Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,,,,,,<<widget header>>
<div class="row" id="characterRow">
<h2 style="margin-top: 0;
margin-left: 22px;
margin-right: 10px;
line-height: 0;">$args[1]</h2>
<<for _i to 0, _characterKeys to Object.keys($characters); _i lt _characterKeys.length; _i++>>
<<set _character = $characters[_characterKeys[_i]]>>
<<if _character.currentLocation == passage() && _character.met == true>>
<div class="column" id="characterColumn">
<a @data-passage="" class="link-internal macro-button">
<<print ['<img src="./ui/characters/'+ _character.icon+'" id="characterimg">']>>
<</widget>><<widget "videoButton">>
<div id="videoButton">
"<button id=\"videoButton\" onclick=\"MyLib.changeVideo('"+$args[1]+"')\" class=\"link-internal macro-button\" type=\"button\" tabindex=\"0\">$args[0]</button>">>
<</widget>><<widget "smallButton">>
<div id="smallButton">
<button id="smallButton" @data-passage="$args[1]" class="link-internal macro-button" type="button" tabindex="0">$args[0]</button>
<</widget>><<widget "addTime">>
<<set _oldHours = $hours>>
<<set $hours += $args[0]>>
<<set $minutes += $args[1]>>
<<if $minutes>=60>>
<<set$minutes -= 60>>
<<if $hours>=24>>
<<set$hours -= 24>>
<<set $day++>>
<<if 1 <= $hours && $hours <= 5 >>
<<goto Sleep>>
<<if _oldHours != $hours>>
<<run MyLib.updateLocations()>>
<</widget>><<widget "sleep">>
<<if $hours<=24 && $hours >= 4>>
<<set $day++>>
<<if $shower is 2>>
<<set $water to 2>>
<<if (($mood < 1)&&($mattress is 1))>>
<<set $stamina = ($staminaCap-3)>>
<<set $mood = 1>>
<<elseif (($mood < 1)&&($mattress is 0))>>
<<set $mood = 0>>
<<set $stamina = ($staminaCap-3)>>
<<set $stamina = $staminaCap>>
<<set $mood += 1>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $hours = 7>>
<<set $minutes = 0>>
<<run MyLib.updateLocations()>>
<!-- $args[0] : Passage -->
<!-- $args[1] : backgroundImage -->
<!-- $args[2] : Opening hour -->
<!-- $args[3] : Closing hour -->
<!-- $args[4] : Disable Override -->
<<widget "locationButton">>
<<set _closingTime = $args[3] - $hours>>
<<if (($hours>=$args[2]) && ($hours<$args[3]))>>
<<set _disabled to "">>
<<set _closed = $args[0]>>
<<set _disabled = "disabled">>
<<set _closed = "Closed">>
<<if ($args[3] <=3)>>
<<if (($hours>=$args[2]) || ($hours<$args[3]))>>
<<set _disabled to "">>
<<set _closed = $args[0]>>
<<set _disabled = "disabled">>
<<set _closed = "Closed">>
<<if (ndef $args[2])||(ndef $args[3])>>
<<set _disabled to "">>
<<set _closed = $args[0]>>
<<if (def $args[4])>>
<<set _disabled = "disabled">>
<<set _closed = "Closed">>
<div id="column">
<div @id="$args[1]">
<<print ['<button id="locationButton" @data-passage="$args[0]" class="link-internal macro-button" @title=_closed type="button" '+_disabled+' tabindex="0"><<print $args[0]>></button>']>>
<</widget>><!-- $args[0] : Text on the button -->
<!-- $args[1] : Passage -->
<!-- $args[2] : Hours Action takes -->
<!-- $args[3] : Minutes Action takes -->
<!-- $args[4] : Money Output -->
<!-- $args[5] : Energy Output -->
<!-- $args[6] : Pills Output -->
<!-- $args[7] : Disable override-->
<<widget "actionButton">>
<<if ($money+$args[4] < 0)>>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "Not enough money">>
<<elseif ($stamina+$args[5] < 0)>>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "Not enough energy">>
<<elseif ($pills+$args[6] < 0)>>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "Not enough pills">>
<<elseif (def $args[7])>>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "Closed">>
<<set _disabled to "">>
<<set _title to $args[0]>>
<div id="actionButtonOverlay">
<<print ['<button id="actionButton" @title=_title @data-passage="$args[1]" class="actionButton" type="button" '+_disabled+' tabindex="0">$args[0]</button>']>>
<div id="row">
<<if $args[2]!= null && $args[3]!= null>>
<p id="time" title="How long this will take"><<print $args[2]>>:<<print $args[3]>></p>
<<if $args[4] != null>>
<p id="money" title="Money output">
<<if $args[4] > 0>>
<<print Math.abs($args[4])>> €</p>
<<if $args[5] != null>>
<p id="energy" title="Energy output">
<<if $args[5] > 0>>
<<print Math.abs($args[5])>></p>
<<if $args[6] != null>>
<p id="pills" title="Pills output">
<<if $args[6] > 0>>
<<print Math.abs($args[6])>><img src="./ui/misc/pill.png" style="width: 12px;padding-left: 8px;"></p>
<</widget>><!-- $args[0] : Text on the button -->
<!-- $args[1] : Passage -->
<!-- $args[2] : Money Output -->
<!-- $args[3] : Energy Output -->
<!-- $args[4] : Pills Output -->
<!-- $args[5] : Required level -->
<<widget "interactionButton">>
<<if ($money+$args[2] < 0) >>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "Not enough money">>
<<elseif ($energy+$args[3] < 0)>>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "Not enough energy">>
<<elseif ($pills+$args[4] < 0)>>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "Not enough pills">>
<<elseif ($level < $args[5])>>
<<set _disabled to "disabled">>
<<set _title to "You need higher level">>
<<set _disabled to "">>
<<set _title to $args[0]>>
<div id="actionButtonOverlay">
<<print "<button id=\"actionButton\" @data-passage=$args[1] class=\"actionButton\" @title=_title type=\"button\" "+_disabled+" tabindex=\"0\">$args[0]</button>">>
<div id="row">
<<if $args[2] != null>>
<p id="money" title="Money output"><<print $args[2]>> €</p>
<<if $args[3] != null>>
<p id="energy" title="Energy output"><<print $args[3]>></p>
<<if $args[4] != null>>
<p id="pills" title="Pills output"><<print $args[4]>><img src="./ui/misc/pill.png" style="width: 12px;padding-left: 8px;"></p>
<<if $args[5] != null>>
<p id="level" title="Required level"><<print setup.LEVELS[$args[5]]>></p>
<</widget>><!-- $args[0] : src -->
<<widget "eventVideo">>
<video id="eventVideo" autoplay loop muted controls>
<source @src=$args[0] type="video/mp4">
<</widget>><!-- $args[0] : src -->
<<widget "eventImage">>
<img @src=$args[0] id="eventImage">
<</widget>><!-- $args[0] : Person talking, character var -->
<!-- $args[1] : Event1 Text -->
<!-- $args[2] : Event2 Text -->
<!-- $args[3] : Event3 Text -->
<!-- $args[4] : Event4 Text -->
<!-- $args[5] : Event5 Text -->
<<widget "questLog">>
<div style="margin-top:10px;">
<div id="row">
<<if $args[0].met == true>>
<<print ['<img src="./ui/characters/'+ $args[0].icon+'" @alt=$args[0].name @title=$args[0].name id="characterimg" style="pointer-events: none; align-self: baseline;" >']>>
<<print ['<img src="./ui/misc/unknown.png" @alt=$args[0].name @title=$args[0].name id="characterimg" style="pointer-events: none; align-self: baseline;" >']>>
<div class="column" >
<h2 style="margin:16px;">
<<print $args[0].name>>
<p style="margin-left: 21px;
margin-top: 30px;
line-height: 1.3;">
<<if (($args[0].events.event1 == false) && (def $args[1]))>>
<<- " - "+$args[1]>>
<<elseif (($args[0].events.event2 == false) && (def $args[2]))>>
<<- " - "+$args[2]>>
<<elseif (($args[0].events.event3 == false) && (def $args[3]))>>
<<- " - "+$args[3]>>
<<elseif (($args[0].events.event4 == false) && (def $args[4]))>>
<<- " - "+$args[4]>>
<<elseif (($args[0].events.event5 == false) && (def $args[5]))>>
<<- " - "+$args[5]>>
You finished current story line!
<span id="moneyStaminaDisplay">
<p id="ui-bar-decay" title="Corruption"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/decay.png" style="width:45px; padding-right:5px"><<print $corruption>> Decay</p>
<p id="ui-bar-stamina" title="Stamina"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/stamina.png" style="width:45px; padding-right:5px"><<print $stamina>>/<<print $staminaCap>></p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Body"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/body.png" style="width:45px; padding-right:5px"><<print $body>> Body</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Inteligence"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/inteligence.png" style="width:45px; padding-right:5px"><<print $inteligence>> Inteligence</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Charm"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/charm.png" style="width:45px; padding-right:5px"><<print $charm>> Charm</p>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<img id="logoLink" title="Patreon" src="ui/misc/patreon.png"></a><<set $hoursString = $hours < 10 ? "0" + $hours.toString() : $hours>><<set $minutesString = $minutes < 10 ? "0" + $minutes.toString() :$minutes>><div id="storyBannerOverlay"><<print['<img id="storyBanner" @src="$uiLocation">']>>
<div id="timePosition">
<p id="ui-bar-time">$hoursString:$minutesString</p><p id="ui-bar-day"><<print setup.DAYS[$day % 7]>> - Day <<print $day>></p>
</div><<set $body = 1>>
<<set $inteligence = 1>>
<<set $charm = 1>>
<<set $stamina = 0>>
<<set $staminaCap = 0>>
<<set $mood = 0>>
<<set $melee = 0>>
<<set $ranged = 0>>
<<set $material = 0>>
<<set $parts = 0>>
<<set $stamxp = 0>>
<<set $bodyxp = 0>>
<<set $chaxp = 0>>
<<set $intxp = 0>>
<<set $meleexp = 0>>
<<set $rangedxp = 0>>
<<set $food = 25>>
<<set $corruption = 0>>
<<set $health = 1>><<narrator "<h2>My Stats</h2>
<h3>Agility: <<print $agility>><br>
Charm: <<print $charm>><br>
Inteligence: <<print $inteligence>><br>
Strength: <<print $strength>><br><br><br>
Eletronics: <<print $eletronics>><br>
Social: <<print $social>><br><br><br>
Melee: <<print $melee>><br>
Ranged: <<print $ranged >><br></h3>">>
<<smallButton "Back" `previous()`>><!-- $args[0] : Text -->
<<widget "narrator">>
<p id="narrator">
<</widget>> <<widget "updateValues">>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<display "StoryCaption">><</replace>><<replace "#story-banner">><<display "StoryBanner">><</replace>>
<</widget>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<!-- $args[0] : Person talking, character var -->
<!-- $args[1] : Text -->
<<widget "dialog">>
<div style="margin-top:10px;">
<div id="row">
<<print ['<img src="./ui/characters/'+ $args[0].icon+'" @alt=$args[0].name @title=$args[0].name id="characterimg" style="pointer-events: none; align-self: baseline;" >']>>
<div class="column" >
<h2 style="margin:16px;">
<<if $args[0] == $player>>
<<print "You">>
<<print $args[0].name>>
<p style="margin-left: 21px;
margin-top: 30px;
line-height: 1.3;"><<print $args[1]>></p>
<</widget>><<widget noContent>>
<div id="noContent">
<h1>No Content yet, sorry!</h1>
<h2>More soon</h2>
<img src="./ui/misc/logo.png" style="width:300px">
<</widget>><<set setup.DAYS to ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]>>
<<include Stats>>
<<include Variables>>
<<include Characters>>
<<set $version = "0.0.1b">>
<<run Config.history.maxStates = 5>>
<<run Config.passages.nobr = true>>
Ivy Lebelle - Anna
Remy Lacroix - Alice<<set $Player = {name: "Peter",
icon: "player/icon.png"
<<narrator "Everyone has a different story of what life was like when it all began. In my case, well...">>
<h3>My name is</h3>
<<textbox "$" "Peter" autofocus>>
<<narrator "and I was in high school and I was a...">>
<div id="row">
<<locationButton "Athlete" "card-image-athlete">>
<div id="row">
<<locationButton "Nerd" "card-image-nerd">>
<div id="row">
<<locationButton "Class Clown" "card-image-clown">>
<<dialog $Player "My parents were always very keen on being the best in sports, since they both got sports scholarships at the university where they met.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/athlete1.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Growing up with this kind of encouragement made me fall in love with sports. I became the star player on the school basketball team shortly after joining the team, as well as being a member of the swimming and track team.">>
<<set $stamina = 8>>
<<set $health = 100>>
<<set $mood = 10>>
<<set $staminaCap = 8>>
<<set $body = 7>>
<<set $charm = 4>>
<<set $inteligence = 3>>
<<set $melee = 5>>
<<set $ranged = 3>>
<h2>Initial Stats</h2>
<h3>Stamina: 8<br>
Mood: 10<br><br>
body: 7<br>
Inteligence: 3<br>
Charm: 4<br>
Melee weapons: 5<br>
Ranges weapons: 3<br><br></h3>
<<smallButton "Continue" "Intro2">>
<<smallButton "Choose another" "Intro1">><<dialog $Player "Computers and video games have always been my thing. I always got along well with electronics even though they don't require a lot of social skills.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/nerd1.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "I like almost every kind of game, but my favorites are mobas and shooting games, in which modesty aside I'm Pro.">>
<<dialog $Player "You can imagine that because of this I didn't have much time outdoors or many real friends. However, this gave me more time to focus on my studies and to learn new and interesting things.">>
<<set $stamina = 4>>
<<set $health = 100>>
<<set $mood = 8>>
<<set $staminaCap = 4>>
<<set $body = 2>>
<<set $charm = 3>>
<<set $inteligence = 8>>
<<set $melee = 2>>
<<set $ranged = 6>>
<h2>Initial Stats</h2>
<h3>Stamina: 4<br>
Mood: 8<br><br>
Sbody: 2<br><br>
Inteligence: 8<br>
Charm: 2<br>
Melee weapons: 2<br>
Ranges weapons: 6<br><br></h3>
<<smallButton "Continue" "Intro2">>
<<smallButton "Choose another" "Intro1">><<dialog $Player "I was never very handsome, very strong or very smart, so my only alternative was to know how to talk to people.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/clown1.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "One of the best ways to get on people's good graces, definitely, is to make them laugh. Girls love it, and guys always want to hang out with you. I was definitely not the most popular in school, but people liked me.">>
<<set $stamina = 6>>
<<set $health = 100>>
<<set $mood = 15>>
<<set $staminaCap = 6>>
<<set $body = 3>>
<<set $charm = 7>>
<<set $inteligence = 4>>
<<set $melee = 3>>
<<set $ranged = 3>>
<<set $corruption = 1>>
<h2>Initial Stats</h2>
<h3>Stamina: 6<br>
Mood: 15<br><br>
body: 3<br>
Inteligence: 4<br>
Charm: 7<br>
Melee weapons: 3<br>
Ranges weapons: 3<br><br></h3>
<<smallButton "Continue" "Intro2">>
<<smallButton "Choose another" "Intro1">><<header "Then one day..." "">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/boom.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "We still don't know if it was a nuclear attack, a weapons system hack, or even the third war, all we did was run. I was never happier to remember that I had a conspiracy nut neighbor. He had spent thousands of dollars digging a bunker, which he made a point of showing everyone, that really came in handy.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/run.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "I ran straight there, thinking of nothing and no one. My parents were traveling on a second honeymoon, there was nothing I could do for them. When I entered I realized that besides me there were four other people, two couples, neighbors I didn't even know well. In any case, I had survived.">>
<<smallButton "And the years passed by" "Intro3">><<dialog $Player "Five to be exact, five years living with two couples extremely in love, in a bunker, with almost nothing to do but listen to them fucking all the time. Luckily the shelter had a radio with which I tried daily to contact anyone who had survived.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/radio.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "After a long time of trying I finally succeeded. . . I got in touch with a boy named Andy and he told me that things on the outside were not that bad, that shortly after the incident those who survived were helped by the governments. For weeks we communicated and he told me about the colonies and how things were getting back together, he introduced me to other members of his colony and even a girl named Jessica.">>
<<smallButton "To a new life" "Intro4">><<header "Neighborhood" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/neighborhood/neighborhood1.jpg">>
<div id="row">
<<if $camp is true>>
<<locationButton "Explore" "card-image-explore">>
<<if $camp is false>>
<<locationButton "Make camp" "card-image-makecamp">>
<<locationButton "Camp" "card-image-camp">>
<<if $ is true>>
<<locationButton "Materials for Alice" "card-image-alicept1">>
<<if $ is true>>
<<locationButton "The new kitchen" "card-image-alicept1">>
<div id="row">
<<if $river is true>>
<<locationButton "River" "card-image-river">>
<<if $park is true>>
<<locationButton "Park" "card-image-park">>
<<if $apartment is true>>
<<locationButton "Apartment" "card-image-apartment">>
</div><h2>And now I am here</h2>
<<narrator "I wanted to surprise my shelter mates, so I made arrangements with the settlers so they could pick us up, we couldn't stay there all our lives. And that was the worst decision of my life.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro1.gif">>
<<narrator "I was so happy when I finally opened that door that I barely realized the situation. Armed men waiting at the exit of the shelter, many of them. Had I been tricked? What were they after? Our shelter was almost out of food and we didn't have many things that they could use.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro2.gif">>
<<narrator "That shot was aimed at my head, but fortunately it just hit my shoulder, the impact made me fall inside the shelter again and when I woke up I couldn't believe what was happening.">>
<<smallButton "The brutal reality" "Intro5">><<header "Exploring" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/actions/exploration/banner.gif">>
<<set $bodyxp += 1>>
<<set $mood -= 1>>
<<if $stamina is 0>>
<<goto Sleep>>
<<if (($river is false)&&($stamina > 0))>>
<<goto ExpEvent4>>
<<elseif (($park is false)&&($river is true))>>
<<goto ExpEvent5>>
<<elseif (($apartment is false)&&($park is true))>>
<<goto ExpEvent1>>
<<goto Exprandom>>
<<header "Camp" "Apocalypse">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/camp/camp2.jpg">>
<div id="row">
<<locationButton "Neighborhood" "card-image-neighborhood">>
<<locationButton "Train" "card-image-train">>
<<locationButton "Build" "card-image-build">>
<<if $food > 0>>
<<actionButton "Eat" "EatCamp" 0 45 null +2>>
<<actionButton "Eat" "EatCamp" 0 45 null +2 null true>>
<<if (($shower >= 2)&&($water > 0))>>
<<actionButton "Shower" "Shower" 0 45 null +1>>
<<actionButton "Sleep" "Sleep">><<header "Building home" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/camp/camp1.jpg">>
<<narrator "After searching a bit, you come across Mr. Willson's old workshop. Dirt and rubble everywhere, but the walls seem solid and secure, a little work and this place could become habitable.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/camp/camp1.jpg">>
<<smallButton "Clean up the mess" "Make camp2">><<header "Building home" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/camp/camp1.jpg">>
<<set $bed = 1>>
<<narrator "You spend a few hours cleaning up the mess, and among all the debris you manage to sort out a few things that might come in handy to improve your quarters in the future.">>
<h3>You got: +15 Materials</h3>
<<set $material += 15>>
<h3>You got: +5 Eletronic parts</h3>
<<set $parts += 5>>
<<narrator "You can also find a mattress in a small room at the back of the workshop, not ideal, but already better than sleeping on the floor.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/camp/mattress.jpg">>
<h3>You got: Improvised bed</h3>
<<smallButton "Finish the job" "Make camp3">><<header "It is done" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/camp/camp2.jpg">>
<<set $camp to true>>
<<set $stamina to 0>>
<<narrator "A few more hours of work and you finally finish setting up your camp. It's far from ideal, but it's a start.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/camp/camp2.jpg">>
<<narrator "By the time you finish the sun is setting and you decide it is better to stay safe inside the camp. You lie down and wonder what life is like on the outside and if it was really a good idea to leave the refuge behind.">>
<h2>And then. . .</h2>
<<narrator "You hear the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming toward you. Maybe you should reinforce the entrances, but this is not the time to think about it.">>
<<smallButton "Make a ambush" "ambush">>
<<smallButton "Ask who's there" "talk">>
<<set $corruption += 1>>
<<set $characters.aliceStorm.sub += 5>>
<<set $charm += 1>>
<h3>Alice's Submission +5</h3>
<<narrator "Hiding in the shadows you are guided only by the approaching sounds. As soon as you see an advantageous position you attack. You quickly immobilize the target, which appears to be a woman.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/camp/ambush.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Do you have a guns?">>
<<narrator "The woman nods negatively.">>
<<dialog $Player "Okay, Okay, I'll free your mouth, if you scream I'll hurt you and I don't want to have to do that. I just want to talk.">>
<<narrator "After making sure that she cannot make any sudden movements you free her mouth. She seems to let out a little laugh when you do.">>
<h2>And the world turns black</h2>
<<smallButton "Wake up" "Alice Storm - Meet 1">><<set $ += 5>>
<h3>Alice's Love +5</h3>
<<set $charm += 2>>
<<narrator "You realize that the steps are those of a small person, perhaps a woman or child, and so you decide to take the initiative.">>
<<dialog $Player "Who is there? Come out! I don't want to do you any harm.">>
<<narrator "When the figure enters your 'room' the moonlight reveals a woman, who appears to be frightened and tired. She doesn't seem to be a threat to you, so you decide to talk with her.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/alice1.jpg">>
<<narrator "You look her up and down and when you cross eyes with her she seems to be strangely smiling">>
<h2>And the world turns black</h2>
<<smallButton "Wake up" "Alice Storm - Meet 1">><<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/camp/camp2.jpg">>
<<set $characters.aliceStorm.met = true>>
<<set $characters.annaVal.met = true>>
<<set $people +=2>>
<<narrator "For the second time in the same day you wake up disoriented and not really understanding the situation. In front of you two women exchange a few glances as if analyzing you.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/face.jpg">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/anna1.jpg">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "I am sorry for the blow on the head that my friend gave you. But we needed to know that you are not one of them or a threat to us. My name is Alice Storm and this is Anna Valentine.">>
<<narrator "You bring your hand to the back of your head and immediately feel the pain. It feels like everything is in one piece, just a little sensitive.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "I'm not sure about you yet, but if you can be of any help. . .Well, it's better than nothing.">>
<<dialog $Player "Has everyone in this fucking world gone stone-cold crazy? What are you two doing here?">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "The community we used to live was attacked and destroyed a couple of days ago. My friend and I managed to escape through a breach in one of the walls. That's why we are so suspicious about you.">>
<<dialog $Player "And you thought I could be one of them? I'm more like a victim. Some maniacs killed two of my shelter mates and took two other girls from the shelter.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "We call them Savages, they are everywhere. The people who stayed near the impact zones during the first years, mindless freaks who only answer to the call of violence and brutality. They group together in small flocks usually led by the most lucid of them.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "And I imagine that if they have been there, your shelter is destroyed, am I right?">>
<<dialog $Player "That's why I'm out here.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "Shit!!!">>
<<dialog $Player "This place seems to have a good potential, maybe if I keep tidying things up it will be a good place to live.">>
<<smallButton "Continue" "Alice Storm - Meet 1.2">><<narrator "They nod at each other then look at you.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/alice1.jpg">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "Well. . . Maybe we can help you with that, if it's not too much trouble for you.">>
<<narrator "Alice looks at you with an apprehensive face while Anna avoids eye contact and holds her posture.">>
<<if $charm >= 5>>
<<dialog $Player "I wouldn't mind sharing my new home with two hot women like you, welcome aboard.">>
<<set $characters.annaVal.sub += 2>>
<h3>Anna's Submission +2</h3>
<<elseif $inteligence >= 5>>
<<dialog $Player "Three is better than one, it seems that you need help and I need people who understand the outside world. We may be starting a mutually beneficial alliance.">>
<<set $ += 2>>
<h3>Alice's Love +2</h3>
<<elseif $strength >= 5>>
<<dialog $Player "It wouldn't be bad to have someone around. But remember that everyone has to do their part to make it work.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "At the camp where we lived I was organizing supplies and Anna was a kitchen helper. I think this may help a little.">>
<<dialog $Player "So, welcome to Camp Apocalypse.">>
<<narrator "You stay up through the night and decide to take turns on guard duty. Until everyone has rested.">>
<<smallButton "Sleep" "Sleep">><<set $food -= $people>>
<<if $food<0>>
<<goto Lost>>
<<if ($stamxp gte ($staminaCap*2))>>
<<narrator "Each time you make an effort the next step seems lighter. As you get used to the new exhausting ritual, you forge ahead with endurance.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/stamina.jpg">>
<h3>You have become more resilient.</h3>
<<if ($bodyxp gte ($body*2))>>
<<narrator "All the effort to become stronger begins to make sense as your body start to respond.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/body.jpg">>
<h3>You have grown stronger.</h3>
<<if ($chaxp gte ($charm*2))>>
<<narrator "All the interactions have made you more confident and more open. Understanding people is the power to captivate them.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/charm.jpg">>
<h3>You are one step closer to becoming irresistible.</h3>
<<if ($intxp gte ($inteligence*2))>>
<<narrator "A sharp mind is the path to better days.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/smart.jpg">>
<h3>You become smarter.</h3>
<<if $bed == 0>>
<<set _random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);>>
<<set _resultPath = MyLib.mergePath("./ui/actions/sleep/bed1/",_random,".gif")>>
<<narrator "You find a corner where it is safe to lie down and try to sleep. You get enough rest so you don't black out in the middle of the night, but you can't call it a night's sleep.">>
<<eventImage _resultPath>>
<<smallButton "Wake up" "Camp">>
<<elseif $bed == 1>>
<<set _random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);>>
<<set _resultPath = MyLib.mergePath("./ui/actions/sleep/bed2/",_random,".gif")>>
<<narrator "The old, uneven mattress doesn't give you the best night's sleep, so you might want to look for a new one somewhere nearby. You feel rested but your body aches a bit because of the lack of comfort.">>
<<eventImage _resultPath>>
<<smallButton "Wake up" "Camp">>
<<header "Neighborhood" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/actions/exploration/exp1.jpg">>
<<set $stamina-->>
<<addTime 3 30>>
<<set $apartment to true>>
<<narrator "When you enter an apartment complex you see that at least on that side things might be better. A few closed doors may mean that there is something intact there.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/hallway.jpg">>
<<narrator "When you open one of the doors you are faced with an almost untouched apartment. In fact, by the lack of common things it seems that no one has ever lived in this place.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/shower.jpg">>
<<dialog $Player "Holy shit! Finally some luck, new showers, although there is no power I can set it up in the camp. Cold shower is better than no shower at all.">>
<h3>You got: Shower</h3>
<<set $shower to 1>>
<<set $iten to 1>>
<<narrator "Although the place is too small to hold three people, some of the things you have seen can be moved to your shelter. The place seems full of possibilities, you make a mark on the door, so you can come back and look for more stuff later.">>
<<smallButton "Back" "Neighborhood">><<set $heard to 1>>
<<set $stamina-->>
<<addTime 1 30>>
<<narrator "After a few hours exploring what is left of the northern part of the city you hear voices in the distance. Since you don't know if they are friendly you prefer to sneak away to analyze the situation.">>
<<narrator "The sounds of the voices seem louder and louder, but they don't sound very understandable. When you get closer you realize that they are not talking but...">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/face.gif">>
<<narrator "They look deformed and decomposed, you are not even sure if they are alive anymore. Walking and grunting, they look like a big pack.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/savage.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "It's better not to lure them towards the camp. I have to improve the defenses of the area soon, if a group of this size gets there we don't stand a chance.">>
<<set $herd to 1>>
<<narrator "Walking backwards to get away from the creatures as quickly as possible, you end up stumbling over a decomposing body lying on the ground.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/savage2.gif">>
<<narrator "The noise you make seems to catch the attention of one of them. Looking around for something to help you survive you notice that near the body, there's a baseball bat and a slingshot.">>
<<narrator "What will you use to defend yourself?">>
<<smallButton "Slingshot" "slingshot">>
<<smallButton "Baseball bat" "baseball bat">><<set $stamina-->>
<<addTime 0 30>>
<<narrator "You walk through a large green area and discover that some of the trees have fruit. You can't recognize what kind of fruit they are, but they are definitely delicious.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/fruits.jpg">>
<h3>You got: +2 food</h3>
<<set $food += 2>>
<<smallButton "Go back" "Neighborhood">><<header "Camp" "Training area">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/actions/training/training1.jpg">>
<<if $stamina >= 0>>
<<actionButton "Obstacle track" "Obstacle track" 1 45 null -2>>
<<actionButton "Obstacle track" "Obstacle track" 1 45 null -2 null true>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<actionButton "Exercice" "Exercice" 1 00 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Exercice" "Exercice" 1 00 null -1 null true>>
<<if $stamina >= 0>>
<<actionButton "Shoot train" "Shoot train" 1 45 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Shoot train" "Shoot train" 1 45 null -1 null true>>
<<if $stamina >= 0>>
<<actionButton "Melee train" "Melee train" 1 45 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Melee train" "Melee train" 1 45 null -1 null true>>
<<if $stamina >= 0>>
<<actionButton "Read" "Read" 1 00 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Read" "Read" 1 00 null -1 null true>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<header "Time to get in shape" "">>
<<narrator "You take advantage of some spacers and use them as obstacles to train both your stamina and agility.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/track.gif">>
<<addTime 1 45>>
<<set $stamina -= 2>>
<<set $stamxp +=2>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Train">><<header "Time to get in shape" "">>
<<narrator "You take the time and try to get all the knowledge from the books that the girls have managed to save from their village. The subjects are the most varied, but you manage to assimilate useful things for the days to come.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/read.gif">>
<<addTime 1 00>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $intxp +=1>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Train">><<header "Time to get in shape" "">>
<<narrator "You take advantage of the space and the scenery to keep fit. Running, push-ups and sit-ups, just enough to keep everything running as it should.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/lift.gif">>
<<addTime 1 00>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $bodyxp +=2>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Train">><<header "Time to get in shape" "">>
<<narrator "You take advantage of the space and the scenery to keep fit. Running, push-ups and sit-ups, just enough to keep everything running as it should.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/aim.gif">>
<<addTime 1 45>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $rangedxp +=2>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Train">><<header "Time to get in shape" "">>
<<narrator "Time to take a few swings. With a makeshift bat you train to be ready in case things go south.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/training/melee.gif">>
<<addTime 1 45>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $meleexp +=2>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Train">><<widget "skills">>
<<if ($stamxp gte ($staminaCap*2))>>
<<set $staminaCap += 1>>
<<set $stamxp to 0>>
<<if ($bodyxp gte ($body*2))>>
<<set $body += 1>>
<<set $bodyxp to 0>>
<<if ($intxp gte ($inteligence*2))>>
<<set $inteligence += 1>>
<<set $intxp to 0>>
<<if ($chaxp gte ($charm*2))>>
<<set $charm += 1>>
<<set $chaxp to 0>>
<<if ($engxp gte ($engeniring*3))>>
<<set $engeniring += 1>>
<<set $engxp to 0>>
<<if ($socxp gte ($social*3))>>
<<set $social += 1>>
<<set $socxp to 0>>
<<if ($meleexp gte ($melee*2))>>
<<set $melee += 1>>
<<set $meleexp to 0>>
<<if ($rangedxp gte ($ranged*2))>>
<<set $ranged += 1>>
<<set $rangedxp to 0>>
<</widget>><<header "Camp" "Workbench">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/actions/build/build1.jpg">>
<<if (($shower is 1)&&($material > 5))>>
<<actionButton "Build shower" "Build shower" 2 00 null -1>>
<<if (($strap is 1)&($inteligence > 6)&($material > 5))>>
<<actionButton "Build small trap" "Build Strap" 2 00 null -1>>
<<if (($fspear is 1)&&($material > 5))>>
<<actionButton "Fishing Spear" "Build Fspear" 2 00 null -1>>
<<if (($kitchen is 0)&&($material > 5))>>
<<actionButton "Stove" "Build Stove" 1 00 null -1>>
<<if (($shower is 2)&&($solarp >= 3))>>
<<actionButton "Heated water" "Heated water" 3 00 null -3>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<if $stamina + 2 > $staminaCap>>
<<set $stamina = $staminaCap>>
<<set $stamina += 2>>
<<addTime 0 45>>
<<set $food -= 1>>
<<header "Camp" "Dinner table">>
<<set _random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);>>
<<set _resultPath = MyLib.mergePath("./ui/actions/eat/",_random,".jpg")>>
<<narrator "It is not because the world is ending that you have to eat badly. The years as a cook in the shelter have paid off. Meal time!">>
<<eventImage _resultPath>>
<<if $stove is 1>>
<<set $mood += 3>>
<<smallButton "Full belly" "Camp">><<set $showerbuilt to 1>>
<<set $shower to 2>>
<<set $water to 2>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<addTime 2 00>>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/shower/built.jpg">>
<<narrator "Using your skills and some materials you have available, you can use an old water tank from the workshop for the water catchment and the shower head you found. Making it possible to bathe in the old tub.">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<set $randomnumber to random(1, 8)>>
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>
<<narrator "When you enter the bathroom that you have built, you hear that someone is taking a shower. You wouldn't miss an opportunity like that.">>
<<dialog $Player "Holy shit! It's Alice and she's fucking hot!">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/shower/alice1.gif">>
<h3>You can't think of anything else but her</h3>
<<if $characters.aliceStorm.sub >= 10>>
<<smallButton "Enter" "AliceBath1">>
<<smallButton "Back" "Camp">>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2>>
<<narrator "As you approach the shower you hear the sound of falling water and are about to turn around, when you notice that the door is slightly open.">>
<<dialog $Player "Nice!">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/actions/shower/anna1.mp4">>
<h3>You're pretty sure that she noticed you.</h3>
<<set $characters.annaVal.sub += 2>>
<h3>Anna's Submission +2</h3>
<<smallButton "Back" "Camp">>
<<narrator "You had a nice cold shower, get's you going in the morning.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/Shower/1.gif">>
<<addTime 0 45>>
<<set $water -= 1>>
<<if $stamina < $staminaCap>>
<<set $stamina++>>
<<smallButton "Much better" "Camp">>
<</if>><<set $stamina-->>
<<addTime 2 00>>
<<narrator "On one of your wanderings exploring the area you find a small stream coming out of one of the piles of rubble.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/river1.gif">>
<<narrator "You follow the small spring from the middle of the ruins in the downtown area to outside the city where it flows into the river. This river used to be smelly and polluted, but now after five years, it seems that the bombs have been a blessing for nature.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/river2.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "This place is amazing, maybe if I can make a spear or a fishing pole maybe I can catch some food.">>
<<set $river to true>>
<<set $fspear to 1>>
<<smallButton "Back to camp" "Camp">><<set $park to true>>
<<set $strap to 1>>
<<set $stamina-->>
<<addTime 2 00>>
<<narrator "Heading in an unexplored direction, you come across an area that used to be a green park, now taken over by dense forest. The buildings and statues in the park have become invisible, and the entire area seems untouched.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/park.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "It doesn't even feel like I am in an urban area. There are birds and probably some animals too, with a good bow or gun I could come hunting here. This is also a good place to relax.">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<header "Park" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/park/parkbanner.gif">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/park.jpg">>
<<narrator "The old park near your neighborhood is now overgrown with vegetation and probably wildlife. It still has some of the facilities, but most of the infrastructure is ruined. This seems like a good place to look for animals.">>
<<if $strap is 2>>
<<actionButton "Place traps" "Traps" 3 30 null -2>>
<<actionButton "Wander through the woods" "Woods" 1 00 null -1>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Neighborhood">>
<<header "River" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/river/riverbanner.gif">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/river/river1.gif">>
<<narrator "The turquoise-blue river bed runs along the banks and shapes the boundaries of the woods. The rocks make the currents take shape in small waves and the pools are large areas of calm, possibly sheltering many fish.">>
<<if $fspear is 2>>
<<actionButton "Spear fishing" "Fish Spear" 2 30 null -2>>
<<actionButton "Clear your head" "Relax River" 2 00 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Neighborhood">><<set _outfit = MyLib.decideDesireLevel($characters.aliceStorm.outfit)>>
<<set $uiLocation = './ui/characters/alice/banner/'+_outfit+'.jpg'>>
<<header "Alice Storm" "Camp Apocalypse">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/face.jpg">>
<<if $ is 0>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "AliceTalk" 1 45 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "AliceTalk" 1 45 null -1 null true>>
<<if (($ > 25)&&($ is 0))>>
<<actionButton "Flirt" "AliceFlirt" 1 00 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Flirt" "AliceFlirt" 1 00 null -1 null true>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<addTime 1 45>>
<<if $ is false>>
<<goto AliceStormEvent1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<elseif (($ is false)&&($shower is 2))>>
<<goto AliceStormEvent2>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<narrator "Alice seems to be busy organizing the camp stuff. She nods at you and continues her errands. You should do something to improve the camp in the meantime.">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Alice Storm">>
<<set $ to true>>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "Hey Peter, listen, back in my old community I was in charge of keeping the supplies in order. I was thinking that maybe I could do that here too.">>
<<dialog $Player "Wait, does this mean that you are staying?">>
<<narrator "She gives a shy smile and rubs her hands together as if she is not prepared for this question.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "Well, you invited us to stay, and it was really nice to have a warm place to spend the night and something to eat. Maybe we can make this place work.">>
<<dialog $Player "I'm really glad you said that.">>
<<set $ += 1>>
<<narrator "She turns red, looks you in the eye and quickly changes the subject">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "I wanted to ask you something, so that I can organize the materials we will collect and the resources we will need, I need some shelves and some boxes. Do you think you can get them for me?">>
<<dialog $Player "I imagine this is not a problem, there are some houses that are more in one piece on the outskirts.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "Thank you! I hope to live up to what you want for our new home.">>
<h3>You now have a quest</h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<addTime 1 00>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $mood += 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<narrator "You slowly approach her from behind while bracing her and whisper lovingly in her ear.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/flirt.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Few things would make my day better than being here with you right now, one of them would be if you turned around and Hug me.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm ". . .">>
<<if $ >40>>
<<set $ += ($charm)>>
<<narrator "She says nothing, simply spins around in your arms and kisses you.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/kiss.gif">>
<h3>Alice's Love +<<print ($charm)>></h3>
<<actionButton "That was amazing" "Alice Storm">>
<<set $ += ($charm)>>
<<narrator "She turns red in an instant, you can see the embarrassed look on her face. You stand back as you keep talking">>
<<dialog $Player "But one day you will.">>
<h3>Alice's Love +<<print ($charm)>></h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Alice Storm">>
<</if>><<addTime 1 45>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $ += $charm>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $socxp += 2>>
<<set $chaxp +=1>>
<<set $mood += 1>>
<<if (($ is false)&&($ is 1))>>
<<goto AnnaValEvent1>>
<<narrator "You try to hold a conversation with her, but it seems that all the effort comes from you. Nevertheless, she can't take her eyes off you the whole time.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "You're not so bad yourself.">>
<h3>Maybe it worked</h3>
<h3>Anna's Love +<<print ($charm)>></h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Anna Valentine">><<set _outfit = MyLib.decideDesireLevel($characters.annaVal.outfit)>>
<<set $uiLocation = './ui/characters/anna/banner/'+_outfit+'.jpg'>>
<<header "Anna Valentine" "Camp Apocalypse">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/anna1.jpg">>
<<if $ is 0>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "AnnaTalk" 1 45 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "AnnaTalk" 1 45 null -1 null true>>
<<if (($ > 30)&&($ is 0))>>
<<actionButton "Flirt" "AnnaFlirt" 1 00 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Flirt" "AnnaFlirt" 1 00 null -1 null true>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/misc/logo.png">>
<img src="./ui/misc/logo.png" style="width:300px">
<<narrator "<h3>All events quoted from now on are obviously fictitious.
The following story is strictly suitable for those over 18 years of age. If you are under 18 close the game immediately and return to your shelter.</h3>">>
<<actionButton "Start" "Intro1">><<narrator "<h3>You obviously don't have enough skills for you to survive outside the shelter. Who knows, maybe if you lower the difficulty...just kidding, the world doesn't have an easy level.
Try again and don't forget to explore for food.</h3>">>
<img src="./ui/misc/logo.png" style="width:500px"><<addTime 1 00>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $mood += 1>>
<<set $characters.annaVal.sub += ($charm)>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<narrator "You think that maybe your onslaughts might have worked, not that she has made any headway, but you'll never know unless you try. Placing your hand on her thigh you lean in.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/flirt.jpg">>
<<if $characters.annaVal.sub >= 30>>
<<narrator "She gets off you and lies down, to your surprise she opens her legs and has no panties on. She grabs you by the back of your head and pulls you between her thighs.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/flirt2.jpg">>
<<narrator "You feel her melting in your mouth, she shakes her legs and bites her lips. ">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/flirt3.jpg">>
<<narrator "Looking you in the eyes she quickly gets up and turns around">>
<<dialog $annaVal "I am beginning to enjoy our conversations. Maybe one day you will deserve all of this.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/flirt4.jpg">>
<<dialog $annaVal "See you around.">>
<h3>Anna's Submission +<<print ($charm-2)>></h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Anna Valentine">><<set $ to true>>
<<dialog $annaVal "Hey. . . . . I was wondering, since it looks like we're staying for good, would you have any interest in building a real kitchen? Not that I'm complaining about eating food roasted over an open fire, but you know, I was a kitchen helper where I used to live. With a proper kitchen I can cook something that doesn't smell like smoke.">>
<<dialog $Player ". . . It is quite possible that in the houses and apartments around here there are some kitchen parts that we can use. I hadn't thought about that, but there are many things that I haven't thought about how to solve.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "The way I see, there is a lot to improve before it becomes livable.">>
<<narrator "Wow, That was rude!">>
<h3>You now have a quest</h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<header "Apartment" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/apartment/apartbanner.jpg">>
<<narrator "Returning to the apartment you hope to find something else useful. Everything seems to be untouched, just the way you left it.">>
<<if $mattress is 0>>
<<narrator "You go through the apartment once again and notice that in one of the rooms there is a mattress wrapped in plastic, apparently the former owners of the place were setting up their moving-in.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/apartment/mattress.jpg">>
<<set $mattress to 1>>
<<set $roof to 0>>
<<narrator "You open a piece of plastic and realize that it is as good as new. When you feel the softness, you can imagine yourself having wonderful nights sleep.">>
<h3>You got a proper bed</h3>
<<smallButton "Go home" "Sleep">>
<<elseif (($mattress is 1)&&($roof is 0))>>
<<narrator "Looking through the kitchen you notice that it is equipped with a hot water system on all taps. Although it is not working, maybe you can get the components so that you can make it work back at the camp.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/apartment/tap.jpg">>
<<actionButton "Check the water system" "Water System">>
<<narrator "But you can't think of much that can be taken to your camp. The furniture here is either affixed to the walls or too big to carry.">>
<<smallButton "Go home" "Camp">>
<<set $strap to 2>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<addTime 2 00>>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/build/trap.jpg">>
<<narrator "Traps for small animals consist of simple triggers, taking this into account it is easy to build something that will work well out there. You build a reinforced container, because you don't know what kind of animal you will encounter outside.">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<set $fspear to 2>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<addTime 2 00>>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/build/fspear.jpg">>
<<narrator "In one of the books you read you remember the details given about the spears that coastal communities used for fishing. With the tools available it is not very difficult to replicate, but in the future it might be a good idea to look for a more permanent solution.">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<set ($food += ($body))>>
<<addTime 2 30>>
<<set $bodyxp += 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 2>>
<<if $body > 5>>
<<narrator "You get a large amount of fish, your agility proving very useful in this task. The spear has held up well and you think you can still fish with it a few more times.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/fishing/fishlot.jpg">>
<h3>You got food</h3>
<<narrator "You have managed to catch a few fish, maybe with a little more agility you can do better. You will still be able to feed the camp for some time.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/fishing/fishfew.jpg">>
<<set $mood -= 2>>
<<if $mood <= 0>>
<<set $mood to 0>>
<h3>You got food</h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "River">><<addTime 2 30>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 10)>>
<<if $randomnumber >= 3>>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/river/relax.gif">>
<<narrator "You walk along the shore thinking about everything that has happened and trying to make something positive out of it, until you come to a point where the current is strong and flowing. You stay there for a while as you organize your thoughts and motivations.">>
<<set $mood += 3>>
<<actionButton "Back" "River">>
<<narrator "You try to get rid of the worries and fears of your new life, but the mosquitoes won't leave you alone. The amount of biting and the itching it causes makes you more upset than before.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/river/moskitoes.jpg">>
<<actionButton "Back" "River">>
<</if>><<set $roof to 1>>
<<narrator "Access to the roof is difficult as you have to go through tight spaces and parts of the building that seem to have already collapsed.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/apartment/corridor.jpg">>
<<if $body >= 5>>
<<narrator "At one point the thin passage is impossible to cross. The only way across is through the outside of one of the windows, which is not that difficult for you. Entering through another window on the other side you face the door to the roof.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/apartment/climbing.gif">>
<<set $iten to 3>>
<<actionButton "To the roof" "Apartment roof">>
<<narrator "At one point the thin passage is impossible to cross. The only way across is through the outside of one of the windows, what you think is impossible for you in your current physical state, perhaps if you were more agile.">>
<<smallButton "Go home" "Camp">>
<</if>><<header "Outskirt" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/annapt1/cohabbanner.jpg">>
<<narrator "You leave in the direction of the housing estate where you think you have seen some kitchen objects that can be used.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/annapt1/cohab1.jpg">>
<<narrator "You enter one of the houses in the complex and start rummaging around, trying to be as quiet as possible. After a few minutes you find some pots and pans. They are old and dirty, nothing a good wash don't solve.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/annapt1/cook.jpg">>
<h3>You got: Old pots and pans.</h3>
<<narrator "You search for a couple more hours until you finally find cutlery as well. With everything ready you decide to go back to the camp. After a few minutes of walking you arrive home.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/annapt1/cutlery.jpg">>
<h3>You got: Cutlery.</h3>
<<set $kitchen = 0>>
<<dialog $Player "Now I just need to build a stove with the materials I have in the camp.">>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<actionButton "Home" "Camp">><<dialog $annaVal "Finally! You took forever. At least tell me you got it.">>
<<dialog $Player "Yes I did, but you could at least show a little gratitude.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "This kind of gratitude works for you?">>
<<narrator "With a sudden movement she pulls down her blouse and shows her tits.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/anna2.jpg">>
<<set $characters.annaVal.sub += 2>>
<h3>Anna's Submission +2</h3>
<<if $charm >= 5>>
<<dialog $Player "is a good start, but you know, it was really hard to find these things.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "Seriously, maybe this will make up for the work.">>
<<narrator "With her breasts still showing, she turns around and lifts her skirt to her waist.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/anna/anna3.jpg">>
<<set $characters.annaVal.sub += 5>>
<h3>Anna's Submission +5</h3>
<<narrator "Before you can have any reaction she covers herself, gives you a smile, and leaves.">>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">>
<<narrator "The roof is dirty and full of debris, but you can find the plates, which to your frustration are almost all broken.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/apartment/solar.jpg">>
<<narrator "After a while of seeing if you can salvage anything, you manage to recover one of the plates, who knows, maybe if you can find a few more of these in town you can improve the camp structure.">>
<<set $solarp += 1>>
<h3>You got: 1 solar plate.</h3>
<<narrator "Getting ready to go down what is left of one of the emergency staircases, you notice movement in a nearby building, it seems to be a hospital. For a moment you stop to look and surprise yourself.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/apartment/hospital.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Wow, it's quite a show. At least they don't look out of control or decaying like the rest of the people I've seen around. Maybe this place is worth a closer look later.">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<set _outfit = MyLib.decideDesireLevel($characters.chloeBasset.outfit)>>
<<set $uiLocation = './ui/characters/chloe/banner/'+_outfit+'.jpg'>>
<<header "Chloe Basset" "Slave">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/face.jpg">>
<<if $ is 0>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "ChloeTalk" 1 45 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "ChloeTalk" 1 45 null -1 null true>>
<<if (($characters.chloeBasset.sub >= 25)&&($ is 0))>>
<<actionButton "Fuck her" "ChloeFuck" 1 00 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Fuck her" "ChloeFuck" 1 00 null -1 null true>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">>
<<addTime 1 45>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $mood += 1>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<narrator "You try to interact with her, but she doesn't seem to be in control of her actions. As you get closer, she becomes more breathless and looks at you as if she is going to jump at you at any moment. When you finally get within reach to touch her, she stares at your crotch and opens her mouth.">>
<<if $corruption >= 10>>
<<narrator "You unbutton your pants and she seems to be more anxious.When you pull your cock out and bring it close to her face, she swallows it until it almost touches your belly with her nose. You hardly have to do anything, with quick movements she finishes the job for you.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/blow.webp">>
<<narrator "You shove your cock down her throat and fuck her skull until you can't take it anymore.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/sfuck.webp">>
<<narrator " In the final moments you can tell that the ecstasy on her face is as great as yours.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/blowcum.gif">>
<<set $characters.chloeBasset.sub += (4+$corruption)>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Chloe Basset">>
<<elseif $corrption >= 5>>
<<narrator "You unbutton your pants and she seems to be more anxious.When you pull your cock out and bring it close to her face, she swallows it until it almost touches your belly with her nose. You hardly have to do anything, with quick movements she finishes the job for you.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/blow.webp">>
<<narrator " In the final moments you can tell that the ecstasy on her face is as great as yours.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/blowcum.gif">>
<<set $characters.chloeBasset.sub += (2+$corruption)>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Chloe Basset">>
<<narrator "You can't imagine how to maintain communication with her in this state.">>
<<set $characters.chloeBasset.sub += (2+$corruption)>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Chloe Basset">>
<</if>><<addTime 1 45>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $mood += 2>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<narrator "You approach her, sticking your dick out, and she gets a little overexcited. As soon as you release her, she gets into position.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/sblow.gif">>
<<narrator "You throw her onto your bed and spread her legs. You can feel the arousal through her short breaths. Without further warning you stick your cock in her pussy.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/svag.gif">>
<<if $corruption >= 2>>
<<narrator "You can't hold back, seeing her all exposed. You quickly pull your cock out of her pussy and shove it slowly into her ass.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/sanal.gif">>
<<set $characters.chloeBasset.desire += (4+$corruption)>>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/sanal2.gif">>
<<dialog $chloeBasset "Yes Master! Use me, use me like this.">>
<<elseif $corruption > 3>>
<<narrator "You can't hold back, seeing her all exposed. You quickly pull your cock out of her pussy and shove it slowly into her ass.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/sanal.gif">>
<<set $characters.chloeBasset.desire += (4+$corruption)>>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/sanal2.gif">>
<<narrator "Unable to control yourself you forcefully turn her around, picking up the pace, and push harder and harder until you come close to climax.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/sanal3.webp">>
<<dialog $chloeBasset "Please! Please Master make me . . .ahhhh! ">>
<<narrator "You realize that you won't be able to hold it anymore so you put it in position for the gran finale.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/scum.webp">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Chloe Basset">>
<<narrator "Joe and Mark my two shelter mates were lying in a corner, dead. Right next to the corpses the men crowded around Becky and Lillian, taking turns to satisfy themselves, sometimes alone and sometimes several at once.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro3.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro4.webp">>
<<narrator "It went on for hours, they seemed tireless, while the girls could hardly stay awake. ">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro5.gif">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro6.webp">>
<<narrator "When they finally finished they brutally dragged the girls out and left. Leaving me there, in a destroyed bunker, half-conscious for my destiny to overtake me.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro7.gif">>
<<smallButton "Wake up" "Intro6">>Wake up
<h3>Wake up</h3>
<h2>Wake up</h2>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro8.gif">>
<<narrator "You open your eyes and realize that they are gone, leaving behind a trail of destruction with the smell of sweat and blood. They took the few supplies your shelter had and destroyed all the furniture and left the place uninhabitable.">>
<<dialog $Player "Becky!!! Lillian!!! Damn, I have to rescue them. Argh...">>
<<narrator "You look at your shoulder, which strangely has not been pierced by the bullet. The unusual projectile lies on the floor beside you, crumpled as if it had hit a wall. Your shoulder hurts on contact and is bruised, for sure the bullet hit you.">>
<<if $ranged >= 4>>
<<narrator "You stop for a minute to analyze the projectile and realize that it is an improvised ammunition, which was probably fired from a gun that was partially jammed.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro9.jpg">>
<h2>What I should do now?</h2>
<<narrator "As you exit the hatch you realize that the neighborhood in which you have lived for most of your life is filled with greenery. There is no sign of them anywhere.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/intro10.jpg">>
<<narrator "Now that you are out, the possibilities are endless and yet you have no choice but to look for things that will help you survive.">>
<<if $strength >= 5>>
<<narrator "Your physical strength and all your sports training can come in handy at this point. Food is essential, but weapons, especially melee weapons, can help you a lot.">>
<<if $inteligence >= 5>>
<<narrator "If it depends on your physical aptitude you won't last long out here. The most viable alternative would be to find equipment or parts so that you can improvise something.">>
<<if $social >= 5>>
<<narrator "People, that's what you need to find out here. The more people, the greater the chances of survival and the greater the chances of a decent life.">>
<<smallButton "Time to survive" "Neighborhood">>
<<narrator "You walk in unannounced and contrary to expectations she doesn't cover herself or ask you to leave. You take off your clothes and join her in the shower. The water hits your body and you lead the way and kiss her.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath1.gif">>
<<narrator "After a long, passionate kiss you move down kissing and teasing all over her body. When you reach her waist she turns around and thrusts her ass toward you, becoming totally exposed.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath2.gif">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "Aahhh! Like this, please dont stop.">>
<<narrator "You spend long minutes enjoying it all, moving from her pussy to her ass. She trembles and moans all the time until she seems to lose her strength. And that's your cue.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "Humpf! Ahh! Ahhh!">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath3.gif">>
<<narrator "Quickly positioning yourself, you push your cock inside her pussy. She gasps as she arches her back further so that you can go deeper.">>
<<dialog $Player "I'm almost there, ride me">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath4.webp">>
<<narrator "She rides you while you climax together and you fill her up with all your cum.">>
<<set $mood += 2>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Camp">><<addTime 1 00>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $stamxp += 1>>
<<if $stamina is 0>>
<<goto Sleep>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 10)>>
<<if (($randomnumber >= 5)&&($characters.gabbyMorgen.met is false))>>
<<narrator "You go into the woods trying to find something useful or food and realize that there is a hut among the trees.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/tent.jpg">>
<<smallButton "Check it" "Gabby Morgen - Meet">>
<<smallButton "Back" "Park">>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2>>
<<narrator "You walk for a few moments through the trees until you hear the sound of someone in the water. Guided by the sound you come to a small lake where a woman is bathing.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/01.webp">>
<<narrator "As you approach, the woman notices your presence and dives into the lake. Your eyes cannot follow her and soon the lake is calm again.">>
<<smallButton "Enter the lake" "lake1">>
<<smallButton "back" "Park">>
<<narrator "You walk for a few moments among the trees while enjoying the scenery. The scenery brings a peace and calms your turbulent thoughts.">>
<h3>You feel renewed</h3>
<<set $mood += 2>>
<<smallButton "Back" "Park">>
<</if>><<header "Gabbi's Tent" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/tent/tentbanner.jpg">>
<<set $characters.gabbyMorgen.met = true>>
<<narrator "You approach the fabric tent and notice movement on the other side and also an oddly familiar smell.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/gabbysmoke.jpg">>
<<narrator "On the other side of the hut you see a girl smoking a huge joint. She seems too focused to notice you.">>
<<dialog $Player "I wouldn't mind a hit of this.">>
<<dialog $gabbyMorgen "Oh another living being, and you seem to be a normal one hehehe. I'm Gabby">>
<<dialog $Player "Aren't you afraid of me? Or of the crazy people around here? They can do you a lot of harm.">>
<<dialog $gabbyMorgen "Of course not, people only hurt others when they feel threatened. And I threaten no one.">>
<<narrator "It is a very bad conception of a world like this. How someone like that survived so long is what intrigues you.">>
<<dialog $gabbyMorgen "Come, sit here, I'll share with you.">>
<<narrator "You sit down and she hands you the joint. The taste is very different than the first time you smoked it, before all this in the back of the school while skipping math class. A slight numbness takes over your mouth and you feel totally relaxed.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/gabbysmoke2.jpg">>
<<dialog $gabbyMorgen "Good isn't it? I plant it myself, near the lake.">>
<<narrator "You lie on the colorful carpets for hours and talk about a variety of subjects; from the boom to the riddles of the universe. Night falls and you decide it is wise to go home.">>
<<dialog $gabbyMorgen "Feel welcome to come back.">>
<<smallButton "Back" "Park">>
<<set _outfit = MyLib.decideDesireLevel($characters.gabbyMorgen.outfit)>>
<<set $uiLocation = './ui/characters/gabby/banner/'+_outfit+'.jpg'>>
<<header "Gabby Morgen" "Cabin in the woods">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/face.jpg">>
<<if $ is 0>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "GabbyTalk" 1 45 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Talk" "GabbyTalk" 1 45 null -1 null true>>
<<if (($characters.gabbyMorgen.interest >= 30)&&($ is 0))>>
<<actionButton "Transcend " "GabbyFlirt" 1 00 null -1>>
<<actionButton "Transcend " "GabbyFlirt" 1 00 null -1 null true>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Park">>
<<addTime 1 45>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $characters.gabbyMorgen.interest += ($charm)>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $chaxp +=1>>
<<set $mood += 3>>
<<narrator "You talk for many hours and smoke a little. She seems to be very pleased with your company and makes a point of staying very close to you.">>
<<dialog $gabbyMorgen "Your visits help me to align myself with the universe">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/gabbysmoke2.jpg">>
<h3>You feel relaxed</h3>
<h3>Gabby's Interest +<<print ($charm-2)>></h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Gabby Morgen">><<addTime 1 00>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<set $mood += 3>>
<<set $characters.gabbyMorgen.interest += ($charm)>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<narrator "As she daydream about the ideas you present, Gabby runs her hands over your body with gentle and sexy movements. After repeating the cycle several times she puts her hand inside her clothing and exposes her breasts, continuing to caress them.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt1.jpg">>
<<narrator "Despite your efforts to make yourself noticed she seems to be in a moment of her own and the best you can do is watch.">>
<<if $characters.gabbyMorgen.interest >= 50>>
<<narrator "Holding the joint in her mouth, she smoothly moves her hands up between her legs and caresses her inner thighs.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt2.jpg">>
<<narrator "She slowly lies down again with both the top and bottom of her clothes open. With her panties all exposed you can see the volume of her pussy and bush.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt3.jpg">>
<<if $characters.gabbyMorgen.interest >= 65>>
<<narrator "All of the sudden she stops caressing herself and comes toward you, kissing and fondling you with an unexpected intensity.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt4.jpg">>
<<narrator "The intensity of her movements increase and she takes off her clothes. Realizing the direction the situation has taken you quickly imitate her. As soon as you are finished she kneels down and begins to sucks you off">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt5.jpg">>
<<if $characters.gabbyMorgen.interest >= 80>>
<<narrator "She stands up and turns her back to you as she gasps. You eagerly shove your cock into her pussy and begin to push.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt6.jpg">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt7.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirt8.jpg">>
<<narrator "You feel her legs trembling and then decide to pick up the pace. You cum all you can inside her pussy and then pull out your cock. Regaining your breath you watch everything you've put inside pour down her shivering legs with pleasure.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/gabby/flirtcum.webp">>
<<dialog $gabbyMorgen "That was transcendental.">>
<h3>Gabby's Interest +<<print ($charm-2)>></h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Gabby Morgen">><<set $stamina -= 2>>
<<addTime 3 30>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 10)>>
<<if $randomnumber >= 4>>
<<narrator "Your trap was a success, you manage to catch a big rabbit, big enough to be able to feed a few people, if prepared in the right way.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/trap/1.jpg">>
<h3>You got food</h3>
<<set ($food += ($inteligence))>>
<<narrator "You wait for hours and nothing. Your trap has failed miserably, maybe some other time you can catch something.">>
<<set $mood -= 3>>
<<actionButton "Back" "Park">><<narrator "You take off your clothes and prepare to freshen up, still wondering where the woman might have gone.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/02.webp">>
<<narrator "You see the silhouette of the woman coming back from under the water. She approaches your body and slows down. Leaning her hands on the back of your legs, she swallows your cock.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/03.gif">>
<<narrator "You can't believe she keeps doing everything she does without raising her head to breathe.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/04.webp">>
<<narrator "With light, fluid movements she changes position and gets ready for you to penetrate her.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/05.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/06.webp">>
<<narrator "Realizing that you are at your limit, she returns to the starting position and sucks you until you cum.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/07.webp">>
<<narrator "In the same way she arrived, she's gone, without taking her head out of the water. You still don't understand how or why she does something like that, but it was wonderful.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/park/lake/08.webp">>
<<set $mood += 3>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<smallButton "back" "Park">><<set $stamina-->>
<<addTime 1 45>>
<<narrator "While looking for something useful you come across a strangely relaxed men entering a building.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/man.jpg">>
<<narrator "Sneakily you approach the door of the structure and notice that he have proceeded to the end of a corridor. Waiting for the danger to pass you don't notice any sound in the surroundings and then decide to enter.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/corridor.jpg">>
<<narrator "You can easily follow the fresh tracks that lead you to the last door. A concrete staircase descends into what appears to be a basement, and once there you are confronted with a familiar but unexpected scene.">>
<<dialog $Player "Whoa! This seems to happen more than I imagined, what the fuck is happening to people.">>
<<narrator "As several men watch, a woman with a large strap-on caresses another woman who appears to have been captured. With forceful thrusts she initiates a frenzied act. ">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/01.jpg">>
<<narrator "Speeding up the pace more and more she continues until a moment when the hostage gives in to pleasure.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/02.jpg">>
<<narrator "She then unties it and shoves it straight up the woman's ass, who at this point seems to make no further resistance.">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/03.mp4">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/04.mp4">>
<<narrator "When the hostage looks like she can't take it anymore, the dominatrix squeezes something on the side of her belt and something like cum is expelled at the tip of the dildo.">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/05.mp4">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/06.mp4">>
<<narrator "And then she leaves, leaving the poor woman gasping for air.">>
<<smallButton "Keep watching" "ExpEvent6.1">><!-- $args[0] : src -->
<<widget "eventImagePat">>
<img @src=$args[0] id="eventImage">
<</widget>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<narrator "The pleasant climate at the river makes it possible for you to walk a little further than usual, several minutes walk and you reach the point where the river enters the forest. Near the trees there is a small pool where the water is calmer and you can see the silhouette of someone bathing in the distance.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/river/girlswim.gif">>
<<narrator "Everything seems very peaceful and the girl's lack of concern is visible. ">>
<<if $inteligence gte 4>>
<<narrator "The calm ambience and the girl are strangely suspicious, so you decide to act precautiously. Standing in a position of easy escape and difficult access to her, you make yourself noticed.">>
<<narrator "The aura of peace and tranquility around this place gives you the confidence to get noticed without fear. ">>
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.derivar rotas
*dom *nice guy *hero
Reescrever eventos
*incluir mais conteúdo para cada evento
Refazer barra lateral
Implementar barra lateral direita
Conteúdo adicional
*fazenda *hospital *igreja *villa
Make scenes choice linear - delete talk and flirt
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Health"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/health.png" style="width:40px; padding-right:5px"><<print $health>> Health</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Food"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/food.png" style="width:40px; padding-right:5px"><<print $food>> Food</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Mood"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/mood.png" style="width:40px; padding-right:5px"><<print $mood>> Mood</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Materials"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/material.png" style="width:40px; padding-right:5px"><<print $material>> Materials</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="parts"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/parts.png" style="width:40px; padding-right:5px"><<print $parts>> Parts</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="Melee"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/melee.png" style="width:40px; padding-right:5px"><<print $melee>> Melee</p>
<p id="ui-bar-food" title="ranged"><img src="./ui/misc/icons/ranged.png" style="width:40px; padding-right:5px"><<print $ranged>> Ranged</p>
<<addTime 2 30>><<set $ to true>>
<<narrator "You go to the corner of the shed and see the men leaving carelessly down a path. As you enter you notice that the woman is in a trance, not responding to any stimulus.">>
<<narrator "She's all covered in cum and you'd rather not touch her. A pity because you are hard as a rock."
<<narrator "In a corner of the shed you notice some collapsible shelves and some cardboard boxes. They are not a permanent solution, but they might help.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/alicept1/boxes.jpg">>
<<actionButton "Get the things and go" "AliceEvent1.4">>
<<if $corruption >= 1>>
<<actionButton "Jerk of on her face" "AliceEvent1.3">>
<</if>><<narrator "You can't let an opportunity like this pass you by. Taking advantage of the fact that you're ready and she's used to it, you quickly pull down your pants and begin.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/jerk.webp">>
<<narrator "You are almost there when she seems to realize what is happening. But to your surprise she begins to squirm, as if she is feeling pleasure from this. That's enough to get you there.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet6.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet7.webp">>
<<narrator "You recover and start putting your things together, while she revels in what you have given her.">>
<<set $corruption += 2>>
<<set $characters.chloeBasset.sub += 2>>
<h3>You feel amazing doing this</h3>
<h3>She seems to feel your dominance</h3>
<<actionButton "Get the things and go" "AliceEvent1.4">><<narrator "While preparing to leave you hear the woman babbling something. With great difficulty she manages to say something that makes sense.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet8.jpg">>
<<dialog $chloeBasset "Take me...with you p...p...please">>
<<dialog $Player "Me? What? Who are you?">>
<<dialog $chloeBasset "My name is Cho...e, Chloe, and I'm arrrgh!">>
<<narrator "For a moment her eyes seemed to have some sanity in them, but soon after she returned to a blank, satisfied look.">>
<<narrator "A lot of things go through your head about the situation. She can create problems, and you don't know how much you can trust her. Only two options come to mind; leave her behind or bring her in and restrain her until you understand the situation better.">>
<<actionButton "Leave her" "AliceEvent1.6">>
<<actionButton "Bring her" "AliceEvent1.5">><<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/camp/camp2.jpg">>
<<narrator "You tell her to clean herself up and you make your way back. You try to question her about where she comes from or if she knew anything, but she can barely pay attention to what you say. ">>
<<narrator "After a long walk you arrive at the settlement.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/camp/camp2.jpg">>
<<narrator "Anna is standing ready at the entrance and as soon as she sees you she comes towards you">>
<<dialog $annaVal "Who is she? OMG! She is beaten up and her clothes are torn. Come with me, I'll help you.">>
<<dialog $Player "No! Not yet! Call Alice and meet me in my room.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "What? What is happening?">>
<<dialog $Player "Just go! I will explain later.">>
<<narrator "Anna runs into the shed and you take the time to take Chloe to her room and tie her up.">>
<<narrator "The woman seems to be in a constant catatonic state. While you check to see if she has any marks or injuries Alice arrives. ">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "What's going on, Anna looked a little worried, but didn't want to tell me anything.">>
<<narrator "When Alice sees the woman she starts asking several questions consecutively. Anna arrive soon after. The three of you argue for a long time and you explain how broken Chloe seems to be, obviously hiding the 'Molest' part. You manage to convince them that keeping her here is the best option for now. Since she seems to be affected by the same thing that affects the Savages, you decide not to let her leave the living area.">>
<<set $characters.chloeBasset.met = true>>
<<set $people += 1>>
<h3>Your camp has acquired one more member.</h3>
<<actionButton "Go to common area" "AliceEvent1.7">><<narrator "You don't think that taking her to where they live is a good idea, even though you would have no way to explain to the girls what happened here.">>
<<narrator "You walk away, leaving her covered in cum and not realizing the situation, but maybe some other time you can find her and have some fun.">>
<<actionButton "Go back home" "AliceEvent1.7">><<narrator "You meet Alice near the campfire and when you hand over the materials she asked for, you can see the sparkle in her eyes.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "It's nice to have a purpose again, after all Anna and I have been through, it will help us forget.">>
<<actionButton "I will take care of us" "AliceEvent1.8">>
<<actionButton "Well, I'm expecting something in return" "AliceEvent1.9">><<header "Outskirt" "">>
<<set $uiLocation = "./ui/places/alicept1/outskirt1.jpg">>
<<narrator "You walk around the area looking for where you can find the things Alice asked for, further on you notice some more solid warehouses.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/alicept1/outskirt.jpg">>
<<narrator "As you approach the house you notice movement inside, it seems to be more than one person.">>
<<narrator "You come closer and lean your head very slowly on one of the windows.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/face.gif">>
<<narrator "It takes you a while to understand all that, there are three men and they are taking turns while raping a woman.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet1.webp">>
<<narrator "She looks helpless while being used.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet2.webp">>
<<narrator "You watch as they handle her and put her in various positions to satisfy themselves">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet3.webp">>
<<narrator "They finally untie her but continue mercilessly abusing her.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet4.webp">>
<<narrator "When they finally seem to be finishing she no longer seems to be squirming, on the contrary, you can see the satisfaction on her face. It looks like a constant ecstasy, as if she has been drugged or hypnotized.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/chloe/meet5.webp">>
<<narrator "You can't tell how long you watched it, but you know that your body reacted. You are on the edge.">>
<<narrator "Men quickly seem to lose interest in her as she gradually falls asleep. They don't seem to care much about what happens around them, walking out and leaving the door open.">>
<<actionButton "Enter" "AliceEvent1.2">>
<<dialog $Player "I will do everything in my power to make us safe and comfortable.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "I was right to trust you. We'll make this place work, I'll help you in any way I can.">>
<<narrator "You smile at her as you lean back on a pillow, you are exhausted, both physically and mentally. The last thing you remember before you black out is feeling something warm and soft on your cheek.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/alicept1/kiss.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "...'Was that a kiss?'...">>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ += 5>>
<h3>Alice's Love +5</h3>
<<set $charm += 2>>
<h3>She is starting to like me</h3>
<<actionButton "Sweet dreams" "Sleep">><<dialog $Player "Well, you don't expect me to do all this without getting anything in return, do you?">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "No, I mean. . .what kind of thing do you want in return?">>
<<narrator "She looks around as if searching for something. Her face turns noticeably red and with an embarrassed expression.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "T...The...The only things I have are my clothes.">>
<<dialog $Player "This will do, you can give me your shorts.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "What, you're that serious?">>
<<narrator "You just nod as you look at her body.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "What am I doing? All right, let's make it quick.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/alicept1/strip.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Whoa!">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/alicept1/strip2.gif">>
<<narrator "That smile at the end, you don't think she felt it was bad at all.">>
<<set $characters.aliceStorm.sub += 5>>
<<set $charm += 1>>
<h3>Alice's Submission +5</h3>
<h3>I thought it would be more difficult</h3>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $corruption += 1>>
<<actionButton "Sweet dreams" "Sleep">>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $kitchen to 1>>
<<set $stamina -= 1>>
<<addTime 1 00>>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/annapt1/stove.jpg">>
<<narrator "With some concrete bricks and a little imagination you can easily build an improvised stove. It is not the most appropriate, but it will do for the time being.">>
<<actionButton "Talk to Anna" "The new kitchen 2">>Double-click this passage to edit it./*--------------------time---------------------*/
<<set $day = 1>>
<<set $hours = 6>>
<<set $minutes = 0>>
<<set $river to false>>
<<set $park to false>>
<<set $farm to false>>
<<set $hospital to false>>
<<set $camp to false>>
<<set $bed to 0>>
<<set $shower to 0>>
<<set $herd = 0>>
<<set $apartment to false>>
<<set $mattress = 0>>
<<set $people = 1>>
<<set $solarp = 0>>
<<dialog $Player "I was never very handsome, very strong or very smart, so my only alternative was to know how to talk to people.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/intro/clown1.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "One of the best ways to get on people's good graces, definitely, is to make them laugh. Girls love it, and guys always want to hang out with you. I was definitely not the most popular in school, but people liked me.">>
<<set $stamina = 10>><<set $health = 1000>>
<<set $mood = 150>>
<<set $staminaCap = 10>>
<<set $body = 10>>
<<set $charm = 10>>
<<set $inteligence = 10>>
<<set $melee = 10>>
<<set $ranged = 10>>
<<set $corruption = 10>>
<h2>Initial Stats</h2>
<h3>Stamina: 6<br>
Mood: 15<br><br>
body: 3<br>
Inteligence: 4<br>
Charm: 7<br>
Eletronics: 3<br>
Social: 6<br><br>
Melee weapons: 3<br>
Ranges weapons: 3<br><br></h3>
<<smallButton "Continue" "Intro2">>
<<smallButton "Choose another" "Intro1">><<set $ to true>>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "I still haven't had the opportunity to thank you for arranging a shower for us. It may not seem like much, but this is a big improvement in our quality of life.">>
<<dialog $Player "I have some ideas on how to improve this place, little by little we will transform it into a place worthy of living.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "It would be nice if we could get some hot water, but since we have no power, I think it will be impossible.">>
<<narrator "You think for a while as you analyze the situation.">>
<<dialog $Player "I think I know what to do. Somewhere in the city there must be some solar panel intact, or some parts. If I can find it, maybe I can set up a system.">>
<<narrator "Alice looks at you without quite understanding what your idea is, but her eyes sparkle when she sees your excitement and perhaps a possibility of having hot water.">>
<<dialog $Player "I'll be right back, I'll see if I can work it out.">>
<h3>You now have a quest</h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<if $stamina <= 1>>
<<goto Sleep>>
<<set $energy-->>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 8)>>
<<if (($randomnumber is 1)&&($heard is 0))>>
<<goto ExpEvent2>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2>>
<<goto ExpEvent3>>
<<elseif (($randomnumber is 3)&&($characters.janetWilson.met is false))>>
<<goto ExpEvent6>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4>>
<<goto ExpEvent7>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5>>
<<goto ExpEvent8>>
You find nothing
<<set $stamina -= 2>>
<<smallButton "Go back" "Neighborhood">>
<</if>><<if $melee >= 4>>
<<narrator "You quickly reach out for the bat, and proceed to attack the walking decomposed body. A clean strike!">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/bathit.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Take that, fucker!">>
<<narrator "The feeling of power and conquest takes over you, you feel like a badass character from an apocalyptic triller.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/ego.gif">>
<<narrator "But now you have to get out of there as fast as possible before the whole horde notices you. You pick up the slingshot from the ground and leave.">>
<<set $meleexp += 3>>
<<set $mood += 5>>
<<smallButton "Leave" "eventfight1">>
<<narrator "Your lack of skill is evident when you pick up the bat.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/batmiss.gif">>
<<narrator "The creature pushes you, with clumsy movements, and you fall and hit your head on the ground. Everything is dark...">>
<<narrator "...when you finally regain your are alone.">>
<<narrator "You pick up the slingshot and bat from the ground and leave without understanding what happened.">>
<<smallButton "Leave" "eventfight1">>
<<set $meleexp += 3>>
<<set $mood += 10>>
<<set $health -= 50>>
<</if>><<if $ranged >= 4>>
<<narrator "You quickly reach out for the slingshot, aim and strike. A clean shot!">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/sling.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Bullsye!">>
<<narrator "The rotting body makes it easy for the small stone to penetrate, making the shot lethal. It probably wouldn't have the same result against something alive, but for these bastards it should be enough.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/headshot.gif">>
<<narrator "But now you have to get out of there as fast as possible before the whole horde notices you. You pick up the baseball bat from the ground and leave.">>
<<set $rangedxp += 3>>
<<set $mood += 5>>
<<smallButton "Leave" "eventfight1">>
<<narrator "Your lack of skill is evident when you pick up the slingshot.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/slingmiss.gif">>
<<narrator "The creature pushes you, with clumsy movements, and you fall and hit your head on the ground. Everything is dark...">>
<<narrator "...when you finally regain your are alone.">>
<<narrator "You pick up the slingshot and bat from the ground and leave without understanding what happened.">>
<<smallButton "Leave" "eventfight1">>
<<set $meleexp += 3>>
<<set $mood += 10>>
<<set $health -= 50>>
<</if>><<set $bat to 1>>
<<set $sling to 1>>
<<narrator "You return to the camp after your near-death encounter and are greeted by Anna."
<<dialog $annaVal "Wow what the fuck. Why are you all covered in mud and blood?">>
<<narrator "Due to the euphoria, you had not noticed the state you are in. The feeling of being closer to death than at any time in your life is still coursing through your veins.">>
<<dialog $Player "Oh that? I found some things walking around the city, I can't say they are alive, they look like zombies I saw in the movies. One of them noticed me and tried to finish me off.">>
<<if $health > 50>>
<<dialog $annaVal "You seem to have turned out well, the blood on your clothes is not yours, right? You seem to be well able to handle a fight.">>
<<dialog $Player "It wasn't that difficult, he was slow and didn't seem very smart.">>
<<narrator "As you speak Anna stares at you, as if she is seeing something she really likes.">>
<<set $characters.annaVal.sub += 3>>
<h3> Anna's Submission +3 </h3>
<<smallButton "Go on" "Camp">>
<<dialog $annaVal "It sounds like you have had a rough time. Were they many?">>
<<dialog $Player "One of them managed to notice me and caught me off guard.">>
<<dialog $annaVal "At least you are not dead.">>
<<set $characters.annaVal.sub -= 10>>
<h3> Anna's Submission -10 </h3>
<<smallButton "Go on" "Camp">>
<<narrator "Just when you think it's all over, the men come at her like wild animals. Meanwhile the mysterious woman, who seems to be the only one who is sane, sits in a chair and watches the rest of the show.">>
<<narrator "The first man goes straight to her gaped ass, putting all at once. She moans in pain and pleasure.">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/07.mp4">>
<<narrator "Another one of them slowly approaches and starts fucking her pussy at the same time.">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/08.mp4">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/09.mp4">>
<<narrator "...and they keep going.">>
<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/10.webm">>
<<narrator "When they are about to finish she kneels down and starts sucking them off. The greed and voracity with which she does it, makes you realize that she is already totally surrendered.">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/11.mp4">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/12.mp4">>
<<eventVideo "./ui/places/janept1/13.mp4">>
<<narrator "When they finish you think it is a good time to go out and find a place to hide. And so you do. When they leave you realize that the woman who was used is not with them, you take this cue and re-enter the building.">>
<<smallButton "Back inside" "ExpEvent6.2">><<narrator "When you enter the basement again, you notice that almost everything is the same, except that their victim is locked in a cell and her belongings are on a nearby table.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/14.jpg">>
<<narrator "As you approach the cell, you notice that she looks at you with a suffering look, all the frenzy and excitement of minutes ago gone. She searches your gaze and as you face each other she looks at her belongings, as if to tell you something.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/bag.jpg">>
<<narrator "On top of a box you find women's clothing a pair of worn-out boots and a backpack. Inside the backpack several small items are stored neatly in their compartments, but the most eye-catching are: a map, a syringe containing a yellow liquid, and a notebook.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/seringe.jpg">>
<<if $inteligence >= 6>>
<<narrator "When you pick up the notebook you notice that the notes described are various formulas, some too crossed out to identify, others incomplete. But one of them draws your attention, it is circled in red pen and seems to have been completed.
You cannot define the purpose of the formula, but you can identify some components as being old remedies to slow down problems caused by radiation.">>
<<narrator" You have no idea what everything written in the notebook means, so you decide to inspect the other items.">>
<<if $inteligence >= 4>>
<<narrator "When you open the map you notice that there are several marked places. The park, the old coal mine, a large part of the old countryside around the city, and the condominiums at the northern end of the city are circled in blue. The hospital, the suburb and the southern exit of the city are marked with a red X.">>
<<narrator"When you open the map you notice that there are several places marked, some with a blue circle and others with a red X. Apart from the park, you don't recognize the location of any of these places.">>
<<narrator "You take the syringe out of the backpack and raise it to look at it against the light, at which exact moment you notice a sudden agitation in the woman, who stares at you.">>
<<dialog $Player "Interesting! Do you want this? do you want me to use it on you?">>
<<narrator "As you say these words the woman becomes even more agitated. You look once more at the syringe before deciding what to do.">>
<<smallButton "Injecting the liquid in the woman" "ExpEvent6.3">>
<<smallButton "Keep the syringe for yourself" "ExpEvent6.4">><<set $characters.janetWilson.met = true>>
<<narrator "When you inject the contents of the syringe into the woman she instantly starts to squirm. After a few seconds she sits down on the floor and puts her hands on her head.">>
<<dialog $Player "Do I made her condition worse?">>
<<narrator "You turn to your backpack searching uselessly for something that might help you in this situation, when you are surprised...">>
<<dialog $janetWilson "Don't worry, you did not. You just save my life.">>
<<dialog $Player "Holy shit, I thought I had broken you for good.">>
<<dialog $janetWilson "I'm glad I didn't, but what happened? How the hell did I end up in this cell? And why is my whole body aching, especially my...">>
<<narrator "She stops her questions immediately and tries as fast as possible to cover herself with her arms. You hand over your clothes and explain the situation, everything you saw, and describe the people who were keeping her here. When you finish describing the woman who was dominating her, you notice that her expression immediately changes.">>
<<dialog $janetWilson "That son of a bitch! Her name is Carla, before all this she was my intern at the Stars Research Institute. At first she helped me to try to develop something that could stop the changes caused by the strange radiation from the bombs, but a few days before the last day that I have memory of, she stole part of my notes and ran away. The last clue I had of her was that she had entered the hospital, when I went in to look for her, everything went black and I woke up here.">>
<<dialog $Player "And what did they do to you to put you in that state? You are not the first person I have seen like this.">>
<<dialog $janetWilson "These are the irradiated fluids of those who have stayed in the radiation zone too long, but not to the point of becoming mindless. These fluids are highly hallucinogenic, if you can put it that way, they cause the person to go into a carnal frenzy and only respond to sexual stimulation.">>
<<if $characters.chloeBasset.met is true>>
<<dialog $Player "Back in my camp there is a woman in this condition, do you think you can cure her?">>
<<dialog $janetWilson "Maybe, it is complicated, but maybe there is a way.">>
<<dialog $janetWilson "That liquid you injected into me is a temporary antidote, it shouldn't last more than a few weeks and I will probably experience some relapses. I need to improve the formula to get rid of it, but for that I need some ingredients and my lab intact.">>
<<narrator "She takes the map from her backpack and points to an unmarked location.">>
<<dialog $janetWilson "Find me on this location if you want to help me perfect the formula and maybe save some people. Now, let's get out of here before they return.">>
<h3>End of this character content</h3>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<set $Radio = {name: "Radio",
icon: "radio/radio.jpg",
<<set $aliceStorm = {name: "Alice Storm",
title: "Survivor of Alexandria",
description: "Alice Description",
icon: "alice/icon.png",
sub: 1,
outfit: 1,
love: 0,
talk: 0,
met: false,
currentLocation: "characterStorage",
events : {
event1 : false,
event2 : false,
event3 : false
weekSchedule : new Map([
[6, "Camp"],
[7, "Camp"],
[8, "Camp"],
[9, "Camp"],
[10, "Camp"],
[11, "Common Area"],
[12, "Common Area"],
[13, "Management"],
[14, "Management"],
[15, "Management"],
[16, "Management"],
[17, "Mall"],
[18, "characterStorage"],
[19, "characterStorage"],
[20, "characterStorage"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
weekendSchedule : new Map([
[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "characterStorage"],
[8, "characterStorage"],
[9, "characterStorage"],
[10, "characterStorage"],
[11, "characterStorage"],
[12, "Park"],
[13, "Park"],
[14, "Park"],
[15, "characterStorage"],
[16, "characterStorage"],
[17, "characterStorage"],
[18, "Mall"],
[19, "Mall"],
[20, "characterStorage"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
<<set $annaVal = {name: "Anna Valentine",
title: "Survivor of Alexandria",
description: "Anna Description",
icon: "anna/icon.png",
sub: 1,
outfit: 1,
love: 0,
talk: 0,
met: false,
currentLocation: "characterStorage",
events : {
event1 : false,
event2 : false,
event3 : false
weekSchedule : new Map([
[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "characterStorage"],
[8, "Camp"],
[9, "Camp"],
[10, "Camp"],
[11, "Common Area"],
[12, "Common Area"],
[13, "Management"],
[14, "Management"],
[15, "Management"],
[16, "Management"],
[17, "Mall"],
[18, "characterStorage"],
[19, "characterStorage"],
[20, "characterStorage"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
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[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "characterStorage"],
[8, "characterStorage"],
[9, "characterStorage"],
[10, "characterStorage"],
[11, "characterStorage"],
[12, "Park"],
[13, "Park"],
[14, "Park"],
[15, "characterStorage"],
[16, "characterStorage"],
[17, "characterStorage"],
[18, "Mall"],
[19, "Mall"],
[20, "characterStorage"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
<<set $chloeBasset = {name: "Chloe Basset",
title: "Slave",
description: "Chloe Description",
icon: "chloe/icon.png",
sub: 10,
outfit: 1,
love: 0,
talk: 0,
met: false,
currentLocation: "characterStorage",
events : {
event1 : false,
event2 : false,
event3 : false
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[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "characterStorage"],
[8, "Camp"],
[9, "Camp"],
[10, "Camp"],
[11, "Common Area"],
[12, "Common Area"],
[13, "Management"],
[14, "Management"],
[15, "Management"],
[16, "Management"],
[17, "Mall"],
[18, "characterStorage"],
[19, "characterStorage"],
[20, "characterStorage"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
weekendSchedule : new Map([
[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "characterStorage"],
[8, "characterStorage"],
[9, "characterStorage"],
[10, "characterStorage"],
[11, "characterStorage"],
[12, "Park"],
[13, "Park"],
[14, "Park"],
[15, "characterStorage"],
[16, "characterStorage"],
[17, "characterStorage"],
[18, "Mall"],
[19, "Mall"],
[20, "characterStorage"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
<<set $gabbyMorgen = {name: "Gabby Morgen",
title: "Hippie",
description: "Gabby Description",
icon: "gabby/icon.png",
sub: 1,
outfit: 1,
interest: 0,
talk: 0,
met: false,
currentLocation: "characterStorage",
events : {
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event2 : false,
event3 : false
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[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "characterStorage"],
[8, "Park"],
[9, "Park"],
[10, "Park"],
[11, "Common Area"],
[12, "Common Area"],
[13, "Park"],
[14, "Park"],
[15, "Park"],
[16, "Park"],
[17, "Park"],
[18, "Park"],
[19, "characterStorage"],
[20, "characterStorage"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
weekendSchedule : new Map([
[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "characterStorage"],
[8, "characterStorage"],
[9, "characterStorage"],
[10, "Park"],
[11, "Park"],
[12, "Park"],
[13, "Park"],
[14, "Park"],
[15, "Park"],
[16, "Park"],
[17, "Park"],
[18, "Park"],
[19, "Park"],
[20, "Park"],
[21, "characterStorage"],
[22, "characterStorage"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
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title: "Doctor",
description: "Janet Description",
icon: "janet/icon.png",
sub: 1,
outfit: 1,
interest: 0,
talk: 0,
met: false,
currentLocation: "characterStorage",
events : {
event1 : false,
event2 : false,
event3 : false
weekSchedule : new Map([
[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "Lab"],
[8, "Lab"],
[9, "Lab"],
[10, "Lab"],
[11, "Lab"],
[12, "Lab"],
[13, "Lab"],
[14, "Lab"],
[15, "Lab"],
[16, "Lab"],
[17, "Lab"],
[18, "Lab"],
[19, "Lab"],
[20, "Lab"],
[21, "Lab"],
[22, "Lab"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
weekendSchedule : new Map([
[6, "characterStorage"],
[7, "Lab"],
[8, "Lab"],
[9, "Lab"],
[10, "Lab"],
[11, "Lab"],
[12, "Lab"],
[13, "Lab"],
[14, "Lab"],
[15, "Lab"],
[16, "Lab"],
[17, "Lab"],
[18, "Lab"],
[19, "Lab"],
[20, "Lab"],
[21, "Lab"],
[22, "Lab"],
[23, "characterStorage"],
[0, "characterStorage"]
<<set $characters = {
}>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<narrator "You don't think that injecting something unknown into a person in this condition is the right thing to do. You gather your things and prepare to leave, taking one last look and seeing that her expression is no longer one of pain or suffering, just a vague, blank look.">>
<<dialog $Player "Well, at least I think I'll let her go.">>
<<narrator "As soon as you open the bars you notice her breathing heavy and her gaze changing again, in a mixture of lust and bliss.">>
<<actionButton "Why not?" "ExpEvent6.5">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">><<set $corruption += 1>>
<<narrator "You pull her out of the cell and instinctively she presents herself to you. She gets on all fours and opens her buttocks, showing you what she wants.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/a01.jpg">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/a02.jpg">>
<<narrator "Without wasting much time you proceed to engage.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/b01.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/b02.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/b03.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/b04.gif">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/b05.webp">>
<<eventImage "./ui/places/janept1/b06.webp">>
<<narrator "Completely satisfied you get up, the woman is on the floor moaning. So you decide it's time to leave and start putting things together. To your surprise you see the syringe in the ecstatic woman's hand. You don't know when she took it, but she seems to want it very much.">>
<<smallButton "Injecting the liquid in the woman" "ExpEvent6.3">>
<<smallButton "Go home" "Camp">><<set $stamina -= 2>>
<<addTime 1 45>>
<<narrator "Exploring through the wealthier part of the city gives you an idea of the extent of the destruction from the first explosions. There is very little that can be salvaged in this place.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/hesp.png">>
<<narrator "You walk around the place for a while, almost giving up on finding anything, when something reflects among the rubble.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/solarplate2.jpg">>
<<narrator "An old solar panel used by the neighborhood. Much of it is broken, but you are able to recover one of the plates.">>
<h3>You got: 1 solar plate.</h3>
<<set $solarp += 1>>
<<smallButton "Go home" "Camp">><<set $stamina -= 2>>
<<addTime 0 45>>
<<narrator "As you leave the camp thinking about what can be done to improve your facilities you notice an old lamppost from a court. How could you not notice this before, the lamppost was solar-powered and its plate doesn't look too bad.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/exploration/solarplate.jpg">>
<h3>You got: 1 solar plate.</h3>
<<set $solarp += 1>>
<<smallButton "Go home" "Camp">><<if $inteligence >= 6>>
<<narrator "You spend a lot of time preparing everything, but it is not a very difficult process. The plates look good and the plumbing will hold up for sure.
Once you're done, put your skills to the test and voilà!">>
<<eventImage "./ui/actions/shower/heated.jpg">>
<<set $shower to 3>>
<<actionButton "Call Alice" "AliceStormEvent2.1">>
<<narrator "You certainly have the materials, but no matter how hard you try you can't make it work. Maybe some of the books you have can help you with something.">>
<<actionButton "Back" "Camp">>
<</if>><<narrator "You call Alice and tell her everything is ready. A few minutes later she appears wearing only a towel, ready to test her new acquisition.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/towel.jpg">>
<<narrator "As if it was something expected she starts undressing in front of you while turning on the shower.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/towel2.jpg">>
<<if $characters.aliceStorm.sub >= 5>>
<<narrator "As she starts to shower she keeps staring at you. All the steam rising as she strokes herself are the trigger for you to step forward and take control of the situation.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath1.gif">>
<<narrator "You kiss and caress her entire body, slowly placing her face against the wall. Now, pussy exposed, she trembles as you lick her.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath2.gif">>
<<narrator "She can't seem to take it anymore when she finally looks back and says...">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "Put it in, please. . . Put it in already">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath3.gif">>
<<narrator "After several minutes of thrusting into her, you lay down and place her on top of you. As soon as you penetrate her, she starts to squirm again, but without stopping moving, so that you also reach your limit.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/bath4.webp">>
<<narrator "Your cum still drips from her pussy as you stand up. As she lies on the floor breathing deeply and pulling herself together you quickly clean yourself up and leave.">>
<<set $characters.aliceStorm.sub += 5>>
<h3>Alice's Submission +5</h3>
<<smallButton "Back" "Camp">>
<<elseif $ > 5>>
<<narrator "She starts to shower as if you weren't there. The water hitting her shapely body, the steam rising, and the simple fact that she seems to want you makes your pants tighten.
Noticing the bulge, she unexpectedly comes toward you, pulls down your pants, and begins to caress you.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/e1.webp">>
<<narrator "She seems to be reveling in the whole situation. With smooth, soft movements she goes with her mouth from the tip to the base of his cock.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/e2.webp">>
<<narrator "When she realizes that you are close to finishing, she moves her face back and readies herself to receive all of your cum.">>
<<eventImage "./ui/characters/alice/shower/e3.gif">>
<<dialog $Player "Wow, that was amazing!">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "I hope we can do this again. But right now I'm going to enjoy it while we have hot water.">>
<<set $ += 5>>
<h3>Alice's Love +5</h3>
<<smallButton "Back" "Camp">>
<<narrator "She realizes your awkwardness with the whole situation and with a smile on her face says.">>
<<dialog $aliceStorm "I hope you enjoyed the presentation. But now I need to take a shower.">>
<<narrator "Excited and frustrated at the same time, you leave with a hard-on.">>
<<set $ += 1>>
<h3>Alice's Love +1</h3>
<<smallButton "Back" "Camp">>