<img class="center" src="image/both-1.png" width="600" height="300" >
<div class="centerText">
Be Good at Something, is an adult interactive fiction based on Twine interaction story builder. This is an adult game which contains adult content, including feminization, sexual intercourse.
If you are underage or would not like to see this content, please exit the game now.
This game takes place in a high school, but all named characters are at least 18 years old.
This is free public version of the game. If you like you can get full access to game through @@<span class="choice"><a href="https://www.patreon.com/vegatg">Patreon</a></span>@@
For Start - @@<span class="choice">[[I am older than 18]] / [[I am not older than 18]]</span>@@
</div><<set $alexis = "Alexis">>
<<set $elsa = "Elsa">>
<<set $fred = "Fred">>
<<set $brendon = "Brendon">>
<<set $initialDate = false>>
<<set $soundEnabled = true>>
<<set $isFirstMeet=false>>
<<set $isFirstMeetDone=false>>
<<set $fromObjectives=false>>
<<set $inAwake = false>>
<<set $storyStart=false>>
<<set $day = 0>>
<<set $femaleday = 0>>
<<set $athleticsday = 0>>
<<set $perioddate = 0>>
<<set $isFirstPeriod = true>>
<<set $alexisday = 0>>
<<set $today = "Monday">>
<<set $gender = "male">>
<<set $isNameExists = false>>
<<set $name = "">>
<<set $masculinity = 98>>
<<set $femininity = 2>>
<<set $submission = 20>>
<<set $dominant = 80>>
<<set $hieght = "6 feets">>
<<set $sexualDesire = 10>>
<<set $athleticAbility = 25>>
<<set $academicAbility = 5>>
<<set $magicAbility = 5>>
<<set $relationship = "Alexi">>
<<set $alexiScore = 100>>
<<set $maletime100 = 12.50>>
<<set $maletime200 = 29.00>>
<<set $femaletime100 = 14.00>>
<<set $femaletime200 = 34.00>>
<<set $maleheight = 220>>
<<set $femaleheight = 180>>
<<set $isAgree = false>>
<<set $hadKissFemale = false>>
<<set $hadCuddleFemale = false>>
<<set $hadPussyScissor = false>>
<<set $hadPeriod = false>>
<<set $hadPussyLickFemale = false>>
<<set $hadPussyShave = false>>
<<set $hadFuckFemale = false>>
<<set $hadStraponfuckFemale = false>>
<<set $hadStraponfuckYou = false>>
<<set $hadStraponfuckYouAnal = false>>
<<set $top = 0>>
<<set $topUnder = 0>>
<<set $bottomUnder = 0>>
<<set $bottom = 0>>
<<set $shoe = 0>>
<<set $lastDateAction = "">>
<<set $isKissed = false>>
<<set $isBoobTouched = false>>
<<set $isWatchedFim = false>>
<<set $ishadFirstTalk = false>>
<<set $isYouInviteHerDate = false>>
<<set $isCuddle = false>>
<<set $isScissor = false>>
<<set $isFingered = false>>
<<set $hadMallTrip = false>>
<<set $youBoughtPads = false>>
<<set $hadPussyShaveEvent = false>>
<<set $isShave = false>>
<<set $day_15 = false>>
<<set $day_25 = false>>
<<set $day_35 = false>>
<<set $day_45 = false>>
<<set $day_55 = false>>
<<set $day_65 = false>>
<<set $day_75 = false>>
<<set $day_85 = false>>
<<set $day_95 = false>>
<<set $day_105 = false>>
<<set $day_05_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_1_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_15_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_25_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_2_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_35_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_45_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_4_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_55_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_5_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_65_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_6_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_75_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_7_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_85_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_8_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_95_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_9_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_105_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_10_elsa = false>>
<<set $day_05_fred = false>>
<<set $day_1_fred = false>>
<<set $day_15_fred = false>>
<<set $day_25_fred = false>>
<<set $day_2_fred = false>>
<<set $day_35_fred = false>>
<<set $day_3_fred = false>>
<<set $day_45_fred = false>>
<<set $day_4_fred = false>>
<<set $day_55_fred = false>>
<<set $day_5_fred = false>>
<<set $day_65_fred = false>>
<<set $day_6_fred = false>>
<<set $day_75_fred = false>>
<<set $day_7_fred = false>>
<<set $day_85_fred = false>>
<<set $day_8_fred = false>>
<<set $day_95_fred = false>>
<<set $day_9_fred = false>>
<<set $day_105_fred = false>>
<<set $day_10_fred = false>>
<<set $day_05_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_1_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_15_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_25_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_2_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_35_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_3_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_45_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_4_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_55_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_5_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_65_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_6_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_75_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_7_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_85_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_8_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_95_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_9_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_105_brendon = false>>
<<set $day_10_brendon = false>>
<<cacheaudio "bgm_space" "audio/background/breathtaking.mp3">>Be Good at SomethingVegaTG - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Aethria">Patreon</a><<nobr>>
<<button "Sound On/OFF" >>
<<if $soundEnabled>>
<<set $soundEnabled = false>>
<<set $soundEnabled = true>>
<<if $soundEnabled>>
<<audio "bgm_space" loop play>>
<<audio ":all" stop>>
<<if $gender is "male">>
<<if ($day % 2)>>
<div class="circle">
<img class="center" src="image/male-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<div class="circle">
<img class="center" src="image/male-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<elseif $gender is "female">>
<<if ($day % 2)>>
<img class="center" src="image/female-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/female-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/Aethria">Patreon</a>
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/vegatg">Subscribestar</a>
[[Email me|Email]]
Day: <<= $day>> <<= $today>>
Gender: <<= $gender>>
Relationship: <<= $relationship>> <<if $relationship is "Alexi">>
Day of Relationship: <<= $alexisday>>
Day of Practice: <<= $athleticsday>>
<<= $alexiScore>>%
Your Musculinity: <<= $masculinity>>
<progress @value="$masculinity" max="100"></progress>
Your Femininity: <<= $femininity>>
<progress @value="$femininity" max="100"></progress>
Your Submission: <<= $submission>>
<progress @value="$submission" max="100"></progress>
Your dominantion: <<= $dominant>>
<progress @value="$dominant" max="100"></progress>
Your Sexual Desire: <<= $sexualDesire>>
<progress @value="$sexualDesire" max="100" color="pink"></progress>
Your Athletic Ability: <<= $athleticAbility>>
<progress @value="$athleticAbility" max="100"></progress>[[Start]]
Day <<= $day>>
Gender <<= $gender>>
Masculinity <<= $masculinity>>
Femininity <<= $femininity>>
Submission <<= $submission>>
Domination <<= $dominant>>
Hieght <<= $hieght>>
Sexual Desire <<= $sexualDesire>>
Athletic Ability <<= $athleticAbility>>
Academic Ability <<= $academicAbility>>
Magic Ability <<= $magicAbility>>
RelationShip <<= $relationship>>
Days as Female <<= $femaleday>>
Days of relationship <<= $alexisday>>
Days of Atheletic Practice <<= $athleticsday>>
You are the Protagonist in Be Good at something Story.
You can find next event or events in Objectives Tab.
You have to spend Protagonist day today life to reach some event example as some events are happen after one event happens or sometimes pre set time of days you have to stay as your character or be relationship with someone.
eg - If you practice on Ground then you can meet Alexis for talk about your diminishing athletic ability.
eg - You can have Date with someone periodically. (2 days, 3 days).
Your Normal daily routine boardly (awake -> school or outside -> visit some place or someone or both -> come back home -> sleep -> awake). This is very simple routine you have lot more option than this.
You can find essential details in Stats Tab@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You]]</div>@@
<<if $gender is "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/male-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<elseif $gender is "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/female-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Friends and Relationships@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Alexis Burns]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Alexis/girlfriend-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Fred Bonnet]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Fred/fred-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Elsa Nowelle]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Elsa/elsa-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Brendon Niles]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Brendon/brendon.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Father]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/father.webp" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mother]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/mother.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Brother]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/brother.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sister]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/sister.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dog]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Dog/dog-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<if $gender is "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/male-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/male-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/male.jpg" >
<img class="center" src="image/male-nude-1.jpg" >
<<elseif $gender is "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/female-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/female-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/female.jpg" >
<img class="center" src="image/female-nude-1.jpg" >
<img class="center" src="image/female-nude-2.jpg" >
You are a teen boy lives in apartment in busy town while attending your university studies. Currently studying as a web development in well university and very interested in Athletics more than your academic works. You are not very good at academic work anyway. Your main goal is to follow your athletic dream and win titles.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dog]]</div>@@For Start first verify:
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I am older than 18]] / [[I am not older than 18]]</div>@@
@@Main Story Paths@@
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/1.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/2.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/3.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/4.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I am older than 18]] / [[I am not older than 18]]</div>@@
<<audio "bgm_space" loop play>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Main Story Paths</h3></div>
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/1.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/2.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/3.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
<div class="leftText">
<img src="image/header/4.jpg" width="800" height="100">
* Avilable - Still extends the path. More content will add soon
<div class="centerText">
For Start - @@<span class="choice">[[Continue]]</span>@@
<<audio "bgm_space" loop play>><img class="center" src="image/both-1.png" width="600" height="300" >
<div class="centerText">
Sorry, Come back after 18 year old!
</div><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of Your Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<div class="leftText">
You live in a bustling area near your university. Everything, and everyone, you can visit are relatively nearby. The blaring ringtone from your phone wakes you from your deep slumber.. A glance at the caller ID shows it’s your girlfriend, Alexis. She’s calling to wake you up; groggily, you do your best to muster the energy to open your eyes and answer the phone.
@@<span class="choice">[[Awake and answer the phone]]</span>@@.
<<set $storyStart=true>>@@Father@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/father.webp" width="400" height="400">
Your fathers name is Brandon neilson and he is working as electrician. He is 54 year old and happly married with your mother. @@Mother@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/mother.jpg" width="400" height="400">
Your mothers name is Sara neilson and she is working as a teacher in primary schools. She is 52 year old and happly married with your father. @@Brother@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/brother.jpg" width="400" height="400">
Your elder brothers name is Erik neilson and He is 19 years old who is undergraduate student at University in their city. He is studying European history. He is 5 feet and 11 inches tall with muscular body and brown heir. His girl friends name is Nansy Bentley and she is 19 years old pretty girl with black heir. She is 5 feet and 6 inch tall.@@Sister@@
<img class="center" src="image/Family/sister.jpg" width="400" height="400">
Your elder Sister name is Beck neilson and She is 19 years old who is undergraduate student at University in their city. She is studying music. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall with petite body and brown heir. She currently doesnt have and affair. She likes both girls and boys other wise known as bisexual person. She had several boys and girl during high school as lovers. @@Alexis Burns@@
<img class="center" src="image//Alexis/girlfriend-1.jpg" width="400" height="500">
She is a teen girl lives in apartment in busy town while attending your university and studies History. She is very good at academic works. You had relationship with her more than 2 years now. She is bit strange and she told you many time she can do magic work eventhough you didn't belive.<<nobr>>
<<if $fromObjectives==false>>
<<if $isAgree == true>>
<<set $gender = "female">>
<<set $hieght = "5 feets 5 inches">>
<<if $gender == "female" && $relationship == "Alexi">>
<<set $alexisday = $alexisday + 1>>
<<set $day = $day + 1>>
<<if $gender == "female">>
<<set $femaleday = $femaleday + 1>>
<<if $isFirstPeriod == false>>
<<set $perioddate = $perioddate + 1>>
<<if ($day % 7) == 0>>
<<set $today = "Sunday">>
<<elseif (($day+6) % 7) == 0>>
<<set $today = "Monday">>
<<elseif (($day+5) % 7) == 0>>
<<set $today = "TuesDay">>
<<elseif (($day+4) % 7) == 0>>
<<set $today = "WednesDay">>
<<elseif (($day+3) % 7) == 0>>
<<set $today = "Thursday">>
<<elseif (($day+2) % 7) == 0>>
<<set $today = "Friday">>
<<elseif (($day+1) % 7) == 0>>
<<set $today = "Saturday">>
<<set $sexualDesire += 10>>
<<set $fromObjectives=false>>
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3><<nobr>>
@@Today is your <span style="color: red;font-size: 25px;">$day</span> day of Story@@<br>
<<if $relationship === "Alexi" && $gender == "female">>
@@Today is your <span style="color: red;font-size: 25px;">$alexisday</span> day of Relationship with Alexis <span style="color: red;font-size: 22px;">As Girl</span>@@
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
A glance at my clock says it’s 8:00 AM. The sun is kissing my legs through my apartment windows. I don't want to get out of bed, but I have to. I need to go to the bathroom and get dressed before going outside. My body is a bit sore from practice, but I am somewhat used to it by now.
<div>@@Important : @@@@[[Show Current Objectives|Objectives]]@@</div>
<<if $femaleday == 1>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Bathroom]]</div>@@
<<elseif $perioddate >= 28 || $perioddate <= 2 && $hadPussyScissor && $day_45 && $alexisday >11 && ($today != "Sunday" && $today != "Saturday")>>
<<set $perioddate = 1>>
<<if $isFirstPeriod == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Run to Bathroom]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[It is periods time Run to Bathroom]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Bathroom|Head to Bathroom]]</div>@@
<<set $inAwake = true>>
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bed</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/items/bed.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You slept more than 6 hours and still feel sleep. You have to awake Now It is morning.
<<if $gender =="female" >>
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-5.webp" width="300" height="200">
You Awake......................................
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Awake]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
I need to visit the bathroom before heading outside. Am I thinking of masturbating or just taking a shower? I’ll feel a little guilty masturbating so early in the day…
<<if $gender == "female">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Check your body in Mirror]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets Pee]]</div>@@
<<if $hadPussyShave>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Shave Legs and Pussy]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mastrubate]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@
<<set $inAwake = false>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
<<if $relationship =="Alexi">>
It is better I bring myself to orgasm before leaving. I needed a little bit of help from your phone or imagination. I’m sure she’s doing the same thing…
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Think of your Girl friend and mastrubate]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Watch porn and mastrubate]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<<if $gender == 'male'>>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I dry myself using a towel and quickly get dressed to go outside on autopilot. This has been my daily routine for almost 4 years now. I take milk and cereal from the refrigerator and eat it quickly. I am now ready to go outside.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to University]]</div>@@<<else>><img class="center" src="image/changeroom/nude.jpg" width="325" height="550"><</if>>
<<if ($day % 7) == 0 && $gender == 'female'>>
I am naked after taking wash. I dry my self using towel to dress cloths for going outside without thinking much about process. I remember today is Sunday so I need to put on Casual cloths and go somewhere and make my self good.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Choose Cloths]]</div>@@
<<elseif (($day+1) % 7) == 0 && $gender == 'female'>>
I am naked after taking wash. I dry my self using towel to dress cloths for going outside without thinking much about process. I remember today is Saturday so I need to put on Casual cloths and go somewhere and make my self good.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Choose Cloths]]</div>@@
<<elseif $gender == 'female'>>
I am naked after taking wash. I dry my self using towel to dress cloths for going outside without thinking much about process. I remember today is University day, so I need to put on cloths and run quickly to my classes.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Choose School Cloths]]</div>@@
<<set $bu = 0>>
<<set $tu = 0>>
<<set $t = 0>>
<<set $b = 0>>
<<set $s = 0>>
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
It is weekend. I felt so free since I don't have to attend my usual classes today. I can go anywhere and have fun without worrying to much.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Where Should I go....<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Someone]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go somewhere]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your University</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/school.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I have several classes every day except the weekend. I also have extra time to visit the lab, gym, and library. Normally my day starts with a web development class, after that there are several other classes related to computer science. I can hardly pay attention as they’re all boring, and I’m more interested in seeing my mates in the cafeteria before going to practice. That’s the most enjoyable part of my day.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Attend the Classes|Class]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Athletic Tracks</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/ground.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I make my way down to the tracks..
Since primary school, I had a greater interest towards track events. I was very good at it until recently. Unfortunately, currently both my running and high jump abilities are very low compared to my other teammates, let alone the teams from other schools. <<if $gender == "male">>I am very worried about my performance recently. Anyway I cannot miss the practice, even though I’m going to be disappointed by the end of the day.<<else>>But since I become girl My athletic stats are great compared to female records<</if>>
<<if $gender == "female" && $athleticsday > 3>>
After I become girl I am very good at every event on running and jumping. My time is not close to you times as when I run as male. Also your high jumping hieghts are lower than 1 feet from previous. But Now you are girl. My stats are very competitive school and state level and if you try and practice harder you can even go to national level and international events.
<<if $gender == "female" && $athleticsday >=5 && $isFirstMeetDone == false>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Selection for sport meet]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Practice]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "female" >>
If I am in hurry to go home or go outside place I can also get out from school and go home or meet someone, or go to mall or park
Outside School
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Out from School]]</div>@@
<<set $eventSeven = false>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Class</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/class.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I check my phone and see it is the end of today's classes. With classes over soon, I can go to the lab for extra practical sessions or I can go to the library if I need some books or to do some research, or If I need to eat something I can go to the cafeteria.Since my primary goal is to be a track star, such as in the 100m dash, 200m sprint and high jump events I should probably go to the track field.
::::>Inside School
<<if $gender !="male">>
<<if $ishadFirstTalk == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lab]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Library]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Cafeteria]]</div>@@
<<if $ishadFirstTalk == true || $gender =="male">>@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ground]]</div>@@<</if>>
<<if $gender =="male">>@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Alexis]]</div>@@<</if>>
<<if $gender !="male" &&$ishadFirstTalk == true>>
If you are in hurry to go home or go outside place you can also get out from school and go home or meet someone, or go to mall or park<br><br>
::::>Outside School
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Out from School]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of the Cafeteria</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/cafetiria.jpg" width="300" height="200">
My University Cafeteria is very large compared to near universities. I come here everyday here to have my lunch. My friends are coming to Cafeteria to share their thougts and ideas with each others. Everytime I come here I like to have lunch while talikng someone.
<<if $gender !="male">>
* Since you are in inside of the school you can meet you close people<br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Talk with Alexis]]</div>@@
<<if $ishadFirstTalk == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Talk with Fred]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Talk with Elsa]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Talk with Brendon]]</div>@@
<<if $ishadFirstTalk == true>>
* Since your primary target is to perform on Athletic event such as 100m, 200m you probably need to go to Ground today.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ground]]</div>@@
<<if $ishadFirstTalk == true>>
* If you are in hurry to go home or go outside place you can also get out from school and go home or meet someone, or go to mall or park
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Out from School]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Lab</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/lab.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I used university computer lab for complete my assesments. It is nearly 1 and half hours. I feel I need to go outside now. I felt I spen my afternoon very usefully. But I know I have to go practice after this.
Since My primary target is to perform on Athletic event such as 100m, 200m I probably need to go to Ground today.
* Inside School
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
If I am in hurry to go home or go outside place I can also get out from school and go home or meet someone, or go to mall or park
* Outside School
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Out from School]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Library</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/library.webp" width="300" height="200">
I used university library for complete my assesments. It is nearly 1 and half hours. I feel I need to go outside now. I felt I spen my afternoon very usefully. But I know I have to go practice after this.
Since My primary target is to perform on Athletic event such as 100m, 200m I probably need to go to Ground today.
* Inside School
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
If I am in hurry to go home or go outside place I can also get out from school and go home or meet someone, or go to mall or park
* Outside School
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Out from School]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of the School</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/town.jpg" width="300" height="200">
* Since you are in out side of the school you can go Some place
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Film Hall]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mall]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Park]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Beach]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "female" >>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Bar]]</div>@@
* Since you are in out side of the school you can meet you close people
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Alexis]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Fred]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Elsa]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Brendon]]</div>@@
* Since you are in out side of the school you can head home
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Near the Film Hall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/theater.jpg" width="500" height="200"><br>
<<if $isWatchedFim == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Invite Alexis and Watch Film with Alexis |Watch Her Jiggle]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go inside and Watch Film Alone|Watch Film Alone]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of the Mall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/mall.jpg" width="400" height="300">
There are Lot of large and small shops inside the Mall. Normally I come here weekly with Alexis for shopping for her or have some fun..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Food court]]</div>@@
<<if $youBoughtPads == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Girl Essentials Shop]]</div>@@
<<if $hadPussyShave == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Women accessory shop]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to meet Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Alexis/girlfriend-1.jpg" width="200" height="240">
<<if $gender== "female">>
* Your New actions Show below. (After 2 or 3 days of last action) :
@@You need to practice and meet Alexis to go further@@
<<set $noAction = true>>
<<if $alexisday > 2 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadKissFemale == false>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
@@New - @@ @@<div class="choice">[[You asked to meet her]]</div>@@
<<if $alexisday > 5 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadKissFemale == true && $hadCuddleFemale == false>>
<<if $day_25 == true>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice"> [[You call her to see her]]</div>@@
You have to Meet Alexis in cafetiria before this
<<if $alexisday > 8 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadCuddleFemale == true && $hadPussyScissor == false>>
<<if $day_35 == true>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Alexis call for Mall Shopping]]</div>@@
You have to Meet Alexis in cafetiria before this
<<if $alexisday > 14 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadPussyScissor == true && $hadPussyLickFemale == false && $isFirstPeriod == false>>
<<if $day_55 == true>>
<<if $$perioddate > 1>>
@@You are still on Periods. Come after that...Proably 1or 2 days@@
<<set $noAction = false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Alexis Call for your Cherry Date]]</div>@@
You have to Meet Alexis in cafetiria before this
<<if $alexisday > 17 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadPussyLickFemale == true && $hadPussyShave == false>>
<<if $day_65 == true>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Alexis calls you|Current public path come to and End]]</div>@@
You have to Meet Alexis in cafetiria before this
<!--<<if $alexisday > 20 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadPussyScissor == true && $hadFuckFemale == false>>
<<if $day_55 == true>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
You have to Meet Alexis in cafetiria before this
<<if $alexisday > 23 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadFuckFemale == true && $hadStraponfuckFemale == false>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
<<if $alexisday > 26 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadStraponfuckFemale == true && $hadStraponfuckYou == false>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
<<if $alexisday > 30 && $relationship == "Alexi" && $hadStraponfuckYou == true && $hadStraponfuckYouAnal == false>>
<<set $noAction = false>>
<<if $noAction >>
@@No current Dates with her come back tommorow or next Day you will have Date with her@@
* Head Alexis Apartment to do over previosly done actions:
<<if $gender== "male">>
@@<div class="choice">[[Go to Alexis Apartment|Head Alexis Apartment]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choice">[[Go to Alexis Apartment|Alexis Apartment]]</div>@@
* Go Home to Sleep and Awake in Next day:
@@<div class="choice">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $sexualDesire += 10>>
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">At the Park
<img class="center" src="image/Park/park.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@TIP@@ - Still no story Developed park, Dont waste your time by coming here
I walk around the park. I saw empty bench at conner of the park and sit on it while browsing internet on phone.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of Your Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
After a long day outside I’m finally home. My apartment is located near the school and Alexis's apartment, which makes it easier to get around.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Inside]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
I felt kind of horny inside my head so I have some need of mastrubate idea as well. It is been long day. I need to talke long bath and felt sleepy as well.....
<<if $gender == "female">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Examine your body in Mirror]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Need to pee]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mastrubate|Do Mastrubate]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bed</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/items/bed.jpg" width="300" height="200">
It is been long day since morning. You are very tired of the day and need to jump on bed for sleep. I look around the bedroom and turn on the fan. I make coffee and drink it.
<<if $gender =="female" >>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Change Cloths for Sleep]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sleep]]</div>@@
<<set $nc = 0>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
<<if $relationship =="Alexi">>
It is better I do little mastrubate before leave. You needed little bit of help from your phone or imagination. You are pretty sure she is also doing this as you.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Think of your Girl friend]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Watch porn]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your LapTop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/items/laptop.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I did long hour of academic work on computer like assignemnet writing papers. Now I have to take wash is the you choices now. I feel tired and feel sleepy as well..............
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to meet Fred</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Fred/fred-1.jpg" width="200" height="240">
<<if $day_05_fred==false>>
@@Hint - @@ You can meet Fred after finish first sport selection (After 5 days of practice and meet him at school)
<<elseif $day_05_fred && $day_1_fred==false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Message From Fred]]</div>@@
<<elseif $day_1_fred && $day_2_fred==false>>
<<if $day_15_fred==false>>
@@Need to meet him at school first@@
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Fred calling]]</div>@@
@@Hint - @@ No active Events
@@<div class="choice">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to meet Elsa</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Elsa/elsa-1.jpg" width="200" height="300">
<<if $day_65 && $hadPussyShave && $day_75 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Fred waving his hand]]</div>@@
@@Hint - @@ You can meet After the 18 day of Relationship with Alexis after sahve date completed
@@<div class="choice">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
She starts to kiss me after arriving at her house. It is very lovely to have her with me by my side. I felt her heart pounding and her hot breath as she gets more and more aggressive.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Have sex with her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask for Blow job]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Talk with her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $myArosal = 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal = 10>>
<<set $youcum = false>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $blowjob = false>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I have to go University by 9:00AM. I prepare some sandwiches and pancake with coffee as my breakfast. It is my natural routine of the day and I can do it without thinking any of it. I can go by Bus or Bike. Also if I have more time you can actualluy go this distance by foot.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to School by Bus]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to School by Bike]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Walk to School]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Athletic Tracks</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/ground.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<if $gender == "female">>
<<set $athleticsday += 1>>
I met the Coach and decided to have a little chat.
<<if $gender=="male">><<speech "james" $name>>Hi Coach!<</speech>>
<<else>><<speech "jane" $name>>Hi Coach!<</speech>><</if>>
<<speech "coach" "Coach">>Hey, $name, You are late Change and Come back.<</speech>>
<<if $gender == 'male'>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dress Men Athletics Cloths]]</div>@@
<<elseif $athleticsday == 1>>
I feel awkward since today I have to go to women changing area instead of my usual place. But I'm totally look like girl I thought. It will be fine. Even Coach know my name. So everyone think as I am girl all the time. It is wired but relief to my mind.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Women Change Room]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Women Change Room]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $bu = 0>>
<<set $tu = 0>>
<<set $t = 0>>
<<set $b = 0>>
<<set $s = 0>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Choose Randomly]]</div>@@
<<switch $bu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $tu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/bra-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/bra-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/bra-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottom Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $bu = 0>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $bu = 1>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $bu = 2>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> | <<click "Red">><<set $bu = 4>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>>
@@Top Under - Sport Bra:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $tu = 0>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $tu = 1>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $tu = 2>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $tu = 3>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> | <<click "Pink">><<set $t = 1>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> | <<click "Light Blue">><<set $t = 2>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> | <<click "Black">><<set $t = 3>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> | <<click "Greenish Blue">><<set $t = 4>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>>
<<switch $t>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/top-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/top-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/top-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/top-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $b>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/short-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/short-2.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/short-3.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/short-4.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/short-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/short-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/quater-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 7>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/quater-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 8>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/quater-3.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 9>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/quater-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 10>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/long-1.jpg" width="200" height="400">
<<case 11>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/long-2.jpg" width="200" height="400">
<<case 12>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/long-3.jpg" width="200" height="400">
<<case 13>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/long-4.jpg" width="200" height="400">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
@@Bottom Short :@@<br>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $b = 0>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $b = 1>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $b = 2>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $b = 3>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Dark Blue">><<set $b = 4>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $b = 5>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
@@Bottom Medium :@@<br>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $b = 0>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $b = 6>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $b = 7>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $b = 8>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $b = 9>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>>
@@Bottom Long :@@<br>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $b = 0>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $b = 10>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $b = 11>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $b = 12>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Orange">><<set $b = 13>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>>
<<switch $s>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/shoe-1.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/shoe-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/shoe-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/sportChangeRoom/shoe-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Shoes :@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> | <<click "White">><<set $s = 1>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $s = 2>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $s = 3>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $s = 4>><<goto "Dress Athletics Cloths">><</click>>
Choose Selected Items
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Choose Above]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">100m</h3></div><br>
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/run-male-1.jpg" width="400" height="400"><br>
<<set $maletime100 = $maletime100 + 0.1>>
I practice male 100m run event and today my time for it is - @@<<= $maletime100>> seconds@@<br>
My Athletic ability is before event is - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@<br>
<<if $athleticAbility > 0>>
<<set $athleticAbility -= 1>>
<<set $athleticAbility = 0>>
Now it is descreased to - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@
<<if $gender == "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/sport/girl-2.png" width="300" height="400">
<<set $athleticsdays += 1>>
<<set $femaletime100 = $femaletime100 - 0.1>>
I practice female 100m run event and today my time for it is - @@<<=Number($femaletime100).toFixed(2)>> Seconds@@<br>
My Athletic ability is before event is - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@<br>
<<if $athleticAbility > 0>>
<<set $athleticAbility += 1>>
<<set $athleticAbility = 0>>
Now it is Increased to - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@<br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[End Practice and Change back]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">200m</h3></div>
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/run-male-1.jpg" width="400" height="400"><br>
<<set $maletime200 = $maletime200 + 0.1>>
I practice male 100m run event and my today min time for it is - @@<<= $maletime200>> seconds @@<br>
My Athletic ability is before event is - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@<br>
<<if $athleticAbility > 0>>
<<set $athleticAbility -= 1>>
<<set $athleticAbility = 0>>
Now it is Increased to - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>@@
<<if $gender == "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/sport/girl-2.png" width="300" height="400"><br>
<<set $athleticsdays += 1>>
<<set $femaletime200 = $femaletime200 - 0.1>>
I practice female 100m run event and my today min time for it is - @@<<= Number($femaletime200).toFixed(2)>> seconds@@
My Athletic ability is before event is - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>% @@<br>
<<if $athleticAbility > 0>>
<<set $athleticAbility += 1>>
<<set $athleticAbility = 0>>
Now it is descreased to - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>% @@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[End Practice and Change back]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of the School</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/town.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Since you practiced, you can go outside of the school and meet your friends, as well as other people you’ve gotten to know. It’s late, and you don't have time to visit some places.
Alexis asked me to come and meet her, so I’m going to visit her.
<<if $eventSeven == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wait for Alexis near Ground]]</div>@@
<<elseif $eventTwoFred == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wait for Fred near Ground]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "male" && $initialDate == false>>
Alexis ask me to come and meet her. So I should go there.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to See Alexis]]</div>@@
<<elseif $gender == "male" && $initialDate>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Alexis and talk about running]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Alexis]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Fred]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Elsa]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Brendon]]</div>@@
Since you are in out side of the ground and tired you can head home
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "james" $name>>Hello, Honey,<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Hello, <<= $name>>, Sweety<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go In|initial-10]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">It is Fucking Time - Press Button to Cum</h3></div>
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<button "Kiss lips">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her">>
<<button "Kiss Boobs">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kissboobs = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her">>
<<button "Lick Pussy">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kisspussy = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her">>
<<button "Ask Her to Suck your dick">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $blowjob = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her">>
<<button "Fuck Her">>
<<set $myArosal += 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 8>>
<<set $fuckher = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">Your Arousal <<nobr>><<if $youcum == true>>0<<else>><<= $myArosal >><</if>><</nobr>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">Alexis Arousal <<= $alexisArosal >></div>@@
<<if $youcum == true>>
You Cum on her pussy
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-5.gif" width="300" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Make her cum by your finger]]</div>@@<br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<if $myArosal >= 100>>
<<set $myArosal = 0>>
<<set $youcum = true>>
<<if $kiss == true>>
We both kissing. you bite an open mouth, more of an intimate kiss but without the use of tongue. I enter her mouth with my togue and she warmly wellcome me. Suddenly she also enter my mouth and kissed
<<if $kissboobs == true>>
When I start to lick her nipples she finger her self and she move my head towards her boobs. Her nipples are erected but rest of boobs are very smooth
<<if $kisspussy == true>>
When I start to lick her pussy she rubs her self and she move my head towards her pussy. She is very wet and you lick every bit of her with my tongue. I move my tounge inside her while she is moaning. While I lick her clit she caged me with her legs. I can't move away without please her.
<<if $blowjob == true>>
She remove my cloths and starts to care my big member in her hand. Soon after she starts to kiss head of the penis. She enters my penis halfway through and start squish your balls.
<<if $fuckher == true>>
I wanted to fuck her. I move your penis near her pussy and rub them. Soon after I enter her and continue the thrust. She moans and kissing you with erotic way. She come to top of me and she starts to ride my penis.
<<if $youcum == false>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-3.gif" width="300" height="200">
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You Need to Cum. Press actions to increase Arousal</h3></div>
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<button "Kiss lips">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her and tell her after">>
<<button "Kiss Boobs">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kissboobs = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her and tell her after">>
<<button "Lick Pussy">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kisspussy = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her and tell her after">>
<<button "Ask Her to Suck your dick">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $blowjob = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her and tell her after">>
<<button "Fuck Her">>
<<set $myArosal += 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 8>>
<<set $fuckher = true>>
<<goto "Have sex with her and tell her after">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">Your Arousal <<nobr>><<if $youcum == true>>0<<else>><<= $myArosal >><</if>><</nobr>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">Alexis Arousal <<= $alexisArosal >></div>@@
<<if $youcum == true>>
You Cum on her pussy
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-5.gif" width="300" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask her Idea]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Make her cum by finger]]</div>@@
<<if $youcum == false>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-3.gif" width="300" height="200">
<<if $myArosal >= 100>>
<<set $myArosal = 0>>
<<set $youcum = true>>
<<if $kiss == true>>
We both kissing. you bite an open mouth, more of an intimate kiss but without the use of tongue. I enter her mouth with my togue and she warmly wellcome me. Suddenly she also enter my mouth and kissed
<<if $kissboobs == true>>
When I start to lick her nipples she finger her self and she move my head towards her boobs. Her nipples are erected but rest of boobs are very smooth
<<if $kisspussy == true>>
When I start to lick her pussy she rubs her self and she move my head towards her pussy. She is very wet and you lick every bit of her with my tongue. I move my tounge inside her while she is moaning. While I lick her clit she caged me with her legs. I can't move away without please her.
<<if $blowjob == true>>
She remove my cloths and starts to care my big member in her hand. Soon after she starts to kiss head of the penis. She enters my penis halfway through and start squish your balls.
<<if $fuckher == true>>
I wanted to fuck her. I move your penis near her pussy and rub them. Soon after I enter her and continue the thrust. She moans and kissing you with erotic way. She come to top of me and she starts to ride my penis.
<<if $youcum == false>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">While you cuddeling</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/cuddle.gif" width="600" height="300">
<<speech "james" $name>>You know my dream is to win medals with athletics right?<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>What did you do wrong?<<= $name>>, Sweety<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>I m here to say I m quitting it.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> No, You cant do that. I know how much you love it.<<= $name>>, Sweety<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>yes but I cant keep my talent up to current members of team. So how can I ever win medal babe?
Anyway What is on your mind?<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask Alexis Idea]]</div>@@ <<nobr>>
<<if $storyStart==true && $inAwake == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Back to Apartment|Awake]]</div>@@
@@Current Main Objectives@@
<img src="image/header/1.jpg" width="800" height="100">
<<if $gender == "male">>
* @@You Need to Go Ground and Run and after talk with alexis about your bad performance@@
<<if $gender == "female">>
<<if $day_15 == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $hadKissFemale == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis out side of the school area - Probably after Day of Relationship: 3@@
<<elseif $day_25 == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $hadCuddleFemale == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis out side of the school area - Probably after Day of Relationship: 6@@
<<elseif $day_35 == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $hadPussyScissor == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis out side of the school area - Probably after Day of Relationship: 9@@
<<elseif $day_45 == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $isFirstPeriod == true>>
* @@You will have periods on or after 12 th day of Relationship (Must be school day)@@
<<elseif $day_55 == false>>
* @@You will need to find Alexis in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $hadPussyLickFemale == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis out side of the school area - Probably after Day of Relationship: 15@@
<<elseif $day_65 == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $hadPussyShave == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis out side of the school area - Probably after Day of Relationship: 18@@
<<elseif $day_75 == false>>
* @@You need to find Alexis in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
* @@Current Main Content for this path is over but you can continue days and have fun with old events and new minor events.@@
* @@Important - Current public story us over from here..patron story can be found here. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/vegatg">Patreon</a>@@
<img src="image/header/5.jpg" width="800" height="100">
<<if $gender == "female" && $isFirstMeet == false>>
<<if $athleticsday < 5 >>
* @@You have sport selection after 5 th day of practice@@
<<elseif $athleticsday == 5 && $isFirstMeetDone == false>>
* @@Important@@ - You have sport selection on ground.
* @@No active Sport events@@
* @@No active Sport events@@
<img src="image/header/4.jpg" width="800" height="100"><br>
<<if $isFirstMeetDone==false>>
* @@You can meet Fred after finish first sport selection (After 5 days of practice)@@
<<elseif $isFirstMeetDone && $day_05_fred == false>>
* @@You need to find Fred in cafeteria and talk with him - Probably you can find him today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $day_05_fred && $day_1_fred==false>>
* @@You need to find Fred out side of the school area@@
<<elseif $day_1_fred && $day_15_fred == false>>
* @@You need to find Fred in cafeteria and talk with him - Probably you can find him today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $day_15_fred && $day_2_fred==false>>
* @@You need to find Fred out side of the school area@@
<<elseif $day_2_fred && $day_25_fred == false>>
* @@Current Main Content for this path is over but you can continue days and have fun with old events and new minor events.@@
<img src="image/header/2.jpg" width="800" height="100">
<<if $hadPussyShave >>
* @@You need to find Fred in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $day_05_fred>>
* @@Current Main Content for this path is over but you can continue days and have fun with old events and new minor events.@@
* @@You have to meet after 18 th day of Relationship with Alexis and shave date with Alexis@@
<img src="image/header/3.jpg" width="800" height="100">
<<if $hadPussyShave >>
* @@You need to find Fred in cafeteria and talk with her - Probably you can find her today (Only in school days you have access to cafetiria)@@
<<elseif $day_05_elsa>>
* @@Current Main Content for this path is over but you can continue days and have fun with old events and new minor events.@@
* @@You have to meet after 18 th day of Relationship with Alexis and shave date with Alexis@@
*Talk With Alexis at Cafetiria after Date
*Meet Alexis Outside from school
*You cant go to Cafetiria on Saturday and sunday
<<if $gender == "female" && $isFirstPeriod == true>>
First Female periods will be after 12 day of Relationship or after that
<<elseif $gender == "female" && $isFirstPeriod == false>>
Female periods will be on <<= 28 - $perioddate>>
<<if $storyStart==true && $inAwake == true>>>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Back to Apartment|Awake]]</div>@@
<<set $fromObjectives=true>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You Need to Cum. Press actions to increase Arousal</h3></div>
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<button "Ask Her to Suck your dick">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $blowjob = true>>
<<goto "Have Blow job and tell her after">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">Your Arousal <<nobr>><<if $youcum == true>>0<<else>><<= $myArosal >><</if>><</nobr>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">Alexis Arousal <<= $alexisArosal >></div>@@
<<if $youcum == true>>
You Cum on her mouth
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-4.gif" width="300" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask her Idea]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Make her cum by finger]]</div>@@
<<if $blowjob == true>>
She remove your cloths and starts to care your big member in her hand. Soon after she starts to kiss head of the penis. She enters you halfway through and start squish your balls.
<<if $youcum == false>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<if $myArosal == 100>>
<<set $myArosal = 0>>
<<set $youcum = true>>
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
I Actually feel something different of my body suddenly I ran to the bathroom and shocked when I see your self from mirror.
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/mirror.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I cannot belive my eyes. I am looking at girl. I am fully girl with every single way from outside view. I needed to look what inside of me. I checked you shirt found two mounds on my chest and touch newly formed boobs out of nowhere. Ohhhhh They are real I have boobs....They looks like C cups as my girl friend.
I feel afraid to check crotch. Anyway I have to do that for confirm I am fully girl. I found that my penis is gone. I left with your new genitilia of fully functional vigina as I see. I felt emptyness between my legs
I saw new me as feminine but athletic figure.
Suddenly I remembered what I discuss with my girl friend yesterday.
You still cannot believe.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Check youself on Mirror]]</div>@@
I pick some baggy male cloths on my smooth female figure and head Alexis's Apartment.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Alexis apartment]]</div>@@
<<set $inAwake = false>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<if $isFirstPeriod == true && $alexisday >11>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Why do you come here so early in the morning $name<</speech>><br>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I have problem with my lower belly.............................I have periods................I think<</speech>><br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Talk with alexis]]</div>@@
I came to Alexis apartment and Start yelling at her<br>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Alexis, What did you do to me?<</speech>><br>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You become female as my spell worked. <</speech>><br>
<<speech "jane" $name>>What th fuck? Are you enjoying this??<</speech>><br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-1]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>> I think, I am having periods.<</speech>>
I show my bloody panty embarrassingly.....
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ohh.. I am sorry for you have to deal with ugly part of being girl. You will be able to handle this babe. Dont worry too much. It is only for 4 for 5 days. Anyway Congratulations you are fully girl babe. I love you...<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Don't Congratulate me. This is not happy thing. I am scared.. Please help me to deal with this.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Every girl have to deal with this. Dont panic honey. My girl also have to deal with this. I will teach you and soon you will dont need my help.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-3]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-6.webp" width="300" height="200">
You needed to please her since she didn't had orgasam yet and you start the fingering her. You speedup and kissing her while pressing boobs.
She cum with that moment and starts to cuddle with you while
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask her Idea]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Make her cum by Fingers</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-6.webp" width="300" height="200">
I enter my fingers inside her and starts to ravage her hole by finger and soon after she had her orgasam.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/kiss-fm-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
We talked, cuddled, and kissed for around an hour before I needed to head home.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Blow Job Time - Press Button to Cum</h3></div>
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<button "Ask Her to Suck your dick">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $blowjob = true>>
<<goto "Ask for Blow job">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">Your Arousal <<nobr>><<if $youcum == true>>0<<else>><<= $myArosal >><</if>><</nobr>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">Alexis Arousal <<= $alexisArosal >></div>@@
<<if $youcum == true>>
You Cum on her mouth and she swallow all of them
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-4.gif" width="300" height="200">
<br>@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Make her cum by your finger]]</div>@@<br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<if $blowjob == true>>
She remove your cloths and starts to care your big member in her hand. Soon after she starts to kiss head of the penis. She enters you halfway through and start squish your balls.
<<if $youcum == false>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<if $myArosal == 100>>
<<set $myArosal = 0>>
<<set $youcum = true>>
[[Head Home]] You Felt your soft lips kiss and boobs press each other
<img src="image/cuddle-ff-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
[[Try Have sex with her as girl]]
[[Try Have try somthing with her as girl]]
[[Try Have sex with her as girl using strapon]]
[[Try Have sex with her girl using strapon but She fuck you]]
[[Head Home]] [[Head Home]] [[Head Home]] [[Head Home]] <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/kiss-fm-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Have sex with her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask for Blow job]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<<set $sexualDesire = 0>>
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/female-nude-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<br>I imagine my girlfriend's nude body while watching porn on my phone. I imagine kissing her body as I stroke my penis hard while imagining she blows me off. After some time I ejaculated with a handful of sperms. It is a disgusting feeling all over me.
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == false>>
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<br>Your mind search for your girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking your pussy with your fingers and touching boobs.<br>
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/alexis-strapon-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<br>My mind search for your girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking your pussy with your fingers and touching boobs. Also you imagined her strapon attached dominated body looking to fuck your brains out.<br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@
<<if $isBoobTouched>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch your Boobs]]</div>@@
<<if $isScissor>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Play with clitoris]]</div>@@
<<if $hadPussyLickFemale>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Finger the pussy]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
<<set $sexualDesire = 0>>
You try to imagine kissing her body. I stroke my penis hard while imagining she blows me off. After some time I ejaculated. It is a disgusting feeling all over me.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagin Alexis]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagin Alexis With strapon]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/female-nude-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
My mind searches for my girlfriend's nude body. I imagine kissing her body. I stroke my penis hard while imagining she blows me off. After some time I ejaculated with a handfull of sperms. It is disgusting feeling all over me.
<<if $gender == "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Your mind search for your girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking your pussy with your fingers and touching boobs.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@
<<if $isBoobTouched>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch your Boobs]]</div>@@
<<if $isScissor>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Play with clitoris]]</div>@@
<<if $hadPussyLickFemale>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Finger the pussy]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == false>>
Your mind search for your girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking your pussy with your fingers and touching boobs.
<img src="image/mastrubate/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == true>>
Your mind search for your girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking your pussy with your fingers and touching boobs. Also you imagined her strapon attached dominated body looking to fuck your brains out.
<img src="image/mastrubate/alexis-strapon-2.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<<if $isBoobTouched>>
[[Touch your Boobs]]
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<<set $sexualDesire = 0>>
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/female-nude-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
My mind searches for my girlfriend's nude body while watching porn on my mobile phone. I imagine kissing her body. I stroke my penis hard while imagining she blows me off. After some time I ejaculated with a handfull of sperms. It is disgusting feeling all over me.<br>
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == false>>
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200"><br>
My mind search for your girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking my pussy with your fingers and touching boobs. <br>
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/alexis-strapon-1.jpg" width="300" height="500"><br>
My mind search for my girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking my pussy with your fingers and touching boobs. Also I imagined her strapon attached dominated body looking to fuck my brains out.<br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]] </div>@@
<<if $isBoobTouched>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch your Boobs Now]]</div>@@
<<if $isScissor>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Rub Your Clitoris]]</div>@@
<<if $hadPussyLickFemale>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Fingering pussy]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
<<set $sexualDesire = 0>>
You try to imagine images for the mastrubation. My mind searches for my girlfriend's nude body. I imagine kissing her body. I stroke my penis hard while imagining she blows me off. After some time I ejaculated with a handfull of sperms. It is disgusting feeling all over me.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagin About Alexis|Alexis]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Alexis with strapon]]</div>@@
<</if>><<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/female-nude-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
My mind searches for my girlfriend's nude body. I imagine kissing her body. I stroke my penis hard while imagining she blows me off. After some time I ejaculated with a handfull of sperms. It is disgusting feeling all over me.
<<if $gender == "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200"><br>
Your mind search for your girlfriends nude body and kissing her body iamginary while stroking your pussy with your fingers and touching boobs.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]] </div>@@
<<if $isBoobTouched>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch your Boobs Now]]</div>@@
<<if $isScissor>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Rub Your Clitoris]]</div>@@
<<if $hadPussyLickFemale>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Fingering pussy]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == false>>
<img src="image/mastrubate/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<if $gender == "female" && $hadStraponfuckYou == true>>
<img src="image/mastrubate/alexis-strapon-2.jpg" width="300" height="500">
[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]
<<if $isBoobTouched>>
[[Touch your Boobs Now]]
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Go University by Bus</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/transport/bus.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You decided to go to university by bus. It is more time consueming but anyway you decide it now. I saw lot of my friend in bus but I did't went to them since I only have few minutes ride to university.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go inside of the University Building|Go to University]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Go University by My Bike</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/transport/bike.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You decided to go to university by Bike. It is less time consueming and dont have to wait till bus. Also if you see friend walking you can help them also.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go inside of the University Building|Go to University]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Go University by Foot</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/transport/walk.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You decided to walk to university. It is more time consueming but it will give you good exercise. It is very good to feel morning air on my skin. I loved to walk university in the morning.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go inside of the University Building|Go to University]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">At the Beach</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Beach/beach.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@TIP@@ - Still no story Developed beach, Dont waste your time by coming here
I used sun cream and lay on beach sand with sheet for sun bathing.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "male">>
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Mens Changeing Area</h3></div><br>
<img class="center" src="image/places/men-change.jpg" width="300" height="200"><br>
My times and heights are becoming bad to worse. I am no longer worthy of participating in the team with my bad performance. I know soon I have to say goodbye to my athletic dream and leave the team. It is horrible to talk or even think about it.
<<elseif $gender == "female">>
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Womens Changeing Area</h3></div><br>
<img class="center" src="image/places/women-change.jpg" width="300" height="200"><br>
My running times and heights are getting worse. I am no longer capable of participating on the team, let alone in competitive events, with how bad my performance has gotten. I know soon I have to say goodbye to my dream of being an athletic star, as well as the team. It is too difficult for me to talk about, let alone think about.
My boobs are hold by my sport bra. Alexis was right they can do the job. It was bit awkward at first to run with wide hips and these two mounds on chest. But now it feels normal. Even I can see my sexy cleavage and sexy figure. If I had my penis I would die to fuck me now.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take Wash in Change Room]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave the Changing Room|End Practice]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/periods/pain.webp" width="500" height="300">
I feel large pain in my lower belly area. I afraid and runs to Bathroom. I assumend whats going on eventhough I never felt that ever..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lower Your panty|path-5-1]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I am heading to her apartment. Normally she comes to your but today I am going her apartment. I enter her apartment and look for her.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Are you looking for someone. She is teaseing with me<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-2-1]]</div>@@@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Father]]</div>@@ Your fathers name is Brandon neilson and he is working as electrician. He is 54 year old and happly married with your mother.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mother]]</div>@@ Your mothers name is Sara neilson and she is working as a teacher in primary schools. She is 52 year old and happly married with your father.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Brother]]</div>@@ Your elder brothers name is Erik neilson and He is 19 years old who is undergraduate student at University in their city. He is studying European history. He is 5 feet and 11 inches tall with muscular body and brown heir. His girl friends name is Nansy Bentley and she is 19 years old pretty girl with black heir. She is 5 feet and 6 inch tall.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sister]]</div>@@ Your elder Sister name is Beck neilson and She is 19 years old who is undergraduate student at University in their city. She is studying music. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall with petite body and brown heir. She currently doesnt have and affair. She likes both girls and boys other wise known as bisexual person. She had several boys and girl during high school as lovers. @@<div class="choiceSp">[[Alexis Burns]]</div>@@
She is a teen girl lives in apartment in busy town while attending your university and studies History. She is very good at academic works. You had relationship with her more than 2 years now. She is bit strange and she told you many time she can do magic work eventhough you didn't belive.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Elsa Nowelle]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Fred Bonnet]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Brendon Niles]]</div>@@@@Elsa Nowelle@@
<img class="center" src="image/Elsa/elsa-1.jpg" width="400" height="500">@@Fred Bonnet@@
<img class="center" src="image/Fred/fred-1.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Randomly Pick|Dress Chosen Cloths]]</div>@@
<<switch $bu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $tu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/purple-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/balck-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottom Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $bu = 0>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $bu = 1>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $bu = 2>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
<<click "Green">><<set $bu = 3>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $bu = 4>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $bu = 5>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $bu = 6>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
@@Top Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $tu = 0>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $tu = 1>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $tu = 2>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Purple">><<set $tu = 3>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $tu = 4>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $tu = 5>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $t = 1>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $t = 2>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $t = 3>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $t = 4>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $t = 5>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
<<switch $t>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/rose.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $b>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/grey-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<switch $s>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black-6.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-6.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottem :@@
@@Jeans :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 1>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $b = 2>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
@@Shorts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 3>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $b = 4>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
@@Skirts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 5>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $b = 6>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
@@Shoes :
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> | <<click "Black">><<set $s = 1>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $s = 2>><<goto "Choose Cloths">><</click>>
Choose above selected cloths
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dress Chosen Cloths]]</div>@@ @@<div class="choiceSp">[[Randomly Pick|Dress chosen School Cloths]]</div>@@
<<switch $bu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $tu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/purple-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/balck-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottom Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $bu = 0>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $bu = 1>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $bu = 2>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $bu = 3>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $bu = 4>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $bu = 5>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $bu = 6>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>>
@@Top Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $tu = 0>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $tu = 1>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $tu = 2>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Purple">><<set $tu = 3>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $tu = 4>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $tu = 5>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $t = 1>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $t = 2>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $t = 3>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $t = 4>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $t = 5>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>>
<<switch $t>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/rose.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $b>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/grey-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<switch $s>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black-6.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-6.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottem :@@
@@Jeans :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 1>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $b = 2>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>>
@@Shorts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 3>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $b = 4>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>>
@@Skirts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 5>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $b = 6>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>>
@@Shoes :
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> | <<click "Black">><<set $s = 1>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $s = 2>><<goto "Choose School Cloths">><</click>>
Choose above selected cloths
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dress chosen School Cloths]]</div>@@ <<if $gender == "female">>
<img src="image/girl-cloth/top-1.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<img src="image/boy-cloth/top-1.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<img src="image/girl-cloth/top-2.jpg" width="400" height="400"><img src="image/girl-cloth/bra-1.jpg" width="400" height="400"><img src="image/girl-cloth/panty-1.jpg" width="400" height="400"><img src="image/boy-cloth/boxers-1.webp" width="400" height="400"><<if $gender == "female">>
<img src="image/girl-cloth/nude-1.jpg" width="400" height="400">
Your used to have Bottom
<img src="image/boy-cloth/nude-1.jpg" width="400" height="400"><<if $gender == "female">>
<img src="image/girl-cloth/nude-2.jpg" width="300" height="400">
Your used to have Nude Top
<img src="image/boy-cloth/body-chest.webp" width="350" height="400"><img src="image/girl-cloth/bottom-2.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<img src="image/girl-cloth/bottom-1.webp" width="400" height="700"><img src="image/boy-cloth/bottom-1.webp" width="400" height="400"><img src="image/girl-cloth/shoes-1.jpg" width="400" height="400">@@Dog@@
<img class="center" src="image/Dog/dog-1.jpg" width="400" height="500">
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to have chat with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Alexis/girlfriend-1.jpg" width="200" height="240">
* New Talking Tasks With Alexis
<<if $femaleday > 0 && $day_15 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[First day as girl inside the school]]</div>@@
<<if $day_15 && $hadKissFemale && $day_25 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Find alexis in Cafeteria|Find alexis at school and you have Peeing problem]]</div>@@
<<if $day_25 && $hadCuddleFemale && $day_35 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Alexis Find you at Cafetiria]]</div>@@
<<if $day_35 && $hadPussyScissor && $day_45 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Find alexis at school to go buy pantys]]</div>@@
<<if $day_45 && $hadPeriod && $day_55 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Meet Alexi and talk about period pains]]</div>@@
<<if $day_55 && $hadPussyLickFemale && $day_65 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Meet Alexis and talk about Your Night]]</div>@@
<<if $day_65 && $hadPussyShave && $day_75 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Meet Alexis in cafetria|alexis-9]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
* Old already done Talking Tasks With Alexis
<<if $day_15>>
@@<div class="choice">[[First day as girl inside the school]]</div>@@
<<if $day_25>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Find alexis at school and you have Peeing problem]]</div>@@
<<if $day_35>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Alexis Find you at Cafetiria]]</div>@@
<<if $day_45>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Find alexis at school to go buy pantys]]</div>@@
<<if $day_55>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Meet Alexi and talk about period pains]]</div>@@
<<if $day_65>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Meet Alexis and talk about Your Night]]</div>@@
<<if $day_75>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Meet Alexi in cafetria|alexis-9]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to have chat with Fred</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Fred/fred-1.jpg" width="200" height="240">
<<if $isFirstMeetDone==false>>
@@Hint - @@ You can meet Fred after finish first sport selection (After 5 days of practice)
<<elseif $isFirstMeetDone && $day_1_fred==false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Fred waving his hand]]</div>@@
<<elseif $day_1_fred && $day_2_fred==false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Talk with Fred|fred_15_1]]</div>@@
@@Hint - @@ No Active events
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
<<if $day_05_fred>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Fred waving his hand]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to have chat with Elsa</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Elsa/elsa-1.jpg" width="200" height="300">
<<if $day_65 && $hadPussyShave && $day_05_elsa == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[You saw Elsa]]</div>@@
@@Hint - @@ You can meet After the 18 day of Relationship with Alexis after sahve date completed
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
<<if $day_05_elsa>>
@@<div class="choice">[[You saw Elsa]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">High Jump</h3></div>
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/highjump/male-1.jpg" width="600" height="400"><br>
<<set $maleheight = $maleheight - 1>>
I practice male high jump event for practice today max jump height is - @@<<= $maleheight>>cm@@<br>
My Athletic ability is before event is - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@
<<if $athleticAbility > 0>>
<<set $athleticAbility -= 1>>
<<set $athleticAbility = 0>>
<br>Now it is descreased to - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@
<<if $gender == "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/highjump/female-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<set $athleticsdays += 1>>
<<set $femaleheight = $femaleheight + 1>><br>
I practice a female high jump event and today maximum for it is - @@<<= $femaleheight>>cm@@<br>
My Athletic ability is before event is - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@<br>
<<if $athleticAbility > 0>>
<<set $athleticAbility += 1>>
<<set $athleticAbility = 0>>
Now it is Increased to - @@<<= $athleticAbility>>%@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[End Practice and Change back]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Wash Room Area</h3></div><br>
Inside the bathing area, I can see a lot of naked girls bathing and changing. If I have a penis it will be awake as a monster by now. But I also got pussy and a pair of boobs like them so I try to go shower not paying too much attention. They are also not paying any attention because I am a girl now. I feel excited but in a womenly way with wetting my pussy.
<img class="center" src="image/sport-cloth/bath-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/sport-cloth/bath-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/sport-cloth/bath-3.gif" width="300" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave the Ground|End Practice]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">While you cuddeling</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/cuddle.gif" width="600" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> I have magic book. So we can get help from that. DO you remember I told you about I bought few strange books few week back with my perfume.<<= $name>>, Sweety<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Please babe, Dont take this as joke. Im hurting<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Alexis: It is not joke. Let me show you.<<= $name>>, Sweety<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She Shows strange looking old book]]</div>@@
<img class="centerText" src="image/magic/book.jpg" width="600" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I can make spells in various way to overcome this babe as written in book.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I can try to make spell command to regain you medal dream back.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I can try to make spell command to transform you as female player.<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>@@<div class="choiceSp">[[What are you talking about?? Transform me as girl?..Are you alright??]]</div>@@
<</speech>><<speech "james" $name>>I don't believe you but If I become female how can we have this relationship?<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Don't worry babe You know I am bisexual. But When I am with girl I am little different.<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Okay, I dont believe this anyway. Go haed do your work<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go head do your work]]</div>@@<<speech "james" $name>>Anyway, How is this work?
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> It is mysterious even for me babe. Dont worry I m with anyway. You may gain strength maybe transform. What can we expect worst. <</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>You say me....<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Worst you will become female like me. Don't worry babe You know I am bisexual. But When I am with girl I am little different. <</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Okay, I dont believe this anyway. @@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go head do your work]]</div>@@ <</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/magic/chant.gif" width="600" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I chanting it now. It will take time. May be tommorow morning..<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Hmmm, Okay..(You still think she is bluffing)<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You can head home and have nice nap<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I remind you again babe. What ever happens real world assumes you are that way since birth babe as book says so don't panic what ever happens. Only I remember who you were. <</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $isAgree = true>>
<<set $lastDateAction = "How alexis and you kissed while you fucking her brains out flow into your mind. You felt her warmth of pussy on your penis. You feel bit horny even think about it. Her blowjobs are awesome and you thought she is perfect. You need to penertarate her over and over again now.">>You Dress Smooth Night Gown and lay on the bed
<img src="image/sleep/sleep-3.webp" width="500" height="500">
[[Sleep]] <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bed</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-2.webp" width="300" height="500">
I Dress T shirt and short and lay on the my bed. It feel so gooooood to have back n my bed.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sleep]]</div>@@You Dress Smooth Night Shirt and lay on the bed
<img src="image/sleep/sleep-4.jpg" width="500" height="700">
[[Sleep]] You Dress Smooth Sweatshirt and sweatpants and lay on the bed
<img src="image/sleep/sleep-1.webp" width="500" height="700">
[[Sleep]] <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You check your body</h3></div>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Mirror|Go to Bathroom]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/athletic.jpg" width="400" height="500">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-7.webp" width="400" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-8.webp" width="400" height="600">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/mirror.gif" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Mirror|Go to Bathroom]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">I check my body</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/athletic.jpg" width="400" height="500">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-7.webp" width="400" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-8.webp" width="400" height="500">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/mirror.gif" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mastrubate]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">I check my body</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/athletic.jpg" width="400" height="500">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-7.webp" width="400" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-8.webp" width="400" height="500">
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/mirror.gif" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mastrubate|Do Mastrubate]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow"> I Try to pee with help of Alexis</h3></div>
I know exactly I can't pee by standing anymore with current plumbing system. So I sit down and think of peeing. After some time I figured it out.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You need to sit down girl. <</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Dont call me girl<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Relax your peeing muscle. It is differnet. You can figure it out babe.<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-2.jpg" width="500" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee.jpg" width="500" height="700">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Start Pee]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You Try to pee by your self</h3></div>
I know exactly I can't pee by standing anymore with current plumbing system. So I sit down and think of peeing. After some time I figured it out.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-2.jpg" width="500" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee.jpg" width="500" height="700">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Start Pee]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Was it that much hard? I pee like that for almost 20 years now..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>But, as man it was very easy and take less time. Now I had remove my all cloths of lower half to do that..not even that, still needed to sit on toilet to pee.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>yeah, so what is the hurry here..we have all the time babe..with skirt it is more easier than this jeans..just need to pull up bit and all done..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>What about the piss wetting my crotch..I had ro clwan them by toilet paper..i never had to deal with them while man..just had to wait till last drop pee to remove from penis and thats all..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-6]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
I relax your peeing muscle. It is differnet even though I have done it. As long as I am girl I have to pee like this. It is not that much hard. But I have to accept It is not easy task as doing it with penis.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-2.jpg" width="500" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee.jpg" width="500" height="700">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Start Peeing]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
I relax your peeing muscle. It is differnet even though I have done it. As long as I am girl I have to pee like this. It is not that much hard. But I have to accept It is not easy task as doing it with penis.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-2.jpg" width="500" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee.jpg" width="500" height="700">
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-1.jpg" width="500" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mastrubate|Do Mastrubate]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Here are girl t shirt and jeans with my white panty and white bra..they are not much sexy but enough for feel comfortable..<</speech>>
She removes your top cloths and she can see your naked nipples attached to small torso..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/topnude-1.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Alexis Cup Your Boobs]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>>You removed your boxer and pants while she watching you..you felt embrassed..Evethough she saw you naked but that you was when you were male but now you are female..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/bottom-nude-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
I took panty given by alexis and put on my self. Alexis watching I am doing that with erotic look on her self. I put her jeans and I am now fully dressed bottom half. I removed my shirt and tried to place bra on my self. but I failed..I ask alexis for help.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask alexis help]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Here are my sports bra and short I wore for sport..I think you can ware them for your training after school..I dont use them at all..also here some skirts and underwears with some tops if you like to ware<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/sport-cloth/sport-bra.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/sport-cloth/panty.jpeg" width="400" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/girl-cloth/bottom-2.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I don't know even I can go to practice like this..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Please babe..you have to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay, I'll try. Can't be sure<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I know you can..please do it for me..you will be very happy..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she tried to hug you]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she tried to kiss you]]</div>@@She hugged me from behind like she is the boyfriend here..I can feel her tight grip..I am not used to that feeling..eventhough we both are girls she is clearly act as dominant here..I felt bit wierd but I liked it bit..
She hug me for severel miniutes and kiss my neck and make my heir looks better. She was already dressed..so you both can go school together..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/hug.jpg" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[stop it]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her do that..]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>>She hugged me from behind like she is the boyfriend here..I can feel her tight grip..I am not used to that feeling..eventhough we both are girls she is clearly act as dominant here..I felt bit wierd but I liked it bit..
She hug me for severel miniutes and kiss my neck and make my heir looks better.
After that she come forward and come closer to my face.I can feel her hot breath..even sight of her I can feel electric shock and wetness of my new pussy. I can feel breasts are pressing each other..that sensation is from another world..I can't describe it..
She try to kiss you..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-1.gif" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[stop it]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her do that..]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">She lick my lips</h3></div>
She lick my lips and suddenly I felt I am not ready..I said we have to go school and It is already late..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-reject.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to University]]</div>@@She is licking my lips and I am also trying to kiss her. I felt both smooth lips are touching each other..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-2.gif" width="600" height="400">
Alexis enters my mouth with her tongue and she is play with my mouth more controling..I cant even enter her mouth she is clearly likes what she is doing..I need to accept it. I also dont worry..it felt nice..feel her tongue inside my mouth is not usual but it gives me much pleasure than before. She push me to the table and lift me up on that. She is kissing me for more than five minutes now..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Trying to kiss her too]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<set $hadKissFemale = true>>
<<set $lastDateAction = "">>
I decided to go home without accpeting it. Because It is too soon to go out date as girls. I feel I need more time to adjust this new feelings.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Alexis I can't go today. I'm not feeling I am ready for this babe. Can we go another day.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Okay..Sure..Meet me when you are ready<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Normally I ask for date with her. But now she is asking from me. I feel bit awkward but any way I agreed..I can't say no to her even I try.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmm..Okay..We can try this then..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Thats ma girl..we can have great date babe..I am excited to show you living as girl is great..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-2-2]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Thats all for tonight..we dont need to do anything..we can take all things slowly. I want do over our relationship again as this new way and show you how fun it is to be girl in relationship..<</speech>>
I am now feeling her care for me than I was boy. I don't knoww why I did't feel this when I was boy. She doesnt care me that much while I were boy..but now she care about me on everything. Its not that bad to have caring person in my life right..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> I picked a movie babe. It is romantic comady film. I hope you will like it..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>lets watch it then..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-2-4]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Watching movie</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/film.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her kiss you]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She started to kiss my neck and lift my hair and kiss my ears too. She comes to my mouth after several minutes and I let her tongue in enter my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this. Why I never felt that way before. I felt more and more like girl with time.
She was play with you tongue in my mouth most of the time..it is very romantic and tasty to have her tongue inside my mouth. Even I try to do that to her she will soon take mine with minimum effort..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enjoy Kiss|path-2-5]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
I tried to kiss her..she is not rejecting it but bit disspointed..We both kiss and I let her tongue in my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me..
I felt her hot breath around my neck and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..My mouth is full from her saliva than mine..I felt her taste from all of my mouth..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch her boobs]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her touch your boobs]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast-1.gif" width="300" height="500">
She is moving her hands towards my breats while you kissing deeply..I also starts to press her boobs and start squeeze her boobs on top of her cloths..she is moaning
When I stopped she starts to press my boobs and squeeze them. She starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with little voice.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.gif" width="300" height="500">
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. I dont even remember what film We are watching..We enjoyed our selves than watching film..
Anyone seeing us will be thinking we as lesbian couple now..she or me didnt even care..even if I care she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Tried to check it on panty]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.jpg" width="500" height="300">
she starts to press my boobs and squish them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with littele voice
<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.gif" width="300" height="500">
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. I dont even remember what film We are watching..We enjoyed our selves than watching film..
Anyone seeing us will be thinking we as lesbian couple now..she or me didnt even care..even if I care she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Tried to check it on panty]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of the Film Hall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/theater.jpg" width="500" height="200"><br>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I think you enjoyed our date babe. I can see your pink face even in this darkness babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yeah I enjoyed our time together..what will we do now..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-2-6]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">While Going Home</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/car.webp" width="500" height="300">
While I am in car near my apartment she tried to kiss me. I felt so nice. I felt like girl with her touch on my body.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her kiss while in car]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dont let her kiss while in car]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/Film/alone.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I decide to walk home by myself. She asked to drop me but I felt it as embarrassed to to drop by her..since I am the one normally doing it..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $lastDateAction = "How alexis and you kissed in the movie hall and how she press and squish your breast flowing in to you mind. Her controlling action make you wet again and again. You Imagning them all over again doing you both.">><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-1.jpg" width="200" height="350">
She starts kiss me after arrival of the her house. It is very lovely to have her with me by my side. She loves me so much. That is why she helped me to achieve my dream even though she lost my old body.
<<if $isKissed>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Continue Kiss with her|Let her kiss you-1]]</div>@@
<<if $isBoobTouched>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Cuddle with her|Let her touch your boobs-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choice">[[Ask her to play with boobs|Let her touch your boobs-2]]</div>@@
<<if $hadPussyLickFemale == true>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Ask her to lick your pussy|pussy-1-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choice">[[Ask her to Finger you|Let her Kiss you...]]</div>@@
<<if $isWatchedFim>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Lets go see movie]]</div>@@
<<if $isYouInviteHerDate>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Invite Her Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choice">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boobs-1.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-2.webp" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boobs-3.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-4.webp" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-5.jpg" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-6.webp" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-7.webp" width="350" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boobs-1.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-2.webp" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boobs-3.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-4.webp" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-5.jpg" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-6.webp" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/boob-7.webp" width="350" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]</div>@@ <<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Can you see babe how much sexy you are even with this boobs alone..she cup them behind..kissed your neck..<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/cupbehined.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I am not used to any of her actions now..she is very comfortable with me than as boy..she is more relax and in a control postion..she is kissing my neck..it is first time..normally I doing that..even though We both girls she is clearly take control here..she is hugging me from behind..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-neck.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Alexis Help you to wear bra]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>>She helped me to ware your bras. She show how to place boobs in to cups and how to stick bra to my self..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Is that so much hard babe??<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No but with my male body i dont have to ware bra at all..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>But cant you feel the sensation of them..they are lot more sensitive..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I felt so horny feeling and felt electric shick while she cupped my breast..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>> I don't want to talk about it..it is embarrassing<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You know it felt nice..dont lie me babe.<</speech>>
She asks you to remove your jeans and boxer..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/bottom-nude-1.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wear Alexis Jeans and Panty]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>She is looking at your bare legs..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Your legs are so sexy honey..butt is round and full..even your pussy is looks very nice and clean..we have to take care of that pubic hair soon..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I feel embarrassed before her..she seen my naked body many times but that time you were male..But now you are female I have pussy and boobs with this curey body<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She gave you white panty and girl jeans]]</div>@@
I removed my shirt and tried to place bra on my self..but I failed..I ask alexis for help.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/topnude-1.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She Come Near You]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Can you see babe how much sexy you are even with this boobs alone..she cup them behind..kissed your neck..<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/cupbehined.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I am not used to any of her actions now..she is very comfortable with me than as boy..she is more relax and in a control postion..she is kissing my neck..it is first time..normally I doing that..even though We both girls she is clearly take control here..she is hugging me from behind..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-neck.gif" width="600" height="400">
She helped me to wear my bra. She show how to place boobs in to cups and how to stick bra to my self..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Finished Your Cloths]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/school.jpg" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Is that so much hard babe??<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No but with my male body i dont have to ware bra at all..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>But cant you feel the sensation of them..they are lot more sensitive..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I felt so horny feeling and felt electric shick while she cupped my breast..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>> I don't want to talk about it..it is embarrassing<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You know it felt nice..dont lie me babe.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she offers more cloths]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-3.gif" width="600" height="400">
Clearly she is controlling the kissing more than me. I can feel wetness in my pussy. My breast are erected. also Now I don't have penis to get erected anyway. Our boobs are pressing each other and we both had very long kiss more than 10 minutes now. Finally she stops and said we have to go school hun..let's continue this on tommorrow or day after that..
I can feel your panty is very wet with my pussy juice. She looks in my eyes and understood the my problem.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>If you need to change panties we can do that..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I can mange it..no time for it lets go..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to University]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis Drives</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/car.webp" width="500" height="300">
She is in the driver seat..normally I drive her car..but now she dont let me do it today. I know I look like girl. But I am still boy inside. Anyway she is treating me very nicely I can feel it though..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Enjoy ride babe. I will drive you today. I want you to be free from every hard task from now on.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enjoy Ride|path-2-3]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">At the Caffe While order Coffee</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/butt.jpg" width="500" height="300">
We both enters caffe and ordered my favourite coffee..We both talking about some stuff. While I ordering my coffee she touches my Butt. Normally I am doing it to her. But She is the one doing that to me..Then she squeeze my but and it jiggles. I can feel it. I didnt say anything but ordering while ignoring her actions.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/butt.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Table]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">At the Caffe While order Tea</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/butt.jpg" width="500" height="300">
We both enters caffe and ordered my favourite Tea..We both talking about some stuff. While I ordering my coffee she touches my Butt. Normally I am doing it to her. But She is the one doing that to me..Then she squeeze my but and it jiggles. I can feel it. I didnt say anything but ordering while ignoring her actions. Then she squeeze my but and it giggles. I could felt it. I didnt say anything but ordering while ignoring her actions.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/butt.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Table]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You both kissing</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/cheek-1.gif" width="500" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/Film/cheek-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/Film/cheek-3.webp" width="600" height="300">
She kissed my cheeks like boy and show way to apartment door like boy. It felt very nice to treated like girl but I am afraid that I am going to like this too much..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go town by her car|Head town by her car]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">She starts to dress cloths</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/alexi.gif" width="400" height="700">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I have a nice plan for today babe. How about go a date as girls...lets take it slowly..we dont need to hurry..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Reject it]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Accept it]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">At the Table</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/touch.jpg" width="500" height="300">
She is touching your legs and move to your thighs..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Can you see babe live as girl is not that much hard..it is enjoyable than your manly way..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmm...But It is not normal to me to have treated like girl<</speech>>
I feel I am getting wet by her touch..I am thinking why am I so exited everytime..little touch can make me feel horny. Is that how girl feel everytime..After we finish she paid for we both..normally I did it while boy..but she takecare about it..it is okay..I thought
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Let's go to watch movie..I heard there is great romantic movie showing these days..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets go see movie]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Watching movie</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/film.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Watch movie silently]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Kiss her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her kiss you]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Watching movie</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/wetpanty.jpg" width="300" height="450">
My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel right now. I can feel it. Finally Film is over now..you both look disspointed and hope more time together
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go out from film hall|head out from film hall]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/car.gif" width="400" height="300">
She kissed me dominantly for another few minutes. She escort with me to my apartment door and place kiss on my forehead. I try to kiss her lips as my love for become more natural.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/forehead.gif" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Lets have fun day soon..she says good buy and head to car for go her apartment.<</speech>>
Normally I am doing the droping her to her apartment..but she is doing for me now..it was nice but I feel like girl in this relationship eventhough we both girls.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wait till she goes|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $lastDateAction = "How alexis and you kissed in the movie hall and how she press and squish your breast flowing in to you mind. Her controlling action make you wet again and again. You Imagning them all over again doing you both.">>
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/Film/forehead.webp" width="400" height="300">
She came with you to your apartment and set kiss on your forehead.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Lets have fun day soon..she says good buy and head to car for go her apartment.<</speech>>
Normally I am doing the droping her to her apartment..but she is doing for me now..it was nice but I feel like girl in this relationship eventhough we both girls.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wait till she goes|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $lastDateAction = "How alexis and you kissed in the movie hall and how she press and squish your breast flowing in to you mind. Her controlling action make you wet again and again. You Imagning them all over again doing you both.">><img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/compare.jpg" width="500" height="450">
She is touching your hips, and butt passionately but it bit look like a dominant way..she is in control..you are not used to that..every time you were at the dominant previous sex occasions..you feel a bit vulnerable now.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/butt.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She Squeeze you Butt]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">After that She spank your butt to see they are real</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/spank-butt.gif" width="500" height="350">
<<speech "jane" $name>>How can i deal with this large mounds on my chest..they are pretty large..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Dont worry they are same size as mine..if i can dealnwith them everyday you can do that babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>How so??<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-9]]</div>@@<<speech "jane" $name>>Dont do that..i am embarrassed..please<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/squeeze.jpg" width="400" height="350">
Alexis did that anyway..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/squeeze-2.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>They are great..even i cant fully touch with my amrs..I think they are cup size C.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I dont know what that means..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-10]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="300" height="200">
It’s my first day as girl inside the school. Everyone treate me as they know me as girl their all life. I think what Alexis said was right about th book. After your class is done I saw Alexis is waiting for you outside the class. I went towards her and she starts talking to me.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>How are you honey. Is it hard to stay girl now.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Not hard but I’m not used to this heir and boobs<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You will get used to them.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let’s go to cafeteria]]</div>@@
<<set $day_15 = true>>
<<set $ishadFirstTalk = true>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of University Cafetiria</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I followed her while holding her hands. It is not wired to girls to hold hands while walking in here. I bought my lunch and sit with next to her.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>There is no different way to eat as girl. Why aren’t you eating.??<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I smile and started to eat.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Eat and have chat with Alexis]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It’s nice to have eat with you babe. If you were boy, you are not coming to eat with me anyway.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yep, I admit. I had to go to my friends to eat.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Now you are all mine. She smiles<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>yep, you got me for at least this week....<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_15_2]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.webp" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I am done with my meal babe. are You finish?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>me too.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You must go ground and train today as girl. You can use my sports bra and short<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I’ll try babe. I don't know how to run with this boobs..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>That is why we use sports bra. It will reduce your Jiggle. So no more excuses. you should go.<</speech>>
You accept as obedient girl and let her make her choice for me.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay, I will go then...<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>That’s what I wanted too here..Love ya<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Call with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Hello, Babe....<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Hello, I see you can’t spend one more day without seeing me right.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yeah maybe it’s something like that..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-1]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I decide not to cook today since it is too hard to cook something for someone else. I cooked for me all the time but this is different. I called local hotel and order our dinner. Alexis will not find I order foods......
<<speech "jane" $name>>hello, Is This is Sea Side Hotel<</speech>>
<<speech "stranger" "Recipient">>Hello, Yes This is Sea Side Hotel. How can i help you miss?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Can I get pasta drinks for two persons<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-3]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You are cooking</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/cook-2.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>It’s easy. I can make something for her..I already know how to prepare some of my meals. I can do it again. No need to panic<</speech>>
But its first time you cooking for her..not even her..this is first time I prepare meal for other than my self. I watch cooking videos and starts to make meal..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Watching|path-3-5]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Finally She came half an Hour late</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/wine.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Alexis rang the bell and you let her in. She get some wine with her. Soon after she came she remove her top cloths made her self home here.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh..so nice to see you babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Me too..its first time I'm preparing foods us right..I can’t think you put me through this..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-6]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You chat with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I'll heat our foods babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Okay..come to me I want to feel your breath and lips so badly<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You start the food heating and went to her like obedient girl..|path-3-8]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She started to kiss my neck and then slowly lift my hair and starts to kiss my ear. She comes to my mouth after several minutes and I let her tongue in myself and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-10]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/grab.gif" width="400" height="300">
We both are with bras now. She is taking off my bra as well..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Ohhhh...it is bit wired.hhh..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>why, I have touch those before..you are my girl..I have every right to see you naked..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-11]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.jpg" width="500" height="300">
she starts to press my boobs and squeeze them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I am moaning with littele voice
<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.gif" width="300" height="500">
I feel wet flow is flowing through my vagina to my pussy lips. You pretty sure alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. She is in control everytime. You can feel it. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel right now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She asked you to remove top]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/wet.gif" width="400" height="300">
I am almost nude on her lap. I can feel how wet my pussy is now more than ever.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh..I can see you are excited babe..pussies don’t lie..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>What..What are you talking babe..Let's continue kissing please..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-13]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
I follow her order and went bathroom with towel. After moment Alexis come and hug me from behind like boy would do..
<<speech "jane" $name>>What are you doing babe..I felt wired that hug..I don't know why but I feel very sensitive now<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Sorry babe..Any way you will get used to this. So don’t worry it is first of many hugs<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-14]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/towel.jpg" width="450" height="300">
We both use towel together to remove wetness from our bodies. We both wear under garments and tops and jeans. I head to the dinner date table and serve with hot foods..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I cant wait to eat my girlfriends foods..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Don’t embarrass me more honey..let's eat please..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-15]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lap.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Both of us are finished our plates and start desert as well..While eating desert she took me to her side like boy and sit me on her lap and starts cuddle with me. I felt so girly and I felt she as dominant partner and I am submissive girl of her. She is controlling most of actions for me as I thinking. I don’t mind it since she is really care for me..
She starts to kiss my neck and squeeze my boobs from inside of your cloths. It felt really nice..suddenly she broke our kiss and asks..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>let's go to bed. I'm staying with you toady..Dont worry we only cuddle..<</speech>>
She get her bag and search for some and she gives me...
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she gives you few night dresses]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/cuddle-lesbian.gif" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I want you to were one of this tonight with me..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sweatshirt & sweatpants]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Nightshirt]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Nightgown]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>>They are too girly..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Please do it for mee. It is not like you are going outside wearing this. They are for your own peace. I will understand how smooth they feel on your skin..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Accept to wear night dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Reject to wear night dress]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/night.jpg" width="400" height="400">
I accept and wear one of Night gown. I have to do it for her..she is really caring about me..I can do this kind of simple things to please her. She come from behind and care my girly figure like boy doing for girl..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-16]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/night.jpg" width="400" height="400">
She felt very bad when I said it. So I rethink and choose to wear them. I have to do it for her..she is really caring about me..I can do this kind of simple things to please her.She come from behind and care my girly figure like boy doing for girl..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-17]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/sex.gif" width="600" height="400">
I follows her like girl..at the bed she starts to kiss me and enter my mouth with her tongue..I warmly welcome her and let her play with mine and I submit myself to her. She is squeezing boobs and I also try to do that to hers. We are start cuddling but slowly its now very aggressive.I feel like I m near to female orgasm. I never had one but I can feel it is going to happen or maybe not..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-18]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lesbian.gif" width="600" height="300">
I found she is awake and kissing and looking toward my in bed..
<<speech "jane" $name>>What are you doing awake this much early<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I m watching my long awaited girl..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>haha..okay I let you do that..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-19]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lesbian.gif" width="600" height="300">
I saw she is moving like dark picture and she kissed my forehead and head to apartment door.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Are you going babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yep, I have to go now. I frogot some project work babe..love you babe..bye<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>love you too bye..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Awake]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Hello, Babe....<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Hello, I see you can’t spend one more day without seeing me right.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yeah maybe it’s something like that..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-1]]</div>@@I take look on Smooth Night shirt and lay on the bed
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-4.jpg" width="500" height="700">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Back|she gives you few night dresses]]</div>@@I take look on Smooth Nightgown and lay on the bed
<img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-3.webp" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Back|she gives you few night dresses]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of University Cafetiria</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>hi babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ahh...I m waited for you long..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_25_1]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Going toward Ladies room</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/door.jpg" width="400" height="500">
She take your hand and going to girls wash room. Its first time I am going to girls wash room. I followed her like girl follow boyfriend of hers to safe place to have some private moment
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/run.jpg" width="400" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You entered it]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You say I cant enter]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Wash room</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/inside.jpg" width="700" height="400">
I don’t had time to think suddenly I am in inside of the girls wash room..its not empty but not that much crowed. I saw it for first time..it doesn’t had urinals. Yeah urinals for what..girls don’t have dick. I don’t have dick either. So why use urinals here. I can see line of stalls with Toilet
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she asks you to use the stalls]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Wash room</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/inside.jpg" width="700" height="400">
I said I can't enter with her..I felt afraid to go there since it's first time..but she pull me into it with no time. I don’t had time to think suddenly I am in inside of the girls wash room..its not empty but not that much crowed. I saw it for first time..it doesn’t had urinals. Yeah urinals for what. girls doesn’t have dick. I don’t have dick either. So why use urinals here. I can see line of stalls with Toilets
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she asks you to use the stalls]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Stall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/pee-2.jpg" width="300" height="500">
I actually has need of pee really
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Go inside and do it hun..I could see you need to pee at cafeteria.. Now you are here go do it. I think you remember how to pee by now..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yep I remember..I feel it more natural now..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_25_2]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">While Peeing</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/piss.gif" width="500" height="300">
I released my girly pee muscles and starts to pee. Eventhough it is very differnt than I used to I am bit comfortable with it now.
I am making mess around pussy while I piss. But when I had penis no pee left or mess in my crotch. I thought penis is comfortable for peeing but sensation wise pussy is way ahead.I automatically use toilet papers after peeing. I come out and look for Alexis..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I go to her]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Wash room</h3></div>
<img class="center" src=" image/toilet/kiss.gif" width="700" height="400">
After I go towards her she starts to talk and cuddle with me near the washroom conner wall. She takes care of my heir and kiss my lips and enter her tongue inside my mouth without time.
Some girls staring at her. But she doesn’t care. I also cannot resist her kiss. After loooong kiss..............We went out and went sperate ways
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Out from School]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to have chat with Brendon</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Brendon/brendon.jpg" width="200" height="240">
<<if $day_65 && $hadPussyShave && $day_05_brendon == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Brendon Coming Towards me]]</div>@@
@@Hint - @@ You can meet After the 18 day of Relationship with Alexis after sahve date completed
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
<<if $day_05_brendon>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Brendon Coming Towards me]]</div>@@
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Decide to meet Brendon</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Brendon/brendon.jpg" width="200" height="240">
<<if $day_65 && $hadPussyShave && $day_75 == false>>
@@New - @@@@<div class="choice">[[Fred waving his hand]]</div>@@
@@Hint - @@ You can meet After the 18 day of Relationship with Alexis after sahve date completed
@@<div class="choice">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of University Cafetiria</h3></div><<set $day_35 = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>hi babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ahh...I m waited for you long..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_35_1]]</div>@@
<<set $day_45 = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
After have some food I skipped going my practice session for essential task to buy new panty and bras..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Is it okay to skip practice babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>It is only one day. Maybe I colud go there even after this. skip one class is better that not wearing panties and bras.. HeHe<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>yep that’s right. If you don't want to drop juice on school floor you better get panty today..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[We both go to mall]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Call with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>hello babe<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>hello, honey..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Can I take my girl to shopping with me today.<</speech>>
I can’t reject it. But I am very like to go out with her and be with her. I am her girlfriend now and I felt it..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Reject shopping]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Accept shopping]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/toilet/touch.jpg" width="500" height="300">
Eventhough everyone can see If them look at your table I let her do it freely. She moves hand towards inner thighs press harder and I am slowly moaning
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let’s head to washroom Now]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of University Cafetiria</h3></div><<set $day_35 = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>don’t do it here babe. Everyone is here. all of them can see if you do it<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> I don’t care about them. I care about you babe<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I stand up and went toward washrooms|let’s head to washroom Now]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/toilet/door.jpg" width="400" height="500">
She takes my hand and going to girls wash room. It is not first time I am going to girls wash room. I followed her like girl follow boyfriend of hers to safe place to have some private moment
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You entered Washroom with her|You entered Toilet]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Washroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/inside.jpg" width="700" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/run.jpg" width="400" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She take me into one of stall]]</div>@@<img class="centerText" src="image/toilet/kiss.jpg" width="400" height="700">
She started to kiss you your neck and cheeks.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Let's continue where we left off before...<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>She removed some buttons of my shirt while she looks into me. <</speech>>
I knew what was going to happen to me. I didn’t want to stop it though. She is my girl friend. But I am now girl. I felt very vulnerable. She go through shirt and start squeeze boobs and kiss my lips and entered my mouth with force.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her kiss your lips forcefully]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/kiss-1.jpg" width="400" height="400">
I am now used to be obedient girl and let her do what she wanted while I do whatever I can or she let me do to her. I also squeeze her boobs and touch her thighs. She pulls me to stall wall and speed up things and I began to moan. After a while, We both stopped. I get dressed again. I had to make positions of my bra and boobs in cups and shirt buttons.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_35_2]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/toilet/panty-1.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay then..Take it..Anyway I need clean new one now<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>She took it close to nose and smell it
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_35_3]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/panty-2.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>No..I'm feel shy...<</speech>>
You look shy and didnt even talk about it. she come close to my pussy make her face close to it. She took smell of the pussy and she take panty out from my legs.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_35_5]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Call with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I can’t go today babe. Can we go tommorow please. I have work to do<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Call with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay. I am all yours today..how will I come..<</speech>>
Normally you are the one picking up her while you were boy
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I ll come and get you..<</speech>>
I felt so girly as she offered to get me by car..but I don’t care. I am a girl now anyway..
<<speech "jane" $name>> I ll be ready..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>If you like ware the skirts..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I ready with jeans and t shirt]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I ready with tank top and skirt]]</div>@@
<<set $hadPussyScissor = true>>
<<set $isScissor = true>>
<<set $hadMallTrip = true>>
<<set $gender = "female">><img class="center" src="image/mall/skirt.jpg" width="400" height="600">
Even after I dress jeans and T shirt I think like that I should obey her since she really asked..so I decided remove jeans and shirt. I dress my panties and bra on to myself..and after that wear girl top and skirt since she insisted..I feel I needed to obey her..she is my partner..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wait for Alexis]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/skirt.jpg" width="400" height="600">
You put your panties and bra on to yourself..and after that ware girl top and skirt since she insisted..you feel to obey her..she is your partner..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wait for Alexis]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/car.jpg" width="400" height="500">
You were already at the road when she arrives.She greets me warmly..
<<speech "jane" $name>>How are you babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I'm fine. But You are late Alexis..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cars.jpg" width="400" height="400">
I thought while going to mall by Alexis car that really I never did drive since I became girl..she do that for me everytime. I didnt complain since it is not necessary to drive even for boy. I happy she is doing it for me..even it make me more girl I liked it..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enter the mall]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of the Mall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/mall.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Mall has so many shops that There were shops I never visited..but as Alexis said I am going to underwear shop and girl cloth shop. I am going to cover two more shops today. Also after that we probably can eat from food court today.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Food court]]</div>@@
I should follow her without entering unknown shops................
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Follow her|path-4-2]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">While Shopping</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/shopping.webp" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I will change..but not today..lets go shopping..<</speech>>
I am bit excited to go shopping as girl..I never had done this before..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>That is my girl spirit. I think you will be happy as girl than boy. I already feel you enjoy this girly life better than booring male life..<</speech>>
She hug me for moments. Our boobs are pressing..I can feel her huge mounds press my mounds..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enter Girls cloth shop]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">While Shopping</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/shopping.webp" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I will not change if you like me this way more babe..<</speech>>
I am bit excited to go shopping as girl..I never had done this before..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>That is my girl spirit. I think you will be happy as girl than boy. I already feel you enjoy this girly life better than booring male life..<</speech>>
She hug me for moments. Our boobs are pressing..I can feel her huge mounds press my mounds..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enter Girls cloth shop]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Girl's Cloth Shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cloth.jpg" width="400" height="300">
We both entered shop and looking for cloths. I go through many jeans, skirts and tops..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I think you should buy this four pairs. she give me One jean, Two skirts and One top.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Okay|path-4-3]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis show a dress</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/dress.png" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I am going to buy this dress for you babe. I want to see you in this next date..<</speech>>
It was light but bright grey color..it shines. She offers to buy me a dress. Normally I did that last year as boy. But she is now buying me a dress. Time changes every thing..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Let's try them first<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Okay I try the dress and other cloths]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/dress-2.jpg" width="400" height="600">
She is looking at me while change and appreciate my looking..I was normal thing I did as boy..but she doing that for me now..
I wear the dress..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-4]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Remind you taking her virginity</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/virgin-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Alexis What is the feeling of entering someone in your Vagina first time..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> It is painful at first..you were the one who do that to me. Don’t you remember..i felt pain that day..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-21]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/dress.png" width="400" height="600">
I accept the dress and few more outfits and headed out side.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is to late to go panty shopping. We have something girl special thing to do today..we can go tomorrow noon after school if you are available. Is that Okay with you<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Okay fine let's skip panty shopping]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">We Pass the Girls Underwear Shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/underwear.jpg" width="400" height="300">
We passed the girls underwear shop and heading towards the food court. We both hungry now. Needed to fill our belies before going home.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Food Court|path-4-23]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/apartment.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Soon after I enter she starts kissing me deeply with her tongue inside my mouth..she doesn’t let one minute go waste I thought I am lucky to have her..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-25]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She started to kiss my neck and lift my hair and kiss my ears too. She comes to my mouth after several minutes and I let her tongue in enter my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this. Why I never felt that way before. I felt more and more like girl with time.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
She was play with you tongue in my mouth most of the time..it is very romantic and tasty to have her tongue inside my mouth. Even I try to do that to her she will soon take mine with minimum effort..
She is looks like trying for new moves. I let her take control.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to bed and let her control next move]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/mall/hug.gif" width="400" height="400">
she starts to press my boobs and squish them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with littele voice
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited.
Anyone seeing us will be thinking we as lesbian couple now. she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
She is looks like trying for new moves. I let her take control.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to bed and let her control next move]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/sex.gif" width="600" height="400">
I follows her like girl..At the bed she starts to kiss me and enter my mouth with her tongue. I warmly welcome her and let her play with mine and I submit myself to her. She is squeezing boobs and I also doing hers. We are start cuddling slowly but its now very aggressive.I feel like I m near to female orgasm.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Cuddle|path-4-27]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/hug.gif" width="400" height="400">
I removed my panty and her panty while looking at familiar her pussy once I used to fuck her every day. Now I am not able to fuck her. Now I also has same one which is also waiting to get fucked... I could feel her pussy smell when I remove her panty..
It makes me more horny..I bit my lips. She saw that..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>No no not today honey..no kissing my pussy today..<</speech>>
I feel embarassed. How control She is now..
<<speech "jane" $name>>okay babe..let me think of something<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I m not offering my wet panty to her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I am offering my wet panty to her]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/mall/lick-1.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Nothing. I just nèed to relax. I move my crotch towards her face and take smell of it. She starts to kiss my pussy through my panty. I think she can feel my wetness on panty. It is very wet I can feel it..
She is trying to move next phase....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[lets have scissoring babe]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/lick-1.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I move my crotch towards her face and take smell of it. She starts to kiss my pussy through my panty. I think she can feel my wetness on panty. It is very wet I can feel it. I removed my panty after that. I give her my panty which is with my love juice coming out for her..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh how sweet of you $name. My girlfriend offer her wet panty to me. If you offer me more you will have to go panty less next week babe. We better go tomorrow for panty shopping..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>We can think about it tomorrow<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-28]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Let's Do It</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/sic.jpg" width="800" height="400">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> It is sex only two girl can do..don't you excited..you can feel your pussy today and even can get intense clitoris orgasms<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>> I have watched them on internet i dont know how to do that..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>But you don't know how to do that and How amazing it feels.. Let me show you..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her show|path-4-29]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-1.gif" width="800" height="400">
She is rubbing pussies together and I felt clitoris very excited and grinding pussies are felt awesome..
She come top of like boyfriend would do and act as dominant. She fuck me like a boy fuck to girl. I remember I fuck like that 2 weeks ago.. But she is fucking hard to with rubbing my pussy. I have enter anything in my pussy yet. But still it feels better than having cock.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Speed Up It|path-4-31]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-1.gif" width="800" height="400">
I start grind our pussies against each. But soon she take control and speed up the task.
She is rubbing pussies together and I felt clitoris very excited and grinding pussies are felt awesome..
She come top of like boyfriend would do and act as dominant. She fuck me like a boy fuck to girl. I remember I fuck like that 2 weeks ago.. But she is fucking hard to with rubbing my pussy. I have enter anything in my pussy yet. But still it feels better than having cock.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Speed Up It|path-4-31]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/orgasm/1.webp" width="600" height="400">
It get some time but you feel your first know female orgasm is coming..
I felt sudden splesure wave and felt your orgasm all over my body. I tried to keep concentrate but pleasure take control over me and act its own way and I moaned and stretch my every bone fell on bed..
Alexis noticed you had first orgasm
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Feel it|path-4-34]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/sleep.jpg" width="400" height="600">
In morning I found myself inside her arms. We both are still naked. It is already late..we dress cloths without much talking..but we both felt satisfaction but very tired..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to home|Awake]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of the Mall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/mall.jpg" width="400" height="300">
There are Lot of large and small shops inside the Mall. Normally I come here weekly with Alexis for shopping for her or have some fun..
<<set $special1 = true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Food court]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of Girl Cloth shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cloth.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<if $special1>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Girl cloth shop|We both go to mall]]</div>@@
You look around the girl cloths. I touch some of them and needed see how I look on them..
<<if $isWithSomeOne != true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Girl cloth shop|Mall]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Girl cloth shop|Enter the mall]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Dresses]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of Girl Undergarment shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/underwear.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<if $special1 != true>>
<<if $isWithSomeOne != true>>
I look around the girl under garments. I touch some of them and needed see how I look on them..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Undergarment shop|Mall]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
I look around the girl under garments. I touch some of them and needed see how I look on them..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Girl cloth shop|Enter the mall]]</div>@@
Alexis take me to measure me correctly before take bras. <br>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I know we both are same size. But it is better make sure..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "stranger" "Shop Assistant">>Shop assistant take off my top and bra and measure them..you are 34C..<</speech>><br>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>See I told you, You are same as me. We both have same sizes of boobs..<</speech>><br>
She squeeze one boob of mine and kiss my cheek before shop assistant come with different bras. I will have try many various of bras and decide to get some of those
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Bras|day_45-1]]</div>@@
<<if $special1 != true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Panties|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Bras|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of Food Court</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/food.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<if $special1>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Girl cloth shop|We both go to mall]]</div>@@
I normally eat from Food court once or twice a week with Alexis or my friends. There French and Chinese restaurant who offers delicious foods.
<<if $isWithSomeOne != true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Food court|Mall]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Girl cloth shop|Enter the mall]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/bite.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I tried some different panties while Alexis watching me changing with biting her lips. I choose few of panties and tried to head counter. But Alexis has other ideas. She waited to this moment i can see. She is move her had and grab me closer. She take control over me and kissed my mouth and enter my mouth while gripping my boobs..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her kiss you]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her hug your]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Panties]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She started to kiss my neck and lift my hair and kiss my ears too. She comes to my mouth after several minutes and I let her tongue in enter my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this. Why I never felt that way before. I felt more and more like girl with time.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
She was play with you tongue in my mouth most of the time..it is very romantic and tasty to have her tongue inside my mouth. Even I try to do that to her she will soon take mine with minimum effort..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Panties]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
she starts to press my boobs and squish them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with littele voice
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. even if I try to stop she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Panties]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/b.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-10]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She started to kiss my neck and lift my hair and kiss my ears too. She comes to my mouth after several minutes and I let her tongue in enter my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this. Why I never felt that way before. I felt more and more like girl with time.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
She was play with you tongue in my mouth most of the time..it is very romantic and tasty to have her tongue inside my mouth. Even I try to do that to her she will soon take mine with minimum effort..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Scissoring with Alexis]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
she starts to press my boobs and squish them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with littele voice
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. even if I try to stop she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Scissoring with Alexis]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-1.gif" width="800" height="400">
She is rubbing pussies together and I felt clitoris very excited and grinding pussies are felt awesome..
She come top of like boyfriend would do and act as dominant. She fuck me like a boy fuck to girl. I remember I fuck like that 2 weeks ago.. But she is fucking hard to with rubbing my pussy. I have enter anything in my pussy yet. But still it feels better than having cock.
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-3.gif" width="800" height="400">
She is actually like my boyfriend now. Even though she didnt have dick she act more aggressively and more manly than ever. I liked it being obidient girl for her and get fucked harder by her.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I found myself on bed]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
I kissed with her.I hugged her. After scissoring Then we both felt sleep on bed.
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer.webp" width="800" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I found myself on bed]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/sleep-2.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I can see Alexis is still sleep in with hugging you from behind. I can see how much see care for while even in sleep.I got off from her grip and wash my face and I went kitchen to make coffee and breakfast for her..
I felt you had to please her..she is taking care of each single day so at least I can make her coffee and breakfast at morning
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Make Breakfast and Morning Tea|day_45-23]]</div>@@
Main objectives for this Current story path is over from here. Story will continue..............
You can continue your day today life here and continue other story paths....
Continue - [[Go Home|Head Home]]
Stop Game - [[Exit|Introduction]]<img class="center" src="image/mall/finger-5.gif" width="500" height="300">
In my mind I imagine avrious ways of getting fucked by my girl freind and give her my virginity.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagine Alexis Fingering You|path-4-18]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/periods/tampon.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/periods/tamponuse.jpg" width="500" height="300">
I place the Tampoon inside of my vagina.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]] </div>@@<img class="center" src="image/periods/pads.webp" width="400" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/periods/paduse.jpg" width="500" height="400">
I place the Pads on your panty and lift it up
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@ @@Brendon Niles@@
<img class="center" src="image/Brendon/brendon.jpg" width="400" height="400"><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Athletic Tracks</h3></div>
<<if $isFirstMeet == true>>
<<goto "Event Area">>
I dress up and quickly run into the tracks, the outfit is school colors with a yellow top and green shorts. I see my teammates are already practicing their events around the field. I went to the coach while waving to my teammates.
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/sport/boy.jpg" width="300" height="400">
<<elseif $gender == "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/sport/girl-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<img class="center" src="image/sport/girl-2.png" width="300" height="400">
<<speech "coach" "Coach">>Hey, $name, Start practice I will talk with you later<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Practice High Jump|High Jump]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Practice 100m|Run 100m]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Practice 200m|Run 200m]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Athletic Tracks</h3></div>
<<if $isFirstMeet == true>>
<<goto "Event Area">>
I dress up and quickly run into the tracks. It is Yellow sport top and Green sport short. I see my team mates are already practice their events on the ground. I went to coach while waving hands to them..
<<if $gender == "male">>
<img class="center" src="image/sport/boy.jpg" width="300" height="400">
<<elseif $gender == "female">>
<img class="center" src="image/sport/girl-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<<speech "coach" "Coach">>Hey, $name, Start practice I will talk with you later<</speech>><<nobr>><br>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Practice High Jump|High Jump]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Practice 100m|Run 100m]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Practice 200m|Run 200m]]</div>@@ <</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You started peeing from your new plumbing system</h3></div>
I start Peeing. It is different and instead of flowing piss through long penis tube it spill from your crotch. No direction or no control It is just going one direction with the way I sit.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-1.jpg" width="500" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go out from Bathroom]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-1.jpg" width="500" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mastrubate]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/periods/cup.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<img class="center" src="image/periods/cupuse.webp" width="500" height="300">
I place the Menstrual cup of my vagina.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Film Hall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/film.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/periods/pads.webp" width="400" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/periods/paduse.jpg" width="500" height="400">
Alexis gives me pads and show me how to use it and place it on panty..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You have to change them time to time while day when you feel it is full babe. Dont let overflow. You will understand with time when you need to remove.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use them]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/periods/tampon.jpg" width="500" height="300">
Alexis gives me tampon and show me how to use and place
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You have to change them time to time while day when you feel it is full babe. Dont let overflow. You will understand with time when you need to remove. You will know how much is your flow rate with time..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-6]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/periods/cup.jpg" width="300" height="500">
Alexis gives me menstrual Cup and show me how to use and place
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You have to empty it time to time while day when you feel it is full babe. Dont let overflow. You will understand with time when you need to remove.. You will know how much is your flow rate with time..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-4]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/talking.jpg" width="400" height="600">
I, wear pads and start llittle chat with alexis
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Anyway babe we will not able have our first adventure of enetering your pussy now within 4 or 5 days. Dont need to worry lets deal with this first and have chat about you want to stay girl after this..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-8]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-1.gif" width="400" height="600">
She bit her lips and start kissing me and after that I went to ready for go school..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wear the Cloths]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Call with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Babe, I am so horny today..need you here..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Me too, we can neet today in my place if you need to have dinner with me<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" class="center" src="image/places/ground.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<set $isFirstMeet = true>>
I know after being girl I have increased my Stats and Times but This is the time for check it’s still better as girl..I even managed to reduce it by practicing more. I noticed I am getting huge improvement since change thanks to Alexis. Eventhouh as a girl I am ready to seek my dream finally.
Maybe this time I will be able to compete and won something I coud't do while boy. I didn’t won anything from years now. Today is my school sport event for choosing candidates for next sport meet against other schools..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to ground]]</div>@@
<<set $isFirstMeetDone=true>><img class="center" src="image/sportevent/both.jpg" width="500" height="300">
While I am heading to ground I found Alexis is coming to me..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Best of luck honey..make me proud. You can select to the team..just relax and run faster<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Ummmm. Thanks..i m bit nervous..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Talking|event-1-1]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">At the running events</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/sportevent/event.jpg" width="500" height="300">
Today is only for running events. I just need to run 100m and 200m for select the this year school athletic team. To be specific it is school girls athletic team.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ready for 100m]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ready for 200m]]</div>@@
<<set $doneOne = false>>
<<set $doneTwo = false>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">100m Event</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/sportevent/event.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<set $doneTwo = true>>
I came to field with few girls. I m not used to compete with girls before. All these tiime I was practiced alone in the field. So it was just like practice as boy. No difference.. But I am girl now I have to compete with girls. what other options do I have. Icannot compete with boys anyway with this petite sexy body..
All girls dress up as you with sports bra or sport top with sport shorts..
If you get 1 or 2 you will be on team. I am bit nervous now. I can see Alexis cheers from distance. I run 100m with Whistle sound and finish as second
<<if $doneOne && $doneTwo>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You know you are going to get selected now]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ready for 200m]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">200m Event</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/sportevent/event.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<set $doneOne = true>>
I came to field with few girls. I m not used to compete with girls before. All these tiime I was practiced alone in the field. So it was just like practice as boy. No difference.. But I am girl now I have to compete with girls. what other options do I have. Icannot compete with boys anyway with this petite sexy body..
All girls dress up as you with sports bra or sport top with sport shorts..
If you get 1 or 2 you will be on team. I am bit nervous now. I can see Alexis cheers from distance. I run 200m with Whistle sound and finish as second
<<if $doneOne && $doneTwo>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You know you are going to get selected now]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ready for 100m]]</div>@@
<</if>><</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Go to Team mates</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/sportevent/team-1.jpg" width="500" height="300">
On the way guys and girls give me their congrats. I actually feel pround after few years eventhough I run as girl. Who cares. I run with female body and ran female event. It is totally accetptable.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Talking Team mates|event-1-3]]</div>@@
<<set $alexis = "Alexis">>
<<set $elsa = "Elsa">>
<<set $fred = "Fred">>
<<set $brendon = "Brendon">><img class="center" src="image/sportevent/hug.jpg" width="500" height="300">
Alexis runs to me hugs me.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You done it..i told you you will be..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Ummmm. Thanks.. Babe.. I just had little chat with fred<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Talking with Alexis|event-1-5]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
I found her sitting near the cafeteria wall. I satart to walk slowly towards her..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Walk towards her|day_55-1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/peach.gif" width="300" height="500">
I found her sitting near the cafeteria wall. I satart to walk slowly towards her. One guy trying to talk to me by interrupting my path..
<<speech "stranger" "Pervert">>Hey, sexy..wanna have fun..let’s have talk<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No thanks. I’m busy..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue and speed up walk towards her|day_65-1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>How about pain babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>still can feel it but not much pain though. Worst part is it is very uncomfortable to walk like this..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It will be less painby tomorrow and You will get used to walking with this babe...<</speech>>
We both are eating and smiling while talking and not paying attention to looking at us..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You need to eat better in these days..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask about why everyone looking at you walking]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>>It is very embarrassing everyone watching me walking..even girls..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> I feel proud about it..everyone wants to fuck you babe..but you are mine..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>yep, I m yours. I dont want to fuck with anyone anyway.So help me..I bluff<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> look at your gorgeous butt and this size of boobs. You are beautiful than every girl in this school. Even than me.. who doesn’t want to watch you..everyone here wants see you naked and fuck you..but no chance with me..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue talking|day_55-3]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/inside.jpg" width="700" height="400">
We both head to the washroom
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You can find new tampon or pads in this box any case of emergency.<</speech>>
She show me little box cupboard on wall of washroom..she open and take pad.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Take this and change your pad..<</speech>>
Alexis shows me how to disposal the bloody pads
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You change them]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/periods/pads.webp" width="400" height="400">
I look at pads and its bit disgusting. But you have to deal with this..its price of paying for being girl. Probably worth it intense of orgasms and can have multiple orgasms
<<speech "jane" $name>>It’s not that much hard..I thought..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_55-4]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of the Mall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/mall.jpg" width="400" height="300">
We are at the mall..
Girls Hygiene shop. She went to it and show me how to order pads..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Did you see..Dont be shy..you are girl..everyone see you as girl..girl get periods..you need things..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You accepted it..|day_55-5]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/buy.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I ordered tampons and menstrual cup by asking shop assistant. It felt so girly..I taking her orders and buy girly those..
I will need them every month as I can see..you can’t get rid of them if I am girl. I realize that by now. Who would have thought teen boy 3 weeks ago will need pads to his or her pussy.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You both go out from mall]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/buy.jpg" width="600" height="400">
Please show me this time. She orders and buy them for you.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is not hard see..you will have to order them when you need it..i m not with you every day babe..
I will need them every month as I can see..you can’t get rid of them if I am girl. I realize that by now. Who would have thought teen boy 3 weeks ago will need pads to his or her pussy.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You both go out from mall]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/kiss.webp" width="600" height="400">
@@Tip@@- You can Feminine hygiene products at Mall
She place kiss on my lips and say..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I have to go home babe. I have to write report. you should go practice..
<<speech "jane" $name>>okay babe..bye..go safe..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of Girl Essentials Shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/sanitary.jpg" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy Hygiene products|Hygiene products]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Sanitary shop|Mall]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/sit.jpg" width="400" height="700">
I am sitting infront of her.....
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh..baby..you are like princess..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I can understand. One minute ago guy just tried to hit on me<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ignore them babe..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_65-2]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
We eat and have little chat.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>How does it feels. Your pussy..
<<speech "jane" $name>>It feels better..still getting used to have so many excitement and feeling in pussy while getting penetrated. I think I am ready for another round..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yep..it is good right..I can say it by looking at you..Anyway next time it will not be my fingers..You will get fully erected penis size starpon inside you..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_65-3]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/cuddle.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I can't believe I am planning on getting fucked and penetrated babe. I am the one used to do it to you everyday.. but now its like we switch the places..You are taking my place in lively way..I feel it..you care me..love me..just you make me feel i have a boyfriend. Not a girlfriend..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>is that bad. I wanted girlfriend long long ago..but I have met you..so I fell in love..but If you can have girl within your boyfriend its better right. I like to gave you as my girl friend. I cant think you as my bf anymore..after we did last night anyway. Maybe I can be really boyfriend with actual penis by using that magic book babe..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_65-4]]</div>@@
<<img class="center" src="image/toilet/inside.jpg" width="700" height="400">
We both pee in stall and I went out and waited for her. She is really taking time..
I rememberd she is having periods today. After she came out. I ask why did you late..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Your periods right?<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yep, Its not big deal..
Lets have good time here babe. We don't need penis for having fun....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She take me into one of stall]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/wet-1.jpg" width="500" height="300">
I check my pussy and pads by going private place. Yeah blood flow stopped. But I am wet by dirty talks from Alexis on the call. I’m going to get penetrated by my girl friends finger as she say..may be she will have other ideas who knows.. I don’t want to know all her all thoughts. My mind flowing with images of my sex on previous day.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Remind my sex on previous day|path_6-2]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
I am imagining alexis penetrated me while I walking home.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagine getting penetrated|path_6-3]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You are cooking</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/cook-2.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Its is not first time I cooking for her..It’s easy. I can make something for her..I already know how to prepare some of my meals. I can do it again. No need to panic<</speech>>
I watch cooking videos and starts to make meal..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Watching|path-6-5]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/dress.png" width="400" height="600">
I rememberd she asks for wear the dress she gave I for her date. But it is still too embarassing to wear the dress even in my home. But for her I can do anything. It was lite bright grey color..it shines..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She sees you with dress]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/you.jpg" width="300" height="600">
I rememberd she asks for wear the dress she gave I for her date. But it is still too embarassing to wear the dress even in my home. I will tell it to her if she asks. She may be understand. So I wear the jeans and top
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She come home]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/alexis.jpg" width="300" height="800">
Alexis come with blue jeans and top with her hand bag on her hands. She also wear high heels too..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I’m home babe. Let’s have proper date before any..
Alexis comes with wine and kiss my forehead.I were in jeans and t shirt.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>babe, why I can’t see my girl on dress i gave.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Sorry, I forgot about it.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-7]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/alexis.jpg" width="300" height="800">
Alexis come with blue jeans and top with her hand bag on her hands. She also wear high heels too..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohhhh god..My lovely girl in dress I gave her. I can fuck you right now..you are very good at being keeping my words..I love you..
<<speech "jane" $name>>I smile, it is for you babe..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-6]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/think.jpg" width="600" height="400">
Alexis and I had dinner while little chat..she is teasing me with day. I am the one going to get fucked in pussy today for first time..So she can tease me. I didn’t care since it. she gave me my vagina. so I am owing her for this good time..its like I owned by her actually..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets eat babe]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/eat.jpg" width="300" height="430">
Alexis and I had dinner while little chat..she is teasing me with day. I am the one going to get fucked in pussy today for first time..So she can tease me. I didn’t care since it. she gave me my vagina. so I am owing her for this good time..its like I owned by her actually.. After we eat...
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She ask me to come to her lap]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/bed.webp" width="500" height="400">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is time babe..you will not be same you after today..you will be more female. Who had penetrated pussy and pussy kissed by some one..
<<speech "jane" $name>>It's okay. If you are the one doing this to me..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-10]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Don't ever think about it $name
She don’t let you do it..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why.. Iwant to feel you without jeans<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is not only you get periods babe.. I am on period too today. It 2nd day..but it still full of blood..
<<speech "jane" $name>>oh sorry..i didn’t saw you with periods for 2 years<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-11]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
She started to kiss my neck and lift my hair and kiss my ears too. She comes to my mouth after several minutes and I let her tongue in enter my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this. Why I never felt that way before. I felt more and more like girl with time.
She was play with you tongue in my mouth most of the time..it is very romantic and tasty to have her tongue inside my mouth. Even I try to do that to her she will soon take mine with minimum effort..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her Squeeze Boob...]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/squeeze/7.webp" width="700" height="500">
she starts to press my boobs and squish them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with littele voice
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. even if I try to stop she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-12]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/finger/lick.gif" width="300" height="550">
She start kiss thighs lower belly and comes near to wet pussy. She starts to move her tongue on slippery pussy..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her Continue|path_6-19]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-2.jpg" width="550" height="300">
I feel heaven between my legs. It is my first cum by pussy licking. I stretch and free Alexis out of my legs. She took my cum into her mouth and feed me by kissing again..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Enough foreplay. let's move to main course today babe.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I let her go from my mouth]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-3.webp" width="600" height="300">
I am bit excited now. I am going to get penetrated for sure now. She open my legs. She enter one finger while kissing my clitoris. I can feel her finger going and I feel my cherry popping by her hand. I had little pain there actually..
<<speech "jane" $name>>ahhh.. I think you did it. You popped my cherry<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-25]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
It is now two fingers in me..I can feel them touching my inner vaginal wall. She moves deeper much as she can by finger..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>This is the maximum depth babe I can go for today. Maybe another day we can go more deeper into your amazing hole with my Dildo or Strap on<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>But I can increase the size of the fingers if you want<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her enter 3 figures]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Don’t let her. You are hurting]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
I can feel the size of three fingers going in and out my pussy..pussy is still expanding to the size. More and more she goes pain reduces and pleasure increase.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I cum again]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Don’t babe. I am afraid. I am still feel pain with your two fingers<</speech>>
She have gone and already when you saying words..I am to late..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ohh sorry babe. I didnt hurt you.. Do you want to me to get it out..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No continue it..fuck me harder..harder<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>That's my girl.. I know yu can handle even bigger than this..<</speech>>
I can feel the size of three fingers going in and out my pussy..pussy is still expanding to the size More and more she goes pain reduces and pleasure increase.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I cum again]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
She continues..............................
<img class="center" src="image/finger/cum.jpg" width="600" height="300">
She continues..............................I come again.................
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[you cum again and again]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
She continues..............................
<img class="center" src="image/finger/cum.jpg" width="600" height="300">
She continues..............................I come again.................
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She came to you and she by side of you]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/sleep-1.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I will not able to walk tomorrow. My legs are still hurting and shivering. You kissed her<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>you will get used to it. Don’t complain me now. Wait till I fuck you with strap on..
I can feel my pussy smells from her mouth. I liked it..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You need to get pussy and legs shaved babe. Let's do it tomorrow after school or on our next date. There is not much bush but I don’t want to keep hair in my girls body other than head..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Both of us slept]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/sleep.jpg" width="600" height="400">
You felt you need to wake up. You have to give breakfast and coffee at least coffee for her effort on fucking and giving you wonderful girly night..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Awake early and prepare coffee and breakfast]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[My legs still sore and don’t wakeup]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/mall/sleep-2.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I can see Alexis is still sleep in with hugging me from behind. I can see how much see care for while even in sleep. I got off from her grip and wash my face and I went kitchen to make coffee and breakfast for her..
I felt you had to please her..she is taking care of each single day so at least I can make her coffee and breakfast at morning. Its girls jobs..you also a girl now and she consider me as a her girlfriend even though we both girl..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-26]]</div>@@
<img src="image/mall/sleep-2.jpg" width="600" height="400">
After one hour she got up and kiss me. She tries to go home
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I am going home. See you in school..
After she left I needed to awake now..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Awake]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/mall/coffee.webp" width="600" height="400">
She surprised to see you doing girly things without insist by her.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>you are already proving you make good girlfriend or wife than boyfriend or husband..I can’t wait to see you doing this as wife.
I felt embarrassed. But her compliment makes you better..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You help her to drink..]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/lesbian.jpg" width="600" height="400">
She is doing many of your work so not hurt to help her witj what you can..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> Now I don’t need you as a boyfriend or husband for sure. I want you as my girlfriend or wife.
It makes me horny in the morning
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> Now I don’t need you as a boyfriend or husband for sure. I want you as my girlfriend or wife.
After one hour she got up and kiss me. She tries to go home
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I am going home. See you in school..
After she left I needed to awake now..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Awake]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
I feel their eyes all over me..every time so many eyes on me imagine what..maybe fucking me on their mind..yep that’s it. When I had penis no one care my percense except Alexis and Fred. No every looking to me for flirting with me
I feel bit afraid how much I am vulnerable with this petite body. Actually defenseless. Need to avoid danger as much as possible. alone walk on street at night not possible for me now. It is not like anyway I wanted to do it at all. Even as boy I never did spend night alone at pulic places
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You found Alexis]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/squeeze.gif" width="600" height="300">
Alexis starts to squeeze my bubble butt with her hands. That feels amazing. I am not used to any of this. But I know one thing I want to continue this as long as possible. My pussy starts to react it by flowing wet juice. She kissed and squeeze boobs..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her Continue|path_6-8]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lap.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I follow it like obedient girl. I were waited so long for this moment but bit shy to start it with her. I am on her lap with my silk grey dress.. I can feel her jean lines and even her car keys on her pocket..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She starts to squeeze your butt]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/cum.jpg" width="600" height="300">
I am actually not going to miss my penis anymore. Even I have to deal with periods.. It is all worth to have this extreme sensation. She speed up. You are press Alexi into your things by your legs on her shoulder
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I cum...]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Call with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Hey, babe. Are you busy today.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmm..not much but I still have to practice today..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh I know that, what about after that<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say you free]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say you cannot do it today]]</div>@@
<<set $gender = "female">>
<<set $eventSeven = true>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Call with Alexis</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>yeah, that’s fine by me..i can come darling..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ohh nice..love you. I'll plan it then.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Anyway, what is going on your mind..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Don’t worry about we are going to have nice girls night..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Ohh..again..you are making me more girly then..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You are already a girl physically. So why not give all..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>whatever.. I like your idea. Anyway you like my boyfriend. Why am I questioning you..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Where we will meet]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>No, I cannot come darling..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh Why is that..?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Anyway, what is going on your mind..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Don’t worry about we were going to have nice girls night..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>ohh..I will come tommorow or maybe next day. Is that okay<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is okay. I ll call back you tomorrow<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Practice|Practice]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/call.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Wait for me after the practice near ground..i ll pick you up..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>hmmm I'll. Are you practicing to be full time boyfriend<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I just feel I need to do that for you. Anyway Don’t grow to much muscle babe..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_7-1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/you.jpg" width="300" height="600">
I wait for Alexis near ground. I’m standing near the ground with my sexy outfit I wore for Alexis’s word. Anyone can see my round butt. I felt vulnerable feeling again Afterall. It felt nice though. what ever it is i feel everyone is looking at me. I see some boys are coming near me with smiling face..
<<speech "stranger" "Random Guy">>Hey sweets. Why are you alone<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Hey sweets. Why are you alone]]</div>@@
<<set $hadPussyShave = true>>
<<set $hadPussyShaveEvent = true>><img class="center" src="image/shave/gang.jpg" width="500" height="320">
<<speech "stranger" "Random Guy">>wanna company me..i m free all day..<</speech>>
I’m afraid now. He is pervert looking for laying tonight. Why is she still not coming. I try to ignore them as much as i can.
<<speech "stranger" "Random Guy">>Sexy hah..fucking ass. Suck my dick bitch<</speech>>
Ohh..They are saying bad words. They even said you bitch. Maybe they think you are random whore..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Finally Alexis come]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/car.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Finally you came. What took you so long. <</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Got bit late to go home from school babe. I am sorry..what are you doing with all those boys around you..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_7-2]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/mall.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why we came here babe.. I thought we are going to dinner date<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yes we are. But just before that we will have to deal with somethings first..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay then. Where you want to go..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>lets go to normal women accessory shop<</speech>>
You following her like girl following her beloved boyfriend. She is completely acting as boyfriend eventhough she is still girl. Maybe it will change.....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Here it is]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Women accessory shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/grocery-shop.jpg" width="400" height="300">
We enter shop. She is browsing through some Waxing cream, girl razors and cream.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why all this. For whom??<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_7-3]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/shave/buy.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You are gonna like it..I bet..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>why you want to see my pussy without hair. isn’t it better this way.. As girl you must be fel disgust about pussy how looks<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Don’t forget i m bi.i love both pussy and cock. any way I miss cock inside me babe. Can you fuck me with strap on some day..not today anyway..i know you are not ready for that for your pussy..but i m more than ready for getting fully fucked again..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_7-5]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Resturant</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/shave/resturant.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>It look like very romantic place..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>yeah I found it online.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Do they serve couples like us..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_7-6]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
We came to my apartment and she is taking off my bottom cloths..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Get out from these cloths. Lets clean your hairy pussy. I'll be very nice to see after than. More cleaner<</speech>>
She took off my shoes, skirt and push me into side of bed
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Lay down i ll take care. You can watch and learn. Next time you will have to do this alone babe. So keep eye one what i m doing..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Do as she says|path_7-7]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/bath-2.jpg" width="300" height="450">
I follow her order and went bathroom with towel. After moment Alexis come and hug me from behind like boy would do..
<<speech "jane" $name>>what are you doing babe..i felt wired that hug..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Don’t worry it is first of many hugs<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Cuddle with her|path_7-9]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/shave/cuddle.jpg" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Enough talking babe. What we should do today..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Lets do.....Something just please...Lets see where it will take us..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her Kiss you...]]</div>@@<img src="image/mall/apartment.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Soon after you enter she is kissing you deeply with tongue inside you..she doesn’t let one minute go waste.
You thought you are lucky to have her..
She is pressing and squeezing your boobs..it is hurting with your cloths..you take of both your tops and bras while she busy with inside of your mouth..
You move to the bedroom with her and she pull you to the bed..
<img src="image/mall/hug-3.gif" width="500" height="300">
<img src="image/mall/hug-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
<img src="image/mall/hug.gif" width="400" height="400">
[[Let her kiss|kiss-scissor]]
[[Let her hug|hug-scissor]]
[[Go to bed Let her cuddle|cuddle-scissor]]
[[Go to bed and let her control next|let her control-1]]She started to kiss your neck and lift your hair and kiss your ear. She comes to your mouth after several minutes and you let her tnlongue in your slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than you. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this..
<img src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She was play with you tongue in your mouth most of the time..its better to have her tongue in mine..even you try to do that to her she will soon take yours with minimum effort..
You felt her hot breath around your nech and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..your mouth is full from her mouth liquid than yours..you felt her taste from all of your mouth..
<img src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
[[Go to bed and let her control next|let her control-1]]
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>>You removed her panty and her panty while looking at your familiar her pussy once you used to fuck her every day..
Now you also has same one which us waiting to get fucked.
You could feel her pussy smell when you remove her panty..
It makes you more horny..you bit your lips..
Alexis: no no nit today honey..no kissing my pussy today..
You feel ashamed. How control you..
You: okay babe..let me think of something
<img src="image/mall/hug.gif" width="400" height="400">
[[Lets have main event babe]]She started to kiss your neck and lift your hair and kiss your ear. She comes to your mouth after several minutes and you let her tnlongue in your slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than you. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this..
<img src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She was play with you tongue in your mouth most of the time..its better to have her tongue in mine..even you try to do that to her she will soon take yours with minimum effort..
You felt her hot breath around your nech and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..your mouth is full from her mouth liquid than yours..you felt her taste from all of your mouth..
<img src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
[[Go to bed and let her control next|let her control-1]]
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>>You follows her like girl..at the bed she starts to kiss me and enter my mouth with her tongue..i warmly welcome her and let her play with mine and i submit myself to her..
She is squeezing boobs and i also doing hers..
We are start cuddling slowly but its now very aggressive..
<img src="image/yourapartmentdate/sex.gif" width="600" height="400">
I feel like I m near to female orgasm..
<img src="image/yourapartmentdate/orgsam.webp" width="600" height="400">
Actually i didn’t know it happens or not i didn’t knew what is female orgasm looks like..
Anyway we both felt sleep after sometime and she is hugging me from behind like i m girl..
<img src="image/yourapartmentdate/sleep.gif" width="500" height="500">
Actually i m girl..but we both girls..why she see me as more girl than her..
I don’t have answer to that yet..
[[Go to bed and let her control next|let her control-1]]Alexis: It is sex only two girl can do..dont you excited..you can feel your pussy today and even get intense clitoris orgasms
You: i watched them on internet i dont know how to do that..
Alexis: let me show you..
She came top of bed and get one leg of yours onto her self..het one let if on top of you..
Alexis: come closer..she kissed you again..
She is trying to start rubbing each other pussies..
<img src="image/mall/cicer-4.gif" width="800" height="400">
Alexis: babe pull me towards you push your self to me..we need to make our crotch contact with each other..
After dome effort you feel her wet pussy is touch her wet pussy..
Probably your clitoris are also touch each others crotch. You can actually see that and you are not in a mood to care and watch whats happening..
She take control and try to start
[[you start|start-scissor-1]]
[[let her start|start-scissor-2]]You start grind your pussies against each. But soon she take control and speed up
She is rubbing pussies and i felt clitoris very excited and grinding pussies is felt awesome..
She come top of like below and act as dominant. She fuck me like a boy fuck to girl. I remember i fuck like that 2 weeks ago.. But she is fucking hard to my pussy.
She is actually like my boyfriend now. Even though she didnt have dick she act more aggressively. I liked it being obidient girl for her and fuck harder by her.
<img src="image/mall/cicer-1.gif" width="800" height="400">
<img src="image/mall/cicer.webp" width="800" height="400">
<img src="image/mall/cicer-3.gif" width="800" height="400">
<img src="image/mall/cicer-5.gif" width="800" height="400">
[[I felt my female orgasm coming]]She is rubbing pussies and i felt clitoris very excited and grinding pussies is felt awesome..
She come top of like below and act as dominant. She fuck me like a boy fuck to girl. I remember i fuck like that 2 weeks ago.. But she is fucking hard to my pussy..
<img src="image/mall/cicer-1.gif" width="800" height="400">
<img src="image/mall/cicer.webp" width="800" height="400">
<img src="image/mall/cicer-3.gif" width="800" height="400">
<img src="image/mall/cicer-5.gif" width="800" height="400">
She is actually like my boyfriend now. Even though she didnt have dick she act more aggressively. I liked it being obidient girl for her and fuck harder by her.
[[I felt my female orgasm coming]]<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>hi babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ahh...I m waited for you long..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_75_1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/touch.jpg" width="500" height="300">
Eventhough everyone can see if them look on to your table you let her do it freely. She moves hand towards inner thigh press harder and you are slowly moaning
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let’s head to washroom Now|toilet-75]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/touch.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Don’t do it here babe. Everyone is here. all of them can see if you do it
I acted like straight girl this moment. She also get confused..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I don’t care about them. I care about you babe<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let’s head to washroom Now|toilet-75]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/toilet/door.jpg" width="400" height="500">
She takes my hand and going to girls wash room. It is very usual path now. I followed her like girl follow boyfriend of hers to safe place to have some private moment
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You entered Toilet|stall-75]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Washroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/inside.jpg" width="700" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/run.jpg" width="400" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she take you into one of stall|stall-75-1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/kiss-1.jpg" width="400" height="400">
I am now used to be obedient girl and let her do what she wanted while I do whatever I can or she let you do to her. I also squeeze her boobs and touch her thighs. She pulls me to stall wall and speedup things and I began to moan. After a while, We both stopped.
I get dressed again. I had to make positions of your bra. boobs in cups and shirt buttons. She make mess out of me..i can’t complain. I think I owe her this to her every time she ask. We knew we both had wet panties now.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She starts to remove my panties]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/toilet/remove.webp" width="400" height="600">
She starts pull up my skirt and remove my panty.
<<speech "jane" $name>>What are you doing babe..it is school..anyone can hear us..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> So be it. If they want they will listen. Spread your legs i want to see my girls naked pussy..babe<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_75_2]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/lick-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I am going to wet so much..you have to clean me after this..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> Dont worry i ll take care of that..don’t forget we will have our old sex after all this and you are going to enter my pussy with your thing..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_75_3]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/anus.gif" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Ohh.. It feels nice..why anything I do with this body feels nice..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is what you get from being a girl..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_75_4]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/lick.gif" width="500" height="300">
I remove her panty and starts to kiss her pussy lips. I have done it so many times as boy..it is first time i done as girl. I lick her pussy for a while and she is moaning.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I miss this terribly..thankyou babe..<</speech>>
I enter fingure inside her and starts to move them around.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohhh...I miss dick babe. Can you fuck me soonn..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>i ll do it with strap on babe.. I can't do it with my dick anymore. <</speech>>
Actually I didn't wanted it too.. I just happy with my pussy. I actually don't want to fuck anyone. I just wanted to get fucked harder. I felt how much my sexual orientation changes with this body. I wanted to fill my pussy so badly. I just don't me to have penis. I need penis inside me. Maybe Alwxis become my boyfriend soon. I wanted it now..She can take care me..
I lick her pussy and then anus as well..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Several Miniutes later]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
I remove her panty and starts to kiss her pussy lips. I have done it so many times as boy..it is first time i done as girl. I lick her pussy for a while and she is moaning.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I miss this terribly..thankyou babe..<</speech>>
I enter fingure inside her and starts to move them around.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohhh...I miss dick babe. Can you fuck me soonn..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>i ll do it with strap on babe.. I can't do it with my dick anymore. <</speech>>
Actually I didn't wanted it too.. I just happy with my pussy.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_75_5]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/hug-3.gif" width="500" height="300">
We both had orgasms. If anyone in this ladies room I m pretty sure they heard two lesbians hardcore sex. I felt some wired feeling but with alexis I can ignore it. I never thought being girl with a girl like alexis would be this much fun.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/shave/pussy.jpg" width="500" height="300">
She cut my pubic hair with razor. I didn't feel any pain though. I am embarassed with revealing my pussy shape to her. She is nor more than one feet away from my pussy..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her do that|path_7-8]]</div>@@
<img src="image/finger/finger-3.webp" width="600" height="300">
you are bit excited now. You are going to get penetrated for sure now..
She open your legs. She enter one finger while kissing clitoris.
I can feel her finger going and i feel my cherry popping by her hand..
You: ahhh..i think you did it
<img src="image/mall/virgin-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Alexis: show little blood in her hand to you..you are not virgin anymore..you have my fingers in it..if i have penis it was the one doing this..feel sad babe..
You don’t heard her words anymore.
[[she enter her two fingers|finger-2]]It is now two fingers in me..I can feel them touching my inner vaginal wall.
<img src="image/finger/finger-1.jpg" width="300" height="500">
She moves deeper much as she can by finger..
Alexis: this is the maximum depth babe for today. Maybe another day we can go more deeper into your amazing hole..
But i can increase the size if you want
[[let her enter 3 figures|finger-2-no]]
[[don’t let her. You are hurting||finger-2-yes]]Don’t babe..i m hurting my pussy..
She have gone and already when you saying words..you are to late..
Ohh sorry babe..i didnt hurt you..you want to get it out..
You: no continue it..fuck me harder..harder
<img src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
I can feel the size of three fingers going in and out my pussy..pussy is still expanding to the size
More and more she goes pain reduces and pleasure increase.
[[you cum again|finger-2-4]]I can feel the size of three fingers going in and out my pussy..pussy is still expanding to the size
More and more she goes pain reduces and pleasure increase.
<img src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
[[you cum again|finger-2-4]]<img src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
<img src="image/finger/cum.jpg" width="600" height="300">
[[She came to you and she by side of you|finger-2-5]]You: I will not able to walk tomorrow. My legs are still hurting and shivering. You kissed her
<img src="image/finger/sleep-1.jpg" width="600" height="400">
Alexis: you will used to if. Don’t complain me now. Wait till i fuck you with strap on..
You can feel your pussy smells from her mouth. You liked it..
Alexis: you need to get pussy and legs shaved babe..lets do it tomorrow after school..its not much your bush but I don’t want to keep hair in my girls body other than head..
[[both of you slept|finger-2-6]]You felt you need to wake up. You have to give breakfast and coffee at least coffee for her effort on fucking and giving you wonderful girly night..
<img src="image/finger/sleep.jpg" width="600" height="400">
[[Awake early and prepare coffee and breakfast]]
[[My legs still sore and don’t wakeup]]She started to kiss your neck and lift your hair and kiss your ear. She comes to your mouth after several minutes and you let her tnlongue in your slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than you. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this..
<img src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She was play with you tongue in your mouth most of the time..its better to have her tongue in mine..even you try to do that to her she will soon take yours with minimum effort..
You felt her hot breath around your nech and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..your mouth is full from her mouth liquid than yours..you felt her taste from all of your mouth..
<img src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
[[Lets have scissor fuck|sicssor]]
[[Lets have fingering session|finger]]
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>>She started to kiss your neck and lift your hair and kiss your ear. She comes to your mouth after several minutes and you let her tnlongue in your slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than you. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this..
<img src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She was play with you tongue in your mouth most of the time..its better to have her tongue in mine..even you try to do that to her she will soon take yours with minimum effort..
You felt her hot breath around your nech and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..your mouth is full from her mouth liquid than yours..you felt her taste from all of your mouth..
[[Lets have scissor fuck|sicssor]]
[[Lets have fingering session|finger]]
<img src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/Elsa/meet.jpg" width="400" height="400">
I saw Elsa sitting on the far conner bench in cafeteria. I knew she is bit wired person but i thought i need to talk with her. She is actually my team mate more than before. You saw she looking at you more than week now. Before I was on team as boy so that was another part of team but i m girl now, we are in same team same category. I need to check on her.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[go towards Elsa]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[ignore|Cafeteria]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Elsa/meet.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>hi Elsa, can I sit here.<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>She waves head and said I can sit here<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>What’s us. Are you well..<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>yep, I am okay. <</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>you are not look like okay...<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>No actually I am okay $name. I’m just feel bit different<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[why is that]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Elsa/meet.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>You know i m lesbian right. I feel differently. That is it.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>it is not an answer<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>If you want to know it shall we talk outside.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Accept it to talk outside]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Reject it|Cafeteria]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/toilet/inside.jpg" width="700" height="400">
I released my girly pee muscles and starts to pee. Eventhough it is very differnt than I used to I am bit comfortable with it now. I am making mess around pussy while piss. But when I had penis no pee left or mess in you. You thought penis is comfortable for peeing but sensation wise pussy is way ahead. I automatically use toilet papers after peeing.
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/piss.gif" width="700" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Practice|Ground]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Brendon/meet.jpg" width="500" height="300">
Brendon is one of muscular guy in school football team. Even before I become girl I did not know him well. Now he is paying bit attention towards me than others. I can feel it. May not for me it’s my butt or boobs..anyway those are mine too. I saw Brendon coming to your direction.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go another direction|Cafeteria]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stay where you are]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Brendon/meet.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "brendon" $brendon>>Hello cuty..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmm what??<</speech>>
<<speech "brendon" $brendon>>Never mind. I just want know are free for hangout with me<</speech>>
I can’t believe what i m seeing. I was just a guy. But one of school muscular boy asking for date. Maybe he is asking me out. I can’t believe this is happening.
<<speech "jane" $name>>You asking what?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "brendon" $brendon>>Don’t be shy $name. I had crush on you for long time. Let’s hangout bit if it is okay.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[No thanks you leave him|Cafeteria]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You stay with him]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Brendon/meet.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>What?? Do you have crush on me. what the hell. I’m not girl<</speech>>
<<speech "brendon" $brendon>>What are you talking about??? You are more than a girl compared to anyone in here. <</speech>>
I actually forgot I m fully girl now.
<<speech "jane" $name>>No I mean I’m not that kind of girl you can hook up with one date.<</speech>>
<<speech "brendon" $brendon>>lets hangout once. Please<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[say okay to him]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say fuck off]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Brendon/meet.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay I'll come day after tomorrow or after. I think you will pick interesting place.<</speech>>
<<speech "brendon" $brendon>>Thankyou cuty. I’m not disappoint you. Bye<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ladie Room|ladies room]]</div>@@
<<set $day_05_brendon = true>><img class="center" src="image/Brendon/meet.jpg" width="500" height="300">
I blamed him and head to Ladies room. What was he thinking since I am girl so I have to fuck with guys. That is not I want at least not yet. I have enough problems to deal with now.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ladie Room|ladies room]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Fred/meet.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>hey $name. After long time<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>hi Fred, yep it took 3 weeks since last talk with you.<</speech>>
He has no clue I was male before as he talking with me. Alexis magic book is right..
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Come here..let’s eat and have little chat.<</speech>>
Alexis is right everyone except her known me as always $name. Maybe I was freds female friends as he think. But we were buddies best buddies..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You accept it]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You don’t accept it and leave|Cafeteria]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Fred/meet.webp" width="500" height="300">
I don’t know how to talk with him as girl. What if I do something wrong. I feel little bit nervous. I sit next to him and start to eat..
<<speech "fred" $fred>>How is your day. I saw you with your girlfriend last week.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yep, it is been fast weeks. I was very busy with things.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I didn’t thought you were lesbian. actually. it is not bad thing but i thought you like boys..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[say him I only like girls]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say him you are not lesbian]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Fred/meet.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yep i think i m lesbian pretty much..i found it more recently<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>ah..It is okay..It is not like you have to tell me everything..hahaha<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Don’t laugh Fred. We are friend since primary school..you can ask me anything<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Thanks $name, Anyway I am finished. I m going to washroom area..are you coming?<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I am coming]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[No I am good..]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Fred/meet.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I am not lesbian. It is just a thing between Alexis and me..i can’t explain it..anyway i m not lesbian..that’s all
<<speech "fred" $fred>>ooooohh.. is that so.. I really thought you were lesbian though<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>yep, I am not..
I felt I done something wrong here. What if he have crush on me. I fuel it up again. I knew him as boy. He had not crush on me..but since I am girl now who knows what’s on his mind.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Good to know..i m finished..i m going to wash room. Are you coming..<</speech>>
He is not a bad guy you know it. He was a good friend. But you don’t know what he is up to now..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I am coming]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[No I am good..]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Fred/meet.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Lets go then..<</speech>>
While going wash room..
<<speech "fred" $fred>>$name we were so distant. Let’s hangout soon..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmm okay..that is not bad ides..i needed some familiar face around me so much<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I will come..you can call me and tel me time and place..<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Thanks $name bye..<</speech>>
Fred escort me to the ladies room and after that he enters mens wash room. I finished and went to wash room alone.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ladies Room|ladies room]]</div>@@
<<set $day_05_fred = true>><img class="center" src="image/Fred/meet.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>No you can go Fred. I am staying here..<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>$name we were so distant. Let’s hangout soon..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmm okay..that is not bad ides..i needed some familiar face around me so much<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I will come..you can call me and tel me time and place..<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Thanks $name bye..<</speech>>
I finished and went to wash room alone.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ladie Room|ladies room]]</div>@@
<<set $day_05_fred = true>><img class="center" src="image/Elsa/meet.jpg" width="400" height="400">
<<speech "jane" $name>>okay I'll meet you elsa..<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>Really. It is very kind of you. I know you and Alexis are having affair too. Isn’t it lesbian.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I don't know about it..she is my girlfriend.<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>Dont get wrong. I am not looking for girlfriend..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>hehehehehehe okay..i ll believe it..<</speech>>
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>l have to go ladies room..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I m also coming lets go.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ladie Room|ladies room]]</div>@@
<<set $day_05_elsa = true>>soundEnabled - $soundEnabled
isFirstMeet - $isFirstMeet
fromObjectives - $fromObjectives
inAwake - $inAwake
storyStart - $storyStart
day - $day
femaleday - $femaleday
athleticsday - $athleticsday
perioddate - $perioddate
isFirstPeriod - $isFirstPeriod
alexisday - $alexisday
today - $today
gender - $gender
isNameExists - $isNameExists
name - $name
masculinity - $masculinity
femininity - $femininity
submission - $submission
dominant - $dominant
hieght - $hieght
sexualDesire - $sexualDesire
athleticAbility - $athleticAbility
academicAbility - $academicAbility
magicAbility - $magicAbility
relationship - $relationship
alexiScore - $alexiScore
maletime100 - $maletime100
maletime200 - $maletime200
femaletime100 - $femaletime100
femaletime200 - $femaletime200
maleheight - $maleheight
femaleheight - $femaleheight
isAgree - $isAgree
hadKissFemale - $hadKissFemale
hadCuddleFemale - $hadCuddleFemale
hadPussyScissor - $hadPussyScissor
hadPeriod - $hadPeriod
hadPussyLickFemale - $hadPussyLickFemale
hadPussyShave - $hadPussyShave
hadFuckFemale - $hadFuckFemale
hadStraponfuckFemale - $hadStraponfuckFemale
hadStraponfuckYou - $hadStraponfuckYou
hadStraponfuckYouAnal - $hadStraponfuckYouAnal
top - $top
topUnder - $topUnder
bottomUnder - $bottomUnder
bottom - $bottom
shoe -$shoe
lastDateAction - $lastDateAction
isKissed - $isKissed
isBoobTouched - $isBoobTouched
isWatchedFim - $isWatchedFim
ishadFirstTalk - $ishadFirstTalk
isYouInviteHerDate - $isYouInviteHerDate
isCuddle - $isCuddle
isScissor - $isScissor
isFingered - $isFingered
hadMallTrip - $hadMallTrip
youBoughtPads - $youBoughtPads
hadPussyShaveEvent - $hadPussyShaveEvent
isShave - $isShave
day_15 - $day_15
day_25 - $day_25
day_35 - $day_35
day_45 - $day_45
day_55 - $day_55
day_65 - $day_65
day_75 - $day_75
day_85 - $day_85
day_95 - $day_95
day_105 $day_105
day_05_elsa - $day_05_elsa
day_1_elsa - $day_1_elsa
day_05_fred - $day_05_fred
day_1_fred - $day_1_fred
day_05_brendon - $day_05_brendon
day_1_brendon - $day_1_brendon
<img class="center" src="image/periods/blood.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I feel less pain in my lower belly area. I know whats going on. I lower my panty and found blood flowing from my vagina lips.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use Tampoon]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use Pads]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use menstrual cup]]</div>@@
<<set $inAwake = false>> <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Mens Changeing Area</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/men-change.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I’m nearly 5 minutes late, which isn’t much, but for my coach, it feels like an eternity I thought while laughing. I ran to the men's locker room and quickly changed into my usual sports outfit. My coach knows about my bad performance lately but even so, he encourages me to practice more.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Change Cloths and Attend Practice|Choose Randomly]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Womens Changeing Area</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/women-change.jpg" width="300" height="200">
It is a bit late not much nearly 5 minutes. But for my coach, it feels like an eternity I thought while laughing. I ran to the women's changing area in the Ground Pavillion. It feels wired to go women changing room. But I have no other choice. I'm girl now. It is normal thing. Anyway I cannot go mens changing room with look like this.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dress Athletics Cloths]]</div>@@ <div class="leftText">
You are a young man, living in a bustling city while attending university. Currently studying subjects related to computer science at University, you are more interested in Athletics than your academic work. Though, your grades aren’t the greatest, anyway.
You’re more determined to make a career with your athletic capability than what you’re studying for.</div>
<div class="leftText">
@@<span class="choice">[[Close People]]</span>@@ - A few of the people you know, or will come to know, are Alexis, Elsa, Fred, and Brendon.
@@<span class="choice">[[Family]]</span>@@ - You are the youngest person in your family of 5. You, your father, mother, and the twins, your elder brother and sister in your family.
<div class="leftText">
<<if $isNameExists == false>>
Please Enter your Name to Start<br>
What would be your name? <<textbox "$name" "Kevin">>
<div class="button">
<<button "START">>
<<if not $name == "">>
<<set $isNameExists = true>>
<<goto "Home">>
</div><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Good Morning, Honey<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Good Morning….Why’re you calling me so early?
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s Monday, and the first day of class!<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Hmmmm...fine..but it is very rude of you to do this every morning, babe@@<span class="choice">[[Errrrrrrrrrrr]]</span>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Well, I am the one responsible for you, since your mom and dad asked me to take care of you, silly.
<<speech "james" $name>>That’s unnecessary; I’m not a baby and can take care of myself.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>If that’s how you feel, talk to your mom about it. Anyway, babe, will you be coming to me today after practice?
<<speech "james" $name>>Probably? I’ve something I need to talk to you about, but I’m scared.
@@<div class="choiceSp">* [[I will Come]]</div>@@@@<div class="choiceSp">* [[No I cannot today]]</div>@@
<<speech "james" $name>>Yea, I’ll be there after practice.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Okay! I’ll be waiting for you. Now, get up and get to class.<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Great, I’ll see you at school.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Now Get up from bed<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Okay Bye........@@<span class="choice">[[Leave the Bed|Awake]]</span>@@.<</speech>><<speech "james" $name>>Sorry, babe, I am not feeling well today. I can’t come today; I might come tomorrow or the next day, though.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It’s okay, hon. Come see me as soon as you feel better. I feel like you might be lost in your head.<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>You could say that.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Now, get to class!<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Okay Bye.@@<span class="choice">[[Leave the Bed|Awake]]</span>@@.<</speech>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "james" $name>>Babe..Open the door. I m here<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ahhhh...You came..Love you..Come In<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go In|initial-1]]</div>@@
<<set $initialDate=true>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Shall we go outside for dinner babe<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Mmmmm...That is good idea..Wait till I ready..<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>You perfume smells great babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I bought it last week from old shop..I also bought some strange books..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss Alexis]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss.webp" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Stop it babe..We are going to late..<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>We have time babe Dont worry...<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets have one round please]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-6.jpg" width="300" height="200">
We both kissing. I bite an open her mouth, more of an intimate kiss but without the use of tongue. I enter her mouth with you togue and she warmly wellcome me. Suddenly she also enter my mouth and kissed. I start kissing her boobs. When I start to lick her nipples she finger her self and she move my head towards her boobs. Her nipples are erected but rest of boobs are very smooth.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lick her pussy|initial-3]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-7.webp" width="300" height="200">
When I start to lick her pussy she rubs her self and she move my head towards her pussy. She is very wet and I lick every bit of her with my tongue. I move my tounge inside her while she is moaning. While I lick her clit she caged you with her legs. You can't move away without please her.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Fuck Her|initial-4]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-1.jpg" width="300" height="200">
She remove my cloths and starts to care my big member in her hand. Soon after she starts to kiss head of the penis. She take my penis halfway through and start squish my balls.I wanted to fuck her.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Fuck Her|initial-5]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-3.gif" width="300" height="200">
I move your penis near her pussy and rub them. Soon after I enter her and continue the thrust. She moans and kissing me with erotic way. She come to top of me and she starts to ride my penis.
I can feel I m going to cum inside her..Ohhhhhhhh.....We both come apart from several seconds.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Cum|initial-6]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/alexis-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
We both took short bath and get ready to go outside.
<<speech "james" $name>>Where will we go today?<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We can go newly opened resturant near mall<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to resturant]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Resturant</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/shave/resturant.jpg" width="500" height="300">
We both order our foods and eat them while little chat about family and recent events. I also had painful thing to say her about my athletic performance. I don't know hw to say it. She also know about athletic is the my dream. She will surely be upset. But sooner the better.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Tell her]]</div>@@ <<speech "james" $name>>Babe..You know I was very good at athletics. But now I am not in a good position. My stats are descreased last three months..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>What are you talking about? YYou are very good at them. Why now?<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>I don't know. My stats are very bad. I don't think I can continue my hobby anymore<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>That is too bad..I am sorry babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Don't say sorry babe..It is not your fault.It is my fault. @@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|initial-8]]</div>@@ <</speech>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I have an idea babe..I don't know it will work or not. But we can try<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>What is it alexis. I don't think you can help me..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I will tell it next time. Come and meet me after you practice next day..<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Okay..I will come..Now we should go home..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You feel familiarness and freedoem in you bed. You have some home work using computer also you have to take shower soon.Bathe increase your sexual plessure and working with computer helps your acadademic score.
<<= $lastDateAction>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Bathroom]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use Computer]]</div>@@
<<speech "james" $name>>I here to hear your solution babe. What ever it is thank for helping me..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We have all the time babe. Please shall we have sex before we talk. I miss your dick so much. At least show me it. ahhh<</speech>>
<<if $gender == "male">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Have sex with her and tell her after]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp"> [[Have Blow job and tell her after]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask her Idea]]</div>@@
<<set $myArosal = 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal = 10>>
<<set $youcum = false>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $blowjob = false>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I don't know it will work or not. It is no harm to try it though right..?<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Hmmmm..Okay anything..If it make you happy let's do it then...
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>What magic should we use babe. Tell me your idea. There are two matches your situation<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>I don't believe this babe. Okay do this.....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Transform me as Female]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Regain My Medal Dream]]</div>@@ <<speech "alexis" $alexis>>What ever happens real world assumes you are that way since birth babe. <</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>What are you saying?? I don't understand<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I don't either babe. As written in book only I remember who you were since i'm the person chanting the magic. I don't know much<</speech>>
<<speech "james" $name>>Whatever..Start it babe....<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Magic Chanting]]</div>@@ <<speech "jane" $name>>No..But I am happy about my magic book works for sure.Don't panic Babe I think everyone except me known you as girl now. Your records and ids are change with this to..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You become female as my spell worked. <</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Can you revert this please?? I can't stay like this..Please..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>No, Not yet<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why? I can't stay like this.. I dont know how to stay like girl anyway<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-2]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> Atleast stay a week and then we can disscuss about revert baby..I don't actually know how to revert this anyway. I need time to read the book..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>errrrrr..............Why I agree to this...<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> Please............You won't regret it. I'm also getting my long waited gir friend with this..haha<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay....Only one week till you find about how to revert this<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-3]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> Think about your athletic career as girl in this week babe. Maybe you will find good solution now. You will be champion. My champion. Whether You are girl or boy I like you anyway...<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay..I ll try atleast..Anyway it is not like I have another choice but to stay like this<</speech>>
<<if $isNameExists == false>>
Please Enter your Girly Name to Start
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>First We need to come up with proper girly name for you babe. I can't call you $name anymore.<</speech>>
What would be your name? <<textbox "$name" "Kelly">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-4]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/blame.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>We can talk more later. First I need to pee....<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I can help you with that if you need babe..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Help me to pee]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I will go and pee]]</div>@@<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I got your point babe.But after experiment with new items Soon you will understand it is worth to have pussy between your legs..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I dont know about that. I am not sure about anything now..last night i was a boy now i am a full girl..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Dont confuse..we can deal with this babe..you know i needed to help you. Also i needed have girl friend for long time now.. we both get what we wanted..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I dont know about that. I am not sure about anything now..last night i was a boy now i am a full girl..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-7]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>>I need to dress my self..I dont know how to deal with this it..With this wide hips I don't fit into my male jeans<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Let's see about that<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>It doesnt fit my cloths..cant you how much wide my hips are..and my boobs are jiggling around every time I move<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/hips.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-1-8]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>yeah. Thats normal for us girls have round butt and wide hips..I m going to love your body babe cant wait to see you in my bed..your waist is so thin..very curvey even than mine..your bit of sport muscles are adding additional sexy look..i feel jealous by looking at my boy friends oh oh sorry girl friends figure.<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/butt.jpg" width="300" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She compare her with you and take pic]]</div>@@<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Dont you know there is the accessris like bras women where all day..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Dont joke babe..i know it..how can i wear bra..i never have done that.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>But you always remove mine..why cant you ware one for littele time..And everything has first time..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay..you win..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Come closer..i want to feel them before say you can ware mine..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She Touch Your Boobs]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It means we can share my bras till you get your own..I dont mind share my cloths with my girl..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I don't want to buy themm..This is temporay thing..you have to change me back next week..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We will see about that.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Lets remove your uncomfortable boy cloths and chage to girly cloths<</speech>>
You are feeling less angry with Alexis now.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/talking.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her help you to change cloths]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[you wear cloths by your self]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I think you know how to put panty and jeans..<</speech>>
I wear panty and jeans. I am fully clothed below half but my top half only had bra..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Here is your school top..<</speech>>
I take them and ware quickly..I am now fully dressed as girl.
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/school.jpg" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Can't you feel relax now..your boobs are placed..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Even before i had boobs i was very relaxed..I teased her<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she offers more cloths]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We will see about that…<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I will definitely change back next week.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I don’t think you will babe you are still in day one. You didn't experience anything with your girly figure can offer you.. You will be going to be like being girl and being my girlfriend.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>> I smiles. I’m not sure about that. How can I change so fast. I’m not in a mood for stay like this anyway<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I’ll take that challenge.<</speech>>
You needed to pee but afraid to go girl washroom.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Finish eating]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/alexi-2.gif" width="400" height="700">
She is half naked with only undegarments
<<speech "jane" $name>>ohhh..umm..I come here to meet you..But why are you in these cloths<</speech>>
I can feel strange feeling in my stomach..normally it would erect my penis..since I don't have one now..I feel butterflies in belly..I feel wetness of my pussy. Am I lesbian now....Alexis see I am checking her out..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Look at my eyes...<</speech>>
She is clearly see you looking her body..It is not wrong..but it is first time as girl to girl looking
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Watch Her Dress Cloth]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/both.avif" width="400" height="600">
You both wore her jeans and tank tops..she wore black top and you got red one..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Let's see it how this date goes...<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She try to Kiss Your Cheek]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<set $hadKissFemale = true>>
<<set $isBoobTouched = true>>
<<set $isKissed = true>>
<<set $isWatchedFim = true>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Alexis Drives</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/car.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Here We come to the Caffe. What about your choice babe..Tea or Coffee<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to have coffee]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to have tea]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">At the Film Hall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/theater.jpg" width="500" height="200"><br>
Alexis buy two tickets. Normally both paid for them..but she insist she need to pay for them..so I let her do it..isn't it nice to have someone pay for me. You entered a conner of movie theater by taking her hand but you are going ahead her like girlfriend would go. I sit on one chair and she is going near your face to her chair. She jiggle her butt near your face.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/face.gif" width="300" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Watch Her Jiggle]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
I felt her hot breath around my neck and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..My mouth is full from her saliva than mine..I felt her taste from all of my mouth..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch her boobs]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her touch your boobs]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Kiss her-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her kiss you-1]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
I tried to kiss her..she is not rejecting it but bit disspointed..We both kiss and I let her tongue in my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me..
I felt her hot breath around my neck and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..My mouth is full from her saliva than mine..I felt her taste from all of my mouth..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch her boobs-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her touch your boobs-1]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
She started to kiss my neck and lift my hair and kiss my ears too. She comes to my mouth after several minutes and I let her tongue in enter my slef and enjoy the kiss while she is doing kiss more than me. It is nice to be kissed by someone like this. Why I never felt that way before. I felt more and more like girl with time.
She was play with you tongue in my mouth most of the time..it is very romantic and tasty to have her tongue inside my mouth. Even I try to do that to her she will soon take mine with minimum effort..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enjoy Kiss|path-2-5-1]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
I felt her hot breath around my neck and face everytime she take air and let take air out of her..My mouth is full from her saliva than mine..I felt her taste from all of my mouth..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch her boobs|Touch her boobs-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her touch your boobs|Let her touch your boobs-1]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/Film/breast-1.gif" width="300" height="500">
She is moving her hands towards my breats while you kissing deeply..I also starts to press her boobs and start squeeze her boobs on top of her cloths..she is moaning
When I stopped she starts to press my boobs and squeeze them. She starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with little voice.
<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.gif" width="300" height="500">
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. I dont even remember what film We are watching..We enjoyed our selves than watching film..
Anyone seeing us will be thinking we as lesbian couple now..she or me didnt even care..even if I care she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Tried to check it on panty-1]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.jpg" width="500" height="300">
she starts to press my boobs and squish them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with littele voice
<img class="center" src="image/Film/breast.gif" width="300" height="500">
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. I dont even remember what film We are watching..We enjoyed our selves than watching film..
Anyone seeing us will be thinking we as lesbian couple now..she or me didnt even care..even if I care she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Tried to check it on panty|You Tried to check it on panty-1]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/Film/night.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I ask while placing my head on her shaoulder like girlfriend doing it on boyfriend. I let her to decide what to do now..normally as boy before I decide what to do next..now I can feel I like her choice than making mine..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I think we should go home babe..we had nice time. I dont want to ruin it by speed up our new relationship..
I am bit disspoointed but I felt she was right. We had our moment. We have all the time we need..why we should hurry..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmm okay babe. I like that. I want to stay with you more but as you say It is enough for a first date.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-2-7]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of the Film Hall</h3></div>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> We can meet and have another date after 2 or 3 days after babe..keep in that mind..we cant always have fun we have our acadmeic stuffs and your practice sessions as well..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yep, That's right. I'm okay with that babe really. I also need to pay attention to my sports<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I can drop you babe. You are not used to night walk as girl yet. it is not much safe to go alone<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her drop you home]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to your apartment alone]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
It is weekend. I felt so free since I don't have to attend my usual classes today. I can go anywhere and have fun without worrying to much.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Alexis]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Fred]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Elsa]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Meet Brendon]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
It is weekend. I felt so free since I don't have to attend my usual classes today. I can go anywhere and have fun without worrying to much.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]] </div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Park|Park]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Beach|Beach]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Mall|Mall]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Film Hall|Film Hall]]</div>@@
<<if $gender == "female" >>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Bar]]</div>@@
<<set $special1 = false>>
<<set $isWithSomeOne = false>><<nobr>>
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Sleep Naked">><<set $nc = 0>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Use T shirt and short">><<set $nc = 1>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Sleep in Panty">><<set $nc = 5>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Sleep in Panty and Bra">><<set $nc = 6>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Sleep in Underwear">><<set $nc = 7>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
<<if $hadCuddleFemale == true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Use Nightgown">><<set $nc = 2>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Use Nightshirt">><<set $nc = 3>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp"><<click "Sweatshirt and sweatpants">><<set $nc = 4>><<goto "Change Cloths for Sleep">><</click>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sleep]]</div>@@
<<switch $nc>>
<<case 0>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/nude.jpg" width="800" height="550">
<<case 1>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-2.webp" width="300" height="500">
<<case 2>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-3.webp" width="500" height="500">
<<case 3>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-4.jpg" width="500" height="700">
<<case 4>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/sleep-1.webp" width="500" height="700">
<<case 5>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/p.jpg" width="400" height="700">
<<case 6>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/p-b.jpg" width="400" height="700">
<<case 7>><img class="center" src="image/sleep/blouse.jpg" width="700" height="400">
<<default>><img class="center"src="image/changeroom/nude.jpg" width="325" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sleep]]</div>@@ <<speech "jane" $name>>Why did you wait for me Alexis. Is there special thing to say?<</speech>>
Alexsis ask me to join her with lunch..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ohhh No.. Just join with me for lunch babe..you can share with me lunch..<</speech>>
We both eat and she is next me. She is actually looking like try to ask something. She is saw you uncomfortable and understand the reason..you needed to pee..
<<set $day_25 = true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let’s head to washroom]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside the Stall</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/pee-3.jpg" width="300" height="500">
I go inside of stall lower my lower half cloths to pee. I saw she is also going inside one stall
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[pee start]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Film/wetpanty.jpg" width="300" height="450">
My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel right now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[It is been Long time and Stop It|Alexis Apartment]]</div>@@ <<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Tell me. What you have in mind..?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Since we taking things slowly, how about having dinner in your apartment. We have done this before..You cooking something for me and we can have great few hours of our life..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>nope, this time we don’t do that..you can cook somethings for me and I m coming your apartment..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>It feels so girly.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-2]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Aren’t you girl babe..you are my girlfriend now..don’t sterss your self..just cook something..i just wanted to make you feel like girl in relationship..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>okay, I'll cook something babe..You are making me do things so girly..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Just cook before I come..we can have nice little shower together before eat..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[you cook something by your self]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[order some food from hotel]]</div>@@
<<set $isYouInviteHerDate = true>>
<<set $gender = "female">>
<<set $hadCuddleFemale = true>>
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "stranger" "Recipient">>Yes we can deliver. Tell me your address miss..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>You tell her your address<</speech>>
<<speech "stranger" "Recipient">>We will send your order within hour..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[After a hour..|path-3-4]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Delivery arrived</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/delivery.webp" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "stranger" "Delivery guy">>hello miss, are you $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>yes that’s me<</speech>>
<<speech "stranger" "Delivery guy">>This is your dinner order<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Thanks..Here is your money and tip<</speech>>
I pay him and get the order and prepare table for our date..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[waiting for her]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You are cooking</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/cook-3.jpg" width="400" height="300">
It took longer than hour but finally I made it. I can feel smell of foods. I hope she will like my foods I prepared for her. It feels very girly to arrange this for my partner..but anyway I am girl now. I arrange the date table and wait for Alexis to come home.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[waiting for her]]</div>@@<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh..It is not that much hard task babe. it's better to learn life of girl friends shoes..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>yes but its bit hard. I had to watch so many cooking videos for this..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You will learn it with time babe..don’t worry..it is just start..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Are we going to have this again then....<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>why not. I want to eat foods cooked by girlfriend every day if I can..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-7]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/smell.webp" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>You making it soo harder my life babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Mmmmm...Haha.. I know you can deal with this babe..I know you..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ohh..Good smell..I can smell foods..looks like we can have great date today..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You heat your foods]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lap.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Come and sit on my lap $name<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay..can you bare my weight..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>you are not boy anymore..you have lost almost 20kg babe I can easily lift you now..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>that’s right. I’m not sure about my strength now. I know I can run better than you but I don’t know about strength..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-9]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We will see it soon.....<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her kiss you while she is on your apartment]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her press your boobs while she is on your apartment]]</div>@@
Skip above and move next:
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She asked you to remove top]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
She was playing with my tongue inside my mouth most of the time..its better to have her tongue in mine..even I try to do that to her she will soon take mine with minimum effort..
I felt her hot breath around my nech and face everytime she breath in and out of her..My mouth is full from her Saliva than mine now..I felt her taste from all of my mouth..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She asked you to remove top]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lick.gif" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Thats right..but i m bit shy..that’s all<</speech>>
She squeeze my full exposed boobs..she kiss my nipples so nicely i can feel her tongue movement on nipple. I took off her bra. I started to squeeze her boobs with my hand..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-3-12]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lick-2.gif" width="400" height="300">
Since I am on her laps while for now I feel like girl in relationship even though we both girl. Anyway Alexis wanted me to take that part. I’m not mad at her..but I don’t know is this possible and for how long..I m not used to this. But It feels nice and I want more and more everytime....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[she removes your jeans as well]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/wet-1.jpg" width="400" height="300">
She is clearly seen my wet spot on panty. I feel bit shy..but I can’t help that. It is out of my control. My pussy has its own mind as I feel. We break our kiss and Alexis Starts talking...
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Let’s take quick hot shower before have our dinner honey..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay babe...lets take shower then..You agreed as obedient girl..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She asks you to go and wait for her]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/bath-2.jpg" width="300" height="450">
<<speech "jane" $name>>You are becoming very active now. How you become like this. When I was boy you never behave like this. But I like very much about your new moves<</speech>>
W both are in only with panties. She took off them from both of us and start hugging and kissing while in hot shower. We both spend showering almost 40mins and get cleaned our selves..
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/bath.gif" width="400" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go out from shower]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/eat.jpg" width="300" height="430">
I place kiss again on her cheeks and sit opposite sides and start eating..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is very delecious babe..you are making decent girlfriend for me..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Are you sure are they taste good..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>yes, It is really taste good. It taste like foods from heaven. Even I can't cook like this<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Thanks for your Com,plement honey<</speech>>
We both tasted red wine alexa bring from her home. I feel girly proudness inside my heart..My partner admiring my foods and felt I made for her.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[finish the dinner]]</div>@@I take look on Smooth Sweatshirt and sweatpants and lay on the bed
<img src="image/sleep/sleep-1.webp" width="500" height="700">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Back|she gives you few night dresses]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lesbians-kiss.gif" width="600" height="400">
She Kissed you loooong...I felt silk clothing all over me..it’s very girly but It's sensation is out from my mind..She came to my ears and said lets go to bed..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Bedroom|Head to bedroom]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/lesbians-kiss.gif" width="600" height="400">
She Kissed you loooong...I felt silk clothing all over me..it’s very girly but It's sensation is out from my mind..She came to my ears and said lets go to bed..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Bedroom|Head to bedroom]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/orgsam.webp" width="600" height="400">
Actually I didn’t know it happens or not I didn’t knew what is female orgasm looks like. Anyway we both fell sleep after sometime and she is hugging me from behind like I am girl..
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/sleep.gif" width="500" height="500">
Actually I m girl more than today morning. I know that for sure..We both girls..why she see me as more girl than her. I don’t have answer to that yet.........
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Awake with her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her go home while you sleep]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I have to go home honey..I forgot I have to do some project work today..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Now..can't you wait for breakfast at least..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>See my girl is becoming really caring..you couldn’t make meal yesterday but you offer me breakfast..I love you babe..But I can't stay not this time babe..surely i ll be with your for breakfast next time..bye<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I love you too..bye<</speech>>
She kissed your forehead and went home..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Awake]]</div>@@Current public story is over from here. Patron story can be found here. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/vegatg">Patreon</a>
You can continue your day today life here and continue other story paths....
Continue - [[Go Home|Head Home]]
Stop Game - [[Exit|Introduction]]<img class="center" src="image/toilet/touch.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why did you wait for me Alexis. Is there special thing to say?<</speech>>
Alexis ask you to join her with lunch..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ohhh No.. Just join with me for lunch babe..you can share with me lunch..<</speech>>
We both eat and she is next me. She is touching my inner thighs.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her care thighs]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Don’t let her care thighs]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
She make mess out of me. I can’t complain..I think I owe her this to her every time she ask. We knew we both had wet panties now.
<<speech "jane" $name>>My panties are wet babe..it is very uncomfortable..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I know babe..make sure bring additional one next time..take this and ware now..give me your wet panty..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>you are mine..so your panties are mine..give it me babe..i want them....I am just teasing babe...
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Give Her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dont Give her]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/toilet/panty.jpg" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is very wet....babe...
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yes. It all because of you.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_35_4]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/panty-3.jpg" width="400" height="300">
She smells it for bit and enter it to her jean pockets.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is souvenir for me. I’ll keep it with me for remember our moment here.
She kissed forehead and we leave for our sperate ways.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/toilet/panty.jpg" width="400" height="600">
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/panty-3.jpg" width="400" height="300">
She smells it for sometime and put it on her jean pockets.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is souvenir for me. I’ll keep it with me for remember our moment here.
She kissed forehead and we leave for our sperate ways.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ground|Ground]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/mall/kiss.jpg" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is only 5 minutes babe. Anyway I can see you did ware my choice.. I love you..you are good girl..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I had to do since you asked..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Anyway you did it..i m happy for that..<</speech>>
I open car door and enter. We both kissed soon after that
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Mall|head to mall]]</div>@@
<<set $isWithSomeOne = true>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We came here mainly to buy you more underwear and cloths<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> I dont see you becoming boy anytime soon. It is more than week now. I feel You enjoying it well. you never asks for change. May be you never will be..<</speech>>
I actually didn't even thought about it after 3rd day..I were good at sports, and relationship with alexis never been better than this..I have person to care..so actually why would ask her..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Actually.....<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say I want to change but not yet]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say I don't want to change]]</div>@@<</nobr>>
<<set $isWithSomeOne = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/shopping-2.webp" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay if you say so. I'm not going to make any decision if you not said that anyway. I'm conflicted with these cloths..which one to choose..All are pretty good<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>With time you will see them so differently and will know how to buy best one. For now I will choose for you<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I think you might be right..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Alexis show a dress]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/alexi.jpg" width="400" height="500">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I got one for my self too..she show me it and dress up..<</speech>>
Alexis wear the dress..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Babe..Try other cloths too<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Other Cloths|path-4-5]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/shop/1.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|path-4-6]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/2.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|path-4-7]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/3.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|path-4-8]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/4.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Red Cloth set|path-4-9]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/5.jpg" width="400" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Dark Cloth set|path-4-10]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/6.avif" width="400" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Light Cloth set|path-4-11]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/7.avif" width="400" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Black Cloth set|path-4-12]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/8.avif" width="400" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Sexy Cloth set|path-4-13]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/9.jpg" width="400" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Pink Cloth set|path-4-14]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/shop/10.jpg" width="400" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Sexy Cloth set|path-4-15]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Girl's Cloth Shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cloth.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You are gorgeous babe..Your body well fitted for the all the sexy dresses I picked for you. I cant wait to see you in those on next date..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-16]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/virgin.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Next date will be special..we might go beyond touching..so i think you should proper dress for occasion. You are still virgin..its better have beautifull dress when we chop your cherry..<</speech>>
I feel embraced. My girl thinks and says about taking my girlish virginity.
<<speech "jane" $name>>It is really embarrassing...Please stop talking about it..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-17]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/finger-1.gif" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>If you can’t we can wait babe don’t worry. we have time..i m not pressure you<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No I like it..but here you chopping my cherry is wired..i had penis and we both had sex..but now i have virgin pussy waiting to someone take my virginity..it is better be with you I know it<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>mmm...we can do it gentle way. I know how to handle it..we are not going to penetrate you with huge dildo..most probably I will do it with my fingers and hand. You will not feel much pain though<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I imagine Alexis taking your virginity]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/finger-3.gif" width="500" height="300">
In my mind I imagine avrious ways of getting fucked by my girl freind and give her my virginity.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagine Alexis Fingering You|path-4-19]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/finger-4.gif" width="400" height="600">
In my mind I imagine avrious ways of getting fucked by my girl freind and give her my virginity.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagine Alexis Fingering You|path-4-20]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/finger-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
In my mind I imagine avrious ways of getting fucked by my girl freind and give her my virginity.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I ask questions]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Remind you taking her virginity</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-3.gif" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I remember but I never thought I would be facing same exact situation in opposite direction.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You chopped my cherry and i m going todo yours on our next date difference is I'm not going to cause much pain though. I will not use any toys just with my fingers. So I want to do that my own special way..thats why I need to where this dress. I want you to remmber it rest of your life..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-22]]</div>@@
I cant believe I am reading for give my virginity to my girlfriend by penetrated my self inside for the first time ever. I never even consider even pegging..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Are you afraid babe..i m not going to hurt you..you did fucked me whole 2 years.i didn’t complain. Do you think you will be get hurt..?<</speech>>
I were the one who did penetrated before and now i ll be penetrated soon..surprisingly I felt excited more thand afraid.
<<speech "jane" $name>>No i am not..i ll not full ready to fuck with you, I mean get penetrated..but I can say I can let you enter inside me babe..i were with you two year as but now few days as girl who can trust more than you for offer my virginity. We will be same after this..i get yours and you ll get mine..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>The way you say it I cant wait till I fuck you..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Mmmm..Okay I will be ready then]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/food.jpg" width="400" height="300">
We eat dinner from mall food court. After taht she drives with me straight to her apartment. Iam pretty sure I will have to stay there today with her..she will not let me go..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-24]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/car-1.jpg" width="400" height="300">
She opens car door for me like boy..I felt bit embarrassed enough already.....
<<speech "jane" $name>>thank you babe. You dont need to do that. You are making me feel very womenly now<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I want to you to feel girl in every way..so accept and do as I said..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay. I m yours for tonight..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enter her apartment]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Start Cuddleing</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/hug-3.gif" width="500" height="300">
She is pressing and squeezing my boobs. It is bit hurts with my cloths. So I take of both our tops and bras while she busy with kissing me.... I move to the bedroom with her and she pull me to the bed..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her Lead|path-4-26]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/hug-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her kiss]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her hug]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to bed Let her cuddle]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to bed and let her control next move]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/orgsam.webp" width="600" height="400">
Actually I didn’t know it happens or not I didn’t knew what is female orgasm feels like. She is looks like trying for new moves. I let her take control.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to bed and let her control next move]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/lick.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Alexis take my panty and take breath of it and lick it's wet spot..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>its very juice..i cant wait to lick it allover..but not today..she store your panty in top of her cupboard while kissing it again an again.<</speech>>
I watched your girl friend kissing smelling and liking my wet panty now I am flowing more juice by looking at her doing that.
She is trying to move next phase....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[lets have scissoring babe]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-1.gif" width="800" height="400">
She sit on bed and get one leg of mine onto her self. Let one let if on top of you..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Come closer honey.. You don't have your lengthy cock anymore come closer to feel our pussies together..<</speech>>
I did't feel any shame even after she said I don't have my cock anymore. I feel great since I still have pussy though. It is very sensitive. She is trying to start rubbing each other pussies..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-30]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/sic-2.jpg" width="800" height="400">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>babe pull me towards you and push your self to me..we need to make our crotch contact with each other..<</speech>>
After small effort I feel her wet pussy is touching my wet pussy. Probably your clitoris are also touch each others crotch. I can actually see that and I am not in a mood to care and watch whats happening. She take control and try to start
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[you start]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[let her start]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-3.gif" width="800" height="400">
She is actually like my boyfriend now. Even though she didnt have dick she act more aggressively and more manly than ever. I liked it being obidient girl for her and get fucked harder by her.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her take control|path-4-32]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer.webp" width="800" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-4-33]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-5.gif" width="800" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I felt my female orgasm coming]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/orgasm/3.webp" width="800" height="400">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Congratulations first orgasm as girl babe..How it feels..<</speech>>
I am still not in real world....
<<speech "jane" $name>>I can't explain that sensation.. It is all over my body..it is way better than male orgasm in many ways..male orgasm is focused on penis and it is intesive too but this use my full body every nerve..ohhhhhh......<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> I am happy for you babe..Now you owe me one..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Give her Chance to Enjoy|path-4-35]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/orgasm/2.gif" width="800" height="400">
I keep grinding till her have her orgasm since she didn't had one since our last sex as male vs female and she also seemed very happy with my effort eventhough I havn't my penis anymore..
She finally had her orgasm
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We girls can have more than one orgasm babe not like as your boyish way..you will be ask me to be girl after today..wait till your second one..<</speech>>
I am exited to have seocnd orgasm as well. I already had enough but I can afford more what is this body for if not have more.. Then my second and her second happens. We sleep without knowing it after loooong day
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Fall apart|path-4-36]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/sleep-2.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/mall/sleep-3.jpg" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sleep without knowing]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-3.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-1.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-2.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-4.gif" width="350" height="350">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wash]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-3.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-1.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-2.gif" width="350" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/mastrubate/clit-4.gif" width="350" height="350">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/blue.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-2]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/underwear/yellow.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-3]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/black.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-4]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/green.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-5]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/pink.jpeg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-6]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/red.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-7]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/sky.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-8]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/skin.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-9]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/white.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Panty Shopping|head to shop panty]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/d.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-11]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/g.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-12]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/h.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-13]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/j.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-14]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/k.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-15]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/q.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-16]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/r.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-17]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/s.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-18]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/w.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-19]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/y.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Next|day_45-20]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/z.jpg" width="500" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy Them|day_45-21]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of Food Court</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/food.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Aftere We buy we went to food court and ate burgers. She is heading tour apartment with you..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I m going to stay here today. Anyway can you go practice now??<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No i can't go practice now. I actualy don't want to babe. It is just one day let's have fun.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home|day_45-22]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
We went home within 10 minutes. It is already dark..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[kiss with Alexis]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[hug with Alexis]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Scissoring with Alexis]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Fast forward]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/mall/sleep-3.jpg" width="600" height="400">
Its girls jobs..I also a girl now and she consider me a her girlfriend even though we both girl. I need to make her happy with this little task..I drop your manly voice inside my head and accept as I am wife and her as husband on bed.Wife is making breakfast and coffee for her husband. Why i can’t do this one day..
You make coffee and breakfast and take it to bed and awake your dominant partner. You kissed her and said get up honey i make some coffee and breakfast..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_45-24]]</div>@@
<<set $special1 = false>>
<<set $isWithSomeOne = false>><img class="center" src="image/mall/coffee.webp" width="600" height="400">
Alexis finally get up. She surprised to see I am doing girly things without insist by her.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You are already proving you make good girlfriend or wife than boyfriend or husband..I can’t wait to see you doing this as wife..<</speech>>
I felt embarrassed. But her compliment makes me better..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_45-25]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/lesbian.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I help her to drink..She is doing many of my work so not hurt to help her with what I can..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Now I don’t need you as a boyfriend or husband for sure..i want you as my girlfriend or wife.<</speech>>
Her words makes me horny even in this early morning
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|day_45-26]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/lesbian-2.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>We will have sex with one step further than now and take your virginity on our next date babe. I m really excited..aren’t you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I am excited too babe. I can't wait to see how it feels inside of the pussy...<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Okay..I don't spoil it today babe.. I am going home babe bye<</speech>>
I say good bye to her and I eat my breakfast drink and coffee. I have to change and ready to go..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Bathroom|Head to Bathroom]]</div>@@
<<set $alexisday = $alexisday + 1>>
<<set $day = $day + 1>>
<<set $femaleday = $femaleday + 1>><img class="center" src="image/mall/dress-2.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/blue.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/green.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/yellow.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/black.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/white.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/red.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/silver.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/gold.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/cloth/white.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Dresses]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/mall/cloth.jpg" width="400" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Grey Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Blue Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Green Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Yellow Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Black Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try White Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Red Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Another White Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Silver Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Gold Dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Dress Section|Girl cloth shop]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/mall/underwear.jpg" width="400" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Light Blue Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Light Grey Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Blue Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Dark Pink Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Black Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try White Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Red Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Green Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Purple Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Plain White Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Yellow Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Dark Red Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Grey Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Dark Blue Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Panty Section|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/a.jpg" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/b.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/blue.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/d.jpg" width="400" height="450">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/c.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/z.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/r.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/j.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/h.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/w.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/yellow.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/g.jpg" width="400" height="450">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/s.jpg" width="400" height="450">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/x.jpg" width="400" height="450">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Panties-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/mall/underwear.jpg" width="400" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Black Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Green Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Blue Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Pink Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Red Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try White Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Red Panty]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Light Pink Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try Light Blue Bra]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Bra Section|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/underwear/black.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/green.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/pink.jpeg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/blue.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/red.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/w.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/skin.jpg" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/underwear/sky.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Try out More|Try Bras-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Undergarment shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/periods/blood.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I lower my panty and found blood flowing from my vagina lips. I figured I am having my first periods.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Ohhh.. noooo<</speech>>
I knew this will come sooner or later. But I did't ready for that. I finally found I am fully functional girl and I dont know to feel happy or sad. Anyway I am now know I am able to get pregnet and become mother. It is not possible with having sex with Alexis but need to worry about my safety around the town. There are lot of perverts I knew from street and school.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-2]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
I didnt know anything about how to deal with periods. I need to go my girlfriend's apartment and get help from her. I take quick wash and wear panty with placing toilet papers inside it to reduce out flow of blood.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Alexis apartment]]</div>@@
<<set $inAwake = false>><img class="center" src="image/periods/m.jpg" width="500" height="400">
She go to cupboard and get somethings.
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Which are you prefer here. Pads are in outside on your panty. Menstrual cup and tampon are have to go inside to do their work.<</speech>>
<<set $isFirstPeriod = false>>
<<set $hadPeriod = true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use the Pads]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use the Tampons]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use the Menstrual Cups]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/periods/cupuse.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Will it hurt when I enter it?<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yep, You didn't even had finger in it. So it will hurt bit babe. You can deal with it.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Will it pop my cherry by entering it now<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-5]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yeah, Maybe it will. You dont even realize it now..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>So then I dont want to do that. I want you to pop my cherry..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>YMmmm.. Dont worry about it. But I love you. I can feel how much you love me..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No, I dont want, Lets deal with pads. I can use them next time..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use the Pads]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/periods/tamponuse.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Will it hurt when I enter it?<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yep, You didn't even had finger in it. So it will hurt bit babe. You can deal with it.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Will it pop my cherry by entering it now<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-7]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yeah, Maybe it will. You dont even realize it now..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>So then I dont want to do that. I want you to pop my cherry..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>YMmmm.. Dont worry about it. But I love you. I can feel how much you love me..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>No, I dont want, Lets deal with pads. I can use them next time..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Use the Pads]]</div>@@<<speech "jane" $name>>I dont think this will be big issue. But i am not used to coming blood out of me without accident. I have to get used to this..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Let's have our date after you deal with this honey @@(TIP: On relationship date 15)@@. Till that we can kiss and hugs. It is also fun you know right.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yeah, I think it is better.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Meet me after school. We can have chat babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>okay babe..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She starts to kiss you]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Randomly Pick|path-5-9]]</div>@@
<<switch $bu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $tu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/purple-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/balck-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottom Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $bu = 0>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $bu = 1>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $bu = 2>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">>
<</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $bu = 3>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $bu = 4>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $bu = 5>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $bu = 6>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>>
@@Top Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $tu = 0>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $tu = 1>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $tu = 2>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Purple">><<set $tu = 3>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $tu = 4>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $tu = 5>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $t = 1>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $t = 2>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $t = 3>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $t = 4>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $t = 5>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>>
<<switch $t>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/rose.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $b>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/grey-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<switch $s>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black-6.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-6.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottem :@@
@@Jeans :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 1>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $b = 2>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>>
@@Shorts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 3>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $b = 4>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>>
@@Skirts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 5>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $b = 6>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>>
@@Shoes :
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> | <<click "Black">><<set $s = 1>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $s = 2>><<goto "Wear the Cloths">><</click>>
Choose above selected cloths
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path-5-9]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/kiss-1.gif" width="400" height="600">
she returns from wash room and she hugged me from behind like she is the boyfirnd here..I can feel her tight grip..I am not used to that feeling..eventhough We both are girls she is clearly act as dominant here..I felt bit wierd but I liked it.. She hug me for severel miniutes and kiss my neck and make my heir look better..
After that she come forward and come closer to your face..I can feel her hot breath..even sight I can feel electric shock and wetting my pussy even with blood flow. I can feel breasts are pressing each other..that sensation is from another world..I cant describe it..
I frogot your lower belly area pain....................
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to University]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<if $dominant < 99 && $dominant > 1>>
<<set $dominant -= 2>>
<<if $submission < 99 && $submission > 1>>
<<set $submission += 2>>
<</if>><img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/peach.gif" width="300" height="500">
I can see lot of boys watching me walking and they are staring at me orrr my butt.. I don’t know maybe they are looking my all body..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue and speed up walk towards her|day_55-2]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/walking.webp" width="500" height="400">
I can see even many girls are looking at my body. I am not much comfortable with walking bloody pussy and pads any way. After long walk or I felt like whole lot of walk today..I come to the Alexis.. Alexis offers me chair
<<set $day_55 = true>>
<<set $youBoughtPads = true>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Sit and talk with her]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/bench.jpg" width="500" height="300">
I feel protection of her by her words.
<<speech "jane" $name>>Love you babe..<</speech>>
Normally I am the one saying those words when someone look her butt while I were boy..but I a, not boy anymore and she doesn’t have boyfriend anymore. So she step up to that and make me girlfriend she doesn’t had but she wanted long ago. She squeeze my butt and say lest get to ladies room..I need to change those pads..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets go ladies room]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/Film/kiss-neck.gif" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I told you..she kiss my lips while holding me to the wall<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets go to buy some more pads]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/sanitary.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Show me and buy tampons and menstrual cup babe..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You buy them..]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She buy you them]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/mall/sanitary.jpg" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy Pads]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy Menstrual cups]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy Tampons]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy Period underwear]]</div>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Hygiene Section|Girl Essentials Shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/periods/1.jpg" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Browse Another|Hygiene products]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl Essentials Shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/periods/3.jpg" width="600" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Browse Another|Hygiene products]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl Essentials Shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/periods/2.jpg" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Browse Another|Hygiene products]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl Essentials Shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/periods/4.png" width="600" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Browse Another|Hygiene products]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy It|Girl Essentials Shop]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>relax and just do what you did everyday<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Anyway what are you doing near in ground. You never come here..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I came to watch my girl get selected. How can I miss your special events<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>You didn’t come to my any event when I was boy..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Talking|event-1-2]]</div>@@
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>AHhhh...It is long ago.. You were a boy.. It was not my responsibility then..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I is just few week..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Anyway I came now..before you were not my girl frined..now you are..i have to come cheer you up..<</speech>>
I felt like girl..Actually I am girl now so I should feel like girl. She kissed me and head to pavilion..by saying
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You can do it honey make me proud<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Women Change Room]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/sportevent/greet.jpeg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "elsa" $elsa>>Congrats $name. Hugged you<</speech>>
<<speech "brendon" $brendon>>Nice work.. $name. Congrats for joining with team<</speech>>
All of them are in team already.
Fred is also came to congrats me. He is not in the team. But he is my long time friend. I just did't had time to meet him with my new condition. We were buddies before all this. Actually I don't know how to meet him and talk with him as $name.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I am proud of you.. $name. You know I always comes to watch you compete<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Talking with Fred|event-1-4]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>>Thanks Fred. You are good friend<</speech>>
I saw his mood went down..
<<speech "fred" $fred>>You did't meet me from weeks now..<</speech>>
I actually lied him. I could not go him as girl even I wanted. I actually had not time to meet him since I didn't had time with all these with Alexis..I felt sorry about Fred..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Sorry..Fred I was just busy these days with my practice. I will hang out with you soon..<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I am looking forward $name. Meet me at the school if you can or call me..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Sure I will<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Alexis]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/sportevent/both.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Fred is your best friend right. How is he??<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I just feel bad for him. After I transform I did't got to meek or even talk to him. Actually as $name I don't know how to deal with that or How he thinks about me<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I am sorry about it. Just talk with him time to time. It is normal thing to have talk with boy as girl. Don't over think babe..<</speech>>
Being girl isn’t so bad after all..i m reaching my dream but as girl..not as boy anymore. Its not bad..i knew female sports have not much attention like male events. But anyway i can try to get medals as girl. I felt i can do it..i should do it..
We walk along the road and get sperated..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You leave her and change|End Practice and Change back]]</div>@@
<<set $isFirstMeet = false>><<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Why I dont want my girls’ food. I can come your place tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Then, I have to be ready to serve you. You will get angry if I am not ready them...<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Mmmm..Probably. But I am not worry about that today..what about periods..is it still on for my girl..
<<speech "jane" $name>>I think it ia over babe..last pad i removed only had few blood drops on it..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Nice.. I can't wait to see your pussy. I want to make mess out of it today..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay Come and make me yours..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Cut the call]]</div>@@
<<set $hadPussyLickFemale = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-4.gif" width="800" height="400">
I remind the our pussy scissoring and loooong cuddeling night with my mind. If she care for me I should do anything for to make her happy. She is like my keeper.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Think about get penetrated]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-5.gif" width="600" height="300">
I am imagining alexis penetrated me while I walking home.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Imagine getting penetrated|path_6-4]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/finger-3.webp" width="600" height="300">
I am imagining alexis penetrated me while I walking home.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Home and start cook|head home and cook]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">You are cooking</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/cook-3.jpg" width="400" height="300">
It took longer than hour but finally I made it. I can feel smell of foods. I hope she will like my foods I prepared for her. It feels very girly to arrange this for my partner..but anyway I am girl now. I arrange the date table and wait for Alexis to come home.
I arrange the date table and wait for Alexis to come home.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Wear dress]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Don’t wear dress]]</div>@@<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>So I am home babe..let's have proper date before any..
Alexis comes with wine and kiss my forehead..She cane with jeans and t shirt.But its my special day not hers anyway..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets eat babe]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/mall/dress.png" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>I want you in it. Go and wear it and come. Don’t make me angry.
<<speech "jane" $name>>okay wait said obediently with terrified eyes.<</speech>>
I went room and put on the Grey dress she bought for me. She came with jeans and t shirt. But it’s my special day not hers anyway..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets eat babe]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/boob.webp" width="600" height="300">
She took of my bra and starts to kiss them while we are kissing. This felt heavens. My boobs are softer and her squeezes makes plesure wavs around my body. My pussy is reacting to them with her own way. I take off her tops and bra while kissing her. I can feel her touch very much since I am not with a bra. My nipples are erected and Alexis play with them Actually I cannot focus on anything..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-9]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/noob.webp" width="600" height="300">
Alexis press our boobs together and starts let them play each other. Our nipples touching each and press harder each. She lowers her head to my boobs and starts to lick my nipples...
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You will flow your juice on my new jeans if you stay more..let go bed..
She notices my wetness and heat through my silky dress and panties
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets go bed. She moaned]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/finger/remove.webp" width="300" height="500">
She pull you to bed and removes your dress and panty. She take sexy look at my body and come closer. I can feel her horny hot body with my skin.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You try to remove her jeans]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/tease.gif" width="600" height="250">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yep, I don’t want you to look at it either. It stays that way today also..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay, then..<</speech>>
I now know it will be no scissoring today. She will just penetrate me till she sleep..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her Kiss you...]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/squeeze/2.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-13]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/3.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-14]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/4.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-15]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/5.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-17]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/6.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-18]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/8.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask her start lick your pussy]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/2.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-21]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/1.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-20]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/3.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-22]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/3.webp" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-23]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/5.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_6-24]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/lick-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>ahhhhhhhhhhhhh<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>ahhhhhhhhhhhhh<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>> It feels nice..don’t stop it..i m going to cum soon..<</speech>>
I feel her tongue moving all over on pussy..she kiss my clitoris and goes to anus and lick it to..I am on heaven. Finally, she moves her tongue through vaginal opening. You sense tongue go little deeper but not much to feel inside of pussy..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She lick and move everywhere with her tongue]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/4.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Show little blood in her hand to me..you are not virgin anymore..you have my fingers in it..if I have penis it was the one doing this..feel sad babe..<</speech>>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/virgin-2.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I don’t heard her words anymore.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She enter her two fingers]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/mall/sleep-3.jpg" width="600" height="400">
I need to make happy with this little task..you drop your manly voice inside you and accept as you are wife and her as husband on bed..
Wife is making breakfast and coffee for her husband. Why i can’t do this one day..
You make coffee and breakfast and take it to bed and awake your dominant partner. You kissed her and said get up honey i make some coffee and breakfast..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Alexis finally get up..]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/7.webp" width="700" height="500">
she starts to press my boobs and squish them..she starts slowly but now she doing it more aggresive way..I moaning with littele voice
I feel wetness is flowing though my womb to my outer pussy lips. I am pretty sure Alexis is also wetting by now. I feel her hot breath and it is very excited. even if I try to stop she will not stop it..she is in control everytime. My vagina flowing fluid like flood gates opened canel now. I can feel it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|sueeze-1]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/2.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|sueeze-2]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/3.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|sueeze-3]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/4.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|sueeze-4]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/5.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|sueeze-5]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/6.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|sueeze-6]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/8.gif" width="800" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[It is been Long time and Stop It|Alexis Apartment]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/finger/lick.gif" width="300" height="550">
She start kiss thighs lower belly and comes near to wet pussy. She starts to move her tongue on slippery pussy..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her Continue|pussy-19]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/1.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|pussy-20]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/2.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|pussy-21]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/3.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|pussy-22]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/3.webp" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|pussy-23]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/lick/5.gif" width="700" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|pussy-24]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/finger/lick-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>ahhhhhhhhhhhhh<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>ahhhhhhhhhhhhh<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>> It feels nice..don’t stop it..i m going to cum soon..<</speech>>
I feel her tongue moving all over on pussy..she kiss my clitoris and goes to anus and lick it to..I am on heaven. Finally, she moves her tongue through vaginal opening. You sense tongue go little deeper but not much to feel inside of pussy..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[After sometime she stops|Alexis Apartment]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fing/1.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/2.webp" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/3.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/4.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/5.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/6.gif" width="600" height="600">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/6.webp" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/7.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/9.webp" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/8.gif" width="400" height="700">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Cum and Need to Wash Now|Wash]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/fing/1.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/2.webp" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/3.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/4.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/5.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/6.gif" width="600" height="600">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/6.webp" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/7.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/9.webp" width="600" height="400">
<img class="center" src="image/fing/8.gif" width="400" height="700">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You Cum and Need to Wash Now|Take wash and Go to Bedroom]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/walk.gif" width="500" height="400">
I ignored him and went straight to Alexis I can see guys check my butt swings. it’s like I am walkingnaked. I have to get used to this..i m not used to have all the attention to me..but now on i have to deal with it..its just ignoring..i can deal with it..i hope pervert doesn’t find me in alone on empty place.. You didn’t had to deal with vulnerability of girl before
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Walk toward Alexis]]</div>@@
<<set $day_65 = true>><<speech "jane" $name>>Hey..did you eat already..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Nope. I waited for you to start..Apart from that situation, I am seeing my girl getting all the attention. I am feeling proud
<<speech "jane" $name>>You should be. But I am confused and it's very unusual to have this much attention with every step I take..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Dont worry. With time you'll deal with better than me..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets eat]]</div>@@<<speech "jane" $name>>yep its too good..i cant say how much but way better than having penis..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Anyway next time it will not be my fingers..You will get fully erected penis size starpon inside you..You will feel deep inside of your pussy for sure..
<<speech "jane" $name>>I am excited..I cant imagine babe though<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>soon you will..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[More talk]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/cafetiria/cuddle.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>You will actually become boy for me. Not just yet lets enjoy this..I don't know I am into boys..Anyway I think it is right..it is better to have caring partner. After last night i also dint feel much boyish now..hehe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>tell me anytime if we go beyond your limits..
<<speech "jane" $name>>okay babe..love you..<</speech>>
Who have thought boy will get fucked in his pussy within 3 weeks. Now she is asking me to be her girl and she will become full time boyfriend with real penis. I don't know what I actually want though. I am liking to be girl everyway. But Alexis as my boyfriend I don't know. We can try one ime. Maybe..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets go to ladies room]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>>I don’t intentionally grow them anyway. Anyway Now, I don’t have any muscle compared to my male body..you know that..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>yep, but as a girl you are in great shape now..dont overdo gym part..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>hehehe..I ll try it..hey babe I have go to practice now..its time..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>ohh..yeah..go on then ma girl..don’t forget where skirts..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Practice|Practice]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>>You are the one done that. If you come soon I didn't had to deal with this. I was standing here too much. So many perverts attracting to me like I m magnet of attracting men..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You will be used to this kind of things as girl. Now get practice for that. I am not be always there for you. Can you see how much perfect you as girl..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>But it is too hard to live with all this attention. I never had 1% of this when i was boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>You will figure it out with time.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets go to mall first]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Women accessory shop</h3></div>
<<speech "jane" $name>>You are making me so much embarrasses babe..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>This is good honey. It will feel great after this..i want you to be perfect..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Whatever..............<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She buy all of them]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/shave/buy.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Mmmm. Not for methough. So it is for you babe..you need great care..you are perfect from outside..but we need to take care of your bush around vagina..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Errrrr...why is that.. It can be stay that way..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Also we are going to Waxing your legs..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|path_7-4]]</div>@@
<<speech "jane" $name>>I'll try babe for you. I don’t know how to do that with strap on. I'll have to learn. It is not like having penis right.<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Yep it is much different but you can handle it same as boy even though you don’t feel anything on it like penis.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>We ll try do that on our next day babe. What next today..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>lets go dinner out. it is on me..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>You paid much of my things since I become jane..<</speech>>
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>yep, because you are ma girlfriend. Not other way around. I have to do that.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to the restaurant]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/shave/eat.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>There is one way to find out find out..lets go inside..In worst case we can come later as me boyfriend. Hahaha<</speech>>
She kiss me and escort me into one table. We did't face any restriction though. We ordered different meals and had great time..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Lets go to your apartment we have so many things to do..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Lets go to my apartment]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/shave/shave.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>It is all done. Your legs are like baby legs now.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>yep, it feels fresh though<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She is waxing my legs]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/shave/pussy-2.jpg" width="500" height="600">
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>See your pussy is gorgeous now. I can lick it now all over without bothering pubic hair<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let’s wash and have some fun]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/yourapartmentdate/bath.gif" width="400" height="300">
I can feel we are becoming very naughty now.
We both are in only with panties. She took off them both of mine and hers and after continue hugging and kissing while in hot shower.We both spend showering almost 40mins and We both are very cleaned.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go out from shower|Go out from shower-2]]</div>@@ <img class="center" src="image/shave/shave.webp" width="500" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/shave/pussy.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<img class="center" src="image/shave/pussy-2.jpg" width="500" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Finish and Wash|Head to Bathroom]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Women accessory shop</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/grocery-shop.jpg" width="400" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave Sanitary shop|Mall]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/toilet/touch.jpg" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Why did you wait for me Alexis. Is there special thing to say?<</speech>>
Alexsis ask me to join her with lunch..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>>Ohhh No.. Just join with me for lunch babe..you can share with me lunch..<</speech>>
We both eat and she is next me. She is actually looking like try to ask something. She is touching my thighs.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let her care thighs|thigh-1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Don’t let her care thighs|thigh-2]]</div>@@
<<if $masculinity < 99 && $masculinity > 1>>
<<set $masculinity -= 2>>
<<if $femininity < 99 && $femininity > 1>>
<<set $femininity += 2>>
<<set $day_75 = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/lick.gif" width="500" height="300">
I spread my legs as obedient girl. She starts to kiss and lick all over my pussy. I fell love with her for that intense feeling..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[You felt her tongue moving around your labia]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/lick-3.gif" width="300" height="500">
I felt I don't have penis anymore. May be she is talking about strap on..
<<speech "jane" $name>>So..What is all this about..
<<speech "alexis" $alexis>> i m feel so horny..need to fill my pussy
.so i m teasing you before that..she is moving her tongue beyond your pussy and stary lick anus circle<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[pussy and stary lick anus circle]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/toilet/anus-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
I let het do it and..after that..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Alexis, get up babe let me do something for you..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss her pussy]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Enter finger inside her]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/toilet/anus-3.gif" width="500" height="300">
I actually don't want to fuck anyone. I just wanted to get fucked harder. I felt how much my sexual orientation changes with this body. I wanted to fill my pussy so badly. I just don't me to have penis. I need penis inside me. Maybe Alwxis become my boyfriend soon. I wanted it now..She can take care me..
I lick her pussy and then anus as well. It’s time to go out.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Several Miniutes later]]</div>@@@@vegatg96@gmail.com@@
Send me your story ideas, Comments story parts suggestions......
Support me here....
@@<a href="https://www.patreon.com/vegatg">Patreon</a>@@
@@<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/vegatg">Subscribestar</a>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Texting with Fred</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/text.jpg" width="400" height="300">
Fred and I texting each other
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Can we meet today $name<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yeah, I can meet<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say Yes|fred_1_1]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say No and Go home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Texting with Fred</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/text.jpg" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Great!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>What is on your mind?<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Countine Texting|fred_1_2]]</div>@@<<speech "fred" $fred>>Lets play war-planet-001...Wht u think?<</speech>>
It is been feel forever since I played games with fred. I actually played with him last month but as man not as $name. I feel like it was way more long time ago than last month. I actually not feel good idea to meet him now but I promised I will meet him one day. So I have to go..
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmm..Ok..<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Come my apartment..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I am coming after take wash<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to My Apartment|fred_1_3]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You feel familiarness and freedoem in you bed. You have some home work using computer also you have to take shower soon.Bathe increase your sexual plessure and working with computer helps your acadademic score.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Inside|fred_1_4]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
I need to take wash and dress before go to play game with Fred. I am bit nervous since first time I am going his apartment as $name. Ohhh why am I agree to do this..........
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take Wash|fred_1_5]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/sport-cloth/bath-3.gif" width="300" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go out from Bathroom|fred_1_6]]</div>@@
I am naked after taking wash. I dry my self using towel and quickly dress cloths to go outside without thinking much about process.
<img class="center" src="image/changeroom/nude.jpg" width="325" height="550">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dress the cloths|fred_1_7]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Randomly Pick|fred_1_8]]</div>@@
<<switch $bu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $tu>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/purple-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/balck-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-1.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottom Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $bu = 0>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $bu = 1>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $bu = 2>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
<<click "Green">><<set $bu = 3>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $bu = 4>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $bu = 5>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $bu = 6>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
@@Top Under:@@
<<click "Nothing">><<set $tu = 0>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $tu = 1>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $tu = 2>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Purple">><<set $tu = 3>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Black">><<set $tu = 4>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $tu = 5>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $t = 1>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Blue">><<set $t = 2>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Green">><<set $t = 3>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Red">><<set $t = 4>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $t = 5>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
<<switch $t>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/green-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/red-4.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/rose.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-3.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<switch $b>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/grey-2.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<case 3>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/blue-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 4>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-5.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 5>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/white-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 6>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-7.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-4.jpg" width="200" height="500">
<<switch $s>>
<<case 0>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<case 1>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/black-6.webp" width="200" height="200">
<<case 2>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/pink-6.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<<default>><img class="change center" src="image/changeroom/nude-2.jpg" width="200" height="200">
@@Bottem :@@
@@Jeans :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 1>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Grey">><<set $b = 2>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
@@Shorts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 3>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "White">><<set $b = 4>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
@@Skirts :@@
<<click "Blue">><<set $b = 5>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $b = 6>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
@@Shoes :
<<click "Nothing">><<set $t = 0>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> | <<click "Black">><<set $s = 1>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>> |
<<click "Pink">><<set $s = 2>><<goto "fred_1_7">><</click>>
Choose above selected cloths
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Dress Chosen Cloths|fred_1_8]]</div>@@ <div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I need to go to the Fred's apartment..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to the Fred's apartment|fred_1_9]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of Fred's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/apartment-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I went near the door of apartment. I am bit nervous actually eventhough I have went there more than 100 times....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Nock the Door|fred_1_10]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of Fred's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/apartment-inside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Fred open the door and welcome me into his living room where we normally play games. It is feel bit larger than it used to probably since I am 1 foot shorter than before..
<<speech "fred" $fred>>You came..Come Inside<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Inside|fred_1_11]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of Fred's Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/apartment-inside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Lets drink something...<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Okay for sure..<</speech>>
I gave short answers to his all questions...
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Cool drink or Coffee.. That's all I have....<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Coffee is fine|fred_1_12]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Cool drink is fine|fred_1_13]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Cofee Drink</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/coffee.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I saw Fred is looking at me with weired way. It is like he doesn't want to find out I saw that he looking and cheking me..<</speech>>
When figure he suddenly watch away and stats talking. I think he probably checking out my boobs.....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ignore it talk with him|fred_1_14]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Cofee Cool Drink</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/cool.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I saw Fred is looking at me with weired way. It is like he doesn't want to find out I saw that he looking and cheking me..<</speech>>
When figure he suddenly watch away and stats talking. I think he probably checking out my boobs.....
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ignore it talk with him|fred_1_14]]</div>@@<<speech "fred" $fred>>Are you finish your drink $name ?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Yep...<</speech>>
I gave him short answer
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Lets play war-planet-001<</speech>>
I actually need to pee now...
<<speech "jane" $name>>You can start it. I have to go bath room..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to bathroom|fred_1_15]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Fred's Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/bathroom.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I start peeing which has bothered me for while. After drink of ours I though I would be wise to pee before start play gaming..
<img class="center" src="image/alexi-apartment/pee-2.jpg" width="500" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_1_16]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/apartment-inside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>I saw that he is watching me walking towards him<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>He is clearly likes me. I don't know how I got this instinct but I can see he is clearly have crush on me..<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let's Play Game|fred_1_17]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Playing Games</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/game.jpg" width="400" height="300">
We played game for more than hour. I saw he is comeing towards me like he is going to kiss me.
<<speech "jane" $name>>What are you doing...?<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let him do that|fred_1_18]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Blame Fred and Go home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<set $day_1_fred = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/kiss-1.gif" width="500" height="300">
He starts to kiss me. I actually don't know what got into me and I surender my self and starts to kiss him...
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Kissing|fred_1_19]]</div>@@<<set $day_1_fred = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/kiss-2.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Kissing|fred_1_20]]</div>@@<<set $day_1_fred = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/kiss-3.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Kissing|fred_1_21]]</div>@@<<set $day_1_fred = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/kiss-4.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Kissing|fred_1_22]]</div>@@<<set $day_1_fred = true>>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/kiss-4.gif" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue Kissing|fred_1_23]]</div>@@<<speech "jane" $name>>I broke the kiss and said. Fred I have to go home<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Ohhh..Sorry $name..<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>It is okay..<</speech>>
We both felt little wired. We both were best friends till today. Now we kissed. I felt very strange or feel like gay since I kissed guy. Technically I am girl so it is not gay. But inside i am still a guy. We didn't actually talk about it... Both of us feel ashmed to talk about it first..
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I will drop you home<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_1_24]]</div>@@
Finally Fred broke the long silent period.......
<<speech "fred" $fred>>$name can we go to watch next football match<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmm..I don't know fred. I will think about it..<</speech>>
It is very uncomforatble to stay here after what happened between us...I see he is also feel that..
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Okay.. I will call you then..<</speech>>
I am ready to go..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Okay. fine|fred_1_25]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I will go gome. It is fine|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of Your Apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_1/kiss.webp" width="500" height="300">
We went slowly towards my apatment. It is very lovely to have someone giving you company while going home. I felt some connection with fred actaully. He gave me kiss on forehead and actually I didn't mind it at this point. I let him do that and went inside my apartment..
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go Inside]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/Fred/meet.webp" width="500" height="300">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>hey $name. I wanted to talk to you. It is better to meet you here<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>hi Fred, So tell me.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choice">[[Talk with Fred|fred_15_6]]</div>@@<<speech "fred" $fred>>Can we go to watch football match. I know we did't went for that in long time.<</speech>>
Is he asking a date.......
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmmmmm<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>We can hangout like old times. It will be fun. Please.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I will think about it<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Thanks. I am waiting for it.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Ladies Room|ladies room]]</div>@@
<<set $day_15_fred = true>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Calling with Fred</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/call.webp" width="400" height="300">
I know there is a big football match in stadium. Since Fred asks for watch one and I think it will good idea to call him for watch it.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Hello $name<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Hello. Fred<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_1]]</div>@@
<<set $gender = "female">>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Are you busy right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmmm not actually. we can talk.<</speech>>
I actually know what he is going to ask. But I don't want to spoil it for him. He is pretty shy guy.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I am calling for asking are you available to evening to watch football match at town stadium.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say Yes|fred_2_2]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Say No and Go home|Head Home]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Calling with Fred</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/call.webp" width="400" height="300">
I thought I am normally going with him to watch football matches since we turn 12. I actually felt I need to go with him to watch this. This is my normal hangout with him. I thought it is bad to turn him down him also.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_3]]</div>@@<<speech "jane" $name>>Mmmm. Okay. I will come.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Thanks. $name... where can I pick you<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I am going practice today. So, you can pick me at university ground.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>okay wait for me there. I will come and pick you.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Practice|Practice]]</div>@@
<<set $eventTwoFred = true>>
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Fred is waiting</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/bike.jpg" width="400" height="300">
I saw Fred comes by his bike. He has a car but even as best friend before he prefers to use his motor cycle for going around the town more than his car.
It is first time I am going him with his motor cycle as girl even though I have gone with him more than 100 times as boy. When I going out from ground, he is waiting for me.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_5]]</div>@@
<<set $eventTwoFred = false>><img class="center" src="image/fred_2/bike_2.webp" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>Hi $name, you are beautiful.<</speech>>
My face become red when I heard it from his. It is not like when I am boy. No everyone make complements when they meet me. it is bit unusual to get used to.
<<speech "jane" $name>>did you wait long for me.<</speech>>
I felt bit bad by seeing him at near ground.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_6]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/bike_2.webp" width="400" height="300">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>no, it was only 10 minutes. It is nothing. Shall we go now...?<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>yep, lets goo...<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>we only have 1 hour till start football match.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Stadium|fred_2_7]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of the Stadium</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stadium_1.jpg" width="600" height="350">
We went to stadium. Stadium is located in south coner of the city. There are several matchs in one month mostly in week ends. Most of people in town comes to watch them and enjoy their week ends here
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go inside Stadium|fred_2_81]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Outside of the Stadium</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stadium_1.jpg" width="600" height="350">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>$name do you like to have burger.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>Mm it is not bad idea. Let’s go.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Burger shop|fred_2_9]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/burger_shop.jpg" width="600" height="350">
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/burger_shop_2.jpg" width="600" height="350">
I am used to eat burgers with him after football match. We went to burger shop near the stadium and order diet cokes and two chicken burgers. I saw he is looking at me. It is not wired mood. But it is not actually his normal look. I think he is looking at my boobs.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Eat Burger|fred_2_10]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/eat.jpg" width="600" height="350">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Are you done Fred.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>yep. Let’s go. I will drop you home.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go home with him|fred_2_11]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/bike_3.webp" width="600" height="350">
While we going home by bicycle it starts to rain. He asked me do we need to wait till it is over. But it is not much distance from here. so why we have to wait.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>do we wait till this rain over.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go home with him|fred_2_12]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/rain.webp" width="600" height="350">
<<speech "jane" $name>>No let’s go home. We can dry our cloths there<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_13]]</div>@@<<speech "jane" $name>>come in Fred. You can have little bath and coffee with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>okay. I’ll come<</speech>>
It was normal thing while we both are guys. But it is not normal to any of us now.
<<speech "jane" $name>>change cloths with this. I take wash first.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>okay. I will wait here.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go to Bathroom|fred_2_14]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Your Bathroom</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/bathe.webp" width="500" height="300">
I gave him my old clothes to wear. Maybe he is wondering how I have male cloths. I took shower for 20 mins and going out from bathroom.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go out from Bathroom|fred_2_15]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of your apartment</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
I saw Fred is not in the living room.
<<speech "jane" $name>>where are you...?<</speech>>
He doesn’t reply. I went my room. I think he is in there. He is sleeping half naked. I can see his bulge clearly. I don't know why I feel I am getting wet by seeing his cock. My entire life I lived with cock in crotch. But now I want to see it like I never have seen one in my life. Where these urges coming from.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[wake him up|fred_2_16]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[touch his cock|fred_2_17]]</div>@@
<</nobr>><img class="center" src="image/fred_2/touch.jpg" width="500" height="300">
I touch his cock on top of. it is very large. If it become hard, it probably sizes of my hand. Smell of his cock drives me mad. I needed to look it without his boxer. I felt my pussy is flowing out and becoming my crotch wet by looking at him alone.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_181]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-apartment.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<<speech "jane" $name>>Hey Fred wakeup. You can use the bathroom now. I am finished.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>oh, sorry Kelly. I was very tired. That’s why I fell sleep.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>never mind Fred. Just go and clean yourself.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[He went to Bathroom|fred_2_18]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/coffee.jpg" width="500" height="300">
He went to take wash and come after half an hour.
<<speech "jane" $name>>here is coffee for you Fred.<</speech>>
I offered him a coffee. We finished his coffee and starts pack his things to leave. He hugs me with his strong body. I had strong feeling to give him a kiss.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss him|fred_2_19]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Don’t kiss him let him leave|fred_2_20]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kiss-1.gif" width="600" height="400">
I start to kiss him. He looks surprise but didn’t panic. He let me do it. I met his lips. They are not like Alexis soft lips. But still, they feel good.
We both kiss for several minutes. It felt nicer with him.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_211]]</div>@@
Eventhough I badly want him I let him leave. Maybe another day we can continue further.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>thanks for helping me, $name. I’m looking forward to meet you again. I like you very much you know that.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I know Fred. We will talk later about. I don’t know this is right or not. Bye.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I understand. Bye.<</speech>>
He left my apartment.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I need to sleep now|Sleep]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/press.gif" width="600" height="400">
I felt his cock is hardening against my crotch. ohh it felt very strange feel hos dick pressing me.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Touch his penis.|fred_2_22]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Let him leave.|fred_2_20]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/press-2.gif" width="600" height="400">
I start to rub his penis on his pants while kissing him. he doesn’t seem upset about it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[touch his penis.|fred_2_23]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/press-3.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[touch his penis.|fred_2_24]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/press-4.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[touch his penis.|fred_2_25]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/press-5.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[touch his penis.|fred_2_26]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/press.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[touch his penis.|fred_2_27]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/touch.gif" width="600" height="400">
He is trying to touch my boobs.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_271]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/press-4.gif" width="600" height="400">
He is guiding my hand inside his pants. It is very hot and felt very strange. It us like I am girl all along. I am seeking unknown area for first time. Finally, I make touch with his huge shaft.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[He removes his pants|fred_2_29]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kneel.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>if you don’t mind. Can you give me hand job. I am really horny Kelly.<</speech>>
I fell on my knees Infront of my friend. I can see huge dick is near my face...
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_301]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stroke-1.webp" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "jane" $name>>ahh. Sounds good.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>your touch feels good. Continue it please.<</speech>>
I starts to stroke his cock and I know what it feels for him.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_31]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stroke-2.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stroke Penis|fred_2_32]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stroke-3.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stroke Penis|fred_2_33]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stroke-4.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stroke Penis|fred_2_34]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stroke-5.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stroke Penis|fred_2_351]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/lick.webp" width="400" height="600">
I needed to kiss his penis actually. I smell it by going towards it. that smell makes me aroused.I start to lick his penis top. I can taste his pre cum. He surprised with my action. But didn’t complain it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_36]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_37]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss-2.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_381]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/suck-1.webp" width="400" height="600">
<<speech "fred" $fred>>ohh. Kelly. I love you...<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Suck his Penis|fred_2_39]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/suck-2.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Suck his Penis|fred_2_40]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/suck-3.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Suck his Penis|fred_2_41]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/suck-4.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Suck his Penis|fred_2_42]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/suck-5.webp" width="400" height="600">
He starts to press it into my mouth more and more. I don’t know how much I can take his cock with this small mouth. But I wanted to try it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take his penis deep|fred_2_43]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/deep-1.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take his penis deep|fred_2_44]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/deep-2.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take his penis deep|fred_2_45]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/deep-3.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take his penis deep|fred_2_46]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/deep-4.webp" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Take his penis deep|fred_2_47]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/deep-5.webp" width="600" height="400">
he speeds up it and I felt afraid about he is going to cum inside my mouth.
Yep, I am right. I felt loads of cum spill in my mouth. Maybe he is done this after week. If not, how he gets this much of load. I can’t even talk. I had to put them out or swallow his cum.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I am sorry Kelly I didn’t mean to do that. I just can’t help.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[He cums in my mouth|fred_2_48]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/swal-1.webp" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_49]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/swal-2.webp" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I don't know what to do|fred_2_50]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/swal-3.webp" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I don't know what to do|fred_2_51]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/swal-4.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Put them on toilet|fred_2_52]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Swallow|fred_2_53]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/places/your-bathroom.webp" width="300" height="200">
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/cum-1.webp" width="400" height="300">
I ran to bathroom and spit out it. It is not that much bad. But I cannot handle swallow this much cum at my first time.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_54]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/cum-2.webp" width="600" height="400">
I swallow his cum every bit of it. It is not bad as I thought. It is tasteful its own way.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_54]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kiss-4.gif" width="400" height="300">
After that we kissed again.
<<speech "fred" $fred>>can’t I make you happy $name. I owe you one.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>please it is nothing. not today maybe another day. I am still not ready for relationship with boy. But soon maybe I will be able.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[continue|fred_2_55]]</div>@@
From his mood I can guess he still thinks I am lesbian. Is he still think I am lesbian
<<speech "fred" $fred>>ohh. I know it is hard. Take your time and meet me if you made your mind. I am ready to make you happy anytime.<</speech>>
<<speech "jane" $name>>I know it.<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>thanks for helping me, Kelly. I gave me great time in stadium and here in your home. Bye.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[I need to sleep now|Sleep]]</div>@@
<<set $day_2_fred = true>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Inside of the Stadium</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stadium_2.webp" width="600" height="350">
Fred bought some cool drinks for us. It is not first time someone buy me something. after I become girl, everyone buys me. I loved it.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Watch the football match|fred_2_82]]</div>@@
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Watching Football match</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/football.gif" width="600" height="350">
We watch the match and had our fun as our old times. Match finished after 2 and half hours. but it took more than 2 hours because of the half time interval It is looks like going to rain soon.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Go outside of Stadium|fred_2_8]]</div>@@I think is this is because I am missing my dick I eagar to touch his dick. No it is not the case why would I need to touch another guy's dick for missing mine. I feel my female urges coming out of my inside. I needed to feel dick and kiss it. I needed to suck it from my heart. I can't believe where this thought are coming from.
Am i becoming gay or something. No actually I am straight now because I am girl. This very normal feeling for straight girl. I wanted hime inside my I wanted to see how it feels. But still I am not comfortable enough to do that. I need more time..
Suddenly he is waking up. I jump out from him and ask him to take wash.
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/touch_2.jpg" width="500" height="300">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[He went to Bathroom|fred_2_18]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kiss-2.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_212]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kiss-3.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_213]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kiss-4.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_214]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kiss-5.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_21]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/touch-2.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_272]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/touch-3.webp" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_273]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/touch-4.gif" width="600" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_274]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/touch.gif" width="600" height="400">
But still, I’m not comfortable with boyish hands on my body. So, I took off his hands from my breasts.
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_28]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/kneel-2.webp" width="400" height="600">
He is stroking his dick. I take it for me..
<<speech "jane" $name>>is it still growing...?<</speech>>
<<speech "fred" $fred>>I think so $name. This is first touch of girl after so long time.<</speech>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Continue|fred_2_30]]</div>@@
<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stroke-6.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stroke Penis|fred_2_352]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/stroke-7.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stroke Penis|fred_2_35]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss-2.webp" width="400" height="500">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_382]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss-3.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_383]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss-4.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_384]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss-5.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_385]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss-7.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_386]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/fred_2/pkiss-6.webp" width="400" height="600">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Kiss his Penis|fred_2_38]]</div>@@<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Bar</h3></div>
<img class="center" src="image/bar/bar.jpg" width="400" height="250">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Vodka]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Beer]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Cocktail]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with Someone]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/bar/vodka.jpg" width="400" height="250">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Vodka]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Beer]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Cocktail]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with Someone]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/bar/beer.jpg" width="400" height="250">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Vodka]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Beer]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Cocktail]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with Someone]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/bar/cocktail.jpg" width="400" height="250">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Vodka]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Beer]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Drink Cocktail]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with Someone]]</div>@@<img class="center" src="image/bar/bar_people.jpg" width="400" height="250">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with Girl]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with Man]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stop looking|Bar]]</div>@@ <<set $bar_girl to random(1,10)>>
<img class="center" @src=" 'image/bar/girl/' + $bar_girl + '/girl_face.jpg'" width="400" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Approach her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Look for Another girl|Chat with Girl]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stop looking|Bar]]</div>@@
<<set $count_girl to 0>><<set $bar_boy to random(1,10)>>
<img class="center" @src=" 'image/bar/boy/' + $bar_boy + '/boy_face.jpg'" width="400" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Approach him]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Look for Another man|Chat with Man]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Stop looking|Bar]]</div>@@
<<set $count_boy to 0>><<set $count_girl to $count_girl + 1>>
<img class="center" @src=" 'image/bar/girl/' + $bar_girl + '/girl_face.jpg'" width="400" height="400">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with her|Approach her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Buy her drink|Approach her]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Ask her number|Approach her]]</div>@@
<<if $count_girl > 2>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[She asks to fuck|have sex girl]]</div>@@
<<set $myArosal = 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal = 10>>
<<set $youcum = false>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $sicissor = false>>
<<set $doggy = false>>
<<set $miss = false>>
<img class="center" @src=" 'image/bar/boy/' + $bar_boy + '/boy_face.jpg'" width="400" height="400">
<<set $count_boy to $count_boy + 1>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Chat with him|Approach him]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Accept his drink|Approach him]]</div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Flirt with him|Approach him]]</div>@@
<<if $count_boy > 2>>
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[He asks to fuck|have sex boy]]</div>@@
<<set $myArosal = 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal = 10>>
<<set $youcum = false>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $blowjob = false>><div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Press actions to increase Arousal</h3></div>
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<button "Kiss him">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = true>>
<<set $miss = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $blowjob = false>>
<<goto "have sex boy">>
<<button "Suck his dick">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $miss = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $blowjob = true>>
<<goto "have sex boy">>
<<button "Ask him to fuck">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $miss = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = true>>
<<set $blowjob = false>>
<<goto "have sex boy">>
<<button "Ride him">>
<<set $myArosal += 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 8>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $miss = true>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $blowjob = false>>
<<goto "have sex boy">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">Your Arousal <<nobr>><<if $youcum == true>>0<<else>><<= $myArosal >><</if>><</nobr>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">His Arousal <<= $alexisArosal >></div>@@
<<if $youcum == true>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $miss = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $blowjob = false>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-5.gif" width="300" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<if $myArosal >= 100>>
<<set $myArosal = 0>>
<<set $youcum = true>>
<<if $kiss == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/bar/boy/1.gif" width="800" height="400">
<<if $miss == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/bar/boy/3.gif" width="800" height="400">
<<if $blowjob == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/bar/boy/2.gif" width="600" height="600">
<<if $fuckher == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-3.gif" width="800" height="400">
<div class="centerText"><h3 style="color: yellow">Press actions to increase Arousal</h3></div>
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<button "Kiss her">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = true>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $sicissor = false>>
<<goto "have sex girl">>
<<button "Lick her Pussy">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = true>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $sicissor = false>>
<<goto "have sex girl">>
<<button "Ask her to lick your pussy">>
<<set $myArosal += 5>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 4>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = true>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $sicissor = false>>
<<goto "have sex girl">>
<<button "Strap on Fuck">>
<<set $myArosal += 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 8>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = true>>
<<set $sicissor = false>>
<<goto "have sex girl">>
<<button "Scissors">>
<<set $myArosal += 10>>
<<set $alexisArosal += 8>>
<<set $kiss = false>>
<<set $kissboobs = false>>
<<set $kisspussy = false>>
<<set $fuckher = false>>
<<set $sicissor = true>>
<<goto "have sex girl">>
@@<div class="choiceSp">Your Arousal <<nobr>><<if $youcum == true>>0<<else>><<= $myArosal >><</if>><</nobr>></div>@@
@@<div class="choiceSp">His Arousal <<= $alexisArosal >></div>@@
<<if $youcum == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/alexis-sex-1/alexis-sex-5.gif" width="300" height="200">
@@<div class="choiceSp">[[Leave|Head Home]]</div>@@
<<if $youcum == false>>
<<if $myArosal >= 100>>
<<set $myArosal = 0>>
<<set $youcum = true>>
<<if $kiss == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/Film/love-kissing.gif" width="500" height="500">
<<if $kissboobs == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/squeeze/7.webp" width="700" height="500">
<<if $kisspussy == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/finger/lick.gif" width="300" height="550">
<<if $sicissor == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/mall/cicer-1.gif" width="800" height="400">
<<if $fuckher == true>>
<img class="center" src="image/bar/girl/strapon.gif" width="800" height="400">