Are you 18 years old?
Hi, what's your name?
<<textbox "$Name" "set name">>
[[Let's begin|2]]
<img src="img/1.png" width="900px" height="250px">
There is only one path in this game that you will follow.
This purpose of this game is simple. You are to take your beautiful, innocent, loving girl and see how you want to corrupt her and how far.
[[next|Main]]I met Emily through a dating app. I liked her photo and the humor with which she wrote about herself. Soon I found myself waiting for her messages, and no matter how busy I was, I always replied. We made an appointment.
After the meeting, I realized that she was the one. We met often during the month. And eventually she moved in with me.I'll tell you a little bit about Emily.
Emily (25 years old, 170 height, 61 kg weight) is very beautiful, but at the same time she is just as modest. She has a slender figure, a pretty face, a neat mouth and big beautiful gray-green eyes. Thick dark hair. A toned ass (Emily trains regularly at home) and small breasts with neat pink papillae. There's a completely shaved pussy under her panties. In general, as you know, I often notice other men looking at her.… And I like it. I really like it.
It all started when Emily decided to try modeling. They took her willingly. The photo shoots are very ordinary, no nudity.
<img src="img/emi/em.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/em5.png" width="50%">
She looked amazing in the photo. And one day I wondered how many men were watching these photos and maybe jerking off to her? This thought aroused my imagination and stuck in my brain. I had a clear desire that someone other than me would see her naked. Jerking off on her. He would have ripped off her clothes, put her on cancer and fucked her in front of me. And someone else would have made her suck a dick. Rudely. In short, I began to dream that my girl would be turned into a bitch.…
$Name made a list, probably I will choose one thing.
The path of [[cheating|1.1]] You will create conditions in which she will feel so abandoned that she will start looking for attention from other men. At the same time, you will find someone who will be seduced by her and fuck her.
The path of [[HotWife|2.1]] You and Emily will get acquainted with the lifestyle of a "Hotwife". You will both participate in this lifestyle and figure out how to expand your sexual boundaries together.
Но ночную тишину прервала уведомление, я было обрадовался жена ответила но нет это был неизвестный номер. Подпись твоя жена в надежных руках и ссылка, по телу пробежали мурашки думаю может мошенники или ещё кто но думаю открою. Страница грузилась медленно, я уже перебрал кучу вариантов что скрывается за этой ссылкой судя по всему это была закрытая трансляция, на которой изображены люди, человек пять, полностью голые, качество картинки начало постепенно улучшаться и то что я увидел повергло меня в шок. На изображение видно было диван четверо голых мужиков и женщину которая скакала члене что есть силы, и приглядевшись я узнал свою жену Веру она скакала и параллельно сосала член другому мужику.
Как я понял что это была Вера, очень просто у нее на ягодице была татуировка в виде сердца сердца, да и фигуру я своей жены узнаю, но на тот момент я ещё верил может это розыгрыш какой то, но всё было в за правду. Когда девушка развернулась к другому мужику я смог четко рассмотреть лицо и уже сомнений не было. Камера находилась в углу и судя по всему они не догадывались что их снимают, узнал я и это место в котором находилась моя возлюбленная. У нас за городом есть бордель, причём бордель очень хороший куда просто так не попасть, знал я о нём потому что сам ходил на лево по молодости в тайне от жены, но вот как моя Верочка туда попала, и что она сейчас делает на члене того парня мне было не ясно. И по хорошему я должен был испытывать чувство ревности, но я лишь и испытывал возбуждение. Звук на телефоне был выключен да бы не разбудит кого то из членов семьи, поэтому я решил надеть наушники и послушать о чём общаются на этой трансляции.
— Давай шлюха, работой своей пиздой — ехидно говорил один из мужиков
— Да мальчики, хорошо — простонала Вера
— Какие мы тебе мальчики? — сказал один из парней на чьем члене прыгала Вера
И жестко шлепнул по заднице Веру
— Надо пацанам заснять обзавидуются что с нами не поехали — сказал один из парней
— Но снимать запрещено — Пыталась возразить Вера но её не слушали и просто поставили перед фактом и камерой
— Давай блядина работай ртом
Вера послушно выполняла приказы этих парней и не сопротивлялась
— Бля я ща кончу — прохрипел парень на котором прыгала Вера
— Только не в меня
Но уже было поздно, из Вериной вагины вытекали теплые сгустки спермы. А мой член уже был на пределе, и я готов был вот вот кончить и держался из последних сил, странный коктейль из ревности, злобы и похоти смешался во мне
— Мальчики можно я отвечу по телефону и мы продолжим — Жалобно попросила Вера
— Ахаха чё там у тебя мужик или мамка беспокоиться? — спросил один из парней
— Вроде того — замешкалась Вера
— Валай только не долго — благородно ответил один из Парней
Вера взяла телефон и стала что то набирать, и спустя минуту мне прилетело сообщение, Милый ложись спать буду поздно, люблю тебя и смайлик.
Вот ведь шлюха она даже не догадывается, что я всё вижу.
— Так на чём мы закончили — улыбчиво спросила Вера возбужденных парней
Парни не стали ей отвечать, и просто посадили на член, и Верина жопа снова запрыгала, но стонать она не могла поскольку её рот тоже был занят членом.
— В жопу принимаешь? — спросил один из парней
— Мффф — пыталась что то сказать Вера
— С набитым ртом не говорят
Вера хотела что возразить но парень который трахал её рот просто не давал ей этого сделать зажав её голову руками, пока другой парень смазывал свой член и Верин анус, и спустя мгновений можно лишь было услышать пронзительный визг который вновь перешёл на стон, в Верину жопу вошли причём без всяких проблем.
Меня не даже не сильно расстроил тот факт что мою жену пускают по кругу, меня расстроил тот факт что моя любимая жена не давала мне жопу, зато каким то незнакомым парням, услужливо уступила и даже не сильно сопротивлялась. Очевидно весь процесс ей нравился как и мне. Мой член уже разрывался от возбуждения, та и сам я себя не мог сдерживать так что наблюдая за данным действием, я кончил прямо в свои семейники, и даже когда кончил мой член вновь встал от чего я сильно удивился. Но парни тем временем заканчивали, каждый кончил куда он хотел кто на лицо кто в жопу кто в пизду
Парни спешно собирали вещи, и сказав пару оскорбление в адрес Веры ушли, оставит ту лежать. Пару минут спустя вера подтерлась салфетками, вытерев сперму с интимных мест, и начала собираться домой, она накинула платье, надела кольцо и стала что то вновь печатать.
— Милый я смотрю ты опять не спишь, давай ложись я уже еду домой. — сообщение пришло на мой телефон
После этого Вера направилась к выходу и трансляция закончилась, я попытался написать таинственному собеседнику но чат с ним был удален а сам номер стал недоступен. Мда пиздец, думал я про себя даже доказательств нет. Что это вообще было? Веру трахали несколько парней, и её как и тех парней тайно записывали на камеру? А может мне это привиделось, хотя тоже бред я не пью уже несколько месяцев, да и не могла такое привидеться как твою жену на протяжении часа долбят, не мог же я из своей ревности такое напридумывать. Лежал я так минут 30, как вдруг у входной Двери послышался шум. Это была Вера, время было на часах четыре утра, Вера прошла в нашу увидела меня лежащего но не спящего и повалилась ко мне начав целовать. На губах чувствовался солоноватый привкус, также от Веры исходил небольшой запах алкоголя
— Смотрю ты ещё не спишь негодяй этакий — улыбчиво сказала она
И медленно стала опускать руку к моему паху, опустив руку она почувствовала
— Ой фу в чем это он? — спросила Вера
Она принюхалась и облизала руку
— Так ты дрочил пока меня не было ах ты плохой мальчик надо бы тебя наказать-сказала она слегка подвыпившим голосом
Вера стала стягивать вечернее платье, на её голом теле виднелись синяки но я даже не знал как реагировать, поэтому выполнял всё машинально. И вера делала всё сама, у меня же то и дело проскальзывали отрывки с той трансляции
, как её трахают незнакомые парни, от чего мой член ещё сильнее заводился. И я кончил внутрь своей Жены сам того не заметив
— Что ты быстро, ну ладно я спать — промолвила жена
Упала набок, и задремала я же остался на едине со своими мыслями которые не давали мне покоя.$Name is thinking about a concept that has recently become particularly relevant to him — hotwife. This idea seemed to open up new horizons in their relationship, and he couldn't help but wonder what it might mean for him and his wife.
On the one hand, he felt that it could add spice to their lives. Mutual trust and openness were important components of their relationship, and the opportunity to share their desires and fantasies with each other seemed attractive to him. He imagined his wife, confident and attractive, enjoying the attention of other men, and it turned him on. The thought of her sharing her impressions with him, as they discussed all the details, filled his imagination.
He remembered how they were always open with each other, how they shared their dreams and fears. Perhaps this is the next stage of their relationship — an opportunity to explore new facets of love and passion. He decided that before making any decisions, he needed to talk to his wife, find out her opinion and feelings about it. In the end, it should be a joint decision based on love and respect.
[[It doesn't suit me|5]]Через пол часа мы начали собираться на прогулку Эмили спросила меня
Э- -И что надеть?
М-Одень что-то минимальное
Э-А не слишком ли откровенно это будет выглядеть?
М-А что не так-спросил я.
Э-Нуу на меня смотреть будут
М- Ну и ладно я только рад буду
Все произошедшее безумно нас возбудило и мы решили пойти прогулятся в этой одежде.
У нее есть блузка с юбкой нежно голубого цвета. Не знаю,что за ткань,но она полу прозрачная. К юбке прилагается короткий подъюбник,но его убрали сразу.Через юбку попку можно рассмотреть,а пизду не видно
Жена посмотрела на себя в зеркало еще раз и осталась довольна:
-Классно,эротично. И правда на шлюху на панели похожа. Не слишком ли откровенно.-засомневалась она.
-Выглядишь потрясающе. У меня уже встал на тебя. Пошли уже.
Мы вышли на улицу,я сказал жене:
-Не ссы. Сделай лицо кирпичОм и не обращай ни на кого внимания.
мы погуляли по аллейкам,посидели в кафе и везде реакция людей была одинаковая. Удивление,восхищение,охуение и у некоторых негодование.
[[next|4.1]]<font color="pink">Emily: </font>
<font color="pink">Emily: </font>
<font color="grey">$Name: </font>
<font color="purple">Daniel: </font>
<font color="purple">Daniel: </font>
<img src="img/emi/em2.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/date3.GIF" width="50%">
In the late afternoon, $Name settled comfortably on the couch, immersed in the world of entertainment channels, his wife began to prepare for a meeting with her friends.
<img src="img/emi/em3.png" width="60%">
$Name turned his head, paying attention to his beautiful wife and began to ask her about meeting:
<font color="grey">$Name: What are you planning to do?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Yes, we'll just sit in a restaurant, chat, it's been a long time, we have a lot of news to discuss.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Sounds great! I hope you won't be too long.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Don't worry, I'll try to get back early. And don't forget to eat while I'm gone!</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Of course. Good luck, have fun.</font>
$Name mind was full of ideas about how to diversify their sex life. He understood that passion could fade over time, and he wanted to bring fresh ideas to their relationship.
At first, he decided to search for information on the Internet. Opening a browser, he entered phrases like "how to improve your sex life" and "ideas for a romantic evening" into the search bar. Soon, he came across many articles and forums where people shared their tips and experiences.
He learned about various ways to add spark to a relationship, from simple romantic candlelit dinners to more daring ideas like "cheating," "hot wife," and other more depraved ideas. The $Name thought about how important it is to openly discuss your desires and fantasieswith your partner so that both feel comfortable and can enjoy new experiences. But he was afraid to discuss it with Emily, afraid that she wouldn't understand it.
Изменить суть подкаректировать
[[next|5]]After Emily returned from a meeting with her friends. $Name and Emily were sitting on a cozy couch in their living room, enjoying each other. The soft light of the lamp created an atmosphere of comfort. In the conversation, $Name touched on a topic that interested him — the concept of "hotwife".
<font color="grey">$Name: You know, I recently came across articles about hotwife. This is quite an interesting topic.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Interested, she leaned closer. Yes, I've heard about it. This is when a wife has the opportunity to date other men, and her husband supports and even encourages her. It's like a form of open relationship, but with an emphasis on female sexuality.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Exactly, i think it can be very liberating for both partners. It requires a lot of trust and honesty, but at the same time it can add spark to a relationship.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Yes, but it's not for everyone. You need to be sure of your feelings and that you are both ready for such an experiment. I think it's important to discuss boundaries and expectations.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Agree, maybe this can help the partners better understand each other and their desires.But, of course, this should not be imposed. Everyone should feel comfortable.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: How do you think it can affect the relationship? Emily asked, looking at $Name curiously.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: I think it can strengthen the bond if both partners are open and honest. But if someone starts feeling insecure or jealous, it can lead to problems. Openly discussing your feelings and experiences is the foundation for a successful relationship, especially when it comes to such sensitive topics.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Nodded, considering $Name words. Yes, and it seems to me that it is important not only to talk about borders, but also to be ready to review them. People change, and what was acceptable in the beginning may become uncomfortable later.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: That's right. And this requires constant dialogue. </font>
<font color="pink">Emily: She smiled, imagining what it might look like. It's like dancing, where both partners have to be in unison. These thought aroused her.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/ht1.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: I want to please you!</font>
<img src="img/2.1/ht2.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: Come on, I can't wait.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/ht3.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: She's so hot.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: So what do you think about the hotwife theme?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: You seem interested in that.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Well, you know, I don't mind.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/ht4.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Our conversation made you cum.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: It was amazing! What do you think if I register on the forum and submit a request? </font>
<img src="img/2.1/ht5.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: I don't mind.</font>
The next day, $Name started scrolling through the hotwife forum, he was hesitating whether he should register. But curiosity and the desire to make his wife happy got the better of him. $Name created an account under the pseudonym "Open Mind" and began to explore the topics of discussion. He was amazed at how openly and honestly people shared their stories and experiences. Soon he came across a section dedicated to finding partners for couples.
$Name decided to write a message in which he talked about himself and his wife, emphasizing that they were looking for someone who could become the third in their relationship.
$Name added a photo of his wife.
<img src="img/emi/forum.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/forum2.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/forum3.png" width="50%">
[[Next|2.4]]Returning to his computer, he decided to check what was new on the forum. When he opened the page, he noticed that his topic of discussion had not been ignored. Many different men left comments under his last post.
I was interested in three guys. I chose one and decided to write to him.
First 📱 [[Daniel|2.5]] Black bull
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Hello, Daniel! Tell me about yourself.How do you spend your free time?</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Hello, $Name! I like to read books and take walks in the fresh air.</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Interesting! Which books do you like the most? </font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: I prefer science fiction and fantasy. They're letting me go to another world," Daniel said, his eyes lighting up.</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: What about the music? What kind of music do you listen to?</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: I love rock and indie. I especially like bands that experiment with sound.</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Cool! Do you play an instrument yourself?</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Sometimes.</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Great! Maybe someday you'll play something for me?</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Of course, with pleasure.</font>
A friendly bond was established between them.
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Hey, $Name, how's your wife?</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Yes it's fine</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Listen $Name, can you show your wife some more</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: I'll send you a couple of juicy photos right now.</font>
<img src="img/emi/Fordan.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/Fordan3.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/Fordan2.png" width="50%">
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Dude, you have an amazing wife.</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: $Name, can we meet? What city do you live in?</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Man, let's meet up. We live in New York.</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Oh cool, I'm from New York too.</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Will you be comfortable after work?</font>
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Come on man, I'll text you where I'll meet you later.</font>
[[next|2.5.1]]I decided to text my wife that I would be late after work.
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Honey, I'm going to meet Daniel after work.</font>
📱<font color="pink">Emily: And who is it?</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: It's that guy from the website.</font>
📱<font color="pink">Emily: Okay dear but don't stay up until night.</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Ok.</font>
📱<font color="pink">Emily: Look at the photo</font>
<img src="img/emi/image_1.png" width="50%">
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Sexy.</font>
[[next|2.5.2]]Daniel and Mark met in a cozy bar on the corner of the street. The evening was just beginning, and the soft light of the lamps created an atmosphere of relaxation.
Mark sighed and began to talk about himself and his wife, about work, and a trip to the seaside. Daniel listened with interest, laughing at the funny moments and keeping up the conversation.
Time flew by, and soon they ordered another drink. The conversation became more and more open, and they began discussing his wife.
<font color="purple">Daniel: Dude, can we go to Emily's tonight?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: That would be cool. Let me ask Emily.</font>
📱<font color="grey">$Name: Honey, can we come over? You'll also get to know Daniel.</font>
📱<font color="pink">Emily: So fast? Honey, then I'll dress sexy.</font>
After I warned Emily, we sat for another half hour, finished our beer and ordered a taxi to my house.
We were greeted by Emily, who was sitting on the couch.
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/EmiDan.png" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: You guys have arrived</font>
Emily immediately began to smile when she saw Daniel. He seemed to interest her in his appearance.They started talking over a glass of wine and I didn't bother them.
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/EmiDan2.png" width="50%">
She was listening to him. Daniel asked Emily to show herself. She didn't seem to mind at all.
<font color="grey">$Name: Don't keep me waiting, show your ass to Daniel</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/1.Gif" width="50%">
<font color="purple">Daniel: Hot ass. Keep going bitch.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/image (5).png" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/2.Gif" width="50%">
<font color="purple">Daniel: $Name, can I play with your wife?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Dude come on I like this.</font>
Emily began to undress.
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/3.Gif" width="50%">
Daniel couldn't stand it and grabbed Emily's ass.
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/4.Gif" width="50%">
<font color="purple">Daniel: What a soft ass you have.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Thanks Daniel, enjoy it.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Don't forget that I'm still here.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/5.Gif" width="50%">
<font color="purple">Daniel: Dude, you have a sweet hot wife.</font>
I had to act, and I decided to propose to Daniel.
[[Suck dick|]]
[[Keep your mouth shut.|]]
<font color="grey">$Name: So, what did do you think?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I really liked him! He understood what we really wanted and he seemed...experienced. I think I can have a lot of fun with him.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: So you want to fuck him?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Of course.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/image_11.png" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: I liked him too.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/image_12.png" width="50%">
We talked about Daniel for a while longer. It turned me on. I started kissing Emily.
<font color="grey">$Name: Suck me off, I can't take it anymore.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/image_14.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/image_15.png" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Fuck me.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/image_16.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/17.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/18.png" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: sexy bitch.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/19.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/20.png" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Insert it gently $Name.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/21.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/22.png" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: I want you to cum on my face.</font>
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/23.png" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: delicious.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: I love you darling.</font>
[[next|2.5.5]]In the evening, Emily and I chatted after work. It turned out that Daniel had texted Emily earlier in the day.
<font color="pink">Emily: Daniel asked me out on a date.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Do you want me to let you go?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Yes</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: I don't mind, but there's one condition— you have to make a report.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Do you want to watch me get fucked? Okay, I'll text Daniel that you don't mind.</font>
[[next|2.5.6]]A couple of days later, they met at a cafe.
Daniel is sending me a message.
📱<font color="purple">Daniel: Dude, we went to my house.</font>Daniel couldn't stand it and started groping her pussy.
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/6.Gif" width="50%">
He ran his fingers over her pussy.
<font color="grey">$Name: Darling, do you like it?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Yes! Don't stop Daniel.</font>
She likes it, you can tell by her smile.
<font color="pink">Emily: Go on Daniel, I'll be done soon.</font>
Daniel brought Emily to orgasm. They cuddled for a while.
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/7.Gif" width="50%">
<font color="purple">Daniel: Okay, I have to go to work tomorrow, I'll go.Maybe we'll meet in a few days?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: If the $Name allows it.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Thank you Daniel, write to Emily one of these days, I don't mind.</font>
[[next|]]<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/8.Gif" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/9.Gif" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/10.Gif" width="50%">
[[next|]]<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/11.Gif" width="50%">
<img src="img/2.1/Daniel/12.Gif" width="50%">
[[next|]][[next|2.5.4]]Time passed and I told her about my dreams. (we have a family agreement to talk about whatever we want without fear of being judged.) She listened, and to my surprise, she reacted to it quite normally. But she said she wasn't ready for that yet.
I didn't push her. I thought it would be better to do it gradually. Maybe there's a small chance that someday she'll want to make my dream come true.
Over time, I have raised this topic more than once. Now she began to treat it in a sense with humor and irony.
We purchased a rubber penis that attaches to a smooth surface and often had threesome sex. The toy was attached to the wall in the bathroom, and Emily, standing with cancer, sucked this rubber dick and I had her from behind.Sometimes Emily sucked my dick, and a rubber one fucked her from behind.
<img src="img/emi/em6.png" width="50%">
Over time, I noticed that she began to like this. We bought a bigger dick and had fun with the four of us.
<img src="img/emi/1.GIF" width="50%">
This went on for quite a long time for several months.
The taxi driver is a little guy, balding, not tall, with a small belly. He greeted us kindly and we got into a taxi. It was late, and we were sitting in the back seat.
I was sitting by the door on the left, and Emily was sitting next to me, half asleep, leaning on my shoulder. So we drove for about 20 minutes. The taxi driver asked me something, and I answered. I saw that she was asleep. Well, I guess I won't wake her up. Suddenly, I accidentally noticed that the driver was looking in the rearview mirror a lot. He'll take a quick look, then he'll look away. I started thinking, where is he looking?.. I followed the trajectory of his gaze once again.
It took me a moment to understand — he was looking between Emily's legs.… It turned out that the legs were not closed, but on the contrary. The driver was looking at her blue panties (Emily was wearing a dress just above her knees that day). Apparently, she had finally fallen asleep. Thank God the taxi driver didn't notice that I was following his gaze. Maybe he hoped for the darkness in the cabin, or maybe he just got carried away so much.
To say that I am aroused is to say nothing. I was wildly excited by what was happening. I decided: come what may! Then, slowly, he put his hand on Emily's leg and spread her legs a little more. Slowly, I began to lift up her skirt, exposing her beautiful legs and blue panties.
<img src="img/taxi/1.GIF" width="50%">
I looked at the driver, who seemed to notice my manipulations and automatically removed his gaze. And I waited for him to look there again. The realization that the taxi driver knows that I deliberately spread Emily's legs gave a new surge of excitement and I went on. The driver was no longer shy, looking first at my girl, then at the road. I was even a little worried that we might fly into a ditch. (But fortunately, everything worked out).
I stroked Emily's legs, massaged her pussy through her panties, and the driver watched all this.
<img src="img/taxi/2.GIF" width="50%">
It was really exciting. All thoughts that it was wild and wrong were left behind. Then I took another step. I gently pulled back the fabric, exposing Emily's left breast. Then he began to massage her nipple.
<img src="img/taxi/3.GIF" width="50%">
I don't know if the taxi driver could see the nipple swell, but I felt it and received a new dose of ecstasy. While continuing to massage the girl's pussy, I felt her panties become wet.
<img src="img/taxi/4.GIF" width="50%">
Then I wasn't careful anymore, and took my erect penis out of my pants. Moving Emily a little away from me, I tilted her head closer to my cock and whispered softly in my ear: "Emily, open your mouth." Oddly enough, Emily obediently opened her neat mouth and I immediately entered it. With slow movements up and down, Emily sucked my cock…Rather, I grabbed her by the hair and impaled her on my cock. Down-up. Down-up. At this time, the driver could no longer hide his excitement.
<img src="img/taxi/5.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Now suck my dick, bitch!</font>
Emily, all fucked up, began to slowly and clumsily turn around to face him. Then, submissively and timidly, she knelt down so that her mouth was right in front of his cock.
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Suck it, slut!</font>
I saw how Emily's tears were flowing, how she was suffocating.… I could hear her moaning.…
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Look at me, bitch, when you suck my dick! Do you understand?</font>
Emily nodded as best she could and kept her eyes on him as he had her in his mouth.…
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Clever girl. Good girl.</font>
After having some fun with her mouth, he arranged a small photo shoot right next to the road. He took pictures of her with a dick in her mouth and near her face. And lying on the hood... I wish I'd asked him for his phone number.
We drove back in silence. The driver, me, and a totally fucked up Emily.
The taxi driver drove me home. Emily was half asleep. I woke her up and we rushed home.
Emily went to bed and I started looking at her fucked hole.
<img src="img/taxi/11.GIF" width="50%">
I started massaging her pussy and when I applied a little pressure, cum poured out of her vagina.
<img src="img/taxi/12.GIF" width="50%">
After I was mentally satisfied, I went to rinse my hand.
<img src="img/taxi/13.GIF" width="50%">
After these dirty deeds, I went to bed.
After a stormy night, I woke up alone in bed, afraid that Emily was disappointed in me and jumped out of bed. Coming out of the room, I smelled pancakes. I hurried to find out how she was. I saw a picture of a half-naked Emily making pancakes.
<img src="img/emi/em2.png" width="60%">
<font color="pink">Emily: "Good morning, sleepyhead! How did you sleep?" </font>
<font color="grey">$Name: "As always, as in a fairy tale, stretching and sitting down at the table. "Only the princess didn't come to wake me up."</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot! Maybe I'll bring you breakfast in bed next time. She winked, setting a plate of pancakes and berries in front of him. </font>
<font color="grey">$Name: That would be awesome! But only if you don't forget about the coffee. </font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I promise, there will be coffee!</font>
After breakfast, we had a conversation about yesterday.
диалог о вчерашнем. Оправдать то что чел кончил в нее
[[next|3.6]]<font color="blue">Сabbie: What a hot girl you have! Does she do this often?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Today is the first time… I didn't expect it myself…</font>
<font color="blue">Сabbie: So maybe I can help?</font>
I looked out the window. We were already driving outside the city, and there were no residential buildings nearby. I thought it was the perfect moment and replied:
<font color="grey">$Name: Pull over to the curb…</font>
The driver stopped the car, and as I opened the side door, I whispered to Emily:
<font color="grey">$Name: We have to get out of the car for a while now.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Have we arrived yet?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Almost.</font>
He took his girl out of the salon.
<font color="pink">Emily: I don't understand what's going on.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: We're going to keep warm now.</font>
I said, turning my girl around with her back to me and tilting her cancer. Her hands were on the roof of the car.
<font color="pink">Emily: $Name, what are you doing?</font>
Emily asked, laughing. And I didn't find anything better than to answer it as it is.
<font color="grey">$Name: Our taxi driver is going to fuck you now. Be a good girl.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: What?? What kind of taxi driv..</font>
Before Emily could say a word, our driver had already lifted her skirt and was kneading her pussy.…
<img src="img/taxi/6.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: AAaaa....</font>
Emily moaned as our driver inserted his fingers into her.
<img src="img/taxi/7.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Uuu.. Yeees…</font>
That was all Emily said at that moment. She didn't resist, just stood there and moaned.… I saw the taxi driver's fingers become completely wet. After such a short procedure, he leaned over to his girk and said right in her ear:
<font color="blue">Сabbie: I see you're ready. Now I'm going to fuck you for real! Do you want this?</font>
[[next|3.3.2]]Emily was breathing heavily, trying to come to her senses.
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Do you want me to have you as my bitch?? Don't I hear?!</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Yes! Yes!.. Want…</font>
And then he entered my girl pussy with his cock. And he started fucking her... he just "fried" her like a cheap whore.…
<img src="img/taxi/8.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Ahhh... more... yes... </font>
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Do you like that your husband looks at how I fuck you, bitch?! </font>
Holding Emily's hair tightly with his left hand.
<img src="img/taxi/9.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Yes… Fuck me... yes!..I still want to... yes!…</font>
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Are you fucking her in the ass?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: No, she's afraid for now.…</font>
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Well, then it will stop! What's your name, bitch?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Em...Emily</font>
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Now, Emily, I'm going to fuck you in the ass! I hope you enjoy it!</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: No! Just not....</font>
Just like last time, he didn't waste any time. Stuck his finger in her ass.
<font color="pink">Emily: Ouch!…</font>
He fucked her in the ass with his finger for a few minutes, and then it was his cock's turn.
<font color="pink">Emily: Aah... it hurts… Ah... don't go there…</font>
There was nothing she could do.
<font color="blue">Сabbie: Wait, I just started!</font>
In short, he fucked her like that for about half an hour. Then in the pussy, then in the ass. Sometimes he alternated: once in the pussy, once in the ass.
Then he ordered her to sit back down and shoved his cock in her pussy fucked for another 10 minutes.
After that, he took out his penis and began to masturbate, brought himself to orgasm and finished Emily on her pussy. While I was watching the cum trickle down her pussy. Oh shoved his cock back in and pushed the cum inside.
<img src="img/taxi/10.GIF" width="50%">
My name is $Name. I am 28 years old. I'm an ordinary guy married to an equally ordinary woman. There has been tension between us for a long time, but I hoped that we would get through this stage.
When I returned from a business trip, my wife informed me that she was filing for divorce. And she doesn't want to see me anymore. She said she had found a place to live and was going to move out as soon as possible. What she said came as a surprise to me.
<img src="img/emi/2.GIF" width="50%">
I never expected that she would cut off 3 years of life so easily и выкентет в помойку.
I was overcome with anger and despair. She rejected me as a man. Did I miss her? She was probably right—our relationship had outlived its usefulness. After the divorce, I spent a lot of time with my thoughts and decided it was time for me to find a girlfriend.
I downloaded the dating app and started scrolling. I chose one, but she didn't reciprocate. After half an hour, I got bored. I closed the app and went to sleep.
<img src="img/emi/3.GIF" width="50%">
During the week, I sometimes flipped through the questionnaires and I was incredibly lucky to get three girls at once.
[[Asian|3Asian]]I met Emily through a dating app. I liked her photo and the humor with which she wrote about herself. Soon I found myself waiting for her messages, and no matter how busy I was, I always replied. We made an appointment.
After the meeting, I realized that she was the one. We met often during the month. And eventually she moved in with me.I'll tell you a little bit about Emily.
Emily She is a dyed brunette, 172 cm tall, with a magnificent figure and breasts of the 2nd and a small size, rounded ass. She's very playful in bed and far from introverted. There's a completely shaved pussy under her panties. In general, as you know, I often notice other men looking at her.… And I like it. I really like it.
It all started when Emily decided to try modeling. They took her willingly. The photo shoots are very ordinary, no nudity.
<img src="img/emi/3.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/4.png" width="50%">
She looked amazing in the photo. And one day I wondered how many men were watching these photos and maybe jerking off to her? This thought aroused my imagination and stuck in my brain. I had a clear desire that someone other than me would see her naked. Jerking off on her. He would have ripped off her clothes, put her on cancer and fucked her in front of me. And someone else would have made her suck a dick. Rudely. In short, I began to dream that my girl would be turned into a bitch.…
[[next|3.1Asian]]I met Emily through a dating app. I liked her photo and the humor with which she wrote about herself. Soon I found myself waiting for her messages, and no matter how busy I was, I always replied. We made an appointment.
After the meeting, I realized that she was the one. We met often during the month. And eventually she moved in with me.
I'll tell you a little bit about Emily.
Emily is a tall, beautiful woman with a model's figure, big eyes and a wide smile. Thick dark hair. A toned ass and beaty breasts with neat black papillae. There's a completely shaved pussy under her panties. Men don't take their eyes, so she wasn't deprived of male attention..… And I like it. I really like it.
The path of corruption started when Emily decided to try modeling. They took her willingly. The photo shoots are very ordinary, no nudity.
<img src="img/emi/5.png" width="50%">
<img src="img/emi/6.png" width="50%">
She looked amazing in the photo. And one day I wondered how many men were watching these photos and maybe jerking off to her? This thought aroused my imagination and stuck in my brain. I had a clear desire that someone other than me would see her naked. Jerking off on her. He would have ripped off her clothes, put her on cancer and fucked her in front of me. And someone else would have made her suck a dick. Rudely. In short, I began to dream that my girl would be turned into a bitch.…
[[next|3.1latin]]Time passed and I told her about my dreams. (we have a family agreement to talk about whatever we want without fear of being judged.) She listened, and to my surprise, she reacted to it quite normally. But she said she wasn't ready for that yet.
I didn't push her. I thought it would be better to do it gradually. Maybe there's a small chance that someday she'll want to make my dream come true.
Over time, I have raised this topic more than once. Now she began to treat it in a sense with humor and irony.
We purchased a rubber penis that attaches to a smooth surface and often had threesome sex. The toy was attached to the wall in the bathroom, and Emily, standing with cancer, sucked this rubber dick and I had her from behind.Sometimes Emily sucked my dick, and a rubber one fucked her from behind.
<img src="img/emi/1.png" width="50%">
Over time, I noticed that she began to like this. We bought a bigger dick and had fun with the four of us.
<img src="img/emi/4.GIF" width="50%">
This went on for quite a long time for several months.
[[next|3.2Asian]]Time passed and I told her about my dreams. (we have a family agreement to talk about whatever we want without fear of being judged.) She listened, and to my surprise, she reacted to it quite normally. But she said she wasn't ready for that yet.
I didn't push her. I thought it would be better to do it gradually. Maybe there's a small chance that someday she'll want to make my dream come true.
Over time, I have raised this topic more than once. Now she began to treat it in a sense with humor and irony.
We purchased a rubber penis that attaches to a smooth surface and often had threesome sex. The toy was attached to the wall in the bathroom, and Emily, standing with cancer, sucked this rubber dick and I had her from behind.Sometimes Emily sucked my dick, and a rubber one fucked her from behind.
<img src="img/emi/5.GIF" width="50%">
Over time, I noticed that she began to like this. We bought a bigger dick and had fun with the four of us.
<img src="img/emi/2.png" width="50%">
This went on for quite a long time for several months.
[[next|3.2Latin]]<font color="blue">Сabbie: </font>
<font color="pink">Emily: </font>
<font color="grey">$Name: </font>Прошли выходные и началась рабочая неделя. Иногда вспосинал о том как Эмили трахали и мечтал чтоб это когданибуть повторилось.
среди недели мы потрахались.
Наступила суббота
Эмили опять проснулась рано и на этот раз принесла мне блинчики с кофе в постель
Мы с ней поговорили и она сказала что хочет прогулятся и поведала мне что у нее есть черта эксгибиционизма
[[next|3.7]]Наступила суббота
Эмили опять проснулась рано и на этот раз принесла мне блинчики с кофе в постель
Мы с ней поговорили и она сказала что хочет прогулятся и поведала мне что у нее есть черта эксгибиционизма
После горячей прогукки в выходные больше ничего небыло
Опять придумать пропуск недели
Диалог о ниочем
И чел говорит ей о том как он ее любит и хочет сделать предложение
Она согласна
[[next|4.2]]все уже поняли что Эмили охуенная теперь надо и чтоб мужичек пошел на выходных сготовил
Диалог от ниочем + она отпросилась на встречу с подругами.
[[next|4.5]]We recently started dating and it was a time of experimentation in bed, like any couple, we liked to watch porn sometimes, especially we were interested in sexwife videos! As the days and months passed, Emily noticed my passion for it, whenever we went out, she dressed provocatively.
<font color="pink">Emily: You're the best and I love you the most.</font>
She quickly took off her clothes.
<img src="img/emi/White/1.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: You put it very ambiguously. "The best" implies that there is someone, but worse than me. And "I love you the most" can mean that you love someone, but less.</font>
Between dialogues, she started sucking.Smacking her lips, she continued the dialogue.
<img src="img/emi/White/2.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Oh, you're such a bore! There's no need to quibble with words. Ruined everything. But I still love you, even though you're sometimes terribly harmful.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Thanks, honey. Now everything is clear to me.</font>
She starts turning around and kneading her pussy.
<img src="img/emi/White/3.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: What a hot girl you are.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Do you like it?</font>
As soon as she finished, she jumped on the dick.
<img src="img/emi/White/4.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages. For me, you remain a seductive charm, which I am becoming more and more captivated by every day. I know that I find fault with you too often. Don't be offended by me, sweetheart.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I've already said that I'm not offended. I feel like I'm ready to forgive you everything.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Why did you fall in love with a nerd like me?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I honestly don't know. He's just attracted to you, that's all…</font>
As soon as she said that, I came on her face.
<img src="img/emi/White/5.GIF" width="50%">
[[next|3.2.2]]Our family life is going well, not to say that we lack something, we both love sex, and we had enough of everything in it, but at the same time we start to fantasize a little, we come out on the topic of a possible lover for her, and this excites us both even more.
More and more often, these thoughts drive me crazy, the excitement goes off the scale as I begin to imagine my beautiful girl under another man, and she constantly plays along with me in this. The perfect girl!.. I'm being sent on a two-week business trip here for work. We talk about these topics at night and it starts to seem that Emily wants a lover more than I do, that's the twist..
<img src="img/emi/7.GIF" width="50%">
This makes me even more excited, and at the peak of my emotions, I voice my fantasy to her: to lick her after her lover, with an intonation as if in jest. Surprisingly, she reacted well, only adding that she wouldn't let anyone cum inside her, we needed a regular, trusted boy for such games. and we began to raise this topic more and more often, imagining how it could happen.
[[next|3.2.4]]We had a very active sex life.
<font color="pink">Emily: You're the best and I love you the most.</font>
She quickly took off her clothes.And she lay down on the bed, ready for me to enter her.
<img src="img/emi/Latin/1.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: You put it very ambiguously. "The best" implies that there is someone, but worse than me. And "I love you the most" can mean that you love someone, but less.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Oh, you're such a bore! There's no need to quibble with words.You'd better get busy. But I still love you, even though you're sometimes terribly harmful.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Thanks, honey.</font>
I kept fucking her.
<img src="img/emi/Latin/3.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: What a hot girl you are.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Do you like it?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages. For me, you will remain a seductive charm, which I am becoming more and more captivated by every day. I know that I find fault with you too often. Don't be offended by me, sweetheart.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I've already said that I'm not offended. I feel like I'm ready to forgive you everything.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Why did you fall in love with a nerd like me?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I honestly don't know. I just like you.…</font>
As soon as she said that, I came on her face.
<img src="img/emi/Latin/2.GIF" width="50%">
[[next|3.2.2]]We had a very active sex life.
<font color="pink">Emily: You're the best and I love you the most.</font>
She quickly took off her clothes.And she lay down on the bed, ready for me to enter her.
<img src="img/emi/Asian/3.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: I'm tired today, why don't you suck my dick?</font>
Smacking her lips, she continued the dialogue.
<img src="img/emi/Asian/2.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="pink">Emily: Oh, you're such a bore! Ruined everything. But I still love you, even though you're sometimes terribly harmful.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Thanks, honey.</font>
She sucked like crazy.
<img src="img/emi/Asian/4.GIF" width="50%">
<font color="grey">$Name: What a hot girl you are.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: Do you like it?</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages. For me, you will remain a seductive charm, which I am becoming more and more captivated by every day. I know that I find fault with you too often. Don't be offended by me, sweetheart.</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I've already said that I'm not offended. I feel like I'm ready to forgive you everything.</font>
<font color="grey">$Name: Why did you fall in love with a nerd like me?</font>
<font color="pink">Emily: I honestly don't know. I just like you.…</font>
As soon as she said that, I came on her face.
<img src="img/emi/Asian/1.GIF" width="50%">
[[next|3.2.2]]I'm so lucky to have Emily, she's wonderful. The best of all women. Both beautiful and funny. If he takes on any work, he will do it quickly and in the best possible way.
She takes care of me, and our house is in order thanks to her. And she cooks, she's always so delicious that, as they say, you can lick your fingers.
<img src="img/emi/6.GIF" width="50%">
In short, I consider myself a happy person due to the fact that I have such an outstanding girl. And Emily loves me to distraction.
[[next|3.2.3]]We were invited by friends to their house to chat. My friends live on the other side of town, and we live in the suburbs. It takes about an hour to get there in one direction. Emily has been drinking a lot. Although she knows that she is knocked out literally with one glass of champagne.
We were having fun, drinking and playing board games.
When the feast was coming to an end, Emily decided to help clear the table.
And apparently my friend didn't expect me to help either, so I went into the kitchen and saw him groping Emily.
<img src="img/emi/8.GIF" width="50%">
My dick is petrified, my fantasies are about to come true. A friend of mine spotted me and quickly made a move away from Emily. He said it was all a big misunderstanding. I had some pretty vulgar thoughts about what to do next.With these thoughts in mind, I took Emily's hand and we left the house and called a taxi.
[[next|3.2]] To be continued! I'm doing an patreon