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Welcome to ''Corrupt Life'' by;[[Kinkzgames|]]@@
<img src="img\title\1.jpg" hight=800 width=800/>
@@ If the page is refreshed during a scene the audio will mute, click the volume slider to unmute.
<<button[[Play]]>> <</button>>
<<set $name to ''>>
<<set $inv to ''>>
<<set $mom to ''>>
<<set $sis to ''>>
<<set $gf to ''>>
<<set $money to 0>>
<<set $gfl to 0>>
<<set $cuzl to 0>>
<<set $moml to 0>>
<<set $sisl to 0>>
<<set $lust to 0>>
<<set $act to 10>>
<<audio ":all" stop>>
<<set $aunt to ''>>
<<set $cuz to ''>><span style="color: Green;">Actions :</span>$act
<span style="color: Yellow;">$mom :</span>$moml
<span style="color: purple;">$sis :</span>$sisl
<span style="color: pink;">$gf :</span>$gfl
<span style="color: Red;">Lust :</span>$lust
<span style="color: yellow;">$mom</span> $moml
<<if ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
<img src="img\mom\level\n.jpg" hight=250 width=200/>\
<<if ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\1.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\2.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\3.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\4.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\5.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 61) && ($moml <= 70)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\6.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 71) && ($moml <= 80)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\7.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 81) && ($moml <= 90)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\8.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 91) && ($moml <= 100)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\9.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= 101) && ($moml <= 110)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\good\10.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\1.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\2.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\3.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\4.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\5.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\6.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -80) && ($moml <= -71)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\7.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -90) && ($moml <= -81)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\8.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -100) && ($moml <= -91)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\9.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($moml >= -110) && ($moml <= -101)>>\<img src="img\mom\level\bad\10.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<span style="color: purple;">$sis</span> $sisl
<<if ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
<img src="img\sis\level\n.jpg" hight=250 width=200/>\
<<if ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\1.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\2.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\3.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\4.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\5.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 61) && ($sisl <= 70)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\6.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 71) && ($sisl <= 80)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\7.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 81) && ($sisl <= 90)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\8.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 91) && ($sisl <= 100)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\9.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= 101) && ($sisl <= 110)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\good\10.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\1.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\2.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\3.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\4.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\5.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\6.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -80) && ($sisl <= -71)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\7.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -90) && ($sisl <= -81)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\8.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -100) && ($sisl <= -91)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\9.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -110) && ($sisl <= -101)>>\<img src="img\sis\level\bad\10.jpg" hight=250 width=300/><<endif>>\
<span style="color: pink;">$gf</span> $gfl
<<if ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
<img src="img\gf\level\n.jpg" hight=250 width=200/>\
<<if ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\1.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\2.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\3.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\4.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\5.png" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 61) && ($gfl <= 70)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\6.png" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 71) && ($gfl <= 80)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\7.png" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 81) && ($gfl <= 90)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\8.png" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 91) && ($gfl <= 100)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\9.png" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= 101) && ($gfl <= 110)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\good\10.png" hight=250 width=250/><<endif>>
<<if ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\1.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\2.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\3.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\4.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\5.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\6.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -71)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\7.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -90) && ($gfl <= -81)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\8.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -100) && ($gfl <= -91)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\9.jpg" hight=250 width=200/><<endif>>
<<if ($gfl >= -110) && ($gfl <= -101)>>\<img src="img\gf\level\bad\10.jpg" hight=250 width=300/><<endif>>
<<if $moml gte 57>>
<<set $moml to 57>>
<<if $moml lte -67>>
<<set $moml to -67>>
<<if $sisl gte 57>>
<<set $sisl to 57>>
<<if $sisl lte -67>>
<<set $sisl to -67>>
<<if $gfl gte 57>>
<<set $gfl to 57>>
<<if $gfl lte -67>>
<<set $gfl to -67>>
<<if $lust gte 100>>
<<set $lust to 100>>
<<if $lust lte 0>>
<<set $lust to 0>>
<<if $act gte 10>>
<<set $act to 10>>
<<if $act lte 0>>
<<set $act to 0>>
<<if $auntl gte 50>>
<<set $auntl to 50>>
<<if $cuzl gte 50>>
<<set $cuzl to 50>>
<<if $cuzl lte 0>>
<<set $cuzl to 0>>
Extra Characters
<span style="color: orange;">$cuz :</span>$cuzl
<img src="img\icons\player.png" hight=350 width=350/>
<label> What is your<span style="color: lightblue;"> name?:</span> <<textbox "$name" Name>></label>
<img src="img\icons\mom.png" hight=350 width=350/>
<label> Would you like the title of this character to be your<span style="color: Yellow;"> Landlord?:</span> <<textbox "$mom" Landlord>></label>
<<button[[Next|namesis]]>><</button>><img src="img\icons\sis.png" hight=350 width=350/>
<label> Would you like the title of this character to be your<span style="color: purple;"> Roomate?:</span><<textbox "$sis" Roomate>></label>
<<button[[Next|namegf]]>><</button>>Welcome to Corrupt Life $name you and your girlfriend $gf moved back into the suburbs with your $mom and $sis shortly after your dad passed away to help support your completely fair game family.
Is this correct?
<<button[[No|Play]]>><</button>><img src="img\icons\gf.png" hight=350 width=350/>
<label> What the name of your<span style="color: pink;"> Girlfriend?:</span><<textbox "$gf" Ashley>></label>
<<button[[Next|nameaunt]]>><</button>><<audio "door" play>>
<<audio ":all" stop>>
<<if ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Computer]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Check on Girlfriend |Checkgf]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Sleep]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $act is (0)>>\
<<button [[Sleep]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $lust is (100)>>\
<<button [[Computer]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>You will be focusing on your relationships with the people around you.
The further positive the number the more love you will have with that person.
The further negative the number the more they will disrespect you or go behind your back.
Use the left side to track your progress
<img src="img\tutorial\ui.png" hight=500 width=500/>
also on the left menu you will see your characters corrupt as you play just scroll down to see the other 2 girls they update every 10 levels
(sorry for the spacing is gap I could not figure out how to fix that)
<img src="img\tutorial\ui2.png" hight=500 width=500/>
Finally if you scroll down to the bottem you will find the save.
(gallery is WIP)
and Hints The hits tab will remind you of what levels you need to unlock scenes.
<img src="img\tutorial\ui3.png" hight=500 width=500/>
If you ever level pass content you can reverse it by being good or bad
or watch porn to lose some lust.
Have fun!
<<button[[Wakeup|Bedroom]]>><</button>><img src="img/rooms/pc.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Watch Porn|Porn]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>><<set $randomnumber to random(1, 4)>>\
<<set $act += (10)>>
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
You wake up to $gf
<center><video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 110)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 110)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/1a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 110)>>\
$gf wakes you up
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/2a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -110) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
You wake up to your $sis using your face.
<span style="color: lightblue;">mHMm!~</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: purple;">hmm!~S-Shut up Let me finish..</span>
You eat your $sis out, her pussy tastes amazing.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She pushes down harder..
<span style="color: lightblue;">mHMm~</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: purple;">ahh~ aHh~ fuck aha~.</span>
She cums in your mouth..
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -110) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
You wake up to $gf using your face.
<span style="color: pink;">-mhh!~ Good morning $name </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">g-mHMm~</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She forces you to eat her asshole out.
<span style="color: pink;">-mhh!~ Good Keep going! </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">YE-S~ please your goddess!! </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Fuck!~ I I'M cumming!!~ hahhh~ </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You cum with her..
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up.
<img src="img/sleep/mom/1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Good morning $name </span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=-20 ) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up.
<img src="img/sleep/mom/2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Good morning baby.</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=-30 ) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up flirtatiously..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Good morning cutie..</span>
You can't believe your eyes.
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=-40 ) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up flirtatiously..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/4.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She gives you a Treat.
<img src="img/sleep/mom/5.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Your favorite milf is here to wake you up.</span>
She flashes you and winks as she walks out the door..
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=-50 ) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up flirtatiously..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/6.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
Shes practically naked luckly $gf is still sleeping..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/7.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Gonna help your $mom out today Good Boy?</span>
You have corrupted her..
<<vid sleep/mom/8>>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -110) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
You wake up to your $mom suffocating you with her pussy.
<span style="color: lightblue;">mHMm!~</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
The taste of her pussy makes you rock hard you start to lick your $mom
<span style="color: Yellow;">Ohh~ fuck mommy needs this.. MHm~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mHMm. Mhhmm~</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You lick her as hard as you can drinking her fluids..
<span style="color: Yellow;">Ohh~ shit! Keep licking!!~ AHUHhh~</span>
She cums on your face..
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">*huff* mh~ I needed that.. Good morning..</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=11 ) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up.
<img src="img/sleep/mom/2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Good morning baby.</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=-21 ) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up flirtatiously..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Good morning cutie..</span>
You can't believe your eyes.
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=31 ) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up flirtatiously..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/4.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She gives you a Treat.
<img src="img/sleep/mom/5.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Your favorite milf is here to wake you up.</span>
She flashes you and winks as she walks out the door..
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >=41 ) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
Your $mom wakes you up flirtatiously..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/6.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
Shes practically naked luckly $gf is still sleeping..
<img src="img/sleep/mom/7.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Gonna help your $mom out today Good Boy?</span>
You have corrupted her..
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up.
<span style="color: purple;">Good morning $name !</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up..
<span style="color: purple;">Hey bro $mom told me to wake you up.</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
You wake up to your $sis sitting next to you..
<span style="color: purple;">heh~ you are a cute sleeper..</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up and Flirts with you..
<span style="color: purple;">Come on bro get up!</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/4.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
you groan.
<span style="color: lightblue;">I need a few minutes..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Maybe this will wake you up..</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/5.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She winks at you..
You are wide awake.
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up and Flirts with you again..
<span style="color: purple;">Did you sleep good?</span>
You are instantly rock hard..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/6.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
You whisper..
<span style="color: lightblue;">You should go.. She could wake up any second.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Mmh? Are you sure?</span>
She Pulls down her underwear showing you everything..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/7.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
You Hesitate..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/8.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
[[Kick her out|Bedroom]]
You Can't take it..
<span style="color: purple;">heh~ You are so bad..</span>
You start to rub your dick uncontrollably to her lewd body..
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/8a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She keeps teasing you turned on by your actions..
<span style="color: purple;">mh~ Really right next to your girlfriend? Just for me? hehe~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/10.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">mmh~I know you like my feet too you gross pervert..</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/9.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She puts every part of herself on display for you to masturbate to.
<span style="color: purple;">mhh~ ah~ I wonder if she knows how much of a gross pervert you are.. She probably does.. but does she know what you want to do to your own $sis ?</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/12.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
You can't help it you take your dick out of the covers and masturbate out in the open.
<span style="color: purple;">You want it right in here don't you?..Its really tight.. mhm~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/12a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: purple;">I know what else you wanna do..somthing tighter..</span>
She spreads her cheeks..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/13.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">You wanna put it in my butt.. only a freak like you would wannna put it somewhere so dirty and smelly.. mhm~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/13a.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She turns over and climbs on the chair to give you a better view..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/14.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: purple;">I bet you wanna cum to me soon..your cock looks like its thobbing heh~/span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/15.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I do.. ah~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/16.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">Hahn~ Cum to your $sis 's Tight little holes right next to your girlfriend? Mhmmh~</span>
She starts to rub herself fast for you..
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/16a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: lightblue;">fuck I can't hold it~ Ha!~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/16d.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She watches you cum and starts to lock up..
<span style="color: purple;">fuck fuck fuck Mm-!~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/16c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You both try to muffle yourselves.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/16b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She chuckles and leaves as your $gf starts to wake up..
<span style="color: pink;">mmh.. Baby...... Why are you full of cum? God You are so gross..</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up..
<span style="color: purple;">Hey bro $mom told me to wake you up.</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
You wake up to your $sis sitting next to you..
<span style="color: purple;">heh~ you are a cute sleeper..</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up and Flirts with you..
<span style="color: purple;">Come on bro get up!</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/4.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
you groan.
<span style="color: lightblue;">I need a few minutes..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Maybe this will wake you up..</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/5.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She winks at you..
You are wide awake.
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
Your $sis wakes you up and Flirts with you again..
<span style="color: purple;">Did you sleep good?</span>
You are instantly rock hard..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/6.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
You whisper..
<span style="color: lightblue;">You should go.. She could wake up any second.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Mmh? Are you sure?</span>
She Pulls down her underwear showing you everything..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/7.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
You Hesitate..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/8.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
[[Kick her out|Bedroom]]
You Can't take it..
<span style="color: purple;">heh~ You are so bad..</span>
You start to rub your dick uncontrollably to her lewd body..
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/8a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She keeps teasing you turned on by your actions..
<span style="color: purple;">mh~ Really right next to your girlfriend? Just for me? hehe~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/10.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">mmh~I know you like my feet too you gross pervert..</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/9.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She puts every part of herself on display for you to masturbate to.
<span style="color: purple;">mhh~ ah~ I wonder if she knows how much of a gross pervert you are.. She probably does.. but does she know what you want to do to your own $sis ?</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/12.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
You can't help it you take your dick out of the covers and masturbate out in the open.
<span style="color: purple;">You want it right in here don't you?..Its really tight.. mhm~</span>
<center><center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/12a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">I know what else you wanna do..somthing tighter..</span></center>
She spreads her cheeks..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/13.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">You wanna put it in my butt.. only a freak like you would wannna put it somewhere so dirty and smelly.. mhm~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/13a.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She turns over and climbs on the chair to give you a better view..
<img src="img/sleep/sis/14.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: purple;">I bet you wanna cum to me soon..your cock looks like its thobbing heh~/span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/15.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I do.. ah~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/16.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">Hahn~ Cum to your $sis 's Tight little holes right next to your girlfriend? Mhmmh~</span>
She starts to rub herself fast for you..
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/16a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: lightblue;">fuck I can't hold it~ Ha!~</span>
<img src="img/sleep/sis/16d.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She watches you cum and starts to lock up..
<span style="color: purple;">fuck fuck fuck Mm-!~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/16c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You both try to muffle yourselves.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/sis/16b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She chuckles and leaves as your $gf starts to wake up..
<span style="color: pink;">mmh.. Baby...... Why are you full of cum? God You are so gross..</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Hmh.. Good morning baby.</span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/1.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Hmh.. Good morning baby.</span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/2.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">Looks like you like my new choice of underwear..ha~</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Good morning $name </span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/3.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">I't feels so good sleeping naked haha~</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Good morning $name </span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/4.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">Lucky you to wake up to a goddess.</span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/4a.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
You wake up with $gf ((Placeholder for GF GOOD ROUTE))
<span style="color: pink;">Baby I woke up so horny from my dream last night.. </span>
[[Sorry I'm Busy|Bedroom]] Skip Scene
<<vid sleep/gf/5>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">What happened?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Well.. I was getting fucked on our bed by some really strong guys..</span>
You start rubbing your cock unconsciously.. She takes notice
<<vid sleep/gf/5a>>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ Well They were taking turns with me having me ride their cocks..</span>
You already are producing precum..
<span style="color: lightblue;">Like how?..</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5b>>
<span style="color: pink;">mhmh~ Like this.. I still remember it vividly.. I think I came while I was sleeping..</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5c>>
She starts masturbating with you..
<span style="color: pink;">hha~mhm~ They would toss me around and both push up inside me with their big cocks and I would push back on them, I made sure they new I w-anted more.. Hmh~</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5d>>
<span style="color: pink;">hah~ They pinned me down on my back and had my legs up in the air exposing my soaking pussy to the both of them.. hah~ HMm~</span>
she demonstrates..
<<vid sleep/gf/5f>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">W-where was I?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hmgh~ gone.. I wasn't really thinking about that.. MH~!</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5g>>
<span style="color: pink;">mHhm!~ The only thing I could think of is two huge hotties filling me up with cum!!</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5h>>
You shoot a huge load
<span style="color: lightblue;">fuck baby Ahh~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/gf/16b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">A-Hah~ You Like that stor-y! hmhmmM~</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hah!~ My ll-Legs were shaking in the air as I came on their dicks!-Hmhhn! I Could-nnt S-sTop CUUUmmingg~!</span>
You watch her orgasm hard as she re-lives her dream..
<<vid sleep/gf/5i>>
<span style="color: pink;">ohh~ baby I don't know I Ill be able to stop thinking about those big dicks now.. mhm~</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5j>>
<span style="color: pink;">A-Hah~ Y-ou like jerking off to me so much maybe You could watch me do somthing like that one day..~</span>
You can't help but keep jerking off to her words..
<<vid sleep/gf/5k>>
She spreads her ass open for you.
<span style="color: pink;">Don't you wanna see your beautiful girlfriend get fucked? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I wan't to fuck you..</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5l>>
<span style="color: pink;">This ass? Well If you want me to please you You should be wanting to make me happy too. </span>
She grabs your dick as jerks you off over her ass..
<span style="color: lightblue;"> coul-d -aHh~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/gf/5m.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Hmh.. Good morning baby.</span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/2.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">Looks like you like my new choice of underwear..ha~</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Good morning $name </span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/3.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">I't feels so good sleeping naked haha~</span>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Good morning $name </span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/4.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">Lucky you to wake up to a goddess.</span>
<img src="img/sleep/gf/4a.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
You wake up with $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Baby I woke up so horny from my dream last night.. </span>
[[Sorry I'm Busy|Bedroom]] Skip Scene
<<vid sleep/gf/5>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">What happened?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Well.. I was getting fucked on our bed by some really strong guys..</span>
You start rubbing your cock unconsciously.. She takes notice
<<vid sleep/gf/5a>>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ Well They were taking turns with me having me ride their cocks..</span>
You already are producing precum..
<span style="color: lightblue;">Like how?..</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5b>>
<span style="color: pink;">mhmh~ Like this.. I still remember it vividly.. I think I came while I was sleeping..</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5c>>
She starts masturbating with you..
<span style="color: pink;">hha~mhm~ They would toss me around and both push up inside me with their big cocks and I would push back on them, I made sure they new I w-anted more.. Hmh~</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5d>>
<span style="color: pink;">hah~ They pinned me down on my back and had my legs up in the air exposing my soaking pussy to the both of them.. hah~ HMm~</span>
she demonstrates..
<<vid sleep/gf/5f>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">W-where was I?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hmgh~ gone.. I wasn't really thinking about that.. MH~!</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5g>>
<span style="color: pink;">mHhm!~ The only thing I could think of is two huge hotties filling me up with cum!!</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5h>>
You shoot a huge load
<span style="color: lightblue;">fuck baby Ahh~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/gf/16b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">A-Hah~ You Like that stor-y! hmhmmM~</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hah!~ My ll-Legs were shaking in the air as I came on their dicks!-Hmhhn! I Could-nnt S-sTop CUUUmmingg~!</span>
You watch her orgasm hard as she re-lives her dream..
<<vid sleep/gf/5i>>
<span style="color: pink;">ohh~ baby I don't know I Ill be able to stop thinking about those big dicks now.. mhm~</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5j>>
<span style="color: pink;">A-Hah~ Y-ou like jerking off to me so much maybe You could watch me do somthing like that one day..~</span>
You can't help but keep jerking off to her words..
<<vid sleep/gf/5k>>
She spreads her ass open for you.
<span style="color: pink;">Don't you wanna see your beautiful girlfriend get fucked? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I wan't to fuck you..</span>
<<vid sleep/gf/5l>>
<span style="color: pink;">This ass? Well If you want me to please you You should be wanting to make me happy too. </span>
She grabs your dick as jerks you off over her ass..
<span style="color: lightblue;"> coul-d -aHh~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sleep/gf/5m.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Wake up|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<</if>><<audio ":all" stop>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 15)>>\
<<if $act is 0 and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 99)>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed Night]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust is 100>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed fap]]>> <</button>>
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 8 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 9 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 10 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 11 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 12 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 13 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= 20) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $mom walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 13 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 40) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $mom walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 13 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -21) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $mom walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 13 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 60) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $mom walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 13 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -41) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $mom walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 13 and ($moml >= 61) && ($moml <= 80) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $mom walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 13 and ($moml >= -80) && ($moml <= -61) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $mom walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 14 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= 20) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $sis walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 14 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 40) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $sis walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 14 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -21) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $sis walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 14 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 60) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $sis walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 14 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -41) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $sis walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 14 and ($sisl >= 61) && ($sisl <= 80) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $sis walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 14 and ($sisl >= -80) && ($sisl <= -61) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $sis walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 15 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= 20) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $gf walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 15 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 40) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $gf walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 15 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -21) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $gf walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 15 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 60) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $gf walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 15 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -41) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $gf walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 15 and ($gfl >= 61) && ($gfl <= 80) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $gf walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 15 and ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -61) and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
You spot your $gf walking through the hall.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button [[Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Livingroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$mom + "'s room"|Momsroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$sis + "'s room"|Sisroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Basement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<</if>><<audio "door" play>>
<<audio "shower" loop play>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 7)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
You use the bathroom.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom getting ready.
<center><video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom getting into the shower.
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom getting into the shower.
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the shower.
You masturbate to her.
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/1.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the shower.
You masturbate to her.
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/1.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/1.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the bath.
She seems to be enjoying herself..
<span style="color: yellow;"> Mhm~ mmhm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You decide to take out your phone and save the moment for later..
!!*Ring Ring*
<span style="color: yellow;"> aha~? What the fuck!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm so sorry $mom .. </span>
She rolls her eyes angrily.
<span style="color: yellow;">I can't believe you! Come over here we need to talk..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You walk over..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">I can't believe would try recording me in the bathroom. What do you have to say for yourself.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm sorry I you were making alot of noise and when I saw you I thought you looked really beautiful.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmm.. Is that so? You really think I look that good?</span>
You look slightly down at her feet right next to you..
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes I think you look like a queen.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">I see... Why don't you kneel down and Praise me like one then?</span>
She looks down at her feet.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am..</span>
You get down to her level.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She giggles.
<span style="color: yellow;">Good boy! open wide..</span>
You open your mouth and stick out your tongue.
She runs her foot against your face..
<span style="color: lightblue;">muhh~ ah.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She switches feet.
<span style="color: yellow;">haha~ How do they taste!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Amuhzing.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You lick up her foot and start to suck her toes.
<span style="color: yellow;">Wow you really love my feet pervert!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ahm~ Yes..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">If you like them that much maybe ill have you clean them more often..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Okay..</span>
You finish cleaning her feet.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4b10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $moml += random(1, 2)>>
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Your $mom watches you come in..
<span style="color: lightblue;">Excuse me.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmm? Back for more?</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uh yea..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Go ahead take it out.</span>
She uses her spit lube you.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/5b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She uses her spit lube you.
<span style="color: yellow;">Your gorgeous $mom will make you feel better.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/5b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She uses her feet to play with your cock.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ $mom </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Don't you love Mommy's feet? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mhm Yes ma'am.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/5b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">I bet you do.. go on let it out.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahm~ ah!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/5b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm cumming!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/5b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $moml += random(6, 7)>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom taking a bath.
You come up behind her.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She notices you.
<span style="color: yellow;">I can make some room for you.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Sorry if your $mom 's butt is too big you understand right?</span>
You cant help but cum between her ass cheeks.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahm~ ah!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Jeeze already? You are not the only one leaving this tub getting satisfied..</span>
She stands up and lays her pussy on your mouth.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $moml += random(-1, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40) >>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom
You barge in on your mom getting ready to shower with a plan..
<img src="img/mom/bathroom/4g.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> OUCH Mom!! MY penis burns I was just cutting peppers for $gf and I itched my penis! </span>
Shes worried and comes to rescue you.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Quick lets get it washed! Come over to the tub! </span>
She quickly gets her hands wet and soapy to help you.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bathroom\4g_webp.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to clean you..
<span style="color: lightblue;">mmmfm keep going it burns!~</span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> Don't worry honey! </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mmmfm ahh~</span>
You start cumming..
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh my.. </span>
She gets lost in stroking your dick and keeps going.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Is It getting any better? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mmmhmhm~</span>
She doesn't stop..
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahh ahh~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4g3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She comes to her senses.
<span style="color: yellow;"> You should get out of here..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/4g4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You leave quietly.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $moml += random(1, 3)>>
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50) >>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom washing herself.
<video controls width=390 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She sees you with your dick out and smiles.
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh baby.. You shouldn't clean youself out there let me help you.. </span>
She gets you in the tub and starts to clean you.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">mmhgm this is dirty~.. </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohh my god $mom . . </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">mmhgm guhg guhg mhhm ~uhg </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2.3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahh $mom !~ </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">mmhgm Come on let it out!.. </span>
You cum all over her face.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2.4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/2.5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $moml += random(1, 3)>>
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You walk in on your $mom going to the bathroom.
<span style="color: yellow;">Mah~ oh my haha- come to peek on your milf?</span>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">N-ahh~ Hold on mommy is full..~</span>
She forces herself to pee..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Your $mom sees your boner.
<span style="color: yellow;">Haah~ haha.. you really got hard from me just getting all or those fluids out of my system..</span>
She smerks as she takes your hard dick out and starts to suck it.
<span style="color: yellow;">M-Humhmm~ hmH~ mmm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Get down for me.</span>
She stands up over you..
<img src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/3a.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
<span style="color: yellow;">If you love me so much why don't you help me clean up after all the dirty stuff i've been doing.~</span>
You eat your clean your mom out, it smells like cum and piss..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">HaH~! hmm~ g-good boy..Now that Mommy is all clean why don't you take your turn..</span>
You stand up and she guides you into her dripping pussy.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start fucking her faster..
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh~! baby did that turn you on? HMm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">I should expect nothing more from a pervert son just like his Mother hah~</span>
She jerks you off and makes you cum on her chest.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">haha~ You came so much, I'm glad you enjoy helping out your whore mother..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She teases you as you leave.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $moml += random(-1, -3)>>
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Your $mom spots you watching her.
She teases you.
<span style="color: yellow;">You really shouldn't be watching your $mom shower.. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Did you need any help with your back? </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Maybe there is one spot I cant reach myself.. </span>
You get in and your $mom Sits back on your dick
<span style="color: yellow;"> mhmhh~ Ohh babyy!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/3.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">mmm!~Ooh fuck oh fuck!</span>
You fill her pussy with cum.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/3.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">haah~ Oh my god you came so much! </span>
You Leave
[[Go back|Hallway]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $moml += random(1, 3)>>
<<audio "momsex" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(1, 2)>>
@@Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis going to the bathroom
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/0a.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the bath.
You hide and watch her.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the bath.
You hide and watch her.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 7)>> <<set $sisl += random(-1, -3)>>
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the bath.
You hide and watch her.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Hm? </span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/1.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
It looks like she notices you but continues to wash herself.
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/1a.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
<<set $lust += random(1, 2)>> <<set $sisl += random(1, 3)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the bath.
You hide and watch her.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Hm? </span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/1.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
It looks like she notices you but continues to wash herself.
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/1a.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 7)>> <<set $sisl += random(-1, -3)>>
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the bath.
You hide and watch her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4b0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start masturbating to your own $sis as she makes love to herself.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to finger her asshole..
<span style="color: purple;">mh OohHh yess just like that..</span>
You watch in awe as you $sis does things you never thought she would do.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She pulls out a dildo and starts to fuck her ass.
<span style="color: purple;">ngh~ ah! yes daddy use my asss! mhhm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She has an orgasm as she fucks her asshole.
<span style="color: purple;">nhmgh!FuckFUCK FUck!~ ahHahm!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts stretching out her asshole.
<span style="color: purple;">Come on~ I need to get bigger..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
What does she mean by that?
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>> <<set $sisl += random(1, 3)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the Shower.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She spots you.
<span style="color: purple;">Oh! $name I need your help I'm trying to make sure I shave all my hair, but I can't see down there easily. can you help me?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh.. uh sure?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Thank you so much!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">nice and soapy This will be fast.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Take your time..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She continues to shave herself.
<span style="color: purple;">Okay, now the inside..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mh Looks good so far.</span>
You try to cover your boner.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Okay, now for the hard part.</span>
She bents over showing you her asshole
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to shave her ass.
<span style="color: purple;">Sorry..I know its wierd just another minute. Let me know If i miss anything.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">No. no. I love helping you out.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You are extreamly horny you decide try flirting a bit.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Its a beautiful view for me anyway..</span>
She turns bright red and shes looking at you nervously..
<span style="color: purple;">o-oh?Noo ah haha! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I think you are sexy with or without the hair.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">oh $name Stoppp~!</span>
She opens up a bit more, maybe trying to show off a bit?
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Ah~ all done I think, let me just rinse off.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Stunning..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Now can you please make sure I got everything..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Of course anything for my $sis show me everything.</span>
She shows you both sides opening and pushing all of her parts out to make sure nothing has been missed.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You are so sexy.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Thank you so much for your help..</span>
She gives you a wink and blows you a kiss.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4g9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41) >>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>> <<set $sisl += random(-1, -3)>>
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis washing herself.
She smerks and lets you walk in.
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/2b.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She notices you looking at her feet.
<span style="color: purple;">Look your $sis has cute clean feet now. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/2b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">You look like you are enjoying this hehe.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/2b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Fuck I can't hold it. </span>
She makes you cum with her feet.
<span style="color: purple;">ahah You are so easy!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/2b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 7)>> <<set $sisl += random(1, 3)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis taking a bath
She notices you and jiggles her butt.
<span style="color: purple;">Like what you see?</span>
<video controls width=370 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She waves you over.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey? </span>
<span style="color: purple;">Can I suck your dick?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I mean. sure whatever makes you happy.</span>
She leans over and starts sucking your dick.
<span style="color: purple;">MHm~ hmh~ </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/2.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mhgh~ muha~ </span>
She is trying to make you cum.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/2.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Mhm~ </span>
You give her what she wants.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/2.3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mmhm~ Thanks $name .. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>> <<set $sisl += random(-1, -3)>>
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis
She notices you and opens her ass up.
<span style="color: purple;">Hey $name I need your help..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Okay..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks at you with a smerk.
<span style="color: purple;">I wanna start to practice anal and your dick is not big enough to hurt me so I want to practice with it..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">If this is really want, okay.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hah~ You are so tight..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">hmh nghh!~ Yea anal feels great!</span>
You fuck her extreamly tight ass.
<span style="color: purple;">ohhhhmh~ fuck I'm cumming already-y!~</span>
You fill your her asshole with cum..
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ me too!</span>
You watch as your $sis pushes your cum out of her ass.
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Gosh~ You came so much from me..I can't wait to see what else I can take..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>> <<set $sisl += random(1, 3)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis
She spots you while shes unguarded with her ass out.
<span style="color: purple;">Oh! $name I didn't see you there..</span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/3.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: purple;">Dont mine me I was just cleaning myself.</span>
She taunts you over with her ass.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/3.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Why don't you help me clean up?</span>
You get in behind her and she pushes back against you.
<span style="color: purple;">aha~! ah! mhm~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/3.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">ah~! YES $name fuck me more Im going to cum! I love youu!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/3.3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She makes sure you finish inside.
<span style="color: purple;">aaahh~ You really filled me!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/3.4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>> <<set $sisl += random(-1, -3)>>
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis
Shes in the shower with your friend..
<span style="color: purple;">heh~ you are so big!</span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\1.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: red;">How bad do you want it?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">So bad.. Do whatever you want to me..</span>
He puts her on her knees, She opens wide for him..
<span style="color: purple;">HMm~ Hggh~ Guhg~</span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\2.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: red;">F-FUcking whore!~</span>
He cums down her thoat..
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\2a.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: red;">You did say whatever I want..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">HMmhmm~ Guhg~ AHh!~</span>
He pulls her up by her head and locks her into the wall.
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\3.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: purple;">OH-h!~Ahah~ YEss!! Fuck!</span>
He uses your $sis as his personal toilet..
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\4.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">ahh GAha~ Haha~ ~Ahah~ Daddy~!! More!! Im going to Cum!~</span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\5.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
They cum at the same time and he fills her up..
<span style="color: purple;">s-so much ahha!~</span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\5a.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You sneak in after they finish.
<span style="color: purple;">ahh~ $name I could'nt wait any longer I had to let your friend use me~ </span>
<img src="img/sis/bathroom\7b\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She looks down and sees your masturbating to her cum filled pussy.
She giggles and plays with your balls..
<span style="color: purple;">didn't he do a good job?</span>
<<vid sis/bathroom/7b\7>>
She taunts you as she watches you cum..
<span style="color: purple;">haha its like you rather watch me get fucked instead of fucking me yourself. I'm suprised your girlfriend hasn't already fucked him having such a pathetic boyfriend.</span>
<<vid sis/bathroom/7b\8>>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
You find $gf getting ready to shower.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf with her pants off.
She smiles at you.
<span style="color: pink;">Hey baby! I'm about to take a shower Ill be out in a minute! </span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf with her pants off.
She looks at you sceptically.
<span style="color: pink;">Babe I'm almost done. Can't I go anywhere without you up my ass. </span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">O-oh sorry..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf getting ready to shower.
She spots you watching her.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1a.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She smiles at you.
<span style="color: pink;">Hey baby! how do I look?</span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1b.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She gives you a great view.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Absolutely Perfect.</span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1b2.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">I'm glad you think so! Ill catch up with you after my bath!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Sounds great!</span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1c.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She looks at you curiously as you leave.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf getting ready to shower.
She spots you watching her.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1a.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She doesn't say anything..
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1b.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
Shes definitely making sure you can see..
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1b2.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">Okay you seen enough.. Its time to go.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Okay, Thanks. My bad.. </span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/1c.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She looks at you curiously as you leave.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf walks in on you in the bathroom.
She looks at you naked and walks up giving you a kiss.
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ baby you look good..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I was going to say the same about you.</span>
She locks on your eyes as she drops down.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahh~!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to suck your dick.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahh~ fuck $gf you have such a good mouth.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">ghppf! ffhphm hmmh~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">maahh ~!</span>
She focuses on the head and sucks harder..
<span style="color: pink;">mhpf! fphm~ hmmhnm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4g3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh fuck baby you are making me cum!</span>
She lets you pull it out of her mouth and holds her tits together for you.
<span style="color: pink;">mha~! Come on daddy make me look pretty..</span>
You jerk off and cum all over her.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4g4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She rubs some of the cum from her lips into her mouth.
<span style="color: pink;">hahmhm~ daddy its everywhere..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4g5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She goes in to clean you up.
<span style="color: pink;">You taste so good mmhm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4g6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf You spy on your girlfriend going to the bathroom.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Maybe she didn't have to pee..
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">ahh! mhm~ naha~</span>
She puts her legs up to get a better angle.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts fingering her pussy deep.
<span style="color: pink;">Hah!~Eeh! Fuckk! mhmm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts talking...
<span style="color: pink;">hmmh! yes daddy nice and deep just like that.. mhm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">hah fuck please~ It-s so big I going to cum! Im going to cum!mnhgm~!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">AUHg!</span>
Her pussy squirts across the bathroom.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">hahmhm~ fuck fuck~! I can't stop cumming!! hggm~..</span>
Her pussy keeps shooting out fluid.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes frozen on the seat shaking before trying to recover from her climax.
<span style="color: pink;">I need someone that can make me squirt..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/4b7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf in the tub.
<span style="color: pink;">What do you want?</span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2b.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uh.. do you mind if I watch? </span>
She smerks at you.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2b0.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">My my..I wonder how you will compensate for all this time I spend letting you look at me naked..</span>
You grab at her ass.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2b001.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She pushes her ass up showing herself to you.
<span style="color: pink;">Porn stars at least get money and get to fuck whoever they want..but what are you offering?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Uh..well what do you want? </span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2b01.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She rolls over and rests her feet on the tub..
<span style="color: pink;">My feet are killing me why don't you make me feel better..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Okay..</span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2b1.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She laughes as you rub her feet.
<span style="color: pink;">mh~ God you practically drooling! hahah~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Your so sexy..</span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2b2.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She gives you a mischievous look.
<span style="color: pink;">I need help with one more thing,.</span>
She lifts her ass out of the water.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bathroom\2b2_webp.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Come on I'm nice and clean..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Yes ma'am. </span>
You eat her out.
<span style="color: pink;"> mh! hgha~ haah~ fuck!</span>
She makes you eat her ass unill she cums.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/2b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf taking a bath.
She gives you an innocent smile.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She lets you undress and gets down on her knees.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2.1.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/2.2.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She makes sure to please her man.
<video controls width=520 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/2.3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
$gf licks up your cum.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/2.4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf
$gf gives you a commanding look.
<span style="color: pink;">You can't get enough of your girlfriend's perfect ass huh?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You are a goddess.. </span>
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Well come here..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Yes ma'am.. </span>
She pushes back against you.
<span style="color: pink;"> mh! hgha~ haah!</span>
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She slides your dick inside her pussy.
<span style="color: pink;">Hah~ come on show me you are worth somthing!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ ahh~ </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah $gf I'm cumming!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">What already are you fucking serious?!</span>
You cum uncontrollably.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Hhm.. Whatever its fine Ill just go masturbate again..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<audio "gfsex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh!~</span>
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/6.png" hight=500 width=600/>
Your girlfriends yell stops you at the door..
<span style="color: pink;">O-h! Plea- Insi-~</span>
You knock..
*Knock* Knock*
<span style="color: pink;">ahh~ m-</span>
No response..
<span style="color: pink;">a-gh~ cu-</span>
You decide to go see what your $sis is up to.
$gf 's [[Persective|Gfpb2]]
You play games with your sister for a while..
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/game.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You return to the bedroom and see $gf sleeping naked.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/sleep.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
As you get into bed, she rolls over..
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/6b6.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You're heart is racing at the thought of what just happened..
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<audio "gfbathsex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf
She puts herself on display for you.
<span style="color: pink;">oh baby. I need some loving..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You are beautiful.. </span>
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Well come here..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Only if you say please. </span>
<span style="color: pink;">Please daddy...</span>
She pushes back against you.
<span style="color: pink;">mh~</span>
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She slides your dick inside her pussy.
<span style="color: pink;"> mh! hgha~ haah!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Hah~ Keep going it feels so good!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ ahh~ </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah $gf I'm cumming!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh!~ yes~ Inside please!</span>
You cum uncontrollably.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">ahh~ ahhhmg~ daddy!</span>
She is shaking left shaking while you cum inside her.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/3.3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<audio "gfsex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf getting changed.
<video controls width=420 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf drying off.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf masturbating
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf masturbating
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf masturbating
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf masturbating
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf masturbating outside the shower.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf taking a bath.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/r5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She spreads herself for you.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/r5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the bath
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/r5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She flashes her butt plug.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/r5b1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf masturbating.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf masturbating with a big black dildo..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts screaming as she Dp fucks herself.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r6b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She cums and creams on her dildo's.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf Taking a shower it sounds like shes masturbating again..
<span style="color: pink;">hahh~ mh mhm~ </span>
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You see her moving around but its too foggy to make out whats going on.
<span style="color: pink;">hahh~ mhm mh~ gugh!~ </span>
You decide to wait for her to finish..
$gf 's [[Perspective|gfpb]]
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/6.png" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: pink;">h-mh mh~ gu-g~ </span>
<span style="color: red;">b-tch! </span>
Was that a mans voice? I'm over thinking..
<span style="color: pink;">ha-h! C-UMMi- *cough!* coug-h* *co-gh*~ </span>
Well she must be done mastrubating..
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b6.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">hahh~ hey baby.. I-I just finished my shower can you go get me a towel? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uhh yea.. no problem.. </span>
You leave
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "deepthroat" loop play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis checking herself out.
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis trying to practice twerking.
<video controls width=370 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis trying to practice twerking.
<video controls width=370 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis riding a dildo.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(7, 9)>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis riding a dildo.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis masturbating.
<video controls width=380 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She cums hard.
<video controls width=380 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r1a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<set $lust += random(7, 9)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis masturbating.
<video controls width=380 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She cums hard.
<video controls width=380 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r1a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
She teases you..
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(7, 9)>>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis.
She teases you..
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis masturbating.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She cums hard.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r2a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis masturbating.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She cums hard.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/sis/bathroom/r2a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis.
She gives you a sexual look while showing off her new nose ring.
<img src="img/sis/bathroom/r5.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom Checking herself out.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(1, 2)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom Checking herself out.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom masturbating.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<audio "momfap" play>>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom Checking herself out.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(1, 2)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom masturbating.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom masturbating.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom masturbating.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom masturbating.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/r5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom getting fucked.
<span style="color: Yellow;">ha-h! C-UMMi- M-More you are so fucking huge!~ </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/6r.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gets on top of him and keeps going..
<span style="color: Yellow;">ha-hhaah!! come on fuck my dirty milf pussy!~ </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/6r1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">GAHH~! Thats it let it all out inside me..~ </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/mom/bathroom/6b/6r2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You slowly walk out.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "momsex" play>>
<</if>><<audio "door" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 7)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
You Eat a sandwich.
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\good\1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\good\2.jpg" hight=400 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Clean|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Play|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Clean|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Play|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\bad\6.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Play|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\good\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Clean|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
Find your $mom
<<vid mom\kitchen\bad\7>>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Play|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\good\1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Embrace|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Embrace|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\good\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Embrace|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=350/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=360/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=360/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\bad\6.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
You find your $sis
<<vid sis\kitchen\bad\7>>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\bad\1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
You find your $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Flirt|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\good\5.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Flirt|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\good\6.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Flirt|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\bad\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
You find $gf
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\bad\7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Watch Them|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\watch\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\watch\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\watch\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Clean|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\watch\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\watch\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Play|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -80) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom cleaning the kitchen..
She has her butt plug in..
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\watch\4b1.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|momhelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Check|momjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\watch\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\watch\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\watch\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Embrace|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\watch\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\watch\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis She shows you her slutty outfit.
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\watch\4bb.webp" hight=500 width=300/>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf setting up the kitchen table.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\watch\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\watch\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\watch\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Flirt|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\watch\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\watch\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf cleaning in a revealing thong
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\watch\4b.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Watch|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<audio "door" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 1)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
<<button[[$aunt + "'s House"|ahouse]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Gym]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go out with someone(Unavailable)|Hangout]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go home|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</if>><<audio "door" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 7)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
You Watch TV.
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\n.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
Find your $mom
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\good\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
Find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\bad\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
<img src="img\mom\liv\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\bad\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
Find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\liv\good\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
Find your $mom with her ass exposed.
<img src="img\mom\liv\bad\7.jpg" hight=500 width=420/>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\n.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
You find your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\good\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\good\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
You find your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\bad\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\bad\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
You find your $sis trying to get her shoes off.
<img src="img\sis\liv\bad\7.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Worship|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\n.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Flirt|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
You find your $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Flirt|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Help|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\good\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Talk|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\bad\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Movie with friend|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\liv\bad\7.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Let her go|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\random\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(7, 9)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(7, 9)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\random\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom fucking her ass with a big black dildo
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\random\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She cums and squirts everywhere.
<<button[[Help|momgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|mombadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<video controls width=380 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\random\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\random\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\random\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\random\r5b.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
<<button[[Help|sisgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Joke|sisbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<video controls width=380 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\random\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\random\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\random\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Movie with a friend|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf Practicing anal..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\random\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\random\4b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Compliment|gfgoodlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Let her go|gfbadlv]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 3)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
She is gone
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\n.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\good\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\bad\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\bad\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\bad\4z.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\bed\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\bad\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -21) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 300)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 40) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 300)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 300)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
$gf catches you gawking at her ass
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4bb.jpg" hight=600 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">You already have a boner I didn't even do anything yet..</span>
She starts to sway and watches your eyes lock on her.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4bb_webp.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">If you want me so bad beg for me.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Please can I get off to your ass..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">come on a little better..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Please queen $gf may I worship your ass..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Hehe much better..</span>
She props herself on a stool for you to get a good view.
<center><video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4bb1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm cum for your queen.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmHMm</span>
<center><video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4bb2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm ha good doggy.</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 300)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 300)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
You find $gf
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 100)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
$gf comes to you in a panic.
Her asshole is dry and itchy she needs your help.
<center><video controls width=340 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You quickly start to lick it to sooth her.
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm mMm keep going.</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh FUCk~ mHMMm im cumming!!</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Mmm thank you baby.</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "wetblow" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= 61) && ($gfl <= 80) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 100)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
$gf walks up to you naked
Thank you so much for helping me before I owe you.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4gg.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Come on daddy fuck me.</span>
She bends over on the bed
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4gg1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh FUCk~ mHMMm hMmh!!</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4gg2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm mMm Oh Fuck $name I'm going to cum!
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh fuck me too!</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfsex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 100)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
$gf is looking for a porno to watch.
<span style="color: pink;">...
<span style="color: pink;">yess.
Looks like she found one..
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You walk up behind her and confront her..
<span style="color: lightblue;">whatcha doing in here?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">ah! oh-well I was about to watch this video.. you can come back later if you want.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">ahh- If you are sure..
You read the title "Boyfriend Shares His Girlfriend With His Best Friend.
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh.. Is this what you think about..</span>
Shes already starting to rub herself
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">mh~ I told you you didn't have to watch..
Your dick is rock hard.
<span style="color: lightblue;">No I want to watch with you..</span>
You both watch as the boyfriend sits to the side his girl is getting pounded right next to him..
<span style="color: pink;">ahh~ ah~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Nahn~ Mh~ I just like to think about it sometimes.. ahha~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ M-my friend?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Well he-s big ah~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
How does she know that? Your jelousy makes your dick so hard and sensitive.
Her breath is heavy.. she pulls her panties to the side.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">b-baby~ It would be fun right??hahna~</span>
She starts to rub fast as the man slams inside his girlfriend.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">You could watch me-e C-um C-umming! MHMH~</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">on his huge dickhaah!~ You could watch me b-baby please..hmhhh~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You want to fuck my friend so bad..</span>
She spreads her legs like the girl in the video.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">I-would let him cum inside me!!~ You could watch me SCREAM.hmhhh~</span>
You can't hold it any longer..
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">AhH!~ AHh~ MhhHM~!</span>
She starts shaking again as the boyfriend starts to eat his girlfriend out..
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I want to watch..</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b7b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Yes!! AHHh~ YOU CAN WATCH MY WHORE PUSSY GET STRETCHED BY BIG DICK! HMMGH~</span>
She starts squirting hard.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b7a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">YesS!! HMMGH~ EAT ME GAH~a OUT LIKE THAT!!~ ghgHA~</span>
You cant help but get down and help her out also.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b7c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She came for a couple minutes in your mouth. much longer than you have ever watched her cum before..
<span style="color: pink;">aha~ aha~ <3</span>
Shes stuck in place for a while but eventually you both go back to normal.
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "hardntr" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -71) and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 100)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
$gf is blowing her guy friend on your bed.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
He cums so much inside her mouth.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She notices you and shows you what she did.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\random\4b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "deepthroat" play>>
<</if>><<audio "door" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(2, 3)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
She is gone
<<button [[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
You find your $mom getting dressed.
<img src="img\mom\bed\n.jpg" hight=500 width=450/>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
You find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\bed\good\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Complement|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\good\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Flirt|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\good\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[yoga|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
You find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\bed\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Apologize|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\good\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Do yoga again|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
You find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\bed\bad\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\good\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Grope|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
You find your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\good\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Yoga|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
You find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\bed\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Ask|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
You find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\bed\bad\6.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Do yoga again|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
You find your $mom
<img src="img\mom\bed\bad\7.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Peek|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($moml >= 0) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom looking for clothes
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\random\1.jpg" hight=600 width=600/>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
Your $mom "accidentally" Flashes you
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Flirt|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You walk in on your $mom mid orgasm.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= 0)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom looking for clothes
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\random\1.jpg" hight=600 width=600/>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Spy|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
Your $mom "accidentally" Flashes you
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You walk in on your $mom mid orgasm.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You walk in on your $mom on her bed naked
<span style="color: Yellow;">Oh- my.. spying on your milf $mom again? </span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\random\4b.jpg" hight=600 width=600/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">heh~ You really should'nt be looking at me like this.. </span>
She gets up exposing herself more, You can't help but gravitate toward her..
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\random\4b1.webp" hight=600 width=400/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Okay.. You can take it out I know how much pain your gorgeous $mom puts you in.. mh~ </span>
You take your dick out and she takes control..
<video controls width=380 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\4b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmmh~ fuck $mom I'm going to cum~! </span>
She leans over the bed so you can properly pay tribute..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\random\4b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Wow- so much just for me? </span>
<<button[[Talk|mombedg]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Peek|mombedb]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<</if>><<audio "door" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 3)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
She is gone
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
You find your $sis cleaning.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\n.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
You find your $sis in her room.
<img src="img\sis\bed\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
You find your $sis working out.
<img src="img\sis\bed\good\3_png.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
You find your $sis resting.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\good\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
Your $sis wants to try somthing with you.
<img src="img\sis\bed\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\bed\good\6.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Watch Porn|sisbedg]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\bed\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
You find your $sis working out.
<img src="img\sis\bed\bad\3_png.png" hight=500 width=450/>
<<button[[Ask to watch|sisbedb]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]<</button>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
You find your $sis focused on her game.
<img src="img\sis\bed\bad\4.png" hight=600 width=600/>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]<</button>>
<<elseif ($randomnumber == 2) and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
You find your $sis looking at her laptop in heat.
<video controls width=320 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\bad\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif ($randomnumber == 2) and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\bed\bad\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Worship Her|sisbedb]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif ($randomnumber == 2) and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
You find your $sis
<img src="img\sis\bed\bad\7.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis making a tiktok dance.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis making a tiktok dance.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Be Nice|sisbedg]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis making a tiktok dance.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
You find your $sis getting dressed.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Watch Yoga|sisbedb]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis getting dressed.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Be Nice|sisbedg]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in her room.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in her room.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in her room.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis masturbating.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif ($randomnumber == 3) and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis making an Onlyfans video.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You Walk in on your $sis masturbating.
She looks up at you breathing heavy and freezes
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her panties are soaked, She moves them to the side so you can see..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You eat out her pussy as she finishes her video..
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She squirts in your mouth.
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 61) && ($sisl <= 80)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis masturbating.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\4a2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis playing on her computer.
Her perfect body makes you uncontrollably hard.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\random\5b\r5.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You look closer and see her pussy leaking.. She seems like shes always wet nowadays.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\random\5b\r51.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You bend down and taste her as she plays.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\random\5b\r5a.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
She lifts up her feet for you.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\random\5b\r5b.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You shoot a load all over her ass..
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\random\5b\r5c.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 4)>>\
<<set $lust -= (35)>>
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
@@-3 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=300 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/n.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -15) && ($moml <= 15)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=300 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/n.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $mom catches you.
<img src="img/porn/mom/1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=300 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/n.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $sis catches you.
<img src="img/porn/sis/1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=300 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
$gf catches you.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/n.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 15) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=300 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/2a.webp" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $mom catches you.
<img src="img/porn/mom/2a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -15)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=300 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/2a.webp" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $mom catches you.
<img src="img/porn/mom/2a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/mom/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $mom catches you
<img src="img/porn/mom/1a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She asks you what you are watching.
Shes taken a back.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/mom/1c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She grabs your dick and tells you about how she had a 3 way with her friend.
You cum.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/mom/1b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
$sis catches you.
<img src="img/porn/sis/2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She starts to jerk you off and tell you how she always wanted to have fun with a girl.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\porn\sis\2_webp.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
$gf catches you, but help you out.
She asks you if you would like to get blown by 2 girls.
You cum.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@-50 lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/3c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $mom catches you.
<img src="img/porn/mom/1a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She tells you to move over so she can watch better.
She jerks you off and reminisces about the last time a big dick made her squirt.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/mom/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You cum on your $mom
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/mom/3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $sis catches you.
<img src="img/porn/sis/2b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She tells you to stand up and jerks you off.
She asks you if you always watch porn with men that have bigger dicks than you?
You cum.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/sis/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
You watch porn.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
$gf catches you, but help you out.
She admires the big dick on the screen as she jerks you off.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She tells how hard she would squirt on his big dick.
You cum.
<center><center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c1a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 79)>>\
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 79)>>\
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 80)>>\
@@-50 Lust@@
$gf walks in on you masturbating
<span style="color: pink;">Oh my..</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g2a0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She bites her lip.
<span style="color: pink;">$name I didn't know you watched this kind of stuff too.</span>
<img src="img/porn/gf/c2a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ohh yea its pretty hot.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Mind if I watch with you..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">No, come over here.</span>
She gets undressed and masturbates right next to you.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">mmmmhm 2 dicks is so hot.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmhm</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Do you think it would be hot If we had a threeway? GHhm</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g2a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hm yea..</span>
You start helping her finger herself.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g2a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">OH my godHMmh.. lets do it!</span>
She starts to cum at the sight of the men cumming.
<span style="color: pink;">OH my baby I'mmm cumming!</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g2a2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She wildly starts to grind on your cock.
<span style="color: pink;">baby thats so hot. Look at this video I like to masturbate to.</span>
She turns on Girlfriend shared Double Vaginal Creampie.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g2a3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She starts shaking focused on the video.
<span style="color: pink;">Oh shit baby im cumming again!</span>
You cum hard on her pussy.
She squeeks.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/g2a5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You both get cleaned up.
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -80) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
$mom Scene Placeholder
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -80) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
$sis Scene Placeholder
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
$gf walks in on you at the start of your porn movie.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">oh? I thought you didnt like to watch romance movies. </span>
<img src="img/porn/gf/c2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You try to play it off.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh-h yea not usually ha.</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">oh wow this is a spicy one.</span>
There is no way to get out of this.
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh my... </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Wow.. I dont think this is a romance. </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She bites her lip.
<span style="color: pink;">mh Jesus is that real? its huge..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I think so. hmm I just need to check somthing.</span>
You pull down her pants and touch her soaked pussy.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmh I'm guilty, mhm sorry its just so huge..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Its fine..</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmh, wow she can fit that in her mouth? mhm~</span>
You look over to find $gf maturbating hypnotized by the video.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmmmh~ $name its so perfect.. mhm~</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Her breathing is heavy
<span style="color: lightblue;">A-re you okay mh?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I-i want Bla~HMm CUMuing~</span>
You watch her pussy convulse as she cums hard.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You go to turn it off.
<span style="color: pink;">Hmh Don't turn it off. Huhm mmhmh Im not done.</span>
She undresses and gets on the bed.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;"> That looks like it would change my life. $name I want somthing big like that!HMhh!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">do you mean that?</span>
She masturbates with the fucking.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;"> oh fuck babyyyhh Yess! I wanttT so bad! I want to get fucked by a huge black cock HMMMhHhHh!</span>
You watch as she Shakes and Strains her whole body..
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She looks is awe with her jaw dropped at the load the bull leaves inside.
<span style="color: pink;">HmhhN N-no Way! Huhmh so-much!!</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/bb/c2g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">OH MY GOD BABY BABY! $name FUCK!</span>
She squirts everywhere.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmhmmm..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I have been good to my boyfriend.. I let him get off to me all the time.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"></span>
<span style="color: pink;">I think its only fair that I get some real pleasure too.</span>
She Starts to tease you.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: pink;">You can Worship me and maybe even use me too sometimes if I stay satisfied.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ooohmmhm oKay.</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/porn/gf/c2a7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<audio "hardntr" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -79) && ($moml <= -50)>>\
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -79) && ($sisl <= -50)>>\
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -79) && ($gfl <= -50)>>\
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 50) && ($moml <= 79)>>\
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 50) && ($sisl <= 79)>>\
You need at least 50 lust for this scene.
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 50) && ($gfl <= 79)>>\
[[Fap again|Porn]]
<</if>><<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<span style="color: yellow;">$mom</span>
<<if ($moml >= -110) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom with dishes.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She looks happy.
<span style="color: yellow;">Thanks $name .</span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\help\1.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
<<elseif ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom with dishes.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She flashes you.
<span style="color: yellow;"> You are so sweet to me. </span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\help\2.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom with dishes.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She gives you a peak of her ass.
<span style="color: yellow;">Mmh Thank you baby. </span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\help\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom scrub the floors.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Is everything okay down there? </span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: yellow;"> Thank you so much.</span>
She gives you a kiss.
<center><video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom scrub the floors.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She makes sure you get a good look.
She giggles.
<span style="color: yellow;">I hope everything looks okay down there. </span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your mom finds a new way to thank you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;"> PHgh gugh~ mmhm so good. </span>
She sucks your dick like a pro.
<span style="color: yellow;"> ughmh GughGHHhhh~! </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your girlfriend comes down.
<span style="color: pink;"> Uh hey baby have you seen my car keys? </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Its hard to speak.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Nhmmh Uhh Noo. </span>
You cum in your $mom 's mouth.
<span style="color: pink;">Damn are you sure??</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">UHMHMH.. </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Uh! yes I Think they are in our room.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Okay thank you ill check again!</span>
You finish up with your $mom as $gf leaves.
<span style="color: yellow;"> uhhuh~ heheh</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom scrub the floors.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She makes sure you get a good look.
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\0a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
she spreads her pussy for you.
<span style="color: yellow;">mmm I think Im going to need more help from you.</span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\help\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You bend her over and use her mouth.
<span style="color: yellow;">Ohg Baby-gugh guhhg ughhg!</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
You make push it in deep.
<span style="color: yellow;">G GUHghu hghuhg!!</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
your cock is full of cum and your $mom 's saliva.
<span style="color: yellow;">PFFHGH~ UHhMMm.. Its so perfect.</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She bends over.
<span style="color: yellow;">Please fuck your $mom already~!</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: yellow;">oh fuck your dick is so good!</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Shit shit shit! $name Im cumming!</span>
You fuck her until you cum.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> UH $mom I am too!</span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> UGHh.</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\help\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "deepthroat" play>>
<</if>><<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<span style="color: yellow;">$mom</span>
<<if ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 110)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play around with your $mom .
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Shes annoyed but lets it happen.
<span style="color: yellow;">ugh are you serious? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Im sorry $mom .</span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play around with your $mom .
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She gives you a smerk and flashes you.
<span style="color: yellow;"> You are going to start owing me favors.. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I can live with that.</span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play around with your $mom .
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She wiggles her ass for you playfully.
<span style="color: yellow;"> You better be careful. </span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play around harder with your $mom .
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\0a.gif" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: yellow;"> YHhmmMH You are being so bad. </span>
She teases you and gives you a dirty look.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play around harder with your $mom .
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\0a.gif" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: yellow;"> HmmHHM! I had enough!</span>
She drops her panties.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She spreads her pussy apart.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Get on the floor now. </span>
You follow your $mom 's demands.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">You really need to learn how to please a woman and not just play with her. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">If you like your $mom so much show me. </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmmh! Fuck! good boy. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">OHH fuck oh FUuck IM going to CUHMM~!! </span>
She cums and squirts in your mouth.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play around harder with your $mom .
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\0a.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: yellow;">You really love your $mom huh.. </span>
She gets on the table and displays herself to you.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">What am I going to do with you.. </span>
She puts her feet in your face.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\6a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She undresses.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmm maybe a punishment..</span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\6c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Yea today you have to worship my feet. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Come on give them a smell.</span>
You follow orders.
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\6d.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You kiss her feet and jerk off.
<span style="color: yellow;">Mmmh such a good boy. </span>
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\6e.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">You love your $mom 's feet dont you? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am</span>
She toys with you until you cum.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: yellow;">Haha so pathetic. </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\6g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom doing dishes.
She notices you coming up behind her.
<span style="color: yellow;">Haha~ You like my new underwear I see. </span>
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\1>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I think, I like how your butt makes those underwear look.</span>
She pulls her panties down and flaunts her ass.
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\2>>
<span style="color: yellow;">Haa~ This butt? </span>
She spreads her ass cheeks..
<img src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\7\3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes..~</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Well be a good boy and help your mom again. </span>
She lays back on the kitchen table and lets you eat her asshole out.
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\4>>
<span style="color: yellow;">Haa~ mhm~ so good! </span>
You hold her legs down and really get in deep.
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\5>>
<span style="color: yellow;">ahaa~ fuck baby~ im cumming!! </span>
She starts shaking and pushes you off.
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\6>>
<span style="color: yellow;">ahaa~ mmha~ </span>
Shes left defenceless and lets you finish up.
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\7>>
<span style="color: yellow;"> mh~ go slow.. </span>
You slowly insert your dick inside her pulsating asshole.
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\8>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh fuck..~</span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> mhmh~ aha~ lets see how long you can last.. </span>
She squeezes her asshole griping your cock tightly..
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\9>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahhh~ $mom I'm going to cum~..~</span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> gah~ aha~ let it out.. </span>
You cum inside your $mom 's asshole.
<<vid mom\kitchen\tease\7\10>>
Your cum leaks out of her ass..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\kitchen\tease\7\11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<</if>><<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -110) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $sis cut veggies.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks happy.
<span style="color: purple;"> He You are so sweet! </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\1.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $sis cut veggies.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She Flirts with you.
<span style="color: purple;"> Hmm If only I had a better way to thank you. </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\2.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $sis cut veggies.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She flashes her butt.
<span style="color: purple;"> You earn this one! hehe. </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\3.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You "help" your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> OH mm- oh.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> $name did you cum on me? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Sorry I couldnt help it. </span>
<span style="color: purple;">Well..</span>
She starts to get more naughty with her flirting.
<span style="color: purple;"> I got somthing planned I think you are really going to enjoy.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You "help" your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> hmmmhm MMmm Wow. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">You cum so much.. </span>
It looks like she wants somthing else from you.
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">You are so good to me. </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Hmmmh I Think you earned your reward. </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\5c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She drops down and shows you her skills.
<span style="color: purple;">Wow It looks so tasty. </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\5d.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;"> PFghhp huhg mhmm mhmhmh~ </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\5e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> hmmmhm MMmm cum for me! </span>
You cum on your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\5f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Mmm thank you so much. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You "help" your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> hmmmhm use my ass. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\0a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> Your cum is so hot. </span>
<span style="color: purple;"> I hope my ass was nice for you. </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
Shes turned on.
<span style="color: purple;"> Im glad you love your $sis so much.</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;"> I love you so much too. Mmhm </span>
She guides you into her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">MHmmhm Hahhh~</span>
She gets your cock nice and wet.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> Please fuck me $name </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6d.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">OH FUCK Its so perfect for me! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> GOD!HMMHmm Do you like your $sis 's tight pussy??</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Its so perfect I love it. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> oH god oh GOd $name $name Im HMMHmm Cumming! PLEASE fill me up!</span>
You cum inside your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\help\6g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> mhm...That was amazing.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" loop play>>
<<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 110)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You tease your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She teases you back.
<span style="color: purple;">You really like your $sis huh pervert.</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\1.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You tease your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes turned on.
<span style="color: purple;">I bet there is so much you want me to do to you.</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\2.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You tease your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She flashes her ass.
<span style="color: purple;"> Hey you can't have this ass!</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\3.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play with your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> oH HMmhmm.</span>
She gives you a seductive look.
<span style="color: purple;">You really want your own $sis huh..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play with your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">HMmhmm..</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She decides to play with you some more.
<span style="color: purple;">Its like you are obsessed with me.</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">I bet this is what you wanted to see.</span>
She stips down.
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">What can I do if I live with a pervert?</span>
She flaunts her feet in front of you.
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\5c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Pull down your pants and come over here.</span>
You pull your dick out and she rubs against it.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">I know your a foot freak so this should help you but you owe me.</span>
You pay tribute to your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\5e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">You are so wierd.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You play with your $sis in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">hhmmhhmmm..</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Hey you owe me now.</span>
Your $sis is horny.
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\6a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">This time to make your $sis cum.</span>
She opens her legs for you
<span style="color: purple;">Get down.</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\6b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You do what you are told.
<span style="color: purple;">Okay eat up.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Oh FUCK You Freak IM GOing to CUUMMm~!</span>
She has an intense orgasm and creams in your mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">oh m-my god..</span>
You finish cleaning her up and leave her be.
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\6e.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Hmhm don't think this is the last time we do this..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You pants your $sis in the kitchen.
<<vid sis\kitchen\tease\7b\2>>
She yells at you exposed and embarrassed..
<span style="color: purple;">oh! Hey~!</span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\7b\3.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm sorry.</span>
You take a brief glimpse of her perfect tight pussy and ass before you eat her out..
<<vid sis\kitchen\tease\7b\4>>
<span style="color: purple;">o-oh! ahh~ Keep going~!</span>
She runs her hands though your hair and pushes your face deeper inside her
<<vid sis\kitchen\tease\7b\5>>
<span style="color: purple;">o-oh! W-Wait~ thats dirty. ahh!!~</span>
You are in bliss you, you move on and start eating out her cute pink asshole.
<span style="color: purple;">aha! ahh!!~ I'm cummmingg~!!</span>
<<vid sis\kitchen\tease\7b\6>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">may I use your feet..</span>
She roll over and faces you..
<span style="color: purple;">ahh~ mmh I- guess because you asked nicely.. </span>
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\7b\7.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
She raises her feet up as you masturbate to her..
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\7b\8.jpg" hight=500 width=800/>
You cum all over your sisters manicured toes..
<img src="img\sis\kitchen\tease\7b\9.webp" hight=500 width=650/>
<span style="color: purple;">We should go before our $mom comes home. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>><<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -110) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help $gf make dough.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks happy.
<span style="color: pink;"> You are so good to me. </span>
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\help\1.jpg" hight=600 width=600/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help $gf make dough.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She flashes you.
<span style="color: pink;"> Hehe. </span>
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\help\2.jpg" hight=600 width=600/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help $gf make dough.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She is getting more slutty in the kitchen.
<span style="color: pink;"> I hope I look good for my man~ </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You play with $gf in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh och! </span>
She teases you.
<span style="color: pink;">Mmm you can spank me as much as you like.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You play with $gf in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Oh HmHmm!</span>
$gf loses control and pounces on you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Gugh hufggghh! Hhmmh~</span>
She sucks you good.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Hughhg uhgh pfugh!</span>
You start to fuck $gf 's mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> pFuh gfughhhhh *Cough Cough!*</span>
You creampie her mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Hmmhmm I needed that. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "deepthroat" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You play with $gf in the kitchen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmhmm you are so rough with me hehe.</span>
She taunts you with her ass.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Come on dont you want me.. </span>
You give in and fuck her on the counter.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh hmmhm I knew you would fuck me.</span>
You pull off the rest of your clothing.
<span style="color: pink;">Hurry before someone catches us! hmhmh! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Oh fuck baby im cumming! </span>
You give $gf a creampie.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\help\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Wow thats a lot. </span>
<<audio "gfsex" loop play>>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>><<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 110)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You tease $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks at you interested.
<span style="color: pink;"> You just cant keep your hands off me.. </span>
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You tease $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She flashes you.
<span style="color: pink;">okay now down boy. </span>
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You tease $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She trys to stay focused.
<span style="color: pink;"> $name I'm busy.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf catches you trying to peek up her skirt
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">hhmm hey.. </span>
She starts to tease you.
<span style="color: pink;"> You just are all over me huh. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf Catches you trying to peak again
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Okay thats enough.. </span>
She sees your interest and gives you a better look.
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\5a0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">If you are going to keep acting like a dog come lick me like one.</span>
She gets on the counter.
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She covers herself with powder suger.
<span style="color: pink;">Come here i'm nice and sweet..</span>
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You eat $gf out.
<span style="color: pink;">HMhhh good boy. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Oghhh Oh shit fuck! </span>
$gf cums with your mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Now let me cook.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf Catches you trying to get another look.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Gah you are never not horny.. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Well uhh..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Is this what you wanted to see so bad. </span>
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\6a0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Well yes..</span>
She gets on the counter..
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm sorry, you look so sexy.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">You know there are alot of men out there that would pay to even get to smell the lowest parts of me.</span>
She waves her feet in front of you.
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\6a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
You starts to play with yourself.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Of course I know that.</span>
She giggles at you touching youself.
<span style="color: pink;">Hah I don't remember saying you could get off to my feet. Thats for paying customers.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">P-please huhg</span>
She pushes her feet into your face.
<span style="color: pink;">You are so weak. I cant believe I even let you fuck me. hmmm.... fine cum.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes Ma'ammmHmm..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">You will owe me something, or someone.. for being so nice.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmmm.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf Helps the plumber with his job.
<span style="color: red;">Could you pass me the screwdriver.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Here let me get that for you..</span>
She walks over and grabs the screwdriver above him
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes standing right over him with her skirt wide open.
<span style="color: red;">Oh.. This is a harder job than I thought..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Hehe Don't worry I'm sure you are a very capable man..</span>
Water from the sink splashes down on to him.
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh my! I'm so sorry sir! Honey can you go grab our guest an extra shirt from the basement?</span>
You feel a bit jealous..
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea no problem I'll be right back.</span>
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
$gf 's [[Perspective|gfpk]]
You search around the box's for a clean shirt..
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\box.webp" hight=500 width=560/>
It takes almost 10 minutes to find one.
You run it back up to the plumber..
<span style="color: pink;">Oh-h oh yea the shirt! hah~ Here you go sir..</span>
<span style="color: red;">Yea thanks.. I can help you with any other leaks in the future too.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">That would be perfect..</span>
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfsex" loop play>>
<</if>><<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -110) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You kiss $gf
<span style="color: pink;"> I love you $name.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
You lick $gf 's nipples
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She moans in pleasure
<span style="color: pink;"> ohhmm $name</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
$gf is turned on by you
<span style="color: pink;"> Hey $name come over here.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> okay.</span>
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She starts rubbing her pussy.
<span style="color: pink;">Baby let me see your dick.</span>
You masturbate with her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\2a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> Ohhmm Im cumming!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Im cumming too</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Your cum is so warm.</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
$gf is turned on.
<span style="color: pink;"> hey babe do you want an assjob~</span>
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> uh Yes.</span>
You lay on top of her.
<span style="color: pink;"> Hmhmm.</span>
She moans as you fuck her ass cheeks
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh keep going I want you to cum.</span>
You cum on her ass.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow thank you.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I hope you enjoyed my preset babe.</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You spank $gf 's naughty ass.
$gf giggles
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">OhHch careful daddy.</span>
She opens her mouth wide for you.
<span style="color: pink;">Make me yours</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Gmhg mhmhmm</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She lets you use her mouth like a fuck toy.
<span style="color: pink;">Guhg guhgh Dadggy UGh</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck good girl im going to cum!</span>
She was suprised by the amount of cum you left in her mouth.
<span style="color: pink;">pufh~ *cOugh COugh*</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\4d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Uh uh ugh wow that was alot..</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
$gf waves her feet in the air poking at you.
<span style="color: pink;">Oh sorry hehe</span>
She winks at you.
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">You have somthing I been wanting</span>
She grabs on your cock tightly with her feet.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohh I hope you can take it.</span>
You push her head in and make her suck your dick at the same time.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Pfuh- give me more daddy./span>>
You push her back and fuck her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">OHg goD yes Thats what I wanted!</span>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HUHm fuck $gf </span>
you fuck her harder.
<span style="color: pink;">oh my god $name $name oh my god im cummming!</span>>
You glaze her pussy.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She smerks
<span style="color: pink;">I would make such a good wife.</span>
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\good\5e.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>\
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfsex" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 61) && ($gfl <= 70)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
$gf is showing off her new one piece for you.
<span style="color: pink;">$name you are always so busy I need some attention.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh no problem $gf </span>
You take it off of her and expose her beautiful ass.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh yess.. daddy..</span>
She works your cock really good.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hhhumm your cock feels so good inside of my wet pussy!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh fuck! I'm cumming on daddy dick!!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You cum all over $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Mmm thank you so much.</span>
proudly flaunts your cum.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\good\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfsex" loop play>>
<</if>><<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 110)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You ask $gf to flash you.
<span style="color: pink;"> Fine.. </span>
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You bite $gf
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> ohhmm $name go easy.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Sorry.</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
You watch $gf masturbate
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
@@Event -Reputation@@
She fixated on a man with a huge dick masturbating.
<span style="color: pink;"> ohh its so nice.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\2a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> ohh fuck if only.</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> fuckk MMMHhm</span>
She cums hard and her cream leaks out onto your bed.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\2b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf 's feet bump into your dick.
<span style="color: pink;">Oh excuse me.</span>
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;"> oh god $name are you hard?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I cant help it. Do you mind if i get myself off? you are just so hot.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ugh fine.</span>
She lets you jerk off to her feet reluctantly.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">ew $name I cant believe you get off to my feet.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I Just worship everything about you.</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You eat $gf out while she is watching porn.
<span style="color: pink;">OH my god! Im cumming!</span>
She flaunts her ass and feet in your face.
<span style="color: pink;">You come to worship me again?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes..</span>
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">Sorry I was watching porn. It just so much easier to get off to.</span>
She start to play with you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\4_webp.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Why is that?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ugh just everything. The strong man, the huge dick, alll the cum he shoots out.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Its much easier to cum looking at a man that can dominate a woman.</span>
She puts her feet in your face and giggles as you are stunned.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She plays with you some more.
<span style="color: pink;">You just want to get off to my dirty feet, how can that please me?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Wouldn't you like to watch your girlfirend be satisfied baby?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Well I want you to be happy. hmh</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">You could watch me take his big dick and..</span>
She goes deep..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\4d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HOh Fu-mm</span>
You can't help but cum.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\4e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">PFuh hm~ Yea that would be great.</span>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You confront $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey baby who are you taking those pictures for?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hmm?</span>
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
$gf gives you a mischievous smerk and replies
<span style="color: pink;">heh~ Nobody..</span>
She pull her panties down
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">You're not jealous are you?</span>
You dont know how to respond.
<span style="color: pink;">Here.</span>
She points you down and uses your mouth.
<img src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">Its no big deal I was just flirting with a guy on my instagram.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gets another text and whines.
<span style="color: pink;">Ohgh FuCK sOo BIG!</span>
She starts squirting in your mouth as she reads his reply
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She giggles.
<span style="color: pink;">Oh baby.. looks like you are not the only one that wants to fuck me.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\5e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
You walk in on $gf with someone you have never met
She giggles.
<span style="color: pink;">Oh my god it's huge!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\6a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
He aggressively uses you girlfriends mouth right in front of you.
<span style="color: pink;">GUHG!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You stay hidden as she continues to suck his dick and rub her pussy.
<span style="color: pink;">HUMHM GUHFH GUFH HUFH!</span>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
He creampies her throat and she has a shaking orgasm.
<span style="color: pink;">HMHMGMH CHUHHHING!!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">PFuh~ UHh~ ohh,</span>
There is a huge amount of cum dripping from her mouth.
She notices you
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You didnt tell me?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh baby sorry I couldnt help it. He sent me a picture and it was so big.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I just needed to do it but, now I want more.. $name It was better than I thought it would be.</span>
She looks down.. and notices you have a boner.
She smerks
<span style="color: pink;">Maybe there is a way we can both be happy.</span>
She jerks you off with her mouth still full of cum.
<span style="color: pink;">His dick was so nice.. It filled my whole mouth up.. I wanted it inside me so bad.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Hey Dont you have that one bigger friend, You should maybe start bringing him around again I would like to get to know him better..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HOh Fu-mm I dont know..</span>
You cant handle it.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh you are cumming more than usual. Heh maybe you will enjoy it after all. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\bed\events\bad\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Bedroom]]
<<audio "deepthroat" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -71)>>\
<</if>><<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($moml >= -200) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You tell your $mom you need new pants.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Here try these I bought for you. </span>
She gets down and takes off your pants.
She looks in shock
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She bites her lip a little
<span style="color: Yellow;"> What the hell!? $name where are your underwear! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Sorry I barely had room to wear the pants.</span>
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Well jesus put go somthing on. </span>
As you leave she mumbles
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Bigger than your father. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You complement your $mom
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Wow you look stunning. </span>
She smiles
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Thanks but im a little old for you. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> I would be all over you if we were dating. </span>
She poses a little for you.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> oh please you are such a sweet talker. </span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\good\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Cat call your $mom
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Wow $mom You look good in those jeans! </span>
<span style="color: Yellow;"> You like them $name ? </span>
She Twirls around for you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You walk in on your $mom getting ready to do her yoga.
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: Yellow;"> oh can you please help me $name ?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Sure. </span>
You try to stay focused.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She bends over and you see right through her leggings.
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4a1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You start to lean into your $mom .
She makes it clear shes happy for your help.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Mmm thanks for helping your $mom today. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">No problem.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You lean her over and see how far she will let you go.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Oh? </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to moan and lets you continue.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Hmhmm</span>
You cant take her moans anymore you rip a big hole exposing her ass.
Shes startled.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> oh! slow down.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You Start rubbing your cock against your $mom 's asshole.
unable to move.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> mhmmhmm mmm</span>
You start to press into her.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> NO, You cant do that.. </span>
You feel her asshole part open around the tip of your cock.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> MMmm baby Thats as far as you can go~ </span>
You edge the tip of your dick with your $mom 's asshole.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her breath is heavy and she keeps letting out squeeks.
<span style="color: Yellow;">"hurry up $name !" </span>
You tell your $mom you are about to cum.
She tigtens her asshole as you cum.
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Oh my god!" </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\4g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"I cant believe you did that.." </span>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"You should leave.." </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Apologize to your $mom for the yoga session.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Sorry for what I did last time. </span>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"No $name Im sorry I over reacted." </span>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"You have been helping me so much and I Should be better with keeping you happy also." </span>
Her face changes.
She rolls over and displays herself to you.
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Why dont I give you a proper thank you." </span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You walk over to your $mom hard as a rock.
She giggles
<span style="color: Yellow;">"You look excited is this what you wanted to see? " </span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\good\5a1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Lay down for me." </span>
She grabs you with her feet and starts to suck your dick.
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\good\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"MmHm hmmhm hm " </span>
She looks up at your contorted face with your dick in her mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> $mom Im cumming!</span>
She lets you cum in her mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She giggles
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Delicious" </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom with her yoga again
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Try to stay focused this time baby." </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her ass is in your face constantly.
You cant get rid of your boner.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
As your $mom stretches to her knees she comes face to face with your boner.
<span style="color: Yellow;">"oh wow.." </span>
You undress and force her to suck it.
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Waait." </span>
She doesn't fight that hard.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"MuGh" </span>
She turns over.
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Put it in." </span>
You fuck your $mom hard.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"OhgOD HMNmm keep going!" </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"OH YEss Mhmm your $mom is cumminmg!" </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You fill her up.
<span style="color: Yellow;">"OH my God so much!" </span>
You fuck her with your cum dripping out.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\good\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"Oh baby mmMmM im cumming again.." </span>
<span style="color: Yellow;">"you really made a mess of your $mom." </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momsex" loop play>>
<</if>><<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 200)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You watch your $mom change.
<center><video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Tease your $mom
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Jesus $mom what do you eat your ass is huge! </span>
She giggles
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Careful Its more than you can handle.</span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Go to give your $mom a hug but start to grope her.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> excuse me? </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Sorry I couldnt help it.</span>
She wispers.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> You seem to like your $mom 's fat butt.. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Walk in on your $mom doing yoga.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> baby I need your help today. </span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Fine.</span>
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Help me with my stretches but try to keep focused. </span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She streaches far down exposing everything through her pants.
She giggles.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> you alright over there?</span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\4b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She continues to stretch.
You take out your dick and gently press against her.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She stops and moans
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Mhmmm </span>
She tightens her cheeks on your dick.
<span style="color: Yellow;"> You call this helping?</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\4d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She looks slightly annoyed
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Hurry up and cum to your $mom 's fat ass so I can finish.</span>
You cover her ass with cum and apologize.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\4e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;"> Now I need to change</span>
She undresses in front of you.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\4f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Move along.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Walk in on your $mom changing.
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Come to harass your $mom again pervert?</span>
She poses for you with a annoyed look.
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\5a1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She sees your boner.
<span style="color: Yellow;">Bring it here.</span>
You listen and she grips it with her feet.
<span style="color: Yellow;">You are just a horny little boy.</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">You dont even help your $mom enough around the house to even deserve her dirty feet.</span>
<span style="color: Yellow;">You should be so kind to thank me for my charity.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> T-thank you $mom. </span>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Good boy now cum for me.</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Jesus you came so much from just my feet.</span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\5c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Now get out and be thankful I dont have you lick them clean.</span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\5d.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$mom orders you to help her with yoga again.
<span style="color: Yellow;"><span style="color: Yellow;">Help me with my stretches.</span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\6.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She notices you ogling her.
<span style="color: Yellow;">God you love your $mom 's ass that much.</span>
You watch as she moves to the bed
She pulls her pants down
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She Taunts you with her ass.
<span style="color: Yellow;">Is this what you wanted to see so bad pervert.</span>
<span style="color: Yellow;">I bet you are about to cum in your pants right now.</span>
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Come on Im all sweaty from my workout I need you to help me cool down.</span>
You go down and eat your $mom 's ass.
<center><video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She giggles
<span style="color: Yellow;">I hope it doesnt smell too bad.</span>
Her ass smell is intoxicating
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Can I masturbate? </span>
<img src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\6d.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Fine at least your earning it.</span>
You pick up the pace as you jerk off.
<span style="color: Yellow;">OHmmm m Good boy make your $mom cum. MmmmmMMhm~</span>
You feel her pussy pulsate on your tongue.
Its so sexy you cum instantly after.
<center><video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">Im glad you still can be useful.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You walk in on you $mom with your friend..
<span style="color: Yellow;">Come on let me see that fat dick again! I waited so long for this..</span>
He pulls down his pants revealing a fat dick.. Your $mom is mesmerized.
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
He spits on her ass to lube her. She looks back and finally notices you..
She gives you a pained lustful look..
At the same time he slowly fits his huge dick inside of her.
<span style="color: Yellow;">Ohh~! Fuck YES! It's so thick mnhm~</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $mom looks you in your again as he pushes deep into her.
She goans.
<span style="color: Yellow;">HUAHaAhh~! FUCKK~! You Made me Cum-m~ HAHH!!</span>
<span style="color: red;">I didn't even start yet.</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
He starts getting a motion as he fucks your $mom
All you can do is watch and listen to her pussy squelch as she gunts and groans in pleasue..
<span style="color: Yellow;">HUMMH FUCKK~! HMM Take Your Friends $mom 's pussy for yourself! HAHH!!</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She gets up off of him and gets on her knees..
She jerks his cock off infront of her face, she looks back at you
<span style="color: Yellow;">ha~ Hey pervert how does his big cock look in my mouth? Mmhm~ MHhmm~ *slurp*</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">M-mom..</span>
<center><video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
He notices you.
<span style="color: red;">Sorry bro this was her idea.. fuck~</span>
She starts sucking his dick like the whore she is disregarding you..
<span style="color: Yellow;">*slurpp* MHmm~ HMmh~ HMmh~ GUh~ GUGh~ *Cough* MHMmm~</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">hah~ I Need your thick fucking meat back inside me now make me cum again!~ Nh~</span>
He sticks his big dick back inside her..
She looks into his eyes deeply like shes in love, She runs her hands down his hard chest as he shoves his cock back in deep..
<span style="color: Yellow;">OH GOD OHHH!~!~ YYEE-AA!~</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">hah!~ Let My Son See what you are doing to me!! ahhhh!~ NhAhh~</span>
He Spreads her legs so you can see his unrealistically huge cock Stretch and fill your $mom
She looks at you with a extreamly lustful face and crys..
<span style="color: Yellow;">uUhh!~ He- He knows how to go really deep! ahhhh!~ HMmMH~ I'm C-Cummin-g Again~ HMmhm~</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: red;">God shes good~</span>
As she is shaking on his cock, he fills her with his cum..
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\8a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
A moment later she pushes him back onto the bed.
<span style="color: Yellow;">hMhahh~ We are not done.. I h-haven't felt like this in a long time.~</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Your $mom rides his cock right infront of you, leaving her pussy and asshole on display..
You take out your dick and start masturbating.
<span style="color: Yellow;">OOHH!~ KEEP USING ME LIKE A WHORE IN FRONT ON MY SON! HHMM~</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
He uses her as his whore for you to watch just like she asked..
<span style="color: Yellow;">Y-YOU~LOVE WATC-HING YOUR WHORE MOM GET POUNDED DON'T YOUU!!~ AHHHMH~!</span>
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
He pushes her down pinning her on the bed and continues to pound her.
<span style="color: Yellow;">MMhHHAHH~ AHH! FUCK FUCK FUCK I'-M FUCKING CCUMMNIG AGAIN!!~ AHHH AH~ .~</span>
Shes sobbing.
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
Shes shakes and cums on his dick for a whole minute before he pulls out and puts it back in her mouth.
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">AH-~ Give me your cum I want it all in me!!! *CHOKE* UGUH~</span>
You watch him force his cock down your $mom 's throat.
<center><video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She suctions her mouth around as much of him as she can..
He fills her mouth with so much cum it leaks out of her sealed lips, She tries to drink as much as she can.
<span style="color: Yellow;">mmh~ Mhmh~ *cough* *cough* Hmmhm~ hmhm~ UGUH~ so much..~</span>
<center><video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
She turns torward you jerking off your throbbing cock to her cum filled face..
She waves you over,
<span style="color: Yellow;">I'm a terrible $mom but I know one thing I can still do for you..</span>
Your $mom sucks your dick with her face full of your friends cum..
<center><video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
It only takes you seconds to cum..
<span style="color: lightblue;">Fuck mom~ ahh~ I'm sorry I love you!~</span>
<center><video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\bed\events\bad\7b\17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<span style="color: Yellow;">I love you too.. but you are going to have to last longer than that.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "hardntr" loop play>>
<</if>><<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -200) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Help to your $sis clean
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Hmm thank you.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You complement your $sis
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow you look great!</span>
She poses for you.
<span style="color: purple;"> Hehe Thank you! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Your $sis asks for your input.
<span style="color: purple;">Hey $name can you tell me if these will look good for my instagam.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Let me see.</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\3a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow you look great! Nice butt too.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Hey I worked hard for it!</span>
She shows you.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\3b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Its all in the squats!</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\3c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You pants your $sis.
<span style="color: purple;">Woah hey!</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\3d.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She falls over.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Sorry I couldn't help it</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\3e.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Haaa You are so bad.. Get out of here before we get into trouble.</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\3f.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Your $sis asks you to cuddle with her.
<span style="color: purple;">Hey $name im kinda cold wanna lay with me for a second?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea I have a minute.</span>
Shortly after you get into bed you both start pushing up against each other.
<span style="color: purple;">Hmhmm</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gives into you.
<span style="color: purple;">ohmm $name That feels good.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull down her panties.
<span style="color: purple;">Oh fuck your cock feels so nice!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">oh fuck $name im Cumming~!</span>
She makes you cum with her ass.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\4d.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Wow you came so much!</span>
You leave before you get caught.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Your $sis asks to try somthing with you
<span style="color: purple;">Hey $name I wanna try somthing I saw online with you is that okay?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Uh yea sure.</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She lays you down and gets on top of you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Mhm oh wow.</span>
She pulls out your dick and starts to suck
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">You have a nice dick.</span>
You start to eat her pussy.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Guhg GUhg mmhh.</span>
Her ass smells divine.
You are in a bliss while you get your dick sucked by your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Guhg GUhg PFhp~ mmh Oh FUCK IM CUMMING!.</span>
She cums hard in your mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohh fuck.</span>
You fill her mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Mhmhmmhmm</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Oh FUCK $name I love your mouth!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">HHMM Oh FUCK IM CUMHMING again!!.</span>
She cums again frozen and shaking with your dick still in her hand.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\5g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Walk in on your $sis watching porn.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">HHmmmm You can watch with me if you want..</span>
She stays still as you work your way inside her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">HHMM Oh FUCK $name .</span>
You fuck your $sis as you both watch porn together.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">shhh.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">HHMM Oh Fuuck...</span>
Her pussy tightens and pulses as she cums on your dick.
You cum inside her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mhmm oh my god..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">That was amazing.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\good\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" loop play>>
<</if>><<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 200)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You watch your $sis clean.
She notices you.
<span style="color: purple;">Hm? </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You spy on your $sis masurbating.
<span style="color: purple;"> Oh fuck me. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> hmhm mmm</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You walk in on your $sis working out.
<span style="color: purple;"> Hey $name</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Uh hey how are you. </span>
She rests for a second.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\3a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She notices you looking at her feet.
She sees you have a boner.
<span style="color: purple;"> EWW are you looking at my feet sicko!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Ohh UHhh no.. </span>
<span style="color: purple;"> Yes you were and your hard! Do you really get turned on by this. </span>
she flauts her feet at you
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You slightly look away.
<span style="color: purple;"> haha your blushing. Get out of my room pervert.</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\3c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You walk behind your $sis in a heated videogame.
She is close to winning.
You decide to take advantage of her situation.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> Hey Pervert quit that! </span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\4.1.png" hight=500 width=500/>
You keep going.
<span style="color: purple;">Hmhmm cut it out.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> Hmghmm sto-p Can you hurry up whatever you are doing ~</span>
You cum on her ass.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\4c.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;"> Ugh get out. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You ask your $sis what shes looking at.
Shes soaked.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Here $name look. </span>
She shows you.
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Hmm Do you have any friends that look like him. </span>
She giggles and shows you her feet.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5.3.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
She grabs you.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Ohh I might have one that kinda looks like him. </span>
She gets on top of you.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">It would make me so happy If i got to meet him!</span>.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> well I don't know..</span>
She looks determined
<span style="color: purple;">Hmhm What. If I..</span>.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes driving you to the edge.
<span style="color: purple;">Please $name I would be so grateful.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> ugh ohhhmm Fineehn</span>
You cant help but cum.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Mmm hehe Thank you $name</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis looking at porn on her laptop
<span style="color: purple;">Mmm Wow. $name</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Porn again?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Uh yea. This looks crazy!</span>
You get a closer look at her screen.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">It make me want to practice anal so I don't think I could even fit two inside me.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">What do you think?</span>
She pulls her leggings down without turning away from the screen.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\6a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
Her ass is perfect.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Well Uhmh uh..</span>
You forgot the question.
She is playing with herself a little
You subconsciously keep getting closer to her ass without realizing untill your face is almost touching it.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Mmmh this would be sooo fun.</span>
You keep watching her asshole wink as she plays with herself
You get wiffs of your $sis 's asshole musk and pussy heat.
She slowly pushes back into you..
<span style="color: purple;">What do you think your doing?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I can't stop looking you are perfect..</span>
She giggles and pulls off her leggings.
<span style="color: purple;">haha $name how can you be this horny over your $sis 's dirty asshole!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">I bet you wanna taste it creep!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am..</span>
She gets on top of you and glides her pussy and asshole across your enitre face.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HMmmmmhm</span>
<span style="color: purple;">hmhmmm You look like you are going to jizz yourself!I bet I taste amazing hmmg.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HMmhHHm</span>
<span style="color: purple;">HmHmMM Come on perv show your $sis how bad you wanted to taste her smelly assholeHmmHgahJ.</span>
She leans back and pushes her asshole against your tongue.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HUghhg</span>
<span style="color: purple;">MHmhhh Your tongue is so Good! You have to help your $sis find some guys to start practicing withMHmm!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">GHMMH You keep helping me Ill help you cum again!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HMh ohak!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">GHMMH OH FUCK IM CUMMING!!</span>
Her asshole tightens around your tongue as She squirts all over your face.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mm I can't wait.</span>
She is resting on your face with her fluids still leaking out and asshole pulsing.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You watch your $sis Play with her friends.
She teases you.
<span style="color: purple;">hey $name come play with us! </span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\1.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">M-maybe in a bit..</span>
Her friend jumps on top of her.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\2.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
<span style="color: purple;">ahh~! Hey!! </span>
She grabs her sides and feels her ass cheeks.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\3.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
She says embarrassingly,
<span style="color: purple;">Uh~ You perverts did tell me my ass was out! </span>
<span style="color: red;">Look not even your bro cares!</span>
She looks at you and giggles still showing her butt..
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\4.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
<span style="color: purple;">Uh!~ Now you are going to get it!</span>
She gets pulled onto the bed and he starts to tickle her.
its hard to see from your angle
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\5.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
<span style="color: purple;">hahah~ ahh~!~ H-ammm~ Cut it Out!!</span>
She springs up and starts to beat him with a pillow.
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\6.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
<span style="color: red;">Now you really asked for it!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">ha~ hah~ ahh~!~ s-top~ mhmm!!</span>
<span style="color: red;">Say please daddy!</span>
He picks her by the crotch and starts spanking her bare ass in front of you..
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\7.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
For some reason she doesn't give up..
<span style="color: purple;">Aha~ no- Never!</span>
<span style="color: red;">Fine!</span>
It almost looks like his fingers are inside her..
<span style="color: purple;">Ahhah da-daad- ahhh!~</span>
<span style="color: red;">What was that??</span>
She squrims around as he pulls her shorts down..
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\8.webp" hight=500 width=350/>
They roll around on the ground until you see your sister grab his cock.
<span style="color: purple;">Mhmm!!~ Nhghh~ You are going to have to make me surrender..hmm~</span>
<span style="color: red;">ah~ I like a challange.</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\9.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">Mhmm!!~ Do your W-orst~! Ah!~ HHHAA!~</span>
He pushes her face into the bed and starts to pound your $sis
She looks you in the eyes.
<span style="color: purple;">Cahh~-cUm play ~amhm with us $name ahhaa-~!</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\10.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
<span style="color: red;">Nahh our friend wants to use you first.</span>
Both your $sis 's guy friends start to violate her.
<span style="color: purple;">Ahah~ W-Wait~!</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\11.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">AHmh~ nHng~ Y-our cocks are so nice~!</span>
She gets pushed down into her other friends dick and gets used completely.
<span style="color: purple;">mmMM~! Amhm~ AMhmh~ N-gn~ GuhGUh~</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\12.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
They are both fucking her mouth and pussy in sync your $sis acts as their living fuck doll..
<span style="color: purple;">mmMM~! Guh GUh~ Ahh~! M Im C-umming~!!!</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\13.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
One of them cums in her mouth..
<span style="color: purple;">mmMM~! aha~!!!</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\14.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: red;">Nahh I didn't cum yet!</span>
He Continues to pound her.
<span style="color: purple;">a~ Use me~ dadd-y mmMM~! aha~!!!</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\15.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
<span style="color: purple;"> aha~!!! I'm Cumming ag-ain!~</span>
He fills her..
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\16.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You watch his cum leak from her pussy
<video controls width=600 autoplay muted loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\17.webm" type="video/mp4"></video>
She lays back covered in cum and points at you with her feet..
<span style="color: purple;">You should come play instead of just watching freak..</span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\18.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
You rub your cock against her cum covered pussy before sliding it in.
<span style="color: lightblue;">You really are a whore.. ah-~</span>
<span style="color: purple;">ahh!~ You are the one that showed me all that porn!~</span>
<<vid sis\bed\events\bad\7b\19>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh fuck you feel so good~</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Ahh~! make me cum again!~</span>
<<vid sis\bed\events\bad\7b\20>>
<span style="color: purple;">ah~ you saw how big they were ah~! and T-there cum is so thick~! I c-came so hard~ </span>
<img src="img\sis\bed\events\bad\7b\21.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh fuck i'm going to cum~!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Ahh~! wait idiot im not ready!!~</span>
You shoot a load all over her pussy.
<span style="color: purple;">Ahh~!</span>
<<vid sis\bed\events\bad\7b\22>>
<span style="color: purple;">hah~ you are lucky they made me cum or you would have had work to do..</span>
<<vid sis\bed\events\bad\7b\23>>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" play>>
<</if>><<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($moml >= -110) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom vaccum.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She looks happy.
<span style="color: yellow;">Thanks $name .</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\1.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
<<elseif ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom vaccum.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She flashes you.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Here is a little reward!</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom vaccum.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She winks at you.
<span style="color: yellow;">Mmh Thank you baby. </span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help your $mom vaccum.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You get a good look at your $mom while vaccuming.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Is everything okay?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea I-Im almost done.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh baby you missed a spot let me help you.</span>
She takes off her skirt.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\4a0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She takes the vaccum from you and goes to vaccum under the table.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\flirt\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She grins.
<span style="color: yellow;">Does that look better?</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\4b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You are left drooling.
<span style="color: lightblue;">It looks amazing.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ha perfect..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Your $mom walks in on you watching tv.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She sits next to you.
<span style="color: yellow;">Is it okay if I watch with you?</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\5.1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea I could always use the company of a pretty lady.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh hehe stop!</span>
You continue to watch tv with her.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She lays her head on your legs.
she is so close to your dick you cant control your boner.
Your hard on presses against her face and she looks up at you.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She talks in a sensual tone.
<span style="color: yellow;">Are you enjoying the movie $name or did you lose focus?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Uhhg I'm a little distracted sorry.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Are you now? I would hate for you to miss your movie let me take care of your distraction.</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh $mom</span>
She grins.
<span style="color: yellow;">Come on baby, its okay use my face~.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\flirt\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck $mom </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\flirt\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">*cough* MmMm you came so much.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Your $mom walks in on you watching tv.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hey baby.</span>
She flashes you.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You are hard staring at her ass.
<span style="color: lightblue;">mh hey mom..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Is it okay if you watch this later..?</span>
She bends over exposing herself to you.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\6a0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea I guess I could always rewatch this tomorrow..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">mhm good..</span>
She goes to undress you and starts to suck your dick.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\flirt\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ghghm mhmm ~ I'm such a good $mom ~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck the best $mom . Come up here.</span>
Your $mom lets you seat herself on your lap.
She guides your dick inside of her and lets you fuck her..
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh fuck baby!</span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\flirt\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to bounce on you harder.
<span style="color: yellow;">GHHGmm mMhMmm $name FUCK~ SHit you made me cum already! </span>
Your hard on presses against her and fuck her faster.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck $mom you are such a slut.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">GmMhMmm I k-know! Im sorryyy BAby!~ SHit Im cumming again! </span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\flirt\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Mhmhmmm</span>
You fill her pussy.
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\flirt\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Hhm Wow.. I should go before someone finds us. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momsex" play>>
<</if>><<set $moml -= random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 110)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You jokingly dry hump your $mom with her back turned.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She She looks annoyed.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hey quit it $name .</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Im sorry.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You know thats not right. Boys are terrible at your age..</span>
She lets out a smile.
<img src="img\mom\liv\flirt\1.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You see your $mom vaccuming.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You dry hump your $mom again while she is trying to vaccum.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmh you are so bad..</span>
She flashes you.
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\2a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You jokingly dry hump your $mom again.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Mmh enough games. </span>
Your $mom presses her ass against your face.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\3a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
The smell of your moms ass turns you on.
She giggles.
<span style="color: yellow;">I hope you learned your lesson.</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
See your $mom Vaccuming.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You sneak behind and grope her.
<span style="color: yellow;">H-hey Mhmm~.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She keeps moaning and starts to play with her tits.
<span style="color: yellow;">Do you like your $mom 's boobs? </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You are a sick boy.. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You should leave before I have to punish you again. </span>
She shows you her ass
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\4b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">well..</span>
You are left drooling.
<span style="color: yellow;">tsk~ get out of here.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You sneak behind your $mom and grope her again.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\0a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmh</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You really must want your $mom to take care of you..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes please.. </span>
She gets on the couch.
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\5.1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmm but your behavior has been terrible. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Maybe you don't deserve anything.. </span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">No please i'm so horny. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmmh Well I'm not going to service you, you haven't earned that. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You can do it yourself. </span>
She Flaunts her feet at you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am. </span>
She places her feet around your dick and lets you fuck them.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">mmm you are so pathetic haha.. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You are really getting off to your $mom 's smelly feet? What kind of boy did I raise? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hmmhm Thank you..</span>
She makes you cum with her feet.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Maybe start helping me and earn a better reward next time.. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Your $mom was waiting for you.
<span style="color: yellow;">Be a good boy and help your $mom</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Okay..</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\6.jpg" hight=700 width=700/>
You walk up to her.
<span style="color: yellow;">I want to use your mouth to cum.</span>
She spreads herself open for you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\6.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\6a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am.</span>
You waste no time.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Mhmmhm~ How is it?</span>
You try to answer with your mouth full of meat and grool.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Gmh g-goomMmm *cough*</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Mhmm Faster I want to cum!</span>
You Shake your head and lick her as fast as you can.
<span style="color: yellow;">MHMmm Oh FUCK good b-boy~!</span>
As she cums her fluids shoot into your mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Mhmm wow! We will have to do that again.</span>
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\6d.jpg" hight=700 width=700/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Your $mom was waiting for you.
You walk up to her.. and grab her spread open ass.
<span style="color: yellow;">hm~ Excuse me.. Can I help you?</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\7b\1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Didn't I tell you I'll get pay back If you keep interrupting my cleaning..~</span>
She smiles as she flaunts her bare ass towards you.
<img src="img\mom\liv\beg\7b\2.jpg" hight=700 width=450/>
With little time to react she presses her ass down on your face pushing her asshole against your mouth..
<span style="color: yellow;">Ah-!~ why dont you do some cleaning for a change. Hmh~!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\7b\3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You lick your mom's ass as you jerk off.
<span style="color: yellow;">hah~ HmmHM Keep going good boy ah ahh~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\7b\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her asshole pinches in as she starts shaking..
<span style="color: yellow;">hah~ AH~ Your Mommy's Cumming!!~aha!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\7b\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She grids hard on your face as she cums, you feel her juice ooze down your face..
<span style="color: yellow;">hmmhm~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\7b\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You cum hard from the taste of your $mom
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\mom\liv\beg\7b\7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmm~ yes cum for me..aha~</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<</if>><<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -110) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You Complement your $sis
<video controls width=300 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow my $sis is so beautiful</span>
She smiles
<span style="color: purple;">Thanks $name !</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\flirt\1.jpg" hight=500 width=350/>
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You flirt with your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Sometimes I wish we weren't family.</span>
She flashes you
<span style="color: purple;">hehe I wonder why you say that?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You flirt with your $sis again
<video controls width=350 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\0.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">If I said you had a good body would you hold it against me?</span>
She gives you a better look.
<span style="color: purple;">You are so sweet ,Get a good look before someone comes.</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\flirt\3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You watch tv with your $sis
You hear somthing.
<span style="color: purple;">HMhmm hmmm</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\flirt\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You quickly lift the covers.
<span style="color: purple;">HMH- hey!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">ehh well you know I'm a sucker for love storys..</span>
She doesnt cover herself.
<img src="img\sis\liv\flirt\4a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">enjoying the show?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">which one?</span>
<<audio "sigh" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You grope your $sis as she does her homework.
<span style="color: purple;">Excuse me sir what are you doing?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5.1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm just trying to give you a break.</span>
You start to finger her.
<span style="color: purple;">MmmmHH oh s-so kind.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5.2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">I want somthing else.</span>
she sucks her pussy juice off your fingers.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You join her on the couch.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mmm your dick taste is so good..</span>
She licks the precum off your tip.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">I want to be a good $sis for you.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She takes her shirt off and continues.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Gugh gguuh mhm~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> mhh You are so good at this..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">fuh~ cum in my mouth please.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Fuck im cumming!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">mhmmmhm~!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\5h.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<audio "wetblow" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You try to help your $sis with her homework.
<span style="color: purple;">Thanks $name I was stuck on that one..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">No problem, it gets easier.</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Actually..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">If you dont mind, I have another problem I need help with.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea No problem, what is it?</span>
She flashes you.
<img src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Im just so horny all the time, can you help me its hard to focus.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">For you yes, lets go over to the couch.</span>
You pull down your pants and she gets on top.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to rub against you.
<span style="color: purple;">mmh Your dick is so nice~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She guides it inside of her.
<span style="color: purple;">mmHhh ohh $name it feels so good inside me~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">lay back for me.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">mmHhh, yes look your $sis .. Her pussy needs to be fucked.</span>
She opens her wet bare pussy for you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh your so tight.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">mmHhh, yes I love your dick!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mmHhhH UHh gGhh! $name you are making me cum!!</span>
She starts to grip your cock tighter.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6h.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck im cumming too!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6i.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You cover her in cum.
<span style="color: purple;">mmH~ so warm.. we can keep this a secret.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6j.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She catches some of your cum in her mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\flirt\6k.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Thanks for helping me..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Any time.</span>
<<audio "sissex" play>>
<</if>><<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 110)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You pants your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\0.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She gets flustered.
<span style="color: purple;">Hey knock it off pervert!</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You pants your $sis again.
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\0.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
Shes turned on.
<span style="color: purple;">I bet you wish we weren't family.</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You pants your $sis again.
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\0.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She flaunts her ass.
<span style="color: purple;">You want to see your $sis 's cute butt so bad huh.</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\3.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You pants your $sis again.
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\0.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">You want me that bad. </span>
<span style="color: purple;">Get a good look perv. </span>
She spreads herself wide open for you.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Come take out your little dick..</span>
You take it out and jerk off.
<span style="color: purple;">Tell me how bad you wish you could fuck my perfect tight holes.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck I want to fuck my $sis so bad.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Your $sis distracts you from your show.
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She notices you looking at her bent over.
<span style="color: purple;">drooling over your $sis again? Come on hurry up.</span>
You masturbate over her ass.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> mmhmmm</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Jesus you are like a faucet.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Now its time for my fun hehe.</span>
She lays you on the couch and rides your face.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mhm~ Taste good down there?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> mhmmguh</span>
<span style="color: purple;">HMhh good!</span>
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">HMg mhHh~OH FUck IM CUMMING SO MUCH!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\5e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You are watching tv with your $sis
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\0a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> I wonder how shes going to get out of there.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">oh I hope she will be okay!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Oh my..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">She looks like shes enjoying it.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> yea I think so.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You both watch as the men surround the maid and start to fuck her.
<span style="color: purple;">Hhm~ Oh..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mhmm~!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Are you getting off right now?</span>
She shows you.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">I think I really like this movie..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow Ive never seen such a wet pussy before.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start to masturbate with your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Im sorry I cant wait any longer.</span>
She pulls out a dildo she hides under the couch.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mhHHh~I cant believe she can fit all those.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You watch her fuck herself as you masturbate.
<span style="color: purple;">Mmmh~ Mhmmm I wish that was me..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Your $sis creams all over her dildo.
<span style="color: purple;">Wow~ Mhm hmhm</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She notices you locked onto her.
<span style="color: purple;"> hhm~ You are really masturbating to your own $sis fucking herself to a gangbang.. Here Ill even let you see my feet perv.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mmm Wow thank you..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Wow~ Mhm hmhm oh fuck im cumminng!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You both watch as the men take turns cumming inside the maid.
<span style="color: purple;">hmhmmm~ $name this is so hot I cant stop watching.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Your $sis continues to fuck herself
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6h.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Oh fuck they all came so much!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\z8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Oh fuck $name !! im cumming again!! MHmmmh~</span>
She curls her toes in front of your face as she cums.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6i.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her display makes you cum.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\liv\beg\6j.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<audio "hardntr" loop play>>
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
She looks at you walk in and smerks.
<span style="color: purple;">Hey pervert I have the perfect job for you! Help me get these boots off.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh okay..</span>
She dangles her feet in front of you as you take them off.
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\1.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
She giggles as she watches your eyes follow her feet.
<span style="color: purple;">You are so gross.</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\2.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
She pushes them up to you..
She makes sure you can smell them..
<span style="color: purple;">You're hard.. how are you not grossed out right now??</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\3.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
She curls her toes in front of your face..
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\4.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">well your really attractive and T-they don't smell bad at all actually..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Your $sis is that attactive huh..</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\5.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
<span style="color: purple;">how about my pussy and asshole? they are just as dirty right now.</span>
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\6.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
You get a better look..
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\6b.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
She rolls over..
<span style="color: purple;">Come on get closer than that tell me if you think I smell gross or not.</span>
You take a deep inhale..
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\7a.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
The musk and natural smells of your $sis 's crotch send you over the edge.
You start to shake..
<img src="img\sis\liv\beg\7b\7.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: purple;">o-oh my god did you just cum yourself!</span>
You can't take it anymore. you begin licking her pussy..
<<vid sis\liv\beg\7b\7>>
<span style="color: purple;">hahh~ oh! hmmhmm~</span>
Juices leak from your $sis as you suck hard on her clit.
<<vid sis\liv\beg\7b\8>>
You shove your face in her pussy drinking her fluids and licking all over her crotch.
<span style="color: purple;">AhHH~! Hmmhm~ Keep going f-freak!!</span>
<<vid sis\liv\beg\7b\9>>
She pushes you off of her shaking.
<span style="color: purple;">ahHHa~ NGHMM FUCK Im CUmming~!!hmmhmm~</span>
<<vid sis\liv\beg\7b\10>>
<span style="color: purple;">hmm~ Thanks for the help..</span>
<</if>><<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -110) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You compliment $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;">Have I told you today how cute you are?</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> I love you $name.</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You flirt with $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;">Your mind is just as sexy as your beauty.</span>
She smerks.
<span style="color: pink;"> ohh $name</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You flirt with $gf again
<span style="color: lightblue;">I get excited every time I see you.</span>
$gf is turned on by you
<span style="color: pink;">You are the best boyfriend ever.</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help $gf with her stretches.
<span style="color: pink;">Thank you so much for this $name .</span>
$gf is turned on.
<span style="color: lightblue;">No problem baby.</span>
She decides to give you a good look.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh wow.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Sorry I was getting hot..</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\4a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She sees your boner grow just as she planned.
<span style="color: pink;">oh I'm sorry I must have caused that.. let me help you.</span>
She gets you on the couch and starts to jerk you off.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">come on baby, let me have it.</span>
She lets you cum on her face.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You help $gf with her stretches again.
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\5.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
You play with $gf 's pussy.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\5a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
$gf giggles and looks back at you.
<span style="color: pink;">careful daddy..</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\5a1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
Shes noticeably wet
<span style="color: pink;">gosh you really know how to turn me on.</span>
$gf sees your boner again.
<span style="color: pink;">let me handle that..</span>
She starts to deep throat your cock.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Gmhg mhmhmm</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She lets you fuck her mouth.
<span style="color: pink;">Guhg guhgh UGh</span>
You fill her mouth.
<span style="color: pink;">pufh~ *cOugh COugh*</span>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Uh uh ugh wow so much..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "deepthroat" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
$gf waves at you.
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She goes over to the couch and opens wide.
<span style="color: pink;">You like what you see?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes I do.</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You go down on her.
<span style="color: pink;">oohh mmh yess!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I hope you can take it.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I can daddy..</span>
You push her back and fuck her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Pfuh~ huh more daddy!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">HUHm fuck $gf </span>
you fuck her harder and start to choke her.
<span style="color: pink;">OHg goD yes Thats what I wanted!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">oh my god $name $name oh my god im cummming!</span>
She pushes you off of her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6d1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She smerks..
<span style="color: pink;"> mh You relax now and let me take care of you.</span>
She gives you a great view.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> mh You like your girlfriends soft ass and wet whore pussy? mmm</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">fuck $gf yess </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> fill it with cum then!</span>
You feel her pussy squeeze you tight as she has another orgasm on your dick.
<span style="color: pink;"> f-ffuck!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\flirt\6g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= 61) && ($gfl <= 70)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
$gf is showing off her new one piece for you.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfsex" play>>
<</if>><<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 110)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You Tease $gf .
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Don't you have anything more revealing you can put on?</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> Watch it. </span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
You Tease $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Maybe you should go back to the dress thats a bit too much.</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> hmmm nah I think I like it.</span>
She flashes you
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You Tease $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm sure everyone flirts with you with that on..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Dont tell me now that I reveal myself you get jealous..</span>
She flashes her ass
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You catch $gf masturbating
<span style="color: pink;">mhm Oh excuse me.. care to let me finish.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Sorry. Go ahead I just wanted to watch.</span>
She takes off her panties.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She presses play on the porn video titled "wife falls in love with strangers cock"
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\01.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm mhmm</span>
You masturbate next to her.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\4a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm what a luck girl she is..mmm</span>
She rests her feet on you as she masturbates, you dont fight it.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\4a1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ oh my god..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\02.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">fuck im cumming!</span>
you watch her squirm in her seat.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
$gf looks at you..
She deep throats your cock in an extreamly slutty way you never seen before.
<span style="color: pink;">shlhup! umhmm~.</span>
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\4c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow. hmmmh where did you learn that??</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh Ive been getting practice..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\4d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">but it looks like you dont seem to mind..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I'm sure tons of guys would love to have a girl that could pull that off. Right?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mmh y-yea!</span>
She watches your face as you cum.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\4e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "hardntr" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
$gf decides to tease you.
<span style="color: pink;">Your dirty girlfriend needs your assistance.</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\5.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am.</span>
She spreads wide for you.
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
She demands.
<span style="color: pink;">Closer, I don't bite.</span>
You get close up to till your nose is pushed up to her panties.
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\5a1.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ hah I'm in a slutty mood look how wet I am..</span>
She shows you her slimy grool covered pussy.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Come on you don't do much for me I need you to clean me up or Ill find someone who can.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Okay..</span>
You follow orders.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\5c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ hah good boy!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmmhm~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\5d.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts shaking and convulsing.
<span style="color: pink;">mhhh! Oh fuck you bitch~ im cumming!!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\5e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You watch as her pussy continues throbbing as she recovers.
<span style="color: pink;">mh Good doggy.</span>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\5f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You lick your lips clean.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
Your $gf comes over to watch a movie with you and your friend.
<span style="color: pink;">Hey boys..</span>
She looks at him curiously.
She looks back at her.
<span style="color: red;">Hey $gf need a seat princess.</span>
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\6.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">haha sure looks like an interesting movie.</span>
She gets into the blanket with him.
You cant really see anything wrong but it's a little odd and you feel kinda jealous.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\6_webp.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">mhm Real intense movie..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hm yea, Its much longer than I thought it would be.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">It getting to the climax soon. I think you both will love it.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Yea the climax is my favorite part hehe.</span>
Your bladder is full.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ill be right back I got to go pee.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hmm okay baby take your time..</span>
You walk out of the room..
You decide to go back and ask if they need anything to drink while you are up.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You see your girlfiend with your friends huge dick in her mouth.
<span style="color: red;">jesus your such a whore.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">mhgHhh~ Your dick is so much bigger than his I need to try it! mhm~</span>
<video controls width=550 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You watch $gf passionatly suck your friends dick.
<span style="color: red;">ahhm fucking whore!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">mhgHhh~ mhm~</span>
He fills her mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\6c.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">mhgHh~ delicious.. shut up and dont say anything.</span>
You take a piss and come back.
She looks at you slightly nervous..
<img src="img\gf\liv\beg\6d.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She leans in to kiss you its dark but you can smell and feel the cum on her face.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\6e.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Did I miss anything.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">oh I don't think so.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<elseif ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You walk in on $gf with someone you have never met
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">What a perfect ass you have.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">O-Oh my god! Careful he might find us..</span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">Its fine he will understand.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">mhh~Ohhh! Wait~..</span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">Come on I'm helping you stay healthy and happy you should pay me back.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">HMhmgH~! BAh~ mh Sorry sir ill make sure you are satisfied..</span>
She rides his penis that is much bigger than your own.
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">h~Hah~!! mhm! daddy Your cock is so thhick~!</span>
<span style="color: red;">Ha! You make a good fuck toy.</span>
You wait for her to finish..
She comes back to the bedroom after about an hour.
<span style="color: pink;">Sorry baby my trainer took forver!</span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Did the trainer do that to your pants?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">ohh..ahh! haha How embarrassing they must have just ripped..</span>
You spread her pussy open.
<span style="color: pink;">W-wait!!</span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">You just had to keep asking questions..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I wanted to know why..</span>
She wraps her feet around your cock.
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">h-Hes so strong.. and so much bigger than you I couldnt help it..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">h~ah-</span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Hes so fucking big baby.. I came on his dick really hard and could'nt stop.. I'm sorry.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmh!~ah-!</span>
You can't hold it..
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">You are so understanding still. I don't deserve you. Maybe we can talk more often.</span>
<video controls width=700 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\liv\beg\7b9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfsex" play>>
<</if>>$gf <<textbox "$gfl" 00>>
$mom <<textbox "$moml" 00>>
$sis <<textbox "$sisl" 00>>
Lust <<textbox "$lust" 00>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
<<audio ":all" stop>><<set $gfl to 60>>
<<set $moml to 60>>
<<set $sisl to 60>>
<<set $lust to 0>>
[[Play|Hallway]]<<set $gfl to -70>>
<<set $moml to -70>>
<<set $sisl to -70>>
<<set $lust to 0>>
[[Play|Hallway]]<<audio "door" play>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 7)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>\
Nothing is here.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51) >>\
You put some crazy ass glue in the dryer
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51) >>\
You put some crazy ass glue in the dryer
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51) >>\
You put some crazy ass glue in the dryer
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
She smiles at you.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Hey honey! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Hey $mom </span>
<img src="img/basement/mom/n.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
She notices you..
<span style="color: yellow;"> Hey cutie I'm just finishing the laundry. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Thanks for the help $mom </span>
She looks happy.
<img src="img/basement/mom/good/1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
You notice her bent over cleaning the table.
<span style="color: yellow;">Boy its hot in here.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/2/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ill help you $mom </span>
You push the fan under her dress on "accident"
<span style="color: yellow;">oh! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/2/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;"> Honey the fan is too low! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh sorry! </span>
The wind keeps fighting with her.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Oh you should'nt be looking! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Sorry! I wasn't thinking.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/2/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;"> Oh you should'nt be looking! </span>
She notices your boner..
<span style="color: yellow;">I'm flattered but you should go! </span>
<img src="img/basement/mom/good/2/4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom cleaning in the laundry room again.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/2/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You come up behind her and start to massage her lower back.
<span style="color: yellow;">ohh Mmh that feels good.. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Im glad I can help you relax. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/3/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You secretly lift up her skirt not to startle her and continue your massage..
<span style="color: yellow;">Mmhh I needed this.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/3/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She drops her guard and starts to press back against you.
<span style="color: yellow;">Thank you for that.. </span>
You slide your underwear down as she presses against you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/3/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She boldly grabs your dick without much thought and presses it between her ass cheeks.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> I should be thanking you.. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hehe you are so good to me. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/3/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You both are now pushing up against each others sensitive areas.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> ohh mmm $mom </span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> mhmm Baby hurry this is this is getting out of hand mhm. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/3/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You cum all over your $mom
<span style="color: lightblue;"> ohhHm fuck $mom </span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> mhm~ so warm.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/3/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You leave.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You catch your $mom in the laundry room changing.
She unknowingly gives you an eye full..
<span style="color: yellow;"> la dada da mh hm hm.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks fantastic.
Your boner is growing..
<span style="color: yellow;"> Mh da da da~ </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You take you dick out and start to masturbate to her body as she looks through her clothes.
<span style="color: yellow;"> mh? </span>
She hears you and turns to see you.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Oh my god! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gives you a serious look.
<span style="color: yellow;"> What do you think you are doing! </span>
<span style="color: blue;"> Sorry $mom you are just so hot! </span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> Hmm. I really am making things that hard for you around here? come here.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gives you a smerk and leans in for a kiss.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Mhmm~ You know you make it hard for me too. </span>
You feel her breasts as she rubs your cock inside your underwear..
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Ohh $mom you are amazing. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She knees down and puts her lips around your dick.
She looks up into your eyes.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> ohm god $mom </span>
<span style="color: yellow;"> All this just from me getting dressed.. its so hot too let me blow on it.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts going deeper swirling her tounge around your tip then hitting it against the back of her throat.
<span style="color: yellow;"> FLffp~ Gauh~ MHMmMm </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Ohh fuck!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She lets you take control of her head and puts her arms down so you can fuck her face as you please.
<span style="color: blue;"> Ohm god fuck! so good better than $gf </span>
you let the truth slip out.. She smiles and trys to respond..
<span style="color: yellow;"> I~ uhgg~ghuh HMammm morrh experienc~GHhHhHH mmm </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She take it out of her thoat and licks up your shaft.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Mhuh~ Remember $mom always knows whats best..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">GHhmh~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You use both hands now to get the job done.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> FUck $mom take it!</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">GHhmh~ MHHHm! HMH hmMh~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: blue;"> FUck I'm Cumming!!</span>
You creampie her mouth. She trys to keep it all in..
<span style="color: yellow;">Gulpp hhg~ *cough* mhmm..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
With her mouth full she show you what you did..
<span style="color: yellow;"> wouh.. loouk~ zoh mUh~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She shows you respect by cleaning up the mess.
<span style="color: yellow;">HmMh~ wow you really make a lot..</span>
You never thought she would act so slutty.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow...</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gets most of it and smiles
<span style="color: yellow;">Mhm tasty! Thank you baby.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/4/14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You leave
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
Shes pulling clothes out of the dryer
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey $mom</span>
She responds muffled.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hey baby..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start rubbing and smacking her ass..
<span style="color: yellow;">OHh mhn~ baby.. you shouldn't here..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull down her pants and start to play around.
<span style="color: yellow;">hmm~ You are obsessed with my fat butt huh..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You keep playing with her huge soft jello like ass.
You are getting rock hard thinking about it.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You push your finger inside her pussy with no resistace because she is soaking.
<span style="color: yellow;">hmmmmgh~</span>
You start to finger bang your $mom
<span style="color: yellow;">hmm~ keep goingg mh~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She doesn't budge submitting to you.
You take her invitation to slide your dick inside her effortlessly.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh fuck $mom your pussy is perfect.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She wimpers as you fuck her.
<span style="color: yellow;">uhh hhhm~ T-thank youu! mh~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You both are connected in bliss.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohhh fuck my $mom has the best pussy in this house.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmhmhh~ My boy has the best dick Ive ever had.</span>
You can't hold you cum in any longer.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohhhmmm fuck $mom I'm Cummming..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">me too! UHghhh~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohh Thank you..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">mh I'm always happy to help my favorite son..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/good/5/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momsex" play>>
<<set $moml += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
You spy on her changing.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/1/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
Shes waiting for the laundry to finish.
<img src="img/basement/mom/bad/2/1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You take out your dick and secretly masturbate to her.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hey baby.</span>
Shes too distracted to look over.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Mmmh-Hey $mom </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/2/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You can't help but cum all over her huge ass.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohh my god...</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Uh? Why do I feel wet?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/2/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks back..
<span style="color: yellow;">HEY! I'm not some public toilet!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm sorry... your butt is so beautiful $mom</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Im not some cheap whore yet, you better start communicating before I take you to therapy..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
You come up behind her admiring her ass bent over.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks back at you and starts to sway her hips.
<span style="color: yellow;">$mom has the best butt doesn't she..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am..</span>
You cant control yourself you pull your pants down.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull your dick out before you ruin your underwear.
<span style="color: yellow;">You didn't ask again.. Do I really have to repeat myself. You think you can just to whatever and get what you want..</span>
<span style="color: blue;">I'm sorry $mom may I please play with your butt please!</span>
You cant help but press against her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She sighs
<span style="color: yellow;">Why my butt?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Because its the Best butt ive ever seen. Its perfect in every way.</span>
She giggles.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hm Fine.. because you are so sweet Ill let you..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to look bored with you.
<span style="color: blue;">Can I see more?</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Go on remove them..</span>
You remove her pants and wedge you cock between her panties.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start fucking her panties.
She starts to get turned on and moves around for you.
<span style="color: yellow;">My ass is that nice huh?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes even my friends talk about it..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her ego is Increasing.
<span style="color: yellow;">I bet they would love to use my big ass too.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea-a mhm $mom Im going to cum.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Go on.. do it.</span>
You cum on your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmm quite a bit.. Just from my ass hah!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Thank you..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/3/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">You should be thanking my ass. Go on give her a kiss.</span>
You kiss her ass and leave.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
You walk in on her trying on some stockings.
<img src="img/basement/mom/bad/4/1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She looks at you staring up her skirt.
<span style="color: yellow;">Geeze are you looking at my ass again!?</span>
She smerks and flashes you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/4/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: blue;">It was out! I wasn't stalking you.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Hah yea sure, I know how you feel about me. I bet You came down her just to get a good look at me. </span>
She lifts up her skirt again, showing you shes missing underwear.
<img src="img/basement/mom/bad/4/3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You are frozen with your mouth open.
<span style="color: yellow;">See! You are almost drooling.. Why dont you come down here if you want a better view?..</span>
You kneel down under your her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gets off to you worshiping her body.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmm fuck. I bet you try to watch me masturbate when Im not paying attention mhmmm.</span>
You can't think..
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmmh~ The truth comes out.. You dont think I don't notice?. ngh~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmm I-I.. </span>
She picks up the speed.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/4/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Your mouth is still a jar with awe..
<span style="color: yellow;">nuh~ I bet you always dreamed of this.. MHmmm!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yeah.. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Fuck fuck! Open wide you fREAKk!mHMHh!</span>
She starts to shake and leak grool all over your face and mouth.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/4/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;"> Enjoy the flavor of my cum. Pervert..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Ahh~ Help!</span>
You walk in and see your $mom is stuck In the dryer.
Her amazing ass wrapped in yoga pants is sitting there unguarded.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You don't talk. Struck with opportunity You walk up and start to touch her ass.
She starts to jolt around.
<span style="color: yellow;">mH! H-Hey! I'm Stuck You can't do this!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She has teased you for too long..
Your mind is empty.. Instinct kicks in, you pull her clothes down.
<span style="color: yellow;">MH! W-W-What are you doing! You need to stop!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You grope and spread her ass open. She Jiggles around in a panic..
<span style="color: yellow;">oh-oh my god! you can't!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start to rub and play with her soaking wet pussy.
<span style="color: yellow;">mHhm~ baby.. mh</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Please $mom </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She is starting to cream herself and drop her guard..
<span style="color: yellow;">mHm Just hurry up, you know you didn't earn this.</span>
You spread her wide and take a good look before you plung deep inside your $mom
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You take in every secound as you bounce against her perfect soft inviting ass.
<span style="color: lightblue;">mhmm HmM~</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">nh~GHmhHH! NhahhhMMm! fuckmm~!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">HHMhmh~W-Wow I can't believe you hnnmm~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Sorry I need this! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh my god~ oh my god! mmmhm~</span>
You feel her pussy tighten. She obviously came.
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh $mom hmm!~</span>
Her pussy grips you enough to send you over the edge..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You cum down marking her ass.
<span style="color: yellow;">huh uhh uhh~ come get me a towel and get me out of here.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/bad/5/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You follow her orders and don't talk about what just happened.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momsex" play>>
<<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You walk in on your $mom undressing in laundry room.
She gives you a frustrated look.
<span style="color: yellow;"> $name I feel like I get no privacy anymore.</span>
<<vid basement/mom/bad/6/1>>
<span style="color: yellow;">You don't think that I see you always watching what I'm doing?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I-im sorry..</span>
She pulls down your pants..
<<vid basement/mom/bad/6/2>>
<span style="color: yellow;">You are hard..again. what did you come in here thinking you were going to see?</span>
She starts fondling and stroking your dick.
<<vid basement/mom/bad/6/3>>
<span style="color: yellow;">Were you hoping to jerk off to me naked again? or when I was maturbating? or hoping I was fucking someone in here again?</span>
Its tense in the room, she grabs some baby oil off the shelf..
<<vid basement/mom/bad/6/4>>
She strokes you faster making sure to rub around the tip of your dick.
<span style="color: yellow;">I know you are a pervert like Mommy but I like to have my own fun in private sometimes too..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah- I couldn't help it~..</span>
<<vid basement/mom/bad/6/5>>
<span style="color: yellow;">Here is this what you wanted to see so bad?</span>
She pulls her pants down and keeps masturbating you into against her body.
<<vid basement/mom/bad/6/6>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ $mom I'm going to cum~..</span>
<<vid basement/mom/bad/6/7>>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" play>>
<<set $moml += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You get a good look.
She looks over and gives you a judgmental look.
<span style="color: purple;">Really?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">My bad..</span>
<<vid basement/sis/n>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You see her getting her clothes out of the dryer.
<span style="color: blue;">Hey did you need any help?</span>
<img src="img/basement/sis/good/1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Sure could you take these to my room? Thanks!</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You see her getting her clothes out of the dryer again almost naked.
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh..did you need any help again?</span>
<img src="img/basement/sis/good/2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She smiles
<span style="color: purple;">You are so sweet! Can you carry these up for me again? thank you!</span>
You can't tell If she forgot what she had on, or if she just didn't care..
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You run into your $sis in the laundry room.
<span style="color: purple;">woah!!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/4/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Shit sorry!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">No it's fine..</span>
She sighs then bends over to pick up her clothes.
She looks back and finds you staring at her butt.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/4/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You notice a little smerk on her face before she turns back around.
<span style="color: purple;">Geeze My clothes are everywhere now..</span>
She seductively flaunts her ass.
<span style="color: lightblue;">D-did you need any help?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/4/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">D-did you need any help?</span>
She takes her shirt off and puts it in the washer.
<span style="color: purple;">hmmm Yes actually..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She walks up to you and turns around.
<span style="color: purple;">Could you take off my bra for me so I can wash it..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea sure..</span>
You help her out.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/4/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She turns and look at your stunned face.
<span style="color: purple;">Mhm Thank you.. so. much.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/4/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She giggles as you try to close your mouth.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh yea any time.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Good..hehe~</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
She get onto of the washer.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Did you need help with any laundry today?</span>
She giggles.
<span style="color: purple;">Sure.I would love help!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
The laundry is drying.
<span style="color: purple;">Hmm We still have time to spare...</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh yea! I can come back in a bit if you would like?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Well.. You could maybe help me pass the time..? </span>
You watch as she shows herself off to you..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She is noticably wet.
<span style="color: purple;">You are always so nice to me. I dont think I deserve it.</span>
<span style="color: blue;">Its..uh no problem at all..</span>
You put your fingers on her slimy pussy.
<span style="color: purple;">Hmh~ ohh $name </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start to finger fuck her at a steady pace.
<span style="color: purple;">mhm Ohh fuck you are so good at this~ hmmh..~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You put a third finger in and really start hitting her gspot.
<span style="color: purple;">Guhh~ MHmmmm!~ fuck you are making me cum already!nUHGHmm~</span>
She pussy Sqeezes your fingers tightly as she cum on you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mHmh~ I hope I'm being a good girl for my bro..</span>
You pull your cum covered fingers out of her and stick them in her mouth.
She sucks them clean..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes still horney She Help you with her shirt.
She sucks your finger.
<span style="color: purple;">You always do so much for your $sis ,its time I do somthing special for you..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gets on her knees and pulls your underwear down.
Your hard dick falls out, she looks up at you and smiles.
<span style="color: purple;">Wow is so nice.. Perfect for me.~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">I love your cock! mhm~</span>
She strokes it a few times before taking it inside her mouth.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohh~ shit! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She Watches your face as she passionatly sucks you cock..
<span style="color: purple;">fpHh~ gHMm~ nhg!. The taste is amazing!~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohhhah ahh I have the best $sis </span>
<span style="color: purple;">gHMm~ ffph!. I try my very best for you~ hmhm!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh fuck its so good I'm going to cum! </span>
<span style="color: purple;"> hmmh~ Please cum for your $sis please!</span>
She leans back and lets you glaze her face with your cum
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/5/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">huhh uh Wow so much..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You see her Soft tight ass stuck in the dryer..
<span style="color: purple;">uhh $name I need help!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: blue;">Oh boy. Okay let me see what I can do.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">naah! Please hurry this is uncomfortable!</span>
You start to pull on her trying to get her free.
Her ass keeps pushing against your dick making you erect.
<span style="color: purple;">HMh~ ohh $name ...</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her moans when you would pull turned you on even more.
You slowly pulled her shorts down.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She doesn't fight it.
<span style="color: purple;">M-maybe If we got me wet and sweaty I could slip out..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yea maybe..</span>
You start to rub her wet pussy.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You get wet really easy too.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">I can't help it you always make me like this..</span>
You slowly fit your dick in her tight pussy
<span style="color: purple;">HUhMm~ slow..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start to get into a pattern for your $sis
<span style="color: purple;">HMHm~ MHm! f-faster.. pleasee!</span>
You listen to her pleading.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts shaking..
<span style="color: purple;">Hgn~ MHMmmm!oh FUCk I'm cumming from your dick!! HMMHhhh~ </span>
She falls out of the dryer and looks at you.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">MHmm...Get down your not done.. </span>
She gets up on top of you and guides your dick inside her pussy.
<span style="color: purple;">Its your turn to cum! mh~. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oohh~ alright..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She look at you with eyes of desire as she bounces and grinds on your dick.
<span style="color: purple;">hmmm mhm gumh~ $name I want you to cum! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh fuck I'm going to cum! get up!</span>
She listens to your orders
<span style="color: purple;">hmhh~ Yes please! </span>
She looks in surpise as you cover her chest in your cum.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/good/6/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" play>>
<<set $sisl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You were going to ask if she wanted any help.. but you see her in a revealing thong.
You slightly look away.
<span style="color: lightblue;"> did uhhm..y-you. </span>
<span style="color: purple;">oh god are you looking at me again! This view isnt free pervert!</span>
<img src="img/basement/sis/bad/1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You were going to grab your clothes.
She sees you.
<span style="color: purple;">Oh god Freak. Hurry up and get your clothes You got a view of my perfect body so stop looking!</span>
You walk past her getting a smell of her freshly shampoo'd hair.
You look back one last time.
<img src="img/basement/sis/bad/2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You catch her on the dryer rubbing herself.
<span style="color: purple;">Ohh mmhm~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
shes starts talking to herself..
<span style="color: purple;">mh~please use me sir..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She pulls down her panties..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts fingering herself..
<span style="color: purple;">hmmh fuck~ Oh my pussy is too tight for you~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She pulls off her shirt..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She really starts rubbing her pussy.
<span style="color: purple;">Oh god boys~ fuck me!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You watch her rub her pussy hard.
<span style="color: purple;"> Ngh'm! Oh fuck fuck! MHm~ more more!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She leans back and locks up.
<span style="color: purple;">Oh god im cummging!! HMGh`m!!~</span>
You cum with her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/4/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" play>>
<<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
You watch as she add clothes in the wash.
She sees you watching her and smerks at you.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
As you get closer she bends over for you.
<span style="color: purple;">hehe~ drooling over my ass again.. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> Its so perfect.. </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She puts herself on display as you get closer.
She giggles.
<span style="color: purple;">I bet you would do anything just to smell this ass. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;"> I would... </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">If I wasn't your $sis you wouldnt get to see any of this..</span>
<span style="color: blue;"> I'm very lucky.. </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She turns around and pulls her panties down for you.
<span style="color: purple;">$name you are so pathetic.. Ive let guys do so much more to me and you just want your perverted face suffocated.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I dont mind.. </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">Then come here and show me you deserve what I give you..</span>
<span style="color: blue;">Yes ma'am. </span>
She bends over the washing machine and lets you eat her ass.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You lick her asshole passionately.
<span style="color: purple;">Ohhh FUck~ you are good for somthing! hnh~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mhm~humm!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">OH FUck!~ I-HHMm GOD!!Gngg~</span>
She starts cumming from your mouth.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She yells.
<span style="color: purple;">HGGHM-K-keep going loser I'm not done!</span>
You press hard and keep licking for her.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">FUckk I keep squirting!HGGHM- Im Cummging AGAIN!</span>
Her tight little asshole pulses on your tongue as she cums again.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/5/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">You are earning some real points.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "wetblow" loop play>>
<<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You open the door and find your $sis in the laundry room.
Shes stuck in the dryer somehow..
<span style="color: purple;">gah! $name ! can you get me out of here!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You get a good look and think of a plan..
You grope her ass.
<span style="color: purple;">mh! Hey not now!!</span>
<span style="color: blue;">I can get you out, but you tease me so much I think If you let me have what I want Ill help you. </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull her panties to the side and she wiggles a bit.
You rub her soft pink pussy.
<span style="color: purple;">mh! Hey! $name we can talk about this..</span>
<span style="color: blue;">Ill be quick.. I was even thinking about inviting my friend over soon. </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
That sparked her interest..
<span style="color: purple;">nhh~ Well fine.. You better not be lying..</span>
You pull out her dick.. You watch her cute feet squrim around in anticipation.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her pussy is starting to get wet, you push against her tight entrance.
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh~ Stop playing and fuck me already..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her pussy flowing with juice now hugs you tight as you drop into her.
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh~fuck I can't believe I'm letting a preverted loser fuck me like this! mhmmg~ ghg!</span>
<span style="color: blue;">Your pussy is so good!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes starting to lose it..
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh~fuck Fuck! keep goingngng! mhmmg~ ghng!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
The room is filled with the sounds of your $sis 's pussy sqelching
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh~ ahhh!m-my pussy feels so good! mhmmg~ ghg!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh~fuck YOu better be bringing your friend over soon! ghg!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I will! hgn~</span>
You keep slamming into your slutty $sis a mix of moans and her pussy scent fill the air..
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh ahhg~ ghg ahh!! I'm cummmhggn! HUGHgh~!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hgn~ im cumming!</span>
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh~ pull out quick!</span>
You pull out and finish on her ass..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You get one last good look.
<span style="color: purple;">mnhh~ now help me get out of here..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/bad/6/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sissex" play>>
<<set $sisl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 3 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You open the door and find your $sis in the laundry room.
Shes doing her laundry..
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/1>>
She puts her panties in the wash.
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/2>>
You get an amazing view as she digs around her laundry.
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/3>>
She finds a dildo in the wash and start to inspect it
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/4>>
Suddenly she looks up at you.
<span style="color: lightblue;">hey..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">oh, have you been here long? I found this dildo in the wash I think it might be $mom 's.. I wonder how it feels? </span>
She mounts it on the door and fucks herself with it
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/5>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">h-how is it?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">oh~ fuck its nice.. mhm~</span>
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/6>>
<span style="color: purple;">oh~ ahh~ It feels so good having somthing so thick in me.. look how I'm creaming on it~</span>
She spreads open and displays herself fucking the dildo for you.
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/7>>
<span style="color: purple;">oh~ god~ it feels so good! ahh~</span>
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/8>>
<span style="color: purple;"> mHA~ yea~ I bet you wanna watch me cum pervert! amhha!~</span>
You watch your $sis bound down hard on your $mom 's dildo..
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/9>>
<span style="color: purple;"> fuck-fuck fuck $name I -m Cumming!~</span>
She squirts all over the floor..
<<vid basement/sis/bad/7/10>>
<span style="color: purple;"> Sorry~ I needed that..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She notices you.
<img src="img/basement/gf/n.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">Hey babe! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She is washing her clothes
<span style="color: lightblue;">I can finish washing those for you.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Thank you so much! </span>
<img src="img/basement/gf/good/2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
@@Rep Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
You see her taking her clothes out of the wash almost naked.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey baby I can do that for you.</span>
She smiles and winks at you
<span style="color: pink;">Thank you! I think you need some loving tonight. </span>
<img src="img/basement/gf/good/3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
Her ass is stuck out ass she trys to look out the window.
She sees you and starts to play around..
<span style="color: pink;">Oh hey baby were you looking at me?..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Can you blame me?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She giggles and turns back around for you.
<span style="color: pink;">How do you feel about yellow?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Your ass makes any color my favorite.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">You are so bad.. well while you are here how does your girlfriends ass look in this lighting? </span>
She pulls her leggings down and gives you a look..
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh wow..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">looks like its ready for modeling.. it just needs some shine.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Shine me up sir.</span>
You bend her over the washing machine and massage oil into her ass.
<span style="color: pink;">mmh~ Thank you.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She pushes up against your jeans and wiggles around.
<span style="color: pink;">How does it look now?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull off your clothes and oil your dick for her.
<span style="color: lightblue;">I think It just needs one more thing..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Is that so?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to push and rub against your oiled cock.
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm~ hows this..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You have the right idea.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She holds you dick between her ass cheeks and goes to town.
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm~ I love my boyfriends perfect cock!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahh Your ass feels so good..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You tuck your dick under her panties to hold it in place.
Her soft raw ass cheeks rub against you.
<span style="color: pink;">You really think I could model this ass?</span>
You tell her.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahh mm could even be a pornstar!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start really fucking her ass crack getting close to cumming.
<span style="color: pink;">Wow! I never heard that.. You really think wanna guys would watch me like that?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahh fuck yea..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;"> mhmm~ Well.. you gave me somthing to think about. I wonder how many people would watch?~</span>
The thought of thousands of people watching you fuck your girlfriend made you cum..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Her ass is covered with your cum.
<span style="color: pink;">hehe at least glad you love my ass!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/4/12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
You look at $gf checking herself out.
<span style="color: lightblue;">stunning..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hehe oh hey baby. You got me thinking about what I would look like as a model. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She teases you with her ass.
<span style="color: pink;">Dont you think we would make a great team.. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes I do.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You go to feel her ass she presses up against your dick.
<span style="color: pink;">mhhm.. Your already ready for your super hot girlfriend..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You massage her breasts as she pushes against you.
<span style="color: lightblue;">I Think you would have all the guys cumming to you.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">mhhm~..You think so?..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gets down and looks up at you.
<span style="color: pink;">They would all fantasize about using your girlfriend.. Mh hmh~</span>
She starts sucking your dick.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You grab her head and start to fuck her mouth.
<span style="color: pink;">GU0hg~ Fpfpff! *cough!* MHhmm~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You think about how many men would kill to use your girlfriend like this.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah Fuck keep talking like a slut~! I'm cumming~!!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">MHhmm!!~ You must really like this</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/7a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She sucks your cock clean and gets up to give you a kiss.
<span style="color: pink;">Was I a good girl?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahhh yea..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She sees your dick is still hard and pushes back against you.
You grope her as she lustfully rubs your cock thirsty for more.
<span style="color: pink;">We do it..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She pulls your dick back out.
<span style="color: pink;">I could be such a whore for everyone to see.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Wouldn't you like that baby~?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahhh yes!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You cum all over her leggings.
<span style="color: pink;">This is going to be so much fun!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She look at you happily.
<span style="color: pink;">I love you baby!</span>
You smile back
<span style="color: lightblue;">I love you too.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
As you are about to leave she displays you your cum like her prize.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/5/12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" play>>
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
You find her looking for her for somthing in the dryer.
<span style="color: pink;">Babe I can't find my socks! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh boy let me help you.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull down her panties.
<span style="color: pink;">hmh~ They definitely are not in there!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">We don't know that for sure..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You finger her wet pussy.
<span style="color: pink;">hmh~ ahh! are you finding anything hmhmm~?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I need to look a little deeper..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hmmmh~ okay..</span>
You push your dick inside of her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh~ baby! your dick feels so good mhm!</span>
You fuck your girlfriend
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Such a good girl!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh~ fuck I'm a good girl!!~ fuckkk Im GOing to cum!! MNMghh~</span>
You fuck her hard.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm cumming!!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ Thank you!</span>
you cum all over her lower back
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">I'm glad I could help you daddy..</span>
She lets you take a look.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/good/6/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $gfl += random(2, 3)>>
<<audio "gfsex" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She look at you staring.
<span style="color: pink;">Your not going to offer help? Are you just here to look at my ass?</span>
<img src="img/basement/gf/bad/1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She looks irritated
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
You see her bent over.
<img src="img/basement/gf/bad/3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow nice thong.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Yea maybe if you would ever help me around the house I would wear it more often..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
You catch her finging herself.
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ mhmm..</span>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She get on top of the washing machine.
Shes mumbling to herself..
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to passionatly suck on her long dildo
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ its so much bigger than his..</span>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You watch her make herself gag on it.
<span style="color: pink;">GUHHh~ *Cough* *Cough* Mhhg GUh~ *cough!*</span>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She puts her feet in the air and starts to fuck herself from the back..
<span style="color: pink;">OHh ahhh~ yess just like that Zander!</span>
Her ex?
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She spreads herself out and continues to fuck herself.
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ Thank you sir thank you! hmmh!!~</span>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm~ ah!! yes make me your bitch!</span>
She starts to cum on her dildo..
<span style="color: pink;">Nhgng~</span>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to fuck herself harder.
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ Wait I need a break!~</span>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">oh fuckk hmMHM!! I can't stop cummingg Ghhh!!!</span>
She cums again..
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">fcuk Zander make me your bitch!!Nhgng~</span>
She bends herself over.
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She cums again...
<span style="color: pink;">AHH!FuckK!~ Im such a whore!!GUHhH!!</span>
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She pulls her dildo out and gets a fresh towel.
<video controls width=650 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/4/12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You leave with your hand full of cum.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She is changing the laundry.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You get a good look at her ass as she puts the clothes in the dryer.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She looks behind and sees your face in her ass.
<span style="color: pink;">ahha you what are you doing? are smelling my ass down there?</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">W-well I...</span>
<span style="color: pink;">What? no way you were actually smelling my dirty asshole ?? haha!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">You really worship the ground I walk on dont you..?</span>
She starts to play with her asshole and give you a view..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">mhh~ lay down for me..</span>
She strattles your face and masturbates over your face.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She rubs her clit as she presses her ass against your face.
<span style="color: pink;">mhh~ I bet you can smell your girlfriend really good now..mhm~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mhmmhm!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">hhHmh~! fuck Im cumming!!</span>
As she cums you watch her asshole wink in front of your nose.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She turns over and looks down at you.
<span style="color: pink;">mmhhh~ look at her she's just drooling waiting for a real man to come take her..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ohh..</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You watch as your girlfriends pussy drools and convulses..
<span style="color: pink;">ohhhH~ She just wants to be used like an object and worshipped.</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Thats..what she wants?</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">nghn hah~ And here you are.. just begging to be covered with the scent of my asshole... hmh~</span>
She Speads her asshole for you.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
$gf cums and squirts on your face.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes continues to cum..
<span style="color: pink;">Ghnhghh~Sh-she CANT Stop cUmgningg Thinkingg about itt!!!!~mhHh nnuhgh~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She slowly recovers
<span style="color: pink;">uh hhm~ shes such a bad girl I hate it..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm sorry.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/5/13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She is changing the laundry.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You admire your girlfriends perfect body..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You notice somthing as she is digging for her clothes
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You find a butt plug in her ass.
<span style="color: lightblue;">what is this?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I was just trying it out for reasons..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She stays on display for you.
<span style="color: pink;">Does it look pretty in me?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">eh yea..What kind of reasons?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Put it in me.</span>
You follow her order.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She moans loudly.
<span style="color: pink;">ahh Ohh shit!~ Might be better than I thought! mhmm~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">mh~ yea?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmhm~ yea! push it in mhmm~</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hhm~ okay..</span>
You play along..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You watch the butt plug move around.
Shes already creaming on your dick.
<span style="color: pink;">Hmnhn~FUCK! I came!!hMHm~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Your curious..
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmmh~So whats this all about..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmhm~ I always wanted to try double penetration mhmm~</span>
You pull out the butt plug and keep fucking her.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Hmhmm~ Its somthing I always wanted to try I just wanted to practice it..hmm mhmm~</span>
Thinking about $gf secretly training her asshole made you jealous, you couldnt help but cum..
<span style="color: lightblue;">w-why do you need to practice..hmmh~ fuck im cumming!!..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">uhm~ come on lets get these clothes out.</span>
She dodges the question..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/6/12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $gfl += random(-2, -3)>>
<<audio "gfsex" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 4 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Reputation@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She Flashes herself to you..
<img src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/1.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: pink;">Uhm~ come here I wanna show you what ive been working on..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">And what is that?</span>
You She bends over the the small table to show you.
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh..</span>
You are instantly hard from her stretching out her pussy in front of you.
You admire your girlfriends perfect holes..
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Mh~ Ive been trying to stretch myself out to make some room.. ah~</span>
You pull your dick out you are so horny.
<span style="color: lightblue;">And why is that?</span>
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You start to rub against her pussy..
<span style="color: pink;">Mh~ ah~ You know in case i need to fit somthing bigger in ah~ or multiple thing~hmm</span>
She beats around the bush..
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">And you want more things in here?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm! yes.~ h-help me stretch.. ah!</span>
You pull her pussy open with her she is really able to keep open it wide..
You cannot help but masuturbate to your girlfriends lewd whorish pussy.
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She Keeps it wide open for you to see..
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ I can't help it I want I just want more than you~ ahm!</span>
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ohh- fuck baby.~</span>
You shoot cum inside her wide open hole she acts like a used girl from some hardcore porno and it drives you crazy..
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">ah~ look I can barely even feel you now..</span>
Your cock feels the warmth of her pussy walls but can't fill the void..
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You don't feel like you are enough anymore.
<span style="color: lightblue;">M-maybe you do need more in there..</span>
Shes masturbating with your cum.
<span style="color: pink;">ah~ I do~ I really do!~ ahhh~ Im cummming~!!</span>
<video controls width=750 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/bad/7/10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She squrits all over you..
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gffap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 11) && ($moml <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 21) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 40)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/4g.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 41) && ($moml <= 50)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/5g.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You play with her a bit..
<span style="color: yellow;"> mhm~ oh Hey.. $name </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/5g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= 51) && ($moml <= 60)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<span style="color: yellow;"> Oh hey baby~ </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull out your dick..
<span style="color: yellow;">Oh my.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She rubs your dick against her pussy.
<span style="color: yellow;">mhm~ ah~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She turns herself around
<span style="color: yellow;">You want to use your $mom ? </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">mhm~ mhm~ nahh~ baby! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She turns over and jerks you off.
<span style="color: yellow;">ahh~ Come for my pussy..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You shoot a load all over her fat camel toe.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ahh~ mhm~ your $mom has such a potent boy..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6g8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/4b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
<span style="color: yellow;">mhm~ fuck!~ </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/5b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom in the laundry room.
Shes only wearing a towel..
<img src="img/basement/mom/random/6b.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She starts to rub herself..
<span style="color: yellow;">mhmm~ This pussy needs a big fat dick.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to shove her fingers inside her wet pussy.
<span style="color: yellow;">Mhm~ yess! just what I need.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She goes to 3 fingers..
<span style="color: yellow;">Mhmhm~! a nice big one for mommy..ngnh~ </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She spits on her whore pussy for extra lube.
<span style="color: yellow;">uhnnh~I'm need to be used again.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She plays with her asshole.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hmhm! They don't know how dirty I can be. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to cream all over herself.
<span style="color: yellow;">hmmhh~yes yess! fuck my slut pussy! IM cumming!!-ghHUH!! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6b6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: yellow;">I'm such a bad mommy.. </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/mom/random/6b7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You sneak out before she sees you.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 5 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $mom getting fucked.
<span style="color: red;">ah~ You are going to make me cum.. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hahhh~ give me more dick!</span>
<<vid basement/mom/random/6/1>>
She gets down and bends over the washing machine for him..
<span style="color: yellow;">haah~ come on keep going!!</span>
<<vid basement/mom/random/6/2>>
<span style="color: yellow;">haah~ Hmhh~ Yess!! Your dick is perfect!</span>
<<vid basement/mom/random/6/3>>
Your $mom starts to turn red as he pounds her.
<span style="color: yellow;">OH My GOd! haah~ keep going!! AHhA~ hmhhm~
R-ight THERE~ IM CUMMING!~</span>
<<vid basement/mom/random/6/4>>
he pulls her ass off of him and cums on her..
<span style="color: red;">ah~ Take my cum slut! </span>
<<vid basement/mom/random/6/5>>
You leave before you get caught.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "momfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
<<vid basement/sis/random/1>>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/sis/random/4.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
She's naked looking for her clothes..
<span style="color: purple;">Are you spying on me! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;"> Here get a good look then! </span>
She spreads wide for you.
<img src="img/basement/sis/random/5g.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= 51) && ($sisl <= 60)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
Shes wearing a short skirt putting her clothes in the washer.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6g.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You rub her exposed pussy as she works.
<span style="color: purple;"> Hmhh~ oh he-y~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You push deep into her pussy.
<span style="color: purple;">HNhhh! ahh~ oh $name ! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">mhhmM! OH aHH~ </span>
You feel her cum on your fingers and leave.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/sis/random/4.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
She's naked looking for her clothes..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You notice her butt plug but leave before she catches you.
<img src="img/basement/sis/random/5b.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
Shes doing the laundry.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You quietly come up behind her a pull her shorts down.
<span style="color: purple;">ahh~ oh Hey!! </span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You spread her ass open.
<span style="color: purple;">what do you want more..?</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You shove your face in your sisters ass.
She smiles and taunts you.
<span style="color: purple;">Are you addicted to eating my ass now pervert? mhm~</span>
Her the smell of your sisters ass and pussy together is mouth watering.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: purple;">F-fuck you loser I'm Cumming!h HMmhG~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/sis/random/6b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sisfap" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 6 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis in the laundry room.
Shes Getting fucked by your friends huge dick..
<span style="color: purple;">AHH F-fuck me FUck Me~!!h HMmhG~</span>
<img src="img/basement/sis/random/r7.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">F-fuck I'm Cumming!h HMmhGha~</span>
He fills her pussy.
<img src="img/basement/sis/random/r7a.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 10)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She sees you staring.
<span style="color: pink;">Let me work.. </span>
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/1a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 11) && ($gfl <= 20)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 21) && ($gfl <= 30)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">You are so bad.. </span>
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/3a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 31) && ($gfl <= 40)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 41) && ($gfl <= 50)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She notices you walk into the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/5g.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She sees your boner..
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm did I cause that..</span>
She gives you a good look.
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/5g1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= 51) && ($gfl <= 60)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
You see her starting a wash load.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6g1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You come up behind her.
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm~ hey baby..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6g2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She goes down on you.
<span style="color: pink;">Let me help you out with that..</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6g3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gives you a good blowjob.
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm~ Gugh~ mhmhg!!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6g4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You pull her hair back and fuck her mouth.
<span style="color: pink;">GUGH~ UHG~ GUH!~ GUHUG~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6g5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You make her deep thoat.
<span style="color: pink;">CHHH CHUA GUH~ *COUGH!* MUHHM!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6g6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She opens wide for your cum.
<span style="color: pink;">Fphf~ Ahhh~!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6g7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "deepthroat" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
<<set $lust += random(6, 9)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She sees you staring.
<span style="color: pink;">You are so bad.. </span>
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/3a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/5b.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She gets up and sees you behind her..
She has a butt plug in but you dont say anything..
<span style="color: pink;">You shouldnt be spying on me..</span>
<img src="img/basement/gf/random/5b1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "sigh" play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
You find her playing with herself.
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She starts to finger fuck herself from behind.
<span style="color: pink;">oh.. Yes sir fuck me before my boyfriend comes home..mhmh!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She gets on the machine..
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ Yea like that put your big dick in me!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
Shes thinking about someone else..
<span style="color: pink;">Ahh~ Ohh yes sir, yes sir!mhm~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">ahh! hmh~ yes stretch me with that huge cock! HMgm~ before my weak boyfr- oO~ oh Hey..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">ah-how much did you hear?!</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You ignore her and start fingering her..
<span style="color: pink;">ahh! hhmmh~ I've been craving a big dick soo bad~hmh~</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6b6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You turn her over and cum.
<span style="color: pink;">ahh.. your so bad.</span>
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/6b7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "gfmoansoft" loop play>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 7 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf in the laundry room.
She sees you eyeing her outfit..
<span style="color: pink;">hehe. You don't mind me dressing a bit sluttier right?</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/basement/gf/random/7b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You leave with a hard on.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<audio "laugh" play>>
<</if>> @@Cheats@@
+11 Rep $mom
<<set $moml += (11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
-11 Rep $mom
<<set $moml += (-11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
+11 Rep $sis
<<set $sisl += (11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
-11 Rep $sis
<<set $sisl += (-11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
+11 Rep $gf
<<set $gfl += (11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
-11 Rep $gf
<<set $gfl += (-11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
+11 Lust
<<set $lust += (11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
-11 Lust
<<set $lust += (-11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] <<cacheaudio "shower" "audio/shower.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "door" "audio/door.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "deepthroat" "audio/deepthroat.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "gfbathsex" "audio/gfbathsex.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "gffap" "audio/gffap.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "gfmoansoft" "audio/gfmoansoft.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "hardntr" "audio/hardntr.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "momfap" "audio/momfap.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "wetblow" "audio/wetblow.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "gfsex" "audio/gfsex.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sissex" "audio/sissex.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sisfap" "audio/sisfap.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "momsex" "audio/momsex.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sigh" "audio/sigh.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "laugh" "audio/laugh.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "lock" "audio/lock.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "type" "audio/type.mp3">><<widget vid>>
<<set _path = "img/"+$args[0]+".mp4">>
<<set _width = $args[1] ? $args[1] : 650>>
<center><video autoplay controls loop muted @width=_width>
<source @src=_path type="video/mp4">
<</widget>><<if ($gfl >= -80) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
<<set $lust += random(1, 2)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find $gf
<img src="img\gf\kitchen\watch\4b.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
<<button[[Help|gfkissn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Watch|gfjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</if>><<if ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
<<set $lust += random(1, 2)>>
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis making an Onlyfans video.
<video controls width=450 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\bed\events\random\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
You find your $sis
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img\sis\kitchen\watch\3b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<button[[Help|sishelpn]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|sisjoken]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(1, 2)>>
<</if>><<if ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
$gf is sucking your friends dick without you knowing..
<span style="color: pink;">Gah~ You're cock is so nice! mhm~ </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">what a slut! I can't believe you are doing this behind his back.. haha</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ghmh~ Shuhu-t up! I feel bad already hnm~ GUgh~ *Cough* </span>
She deep thoats his huge dick to shut him up..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">I think its time you shut up and listen to your new daddy!</span>
He grabs her head and fucks her face.
<span style="color: pink;">Ghmh~ yes-h mhha Shir~! hmhm GUg~ ha~! </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">God damn you whore I'm cumming!!</span>
She looks up at him as he keeps fucking her mouth.. She swallows his load. His cum foams around her mouth..
<span style="color: pink;">HMhm~!! guhah~ Mhm~ gUhg! </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She keeps sucking his dick with desperate eyes.
<span style="color: pink;">HMhm~!! p-heasemhm-moreee~ gUhg! </span>
<span style="color: red;">haah~ fuck okay!~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">haah~ fuck God damn!! i'm c-cumming in your bitch mouth!~</span>
<span style="color: pink;">HMhm~ gUhg Igm Cummhging~! MHMMMGH!!*cough!* *cough!* *cough* </span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">hahh~ wow... wait let me leave first so you don't get caught.</span>
<span style="color: red;">alright.</span>
She walks out the bathroom and runs into you..
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/r7b6.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: pink;">hahh~ hey baby.. I-I just finished my shower can you go get me a towel? </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uhh yea.. no problem. </span>
You leave
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>><<if ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
<span style="color: pink;">OOh-h my you are so hard you must be in pain...mmhm~</span>
She bites her lip as she touches his bulge..
<span style="color: red;">I am.. I need to be treated or I won't be able to focus now..</span>
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">W-what a mouthful. hmm~</span>
She bites and teases his cock..
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">MAhh~ *Slurp* Gah~ mhhm!~ This thing Is going to take alot to fit down my tight little throat. Mmh~</span>
She is drooling all over him..
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">MHm~!! *COugh* gUGH!~ *Cough* Wow-haa~..</span>
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Hah~ hmhm~ I Need you inside of me now!</span>
<span style="color: red;">mhm~ What about your boyfriend?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I don't care I need you now!</span>
She pulls off her panties and climbs on top of him..
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She purr's on his cock..
<span style="color: pink;">OOhh-F-fuck you are so much bigger than him! mh~!</span>
<span style="color: red;">mh~ You are so fucking wet..</span>
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">OHH! YES!! I LOVE Your big dick stretchingg me out!! mh! HMh! mOREh~!</span>
Her big soft ass bounces up and down on his cock, It fills her pussy perfectly.
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Fuck fuck HmMHH!!~ Hurrry! hes CuUMMingg~</span>
<span style="color: red;">Oh Fuckk~</span>
They cum together..
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">Oh-h oh yea the shirt! hah~ Here you go sir..</span>
<span style="color: red;">Yea thanks.. I can help you with any other leaks in the future too.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">That would be perfect..</span>
<video controls width=800 autoplay loop><source src="img\gf\kitchen\tease\7b11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>><<if ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
$gf gets ready to shower with your friend.
<span style="color: pink;">hehe don't be shy It's nice and warm for you..</span>
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/6a.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">I like it hot..</span>
He gets In with $gf
Her mouth is a Stuck open in awe over his large dick..
<span style="color: pink;">mh~ P-please let me help you wash..</span>
<span style="color: red;">ha! Because you asked nicely.</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/jerk.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">fuck~ my friend is dating such a whore.</span>
He turns her toward him and starts to press against the entrance of her pussy.
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh!~</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/6b.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">fuck your pussy is so slimey you slut! you really want a big dick huh.>
<span style="color: pink;">HMmHA AHa!~ I-I Can't Help it! PlEASE put it in me! hMm~</span>
<span style="color: red;">Please what?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">MmHA AHAa!~ Sir! P-please hMm sir Pleaes!~</span>
He spreads her open and thrusts in hard..
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/6b1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">NnAh~MHAHAa!~ It's so big sir~</span>
*Knock* *Knock*
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/6b2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: pink;">NnAh~MHAHAa!~ OH My GOd you are hitting the back of my Cervix!!~ HM! I-IM CUMMING!!</span>
<span style="color: red;">FUck~ I didn't cum yet!</span>
<video controls width=600 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/6b3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<span style="color: red;">aH~I bet he doesn't fuck you like this!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">GAh!-N-No Never!! I LOVE YOUR DICK SO MUCH MORE!! HMH~</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ah~HHmAHA!!~ YOur breaking MEE! I Can't STOp cuMingg!~ HM! I-IM CUMMING!!</span>
He Fills her with his cum..
<video controls width=500 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/6b4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
She's overflowing..
They get dry. $gf gives him one last good look as she walks out.
<video controls width=400 autoplay loop><source src="img/gf/bathroom/6b5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
You return to the bedroom and see $gf sleeping naked.
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/sleep.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
As you get into bed, she rolls over..
<img src="img/gf/bathroom/6b6.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You're heart is racing at the thought of what just happened..
<<button [[Sleep]]>> <</button>>Time to Fap.
<<button [[Computer|c2]]>> <</button>><img src="img/rooms/pc.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Watch Porn|Porn]]>><</button>><<audio ":all" stop>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1 , 2)>>\
<<if $act is 0 and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 99)>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed Night]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust is 100>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed fap]]>> <</button>>
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Look around|ah scene]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$aunt + "'s room"|auntroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$cuz + "'s room"|cuzroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Look around|ah scene]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$aunt + "'s room"|auntroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[$cuz + "'s room"|cuzroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside]]>> <</button>>
<</if>><<set $randomnumber to random(1 , 2)>>\
<<if $act is 0 and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 99)>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed Night]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust is 100>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed fap]]>> <</button>>
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Workout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Outside]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [[Workout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Outside]]>> <</button>>
<</if>><img src="img\icons\aunt.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
<label> What the title of your<span style="color: orange;"> Landlord's sister?:</span><<textbox "$aunt" Landlords-Sister>></label>
<<button[[Next|namecuz]]>><</button>><<audio "lock" play>>
<<if $act is 0 and ($lust >= 0) && ($lust <= 99)>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed Night]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust is 100>>\
<<button[[Bedroom|Bed fap]]>> <</button>>
<<if ($act >= 1) && ($act <= 11)>>\
<<button [["Text "+ $mom |textmom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [["Text "+ $sis |textsis]]>> <</button>>
<<button [["Text "+ $gf |textgf]]>> <</button>>
<<button [["Text "+ $cuz |textcuzt]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
Who would you like to hang out with?
<<button[[$sis|sisout]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[$mom|momout]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[$gf|gfout]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Outside]]>> <</button>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<audio "type" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= 30)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($moml >= 31) && ($moml <= 100)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($moml >= -100) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 100)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\mom\1b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\mom\3br.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\mom\4br.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\mom\5br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\mom\5br1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\mom\6br.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\mom\6br1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\mom\7br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\mom\7br1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\mom\7br2.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textmomgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textmombad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<</if>><<audio "type" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 100)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($sisl >= -100) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 100)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\2b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\3br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\4br.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\5br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\sis\5br1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\6br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\sis\6br1.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\sis\6br2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\7br.webp" hight=500 width=300/>
<<vid phone\sis\7br2 300>>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\2a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textsisgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textsisbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<audio "type" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($gfl >= -100) && ($gfl <= 100)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textgfgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textgfbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= 100)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textgfgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textgfbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\gf\3b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textgfgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textgfbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\gf\4b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4b1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4b2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textgfgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Tease|textgfbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\gf\5br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\gf\5br1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textgfgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Check her texts|textgfbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\gf\6b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\gf\6b1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textgfgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Check her texts|textgfbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event +Lust@@
<img src="img\phone\gf\7br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Be Nice|textgfgood]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Check her texts|textgfbad]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<set $lust += random(9, 11)>>
<<set $sisl += random(1, 2)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -100) && ($sisl <= 10)>>\
@@Random Event +Rep@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= 11) && ($sisl <= 20)>>\
@@Random Event +Rep@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\1a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= 21) && ($sisl <= 30)>>\
@@Random Event +Rep@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\3a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= 31) && ($sisl <= 40)>>\
@@Random Event +Rep@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\4a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= 41) && ($sisl <= 50)>>\
@@Random Event +Rep@@
<img src="img\phone\sis\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\sis\5a1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $gfl += random(-1, -2)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($gfl >= -10) && ($gfl <= 100)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You text $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;">I miss my Smoking hot girlfriend </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;"> Hehe Your hot girlfriend will be home soon.. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -20) && ($gfl <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You text $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;">When will you get home?</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> Soon baby. I'm shopping for underwear..</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> How do you like these?</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\2b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh my. They look sexy</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> hehe good just what I wanted..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -30) && ($gfl <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
$gf texts you
<span style="color: pink;">Gah! baby I wore the wrong pants to the gym today -_- </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">What do you mean?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">look..</span>
She send you a picture
<img src="img\phone\gf\3br.jpg" hight=500 width=800/>
<span style="color: pink;">No wonder there were a group of gym guys gawking at me..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh baby I'm sorry. That must have been hard for you.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">ha They were the hard ones.. kinda big too.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I mean it showed right though their shorts..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">uh nevermind. I just hope I don't do somthing stupid like that again..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -40) && ($gfl <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You get a text from $gf
<span style="color: pink;">Good seeing you at the gym again.. I'm sure this is what you wanted to see. </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uhh babe? I wasn't at the gym..</span>
A couple minutes pass.
<span style="color: lightblue;">who was this for?</span>
20 minutes later you get another text..
<span style="color: pink;">Ohh! sorry babe I meant to send that to my girlfriend haha! She was asking to see my progress!! </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">hmm alright..</span>
You don't believe her.
[[Bug her phone]]
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -50) && ($gfl <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You use your bug to spy into your girlfriends phone.
<span style="color: pink;">mhmm I miss seeing that dick at the gym..</span>
<span style="color: red;">Yea, that ass felt really good when you
"accidentally" pushed up against me during your squats.</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">This ass??</span>
<span style="color: red;">Yea thats the one I want on this dick.</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\5b1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">ooh my god!! maybe I can convince my boyfriend to let you fuck me one day haha.</span>
<span style="color: red;">Yea you will probably fuck me anyway.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">ah! your right I want it inside me so bad..</span>
She sends another picture to him.
<img src="img\phone\gf\5b2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">mmh I'm warming him up to new things..</span>
<span style="color: red;">ha good girl don't forget what you are doing it for.</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\5b3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">ohh fuck I just came all over his face to your cock..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -60) && ($gfl <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You randomly get a text from $gf
<span style="color: red;">She's mine.</span>
A picture is sent.
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
You decide to open the bug and check her phone.
You see someone recording $gf with her phone.
<span style="color: pink;">My asshole is getting wider for your dick daddy.. </span>
She opens her ass showing off her butt plug.
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br0.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">Good girl.. Now if you want me to use you lay down.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">GauhhhhkK gguhg~ Yes-h S-ir~</span>
You watch a video of her getting thoat fucked.
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">You are such a good bitch.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ahhah!! Ah! S-Stop I'm going to cum!! aHH@!!~</span>
He holds her down and finger fucks her. You watch as she cums.
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
He places his dick grinding at the entrance of her pussy..
<span style="color: pink;">Ahh~ w-wait..</span>
<span style="color: red;">Are you going to cheat on your little boyfriend for this?</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">beg me for it. but theres no going back after you cum like this..</span>
<span style="color: pink;">ah~! fuck it! just do it!</span>
You watch her face turn to shock.
<span style="color: pink;">Oh my god! oh my god!~</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br4.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
He pounds her hard.
<span style="color: red;">God damn you fucking whore!!</span>
<span style="color: pink;">MH! Hm !Hm!~ GAH! FUCK DADDY! FUCK IM AH~AH~ CUMMING!!! </span>
She squirts everywhere..
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br5.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
He cums all over her body.
<span style="color: pink;">Give me it all..~</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br6.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">ah~ I-i'm going to need to see you again..</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\6br7.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($gfl >= -70) && ($gfl <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You text $gf
<span style="color: lightblue;">It's getting late babe are you going to be coming home soon?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">I'm still at my friends house..Ill show you my new fishnets again to help you wait. I know you love them..</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">wow babe you look amazing..</span>
You feel a bit jealous for some reason.. you decide to check the bugged phone again.
You find new videos?
<span style="color: pink;">ah~! Holy fuck is it getting bigger?? </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b0.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;"> Maybe for you it is.. </span>
You get a new text from $gf
<span style="color: pink;">ah! damn it sorry babe, I'm stuck watching a movie ill be home in an hour or 2 I promise!</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">are you sure..?</span>
A few minutes pass
<span style="color: pink;">Babe stop. I can't leave now.. Ill be home soon. </span>
You get another picture from an unknown number..
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b1.5.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
You spy on her phone again.
<span style="color: pink;">hah~ is this a good angle?</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">its okay.. do you have any other angles? </span>
<span style="color: pink;">hmm maybe I can show you this again <3 </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">Keeping it in like a good girl. Get on your knees and take my dick now.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">mhm~ Yes sir. <3 </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b4.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
He spanks her ass as she sucks his dick.
<span style="color: pink;">Guhg~ GUh~ MHm~! </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b5.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
They both lay down she wraps her feet around him.
<span style="color: pink;">ahha~ Do you wanna fuck me daddy?~ </span>
<span style="color: red;">Yea but if you cum first I'm going to send your boyfriend a picture of me fucking you.</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b6.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">hmm~ N-no he can't know.. </span>
<span style="color: red;">come on. The challenge makes me wanna go extra hard on you.. Ill even send it though my number so he wont know who it is.</span>
<span style="color: pink;">hmm~ gah!! fine but don't get my face if you win.. Now fuck me! </span>
He pushes her down and fucks her raw on his bed.
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b7.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">Ahh~! more!</span>
<span style="color: red;">More? More what?</span>
<span style="color: pink;">Ahh~! AH~! More DICK PLEASE SIR!!</span>
He pins your girlfriend down and pounds her pussy.
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b8.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
Your girlfriend is screaming and crying tears.
<span style="color: pink;">aHAh!!~!MMH! FUCK YOU MADE ME CUM ALREADY!!~</span>
<span style="color: red;">Thats my good whore!!</span>
He cums soon after.
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b9.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
He lays down after coming She stares blankly at his cock then jumps on top of him..
<span style="color: pink;">Ahh~! I-IM NOT DONE!~ I came too fast! let me try again!! AhHH~</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b10.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">Rules are rules! But Ill fuck you anyway!</span>
<span style="color: red;">lets see if you really have been using those butt plugs!</span>
He pushes her back down and fucks her asshole
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b11.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">AHH! FUCK I CAN't STOP CUMMING!!!~ I LOVE YOUR COCK PLEASE OWN ME!! AhHH~</span>
After making her cum over and over he finally fills her asshole again.
<img src="img\phone\gf\7b12.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;">ahha~ hahmmm~ fuck.. I'm so sorry baby please don't find out thats me. </span>
You log out of her phone.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>><<set $sisl += random(-1, -2)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($sisl >= -10) && ($sisl <= 100)>>\
@@Reputation Event -Rep@@
You text your $sis
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey sorry I forgot to do the laundry could you help me?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">ugh seriously I just started relaxing..</span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Uh sorry nevermind.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -20) && ($sisl <= -11)>>\
@@Random Event -Rep@@
You text your $sis
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey where are you?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Im at the mall. what do you think of this outfit?</span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\1b.jpg" hight=500 width=300/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">It looks stunning. Whats on your neck?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">hehe its a choker. It makes me look seductive. ;) </span>
<img src="img\phone\sis\1b2.jpg" hight=500 width=300/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">It definitely working.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -30) && ($sisl <= -21)>>\
@@Random Event -Rep@@
You recieve a text from your $sis
<span style="color: purple;">I bet you wish you were here ;) </span>
You recieve a picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\3b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You could get me in so much trouble..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Ive been feeling so sexy lately its been making me horny. </span>
You recieve another picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\3b1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">well..nevermind forget I said anything. </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -40) && ($sisl <= -31)>>\
@@Random Event -Rep@@
You text your $sis
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey beautiful what have you been doing.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Just making sure my mouth is nice and clean for the day.</span>
She sends you a video.
<<vid phone\sis\4b 400>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh wow My $sis brushing her teeth could make any man fall to his knees.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Hmmm oh yea?</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\4b1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">and what would they be doing on their knees? ;)</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hopfully pleasing the princess..</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\4b2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;"> mh Maybe if you play your cards right you can please the princess..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -50) && ($sisl <= -41)>>\
@@Random Event -Rep@@
You $sis sends you a text
<span style="color: purple;">Ive been training myself, do you like?</span>
<img src="img\phone\sis\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I mean yes but doesn't that hurt?</span>
<span style="color: purple;">At first it did but I'm getting used to it now I might have to upgrade</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\5b1.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">yea it looks like you are much wider now. </span>
<span style="color: purple;">mh yea I can't wait, but that doesn't mean lost my grip. look!</span>
She sends you a video.
<img src="img\phone\sis\5b2.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">it looks amazing.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -60) && ($sisl <= -51)>>\
@@Random Event -Rep@@
Your $sis texts you.
<span style="color: purple;">My friend is helping me take modeling photos wanna see them?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">yea sure.</span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\6b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">wow you are so sexy..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">hehe he said the same thing. here is another.</span>
She sends another photo.
<img src="img\phone\sis\6b1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Here you go! what do you like them?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Well I like your pigtails and how your sitting on your feet.</span>
<span style="color: purple;">of course you with the feet again so gross Ill have him take one special for you.</span>
She sends another photo.
<img src="img\phone\sis\6b2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">oho- fff uvk he l0xc liked taking my pix hah</span>
You get a video moments later.
<img src="img\phone\sis\6b3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: purple;">Well it looks like he let me keep the pictures for free haha! ;)</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($sisl >= -70) && ($sisl <= -61)>>\
@@Random Event -Rep@@
You receive a text from your $sis
<span style="color: purple;">Your friend is bigger than I thought he would be..</span>
She sends a picture.
<img src="img\phone\sis\7b.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">yea..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Ill talk to you later..</span>
Moments later you recieve a video.
<img src="img\phone\sis\7b1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">what a good little girl you are..</span>
<span style="color: purple;">Fph~ mhmm~ hah~ hmmgh~</span>
a couple minutes pass and you receive another picture with the caption "shes begging me for it."
<img src="img\phone\sis\7b2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
you receive another picture with the caption "shes mine now."
<img src="img\phone\sis\7b3.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
You are sent another video.
<img src="img\phone\sis\7b4.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">ha my friends little whore $sis .</span>
<span style="color: purple;">HAAH~ I-I D-DADDY! IMMA CANT STOP CUMMINGG~~ AHOAH Ngh AHH~! ~~</span>
You are sent one more picture with the caption "She wants me to come back tomorrow."
<img src="img\phone\sis\7b5.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $moml += random(-1, -2)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($moml >= -10) && ($moml <= 100)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You text your $mom
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey $mom whats taking you so long.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Don't worry baby ill be home soon.. </span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\0.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -20) && ($moml <= -11)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You text your $mom
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey $mom where have you been? </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ive been at the pool, alot of people have been giving me looks lol</span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\2b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh my god, I would be looking at you too haha. </span>
She sends you another picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\2b1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ha! Your $mom still has it!</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -30) && ($moml <= -21)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
Your $mom texts you.
<span style="color: yellow;">Hey baby look I found my old modeling photos from when I was around your age!</span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\3b.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow $mom you were smoking hot even back then!</span>
She seems to like your attention..
<span style="color: yellow;">ha! You think I'm pretty hot huh? I could get any guy I wanted at that time..</span>
She sends you another picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\3b1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
You can see her nipples, your really turned on you secretly masturbate as you continue to talk to her.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Omg $mom you are so hot.. I'm sure they were all over you. Did you have anymore?</span>
A few minutes pass.
<span style="color: yellow;">hmm it's not really right. but because you like them so much Ill give you another, but dont tell anyone..</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\3b2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow.. Your butt is perfect.</span>
Another photo is sent.
<img src="img\phone\mom\3b3.webp" hight=500 width=700/>
<span style="color: yellow;">OH SHIT! Delete that!!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">omg $mom You look better than pornstars</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">We do not talk about this.. delete it.</span>
You are not deleting that.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Is it okay if I jerk off first please? I can't think straight now..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You really like how i looked back then that much?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes, but I think you look even better now..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You are such a sweet talker.</span>
She sends a picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\3b4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You masturbate to your $mom
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh $mom I'm getting close.. Can I get one more picture..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Fine..What do you wanna see..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I wanna see what your butt looks like right now..</span>
She sends you one more picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\3b5.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
You cum to her ass.
<span style="color: lightblue;">I came so much thank you.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Really?</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">gah You shouldn't be telling me this stuff. You better have those dishes done, you have no excuses now.</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -40) && ($moml <= -31)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
Your $mom texts you.
<span style="color: yellow;">Just got new lingerie what do you think?</span>
She sends a picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\4b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh wow mom you look like a goddess.. can I see the back?</span>
She sends another photo.
<img src="img\phone\mom\4b1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">well?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh my god, You are stunning any guy would want to fuck you in that!</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">Heheh you think? You didn't even see my naughty one..I guess ill show it to you.</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\4b2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh my god $mom who is that for??</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">ohh Idk...maybe some young men will want to play with me..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hah you didn't even get to see the back yet..</span>
She sends another photo.
<img src="img\phone\mom\4b3.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
There is a nice big hole in the netting for easy access..
<span style="color: lightblue;">You have the best ass ever..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">ha! yea I bet you would die to have a taste ;)</span>
She sends one more picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\4b4.jpg" hight=500 width=700/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -50) && ($moml <= -41)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You $mom sends you a text.
<span style="color: yellow;">gosh! I got so burn at the pool the other day look how much i'm peeling..</span>
She sends a picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I could barely focus on the peeling with so much showing..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">What where you looking at my ass?</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\5b1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">or was it my feet? ;)</span>
<img src="img\phone\mom\5b2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uh maybe it was both..</span>
She sends one more picture.
<img src="img\phone\mom\5b4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">I bet you would do anything to feel inside me right now..</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -60) && ($moml <= -51)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You recieve a text from your $mom
Its a video.
<img src="img\phone\mom\6b.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: red;">Say hi to your boy.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">ah~ who are you talking about??</span>
<span style="color: red;">haha just one of my friends..</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hai-hhg mhMh mMm~ </span>
You watch her thoat being used by a huge cock..
<img src="img\phone\mom\6b0.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: yellow;">GUHG~ Mhm! HMm~! Ahg~</span>
He starts fucking her face.
<img src="img\phone\mom\6b1.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Guhg~ GUhg~ Guhg~!</span>
She covers his cock with her saliva as he pounds her thoat..
<img src="img\phone\mom\6b2.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: yellow;">GAha! ahh!~ please Cum for me sir!</span>
He pulls out and cums on her mouth.
<img src="img\phone\mom\6b3.webp" hight=500 width=450/>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmm~ ahh yess.. Your cum is delicious~</span>
She worships his cock..
<img src="img\phone\mom\6b4.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($moml >= -70) && ($moml <= -61)>>\
@@Event -Rep@@
You recieve a text from your $mom
<span style="color: yellow;">What do you think about my new thong?</span>
<img src="img\phone\mom\7b.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes ma'am its perfect on you.. </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">mhm yea. Your friend likes it too lol ;)</span>
You get a picture of your $mom revealing herself..
<img src="img\phone\mom\7b1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">I think I'm going to let him pick what he wants to do later haha!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">really $mom ? </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">You know I joke! haha.</span>
Some time passes..
You get another text..
<img src="img\phone\mom\7b2.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ohh fuck~ you are so thick!!</span>
<span style="color: red;">I love a whore $mom , Tell my friend how much you love my cock. </span>
He starts fucking your $mom 's asshole harder.
<img src="img\phone\mom\7b3.gif" hight=500 width=700/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ohh!!~ fuc-k YOu! I'm already going to cum!!~ AHA~</span>
<span style="color: red;">Just from fucking your gross loose asshole you fat slut? </span>
<span style="color: yellow;">AHA~ YES!!~ SHES SUCH A WHORE FOR YOUR COCK~~ I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!~ AHHH IM CUMM-ING!!~~</span>
She squirts everwhere...
<img src="img\phone\mom\7b4.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: red;">I bet you wish I was your boy. ha.</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">hmh!~! You are a real man I would like around the house-f-fuck~ why can't I stop cum-inn~!</span>
He fills her asshole full of his cum.
<img src="img\phone\mom\7b5.webp" hight=500 width=700/>
<span style="color: yellow;">Ahha~ ahaaa~ It's so- much..</span>
<span style="color: red;">hah see you tomorrow $mom </span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>>You find your girlfriends phone..
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You install a bug to monitor her texts.
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You find her direct messages..
<span style="color: pink;"> Hey thanks for helping me with those squats they are working already ;) </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br3.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;"> yea your butts getting so big I couldn't spot you without it pushing against me. </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br4.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">Look at what you did.. I hope you can help me.</span>
<span style="color: pink;"> holy fuck its so big... </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;"> Is this what you wanted to see? ;) </span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br6.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">yea good girl. I wish you were on this dick right now.</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br7.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;"> mhm yes daddy use me.. I want to cum with you right now.</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br8.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: red;">fuck all for you. let me see you cum for my dick.</span>
<img src="img\phone\gf\4br9.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: pink;"> hmmm fuck I came everywhere I have to clean up before my boyfriend feels these sheets.</span>
You Leave Trying to process what you just saw.
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>><img src="img\icons\cuz.jpg" hight=350 width=350/>
<label> What the title of your<span style="color: yellow;"> Landlord's sister's daughter?:</span><<textbox "$cuz" Landlords-Sister's-daughter>></label>
<<button[[Confirm]]>><</button>><<set $randomnumber to random(1 , 2)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>
You work out.
<img src="img\gym\work.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2>>
You run into a women..
<</if>>Coming Soon
[[Go back|ahouse]]<<set $cuzl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($cuzl >= -200) && ($cuzl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $cuz
<span style="color: orange;">Hey $name ! Can you help me out..</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey $name ! Can you help me out..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Can you hold the camera for me so I can record this dance for my tictok!</span>
You help her recording a tictok.
She does a cute but suggestive dance.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\1a.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow. You looked great.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Hehe Thanks..</span>
She smiles and blushes at you.
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 11) && ($cuzl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You Walk in on your $cuz
<span style="color: lightblue;">O-h shit sorry I should have knocked..</span>
You try to look away
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\2a.jpg" hight=500 width=425/>
<span style="color: orange;">aha~ Its okay.. I should have locked the door..</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\2.jpg" hight=500 width=425/>
You awkwardly leave.
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 21) && ($cuzl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You walk in on your $cuz
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\3.jpg" hight=500 width=650/>
You stare at her leaning over her bed.
<span style="color: orange;">Are you going to say somthing or just stare at my butt?</span>
Your $cuz waves her butt at you.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\3a.jpg" hight=500 width=650/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">n-no It wasn't like that.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Whatever you say.. your $sis told me you are a perv.</span>
She stands up and slaps her ass before walking out.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\3b.webp" hight=500 width=560/>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 31) && ($cuzl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $cuz resting in her room after her jog.
She seems like shes dazed you get closer
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She's resting against her door possibly sleeping??
You get closer until your face is practically next to her lower body.
All of her fresh smells and musk are assulting your senses..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\4.1.jpg" hight=500 width=620/>
You have a start masturbating as you continue to bask in her beauty.
Her foot kicks back and hits you in the face. You fall over.
<span style="color: orange;">Oh my god! You really are the freak your $sis says you are!</span>
She pulls off her sock and teases you with it.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\4a.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: orange;">Your dick is out?! You were totally not smelling these after all the work I just did right??</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">n-no well I mean..uhh</span>
<span style="color: orange;">You totally were!! I bet you give my cute feet a kiss haha! </span>
She laughs and makes a kissing face.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\4b.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Please don't tell anyone..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Don't worry I your secret is safe.. As long as you give them a nice long kiss hehe. </span>
She forcefully pushes her foot up to your mouth..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\4c.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
You give them a nice long kiss.. The taste and smell of her feet flood your senses..
She giggles and moans in the background.
You cannot contain yourself any longer..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\4d.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: orange;">Oh my god!! your actually cumming!? I didn't even have to touch it haha! </span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\4e.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: orange;">Get out of here before you get into trouble.</span>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 41) && ($cuzl <= 53)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $cuz
You catch her getting into bed.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\5.gif" hight=500 width=400/>
You sneak up behind her and poke her in the ass.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\5a.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: orange;">OUCH! ah~ oh my god it hurts!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh my god are you okay??</span>
She rips down her pants and shows you her asshole.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\5b.webp" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: orange;">Fuck $name am I bleeding?!</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Let me check..</span>
You get really close and spread her asshole open..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\5c.jpg" hight=500 width=480/>
<span style="color: orange;">how does it look? is it okay??</span>
You masturbate to her asshole.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ha~ wait a sec..</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\5c1.jpg" hight=500 width=650/>
You are put over the edge by her soft moans as you inspect her asshole.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ahhh!~.</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\5d.gif" hight=500 width=480/>
<span style="color: orange;">O-oh my god were you masturbating?!</span>
You can't take it anymore.
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ Let me help you feel better.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">W-waitt!</span>
You pin her down and eat out her pussy and asshole..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\bed\5e.webp" hight=500 width=650/>
<span style="color: orange;">ah~ f-fuck $name I'm cumming~!!</span>
You both rest for a few minutes..
You decide to leave and give her some space.
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<</if>><<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1>>
<<set $cuzl += random(2, 3)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($cuzl >= -200) && ($cuzl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $cuz
<span style="color: orange;">Hey $name !</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey! nice dress!</span>
She smiles at you.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
The moment she turns around you fling her dress up.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\1a.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: orange;">Hey!! You never change.</span>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($cuzl >= 11) && ($cuzl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $cuz in her underwear.
<span style="color: orange;">Hey $name I didn't know you were coming over.</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\2.jpg" hight=500 width=450/>
You both go into hug and you play with her butt.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow this thing got huge!</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\2a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: orange;">well I can't help that I'm like my mom.</span>
She blushes.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\2b.jpg" hight=500 width=450/>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($cuzl >= 21) && ($cuzl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $cuz
<span style="color: orange;">Hey $name I baked you some muffins.</span>
She gives you a bite.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\3.jpg" hight=500 width=360/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Wow Thank you! How could I ever repay you?</span>
<span style="color: orange;">wellll.. you could wipe this powder off me..</span>
She pushes out her chest for you.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\3a.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
You wipe her chest off slightly brushing against her nipples.
<span style="color: orange;">aha~ mmmh~</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Can you wipe off a little more for me?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">sure..</span>
She exposes her butt to you.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\3b.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
You take your time to wipe her down.
You caress and squeeze her butt quietly..
<span style="color: orange;">aha~ T-thanks.</span>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($cuzl >= 31) && ($cuzl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You come up behind your $cuz
Shes looking for somthing to eat.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4.jpg" hight=500 width=480/>
Her ass is perfect.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4a.jpg" hight=500 width=480/>
You decide to jump scare her.
<span style="color: orange;">AHH!</span>
A bottle of juice falls to the floor and she goes to get it.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4c.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: orange;">What are you looking at??</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uh.. You are not wearing underwear..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Is that a problem?</span>
She gives you a dirty look as she stays on her knees.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4b.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
You rub your dick through your pants.
<span style="color: lightblue;">N-no I thought maybe you wouldn't want me to see that..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">hm? I don't care you can look..</span>
She pulls down her pants for you.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4d.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She starts rubbing herself.
<span style="color: orange;">aha~ It must be so hard having such a beautiful $cuz huh?</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">ah~ yes it is..</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4e.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
She commands you..
<span style="color: orange;">Hurry cum for me..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">aha~</span>
You cum all over her feet.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4f.webp" hight=500 width=600/>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 1 and ($cuzl >= 41) && ($cuzl <= 53)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You find your $cuz
<span style="color: orange;">Come to spy on me in the bathroom again?</span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You saw me last time? sorry..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">No its fine. Come here..</span>
She sits you down and spreads herself open above you.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\5a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You are amazing..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">It must be hard having such a hot little $cuz do what you have to.. </span>
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You shove your face into her ass and tongue deep into her pussy..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\5c.webp" hight=500 width=650/>
<span style="color: orange;">oh~! fuckK~ aha~ I'm cumming! </span>
Her cum leaks into your mouth.. you swallow all of it.
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 11) && ($cuzl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +lust@@
You find your $cuz
Shes showing off.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\2r.gif" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<set $lust += random(3, 5)>>\
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 21) && ($cuzl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +lust@@
You find your $cuz doing her workout
She waves at you with her foot as you walk past.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\3r.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<set $lust += random(3, 5)>>\
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 31) && ($cuzl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +lust@@
You find your $cuz about to hop in the shower.
She notices you watching her change.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4r.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
She gives you a good look.
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\4r1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<set $lust += random(3, 5)>>\
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 41) && ($cuzl <= 53)>>\
@@Event +lust@@
You find your $cuz fucking herself in the kitchen..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\5r.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
She cums on dildo..
<img src="img\ah\cuz\look\5r1.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|ahouse]]
<<set $lust += random(3, 5)>>\
<</if>><<set $cuzl += random(2, 3)>>
<<set $act -= (1)>>\
<<if ($cuzl >= -200) && ($cuzl <= 10)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You text your $cuz
<span style="color: lightblue;">Hey $cuz its been awhile whats up?</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Hey $name ! You should come over sometime I miss you! </span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\1.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 11) && ($cuzl <= 20)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You text your $cuz
<span style="color: lightblue;">How is my beautiful $cuz today?</span>
<span style="color: orange;">hehe I'm doing good just at the mall trying on clothes!</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\2.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh you look amazing but you really should be sending me pictures with pants on..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">aha! I have shorts under here!! but thanks for the Compliment! </span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\2a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">You dress like this in public all the time? well.. Ill take your word for it.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Yes!! I Think I look great ill show you more outfits soon ;P</span>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 21) && ($cuzl <= 30)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
Your $cuz sends you a text.
<span style="color: orange;">See look I have tons of outfits like this..</span>
She sends you a video.
<<vid phone\cuz\3 500>>
<span style="color: lightblue;">oh my god.. well you do pull it off</span>
<span style="color: orange;">hehe you like? </span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\3a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
You are extreamly horny now.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Yes a little too much. They make your butt look very nice.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">mmh? Do you think its the shorts or maybe just my butt? </span>
She sends you another picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\3b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I shouldn't be looking at this but It looks like you just have a great butt..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">hmm hehe. Don't worry I won't tell anyone! Maybe Ill let you get a better look at my butt in person one day ;) </span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\3c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 31) && ($cuzl <= 40)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You recieve another text from your $cuz
<span style="color: orange;">$name I'm bored! maybe you should come over..</span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4a.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Are you trying to lure me over by having your butt in the background?</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Is it working?</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4b.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I mean yes.. but its not very fair.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">mmh please $name we can do whatever you want...</span>
She sends another picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4c.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I-I'm kinda busy...</span>
<span style="color: orange;">I really wish I had someone to cuddle with..</span>
She sends more.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4d.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: orange;">Ill send you one more picture if you say yes..</span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">aah this is too hard.. I guess Ill come over some time soon.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Yes!! Good ;)</span>
She sends you one last picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4e.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<<elseif ($cuzl >= 41) && ($cuzl <= 53)>>\
@@Event +Reputation@@
You get a text from your $cuz
<span style="color: orange;">Hey $name can I show you somthing..</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">anything you want.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Its my first thong what do you think?</span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5a.webp" hight=500 width=500/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I'm thinking I'm going to have to jerk off now..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Mmm Sorry.. now you are stuck jerking off to the idea of fucking your $cuz </span>
She sends another photo.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5b.jpg" hight=500 width=650/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">If you were not so bad I wouldn't have to do this..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">I'm sorry this is my fault but you can use any hole you want.. I actually prefer in the butt ;P </span>
She sends you a video.
<<vid phone\cuz\5c 500>>
You cannot resist her.
[[Go back|Hallway]]
<</if>><<audio "type" play>>
<<set $randomnumber to random(1, 2)>>\
<<if $randomnumber is 1 and ($cuzl >= 0) && ($cuzl <= 100)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Text|textcuz1]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 0) && ($cuzl <= 20)>>\
<img src="img\phone\phone.png" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Text|textcuz1]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 21) && ($cuzl <= 30)>>\
Your $cuz sends you a text
<span style="color: orange;">Do you like my outfit?</span>
She sends a photo.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\3a1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Uhh well I can only see your top.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">Your right.. is this better?</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\3a2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Much better actually..</span>
<span style="color: orange;">So what do you think??</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\3a3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I Think I wish you were not my $cuz </span>
<span style="color: orange;">hmm good compliment ;) Here is a thank you.</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\3a4.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<<button[[Text|textcuz1]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 31) && ($cuzl <= 40)>>\
Your $cuz sends you a text
<span style="color: orange;">gosh I got so burned at the pool today.. </span>
She sends you a picture.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4a1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Oh poor girl it looks like it hurts. </span>
<span style="color: orange;">I got this stupid tan line too.</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4a2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">I don't think it looks stupid you still look amazing.</span>
<span style="color: orange;">You too kind.. how about my back?</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4a3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Ouch.. but still beautiful. </span>
<span style="color: orange;">hmm even these pink cheeks?</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4a4.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">Lets just say I'm going to save these for later.. </span>
<span style="color: orange;">oh and why is that?</span>
She sends more pictures.
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4a5.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<span style="color: lightblue;">uhh research.. </span>
<span style="color: orange;">hehe.. well lets just hope you do some thorough research ;)</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\4a6.jpg" hight=500 width=600/>
<<button[[Text|textcuz1]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $randomnumber is 2 and ($cuzl >= 41) && ($cuzl <= 53)>>\
Your $cuz sends you a text
<span style="color: orange;">Here I took a few photos for you enjoy.</span>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5a1.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5a2.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5a3.jpg" hight=500 width=400/>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5a4.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5a5.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<img src="img\phone\cuz\5a6.jpg" hight=500 width=500/>
<<button[[Text|textcuz1]]>> <</button>>
<<button[[Go back|Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</if>> @@Cheats@@
+11 Rep $cuz
<<set $cuzl += (11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]
[[Hallway]] @@Cheats@@
-11 Rep $cuz
<<set $cuzl += (-11)>>
[[Max good|cg]] [[Max bad|cb]]
[["Add +11 " + $mom|plus 11+ Mom]]
[["Add -11 " + $mom|plus 11- Mom]]
[["Add +11 " + $sis|plus 11+ Sis]]
[["Add -11 " + $sis|plus 11- Sis]]
[["Add +11 " + $gf|plus 11+ Gf]]
[["Add -11 " + $gf|plus 11- Gf]]
[["Add +11 " + $cuz|plus 11+ cuz]]
[["Add -11 " + $cuz|plus 11- cuz]]
[[Add +11 lust|plus 11+ lust]]
[[Sub -11 lust|plus 11- lust]]