<div class="image-container1">\
<img src="Images/Pics/Warning1.jpg" width="400px">\
<span class="red">WARNING:</span> This is an adult game; it contains content that is not suitable for minors. You must be at least 18 years old (or 21 in some countries) to play this game. By clicking the following link, you agree with the previous statement.\
[[I am at least 18 years old or older.|Introduction]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/GameName1.jpg" width="400px">
Hello and welcome to Arcane Revelations! Thanks for playing and giving this game a chance.
This is still my very first game creation, and I hope it will not be the last. Of course, it is still in early development, so there will not be much content to see at first, and there might be a few bugs which I hope you would be kind enough to report.
Moreover, depending on the feedback and the comments I will be getting on this game, I am hoping to improve my work. I am open to any and all advice, ideas, suggestions, and criticism. However, if the game, for whatever reason, fails to achieve the desired objective, failed to be enjoyable and thrilling, I will not hesitate to shut it down. But hopefully, it will never come to that.
This game is completely free. If you enjoyed the game, you can always support me on my <a href="https://patreon.com/Cyaneuz" target="_blank">Patreon</a>. Anyways, have fun!
<<set $name to "">>
Enter your player name:
<<textbox "$name" "James">>
<<set $lastname to "">>
Enter your last name:
<<textbox "$lastname" "Moore">>
<<set $relation to "">>
Something else you want to modify?
<<textbox "$relation" "">>
<<set $cheats to "">>
Cheat Code.
<<textbox "$cheats" "">>
[[To the game!|Start]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Hand1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $start to true>>\
<<set $time to "Noon">>\
<<set $day to "Saturday">>\
<<if $cheats is "ThisIsYourPresent">>\
<<set $maxEnergy to 5000>>\
<<set $energy to 5000>>\
<<set $iq to 20>>\
<<set $looks to 20>>\
<<set $fit to 20>>\
<<set $charisma to 20>>\
<<set $money to 1000>>\
<<set $unlockSpeed to true>>\
<<set $unlockVision to true>>\
<<set $unlockSummon to true>>\
<<set $unlockMind to true>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $unlockPhase to true>>\
<<set $unlockMorph to true>>\
<<set $unlockDup to true>>\
<<set $unlockDream to true>>\
<<set $unlockTime to true>>\
<<set $speed to 5>>\
<<set $vision to 5>>\
<<set $summon to 5>>\
<<set $mind to 5>>\
<<set $charm to 5>>\
<<set $element to 5>>\
<<set $phase to 5>>\
<<set $morph to 5>>\
<<set $dup to 5>>\
<<set $dream to 5>>\
<<set $timeM to 5>>\
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
<<set $maxEnergy to 5000>>\
<<set $energy to 5000>>\
<<set $iq to 20>>\
<<set $looks to 20>>\
<<set $fit to 20>>\
<<set $charisma to 20>>\
<<set $money to 1000>>\
<<set $unlockSpeed to true>>\
<<set $unlockVision to true>>\
<<set $unlockSummon to true>>\
<<set $unlockMind to true>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $unlockPhase to true>>\
<<set $unlockMorph to true>>\
<<set $unlockDup to true>>\
<<set $unlockDream to true>>\
<<set $unlockTime to true>>\
<<set $speed to 5>>\
<<set $vision to 5>>\
<<set $summon to 5>>\
<<set $mind to 5>>\
<<set $charm to 5>>\
<<set $element to 5>>\
<<set $phase to 5>>\
<<set $morph to 5>>\
<<set $dup to 5>>\
<<set $dream to 5>>\
<<set $timeM to 5>>\
It is dark, darker than any night you’ve known, and colder too. But something is off. You're in unfamiliar terrain. This is not your room. You feel around for familiar objects: your bed, your desk, your computer—anything that might anchor you to reality. But there is nothing, only empty, icy air.
As you try to figure out where you are, you only come to realize the chill soaking through your feet. They’re submerged in freezing water, colder than ice, sending shivers up your spine. Your ears then perk. They're trying to work something out. The distant, distorted sound that echoes through the darkness is eerily familiar, like a whisper, but you can’t place it. It is of this world, but it does not belong here. Then, you see it.
A hand, ashen and gnarled, but of power. It reaches out from the void, darker than the surrounding darkness, and its presence chills you to your core. Questions flood your mind. "Why is it here? What does it want? To whom does it belong to?" But then you realize the true horror: you can see the hand. And it is a human hand. Its owner, however, is anything but human.
The hand hovers, waiting. And somehow, you’re not hesitant. You know what you must do.
<<link "Take the hand." "Car Ride">>
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $lastchoice to "takehand">>\
<<link "Do not touch that hand!" "Car Ride">>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $lastchoice to "notake">>\
<</link>>\<<set $carryBags to false>>
<<set $lucasT to false>>
<<set $juliaT to false>>
<<set $claraT to false>>
<<set $juliaShop to false>>
<<set $juliaN to false>>
<<set $metNora to false>>
<<set $metJulia to false>>
<<set $metSophia to false>>
<<set $metClara to false>>
<<set $metLucas to false>>
<<set $metAddison to false>>
<<set $metChris to false>>
<<set $metStella to false>>
<<set $metKate to false>>
<<set $metMaya to false>>
<<set $metGrace to false>>
<<set $metAbigail to false>>
<<set $graceT to false>>
<<set $abigailT to false>>
<<set $bedEarly to false>>
<<set $metNaomi to false>>
<<set $lie to false>>
<<set $truth to false>>
<<set $metZoe to false>>
<<set $metHailey to false>>
<<set $zoeQ1 to false>>
<<set $zoeQ2 to false>>
<<set $zoeQ3 to false>>
<<set $metRachel to false>>
<<set $metLily to false>>
<<set $class1 to false>>
<<set $metMason to false>>
<<set $metBella to false>>
<<set $metDiana to false>>
<<set $dianaNice to false>>
<<set $dianaT to false>>
<<set $dianaH to false>>
<<set $dianaBJ to false>>
<<set $charmSuc to false>>
<<set $mindSuc to false>>
<<set $dupSuc to false>>
<<set $speedSuc to false>>
<<set $healSuc to false>>
<<set $phaseSuc to false>>
<<set $elementSuc to false>>
<<set $electricitySuc to false>>
<<set $playerHP to 100>>
<<set $enemyHP to 100>>
<<set $zoeLose to false>>
<<set $haileyLose to false>>
<<set $metHana to false>>
<<set $metStella2 to false>>
<<set $day4class1 to false>>
<<set $day4wind to false>>
<<set $metEvelyn to false>>
<<set $metBella2 to false>>
<<set $graceKiss to false>>
<<set $graceReject to false>>
<<set $graceQ to false>>
<<set $graceDay3 to false>>
<<set $metMason2 to false>>
<<set $bellaPic to false>>
<<set $bellaVid to false>>
<<set $bellaPanties to false>>
<<set $masonTry to false>>
<<set $juliaDay2 to false>>
<<set $dream2 to false>>
<<set $wakeLucas to false>>
<<set $heat2 to false>>
<<set $xray5 to false>>
<<set $bellaBribe to false>>
<<set $bellaBribe2 to false>>
<<set $bellaBribeFail to false>>
<<set $bellaBribeFail2 to false>>
<<set $bellaBribeSuc to false>>
<<set $graceDay4 to false>>
<<set $metJoe to false>>
<<set $chokeDay4 to false>>
<<set $mindDay4 to false>>
<<set $speedDay4 to false>>
<<set $walkDay3 to false>>
<<set $exploreDay3 to false>>
<<set $hangMDay4 to false>>
<<set $hangLDay4 to false>>
<<set $dianaT2 to false>>
<<set $dianaH2 to false>>
<<set $dianaBJ2 to false>>
<<set $deanDay5 to false>>
/* Relationships */
<<set $juliaLO to 0>>
<<set $juliaLU to 0>>
<<set $sophiaLO to 0>>
<<set $sophiaLU to 0>>
<<set $lucasLO to 0>>
<<set $claraLO to 0>>
<<set $claraLU to 0>>
<<set $noraLO to 0>>
<<set $noraLU to 0>>
<<set $chrisLO to 0>>
<<set $addLO to 0>>
<<set $addLU to 0>>
<<set $stellaLO to 0>>
<<set $stellaLU to 0>>
<<set $mayaLO to 0>>
<<set $mayaLU to 0>>
<<set $graceLO to 0>>
<<set $graceLU to 0>>
<<set $abiLO to 0>>
<<set $abiLU to 0>>
<<set $naLO to 0>>
<<set $naLU to 0>>
<<set $zoeLO to 0>>
<<set $zoeLU to 0>>
<<set $haileyLO to 0>>
<<set $haileyLU to 0>>
<<set $rachLO to 0>>
<<set $rachLU to 0>>
<<set $lilyLO to 0>>
<<set $lilyLU to 0>>
<<set $masLO to 0>>
<<set $bellaLO to 0>>
<<set $bellaLU to 0>>
<<set $dianaLO to 0>>
<<set $dianaLU to 0>>
<<set $hanaLO to 0>>
<<set $hanaLU to 0>>
<<set $eveLO to 0>>
<<set $eveLU to 0>>
/* Sunrise, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Midnight */
<<set $start to false>>
<<set $time to "">>
<<set $day to "">>
<<set $action to 0>>
/* Money and Energy */
<<set $money to 50>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $maxEnergy to 100>>
/* Player Stats */
<<set $looks to 0>>
<<set $iq to 0>>
<<set $fit to 0>>
<<set $charisma to 0>>
/* Player Powers */
<<set $speed to 0>>
<<set $vision to 0>>
<<set $summon to 0>>
<<set $mind to 0>>
<<set $charm to 0>>
<<set $element to 0>>
<<set $phase to 0>>
<<set $morph to 0>>
<<set $dup to 0>>
<<set $dream to 0>>
<<set $timeM to 0>>
/* Unlocking Powers */
<<set $unlockSpeed to false>>
<<set $unlockVision to false>>
<<set $unlockSummon to false>>
<<set $unlockMind to false>>
<<set $unlockLust to false>>
<<set $unlockElement to false>>
<<set $unlockPhase to false>>
<<set $unlockMorph to false>>
<<set $unlockDup to false>>
<<set $unlockDream to false>>
<<set $unlockTime to false>>
/* Unlocking Powers alt. */
<<set $speed1 to false>>
<<set $vision1 to false>>
<<set $summon1 to false>>
<<set $mind1 to false>>
<<set $charm1 to false>>
<<set $element1 to false>>
<<set $phase1 to false>>
<<set $morph1 to false>>
<<set $dup1 to false>>
<<set $dream1 to false>>
<<set $time1 to false>>
/* Start Passage */
<<set $lastchoice to "">>
/* Clara Park */
<<set $beFriend to false>>
<<set $noFriend to false>>
/* Store */
<<set $BrooksShop to false>>
<<set $visitShop to false>>
<<set $bookA to false>>
<<set $bookB to false>>
<<set $bookC to false>>
<<set $bookD to false>>
<<set $choc to false>>
<<set $supp to false>>
/* Restaurant */
<<set $goAfter to false>>
<<set $addisonNumber to false>>
<<set $followNora to false>>
<<set $noIntervene to false>>
<<set $bullshit to false>>
<<set $noraHJ to false>>
/* Addison */
<<set $addBJ to false>>
/* Day 2 */
<<set $becomeFriends to false>>
<<set $lucasFriend to false>>
<<set $lucasEnemy to false>>
<<set $lucasLeave to false>>
<<set $mayaF to false>>
<<set $mayaBJ to false>>
<<set $graceFirst to false>>
<<set $noraFirst to false>><div class="left-align">
<<if $start is true>>
<a href="https://patreon.com/Cyaneuz" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
''Time: $time''
''Day: $day''
''Energy: $energy''
''<span class="green">Money</span>: $money''
''<span class="red">Appearance</span>: $looks''
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span>: $iq''
''<span class="blue">Physique</span>: $fit''
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span>: $charisma''
<<if $unlockVision is true>>\
''<span class="red">X-Ray</span>: Level $vision''
<<if $unlockSpeed is true>>\
''<span class="blue">Super Speed</span>: Level $speed''
<<if $unlockMind is true>>\
''<span class="yellow">Telepathy</span>: Level $mind''
<<if $unlockSummon is true>>\
''<span class="orange">Summoning</span>: Level $summon''
<<if $unlockPhase is true>>\
''<span class="plum">Invisibility</span>: Level $phase''
<<if $unlockLust is true>>\
''<span class="pink">Charm</span>: Level $charm''
<<if $unlockElement is true>>\
''<span class="silver">Elemental Control</span>: Level $element''
<<if $unlockMorph is true>>\
''<span class="pale-turquoise">Morphing</span>: Level $morph''
<<if $unlockDup is true>>\
''<span class="green">Duplication</span>: Level $dup''
<<if $unlockDream is true>>\
''<span class="beige">Dreamwalking</span>: Level $dream''
<<if $unlockTime is true>>\
''<span class="">Time Manipulation</span>: Level $timeM''
</div>\<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP1.jpg" width="400px">
You jolt awake, sweating profusely. You look around, disoriented for a minute, until you finally realize where you are: in the passenger seat of <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father's<<else>>the old man's<</if>> car.
However, he is not the one currently driving. In fact, he is not even here right now, leaving his car in your and <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister's<<else>>his daughter's<</if>> possession. Oh, right! You look over to the driver's seat and see <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>your mother's best friend's daughter<</if>>.
<<set $Sophia to "">><<textbox "$Sophia" "Sophia">><<set $Brooks to "">><<textbox "$Brooks" "Brooks">>
<<if $lastchoice is "takehand">>\
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''\
<<if $lastchoice is "notake">>\
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''\
[[Continue.|Car Ride 2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metSophia to true>>\
"You okay, $name? It has been a while since I have seen you this shaken before," $Sophia says.
Well, at the very least, she still cares about your well-being, even if you have drifted apart in the past couple of years. "Not that I care or anything, but it could be an interesting story to beat the boredom of this ride," she continues. Nevermind.
"It is nothing, $Sophia. It was just an unsettling dream," you sigh. You wonder where it went wrong. Your relationship with her is not too much of an issue, but you're not close at all, not anymore, not after that ''incident''.
"It's called a nightmare, dumbass. Well, go on. What was it about?" she asks more out of curiosity than concern.
You are about to brush her off, but the question rings in your mind. Wait, ''what the hell was that dream about''? Humans tend to forget their dreams when they wake up; however, this is not the strange part. Whatever that nightmare was, it was too vivid, almost to the extent of calling it real.
"I don't remember, $Sophia. Get off my back already!" you answer in a pissed tone. You are not sure if you are more annoyed of her attitude or the fact that you failed to remember what caused you to wake up this startled.
"I was just trying to make conversation. You don't have to be a dick about it," she answers calmly. You two have always annoyed each other; none of you take it to heart really.
[[Apologize.|Car Ride 3.1]]
[[Don't. She started it.|Car Ride 3.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO + 1>>\
"I am sorry, $Sophia. I did not mean to snap at you," you apologize.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> softens up a bit. "No worries, $name. You know I don't get easily annoyed. Plus, I was kind of dickish too to begin with. I am sorry," she says sincerely. You smile at her. This reminds you of when you two used to be close. Hopefully, you can take steps to revive your relationship.
She stops the car at a gas station, and you both get out to refuel and stretch a little. It's been a long drive. At least, you got to sleep for a bit. $Sophia, on the other hand, has been on the steering wheel since the beginning of the drive. Maybe you can take over for a bit.
[[Offer to drive for the remainder of the trip.|Car Ride 4.1]]
[[Let her do the driving.|Car Ride 4.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO - 1>>\
You did not want an altercation, and you did not try to look for one neither; she did. Well, calling it an altercation is a bit of a stretch. Still, she initiated it, and you are not going to apologize for finishing it.
You both sit in silence for a couple of minutes before $Sophia spots a gas station and stops there. You both get out to refuel and stretch a little. It's been a long drive. At least, you got to sleep for a bit. $Sophia, on the other hand, has been on the steering wheel since the beginning of the drive. Maybe you can take over for a bit.
[[Offer to drive for the remainder of the trip.|Car Ride 4.1]]
[[Let her do the driving.|Car Ride 4.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Car1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO + 2>>\
When you are both ready to leave, you stop $Sophia before she can get into the driver's seat. "You have done more than enough, driving us to this point. Let <<if $relation is "intimate">>your younger step-brother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your younger brother<<else>>me<</if>> take over from here. You can just sit back, relax, and do whatever you want," you make the offer sound sweeter for her.
"It is not a big deal; it's only a six-hour drive," she pauses and checks her phone. "And, we are only two hours away now."
"$Sophia, I will drive us there, and you are not allowed to take no for an answer," you insist before opening the passenger seat's door for her. "Get in."
She smiles softly and obliges you. You are barely ten minutes into the drive before she falls asleep. It looks like she needed that after all. The drive itself is nothing but smooth, and the closer you get to your destination, the cleaner the roads and the buildings seem to be.
Oh, you completely forgot. You were so distracted that you forgot where you're actually heading. The next Monday is your first day of college at Lakeview State University. It's one of the few prestigious colleges in the country. You were able to attend through a scholarship because <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father and your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your parents<<else>><<= `$Sophia's parents` >><</if>> attended this university back in the day. $Sophia also studies there, a year ahead of you. The one you're excited to see the most is your best friend; she's probably already arrived.
Eventually, you close in on your location, and little by little the college comes into view. "Wake up, $Sophia. We're already he—woah!"
[[Lakeview State University.|LSU]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Car2.jpg" width="400px">
You can't be bothered to drive, and $Sophia did not ask for your help anyways; she looks like she has got it. When you are both ready to leave, you each go back to your respective seats and resume your journey.
The drive itself is nothing but smooth, and the closer you get to your destination, the cleaner the roads and the buildings seem to be.
Oh, you completely forgot. You were so distracted that you forgot where you're actually heading. The next Monday is your first day of college at Lakeview State University. It's one of the few prestigious colleges in the country. You were able to attend through a scholarship because <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father and your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your parents<<else>><<= `$Sophia's parents` >><</if>> attended this university back in the day. $Sophia also studies there, a year ahead of you. The one you're excited to see the most is your best friend; she's probably already arrived.
Your feet are starting to get numb, and this boredom will be the end of you. "Are we there ye—woah!"
[[Lakeview State University.|LSU]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Campus1.jpg" width="400px">
It's finally in view: your home for the next few years. You take in your surroundings. It looks grander than you initially thought. You know many adventures are set to start here, and you're excited about the prospect of attending such a wonderful college. You both find an empty park space, and the car finally comes to a stop.
You get out of the car and stretch your legs. The first thing you notice is that many people are already on campus. It is probably a good enough place to hang out, even out of classes.
Well, you should probably focus on getting out the few bags you have. You did not pack much since <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father and your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your parents<<else>><<= `$Sophia's parents` >><</if>> are arriving sometime later as well, something about <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>><<print $Sophia>>'s father<</if>> having work to do here. They offered to bring over the rest of the luggage, so you would not feel crammed in the car.
[[Carry your bags only.|LSU 1]]
[[Carry hers as well.|LSU 2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Luggage1.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
You can't be bothered to do more than your work. Sure, you weren't really the one who has spent many hours driving, but hey, it's your first day of college not <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister's<<else>>hers<</if>>. And, you are actually tired, abnormally tired for someone who had just woken up two hours ago.
You grab your bags and wait for her to lead the way. $Sophia follows suit and closes the door behind her. She locks the car and starts heading for the dormitory building, not even glancing your way.
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|LSU 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Luggage1.jpeg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LP/LP4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $carryBags to true>>\
<<set $sophiaLU to $sophiaLU + 1>>\
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO + 2>>\
She drove here most of the way. The least you could do is carry her bags for her, at least until you reach the dormitory building. You reach in for most of the bags, dragging two with your hands and juggling the rest on your shoulders, leaving behind the only small box left.
She grabs the box and follows behind. "You don't have to carry everything, you know. At least, let me carry my stuff," she offers.
"Nah, I got it," you say as you struggle to move normally with this much weight on your shoulders, literally. Maybe it would have been a better idea if you let her help you instead. Well, hopefully this will give you some plus points with her.
"Thank you, $name. You really did not have to do that, but you did, so, um, thanks," she says.
You look over at her to see her smiling warmly. It worked! Now that you are both attending the same college, you could probably try to repair what has been broken for a while now, or you could just leave your relationship in this state.
You wait for her to lead, and you follow behind slowly. Yeah, you will definitely take your time getting there.
''<span class="blue">Physique</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|LSU 3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP1.jpg" width="400px">
As soon as you get close to the building, you begin feeling strange, and it is unlike anything you have experienced so far. You can feel your body heat rising up. Your hair is standing. Your heart rate is elevating at an unsteady pace.
Your whole body is acting up; however, there are two main distinct feelings which you can tell apart. First, your eyes are burning, unbearably so. Second and even more peculiar, there is a tingling sensation in your muscles, your leg muscles to be exact. You're supposed to be panicking, but it never arrives.
You're unusually calm. What you feel right now is power, power that can reach greater potential. This power is on your side. You know that. Your body knows that, and your mind knows that. Somehow. You can feel like time is running out; you have to focus on one of the two sensations.
[[Focus on the burn.|X-Ray 1]]
[[Focus on your legs.|Super Speed 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $vision1 to true>>\
<<set $unlockVision to true>>\
<<set $vision to $vision + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
You decide to focus on your eyes to rid of the burning senstation that has been bothering you for a while. The bothersome feeling is starting to fade and is replaced by something else instead. You feel a surge of energy coursing through you, as if a dormant power has just awakened. You rub your eyes and look back at <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>>.
Your jaw almost drops to the floor. The sight you're witnessing is quite amazing. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> is wearing nothing but bluish underwear. You've always known she had a wonderful figure, but seeing her in her underwear like that is a sight for sore eyes. Not that you mind the view, but people will probably start to stare. You should probably say something.
Just as you were about to say something, you look over to the people passing by who seem to be indifferent to the woman who is wearing nothing but underwear. You are not sure what is happening, but you think you have an idea. You look over to some random passerby and—
Nope, definitely not him. You then glance at the baggage in your hands and focus hard. Yeah, just as you figured: you can see the clothes packed in the bags. This is x-ray vision. One of, at least, two powers. Again, you're surprisingly calm by the reveal, but you're not one to complain about power.
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Subtly peek at her half exposed body.|X-Ray 1.1]]
[[Shamelessly stare at her cleavage and bare ass.|X-Ray 1.2]]
[[Use your newly discovered power some more.|X-Ray 2]]
[[You're not interested in any of that. Just move on.|LSU 4]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Focus on your legs.|Super Speed 1]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/Vids/Running1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $speed1 to true>>\
<<set $unlockSpeed to true>>\
<<set $speed to $speed + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
You decide to focus on the tingling sensation in your legs. As you do, you feel a rush of energy propelling you forward. Something's moving your legs. Actually, ''you'' are moving your legs. You start walking forward and down the road.
You're walking faster. Rapidly, now. Oh, boy, you're running. Fast. Very fast. How are you still speeding up? You're now sprinting around the block at inhumane speed. This feels like power; it's exhilarating and fucking terrifying. You need to control your movement and your speed.
You start slowing down a bit, not enough to stop, but at a limit you can control. Once you think you're in control now, you start to accelerate again. Exhilarating is an understatement. You know you can still grow this ability, and you also know that you have another undiscovered one. Everything around you is painfully slow; the people and even the cars. It's as if time slowed down.
While trying out your fresh new legs, you notice something down an alley. Some thug is threatening and beating a young boy, no older than sixteen years. Something about some drug, or weed, or alcohol. You don't really care. This is your chance to test your new self out.
''<span class="blue">Physique</span> Increased!''
[[Save the boy and take the thug's money.|Help Boy]]
[[Just rob the thug of his cash.|Don't Help Boy]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Fist2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money + 20>>\
If there is anything you hate in this world, it is bullies. The ''strong'' people who fuck over the weak piss you off. Plus, the poor kid does not deserve that. This is the perfect time to test out your new profound powers.
You take a deep breath and rush in. The whole process is a lot simpler than you assumed it would be. As you get closer to the scene, you realize just how slow everyone and everything is, almost to the point of complete stillness.
When the moment is suitable, you knock out the thug and grab his wallet. He does not have much to his name, but this will do for now. Realizing the beating and screaming has stopped, the boy opens his eyes to see you standing over his passed out assailant.
"Get off the street kid and stay out of this shady business; it is not safe. I was nearby when I heard the commotion; you won't be as lucky next time, so don't let there be a next time," you instruct the boy.
He nods and thanks you before leaving. Caught between disbelief and excitement, you realize that everything has changed. You possess extraordinary abilities, yet you have no idea how or why. You eventually return to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>>. It feels like it's been a couple of minutes; however, to your incredulity, it has only been less than a minute. It's like you never moved.
''<span class="green">Money</span> Increased!''
[[Reach the dorm building.|LSU 4]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Focus on the burn.|X-Ray 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Cash1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money + 20>>\
You are really not interested in helping out a random kid in the street; you will just grab his assailant's cash and leave. It is time to test out these legs of yours.
You take a deep breath and rush in. The whole process is a lot simpler than you assumed it would be. As you get closer to the scene, you realize just how slow everyone and everything is, almost to the point of complete stillness.
The assailant is holding the boy by the collar while his victim has his hands raised to his face, some sort of defense mechanism for him. It does not seem like it is working out for the kid however, with the obvious bruises on his face and arms.
Well, you had already decided what to do. You reach in for the thug's back pocket and find his wallet. He does not have much in his name, but this will do for now. You take all his cash and leave the scene and the scared kid to his fate.
Caught between disbelief and excitement, you realize that everything has changed. You possess extraordinary abilities, yet you have no idea how or why. You eventually return to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>>. It feels like it's been a couple of minutes; however, to your incredulity, it has only been a very few seconds. It's like you never moved.
''<span class="green">Money</span> Increased!''
[[Reach the dorm building.|LSU 4]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Focus on the burn.|X-Ray 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP2.jpg" width="400px">
You eventually reach the dormitory building. As luck might have it, you both reside in the same building but on different floors. This might prove useful in the future. <<if $carryBags is true>>You take this moment to finally lay all the bags on the ground. This was a workout<<else>>You place your bags on the ground while $Sophia does the same with her luggage<</if>>.
"Well, this is it. I'm sure you can find your way from here, $name," $Sophia says. "Also, Mom and Dad are coming later today, so we will probably be having dinner together with them or something."
"Yeah. Hey, now that we are in the same college, do you want to hang o—"
"Nope!" she interrupts as she grabs her stuff and heads for the elevator. You sigh; this is probably the farthest you can get with her right now. You should go to your room as well.
[[Go to your room.|Roommate 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP6.jpg" width="400px">
You do not want to make it too obvious. She's not really in her underwear right now; you are well aware of that now. Nevertheless, staring at her tits or ass, even if she is still clothed, is awkward.
Whenever you get the chance, you steal subtle glances at her cleavage which is perfectly accentuated by her bra. You knew <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> was quite hot, but you never really looked at her in ''that'' way, not until this moment.
You also take this chance to look at her ass. She definitely takes after her mom in that department. You have barely seen $Sophia in her underwear before, and when you finally do, you can stare as much as you want.
You alternate between watching her breasts and her behind until you finally reach the dormitory building. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
[[Continue.|LSU 4]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $sophiaLU to $sophiaLU + 2>>\
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO - 2>>\
You do not really care if she catches you staring at her tits or ass. In fact, you hope she does. It is not everyday that you see a sight like this, so you are going to enjoy it however you like.
You bluntly stare at her cleavage which is perfectly accentuated by her bra. You knew <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> was quite hot, but you never really looked at her in ''that'' way, not until this moment.
You also take this chance to look at her ass. She definitely takes after her mom in that department. You have barely seen $Sophia in her underwear before, and when you finally do, you can stare as much as you want.
$Sophia looks back to say something to you; that is when she catches you eyeing her fully covered breasts and behind. You both lock eyes, and she starts blushing. "Um, what are you looking at, $name? Is there something wrong with my clothes?" she asks uncomfortably.
"Oh no, it's nothing. You were just looking good while walking, so I thought that I should appreciate your beauty," you answer boldly.
"Uh well, thank you, I guess. This is still weird and uncomfortable, so tone it down." It is odd seeing her out of her usual confident manner. This is the second thing you have seen her out of today.
You also note that she said to "tone it down" and not to actually stop. She might be a little uncomfortable with the looks <<if $relation is "intimate">>her step-brother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>her brother<<else>>you<</if>> are giving her, but she still finds it flattering.
You continue shamelessly alternating between watching her breasts and her behind until you finally reach the dormitory building. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
[[Continue.|LSU 4]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP7.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $vision to $vision + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $sophiaLU to $sophiaLU + 2>>\
You decide to use your x-ray again for a greater purpose. And, holy fuck, what a result! Sure, there is a slight headache from overusing your eyes, but you conclude it's worth it.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> is topless, technically. You could have never imagined a day will come where you can see <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your own sister's<<else>><<= `$Sophia's` >><</if>> bare tits, yet here they are. You're going to love using these powers of yours.
You're too enamored by the sight in front of your eyes; $Sophia catches you staring at her ''fully covered breasts'' and is speechless. Instead of creating an embarrassing moment, she brushes it off as a misunderstanding and ushers you to get moving. Realizing you were caught, you take one final look before moving on.
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|LSU 4]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Focus on your legs.|Super Speed 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
You take the elevator and arrive at your dorm room: ''room 26''. You open the door, but to your surprise, there are already three people present in the room. It seems like you were not the only one to arrive two days early.
It looks like your roommate and his family just got here as well. They all turn to rhe door as you walk in. You drop your bags and introduce yourself to your roommate; you shake his hand with a firm grip, one that he matches.
"It looks like we will be roommates for the rest of the year. I'm glad to make your acquaintance, $name."
<<set $Lucas to "">><<textbox "$Lucas" "Lucas">><<set $Blanc to "">><<textbox "$Blanc" "Blanc">>
[[Introduce yourself to the mom.|Clara 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metLucas to true>>\
$Lucas looks over to the older woman, presumably his mother, to introduce her. If she really is his mother, it is not visible on her face or her smoking body. Hopefully, you can get to know her a little better.
"And, this here is—"
"This must be your sister," you interrupt him and attempt to shake her hand, but she gIves you a warm hug instead. You smirk. You knew exactly what you were doing with that line.
"Oh! What a sweet young man you are! I'm actually his mother," she says.
You feign surprise, and your roommate rolls his eyes, "Sorry, my mom can be a bit too affectionate with strangers sometimes." You assure him that you don't mind at all.
<<set $Clara to "">><<textbox "$Clara" "Clara">>
[[Meet his actual sister.|Julia 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metClara to true>>\
"Oh, you must be the sister then," you direct your attention to the younger girl now.
"I am! $Lucas is my younger brother, and now you have met our whole family," she follows her mom's example and hugs you. ''Whole'', huh?
So, no father. Interesting. As you hug her, you notice Ms. $Blanc frown, but it is gone as quickly as it appeared. Wait, is she jealous of the attention her daughter is giving you, or perhaps, is it the attention you are giving her?
<<set $Julia to "">><<textbox "$Julia" "Julia">>
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK1.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KG/KG2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Afternoon">>\
<<set $metJulia to true>>\
The dorm room feels comfortably cluttered as everyone finishes unpacking. The sun filters through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. It's afternoon already.
You take a moment to survey the scene, feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity about the people you'll be sharing your space with. Well, ''the person'' you'll be sharing your space with and ''his family''.
Ms. $Blanc stands near the window, looking out with a mix of nostalgia and excitement. She's put on a top that shows off little cleavage, paired with tight jeans , clearly wanting to make a good impression. She turns back to the room and begins to tidy up some of the things left out, a gentle smile on her face.
$Julia is seated in the desk chair, her legs crossed as she scrolls through her phone. She's obviously not ashamed of her body, not that she has any reason to; she is wearing a ''sytlish'' top and jean shorts that hint at her sense of fashion. She occasionally looks up, catching bits of conversation, helping with the organization, or taking glances at you.
$Lucas sits on his bed, a bag and a stack of books beside him. He's unpacking some clothes and organizing his stuff, trying to settle into his new routine. He lends his mom and sister a hand whenever he has a chance to.
You're filled with a sense of anticipation. This is your chance to make an impression on your new roommate and his family. This moment is an opportunity to forge new connections.
[[Talk to your roommate.|Roommate Dialogue]]
[[Talk to his mother.|Clara Dialogue]]
[[Talk to his sister.|Julia Dialogue]]
[[Don't talk to anyone.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $lucasT to true>>\
You approach $Lucas who is still busy unpacking and organizing his things. You glance over to the stacked books on his bed. With further inspection, you notice that these contain some comic books as well. It looks like your roommate is some kind of a geek, probably a ''gamer'' too.
He finally turns around and sees you standing there. "Oh, $name, what's up?" he asks as he notices where your attention is at. "You like comics too? I've always been a fan of those."
[[Ask him more about his interests.|Roommate Friend 1]]
[[Tease him about his interests.|Roommate Enemy 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $claraT to true>>\
You approach Ms. $Blanc and watch her as she handles a heavy bag, beads of sweat running down her neck and onto her chest. You did not think a woman can look sexy moving a bag, but somehow, she manages to do so.
As she sets the bag in place, she looks up and is finally aware of your presence. "Oh, dear. I am sorry. I did not see you there. Did you need anything?" she asks as she wipes off the sweat.
[[Give her a flirtatious compliment.|Lust Focus]]
[[Comment on the family.|Love Focus]]
[[Help her with the unpacking.|Both Focus]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaT to true>>\
You approach $Julia since she has been stealing peeks at you. You wonder if she is interested in you ''that'' way, or if you just pique her interest as her brother's roommate.
As you approach her seating spot, she glances up from her phone and sets it aside. "Hey, $name! Have you come to chat with me?" she asks cheerfully.
[[Tell her that she's pretty.|Lust Focus 2]]
[[Try not to focus on her looks only.|Love Focus 2]]
[[Joke with her.|Both Focus 2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO + 1>>\
If you want to have a good relationship, and a friendship, with your roommate, you should probably choose to be nice to him. Showing interest in his ''hobbies'' is a good start as any.
"No, I'm not really into that stuff, but I understand why some people are. What other things are you into?" you ask him.
You notice that he lets down his guard a little as a smile appears on his face. "Well, you already know I'm into comics. I play video games as well in my spare time, but you probably already figured that out."
Yes, you did. You continue chatting with $Lucas for a few minutes before he gets back to unpacking. If you wanted a friendship with him, this clearly was the right move.
<<if $claraT is false>>\
[[Talk to his mom.|Clara Dialogue]]
<<if $juliaT is false>>\
[[Talk to his sister.|Julia Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO - 1>>\
You are not sure why, but at this moment, you are not very fond of your roommate. It could be his friendliness, or maybe you just dislike the nerdy types like him in general. Either way, you do not plan on being nice.
"Nah. These are for kids. I am actually quite surprised that you read comic books at this age. Hell, we are starting college in two days," you tease him.
He frowns, looking a bit offended. "They're not for kids. And, I really do not care what others think as long as I enjoy it. Also, I've seen adults that are into these stuff," he says defensively.
You chuckle in mockery and leave him alone. You're not interested in talking with him anymore. You have no doubt that interactions like this will set you on a bad path with him if you keep it up.
<<if $claraT is false>>\
[[Talk to his mom.|Clara Dialogue]]
<<if $juliaT is false>>\
[[Talk to his sister.|Julia Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU + 2>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO - 1>>\
You won't pass the chance to flirt with this hot mom. Who knows? You might be lucky enough to score with her.
"Nothing. I was just thinking about my earlier comment about you being his sister, and I'm sort of embarrassed about it, so I came to apologize," you say. You are absolutely not embarrassed about it. You knew what you were doing.
She chuckles and pulls you in for another hug. "Oh, you should definitely not feel embarrassed about that! It's flattering," she pauses and thinks for a second. "So, what made you think I was his sister?"
Yeah, she's fishing for compliments. It appears that the lack of attention from men made her seek yours. "You just don't look old enough to have a son or a daughter, especially not ones who are in college," you compliment her.
She giggles and playfully slaps your shoulder. If you did not know she was a mother, you would definitely think you are talking to a college girl right now. You continue flirting and joking with Ms. $Blanc for a minute or so until it's time to move on.
<<if $lucasT is false>>\
[[Talk to her son.|Roommate Dialogue]]
<<if $juliaT is false>>\
[[Talk to her daughter.|Julia Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU - 1>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO + 2>>\
You will not pass up on an opportunity to gain some points with your roommate's mother. It could work in your favor in the near future.
"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to chat for a bit if that's okay with you, Ms. $Blanc," you say with a smile.
"Of course, $name. I'd also like the opportunity to get to know my son's roommate," she answers.
"Me too! You have a beautiful family, and you must be proud of them. You clearly did a wonderful job raising $Lucas and $Julia. It would be an honor getting to know them and ''you'' of course."
Her eyes soften lightly as she looks at them. "Thank you! We're very close," she says warmly, appreciating your thoughtful comment but seeing you more in a familial light.
For some reason, it looks like she needed to hear that. You continue chatting with her for a few more minutes before finally moving on.
<<if $lucasT is false>>\
[[Talk to her son.|Roommate Dialogue]]
<<if $juliaT is false>>\
[[Talk to her daughter.|Julia Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU + 1>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO + 1>>\
"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just here to help you if you allow me, Ms. $Blanc," you offer as you pick up the bag she left on the floor.
"What about your stuff? It doesn't look like you unpacked any of your bags, $name. It's okay; I got this. You can go and unpack your things," she refuses.
"I've still got a few more boxes and bags on the way. Instead of unpacking twice, I'll just finish everything later altogether. Now, let me help."
You can tell that she is still reluctant, feeling like she's taking advantage of you. Before she gets the chance to say anything, you carry the bag and set it down on the bed. You can tell that she appreciates what you did when she plants a kiss on your cheek and thanks you.
You continue helping Ms. $Blanc move any bags and boxes that need to be moved and with the unpacking process.
<<if $lucasT is false>>\
[[Talk to her son.|Roommate Dialogue]]
<<if $juliaT is false>>\
[[Talk to her daughter.|Julia Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO - 1>>\
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU + 2>>\
You have got the hots for your roommate's sister. It is difficult not to; she is, in fact, very hot. You are also curious if she is interested in you or not, so why not throw in a compliment and test your luck?
"Of course! It is nice to have someone as pretty as you around here, $Julia. Makes the place a lot more interesting."
She looks at you with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Thank you! You're not bad yourself," she answers with a hint of amusement in her voice.
You speak with $Julia and flirt with her as she matches your energy and your compliments. You continue for a short moment until you have had enough and decide to do something else.
<<if $lucasT is false>>\
[[Talk to her brother.|Roommate Dialogue]]
<<if $claraT is false>>\
[[Talk to her mother.|Clara Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO + 2>>\
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU - 1>>\
She seems a bit bored, with nothing to do except waste time on her phone. The best way to solve this is to talk about something that she does not encounter a lot. So, you should probably avoid commenting on her looks.
"Yeah! I wanted to know more about you. You seemed like a very interesting person, and I was wondering what you usually spend your time doing," you say.
Her face brightens, and she smiles. "Oh, this is surprising. It's nice to talk to someone who asks about what I like," she says, clearly pleased that you're interested in her as a person rather than just her looks.
You continue chatting with her and getting to know her better. When it looks like the conversation is about to die out, you excuse yourself to find something else to do.
<<if $lucasT is false>>\
[[Talk to her brother.|Roommate Dialogue]]
<<if $claraT is false>>\
[[Talk to her mother.|Clara Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO + 1>>\
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU + 1>>\
You decide to lighten the mood with a bit of humor, hoping to get a smile from your roommate's sister. You hope she has a silly sense of humor, or else this will not work like you intended to.
"So, what do you think of your brother's new roommate? Pretty cool, huh?" you joke and suck in your breath.
She laughs, a playful glint in her eye. "You're definitely something," she teases back, clearly enjoying the light-hearted conversation and the attention. You let out a sigh of relief.
You continue chatting with her and joking around while she laughs at your sense of humor. You engage in some playful banter and share some giggles with $Julia until it's time to leave.
<<if $lucasT is false>>\
[[Talk to her brother.|Roommate Dialogue]]
<<if $claraT is false>>\
[[Talk to her mother.|Clara Dialogue]]
[[Continue.|Roommate 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
Now that you have properly met your roommate and his family, you should find something else to do. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father and your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your parents<<else>><<= `$Sophia's parents` >><</if>> are probably not going to be here until the evening, so your choices are limited.
Well, you can spend the afternoon with one of the <<print $Blanc>>s. Or, perhaps you can take a nap to replenish your energy. You should probably check what each of them is up to.
You go up to $Julia first and ask her. "I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon shopping. There is a small store that sells almost everything you could be looking for nearby. You're welcome to join me if you want," she says. You tell her that you need to think about it first.
You then go talk to Ms. $Blanc and check what her plans are. "$Lucas and I will go visit the park. We heard from $Julia that it looks lovely, and we want to do so before the sun sets. I wanted $Julia to join us, but she had other plans," she pauses, and you can see the gears turning in her head. "Oh, that's perfect! You could join us instead if you want to," she offers.
[[Go to the store.|Store 1]]
[[Accompany them to the park.|Park 1]]
[[Nap the afternoon and regain some energy.|Nap 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Street1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO + 3>>\
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU + 1>>\
You thank Ms. $Blanc for her kind offer and kindly refuse. You let $Julia know that you will be joining her instead. When she hears this, she lets out a squeal of excitement. This was not the reaction you expected, but you are glad she feels this thrilled that you are accompanying her.
You smile at her enthusiastic reaction. Her excitement is infectious, and you can't help but feel a little more energized about this now. “I’m really looking forward to it,” you say genuinely. “Do you have any specific items in mind, or are we just going to explore and see what catches our attention?”
Her eyes light up even more at the question. “Oh, I’ve got some things in mind,” she smirks. “There are a few things I need before classes start, but I also thought it would be fun to check out some new items.”
You nod, intrigued. “Sounds like a plan. Let's see what you have in mind."
[[Make your way to the store.|Store 1.1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO + 3>>\
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU + 1>>\
You thank $Julia for her enticing offer, but you are more interested in spending time with her mother. She looks a bit disappointed when she hears that, but she doesn't let that ruin her plans.
She tells you to have fun and leaves You tell Ms. $Blanc that you will be spending the afternoon getting to know her and her son if that's okay with him. Well obviously, you're more interested in his mother, but you are not saying that.
"Yeah, of course. That sounds great. My mom and I were planning on spending some time looking around campus, maybe checking out that nearby park," $Lucas says. "I'm still not done unpacking though, so you both can go on ahead, and I'll follow when I'm finished."
Ms. $Blanc shrugs, "Well, if you insist. You can get too organized sometimes, so it's better to let you sort yourself out. Catch up soon, yeah, love?" She kisses his cheek. You did not really think that you would be spending time with her alone, but it seems like luck is on your side.
[[Go the park.|Park 1.1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Bed1.jpg" width="400px">
When everyone finishes unpacking, you excuse yourself to have a nap and blatantly ask everyone to leave. They all have things to do anyways.
You really have better things to do than worry about anyone else right now. You sleep on your new, surprisingly comfy, bed until dinner.
[[Nap time.|Nap 1.1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG3.jpg" width="400px">
$Julia grabs your hands as she keeps chattering excitedly about the items she’s hoping to find. Her energy is a delightful contrast to the more mundane routine of shopping, and it makes the whole shopping trip feel like an adventure.
As you are walking to the store, you begin to experience that feeling when your powers first manifested. This is new, however. There are another two different sensations. You feel an abnormal connection to your mind directed towards $Julia. Moreover, you feel like you have the ability to call to something, and since you're going to the store, and it is easy to manifest, money's your first thought.
[[Focus on your mind.|Telepathy 1]]
[[Summon some cash.|Summoning 1]]
[[Ignore the sensations.|Store 1.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $mind1 to true>>\
<<set $unlockMind to true>>\
<<set $mind to $mind + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
It is an easy choice for you. You are not going to miss the chance to mess with $Julia. As you channel this power, you do not notice anything changing; you take a look around and at $Julia, but everything feels the same. Did it not work?
<em>''I wonder if $name thinks I'm talking too much. It doesn't look like he minds it, but maybe he's just being nice.''</em>
"You're not, $Julia. I don't mind it one bit," you reassure her. You really don't. If anything, her energy is a nice change to the dull people you usually meet.
<em>''Hm, did he say something?''</em>
You release her hands and place yours on her shoulders. "I really am enj—"
"You're really what, $name?" $Julia asks curiously. Yeah, she's definitely— <em>''Oh, god. He's so close, and he has such strong hands. What is wrong with me?''</em> She asked. No, she didn't. She didn't ask this time. You can read her thoughts.
This might be a good chance to do something if you are interested in $Julia.
[[Ask for her number.|Julia 2]]
[[Reassure her.|Julia 2.1]]
[[Just go to the store.|Store 1.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Cash1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $summon1 to true>>\
<<set $unlockSummon to true>>\
<<set $summon to $summon + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $money to $money + 100>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
You focus on the thought of money. You're materializing it. No, you're calling it, or rather, you're ''summoning'' it. You close your eyes and disregard all your surroundings and focus on its shape, on the paper, on the linen and cotton it's made of, and finally on the number.
You open back your eyes and see a hundred dollar bill in your hand. Shame you couldn't ''summon'' more, but you'll work on improving this power. You pocket your money and move on. Let's see what you can spend it on.
''<span class="green">Money</span> Increased!''
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[To the store!|Store 1.2]]
[[Offer $20 to your companion.|Julia 2.3]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Focus on your mind.|Telepathy 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Store1.jpg" width="400px">
Oh, come on! Now, what the fuck is this? It just said store on the map. Why is everything in this city so fucking lavish? You look over to $Julia, wondering why she didn't warn you.
"I did not think it was a big deal. It might be because I'm used to it though. This is new; I heard it was just a small shop back in the day. They say the campus is bigger too, compared to a couple of years back," she informs you.
This is recent, huh? Well, you're here to spend money or, maybe not if you don't want to. You both go your separate ways. What do you want to do?
<<link "Check what $Julia is up to." "Store 1.4">> <</link>>
[[Browse the items in this shop.|Store 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
<<set $energy to $energy + 20>>\
You wake up from your sleep feeling refreshed. You are not sure what you should do next, but the grumbling from your stomach gives you an idea. Now that you think about it, you don't think you have eaten anything today yet. That's odd.
Why are you only feeling hungry now despite spending more energy than usual? Does it have something to do with your new abilities? You have to find someone or something that can help you figure out what these powers are, what ''you'' are.
Your phone rings and interrupts your thoughts. It's <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks, <<= `$Sophia's mother` >><</if>>.
<<set $Nora to "">><<textbox "$Nora" "Nora">>
[[Continue.|Nap 1.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL2.png" width="400px">
<<set $metNora to true>>\
"Hey, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>."
"Hey, sweetie! We arrived an hour earlier, and I tried calling your phone a few times, but you must have been sleeping," she says.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I felt kind of tired and slept. I just woke up a minute ago. Was your trip here okay?" you ask.
"Yes, it was. Thanks for asking. We went shopping for a couple of things while you were sleeping. I even bought a nice dress," she says enthusiastically. "We found this lovely restaurant when out shopping. We were hoping you could join us for dinner if you don't have plans. He went for a quick stop at the hotel for some reason. He should be here soon as well. I already called $Sophia, and she's coming."
You let her know that you'll be there as soon as you can. You are hungry, so why not? You ask for the location and go on your way.
[[Go to the restaurant.|Evening 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Restaurant1.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KL/KL1.jpg" width="400px">
You easily navigate your way to the restaurant <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> mentioned. It looks fancy from the outside. You walk in, and it is even fancier from the inside.
You wonder who is paying. Of course! She kept saying "we" and "he" on the phone. You only now register who she was talking about. But, it does not look like he is here yet.
You find <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> exiting the restaurant's washroom. She waves excitedly when she sees you and rushes over. She gives you a surprisingly deep hug. It looks like she's very happy for some reason.
"I was just fixing myself in the bathroom. I'm sorry for not greeting you when you arrived. I'm so glad you're here $name. You have no idea how much it means to me and how much I missed you!"
Why is she ecstatic over a simple dinner? You will ask her later. You do not want to ruin her mood right now.
[[Tell her that you missed her as well.|Evening 1.1]]
[[Ignore the comment and continue the conversation.|Evening 1.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaN to true>>\
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU + 2>>\
"I was just wondering if you were interested in exchanging numbers, now that I'm your brother's roommate," you say.
<em>''Oh, he wants my number? Don't be dumb, $Julia. It's not like that; it's just in cases of emergency.''</em> "Sure, here let me just put my number on your phone," she says.
This girl seemed confident only a minute ago. She's putting up an exterior, but she really is a nervous wreck when it comes to guys. She is adeptly skilled at hiding it though.
"I know I kind of implied that I would use it only as your brother's roommate, but would you mind if I called for some personal time with you? Like hanging out or any other stuff," you clear up your intentions.
<em>''So, he is interested after all, or maybe he just wants to be friends. Yeah, probably the latter. But, who knows? This might just evolve into something more, so why not?''</em> "Why not?" she repeats, technically.
Well, this is a step forward at least. You continue chatting and focusing on her thoughts until her mind goes silent. You eventually reach the store.
[[The store.|Store 1.2]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Summon some cash.|Summoning 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO + 2>>\
"I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying my time with you right now," you say.
<em>''Oh, he's so sweet! I was worried about the kind of person $Lucas will have as a roommate, but $name seems like an alright guy.''</em>
You really would not be too sure about this yet. Also, you would never have thought that $Julia was a nervous wreck when it comes to guys. She is really confident and can be flirty sometimes too, but it seems like it is just an exterior.
"Thank you, $name! People say that I am a bit much sometimes, but I'm glad you do not think so. My brother is lucky to have you as a roommate," she speaks.
"Nah, your energy might seem over the top, but it's something you should be proud of showing off," you reassure her.
Her face lights up, and she thanks you. You can tell she appreciated hearing that. You continue chatting with $Julia until you finally reach the store.
[[The store.|Store 1.2]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Summon some cash.|Summoning 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money - 20>>\
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO + 2>>\
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU +1>>\
You open your wallet and pull out a twenty dollar bill. You feel kind of rich right now, so why not give some money to those who might need it more? Plus, this will definitely score you some extra points with $Julia.
"I don't need your money, $name," $Julia declines. She looks kind of offended; you thought girls liked a man who spends money on them. Was it a lie this whole time?
"I don't mean it in ''that'' way, $Julia. You were just talking about buying so much interesting stuff. And, I was making sure you had enough to buy everything you wanted. You deserve it," you try to smooth over the situation.
Her face lights up, and she grabs the money you offered. Well, that was easier than you thought it would be. "Well, in that case, it would be rude if I didn't accept your money now, won't it? Thank you, $name!"
Was she even offended to begin with? You are going to write this down as one of the strangest interactions you have had with her so far. Anyways, there is nothing you could do; the money is hers now.
[[Go to the store.|Store 1.2]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Focus on your mind.|Telepathy 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaShop to true>>\
You search for $Julia to find her in clothing aisle, wearing a new outfit. Similar to the previous one, she is wearing a short dress that places her legs on display but hides enough to be considered ''conservative''.
She is standing in front of a mirror when she spots you behind her. She immediately lights up and turns around to face you. She looks as good from the front as she does from the back.
"Hey, $name! I found this cute outfit, but I wanted a second opinion on it for I make up my mind," $Julia twirls around.
What do ''you'' think of her choice of outfit?
[[She looks gorgeous in it.|Store 1.5]]
[[Tell her it does not suit her.|Store 1.6]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Store1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $visitShop to true>>\
The store provides various things you might need for yourself. You're probably going to have to purchase a few things to aid you in understanding and improving your new powers more. Or, you can just save your money for future necessities.
<<if $bookA is true>>\
You've already bought <em>Quantum Mechanics of Velocity</em>.\
<<linkreplace "Buy <em>Quantum Mechanics of Velocity</em> to increase your speed for $$20.">>\
<<if $money >= 20>>\
<<set $money to $money - 20>>\
<<set $speed to $speed + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $bookA to true>>\
You purchased the book and improved your power!\
''<span class="blue">Physique</span> Increased!''
You do not have enough money to make this purchase. You should've saved some if you wanted it that bad!\
<<if $bookB is true>>\
You've already bought <em>Beyond Sight: How to Improve Your Vision</em>.\
<<linkreplace "Buy <em>Beyond Sight: How to Improve Your Vision</em> to improve your x-ray powers for $$20.">>\
<<if $money >= 20>>\
<<set $money to $money - 20>>\
<<set $vision to $vision + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $bookB to true>>\
You purchased the book and improved your power!\
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
You do not have enough money to make this purchase. You know how much money you have left in your wallet. Why even bother?\
<<if $bookC is true>>\
You've already bought <em>Mystical bonds</em>.\
<<linkreplace "Buy <em>Mystical Bonds</em> to enhance your summoning for $$20.">>\
<<if $money >= 20>>\
<<set $money to $money - 20>>\
<<set $summon to $summon + 1>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $bookC to true>>\
You purchased the book and improved your power!\
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
You do not have enough money to make this purchase. Maybe, if you actually tried using this power, you would have had enough.\
<<if $bookD is true>>\
You've already bought <em>Mind Over Matter</em>.\
<<linkreplace "Buy <em>Mind Over Matter</em> to help master your mind powers for $$20.">>\
<<if $money >= 20>>\
<<set $money to $money - 20>>\
<<set $mind to $mind + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $bookD to true>>\
You purchased the book and improved your power!\
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
You do not have enough money to make this purchase. You waste your money and then wonder where it all went.\
<<if $choc is true>>\
You've already bought some chocolate bars.\
<<linkreplace "Buy your favorite chocolate bar to increase your maximum energy for $$30.">>\
<<if $money >= 30>>\
<<set $money to $money - 30>>\
<<set $energy to $energy + 30>>\
<<set $maxEnergy to $maxEnergy + 30>>\
<<set $choc to true>>\
You purchased the snack, and you have no regrets!\
You do not have enough money to make this purchase. For fuck sake!\
<<if $supp is true>>\
You've already bought enough supplements.\
<<linkreplace "Buy some energy supplements to boost your maximum energy for $$50.">>\
<<if $money >= 50>>\
<<set $money to $money - 50>>\
<<set $energy to $energy + 50>>\
<<set $maxEnergy to $maxEnergy + 50>>\
<<set $supp to true>>\
You purchased the supplements begrudgingly.\
You do not have enough money to make this purchase. You don't mind it that much though.\
<<if $juliaShop is false>>
<<link "Check what $Julia is up to." "Store 1.4">> <</link>>
[[Visit the cash register.|Store 1 End]]<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG6.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"You're looking gorgeous in this, $Julia. You clearly don't need any fashion advice; you know what to wear and how to wear it," you say honestly.
She giggles as she does another twirl. You can tell she's enjoying ''your'' attention and the compliments. "Thank you, $name! This was so sweet. You are so sweet. It's decided then: I'm going to buy it," she says as she moves forward to hug you.
<<if $juliaLO >= 5>>\
As soon as her body presses against yours, you catch a whiff of her perfume. She smells good. The embrace lasts longer than a gratitude hug normally would. You start to get the urge to kiss her, but to your surprise, she initiates the kiss.
Her lips lock with yours as it slowly turns into a makeout session with your roommate's sister. She tastes as good as she smells. Obviously, you have made some correct choices that led you to this moment.
You don't know for how long that kiss has been going for, but you enjoy it while it lasts. Your hands move down her body as you reach for her behind. You're not sure if she's too distracted to notice you grabbing her ass, or if she is enjoying it.
She finally breaks off the kiss before you two get too ''excited''. You are still in a public store. It takes her a moment before she the reality of what she had done hits her.
"I'm so sorry, $name! I was just—I didn't—I'm sorry," she apologizes and covers her face with her hands.
You remove her hands and place them in yours. "Hey, I am glad you did. I enjoyed it $Julia. You're a good kisser," you give her the reassurance she needs.
She giggles again when she hears those words, "You're a pretty good kisser as well. I enjoyed it too," she admits.
You want to make a move on her, but you are sure it will not work. It feels like you have not done enough with her today to go for a bold move. Maybe if you tried being nicer to her, you could have shared a moment. You enjoy the hug without any incidents
You chat with $Julia about her outfit some more and listen as she talks about the various things she found interesting in this store. If you have not looked at the items in the store yet, this is your chance to do so.
[[Browse the items in this shop.|Store 1.3]]
<<if $visitShop is true>>\
[[Visit the cash register.|Store 1 End]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/KG/KG5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO - 2>>\
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU - 1>>\
You do not want to break the ecstatic girl's hard, so you decide to let her down slowly. "I liked it better when you had on the previous outfit. This color does not really suit you, $Julia," you say.
Her face drops, and you can see all her enthusiasm quickly disappear. "Oh, I thought it looked good on me. And, I thought you would agree with me on this as well," she replies with a hint of disappointment.
"Well, I don't. You asked for my opinion, and you got it. If you did not want my honesty, you should not have asked for it," you say, now impatient with her ''attitude''.
You can see the shift of emotions on her face: from disappointment, to frustration, and eventually, to defeat. She sighs. "Thanks for your honesty, $name. Can you leave me alone now?"
Yeah, you can. You have had enough of this interaction anyways. It's time to leave her alone and find something else to do.
[[Browse the items in this shop.|Store 1.3]]
<<if $visitShop is true>>\
[[Visit the cash register.|Store 1 End]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Cashier1.jpg" width="400px">
You head over with $Julia to the cash register to finalize your shopping. It looks like she's buying an outfit after all.
"Is there anything else you might need before we leave, $name?" she asks. "You better make sure you bought everything you want. Who knows when you'll be back here again?"
She's right. It might be smart to do one final sweep around the store. Or, if you're sure, you can just leave.
[[Take one final look around.|Store 1.3]]
[[Leave the store.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Accompany them to the park.|Park 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
You and $Julia leave the store, now that you have everything you need. She lets you know that she will be having dinner with her family. You both say your goodbyes, and she departs, leaving you on the street alone.
You are not sure what you should do next, but the grumbling from your stomach gives you an idea. Now that you think about it, you don't think you have eaten anything today yet. That's odd.
Why are you only feeling hungry now despite spending more energy than usual? Does it have something to do with your new abilities? You have to find someone or something that can help you figure out what these powers are, what ''you'' are.
Your phone rings and interrupts your thoughts. It is <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks, <<= `$Sophia's mother` >><</if>>.
<<set $Nora to "">><<textbox "$Nora" "Nora">>
[[Continue.|Nora Call 1.1]][[Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Lore.jpg" width="400px">
[[Character Lore]]: Learn about the backstory, personality traits, motivations, and personal history that shape the characters in the game. It encompasses all the details that define who the character is beyond just their actions and appearance. You can also view the relationship points with each character.
[[Story Lore]]: Dive into the rich backstory, world-building, and key events that shape the universe of the game. Story lore includes the history, conflicts, important locations, and significant factions that define the world and its people. It provides context for the game’s plot, helping you understand the larger forces at play.
<<link "Return" $return>><</link>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Book1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $start is true>>\
<<if $metSophia is true>>\
<<if $relation == "taboo" || $relation == "intimate">>\
<<link "$Sophia $lastname" "Sophia">><</link>>
<u>The $Brooks</u>:
<<link "$Sophia $Brooks" "Sophia">><</link>>
<<if $metNora is true>>\
<<if $relation == "taboo">>\
<<link "$Nora $lastname" "Nora">><</link>>
<<link "$Nora $Brooks" "Nora">><</link>>
<<if $metChris is true>>\
<<if $relation == "taboo" || $relation == "intimate">>\
<<link "$Chris $lastname" "Chris">><</link>>
<<link "$Chris $Brooks" "Chris">><</link>>
<<if $metKate is true>>\
<<if $relation == "taboo">>\
<<link "$Kate $lastname" "Kate">><</link>>
<<link "$Kate $Brooks" "Kate">><</link>>
<<if $metLucas is true>>\
<u>The <<print $Blanc>>s</u>:
<<link "$Lucas $Blanc" "Lucas">><</link>>
<<if $metClara is true>>\
<<link "$Clara $Blanc" "Clara">><</link>>
<<if $metJulia is true>>\
<<link "$Julia $Blanc" "Julia">><</link>>
<<if $metGrace is true>>\
<u>The <<print $Lawson>>s</u>:
<<link "$Grace $Lawson" "Grace">><</link>>
<<if $metAbigail is true>>\
<<link "$Abigail $Lawson" "Abigail">><</link>>
<<if $metAddison is true>>\
<u>The students</u>:
<<link "$Addison $Lewis" "Addison">><</link>>
<<if $metStella is true>>\
<<link "$Stella $Rivera" "Stella">><</link>>
<<if $metMaya is true>>\
<<link "$Maya $Gray" "Maya">><</link>>
<<if $metLily is true>>\
<<link "$Lily $Park" "Lily">><</link>>
<<if $metMason is true>>\
<<link "$Mason $Carter" "Mason">><</link>>
<<if $metBella is true>>\
<<link "$Bella $Watson" "Bella">><</link>>
<<if $metNaomi is true>>\
<u>Faculty and Staff</u>:
<<link "$Naomi $Parker" "Naomi">><</link>>
<<if $metRachel is true>>\
<<link "$Rachel $Adams" "Rachel">><</link>>
<<if $metDiana is true>>\
<<link "$Diana $Rossi" "Diana">><</link>>
<<if $metHana is true>>\
<<link "$Hana $Sato" "Hana">><</link>>
<<if $metEvelyn is true>>\
<<link "$Evelyn $Grant" "Evelyn">><</link>>
<<if $metZoe is true>>\
<<link "$Zoe $Roberts" "Zoe">><</link>>
<<if $metHailey is true>>\
<<link "$Hailey $Price" "Hailey">><</link>>
[[Back.|Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Book2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $start is true>>\
[[Super Speed]]
[[Elemental Control]]
<<if $metZoe is true>>[[Healing]]<</if>>
<<if $metHailey is true>>[[Electrokinesis]]<</if>>
[[Lakeview State University]]
<<if $metNaomi is true>>[[The Mansion]]<</if>>
<<if $metMason is true>>[[The Phi Party Crew House]]<</if>>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/You.jpg" width="400px">
Name: $name $lastname
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Physical Appearance: You stand at 6'2" with a solid body, a result of years of physical training—mainly combat and sports. You have short, dark hair and piercing green eyes that are often described as intense. Your face is marked by a very small scar above your right eyebrow, a souvenir from a past incident. You also have a big dick.
Background: Born and raised in a small coastal city, you enjoyed a happy and supportive childhood with a strong parental presence. Social by nature, you have always been able to make friends wherever you go and navigate various social circles. Despite this, you always struggled with understanding the deeper reasons behind the events of your life.
Biography: You embark on a journey to enjoy your new college life. A dominant figure, known for your confidence and assertiveness, you never follow anyone's commands, favoring the leader role instead. This applies for everyone except for a few people and unless you decide otherwise. Unnaturally horny, you occasionally seek the pleasure of a woman's company. <<if $vision1 is true || $speed1 is true>>Recently, you’ve discovered that you possess supernatural powers, which adds a new layer of complexity to your already dynamic life.<</if>>
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Park1.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AK/AK2.jpg" width="400px">
"Wow, it's so beautiful out here. Everything in this city, especially around this campus, is so wonderful," Ms. $Blanc says as she admires the surroundings.
You both walk around the park engaging in idle chit chat. There are a few things you noticed about this lovely woman. For one, she's really easy to talk to; she creates this sense of trust whenever she speaks. Also, she's very attentive to details. Moreover, she revealed that <<print $Lucas>>'s father died when he was very young, and he's been lacking a father figure ever since.
So, she's very single. Wait, why would she tell you something like that? Does she already trust you, or is she just very familiar with strangers?
"You know, $Lucas might seem tough; he is sometimes when it comes to people he cares about. But, it's all a faux appearance. His confidence. His toughness. His ''manliness''. It's all fake. He put up this layer on himself to protect his sister and me. We love him for it," she says genuinely
She pauses and looks at you, as if she's studying you. You stay silent allowing her to collect her thoughts. "I'm not telling you this because I open up to every stranger I meet. I'm telling you this because you seem like a good person, and you're going to be his roommate for a long time hopefully. So, I want you to care of him."
Holy shit. She wants him to have a father figure in his life. No, she is basically telling you indirectly that she wants ''you'' to be his father figure. You're not sure how you feel about that.
Interesting. On one hand, you can help him build this artificial persona of his into something more real. You might gain a friend and an ally. On the other, you can take advantage of this new knowledge to destroy his self-esteem. You will technically just be helping him be himself.
You look back to Ms. $Blanc, and she's anxiously waiting for an answer.
[[You will take him under your wing.|Park 1.2]]
[[You are not interested in helping him.|Park 1.3]]<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<if $fit >= 2>>\
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/aGrab.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $beFriend to true>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO + 2>>\
You tell her that you'll be his friend and try to help him. Whether that is a lie or not, you don't care right now.
When she hears this, her whole demeanor shifts immediately. She beams and becomes more relaxed around you. "I knew that I could trust you, $name. Thank you! I promise you that he'll have your back if you have his. He's a sharp one."
She stands up and invites into a hug. "Now, come here. Let me give you a proper hug," she says excitedly. You hug Ms. $Blanc, but this is not like the first hug. She presses her body against you to the point where you can feel her tits on your chest. Damn, she smells nice.
<<if $fit >= 2>>\
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU + 2>>\
You further press your advantage by feeling up her big, soft ass over her jeans. Due to your physique, you maneuver your hands on her behind in a subtle enough way to make it seem like part of the hug. She's stunned at first but stays silent.
Is she secretly enjoying this? She's not saying anything, so you will just have to assume that she is from her silence. To be fair, she's still hugging you while you're running your hands over her ass. You can tell that she really takes care of her body.
Maybe if you were more fit, you could have done more. Instead, you just enjoy the feeling of her chest against you. She eventually pulls away from you, slowly letting go of your body.
As she releases you, you start experiencing something strange. Your body feels incredibly light, and you are only getting lighter by the second. Something this illogical has only one logical explanation; it appears to be one of your abilities. If you want to, you could try to control it. Or, you can save your energy and stop whatever is happening right now.
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
[[Let your body get as light as possible.|Phasing 1]]
[[Reserve your energy and stop this.|Park 1.4]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $noFriend to true>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO - 1>>\
You are not here to help people, not unless you want to. You are also not some kind of hero. You would rather not waste time on strangers if it does not add to your benefit.
Of course, you are not so ruthless that you would tell his mother that. Instead, you let her down slowly. "I'd rather not entangle myself in your son's problems, Ms. $Blanc. Plus, if he's really like you say he is, it's probably best to let him figure it out on his own rather than have someone watch over him. Trust me; it's for the best."
"You're right. What was I thinking? It was such a big ask for someone who just started college. You probably got your own stuff to deal with, now that you're starting this new phase of your life. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stress you out," she says understandably.
Is she actually blaming herself? She really is lovely, but it is too late to feel guilty now. At least, there is no animosity between you two. You assure her that it is okay.
Suddenly, you start experiencing something strange. Your body feels incredibly light, and you are only getting lighter by the second. Something this illogical has only one logical explanation; it appears to be one of your abilities. If you want to, you could try to control it. Or, you can save your energy and stop whatever is happening right now.
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Let your body get as light as possible.|Phasing 1]]
[[Reserve your energy and stop this.|Park 1.4]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Invisible1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $unlockPhase to true>>\
<<set $phase1 to true>>\
<<set $phase to $phase + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
With a casual smile, you excuse yourself, “Ms. $Blanc, if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I need to use the restroom.” Your tone is steady, gesturing vaguely towards the empty space in front of you. “I’ll be right back.”
The moment you are out of her direct line of sight, you take a deep breath and close your eyes, letting your power take its course of action. You are not sure what is occurring as your body gets lighter, and even more lighter. It continues for a second more until you start to feel normal again.
You open back your eyes, and panic starts to hit you. You can not see your own body anymore. The world shifts into a surreal blur as you look down at where your legs should be, only to see a void where they once were.
No, you have to make sure. Out of all your powers, this is freaking you out the most. You take a few hesitant steps away from Ms. $Blanc and towards the water, noticing how you can no longer see your reflection in the water of the park’s pond.
You are ''invisible''. You take a few deep breaths and begin calm down. If there is one thing you learned about your powers, it is that they are on your side. For some reason, this is something you never doubted.
Once you have calmed down, the realization hits you. You are ''invisible''! And apparently, it works on what you wear too. You can momentarily do anything you want, and nobody can catch you. In fact, you already have something in mind.
''<span class="blue">Physique</span> Increased!''
[[Return to your roommate's mother.|Phasing 1.1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK2.jpg" width="400px">
You spend the rest of the afternoon getting to know Ms. $Blanc. She nudges you as the sun begins to set, informing you to be silent and to watch this natural occurrence. Sure, why not?
"It's really beautiful. The park. The sunset. The company. It's all nice. It makes me forget about this whole day's chaos," she says, admiring the view.
"Yes, it is. I'm glad I got to spend the afternoon with you Ms. $Blanc. It really was a good time," you answer, similarly admiring the view. What can you say? You are a man that enjoys what nature has to offer sometimes.
Since it does not seem like $Lucas is coming anytime soon, you enjoy the rest of the afternoon with his mother, and eventually, it is time to leave.
[[Leave the park.|Park End]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK3.jpeg" width="400px">
You stroll back to the bench that Ms. $Blanc occupies with a devious goal in your mind. She is just sitting there, observing the scenery and enjoying the serenity the park has to offer.
You slowly get closer to her and wave your hands in front of her face. She seems unphased by your ''presence''; it works perfectly. Now that you think about it, you have not really tested if you still posses all your senses. Obviously, your vision and hearing are fine, but what about the others?
Your touch, for instance. You reach for Ms. <<print $Blanc>>'s covered breasts and give them a light squeeze. She glances down and scratches her neck, but it was not enough to arouse any suspicions.
What about your sense of taste? You get even closer to your roommate's mother and run your tongue down her neck, leaving a kiss before you retract. She rubs the wet spot with her fingers, assuming it was sweat, but otherwise, she still does not suspect a thing.
You smirk and stand behind her. You are just getting started. Slowly, you lift up her top, exposing her bra. She does not notice at first, not until she can feel the wind against her bare skin.
She immediately pulls down her shirt and looks around for the person that caused this. Realizing that nobody is around, she sits back down in confusion. You still have plans for Ms. $Blanc.
[[Continue.|Phasing 1.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AK/AK5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU + 3>>\
Once she lets her guard down again, you swiftly lift her top up again. However, to your surprise and hers, her bra comes off as well. You can see the horror on her face the moment you expose her tits.
"Who is there!" she screams as a form of retaliation. Again, she does not see anyone in her proximity. In fact, the park seems completely empty. She knows something is going on, but she has no idea what it is.
You take this moment of disarray to remove her shirt and her bra. Ms. $Blanc is now naked from the top in a public park, with nothing to hide her luscious tits but her hands. Her hands have two important tasks: to cover her breasts and to grab the shirt that you keep kicking with your feet.
"Why is it so windy?" she whispers as she frantically follows her clothing that keeps ''flying'' around. You are not sure which you are enjoying more: her bouncing tits as she chases her top or the suffering you are causing her.
Eventually, you get tired of messing with her and leave her alone. You walk away from her line of sight, and willingly become visible again. You did not think it was going to be this easy.
You return to Ms. $Blanc to find her on the same bench you left her, clothes sorted out. When she spots you, there is a look of panic on her face. "Hey, $name. How long have you been here for?" she asks, worried that you might have seen her in an exposed position.
You decide to give the poor woman a break and reassure her that you have just arrived. She sighs in relief and starts to settle down.
[[Continue.|Park 1.4]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
You return to your dorm with Ms. $Blanc; however, $Lucas is not here either. It looks like he finished unpacking his stuff. You will do yours later. She takes out her phone to presumably call her son.
"Oh, $Lucas left me a message. It appears he finished unpacking and is waiting for me in a small restaurant near here," she says. "Apparently, he felt like he would intrude if he joined us, so he left me in your care and went to dinner early."
She chuckles, "Good news is he trusts you enough to leave me with you alone." Okay seriously, what is with this family and easy trust. Are you really that trustworthy? "Bad news is he's still as shy as ever," she continues.
Okay, you see what she meant now. You will think about this later.
"I should probably go ahead and join him. Would you like to join us?" she asks. Though, it is more out of courtesy than desire. You politely refuse and suggest she spends time with her son. She gives you a peck on the cheek and leaves.
[[What next?|Nora Call]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Go to the store.|Store 1]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
You are not sure what you should do next, but the grumbling from your stomach gives you an idea. Now that you think about it, you don't think you have eaten anything today yet. That's odd.
Why are you only feeling hungry now despite spending more energy than usual? Does it have something to do with your new abilities? You have to find someone or something that can help you figure out what these powers are, what ''you'' are.
Your phone rings and interrupts your thoughts. It is <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks, <<= `$Sophia's mother` >><</if>>.
<<set $Nora to "">><<textbox "$Nora" "Nora">>
[[Continue.|Nora Call 1.1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL2.png" width="400px">
<<set $metNora to true>>\
"Hey, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>."
"Hey, sweetie! We arrived an hour earlier, and I tried calling your phone a few times, but you must have been sleeping," she says.
"No, I'm sorry. I met my roommate earlier, so I was kind of busy. Was your trip here okay?" you ask.
"Yes, it was. Thanks for asking. We went shopping for a couple of things while you were busy. I even bought a nice dress," she says enthusiastically. "We found this lovely restaurant when out shopping. We were hoping you could join us for dinner if you don't have plans. He went for a quick stop at the hotel for some reason. He should be here soon as well. I already called $Sophia, and she's coming."
You let her know that you'll be there as soon as you can. You are hungry, so why not? You ask for the location and go on your way.
[[Go to the restaurant.|Evening 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 2>>\
You did miss her. How can you not when she looks like the happiest person in the world when she sees you? Also, she might be your<<if $relation is "intimate">>step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>mother's best friend<</if>>, but she is one of the hottest women you know.
"I missed you too, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. It might have been only a couple of hours, but it felt longer for some reason," you say.
Her eyes light up, and she pulls you in for another hug. "I'm very happy you said that because I feel the exact same! Oh, this is already one of my favorite dinners!" she says excitedly.
You chuckle; you can't help but love her enthusiasm. As much as you want to stand here and talk, it is probably smarter to find a table. "Did you reserve a table, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, or did you just arrive?" you inquire.
"Not yet. I was waiting for you. Plus, there is that really nice waitress that was I hoping you could talk to," she says with a straight face. How can someone look so cute at her age? Eh, it's probably just your attraction to her.
You chuckle again. "Never change, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. Wait here. I'll go see if we can reserve a table."
[[Talk to the nice waitress.|Evening 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 1>>\
You are not really interested in sharing your feelings with her right now. Instead, you want to find a table and sit down. You came here to eat after all. You can save the talking once your ass is on a comfortable chair.
"Did you reserve a table, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, or did you just arrive?" you inquire.
"Not yet. I was waiting for you. Plus, there is that really nice waitress that was I hoping you could talk to," she says with a straight face.
You sigh and nod. "Wait here. I'll go see if we can reserve a table."
[[Talk to the nice waitress.|Evening 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/EI/EI1.jpg" width="400px">
You approach the free waitress, and only when you are close, do you realize how cute she actually is. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> has a good eye for these things apparently.
"Hi, welcome to—", she pauses. "Do you by any chance go to Lakeview State University? You just look too young to be here. I mean look around; you look out of place."
You take a look around and notice what she means. Almost everyone who is seated at a table is a middle-aged man or woman. There is nobody your age at the restaurant, nobody except the soon-to-arrive $Sophia and the waitress too.
<<set $Addison to "">><<textbox "$Addison" "Addison">><<set $Lewis to "">><<textbox "$Lewis" "Lewis">>
[[Try to grab her number.|Evening 1.4]]
[[You are not interested in her.|Evening 1.5]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/EI/EI2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metAddison to true>>\
"Well, if you were not working here. I would make that same deduction. Except, I would say you look more out of place than anyone else," you say.
"Oh, is that so? Is it because I look young as well?" she asks curiously.
<<if $charisma >= 3 || $looks >= 4>>\
<<set $addisonNumber to true>>\
<<set $addLO to $addLO + 1>>\
<<set $addLU to $addLU + 2>>\
"No, it's because you're the prettiest here. Not that the competition is fierce, but you do stand out," you say jokingly. "I'm $name, and yes, I do, in fact, attend LSU. I'm a freshman."
"Me too! Name's $Addison. You're pretty cute too, and I like your confidence, $name. I'm working right now, but I'm free as soon as my shift ends if you would like to hang out. Here's my number," she says while adding her number to your phone.
Nice. You just scored a hot girl's number on your first day. You reserve a table for four and say goodbye to $Adisson.
<<set $addLO to $addLO + 1>>\
"Yeah, you do look like you attend LSU as well. My name's $name. Are you a freshman too?" you ask.
"I am! My name is Adisson. I hope to see you around campus too. Do you want to reserve a table? she asks. She's clearly not interested in talking anymore. It does not look like you will be able to acquire her number tonight. Maybe if you were more handsome or charismatic, this interaction would have ended differently.
You book a table and say goodbye to $Adisson.
[[Go back.|Evening 1.6]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/EI/EI2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metAddison to true>>\
You are not really interested in this waitress right now, so you try to keep the conversation as short as possible. "Yeah, my name's $name, and yes, I attend LSU, and yes, I'm a freshman," you say.
"Okay, nice. My name's $Addison, and I'm a freshman as well. Hopefully, we see each other around college," she keeps it short, getting the hint. "Now, did you want to book a table for two?"
"For four actually. I hope one's available," you correct her.
"There is a table, yes. It's the one over there: table number six," she points towards a table in the corner of the restaurant. "Would you like me to escort you there?" she offers.
You refuse and thank her. Done with the interaction, you say goodbye to $Addison and leave her to her job.
[[Go back.|Evening 1.6]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL2.png" width="400px">
You find your table and pull the chair out for <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. She kisses your cheek and thanks you.
"So, $name, did you get her—"
"We're not going to talk about the waitress, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>," you interrupt her before she starts questioning you. She sighs in defeat.
"I'm more interested in talking about you instead," you save yourself. She beams and listens intently. "You've just been so excited over this dinner, more excited than usual. I am really glad to see you that joyful. I really am. I'm just wondering what caused this."
"Well, it'll probably seem silly to you, but it's been a while since we have all sat at one table together. It has never been the same since the ''incident''," she explains in a dejected tone. "You and $Sophia grew apart. I get the feeling that my husband is falling into old ha—he doesn't spend much time with me anymore. He's all work now. And, now you're going too, and I'm starting to feel more lonely," she says, a tear falling down her cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the mood."
[[Comfort her.|Evening 1.7]]
[[It is silly.|Evening 1.8]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL7.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 2>>\
You place your hand on her cheek and wipe away her tear. "No, not at all. I'm sorry for bringing this up right now. It was a stupid question to ask. We're supposed to have a relaxed dinner altogether." You place your other hand on hers and continue, "And, if it's any consolation, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, I'll feel lonely with you away too. But, you can always visit campus whenever you want, and we'll figure accommodations out. Or, I could just come home sometimes."
She smiles and places her free hand over yours. "I love you, $name. You always know how to cheer me up. Also, do I have to cry for you to show some emotions?" she says, giggling.
You chuckle and tighten your grip. "What can I say? I have a soft spot for you," you say wholeheartedly. The restaurant door opens, catching your attention. "Well, look who finally showed up."
[[Who is it?|Evening 1.9]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL7.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO - 2>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 1>>\
"You're right, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. It does sound silly. I mean, we are supposed to have a nice dinner, and you're getting all gloomy," you say.
She sniffles and wipes away her tear. "You're right, dear. I'm sorry. This dinner was my idea, and I'm already ruining it before it even started. I'll stop complaining. I'm sorry again," she apologizes once more.
You sigh. "Look, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. I am not invalidating your feelings." You totally are. "But, I want us to have a nice evening, us four. Who knows when we will get to do something like this again?"
She smiles and fixes herself. She wants to enjoy this evening, and she definitely does not want to be the one to ruin it. The restaurant's door opens, catching your attention. Finally!
[[Who is it?|Evening 1.9]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
The old man really made it, huh? He walks in through the door, accompanied by $Sophia. This is the man that took care of you your whole life; he is <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>><<print $Sophia>>'s father and <<print $Nora>>'s husband<</if>>.
<<set $Chris to "">><<textbox "$Chris" "Christopher">>
[[Continue.|Evening 1.10]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $metChris to true>>\
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father and step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your father and sister<<else>>Her husband and daughter<</if>> walk in and look around in search for you. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> waves excitedly for her family. When they both spot her, $Sophia rushes and hugs her mom, matching her in excitement. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>>, on the other hand, just walks over silently. He always loved looking tough in public. You chuckle.
"Shut up, kid. I know what you're thinking," he lightly punches your shoulder. He has a very heavy hand, damn. You should greet him.
[[Shake his hand.|Evening 1.11]]
[[Give him a hug.|Evening 1.12]]
[[Just nod coldly.|Evening 1.13]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/ShakeHands.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $chrisLO to $chrisLO + 1>>\
As <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> steps closer, you rise from your seat and extend your hand. His handshake is strong and confident, a familiar gesture that speaks of years of shared experiences and mutual respect.
His eyes soften as he greets you, and a genuine smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, I know you missed me," he says, his voice steady. You can sense his approval in the way he looks at you.
As he sits down, he takes a moment to glance around the table, clearly glad to be surrounded by his family. The atmosphere lightens, and a sense of normalcy returns to the dinner, with everyone settling into easy conversation.
[[Continue.|Evening 1.14]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $chrisLO to $chrisLO + 2>>\
You get up and move towards <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> with a broad smile, your arms opening wide. He scoffs for a second before he gives in. As you embrace him, he wraps his arms around you and slaps your back with familiarity.
“Man, you really got heavy arms,” you say, still feeling the effects on your back. He laughs loudly, and the whole table follows suit, including you. When you finally pull away, he looks at you with a look of deep fondness.
The hug seems to bridge any emotional distance that might have been there, at least for this moment, making the dinner feel like a true family dinner. Conversations start flowing more freely, and laughter echoes more readily around the table. You missed this.
[[Continue.|Evening 1.14]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $chrisLO to $chrisLO - 1>>\
You offer <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> a curt nod as he arrives, barely lifting your eyes to meet his. His smile falters slightly, but he quickly masks it with a professional air. You got used to this nonchalance behavior recently. "Hello," he says, his tone polite but noticeably lacking in warmth.
He takes his place at the table, opposite of you, attempting to maintain the pleasant gathering of a family dinner. The air feels cooler, and the lively chatter of the two women seems slightly subdued as they try to navigate the uncomfortable shift in dynamics.
There’s an underlying tension that lingers for a while, but it is gone as <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother and step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother and sister<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks and $Sophia<</if>> open talks with the both of you. Soon, everyone is engaging in easy conversation as things seem to settle down. You wonder what the family would have been like if it were not for those women.
[[Continue.|Evening 1.14]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP1.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KL/KL7.jpg" width="400px">
"So, how was the ride this morning? Oh, and by the way, we have the rest of your stuff, $name. Be sure to grab it tonight or tomorrow," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> reminds you.
You were about to answer her question about the ride before $Sophia interjects. "The ride was alright. Nothing interesting to share really, except that $name looks better than he did this morning," she jokingly says.
"Thanks. You look good too, $Sophia," you reply, matching her humor. She really does.
"She really does, doesn't she?" <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> adds.
"She does, $Nora. You know why? It's because she puts in effort," her husband says nonchalantly.
"Not at dinner, $Chris. We're not doing this now," she answers him.
"I'm not doing anything. I'm just saying effort is nice every now and—"
"Excuse me. I need to use the restroom for a minute," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> says as she leaves the table.
The worst part about this is that he is actually clueless about what he has done. He is just blunt when it comes to expressing his thoughts.
[[Follow her.|Evening 1.15]]
[[Do not intervene.|Evening 1.16]]
[[Call him out on his bullshit.|Evening 1.17]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $followNora to true>>\
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO + 1>>\
"I'll check up on her," you say.
You give <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> a disapproving look and head for the restroom. $Sophia stops you midway.
"She went to the ''women's'' restroom. You can't go there, $name. I'll do—"
"I don't care. I won't leave her in that state. I want you to talk to <<if $relation is "intimate">>my father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>''dad''<<else>>your father<</if>> and tell him to be better," you demand. "I'll make sure that she'll be okay. I promise."
She smiles. She looks kind of proud. "Okay, $name. I'll talk to him, and you can talk to mom. Just make it quick before someone else enters the bathroom."
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Enter the women's restroom.|Restroom 1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $noIntervene to true>>\
<<set $chrisLO to $chrisLO + 1>>\
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO - 1>>\
You probably should not stick your nose in a couple's problems, no matter how close you are to them. You and <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> both sit in silence.
"Really? You're both not going to say anything? Unbelievable!" $Sophia exclaims and furiously follows her mom to the restroom.
A few people turn to watch the scene, but the glaring looks from you and <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> turn them away quickly. The silence now is growing into an awkward one.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Your step-mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Your mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<link "Mrs. $Brooks returns in style." "Evening 1.18">><</link>>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Fist1.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $bullshit to true>>\
<<set $chrisLO to $chrisLO + 2>>\
<<set $sophiaLU to $sophiaLU + 2>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 2>>\
You are not going to stand for this. Nobody can treat <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> like that, not even her own husband.
"<<if $relation is "intimate">>Dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>>, can you and I have a talk outside for one second? I just don't want to cause any more scenes here. Also, $Sophia, can you follow your mom and check up on her?" you ask, but it was more of a demand really.
"Sure, I was going to anyways. Both of you, don't cause any more problems," she says before leaving.
You and <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> step out of the restaurant to ''talk''.
"What do you want, $name? I'm not going to listen to relationship advice from you," he says nonchalantly. He really has no idea of the effects of his words sometimes.
You clench your fists. You are angry. No, you are fucking furious. But, you have to stay calm for <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. You are not going to let anything or anyone ruin this dinner, not with how much it means to her, not after what she has told you.
"<<if $relation is "intimate">>Dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>>, you were wrong, and you're going to apologize to her."
"Listen, kid—"
"I wasn't done talking, <<if $relation is "intimate">>Dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>>," you cut him off. "I am an adult, and I'm talking to you like an adult, so treat me like one. You have no idea how much that dinner means to her, and I won't let you ruin it. We're going to go back inside. You're going to apologize for what you've said, and we're going to have a nice dinner altogether."
He stands there quietly and in an intimidating manner. You do not waver though. The silence lingers for a few seconds.
"Heh. You really have grown up, ki—$name. You've got balls and all that now. You're right. I'm ruining the night. Sometimes, I really talk before thinking. I'll apologize," he replies, and the tension fades just as quickly as it appeared.
You both go back to the empty table and await the girls' return.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Your step-mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Your mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<link "Mrs. $Brooks returns in style." "Evening 1.18">><</link>>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL9.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $bullshit is true || $noIntervene is true>>
<img src="Images/LP/LP2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $followNora is true>>\
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> exits the restroom wearing the sexy dress you saw her in. She has a point to prove, and she is proving it. She turns many heads, including those who are present with their partners, and even a few girls as well, as she walks to your table in a confident manner. Even <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> looks impressed by his wife's new outfit.
"Damn, mom. You look very hot in this dress," her daughter says bluntly.
"Thanks, darling. Sorry for making you all wait," she answers. She takes a seat next to you. <<if $noraHJ is true>>When her eyes meet yours, she blushes instantly. It looks like the effects have worn off, but she stills remember what happened clearly.<</if>>
"I'm sorry, $Nora. I did not mean what I said earlier. $Sophia made me realize the errors of my ways," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> apologizes.
"The young ones are great, are they not? $name made me realize some things too. It's okay, $Chris. I am not upset, and I forgive you," his wife responds. "Anyways, we're here to have dinner. Let's order."
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> exits the restroom wearing a new sexy dress. She probably bought that when shopping today. She has a point to prove, and she is proving it. She turns many heads, including those who are present with their partners, and even a few girls as well, as she walks to your table in a confident manner. Even <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> looks impressed by his wife's new outfit.
$Sophia follows closely behind but far enough to give her mom her moment to shine.
"Sorry for making you both wait," she says. The two girls sit in their respective seats.
<<if $bullshit is true>>\
"I'm sorry, $Nora. I did not mean what I said earlier. $name made me realize the errors of my ways," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> apologizes.
She looks at you and smiles. "The young ones are great, are they not? $Sophia made me realize some things too. It's okay, $Chris. I am not upset, and I forgive you," his wife says. "Anyways, we're here to have dinner. Let's order."
<<if $noIntervene is true>>$Sophia scoffs when you both just nod silently.<</if>>
"Anyways, we're here to have dinner. Let's order."
As soon as the food arrives, things turn back to ''normal'', and the four of you have a nice enough dinner, engaging in talks and enjoying your time.
[[Finish Dinner.|Day 1 Night]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 2>>\
She is probably very upset right now. You really hope you can cheer her up. If her husband can't appreciate her, you will. Are you really going to enter the women's private area though? Too late to think about it. You look around to check if the coast is clear and go inside.
"$name? What are you doing in the women's bathroom? You have to leave right now. I'm the only one here, so you're lucky you're not in trouble," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, thankfully, warns you.
"I don't care about that right now. I was worried about you, and I can't stand—did you change your dress?" you ask her confusedly.
"Oh, this? Yes, I bought this dress when we were out shopping. I left the shopping bag in the small locker next to you. I wanted to wear it for a special occasion, and I figured this is as special as any," she answers you calmy. She looks upset though, even if she tries to hide it.
"<<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, you have nobody you need to impress. You're a very beautiful woman, dare I say, very hot in this dress too. If <<if $relation is "intimate">>my father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>my father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> can't appreciate it, then it's his loss. But, you shouldn't let his words get to you. You clearly put in effort, and it's noticed. Maybe not by him. But, it is noticed. I promise you," you tell her genuinely.
Your voice is hypnotic. No, literally. Something's happening, and it's directed towards her. It's like you're pulling her in. It's probably another one of your abilities. Yet, this feels stronger and harder to control.
[[Try to control this power.|Nora 1]]
[[Let it slip and save your energy.|Restroom End]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/KL/KL6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 1>>\
You decide you would rather save your energy for future needs rather than waste it right now. You let the built up power dissipate. You shift your focus back to Mrs. $Brooks.
"Keep that in mind, okay, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>?" you ask.
She takes a moment to answer. It seems like she just got out of a trance. "Okay, sweetie. Thank you for being here for me, but you really have to go now. You're still not allowed to be here," she giggles.
You chuckle and turn around to leave, but she stops you and gives you a peck on the lips. "Really though, thank you, $name. I'll follow in a second," she says before going back to fixing herself.
You leave the bathroom and return to your table to find a relaxed environment again.
"That was quick. All good?" $Sophia asks.
"Amazing, you?" you ask and look over to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> who just shrugs. They both nod silently.
If he only knew his wife's value. You are not about to feel sorry for him. His loss, really.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Your step-mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Your mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<link "Mrs. $Brooks returns in style." "Evening 1.18">><</link>>
<</if>><div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL8.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KL/KL1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $charm1 to true>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $noraHJ to true>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO - 2>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 3>>\
You somehow manage to control this overwhelming feeling and successfully direct it towards her. You do not notice anything different at first.
When you shift your focus back to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, you see what changed. She is looking at you in a different way; she is looking at you like she is horny. Your cock grows in anticipation of what is about to happen next.
She begins to strip out of her new, sexy dress. "You know, $name. You always know how to cheer me up, so I want to return the favor. I want to show you my ''appreciation''," she says in a sultry voice. "Let me take care of you, baby."
These are all the words you needed to hear. Now fully naked, she moves towards you and takes out your cock. "Mm, such a nice cock too. We're still in the women's bathroom, so you better finish quickly. You don't want to get caught with your pants down here," she giggles.
She takes your cock in her hands and starts stroking your hard cock slowly. You can't believe that <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom, who raised you ever since she married your dad,<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom, the woman who birthed you,<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks, your mother's friend,<</if>> now has your dick in her hands. You're feeling more pleasure than normal. You can see that she is getting pleasure from stroking you too. Is that one of the effects of this power?
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|Nora 1.1]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/CS1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You're not going to last long if she keeps going like that. You're conflicted on what to focus on: her hands, her face, her sexy voice, or her tits.
The pleasure is too much, and you can't take it anymore. Without warning, you spray cum all over <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>.
"You were so backed up, weren't you? I'm glad you enjoyed it, but you have to leave now. I'll clean up and follow you," she says hurriedly.
You leave the bathroom and return to your table to find a relaxed environment again.
"You took your time in there. All good?" $Sophia asks.
"Amazing, you?" you ask and look over to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> who just shrugs. They both nod silently.
If he only knew how you cheered up his wife. You are not about to feel sorry for him. His loss, really.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Your step-mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Your mom returns in style.|Evening 1.18]]
<<link "Mrs. $Brooks returns in style." "Evening 1.18">><</link>>
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Street2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>\
<<set $time to "Night">>\
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> pays for the meal, and you all leave the restaurant. It's not that late yet; you can probably do one final thing before going to bed. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father and step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your parents<<else>>Mr. and Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> are going to go to their hotel to end the night early. $Sophia explains that she'll spend the night at her dorm room with her friend.
It's just you out alone on the street now. You can go to your dorm room to finish unpacking, or if you have anyone's number, you could use your phone to make a call.
[[Finish unpacking your stuff.|Walk with Sophia]]
<<if $addisonNumber is true>>\
<<link "Call $Addison" "Addison 1">>
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO + 1>>\
You hurry to catch up to $Sophia since you are both going the same way. She rolls her eyes when you approach her.
"Tonight was something, wasn't it?" you try to break the ice.
"It was. Look, $name. I really don't want to talk. I only came to this dinner for mom, nothing else," she says coldly.
"Why are you always cold towards me, $Sophia? If this is about the—"
"It's not. It's not about ''that''. And, it's not you really. People just grow apart. It happens, and it's normal."
"Not us. This was never our normal. We can change this, however. Don't you miss the old days, the old us?" you ask.
She sighs and stays silent. You figure she won't budge now, so you'll save this conversation for later, when she's more willing. You're not going to give up on fixing your relationship. "Let me at least walk you to your dorm room; it's getting late."
"I told you, $name. I'm only out here today for—" she pauses and sighs again. "Okay, you can walk me to my room."
You see that as an absolute win today. You walk her to her room and say goodnight. Just as you're about to leave, the door swings open.
[[Her roommate.]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Phone1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $addBJ to true>>\
The phone rings for a minute before $Addison picks it up. "Hey, $name! I did not think you would call today," she says.
"Oh, I was just making sure that you gave me the right number. That is all," you joke with her.
She laughs. "Are you sure that is all you wanted to do?" she asks. Is she insinuating something?
[[You wanted to check up on her.|Addison 1.1]]
[[You wanted something more.|Adisson 1.2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/EI/EI4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $addLO to $addLO + 2>>\
<<set $addLU to $addLU - 1>>\
"No, this was not it. I was just checking up on you. I know how exhausting night shifts can get," you explain.
"Aw, that's so sweet actually. Yeah, it was a bit tiring, but I'm getting used to it now," $Addison says.
"How did you get the job? We have not even started classes yet, and you are already working."
"The owner is a friend of my father's. Anyways, thank you for checking up on me. What do you say you come to my room to make extra sure though?" she offers.
You know exactly what is going to happen. You end the call with $Addison and search for her room number. You're really glad it's a mixed dormitory. You find it easily and knock on the door.
[[She opens the door.|Addison 1.3]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/EI/EI4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $addLO to $addLO - 1>>\
<<set $addLU to $addLU + 2>>\
"No, I did not call just for that. I was wondering what are you up to right now," you say.
"Oh, I just finished my shift a moment ago, and I'm in my dorm, doing nothing. Why are you asking? she chuckles. She definitely knows why.
"I just thought I could come to your room, and we can spend some time together. What do you say?"
"It sounds tempting, and I am very bored right now. Hm," she pretends to think it over. "Yeah, okay. I'll text you my room number."
You know exactly what is going to happen. You end the call with $Addison and search for her room number. You're really glad it's a mixed dormitory. You find it easily and knock on the door.
[[She opens the door.|Addison 1.3]]<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/EI/EI5.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/KS1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
As soon as the door opens, she pulls you in hastily and closes the door.
"Sorry. I just didn't want anyone seeing you out here. Can't have anyone knowing what we're about to do," she says seductively.
You smirk. "And what are we about to do, $Addison?" You don't wait for an answer and place your lips on hers. You both dive into a passionate kiss. Her smell is intoxicating, and her lips taste sweet.
She drops to her knees. "Let me take care of you, $name."
"Don't you have a roommate?" you ask in worry of getting cockblocked.
"I do. She hasn't arrived yet though. Don't worry. This cock is mine tonight. Now focus on me, baby."
She pulls down your pants and releases your throbbing cock.
[[Get a blowjob from her.|Addison 1.4]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/EI/EI1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls loop>
<source src="Videos/EI/EI2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
She takes your cock in her mouth. You know it's about to be one of the best blowjobs you will ever have as soon as her lips come in contact with your dick.
She starts bobbing her head up and down your length. You try to focus on lasting long enough to enjoy the experience. You're not a virgin or anything; she's just that good.
"Yes, $Addison. You're doing a good job. Not many girls were able to take my length that easily. Fuck, keep going," you throw in words of encouragement.
She takes your dick out of her mouth. "You've got a big cock; I like a challenge though."
Before you can question her, her intentions are very clear once your cock is back in her mouth. $Addison not just giving you a blowjob anymore; she's devouring your cock.
She takes another inch of your size with each slurp. Your dick is now buried in her throat. She has taken every inch, from the head to the base. And with the sounds of her slurping, fuck, you're not going to last long.
She removes your dick from her mouth, presumably for a break. "No, I'm not taking a break. I just wanted to let you know that deepthroating you was not my only skill."
[[Oh, fuck.|Addison 1.5]]<div class="video-container3">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/EI/EI3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/EI/EI4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"Life your shirt up for me, baby. Let me see your beautiful tits," you command.
She does as you say and lifts her shirt up for your eyes' pleasure. You feast your eyes on her supple tits. You then prepare yourself mentally for the next attack on your cock but it never comes.
Instead, she goes for a softer target. She's after your balls now. She lowers her head and places your balls in her mouth. She takes your balls in a gentler manner than she did your dick.
She sucks your balls sensually and slowly. This girl really knows how to pleasure a cock. She wasn't kidding when she said she had skills.
The combination of sucking, slurping, and the visual stimulation quickly sends you over the edge, and she can feel it coming. She opens her mouth.
"Dump your hot, fucking load in my mouth, $name," she demands.
You oblige her and shoot your cum all over her tongue; she swallows it like a pro. You pull your pants back up while she goes to the bathroom to fix herself. What a girl.
"Thanks, $name. This was really pleasurable for me. I hope it was the same for you," she says.
"It was much more than that, $Addison. Thanks for a good time. I'll make sure to return the favor next time."
"Trust me. I enjoyed it more than you did. Now, can I ask you to leave, please? I don't know when my roommate is going to arrive, but I'd rather she doesn't see you here. She'll probably create a hassle or just jump you," she chuckles.
You say your goodbyes and leave her room.
[[Go to your room to unpack.|Day 1 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Finish unpacking your stuff.|Walk with Sophia]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Midnight">>
You enter your dorm room, half-expecting $Lucas to be awake. You open the door and find him asleep on his bed. Oh, thank god. You have nothing against the guy; it's just been a very long and weird day.
You want to just unpack the rest of your stuff and sleep. You quietly and quickly move around the boxes and bags and unload all of your stuff. And just as quickly, you organize and finish up everything and throw yourself on the bed.
This is one weird day. A lot has happened to gather it all in one night. Now that you have a moment to collect yourself, ''what the actual fuck was all that''?
What the fuck are these powers? Where did they come from? Is it just you or are there more people out there? Why did these abilities just emerge now? And, just how powerful can they get? Your gut tells you that each power has vast potential.
You have so many questions and zero answers. You'll figure this out when the time comes. For now, you drift to sleep.
The one thing you're sure of:<em> you're the only one who can decide how to use these abilities.</em>.
[[Sleep.|Dream1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AF/AF1.jpg" width="400px">
The door swings open, and you are greeted with a familiar face. It looks like <<print $Sophia>>'s best friend ended up being her roommate as well. Was this done deliberately somehow, or did they just end up being that lucky? Whatever the case is, these two make quite the duo.
"Hi, $Sophia. I heard you outside. How was dinner?" she asks before laying her eyes on you. "And, who's that hunk you're with?"
<<set $Stella to "">><<textbox "$Stella" "Stella">><<set $Rivera to "">><<textbox "$Rivera" "Rivera">>
[[Continue.|Her roommate 2]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/AF/AF2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metStella to true>>\
<<set $stellaLO to $stellaLO + 1>>\
<<set $stellaLU to $stellaLU + 1>>\
"Hey, $Stella. It's been a while," you say with familiarity. Her eyes widen when she recognizes you and immediately hugs you.
"Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. $name?" she slaps your shoulder playfully. "Do you have any idea how much I've missed you? I'd always question $Sophia about you, but she's just as clueless about you as I am. You're such a stud now."
You laugh and return the compliment, "Me? Look at ''you''. Were you always this beautiful, or did your Latina genes finally kick in?"
She giggles. You've always had a soft spot for <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>><<print $Sophia>>'s<</if>> best friend, and apparently, roommate too. And, she shares that feeling as well. $Sophia and she have been very close since childhood. You're glad to see this hasn't change at least.
"Get off him already, $Stella. And you, for fuck sake, stop flirting with my best friend in front of me," she says to you. "Thanks for walking with me, but you can leave now." She enters the room and lays on her bed.
$Stella whispers, "Sorry about her. She's been in a bad mood lately for some reason. I'm still trying to figure it out."
You assure her that it's okay. You hug $Stella as you say goodbye; however, you start growing warm internally and externally. You're growing cold actually. No, you're alternating between both. And, do you feel a rush of wind indoors? That's strange.
[[Attempt to focus on one.]]
[[Or, you can just ignore the feeling and leave.|Day 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<<if $energy >= 30>>
<img src="Images/AF/AF3.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AF/AF4.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AF/AF1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $energy < 30>>\
You try to focus on any of the three feelings, but you don't have enough energy to do so. You missed out on a chance at discovering a new power. Hopefully, you'll learn to use these powers at your own volition rather than leave it to chance.
[[Go back to your dorm to finish unpacking.|Day 1 End]]\
<<set $element1 to true>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $element to $element + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $stellaLU to $stellaLU + 2>>\
You attempt to focus on any of the three feelings, but you fail to pinpoint the source of any of them. You did succeed in channeling one; however, you just don't know which one. When the air surrounding you begins to get hotter, you figure out which ''element'' you just unleashed.
Okay. It's getting unbearably hot, even for you.
"Woah! It's getting really hot in here. Do you mind if I take a few pieces of clothing off?" $Stella asks, but she's already stripping before you can give her an answer.
"Woah, $Stella! Right here?" you ask and look around in case someone's nearby. You are still standing outside her room.
"Yeah, I really don't mind, and it is even hotter inside the room. Why? Would you rather I do it inside?" she asks.
"Uh, no. I really don't mind at all," you answer as you watch her sway her body, trying to take her clothes off.
You watch $Stella remove her shirt first. When she does, it takes all your self control not to comment on her tits. They look amazing, with visible sweat traveling downwards towards her bra.
She does the same with her pants next. The heat now taking its toll on her. Her movement is slower and more sensual, as if she is actually stripping for you right now.
You knew she had a great body underneath all that clothing. Look at the shape of that ass too. As much as you'd love to get your hands on her right now, there is somebody else you're also interested in watching.
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Take a look inside their room.|Sophia Room]]
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/LP/LP10.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $sophiaLU to $sophiaLU + 2>>\
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO - 2>>\
You peek into their room to find that $Sophia has already stripped to her underwear too. Seeing her in that exposed state ignites feelings you did not know you had for her.
"Is the AC broken or something, $Stella?" she asks while fanning herself.
"I'm not sure. I don't think so," her friend answers her. "It's probably the air outside, and we have the door open."
"Close it then! And leave, $name! Why are you still here when we're clearly in our underwears."
Yeah, if you don't want to look too much like a creep, you should probably stop ogling their bodies and leave now. You say your goodnights and leave to your dorm room.
[[Go to your room|Day 1 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
<<link "Call $Addison" "Addison 1">>
<</if>><img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Random1.jpg" width="400px">
"Fuck you, $name!" the familiar voice shouts.
"You're a fucking idiot!" you answer back.
You've fought every now and then; it was nothing uncommon. But no matter what happened during the day, you would always reconcile before the night ended. This is how close you were to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your younger step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your younger sister<<else>>the youngest $Brooks, <<print $Sophia>>'s sister<</if>>. Close doesn't even explain the half of it. You were inseparable; you were her best friend, and she was yours.
<<set $Kate to "">><<textbox "$Kate" "Kate">>
[[Continue.|Dream1.1]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/treehouse1.jpg" width="400px">
Both of you would often hang out at <<if $relation is "intimate">>your grandfather's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your grandfather's<<else>>her grandfather's<</if>> place every chance you got. You loved it there, mainly because you had your own ''secret hideout'' there. On the land the grandfather owned, you and $Kate came up with the idea of building a treehouse there.
When the permission was granted, you both forced <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> to help you build the project. He did most of the work though while you and $Kate spent most of your time resting, annoying him, or arguing over the colors.
[[Continue.|Dream1 Cont.]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/treehouse1.jpg" width="400px">
Eventually, the tiring construction was done. You don't remember exactly how much time it took, but it went by faster than anyone expected. It's probably because you put heart and soul into it, especially the old man.
And so, it began: your obsession with the treehouse. You and $Kate would spend most of your weekends and free time there. It wasn't really an obsession, not according to both of you. You were teenagers, and it felt like you had your own place; you were just having fun. $Sophia would join in on the fun quite often, sometimes $Stella too. However, it was mostly just the both of you.
You did not realize just how fast someone's world can turn upside down in one night. You don't remember the day. You don't remember the time. You don't remember what the argument was about.
"Fuck you, $name!" $Kate shouts.
"You're a fucking moron, $Kate!" you answer back. "I don't want to spend the rest of the night with you, so go sleep at the house."
"I'm not leaving. It's not your treehouse, so I can stay wherever I want. You can leave instead if you're that desperate to stay away from me. In fact, I don't want you anywhere near me," she says furiously.
Having enough of her bullshit for one night, you stormed off.
[[Leave the treehouse.|Dream1 conc.]]<img class="image-container1" src="Images/Pics/Fire1.jpg" width="400px">
It's a twenty-minute walk back to the house. Halfway through the journey, you stop and sigh deeply. You turn around and start walking back to the direction you came from. No matter what happens, you always reconcile before the night ends.
It doesn't matter whose fault it was. It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right. It doesn't matter who says "I'm sorry" first. The only important thing is that you're both on good terms.
You were so deep in thought that you did not notice the unbearable heat that surrounds you; the air is getting hotter the closer you get to the house. You only notice it when the treehouse is finally in view, or what is left of it anyways.
You don't remember much past this point. Perhaps you passed out due to the lack of oxygen. Or, maybe it was trauma-related. The only thing you remember: ''everything'' burned to ashes.
[[Wake up from this nightmare.|Day 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Morning">>\
<<set $day to "Sunday">>\
<<set $energy to $maxEnergy>>\
<<set $metKate to true>>\
You wake up and sit upright. You rub your eyes and look upwards at the ceiling. "Fuck," you mumble. This is not the first time you've had this nightmare; it occurs occasionally. This one was different, however. It felt more real, more vivid. You let out a deep sigh.
"You alright?" $Lucas asks.
You look over to where the voice came from. Your roommate is seated on his bed, phone in hand. He does look a little concerned to be fair.
"I've been awake for a few minutes now. I saw you tossing around in your sleep, seemed like a night terror, so I avoided waking you up," he pauses. "It seemed bad. Do you want to talk about it?"
You've never actually talked about this with anyone, not even <<if $relation is "intimate">>your family<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your family<<else>>the people you grew up with<</if>>. Everyone agreed to never mention this ''incident'' again and to move on. It is a heavy burden, and you are sure it feels the same for the rest of them; however, it's too heavy for someone who has been blaming himself ever since.
[[Talk about it with him.|Open up]]
[[Don't but thank him.|Don't open up]]
[[Fuck you.|Insult him]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO + 3>>\
<<if $beFriend is true>>\
You've already told his mother that you'll try to befriend him; you're not about to go back on your word now. In fact, this seems like a good starting point for your friendship.\
<<elseif $noFriend is true>>\
Although you flat out refused his mother's wishes and told her that you would rather not have any ties with him, you changed your mind about him. Maybe forming a friendship doesn't sound so bad after all.\
$Lucas seems like a good guy. In fact, you are sure he is, and you like to think yourself a good judge of strangers sometimes. Are you really going to share your story with him though? Well, no turning back now; it will probably help ease the burden a little.
You face your roommate and start explaining from the beginning. You tell him about your relationship with $Kate and how close you were. You tell him about the treehouse and the fire. Everything. He listens intently and never interrupts you once; he only speaks when you are finally finished.
"Shit, bro. I'm sorry you went through all that. It wasn't fair," he says empathetically.
"No, it wasn't really, but it's all in the past now," you reply.
"Is it, $name? Sorry, I don't mean this in a bad way. You're clearly still blaming yourself. You've probably heard this from people who are close to you as well, but take it from someone you barely know. It wasn't your fault."
"Thanks for listening, $Lucas. It took some weight off my shoulders. You're a good guy, and it goes for you too. Anytime you want to talk about anything, I can lend an ear," you let him know.
$Lucas smiles. You can tell he appreciates the gesture. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. Anyways, I've brought my gaming console with me. I don't game much, but it's a good waste of time. You in?" he asks.
Well, it's something to take your mind off your nightmare. You and $Lucas play a few games for a few hours before you're interrupted by a knock on the door.
<<set $lucasFriend to true>>\
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
[[Open the door.|Meet Maya]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO + 1>>\
<<if $beFriend is true>>\
You've already told his mother that you'll try to befriend him; you're not about to go back on your word now. Having a friend who is also your roommate does sound nice too.\
<<elseif $noFriend is true>>\
Although you flat out refused his mother's wishes and told her that you'd rather not have any ties with him, you changed your mind about him. You can tell that he's a good person. You'd rather be on good terms with him.\
"Thanks, $Lucas. I'd rather not talk about it, but again, thanks for offering an ear," you tell him.
"No problem, bro. If you change your mind, I'd be willing to listen," he replies.
"That goes for you too. Any problems you have and want to share, you can come talk to me."
$Lucas smiles. You can tell he appreciates the gesture. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. Anyways, I've brought my gaming console with me. I don't game much, but it's a good waste of time. You in?" he asks.
Well, it's something to take your mind off your nightmare. You and $Lucas play a few games for a few hours before you're interrupted by a knock on the door.
<<set $lucasFriend to true>>\
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Open the door.|Meet Maya]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO - 3>>\
<<if $beFriend is true>>\
You might have told his milf of a mother that you would be his friend, but you changed your mind. The only thing that matters is being on good terms with Ms. $Blanc.\
<<elseif $noFriend is true>>\
You've already told his mother that you would rather not have any ties with her son, and you plan to keep it that way.\
"Fuck you, $Lucas. Did your mother not teach you any manners? Did she not teach you to mind your own business?" you ask in a passive-aggressive tone.
"Keep my mom's name out of your fucking mouth, $name," he threateningly says and stands up.
You match him in speed and stand up to his face. "Or what?" you ask him just as threateningly.
<<if $fit >= 2>>\
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO - 1>>\
<<set $lucasLeave to true>>\
Taking one look at you, he realizes how much stronger you are and cowers away and leaves the room. What a fucking pussy. You definitely made an enemy, and the animosity between you two will just grow more if you continue down this path. Just as you're about to get a few more hours of sleep in, there is a knock at the door.
The standoff lasts for what feels like a while before he backs off and sits silently on his bed again. Maybe if you were more fit, you could've scared him away. Oh well, you already made an enemy on your second day on campus. Just as you're about to go to bed again and get a few more hours of sleep in, there is a knock at the door.
<<set $lucasEnemy to true>>\
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Open the door.|Meet Maya]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Noon">>\
You get up and open the door for the mystery guest. The person behind the knock is actually a girl, looks to be about your age, maybe older. It is not someone you have met before.
"Good morning! I'm your student ambassador," she says, clearly in a cheerful mood. "If you're interested, I'm currently gathering and giving tours to all the freshmen on campus right now."
<<set $Maya to "">><<textbox "$Maya" "Maya">><<set $Gray to "">><<textbox "$Gray" "Gray">>
[[Continue.|Meet Maya 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metMaya to true>>\
One girl is giving tours to all the new students? This seems like a lot of work for one person to handle. You question her about it.
She chuckles. "Of course not. Each floor has its own student ambassador. It is just a fancy word for supervisor though. So, yeah, I'm just this floor's supervisor," she explains. "My name is $Maya. I didn't get your name."
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>\
"I'm $name, and this here," you move a bit, so she can see inside the room, "is my friend, $Lucas. If it's okay, we'd like to join you."
She beams and claps her hands. "Yes! Okay, let's go!"
<<elseif $lucasLeave is true>>\
"I'm $name. If it's okay, I'd like to join you."
She beams and claps her hands. "Yes! Okay, let's go!"
"I'm $name. If it's okay, I'd like to join you."
You don't give her a chance to answer; you go outside and close the door before your roommate can know what is happening.
[[Tour the campus.|Tour]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS3.jpg" width="400px">
The day is warm and sunny, suitable for a campus tour. You, along with a group of other freshmen, are guided around by $Maya, your energetic student supervisor. She's been walking you through the various buildings, explaining the history of each one. $Maya is clearly passionate about the tour, sharing her knowledge with a bright smile and enthusiasm.
She exudes a friendly yet authoritative vibe, effortlessly managing the group as she answers questions and shares information. You find yourself intrigued by her charisma. She seems approachable, and there's a certain allure to her confidence. You consider how to engage with her.
[[Flirt with her.|Lust Focus 3]]
[[Ask her a sincere question.|Love Focus 3]]
[[Playfully tease her.|Both Focus 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 2>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 1>>\
As $Maya finishes explaining the features of the student union building, you decide to make a bolder move, hoping to catch her attention in a more personal way. Flirting always seem to work.
"You know, $Maya, with how passionately you talk about this place, you make it sound almost irresistible. Do you have that effect on everything?" you ask with just the right amount of charm.
$Maya raises an eyebrow and chuckles, but there is a hint of distance in her response. "I like to think I can make things interesting somtimes," she replies, her voice light and humorous but her eyes assessing you carefully.
It seems like it worked, kind of. She continues giving the tour. She takes her job too seriously, which would make this too boring if it was not for her bubbly personality. And, her hot looks. This is getting boring though.
Wait, boring? You seem to have forgotten that you posess godlike powers. If there is no entertainment, you will create your own damn entertainment. Your powers seem to appear spontaneously, but maybe you can try to channel one of them if you focus hard enough.
[[Make it windy.|Wind 1]]
<<link "Try to charm $Maya." "Charm 2">>\
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 3>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 2>>\
[[Feel her up secretly.|Speed 2]]
[[End tour early and go to your room.|Tour End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU - 1>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO + 2>>\
After $Maya shares an inspiring story about the campus's community, you decide to engage her with a question that shows genuine interest in her role and responsibilities instead of going for the daring approach.
"It's impressive how much you know about this place. What made you want to be a student supervisor?" you ask with interest.
$Maya smiles warmly, clearly pleased with your question. "I love helping people find their place here. Plus, someone I'm close to from the faculty recommended this," she explains, her eyes softening as she talks.
It looks like you gained some points with her. She continues giving the tour. She takes her job too seriously, which would make this too boring if it was not for her bubbly personality. And, her hot looks. This is getting boring though.
Wait, boring? You seem to have forgotten that you posess godlike powers. If there is no entertainment, you will create your own damn entertainment. Your powers seem to appear spontaneously, but maybe you can try to channel one of them if you focus hard enough.
[[Make it windy.|Wind 1]]
<<link "Try to charm $Maya." "Charm 2">>\
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 3>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 2>>\
[[Feel her up secretly.|Speed 2]]
[[End tour early and go to your room.|Tour End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO + 1>>\
The group pauses near the campus lake, and $Maya takes a moment to let everyone enjoy the view. You see an opportunity to make a nice comment without sounding like you are coming onto her.
"With a guide like you, $Maya, this tour is making the campus look even better. Are you sure you're not just here to make it all look more appealing? You can be honest with me," you say light-heartedly.
$Maya laughs, a bright and genuine one. "Flattery will get you somewhere," she teases back, clearly enjoying the banter. She seems to appreciate the comment, and you notice a hint of amusement in her eyes.
It looks like she knows how to take a joke. She continues giving the tour. She takes her job too seriously, which would make this too boring if it was not for her bubbly personality. And, her hot looks. This is getting boring though.
Wait, boring? You seem to have forgotten that you posess godlike powers. If there is no entertainment, you will create your own damn entertainment. Your powers seem to appear spontaneously, but maybe you can try to channel one of them if you focus hard enough.
[[Make it windy.|Wind 1]]
<<link "Try to charm $Maya." "Charm 2">>\
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 3>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 2>>\
[[Feel her up secretly.|Speed 2]]
[[End tour early and go to your room.|Tour End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Phone1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Afternoon">>\
On your way to your room, you pull out your phone to scroll through it. The first thing you notice is the time. It feels like you only just woke up a moment ago, but it's already afternoon. The second thing that comes to your attention is that there are a few messages from two different people.
The first one was sent early, even before you woke up. It's from <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>.
<em>morning sweetie</em>
<em>you're probably still asleep so I won't barrage your phone with messages</em>
<em>call me as soon as you wake up. love you</em> 😘
It doesn't sound like it is urgent. She probably just wants to make plans with you for the day. You close the chat and check who else had messaged you. It's your best friend.
<em>$name!!!</em> 😡
<em>I met <<if $relation is "intimate">>ur stepsis<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>ur sis<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> today and guess what</em>
<em>apparently ur on campus too</em>
<em>wtf is wrong with u</em>
<em>I cant believe u came yesterday and didnt tell me</em>
<em>just call me idiot</em> 😒
If if were anyone else, you would think that there was an upset person behind those texts but not your best friend; it's just some friendly bickering. Still, it's probably wise to call her right now.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Call your step-mom first.|Call Mrs. Brooks]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Call your mom first.|Call Mrs. Brooks]]
<<link "Call Mrs. $Brooks first." "Call Mrs. Brooks">><</link>>
[[Call your best friend first.|Call Grace]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/bGrab1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<if $unlockSpeed is false>>\
<<set $unlockSpeed to true>>\
<<set $speed to $speed + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 2>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 2>>\
<<if $speed1 is true>>\
You decide to try and channel a power that you have already familiarized yourself with. You take a deep breath and let yourself loose. You focus until you can feel that tingling sensation you felt the first time from your leg muscles. This is it.
You take a deep breath and block all the distractions from your surroundings. You keep that state of focus until you can feel a familiar tingling sensation from your muscles, but you're going to channel it this time.
Everything and everyone slows down. You take, what you assume is, one step forward and find yourself taking ten instead. Okay, it's difficult getting used to this. You're not planning on going far anyways. No, you have something else in mind.
You take one look at the ''slowed down'' $Maya and grin. You move towards her and cup a few feels of her breasts. She turns around quickly, hand raised in the air ready to strike, just to find that the closest person to her is five feet away. She looks around, but everything and everyone seem to be in their respective places.
Confused, she turns around to continue the tour. You take this as a chance to grab and feel her small tits up, but everytime she turns around, there seems to be nothing that causes this. You're not just fucking with her body; you're fucking with her mind as well.
''<span class="blue">Physique</span> Increased!''
[[Go for her ass next.|Speed 2.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS4.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS5.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockElement is false>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $element to $element + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 25>>\
<<set $iq to $iq +1>>\
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 1>>\
<<if $element1 is true>>\
You decide to test your newfound powers some more. You close your eyes and focus until you can feel the wind on your face. You grin and focus harder. It's not just your face anymore. You can feel it all around yourself. In fact, you can control it.
You want to try out something new, and you know just how. Or rather, your body knows just how. Although new to you, your body seems quite familiar with it. You let yourself go until you can feel the wind on your face. It's not just your face; you can feel it all around yourself. In fact, you can control it.
You take a look at your surroundings and lock on your target: your sexy tour guide. You start directing your winds at $Maya. Little by little, you move pieces of clothing out of position and off of her.
She only notices what is happening when someone points out that she's having a wardrobe malfunction.
"It's a bit windy today, isn't it?" she says while laughing awkwardly.
This is your chance. You won't give her an opportunity to fix herself. You send out more gusts of winds towards her until her underwear is exposed. You follow up with more attacks, not giving her a chance to recover.
She's in complete disbelief at what is happening to her. She tries to adjust herself, all while trying to maintain her composure.
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Make it worse for her.|Wind 1.1]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" muted autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SS/SSl1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SS/SSl2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<if $mayaF is false>>\
You spend some of your energy chanelling one of your more powerful abilities. Surprisingly, it does not take you too long to focus on this power. Are you already getting the hang of it just on your second day? Now, the next thing to do is to choose a target. Of course, you already have someone in mind: your ebony tour guide.
Using your hypnotic charm, you begin approaching $Maya. As you go up behind her and place a hand on her shoulder, she quickly grabs your arm.
"$name, you're coming with me; I need your help with something. For the rest of you, the tour is over. You can go back to your dorms now," she says before leading you to her room.
You can tell how much your powers are affecting her as soon as you step into her room. She quickly takes her clothes off and jumps onto the bed. Not much words were exchanged, but you have a clue of what's going to happen.
She doesn't give you a chance to say or do anything and directs your head towards her wet pussy. You caused this; it's only fair you help her release some stress. You start lapping up her pussy juices.
"FUCK, $name. I don't know why I'm this horny, but don't stop, please. You're eating my pussy so good," she begs.
You're not about to let the girl down, but you're not satisfied just yet. Her moaning's not enough for you. No, you're just getting started with her.
You flip her over and start eating her cunt from behind. Each attack from your tongue sends a shiver down her spine. Your hands are running all over her body as you eat her out. It's all too much for her: your power, your hands, and your technique and aggression as you taste her pussy.
"I'm cumming, $name. I'm going to fuc—" she can't finish her sentence as she shakes and orgasms all over your face.
You don't care how many orgasms she's having; you're not done with her yet.
<<if $mayaF is false>>\
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
[[Get a blowjob from Maya.|Maya bj1]]
[[Fuck her cowgirl.|Maya cg1]]
[[Fuck her missionary.|Maya m1]]
<<if $mayaF is true>>\
[[Cum on her face.|Maya Facial]]
[[Cum in her mouth.|Maya Mouth]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 1>>\
You don't think she's had enough embarrassment. You take advantage of her situation and tap into your power to send out even stronger winds.
The poor girl is now naked in public in front of everyone. You, and everyone else, stare at her exposed body. Every single part about her is beautiful: from her small tits, all the way to her beautiful pussy.
When you have had enough, you decide to stop tormenting $Maya and let her adjust her clothes. What she thought was going to be a normal day started with her being stripped in public in front of a dozen people.
In order to avoid unnecessary suspicion, you direct strong winds at everyone present. At least now, they can feel what $Maya felt, or some part of it.
$Maya decides to end the tour here to avoid any more embarrassing moments; she lets everyone know they can come to her for any help and leaves.
[[Go back to your room.|Tour End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
<<link "Try to charm $Maya." "Charm 2">>\
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 3>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 2>>\
[[Feel her up secretly.|Speed 2]]
<</if>><div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS7.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/aGrab2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Your next target is her ass. You don't know long you can use each power for, but you plan to enjoy every second of it until the very end. With each time everyone is distracted, you grope <<print $Maya>>'s ass.
She doesn't know what is happening to her, or where it is coming from, so she just continues enduring the attacks while giving the tour.
"And finally, to end our tour, this building here is—ow" she yelps. You give her a hard slap on her rear this time. "Okay, who the fuck is doing that? Stop it."
Everyone is just as confused as she is. Only now does she realize how crazy she must look to the other students. To avoid causing more commotion, you give her ass one final squeeze and finally stop tormenting the girl.
She finalizes the tour and you go back to your dorm.
[[Go back to your dorm.|Tour End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Make it windy.|Wind 1]]
<<link "Try to charm $Maya." "Charm 2">>\
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $mayaLU to $mayaLU + 3>>\
<<set $mayaLO to $mayaLO - 2>>\
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SS/SSbj1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $mayaF to true>>\
"Let me suck your cock now, $name!" $Maya demands. Is she always this aggressive in bed, or does it have something to do with your powers effects? You don't give it much more thought as soon as your dick's in her mouth.
She takes your cock in her mouth and starts sucking your member passionately. She's enjoying every moment of this. And, so are you. You hold her curly hair for her as she focuses on pleasing you. You can tell that you're not the only one getting pleasure from her blowjob; she's feeling it as much as you are.
[[Lick her pussy again.|Charm 2]]
[[Fuck her cowgirl.|Maya cg1]]
[[Fuck her missionary.|Maya m1]]
<<if $mayaF is true>>\
[[Cum on her face.|Maya Facial]]
[[Cum in her mouth.|Maya Mouth]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SS/SSf1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $mayaF to true>>\
"I want to ride your dick, $name," she says while pushing you on your back. You didn't realize how much of a turn on her voice is when she's horny, but now, you do.
You let her have her way as she guides your cock into her wet slit. "You're going to have the ride of your life." She doesn't give you time to answer and moves her ass up and down your hard cock.
She wasn't wrong. She knows what she's doing, and she definitely knows what she wants, no, what she needs right now. With the way she's riding, you can tell that she plans to milk you dry.
You don't let her do all the work though and thrust your cock inside her to match her pace. The sounds of her moans, your grunts, and your fucking fills the room. You have no doubt that anyone nearby can tell what's going on inside this room, but this thought just fuels you more as you fuck $Maya.
She creams all over you cock again; the feeling of her cumming threatens to send you over the edge, but you try hold off.
[[Taste her again.|Charm 2]]
[[Have her suck you off.|Maya bj1]]
[[Fuck her missionary.|Maya m1]]
[[Cum on her face.|Maya Facial]]
[[Cum in her mouth.|Maya Mouth]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SS/SSf2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $mayaF to true>>\
You can't have enough of this girl. $Maya lies sideways as you insert your cock inside her. You're not about to take it easy on her. In fact, you're going to match her aggression; you'll show her who's actually in control here.
Once your cock is inside her, you don't give her time to adjust to your size. You start pounding her hard and fast. She wants to say something, but the words can't escape her mouth.
"What's that, $Maya? You want to tell me something?" you smirk as you mock her inability to speak.
You get your answers from her through her moans and squeals. She might be unable to respond to you, but her tightened grip on your cock is enough to let you know that she's not to be messed with.
[[Go back to licking her pussy.|Charm 2]]
[[Have her suck your dick.|Maya bj1]]
[[Let Maya ride you.|Maya cg1]]
[[Cum on her face.|Maya Facial]]
[[Cum in her mouth.|Maya Mouth]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS8.jpg" width="400px">
You have no idea how long you were getting at it with this girl, but you finally reach your limit. As soon as $Maya feels like you're close, she gets on her knees, limiting your choices for any other places you wanted to mark with your cum.
She blows you for a short period before you plaster her face with your hot cum.
"Holy shit! This amount is not normal," she says as she takes a few licks of your load. "I really enjoyed this, $name; however, I want you to know that I really don't do this often. It was just a spur-of-the-moment thing; do not get the wrong idea, okay?" she asks in her friendly tone, clearly worried that you might get the wrong idea.
The effects of your power seem to have worn off; she's back to her regular self. You reassure her and tell her not to worry about anything. She enjoyed it. You enjoyed it. And, that is all that matters.
You still have things to do before the day ends and, apparently, so does $Maya. You thank her before leaving her room.
[[Go back to your room.|Tour End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Make it windy.|Wind 1]]
[[Feel her up secretly.|Speed 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS9.jpeg" width="400px">
You have no idea how long you were getting at it with this girl, but you finally reach your limit. As soon as $Maya feels like you're close, she gets on her knees, limiting your choices for any other places you wanted to mark with your cum.
She blows you for a short period before you send jizz after jizz in her mouth.
"Holy shit! This amount is not normal," she says as she gulps down your hot cum. "I really enjoyed this, $name; however, I want you to know that I really don't do this often. It was just a spur-of-the-moment thing; do not get the wrong idea, okay?" she asks in her friendly tone, clearly worried that you might get the wrong idea.
The effects of your power seem to have worn off; she's back to her regular self. You reassure her and tell her not to worry about anything. She enjoyed it. You enjoyed it. And, that is all that matters.
You still have things to do before the day ends and, apparently, so does $Maya. You thank her before leaving her room.
[[Go back to your room.|Tour End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Make it windy.|Wind 1]]
[[Feel her up secretly.|Speed 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL10.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $noraFirst to true>>\
You dial <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, hoping she would answer since she texted you very early. She immediately picks up the phone.
"Heyyy," she says cheerfully. "I was hoping you would call me, $name."
"Morning, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. Sorry I couldn't reply earlier. I was busy, and I just saw your text."
"It's okay, baby. I figured you were still sleeping anyways. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your father<<else>>$Chris<</if>> left early to meet with an old friend he knew back in the day."
"What friend?" you interrupt curiously.
"He didn't say. I woke up, and he wasn't here; he just left me a message. The nerve of him!" she sighs and continues. "This is not why I texted you. I wanted to see if you could hang out with me in my hotel room. I haven't had breakfast yet, and you did not either. I can tell. So, we can order some breakfast to the room and watch a movie or something."
"I'll check if I have anything to do, and then, I'll get back to you on that offer in a minute, okay? Bye for now, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>."
<<if $graceFirst is false>>\
[[Call your best friend now.|Call Grace]]
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 1>>\
[[Make a decision.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $noraFirst is false>>\
<<set $graceFirst to true>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 1>>\
You ring your best friend's phone and wait for a few seconds before she picks up.
"Hey! When d—"
"Really, $name? Now, you finally call me? Do I really have to send you a text before you decide to pick up your phone and text or call your best friend?" she interrupts, very clearly trying to guilt trip you.
<<set $Grace to "">><<textbox "$Grace" "Grace">><<set $Lawson to "">><<textbox "$Lawson" "Lawson">>
[[Continue.|Call Grace 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Phone1.jpg" width="400px">
What should you do now? On one hand, spending some more time with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> sounds fun. It will also be the two of you only. On the other hand, you'll be meeting with her and a few others for dinner later.
Perhaps you can go spend the afternoon with your best friend and her mom, or just $Grace alone if you want. You share classes with her, so you'll be seeing her often, but classes do not begin until tomorrow.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Hang out with your step-mom.|Mrs. Brooks Hangout]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Hang out with your mom.|Mrs. Brooks Hangout]]
<<link "Hang out with Mrs. $Brooks." "Mrs. Brooks Hangout">><</link>>
[[Visit your best friend and her mom.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metGrace to true>>\
"Woah, woah. Why am I the one to blame here, $Grace? We both arrived yesterday, and you didn't text or call either. Hell, you even arrived before I did by a couple of hours. You're clearly at fault here," you fire back.
She giggles. "Okay, fine. I can't believe you saw through me again. Yeah, mom and I came early, very early actually. You know how she is with time, especially when it comes to travelling."
"Yeah, you don't have to tell me. Oh, is she still here, or did she already leave," you ask.
"She's still here. She's leaving tomorrow morning. Hey, maybe, we can hang out the three of us. Or, if you prefer, you and I can find something to do alone. What do you say?"
"Hm. I'll have to check if I had already made plans with anyone first. I'll call you in a minute. Bye, $Grace."
<<if $noraFirst is false>>\
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Call your step-mom now.|Call Mrs. Brooks]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Call your mom now.|Call Mrs. Brooks]]
<<link "Call Mrs. $Brooks now." "Call Mrs. Brooks">><</link>>
[[Make a decision.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL11.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 3>>\
Having made a decision, you call $Grace first and let her know you'll be seeing her tomorrow instead. You then call <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> and confirm her whereabouts before leaving to see her.
You eventually find her hotel room and knock on the door. On the other side, you can hear loud stomping as she races to open the door for you. When the door opens, you're greeted by an excited and joyful woman. She goes for a warm hug right away.
"You have no idea how happy I am that you made it, $name. I didn't want to spend the morning alone. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your father<<else>>My husband<</if>> left me alone while he tends to whatever or ''whoever'', so it's just the both of us."
"Even better for us, really. Now, I heard something about breakfast and a movie," you say in an attempt to distract her from her husband.
"Oh, yes! Go pick a good movie while I order us some food," she says as she hurriedly calls room service.
You chuckle to yourself and scroll through the available movies.
[[Pick a random movie.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 3>>\
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO + 3>>\
Having made a decision, you call <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> first and let her know that you'll meet her at dinner instead. You then call your best friend and confirm her whereabouts before leaving.
You arrive at the nearby mall where $Grace and her mother are. It doesn't take you too long to find them. When they see you, they both light up. Your eyes land on her mother first; you have not seen her for a few weeks, but she looks just as good as the last time you saw her.
<<set $Abigail to "">><<textbox "$Abigail" "Abigail">>
[[Continue.|Mall 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL12.jpg" width="400px">
The food quickly arrives, and you start the movie. You find yourself relaxed and comfortable in the older woman's presence. A tray of breakfast is laid out between you, separating you from the warmth of her body.
As you share this intimate moment, a combination of nostalgia and affection fills the air. You consider how to take advantage of this delicate situation, fully aware that your actions and words could lead to interesting outcomes.
With breakfast sorted and the movie ready to start, you sense the familiarity of the moment. Whether you aim to deepen your bond with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> or test the boundaries of your relationship, it seems like the right moment to make a choice.
[[Subtly touch her.|Lust Focus 4]]
[[Reminisce about the past.|Love Focus 4]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/lGrab.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 2>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO - 1>>\
As you both settle in and watch the movie, you decide to make a bolder move, testing the waters of your attraction. Once the tray of food is empty, you move it away and get closer to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. She smiles and scoots over to you as well.
You gently place your hand on her' thigh, your fingers brushing her soft skin lightly. "It's nice to spend time like this, just the two of us," you whisper, your voice low and suggestive.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> stiffens slightly at your touch, a confused expression on her face. She doesn't pull away, but there's a hint of tension in the air. "Yes, it is," she replies, her tone neutral.
You continue watching the movie, all while gently brushing your fingers against her thighs, until you suddenly start reliving the same moment when your powers first manifested. Your heart rate and body heat increase at an abnormal level. However, unlike the last time, you feel like you're more in control now. Something has changed.
[[Go easy and use x-ray.|X-Ray 3]]
[[Use your telepathy, with a twist.|Telepathy 2]]
[[Just enjoy your time without using any powers.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL10.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU - 1>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 2>>\
As you settle into watching the movie, you decide to focus on the fond memories you share, choosing a more familial approach. You wait for a suitable opportunity to distract her from the movie.
You smile warmly, turning to face<<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> with genuine affection. "Remember when we used to watch movies like this back at home? It would always be just the two of us; some things never change."
Her face softens, a nostalgic smile appearing on her face. "I do remember. Those were simpler times," she says, her voice filled with fondness. She reaches out above the tray and squeezes your hand gently, the gesture filled with warmth and affection.
You continue watching the movie, all while reminiscing about the old times, until you suddenly start reliving the same moment when your powers first manifested. Your heart rate and body heat increase at an abnormal level. However, unlike the last time, you feel like you're more in control now. Something has changed.
[[Go easy and use x-ray.|X-Ray 3]]
[[Use your telepathy, with a twist.|Telepathy 2]]
[[Just enjoy your time without using any powers.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/Cuddle.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
As fun as using your powers would be, you decide to reserve your energy and just spend some quality time with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>.
You eventually finish eating and start a cuddling session. Though, it soon becomes awkward when a few sex scenes appear every now and then.
You're both clearly affected by the scenes and the way your bodies are pressed against each other. You both just sit there and accept your fate. You should've probably checked the movie's rating before choosing it.
Suddenly, <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> starts moving her hands up and down your thigh. Similarly, your hands start roaming her body, avoiding her private parts. It's not sexual, but it's not innocent either. Neither of you dares to say a word; you both just enjoy the moment and movie in silence.
<<if $noraLU >= 2>>\
[[Make a move on her.]]
[[Just enjoy your time and leave.|Day 2 Evening]]
Eventually, the movie comes to a stop and so does your ''cuddling''. "Thanks for inviting me, <<if $relation is "intimate">>Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. I enjoyed it, both the movie and the cuddling," you say.
She blushes. Maybe it wasn't so innocent after all. "Yeah, it was fun. Let's do it again soon, sweetheart."
[[Leave for your room.|Day 2 Evening]]
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL12.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockMind is false>>\
<<set $unlockMind to true>>\
<<set $mind to $mind + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
You're a man with a plan, and your plan right now is to try using one of your powers to have a little fun. All it takes is enough focus and concentration to get through anything, and you know it's the same when it comes to your abilities. And, you know you hit the mark when you feel a familiar, peculiar connection with your mind.
<<if $mind1 is true>>\
You find it a bit easier to access this power than the last time. And again, you feel it directed towards <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, but something is amiss. You're not reading her thoughts like the first time. No, you're inside her mind, and you're being pulled in two different directions.
Because this is your first time using telekinesis, you struggle to access it on your first try. In a second attempt, you successfully manage to channel your power, and it is directed towards <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. When you let go, you find yourself inside her mind; however, before you get a chance to figure anything out, you sense yourself getting pulled in two different directions.
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
[[Follow the dominant path.]]
[[Follow the submissive path.]]<div class="image-container1">
<<if $vision1 is false>>
<img src="Images/KL/KL13.jpeg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KL/KL14.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KL/KL15.png" width="400px">
<<if $unlockVision is false>>\
<<set $unlockVision to true>>\
<<set $vision to $vision + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<if $vision1 is true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 15>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 2>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO - 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 25>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 1>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO - 2>>\
All it takes is enough focus and concentration to get through anything, and you know it's the same when it comes to your abilities. And, you know you hit the mark when you feel the familiar burning sensation in your eyes.
<<if $vision1 is true>>\
Because you have already used x-ray yesterday, it doesn't require as much energy as it would normally do. This was not the only twist.
When you open your eyes and locate <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, you're surprised to see her bare tits rather than just her underwear like how it happened with her daughter. Is she not wearing any? No, you would have noticed if she didn't.
These tits of hers look amazing for someone her age. You still have not gotten a chance to feel her naked chest, but it is probably not a good idea to do so using this power.
When you start the movie, you take this chance to cuddle with her and place your head on her bosom. She doesn't mind the position you're in. As a matter of fact, she's actually enjoying cuddling with you. It might seem innocent to her, but with your vision, you know just how ''inappropriate'' all of this is.
You enjoy the rest of the morning while alternating between the movie and <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, her ''naked'' body to be precise.
You spend some energy trying to channel this power and successfully access your new vision.
When you open your eyes and locate <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, you're disappointed to see that she's only in her underwear right now. Your disappointment quickly fades when you see the amount of skin she's showing to you.
Your eyes follow her every movement. The more she moves, the more her assets bounce around. With the state she's in, with how much cleavage and ass she's displaying, <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> is practically stripping for and teasing you.
Moreover, the cuddling session with her during the movie is more fun with the amount of skin she's showing than it would normally be. Food, a movie, and a half-naked woman was not how you expected this morning to go, but you enjoyed it.
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Go to your dorm and get ready for dinner.|Day 2 Evening]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use your telepathy, with a twist.|Telepathy 2]]
[[Visit your best friend and her mom.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
You return to your dorm room to change your clothes. Now that you know that the restaurant you have visited yesterday is quite fancy, it would probably be better if you changed your attire to match the elegance of the place.
When you enter the room, you find it empty yet again. It looks like <<if $lucasFriend is true>>your friend<<else>>your roommate<</if>> is having dinner somewhere else, with his family probably. <<if $lucasFriend is true>>It would have been nice if you could invite him and his family<<else>>Good riddance<</if>>.
[[You change and go to the restaurant.|Dinner 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL16.png" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KL/KL17.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 1>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 2>>\
You're immediately pulled back into the real world. You glance at <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> to see what the effects of this power had on her. You don't notice anything strange at first, not until she stares back at you.
"Look at the handsome man you've grown into, $name," she says, licking her lips. You feel like a cornered prey with the looks she's giving you. ''Her'' prey. "You know, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'll be so, so lonely without you, without your touch."
You gulp. You know where this is going, but the question is: how far is she willing to go now that she has the upper hand.
"We don't want that. Do we, baby? So, come here and please ''mommy'' before she leaves." She smirks and drops her jeans and panties. You don't get a chance to say or do anything; she pushes you down onto the bed and sits on your face. You take this as your cue to start pleasing her, working your tongue on her pussy.
"That's it. That's a good boy. You deserve a reward for that. And, unless I tell you, you do not, for whatever reason, stop eating me out, you understand?" Without getting off your face, she pulls down your pants to play with your dick.
To your pleasant surprise, however, she uses her feet to please you. You didn't realize that her dominant side would be into that. You have never had a woman use her feet to please you before, but you're sure as hell enjoying every second of it.
The only sounds that fill the room are the moans of <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, her encouraging words for you, and the slick movement of her feet up and down your dick.
[[Cum together.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL10.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 2>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 1>>\
You're immediately pulled back into the real world. You glance at <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> to see what the effects of this power had on her. You don't notice anything strange at first, not until she stares back at you.
"I know I'm going to leave with $Chris tomorrow, but just say the word, and I'll stay with you. You know I would do anything for you," she says.
Anything, huh? As fun as this sounds, you can't have her stay. It will just cause problems. You have got another perfect idea. "On your knees!" you growl. She's confused and has no idea where you're going with this, but she follows your order nonetheless. "Take my cock out."
"What? No, of course not! I'm <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>your mom's friend<</if>>. It's wrong," she says reluctantly.
Interesting. She didn't mention her husband. Is it because she's under a spell, or does she not mind cheating on him?
<<if $noraHJ is true>>\
"You didn't seem to mind it yesterday in the bathroom, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. We will only be crossing that same line again. Now, help me unwind," you demand.
"But, I'm only this way because of you," you point at your hard dick. "It's only fair you help me release some stress. You can't tease me nonstop and expect no reaction from me."
"I suppose if you look at it that way, it only makes sense," she says, convinced by your words. Fuck no. It doesn't make any sense. What kind of logic is that? The effects of this power can clearly cloud rational judgement and thinking, but you wanted that.
[[Get a blowjob.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL18.jpg" width="400px">
You feel yourself about to cum, and she notices it as well. "Your big cock is twitching, $name. You're about to cum for ''mommy'', aren't you? If you keep pushing your tongue into my cunt like that, I'm going to cum too," she says through sweet moans.
"Let's cum together, baby. I want you to cum on your ''mommy's'' feet while taking her juices on your face. Can you do that?" she asks, but she doesn't really leave room for any answers.
You can't hold back anymore as you cum all over <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, your cum covering her feet. At the same time, her body shakes as you drown in her juices. Oh well, there are worse ways to go out.
"Good boy. Now come here and give ''mommy'' a kiss." She pulls you into a deep kiss and licks your wet face, covered in her cum. You both clean up and get dressed.
The effects of your telepathic ability wear off; however, unlike your other powers, it seems like the affected target is not aware of what occurs while under the effects of it. You're not sure if this is a positive or a negative outcome, but at least, you know now.
[[Go to your dorm and get ready for dinner.|Day 2 Evening]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Go easy and use x-ray.|X-Ray 3]]
[[Visit your best friend and her mom.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL19.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KL/KL20.jpg" width="400px">
Still on her knees, she pulls down your pants and exposes your thick member. She gasps and tries to stiffle a moan when she sees you at full mast. She might not admit it, but she likes the sight.
She wraps her hands around your cock to stroke you, but you stop her. "We have no time to waste. Your husband can be back any minute, and we don't want any interruptions, do we?" You both know what you want, yet she's waiting for you to say it before doing anything. "I want your pretty lips on my cock."
She looks at you hesitantly for a moment before lowering her eyes and wrapping her lips around your cock. She doesn't wait for any commands to start either; she has only one goal in mind: to please you. She works your dick slowly at first, gently sucking on the head.
She watches your every reaction, focusing more on the spots that generate extra grunts or moans from you. For someone who was reluctant at first, she sure seems to be very into it now.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> sucks and slurps on your dick until she can feel you throbbing in her mouth.
"Be a good girl and sit there while I paint your face with my cum," you order her. She obliges and sticks her tongue out, something you did not ask from her. You cum on <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, covering her face and tongue with your seed.
Now finished, you both clean up and get dressed. The effects of your telepathic ability wear off; however, unlike your other powers, it seems like the affected target is not aware of what occurs while under the effects of it. You're not sure if this is a positive or a negative outcome, but at least, you know now.
[[Go to your dorm and get ready for dinner.|Day 2 Evening]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Go easy and use x-ray.|X-Ray 3]]
[[Visit your best friend and her mom.]]
<</if>><<if $noraLO >= 5>>\
<div class="video-container1">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KL/KL2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL11.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $noraLO >= 5>>\
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 1>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 1>>\
As the movie continues, the tension in the air becomes palpable. The intimate atmosphere, the proximity of your bodies, and the touches all contribute to this moment. You feel her hand gently squeezing your thigh, a clear sign that she is as affected by the closeness as you are.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to take a chance. Slowly, you turn towards <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, searching her eyes for any sign of hesitation. To your relief, you see a mix of curiosity and desire. With a gentle hand, you tilt her chin up, bringing your faces closer together.
Her eyes shut, and you close the remaining distance, pressing your lips softly against hers. The kiss is awkward at first, a gentle exploration of boundaries. She responds, her lips moving softly against yours, and you can feel a surge of affection and desire. Her hand moves to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as the kiss deepens, a soft moan escaping her.
After a few moments, you both pull back slightly, breathless and flushed. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> opens her eyes, looking at you with a mixture of emotions: surprise, tenderness, and a hint of regret. She smiles softly, her thumb brushing against your cheek.
"That was unexpected. I am so sorry," she murmurs, her voice filled with disappointment.
You smile. "Don't be. It felt right," you reply, your voice low and sincere.
She thinks for a moment and nods, her gaze softening. "Still, I am a married woman, and you're my <<if $relation is "intimate">>step-son<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>son<<else>>friend's son<</if>>. Look, it doesn't matter anymore. It already happened, but we're keeping this between us," she says, clearly perplexed by all the different emotions she is experiencing.
You should probably give her some space. You reassure her that this will be kept between the two of you. Before leaving, you throw in one final comment. "I enjoyed it. You enjoyed it. Don't think too much about it."
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO - 1>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU - 1>>\
The movie's scenes create a palpable tension between you and her. Her hand rests on your thigh, and while the gesture is comforting, it also feels charged with other emotions. Your hand hesitates before slowly moving to her side, your touch gentle but hesitant.
You gather the courage to make a move. You turn towards <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, your heart pounding in your chest. However, as you lean in closer, you catch a glimpse of her expression: uncertainty and a hint of discomfort. She shifts slightly, creating a subtle distance between you.
Undeterred, you lean in, but the hesitation in her body language becomes more apparent. Just as your lips are about to brush hers, she gently but firmly places a hand on your chest, stopping you. Her eyes are kind but resolute.
"Wait," she says softly, her voice gentle. "This is wrong. We are not doing that, $name."
You immediately pull back with a mix of embarrassment and disappointment. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> sighs softly, her hand lingering on your chest before pulling away.
"I care about you," she continues, her tone sincere. "But, this is not right. Not like this. Let's just enjoy the movie, okay?"
The room feels colder now, the earlier warmth replaced by an awkward tension. If you had a better relationship with her, it could have worked. You both turn back to the screen, trying to focus on the movie, but the atmosphere is undeniably different. Eventually, the movie comes to an end, and you say goodbye to her.
[[Leave for your room.|Day 2 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC2.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LF/LF1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metAbigail to true>>\
"I can't believe you made it, considering you apparently had no interest in hanging out with me yesterday," $Grace jokes as she takes you in for a hug.
"Oh, shut up. You're just as bad. You've been here a whole day and a half, and you didn't tell me," you pause and look to her right at her mother. "It's always nice to see you, Ms. $Lawson. You look lovely in that dress."
"You finally noticed me. I was wondering when you two would stop hugging. You should date already," she jokes. These two always liked to mess with you. Like mother, like daughter. "Oh, and thank you! You look great as well, $name."
"Moooom, I told you to stop making these embarrassing dating jokes," $Grace visibly pouts. You and Ms. $Lawson laugh at her reaction. As much as they both love teasing you, they also love bickering with each other.
"Plus, $name always had the hots for you. If anyone should date anyone, it's you both," she adds. There it is.
Ms. $Lawson blushes and lets out a chuckle. "Okay, that's enough teasing from everyone. We have things to do. Oh, and it's my fault $Grace couldn't call you yesterday. We spent the whole day shopping for all the necessities, now that she's starting college."
"Then, why are we at the mall again?" you inquire.
"We still haven't bought anything to wear yet, so we're shopping for clothes, and you're tagging along," Grace answers. It doesn't look like you have a choice, and you're already here anyways.
[[Interact with your best friend.|Grace Dialogue]]
[[Interact with her mother.|Abigail Dialogue]]
[[Don't interact with anyone and continue.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceT to true>>\
The bustling atmosphere of the mall surrounds you as you make your around the mall, accompanied by your two favorite redheads. The air is filled with the chatter of shoppers and the occasional burst of laughter from couples. The scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls mixes with the aroma of coffee from a nearby café. It's a lively environment, a perfect place for a break or a casual meet-up.
You take a look at your best friend. She is wearing a stylish summer dress that suits her perfectly. There's an air of excitement about her, as she always loves exploring new shops and trying out new things. What girl doesn't?
It has only been a week since you have last seen your best friend, but it always feels longer. As you walk through the mall, you feel like this is a good opportunity to waste time and get even closer to her.
<<if $money >= 15>>\
[[Surprise her with a gift.|Love Focus 5]]
[[Comment on her dress.|Lust Focus 5]]
[[Visit the arcade with her.|Both Focus 5]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $abigailT to true>>\
The atmosphere of the mall does not die down as you walk through the mall with your companions. You can never get used to how crowded and lively malls usually are: from children running around to the humming of the elevators.
Ms. $Lawson catches your attention as her hips sway from side to side. She moves with a more composed grace through the mall. She seems to be taking in the scenery with a relaxed and discerning eye, savoring this brightful day.
Maybe there might be something interesting to do with her today in this busy place. Or, maybe you can just engage in conversation with your best friend's mother to lighten the mood.
[[Ask her about her shopping interests.|Love Focus 6]]
[[Subtly flirt with her.|Lust Focus 6]]
[[Visit a café with her.|Both Focus 6]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money - 15>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 3>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU - 1>>\
As you all stroll through the mall, you notice $Grace eyeing a display of cute accessories. You remember how much she loves jewelry. You can surprise her with a thoughtful gesture.
You smile and nudge her playfully. "Want to check it out? My treat," you offer, gesturing towards the display that she is watching.
Her eyes light up with excitement. "Really? You don't have to!" she says, but the happiness in her voice is clear.
"It's been a while since we have gifted each other things outside of ceremonies. I want to do this," you insist.
She hugs you warmly and picks out a bracelet that she adores. As you pay for it, she gives you a grateful smile, clearly touched by the gesture. "I guess it's my turn next," she says. You were about to refuse, but the resolve in her eyes prohibits you from doing so.
<<if $abigailT is false>>\
[[Interact with her mom next.|Abigail Dialogue]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO - 1>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 2>>\
As you walk alongside $Grace, you can't help but notice how pretty she looks today. Best friend or not, she is still a girl. Whether you are attracted to her or not, it is always important to remind your friends how good they look.
You lean in closer and whisper, "You look really good today, $Grace. That outfit really suits you."
$Grace glances at you, a surprised but pleased expression on her face. "Thanks, $name. It's always nice to be reminded of that," she says, her cheeks tinting slightly. There's a moment of silence, where the air between you feels different.
"Oh, and you look different for some reason. I know it's only been a week, but I feel like you changed. I just can't put my finger on what it is," she says. You assure her that you are still the same best friend she knew a week ago and move on from this topic of discussion.
<<if $abigailT is false>>\
[[Interact with her mom next.|Abigail Dialogue]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Hockey.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 1>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
As you move through the mall, a familiar noise makes your ears perk. You would recognize the sound of those machines anywhere. You follow the source to find that you were absolutely right about this: it's an arcade, a huge one too.
You nudge $Grace and smile at her. You know it's a place filled with nostalgia for her, for both of you actually. "Hey, want to see if you're still as bad as air hockey as you always were?" you tease her.
$Grace laughs, the sound filled with joy. "You're on!" she declares, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the arcade. The familiar games and flashing lights bring back memories, and you both quickly fall into the playful, competitive dynamic you share.
You don't know how many rounds you played, but you are pretty sure that you won most, if not all, of them. "Absolutely not!" she says with a chuckle. You play one final deciding round before moving on. Oh, and you won.
<<if $abigailT is false>>\
[[Interact with her mom next.|Abigail Dialogue]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO + 2>>\
<<set $abiLU to $abiLU - 1>>\
You are walking with your companions when your eyes fall on Ms. $Lawson. You take a moment to observe her calm and elegant demeanor. With a smile, you decide to engage her in conversation, curious to learn more about her shopping goals.
"Ms. $Lawson, you obviously have a keen eye for fashion," you say as you look her up and down. "I was just wondering what you are hoping to find today."
She looks up, her eyes meeting yours with a hint of delight at your interest. She pauses for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I am hoping to find a couple of new outfits to try on, maybe a piece of jewelry as well."
"Any specific outfits in mind? Or, will you just walk around and hope to find something good?" you ask curiously.
"Not, really. For me, shopping is less about acquiring things and more about the experience itself."
You continue chatting with her about her various interests, adding your opinion or throwing in compliments sometimes.
<<if $graceT is false>>\
[[Interact with her daughter next.|Grace Dialogue]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO - 1>>\
<<set $abiLU to $abiLU + 2>>\
As you are journeying through the mall, you notice your best friend's mother stop for a moment. You glance at what grabbed her attention. Ms. $Lawson pauses by a clothing store window, admiring a dress on display.
You comment with a grin, "You have great taste. I bet that dress would look amazing on you, Ms. $Lawson."
Ms. $Lawson chuckles, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you, $name?" she responds, her tone light, with a hint of intrigue. The compliment seems to catch her off guard in a pleasant way. She stares at the dress for a few more seconds. "No, I can do better than that."
You take this moment to subtly check her out. "Yes, you can," you whisper to yourself. Here is hoping she finds something sexy to wear.
<<if $graceT is false>>\
[[Interact with her daughter next.|Grace Dialogue]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO + 1>>\
<<set $abiLU to $abiLU + 1>>\
You have been walking for a while now, and the aroma of the freshly made food and sweets is making you crave something. When you walk by a café, that is when you suggest a small coffee break.
You speak, "How about a coffee break? I'd love to hear more about what you and $Grace have been up to lately."
Ms. $Lawson nods, clearly pleased by the suggestion. "That sounds wonderful," she agrees. It appears that you were not the only one affected by the scent of food and coffee.
As you all sit down with your drinks, the conversation flows naturally, filled with shared stories and laughter. The warmth of the interaction deepens your bond with both of them, especially the mother.
"I missed this. Just the three of us sitting around a table, having breakfast and joking around," Ms. $Lawson murmurs, a sense of nostalgia surrounding her. You and $Grace nod in agreement.
<<if $graceT is false>>\
[[Interact with her daughter next.|Grace Dialogue]]
[[Just move on.|Shop with the Lawsons]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC3.jpeg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LF/LF2.jpg" width="400px">
You walk around the mall with the redheads, entering a store and leaving another. You've lost count of how many shops you have visited and walked out off without making any purchase.
Not only that, but they also aren't really trying on any pieces of clothing either; therefore, you aren't getting any modeling sessions with neither of them. If you don't get to watch them in new sexy outfits, what even was the point in accompanying the pair.
Maybe, you should've spent this time with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> instead. Just as you finish this thought, the two women stop walking and stare at one of the shops for a few moments before entering it. This looks promising.
As you follow behind, you notice the mother and daughter scatter to different areas that piqued their interests. Finally! It looks like this might be your final stop after all. You hope so at least.
To your relief, they both grab a couple of outfits and meet you outside the changing rooms. They then tell you to sit there and wait while they try on these potential new outfits.
[[Use Elemental Control to soak the ladies.|Water 1]]
[[Don't use a power and try to enter your best friend's booth.|Grace Changing]]
[[Don't use a power and try to enter the mother's booth.|Abigail Changing]]
[[Just sit there and wait patiently for them to finish.|Finish Shopping]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC3.jpeg" width="400px">
You do not just want to sit there and wait, and you do not want to use your powers either; you should not depend on them for every thing you do. You try your luck with your best friend and knock on her room's door. It takes a few seconds before she opens the door and peeks her head out.
"I was wondering who else would knock on my door. What's up, $name?" your friend asks.
<<if $iq >= 3>>\
"I was bored. Plus, I remembered something I've read somewhere a while ago," you pause and think of something quickly. "Did you know that having someone to give you feedback can actually help you pick the right fit?"
"I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable having anyone else in here with me. Also, I don't want anyone to see some of the outfits I'm trying on," $Grace hesitates.
"It's like having a second set of eyes but for fashion. And, you know I'm honest with you. Plus, it'll be quicker if I can bring you different sizes or styles. What do you say?"
"Alright, fine. Just this once, and don't make it weird," she agrees. Success!
[[Join her in her changing room.|Grace Changing 2]]
"Hey, can I come in with you? I mean, I've seen you in swimsuits before, so it's not like it's a big deal, right?"
She laughs awkwardly. "Uh, I appreciate the offer, but I'm really not comfortable with that. Can you just wait out here?"
It doesn't look like you're intelligent enough to come up with a decent excuse. "Oh, okay. Sure, I understand," you sigh in defeat and return back to where you were seated.
[[Wait for them to finish shopping and leave.|Finish Shopping]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF2.jpg" width="400px">
You are bored, and you have an idea on how to pass the time. As appealing as using your powers might sound, it is probably not a good idea to depend solely on them. Feeling brave today, you want to see where knocking on Ms. <<print $Lawson>>'s door might lead. You can hear shuffling inside, and the door is partially opened.
"Oh, it's just you, dear. Is something wrong?" she asks, concerned.
<<if $charisma >= 4>>\
"Nothing's wrong. I know it's usually a private thing, but I've been told I have a good eye for fashion. If you let me in, I could give you some honest feedback and help you find something that really suits you."
"Really? It seems like the only person who would gain something from this is you. How does this help me?" she chuckles.
"I will help you pick out outfits that truly highlight your elegance. It's not like you need it obviously; you always look amazing, but it will be like having your own personal stylist!"
She smiles warmly. "Well, you do have a way with words, and I could use a fresh perspective. Alright, come on in. Just this once, though!" It looks like you pulled it off, thanks to your charm.
[[Join your best friend's mom.|Abigail Changing 2]]
"Nothing's wrong, Ms. $Lawson. I was wondering if I could come in and help? I mean, I've seen you in casual wear before, so it's not like it would be a problem, right?" you ask.
She smiles politely. "Oh, that's sweet of you to offer, $name. But, I really prefer my privacy when I'm trying things on. Could you please wait outside?"
"Oh, um, sure. Sorry about that." Defeated, you return to your seat. Perhaps if you were more charming, you could have succeeded.
[[Wait for them to finish shopping and leave.|Finish Shopping]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC4.jpeg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
The redheads buy a couple of outfits and leave the store with you. You journeyed with these two in the mall and survived. This feels like it deserves an accomplishment.
"That was fun! I didn't realize we spent so much time shopping," $Grace says energetically.
"It was. What better way to spend the day than with your two favorite people? Thanks for joining us, $name," Ms. $Lawson genuinely says.
"Yes, yes, thanks. I doubt it would have been any less fun without you, but I'm glad you came," your best friend teases.
"I'm glad I came. And, you don't have to thank me. You know I love spending time with you, Ms. $Lawson. I guess you're sometimes tolerable too, $Grace," you tease back.
You spend a few more minutes chatting and joking with the mother and daughter duo. Now that you think about it, you did have fun. You let your best friend know that you'll see her in classes tomorrow and say goodbye.
[[Leave the mall.|Day 2 Evening]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use Elemental Control to soak the ladies.|Water 1]]
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Hang out with your step-mom.|Mrs. Brooks Hangout]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Hang out with your mom.|Mrs. Brooks Hangout]]
<<link "Hang out with Mrs. $Brooks." "Mrs. Brooks Hangout">><</link>>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Water1.jpeg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockElement is false>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $element to $element + 2>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
You've never attempted using this version of the power before, but for some reason, you know how to do so. Again, you shut your eyes and focus, channeling some sort of dormant energy, just like your other powers.
However, you channel too much energy, more than you initially needed. You're still inexperienced when it comes to using these abilities, so it was inevitable this would happen; you're actually surprised it didn't happen any sooner.
Unfortunately, you are unable to control this surge of energy and let it burst. You did not expect what was going to happen next. Instead of dissipating, the energy is released into a massive wave of water. It was not much to cause damage to anyone or anything, but the whole place is soaked now. Even the sprinkler system was triggered.
Luckily for you, this ensures that nobody will suspect that you were the cause of this. You hear the two ladies you're shopping with scream. This might be a good excuse for you to enter one of their changing rooms.
''<span class="blue">Physique</span> Increased!''
[[Choose your best friend.]]
[[Choose her mother.]]<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC5.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/wet2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 1>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 2>>\
You rush into your best friend's changing room to ''check on her''. The first thing you take notice of is the state of the interior of the booth; you knew it was bad, but you did not think it would be ''that'' bad inside.
Your attention quickly shifts to the half naked woman in front of you. Half naked could be an understatement. You can see her tits through her wet clothes. Her frantic movement to strip off her wet clothes has you hypnotized. Well, her small boobs do.
She strips down to her underwear, or what you thought would be underwear. It seems like she was trying on some lingerie with this outfit. She finally looks at the mirror and spots you.
"$name! What the fuck are you doing in here!" she shouts.
"I heard you scream and thought you were in danger, so I rushed in without thinking. I'm sorry," you try to defuse the situation.
"Aw. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. The situation I am in is just so damn frustrating," she sighs and pauses for a second. "Well, since you're here and have seen me already, what do you think?" She strikes an awkward pose.
You take this as an excuse to ogle her body. "My god, $Grace. You look amazing in that."
She giggles, but you can see a hint of disappointment in her eyes. What was that about? Before you can contemplate any further, she speaks. "Thanks, $name. You can leave now. Oh and, thanks for rushing in to ''save me''. It was unnecessary, and you probably only wanted to see me changing, but I appreciate it," she teases.
[[You chuckle and leave the room.|Finish Shopping]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Don't use a power and try to enter your best friend's booth.|Grace Changing]]
[[Don't use a power and try to enter the mother's booth.|Abigail Changing]]
<</if>><div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF3.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/wet1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO + 1>>\
<<set $abiLU to $abiLU + 2>>\
You slowly walk into Ms. <<print $Lawson>>'s changing booth. The first thing you take notice of is the state of the interior of the booth; you knew it was bad, but you did not think it would be ''that'' bad inside.
Your then lay your eyes on the ''wet'' mother. How on earth was this not the first thing you noticed, you have no clue. You're already regretting every second you waste not glancing at her. She's just stood there with her face in her palms, seemingly in disbelief at her situation.
Your eyes wander down to her soaked shirt. You can see her big tits through her shirt; you couldn't even tell that she was wearing a top at first glance. She lifts her head and sighs. At this moment, she finally sees you.
"Oh, $name. Sorry, I didn't notice you enter. It's just, well, you can guess. You probably followed my scream, didn't you?" she asks calmly, as if you being there is something natural. She's clearly not shy or upset.
"Yeah. I was worried something might've happened. I should have probably knocked first though. My bad," you answer her while trying to maintain eye contact with the exposed woman.
"No, it's okay. I'm not shy or ashamed when it comes you. I've known you since you were a kid," she stops and looks at you for a second before continuing. "Anyways, since you're already here, I want you to tell me how this looks on me."
You were about to ask what she means when she slowly starts removing her wet clothes. You gulp as you watch her strip in front of you. You're not sure if you're disappointed or glad that she's wearing lingerie.
You collect yourself and answer her before you start looking like a creep. "Yeah, Ms. $Lawson. You look gorgeous in this set. Who's the lucky man?" you ask boldly.
She giggles; she really reminds you of her daughter. "Thank you! Oh and, I'm just buying this for myself. No man," she sighs. "Well, now that you've caught an eyeful, you can leave," she teases. Yeah, they are definitely the same.
[[You leave with a grin on your face.|Finish Shopping]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Don't use a power and try to enter your best friend's booth.|Grace Changing]]
[[Don't use a power and try to enter the mother's booth.|Abigail Changing]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
You excitedly enter Ms. <<print $Lawson>>'s booth and close the door behind you. You did not notice how big the room actually is. It's not big enough to be called a room, but you would be able to fit two people in there and still have enough space for another two.
On the hanger, you can see a couple of outfits your friend's mom had picked to try on. It looks like you're getting a show after all. There is a bench on which you take a seat in anticipation of the next events.
"Okay, close your eyes, $name. I agreed to let you in here, so no peeking while I change. Do not make me regret it. Understood?" she asks.
You nod and close your eyes. You can hear her shuffling around, most likely stripping off her current outfit. You know she asked you not to spy on her, but are you really going to listen to her?
[[Risk it and steal a peek.]]
[[Don't betray her trust like that.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO - 1>>\
<<set $abiLU to $abiLU + 2>>\
You didn't just come here for something as simple as helping her choose an outfit or attending a modeling session. No, you had a bigger vision when you knocked at that door.
You slowly squint your eyes to check if she has her back to you or not. Not that it matters anyways with that mirror. You'd have to time it perfectly when she's not facing you or the mirror. When you think the moment is perfect, you open your eyes to see Ms. $Lawson in all her glory.
Your best friend's mom is standing there with only her sexy panties on, searching for an outfit to put on. Your eyes dart to her backside first; she has an amazing ass. It's obvious she keeps it in shape. You fight back the urge to smack her ass and readjust your cock in your pants.
Your eyes trail upwards towards the mirror to find her fully exposed breasts. Your cock grows even harder, and it's becoming more difficult to hide it. You hope you can get the chance to feel her tits someday.
Your eyes continue up the same route until they lock with another pair of eyes. It takes you a moment to register that you were supposed to keep your eyes closed. She caught you, and you need to come up with an excuse now.
But, before you can muster anything, she speaks. "I'm not shy, $name. I don't mind you looking." Your eyes light up. "But, I mind you breaking your word and abusing my trust like that," she scolds you in a calm manner.
"I'm sorry. It's just, I have a beautiful naked woman in front of me, and I couldn't help myself," you apologize.
"It's okay, dear. I'm not upset, but you're going to have to give me some privacy now, please."
[[You nod in agreement and wait outside.|Finish Shopping]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use Elemental Control to soak the ladies.|Water 1]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO + 2>>\
She invited you in despite your ill intentions. The least you could do is respect her wishes and avoid peeking. You're not an animal; you can control yourself.
"You can open them now, $name. What do you think?" she invites you to look. Now that you have the green light, you open your eyes to find her wearing a set of lingerie. Sexy lingerie. You definitely did not expect that.
She can see the surprised look on your face. "Well, since you were a good boy and listened to me, I thought you should get some sort of reward. I know how hard it is for men your age to control themselves."
"It does feel like a reward. You look very hot in that, Ms. $Lawson. Who's the lucky man?" you ask.
She giggles. "No man. I'm just checking if I can still pull this off, and judging from your reaction, I still got it. Thanks, dear," she shows her gratitude by planting a kiss on your cheek.
It takes all your willpower to stop your blood from rushing to your dick. It's best not to awaken the beast right now. She continues showing off a few more outfits, some conservative and some daring, all while you throw in compliments. You can tell she's enjoying the attention.
[[Finish and leave.|Finish Shopping]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use Elemental Control to soak the ladies.|Water 1]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC4.jpeg" width="400px">
She opens the door and lets you in. You try to hide your grin as much as possible, so she wouldn't assume you're doing this for yourself, not for her. It's very possible she can see your intentions, but if she does, she's not saying anything.
You did not notice how big the room actually is. It's not big enough to be called a room, but you would be able to fit two people in there and still have enough space for another two.
You can see several outfits neatly folded on the bench. It seems like she has already found something she likes. Carefully, you take a seat by the folded clothes and wait for her next step.
"What are you waiting for? Close your eyes already. Jeez!" she exclaims as she turns around to face the mirror. "And, you better not peek, $name."
You oblige her and shut your eyes. Now, you have two choices. You can either try to spy on your best friend or respect your friendship and avoid doing anything that might harm it.
[[No risk, no reward.]]
[[Be respectful.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO - 1>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 2>>\
You care about her and her wishes; you really do. But, you're also just a man, a weak, horny man. You know it's risky; however, you still want to do it. You want to see her naked body.
You open your eyes very slowly and carefully to make sure she doesn't catch you when you decide to peek at her. You need to wait for the moment she's not looking in your direction or at the mirror.
At the right timing, you take action and open your eyes to discover your best friend unbuttoning her blouse. You gulp as you watch her undo one after the other. Time appears to slow down as your eyes follow her hands when she reaches for the shirt and opens it up.
There they are: <<print $Grace>>'s naked breasts. You never really looked at her that way, and thus, you never realized how great her tits looked. But now, now you do. She really is a sexy girl.
"What the fuck, $name!" the sexy girl shouts as she covers herself. "I agreed to let you in because I didn't think you saw me ''that'' way." She sighs and collects herself. "Look, I'm not mad. I was just surprised that you did this. Maybe if you asked—It doesn't matter."
"I am really sorry, $Grace. I wasn't thinking. You were just standing there topless in front of me, and I couldn't look away," you try to defend yourself.
You could have sworn you saw a little smile. "It's alright, $name. We've been through worse together, and I promise this won't make it weird between us. Shit happens. Anyways, I need to change. Can you wait outside for me?" she asks.
[[Leave the room and wait for them to finish.|Finish Shopping]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use Elemental Control to soak the ladies.|Water 1]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 2>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU - 1>>\
$Grace is your best friend. Of course, you're going to be a gentleman, even if your dick says otherwise.
"Open your eyes, $name. Just do not make fun of me," she asks shyly. Why would you make fun of her; she's not self conscious. Is she wearing something ridiculous? Well, there's only one way to find out.
You open your eyes to something, in fact, very ridiculous. She's wearing lingerie and looks ridiculously good, ridiculously elegant, and ridiculously very sexy. You thought it's ridiculous because you never really saw your best friend in ''that'' way.
"You look, dare I say, very hot, $Grace. I didn't think you would wear something like, especially not in front of me," you say in a bold and honest fashion.
Her face turns red; you've seen her blush before but never to that extent. "Thank you, $name. I, um, wasn't planning to, but you know I've never had anyone to show off something like this for. Who else would be a good candidate than the person I trust the most?" she says sweetly.
You spend the rest of the time enjoying all the outfits she giddily models for you, from the long dresses all the way to the slightly suggestive clothes. You joke, chat, and tease each other until you run out of clothes to continue.
[[Finish and leave.|Finish Shopping]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use Elemental Control to soak the ladies.|Water 1]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/EI/EI3.jpg" width="400px">
On your way to the restaurant, you get a message from <<if $relation is "intimate">>your dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> informing you that they will be a bit late. You sigh and continue on your way.
When you reach your destination, you enter the restaurant to find that, unlike yesterday, it is almost empty. In fact, you are pretty sure you can count the amount of people present on your fingers. You don't see $Addison in her usual spot either.
You navigate to an empty table and take a seat. As soon as you sit down, someone else sits opposite of you; it's $Addison.
"Hey, $name. Sorry I couldn't greet you like yesterday. I was busy in the kitchen," she says. <<if $addBJ is true>>She pulls you in for a deep kiss. "I really enjoyed yesterday, ''daddy''," she smiles flirtatiously. Your dick almost stands tall hearing those words.<</if>>
You spend some time chatting with your new potential classmate before she excuses herself from the table. "I have work to do, but hopefully, we will see each other in class tomorrow."
You pull out your phone and waste your time scrolling through your feed until someone finally arrives.
[[Check who it is.|Dinner 2.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL9.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LP/LP11.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom and your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom and sister<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks and $Sophia<</if>> walk in together, distracted by the pleasant conversation they're having. You smile at the scene in front of you; it's been a while since you've seen them have this much fun together. Unaware of your presence, they walk to $Addison to presumably find a table.
You thought the waitress would just direct them to your table. Instead, the trio engage in a long talk, forgetting about you. You want to get up and interrupt them to get this dinner over with, but seeing them joyful like this is something you're willing to suffer for.
Eventually, $Addison points them to your table, and they walk to you. Damn, they look good in those outfits. When they arrive to your table, you stand up to greet them. You nod to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister and hug your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister and hug your mother<<else>>$Sophia and hug Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, a different greeting for each, depending on their boundaries.
"I'm so sorry, sweetie. We thought you did not arrive yet and got distracted talking to $Addison; she's such a lovely girl," the mother says.
"Yes, she is. Apparently, she is your age too and attending the same college. Anyways, uh, thanks for waiting, I guess," the younger girl murmurs.
"Don't worry about it. You're the only two people I would wait for forever," you reassure them. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> visibly enjoys what you said while <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> also has the same reaction. You did not expect that.
"Also, I couldn't help but notice that <<if $relation is "intimate">>my dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>my dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> did not accompany you both. Is he coming later or what?" you ask.
"No, $name, he is not joining us today," she scoffs. Before you can ask about it, she continues. "Before leaving, he suddenly got a call and had to meet another friend. Apparently, that ''friend'' is more important than his own family."
You want to help calm her down, but it's better to let her vent her feelings. To your surprise, she changes the subject immediately. "There are other guests joining us though. Oh, there they are!" she yells as she looks at the entrance. Guests?
[[Check who the guests are.|Dinner 2.2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK6.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
You half expected it to be a family member, and the other half was ready for any surprises. Nevertheless, you were still very surprised to discover the mysterious guests are none other than your roommate and his mom.
"I made a friend earlier this morning, $Clara, only to discover that she is your roommate's mother, and we hit it off so well. What a coincidence, right? I figured we could all have a nice dinner, and you can get to know your roommate properly," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> explains as she gets up to greets them.
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>\
Oh well, it could have been worse. Nothing can beat the awkward moment the old man caused yesterday. Plus, you and $Lucas already hit it off pretty well earlier in the day. This could be fun.
Fucking hell! You do not mind Ms. $Blanc joining you for dinner, but why did her son have to be here as well? And, here you thought you would be having a lovely dinner; let's hope you can all be civilized, or this could turn ugly.
You similarly get up and greet them. You give the mom a hug and <<if $lucasFriend is true>>your friend a firm handshake<<else>>disregard $Lucas in a way nobody would notice<</if>>.
"Thanks for inviting us, $Nora. We did not make any plans for dinner today, so it was a relief when you called," Ms. $Blanc expresses her gratitude.
"Thanks for coming, $Clara. It means a lot to me. Also, I thought the boys could get to know each other now that they will be roommates."
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>You look at $Lucas and nod to each other. It seems like you two are more than just roommates; you are friends now.<<else>>You and $Lucas glare silently at each other. It's almost obvious that there is a rising animosity between the two of you. You are not just roommates; you're enemies.<</if>>
Soon, everyone is exchanging words and giggles without much conflict. You won't let anyone or anything ruin this evening, not like yesterday.
<<link "Ask about $Julia" "Dinner 2.3">><</link>>
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>\
[[Have a conversation with your roommate.|Dinner 2.4]]
[[Make fun of your roommate.|Dinner 2.5]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO + 2>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO + 1>>\
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU - 1>>\
This is a good opportunity to get to know your roommate, and your friend, better. You decide to steer the conversation in a positive direction by asking your roommate about a shared hobby.
"Hey, $Lucas, I remember you mentioned you're into gaming. Have you played anything new or interesting lately, besides the game we played this morning?" you ask.
Your roommate's face lights up with enthusiasm at the mention of one of his favorite hobbies. He nods eagerly and leans forward, clearly excited to share. "Yeah, actually! I've been hooked on this new RPG. The storyline is incredible, and the graphics are amazing," he says, launching into a detailed description of the game.
You continue talking with your roommate, getting to know him better. He's actually not so bad after all. In fact, you are sure he is a genuine and nice person.
[[The food arrives.|Dinner 2.6]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO - 2>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO - 1>>\
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU + 1>>\
You decide to ''poke fun'' at your roommate in a more personal way, hoping to draw some laughs from the table at his expense. You are not really fond of him, so you do not care whether it embarrasses him or not.
"You know," you say with a mischievous smile, "$Lucas, for someone with two women in his life, it seems like you're afraid of girls or something. With the way you carry yourself, you look like you're holding the title of 'Most Eligible Virgin' on campus. Maybe we should start a club to help you out!"
Laughter erupts around the table, $Sophia nearly spitting out her drink in amusement, and your mother trying to suppress a grin while shaking her head at your comment. Your roommate's mother chuckles softly, looking both amused and slightly sympathetic.
Your roommate, however, is not amused, clearly caught off guard by the unexpected public jab. He forces a laugh, but it's tinged with discomfort. While everyone else finds the joke amusing, his discomfort and anger are palpable, and he tries to change the subject, eager to move on from the awkward moment.
[[The food arrives.|Dinner 2.6]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK8.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO + 1>>\
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO + 1>>\
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>\
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO + 1>>\
<<set $lucasLO to $lucasLO - 1>>\
You take a moment to look around the table, and you only now notice that $Julia did not tag along with them. You then address your roommate's mother with a curious smile.
"I was wondering, where's $Julia tonight, Ms. $Blanc? It would have been nice to have her join us as well."
"Oh, she is just hanging out with a friend this evening. She wanted to do her own thing, so I just let her be," she replies. "I will let her know you asked about her though."
"No, that's okay. It won't be necessary. I'm just glad to have you join us, Ms. $Blanc<<if $lucasFriend is true>>, and you as well, $Lucas," you say. They both smile and thank you, clearly appreciating your comment.<<else>>," you say. She smiles at you, clearly pleased with your comment. Her son, on the other hand, was not so happy that he was not included.<</if>>
[[The food arrives.|Dinner 2.6]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Dinner1.jpg" width="400px">
Plates of steaming food arrives, causing your stomach to grumble; you did not realize just how hungry you were. You take a minute to glance at around the table. On your side, <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom and step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom and sister<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks and $Sophia<</if>> are sharing a lighthearted moment. You never realized how similar, yet so different they are.
On the other side of the table, you can see Ms. $Blanc grilling her son to eat, shoving food in this mouth occasionally. If anyone is judging them, they either do not know or do not care.
The waitress brings over two bottles of wines, ordered by<<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. You did not expect that she had the budget or the will to drink tonight.
The evening continues as glasses of wine are shared. And, it seems that some people are already starting to get drunk. Maybe you can use a power to make this dinner more interesting.
[[Use summoning on your roommate's mom.|Summoning 2]]
[[Find out to what extent you can manipulate water.|Water 2]]
[[Enjoy dinner without using your powers.|Dinner 2 Finish]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Street2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>\
<<set $time to "Night">>\
You enjoy the rest of the dinner without any incidents. You all leave the restaurant and walk to the street. Come to think of it, you do not know who paid for tonight. Everyone says their goodbyes and find their way to their rooms.
Now, what? You could go to bed early and save some extra energy for tomorrow morning. You will wake up early and have a long day of classes. Or, you can explore the city at night.
<<link "Go to bed early." "Day 2 Ending">>
<<set $bedEarly to true>>\
[[Explore the city.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK7.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockSummon is false>>\
<<set $unlockSummon to true>>\
<<set $summon to $summon + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 35>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
Ms. $Blanc excuses herself to go to the women's restroom. Her son offers to walk her to the bathroom, but she refuses. You watch as she stumbles over to the bathroom, expertly avoiding falling by clinging to anything nearby. It's actually quite impressive.
That's when a devious plan formulates in your head. You also excuse yourself to go to the restroom. Thankfully, you did not drink much, so you easily find your way to the men's restroom. Luckily, it's empty right now.
This could go wrong in so many ways, but somehow, you have a feeling that it will work out just like you have planned. You're not sure if this power can work that way, but you want to try it out.
You close your eyes and focus all your thoughts on Ms. $Blanc. It takes a huge amount of willpower and more time than you had assumed to pull this off. You only open your eyes when you feel a presence around you. You did it, you son of a bitch. She's still fixing her makeup in the mirror. Is she too drunk to realize that it's not the same mirror or the same bathroom she was at? Or, does it have something to do with this power?
Now, for the difficult part. "Ms. $Blanc, what are you doing here?" you feign surprise.
She gets startled and turns around. "$name, what are ''you'' doing here? This is the women's restroom."
"Oh, is that how we are playing this?" you smirk and close in on her. "You follow me to the men's restroom and then play dumb. Just come right out and say it, Ms. $Blanc," you demand.
"It's not—it's not like that, $name. I was just—"
"Just what? You're not drunk enough to confuse the restrooms. So, here's a hint of what we're about to do," you say as you corner her. You close in the rest of the distance and plant your lips on hers, expecting some reluctance. Instead, she hesitates for a second and kisses you back. You're now making out with your roommate's drunk mother in a bathroom.
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|Clara Scene 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP12.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockElement is false>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 25>>\
<<set $element to $element + 1>>\
You have no clue if you can bring the idea in your mind to life, but you are more than willing to try. You take a sip of the red wine, letting its flavor wash over your senses. With a subtle focus, you tap into your water element powers, familiarizing yourself to the liquid in your glass.
You visualize the structure of the wine, sensing its composition. With a gentle nudge of your power, you add a touch of ''enchantment'' into the wine. The wine responds to your manipulation, its potency increasing without notice. It becomes smoother, with a hidden strength that only you can sense. You have a target in mind to test this on: $Sophia.
''<span class="blue">Physique</span> Increased!''
[[Test it on her.|Sophia Scene 1.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK9.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $claraLO to $claraLO - 2>>\
<<set $claraLU to $claraLU + 3>>\
You want nothing more than to continue this make out session with Ms. $Blanc, but it's already risky enough doing this in the bathroom where anyone can walk in at any minute. You stop kissing her and strip her.
"Are you ready to admit that you want this?" you press her.
"I do. I fucking do. It's been so long. Please, let me see your dick," she begs.
You happily oblige as she gets on her knees and starts stroking your dick. You're not even influencing her, and she's ''that'' hungry for your cock. A few more strokes, and she places your dick between her soft tits.
"We don't have much time. We're doing this, and you're not going to tell $Lucas or anyone else," she says as she focuses on pleasing your engulfed thick member.
She moves her big breasts up and down your cock. You can't take it anymore and take control. You order her to keep her breasts in place as you begin to thrust your cock between them. It turned from a titjob to a titfuck in a matter of seconds. It's hard to last very long with this woman.
[[Cum all over her.|Clara Scene 1.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK10.jpg" width="400px">
You pump your cock until you can feel your knees buckling together. You groan and shoot your cum all over her, covering her face and chest in the process. This is a big one.
Ms. $Blanc cleans the mess on her body using her tongue, scooping your sperm and tasting it. This sight almost revives your cock again. If it were not for the place and time, you would have taken her right there.
You shake these thoughts out of your head and pull your pants back up. Ms. $Blanc follows suit and fixes her clothing and washes up. "I trust $Lucas will not know about this, $name, right?" she ensures that you don't forget.
You reassure her that he will not, and you get a kiss for the right answer. You leave the restroom and when it is clear, you signal for Ms. $Blanc to follow you. You agree that she should return first to avoid suspicion.
[[Return to the table.|Dinner 2 Finish]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Find out to what extent you can manipulate water.|Water 2]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/FR1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $sophiaLU to $sophiaLU + 3>>\
<<set $sophiaLO to $sophiaLO - 2>>\
To <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>>, it tastes just as delicious, but to your senses, it carries a heightened influence. Each sip she takes now carries a slightly more intoxicating effect, loosening her inhibitions just enough to lower her guard.
You experiment by subtly touching her legs and hands, all while keeping notice of her reactions. Seeing that she has none, you move your hands farther up her legs; they're now resting on her thighs, and she still has not moved an inch.
You brush the back of your hands on her thighs, moving it slowly and sensually to check if she will stop you, but she never does. Is she enjoying this, or is she too drunk to notice it? There is only one way to find out.
[[Go further.|Sophia Scene 1.2]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/FR2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You move one hand to her inner thigh and rest it there for a minute. You continue talking with everyone, including $Sophia, all while acting like one hand of yours is not busy with something else.
When you think the moment is right, you strike. You slowly move your hand closer to her panties until the tip of your fingers can feel the fabric. It looks like $Sophia was going to protest, but you quickly pull her underwear to the side and put your fingers in her cunt.
She lets out a squeal which catches the attention of everyone. "Sorry. It's been a while since I've had a meal this good, with company this good," she quickly composes herself.
You continue fingering <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister's<<else>><<print $Sophia>>'s<</if>> wet pussy, all while chatting idly. She moans and squirms under your touch, all under the pretense of enjoying the meal. The only thing she doesn't do is try to stop you. She's allowing <<if $relation is "intimate">>her step-brother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>her brother<<else>>you<</if>> to play with her pussy in front of everyone.
You can feel her tense up and dig her nails into your assaulting arm. She's cumming all over your fingers. "OH MY GOD!" she shouts as the waves of pleasure finally hit her. She might be ''drunk'', but she still realizes how loud she was.
"I'm enjoying my time here so much. Sorry, I won't make any more fuss about it," she says as she glares at you.
"Yes, the food is great," you say as you taste her juices off your fingers; she tastes good. You wonder if she'll remember this later.
[[Finish dinner.|Dinner 2 Finish]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use summoning on your roommate's mom.|Summoning 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Bed1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Midnight">>
You eventually follow your roommate back to the dorm to find him already asleep. How did he manage to sleep that fast? Eh, you feel like you can sleep for months as well. You did not realize how exhausted you actually are until your head made contact with the pillow.
Today and yesterday were hectic. You can barely wrap your head around this weekend's events. It feels like a fucking movie. Powers? If you were told two days ago that something like that exists, you wouldn't have believed it.
It still doesn't make sense. Something clearly triggered this, and you intend to find out just what. The question is: where do you start? You are too tired to think about this now; all you care about is sleep. You just hope you won't dream of ''that'' again.
[[Sleep.|Day 3 Sunrise]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
You walk around town a bit, taking a mental note of anything you find interesting. It's almost surreal that everything looks well-kept and expensive. This place was really built of ''money''.
A car horn pulls you out of your thoughts. You're walking on the sidewalk, what are they honking for? You are about to give the person a piece of your mind when you notice that the car looks familiar.
You get closer to the window to find that you were right. It is Ms. $Lawson, your best friend's mom. What is she doing out so late?
<<if $metAbigail is false>>\
<<set $Abigail to "">><<textbox "$Abigail" "Abigail">>
[[Continue.|Explore 2]]\
"Hey, $name! It's so empty out here. What are you doing out so late?" she had the same thought as you.
"I'm just exploring the city a little bit. Why are ''you'' driving around that late?" you interrogate her back.
"I'm going home, silly. I had work to do, so I couldn't wait till morning. Come on in. Let me drive you to your dorm building," she offers.
[[Refuse and say goodbye.]]
[[Join her and see where this goes.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG1.jpg" width="400px">
You thank her for the offer, but you're not interested. You tell her to drive home safe and say goodbye.
You continue walking around for a bit, immersed in your thoughts and making notes of any places or buildings you find interesting. You eventually get tired and prepare to go to your dorm when you run into a familiar face down the street.
"$Julia? What are you doing out here at this hour?" you ask her.
"$name? I could ask you the same question," she pauses and stares at you. Is this about to be an interrogation between the two of you? "I'm kidding! I was visiting a friend. What about you?"
"I was just exploring the city a bit, getting to familiarize myself with the college's surroundings."
"That's smart. Mom told me about dinner, says she had enjoyed it. Sorry I couldn't join them," she apologizes out of respect.
"Don't worry about it. I'm assuming you're going to the dormitory as well. Want to walk with me?" you offer.
[[She agrees.|Day 2 Night]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO + 2>>\
You take her up on her offer and get in the car. "Thanks, Ms. $Lawson. I appreciate it," you thank her.
"Oh, stop it. You know how much I love you. I've known you for so long now. You're family, $name," she smiles warmly.
The ride itself is far from boring. You're having fun spending time with your friend's mother. She was always like a second mom to you. This did not stop you from lusting after her though. Speaking of lust.
[[Use Charm on her.|Charm 3]]
[[Don't and just enjoy the ride with her.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $metAbigail to true>>\
"Hey, $name! It's so empty out here. What are you doing out so late?" she had the same thought as you.
"I'm just exploring the city a little bit. Why are ''you'' driving around that late?" you interrogate her back.
She ignores your question. "I'm upset that I didn't get to hang out with you today, $name. $Grace and I were hoping you would join us in the mall."
"I'm sorry, Ms. $Lawson. I got busy with other stuff, but maybe we can hang out when you come to visit campus. Anyways, back to my question.
"I'm going home, silly. I had work to do, so I couldn't wait till morning. Come on in. Let me drive you to your dorm building," she offers.
[[Refuse and say goodbye.]]
[[Join her and see where this goes.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
You're not interested in using any powers right now. Instead, you enjoy the rest of the ride with your best friend's mom, reminiscing about the older days and talking about $Grace.
Time flies by as you suddenly find yourself in front of your dorm building. You thank her and tell her to drive safe before saying goodbye.
[[Go to your room.|Day 2 Ending]]<<if $energy >= 30>>
<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/AJ1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma +1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $abiLU to $abiLU + 3>>\
<<set $abiLO to $abiLO - 2>>\
You manage to make your voice hypnotic and use your power of lust. You continue your conversation with Ms. $Lawson until the power starts to take effect. You immediately see her reroute the car and stop in an empty alley.
Without any words she takes off her panties and lifts her dress. You follow her plan of action and excitedly take off your pants. She climbs over to your seat and sits her fat ass on your lap.
You recline your seed backwards and enjoy the ride. Instead of taking your cock in her pussy, she sandwiches your member between her ass cheeks. It looks like you're still not strong enough to get more than this.
You don't get the chance to feel any bit of disappointment as she starts moving in a steady rhythm. You have so much to say, but you express your feelings through your grunts and moans instead.
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|Abigail Scene 1]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF4.jpeg" width="400px">
Unfortunately, you lack the energy needed to channel this power. You did use your powers a lot today. You enjoy the rest of the ride with your best friend's mom, reminiscing about the older days and talking about $Grace.
Time flies by as you suddenly find yourself in front of your dorm building. You thank her and tell her to drive safe before saying goodbye.
[[Go to your room.|Day 2 Ending]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/AJ2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
The pleasure is too much for the redhead to handle, and she could not stay silent anymore. She starts moaning and cursing as you match her rhythm, pumping your thick cock between her cheeks.
The sounds of her moans only fuel your lust more, and you start slapping her bouncing ass. In response, the sexy woman moans even louder and starts hopping and moving faster.
If anybody were nearby, they would be able to figure out what was occurring in that dark street. Anything from the sounds you're eliciting to the shaking car would give you away.
You can feel Ms. $Lawson shaking as she squirts all over your fat cock, but she never stops making sure to milk every ounce of cum out of you. You reach your limit and come all over your best friend's mom's ass.
You both fix yourself, and she returns to the driver's seat. Without uttering a single word, she starts the car and drives away. The rest of the ride is silent, save for the drop off where you thank her and wish her a safe travel.
[[Go back to your room.|Day 2 Ending]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Refuse and say goodbye.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU + 1>>\
As you are walking with your roommate's sister, you take a glance at her, checking her out, only to find her staring right back at you. She does not seem to mind it. In fact, she's enjoying the attention.
You could try to make a move on her, but knowing $Julia, it will not be as straightforward as it is. Whether it works or not, it depends on your interactions with her throughout yesterday.
Also, you are pretty sure she's not a first-date-fuck kind of girl. Not that you have taken her on a date or anything, but if you do succeed in seducing her, you will not be having sex with her. You know that for sure.
[[Try your luck anyways.|Julia Scene 1]]
[[Walk to the dorm and say goodbye.|Day 2 Ending]]<<if $juliaLU >= 4>>\
<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $juliaLU to $juliaLU + 1>>\
<<set $juliaDay2 to true>>\
The walk with $Julia is pretty normal, engaging in idle chatter and getting to know each other a bit more. Once you have reached the dormitory building, you insist on walking her to her room.
The moment you arrive to her room, you walk in with her and close the door behind you. $Julia seems confused, not expecting you to join her. "It's getting late. I was—"
You interrupt her with a kiss on her lips. Not expecting it, she tries to pull away, but you keep her in place. She seemed a little hesitant at first, but it is quickly gone and is replaced by a newfound hunger. She's kissing you back, shoving her tongue in your mouth.
After a moment, she pulls away, breathless. "$name, I can't do this, not like this," she says reluctantly.
"It's okay, $Julia. I was planning on doing whatever you are comfortable with. I'll go now."
She hugs you from behind and stops you. "Wait. I do have something in mind," she says in a whisper. She breaks the hug and backs away, stripping off her clothes. You follow her example and take whatever wear you had off.
The sight of her naked body forces your cock to stand erect. She takes a seat on the bed, and you do the same on the opposite bed. You might have an idea of what she has planned.
She slowly opens her legs and starts moving her fingers slowly against her slit. Your cock grows even harder as you begin stroking it, matching her pace. Your gaze never leaves her body, eyeing her swaying tits, her wet pussy, and her face.
She continues rubbing her pussy, her eyes on your erect member. She bites her lips and moans as your dick throbs in your hand. She speeds up, and you do the same, the slick sounds of your movements filling the room.
[[Change position.|Julia Scene 1.1]]
<<elseif $JuliaLO >= 3>>\
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG7.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $juliaLO to $juliaLO + 1>>\
<<set $juliaDay2 to true>>\
The walk with $Julia is pretty normal, engaging in idle chatter and getting to know each other a bit more. Once you have reached the dormitory building, you insist on walking her to her room.
The moment you arrive to her room, you walk in with her and close the door behind you. $Julia seems confused, not expecting you to join her. "It's getting late. I was—"
You interrupt her with a kiss on her lips. Not expecting it, she tries to pull away, but you keep her in place. She seemed a little hesitant at first, but it is quickly gone and is replaced by an eager kiss . She's kissing you back, but it only lasts for a few seconds.
She pulls away. "$name, I can't do this, not like this," she says reluctantly.
"It's okay, $Julia. I was planning on doing whatever you are comfortable with. I'll go now."
She hugs you from behind and stops you. "Wait. I do have something in mind," she says in a whisper. She breaks the hug and backs away. You wonder what she has in mind.
Slowly, she starts swaying her body from side to side, moving in a sensual manner. "I have a reward for you since you have been a gentleman so far," she says seductively, her voice low.
You keep your gaze on her, not wanting to miss any moment. Her hands travel upwards, towards her breasts. She slowly lifts her shirt up, teasing you and causing you agonizing pain.
You wait in anticipation, both of you silently watching each other. It might be just a pair of tits, but it's a big deal for $Julia. And, what a pair! Her breasts finally come into view, and you bask in the moment for as long as possible.
"I can tell by the look on your face that you are enjoying this, but it's getting late now, $name," she giggles and lowers her top again.
Disappointed but glad you got something out of tonight, you let her know that she looked great, that her tits looked great. She blushes deeply and thanks you. You should be grateful for whatever you get. If your relationship with her was better, you could have convinced her to do more.
[[Go to your room now.|Day 2 Ending]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG4.jpg" width="400px">
The walk with $Julia is pretty normal, engaging in idle chatter and getting to know each other a bit more. Once you have reached the dormitory building, you insist on walking her to her room.
She refuses, however. What did you think would happen? You have barely done enough to get on her good side. If your relationship was better, you could have gotten something out of this interaction.
For now though, all you get is a kiss on the cheek as a thanks and watching her ass as she leaves. If you think this is good enough, brother, you are starving.
[[Go to your room.|Day 2 Ending]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"$Julia, turn around. Let me see that ass of yours. But, do not stop," you say, your hand still on your cock.
She obeys and readjusts herself; $Julia is now facing the wall, with her ass in full view for your pleasure. She returns to playing with her pussy, now matching your pace instead.
You have not even started classes yet, and your roommate's sister is on all fours, pleasing herself for you. Still in the same position, she glances back to watch you stroke your dick for her.
This only fuels her lust more, rubbing her cunt faster and faster. You do the same and feel yourself getting closer. "How does it feel having your brother's roommate watch you masturbate and stroke for you?" you say. "And, you have only met me yesterday as well."
She does not reply, and instead, she goes even faster and moans louder. "How does it feel, $Julia!" your press her, your voice commanding.
"SO FUCKING DIRTY AND HOT!" she shouts as she finds herself on the brink of an orgasm. You are also very close.
[[Cum on her.|Julia Scene 1.2]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
As you feel yourself getting closer to the edge, you close the distance between you and your roommate's sister. She turns around and sits upright on the bed, her hand never leaving her pussy.
She is not looking at your dick anymore; she's staring right into your eyes. She wants to cum while looking at you, not your member. That is very hot. Already at her limit, she lets go and cums all over her bed.
The sight itself sends you over the edge. You release your cum all over $Julia, shooting loads after loads. Is this never-ending or what? Finally, you shoot the last of your seed, feeling completely empty and dry.
"This was amazing, $Julia," you say as you put your clothes on again.
"Yes, it was, $name," she answers you breathlessly. She tries to stand up to kiss, but her legs fail her. It looks like she still hasn't recovered from her bliss. You lean down and give her a kiss instead.
You remind her to clean up before letting her know that you have to leave. She smiles blissfully and nods.
[[Leave the room.|Day 2 Ending]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Join her and see where this goes.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $day to "Monday">>\
<<set $time to "Sunrise">>\
<<set $energy to $maxEnergy>>\
It looks like you did not have any dreams this time; this is a relief. You wake up earlier than usual to say goodbye to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father and your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your parents<<else>>Mr. and Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. Now that the weekend has ended, they have nothing to do here anymore. They can't stay since you and $Sophia are both starting classes today.
Speaking of, you should probably give them a call, so you can attend your classes in time. It wouldn't really be in your favor to miss lectures or be late on your first day. You pick up your phone and call <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>.
The phone rings for a couple of seconds, and you start doubting whether they are even awake yet; you did wake up very early. You were about to end the call when someone answers.
"Good morning, baby. I was getting ready to leave. We are not leaving without saying goodbye though. You need a proper send off for your first day," the voice on the other side says.
"Come on, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. We don't have to make a big deal about it. It's just coll—"
"Shh, $name. It is a big deal to me. Now, the hotel is close to the college, so we'll be there in a couple of minutes. We will park outside the dormitory building so you can wait there if you want," she says.
You let her know that you understand and end the call. You sigh and glance at your roommate's empty bed. It looks like he had the same idea as you. He is probably around here somewhere with his mother right now. Well, you have better things to do than worry about him.
[[Wait by the dorm building.|Day 3 Sunrise 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL7.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $bedEarly is true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy + 20>>\
You wait at the agreed location, wasting some time on your phone until they arrive. A minute later, a car you recognize pulls up. It is them. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> exits the car first and hastily rushes to you, pulling you in for a hug.
"I know you just saw me yesterday, but I can't help it," she voices her feelings, holding the hug for as long as possible. Well, good thing is you're not planning to let go until she does.
"I'll miss you. I know it sucks, but I'll try to call as much as possible," you say.
She breaks off the embrace. "You better because if you don't, I will. And, I will really miss you, $name," she sniffles, clearly on the verge of tears. "I promised $Chris that I won't cry."
You chuckle and hug her again. You know you will not be seeing her for a while, not without using your powers. Perhaps it's not a good idea to use them whenever you want. You have to put a limit on their usage until you discover more about them.
Distracted by your thoughts, you fail to notice, at first, <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> walking towards you, bags in hand. It must be the rest of your stuff that they brought with them. He places the bags on the ground, and you stop hugging his wife.
[[Give him a hug.|Day 3 Sunrise 2.1]]
[[Just talk to him.|Day 3 Sunrise 2.2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money + 100>>\
<<set $chrisLO to $chrisLO + 2>>\
You open up your arms, inviting <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> in for a hug. He just looks at you and stands there. You know it takes a second before he gives in. He sighs and embraces you.
"Yeah, old man. Believe it or not, I will miss you as well," you tell him, getting a giggle out of his wife. Out of everyone, she is enjoying this moment the most.
He mumbles something in return, not quite catching what he said. You let go of him, and he places a hand on your shoulder. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> clears his throat and speaks, "$name, you know I'm not one for pep talks or advice in general, so just don't do whatever I wouldn't do."
You chuckle and nod your head, implying that you understand. He then pulls out his wallet and hands you a hundred, informing you to spend it wisely. You thank him for this gesture. You know you will need it in the future.
You give <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> one final long hug and pick up your bags, ready to leave. With the goodbyes over, you watch them get in the car and drive off.
[[Take your bags to your room.|Day 3 Sunrise 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money + 100>>\
You nod to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> as a form of greeting. It is not as endearing as a hug, but it does the job for. He nods back to you, clearly not upset over this kind of greeting.
"Thank you for bringing the bags over, <<if $relation is "intimate">>dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>>. I appreciate your help," you say.
He nods again. "No worries. But, I only did this because this is a special day according to $Nora. Next time, you're carrying your own damn bags," he jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
You chuckle and nod your head, implying that you understand. He then pulls out his wallet and hands you a hundred, informing you to spend it wisely. You thank him for this gesture. You know you will need it in the future.
You give <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> one final long hug and pick up your bags, ready to leave. With the goodbyes over, you watch them get in the car and drive off.
[[Take your bags to your room.|Day 3 Sunrise 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
You return to your dorm room and throw the bags onto the bed. You check the time and find that you still have about an hour before the first lecture starts. Your roommate is still not here, so you can be as messy and as loud as you want.
You quickly empty your bags and organize all of your remaining clothes and belongings. This room is noticeably spacious, filling out any void spaces you can find and still having many more.
As soon as you finish everything, you take a look at the time again. You still have over fifty minutes left before college actually begins. What should you do now? A hot shower sounds nice right now.
Maybe you could skip the shower for today and go to your college building a bit early. You could possibly meet new classmates and make new friends. Decisions, decisions. A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts.
Is it $Lucas? No, why would he knock when he has a key? Everyone else is either getting ready for classes or is already there. Who could it be? The first knock is followed by another. Well, standing here contemplating won't answer your question.
[[Open the door.|Maya 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS10.jpg" width="400px">
You open the door to find none other than $Maya, your student ambassador. You would say this feels familiar if not for the obvious difference in her attitude. Yesterday, she was all bubbly and ecstatic. Now, she has an indifferent expression on her face for some reason.
"Hey, $Maya. What brings you here? You're not trying to give me another tour, are you?" you joke in an attempt to lift her spirits.
A small smile forms on the corner of her lips, but she still maintains her indifference. "$name, I do not know what you did, but you need to come with me," she says in a serious tone.
Well, shit. This does sound serious, but you are not going to go anywhere without more information. "Where to, $Maya? If you want me to accompany you, you are going to have to tell me more."
$Maya sighs in defeat. She knows that she can not force you to come along. She is also smart enough to understand the reasoning behind your words. "I really don't know much. All I know is that the dean wants to see you for some reason, and you really do not have the choice to refuse, I'm afraid," she explains.
You can tell that $Maya is being honest with you right now, but why would the dean want to see you. You have a bad feeling about this; however, this is the college's dean. You can't really avoid her.
[[Go with her.|Maya 2.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS11.jpg" width="400px">
You tell $Maya that you will come with and follow her out of your room. It does not take you long to reach the outside of the building, carefully assessing every step and turn she takes. You find a black SUV parked outside, seemingly waiting for someone important.
"This is your ride, $name," $Maya corrects your.
Wait, she did say ''your'' ride, didn't she? Where exactly are you going? "Where exactly are we going," you voice your thoughts. With each new thing you learn, you start rethinking whether following through with this is worth the hassle.
"To the dean. She is not currently in her office, so you will be meeting her at her house instead. It's more of a casual meeting," she answers your question and opens the back door for you.
"I have classes, $Maya. I can't be missing my very first lecture; it is not a good look on me."
"I'm sorry, $name. This is not up to me. Like I said, I was only told to direct you to the car. I'm not going to join you; I'm just guiding you," she says, empathetic towards your feelings.
You sigh and get in the car. This is one of the cleanest cars you have ever been in, with a spacious and comfortable interior. You take a look at the driver and discover that he is just a random man, probably a butler working for the dean.
"One more thing. The dean rarely summons anyone for a meeting, especially not a student, and especially not at her house. Try not to cause any trouble," she warns you, clearly worried about you. She closes the door and says goodbye.
[[The ride.|Day 3 Sunrise 4]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/Vids/Car.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Once the car starts moving, you realize that what $Maya told you is the truth. You're leaving the campus right now. You did not doubt her; you were just hoping she was wrong.
The journey itself is actually boring, with nothing to do except watching your surroundings or scrolling through your phone. You occasionally try to question the driver about anything, but his constant silence and focus on the road lead you to believe that he will not answer any question.
You notice the car leaving the area around the campus and going into a ''wealthier'' area. You are still in the city, just a different part of the city, a richer part. You thought the buildings and roads around campus were advanced, but this is the kind of ''rich'' you can never fathom.
Left and right, the buildings look a lot cleaner and and bigger, compared to the rest of the city. This means that the dean is made of money. It does make sense if you think about it. Distracted by the scenery, you only now notice that you have reached your destination.
[[The dean's house.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Mansion.jpg" width="400px">
House? HOUSE? What fucking house? You have been into houses before. This, however, is not a house; it's a fucking castle. "It's actually a mansion, sir," the butler says. Apparently, you voiced all your thoughts out loud.
A mansion? Well, now that you think about it, it is ''just'' a huge mansion. The butler parks the car and leads you outside the mansion gates. As you follow the butler through the gardens, the sight of the mansion looms larger with each step. A crystal-clear swimming pool sparkles, complete with a small fountain. To the side, you see a tennis court. The mansion itself is a blend of elegance and modern luxury.
As the butler opens the grand double doors, you are greeted by a cool rush of air and the subtle scent of fresh flowers. Every detail, from the chandeliers to the artwork of the walls, calls you poor.
The butler leads you to an empty room and asks you to wait before excusing himself. He is probably going to look for the dean. You take this time to admire the lavish interior of the mansion.
[[Meet the dean.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA1.jpg" width="400px">
While admiring the architecture of the place, you hear slow, deliberate footsteps from behind you. Instinctively, you stand up and turn around to the noise of the approaching person.
A comfortably dressed woman enters through the doors, probably the owner of this place and none other than your dean. She walks in elegantly and confidently and her gaze settles on you.
She closes the distance between you, and you catch a whiff of her perfume. Even her choice of scent adds to her elegance. She extends her hand, and you take it for a firm handshake. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. $lastname," she says.
<<set $Naomi to "">><<textbox "$Naomi" "Naomi">><<set $Parker to "">><<textbox "$Parker" "Parker">>
[[Continue.|Dean]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metNaomi to true>>\
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mrs. $Parker," you say, forcing smile on your face. You should not let your defenses down; you can't trust her, and you do not even know why you are here yet. Everyone and everything has been vague so far.
"So, you do know who I am. I see you have come prepared and have done your research," she smiles, impressed by your knowledge. Yes, you did do your research about the dean. On your way here, you did not just waste your time scrolling through your phone. No, you looked up her name and a few more things about her, nothing worth mentioning though.
"Of course, Mrs. $Parker. I always like to know more about the people I am meeting beforehand. Although, this was a surprise meeting. If I might be so blunt, what is this about?"
"Right to the point. I like that. Well, how do I put this?" she pauses, pretending to think. She does not look like the type of person who comes unprepared. "I was looking over the new freshmen applicants, and yours caught my attention. I found you interesting and wanted to get to know you better," she smirks.
This could have been believed by someone less intelligent, but not you. For some reason, she is trying to lower your defenses, make you feel safe and vulnerable. "With all due respect, Mrs. $Parker, cut the bullshit," you say, letting her know you see right through her antics.
She laughs. "Smart and confident. It's a shame that I'm a married woman," she says, though you don't think that a ring or a piece of contract can stop her desires. "I have a couple of questions for you, Mr. $lastname, and I would answer them all honestly if I were you."
You can hear stomping footsteps all around you. It is not just you and the dean anymore. No, you're surrounded.
[[Look around you.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA3.jpg" width="400px">
You quickly take a look around you and find out that you are completely surrounded. You quickly survey your surroundings to find all the exits blocked. There is only one thing you can do: tap into your supernatural abilities. It is risky, but there is no other choice.
Which would be the best power to use though? You are severely outnumbered. Sure, you can take a few of them out, but you doubt it would be possible to go through all of them without getting injured, possibly killed or losing all your stamina. You really do not have a choice though.
"Whatever you plan to do, do not even think about it," your dean advises you. "There should not be any hostility between us, Mr. $lastname. I only need to know your intentions."
"Funny. I do not think I'm being the hostile one right now. I mean, you have me completely surrounded, Mrs. $Parker."
"You're absolutely right, but these are just precautions put in place, so you do not attempt to escape. Look closely, they are not even armed," she says. She is right; they are not armed, but you can sense a unique aura around them. Of course, this all makes sense now.
"I know exactly what they are. You can't fool me," you say.
Her smile only gets wider. Apparently, this is what she wanted to hear. "Well, this answers one of my questions. You're an ''Arcanist''," Mrs. $Parker says.
[[A what?]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA4.jpg" width="400px">
An ''Arcanist''? You do not think you have heard this term before. The Dean can sense the confused look on your face. "This is what we call someone with supernatural abilities, like the people around you, like ''you''," she explains.
So, it is not just you. You do not know how to feel about this. On one hand, it is a relief that you are not the only one who possesses this kind of power. You could finally get some answers. On the other hand, this complicates the situation. Can you trust them?
"I can sense a unique aura around each of them, but not you, Mrs. $Parker. You are their leader, but you are not really one of them, correct?" you try to get some answers.
She maintains her smile. "Astute observation, Mr. $lastname. You are correct," she confirms your deduction. She then gestures for the surrounding ''Arcanists'' to stand down, and they listen, leaving the room. "Now, can we have a talk? I have a few questions, and I'm sure you do too," she says, sitting opposite of you and offering you a seat. You take her offer and sit down.
"First, I would like to apologize about this whole thing. Not everyone with powers is a friend. We had to be safe, and I can tell that you're smart enough not to cause any troubles." You nod, and she continues. "Now, when did your abilities first manifest?"
It's best to be honest with her right now. You explain that you first experienced a change when you arrived at college. She looks surprised but allows you to finish. "This is odd. Most people discover their powers a lot earlier, usually at childhood or at the start of their teens. You're the first late bloomer we have had."
Interesting. So, everyone's powers manifest at a young age but not you. You already knew something was off about the timing, but this confirms it. What makes you different?
"Sorry to interrupt your thoughts, but I still have a few more questions. Each person has ''one'' unique ability. What is yours, Mr. $lastname?" she questions you. Wait, did she say one? This does not make any sense. You have no doubt that you possess, not one, not two, but several abilities.
Now, should you be honest with her, or should you hide the truth about your abilities?
[[Lie about it.]]
[[Be honest with her.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $lie to true>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $naLO to $naLO + 1>>\
You still do not know if you can trust her or not, so it's better to keep the truth to yourself right now. Besides, it’s safer this way. "I can move faster than humanely possible," you tell her.
"Super speed. It's been a while since I have seen one of those. You just keep getting more and more interesting, Mr. $lastname," Mrs. $Parker says.
She asks you a few more questions about how it feels, the amount of energy you spend, and if anything physical changes had occurred. You answer all her questions, finding that there is no reason to hide any of those facts from her.
Once she finishes questioning you, she gets up from her seat. "Please, follow me, Mr. $lastname. I want to introduce you to someone." You follow her out of the room and into another, watching her ass as you walk behind her. "This mansion is more than just a house. It is a base of operations for my team."
"A base of operations for what?" you ask curiously.
"Remember, not all ''Arcanists'' you meet are on your side. In fact, they are all enemies until otherwise confirmed," she pauses and walks silently for a few seconds. "I'll let ''them'' explain the rest to you."
Does she mean the people she will introduce you to? You walk through yet another set of doors until you are finally face to face with another person.
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|Meet Zoe]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $truth to true>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $naLU to $naLU + 1>>\
For some reason, you feel like you can trust your dean despite the homely welcome she had prepared for you. This might be your only chance to get real answers. "I have more than one ability. As a matter of fact, I have discovered a few so far," you tell her.
Her eyes widen in disbelief, something out of character for her. She knows you are being honest though. "This should not be possible. Nobody has ever possessed more than one power before. You really are a unique case, Mr. $lastname."
She asks you a few more questions about each of them, the amount of energy you spend, and if anything physical changes had occurred. You answer all her questions, finding that there is no reason to hide any of those facts from her.
Once she finishes questioning you, she gets up from her seat. "Please, follow me, Mr. $lastname. I want to introduce you to someone." You follow her out of the room and into another, watching her ass as you walk behind her. "This mansion is more than just a house. It is a base of operations for my team."
"A base of operations for what?" you ask curiously.
"Remember, not all ''Arcanists'' you meet are on your side. In fact, they are all enemies until otherwise confirmed," she pauses and walks silently for a few seconds. "I'll let ''them'' explain the rest for you."
Does she mean the people she will introduce you to? You walk through yet another set of doors until you are finally face to face with another person.
''<span class="yellow">Charisma</span> Increased!''
[[Continue.|Meet Zoe]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL1.jpg" width="400px">
You see an older woman standing over a desk, presumably hers, in the room. She is looking over and organizing some documents. She does not notice your or the dean entering the room, not until the dean speaks.
"Busy doing research?" Mrs. $Parker asks, her inquisitive trait showing again.
The unknown woman turns around, ready to answer her boss. "Yes—" she begins to speak but stops when she sees you. Her eyes flicker, and she turns giddy with excitement. "Is that him? Is that the new guy" she asks.
"Yes, this is $name $lastname, and he is more interesting than he first seemed to be," your dean says. She then looks at you to introduce the woman. "This is a friend of mine and one of the people I trust most; she's also one of ''you''."
<<set $Zoe to "">><<textbox "$Zoe" "Zoe">><<set $Roberts to "">><<textbox "$Roberts" "Roberts">>
[[Continue.|Meet Zoe 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metZoe to true>>\
You attempt to be professionall with $Zoe and shake her hand, but she gives you an excited hug instead. "We are going to do so much good together. I just know," she says. You are not really a fan of using the words ''good'' and ''bad'' to describe people or things, but you can tell that she is a good person.
"Settle down, $Zoe. It's not up to you. He still has someone else he needs to meet before making his choice," Mrs. $Parker says.
Her excitement quickly fades, and she stops hugging you to properly talk to the Dean. "Come on, $Naomi. Not ''her''. You don't have to take $name to her. We can just skip over this bullshit and have him join my team," $Zoe pleads.
"Sorry, $Zoe. You know the rules. The new members have to meet both sides before making a decision," the Dean says, trying to play by the rules.
$Zoe turns around and faces you. She places both of her hands on your shoulders. "$name, join me, and we will do a lot of good for this city. I'll be waiting for you here," she says and plants a wet kiss on your cheek. She knows how to make an offer enticing.
You still don't know what they are talking about though. What choice will you be forced to make? "Let's go, Mr. $lastname. There is someone else I want you to meet."
[[Follow the dean.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ1.jpg" width="400px">
You follow the dean into yet another room. You start wondering how she doesn't get lost in this place. As soon as you walk through the doors, your eyes immediately dart to the woman's ass. This is the definition of a bubble butt.
The blonde woman is working out and is definitely breaking a sweat. When she heard you entering, she turns around and slowly walks toward you and the Dean. You thought she was coming to greet you, but she hugs Mrs. $Parker instead.
She eyes you from top to bottom and directs her speech to the Dean. "New guy, boss?" she asks, not interested in talking with you. What a bitch.
"Yes, this is $name $lastname, and you're going to have to show him some more respect," her boss says. The woman looks like she was about to protest before Mrs. $Parker insists. "It's an order."
She sighs and faces you. "She's right. I forget myself sometimes," she says, extending her hand for a handshake.
<<set $Hailey to "">><<textbox "$Hailey" "Hailey">><<set $Price to "">><<textbox "$Price" "Price">>
[[Continue.|Meet Hailey]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metHailey to true>>\
You give her a firm handshake, and she speaks. "I'm assuming you have already met $Zoe. I hope you are smart enough to come to the right decision," she says, clearly trying to antagonize you into joining her. Well, they both have different approaches.
"$Hailey here is also a friend of mine, and just like $Zoe, I would trust her with my life. This is why they both hold a high position. This is why each of them leads her own team."
"Yes, but unlike ''her'', I do things in an unconventional way. In other words, we're the ''bad guys''. Frankly, I do not care whether you join me or not. You look like you don't have the guts to anyway," she says. She really is a bitch, but you won't lose your composure over a pathetic insult.
You smirk. "I didn't take you for the type of person who resorts to cheap insults, $Hailey. But don’t mistake composure for a lack of guts. You’ll find I have more than enough when it counts."
She chuckles. "Maybe not a lost cause after all," she says and gets back to her workout; she already said her piece.
This time, you take the initiative and leave the room first, your Dean following behind. It's time to make a decision.
[[Make a choice.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Morning">>\
"I apologize about her behavior. She might seem a bit cold, but when she cares about someone, she does so deeply," Mrs. $Parker apologize on her friend's behalf.
"Yeah, she is something. Don't worry about it. I didn't take it to heart," you reassure her. "Can you please tell me what each choice entails?" you ask, trying to get more details before jumping into a decision.
"If you're talking about the girls, then it does not matter. I let them do what they want because we all have the same end goal regardless: information. We know very little about ''Arcanists''."
This is kind of disappointing. You were hoping to find some answers, but it does not look like they know much either. "That's not what I wanted to hear, but that's all the more reason to join your group or organization, Mrs. $Parker."
She smiles widely, probably the most genuine reaction out of her so far. "It's good to have you, Mr. $lastname," she shakes your hand.
"Now, about the girls. They both carry out missions using different methods, but toward the same goal. $Zoe has a good heart; she carries out missions and solves problems as humanely as possible. She helps people and fights what she calls ''evil'' sometimes, even if it does not concern the mission. $Hailey, on the other hand, is on the other end of the spectrum. She uses unconventional methods during her missions."
"Why do they not join forces instead? This seems like a waste of resources. And, if it is as bad as you make it out to be, why do you allow $Hailey to do what she wants? I know you can stop her if you want to," you question her.
"Wouldn't you say the same thing about $Zoe? Sure, she helps people, but she can interfere with the mission sometimes because of that. $Hailey might take the ''bad'' route, but she gets it done. They are polar opposites; they can never work together, Mr. $lastname, and I need both of them," she finishes explaining.
Now, you have a choice to make. You can either join <<print $Zoe>>'s side, the ''good'' route. Or, you can join forces with $Hailey instead and follow her ''bad'' route of action. What is it going to be?
<<link "Choose $Zoe for now." "Good Route">><</link>>
<<link "Choose $Hailey for now." "Bad Route">><</link>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO + 3>>\
Making a choice this early is probably not a good idea. You let Mrs. $Parker know that you will inform her of your final decision tonight. You exchange numbers with the dean and navigate your way to $Zoe.
As soon as you enter the room $Zoe was in, you are greeted with an excited hug from her. It looks like she is happy you chose to spend some time with her. "$name! I'm so glad you're joining my team," she says excitedly.
You don't want to break her heart, but you can't give her false hope. "I'm sorry, $Zoe. I still haven't come to a conclusion yet. I'm just getting to know you before I make any haste decisions," you tell her your intentions.
To your surprise, she still maintains her ecstatic behavior. It's hard to break her will, isn't it? "That's okay. The fact that you chose to spend this time with me makes me hopeful," she says. "Anyway, do you have any questions before we begin some experimenting with your <<if $lie is true>>ability<<else>> abilities<</if>>?"
[[What are the missions for?]]
[[How many powers are there?]]
[[What is your ability?]]
[[No questions.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO + 3>>\
Making a choice this early is probably not a good idea. You let Mrs. $Parker know that you will inform her of your final decision tonight. You exchange numbers with the dean and navigate your way to $Hailey.
As soon as you enter the room $Hailey was in, you are greeted with nothing. Really, there is literally nothing and nobody here. Where did she go? You can't search for her in this fucking maze of a mansion.
As you were about to pull out your phone and call the dean, someone places a hand on your shoulder. You turn around to find $Hailey in a new outfit. "For someone who does not look so smart, you can make the right choice after all," she speaks.
"Keep underestimating me, $Hailey. You will be all the more surprised every time I manage to pull something off," you reply. "Oh, and I'm not joining your team yet. I'm just looking at my options."
She scoffs. Huh. She looks offended that you are not choosing her over $Zoe. Tough girl has feelings after all. "Whatever. With or without you, my team is not lacking anyone. Before we test out your <<if $lie is true>>power<<else>>powers<</if>>, I was ordered to answer any questions you have."
[[What are the missions for?|Hailey ask 1]]
[[How many powers are there?|Hailey ask 2]]
[[What is your ability?|Hailey ask 3]]
[[No questions.|Hailey no ask]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeQ1 to true>>\
The dean didn't really give you an explanation of what the missions are. Now that you think about it, she really has not told you much at all. Well, she is the dean; she's probably managing a lot of responsibilities besides dealing with this ''organization'', or whatever the hell they call it.
The only person who can really give you any kind of information right now is $Zoe. You just hope she is willing to provide you with answers. "What are the missions for, $Zoe? I kept hearing about them, but nobody elaborated any further," you say.
"$Naomi probably told you that not all ''Arcanists'' are on our side, right? Through various encounters with them, we discovered that they do not operate alone. There is a figure in the shadows, more powerful and knowledgeable than anyone we've met so far, that leads them," she explains.
"So, our mission is to find whoever their leader is and do what exactly?" you ask curiously.
She shrugs. "It's not really up to me. If it were, I would want to sway him or her to our side; I believe everyone has a good part inside him or her. Some ''others'' want to eliminate him because it's safer." You have no doubt that the ''others'' she's referring to are $Hailey and her team.
So, from what you have understood, $Zoe and $Hailey lead missions against other ''Arcanists'' in hopes of locating their leader. And, he or she possess extraordinary power and very valuable knowledge that is hidden from the dean's organization. Well, this concludes it. If you want any real answers, you have no choice but to work with Mrs. $Parker.
<<if $zoeQ2 is false>>\
[[How many powers are there?]]
<<if $zoeQ3 is false>>\
[[What is your ability?]]
[[No more questions.|No questions.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeQ3 to true>>\
You should probably ask her about her ability. This is what Mrs. $Parker meant when she mentioned that $Zoe was one of ''you'', right? You do sense that she is an ''Arcanist'' as well. No harm in asking.
"I was wondering what your ability is, $Zoe," you ask, trying to get to know your teammate better.
"I'm glad you asked. I actually have a restorative touch, or in simpler terms, ''healing''. I can heal some physical wounds, minimize pain, and restore someone's energy if needed."
Interesting. It is not the most powerful offensive ability, but it sounds useful against tough opponents, especially if you are working in teams.
<<if $zoeQ1 is false>>\
[[What are the missions for?]]
<<if $zoeQ2 is false>>\
[[How many powers are there?]]
[[No more questions.|No questions.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeQ2 to true>>\
Mrs. $Parker mentioned that every ''Arcanist'' manifests one, and only one, ability. How come you have discovered several within your possession then? Is it possible there are still more powers you have not discovered yet?
With this line of thought, a question suddenly arises in your mind. "$Zoe, just how many abilities are out there?" you voice your thought.
"Many," she answers. Fuck! You were hoping for something more close-ended. "However, they are all derived from main power sources. For instance, water is one of the four elements. There are different types of water-related abilities. Some can manifest water from thin air; others can control the shape and form of it. Do you get it, $name?"
Yes, you do. So, there are main sources of power, and out of each source, there exists several derivatives. Good, this narrows it down. "How many sources or origins of power are there?" you ask.
"I like the term origins better. About your question, we don't know for sure, but we know that they are less than twenty," she says with a disappointed expression; she's not happy that she's unable to answer your questions properly. They really do lack the knowledge.
<<if $zoeQ1 is false>>\
[[What are the missions for?]]
<<if $zoeQ3 is false>>\
[[What is your ability?]]
[[No more questions.|No questions.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL3.jpg" width="400px">
You let her know that you have no questions and ask her to summarize everything she knows and send it you. You exchange phone numbers with $Zoe. Now, you should probably head to class. You have already missed your first class, but if you're lucky, you can catch your second lecture at its beginning.
"Not so fast, $name. I still have to test out your abilities, and I don't just mean your powers. I want to see your skill sets, with and without your usage of <<if $lie is true>>super speed<<else>>any of your powers<</if>>," $Zoe prohibits you from leaving.
"Can't we do this anoth—" you stop talking and sigh. "You know what, let's just get this over with. So, what am I supposed to do?"
"Simple enough. Just give me a moment to think of and prepare something that will suit you."
<<if $lie is true>>\
While she is busy coming up with a plan, you can use this moment to get naughty with $Zoe. Since you lied about your abilities, it's going to be risky using anything besides super speed right now. Just as you finish your thought, you start feeling a new sensation, one you are not familiar with. You get a feeling of itching all over your skin. A normal person would think of taking a shower, but you are anything but normal.
While she is busy coming up with a plan, you can use this moment to get naughty with $Zoe. Since you were truthful about your abilities, you can use any of them at the pretense of being new to this if it does not work in your favor. Just as you finish your thought, you start feeling a new sensation, one you are not familiar with. You get a feeling of itching all over your skin. A normal person would think of taking a shower, but you are anything but normal.
[[Focus on this feeling.|Morphing 1]]
[[Don't and reserve your energy.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO + 1>>\
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU + 1>>\
You figure it's probably smarter to reserve your energy for now. You begin your training session with $Zoe. The session includes <<if $truth is true>>showcasing all the abilities you have discovered so far, alternating between all of them, and<<else>>using your speed to run a couple of laps around the areas she had designated for you and<</if>> a little fighting session with her without the use of powers. For someone whose power is more defensive, she is a pretty good fighter.
At the end of the session, $Zoe looks impressed with your abilities, your natural and supernatural ones. With now intense it was, you feel very depleted and tired. Shit, you wanted to attend one class at the very least, but you have no energy.
Fortunately, $Zoe was able to restore a big portion of your energy. "Healing is a general term. I can do more specific things, like energy restoration for example. Now, go on. You have classes. I'll send you a message tonight," she says.
[[Thank her and leave.|Day 3 Noon]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/Grow1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $unlockMorph to true>>\
<<set $morph to $morph + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO - 1>>\
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU + 2>>\
You want to discover as much as possible about yourself; that includes your supernatural abilities. If you encounter a new one, you are sure as hell going to use it. You focus on this itch until it disappears. Is this supposed to happen?
You do not feel that itch all over your body anymore. Instead, there is one specific place it gathered at: your nether region. Whatever this power is, it is affecting your dick. It begins to harden and grow and grow and grow. Your cock is huge; you were definitely not lacking before, but this size is just absurd.
Your main goal is to try to hide your enlarged member from $Zoe; however, it is getting increasingly difficult to do so with your dick trying to tear a whole in your pants. As you glance around for anything that could hide this ''thing'', you make eye contact with $Zoe.
Well, your dick does. She is looking right at your erect member. Shit, what would be a good enough excuse to use? There is no time to think; you have to say something before she takes you for a creep. It would not be a very good first impression.
"I am sorry, $Zoe. I am not sure what it is. It could be this place. It could be my pow—"
"I want to see it," she interrupts. She does not take her eyes of your dick. It is quite possible she was not even listening to you. This is a pleasant surprise.
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Oblige her.|Zoe HJ]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/LL/LL1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You slowly take off your pants, teasing your new ally, until you finally release your straining monster. Her eyes never leave your dick. "What the fuck is this thing, $name? A cock this size can break a girl," she says and moves closer to your dick, wrapping both her hands around it, "if she was inexperienced, that is," she continues, clearly implying that she is, in fact, experienced.
And, you can tell so with the way she jerks your cock. These hands are definitely experienced. As good as this feels, you were hoping for something more than a handjob. You should try asking her.
"I'm sorry, $name. We're supposed to be testing your abilities out right now. I can try to explain a cock in my hand, but I wouldn't be able to explain why it is in my mouth, or why I'm bent over, taking your enormous cock in my pussy, screaming and moaning your name."
She is attempting to push you over the edge with her dirty talk, and you are a weak man for admitting it, but it is working. Still, you will try to hold out and enjoy this as much as possible.
If a handjob is all you are getting, you should try to get as much as possible out of this. There is ''something'' you wanted to see, and you doubt she will refuse this simple request.
[[Ask to see her tits.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/LL/LL2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/LL/LL3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"Why not? If you have it, flaunt it, right?" she says, taking off her top and flaunting her tits. You are not sure how old she is exactly, but she takes care of her body well. "Well, you have been staring, what do you think?"
"You have amazing tits, $Zoe," you give her what she wanted to hear, which is also the truth. She grins from ear to ear and returns to tending to your cock. It looks like she is about to reward you.
$Zoe changes her technique, one that you are unfamiliar with, but it is very welcome. You are feeling twice the pleasure you were experiencing a second ago. Not only that, but she is also fondling your balls now. You are not sure if the size of your dick has something to do with this, but you are receiving more pleasure than you have ever had from a handjob. Or, it could just be $Zoe.
"Look at the size of this thing. I can barely wrap both of my hands around it. Ain't I a lucky girl?"
She is definitely lucky but so are you. It is time to show her how lucky she is because you don't think you can last any longer.
[[The monster is defeated.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/LL/LL4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You are finally close, and $Zoe can tell as well. "You can't stop twitching, can you? Are you going to cum for me, $name? Are you going to reward me for taking care of your huge cock?"
You can't really say no to her, even if you wanted to right now. You shoot torrents of cum on her hands. Again with this abnormal amount. Her hands never leave your cock, enjoying the feeling of your dick emptying out.
She jerks your cock a few more times, making sure to milk every ounce of cum you have in you. When you are finally drained, she stands up and licks off your cum from her hands.
"I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Anyway, back let me clean myself real quick, and we can go back to our training," she says as she goes through a door, presumably the bathroom.
She returns quickly, and you begin your training session. The session includes <<if $truth is true>>showcasing all the abilities you have discovered so far, alternating between all of them, and<<else>>using your speed to run a couple of laps around the areas she had designated for you and<</if>> a little fighting session with her without the use of powers. For someone whose power is more defensive, she is a pretty good fighter.
At the end of the session, $Zoe looks impressed with your abilities, your natural and supernatural ones. With now intense it was, you feel very depleted and tired. Shit, you wanted to attend one class at the very least, but you have no energy.
Fortunately, $Zoe was able to restore a big portion of your energy. "Healing is a general term. I can do more specific things, like energy restoration for example. Now, go on. You have classes. I'll send you a message tonight," she says.
[[Thank her and leave.|Day 3 Noon]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
<<link "Choose $Hailey for now." "Bad Route">><</link>>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeQ2 to true>>\
Mrs. $Parker mentioned that every ''Arcanist'' manifests one, and only one, ability. How come you have discovered several within your possession then? Is it possible there are still more powers you have not discovered yet?
With this line of thought, a question suddenly arises in your mind. "$Hailey, just how many abilities are out there?" you voice your thought.
"You think I counted them? There are too many to count." Fuck! You were hoping for something more close-ended. "They are all derived from main power sources. For instance, fire is one of the four elements. There are different types of fire-related abilities. Some can manifest fire from thin air; others can control the heat and form of it. Do you get it, or are you so slow that I have to explain again?"
Yes, you do get it. So, there are main sources of power, and out of each source, there exists several derivatives. Good, this narrows it down. "How many sources or origins of power are there?" you ask.
"We don't know for sure, but we know that they are less than twenty," she says with a bored expression; she's not happy that she's forced to answer your questions. They really do lack the knowledge.
<<if $zoeQ1 is false>>\
[[What are the missions for?|Hailey ask 1]]
<<if $zoeQ3 is false>>\
[[What is your ability?|Hailey ask 3]]
[[No more questions.|Hailey no ask]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeQ1 to true>>\
The dean didn't really give you an explanation of what the missions are. Now that you think about it, she really has not told you much at all. Well, she is the dean; she's probably managing a lot of responsibilities besides dealing with this ''organization'', or whatever the hell they call it.
The only person who can really give you any kind of information right now is $Hailey. You just hope she is willing to provide you with answers with how bitchy she is. "What are the missions for? I kept hearing about them, but nobody elaborated any further," you say.
She sighs. "Why do they have to leave these questions for me? Do you at least know that the other ''Arcanists'' out there are not on our side?" she asks, and you nod. "We have fought enough of them to discover that they are led by a powerful person, whose identity is still yet unknown."
"So, we find that person and then what?" you ask.
"Fuck if I know. The boss makes these decisions. I would kill this person if the choice was mine though."
So, from what you have understood, $Zoe and $Hailey lead missions against other ''Arcanists'' in hopes of locating their leader. And, he or she possess extraordinary power and very valuable knowledge that is hidden from the dean's organization. Well, this concludes it. If you want any real answers, you have no choice but to work with Mrs. $Parker.
<<if $zoeQ2 is false>>\
[[How many powers are there?|Hailey ask 2]]
<<if $zoeQ3 is false>>\
[[What is your ability?|Hailey ask 3]]
[[No more questions.|Hailey no ask]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeQ3 to true>>\
You should probably ask her about her ability. This is what Mrs. $Parker meant when she mentioned that $Zoe was one of ''you'', right? And since $Zoe is an ''Arcanist'', $Hailey is probably one as well. You do sense that she is an ''Arcanist''. No harm in asking.
"What is your ability, $Hailey?" you ask her.
"I can generate and manipulate electricity. Here is something I always tell my team: you should never worry about the ability if the wielder does not know how to use it. This is why you are also a liability."
This girl can not finish a sentence without verbally attacking you. You can't wait until you can put her in her place. Electricity. It's a good offensive power, a dangerous one if the user wills.
<<if $zoeQ1 is false>>\
[[What are the missions for?|Hailey ask 1]]
<<if $zoeQ2 is false>>\
[[How many powers are there?|Hailey ask 2]]
[[No more questions.|Hailey no ask]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ3.jpg" width="400px">
You let her know that you have no questions and ask her to summarize everything she knows and send it you. She moans in frustration; she does not want to do it, but she can not disobey an order. You exchange phone numbers with her. Now, you should probably head to class. You have already missed your first class, but if you're lucky, you can catch your second lecture at its beginning.
"Where do you think you are going? I still have to make sure you are not useless. You are going to show me everything you can do, with and without <<if $lie is true>>your super speed<<else>>any of your abilities<</if>>," she stops you from leaving.
It does not look like you have a choice in the matter. "Fine. Just tell me what you have prepared for me."
"Give me a moment to set everything up."
<<if $lie is true>>\
While she is busy coming up with a plan, you can use this moment to get naughty with $Hailey, maybe put her in her place for her attitude. Since you lied about your abilities, it's going to be risky using anything besides super speed right now. Just as you finish your thought, you start feeling a new sensation, one you are not familiar with. You get a feeling of disconnection from yourself.
While she is busy coming up with a plan, you can use this moment to get naughty with $Hailey, maybe put her in her place for her attitude. Since you were truthful about your abilities, you can use any of them at the pretense of being new to this if it does not work in your favor. Just as you finish your thought, you start feeling a new sensation, one you are not familiar with. You get a feeling of disconnection from yourself.
[[Focus on that feeling.|Duplication 1]]
[[Ignore it and save your energy.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AJ/AJ1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $unlockDup to true>>\
<<set $dup to $dup + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 40>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO - 1>>\
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU + 2>>\
When you tap into this power, you immediately start to notice the effects. It is difficult not to when you are being split in half. This is what it looks like at least. You shut your eyes and let it happen.
With your eyes still closed, your senses are starting to get sharper. Is that it? No, your consciousness is currently at two different places right now. What is happening? You open your eyes again, only to find that there are two of you now. Your senses did not get sharper; you are just feeling what the other ''you'' is feeling.
Fuck. You completely forgot about $Hailey. What is she going to think about this? She turns back to face you both, and you are greeted by yet another surprise. For some reason, $Hailey has her tits and pussy out.
"Well, fuckers, what are you waiting for? Take your dicks out," she commands. What is happening right now. Both of you start taking off your pants. You have no idea what has transpired, but you have no doubt that the other you played a part in this.
You both take a seat on the couch, and $Hailey sits in between, grabbing both of your cocks. She begins to stroke you both slowly and teasingly. No, if you are doing this, you are doing this on your terms.
You place your hand around her throat and squeeze, while the other hand roughly manhandles her tits. Simultaneously, you finger her pussy, slowly increasing the pace with each insertion. With how the both of you are roughly treating her, she has no choice but to try to match your pace.
Her hands move faster up and down your cock. You are not making it easy for her with your roughness, but she does not let up, trying to please you as much as you are pleasing her. You alternate between manhandling her body, kissing her, and fingering $Hailey. Her moans only get louder with each second, squirming under your assault on her pussy.
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[You reach your limit.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO + 1>>\
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU + 1>>\
You decide to reserve your energy instead of using a potentially new power. It might have been enticing, but you have already made your decision. $Hailey ushers you to training.
You follow her instructions, going through various drills and training with and without your powers. You even spar with $Hailey for a few rounds. This continues until you run out of energy. She does not look it, but she is a skilled fighter. She will never admit it, but she is impressed with your skills; she thought she would have an amateur on her hands.
When you are finally done, she instructs you to go find $Zoe. Apparently, she can restore your energy. You do so and quickly go on your way to attend the rest of your classes.
[[Go to the rest of your classes.|Day 3 Noon]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Campus1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set time to "Noon">>
The butler drives you back to campus, taking as many shortcuts as he possibly can for you. He drops you off in front of the building you asked for and leaves. You check the time and find that you have five minutes before the next class.
You might have missed your first two classes of the day, but you are sure as hell not missing the last one. Now that you think about it, you should have probably asked the dean to excuse your absence. Too late now.
You open your schedule and check what you have last for the day: Science. You enter the building and navigate your way through the busy crowds. It does not take you much time to find your venue.
You enter through the doors, expecting to find the professor inside already, but it does not seem like he or she did yet. You find an empty seat in the middle and prepare your stuff, sorting through your laptop, notebooks, and pens.
[[The professor arrives.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ6.jpg" width="400px">
You normally would not finish that easily with just a handjob, but you are receiving twice the pleasure you normally would without ''duplication''. You don't plan to lose to $Hailey though. You increase your pace and finger her cunt deeper, all while playing with her tits.
This continues for a few seconds until she squirms and shakes while cumming her brains out. You don't give her a moment to rest and grab her hair and pull her to the ground. Still weak from her orgasm, she provides no resistance as you both cum all over her face and tongue.
Without a single word, she gets up and leaves the room to presumably find a bathroom. You high five yourself and return back to normal. Eventually, $Hailey returns and ushers you to training. Interesting, except the user, nobody is aware that your duplicate is actually a duplicate; it's you and also another different person in their eyes, but nobody questions its absurdity.
You follow her instructions, going through various drills and training with and without your powers. You even spar with $Hailey for a few rounds. This continues until you run out of energy. She does not look it, but she is a skilled fighter. She will never admit it, but she is impressed with your skills; she thought she would have an amateur on her hands.
When you are finally done, she instructs you to go find $Zoe. Apparently, she can restore your energy. You do so and quickly go on your way to attend the rest of your classes.
[[Go to the rest of your classes.|Day 3 Noon]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
<<link "Choose $Zoe for now." "Good Route">><</link>>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX1.jpg" width="400px">
At the exact moment the clock struck the hour, the door creaks open. Heads turned in unison, eyes widening as your science teacher walks in. Her arrival was impeccably timed, marking the official start of the new academic year, well ''your'' academic year.
Dressed in a smart blazer and carrying a stack of neatly organized papers, she strode confidently to the desk. Her presence commanded attention, a blend of authority and approachability.
She paused for a moment, taking in the sea of eager faces, her smile both welcoming and reassuring. The door clicked softly behind her, shutting the last remnants of summer and the start of your college life. She makes her way to the front of the room.
With practiced ease, she arranges her papers on the desk and turns to face the students. The room fell into an expectant silence, the students’ earlier chatter replaced by a focused attention.
<<set $Rachel to "">><<textbox "$Rachel" "Rachel">><<set $Adams to "">><<textbox "$Adams" "Adams">>
[[Continue.|Lily Meet]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metRachel to true>>\
A few rows in front of you, you spot a cute girl preparing for the start of the lecture. You can tell just how smart she is from the way she organizes everything. Hearing your name out loud shifts your attention to the professor.
Shit. They do take attendance after all. Your professors will definitely know if you skip classes. During roll call, you find out that cute Asian girl's name.
<<set $Lily to "">><<textbox "$Lily" "Lily">><<set $Park to "">><<textbox "$Park" "Park">>
[[Continue.|Science 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX2.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LC/LC2.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/EI/EI6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metLily to true>>\
Professor $Adams holds the room's attention effortlessly. She shifts from one topic to another. The projector hums softly as it displays the course content, including graphs and data models.
$Lily seems deeply absorbed in the lecture. Her focus is intense as she diligently took notes, her pen moving rapidly across the page. She occasionally raised her hand to ask questions, her curiosity and enthusiasm for the scientific material clear. Each question was met with a thoughtful response from Professor $Adams, clearly appreciating her engagement.
A few rows back, $Addison, who had served you and your family the day before, was experiencing the lecture hall with anticipation. She clearly appreicates the change is scenery she usually gets beyond her regular job. Her eyes darted between the presentation and her notebook, where she tried to keep up with the complex scientific concepts being discussed.
You, on the other hand, are trying to keep focus, your attention shifting from your professor, to the other students, to your phone, and back to the professor again. You don't have a short attention span or anything. It is just the whole experience of different characters, the material explained, and the whole college setting is keeping you intrigued. College is a different world than the one you are used to.
Professor $Adams continues to unravel the content of your first science lecture. You have had enough of explaining from her. It is time to have some fun of your own; you are going to try chanelling one of your powers and see where it leads.
[[Cast invisibility on yourself.]]
[[Use x-ray on your teacher.|X-Ray 4]]
<<link "Finish the class without using any powers." "Class 1">>
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>
<<set $class1 to true>>
<<set $rachLO to $rachLO + 2>>\
<<set $rachLU to $rachLU + 1>>\
<</link>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Invisible1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockPhase is false>>\
<<set $unlockPhase to true>>\
<<set $phase to $phase + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<if $phase1 is false>>\
You want to see if you can channel a new ability. Again, you are not sure why, but you know how to do so, even if you lack the experience. You allow your body to get as light as possible, letting yourself go and inviting in whatever the outcome of this power is.
You want to try using one of the powers you have used previously. Since you had already channeled this ability successfully before, it does not take you much time and effort to repeat it. Similar to the park, you allow your body to become as light as possible.
It takes a moment before you realize you are fully invisible, clothes and all. You should have probably checked your surroundings before trying this. You look around, and thankfully, nobody seems to realize that you have literally disappeared. Everyone is either immersed in the lesson or are on their phones.
[[Mess with the waitress.]]
[[Mess with the nerdy girl.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/FR4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $addLU to $addLU + 2>>\
As fun as it would be to mess with the Asian girl, you want to save that for later. Instead, you want to target someone you are more familiar with. $Addison is only seated a few rows above you after all.
Since the upper seats are empty with only a few students back there, there are not that many obstacles or people in your way. You quickly find yourself in the row you desired. You move towards $Addison who is closer to the edge than the middle.
You have not really given any thought on how to approach this. No, you are not going to overthink this. You rest your invisible hand on her thighs, and weirdly enough, she does not even flinch. You take this opportunity to move your hand closer to her inner thighs, but again, she does not react.
Fuck it. You move your fingers over her covered cunt and start rubbing at a slow pace. This forces a gasp out of her, but she does nothing else besides that. You dip your hand in her shorts and stick your fingers in her pussy.
You are not sure if she is aware of what is happening or if she is just letting it be. She leans back and allows you to finger fuck her pussy at the pace you want. She is expertly hiding her moans, playing with her tits as you continue your onslaught. This girl!
She has got to be high on something, or she might be crazy. She is getting finger fucked, by god knows what, in the middle of a class, and she is just leaning back and enjoying it. Well, if she wants it, you are going to give it to her. You further increase your pace and dig your fingers deeper in her pussy.
She squirms as you fuck her cunt with your fingers. You can tell that she is close to cumming. Eventually, $Addison cums on your fingers and without causing any noise as well. It is quite impressive if you are being honest.
<<if $phase < 2>>\
You want to do more with this slut, but you can tell that your hold on this power is not going to last much longer. It is best that you find your seat before you appear out of thin air in front of anybody. Maybe if you were more experienced in using this power, you could have done more. You return to your seat, and when the moment is right, you release your hold and reappear again.
[[Finish the class.|Class 1]]
[[Continue.|Invisibility 3]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/slap.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $lilyLU to $lilyLU + 2>>\
<<set $lilyLO to $lilyLO - 1>>\
You are interested in something more oriental today. You still have not had the ''pleasure'' of meeting your new classmate. You could wait until after class if you want, but where is the fun in that? No, you want a taste right now.
You navigate your way towards $Lily, expertly maneuvering between the seated students in order not to raise any suspicions. Luck seems to be on your side; the row $Lily is in seems to be completely vacant, save for her of course.
A smile creeps on your face as you move closer to her. You immediately grab her tits and start fondling them. You could take this more slowly, but again, where is the fun in that? The girl hastily jumps and squeals as soon as she feels your hands. This quickly catches the attention of everyone in the room.
"I am glad you find my course enjoyable, but keep it down, Ms. $Park," your professor says.
$Lily places her head down in shame. Not only did she disrupt the lecture, but she also looks crazy in front of her classmates now. As soon as everyone's attention is back to the professor, you return to assaulting her breasts. This time, you give them a couple of slaps, occasionally pinching her nipples in the process.
The poor girl is getting overstimulated, and she does not know what is causing it. She does know how to keep her voice down though. Sure, she might be struggling for a bit, but she wants to avoid any further embarrassments. Are her boobs that much of an erogenous zone, or is she acting like that because she is a virgin? Could it be both?
<<if $phase < 2>>\
Eventually, you start noticing that your hold on your power is not going to last much longer. As much fun as you are having, it is probably best if you return to your seat. Maybe if you were more experienced in using this power, you could have done more with $Lily. You return back to your seat and wait for the perfect moment to go back to normal. It looks like you are in the clear.
[[Finish the class.|Class 1]]
[[Continue.|Invisibility 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX1.jpg" width="400px">
Professor $Adams wraps up her final points, her voice steady but signaling the end of the lesson. You glance at the clock, and then are just a few more minutes to go. You look around the room.
Some students are still writing down notes, including $Lily, while others, like you, are mentally ready to leave. The first class, for you at least, was not too bad, and you can’t help thinking about what the rest of the day holds.
"That is all for today. I hope you enjoyed listening to your first science lecture as much as I did explaining it to you."
The sound of notebooks and laptops snapping shut and backpacks being zipped quickly fills the room. You pack your things, ready to make your exit with the rest of the students.
Just as you reach the door, you hear Professor $Adams call out, "Mr. $lastname, could you stay for a moment?"
Your expression drops. You were eager to leave this room. You approach her desk, and she waits until everyone leaves before she speaks.
"I heard from your floor supervisor that a certain $lastname could be late for class because of a meeting with the dean. Is everything okay?" your professor asks, somewhat concerned.
Why would $Maya tell her that? Unless, they somehow know each other out of classes. You would have to ask her later. "Yes, thanks, Professor $Adams. It's just a slight curiosity on her part."
A look of doubt crosses her face, but she lets it slip. "Okay, I just stopped you to make sure everything was okay and to let you know that you can be late to my class, as long as you have a valid reason to be. Anyways, that is all," she says as she begins to pack her stuff as well.
<<if $class1 is true>>\
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Leave the class.|Day 3 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/FR3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
It is time to take this up a notch. You are feeling generous today; you want to make this inexperienced girl climax. You get even closer to the girl, avoiding pressing your own body on hers.
Maintaining one hand on her tits, you dig the other under her skirt. She yelps and immediately covers her mouth. What a sweetheart. She does not want to cause any disturbances to her classmates or her professor.
You could ''make'' her by increasing the intensity, but you think the girl is suffering enough already, for now at least. You continue manhandling her tits and rubbing her pussy over her clothes slowly. The least you could do is make her enjoy it.
Slowly, she stops trying to fight whatever is happening to her and starts moaning, making sure to keep her voice down. You increase the pace of your fingers, and she starts squirming under your fingers.
She is already on the edge. This was quicker than you thought it would be. A few seconds later, and $Lily is shaking and cumming all over your fingers. You keep on playing with her sensitive pussy until she cums a second time. This girl's body is a landmine.
Seeing the panic on her face change into a bliss brings a smile to yours. She seems to be enjoying the effects of, what you assume, her first orgasm. You have had your fun for now. It is time to return back to your seat, but not before you taste her juices of your fingers.
[[Sweet!|Class 1]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use x-ray on your teacher.|X-Ray 4]]
[[Mess with the waitress.]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/Lick1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
$Addison might have just cum, but you are far from done with her yet. You look to the professor to find that she still has everyone's attention. You then check the time to find that you have a couple of minutes left before the class ends.
Your gaze falls back to the girl beside you who is still leaning back, recovering from her orgasm. You are not about to let this slut rest. Her legs are still open, so you swiftly move and lower your head towards her exposed pussy.
If you had any doubts about her orgasm, her soaked pussy would have proved otherwise. You start lapping up her juices, penetrating her cunt with your tongue. This sudden shift from the finger fucking to the licking catches her by surprise. That, and she is still very sensitive from her orgasm seconds ago.
However, similar to your previous finger fucking, she does nothing to stop you. She just sits back and squirms constantly, due to her highly sensitive pussy, while you fuck her cunt with your tongue this time. You even have to hold her in place so that she does not move around much and cause a scene.
A lot faster than the first time, $Addison reaches a second orgasm. This time, your face is covered with her juices as she cums her brains out. She just sits there, legs wide open and panting silently. It looks like your work here is done.
You wipe the mess she left on your face with your shirt and leave her to her bliss. You find your way back to your seat, and when the moment is right, you let go of your power and return back to normal. Nice! It looks like you are getting the hang of it.
[[Finish the class.|Class 1]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use x-ray on your teacher.|X-Ray 4]]
[[Mess with the nerdy girl.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX3.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AX/AX4.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockVision is false>>\
<<set $unlockVision to true>>\
<<set $vision to $vision + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $rachLO to $rachLO - 1>>\
<<set $rachLU to $rachLU + 2>>\
When you had first arrived to this university, you would never have thought that you have incredibly hot professors. Well, you say professors, but you have only met one so far. You hope the rest are just as sexy as Professor $Adams.
You might as well use your enhanced vision to get the most out of this lesson. You take a deep breath and focus, and it does not take you much time until you can feel the burning sensation in your eyes. Though, it is less of a burn now and more of a slight annoyance.
You take a look back at your professor, and she is now in her underwear. Black is a really good color on her, especially when she is half naked. You glance on her tits that are hidden behind her bra. You have got to give her credit; they look really nice.
Your eyes travel south until they fixate on something else. You give her a moment to turn around, and when she does, you have to adjust your cock in your pants. Professor $Adams has a great ass, the perfect combination of big and shapely.
Your eyes never leave the sight of her body, noticing every detail of her as she moves around. Every little jiggle. Every little bounce. The small beads of sweat. You have always fantasized about fucking a teacher. Maybe with these powers, you will get the chance of fulfilling it.
You are already one step closer than you thought you ever be. You could potentially attempt to further focus to strip your teacher completely. If you are experienced enough with using this power, you would not have to spend any more energy. If you are not, unfortunately, you would have to spend some energy.
Do you want to risk it or not?
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Risk it.]]
[[Nah. You have seen enough. Just finish the class.|Class 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX5.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $vision < 2>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $rachLU to $rachLU + 2>>\
You decide that undressing your professor is worth the risk of losing some of your energy. You close your eyes and intensify your focus. Channeling your power is basically a piece of cake to you now.
It does not take long until you can feel the effects. And see it. Oh boy, you see it. When you open your eyes again, you find that your professor has her tits out for you. Technically, she does since you are the only one who can see them.
You guessed she had a nice pair under her bra, but seeing is believing. You would do anything to run your hands and tongue over this piece of artwork. It is only your first day of classes, and you have already undressed your teacher.
You can't wait until you can fully access the potential of these powers. For now, you enjoy the rest of the class, watching your professor's tits jiggle with each movement of hers.
[[Finish the class.|Class 1]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Cast invisibility on yourself.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Phone1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
As soon as you step outside of the hall, your phone rings. You pull your phone out of your pocket to check who is calling you. Of course, it is none other than $Grace, your best friend.
You know she will ask you why you missed classes since you both share the first class of the day. The problem is that you can't tell her the truth, not yet at least. Not until you discover more about yourself.
Now, you face two choices. You could answer the call, but by doing that, you are going to have to lie to your best friend. On the other hand, you can just ignore the call and hope that will not haunt you in the future.
[[Answer the call.]]
[[Do not answer the call.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC7.jpg" width="400px">
You sigh and pick up the phone. "Heyyy, $Grace. How—"
"Do not hey me, $name. And, remove your phone from over your ear, God damn it," she says in a frustrated tone.
You do as you are told and remove your phone from over your ear and look around. When nothing happens, you return your phone to your ear and resume the call, confused by her request. "What did—"
"It's a video call, dumbass."
"Oh, my bad, $Grace. I did not notice."
"Of course you did not. Did you also not notice that you had a class this morning? I can tell that you are in college right now, so why did you skip your first class and attend this one?" she asks.
<<if $charisma >= 4 || $iq >= 4>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 1>>\
You quickly gather yourself, flashing a sheepish smile at the camera, trying your best to seem casual.
"Yeah, about that. I had a bit of a situation this morning. You know how I can be sometimes, running late and all. I got caught up with some paperwork for my dorm, and by the time I realized, it was too late to make it to class. Figured I'd just go to the next one instead."
Her expression softens slightly, her frustration easing. She rolls her eyes, with a hint of amusement.
"Honestly, you’ve got to get it together, $name. This is college, not high school. You can’t just skip the important stuff," she lectures you.
You nod, thankful she is buying your story. $Grace sighs, still looking irritated, but her tone is lighter now.
"And, don't make a habit of this, or I’ll personally drag you out of your room next time," she playfully warns you.
You laugh, and the conversation moves on to other topics, your lie successfully dodging any suspicion.
"So, any plans for dinner?" you ask her.
"No, why? Did you want to eat together?" $Grace replies.
Did you?
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
[[Tell her you're busy and find something else to do.|Day 3 Evening 2]]
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO - 2>>\
You try to think of something quickly, forcing a smile that you hope looks convincing.
"Yeah, I, uh, had some dorm stuff to sort out this morning. I didn't really notice the time and ended up running late. I figured I’d just catch the next class," you lie.
$Grace narrows her eyes, clearly skeptical. She stares at you through the screen. "Dorm stuff? Really? You couldn't have handled that after class?" she asks, seeing through you.
You shift slightly, but she keeps going.
"And since when do you care enough to skip your first class because you’re running a little late? Come on, $name. What’s really going on?"
Her eyes study you, and it’s clear you’ve been caught. You think of something to help you recover, but the damage is done. She folds her arms, waiting for you to explain.
"You’ve never been good at lying to me, so let’s skip the BS. What’s wrong?"
You’ll have to figure out how to handle her, now that your lie was not believed, and lying again might not be the best idea. "Look. It's complicated, and when I understand more, I'll tell you about it," you keep it vague.
Her expression softens, and she looks slightly concerned now. "You're not in trouble, are you, $name?"
"No, I am not. Just drop it for now," you leave no room for any further questions.
She drops it, and the conversation moves on to other topics; however, it quickly becomes noticeable that the mood is ruined, with few awkward words exchanged between the pair of you. Since this is going nowhere, you excuse yourself and say goodbye to her.
[[End the call.|Day 3 Evening 2]]
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO - 3>>\
You just ignore the phone call and send $Grace a message, letting her know that you can not answer the phone right now. As much as you do not like doing this, you would rather not lie to your best friend and potentially, get caught in the lie too.
You sigh and walk back to your room. For a first day of college, you did not anticipate that this is how it would go. You finally arrive to your dorm room and find that your roommate is not currently present.
You throw yourself on the bed and think for a moment. You still have the whole evening free before you join ''them'' for a mission at night. What should you do?
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC8.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $energy to $energy + 20>>\
<<set $graceDay3 to true>>\
You agree to meet $Grace at the Student Lounge to grab something to eat. Using your phone and some directions from your well-informed best friend, you find your way to the designated place without any trouble.
As soon as you enter the Student Lounge, you discover that the place is much busier than you initially thought it would be. The area is buzzing with activity. Students are hanging out, playing games, and grabbing some food.
You look around for a few seconds until you spot your best friend waving at you. You approach her, and she greets you with a deep hug and a playful punch on the shoulder. "We were supposed to have the first class together, $name," she says.
"Yeah, I know. I'll make it up to you, $Grace," you answer her.
"I'm just teasing you about it. You don't have to," she chuckles.
Soon, you are both engaging in fun conversation, talking about your days, playfully teasing each other, taking pictures, and enjoying your time. Despite knowing her for a long time, you have never gotten bored of spending time with her. This is why she is your best friend.
''Best friend''. This is how you have always described your relationship with $Grace. In truth, this is how you have always seen her. The question is ''do you want to change that''?
[[Make a move on your best friend.]]
[[Question your relationship.]]
[[Do not do anything and enjoy your dinner.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
You say goodbye to $Grace and end the call. Now that you are done with your phone call, and with lying to your best friend, you have nothing else do here. It is best you head on your way and leave the building.
You sigh and walk back to your room. For a first day of college, you did not anticipate that this is how it would go. You finally arrive to your dorm room and find that your roommate is not currently present.
You throw yourself on the bed and think for a moment. You still have the whole evening free before you join ''them'' for a mission at night. What should you do?
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC9.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 3>>\
<<set $graceQ to true>>\
You and $Grace sit together, the air between you a little heavy, indicating that there is more to your conversation. There is something you want to make sure of, a nagging thought that has been present for a while. You take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts.
"$Grace," you start, and she turns her head, giving you her full attention. You pause for a moment, but you have already made up your mind. "Can I ask you something serious, something about us?"
Her brow furrows, but she nods, sensing the weight of the question. "Of course, $name. What's up?"
No backing down now. You take a deep breath and voice your thoughts. "What exactly are we? I mean, our relationship. I just—I feel like there's something here, and I want to understand it, from you."
$Grace blinks in surprise, her expression softening. For a moment, she is quiet, but you can see a hint of determination and something else on her face. Happiness perhaps? She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and looks at you, a small smile forming.
"Finally. I’ve been wondering if you’d ever ask that," she admits, her cheeks coloring slightly. "Honestly, I didn’t want to be the first to bring it up. But yeah, I think there is something here too."
You stare at her, trying to read her eyes, the sincerity catching you off guard. "Really?" you ask, voice just above a whisper.
She nods, her gaze holding yours. "I mean, I’ve liked you for a long time, $name. I just wasn’t sure if you felt the same way or if you wanted to keep things more friendly." She pauses, her lips curving into a more nervous smile. "I didn’t want to mess anything up between us."
You feel a warmth and a sense of relief spreading through your chest, the tension starting to ease. "$Grace, I feel the same. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now, but I was scared too."
She lets out a small laugh. "You were bound to fall for me. I'm just that hot, huh?" she says playfully.
You chuckle. "So, what does that make us?" you ask, hope threading through your voice.
$Grace smiles. "Let's not put a label on anything yet. We'll take it slow, explore, and have some fun in the process," she says softly.
You nod in agreement, and the tension between you dissolves into something more warm, more familiar yet new all the same. You do not know exactly where things will go from here, but one thing is for sure: this step will open up more future interactions with her.
Soon enough, it gets late, and the lounge is starting to get empty. $Grace also excuses herself for the night, giving you a surprise peck on the lips before she strolls out of the lounge. You smile and follow suit.
[[Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC9.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 1>>\
You and $Grace settle at the table. There is a warmth between the two of you that comes from several years of friendship, something that you don’t want to lose. So tonight, you decide not to question it. No big confessions, no awkward moments, just a quiet evening together, for now at least.
The conversation flows easily, moving from topic to topic. You talk about memories from high school, her plans for the first semester, and your latest ambitions. It is the kind of banter that comes without thinking, the kind of connection that exists between two friends.
For now, this is enough. It is just you and your best friend, sharing a moment that does not need anything extra to be special. You are content, knowing that whatever happens between the two of you, you will always have this kind of peace together.
Soon enough, it gets late, and the lounge is starting to get empty. $Grace also excuses herself for the night, giving you a deep hug before you walk out of the lounge together.
[[Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]
<</if>><<if $looks >= 4>>\
<div class="video-container1">
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC9.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/KS2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC9.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $looks >= 4>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 2>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 2>>\
<<set $graceKiss to true>>\
You and $Grace are sitting close, laughing about something. The conversation soon fades, and the silence between you becomes charged with something more. She meets your gaze, and for a moment, it feels like the world stops around you.
You take a breath and lean in slightly, testing the waters. She eyes your lips for just a second before returning to your eyes, but she does not pull away. Your heart races as your faces are just inches apart. You can feel her hot breath on your face, the tension growing between you.
You search her expression for any sign that she is uncomfortable or unwilling, but instead, she is leaning in just as much as you are.
Quickly, you close the distance, and when your lips finally meet, it feels soft and electric at the same time. Your hand gently touches the side of her face. She follows your movement, fingers curling slightly as if she has been waiting for this moment too. The kiss is tender, and you can taste the sweet lip gloss she had applied.
“That was nice,” she whispers with a small giggle as she pulls away slowly, her cheeks slightly flushed.
You smile back, a sense of relief and excitement washing over you. Things have just changed between the pair of you, but you are glad they did.
She shifts topics to something else, avoiding any comments about this moment you just shared, at least for now. You do not want to rush things with her since she is quite inexperienced when it comes to things like this, so you just let her off the hook for now.
You can still see her eyeing your lips every now and then, blushing slightly over what happened a couple of minutes ago. Soon enough, it gets late, and the lounge is starting to get empty. $Grace also excuses herself for the night, giving you a surprise kiss on the lips before she rushes out of the lounge. You chuckle and follow suit.
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO - 1>>\
<<set $graceReject to true>>\
You and $Grace are sitting close, the conversation dying down as silence settles between you. You glance at her, and for a moment, you think there is something more in her eyes. The thought of kissing her slowly works its way into your mind. You decide to go for it.
You lean in for the kiss, but something feels off. $Grace notices your movement and her expression changes to one of surprise and confusion. She tilts her head slightly away, an awkward laugh escaping her lips.
“Whoa, wait,” she says, placing a hand on your shoulder to stop you. “What are you doing, $name?”
Your expression drops, and you freeze, suddenly very aware of how close you had gotten. You quickly pull back, feeling the awkwardness hang between you.
“I just—” you stammer, trying to think of an excuse, but the words are not formulating. $Grace gives you a soft smile, but it is the kind of smile that stings.
“It’s not that I don’t like you, $name, but I don’t think we should, you know, cross that line,” she says carefully. Her voice is kind, but the rejection is clear. So, she does like you, but you are missing something.
You nod and put on a fake smile, trying to play it cool even though your heart feels heavy. "Yeah, of course. I wasn’t, you know, I just misread things."
She lets out a small, understanding laugh and bumps her shoulder against yours. “It’s okay, really. We’re still good, alright?”
You smile back, but the mood between you has shifted slighly. Things might feel different for a while after this, but at least $Grace is still your friend. Rejection is a part of life after all.
Soon enough, it gets late, and the lounge is starting to get empty. $Grace also excuses herself for the night, giving you a surprise kiss on the cheek before she walks out of the lounge. You sigh and follow suit.
[[Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Night">>\
With the evening finally over, you head back to your room and throw yourself on the bed. It seems like every day has been crazier than the last ever since you arrived at college. Your phone rings, diverting your attention to something else; it is time.
You pick up the phone. "Hello, Mr. $lastname. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time," your dean speaks.
"No, Mrs. $Parker. I was expecting you to call. What's the plan?" you ask her.
"It is quite simple. While out patrolling earlier, one of our scouts reported that a group of ''Arcanists'' were spotted somewhere nearby. Either $Zoe or $Hailey will join you today," she informs you.
"So, I get to choose? And, the mission is the same regardless of who joins me?"
"Essentially, yes. Like I have mentioned before, $Zoe is gentle, taking the more ''humane'' route when dealing with stuff like this. $Hailey, however, uses more unconventional methods; she's more extreme and unpredictable," she pauses, allowing you to gather your thoughts. "Your mission is to prioritize gathering information. Who is it going to be, Mr. $lastname?"
<<link "$Zoe joins you." "Zoe Mission 1">><</link>>
<<link "$Hailey joins you." "Hailey Mission 1">><</link>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN1.jpg" width="400px">
You are not as familiar with the campus grounds as you want to be. You have nothing else to do besides exploring anyway. It would be a waste not to take in all this lush greenery.
You leave the room, and outside the building, it does not take you long before you reach your destination. It is literally everywhere around campus. You take a stroll through the gardens, and before long, you find a girl seated on a nearby bench.
You were going to ignore her and continue with your exploration until you got close to her. She looks like she had been crying, signs of misery still present on her face. You can not help but be curious as you approach her.
<<set $Diana to "">><<textbox "$Diana" "Diana">><<set $Rossi to "">><<textbox "$Rossi" "Rossi">>
[[Continue.|Meet Diana]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $walkDay3 to true>>\
You decide to see what is happening around the dorms. It is not that late yet, so there are still many students hanging around at this time. You just hope there is something eventful to do.
<<if $fit >= 3>>\
As you turn a corner, someone suddenly bumps into you. You did not move much, but the other guy literally fell on his ass. His phone also suffered the same fate, dropping to the ground next to him.
"Damn, man. You've got some serious muscles on you. Oh, and my bad. I should've been more aware of my surroundings rather than staring at my screen," he says apologetically.
<<set $Mason to "">><<textbox "$Mason" "Mason">><<set $Carter to "">><<textbox "$Carter" "Carter">>
[[Help him up.]]
[[He can stand on his own.]]
As you turn a corner, someone suddenly bumps into you. Since he is stronger than you, it is only natural that you fall on your ass. He quickly looks up from his phone and shoots you a worried look.
"I'm sorry, man. I should've been more aware of my surroundings rather than staring at my screen," he says apologetically and offers you a hand.
<<set $Mason to "">><<textbox "$Mason" "Mason">><<set $Carter to "">><<textbox "$Carter" "Carter">>
[[Take his hand.]]
[[Slap it away and stand on your own.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metMason to true>>\
<<set $masLO to $masLO + 2>>\
It does not matter who bumped into whom. The right thing to do here is to help him up. You extend your hand to the guy on the ground. "Don't worry about it. We can all get distracted sometimes. Here let me help you up," you offer.
He smiles and takes your hand, standing back on his feet again. "Thank you. It's nice to meet a nice person for a change. I'm $Mason by the way," he extends his hand this time.
You shake his hand, appreciating the genuine gesture and introduce yourself. He looks at you for a second, and you can see the gears turning in his head. "Would you by any chance like to join ''PPC''. Well, you're going to have to go through some challenges first, but I'm sure you'll manage," $Mason says.
"I'm sorry. I'm not really interested in joining ''PPC'' or whatever clubs you are promoting," you refuse.
"Come on, $name. It's not a club; it's a frat: ''Phi Party Crew''. In fact, I was putting up some posters for recruitments before I bumped into you. Just say yes, and you'll understand what fun ''really'' means," he tries to encourage you.
''Phi Party Crew''? What kind of uncreative, dumbass name is that? Who came up with that shit?
[[Refuse and prepare for the night.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metMason to true>>\
<<set $masLO to $masLO - 1>>\
''He'' was the one who bumped into you. ''He'' was the one who was distracted on his damn phone. Since he can apparently do lots of things, you are sure he can also stand on his own.
And so he does. He picks up his phone and stands up, apologizing again for bumping into you. "I'm sorry once again. I'm $Mason by the way," he says as he extends his hand for a greeting.
You ignore his gesture and introduce yourself. He looks a little disappointed but gets over it quickly. He looks at you for a second, and you can see the gears turning in his head. "Would you by any chance like to join ''PPC''. Well, you're going to have to go through some challenges first, but I'm sure you'll manage," $Mason says.
"What is this? A washed-up, has-been club? I'm not really interested in joining ''PPC'' or whatever the fuck you are promoting," you refuse.
He ignores your remark and resumes talking. "Come on, $name. It's not a club; it's a frat: ''Phi Party Crew''. In fact, I was putting up some posters for recruitments before I bumped into you. Just say yes, and you'll understand what fun ''really'' means," he tries to encourage you.
''Phi Party Crew''? What kind of uncreative, dumbass name is that? Who came up with that shit?
[[Refuse and prepare for the night.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metMason to true>>\
<<set $masLO to $masLO + 1>>\
It does not matter who bumped into whom. The right thing to do here is to help the person who fell. He extends his hand to you. "Don't worry about it. We can all get distracted sometimes. Thanks for the help," you say as you stand up.
He smiles and nods. "It was my fault anyway. It's nice to meet a nice person for a change. I'm $Mason by the way," he extends his hand, for a greeting this time.
You shake his hand, appreciating the genuine gesture and introduce yourself. He looks at you for a second, and you can see the gears turning in his head. "Would you by any chance like to join ''PPC''. Well, you're going to have to go through some challenges first, but I'm sure you'll manage," $Mason says.
"I'm sorry. I'm not really interested in joining ''PPC'' or whatever clubs you are promoting," you refuse.
"Come on, $name. It's not a club; it's a frat: ''Phi Party Crew''. In fact, I was putting up some posters for recruitments before I bumped into you. Just say yes, and you'll understand what fun ''really'' means," he tries to encourage you.
''Phi Party Crew''? What kind of uncreative, dumbass name is that? Who came up with that shit?
[[Refuse and prepare for the night.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metMason to true>>\
<<set $masLO to $masLO - 2>>\
''He'' was the one who bumped into you. ''He'' was the one who was distracted on his damn phone. And, now he wants to ''help'' you? Nah, fuck that. You stand on your feet.
You slap his hand away and shoot him a piercing glare. Despite this, he maintains a friendly tone. "I'm sorry once again. I understand why you would react like that, but I did not mean to. I'm $Mason by the way," he says as he extends his hand for a greeting.
You ignore his gesture and introduce yourself. He looks a little disappointed but gets over it quickly. He looks at you for a second, and you can see the gears turning in his head. "Would you by any chance like to join ''PPC''. Well, you're going to have to go through some challenges first, but I'm sure you'll manage," $Mason says.
"What is this? A washed-up, has-been club? I'm not really interested in joining ''PPC'' or whatever the fuck you are promoting," you refuse.
He ignores your remark and resumes talking. "Come on, $name. It's not a club; it's a frat: ''Phi Party Crew''. In fact, I was putting up some posters for recruitments before I bumped into you. Just say yes, and you'll understand what fun ''really'' means," he tries to encourage you.
''Phi Party Crew''? What kind of uncreative, dumbass name is that? Who came up with that shit?
[[Refuse and prepare for the night.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/House.jpg" width="400px">
A fraternity? Why not? You follow him outside the building. You could always just leave if you are not interested, but this could be an opportunity to get to know more people. Plus, assuming the name is not just for show, they probably know whenever a party is held.
"Know? No, $name. ''WE'' host the parties. But yeah. We also know whenever a party is held outside of our premises," $Mason says and stops in his tracks. "Speaking of, this is the PPC's frat house. Best thing about it? It's within college grounds."
You stop and take in your surroundings. It is a big building, one which probably houses many people. That, and they also have a vast front yard. It is, in fact, a perfect place for throwing parties. "So, what's the deal with this frat? How do I join?" you question.
"Let me explain a few things to you. All the frats, and sororities of course, are currently looking for freshmen to recruit. Thing about them is they only take in people who fit their criteria. Nerds take in nerds. Jocks only accept jocks. Hot girls, only hot girls. You get it," he explains.
"And, what criteria do I fit in? The party people?" you ask sarcastically.
"Sure, you look like you'd be fun at parties. But above all, you look like a cool person. Someone who can bring joy and creativity to a place. You're fierce but loyal. Can cause and bring about trouble, but you can also fix and solve problems. Am I right?" he asks, but he looks pretty confident in his analysis.
[[You're right.]]
[[You don't know me.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/House.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $masLO to $masLO + 1>>\
"You're not wrong. But, you are not completely right either. I will give you this though. For a first-interaction analysis, you did a solid job, $Mason," you give him credit for his work.
"There is also something else about you. Something ''different'', but I can't tell what it is exactly," he says. This catches you off guard, but there is absolutely no way he knows. You are confident you were able to hide your tracks when using your powers. "Eh, it's probably nothing," he brushes it off.
You take this chance to shift the topic to something else. "So, would I get to live here when I become a member?"
"Not really, no. For some reason, freshmen have to live in college dorms for one semester at least before choosing to live somewhere else. College rules, not ours," $Mason informs you. "Anyway, I have a task for you before you can even participate in rushing."
"Why would I do that before rushing?" you ask.
"Frat rules. Take my phone number. I'll send you a room number, and you will have to sneak in there. Make sure to bring back picture or physical evidence, and I will meet you again tomorrow."
[[Sneak into that room.]]
[[Refuse and leave.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/House.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $masLO to $masLO - 1>>\
"You're absolutely wrong. You know nothing about me, so do not pretend to know anything. Also, you just met me. I don't know where you can get the audacity to do that," you say in a serious tone.
"I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend you. I get ahead of myself sometimes. I do believe I'm a good judge of character, so keep an open mind to what I've said, yeah?" he apologizes.
"Sure, whatever," you brush him off.
"There is also something else about you. Something ''different'', but I can't tell what it is exactly," he says. This catches you off guard, but there is absolutely no way he knows. You are confident you were able to hide your tracks when using your powers. "Eh, it's probably nothing," he brushes it off.
You take this chance to shift the topic to something else. "So, would I get to live here when I become a member?"
"Not really, no. For some reason, freshmen have to live in college dorms for one semester at least before choosing to live somewhere else. College rules, not ours," $Mason informs you. "Anyway, I have a task for you before you can even participate in rushing."
"Why would I do that before rushing?" you ask.
"Frat rules. Take my phone number. I'll send you a room number, and you will have to sneak in there. Make sure to bring back picture or physical evidence, and I will meet you again tomorrow."
[[Sneak into that room.]]
[[Refuse and leave.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $masLO to $masLO + 2>>\
<<set $masonTry to true>>\
You walk back towards the dormitory buildings until you get the message from $Mason. You arrive in front of the dorms, and just in time, you receive a message from him with the room you are supposed to sneak into.
Another message follows that one. "It also houses the head cheerleader; she's the most popular girl at college." You close your phone and sigh. What the hell did you get yourself into? Too late to bail now.
You take the elevator to the floor you are supposed to be at. You turn a corner and find a hot girl entering a room and closing the door behind her. It is not just any room though; it is the one you are supposed to sneak into. Great.
<<set $Bella to "">><<textbox "$Bella" "Bella">><<set $Watson to "">><<textbox "$Watson" "Watson">>
[[Try to phase through the door.]]
[[Use duplication to distract her.]]
[[Come up with something without using powers.]]<<if $energy >= 35>>
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Invisible1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockPhase is false>>\
<<set $unlockPhase to true>>\
<<set $phase to $phase + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 35>>\
<<set $metBella to true>>\
<<if $phase is 1>>\
You want to see if you can channel a new ability. Again, you are not sure why, but you know how to do so, even if you lack the experience. You allow your body to get as light as possible, letting yourself go and inviting in whatever the outcome of this power is.
You want to try using one of the powers you have used previously. Since you had already channeled this ability successfully before, it does not take you much time and effort to repeat it. Similar to last time, you allow your body to become as light as possible.
You are now completely invisible. Now comes the easy part. All you have to do is knock on the door and sneak inside when it is opened. However, as you approach the door, you start feeling strange, like a shiver passing through every atom of your body. Slowly, you place your hands on the door, but to your shock, they pass through it.
It takes you a moment to figure out what is going on. You retract your hands and try knocking on the door again, only for them to pass through the door. Huh. You try your head this time and find yourself looking into the cheerleader's room. So, this is ''phasing''.
It sounds like it will be a very useful power. It also seems like you subconsciously have a little control over it since you did not sink through the floor and all. You take yourself inside the room, and as you move closer, you find yourself looking at a pleasant surprise.
[[Continue.|Invisibility 4]]
Unfortunately, you lack the energy to use this power. Despite not feeling completely depleted, using this power requires more energy than you have right now. You can not always get your way.
You could try using another power, or you could try using your charms to win her over. Or, you could just get the fuck out of here and get ready for tonight's mission instead.
[[Use duplication to distract her.]]
[[Come up with something without using powers.]]
[[You are out of here.|Go to your room.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metBella to true>>\
<<if $unlockDup is false>>\
<<set $unlockDup to true>>\
<<set $dup to $dup + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<if $dup >= 2>>\
Just like the previous attempt, you immediately start to notice the effects. First, you feel like you are splitting in half. Next, your senses get sharper. And finally, your consciousness travels to the other you. There are two of you now.
When you tap into this power, you immediately start to notice the effects. It is difficult not to when you are being split in half. This is what it looks and feels like at least. You shut your eyes and let it happen.
With your eyes still closed, your senses are starting to get sharper. Is that it? No, your consciousness is currently at two different places right now. What is happening? You open your eyes again, only to find that there are two of you now. Your senses did not get sharper; you are just feeling what the other ''you'' is feeling.
Now, you need to formulate a plan. Obviously, one of you will have to distract her while the other sneaks into the room. The problem is that you barely know anything about her; all you know is that she is a popular cheerleader. This gives you an idea.
[[Be nice.]]
[[Be rude.]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metBella to true>>\
<<if $charisma >= 5>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU + 1>>\
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO + 1>>\
<<set $bellaPanties to true>>\
You knock on the door, and the cheerleader opens it, her expression already annoyed. You might have interrupted something.
“What do you want?” she demands.
You smile apologetically. “Hey, I know this might sound a bit odd, but I’ve been assigned to do a survey for one of the campus entities. It’s literally the last one I need to get done tonight, and you’re my only hope.”
She looks skeptical and a bit impatient, her arms crossed. “A survey? For what?”
You are going to have to up your game if you need this to work. You grin sheepishly. “It’s for the student council. They wanted to get some feedback from influential students, and let’s be real, you are pretty high up the popularity chain here," you target her sense of superiority.
She softens just a bit at the flattery. “Fine, whatever. Just make it quick.”
She moves aside, allowing you to enter the room. You step inside as she closes the door behind you. You quickly distract her with a couple of basic questions while subtly looking for something you could work with.
Once you have run out of questions, you ask if she can let you use the bathroom, in which she begrudgingly accepts. You walk into the bathroom and look around until you spot, presumably, her wet panties in a basket.
This should work. Now, should you take it or snap a picture of it and leave? Probably the latter. You do not want to be known as the creep who stole a girl's underwear. You take a picture and leave.
You say goodbye to $Bella and thank her for her time. You got what you came for, even if it was less exciting than you thought it would be. It is time to prepare for the night.
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO - 1>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU - 1>>\
You knock on the door, and the cheerleader opens it, looking annoyed. You force a smile.
“Hey, I was hoping you could help me with something,” you say, trying to sound as confident as possible.
She raises an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. “Help you? Why would I do that? I don't even know you”
You stammer slightly, “Uh, well, it’s sort of a surprise for the coach, and I thought you’d want to—”
She cuts you off, laughing harshly. “Oh, please. Like I’d believe that. Get lost.”
She slams the door in your face, leaving you outside with no choice but to retreat for the night. Fuck that bitch!
[[Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/MM/MM1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/MM/MM2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU + 1>>\
It looks like the cheerleader planned to have some fun tonight. Lucky you. $Bella is laying on the bed, legs wide open, playing with her cunt. Not only that, but she is also wearing sexy lingerie.
It seems like she might have had a hot date tonight, but the idiot blew it. One man's modus ponens is another man's modus tollens. This is in your favor after all. You take out your cock and start stroking it.
As if on cue, her hand moves faster, and she penetrates her cunt with her fingers. Her moans and the slick sounds of her pussy fill the room. You get as close as possible to where she is positioned on the bed. You can now properly see her glistening pussy, and you can smell the wetness too.
Suddenly, she stops, and for a second, you think something is wrong with your powers. To your relief, she just grabs a vibrator out of a drawer and repositions herself on all fours; she now has her ass towards your face.
It takes all of your willpower not to dive face first into her fat ass. There are many things you would do to witness this moment forever. Wait, why not do that? You pull out your phone and start recording $Bella. You are now multitasking, with your phone in one hand, your cock in the other, and your focus on the moaning slut.
She increases the intensity which causes her to squeal loudly. One of her fingers inches towards her asshole and circles around it. She is open to some anal play. Good to know. She might know she has an audience, but she sure is putting up a good show, using a vibrator, teasing her asshole, moaning loudly, and smacking her ass occasionally.
[[Continue.|Bella Scene 1]]<div class="video-container1">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/MM/MM3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<img src="Images/MM/MM3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $bellaVid to true>>\
You do not know remember how long she has been going at it, but she is still not stopping. This girl is insatiable. She moves again and returns to her original position: on her back, with her legs wide open.
Only this time, she has a vibrator in her pussy instead of her fingers. Speaking of, she dials the vibration up to the maximum. She is no longer moaning; she is just throwing in random words and choking on them.
This only fuels your hunger for her more, and you stroke your hard cock faster. You are so close to the girl that you can basically feel her tits. Wait, you ''can'' feel her tits. It looks like you were to absorbed into whatever was happening to notice that you were fondling her big tits for a short time now.
You quickly retract your hand before she realizes that something is off. She was too caught up in lust to realize that ''you'' were manhandling her chest, but you are not going to risk that. You should go back to recording this.
Wait, where is your phone? You did not even realize you dropped it onto the bed to play with the cheerleader's tits. You pick it up and resume your recording while jerking off.
It does not take much longer for her to reach the brink of an orgasm. While the vibrator is still doing its job, she plays with her clit until she shakes and cums all over the bed. Similarly, you also reach your limit and shoot your thick load all over her face.
It takes you a minute to recover and realize what had happened. Shit, she might still be in a daze, but you do not want to be here when she is not. You collect yourself, stop the recording, pull up your pants, and quickly ''phase'' out of the room.
This was quite the evening, but you can confidently say: mission successful! You find an empty place to stop the phasing and head back to your room.
[[Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use duplication to distract her.]]
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $bellaPic to true>>\
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO + 2>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU - 1>>\
With your plan in mind, your duplicate slowly approaches to knock on the door while you hide nearby. It takes a long minute before the hot blonde opens the door, her expression one of annoyance. “What do you want?” she asks.
You smirk. “Oh, I'm sorry. Wrong room," you say and pretend to leave. You turn back around to face her. "Oh my god, are you not that cheerleader in the videos, the one who always outshines all the other girls?”
“Yes!” she squeals, stepping out of her room, so you can kiss her ass more. Of course, this is what catches the superior bitch's attention.
You take this chance to sneak behind $Bella while she is enjoying your duplicate's praise. Once you step into the room, you quickly search for anything that might be proof that you are in the designated room. Bingo!
On the bed, you find a purple vibrator. As you pick it up, you find that it is still wet with her juices, the scent filling up your nose. It looks like you interrupted a hot session. You pose with the vibrator in hand and snap a picture.
This should be enough evidence that you were here. You put the vibrator back where you found it and head for the door, waiting for an opportunity to escape the room. Suddenly, an image of $Bella infiltrates your mind.
She is naked. You can see her naked. Well, your duplicate can, somehow. You have no idea what is happening, but you are going to enjoy this scene as long as you can. Her ass and her tits can give any girl a run for her money, especially her behind.
Shit, you should probably get out of here before she finds you in her room. While she is still busy with your duplicate, you wait for the perfect chance to make your escape. You take her hand and kiss it as a thank you for her time. Too much, but it works.
This is your cue. You swiftly sneak behind them and successfully get away. Huh, you can really kiss ass if you want to. There is a very slight blush on her face before the cheerleader goes back inside and closes the door,
Now that your duplicate finished the job, you release your hold on your power. You are now back to normal, and you had enough excitement for one evening. It is time to leave.
[[Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Try to phase through the door.]]
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $bellaPic to true>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU + 1>>\
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO - 1>>\
With your plan in mind, your duplicate slowly approaches to knock on the door while you hide nearby. It takes a long minute before the hot blonde opens the door, her expression one of annoyance. “What do you want?” she asks.
You smirk. “Oh, my bad. Wrong room," you say and pretend to leave. You turn back around to face her. "Wait, are you not that cheerleader in the videos, the one who is always off rhythm?”
“What?” she gasps, stepping out of her room to argue.
You take this chance to sneak behind $Bella while she is concentrated on demeaning your duplicate. Once you step into the room, you quickly search for anything that might be proof that you are in the designated room. Bingo!
On the bed, you find a purple vibrator. As you pick it up, you find that it is still wet with her juices, the scent filling up your nose. It looks like you interrupted a hot session. You pose with the vibrator in hand and snap a picture.
This should be enough evidence that you were here. You put the vibrator back where you found it and head for the door, waiting for an opportunity to escape the room. Suddenly, an image of $Bella infiltrates your mind.
She is naked. You can see her naked. Well, your duplicate can, somehow. You have no idea what is happening, but you are going to enjoy this scene as long as you can. Her ass and her tits can give any girl a run for her money, especially her behind.
Shit, you should probably get out of here before she finds you in her room. While she is still busy arguing with your duplicate, you wait for the perfect chance to make your escape. "ARE YOU STARING AT MY CHEST? she shouts and smacks you in the face.
Yup, this is your cue. You swiftly sneak behind them and successfully get away. Sure, your duplicate might have had the worst of it, but you will live. Having had enough of your bullshit, the cheerleader goes back inside and slams the door.
Now that your duplicate finished the job, you release your hold on your power. You are now back to normal, and you had enough excitement for one evening. It is time to leave.
[[Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Try to phase through the door.]]
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
[[Explore the campus gardens.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metDiana to true>>\
<<set $exploreDay3 to true>>\
You hesitate for a moment, then decide to approach her. "Hey, are you alright?" you ask gently, making sure not to startle her.
She looks up, startled at first, but then her expression softens. "Oh. I didn’t hear you coming. It’s nothing, really," she replies, attempting a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
You take a seat beside her, leaving a comfortable distance. "I'm not convinced. I'm $name. I am a freshman here. Are you a freshman as well?," you ask, giving her a friendly smile.
She sighs, brushing her hands across her shirt. "I'm $Diana, and no. I am one of the cleaners, or maids, or whatever they call them here at college," she says, her voice shaky. Interesting. But what is she doing out here all alone? And, why was she crying?
[[Want to talk about it?|Love Focus 7]]
[[Tears don't suit your beautiful face.|Lust Focus 7]]
[[Comfort her.|Both Focus 7]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO + 2>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU - 1>>\
You better tread softly. "I know it might sound cliché, but sometimes, just sharing what's bothering you makes things a little better. You don't need to pretend everything is fine," you say softly.
$Diana glances at you, her eyes softening as she blinks away a tear. "You’re really kind," she says, her voice warm with appreciation. The vulnerable atmosphere between you becomes one of genuine understanding.
You listen patiently as she shares her worries; it is mostly about personal issues and some difficult tasks she had to take on as a cleaner. You make sure to pay attention, offering supportive words without trying to push her too far.
"And now, I barely have any money left to take the bus home this evening," she continues sharing her problems.
She has money problems too. This is rather interesting. One one hand, if you have enough money, you can help her if you want to. On the other hand, this seems like the perfect opportunity to exploit the broke maid, if you feel like a monster.
[[Summon some money first.|Summoning 3]]
<<if $money >= 50>>\
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.]]
You do not have enough money to do anything.
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO - 1>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 2>>\
"You know, with a face that pretty, I'd be surprised if anyone could stay upset for long. You should really smile more often," you flirt with her.
$Diana looks at you in surprise, and a blush spreads across her cheeks. She lets out a small, nervous laugh. "You're just saying that," she murmurs, though the way her lips curve upward suggests she appreciates the compliment.
You inch slightly closer, leaning in just enough that your shoulder brushes against hers. You cup her cheek with your hand. Talk about forward. "I mean it. You have a really pretty smile, and it's a shame not to see it more."
Your gaze lingers, and $Diana looks away, the blush on her cheeks deepening as she fidgets with her shirt. Although she does not say anything in response, the atmosphere between you changes, a playful tension hanging in the air.
You know if you push her any further, she will probably be creeped, so you steer the conversation to something else. "So, pretty eyes, what was bothering you before I blessed you with my presence?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking over how I'll get home without any money for the bus," she explains.
She has money problems too. This is rather interesting. One one hand, if you have enough money, you can help her if you want to. On the other hand, this seems like the perfect opportunity to exploit the broke maid, if you feel like a monster.
[[Summon some money first.|Summoning 3]]
<<if $money >= 50>>\
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.]]
You do not have enough money to do anything.
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO + 1>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 1>>\
Wanting to comfort $Diana while still leaving room for something more, you choose your words carefully. "You deserve better than whatever it is that's bringing you down. Anyone would be lucky to have you on their side. Besides, you're way too beautiful to be sitting here upset all alone," you say with a hint of honesty and charm.
$Diana looks up at you, and you can see her lips part in surprise. "You really think so?" she asks, her voice soft.
You nod with a warm smile. "Absolutely. And if anyone ever makes you feel like you’re not enough, you just tell me. I’ll take care of them." Your tone is joking, but there's sincerity behind your words.
She giggles, a hint of blush rising to her cheeks, and she nudges you playfully. "You're really sweet," she says, her eyes locking onto yours. She gives you a grateful look and continues. "But nobody is bothering me. I just forgot to bring over some money for the bus home."
She has money problems too. This is rather interesting. One one hand, if you have enough money, you can help her if you want to. On the other hand, this seems like the perfect opportunity to exploit the broke maid, if you feel like a monster.
[[Summon some money first.|Summoning 3]]
<<if $money >= 50>>\
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.]]
You do not have enough money to do anything.
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Cash1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockSummon is false>>\
<<set $unlockSummon to true>>\
<<set $summon to $summon + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<if $summon >= 3>>\
<<set $money to $money + 200>>\
<<set $money to $money + 100>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
You focus on the thought of money. You are materializing it. No, you are calling it, or rather, you are ''summoning'' it. You close your eyes and disregard all of your surroundings and focus on its shape, on the paper, on the linen and cotton it is made of, and finally on the number.
You open back your eyes and see <<if $summon >=3>>two hundred dollar bills in your hand. It looks like using this power is paying off.<<else>>a hundred dollar bill in your hand. Shame you couldn't ''summon'' more, but you will work on improving this power.<</if>> You pocket your money and look at the maid. Let's see what you can spend it on.
''<span class="green">Money</span> Increased!''
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.]]
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Go to your room.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN4.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/VN/VN5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaT to true>>\
<<set $money to $money - 50>>\
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO - 2>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 1>>\
<<if $dianaH is false>>\
You stand up and take $Diana by hand, encouraging her to follow you. "Where are we going?" she asks.
"You need money, right? I will help you but not for free. We're going to an empty classroom, so I can take my money's worth," you say as you go inside one of the buildings.
The good thing is that they do not close the buildings or lock the classrooms. You find an empty classroom and head inside.
"Show me your tits," you demand, taking a seat while the girl stands there dumbfounded.
"I'm not going to—"
You wave the money in her face before she gets a chance to object. "Look, I'm not going to take this far. It's just a bit of fun, and you can get some money in return for it," you stretch your arm, offering the money to her. "Or, we could both just leave, and I can keep my money."
She stands there, eyeing the money. She thinks it over for a few seconds, and then she snatches the money from your hand. "Good girl. Now, strip. Slowly."
Silently, she follows your command, slowly and teasingly lifting up her shirt. She first exposes one of her breasts while covering the other behind her top. She might not be too happy about this ordeal, but she is certainly working for her money.
Your eyes follow her other hand which slowly works its way up to the other breast. The process is painfully slow, but you are enjoying every second of it. Finally, she removes her top completely.
You signal for her to come closer, and she obeys, leaning down towards your face. She already knows what you want. As she gets closer, you can see the disgust on her face. You smirk. "Don't forget. You always have a choice, $Diana." You cup her exposed tits, taking them in your hands.
You take this chance to pinch her nipples and bite on them. Fuck, she has a great rack. You manhandle her tits, roughly squeezing and slapping them. $Diana can not help but moan as you continue your onslaught. "Alright, that is enough," she pulls away before she starts to enjoy this.
<<if $dianaH is false>>\
[[Humiliate her for $50.]]
[[End this and let her leave.|Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]
<</if>><div class="video-container1">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<img src="Images/VN/VN6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaH to true>>\
<<set $money to $money - 50>>\
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO - 3>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 2>>\
<<if $dianaT is false>>\
You stand up and take $Diana by hand, encouraging her to follow you. "Where are we going?" she asks.
"You need money, right? I will help you but not for free. We're going to an empty classroom, so I can take my money's worth," you say as you go inside one of the buildings.
The good thing is that they do not close the buildings or lock the classrooms. You find an empty classroom and head inside.
You take a seat and grin from ear to ear. You have a devilish idea, and it makes you proud how evil you can be when you desire. You are about to humiliate this girl in one of the worst ways possible.
"I'll give you the cash right now in your hand. All you have to do is follow my instructions. Stand on that table," you point to the teacher's desk. She does not question an innocent demand like this and does as you command. "I hope you drank enough water today because I want you to piss yourself," you say, a mischievous smile on your face.
"Did I stutter?" you ask, your voice more commanding. You place the cash on the desk. "Take a leak for me, bitch."
You can see the gears turning in her head as she looks at the money. The tears running down her face tells you all you need to know; she has come to a decision, one that is in your favor.
She squats on the desk and closes her eyes. She places a hand over her covered pussy, trying to maintain the remaining bit of dignity she has left. Once she realizes that this will not help her situation, she drops her hand and lets it happen. She starts pissing her pants, the water leaking through her pants and onto the desk.
You circle your finger, beckoning her to turn around. She follows your command and turns around, her ass facing you now. Knowing that you are not satisfied yet, she pisses her pants for you again, the desk becoming a filthy mess. This gives you another idea.
"Clean the mess you made. This is your job, is it not?"
You can see anger build up on her face, but her desperation for money overwhelms any other emotions. She bends over the desk, wiping her piss with her covered tits. It is not what you had in mind exactly, but she gets points for creativity. Her top and her pants are now covered with her filth.
The power dynamics of social hierarchy are brilliantly displayed here. The power you hold and the control you have over her financial situation, over her, is completely riveting. You want more. You look around the classroom and find a cylindrical container. This will work.
"Take off your clothes and fill this container as much as possible," you demand.
"No! I alrea—"
You point to the money. "You're done when you earn this money. Or, you can just leave now. But you're already half-way through, $Diana. Just one more step."
She sighs in defeat and removes her clothes. You have no idea how much she drank before you met her, but you are not going to question it. She places herself over the container and resumes pissing, emptying her bladder inside of it.
"Just one more thing. Do something fitting for the finale. I don't care what you do. Just get creative."
Surprisingly, she comes up with an idea pretty quickly. She picks up her wet top and starts to dry it all over her body. Yeah, she is creative alright. You clap your hands, and she takes this as a sign to put on her clothes and take the money.
It was money well-spent. You start to wonder if she has any spare clothes or if she will go home like this, covered in her own filth. Well, it is really not your problem. Now, is there anything you would like to do, or should you let her leave?
<<if $dianaT is false>>\
[[Play with her tits for $50.]]
[[End this and let her leave.|Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/DH.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $dianaNice to true>>\
<<set $money to $money - 50>>\
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO + 3>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 1>>\
It is time to do something nice for someone for a change. You grab some money out of your wallet and offer it to $Diana. "Take this. I have some money to spare right now," you say.
She looks at the money and shakes her head. "No, $name. I can't take this. It's your money," she declines the money.
"Consider it a gift. Plus, if I really needed the money, I wouldn't be offering this to you in the first place. Take it," you insist.
She smiles warmly, gently placing her hands over yours. You can obviously tell she appreciates the gesture. She takes the money and stands up, her hand clinging to yours. "This is really the nicest someone has ever been to me. I, uh—say, can you show me your room?" she asks.
You are not sure what she has in mind exactly, but you are not about to refuse. You lead her to your dorm room, her hand holding yours tightly all the way. When you open the door and go inside, she immediately pushes you to the bed and straddles you.
"I know you're not expecting anything in return, but I want to do this," she says, her breathing heavy. She locks her lips with yours, kissing you with intense hunger and passion you have not seen in any girl in a while. You match her hunger, shoving your tongue down her throat.
She stands up, removing your shirt and taking off her clothes, leaving nothing but her panties. Your eyes trail toward her perky tits and then downwards to her thong. It is not the underwear you expected from her, but you refrain from making any comments when you notice the deep blush on her face. Without exchanging any words, she climbs over you again, returning to your intense makeout session.
However, this time, the kissing is accompanied by lots of groping from both parties. She runs her hands all over your hard body, from your back to your shoulders, to your chest, to your abs, and then repeat. Similarly, your hands travel all over her body, focusing on feeling up her tits and her ass.
What first started as a simple makeout session turned into dry humping. You play with her ass, grabbing and slapping it while she grinds over your crotch. It is not enough to make you finish, but you can tell $Diana is getting closer to the edge. She moves her ass faster until you can feel her nails digging into your back, a sign that she had just cum over you.
<<if $looks <= 3>>\
She gets off you and lays beside you on the bed, taking a second to recover from her orgasm. She looks over at your rock hard cock and lowers her gaze. "Oh, you didn't finish? I'm sorry, $name. I don't think I'm ready to do anyth—"
"$Diana," you interrupt her and throw your arm round her shoulder. "This was amazing, and you are not the only one who enjoyed it. I don't care that I did not get to finish. We'll take this at your own pace."
Your words of affirmation put her at ease, and she visibly relaxes. You cuddle with her for a few more minutes before she excuses herself to catch her bus. She gives you a deep kiss, gets dressed, and hops out of the room. Well, this was quite the evening.
[[Night.|Go to your room.]]
[[Continue.|Diana BJ]]\
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 2>>\
<<set $dianaBJ to true>>\
Once she recovered from her orgasm, she stands back up, her buckling knees threatening to take her down. Well, this was fun; you reach for your shirt to put it back on, but she stops you. "Not yet. Come closer," she signals for you to sit on the edge of the bed. You do as she says.
She gets down on her knees, willingly, and takes off your pants and the piece of underwear you had on. "You already did a lot for me. Relax and let me take care of you now," she says, her voice filled with lust.
$Diana wraps her beautiful lips around your cock and starts sucking the soul out of you. You tightly hold the bed sheets from the sheer pleasure that is coursing through your body. She might not be able to take the full length of your cock, but her enthusiasm as she gobbles your dick makes up for it.
She bobs her head up and down your throbbing length, making sure to focus on the areas that elicit a reaction from you. She uses her tongue to lick the end of your dick, alternating between this technique and eagerly sucking your cock.
Wanting to try something else, she takes your hard cock out of her mouth and moves to your balls. $Diana covers your balls with her spit drool and gently takes them in her mouth. She makes sure to suck delicately but with enough roughness to give you pleasure.
She returns to sucking your dick and occasionally, giving your balls some love as well. "Fuck yes, my cock feels so fucking good, $Diana. Don't stop," you encourage her which adds to her enthusiasm. She is moaning and gagging as she takes as much of your length as she possibly can. It is not much later until you arrive to your limit.
[[Cum on her face.|Diana BJ End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN7.jpg" width="400px">
You finally reach the brink of your orgasm. Without warning $Diana, you shoot load after load on her face. She invitingly takes every spurt of cum you deliver on her face, closing her eyes and letting it happen until you empty your tank.
Once you are done with the last drop, she stands up and scoops up some of your cum from her face to taste it. "It's a bit salty, but I like it!" she lets you know. She excuses herself to the bathroom to clean up the rest of the mess you made.
You dress back up, and it does not take long before she leaves the bathroom, all clean and all dressed. She gives you a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for this evening, $name. It means a lot," she says, her appreciation evident in her voice.
You let her know that she was quite amazing herself. Your words of affirmation put her at ease, and she visibly relaxes. You cuddle with her for a few more minutes before she excuses herself to catch her bus. She gives you a deep kiss, gets dressed, and hops out of the room. Well, this was quite the evening.
[[Night.|Go to your room.]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Eat dinner with your best friend.]]
[[Walk around the dormitory building.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO + 3>>\
You are not sure what compels you to choose $Hailey, but something about joining her just makes you feel better. Her style is just more intriguing to you. That, and having someone with electricity on your side will surely be helpful. "I'll take $Hailey then," you tell her your final decision.
"That is quite unexpected, Mr. $lastname. I thought you would choose $Zoe, considering what you know about $Hailey. Color me surprised," she pauses for a second. "I'll send you the location of where you're supposed to meet her," Mrs. $Parker says, and your phone pings as soon as she finishes that sentence.
You check the location out and discover that it is quite close to the college. Well, this saves you the trouble of transportation. "Oh and, Mr. $lastname? Don't be afraid to use <<if $lie is true>>your super speed<<else>>any of your powers<</if>> to attack or protect. Your priority might be information, but place your safety and your companion's safety above anything else," she says, her tone serious.
You can tell that she cares. You are not sure if it is because you are an asset or if it is genuine worry, but her voice is filled with care nonetheless. You let her know that you understand and end the call. It is time to meet $Hailey now.
[[Meet her at the location.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO + 3>>\
You are not a saint or anything, but you are also not a complete monster. You like $Zoe; she is level-headed and has a good heart. Plus, ''healing'' can be a useful power to have on your side. "I'll have $Zoe accompany me," you tell her your final decision.
"I expected this from you, Mr. $lastname. I'll send you the location of where you're supposed to meet her," Mrs. $Parker says, and your phone pings as soon as she finishes that sentence.
You check the location out and discover that it is quite close to the college. Well, this saves you the trouble of transportation. "Oh and, Mr. $lastname? Don't be afraid to use <<if $lie is true>>your super speed<<else>>any of your powers<</if>> to attack or protect. Your priority might be information, but place your safety and your companion's safety above anything else," she says, her tone serious.
You can tell that she cares. You are not sure if it is because you are an asset or if it is genuine worry, but her voice is filled with care nonetheless. You let her know that you understand and end the call. It is time to meet $Zoe now.
[[Go to the location.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL3.jpg" width="400px">
You arrive at the specified location and find that $Zoe is already waiting for you there. As soon as she sees you, her eyes light up, and she takes you in for a deep hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here right now, $name," she says, appreciating your decision to choose her.
The hug lingers for a few more seconds before she lets go. "I'm glad to be here, $Zoe. Tell me about the plan," you ask for details.
"Well, I'm sure $Naomi already filled you in, but let me dive into details. An undetermined number of ''Arcanists'' were spotted near this place. Usually, they are harmless, but every now and then, they hunt on people, stealing, hurting, and occasionally, resorting to killing innocents," she explains, signs of anger appearing on her face.
"It's okay, $Zoe. Take a deep breath and stay calm. We're here to stop them, aren't we?" you remind her.
She takes a deep breath and relaxes her emotions. "You're right. I'm sorry. As I was saying, whether they're following orders or doing this out of their own volition, we're not sure. This is what we're here to find out," she resumes her explaining.
"Okay, now that we know what the plan is, how do we approach this?" you ask.
"Oh, did $Naomi not inform you?" $Zoe asks. You raise your eyebrow in confusion. "You're taking the lead in this one. This is to show that you can trust us as much as we're willing to trust you. So, how do we approach this, $name?" she asks, handing you the reigns.
You definitely did not expect that outcome. Can you even lead this mission properly? No, it is not a matter of can or can't. They are placing their faith in you right now, so the right question is ''will you'' or ''will you not''. You formulate several plans in your head, two of which you exclude as ''perfect''.
The first plan focuses on you. You will take the fight to them head on while $Zoe supports you from the back, healing you whenever you need. Since you will be on the offensive alone, this will take a toll on you but will ensure that $Zoe is out of harm's way.
The second plan has you both on the offensive, reducing the amount of energy you will need to spend but risking <<print $Zoe>>'s safety who has no offensive abilities. Since you will not be engaging alone, it will be an easier fight, but you will not have access to healing as often.
You know <<print $Zoe>>'s combat prowess is on par with yours, so she probably will not be a liability at all. Which plan are you going with?
[[The first plan.]]
[[The second plan.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO + 2>>\
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU - 1>>\
You inform $Zoe of your plan, letting her know that you are counting on her support. She smiles, though there is a hint of worry in her eyes. "You're taking this all on yourself? Just make sure you won't push too hard, okay? I'll be here, ready to support you." She squeezes your arm, her expression a mix of admiration and concern.
You and your companion move from alley to alley in search of your targets. You know they are somewhere around here, but you have no specific location. Eventually, you stumble upon a shady alley that houses a group of odd-looking people.
Seriously, talk about creepy. They are faceless, cloaked figures dressed in robes of different colors. The robes are draped in a way that covers their entire bodies, with hoods concealing their heads. The lack of facial features gives them a mysterious and ominous appearance. On a closer look, you find that they are actually wearing masks.
"Are they some sort of cult?" you ask $Zoe, keeping your voice as low as a whisper.
"It's odd. The report we got from our scout did not mention anything of this sort. This is new to me as well," she replies.
Fuck! Lack of information always causes irreparable damage, especially in situations like this. Are they not what they seem to be? Ugh, damn it. You have no choice but to engage anyway; you ''need'' all the information you can get. You signal to $Zoe, letting her know the plan is still in motion.
[[Get ready to fight.|Zoe Plan 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU - 1>>\
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO + 1>>\
You inform $Zoe of your plan, letting her know that you are counting on her to fight with you. She nods firmly, her eyes full of determination. "Together, then. I trust you to keep us both safe, and I’ll do everything I can to support you." She gives you a confident smile, clearly ready to face whatever's ahead.
You and your companion move from alley to alley in search of your targets. You know they are somewhere around here, but you have no specific location. Eventually, you stumble upon a shady alley that houses a group of odd-looking people.
Seriously, talk about creepy. They are faceless, cloaked figures dressed in robes of different colors. The robes are draped in a way that covers their entire bodies, with hoods concealing their heads. The lack of facial features gives them a mysterious and ominous appearance. On a closer look, you find that they are actually wearing masks.
"Are they some sort of cult?" you ask $Zoe, keeping your voice as low as a whisper.
"It's odd. The report we got from our scout did not mention anything of this sort. This is new to me as well," she replies.
Fuck! Lack of information always causes irreparable damage, especially in situations like this. Are they not what they seem to be? Ugh, damn it. You have no choice but to engage anyway; you ''need'' all the information you can get. You signal to $Zoe, letting her know the plan is still in motion.
[[Get ready to fight.|Zoe Plan 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 3>>\
An attack comes from behind, and you cannot dodge it in time. You take a hit to your right leg. This might hinder your fight if you stay like this.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Success">>
<<set $healSuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Zoe releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Zoe">>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success 2">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success 2">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 3>>\
An attack comes from behind, and you cannot dodge it in time. You take a hit to your right leg. This might hinder your fight if you stay like this.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Success 2">>
<<set $healSuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success 2">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success 2">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success 2">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Zoe releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success 2">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Zoe">>
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<span class="crimson">Fail</span>: You use the wrong power at the wrong moment and suffer a hit. If you take any more damage, you will surely lose the fight. You have to focus on what the enemy is doing and use a power accordingly.
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 3>>\
An attack comes from behind, and you cannot dodge it in time. You take a hit to your right leg. This might hinder your fight if you stay like this.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Success">>
<<set $healSuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Zoe releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Zoe">>
<<if $playerHP <= 0>>
<<goto "Lose Fight with Zoe">>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $charmSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use charm to increase her lust, forcing her to focus on her growing desire instead of you. Not missing this opportunity, you successfully register a hit on her.
<<set $charmSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $mindSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use telepathy to read his next move. You dart towards him, raising your fist and pretending to throw a punch. He moves to counterattack, but you already knew this was coming; you parry and knock him out.
<<set $mindSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $healSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You swiftly approach $Zoe, making sure you watch your back and hers as she focuses on healing you. It is a quick process, and your leg is good as new. You did not do any damage to the enemy, but you also ensured that they do not have the upper hand.
<<set $healSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $speedSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You close in the distance between you in less than a second, using your super speed to throw in a heavy punch while he is still exposed and knock him out.
<<set $speedSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $dupSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You hastily generate two more duplicates. One of you is already dangerous enough, but three of you is definitely a problem, for them of course. Because you all share the same consciousness, the teamwork between you flows smoothly, and you easily take down your enemies.
<<set $dupSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $elementSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: Before he could do anything, you use elemental control to water him down, shutting down any ideas he might have had. It is simple math: water beats fire.
<<set $elementSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $phaseSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You do not let the opportunity $Zoe has created slip, casting invisibility to yourself. You can not fight what you can not see. You knock down two people before they realize what is happening.
<<set $phaseSuc to false>>\
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 3>>\
An attack comes from behind, and you cannot dodge it in time. You take a hit to your right leg. This might hinder your fight if you stay like this.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Success">>
<<set $healSuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Zoe releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Zoe">>
<<if $enemyHP <= 0>>\
<<goto "Win Fight with Zoe">>\
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/ArcanistF.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO + 3>>\
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU + 3>>\
It is finally over. You take a deep breath and examine the scene in front of you. On the ground, all the ''Arcanists'' you have fought are currently knocked out. Behind you, $Zoe bends over, hands over her knees, regaining her breath. There were no casualties or any fatal injuries, and both you and $Zoe came out almost unscathed. You won.
$Zoe approaches you and hugs you from behind, thankful that you are both okay. "We did it, $name. Not bad for your first mission, but it is still not over yet," she explains as she points toward one of the enemies. It looks like one of them is starting to regain her consciousness.
You and $Zoe approach the masked figure who you can easily tell is a woman from one look at her body; she has got quite the curves on her. You stand over her while she lies on the ground. The masked woman raises her head to look at you, awaiting your course of action.
She knows that she has been defeated and that there is no escape for her. There are two ways in which you can do this. Which approach are you going to choose to question her?
[[Seduce her.]]
[[Simply question her.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $charmSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use charm to increase her lust, forcing her to focus on her growing desire instead of you. Not missing this opportunity, you successfully register a hit on her.
<<set $charmSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $mindSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use telepathy to read his next move. You dart towards him, raising your fist and pretending to throw a punch. He moves to counterattack, but you already knew this was coming; you parry and knock him out.
<<set $mindSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $healSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You swiftly approach $Zoe, making sure you watch your back and hers as she focuses on healing you. It is a quick process, and your leg is good as new. You did not do any damage to the enemy, but you also ensured that they do not have the upper hand.
<<set $healSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $speedSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You close in the distance between you in less than a second, using your super speed to throw in a heavy punch while he is still exposed and knock him out.
<<set $speedSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $dupSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You hastily generate two more duplicates. One of you is already dangerous enough, but three of you is definitely a problem, for them of course. Because you all share the same consciousness, the teamwork between you flows smoothly, and you easily take down your enemies.
<<set $dupSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $elementSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: Before he could do anything, you use elemental control to water him down, shutting down any ideas he might have had. It is simple math: water beats fire.
<<set $elementSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $phaseSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You do not let the opportunity $Zoe has created slip, casting invisibility to yourself. You can not fight what you can not see. You knock down two people before they realize what is happening.
<<set $phaseSuc to false>>\
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success 2">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success 2">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 3>>\
An attack comes from behind, and you cannot dodge it in time. You take a hit to your right leg. This might hinder your fight if you stay like this.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Success 2">>
<<set $healSuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success 2">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success 2">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success 2">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Zoe releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success 2">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Healing." "Fail">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Zoe">>
<<if $enemyHP <= 0>>\
<<goto "Win Fight with Zoe">>\
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Midnight">>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO - 3>>\
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU - 3>>\
<<set $zoeLose to true>>\
You are taking damage right and left. The pain is increasing with each hit, and you do not think you can withstand any more of the pain. You knew you were going to be at a disadvantage, but you did not think it would be that bad. Shit, it is over.
"HANG ON, $name! BACK UP IS—"
You do not remember much after this. $Zoe was shouting something, but you missed it. You are getting numb, and the area around you is growing darker. Is this someone's ability? You fall to the ground, passing out from the pain and exhaustion.
You wake up later in your dorm room. It does not seem like tonight went the way you wanted it to. Surprisingly, you feel fine with no apparent injuries or scars on you; it almost feels like you were not even there, but you know better. It must have been $Zoe.
Speaking of, you pick up the phone to check on her, only to find that she had already left you a couple of messages.
<em>hey, $name</em>
<em>I hope you're feeling better after I healed you</em>
<em>you must be wondering what happened</em>
<em>I sent for my team as soon as I noticed that the fight was not going our way. Thankfully, they responded in time, and we were saved thanks to them.</em>
<em>unfortunately we weren't able to get any information but that's okay. we're both okay and that's all that matters</em>
<em>oh and my team took you back to your dorm after I healed you. goodnight, $name</em>
Fuck. So, you did lose after all. How could you have let this happen? You feel so pathetic right now, but there is nothing you can do about it anymore. You should work on improving yourself, so you can avoid any further losses.
[[Retire for the night.|Day 4]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ7.jpg" width="400px">
You head over to the location you were sent and find that $Hailey is already there. As soon as she sees you, she rolls her eyes. "You're late, $name," she sighs. "It doesn't matter. I'm surprised you chose me. Maybe you might have some redeeming qualities after all."
This is the closest thing to a compliment you will get from her. "Yeah, yeah. You'll change your mind after tonight, $Hailey. Tell me about the plan," you ask for details.
"Didn't the boss already fill you in?" she asks, contemplating whether she should grill your or not. "Ugh. An undetermined number of ''Arcanists'' were spotted near this place. Usually, they hide like pussies, but they often hunt on people, stealing, hurting, and occasionally, resorting to killing them just for the fun of it," she explains, her tone indifferent.
"Well, we're here to stop them, aren't we?"
She laughs, and a smile lingers on her face. "Yeah, stopping is one word for it, but no, we're killing them. So, if you're not up for this, leave now, $name," she pauses and waits for a reaction. Once you confirm that you are not going anywhere, she continues. "As I was saying, whether they're following orders or doing this out of their own volition, we're not sure. This is what we're mainly here for: information."
"Okay, now that I know what the plan is, how do we approach this?" you ask.
"Oh, for fuck sake. Are you playing stupid, or is the boss doing this on purpose?" $Hailey asks impatiently. You raise your eyebrow in confusion. "You're taking the lead in this one. This is to show that you can trust us as much as we're willing to trust you. I still have doubts about this, but if $Naomi is trusting you, I'll have to do the same for now. Do you have a plan or not, $name?" she asks, handing you the reigns.
You definitely did not expect that outcome. Can you even lead this mission properly? No, it is not a matter of can or can't. They are placing their faith in you right now, so the right question is ''will you'' or ''will you not''. You formulate several plans in your head, two of which you exclude as ''perfect''.
The first plan focuses on you. You will take the fight to them head on while $Hailey watches your back, using her electricity whenever you need. Since you will be on the offensive alone, this will take a toll on you but will ensure that you are more protected. $Hailey will not like being on the sideline though.
The second plan has you both on the offensive, reducing the amount of energy and hits you will need to take down the enemy but risking your safety and your companion's. Since you will not be engaging alone, it will be an easier fight, but you will lose if you make a mistake. $Hailey will probably favor this one.
You know <<print $Hailey>>'s combat prowess is on par with yours, so she probably will not be a liability at all. Plus, her electricy will be a huge help. Which plan are you going with?
[[The first plan.|The First Plan H]]
[[The second plan.|The Second Plan H]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU + 1>>\
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO - 2>>\
You inform $Hailey of your plan, letting her know that you are counting on her support. Her expression changes to one of frustration, though she knows she has no choice but to follow your orders. "You think I need protection? You're fucking lucky $Naomi left you in charge. Fine, I'll support you." She pouts, her expression a mix of annoyance and boredom.
You and your companion move from alley to alley in search of your targets. You know they are somewhere around here, but you have no specific location. Eventually, you stumble upon a shady alley that houses a group of odd-looking people.
Seriously, talk about creepy. They are faceless, cloaked figures dressed in robes of different colors. The robes are draped in a way that covers their entire bodies, with hoods concealing their heads. The lack of facial features gives them a mysterious and ominous appearance. On a closer look, you find that they are actually wearing masks.
"Are they some sort of cult?" you ask $Hailey, keeping your voice as low as a whisper.
"How should I know? The report we got from our scout did not mention anything of this sort. This is new to me as well. They look kind of badass though" she shares her thoughts.
Fuck! Lack of information always causes irreparable damage, especially in situations like this. Are they not what they seem to be? Ugh, damn it. You have no choice but to engage anyway; you ''need'' all the information you can get. You signal to $Hailey, letting her know the plan is still in motion.
[[Show yourself and fight.|Hailey Plan 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU - 1>>\
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO + 2>>\
You inform $Hailey of your plan, letting her know that you are counting on her to fight with you. Her smile goes wide, excited by the prospect of taking out these mysterious people. "This is music to my ears. I really did not expect you would have a good plan, but you proved me wrong. Let's do this, $name!" She punches your shoulder, her excitement infecting you as well.
You and your companion move from alley to alley in search of your targets. You know they are somewhere around here, but you have no specific location. Eventually, you stumble upon a shady alley that houses a group of odd-looking people.
Seriously, talk about creepy. They are faceless, cloaked figures dressed in robes of different colors. The robes are draped in a way that covers their entire bodies, with hoods concealing their heads. The lack of facial features gives them a mysterious and ominous appearance. On a closer look, you find that they are actually wearing masks.
"Are they some sort of cult?" you ask $Hailey, keeping your voice as low as a whisper.
"How should I know? The report we got from our scout did not mention anything of this sort. This is new to me as well. They look kind of badass though" she shares her thoughts.
Fuck! Lack of information always causes irreparable damage, especially in situations like this. Are they not what they seem to be? Ugh, damn it. You have no choice but to engage anyway; you ''need'' all the information you can get. You signal to $Hailey, letting her know the plan is still in motion.
[[Show yourself and fight.|Hailey Plan 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success 3">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success 3">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 3>>\
While in the heat of battle, an enemy is channeling energy into a powerful weapon. You need to short-circuit the device before it fires at you.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Success 3">>
<<set $electricitySuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success 3">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success 3">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success 3">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Hailey releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success 3">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Hailey">>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success 4">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success 4">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 3>>\
While in the heat of battle, an enemy is channeling energy into a powerful weapon. You need to short-circuit the device before it fires at you.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Success 4">>
<<set $electricitySuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success 4">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success 4">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success 4">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Hailey releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success 4">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Hailey">>
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $charmSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use charm to increase her lust, forcing her to focus on her growing desire instead of you. Not missing this opportunity, you successfully register a hit on her.
<<set $charmSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $mindSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use telepathy to read his next move. You dart towards him, raising your fist and pretending to throw a punch. He moves to counterattack, but you already knew this was coming; you parry and kill him.
<<set $mindSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $electricitySuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You signal to $Hailey, pointing her towards the target. The air around $Hailey cackles, and she converts energy to electricity, firing it towards the device, destroying it and electrocuting its user, killing him in the process.
<<set $electricitySuc to false>>\
<<elseif $speedSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You close in the distance between you in less than a second, using your super speed to throw in a deadly punch while he is still exposed and kill him with the amount of force you produced.
<<set $speedSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $dupSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You hastily generate two more duplicates. One of you is already dangerous enough, but three of you is definitely a problem, for them of course. Because you all share the same consciousness, the teamwork between you flows smoothly, and you easily take down your enemies.
<<set $dupSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $elementSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: Before he could do anything, you use elemental control to water him down, shutting down any ideas he might have had and drowning him. It is simple math: water beats fire.
<<set $elementSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $phaseSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You do not let the opportunity $Hailey has created slip, casting invisibility to yourself. You can not fight what you can not see. You knock down two people before they realize what is happening.
<<set $phaseSuc to false>>\
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success 3">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success 3">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 3>>\
While in the heat of battle, an enemy is channeling energy into a powerful weapon. You need to short-circuit the device before it fires at you.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Success 3">>
<<set $electricitySuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success 3">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success 3">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success 3">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Hailey releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success 3">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Hailey">>
<<if $enemyHP <= 0>>\
<<goto "Win Fight with Hailey">>\
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $charmSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use charm to increase her lust, forcing her to focus on her growing desire instead of you. Not missing this opportunity, you successfully register a hit on her.
<<set $charmSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $mindSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You use telepathy to read his next move. You dart towards him, raising your fist and pretending to throw a punch. He moves to counterattack, but you already knew this was coming; you parry and kill him.
<<set $mindSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $electricitySuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You signal to $Hailey, pointing her towards the target. The air around $Hailey cackles, and she converts energy to electricity, firing it towards the device, destroying it and electrocuting its user, killing him in the process.
<<set $electricitySuc to false>>\
<<elseif $speedSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You close in the distance between you in less than a second, using your super speed to throw in a deadly punch while he is still exposed and kill him with the amount of force you produced.
<<set $speedSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $dupSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You hastily generate two more duplicates. One of you is already dangerous enough, but three of you is definitely a problem, for them of course. Because you all share the same consciousness, the teamwork between you flows smoothly, and you easily take down your enemies.
<<set $dupSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $elementSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: Before he could do anything, you use elemental control to water him down, shutting down any ideas he might have had and drowning him. It is simple math: water beats fire.
<<set $elementSuc to false>>\
<<elseif $phaseSuc is true>>\
<span class="lime">Success</span>: You do not let the opportunity $Hailey has created slip, casting invisibility to yourself. You can not fight what you can not see. You knock down two people before they realize what is happening.
<<set $phaseSuc to false>>\
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success 4">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success 4">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 3>>\
While in the heat of battle, an enemy is channeling energy into a powerful weapon. You need to short-circuit the device before it fires at you.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Success 4">>
<<set $electricitySuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success 4">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success 4">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success 4">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Hailey releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success 4">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 50>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 100>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Hailey">>
<<if $enemyHP <= 0>>\
<<goto "Win Fight with Hailey">>\
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Arcanists.jpg" width="400px">
<span class="crimson">Fail</span>: You use the wrong power at the wrong moment and suffer a hit. If you take any more damage, you will surely lose the fight. You have to focus on what the enemy is doing and use a power accordingly.
<<set _scenario = random(1, 7)>>\
<<switch _scenario>>\
<<case 1>>\
One of the Arcanists is standing on the side, carefully watching your every step, waiting for you to falter. You should probably distract her, maybe play with her emotions.
<<link "Use Charm." "Success 3">>
<<set $charmSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 2>>\
The Arcanist you are fighting backs away and takes a combat stance, clearly having something in mind for you. He knows what he is doing. Do you?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Success 3">>
<<set $mindSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 3>>\
While in the heat of battle, an enemy is channeling energy into a powerful weapon. You need to short-circuit the device before it fires at you.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Success 3">>
<<set $electricitySuc to true>>\
<<case 4>>\
While you are engaged in combat with one of the hooded figures, you find an opening to knock out one of them. There is some distance between you though. Can you make it in time?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Success 3">>
<<set $speedSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 5>>\
As good as you are in combat, you find yourself surrounded by three people right now. You can't take them all at once, not alone.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Success 3">>
<<set $dupSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Arcanists is generating fire from his body. You better stop this now before you take some serious damage. What is the best way to fight fire?
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Success 3">>
<<set $elementSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<case 7>>\
$Hailey releases a massive surge of energy which distracts everyone around you. A faux? This is your chance to sneak away and throw in a couple of hits from their blind spots.
<<link "Use Charm." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Telepathy." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Super Speed." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Duplication." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Elemental Control." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<link "Use Invisibility." "Success 3">>
<<set $phaseSuc to true>>\
<<set $enemyHP to $enemyHP - 20>>\
<<link "Use Electricity." "Fail 2">>
<<set $playerHP to $playerHP - 35>>\
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<link "Instantly win this fight. {requires 35 energy}" "Win Fight with Hailey">>
<<if $playerHP <= 0>>
<<goto "Lose Fight with Hailey">>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/ArcanistF.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU + 3>>\
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO + 3>>\
It is finally over. You take a deep breath and examine the scene in front of you. On the ground, all the ''Arcanists'' you have fought are currently injured beyond recovery or dead. Behind you, $Hailey stands victorius over one of her victims, the air cackling around her. Both you and $Hailey came out almost unscathed. You won.
$Hailey approaches you and pats you on your back, impressed by your display of power. "Not bad, $name. Not bad at all for your first mission, but it is still not over yet," she explains as she points toward one of the enemies. It looks like one of them managed to survive your and <<print $Hailey>>'s attacks.
You and $Hailey approach the masked figure who you can easily tell is a woman from one look at her body; she has got quite the curves on her. You stand over her while she lies on the ground. The masked woman raises her head to look at you, awaiting your course of action.
She knows that she has been defeated and that there is no escape for her. There are two ways in which you can do this. Which approach are you going to choose to question her?
[[Take her.]]
[[Rough her up.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU - 3>>\
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO - 3>>\
<<set $haileyLose to true>>\
You are taking damage right and left. The pain is increasing with each hit, and you do not think you can withstand any more of the pain. You knew you were going to be at a disadvantage, but you did not think it would be that bad. Shit, it is over.
You do not remember much after this. $Hailey was shouting something, but you missed it. Eh, she was probably insulting you for losing or something. You are getting numb, and the area around you is growing darker. Is this someone's ability? You fall to the ground, passing out from the pain and exhaustion.
You wake up later in your dorm room. It does not seem like tonight went the way you wanted it to. You lost, even with $Hailey on your side. Surprisingly, you feel fine with no apparent injuries or scars on you; it almost feels like you were not even there, but you know better.
You pick up the phone to call $Hailey, only to find that she had already left you a couple of messages.
<em>$Zoe came by and healed you</em>
<em>about what happened</em>
<em>we were taking some serious damage out there so i contacted my team. they were quick to arrive and help us.</em>
<em>we weren't able to get any information but no harm done; I know I can be a hardass sometimes but it was still your first mission so ill cut you some slack this time</em>
<em>p.s. my team took you back to your dorm. now go sleep or something</em>
Fuck. So, you did lose after all. How could you have let this happen? You feel so pathetic right now, but there is nothing you can do about it anymore. You should work on improving yourself, so you can avoid any further losses.
[[Retire for the night.|Day 4]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/NPC1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU + 2>>\
You extend you arm, inviting her to stand up. She gives you a puzzled look, trying to figure out if you have another intention. You are still enemies after all. Once she realizes that you have no hidden agenda, she takes your hand and stands up.
"These bruises look bad. Are you okay?" you ask with concern in your voice. She does not speak and nods her head, still wary of your intentions. "I'm sorry, but you understand why I had to do this, don't you?" you apologize. You really did not have any other choice. She nods her head again, and you move closer to her.
"I'm $name, and this is my friend $Zoe. We were hoping to talk to you," you say, brushing your fingers against her hand slightly. This move has a surprising effect as the mysterious girl gropes your cock through your pants. Well, this took a turn, but you are not too bummed about it. You look over to $Zoe, and she gives you a thumbs up, giving you the green light.
Oh, thank you for not cockblocking me, $Zoe. You immediately take of your pants, and the girl does the same with hers. You pin her to the wall, exploring her body as she strokes your cock. As amazing as this feels, you are not looking for any foreplay. No, you want something else.
You bend the girl over, and the girl offers no resistance, her lust overwhelming her as well. You slam your throbbing cock in her dripping cunt. The girl squeals loudly, and her walls tighten around your cock. She reached an orgasm just from that.
You continue pounding away while the girl's moans fill the empty alley, housing only you, her, and $Zoe. Speaking of, you look at $Zoe to find her rubbing her pussy through her pants as she watches as the both of you go at it.
It does not take much longer for the girl to cum again, her walls pressing against your cock as you fuck her pussy. This, and the sight of $Zoe furiously playing with her pussy quickly sends you over the edge.
[[Cum on your enemy's tits.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/ArcanistF.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO + 2>>\
You extend you arm, inviting her to stand up. She gives you a puzzled look, trying to figure out if you have another intention. You are still enemies after all. Once she realizes that you have no hidden agenda, she takes your hand and stands up.
"These bruises look bad. Are you okay?" you ask with concern in your voice. She does not speak and nods her head, still wary of your intentions. "I'm sorry, but you understand why I had to do this, don't you?" you apologize. You really did not have any other choice. She nods her head again, and you move closer to her.
"I'm $name, and this is my friend $Zoe. We were hoping to talk to you," you say, keeping some distance between you and her, so she does not feel threatened. "Unfortunately, due to our circumstances, we had to be enemies, but it doesn't have to be this way. I'm sure that there is some part of you that does not want that. Help me, so we can put an end to this," you try to reach out to her.
You wait for a second and then two, but there is still not a single reply out of her. This is going nowhere. It does not look like she is willing to help you at all. You want some answers, but interrogating her any further will make her put up more defenses. What is the best approach for this?
"We have to go, $name. They're starting to wake up," $Zoe warns you. Shit, you practically did not get anything useful out of this. Before you leave though, the girl stops you and hands you a piece of paper with several numbers on it. What are these supposed to mean?
You will figure this out later; you have to leave now. You follow $Zoe, sprinting out of the place. Once you are a safe distance away, you show her the paper. "Yeah, I have no clue what those mean, but we can figure this out later. Want to go for a drink? It's on me," she invites you.
[[Join her at the bar.|Zoe Bar]]
[[Refuse and end the night.|Night 3 End]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/NPC2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"Get on the fucking ground," you order the woman as you near your orgasm. She does as you command and gets on her knees, opening her robe for you, so you can spray your cum on her tits.
You shoot your load all over her tits while she sits there, waiting for you to finish. Once you are done, she puts her clothes back on, and you follow suit. You look around for $Zoe to find that she had stopped playing with herself.
"We have to go, $name. They're starting to wake up," $Zoe warns you. Shit, you practically did not get anything useful out of this. Before you leave though, the girl stops you and hands you a piece of paper with several numbers on it. What are these supposed to mean?
You will figure this out later; you have to leave now. You follow $Zoe, sprinting out of the place. Once you are a safe distance away, you show her the paper. "Yeah, I have no clue what those mean, but we can figure this out later. Want to go for a drink? It's on me," she invites you.
[[Join her at the bar.|Zoe Bar]]
[[Refuse and end the night.|Night 3 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
<<link "Call $Hailey instead." "Hailey Bar">>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL4.jpg" width="400px">
$Zoe suggests a bar, and you follow her lead, walking with her. "Is it always like this?" you break the silence.
"Not really. Tonight was one of the easier nights. Thankfully, we did not encounter anyone who is quite adept at using his or her abilities. Nobody had any combat experience either. To be honest, they were weak; they just had the numbers," she explains.
You nod your head in understanding. It is not that you found it difficult; it is just that you were suddenly thrown into a new world, and you have to figure everything out as you. Like, what would have happened if you were not combat trained? It would have probably led to some serious injury and maybe even your death.
$Zoe notices your change in expression and attempts to encourage you. "You did quite well though, $name. It felt like it wasn't your first time out there. And, it wasn't all for nothing. We got something that could help us," she says, pointing to the paper with numbers.
You arrive at the bar, and you both enter, taking a seat at an empty table. "What if it's a dead end?" you ask.
"It most likely is. But we have no other means of getting information. Look, let's just forget about tonight and have a round of drinks. We earned it."
You still have more questions, but you drop it for now. You do not want to ruin the mood, not after the fight you have just been through. $Zoe orders a round of drinks, and you have a fun, engaging conversation with her. You were too busy to notice, but she looks good tonight.
<<if $lie is true>>\
"Oh, and I'm not sure why you lied about having multiple abilities, but I'm sure you have your reasons, so I'm not going to tell $Naomi for now, not unless I think you're a threat. You don't have to say anything. I'm just letting you know that I know now. We'll revisit this topic later."
[[Use charm on her.]]
[[Nah. Just have a few more drinks and go home.|Night 3 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Midnight">>\
You step into your dorm room, the weight of the day hanging heavily on your shoulders. The door closes behind you with a soft click, and for a moment, you just stand there, taking in the silence. The battle with the ''Arcanists'' is still fresh in your mind. The adrenaline, the rush of power, and that final moment of triumph. It feels surreal, almost like it did not happen. But your tired muscles and the faint ache remind you that it did.
You sit on the edge of your bed. It is strange how normal everything looks after the chaos you just went through. So this is what it feels like. Your first real victory.
You still feel the adrenaline slowly draining from your body. It was not an easy fight, but you came out on top. You proved yourself, not just to your allies, some of which had doubts, but to yourself. The thought brings a small, tired smile to your face. But mixed with the satisfaction, there is a hint of something else: uncertainty. This was just the beginning. You can not help but wonder what other challenges lie ahead.
With a deep sigh, you stand up, heading toward the bathroom. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror; you are sweaty and disheveled. You splash water on your face, the coolness grounding you back to the present. You notice something in your eyes: a flicker of determination. You are in this now, whether you are ready or not.
Back in the room, you pull off your clothes and crawl into bed. The sheets feel cool against your skin, a welcome relief after the heat of the fight. You stare up at the ceiling, replaying moments from the battle and the choices you made.
Your eyes grow heavier as the thoughts drift, the tension in your muscles easing as you finally allow yourself to rest. Tomorrow will bring new challenges, but for now, you can rest knowing that tonight, you won.
The darkness of sleep pulls you in, and for the first time in what feels like forever, you feel a sense of accomplishment and the strength to face whatever comes next. This is just the beginning.
[[Retire for the night.|Day 4]]<<if $energy >= 30>>\
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL7.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LL/LL8.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma +1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $zoeLO to $zoeLO - 2>>\
<<set $zoeLU to $zoeLU + 3>>\
While talking with $Zoe, your voice slowly becomes more hypnotic, luring her into your spell. It does not take long for $Zoe to start experiencing a grow in her desire, her lust taking over her body completely.
She grabs you by the hand, and you give her directions to your room. As soon as you are inside, she pushes and strips you and herself in a matter of seconds. You lean on the bed, and just then, you realize that your roommate is sleeping right there. You should probably go somewhere else if you do not want to be interrupted.
$Zoe, on the other hand, has other plans. Completely aware of your roommate, she stills climbs over you, positioning her cunt over your hard cock. Roommate or not, there is a sexy, horny woman over your cock right now. You are not going to let her down.
You place your hands on her ass and take control, pounding her as deep as you can without making too much noise. She tries to match your pace as she bounces up and down on your dick, but your movements and technique force her to give up on trying. Instead, she focuses on hiding her moans, not wanting to wake $Lucas up.
Caught up in your lust, you slap her ass, causing her to squeal. You both slow down, worried that you might have been too loud, but it looks like he might be a heavy sleeper. You resume fucking $Zoe, pleasure overriding her senses as she nears an orgasm. She places her hands over her mouth, covering her moans as she cums all over your cock.
This fuels your lust as you piston in and out of her, approaching your orgasm as well. It is too good to stop; you do not want to stop. $Zoe, still in her senses a bit, removes herself from over you and lies on the bed. You really do not care where you cum. You just want to cum.
You get on top of her and stroke your cock until you reach your limit. You cum all over her pussy, marking her with your seed. You sigh and lie beside her, both of you recovering from your respective orgasms. You hang out with $Zoe for a few more minutes before she cleans up and leaves for the night.
[[Walk her to the building's entrance and come back.|Night 3 End]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL6.jpg" width="400px">
You try to use your ''lust inducement'', but you do not have enough energy to do so. You have spent too much energy today, and with the battle included, you are too tired to channel any of your powers right now.
You hang out with $Zoe for a couple more minutes, getting to know her. Eventually, it gets late, and you both say goodbye, leaving to your respective homes. Good thing you did not drink much.
[[Go to your room.|Night 3 End]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Bed1.jpg" width="400px">
You awaken suddenly, your eyes snapping open in the dark room. The soft hum of the night fills the air, a quiet stillness that seems out of place. Your heart is still racing, and you take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. Glancing at the clock on your phone, you see that it is just past 1 a.m.
Sitting up, you rub your eyes and scan the room, finding nothing unusual. Your roommate is asleep in his bed, and the room is as you left it before you drifted to sleep. It is strange for you to wake up like this; you have always been a deep sleeper unless you experience a fright.
Yet tonight, something has jolted you from your rest. You lie back down, staring at the ceiling for a moment, recalling the events that occurred a couple of hours ago. It looks like the day is only catching up to you now. It would have been quite odd for you to sleep peacefully after that encounter.
Still, you have no choice but to; you have classes in a few hours. Eventually, the pull of sleep returns, heavier and more familiar. But something is off. Your eyelids feel heavy, too heavy, sinking you into sleep, a deeper sleep than the one you just woke up from.
<<link "Give into it." "Dream 2">><<set $dream1 to true>><</link>>
[[Snap out of it and sleep normally.|Dream 2]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/NPC3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU + 2>>\
"May I suggest something, $name? You know they're out here hurting innocents, so why not give them a taste of their own medicine?" $Hailey whispers to you.
"I'm all ears, $Hailey. What do you have in mind?" you hear her out.
A smile starts to creep on her face, and you can see her lick her lips. "She has quite the attractive body, doesn't she? It's a shame she's hiding it under that robe. Don't you want to see it?"
You know exactly what she is insinuating, and you are not opposed to the idea at all. In fact, your cock starts to harden in your pants as you think about it. This bitch did attack you; it is time to teach her a lesson.
You close in the distance between you and the mysterious woman, and she immediately gets on the defensive. She knows you have ill intentions, proven by you throughout the night. From her dead comrades all the way to your body language.
You pin her to the wall, and she immediately attempts to push you away. However, your raw strength is greater than hers, and she was badly beaten in the fight. You push her against the wall and explore her body with your hands, grinding your cock on her ass. Once she realizes that her effort is futile, she stops fighting back and sobs quietly, allowing you to do as you wish.
You take off your pants and hers, exposing her beautiful ass to you. You are already hard and throbbing, your cock leaking in anticipation. You shove your cock in her cunt and start fucking her. Holy shit! This fucking slut is wet and tight for you. She might pretend not to like it, but her body definitely does.
You continue pounding her in the empty alley, housing only you, her, and $Hailey. Speaking of, you look at $Hailey to find her furiously rubbing her pussy through her pants as she watches as the both of you go at it. She is really into this as much as you are.
This sight and the walls contracting around your dick send you over the edge. You begin to dump your load in her pussy, filling her to the brim. The girl cums all over your cock when she feels your hot load in her; she really is a filthy slut.
"We're done here, $name," $Hailey speaks. "As much as she deserves to be killed, I think her living after this is more fun. Plus, if she does continue down this path, she knows not to mess with us again. Anyway, want to celebrate?"
[[Join her at the bar.|Hailey Bar]]
[[Refuse and end the night.|Night 3 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
<<link "Call $Zoe instead." "Zoe Bar">>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/ArcanistF.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO + 2>>\
You look over at the girl and spit on her in disgust. Weaklings like her do not deserve to live, but you need her to answer some questions before you decide to kill her. What is the best approach though?
She is the only one left alive out of her comrades, so she knows she can not put up a fight. But would she be willing to talk to you? There is only one way to find out. "I have some questions that you're going to answer. Are you going to cooperate with me?" you ask her.
She stays silent, not giving you the satisfaction of an answer. A smile forms on your face. "I was hoping you'd say that." You pull her by her hair, forcing her to look at you. Oh, the things you would do to see the reaction on her face, under that mask. No, it is more satisfying this way. You punch her in her gut, targeting the areas of her injuries. She screams out but stays persistent in remaining quiet.
You are not sure if this is really you or if $Hailey is influencing you, but you can not lie. You are enjoying every second of this. "Hey, $Hailey. Want to get in the fun too?"
She claps her hands excitedly and performs a little cute hop. "Yes! Thank you for thinking of me, $name!" she says, approaching the beaten girl. Instead of using her fists though, she chooses to electrocute the girl, spicing up the torture process.
You and $Hailey each take a turn in beating up the girl, getting creative with your torture methods. At one point, you both even stopped questioning the girl and focused on the pleasure you received from this. It does not look like the girl will break though; it is almost admirable, almost.
"We're done here, $name. She's not talking," $Hailey speaks. "As much as she deserves to be killed, I think her living after this is a more fun outcome. Plus, if she does continue down this path, she knows not to mess with us again. Anyway, want to celebrate?"
[[Join her at the bar.|Hailey Bar]]
[[Refuse and end the night.|Night 3 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ8.jpg" width="400px">
You and $Hailey step into the bar together. The atmosphere is calm for a change, with dim lighting casting a golden glow over the wooden tables and bottles lined up behind the counter. $Hailey walks in first, her stride confident as usual, scanning the room with her sharp gaze.
"Pick a spot," she mutters, barely glancing at you as she heads toward a booth in the back. You follow her lead, sliding into the seat across from her.
As you settle in, she waves down the bartender and orders two drinks. "After all that, you could use one. Not that I care," she says with a slight smirk, her tone still carrying that familiar bite.
"Sure," you respond, leaning back in the booth. "We did well back there."
$Hailey huffs, crossing her arms. "It was one of the easier nights. Could’ve been better. You got sloppy in the middle, almost let one of them get the jump on you. But, hey, we won, so I guess you didn’t completely screw it up."
You glance at her, catching the hint of amusement in her eyes. Despite her harsh words, there is an underlying level of respect, an odd way of showing that she actually cares.
"Yeah, well, you didn’t exactly hold back either," you shoot back with a grin. "Those sparks of yours came in handy."
Her lips twitch, almost forming a smile before she shrugs it off. "Obviously. What did you expect?" she says, knocking back her drink. "But don't get too comfortable. One win doesn’t make you invincible. You'll need to do a lot more to impress me."
"Of course. Just say you couldn't win that fight without me."
She leans forward, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Don’t go getting cocky. You survived, that’s all. And that’s just the beginning."
You nod, the reality of the fight settling in. "I know. I’m ready for whatever’s next."
She rolls her eyes, finishing her drink in one gulp. "We’ll see about that. Now drink up," she says, pushing your glass closer to you. "It's time to unwind a bit."
<<if $lie is true>>\
"By the way," she starts, her voice lower now, "I know you lied to $Naomi."
You raise your eyebrow.
"Don't play dumb. The whole lie about having super speed only." She rolls her eyes. "But don’t worry, I’m not planning on ratting you out. At least, not yet."
You feel a tension building in your chest, but she does not press for details. She is not interested in your explanation, and for now, you are grateful for that.
"Why?" you ask, though you are not sure if you are asking why she is not telling Mrs. $Parker or why she is even bringing it up at all.
$Hailey shrugs, glancing away for a moment before meeting your eyes again. "Because, unlike some people, I know how to keep a secret. And besides, it’s none of my business yet." Her voice softens, but her words still carry that edge of hers.
You do not respond, and she does not wait for one. You shift topics and talk about something else instead.
[[Use charm on her.|Charm 4]]
[[Don't over do it and head to your room.|Night 3 End]]<<if $energy >= 30>>\
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ9.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ10.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ11.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma +1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $haileyLU to $haileyLU + 3>>\
<<set $haileyLO to $haileyLO - 2>>\
Once you channel this power, the resonance of your voice changes into something else. There is an an invisible force of attraction, one toward you. $Hailey starts to feel the effects of your powers, her foot brushing against yours under the table.
It looks like she removed her shoes for this. She rubs on your leg for a while before she starts to travel upward. Her movements are gradually becoming more sensual as she reaches your thigh. Your powers are definitely in play here, but it is affecting her more slowly than you are used to.
Her foot finally reaches your dick, groping it barefoot through your pants. Your cock begins to harden; you know exactly what comes next. It is time to get out of here. She takes care of the bill and grabs your hand, leading you toward your dorm room.
When you reach the door, you fiddle with the key a bit, struggling to concentrate while $Hailey kisses your neck and rubs her chest against your back. She wants your attention more than anything right now. No, she needs it. You successfully unlock the door and head inside, all while $Hailey is over you.
She jumps on you, and you carry her to your bed, shoving your tongue down her throat. You throw her on the bed, and the pair of you start stripping off your clothes. This is when you notice your roommate sleeping in his bed. Should you stop? Fuck it. You are both too horny to care right now.
There is not much foreplay now; you just take her, inserting your throbbing cock in her wet pussy. She immediately starts moaning, and you have to cover her mouth to avoid any unwanted interruptions. You are not even a minute in before $Hailey starts to cum on your dick, her walls tightening around you.
This drives your hunger more, and you begin roughly taking her, one hand groping her luscious ass while the other is on her mouth. She opens her mouth, inviting your fingers in. She licks and sucks on your fingers while you fuck her. You take her deeper, and she immediately cums again.
You and $Hailey go through a lot of different positions, losing count of how many times she came on your dick. Your relentless fucking eventually comes to an end. You groan and cum all over her body, covering her with your semen.
Not much words were exchanged between you two; she just cleans up and leaves the room. But you know you were both pretty happy with the fucking that took place. It is a miracle your roommate did not wake up.
[[Get up and clean.|Night 3 End]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ8.jpg" width="400px">
You try to use your ''lust inducement'', but you do not have enough energy to do so. You have spent too much energy today, and with the battle included, you are too tired to channel any of your powers right now.
You hang out with $Hailey for a couple more minutes, getting to know her. Eventually, it gets late, and you both say goodbye, leaving to your respective homes. Good thing you did not drink much.
[[Go to your room.|Night 3 End]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Lena Paul''
Name: $Sophia <<if $relation is "taboo">>$lastname<<else>>$Brooks<</if>>
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Relation: <<if $relation is "intimate">>Step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Sister<<else>>Childhood Friend<</if>>
Physical Appearance: $Sophia stands at 5'4" with a curvy and voluptuous body, weighing around 58 kg. Her striking blue eyes and platinum blonde hair complement her natural, delicate features. She has a youthful appearance with soft, well-defined facial contours.
Background: Raised in the same city, $Sophia was well-liked and popular from an early age. However, unlike you, she always kept a close-knit circle of friends, preferring quality over quantity in her relationships. She effortlessly balanced her social life with a calm and reserved nature, often acting as a steady, grounding presence in her group. Her ability to deeply understand others made her someone people gravitated toward, even though she valued her privacy and the company of a select few. You two were close growing up until a certain incident.
Biography: $Sophia approaches her second year with a calm and measured attitude. She is the type to observe before she acts, preferring to work behind the scenes rather than take center stage. Her strength lies in her confidence and ability to influence others subtly without needing to assert dominance. While she certainly hides it well, she has been going through some stuff lately.
Love points: $sophiaLO
Lust points: $sophiaLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Kendra Lust''
Name: $Nora <<if $relation is "taboo">>$lastname<<else>>$Brooks<</if>>
Age: 39
Occupation: Housewife
Relation: <<if $relation is "intimate">>Step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Mother<<else>>Mother's Best Friend<</if>>
Physical Appearance: $Nora stands at 5'4" with a slender yet graceful frame, weighing 64 kg. Her body is slim and toned, carrying an understated strength in her posture. Her dark brown eyes exude warmth and intensity, framed by long, fluttering lashes. Her black hair cascades in silky waves, falling just past her shoulders, complementing her smooth, radiant skin.
Background: Growing up in a quiet suburban neighborhood, she enjoyed a simple and structured upbringing, though it often felt a bit too predictable for her adventurous spirit. This craving for excitement came to life during her college years, where she explored her wild side. Despite this, she settled down, marrying and having kids at a young age.
Biography: Those years shaped her into the bold and independent woman she is today. While she has since settled into the role of a devoted mother and a loyal wife, her adventurous spirit has not fully faded. She never speaks of her college years; the only stories you heard were from her husband. As a housewife, she now tries to balance family life with a spark of carefree energy.
Love points: $noraLO
Lust points: $noraLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Random1.jpg" width="400px">
Name: $Kate <<if $relation is "taboo">>$lastname<<else>>$Brooks<</if>>
Age: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Relation: Deceased <<if $relation is "intimate">>Step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Sister<<else>>Childhood Friend<</if>>
Physical Appearance: Standing at about 5'4" with a petite but athletic frame. Her wavy, chestnut hair cascaded just past her shoulders, often adorned with colorful clips or headbands that reflected her playful personality. Bright green eyes, full of curiosity and mischief, seemed to sparkle with life, drawing people in with their infectious enthusiasm. Her fair complexion was often kissed by the sun, hinting at her love for outdoor activities. She carried herself with a mix of confidence and youthful innocence, wearing comfortable yet stylish clothes that showcased her lively spirit.
Background: Growing up as the youngest in a busy household, she had always been the center of attention, showered with love and affection by her family. Her playful nature and boundless energy often lit up the room, and her curiosity drove her to explore everything around her. Balancing her studies with a passion for sports and creative hobbies, she was always on the go, whether it was participating in school events or planning her next adventure. She was everyone's best friend, but you were hers.
Biography: $Kate was a bright light in the family, known for her infectious laughter, pure innocence, and boundless enthusiasm. Tragically, her life was cut short when she perished in a fire, leaving a profound void in the family. Her absence is felt deeply, as the memories of her playful nature and adventurous spirit linger in the hearts of those who loved her. Though it occurred years ago, her death created gaps which were not filled to this day.
[[Back.|Character Lore]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
Name: $Chris <<if $relation == "taboo" || $relation == "intimate">>$lastname<<else>>$Brooks<</if>>
Age: 42
Occupation: Project Manager
Relation: <<if $relation is "intimate">>Father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Father<<else>>Mother's Friend<</if>>
Physical Appearance: $Chris stands at an impressive 6'0", his broad shoulders and sturdy build a testament to years of dedication. With dark hair now streaked with gray, he exudes a rugged handsomeness that has only deepened with age. His neatly trimmed beard frames a strong jawline, adding to his distinguished appearance. His brown eyes soften his otherwise commanding presence, though they can become piercing when he is focused. Even in his older years, he remains fit and active..
Background: Raised in a working-class family, he learned the value of hard work and discipline from an early age. Growing up, he was always the tallest and most athletic among his peers, which earned him plenty of attention—especially from the ladies. During his teenage and early adult years, he was known for being quite the player, effortlessly moving from one relationship to another. He even came forward to $Nora about cheating on her when they first started dating.
Biography: He has always been someone who commanded attention. Though he eventually settled down and seemed to leave that part of his life behind, old habits die hard. Now, he is often more focused on work than on family, his long hours and frequent absences creating a distance that was not always there. While he still presents himself as a devoted husband and father, there are subtle signs that his attention might once again be wandering.
Love points: $chrisLO
[[Back.|Character Lore]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Anissa Kate''
Name: $Clara $Blanc
Age: 40
Occupation: Receptionist
Relation: Roommate's Mother
Physical Appearance: $Clara stands at 5'4", with a delicate yet toned figure that weighs around 51 kg. Her slim body carries an effortless grace, with soft, well-defined curves. Her brown eyes are warm and inviting, framed by long lashes, while her black hair flows in glossy waves, adding a striking contrast to her complexion. Overall, she exudes a natural elegance, with her petite stature and refined features creating a balanced, captivating presence.
Background: $Clara grew up in a picturesque town in a European country, where her early years were filled with family problems and financial struggles. When she was a teenager, her parents made the bold decision to move to a new country in search of better opportunities. The transition was challenging for $Clara, as she had to adapt to a new culture and language while leaving behind the familiarity of her childhood home. She got married young, and her husband passed away a couple of years later.
Biography: $Clara is a compassionate and nurturing woman who brings a warm, welcoming presence to those around her. Her experiences shaped her into a resilient individual. She is often trusting of other people, but she is also not the smartest out there. While her nurturing nature sometimes leaves her vulnerable and naïve, she remains a strong figure in her children’s lives. She wants someone to take care of her and her family.
Love points: $claraLO
Lust points: $claraLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Karlee Grey''
Name: $Julia $Blanc
Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Relation: Roommate's Sister
Physical Appearance: $Julia stands at 5'6" with a slim, toned figure that complements her delicate frame. Weighing 51 kg, her physique is graceful and well-proportioned. Her deep brown eyes are captivating, adding an intense, yet serene quality to her appearance. Her long, black hair flows smoothly, often styled in a sleek or natural look, framing her face and accentuating her features. Overall, she carries herself with a subtle elegance, exuding confidence and beauty.
Background: Growing up in a household filled with jealousy, $Julia was heavily influenced by her mother. From an early age, she was encouraged to pursue her interests and excel academically, just to be better than her mother. In high school, she was involved in various clubs and sports, developing a diverse set of friendships and honing her leadership skills. As she prepared for college, $Julia chose to embrace her emotions and fill in the relationship gap between her and her mother.
Biography: $Julia is a spirited and ambitious young woman currently navigating her college journey. Her mother's influence is evident in her actions sometimes. She loves her mother; she just can't stand her sometimes. Despite her friendly and outgoing demeanor, $Julia sometimes grapples with self-doubt, especially when it comes to boys. Some might say she's quite easy.
Love points: $juliaLO
Lust points: $juliaLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC2.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Stacy Cruz''
Name: $Grace $Lawson
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Relation: Best Friend
Physical Appearance: Standing tall at 5'9", $Grace possesses a sleek, slim physique that commands attention. Weighing 57 kg, her body is lean and graceful, giving her a striking, elongated silhouette. Her brilliant blue eyes stand out, often shining with a lively and captivating energy. Her fiery red hair adds a bold contrast, flowing with a natural vibrancy that complements her confident, yet approachable demeanor. With these features combined, she has a presence that is both memorable and effortlessly stunning.
Background: $Grace grew up in a loving home, despite her father's absence, where her mother’s playful spirit influenced her own sense of humor and lightheartedness. From an early age, she developed a knack for teasing her friends, often using her wit to break the ice and make people laugh. While her charm and outgoing nature helped her form friendships effortlessly, $Grace struggled to navigate relationships with boys, often finding herself awkward and flustered around them.
Biography: As she embarks on her college journey, she carries with her a sense of excitement and a hint of curiosity. While she navigates the challenges of college life, $Grace is determined to embrace her playful nature, while subtly exploring the possibility of a deeper connection with the person who knows her best.
Love points: $graceLO
Lust points: $graceLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
Name: $Lucas $Blanc
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Relation: Roommate <<if $lucasFriend is true>>and Friend<<elseif $lucasEnemy is true>>and Enemy<</if>>
Physical Appearance: $Lucas stands at about 5'9" with an average build . He has tousled black hair that he often styles casually, giving him a laid-back appearance. His dark brown eyes convey warmth and friendliness. $Lucas typically dresses in comfortable clothing—often seen in fitted hoodies, jeans, and sneakers.
Background: $Lucas grew up facing significant challenges after losing his father at a young age, which instilled in him a sense of responsibility to protect his mother and older sister. Naturally shy, he developed a tough exterior to shield his family, often feeling like an outsider in school. He found solace in comics and games, using these passions to express himself.
Biography: As he transitioned to college, $Lucas hoped to break out of his shell, but the weight of his responsibilities and the lingering grief from his father's passing still affect him. His naturally shy nature leads him to retreat into the world of geek culture, where he finds comfort in video games, comics, and fantasy novels. Despite his tendency to keep to himself, he is book-smart and possesses a quick wit and a deep well of knowledge about his interests. Despite his protective tendencies, he will back down in face of a commanding or dominant presence.
Love points: $lucasLO
[[Back.|Character Lore]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LF/LF1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Lauren Phillips''
Name: $Abigail $Lawson
Age: 37
Occupation: Nurse
Relation: Best Friend's Mother
Physical Appearance: $Abigail is a striking figure with a commanding presence. Standing at 5'10" and weighing 58 kg, her tall, slender frame is accentuated by her curvaceous, sexy silhouette. Her vibrant red hair cascades in soft waves, adding a fiery touch to her allure. Her captivating green eyes seem to shimmer with confidence, drawing attention and leaving a lasting impression. Overall, she exudes a blend of elegance and bold charm that turns heads wherever she goes.
Background: $Abigail grew up in a bustling suburban neighborhood. As a child, she was always the center of attention, charming everyone with her humor and playfulness. She went to nursing school where she met her boyfriend and had a child with him. Unfortunately, he left her and her kid to fend off for themselves, and she did, alternating between studying and raising $Grace. She never dated again, placing her focus on $Grace and her job. Her approach to life has always been driven by a belief in enjoying the little things.
Biography: As a mother, $Abigail is caring and encouraging, always making an effort to be involved in her daughter's life and offer guidance. She shares a close bond with her daughter, sharing her playful tendencies and offering advice on navigating life’s complexities. While she maintains a cheerful demeanor, her wisdom runs deep, shaped by the challenges she faced and overcame. Her optimism and kindness continue to inspire those who know her, making her a cherished friend and a loving mother to $Grace and to you.
Love points: $abiLO
Lust points: $abiLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AF/AF1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Autumn Falls''
Name: $Stella $Rivera
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Relation: <<if $relation is "taboo">>Sister's Best Friend<<elseif $relation is "intimate">>Step-sister's Best Friend<<else>>Distant Friend<</if>>
Physical Appearance: $Stella stands at 5'3" with a luscious, feminine figure that draws immediate attention. Weighing 52 kg, her curves are beautifully defined, giving her an effortlessly alluring presence. Her rich brunette hair cascades in soft waves, complementing the warmth and depth of her brown eyes, which sparkle with charm and confidence. With her compact yet captivating frame, she exudes a sensual, radiant beauty that feels both approachable and enchanting.
Background: $Stella grew up in a normal household with supportive parents who encouraged her to pursue her interests and enjoy life to the fullest. She was always surrounded by family and friends, making her naturally social and comfortable in a variety of settings. Her friendship with $Sophia began when they were young, and they quickly became inseparable, sharing countless memories and experiences together. Throughout high school, $Stella was known for her openness in both her body and her sexuality.
Biography: $Stella is a vibrant and confident young woman with a knack for making people feel at ease. Her close bond with $Sophia is one of the most important relationships in her life, and she treats her like family. Her spirited and flirty personality often brings a sense of excitement wherever she goes, and she isn't afraid to speak her mind or stand up for her friends.
Love points: $stellaLO
Lust points: $stellaLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/EI/EI6.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Eliza Ibarra''
Name: $Addison $Lewis
Age: 18
Occupation: Waitress
Relation: Classmate
Physical Appearance: $Addison is a statuesque beauty, standing at 5'10" with a slender, stunning body that highlights her graceful proportions. Weighing 50 kg, her frame is lean yet elegantly defined. Her dark brunette hair falls in soft, flowing waves, complementing the warmth in her rich brown eyes, which seem to exude both strength and tenderness. With her striking looks and effortlessly chic presence, she captures attention in a way that feels both captivating and timeless.
Background: $Addison grew up in a modest household. From a young age, she learned the importance of balancing responsibilities, helping out at home while she studies. Her strong work ethic led her to take on part-time jobs during high schook. Working as a waitress helped her build confidence and refine her social skills, even as she juggled her academic life. She was one of the girls who could get any boy she set her eyes on.
Biography: As both a college student and a waitress, she balances her academic pursuits with the demands of her job, always giving her best in every role she plays. Her experiences in the service industry have made her quick on her feet, with a keen ability to socialize and handle stressful situations gracefully. Despite her busy schedule, $Addison makes time for others, often surprising people with her down-to-earth nature. She doesn’t shy away from people and takes pride in being independent. She rarely talks about her struggles.
Love points: $addLO
Lust points: $addLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Lulu Chu''
Name: $Lily $Park
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Relation: Classmate
Physical Appearance: $Lily is a petite and captivating presence, standing at 4'9" and weighing 43 kg. Her delicate Asian features are framed by sleek black hair that falls gracefully just past her shoulders. Her brown eyes are striking, with an almost mischievous glint, especially when she occasionally wears glasses that enhance her thoughtful, intelligent look. She is often disregarded, but only true men can appreciate her beauty.
Background: $Lily grew up in a household where academic success was the highest priority. Her parents always pushed her to excel in her studies, instilling in her a strong sense of discipline and a focus on meeting their expectations. As a result, $Lily spent most of her time buried in books, leaving little room for socializing or developing friendships. Her awkwardness in social settings made it even harder to connect with others, and she often felt out of place, especially when it came to relationships or dating.
Biography: $Lily is a diligent student, often found studying to maintain her high grades. Her dedication to meeting her parents' expectations sometimes borders on obsessive, driven by a fear of disappointing them. While she is bright and capable in the academic world, her social skills are lacking, leaving her struggling to form meaningful friendships or romantic relationships. Despite her challenges, her genuine desire to connect with others remains, though she often finds herself unsure of how to break through her shyness and make friends.
Love points: $lilyLO
Lust points: $lilyLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
Name: $Mason $Carter
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Relation: Acquaintance
Physical Appearance: $Mason is 6'1" and has a build that hints at his active social life. His black hair is usually styled in a casually tousled look, giving him a carefree vibe. He has bluish eyes that are often filled with a playful spark, accompanied by a charming smile that makes him easy to approach. His facial features are well-defined, with a strong jawline. His confident posture and relaxed demeanor add to his overall appeal, making him stand out in any crowd.
Background: $Mason grew up in a well-off family where he was often given whatever he wanted without having to work for it. His parents' indulgence made life easy, but it also led him to adopt a carefree attitude toward responsibilities, especially academics. By the time he reached college age, his lack of interest in studying had delayed his progress, making him a first-year student at 22. Despite his academic setbacks, $Mason found his passion in social life, quickly rising to become the leader of the Phi Party Crew (PPC), a popular fraternity known for its wild parties and strong camaraderie.
Biography: $Mason is a charming and laid-back individual who enjoys the fun side of college life more than the academic part. As the leader of the Phi Party Crew, he’s in his element planning events and keeping the fraternity's reputation alive. Despite his spoiled nature, he’s genuinely kind-hearted and always looks out for his friends, often using his resources to help others in a pinch. Though he doesn’t take his studies seriously, his natural charisma makes him a well-liked figure on campus. His carefree attitude can sometimes cause tension with those who value hard work, but he prefers to live life on his terms, enjoying every moment without worrying too much about the future.
Love points: $masLO
[[Back.|Character Lore]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Mia Malkova''
Name: $Bella $Watson
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Relation: Stranger
Physical Appearance: $Bella stands at 5'8" with a curvy, stunning figure that commands attention. Weighing 54 kg, her body is both sleek and beautifully proportioned, with every curve in perfect harmony. Her flowing blonde hair frames her face in soft waves, complementing her striking hazel brown eyes, which seem to shift between shades of gold and green, adding to her captivating allure. With her graceful, statuesque frame and radiant confidence, she embodies both sexiness and a powerful, magnetic presence.
Background: $Bella grew up in an affluent family, where she was often the center of attention and accustomed to getting what she wanted. With her striking looks and natural charm, she learned early on how to use her appearance to her advantage, whether it was to win over friends, teachers, or boyfriends. Throughout high school, $Bella was always in the spotlight, eventually becoming the head cheerleader—a role that suited her perfectly. Her popularity only grew when she entered college, where she quickly established herself as the queen bee on campus.
Biography: $Bella is the head cheerleader and the most popular girl at college, exuding confidence and charm wherever she goes. Known for her beauty and social status, she often gets what she wants, using her looks and charm to her advantage. Her entitled attitude sometimes makes her come off as spoiled, and she expects others to cater to her needs. Despite her demanding nature, $Bella is a natural leader within the cheerleading squad and thrives in the spotlight, relishing her role as the campus’s reigning queen of popularity.
Love points: $bellaLO
Lust points: $bellaLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Scarlit Scandal''
Name: $Maya $Gray
Age: 21
Occupation: Student
Relation: Student Ambassador
Physical Appearance: $Maya stands at 5'1" with a petite, slim body that radiates elegance and allure. Weighing 45 kg, her figure is delicate and graceful, yet exudes a quiet strength. Her jet-black hair frames her face in sleek, straight strands, contrasting beautifully with her deep ebony skin, which has a luminous, smooth glow. Her brown eyes are warm and captivating, holding a mysterious, magnetic quality that draws you in. Despite her smaller stature, she carries herself with confidence, leaving an impression that lingers long after she's gone.
Background: $Maya grew up in a family that emphasized the importance of academics and leadership, pushing her to excel from an early age. Always a high achiever, she quickly became known for her dedication to her studies and involvement in various extracurricular activities. In high school, she developed strong organizational skills and a knack for guiding others, leading her to pursue roles in student leadership.
Biography: $Maya is a hardworking and responsible student who takes her role as a student supervisor seriously. She has a natural talent for leadership, easily earning the respect of her peers and faculty alike. With a friendly yet authoritative demeanor, she knows how to balance being approachable with maintaining a sense of professionalism. $Maya genuinely cares about the success of other students, often going out of her way to provide guidance or support when needed. Her commitment to her responsibilities, combined with her approachable nature, makes her a valuable asset to the college community.
Love points: $mayaLO
Lust points: $mayaLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Ana Foxxx''
Name: $Rachel $Adams
Age: 30
Occupation: Professor
Relation: Teacher
Physical Appearance: $Rachel stands at 5'7" with a fit, athletic body that showcases both strength and elegance. Weighing 59 kg, her toned physique reflects a dedication to fitness, with well-defined curves that complement her powerful presence. Her dark, radiant skin has a smooth, flawless glow, while her striking black hair is often worn in sleek styles that enhance her bold, confident look. Her brown eyes are deep and penetrating, filled with intensity and charisma. Her beauty is fierce and captivating, making her impossible to overlook.
Background: $Rachel grew up in a diverse urban environment that shaped her worldview and passion for education. She lost her mother early on, but she did not allow that to affect her. From an early age, she excelled academically, often encouraged by her father to pursue her interests in science and literature. She attended a prestigious university, where she earned her degrees with distinction, specializing in her field of expertise. Driven by a desire to make a difference, $Rachel became a professor at a young age, quickly earning respect for her innovative teaching methods and her ability to connect with students. Her youthfulness and relatable approach have made her a popular figure among her students.
Biography: $Rachel is a dynamic professor who brings energy and enthusiasm to the classroom. Her teaching style is engaging and interactive, fostering a supportive environment that encourages student participation. She is known for her commitment to academic excellence and her genuine passion for her subject matter. Outside of academics, $Rachel is dedicated to mentoring students and promoting diversity within higher education. She is approachable and relatable, often sharing her own experiences to inspire her students. Her blend of professionalism and warmth makes her a beloved figure on campus, and her influence extends beyond the classroom as she works to empower the next generation of scholars.
Love points: $rachLO
Lust points: $rachLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Ava Addams''
Name: $Naomi $Parker
Age: 44
Occupation: Dean
Relation: Boss
Physical Appearance: $Naomi stands at 5'7" with a curvy, attractive figure that turns heads effortlessly. Weighing 57 kg, her body is beautifully proportioned, showcasing a confident, feminine silhouette. Her long, dark hair—whether deep black or rich brunette—cascades in smooth waves, framing her striking face perfectly. Her warm brown eyes are captivating and expressive, exuding a mix of sensuality and poise. Her natural allure and graceful presence make her both stunning and unforgettable.
Background: $Naomi was always a driven and ambitious individual, standing out for her intelligence and leadership skills from a young age. Growing up, she excelled in academics and was often involved in various leadership roles at school. She developed a keen interest in the mystical and supernatural, eventually encountering them. Her dedication and expertise allowed her to rise quickly through the ranks in academia, eventually becoming the dean of the college. Behind the scenes, $Naomi also leads a group of ''Arcanists'', guiding them in mastering their powers and using them for purposes that extend beyond the typical college curriculum.
Biography: $Naomi is the college dean, known for her sharp intellect and no-nonsense attitude. A skilled leader, she commands respect from students and faculty alike, balancing her administrative duties with a deeper commitment to the supernatural. As the head of a secretive group, though she lacks supernatural abilities, she is more than just an academic figure; she is a mentor and strategist, deeply involved in the hidden aspects of the supernatural world. Her composed exterior hides a complex personality, one driven by a quest for knowledge. Her dual role as dean and leader makes her a powerful and influential presence on campus.
Love points: $naLO
Lust points: $naLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LL/LL3.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Lexi Luna''
Name: $Zoe $Roberts
Age: 26
Occupation: N/A
Relation: Colleague
Physical Appearance: $Zoe stands at 5'7" with an hourglass figure that embodies both elegance and allure. Weighing 57 kg, her well-balanced proportions emphasize her curves, creating a striking and feminine silhouette. Her rich brunette hair flows in smooth waves, complementing the deep, soulful brown eyes that hold a captivating, almost magnetic quality. With her graceful stature and undeniable beauty, $Zoe exudes confidence and sophistication, leaving a lasting impression wherever she goes.
Background: Her childhood was marked by hardship, as she was abandoned by her parents at a young age. Left to fend for herself, she quickly learned to rely on her own resourcefulness. At the age of 11, she discovered her extraordinary healing powers, which offered her a glimmer of hope amid her struggles. During a moment of crisis, $Naomi found her and recognized her potential, bringing her into a nurturing environment where she could thrive. Under <<print $Naomi>>'s guidance, $Zoe developed her powers and gained confidence, becoming an integral part of the group.
Biography: $Zoe is known for her kind heart and unwavering compassion. Since being taken in by $Naomi, she has blossomed into a talented healer and a trusted member of the team. Her natural ability to mend injuries and illnesses has earned her respect and admiration, both among her peers and those she helps. As one of <<print $Naomi>>'s most trusted allies, $Zoe leads her own team on various missions, showcasing her leadership skills and dedication to helping others. Her experiences have shaped her into a resilient and empathetic individual, always willing to lend a helping hand and support those in need.
Love points: $zoeLO
Lust points: $zoeLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Valentina Nappi''
Name: $Diana $Rossi
Age: 24
Occupation: Janitress
Relation: Stranger
Physical Appearance: $Diana stands at 5'5" with a fit, attractive physique that radiates confidence. Weighing 57 kg, her body is both curvaceous and toned, embodying a natural, elegant allure. Her deep brunette hair cascades in soft waves, perfectly complementing her warm brown eyes, which hold a playful yet captivating spark. With her graceful yet sultry presence, $Diana captures attention with ease, effortlessly balancing beauty and humbleness in every movement.
Background: $Diana grew up in a small village in Europe, where life was challenging even before tragedy struck. After losing her parents at a young age, she became the sole guardian of her younger sister. With limited resources and no family to rely on, $Diana was determined to create a better life for them. After relocating to the city, she took on multiple jobs to make ends meet, eventually landing a position as a janitress at the college. Despite the difficulties she faces, $Diana is a resilient and hardworking individual, always striving to provide for her sister and give her a stable upbringing, no matter the cost.
Biography: $Diana is a dedicated college janitress, working tirelessly to support herself and her younger sister. Her life has been marked by hardship, but her unwavering spirit drives her to keep pushing forward. Her kind nature and willingness to help others have earned her the respect of faculty, who see her as more than just a janitress but as a vital part of the college community. Despite her struggles, she remains hopeful for a brighter future for herself and her sister. With money often being a shortage, she finds herself doing odd favors and jobs to earn money.
Love points: $dianaLO
Lust points: $dianaLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AJ/AJ4.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''AJ Applegate''
Name: $Hailey $Price
Age: 27
Occupation: N/A
Relation: Colleague
Physical Appearance: $Hailey stands at 5'2" with a captivating figure that packs a punch. Weighing 54 kg, her body is both toned and curvy, with an attractive silhouette highlighted by a distinctive tattoo on her bubbly ass. Her platinum blonde hair cascades in soft waves, perfectly framing her face, while her striking blue eyes stand out with a bold, playful spark.
Background: Her early life was marred by tragedy when her parents were killed, leaving her to navigate the world alone. This loss hardened her heart, making her emotionally distant and often perceived as malevolent. At the age of 9, she discovered her powerful electricity manipulation abilities, which became both a source of strength and a means of survival. Eventually, $Naomi found her and took her in, recognizing the potential within her. While $Hailey struggles with her darker tendencies, she has a fierce loyalty to those she considers close, particularly $Naomi, whom she admires deeply.
Biography: $Hailey is a complex individual often seen as heartless and ruthless. Her dark demeanor and sharp wit can intimidate those around her, but beneath the surface lies a deep loyalty to her inner circle. Since being taken in by $Naomi, she has grown into one of her most trusted allies, demonstrating impressive leadership skills as she leads her own group on missions. Despite her harsh exterior, she respects $Naomi immensely and values the bond they share. While she may not show compassion for everyone, her fierce protection of those she cares about reveals a different side to her character, one that is driven by a desire to shield them from harm.
Love points: $haileyLO
Lust points: $haileyLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]Description: The ability to see through solid objects, allowing the user to visualize the internal structures of materials, organisms, and environments. This power is particularly useful for locating hidden objects, assessing injuries, or navigating complex environments. The user can adjust the intensity and depth of their X-ray vision, making it possible to see through varying thicknesses of materials. You just use it to see through clothes.
Known Users: You
Level: $vision
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This power grants the user the ability to move at incredible velocities, far beyond the limits of human capabilities. With super speed, the user can run, react, and dodge with lightning-fast reflexes. This ability also enhances the user's agility and coordination, allowing for rapid acceleration and sudden stops, making it possible to perform complex maneuvers in a fraction of a second.
Known Users: You
Level: $speed
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: The power to read minds and communicate mentally with others. Users of telepathy can sense thoughts, emotions, and intentions of those around them, allowing for deep understanding and insight into people's motivations. Additionally, telepathy enables the user to send messages directly into the minds of others, facilitating silent communication and strategic planning. It also gives the uses a certain control over others' personalities.
Known Users: You
Level: $mind
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: The ability to call forth creatures, objects, or people from. Users can summon allies or entities to assist them in battle or retrieve items from afar. The summoned beings can vary widely in form and power, from animals and spirits to powerful warriors or elemental forces, depending on the user's skill and connection to the summoned entities.
Known Users: You
Level: $summon
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This power allows the user to become unseen by others, rendering them invisible to the naked eye. Invisibility can be used for stealth missions, evading detection, or observing situations without being noticed. Some users can also choose to make specific parts of their body invisible, such as their hands or weapons. If the user wills, the power can be used to phase through solid objects.
Known Users: You
Level: $phase
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: The ability to influence and manipulate the emotions of others through personal charisma, hypnotism, and allure. Users can enhance their attractiveness or charm, making it easier to persuade or captivate those around them. This power can be used for negotiation, seduction, or gaining trust, often leading others to comply with the user's wishes.
Known Users: You
Level: $charm
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This power grants the user the ability to manipulate and control natural elements such as fire, water, and air. Users can summon elemental forces, create barriers, or unleash devastating attacks based on their chosen element. Mastery of this power allows for a wide range of applications, from combat to environmental manipulation, and can also include combining elements for more complex effects.
Known Users: You
Level: $element
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: The ability to change one's physical form into that of another person, animal, or object. Users can adopt different appearances at will, allowing them to blend into various environments or evade recognition. Morphing can also grant the user attributes of the form they take, such as enhanced strength or agility, depending on the nature of the transformation.
Known Users: You
Level: $morph
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This power enables the user to create identical copies of themselves. Each duplicate functions independently and retains the user's memories, skills, abilities, and consciousness. Duplication allows for strategic advantages in combat, teamwork, or performing multiple tasks simultaneously. However, the user must manage their duplicates effectively, as they can be susceptible to damage or destruction.
Known Users: You
Level: $dup
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: The ability to restore health and mend injuries in oneself or others. Users of healing powers can accelerate the body's natural recovery processes, curing ailments, closing wounds, and even regenerating lost tissues. This power can range from simple healing of minor cuts and bruises to more complex abilities like reviving someone from near death or restoring energy. Healing often requires concentration and energy, and the effectiveness can depend on the user's skill and emotional state.
Known Users: $Zoe
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: The power to generate, control, and manipulate electricity. Users can unleash electrical blasts, create electric fields, and even absorb electrical energy from their surroundings. Electrokinesis allows for a variety of offensive and defensive applications, such as stunning opponents, powering devices, or creating barriers of electricity. Advanced users may also have the ability to manipulate electrical signals in the brain, potentially affecting others' nervous systems or communication devices.
Known Users: $Hailey
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This reflects the character's physical looks and overall attractiveness. A higher appearance score can enhance interactions with others, making it easier to gain favor, influence decisions, or attract attention in social situations. Characters with high appearance are often perceived as more charismatic and likable, which can lead to advantages in romantic pursuits and negotiations.
Level: $looks
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This measures the character's mental acuity, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge. A higher intelligence score allows for better performance in academic or strategic tasks, enhancing the character's ability to solve puzzles, understand complex situations, and make informed decisions. Intelligence also impacts the effectiveness of certain abilities and skills, particularly those that rely on analysis and reasoning.
Level: $iq
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This represents the character's physical strength, endurance, and overall athleticism. A higher physique score translates to increased physical capabilities, allowing for better performance in physical activities such as combat, athletics, and endurance challenges. Characters with strong physiques are typically more resilient, capable of taking and recovering from damage more effectively.
Level: $fit
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This reflects the character's social skills, charm, and ability to influence others. A high charisma score enables the character to navigate social situations more effectively, persuading, negotiating, or captivating audiences with ease. Charisma can lead to increased success in forming relationships, leading groups, and convincing others to take action, making it a valuable trait in both personal and professional interactions.
Level: $charisma
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This indicates the character's stamina and vitality, determining how much physical or magical activity they can sustain. A higher energy score allows for more superpowers to be performed before the character tires. Managing energy is crucial for maintaining performance in prolonged encounters, whether in combat, exploration, or more carnal usages.
Current Energy: $energy
Maximum Energy: $maxEnergy
[[Back.|Story Lore]]Description: This represents the character's financial resources and wealth. A higher money score allows for the purchase of items, services, or upgrades, providing the character with better equipment and opportunities. Money can influence the character's social standing, access to exclusive locations, and ability to bribe or persuade others, making it a significant aspect of gameplay and strategy.
Pocket Money: $money
[[Back.|Story Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Campus1.jpg" width="400px">
''Overview'': Lakeview State University (LSU) was established in the early 1900s, along the picturesque shores of Lake Serenity. Initially a small liberal arts college, it has transformed over the years into one of the most prestigious and expansive universities in the region. Known for its commitment to academic excellence and innovation, LSU attracts a diverse array of students from around the globe.
As a leader in research and education, LSU has developed cutting-edge programs that combine traditional disciplines with the exploration of extraordinary abilities. The university’s reputation is bolstered by its distinguished faculty, many of whom are recognized leaders in their fields, and its impressive network of alumni who have gone on to achieve remarkable success.
''Description'': Lakeview State University is a sprawling, modern campus that seamlessly blends state-of-the-art facilities with beautiful natural surroundings. The university's architecture reflects its prestigious status, featuring sleek, contemporary buildings alongside beautifully preserved historic structures.
''Key Locations on Campus'':
The Main Quad: This expansive central gathering space is lined with modern lecture halls and administrative buildings. Students often congregate here for outdoor events, study groups, and socializing, all while enjoying the landscaped gardens and green spaces.
The Library: A state-of-the-art facility housing an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources. The library is designed for collaboration and study, featuring quiet reading rooms, group study areas, and advanced technology for research. It serves as a hub for academic exploration and a sanctuary for students seeking knowledge.
Campus Gardens: A beautifully landscaped area featuring a variety of plants and flowers, the campus gardens provide a peaceful retreat for students. With walking paths, benches, and quiet spots for reflection or study, the gardens serve as a serene escape from the bustle of university life.
The Student Center: A modern, multi-level facility that includes dining options, study lounges, and spaces for clubs and organizations. This bustling center fosters a sense of community and is a focal point for student activities and events.
The Gymnasium: A cutting-edge athletic facility equipped with the latest in fitness technology. It offers a wide range of sports and fitness classes, as well as spaces for intramural sports, encouraging students to maintain their physical well-being.
The Observatory: Perched on a hilltop, this modern observatory is equipped with advanced telescopes and technology for students to explore the cosmos. It serves as a gathering place for astronomy enthusiasts and hosts public events for the community.
Lakeview State University stands as a beacon of knowledge and opportunity, where academic rigor meets the exploration of socialism. With its prestigious reputation and commitment to fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment, LSU is a place where students can thrive, innovate, and discover their true potential.
[[Back.|Story Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Mansion.jpg" width="400px">
''Overview'': Nestled on a sprawling estate just a couple of minutes drive from the main campus of Lakeview State University, the Dean's Mansion is not only a symbol of wealth and prestige but also a crucial hub for covert Arcanist operations. Built in the early 1900s, this castle-like structure boasts a rich history and has been meticulously maintained to reflect the grandeur of its past.
The mansion serves as the residence for Dean $Naomi, known for her leadership and dedication to both academic excellence. Within its walls, she and her trusted associates strategize, conduct research, and oversee missions related to the world of Arcanists. While the exterior radiates elegance and sophistication, the mansion conceals advanced technology that facilitates their operations.
''Description'': The Dean's Mansion is an architectural marvel, characterized by its towering spires, ornate stonework, and sprawling gardens. Its vast interior features high ceilings adorned with intricate moldings, grand staircases, and a collection of exquisite artwork that narrates the history of the place.
''Key Features of the Mansion'':
The Grand Hall: Upon entering the mansion, visitors are greeted by the magnificent grand hall, which features a sweeping staircase, a stunning chandelier, and luxurious furnishings. This space is often used for formal gatherings but also serves as a meeting point for Arcanist discussions.
The Library: Unlike the university library, this private collection houses rare books on supernatural phenomena, ancient texts, and records of Arcanist history. The library's hidden compartments and advanced research tools make it an essential resource for those investigating the mysteries of the supernatural.
The Strategy Room: Disguised as a study, this room is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for surveillance, communication, and planning. Here, the dean and her trusted advisors coordinate operations, analyze threats, and devise strategies to protect the university and its students from supernatural dangers.
The Pools and Sports Courts: The mansion features several luxurious pools and sports courts, providing spaces for relaxation, exercise, and recreational activities. These facilities are used for both leisure and training, allowing Arcanists to enhance their physical abilities while enjoying a balanced lifestyle. The pools are designed with tranquil aesthetics, while the sports courts cater to various athletic endeavors.
The Gardens: Surrounding the mansion, the meticulously landscaped gardens are not only a place of beauty but also serve as a training ground for Arcanists. Hidden within the flora are designated areas for practice and meditation, allowing Arcanists to connect with nature while enhancing their abilities.
The Dean's Mansion stands as a testament to the place's legacy, blending opulence with purpose. It embodies the duality of academic life and the clandestine world of Arcanists, making it a pivotal location in the intricate narrative of the city.
[[Back.|Story Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/House.jpg" width="400px">
''Overview'': The Phi Party Crew (PPC) House is a prominent fixture on the social scene at Lakeview State University. As the home of the most popular fraternity on campus, it's renowned for its lively parties, open-door policy, and the antics of its members. The fraternity, led by $Mason, is notorious for its laid-back approach to academics and commitment to fun, embodying the college stereotype of work-hard, play-harder.
The house itself was once a historic mansion, converted decades ago to accommodate the fraternity. While its exterior retains much of its old charm, the inside has been thoroughly modernized to cater to the PPC’s party lifestyle. The house is an unofficial center for social life at the university, where students flock for wild events and memorable nights.
''Description'': The PPC House is a sprawling two-story building, situated just off-campus. Its classic brick façade is adorned with ivy creeping up the walls, creating an air of old-school elegance that contrasts sharply with the bustling energy inside. The interior is designed with socializing in mind, with large open spaces and an eclectic mix of furnishings that cater to relaxation and entertainment.
''Key Features of the Phi Party Crew House'':
The Main Lounge: This large, open area serves as the heart of the house. With plenty of seating, bean bags, a pool table, and a bar setup, it’s the perfect place for casual hangouts, study sessions (rarely), or pre-party gatherings. It also hosts PPC's famous weekly parties.
The Game Room: Stocked with arcade machines, gaming consoles, and a foosball table, the game room is a favorite among members and guests alike. It’s often where competitions and challenges take place, fueling the fraternity’s competitive spirit.
The Dance Floor and DJ Booth: Located in the basement, the dance floor is fitted with professional lighting and sound equipment, and even a DJ booth for live performances. This space is where the Phi Party Crew throws its legendary parties, packed with music, dancing, and revelry.
The Backyard: The house features a spacious backyard complete with a barbecue area, a fire pit, and several lawn games. It’s the perfect spot for daytime gatherings, cookouts, or late-night chill sessions under the stars.
The Pool and Hot Tub: The backyard also includes a pool and hot tub, which are popular for both casual swims and themed pool parties. The area is often decorated with tiki torches and party lights, adding to the festive atmosphere.
The Bedrooms: Though less glamorous, the members’ bedrooms are located on the second floor. The rooms vary in size and decoration, with each member bringing their own touch to the space. While many rooms reflect a typical college student's lifestyle, a few of them hint at the luxurious taste of some of the PPC members.
The Phi Party Crew House serves as the epicenter of student nightlife at Lakeview State University. It’s a place where friendships are formed, memories are made, and the true college experience comes to life—wild, unpredictable, and unforgettable.
[[Back.|Story Lore]]<<if not tags().includes("noreturn")>>
<<set $return to passage()>>
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $day to "Tuesday">>\
<<set $time to "Noon">>\
<<set $energy to $maxEnergy>>\
Your eyes flutter open, greeted not by the dim, early morning light but by the bright midday sun streaming through the window. Panic grips your chest as you jolt upright and grab your phone. The screen confirms your worst fear: it is already noon, and you have missed more than half of your classes.
Fuck, fuck! Not again! Yesterday, you might have had an excuse, but nobody is going to let you off with an "I overslept". How did you oversleep this badly? You barely remember falling back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night. You are going to have to attend the rest of your classes looking like a mess.
Throwing on clothes in a rush, you snatch your bag and stumble out of the dorm room, frustration and dread swirling in your gut. You run a hand through your messy hair, attempting to collect your thoughts. As you step through the doorway, the air feels different—colder, and the familiar noise of college life fades away. The hallway is not bustling with students. Instead, it is quiet, almost unnaturally so. It must be one of your powers.
<span class="glitch">[[Step through the door.]]</span><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/livingroom.jpg" width="400px">
When the door closes behind you, you find yourself no longer in the familiar dorm building. You are standing in the living room of your home, the one you grew up in. The faint smell of the dormitory lingers a bit before it is completely gone.
You are actually inside your home right now. Your surroundings are exactly as you remember before you left a few days ago—every detail intact, from the framed photos lining the wall to the comfortable couch inviting you for a rest.
You look around in bewilderment. "What the—How did I get here?" Your voice echoes in the empty house. You step back, glancing over your shoulder, expecting to see the dorm hallway behind you, but it is gone, replaced by the front door of your home. The realization washes over you, leaving you disoriented and unsteady. This does not make any sense. You had just stepped out of your dorm room, had you not?
Did you somehow teleport here using one of your powers? This is the only ''logical'' explanation behind this. Since you have not seen or heard anyone yet, the house is likely empty. Well, there is only one thing to do now: explore.
[[Explore the house.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL21.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KL/KL24.jpg" width="400px">
You decide to check every room, just to be sure. First, you head to the living room. No sign of anyone here. You pause for a moment, listening, but the only sound is your own breath.
You make your way to the kitchen next. The faint smell of coffee still hangs in the air, though there is no fresh pot brewing. The sink is empty, and the counters are spotless. You open the fridge out of habit, finding it fully stocked with familiar groceries. You let out a light chuckle. Of course.
Then comes your room. You push the door open, and a strange chill runs down your spine. It looks exactly as it did the day you left for college—posters on the walls, clothes in the hamper, and books scattered on your desk. Even your old phone charger dangles from the nightstand. You have only been gone for a few days after all.
You open the bathroom door, finding it just as empty. Everything feels so normal. Finally, you check <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father's and step-mom's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your parents'<<else>>Mr. and Mrs. <<print $Brooks>>'<</if>> bedroom. As you get closer, you notice that the door is wide open, unlike every other room in the house.
You slowly approach the room. You do not know what is happening; it is best to be careful. A few steps away from the room, a soft humming starts to fill your ears. Oh, thank fuck! It felt like a horror movie for a second there. You would recognize that voice anywhere.
More relaxed, you move toward the room and find <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> in the middle of changing her clothes. It has only been one day since you have last seen her, but it feels like she only got hotter in that day. Seriously, she has a stunning body. Anybody can tell that she works out from one look at her. Mesmerized, you watch her change her clothes, her hands sliding up and down her figure.
She turns around, displaying her ass to you. Fuck, she is teasing you. From this angle, you can tell just how curvy her body actually is. The bright sunlight shines on her through the window, making her more appealing to the eyes than she already is. You adjust your growing cock in your pants.
Her humming suddenly stops, and she turns around again. You should have taken this chance to get the hell out of here, but your body would not move. Naturally, you got caught. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> heads toward the door. She notices you and screams your ears off, startled by your presence. "AH, $name! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" she shouts, closing the bedroom door. Great.
[[Wait for her.]]<<if $dream1 is true>>\
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL22.jpg" width="400px">
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL23.jpg" width="400px">
You should have left when you had the chance. You wanted to, but something was holding you back, besides your lust of course. You feel in control of yourself, but just how much control do you actually have? There is still something off about this day, but you can't place your finger on what it is.
The bedroom door opens, shifting your attention away from your thoughts and to <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. To your disappointment, she put on some clothes, something she often wears in the comfort of her home. You stand there ready for her to scold you, but it never arrives. Instead she pulls you in for a warm hug. "Hey, baby. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I thought I was home alone, so when I saw you, I got startled."
"It's okay, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. I probably shouldn't have shown up unannounced," you take blame. "But I really missed you."
She breaks off the embrace and holds your hand. "I missed you too, sweetie, but you can't just leave your classes like that and come here whenever you want. This is really irresponsible."
"I know. I know. It's just for today. I promise," you say.
She sighs and nods her head in understanding. "Fine, just for today," she gives in. She wants you to be here as much, if not more than you.
<<if $dream1 is true>>\
[[Make a comment about her body.|Lust Focus 8]]
[[Emphasize how much you missed her.|Love Focus 8]]
[[Tell her she looks nice today.|Both Focus 8]]
[[Continue.|Dream 2 Cont.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL22.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO - 1>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 2>>\
As you stand in front of <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, you let your eyes wander over her figure before speaking, your tone taking on a slightly suggestive edge.
"You know, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, you’ve really kept yourself in great shape. It's hard not to notice. I'm glad you decided to leave the door open."
She raises an eyebrow at you, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "Oh, really?" she says, her voice a mixture of amusement and surprise. "Well, I guess I should be flattered then."
There is a playful glint in her eyes. She shifts slightly, crossing her legs in a way that draws your attention, but there is a slight tension in the air, and the moment feels charged with a slight intrigue.
[[Continue.|Dream 2 Cont.]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL22.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 2>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU - 1>>\
You decide to take a more heartfelt approach, looking <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> in the eyes with genuine affection. You really did miss her.
"I know I've already said it, but I've really missed you, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. The only reason I left college and came here today is to spend some time with you," you lie. It is not like you came here willingly, but she does not have to know that.
Her expression softens, and she reaches out to gently squeeze your hand. "I've missed you too," she says, her voice warm and sincere. "It's nice to have moments like this, where we can just enjoy each other's company."
There is a genuine connection in the air, an affectionate bond that feels comforting and familiar. She leans in slightly closer, and the warmth of her presence makes you feel at ease.
[[Continue.|Dream 2 Cont.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL22.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $noraLO to $noraLO + 1>>\
<<set $noraLU to $noraLU + 1>>\
You decide to compliment <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> in a way that is friendly but also carries a hint of flirtation.
"You look really nice today, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. I guess I shouldn't be surprised; you always do. But I feel like you got even more beautiful in the last day."
She smiles at you, her eyes twinkling with appreciation. "That's sweet of you to say," she replies, tilting her head slightly. "Thank you. You're looking quite handsome yourself."
The compliment seems to have a subtle effect, adding a layer of warmth to the interaction. There is a moment where her gaze lingers on yours, and you notice a slight flush on her cheeks. It is not overly forward, but the shared look creates a glint of something deeper—a mix of fondness and unspoken attraction.
[[Continue.|Dream 2 Cont.]] <div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/lGrab2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"So, what did you have planned for the day, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>?" you ask.
"I usually try to find something to waste my time on since I'm alone most of the day. You know how obsessed <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>$Chris<</if>> has been with work lately. It's the only thing he has time for apparently," she complains about her absent husband.
He really has been very engrossed in his work for a while now. You know he probably does this to support his family; however, by neglecting them, he is also pushing them away in the process. Whatever. You will take care of his wife for him; somebody has to ''fill'' this position after all.
"How about a movie, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>? We'll even put on a romance," you suggest, making the offer too hard to resist.
A bright smile forms on her face, and she rushes excitedly to the living room and finds a seat on the couch. A light chuckle escapes you as you follow behind her. She gently pats the empty space beside her, inviting you to join her on the couch.
You sit closely next to her and start the movie. Not even ten minutes into the movie, and you are already in a cuddling position, lightly caressing each other's bodies. You ''innocently'' run your hand over her leg, brushing gently against <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. Similarly, she lovingly strokes your arms, occasionally taking the opportunity to feel your chest.
<<if $dream1 is true>>\
You have no idea why, but you are pretty confident that you can take things further with her. In fact, you know you can. It is less of a feeling and more of a certainty. Still, there is something off about this. You have a little too much control; it must be one of your powers' effects. Now, should you take that step with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, or should you enjoy the movie without any incidents?
<<if $dream1 is true>>\
<<if $relation is "intimate">>\
[[Seduce your step-mom.|Nora Dream]]
<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>\
[[Seduce your mom.|Nora Dream]]
<<link "Seduce Mrs. $Brooks." "Nora Dream">><</link>>
[[Enjoy the movie.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KL/KL3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You do not know where you got this courage from, but you plan to go for it anyway. Well, you are practically a god; you can do whatever you want, and nobody can go up against you right now. Even if you are currently not using any powers you are aware of, you are quite confident that you can achieve your goal easily.
With all that mutual touching, you have no doubt that <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> is open to something more. You gently turn her head around to face you, your face and hers now a few inches apart. You leaned in a little closer, your breath mingling with hers. “I’ve wanted to know what it’s like to be closer to you.”
“Closer, huh?” she teased, though her gaze lingered on your lips. You seize this moment and plant your lips on hers, kissing her passionately. She immediately returns the kiss, matching your enthusiasm, and it does not take long before you are all over each other's bodies.
You run your hands over her, groping whatever is closest to you as you both flip around the couch. You strip <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, feeling up her tits and luscious ass in the process. It is not until she is completely naked that you stop and admire her body, your cock threatening to tear a hole in your pants.
Similarly, <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> moves to strip you off your clothes, removing your top, your pants, and finally your underwear, freeing your straining cock. Still on her knees, she takes your dick in her hand and looks you in the eyes. "It's <<if $relation is "intimate">>a step-mother's duty to take care of her step-son<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>a mother's duty to care of her son<<else>>my duty to take care of you<</if>>," she says with a sultry look.
You were about to answer her, probably to say something cheeky or to rush her. You forgot what it was as soon as she wrapped her lips around your cock, devouring your member. You are not sure what is delivering more pleasure: her mouth around your dick or the scenario itself. After all, your <<if $relation is "intimate">>step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>own mom<<else>>mother's friend<</if>> is giving you a sloppy blowjob right now.
She is sucking your cock and lapping her tongue around the base diligently. As much as you are enjoying this, you feel like she has more control than you do right now. You can not have that. You hold her head and start fucking her face, slamming your dick down her throat. She looks surprised at first but does not object, allowing you to use her face at your leisure.
"Oh fuck, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>! You're so fucking good at this. What would your husband think about this?" you ask, deriving pleasure of reminding her that she is married. She does not reply nor stop blowing you. Instead, she removes her ring and throws it away, providing you with a clear answer to your question.
[[Fuck her.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/livingroom.jpg" width="400px">
The rest of the movie continues without any incidents. Eventually, the movie comes to an end. Surprisingly, it was very enjoyable, but you are never going to admit that to anyone. Everybody knows you do not like romantic movies, and you plan on keeping it that way.
"This was a good movie, wasn't it, $name?" she asks, curious to know your feelings about it.
"Eh, it could be better," you lie through your teeth. "But sitting with you made it tolerable."
She giggles at your response. "Is that so? Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sitting with me, that is," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> answers, though there is a show of doubt on her face. Does she see through you? "Anyway, the car hasn't been working since morning. Can you look at it?"
"Sure. I'll check it out," you say and head for the entrance. You have nothing better to do anyway.
<span class="glitch">[[Open the front door.]]</span><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KL/KL4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Having had fun with her face, it is now time to fill another hole of hers. You stop fucking her face and turn her over, her ass facing you. "You're on all fours for your <<if $relation is "intimate">>step-son<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>own son<<else>>friend's son<</if>>; you're supposed to be ashamed of that, but you're panting like a horny slut instead," you say, slapping her big ass for further emphasis.
"I'm sorry, $name. Please, just—just fuck me," she begs, wiggling her ass to encourage you.
How can you say no to that ass? You were planning to fuck her anyway; you just wanted to tease her for a bit, but it is time to get to the fun part now. You get closer to her and position your cock at her entrance. Fuck, you can not hold back anymore. You slowly insert your cock inside her, savoring every second of this feeling. Once, you are fully inside her, you start moving, fucking her tight pussy from behind.
"FUCK! Your cock is so big and hard for me, baby. It feels so good inside of me," <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> squeals, moaning in between every plunge of your dick.
"How come you're that tight? Does <<if $relation is "intimate">>dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> not fuck you anymore? Well, good for me then." You hold her hips and start to thrust faster, grunting as you feel her walls contracting around your dick.
She can not take any more of your rough treatment and begins shaking, cumming all over your dick. This, however, does not stop you as you continue your onslaught on her wet cunt, making her squeal and moan loudly. Still sensitive, another orgasm soon follows as her knees start to give up. You are very close to cumming as well. Where do you want to cum?
[[Cum inside her.|Nora Creampie 1]]
[[Cum on her tits.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/CP1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You know where you are planning to cum. Did you really stop and consider this before coming to this decision? Not really. Who can blame you though? How can you think or stop when fucking this tight milf?
Lust overwhelms you, and you increase your pace, fueled by the idea of filling <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> to the brim. She must know where you are planning to shoot your load, but she is not stopping you anyway.
You reach your limit and creampie <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, not pulling out until your balls are empty. When you are done, you pull your dick out and watch as her pussy leaks your cum out.
"That was amazing, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>," you say, putting your clothes back on.
"It really was, $name. Now, excuse me while I clean myself," she replies, heading for the bathroom. You watch her naked ass sway from side to side as she walks away, your cum dripping down her legs.
A few minutes later, she returns from the bathroom, and to your disappointment, her clothes are back on. She takes her seat next to you, and you both resume watching the movie and your cuddling session. It takes you a moment to wrap your head around what had just happened. You just had sex with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>.
[[Enjoy the movie.]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL25.jpg" width="400px">
As soon as you saw her naked, you already knew where you were going to cum. How can you not? These tits were built for this. You begin speeding up until you are at the brink of your orgasm.
You slow down and pull out. "Let me those fucking tits, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>," you demand. She obeys and gets on her knees, presenting her tits to you, though she looks kind of disappointed.
Did she want you to cum somewhere else? Well, too bad. You have a different preference. Already on the edge, the sight of <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> on her knees, holding her tits up for you, sends you over the edge. You grunt and shoot your load over her tits, covering them with your sperm.
"That was amazing, <<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>," you say, putting your clothes back on.
"It really was, $name. Now, excuse me while I clean myself," she replies, heading for the bathroom. You watch her naked ass sway from side to side as she walks away, your cum dripping down her body.
A few minutes later, she returns from the bathroom, and to your disappointment, her clothes are back on. She takes her seat next to you, and you both resume watching the movie and your cuddling session. It takes you a moment to wrap your head around what had just happened. You just had sex with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mother<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mother<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>.
[[Enjoy the movie.]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Street3.jpg" width="400px">
You open the door and step out of the house. As soon as you turn around, you find yourself standing on a dark, deserted road. Wait, what? You quickly turn to face the door again, only to find it completely gone. It is like you were never there. You take a deep, calming breath and assess your surroundings. Now is not the time to panic.
The world around you seems frozen in place, as if time itself has come to a complete stop. There is an eerie stillness in the air, and the faint sound of your own heartbeat feels unnaturally loud, echoing in the silence. You look ahead, and in the distance, you notice a blurred figure, almost like a mirage, rushing toward you at an impossible speed.
Before you can even react, the figure zooms past you, forming a gust of wind so strong it nearly knocks you off your feet. It is time to do something. You try to take a step forward, but your legs will not move. Panic starts to set in as you realize you can not fight back or even escape. Then, the figure speeds by again, this time closer, and a sharp pain suddenly erupts in your chest, like something has pierced through you.
The figure keeps racing around in circles, each lap growing faster in speed, until it just becomes a mix of motion and light. The pressure starts to build; the air feels impossibly heavy, and it becomes harder to breathe. You try to shout, but the sound is swallowed by the deafening roar of the wind. The force of the speed begins tearing at your skin, like the world is ripping you apart one piece at a time.
And then, just as abruptly, everything stops. The world snaps back into motion, and you collapse to the ground, every part of your body aching as though it has been torn from the inside out. You lie there, bleeding out, gasping for air, and your vision blurring as darkness closes in. The last thing you see is the figure standing over you—a distorted reflection of yourself—before the darkness completely swarms you.
[[Is this how you die?|Day 4 Sunrise]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $day to "Tuesday">>\
<<set $time to "Sunrise">>\
<<if $dream1 is true>>\
<<set $unlockDream to true>>\
<<set $dream to $dream + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 40>>\
You jolt awake, heart pounding in your chest, as your dorm room gradually comes into focus. You let out a shaky breath, wiping away the cold sweat clinging to your forehead. It was just a nightmare, but it felt so real. You try to shake off the lingering unease as you sit up and stretch your stiff limbs. It seems like $Lucas left for his classes already.
You take a moment to think about what just happened. You know experiencing a nightmare is a common occurrence for normal people, but you learned recently that you are not normal. Why was it so vivd? Is there a hidden meaning behind this? You will think about this later; you have classes right now.
You have got just enough time to get ready before your first class. You swing your legs out of bed and stand, feeling the soreness in your muscles as if you really had been fighting for your life. Pushing that thought aside, you head toward the bathroom, splashing cold water on your face in an effort to shake off the last traces of sleep. As you catch your reflection in the mirror, you notice the dark circles under your eyes.
With a sigh, you go through your usual routine. Grabbing your backpack, you pause for a moment at the door, glancing back at the room as if expecting something to be out of place. Everything looks normal, but there is still that uneasy feeling biting at you. Whatever happened in that nightmare, it is over now.
[[It is time to get back to the real world.|Day 4 Class 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS1.jpg" width="400px">
You make your way across the campus. The college is bustling with students, everyone moving with that familiar walk of haste or half-awake sluggishness. You join the flow, making your way to the building where your first class of the day is held: philosophy.
You step into the classroom, scanning for an open seat. The room is already half full, and student chatter fills the place. Spotting an empty seat near the top, you slide into it and drop your backpack beside you. You pull out your notebook and pen, glancing around to see if there are any familiar faces.
You flip absently through the empty notebook, though your mind keeps wandering back to the strange nightmare. That blurred figure. It seemed so real. You shake your head, trying to clear the distractions from your mind.
Just then, the door swings open with a faint creak. The chatter dies down almost immediately as your philosophy teacher strides in, her presence commanding instant attention. She sets a few books on her desk, glancing up at the class with an unamused expression on her face.
<<set $Hana to "">><<textbox "$Hana" "Hana">><<set $Sato to "">><<textbox "$Sato" "Sato">>
<<if $metStella is false>>\
[[Continue.|Meet Stella 2]]
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 1.1]]\
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AF/AF5.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $metStella is false>>\
<<set $metStella to true>>\
<<set $metHana to true>>\
Philosophy class starts, and right away, Professor <<print $Sato>>’s lively voice fills the room. She is already introducing herself, gesturing energetically to emphasize whatever point she is making to the students. Her enthusiasm for philosophy is infectious, at least for some people.
With her sharp eyes and quick smile, she scans the class as students file in, though you can not help but notice she gives a bit of extra attention to the guys in the room, including you. It is subtle, but her gaze lingers, her smile widening a touch more for the boys.
<<if $metStella2 is false>>\
As you take a seat, you notice $Stella sitting a couple of rows over. She catches your eye and gives a casual wave, flashing you a quick smile. She is already engrossed in her notebook, tapping her pen thoughtfully as she listens to the Professor. $Stella is not the brightest student, but she always tries her best; this is something you have always liked about her.
$Stella finally catches your eye and gives a casual wave, flashing you a quick smile. She is already engrossed in her notebook, tapping her pen thoughtfully as she listens to the Professor. $Stella is not the brightest student, but she always tries her best; this is something you have always liked about her.
And then there is your roommate, sitting a few seats over from you. <<if $lucasFriend is true>>You wave over to him, and he waves back. It feels like you have not seen him in a while, even though you are roommates. Maybe you could hang out with him later.<<else>>Your eyes catches his, and you shoot him a hateful glance, one which he returns. Despite being roommates, you feel like you have not seen him in a while. To share a class with him, what a stroke of awful luck!<</if>>
You shift your focus to Professor $Sato as she delves into the lesson. You are not really the biggest fan of philosophy, but her energy and enthusiasm are enough to grab anyone's attention. The class continues normally until you gradually start getting bored. You should try to find an opening to use one of your powers.
[[Use wind to choke your roommate.|Wind 2]]
[[Infiltrate your teacher's mind.|Telepathy 3]]
[[Get some feels in using super speed.|Speed 3]]
[[Don't bother and sit though class.|Day 4 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AF/AF5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metStella2 to true>>\
You look around the room and notice a familiar face. It looks like <<print $Sophia>>'s best friend ended up sharing a class with you as well. $Sophia also informed you that they are both roommates.
You have not seen her in a while now; you wonder if she will recognize you. You doubt you can get her attention anyway with how far away she is seated. But damn, she really has grown into a hot woman.
You have always had a soft spot for <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister's<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>><<print $Sophia>>'s<</if>> best friend. And, she shares that feeling as well. You two were always ''jokingly'' flirting with each other, but it never really got past that.
<<set $Stella to "">><<textbox "$Stella" "Stella">><<set $Rivera to "">><<textbox "$Rivera" "Rivera">>
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 1.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockElement is false>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $element to $element + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 25>>\
<<set $iq to $iq +1>>\
<<set $chokeDay4 to true>>\
You have finally found the cure for this boredom: your powers. Which one should you channel though? You are not particularly horny now. You just want to feel the energy coursing through you; you want to feel powerful. It is quite scary how fast you come up with ideas; it is time to test your elemental control.
Now, for a target. It is probably best you pick a stranger in case something goes wrong; it is risky—nah, why settle for a complete stranger when you have better options right now? <<if $lucasFriend is true>>You might be good friends with $Lucas, but you are still interested in messing around with him. Yeah, it is just some friendly banter<<else>>What better choice than that wimp of a roommate named $Lucas? You are partly going to display what being your enemy entails<</if>>.
You tap into your powers, grinning as you feel a gust of wind brush through your hair. You start directing your winds toward $Lucas, your smile growing wider in anticipation of what is about to occur. Not wasting a second, you force your way into his mouth and down his throat. You pause and chuckle at this line of thought before getting back to it.
Before he can make sense of what is happening, you block his airway passage with stronger winds. He stands up and moves down to the center of the room, trying to find any sort of help. This catches everyone's attention as all eyes settle on him, confused by his actions. It is not until he wraps his hands around his throat that everyone notices that he is unable to breathe.
"HE'S CHOKING! CALL THE EMERGENCIES!" your professor immediately shouts and takes action, moving to his side to try and help him. Nothing she does is working as all her effort is going to waste. A few students try to help but to no avail. He is technically not choking on anything; you just have a strong hold on these winds. Alright, that is enough.
[[It's time to play the hero.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockMind is false>>\
<<set $unlockMind to true>>\
<<set $mind to $mind + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $mindDay4 to true>>\
You close your eyes, focusing intently on Professor $Sato, letting your telepathic power stretch out toward her. The world around you fades into an eerie silence, and soon you feel a faint tug. A moment later, you are pulled into a hazy, dreamlike version of her consciousness.
The space shifts around you, and you sense two distinct paths taking form in the darkness, each carrying its own strange energy. To your left, the air hums with a heavy, compelling force, pulling you toward a path of dominance. To your right, a softer energy calls out, pulling you down a subtler path, where submission flows through her thoughts.
You hover there, feeling the allure of each path, knowing that with a single choice, you could guide your relationship with Professor $Sato to an entirely new direction.
[[Follow the dominant path.|Hana Dom]]
[[Follow the submissive path.|Hana Sub]] <div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $day4wind to true>>\
You should stop this. You have no intention of causing any brain damage; it would not benefit anyone. You release your hold on the winds, allowing $Lucas to breathe again, but you keep up the performance. You rush forward, reaching him before anyone else, and place a hand on his back, patting it as if trying to clear his airways.
"$Lucas! Take deep breaths. Try to cough it out," you say, voice urgent. You press on his back in a few quick successions, mimicking the classic motions of someone performing the Heimlich maneuver, even though you know perfectly well he is not actually choking.
$Lucas sucks in a huge gulp of air, his chest rising and falling rapidly as color returns to his face. He manages a weak nod of thanks, looking around at everyone, dazed and a little embarrassed. Your classmates murmur in awe, and a couple of them even pat you on the back for being so quick to act.
"Thank you, $name," Professor $Sato says, clearly impressed. You steady $Lucas and two students take over, guiding him to the nurse's office. "That was fast thinking. Well done."
You shrug modestly, maintaining a serious expression even as a spark of satisfaction flickers inside you. You have now cemented yourself as the ''hero'' of this little interaction in the eyes of the class, all while feeling the rush of power from your little display. Everyone settles back into their places, and the class resumes.
[[Finish philosophy.|Day 4 Class 1 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Infiltrate your teacher's mind.|Telepathy 3]]
[[Get some feels in using super speed.|Speed 3]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $day4class1 to true>>\
The atmosphere in Professor <<print $Sato>>’s philosophy class is alive with an unusual energy. Her gestures and vibrant tone keep the room from feeling dull, even though the topic could easily become tedious. The room is filled with quiet whispers and the occasional chuckle as students exchange glances.
Your eyes wander across the room, taking in the scattered scenes of activity. Around you, other classmates are either engrossed in the lesson or completely detached, scrolling through their phones or chatting in hushed tones.
Professor <<print $Sato>>'s voice draws you back to the front of the room. “So, class, let’s hear your thoughts. What would you do in this situation? Would you act for the greater good, or follow your personal code?” Her question hangs in the air, and for a moment, the room grows quiet.
You realize now is the perfect opportunity to decide how to spend the remainder of the class. Do you want to engage with the students around you and possibly make new connections? Or would you rather focus entirely on the lesson, ensuring you absorb every bit of the professor's energetic lecture?
<<link "Socialize with your classmates." "Day 4 Morning">>
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<link "Focus on the lesson." "Day 4 Morning">>
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>
<</link>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/HJ1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You allow yourself to get pulled in your preferred direction, following her dominant path. You open your eyes and find yourself back in the real world. Glancing at your professor, you find that she is staring at you back, a very hungry look occupying her eyes.
You expected her to end the lesson early, so she can have some alone time with you. To your surprise though, she does not allow your powers to completely take over her mind. This is rather interesting; this means if the person is strong enough, they can overcome the effects of your abilities. Still, Professor $Sato paces through the material as quickly as she can, summarizing every point until she is finally done.
Everyone starts to leave, and as expected, she asks you to join her in her office, maintaining a professional demeanor. As soon as the doors of her office close behind you, she pounces on you and begins to devour your lips, shoving her tongue down your throat. It seems like she was hanging on by a thread after all.
"You have no idea how much I wanted this," your professor says, stripping down to her birthday suit. Your cock was already hard when she pounced on you, but seeing her in all her glory somehow got you harder. "It's your turn, Mr. $last name. Strip."
This is all you needed to hear as you get naked for her. She immediately grabs your dick and tightens her grip. "This cock is mine right now. We'll do this my way. Do you understand, Mr. $lastname?" she asks, and you nod. "Good. Lick my nipples and slobber all over my tits."
You do not have to be asked twice. You grab her tits and run your tongue all over them, exploring every inch of her breasts. You can tell you are doing it right when she starts moaning softly. You suck her tits as you relish in their taste; her flavor and her smell overwhelm your senses, and your cock starts throbbing in anticipation of some release.
Sensing this, her grip on your hard cock gets even tighter, and she starts to slowly stroke your member. "You've been a good boy so far. I think you deserve some release," she talks, her voice suggestive. She guides you to a chair and continues stroking you.
Similarly, you continue playing with her soft tits, grabbing and kneading whichever one is closer to you. You also attack her hard nipples with your tongue, licking and sucking them as you please. She increases the pace of her soft hands along your shaft, trying to match your rhythm.
[[You're at your limit.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You allow yourself to get pulled in your preferred direction, following her submissive path. You open your eyes and find yourself back in the real world. Glancing at your professor, you find that she is staring at you back, a very hungry look occupying her eyes.
You expected her to end the lesson early, so she can have some alone time with you. To your surprise though, she does not allow your powers to completely take over her mind. This is rather interesting; this means if the person is strong enough, they can overcome the effects of your abilities. Still, Professor $Sato paces through the material as quickly as she can, summarizing every point until she is finally done.
Everyone starts to leave, but your professor asks you to stay behind to ''discuss'' something. As soon as everyone leaves, she gets on her knees and desperately starts to speak. "I'm so sorry, daddy! I know you really wanted to talk, but I had to finish the lesson first."
Daddy, huh? You thought you would have to ''convince'' her before she does anything with you, but it seems like she is already interested in you. You wonder if she previously had a relationship with a student. "Get up. Is there somewhere more private where we could ''talk''?" you ask.
She nods and leads you to her office, walking behind you and allowing you to take charge. It does not take you much time to initiate her punishment. As soon as the door closes behind you, you grab Professor $Sato by her hair and lead her to the gound, unbuckling your pants with your free hand.
Her eyes widen as soon as your cock is in view; it takes her a moment before she realizes what is happening, but it is already too late. You shove your hard cock in her mouth and start fucking her face. She lets you do as you please, well aware that she is only here for your pleasure, and she is quite happy with it.
You hold her by the hair and guide your cock down her throat, forcing her to gag and slobber all over your dick. She takes your member down to the base, and you hold her head there for a couple of seconds, enjoying the feeling of her hot mouth and her swirling tongue.
[[Change position.]]<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS3.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/CS2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
The mix of the taste of your professor's tits and the handjob she is giving you sends you over the edge. She senses that and abruptly stops. "Not yet. You only cum when I say so," she says before she resumes stroking your cock.
This fucking tease. Two can play at this game. You continue playing with her nipples using your tongue. Not a second later, you bite her nipples, not enough to cause any pain but hard enough to send ripples of pleasure down her spine.
She yelps and moans at this sudden attack. You did not think it was possible, but her hold on your dick got even stronger, threatening to tear the life out of your erect member. Instead of pain though, pleasure courses through your body as you reach your limit. "Cum for me. Cum for mommy," she commands, and you start cumming.
You shoot ropes after ropes of cum, the first set covering your abs. Seeing that you still have more in reserve, Professor $Sato holds her tits out for you; you direct your cock at her and completely cover her exposed tits with your hot cum. For only a handjob, this was a very intense orgasm.
You both get dressed, and she returns to her professional attitude, asking if you need anything else. You thank her and leave for the closest bathroom, cleaning yourself up. It is time for your next class.
[[Go to your next class.|Day 4 Morning]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use wind to choke your roommate.|Wind 2]]
[[Get some feels in using super speed.|Speed 3]]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA1.jpg" width="400px">
You step cautiously into the classroom, your breath shallow and your movements deliberate. The heavy door creaks slightly as it closes behind you, and for a moment, you freeze, scanning the room. The professor, her sharp eyes fixated on the lecture notes in her hand, has not looked up yet.
The class is already in session, her commanding voice filling the room as she reviews today’s topic. Most of your classmates seem too absorbed in their notes, but some do notice your late arrival. Nobody looks like they are willing to rat you out though. Perfect.
You keep your steps light and deliberate, attempting to sneak by before she notices. So far, so goo—"Ah, you must be Mr. $lastname," your professor calls out.
<<set $Evelyn to "">><<textbox "$Evelyn" "Evelyn">><<set $Grant to "">><<textbox "$Grant" "Grant">>
[[Shit!|Day 4 Class 2.1]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You pull your cock out of her mouth and command her to stand up. She follows your orders without any hesitation, though you immediately notice the dazed look she has on her face. At this point, you figure the only thought in her mind is to drain your balls completely.
You throw Professor $Sato on her desk and lay her there, her face directed toward where you are standing. You slap your dick on her face a few times, and she opens her mouth, ready for you to properly throatfuck her.
You do not leave the needy slut unattended and penetrate her mouth, fucking her face at a better angle. Your cock feels even better in this position, reaching even deeper in her throat. She gags as she struggles to take the full length of your size, yet she does not complain or stop using her tongue to induce even more pleasure.
"Fuck! That's a good girl," you praise your professor. You do not know what she did exactly, but it seems like your words of encouragement fueled her desire as even more waves of pleasure flood your body.
[[Cum down her throat.]]
[[Cum on her face.]] <div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/CS3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You finally reach your limit. "I'm not sure if you're listening or too engrossed in sucking my dick, slut. I'm going to cum down your throat, and you're going to swallow all of it. Do you understand?"
She does not answer you and focuses on your member instead. You doubt you even had to warn her; she was probably going to take all your cum anyway. You groan and shoot your load inside her mouth, your knees buckling from the intense orgasm you just had.
She diligently takes every rope of cum you shoot; however, your load is too big for her, and she reflexively spits some of it out of her mouth. Oh well, it is not her fault you cum a lot. That, and she did too good of a job to punish her anyway.
You both get dressed, and she returns to her professional attitude, asking if you need anything else. You thank her and leave for the closest bathroom, cleaning yourself up. It is time for your next class.
[[Go to your next class.|Day 4 Morning]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use wind to choke your roommate.|Wind 2]]
[[Get some feels in using super speed.|Speed 3]]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You are about to cum. "Be a good girl, and get on your knees. I want to cover your pretty face with my cum," you demand, removing your dick from her mouth as she moves to the floor.
The sight of your professor, a person who happens to be your superior, waiting patiently for you to cover her face sends you over the edge. If that was not enough, she also sticks her tongue out for you. Yes, that is it! You cum all over Professor <<print $Sato>>'s face, making sure to cover her tongue as well.
With this finally over, you both get dressed, and she returns to her professional attitude, asking if you need anything else. You thank her and leave for the closest bathroom, cleaning yourself up. It is time for your next class.
[[Go to your next class.|Day 4 Morning]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use wind to choke your roommate.|Wind 2]]
[[Get some feels in using super speed.|Speed 3]]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" muted autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AF/AF1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AF/AF2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<if $unlockSpeed is false>>\
<<set $unlockSpeed to true>>\
<<set $speed to $speed + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $speedDay4 to true>>\
It has been a while since you last tried using your super speed; you did use it to fight yesterday, but you are not looking for a scuffle right now, not one of that kind. You channel your super speed and test it out by moving and vibrating your hands. Yes, it works.
It is time to fuck with $Stella. Getting things done with speed is more difficult than it seems. Sure, you can move faster than the blink of eye, but one mistake can lead to many consequences. You have no time to worry right now. You wait for a good opportunity and grab <<print $Stella>>'s tits.
These might be one the best tits you have gotten your hands on. You grope her big tits, squeezing and slapping them as you please. $Stella, surprisingly enough, has no reaction. She can feel her chest getting toyed with, but she knows it is humanely impossible anyone is groping her without her notice.
No, this is not as satisfying as you want it to be. Sure, her tits feel great, but you want a reaction out of her. A grin appears on your face as you get an idea. You return to feeling up her chest, and just as fast, you expose her tits. Her eyes widen in shock as she tries to adjust her top.
You do not let out though. You resume groping her exposed tits, squeezing them and pinching her nipples as she stifles her cries and moans of pain and pleasure. She does not want to draw any attention to herself, not in the state of undress she is in.
<<if $speed <= 1>>\
Weirdly enough, everyone seems to be focused on either the lecture or their phones to notice her. She is lucky the professor is not glancing her way, but this could change any moment. You should probably leave her alone before you cause irreparable damage.
[[Return to your seat.|Day 4 Class 1 End]]
[[Continue.|Stella CS]]
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AF/AF6.jpg" width="400px">
Shit, you are getting hard in your pants. You should return to your seat before it starts straining too hard. You stop messing around with the poor girl and turn around to return to your seat.
You stop and pause for a few seconds, contemplating whether it is a good idea or not. Fuck it. You turn back around and resume groping $Stella. Only this time, you pull out your dick and start stroking it.
You are clearly not thinking with the right head, but you are too far into it to stop now. You are currently stroking your rock hard cock in the middle of the class while $Stella has her tits out for you to grope.
You do not last long though; you are stroking ''fast'' after all. You aim for her tits and cum all over them, covering her as much as you can. You have had your fun now; you tuck in your dick and return to your seat. $Stella, on the other hand, is too relieved that her top stopped ''slipping'' to notice that her chest was sprayed with cum. She probably thinks it is ''that'' sticky due to her sweat.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 1 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use wind to choke your roommate.|Wind 2]]
[[Infiltrate your teacher's mind.|Telepathy 3]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC10.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Morning">>\
<<if $day4class1 is true>>You spend the rest of the class as you see fit until the professor dismisses you. <</if>>You grab your stuff and immediately start heading for the next class. You are already ten minutes late for it. <<if $day4class1 is true>>Professor $Sato took more time than anyone noticed.<<else>>You spent more time with Professor $Sato than you had noticed.<</if>>
On your way there, you receive a call from $Grace. You should probably answer her. "You better not be skipping this class again, $name!" she yells in a hushed tone. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but this professor is NOT lenient!"
"I'm not skipping. I was just held up by my previous class. I'm already on my way, $Grace," you reassure her. "Also why are you whispering?"
"I told you that she is really strict. No phones in class and all that nonsense. Hurry up!" she says before hanging up.
This is just great. It had to be the strict professor's lesson that you missed. Well, it does not matter anymore. And, the dean probably excused you, so you should be good to go.
[[You arrive to class.|Day 4 Class 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metEvelyn to true>>\
You stop in your tracks and straighten up your posture. She might not seem like it, but she has a commanding voice, one that can even get through to you. You hope she did not notice you trying to sneak in.
"I'm sorry. Professor <<print $Sato>>'s class took longer than expected, and I got held up bec—"
"So, you think her class is more important than mine?" she asks rhetorically.
You still try to answer her though. "No, but it's only twelve—"
"Mr. $lastname, you're not just twelve minutes late. You're one class and twelve minutes late. You skipped my class yesterday," she reminds you.
This bitch is seriously getting on your nerves. Not only did she disregard the excuse the dean probably gave her, but she is also interrupting you before you could finish any of your sentences. Moreover, she could give you this whole fuck-you speech after class, but she is causing a scene in front of all your classmates.
[[Apologize sincerely.|Love Focus 9]]
[[Flirt to disarm her.|Lust Focus 9]]
[[Stand your ground.|Both Focus 9]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA3.jpg" width="400px">
As much as you would like to stand on business, it is probably best to apologize to her. It is only your first class with her; you should not start off on a bad note and give her a bad impression of you.
"You're right, Professor $Grant. There's no excuse for missing class yesterday or being late today. I owe you an apology and will make sure it doesn't happen again," you say as planned.
Professor $Grant narrows her eyes, clearly assessing the sincerity in your words. After a moment, she nods curtly. "Good. See that you don't," she says, her voice firm but slightly less icy.
The atmosphere in the room seems to shift slightly. Although you have swallowed your pride, there is a glimmer of respect in her expression as she gestures for you to take your seat. You sit next to $Grace, who fist bumps you for not losing your cool.
<<if $metBella is false>>\
[[Continue.|Meet Bella 2]]
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2.2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA3.jpg" width="400px">
You open your mouth to argue before closing it again. She has probably dealt with situations like this before. She does not want you to start an argument, but she is experienced enough to anticipate it. You try another approach.
"Well, Professor, if I knew you'd miss me this much, I would’ve made sure to show up early just to see you," you say with a smirk. Since you already spoke, you have to play this all the way to the end.
A hush falls over the room, and a few students snicker nervously. Professor <<print $Grant>>’s eyes widen for a fraction of a second before narrowing sharply. Her lips press together as if suppressing a smile or a sharp retort. "You think you're charming, Mr. $lastname? Let me assure you, you're not."
Though her words are cutting, there is a faint blush on her cheeks that betrays her reaction. You only notice it because of how close you are. As she directs you to your seat with a curt gesture, you can feel the weight of her gaze lingering on you for just a second too long. You take a seat next to $Grace, who shakes her head at your remark.
<<if $metBella is false>>\
[[Continue.|Meet Bella 2]]
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2.2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA3.jpg" width="400px">
Right now, nothing would satisfy you more than disciplining her, but you should carefully watch what you say or do. You plan to stand your ground, but you are still going to remain calm and respectful to avoid any trouble.
"I understand you're upset, Professor $Grant, and you're absolutely right to be. But I promise this won’t happen again. I’ll make up for yesterday and today—just give me the chance to prove it," you say, maintaining a respectful tone.
Her eyes flash with irritation but also a hint of surprise at your composed response. "Prove it, Mr. $lastname. Actions speak louder than words," she snaps, though there is less venom in her tone than before.
The students are silent, watching the exchange with a mix of curiosity and anxiousness. As you take your seat next to $Grace, she gives you a nod of approval. You have managed to diffuse some of the professor's frustration while leaving a small impression, both personally and professionally.
<<if $metBella is false>>\
[[Continue.|Meet Bella 2]]
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2.2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC11.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/MM/MM6.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS12.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $metBella is false>>\
<<set $metBella to true>>\
The history class buzzes softly with a mix of hushed conversations and the occasional shuffling of papers as Professor <<print $Grant>>’s stern presence looms at the front of the room, meticulously explaining today's topic. You take a moment to scan the room, taking in what everyone is up to while trying to avoid drawing attention from the professor.
$Grace sits beside you, half-listening to the professor while scribbling in her notebook. Her notes are surprisingly organized for someone who claims to "wing it" in most classes. She glances at you occasionally, her lips twitching into a smirk as if she is waiting for you to mess something up.
$Bella sits near the front, her posture flawless as she casually twirls a pen between her fingers. She does no’t appear to be paying much attention to the lecture, but every now and then, she tilts her head slightly, flashing a confident smile to someone across the room who catches her eye. She just wants everyone's attention, huh?
$Maya, your student supervisor, is seated a few rows ahead, her focus entirely on the professor. She is clearly taking this lecture far more seriously than most. A model student through and through, but there is an air of exhaustion about her that makes you wonder how she balances it all.
You glance at $Grace again, who catches your wandering eyes and elbows you lightly. "Stop spacing out," her whispered warning is sharp but playful. "Professor $Grant will snap if you’re caught slacking. She has her eye on you now."
That being said, the professor's gaze lands on you, a faint smirk curls her lips. She asks you a question, and you answer correctly. She moves on to other students but keeps returning to you. Each time she asks a question, you get the right answer. You are very aware that she is targeting you, but is she testing your knowledge out, or is she waiting for you to make a mistake.
It does not matter. You are not going to give her the win. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> read lots of history books back in his time, and he would tell you stories about them when you were young. It is a nice memory. “Uh, Georges—something?”
Professor <<print $Grant>>’s smirk turns into a full smile, but there is no warmth in it. “Close, but not close enough. Georges Clemenceau. Pay closer attention next time," she says, returning to the lesson with her victory guaranteed.
She was really out to get you. This makes your blood boil; you are fucking furious. Before you knew it, a wave of stillness sweeps through your surroundings. There is a sudden pressure in the air, and it grows unnaturally quiet, muffling even the faintest background sounds. Your heartbeat shifts, slowing to a near stop. Colors around you fade slightly, and for a brief moment, you feel a strange, isolating weight, as if severing your connection to everyone else.
[[Try to channel this great power.|Time 1]]
[[Better not. It feels too dangerous.|Day 4 Class 2.3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metBella2 to true>>\
$Grace glances at you, arching a brow as a smirk tugs at her lips. “Cutting it close, aren’t we?” she whispers, her tone teasing but edged with something you can not quite place.
As you settle in, your eyes wander around the room, scanning your classmates. That is when you see her—a blonde sitting near the front, effortlessly radiant. Her hair catches the light just so, and there is something about her that makes it impossible not to stare. She is the kind of person who seems to own the room without even trying.
$Grace shifts beside you, her voice low but sharp enough to break your focus. “Oh, her?” she murmurs, following your gaze. “That’s the head cheerleader, queen of the social scene, and apparently flawless in every way, except she is entitled and quite bitchy sometimes. You’d probably have better luck befriending a brick wall.”
There is a slight edge to her words, a hint of something that feels suspiciously like jealousy. When you glance at her, she quickly looks away, pretending to adjust her notebook. “Anyway, she’s not as interesting as people think,” $Grace adds, her tone forcedly casual.
You chuckle softly, but your gaze flickers back to the blonde for just a second too long. $Grace nudges you with her elbow, her expression a mix of frustration and something softer. “Seriously, focus. Professor $Grant will eat you alive if she catches you daydreaming.”
Her words pull you back to reality, but you can not shake the feeling that <<print $Grace>>’s irritation was not just about the professor.
<<set $Bella to "">><<textbox "$Bella" "Bella">><<set $Watson to "">><<textbox "$Watson" "Watson">>
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2.2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<set $timeM to $timeM + 1>>\
<<set $unlockTime to true>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
Professor <<print $Grant>>’s voice fades into the background as your mind begins to wander. You glance at the clock at the front of the room: 10:42 AM. Time feels slower than usual today, dragging its feet. What did you do? Everything feels the same.
A strange sensation creeps over you, a subtle pressure building in your chest. It is not unpleasant, but it feels different, like a ripple moving through your being. You blink, trying to shake it off, but when your eyes refocus on the clock, your heart dropped.
The time now reads 10:37 AM.
Confused, you glance at $Grace, who is busy drawing absentmindedly in her notebook. $Bella is leaning back in her chair, whispering something to the guy sitting next to her—exactly what she was doing earlier. You shake your head, convinced you must have just zoned out, but a nagging feeling persists.
Professor $Grant clears her throat sharply, causing you to snap to attention. “You there!” she barks, pointing at you with her ruler. “What year did the Treaty of Versailles take effect?”
Your heart pounds in your chest. You know this. She just asked this question moments ago. But did you not already answer it?
You manage to choke out, “1919.”
She nods curtly, and her questioning continues, word for word, exactly as before. Your responses tumble out without hesitation this time, and by the time she asks ''that'' question again—“Last one. What was the name of the French delegate who played a key role in drafting the treaty?”—you take a deep breath, focusing.
“Georges Clemenceau,” you say confidently this time.
She raises an eyebrow, but it is a nod of approval rather than disdain. “Correct.”
You slump back into your chair, a sense of relief washing over you. But beneath it lies a creeping realization: you had tapped into something—some power you had not known was within you. It is too great of a power for one person to handle. Though it was only five minutes, you had rewritten a slice of reality.
[[Use heat on the class.|Heat 2]]
[[Use x-ray to see someone naked.|X-Ray 5]]
[[Try to bribe the cheerleader into something sexual.]]
<<if $graceDay3 is true>>\
[[Check if your best friend is up for some fun in class.|Grace 2]]
[[Talk to your best friend.|Grace Day 4]]
[[Just sit through class.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA1.jpg" width="400px">
You decide not to risk using this power right now. Out of all the powers you have encountered so far, this one feels dangerous, almost forbidden to use. You will have to find out more before you get to use it.
Class is in full session right now. Everyone is busy either listening intently to Professor <<print $Grant>>'s or completely ignoring what she has to say. You can not deny that she is a good teacher; her teaching method is just too boring for you.
[[Use heat on the class.|Heat 2]]
[[Use x-ray to see someone naked.|X-Ray 5]]
[[Try to bribe the cheerleader into something sexual.]]
<<if $graceDay3 is true>>\
[[Check if your best friend is up for some fun in class.|Grace 2]]
[[Talk to your best friend.|Grace Day 4]]
[[Just sit through class.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]<<if $energy < 30>>
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA2.jpg" width="400px">
Unfortunately, you do not have enough energy to use heat right now. It is quite odd that you have barely started the day, and you are already out of energy. Better luck next time.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA4.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/JA/JA5.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockElement is false>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $element to $element + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $heat2 to true>>\
You use one of the elements and channel heat to release in the vicinity of this class. You begin to feel your body temperature rising as sweat builds on your skin, especially your face. Successfully able to control the heat, you release this power into the classroom.
The effects are noticeable right away as your professor starts pacing slowly, her pitch of voice decreasing, and she is speaking painfully slow right now. It is not just Professor $Grant who is feeling the rising temperature in the classroom.
Students around you begin to sigh and fan themselves, attempting to best the supernatural heat. Frustration builds around the classroom as everyone notices that there is nothing to be done about this.
The students know what must be done, but nobody is brave enough to take the first step. It looks like you will have to be the one who moves things along. You stand up and remove your shirt, exposing your toned body for the class to see. Everyone just looks around, confused bu your boldness, but this was not enough to get them to strip as well.
You knew they would need more encouragement to start taking off their clothes. You are already one step ahead as you pull your pants down. Everyone's eyes widen as you stand in only your underwear in the middle of class. You even notice girls, and some boys, eyeing your body and your hidden treasure.
It looks like the professor was about to say something before she notices that the other students followed suit and started taking their clothes off. She knows it is wrong; she wants to say something, but the heat is too unbearable even for her. She mimics the students and takes her outfit off, exposing her sexy legs and her hot corset. You did not expect that your professor would wear something this hot.
[[Your best friend goes next.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA6.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockVision is false>>\
<<set $unlockVision to true>>\
<<set $vision to $vision + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $xray5 to true>>\
It is time to see your professor naked. She might be older than the ladies you usually go for, but she can certainly give any of the girls here a run for their money. She has got a very nice body.
Ever since Professor $Grant had scolded you, you wanted to see her body. Not only that, but she also tried to humiliate you in front of the other students. And, she targeted you with her questions. It might not seem like to her, but is payback for what she had done to you.
You close your eyes and focus for a mere few seconds before opening them again. You look at Professor $Grant as she sits down on her chair, only to find that she is wearing a white corset under her outfit. Hah, it would be almost hilarious if she did not look so good in it.
Seriously, is she wearing this for someone? You doubt it. She is probably doing this for herself; every woman wants to feel sexy from time to time. You look closer, and you notice her pussy in full view. Your cock twitches in your pants; she is definitely taking care of her body.
All that is missing is for you to see her big tits. You could potentially attempt to further focus to strip your teacher completely. If you are experienced enough with using this power, you would not have to spend any more energy. If you are not, unfortunately, you would have to spend some energy.
Do you want to risk it or not?
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Of course you do.|X-Ray 5.1]]
[[No, you've had your fun.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC11.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceDay4 to true>>\
You glance at $Grace, who is busy scribbling down in her notebook; she is too ocuupied using her pencil for silly drawings to notice your gaze at her. You suppress a chuckle, shaking your head slightly.
The lecture goes on, but your attention starts to drift. $Grace nudges you with her elbow, snapping you out of your thoughts. She passes you a small slip of paper under the desk. You unfold it to find her familiar messy handwriting: "This is soooo boring. Help me stay awake!"
You smirk as an idea forms in your head. You have a few ways to help a girl stay awake; some of them are more effective than others. Your mind wanders back to the interaction you have had with her in the Student Lounge. It all depends on that moment. You place a hand on her thigh.
<<if $graceKiss || $graceQ>>\
Her eyes widen at first, momentarily shocked by your advance. A soft smile then forms on her face, and she slightly blushes. When you think you are in the clear, you move your hand to her inner thigh.
She catches your hand to stop it, and you look at her face. She does not look against it; she is just worried about doing this in the classroom. "Not now, $name. We can do this later."
You inch closer to her and whisper in her ear, your hot breath tickling her lobe. "What about the girl's bathroom? You just look incredibly hot right now, $Grace," you try to persuade her.
She pauses to think for a moment and leans back in her chair. Just when you think she is refusing, she asks the professor to use the bathroom. She smirks at you as she gets permission to leave. It is your turn now. You wait for a minute before asking for permission as well.
"Just go, Mr. $lastname."
[[Go to the girl's bathroom.]]
She looks uncomfortable as she removes your hand from her thigh. You apologize profusely and brush it off as a misunderstanding. You should have done more at the cafeteria if you wanted to progress things with her.
[[Focus on class.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA1.jpg" width="400px">
The clock on the wall ticks relentlessly, counting down the final minutes of Professor <<print $Grant>>’s class. Despite the dry monotone of her voice, she still commands respect—or perhaps fear—as she strides across the front of the classroom, flipping through her notes.
“Before we wrap up today,” she announces, her piercing gaze sweeping the room, “I want to remind everyone that the next lecture will cover the early influences of the Enlightenment. I expect everyone to come prepared. No excuses.”
There is a collective groan, though it is carefully muffled, as students begin to pack their things. You glance at $Grace, who has already stuffed her notebook into her bag, looking like she can not escape fast enough. $Bella stands gracefully, flipping her hair as she saunters out with a confident smirk, no doubt heading off to charm the next group of admirers.
$Maya lingers, methodically packing up her belongings with her usual precision. She throws you a quick glance before returning to her business-like demeanor.
$Grace nudges you as you both make your way out of the room. “That was brutal,” she whispers.
You can not help but agree. You know Professor <<print $Grant>>’s class will always feels like a mental marathon, but at least it is over for now. You take a deep breath as you step into the hallway, the sounds of students bustling between classes a welcome reprieve from the oppressive quiet of her lectures.
[[Go to your next class.|Day 4 Noon]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC12.jpg" width="400px">
Your professor is so hot, but there are other people you want to see before the heat dissipates. Speaking of other people, you glance toward $Grace, ready to see her body, only to your disappointment, you find that she is still dressed.
"What's wrong, $Grace? Are you not feeling this heat as well?" you ask, though you know the answer.
"Oh, I'm fucking feeling it, alright? I would love nothing more than to strip down to nothing right now, but—but I'm wearing something embarrassing under all of this," she says, her face turning red. You can not tell if it is from the confession or the heat.
"$Grace, look around you. Nobody cares what the others are wearing. Hell, I can see a couple of naked people over there. We're all just trying to cope with this heat. I just don't want you to suffer," you reassure her.
She pauses for a second to think, and you can see her eyes wandering on your body. She bites her lips and starts to peel off her outfit. Holy shit! You can see why she would be embarrassed, but it is nothing short of hot. Your dick twitches in your underwear, and $Grace notices this, her face turning even more red as she diverts her eyes away.
She sits back down and hides behind your body to avoid any eyes on her. Every second or so, you catch her stealing glances at you. Similarly, she also notices your gaze on her body as she does a poor job of trying to hide it.
[[Look at your student supervisor.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS13.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS14.jpg" width="400px">
If you stare any longer at your best friend's tits, your cock is going to pop out of your underwear. She is already embarrassed; you better not make her any more uncomfortable than she already is.
You take a look around to find someone else to distract you, and it does not take long until your eyes are glued to a perfect ass. Since you are already familiar with that hot, ebony ass, you immediately recognize to whom it belongs to.
You watch $Maya as she shuffles out of her jeans, her ass swaying and from side to side and occasionally bouncing as she struggles to completely tear off her pants. She exposes her white panties to ''you'' and breathes a sigh of relief. The heat really is suffocating.
She looks around the class, curious to how the others are fairing, until her eyes on fall on you. She catches you staring, and instead of shying away or giving you a disgusting look, she returns your gaze, a soft, weak smile appearing on her face.
She then moves to take off her top, her eyes fixated on you, as if she is performing a strip tease for you and only you. You follow her every movement, watching her hands as they work to remove her top, baring her tits for you. Fuck, her tits do look amazing. You would love nothing more than to feel them right now.
Your dick is straining in your pants again. You looked away from $Grace, so you could avoid getting a hard-on, but this sight is not helping either. You should look away.
[[Look at the cheerleader.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM7.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/MM/MM8.jpg" width="400px">
You want nothing more than to keep staring at <<print $Maya>>'s fit body, but you better stop before all the blood in your brain finds it way to your other head. You do not want to stop the heat yet after all.
You take another look around, but this time you have a target in mind. If you did not know where $Bella is seated, all you would have to do to find her is look where most of the guys are looking.
$Bella has her ass in full display for everyone, and her private parts are only hidden by her panties. Your eyes travel upward toward her cleavage with a similar color to her panties. She is wearing matching underwear.
If this was not enough to get your cock to stand, she starts to remove the last of her clothes. She slowly undoes her bra as she drops down her panties. She knows exactly what she is doing. All the boys, including you, are staring, and she is enjoying the attention. If everyone has to strip, then she has to do it better than the other girls. That is her mindset.
A few minutes later, the temperature starts to return to normal as the effects of your powers wane away. Professor $Grant is the first to put her clothes back on, and all the students follow her example. You and $Grace do the same and get dressed again.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use x-ray to see someone naked.|X-Ray 5]]
[[Try to bribe the cheerleader into something sexual.]]
<<if $graceDay3 is true>>\
[[Check if your best friend is up for some fun in class.|Grace 2]]
[[Talk to your best friend.|Grace Day 4]]
<</if>><<if $energy < 20>>\
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA6.jpg" width="400px">
Unfortunately, you do not have enough energy to use your enhanced vision any further than that. You will have to do with the image of Professor $Grant in her corset. To be fair, it is more than enough eye candy to look at.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA7.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $vision < 2>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
You focus and enhance your vision further, taking it up another notch to see Professor <<print $Grant>>'s whole body. You manage to successfully undress your strict professor using your eyes.
Still in the same position, the professor sits naked at her chair for you to see. If you had any doubts about her body, they are completely gone as you stare at her naked form. You would love to feel her up someday.
You must have been staring intensely because your professor notices your eyes lingering on her. She can not tell if you are daydreaming or too focused on the lesson, but she can see hunger in your eyes.
She does not allow herself to be distracted as she clears her throat and resumes her explanation of the topic. You diligently watch every move she makes. Anyone else would say you are too engrossed in the lecture.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use heat on the class.|Heat 2]]
[[Try to bribe the cheerleader into something sexual.]]
<<if $graceDay3 is true>>\
[[Check if your best friend is up for some fun in class.|Grace 2]]
[[Talk to your best friend.|Grace Day 4]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $bellaBribe to true>>\
You catch <<print $Bella>>'s eye from across the room. She is seated confidently, her posture effortlessly commanding attention. It is not difficult to see why she is the most popular girl on campus. But today, you have a goal in mind—a chance to see her body.
You approach her, making your way into her space and sitting next to her. “Hey, $Bella,” you say, leaning slightly next to her, “I was thinking about a little mutually beneficial arrangement. You know, something fun and harmless.”
$Bella tilts her head, her eyes scanning you as if trying to figure out your angle. “Fun and harmless, huh? That’s quite the pitch. What exactly do you have in mind?” she asks, clearly intrigued by your remark.
You pause, gauging her reaction before continuing. “Nothing too serious. Just thought it might be nice to see your tits for some money. What do you say?" you get straight to the point.
She laughs, a mix of amusement and skepticism. “You're fucking bold, aren't you, $name? First your little scene with the professor and now this? I'm not some whore, asshole.”
You grin, deciding to play your cards carefully. “Oh, I know. You're way too out of my league anyway. I was just hoping, since I would probably never see them, you could help a poor soul who sought you out and get something in return for it. That's all.”
<<if $looks >= 4>>\
$Bella scans your face for a moment and then eyes you from top to bottom. “You're cute. And, since you were a good, little puppy, I'll let you feel them as well. Two rules though. My boyfriend doesn't know, and you pay me a hundred. Or, am I a cheap whore to you?”
[[Refuse and return to your seat.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<<if $money >= 100>>\
[[Accept the deal.]]
<<set $bellaBribeFail to true>>\
"Fuck off, $name. I have a boyfriend. Go find someone else to harass," she shuts you down. Maybe if you were more handsome, it could have worked.
[[Return to your seat in defeat.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM9.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money - 100>>\
<<set $bellaBribeSuc to true>>\
You pull out a hundred-dollar bill and hand it to her. You know she said that she was not a whore, but this small exchange between the two of you proves otherwise. You are not going to tell her that though.
And, did she say boyfriend? What an unlucky dude. Eh, if you were to judge her, she probably dates guys who would cheat on her anyway. A popular guy or a football stud. You do not really care. You should probably stop thinking about men when this gorgeous beauty is in front of you.
She pulls down her top subtly away from prying eyes. "Go ahead. Make it fast," she says, holding her top down for you.
You immediately grab her tits, not wanting to waste any potential time you could have touching them. Fuck, these definitely belong to the most popular girl at college. You squeeze a few times which elicits a low moan out of her.
As quickly as they appeared, her tits are gone as she fixes her top. Well, it was worth the money. Who are you kidding? You barely had enough time with them, but you should not push your luck.
[[Return to your seat.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use heat on the class.|Heat 2]]
[[Use x-ray to see someone naked.|X-Ray 5]]
<<if $graceDay3 is true>>\
[[Check if your best friend is up for some fun in class.|Grace 2]]
[[Talk to your best friend.|Grace Day 4]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC10.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceDay3 to true>>\
The air in Professor <<print $Grant>>’s history class is heavy with her usual strictness, her sharp eyes scanning the room for any sign of distraction. $Grace leans slightly toward you, her notebook tilted just enough for you to see the silly drawings filling the margins. You suppress a chuckle, shaking your head slightly.
The lecture goes on, but your attention starts to drift. $Grace nudges you with her elbow, snapping you out of your thoughts. She passes you a small slip of paper under the desk. You unfold it to find her familiar messy handwriting: "This is soooo boring. Help me stay awake!"
You smirk and scribble back, "Not my problem. I'm having fun."
She reads it, rolls her eyes dramatically, and scribbles something else before shoving it back to you. The note simply reads: "You’re the worst."
You glance at her, and she is biting back a grin. The tension of the professor's class fades for a moment, replaced by the comfort of <<print $Grace>>’s presence. You lean over and whisper, “You’re going to get us caught.”
$Grace stifles a laugh but turns her attention back to her notebook, pretending to take notes. Still, she can not help but nudge your leg under the desk every now and then to remind you she is bored out of her mind.
Soon, you find yourself stealing glances at her between the professor’s talking. You start noticing little things—the way her hair falls over her shoulder, the slight smile on her lips as she tries to listen to the lecture.
"Best friend." This is how you have always described your relationship with $Grace. In truth, this is how you have always seen her. But as you sit there, you can not help but wonder: "Do I want something more?"
[[Make a move on your best friend.|Grace Kiss Day 4]]
[[Question your relationship.|Grace Question Day 4]]
[[Do not do anything and sit through class.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]<<if $looks >= 4>>\
<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/S11.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/KS2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC11.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $looks >= 4>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 2>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 2>>\
<<set $graceKiss to true>>\
You and $Grace are sitting close, laughing about something. The conversation soon fades, and the silence between you becomes charged with something more. She meets your gaze, and for a moment, it feels like the world stops around you.
You take a breath and lean in slightly, testing the waters. She eyes your lips for just a second before returning to your eyes, but she does not pull away. Your heart races as your faces are just inches apart. You can feel her hot breath on your face, the tension growing between you.
You search her expression for any sign that she is uncomfortable or unwilling, but instead, she is leaning in just as much as you are.
Quickly, you close the distance, and when your lips finally meet, it feels soft and electric at the same time. Your hand gently touches the side of her face. She follows your movement, fingers curling slightly as if she has been waiting for this moment too. The kiss is tender, and you can taste the sweet lip gloss she had applied.
“That was nice,” she whispers with a small giggle as she pulls away slowly, her cheeks slightly flushed.
You smile back, a sense of relief and excitement washing over you. Things have just changed between the pair of you, but you are glad they did. You should have probably checked if this was safe to do in class, but it looks like you are in the clear.
She focuses on the lesson, avoiding any comments about this moment you just shared, at least for now. You do not want to rush things with her since she is quite inexperienced when it comes to things like this, so you just let her off the hook for now. You can still see her eyeing your lips every now and then, blushing slightly over what happened a couple of minutes ago.
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO - 1>>\
<<set $graceReject to true>>\
You and $Grace are sitting close, the conversation dying down as silence settles between you. You glance at her, and for a moment, you think there is something more in her eyes. The thought of kissing her slowly works its way into your mind. You decide to go for it.
You lean in for the kiss, but something feels off. $Grace notices your movement and her expression changes to one of surprise and confusion. She tilts her head slightly away, an awkward laugh escaping her lips.
“Whoa, wait,” she says, placing a hand on your shoulder to stop you. “What are you doing, $name?”
Your expression drops, and you freeze, suddenly very aware of how close you had gotten. You quickly pull back, feeling the awkwardness hang between you.
“I just—” you stammer, trying to think of an excuse, but the words are not formulating. $Grace gives you a soft smile, but it is the kind of smile that stings.
“It’s not that I don’t like you, $name, but I don’t think we should, you know, cross that line,” she says carefully. Her voice is kind, but the rejection is clear. So, she does like you, but you are missing something.
You nod and put on a fake smile, trying to play it cool even though your heart feels heavy. "Yeah, of course. I wasn’t, you know, I just misread things."
She lets out a small, understanding laugh and bumps her shoulder against yours. “It’s okay, really. We’re still good, alright?”
You smile back, but the mood between you has shifted slighly. Things might feel different for a while after this, but at least $Grace is still your friend. Rejection is a part of life after all.
Nobody seems to have noticed this awkward moment. Maybe you should have tried this somewhere else. You both shift your focus to the lecture, none of you exchanging any words or glances.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC10.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 3>>\
<<set $graceQ to true>>\
You and $Grace sit next to each other, the air between you a little heavy, indicating that there is more to your conversation. There is something you want to make sure of, a nagging thought that has been present for a while. You take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts.
"$Grace," you start, and she turns her head, giving you her full attention. You pause for a moment, but you have already made up your mind. "Can I ask you something serious, something about us?"
Her brow furrows, but she nods, sensing the weight of the question. "Of course, $name. What's up?"
No backing down now. You take a deep breath and voice your thoughts. "What exactly are we? I mean, our relationship. I just—I feel like there's something here, and I want to understand it, from you."
$Grace blinks in surprise, her expression softening. For a moment, she is quiet, but you can see a hint of determination and something else on her face. Happiness perhaps? She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and looks at you, a small smile forming.
"Finally. I’ve been wondering if you’d ever ask that," she admits, her cheeks coloring slightly. "Honestly, I didn’t want to be the first to bring it up. But yeah, I think there is something here too."
You stare at her, trying to read her eyes, the sincerity catching you off guard. "Really?" you ask, voice just above a whisper.
She nods, her gaze holding yours. "I mean, I’ve liked you for a long time, $name. I just wasn’t sure if you felt the same way or if you wanted to keep things more friendly." She pauses, her lips curving into a more nervous smile. "I didn’t want to mess anything up between us."
You feel a warmth and a sense of relief spreading through your chest, the tension starting to ease. "$Grace, I feel the same. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now, but I was scared too."
She lets out a small laugh. "You were bound to fall for me. I'm just that hot, huh?" she says playfully.
You chuckle. "So, what does that make us?" you ask, hope threading through your voice.
$Grace smiles. "Let's not put a label on anything yet. We'll take it slow, explore, and have some fun in the process," she says softly.
You nod in agreement, and the tension between you dissolves into something more warm, more familiar yet new all the same. You do not know exactly where things will go from here, but one thing is for sure: this step will open up more future interactions with her.
You both focus on the lesson, avoiding any comments about this moment you just shared, at least for now. But, it is quite clear both of your thoughts are elsewhere. Well, you are quite glad that you finally asked the question.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SC/SC1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Are you sure it is even safe to go into the bathroom right now? What if a girl is inside there? Fuck this. $Grace is waiting for you. You are not about to miss this chance with your best friend.
You enter the bathroom, ready to face any screaming girls, only to find your best friend pulling you in for a kiss. It takes you by surprise at first before you start kissing her back. Before you know it, you are making out with your best friend in the girl's bathroom.
You infiltrate her mouth using your tongue, relishing in her sweet taste and the lip gloss she has on. Not only that, but she also smells intoxicating, something you only noticed with how close you are.
You lift up her top and kiss her tits as you pull her on top of one of the sinks. You resume kissing her, her sweet moans music to your ears. You play with her tits, squeezing and sucking on them to your heart's content.
[[Finger her.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SC/SC2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You make sure to also grope her ass as you undo her skirt. You know she is still inexperienced, so you are not going to take it too far with her. You are just going to give her a taste of what the future holds.
Still making out with her, you place your hand inside her skirt and find your way to her pussy. As soon as you make contact with her panties, you immediately notice how wet she has gotten. No seriously, it is like a fountain down there. All that from kissing. Just how into you is she?
The moment your fingers trace her panties, she bites your shoulder and moans out your name. Oh, she is loving it, but you can tell that she is ''very'' inexperienced when it comes to things like this. You start rubbing her pussy through her panties, making sure to go slow at first.
As soon as she gets used to it, you move your fingers faster, rubbing her cunt furiously. $Grace covers her mouth as she tries to hold in her moans. She is already about to cum for you. She just needs a little more. "Cum on my fingers, $Grace. Cum for me," you whisper to her.
That is all she needed for her release. You hold her lovingly as she shakes and cums all over your hand. This might just be her most intense orgasm so far. It takes her a few minutes to recover, happy to just be in your embrace. You doubt you will get any release right now.
She attempts to stand on her own, her knees buckling a few times before she manages to stand straight on her own. "Thank you, $name. This was better than I hoped it would be. Maybe next time, we could do more," she says, pointing to your dick for emphasis.
You give her a grin and a nod, waiting for her to give you the green light, so you could leave the bathroom without any trouble. You lick your fingers as you leave the bathroom. "You taste amazing," you say, and she slaps your shoulder in response, her cheeks flushed.
[[Return to class.|Day 4 Class 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Use heat on the class.|Heat 2]]
[[Use x-ray to see someone naked.|X-Ray 5]]
[[Try to bribe the cheerleader into something sexual.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Noon">>\
The hallway hums with the chatter of students, but it feels quieter as you approach the science classroom. You shift your bag on your shoulder, taking a deep breath before stepping inside.
The room is brightly lit, with rows of seats filling quickly as students settle in. A faint smell of coffee lingers in the air, mingling with the faint hum of conversations. It is one of those chill classes.
Professor $Adams stands at the front, flipping through her notes with her usual air of calm but friendly authority. Her glasses rest low on her nose as she surveys the room, her expression unreadable but somehow reassuring. Despite her strict reputation, her class has an undeniable energy that keeps students on their toes.
She greets everyone that walks in front of you with a wave and a bright smile. She knows how to make the students love her. She might be strict at times, but she is as friendly as a professor can be with her students.
You follow all your classmates inside the class until it is your turn to greet Professor $Adams. How should you approach this interaction with her?
[[Compliment her dedication.|Love Focus 10]]
[[Flirt playfully.|Lust Focus 10]]
[[A friendly greeting.|Both Focus 10]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX7.jpg" width="400px">
"Good morning, Professor $Adams. I have to say, I really admire how much effort you put into these lessons. It’s quite clear you care about making the material engaging for us."
Professor $Adams looks up from her notes, clearly caught off guard by the genuine compliment. A warm smile spreads across her face, softening her usually composed demeanor. "That’s very kind of you to say, Mr. $lastname," she replies, her tone earnest. "I always hope my efforts don’t go unnoticed, but it’s nice to hear it every once in a while."
She places her notes on the desk, her attention fully on you for a moment. "If more students approached their studies with the same thoughtfulness, I think this would be an even better environment for learning." Her words carry a subtle note of encouragement, as though she is subtly nudging you toward fulfilling your potential.
As you take your seat, you notice her glance your way one more time, a small but approving smile still lingering. There is a mutual respect in the air now, and it feels like you have gained a bit more points with her.
<<if $metMason is false>>\
[[Continue.|Meet Mason 2]]
[[Settle into class.|Science 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX7.jpg" width="400px">
"Good morning, Professor $Adams. You know, if the lesson’s half as captivating as you look today, I think I’m going to ace this class."
Professor <<print $Adams>>’s head snaps up, her lips parting as if to reprimand you on the spot. But then, to your surprise, she hesitates, a flicker of amusement crossing her face. She adjusts her glasses, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks despite her otherwise stern expression. "Mr. $lastname," she says slowly, her tone carefully measured, "I hope that enthusiasm extends to your studies and not just your observations."
There is a mixture of amusement and exasperation in her voice, though the slight curve of her lips betrays her struggle to keep a straight face. She shakes her head, waving you toward your seat. "Focus on the material, not the messenger."
As you sit down, you can feel the weight of her gaze lingering for just a moment longer than necessary before she returns to her notes. The exchange leaves a faint tension in the air, one that does not go unnoticed by your classmates, who exchange curious glances. It is clear your comment left an impression, though perhaps not the most professional one.
<<if $metMason is false>>\
[[Continue.|Meet Mason 2]]
[[Settle into class.|Science 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX7.jpg" width="400px">
"Good morning, Professor $Adams. Hope you had a good day so far."
She looks up from her notes, her expression brightening at the friendly greeting. "Good morning, Mr. $lastname. I did, thank you. I hope yours was just as nice," she replies, her tone warm and genuine.
You can tell the simple exchange caught her off guard in a good way, as she seems to relax slightly. She folds her arms, regarding you with an almost maternal fondness for a brief moment. "You’re one of the few students who ever bothers to ask me that," she says with a small laugh. "It’s refreshing."
The interaction feels natural, with just enough personal warmth to make it meaningful without crossing any boundaries. As you take your seat, you notice her glancing your way once more, her lips curving into a subtle smile before she continues with her notes.
<<if $metMason is false>>\
[[Continue.|Meet Mason 2]]
[[Settle into class.|Science 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC3.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/EI/EI8.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metMason to true>>\
The classroom buzzes with the low hum of conversation as students settle into their seats. Professor $Adams stands at the front, adjusting her glasses as she prepares the day’s lecture. She is calm but focused, her presence commanding attention even from the back row.
The faint smell of whiteboard markers lingers as she begins writing a complex diagram on the board, her voice cutting through the chatter. “Alright, everyone. Settle down. Let’s get started.”
You glance around the room, taking in the varied energy of your classmates. $Lily sitting in the front row, is already poised with her notebook open, pen in hand. Her focus is sharp, and she is scribbling down every word that Professor $Adams says, even before she finishes speaking. Her brows knit together as she raises her hand, prepared to answer or ask a question at a moment’s notice. It is clear she thrives in this environment, her eagerness almost contagious.
$Addison, seated somewhere in the middle, looks a bit more relaxed, though there is a hint of exhaustion in her posture. She is sipping from a reusable coffee cup, likely fueling herself for the rest of the day. She glances at the clock occasionally, as if already calculating how much time she has before her next shift. Still, she tries to be attentive, her notebook half-full with notes that suggest she is trying to keep up with the material.
$Mason, lounging in the back, looks less engaged. <<if $metMason2 is false>>He is the frat boy you met yesterday in the dormitory. <</if>>He slouches in his seat, and he is tapping on his phone. Despite his laid-back demeanor, you catch a flicker of frustration in his eyes whenever Professor $Adams mentions a topic he has failed to grasp before. He scratches his chin thoughtfully during moments of clarity but often looks like he is on the brink of giving up.
Professor $Adams glances at $Mason from time to time, her gaze briefly softening before she returns to her lecture. She knows he is struggling but does not break her stride, hoping the steady pace of her teaching will eventually click for him.
As the class progresses, the dynamic of the room shifts. $Lily eagerly answers questions, drawing admiration from some and eye rolls from others. $Addison follows along, occasionally underlining something in her textbook or muttering to herself to commit it to memory. $Mason alternates between staring at the board with determination and burying his face in his hands when he feels lost.
[[Try to charm someone.|Charm 5]]
[[Use duplication.|Duplication 3]]
[[Don't use any powers.|Science 2 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metMason2 to true>>\
Another person follows behind you, greeting the professor. You usually do not bother paying much attention to other guys unless you think they are relevant enough, but something about him piques your interest.
You look at him properly, and the first thing you notice is the ''unique'' jacket that he is wearing. It has the initials PPC on it. Come to think of it, you have heard that there exists a fraternity with the name Phi Party Crew. He must be one of its members, maybe even the leader.
<<set $Mason to "">><<textbox "$Mason" "Mason">><<set $Carter to "">><<textbox "$Carter" "Carter">>
[[Settle into class.|Science 2]]<<if $energy >= 30>>
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX7.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LC/LC4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set time to "Afternoon">>\
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma +1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
You attempt to channel your lust powers, and it is only a matter of seconds before you start feeling the effects. It is actually quite scary how good you are getting at using your powers in such a short period.
Your cock starts to grow in your pants, begging to be released. All you have to do now is use your hypnotic voice on someone, but who? You could also just release your energy for the whole classroom to experience.
No, you better not. It would be difficult to explain to someone from the outside why the the students and probably the professor are engaged in sexual activities together. You should just focus on one person for now.
Two girls immediately come to mind. They are the two people you get to see in class only. Option one is Professor $Adams. You could try to induce her with lust, but then again, all eyes are literally on her. What if she starts acting weird and rasing suspicion in class?
Option two is $Lily. Obviously, it is the safer option to go with, assuming that she would probably want to do anything but disrupt the class. The girl is inexperienced though, so if you were hoping you would be able to fuck her, you would be wrong.
Who should you choose?
[[Choose your professor.|Science Teacher 1]]
[[Choose the nerd.|Lily 2]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX7.jpg" width="400px"
<<set time to "Afternoon">>\
Unfortunately, you do not have enough energy to use your lust inducement. Ah, the fun you could have had with $Lily, or maybe even Professor $Adams. Well, there is nothing you can do right now but use your imagination.
[[Continue.|Science 2 End]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/EI/EI9.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Afternoon">>\
<<if $energy >= 30>>\
<<if $unlockDup is false>>\
<<set $unlockDup to true>>\
<<set $dup to $dup + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<if $dup >= 2>>\
Just like the previous attempt, you immediately start to notice the effects. First, you feel like you are splitting in half. Next, your senses get sharper. And finally, your consciousness travels to the other you. There are two of you now.
When you tap into this power, you immediately start to notice the effects. It is difficult not to when you are being split in half. This is what it looks and feels like at least. You shut your eyes and let it happen.
With your eyes still closed, your senses are starting to get sharper. Is that it? No, your consciousness is currently at two different places right now. What is happening? You open your eyes again, only to find that there are two of you now. Your senses did not get sharper; you are just feeling what the other ''you'' is feeling.
You and your ''twin'' relocate and sit next to $Addison, one of you on each side, sandwiching her in between. As you both sit down, she looks up from her notebook and smiles as she sees you.
She places a hand on each of your knees and side hugs the both of you. "Hey, guys! I missed you! I didn't notice you, so I assumed y'all skipped today's class," she says, addressing the both of you.
You smile at her and each of you place a hand on her thighs. "We missed you too, really. We thought we could maybe have some fun. What do you say? If we go now, we can make it back to class in time."
She looks hesitant. "I don't know, guys. I'm really not sure if this is a good id—"
She pauses for a second, or so you thought. She completely stops talking and has a blank expression on her face for a few seconds. It is quickly gone, and she continues talking. "You know what? I'm down. But, we have to make it back in time, daddy," she agrees, giggling as she finds an excuse to leave the room.
[[What just happened?|Addison 2]]
Unfortunately, you do not have enough energy to use Duplication right now. You were planning to have some fun with $Addison, but it looks like you will not be lucky today.
[[Continue.|Science 2 End]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX7.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Afternoon">>\
The classroom’s energy shifts as Professor $Adams claps her hands together lightly, signaling the end of her lecture. “That’s all for today, everyone. Make sure to review the material before our next class.”
The faint murmurs of conversation rise as students begin packing their things. $Lily is already halfway out the door, her notebook tucked neatly under her arm, likely heading to the library. $Addison stretches in her seat, letting out a quiet sigh before tucking her coffee cup into her bag. $Mason lingers at his desk, staring at the board with a mix of determination and exhaustion, as though mentally replaying the lecture to piece it all together.
Professor $Adams gathers her papers at the front of the room, her sharp gaze briefly sweeping across the class. Her eyes land on you for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of your engagement during the lecture. It is fleeting but enough to leave you feeling noticed.
As the last of the students shuffle out, the room falls quiet, save for the soft hum of the overhead lights. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you join the flow of students spilling into the hallway, already brimming with activity. With a deep breath, you step into the current of bustling energy, ready to face the next part of your day.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/EI/EI5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You do not think much about what just happened. You knew she would be kind of submissive in bed. What caught you off-guard was the quick switch up from hesitant to completely onboard in the matter of seconds.
You find her standing outside the class, waiting for you as she drags both of you by the hands. It looks like her dorm is closer. You eventually reach the room, and without much foreplay, you all undress and jump on the bed like horny rabbits.
She bends over, presenting her tight, wet pussy for you as she works the other you's cock. Before you could even penetrate her pussy, your knees buckle from the pleasure your duplicate is receiving from her blowjob.
You know it is going to be very intense fucking her pussy and having her mouth on your cock. You are immediately greeted by the warmth of her cunt as you put your hard cock inside her. You both groan from the surge of pleasure that invaded your senses.
$Addison increases her pace, sucking your cock as hard as she can, as you fuck her pussy hard and fast. She moans on your dick, the vibrations of her mouth sending shivers down your spine.
[[Switch it up.|Addison 2.2]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/EI/EI6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You pull out your cock before you cum, and your duplicate drags $Addison on top of him. She allows herself to be pulled and sits on your cock, signaling you to come closer, so she can suck your cock now.
"Fuck me hard, daddy! Make me cum all over the both of you. And, $name, bring your big, fucking cock over here," she says as your cock penetrates her pussy.
You move closer to $Addison, positioning your dick in front of her face. She does not waste a moment, stroking your member before taking it in her mouth. You start pistoning in and out of her, fucking her pussy while you simultaneously drill into her mouth.
Her blowjob skills are almost as good as her pussy. She makes sure to lap her tongue around your cock, sucking hard enough to drain all the cum you have stored in your balls. She stops sucking you for a moment as she cums for the second time on your dick before resuming her job.
And finally, you reach your limit, the combination of her mouth and her pussy too much for you to handle. It is not just you; your duplicate is also at his limit, groaning as you decide where to cum.
[[Cum on her face and tongue.|Addison 2.3]]
[[Cum inside her.|Addison Creampie 1]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/EI/EI7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
As much as you like taking risks, this is not the time to be taking any risks at all. You were taught not to make any haste decisions while your dick is in some girl's pussy. "Think with the right head," some might say.
You and your duplicate pull out your cocks from <<print $Addison>>'s hot mouth and wet cunt respectively. She knows what time is it and gets on the floor as the both of you tower over her, stroking your cocks to completion.
Your duplicate cums right away, showering her face with a hot load. "Hah, weak," you think to yourself. You are not about to lose to your duplicate, even if he is technically still you.
It takes you longer, but you finally manage to reach the brink and cum all over her lips and her tongue. She swallows whatever goes in her mouth and opens her mouth to show you, sitting there and waiting for something in return.
Oh, she wants you to praise her. Of course. "Good girl," you oblige her.
She smiles widely, cum dripping down her face. She gets up and finds the bathroom to clean up. You look around and notice that your duplicate has already disappeared. Well, you are done anyway. You and $Addison find your way back to class with a lot of time to spare.
[[Continue.|Science 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Try to charm someone.|Charm 5]]
<</if>><div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/CP2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You are not fooling anyone; you are a person who loves taking risks, and if you are being completely honest, you are a person with a great love for creampies, giving them at least.
"We are both going to creampie you, $Addison. What do you think about that?" you ask, though it is not really much of a question. She is going to receive those creampies regardless.
"YES! Please, cum inside me, daddy!" she screams, jumping up and down on your cock hurriedly, very turned on by the idea of a creampie.
How can you deny this girl's request when she asks so obediently. You groan as you dump your first load inside $Addison, filling her up to the brim. Your duplicate pushes $Addison off, and you pull her back on your cock, repeating it again as you dump all of your load inside her pussy.
You were probably going to be disgusted if it were someone else, but your duplicate is still you. You pull out your dick and watch the cum flow out of her cunt; you really did fill her up. "Thank you, daddy," she says quietly, clearly tired from the pounding you gave her, as she gets up to clean herself in the bathroom.
She smiles widely, cum dripping down her legs. You look around and notice that your duplicate has already disappeared. Well, you are done anyway. You and $Addison find your way back to class with a lot of time to spare.
[[Continue.|Science 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Try to charm someone.|Charm 5]]
<</if>><div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/AX/AX8.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AX/AX1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You raise your hand to ask a question related to today's topic. Professor $Adams smile at your eagerness, unaware of your real intentions, and she gives you permission to speak.
Using your abilities, you ask your professor the question. You have no idea if it will work from this range, but you have no choice but to try. She listens to every word you have to say, nodding along as your powers start taking effect. Before she could answer you, her legs wobble, as if she is in a drunk-like state.
She leans on the desk for support and apologizes to the class. She really is drunk on lust right now. She announces that the class will end early today because ''she is not feeling too well''. A mix of different reactions can be seen from your classmates. Some are happy that class ended early. Others, like $Lily, thought they would be learning more today. Some are even worried about the professor as she assures everyone that she is fine.
Everyone starts to leave, and Professor $Adams asks you to stay behind. Apparently, she ''needs'' your help with something. She waits until everyone leaves and then takes off her clothes, keeping only her panties on. "I'm sorry to make you stay behind, but I need your help fanning me. I'm feeling too hot right now, and you're the only person I feel like I can be comfortable with."
You close the distance between you, placing a hand on her bare legs. "We both know why you asked me to stay behind, Professor," you say, stroking her legs as she moans from your touches. It is not just her; you are also aching for release right now.
She tries to deny the claim, insisting that she only needs your help with that. "Are you sure, Professor?" you ask, taking out your throbbing cock. She watches your cock twitch, begging for release. She does not say anything and bends over, probably trying to balance herself before her lust completely takes over.
You take this chance to rub your cock on her juicy ass, eliciting moans from your horny teacher. She keeps silent as you hump her ass, allowing you to do as you please. She knows it is wrong, but she needs it.
[[Take off her panties.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC3.jpg" width="400px">
You doubt it is going to difficult to persuade $Lily to let you play with her. Maybe you could even make her ask you for it. Or, is this going too far for the inexperienced girl? How should you approach her?
This is too much thinking for you right now. It is not that you should not use your head; your powers are just affecting you more than you thought they would, your blood rushing to your dick.
You approach $Lily and find that both seats next to her are empty. She probably prioritizes education over her social life, thinking friends would be a distraction for her. That, or she just can not make any friends. It is probably the latter.
You sit next to $Lily and introduce yourself. Her eyes widen in shock, not expecting anyone to approach her. She shies away and just stares at her notebook, hoping that you would leave her alone. However, the effects of your powers become apparent on her; she shifts her legs and rubs them together.
Yeah, this is going to be rough. You feel for her, but you do not have time for this. "$Lily, I know you're horny. I'll wait for you outside the class. Make sure to come, or you won't be able to focus on the professor's class," you say, making an excuse to leave the classroom.
[[All you could do now is wait.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AX/AX2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Seeing that she has no reaction, you continue rubbing your dick on her, making sure to avoid going too far. You do not want her to stop it after all. This goes on for a few minutes. You rub your cock on her ass, and she moans in response to your every movement.
"See? It feels good, doesn't it? It could feel even better. We don't have to take it too far, Professor $Adams. I'll just rub my cock between your cheeks, but I have to take your panties off," you say, continuing your assault on her ass as you wait for a response.
She remains silent for what feels like eternity before she looks back at you, determination and hunger in her eyes. "Fine, rub your fat cock between my ass cheeks, Mr. $lastname," she says.
You grin at her answer and take off her panties. You sandwich your cock between her ass and start humping faster. "This is quite the vulgar language you're using. It's very different from the professionalism we're used to, but it's so fucking hot."
Professor $Adams moans in response, every movement pushing her further to the edge. "I'm just—I'm just trying to help you finish faster," she explains, the embarrassment apparent in her voice.
You laugh loudly. "You want me to finish? Fine."
You fuck her cheeks faster as she tries to stiffle her moans. She starts to cum, shaking for the very intense orgasm she is having. You do not stop and pin her down, reaching an orgasm of your own. You cover her ass with your cum, the view almost encouraging you to go again.
Before you could say or do anything, she quickly grabs her stuff and leaves, barely fixing herself up. It looks like she is back to her senses; she can run now, but you will definitely remind her of this next lesson.
[[Fix yourself and leave.|Day 4 Evening]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Choose the nerd.|Lily 2]]
[[Use duplication.|Duplication 3]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
Now that science class is over, you find yourself alone in the hall with nothing to do. Maybe you could try calling someone.<<if $lucasFriend is true>> You have not hung out with $Lucas outside class in a while. You could try calling him.<</if>> Before you make any decisions, a hand on your shoulder interrupts your thoughts.
You turn around to find that it is $Mason, the fraternity guy.<<if $masonTry is true>> Come to think of it, you still have not talked about the sneaking in assignment he gave you yesterday.<<else>> You have barely interacted with him. What could he want from you?<</if>>
"Hey, $name. I know we barely know each other, but do you want to hang out?" he asks, and you raise an eyebrow. He chuckles. "Not in ''that'' way. I'm getting to know the freshmen, and I'm hoping to make more friends. What do you say?"
You have spent a lot of time with girls here; it feels weird hanging out with a guy again. You do not even interact with your roommate much. What should you do? Do you want to hang out with him.
[[Hang out with him.]]
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>\
[[Hang out with your roommate.]]
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC5.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/LC/LC6.jpg" width="400px">
A familiar face opens the door as $Lily follows your instructions. She probably has no idea what is happening to her. "Do you know what's happening to you, $Lily?" you ask, trying to know just how sheltered she is.
"Speak up," you rush her.
"It's embarrassing, but I'm really horny right now, but it's never been that bad before," she says, hiding her face away from embarrassment.
You know it is because of your abilities, but she does not know. You could exploit that. "Do you masturbate, $Lily?" Her face turns even more red with color, but she knows you will not stop until you get all your answers. She shakes her head. "Okay, do you find me handsome?" you ask again. She takes one look at you and nods meekly.
"Okay, you're sexually frustrated, and I got you horny. I have the solution for you." You grab her to the nearest empty classroom and get her on her knees, getting your hard cock out for her. "Suck my cock," you order her.
A lot of conflicts are occurring inside her mind, but she is too horny to register anything besides your order. She takes your cock inside her mouth, and a surge of pleasure hits the both of you. It is very clear she has not done this before, but it feels good for the both of you due to your powers.
You slowly guide her, teaching her how to suck your dick. It takes her only a few tries before she starts grasping how to give a blowjob. You should have known she is a quick learner.
You still guide her, holding her by the hair as she bobs her head up and down your cock. It is starting to feel amazing; you are not the only one to feel that as $Lily starts cumming without any direct stimulation. She tries to take a moment to recover, but you need to cum as well.
You guide her back to your cock and start using her mouth for your pleasure. You push her face down your dick, making her deepthroat your cock as she gags and spits on your member.
[[Cum in her mouth.|Lily Mouth]]
[[Cum on her face.|Lily Facial]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC8.jpg" width="400px">
The mix of pleasure you are receiving from her mouth and the pleasure you are getting from your supernatural abilities send you over the edge. It is not just your normal load; it is a bigger one.
You hold <<print $Lily>>'s hair and use her face until you reach an orgasm. In a haze and out of energy, she sits there obediently, taking all your cock, while waiting for you to pour all your cum inside her mouth.
You dump your cum inside her, shooting ropes after ropes inside her mouth. You keep going until your balls are completely drained. You sit there with $Lily, both of you out of breath from this session.
Well, it was fun while it lasted. The class is still in motion, so you better clean yourself up quickly and try to make the most of it. Education is almost as important as pleasure, almost.
As you get dressed, you notice $Lily still lying on the floor, the euphoria from her orgasm still on her face. You forgot; it must have been her first or second orgasm. Her reaction is quite normal.
[[Help her.]]
[[Leave her be.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC7.jpg" width="400px">
The mix of pleasure you are receiving from her mouth and the pleasure you are getting from your supernatural abilities send you over the edge. It is not just your normal load; it is a bigger one.
You hold <<print $Lily>>'s hair and aim your cock at her face, stroking it using your free hand. In a haze and out of energy, she sits there obediently while waiting for you to pour all your cum on her face.
You dump your cum on her, shooting ropes enough to completely cover her face. You keep going until your balls are completely drained. You sit there with $Lily, both of you out of breath from this session.
Well, it was fun while it lasted. The class is still in motion, so you better clean yourself up quickly and try to make the most of it. Education is almost as important as pleasure, almost.
As you get dressed, you notice $Lily still lying on the floor, the euphoria from her orgasm still on her face. You forgot; it must have been her first or second orgasm. Her reaction is quite normal.
[[Help her.]]
[[Leave her be.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC8.jpg" width="400px">
It is your fault she is in this mess. You are not so heartless that you would leave her in that state. The least you could do is help her fix her clothes and clean up. You have done much worse to her.
You approach $Lily, offering a hand to her, so she can properly stand up. She looks up and smiles, taking your hand as she stands on her feet. She almost falls again, but you steady her before it happens.
There is a look of gratitude on her face as you hand her clothes. "Do you need help putting your clothes back on?" you ask softly.
She shakes her head. "I appreciate it, but I can do this on my own," she refuses. She manages to adjust her clothes and fix her hair, and she sits next to you, her eyes averted away. "Um, are you my boyfriend now?"
You suppress a laugh, but a chuckle still manages to escape your lips. "Do ''you'' want me to be your boyfriend?"
Her cheeks flush. "Um, no," she says, and you pretend to be hurt by her words. "Don't get me wrong. You're super cute, and you're so nice, but—just not yet," she says, something weighing heavy on her.
"We can still be friends though," you say.
She smiles brightly, excited by the prospect of having her first friend in college, maybe even her first friend ever. With nothing else to talk about, you both make your way back to class, each of you finding their seat.
[[Continue.|Science 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Choose your professor.|Science Teacher 1]]
[[Use duplication.|Duplication 3]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LC/LC8.jpg" width="400px">
You have better things to do than worry about some slut. It is not really your fault she is like this. You are not to blame for her situation at all. Who are you trying to convince? It is definitely your fault, you monster.
Still, you would rather go back to class than waste time helping her. She is an adult, capable of taking care of herself. You take one final look at her, and she returns your gaze, tears rolling down her eyes.
No turning back now. You leave her behind and return to the science class. You find your seat and take out your notebook, ready to pursue your education now that you have had your fun.
A couple of minutes later, $Lily returns to the class, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. She sits back in her place and tries to focus on the lecture, though you can tell her mind is elsewhere.
[[Continue.|Science 2 End]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Choose your professor.|Science Teacher 1]]
[[Use duplication.|Duplication 3]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $energy to $energy + 20>>\
<<set $hangMDay4 to true>>\
Yeah, why not? You were planning to get dinner anyway, and you want to know more about $Mason, maybe join the fraternity he is in if you like. "Yeah, okay. I was going to the cafeteria to eat something," you say.
"Perfect. I haven't eaten anything either. Let's go."
You walk with $Mason to the cafeteria, exchanging small talk on the way. You assumed he would be a basic rich, playboy with no personality and zero defining features. But, it turns out he is actually a pretty decent guy. His personality does not fit his looks, but he is nice and fun to talk to.
You are sure he would make for a good friend. You both reach the cafeteria and grab some food, finding an empty table to sit at. He tells you about the PPC frat and a few of its ''rivals'' in detail.
<<if $masonTry is true>>\
Oh, that is right. You were planning to tell him about yesterday's plan to sneak into <<print $Bella>>'s room. <<if $bellaPic is true>>You pull out your phone and show him the picture you took with the cheerleader's vibrator.<<elseif $bellaVid is true>>You pull out your phone and show him a few seconds of the several-minute video you took of $Bella masturbating.<<elseif $bellaPanties is true>>You pull out your phone and show him the picture of you holding <<print $Bella>>'s panties in her bathroom.<<else>>You tell him that you were not successful at infiltrating the cheerleader's room.<</if>>
He laughs loudly, a genuine voice escaping his mouth. "Oh, I didn't actually think you were going to do it. Holy shit, $name. You're full of surprises," he says, and you look at him confused. "It's just something I usually tell freshmen to do to throw them off their game and to try to get a feel of their personalities. You'll even notice I didn't ask you about it until you brought it up."
"I really don't appreciate you toying with me like that, $Mason. It could have gone very wrong," you say, genuinely upset that he was messing with you. You are not a person who likes being toyed with.
"I know, and I'm sorry. You're only the second person to actually do it. I always planned to have you in the frat. I mean, look at the shit you pull," he laughs again, impressed by your bravery. "So, do you want to join the frat, or did you change your mind?"
"So, do you want to join PPC, $name? You'll have many advantages, including brothers who will have your back and access to all the party locations, whether they take place at the frat house or somewhere else," $Mason says.
"Just like that? There has to be catch," you answer him, skeptical of his true intentions.
"Just like that. I mean, if you tried joining yesterday, I would've probably gave you an impossible task just to mess with you, and I would have let you join if you refused. Look, we do things differently here. In a sense, we actually look for people to join us instead of waiting for them to come to our doorstep. What do you say?" he explains, and you can not detect a hint of malice or manipulation on his face.
[[Join PPC.]]
[[Refuse to join PPC.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $hangLDay4 to true>>\
You let $Mason know that you have other plans for dinner, refusing his offer. It is not that you do not want to hang out with him. It is just you are interested in hanging out with $Lucas right now.
You pull out your phone and call your roommate. It rings for a few seconds before he picks up. "Hey, $Lucas. I was about to grab some dinner. Do you want to hang out while we eat this evening?" you ask.
"Hey, $name. No, I can't. I'm with my sister right now. We were about to grab dinner together. I'm sorry," he declines.
You hear someone talking in the background. You can not tell who it is exactly, but you have to assume it is his sister. "No worries. I'll find—"
"We'd love to have dinner with you, $name. Cafeteria?" a girl's voice interrupts you.
You know who she is. "Yeah, $Julia. I'll meet you guys there."
"Great, you remember me, and yes, we will see you there. Bye!" she says excitedly before hanging up.
[[Meet them at the cafeteria.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
You lean back slightly, considering his offer. While fraternities are not for everyone, <<print $Mason>>’s genuine attitude has caught you off guard. He is not the stereotypical frat guy you assumed he would be. Plus, the benefits he mentioned—connections, events, and brotherhood—do sound appealing.
“Alright,” you finally say, offering him a small grin. “I’m in. Let’s see what this PPC thing is all about.”
His face lights up with excitement. “You won’t regret it, $name. Trust me, it’s not just about the parties. It’s about building a brotherhood that lasts.”
As you continue eating, the atmosphere shifts to one of relaxed friends. $Mason starts talking about some of the quirks of the current PPC members, sharing funny stories about frat life. You laugh along, finding yourself enjoying his anecdotes more than you expected.
By the time you have both finished your meals, you feel a little more at ease about your decision. Maybe this fraternity could actually be a good thing. Even if it is not, at least you are getting along with $Mason, and that is a win in your book.
Before you conclude the evening, an idea strikes you, and it catches you off guard. Why would something like this pop in your head in the first place? You have had a ton of crazy ideas before, but this one is—you do not even know what to say.
[[Use morphing to change yourself into a girl.|Morphing 2]]
[[Nah, fuck this weird shit! What is wrong with you?|Day 4 Night]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision but confident in your choice. “I appreciate the offer, $Mason, but fraternities just aren’t my thing. No hard feelings?”
$Mason tilts his head, then chuckles. “No hard feelings at all, $name. Honestly, I respect that. At least you didn’t lead me on or waste my time.”
His response is surprisingly understanding, and it puts you at ease. You both return to your meals, chatting about less serious topics. $Mason shares a funny story about one of his frat brothers, and you find yourself laughing despite your earlier skepticism about fraternities.
The more you talk, the more you realize that $Mason is not just trying to recruit you; he is genuinely a decent guy. By the time you have finished eating, you feel like you have gained a friend. Whether you are in the frat or not, you are glad to know someone like $Mason has your back.
Before you conclude the evening, an idea strikes you, and it catches you off guard. Why would something like this pop in your head in the first place? You have had a ton of crazy ideas before, but this one is—you do not even know what to say.
[[Use morphing to change yourself into a girl.|Morphing 2]]
[[Nah, fuck this weird shit! What is wrong with you?|Day 4 Night]]<<if $energy >= 30>>
<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/T1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/T2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<if $unlockMorph is false>>\
<<set $unlockMorph to true>>\
<<set $morph to $morph + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
You go to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror, focusing your thoughts as you summon your morphing abilities. A shiver runs down your spine, a strange but exhilarating sensation as your body begins to shift.
Your shoulders narrow, your frame softens, and your features reshape. Your hair lengthens, cascading past your shoulders in silky waves, and your skin takes on a flawless glow. You watch, fascinated, as your new reflection takes form—a strikingly attractive woman with sharp, captivating eyes, full lips, and a confident aura.
The transformation feels seamless, almost second nature, as if you were simply slipping into another version of yourself. You tilt your head, inspecting your handiwork, a mischievous grin tugging at your lips. You return to $Mason, and as you figured, nobody seems to notice any changes. You might look different, but no matter what shape, form, or sex you take, it will always be normal for everyone.
You do not have to do much. You drag $Mason to the bathroom as your heart beats faster. You are already too far into this to stop now. Seeing that you are a little hesitant, he takes control, stripping you and himself off. Your eyes dart toward his bulging cock; it is almost as impressive as yours. Feelings that you did not know reside in you start appearing as you get wet and hungry for his cock.
He bends you over, and without much foreplay, he inserts his cock in your pussy. It is strange sensation but one you are willing to welcome as you start to moan from the pounding you are getting. It feels so fucking good.
He then pulls out and rests on the toilet, pulling you on top of his cock. It is your turn to take control; you begin bouncing up and down his thick cock, enjoying the feeling his member as you reach an orgasm.
You cum on his cock, your body shaking as euphoria washes over you. You never thought having a dick inside you would feel this good. He pulls out his cock and sprays his jizz all over your ass, spanking you for a job well done. You better snap out of it before you jump him again.
You both clean up, and you tell him to go ahead and leave you for now because you have things to do. In the privacy of the bathroom, you release your power and watch as you return back to normal, the effects and feelings of your transformation completely disappearing.
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/FratBoy.jpg" width="400px">
Unfortunately, you lack the energy to use this power, even though you just had a meal to replenish some of your lost energy. You should really work on saving some of your energy if you want to use more of your powers.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Night]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Hang out with your roommate.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Campus1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Night">>\
The evening fades into night, the campus bathed in a soft glow from scattered lampposts. The chill in the air is refreshing, but your mind buzzes with lingering questions about your powers, the Arcanists, and the strange path your life has taken.
You glance at your phone, debating whether to call it a day or push forward. Your curiosity wins. The campus library looms ahead, its grand windows glowing faintly. The sight fills you with relief; it is open late tonight.
You step inside, greeted by the faint smell of aged paper and the soft hum of fluorescent lights. The library is nearly deserted, save for a few scattered students hunched over laptops or flipping through books.
Rows upon rows of shelves beckon you, each holding countless secrets and possibilities. The world feels quieter here, like a pause between breaths. A perfect place to dig into the mysteries that have consumed your thoughts, but where should you start?
<<if $day4wind is true>>\
[[Continue.|Clara Selfie 1]]
[[Continue.|Day 4 Night 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG8.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $energy to $energy + 20>>\
You spot them—$Lucas and $Julia—sitting at a table near the large windows. $Lucas leans back in his chair as he scrolls through his phone. $Julia, in contrast, is more poised, neatly picking at her salad while occasionally glancing around the room with a subtle air of confidence.
As you approach, $Lucas notices you first and waves you over. “Took you long enough,” he calls out with a grin, his voice carrying easily over the cafeteria’s noise. $Julia stands up and gives you a friendly hug, her expression softer but no less striking. You pull out a chair and sit down with them.
You all grab your food and return to the table. <<if $juliaDay2 is true>>You accidentally brush against $Julia, and her face turns red, getting memories of what the two of you had been up to two days ago. <</if>>“How was your day, really? You look like you’ve been through a lot," $Julia asks.
The conversation ebbs and flows as you eat. $Julia adds a touch of calm to the table, occasionally steering the discussion toward more serious topics or anecdotes about her day.
[[Initiate something with the siblings.]]
[[Enjoy dinner with them and leave.|Day 4 Night]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG9.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $juliaDay2 is true || $juliaLO >=7>>\
Your focus narrows to $Julia, her soft laugh cutting through the noise like a melody. You exchange glances over the table, each look lingering just a second longer than necessary. Her smile widens, and she twirls a strand of her auburn hair between her fingers—a small, deliberate move that does not go unnoticed.
“So,” you say, leaning in slightly, your voice dipping lower, “what’s someone like you doing hanging out with someone like $Lucas?”
She laughs, her eyes glinting with mischief. “He’s my brother. I have to keep him out of trouble.”
“Oh, so you’re the responsible one?” you tease, earning an exaggerated roll of her eyes.
The conversation flows effortlessly, the space between you growing smaller as the rest of the room seems to blur into irrelevance. When she subtly nudges your arm with hers, you take that as a cue.
“Want to find somewhere quieter to talk?” you ask, keeping your tone light but inviting.
$Julia hesitates for only a moment before nodding. “Yeah, let’s go.”
As you stand, $Lucas looks up from his phone, his brows furrowing. “Where are you two going?”
<<if $energy >= 30>>\
[[Use charm on the siblings and make him watch.|Lucas Watch]]
[[Use charm on the siblings and make him join.|Lucas Join]]
[[Just leave with his sister.]]
You try to strike up a playful conversation with $Julia, throwing in a few lighthearted jokes and compliments, but the response is lukewarm at best. She smiles politely but does not reciprocate the energy you are aiming for. The more you try to steer the conversation into flirtatious territory, the more she shifts the topic back to neutral ground.
$Lucas seems oblivious as he scrolls through his phone, but <<print $Julia>>'s subtle disinterest does not escape you. You lean back in your seat, masking your disappointment with a casual shrug. Maybe it is just not your night.
As you consider dropping the subject altogether, a thought crosses your mind. You could use your charm powers to change the dynamic—make her more receptive to you.
<<if $energy >= 30>>\
[[Use charm on the siblings and make him watch.|Lucas Watch]]
[[Use charm on the siblings and make him join.|Lucas Join]]
[[Accept defeat and finish dinner.|Day 4 Night]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG10.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KG/KG11.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma +1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
It is not long before the powers take effect, and the three of you find your way back to your dorm. $Lucas does not want this as much as he needs it; he has no choice but to follow you.
You and $Julia are on the couch, passionately kissing and fondling each other's bodies. You turn to see $Lucas watching you two, stroking his thick manhood as he watched your intimate moment.
Feeling bold, $Julia tugged your face back down to hers and kissed you deeply. You could smell your mixed arousal as you both became increasingly excited by the thrill of the brother's voyeurism. He continued to stroke his cock as he watched you two make out.
$Julia pulled back with a mischievous grin, kneeling between your legs. She smiled wickedly up at you with lust-filled eyes as she took your erect cock into her warm mouth. You gasped as she began to skillfully blow you. The slurping and popping sounds of her mouth on your cock, mixed with the slippery slide of her brother's hand up and down his shaft fill the air.
He watched you both, his emotions and arousal swirling in his chest. His sister continued to deep throat your cock as he pumps his dick faster and harder. The eroticism of the scene made you tremble with anticipation. $Julia looked up at you with a smirk as she sucked you deeper, her talented tongue flicking your sensitive head.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you whispered hoarsely, your balls drawing tight. "I'm gonna—"
You did not finish your sentence. With a cry of ecstasy, you threw your head back and exploded, jetting your load across <<print $Julia>>'s chest as you came with a roar.
Similarly, $Lucas spurts out a load on his bed while watching his sister suck your cock. The two siblings exchange a glance, filled with embarrassment and something else. You do not want to stay for the awkward moment that will soon follow after the effects wear off.
[[Take your leave.|Day 4 Night]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Hang out with him.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG10.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KG/KG12.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KG/KG11.jpg" width="400px">
You and $Julia leave $Lucas behind and go to your dorm. On the bed, you and her start passionately kissing and fondling each other's bodies. Suddenly, you heard a sound behind you. Startled, you turned to see $Lucas watching you two, stroking his thick manhood as he watched your intimate moment.
Feeling bold, $Julia tugged your face back down to hers and kissed you deeply. You could smell your mixed arousal as you both became increasingly excited by the thrill of the brother's voyeurism. Her brother continued to stroke his cock as he watched you two make out.
$Julia pulled back with a mischievous grin, kneeling between your legs. She smiled wickedly up at you with lust-filled eyes as she took your erect cock into her warm mouth. You gasped as she began to skillfully blow you. The slurping and popping sounds of her mouth on your cock mixed with the slippery slide of her brother's hand up and down his shaft.
He watched you both, his emotions and arousal swirling in his chest as you motion for him to get close. His sister continued to deep throat your cock while he pumps his dick faster and harder. The eroticism of the scene made you tremble with anticipation. $Julia looked up at you with a smirk as she sucked you deeper, her talented tongue flicking your sensitive head.
Suddenly, with a few deft motions, $Julia grips her brother's cock and starts stroking him. She looks up at him with a playful grin. You watched in awe as she skillfully pleasured her brother with her hands while she worked you with her mouth. The erotic scene was too much to bear.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you whispered hoarsely, your balls drawing tight. "I'm gonna—"
You did not finish your sentence. With a cry of ecstasy, you threw your head back and exploded, jetting your load across <<print $Julia>>'s chest as you came with a roar.
Similarly, $Lucas spurts out a load on his sister's tits while watching her suck your cock. The two siblings exchange a glance, filled with embarrassment and something else. She just gave her brother a handjob. You do not want to stay for the awkward moment that will soon follow after the effects wear off.
[[Take your leave.|Day 4 Night]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Hang out with him.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG10.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KG/KG11.jpg" width="400px">
You ignore his question and leave with his sister to find somewhere more private. If it were someone else, he would stand stop you from leaving, but he trusts you enough to leave her in your care.
You and $Julia go to your dorm room and chat for a few minutes, flirting playfully. There is a palpable tension in the air, and you can both feel it. You make a move on $Julia, cupping her face as you kiss her.
It slowly turns into a makeout session, and you both roll on the bed as each of you tries to devour the other. $Julia knelt tenderly before you, her eyes locked on your exposed manhood. With a soft smile and sensuous lips parted slightly, she took you fully into her warm mouth. Her lips and tongue caressed you rigid length as she skillfully sucked your cock.
You groan in pleasure as her nimble tongue flicked your sensitive head, then she sheathed you completely in her wet heat. Her lips slide up and down your shaft with sensual expertise, occasionally swirling her tongue around your tip.
The intoxicating sensation of her mouth was too much to bear and you felt an urge to explode. Throbbing need built in your balls, desperate to release. Just as you thought you would burst, she slowed down to a slow tease.
This sends you over the edge with a forceful spurt. Jets of white-hot cum arched from you in long ribbons, painting her chest and lips with your cum as ecstasy overwhelmed you in wave after wave.
She cleans your cock and pulls your pants back up, joining you on the bed for some cuddling. You lay there with her for a while before she gets a text from her brother, and she says goodbye before he makes his way here.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Night]]
<<if $cheats is "ChoicesWillMatter">>\
[[Hang out with him.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
The idea of calling <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> comes to mind, and it feels both promising and a little daunting. He is always been knowledgeable, especially about history, but bringing up something as far-fetched as supernatural powers?
You are not sure how he will react. Still, he might have some insight—if you can keep him from prying too much into why you are asking. You step out of the library, the cool night air brushing against your skin as you pull out your phone. With a deep breath, you dial his number.
It rings twice before his familiar voice answers, warm but laced with curiosity. “Hey, kid. It's kinda late. Everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” you say quickly, keeping your tone casual. “Just had a random question pop into my head, and I figured you might be the best person to ask.”
“Go on,” he says, his tone shifting to one of mild intrigue.
“Have you ever come across the term ''Arcanists'' in your studies? Like, in history books or myths or anything like that?”
There is a pause, and you expect a positive answer. “''Arcanists''. Can’t say it rings a bell immediately. Sounds like something from folklore or esoteric writings. Why the sudden interest?”
You shrug, even though he can’t see it. “I came across it in some old book in the library. Thought it might be connected to one of those obscure historical societies or something.”
“Hm, maybe. It does have an arcane vibe to it—old magic, secret knowledge, that sort of thing. I don't really read about the supernatural much. You know, there were always whispers of groups throughout history claiming to harness mystical forces or tap into energies beyond the physical world. But they were usually dismissed as cults or charlatans.”
You nod, even though the conversation is making your heart race. “What about supernatural powers? Do you think there’s any truth to those old stories?”
He chuckles lightly. “Ah, now we’re venturing into the fantastical. I’d like to think there’s more to the universe than we understand, but powers? Like, people shooting fireballs or reading minds? I’d say no—at least, not in any documented way. Why? Thinking of writing a novel or something?”
You laugh nervously. “Something like that.”
“Alright, but you know me—I’m always up for exploring new ideas. If you find anything interesting, let me know. Just don’t start joining any strange groups, okay?”
“Got it. Thanks.”
He pauses. “You sure everything’s fine?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, brushing him off gently. “Just indulging a curiosity. Thanks again.”
“Anytime, kid. Take care of yourself.”
You end the call, exhaling a breath you did not realize you were holding. You look up and start wondering if you will get any answers soon. Before you could finish your thought, your phone rings again.
[[Answer it.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Oldguy.jpeg" width="400px">
Not long after you hang up, your phone buzzes again. Seeing the name of <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> flash on the screen, you hesitate for a moment before answering.
“Hey. What’s up?”
“I just remembered something,” he says, his tone quieter now, almost cautious. “It’s probably nothing, but it might be interesting, considering what you were asking earlier.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "Okay, I’m listening."
"When I was a kid, my father told me this strange story. It was one of those tales he only shared late at night, after a drink or two. He said there was a great evil that people called by many names, but the one that stuck out the most was ''The Devil''."
You stiffen slightly at the name but say nothing, letting him continue.
“Others, oddly enough, called him ''The Savior''. Makes you wonder if he was truly evil or if a group of people just misunderstood him. The story goes that thousands of years ago, there was a battle—a monumental fight between him and another powerful figure. No one knows exactly who or what this other person was, but the battle was catastrophic. Tons of casualties, entire civilizations wiped out, and it dragged on for years.”
[[Continue.|Story 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Fight1.jpeg" width="400px">
His voice grows softer, as if recounting something forbidden. “Eventually, ''The Devil'' was defeated and imprisoned somewhere, though nobody knows where. The odd thing is, he wasn’t killed. Maybe he couldn’t be—or maybe they didn’t think it was the right choice. Instead, they locked him away. The story says he’s been escaping his prison every generation since, only to be recaptured. How he escapes, no one knows.”
You lean against a nearby wall, your mind racing. “So, he can’t be killed?”
“Well, that’s the thing,” he replies. “They say he can’t be killed ''yet''. Supposedly, there will come a time when he regains his full strength. But the irony is, it’s only at that point—when he’s at his most powerful—that he can actually die. Comical, right? The only moment he can be defeated is when he’s at his peak.”
You exhale, unsure of what to make of this. “And people actually believe this?”
“Not many,” the old man admits. “It’s one of those stories buried and burned, shared only among a select few. Most probably think it’s just folklore. But it stuck with me, especially the part about him being called ''The Savior''. Makes you wonder. Was he really evil? Is killing him the right choice—if it’s even possible?”
The silence hangs heavy for a moment. Finally, he chuckles softly. “Anyway, thought you’d find it interesting. It’s just a story, though. Don’t let your imagination run wild, alright?”
“Yeah,” you say, though your mind is already spinning. “Thanks for telling me. I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing.”
“Sure thing, $name. And hey—don’t stay up too late. You’ve got classes tomorrow.”
“Will do. Night, <<if $relation is "intimate">>Dad<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Dad<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>> .”
As the call ends, you stand there in the quiet of the night, the weight of his words pressing on your mind. ''The Devil''. ''The Savior''. ''The battle''. ''The prison''. It might be just a story, but something about it feels significant. A piece of a larger puzzle you are only just beginning to see.
[[Go to your dorm.|Day 4 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Bed1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Midnight">>\
The walk back to your dorm is quiet, the cool night air brushing against your skin as the faint glow of streetlights guides your way. The campus is calm now, only the occasional rustle of leaves or distant footsteps breaking the silence. Your thoughts are heavy, swirling with the strange conversation you just had. ''The Devil''. ''The Savior''. ''Escaping and being recaptured every generation.''
By the time you reach your dorm building, the halls are eerily silent, most students already in their rooms. You push open the door to your dorm room softly, careful not to make too much noise. The room is dimly lit by the faint glow of the moon filtering through the window blinds.
Your roommate, $Lucas, is already fast asleep, sprawled on his bed with one arm dangling off the side. His slow, rhythmic breathing is the only sound in the room. You glance at him briefly, a sense of calm washing over you in the quiet stillness.
Kicking off your shoes, you change into something more comfortable and climb into bed. The mattress creaks slightly under your weight as you settle in, pulling the covers over yourself. You close your eyes, but your mind refuses to quiet.
The story replays in your head like a loop. ''A battle that lasted years''. A figure called both ''The Devil'' and ''The Savior''. ''A prison no one can find''. ''A final confrontation that will determine everything''.
You shake your head, trying to push the thoughts aside. It is too much to unpack now. You will have to figure it out another day. Taking a deep breath, you let the stillness of the night soothe you. Slowly, your thoughts begin to drift, and the weight of the day pulls you under.
And just like that, your first ''real'' day of college—and everything that came with it—finally comes to an end.
[[Sleep.|Day 5]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/GameName1.jpg" width="400px">
This is the end of the current version, v0.5. Please, let me know your thoughts on this update, and if you liked it, you can support me on my Patreon. Thank you for playing and look forward to the next version.
Note that the game is not meant to played with cheats, especially when it comes to the cheat codes for the Shapeshifter tier. The chronological order of events will NOT make sense. Only use this cheat if you want to focus on the sex scenes only.
I did not and will not implement the cheat for new versions in case it breaks the game. Let me know your thoughts on cheat codes, and if they are important to the game, or if I should remove them (Shapeshifter cheat codes).
Oh, and I've tested out sticky videos for longer passages where the videos are off screen. Let me know your thoughts on them.<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Asa Akira''
Name: $Hana $Sato
Age: 34
Occupation: Professor
Relation: Teacher
Physical Appearance: $Hana is a petite woman, standing at 5'2" and weighing 48 kg, with a slender, toned physique. Her black hair cascades smoothly, contrasting with her warm brown eyes. With her oriental features, she exudes a subtle yet captivating presence, her slim body enhancing her graceful and delicate appearance.
Background: $Hana grew up in a conservative household where traditional gender roles heavily influenced family dynamics. Her father was an emotionally distant and largely absent figure in her life, dedicating his attention and praise to her brothers. This neglect left $Hana feeling undervalued and invisible, despite her numerous achievements in academics and extracurricular activities. Determined to stand out and prove her worth, $Hana channeled her energy into becoming an overachiever, excelling in school. However, no matter how much she accomplished, her father never gave his approval. This need for validation shaped her into a person who thrives on external acknowledgment from men.
Biography: $Hana is known for her dynamic teaching style and boundless energy in the classroom. She quickly became a favorite among students for her approachable demeanor and genuine interest in their academic success. However, beneath her lively exterior lies a lingering need for attention, particularly from her male students. There’s a pattern of her seeking extra engagement with the young men in her classes. She may go out of her way to engage them in conversation, offer encouragement, or provide extra attention, all in an attempt to feel validated by them. Often, there is a feeling a deeper, unconscious rivalry or jealousy toward her female students.
Love points: $hanaLO
Lust points: $hanaLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA1.jpg" width="400px">
Actress: ''Julia Ann''
Name: $Evelyn $Grant
Age: 50
Occupation: Professor
Relation: Teacher
Physical Appearance: $Evelyn is a stunning older woman, standing at 5'8" and weighing 58 kg. With a slim, athletic body that shows no signs of aging, she radiates strength and vitality. Her blonde hair frames her face beautifully, complementing her striking blue eyes. While there are very subtle signs of aging on her face, they only add character to her features, enhancing her timeless beauty. She exudes confidence and grace, her presence captivating with a rare combination of maturity and enduring allure.
Background: $Evelyn grew up in a disciplined household where rules and expectations reigned supreme. Her parents, both educators themselves, instilled in her a deep respect for structure and authority, but they also left little room for warmth or spontaneity. She excelled academically from an early age, becoming a highly disciplined and self-reliant individual. Her uncompromising standards and focus on her career prevented her from forming lasting relationships. As the years went by, $Evelyn dedicated herself entirely to her work, earning multiple advanced degrees and becoming a respected figure in her field. While she outwardly dismisses the idea of marriage or family, there are moments when she privately wonders what her life might have been like if she had made different choices.
Biography: $Evelyn is one of the most seasoned professors at the university. She is a strict and exacting educator who demands nothing short of perfection from her students. Her classes are notoriously challenging, and her sharp, no-nonsense demeanor has earned her a reputation for being one of the "scariest" professors on campus, reinforcing her "bitchy" persona. Her interpersonal relationships remain strained; she is known to be distant and dismissive, even toward colleagues. Though she rarely expresses vulnerability, there are times when the weight of her solitude lingers in her mind. $Evelyn is a woman who values control and order, yet behind her formidable persona lies a complex individual who occasionally contemplates the paths she chose not to take.
Love points: $eveLO
Lust points: $eveLU
[[Back.|Character Lore]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK11.jpg" width="400px">
Before you could decide on anything, your phone pings with a message. You contemplate ignoring it for a couple of seconds before you decide to open it. You check the notification and discover that it was Ms. $Blanc, your roommate's mother, and a sent image from her.
You open the picture and find yourself in for a surprise. Ms. $Blanc is sitting in a bedroom completely topless, showcasing her big tits for you. Well, she is not exactly without a top, but you get the idea.
You start wondering if this was supposed to be an accident before she follows up with a couple of messages.
<em>don't get the wrong idea</em>
<em>this is just for helping my son</em>
Helping her son? When did you help her s—oh. The realization finally hits you, and you can not help but laugh. She must be talking about him choking in class. Saved him? Oh the irony! You just stopped choking him. You almost feel a little guilty—almost.
[[Reply to her.]]
[[Focus on what you're here for.|Day 4 Night 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AK/AK12.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AK/AK13.jpg" width="400px">
You should take advantage of that while you still can. From the looks of it, she took this nude in the morning, probably after class when her son told her about what happened. If she only sent them now, it means she took all day to gather the courage for it.
<em>of course, Ms. $Blanc</em>
<em>he's my roommate and since ur not here</em>
<em>I'll take care of him for you dw</em>
There is a big pause from her end. You would have assumed she fled after sending the picture, her courage running out. But, her status still says ''online''. Maybe she does not understand what "dw" means. You begin typing again, explaining the abbreviation to her. Before you could hit ''send'', another picture appears on your screen.
It is another nude, but this time, it is a full body shot with one of her hands covering her pussy. She knew exactly what she was doing with this angle. You will happily ''save'' her son every time if this is how she shows gratitude. But, fuck! She really does look amazing. Your hard dick thinks so, too.
<em>thank u, Ms. $Blanc</em>
<em>I will be jerking off to these later</em>
She is not a prude; she knows what you will use these pictures for, but hearing it directly from you probably stirred some emotions within her. Fuck it. You make sure you are in a safe spot and pull out your erect member, snapping a photo of your cock and sending it to her.
This earns you a reward from the doting mother. She sends you another picture, a mirror selfie, with her pussy spread open for your eyes' pleasure.
<em>last one! thank you for taking care of $Lucas</em>
Her status changes to offline, making good on her words. You have no doubts that she will be masturbating after this, probably using your dick picture as fuel for her growing desire. You save the photos and return to what you were here for.
[[Continue.|Day 4 Night 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Bed1.jpg" width="400px">
You find yourself awake yet again, similar to the night before. You check your phone to find that it is 2 am on the dot. Have you not done this dance just yesterday, and even the day before, or was it the first day? Come to think of it, you have been having trouble sleeping lately.
Not only that, but you have also been experiencing some weird dreams. Yes, even weirder than usual. They are too vivid; moreover, you have always been a person who forgets what he dreamt of the night before, if you even dreamt,, but somehow, you can recall every small detail that had occurred.
You sigh softly and rub your eyes. You often sought to sleep as a means of escaping your day. Now though, now you cannot find a way to escape your new supernatural reality, even in your slumber.
You lie back down and rest your head on the pillow. Holy shit! The quality of this pillow is out of this world. You can barely keep your eyes open and start sinking into a deep sleep. You cannot help but smile; it feels like you are finally about to have a good night's rest.
<<link "Have a deep, deep sleep." "Dream 3">><<set $dream2 to true>><</link>>
[[Not too deep. You have classes.|Dream 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $day to "Wednesday">>\
<<set $time to "Sunrise">>\
<<set $energy to $maxEnergy>>\
Your open your eyes, greeted by the dim, early morning light through the room's window. You chuckle as you grab your phone to check the time. You might have only slept for a few hours, but you really did have a great sleep.
You look over to your roommate's bed and find that he is still sleeping, drooling over his pillow. You have a lot of time to spare before your first class, and you know just how to spend it.
With a smile plastered on your face, you head for the bathroom for a much-needed shower. Before you strip though, you make sure that there is enough warm water for a hot shower, only to find out that it will not even last for a quick rinse.
[[You check out the shared showers.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/Vids/Shower.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You find your way to the shared showers, separated into girls and boys sections. You wonder how many people made the mistake of thinking ''shared'' implied that girls would also share the same showers as the boys.
You stand before the two entrances, contemplating whether you should try and peek on the naked girls. Nah, this isn't a porn game where everyone would be oblivious to the creep watching them shower. Then again, you do have supernatural abilities that can allow you to get away with this and much more.
Yeah, totally not worth it. You head inside the men's showers and find an empty locker to place your clothes at. You grab a towel and enter a shower stall. It's weird. You seem to be the only one here right now. Everyone's probably using their dorm's bathroom.
You take a hot shower, letting the warm water fall on every inch of your skin. You shut your eyes and lean on the wall, soaking in the pleasure of this rinse. The sudden running shower next to yours interrupts your leisure time. Instinctively, you become wary and put your defenses up.
You're quite sure all the stalls are vacant, so why did this stranger have to choose the one right next to yours? You decide to confront whoever this is, so you can return to your shower. You don't want to alert him though, so you keep your shower running and move silently.
<span class="glitch">[[Check who's inside.]]</span><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Shower.jpg" width="400px">
You swing open the sliding door, only to be met by an empty stall with a running shower, quite similar to yours actually. You place a hand under the falling water to test it out. It's hard to tell, but it feels like the same water temperature you left only a second ago.
No, something is not right. You have to make sure you're not losing your mind. You take two slow, deliberate steps toward the stall you were showering at. It feels like you've been walking for a long time before you finally reach the shower, You slowly open the reflective glass door.
To your surprise, it's empty. There is no running water and no steam. You glance at the floor next, and there is not a single drop of water. The evidence suggests one thing: this stall was not used today. Come to think of it, there was no sound before you entered the stall, but you were too occupied to register this absurd information.
That's it. You're officially losing your damn mind. You stand there, naked and disoriented. Every time you think you're getting closer to understanding everything that's happening, you encounter more mysteries. It's honestly a feat you're still sane after all of this.
You sigh and collect your thoughts. You have to keep it together; things will make sense eventually. You will figure it all out. For now though, you think you'll just take a relaxing shower. You return to the stall where the shower is on, ready to face whatever is in this enclosure. Hopefully, it's just the water though.
[[You open the door and see a beautiful sight.|Julia Shower]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG13.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/KG/KG14.jpg" width="400px">
Upon your return, you discover that the previously unoccupied stall is now, in fact, occupied by a familiar ass. You let out a sigh, but you're not sure if it's one of relief or disappointment. Nevertheless, you're glad someone is in here, and you're not actually tripping.
It takes you a second before you realize that you have been staring too long at <<print $Julia>>'s ass. Technically, you are just deep in thought, but you doubt your roommate's sister is going to believe that.
Still, she is in your shower stall, so you should ask her to move, so you can return to your shower. That, and she is also inside the men's showers. You don't know why, but you really need to shower before it gets late.
In a second. You continue watching her as the water falls down on her behind. Seconds later, she turns around and gives you a frontal view of what you've been missing. You're first greeted with her soapy tits; she runs her hands delicately over them, making sure to squeeze and clean them properly.
Your eyes trail down to her pussy before stopping at her pubic region first. It looks like $Julia is growing a bush down there. Either she does not have an active sex life, or she does not care about shaving this area.
Before you can continue down to her pussy, $Julia clears her throat. You look back up to find her eyes meeting yours. It seemed like you explored too far, but before you get ready to defend yourself or throw in accusations, she speaks. "Enjoying the view, $name?" she asks, pushing her tits together to influence your vote.
It seems like she does not mind that you were watching her, but before you can say anything, she points to your dick and smiles. "It looks like I already have my answer. As much as I enjoy your hungry look, you need to leave before any of the girls catch you in the women's showers."
Women's? You were about to correct her before you hear a few girls giggling nearby. You have no clue what's happening, but you're not really surprised by this revelation. It's like you knew you walked into the wrong room.
<<if $dream2 is true>>\
[[Apologize about this.|Love Focus 11]]
[[Flirt boldly.|Lust Focus 11]]
[[Playfully tease her.|Both Focus 11]]
[[Leave the showers before you get caught.|Julia Shower 2]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG14.jpg" width="400px">
She obviously does not mind, but you think you might get some bonus points with her if you apologize and be the good guy. Plus, you're not sure how you ended up going into the wrong room, but you are genuinely sorry.
You quickly avert your gaze, raising your hands defensively. "Sorry, $Julia, I didn’t mean to. This was an honest mistake. I didn’t realize I was in the wrong showers."
Her teasing expression softens slightly as she notices your genuine embarrassment. "Really, $name? You didn’t notice?" she quips, though her tone is less biting and more amused.
You chuckle nervously. "I was in a rush. Trust me, I’ll get out of here right now."
$Julia tilts her head, her smile less mischievous and more understanding now. "Alright, but maybe next time, check the sign. It saves us both some awkwardness."
You nod, heading toward the exit. As you leave, you hear her mutter, "At least you’re decent about it, even if I wanted to tease you a bit," which somehow feels like a win in this situation.
[[Leave.|Julia Shower 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG13.jpg" width="400px">
Well, well. If she does not mind teasing you, you should be safe to flirt with her for a bit. Sure, it's not the best of situations, and anyone could walk in any minute and alert the faculty, but you're feeling bold right now.
You lean against the wall, letting a smirk creep onto your face. "You seem pretty comfortable putting on a show, $Julia. Should I rate your performance?"
$Julia raises an eyebrow, her lips curving into a sly smile. "Oh? And what rating would you give me, Mr. $lastname?" she asks, running her hands over her wet body for emphasis.
"Turn around and show me your ass. I haven't really had enough time to watch it." She does as she is told and displays her ass to you, holding it up and waiting for your rating. "Ten out of ten," you reply smoothly, your gaze unapologetically lingering on her curves.
She laughs, the sound low and careful, as she turns back to the showerhead. "Flatterer," she says, glancing over her shoulder. "But be careful. This isn’t exactly a free-for-all."
[[Leave.|Julia Shower 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG13.jpg" width="400px">
She is feeling playful right now, evident from her teasing and her nonchalant attitude about you being in the women's showers. It's only fair that you match her teasing and be playful as well.
You rub the back of your neck and grin. "Women’s showers, huh? Guess I must’ve been so mesmerized by your presence that I didn’t even notice the sign on the door."
$Julia raises an eyebrow, clearly delighted that you're playing along. "Oh, is that right? My presence is so overwhelming that you wandered into completely unfamiliar territory?"
You shrug, feigning innocence. "What can I say? You’ve got that effect on people and an ass that attracts."
She laughs softly, the sound light but genuine. She turns around and shows you her ass. "You’re ridiculous, $name, but at least you’re entertaining."
"Glad I could brighten your shower experience," you joke, gesturing toward the door. "I’ll leave you to it, but maybe next time, warn me before you decide to take over my stall."
$Julia shakes her head, still smiling. "Your stall? Get out of here before someone really catches you."
[[Leave.|Julia Shower 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/MetalRoom.jpg" width="400px">
You find yourself standing in an empty, dimly lit room, the walls seemingly made of smooth, reflective metal. Weren't you just with $Julia? What is happening? The air feels dense, pressing against your skin like a heavy weight. You blink, and suddenly, your vision sharpens unnaturally, the walls around you becoming translucent.
You see through everything. Layers peel away—metal, brick, wood—exposing intricate systems of pipes and wiring running like veins through the building. Beyond the walls, shadows of distant figures flicker, their forms strange under your enhanced gaze.
Curiosity overtakes you, and you begin to focus on the world beyond, your vision shifting further and further outward. Rooms, people, and even the vast cityscape outside the building are no longer barriers. But, then it begins to change.
You notice things you shouldn’t, things not meant to be seen. Dark shapes, faceless and unidentifiable, seem to crawl beneath the surface of reality. They move unnaturally, unaffected by walls and physics, gliding through a world only you can perceive. One by one, their heads turn in your direction, and though they have no eyes, you feel their stare lock onto you.
Panic sets in as the shapes begin to move toward you. You try to pull your focus back, to shut off your enhanced vision, but it’s too late. The power surges uncontrollably, your field of vision expanding even further, each layer of reality dissolving faster than you can process. The shapes are everywhere now, surrounding you, their forms twisting and growing more grotesque as they move closer to you..
Your heart pounds as one of the creatures reaches out. Its ''hand'' passes through your chest, and an excruciating cold spreads through your body. You drop to your knees, gasping for air as the power in your eyes grows unbearable. The world is splitting apart before you, layer by layer, until there’s nothing left but a black void.
As the dark consumes you, you feel your body unraveling; it's almost like you’ve become a part of the very fabric you’ve been peering through. The last thing you hear is a deep, husky whisper: "You should have stayed blind, $name."
[[Maybe you should have.|Day 5 Sunrise]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Shower.jpg" width="400px">
Finally done with $Julia, you attempt to leave the area without being spotted by any other girls. You make your way past a few stalls before loud footsteps stop you in your tracks.
Shit. There is no way around them. You're going to have to backtrack to where you came from and hide in one of the empty stalls until you're clear to leave. Moving quickly and silently, you retrace your steps.
It's only until you're back where you were first showering that you're faced with a dilemma. You have two viable options to choose from. The first choice is to enter the empty shower stall that you first thought was occupied by a stranger. The second choice is to join $Julia in her shower. It's risky, but you think you can get away with it.
What should you do? <<if $dream2 is false>>For some reason, you think you have the illusion of a choice, but you can actually do only one thing in this scenario: hide in the empty shower stall.<</if>>
[[The empty shower stall.|Empty Shower]]
<<if $dream2 is true>>\
[[Join your roommate's sister.|Join Julia]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Shower.jpg" width="400px">
You quickly enter the empty shower and slide the door behind you. The sound echoes unnaturally in the tiled space. As soon as the door is shut behind you, a strange sensation fills the place. The fluorescent light overhead flickers faintly, casting uneven shadows that dance across the damp walls. The audible dripping from the shower head fills the silence, each droplet sounding heavier than it should.
The air feels thick, humid yet cold, clinging to your skin like a damp shroud. You glance around the stall, and for a moment, it seems like the walls are closing in, shrinking the already confined space.
You take a deep breath, but the action feels labored, the air itself resists entering your lungs. You carefully watch the glass door. It reflects the empty space behind you, yet something about it feels wrong. It’s too still, as though it’s waiting for something to appear.
A sudden chill creeps up your spine. The sensation is subtle at first, like a faint breeze brushing against your skin. It intensifies shortly, a tingling heat at the back of your neck, as if a pair of unseen eyes were watching you. Your instinct screams that you’re not alone, but the stall is utterly empty.
Your heartbeat quickens, each pump reverberating in your ears. The faint hum of the place feels louder now, mixing with the rhythmic dripping of water until it creates an inharmonious melody that sets you on edge.
Then, just as you’re about to dismiss the feeling as paranoia, the sound of the shower head changes. The drip becomes a steady, quiet trickle, like a whisper. You focus on the noise, straining to hear, but the words are indecipherable, their tone unsettlingly playful.
[[LEAVE RIGHT NOW!|Dream 3 Continue]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KG/KG15.jpg" width="400px">
You move hastily to avoid getting caught and make your way to where you left $Julia. You stand before the door, contemplating whether this is a good idea or not. The nearing sound of footsteps leave you no choice but to do this.
You slide open the door, emitting a loud noise and alerting $Julia. "$name? What are you doing here?" she asks, yet the playfulness in her voice from before is gone.
You join her under the running shower, covering her mouth. You quickly realize that she is showering in scorching water, and you have to stiffle a groan as it runs down your back. How the fuck is she not feeling this?
You both stay like this until you think you can't hear any more footsteps. You let go of $Julia and raise your hands to defend yourself. "I'm sorry to cause more awkward situations, but I was this close to getting caught," you say, emphasizing what you meant with your fingers.
She laughs, the sound genuine. "I'm sorry. I know this must be difficult for you, but it's absolutely hilarious. From the awkward moments you've been in to you running around naked, and finally you trying not to scream under the hot water," she says, giggling in the process.
"I'm glad you find this amusing. I think it's safe to leave now though," you announce and prepare to leave.
"Wait!" $Julia exclaims and holds your hand, stopping you from leaving. You glance back at her, and she quickly lets go of you. "Um—I was thinking, maybe—nevermind, it's—" she stumbles over her words. You have an idea of what she is trying to say, but it is funny how quickly she loses her confidence when it comes to this.
"What do you want, $Julia? Speak up, or I'm leaving. I don't have time for this," you pressure her into talking.
"Uh—could we—I mean since you haven't had the chance to shower, and since you're already here, maybe you could sho—shower with me?" she invites you, trying to play it cool. "And, maybe I could wash your back for you."
[[Of course you can.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"But, since I interrupted your shower, let me help you out first. Last I checked, you were washing these."
"Huh, what do you mea—AH" she yelps.
You interrupt her by attacking her tits. "$name! Mmm. I think you're right. They do need to be cleaned properly," she takes the initiative and leads your face to her chest. You nibble and suck on her tits, making sure to thoroughly ''clean'' her.
Her sweet moans fill your ears, indicating that you are doing something right. "Clean enough I'd say. Shall we move to other areas?" you ask and await no answer, sliding your hand down her body.
She stops you, a worrisome look on her face. "Uh—I don't—" she fails to voice her thoughts, but you know exactly what's on her mind.
"Your bush?" you bluntly ask, and she nods meekly. "I don't care," you dictate and make your way past her concern and into her pussy. Whatever had her worried seemed to be forgotten quickly as she jumps from the sudden intrusion and moans for you.
She's tight for sure; two fingers are more than enough to fill her pussy. Still, you'll make sure she's ready for your cock. As you increase the pace, her legs betray her, and she has to lean on you for support as you finger her pussy faster. It takes only a few minutes before she starts cumming. "I'm cumming, $name! Please, please don't stop."
Good thing you had no intention of stopping. A second orgasm succeeds the first, the intensity of the experience make her go limp, and you have to hold her up as the bliss passes through.
[[Wait for her to recover.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"I didn't think it would feel this good," $Julia says between breaths. She probably hasn't been with a guy before. It's evident on her behavior. You should show her a good time; she deserves it.
"Your turn now," she states before you can get to do anything. There is a look of determination in her eyes, but she's also a bit worried that she might mess up. You give her a reassuring smile which helps set her on ease. "Let me wash your back for you as a thanks."
You turn around and allow her to take it at her own pace. She uses her soapy hands to wash your back, making sure to be delicate and thorough. $Julia then gets even closer to you until you can feel her tits on your back. She takes this chance to use both her hands and her chest to ''clean'' you.
You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling. Her hands travel downwards, under the pretense of cleaning you, until it reaches your standing cock, grabbing it firmly and ''cleaning'' it. You reach behind, grabbing whatever part of her body you can get your hands on, but you focus more on her ass.
$Julia has been jerking you off for a while, and despite it feeling great, there is only so much an inexperienced handjob could do for you. As if reading your mind, $Julia halts and speaks. "You know, this place is equipped with a massage room nearby. Why don't we continue our session there?" she asks, having more in mind for you than just a jerk off session.
You nod and follow her, waiting for her to signal that it is clear to leave. When you pass by the empty shower stall you saw earlier, a chill runs up your spine, and you swear you could almost hear a whisper. You're glad you didn't try to hide here; something is off.
[[Follow her.|Julia Massage Room]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls loop>
<source src="Videos/KG/KG8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
With <<print $Julia>>'s guide, you were able to successfully sneak out of the women's shower without alerting anyone or causing any suspicion. Despite this, you still have this nagging feeling that there are eyes watching you somewhere. Maybe someone did actually catch you but let you go.
$Julia leads you to a secluded room inside the building. She wasn't lying; it really is a massage room. You want to ask her why there is a massage room in the college dormitories, but she is more focused on stripping her clothes again after putting them on.
Hm? When did she get dressed? You only have a towel wrapped around your pelvis. Bah, you're thinking too much. You're here to have fun, not to dwell on unnecessary things. You follow her example and drop your towel, revealing your raging hard-on.
$Julia bites her lips as she watches your cock in all its glory. She's not sure what to do next, so you help guide her a little. "Why don't you bring your pretty mouth over here and suck my dick, $Julia?" your voice firm, with a hint of dominance. She does as she is tasked, getting on her knees and bringing her mouth closer until you feel her hot breath on your cock.
Carefully, like she is handling a delicate specimen, she wraps her lips around your cock. You groan immediately from the sensual sucking; if this is her first time, she'll be a pro with a few more attempts. "You're a natural, $Julia. You're doing great, baby."
Your words of encouragement fuel her, and she sucks harder, focusing on your head, clearly more dedicated now that she can tell that you're enjoying this. She makes sure to use her tongue wherever she can as well. You have to stop her before you blow your load. It's time for the main event.
You lead $Julia somewhere comfortable and give her a reassuring smile. She seemed a bit tense at first, but after this small gesture, she is a lot more relaxed, returning your smile with one of her own. You get behind her and lift her legs, guiding your cock towards her entrance. You slowly penetrate her pussy, giving her a second to adjust. You assumed she was a virgin, but you feel no resistance.
You give her a couple of seconds until she gives you the green light. You start drilling into her. She has one of the tightest pussies you've been in, and it becomes difficult to hold back. Fueled by lust, you fuck her hard and fast, only thinking about your pleasure. Focused on her own pleasure as well, $Julia squeals and voices her feelings. "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. OH GOD. This feels so go—$name!" she screams your name, giving you her approval.
At this point, you've lost count of how many times your roommate's sister has cum. Every time she cums, her pussy gets tighter around your cock, threatening to send you over the edge. "$name, I'm cu—" she tries to say something, but every word that comes out of her is an incoherent noise. She cums again, and you find yourself unable to hold back anymore.
[[Cum inside her.|Dream 3 Continue]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $dream2 is true>>\
<<if $unlockDream is false>>\
<<set $unlockDream to true>>\
<<set $dream to $dream + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 35>>\
You jolt awake, sweating profusely and feeling disoriented. If these nightmares keep on persisting, you have no choice but to seek some kind of ''help''. Perhaps a shrink or maybe even a therapist. You shudder at the thought and reach out for your phone to check the time.
As soon as you open it, an immense pain courses through your eyes. It feels like they're trying to pop out of your face. You hold your head in agony, waiting, hoping, that the pain will eventually subside. As if listening to your command, your eyes start to ease, a warm, gentle feeling washing over them.
Once you're back to normal, you return to what you were doing: checking the time. Thankfully, you woke up early enough, before the alarm even went off. You have enough time to do one thing, and coincidentally, you have only one thing you want to do.
You open your contacts and dial <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>. She was supposed to call you by now. Come to think of it, she promised she would, and you have not even recieved a single text since she had left.
You were too busy to actually think about this, and now that you are, you're getting ''slightly'' worried about her absence. She usually picks up faster than this; the phone keeps ringing until voicemail. This is so uncharacteristic of her.
[[Call her again.|Nora Call Day 5]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL1.jpg" width="400px">
You call her again, and the phones rings for a while, getting you restless and worried. "I swear if she turns out to be sleeping after all this," you mutter to yourself. A couple of long seconds later, and someone finally picks up the phone.
"Hello?" you say, making sure there is someone actually on the other side.
"Hello?" a voice whispers back, and despite the low volume, you manage to make out who it is.
"<<if $relation is "intimate">>$Nora<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, why haven't you been answering, and where have you been the past two days?" you immediately bombard her with questions, your concern overshadowing everything else.
"$name, it's you! I'm sorry, baby. I know I was supposed to call you two days ago, but so—"
"But what? Huh? You didn't even send a text. I was too caught up with college to do anything about it, but do you know how worried I was?" you ask, your tone harsh.
There is no sound from the other end of the line for a moment. You finally here a sniffle before <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>> starts speaking again. "I didn't mean to get you worried. You know how paranoid $Chris usually is, but something triggered him to take it up a notch. W—without explaining anything, he just confiscated my phone, not allowing me to call or message anyone, and I found where it was hidden by chance when you rang."
"This fucking control freak!" you manage to blurt out in anger. It's certainly not the first time he's done something like this. He would do this with the whole family, not bothering to explain anything to anyone, and you all stopped questioning him over time. You thought it was just a phase and that it was finally over. Why is he back to doing this again?
[[Get upset with her.]]
[[Apologize to her.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL7.jpg" width="400px">
Your grip tightens around the phone as anger boils over. "Why do you let him treat you like this, huh? Every single time! How many years are you supposed to tiptoe around him like he owns you? He has no right!"
Her voice trembles on the other end. "I know, $name. I know it's frustrating, but—"
"But what? You’ve been letting him control whichever aspect of your life he wanted to, and now he’s keeping you from talking to me? ME? This isn’t normal! I know you put up with this because you didn't want the family to break apart, and sure, he has been a good father and husb—" you pause before finishing this sentence.
Yeah, he's took care of you and $Sophia, $Kate too. He's taught all of you things and has been there when you needed him. But, you haven't seen this affectionate side of him with his wife. Hell, you haven't seen this side of him in so long now. He's been a cold, distant asshole for a while, pissing you off with his nonchalant behavior. You sigh. It seems like you have some bottled emotions that you have to deal with.
"I didn’t want to upset you," she says, her voice cracking. "I just—I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t reach out, and I didn’t want to put you in the middle of all this again."
"Too late for that," you mutter. "Look, I just want you to stand up for yourself for once. He doesn’t own you."
There’s silence for a moment, then a shaky, "I’ll try, okay? But it’s not as easy as you think, $name."
"Just don’t disappear on me again. Promise me that much."
"I promise," she whispers, but it feels fragile, like the promise could break at any moment.
You spend a couple more minutes chatting with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, telling her about college, omitting some details of course, while she keeps excitedly bombarding you with questions. Eventually, you have to end the call, so you could attend your classes.
Something is happening with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>>, and you need to get to the bottom of this. You're not sure if he's in some kind of trouble, or if he's actually just a distant asshole.
[[Wake up your roommate before you leave.]]
[[Let him sleep.|Day 5 Class 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/KL/KL7.jpg" width="400px">
You take a deep breath, forcing yourself to calm down. "I’m sorry," you say softly. "I didn’t mean to yell at you. I was just so worried."
"I know, baby," she says, her voice a little steadier now. "It’s okay. I understand. I should’ve found a way to let you know I was okay."
"You shouldn’t have to deal with this," you say, your frustration tempered with guilt. "He shouldn’t be controlling your life like this. I know you didn't want the family to break apart, but it's different now. We're in college now and on the path of a seperate life, a life I want you to be a part of. He is—was a good father and husb—" you pause before finishing this sentence.
Yeah, he's took care of you and $Sophia, $Kate too. He's taught all of you things and has been there when you needed him. But, you haven't seen this affectionate side of him with his wife. Hell, you haven't seen this side of him in so long now. He's been a cold, distant asshole for a while, pissing you off with his nonchalant behavior. You sigh. It seems like you have some bottled emotions that you have to deal with.
"I know, $name, but it’s complicated," she says with a sigh. "I’ve tried pushing back before, but you know how he is. It just makes things worse."
You let out a sigh of your own, the weight of the situation pressing on you. "Well, at least promise me you’ll find a way to keep in touch, no matter what. I can’t just sit here wondering if you’re okay."
"I promise," she says, her voice more resolute. "I’ll figure something out."
"Good," you say, relief washing over you. "Just don’t let him push you around too much, okay? You’re stronger than you think."
Her laugh is small but genuine. "You’ve always been my biggest cheerleader, $name. Thank you."
You spend a couple more minutes chatting with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-mom<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your mom<<else>>Mrs. $Brooks<</if>>, telling her about college, omitting some details of course, while she keeps excitedly bombarding you with questions. Eventually, you have to end the call, so you could attend your classes.
Something is happening with <<if $relation is "intimate">>your father<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your father<<else>>Mr. $Brooks<</if>>, and you need to get to the bottom of this. You're not sure if he's in some kind of trouble, or if he's actually just a distant asshole.
[[Wake up your roommate before you leave.]]
[[Let him sleep.|Day 5 Class 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $wakeLucas to true>>\
The alarm blares for the third time, and you groan, rubbing your face. If it weren't for the phone call you were in, you would've smashed his phone by now. You haven't seen such a heavy sleeper since—you trail off before finishing the thought, and a sadness envelopes you. You miss her.
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>\
"$Lucas," you call out, but your roommate doesn’t even stir.
You glance at the clock and sigh. He has fifteen minutes to make it to his first class. "$Lucas, come on, man. You’re gonna miss class," you say, a little louder this time.
Still nothing. He just mumbles something unintelligible and rolls over, pulling the blanket over his head.
"Don’t make me dump water on you," you threaten, half-joking.
That seems to do the trick. He groans and sits up, his hair sticking out in every direction. "Alright, alright, I’m up. Jesus, you’re worse than my mom," he grumbles, rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. You’ll thank me when you’re not failing," you say, tossing his backpack onto his bed. "Now, move it before you’re late."
You look over to see $Lucas still sprawled out on his bed, snoring like a freight train.
"Of course," you mutter under your breath. "Can’t even wake up for his own alarm."
You glare at him, debating whether to let him miss his class, but the thought of messing with him sounds more enjoyable. With a wicked grin, you grab a sock from the floor, ball it up, and throw it directly at his face.
It hits him square on the nose, but all he does is grunt and turn over.
"Oh, come on," you growl.
You walk over to his bed and, with no hesitation, yank the blanket off him in one swift motion. The cold air hits him, and he shivers but doesn’t wake up.
"Alright, you asked for it," you mutter. Taking a deep breath, you raise your hand high and slap him square in the face—hard enough to pain him but not enough to injure him.
"Ow, motherfucker! What the hell?!" $Lucas yells, sitting up and rubbing his red cheek. You don't know what's more funny: the sound of the smack or the mark you left on his face.
"You’re welcome," you say, smirking. "Your alarm’s been going off for half an hour, and I’m not about to listen to it anymore. Get up, or I'll do worse."
He glares at you, contemplating whether to challenge you or not. For a moment, you think he would clap back at you, but he sighs in defeat instead. It seems like he's still intimidated by you. "You’re such an ass."
"Better an ass than a deadbeat. Get moving and say hi to your mother for me, Sleeping Beauty," you say, tossing the blanket back at him.
$Lucas grumbles and stumbles out of bed, muttering curses under his breath while you walk away, thoroughly amused.
[[Get to class.|Day 5 Class 1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA2.jpg" width="400px">
You step into the dorm's shared bathroom, the cold tiles sending a shiver up your spine as your bare feet hit the floor. It's your first time in here, yet it feels so familiar. Twisting the knob, a rush of warm water cascades down, and you step under the stream, letting it wash away the grogginess clinging to you from the morning.
The shower is brisk and efficient. There is no time for lingering when Professor <<print $Grant>>’s history class awaits. You shut the water off in record time, grabbing a towel to dry off as you step out.
The walk to the history building is fulfilling, the cool morning air refreshing against your damp hair. Arriving at the classroom, you glance at the clock on the wall. Six minutes early. And of course, Professor $Grant is already present, her eyes fixated on her laptop, probably reading emails or reviewing the lecture.
Maybe you should say something.
[[Say hello.|Day 5 Class 1.1]]
[[Lighten the mood.|Day 5 Class 1.1]]
[[Ignore her.|Day 5 Class 1.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC10.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/MM/MM5.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS10.jpg" width="400px">
Before you get a chance to say or do anything, she gestures for you to take a seat. Without looking away from her screen, she speaks. "Stop staring mindlessly and take a seat, Mr. $lastname. Class will commence shortly."
Yup, as stone cold and rude as yesterday. You're almost sad to see that she never experiences a good day—almost. You quickly find a seat near the middle of the room, $Grace already settled in beside you. She’s on her phone, texting someone. Her mom if you were to assume. $Grace glances up as you sit, flashing you a warm, familiar smile. “Cutting it close again?” she whispers teasingly.
"Me? I haven't been this early going somewhere, not since we used to game at your home. You and your mom would kill me if I were ever late," you whisper back, a smile forming on your face as you recall the memory. A chuckle escapes her lips, and she slumps back in her seat, likely reminiscing the memory you just brought up.
You look around and see $Bella, sitting two rows ahead of you. She’s scrolling through her phone, her perfectly manicured nails tapping against the screen in rapid succession. Despite Professor <<print $Grant>>’s stern presence, she doesn’t seem fazed. She looks up from her phone and chats with a girl you're familar with.
Surprisingly, $Maya is seated next to her. They're talking and giggling like they're close friends. You knew $Maya is friendly with everyone, but this is different. Despite being polar opposites, it seems like they share a close bond with one another. Maybe you'll get an opportunity to interact with them and get to know more during or after class.
Professor $Grant stands at her desk, flipping through her meticulously prepared notes. Her expression is unreadable, but her every movement exudes authority. She finally closes the file in her hand and steps to the center, clearing her throat in a way that instantly silences the room.
“All right, everyone. Let’s begin.”
The murmurs of conversation fade, and the classroom shifts into an attentive quiet. $Grace leans in slightly toward you, ready to share quick comments when the opportunity arises, while $Bella nonchalantly tucks her phone away, trying to distract her friend $Maya who is more focused on the professor.
The lesson eventually begins, and you have to shift your focus away from the attendees and towards your professor.
<<if $heat2 is false>>\
[[Use heat on the class.|Heat 2 Day 5]]
<<if $xray5 is false>>\
[[Use x-ray to see someone naked.|X-Ray 5 Day 5]]
<<if $bellaBribeSuc is false>>\
[[Try to bribe the cheerleader into something sexual.|Bella Bribe Day 5]]
<<if $graceDay3 && !$graceDay4>>\
[[Check if your best friend is up for some fun in class.|Grace 2 Day 5]]
<<elseif !$graceDay3 && !$graceDay4>>\
[[Talk to your best friend.|Grace Day 5]]
[[Just sit through class.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM5.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $bellaBribeFail is true>>\
You take a look at the girls sitting in front of you, and you watch as $Bella, hidden by the row of students in front of her, scrolls and taps on her phone. You sigh. Are you really going to do this again?
You might've failed yesterday, but you're feeling much more attractive after that shower. With a deep breath, you stand and casually make your way down the aisle, sliding into the seat beside her.
“Hey, $Bella,” you say with a confident grin.
She doesn’t even glance up. “What do you want this time, $name?” she mutters, her tone dripping with disinterest.
“I was just checking if you changed your mind about yesterday's agreement. The offer is still on the table if you're up for it.”
<<if $looks >= 4>>\
$Bella pauses, her fingers hovering over her phone screen. Slowly, she looks up, her piercing gaze studying you. For a moment, you think she’s about to mock you, but then something shifts. Her lips curl into a smirk, and she tilts her head slightly.
“Well, well. Looks like someone grew a backbone overnight,” she says, her voice laced with amusement. “And maybe a little more charm.”
You shrug, playing it cool. “Well, you're sexy, so I figured it might be worth it to practice in front of the mirror first.”
$Bella giggles, a genuine sound this time, and leans back in her chair. “You're cute. And, since you were a good, little puppy, I'll let you feel them as well. Two rules though. My boyfriend doesn't know, and you pay me a hundred. Or, am I a cheap whore to you?”
[[Refuse and return to your seat.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]
<<if $money >= 100>>\
[[Accept the deal.|ATD Day 5]]
This gets her attention. $Bella finally looks up, her icy blue eyes narrowing. “Seriously? My tits? You’re trying this again? After that awkward disaster yesterday?”
You sigh and roll your eyes. “Awkward? I was doing you a favor. I figured you might have changed your mind, bitch.”
She laughs, a cold, mocking sound. “You figured wrong. Do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself. You’re not even close to being my type.”
Two rejections in a row? Maybe it will work next time. $Bella turns back to her phone without another word, her body language making it clear the conversation is over. Good thing $Maya was distracted with the lesson, or it could've gone worse.
[[Return to your seat in defeat again.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]
<<set $bellaBribe2 to true>>\
You catch <<print $Bella>>'s eye from above. She is seated confidently, her posture effortlessly commanding attention. It is not difficult to see why she is the most popular girl on campus. But today, you have a goal in mind—a chance to see her body.
You approach her, making your way into her space and sitting next to her. “Hey, $Bella,” you say, leaning slightly next to her, “I was thinking about a little mutually beneficial arrangement. You know, something fun and harmless.”
$Bella tilts her head, her eyes scanning you as if trying to figure out your angle. “Fun and harmless, huh? That’s quite the pitch. What exactly do you have in mind?” she asks, clearly intrigued by your remark.
You pause, gauging her reaction before continuing. “Nothing too serious. Just thought it might be nice to see your tits for some money. What do you say?" you get straight to the point.
She laughs, a mix of amusement and skepticism. “You're fucking bold, aren't you, $name? First your little scene with the professor yesterday and now this? I'm not some whore, asshole.”
You grin, deciding to play your cards carefully. “Oh, I know. You're way too out of my league anyway. I was just hoping, since I would probably never see them, you could help a poor soul who sought you out and get something in return for it. That's all.”
<<if $looks >= 4>>\
$Bella scans your face for a moment and then eyes you from top to bottom. “You're cute. And, since you were a good, little puppy, I'll let you feel them as well. Two rules though. My boyfriend doesn't know, and you pay me a hundred. Or, am I a cheap whore to you?”
[[Refuse and return to your seat.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]
<<if $money >= 100>>\
[[Accept the deal.|ATD Day 5]]
<<set $bellaBribeFail2 to true>>\
"Fuck off, $name. I have a boyfriend. Go find someone else to harass," she shuts you down. Maybe if you were more handsome, it could have worked.
[[Return to your seat in defeat.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA6.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockVision is false>>\
<<set $unlockVision to true>>\
<<set $vision to $vision + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $xray5 to true>>\
It is time to see your professor naked. She might be older than the ladies you usually go for, but she can certainly give any of the girls here a run for their money. She has got a very nice body.
Ever since Professor $Grant had scolded you, you wanted to see her body. Not only that, but she also tried to humiliate you in front of the other students. And, she targeted you with her questions. It might not seem like to her, but is payback for what she had done to you.
You close your eyes and focus for a mere few seconds before opening them again. You look at Professor $Grant as she sits down on her chair, only to find that she is wearing a white corset under her outfit. Hah, it would be almost hilarious if she did not look so good in it.
Seriously, is she wearing this for someone? You doubt it. She is probably doing this for herself; every woman wants to feel sexy from time to time. You look closer, and you notice her pussy in full view. Your cock twitches in your pants; she is definitely taking care of her body.
All that is missing is for you to see her big tits. You could potentially attempt to further focus to strip your teacher completely. If you are experienced enough with using this power, you would not have to spend any more energy. If you are not, unfortunately, you would have to spend some energy.
Do you want to risk it or not?
''<span class="red">Appearance</span> Increased!''
[[Of course you do.|OCYD Day 5]]
[[No, you've had your fun.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA4.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/JA/JA5.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockElement is false>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $element to $element + 1>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $heat2 to true>>\
You use one of the elements and channel heat to release in the vicinity of this class. You begin to feel your body temperature rising as sweat builds on your skin, especially your face. Successfully able to control the heat, you release this power into the classroom.
The effects are noticeable right away as your professor starts pacing slowly, her pitch of voice decreasing, and she is speaking painfully slow right now. It is not just Professor $Grant who is feeling the rising temperature in the classroom.
Students around you begin to sigh and fan themselves, attempting to best the supernatural heat. Frustration builds around the classroom as everyone notices that there is nothing to be done about this.
The students know what must be done, but nobody is brave enough to take the first step. It looks like you will have to be the one who moves things along. You stand up and remove your shirt, exposing your toned body for the class to see. Everyone just looks around, confused bu your boldness, but this was not enough to get them to strip as well.
You knew they would need more encouragement to start taking off their clothes. You are already one step ahead as you pull your pants down. Everyone's eyes widen as you stand in only your underwear in the middle of class. You even notice girls, and some boys, eyeing your body and your hidden treasure.
It looks like the professor was about to say something before she notices that the other students followed suit and started taking their clothes off. She knows it is wrong; she wants to say something, but the heat is too unbearable even for her. She mimics the students and takes her outfit off, exposing her sexy legs and her hot corset. You did not expect that your professor would wear something this hot.
[[Your best friend goes next.|YBFGN Day 5]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC10.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceDay3 to true>>\
The air in Professor <<print $Grant>>’s history class is heavy with her usual strictness, her sharp eyes scanning the room for any sign of distraction. $Grace leans slightly toward you, her notebook tilted just enough for you to see the silly drawings filling the margins. You suppress a chuckle, shaking your head slightly.
The lecture goes on, but your attention starts to drift. $Grace nudges you with her elbow, snapping you out of your thoughts. She passes you a small slip of paper under the desk. You unfold it to find her familiar messy handwriting: "This is soooo boring. Help me stay awake!"
You smirk and scribble back, "Not my problem. I'm having fun."
She reads it, rolls her eyes dramatically, and scribbles something else before shoving it back to you. The note simply reads: "You’re the worst."
You glance at her, and she is biting back a grin. The tension of the professor's class fades for a moment, replaced by the comfort of <<print $Grace>>’s presence. You lean over and whisper, “You’re going to get us caught.”
$Grace stifles a laugh but turns her attention back to her notebook, pretending to take notes. Still, she can not help but nudge your leg under the desk every now and then to remind you she is bored out of her mind.
Soon, you find yourself stealing glances at her between the professor’s talking. You start noticing little things—the way her hair falls over her shoulder, the slight smile on her lips as she tries to listen to the lecture.
"Best friend." This is how you have always described your relationship with $Grace. In truth, this is how you have always seen her. But as you sit there, you can not help but wonder: "Do I want something more?"
[[Make a move on your best friend.|Grace Kiss Day 5]]
[[Question your relationship.|Grace Question Day 5]]
[[Do not do anything and sit through class.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA1.jpg" width="400px">
The lecture wraps up abruptly, twenty minutes earlier than yesterday. Professor $Grant claps her hands together, drawing the attention of the class.
"Alright, that's all for today," she announces, her tone surprisingly light. "I hope you use any extra time you have to complete your assignments, and do not forget about next week's quiz. Dismissed."
A collective murmur of relief spreads through the room as students begin packing up their things. You shove your notebook into your bag, ready to make the most of the unexpected free time. You and $Grace walk towards the door, engaging in conversation and light-hearted laughter. From an outside perspective, people would surely think you're a couple.
As you near the door, you can't help but notice Professor $Grant glancing at the both of you. There is an incongruous look on her face; you can only describe it as a ''longing'' of some sort. Her eyes meet yours, and she stops you.
“$name,” your professor calls, her sharp tone impossible to ignore.
Her gaze is fixed firmly on you, waiting for you to approach. The other students file out, giving you a few curious glances as they pass. $Grace shrugs and reluctantly leaves the room.
Once the room is empty, she starts speaking.
“You seemed distracted during today’s lecture,” she says, her expression unreadable. “I expect better focus from someone who seemed to be passionate about history on their first day.”
Her words sting a little, but her tone isn’t as harsh as it usually is. There’s something else in her eyes—curiosity, maybe even concern.
“I don’t mean to pry,” she continues, her voice softening slightly, “but is everything alright? Is Ms. $Lawson, perhaps, being a distraction to you?” she asks with a hint of something you can't quite identify.
"$Grace? No, she's an angel. If anything, I might be a distraction for her," you defend your best friend.
"I can see that," she pauses. "Are you two close?"
You definitely did not see that question coming.
[[Reassure her.|Love Focus 12]]
[[Deflect by flirting.|Lust Focus 12]]
[[Dismiss her question.|Both Focus 12]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC11.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceDay4 to true>>\
You glance at $Grace, who is busy scribbling down in her notebook; she is too ocuupied using her pencil for silly drawings to notice your gaze at her. You suppress a chuckle, shaking your head slightly.
The lecture goes on, but your attention starts to drift. $Grace nudges you with her elbow, snapping you out of your thoughts. She passes you a small slip of paper under the desk. You unfold it to find her familiar messy handwriting: "This is soooo boring. Help me stay awake!"
You smirk as an idea forms in your head. You have a few ways to help a girl stay awake; some of them are more effective than others. Your mind wanders back to the interaction you have had with her. It all depends on that moment. You place a hand on her thigh.
<<if $graceKiss || $graceQ>>\
Her eyes widen at first, momentarily shocked by your advance. A soft smile then forms on her face, and she slightly blushes. When you think you are in the clear, you move your hand to her inner thigh.
She catches your hand to stop it, and you look at her face. She does not look against it; she is just worried about doing this in the classroom. "Not now, $name. We can do this later."
You inch closer to her and whisper in her ear, your hot breath tickling her lobe. "What about the girl's bathroom? You just look incredibly hot right now, $Grace," you try to persuade her.
She pauses to think for a moment and leans back in her chair. Just when you think she is refusing, she asks the professor to use the bathroom. She smirks at you as she gets permission to leave. It is your turn now. You wait for a minute before asking for permission as well.
"Just go, Mr. $lastname."
[[Go to the girl's bathroom.|GTTGB Day 5]]
She looks uncomfortable as she removes your hand from her thigh. You apologize profusely and brush it off as a misunderstanding. You should have done more at the cafeteria or in the last class if you wanted to progress things with her.
[[Focus on class.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC12.jpg" width="400px">
Your professor is so hot, but there are other people you want to see before the heat dissipates. Speaking of other people, you glance toward $Grace, ready to see her body, only to your disappointment, you find that she is still dressed.
"What's wrong, $Grace? Are you not feeling this heat as well?" you ask, though you know the answer.
"Oh, I'm fucking feeling it, alright? I would love nothing more than to strip down to nothing right now, but—but I'm wearing something embarrassing under all of this," she says, her face turning red. You can not tell if it is from the confession or the heat.
"$Grace, look around you. Nobody cares what the others are wearing. Hell, I can see a couple of naked people over there. We're all just trying to cope with this heat. I just don't want you to suffer," you reassure her.
She pauses for a second to think, and you can see her eyes wandering on your body. She bites her lips and starts to peel off her outfit. Holy shit! You can see why she would be embarrassed, but it is nothing short of hot. Your dick twitches in your underwear, and $Grace notices this, her face turning even more red as she diverts her eyes away.
She sits back down and hides behind your body to avoid any eyes on her. Every second or so, you catch her stealing glances at you. Similarly, she also notices your gaze on her body as she does a poor job of trying to hide it.
[[Look at your student supervisor.|LAYSS Day 5]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS13.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS14.jpg" width="400px">
If you stare any longer at your best friend's tits, your cock is going to pop out of your underwear. She is already embarrassed; you better not make her any more uncomfortable than she already is.
You take a look around to find someone else to distract you, and it does not take long until your eyes are glued to a perfect ass. Since you are already familiar with that hot, ebony ass, you immediately recognize to whom it belongs to.
You watch $Maya as she shuffles out of her jeans, her ass swaying and from side to side and occasionally bouncing as she struggles to completely tear off her pants. She exposes her white panties to ''you'' and breathes a sigh of relief. The heat really is suffocating.
She looks around the class, curious to how the others are fairing, until her eyes on fall on you. She catches you staring, and instead of shying away or giving you a disgusting look, she returns your gaze, a soft, weak smile appearing on her face.
She then moves to take off her top, her eyes fixated on you, as if she is performing a strip tease for you and only you. You follow her every movement, watching her hands as they work to remove her top, baring her tits for you. Fuck, her tits do look amazing. You would love nothing more than to feel them right now.
Your dick is straining in your pants again. You looked away from $Grace, so you could avoid getting a hard-on, but this sight is not helping either. You should look away.
[[Look at the cheerleader.|LATC Day 5]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM7.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/MM/MM8.jpg" width="400px">
You want nothing more than to keep staring at <<print $Maya>>'s fit body, but you better stop before all the blood in your brain finds it way to your other head. You do not want to stop the heat yet after all.
You take another look around, but this time you have a target in mind. If you did not know where $Bella is seated, all you would have to do to find her is look where most of the guys are looking.
$Bella has her ass in full display for everyone, and her private parts are only hidden by her panties. Your eyes travel upward toward her cleavage with a similar color to her panties. She is wearing matching underwear.
If this was not enough to get your cock to stand, she starts to remove the last of her clothes. She slowly undoes her bra as she drops down her panties. She knows exactly what she is doing. All the boys, including you, are staring, and she is enjoying the attention. If everyone has to strip, then she has to do it better than the other girls. That is her mindset.
A few minutes later, the temperature starts to return to normal as the effects of your powers wane away. Professor $Grant is the first to put her clothes back on, and all the students follow her example. You and $Grace do the same and get dressed again.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA7.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $vision < 2>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
You focus and enhance your vision further, taking it up another notch to see Professor <<print $Grant>>'s whole body. You manage to successfully undress your strict professor using your eyes.
Still in the same position, the professor sits naked at her chair for you to see. If you had any doubts about her body, they are completely gone as you stare at her naked form. You would love to feel her up someday.
You must have been staring intensely because your professor notices your eyes lingering on her. She can not tell if you are daydreaming or too focused on the lesson, but she can see hunger in your eyes.
She does not allow herself to be distracted as she clears her throat and resumes her explanation of the topic. You diligently watch every move she makes. Anyone else would say you are too engrossed in the lecture.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM9.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $money to $money - 100>>\
<<set $bellaBribeSuc to true>>\
You pull out a hundred-dollar bill and hand it to her. You know she said that she was not a whore, but this small exchange between the two of you proves otherwise. You are not going to tell her that though.
And, did she say boyfriend? What an unlucky dude. Eh, if you were to judge her, she probably dates guys who would cheat on her anyway. A popular guy or a football stud. You do not really care. You should probably stop thinking about men when this gorgeous beauty is in front of you.
She pulls down her top subtly away from prying eyes. You're lucky $Maya is distracted with the lecture to notice her friend is stripping for you. "Go ahead. Make it fast," $Bella says, holding her top down for you.
You immediately grab her tits, not wanting to waste any potential time you could have touching them. Fuck, these definitely belong to the most popular girl in college. You squeeze a few times which elicits a low moan out of her.
As quickly as they appeared, her tits are gone as she fixes her top. Well, it was worth the money. Who are you kidding? You barely had enough time with them, but you should not push your luck.
[[Return to your seat.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SC/SC1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Are you sure it is even safe to go into the bathroom right now? What if a girl is inside there? Fuck this. $Grace is waiting for you. You are not about to miss this chance with your best friend.
You enter the bathroom, ready to face any screaming girls, only to find your best friend pulling you in for a kiss. It takes you by surprise at first before you start kissing her back. Before you know it, you are making out with your best friend in the girl's bathroom.
You infiltrate her mouth using your tongue, relishing in her sweet taste and the lip gloss she has on. Not only that, but she also smells intoxicating, something you only noticed with how close you are.
You lift up her top and kiss her tits as you pull her on top of one of the sinks. You resume kissing her, her sweet moans music to your ears. You play with her tits, squeezing and sucking on them to your heart's content.
[[Finger her.|FH Day 5]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SC/SC2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You make sure to also grope her ass as you undo her skirt. You know she is still inexperienced, so you are not going to take it too far with her. You are just going to give her a taste of what the future holds.
Still making out with her, you place your hand inside her skirt and find your way to her pussy. As soon as you make contact with her panties, you immediately notice how wet she has gotten. No seriously, it is like a fountain down there. All that from kissing. Just how into you is she?
The moment your fingers trace her panties, she bites your shoulder and moans out your name. Oh, she is loving it, but you can tell that she is ''very'' inexperienced when it comes to things like this. You start rubbing her pussy through her panties, making sure to go slow at first.
As soon as she gets used to it, you move your fingers faster, rubbing her cunt furiously. $Grace covers her mouth as she tries to hold in her moans. She is already about to cum for you. She just needs a little more. "Cum on my fingers, $Grace. Cum for me," you whisper to her.
That is all she needed for her release. You hold her lovingly as she shakes and cums all over your hand. This might just be her most intense orgasm so far. It takes her a few minutes to recover, happy to just be in your embrace. You doubt you will get any release right now.
She attempts to stand on her own, her knees buckling a few times before she manages to stand straight on her own. "Thank you, $name. This was better than I hoped it would be. Maybe next time, we could do more," she says, pointing to your dick for emphasis.
You give her a grin and a nod, waiting for her to give you the green light, so you could leave the bathroom without any trouble. You lick your fingers as you leave the bathroom. "You taste amazing," you say, and she slaps your shoulder in response, her cheeks flushed.
[[Return to class.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<<if $looks >= 4>>\
<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/S11.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/KS2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC11.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $looks >= 4>>\
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 2>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 2>>\
<<set $graceKiss to true>>\
You and $Grace are sitting close, laughing about something. The conversation soon fades, and the silence between you becomes charged with something more. She meets your gaze, and for a moment, it feels like the world stops around you.
You take a breath and lean in slightly, testing the waters. She eyes your lips for just a second before returning to your eyes, but she does not pull away. Your heart races as your faces are just inches apart. You can feel her hot breath on your face, the tension growing between you.
You search her expression for any sign that she is uncomfortable or unwilling, but instead, she is leaning in just as much as you are.
Quickly, you close the distance, and when your lips finally meet, it feels soft and electric at the same time. Your hand gently touches the side of her face. She follows your movement, fingers curling slightly as if she has been waiting for this moment too. The kiss is tender, and you can taste the sweet lip gloss she had applied.
“That was nice,” she whispers with a small giggle as she pulls away slowly, her cheeks slightly flushed.
You smile back, a sense of relief and excitement washing over you. Things have just changed between the pair of you, but you are glad they did. You should have probably checked if this was safe to do in class, but it looks like you are in the clear.
She focuses on the lesson, avoiding any comments about this moment you just shared, at least for now. You do not want to rush things with her since she is quite inexperienced when it comes to things like this, so you just let her off the hook for now. You can still see her eyeing your lips every now and then, blushing slightly over what happened a couple of minutes ago.
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO - 1>>\
<<set $graceReject to true>>\
You and $Grace are sitting close, the conversation dying down as silence settles between you. You glance at her, and for a moment, you think there is something more in her eyes. The thought of kissing her slowly works its way into your mind. You decide to go for it.
You lean in for the kiss, but something feels off. $Grace notices your movement and her expression changes to one of surprise and confusion. She tilts her head slightly away, an awkward laugh escaping her lips.
“Whoa, wait,” she says, placing a hand on your shoulder to stop you. “What are you doing, $name?”
Your expression drops, and you freeze, suddenly very aware of how close you had gotten. You quickly pull back, feeling the awkwardness hang between you.
“I just—” you stammer, trying to think of an excuse, but the words are not formulating. $Grace gives you a soft smile, but it is the kind of smile that stings.
“It’s not that I don’t like you, $name, but I don’t think we should, you know, cross that line,” she says carefully. Her voice is kind, but the rejection is clear. So, she does like you, but you are missing something.
You nod and put on a fake smile, trying to play it cool even though your heart feels heavy. "Yeah, of course. I wasn’t, you know, I just misread things."
She lets out a small, understanding laugh and bumps her shoulder against yours. “It’s okay, really. We’re still good, alright?”
You smile back, but the mood between you has shifted slighly. Things might feel different for a while after this, but at least $Grace is still your friend. Rejection is a part of life after all.
Nobody seems to have noticed this awkward moment. Maybe you should have tried this somewhere else. You both shift your focus to the lecture, none of you exchanging any words or glances.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SC/SC10.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $graceLU to $graceLU + 1>>\
<<set $graceLO to $graceLO + 3>>\
<<set $graceQ to true>>\
You and $Grace sit next to each other, the air between you a little heavy, indicating that there is more to your conversation. There is something you want to make sure of, a nagging thought that has been present for a while. You take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts.
"$Grace," you start, and she turns her head, giving you her full attention. You pause for a moment, but you have already made up your mind. "Can I ask you something serious, something about us?"
Her brow furrows, but she nods, sensing the weight of the question. "Of course, $name. What's up?"
No backing down now. You take a deep breath and voice your thoughts. "What exactly are we? I mean, our relationship. I just—I feel like there's something here, and I want to understand it, from you."
$Grace blinks in surprise, her expression softening. For a moment, she is quiet, but you can see a hint of determination and something else on her face. Happiness perhaps? She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and looks at you, a small smile forming.
"Finally. I’ve been wondering if you’d ever ask that," she admits, her cheeks coloring slightly. "Honestly, I didn’t want to be the first to bring it up. But yeah, I think there is something here too."
You stare at her, trying to read her eyes, the sincerity catching you off guard. "Really?" you ask, voice just above a whisper.
She nods, her gaze holding yours. "I mean, I’ve liked you for a long time, $name. I just wasn’t sure if you felt the same way or if you wanted to keep things more friendly." She pauses, her lips curving into a more nervous smile. "I didn’t want to mess anything up between us."
You feel a warmth and a sense of relief spreading through your chest, the tension starting to ease. "$Grace, I feel the same. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now, but I was scared too."
She lets out a small laugh. "You were bound to fall for me. I'm just that hot, huh?" she says playfully.
You chuckle. "So, what does that make us?" you ask, hope threading through your voice.
$Grace smiles. "Let's not put a label on anything yet. We'll take it slow, explore, and have some fun in the process," she says softly.
You nod in agreement, and the tension between you dissolves into something more warm, more familiar yet new all the same. You do not know exactly where things will go from here, but one thing is for sure: this step will open up more future interactions with her.
You both focus on the lesson, avoiding any comments about this moment you just shared, at least for now. But, it is quite clear both of your thoughts are elsewhere. Well, you are quite glad that you finally asked the question.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 1 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM6.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS11.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $energy >= 35>>\
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma +1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 35>>\
Your power has always been subtle, but right now, it surges within you like a tidal wave. You're using it on two targets instead of one. You can tell $Maya might reciprocate your advances, but $Bella is a tough one. You can probably just release all the power inside of you, but you don't want people to start fucking in public—not yet.
You slowly channel it, allowing it to flow through the space between you, wrapping around the girls.
<<print $Maya>>’s lips part slightly as you catch her gaze. Her fingers twitch, a subtle sign of the supernatural she doesn’t even realize is taking hold. She’s drawn to you, her usual friendly demeanor melting under the heat of your influence. You can see the shift in her posture—more relaxed now.
$Bella doesn’t stand a chance either. Her eyes glint, the superiority that usually marks her expression faltering for just a second. It’s enough. That crack in her armor is all you need. She takes a step closer, her body language opening, her breath coming just a bit quicker. She’s as aware as $Maya of the pull between you.
Your smile grows wider as you realize that you didn't have to use your hypnotic voice to make their libidos spike through the roof. Your powers are growing at an incredible rate.
[[Guide them somewhere empty.|Maya & Bella BJ]]
Unfortunately, you do not have enough energy to use ''charm'' on the girls. It's only morning, and you're already out of energy. It seems like you suck at investing your time and energy properly.
[[Just walk with them.]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA3.jpg" width="400px">
You clear your throat and stand a little straighter, meeting her gaze respectfully. "$Grace and I are just friends, Professor $Grant. We've been close since we were kids, but it’s purely platonic."
Her expression softens slightly, and she nods. "Good. Friendships like that can be valuable, as long as they don’t interfere with your goals."
You give her a small smile. "I understand."
"I apologize. Let me rephrase that. You're intelligent, Mr. $lastname. I want you to succeed, so ''do not'' let interpersonal relationships affect your goals. All you have to do is focus on ''me''."
"On you?" you ask, surprised to catch her slipping, or so you thought.
"Yes, on my class," she says, maintaining her professional demeanor. You can tell that she is telling the truth. She does want you to succeed; however, there's more to her words than that. Now is not the time to confront her about it though.
"Don't worry, Professor. I'm very attentive to your ''teaching''.
She watches you for a moment longer, then nods again. "That’s all I wanted to hear. I provide lessons outside of class, so make sure to inform me if you need any aid in your studies. You’re dismissed, $name."
[[Leave the class.|Day 5 Morning]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA3.jpg" width="400px">
You smirk, leaning slightly against the desk. "Jealous, Professor? You don’t need to worry. $Grace and I are just friends. Besides, I’m pretty sure you’ve been the real distraction lately."
Her eyes widen momentarily, but she quickly regains her composure, her lips pressing into a firm line. "Mr. $lastname, I hope you’re not implying something inappropriate, or I might have to report you."
You raise your hands in mock surrender. "Of course not, Professor $Grant. Just making an observation. Why are you interested in my personal life anyway, professor?" you ask, being careful not to push your luck too far.
"Let me be frank. You have a very good mind," she says, and you were about to thank her for singing praise before she continues. "But, you're using it focus on the wrong people."
''People'', huh? You would like nothing more than to continue flirting with your professor, but you have to leave. You'll have her reciprocating your advances in no time at all. "My focus is on you—your lectures as well. So, don't worry about me, Professor.
She narrows her eyes, her stern expression betrayed by the faint color on her cheeks. "Focus on your studies, $name. That’s the only thing that should matter here. I provide lessons outside of class, so make sure to inform me if you need any aid in your studies. You’re dismissed, $name."
[[Leave the class.|Day 5 Morning]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/JA/JA3.jpg" width="400px">
You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow. "With all due respect, Professor, my personal life isn’t really your concern. $Grace and I are close, but that has nothing to do with your class."
Her eyes narrow, and her tone sharpens. "I see. Well, Mr. $lastname, let me remind you that focus in my class is very much my concern. I won’t tolerate distractions, from you or anyone else."
You shrug, keeping your tone even. "Understood. I’ll make sure it doesn’t affect my work."
She regards you for a moment, then nods curtly. "See that it doesn’t. I provide lessons outside of class, so make sure to inform me if you need any aid in your studies—that is if you find it be any of my concern. You’re dismissed."
[[Leave the class.|Day 5 Morning]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM6.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS11.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Morning">>\
Extra lessons outside of class. You'll keep that in mind; it might be helpful in the future. You step out of class, expecting to see $Grace waiting for you, but she doesn't seem to be here. You open your phone to send her a text, only to find that she's beaten you to it. Apparently, one of the girls dragged her to the next class already.
Maybe you'll get to see her later. You let out a deep sigh and wonder what to do now. "You okay, $name?" a concerned voice emerges behind your back. You turn around to find $Maya, accompanied by $Bella, impatiently scrolling on her phone. $Maya is a friendly person. That, and she's quite the beauty as well. Is that how she made friends with $Bella? By being popular? You'll have to ask her about it when you get the chance.
"Hey, $Maya. Yeah, I'm good, thanks," you reply, disregarding $Bella who doesn't seem to be interested in talking with you.
"You sure? Does it have something to do with the Professor? She might be harsh, but I can talk to her if—"
"No, no. Thanks, but I was just wondering how to spend my free time until the next class. That's all."
"Pfft. Just say you don't have friends," $Bella joins in on the conversation, her eyes still glued to her phone.
"Don't be rude, $Bella. I'm sorry about her. She's a better person than this. I promise," she pauses and checks the time. "Say, do you want to walk with me and $Bella to our next class? We'd be early, but you'd still have enough time to go to yours. What do you say?"
You look over to $Bella who doesn't seem phased by the invitation. Either she's used to $Maya doing things like this, or she doesn't mind your company. Regardless, it's your choice whether you want to spend some short time with this duo.
[[Go with them.]]
[[Refuse and go to your next class.|Day 5 Class 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM5.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS10.jpg" width="400px">
"Why not? I could use some company," you say, falling into step beside $Maya as she beams at your response.
The hallway buzzes with the energy of students transitioning between classes, but <<print $Maya>>’s voice cuts through the noise. She talks about everything and nothing at once—her classes, her favorite coffee spot on campus, and even a brief but humorous rant about her morning.
$Bella, meanwhile, stays glued to her phone, only chiming in occasionally with sarcastic comments that $Maya either ignores or brushes off with a good-natured laugh.
"You should join us for coffee sometime," $Maya suggests, glancing over at you. “I know a great little place off-campus. Their pastries are to die for.”
Before you can respond, $Bella snorts. “As if he can afford it,” she mutters, finally glancing up from her phone with a smirk.
<<if $bellaBribeSuc is true>>\
You chuckle and retort back. "You know very well that I can afford it, $Bella. I still have the image of your luscious ti—"
"Okay, okay. I get it, geez," she interrupts you before you finish your sentence, and you can see her bite her lower lip, but you're not sure if she's just anxious or turned on.
$Maya raises her eyebrow, curious to the sudden shift of her friend's behavior, but she doesn't bother asking. She just<<else>>$Maya<</if>> frowns at her. “$Bella, stop being mean. It’s not a good look.”
$Bella shrugs. “I’m not here to impress anyone.”
Despite her sharp remarks, there’s something about <<print $Bella>>’s tone that feels less malicious and more habitual, like she’s on autopilot. You decide to brush it off and focus on something else instead. Now's your chance to use your powers if you want to.
[[Charm the two girls.|Charm 6]]
[[Just walk with them.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Teacher.jpg" width="400px">
The physics lecture hall is already filled with energy as you step inside, and you immediately notice the stark contrast to Professor <<print $Grant>>’s class. Where her room was silent and tense, this one is alive with chatter and laughter. Students seem more relaxed, some even casually lounging in their seats.
At the front of the room stands Professor $Parker, a man with an unmistakable twinkle in his eye. He's wearing a lab coat that reads "I'm a physicist. What's your superpower?" Yes, on the lab coat.
A student walks in ahead of you, carrying nothing but his legs to the classroom. The Professor's eyes light up, and you assume that the student is going to be reprimanded. "You must be a photon because you seem to be traveling light," he jokes. Caught by surprise, you chuckle at the joke; he's probably used that every year.
As he fiddles with the projector, he glances up at the students trickling in and grins. "Ah, look at that. A sea of eager young minds and at least two people still half-asleep in the back. Don’t worry, folks, I’ll wake you up with the sheer force of my charm. Or my coffee breath. Whichever works first."
A ripple of laughter spreads through the room, and you can’t help but smile as you find an open seat near the middle. It looks like this class won't be as boring as some others.
<<set $Joe to "">><<textbox "$Joe" "Joey">>
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 2.2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/SS/SS10.jpg" width="400px">
The conversation continues, flowing smoothly until you reach their classroom. $Maya turns to you with a warm smile. “Thanks for walking with us. Hopefully, we didn’t bore you too much.”
"Not at all," you reply honestly.
$Bella tosses a quick “Later, loser” over her shoulder as she strides into the classroom, leaving you and $Maya standing there.
“Don’t mind her,” $Maya says with an apologetic smile. “She’s got her own way of dealing with people.”
"Yeah, I noticed," you reply with a chuckle.
<<if $mayaF is true>>\
Silence fills the hall. You both find yourselves just standing there silently, staring at each other. Your eyes linger on hers, and you were about to say something, but she speaks first. "Look, about—um, the last time we've, you know," her cheeks flush as she recalls the time you've fucked like rabbits. "I just want to say that I enjoyed it very much. And, maybe more can happen between us—if you want it to."
"I'd love that, $Maya."
Whether that is true or not, it doesn't matter right now because it earned you a peck on the lips. You'll make a decision when the time for it comes.
“Well, see you around, $name,” she says, giving you a small wave before disappearing into the room.
As you turn to head toward your next destination, you can’t help but feel like your free time was spent well—mostly because of her genuine warmth.
[[Go to your next class.|Day 5 Class 2]]<div class="video-container3">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/MM/MM4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
With the girls in tow, and in heat, you make your way somewhere more private. As soon as you make your way to, what you assume, an empty storage room, $Bella is the first to pounce on you, something that ticks off $Maya.
"Can't you hold yourself back a little? What about your boyfriend?"
"Shut up, $Maya. I know you feel it too. Your hands are literally in your pants," $Bella replies, kissing your neck as she strips off to her bra.
You glance at $Maya to see that she does, in fact, have her hand inside her pants, working her pussy as she watches the both of you. You follow her friend's example and strip off your clothes, leaving your cock dangling in front of the cheerleader's face.
She gasps as she notices the size of your cock, but she doesn't let that stop her. In fact, she seems to be even more enthusiastic now. Your cock throbs as you feel her hot breath on it, and she takes that as a sign to start.
She engulfs your member's head using her hot mouth, focusing on pleasing your sensitive glans. $Bella sucks the tip of your cock with vigor, using one of her hands to stroke your cock while she's using the other one to get herself off.
It feels amazing, and you would probably cum if she keeps this up. She doesn't take your dick any deeper, but her enthusiasm in using her tongue makes up for the lack of warmth your member is receiving. Still, you want more.
"Take it deeper, $Bella," you command.
She stops sucking and takes your tip out of her mouth. "You have ''my'' mouth on your filthy dick, and you're not satisfied? Like hell I would," she says, her superiority complex surfacing again.
[[That bitch.|Maya & Bella BJ 2]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/SS/SS1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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You were about to force your cock down her throat, but something unexpected happens instead. $Maya shoves her friend aside and takes her place. "If you aren't going to do it, I will," she says with determination, slapping your cock across her face.
"Hmph, fine. Show me what you got," $Bella answers back, taking on the sidelines and resuming her work on her pussy.
Not waiting for permission, $Maya wraps her hot mouth around your wet cock. With each second, another inch of your member disappears inside her mouth. This goes on until your entire cock is down her throat.
She gags, adjusting to your size. $Maya starts bobbing her head up and down your hard cock, taking your entire length inside her mouth. Simultaneously, she uses her tongue to circle around your dick, inflicting as much pleasure as she could.
You groan, the sensation making its way to your knees as you struggle to stand properly. On the side, you notice $Bella watching with increasing intensity, her focus never shifting away from the scene in front of her.
$Maya removes your dick from her mouth, her drool the only thing connecting the two now. "Fuck my face, $name," she says, moaning as she finishes her sentence. She doesn't have to tell you twice.
You grab her face and shove your cock down her throat. You don't give her a chance to adjust to the rough treatment. You immediately start fulfilling her wish, fucking her face with as much enthusiasm as she's shown you. You hold her hair and increase your pace, forcing her to take your entire length down to the very base.
You can sense her nose in contact with your balls. You bend over and reach for her ass, slapping a few times as $Maya chokes on your cock. Meanwhile, $Bella seems to have gotten closer to the scene, her hand rubbing her pussy, matching your pace as you treat her friend roughly.
[[Include her in the fun.|Maya & Bella BJ 3]]<div class="video-container1">
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<source src="Videos/NSvids/DBJ.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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<img src="Images/MM/MM10.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/SS/SS15.jpg" width="400px">
"What? You still want more of my ''filthy'' cock, $Bella? Guess what? I'm quite happy with your friend's mouth, so I think I'll be okay without yours," you say, returning the attitude she gave you earlier.
$Maya is too fixated on your cock to notice anything else that is happening around her. $Bella, on the other hand, just stares you in the eyes, waiting for your approval to suck your cock.
You were honest about being content with just $Maya, but fuck, does the thought of both of them sucking your dick sound good! You want to include her, but you want her to suffer just as much.
One of the effects of your power is having the girls receive waves of pleasure just by touching any part of you, especially your cock. She knows that because she had your dick in her mouth just a moment ago. That, and her friend's moans is proof of that happening.
"You're gonna have to beg for it, slut. If you want my dick back in your mouth after bitching about it, you know what to do."
$Bella doesn't break eye contact with you, and her gaze becomes more intense. Never had someone treated her like that before and gotten away with it, but her need for dick is greater than her desire to maintain her dignity. "Please," she whispers. You don't say anything, your eyes watching her as her friend is busy gobbling your dick. "Please, let me suck your cock, $name."
Fuck it! Good enough. You give her a nod, and she pushes $Maya aside, licking down one side of your cock. $Maya seems to understand her motive and takes the other side, similarily using her tongue to lick your cock.
Holding back for too long, you decide to let go, bucking your hips as you use their tongues for your pleasure. You don't last any longer and aim your dick towards $Bella, covering her face with cum.
"What about—"
You don't let $Maya finish, covering her face with a load just as thick as the one you gave her friend. After emptying your balls, you all just sit there, recovering your breaths after that session. Eventually, you and the girls clean up and fix yourselves, promising to talk about this later as you go your separate ways.
[[Go to your next class.|Day 5 Class 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Teacher.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metJoey to true>>\
Once everyone settles in, Professor $Parker claps his hands together dramatically. "Alright, welcome to Physics 101. By the end of this semester, you’ll know why toast always lands butter-side down.
The room erupts into chuckles again. Ah, the buttered toast phenomenon.
He picks up a marker and writes the word Physics on the board in bold, exaggerated letters. "Now, before we dive into the boring stuff—like equations and, you know, actually learning things—let me give you my one and only ground rule: Don’t fall asleep in my class unless you’re prepared to wake up as part of an impromptu physics demonstration. I’m talking Newton’s Cradle with your heads."
The students burst out laughing. You feel like you're in a sitcom with all this laughter. They're even laughing at the bad jokes!
Professor $Parker steps away from the board and surveys the class with an almost mischievous glint. "Alright, so who here thinks physics is boring? Be honest. I’m not grading you on your poor taste."
[[Raise your hand.]]
[[Don't.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Teacher.jpg" width="400px">
The class exchanges hesitant glances, and for a moment, it seems no one will dare to admit it. But then, on impulse, you raise your hand.
The room goes quiet for half a second before Professor <<print $Parker>>’s eyes zero in on you like a hawk spotting its prey. A grin spreads across his face, equal parts amused and wicked.
“Well, well, well. A volunteer for the hot seat!” He points his marker at you like a sword. “What’s your name, brave soul?”
“$name,” you reply, trying to keep your tone neutral, but you can already feel the class's attention shifting toward you.
"$name! The one bold enough to challenge the majesty of physics,” he announces, pacing dramatically across the front of the room. “Tell me, $name, what is it about physics that earns your disdain? Too many equations? Too much brainpower required?"
You can’t help but smirk. “I guess it just never clicked for me,” you admit with a shrug.
Professor $Parker stops in his tracks and places a hand over his heart, as if you’ve personally wounded him. “Never clicked? Physics is the click! It’s the glue of the universe! It’s the reason you’re sitting in that chair instead of floating off into space!”
The class laughs harder now, but he isn’t done. He steps closer to your row, still grinning. “Alright, $name, challenge accepted. By the end of this semester, I’m going to make physics your favorite subject. Heck, by the end of this week, you’ll be talking about Newton and Einstein like they’re your childhood friends. Deal?”
You nod, your smirk growing. “Deal.” He doesn't know it yet, but he's definitely just made a deal with the devil.
“Good!” he declares, spinning back toward the board. “Because if I can turn one physics hater into a fan, my life’s work will be complete. And if I can’t,” he pauses for dramatic effect. “well, then I’ll just blame it on Heisenberg."
The room erupts into laughter again, and you settle back into your seat. Despite the playful ribbing, you have to admit you’re curious now. If anyone can make physics interesting, it might just be this guy.
[[The class starts.|Day 5 Class 2.3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Teacher.jpg" width="400px">
Physics? Boring? As if. The professor's humor is a nice bonus, but physics is ''not'' boring. It takes a while, but a few students sheepishly raise their hands, and he points at one of them. “Ah, a brave soul! Now, don’t worry. By the end of this course, you’ll love physics so much that you’ll want to marry it. Or at least text it back once in a while.”
You've heard of this class, but you honestly thought it was just a myth. You’re starting to see why this class has such a reputation. It’s not every day you get a professor who treats a lecture like stand-up comedy.
[[The class starts.|Day 5 Class 2.3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP13.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $wakeLucas is true>>\
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
As the class begins, Professor $Parker springs to life at the front of the room, wielding his marker like a magician's wand. His boundless energy fills the room as he draws a chaotic diagram on the board, complete with exaggerated arrows.
"Now, imagine a world without friction!" he announces dramatically. “Chaos! Absolute pandemonium! Ice skates everywhere, car accidents on flat roads, and no more traction for your TikTok dances!” The class chuckles, and he grins triumphantly. “That’s why physics is the unsung hero of your everyday life!”
You’re amused by his antics, but your attention shifts when you hear a familiar giggle nearby. You glance to your right and freeze. $Sophia?
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> is sitting two rows ahead of you, her notebook open and meticulously organized, every line of text in neat handwriting. You didn’t even know that she took this class too. You barely know anything about her anymore. Maybe you'll get a chance to talk to her soon.
<<if $wakeLucas is true>>\
You glance to your left, where $Lucas is slumped in his chair, his eyelids sinking despite the lively lecture. At least he made it to class. <<if $lucasFriend is true>>You pat yourself on the back for managing to drag him out of bed earlier, though it feels like he’s still halfway asleep.<<else>>You wonder why you even ''helped'' him wake up this morning. Was it just to annoy him? Ugh, he's not worth wasting your energy on.<</if>>
Meanwhile, the professor begins roll call, his voice resonating in the room. As he makes his way through the list, he suddenly pauses, looks up, and glances around.
There’s silence. <<if $lucasFriend is true>>Your heart sinks as you remember your roommate. Maybe you should've tried waking him up before you left. Now, he'll be behind the rest of you.<<else>>You chuckle as you remember how you've left him snoring like a pig in the morning. His lazy ass will now be behind the rest of you just so he could get a few more hours of sleep in.<</if>>
<<if $energy >=30>>\
[[Try using morphing on the professor.|Morphing 3]]
<<link "Use duplication and mess with $Sophia." "Duplication 4">><</link>>
You don't have enough energy to use any of your powers right now.
<<link "Spend your time focusing on class instead." "Day 5 Class 2 End">>
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<</link>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Teacher.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockMorph is false>>\
<<set $unlockMorph to true>>\
<<set $morph to $morph + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $looks to $looks + 1>>\
Class finally comes to an end, and Professor $Parker can't help but end it with another joke of his. As the students file out, a thought crosses your mind, and the power inside you urges you to test it.
You have no doubts that you can use this power to change your appearance at will, but the idea of altering another life form as you wish excites you. Can you do it? You extend a hand towards your professor, who has his back to you, packing up so he can leave for the day.
Your heart beats faster as you focus on him. You visualize his appearance—the angle of his glasses, the little things that make him him. You concentrate, and the energy pulses through you, vibrant and electric. It’s almost like the air itself is dancing in excitement.
Slowly, you focus your mind on a subtle change. You picture his hair lengthening just a little, his glasses shifting slightly, his posture adjusting—nothing drastic, just a small shift to test the waters.
And then, it happens.
You feel the change as it happens. You watch as his hair seems to stretch out, his glasses shift ever so slightly, and his posture straightens. It’s barely noticeable, but you can see it. Your breath catches in your throat. However, as expected, the energy inside you, once steady and familiar, begins to surge uncontrollably. It feels like something inside you snaps.
You watch in as his face begins to round, his lips becoming fuller, his eyes more almond-shaped. His clothes start to hang differently on his body, his shoulders now narrower, his movements more fluid. His body reshapes, his once masculine form slipping into something undeniably feminine.
You blink for a second, and the transformation ends. In front of you, stands a slim woman, signs of maturity on her face and an ass begging to be slapped. You were hoping for a big titty milf, but she is quite the attractive woman herself.
[[Seduce her.|Morphing 3.1]]
[[Seduce? You created her. You'll take her as you wish.|Morphing 3.2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP14.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockDup is false>>\
<<set $unlockDup to true>>\
<<set $dup to $dup + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<if $dup >= 2>>\
Just like the previous attempt, you immediately start to notice the effects. First, you feel like you are splitting in half. Next, your senses get sharper. And finally, your consciousness travels to the other you. There are two of you now.
When you tap into this power, you immediately start to notice the effects. It is difficult not to when you are being split in half. This is what it looks and feels like at least. You shut your eyes and let it happen.
With your eyes still closed, your senses are starting to get sharper. Is that it? No, your consciousness is currently at two different places right now. What is happening? You open your eyes again, only to find that there are two of you now. Your senses did not get sharper; you are just feeling what the other ''you'' is feeling.
You both approach <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>>, discovering that she really is sitting alone. From your view a minute ago, you could tell that was the case. Her friends are probably not taking this class, or she just doesn't like anyone here.
As soon as she sees you and your ''twin'', she rolls her eyes but doesn't stop you from joining her. "What do you two want?" she asks, clearly not interested in any of your shenanigans.
"What? Can't <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-brothers<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your brothers<<else>>we<</if>> spend some time with you now?" you ask while your ''twin'' nods his head in agreement.
She sighs but doesn't answer your question, shifting her focus back to the more interesting lecture. Throughout the rest of the class, you try to make small talk with her, bring up old memories, or get her attention in any way, all which fail.
[[Give up on this.|Sophia DBJ]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP15.jpg" width="400px">
As the physics class winds to a close, Professor $Parker wraps up his lecture with one final joke. "Remember, folks, if you don't study, gravity won't be the only thing pulling you down!"
You gather your things quickly, planning to make a quick exit before anyone can hold you up. As you sling your bag over your shoulder and step into the aisle, a voice calls your name softly.
"$name," she says, barely audible over the chatter of other students.
You turn around, surprised to see $Sophia standing near the door, waiting for you. For a moment, she hesitates, as though second-guessing her decision to stop you. Then, in a tone that’s softer than you’ve heard from her all day, she asks, "Are you okay?"
It’s such a simple question, but coming from $Sophia, it feels like a loaded one. The same girl who had barely acknowledged you during class now stood here, concern flickering in her eyes.
"Yeah, I’m fine," you reply, though you’re not sure if it’s entirely true. Her unexpected show of care catches you off guard. "Why do you ask?"
She shrugs, avoiding your gaze. “You just seemed distracted today. It feels like you have a lot on your mind. Not your usual self, I guess."
You blink, unsure how to respond. This is $Sophia—the same person who brushed off every attempt to engage with her previously, the same one who ignores your texts. And yet, here she is, stopping you just to check in.
"I’m fine, really," you say again, offering a small smile. “But, thanks for asking. I didn’t think you noticed."
Her lips twitch, almost as if she’s suppressing a smile of her own. "I notice more than you think," she says before stepping aside to let you pass.
As you walk away, you can’t help but glance back. For a fleeting moment, you catch her watching you, a thoughtful expression on her face. Sensing your gaze, she quickly looks away and slips out the door.
[[Go to your next class.|Day 5 Noon]]<div class="video-container2">
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<source src="Videos/NSvids/T3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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<source src="Videos/NSvids/T4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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You would have a difficult time seducing a teacher if it weren't for your powers. Deep down, you know that she's not quite as smart as her former self is. You subconsciously made her brain more receptive to you. She's not an airhead bimbo, but she's not a genius, humorous physicist either.
With the class now empty, you make your move, flirting with the slut, who can't help but giggle at each compliment you throw towards her. You also playfully touch her shoulders, and not as subtly, leave a hand on her hip.
Once you think she's ready, you close the distance between you, planting a kiss on her lips, and she reciprocates easily, her lust taking over. You make out with her, mixing your tongue with hers, before moving down slowly, making sure to give her neck as much attention.
She strokes your hair as your tongue explores her body, moaning with each lick or nibble you give her. "I need it now, please," she begs for your cock. It's rude to leave a woman hanging; you take out your hard cock and turn her around, pressing her on her desk.
You lift her skirt, exposing her panties. Did you also—bah, you have more important things to think about. You plant a few kisses on her nape, moving her panties out of the way and inserting your cock inside her wet pussy.
She moans loudly, and you have to cover her mouth to avoid any interruptions. You begin thrusting inside of her, unnaturally, tight pussy. "Take it all, slut," you groan, burying your whole member inside of her. You take it slow at first, giving her the chance to adjust to your size.
Within a matter of seconds, you find her pushing her ass back onto you, clearly asking you to fuck her as you please. You oblige her, increasing your pace and plunging your cock as deep and hard as you can inside her pussy. Her body convulses, and she squirts from your rough treatment.
"$name!" she squeals, managing only to blurt out your name.
You continue fucking her cunt until you reach your limit. "I'm going to fill you with my cum, whore," you say between breaths. She doesn't say anything. The only sounds that she's producing are her moans and her gibberish noises, probably from cumming her brains out for the tenth time.
You fill her pussy to the brim, groaning as you shoot load after load, each thicker than the last. Her pussy tightens as you release your hot cum inside of her, causing her to orgasm again.
Having had your fun, you tuck away your cock and put your clothes back on. Your professor, on the other hand, is still lying on the desk, relishing in the bliss of the sex she's just had. She's going to turn back to normal soon, so you grab your bag and give her ass one final slap before leaving. Heh, you might just do this again.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Noon]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/T3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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Fucking teachers wasn't on your roster when you first joined college. But, with your powers emerging, how can you not? Speaking of, you could've probably made her more receptive to your advances, but where is the fun in that?
You chuckle and wait until the class is empty, even if it sounds hot taking her in front of everyone. You eye her body and lick your lips in anticipation. That bitch's asking for it with a body like that. What a fucking woman you've made!
Now that you're both alone, you move closer to her, hugging her from behind and grinding your erect cock on her. She attempts to turn around, but your hold on her is much stronger. "$name, what are you doing?" she chuckles nervously.
Sure, she's not as smart as she was, but she's not a dumb bimbo either. "You know exactly what I'm doing, whore. I'll use your body for my satisfaction," you say, pressing your cock deeper into her skirt for further emphasis.
She tries to struggle, but she knows just how strong you are; she can feel it. "$name, please. Don't do this," she sobs, and you can't help but smile as you strip off your clothes. You really are a fucking monster.
"Don't worry. I won't do anything you don't want," you stop and move away. She looks relieved and tries to adjust her clothes. "I'll just have to report your for sexually assaulting me."
"WHAT! You're the one—"
"Am I? Who do you think they'll believe? The poor, innocent student or the bitch dressed in a slutty skirt?" you bluff.
She's not smart enough to call your bluff, so she starts taking her clothes off instead, tears streaming down her face. You smile and watch her as she exposes her panties. Wait, did you also—bah, you have better things to worry about.
You close the distance and bend her over her desk, slamming her body on it, and she can only sob in return. You insert your cock inside of her tight cunt, and despite struggling at first, her body betrays her as she lets out a moan of pleasure. You can also feel her pussy getting wetter.
She might not want it, but her body does. You thrust your cock in and out of her, her cries of pain and pleasure filling your ears. It's her first time taking a cock, especially one that big. You fuck her pussy hard and fast, making sure to go as deep as you can. She can't help but cum from the violent treatment she's receiving.
She gives up on resisting you anymore, the force of your cock and the betrayal of her body destroying any willpower she had left. You finally reach the brink of an orgasm and slap her ass. "Take all my cum, slut."
True to your word, you pump a huge load inside of her. Your hot cum inside of her forces her pussy to contract around your cock, milking every drop you had in your reserve. You pull out your cock and slap her ass again, leaving a mark on her. "We'll do this again, whore," you say before grabbing your stuff and leaving. She's undoubtedly going to return back to normal soon.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Noon]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Noon">>\
Up next is philosophy. Your second class with Professor $Sato begins much like the first—with her characteristic energy filling the room.. Her vibrant smile and enthusiastic gestures grab everyone’s attention immediately as she steps in.
“Good morning, everyone!” she says, her voice warm and inviting. “Let’s start with a question: How much freedom should people have? Anyone feel like answering this question?”
Several hands go up, mostly from female students, but her eyes never linger on them, landing on you instead, even though you didn't volunteer. “$name,” she says, singling you out with a grin. “Why don’t you give it a try?”
Her tone is playful, almost teasing, and you can feel the slight shift in the room as some students exchange glances.
[[Offer her a thoughtful answer.|Love Focus 13]]
[[Answer her question boldly.|Lust Focus 13]]
[[Blend confidence with wit.|Both Focus 13]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP15.jpg" width="400px">
Just as you’re about to retreat into silence, something unexpected happens.
$Sophia leans back in her chair, her eyes finally meeting yours. They’re sharp, calculating, and carry an air of dominance you’ve never seen before. Her lips curl into a smirk, and she crosses her arms.
“You really don’t know when to quit, do you?” she says, her tone carrying an edge that both unnerves and intrigues you.
Your ''twin'' glances at you, mimicking your unease. “I was just trying to—”
“To what?” she interrupts, her voice dropping just enough to make you hang on every word. “Get my attention? Annoy me until I cave and talk to you?"
You falter, unsure how to respond. This isn’t the $Sophia you’re used to—distant and dismissive, yes, but never this commanding. It's very hot. The room seems to grow quieter as her gaze locks onto yours, daring you to push forward. Even your ''twin'' seems unsure, shifting uncomfortably under her scrutiny.
“Maybe you should start by telling me why you thought interrupting my day was such a brilliant idea,” she says, her voice soft but laced with a subtle challenge. “And make it good. I’m in the mood to be entertained.”
There’s something almost magnetic about the way she’s looking at you now, her usual indifference to you replaced with an intensity that makes it impossible to look away. The ball is clearly in your court, but for the first time in a while, you’re not sure what play to make.
[[Continue.|Sophia DBJ1]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/LP/LP1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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You're not sure where that change in behavior is coming from, and you're not sure how to proceed either. Thankfully, the voice of the professor signifying the end of the lecture saves you—or so you thought.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> stands up and signals for you to follow her. "Follow me and keep up. I don't have all day," she says, her authority undeniable. You and your ''twin'' do as your told, following $Sophia through the crowds and into her dorm room.
When you're finally alone, she sits on the bed, crossing her legs and staring at you expectantly. You and your ''twin'' glance at each other and shrug, taking off your clothes and exposing your hard cocks.
<<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> looks down and licks her lips at the sight of your members. "Good, you're both already hard. Glad you're not wasting my time. Now come closer," she says as she gets on her knees between the both of you.
With a hand on one cock, stroking it with haste, her mouth is wrapped around another, starting off with the tip. Soon enough, she kicks it up, taking more of your cocks in her mouth whilst also increasing the pace. If anyone were to see this sight, they'd think you're in control, but you and your ''twin'' know exactly how wrong they would be.
$Sophia makes sure to give both of your cocks enough attention, sucking and licking your dicks while she moans on them. Whenever you think you're in control or try to take things further, her strong grip on your hard cocks reminds you of your place.
The best thing about this is whichever cock she has in her mouth, you can feel the same pleasure regardless—a courtesy of your power. <<if $relation is "intimate">>Your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>Your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> bobs her head on your entire length, her technique sending ripples of pleasure through your entire bodies.
[[Cum on her face.|Sophia DBJ2]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/LP/LP2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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The pleasure is too much to take, and you both near your orgasms, groaning at the sight and feeling of <<if $relation is "intimate">>your older step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your big sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> trying to suck the life out of you.
She takes a moment to breathe and with her hands still on your cocks, she looks up to you. "Cum before I allow you to and see what happens," she threatens, her voice sincere.
Unfortunately, this has the opposite effect on you, turning you on even more. You and your ''twin'' struggle and try not to cum immediately. $Sophia is not making this easy for you. She leans against the bed and holds her tits together for you.
It feels more of a command than an invitation, even though she doesn't say a word. You place your dick between her soft tits while she sucks your ''twin'' off. You begin fucking her tits and her mouth simultaneously, feeling the pleasure from both regardless of where your cock is.
Again, you both fight off demons not to come right away, the intensity only increasing as <<print $Sophia>>'s grin grows even wider; she loves having you both on edge. She's getting off on the feeling of total control.
[[Cum for real this time.|Sophia DBJ3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS2.jpg" width="400px">
You meet Professor <<print $Sato>>’s gaze, her expectant smile encouraging you to think carefully before responding. You clear your throat and sit up straighter, addressing the question with sincerity. "I believe freedom is essential, but it needs to come with a sense of responsibility. If people have too much freedom without guidance, things could spiral into chaos. On the other hand, if you restrict freedom too much, you end up suppressing individuality and creativity."
The room quiets as your words sink in, a few students nodding in agreement. Professor $Sato smiles, her expression one of genuine intrigue. "A thoughtful response, $name. That balance you’ve described is one of the most challenging aspects of freedom that philosophers have debated for centuries."
She leans against her desk, her hands clasped in front of her as she continues. "I appreciate your take. It shows you’re thinking critically about the topic, which is exactly what I want to see in this class."
Her words carry a warmth that makes your chest swell with pride. Professor $Sato moves on to another student, but her approving smile lingers in your mind as the class discussion continues.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS2.jpg" width="400px">
You could indugle her a bit, why not. You let a small smirk tug at your lips, leaning back in your chair as you meet her playful gaze. "I’d say people should have just enough freedom to do what they want—like answering a professor’s question even when they weren’t planning to."
Your tone is casual but carries a teasing edge. Professor $Sato arches an eyebrow, her grin widening as she folds her arms. "Interesting answer, $name. So, you believe in freedom that includes a little unpredictability, huh?"
You shrug, your smirk growing. "Life’s more exciting when there’s room for the unexpected, don’t you think?"
Her gaze lingers on you, a spark of amusement in her eyes. "True, unpredictability does have its charms. And, you $name—you look like you have quite the unpredictable personal."
You don't answer her, subtly winking at her instead before she moves on with a smile on her face. Her tone had been light, but there was a hint of something more, a subtle acknowledgement of the playful energy you’d sparked between the two of you.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS2.jpg" width="400px">
You sit up, matching her playful tone with a confident grin. "Freedom is a delicate balance. People need enough of it to express themselves without fear, but not so much that it creates chaos—kind of like how you’re free to call on me when I haven’t raised my hand, Professor."
Professor $Sato can’t hold back a laugh. She shakes her head, her smile growing. "Touché, $name. I suppose that’s fair. Though, I’d argue that philosophy is all about challenging people, even when they don’t expect it."
You nod, your grin widening. "True, and sometimes the best challenges come from unexpected places. I guess I’m just practicing what you’re preaching."
Her laughter is genuine, her eyes shining with approval. "Well played. But, don’t think that means you’re off the hook. I’ll expect you to rise to the challenge next time, too."
The atmosphere in the room shifts slightly, the lighthearted exchange setting you apart. Meanwhile, Professor <<print $Sato>>’s approving gaze lingers just a moment longer than necessary, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment and a hint of something more.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS1.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AF/AF2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $wakeLucas is true>>
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
Class is in progress, and Professor <<print $Sato>>’s boundless energy fills the room. She is beaming with a smile, commanding the room, her tone shifting dramatically to emphasize the topic of the day. She obviously loves her job.
Her gaze sweeps across the room, her attention lingering on the male students just a fraction longer than the others. Every time her eyes meet yours, her smile widens, and she gives a small, subtle nod, expecting great insight from you later.
$Stella, a few seats to your right, seems unbothered by the distractions. She glances at you once, flashing her usual friendly smile before returning to her writing. Maybe you could help her study sometime.
<<if $wakeLucas is true>>\
Your roommate, sitting just a row ahead of you, leans back in his seat. <<if $lucasFriend is true>>He catches your eye and smirks. "Deep stuff, huh?" he mutters under his breath.<<else>>He glances back, catching your eye. The animosity between you is palpable, and you feel his glare even as he feigns disinterest.<</if>>
You look around and notice that your roommate didn't make it to this class either. Just how long can this guy sleep for? Is he perhaps skipping classes? No, he's probably still asleep.
<<if $lucasFriend is true>>You know it isn't really your responsibility, but you can't help but feel a little guilty for not attempting to wake him up.<<else>>You realize that he missed another important class, and that thought causes you to smile. You don't really care about other people's failures, but something about him fucking up academically makes you happy.<</if>>
Professor $Sato continues her lecture, occasionally leaning on her desk or walking through the room to engage the students. The energy she brings is undeniable, and even if philosophy isn’t your favorite subject, it’s hard not to stay engaged—at least for a while.
Should you spend some energy and use your powers? If not, you could always just focus on the lecture and gain more intelligence points. Who knows when you might need to use your brain in the future?
<<if $chokeDay4 is false>>\
<<if $wakeLucas is true>>\
<<if $energy >= 25>>\
[[Use wind to choke your roommate.|Wind 2 Day 5]]
You don't have enough energy to use ''Elemental Control''.
<<if $mindDay4 is false>>\
<<if $energy >= 30>>\
[[Infiltrate your teacher's mind.|Telepathy 3 Day 5]]
You don't have enough energy to use ''Telepathy''.
<<if $speedDay4 is false>>\
<<if $energy >= 20>>\
[[Get some feels in using super speed.|Speed 3 Day 5]]
You don't have enough energy to use ''Super Speed''.
<<link "Increase your intelligence." "Day 5 Class 3 End">>
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>
<</link>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS1.jpg" width="400px">
As the clock ticks closer to the end of class, Professor $Sato wraps up her lecture. She claps her hands together, drawing everyone’s attention.
"And that, my dear philosophers, is where we’ll leave it today. Remember, don’t just write what you think I want to hear. Write what you think," she emphasizes, pointing to the class.
Students begin packing up their belongings. $Stella stretches her arms, letting out a soft yawn. She turns to you, her usual flirty expression in place. “You heading anywhere specific, $name?” she asks casually.
Before you can respond, the professor's voice cuts through the chatter. She eyes $Stella with an indifferent expression before she shifts to you, a smile marking her face now.
“$name,” she calls, her tone light but unmistakably directive. “A moment, please.”
$Stella raises an eyebrow but doesn’t press for details. “Guess I’ll see you later, then,” she says with a small wave before heading out with the rest of the class.
Now alone with $Sato, you approach her desk. She leans slightly against it, her sharp eyes fixed on you with an expression that’s both thoughtful and faintly amused.
“I noticed you were paying a bit more attention today,” she begins, her tone conversational. “That’s good. Philosophy is about engaging with ideas that challenge you, after all. But I wonder,” her voice trails off for a moment. “Do you think you’re starting to see things differently yet? Or are you still keeping one foot firmly in your comfort zone?”
Her words are deliberate, almost probing, as if she’s testing how you're viewing her words. What exactly is her plan? You meet her gaze, trying to discern what she’s really getting at.
“I guess it’s a mix,” you admit after a moment. “Some things make me think differently, but a lot still feels abstract.”
She nods, her lips curling into a faint smile. “That’s fair. Philosophy isn’t about finding definitive answers; it’s about learning to ask the right questions. You’re on the right track, even if it doesn’t feel like it yet.”
Her smile deepens, her gaze lingering on you in a way that feels almost personal. She leans forward slightly, resting her hands on the edge of her desk. “You have potential, $name. More than I think you realize. I’d hate to see you waste it.”
The compliment catches you off guard. Professor $Sato rarely singles out students like this, at least not in such a direct manner. You’re not sure whether to feel flattered or suspicious.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you say, offering a polite nod.
[[Excuse yourself and leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockMind is false>>\
<<set $unlockMind to true>>\
<<set $mind to $mind + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma + 1>>\
<<set $mindDay4 to true>>\
You close your eyes, focusing intently on Professor $Sato, letting your telepathic power stretch out toward her. The world around you fades into an eerie silence, and soon you feel a faint tug. A moment later, you are pulled into a hazy, dreamlike version of her consciousness.
The space shifts around you, and you sense two distinct paths taking form in the darkness, each carrying its own strange energy. To your left, the air hums with a heavy, compelling force, pulling you toward a path of dominance. To your right, a softer energy calls out, pulling you down a subtler path, where submission flows through her thoughts.
You hover there, feeling the allure of each path, knowing that with a single choice, you could guide your relationship with Professor $Sato to an entirely new direction.
[[Follow the dominant path.|Hana Dom Day 5]]
[[Follow the submissive path.|Hana Sub Day 5]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockElement is false>>\
<<set $unlockElement to true>>\
<<set $element to $element + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 25>>\
<<set $iq to $iq +1>>\
<<set $chokeDay4 to true>>\
Which power should you channel? You are not particularly horny now. You just want to feel the energy coursing through you; you want to feel powerful. It is quite scary how fast you come up with ideas; it is time to test your elemental control.
Now, for a target. It is probably best you pick a stranger in case something goes wrong; it is risky—nah, why settle for a complete stranger when you have better options right now? <<if $lucasFriend is true>>You might be good friends with $Lucas, but you are still interested in messing around with him. Yeah, it is just some friendly banter<<else>>What better choice than that wimp of a roommate named $Lucas? You are partly going to display what being your enemy entails<</if>>.
You tap into your powers, grinning as you feel a gust of wind brush through your hair. You start directing your winds toward $Lucas, your smile growing wider in anticipation of what is about to occur. Not wasting a second, you force your way into his mouth and down his throat. You pause and chuckle at this line of thought before getting back to it.
Before he can make sense of what is happening, you block his airway passage with stronger winds. He stands up and moves down to the center of the room, trying to find any sort of help. This catches everyone's attention as all eyes settle on him, confused by his actions. It is not until he wraps his hands around his throat that everyone notices that he is unable to breathe.
"HE'S CHOKING! CALL THE EMERGENCIES!" your professor immediately shouts and takes action, moving to his side to try and help him. Nothing she does is working as all her effort goes to waste. A few students try to help but to no avail. He is technically not choking on anything; you just have a strong hold on these winds. Alright, that is enough.
[[It's time to play the hero.|ITTPTH Day 5]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" muted autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AF/AF1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AF/AF2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<if $unlockSpeed is false>>\
<<set $unlockSpeed to true>>\
<<set $speed to $speed + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<set $speedDay4 to true>>\
It has been a while since you last tried using your super speed; you did use it to fight yesterday, but you are not looking for a scuffle right now, not one of that kind. You channel your super speed and test it out by moving and vibrating your hands. Yes, it works.
It is time to fuck with $Stella. Getting things done with speed is more difficult than it seems. Sure, you can move faster than the blink of eye, but one mistake can lead to many consequences. You have no time to worry right now. You wait for a good opportunity and grab <<print $Stella>>'s tits.
These might be one the best tits you have gotten your hands on. You grope her big tits, squeezing and slapping them as you please. $Stella, surprisingly enough, has no reaction. She can feel her chest getting toyed with, but she knows it is humanely impossible anyone is groping her without her notice.
No, this is not as satisfying as you want it to be. Sure, her tits feel great, but you want a reaction out of her. A grin appears on your face as you get an idea. You return to feeling up her chest, and just as fast, you expose her tits. Her eyes widen in shock as she tries to adjust her top.
You do not let out though. You resume groping her exposed tits, squeezing them and pinching her nipples as she stifles her cries and moans of pain and pleasure. She does not want to draw any attention to herself, not in the state of undress she is in.
<<if $speed <= 1>>\
Weirdly enough, everyone seems to be focused on either the lecture or their phones to notice her. She is lucky the professor is not glancing her way, but this could change any moment. You should probably leave her alone before you cause irreparable damage.
[[Return to your seat.|Day 5 Class 3 End]]
[[Continue.|Stella CS Day 5]]
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Others/Roommate.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $day4wind to true>>\
You should stop this. You have no intention of causing any brain damage; it would not benefit anyone. You release your hold on the winds, allowing $Lucas to breathe again, but you keep up the performance. You rush forward, reaching him before anyone else, and place a hand on his back, patting it as if trying to clear his airways.
"$Lucas! Take deep breaths. Try to cough it out," you say, voice urgent. You press on his back in a few quick successions, mimicking the classic motions of someone performing the Heimlich maneuver, even though you know perfectly well he is not actually choking.
$Lucas sucks in a huge gulp of air, his chest rising and falling rapidly as color returns to his face. He manages a weak nod of thanks, looking around at everyone, dazed and a little embarrassed. Your classmates murmur in awe, and a couple of them even pat you on the back for being so quick to act.
"Thank you, $name," Professor $Sato says, clearly impressed. You steady $Lucas and two students take over, guiding him to the nurse's office. "That was fast thinking. Well done."
You shrug modestly, maintaining a serious expression even as a spark of satisfaction flickers inside you. You have now cemented yourself as the ''hero'' of this little interaction in the eyes of the class, all while feeling the rush of power from your little display. Everyone settles back into their places, and the class resumes.
[[Finish philosophy.|Day 5 Class 3 End]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/HJ1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You allow yourself to get pulled in your preferred direction, following her dominant path. You open your eyes and find yourself back in the real world. Glancing at your professor, you find that she is staring at you back, a very hungry look occupying her eyes.
You expected her to end the lesson early, so she can have some alone time with you. To your surprise though, she does not allow your powers to completely take over her mind. This is rather interesting; this means if the person is strong enough, they can overcome the effects of your abilities. Still, Professor $Sato paces through the material as quickly as she can, summarizing every point until she is finally done.
Everyone starts to leave, and as expected, she asks you to join her in her office, maintaining a professional demeanor. As soon as the doors of her office close behind you, she pounces on you and begins to devour your lips, shoving her tongue down your throat. It seems like she was hanging on by a thread after all.
"You have no idea how much I wanted this," your professor says, stripping down to her birthday suit. Your cock was already hard when she pounced on you, but seeing her in all her glory somehow got you harder. "It's your turn, Mr. $last name. Strip."
This is all you needed to hear as you get naked for her. She immediately grabs your dick and tightens her grip. "This cock is mine right now. We'll do this my way. Do you understand, $name?" she asks, and you nod. "Good. Lick my nipples and slobber all over my tits."
You do not have to be asked twice. You grab her tits and run your tongue all over them, exploring every inch of her breasts. You can tell you are doing it right when she starts moaning softly. You suck her tits as you relish in their taste; her flavor and her smell overwhelm your senses, and your cock starts throbbing in anticipation of some release.
Sensing this, her grip on your hard cock gets even tighter, and she starts to slowly stroke your member. "You've been a good boy so far. I think you deserve some release," she talks, her voice suggestive. She guides you to a chair and continues stroking you.
Similarly, you continue playing with her soft tits, grabbing and kneading whichever one is closer to you. You also attack her hard nipples with your tongue, licking and sucking them as you please. She increases the pace of her soft hands along your shaft, trying to match your rhythm.
[[You're at your limit.|YAYL Day 5]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You allow yourself to get pulled in your preferred direction, following her submissive path. You open your eyes and find yourself back in the real world. Glancing at your professor, you find that she is staring at you back, a very hungry look occupying her eyes.
You expected her to end the lesson early, so she can have some alone time with you. To your surprise though, she does not allow your powers to completely take over her mind. This is rather interesting; this means if the person is strong enough, they can overcome the effects of your abilities. Still, Professor $Sato paces through the material as quickly as she can, summarizing every point until she is finally done.
Everyone starts to leave, but your professor asks you to stay behind to ''discuss'' something. As soon as everyone leaves, she gets on her knees and desperately starts to speak. "I'm so sorry, daddy! I know you really wanted to talk, but I had to finish the lesson first."
Daddy, huh? You thought you would have to ''convince'' her before she does anything with you, but it seems like she is already interested in you. You wonder if she previously had a relationship with a student. "Get up. Is there somewhere more private where we could ''talk''?" you ask.
She nods and leads you to her office, walking behind you and allowing you to take charge. It does not take you much time to initiate her punishment. As soon as the door closes behind you, you grab Professor $Sato by her hair and lead her to the gound, unbuckling your pants with your free hand.
Her eyes widen as soon as your cock is in view; it takes her a moment before she realizes what is happening, but it is already too late. You shove your hard cock in her mouth and start fucking her face. She lets you do as you please, well aware that she is only here for your pleasure, and she is quite happy with it.
You hold her by the hair and guide your cock down her throat, forcing her to gag and slobber all over your dick. She takes your member down to the base, and you hold her head there for a couple of seconds, enjoying the feeling of her hot mouth and her swirling tongue.
[[Change position.|Change position Day 5]]<div class="video-container1">
<img src="Images/AS/AS3.jpg" width="400px">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/CS2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
The mix of the taste of your professor's tits and the handjob she is giving you sends you over the edge. She senses that and abruptly stops. "Not yet. You only cum when I say so," she says before she resumes stroking your cock.
This fucking tease. Two can play at this game. You continue playing with her nipples using your tongue. Not a second later, you bite her nipples, not enough to cause any pain but hard enough to send ripples of pleasure down her spine.
She yelps and moans at this sudden attack. You did not think it was possible, but her hold on your dick got even stronger, threatening to tear the life out of your erect member. Instead of pain though, pleasure courses through your body as you reach your limit. "Cum for me. Cum for mommy," she commands, and you start cumming.
You shoot ropes after ropes of cum, the first set covering your abs. Seeing that you still have more in reserve, Professor $Sato holds her tits out for you; you direct your cock at her and completely cover her exposed tits with your hot cum. For only a handjob, this was a very intense orgasm.
You both get dressed, and she returns to her professional attitude, asking if you need anything else. You thank her and leave for the closest bathroom, cleaning yourself up. You're done with classes for the day.
[[What now?|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/dorm1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Evening">>\
<<set $energy to $energy + 30>>\
<<if $action >= 2>>\
<<goto "Day 5 Night">>\
Done with your classes for today, you make your way back to your empty dorm room. On your way, you pass by the cafeteria and grab something to eat, replenishing your energy.
Once you reach your room and the door closes behind you, you throw yourself on the bed and sigh. It feels like there are a lot of things you can do, and at the same time, nothing much you can do.
How do you plan to spend your evening?
<<if $exploreDay3 is false>>\
[[Explore the campus gardens.|ETCG Day 5]]
<<elseif $dianaH || $dianaT || $dianaNice>>\
[[Call room service.]]
<<if $walkDay3 is false>>\
[[Walk around the dormitory building.|WATDB Day 5]]
<<if $deanDay5 is false>>\
[[Call the Dean.]]
<</if>>\<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You pull your cock out of her mouth and command her to stand up. She follows your orders without any hesitation, though you immediately notice the dazed look she has on her face. At this point, you figure the only thought in her mind is to drain your balls completely.
You throw Professor $Sato on her desk and lay her there, her face directed toward where you are standing. You slap your dick on her face a few times, and she opens her mouth, ready for you to properly throatfuck her.
You do not leave the needy slut unattended and penetrate her mouth, fucking her face at a better angle. Your cock feels even better in this position, reaching even deeper in her throat. She gags as she struggles to take the full length of your size, yet she does not complain or stop using her tongue to induce even more pleasure.
"Fuck! That's a good girl," you praise your professor. You do not know what she did exactly, but it seems like your words of encouragement fueled her desire as even more waves of pleasure flood your body.
[[Cum down her throat.|CDHT Day 5]]
[[Cum on her face.|COHF Day 5]] <div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/CS3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You finally reach your limit. "I'm not sure if you're listening or too engrossed in sucking my dick, slut. I'm going to cum down your throat, and you're going to swallow all of it. Do you understand?"
She does not answer you and focuses on your member instead. You doubt you even had to warn her; she was probably going to take all your cum anyway. You groan and shoot your load inside her mouth, your knees buckling from the intense orgasm you just had.
She diligently takes every rope of cum you shoot; however, your load is too big for her, and she reflexively spits some of it out of her mouth. Oh well, it is not her fault you cum a lot. That, and she did too good of a job to punish her anyway.
You both get dressed, and she returns to her professional attitude, asking if you need anything else. You thank her and leave for the closest bathroom, cleaning yourself up. You're done with classes for the day.
[[What now?|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/AS/AS4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You are about to cum. "Be a good girl, and get on your knees. I want to cover your pretty face with my cum," you demand, removing your dick from her mouth as she moves to the floor.
The sight of your professor, a person who happens to be your superior, waiting patiently for you to cover her face sends you over the edge. If that was not enough, she also sticks her tongue out for you. Yes, that is it! You cum all over Professor <<print $Sato>>'s face, making sure to cover her tongue as well.
With this finally over, you both get dressed, and she returns to her professional attitude, asking if you need anything else. You thank her and leave for the closest bathroom, cleaning yourself up. You're done with classes for the day.
[[What now?|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AF/AF6.jpg" width="400px">
Shit, you are getting hard in your pants. You should return to your seat before it starts straining too hard. You stop messing around with the poor girl and turn around to return to your seat.
You stop and pause for a few seconds, contemplating whether it is a good idea or not. Fuck it. You turn back around and resume groping $Stella. Only this time, you pull out your dick and start stroking it.
You are clearly not thinking with the right head, but you are too far into it to stop now. You are currently stroking your rock hard cock in the middle of the class while $Stella has her tits out for you to grope.
You do not last long though; you are stroking ''fast'' after all. You aim for her tits and cum all over them, covering her as much as you can. You have had your fun now; you tuck in your dick and return to your seat. $Stella, on the other hand, is too relieved that her top stopped ''slipping'' to notice that her chest was sprayed with cum. She probably thinks it is ''that'' sticky due to her sweat.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Class 3 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/LP/LP16.jpg" width="400px">
Having to hold back for this long is torture. You usually have no problem going for a long time and for several times. But, having <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>$Sophia<</if>> suck your cock—wathcing her be dominant in bed—is something you can't help but find extremely pleasurable.
"$Sophia—" you say her name, groaning as you find it difficult to hold back.
She giggles seductively at your reaction, moaning as she watches you squirming but also unable to stop fucking her tits. "Mmm, this is so fucking hot, $name. Okay, you've good boys for me," she pauses and watches the desperate looks on your faces one more time. "Cum for <<if $relation is "intimate">>your step-sister<<elseif $relation is "taboo">>your sister<<else>>me<</if>>."
This does it for you. With her permission now, you and your ''twin'' cum all over $Sophia, groaning loudly as the intensity of the orgasm is greater than ever due to holding back this long. It takes you almost a minute before you both finish covering her tits.
After you're finally done, you both fall on the bed, catching your breaths. "What do you think you're both doing. I need to take care of myself. Get the hell out of here," $Sophia says, kicking you both out.
As soon as you're out of the door, your duplicate disappears, leaving you standing alone in the hallway of the dormitory building. You barely have enough time to make it to your next class.
[[Start moving.|Day 5 Noon]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $action to $action + 1>>\
<<set $walkDay3 to true>>\
You choose to walk around the dormitory building, hoping for something to happen. You walk around your floor for a while, but nobody seems to be active here. Maybe you'll have better luck on another floor.
You take the elevator and choose a floor at random. The doors open, and you can already feel that there is something interesting on this floor. You turn a corner and find that you recognize the hot blonde standing a couple of feet away from you.
Before you could approach $Bella, you notice that she seems to be angrily tapping on her phone. Whoever she's texting, it looks like she's furious with them. "Dickhead!" she screams at her phone before storming into her room.
You decide to turn around and leave but stop in your tracks as soon as you take a step forward. Maybe you could mess with her a little.
[[Try to phase through the door.|Invisibility Day 5]]
[[Use duplication to distract her.|Duplication Bella Day 5]]
[[Come up with something without using powers.|CUWSWUP Day 5]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $action to $action + 1>>\
You are not as familiar with the campus grounds as you want to be. You have nothing else to do besides exploring anyway. It would be a waste not to take in all this lush greenery.
You leave the room, and outside the building, it does not take you long before you reach your destination. It is literally everywhere around campus. You take a stroll through the gardens, and before long, you find a girl seated on a nearby bench.
You were going to ignore her and continue with your exploration until you got close to her. She looks like she had been crying, signs of misery still present on her face. You can not help but be curious as you approach her.
<<set $Diana to "">><<textbox "$Diana" "Diana">><<set $Rossi to "">><<textbox "$Rossi" "Rossi">>
[[Continue.|Meet Diana 2]]<<if $energy >= 35>>
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Invisible1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockPhase is false>>\
<<set $unlockPhase to true>>\
<<set $phase to $phase + 1>>\
<<set $fit to $fit + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 35>>\
<<if $phase is 1>>\
You want to see if you can channel a new ability. Again, you are not sure why, but you know how to do so, even if you lack the experience. You allow your body to get as light as possible, letting yourself go and inviting in whatever the outcome of this power is.
You want to try using one of the powers you have used previously. Since you had already channeled this ability successfully before, it does not take you much time and effort to repeat it. Similar to last time, you allow your body to become as light as possible.
You are now completely invisible. Now comes the easy part. All you have to do is knock on the door and sneak inside when it is opened. However, as you approach the door, you start feeling strange, like a shiver passing through every atom of your body. Slowly, you place your hands on the door, but to your shock, they pass through it.
It takes you a moment to figure out what is going on. You retract your hands and try knocking on the door again, only for them to pass through the door. Huh. You try your head this time and find yourself looking into the cheerleader's room. So, this is ''phasing''.
It sounds like it will be a very useful power. It also seems like you subconsciously have a little control over it since you did not sink through the floor and all. You take yourself inside the room, and as you move closer, you find yourself looking at a pleasant surprise.
[[Continue.|Invisibility 4 Day 5]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM1.jpg" width="400px">
Unfortunately, you lack the energy to use this power. Despite not feeling completely depleted, using this power requires more energy than you have right now. You can not always get your way.
You could try using another power, or you could try using your charms to win her over. Or, you could just get the fuck out of here.
[[Use duplication to distract her.|Duplication Bella Day 5]]
[[Come up with something without using powers.|CUWSWUP Day 5]]
[[You are out of here.|Day 5 Evening]]
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockDup is false>>\
<<set $unlockDup to true>>\
<<set $dup to $dup + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
<<if $dup >= 2>>\
Just like the previous attempt, you immediately start to notice the effects. First, you feel like you are splitting in half. Next, your senses get sharper. And finally, your consciousness travels to the other you. There are two of you now.
When you tap into this power, you immediately start to notice the effects. It is difficult not to when you are being split in half. This is what it looks and feels like at least. You shut your eyes and let it happen.
With your eyes still closed, your senses are starting to get sharper. Is that it? No, your consciousness is currently at two different places right now. What is happening? You open your eyes again, only to find that there are two of you now. Your senses did not get sharper; you are just feeling what the other ''you'' is feeling.
Now, you need to formulate a plan. Obviously, one of you will have to distract her while the other sneaks into the room. The problem is that you barely know anything about her; all you know is that she is a popular cheerleader with a boyfriend. This gives you an idea.
[[Be nice.|Be nice Day 5]]
[[Be rude.|Be rude Day 5]]
<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $charisma >= 5>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU + 1>>\
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO + 1>>\
<<set $bellaPanties to true>>\
You knock on the door, and the cheerleader opens it, her expression already annoyed. You might have interrupted something.
“What do you want, $name?” she demands.
You smile apologetically. “Hey, I know this might sound a bit odd, but I’ve been assigned to do a survey for one of the campus entities. It’s literally the last one I need to get done tonight, and you’re my only hope.”
She looks skeptical and a bit impatient, her arms crossed. “A survey? For what?”
You are going to have to up your game if you need this to work. You grin sheepishly. “It’s for the student council. They wanted to get some feedback from influential students, and let’s be real, you are pretty high up the popularity chain here," you target her sense of superiority.
She softens just a bit at the flattery. “Fine, whatever. Just make it quick.”
She moves aside, allowing you to enter the room. You step inside as she closes the door behind you. You quickly distract her with a couple of basic questions while subtly looking for something you could work with.
Once you have run out of questions, you ask if she can let you use the bathroom, in which she begrudgingly accepts. You walk into the bathroom and look around until you spot, presumably, her wet panties in a basket. Hah, it looks like she was having a bit of fun before you knocked.
This should work. Now, should you take it or snap a picture of it and leave? Probably the latter. You do not want to be known as the creep who stole a girl's underwear. You take a picture and leave.
You say goodbye to $Bella and thank her for her time. You got what you came for, even if it was less exciting than you thought it would be. It is time to prepare for the night.
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO - 1>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU - 1>>\
You knock on the door, and the cheerleader opens it, looking annoyed. You force a smile.
“Hey, I was hoping you could help me with something,” you say, trying to sound as confident as possible.
She raises an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. “Help you? Why would I do that, $name?”
You stammer slightly, “Uh, well, it’s sort of a surprise for the coach, and I thought you’d want to—”
She cuts you off, laughing harshly. “Oh, please. Like I’d believe that. Get lost.”
She slams the door in your face, leaving you outside with no choice but to retreat for the night. Fuck that bitch!
[[You are out of here.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/MM/MM1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/MM/MM2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU + 1>>\
It looks like the cheerleader planned to have some fun tonight. Lucky you. $Bella is laying on the bed, legs wide open, playing with her cunt. Not only that, but she is also wearing sexy lingerie.
It seems like she might have had a hot date tonight, but the idiot blew it. One man's modus ponens is another man's modus tollens. This is in your favor after all. You take out your cock and start stroking it.
As if on cue, her hand moves faster, and she penetrates her cunt with her fingers. Her moans and the slick sounds of her pussy fill the room. You get as close as possible to where she is positioned on the bed. You can now properly see her glistening pussy, and you can smell the wetness too.
Suddenly, she stops, and for a second, you think something is wrong with your powers. To your relief, she just grabs a vibrator out of a drawer and repositions herself on all fours; she now has her ass towards your face.
It takes all of your willpower not to dive face first into her fat ass. There are many things you would do to witness this moment forever. Wait, why not do that? You pull out your phone and start recording $Bella. You are now multitasking, with your phone in one hand, your cock in the other, and your focus on the moaning slut.
She increases the intensity which causes her to squeal loudly. One of her fingers inches towards her asshole and circles around it. She is open to some anal play. Good to know. She might know she has an audience, but she sure is putting up a good show, using a vibrator, teasing her asshole, moaning loudly, and smacking her ass occasionally.
[[Continue.|Bella Scene 1 Day 5]]<div class="video-container1">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/MM/MM3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<img src="Images/MM/MM3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $bellaVid to true>>\
You do not know remember how long she has been going at it, but she is still not stopping. This girl is insatiable. She moves again and returns to her original position: on her back, with her legs wide open.
Only this time, she has a vibrator in her pussy instead of her fingers. Speaking of, she dials the vibration up to the maximum. She is no longer moaning; she is just throwing in random words and choking on them.
This only fuels your hunger for her more, and you stroke your hard cock faster. You are so close to the girl that you can basically feel her tits. Wait, you ''can'' feel her tits. It looks like you were to absorbed into whatever was happening to notice that you were fondling her big tits for a short time now.
You quickly retract your hand before she realizes that something is off. She was too caught up in lust to realize that ''you'' were manhandling her chest, but you are not going to risk that. You should go back to recording this.
Wait, where is your phone? You did not even realize you dropped it onto the bed to play with the cheerleader's tits. You pick it up and resume your recording while jerking off.
It does not take much longer for her to reach the brink of an orgasm. While the vibrator is still doing its job, she plays with her clit until she shakes and cums all over the bed. Similarly, you also reach your limit and shoot your thick load all over her face.
It takes you a minute to recover and realize what had happened. Shit, she might still be in a daze, but you do not want to be here when she is not. You collect yourself, stop the recording, pull up your pants, and quickly ''phase'' out of the room.
This was quite the evening, but you can confidently say: mission successful! You find an empty place to stop the phasing and head back to your room.
[[You are out of here.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $bellaPic to true>>\
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO + 2>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU - 1>>\
With your plan in mind, your duplicate slowly approaches to knock on the door while you hide nearby. It takes a long minute before the hot blonde opens the door, her expression one of annoyance. “What do you want, $name?” she asks.
You smirk. “Oh, $Bella? I'm sorry. Wrong room," you say and pretend to leave. You turn back around to face her. "Oh right, I've seen your cheerleading videos, and you're always outshining all the other girls. How?”
“Okay, so listen, listen!” she squeals excitedly, stepping out of her room, so you can kiss her ass more. Of course, this is what catches the superior bitch's attention.
You take this chance to sneak behind $Bella while she is enjoying your duplicate's praise. Once you step into the room, you quickly search for anything that might be proof that you are in the designated room. Bingo!
On the bed, you find a purple vibrator. As you pick it up, you find that it is still wet with her juices, the scent filling up your nose. It looks like you interrupted a hot session. You pose with the vibrator in hand and snap a picture.
You put the vibrator back where you found it and head for the door, waiting for an opportunity to escape the room. Suddenly, an image of $Bella infiltrates your mind.
She is naked. You can see her naked. Well, your duplicate can, somehow. You have no idea what is happening, but you are going to enjoy this scene as long as you can. Her ass and her tits can give any girl a run for her money, especially her behind.
Shit, you should probably get out of here before she finds you in her room. While she is still busy with your duplicate, you wait for the perfect chance to make your escape. You take her hand and kiss it as a thank you for her time. Too much, but it works.
This is your cue. You swiftly sneak behind them and successfully get away. Huh, you can really kiss ass if you want to. There is a very slight blush on her face before the cheerleader goes back inside and closes the door,
Now that your duplicate finished the job, you release your hold on your power. You are now back to normal, and you had enough excitement for one evening. It is time to leave.
[[You are out of here.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/MM/MM4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $bellaPic to true>>\
<<set $bellaLU to $bellaLU + 1>>\
<<set $bellaLO to $bellaLO - 1>>\
With your plan in mind, your duplicate slowly approaches to knock on the door while you hide nearby. It takes a long minute before the hot blonde opens the door, her expression one of annoyance. “What do you want, $name?” she asks.
You smirk. “Oh, my bad, $Bella. Wrong room," you say and pretend to leave. You turn back around to face her. "Wait, before I forget, I've seen your cheerleading videos, and you to always be off rhythm. Are you okay?”
“What?” she gasps, stepping out of her room to argue.
You take this chance to sneak behind $Bella while she is concentrated on demeaning your duplicate. Once you step into the room, you quickly search for anything that might be proof that you are in the designated room. Bingo!
On the bed, you find a purple vibrator. As you pick it up, you find that it is still wet with her juices, the scent filling up your nose. It looks like you interrupted a hot session. You pose with the vibrator in hand and snap a picture.
You put the vibrator back where you found it and head for the door, waiting for an opportunity to escape the room. Suddenly, an image of $Bella infiltrates your mind.
She is naked. You can see her naked. Well, your duplicate can, somehow. You have no idea what is happening, but you are going to enjoy this scene as long as you can. Her ass and her tits can give any girl a run for her money, especially her behind.
Shit, you should probably get out of here before she finds you in her room. While she is still busy arguing with your duplicate, you wait for the perfect chance to make your escape. "ARE YOU STARING AT MY CHEST? she shouts and smacks you in the face.
Yup, this is your cue. You swiftly sneak behind them and successfully get away. Sure, your duplicate might have had the worst of it, but you will live. Having had enough of your bullshit, the cheerleader goes back inside and slams the door.
Now that your duplicate finished the job, you release your hold on your power. You are now back to normal, and you had enough excitement for one evening. It is time to leave.
[[You are out of here.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $metDiana to true>>\
<<set $exploreDay3 to true>>\
You hesitate for a moment, then decide to approach her. "Hey, are you alright?" you ask gently, making sure not to startle her.
She looks up, startled at first, but then her expression softens. "Oh. I didn’t hear you coming. It’s nothing, really," she replies, attempting a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
You take a seat beside her, leaving a comfortable distance. "I'm not convinced. I'm $name. I am a freshman here. Are you a freshman as well?," you ask, giving her a friendly smile.
She sighs, brushing her hands across her shirt. "I'm $Diana, and no. I am one of the cleaners, or maids, or whatever they call them here at college," she says, her voice shaky. Interesting. But what is she doing out here all alone? And, why was she crying?
[[Want to talk about it?|Love Focus 7.1]]
[[Tears don't suit your beautiful face.|Lust Focus 7.1]]
[[Comfort her.|Both Focus 7.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO + 2>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU - 1>>\
You better tread softly. "I know it might sound cliché, but sometimes, just sharing what's bothering you makes things a little better. You don't need to pretend everything is fine," you say softly.
$Diana glances at you, her eyes softening as she blinks away a tear. "You’re really kind," she says, her voice warm with appreciation. The vulnerable atmosphere between you becomes one of genuine understanding.
You listen patiently as she shares her worries; it is mostly about personal issues and some difficult tasks she had to take on as a cleaner. You make sure to pay attention, offering supportive words without trying to push her too far.
"And now, I barely have any money left to take the bus home this evening," she continues sharing her problems.
She has money problems too. This is rather interesting. One one hand, if you have enough money, you can help her if you want to. On the other hand, this seems like the perfect opportunity to exploit the broke maid, if you feel like a monster.
[[Summon some money first.|Summoning 3 Day 5]]
<<if $money >= 50>>\
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.|GH50WAIR Day 5]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.|PWHTF50 Day 5]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.|HHF50 Day 5]]
You do not have enough money to do anything.
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO - 1>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 2>>\
"You know, with a face that pretty, I'd be surprised if anyone could stay upset for long. You should really smile more often," you flirt with her.
$Diana looks at you in surprise, and a blush spreads across her cheeks. She lets out a small, nervous laugh. "You're just saying that," she murmurs, though the way her lips curve upward suggests she appreciates the compliment.
You inch slightly closer, leaning in just enough that your shoulder brushes against hers. You cup her cheek with your hand. Talk about forward. "I mean it. You have a really pretty smile, and it's a shame not to see it more."
Your gaze lingers, and $Diana looks away, the blush on her cheeks deepening as she fidgets with her shirt. Although she does not say anything in response, the atmosphere between you changes, a playful tension hanging in the air.
You know if you push her any further, she will probably be creeped, so you steer the conversation to something else. "So, pretty eyes, what was bothering you before I blessed you with my presence?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking over how I'll get home without any money for the bus," she explains.
She has money problems too. This is rather interesting. One one hand, if you have enough money, you can help her if you want to. On the other hand, this seems like the perfect opportunity to exploit the broke maid, if you feel like a monster.
[[Summon some money first.|Summoning 3 Day 5]]
<<if $money >= 50>>\
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.|GH50WAIR Day 5]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.|PWHTF50 Day 5]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.|HHF50 Day 5]]
You do not have enough money to do anything.
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO + 1>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 1>>\
Wanting to comfort $Diana while still leaving room for something more, you choose your words carefully. "You deserve better than whatever it is that's bringing you down. Anyone would be lucky to have you on their side. Besides, you're way too beautiful to be sitting here upset all alone," you say with a hint of honesty and charm.
$Diana looks up at you, and you can see her lips part in surprise. "You really think so?" she asks, her voice soft.
You nod with a warm smile. "Absolutely. And if anyone ever makes you feel like you’re not enough, you just tell me. I’ll take care of them." Your tone is joking, but there's sincerity behind your words.
She giggles, a hint of blush rising to her cheeks, and she nudges you playfully. "You're really sweet," she says, her eyes locking onto yours. She gives you a grateful look and continues. "But nobody is bothering me. I just forgot to bring over some money for the bus home."
She has money problems too. This is rather interesting. One one hand, if you have enough money, you can help her if you want to. On the other hand, this seems like the perfect opportunity to exploit the broke maid, if you feel like a monster.
[[Summon some money first.|Summoning 3 Day 5]]
<<if $money >= 50>>\
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.|GH50WAIR Day 5]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.|PWHTF50 Day 5]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.|HHF50 Day 5]]
You do not have enough money to do anything.
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Cash1.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockSummon is false>>\
<<set $unlockSummon to true>>\
<<set $summon to $summon + 1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>\
<<if $summon >= 3>>\
<<set $money to $money + 200>>\
<<set $money to $money + 100>>\
<<set $iq to $iq + 1>>\
You focus on the thought of money. You are materializing it. No, you are calling it, or rather, you are ''summoning'' it. You close your eyes and disregard all of your surroundings and focus on its shape, on the paper, on the linen and cotton it is made of, and finally on the number.
You open back your eyes and see <<if $summon >=3>>two hundred dollar bills in your hand. It looks like using this power is paying off.<<else>>a hundred dollar bill in your hand. Shame you couldn't ''summon'' more, but you will work on improving this power.<</if>> You pocket your money and look at the maid. Let's see what you can spend it on.
''<span class="green">Money</span> Increased!''
''<span class="orange">Intelligence</span> Increased!''
[[Give her $50 without anything in return.|GH50WAIR Day 5]]
[[Play with her tits for $50.|PWHTF50 Day 5]]
[[Humiliate her for $50.|HHF50 Day 5]]
[[Wish her good luck and leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/NSvids/DH.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $money to $money - 50>>\
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO + 3>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 1>>\
It is time to do something nice for someone for a change. You grab some money out of your wallet and offer it to $Diana. "Take this. I have some money to spare right now," you say.
She looks at the money and shakes her head. "No, $name. I can't take this. It's your money," she declines the money.
"Consider it a gift. Plus, if I really needed the money, I wouldn't be offering this to you in the first place. Take it," you insist.
She smiles warmly, gently placing her hands over yours. You can obviously tell she appreciates the gesture. She takes the money and stands up, her hand clinging to yours. "This is really the nicest someone has ever been to me. I, uh—say, can you show me your room?" she asks.
You are not sure what she has in mind exactly, but you are not about to refuse. You lead her to your dorm room, her hand holding yours tightly all the way. When you open the door and go inside, she immediately pushes you to the bed and straddles you.
"I know you're not expecting anything in return, but I want to do this," she says, her breathing heavy. She locks her lips with yours, kissing you with intense hunger and passion you have not seen in any girl in a while. You match her hunger, shoving your tongue down her throat.
She stands up, removing your shirt and taking off her clothes, leaving nothing but her panties. Your eyes trail toward her perky tits and then downwards to her thong. It is not the underwear you expected from her, but you refrain from making any comments when you notice the deep blush on her face. Without exchanging any words, she climbs over you again, returning to your intense makeout session.
However, this time, the kissing is accompanied by lots of groping from both parties. She runs her hands all over your hard body, from your back to your shoulders, to your chest, to your abs, and then repeat. Similarly, your hands travel all over her body, focusing on feeling up her tits and her ass.
What first started as a simple makeout session turned into dry humping. You play with her ass, grabbing and slapping it while she grinds over your crotch. It is not enough to make you finish, but you can tell $Diana is getting closer to the edge. She moves her ass faster until you can feel her nails digging into your back, a sign that she had just cum over you.
<<if $looks <= 3>>\
She gets off you and lays beside you on the bed, taking a second to recover from her orgasm. She looks over at your rock hard cock and lowers her gaze. "Oh, you didn't finish? I'm sorry, $name. I don't think I'm ready to do anyth—"
"$Diana," you interrupt her and throw your arm round her shoulder. "This was amazing, and you are not the only one who enjoyed it. I don't care that I did not get to finish. We'll take this at your own pace."
Your words of affirmation put her at ease, and she visibly relaxes. You cuddle with her for a few more minutes before she excuses herself to catch her bus. She gives you a deep kiss, gets dressed, and hops out of the room. Well, this was quite the evening.
[[Continue.|Day 5 Evening]]
[[Continue.|Diana BJ Day 5]]\
<</if>><div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN4.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/VN/VN5.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaT2 to true>>\
<<set $money to $money - 50>>\
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO - 2>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 1>>\
<<if $dianaH2 is false>>\
You stand up and take $Diana by hand, encouraging her to follow you. "Where are we going?" she asks.
"You need money, right? I will help you but not for free. We're going to an empty classroom, so I can take my money's worth," you say as you go inside one of the buildings.
The good thing is that they do not close the buildings or lock the classrooms. You find an empty classroom and head inside.
"Show me your tits," you demand, taking a seat while the girl stands there dumbfounded.
"I'm not going to—"
You wave the money in her face before she gets a chance to object. "Look, I'm not going to take this far. It's just a bit of fun, and you can get some money in return for it," you stretch your arm, offering the money to her. "Or, we could both just leave, and I can keep my money."
She stands there, eyeing the money. She thinks it over for a few seconds, and then she snatches the money from your hand. "Good girl. Now, strip. Slowly."
Silently, she follows your command, slowly and teasingly lifting up her shirt. She first exposes one of her breasts while covering the other behind her top. She might not be too happy about this ordeal, but she is certainly working for her money.
Your eyes follow her other hand which slowly works its way up to the other breast. The process is painfully slow, but you are enjoying every second of it. Finally, she removes her top completely.
You signal for her to come closer, and she obeys, leaning down towards your face. She already knows what you want. As she gets closer, you can see the disgust on her face. You smirk. "Don't forget. You always have a choice, $Diana." You cup her exposed tits, taking them in your hands.
You take this chance to pinch her nipples and bite on them. Fuck, she has a great rack. You manhandle her tits, roughly squeezing and slapping them. $Diana can not help but moan as you continue your onslaught. "Alright, that is enough," she pulls away before she starts to enjoy this.
<<if $dianaH2 is false>>\
[[Humiliate her for $50.|HHF50 Day 5]]
[[End this and let her leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container1">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<img src="Images/VN/VN6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $dianaH2 to true>>\
<<set $money to $money - 50>>\
<<set $dianaLO to $dianaLO - 3>>\
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 2>>\
<<if $dianaT2 is false>>\
You stand up and take $Diana by hand, encouraging her to follow you. "Where are we going?" she asks.
"You need money, right? I will help you but not for free. We're going to an empty classroom, so I can take my money's worth," you say as you go inside one of the buildings.
The good thing is that they do not close the buildings or lock the classrooms. You find an empty classroom and head inside.
You take a seat and grin from ear to ear. You have a devilish idea, and it makes you proud how evil you can be when you desire. You are about to humiliate this girl in one of the worst ways possible.
"I'll give you the cash right now in your hand. All you have to do is follow my instructions. Stand on that table," you point to the teacher's desk. She does not question an innocent demand like this and does as you command. "I hope you drank enough water today because I want you to piss yourself," you say, a mischievous smile on your face.
"Did I stutter?" you ask, your voice more commanding. You place the cash on the desk. "Take a leak for me, bitch."
You can see the gears turning in her head as she looks at the money. The tears running down her face tells you all you need to know; she has come to a decision, one that is in your favor.
She squats on the desk and closes her eyes. She places a hand over her covered pussy, trying to maintain the remaining bit of dignity she has left. Once she realizes that this will not help her situation, she drops her hand and lets it happen. She starts pissing her pants, the water leaking through her pants and onto the desk.
You circle your finger, beckoning her to turn around. She follows your command and turns around, her ass facing you now. Knowing that you are not satisfied yet, she pisses her pants for you again, the desk becoming a filthy mess. This gives you another idea.
"Clean the mess you made. This is your job, is it not?"
You can see anger build up on her face, but her desperation for money overwhelms any other emotions. She bends over the desk, wiping her piss with her covered tits. It is not what you had in mind exactly, but she gets points for creativity. Her top and her pants are now covered with her filth.
The power dynamics of social hierarchy are brilliantly displayed here. The power you hold and the control you have over her financial situation, over her, is completely riveting. You want more. You look around the classroom and find a cylindrical container. This will work.
"Take off your clothes and fill this container as much as possible," you demand.
"No! I alrea—"
You point to the money. "You're done when you earn this money. Or, you can just leave now. But you're already half-way through, $Diana. Just one more step."
She sighs in defeat and removes her clothes. You have no idea how much she drank before you met her, but you are not going to question it. She places herself over the container and resumes pissing, emptying her bladder inside of it.
"Just one more thing. Do something fitting for the finale. I don't care what you do. Just get creative."
Surprisingly, she comes up with an idea pretty quickly. She picks up her wet top and starts to dry it all over her body. Yeah, she is creative alright. You clap your hands, and she takes this as a sign to put on her clothes and take the money.
It was money well-spent. You start to wonder if she has any spare clothes or if she will go home like this, covered in her own filth. Well, it is really not your problem. Now, is there anything you would like to do, or should you let her leave?
<<if $dianaT2 is false>>\
[[Play with her tits for $50.|PWHTF50 Day 5]]
[[End this and let her leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $dianaLU to $dianaLU + 2>>\
<<set $dianaBJ2 to true>>\
Once she recovered from her orgasm, she stands back up, her buckling knees threatening to take her down. Well, this was fun; you reach for your shirt to put it back on, but she stops you. "Not yet. Come closer," she signals for you to sit on the edge of the bed. You do as she says.
She gets down on her knees, willingly, and takes off your pants and the piece of underwear you had on. "You already did a lot for me. Relax and let me take care of you now," she says, her voice filled with lust.
$Diana wraps her beautiful lips around your cock and starts sucking the soul out of you. You tightly hold the bed sheets from the sheer pleasure that is coursing through your body. She might not be able to take the full length of your cock, but her enthusiasm as she gobbles your dick makes up for it.
She bobs her head up and down your throbbing length, making sure to focus on the areas that elicit a reaction from you. She uses her tongue to lick the end of your dick, alternating between this technique and eagerly sucking your cock.
Wanting to try something else, she takes your hard cock out of her mouth and moves to your balls. $Diana covers your balls with her spit drool and gently takes them in her mouth. She makes sure to suck delicately but with enough roughness to give you pleasure.
She returns to sucking your dick and occasionally, giving your balls some love as well. "Fuck yes, my cock feels so fucking good, $Diana. Don't stop," you encourage her which adds to her enthusiasm. She is moaning and gagging as she takes as much of your length as she possibly can. It is not much later until you arrive to your limit.
[[Cum on her face.|Diana BJ Day 5 End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN7.jpg" width="400px">
You finally reach the brink of your orgasm. Without warning $Diana, you shoot load after load on her face. She invitingly takes every spurt of cum you deliver on her face, closing her eyes and letting it happen until you empty your tank.
Once you are done with the last drop, she stands up and scoops up some of your cum from her face to taste it. "It's a bit salty, but I like it!" she lets you know. She excuses herself to the bathroom to clean up the rest of the mess you made.
You dress back up, and it does not take long before she leaves the bathroom, all clean and all dressed. She gives you a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for this evening, $name. It means a lot," she says, her appreciation evident in her voice.
You let her know that she was quite amazing herself. Your words of affirmation put her at ease, and she visibly relaxes. You cuddle with her for a few more minutes before she excuses herself to catch her bus. She gives you a deep kiss, gets dressed, and hops out of the room. Well, this was quite the evening.
[[Return.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Phone1.jpg" width="400px">
It’s been almost two days since the mission, and yet, there’s been no word from the Dean. Logically, she’d be the first to follow up. You pick up your phone, staring at her contact name.
Why hasn’t she reached out? Was the mission not as significant as you thought? Or worse, has something happened to her? You’re sure she was briefed about how it went. There’s no way she wouldn’t know by now.
Still, the lack of communication gnaws at you.. Does she have no use for you right now? You dial her number, your thumb pressing the screen almost reflexively. The phone rings a few times before the call connects.
[[She answers the phone.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN8.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $action to $action + 1>>\
You look around the room and realize how messy it actually looks. On the surface, it might look clean, but if you were to look closer, you'd notice that it requires some cleaning. Good thing the prestigious college has free room service, right? You dial room service, give them the room number, and wait for your service to arrive.
A few minutes later, there is a knock on your door. You didn't realize they work that fast. You get up and open the door, finding none other than $Diana, the cleaner girl you've met two days ago. You'd think the college would prohibit a revealing outfit like hers.
<<if $dianaNice is true>>\
As soon as $Diana sees you, her expression softens into a warm smile. “Oh, it’s you,” she says, stepping into the room. “Didn’t expect to be cleaning your room today.”
You step aside, letting her in. “Yeah, small world,” you reply casually, watching as she surveys the mess.
She pauses, her gaze briefly meeting yours. “I never got to properly thank you for what you did the other day,” she says, her voice tinged with sincerity.
“You don’t have to,” you reply, brushing it off. “It was no big deal. Plus, you thanked me quite nicely if I remember correctly.”
“Uh. Yes, I did. I know it might not be a big deal to you,” she says, blushing deeply and setting her cleaning supplies down. “But it meant a lot to me. You didn’t have to help me, and yet, you did.”
Before you can respond, she closes the distance between you, standing on her toes to press a soft, lingering kiss on your cheek. “There,” she says with a slight blush, “another thank you.”
The air between you grows quiet for a moment. Then she clears her throat, snapping herself back to her professional demeanor. “Alright, time to make this place spotless.”
You smile. “Just don’t get carried away. It’s not that messy.”
She laughs, rolling her eyes as she starts cleaning. “We’ll see about that.”
<<if $charisma >= 5>>\
[[Try to make a move on her.|Diana Fucking 1]]
You don't feel charismatic enough to make a move on her.
[[Let her do her job.|Diana Cleaning]]
<<print $Diana>>’s eyes darken as soon as she sees you, her posture stiffening. “Fuck,” she mutters under her breath, stepping into the room without waiting for an invitation.
“Good to see you too,” you say, shutting the door behind her.
She doesn’t respond, instead setting her cleaning supplies down with a little more force than necessary. “Didn’t think I’d have to deal with you again so soon,” she says, her tone cold.
You smirk. “Hey, I’m just making use of the college's services. I’m helping you do your job.”
Her jaw tightens, but she doesn’t rise to the bait. Instead, she gets straight to work, scrubbing the surfaces with a precision that feels almost aggressive.
[[Be a dickhead.|Diana Cleaning Dickhead]]
<<if $iq >= 4>>\
[[Make a move on her.|Diana BJ Humiliation]]
You don't feel smart enough to take advantage of this situation.
<</if>>\<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN8.jpg" width="400px">
“$Diana,” you say, letting your voice dip just slightly, testing the waters. “You know, it’s not every day someone like you walks into my room.”
She straightens, her hand tightening around the cleaning cloth as a faint blush creeps onto her cheeks. “Someone like me?” she repeats cautiously, her tone curious but guarded.
You smile, leaning back in your chair. “Yeah. Someone who’s as hardworking as they are beautiful.”
She blinks, clearly caught off guard by the compliment. For a moment, she looks like she’s debating whether to brush it off or let herself respond. Finally, she tilts her head slightly, a small, amused smile playing on her lips.
“Are you always this charming, or is today a special occasion?” she asks, a hint of teasing in her voice.
“Only when I’m inspired,” you reply smoothly, letting your charm flow naturally now. “And you’re definitely inspiring, $Diana.”
She bites her lip, clearly flustered but trying to maintain her composure. “You’ve got a silver tongue, I’ll give you that,” she murmurs, turning back to her work. But her movements are slower now, more deliberate, as if she’s more aware of your presence—and your attention.
You stand, crossing the room to stand a little closer, leaning against the wall. “I mean it,” you say softly. “You deserve more than this, you know. Cleaning up after people who don’t appreciate you.”
Her hands pause for a moment, and she glances at you again, her eyes searching yours. “And you think you’re different?” she asks, her voice quieter now, almost vulnerable.
You step closer, your voice dropping to a gentle murmur. “I’d like to think so. Maybe you should let me prove it.”
For a moment, there’s only silence between you, the air thick with tension. Then, unexpectedly, she sets down her cleaning supplies and turns to face you fully.
“Prove it how?” she asks, her voice soft but challenging, her gaze steady as it meets yours.
[[Pull her into a kiss.|Diana Fucking 1.1]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN9.jpg" width="400px">
You settle back onto your bed, pulling out your phone to scroll aimlessly. Notifications pop up—a reminder about an assignment and a few random memes on social media. None of it really holds your attention, though.
Your eyes keep drifting back to $Diana as she moves around the room, wiping down surfaces and organizing things with a practiced efficiency. There’s something almost mesmerizing about the way she works—graceful, precise, and entirely focused on the task at hand.
You try to act casual, flicking through your phone with one hand while sneaking glances at her out of the corner of your eye. It’s hard not to notice how attractive she is, especially in this uniform. Come on, her ass is literally out!
She pauses for a moment, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. Her expression is soft, thoughtful, and completely unaware of the way she’s catching your attention.
You quickly look back at your phone, pretending to read a random post as she glances in your direction. Her lips curl into a faint, almost shy smile before she returns to her work.
The sound of her humming softly under her breath reaches you. It’s a simple tune, but it adds another layer to the already calming atmosphere she brings with her. You can’t help but feel drawn to her in a way that goes beyond just physical attraction. There’s something genuine about her, something unguarded and refreshing compared to the people you usually interact with.
Eventually, she finishes her duty, giving you a kiss goodbye before she leaves. How exactly do you see $Diana? Is it physical attraction or something deeper? Or perhaps it's just curiosity.
[[Next.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video width="400px" controls loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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You lean back in your chair, a smug grin creeping onto your face as you watch $Diana move around the room. You drum your fingers on the desk, feigning disinterest, but you’re fully aware of the power you hold in this moment.
“There,” you say, pointing to the bookshelf. “It’s dusty. Make sure you get the corners.”
She hesitates for the briefest moment before nodding. “Of course.”
She moves to the shelf and starts dusting, her movements deliberate and precise. You watch her for a moment before speaking again.
“The table too,” you add, your tone casual but firm. “I spilled something there yesterday. Make it spotless.”
She clenches her jaw but doesn’t respond, simply shifting to the table as instructed. There’s a quietness about her now, a subdued energy that only fuels your satisfaction.
“And the door handle,” you continue, leaning forward slightly. “Don’t miss any spots.”
Her hands tighten around the cloth she’s holding, and for a moment, you think she might say something. But instead, she lets out a soft sigh and moves to the window, diligently wiping it down.
You watch her closely, noting the way she avoids looking in your direction. You watch her every movement, interested in her bare ass as much as commanding her around. “You know,” you say, leaning back casually, “you’re pretty good at this. Maybe you should clean more often.”
Her hands falter slightly, but she catches herself quickly, continuing her work without a word. The silence in the room feels heavy, and yet, you don’t stop.
When she finishes the handle, you nod toward the table near you. “There’s some dust over here. Might as well take care of that while you’re here.”
She finally looks at you, her expression unreadable. There’s no defiance, no anger—just a quiet resignation that somehow makes the moment even more satisfying.
“Yes, sir,” she says softly, her voice devoid of emotion as she kneels to clean the baseboard.
You smirk, turning your attention to her exposed ass. You have to hold yourself back from reaching in and groping it. For all her silence, there’s a tension simmering beneath the surface, a reminder that she hasn’t forgotten what happened two days ago.
And you can’t help but wonder how long she’ll endure this before she cracks. You keep this going, making sure to direct her to positions where her ass would be compromised. The power you have over her feels great, but you shouldn't push your luck.
[[Watch that ass leave.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN8.jpg" width="400px">
You lean against the bed, arms crossed, watching as $Diana scrubs the floor near the corner of the room. The quiet sound of her cleaning is oddly satisfying, but your focus isn’t entirely on her work. Instead, you observe her carefully, your sharp mind already formulating the next step.
“You missed a spot,” you say, pointing toward an already spotless section.
She hesitates for a second, looking up at you with a flicker of frustration in her eyes. But as quickly as it appears, it’s gone. She silently shifts to the area you indicated, her movements stiff.
“You know,” you begin, your voice calm and calculated, “you’re clearly smart enough to do better than this. Cleaning rooms for people who barely notice you? It’s beneath you.”
Her hand slows, and she looks up again, this time with a trace of curiosity. “You think so?”
“I know so,” you reply smoothly. “Someone like you, with a little guidance, could easily be running circles around people who think they’re above you. All you need is the right push—someone who sees your potential.”
She sits back on her heels, resting her hands on her thighs, her gaze narrowing slightly. “And you think you’re that someone? After the humiliation you put me through? I'm not interested, $name.”
[[Try a different approach.|Diana BJ Humiliation 2]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You pull $Diana into a kiss, savoring the taste of her sweet lips. You push your tongue into her mouth, dancing with hers in unison. Once you break the kiss, you look into her eyes, a hint of love and lust in them.
You take a seat on the bed and pull her on top of you, your lips interlocking with hers again. You just can't get enough of this girl. You place both of your hands on her ass, and she moans in your mouth.
You pull back, your hands still rested on her ass. "You look so fucking hot in this outfit, $Diana," you say, giving her ass a firm squeeze.
"Yeah, how about you fuck me in it then?" she says, her voice sultry and out of breath. She wants it as much as you do.
"Turn around. Let me see this gorgeous ass of yours," you demand, giving it a light slap which draws out a moan from her.
She does as instructed and presents her ass to you. You don't waste any second and insert your cock inside of her glistening pussy. "Fuck. Fuck. Fu—you've got a monster cock, $name. I feel so full," she squirms, trying to adjust to your size.
You give her a second before you start moving; however, she takes it upon herself to bounce her ass on your cock instead. $Diana starts moving up and down your cock, her walls contracting every time your full length is inside of her. Is she having a mini orgasm every time your cock hits her womb?
She is! You notice her body shaking every time she takes your cock as deep as she can. Soon though, she starts slowing down, her body getting more tired with each time she cums. You decide to help her, holding her hips in place and plunging your cock inside her cunt.
She grunts as you hit her pussy with your cock as hard as you can, getting off from the rough fucking you're giving her. She can't hold back and cums again, but you don't stop. She tries to escape, her pussy extra sensitive, but you hold her in place, fucking her faster as she squirms and moans under your assault. "FU—MY PusSY—I'M C—$name!"
She tries to say a bunch of things, but you could only make sense of your $name. Soon enough, you feel yourself close, and it's a matter of where to release your cum now.
[[Creampie her.|Diana Creampie]]
[[Cover her body.]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
You're not sure if this is a good idea or not. You just know you want to do it; you want to creampie her pussy. You continue fucking her cunt, the only thought in the back of your head is filling her.
"I'm going to fill your cunt with my cum, $Diana," you announce, though you're not sure if it's to gain her permission of if you're just voicing your thought.
You push $Diana on her back, making her face you. She just squrims underneath you, talking nonsense as you take care of her pussy with your cock. Seeing that she won't stop you, you decide to go on with your plan to creampie her.
You increase your pace as you near your limit and then slow down again as you start pumping your cum inside of her. Load after load, you stay in the same position until your balls are finally empty.
You pull your dick outside, and your cum starts leaking out of her cunt, a sign that you just filled her to the brim. Done with your fucking, you cuddle with her, giving her all the time she needs to return to her senses. A moment later, she speaks. "You've got a very nice cock, you know."
You chuckle. "Thanks. I could say the same about your pussy."
She laughs and punches you lightly. "I know it was the heat of the moment, but you shouldn't have done it inside of me," she says, her face lacking any concern. "It should be okay," she sighs before getting up.
She fixes her clothing and finds her scattered tools. "I've gotta go, but thank you for treating me nice," she gives you a peck before leaving.
There’s something genuine about her, something unguarded and refreshing compared to the people you usually interact with. How exactly do you see $Diana? Is it physical attraction or something deeper? Or perhaps it's just curiosity.
[[Next.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN11.jpg" width="400px">
Thankfully, you can think carefully even when your cock is deep inside her cunt. You pull your dick out and flip $Diana around. She offers no resistance, a dazed expression on her face as she looks at you.
You stand over her and pump your dick for a few seconds until you spray your thick cum all over her face and tits. She sits there, letting you do as you please until your balls are empty.
"You look so fucking good with my cum on you, $Diana."
She doesn't say anything and just moans. You really fucked her brains out. Done with your fucking, you cuddle with her, giving her all the time she needs to return to her senses. A moment later, she speaks. "You've got a very nice cock, you know."
You chuckle. "Thanks. I could say the same about your pussy."
She laughs and punches you lightly. "And, the amount you shoot is not normal either," she says, but she doesn't look annoyed by it. "I'll need a good shower after this" she sighs before getting up.
She fixes her clothing and finds her scattered tools. "I've gotta go, but thank you for treating me nice," she gives you a peck before leaving.
There’s something genuine about her, something unguarded and refreshing compared to the people you usually interact with. How exactly do you see $Diana? Is it physical attraction or something deeper? Or perhaps it's just curiosity.
[[Next.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
<video width="400px" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="Videos/VN/VN7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
"Suck my cock, whore," you demand bluntly, your cock already out and throbbing. She looks at you in horror before heading for the door. "Leave that room before taking care of me, and everyone will see the videos of you being a worthless whore for a couple of bucks."
She stops dead in her tracks, and you could almost hear her gulp from right where you are. You're lying, and you know it. Hell, even she knows it, but she can't call your bluff; she's not brave enough.
Reluctantly, she turns around and gets closer to you. You wave your phone to urge her, and she holds your dick in her hands. "Let me see those tits first, slut," you command, leaving no room for her to decline.
She exposes her tits for you, and without muttering a single word, she wraps her lips around your cock. She begins bobbing her head up and down your cock, taking as much of your length as she can.
"Fuck yeah. That's a good girl. Keep going," you encourage her, holding her hair while she works on your hard cock.
She takes a moment to breathe, her face covered with drool and precum. Your cock throbs at the sight. "Such a slutty maid. Do your job and polish my cock."
She gives you a defiant look but doesn't say anything, choosing to suck your dick instead. She returns to it, her eyes meeting yours as she tries to take your member down her throat. Noticing that you're more sensitive at the tip, she focuses her effort there, lapping her tongue around your glans.
[[Cum without warning her.]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/VN/VN10.jpg" width="400px">
While all her focus is on pleasing your dick, you decide to surprise her with your cum. She has half of your cock in her mouth when you start to cum, making her gag as your load surprises her without warning.
Removing your dick from her hot mouth, you continue cumming, making sure to mark her tits as well. After you're finally done, you watch your new masterpiece, your cum falling down her chin and onto her chest.
"Good job, $Diana. You can leave now," you say, grinning from ear to ear.
She fixes her clothes and collects her stuff, but before opening the door, she stops. “You know, not everyone has the luxury to be as smug as you,” she says without looking at you. “Some of us are just trying to get by.”
You raise an eyebrow, surprised by her boldness. “What’s your point?”
“My point,” she says, finally meeting your gaze, “is that maybe next time, you think twice before using someone else’s struggles for your entertainment.”
Her words hang heavy in the air, and for once, you don’t have a snappy comeback.
When she finishes cleaning, she opens the door and leaves. “Your room’s clean. Enjoy your day.”
And with that, she’s gone, leaving behind a spotless room—and a faint feeling of something you weren’t expecting.
[[Next.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Bed1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $time to "Night">>\
The evening passes, and it feels quiet tonight, and for once, you don’t feel the usual pull to stay up late and distract yourself.
You glance at the clock: 9:47 PM. It’s early by your standards, but the weight of exhaustion tugs at you. The dreams—or rather, the nightmares—have taken their toll. The last two nights, it’s the same pattern: vivid, haunting scenes of your death, leaving you waking up in a cold sweat. It’s starting to wear you down.
You toss your phone onto the nightstand and stretch, your muscles aching with a fatigue that feels deeper than physical. "Maybe just one night of actual sleep," you mutter to yourself.
Sliding under the covers, you let out a long sigh. The sheets are cool, the pillow soft, and for the first time in what feels like weeks, your mind doesn’t race. You focus on your breathing—slow, steady, deliberate.
Your eyes flutter shut, and you allow the stillness of the night to envelope you. For once, you dare to hope for a dreamless sleep, free from the weight of powers and impossible choices.
And as consciousness fades, you feel a flicker of relief, a fleeting thought crossing your mind: Maybe tonight will be different.
[[Sleep.|Assassination POV]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Assassin1.jpg" width="400px">
The metallic scent of blood hung heavy in the air, mixing with the faint tang of bleach. He stood in the dimly lit room, his gloved hands meticulously working to clean up the aftermath. The body on the floor was just another job, another nameless soul who had been deemed a threat to the organization.
His face betrayed no emotion as he worked. This was routine—methodical, precise, detached. He crouched beside the corpse, carefully wiping away any trace of his presence, his movements almost reverent in their efficiency.
The silence was broken by the faint buzz of his phone vibrating in his pocket. He froze, his muscles tense, before reaching for the device with a steady hand.
The caller ID flashed with a single word: ''Control''.
He swiped to answer, bringing the phone to his ear without a word.
“You’re needed for another job,” the voice on the other end said, curt and cold.
“I’m in the middle of something,” he replied, his tone calm but firm.
“This one takes precedence,” Control interrupted. “High-priority target. Young, dangerous. We’ve identified the location—dormitory on the east side of campus. You’ll recognize him. Name’s $name.”
His brow furrowed slightly, though his voice remained neutral. “What’s the urgency?”
“He's untrained, but his potential is significant. It’s better to eliminate the threat before it develops further. Tonight.”
There was no room for argument in the tone. He let out a slow breath through his mask, his mind already shifting gears.
“Understood,” he said simply, ending the call.
He slipped the phone back into his pocket and stood, surveying the scene before him. The body was nearly dealt with, but the timing was inconvenient. Still, orders were orders, and he had never failed a mission before.
Grabbing his gear, he took one last look at the lifeless form on the floor before stepping out into the night. The target was close, and the clock was ticking. This time, he would finish the job before it even started.
[[Continue.|Assassination POV 2]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Assassin1.jpg" width="400px">
The city skyline glowed faintly under the veil of night, each window a dim speck against the darkness. It was almost poetic, how the quiet mundanity of people’s lives masked the chaos lurking just out of sight.
Perched on a nearby rooftop, he steadied his breathing, focusing intently on the target. $name. He had been briefed extensively about the target—a college student, seemingly unremarkable, but someone who was far more dangerous than he appeared.
It wasn’t the target’s actions that warranted elimination, but his potential. Powers like his couldn’t go unchecked, not with the future at stake. He closed his eyes, focusing on his own gift: mind reading.
His thoughts reached out, stretching across the space that separated them. The connection was instant, a jarring flood of fragmented emotions and fleeting images.
Tired. Frustrated. Desperate for peace. The target’s mind was surprisingly loud, a swirl of fleeting thoughts that painted a picture of someone barely holding it together. He frowned—this didn’t seem like someone with the capability to disrupt their plans. But orders were orders, and he's not one to underestimate a target.
“Maybe just one night of actual sleep.” He latched onto that thought, the clarity of it startling in its simplicity. Perfect. A sleeping target was easier to handle, less margin for error.
He moved silently, his footsteps inaudible against the concrete. The target’s thoughts grew quieter as he descended into sleep, his subconscious now a haze of faint impressions.
He drew a blade, its edge gleaming faintly in the moonlight. He always preferred blades over guns despite carrying both. Tonight, he would ensure this potential threat never realized its full power.
[[Continue.|Assassination POV 3]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/Pics/Assassin2.jpg" width="400px">
The room is quiet—eerily so. The dim glow of the bedside lamp casts long shadows on the walls. You’re restless in your sleep, the usual turmoil of dreams twisting through your mind. Outside, the faint sound of footsteps is muffled by the carpeted hallway.
The assassin stands just beyond the threshold, a blade gleaming in one hand, a silenced pistol in the other. He doesn’t need to rush; he knows you’re alone. His mind reading ability keeps him steps ahead of his targets, and tonight is no different. His thoughts are a cold calculation of probabilities and tactics. One purpose drives him forward: eliminating you.
He enters without a sound, gun raised, the blade ready as a backup. Every step brings him closer, the whisper of his mind brushing against yours. Dreams. He chuckles darkly. You’re dreaming of something, oblivious to the death approaching your bed.
Your eyes snap open. For a split second, you see his silhouette—a shadow against the faint glow of the window. Adrenaline surges, but there’s no time to react.
"Awake already?" His voice is low, almost amused. He raises the gun. "Doesn’t matter."
You throw yourself off the bed, narrowly avoiding the first shot. The silenced gunfire is muffled, but the thud of the bullet hitting the headboard behind you is unmistakable. Instinct takes over as you scramble to your feet, knocking over a lamp in the process.
He doesn’t hesitate. The second shot comes quicker.
A searing pain stems in your side, and you stagger, pressing your hand to the wound. Blood oozes between your fingers, warm and sticky. Your vision blurs, but you force yourself to stay upright, glaring at the assassin.
"Not bad," he says, stepping closer, his blade glinting in the low light. "But this ends now."
[[Another bullet goes off.|Version End]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA6.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $action to $action + 1>>\
<<set $deanDay5 to true>>\
"Good evening, Mr. $lastname. To what do I owe the pleasure?" she asks, her voice as composed and poised as ever.
"Good evening, Mrs. $Parker," you reply, hesitating for a moment. Why did you even call her? Was it answers you sought, or something more intangible? Reassurance, perhaps?
"Mr. $lastname?" she prompts, breaking your thoughts.
"My apologies," you say, steadying your tone. "I was just wondering why you didn’t try to contact me after the mission ended. <<if $zoeLose || $haileyLose>>Was it because we failed? Because I didn’t meet your expectations?" you ask, voice rough but resolute.<<else>>The mission was a success. I led it as you trusted me to, and I delivered. I thought you’d at least acknowledge that," you add, the smugness unmistakable.<</if>>
"Yes, I was fully debriefed," she replies, her voice carefully measured, almost a whisper. "But whether you won or lost doesn’t matter in this case. The mission was a failure regardless—we obtained no valuable information."
Her tone remains calm, but you catch the faintest edge of irritation beneath it, like a crack in a polished surface. Just how long has this been going on for? How much had she sacrificed in pursuit of answers? And how much more was she willing to lose?
"<<if $zoeLose || $haileyLose>>And don’t concern yourself with my ''standards''. I don’t measure your worth by the outcome of a single battle, especially one I know you’d have won under different circumstances.<<else>>That said, you exceeded my expectations, Mr. $lastname. I had faith in your capabilities, and you proved me right.<</if>>"
You exhale, torn between relief and skepticism. Her words are encouraging, but there’s an undertone to them, something that makes you question their sincerity. Was this genuine praise or calculated appeasement?
"Thank you," you say, letting the silence linger a moment before pressing further. "But you still haven’t answered me—why didn’t you reach out earlier?"
"Quite simply, there was no need," she answers briskly. "There are no new missions and no new information to share with you. I thought it best to let you focus on your academic obligations in the meantime."
Her explanation is logical enough, yet it leaves you unsatisfied. Is she truly giving you space, or is there something else she’s withholding?
"Is that all, Mr. $lastname?"
[[No.|Dean Day 5]]
[[Yes, goodbye.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA7.jpg" width="400px">
You weigh your words carefully. "Actually, no, Mrs. $Parker. I was hoping we could meet in person—privately. There are things I’d like to discuss that might not be appropriate for a phone call."
There’s a brief pause on the other end, followed by a soft, almost imperceptible chuckle. "Mr. $lastname, you certainly have a way with words. And what, may I ask, is so urgent that it requires a private meeting?"
You catch the faint trace of amusement in her tone, emboldening you slightly. "I just think some things are better discussed face-to-face. It’s easier to convey certain ''feelings'' in person."
Her silence this time is longer but not unkind. When she speaks, her voice carries a mix of curiosity and hesitation. "You’re certainly persistent, I’ll give you that."
"It’s not about persistence," you reply smoothly. "It’s about clarity. I respect you too much to leave anything open to misinterpretation."
There’s another pause, and this time, when she responds, her tone is layered with something you can’t quite place—intrigue, perhaps? "You’re an interesting one, Mr. $lastname. But I must remind you—" she draws out her words deliberately, "—that I’m married."
The statement doesn’t sound entirely like a rebuff but more like a gentle reminder, leaving the door ajar for whatever response you might have for her next.
[[Assure her it’s strictly professional.|Love Focus 14]]
[[Imply there’s more than academics and magic to discuss.|Lust Focus 14]]
[[Be sincere but also flatter her.|Both Focus 14]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA6.jpg" width="400px">
You nod as though she can see you, your voice steady and respectful. "Of course, Mrs. $Parker, I completely understand. This is strictly professional—about my academic concerns," you lie through your teeth. "I just feel that having your guidance in person would make a difference. You’ve become someone I admire and trust, and I value your opinion on these matters."
There’s a pause before she responds, her tone softer this time. "Well, I can appreciate someone who takes their education seriously, Mr. $lastname. I’ll see if I can arrange some time for us to meet."
This is not what you were hoping to hear. You want to meet her right now. You could always get some more information out of her by using your abilities. Perhaps you could come up with some excuse to meet her, but it seems like luck is on your side today.
"But in the meantime," she continues, her voice taking on a warmer tone, "why don’t you join my husband and me for dinner tonight? It would give us a chance to talk, and it’s always nice to get to know our students better."
Hm. This is the chance you wanted, but it could go sideways with her husband present. You still don't know anything about him; he could be an ''Arcanist'' for all you know. Still, if you could outsmart them, you could obtain more than just information. Do you want to intrude on the couple's dinnertime?
[[Meet them.|Joey and Naomi Dinner]]
[[Decline the invitation and end the call.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA6.jpg" width="400px">
You let a slight smile creep onto your face, leaning into her playful tone. "I know you’re married, Mrs. $Parker. I wasn’t implying anything inappropriate—just that sometimes, certain ''connections'' can be better understood face-to-face."
Her pause this time is longer, the faint sound of her breath audible through the receiver. "Connections, Mr. $lastname?" she repeats, her voice carefully neutral but betraying a hint of intrigue.
"Yes," you reply smoothly. "I’d hate for anything to get lost in translation, especially when it involves someone I hold in such high regard."
Her laugh is soft, almost thoughtful, before she speaks again. "Well, I suppose we could discuss these connections further. Why don’t you join my husband and me for dinner tonight? It’s a good opportunity to talk in a more casual setting—and who knows? Perhaps you’ll charm him as well."
As well, huh? This is the chance you wanted, but it could go sideways with her husband present. You still don't know anything about him; he could be an ''Arcanist'' for all you know. Still, if you could outsmart them, you could obtain more than just information. Do you want to intrude on the couple's dinnertime?
[[Meet them.|Joey and Naomi Dinner]]
[[Decline the invitation and end the call.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA6.jpg" width="400px">
You take a breath. "I understand, Mrs. $Parker, and I’d never want to overstep. But sometimes, it’s important to express gratitude in person—to truly show someone how much they’ve helped you, beyond just words on a screen or over the phone."
Her response doesn’t come immediately, but when it does, there’s a faint warmth to it. "Gratitude, you say? I hope you’re not just buttering me up, Mr. $lastname," she answers, and you could almost feel her grin from over here.
"Not at all," you assure her. "You’ve been an inspiration, both as a dean and as a leader who commands respect and admiration. Meeting in person would be my way of conveying that appreciation properly."
She chuckles softly, her tone lighter now. "Well, if you’re that grateful, why don’t you join my husband and me for dinner tonight? We could continue this conversation, and it’ll be nice to have someone new at the table. What do you say?"
Dinner with her and her husband. This is the chance you wanted, but it could go sideways with her husband present. You still don't know anything about him; he could be an ''Arcanist'' for all you know. Still, if you could outsmart them, you could obtain more than just information. Do you want to intrude on the couple's dinnertime?
[[Meet them.|Joey and Naomi Dinner]]
[[Decline the invitation and end the call.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA7.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/Others/Teacher.jpg" width="400px">
You accept the invitation, and she sends you an address before ending the call. As you check the location on your phone, a small detail catches your attention—it’s not the mansion you expected. Instead, the coordinates lead to a suburban house, just a ten-minute walk from campus.
Are they not residing in the mansion? That’s surprising, but it makes sense it's also a "base of operations". You pause, briefly considering calling $Sophia to borrow the car, but decide against it. If it’s that close, walking should suffice.
When you arrive at the modest suburban house, you take a moment to admire its charm. The well-kept garden and soft porch light give it a warm, inviting feel. Not at all what you had envisioned for the dean of the university.
You ring the doorbell, and a few seconds later, the door swings open to reveal a familiar face: your physics professor, $Parker. For a moment, you freeze, certain you’ve made a mistake.
"Professor $Parker? I think I might have the wrong house—" you begin, but the words catch in your throat as realization dawns.
"Ah, $name, right on time," Professor $Parker says with a welcoming smile, stepping aside to let you in. "Please, come in."
You hesitate briefly, still piecing together the connection between the dean and your physics professor, but you step inside nonetheless. The house is warm and inviting, with a modern but cozy interior that feels nothing like the grandeur you expected from the dean's residence.
"Is this your house?" you ask, trying to mask your surprise.
"It is," $Parker replies with a chuckle. "You seem surprised. Did you think we lived in some grand mansion on a hill?"
"I—well, I assumed the dean would," you admit, feeling a little awkward now.
"Ah, the mansion," $Parker says with a knowing smile. "That’s the university's property. We only use it for official events. This is where my wife and I actually live."
This confirms your suspicions. He is not an ''Arcanist'', and he doesn't know his wife is leading a double life.
"Wife," you repeat under your breath, the pieces clicking into place.
As if on cue, Mrs. $Parker appears from another room, her usual composed demeanor softened by a more casual outfit. "Good evening, Mr. $lastname," she says with a slight smile. "I see my husband has already welcomed you in."
"Good evening, Mrs. $Parker," you reply, still adjusting to this unexpected dynamic.
"Please, no formalities tonight," she says, gesturing for you to follow her into the dining room. "It’s just dinner among friends. Call me $Naomi."
The dining room is elegantly set, with a bottle of wine chilling in an ice bucket and the aroma of a freshly cooked meal wafting through the air. "Please, have a seat," she says, motioning to one of the chairs.
As you take your seat, you glance between the two of them, still processing this surprising twist. Dinner with the dean was one thing. Dinner with the dean and her husband—your physics professor—was another entirely. You look up, meeting her gaze. The casual setting feels almost disarming compared to the professional mask she always maintains. Something tells you this dinner is going to be anything but ordinary.
<<if $energy >= 30>>\
[[Use Charm to disrupt the dinner.|Charm 7]]
You don't have enough energy to use your abilities.
<<if $fit >= 4>>\
[[Try to seduce the wife without using your powers.|Dean Seduce]]
You don't have the physique that can catch Mrs. <<print $Parker>>'s eyes.
[[Just sit through dinner.|Parkers Dinner]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA7.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $unlockLust is false>>\
<<set $unlockLust to true>>\
<<set $charm to $charm + 1>>\
<<set $charisma to $charisma +1>>\
<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>\
You focus your attention on Mrs. $Parker, letting your ''Charm'' seep into the air like an unseen force. You know the effect it can have—softening resistance, drawing people into your influence, and making them extremely horny.
She pauses mid-sentence, her hand hovering over her glass of wine. Her gaze lingers on you longer than it should, her lips parting as if to say something before she catches herself.
Your professor, oblivious, continues talking about his students and research, throwing in jokes whenever he could.
"You’ve been quiet, $name," she says, her voice soft, but there’s a note of tension.
You lean forward slightly, your smile disarming. "Just taking it all in. You and your husband make quite the hosts, Mrs. $Parker."
Her expression tightens for a moment, and then she smiles—polite, measured. It’s clear your ''Charm'' isn’t fully working, but it’s not over. You direct your speech to her husband, conversing with him until he's under the influence of your power as well.
"Excuse me. I need to use the restroom," he says, his voice hoarse. He rushes to the bathroom and leaves you alone with his wife.
As soon as he's out of view, you rearrange your chair to be closer to the ''charmed'' woman. As soon as you do, she tenses. She's obviously guarded; you won't be getting any answers out of her if you try to question her, but you could have fun with her anyways.
You place a hand on her thigh, eliciting a moan from her, something she doesn't really notice. "I can tell you're backed up, $Naomi. Is there anything I could do to help ease the tension?" you say, the resonance of your voice getting deeper and making it harder to resist. You move your hand to her inner thigh, softly massaging it, and she can't help but moan under your touch.
[[Go further.|Dean Cunnilingus]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA8.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/AA/AA9.jpg" width="400px">
You look at your dean, and you can't help but feel attracted to her body. She's got a sexy figure, especially for a woman her age. You let your eyes wander towards her chest, something that did not go unnoticed by the Dean.
"Excuse me, $name."
"I'm sorry?" you say. The mention of your name pulls you back to reality, and you notice that the Dean had caught you staring, but there is a smirk on her face instead of disgust.
Your professor gets up and leaves. "Where is he going," you ask in confusion.
"He just excused himself to go to the bathroom. Did you notice or were you busy doing something else?" she teases you.
Yeah, you know where this is going, and you're honestly not interested in playing any games. "Yeah, I was distracted by your huge tits. Speaking of, I'm dying to see them."
"What do you think—"
"Yeah, yeah. Save me the "good wife" lecture and the moral speech. You invited me to dinner for this exact reason," you pause and point to her chest. "Show. Me. Your. Tits."
"But my husband—"
"He won't know. It's just tits and a handjob. Plus, I'm sure he doesn't appreciate them, so someone should," you say, your words hanging in the air.
She thinks it over for a few seconds, glancing at your body for top to bottom, before lowering her top, exposing her tits for you. Fuck, she has such a hot body. You immediately reach out for them, but she slaps your hand away. "No touching. I'm putting some boundaries," she says, her tone resolute.
There is no point in arguing with her. You shouldn't push your luck and ruin everything. She kneels between your legs and fishes your hard cock out of your pants, involuntarily gasping at the sight of it. Without wasting another second, she wraps her hands around your cock, her firm grip pleasing your dick.
"Let's see if you can finish me off before your husband comes back," you challenge her, igniting a fire in her that you didn't know existed. Is it because she doesn't want to get caught, or is it because you challenged her?
[[Continue.|Dean Seduce Cum]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA7.jpg" width="400px">
<img src="Images/Others/Teacher.jpg" width="400px">
You decide to keep your focus on the meal and the conversation, avoiding any unnecessary risks. Your professor dominates the discussion, sharing stories about his students and the challenges of teaching physics, taking the opportunity to add a joke whenever he can.
Mrs. $Parker interjects occasionally, her smile polite but distant, as if she’s used to these dinner dynamics. When the topic shifts to you, Mrs. $Parker leans in slightly, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity. "So, $name, how are you finding your classes so far? I’ve heard good things about your performance."
You offer a measured response, thanking her for her interest but keeping things casual and respectful. The dinner proceeds without incident, and as the evening winds down, you find yourself thankful for the simplicity of it all.
You help clean up the table and eventually find yourself at the door, saying goodbye to the <<print $Parker>>s. "Thank you for having me. The food was delicious, and the company was even better," you thank them, your words genuine.
"It was our pleasure, $name," Mrs. $Parker answers warmly, a soft smile on her face. "I know it might be odd for a student to share a meal with faculty, especially the dean and a professor that teaches him, but I assure you this will not impact your academia in any sort of way."
"Yep, a job is a job, but outside of class, we're all friends, $name. This doesn't mean you can get off with skipping assignments," your professor jokes.
You chuckle. "Of course not. Thanks again and have a good night," you say goodbye, leaving the vicinity of the house.
Honestly, this was not as bad as you thought it would be.
[[Go back to your dorm.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="video-container2">
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You massage her inner thigh, slowly inching towards her panties until you finally strike. With cat-like reflexes, she stops you, holding your hand in place but not moving away. She's breathing heavily, turned on from your touch.
"We can't—my husband—" she stops and moans as she mentions her husband. She's reluctant, but she's not unwilling. She just needs a little push.
"How about you don't do anything? That way you won't be cheating on your husband," you say, your smile winning her over.
"What do you mean," she asks, her fingers on your hand loosening, yielding to your words.
"I mean," you pause and take this opportunity to dip your hand in her panties, "that you'll feel very good if you surrender yourself to me.
$Naomi moans loudly as she feels your fingers against her clit, sending shivers down her spine. "Let's go to the bedroom. $Joe could come out at any minute, and I could sneak you out of the window," she says, leading you to their bed.
"Want me to take care of you on your marital bed? Kinky. I love it," you voice your feelings, stripping off her clothes and pushing her onto the bed. You take a moment to admire her body. How is this woman in her fourties with a body like that? Massive tits that haven't sagged, an ass to match her chest, a pussy as tight as the girls' your age, and a gorgeous face to complete it.
All this is yours right now. You're not going to go far with her, but you'll savor every second of it. "You're the whole package, $Naomi. I'm a lucky man," you say, lowering your head to her nether region and opening her legs for her. You meet her gaze one more time, a blush forming on her cheeks, before you dip your head into her pussy.
You start by licking her clit, and she orgasms as soon as your tongue makes contact with her body. You don't stop or give her a second, eating her pussy out whilst she's in the middle of an orgasm. Her body convluses under your touch, each lick sending electricty surging through her body. Yeah, she'll cum like fireworks tonight.
Your tongue makes its way inside of her pussy, penetrating her as deep as you possibly can. You begin tongue fucking your dean, one hand working her clit while the other is not her tit, groping and probing every inch of her luscious body.
Your cock strains through your jeans, her taste only increasing your desire for release. But, you have to hold back. Tonight is about her not you. You're not going to allow her to put her guard up by going too far. But fuck! She tastes amazing. So sweet—so delicious.
You've lost count of how many times she came, her body shaking and convulsing harder with each orgasm. You're not sure if it's because of your powers, or if it's because it's been a while for her, or if you're just that good, but whatever it is, you can't stop making her cum.
Something about having your dean—the always composed and professional woman—this vulnerable, begging for release, for your touch, fuels your hunger. You should make this final orgasm even more intense than the last ones.
Your hold on her gets stronger, and you use your fingers to stimulate her nipples. Simultaneously, you increase the pace of your tongue fucking, roughly infiltrating her wet pussy and exploring her insides. "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. $name—FUCKKKKK."
She holds your hair and locks her legs around your face, trying to push you deeper inside of her glistening cunt. Her whole body shakes, and her juices fill your mouth, the taste almost making you go at her again. She releases your head, and you back off, watching her body shake for a few minutes before it finally stops, her face full of bliss.
As if on cue, you hear a knock on the door. "$Naomi, are you in there? Did $name already leave?" her husband inquires.
His wife is too tired, a dazed expression on her face, to answer the voice on the other side. "$Naomi? I'm coming in."
Shit! Instinct taking over, you jump out of the window, landing gracefully in the backyard. Thankfully, you're athletic enough to pull this off. Before you leave, you hear your professor say, "Come on, $Naomi. Masturbating again? How am I supposed to sleep in these wet sheets—and that smell too. Jesus, you really did a number on yourself. Can't even answer me. I'm sleeping on the couch."
You almost feel bad for your professor. Not only did you just tongue fuck his wife into oblivion, but you've also left a mess while you're at it.
[[Go to your dorm.|Day 5 Evening]]<div class="image-container1">
<img src="Images/AA/AA10.jpg" width="400px">
Regardless of her motives, she spits on your cock, lubing it up as she increases the pacing of her grip on your cock. Her hands move and up and down, making sure to cover your entire cock from tip to base.
"You've got a magnificent cock, $name. I would let you slide it in my pussy if I weren't married. A handjob should suffice for now," she teases, slapping your cock against her big tits.
Her dirty talk and the mention of fucking her sends you over the edge. You'd love to last long and maybe get more than a handjob, but honestly, you don't want to get caught either.
Soon enough, you cum all over face and tits, making sure to mark as much of her as you can. She smiles as you empty yourself all over her, savoring the feeling of your hot cum over her body.
She gets up, her clothes in hand. "Not a word about this to anyone. And, it was a one-time thing, so don't ever try something like that again," she says, leaving before you could get a chance to answer.
You sit back at the table. A one-time thing? As if. A few minutes later, her husband returns to the table, clueless to what had just transpired a moment ago. You get up and excuse yourself. "Thank you so much for having me, professor. Dinner was great."
"You're a good kid, $name. We've enjoyed having you, and we're all friends outside of class anyway. Just don't think that means you'll get away with skipping classes though," he jokes.
You chuckle. "Of course not. Send my regards to Mrs. $Parker and have a good night," you say goodbye, leaving the vicinity of the house.
Honestly, this was not as bad as you thought it would be. You even got to cum without using any powers.
[[Go back to your dorm.|Day 5 Evening]]