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,A bright and sunny morning. What should I do to start the day?
<div style="line-height:0px;">
<html><img src="img\place\sun.jpg"></html>
<<if $shemale == 1 && $fem <= 10>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\she-morning.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\she-morning2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\she-morning3.webm"></video>
<<switch random(1,6)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\morning.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\morning2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\morning3.webm"></video>
<<case 4>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\morning4.webm"></video>
<<case 5>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\morning5.webm"></video>
<<case 6>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\morning6.webm"></video>
[[Work in the cafe.|Cafe]]
<<click "Cheat!">>
<<replace "#cheat">>
[[Money +1000|Morning][$money +=1000]]
[[Promiscuity -10|Morning][$promiscuity -=10]]
[[IQ +10|Morning][$iq +=10]]
<div id="cheat"></div><b>Midday: </b> How should I 'improve' myself today?
<html><img src="img/place/noon.jpg"></html>
[[Meet with the Loan Shark.|loanShark]]
[[Go to the Library.|Library]]
[[Wait.|Afternoon]]<b>Afternoon: </b>The day goes on. How should I spend my afternoon?
<html><img src="img/place/afternoon.jpg"></html>
[[Work at the bar.|Bar]]
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\prostitute.webm"></video>
Here is a list of some 'Clients' who might be interested in exchanging some cash for some 'Services'.
'Gentlemen' Callers:
[[The Intern.|Intern]]
[[The Gangster.|Gangster]]
[[The Athlete.|Athlete]]
[[The Rich Man.|RichMan]]
[[The Owner.|Owner]]
Debt: $money
Femininity: $fem
<<if $fem <= 10 >> Penis: <<print (5 - ($fem/2))>> inches <<endif>> <<if $fem > 10 >> <e style="color:#fb64ed;">You have a Pussy!</e> <<endif>>
Promiscuity: $promiscuity
IQ: $iqYou wake up in a strange place. You don't remember anything, but best you can tell, you seem to be in some sort of hospital room.
<html><img src="img/place/hospital.jpg"></html>
You look around for answers when a deep voice speaks to you: "Glad to see you're awake. Let me introduce myself; you can call me the loan shark. You'll be needing my services shortly here. You see, you had a pretty bad accident, nasty stuff. Thankfully they were able to fix you up. Unfortunately you've racked up quite a debt while you were here. That's where I come in. I've shouldered your debt, for now. You're not someone we would normally lend money to, what with your lack of savings and no source of income. However I'm sure we can work something out."
You feel pretty nervous and something tells you this guy isn't that trustworthy. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like you have much choice. You feel a bit lightheaded; must be some medication you're on. An ominous car ride later ...
<html><img src="img/place/car.jpg"></html>
"Welcome to our facility. There a room for you to stay in, meals provided and a few jobs in our cafe and bar that you can work at to reduce your debt. We provide a few other 'services' to our clients; you may or may not be interested in earning some extra cash. We of course wouldn't force you to do anything."
You are escorted down a long hall; everything this guy says is creepy and sets off alarm bells but you're just thankful you havn't been kidnapped and sold off for organs.
<html><img src="img/place/hall.jpg"></html>
"The one thing I will insist on is that your follow our 'dress code'. All our employees here are female. This is non-negotiable; you will have to dress and act like a girl while your here." He sits you down in a chair and a pretty girl starts working on you, cleaning your hair, putting on... makeup, and taking your measurements, presumably for new clothes.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\shy\firstlook.webm"></video>
You almost don't recognize yourself. It's amazing what a bit of hair extensions, makeup and a dress can do.
"I'll be frank, friend, this establishment is a brothel and our management would rather you be an actual girl, instead of just dressing like one. Like I said before, we wouldn't force anything on you... at least not yet. Feel free to pay off your debt however you like, legitimate work or... by other means."
You're horrified by his insinuations, but there isn't much you can do about it now. Hopefully you can get rid of your debt without this place corrupting you too much... right?
[[Start my new life.|Morning]]Summary of the day:
<<set $money -= Math.floor(-($money * ($interest / 100)))>>
Interest rate: $interest %
Dailey interest calculated: <<print Math.floor(-($money * ($interest / 100)))>>
<<if $promiscuity > 29 >>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 2>>
[[Next Day|dreams]]
[[Next Day|Morning]]
[[Next Day|Morning]]
<<if $iq <= 70 >>
You're pretty stupid at this point. Better be careful or it might go badly for you. Although you're probably too ditzy at this point to heed this warning.
<<set $variable to random(1)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/tally/dumb1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/tally/dumb2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $money <= -15000 >>
Careful! Your debt is spiraling out of control. The loan shark has made it clear that he doesn't have much faith in your ability to repay. You're forced into ever more humiliating jobs just to keep the interest from going up.
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\tally\poor1.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\tally\poor2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\tally\poor3.webm"></video>
<<case 4>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\tally\poor4.webm"></video>
<<if $promiscuity > 100 >>
You're turning into an absolute tramp. So driven by lust you drop your pants and open your mouth for any man that asks. Careful, one of these days you might just give in completely to your lust. (5% chance of bad end each day while promiscuity is greater than 100.)
<<set $variable to random(1)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/tally/slut1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/tally/slut2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<set $variable to random(99)>>
<<if $variable <= 4 >> <<goto [[SlutEnd]]>> <<endif>>
<<if $subblack > 70 >>
You're starting to spend every waking moment dreaming of big black cock. You've been stretched out so much you're no longer satisfied by anything less than a foot long. Every chance you get you run to your black master to get stuffed. At night you dream of getting inseminated by his superb member. Careful! Any more submission to this man and you'll be his little black cock slut for the rest of your life.
<<set $variable to random(1)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/gangster/sub1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/gangster/sub2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $iq < 40 >> <<goto [[DitzEnd]]>> <<endif>>
<<if $money < -20000 >> <<goto [[SlaveEnd]]>> <<endif>>
<<if $money > 0 >> <<goto [[Freedom]]>> <<endif>>
<<if $subblack > 100 >> <<goto [[BlackEnd]]>><<endif>>
<<if $freeuse > 3 >> <<goto [[FreeuseEnd]]>><<endif>>Congratulations! You managed to pay off your debt. Any transformations are unfortunately permanent but thankfully you are finally free!
<<if $fem >= 10 >>
You didn't manage to protect your dick. Somewhere along the way you lost it and got it replaced with a meaty pussy. Perfect for taking cock, though. <br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free1.webm"></video>
<<if $fem < 10 >>
You still have your dick! Still technically a guy. <br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free6.webm"></video>
<<if $iq <= 70 >>
You're really quite dumb now. Too many chemical cocktails and drugs. Whatever it was, you're too stupid to do much of anything anymore. Hopefully you've learned some practical 'skills'.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free2.webm"></video>
<<if $promiscuity > 50 >>
You're a bit slutty after your experiences. You don't shy away from sexual offers and actually you might be considered an 'easy lay'.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free3.webm"></video>
<<if $promiscuity > 100 >>
Actually, all things considered, you're a complete slut. Exhibitionism, multiple guys, doesn't matter to you as long as you get your rocks off.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free4.webm"></video>
<<if $iq >= 100 >>
Congratulations on retaining your mind, you're still smarter than the average person!<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free5.webm"></video>
<<if $subblack >= 70 >>
You're a bit of a black cock slut. You just can't say no to big black dicks!<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free8.webm"></video>
<<if $subrich == 1 >>
You almost became the rich guy's personal slut! Even after avoiding that fate, you still have a bit of a submissive streak to show for it.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free9.webm"></video>
<<if $atlove > 100 >>
You slut it up at the gym pretty frequently. Part of you just wants to see that athlete again and wonders if you lost your chance at love in this body.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free10.webm"></video>
<<if $freeuse == 3 >>
All your training in free use is pretty ingrained in your mind. You're not a complete free use slut but you still adhere to most of the rules.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slut3.webm"></video>
Thank you for playing! Enjoy the rest of your life!<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/free7.webm"></video>
<</nobr>>You work diligently serving customers at the cafe this morning. Everyone is polite but you faintly overhear comments that the patrons wish their server was more girly.
<<if $promiscuity <= 30>>
<<set $variable to random(5)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\shy1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\shy2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\shy3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\shy4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 4>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\shy5.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 5>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\shy6.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity > 30 and $promiscuity <= 50 >>
You don't want to admit it, but acting a bit sluttier while you serve seems to increase your tips by quite a bit.
<<set $variable to random(4)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut22.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut22.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut222.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 4>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut2222.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity > 50>>
You're not sure if it's your slutty clothes or your flirty attitude, but it seems like you're increasingly spending your shifts getting bent over a table by some patron. You know it's wrong but it just feels so good to be submissively fucked from behind.<br>
<<switch random(1,8)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut3.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut4.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut5.webm"></video>
<<case 4>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut6.webm"></video>
<<case 5>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut7.webm"></video>
<<case 6>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut8.webm"></video>
<<case 7>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut9.webm"></video>
<<case 8>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\cafe\slut10.webm"></video>
Wage: 20 + tips (<<print $fem * 5+ $promiscuity * 5 >>)
<<set $money += (20+($fem * 5 + $promiscuity * 5))>>
[[Continue.|Noon]]"I'm going to be honest with you, mostly because I don't think you can get out of this debt anyway. Our primary business is whoring out girls; you might have noticed but we're actively working towards changing you into one of our 'assets'. To that end, we want you girly, dumb and slutty. Feel free to take advantage of anyone of these 'improvement' courses. I'll take $500 off of your debt for each".
<html><img src="img/place/loanshark.png"></html>
[[Femininity Up.|Femininity Up]] Careful we don't stock any treatments to reverse these physical changes.
[[Promiscuity Up.|Promiscuity Up]]
[[IQ Down.|IQ Down]]
[[Back.|Noon]]After some strange medical treatment and questionable "training" you find yourself looking more and more like some whore.
<<if $shemale == 1 && $fem <= 10>>
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\she1.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\she2.webm"></video>
<<set $variable to random(3)>>
<<if $variable == 0>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\4.webm"></video><<endif>>
Femininity +2, Cash reward +500
<<set $fem +=2>>
<<set $money +=500>>
You are strapped into a chair where pictures are streamed across your eyes.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\iq\1.webm"></video>
<<if $shemale == 1 && $fem <= 10>>
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\iq\she3.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\iq\she3.webm"></video>
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\iq\2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\iq\3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\iq\4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\iq\5.webm"></video><<endif>>
You mind feels strangely foggy as you accept your cash payment.
IQ -10, Cash reward +500
<<set $iq -=10>>
<<set $money +=500>>You are strapped into a chair where pictures are streamed across your eyes.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\prom\1.webm"></video><br>
<<if $shemale == 1 && $fem <= 10>>
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\prom\she4.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\prom\she4a.webm"></video>
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\prom\2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\prom\3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\prom\4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\prom\5.webm"></video><<endif>>
You feel shamefully horny as you accept your cash payment.
Promiscuity +10, Cash reward +500
<<set $promiscuity +=10>>
<<set $money +=500>>
Despite the sleazy nature of this "campus", it has an impressive library.
<html><img src="img/place/library.jpg"></html>
There appear to be options to pay for tutors or to engage in self study.
[[Hire a tutor.|IQ Up]] $200
[[Self Study.|Promiscuity Down]] Strangely the reading collection appears to most be religious texts and other "slut shameing" material.
[[Back.|Noon]]You study diligently with the hope of getting some of your lost intellect back.
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\studya.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\study.webm"></video>
IQ +10, Cost -$200
<<if $promiscuity > 30 >>The tutor eyes your short skirt and asks if you're interested [[in making your money back?|StudySlut]]<<endif>>
<<set $iq +=10>>
<<set $money -=200>>You do your best to abate yourself of your growing slutty urges.
<html><img src="img/place/pray.gif"></html>
Promiscuity -5
<<if $promiscuity > 30>> The librarian notices your attempts at repentance but is shocked at your slutty attire, she assists you with getting back to the right path.
<html><img src="img/place/pray2.gif"></html>
Promiscuity -5
<<set $promiscuity -=5>>
<<set $promiscuity -=5>>
<<if $promiscuity < 0>> <<set $promiscuity to 0>> <<endif>><<if $promiscuity < 50 or $iq > 90 >> "Sorry, I'm only really interested in dumb sluts. If you're interested in making lots of money later on I can provide some [[treatments|RichTG]] to mold you more to my liking?" <<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity >= 50 and $iq <= 90 and $fem <= 10 >> "You look like you have potential! I'll be frank, though. My main kink is fucking pussy. I've got the funds to make it happen but the [[choice|RichFTG]] is up to you." <<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity >= 50 and $iq <= 90 and $fem > 10 >> "Ah, yes! You're just the [[slut|RichFavor]] I was looking for!" <<endif>>
[[Back.|Evening]] "I promise I'm not looking for anything [['too demanding'|InternFavor]]. I don't have much cash, but my standards are pretty low."
[[Back.|Evening]] <<nobr>>
<<if $subblack <= 50 >>
<<if $iq > 100 >> "Get out of here, I hate educated bitches!" <<endif>>
<<if $iq <= 100 >> "Hey Hoe, looks like your looking for some [[fun?|GangFavor]]" <<endif>>
<<if $subblack > 50 >> "Well if it isn't my favorite black cock slut! Get over here and get to work!" (You might be becoming a little too submissive to this gangster; you just can't say no when he asks.) [[Get Used.|GangFavor]]
<<if $subblack < 50 >> [[Back.|Evening]] <<endif>><<if $fem < 10 >> "Sorry, I don't like girls with dicks." <<endif>>
<<if $fem >= 10 >> "Hey sexy, looking for a [[good time?|AthFavor]]" <<endif>>
[[Back.|Evening]] Thinking is just too hard. The loan shark notices your severely impaired state and offers you a pretty bad deal. Of course you're too dumb to see how bad a trade it is. Almost in no time, any trace of your previous self is gone. Your breasts are huge and your pussy is dripping wet with arousal.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/bimbo1.webm"></video>
Life isn't that bad. Your whole body is super sensitive and sucking guys off for cash is kinda fun!
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/bimbo2.webm"></video>
Of course it gets kind of hard to focus on anything else when you see a delicious looking cock!
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/bimbo3.webm"></video>
You're frequently used as a human fleshlight, but you don't mind. Your dull brain and lust between your legs keep you willing to please.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/bimbo4.webm"></video>
At this point you're basically a human sex toy. Just a dumb bimbo whose only redeeming quality is her sexpot body and her dick-servicing skills.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/bimbo5.webm"></video>
But you don't care. Your mind is incapable of processing your desperate situation. Instead you drown in pleasure every time some stud fucks your cunt.
You spend your remaining days servicing men in hopes of lowering your debt and earning freedom. However, your stupid mind can't comprehend basic math, as you sink ever deeper into debted servitude.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/bimbo6.webm"></video>
Bad End: Bimbo (You became too stupid!)
<<if $fem < 50 >> <<set $fem to 50>> <<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity < 100 >> <<set $promiscuity to 100>> <<endif>>
The debt is just too high, and it keeps getting worse and worse each day. There is no hope of paying it off at this point. The shark has noticed as well. His thugs came while you slept and kidnapped you. They completed any physical changes you had been too scared to commit to.
The first thing they did was train your cunt. If you weren't already a slave to your lust you are now.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slave1.webm"></video>
Next they made sure you knew your place. You'veve realized that there was no other hope. This was always your fate.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slave2.webm2"></video>
The training was rough. Every day you learned the pleasures of the flesh more and more. You were being rebuilt as an object.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slave5.webm"></video>
Each of your holes was repurposed as a willing hole for men's desire.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slave4.webm"></video>
By the end of it you couldn't do much more than just weakly turn your ass upwards and take it.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slave3.webm"></video>
Sex became your only solace in life. You lived for the pleasure and to give others pleasure.
When they were finished with you, you were completely an obedient pet. Always wet, always willing and completely loyal to your master.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slave8.webm"></video>
You don't remember anything about your past self. You just live in the moment as master's sex toy. You live to sate his every desire. This is your life now, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slave7.webm"></video>
Bad End: Slave (You got too far into debt!)
<<if $fem < 50 >><<set $fem to 50>><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity < 100>><<set $promiscuity to 100>><<endif>>
<<if $iq > 70>><<set $iq to 70>><<endif>>You diligently serve customers and clean up spills at the bar. You occasionally overhear patrons say that they would prefer a more flirty server with a bit of a slutty side.
<<if $promiscuity <= 30>>
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\shy1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\shy2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\shy3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity > 30 and $promiscuity <= 40>>
You're starting to realize that showing a bit of skin increases your tips by quite a bit.
<<set $variable to random(3)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\shy4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\shy5.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\shy6.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\shy7.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity > 40 and $promiscuity <=60>>
You find yourself frequently talked into pretty explicit acts. The tips are good but it makes you feel like a bit of a slut.
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\slut1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\slut2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\slut3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity > 60 >>
You're pretty much a complete whore at this point. You go to work in the skimpiest underwear you own, and it's not long before your legs are spread for a hard cock. You might be a bit more concerned if you weren't addicted to the pleasure.
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\slut4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\slut5.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\bar\slut6.webm"></video><<endif>>
Wage: 20 + tips (<<print $promiscuity * 5 + $fem * 5>>)
<<set $money += (20+($promiscuity * 5 + $fem * 5))>>
[[Continue.|Evening]]You look at yourself in the mirror and can't help but feel turned on and aroused by your feminine form. Lewd thoughts creep across your mind and you feel slightly dirty after the whole experience.
<<if $fem > 10>>
<<if $promiscuity >= 30>>
<<if $promiscuity <= 50>>
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity > 50>>
Looking the way you do, you just feel an uncontrollable urge to act even sluttier. You soon find yourself masturbating uncontrollably, the mirrored image of your orgasming face only bringing you greater arousal.
<<set $variable to random(4)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut5.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut6.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut7.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 4>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/slut8.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity < 30>>
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/shy1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/shy2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/mirror/shy3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $fem <= 10>>
<<if $promiscuity >= 30>>
<<if $promiscuity <= 50>>
<<if $shemale == 1>>
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\she-mirror.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\she-mirror2.webm"></video>
<<elseif $shemale == 0>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\slut2.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\slut3.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\slut4.webm"></video>
<<if $promiscuity > 50>>
Looking the way you do, you just feel an uncontrollable urge to act even sluttier. You find yourself practicing your blowjob skills, good sluts need to be able to take cock after all.
<<if $shemale == 1>>
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\she-dildo.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\she-dildo2.webm"></video>
<<elseif $shemale == 0>>
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\slut1.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\slut2.webm"></video>
<<if $promiscuity < 30>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\shy1.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\shy2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\mirror\shy3.webm"></video>
Promiscuity + 5 <<set $promiscuity +=5>>
[[Continue.|Noon]]We offer some services here to help you with your daily 'work' would you please consider our assistance?
<html><img src="img/place/car.jpg"></html>
[[Femininity Up.|Penis Down]]
[[Back.|Afternoon]] After some strange medical treatment and questionable "training" you find yourself looking more and more like some whore.
<<if $shemale == 1 && $fem <= 10>>
<<switch random(1,2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\she1.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\she2.webm"></video>
<<set $variable to random(3)>>
<<if $variable == 0>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\hypno\fem\4.webm"></video><<endif>>
Femininity +2, Cash reward -100
<<set $fem +=2>>
<<set $money -=100>>
The rich patron quickly flips you over and starts stuffing your pussy. At some point a servant brings over the regular drug. Whatever it is, it makes you horny, stupid and just a bit more of a bimbo. You lose track of how much of your previous self you orgasmed away this night.
<<set $variable to random(3)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/slut1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/slut2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/slut3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/slut4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<set $fem +=2>>
<<set $money +=800>>
<<set $promiscuity +=15>>
<<set $iq -=9>>
Femininity +2, Money +800, Promiscuity + 15, IQ - 9
<<if $subrich == 0 >>[[Continue.|Tally]]<<endif>>
<<if $subrich == 1 >> Today he spends an extra long time abusing your cunt and painting the inside of your womb white with his cum. It's hard to think but you can't help but feel he's trying to forever mark you as his.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/choice2.webm"></video><br>
Again you're left with that same vacant look on your face. Again he asks if you'll become his toy. Perhaps due to your cumdrunk state, or maybe because you really want to be turned into an object, you find it difficult to muster any kind of response.<br><br>
Emboldened by your lact of response, he pulls you ontop of him and lines up his dick with your oversexed cunt. You pant in anticipation like a bitch waiting to be mounted. He locks you up with his arms and starts really and truly fucking your brains out. <br><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/choice1.webm"></video><br>
"Give in, my little slut. You know this is the only path for you now. Just imagine getting fucked every day, drug cocktails to keep you in ecstacy, sounds heavenly, what do you say?"<br>
His thrusts continue unabated. Your breaths come ragged. You can't help but scream "Yes, Yes, [[YES!|RichEnd]]" <<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity > 100 and $iq < 60 and $subrich == 0 >> After your regular session with the rich client you sit where you are, covered in his cum. Your increasingly simple mind not processing that he's done using you and it's time to find something else to do.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/choice.webm"></video><br>
He seems to notice your plight. "You know, I've been thinking of buying out your debt. How would you like to be my little [[pet?|RichEnd]] (Even if you refuse now, you're not confident your increasingly simple mind will be able to decline again.)
<<set $subrich = 1>>
<<if $subblack > 70 >> <<set $subblack -= 2>> <<endif>>You strip for your client. The knowledge that someone is jacking it to your naked body makes you feel a bit more promiscuous. Promiscuity + 1. Money + 100 <<set $promiscuity += 1>><<set $subblack += 2>> <<set $money += 100>>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\shy\strip.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\shy\strip2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\shy\strip3.webm"></video>
<<case 4>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\shy\strip4.webm"></video>
<<if ($promiscuity >= 50 or $subblack > 50)>> <br>The gangster is rougher with you than usual: "Get on yo knees slut, you gonna give me some extra service."<br>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\gangster\blow1.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\gangster\blow2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\gangster\blow3.webm"></video>
<br>Your big black cock worship pleases the gangster. He responds especially well when you act like a dumb cock slut. It's not just an act, though, you literally feel dumber after the way this guy treats you. IQ - 2. Money + 200 <<set $iq -= 2>><<set $subblack += 3>> <<set $money += 200>><br>
<<if $fem > 10 >><br><br> "This is perfect, I prefer my sluts to have cunts!" <br>
<<set $variable to random(1)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/gangster/fuck1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/gangster/fuck2.webm"></video><<endif>>
You're streched to your limit by the gangster's massive cock! It feels so good you find your mind going blank as you experience multiple orgasms (IQ - 2). Despite your previous sexuality you find it extremely arousing to be filled to the brim by his meaty dick. You figure you'll be a bit more submissive to this guy in the future, just so you can get fucked by his well endowed member again. As you lie in a post orgasm stupor he tosses your payment down beside you. Money + 300 <<set $iq -= 2>><<set $subblack += 5>> <<set $money += 300>>
[[Continue.|Tally]] You get to work servicing your client. You went as far as getting a pussy to get rid of this debt... you might as well suck some dick. Promiscuity + 1. Money + 250 <<set $promiscuity += 1>><<set $atlove += 10>> <<set $money += 200>>
<<set $variable to random(3)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/shy1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/shy2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/shy3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 3>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/shy4.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if ($promiscuity >= 50 or $atlove > 50)>> <br>This isn't so bad. Can't hurt to go a bit farther and make a bit more cash.<br>
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/slut1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/slut2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/slut3.webm"></video><<endif>>
<br>Despite the fact that you're literally a whore, this guy treats you pretty well. He can be quite caring, at times. You wonder if you're starting to develop feelings for him? Money + 200 <<set $atlove += 5>> <<set $money += 200>><br><<endif>>
<<if $atlove > 100>> Today's session is especially passion-filled. At the end he pulls you in close and gets pretty serious.<br>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/choice.webm"></video><br>
"You know, I think I've fallen for you. What do you think about becoming my girlfriend? I can't get rid of your debt but I'm a friend of one of the bosses. I can at least stop the interest from rolling in, and get you some extensions on your deadlines. What do you say? Will you be [[mine?|AtEnd]]" <<endif>>
<<if $subblack > 70 >> <<set $subblack -= 2>> <<endif>>The Intern convinces you to strip a bit and do a bit of a dance, nothing too slutty... at least, not yet. The knowledge that someone is jacking off to your naked body makes you feel a bit more promiscuous. Promiscuity + 1. Money + 50 <<set $promiscuity += 1>> <<set $money += 50>>
<<switch random(1,3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\slut\shy1.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\slut\shy2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\male\slut\shy3.webm"></video>
<<if $promiscuity >= 50 >> <br>You don't really protest when he pushes his dick into one of your holes. You better get paid extra for this.<br>
<<set $variable to random(1)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/male/slut/slut1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/male/slut/slut2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<br> Promiscuity + 1. Money + 50 <<set $promiscuity += 1>> <<set $money += 50>> <<endif>>
<<if $subblack > 70 >> <<set $subblack -= 2>> <<endif>>Almost without a second thought, you sink to your knees and begin sucking on the tutor's cock.
<<switch random(1,5)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\study2.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\study3.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\study4.webm"></video>
<<case 4>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\study5.webm">
<<case 5>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\study6.webm"></video>
Money +$200
Promiscuity + 5
<<set $money +=200>>
<<set $promiscuity +=5>>
You're not sure where along the way it happened, but at some point you just became a desperate little slut, willing to do anything to get a dick between your legs. This included any remaining treatments, to get you the most clients possible.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slut2.webm"></video>
You realized that you weren't just doing this for the money anymore. You truly liked being a skanky whore.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slut3.webm"></video>
Something about being desired, being wanted, even if it was just as some pathetic cumslut.
You looked forward to every fucking. They all just felt so good. If your client expressed any interest in you, you had a hard time saying no.
You were a great whore, always moaning with ecstacy, always wet and willing for any stud.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slut1.webm"></video>
Your debt's still there but you don't really care. Even if you ever get it paid off you'll still keep letting guys stuff your every hole. There really is no other fate for a huge slut like you.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/slut7.webm"></video>
Bad End: Slut (You let your lust get the better of you!)
<<if $fem < 50 >><<set $fem to 50>><<endif>>
<<if $iq > 70>><<set $iq to 70>><<endif>>You can't resist anymore. Every day you just run right back to your black master, just so he can stuff your slutty box with his massive cock. You double down on any fem conversions you were missing and permanently reduce your IQ as low as you can go, so he'll be happy. When he sees you next, he realizes what you've done and smiles.
He made you beg for it, act like the sex-addicted tramp that you are. You didn't hesitate. You know your place.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/subblack1.webm"></video>
You offer your pussy to him without remorse. The pleasure is all you care about anymore, your debt and past long forgotten.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/subblack2.webm"></video>
You're just his cock-sleeve now. He makes sure you know that you're just going to get rutted from behind from now on since you're just a loose cunt for his pleasure.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/subblack3.webm"></video>
He spends the night dominating your ass 'til you're too weak to resist, even if you wanted to. The multiple orgasms and neverending bliss turn whatever was left of your feeble mind to mush.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/end/subblack4.webm"></video>
You don't even get paid anymore but you don't care. The brothel is happy to have you as a pussy slave keeping the gangster on the payroll. Your days devolve into endless sexual servitude to your big-dicked master who continually stretchs your horny snatch.
Bad End: Black Cock Slut (You fucked the Gangster too many times!)
<<if $fem < 50 >><<set $fem to 50>><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity < 100>><<set $promiscuity to 100>><<endif>>
<<if $iq > 40>><<set $iq to 40>><<endif>>The rich client smiles a toothy grin. Without hesitation a nearby servant sticks you with a waiting needle. You can feel your dick shrinking as it pulls up into your abdomen, meaty pussy lips forming in it's place. Your benefator inspects your transformation.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg1.webm"></video>
You feel a growing need between your legs. The serum must have also contained an aphrodisiac, because you're starting to feel like a bitch in heat. Your new pussy puffs out even more, begging to be fucked.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg3.webm"></video>
He wastes no time breaking in your freshly minted cunt. You're already wet and he slides in with ease. He proceeds to fuck you roughly, the consecutive ograsms rolling over your brain mercilessly.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg2.webm"></video>
You're paid well for your services. A lot happened pretty quickly, but maybe it was worth it?
Femininity up, Promiscuity + 10, IQ - 5, Money + 1000
<<set $fem = 12>>
<<set $promiscuity +=10>>
<<set $iq -=5>>
<<set $money +=1000>>The rich patron snaps his fingers, and a servant quickly comes over and injects a serum into your arm. The effects are much stronger than anything the loan shark has done to you yet.
You feel your hips and breats expanding, your facial features softening, and your muscles and penis slowly shrinking, as you're molded into more of a shape that pleases your wealthy client.
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg/fem2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg/fem1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg/fem3.webm"></video><<endif>>
Your mind fogs as hallucinations fill your vision, urging you to embrace your inner whore.
<<set $variable to random(2)>>
<<if $variable == 0>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg/hypno1.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg/hypno2.webm"></video><<endif>>
<<if $variable == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/tg/hypno3.webm"></video><<endif>>
Femininity +3, Promiscuity + 15, IQ - 15
<<set $fem +=3>>
<<set $promiscuity +=15>>
<<set $iq -=15>>
Too many things just added up. You were too dumb, too slutty, too girly. It didn't help that this rich guy trained you up as his personal toy, with the aid of his endless cashflow and a few choice drugs. He bought out your debt and by extension bought you! Your new uniform is pretty skimpy, and although your only duty is to be fucked you still try and contribute here and there.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/owned1.webm"></video>
Even out in public your outfits don't cover anything. Everyone immediately knows your role as an owned pet.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/owned2.webm"></video>
Of course you don't mind. When you're not busy getting fucked or doing chores, you're busy playing with yourself. It just feels so good. Why wouldn't it? You're a sex toy after all.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/owned3.webm"></video>
The drug cocktails didn't stop. He modified you even further according to his desires. Bigger boobs, smaller brain. Some days you were just so horny you couldn't do anything but masturbate while fantasizing about being railed from behind like the bitch you are.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/owned4.webm"></video>
Of course your owner still fucks you every day, much to your delight.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/owned5.webm"></video>
You're his obedient pet, an owned fuckdoll whose only purpose and pleasure is to please her master.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/rich/owned6.webm"></video>
Within a year you're the perfecly sculpted fuckdoll he desired.
Bad End: Pet (You became some rich guy's toy!)
<<if $fem < 50 >> <<set $fem to 50>> <<endif>>
Of all the choices you had, this just seemed like the least bad one. Plus he didn't seem like that bad a guy. With the interest rate lowered and the deadline taken away you could focus on living again. Step one was making sure you kept your new boyfriend. It was obvious he had a thing for fit girls, so that's where you focused your efforts.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/gf2.webm"></video>
Exercising was actually kind of enjoyable. Burning off some of the extra fat from your strange treatments was refreshing, and exercising helped you forget some of the traumas from your past.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/gf1.webm"></video>
Your diligent workouts paid off. With help from your boyfriend you managed to get a job as a personal trainer. Life was starting to return to some semblance of normality.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/gf3.webm"></video>
Of course your fit body just served to turn on your partner more. You guys fucked every day. Although you never dared say no to his advances, you didn't really mind, considering that he was pretty hot.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/gf4.webm"></video>
Your whore's body was trained to love fucking. Even if it's not entirely your own will, you can't help but love the sex.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/gf5.webm"></video>
Your debt's not paid off yet, but it's manageable. You maintain your current relationship mostly with your pussy. Every argument ends with makeup sex, and you'll never refuse his advances even if they're in public or at a bad time. There's really no point in wearing underwear, it just gets in the way at this point.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/slut/gf6.webm"></video>
Not quite freedom, but not that bad of an end: Athlete's Girlfriend (You found love!)
You're not sure if this is actually the brothel owner, although you haven't seen anyone who gives him orders, at the very least.
"Ready to accept your fate? Full feminization, sluttification, bimbofication and a good healthy dose of our patented 'free use doctrine'. I can certainly make it [[worth it|OwnerFavor]]."
[[Back.|Evening]] <<nobr>>
<<set $fem +=11>>
<<set $money -=1000>>
<<set $promiscuity +=25>>
<<set $iq -=20>>
<<set $interest -= 1>>
<<set $freeuse +=1>>
Interest -1%, Femininity +11, Money -1000, Promiscuity + 25, IQ - 20
You experience the most grueling training regime you've been subjected to yet. You feel like you've lost a lot. The owner explains that decreasing your interest rate isn't an easy task and that fair compensation is required.
<<if $freeuse == 1>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/1.webm"></video>
<br> The transformation is complete and you've never felt so feminine! Oddly enough you have a strange urge to just bend over and present you new cunt to every man you meet.
<<if $freeuse == 2>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/2.webm"></video>
<br> You're learning well! At least that's what your instructor says. All this stuff about women's purpose in the world is a bit over your head but you think you're starting to understand this "free use" stuff.
<<if $freeuse == 3>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/3.webm"></video>
<br> They say you'll have graduated soon. One more session and you'll be complete. You're not so sure about that, but whatever. On your way back to your room you readily agree to suck dick for free because that's obviously just the right thing to do... right?
<<if $freeuse == 4>><video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/5.webm"></video>
<br> You're going to have to find some other way to pay off your debt. You've learned that it's wrong for women to accept money for sex. Instead you just have to let yourself be used at any time, that's just how the world works.
<<if $subblack > 70 >> <<set $subblack -= 2>> <<endif>>All those "Free Use" seminars got to you. It took some time but you've finally realized: that's just how the world works. Women - you especially - are just for everyone else's pleasure. You can't say no.
You walk out of your last session feeling light headed and free. Your purpose is clear and the world is so simple now that you know the rules.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/end1.webm"></video>
The main rule, of course, is that you can never say no. Whatever is asked, you comply. You are, after all, free for anyone to use.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/end2.webm"></video>
That, of course, isn't a problem. You've been completely trained and conditioned to enjoy this kind of world.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/end3.webm"></video>
Sometimes guys aren't forward enough. It's also your job to help them along and give them a bit of hint that you're a free use slut.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/end4.webm"></video>
You spend the rest of your days servicing men as an easy slut, and you couldn't be happier. You don't make money anymore for your whoring, since that would go against the free use rules, but at least the brothel seems content with your promiscuous behaviour otherwise.
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img/female/free/end5.webm"></video>
Bad End: Free use slut (You relied too much on the owner!)
<<if $fem < 50 >><<set $fem to 50>><<endif>>
<<if $promiscuity < 100>><<set $promiscuity to 100>><<endif>>
<<if $iq > 40>><<set $iq to 40>><<endif>><strong style="color:#7b98ea;">by edenecstacy</strong>
<p style="color:gray;">(mod by root)</p><<set $money to -10000>>
<<set $fem to 0>>
<<set $promiscuity to 0>>
<<set $interest to 12>>
<<set $iq to 120>>
<<set $subblack to 0>>
<<set $subrich to 0>>
<<set $atlove to 0>>
<<set $freeuse to 0>>
<h1 class="intro">DEBT by edenecstacy (mod by root)</h1>
<video width="800" autoplay muted loop src="img\place\intro.webm"></video>
[[I want to see Shemale content in the game|Start][$shemale to 1]]
[[I don't want to see Shemale content in the game|Start][$shemale to 0]]What is this? Strange dream? I don't understand...but...I.. I want it... more and more!
<<switch random(1,5)>>
<<case 1>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\dreams\dream.webm"></video>
<<case 2>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\dreams\dream2.webm"></video>
<<case 3>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\dreams\dream3.webm"></video>
<<case 4>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\dreams\dream4.webm"></video>
<<case 5>>
<video width="720" autoplay muted loop src="img\dreams\dream5.webm"></video>
[[Next Day|Morning]]