upbringing, or perhaps for a more hidden reason, Naomi equates pain with success. Pain means one is working towards a goal and the more pain, the more successful her mind thinks she will be by working through that pain. With this epiphany two chiral options unfold before you:
The first Naomi has taken the easier way out and seeks sexual pleasure through pain - being used roughly gets her off. This Naomi is thinner, having starved herself more, and has gotten implants to help attract men who will use her in the way she so desperately desires. She craves to be abused as harshly as possible in order to feel full satisfaction. This version isn't quite into full BDSM; sex is still the desired end-goal, not just punishment.
Alternatively you also see a more well-rounded Naomi - literally. In this reality she has internalized her masochistic desires and turned them towards the gym. She has fully embraced "no pain no gain". Working out has become an obsession for her, and so this Naomi is thicker and more muscular - a tight ass, thick legs - perfect for snoo snoo. She still has an insane sex-drive, and just as much desire for satisfaction by showing off her body and engaging in rougher sex, but this Naomi is a little less masochistic, a little more playful, and much more muscled.
<<elseif $naomi.visit gte 1>><p>$ is back for another visit</p>
<div class=linklist><<if $naomi.model is "normal">>
[[Have Naomi surrender to her masochism|Naomi maso][$naomi.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $naomi.model to "maso"; $ to "therapy"]]
[[Help Naomi explore pain through gains|Naomi muscle][$naomi.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $naomi.model to "muscle"; $ to "therapy"]]
<<elseif $naomi.model is "maso">> [[It hurts so good|Naomi maso][$naomi.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $naomi.model is "muscle">>[[Some pain all gain|Naomi muscle][$naomi.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<else>><</if>></div><<whoishere $naomi>><<nobr>>
<<if $naomi.visit is 1>><<set $naomi.model to "maso">><</if>>
<<if $naomi.visit lte 3>><<set $naomi.mind to $naomi.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("naomi")>>
<<if $naomi.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masostart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">As the alternative versions of Naomi flow back into her, you see some slight physical changes - she grows thinner, her bust increases a bit - but it's her body language that is completely different. She is no longer hunched down with arms crossed, worried about her desires or inclinations - in fact she doesn't seem worried about anything except finding someone to use her body however they see fit, and in doing so hurt and abuse her enough to drive her over the edge of pain into full pleasure.
It is very obvious that under her coat, she is wearing nothing but skimpy lingerie complete with a choker. She's flaunting everything she possibly can. Clear plastic heels and thigh-high stockings complete the look: she is basically a hooker. Except a hooker has enough dignity to ask to be paid for their services.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Stepping behind her you slowly pull her coat off, feeling her quiver in anticipation as you caress her breasts. The sheer lingerie leaves nothing to the imagination. Naomi has put everything on display, free to use and abuse.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masotease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masostart2.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;Thank you for the therapy and your work, Sir. It truly has opened my eyes. I'm nothing more than a plaything, I understand that now. My urges are because I'm not fulfilling what I need, and what I need is to be hurt.@@</div></div>
<<if $naomi.visit is 1>><<speech "naomi">>I'm really looking forward to learning more about who I really am next time. I feel like I'm close to fully embracing my purpose in life!<</speech>><<else>><<speech "naomi">>I know we don't have much to punish me with here, even if I do deserve it. But at least you can use your cock, right? Please, please sir - use my mouth. It's here for your taking.<</speech>><</if>>
<<if $naomi.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">She starts the fellatio slowly, diligently. Constantly looking up to make sure you are being properly serviced, she strokes your <<cock>> up and down with a hand while vacuuming its head with her bright red lips.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masobj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masobj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">But that's not what she craves, and not what you crave either. Whether the melange has affected you as well or if you were always this way, all you see in front of you is a fuck doll to be used. You grab the back of her head and slam her down on your <<cock>>, choking her. Spit flies out of her mouth as you shove her lips down your shaft over, and over, and over. You notice that the harder you do this, the faster Naomi rubs her own clit.</div>
<<speech "mc" $name>>Did I tell you that you could pleasure yourself? You think you deserve that yet? Why would this have anything to do with you? Get your hands behind your back right now!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">She quickly obeys. You grip her hair with both your hands now, pulling back to inflict pain and maintain more control, shoving your <<cock>> in further so she's gagging on it repeatedly.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masobj3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $naomi.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $naomi.treated>>
<<set $naomi.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("naomi")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("naomi")>>
<<set $callback.push("naomi")>>
<<set $naomi.start to 2>>
<<set $naomi.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 3>>
<<set $naomi.fuck to 3>>
<<set $naomi.finish to 1>>
<<set $naomi.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $naomi.visit++>>
<<speech "mc" $name>>Let's put the rest of you to work.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">You sit and she climbs on top of you, balancing herself on your knees. You are not gentle as you enter her, but luckily for her she's already soaking wet from your mistreatment of her.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masofuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masofuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">You have her start doing the work, bouncing up and down on top of you. Her squeals of pleasure increase, especially once you start spanking her. Red marks on her ass pile up as you slap her repeatedly.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Her moans get longer and longer, and soon she is pistoning her hips forward and back, doing everything she can to make you cum.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masofuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $naomi.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop ><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/masofinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Her whimpers of pain and the speed of the action bring you to orgasm, which she sucks up dutifully. Opening her mouth to show you she has been properly used, she swallows it then shows you her tongue again, now empty like a good slut's should be.</div>
<<speech "naomi">>Thank you Sir, I hope my pain brought you pleasure. Maybe in the future we can find more toys to play with!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $naomi>><<nobr>>
<<if $naomi.visit is 1>><<set $naomi.model to "muscle">><</if>>
<<if $naomi.visit lte 3>><<set $naomi.mind to $naomi.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("naomi")>>
<<if $naomi.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclestart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column">The Naomi before you is confident, curvy, and fit as fuck. There's a fierceness in her eyes derived from knowing how strong and sexy she is. Her muscles make her big tits pop forward, creating an amazing amount of cleavage. As she stand up you can see every part of her is taut and toned from her time in the gym.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><p>She flashes you a huge smile.
<div class=fore>@@.woman;"Thank you so much for your help, doctor. Being able to channel these impulses into my workouts has really changed my life. And look at the gains I've made through all that exercise!"@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclestart2.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">She bends over and smacks her own ass, showing you there's barely any fat on there - it's all muscle. Her legs and calves are emphasized by the heels she's wearing, showing even more definition.
Standing up, she pulls her dress off to show you the rest of her progress.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/muscletease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclestart3.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"It takes a lot of effort, but the feeling after I push through the pain is just indescribable. I've even got killer abs now! And my sex drive has gone off the charts, it's ridiculous."@@</div></div>
<<if $naomi.visit is 1>>As she puts her dress back on, you feel like she's already eye-fucking you. Your next session should be something indeed.<</if>>
<<if $naomi.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"All that working out did reduce my boobs, so of course I had them done. Can't have big muscles without big tits! Do you like them? I think I can tell that you do."@@</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclestart4.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclebj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">Naomi steps forward and grabs your hardening <<cock>> through your pants. She grins as she feels it respond to her touch, then pulls your pants off as she kneels down. Within moments she's leisurely sucking your <<cock>>, taking her time and enjoying herself. She's in no rush - this is a woman who understands the pleasure of diligent work.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">Once her spit has lubricated you enough she grips your <<cock>> between her big fake tits, stroking up and down along the shaft. Even from here you can tell the effect of her workouts; her shoulder muscles stand out as she works away, slowly moving you towards orgasm.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/muscletits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $naomi.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $naomi.treated>>
<<set $naomi.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("naomi")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("naomi")>>
<<set $callback.push("naomi")>>
<<set $naomi.start to 5>>
<<set $barbara.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $naomi.tits to 1>>
<<set $naomi.fuck to 3>>
<<set $naomi.finish to 1>>
<<set $naomi.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $naomi.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclestart5.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I hope you aren't tapped out just yet. Your workout is my warm-up! I've gone for a whole-body routine, which means every part of me is tighter and more muscled. Why don't you check and see for yourself?"@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">As you begin to stroke in and out of her you slap her ass hard, spurring the masochist inside her to even more pleasure. From that point on she never stops moaning in delight. Her tight ass barely even jiggles from the doggie-style fucking.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclefuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclefuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">The first time she orgasms on your <<cock>> you are amazed at how tightly her pussy clenches you in waves. It takes all the self-control you have not to cum inside her right then and there. Instead you pick up the pace, slamming into her again and again.</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">With no sign of slowing down you keep fucking and fucking until you're both covered in a sheen of sweat, her tits and abs glistening as she rocks herself onto your <<cock>> over and over with amazing endurance. The iron grip of her pussy eventually proves too much, and you feel one of the largest orgasms of your life coming on.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclefuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $naomi.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/naomi/therapy/musclefinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">After so much attention and pleasure, by the time you finish by blasting on her face it's amazing how much cum lands on her. Rope after rope covers Naomi's face as she laughs and moans with happiness. There's no denying that all her hard work has achieved a satisfying end for everyone.</div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
It's just one person making this - code, story, sourcing & clipping media, what have you. The game is free and nothing is expected. If you'd like to support it anyway:
<div class=linklist>[[Buy Me a Coffee|]]
<<linkappend "<p>''Code''</p>">><div class=fore><p>I have never done any programming before. Learning twine has been greatly facilitated (unknowingly) by finding solutions provided in forums or the websites of:
<a href="" target="_blank">''HiEv''</a>, donations at their <a href="" target="_blank">patreon</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">''Chapel''</a>, donations at <a href="" target="_blank">their ko-fi</a>
Twine was created by Chris Klimas:
Sugarcube was created by The Mad Exile:
<<linkappend "<p>''Media''</p>">><div class=fore><p>I have created most clips used (though the media they're from are not mine). Some morphs used for transformation purposes were done by <a href="" target="_blank">SnapplePapple</a>
Most stock photos found via <a href="" target="_blank">Unsplash</a>
<div class=linklist><<back "Go back">></div>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>><img src="images/places/suburbsday.jpg" width = 80% class="center"><<else>><img src="images/places/suburbsnight.jpg" width = 80% class="center"><</if>><p>Kentucky Ave is the street just up from yours. A classic suburban scene, complete with power-walking seniors in the morning and kids riding their bikes in the evening.</p>
<<set $random to random(9)>>
/* Gretchen Powerwalking */
<<if $random gte 7 and $lock.mojo is true and $gretchen.model is "gilf" and $gretchen.treated and $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 11>>
<div class=row><div class=column><video id="video" autoplay loop >
<source src="images/people/gretchen/home/gilfwalking.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class=column><div class=fore>While strolling around your neighborhood, you catch sight of Gretchen power-walking. Well, you catch sight of her enormous fake breasts first, then the rest of her. She is definitely not trying to hide them, even if she somehow could.
<<if $lock.gretchen is false and $gretchen.home is 0>>[[Stop and talk with Gretchen|Gretchen Walking]]<<else>>She gives you a wink and jiggles her tits for you as she speed-walks past.<</if>></div></div></div><</if>>
<div class=linklist>
[[Walk home|Front Door]]
<<if $lock.gretchen is true>><<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 20>><<link "Visit $ and $" "Gretchen Door">><</link>><<else>>(Visit $ and Mackenzie) - It's too late to visit<</if>><</if>>
[[Walk to the bus stop|Bus Stop]]</div><<whoishere $gretchen>><<set $ to "home">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Hi Gretchen, out keeping yourself fit?"<</speech>>
<<speech "gretchen">>"Oh hello Doctor $lastname! You know it. I need my endurance in tip-top shape. I'm not letting anything stop me now, thanks to your amazing therapy. How's that tasty cock of yours?"<</speech>>
<p> She steps forward and gives the front of your pants a quick caress. You certainly did unlock a sexual monster - just as you wanted to. But after a moment $ frowns and steps back.</p>
<<speech "gretchen">>"I was actually hoping to come speak to you soon about a problem at home. It's my granddaughter Mackenzie. She 19 and lives with me and she's a real stick in the mud. Definitely does not approve of my new look and attitude."<</speech>>
<p>She runs her hands up and down her body for emphasis, then a devilish smile crosses her face.</p><<speech "gretchen">>"Do you think you could come talk to her sometime? I don't think she needs therapy or anything, but to help her loosen up and accept that her gran is hot - and hot to trot. I live just up the road here. It's really cramping my style that I can't be sexually free in my own home!"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Hmm. Things are pretty busy at the moment, I'm not sure I have the time for an unscheduled, upaid home visit."<</speech>>
On the one hand you're not going to be paid for any effort to help $ Not in money, anyway. On the other hand, you really haven't seen how chirality can affect more than one person's life at the same time - so far it's been as if everything else is frozen while one person changes, but of course their family must notice. Or maybe not?
You're not actually that busy - but always best to keep them thinking you are. Do you want to spend more time with a slutty GILF, or are you tired of her already? Maybe...
<<if $gretchen.home is 0>>
<div class=linklist><<link "I would be happy to help!">>
<<set $lock.gretchen to true; $gretchen.home to 1>>
<<link "I'm sorry, I just don't have the time.">>
<<set $gretchen.home to 2>>
<<elseif $gretchen.home is 1>><<speech "mc" "$name">>"I would be happy to help! Give me your address and I will come speak with her when I have some free time."<</speech>><p>She jots down her address on a piece of paper and hands it to you, before giving a wave and a wink and power-walking off up the street.</p><<elseif $gretchen.home is 2>><<speech "mc" "$name">>"Sorry, I really don't think I have the time for handing out free therapy sessions. You can always make an appointment if you're that unhappy."<</speech>>She looks crestfallen but nods in acceptance, squares her shoulders, and quickly power-walks off up the street.<<else>><</if>>
<<if $gretchen.home isnot 0>><div class=linklist>[[Walk home|Front Door]]
[[Keep walking around Kentucky Avenue|Kentucky Avenue]]</div><</if>>
<<whoishere $gretchen>>
<img src="images/places/gretchendoor.jpg" width = 80% class="center">
<p>A cute little house, the home of $ and $</p>
<<if $gretchen.home is 1>><div class=fore>
<<linkreplace "Knock on the Door">>
$ answers the door.
<<speech "gretchen" $>>"Hey there Dr. $lastname! Please do come in."<</speech>>
[[Go inside|Gretchen House]]
[[Leave|Kentucky Avenue]]
<div class=linklist>[[Back to the Neighborhood|Kentucky Avenue]]
[[Walk home|Front Door]]</div>
<<whoishere $gretchen>><<set $gretchen.answer to 0; $mackenzie.answer to 0>>
<div class=fore>
<<link "Talk to $" "gretchendialogue">><</link>>
<<if $lock.mackenzie>>[[Visit Mackenzie's room|Mackenzie Room]]<</if>>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 3 and $ is "forbidden">><<link "Ask $ to call her $mackenzie.relative into the kitchen for some fun" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "mackenzie"; $scene to "start">><</link>><</if>>
<div class=linklist>[[Leave|Gretchen Door]]</div><<whoishere $gretchen>><<set $ to "home">>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Hello Greta, what are you up to in the big city?"<</speech>>
<<speech "gretchen" "Greta">>"Oh hello Doctor $lastname! Just running some errands, nothing too exciting. Though I am trying to keep it fun by showing off a little."<</speech>>
<p> She smiles and leans forward to give you a better view of her cleavage. She is certainly much more forward than the repressed woman who first came to you - just as you intended. After a moment $ frowns and puts a hand on her hip in frustration.</p>
<<speech "gretchen" "Greta">>"I was actually hoping to come speak to you soon about a problem at home. It' daughter Mackenzie. She's 19 and lives with me, and she's a real stick in the mud. Definitely does not approve of my new look and attitude. She reminds me of me, back before you helped me embrace my full...potential."<</speech>>
<p>She runs her hands up and down her body for emphasis, then a half-smile crosses her face.</p><<speech "gretchen" "Greta">>"Do you think you could come talk to her sometime? I don't think she needs therapy or anything, it's not like anything is //wrong// with her. But I need her to loosen up and accept that her mom is a total MILF! I actually live just up the road from your home office, on Kentucky. It's really cramping my style that I can't be sexually free in my own home!"<</speech>>
<<speech "mc" "$name">>"Hmm. Things are pretty busy at the moment, I'm not sure I have the time for an unscheduled, upaid home visit."<</speech>>
On the one hand you're not going to be paid for any effort to help $ Not in money, anyway. On the other hand, you really haven't seen how chirality and mojo can affect more than one person's life at the same time - so far it's been as if everything else is frozen while one person changes, but of course their family must notice. Or maybe not?
You're not actually that busy - but always best to keep them thinking you are. Do you want to spend more time with a slutty MILF, or are you tired of her already? Maybe...
<<if $gretchen.home is 0>>
<div class=linklist><<link "I would be happy to help!">>
<<set $gretchen.home to 1; $lock.gretchen to true>>
<<link "I'm sorry, I just don't have the time.">>
<<set $gretchen.home to 2>>
<<elseif $gretchen.home is 1>><<speech "mc" "$name">>"I would be happy to help! Give me your address and I will come speak with her when I have some free time."<</speech>><p>She jots down her address on a piece of paper and hands it to you, before giving a wave and a wink and strutting off down the street in her high heels.</p><<elseif $gretchen.home is 2>><<speech "mc" "$name">>"Sorry, I really don't think I have the time for handing out free therapy sessions. You can always make an appointment if you're that unhappy."<</speech>>She looks crestfallen but nods in acceptance, squares her shoulders, and quickly power-walks off down the street.<<else>><</if>>
<<if $gretchen.home isnot 0>><div class=linklist>[[Keep exploring the city center|City Center]]</div><</if>>
<video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/tvglitch.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class="fore" style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;"> <iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;overflow:hidden" frameborder="0" type="text/html" src="" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"> </iframe></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Go back|Living Room]]
</div><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo"><source src="images/staticbg.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<div class="fore"><div class=tvbox><iframe src="" frameborder=0 width=510 height=400 scrolling=no allowfullscreen=allowfullscreen></iframe> </div></div>
<div class=linklist>[[Go back|Living Room]]
</div><<whoishere $gretchen>>
<<if $gretchen.answer is 0>><<speech "gretchen" $>>Yes, $name?<</speech>>
<<elseif $gretchen.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Where is $ I'd like to speak with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>Oh, probably in her room. It's just down the hall behind you, on the left.<</speech>><<set $lock.mackenzie to true>>
<<elseif $gretchen.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>Tell me a bit about $ and your issues.<</speech>>
<<if $mackenzie.model is "normal">><<speech "gretchen" $>>She resents me fully embracing my sexuality. I think she's far too repressed - probably her father's fault, you know how that goes, over-protective or whatever. But now every time I show some cleavage she gets on her soap-box about how I'm too old to try to look sexy. Imagine trying to cover these beauties up all the time!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=linklist>$ pushes her breasts together for emphasis.</div>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>I don't think it's healthy for a young attractive woman like her to be so bottled up. I think...I was like that, in the past? It's a little...hazy...anyway I'm hoping you can help her work through her hang-ups. Your therapy was so, uhm, liberating for me!<</speech>><p></p>
<<elseif $mackenzie.model is "solo">><<speech "gretchen" $>>She resents me fully embracing my sexuality. I think she's just jealous, that little bitch. Every time I show some cleavage she gets on her soap-box about how I'm too old to try to look sexy. Imagine trying to cover these beauties up all the time!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class=linklist>$ pushes her breasts together for emphasis.</div>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>I used to think she was repressed, you know, all those teenage hormones bottled up with no outlet. I tried to talk to her about ways to deal with it, and I did notice she has a vibrator now, so that's good. But something else seems different about her now, too. She's got this aggressive confidence. I guess that's teenagers for you!<</speech>><p></p>
<<else>><<speech "gretchen" $>>She's such a good girl now that you've helped her out! She wants to be just like her slutty $gretchen.relative. She isn't as depraved as me yet but I'm working on helping her get there. Plus she looks so hot in her new clothes. Don't you just want to eat my $mackenzie.relative up? I know I do.<</speech>><p></p>
<<elseif $gretchen.answer is 4>><<speech "mc" $name>>While I'm here and have some time, do you want to fuck?<</speech>>
<<if $ isnot "forbidden">><<speech "gretchen" $>>Of course I do! But we can't. Like I said, $ is cramping my style terribly. I can barely manage the time to masturbate without her snooping on me. But I'm happy to come have a therapy session whenever you want.<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "gretchen" $>>Of course I do! But I don't want to leave my $mackenzie.relative out, so lets call her in here if you want some fun. She's been working so hard at being a good little slut, I don't want to hurt her feelings. Of course I'd be happy to come visit you at your office if you want some one-on-one time.<</speech>><</if>><</if>><p></p>
<div class=fore><<link "Where's $">><<set $gretchen.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Tell me about $">><<set $gretchen.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Want to fuck while I'm here?">><<set $gretchen.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>></div>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go Back" "Gretchen House">><<set $gretchen.answer to 0>><</link>></div><<whoishere $mackenzie>>
<div class=fore>
<<if $mackenzie.answer is 0>>You knock before entering Mackenzie's room to find her sitting on her bed, phone in one hand and vape pen in another.<<if $ isnot "forbidden">> $ is your average teenager: half preppy half rebel, button up shirt and bow in the hair but black leather boots and cut-off jean shorts.<<else>> $ has started following in her $gretchen.relative's footsteps: shorter skirts, higher heels - and you can see a vibrator not quite put away in the open drawer next to her bed.<</if>>
<<if $mackenzie.model is "normal">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>What the hell do you want?<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "mackenzie" $>>Oh hi Mr $lastname, I was just...thinking about you.<</speech>><p>She glances at her bedside drawer before closing it.</p><</if>>
<<elseif $mackenzie.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Do you know who I am? I'm a...friend of your $gretchen.relative's.<</speech>>
<<if $mackenzie.model is "normal">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>Oh yeah, she won't shut up about you. You're the one who got her all mixed up, showing her big fake boobs to the world, working out all the time, taking "naps" and then buzzing one or two out with her vibrator. Do you know how uncomfortable it is to hear your $gretchen.relative masturbating all the time? And I can never get into the bathroom now!<</speech>>
<<elseif $mackenzie.model is "solo">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>Yeah, she never shuts up about you, but don't you think she's kinda old for you? Of course that bimbo got fake boobs as soon as hers started to droop but why not go for younger, perkier ones in the first place?<</speech>>
<<elseif $ is "forbidden">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>Oh of course I do, you helped my $gretchen.relative achieve her sexual awakening! She's been showing me the things you two worked on together and I'm really hoping we get to work on them again soon, as<</speech>><<else>><</if>><p></p>
<<elseif $mackenzie.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>Tell me about your relationship with $<</speech>>
<<if $mackenzie.model is "normal">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>I dunno, mostly normal or whatever. She's my $gretchen.relative, we get on OK. But it's a tiny house and I don't want to see her strutting in booty shorts or fuck-me heels all the time...or screaming your name while she's got a dildo inside her.<</speech>><p>She gives you a sneer, then takes another puff from her vape pen.</p>
<<elseif $mackenzie.model is "solo">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>I dunno, mostly normal or whatever. She's my $gretchen.relative, we get on OK. I don't resent her being like a sexual person or whatever. Maybe it's hard for me to express myself when I see her doing it so blatantly and so often. Like, isn't it my turn to explore, not hers?<</speech>>
<p>She bites her lip thoughtfully, then takes another puff from her vape pen.</p>
<<elseif $ is "forbidden">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>She's my $gretchen.relative, I love her! And she's so sexy. I want to be just like her. She's been showing me how to dress better - I don't have her big hot bimbo tits but my ass is nice so at least I can show that off, right?<</speech>><p>$ giggles and flips her skirt up to give you a peek.</p><<else>><</if>><p></p>
<<elseif $mackenzie.answer is 4>><<if $mackenzie.model is "normal">><<speech "mc" $name>>What's got you so fucking cranky? You're young and pretty and smart, is this really all about your $gretchen.relative dressing a little sexier or is something else going on?<</speech>>
<p>You notice she blushes for a moment, before her face goes steely again.</p>
<<speech "mackenzie" $>>I mean it's a lot to do with that, it's weird and annoying. But yeah, maybe...I'm also trying to quit smoking. I swapped to vaping but that just made me smoke more. So I go a few days and get really "fucking cranky" while I do, and then I end up smoking again.<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "mc" $name>>What's got you so riled up? You're young and pretty and smart, are you concerned about your $gretchen.relative dressing a little sexier or is something else going on?<</speech>>
<p>You notice she blushes for a moment.</p>
<<if $ is "forbidden">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>I mean it's a lot to do with that, it's weird. I kind of am jealous of her? Like part of me wants to be able to express myself and do what she does, feel good, dress sexy, turn boys on. But part of me wants to almost //be// her too, you know. Is that normal for a $mackenzie.relative to feel about her $gretchen.relative? And then sometimes, seeing her bend over, or...part of me wants to, uh...wants to...<</speech>><p>She blushes again and then shakes her head dismissively.</p>
<<else>><<speech "mackenzie" $>>She's just so wrapped up in her own bimbo whore shit. Her time to act like that is like, over. I mean, whatever. She can do what she wants but it better not get in my way. If I want something that she wants, I'm gonna prove I deserve it more. You know?<</speech>><</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $mackenzie.answer is 5>><<speech "mc" $name>>I think I have something to help you quit smoking. It's an herbal blend of, uh, vape juice that I've made myself. It helps with cravings and desires.<</speech>>
<p>Technically that's not a lie, right?</p>
<<if $mackenzie.model is "normal">><<speech "mackenzie" $>>What? Oh. Yeah I've tried some other stuff like this but yeah fine, if $gretchen.relative can't shut up about the miracles you can work then sure I'll give it a shot sometime. I just can't quit this vaping habit, it's super annoying.<</speech>><<else>><</if>><<else>><</if>>
<div class=fore><<link "Do you know who I am?">><<set $mackenzie.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Tell me how you feel about your $gretchen.relative">><<set $mackenzie.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<if $mackenzie.mind is 0>><<link "What's got you so fucking irritated?">><<set $mackenzie.answer to 4; $lock.vape to true>><<refresh>><</link>><<else>><<link "What's got you so riled up?">><<set $mackenzie.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<<if not $slowplay.includes("mackenzie")>><<if $mojo.fixed and $lock.vape>><<link "I have a soothing herbal vape juice I'd like you to try">><<set $mackenzie.answer to 5; $slowplay.push("mackenzie")>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<div class=linklist><<link "Go Back" "Mackenzie Room">><<set $mackenzie.answer to 0>><</link>></div><<whoishere $mackenzie>>
<div class=fore>
You knock before entering Mackenzie's room to find her sitting on her bed, phone in one hand and vape pen in another.<<if $ isnot "forbidden">> $ is your average teenager: half preppy half rebel, button up shirt and bow in the hair but black leather boots and cut-off jean shorts.<<else>> $ has started following in her $gretchen.relative's footsteps: shorter skirts, higher heels - and you can see a vibrator not quite put away in the open drawer next to her bed.<</if>>
<<link "Talk to $" "mackenziedialogue">><</link>>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 3 and $mackenzie.model is "solo">><<link "Fuck her" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "mackenzie"; $scene to "start">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $lock.vape>>When you are ready, you can offer to drop some of your "herbal vape juice" into $'s vape pen and let her take some puffs to handle her addiction. After her eyes get that familiar distanced look in them, you can <<link "work your mojo on her." "Mojo Work">><<set $mojo.answer to 1; $working to "mackenzie">><</link>><</if>></div>
<<if $mackenzie.ti is 3>><div class="fore">
<<if $mackenzie.mind is 0>>@@.changes;$'s ''ti bon anj'' reels with the lustful thoughts you've breathed into her. She is ripe for you to tip her mind towards permanent corruption, the better to serve Erzulie...and her hounsi. But which way will she tip? Curiously you don't see two of her, but rather one that seems to be reaching in opposite directions. Appearing to kaleidoscope forward and back, she is reaching both hands out towards you. Each has the weight of choice in it:
On the right-hand path $ gives in to her good-girl qualities and does not rebel against her $gretchen.relative. She still tries for a bit, but her teenage hormones combined with newly infused hyper-sexuality needs to come out somehow. Pair this with how perma-horny the improved $ is thanks to your treatments, and you can guess the lascivious outcome: $ turns to you and her $gretchen.relative for guidance on how to express herself sexually and overcome her frustrations. And $ will only be too happy to teach her $mackenzie.relative in a way that almost anyone (besides a goddess of lust, or perhaps you) would say is //too// hands-on. $ may not be able to express herself sexually without the help of her $gretchen.relative, but when she does it will be twice as nice.
On the left-hand path $'s frustration with her $gretchen.relative boils over into full rebellion: this is her time to shine and enjoy herself, not her washed-up $gretchen.relative. Knowing that you are the main object of $'s lust, $ will try to one-up her, indulging in her own urges by competing with her $gretchen.relative for your attention. If her $gretchen.relative is going to act like a total whore around you, then $ will too - an even better one! A win-win for you, really.
<<if $gretchen.relative is "grandma">>[[Reach out to her right hand|Mackenzie Mind G][$mackenzie.ti -=3; $mackenzie.mind +=1; $mackenzie.model to "gilf"; $ to "forbidden"]]<<else>>[[Reach out to her right hand|Mackenzie Mind M][$mackenzie.ti -=3; $mackenzie.mind +=1; $mackenzie.model to "milf"; $ to "forbidden"]]<</if>>
[[Reach out to her left hand|Mackenzie Mind][$mackenzie.ti -=3; $mackenzie.mind +=1; $mackenzie.model to "solo"; $ to "solo"]]
<<elseif $mackenzie.mind lte 2 and $mackenzie.model is "solo">>$ is ready to be further corrupted by your loa-tinged psychosexual influence.<br>[[Continue to encourage her sexual rebellion|Mackenzie Mind][$mackenzie.ti -=3; $mackenzie.mind +=1;]]
<<elseif $mackenzie.mind lte 2 and $mackenzie.model is "gilf">>$ is ready to be further corrupted by your loa-tinged psychosexual influence.<br>[[Continue to break down sexual taboos|Mackenzie Mind G][$mackenzie.ti -=3; $mackenzie.mind +=1;]]<<elseif $mackenzie.mind lte 2 and $mackenzie.model is "milf">>$ is ready to be further corrupted by your loa-tinged psychosexual influence.<br>[[Continue to break down sexual taboos|Mackenzie Mind M][$mackenzie.ti -=3; $mackenzie.mind +=1;]]<<else>><</if>></div><</if>>
<div class=linklist>[[Leave her room|Gretchen House]]
[[Leave the house|Kentucky Avenue]]</div><<whoishere $NPC>>
<<if $NPC.answer is 0>><<speech "NPC" $>>Yes?<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 1>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 1<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "normal">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 1<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "UNO">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 1<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "DOS">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 1<</speech>><<else>><</if>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 2>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 2<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "normal">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 2<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "UNO">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 2<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "DOS">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 2<</speech>><<else>><</if>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 3>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 3<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "normal">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 3<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "UNO">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 3<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "DOS">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 3<</speech>><<else>><</if>>
<<elseif $NPC.answer is 4>><<speech "mc" $name>>Question 4<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.model is "normal">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 4<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "UNO">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 4<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "DOS">><<speech "NPC" $>>Answer 4<</speech>><<else>><</if>>
<div class=fore><<link "Question 1">><<set $NPC.answer to 1>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 2">><<set $NPC.answer to 2>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 3">><<set $NPC.answer to 3>><<refresh>><</link>>
<<link "Question 4">><<set $NPC.answer to 4>><<refresh>><</link>></div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Go back">></div><<whoishere $NPC>><div class=fore>Description of room
<<if $lock.ITEM>><p>$ -description of how to affect them with your mojo-</p>
<<if $NPC.model is "normal">><<speech "NPC" $>>Say they are OK with taking the mojo somehow<</speech>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "UNO">><<speech "NPC" $>>VERY ok with mojo now<</speech>>
<<if $NPC.mind is 1>><p>She strikes a pose, curiosity in her eyes and a slight smirk on her lips.</p>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Sexy offer of teasing/admire fuck scenes<</speech>>
<<link "Observe her bangin' bod?" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "NPC">><</link>>
<<elseif $NPC.mind gte 2>><p>Sexy offer of BJ/sex</p>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Sexy offer of BJ/sex<</speech>>
<p> She peers at you hungrily, eyes going in and out of focus.</p>
<<link "Dose her and enjoy some drug-enhanced intimate moments" "NPC sex">><<set $fucking to "NPC">><</link>>
<<link "Get straight to fuckin'" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "NPC">><</link>><<else>><</if>>
<<elseif $NPC.model is "DUO">><<speech "NPC" $>>I'm so ready to blast off again, $name. Let's take a trip, man!<</speech>><<if $NPC.mind is 1>><p>Sexy offer of BJ/sex</p>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Sexy offer of BJ/sex<</speech>>
<<link "Do you want to appreciate her sex-infused aura?" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "NPC">><</link>>
<<elseif $NPC.mind gte 2>><p>She runs her hands up and down her body, then pulls you close and caresses your <<cock>> through your pants.</p>
<<speech "NPC" $>>Sexy offer of BJ/sex<</speech>>
<<link "Dose her and enjoy some drug-enhanced intimate moments" "NPC sex">><<set $fucking to "NPC">><</link>>
<<link "Get straight to fuckin'" "TownieSession">><<set $fucking to "NPC">><</link>><<else>><</if>><<else>><</if>>
When you are ready, you can place some "medicine" into the diffuser and $ will sit over it and inhale deeply. After her eyes get that distanced look in them, you can <<link "work your mojo on her." "Mojo Work">><<set $mojo.answer to 1; $working to "NPC">><</link>>
<<if $NPC.ti is 3>>$'s ''ti bon anj'' reels with the dirty thoughts you've breathed into her, [[Ready to corrupt her mind further.|NPC Mind]]<</if>></div>
<<if $NPC.gros is 3>><div class=fore>The ''gros bon anj'' you flooded into $ came from two parallel paths. DESCRIBE TWO PATHS:
Both will have the infused hyper-sexual energy that Erzulie has stitched through all of your endeavors, of course. Both will have bodies more built for sex. But their bodies and their minds will be different:
You have the power to choose between
[[UNO, the description|NPC Body][$NPC.model to "UNO"; $ to "UNO"]]
[[DUO, the description|NPC Body][$NPC.model to "DUO"; $ to "DUO"]]
<div class=linklist>[[Go back|"wherever they are/were"]]</div><<nobr>><<whoishere $NPC>>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div>
With Erzulie's sly smile in the back of your mind, you pull the more lecherous thoughts of the "alternative" $, then fold them into the one in front of you. Maybe it's the effect of the mojo, but you swear you see a little shiver of pleasure every time you coax some of the other world's thoughts into $'s head. One at a time you lay the thoughts and inclinations of randier women into the one before you. Finally everything seems to snap into place like a tree finally falling after some careful cuts; the visions all rush back into $ until there is just one of her in front of you.
<<if $NPC.mind is 3>><<set $NPC.ti to 4; $NPC.fuck to NUMBEROFFUCKSCENES; $NPC.finish to 1; $NPC.finishf to "mp4">>
<<speech "NPC" $>>TALK ABOUT NEEDING TO FUCK<</speech>>
<p>$ loses her train of thought - you can see fire in her eyes now.</p>
Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div><<whoishere $mackenzie>>
<div class=fore>With Erzulie's sly smile in the back of your mind, you pull the more lecherous thoughts of the "alternative" $, folding them into the one in front of you. Maybe it's the effect of the mojo, but you swear you see a little shiver of pleasure every time you coax some of the other world's thoughts into $'s head. One at a time you lay the thoughts and inclinations of randier women into the one before you. Finally everything seems to snap into place like a tree finally falling after some careful cuts; the visions all begin to rush back into $
<p>You see the alternative past of these $'s lives play out as each siphons into the one in front of you:</p></div>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solostart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>The illicit memories of her alternate selves bubble from the subconscious into the conscious mind of the version in front of you. You can see her posture slowly change: her hip swings out to the side more, and the look of frustration and anger on her face melts into one of devious mischief. Other physical changes are slight, but certainly there - you see the fabric of her sweater fill a bit, as well as her jeans.<br><br>
@@.woman;"You know Mr. $lastname I really don't get what you see in my $gretchen.relative. I mean she's so old! And you' hot, you know? You really should be looking for someone younger who can take what you can dish out. I bet you have to worry about breaking her, don't you?"@@
She chuckles at her own joke, then bites her lip and looks up at you. </div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>@@.woman;"I don't have her big boobies, but look at this pert little ass I've got! I've been trying to buy more high heels to show it off more. Do you think it's working?"@@
She turns around and bends over, giving you a full view of her ass in its fishnet leggings and daisy dukes. $ was a pretty girl before, but those shorts have definitely just filled out a touch more.</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solostart2.jpg"/></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solostart3.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Lying on the bed, she begins to unbutton her shirt. Slowly, one button at a time, her breasts come into view. They may not be the gigantic boobs of her $gretchen.relative, but they aren't small. Not anymore at any rate. A loa-inspired growth spurt just gave her an extra cup or two.<br><br>@@.woman;"Even if they're small, my tits are perky and you should see how they jiggle when I'm touching myself...and thinking of all the things you could teach me."@@</div></div>
<</if>><<if $mackenzie.mind is 1>>Suddenly her face turns red and she quickly buttons up, grabs her vape pen and fills it with regular tobacco. It seems like this is as far as your ministrations will take her this time.<</if>>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Kneeling in front of you $ pulls your pants down quickly, before she loses her nerve. Seeing your <<cock>> spring out, hard and ready, she giggles nervously before beginning to caress it.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solotease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solobj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>$ starts tentatively, but as you describe what her $gretchen.relative likes to do during blowjobs, she grows more and more enthusiastic and determined to do better. Within minutes the Loa-addled teen is choking herself on your <<cock>> over and over, only stopping for a moment here and there to grin at you with slavish exuberance.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Near the end of the blowjob her eyes actually roll back in her head and she seems to go into an orgasmic trance, shoving her lips down around your <<cock>> over and over and over without any other thought or care.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solobj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $mackenzie.treated>>
<<set $mackenzie.treated to true>>
<<set $mackenzie.start to 3>>
<<set $mackenzie.tease to 1>>
<<set $ to 2>>
<<set $mackenzie.fuck to 3>>
<<set $mackenzie.finish to 1>>
<<set $mackenzie.finishf to "mp4">>
<<speech "mackenzie" $>>I want you to use me, Mr. $lastname. I'm new to this so I don't know much about how to fuck, but I know how wet I am and I want you to show me how to fuck properly. I'm not going to break like my 200-year-old $gretchen.relative so don't hold back!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Do you really need any more encouragement? Throwing her down on the bed, you rip a large hole in her stockings and hear her gasp as you slide your <<cock>> into her. You don't bother to start slow. Grabbing her hair for control you immediately begin pounding away.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solofuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solofuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>$ spurs you on in between gasps of pleasure. Or gasps of pain? Probably both. With her high-heeled boots flung up in the air, she tries to hang on as you drive into her mercilessly. Fear, joy, and lust all pass over her face as you fuck her.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>After even more rough sex in several positions, you see that same eyes-back fuck-doll trance come over her. Whether it was in her waiting all the time or forced in by your chemical mojo tampering, this girl now simply adores being used and abused.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solofuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/solo/solofinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You finish your fun with the newly sluttified teenager by cumming all over her while she lies on her bed, rubbing her clit so she orgasms at the same time as you. Your cum spurts over her perfect teen tits and tight abs, then dribbles into her eager open mouth.</div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div><<whoishere $mackenzie>>
<div class=fore>With Erzulie's sly smile in the back of your mind, you pull the more lecherous thoughts of the "alternative" $, folding them into the one in front of you. Maybe it's the effect of the mojo, but you swear you see a little shiver of pleasure every time you coax some of the other world's thoughts into $'s head. One at a time you lay the thoughts and inclinations of randier women into the one before you. Finally everything seems to snap into place like a tree finally falling after some careful cuts; the visions all begin to rush back into $
You see the alternative past of these $'s lives play out as each siphons into the one in front of you:
Surreptitious glances at her $gretchen.relative as $ begins to dress sluttier with higher heels, shorter skirts, deeper necklines. Wide-eyed stares as her $gretchen.relative comes home from the plastic surgeon with big new tits. Listening at the door hungrily as her $gretchen.relative masturbates, calling out your name as she plunges a dildo into herself over and over.<br><p></p>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 1>>$ starts asking "innocuous" questions to her $gretchen.relative about sex, boys, and the feelings bubbling up in her. $ answers (in flagrant detail) then takes her shopping, and she starts to wear sexier clothing, mimicking her $gretchen.relative. Hugs begin to last longer as both revel in the thrill of forbidden pleasure. $ has her dress up in one of her cute new outfits to show off to you. $ is still a trepidatious teenager, so <<if $mackenzie.mind is 1>>that is as far as it goes for now. She'll need to be pushed further to embrace breaking such an ingrained taboo.<<else>>$ asks you to help get her comfortable with displaying her sexuality. Under the lust-filled tutelage of her $gretchen.relative she finally enjoys showing off for you.<</if>><br><br>
<div class=row><div class=column>While she has been fantasizing about this, $ is still shocked when Gretchen sits her down in front of you and tells her that it's time to act on her desires. She's even more shocked when her grandmother leans over from behind her and runs her hands up and down her body, lustfully describing all the fun things the three of you could do together.</div><div class=column><<print '<img src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/' + $mackenzie.model + 'start.jpg" >'>></div></div>
<<if $mackenzie.mind is 1>><p>$ is still a trepidatious teenager, so that is as far as it goes for now. But you can tell from the way $ blushed that there's much more to unleash inside her.</p><<else>>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>Let's show off our pretty pussies and really get him worked up! Enough of this tiptoing around the fun part bullshit. You're my $mackenzie.relative and you're going to learn to act like it.<</speech>>
<br><p>$ hastily pulls her dress up, then rips the skirt off of $ whose face goes from shocked to giddy. They sit down on the couch and thrust their legs up in the air, grandma and granddaughter mirror images of each other in their heels and thigh-high pantyhose.</p><br><br>
<<print '<img src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/' + $mackenzie.model + 'start2.jpg" width=80%>'>>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 2>><div class="row">
<div class="column">@@.woman;"Now watch closely, your $gretchen.relative is going to show you how to properly suck a nice big cock!"@@ says $, pulling you over and unleashing your <<cock>> from your pants. Within moments she's pushed an enraptured $ to within inches of it, then happily begins hoovering away.</div><br><br>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/gilfbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<br><<speech "gretchen">>Your turn baby. Make your grandma proud and prove we know how to suck a mean cock in this family!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/gilfbj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">At first $ is happy to look on proudly as $ begins blowing you, hesitantly at first but then with more and more enthusiasm. But after a minute of this, it's still not enough for the sex-brained bimbo $gretchen.relative. To your surprise and delight she scoots her pussy forward and begins grinding it against her own $mackenzie.relative. Overwhelmed at being worked from both ends, $ does her best to continue the blowjob.</div>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<set $mackenzie.ti to 4; $mackenzie.fuck to 4; $ to 2; $mackenzie.finish to 1; $mackenzie.finishf to "mp4"; $mackenzie.start to 1>><</nobr>>
<<speech "mackenzie">>Can I please have Mr $lastname fuck me the way you always talked about him fucking you, grandma? Pretty please? I'll be a good girl for the rest of the month I promise!<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/gilffuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></div>
<div class="column">$ bites her lip and looks at you longingly, before turning her most powerful doe-eye stare at her $gretchen.relative and affecting a fake pout. $ chuckles and then nods, and $ jumps up into your arms. You grab her legs and slide your <<cock>> into her virgin teen hole. It starts slow but she is soon happily bouncing on your dick while $ masturbates furiously behind you, fully engrossed by you fucking her $mackenzie.relative</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">@@.woman;"Come see how your whore granny takes this <<cock>> like a pro, baby!"@@<br>Lying down, $'s dirty talk doesn't stop as you pile into her rhythmically. All the disgust and taboo that should fill $ up at seeing her $gretchen.relative like this is instead transformed by your mojo hand into pure desire, and she is soon rubbing $'s clit and teasing her playfully.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/gilffuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/gilffuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/gilffuck4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>The $gretchen.relative and $mackenzie.relative then take turns riding your <<cock>>, while the other one leans over you with their pussy in your face. Sometimes $ is sucking her $mackenzie.relative's clit, sometimes vice versa, or sometimes it's you. The fact that this should be so taboo, and that two women you have so thouroughly inculcated are together, seems to crescendo the aphrodisiacal effect turning disgust to desire and ending with all three of you in a wild abandon.</p>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/gilffinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column">You end the incestual threesome by cumming all over $'s tits, $ looking on in delight - and hunger. You've barely finished when she starts licking the semen from her $gretchen.relative's tits. In a weird swapping of roles, she feeds your cum to her $gretchen.relative like a mama bird, dripping it down into her mouth. Both finally satisfied, they finish your torrid session with one final incestual kiss.</div>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 1>> TEASING
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 2>> Teaching BJ
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 3>> Teaching to fuck
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div><<whoishere $mackenzie>>
<div class=fore>With Erzulie's sly smile in the back of your mind, you pull the more lecherous thoughts of the "alternative" $, folding them into the one in front of you. Maybe it's the effect of the mojo, but you swear you see a little shiver of pleasure every time you coax some of the other world's thoughts into $'s head. One at a time you lay the thoughts and inclinations of randier women into the one before you. Finally everything seems to snap into place like a tree falling after some careful cuts; the visions all begin to rush back into $
You see the alternative past of these $'s lives play out as each siphons into the one in front of you:
Surreptitious glances at her $gretchen.relative as $ begins to dress sluttier with higher heels, shorter skirts, deeper necklines. Simmering resentment when $gretchen.relative comes home from the plastic surgeon with big new tits, turning to outright anger as she hears $gretchen.relative masturbating over and over, calling out your name as she plunges a dildo into herself.<br><p></p>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 1>>$ starts asking "innocuous" questions to her $gretchen.relative about sex, boys, and the feelings bubbling up in her. $ answers (in flagrant detail) then takes her shopping, and she starts to wear sexier clothing, mimicking her $gretchen.relative. Hugs begin to last longer as both revel in the thrill of forbidden pleasure. $ has her $mackenzie.relative dress up in one of her cute new outfits to show off to you. $ is still a trepidatious teenager, so <<if $mackenzie.mind is 1>>a quick flick of her skirt to show off her pert ass is as far as it goes for now. She'll need to be pushed further to embrace breaking such an ingrained taboo.<<else>>$ asks you to help get her comfortable with displaying her sexuality. Under the lust-filled tutelage of her $gretchen.relative she finally enjoys showing off for you.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 2>><div class=row><div class=column>While she has been fantasizing about this, $ is still shocked when Gretchen sits her down in front of you and tells her that it's time to act on her desires. She's even more shocked when her grandmother leans over and yanks your pants down, freeing your hardening cock. Shock turns to curiosity as $ grips it tightly for a better look.</div><div class=column><<print '<img src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/' + $mackenzie.model + 'start.jpg" >'>></div></div>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>Don't just stare at it. You're never going to learn to be a good cock slut if you don't practice. It's ok not to be great at first, just give it a try!<</speech>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>$ struts back and forth, carefully watching and giving tips as her $mackenzie.relative learns to suck her first cock.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/milfbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<br><<speech "gretchen" $>>Don't be afraid to really go for it, baby. Even if you can't take it all, a man likes to see his cock make you choke. Right Mr. $lastname?<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/milfbj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You can only agree as $ takes her $gretchen.relative's advice, gagging herself on your <<cock>> while $ looks on approvingly. She continues to give tips as her teenage $mackenzie.relative listens and learns.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Of course $ isn't just a mother and a teacher, she's a raging slut herself. It's not too long before she kneels down beside her $mackenzie.relative and shoves your <<cock>> into her mouth. $ takes the opportunity to focus attention on your balls and you soon have an amazing mother-daughter duo giving you a combo-blowjob.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/milfbj3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<set $mackenzie.ti to 4; $mackenzie.fuck to 2; $ to 3; $mackenzie.finish to 1; $mackenzie.finishf to "jpg"; $mackenzie.start to 1>><</nobr>>
<<speech "mackenzie" $>>Can Mr. $lastname show me why you scream his name so loud, mommy? I've been so curious!<</speech>><p></p>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>I bet he can, baby. Are you ready to fuck me now $name?<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/milffuck.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></div>
<div class="column">You are, of course. $ leans over her $mackenzie.relative and you slide your <<cock>> into her, building up to a rhythmic fucking. $ keeps a stream of questions going, asking her mom how it feels. Eventually she gets so into it that she starts rubbing her mom's clit while you continue to fuck her.</div>
<<speech "gretchen" $>>Are you ready for your first good fuck? Don't worry, you don't have to do too much. Just lie back and let Mr. $lastname make you feel good.<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">$ cradles her $mackenzie.relative's head as she lays down. You slide your <<cock>> into the teenager and before long she's writhing with pleasure, close to orgasm. Her small boobs jiggle up and down as your thrust her into one orgasm after another.</div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/milffuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $mackenzie.mind gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><<print '<img src="images/people/mackenzie/forbidden/' + $mackenzie.model + 'finish.jpg" >'>></div></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>When you are almost spent, mother and daughter kneel down in front of you, trading off between your dick and your balls, caressing every bit of you with their tongues with only a break here and there for an incestual kiss. Once you finally do cum, they lap it up together.</div>
<div class=linklist><<return "Return">></div><video autoplay muted loop id="bgVideo">
<source src="images/melange.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<whoishere $mia>>
<div class=fore><<if $mia.visit lte 0>>
Mia has sought you out because she she is uncomfortable with her body. More specifically she's ashamed of her breasts. Which seems silly to you - they're already large in this universe, but she seems to hunch forward to hide them. With the melange wafting and alternate worlds opening up before you both you can see that she feels as if her natural boobs are imperfect: a few stretch marks, maybe the nipples aren't quite lined up the way she wants. She was ashamed of them growing up and therefore hid them, bound them, and never treated them very well. And two distinct solutions walk forward to you out of the melange-laced mists
The first clear alternative Mia you can focus on, over the right shoulder of your world's Mia, is one that decided early on to embrace her large breasts. As they grew, she massaged them, rubbed lotion into them, and slowly even started using oils and tinctures designed to make them grow even larger. If everyone was going to focus on her breasts, she'd have the biggest and best natural tits around. This Mia isn't too different from the one in front of you, still with the same lightly styled golden curls and the natural curves, still a bit repressed, but with your help she will slowly unfold and embrace her sexuality entirely.
On the other (mojo) hand the second Mia that you see looks quite different. In this reality, her early shame and uncertainty about her growing breasts led her to realize that the only real solution is taking full control of the way her body looks. Frenetic working out made her a bit thinner, but eventually she realized the only way to really control her body is plastic surgery. This Mia slowly sank into a cosmetic surgery addiction: first with one set of implants, then another even larger set. She had work done on her face, and fully embraced the bimbo-barbie look by going for straightened bleache-blonde hair. And with such a deep-seated obsession with her tits, she needs you to be obsessed with them as well.
<<elseif $mia.visit gte 1>><p>$ is back for another visit</p>
<div class=linklist><<if $mia.model is "normal">>
[[Nothing beats the real thing|Mia nat][$mia.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $mia.model to "nat"; $ to "therapy"]]
[[We can build her better|Mia fake][$mia.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30; $mia.model to "fake"; $ to "therapy"]]
<<elseif $mia.model is "nat">> [[Bimbo au Natural|Mia nat][$mia.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<elseif $mia.model is "fake">>[[Better than the real thing!|Mia fake][$mia.visit++; $chirality += 1; $cash += 30]]
<<else>><</if>></div><<whoishere $mia>><<nobr>>
<<if $mia.visit is 1>><<set $mia.model to "nat">><</if>>
<<if $mia.visit lte 3>><<set $mia.mind to $mia.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("mia")>>
<<if $mia.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/mia/therapy/natstart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Mia has been covering her chest a bit since coming in, but you can see she's showing off quite a lot of cleavage. With the body and thoughts of the alternate, bustier, more horny women flowing into her Mia's breasts plump up and you can see a gleeful smile spread across her face.
@@.woman;"Thank you so much for helping me embrace my natural curves, Mr. $lastname. It took a while but I really feel like I don't have to hide them anymore! And look at the tops I'm wearing now!"@@</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You explain to Mia that it is important to create positive associations with her breasts. It's not difficult to convince her that masturbating while thinking about how large her tits are is a good way to reinforce those positive feelings. She is hesitant, but does strip off her pants and begin to touch herself.</div></div>
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/mia/therapy/natstart2.jpg"/></div>
<<if $mia.visit is 1>><<speech "mia">>I think that is as far as I'm comfortable going for now, but I feel like I really made some good progress embracing my big boobies as a good thing! Boobies are great, and sex is great, and I need to remember that. I can't wait for our next session!<</speech>><<else>><<speech "mia">>I think I'd be more comfortable if I could associate your pleasure with my body as well, does that make sense? You know, therapy-wise? Do my big boobies make you happy too?<</speech>><p></p><</if>>
<<if $mia.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You nod, and unbuckle your pants to show her just how happy they make you. Kneeling down she gently takes your <<cock>> into her mouth, slowly licking and exploring it, enjoying the twitches and pulses it gives in response to her actions.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/natbj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "mc" $name>>Remember, it's important that your pleasure is tightly associated to your growing breasts and acceptance of your body. Don't forget to pay attention to yourself as well!<</speech>><p></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/natbj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>She takes your advice to heart and begins to rub herself. As she does this, the increasing excitement seems to give her more and more enthusiasm for the blowjob she's giving you.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Unleashing what the melange and therapy have all been focused on, she wraps her huge natural tits around your <<cock>>. It is almost entirely engulfed in her pillowy breasts as she works them up and down your shaft, watching your face the entire time for signs of enjoyment.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/nattits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $mia.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $mia.treated>>
<<set $mia.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("mia")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("mia")>>
<<set $callback.push("mia")>>
<<set $mia.start to 2>>
<<set $ to 2>>
<<set $mia.tits to 1>>
<<set $mia.fuck to 3>>
<<set $mia.finish to 1>>
<<set $mia.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $mia.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>When you tell her it's time to take her pleasure to the next level, she is initially hesitant before bending over in front of you. As you watch her ass jiggle to your rhythmic fucking, you can tell she is relaxing more and more, finally beginning to enjoy every aspect of her body and what you are doing to it.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/natfuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/natfuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Flipping her over you instruct her to keep her hands on her thighs as you continue to fuck her. Watching her tits jiggle with nothing covering them is a freeing experience and she begins to be louder and louder the longer you keep going.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>When she climbs on top of you and takes control, it's apparent that she has completely embraced her inner slut. Grinding on top of you she yells in delight, slamming up and down on your <<cock>> and making her huge natural tits shake. Mia is practically delirious from the pleasure of your fucking, the melange-tinged air, and the joy of watching her boobies bouncing freely.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted ><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/natfuck3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $mia.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/natfinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>When you are ready to explode $ keeps a vacuum-like suction on your <<cock>> as you cum into her mouth, then shows you the fruits of her labor. Contentment crosses her face as your cum dribbles down her pretty chin.</div></div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<whoishere $mia>><<nobr>>
<<if $mia.visit is 1>><<set $mia.model to "fake"; $ to "Mimi">><</if>>
<<if $mia.visit lte 3>><<set $mia.mind to $mia.visit>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen.push("mia")>>
<<if $mia.visit gte 1>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/faketease.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>The changes to $ as her other selves rush back into her are extreme. Her hair straightens out and becomes more blonde. Her nose shrinks and straightens. Her breasts swell up and in towards each other, taking a classic fake implant look - no boobs push against each other that way on their own. Fat dissolves from her midriff. The woman left giddily standing before you is a barbie bimbo version of the "Mia" who first walked in your door.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>If it weren't obvious that her mind and thoughts had also been corrupted, it readily becomes apparent as she pulls out a tape measure. She literally wants you to know how huge her tits are now. Every aspect of her ego rests within the idea that men are satisfied with her body and more specifically her impractical cleavage.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/faketease2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/people/mia/therapy/fakestart.jpg"/></div>
<div class="column"><div class=fore>After you measure them and tell her that you are indeed happy with their new and improved size and perkiness, she lifts up her shirt to make sure you've appreciated them in all their new glory.</div></div>
<<speech "mia" $>>I'm so happy Mr. $lastname, I always knew that big boobs were important and now I'm finally close to knowing mine measure up! No more fear about drooping or sagging. They'll be perfect forever.<</speech>><p></p>
<<if $mia.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Even her voice seems to have changed, becoming higher and with more of a demure lilt. $ isn't focused on her own pleasure, or going wild with the thought of primal sex - she only wants her body to turn you on, and to then please you with it. As she lays you down, takes off your pants and begins to suck your <<cock>> she keeps eye contact to make sure you are enjoying every second of it.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/fakebj.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/fakebj2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>The langorous blowjob continues, only stopping when she takes off more of her clothes to give you a better view of her loa-improved body. She takes her time and does not rush; this is the only place a bimbo like $ wants to be.</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Sliding your <<cock>> between her tits only makes $ even happier. She stares into your eyes and basks in the pleasure on your face as you thrust up and down in her ample cleavage.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/faketits.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $mia.visit gte 3>>
<<nobr>><<if not $mia.treated>>
<<set $mia.treated to true>>
<<set $treated.push("mia")>>
<<set $hiddentreated.push("mia")>>
<<set $callback.push("mia")>>
<<set $mia.start to 1>>
<<set $mia.tease to 2>>
<<set $ to 2>>
<<set $mia.tits to 1>>
<<set $mia.fuck to 2>>
<<set $mia.finish to 1>>
<<set $mia.finishf to "mp4">>
<<set $mia.visit++>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>Laying her down, you push your <<cock>> into her, making her moan and quiver. Thrusting into her, you enjoy the sight of her large fake tits rocking back and forth, still sticking straight out from her chest in defiance of gravity.</div></div>
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/fakefuck.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/fakefuck2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>You flip her over and begin to fuck her from behind. While this robs you of the sight of her delicious fake breasts (though her ass isn't too bad!) $ seems completely happy and a stream of dirty-talk leaves her lips. This is exactly where she wants to be, naked, with your <<cock>> inside her, using her the way she is supposed to be used and validating all the changes her body has gone through.</div></div>
<<if $mia.visit gte 2>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column"><video id="video" autoplay loop controls muted><source src="images/people/mia/therapy/fakefinish.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<div class="column"><div class=fore>$ urges you towards orgasm with her high baby-voice, begging you to cover her tits with your cum. Soon enough you give her exactly what she needs.</div></div>
<div class=linklist>A very fruitful session of [[Therapy]]</div>
<<set $peerreview to false>>
<<set $workout to false>>
<<if $chirality lte 1>><<set $chirality to 2>><</if>>
<<set $dailyseen to []>>
<div class=linklist>You leaf through your notes:
<<nobr>><<if $treated.length gte 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $treated.length; _i++>>
<<set _face to $treated[_i]>>
<<print "<<set $forward to '$' + _face + '.id'>>">>
<<print '<<set $forward2 to ' + $forward + '>>'>>
<<print "<<set $toward to '$' + _face + '.model'>>">>
<<print '<<set $toward2 to ' + $toward + '>>'>>
<<print "<<set $faceplate to '$' + _face + '.name'>>">>
<div class=row><div class=column>
<<print '<img source src="images/people/speech/'
+ $forward2
+ $toward2
+ '.jpg" max-width="50%">'>>
<div class=column>
<<='[[' + $faceplate + '|' + $forward2.toUpperFirst() + ' ' + $toward2 + ']]'>></div></div>
<<back "Go back">></div>
/* <<='[[' + $faceplate + '|' + $forward2.toUpperFirst() + ' ' + $toward2 + ']]'>></div></div>
<<='[[$treated[_i].toUpperFirst()|' + $forward2.toUpperFirst() + ' ' + $toward2 + ']]'>></div></div> */