<<set $azureunderground to "unfinished">>
<<set $brothel_special to 0>>
<<set $bar_tips to 0>>
<<set $bar_event to 0>>
<<set $evilQuest1 to "unfinished">>
<<set $evilBrothel to "unfinished">>
<<set $evilQuest2 to 0>>
<<set $evilQuest3 to 0>>
<<set $evilQuest4 to 0>>
<<set $evilQuests to 0>>
<<set $banditsSubordinates = 0>>
<<set $sparringSubordinates = 0>>
<<set $cursedassassinsSubordinates = 0>>
<<set $evilspymastersSubordinates = 0>>
<<set $evileliteguardsSubordinates = 0>>
<<set $evilbattlecommanderSubordinates = 0>>
<<set $recruitcenter to 0>>
<<set $drink = 0>>
<<set $morale = 50>>
<<set $pleasured = 0>>
<<set $daynumber = 0>>
<<set $time = "Morning">>
<<set $title = "">>
<<set $gender ="female">>
<<set $p = 0>>
<<set $i = 0>>
<<set $pe = 0>>
<<set $verystart = 1>>
<<set $alignment = "">>
<<set $class = "">>
<<set $cultivation = "">>
<<set $debt = 0>>
<<set $azurent ="false">>
<<set $position="">>
<<set $sexreputation="">>
<<set $sectreputation="">>
<<if $corruption eq 0>> <<set $sexreputation to "Innocent Virgin">>
\<<elseif $corruption lte 25 and $corruption gte 10>> <<set $sexreputation to "Curious Novice">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 25 and $corruption lte 40>> <<set $sexreputation to "Sensual Seeker">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 41 and $corruption lte 80>> <<set $sexreputation to "Eager Pleaser">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 81 and $corruption lte 120>> <<set $sexreputation to "Filthy Whore">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 121>> <<set $sexreputation to "Depraved Slut">><</if>>
<<if $alignment lt -15>> <<set $class = "Evil">><<elseif $alignment gt 15>> <<set $class = "Good">> <<elseif $alignment gte -15 and $alignment lte 15>> <<set $class = "Neutral">><</if>>
<<if $morale gte 250>> <<set $morale to 250>> <<elseif $morale lt 0>> <<set $morale to 0>> <</if>>
<<set $basestrength = 8>>
<<set $baseagility = 8>>
<<set $basewillpower = 8>>
<<set $baseevadescore = 50>>
<<set $basearmor = 0>>
<<set $corruption = 0>>
<<set $cultivation = "">>
<<set $timesincreasedstrength = 0>>
<<set $timesincreasedagility = 0>>
<<set $timesincreasedwillpower = 0>>
<<set $headstrength = 0>>
<<set $headagility = 0>>
<<set $headwillpower = 0>>
<<set $headarmor = 0>>
<<set $headability = 0>>
<<set $cheststrength = 0>>
<<set $chestagility = 0>>
<<set $chestwillpower = 0>>
<<set $chestarmor = 0>>
<<set $chestability = 0>>
<<set $handsstrength = 0>>
<<set $handsagility = 0>>
<<set $handswillpower = 0>>
<<set $handsarmor = 0>>
<<set $handsability = 0>>
<<set $legsstrength = 0>>
<<set $legsagility = 0>>
<<set $legswillpower = 0>>
<<set $legsarmor = 0>>
<<set $legsability = 0>>
<<set $feetstrength = 0>>
<<set $feetagility = 0>>
<<set $feetwillpower = 0>>
<<set $feetarmor = 0>>
<<set $feetability = 0>>
<<set $weaponstrength = 0>>
<<set $weaponagility = 0>>
<<set $weaponwillpower = 0>>
<<set $weaponwillpower = 0>>
<<set $weaponarmor = 0>>
<<set $weaponability = 0>>
<<set $specialstrength = 0>>
<<set $specialagility = 0>>
<<set $specialwillpower = 0>>
<<set $specialarmor = 0>>
<<set $specialevadescore = 0>>
<<set $equipmentstrength = $headstrength + $cheststrength + $handsstrength + $legsstrength + $feetstrength>>
<<set $equipmentagility = $headagility + $chestagility + $handsagility + $legsagility + $feetagility>>
<<set $equipmentwillpower = $headwillpower + $chestwillpower + $handswillpower + $legswillpower + $feetwillpower>>
<<set $armor = $headarmor + $chestarmor + $handsarmor + $legsarmor + $feetarmor + $weaponarmor>>
<<set $strength = $basestrength + $equipmentstrength + $weaponstrength>>
<<set $agility = $baseagility + $equipmentagility + $weaponagility>>
<<set $willpower = $basewillpower + $equipmentwillpower + $weaponwillpower>>
<<set $maxqi = 0>>
<<set $currentqi = 0>>
<<set $abilityqi = 0>>
<<set $gold = 5>>
<<set $exp = 0>>
<<set $event = 0>>
<<set $headinventory = []>>
<<set $chestinventory = []>>
<<set $handsinventory = []>>
<<set $legsinventory = []>>
<<set $feetinventory = []>>
<<set $weaponinventory = []>>
<<set $iteminventory = []>>
<<set $specialinventory = []>>
<<set $playerinventory = []>>
<<set $merchantweaponinventory = []>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory = []>>
<<set $merchantiteminventory = []>>
<<set $merchantgold = 0>>
<<set $abilityinventory = []>>
<<set $abilitycount = []>>
<<set $combatpoints = 0>>
<<set $enemystun = 0>>
<<set $stun = 0>>
<<set $startingmaxqi = 100>>
<<set $enemystuncount = 0>>
<<set $enemystunlimit = 10>>
<<set $bought3 = 0>>
<<set $activeability = 0>>
<<set $enemyactiveability = 0>>
<<set $nohelm to {"name": "No Helm", "strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 0, "sellprice": 0, "class": "head", "ability": 0, "description": "Keeping your head unguarded is good for visibility, but not so good for protection."}>>
<<set $nohelmf to {"name": "Helmetless", "strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 0, "sellprice": 0, "class": "head", "ability": 0, "description": "Keeping your head unguarded is good for visibility, but not so good for protection."}>>
<<set $warriorhelmet to {"name": "Warrior's Helmet", "strength": 2, "agility": -3, "willpower": 0, "armor": 4, "price": 200, "sellprice": 70, "class": "head", "ability": 0, "description": " A sturdy, practical helmet designed for battle. It offers excellent physical protection and is often engraved with the sect's insignia, inspiring fear and respect in enemies."}>>
<<set $amuletofvitality to {"name": "Amulet of Vitality", "strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 3, "armor": 0, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "head", "ability": 0, "description": "A blue gem glows from the center of this amulet, suggesting mystic enchantment."}>>
<<set $simpleshirt to {"name": "Simple Shirt","strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 10, "sellprice": 0, "class": "chest", "ability": 0, "description": "A simple shirt, purchased from an ill-mannered tailor."}>>
<<set $blackrobechest to {"name": "Black Robe Chest","strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 2, "armor": 2, "price": 50, "sellprice": 25, "class": "chest", "ability": 0, "description": "A black robe chest designed specifically for novices. It offers a modest boost to magical abilities and provides basic protection. Perfect for those beginning their journey into the arcane arts."}>>
<<set $infernalrobes to {"name": "Infernal Robes","strength": 0, "agility": 4, "willpower": 2, "armor": 3, "price": 400, "sellprice": 100, "class": "chest", "ability": 0, "description": "Dark, flowing robes imbued with infernal energy."}>>
<<set $serpentarmor to {"name": "Serpent's Scale Armor","strength": 2, "agility": 3, "willpower": 2, "armor": 6, "price": 800, "sellprice": 400, "class": "chest", "ability": 0, "description": "Armor crafted from the scales of a powerful serpent spirit beast. It offers exceptional defense against physical attacks."}>>
<<set $irontunic to {"name": "Iron Tunic","strength": 1, "agility": -1, "willpower": 1, "armor": 4, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "chest", "ability": 0, "description": "This spotted iron tunic has seen battle."}>>
<<set $leathertunic to {"name": "Leather Tunic","strength": -1, "agility": 4, "willpower": 1, "armor": 2, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "chest", "ability": 0, "description": "This simple leather tunic balances protection and flexibility."}>>
<<set $blackrobeleggings to {"name": "Black Robe Leggings","strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 1, "armor": 1, "price": 40, "sellprice": 20, "class": "legs", "ability": 0, "description": "Black robe leggings made for adepts in the dark arts. They provide a slight boost to magical potency while maintaining comfort and flexibility. The intricate designs and occult symbols embroidered on the fabric exude an aura of mystique."}>>
<<set $simplepants to {"name": "Simple Pants","strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 10, "sellprice": 0, "class": "legs", "ability": 0, "description": "A simple pair of pants, patched at the knees."}>>
<<set $warriorlegplates to {"name": "Warrior's Legplates","strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 10, "sellprice": 0, "class": "legs", "ability": 0, "description": "Heavy legplates crafted for warriors, providing exceptional physical protection. They are often embellished with the sect's insignia, symbolizing strength and resilience."}>>
<<set $ironpants to {"name": "Iron Pants","strength": 2, "agility": -1, "willpower": 0, "armor": 3, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "legs", "ability": 0, "description": "Tough pants of iron chain won't stop a hardy foe."}>>
<<set $leatherpants to {"name": "Leather Pants","strength": -1, "agility": 3, "willpower": 1, "armor": 2, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "legs", "ability": 0, "description": "Tough pants of leather."}>>
<<set $ironclawgauntlets to {"name": "Iron Claw Gauntlets","strength": 1, "agility": 1, "willpower": 0, "armor": 2, "price": 220, "sellprice": 50, "class": "hands", "ability": "Claw1", "description": "Gauntlets made from hardened iron with sharp claw-like extensions. They provide excellent offensive capabilities, allowing the wearer to deliver powerful strikes and rend through opponents' defenses."}>>
<<set $nogloves to {"name": "No Gloves","strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 0, "sellprice": 0, "class": "hands", "ability": 0, "description": "Callouses mark your bare hands - the telltale signs of a past rich in toil and war."}>>
<<set $irongloves to {"name": "Iron Gloves","strength": 1, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 2, "price": 100, "sellprice": 25, "class": "hands", "ability": 0, "description": "Rough gloves of iron - for protecting one's fingers from thorn, tooth, and blade."}>>
<<set $veterangauntlets to {"name": "Veteran Gauntlets","strength": 2, "agility": 2, "willpower": 1, "armor": 6, "price":600, "sellprice": 150, "class": "hands", "ability": 0, "description": "Adorned with intricate etchings, the gauntlets bear the marks of countless skirmishes – a testament to their former owner's resilience."}>>
<<set $shadowstepboots to {"name": "Shadowstep Boots","strength": 0, "agility": 4, "willpower": 0, "armor": 3, "price": 500, "sellprice": 125, "class": "feet", "ability": 0, "description": "Enchanted boots that grant the wearer enhanced agility and the ability to move swiftly and silently, making them excellent for stealthy assassinations or quick getaways."}>>
<<set $simpleshoes to {"name": "Simple Shoes","strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 10, "sellprice": 0, "class": "feet", "ability": 0, "description": "A simple pair of shoes. The laces are frayed, but the fit is good."}>>
<<set $bootsofshadow to {"name": "Boots of Shadow","strength": -2, "agility": 8, "willpower": 0, "armor": -2, "price": 300, "sellprice": 125, "class": "feet", "ability": 0, "description": "These enchanted boots are empowered by the shadows themselves."}>>
<<set $currentweapon to {"name": "Current Weapon", "strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 0, "sellprice": 0, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 1, "maxdamage": 2, "ability": 0, "description": "This is the blank weapon template. This description should not be seen."}>>
<<set $noweapon to {"name": "Bare Hands", "strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 10, "sellprice": 0, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 5, "maxdamage": 10, "ability": 0, "description": "Your bare, naked hands. Who needs a weapon when you can beat evil to death with your bare hands?"}>>
<<set $rustydagger to {"name": "Rusty Dagger", "strength": 1, "agility": 1, "willpower": 1, "armor": 0, "price": 50, "sellprice": 25, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 8, "maxdamage": 14, "ability": 0, "description": "A rusty dagger. Better than nothing."}>>
<<set $soulbindingchain to {"name": "Soul Binding Chain", "strength": 2, "agility": 3, "willpower": 1, "armor": 0, "price": 150, "sellprice": 125, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 7, "maxdamage": 18, "ability": 0, "description": "Soul Binding Chains. Good low level artifact, recruits will make good use of it."}>>
<<set $souldevouringblade to {"name": "Soul Devouring Blade", "strength": 2, "agility": 3, "willpower": 1, "armor": 0, "price": 550, "sellprice": 325, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 9, "maxdamage": 20, "ability": "DevourBlade", "description": "A wicked-looking sword known for its ability to absorb and consume the life essence of its victims, empowering the wielder with their stolen vitality."}>>
<<set $ironsword to {"name": "Iron Sword", "strength": 2, "agility": 1, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 9, "maxdamage": 16, "ability": 0, "description": "An iron sword. "}>>
<<set $blackdagger to {"name": "Black Dagger", "strength": 3, "agility": 4, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 14, "maxdamage": 15, "ability": 0, "description": "A sharp black dagger. Good for stabbing."}>>
<<set $ironmace to {"name": "Iron Mace", "strength": 3, "agility": -1, "willpower": 4, "armor": 1, "price": 200, "sellprice": 50, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 12, "maxdamage": 16, "ability": 0, "description": "A heavy iron mace. A blunt instrument for blunt, bloody work."}>>
/* ITEMS */
<<set $healingpowder to {"name": "Healing Powder", "strength": 0, "agility": 0, "willpower": 0, "armor": 0, "health": 50, "qi": 0, "evadescore": 0, "price": 50, "tripleprice": 150, "sellprice": 15, "class": "item", "quantity": 1, "description": "A small amount of healing powder- good for healing non-fatal injuries, can stop bleeding well."}>>
<<set $bloodlotuselixir to {"name": "Blood Lotus Elixir", "strength": 5, "agility": 5, "willpower": 5, "armor": 0, "health": 50, "qi": 0, "evadescore": 0, "price": 170, "tripleprice": 510, "sellprice": 85, "class": "item", "quantity": 1, "description": "A potent elixir crafted from the rare blood lotus flower. Consuming it grants a temporary surge of strength, speed, and resilience, making it a valuable resource for intense battles."}>>
/*evil abilities */
<<set $shadowembrace to {"name": "Shadow Embrace", "widgetname": "ShadowEmbrace", "qi": 40, "exp": 100, "level": 1, "levelexp": 250, "levelqi": 10, "class": "Evil", "description": "You surround yourself in an ethereal cloak of darkness, empowering your strikes with sinister energy.", "leveldescription": "As you deepen your connection with the shadows, your mastery over Shadow Embrace grows. Each level increases the amount of damage dealt to enemy. However, be warned that with increased power comes an increased cost in qi to maintain the embrace."}>>
<<set $shadowstrike to {"name": "Shadow Strike", "widgetname": "ShadowStrike", "qi": 50, "exp": 100, "level": 1, "levelexp": 250, "levelqi": 10, "class": "Evil", "description": "You strike with the stealth of a shadow and the ferocity of a tiger!", "leveldescription": "You strike with the stealth of a shadow and the ferocity of a tiger! Your enemies will never see you coming as you move in for the kill. However, be warned that with increased power comes an increased cost in qi"}>>
<<set $abyssalshield to {"name": "Abyssal Shield", "widgetname": "AbyssalShield", "qi": 50, "exp": 150, "level": 1, "levelexp": 350, "levelqi": 25, "class": "Evil", "description": "This skill creates a powerful barrier around me, protecting me from enemy attacks.", "leveldescription": "This skill creates a powerful barrier around me, protecting me from enemy attacks. However, be warned that with increased defence comes an increased cost in qi"}>>
<<set $thunderstrikefist to {"name": "Thunderstrike Fist", "widgetname": "ThunderstrikeFist", "qi": 50, "exp": 150, "level": 1, "levelexp": 250, "levelqi": 10, "class": "Evil", "description": " Unleash the power of thunder through your fists, delivering devastating electric shocks with each strike. Enemies hit by Thunderstrike Fist might be stunned or paralyzed temporarily.", "leveldescription": " Unleash the power of thunder through your fists, delivering devastating electric shocks with each strike. Be warned, that with increased power comes an increast cost in qi."}>>
<<set $evilabilityinventory = []>>
<<set $evilabilityinventory.push($shadowstrike, $abyssalshield, $thunderstrikefist)>>
/*good abilities*/
/* neutral abilities*/<img src="images/Intro/caption2.png" class=center width="200px"><img src="images/Intro/banner1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
The following game is a work of fiction. Celestial Realm is a game with a lot of erotic content.
Are you over legal age and friendly with the content of that game?</h3></i>
[[Yes->Opening and Name]]
[[No->Disclaimer]]<img src="images/Intro/caption1.png" class=center width="220px"><<set $name = "unknown">>\
Welcome in <b><i>Celestial Realm</i></b>!
<img src="images/Intro/title.jpg" class=center width=800 />
To begin, first select your name and gender, then click 'Continue'.
<<if $gender eq "male">><<textbox "$name" "Shen Fang">>
<<else>><<textbox "$name" "Liu Ying">><</if>>
<table class="small-table">\
<th colspan="2">Selected Gender: <<if $gender eq "male">><span class="male">$gender</span><<else>><span class="female">$gender</span>
<</if>> </th>
<td> <<if $gender eq "female">>[[Male->WIP][$gender = "male"]]<<else>><span class="grey">Male</span><</if>></td>
<td> <<if $gender eq "male">>[[Female->Opening and Name][$gender = "female"]]<<else>><span class="grey">Female</span><</if>></td>
<<if $gender eq "male">>[[Continue->WIP]]<<else>>[[Continue->Lewd Mode]]<</if>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
<<set $maxhealth = 100>>\
<<set $intro = 1>>\
<<set $verystart = 0>>
<<set $head = "nothing">>
<<set $chest = "simple shirt">>
<<set $hands = "nothing">>
<<set $legs = "simple pants">>
<<set $feet = "simple shoes">>
<<set $weapon = "nothing">>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<set $daynumber = 1>>
<<set $alignment = "">>
<<set $head = $nohelm["name"]>>\
<<set $headstrength = $nohelm["strength"]>>\
<<set $headagility = $nohelm["agility"]>>\
<<set $headwillpower = $nohelm["willpower"]>>\
<<set $headarmor = $nohelm["armor"]>>\
<<set $chest = $simpleshirt["name"]>>\
<<set $cheststrength = $simpleshirt["strength"]>>\
<<set $chestagility = $simpleshirt["agility"]>>\
<<set $chestwillpower = $simpleshirt["willpower"]>>\
<<set $chestarmor = $simpleshirt["armor"]>>\
<<set $hands = $nogloves["name"]>>\
<<set $handstrength = $nogloves["strength"]>>\
<<set $handsagility = $nogloves["agility"]>>\
<<set $handswillpower = $nogloves["willpower"]>>\
<<set $handsarmor = $nogloves["armor"]>>\
<<set $legs = $simplepants["name"]>>\
<<set $legsstrength = $simplepants["strength"]>>\
<<set $legsagility = $simplepants["agility"]>>\
<<set $legswillpower = $simplepants["willpower"]>>\
<<set $legsarmor = $simplepants["armor"]>>\
<<set $feet = $simpleshoes["name"]>>\
<<set $feetstrength = $simpleshoes["strength"]>>\
<<set $feetagility = $simpleshoes["agility"]>>\
<<set $feetwillpower = $simpleshoes["willpower"]>>\
<<set $feetarmor = $simpleshoes["armor"]>>\
<<set $weapon = $noweapon["name"]>>\
<<set $weaponstrength = $noweapon["strength"]>>\
<<set $weaponagility = $noweapon["agility"]>>\
<<set $weaponwillpower = $noweapon["willpower"]>>\
<<set $weaponarmor = $noweapon["armor"]>>\
<<set $mindamage = $noweapon["mindamage"]>>\
<<set $maxdamage = $noweapon["maxdamage"]>>\
<<set $weaponinventory.push($noweapon)>>\
<<set $weaponinventory.push($rustydagger)>>\
<<set $headinventory.push($nohelm)>>\
<<set $chestinventory.push($simpleshirt)>>\
<<set $handsinventory.push($nogloves)>>\
<<set $legsinventory.push($simplepants)>>\
<<set $feetinventory.push($simpleshoes)>>\
<<set $iteminventory.push($healingpowder)>>
<<set $iteminventory.push($bloodlotuselixir)>>
<</if>>\<<if $verystart eq 1>><<else>>\
<b>Name</b>: $name $title
<<if $gender is "male">> <img src="images/Character/malemc.jpg" width=200> <<else>> <img src="images/Character/femalemc.jpg" width=200>
<<nobr>><table class="stat-table">
<td style="width:50%"><b>💓Health</b></td>
<td>$currenthealth / $maxhealth</td>
<td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:center"><<HealthBar>></td>
<td style="width:50%"><b>🟦Qi</b></td>
<td>$currentqi / $maxqi</td>
<td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:center"><<QiBar>></td>
<td><b>🧘🏼♀️Cultivation Level</b></td>
<<link "More informations" "INFORM">><</link>>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Stats</b></th>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Equipment</b></th>
<td><b>Total Armor</b></td>
<b>Weapon</b>: $weapon
<b>Day</b> $daynumber, $time
<b>💎Spirit Stones</b>: $gold
<b>🌟Experience</b>: $exp
<b>𓍝Alignment</b>: <<if $alignment lt -15>><i>Evil</i><<elseif $alignment gt 15>><i>Righteous</i> <<elseif $alignment gte -15 and $alignment lte 15>><i>Neutral</i><</if>>
Volume: <<volume>>
<<link "Special Thanks" "Special Thanks">><</link>><<HeaderFooter>><<HeaderFooter>>/*health&qi*/
<<widget "HealthBar">>
<<if $currenthealth eq $maxhealth>><img src="images/Icons/health10.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.9)>><img src="images/Icons/health9.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.8)>><img src="images/Icons/health8.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.7)>><img src="images/Icons/health7.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.6)>><img src="images/Icons/health6.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.5)>><img src="images/Icons/health5.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.4)>><img src="images/Icons/health4.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.3)>><img src="images/Icons/health3.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.2)>><img src="images/Icons/health2.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.1)>><img src="images/Icons/health1.png" width=200 /><<else>><img src="images/Icons/health0.png" width=200 /><</if>>
<<widget "QiBar">>
<<if $maxqi eq 0>><<elseif $currentqi eq $maxqi>><img src="images/Icons/qi10.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.9)>><img src="images/Icons/qi9.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.8)>><img src="images/Icons/qi8.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.7)>><img src="images/Icons/qi7.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.6)>><img src="images/Icons/qi6.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.5)>><img src="images/Icons/qi5.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.4)>><img src="images/Icons/qi4.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.3)>><img src="images/Icons/qi3.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.2)>><img src="images/Icons/qi2.png" width=200 /><<elseif $currentqi gte ($maxqi*0.1)>><img src="images/Icons/qi1.png" width=200 /><<else>><img src="images/Icons/qi0.png" width=200 /><</if>>
<<widget "HeaderFooter">>
<<set $maxhealth = $strength*9>>
<<set $maxqi = $willpower*5>>
<<if $maxqi lte 101>> <<set $cultivation to "Qi Gathering">>
<<elseif $maxqi gt 101 and $maxqi lte 201>>
<<set $cultivation to "Foundation Establishment">>
<<elseif $maxqi gt 201 and $maxqi lte 301>>
<<set $cultivation to "Core Formation">>
<<if $currentqi gt $maxqi>> <<set $currentqi = $maxqi>><</if>>
<<if $currentqi lt 0>> <<set $currentqi = 0>><</if>>
<<if $currenthealth gt $maxhealth>> <<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<set $equipmentstrength = $headstrength + $cheststrength + $handsstrength + $legsstrength + $feetstrength>>
<<set $equipmentagility = $headagility + $chestagility + $handsagility + $legsagility + $feetagility>>
<<set $equipmentwillpower = $headwillpower + $chestwillpower + $handswillpower + $legswillpower + $feetwillpower>>
<<set $armor = $headarmor + $chestarmor + $handsarmor + $legsarmor + $feetarmor + $weaponarmor + $specialarmor + $basearmor>>
<<if $armor lt 0>> <<set $armor = 0>> <</if>>
<<if ($armor eq 0) and ($specialarmor lt 0)>> <<set $specialarmor = 0>> <</if>>
<<set $strength = $basestrength + $equipmentstrength + $weaponstrength + $specialstrength>>
<<if $strength lt 0>> <<set $strength = 0>> <</if>>
<<set $agility = $baseagility + $equipmentagility + $weaponagility + $specialagility>>
<<if $agility lt 0>> <<set $agility = 0>> <</if>>
<<set $willpower = $basewillpower + $equipmentwillpower + $weaponwillpower + $specialwillpower>>
<<if $willpower lt 0>> <<set $willpower = 0>> <</if>>
<<set $evadescore = $baseevadescore + $agility + $specialevadescore>>
<<if $evadescore lt 0>> <<set $evadescore = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $intro eq 1>> <<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>> <<set $currentqi = $maxqi>> <</if>>
<<if $enemystrength lt 0>> <<set $enemystrength = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $enemyagility lt 0>> <<set $enemyagility = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $enemywillpower lt 0>> <<set $enemywillpower = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $enemyarmor lt 0>> <<set $enemyarmor = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $allystrength lt 0>> <<set $allystrength = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $allyagility lt 0>> <<set $allyagility = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $allywillpower lt 0>> <<set $allywillpower = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $allyarmor lt 0>> <<set $allyarmor = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $combatpoints gt 5>> <<set $combatpoints = 5>> <</if>>
<<set $enemyarmor = Math.round($enemyarmor)>>
<<set $enemystrength = Math.round($enemystrength)>>
<<set $enemyagility = Math.round($enemyagility)>>
<<set $enemywillpower = Math.round($enemywillpower)>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = Math.round($enemycurrenthealth)>>
<<if ndef $enemystuncount>> <<set $enemystuncount = 0>> <</if>>
<<if ndef $enemystunlimit>> <<set $enemystunlimit = 10>> <</if>>
<<if ndef $startingname>> <<set $startingname = $name>> <</if>>
<<if ndef $startingtitle>> <<set $startingtitle = $title>> <</if>>
<<widget "HeroDisplay">>
<<if $gender eq "male">> <img src="images/Character/malemc.jpg" width=350 >
<<else>> <img src="images/Character/femalemc.jpg" width=350 >
<<widget "SageIntroTalk">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>?????</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Intro/sage.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "OldTalk">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>?????</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/oldman.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "LiWeiTalk">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Li Wei</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/liwei.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "BarOwnerTalk">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Feng Yun</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/barowner.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "Guard">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Guard</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/guard.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "Guard1">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Guard</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/guard1.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "Hermit">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Hermit</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/hermit.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "BanditTalk">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Bandit</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/xueling.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "HeroTalk">>
<<if $gender eq "male">><table class="hero-table">
<th colspan ="2"><b>$name </b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"> <<if $gender eq "male">><img src="images/Character/malemc.jpg" width=100/> <</if>></td>
<<if $gender eq "female">><table class="herogirl-table">
<th colspan= "2"><b>$name </b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><<if $gender eq "female">><img src="images/Character/femalemc.jpg" width=100/><</if>></td>
<<widget "BanditBoss">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Bandit Boss</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/banditboss.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "BrothelOwner">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Bai Xiu</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/baixiu.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "Subordinate">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Subordinate</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/Subordinate.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "Subordinate1">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Subordinate</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/subordinate1.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "Unknown">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Unknown</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/unknown.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "ToughInmate">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Inmate</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/inmate.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "NiceInmate">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Inmate</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/inmate1.jpg" width=150></td>
<<widget "MerchantTalk">>
<table class="merchant-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Merchant</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="Images/Character/merchant.jpg" width=150 /></td>
<<widget "sparringEnemy">>
<table class="stat-table">
<th colspan="2"><b>Opponent</b></th>
<td style="width:10%" align="center"><img src="images/Character/unknown.jpg" width=150></td>
Xue Liang
<<widget "EnemyBattleTable">>
<table class="armory-table">
<td>Health: $enemycurrenthealth / $enemymaxhealth</td>
<td>Agility: $enemyagility</td>
<td>Strength: $enemystrength</td>
<td>Armor: $enemyarmor</td>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth eq $enemymaxhealth>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health10.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.9)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health9.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.8)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health8.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.7)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health7.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.6)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health6.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.5)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health5.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.4)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health4.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.3)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health3.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.2)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health2.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemycurrenthealth gte ($enemymaxhealth*0.1)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health1.png" width=200 />
<img src="Images/Icons/health0.png" width=200 />
<td> Base Evasion: $enemybaseevade </td>
<td> Willpower: $enemywillpower </td>
<td> Stun: $enemystuncount / $enemystunlimit </td>
<<widget "AllyBattleTable">>
<table class="armory-table">
<td>Health: $allycurrenthealth / $allymaxhealth</td>
<td>Agility: $allyagility</td>
<td>Strength: $allystrength</td>
<td>Armor: $allyarmor</td>
<<if $allycurrenthealth eq $allymaxhealth>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health10.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.9)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health9.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.8)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health8.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.7)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health7.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.6)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health6.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.5)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health5.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.4)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health4.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.3)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health3.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.2)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health2.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $allycurrenthealth gte ($allymaxhealth*0.1)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health1.png" width=200 />
<img src="Images/Icons/health0.png" width=200 />
<td> Base Evasion: $allybaseevade </td>
<td> Willpower: $allywillpower </td>
<td> </td>
<<widget "EnemyAllyBattleTable">>
<table class="armory-table">
<td>Health: $enemyallycurrenthealth / $enemyallymaxhealth</td>
<td>Agility: $enemyallyagility</td>
<td>Strength: $enemyallystrength</td>
<td>Armor: $enemyallyarmor</td>
<<if $enemyallycurrenthealth eq $enemyallymaxhealth>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health10.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.9)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health9.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.8)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health8.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.7)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health7.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.6)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health6.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.5)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health5.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.4)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health4.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.3)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health3.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.2)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health2.png" width=200 />
<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth gte ($enemyallymaxhealth*0.1)>>
<img src="Images/Icons/health1.png" width=200 />
<img src="Images/Icons/health0.png" width=200 />
<td> Base Evasion: $enemyallybaseevade </td>
<td> Willpower: $enemyallywillpower </td>
<td> </td>
<<widget "AttackAttempt">>
<<set $attackroll = random(1,100)>>
<<set $attackrolltotal = $attackroll + $strength + $agility>>
You rolled $attackroll, which then added to your strength ($strength) and agility ($agility) for an attack roll total of $attackrolltotal <br>
<<if $attackrolltotal gte $enemyevadescore>>Your attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is greater than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you hit the $enemyname <<set $action = "attack success">><br>
<<else>> Your attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is less than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you miss the $enemyname <<set $action = "attack failure">><br><</if>>
<<widget "AttackDamage">>
<<set $damageroll = random($mindamage,$maxdamage)>>
<<set $damagerolltotal = $damageroll + ($strength/2)>>
You rolled $damageroll, which then added to your half your strength ($strength) for a damage roll total of $damagerolltotal <br>
<<set $damagetoenemy = $damagerolltotal - $enemyarmor>>
<<if $damagetoenemy lt 0>> <<set $damagetoenemy = 0>><</if>>
The armor of the $enemyname blocked $enemyarmor damage - you deal a total of $damagetoenemy damage to the $enemyname! <br>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth -= $damagetoenemy>>
<<widget "AllyAttackAttempt">>
<<set $attackroll = random(1,100)>>
<<set $attackrolltotal = $attackroll + $allystrength + $allyagility>>
$allyname rolled $attackroll, which then added to $allyname's strength ($allystrength) and agility ($allyagility) for an attack roll total of $attackrolltotal <br>
<<if $attackrolltotal gte $enemyevadescore>>$allyname's attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is greater than the enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - $allyname hit $enemyname <<set $allyaction = "attack success">><br>
<<else>> $allyname's attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is less than the enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - $allyname misses $enemyname <<set $allyaction = "attack failure">><br><</if>>
<<widget "AllyAttackDamage">>
<<set $damageroll = random($allymindamage,$allymaxdamage)>>
<<set $damagerolltotal = $damageroll + ($allystrength/2)>>
$allyname rolled $damageroll, which then added to your half of $allyname's strength ($allystrength) for a damage roll total of $damagerolltotal <br>
<<set $damagetoenemy = $damagerolltotal - $enemyarmor>>
<<if $damagetoenemy lt 0>> <<set $damagetoenemy = 0>><</if>>
The armor of the $enemyname blocked $enemyarmor damage - $allyname deals a total of $damagetoenemy damage to the $enemyname! <br>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth -= $damagetoenemy>>
<<widget "FleeAttempt">>
<<set $fleeroll = random(1,100)>>
<<set $fleerolltotal = $fleeroll + $agility>>
You rolled $fleeroll, which then added to your agility ($agility) for a flee roll total of $fleerolltotal <br>
<<if $fleerolltotal gte $enemyevadescore>>Your flee roll total ($fleerolltotal) is greater than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you escaped the $enemyname! <<set $action = "flee success">><br>
<<else>> Your flee roll total ($fleerolltotal) is less than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you fail to escape the $enemyname <<set $action = "flee failure">><br><</if>>
<<widget "EnemyAttackAttempt">>
<<set $enemyattackroll = random(1,100)>>
<<set $enemyattackrolltotal = $enemyattackroll + $enemystrength + $enemyagility>>
The $enemyname rolled $enemyattackroll, which then added to its strength ($enemystrength) and agility ($enemyagility) for an attack roll total of $enemyattackrolltotal <br>
<<if $enemyattackrolltotal gte $evadescore>>The attack roll total of the $enemyname ($enemyattackrolltotal) is greater than your evade score ($evadescore) - you are hit by the $enemyname <<set $enemyaction = "attack success">><br>
<<else>> The attack roll total of the $enemyname ($enemyattackrolltotal) is less than your evade score ($evadescore) - you dodge the attack! <<set $enemyaction = "attack failure">><br><</if>>
<<widget "EnemyAttackDamage">>
<<set $enemydamageroll = random($enemymindamage,$enemymaxdamage)>>
<<set $enemydamagerolltotal = $enemydamageroll + ($enemystrength/2)>>
The $enemyname rolled $enemydamageroll, which then added to half its strength ($enemystrength) for a damage roll total of $enemydamagerolltotal <br>
<<set $damagetoplayer = $enemydamagerolltotal - $armor>>
<<if $damagetoplayer lt 0>> <<set $damagetoplayer = 0>><</if>>
Your armor blocked $armor damage - the $enemyname deals a total of $damagetoplayer damage to you! <br>
<<set $currenthealth -= $damagetoplayer>>
<<widget "ItemAbilityRun">>
<<set $itemabilityinventory = []>>
<<if ($headability eq 0) and ($chestability eq 0) and ($handsability eq 0) and ($legsability eq 0) and ($feetability eq 0) and ($weaponability eq 0)>><<else>>
<<if $headability neq 0>> <<set $itemabilityinventory.push($headability)>><</if>>
<<if $chestability neq 0>> <<set $itemabilityinventory.push($chestability)>><</if>>
<<if $handsability neq 0>> <<set $itemabilityinventory.push($handsability)>><</if>>
<<if $legsability neq 0>> <<set $itemabilityinventory.push($legsability)>><</if>>
<<if $feetability neq 0>> <<set $itemabilityinventory.push($feetability)>><</if>>
<<if $weaponability neq 0>> <<set $itemabilityinventory.push($weaponability)>><</if>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $itemabilityinventory.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<ItemAbility $itemabilityinventory[_i]>><</ItemAbility>> <br>
<<widget "ItemUse">>
<<set $currenthealth += $itemhealth>>
<<set $currentqi += $itemqi>>
<<set $specialstrength += $itemstrength>>
<<set $specialagility += $itemagility>>
<<set $specialwillpower += $itemwillpower>>
<<set $specialarmor += $itemarmor>>
<<set $specialevadescore += $itemevadescore>>
<<widget "OneTimeUse">>
<<set $maxhealth += $usablehealth>>
<<set $maxqi += $usableqi>>
<<set $basestrength += $usablestrength>>
<<set $baseagility += $usableagility>>
<<set $basewillpower += $usablewillpower>>
<<widget "EnemyStun">>
<<if ($enemystun gte 1) and ($enemystuncount gte $enemystunlimit)>> $enemyname can no longer be stunned!
<<set $enemystun = 0>>
<<set $enemyaction = $enemyability.pluck()>>
<<set $enemyability.push($enemyaction)>>
<<elseif $enemystun gte 1>>
<<set $enemyaction = "stun">><<set $enemystun -= 1>><<set $enemystuncount += 1>>The $enemyname is stunned, and cannot take action! <<if $enemystun eq 0>>The $enemyname is recovering from its stunned state and will take action next turn.<<else>>The $enemyname will still be stunned next turn, unless its stun limit has been reached.<</if>>
<<else>><<set $enemyaction = $enemyability.pluck()>>
<<set $enemyability.push($enemyaction)>><</if>>
<<widget "BattleEnd">>
<<set $specialstrength = 0>>
<<set $specialagility = 0>>
<<set $specialwillpower = 0>>
<<set $specialarmor = 0>>
<<set $specialevadescore = 0>>
<<set $stun = 0>>
<<set $enemyname = "0">>
<<set $enemymaxhealth = 0>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = 0>>
<<set $enemystrength = 0>>
<<set $enemyagility = 0>>
<<set $enemywillpower = 0>>
<<set $enemybaseevade = 0>>
<<set $enemyevadescore = 0>>
<<set $enemyarmor = 0>>
<<set $enemymindamage = 0>>
<<set $enemymaxdamage = 0>>
<<set $enemystun = 0>>
<<set $enemymingold = 0>>
<<set $enemymaxgold = 0>>
<<set $enemyminexp = 0>>
<<set $enemymaxexp = 0>>
<<set $damagetoplayer = 0>>
<<set $enemyaction = "none">>
<<set $allyname = "0">>
<<set $allymaxhealth = 0>>
<<set $allycurrenthealth = 0>>
<<set $allystrength = 0>>
<<set $allyagility = 0>>
<<set $allywillpower = 0>>
<<set $allybaseevade = 0>>
<<set $allyevadescore = 0>>
<<set $allyarmor = 0>>
<<set $allymindamage = 0>>
<<set $allymaxdamage = 0>>
<<set $allystun = 0>>
<<set $allymingold = 0>>
<<set $allymaxgold = 0>>
<<set $allyminexp = 0>>
<<set $allymaxexp = 0>>
<<set $enemyallyname = "0">>
<<set $enemyallymaxhealth = 0>>
<<set $enemyallycurrenthealth = 0>>
<<set $enemyallystrength = 0>>
<<set $enemyallyagility = 0>>
<<set $enemyallywillpower = 0>>
<<set $enemyallybaseevade = 0>>
<<set $enemyallyevadescore = $enemyallyagility + $enemyallybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyallyarmor = 0>>
<<set $enemyallymindamage = 0>>
<<set $enemyallymaxdamage = 0>>
<<set $enemyallymingold = 0>>
<<set $enemyallymaxgold = 0>>
<<set $enemyallyminexp = 0>>
<<set $enemyallymaxexp = 0>>
<<set $enemyallyregion = "0">>
<<set $enemyallyimage = "0">>
<<set $enemyallyability = []>>
<<set $enemyallyaction = "none">>
<<set $allyaction = "none">>
<<set $action = "none">>
<<set $secondwinduse = 0>>
<<set $prayercount = 0>>
<<set $aura = 0>>
<<set $momentumcount = 0>>
<<set $momentumcheck = 0>>
<<set $combatpoints = 0>>
<<set $abilitycount = []>>
<<set $itemabilitycount = []>>
<<set $itemability = 0>>
<<set $potioncount = 0>>
<<set $enemycombatpoints = 0>>
<<set $activeability = 0>>
<<set $enemyactiveability = 0>>
<<set $enemystuncount = 0>>
<<widget "AgilityCheck">>
<<set $attackroll = random(1,100)>>
<<set $attackrolltotal = $attackroll + $agility>>
You rolled $attackroll, which then added to your agility ($agility) for a total of $attackrolltotal <br>
<<if $attackrolltotal gte $args[0]>>Your roll total ($attackrolltotal) is greater than the sqill check difficulty ($args[0]) - success! <<set $action = "success">><br>
<<else>> Your roll total ($attackrolltotal) is less than the sqill check difficulty ($args[0]) - failure! <<set $action = "failure">><br><</if>>
<<widget "StrengthCheck">>
<<set $attackroll = random(1,100)>>
<<set $attackrolltotal = $attackroll + $strength>>
You rolled $attackroll, which then added to your strength ($strength) for a total of $attackrolltotal <br>
<<if $attackrolltotal gte $args[0]>>Your roll total ($attackrolltotal) is greater than the sqill check difficulty ($args[0]) - success! <<set $action = "success">><br>
<<else>> Your roll total ($attackrolltotal) is less than the sqill check difficulty ($args[0]) - failure! <<set $action = "failure">><br><</if>>
<<widget "WillpowerCheck">>
<<set $attackroll = random(1,100)>>
<<set $attackrolltotal = $attackroll + $willpower>>
You rolled $attackroll, which then added to your willpower ($willpower) for a total of $attackrolltotal <br>
<<if $attackrolltotal gte $args[0]>>Your roll total ($attackrolltotal) is greater than the sqill check difficulty ($args[0]) - success! <<set $action = "success">><br>
<<else>> Your roll total ($attackrolltotal) is less than the sqill check difficulty ($args[0]) - failure! <<set $action = "failure">><br><</if>>
<<widget "StrengthCost">>
<<set $totalbasestats = $basestrength + $basewillpower + $baseagility>>
<<set $strengthcost = $basestrength + (15 +$timesincreasedstrength*12)>>
<<set $strengthcost = Math.round($strengthcost)>>
<<print $strengthcost>>
<<widget "AgilityCost">>
<<set $totalbasestats = $basestrength + $basewillpower + $baseagility>>
<<set $agilitycost = $baseagility + (15 + $timesincreasedagility*12)>>
<<set $agilitycost = Math.round($agilitycost)>>
<<print $agilitycost>>
<<widget "WillpowerCost">>
<<set $totalbasestats = $basestrength + $basewillpower + $baseagility>>
<<set $willpowercost = $basewillpower + (15 + $timesincreasedwillpower*12)>>
<<set $willpowercost = Math.round($willpowercost)>>
<<print $willpowercost>>
<<widget "HeroDisplay">>
<<if $gender eq "male">>
<img src="images/Character/malemc.jpg" width=350 />
<img src="images/Character/femalemc.jpg" width=350 />
<<widget "MerchantBuyTalk">>
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>
<<set $random = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<MerchantTalk "Another satisfied customer.">>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<MerchantTalk "Oh, good buy, very good buy, indeed.">>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<MerchantTalk "I'm sure you'll up that to good use, $name.">>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<<MerchantTalk "A fair deal for both sides.">>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<MerchantTalk "Sold! Now, just slide your gold across the counter.">>
<<elseif $random eq 6>>
<<MerchantTalk "Untold power... at a very reasonable price point.">>
<<widget "MerchantSellTalk">>
<<set $randomset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>
<<set $random = $randomset.pluck()>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<MerchantTalk "Yes, I'll take it!">>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<MerchantTalk "Oh yes, I can certainly send this back to the city for a tidy profit. A tidy profit, indeed...">>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<MerchantTalk "By sand and sun - you drive a hard bargain, $name.">>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<<MerchantTalk "Alright, I'll pay. You're lucky we're friends, you know.">>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<MerchantTalk "It's not worth nearly this much. Oh, maybe it is. Deal!">>
<<elseif $random eq 6>>
<<MerchantTalk "Here's your gold. Now, be sure to spend it back here soon.">>
<<widget "MerchantInventory1">>
<<set $merchantweaponinventory = []>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory = []>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($amuletofvitality)>>
<<if $headinventory.includes($amuletofvitality)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$amuletofvitality>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($irontunic)>>
<<if $chestinventory.includes($irontunic)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$irontunic>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($leathertunic)>>
<<if $chestinventory.includes($leathertunic)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$leathertunic>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($irongloves)>>
<<if $handsinventory.includes($irongloves)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$irongloves>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($ironpants)>>
<<if $legsinventory.includes($ironpants)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$ironpants>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($leatherpants)>>
<<if $legsinventory.includes($leatherpants)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$leatherpants>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($bootsofshadow)>>
<<if $feetinventory.includes($bootsofshadow)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$bootsofshadow>><</if>>
<<set $merchantweaponinventory.push($blackdagger)>>
<<if $weaponinventory.includes($blackdagger)>><<run delete $merchantweaponinventory.$blackdagger>><</if>>
<<set $merchantweaponinventory.push($ironmace)>>
<<if $weaponinventory.includes($ironmace)>><<run delete $merchantweaponinventory.$ironmace>><</if>>
<<set $merchantweaponinventory.push($ironsword)>>
<<if $weaponinventory.includes($ironsword)>><<run delete $merchantweaponinventory.$ironsword>><</if>>
<<set $merchantweaponinventory.push($souldevouringblade)>>
<<if $weaponinventory.includes($souldevouringblade)>><<run delete $merchantweaponinventory.$souldevouringblade>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($serpentarmor)>>
<<if $chestinventory.includes($serpentarmor)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$serpentarmor>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($infernalrobes)>>
<<if $chestinventory.includes($infernalrobes)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$infernalrobes>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($warriorlegplates)>>
<<if $legsinventory.includes($warriorlegplates)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$warriorlegplates>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($ironclawgauntlets)>>
<<if $handsinventory.includes($ironclawgauntlets)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$ironclawgauntlets>><</if>>
<<set $merchantarmorinventory.push($shadowstepboots)>>
<<if $feetinventory.includes($shadowstepboots)>><<run delete $merchantarmorinventory.$shadowstepboots>><</if>>
<<if $gender eq "female">>
<<set $chestlewd = 1>>\
<<set $ass = 1>>
<<set $pussy = 1>>\
<<if $pe eq 0>>
<img src="images/Intro/landscape.jpg" class=center width="90%">
You find yourself standing in the midst of a hazy dream, surrounded by an unfamiliar landscape. As you take your first step forward, you notice two paths diverging before you. One leads to the left, while the other leads to the right. Above each path, there is an inscription written in an ancient language that you cannot read.
<img src="images/Intro/paths.jpg" class=center width="70%">
Suddenly, a figure materializes from the shadows, blocqing your path. It is an old sage, with a long white beard and piercing blue eyes.
<<SageIntroTalk "Welcome, dreamer, I am the Guardian of this realm. Before you can proceed, you must make a choice. Which path will you take?">>
The sage gestures towards the two paths, waiting for your decision.
He gave you The Battle God Cultivation Manual.
[[Take the left path->Continue][$pe = 5]]
[[Take the right path->Continue][$pe = 2]]
<<elseif $pe eq 2>>
You step towards the right path, feeling a sense of unease as you do so. You hear whispers in the air, and strange shadows flicker across the dream landscape. As you continue on your way, you come across a pool of dark water. You see your reflection in the water, and suddenly, it changes. Your features become sharper, and your eyes glow with a fierce intensity.
<img src="images/Intro/darkwater.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b>You have chosen the path of darkness.</b>
[[Embrace the darkness->Continue][$pe = 3]]
[[Resist the darkness->Continue][$pe= 4]]
<<elseif $pe eq 3>>
<img src="images/Intro/darkness.jpg" class=center width=500>
You feel a surge of power coursing through your veins. You know that you have made a pact with darkness, and that it will grant you great power, but at a cost. You will be forever changed, and you will have to face the consequences of your actions.
<b>You have chosen to be evil.</b>
[[Continue->Start][$alignment = -100]]
<<elseif $pe eq 4>>
<img src="images/Intro/light.jpg" class=center width=500>
You feel a sense of relief as you resist the darkness. You know that you have made the right choice, even if it is the harder one. You will have to face many challenges on your path, but you will always remain true to your values.
<b>You have chosen to be good</b>
[[Continue->Start][$alignment = 100]]
<<elseif $pe eq 5>>
You step towards the left path, feeling a sense of calm as you do so. You see a faint glow in the distance, and you follow it towards a clearing. In the clearing, you see a group of people gathered around a tree. They welcome you warmly, and offer you a seat.
<img src="images/Intro/people.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b>You have chosen the path of light.</b>
[[Join the group->Continue][$pe = 6]]
[[Refuse the group->Continue][$pe = 7]]
<<elseif $pe eq 6>>
<img src="images/Intro/belonging.jpg" class=center width="90%">
You feel a sense of belonging as you join the group. They offer you their guidance and support, and you know that you will never be alone on your journey. You will face many challenges, but you will have the strength of your allies to help you overcome them.
<b>You have chosen to be good.</b>
[[Continue->Start][$alignment = 100]]
<<elseif $pe eq 7>>
<img src="images/Intro/refuse.jpg" class=center width="90%">
You feel a sense of independence as you refuse the group. You know that you will have to rely on your own strength and wits to face the challenges ahead, but you are confident in your abilities.
<b>You have chosen to be neutral.</b>
[[Contine->Start][$alignment = 0]]
<<set $currentqi = $maxqi>>\
<<if $alignment lt -15>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Routine/wakeup.webp" class=center width=500>
As you slowly awaken from your dream, you feel a sense of power coursing through your veins. You remember the pact you made in your dream, embracing the darkness that whispered promises of great power and domination.
You open your eyes to a dimly lit room, the only source of light coming from a flickering candle on a nearby table. As you try to sit up, you realize that your body feels different, stronger, and more agile. You can feel the darkness within you, waiting to be unleashed.
<img src="images/Intro/candle.jpg" class=center width=500>
You glance around the room and see a black robe draped over a nearby chair. As you reach for it, you notice a piece of paper on the table beside the candle. You pick it up and read:
<section class="paper">\
<article class="paperheader"></article>\
<div class="papertext">$name
Welcome to the Abyss Sect. We have been watching you for some time, and we believe that you have great potential. Embrace the darkness within you, and together we shall rise to power.
You know that your life will never be the same again. You have chosen the path of darkness, and there is no turning back. You stand up and put on the black robe, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
You make your way <<link "out of the room" >> <<goto "Evil Start">><</link>>.
<<set $chestinventory.push($blackrobechest)>>\
<<set $legsinventory.push($blackrobeleggings)>>\
<<set $corruption += 5>>
<<elseif $alignment gt 15>>
As you slowly awaken from your dream, you feel a sense of peace and serenity wash over you. You remember the decision you made in your dream, to embrace the light and reject the darkness that whispered promises of power and domination.
You open your eyes to a bright room, filled with sunlight streaming in from a nearby window. As you try to sit up, you realize that your body feels different, lighter and more agile. You can feel the light within you, waiting to be unleashed.
You glance around the room and see a set of white robes draped over a nearby chair. As you reach for it, you notice a piece of paper on the table beside the bed. You pick it up and read:
"Welcome to the Azure Dragon Clan. We have been watching you for some time, and we believe that you have great potential. Embrace the light within you, and together we shall bring peace and harmony to the world."
You know that your life will never be the same again. You have chosen the path of light, and there is no turning back. You stand up and put on the white robes, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
You make your way <<link "out of the room" >> <<goto "Good Start">><</link>>.
<<set $intro = 0>>\<<set $pe = 0>>
<<if $evilQuest1 is "unfinished">>
<<set $abilityinventory.push($shadowembrace)>>
<img src="images/Locations/hallway.jpg" class=center width=500>
You make your way out of the room and into a dimly lit hallway. You can hear faint whispers and rustling from behind closed doors as you pass by. The air is thick with an unsettling aura, but you find yourself drawn to it. You can feel the power of the Abyss Sect pulsing around you.
<img src="images/Character/hooded.jpg" class=center width=500>
As you make your way further down the hallway, you come across a group of hooded figures huddled together in a corner. They seem to be in the middle of a heated discussion. One of them notices you and beckons you over.
<<LiWeiTalk "Welcome $name. We heard about your arrival and we are glad to have you with us. I am Li Wei.">>
They introduce themselves, and you can feel their eyes piercing into you, sizing you up, and trying to gauge how much you're worth.
<<LiWeiTalk "We have a task for you. One that will prove your worth to the Abyss Sect">>
They explain the task to you, and it involves infiltrating a bandit hideout and retrieving a valuable artifact that bandits have stolen from weaker sect. They give you a description of the artifact and the general location of the bandits' hideout.
<<LiWeiTalk "Bring back the artifact, and we shall consider your initiation into the Abyss Sect complete.">>
With this task at hand, you set out to complete your first mission for the Abyss Sect.
<<link "Set out!">> <<goto "evilQuest1">> <</link>>
<<link "No way!">> <<goto "Game Over">> <<set $badend =1>> <</link>>
<<elseif $evilQuest1 is "finished">>
<img src="images/Locations/hq.jpg" class=center width=500>
As you return to the Abyss Sect headquarters with the artifact and a group of newly acquired subordinates, <b>Li Wei</b> nods approvingly at your success.
<<LiWeiTalk "Well done, you have proven yourself to be a valuable asset to our cause.I see you have retrieved the artifact and gained some new subordinates in the process.">>
They take the artifact from you and examine it carefully before nodding in approval.
Actually, the artifact was not as powerful as they had anticipated. It seems to be of little use to them.
<<LiWeiTalk "Nevertheless, you have proven yourself to be a valuable asset to the Abyss Sect. Your success in bringing the bandits under our control is a testament to your wit and charm. While the artifact may not be of great value, it is still a symbol of your victory over your enemies. Keep it as a reminder of your first mission for the Abyss Sect. And do not be discouraged by its lack of worth. There will be more valuable treasures to come.">>
With those words of encouragement, Li Wei dismisses you from their presence. You leave feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that you have taken your first step towards power and glory in the Abyss Sect.
<<set $daynumber +=1>>
<<set $time to "Morning">>
<<set $weaponinventory.push($soulbindingchain)>>
<<link "Explore">> <<goto "Evil Sect">> <</link>>
😊<<if $pe eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/hideout.jpg" class=center width="90%">
You make your way towards the bandit hideout, your mind already calculating the different scenarios that may arise. As you approach the area, you scout the surrounding terrain, looqing for any potential traps or ambushes. Perhaps you could seduce one of the bandits and convince them to hand over the artifact without a fight.
<img src="images/Locations/hideout1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
As you approach the hideout, you notice that there are only a handful of bandits guarding the entrance. They seem to be lax in their duty, drinqing and laughing loudly.
You are thinqing what should you do:
[[Be stealthy and retrieve artifact->evilQuest1][$pe = 20]]
[[Seduce them->evilQuest1][$pe =1]]
<<elseif $pe eq 1>>
As you make your way to the bandits' hideout, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This is your chance to prove your worth to the Abyss Sect and maybe even have a <i>little fun along</i> the way.
<<set $corruption +=1>>
When you arrive at the hideout, you see several rough-looqing bandits guarding the entrance. You approach them confidently, your charm turned up to full blast.
<<HeroTalk "Hey there, boys, I'm looqing for some company. Maybe you can show me around?">>
The bandits exchange amused glances before one of them steps forward, a smirk on his face.
<<BanditTalk "Sure thing, babe. We can show you a good time.">>
He says with a wink.
[[Go with them->evilQuest1][$pe = 2]]
<<elseif $pe eq 2>>
<img src="images/Locations/hideout2.jpg" class=center width="90%">
He leads you inside the hideout, and you can't help but notice the crude decorations and stolen treasures that line the walls.
You're trying to walk as sexy as possible.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/walking.webp" class=center width="90%">
You continue to flirt and chat with the bandits, slowly gaining their trust and affection.
Now, when you have gained their trust, you can take things to the <i>higher level</i>
[[Be more intimate->evilQuest1][$pe = 3]]
[[Bring artifact topic->evilQuest1][$pe = 10]]
<<elseif $pe eq 3>>
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<div id="1">
Now that you have them wrapped around your finger, you know that you can take things to the next level.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/striptease.webp" class=center width="70%">
Without wasting any time, you slowly take off your clothes in front of them, your eyes looking up at them with a sultry gaze.
You continue your striptease, moving closer to them with every step. You can see bulge in their pants.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src ="images/Other/striptease1.webp" class=center width="70%">
Without hesitation, you take off rest of your clothes. They look at you with pleasure, <<linkreplace "Strip.">>
As you dance for the bandits, they start to grow more aggressive, reaching out to touch your body. Their hands are rough and calloused. <span class="player"> I don't want my clothes get dirtied with their disgusting blood... It's not that bad as I thought...</span>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/striptease2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<linkreplace "Take it in">>
<<replace "#1">>
As the bandits continue to touch you, their hands start to become more aggressive. They're groping you roughly, squeezing your breasts and running their hands over your body. You can feel their desire growing. Maybe you should stop it before it's too late?
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/striptease3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<linkreplace "Touch yourself.">>
As they grope harder, you can feel your own desire growing, a wetness forming between your legs as you give yourself over completely to their pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/striptease6.webp" class=center width="70%">
You slip your hand down between your legs, your fingers finding your wet and eager pussy. You let silent moan as they touch you. Despite the distraction, you continue to pleasure them with your dance.
[[Let this happen->evilQuest1][$pe=4]]
[[Stop this->evilQuest1][$pe=5]]
<<elseif $pe eq 4>>
<div id="2">
As the bandits continue to use you for their pleasure, you can feel yourself succumbing to the pleasure, to the overwhelming desire that fills you. You let them overpower you completely, giving yourself over to their every whim and desire.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/overpower1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
They use you like a toy, fucking you relentlessly and without mercy. You're their obedient little slut, willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy them, even if it means enduring rough treatment and being their sextoy forever.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/overpower.webp" class=center width="70%">
Forever and always, you're theirs to use and abuse, to pleasure and fuck whenever they desire.
<<replace "#2">>
<b>Bad end #2</b>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/badend2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<b> Bandits slave </b>
<<elseif $pe eq 5>>
<div id="3">
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/striptease4.webp" class=center width=500>
Finally, with a loud cry, they explode, covering you with their hot, sticky loads. You had enough of this!!
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/striptease5.webp" class=center width=500>
As the bandits cum all over your face and body, you know you had enough of this little show. It's time to show them who have <<linkreplace "upper hand.">>
<<replace "#3">>
<span class="player"><i>As I pull away from the group of bandits, my mind racing with a mix of pleasure and confusion, I can't help but wonder if there's something wrong with me. I just strip in front of group of bandits. What's happening to me? Maybe I'm just a pervert?</i></span>
As you looked at the bandits, you knew that you had two choices: you could make them your subordinates and take them to the Abyss Sect, or you could eliminate them entirely. You then emanated your cultivation skills, causing the bandits to tremble in fear, in case they think you're cock-hungry slut who can be their plaything.
The bandits looked at each other, fear in their eyes.
<<BanditTalk "What do you want us to do?">>
one of them asked nervously.
[[Spare them->evilQuest1][$pe =6]]
[[Kill them->evilQuest1][$pe =7]]
<<elseif $pe eq 6>>
<<HeroTalk "You have two options, you can give me the artifact and become my loyal subordinates, following my every command without question. Or, you can disappear, and no one will ever know what happened to you. As you saw, I'm much stronger than worms like you">>
The bandits looked at each other, knowing that they had no choice but to obey.
<<BanditTalk "We will give you the artifact">>
<img src="images/Weapons/Soul Binding Chain.jpg" class=center width="80%">
With a satisfied smirk, you took the artifact from them, knowing that you had gained tool to further your goals within the Abyss Sect.
<<link "Go back to your sect">> <<goto "Evil Start">> <<set $evilQuest1 to "finished">> <<set $banditsSubordinates +=5>> <</link>>
<<elseif $pe eq 7>>
As you stand face-to-face with the bandits' leader, a different thought crosses your mind. Rather than persuading them to join your cause, you decide that eliminating them would be the most efficient and secure course of action.
Drawing upon your sinister powers, you unleash a devastating onslaught upon the bandits. They fight back with desperation, but your determination and sqill prove superior. One by one, they succumb to your relentless assault, their life forces extinguished.
<img src="images/Locations/banditshideout.webp" class=center width="90%">
As the last bandit falls, a heavy silence hangs in the air, punctuated only by the whispers of the abyss. The secret remains hidden, buried within the depths of your soul. The artifact is now in your possession.
<img src="images/Weapons/Soul Binding Chain.jpg" class=center width="80%">
You retrieve the artifact from the bandits' lifeless grip, a symbol of your triumph over their futile resistance.
<<link "Go back to your sect">> <<goto "Evil Start">> <<set $evilQuest1 to "finished">> <<set $alignment -= 10>> <</link>>
<<elseif $pe eq 10>>
<img src="images/Locations/banditshideout1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<<HeroTalk "I've heard whispers of a certain artifact that found its way into your possession. Care to share the details?">>
<<BanditTalk "Artifact, huh? You've got good taste, miss. But why would we tell you anything?">>
<<HeroTalk " Let's just say I have a vested interest in acquiring it. And if you cooperate, I can make it worth your while.">>
<<BanditTalk " Alright, spill the beans, sweetheart. The artifact you're after... it's locked away in our boss's room. He keeps it close, like a prized possession.">>
<<HeroTalk "That's all I needed to know. Now, tell me, where can I find this boss of yours?">>
<<BanditTalk " Head straight through that door, but be careful. He's not one to mess with.">>
<<HeroTalk "Don't worry, boys. I'll handle him. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got an artifact to retrieve.">>
[[Open doors->evilQuest1][$pe =11]]
<<elseif $pe eq 11>>
<img src="images/Locations/banditshideout1.webp" class=center width=500>
Taking a deep breath, you push open the door and step into a lavishly decorated room. The air is thick with the scent of opulence, contrasting sharply with the hideout's rough exterior. At the far end of the room, seated on an ornate chair, is the bandit boss himself.
<img src="images/Locations/banditshideout2.webp" class=center width=500>
<<BanditBoss "Well, well, what do we have here? A brave little intruder. Do you think you can just waltz into my domain and take what's mine?">>
<<HeroTalk "Hand it over peacefully, and you won't get hurt.">>
<<BanditBoss "Oh, I admire your confidence. But you see, I didn't build this riches by being weak. If you want the artifact, you'll have to prove your worth.">>
<<HeroTalk "Fine by me. I love a good challenge. What do you propose?">>
<<BanditBoss "A duel. Defeat me in combat, and the artifact is yours. Fail, and you'll become just another trophy in my collection.">>
<<HeroTalk "Challenge accepted. Prepare yourself, for I am not to be underestimated.">>
The room fills with an electric tension as you and the bandit boss assume battle stances.
[[To battle!->evilQuest1][$pe =12]]
<<elseif $pe eq 12>>
You are preparing to fight!
<img src="images/Character/banditboss.jpg" width=550>
<<HeroTalk "Bastard, you're courting death!">>
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "banditBoss">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $pe = 100>> <</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $pe eq 200>> \
You won with the $enemyname!
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel satisfaction from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
[[Take artifact->evilQuest1][$pe =13]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $exp += $enemyexp>>\
<<elseif $pe eq 13>>
After a grueling battle, you emerge victorious, standing tall amidst the defeated bandit boss. The artifact, gleaming with power, rests on a pedestal nearby. It's finally within your grasp.
<img src="images/Weapons/Soul Binding Chain.jpg">
As you go out of bandit boss lair, you knew that you had two choices: you could make them your subordinates and take them to the Abyss Sect, or you could eliminate them entirely. You then emanated your cultivation skills, causing the bandits to tremble in fear, letting them know they boss has met his demise by your hands.
The bandits looked at each other, fear in their eyes.
<<BanditTalk "What do you want us to do?">>
one of them asked nervously.
<<HeroTalk "You have two options, become my loyal subordinates, following my every command without question. Or, you can disappear, and no one will ever know what happened to you. As you saw, I'm much stronger than worms like you">>
The bandits looked at each other, knowing that they had no choice but to obey.
<<link "Spare them and go back to the sect">> <<goto "Evil Start">> <<set $evilQuest1 to "finished">> <</link>>
<<link "Kill them anyway">> <<goto "Evil Start">> <<set $evilQuest1 to "finished">> <<set $alignment -= 10>> <</link>>
<<elseif $pe eq 20>>
*please go back*
this option will be reworked later
<</if>><<if $badend eq 1>>
As you refused your first task, you lost your value to Abyss Sect. They decided to set an example of what happens to the disobedient. They set up huge pillory and let members of the sect use you to their own pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/badend1.webp" class=center width="90%">
<b> Bad End #1 </b>
<b> Sect plaything </b>
<<if $badend eq 2>>
<div id="2">
As the bandits continue to use you for their pleasure, you can feel yourself succumbing to the pleasure, to the overwhelming desire that fills you. You let them overpower you completely, giving yourself over to their every whim and desire.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/overpower1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
They use you like a toy, fucking you relentlessly and without mercy. You're their obedient little slut, willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy them, even if it means enduring rough treatment and being their sextoy forever.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/overpower.webp" class=center width="70%">
Forever and always, you're theirs to use and abuse, to pleasure and fuck whenever they desire.
<<replace "#2">>
<b>Bad end #2</b>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/badend2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<b> Bandits slave </b>
<<if $badend eq 3>>
<b>Bad end #3</b>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/pillory.webp" class=center width="70%">
<b> City fucktoy </b>
<div id="2">
The bandits continue to grow more aggressive with you, they start face-fucqing you, using your mouth like a toy for their pleasure. They thrust hard and fast, their cocks ramming into the back of your throat and maqing you gag.
<img src="images/Other/facefuck.webp" class=center width="90%">
As they thrust deeper and harder, you can feel your own desire growing, a wetness forming between your legs as you give yourself over completely to their pleasure. And as you pleasure them with your mouth, you're drolling uncontrollably, your saliva dripping down your chin as their cocks fill your mouth.
<img src="images/Other/masturbation.webp" class=center width="90%">
You slip your hand down between your legs, your fingers finding your wet and eager pussy. You moan around their cocks as you pleasure yourself, your hips thrusting up to meet your fingers.
Despite the distraction, you continue to pleasure them with your mouth, using your lips and tongue.
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
<<replace "#2">>
As the bandits continue to use you for their pleasure, you can feel yourself succumbing to the pleasure, to the overwhelming desire that fills you. You let them overpower you completely, giving yourself over to their every whim and desire.
<img src="images/Other/overpower1.webp" class=center width="90%">
They use you like a toy, fucqing you relentlessly and without mercy. You're their obedient little slut, willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy them, even if it means enduring rough treatment and being their sextoy forever.
<img src="images/Other/overpower.webp" class=center width="90%">
Forever and always, you're theirs to use and abuse, to pleasure and fuck whenever they desire.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<b>Bad end #2</b>
Bandits slave
<img src="images/Others/badend2.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<elseif $p eq 5>>
<<replace "#2">>
<img src="images/Other/swallow.webp" class=center width="90%">
Finally, with a loud cry, they explode, filling your mouth with their hot, sticky loads. You eagerly swallow every drop, savoring the taste of their cum on your tongue.
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<img src="images/Other/cumplay.webp" class=center width="90%">
As the bandits cum all over your face and body, you can't help but play with their hot, sticky loads. You rub their cum all over your boobs, smearing it over your nipples and feeling the pleasure wash over you.
<img src="images/Locations/sect.png" class=center width="90%">
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late to be here!
<<link "Go to your room" "Dorms">><</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<link "Main Hall">> <<goto "Main Hall">> <</link>>
<<link "Training Grounds">> <<goto "Training Grounds">> <</link>>
<<link "Alchemy Workshop">> <<goto "Alchemy Workshop">> <</link>>
<<link "Library">> <<goto "Library">> <</link>>
<<link "Infirmary">> <<goto "Infirmary">> <</link>>
<<link "Market">> <<goto "Market">> <</link>>
<<link "Dorms">> <<goto "Dorms">> <</link>>
<<set $p = 0>>
<<set $pe = 0>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/infirmary.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<i>The Infirmary of the Abyss Sect is a place of healing and recovery for the disciples. It is a tranquil sanctuary with clean, white-washed walls and the scent of medicinal herbs lingering in the air. Soft, soothing music plays in the background, creating an atmosphere of calm amidst the chaos of the sect.</i>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<if $gold gte 0>><<link "Recover" "Infirmary">><<set $p to 1>><</link>><<else>> You don't have enough spirit stones to afford service...<</if>>
<<link "Work as nurse" "infirmaryWork">> <<set $p to 0>><</link>>
<<link " Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>> </td>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<<if $currenthealth eq $maxhealth>>
You don't need healing!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.9)>>
<<if $gold gte 20>><<set $gold -= 20>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.8)>>
<<if $gold gte 30>><<set $gold -= 30>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.7)>>
<<if $gold gte 40>><<set $gold -= 40>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.6)>>
<<if $gold gte 50>><<set $gold -= 50>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.5)>>
<<if $gold gte 60>><<set $gold -= 60>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.4)>>
<<if $gold gte 70>><<set $gold -= 70>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.3)>>
<<if $gold gte 80>><<set $gold -= 80>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.2)>>
<<if $gold gte 90>><<set $gold -= 90>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth gte ($maxhealth*0.1)>>
<<if $gold gte 100>><<set $gold -= 100>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $currenthealth lte ($maxhealth*0.1)>>
<<if $gold gte 120>><<set $gold -= 120>>
You approach a skilled healer, their eyes gleaming with a hint of malevolence. They offer to treat your injuries using the sacred healing techniques of the Abyss Sect. With a wave of their hand, your wounds begin to mend, and the pain subsides.
<img src="images/Locations/Healing.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
With not enough spirit stones, you're chased out of infirmary!
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late! <<link "Go back" "Dorms">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 0 and $time neq "Night">>
<img src="images/Locations/market.webp" class=center width="90%">
<i>The Market of the Abyss Sect is a bustling hub of activity, where disciples and merchants gather to trade various goods and services. Stalls and shops line the streets, selling everything from rare artifacts and cultivation resources to dark talismans and mystic charms. The market is a cacophony of voices, the aroma of exotic spices, and colorful banners fluttering in the wind.</i>
<table class="stat-table">
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<link "Walk around the market" "walkAround">> <</link>>
<<link "Buy/Sell Items" "Merchant1">> <</link>>
<<link "Explore Stalls" "exploreStalls">> <</link>>
<<if $bar_event eq 0>> <<else>> <<link "Bar" "evilBar">> <</link>> <</if>>
<<if $evilBrothel is "unfinished">> <<else>> <<link "Brothel" "evilBrothel">><</link>><</if>>
<</if>><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/library.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<i>The Library of the Abyss Sect is a vast repository of ancient tomes, scrolls, and forbidden texts. Dimly lit by mystical lanterns, the shelves are lined with volumes that hold the accumulated knowledge of generations. Dust-covered manuscripts and rare grimoires reveal profound cultivation techniques, hidden realms, and dark secrets that can unravel the fabric of reality.</i>
[[Read books->Library][$p=1]]
<<link " Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/book.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<set $random=random(1,11)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<b>Title: The Primordial Tome of Celestial Genesis</b>
Transcribed from the Ancient Scrolls of Enlightenment
Within the hallowed sanctum of the sect's vast library lies a tome of profound wisdom known as the Primordial Tome of Celestial Genesis. Its pages, adorned with cryptic symbols and illuminated with ethereal inks, hold the secrets of world creation, shrouded in an aura of mystique and wonder.
<b>Chapter I: The Cosmic Convergence</b>
In epochs beyond mortal reckoning, when the cosmos were but seeds adrift in the celestial void, there existed a Cosmic Convergence—an ethereal dance of cosmic energies. In this primordial ballet, the foundations of existence were laid, and the tapestry of reality began to take form.
<b>Chapter II: The Sages of Aetherius</b>
Worlds do not simply emerge from the ether but are forged by the Sages of Aetherius. These celestial beings, luminous and eternal, wield the essence of creation, crafting realms from the raw fabric of the multiverse, guided by their boundless wisdom.
<b>Chapter III: The Essence of Chi</b>
To breathe life into a nascent world, one must harness the Essence of Chi—a symphony of vital forces, including the Elemental Qi, the Spirit Essence, the Harmonic Balance, and the Cosmic Breath. These are the quintessential elements that shall breathe existence into the void.
<b>Chapter IV: The Harmony of Creation</b>
Creation, as perceived by the enlightened, is a harmonious endeavor—a symphony of cosmic forces, a ballet of energies, and a melody of balance. It is the unity of life and death, of light and shadow, of order and chaos that gives rise to the sublime.
<b>Chapter V: The Astra Cradle</b>
The Astra Cradle, a relic of divine origin, is the cosmic womb wherein worlds gestate. Its radiance bestows sentience upon the soil, breath upon the winds, and spirit upon the denizens. It is a sacred vessel that nurtures worlds with boundless potential.
<b>Chapter VI: The Celestial Scriptorium</b>
The worlds born of celestial craft are realms of wonder and awe, where celestial beasts roam, and miracles manifest. It is a testament to the Sages' artistry, a canvas painted with the brushstrokes of divine intent, where mortal souls find purpose.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<b>The Legend of the Celestial Forge</b>
In the distant past, when the world was young and untamed, there lived a reclusive and enigmatic figure known as Master Qian. Master Qian was a hermit, dwelling atop the soaring peaks of Mount Serenity, where the air was thin, and the heavens seemed within reach.
Legend has it that Master Qian possessed the Celestial Forge, a divine artifact said to have been gifted to him by the gods themselves. With the Celestial Forge, he could shape the very elements, turning mundane rocks into precious gems, and ordinary plants into life-giving elixirs.
Word of Master Qian's power spread throughout the land, drawing disciples from every corner. Under his tutelage, they learned to harness the energy of the cosmos, to forge weapons of unparalleled might, and to brew potions that could heal the gravest of wounds.
But power has a price, and the Celestial Forge exacted its toll. One by one, Master Qian's disciples were consumed by their own ambitions. They turned on their master, seeking to claim the forge's power for themselves. In a cataclysmic battle that shook the very foundations of the world, the Celestial Forge was shattered into a thousand pieces, its fragments scattered to the winds.
Master Qian, broken-hearted and disillusioned, vanished from the mortal realm, leaving behind only his teachings and a world forever changed by his presence.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<b>The Tale of the Eternal Phoenix</b>
In the time before time, when the cosmos itself was but a flicker in the void, there existed a celestial beast of unparalleled beauty and power: the Eternal Phoenix. This majestic creature was said to be the embodiment of the universe's most profound mysteries.
The Eternal Phoenix's feathers shimmered with colors unseen by mortal eyes, and its song could pierce the heavens themselves. It was said that a single feather from the Phoenix could grant immortality, and its tears could heal any ailment.
Legends spoke of those who sought the Phoenix, traveling to the ends of the earth in search of its elusive roost. Many perished in their quest, for the Phoenix was not easily found. It would only reveal itself to those whose hearts were pure and whose intentions were just.
One fateful day, a humble and kind-hearted monk named Xuanzang embarked on a journey to find the Eternal Phoenix. He walked for years, facing trials and temptations that would have shattered a lesser soul. But Xuanzang's heart remained true, and his spirit unwavering.
After a lifetime of searching, Xuanzang finally encountered the Eternal Phoenix atop a towering mountain. The Phoenix, recognizing the purity of his heart, plucked a single feather and handed it to him. With this gift, Xuanzang returned to the mortal world, bringing with him the hope of eternal life and the promise of boundless healing.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<b>The Curse of the Blood Moon Sect</b>
Long ago, in the shadowy depths of the Blood Moon Valley, there thrived a sect of dark and malevolent cultivators known as the Blood Moon Sect. They were practitioners of forbidden arts, delving into the darkest realms of necromancy and blood magic.
At the heart of the Blood Moon Sect's power was their dreaded leader, the Crimson Emperor. He was said to have made a pact with an ancient and malevolent entity that bestowed upon him unparalleled strength and immortality. In return, the Crimson Emperor and his followers conducted gruesome rituals, sacrificing the lives of innocent villagers to sate their dark patron's insatiable hunger.
The valley itself was cursed, the skies perpetually shrouded in crimson clouds that blotted out the sun. The land withered, and grotesque, twisted creatures roamed the desolate landscape. Those who ventured too close to the valley's edge were never seen again.
But the most gruesome of the Blood Moon Sect's practices was their Blood Harvest Festival, held during the eclipse of the blood moon. On this night, the sect would descend upon nearby villages, their eyes aglow with malevolence. They would capture villagers, draining their blood in twisted ceremonies that defied the natural order.
The captured souls were said to be trapped forever in a nightmarish limbo, their agonized wails echoing through the valley. It was believed that the Crimson Emperor used this captured energy to prolong his own cursed existence.
The reign of terror persisted for decades, as the Blood Moon Sect's power seemed insurmountable. But legends tell of a courageous group of cultivators who, fueled by desperation and righteous fury, launched a daring assault on the sect's stronghold during a particularly ominous eclipse.
A fierce battle ensued, with spells of unimaginable power clashing in the blood-red darkness. In the end, the Crimson Emperor was defeated, his malevolent entity banished from the mortal realm. The valley's curse was lifted, and the skies cleared.
Yet, the scars of the Blood Moon Sect's atrocities would forever haunt the land. The valley, once fertile and green, remained a desolate wasteland, and the memory of the Blood Harvest Festival would forever linger as a chilling reminder of the depths to which dark cultivators could sink.
This gruesome tale serves as a cautionary tale in your game, a grim reminder of the consequences of delving too deeply into forbidden arts and the darkness that can consume those who tread that treacherous path.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/ero.jpg" class=center width=550>
As you peruse the aisles, your eyes are drawn to a book that seems out of place, its ancient binding adorned with intricate designs and faded gold leaf.
Curiosity piques within you, and you delicately pull the book from its shelf, feeling the weight of history in your hands. The title, barely legible, hints at the forbidden and sensual nature of its contents. It is an ancient erotic book, a relic of a bygone era when such explicit tales were revered as works of art.
With caution and anticipation, you open the book, revealing pages filled with delicate calligraphy and vivid illustrations. The scenes depicted within are a tapestry of passion and desire, capturing intimate encounters
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 6>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/ero1.jpg" class=center width=550>
As you peruse the aisles, your eyes are drawn to a book that seems out of place, its ancient binding adorned with intricate designs and faded gold leaf.
Curiosity piques within you, and you delicately pull the book from its shelf, feeling the weight of history in your hands. The title, barely legible, hints at the forbidden and sensual nature of its contents. It is an ancient erotic book, a relic of a bygone era when such explicit tales were revered as works of art.
With caution and anticipation, you open the book, revealing pages filled with delicate calligraphy and vivid illustrations. The scenes depicted within are a tapestry of passion and desire, capturing intimate encounters
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 7>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/ero2.jpg" class=center width=550>
The pages reveal illustrations of a woman engaged in an explicit act involving tentacles. The intricate drawings capture both the sensuality and the fantastical nature of this encounter.
The woman depicted possesses an alluring beauty, her body adorned with curves that invite exploration. Her skin glistens with a sheen of arousal, her eyes filled with a mix of desire and anticipation. Surrounding her are long, sinuous tentacles, their appendages writhing with a mixture of strength and tenderness.
The tentacles, depicted with a blend of realism and fantasy, intertwine with the woman's body, teasing and caressing her in explicit ways. With each stroke and coil, pleasure courses through her, her gasps and moans of ecstasy echoing through the pages of the book.
The illustrations capture the explicit details of this encounter, showcasing the woman's surrender to the tentacles that explore every inch of her body. The scenes are a blend of passion and otherworldly desire, transcending the boundaries of conventional pleasure.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 8>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/librarygay.gif" class=center width=550>
As you immerse yourself in the library, surrounded by the vast collection of knowledge, you notice a male cultivator seated at a secluded corner. His robes are partially undone, revealing his bare chest and the bulge in his pants. He is lost in his own world of desire, his hand rhythmically moving up and down his hardened shaft.
The sound of his breath quickens, mingling with the occasional gasp of pleasure. His eyes are fixated on an unseen point, his gaze distant yet focused.
<<link "Go help him">><<replace "#sex">>
<<set $random=random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
You move closer, your presence a surprise to him.
With a mischievous smile, you offer a helping hand, your fingers gently wrapping around his throbbing shaft. The warmth of your touch sends shivers of pleasure coursing through his body as you match the rhythm of his movements, adding an extra layer of pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhand.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<set $libhead=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libhead eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead1.webp" class=center width=550>\
<<elseif $libhead eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead4.webp" class=center width=550>
Sensing his desire and need for more, you decide to offer him an explicit act of pleasure.
With a seductive smile, you drop to your knees in front of him, your eyes locked with his. The anticipation in the air is palpable as you take his throbbing shaft into your mouth, your lips wrapping tightly around him. You use your tongue to explore every inch, teasing and engulfing him in a world of intense pleasure.
As you continue to pleasure him with your mouth, your movements become a rhythm of passion and desire. The sounds of his moans echo through the library, mingling with the muffled wet sounds as you devour him. Your hands roam his body, adding an extra layer of sensation to his experience.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<set $libsex=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libsex eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex4.webp" class=center width=550>
Without a word, you close the distance between you, fixated on his pulsating cock. Your hand reaches out, wrapping around his shaft, feeling its heat and hardness in your grasp. Your touch is firm, yet teasing, tracing the veins that throb beneath the surface.
Driven by an insatiable hunger, you guide him to a concealed alcove, away from prying eyes. The anticipation hangs heavy in the air, electrifying your senses. With an eager desire, you part your legs, offering him an invitation to explore the depths of your dripping cunt.
As he positions himself at your entrance, anticipation and desire intertwine, heightening the tension between you. With a forceful thrust, his rigid penis plunges deep into your wet and hungry cunt. The sensation of his girth stretching you, filling you completely, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Leave">><<replace "#sex">>
You leave him on his own.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 9>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/librarygay.gif" class=center width=550>
As you immerse yourself in the library, surrounded by the vast collection of knowledge, you notice a male cultivator seated at a secluded corner. His robes are partially undone, revealing his bare chest and the bulge in his pants. He is lost in his own world of desire, his hand rhythmically moving up and down his hardened shaft.
The sound of his breath quickens, mingling with the occasional gasp of pleasure. His eyes are fixated on an unseen point, his gaze distant yet focused.
<<link "Go help him">><<replace "#sex">>
<<set $random=random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
You move closer, your presence a surprise to him.
With a mischievous smile, you offer a helping hand, your fingers gently wrapping around his throbbing shaft. The warmth of your touch sends shivers of pleasure coursing through his body as you match the rhythm of his movements, adding an extra layer of pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhand.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<set $libhead=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libhead eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead1.webp" class=center width=550>\
<<elseif $libhead eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead4.webp" class=center width=550>
Sensing his desire and need for more, you decide to offer him an explicit act of pleasure.
With a seductive smile, you drop to your knees in front of him, your eyes locked with his. The anticipation in the air is palpable as you take his throbbing shaft into your mouth, your lips wrapping tightly around him. You use your tongue to explore every inch, teasing and engulfing him in a world of intense pleasure.
As you continue to pleasure him with your mouth, your movements become a rhythm of passion and desire. The sounds of his moans echo through the library, mingling with the muffled wet sounds as you devour him. Your hands roam his body, adding an extra layer of sensation to his experience.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<set $libsex=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libsex eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex4.webp" class=center width=550>
Without a word, you close the distance between you, fixated on his pulsating cock. Your hand reaches out, wrapping around his shaft, feeling its heat and hardness in your grasp. Your touch is firm, yet teasing, tracing the veins that throb beneath the surface.
Driven by an insatiable hunger, you guide him to a concealed alcove, away from prying eyes. The anticipation hangs heavy in the air, electrifying your senses. With an eager desire, you part your legs, offering him an invitation to explore the depths of your dripping cunt.
As he positions himself at your entrance, anticipation and desire intertwine, heightening the tension between you. With a forceful thrust, his rigid penis plunges deep into your wet and hungry cunt. The sensation of his girth stretching you, filling you completely, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Leave">><<replace "#sex">>
You leave him on his own.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 11>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/librarygay.gif" class=center width=550>
As you immerse yourself in the library, surrounded by the vast collection of knowledge, you notice a male cultivator seated at a secluded corner. His robes are partially undone, revealing his bare chest and the bulge in his pants. He is lost in his own world of desire, his hand rhythmically moving up and down his hardened shaft.
The sound of his breath quickens, mingling with the occasional gasp of pleasure. His eyes are fixated on an unseen point, his gaze distant yet focused.
<<link "Go help him">><<replace "#sex">>
<<set $random=random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
You move closer, your presence a surprise to him.
With a mischievous smile, you offer a helping hand, your fingers gently wrapping around his throbbing shaft. The warmth of your touch sends shivers of pleasure coursing through his body as you match the rhythm of his movements, adding an extra layer of pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhand.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<set $libhead=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libhead eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead1.webp" class=center width=550>\
<<elseif $libhead eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead4.webp" class=center width=550>
Sensing his desire and need for more, you decide to offer him an explicit act of pleasure.
With a seductive smile, you drop to your knees in front of him, your eyes locked with his. The anticipation in the air is palpable as you take his throbbing shaft into your mouth, your lips wrapping tightly around him. You use your tongue to explore every inch, teasing and engulfing him in a world of intense pleasure.
As you continue to pleasure him with your mouth, your movements become a rhythm of passion and desire. The sounds of his moans echo through the library, mingling with the muffled wet sounds as you devour him. Your hands roam his body, adding an extra layer of sensation to his experience.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<set $libsex=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libsex eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex4.webp" class=center width=550>
Without a word, you close the distance between you, fixated on his pulsating cock. Your hand reaches out, wrapping around his shaft, feeling its heat and hardness in your grasp. Your touch is firm, yet teasing, tracing the veins that throb beneath the surface.
Driven by an insatiable hunger, you guide him to a concealed alcove, away from prying eyes. The anticipation hangs heavy in the air, electrifying your senses. With an eager desire, you part your legs, offering him an invitation to explore the depths of your dripping cunt.
As he positions himself at your entrance, anticipation and desire intertwine, heightening the tension between you. With a forceful thrust, his rigid penis plunges deep into your wet and hungry cunt. The sensation of his girth stretching you, filling you completely, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Leave">><<replace "#sex">>
You leave him on his own.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 10>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/librarygay.gif" class=center width=550>
As you immerse yourself in the library, surrounded by the vast collection of knowledge, you notice a male cultivator seated at a secluded corner. His robes are partially undone, revealing his bare chest and the bulge in his pants. He is lost in his own world of desire, his hand rhythmically moving up and down his hardened shaft.
The sound of his breath quickens, mingling with the occasional gasp of pleasure. His eyes are fixated on an unseen point, his gaze distant yet focused.
<<link "Go help him">><<replace "#sex">>
<<set $random=random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
You move closer, your presence a surprise to him.
With a mischievous smile, you offer a helping hand, your fingers gently wrapping around his throbbing shaft. The warmth of your touch sends shivers of pleasure coursing through his body as you match the rhythm of his movements, adding an extra layer of pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhand.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<set $libhead=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libhead eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead1.webp" class=center width=550>\
<<elseif $libhead eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libhead eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libhead4.webp" class=center width=550>
Sensing his desire and need for more, you decide to offer him an explicit act of pleasure.
With a seductive smile, you drop to your knees in front of him, your eyes locked with his. The anticipation in the air is palpable as you take his throbbing shaft into your mouth, your lips wrapping tightly around him. You use your tongue to explore every inch, teasing and engulfing him in a world of intense pleasure.
As you continue to pleasure him with your mouth, your movements become a rhythm of passion and desire. The sounds of his moans echo through the library, mingling with the muffled wet sounds as you devour him. Your hands roam his body, adding an extra layer of sensation to his experience.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<set $libsex=random(1,5)>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $libsex eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $libsex eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/libsex4.webp" class=center width=550>
Without a word, you close the distance between you, fixated on his pulsating cock. Your hand reaches out, wrapping around his shaft, feeling its heat and hardness in your grasp. Your touch is firm, yet teasing, tracing the veins that throb beneath the surface.
Driven by an insatiable hunger, you guide him to a concealed alcove, away from prying eyes. The anticipation hangs heavy in the air, electrifying your senses. With an eager desire, you part your legs, offering him an invitation to explore the depths of your dripping cunt.
As he positions himself at your entrance, anticipation and desire intertwine, heightening the tension between you. With a forceful thrust, his rigid penis plunges deep into your wet and hungry cunt. The sensation of his girth stretching you, filling you completely, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Leave">><<replace "#sex">>
You leave him on his own.
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<</if>><img src="images/Locations/traininggrounds.jpg" class=center width=500>
<i>The Training Grounds of the Abyss Sect are a vast expanse of rugged terrain, specially designed for honing martial sqills and cultivating profound cultivation techniques. Thick fog and the echoes of intense combat fill the air, as disciples push their limits and strive for greater power. Ancient stone pillars and training dummies scarred by countless strikes are scattered throughout the grounds, bearing witness to the sect's relentless pursuit of strength.</i>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<link "Martial Arts Practice">>Train in different martial arts techniques, from hand-to-hand combat to weapon proficiency. Improve your agility, strength, and precision in various combat styles.<<goto "Martial Arts Practice">><</link>>
<<link "Qi Cultivation">>Focus on cultivating your inner Qi, harnessing and refining your spiritual energy to enhance your martial arts abilities. Explore different Qi cultivation methods and meditative practices to unlock hidden potential.<<goto "Qi Cultivation">><</link>>
<<link "Sparring Matches">>Engage in friendly sparring matches with fellow disciples or designated trainers. Test your sqills, learn from experienced practitioners, and gain valuable combat experience.<<goto "Sparring Matches">><</link>>
<<link " Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>> </td>
</table><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/mainhall.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<i>The Main Hall is the heart of the Abyss Sect, a grand and imposing structure that exudes an aura of power. Decorated with intricate dark patterns and adorned with sinister symbols, the Main Hall serves as a gathering place for the sect's leaders and disciples. Dimly lit by flickering torches, the hall echoes with the whispers of dark secrets and hidden agendas.</i>
<<link "Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<link "Mission board" "Main Hall">> <<set $p = 1>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<<link "Go back" "Main Hall">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<img src="images/Locations/questboard.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<table class="stat-table">\
<th>Repeatable Missions</th>
<b>Monster Hunt</b><<link "Review" "Mission Board">> <<set $evilQuests = 1>><</link>>
<b>Traitor assassination</b><<link "Review" "Mission Board">> <<set $evilQuests = 2>><</link>>
<<if $evilQuest2 eq 0>>💀<<elseif $evilQuest2 eq 1>>💀<<elseif $evilQuest2 eq 2>>💀💀<</if>>
<b>Monster hunt</b>><<link "Review" "Repeatable">><<set $p = 0>>
<</if>><img src="images/Locations/room.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<i>The Dorms within the Abyss Sect serve as a sanctuary for disciples, providing them with a place to rest, rejuvenate, and further their cultivation. It is a serene and harmonious environment, with individual rooms for disciples to reside in. </i>
<table class="stat-table">\
<th>Dorm Areas</th>\
<<link "Access your Armory">> <<goto "Armory">> <</link>>
<<link "Access your Weapon Vault">> <<goto "Weapon Vault">> <</link>>
<<link "Access your Item Chest">> <<goto "Item Chest">> <</link>>
<<link "Look into your mirror">> <<goto "Mirror">> <</link>>
<<link "Check on your subordinates" "subordinatesCheck">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Night">><i>It's too late to go outside</i><<else>><<link "Go outside">> <<goto "Evil Sect">> <</link>> <</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><i>It's too early to go to bed</i><<else>><<link "Go to bed">> <<goto "Sleep">> <</link>><</if>>
<<set $a = 0>>\
<<set $b = 0>>\
<<set $c = 0>>\
<<set $d = 0>>\
<<set $e = 0>>\
<<set $f = 0>>\
<<set $i = 0>>\
<<set $p = 0>>\
<<set $g = 0>>
<<set $s = 0>>
<<set $z = 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/alchemyworkshop.png" class="center" width="90%">
<i>The Alchemy Workshop is a chamber of mystical herbs, bubbling cauldrons, and potent elixirs. Here, the Abyss Sect's alchemists ply their trade, concocting powerful pills, refining spiritual herbs, and unlocqing the secrets of alchemical transmutations. The air is heavy with the scents of rare ingredients and the murmurs of alchemical formulas, as disciples seek to enhance their cultivation through the art of alchemy.</i>
<<link " Return" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<i>more will come in future</i><<if $p eq 0>>
Train in different martial arts techniques, from hand-to-hand combat to weapon proficiency. Improve your agility, strength, and precision in various combat styles.
You immerse yourself in training.
<table class="stat-table">\
<th>Increase Strength</th>
<th>Increase Agility</th>
<th>Increase Willpower</th>
Current (base) Strength: $basestrength
Cost to increase by 1: <<StrengthCost>>
<<if $strengthcost gt $exp>><i>Not enough experience</i><<else>>[[Increase Strength->Martial Arts Practice][$p = 1]]<</if>>
Current (base) Agility: $baseagility
Cost to increase by 1: <<AgilityCost>>
<<if $agilitycost gt $exp>><i>Not enough experience</i><<else>>[[Increase Agility->Martial Arts Practice][$p = 2]]<</if>>
Current (base) Willpower: $basewillpower
Cost to increase by 1: <<WillpowerCost>>
<<if $willpowercost gt $exp>><i>Not enough experience</i><<else>>[[Increase Willpower->Martial Arts Practice][$p = 3]]<</if>>
<<link "Return" "Training Grounds">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>Your efforts has paid off with strenght increase!
<i><b>Strength</b> increased by 1!</i>
[[Return->Martial Arts Practice][$p = 0]]
<<set $basestrength += 1>>
<<set $exp -= $strengthcost>>
<<set $timesincreasedstrength += 1>>
<<elseif $p eq 2>> Your efforts has paid off with increased agility! None will match your speed, skill, and grace!
<i><b>Agility</b> increased by 1!</i>
[[Return->Martial Arts Practice][$p = 0]]
<<set $baseagility += 1>>
<<set $exp -= $agilitycost>>
<<set $timesincreasedagility += 1>>
<<elseif $p eq 3>> Your efforts has paid off with increased willpower! You will endure any trial, any tribulation - none will see you bested!
<i><b>Willpower</b> increased by 1!</i>
[[Return->Martial Arts Practice][$p = 0]]
<<set $basewillpower += 1>>
<<set $exp -= $willpowercost>>
<<set $timesincreasedwillpower += 1>>
<<link "Go back" "Training Grounds">><<set $p to 0>><</link>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/cultivation.jpg" class=center width=500>
Focus on cultivating your inner Qi, harnessing and refining your spiritual energy to enhance your martial arts abilities. Explore different Qi cultivation methods and meditative practices to unlock hidden potential.
<<if $abilitytotal gte $abilitymax>><i>You can only know up to $abilitymax abilities at one time.</i><<else>>\
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $evilabilityinventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:75%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $evilabilityinventory[_i].name>></b>
Exp Cost: <<print $evilabilityinventory[_i].exp>>
Qi Cost: <<print $evilabilityinventory[_i].qi>>
Description: <<print $evilabilityinventory[_i].description>>
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $exp gte $evilabilityinventory[_i].exp>><<link "Gain Ability" "Qi Cultivation">> \
<<set $abilityinventory.push($evilabilityinventory[_i])>>\
<<set $abilityname = $evilabilityinventory[_i].name>>\
<<set $abilitywidgetname = $evilabilityinventory[_i].widgetname>>\
<<set $abilitycost = $evilabilityinventory[_i].exp>>\
<<set $evilabilityinventory.delete($evilabilityinventory[_i])>>\
<<set $p = 4>>\
<</link>><<else>><i>Not enough experience</i><</if>>
<td><<AbilityImage $evilabilityinventory[_i].widgetname 200>><</AbilityImage>> </td>\
[[Empower abilities->Qi Cultivation][$p=15]]
<<elseif $p eq 4>><b>You</b> succeed.
<<AbilityImage $abilitywidgetname 400>><</AbilityImage>>
<i>You can now use <b>$abilityname</b> in battle!</i>
[[Return->Qi Cultivation][$p = 0]]
<<set $abilitytotal += 1>>\
<<set $exp -= $abilitycost>>\
<<elseif $p eq 15>>\
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $abilityinventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:75%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $abilityinventory[_i].name>></b>
Current Ability Level: <<print $abilityinventory[_i].level>>
Empowerment Exp Cost: <<print $abilityinventory[_i].levelexp>>
Empowerment Description: <<print $abilityinventory[_i].leveldescription>>
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $exp gte $abilityinventory[_i].levelexp>><<link "Empower Ability" "Qi Cultivation">> \
<<set $abilityname = $abilityinventory[_i].name>>\
<<set $abilitycost = $abilityinventory[_i].levelexp>>\
<<set $abilityinventory[_i].levelexp = $abilityinventory[_i].levelexp*2>>\
<<set $abilitywidgetname = $abilityinventory[_i].widgetname>>\
<<set $abilityinventory[_i].qi += $abilityinventory[_i].levelqi>>\
<<if $abilityinventory[_i].qi lt 5>> <<set $abilityinventory[_i].qi = 5>> <</if>>\
<<set $abilityinventory[_i].level += 1>>\
<<set $p = 20>>\
<</link>><<else>><i>Not enough experience</i><</if>>
<td><<AbilityImage $abilityinventory[_i].widgetname 200>><</AbilityImage>> </td>\
[[Return->Training Grounds][$p=0]]
<<elseif $p eq 20>>\
Your efforts paid off!
<<AbilityImage $abilitywidgetname 400>><</AbilityImage>>
<i><b>$abilityname</b> is now more powerful in battle!</i>
<</if>><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/sparringarena.jpg" class=center width="90%">
Engage in intense sparring matches with fellow disciples or designated trainers, pushing your sqills to the limit. Test your combat prowess, learn from experienced practitioners, and gain valuable combat experience in a controlled environment. While the matches are intended to be friendly, the intensity can escalate, and the boundaries between friendly competition and lethal combat may blur. Be prepared to face the unexpected and prove your mettle in the heat of battle.
Be aware, that opponent can take your body as winning prize, however you could do the same.
<<link "Return" "Training Grounds">> <</link>>
<<link "Start sparring" "Sparring Matches">>
<<set $p to either(1, 2, 3)>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
You are preparing to fight!
<img src="images/Character/liming.jpg" width=550>
<<HeroTalk "You are not worthy of my attention.">>
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "sparringBattle">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $p = 10>> <</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
You won with the $enemyname!
What do you want to do with opponent?
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel satisfaction from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
<span class="player"> I feel arousal increasing in my body after exhausting sparring. I could have some pleasure, right? </span>
Do you want to take enemy body?
<<link "Yes" "violateEnemy">><<set $p = 1>><</link>>
<<link "No" "Training Grounds">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $exp += $enemyexp>>\
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
You are preparing to fight!
<img src="images/Character/weijin.jpg" width=550>
<<HeroTalk "I'm ready you !">>
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "sparringBattle">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $p = 10>> <</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
You won with the $enemyname!
What do you want to do with opponent?
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel satisfaction from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
<<link "Leave them">> <<goto "Training Grounds">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<link "Have your way with them">> <<goto "violateEnemy">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $exp += $enemyexp>>\
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
You are preparing to fight!
<img src="images/Character/wangyue.jpg" width=550>
<<HeroTalk "I'm ready you !">>
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "sparringBattle">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $p = 10>> <</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
You won with the $enemyname!
What do you want to do with opponent?
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel satisfaction from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
<<link "Leave them">> <<goto "Training Grounds">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<link "Have your way with them">> <<goto "violateEnemy">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $exp += $enemyexp>>\
<</if>><<if $p eq 10>>
You are fighting $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<i><<ItemAbilityRun>><<if ($battlecount eq 0) and ($setbonus gte 1)>><<SetBonus>><</if>></i>
<<if $stun lte 0>> <<set $action = "notstun">> <</if>>\
<<if $stun gte 1>><<set $action = "stun">><<set $stun -= 1>>You are stunned, and cannot take action! <<else>>\
<b>General Actions</b>:
<<link "Attack" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "attack">><</link>>
<<if $flee eq 1>><<link "Flee" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "flee">><</link>><<else>><i>You cannot flee from this battle!</i><</if>>
<<link "Do nothing!" $passage>> <<set $p = 12>> <</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $abilityinventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $abilityinventory[_i].name>> (qi cost: $abilityinventory[_i].qi )\
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $currentqi lt $abilityinventory[_i].qi>><i>Not enough qi</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "ability">> <<set $ability = $abilityinventory[_i].widgetname>> <<set $abilityqi = $abilityinventory[_i].qi>> <<set $abilitylevel = $abilityinventory[_i].level>> <</link>> <</if>>
<b>Items ($potioncount / 10)</b>:
<<if $potioncount gte 10>><i>You can only drink up to 10 potions in a single battle!</i><<else>><<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $iteminventory[_i].name>> (Quantity: <<print $iteminventory[_i].quantity>>) \
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $iteminventory[_i].quantity lte 0>> <i>None left</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $p = 11>> <<set $action = "item">> <<set $item = $iteminventory[_i].name>>
<<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity -= 1>>\
<<set $itemstrength = $iteminventory[_i].strength>>\
<<set $itemagility = $iteminventory[_i].agility>>\
<<set $itemwillpower = $iteminventory[_i].willpower>>\
<<set $itemarmor = $iteminventory[_i].armor>>\
<<set $itemhealth = $iteminventory[_i].health>>\
<<set $itemqi = $iteminventory[_i].qi>>\
<<set $itemevadescore = $iteminventory[_i].evadescore>>\
<<set $potioncount += 1>>\
<<if $action eq "stun">> <<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<set $battlecount += 1>>\
<<elseif $p eq 11>>
You are fighting a $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $action eq "attack">>You attempt to hit the $enemyname with your $weapon!
<<if $action eq "attack success">>You deal damage to the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "flee">>You attempt to flee from the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "ability">><<Ability $ability>><</Ability>><</if>>
<<if $action eq "item">>You used your $item!
<<ItemImage $item 150>><</ItemImage>>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "You secured your position! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<elseif $enemyactiveability gte 10>><<link "The enemy surrenders! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<elseif $action eq "flee success">><<link "You escape!" $passage>><<set $p = 19>><</link>><<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 12>>
You are fighting a $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack">>The $enemyname attacks you!
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack success">>The $enemyname deals damage to you!
<<if ($enemyaction neq "stun") and ($enemyaction neq "attack") and ($enemyaction neq "attack success") and ($enemyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<EnemyAbility $enemyaction>><</EnemyAbility>>
<<if $currenthealth lte 0>><<link "You are defeated...">><<goto "enemyWon">><<set $p = 0>><</link>><<else>><<link "Player turn" $passage>><<set $p = 10>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 19>>
You flee from the $enemyname - better to bandage your wounds and do battle another day than foolishly fight to the death.
You couldn't run from them.
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $goldloss = $enemymaxgold>> \
<<set $gold -= $goldloss>> \
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
This page should not come up, as you should be out of the $passage passage and into the $returnpassage passage.
<</if>>\<<widget "sparring">>
<<set $enemyname = "Li Ming">>
<<set $enemymaxhealth = 60>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = 60>>
<<set $enemystrength = 5>>
<<set $enemyagility = 5>>
<<set $enemywillpower = 10>>
<<set $enemybaseevade = 10>>
<<set $enemyevadescore = $enemyagility + $enemybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyarmor = 7>>
<<set $enemymindamage = 4>>
<<set $enemymaxdamage = 10>>
<<set $enemymingold = 25>>
<<set $enemymaxgold = 40>>
<<set $enemyminexp = 55>>
<<set $enemymaxexp = 70>>
<<set $enemyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyimage = "liming">>
<<set $enemyability = []>>
<<set $enemyability.push("attack", "BladeSlash")>>
<<set $enemystunlimit = 6>>
<<widget "banditboss">>
<<set $enemyname = "Bandit Boss">>
<<set $enemymaxhealth = 70>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = 70>>
<<set $enemystrength = 7>>
<<set $enemyagility = 6>>
<<set $enemywillpower = 6>>
<<set $enemybaseevade = 6>>
<<set $enemyevadescore = $enemyagility + $enemybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyarmor = 4>>
<<set $enemymindamage = 4>>
<<set $enemymaxdamage = 10>>
<<set $enemymingold = 25>>
<<set $enemymaxgold = 40>>
<<set $enemyminexp = 55>>
<<set $enemymaxexp = 70>>
<<set $enemyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyimage = "banditboss">>
<<set $enemyability = []>>
<<set $enemyability.push("attack")>>
<<set $enemystunlimit = 6>>
<<widget "sparring1">>
<<set $enemyname = "Wei Jin">>
<<set $enemymaxhealth = 80>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = 80>>
<<set $enemystrength = 7>>
<<set $enemyagility = 8>>
<<set $enemywillpower = 10>>
<<set $enemybaseevade = 10>>
<<set $enemyevadescore = $enemyagility + $enemybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyarmor = 7>>
<<set $enemymindamage = 6>>
<<set $enemymaxdamage = 12>>
<<set $enemymingold = 25>>
<<set $enemymaxgold = 40>>
<<set $enemyminexp = 65>>
<<set $enemymaxexp = 80>>
<<set $enemyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyimage = "weijin">>
<<set $enemyability = []>>
<<set $enemyability.push("attack", "BladeSlash")>>
<<set $enemystunlimit = 6>>
<<widget "sparring2">>
<<set $enemyname = "Wang Yue">>
<<set $enemymaxhealth = 90>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = 90>>
<<set $enemystrength = 8>>
<<set $enemyagility = 9>>
<<set $enemywillpower = 10>>
<<set $enemybaseevade = 10>>
<<set $enemyevadescore = $enemyagility + $enemybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyarmor = 7>>
<<set $enemymindamage = 8>>
<<set $enemymaxdamage = 16>>
<<set $enemymingold = 25>>
<<set $enemymaxgold = 40>>
<<set $enemyminexp = 75>>
<<set $enemymaxexp = 90>>
<<set $enemyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyimage = "wangyue">>
<<set $enemyability = []>>
<<set $enemyability.push("attack", "BladeSlash")>>
<<set $enemystunlimit = 6>>
<<widget "GuardStats">>
<<set $enemyname = "Azure Haven's Guard">>
<<set $enemymaxhealth = 60>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = 60>>
<<set $enemystrength = 6>>
<<set $enemyagility = 6>>
<<set $enemywillpower = 6>>
<<set $enemybaseevade = 35>>
<<set $enemyevadescore = $enemyagility + $enemybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyarmor = 2>>
<<set $enemymindamage = 6>>
<<set $enemymaxdamage = 9>>
<<set $enemymingold = 23>>
<<set $enemymaxgold = 47>>
<<set $enemyminexp = 21>>
<<set $enemymaxexp = 32>>
<<set $enemyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyimage = "guard1">>
<<set $enemyability = []>>
<<set $enemyability.push("attack", "attack", "BladeSlash")>><<set $enemystunlimit = 6>>
<<widget "ThugStats">>
<<set $enemyname = "Thug">>
<<set $enemymaxhealth = 50>>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth = 50>>
<<set $enemystrength = 6>>
<<set $enemyagility = 6>>
<<set $enemywillpower = 6>>
<<set $enemybaseevade = 35>>
<<set $enemyevadescore = $enemyagility + $enemybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyarmor = 2>>
<<set $enemymindamage = 6>>
<<set $enemymaxdamage = 9>>
<<set $enemymingold = 23>>
<<set $enemymaxgold = 47>>
<<set $enemyminexp = 21>>
<<set $enemymaxexp = 32>>
<<set $enemyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyimage = "thug">>
<<set $enemyability = []>>
<<set $enemyability.push("attack", "attack", "BladeSlash")>><<set $enemystunlimit = 6>>
<<widget "BladeSlash">>\
$enemyname executes a swift and precise slash with his sword!
<<EnemyAbilityImage $enemyaction 250>><</EnemyAbilityImage>>
<<set $abilityvalue = $enemystrength + $enemyagility>>\
<<set $abilityvalue = Math.round($abilityvalue)>>\
<<set $currenthealth -= $abilityvalue>>\
You take $abilityvalue damage!
<<if $a neq 0>>
<<set $head = $currentweapon.name>>
<<set $headstrength = $currentweapon.strength>>
<<set $headagility = $currentweapon.agility>>
<<set $headwillpower = $currentweapon.willpower>>
<<set $headarmor = $currentweapon.armor>>
<<set $headability = $currentweapon.ability>>
<<if $b neq 0>>
<<set $chest = $currentweapon.name>>
<<set $cheststrength = $currentweapon.strength>>
<<set $chestagility = $currentweapon.agility>>
<<set $chestwillpower = $currentweapon.willpower>>
<<set $chestarmor = $currentweapon.armor>>
<<set $chestability = $currentweapon.ability>>
<<if $c neq 0>>
<<set $hands = $currentweapon.name>>
<<set $handsstrength = $currentweapon.strength>>
<<set $handsagility = $currentweapon.agility>>
<<set $handswillpower = $currentweapon.willpower>>
<<set $handsarmor = $currentweapon.armor>>
<<set $handsability = $currentweapon.ability>>
<<if $d neq 0>>
<<set $legs = $currentweapon.name>>
<<set $legsstrength = $currentweapon.strength>>
<<set $legsagility = $currentweapon.agility>>
<<set $legswillpower = $currentweapon.willpower>>
<<set $legsarmor = $currentweapon.armor>>
<<set $legsability = $currentweapon.ability>>
<<if $e neq 0>>
<<set $feet = $currentweapon.name>>
<<set $feetstrength = $currentweapon.strength>>
<<set $feetagility = $currentweapon.agility>>
<<set $feetwillpower = $currentweapon.willpower>>
<<set $feetarmor = $currentweapon.armor>>
<<set $feetability = $currentweapon.ability>>
You are in your Armory. Here, you can equip new armor you buy or recieve.
<<if $f eq 0>><img src="Images/Locations/armory1.jpg" width=500 /><</if>><<if $a neq 0>>You equip your $head. <<set $a = 0>><</if>><<if $b neq 0>>You equip your $chest. <<set $b = 0>> <</if>><<if $c neq 0>>You equip your $hands. <<set $c = 0>> <</if>><<if $d neq 0>>You equip your $legs. <<set $d = 0>> <</if>><<if $e neq 0>>You equip your $feet. <<set $e = 0>> <</if>>
<<link "Return">> <<goto "Dorms">> <</link>>
<table class="armory-table">
<th>Chest Pieces</th>
<th>Leg Guards</th>
<<for _a to 0; _a lt $headinventory.length; _a++>>
<<print _a + 1>>. <b><<print $headinventory[_a].name>></b>
<<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $headinventory[_a].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Strength: <<print $headinventory[_a].strength>>
Agility: <<print $headinventory[_a].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $headinventory[_a].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $headinventory[_a].armor>>
<<capture _a>>\
[[Equip->Armory][$currentweapon.name = $headinventory[_a].name, $currentweapon.strength = $headinventory[_a].strength, $currentweapon.agility = $headinventory[_a].agility, $currentweapon.willpower = $headinventory[_a].willpower, $currentweapon.armor = $headinventory[_a].armor, $currentweapon.ability = $headinventory[_a].ability, $currentweapon.description = $headinventory[_a].description, $a = 1, $f = 1]]
<<for _b to 0; _b lt $chestinventory.length; _b++>>
<<print _b + 1>>. <b><<print $chestinventory[_b].name>> </b>
<<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $chestinventory[_b].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Strength: <<print $chestinventory[_b].strength>>
Agility: <<print $chestinventory[_b].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $chestinventory[_b].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $chestinventory[_b].armor>>
<<capture _b>>\
[[Equip->Armory][$currentweapon.name = $chestinventory[_b].name, $currentweapon.strength = $chestinventory[_b].strength, $currentweapon.agility = $chestinventory[_b].agility, $currentweapon.willpower = $chestinventory[_b].willpower, $currentweapon.armor = $chestinventory[_b].armor, $currentweapon.ability = $chestinventory[_b].ability, $currentweapon.description = $chestinventory[_b].description, $b = 1, $f = 1]]
<<for _c to 0; _c lt $handsinventory.length; _c++>>
<<print _c + 1>>. <b><<print $handsinventory[_c].name>></b>
<<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $handsinventory[_c].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Strength: <<print $handsinventory[_c].strength>>
Agility: <<print $handsinventory[_c].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $handsinventory[_c].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $handsinventory[_c].armor>>
<<capture _c>>\
[[Equip->Armory][$currentweapon.name = $handsinventory[_c].name, $currentweapon.strength = $handsinventory[_c].strength, $currentweapon.agility = $handsinventory[_c].agility, $currentweapon.willpower = $handsinventory[_c].willpower, $currentweapon.armor = $handsinventory[_c].armor, $currentweapon.ability = $handsinventory[_c].ability, $currentweapon.description = $handsinventory[_c].description, $c = 1, $f = 1]]
<<for _d to 0; _d lt $legsinventory.length; _d++>>
<<print _d + 1>>. <b><<print $legsinventory[_d].name>> </b>
<<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $legsinventory[_d].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Strength: <<print $legsinventory[_d].strength>>
Agility: <<print $legsinventory[_d].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $legsinventory[_d].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $legsinventory[_d].armor>>
<<capture _d>>\
[[Equip->Armory][$currentweapon.name = $legsinventory[_d].name, $currentweapon.strength = $legsinventory[_d].strength, $currentweapon.agility = $legsinventory[_d].agility, $currentweapon.willpower = $legsinventory[_d].willpower, $currentweapon.armor = $legsinventory[_d].armor, $currentweapon.ability = $legsinventory[_d].ability, $currentweapon.description = $legsinventory[_d].description, $d = 1, $f = 1]]
<<for _e to 0; _e lt $feetinventory.length; _e++>>
<<print _e + 1>>. <b><<print $feetinventory[_e].name>> </b>
<<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $feetinventory[_e].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Strength: <<print $feetinventory[_e].strength>>
Agility: <<print $feetinventory[_e].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $feetinventory[_e].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $feetinventory[_e].armor>>
<<capture _e>>\
[[Equip->Armory][$currentweapon.name = $feetinventory[_e].name, $currentweapon.strength = $feetinventory[_e].strength, $currentweapon.agility = $feetinventory[_e].agility, $currentweapon.willpower = $feetinventory[_e].willpower, $currentweapon.armor = $feetinventory[_e].armor, $currentweapon.ability = $feetinventory[_e].ability, $currentweapon.description = $feetinventory[_e].description, $e = 1, $f = 1]]
<<set $i = 1>>\
<<if $i neq 0>>
<<set $weapon = $currentweapon.name>>
<<set $weaponstrength = $currentweapon.strength>>
<<set $weaponagility = $currentweapon.agility>>
<<set $weaponwillpower = $currentweapon.willpower>>
<<set $weaponarmor = $currentweapon.armor>>
<<set $mindamage = $currentweapon.mindamage>>
<<set $maxdamage = $currentweapon.maxdamage>>
<<set $weaponability = $currentweapon.ability>>
You are in your Weapon Vault. Here, you can equip new weapons you buy or recieve.
<<link "Return" "Dorms">><<set $i = 0>><</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $weaponinventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:80%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $weaponinventory[_i].name>></b>
Strength: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].strength>>
Agility: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].armor>>
Damage: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].mindamage>> - <<print $weaponinventory[_i].maxdamage>>
<<capture _i>>
[[Equip->Weapon Vault][$currentweapon.name = $weaponinventory[_i].name, $currentweapon.strength = $weaponinventory[_i].strength, $currentweapon.agility = $weaponinventory[_i].agility, $currentweapon.willpower = $weaponinventory[_i].willpower, $currentweapon.armor = $weaponinventory[_i].armor, $currentweapon.description = $weaponinventory[_i].description, $currentweapon.mindamage = $weaponinventory[_i].mindamage, $currentweapon.maxdamage = $weaponinventory[_i].maxdamage, $currentweapon.ability = $weaponinventory[_i].ability, $i = 1]]
<td><<WeaponImage $weaponinventory[_i].name 200>><</WeaponImage>> </td>\
</table>\<<if $p eq 0>>
<<link "Return">> <<goto "Dorms">>
$i = 0, $g = 0, $p = 0 <</link>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>
<<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $iteminventory[_i].name>></b>
<<ItemImage $iteminventory[_i].name 200>><</ItemImage>>
Quantity: <<print $iteminventory[_i].quantity>>
Description: <<print $iteminventory[_i].description>>
<<for _g to 0; _g lt $playerinventory.length; _g++>>\
<<print _g + 1>>. <b><<print $playerinventory[_g].name>></b>
<<ItemImage $playerinventory[_g].name 200>><</ItemImage>>
Quantity: <<print $playerinventory[_g].quantity>>
Describtion: <<print $playerinventory[_g].description>>
<<capture _g>>\
<<if $playerinventory[_g].quantity lte 0>> <i>None</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>> <<set $p = 1>> <<set $action = "usable">> <<set $usable = $playerinventory[_g].name>>
<<set $playerinventory[_g].quantity -= 1>>\
<<set $usablestrength = $playerinventory[_g].strength>>\
<<set $usableagility = $playerinventory[_g].agility>>\
<<set $usablewillpower = $playerinventory[_g].willpower>>\
<<set $usablearmor = $playerinventory[_g].armor>>\
<<set $usablehealth = $playerinventory[_g].health>>\
<<set $usableqi = $playerinventory[_g].qi>>\
<<set $usableevadescore = $playerinventory[_g].evadescore>>\
<<set $potioncount += 1>>\
<<goto "Item Chest">> <</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<<if $action eq "usable">>You used your $usable!
<<ItemImage $usable 150>><</ItemImage>>
[[Go back! ->Item Chest][$p = 0]]
<<if $gender eq "female">>
<<if $chestlewd eq 1>> \
Your breasts are a perfect pair of perky, bouncy orbs of pleasure, with nipples that are always hard and sensitive to even the slightest touch. They're not too big or too small, but just the right size to fit perfectly in the palm of a hand.<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/chest1.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<elseif $chestlewd eq 2>> \
Your tits are large - so big that they're practically spilling out of every shirt you own. They're soft and plump, with nipples that are always hard and sensitive to even the slightest touch<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>.<img src="Images/Other/chest2.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<elseif $chestlewd eq 3>> \
Your useless bras are barely able to contain your massive jugs, which press directly against your armor. The feeling of metal rubbing against your puffy, sensitive nipples is enough to make you wet and horny, even in the middle of a fucking battle.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/chest3.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<if $ass eq 1>> \
You have a cute, firm ass. You love its shape and how it looks in your fitted pants.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/ass1.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<elseif $ass eq 2>> \
Your ass has transformed into a soft and jiggly paradise of pleasure, bigger and bouncier than ever before.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/ass2.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<elseif $ass eq 3>> \
Your ass is a plump and juicy masterpiece, bouncing with every step and drawing the attention of everyone around you. It's so big that it throws off your center of balance, but you can't help but love the way it looks and feels.<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/ass3.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<if $pussy eq 1>>\
You have a gorgeous little pussy, with soft, delicate lips that always seem to be slightly parted and begging for attention. It's a sweet, little haven of pleasure, always warm and tight and ready to be filled.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/pussy1.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<elseif $pussy eq 2>>\
Your pussy has transformed into a soft, pink haven of pleasure, always slick with warm, sticky juices. Your clit is more sensitive than ever, always hard and eager for attention.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/pussy2.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<elseif $pussy eq 3>>\
Your pussy is a dripping, quivering mess, throbbing with the desperate need to be filled. It's always wet and ready for action, practically begging for a thick, hard cock to slide deep inside. The slightest touch sends shivers of pleasure through your entire body, and you find yourself constantly craving more.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/pussy3.jpg" width=300 /><</if>>
<<if $pleasured neq 0>><i>You already pleasured yourself today. Your lust has been sated for now.</i><<else>><<if $gender eq "female">>[[Relieve your stress->Stress Relief][$p = 0]]<</if>><</if>>
<<link "Return" "Dorms">><</link>>
<<if $corruption gte 50 and $corruption lt 100>> <<set $pussy to 2>> <<set $chestlewd to 2>><<set $ass to 2>><</if>>
<<if $corruption gte 101>> <<set $pussy to 3>> <<set $chestlewd to 3>><<set $ass to 3>><</if>>After preparing your bed, you crawl into your bed for a short rest.
<img src="images/Locations/sleep.webp" width=600>
[[Rest->Morning]]<span class="player">
<<set $soulbindingchain to {"name": "Soul Binding Chain", "strength": 2, "agility": 3, "willpower": 2, "armor": 0, "price": 150, "sellprice": 125, "class": "weapon", "mindamage": 8, "maxdamage": 18, "ability": 0, "description": "Soul Binding Chains. Good artifact for those at lower cultivation."}>>Sun wake up, so did you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Locations/wakeup.gif" width=600>
With a new day's beginning comes the promise of lucky encounter and graduating - for those persistent enough to not give up on their life.
<<link "Onwards!" "Dorms">><</link>>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>\
<<set $startingmaxqi = $maxqi>>\
<<set $currentqi = $maxqi>>
<<set $daynumber += 1>>\
<<set $time = "Morning">>\
<<set $pleasured = 0>>\
<<set $drink = 0>>
<<if $morale gt 0>><<set $morale -= random(2,4)>><</if>><<widget "ShadowEmbrace">>
You surround yourself in an ethereal cloak of darkness. Your senses sharpen, and your movements become swift and elusive. With each strike, you unleash the full force of your dark Qi, dealing devastating damage to your enemies.
<<AbilityImagex $ability 250>><</AbilityImagex>>
<<set $attackroll = random(1,100)>>\
<<set $attackrolltotal = $attackroll + $strength + $agility>>\
You rolled $attackroll, which then added to your strength ($strength) and agility ($agility) for an attack roll total of $attackrolltotal
<<if $attackrolltotal gte $enemyevadescore>>Your attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is greater than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you hit the $enemyname <<set $action = "attack success">>
<<else>> Your attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is less than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you miss the $enemyname <<set $action = "attack failure">><</if>>\
<<if $action eq "attack success">>\
<<set $damageroll = random($mindamage,$maxdamage)>>\
<<set $damagerolltotal = $damageroll + ($strength/2) + ($willpower/2)>>
You rolled $damageroll, which then added to your half your strength ($strength) and half your willpower ($willpower) for a damage roll total of $damagerolltotal.
<<set $damagetoenemy = $damagerolltotal>>\
Your smite ignores all armor! You deal a total of $damagetoenemy damage to the $enemyname! <br>
<<set $enemycurrenthealth -= $damagetoenemy>><</if>>\
<<set $currentqi -= $abilityqi>>\
<<set $abilitycount.push($ability)>>\
<<widget "ShadowStrike">>
You strike with the stealth of a shadow and the ferocity of a tiger!<<AbilityImagex $ability 250>><</AbilityImagex>>
<<set $attackroll = random(1,100)>>\
<<set $attackrolltotal = $attackroll + $agility + $strength>>\
You rolled $attackroll, which then added to your agility ($agility) and strength ($strength) for an attack roll total of $attackrolltotal
<<if $attackrolltotal gte $enemyevadescore>>Your attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is greater than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you hit the $enemyname <<set $action = "attack success">>
<<else>> Your attack roll total ($attackrolltotal) is less than your enemy's evade score ($enemyevadescore) - you miss the $enemyname <<set $action = "attack failure">><</if>>\
<<if $action eq "attack success">>\
<<set $damageroll = random($mindamage,$maxdamage)>>\
<<set $damagerolltotal = $damageroll + ($strength)>>
You rolled $damageroll, which then added to your strength ($strength) for a damage roll total of $damagerolltotal.
<<set $damagetoenemy = $damagerolltotal - $enemyarmor>>\
<<if $damagetoenemy lt 0>> <<set $damagetoenemy = 0>><</if>>\
The $enemyname's armor blocks $enemyarmor damage! You deal a total of $damagetoenemy damage to the $enemyname!
<<set $enemycurrenthealth -= $damagetoenemy>><</if>>\
<<set $currentqi -= $abilityqi>>\
<<set $abilitycount.push($ability)>>\
<<widget "AbyssalShield">>
A shield of shadows forms over your armor, enhancing your defense with power of abyss.
<<AbilityImagex $ability 250>><</AbilityImagex>>
<<if not $abilitycount.includes($ability)>><<set $abilityvalue = $willpower/2 >>\
<<if $abilitylevel gt 1>> <<set $abilityvalue += $willpower*0.1*$abilitylevel>> <</if>>\
<<set $abilityvalue = Math.round($abilityvalue)>>\
You gain $abilityvalue armor!<<else>>Your defence is already enhanced with abyssal power, so the spell has no effect.<</if>>
<<if not $abilitycount.includes($ability)>><<set $specialarmor += $abilityvalue>><</if>>\
<<set $currentqi -= $abilityqi>>\
<<set $abilitycount.push($ability)>>\
<<widget "ThunderstrikeFist">>
Unleash the power of thunder through your fists, delivering devastating electric shocks with each strike. Enemies hit by Thunderstrike Fist might be stunned or paralyzed temporarily.
<<AbilityImagex $ability 250>><</AbilityImagex>>
<<set $abilityvalue = $strength - $enemyarmor>>\
<<if $abilityvalue lt 10>> <<set $abilityvalue = 10>> <</if>>\
<<set $abilityvalue2 = $strength/10>>\
<<set $abilityvalue2 = Math.round($abilityvalue2)>>\
<<set $enemystun += 1>>\
Your thunder blow deals $abilityvalue damage to your enemy!
Your enemy lost $abilityvalue2 strength!
Your enemy is stunned for one turn!
<<set $enemycurrenthealth -= $abilityvalue>>\
<<set $enemystrength -= $abilityvalue2>>\
<<set $currentki -= $abilityki>>\
problem lezy w przejsiu
<<set $random = random(1,8)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<if $corruption gte 14 and $evilBrothel is "unfinished">>
You walk through the crowded market, the sounds of merchants hawking their wares filling the air. You're lost in thought, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the place, when suddenly you feel a sharp pinch on your ass.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/harass.gif" class=center width="90%">
<<HeroTalk "What the fuck? Who the hell touched my ass?">>
As you turn around, you see a man. You're preparing your $weapon , to hurt him but as you want attack him, he grin and starts talking.
<<BrothelOwner "Wait milady!! No need to spill our precious blood, right? I'm called Bai Xiu, I'm the owner of The Devil's Delight Parlor. I couldn't resist to grope you when I saw your delicious ass, I didn't meant to offend you in any way. I recognize your clothes, and I know you must be member of Abyss Sect. I wan-">>
You didn't let him finish his sentence, and you let him know you won't tolerate this.
<<HeroTalk "Listen you piece of shit, I don't care who you are! If you do this one more time, I might kill you.">>
<<BrothelOwner "I'm sorry madam, I only wanted to offer you good <i>profitable</i> job. If ever you'll be interested in working in our Devil's Delight Parlor, just visit us.">>
As soon as he finish his sentence, he hurry to leave.
<span class="player"> Well, maybe I was to rough with him? I could use some more spirit stones... </span>
<<set $evilBrothel to "first">>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Go back" "Market">> <</link>>
You walk through the crowded market, the sounds of merchants hawking their wares filling the air. You're lost in thought, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the place, when suddenly you feel a sharp pinch on your ass.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/harass.gif" class=center width="90%">
<<HeroTalk "What the fuck? Who the hell touched my ass?">>
You turn around, scanning the crowd for the person who groped you. But it's no use, You can't identify person who did it.
<<link "Go back" "Market">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lt 11>> <<set $corruption +=1>> <</if>>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/harass1.webp" class=center width="90%">
You walk through the crowded market, the sounds of merchants hawking their wares filling the air. You're lost in thought, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the place, when suddenly you feel a rough touch on your ass.
<<HeroTalk "What the fuck? Who the hell touched my ass?">>
You turn around, scanning the crowd for the person who groped you. But it's no use, You can't identify person who did it.
<<if $corruption lt 12>> <<set $corruption +=1>> <</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Go back" "Market">> <</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/harass2.webp" class=center width="90%">
You walk through the crowded market, the sounds of merchants hawking their wares filling the air. You're lost in thought, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the place, when suddenly you feel a rough touches on your ass.
<<HeroTalk "What the fuck? Who the hell touched my ass?">>
<<if $corruption lt 13>> <<set $corruption +=1>> <</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Go back" "Market">> <</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
As you wander through the bustling market, the vibrant colors and exotic scents fill the air. Stalls line the streets, showcasing various wares and treasures. Your eyes scan the surroundings, taking in the sights and sounds of this lively place.
Amidst the crowd, something catches your attention. A glimmering object lying on a dirty road, emanating a faint glow. You step closer, and you realize it's spirit stone!
<<HeroTalk "Lucky me! It's not much but still...">>
<img src="images/Items/spiritstones.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<set $random = random(8,9)>>
<<if $random eq 8>>
<<set $gold +=1>>
<<elseif $random eq 9>>
<<set $gold +=2>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Go back" "Market">> <</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/wind.webp" class=center width="90%">
As you wander through windy area of market, the wind blown your skirt showing your panties to some onlookers! You quickly go <<link "away!" "Market">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 6>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/wind1.webp" class=center width="90%">
As you wander through windy area of market, the wind blown your skirt showing your panties to some onlookers! You quickly go <<link "away!" "Market">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $random eq 7>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/walking1.webp" class=center width="90%">
You have no problems during your walk.
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Go back" "Market">> <</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 8>>
<<if $bar_event eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/baropen.jpg" class=center width="90%">
You find leaflet about bar opening.
<span class="player"> Maybe I could find part-time job here? </span>
<<link "Go back" "Market">> <</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $bar_event to 1>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/harass2.webp" class=center width="90%">
You walk through the crowded market, the sounds of merchants hawking their wares filling the air. You're lost in thought, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the place, when suddenly you feel a rough touch on your ass.
<<HeroTalk "What the fuck? Who the hell touched my ass?">>
You turn around, scanning the crowd for the person who groped you. But it's no use, You can't identify person who did it.
<<if $corruption lt 12>> <<set $corruption +=1>> <</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<link "Go back" "Market">> <</link>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="Images/character/merchant.jpg" width=650 />
You approach merchant shop.
<<link "Return" "Market">><</link>>
[[Buy->Merchant1][$p = 1]]
[[Sell->Merchant1][$p = 3]]
\<<elseif $p eq 1>>\
<<MerchantTalk "Take a look, take a look! Surely you'll find something that... <i>interests</i> you.">>\
<<set $passage = passage()>>\
<<set $oldgold = $gold>>\
[[Return->Merchant1][$p = 0]]
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $merchantweaponinventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:80%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].name>></b> <<hovertip `'$merchantweaponinventory[_i].description'`>>info<</hovertip>>
Price: <<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].price>>
Strength: <<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].strength>>
Agility: <<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].armor>>
Damage: <<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].mindamage>> - <<print $merchantweaponinventory[_i].maxdamage>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $merchantweaponinventory[_i].price gt $gold>><i>not enough spirit stones</i><<else>><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $weaponinventory.push($merchantweaponinventory[_i])>> <<set $gold -= $merchantweaponinventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $merchantweaponinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $merchantweaponinventory[_i].class>><<set $merchantweaponinventory.delete($merchantweaponinventory[_i])>><</link>> <</if>>
<td><<WeaponImage $merchantweaponinventory[_i].name 200>><</WeaponImage>> </td>\
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $merchantarmorinventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:80%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $merchantarmorinventory[_i].name>></b> <<hovertip `'$merchantarmorinventory[_i].description'`>>info<</hovertip>>
Price: <<print $merchantarmorinventory[_i].price>>
Strength: <<print $merchantarmorinventory[_i].strength>>
Agility: <<print $merchantarmorinventory[_i].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $merchantarmorinventory[_i].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $merchantarmorinventory[_i].armor>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $merchantarmorinventory[_i].price gt $gold>><i>not enough spirit stones</i><<elseif $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class eq "head">><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $headinventory.push($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>> <<set $gold -= $merchantarmorinventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class>><<set $merchantarmorinventory.delete($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>><</link>><<elseif $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class eq "chest">><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $chestinventory.push($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>> <<set $gold -= $merchantarmorinventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class>><<set $merchantarmorinventory.delete($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>><</link>><<elseif $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class eq "hands">><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $handsinventory.push($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>> <<set $gold -= $merchantarmorinventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class>><<set $merchantarmorinventory.delete($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>><</link>><<elseif $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class eq "legs">><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $legsinventory.push($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>> <<set $gold -= $merchantarmorinventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class>><<set $merchantarmorinventory.delete($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>><</link>><<elseif $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class eq "feet">><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $feetinventory.push($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>> <<set $gold -= $merchantarmorinventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $merchantarmorinventory[_i].class>><<set $merchantarmorinventory.delete($merchantarmorinventory[_i])>><</link>> <</if>>
<td><<ArmorImage $merchantarmorinventory[_i].name 200>><</ArmorImage>> </td>\
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:80%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $iteminventory[_i].name>></b>
Price: <<print $iteminventory[_i].price>>
<<print $iteminventory[_i].description>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $iteminventory[_i].price gt $gold>><i>not enough spirit stones</i><<else>><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $gold -= $iteminventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $iteminventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $iteminventory[_i].class>> <<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity += 1>> <</link>> <</if>>
<<if $iteminventory[_i].tripleprice gt $gold>><<else>><<link "Buy 3" $passage>><<set $p = 2>> <<set $gold -= $iteminventory[_i].tripleprice>> <<set $purchase = $iteminventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $iteminventory[_i].class>> <<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity += 3>> <<set $bought3 = 1>> <</link>> <</if>>
<td><<ItemImage $iteminventory[_i].name 200>><</ItemImage>> </td>\
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $specialinventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:80%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $specialinventory[_i].name>></b>
Price: <<print $specialinventory[_i].price>>
<<print $specialinventory[_i].description>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $specialinventory[_i].price gt $gold>><i>not enough spirit stones</i><<else>><<link "Buy" $passage>><<set $p = $specialinventory[_i].jump>> <<set $gold -= $specialinventory[_i].price>> <<set $purchase = $specialinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $specialinventory[_i].class>> <<set $specialinventory.delete($specialinventory[_i])>> <</link>> <</if>>
<td><<ItemImage $specialinventory[_i].name 200>><</ItemImage>> </td>\
[[Return->Merchant1][$p = 0]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>\
<<set $price = $oldgold - $gold>>\
<<set $merchantgold += $price>>\
<<if $bought3 eq 1>>You buy 3 $purchase for $price spirit stones!<<else>>You buy a $purchase for $price spirit stones!<</if>>
<<if $purchaseclass eq "weapon">><<WeaponImage $purchase 300>><</WeaponImage>> <<elseif $purchaseclass eq "item">><<ItemImage $purchase 250>><</ItemImage>> <<else>><<ArmorImage $purchase 300>><</ArmorImage>> <</if>>
[[Buy more->Merchant1][$p = 1]]
[[Return->Merchant1][$p = 0]]
<<set $bought3 = 0>>\
<<elseif $p eq 3>>\
<<MerchantTalk "So, $name, let's see what you have to trade...">>\
<<set $passage = passage()>>\
<<set $oldgold = $gold>>\
[[Return->Merchant1][$p = 0]]
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 1; _i lt $weaponinventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:80%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $weaponinventory[_i].name>></b> <<hovertip `'$weaponinventory[_i].description'`>>info<</hovertip>>
Sell Price: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].sellprice>>
Strength: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].strength>>
Agility: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].armor>>
Damage: <<print $weaponinventory[_i].mindamage>> - <<print $weaponinventory[_i].maxdamage>>
<<capture _i>>
<<link "Sell" $passage>><<set $p = 4>> <<set $gold += $weaponinventory[_i].sellprice>> <<set $purchase = $weaponinventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $weaponinventory[_i].class>><<set $weaponinventory.delete($weaponinventory[_i])>><</link>>
<td><<WeaponImage $weaponinventory[_i].name 200>><</WeaponImage>> </td>\
<table class="armory-table">
<th>Chest Pieces</th>
<th>Leg Guards</th>
<<for _a to 1; _a lt $headinventory.length; _a++>>
<b><<print $headinventory[_a].name>></b>
<<hovertip `'$headinventory[_a].description'`>>info<</hovertip>> <<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $headinventory[_a].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Sell Price: <<print $headinventory[_a].sellprice>>
Strength: <<print $headinventory[_a].strength>>
Agility: <<print $headinventory[_a].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $headinventory[_a].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $headinventory[_a].armor>>
<<capture _a>>
<<link "Sell" $passage>><<set $p = 4>> <<set $gold += $headinventory[_a].sellprice>> <<set $purchase = $headinventory[_a].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $headinventory[_a].class>><<set $headinventory.delete($headinventory[_a])>><</link>>
<<for _b to 1; _b lt $chestinventory.length; _b++>>
<b><<print $chestinventory[_b].name>> </b>
<<hovertip `'$chestinventory[_b].description'`>>info<</hovertip>> <<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $chestinventory[_b].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Sell Price: <<print $chestinventory[_b].sellprice>>
Strength: <<print $chestinventory[_b].strength>>
Agility: <<print $chestinventory[_b].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $chestinventory[_b].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $chestinventory[_b].armor>>
<<capture _b>>
<<link "Sell" $passage>><<set $p = 4>> <<set $gold += $chestinventory[_b].sellprice>> <<set $purchase = $chestinventory[_b].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $chestinventory[_b].class>><<set $chestinventory.delete($chestinventory[_b])>><</link>>
<<for _c to 1; _c lt $handsinventory.length; _c++>>
<b><<print $handsinventory[_c].name>></b>
<<hovertip `'$handsinventory[_c].description'`>>info<</hovertip>> <<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $handsinventory[_c].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Sell Price: <<print $handsinventory[_c].sellprice>>
Strength: <<print $handsinventory[_c].strength>>
Agility: <<print $handsinventory[_c].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $handsinventory[_c].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $handsinventory[_c].armor>>
<<capture _c>>
<<link "Sell" $passage>><<set $p = 4>> <<set $gold += $handsinventory[_c].sellprice>> <<set $purchase = $handsinventory[_c].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $handsinventory[_c].class>><<set $handsinventory.delete($handsinventory[_c])>><</link>>
<<for _d to 1; _d lt $legsinventory.length; _d++>>
<b><<print $legsinventory[_d].name>> </b>
<<hovertip `'$legsinventory[_d].description'`>>info<</hovertip>> <<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $legsinventory[_d].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Sell Price: <<print $legsinventory[_d].sellprice>>
Strength: <<print $legsinventory[_d].strength>>
Agility: <<print $legsinventory[_d].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $legsinventory[_d].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $legsinventory[_d].armor>>
<<capture _d>>
<<link "Sell" $passage>><<set $p = 4>> <<set $gold += $legsinventory[_d].sellprice>> <<set $purchase = $legsinventory[_d].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $legsinventory[_d].class>><<set $legsinventory.delete($legsinventory[_d])>><</link>>
<<for _e to 1; _e lt $feetinventory.length; _e++>>
<b><<print $feetinventory[_e].name>> </b>
<<hovertip `'$feetinventory[_e].description'`>>info<</hovertip>> <<hovertip ` '<<ArmorImage $feetinventory[_e].name 200>><</ArmorImage>>'`>>pic<</hovertip>>
Sell Price: <<print $feetinventory[_e].sellprice>>
Strength: <<print $feetinventory[_e].strength>>
Agility: <<print $feetinventory[_e].agility>>
Willpower: <<print $feetinventory[_e].willpower>>
Armor: <<print $feetinventory[_e].armor>>
<<capture _e>>
<<link "Sell" $passage>><<set $p = 4>> <<set $gold += $feetinventory[_e].sellprice>> <<set $purchase = $feetinventory[_e].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $feetinventory[_e].class>><<set $feetinventory.delete($feetinventory[_e])>><</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>
<td style="width:80%"><<print _i + 1>>. <b><<print $iteminventory[_i].name>></b>
Sell Price: <<print $iteminventory[_i].sellprice>>
Quantity: <<print $iteminventory[_i].quantity>>
Description: <<print $iteminventory[_i].description>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $iteminventory[_i].quantity lt 1>><i>None to sell</i><<else>><<link "Sell" $passage>><<set $p = 4>> <<set $gold += $iteminventory[_i].sellprice>> <<set $purchase = $iteminventory[_i].name>> <<set $purchaseclass = $iteminventory[_i].class>> <<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity -= 1>><</link>> <</if>>
<td><<ItemImage $iteminventory[_i].name 200>><</ItemImage>> </td>\
[[Return->Merchant1][$p = 0]]
<<elseif $p eq 4>>\
<<set $price = $gold - $oldgold>>\
You sell a $purchase for $price spirit stones!
<<if $purchaseclass eq "weapon">><<WeaponImage $purchase 300>><</WeaponImage>> <<elseif $purchaseclass eq "item">><<ItemImage $purchase 250>><</ItemImage>> <<else>><<ArmorImage $purchase 300>><</ArmorImage>> <</if>>
[[Sell more->Merchant1][$p = 3]]
[[Return->Merchant1][$p = 0]]
<<if $weapon eq $purchase>>
<<set $weapon = $noweapon.name>>
<<set $weaponstrength = $noweapon.strength>>
<<set $weaponagility = $noweapon.agility>>
<<set $weaponwillpower = $noweapon.willpower>>
<<set $weaponarmor = $noweapon.armor>>
<<set $mindamage = $noweapon.mindamage>>
<<set $maxdamage = $noweapon.maxdamage>>
<<if ($head eq $purchase) and ($gender eq "male")>>
<<set $head = $nohelm.name>>
<<set $headstrength = $nohelm.strength>>
<<set $headagility = $nohelm.agility>>
<<set $headwillpower = $nohelm.willpower>>
<<set $headarmor = $nohelm.armor>>
<<if ($head eq $purchase) and ($gender eq "female")>>
<<set $head = $nohelmf.name>>
<<set $headstrength = $nohelmf.strength>>
<<set $headagility = $nohelmf.agility>>
<<set $headwillpower = $nohelmf.willpower>>
<<set $headarmor = $nohelmf.armor>>
<<if $chest eq $purchase>>
<<set $chest = $simpleshirt.name>>
<<set $cheststrength = $simpleshirt.strength>>
<<set $chestagility = $simpleshirt.agility>>
<<set $chestwillpower = $simpleshirt.willpower>>
<<set $chestarmor = $simpleshirt.armor>>
<<if $hands eq $purchase>>
<<set $hands = $nogloves.name>>
<<set $handsstrength = $nogloves.strength>>
<<set $handsagility = $nogloves.agility>>
<<set $handswillpower = $nogloves.willpower>>
<<set $handsarmor = $nogloves.armor>>
<<if $legs eq $purchase>>
<<set $legs = $simplepants.name>>
<<set $legsstrength = $simplepants.strength>>
<<set $legsagility = $simplepants.agility>>
<<set $legswillpower = $simplepants.willpower>>
<<set $legsarmor = $simplepants.armor>>
<<if $feet eq $purchase>>
<<set $feet = $simpleshoes.name>>
<<set $feetstrength = $simpleshoes.strength>>
<<set $feetagility = $simpleshoes.agility>>
<<set $feetwillpower = $simpleshoes.willpower>>
<<set $feetarmor = $simpleshoes.armor>>
<</if>>I'm sorry, this section is still work in progress ;)
[[Go back->Market]] <<if $pe eq 100>>
You are fighting $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<i><<ItemAbilityRun>><<if ($battlecount eq 0) and ($setbonus gte 1)>><<SetBonus>><</if>></i>
<<if $stun lte 0>> <<set $action = "notstun">> <</if>>\
<<if $stun gte 1>><<set $action = "stun">><<set $stun -= 1>>You are stunned, and cannot take action! <<else>>\
<b>General Actions</b>:
<<link "Attack" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>><<set $action = "attack">><</link>>
<<if $flee eq 1>><<link "Flee" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>><<set $action = "flee">><</link>><<else>><i>You cannot flee from this battle!</i><</if>>
<<link "Do nothing!" $passage>> <<set $pe = 120>> <</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $abilityinventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $abilityinventory[_i].name>> (qi cost: $abilityinventory[_i].qi )\
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $currentqi lt $abilityinventory[_i].qi>><i>Not enough qi</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>><<set $action = "ability">> <<set $ability = $abilityinventory[_i].widgetname>> <<set $abilityqi = $abilityinventory[_i].qi>> <<set $abilitylevel = $abilityinventory[_i].level>> <</link>> <</if>>
<b>Items ($potioncount / 10)</b>:
<<if $potioncount gte 10>><i>You can only drink up to 10 potions in a single battle!</i><<else>><<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $iteminventory[_i].name>> (Quantity: <<print $iteminventory[_i].quantity>>) \
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $iteminventory[_i].quantity lte 0>> <i>None left</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>> <<set $action = "item">> <<set $item = $iteminventory[_i].name>>
<<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity -= 1>>\
<<set $itemstrength = $iteminventory[_i].strength>>\
<<set $itemagility = $iteminventory[_i].agility>>\
<<set $itemwillpower = $iteminventory[_i].willpower>>\
<<set $itemarmor = $iteminventory[_i].armor>>\
<<set $itemhealth = $iteminventory[_i].health>>\
<<set $itemqi = $iteminventory[_i].qi>>\
<<set $itemevadescore = $iteminventory[_i].evadescore>>\
<<set $potioncount += 1>>\
<<if $action eq "stun">> <<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $pe = 120>><</link>><</if>>
<<set $battlecount += 1>>\
<<elseif $pe eq 110>>
You are fighting a $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $action eq "attack">>You attempt to hit the $enemyname with your $weapon!
<<if $action eq "attack success">>You deal damage to the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "flee">>You attempt to flee from the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "ability">><<Ability $ability>><</Ability>><</if>>
<<if $action eq "item">>You used your $item!
<<ItemImage $item 150>><</ItemImage>>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "You secured your position! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $pe = 200>><</link>><<elseif $enemyactiveability gte 10>><<link "The enemy surrenders! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $pe = 200>><</link>><<elseif $action eq "flee success">><<link "You escape!" $passage>><<set $pe = 190>><</link>><<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $pe = 120>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $pe eq 120>>
You are fighting a $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack">>The $enemyname attacks you!
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack success">>The $enemyname deals damage to you!
<<if ($enemyaction neq "stun") and ($enemyaction neq "attack") and ($enemyaction neq "attack success") and ($enemyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<EnemyAbility $enemyaction>><</EnemyAbility>>
<<if $currenthealth lte 0>><<link "You are defeated">><<goto "Game Over">><<set $badend to 2>><</link>><<else>><<link "Player turn" $passage>><<set $pe = 100>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $pe eq 190>>
You flee from the $enemyname - better to bandage your wounds and do battle another day than foolishly fight to the death.
You couldn't run from them.
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $goldloss = $enemymaxgold>> \
<<set $gold -= $goldloss>> \
<<elseif $pe eq 200>> \
This page should not come up, as you should be out of the $passage passage and into the $returnpassage passage.
<</if>>\#bad end 1 = sect plaything
#bad end 2 = bandits breeding slave/<img src="images/Locations/brothel.jpg" class=center width=650>
<<if $evilBrothel is "first">>
You saunter into the brothel, your eyes scanning the room for Bai Xiu. You can feel the heat of the room against your skin, and the scent of sex and sweat fills your nostrils. You can see several of the girls eyeing you up and down, their eyes flicking over your curves.
The servants lead you to Bai Xiu's room
<<linkreplace "Enter">>
As you enter, you're hit with a powerful scent of aphrodisiac and drugs. You feel a sense of dizziness and disorientation as the chemicals fill your lungs.
Bai Xiu is waiting for you, a old man with a wicked gleam in his eye. He looks you up and down, as if appraising you.
<<BrothelOwner "So, have you changed your mind?">>
You hesitate for a moment, feeling a sense of fear and disgust at the thought of working in this place.
<<HeroTalk "I'm still interested">>
You say, your voice barely above a whisper. You can feel the atmosphere suddenly changed. He is no longer servile as he was in the market...
<<BrothelOwner "Let's see if you have the talent for it. Strip.">>
Your body don't listen to you, it must be because of aphrodisiac in the air.
<<linkreplace "Strip">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/undress2.webp" class=center width="90%">
You feel a sense of fear and disgust, but you also know that you don't have a choice. You start to undress, feeling vulnerable and exposed as he watches you.
When you're naked, he grabs your hair and forces you down to your knees.
<<BrothelOwner "Now, let's see if you know how to use your mouth, blow me.">>
He unzips his pants and reveals his hard cock, thrusting it into your face.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/rub.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/mouthfuck.webp" class=center width="90%">
The aphrodisiac in the air has taken hold, and you're burning with desire.
You start to suck him off, feeling his cock in your mouth as he thrusts into you.
As he came inside my mouth, I felt his hot cum filling me up completely. The taste was salty and slightly bitter, but I didn't mind.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/cum1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<BrothelOwner "You're quite talented, but I think it's time to try out your other holes.">>
<<linkreplace "Prepare yourself!">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/missionary4.webp" class=center width=650>
He picks you up and throws you onto the bed, spreading your legs wide open. You feel a sense of fear and revulsion as he climbs on top of you, thrusting his hard cock into your cunt.
You cry out in pain and pleasure as he pounds into you, his cock filling you up completely. You can feel his balls slapping against your ass as he fucks you hard and fast, taking what he wants from you.
When he finally came inside me, I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. His hot cum filled me up completely, sending shivers of ecstasy through my body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie4.webp" class=center width=650>
<<BrothelOwner "I think you'll do well here.">>
You feel a sense of pleasure as he pulls out of you, his cum dripping down your thighs.
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><<set $evilBrothel to "finished">><<set $corruption += 5>><</link>>
<<elseif $evilBrothel eq "finished">>
<<if $corruption gte 10000>>
<<link "Visit owner" "brothelOwner">><</link>>
You're not supposed to see this
<<link "Work" "brothelWork">><</link>>
<<link "Go back" "Market">><</link>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
<span class="player"> I feel arousal increasing in my body after exhausting sparring. I could have some pleasure, right? </span>
Do you want to take enemy body?
<<link "Yes" "violateEnemy">><<set $p = 1>><</link>>
<<link "No" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
The opponent lay on the ground, panting and sweating, his body sore from the intense sparring battle. He had put up a good fight, but in the end, he had been no match for you.
You stood over him, your eyes filled with a sense of satisfaction and victory. You had claimed this man's body as your prize, had defeated him and taken control.
<<HeroTalk "You're mine now, and I'm going to make sure you never forget it.">>
The opponent shivered at the your words, feeling a sense of fear and arousal wash over him. He had never been taken like this before, had never given himself over so completely to another person.
You walk towards him, slowly taking off your clothes.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/undress.webp" class=center width=650>
The opponent watched in fascination as your curves were revealed, your breasts bouncing and swaying with every movement.
What do you want do to?
[[Doggystyle->violateEnemy][$p = 2]]
[[Cowgirl->violateEnemy][$p = 3]]
[[Blowjob->violateEnemy][$p = 4]]
[[Cunlingus->violateEnemy][$p = 5]]
[[Missionary->violateEnemy][$p = 6]]
[[Anal ->violateEnemy][$p = 7]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<<HeroTalk "You're going to fuck me now. Fuck me like you mean it.">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/doggy.webp" class=center width=650>
The opponent obeyed, positioning himself behind you. He thrust into you with a fierce force, feeling your pussy clench around him.
<<HeroTalk "Yes, harder!">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/roughdoggy.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/roughdoggy1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/roughdoggy2.webp" class=center width=650>
The opponent obeyed, pounding into you with a brutal force. You cried out in pleasure.
<<sparringEnemy "I'm cumming!!">>
Where do you want to cum?
[[Cum inside->violateEnemy][$p =8]]
[[In my mouth! ->violateEnemy][$p =9]]
[[On my face! ->violateEnemy][$p =10]]
[[Whenever you want! ->violateEnemy][$p =11]]
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
The opponent obeyed, laying down on his back as the you straddled him. You positioned yourself above him, your pussy hovering over his cock. You are teasing him.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/tease1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<HeroTalk "You're going to watch me take what's mine, you're going to watch me ride you until you can't take it anymore.">>
And with that, you lowered yourself onto his cock, feeling it slide deep inside you. The opponent moaned in pleasure, feeling his body respond to your dominance.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/cowgirl.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/cowgirl1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/cowgir2l.webp" class=center width=650>
You began to move, your body rising and falling with a fierce intensity. You could feel the pleasure building inside you, could feel your pussy throbbing with need.
The opponent cried out in pleasure, feeling his body give way under the force of your thrusts. He had never felt anything like this before, had never been taken so completely and thoroughly.
<<sparringEnemy "I'm cumming!!">>
Where do you want to cum?
[[Cum inside->violateEnemy][$p =8]]
[[In my mouth! ->violateEnemy][$p =9]]
[[On my face! ->violateEnemy][$p =10]]
[[Whenever you want! ->violateEnemy][$p =11]]
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
The opponent obeyed, getting into position as you positioned yourself in front of him. You unzipped his pants, revealing his hard cock to you
And with that, you pushed your head onto his cock, feeling your mouth wrap around it. The opponent moaned in pleasure, feeling the pleasure building inside him.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/blowjob.gif" class=center width=650>
You continued to suck, feeling his cock grow harder and harder in your mouth. The opponent moaned in pleasure, feeling his body give way under the force of your mouth.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/blowjob1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/blowjob2.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/blowjob3.webp" class=center width=650>
You continued to suck, feeling his body respond to your every touch. You knew that he was yours now, that he would do anything to please you.
[[In my mouth! ->violateEnemy][$p = 9]]
[[On my face! ->violateEnemy][$p = 10]]
<<elseif $p eq 5>>
The opponent obeyed, getting into position as you positioned yourself in front of him. You spread your legs apart, revealing your wet and glistening pussy to him.
<<HeroTalk "You're going to lick my pussy.">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/pussyeat.gif" class=center width=650>
And with that, the opponent began to lick and suck your pussy, feeling your body respond to his every touch. You moaned in pleasure, feeling the pleasure building inside you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src=<images/Other/pussyeat.webp" class=center width=650>
The opponent continued to lick and suck at your pussy, feeling your body grow wetter and wetter under the force of his tongue. You moaned in pleasure, feeling your body give way under the force of his mouth.
<<HeroTalk "Keep going, don't stop until I cum.">>
And with that, the opponent continued to lick and suck at your pussy, feeling your body grow more and more responsive to his every touch. You moaned in pleasure, feeling your body reach new heights of ecstasy under the force of his tongue.
And as you reached your climax, You couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you.
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 35>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 6>>
And with that, he began to thrust into you, feeling his cock fill you up completely. You moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock stretch you out.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/missionary1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<sparringEnemy "That's it, feel my cock inside you.">>
You continued to let him take control, feeling his body give way under the force of your every touch. The opponent moaned in pleasure, feeling your body respond to his every thrust.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/missionary.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/missionary3.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/missionary2.webp" class=center width=650>
And with that, he continued to thrust into you, feeling your body reach new heights of ecstasy under the force of his cock. You moaned in pleasure, feeling your body respond to his every touch.
<<sparringEnemy "I'm cumming!!">>
Where do you want to cum?
[[Cum inside->violateEnemy][$p = 8]]
[[In my mouth! ->violateEnemy][$p = 9]]
[[On my face! ->violateEnemy][$p = 10]]
[[Whenever you want! ->violateEnemy][$p = 11]]
<<elseif $p eq 7>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/tease2.webp" class=center width=650>
And with that, he began to thrust into your ass, feeling his cock fill me you completely. You moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock stretch you out.
<<sparringEnemy "That's it, feel my cock inside you.">>
You continued to let him take control, feeling his body give way under the force of your every touch. The opponent moaned in pleasure, feeling your body respond to his every thrust.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/anal2.webp" class=center width=650>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/anal2.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/anal3.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/anal4.webp" class=center width=650>
And with that, he continued to thrust into you, feeling my body reach new heights of ecstasy under the force of his cock. You moaned in pleasure, feeling my body respond to his every touch.
<<sparringEnemy "I'm cumming!!">>
Where do you want to cum?
[[Cum inside->violateEnemy][$p = 12]
[[In my mouth! ->violateEnemy][$p = 9]]
[[On my face! ->violateEnemy][$p = 10]]
[[Whenever you want! ->violateEnemy][$p = 11]]
<<elseif $p eq 8>>
When he finally came inside you, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you. His hot cum filled me up completely, sending shivers of ecstasy through your body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,4)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie2webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie3.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie4.webp" class=center width=650>
You moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock twitch inside you as he emptied himself out.
<span class="player"> It was an intense feeling...</span>
And as he pulled out of you, You couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you.
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 9>>
As he came inside your mouth, you felt his hot cum filling you up completely. The taste was salty and slightly bitter, but you didn't mind. You loved the feeling of having his cock in your mouth, of feeling him release himself inside you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/cum1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/cum2.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/cum3.webp" class=center width=650>
Do you want to [[swallow->violateEnemy][$p = 13]] or [[spit->violateEnemy][$p = 14]]
<<elseif $p eq 13>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/drool.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/drool2.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/drool3.webp" class=center width=650>
You pulled his cock out of your mouth and let his cum dribble down your chin. He looked surprised but you didn't care. You were enjoying the moment, feeling powerful and dominant.
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 13>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/swallow1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/swallow2.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/swallow3.webp" class=center width=650>
You swallowed every drop, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over you. It was a powerful feeling, one that you had never experienced before. And as he pulled out of your mouth, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 10>>
When he gave you a facial, you felt his hot cum splatter over your face. You could feel it covering your skin, my eyes, and your hair.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/facial.gif" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/facial1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/facial2.webp" class=center width=650>
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 11>>
<<set $random = random(1,9)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
When he finally came inside you, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you. His hot cum filled you up completely, sending shivers of ecstasy through your body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie1.webp" class=center width=650>
You moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock twitch inside you as he emptied himself out.
<span class="player"> It was an intense feeling...</span>
And as he pulled out of you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
When he finally came inside you, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you. His hot cum filled you up completely, sending shivers of ecstasy through your body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie2.webp" class=center width=650>
You moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock twitch inside you as he emptied himself out.
<span class="player"> It was an intense feeling...</span>
And as he pulled out of you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
When he finally came inside you, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you. His hot cum filled you up completely, sending shivers of ecstasy through your body.<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie3.webp" class=center width=650>
You moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock twitch inside you as he emptied himself out.
<span class="player"> It was an intense feeling...</span>
And as he pulled out of you, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
When he finally came inside you, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you. His hot cum filled you up completely, sending shivers of ecstasy through your body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie4.webp" class=center width=650>
YouI moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock twitch inside you as he emptied himself out.
<span class="player"> It was an intense feeling...</span>
And as he pulled out of you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over you.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/drool1.webp" class=center width=650>
You pulled his cock out of your mouth and let his cum dribble down your chin. He looked surprised but you didn't care. You were enjoying the moment, feeling powerful and dominant.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 6>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/drool2.webp" class=center width=650>
You pulled his cock out of your mouth and let his cum dribble down your chin. He looked surprised but you didn't care. You were enjoying the moment, feeling powerful and dominant.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 7>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/drool3.webp" class=center width=650>
You pulled his cock out of your mouth and let his cum dribble down your chin. He looked surprised but you didn't care. You were enjoying the moment, feeling powerful and dominant.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 7>>
When he gave you a facial, you felt his hot cum splatter over your face. You could feel it covering your skin, my eyes, and your hair.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/facial.gif" class=center width=650>
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 8>>
When he gave you a facial, you felt his hot cum splatter over your face. You could feel it covering your skin, my eyes, and your hair.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/facial1.webp" class=center width=650>
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $random eq 9>>
When he gave you a facial, you felt his hot cum splatter over your face. You could feel it covering your skin, my eyes, and your hair.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/facial2.webp" class=center width=650>
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 12>>
When he finally came inside your ass, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you. His hot cum filled you up completely, sending shivers of ecstasy through your body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/analcreampie.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/analcreampie1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/analcreampie2.webp" class=center width=650>
You moaned in pleasure, feeling his cock twitch inside you as he emptied himself out. It was an intense feeling, one that you had never experienced before.
What do you want to do?
<<link "Leave" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 40>><<set $corruption +=1>><</if>>
<<link "Make him your subordinate!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>><</link>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
You lay on the ground, panting and sweating as their opponent towered over you. <<sparringEnemy "Looks like you're mine now">>
The opponent sneered, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
The man raised an eyebrow in surprise as the player stood up, a smug grin on their face.
<<HeroTalk "You thought I was going to beg for it? Please, I don't beg for anything. If you want my body, you're going to have to take it.">>
The man chuckled.
<<sparringEnemy "Oh, I like it when they put up a fight.">>
He stepped closer, his hands reaching out to grab the your waist.
<<sparringEnemy "Don't worry, I'll make it good for you.">>
You could only <<link "prepare" "enemyWon">><<set $p = 1>><<set $random = random(1,3)>><</link>> for what is going to happen.
<<elseif $p eq 1 and $random eq 1>>
Man leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear.
<<sparringEnemy "Get on your knees and show me just how much you want to keep your body.">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/kneel.webp" class=center width=650>
Without hesitation, you dropped to their knees and began to undo the man's pants. As you took his cock into their mouth, you could feel his hands on their head, pushing them down further.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/facefuck.webp" class=center width=650>
<<sparringEnemy "That's it, you little whore. Suck my cock like you mean it.">>
He growled.
You obeyed, your mouth moving up and down his shaft as they tried to show just how much they wanted to keep your body. And when the man finally came, he let out a satisfied groan, watching you swallow his cum.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/swallow.webp" class=center width=650>
With this you are free to go.
<span class="player"> I feel so violated! But... I thought it will be much worse.. </span>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<if $corruption lte 20>> <<set $corruption+=1>> <</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 1 and $random eq 2>>
<<sparringEnemy "You want to play hard to get, huh?">>
The man whispered, his hands running over the your body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/fondling.webp" class=center width=650>
<<sparringEnemy "Well, I like a challenge.">>
You didn't respond, but your body spoke for you. You could feel yout nipples hardening, your pussy growing wet with desire. You wanted this, wanted to be taken by <i>this strong, dominant man.</i>
[[Continue->enemyWon][$p =2]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
As the man pushed you to the ground, he start teasing your wet pussy.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/tease.webp" class=center width=650>
After few minutes, finally inserting his cock inside you!
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/pound.webp" class=center width=650>
As the opponent thrust into you, you couldn't help but cry out in pleasure and pain.
The opponent's body slammed into yours, over and over again, each thrust driving you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. And as you cried out in pleasure, the opponent's grip on them tightened, his cock pounding into them with a brutal force.
You could feel your body giving way, your mind clouded with desire and fear. You wanted to resist, wanted to fight back, but you were left exhausted after sparring.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie.webp" class=center width=650>
And as the opponent came inside you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and humiliation wash over you. You had allowed yourself to be taken so completely, to be used as a sexual plaything by the winner.
<span class="player"> Oh god... Fortunately I protected my womb with qi, otherwise I would end pregnant!</span>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <<set $p = 1>> <</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<if $corruption lte 24>> <<set $corruption+=1>> <</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 1 and $random eq 3>>
<<sparringEnemy "You want to play hard to get, huh?">>
The man whispered, his hands tearing your shirt.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/fondling1.webp" class=center width=650>
<<sparringEnemy "Well, I like a challenge.">>
You didn't respond, but your body spoke for you. You could feel yout nipples hardening, your pussy growing wet with desire.
[[Continue->enemyWon][$p = 3]]
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<<sparringEnemy "You're going to take it, you're going to take it and you're going to love it.">>
The opponent said, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you close.
As the opponent thrust into you, you couldn't help but cry out in pain.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/anal1.webp" class=center width=650>
The opponent's cock pounded into you with a brutal force, driving you closer and closer to the brink of agony. You could feel your anus tearing and stretching under the force of the opponent's thrusts, and you knew that this was going to be a painful experience.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/anal.webp" class=center width=650>
He continued to pound into the your raw and unprepared anus, causing you to scream out in pain.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/acreampie.webp" class=center width=650>
And as the opponent came inside you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and humiliation wash over you.
He left leaving you with gaping anus.
<span class="player"> Oh god... I just let man ravage my ass!</span>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <<set $p = 1>> <</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<if $corruption lte 28>> <<set $corruption+=1>> <</if>>
<<return "Back">>
Special thanks:
Saint Blackmoor
Rat-attack<<set $totalSubordinates = $banditsSubordinates + $sparringSubordinates + $cursedassassinsSubordinates + $evilspymastersSubordinates + $evileliteguardsSubordinates + $evilbattlecommanderSubordinates>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
You go to check on your subordinates
[[Go back->Dorms]]
[[Expand table->subordinatesCheck][$p = 1]]
[[Upgrades->subordinatesCheck][$p = 2]]
[[Morale->subordinatesCheck][$p = 3]]
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
You have <<print $totalSubordinates>> total subordinates.
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Dark Disciples</b>
<b>Cursed Assassins</b>
<b>Elite Guards</b>
<b>Battle Commanders</b>
<<print $banditsSubordinates>>
<<print $sparringSubordinates>>
<<print $cursedassassinsSubordinates>>
<<print $evilspymastersSubordinates>>
<<print $evileliteguardsSubordinates>>
<<print $evilbattlecommanderSubordinates>>
[[Reduce table->subordinatesCheck][$p = 0]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
Build new departments...
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Recruitment Center</b>
<<if $recruitcenter eq 0>>[[Build->Recruitment Center]]<<else>>[[Enter->Recruitment Center]]<</if>>
[[Go back->subordinatesCheck][$p = 0]]
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
Current morale - <<print $morale>>
[[Go back->subordinatesCheck][$p = 0]]
<<linkreplace "Increase morale">>
How do you want to increase morale of your subordinates?
<<if $totalSubordinates lte 0>> <i>I don't have any subordinates!</i>
Feast cost <b>500</b>
<<if $gold lt 500>> <i> I don't have enough funds to prepare feast...</i><<else>>
<<link "Prepare a feast" "subordinatesFeast">><<set $p to 4>><</link>>
Whores cost <b>300</b>
<<if $gold lt 300>> <i> I don't have enough funds to prepare whores...</i><<else>>
<<link "Prepare a whores" "subordinatesWhores">><<set $p to 4>><</link>>
<<link "Use your body" "subordinatesYou">><<set $p to 4>><</link>>
<<if $morale gte 250>> <<set $morale to 250>> <<elseif $morale lt 0>> <<set $morale to 0>> <</if>><<set $random = random(1,4)>>
<<if $random == 1>>
<img src="images/Work/nursework.webp" class="center" width="650">
You had no problems with your job.
<<set $gold += 25>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $random == 2>>
<img src="images/Work/nursework.webp" class="center" width="650">
As you was doing your rounds in the infirmary, a patient stopped you in your tracks. The patient asked you to flash him.
<<link "Refuse" "Evil Sect">>
<<set $gold += 25>>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<if $corruption gte 20>>
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Work/nurseworkf.webp" class="center" width="650">
Without a word, you lifted your shirt and exposed your breasts to him. He smiled, his eyes filled with lust and desire.
He gave you a little tip.
<<set $gold += 30>>
<<if $corruption <= 25>>
<<set $corruption += 1>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Work/nursework.webp" class="center" width="650">
As you was doing your rounds in the infirmary, a patient stopped you in my tracks. The patient asked you to blow him.
<<link "Refuse" "Evil Sect">>
<<set $gold += 25>>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<if $corruption gte 25>>
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Work/nurseworkf1.webp" class="center" width="650">
You don't say a word as you kneel down in front of him, taking his hard cock into your mouth and swirling your tongue around the tip. He moans softly, his hands running through your hair as you continue to suck him off.
He gave you a little tip.
<<set $gold += 30>>
<<if $corruption <= 30>>
<<set $corruption += 1>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<img src="images/Work/nursework.webp" class="center" width="650">
As you was doing my rounds in the infirmary, a patient stopped you in your tracks. The patient asked you to have sex with him.
<<link "Refuse" "Evil Sect">>
<<set $gold += 25>>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<if $corruption >= 30>>
<</if>> <<if $p eq 2>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Work/nurseworkf2.webp" class="center" width="650">
Without saying a word, you climb onto the bed and straddle him, feeling his hard cock pressing against your thigh. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, and you can sense his eagerness to fulfill his desires.
He lets out a loud groan as he reaches his peak, his hot seed spilling inside of you. You ride out his orgasm, feeling your body shudder with pleasure.
He gave you a little tip.
<<set $gold += 35>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Work/nurseworkf.webp" class="center" width="650">
Without a word, you lifted your shirt and exposed your breasts to him. He smiled, his eyes filled with lust and desire.
He gave you a little tip.
<<set $gold += 30>>
<<if $corruption <= 25>>
<<set $corruption += 1>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Work/nurseworkf1.webp" class="center" width="650">
You don't say a word as you kneel down in front of him, taking his hard cock into your mouth and swirling your tongue around the tip. He moans softly, his hands running through your hair as you continue to suck him off.
He gave you a little tip.
<<set $gold += 30>>
<<if $corruption <= 30>>
<<set $corruption += 1>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">>
<<if $time == "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time == "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time == "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<</if>><<if $evilQuest2 eq 0>>
<<if $p eq 1>>
<img src="images/Locations/forest.webp" class=center width="90%">
You walked through the dense forest, your senses on high alert as you searched for any sign of the elusive silkback rabbit. Suddenly, you spotted a man up ahead, his back turned to you. You cautiously approached him, hoping he might have seen the rabbit.
<img src="images/Locations/forest1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<<HeroTalk "Excuse me, have you seen a silkback rabbit around here?">>
The man turned around, eyeing you suspiciously.
<<HeroTalk "Why do you want to know?">>
he asked, his voice gruff.
<<HeroTalk "I'm on a mission to catch the silkback rabbit, I was hoping you might have seen it.">>
The man shook his head.
<<Unknown "I haven't seen any rabbits around here, but if you're looking for something else...">>
He trailed off, his eyes roaming over your body.
<<if $corruption gte 20>>[[Go with him->evilQuest2][$p = 2]]<<else>> <i> I'm not corrupted enough!</i><</if>>
[[No->evilQuest2][$p = 3]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<div id="1">
<<HeroTalk "What kind of something else?">>
The man grinned, his eyes roaming over your body.
<<Unknown "I was hoping you might be interested in a little fun.">>
You felt a shiver run down your spine as he touched your arm, his fingers trailing down to your waist.
The man pulled you into his arms, pressing his lips to yours in a rough, hungry kiss. You moaned as you felt his hands roaming over your body, his fingers slipping under your clothes to touch your bare skin.
He pushed you up against a tree, his hands gripping your hips as he ground his cock against you. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he pressed closer, his breath hot against your neck.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/forest.webp" class=center width="90%">
Finally, he pulled out his cock and pushed it into you, his thrusts hard and fast. You cried out in pleasure, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter with every stroke.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie5.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<if $corruption lte 25>>
<<set $corruption +=2>>
As you both came, his hot cum filling you up, you felt a sense of satisfaction wash over you. You knew that the silkback rabbit could wait.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<replace "#1">>
As you finished clothing yourself after your encounter with the man, you noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of your eye. You turned your head and saw the silkback rabbit, darting through the underbrush.
You felt a surge of excitement as you realized that you might finally have a chance to catch it. You began to run after the rabbit, your heart pounding with anticipation.
<<if $agility gte 10>> <img src="images/Character/silkbackrabbit.jpg">
The rabbit was fast, but you were faster. You leaped over fallen logs and dodged through the trees, your eyes fixed on the rabbit's fluffy tail.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you caught up to the rabbit. You reached out and grabbed it by the scruff of its neck, feeling its soft fur under your fingers.
You smiled triumphantly, knowing that you had accomplished your quest.
<<link "Go back!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $gold += 55>> <<set $exp +=88>> <<set $evilQuest2 to 1>><</link>>
The rabbit was fast, but you were faster. You leaped over fallen logs and dodged through the trees, your eyes fixed on the rabbit's fluffy tail.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you caught up to the rabbit. But as you reached out to grab it, you stumbled and fell, your body landing in a pile of mud.
<i> Maybe I should increase my agility?</i>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<div id="2">
<img src="images/Locations/forest.webp" class=center width="90%">
After refusing the man's proposition, you continued your search for the silkback rabbit. You knew that it was a long shot, but you couldn't help feeling a sense of determination.
You ventured deeper into the forest, your senses on high alert as you scanned the underbrush for any sign of the rabbit. You listened carefully, hoping to hear the sound of its movement.
But it seemed that luck was not on your side. After several hours of searching, you had found nothing. Your feet were sore, and you were starting to feel discouraged.
<img src="images/Locations/forest2.jpg" class=center width="90%">
You decided to take a break, sitting down on a nearby log to catch your breath. As you rested, you thought about giving up. Maybe the silkback rabbit wasn't worth all this trouble.
But as you sat there, you took one last look around. And that's when you saw it - a flash of white fur darting through the trees.
You felt a surge of excitement as you realized that this might be your chance. You got up from the log and began to run after the rabbit, determined to catch it no matter what.
<<linkreplace "Run!">>
<<replace "#2">>
<<if $agility gte 10>>
<img src="images/Character/silkbackrabbit.jpg">
After a long chase, you finally managed to catch the silkback rabbit. It struggled and squirmed in your grasp, but you held on tight, feeling a sense of pride.
You knew that you had accomplished what you set out to do. You had caught the elusive silkback rabbit, and nothing could take that away from you.
<<link "Go back!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $gold += 55>> <<set $exp +=88>> <<set $evilQuest2 to 1>><</link>>
<img src="images/Character/silkbackrabbit.jpg">
The rabbit was fast, but you were faster. You leaped over fallen logs and dodged through the trees, your eyes fixed on the rabbit's fluffy tail.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you caught up to the rabbit. But as you reached out to grab it, you stumbled and fell, your body landing in a pile of mud.
<i> Maybe I should increase my agility?</i>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $evilQuest2 eq 1>>
Hey! I'm still working on it <3
Please be patient with me.
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <</link>>
<<widget "Claw1">>
<<if $action eq "attack success">>Your enemy loses 5 armor!!\
<<set $enemyarmor -= 5>>\
<<widget "DevourBlade">>
<<if $action eq "attack success">>\
You gain 4 health and 4 mana! <<set $currenthealth += 4>> <<set $currentmana += 4>>\
<<if $p eq 0>>\
You shut your eyes and work up a nice fantasy to get your arousal building.
<<set $random = random(1, 7)>>\
<<if $random eq 1>>\
You see yourself as a courtesean of The Devil's Delight Parlor, hired by wealthy merchants to give them pleasure from your body. You lower yourself onto your client's massive cock, your lips spreading, your body quivering from his impressive girth.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="Images/Other/vision1.jpg" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
You've been captured by a group of bandits, and they've taken you to their hideout to be their personal fuck toy. They've stripped you naked and tied you up, and now they're taking turns using your body for their own pleasure. Whether you're sucking them off or taking it in the ass, you know that your fate is in their hands.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="Images/Other/vision2.jpg" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
You're a powerful demon queen, feared and respected by all who know you. You're also a fucking freak, with a taste for the taboo and the perverse. You love nothing more than summoning powerful cultivators to your realm and fucking them until they're begging for mercy. Whether you're taking it slow and sensual or rough and dirty, you know that your demonic powers and your sexual prowess are what set you apart from the rest.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="Images/Other/vision3.jpg" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
You're a slave, bought and sold by powerful cultivators for their own pleasure. You're completely at their mercy, and all you can do is hope that they'll show you some mercy. Whether you're being whipped or fucked hard, you know that your body is not your own, and you're completely helpless to resist their advances.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="Images/Other/vision4.jpg" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
You're a pirate queen with a crew of rough and rowdy men at your beck and call. You love nothing more than taking charge and showing them who's boss, and they love nothing more than watching you fuck them senseless. Whether you're taking it from behind or riding them like a goddamn cowgirl, you know that your body is your most powerful weapon, and you're not afraid to use it to get what you want.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="Images/Other/vision5.jpg" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $random eq 6>>
You've fallen into a murky pit, deep underground, and there's a creature of darkness waiting for you. It's made of slime and tendrils and has a fathomless form, and it takes you into its unyielding grip. Stripped and spread open, you take its rigid member deep inside. It breeds you for nights on end, and even though you try to protest, your moans turn lewd as your womb fills with eggs. You're completely helpless, and all you can do is take whatever this creature wants to give you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="Images/Other/vision6.jpg" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $random eq 7>>
You've lost a duel to an impressive swordsman, and the cost is a steep one indeed. Your massive tits are bared for all to see, and your ass is on display for the whole goddamn town to gawk at. But instead of being ashamed, you widen your mouth and take in his stiff cock. You suck him off in front of the townsfolk, your pussy getting wetter and wetter from how arousing the humiliation feels.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="Images/Other/vision7.jpg" class=center width=500>
<<link "Masturbate" "Stress Relief">> <<set $p to 1>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>\
You rub your pussy, moaning in bliss.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<if $pussy eq 1>><img src="Images/Other/solo1.webp" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $pussy eq 2>><img src="Images/Other/solo2.webp" class=center width=500>
<<elseif $pussy eq 3>><img src="Images/Other/solo3.webp" class=center width=500>
<<if $pussy eq 1>>You feel a shiver of pleasure run down your spine as your fingers trail across your body, exploring every inch of your curves. You can feel your pussy growing wet with anticipation, and you can't help but shiver with delight as you slip one finger inside. Your moans grow louder and more desperate as you flick your clit with your other hand, rubbing faster and harder until you're gasping for air. And then, with a final, explosive burst of pleasure, you cum harder than you ever have before, your entire body shaking with ecstasy.
<<elseif $pussy eq 2>>Your pussy itches with need, aching for touch. You can feel your juices leaking out of you, a constant reminder of how wet and ready you are. You slip a finger inside, moaning like a whore as you touch your engorged clit with your other hand. You can feel your body trembling with need, your thighs slick with wetness as you get closer and closer to the edge. And then, with a final, explosive burst of pleasure, you cum hard, your body shaking with ecstasy as you gush fluid all over the bed.
<<elseif $pussy eq 3>>You plunge two fingers inside your gaping, soaking cunt, relishing in the feeling of your slick walls squeezing tight around them. You can feel your clit throbbing with need, and you waste no time in flicking it with your thumb, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your entire body. Your moans grow louder and more desperate as you finger fuck yourself, your juices spurting out of you in a constant stream. And then, with a final, explosive burst of pleasure, you cum hard, your body shaking with ecstasy as you squirt all over the floor, the sweet scent of your sex filling the air. <</if>>
Feeling relaxed and no longer clouded by your arousal, you clean up, get dressed
<<link "Return" "Dorms">><</link>>
<<if $corruption lte 28>> <<set $corruption +=1>> <</if>>
<<set $pleasured = 1>>\
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>\
<<if $evilQuests eq 1 and $evilQuest2 eq 0>>
<img src="images/Character/silkbackrabbit.jpg" class=center width=500>
The Silkback Rabbit is a small and nimble creature that inhabits the dense forests of the Eastern Valley. Known for its unique fur, which shimmers like spun silk, this elusive rabbit possesses exceptional speed and agility, making it a challenging quarry. Its fur is highly sought after for its exceptional warmth, and skilled hunters can fetch a handsome price for its pelts in the market.
<<link "Accept" "evilQuest2">> <</link>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <</link>>
<<elseif $evilQuests eq 1 and $evilQuest2 eq 1>>
<img src="images/Character/moonlightdeer.jpg" class=center width=500>
The <b>Moonlight Deer</b> is a majestic and elusive creature that roams the enchanted forests under the moonlit sky. With its shimmering silver fur and graceful antlers, the Moonlight Deer is a symbol of beauty and tranquility. It is said to possess a deep connection with the lunar energy, granting it enhanced agility and speed.
<<link "Accept" "evilQuest2">> <</link>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <</link>>
<<elseif $evilQuests eq 1 and $evilQuest2 eq 2>>
<img src="images/Character/shadowserpent.jpg" class=center width=500>
The Shadow Serpent is a cunning and venomous creature that lurks within the depths of the Forbidden Swamp. With its sleek black scales and piercing red eyes, this serpent is a formidable opponent. It possesses the ability to blend seamlessly with the shadows, making it difficult to detect until it strikes. The venom of the Shadow Serpent is highly toxic, capable of causing paralysis and excruciating pain. Despite the dangers it presents, the serpent's fangs are sought after by alchemists for their potent venom, which can be used in the creation of powerful potions and antidotes
<<link "Accept" "evilQuest2">> <</link>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <</link>>
<<elseif $evilQuests eq 1 and $evilQuest2 eq "finished">>
You've already finished this quest!>
<<elseif $evilQuests eq 2 and $evilQuest3 is 0>>
<img src="images/Other/assassination.jpg" class=center width=500>
The Abyss Sect has been betrayed by one of its own disciples who has turned traitor and fled, posing a significant threat to the sect's operations and secrets. Your mission is to track down and eliminate the traitor to protect the integrity of the Abyss Sect.
<<link "Accept" "evilQuest3">> <</link>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <</link>>
<<elseif $evilQuests eq 2 and $evilQuest3 eq 1>>
<<link "Accept" "evilQuest3">> <</link>>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">> <</link>>
<<elseif $evilQuests eq 2 and $evilQuest3 is "finished">>
<</if>><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/bar.jpg" class=center width="90%">
The bar is crowded with people, most of them drunk and rowdy. They're shouting and laughing, their voices rising over the sound of the jukebox and the clinking of glasses.
What do you want to do?
[[Go back->Market][$p=0]]
<<link "Sit at the table" "evilBar">> <<set $p to 1>> <</link>>
<<if $bar_event eq 1>> <<link "Ask for work" "evilBar">> <<set $p to 2>><</link>>
<<elseif $bar_event gte 2>> <<link "Work" "evilBar">> <<set $p to 3>> <</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
Work in progress...
[[Go back->Market][$p=0]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
You approach the bartender, a grizzled man with a thick beard and a stern expression.
<<HeroTalk "I'm looking for a job. Do you know of any openings?">>
<<Unknown "We might have something for you, but you need to talk with the boss.">>
With these words, you enter the owner's room.
You feel a sense of apprehension as you approach the owner, an old man with a stern expression.
<<HeroTalk "Hi, I'm actually looking for a job, perhaps as a waiter. Up front, they said you might be hiring. My name is $name, by the way.">>
<<BarOwnerTalk "I'm Feng Yun, and yeah, that's right. What is your experience like?">>
<<HeroTalk "I've never worked as a waitress before...">>
<<BarOwnerTalk "That's tough then. You definitely have the looks for it, but I need someone with experience.">>
<<HeroTalk "I promise I'm a very fast learner.">>
<<BarOwnerTalk "Alright, listen, I will give you a chance. Your looks will definitely attract more customers.">>
<<HeroTalk "Thank you! I won't let you down.">>
<<set $bar_event to 2>>
[[Go back->Market][$p=0]]
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<img src="images/Work/waitress.webp" class=center width="90%">
You spend some time serving tables and entertaining guests.
<<set $earnedGold to random(24, 44)>>
<<set $gold += $earnedGold>>
You've earned <<print $earnedGold>> spirit stones.
<<if $time eq "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
[[Go back->Market][$p=0]]
<<link "Steal tips" "evilBar">>
<<set $stolenTips to $earnedGold / 2>>
<<set $gold += $stolenTips>>
<<set $bar_tips += 1>>
<<set $p to 4>>
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
You have stolen tips.
You've earned <<print $stolenTips>> spirit stones from stealing tips!
<<if $bar_tips eq 11>> Feng Yun calls you to <<link "his office" "barOffice">><</link>>
<<else>> <<link "Go Back" "Evil Sect">><</link>> <</if>>
<<if $bar_event eq 3>> Go to his <<link "office" "barOffice1">><</link>>
<<elseif $bar_event eq 5>> Go to his <<link "office" "barOffice2">><</link>> <</if>>
<<if $bar_event eq 2>>
<img src="images/Locations/bar1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
As you suspected, Feng Yun doesn't seem too happy about something.
<<BarOwnerTalk "Alright $name. Do you think it's okay to be keeping tips from the customers all for yourself?">>
<<HeroTalk "Uhm... sorry?">>
<<BarOwnerTalk "Don't play dumb with me. I've worked in this business for 30 years, I know how much girls make from tips and you're well way under. I expect you to pay it back in one way or another. Don't think about running away, I know some influential people in Abyss Sect.">>
<<HeroTalk "Well how much do you expect me to pay?">>
<<BarOwnerTalk "Ten thousand spirit stones. Either that or I will have talk with higher ups.">>
<<HeroTalk "Please please please, I'll work it off I swear. I'm so sorry...">>
Feng Yun takes a moment to think, still looking right at you. There is no way you can get out of this.
<<set $debt to 10000>>
<<if $gold lte 50>> I don't have enough money! <<elseif $gold gte 100>> I will pay 100 spirit stones.<<link "go back" "Evil Sect">> <<set $gold -= 100>> <<set $debt -= 100>><</link>> <</if>>
I will pay in <<link "other way..." "barOffice1">><</link>>
<<if $bar_event eq 2>>
Your boss's voice is low and menacing as he orders you to give him a handjob. You feel a sense of revulsion and anger, but you know that you don't have a choice - you have to do what he says if you want to keep your job and life.
<<BarOwnerTalk "You're gonna put those hands to some good use other than stealing and give me a handjob. And you're gonna take that top off while you do it. I want a nice view of those tits of yours.">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/undress1.webp" class=center width=650>
You feel a sense of shock and anger at his words, but you know that you have to do what he says. You slowly unbutton your top, feeling his eyes on your body as you reveal your breasts.
You grab his cock and slowly start stroking it.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/handjob.webp" class=center width=650>
You keep going, feeling his length grow harder and harder in your hand as you work him towards his climax.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/handjobc.webp" class=center width=650>
And with a final groan, he comes, spilling his seed all over your hand.
<<BarOwnerTalk "Alright you little thing. I expect you to come work off this debt you owe me. Don't even think about not coming back. I will knock off 100 spirit stones every time you satisfy me.">>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">>
<<set $corruption += 1>>
\<<set $bar_event to 3>>
<<set $debt -= 100>>
<<elseif $bar_event eq 3>>
<<BarOwnerTalk "So I was thinking, since I enjoyed that handjob last time so much and you did too. Let's make a deal whore. Everytime you make me cum I'll knock off 100 spirit stones from what you owe me.We got a deal whore?">>
<<link "No!" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<link "Yes..." "barOffice1">> <<set $bar_event to 4>> <</link>>
<<elseif $bar_event eq 4 and $i eq 0>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/handjob.webp" class=center width=650>
You reluctantly get down on your knees, feeling a sense of submission as you take Feng Yun cock in your hand. You start to stroke it slowly, feeling it grow harder and harder in your grip.
<<BarOwnerTalk "This time, I want you to use your mouth.">>
You feel a sense of shock and revulsion at his words, but you also know that you don't have a choice - you have to do what he says if you want to keep your life.
<<HeroTalk "My mouth?">>
<<BarOwnerTalk "I want you to suck me off, just like the little slut you are.">>
<<link "Submit" "barOffice1">><<set $i = 2>><</link>>
<<link "Protest!" "barOffice1">><<set $i = 1>><</link>>
<<elseif $i eq 1>>
<<HeroTalk "No, I... can't. I'll work it off.">>
Before he can stop you burst out the <<link "door" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $i eq 2>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/blackmailblowjob.webp" class=center width="90%">
You lean forward, taking his cock in your mouth and feeling his hardness against your tongue. You start to move your head up and down, feeling him grow harder and harder in your mouth as you work him towards his climax.
<<BarOwnerTalk "Just like that. Suck my cock like a good little whore.">>
<<HeroTalk "What should I do when you cum?">>
<<BarOwnerTalk "Whatever you want, cumslut.">>
<<linkreplace "Make him cum">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/cum4.webp" class=center width="90%">
You stick out your tongue for Feng Yun, letting him cum all over and inside your mouth.
<<BarOwnerTalk "I'm glad you let me cum there, $name.">>
Realizing you just willingly let him cum in your mouth, you feel strange.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/spit.webp" class=center width="90%">
As Feng Yun finishes, he pulls away from you, leaving you kneeling on the ground, feeling used and humiliated. But then, to your shock and disgust, he spits on your <<linkreplace "face.">>
<<set $corruption +=3>>
<<set $debt -= 100>>
<<set $bar_event to 5>>
<<BarOwnerTalk "You're nothing but a worthless whore, don't ever forget it.">>
<<link "Go back!" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>><</if>>
end of current content
<<link "go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>><<if $evilQuest3 eq 0>>
<<if $p eq 1>>
Xun Yun was once a disciple of the Abyss Sect, known for her unwavering loyalty and dedication to the sect's dark path. However, whispers of forbidden love and clandestine meetings with a disciple from a rival sect led her down a treacherous path. Xun Yun's illicit romance with Xiang Song, a disciple from the rival sect, ignited a series of events that would ultimately lead to her betrayal of the Abyss Sect.
As a devoted disciple of the Abyss Sect, you have been entrusted with task to hunt down filthy traitor and her lover.
[[Continue->evilQuest3][$p = 2]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<img src="images/Locations/forest.webp" class=center width=550>
Nearest settlement : <b>30 li</b>
Amidst the whispering leaves and dappled sunlight of the ancient forest, you step with purpose. Your heart is heavy with the mission ahead, as you tread the path that will lead you to the heart of a nearby city. The forest, dense with trees and shrouded in an air of mystique, seems to sense the gravity of your purpose, casting a hushed reverence upon your journey.
The sun's rays filter through the foliage, casting intricate patterns on the ground before you. Your steps are deliberate, every rustle of leaves and distant birdcall absorbed by your senses. The forest is alive with secrets, and you are attuned to its every nuance, alert for any hint of danger or revelation.
As you progress deeper into the woods, the sounds of nature envelop you in a soothing symphony. The earthy scent of moss and the distant murmur of a nearby stream create a tranquil backdrop to your thoughts. Your thoughts are consumed by the mission, by the traitor you seek, and by the intricacies of the web of betrayal that has woven its way into the fabric of the Abyss Sect.
<<if $time eq "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
[[Venture forth!->evilQuest3][$p = 3]]
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<img src="images/Locations/forest.webp" class=center width=550>
Nearest settlement : <b>26 li</b>
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late! I need to rest.<<link "Go sleep" "evilQuest3Sleep">><</link>>
As you make your way through the forest, your steps guided by the dappled sunlight filtering through the dense canopy, you come across a curious sight. Beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient tree sits a figure dressed in robes that seem to be a mix of various fabrics and colors. The hermit's attire is unconventional, to say the least – a blend of traditional mysticism and something altogether more risqué.
<img src="images/Locations/hermit.jpg" class=center width=550>
With an air of nonchalance, the hermit leans back against the tree, one leg casually crossed over the other. Their gaze meets yours, and you're taken aback by the twinkle of mischief in their eyes. An impish grin tugs at the corners of their lips as they observe you with a mix of amusement and curiosity.
<<Hermit "Ah, a traveler graces my humble abode, do you seek knowledge, power, or perhaps... something a bit more exotic?">> the hermit purrs, their voice a melodic blend of sultriness and playfulness.
Your heart races as you try to decipher the hidden meaning behind their words. This hermit clearly has an air of sensuality about them, and their aura exudes an energy that's hard to ignore. It's as if they hold the secrets of both the world and your desires.
<<Hermit "Care to indulge in a little enlightenment? I offer knowledge that's not found in books or scrolls.">>
As the hermit gestures for you to come closer, you find yourself torn between curiosity and caution. Their presence is enigmatic, and you're well aware that their intentions may be far more complex than they let on. Yet, there's an undeniable allure in the way they speak, a promise of something tantalizing and forbidden.
<<if $time eq "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
[[Refuse Hermit's offer->evilQuest3][$p =7]]
[[Accept Hermit's offer->evilQuest3][$p =4]]
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
<<Hermit "Ah, my curious traveler, I sense a hunger within you that cannot be satisfied by mere knowledge or power. You seek a taste of the forbidden, an experience that will forever alter your path. I offer you the chance to enhance your abilities, but it comes with a unique condition.">>
Your heart races as you listen, captivated by the allure of their proposal. They lean in closer, their warm breath grazing your ear as they whisper,
<<Hermit "To unlock this hidden potential, you must partake in a sacred ritual of pleasure, with me and my loyal thunder wolf.">>
<<HeroTalk "I can't back off now. I need more strength to finish my mission...">>
<<Hermit "Well then, let's start right now!">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/wolf.jpeg" class=center width=550>
In one swift motion, the thunder wolf lifted me effortlessly, my back pressed against the rough bark of a nearby tree. Pleasurable tingles shot up my spine as I wrapped my legs around its waist, drawing it closer, craving the connection we were about to share. Our bodies aligned perfectly, an intoxicating blend of strength and vulnerability.
With a primal growl, the thunder wolf penetrated me, and a wave of ecstasy crashed over me. Every thrust sent me spiraling deeper into a world of unadulterated pleasure. Moans escaped my lips, mingling with the sounds of nature surrounding us, creating a symphony of carnal desire.
[[Continue->evilQuest3][$p =5]]
<<elseif $p eq 5>>
Without a word, the Hermit closed the distance between us, his rough hands grabbing me possessively, his touch sending shivers down my spine. His grip was firm, hinting at the strength he possessed, as he pushed me against a nearby surface, pinning me with an intoxicating mixture of desire and dominance.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/hermit.webp" class=center width=550>
With a primal growl, the Hermit wasted no time, his actions fueled by a raw, untamed lust. He took me roughly, his forceful thrusts leaving me breathless, surrendering to the sensations that consumed me. Each movement was filled with an intensity that bordered on the edge of pain and pleasure, pushing me to new heights of ecstasy.
[[Continue->evilQuest3][$p =6]]
<<elseif $p eq 6>>
<<Hermit "Well, my little plaything, you've proven yourself quite capable. Tell me, what stat do you desire to increase? Power? Stamina? Perhaps something more... intimate?">>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<link "Strength" "evilQuest3">>
<<set $p = 7>>
<<set $basestrength +=2>>
<<link "Agility" "evilQuest3">>
<<set $p = 7>>
<<set $baseagility +=2>>
<<link "Willpower" "evilQuest3">>
<<set $p = 7>>
<<set $basewillpower +=2>>
<<link "Corruption" "evilQuest3">>
<<set $p = 7>>
<<set $corruption +=6>>
<<elseif $p eq 7>>
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late! I need to rest.<<link "Go sleep" "evilQuest3Sleep">><</link>>
<img src="images/Mission/forest.jpg" class=center width=550>
As you continue your journey through the forest, your mind is a swirl of conflicting emotions. The air is thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, and the rustling leaves seem to whisper secrets to one another.
Your footsteps are steady as you navigate the winding path, each stride bringing you closer to your destination. The canopy above casts dappled sunlight on the forest floor, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadows. The occasional chirping of birds and the distant call of a wolf serve as a reminder that you are not alone in this wilderness.
<<set $random=random(1,2)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
As you continue your journey through the forest, your sharp senses pick up on an unusual scent – a mixture of decay and dampness. Following your instincts, you venture off the path and into a small clearing. There, you come upon a gruesome sight: a lifeless body lies sprawled on the ground.
The corpse is in an advanced state of decay, surrounded by a swarm of flies and the sickly sweet stench of death. Its clothing is tattered and stained, barely recognizable as the remnants of a person. Among the decay, you spot a small pouch containing a few spirit stones.
<img src="images/Mission/skeleton.jpg" class=center width=550>
Upon closer inspection, you also notice a pair of gauntlets discarded nearby. They're made from a sturdy material, etched with intricate designs that speak of craftsmanship.
<<set $handsinventory.push($veterangauntlets)>>\
<<set $gold +=50>>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
Your instincts scream danger as you whirl around, just in time to catch a glint of steel in the corner of your eye. Emerging from the shadows, a rugged figure materializes, his intentions unmistakably clear. Bandit, clad in tattered garments and brandishing an assortment of weaponry, have chosen this moment to reveal himself.
You are preparing to fight!
<img src="images/Character/banditboss.jpg" width=550>
<<HeroTalk "You're courting death!">>
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "evilQuest3Battle">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $pe = 100>> <</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $pe eq 200>> \
You won with the $enemyname!
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel satisfaction from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
<<if $time eq "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $p eq 8>>
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late! I need to rest.<<link "Go sleep" "evilQuest3Sleep">><</link>>
<div id="1">
Nearest settlement : <b>20 li</b>
<img src="images/Mission/waterfall.jpg" class=center width=550>
As you journey through the dense forest, the sound of rushing water grows louder and more distinct. Following the melody of nature's symphony, you find yourself drawn to the source of the enchanting sound. The dense foliage gradually gives way to reveal a breathtaking sight – a majestic waterfall cascading down from a rocky cliff, its crystalline waters sparkling in the sunlight.
The waterfall's powerful descent creates a refreshing mist that hangs in the air, carrying with it the invigorating aroma of moisture and lush vegetation. The pool below the waterfall beckons, a natural basin of clear water that captures the sunlight and transforms it into a play of dancing reflections.
Your body is weary from your travels, and the sight of the waterfall's inviting pool is a tempting oasis. The soothing symphony of water meeting water resonates in the air, creating an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. The lush greenery that surrounds the area adds to the sense of seclusion and serenity.
Do you want soak in water?
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<replace "#1">>
With a sense of anticipation, you approach the water's edge, the cool mist kissing your skin and refreshing your senses. The pool is inviting, its depths shrouded in mystery as the waterfall's cascade sends ripples across its surface. A sense of liberation fills the air, urging you to shed your inhibitions and embrace the natural world around you.
As you disrobe and step into the pool, the water's embrace envelops you in its cool, rejuvenating touch. The currents are gentle yet invigorating, massaging your skin and soothing your muscles. The sunlight filters through the cascading water, casting dancing shadows on the rocks beneath.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/waterfall.webp" class=center width=550>
The waterfall's song becomes your soundtrack, a melody of nature's purity that harmonizes with the rhythm of your heart. Your cares and worries dissipate with each ripple, leaving you feeling cleansed both inside and out. The symphony of the forest – the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves – becomes a chorus of approval as you immerse yourself in the waterfall's embrace.
As you luxuriate in the embrace of the cool, refreshing water, the symphony of nature interrupted by the presence of a man hidden behind the bushes. His eyes, filled with a lascivious hunger, roam over your exposed form, his hand moving rhythmically over his throbbing cock. With a wicked grin, he steps forward, his voice dripping with desire.
<<Unknown "Hey there, I couldn't help but notice you enjoying yourself. Want me to join in on the fun? I've got something special to offer.">>
His words, laced with an audacious confidence, mix with the sounds of the cascading waterfall and your own racing heartbeat. The air becomes charged with an undeniable sexual tension.
The water ripples around you, mirroring the intensity of your desires. You lock eyes with the man, your voice laced with a hint of seduction.
<<HeroTalk "What do you have in mind?">>
<<Unknown "I want to taste you, make you scream my name.">>
[[Accept his offer->evilQuest3][$p=9]]
[[Decline his offer->evilQuest3][$p=10]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $p eq 9>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/waterfall1.webp" class=center width=550>
His hands, rough and demanding, explore every inch of your quivering body, leaving trails of fiery sensation in their wake. Fingers dig into your flesh, marking you as his, as he ravages your wet cunt with an unapologetic fervor. The primal scent of sweat and sex fills the air, mingling with the musky aroma of the forest, creating an intoxicating cocktail that heightens the intensity of the moment.
With each forceful thrust, his thick cock plunges into your dripping pussy, filling you to the hilt. The friction between your bodies ignites a burning fire within, aching for release. Your moans become desperate pleas for more, your explicit words fueling his primal lust, driving him to push you to the brink of pleasure.
After a few minutes, he finished his inside me and left
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<<elseif $p eq 10>>
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late! I need to rest.<<link "Go sleep" "evilQuest3Sleep">><</link>>
Nearest settlement : <b>14 li</b>
<<set $random=random(1,2)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
You have no problems during your jorney!
<img src="images/Mission/forest1.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<if $time eq "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
Your instincts scream danger as you whirl around, just in time to catch a glint of steel in the corner of your eye. Emerging from the shadows, a rugged figure materializes, his intentions unmistakably clear. Bandit, clad in tattered garments and brandishing an assortment of weaponry, have chosen this moment to reveal himself.
You are preparing to fight!
<img src="images/Character/banditboss.jpg" width=550>
<<HeroTalk "Bastard, you're courting death!">>
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "evilQuest3Battle">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $pe = 100>> <</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $pe eq 200>> \
You won with the $enemyname!
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel satisfaction from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
<<elseif $p eq 11>>
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late! I need to rest.<<link "Go sleep" "evilQuest3Sleep">><</link>>
<div id="1">
<img src="images/Mission/forest3.jpg" class=center width=550>
Nearest settlement : <b>5 li</b>
As you journey through the dense forest, the sound of rushing water grows louder and more distinct. Following the melody of nature's symphony, you find yourself drawn to the source of the enchanting sound. The dense foliage gradually gives way to reveal a breathtaking sight – a majestic waterfall cascading down from a rocky cliff, its crystalline waters sparkling in the sunlight.
The waterfall's powerful descent creates a refreshing mist that hangs in the air, carrying with it the invigorating aroma of moisture and lush vegetation. The pool below the waterfall beckons, a natural basin of clear water that captures the sunlight and transforms it into a play of dancing reflections.
Your body is weary from your travels, and the sight of the waterfall's inviting pool is a tempting oasis. The soothing symphony of water meeting water resonates in the air, creating an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. The lush greenery that surrounds the area adds to the sense of seclusion and serenity.
Do you want soak in water?
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<replace "#1">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/waterfall.webp" class=center width=550>
As the cool, cascading water of the waterfall caresses my naked skin, I indulge in the blissful sensation of the refreshing embrace. The droplets glisten in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing display of nature's beauty. Lost in my own world, I revel in the tranquility of the moment.
Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered by the presence of a group of men who approach me, their eyes filled with a raw desire. Their muscular physiques glisten with water, showcasing their primal masculinity. They exchange knowing glances, their intentions unmistakable.
With a mischievous grin, one of them steps forward.
<<Unknown "Hey there, beautiful. Care to join us for a wild ride?">>
My heart races as I consider the proposition, feeling the heat of their gazes upon my exposed form.
[[Accept his offer->evilQuest3][$p=13]]
[[Decline his offer->evilQuest3][$p=12]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">>
<<set $time = "Noon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Noon">>
<<set $time = "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">>
<<set $time = "Night">>
<<elseif $p eq 13>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/waterfall2.webp" class=center width=550>
With a wicked grin, the first man steps forward, his bulging cock in hand. He grabs me forcefully, his grip tight and possessive. Without hesitation, he plunges his pulsating member deep into my soaking wet pussy, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from my lips. The sensation is intense, a mixture of pain and ecstasy that sends waves of pleasure coursing through my body.
As the first man pounds into me with unbridled force, another approaches, his erect dick glistening with pre-cum. He presses it against my lips, urging me to taste his salty essence. With a hungry mouth, I envelop his throbbing member, taking him deep into my throat, relishing in the primal act of sucking and slurping.
Meanwhile, the other men eagerly await their turn, stroking their engorged cocks, their eyes filled with anticipation. They watch the explicit scene unfolding before them, their own arousal growing by the second. The air is thick with the sounds of moans, the slapping of flesh, and the lewd exclamations that escape our lips.
As one man finishes deep inside me, his warm seed flooding my insides, another takes his place, thrusting into me with a ferocity that matches his own insatiable desire. The men take turns, eagerly claiming their share of pleasure, their hands roaming my body, pinching, squeezing, and teasing every sensitive spot.
After few moments they finished and left.
<<set $corruption +=3>>
<<elseif $p eq 12>>
<img src="images/Mission/gate.jpg" class=center width=550>
Finally after your journey, you arrived to Azure Haven.
With its bustling streets and bustling market stalls, it holds the perfect balance between commerce and community. However, the recent troubles with bandit groups have led the guards to enforce strict security measures. As you approach the settlement's entrance, the guards politely inform you that they need to conduct a search for the safety of the residents.
<<if $p eq 4>>
<img src="images/Locations/feast.jpg" class=center width=500>
In an effort to foster camaraderie and provide your subordinates with a much-needed break from the challenges they face, you decide to organize a feast. The atmosphere is lively as makeshift tables are set up, adorned with a variety of dishes and drinks. Torches cast a warm glow, creating an inviting ambiance that contrasts with the usual seriousness of your mission.
As the feast begins, your subordinates gather around the tables, their weariness momentarily forgotten. Laughter and conversation fill the air as they indulge in the delicious spread you've prepared. Plates are piled high with savory meats, hearty vegetables, and fresh bread. Goblets are filled with rich, aromatic wines that help to wash away the tension of their duties.
Amidst the clinking of glasses and the sound of merriment, you notice that the mood has lightened considerably. Your subordinates, who often bear the weight of their responsibilities on their shoulders, seem to revel in this chance to unwind. As the feast continues, the stories become more animated, and the camaraderie among the group grows stronger.
[[Drink with them->subordinatesFeast][$p=5]]
<<link "Leave them alone" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=60>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/alcohol.jpg" class=center width=500>
<i><b>You are slightly tipsy</b></i>
You find yourself seated at the head of the table, the effects of the alcohol coursing through your veins, leaving you slightly tipsy.
Your subordinates, fiercely dedicated to your cause, approached with reverence. Their eyes sparkled with admiration and lust as they presented you with bottles of fine alcohol.
<<if $corruption gte 25>>
[[Invite one of your subordinates to your chamber...->feastSEX][$p=15]]
I'm not drunk enough to do this right now...
[[Drink with them->subordinatesFeast][$p=6]]
<<link "Leave them alone" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=60>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 6>>
<img src="images/Locations/party.jpg" class=center width=500>
<i><b>You are moderately drunk</b></i>
You find yourself seated at the head of the table, the effects of the alcohol coursing through your veins, leaving you moderately drunk.
Amidst the vibrant ambiance of the feast, the air thrums with merriment and the scent of decadent delicacies. As the present, you find yourself moderately drunk, the intoxicating spirits adding a haze of exhilaration to the festivities. Laughter and music intermingle, creating a symphony of revelry.
But amidst this symphony, one of your subordinates stands out, heavily intoxicated and unabashed in his desire. He lurches towards you, his unsteady steps a testament to his drunkenness. With a lewd grin plastered across his face, he approaches, his words dripping with vulgarity.
<<Subordinate "Boss, I want to fuck you so hard, make you beg for more. I want to taste every inch of your body, from your luscious lips to your dripping wet pussy.">>
His explicit words hang in the air, a mixture of shock and intrigue permeating the surroundings. The other attendees, caught up in their own revelries, remain blissfully unaware of this raw exchange.
[[Go with him->feastSEX]]
[[Ignore him and drink more->subordinatesFeast][$p=7]]
<<link "Leave them alone" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=60>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 7>>
<img src="images/Locations/party.jpg" class=center width=500>
<i><b>You are drunk</b></i>
You find yourself seated at the head of the table, the effects of the alcohol coursing through your veins, leaving you drunk.
As the feast reaches its crescendo, the room pulsates with an intoxicating blend of music, laughter, and the heady aroma of food and wine. The atmosphere is charged with excitement, heightened by your own state of inebriation. You revel in the euphoria that courses through your veins, feeling bold and uninhibited.
Amidst the swirling crowd, two of your subordinates catch your attention. Heavily intoxicated, their inhibitions have been completely cast aside. They stumble towards you, eyes glazed with desire, their words laced with vulgar intent.
<<Subordinate "Boss, we've been dreaming about this moment for so fucking long. We want to ravage you. We'll take turns fucking you, filling every hole, and leaving you utterly spent.">>
<<Subordinate1 "Yeah, boss, we'll treat you like the filthy whore. We'll make you beg for our cocks, use you to satisfy our urges until you're nothing but a quivering mess.">>
Their crude propositions hang in the air, creating a charged tension that electrifies the room. The other attendees, caught up in their own revelries, remain blissfully unaware of the explicit desires being voiced.
[[Go with them->feastTHREE]]
[[Ignore them and drink more->subordinatesFeast][$p=8]]
<<link "Leave them alone" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=65>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 8>>
<i><b>You are black out drunk</b></i>
You find yourself seated at the head of the table, the effects of the alcohol coursing through your veins, leaving you almost black out.
As the alcohol courses through your veins, your senses are dulled, and your inhibitions are lowered. My subordinates, driven by their base desires, see this as an opportunity to take advantage of your vulnerable state. They approach you with lewd intentions, their words dripping with vulgarity.
They surround you, their hands reaching out to explore your body, their touch a mix of roughness and possessiveness. With each caress, they utter explicit words, voicing their deepest, most depraved desires. Their vulgar language fuels the fire within them, heightening the erotic tension in the room.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/grope.webp" class=center width=550>
As they undress you, their words grow even more explicit, detailing exactly what they want to do to you. Their voices are filled with dominance and a raw hunger that matches their actions. They speak of taking you in every way imaginable, of using you for their own pleasure without any regard for your own desires.
Their hands roam freely, their fingers tracing the curves of your exposed skin. They whisper their explicit intentions into my ear, their breath hot against your neck. The room is filled with a symphony of their perverse desires, the sounds of their explicit words mingling with the murmurs of the other guests.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/sex3.webp" class=center width=550>
In this state of drunken haze, you are at their mercy, unable to resist their advances. They take turns pleasuring themselves with your body, each one claiming a different part of you with a voracious hunger. They dominate you with a mixture of roughness and passion, bringing you to the brink of pleasure and pain.
<<link "Finish" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=80>> <<set $corruption +=3>><</link>>
<<if $p eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/courtesan.jpg" class=center width=550>
You summon a group of skilled and alluring courtesans, handpicked for their expertise in pleasuring others. Each one is a vision of seduction, with curves that could tempt even the most disciplined warrior. Their outfits leave little to the imagination, their silky garments clinging to their bodies, emphasizing every tantalizing curve.
As you oversee their preparations, the air is thick with anticipation. The scent of perfumed oils fills the room, mixing with the soft, seductive melodies that float through the air. The courtesans move with a grace that borders on ethereal, their movements captivating and hypnotizing.
You take pleasure in instructing them, ensuring every detail is perfect. Their hair is styled in intricate patterns, their makeup flawless, and their bodies adorned with delicate jewelry that glimmers in the soft candlelight. They are well-versed in the art of pleasure, and you know they will leave your subordinates craving for more.
<<link "Continue">><<replace "#sex">>
The courtesans, like ethereal nymphs, move gracefully, their eyes filled with a mixture of seduction and submission. They approach each subordinate, their hands caressing, their lips whispering sweet promises. Pleasure fills the air as the room becomes a symphony of moans and sighs, each encounter tailored to fulfill every individual's deepest desires.
Bodies writhe and entangle, skin on skin, as the courtesans and your subordinates engage in a hedonistic exploration of pleasure. Fingers trace trails of fire along heated flesh, nails dig into backs, and teeth graze upon sensitive areas, eliciting gasps and cries of ecstasy.
The scent of sex permeates the room, a heady blend of musk, sweat, and the intoxicating aroma of arousal. It mingles with the flickering candlelight, casting sensual shadows on the walls, amplifying the carnal energy that fills the chamber.
With each thrust and grind, the pleasure builds, bodies melding together in a passionate dance of lust. Moans of pleasure blend with the rhythmic slapping of flesh, a symphony of raw desire that echoes through the room.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random=random(1,4)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgy.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgy1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgy2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgy3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<link "Finish" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=30>> <</link>>
<<link "Blend in">><<replace "#sex">>
With a face mask to conceal your identity, your cunt quivers with an insatiable craving for sex.
As you move through the room, your eyes search for a group of eager subordinates, their gazes filled with a mixture of desire and anticipation. With a seductive sway of your hips, you approach them, emanating an irresistible aura of raw sexuality.
Their breath quickens, their cocks straining against their garments, as you take control of their desires.
<<set $random=random(1,4)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random=random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgyy.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgyy1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgyy12.webp" class=center width=550>
With a gasp of pleasure, you feel the first thick, throbbing cock slide into your dripping wet cunt. The sensation is electrifying as it fills you inch by inch, stretching you to accommodate its girth. The rhythm of the thrusts intensifies, driving you closer to the edge of ecstasy.
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgyy3.webp" class=center width=550>
With a skilled and eager mouth, I take the cock deep inside, feeling it glide along my tongue, tasting the pre-cum that coats its tip. I use my lips and tongue to tease and tantalize, creating a rhythm that drives the owner of the cock to the brink of pleasure.
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgyy4.webp" class=center width=550>
One of the participants positions himself between your spread legs, his throbbing cock poised at the entrance of your dripping wet cunt. With a deep breath, he thrusts forward, filling you with a delicious fullness that sends shivers of pleasure coursing through your body.
Meanwhile, you take the cocks of the other two participants in your hands, your fingers stroking and teasing them.
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>\
<img src="images/Sex/orgyy5.gif" class=center width=550>
One of the participants positions himself between your spread legs, his throbbing cock poised at the entrance of your dripping wet cunt. With a deep breath, he thrusts forward, plunging his hard length into you.
Meanwhile, another participant stands before you, his hard cock throbbing with anticipation. He firmly grasps your head, guiding it towards his pulsating member.
<<link "Finish" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=35>> <</link>>
<<if $p eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/seducing.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<link "Go back" "Dorms">><</link>>
<<link "Invite one subordinate">><<replace "#sex">>
You summon your subordinate, a man who has shown exceptional dedication and performance, to your private office. As he enters, you can see the mixture of excitement and anticipation in his eyes.
With a commanding presence, you approach him, your eyes locked in a primal gaze. Slowly, you unbutton your shirt, revealing the contours of your body. Your fingers trace along your curves, enticing him with every movement.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/undress.webp" class=center width=550>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/grope1.webp" class=center width=550>
He watches intently, his breath quickening as desire fills the air. You step closer, closing the distance between your bodies. His hands instinctively reach out, exploring the contours of your exposed skin. The touch sends electric currents of pleasure through your body.
You guide him towards a plush couch in the corner of the room, your eyes never leaving each other's gaze. With a mixture of urgency and desire, you both undress, shedding every layer that separates you from pure ecstasy.
As you lie on the couch, your bodies entwined, he positions himself between your spread legs. Your wetness glistens in the dimly lit room, ready to receive his throbbing cock. With a deep breath, he enters you, inch by inch, filling you completely.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/sex4.webp" class=center width=550>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
As his climax approaches, his rhythm becomes erratic, his thrusts growing more intense. With a final, powerful thrust, he releases himself, his body convulsing with the force of his orgasm. You can feel his hot spurts of cum filling you, marking the pinnacle of his pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie.webp" class=center width=550>
<<link "Finish" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=6>> <</link>>
<<link "Invite few subordinates">><<replace "#sex">>
You gather a group of deserving subordinates who have shown exceptional dedication and performance. In a private, opulent chamber, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation and desire.
As you stand at the center of the room, commanding their attention, your eyes lock with each of your selected subordinates. Their gazes are filled with a mix of excitement and arousal, fully aware of the reward they are about to receive.
As the sexual tension electrifies the air in the lavishly decorated chamber, your subordinates gather around you, their eyes filled with desire and anticipation. Eager hands explore your body, tracing along your curves, while others indulge in passionate kisses and whispered words of longing.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/pussyeat2.webp" class=center width=550>
One of your subordinates kneels before you, their lips hungrily wrapping around your sensitive clit. Their skilled tongue dances across your throbbing nub, flicking and teasing with a rhythm that sends shivers of pleasure through your body.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
Meanwhile, another subordinate positions themselves behind you, his firm cock pressing against your slick entrance. With a slow, deliberate thrust, he enter you, filling you with his length.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/sex.webp" class=center width=550>
As the sexual encounter intensifies, one of your male subordinates takes the initiative to position himself before you, presenting his erect cock for your eager mouth.
With a hunger in your eyes, you eagerly take him into your mouth, savoring the taste of his desire. Your tongue dances along his shaft, teasing and pleasuring him with each stroke. The warmth and wetness of your mouth envelop him.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/spitroast.webp" class=center width=550>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
The moment finally arrives, and your body convulses in the throes of orgasm. Waves of pleasure ripple through you, radiating from your core and spreading outward. Your muscles tense and release, a surge of pleasure coursing through every nerve ending.
In the heat of the moment, your two subordinates position themselves before you, their throbbing members glistening with anticipation. With a primal hunger in their eyes, they take turns, aiming their erect cocks towards your face, ready to unleash their explicit release upon you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/cum5.webp" class=center width=550>
<<link "Finish" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=10>> <</link>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<img src="images/Locations/brothelroom.jpg" class=center width=650>
<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late! <<link "Go back" "Dorms">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 0 and $time neq "Night">>
The room is dimly lit, with red and gold accents giving it a luxurious feel. A large bed dominates the room, with silky sheets and plush pillows inviting my clients to relax and indulge in their desires.
<<link "💜Blowjob" "brothelBlowjob">><</link>>
<<link "💜Sex" "brothelSex">><</link>>
<<link "💜Gangbang" "brothelGangbang">><</link>>
[[Go back->evilBrothel][$p eq 0]]
*more in next update*
<<link "💜Bukkake" "brothelBukkake">><</link>>
<<link "💜Feetjob" "brothelFeetjob">><</link>>
<<link "💜Watersports" "brothelWatersports">><</link>>
<<link "💜Pegging" "brothelPegging">><</link>>
[[Regular work->brothelWork][$p eq 0]]
[[Go back->evilBrothel][$p eq 0]]
<</if>>After what seems like an eternity, a man stumbles into the room. He reeks of alcohol and sweat, and I can feel my stomach turn as he sits down in front of me and unzips his pants without a word.
I try not to let my disgust show as I take him into my mouth, my lips wrapping around his hard cock. I can taste the saltiness of his pre-cum as I suck him deeper and harder, trying to get it over with as quickly as possible.
Finally, he finishes in my mouth and pulls up his pants without so much as a thank you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random =random(1,4)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Brothel/blowjob.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Brothel/blowjob1.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Brothel/blowjob2.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<img src="images/Brothel/blowjob3.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<link "Go back" "brothelWork">><</link>>
<<set $gold += random(34, 39)>>
<<set $corruption +=random(1,2)>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
As soon as he enters, man spreads my legs and enters me, his cock filling me up as he thrusts deep and hard. I scream in pleasure as I buck my hips against him, the sensations overwhelming me as I reach the peak of ecstasy.
He continues to thrust into me, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he pounds me harder and harder.
After a few minutes, he finished his inside me and left
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random = random(1,4)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Brothel/sex.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Brothel/sex1.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Brothel/sex2.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<img src="images/Brothel/sex3.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<link "Go back" "brothelWork">><</link>>
<<set $gold += random(54, 59)>>
<<set $corruption +=random(2,3)>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\I found myself surrounded by a group of lustful men, their eyes burning with desire as they closed in on me. Their hands, rough and eager, reached out to explore every curve of my body, disregarding any notion of decency or personal boundaries. Their groping hands traced the contours of my breasts, trailing down my legs, and firmly gripping my ass, leaving no part untouched.
With a deliberate sway of my hips, I shed my clothes, revealing my naked form to the hungry gazes that eagerly devoured every inch of my exposed skin.
After few moments they finished.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<<set $random =random(1,4)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<img src="images/Brothel/gangbang.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<img src="images/Brothel/gangbang1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<img src="images/Brothel/gangbang2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<img src="images/Brothel/gangbang3.webp" class=center width=550>
<<link "Go back" "brothelWork">><</link>>
<<set $gold += random(54, 59)>>
<<set $corruption +=random(1,3)>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
Sun wake up, so did you.
<img src="images/Mission/wakeup.jpg" width=600>
With a new day's beginning comes the promise of lucky encounter and graduating - for those persistent enough to not give up on their life.
<<link "Onwards!" "evilQuest3">><</link>>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>\
<<set $startingmaxqi = $maxqi>>\
<<set $currentqi = $maxqi>>
<<set $daynumber += 1>>\
<<set $time = "Morning">>\
<<set $pleasured = 0>>\
<<set $drink = 0>><<if $pe eq 100>>
You are fighting $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<i><<ItemAbilityRun>><<if ($battlecount eq 0) and ($setbonus gte 1)>><<SetBonus>><</if>></i>
<<if $stun lte 0>> <<set $action = "notstun">> <</if>>\
<<if $stun gte 1>><<set $action = "stun">><<set $stun -= 1>>You are stunned, and cannot take action! <<else>>\
<b>General Actions</b>:
<<link "Attack" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>><<set $action = "attack">><</link>>
<<if $flee eq 1>><<link "Flee" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>><<set $action = "flee">><</link>><<else>><i>You cannot flee from this battle!</i><</if>>
<<link "Do nothing!" $passage>> <<set $pe = 120>> <</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $abilityinventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $abilityinventory[_i].name>> (qi cost: $abilityinventory[_i].qi )\
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $currentqi lt $abilityinventory[_i].qi>><i>Not enough qi</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>><<set $action = "ability">> <<set $ability = $abilityinventory[_i].widgetname>> <<set $abilityqi = $abilityinventory[_i].qi>> <<set $abilitylevel = $abilityinventory[_i].level>> <</link>> <</if>>
<b>Items ($potioncount / 10)</b>:
<<if $potioncount gte 10>><i>You can only drink up to 10 potions in a single battle!</i><<else>><<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $iteminventory[_i].name>> (Quantity: <<print $iteminventory[_i].quantity>>) \
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $iteminventory[_i].quantity lte 0>> <i>None left</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $pe = 110>> <<set $action = "item">> <<set $item = $iteminventory[_i].name>>
<<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity -= 1>>\
<<set $itemstrength = $iteminventory[_i].strength>>\
<<set $itemagility = $iteminventory[_i].agility>>\
<<set $itemwillpower = $iteminventory[_i].willpower>>\
<<set $itemarmor = $iteminventory[_i].armor>>\
<<set $itemhealth = $iteminventory[_i].health>>\
<<set $itemqi = $iteminventory[_i].qi>>\
<<set $itemevadescore = $iteminventory[_i].evadescore>>\
<<set $potioncount += 1>>\
<<if $action eq "stun">> <<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $pe = 120>><</link>><</if>>
<<set $battlecount += 1>>\
<<elseif $pe eq 110>>
You are fighting a $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $action eq "attack">>You attempt to hit the $enemyname with your $weapon!
<<if $action eq "attack success">>You deal damage to the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "flee">>You attempt to flee from the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "ability">><<Ability $ability>><</Ability>><</if>>
<<if $action eq "item">>You used your $item!
<<ItemImage $item 150>><</ItemImage>>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "You secured your position! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 8>><</link>><<elseif $enemyactiveability gte 10>><<link "The enemy surrenders! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 8>><</link>><<elseif $action eq "flee success">><<link "You escape!" $passage>><<set $pe = 190>><</link>><<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $pe = 120>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $pe eq 120>>
You are fighting a $enemyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack">>The $enemyname attacks you!
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack success">>The $enemyname deals damage to you!
<<if ($enemyaction neq "stun") and ($enemyaction neq "attack") and ($enemyaction neq "attack success") and ($enemyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<EnemyAbility $enemyaction>><</EnemyAbility>>
<<if $currenthealth lte 0>><<link "You are defeated">><<goto "Game Over">><<set $badend to 2>><</link>><<else>><<link "Player turn" $passage>><<set $pe = 100>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $pe eq 190>>
You flee from the $enemyname - better to bandage your wounds and do battle another day than foolishly fight to the death.
You couldn't run from them.
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $goldloss = $enemymaxgold>> \
<<set $gold -= $goldloss>> \
<<elseif $pe eq 200>> \
This page should not come up, as you should be out of the $passage passage and into the $returnpassage passage.
<</if>>\<<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Mission/guard.jpg" class=center width=550>
As you approach the settlement's entrance, the guards stand alert, their expressions stern and focused. One of the guards steps forward, his gaze assessing you from head to toe. With a firm tone, he addresses you.
<<Guard "Halt, traveler. In these troubled times, we cannot afford to be complacent. We've been tormented by bandit groups, and for the safety of our residents, we're conducting thorough searches of those who enter. Please understand. We need to search your belongings. It's a precaution we take to ensure no dangerous items are brought within the settlement.">>
[[Comply with guards->quest1City][$p=1]]
[[Resist to guard's search->quest1CityVariation][$p=1]]
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
A flicker of resistance sparks within you at the guard's request, a defiant voice that questions the necessity of such a procedure. You hesitate, your stance subtly tense as you consider the implications of allowing them to inspect your belongings. Your eyes lock with the guard's, a silent standoff that carries an undercurrent of suspicion.
<<Guard "This is a standard procedure, ma'am. It's for everyone's safety.">>
[[Go with them->quest1City][$p=2]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<div id="1">
As the City guards of Azure Haven lead me to the guard room, their expressions are filled with suspicion and authority. These guards, burly and battle-hardened, are adorned in polished silver armor, their muscular physiques evident even beneath the protective plates.
The guard room is a dimly lit chamber, its stone walls covered in moss and dampness. The scent of stale air hangs heavy in the room, mingling with the metallic tang of the guards' sweat. Torches flicker on the walls, casting eerie shadows that dance across the room.
<img src="images/Mission/guardroom.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<replace "#1">>
With an air of authority, the captain of the guards, a towering figure with a scarred face and a braided beard, steps forward. His voice carries a gruffness that commands attention.
<<Guard "What's this then? Found a weapon on you, did we?">>
You meet their gaze with a defiant stare, your heart pounding with anticipation.
<<HeroTalk "It's just a simple blade for self-defense. I mean no harm.">>
The captain chuckles darkly, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
<<Guard "Self-defense, eh? In Azure Haven, we don't take kindly to folks carrying weapons without proper cause. Now, hand it over.">>
You reluctantly reach into your cloak and retrieve the weapon, placing it on the table before them. The blade gleams in the torchlight, its sharp edge glinting with a hint of danger. The guards crowd around the table, inspecting the weapon with furrowed brows and muttered curses. One of the guards, a burly man with tattoos covering his arms, leans in and sniffs the air, his eyes narrowing.
<<Guard1 "There's something off about this weapon. Smells like trouble.">>
The captain nods, a sinister grin creeping across his face.
<<Guard "Indeed. We'll have to search you thoroughly, just to be sure there aren't any more surprises hidden on your person.">>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
Your heart races as the guards close in, their rough hands grabbing at your clothing, patting you down with a mixture of curiosity and aggression. The room fills with the sound of their heavy breathing and the rustle of fabric as they forcefully search for any hidden weapons.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/fondling.webp" class=center width=550>
Their touch is invasive, their hands exploring every crevice of my body, uncaring of personal boundaries. Despite the discomfort and humiliation, I remain steadfast, my gaze defiant as they continue their invasive search.
Finally, the captain steps back, a triumphant grin plastered across his face.
<<Guard "Nothing else on you. Seems you were telling the truth, for now. But remember, we're watching you.">>
[[Go to city->Azure Haven][$p=0]]
<<elseif $evilQuest3 eq 1>>
<<if $p eq 1>>
As a devoted disciple of the Abyss Sect, you have been entrusted with a clandestine mission that holds the key to expanding the sect's influence. The sect's leaders have identified a noble of significant standing, a figure whose resources and connections could greatly benefit the sect's dark ambitions. It is now your task to ensnare this noble and bring them willingly into the fold of the Abyss Sect.
<img src="images/Locations/city.jpg" class=center width=550>
Your journey commences within the grandeur of Tranquil Haven, a city teeming with opulence and power. The sect has provided you with a carefully crafted identity, a persona that will grant you access to the noble's inner circle.
<img src="images/Locations/guard.jpg" class=center width=550>
You approach the heavily guarded gates that protect the noble's estate. The guards, trained to be meticulous in their duties, conduct thorough inspections of every individual seeking entry. Your heart races as you step forward, aware that any suspicion could unravel the sect's carefully laid plans.
<<if $p eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/guard1.jpg" class=center width=550>
The tension in the air grows palpable, and you can sense their readiness to escalate the situation. Your determination to stand your ground intensifies, and with a swift and fluid
motion, you unsheathe your $weapon .
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "a1">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $p = 10>><</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
You defeat the Azure Haven Guard!
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel stronger from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
You don't have time to loot them!
<</if>><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Locations/questboard.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b>Hunt silkback rabbit </b>
[[Accept this mission->Repeatable][$p=1]]
<<link "Return" "Main Hall">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<img src="images/Locations/forest.webp" class=center width="90%">
You walked through the dense forest, your senses on high alert as you searched for any sign of the elusive silkback rabbit. Suddenly, you spotted a man up ahead, his back turned to you. You cautiously approached him, hoping he might have seen the rabbit.
<img src="images/Locations/forest1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<<HeroTalk "Excuse me, have you seen a silkback rabbit around here?">>
The man turned around, eyeing you suspiciously.
<<Unknown "Why do you want to know?">>
he asked, his voice gruff.
<<HeroTalk "I'm on a mission to catch the silkback rabbit, I was hoping you might have seen it.">>
The man shook his head.
<<Unknown "I haven't seen any rabbits around here, but if you're looking for something else...">>
He trailed off, his eyes roaming over your body.
<<if $corruption gte 20>>[[Go with him->Repeatable][$p = 2]]<<else>> <i> I'm not corrupted enough!</i><</if>>
[[No->Repeatable][$p = 3]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<div id="1">
<<HeroTalk "What kind of something else?">>
The man grinned, his eyes roaming over your body.
<<Unknown "I was hoping you might be interested in a little fun.">>
You felt a shiver run down your spine as he touched your arm, his fingers trailing down to your waist.
The man pulled you into his arms, pressing his lips to yours in a rough, hungry kiss. You moaned as you felt his hands roaming over your body, his fingers slipping under your clothes to touch your bare skin.
He pushed you up against a tree, his hands gripping your hips as he ground his cock against you. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he pressed closer, his breath hot against your neck.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/forest.webp" class=center width="90%">
Finally, he pulled out his cock and pushed it into you, his thrusts hard and fast. You cried out in pleasure, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter with every stroke.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/creampie5.webp" class=center width="90%">
<<if $corruption lte 25>>
<<set $corruption +=2>>
As you both came, his hot cum filling you up, you felt a sense of satisfaction wash over you. You knew that the silkback rabbit could wait.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<replace "#1">>
As you finished clothing yourself after your encounter with the man, you noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of your eye. You turned your head and saw the silkback rabbit, darting through the underbrush.
You felt a surge of excitement as you realized that you might finally have a chance to catch it. You began to run after the rabbit, your heart pounding with anticipation.
<<if $agility gte 10>> <img src="images/Character/silkbackrabbit.jpg">
The rabbit was fast, but you were faster. You leaped over fallen logs and dodged through the trees, your eyes fixed on the rabbit's fluffy tail.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you caught up to the rabbit. You reached out and grabbed it by the scruff of its neck, feeling its soft fur under your fingers.
You smiled triumphantly, knowing that you had accomplished your quest.
<<link "Go back!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $gold += 9>> <<set $exp +=9>><</link>>
The rabbit was fast, but you were faster. You leaped over fallen logs and dodged through the trees, your eyes fixed on the rabbit's fluffy tail.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you caught up to the rabbit. But as you reached out to grab it, you stumbled and fell, your body landing in a pile of mud.
<i> Maybe I should increase my agility?</i>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<div id="2">
<img src="images/Locations/forest.webp" class=center width="90%">
After refusing the man's proposition, you continued your search for the silkback rabbit. You knew that it was a long shot, but you couldn't help feeling a sense of determination.
You ventured deeper into the forest, your senses on high alert as you scanned the underbrush for any sign of the rabbit. You listened carefully, hoping to hear the sound of its movement.
But it seemed that luck was not on your side. After several hours of searching, you had found nothing. Your feet were sore, and you were starting to feel discouraged.
<img src="images/Locations/forest2.jpg" class=center width="90%">
You decided to take a break, sitting down on a nearby log to catch your breath. As you rested, you thought about giving up. Maybe the silkback rabbit wasn't worth all this trouble.
But as you sat there, you took one last look around. And that's when you saw it - a flash of white fur darting through the trees.
You felt a surge of excitement as you realized that this might be your chance. You got up from the log and began to run after the rabbit, determined to catch it no matter what.
<<linkreplace "Run!">>
<<replace "#2">>
<<if $agility gte 10>>
<img src="images/Character/silkbackrabbit.jpg">
After a long chase, you finally managed to catch the silkback rabbit. It struggled and squirmed in your grasp, but you held on tight, feeling a sense of pride.
You knew that you had accomplished what you set out to do. You had caught the elusive silkback rabbit, and nothing could take that away from you.
<<link "Go back!" "Evil Sect">> <<set $gold += 15>> <<set $exp +=9>><</link>>
<img src="images/Character/silkbackrabbit.jpg">
The rabbit was fast, but you were faster. You leaped over fallen logs and dodged through the trees, your eyes fixed on the rabbit's fluffy tail.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you caught up to the rabbit. But as you reached out to grab it, you stumbled and fell, your body landing in a pile of mud.
<i> Maybe I should increase my agility?</i>
<<link "Go back" "Evil Sect">><</link>>
<</if>>Your drunken mind, fueled by a potent mix of desire and power, entertains the forbidden possibilities. A wicked smile plays upon your lips as you meet their vulgarity with a flicker of intrigue. You beckon them to follow, leading them to a secluded chamber, away from prying eyes and judgmental gazes.
Within this private sanctuary, the air crackles with anticipation. The scent of arousal mingles with the lingering fragrances of the feast, heightening the sensory experience. Their hands, fueled by a primal hunger, explore your body with a mix of urgency and intoxicated clumsiness.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/sex1.gif" class=center width=550>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
One of the men, his primal instincts taking over, positions himself between your legs. With an air of dominance, he plunges his throbbing cock deep into your soaking wet cunt. His thrusts are forceful and unrelenting, pounding into you with an intensity that sends shockwaves of pleasure through your entire being.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/sex.webp" class=center width=550>
Meanwhile, the other man, consumed by his own desires, positions himself behind you. With a possessive grip on my hips, he thrusts his rock-hard shaft into your tight, puckered asshole. The sensation is a mix of pleasure and a hint of pain, as he stretches your backdoor to accommodate his pulsating member.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
The room echoes with a symphony of explicit moans, gasps, and filthy words, a testament to the raw intensity of your shared pleasure. The air is heavy with the scent of sweat and sex, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room with a primal rhythm.
After few moments both of them cum inside you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/cum.webp" class=center width=550>
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<<link "Leave them alone" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=70>><</link>>
<<if $p eq 15>>
As you enter the chamber, the air becomes thick with anticipation. The flickering candlelight casts a seductive glow, accentuating the curves of your bodies as you undress each other with fervent hunger. The sound of fabric falling to the ground echoes throughout the room, mingling with the sounds of your heavy breathing.
You drop to your knees, eyeing his throbbing cock with a primal hunger. Your lips part, and you eagerly take him into your mouth, savoring the taste of his masculinity. With each passionate slurp and flick of your tongue, you drive him wild with pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/blowjob.gif" class=center width=550>
Your hands explore his sculpted body, tracing every contour and eliciting shivers of ecstasy. The room fills with the sounds of your moans and his desperate gasps as you take him deeper, pushing the boundaries of pleasure.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/doggy.webp" class=center width=550>
Driven by an insatiable desire, you guide him to the bed, positioning yourself on all fours, presenting your dripping wet pussy to him. With a primal growl, he enters you, filling you completely with his rock-hard cock.
The room is filled with the rhythmic sounds of flesh slapping against flesh as you both surrender to the intoxicating dance of pleasure. Each thrust brings you closer to the edge, your bodies moving in perfect harmony, fueled by an insatiable hunger for release.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
As the intensity builds, your moans of pleasure grow louder, echoing off the chamber walls. The scent of sex fills the air, mixing with the sound of your breathless panting. The world around you fades away as you lose yourself in the raw, primal ecstasy of the moment.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/orgasm.webp" class=center width=550>
With one final, explosive climax, your bodies convulse in unison, waves of pleasure crashing over you both. You collapse onto the bed, completely spent and satisfied, your bodies intertwined in a state of blissful exhaustion.
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<<link "Leave them alone" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=65>> <</link>>
Your drunken mind, emboldened by the intoxication, entertains the possibilities. A wicked smile dances upon your lips, mirroring the gleam in your eyes. You accept the challenge, eager to explore
He leads you towards the bed, his touch leaving a trail of fire on your skin. With a commanding presence, he positions himself behind you, his throbbing cock pressing against your tight and eager asshole. Without hesitation, he pushes himself inside, his shaft stretching you to accommodate his size. The mixture of pleasure and a hint of pain sends a surge of ecstasy through your veins.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/sex2.webp" class=center width=550>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
In this uninhibited space, he takes control, thrusting into your tight hole with a relentless determination. Each movement brings a collision of pleasure and intensity, pushing you to the edge of your desires. The sounds of yours bodies colliding fill the room, the scent of sex permeating the air.
As the encounter reaches its climax, we both surrender to the overwhelming waves of pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Sex/cum1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<set $corruption +=2>>
<<link "Leave them alone" "Dorms">> <<set $morale +=65>> <</link>>
<</if>><b>Lewd Mode</b> is an optional setting that adds NSFW images and gifs.
<img src="Images/Other/crest.png" width=500 />
Without <b>Lewd Mode</b>, the game includes erotic content, however without NSFW images and gifs.
[[Continue with Lewd Mode->Continue][$lewdmode = 1]]
[[Continue without Lewd Mode->Continue][$lewdmode = 0]]
<<set $lewdmode = 0>>\
<<widget "GuardEnemyStats">>
<<set $enemyallyname = "Azure Haven's Swordsman">>
<<set $enemyallymaxhealth = 60>>
<<set $enemyallycurrenthealth = 60>>
<<set $enemyallystrength = 6>>
<<set $enemyallyagility = 6>>
<<set $enemyallywillpower = 6>>
<<set $enemyallybaseevade = 35>>
<<set $enemyallyevadescore = $enemyallyagility + $enemyallybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyallyarmor = 2>>
<<set $enemyallymindamage = 6>>
<<set $enemyallymaxdamage = 9>>
<<set $enemyallymingold = 23>>
<<set $enemyallymaxgold = 47>>
<<set $enemyallyminexp = 21>>
<<set $enemyallymaxexp = 32>>
<<set $enemyallyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyallyimage = "guard1">>
<<set $enemyallyability = []>>
<<set $enemyallyability.push("attack", "attack", "BladeSlash")>>
<<set $enemyallystunlimit = 6>>
<<widget "HoboEnemyStats">>
<<set $enemyallyname = "Bandit">>
<<set $enemyallymaxhealth = 44>>
<<set $enemyallycurrenthealth = 44>>
<<set $enemyallystrength = 6>>
<<set $enemyallyagility = 6>>
<<set $enemyallywillpower = 6>>
<<set $enemyallybaseevade = 35>>
<<set $enemyallyevadescore = $enemyallyagility + $enemyallybaseevade>>
<<set $enemyallyarmor = 2>>
<<set $enemyallymindamage = 6>>
<<set $enemyallymaxdamage = 9>>
<<set $enemyallymingold = 23>>
<<set $enemyallymaxgold = 47>>
<<set $enemyallyminexp = 21>>
<<set $enemyallymaxexp = 32>>
<<set $enemyallyregion = "Character">>
<<set $enemyallyimage = "hobo">>
<<set $enemyallyability = []>>
<<set $enemyallyability.push("attack", "attack")>>
<<set $enemyallystunlimit = 6>>
<</widget>><<if $p eq 10>>
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<i><<ItemAbilityRun>><<if ($battlecount eq 0) and ($setbonus gte 1)>><<SetBonus>><</if>></i>
<<if $allyturn eq 1>> <<set $allyturn = 0>> <<else>> <<set $allyturn = 1>> <</if>>\
<<if $stun lte 0>> <<set $action = "notstun">> <</if>>\
<<if $stun gte 1>><<set $action = "stun">><<set $stun -= 1>>You are stunned, and cannot take action!<<else>>\
<b>General Actions</b>:
<<link "Attack" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "attack">><</link>>
<<if $flee eq 1>><<link "Flee" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "flee">><</link>><<else>><i>You cannot flee from this battle!</i><</if>>\
<<link "Surrender!" $passage>> <<set $p = 12>> <<set $currenthealth = 0>><</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Class Abilities</b>:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $abilityinventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $abilityinventory[_i].name>> (Qi cost: $abilityinventory[_i].qi )\
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $currentqi lt $abilityinventory[_i].qi>><i>Not enough qi</i><<elseif ($class eq "rogue") and ($combatpoints lt $abilityinventory[_i].combatcost)>><i>Not enough Combat Points</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "ability">> <<set $ability = $abilityinventory[_i].widgetname>> <<set $abilityqi = $abilityinventory[_i].qi>> <<set $abilitylevel = $abilityinventory[_i].level>> <</link>> <</if>>
<b>Items ($potioncount / 10)</b>:
<<if $potioncount gte 10>><i>You can only drink up to 10 potions in a single battle!</i><<else>><<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $iteminventory[_i].name>> (Quantity: <<print $iteminventory[_i].quantity>>) \
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $iteminventory[_i].quantity lte 0>> <i>None left</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $p = 11>> <<set $action = "item">> <<set $item = $iteminventory[_i].name>>
<<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity -= 1>>\
<<set $itemstrength = $iteminventory[_i].strength>>\
<<set $itemagility = $iteminventory[_i].agility>>\
<<set $itemwillpower = $iteminventory[_i].willpower>>\
<<set $itemarmor = $iteminventory[_i].armor>>\
<<set $itemhealth = $iteminventory[_i].health>>\
<<set $itemqi = $iteminventory[_i].qi>>\
<<set $itemevadescore = $iteminventory[_i].evadescore>>\
<<set $potioncount += 1>>\
<<if $action eq "stun">><<if $allyturn eq 1>><<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><<elseif $allyturn eq 0>><<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $p = 14>><</link>><<else>><<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<set $battlecount += 1>>\
<<elseif $p eq 11>>
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $action eq "attack">>You attempt to hit the $enemyname with your $weapon!
<<if $action eq "attack success">>You deal damage to the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "flee">>You attempt to flee from the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "ability">><<Ability $ability>><</Ability>><</if>>
<<if $action eq "item">>You used your $item!
<<ItemImage $item 150>><</ItemImage>>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "The enemy is defeated! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<elseif $action eq "flee success">><<link "You escape!" $passage>><<set $p = 19>><</link>><<elseif $allyturn eq 1>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><<elseif $allyturn eq 0>><<link "Enemy's Ally turn" $passage>><<set $p = 14>><</link>><<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 12>> \
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack">>The $enemyname attacks you!
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack success">>The $enemyname deals damage to you!
<<if ($enemyaction neq "stun") and ($enemyaction neq "attack") and ($enemyaction neq "attack success") and ($enemyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<EnemyAbility $enemyaction>><</EnemyAbility>>
<<if $currenthealth lte 0>>[[You are defeated->quest1CityLost][$p=1]]<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "the enemy's ally is slain!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<else>><<link "Player turn" $passage>><<set $p = 10>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 13>>\
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<set $allyaction = $allyability.pluck()>>\
<<set $allyability.push($allyaction)>>
<<if $allyaction eq "attack">>$allyname attacks $enemyname
<<if $allyaction eq "attack success">>The $allyname deals damage to $enemyname!
<<if ($allyaction neq "attack") and ($allyaction neq "attack success") and ($allyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<AllyAbility $allyaction>><</AllyAbility>>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "The enemy is defeated! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 14>>
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<set $enemyallyaction = $enemyallyability.pluck()>>\
<<set $enemyallyability.push($enemyallyaction)>>
<<if ($enemyallyaction neq "attack") and ($enemyallyaction neq "attack success") and ($enemyallyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<AllyAbility $enemyallyaction>><</AllyAbility>>
<<if $currenthealth lte 0>>[[You are defeated->quest1CityLost][$p=1]]<<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 19>>
You flee from the $enemyname - better to bandage your wounds and do battle another day than foolishly fight to the death.
As you near the safety of the cabin, you realize your coin purse is a bit lighter than before. Some gold pieces must have fallen out while you were running away.
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $goldloss = $enemymaxgold>> \
<<set $gold -= $goldloss>> \
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
This page should not come up, as you should be out of the $passage passage and into the $returnpassage passage.
<<if $p eq 1>>
<<set $currenthealth += 30>>
Despite your efforts, the guards' persistence and overwhelming numbers proved too much to handle. Overpowered and outnumbered, you found yourself defeated, disarmed, and at their mercy.
As the dust settled and your struggles ceased, the guards wasted no time. They bound your hands with sturdy ropes and disarmed you of any remaining possessions. Your every attempt to resist or fight back was met with firm retaliation, leaving you subdued and unable to escape their grasp.
<img src="images/Mission/bound.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
With your hands bound and your will subdued, the guards exchanged triumphant glances before escorting you through the grim stone corridors. Each step felt heavier than the last as you were led away from the scene of the struggle, your mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.
<img src="images/Mission/door.jpg" class=center width=550>
Soon, the echoing footsteps came to a halt before a heavy iron door. The guards exchanged words in hushed tones, and with a resounding creak, the door swung open to reveal a cold and dimly lit cell. The stale air and unwelcoming environment sent a shiver down your spine as you were led inside.
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<img src="images/Mission/prisoncell.jpg" class=center width=550>
The door clanged shut behind you, sealing your fate within the confines of the cell. Stripped of your freedom, you could only watch as the guards' footsteps faded away, leaving you to contemplate your circumstances.
<<set $nice to 0>>
<<set $tough to 0>>
<<set $prisoncount to 0>>
<<set $trainingcount to 0>>
<<set $nicerelationship to 0>>
<<set $toughrelationship to 0>>
<<if $prisoncount eq 5>>
The sound of their heavy boots echoes throughout the dimly lit corridor, adding to the sense of impending doom. The air becomes thick with tension, and you can't help but feel a mixture of fear and anticipation.
As the guards unlock the cell door, they enter with an air of dominance, their intentions clear. They tower over you, their muscular frames accentuated by their tight-fitting uniforms. Their eyes bore into yours, relishing in the power they hold over you.
Without a word, one of the guards takes a step forward, the whip coiled in their hand. The leather strands glisten under the dim light, exuding a sinister energy. The anticipation of impact hangs heavy in the air, mixing with the scent of fear.
With a swift motion, the guard raises the whip and brings it crashing down upon your exposed flesh. The crack of the whip fills the room, accompanied by the sting of pain that spreads across your body.
Each strike delivers a jolt of agony, leaving behind a trail of red welts as a testament to the punishment. The guards show no mercy, their movements precise and calculated, ensuring that every lash lands with maximum impact.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/whip.webp" class=center width=550>
After painful punishment, they left you on bed without strength.
<<link "You passed out..">> <<goto "PrisonSleep">> <</link>>
<<elseif $prisoncount eq 10>>
Your naked body lies vulnerable and exposed, covered in a thin layer of sweat from the previous days of punishment. The air in the dimly lit room feels heavy, carrying an unsettling anticipation.
The guards approach, carrying containers filled with scalding hot wax. Their eyes gleam with a mix of sadistic pleasure and power as they prepare to unleash their torment upon you. The scent of burning candles intensifies, mingling with the scent of fear that hangs in the air.
With meticulous precision, they begin to pour the molten wax onto your flesh, starting from your shoulders and slowly working their way down. The intense heat sears your skin upon contact, sending waves of searing pain through your body.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/wax.webp" class=center width=550>
After painful punishment, they left you on bed without strength.
<<link "You passed out..">> <<goto "PrisonSleep">> <</link>>
<<elseif $prisoncount eq 15>>
Bound and suspended in the air, your body is at the complete mercy of the guards. The ropes dig into your skin, leaving faint marks as a reminder of your helplessness. The room is filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of your ragged breaths and the creaking of the ropes.
The guards, driven by their sadistic desires, approach you with a predatory hunger in their eyes. Their bodies radiate a raw, primal energy as they close in, ready to claim you as their object of pleasure.
With a forceful grip, they position themselves, their hardened members throbbing with anticipation. The guards take turns, their bodies pressing against yours, their hands exploring every inch of your exposed form.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/tied.webp" class=center width=550>
<<link "You passed out..">> <<goto "PrisonSleep">> <</link>>
<<elseif $prisoncount gte 20>>
The guards, driven by their sadistic desires, approach you with a twisted grin on their faces. Their eyes fixate on your vulnerable and exposed body, honing in on your most intimate area. They brandish their whips, eager to inflict pain upon your sensitive flesh.
With a callous flick of their wrists, the guards unleash the whip, its leather strands cutting through the air with a menacing whistle. The anticipation builds as the first strike lands, the impact causing a searing pain to shoot through your pussy.
The crack of the whip echoes in the room, mixing with your cries of agony. Each subsequent lash leaves behind a trail of red welts, marking your delicate skin as a canvas of torment. The guards show no mercy, their strikes relentless, ensuring that every lash lands with maximum impact.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/whip1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<link "You passed out..">> <<goto "PrisonSleep">> <</link>>
<<elseif $prisoncount gte 25>>
Your body is positioned in the pillory, your limbs securely fastened, leaving you completely vulnerable and at the mercy of the crowd. The restraints dig into your flesh, serving as a constant reminder of your status as a public plaything.
The judge, satisfied with the implementation of their sentence, steps back, allowing the crowd to claim you as their own. Strangers step forward, their hands eager to explore the limits of your submission. They touch, grope, and fondle, their actions driven by a primal need to dominate and exert their power over you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/pillory.webp" class=center width=550>
<<link "You passed out..">> <<goto "Game Over">><<set $badend to 3>><</link>>
<img src="images/Mission/prisoncell1.jpg" class=center width=550>
You are in prison cell.
You spent <<print $prisoncount>> days here.
<table class="stat-table">\
<<link "Plan escape" "Escape Plan">><</link>>
<<if $time eq "Night">> It's too late to talk with them.<<else>> <<link "Interact with inmates" "Inmates">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "Examine the cell" "Cell">> <</link>>
<<if $prisoncount gte 12 and $prisoncount lte 16 and $time eq "Night">> <<link "Attempt to bribe guards" "Bribe">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $time eq "Night">><i>It's too late to train</i><<else>><<link "Exercise and train" "Train">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><i>It's too early to go to bed</i><<else>><<link "Go to bed">> <<goto "PrisonSleep">> <</link>><</if>>
<<set $a = 0>>\
<<set $b = 0>>\
<<set $c = 0>>\
<<set $d = 0>>\
<<set $e = 0>>\
<<set $f = 0>>\
<<set $i = 0>>\
<<set $p = 0>>\
<<set $g = 0>>
<<set $s = 0>>
<<set $z = 0>> <<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/dream.webp" class=center width=550>
In my dream, I find myself in a communal shower, surrounded by other inmates. The steam fills the air, adding to the sensual atmosphere. As the water cascades down our naked bodies, the tension and desire rise. Hands roam freely, exploring each other's bodies, and the explicit sounds of pleasure echo throughout the tiled room.
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/dream2.gif" class=center width=550>
In my dream, I am subjected to the dominating desires of a fellow prisoner. Bound and helpless, I am at their mercy as they use my body for their own pleasure.
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/dream1.webp" class=center width=550>
In my dream, one of inmates is playing with my boobs.
<img src="images/Locations/wakeup.gif" width=600>
With the dawn's pale light filtering through the cold, iron bars, another day in the unforgiving confines of this prison begins. For those resilient enough to endure each grueling moment, there's a glimmer of hope – a chance at redemption or escape.
<<link "Onwards!" "PrisonCell">><</link>>
<<set $prisoncount += 1>>
<<set $currenthealth = $maxhealth>>\
<<set $startingmaxqi = $maxqi>>\
<<set $currentqi = $maxqi>>
<<set $daynumber += 1>>\
<<set $time = "Morning">>\
<<set $pleasured = 0>>\
<<set $drink = 0>>
<<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Mission/cell.jpg" class=center width=500>
You see
[[Tough Inmate->Inmates][$p=1]]
[[Normal Inmate->Inmates][$p=10]]
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<<if $tough eq 0>>
As the burly inmate approaches you, you sense tension in the air. He demands,
<<ToughInmate "What are you in for?">>
[[Be honest->Inmates][$p=2]]
<<elseif $tough eq "true">>
<<ToughInmate "What do you want?">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $tough eq "false">>
<<ToughInmate "Don't talk to me, unless you have something important.">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<<HeroTalk "I got caught up in a bad situation, and I'm paying the price for it. I've assaulted guards.">>
<<ToughInmate "Assault, huh? You don't look like much of a fighter. Well, kid, you're gonna have a rough time in here if you don't learn to defend yourself.">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<set $tough to "true">>
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<<HeroTalk "Just some minor theft, nothing serious.">>
<<ToughInmate "Theft, huh? You don't strike me as a thief.">>
<<HeroTalk "Yeah, well, I got desperate, you know? Times were tough.">>
<<ToughInmate "Desperate times, desperate measures. Just remember, kid, this place ain't too kind to thieves. You'll need to watch your back.">>
<<set $tough to "false">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $p eq 10>>
<<if $nice eq 0>>
<<NiceInmate "Hey, newcomer. How are you holding up in this place?">>
[[Be nice->Inmates][$p=11]]
[[Be mean->Inmates][$p=12]]
<<elseif $nice eq "false">>
<<NiceInmate "Don't talk to me, unless you have something important.">>
[[Try to talk->Inmates][$p=13]]
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $nice eq "true">>
<<NiceInmate "How are you doing?">>
<<if $nicerelationship gt 7>>
<<elseif $p eq 11>>
<<NiceInmate "Hey, newcomer. How are you holding up in this place?">>
<<HeroTalk "It's tough, but I'm managing. Thanks for asking. How about you? How long have you been here?">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<set $nice to "true">>
<<elseif $p eq 12>>
<<NiceInmate "Hey, newcomer. How are you holding up in this place?">>
<<HeroTalk "Why do you care? Mind your own business.">>
<<set $nice to "false">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $p eq 20>>
<<if $toughrelationship gte 20>>
<<set $random=random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<ToughInmate "Kneel before me, and demonstrate your obedience.">>
With a swift motion, your master loosens his pants, revealing his impressive length straining against the fabric. He stands before you, fully exposed, his member throbbing with need. You lean forward, your lips parting to accept him. As you take him in, a mix of anticipation and desire courses through you. The taste of his arousal fills your senses, and you begin to pleasure him with your skilled tongue and lips.
With a final groan of satisfaction, your master finds release, his warm essence spilling into your mouth.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/blowjob.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<ToughInmate "Present me with your pussy, and show me your obedience.">>
With a confident stride, your master approaches you, his fingers tracing along your inner thighs, teasing and heightening your anticipation. His touch is firm yet tender, igniting a fire within you. You eagerly comply, using your fingers to spread yourself open, offering him an unobstructed view of your wet and eager entrance.
As your master reaches the peak of pleasure, his grip on your hips tightens. With a primal groan, he releases his hot seed deep inside you, filling you
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/sex1.webp" class=center width=550>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<ToughInmate "Present me with your ass, and show me your submission.">>
With deliberate movements, your master approaches, his fingers tracing along the contours of your buttocks, teasing and awakening your senses. His touch is firm yet gentle, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. You obediently reach down, spreading your cheeks apart, offering him a tantalizing view of your tight and eager entrance. The room is filled with the scent of your arousal, adding to the intoxicating atmosphere. As the climax approaches, your master's grip tightens, his movements becoming more urgent. With a final, powerful thrust, he finds release, his warm seed spilling inside you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/anal.webp" class=center width=550>
[[Go back..->PrisonCell]]
<<set $corruption +=0.5>>
<<set $toughrelationship +=1>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<ToughInmate "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Pathetic liar trying to survive in this shithole? Trust me, sweetheart, I ain't gonna talk to you unless you're willing to be my personal cumdump.">>
[[No fucking way.->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $p eq 21>>
As you reluctantly comply with the inmate's twisted demand, your body becomes nothing more than a vessel for his sick desires. Every inch of your skin feels violated, your flesh a canvas for his perverse urges. The room is filled with the scent of sweat, desperation, and the unmistakable musk of arousal.
Your voluptuous breasts, their enticing curves and perky nipples, are subjected to the inmate's rough handling. His calloused hands squeeze and grope them, leaving no part untouched. The sensation of his fingers teasing and tugging at your sensitive buds sends waves of both pain and pleasure coursing through your violated form.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/grope.webp" class=center width=550>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
Between your quivering thighs lies the sacred entrance to your wet, tight pussy. The inmate's throbbing cock invades your delicate folds, stretching you to your limits. Each thrust plunges deep into your core, igniting a primal fire within you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/sex.webp" class=center width=550>
Finally, the inmate reaches his climax, his hot load of cum filling your hungry pussy, marking you as his conquest. The sensation of his pulsating cock and the warmth of his seed mingling with your own wetness leaves you feeling simultaneously used and degraded.
[[Go back..->PrisonCell]]
<<set $toughrelationship to 21>>
<<set $corruption +=3>>
<<elseif $p eq 22>>
<<if $toughrelationship lte 7>>
<<set $random=random(1,6)>>
You had friendly conversation
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<ToughInmate "You see these scars? They're from a street brawl back in Haven's Alley.">>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<ToughInmate "I used to run with the Red Serpents. Nasty gang, they are. Did some real dirt for 'em. One day, I decided I had enough of the bloodshed. Tried to leave, but they don't let you go easy.">>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<ToughInmate "Back in the day, I was a blacksmith. Crafted fine weapons for the nobles.">>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<<ToughInmate "Ya know, there was this rich merchant once, had it all. Gold, jewels, the works. Trusted his so-called friend with his life, but that friend... turned on him, stole everything, and set him up for a crime he never done. Poor merchant ended up here, with nothin' but vengeance on his mind.">>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<ToughInmate "Ever heard 'bout that scholar? Brilliant mind, they say. But they uncovered secrets the powers-that-be didn't want unearthed. They tortured that poor soul, broke every bone, burnt every page of knowledge, but that scholar never broke.">>
<<elseif $random eq 6>>
<<ToughInmate "This place has its own legends, ya know. One's 'bout the whisperin' ghost. They say once a prisoner went mad, heard voices in the shadows. Kept screamin' 'bout the things they saw.">>
<<set $toughrelationship +=1>>
<<ToughInmate "You know, you remind me a lot of my own kid, the one I lost a long time ago. They had that same spark in their eyes, the same determination. I couldn't protect them back then, but I won't let history repeat itself. I'll help you get out of this place. Actually, there is small passage that leads to sewers. I will help you with your escape.">>
<b><i>You have higher chance to escape!</i></b>
<<set $toughrelationship to "help">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $p eq 13>>
<<if $nicerelationship lte 8>>
<<set $random=random(1,5)>>
You had insignificant conversation.
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<NiceInmate "You know, there was this pigeon that somehow got into the prison yard. It caused quite a commotion as the inmates tried to catch it. Eventually, it flew away, and we all watched it go like it was some sort of hero.">>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<NiceInmate "Once, someone's socks started disappearing from the laundry line. It turned into a real mystery. We never did find out who the 'sock bandit' was, but it gave us something to talk about for weeks.">>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<NiceInmate "They have this little garden in the yard, and some of the inmates take it seriously. Last month, we had a 'Best Tomato' contest. You wouldn't believe the pride in the winner's eyes when his tomato was declared the juiciest.">>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<<NiceInmate "A guy in the neighboring cell managed to smuggle in a tiny birthday cake for his cellmate. We all sang 'Happy Birthday' as if we were at a party. It's funny how something like that can bring a little joy.">>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<NiceInmate "One of the inmates, a quiet guy, somehow became friends with a butterfly that got trapped in the yard. He'd sit with it every day, and eventually, it let him hold it. We all watched in amazement.">>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<set $nicerelationship +=1>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $random=random(1,5)>>
You had insignificant conversation.
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<NiceInmate "You know, there was this pigeon that somehow got into the prison yard. It caused quite a commotion as the inmates tried to catch it. Eventually, it flew away, and we all watched it go like it was some sort of hero.">>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<NiceInmate "Once, someone's socks started disappearing from the laundry line. It turned into a real mystery. We never did find out who the 'sock bandit' was, but it gave us something to talk about for weeks.">>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<NiceInmate "They have this little garden in the yard, and some of the inmates take it seriously. Last month, we had a 'Best Tomato' contest. You wouldn't believe the pride in the winner's eyes when his tomato was declared the juiciest.">>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<<NiceInmate "A guy in the neighboring cell managed to smuggle in a tiny birthday cake for his cellmate. We all sang 'Happy Birthday' as if we were at a party. It's funny how something like that can bring a little joy.">>
<<elseif $random eq 5>>
<<NiceInmate "One of the inmates, a quiet guy, somehow became friends with a butterfly that got trapped in the yard. He'd sit with it every day, and eventually, it let him hold it. We all watched in amazement.">>
Maybe I could [[romance->Inmates][$p=30]]with him?
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<set $nicerelationship +=1>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $p eq 14>>
You feel like he is have some feeling for you..
<<if $nicerelationship lte 8>>
<<set $random=random(1,4)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<NiceInmate "Once, a long time ago, I was deeply in love. She had the most beautiful smile, and every day felt like a new adventure with her. But life had its own plans, and circumstances tore us apart. I've never been the same since.">>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<NiceInmate "I once had to make a choice, a choice that would change everything. It was between doing what was right and what was easy. I chose what was right, and it cost me dearly. But I'd make the same choice again.">>
<<elseif $random eq 3>>
<<NiceInmate "I had a dream, you know? I wanted to be an artist, to paint the world's beauty. But dreams and reality don't always align. I had to put aside my dreams for the sake of my family. Sometimes, I wonder what could have been.">>
<<elseif $random eq 4>>
<<NiceInmate "I wasn't always a good person. I did things I'm not proud of. But one day, something inside me changed. I decided to make amends, to become a better person. It's been a tough journey, but it's worth it.">>
[[Go back ->PrisonCell]]
<<set $nicerelationship +=1>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<NiceInmate "You know, I've been here for a while, and I've learned a thing or two. There are hidden passages, tunnels, secrets. I might be able to help you find a way out.">>
<b><i>You have higher chance to escape!</i></b>
[[Go back ->PrisonCell]]
<<set $nicerelationship to 50>>
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $p eq 15>>
<<set $random=random(1,2)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<HeroTalk "Hey. You've been catching my eye lately. If you want, we could have some fun together..">>
After few seconds, he agrees to have some fun.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
Positioning yourself above him, you guide his throbbing member towards your wet, eager entrance. The sensation of him entering you, stretching and filling you, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your bodies move together, a dance of desire and passion, as he thrusts into you, each movement driving you closer to the edge.
Moans and gasps fill the room, a symphony of pleasure, as you ride him with increasing fervor.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/sex2.webp" class=center width=550>
\<<set $nicerelationship +=1>>
[[Go back ->PrisonCell]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<HeroTalk "Hey. You've been catching my eye lately. If you want, we could have some fun together..">>
<<NiceInmate "Sorry, I'm not in mood today.">>
[[Go back ->PrisonCell]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<elseif $p eq 30>>
<<set $random=random(1,2)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<HeroTalk "Hey. You've been catching my eye lately. If you want, we could have some fun together..">>
After few seconds, he agrees to have some fun.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
Positioning yourself above him, you guide his throbbing member towards your wet, eager entrance. The sensation of him entering you, stretching and filling you, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your bodies move together, a dance of desire and passion, as he thrusts into you, each movement driving you closer to the edge.
Moans and gasps fill the room, a symphony of pleasure, as you ride him with increasing fervor.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/sex2.webp" class=center width=550>
\\<<set $nicerelationship +=1>>
[[Go back ->PrisonCell]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<HeroTalk "Hey. You've been catching my eye lately. If you want, we could have some fun together..">>
<<NiceInmate "Sorry, I'm not in mood today.">>
[[Go back ->PrisonCell]]
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Noon">><<elseif $time eq "Noon">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<</if>><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Mission/prisoncell1.jpg" class=center width=550>
You find yourself in a dimly lit prison cell, the cold stone walls seemingly closing in around you. The cell contains only the essentials: a narrow cot with a thin mattress, a small wooden table, and a rickety chair. A single barred window high above offers a mere glimpse of the outside world, a tantalizing reminder of your lost freedom.
<table class="stat-table">\
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<if $cot eq "finish">> There is nothing more to search..<<else>>[[Inspect the Cot->Cell][$p=1]]<</if>>
<<if $table eq "finish">>There is nothing more to search..<<else>>[[Check the Wooden Table->Cell][$p=2]]<</if>><<if $chair eq "finish">>
There is nothing more to search..<<else>>
[[Examine the Chair->Cell][$p=3]]<</if>>
[[Peer through the Window->Cell][$p=4]]
[[Search for Hidden Doors->Cell][$p=5]]
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/bed.jpg" class=center width=550>
You bend down and examine the cot carefully. Underneath it, you discover a loose floorboard. With some effort, you manage to pry it open, revealing a small stash of contraband items - a tattered map of the prison layout, and a handwritten note hinting at a secret tunnel.
[[Go back->Cell][$p=0]]
<<set $cot to "finish">>
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<img src="images/Mission/table.jpg" class=center width=550>
You approach the table and run your fingers along its surface. You notice some scratches that seem out of place. Upon closer inspection, you decipher a series of symbols etched into the wood, hinting at a code or message left by a previous occupant.
<<set $table to "finish">>
[[Go back->Cell][$p=0]]
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<img src="images/Mission/chair.jpg" class=center width=550>
You turn your attention to the chair, which appears to have seen better days. After a thorough inspection, you find a small compartment hidden beneath the seat. Inside, you find a rusty lockpick - potential tool for a daring escape.
<<set $chair to "finish">>
[[Go back->Cell][$p=0]]
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
<img src="images/Mission/window.jpg" class=center width=550>
You climb onto the cot and reach for the window bars. Despite their sturdiness, you manage to catch a glimpse of the prison courtyard. You observe the guard patrol schedules and the layout of the surrounding buildings, which might prove useful in planning an escape.
[[Go back->Cell][$p=0]]
<<elseif $p eq 5>>
<img src="images/Mission/wall.jpg" class=center width=550>
You run your hands along the walls, looking for any irregularities or hidden passages. While you don't find any obvious secret doors, you can't help but wonder if there might be a concealed escape route waiting to be discovered.
[[Go back->Cell][$p=0]]
<<if $p eq 0>>
<img src= "images/Mission/bribe.jpg" class=center width=550>
As night settles in, you hear the familiar sound of the guard's heavy boots echoing down the cold, dimly lit corridor. They approach the jail doors, their keys jingling ominously as they mutter something to themselves. It seems like another routine check, but perhaps this is your chance to make a move. The guard's silhouette grows larger against the flickering torchlight as they draw near, unaware of your intentions.
As the guard draws closer, you can see the stern expression etched onto their face. They stop in front of the cell door, the keys hanging from their belt, a silent sentinel of your captivity.
This might be your opportunity. You've heard whispers of a corruptible guard in the ranks, and maybe this is your chance to test the waters.
[[Offer valuables->Bribe][$p=1]]
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<img src= "images/Mission/bribe.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<HeroTalk "Listen, I understand you're just doing your job, but I also know that everyone has a price. I happen to have something that could make your life a whole lot better. Take a look at this.">>
<<if $gold lt 150>>
You nervously present your modest offerings, hoping it might be enough to sway the guard. However, as they catch sight of your meager treasures, they burst into laughter, drawing the attention of their fellow guards.
<<Guard "You call that a bribe? Ha! You must be new to this, my friend. That's not even worth my time.">>
[[Give up.->PrisonCell]]
<<Guard "That's... that's quite something. What do you want in exchange?"
<<HeroTalk "All I need is for you to 'forget' to lock my cell tonight. I'll make it worth your while, I promise.">>
<<Guard "Alright, you've got yourself a deal. But remember, this never happened. I'll conveniently leave your cell unlocked tonight. You better make it quick and quiet. If anyone asks, you're still in there, got it?">>
<i> success </i>
After guard unlocked your cell you ran to <<link "slums" "Azure Haven Slums">><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
<img src= "images/Mission/bribe.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<HeroTalk "You know, being in this dreary place can get pretty lonely. I've noticed you're different from the other guards - strong, confident, and... attractive.">>
<<Guard "Uh... thanks, I guess. What are you getting at?">>
<<HeroTalk "I was thinking, maybe we could make a little deal, something to pass the time and add a bit of excitement to your shift.">>
<<Guard "What kind of deal?">>
<<HeroTalk "How about you unlock this cell, and I promise you an unforgettable night once I'm out of here. I can be very... appreciative.">>
<<Guard "I... I don't know if I should...">>
<<HeroTalk "Come on, it'll be our little secret. No one has to know. Just think about it.">>
<<Guard "Well, it's been a while, and you're quite charming... Alright, deal. But you better keep your promise.">>
<<HeroTalk "Oh, I will.">>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/sex3.webp" class=center width=550>
With each thrust, the intensity builds, the rhythm of your bodies becoming a symphony of desire. Your fingers dig into his back, your nails leaving marks of passion as you meet his every movement with equal fervor.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the symphony of moans and gasps echoing off the walls. The scent of sex hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the heady aroma of sweat and desire.
As your bodies move in unison, the pleasure intensifies, reaching a crescendo that threatens to consume you both. With a final, explosive release, you find your climax, your bodies writhing in ecstasy as waves of pleasure wash over you.
After guard unlocked your cell you ran to <<link "slums" "Azure Haven Slums">><</link>>
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/train.webp" class=center width=550>
<<if $trainingcount eq 0>><img src="images/Icons/progress0.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 1>><img src="images/Icons/progress1.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 2>><img src="images/Icons/progress2.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 3>><img src="images/Icons/progress3.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 4>><img src="images/Icons/progress4.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 5>><img src="images/Icons/progress5.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 6>><img src="images/Icons/progress6.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 7>><img src="images/Icons/progress7.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 8>><img src="images/Icons/progress8.png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 9>><img src="images/Icons/progress9png"><<elseif $trainingcount eq 10>><img src="images/Icons/progress10.png"><</if>>
<<if $trainingcount eq 10>>
Thanks to your training
<<set $random = random(1,3)>>
<<if $random eq 1>>
<<set $basestrength += 1>>
<<elseif $random eq 2>>
<<set $baseagility += 1>>
<<set $basewillpower += 1>>
has increased by <b>1</b>.
<<set $trainingcount to 0>>
You feel a slight increase in your power.
<<set $trainingcount += 1>>
<<set $time to "Night">>
[[Go back|PrisonCell]]<<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late to be here!
<img src="images/Mission/city.jpg" class=center width=550>
<table class="stat-table">\
[[Slums->Azure Haven Slums]]
[[Tavern->Azure Haven Tavern]]
[[Review your clues->Traitor Clues]]
<img src="images/placeholder.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Return to point before mission->Evil Sect][$p=0]]
<<set $p = 0>>
<<set $pe = 0>><<if $time eq "Night">>
It's too late to be here!
<img src="images/Mission/slums.jpg" class=center width=550>
<table class="stat-table">\
[[City->Azure Haven]]
[[Tavern->Azure Haven Slums Tavern]]
[[Review your clues->Traitor Clues]]
<img src="images/placeholder.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Return to point before mission->Evil Sect][$p=0]]
<<set $p = 0>>
<<set $pe = 0>><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Mission/run.jpg" class=center width=550>
With the city guards lying defeated at your feet, you know you don't have much time before reinforcements arrive. You quickly make your way through the winding alleys and narrow streets of Azure Haven, your breaths heavy and your heart pounding in your chest.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
The city's architecture changes dramatically as you move deeper into the slums. The once grand buildings and cobblestone streets give way to dilapidated structures, cramped apartments, and dirt-covered lanes. The scent of decay and desperation fills the air, a stark contrast to the fragrant gardens and opulence of the city's center.
You stick to the shadows, avoiding the prying eyes of beggars and thieves who call the slums home. They eye you warily, recognizing a newcomer in their midst, but you pay them no heed, focused solely on putting as much distance between yourself and the guards as possible.
As you navigate the labyrinthine slums, you come across a network of underground tunnels rumored to be the hiding place for those who wish to remain unseen. It's a risky choice, as these tunnels are known to be infested with all manner of unsavory characters, but it might be your best chance to disappear.
Do you:
[[Enter the hole in wall->quest1CityVariation2][$p=1]]
[[Enter the underground tunnels->quest1CityVariation2][$p=2]]
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
As you sprinted through the narrow alley, your heart pounding with adrenaline, you could hear the thunderous footsteps of the guards closing in behind you. Desperation fueled your every move, pushing you to find an escape route. Suddenly, you spotted a small hole in the wall, just big enough for you to squeeze through. Without a second thought, you dived headfirst into the opening, hoping to find refuge on the other side.
<img src="images/Mission/hole.jpg" class=center width=500>
But as you wriggled my way through the tight space, your progress halted abruptly. Panic washed over you as you realized you had become stuck, wedged between the cold, unforgiving stone. Your breath quickened, and a sense of vulnerability consumed you.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/stuck.gif" class=center width=500>
In the midst of your struggle, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness on the other side of the wall. With a sinister grin, this stranger exposed his erect penis, thrusting it forcefully into your mouth, violating you. The taste of his flesh invaded your senses, filling your mouth with an overwhelming mixture of sweat and pre-cum.
He held your head firmly in place, using your mouth as his personal playground. With each forceful thrust, he pushed deeper, exploring the depths of your throat. You could feel his cock pulsating, throbbing with desire as he took control, using you for his own pleasure.
He continued to fuck your mouth relentlessly, his pace increasing with every thrust. The sensation of his hard length sliding between your lips, the taste of his essence filling your mouth, sent waves of both pleasure and humiliation crashing over you.
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
Gagging and struggling to regain your composure, you managed to push yourself forward, using every ounce of strength to free yourself from the confining walls. With a final burst of effort, you finally managed to break free, gasping for air as you emerged on the other side.
Relief washed over you as you realized you had successfully evaded the pursuing guards.
<<link "Move on" "Azure Haven Slums">><<set $p=0>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 2>>
You stand at the entrance of the dark and foreboding underground tunnels, the sounds of the city above fading into distant echoes. The tunnels are damp and cramped, the walls lined with graffiti and remnants of past travelers who sought refuge here.
<<linkreplace "Move on">>
As you venture deeper into the tunnels, your footsteps echoing eerily, you begin to hear whispers in the shadows. Eyes gleam in the darkness, and you catch glimpses of figures lurking just out of sight. The rumors of unsavory characters inhabiting these tunnels appear to be true.
<img src="images/Mission/tunnels.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Draw your weapon->quest1CityVariation2][$p=3]]
[[Explain your situation->quest1CityVariation2][$p=4]]
[[Attempt to slip past->quest1CityVariation2][$p=7]]
<<elseif $p eq 3>>
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "TunnelBattle">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $p = 10>><</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
You defeat the enemy!
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel stronger from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
You found way to the surface
<<link "Move on" "Azure Haven Slums">> <<set $p=0>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 10>>
The group of ruthless residents, consumed by their sadistic desires, took turns fucking you mercilessly. Each member approached with an insatiable hunger, their pulsating cocks ready to claim your body as their own. They penetrated you with force, their throbbing members stretching you to your limits. The crude sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the air, mingling with your moans of pain and pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/group.webp" class=center width=550>
Their dicks, hard and veiny, plunged deep into your wet and inviting pussy, violating you in the most intimate way. Each thrust sent shockwaves of sensation coursing through your entire being, a mix of pleasure, pain, and the overwhelming feeling of being utterly dominated. The rough and relentless pounding left you breathless, your body a vessel for their unbridled lust.
After few moments they finished and moved you near slums
<<link "Move on" "Azure Haven Slums">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 4>>
<img src="images/Mission/tunnels.jpg" class=center width=550>
One of the shadowy figures steps forward, revealing a grizzled face hidden beneath a hood. He eyes you with suspicion, his voice a low growl.
<<Unknown "What's your business down here, stranger?">>
You take a moment to catch your breath before explaining your situation to the group. You tell them about your encounter with the city guards, the unjust accusations against you, and your desperate need to find refuge.
The group listens intently, and after a brief silence, the elderly man nods thoughtfully.
<<OldTalk "We've seen our fair share of injustice from the surface dwellers. If you're willing to lend a hand, we might be able to offer you shelter and protection down here. But you'll have to earn your keep.">>
He explains that the underground community has its own set of challenges and problems, and they could use someone with your skills. They're willing to provide you with a place to stay, but you'll need to contribute by taking on tasks and missions that benefit their community.
<<elseif $p eq 5>>
You hesitate for a moment, uncertain about entering the underground tunnels. While the offer of shelter and assistance is tempting, you can't shake the feeling that you should continue searching for answers on the surface. You thank the elderly man for his offer but decline politely
<<HeroTalk "I appreciate your offer, but I think I need to keep moving on the surface for now. There are things I need to uncover.">>
<<OldTalk "Very well, friend. The tunnels will always be here if you change your mind. Just remember, the surface can be a dangerous place, especially with those guards on your tail. Take care.">>
You bid farewell to the underground community and make your way back to the surface.
<<link "Move on" "Azure Haven Slums">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 6>>
<<HeroTalk "I'm willing to lend a hand. I'll do my part to help out.">>
The elderly man smiles, revealing a few missing teeth.
<<OldTalk "Good choice, friend. We can always use an extra pair of hands. Welcome to our underground family.">>
He introduces you to the rest of the group, and they seem cautiously welcoming. You quickly learn that their community operates in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of the surface world. They have their own set of rules and hierarchies, and you'll need to adapt to their way of life.
<<set $azureunderground to "finish">>
<<link "Go to their base" "Azure Haven Underground">><<set $p=0>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 7>>
<<if $agility gte 10>>Your agility and nimbleness serve you well as you silently navigate through the dimly lit area. The guards remain oblivious to your presence, and you manage to slip past them undetected.
<<link "Move on" "Azure Haven Slums">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<elseif $agility lt 9>>
You try your best to move quietly, but your lack of agility makes it challenging to avoid making noise. Unfortunately, one of the guards hears a faint sound and turns in your direction, spotting you.
<<set $returnpassage = passage()>>\
<<set $passage = "TunnelBattle">>\
<<link "To battle!" $passage>><<set $p = 10>><</link>>
<<set $flee = 0>>
<<set $battlecount = 0>>
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
You defeat the enemy!
<<set $enemyexp = random($enemyminexp, $enemymaxexp)>> \
You feel stronger from your victory - you gain $enemyexp Experience Points!
You found way to the surface
<<link "Move on" "Azure Haven Slums">> <<set $p=0>><</link>>
<<elseif $p eq 10>>
The group of ruthless residents, consumed by their sadistic desires, took turns fucking you mercilessly. Each member approached with an insatiable hunger, their pulsating cocks ready to claim your body as their own. They penetrated you with force, their throbbing members stretching you to your limits. The crude sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the air, mingling with your moans of pain and pleasure.
<<if $lewdmode eq 1>>
<img src="images/Mission/group.webp" class=center width=550>
Their dicks, hard and veiny, plunged deep into your wet and inviting pussy, violating you in the most intimate way. Each thrust sent shockwaves of sensation coursing through your entire being, a mix of pleasure, pain, and the overwhelming feeling of being utterly dominated. The rough and relentless pounding left you breathless, your body a vessel for their unbridled lust.
After few moments they finished and moved you near slums
<<link "Move on" "Azure Haven Slums">> <<set $p = 0>> <</link>>
<<if $p eq 10>>
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<i><<ItemAbilityRun>><<if ($battlecount eq 0) and ($setbonus gte 1)>><<SetBonus>><</if>></i>
<<if $allyturn eq 1>> <<set $allyturn = 0>> <<else>> <<set $allyturn = 1>> <</if>>\
<<if $stun lte 0>> <<set $action = "notstun">> <</if>>\
<<if $stun gte 1>><<set $action = "stun">><<set $stun -= 1>>You are stunned, and cannot take action!<<else>>\
<b>General Actions</b>:
<<link "Attack" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "attack">><</link>>
<<if $flee eq 1>><<link "Flee" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "flee">><</link>><<else>><i>You cannot flee from this battle!</i><</if>>\
<<link "Surrender!" $passage>> <<set $p = 12>> <<set $currenthealth = 0>><</link>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Class Abilities</b>:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $abilityinventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $abilityinventory[_i].name>> (Qi cost: $abilityinventory[_i].qi )\
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $currentqi lt $abilityinventory[_i].qi>><i>Not enough qi</i><<elseif ($class eq "rogue") and ($combatpoints lt $abilityinventory[_i].combatcost)>><i>Not enough Combat Points</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $p = 11>><<set $action = "ability">> <<set $ability = $abilityinventory[_i].widgetname>> <<set $abilityqi = $abilityinventory[_i].qi>> <<set $abilitylevel = $abilityinventory[_i].level>> <</link>> <</if>>
<b>Items ($potioncount / 10)</b>:
<<if $potioncount gte 10>><i>You can only drink up to 10 potions in a single battle!</i><<else>><<for _i to 0; _i lt $iteminventory.length; _i++>>\
<<print $iteminventory[_i].name>> (Quantity: <<print $iteminventory[_i].quantity>>) \
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $iteminventory[_i].quantity lte 0>> <i>None left</i><<else>> <<link "Use" $passage>><<set $p = 11>> <<set $action = "item">> <<set $item = $iteminventory[_i].name>>
<<set $iteminventory[_i].quantity -= 1>>\
<<set $itemstrength = $iteminventory[_i].strength>>\
<<set $itemagility = $iteminventory[_i].agility>>\
<<set $itemwillpower = $iteminventory[_i].willpower>>\
<<set $itemarmor = $iteminventory[_i].armor>>\
<<set $itemhealth = $iteminventory[_i].health>>\
<<set $itemqi = $iteminventory[_i].qi>>\
<<set $itemevadescore = $iteminventory[_i].evadescore>>\
<<set $potioncount += 1>>\
<<if $action eq "stun">><<if $allyturn eq 1>><<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><<elseif $allyturn eq 0>><<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $p = 14>><</link>><<else>><<link "Do Nothing!" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<set $battlecount += 1>>\
<<elseif $p eq 11>>
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $action eq "attack">>You attempt to hit the $enemyname with your $weapon!
<<if $action eq "attack success">>You deal damage to the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "flee">>You attempt to flee from the $enemyname!
<<if $action eq "ability">><<Ability $ability>><</Ability>><</if>>
<<if $action eq "item">>You used your $item!
<<ItemImage $item 150>><</ItemImage>>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "The enemy is defeated! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<elseif $action eq "flee success">><<link "You escape!" $passage>><<set $p = 19>><</link>><<elseif $allyturn eq 1>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><<elseif $allyturn eq 0>><<link "Enemy's Ally turn" $passage>><<set $p = 14>><</link>><<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 12>> \
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack">>The $enemyname attacks you!
<<if $enemyaction eq "attack success">>The $enemyname deals damage to you!
<<if ($enemyaction neq "stun") and ($enemyaction neq "attack") and ($enemyaction neq "attack success") and ($enemyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<EnemyAbility $enemyaction>><</EnemyAbility>>
<<if $currenthealth lte 0>>[[You are defeated->quest1CityVariation2][$p=10]]<<elseif $enemyallycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "the enemy's ally is slain!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<else>><<link "Player turn" $passage>><<set $p = 10>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 13>>\
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<set $allyaction = $allyability.pluck()>>\
<<set $allyability.push($allyaction)>>
<<if $allyaction eq "attack">>$allyname attacks $enemyname
<<if $allyaction eq "attack success">>The $allyname deals damage to $enemyname!
<<if ($allyaction neq "attack") and ($allyaction neq "attack success") and ($allyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<AllyAbility $allyaction>><</AllyAbility>>
<<if $enemycurrenthealth lte 0>><<link "The enemy is defeated! Victory!" $returnpassage>><<set $p = 20>><</link>><<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 14>>
You are fighting $enemyname and $enemyallyname!
<<EnemyImage $enemyregion $enemyimage 300>><</EnemyImage>>
<<set $enemyallyaction = $enemyallyability.pluck()>>\
<<set $enemyallyability.push($enemyallyaction)>>
<<if ($enemyallyaction neq "attack") and ($enemyallyaction neq "attack success") and ($enemyallyaction neq "attack failure")>>\
<<AllyAbility $enemyallyaction>><</AllyAbility>>
<<if $currenthealth lte 0>>[[You are defeated->quest1CityVariation2][$p=10]]<<else>><<link "Enemy turn" $passage>><<set $p = 12>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 19>>
You flee from the $enemyname - better to bandage your wounds and do battle another day than foolishly fight to the death.
As you near the safety of the cabin, you realize your coin purse is a bit lighter than before. Some gold pieces must have fallen out while you were running away.
<<if $time eq "Morning">><<set $time = "Afternoon">><<elseif $time eq "Afternoon">><<set $time = "Night">><</if>>\
<<set $goldloss = $enemymaxgold>> \
<<set $gold -= $goldloss>> \
<<elseif $p eq 20>> \
This page should not come up, as you should be out of the $passage passage and into the $returnpassage passage.
<</if>>\<img src="images/Mission/hideout.jpg" class=center width=550>
<table class="stat-table">\
<< clues mission
<img src="images/placeholder.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Return to point before mission->Evil Sect][$p=0]]
<<set $p = 0>>
<<set $pe = 0>><<if $p eq 0>>
<img src="images/Mission/prison.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<if $time neq "Night">> <i>I should wait for night...</i><<else>>
[[Try to escape->Escape Plan][$p=1]] <</if>>
<<elseif $p eq 1>>
<<if $toughrelationship neq "help" and $nicerelationship lte 20 and $cot neq "finish" and $table neq "finish" and $chair neq "finish">>
You don't know where you should start.
You shall gather more informations.
[[Go back->PrisonCell]]
<<elseif $toughrelationship neq "help" and $nicerelationship lte 20 and $cot eq "finish" and $table eq "finish" and $chair eq "finish">>
<img src="images/Mission/lock.jpg" class=center width=400>
As you deftly manipulate the lockpick, the faint click of tumblers falling into place is music to your ears. The heavy iron doors swing open just wide enough for you to slip through. You step out of the dimly lit jail corridor and into the freedom of the night.
The slums of Azure Haven stretch before you, a chaotic labyrinth of narrow alleyways and ramshackle buildings
<<link "Go.." "Azure Haven Slums">><</link>>
<<elseif $toughrelationship eq "help" and $nicerelationship lte 20 and $cot eq "finish" and $table eq "finish" and $chair eq "finish">>
With the tough inmate's incredible raw strength, he manages to force the secret passage open. The heavy stone slab grinds against the floor as it moves, revealing a dark corridor leading to freedom.
<img src="images/Mission/passage.jpg" class=center width=400>
After a daring escape from the prison, the three of you find yourselves in the heart of the slums, free but still in danger. You turn to your companions, addressing them with conviction.
<<HeroTalk "We've managed to break free, but our journey is far from over. Head to the Abyss Sect, the heart of our resistance. Tell them you're joining my squad. They'll provide you with support, training, and keep you safe.">>
<<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>>
<i>You gained one subordinate</i>
<<link "Go.." "Azure Haven Slums">><</link>>
<<elseif $toughrelationship neq "help" and $nicerelationship gte 20 and $cot eq "finish" and $table eq "finish" and $chair eq "finish">>
<img src="images/Mission/lock.jpg" class=center width=400>
As you deftly manipulate the lockpick, the faint click of tumblers falling into place is music to your ears. The heavy iron doors swing open just wide enough for you to slip through.
As you and the inmate successfully make your way out of the prison, you find yourselves standing in slums of Azure Haven. A chaotic labyrinth of narrow alleyways and ramshackle buildings
<<HeroTalk "Listen , we've made it out of there together. But the path ahead is perilous, and I believe your skills would be a valuable addition to our cause. Head to the Abyss Sect, and tell them you're joining my squad. They'll provide you with everything you need and keep you safe.">>
Without second thoughts he marched towards exit gates..
<<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>>
<i>You gained one subordinate</i>
<<link "Go.." "Azure Haven Slums">><</link>>
<<elseif $toughrelationship eq "help" and $nicerelationship gte 20 and $cot eq "finish" and $table eq "finish" and $chair eq "finish">>
<img src="images/Mission/passage.jpg" class=center width=400>
As you make your way through the prison, you suddenly recall a rumor about a secret passage hidden beneath the jail. It's a long shot, but it might be your only chance for escape. You turn to the inmates and whisper your plan.
After a daring escape from the prison, the three of you find yourselves in the heart of the slums, free but still in danger. You turn to your companions, addressing them with conviction.
<<HeroTalk "We've managed to break free, but our journey is far from over. Head to the Abyss Sect, the heart of our resistance. Tell them you're joining my squad. They'll provide you with support, training, and keep you safe.">>
<<set $banditsSubordinates +=2>>
<i>You gained two subordinates</i>
<<link "Go.." "Azure Haven Slums">><</link>>
<</if>> -plan-
heavenly war(good sects alliance vs evil sects) (late early - late mid)
cult's leader going mad- discovering why -(mid)
discovering cult secrets and betrayals (mid)
gettin higher position within cult ( entire)
creating own sect (mid-late game)
sending subordinates to missions (early-late game)
fucking alchemy workshop - how should i do it goddamn
facilities for subordinates
more dominant fmc
fuck this shit im tired
<<return "Back">>
Lewd mode - <<if $lewdmode eq 1>><b>On</b><<else>><b>Off</b><</if>>
Turn <<if $lewdmode eq 0>><b>[[On->INFORM][$lewdmode=1]]</b><<else>><b>[[Off->INFORM][$lewdmode=0]]</b><</if>> lewd mode.
Your position - ???
Reputation - <<print $sexreputation>>
Title - ???
*im working on it*
<img src="images/placeholder.jpg" class=center width=550>
<<if $corruption eq 0>> <<set $sexreputation to "Innocent Virgin">>
\<<elseif $corruption lte 25 and $corruption gte 10>> <<set $sexreputation to "Curious Novice">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 25 and $corruption lte 40>> <<set $sexreputation to "Sensual Seeker">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 41 and $corruption lte 80>> <<set $sexreputation to "Eager Pleaser">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 81 and $corruption lte 120>> <<set $sexreputation to "Filthy Whore">>
\<<elseif $corruption gte 121>> <<set $sexreputation to "Depraved Slut">><</if>><<if $recruitcenter eq 0>>
Do you want to build <i>recruitment center</i>?
Cost - 600
<<if $gold gte 600>>
[[Yes->Recruitment Center][$recruitcenter=1]]
<<else>> You don't have enough gold!<</if>>
<<elseif $recruitcenter eq 1>>
<img src="images/Other/recruitcenter.jpg" class=center width=550>
You are in recruitment center.
What will you do?
Upgrade cost - 850
<<if $gold gte 850>>Upgrade <<link "recruitment center" "Recruitment Center">><<set $recruitcenter=2>><<set $gold -=850>><</link>> to unlock new type of units.<<else>>You don't have enough gold to upgrade facility!<</if>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<<if $gold lt 175>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=175>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $recruitcenter eq 2>>
<img src="images/Other/recruitcenter.jpg" class=center width=550>
You are in recruitment center.
What will you do?
Upgrade cost - 1050
<<if $gold gte 1050>>Upgrade <<link "recruitment center" "Recruitment Center">><<set $recruitcenter=3>><<set $gold -=1050>><</link>> to unlock new type of units.<<else>>You don't have enough gold to upgrade facility!<</if>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Dark Disciples</b>
<<if $gold lt 175>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=175>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 285>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=285>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $recruitcenter eq 3>>
<img src="images/Other/recruitcenter.jpg" class=center width=550>
You are in recruitment center.
What will you do?
Upgrade cost - 1450
<<if $gold gte 1450>>Upgrade <<link "recruitment center" "Recruitment Center">><<set $recruitcenter=4>><<set $gold -=1450>><</link>> to unlock new type of units.<<else>>You don't have enough gold to upgrade facility!<</if>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Dark Disciples</b>
<b>Cursed Assassins</b>
<<if $gold lt 175>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=175>>
<<if $gold lt 285>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=285>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 350>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $cursedassassinsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=350>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $recruitcenter eq 4>>
<img src="images/Other/recruitcenter.jpg" class=center width=550>
You are in recruitment center.
What will you do?
Upgrade cost - 1750
<<if $gold gte 1750>>Upgrade <<link "recruitment center" "Recruitment Center">><<set $recruitcenter=5>><<set $gold -=1750>><</link>> to unlock new type of units.<<else>>You don't have enough gold to upgrade facility!<</if>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Dark Disciples</b>
<b>Cursed Assassins</b>
<b> 469</b>
<<if $gold lt 175>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=175>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 285>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=285>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 350>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $cursedassassinsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=350>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 465>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $evilspymastersSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=465>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $recruitcenter eq 5>>
<img src="images/Other/recruitcenter.jpg" class=center width=550>
You are in recruitment center.
What will you do?
Upgrade cost - 2750
<<if $gold gte 2750>>Upgrade <<link "recruitment center" "Recruitment Center">><<set $recruitcenter=6>><<set $gold -=2750>><</link>> to unlock new type of units.<<else>>You don't have enough gold to upgrade facility!<</if>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Dark Disciples</b>
<b>Cursed Assassins</b>
<b>Elite Guards</b>
<b> 469</b>
<b> 700</b>
<<if $gold lt 175>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=175>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 285>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=285>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 350>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $cursedassassinsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=350>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 465>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $evilspymastersSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=465>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 700>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $evilspymastersSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=700>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $recruitcenter eq 6>>
<img src="images/Other/recruitcenter.jpg" class=center width=550>
You are in recruitment center.
What will you do?
<<if $p eq 6>> You have fully upgraded this facility!<</if>>
<table class="stat-table">\
<b>Dark Disciples</b>
<b>Cursed Assassins</b>
<b>Elite Guards</b>
<b>Battle Commanders</b>
<b> 469</b>
<b> 700</b>
<<if $gold lt 175>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $banditsSubordinates +=1>><<set $gold -=175>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 285>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $sparringSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=285>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 350>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $cursedassassinsSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=350>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 465>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $evilspymastersSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=465>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 700>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $evilspymastersSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=700>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $gold lt 1010>>You don't have enough gold!<<else>> <<link "Recruit" "Recruitment Center">><<set $evilbattlecommanderSubordinates +=1>> <<set $gold -=1010>><</link>><</if>>
<</if>>*im working on it
<img src="images/placeholder.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Return to point before mission->Evil Sect][$p=0]]*im working on it
<img src="images/placeholder.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Return to point before mission->Evil Sect][$p=0]]*im working on it
<img src="images/placeholder.jpg" class=center width=550>
[[Return to point before mission->Evil Sect][$p=0]]