If you have problems with images displaying, you can chose to disable images in this game:
Image Options.
Images are currently: {(if: $images is 1)[ON](else-if: $images is 0)[OFF]}
{(if: $images is 1)
[(link: "TURN OFF IMAGES")
[(set: $images to 0)
(goto: "Journey to the Beginning")]
](else-if: $images is 0)
[(link: "TURN ON IMAGES")
[(set: $images to 1)
(goto: "Journey to the Beginning")]]}
There is Trans-Gender (TG) content in this game. We are aware that some people do not like this, so you may chose to disable it here:
TG Options.
TG variants are currently: {(if: $TG is 1)[ON](else-if: $TG is 0)[OFF]}
{(if: $TG is 1)
[(link: "TURN OFF TG")
[(set: $TG to 0)
(goto: "Journey to the Beginning")]
](else-if: $TG is 0)
[(link: "TURN ON TG")
[(set: $TG to 1)
(goto: "Journey to the Beginning")]]}
[[Start]] the game.
If you have played the game before, you can chose to (link: "Skip the Intro")[(set: $breast to 1)(set: $butt to 1)(set: $preg to 1)(goto: "Go back to your room")] (But we advise playing through the intro to see the content there if you have not before.){
(set: $breast to 0)
(set: $butt to 0)
(set: $preg to 0)
(set: $Sister to 0)
(set: $DiningGame to 0)
(set: $GardenGame to 0)
(set: $LabGame to 0)
(set: $KeyFragment to 0)}You go into the hallway and see masked men with strange tablets have your sister amd a house guest from your family's company that you don't know the name of.
There are others nearby looking for the rest of your family. They haven't seen you yet, so you can avoid them if you're careful.
[[Follow the ones with your sister.]]You see one of the intruders point the strange tablet towards the house guest, who looks dazed and mesmerized.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/Intro01.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Intro01.png">
You catch a brief glimpse of the tablet screen held by the intruder, it looks as though they have access to her bio-net, but how is that possible? They are supposed to be unhackable!
Suddenly the house guest starts lustfully moaning as she enters a sort of trance; something is wrong.
Her breasts begin to grow before your eyes! You watch them both enlarge before noticing that her hips slowly widening too! Her thighs bulge outwards and thicken. You realise that her belly is starting to distend, slowly at first, then growing ever faster until she looks...
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/Intro02.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Intro02.png">
As you watched, the skinny house guest has been transformed into a huge pregnant woman with twins!
One of the intruders places something on her, it trills a few times, but then flashes a red light.
One of the masked henchmen calls into their radio "We found someone who's not on the target list, please advise?"
"Take them to the van outside the perimeter. Have you found the others?" a disembodied voice replies
"We found the girl, no sign of the other one yet. Should we max out the girl's bio-net?"
"No, we may need that one for leverage; bring her to me!"
"On our way"
Your sister is then dragged away. The whole while seeming blissfully unaware of whats even happening...
[[Try and find your way to the control room]]You go to the control room, but the door won't open when it scans your eye!
You try to scan your retina again, but notice something wrong with the control panel.
It's been broken open. There's three empty spaces inside where the control chips for the door mechanism should be!
Looking around, you see dirty footprints all around the door leading to three different parts of your house. They probably took one each to make it impossible for someone to get inside.
You'll need to carefully move through the house and see if you can find where the control chips might be... or who has them
[[Search for Clues]]You need to find the threeo control chips to get into the control room, once you have them, you can activate the security system and try to save your family.
The exits are sealed, and with the security system on lockdown no calls can be made in or out. You'll have to search the mansion for these so called "bosses" you overheard the intruders speak of before.
They are probably hanging around the larger and more important parts of the mansion, though searching these areas each means risking finding out what they might have in store for you.
You decide to...
Stay here
[[Check Mirror]]
Or leave to find the Control Chips:
[[Go to Dining/Reception]]
[[Go to Garden]]
[[Go to Lab]]
(if: $KeyFragment is >= 3)[
You have found all the control chips for the control room door, you may go to the the control room and put an end to this, once and for all... But it won't be easy.
[[Go to the Control Room, and end this]]
]Here you can choose to examine yourself in the mirror, or make alterations to your Bio-Net.
A warning indicator repeatedly flashes on your Bio-Net however:
"***System Error: Unknown Proccesses are causing interference to proportional allocation functions; increases to proportions may become irreversable. Proceed with caution. ***"
[[Examine Breasts]]
[[Examine Butt]]
[[Examine Pregnancy]]
System [[OPTIONS]]
[[Go back to your room]] (if: $DiningGame is 0)[
Walking into the dining room you are confronted by a scantily clad, Voluptuous Woman sitting at the head of the large table.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/DiningBoss.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="DiningBoss.png">
She grins and stands once she makes eye contact with you, but your gaze is drawn to her ample breasts.
"See something you like?" She playfully flirts as she approaches.
From the corners of your vision you see the room melt away; replaced bit by bit with a digital overlay. Despite your best efforts you cannot bring yourself to look away from the woman's clevage; something has your vision locked in place, and it is refusing to let you move or look freely.
"I can see you've noticed that you're a little "seized up"; that's just a temporary lag spike I've sent to your system.”
She playfully jiggles her breasts in front of you, making your head wobble back and forth to track their movements.
She giggles at this display of helplessness and continues.
"While I have your... undivided attention, I thought I'd explain the rules of a little game I'd like to play."
She caresses the back of your head wraps her hands around the back of your neck; pivoting you're head around like its a camera. She moves your head to look at the dining table, which has now been replaced by a virtual overlay.
At the head of the table is a glowing key, and at the far end is a virtual avatar that looks suspiciously similar to you. She brings her mouth close to your ear and speaks softly.
"I'll be asking you a series of questions: with each question you get right your avatar will move closer to that key, a piece of what you'll need to enter your boring little security room."
She laughs softly to herself and adds "Each time you get a question wrong though... I'll be giving you a long, sensual kiss. That doesn't sound so bad, does it?"
her fingers stroke softly over your breast... teasing a little and raising your bosom slightly in her soft, warm hands.]
(if: $TG is 1)[
"I know you only got these recently, but between you and me... 'Bigger is always better'" She says with a giggle as she lightly caresses your breasts with her fingers
"Are you ready to play?" She says as she nods your head idly, smiling as she releases her grip and takes a step back.
After a few moments the paralysis wears off and you can move again.
Now able to look around freely, you notice your perception overlay has been switched to "digital" mode.
You're trapped in this this chat room you've been pulled into; a digital recreation of your dining room.
You have no idea what's happening in real life, but it appears you'll have to play her game.(set: $DiningGame to 1)
[[Play the Dining Room Game]](if: $DiningGame is 5)[The scantily clad Voluptuous Woman smiles and playfully caresses her large breasts, she gestures you to move near the table.
The scantily clad Voluptuous Woman bends over in front of you, making sure your gaze is filled with her ample cleavage.
"Now that we don't have to pretend anymore, I only need to hear one thing from you. Do you want to stay and have fun? Or would you rather decide to be boring"
[[Stay and Have Fun]]
[[Decide to be Boring]]]
(if: $GardenGame is 0)[You wander onto the balcony overlooking the old gardens behind your family home, there's an old hedgemaze that stretches deep into the garden that you used to play in as a child.
From the balcony you catch the glint of a reflection from the middle of the maze. Maybe one of the control chips you're looking for is hidden here.
You haven't been in the maze for years though and the hedge walls are practically overgrown. Climbing over or forcing your way through them would not work.
Walking over to the stairs at the hedgemaze's entrance, you descend to the gate and proceed through; you feel the snap of a branch against your ankle as you make your way inside.
Proceeding forward you find that the hedgemaze is very different than you remember: entire pathways you've been down before are now gone. You can't remember the layout being this convoluted; doubling back doesn't even work as you can't find anything familar. Something about this maze feels very strange!
After a few minutes of wandering aimlessly through the maze, decide to stop...
A painful shock zaps your thighs; instinctively making you walk forward. You look over your shoulder to the source of the shock, but there is no one anywhere around you.
You try to stop again but another, more painful shock is administered to your ass; you continue to walk, to do anything else is painful.
Suddenly a woman with broad hips and thick thighs steps out in front of you from one of the side passages, matching your speed, walking just in front of you.
{(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/GardenBoss.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="GardenBoss.png">
"we've made some changes to the maze; from the look of your thin, scrawny legs, I figured you could use some exercise. You passed a holo projector on your way in, you could walk for miles and never find the end."
{(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
"Your scrawny new curves are barely adequate, at best you're barely a 'girl'; maybe you and I will finish the job and make you into a 'woman'."<br>]}
You attempt to stop and ask her for details, but another painful shock jolts your hips, compelling you onward.
"Lazy little girl, there will be no stopping; not until I've tested you, you could call it a game..." she calls back over her shoulder
"I will ask a series of questions: answer them right and I might just let you reach the center."
As she talks, you can't help but stare at her large, wobbling backside and slowly swaying hips. Her thick thighs propelling her forward easily.
"Answer them wrong, and I'm going to make this little jaunt more interesting; Are you ready to proceed?" Not seeing much other option and hesistant to recieve another shock, you nod your head. Time to play her game.(set: $GardenGame to 1)](if: $Gardengame < 5)[
[[Play the Garden Game]] ]
(if: $GardenGame is 5)[The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman smiles upon catching sight of you, she motions encouragingly to the treadmill device. Once you step upon it, your surroundings change back to that of an endless corridor in the maze.
A shock compels you forwards as the Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman smirks and asks you plainly.
"All games aside there is only one thing I want to know; do you want to push yourself for more? Or are you going to settle for less?"
[[Push for More]]
[[Settle for Less]]](if: $LabGame is 0)[
You search for the entrance to the lab underneath the mansion; once you find the airlock, you engage the secure entry protocol.
Once inside, the inner door seals behind you, the room's air is cycled to prevent outside contaminants from getting through; there's an odd smell that lingers afterwards though, something you can't quite place.
Once inside, you notice the lights seem far dimmer than usual, and your surroundings have an almost 'foggy' quality to them; a large shadow looms at the far side of the room.
Your surroundings slowly brighten, you see that the shadow at the far side of the room is an impossibly large, pregnant woman.
"Have you come here to surrender, to have your mind emptied and your body filled..."
The giant woman is cradling a massively spherical belly so gravid she could easily be carrying triplets; two enormous weighty breasts rest atop her belly heavy with milk, her hips look twice as wide as your shoulders, and her thighs are plump, curvy, and thick.
{(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/LabBoss.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="LabBoss.png">
Other figures enter the room from the corners of your vision, the look like... They look like you, only completely nude and many of them are also pregnant.
"Open your body to us, let it swell with new life; you will feel pleasure unlike anything you've ever imagined... but only if you give yourself over to us."
{(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
"I see that you've already surrendered your previous form, this is the next step on that path, become one with new life, complete your purpose..."<br>]}
You realize now that this must be some kind of illusion; the airlock must have contained a halucinagenic gas that's making you see things that aren't real.
The giant pregnant woman gazes at the ceiling as she day dreams. "You would be happier if you let go... Maybe you are not ready, let us pass the time... maybe you'll see after a while that surrender is inevitable."
"I have here at my feet... some trinket you seem to be after. Answer my questions, and with each you get right, I'll allow you to step forward and entertain futility for a while longer."
"With each wrong answer, you'll be helpped to... embrace your destiny."
Uncertain that you can trust your own senses, you decide to try your luck, and play the massively pregnant woman's game.(set: $LabGame to 1)
[[Play the Lab Game]]](if: $LabGame is 5)[The Gigantic pregnant woman vaguely motions to the position you stood before, as you approach your vision becomes foggy and the lighting becomes more dim.
The Gigantic pregnant woman rubs the sides of her massive pregnant belly, as she says with a subtle smirk on her face.
"We can cast aside all illusions now; tell me, will you embrace destiny... and be filled with life? Or would you rather leave, and persue the path... of futility?"
[[Embrace Destiny]]
[[Persist in Futility]]]{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/DiningRoomQuestion.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="DiningRoomQuestion.png"><br>]}
(if: $DiningGame is 1)[The scantily clad Volumptious Woman walks over to you and asks a question.
"Here's your first question: In mathematics, 0.25 is the same as which fraction?"
(link: "1/4")[(goto: "Dining Right")]
(link: "1/25")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
(link: "2/5")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
](else-if: $DiningGame is 2)[The scantily clad Volumptious Woman walks over to you and asks a question.
"Here's your second question, when concerning mathematical orders of operations, which "operation" comes first?"
(link: "Exponents")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
(link: "Parentheses")[(goto: "Dining Right")]
(link: "Multiplication/Division")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
](else-if: $DiningGame is 3)[The scantily clad Volumptious Woman walks over to you and asks a question.
"Here's your third question, what is the greatest common factor of 54 and 81?
(link: "9")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
(link: "33")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
(link: "27")[(goto: "Dining Right")]
](else-if: $DiningGame is 4)[The scantily clad Volumptious Woman walks over to you and asks a question.
"Here's your final question, in mathematics PI is an example of what kind of number?"
(link: "Rational")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
(link: "Irrational")[(goto: "Dining Right")]
(link: "Imaginary")[(goto: "Dining Wrong")]
](else-if: $DiningGame is 5)[The scantily clad Volumptious Woman smiles and playfully caresses her large breasts, she gestures you to move near the table.
The scantily clad Volumptious Woman bends over in front of you, making sure your gaze is filled with her ample cleavage.
"Now that we don't have to pretend anymore, I only need to hear one thing from you. Do you want to stay and have fun? Or would you rather decide to be boring"
[[Stay and Have Fun]]
[[Decide to be Boring]]]The volumptous woman continues expanding your breasts, making them larger and larger until the weight of them takes you off balance.
You fall onto your butt, the massive weight of your breasts making it hard to steady yourself, but before you can the scantily clad volumptous woman pushes you over.
"No no, you've lost too many times... now you're mine!"
She dives on top of you, giving you kiss after kiss; you're breasts continue to swell outwards to gargantuan sizes, growing large enough that their sheer weight pins you to the ground!
You feel a slight pinch on your neck, as the last thing you hear is the echo of the scantily clad volumptous woman saying "now that we've expanded the body, let's work on the mind..."
You wake up sometime later in a completely different place, far away from where you were... This place is-
"Your home." A familiar voice corrects.
Yes you wake up in your home, and the scantily clad woman-
"Your wife." Her voice again insists
Right, how could you have forgotten; your wife sits next to you; rubbing lotion onto your gigantic breasts, the sensation is incredible. You wonder about your old life, your sister, the mansion-
"Forget everything about your past, I am your wife, this is your home; your purpose is to serve me, and to grow your breasts as big as they can be. Your every moment with me is ecstasy, you would do anything for me. Right?"
You smile and reply "Yes, I am yours now."
You stare into the eyes of your lovely wife in your home, she locks lips with you and you feel your massive breasts start to baloon outwards; your body quakes with pleasure, your senses give into the overwhelming sensation, you would do anything for her, this is your life, this-
"Shh, just enjoy this moment"
Game over: Bad End 1: Breast Overload
(Ending 1/7)
You swear your memory of this outcome is not quite right, was this really what happened? Do you journey back to the start of that night, to seek a different end?
[[Journey to the Beginning]]{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/GardenQuestion.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="GardenQuestion.png"><br>
]}(if: $GardenGame is 1)[The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman speaks up and asks a question
"Here's your first question, what is the square root of 64?"
(link: "8")[(goto: "Garden Right")]
(link: "32")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
(link: "48")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
](else-if: $GardenGame is 2)[
The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman speaks up and asks a question
"Here's your second question, what is 2 to the power 6?"
(link: "132")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
(link: "64")[(goto: "Garden Right")]
(link: "16")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
](else-if: $GardenGame is 3)[
The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman speaks up and asks a question
"Here's you're third question, which one of the following numbers is Not a prime number: 53, 56, or 59?"
(link: "53")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
(link: "59")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
(link: "56")[(goto: "Garden Right")]
](else-if: $GardenGame is 4)[
The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman speaks up and asks a question
"Final question; with decimals, what place is the fourth digit?"
(link: "Thousanths")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
(link: "Hundredths")[(goto: "Garden Wrong")]
(link: "Ten-thousandths")[(goto: "Garden Right")]
](else-if: $GardenGame is 5)[
The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman smiles upon catching sight of you, she motions encouragingly to the treadmill device. Once you step upon it, your surroundings change back to that of an endless corridor in the maze.
A shock compels you forwards as the Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman smirks and asks you plainly.
"All games aside there is only one thing I want to know; do you want to push yourself for more? Or are you going to settle for less?"<br>
[[Push for More]]
[[Settle for Less]]][[Expansion Mansion]] (V1.4.1)
{(if: $Sister is 0)[ ](else-if: $Sister >0)[Sister: $Sister<br>]
}(if: $breast is 0)[ ](else-if: $breast is >0)[Breast: $breast](if: $breast is 7)[ WARNING!]
(if: $preg is 0)[ ](else-if: $preg is >0)[Preg: $preg](if: $preg is 7)[ WARNING!]
(if: $butt is 0)[ ](else-if: $butt is >0)[Butt: $butt](if: $butt is 7)[ WARNING!]
{(if: $images is 1)[
(if: $breast is 0)[ ]
(else-if: $breast is 1)[ <img src="Images/Brst0.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Brst0.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 2)[ <img src="Images/Brst1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Brst1.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 3)[ <img src="Images/Brst2.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Brst2.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 4)[ <img src="Images/Brst3.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Brst3.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 5)[ <img src="Images/Brst4.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Brst4.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 6)[ <img src="Images/Brst5.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Brst5.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 7)[ <img src="Images/Brst6.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Brst6.png"> ]<br>
(if: $preg is 0)[ ]
(else-if: $preg is 1)[ <img src="Images/Prg0.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Prg0.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 2)[ <img src="Images/Prg1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Prg1.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 3)[ <img src="Images/Prg2.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Prg2.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 4)[ <img src="Images/Prg3.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Prg3.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 5)[ <img src="Images/Prg4.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Prg4.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 6)[ <img src="Images/Prg5.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Prg5.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 7)[ <img src="Images/Prg6.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Prg6.png"> ]<br>
(if: $butt is 0)[ ]
(else-if: $butt is 1)[ <img src="Images/Btt0.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Btt0.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 2)[ <img src="Images/Btt1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Btt1.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 3)[ <img src="Images/Btt2.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Btt2.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 4)[ <img src="Images/Btt3.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Btt3.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 5)[ <img src="Images/Btt4.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Btt4.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 6)[ <img src="Images/Btt5.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Btt5.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 7)[ <img src="Images/Btt6.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Btt6.png"> ]
(if: $KeyFragment is 0)[](else:)[Completed:
{(if: $DiningGame is 5)[Dining Room<br>](else:)[<br>]
(if: $GardenGame is 5)[Garden<br>](else:)[<br>]
(if: $LabGame is 5)[Lab<br>](else:)[<br>]
(if: $KeyFragment is 3)[You can go to the Control Room]
}]You move quietly through the house.
You can hear foot steps and the echo of unfamilar voices throughout the halls; there are intruders everywhere.
Peeking around a corner, you see one of them coming up the stairs towards you.
In a rush of adreniline you turn and sprint backwards, smacking right into another intruder!
Dizzy and light headed, you see them pull out a strange syringe and jab it into your neck; before you can react one of them points the projector of their mobile computer at your eyes, as it fills your vision and plays a pre-recorded message.
"You want to become more effeminate"
Images rapidly flash before your eyes as the voice repeats, you don't have time to take in much from each picture; you feel your mental resistance slipping, but you can't seem to move... meanwhile your face begins to tingle and shift.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-F-0.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-F-0.png">
<img src="Images/TG-F-1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-F-1.png">
"You are a girl, you were always a girl; you want to embrace your femininity..."
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-F-2.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-F-2.png">
<img src="Images/TG-F-3.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-F-3.png">
[[Lose yourself in the Trance]] The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman continues swatting your hips and ass, making them swell bigger and heavier until the weight of throws off your gait.
You trip over your own thigh, the massive weight of your ass causes you to plumet face first into the dirt. Tou attempt to get back up. but before you can the Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman pushes you back onto the ground with her powerful legs.
"This is sad, you need some tough love...I'll make that ass mine!"
You feel a flurry of swats smack against your hips, thighs and ass, as they thicken and widen uncontrollably; your hips broadening until your unable to even roll over, your ass expanding to the point where it's weight is holding you down.
You feel a slight pinch on your neck, as the last thing you hear is the echo of the Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman saying "That's a good start, let's fix that mindset of yours..."
You wake up sometime later in a completely different place, in a very large and well furnished gym.
"Focus! Keep pushing, more squats." A voice commands.
That's right! You're doing a workout...
You continue doing squats, the machine is set to an impressive amount of weight, and the Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman, your new coach, is guiding you through your excercises; giving you playful swats whenever you slow down or hesitate.
You catch a glimpse of your body in the mirror, your hips are wide enough to smash through a doorway, your thighs thick enough to crush a watermelon, and your butt is big enough for two chairs. You wonder about your old life, your sister, the mansion-
"Forget everything about your past, I am your coach, this is our gym; your purpose is to push your body as far as it can go, and to grow those curves as large as they can be. Every new squat and stride brings you plesure, you would do anything to make yourself better for me"
You nod your head in compliance, but this isn't good enough for the coach: "Say it loud, I need to hear your commitment."
You reply "Yes, I will do it all for you."
You stare into the eyes of your coach, she playfully swats your ass and hips and they baloon outwards; your body quakes with pleasure, your senses giving in to the overwhelming sensation, you would do anything to impress your coach, this is your life, this-
"Focus, you've almost broken your record. Keep your head clear"
Game over: Bad End 2: Butt Overload
(Ending 2/7)
You swear your memory of this outcome is not quite right, was this really what happened? Do you journey back to the start of that night, to seek a different end?
[[Journey to the Beginning]]The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman smiles from ear to ear.
"Now that's the spirit!"
{(Set: $butt to it + 1)
(if: $butt is 2)[(display: "Butt:2-3")]
(elseif: $butt is 3)[(display: "Butt:2-3")]
(elseif: $butt is 4)[(display: "Butt:4-5")]
(elseif: $butt is 5)[(display: "Butt:4-5")]
(elseif: $butt is 6)[(display: "Butt:6-7")]
(elseif: $butt is 7)[(display: "Butt:6-7")]}
{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $butt is 1)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 2)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 3)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 4)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 5)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 6)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 7)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
{(if: $butt is 8)[
[[Bad End Butt Overload]] ]
She smiles mischeviously and says "You're making progress, do you want to keep pushing yourself? See how far you can go before you exceed the limit. Let me know and we'll continue, or let me know if you need a break."
Once more, you find yourself on the treadmill. You could chose to stop and leave now... or you could ask her to expand you further.
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Play the Garden Game]]
]The Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman frowns a bit, and stops the simulation.
"Pitiful, I thought you knew what you wanted; I had you pegged for someone who could handle more, I might have over-estimated you."
She slaps her own massive ass and brags "You'll never have an ass this big and powerful with an attitude like that; come back when you're ready to get serious."
The iron gate opens once more at the far end of the center of the maze, you can exit the area now, or you could decide to stay instead.
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Play the Garden Game]] (if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/LabQuestion.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="LabQuestion.png">
](if: $LabGame is 1)[
The Gigantic pregnant woman glances vaguely in your direction, and asks her first question:
"How many sides does a hexagon have?"
(link: "5")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")]
(link: "6")[(goto: "Lab Right")]
(link: "10")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")]]
(else-if: $LabGame is 2)[
The Gigantic pregnant woman glances vaguely in your direction, and asks her second question:
"For any size or shape of triangle, would must the sum of the interior angles add up to?"
(link: "180")[(goto: "Lab Right")]
(link: "240")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")]
(link: "360")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")] ]
(else-if: $LabGame is 3)[
The Gigantic pregnant woman glances vaguely in your direction, and asks her third question:
"Which 3 dimensional object can contain the greatest volume with the lowest surface area?"
(link: "Cylinder")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")]
(link: "Cube")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")]
(link: "Sphere")[(goto: "Lab Right")] ]
(else-if: $LabGame is 4)[
The Gigantic pregnant woman glances vaguely in your direction, and asks her final question:
"In geometry straight-sided solid (objects), which are based on polygons, are often called by what term?"
(link: "Icosahedrons")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")]
(link: "Polyhedrons")[(goto: "Lab Right")]
(link: "Dodecahedrons")[(goto: "Lab Wrong")] ]
(else-if: $LabGame is 5)[
The Gigantic pregnant woman vaguely motions to the position you stood before, as you approach your vision becomes foggy and the lighting becomes more dim.
The Gigantic pregnant woman rubs the sides of her massive pregnant belly, as she says with a subtle smirk on her face.
"We can cast aside all illusions now; tell me, will you embrace destiny... and be filled with life? Or would you rather leave, and persue the path... of futility?"
[[Embrace Destiny]]
[[Persist in Futility]]
]The Scantily Clad Voluptuous Woman smiles and winks at you a few times.
Your body freezes up, she must have sent another lag spike to your system.
{(if: $breast is 2)[(display: "Breast:2-4")]
(elseif: $breast is 3)[(display: "Breast:2-4")]
(elseif: $breast is 4)[(display: "Breast:5-6")]
(elseif: $breast is 5)[(display: "Breast:5-6")]
(elseif: $breast is 6)[(display: "Breast:7-8")]
(elseif: $breast is 7)[(display: "Breast:7-8")]
(elseif: $breast is 8)[(display: "Breast:7-8")]}
{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $breast is 1)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 2)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 3)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 4)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 5)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 6)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 7)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
(if: $breast is 8)[
[[Bad End Breast Overload]] ]
She giggles and says "Looking good, my kiss has this effect on people. Let me know if you want to have some more fun, or if you'd like to be boring."
With that you see a virtual door appear on the far side of the room, you can exit the area, or ask her to expand you more… if you'd like.
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Play the Dining Room Game]]
The scantily clad Volumptious Woman sighs as the virtual overlay fades away again.
"How disappointing, I thought you wanted to have a fun; I guess you want to waste your time doing something mundane and trivial, oh well."
She caresses her massive weighty breasts and purrs alluringly "I'll be waiting here all alone without you, feel free to come back if you want to play..."
A door opens just past the foot of the table, You could return to your room, or you could decide you'd like to stay.
[[Play the Dining Room Game]]
[[Go back to your room]] "You have passed a point of no return, now your surrender is inevitable"
As she speaks you feel a sort of mental fog overwhelm your senses, your every attempt to move or speak goes unanswered by your body; as if your mind no longer is willing to accept the commands of your mind.
Before you can reflect on this, the gigantic pregnant woman wraps her legs around your back and pulls you in by your ankles, making a tighter seal and locking your into her embrace.
"Your body is a vessel, and now it will fill with purpose"
Suddenly you arch your back and moan uncontrollably as an overwhelming force floods into your body, warming you to your core as your whole body becomes hot and you cannot help but yearn for more.
You feel an increasing weight on top of you as your belly rapidly distends, growing rounder and heavier with each passing moment.
You feel your skin tighten and stretch and your body rapidly adjusts to make room, accomidating to even larger sizes.
Your hips widen beyond the width of your shoulders, preparing your body for child birth; as your belly swells ever larger, wedging up between your breasts as it spreads lower between your thighs.
Your belly pulses with life, becoming far larger than a full term pregnancy. Your body quakes with the movement of multiple offspring, as they become stronger and more restless.
Your body instictively cradles your massive tummy, as the pressure and growth make you feel as if you will burst; the sensation ceases suddenly, as the other figures re-adjust your posture to support the massive new weight upon you.
Taking a moment to look at yourself, it seems like your whole body and all of your curves have grown; you seem to have gained some control now over your body, but its so large and heavy that you can barely move.
Your thoughts are fuzzy, you cannot string a sentance together; you want to feel that sensation of growth again, to be filled with life, to grow even bigger than before, to give birth and be made pregnant again in an endless cycle.
The voice of the gigantic pregnant woman echos into your head, as you feel it vibrate through your whole body.
"Are you ready to surrender? Speak but one word and you will become one with destiny... forever."
You think briefly about your sister, the mansion, your old life; before the excitement and intense need to breed and swell with childeren overpowers your thoughts, every part of your body now yearning to fulfill this one purpose that it was destined for.
You whisper out "Yes...Make me your vessel"
You feel your body prepare to give birth to the new life within; your heart races with excitement to meet your new children, and to swell again soon, hopefully to even greater sizes...
Game over: Bad End 3: Pregnancy Overload
(Ending 3/7)
You swear your memory of this outcome is not quite right, was this really what happened? Do you journey back to the start of that night, to seek a different end?
[[Journey to the Beginning]]{(Set: $preg to it + 1)
(if: $preg is 2)[(display: "Belly:2-3")]
(elseif: $preg is 3)[(display: "Belly:2-3")]
(elseif: $preg is 4)[(display: "Belly:4-5")]
(elseif: $preg is 5)[(display: "Belly:4-5")]
(elseif: $preg is 6)[(display: "Belly:6-7")]
(elseif: $preg is 7)[(display: "Belly:6-7")]}
{(if: $images is 1)[
(if: $preg is 1)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 2)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 3)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 4)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 5)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 6)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 7)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_7full.png"> ]
(if: $preg is 8)[
[[Bad End Pregnant Overload]] ]
The gigantic pregnant woman says "Do you wish to continue to embrace the path of destiny, to surrender and be filled with life? Or do you need time to go rest and contemplate?"
With that you see the green access light turn on over the entry door; you can leave the area, or let the Giant Pregnant Woman expand you further.
[[Play the Lab Game]]
[[Go back to your room]]
]The Gigantic pregnant woman sighs and rolls her eyes, as your vision clears and the room brightens to its former level of visablity.
"Why do you delay the inevitable, your destiny lies in surrender; you only lie to yourself by denying that..."
The Gigantic pregnant woman spreads her legs and leans back, as if to show off the size and weight of her massive belly. "Once you're ready to choose surrender, and be filled with life... I will be here, waiting to show you the path."
With that you see the green access light turn on over the entry door, you can leave the area, or keep playing if you'd like.
[[Play the Lab Game]]
[[Go back to your room]]}You re-insert the three chips and the lock bleeps a little.
Scanning your eye, the screen finally lights up green and the heavy door starts to unlock. Huge heavy bolts sliding in well-oiled grooves.
"After fully unlocking the doors, they very slowly open, allowing you inside the control room. Finally"
Leaning against the main security console is a woman holding a strange looking remote.
Slumped nearby is your sister, stripped naked and clearly drugged, judging by the drowsy look on her face and her sluggish movements.
{(Set: $Sister to 1)
(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/Sis-1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Sis-1.png"><br>
You don't know who the other woman is, but she must be important. She was locked in here by choice and they took your sister to her. She must be 'The Boss' the others were talking about.
Before you can say anything to your sister, the enigmatic woman speaks.
"Well well, you've done well to come this far; I didn't think you could get through my games without... Heh, going overboard."
{(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
She smirks “Though it looks like you haven’t gotten through tonight completely unchanged; I wonder if you even realize what's 'new' about you."
You lock eyes with her, and slowly approach the main control panel; you hope perhaps she'll be too distracted gloating at you to notice.
Suddenly the enigmatic woman presses a button on her remote, causing your sister to jolt out of her trance as she begins moaning loudly. A few moments of this pass before she's able to stop herself, shuddering with helplessness at how little control she has over her own body.
"After some... persuading, your sister gave me control over her bio-net; move any further and I'll make your sister will grow so voluptuous and gravid that well... Let's just say she'll make the proportions of those you encountered earlier, look subtle by comparison."
The woman smiles as you halt in your tracks.
"A wonderful invention these bio-nets, your family have made a fortune making and selling this technology; it should have been used for great things, instead it’s mostly used to inflate the... egos of the foolish and vain."
The enigmatic woman scans your face for any kind of reaction, but you don't care about their motivations; you just want to save your family right now. Later, you will see them in jail for intruding upon your home.
"Ha, I thought maybe by 'experiencing' some of the excesses of your family's, little invention, that perhaps you'd have a change of heart; but I see you're like all the rest..."
"No doubt you’ve noticed the malware on your bio-net; it exploits a flaw in the bio-net code, allowing us to add a 'workaround' into the ‘consent’ system."
"My followers have been taught all the ways a person can exploit this weakness, putting those with compromised bio-nets into states of stress, or by emotionally manipulating them; then making temporary changes to the system through an implied consent."
“However changes made this way are temporary; once the mal-ware is removed the system restores itself to a previous state, if it is not corrupted. Any changes you have experienced up until now are still temporary.”
{(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
"Even the changes that have given you a much more… ‘Feminine’ physique."
“Were you to fully ‘consent’ to the changes they would become your new system default, wiping the previous state and making any additions or adjustments much more difficult to reverse; sometimes becoming permanent if enough complications occur.”
The enigmatic woman starts to disrobe, revealing a somewhat curvy, but trim figure; no doubt she has a bio-net of her own.
{(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/Evil-1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Evil-1.png">
“I propose a final game, something with high stakes and permanent consequences…”
"If you win this game, I will peacefully turn myself over to the authorities; though if you lose, I will make your sister into a symbol of your family's... excesses."
She waves a hand and starts to walk around you. Circling you like a green-eyed vulture.
"If you get a question wrong, I shall punish your ‘media darling’ sister by having the bio-net inflate those curves of hers. She has already given me consent to expand her to quite gigantic proportions, and if she reaches that level… then the changes will possibly become permanent, and you will lose this game."
She smiles as you glare at her.
“With each question you get right however, I will divert the punishment your sister would have received to myself instead. Should I reach the maximum level your sister agreed to, I have also pre-consented to make the changes my new default state; possibly even becoming permanent… What better poetic justice could you ask for?"
She points the ‘status’ screen on the remote towards you. The remote is displaying the biometrics of both your sister and her with flashing red text reading “Warning, consent to permanent changes authorized; once proportions are reached they will become new system default. Are you sure you want to proceed? Y/N?”
She laughs "I'm not cruel however. You can decide to forfeit the game at any time. Though in doing so, know that I would require you to consent to receive her accumulated punishment; this would mean any expansions she incurs from your wrong answers would become yours… permanently.”
Adding with a laugh “We would of course use this opportunity to escape though, so know what it means before you decide."
With that the enigmatic woman extends her arm, making sure you can see the two “expand” buttons on her remote, one for her, one for your sister; as she prepares her final test.
[[Final Question 1]]The enimatic woman smiles confidently as she asks her first question:
"Which number cannot be represented by Roman Numerals."
With a satisfied smile she reminds you:
"Don't forget, answer wrong and your sister pays the price; or you could do the selfless thing and forfeit, it's up to you..."
You can answer with one of the following responses:
"[[Zero]], because they hadn't invented that concept mathematically yet"
"[[Million]], because nothing needed to be counted that high"
"[[Hundred|Million]], because the word is from old Norse, and the Romans didn't have an equivalent"
Or you can forfeit, allowing the enimatic woman and the other intruders to get away; sparing your sister any 'punishment'.
(if: $Sister is 1)[
[[Forfeit the Game]]
[[Forfeit the Game to Spare your Sister, Take the Punishment upon Yourself]]]The enimatic woman looks at you in shock, suddenly the changes begin to affect her as she casts a furious gaze towards you.
You watch as her curves begin to fill out, becoming larger and more pronounced; her proportions become significantly more voluptuous, turning her from a fairly normal looking girl into more of a sex object.
You watch as with each pulse her breasts become larger and heavier, transforming from round and perky into weighty, milk-filled orbs.
A small bulge forms in her lower belly, as it rapidly grows and expands; Growing her flat tummy into a round maternal dome.
Her formerly thin hips begin to widen as they curve outwards and increasingly separate her legs.
The sleek and thin legs bulge outwards and begin accumulating mass and thickening, becoming more drum-stick shaped.
You watch as her formerly flat butt quickly swells outwards, inflating rounder as it sticks out and accents her formerly thin and trim figure.
The changes now complete you see the enimatic woman's face burn with anger; she hadn't expected this outcome.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/Evil-2.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Evil-2.png">
Her eyes narrow as she considers her next question more carefully, she'll clearly try to outsmart you with her next obscure bit of trivia.
[[Final Question 2]]The enimatic woman laughs and wags her finger at you
"tsk tsk tsk, Guess you don't care much for your sister... I wonder how big she'll grow before her bio-net overloads and she bursts, let's find out shall we?"
{(Set: $Sister to it + 1)}
You watch as your sister moans in pleasure, her curves expanding as her body becomes more voluptuous and full; her breasts become more weighy, her belly grows more gravid, her hips widen as her thighs thicken, and her butt swells larger and more rounded.
You see in her face, a mixture of confusion and reluctance; she is overwhelmed with pleasure yet embarrassed and ashamed of what's happening to her. Her face is flushed red and she's trying to catch her breath to recover from the sudden growth spurt.
She has grown considerably curvier and her pregnancy has advanced somewhat{
(display: "Sister Images")
(if: $Sister is 5)[
[[Sister reaches her Limit]]
The Enigmatic Woman takes a moment to gloat
"She's growing quite rapidly wouldn't you say? One wonders what will happen if she reaches her limit... Don't forget, you can always let us go."
[[Forfeit the Game to Spare your Sister, Take the Punishment upon Yourself]]
"Or Shall we Continue, hmm? See where this leads..." she asks with a condicending smirk
[[Final Question 1]]
]You announce that you wish to forfeit now, not wanting to put your sister in any danger.
The enimatic woman makes an exaggerated pouting face to mock you, as she says with a condescending tone:
"After all you went through to get here? I have to say that's a little disappointing, though I suppose it's understandable... though if I didn't know better, I'd say it's because you're afraid. Perhaps maybe you realized your not quite smart enough for my game."
The enimatic woman quickly re-dresses, keeping an eye on you while she does. Her finger near the remote controlling your sister's bio net at all times.
"I guess it makes no difference either way, a deal's a deal..."
Then with a smirk and a wink, she calls out "Here catch!"
As she tosses your sisters bio-net remote high into the air, thinking quickly you dive towards where it's about to land! Catching it to make sure it doesn't accidently activate or break.
Looking up where the enimatic woman was standing, you realise she has made good her escape.
Getting up, you look for the lockdown controls, but there is a device on the main control panel with a timer ticking down "0:20" "0:19" "0:18".
"It's a bomb!" you yell out, as you quickly grab your sister and hurry her out the control room door from where you came. Barely thinking, you slam the 'lock door' button as you both stagger out.
Moments later there's an explosion from inside.
The damage is thankfully contained within the steel walls of the control room, but it destroyed the equipment inside, and with it any chance of quickly alerting the police, or trapping the criminals inside using the mansion's security system.
Your sister starts to recover from her mental haze, and asks wearily "What happened? Are we still being held by those people"
As you reply "No, they've escaped and we're safe now. It's over...".
{(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/End01.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="End01.png"><br>
Days later, News media are reporting the terrible story that the mansion of the famous and wealthy family known for inventing and distributing bio-net enhancement devices, had their home siezed by unknown figures and were then held hostage for several hours before the family eventually regained control.
Due to the severe damage to the security system, the suspects identities remain unknown; and despite a thorough investigation, no trace of them was found and the police case went cold.
Your family's company briefly has some difficulty, but quickly stablized when it was confirmed no one was harmed, and both you and your sister started making public apperances to calm rumors.
Not having formally 'consented' to any of the changes to your bio-net, you were able to reverse any changes to your system once the malware was removed.
{(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
Including the gender swap, once your sister helped you undo the brainwashing; using a memory backup to restore your personality.<br>
With the situation stablized, your family continues to do business as usual; though with a few notable security upgrades to the company and the family home.
Your family is safe, your company is stable; However, those who wronged you escaped without any consequences. All things considered, it could have been much worse, all and all you feel that this was a fairly neutral end to how things could have went.
Game over: Bad End 4: Forfeit Immediately to spare your sister
(Ending 4/7)
You swear your memory of this outcome is not quite right, was this really what happened? Do you journey back to the start of that night, to seek a different end?
[[Journey to the Beginning]]Your skin begins to soften, your feel your body shift and change as a small message appears in the corner of your vision; your mental state is such that you can't quite comprehend the message "consenting to changes...neural-net adjustment 50% complete...adjusting bio-net".
You sink to the floor as your mind goes blissfully blank.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-C-0.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-C-0.png">
<img src="Images/TG-C-1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-C-1.png">
<img src="Images/TG-C-2.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-C-2.png">
There's a sensation building in your chest as you caress the front of your body.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-C-3.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-C-3.png">
<img src="Images/TG-C-4.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-C-4.png">
You feel two soft orbs begin to inflate outwards forming into two small but perky breasts.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-C-5.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-C-5.png">
<img src="Images/TG-C-6.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-C-6.png">
The breasts grow until they press gently against your hands; the sensation stops as you notice the new weight upon your chest, you cup your fingers around your small but perky breasts.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/BoobsN1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="BoobsN1_1full.png">
You feel your butt press up against the floor, filling out as you arch your hips up to make room; all while the weight in your legs seems to shift to your growing thighs.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/ButtN1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="ButtN1_1full.png">
Examining your midriff, you see that your body has become much softer and less muscular; looking much more feminine than before.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/PregN1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="PregN1_1full.png">
Suddenly you feel your bones shift as your point of view drops a few centimeters and your shoulders narrow; you bring your hands to your face as you feel your jaw line softening and your chin shrink.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-F-4.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-F-4.png">
your eyelashes grow as your hair begins expanding, tickling the back of your neck.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-F-5.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-F-5.png">
The more you try to remember specific memories of your past the more foggy and unclear they become; strange new memories stream in of you as a girl, they are unfamilar at first, but after a while they strangely seem to fit, and soon you cannot recall being anything else.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/TG-F-6.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="TG-F-6.png">
The tingling in your face stops as you see a quick message flash "bio-net adjustments...complete; neural-net adjustments...complete; returning to default status..."
Snapping out of the trance you can't remember what just happened; just that your house was broken into, and you were trying to find somewhere safe to hide- then you ran into the intruder and...
"Looks like the bio-net work around did the trick, we just had to trick it into a gender reconfiguration."
What was this guy talking about...
Another nearby intruder speaks up "Now we just have to bring her to the bosses, no doubt they'll want to make an example of this one."
You don't like the sound of that; thinking fast, you kick the first intruder in the shin, and scramble onto your feet before sprinting away. you can hear the other one fast on your heels, but you know your way around the house better than he does.
After darting through a few sharp corners your pursuer loses sight of you, once clear, you find a safe place to hide.
You hear the your two pursuers run back and forth looking for you, but they are unable to find your hiding place. One of them stops nearby and responds to a radio call.
"Did you find the last one?"
"No, they got away; should we keep looking for them?"
"Negative, the bosses want to have their fun; empty the halls and seal the exits. If they want to raise the lock down, or call for help, they'll need the key. The bosses have all the pieces of it, if they want the key then they'll have to go to them."
"Alright, we're heading out now."
You wait for a little while until the coast is clear, then emerge from your hiding place. You'll need to find the three control chips in order to gain access to the control room, restore the security system, and call for help.
In the distance you hear various exit doors slam shut and lock; your stuck in this mansion with whoever these "bosses" are, you decide to go back to your room and get your bearings, and run an in-depth bio-scan before proceeding...
[[Run a full body scan]]You announce you wish to forfeit to stop any further harm from being done to your sister.
The enimatic woman smiles and replies with a slight taunt:
"Finally realized you're out of your league eh? You should have known you were no match for me... Shame your sister had to endure to consequences of your arrogance first."
The enimatic woman starts re-dressing, while keeping a cautious finger near the remote controlling your sister's bio-net.
While she does your sister begins to come out of her mental haze, confused at the altered state of her body.
"Remember, the punishment accumulated by your sister is to be transfered to you now that you've forfeited... that was the deal. Transmit your bio-net consent authorization, before I decide to alter our deal."
You glare back at the enimatic woman but reluctantly nod in compliance; you don't see any other option to spare your sister. You pull out your data tablet and transmit the "consent" authorization to the enigmatic womans remote.
The enimatic woman begins lowering the settings on your sister's curves and proportions.
Moments later, your sister begins to shrink back down to her normal size; she seems relieved, but then looks in worry when she sees the anxiety in your eyes, knowing that something bad will now happen to you instead.
The Enimatic woman begins smiling as she says:
"Enjoy your sister's punishment, loser."
With that she hits the button the remote to send to you the proportions recently removed from your sister.
A moment later the changes hit you like a thunderbolt: You sink your knees onto the floor, overwhelmed by the sensations as you steadily accumulate mass and grow heavier; your body swelling larger in every direction.
As your balance is thrown off from the extra weight, you clumsily fall onto your butt; eyes wide in shock as your body inflates outwards more and more with each passing second.
You sigh nerviously, watching as your body transforms into a much more voluminous and fertile form; as anxious as you are powerless to do anything to stop it.
Your eyes drift up to the enimatic woman, as you see a smile creep across her face from ear to ear and she gets a wild look in her eye.
She exclaims with sadistic glee "You know, I promised you that I would make your sister into a symbol of your family's excesses if you lost; since you've taken her place, and have given up like a pathetic quitter, I have decided at the last moment to make you that symbol!"
With that she pushes the proportions on your bio-net to the red, as you hear your sister yell "No!"
Your vision goes blurry as you feel the swelling and growth intensify, adding so much new mass to your body that you become top-heavy and tip over onto your back.
You hear the echo of the enimatic woman as she escapes, laughing the whole way out.
Your sister runs over to your side with the woman's remote as she exclaims in frustration "She locked it on the maximum setting, tell me your code! I'll override it!"
With difficulty, you start to spell out the authorization code for your bio-net, but you're choked into incoherance as a massive growth surge interrupts you, overcoming your senses with pleasure, leaving you unable to utter even one coherent syllable.
You're unable to compose yourself as wave after wave of expansion causes you to double in size in a short space of time. Taking deeper and deeper breaths, you clench your fists and teeth as you brace for each new change; trying to find some reprieve from the relentless increases.
The pressue continues to increase, as you've now tripled from your original size. You feel your body creeping towards every corner of the room, as the sensation feels as if you've been stuffed with too much food and are about to burst; but its coming from every part of your body, and the intense bloating is overwhelming your tolerances.
Convinced you've reached your limit and are about to explode, you yell at the top of your lungs for your sister to run.
Then suddenly the growth stops; aburptly leaving you with giant, overfilled, blimp like proportions; more colossally Voluptuous than even your wildest fantasies would have imagined.
You feel your sister's hand move across the side of your belly, now overflowing with ridiculous amounts of offspring, the tiny area of her hand dwarfed by your massive pregnancy.
(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/End02-01.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="End02-01.png">
"It's ok, I'm going to help you through this... once you've recovered I'm going to find the people who did this, and make them pay."
Days later, News media are reporting the terrible story that the mansion of the famous and wealthy family known for inventing and distributing bio-net enhancement devices, had their home siezed by unknown figures and were then held hostage for several hours before the family eventually regained control.
Blinded by a misplaced desire to enact punishment on the family, the suspects neglected to fully destroy the survelience system; and despite clearing the video logs, some fragmented data was reconstructed and yielded the names and faces of some of the culprits.
Your sister, now having taken charge of the situation and acting as the public face of the company, uses the tramua you sustained as a call to action; galvanizing police and security forces into an international man-hunt. Many of the figures are caught and arrested, though the enimatic leader remains at large.
Driven by vengence, your sister steers the company to adopt much more aggressive security measures. She uses the wealth and resources of the family company to target groups and people further and further removed from the event, using both legal and extra-legal means to enact a furious revenge.
Blinded by rage, she leads your company into a stronger but very unstable future; as her moves continue to cause mumurs of discontent, but many are too frightened of her wrath to try and stop her.
(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
Your sister will infrequently mention that you were brainwashed and had your identity 'stolen'; however, each time she attempts to guide you through the process of undoing the damage, she becomes infuriated, unable to cope with her grief and anger from the events of that night.<br>
For the good of your sister you decide to drop the issue, unsure of what 'identity' you lost, and being unable to return to whatever it was that you've forgotten.<br>
Your sister promises she will set aside her anger and help you recover later, but not until everyone responsible for what happened is punished; she persues this goal relentlessly and Single-mindedly, even as the years drag on and it becomes less and less likely the mysterious leader will ever be found.
Due to your having consented to the changes to your bio-net (even as giant and overwhelming as they are), they have become your new 'default'.
Worse, the malware corrupted some of the core functions of your bio-net; thus making it almost impossible to safely change your settings back to normal, not without risking permanent damage to your health.
(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/End02-02.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="End02-02.png"><br>
Unable to safely transfer or reverse the pregnancy; you eventually give birth to multiple children, and are now stuck with them.
This unfortunate circumstance is due to several laws enacted in the past by the government; stating that any childeren created by the bio-net are recognized upon being born, regardless of circumstance.
Left with a huge number of unexpected childeren to attend to, with the help of your family you are able to make the burden much less difficult; though any chance of returning a normal life is a distant memory, and you now must adapt to this future that has been trust onto you by others.
Things will be difficult going forward, your family is in a stronger and certainly more aggressive position now; however it is certainly not for the better, you feel this was quite a bad outcome, though maybe not the very worst.
Game over: Bad End 5: Spare your Sister, Take the punishment upon Yourself
(Ending 5/7)
You swear your memory of this outcome is not quite right, was this really what happened? Do you journey back to the start of that night, to seek a different end?
[[Journey to the Beginning]]The enimatic woman smiles confidently as she asks her second question:
"What does the game "Tetris" get it's name from?"
With a satisfied smile she reminds you:
"Don't forget, answer wrong and your sister pays the price; or you could do the selfless thing and forfeit, it's up to you..."
You can answer with one of the following responses:
"[[Theme Song]], The name "Tetris" refers to the name of the main theme song"
"[[Fish Name|Theme Song]], It's named after the tropical freshwater fish"
"[[Greek Prefix]], It's derived from the Greek prefix 'tetra-', which is a reference to the type of shapes in the game"
Or you can forfeit, allowing the enimatic woman and the other intruders to get away; sparing your sister but taking any 'punishment' she's incurred onto yourself.
(if: $Sister is 1)[
[[Forfeit the Game]]
[[Forfeit the Game to Spare your Sister, Take the Punishment upon Yourself]]]Your sister cries out in both pain and unwanted pleasure as her curves surge outwards to ridiculous proportions, her belly swelling into a blimp topped with two swollen watermelon sized breasts.
She arches her back as most of her body is held up by her massively thick and plump hips and butt; she begins spreading her enormous thighs, now several times larger and wider than her shoulders as she begins bearing down.
Her water breaks as she starts taking short panicked breaths, you rush over to hold her hand and help however you can.
You turn to yell at the enimatic woman but she's gone, no doubt using the oppurtunity to escape while you have your hands full.
"Why did you keep answering if you didn't know?!" She says with teary eyes, frustrated and angry that your mistakes brought this conclusion.
She begins groaning and looks at you to confirm the gravity of the situation "I can feel them coming... there's no coming back from this."
(if: $images is 1)[<br>
(if: $preg is <= 3)[
<img src="Images/End03-01.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="End03-01.png">]
(else-if: $preg is >= 4)[
<img src="Images/End03-02.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="End03-02.png">]
Despite the best efforts of your family's Technicians, the changes made to your sister's bio-net have become the new default; the core code of her bio-net having been so badly corrupted, by the malware and sudden changes, that they are now irreversable without risking serious health complications.
(if: $preg is 4)[<br>
The core code of your bio-net is also somewhat corrupted, leaving you powerless to watch as your pregnancy comes to full term and you give birth.]
(else-if: $preg is 5)[<br>
The core code of your bio-net is also somewhat corrupted, leaving you powerless to watch as your pregnancy comes to full term and you give birth.]
(else-if: $preg is 6)[<br>
The core code of your bio-net is also somewhat corrupted, leaving you powerless to watch as your pregnancy comes to full term and you give birth.]
(else-if: $preg is 7)[<br>
The core code of your bio-net is also somewhat corrupted; a few short days later you go into labor, and give birth to multiple children.]
Days later, News media are shocked at the relevation that the youngest sister of your family gave birth to Octuplets; since she was quite popular and well known on social media, and was very vocal about not wanting to start a family. The discovery quickly turns into a scandal.
(if: $preg is 1)[<br>
Because your sister was unable to transfer or reverse the pregnancy before giving birth, she is now stuck with them.]
(else-if: $preg is 2)[<br>
Because your sister was unable to transfer or reverse the pregnancy before giving birth, she is now stuck with them.]
(else-if: $preg is 3)[<br>
Because your sister was unable to transfer or reverse the pregnancy before giving birth, she is now stuck with them.]
(else-if: $preg is >= 4)[<br>
Since neither you, nor your sister, were unable to transfer or reverse the Pregnancies before giving birth, you are now both stuck with your new children.]
This unfortunate circumstance is due to several laws enacted in the past by the government; stating that any childeren created by the bio-net are recognized upon being born, regardless of circumstance.
Your family's official statement, that this was the work of unknown intruders, is quickly dismissed when only fragmented images and video are found to support this story, and many dismiss this evidence as a supposed "fabrication" by your family.
Your family's company goes into a financial free-fall as many openly debate how safe the product is to use, and if what happened to your sister could happen to anyone.
{(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
The lengthy and expensive process to restore your bio-net; so you can safely transition back to you previous gender, has to be abandoned, leaving you stuck the way you are.]
Near destitute, your family has to accept an offers from shady organizations to repurpose the technology towards more nefarious ends; causing everyone to now loathe both you and your family's invention, as it's mis-use becomes more and more common.
The legacy of your family is lost, your finances are still reeling, and is now struggling to support many new unexpected children.
You are convinced fate dealt your family a cruel hand that night, as the rest of your lives going forward will be full of hardship. You feel this is perhaps one of the very worst outcomes.
Game over: Bad End 6: Sister reaches her limit and gives birth
(Ending 6/7)
You swear your memory of this outcome is not quite right, was this really what happened? Do you journey back to the start of that night, to seek a different end?
[[Journey to the Beginning]]The enimatic woman laughs and wags her finger at you
"tsk tsk tsk, Guess you don't care much for your sister... I wonder how big she'll grow before her bio-net overloads and she bursts, let's find out shall we?"
{(Set: $Sister to it + 1)}
You watch as your sister moans in pleasure, her curves expanding as her body becomes more voluptuous and full; her breasts become more weighy, her belly grows more gravid, her hips widen as her thighs thicken, and her butt swells larger and more rounded.
You see in her face, a mixture of confusion and reluctance; she is overwhelmed with pleasure yet embarrassed and ashamed of what's happening to her. Her face is flushed red and she's trying to catch her breath to recover from the sudden growth spurt.
She has grown considerably curvier and her pregnancy has advanced somewhat{
(display: "Sister Images")
(if: $Sister is 5)[
[[Sister reaches her Limit]]
The Enigmatic Woman takes a moment to gloat
"She's growing quite rapidly wouldn't you say? One wonders what will happen if she reaches her limit... Don't forget, you can always let us go."
[[Forfeit the Game to Spare your Sister, Take the Punishment upon Yourself]]
"Or Shall we Continue, hmm? See where this leads..." she asks with a condicending smirk
[[Final Question 2]]
]The enimatic womans smirk disappears, the changes rapidly begin taking affect. She can't conceal her dumbfounded expression at this outcome.
Her curves aggressively to expand in all directions, becoming heavier and more rounded; her proportions shift into an hourglass shape, as she begins tranforming from a slightly curvy girl into a thick pregnant woman.
You watch her breasts sway as their weight and diameter increase dramatically; Ballooning outwards as her nipples become puffer, sticking out further, her breasts transforming from weighty spheres into large heavy globes.
Her life-filled belly begins distending as it grows larger, becoming tighter and more rounded as it expands; now sticking out past her breasts.
Her moderately sized hips greatly broaden. They are now as wide, if not wider, than her shoulders. Her inner legs separate, leaving a noticable gap between them, and shaping them more towards the task of giving birth.
Her plump thighs fill outwards as they curve even further to each side, accumulating weight as they become ever more enormous; making her rear end into a nubile heart shaped profile, unmistakable for showing fertility.
Her round butt swells even larger, flairing out further outwards as it rapidly inflates; growing to such an extent that she has to adjust her pose for balance, her massive butt now arcing out sharply from her lower back.
The changes now complete you see the enimatic woman's face stunned by disbelief, clearly rattled by what has happened.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/Evil-3.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Evil-3.png">
She nerviously paces around, taking a great deal of time to consider her next question; determined to trap you into expanding your sister, and not her, with her next obscure test of trivia.
[[Final Question 3]]The enimatic woman smiles confidently as she asks her second question:
"When a triangle has a right angle (90 degrees), and squares are made on each of the three sides of the triangle, then what must be true about the squares?"
With a satisfied smile she reminds you:
"Don't forget, answer wrong and your sister pays the price; or you could do the selfless thing and forfeit, it's up to you..."
You can answer with one of the following responses:
"[[Final Answer 1]] The area of the smaller squares directly adjacent to the right angle will always be equal to each other."
"[[Final Answer 2]] The biggest square has the exact same area as the area of the other two squares put together."
"[[Final Answer 3|Final Answer 1]]The biggest square will have exactly triple of area of one of the two smaller squares."
Or you can forfeit, allowing the enimatic woman and the other intruders to get away; sparing your sister but taking any 'punishment' she's incurred onto yourself.
(if: $Sister is 1)[
[[Forfeit the Game]]
[[Forfeit the Game to Spare your Sister, Take the Punishment upon Yourself]]]The enimatic woman laughs and wags her finger at you
"tsk tsk tsk, Guess you don't care much for your sister... I wonder how big she'll grow before her bio-net overloads and she bursts, let's find out shall we?"
(Set: $Sister to it + 1)
You watch as your sister moans in pleasure, her curves expanding as her body becomes more voluptuous and full; her breasts become more weighy, her belly grows more gravid, her hips widen as her thighs thicken, and her butt swells larger and more rounded.
You see in her face, a mixture of confusion and reluctance; she is overwhelmed with pleasure yet embarrassed and ashamed of what's happening to her. Her face is flushed red and she's trying to catch her breath to recover from the sudden growth spurt.
She has grown considerably curvier and her pregnancy has advanced somewhat{
(display: "Sister Images")
(if: $Sister is 5)[
[[Sister reaches her Limit]]
The Enigmatic Woman takes a moment to gloat
"She's growing quite rapidly wouldn't you say? One wonders what will happen if she reaches her limit... Don't forget, you can always let us go."
[[Forfeit the Game to Spare your Sister, Take the Punishment upon Yourself]]
"Or Shall we Continue, hmm? See where this leads..." she asks with a condicending smirk
[[Final Question 3]]
]The enigmatic woman begins muttering something incoherently, in utter shock; in total disbelief that she could be beaten in a game of her own making.
Her curves explode outwards, surging with incredible speed in all directions, her proportions becoming ridiculously circular and very much heavier, as she transforms from a thick pregnant woman into an overwhelmingly huge brood-mother.
Her breasts enlarge tremendously, burgeoning with teeming volumes of milk, heaving forward with each spurt of growth as they spread out atop her belly and grow ever rounder and higher on her chest; her breasts transforming from large heavy globes into hugely full blimps.
Her pregnant belly swells greatly, stretching tighter and fuller as the offspring within her continue to multiply and grow stronger; her stomach becoming larger with each passing moment, each time seeming to reach and exceed a new limit, abounding with young, near ready to bust.
Her large hips widen enormously, broadening and flaring to an astonishing degree as they extend even further to each side; accentuating her thighs and butt, while broadening the gulf between her inner thighs, adjusting them to the perfect shape for her approaching childbirth.
Her thick thighs round outwards, spreading boundlessly as they exceeded even the great width of her hips; becoming ever more ample and voluminous, gaining weight and girth as they exaggerate her feminine curves to their fullest and most fertile form.
Her large butt fills outwards generously, extending past its previous limit and overflowing with new abundance; bloating to exorbitant size to support and balance out her prodigious new curves, enlarging to such an exceedingly humongous shape that her proportions were now overwhelmingly voluptuous.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/Evil-4.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Evil-4.png">
[[Defeat the Enigmatic Woman]]The enimatic woman's expression seems to be one of total bewilderment, overwhelmed both by her defeat, and the now massive proportions of her once slim body; though her expression begins to turn from confusion to rage.
"There is no way you knew the answers to all of my questions... You must have cheated! No, I will not be undone by the likes of you!"
With that you see her switch the remote in her hand, the word "detonator" glowing in red letters on the screen. At the same time, you spot a blinking red light on the security console. A bomb!. You are too far away to stop her!
"I will be remembered! This is for the cause! Ha ha ha ha" she cackles madly, closing her eyes and going to press-
The remote knocked is out of her hands by your sister! She must have recovered from the sedatives while the two of your were occupied.
She was able to restrain the enigmatic woman in her overfilled and sluggish state.
The detonator remote slides across the floor and you dive for it; quickly retrieving and deactivating it, disarming the bomb before it has a chance to explode.
You sister restrains the Enigmatic woman as you rush to the console, quickly lift the lockdown and hit the "alarm" button, causing it to auto dial the police. Once you've deactivated the remote, you run over to help your sister subdue the evil woman, while you both wait for the police to arrive.
{(if: $images is 1)[<br>
<img src="Images/End05.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="End05.png"><br>
Days later, News media are reporting the terrible story that the mansion of the famous and wealthy family known for inventing and distributing bio-net enhancement devices, had their home siezed by unknown figures. The story had an unexpected twist, as the family was able not only to retake control of the mansion, but managed to capture and subdue the perpetrators as well.
The figures were identified as a band of international criminals, led by a cult-like leader who were suspected to be responsible for dozens of bizarre but well planned hostage situations, now finally caught thanks to your actions.
Facing consecutive life sentencing, they cooperate with the police to reduce their prison time; revealing that they were hired by one of your competitors, who had found work-arounds in the bio-net system using malware engineered by them, all in an effort to sabatoge the reputation of your product.
The figures, including their leader; had faulty black-market versions of the bio-nets, so the changes made to them were irreversable due to poorly copied coding.
The cult like leader: the Enigmatic woman, gave birth to duodecaplets while awaiting trial, and was made to have to care for them in a special prison... paid for through a generous donation by your family, until they reach a suitably adoptable age.
Once the band of criminals provided their testimony in trial, Dozens of conspirators were revealed and arrested in an international crackdown; bringing everyone responsible for the night you endured to swift justice.
Receiving millions in damages from your now bankrupt competitor, your families company quickly patches out the vunerablities in the bio-net product, and releases a new and improved version which, owing to the new fame and attention from the bizarre news story, is picked up in droves by interested customers.
Not having formally consented to any of the changes, both you and your sister are able to recover once the malware is removed; fully reversing any of the unwanted changes done to you.
{(if: $TG is 1)[<br>
Once the changes to your gender become public, and people discover that you were able to change to female, and then back to male without complications; they begin experimenting with that feature of the product, previously little used, and it causes an uptick in sales.<br>
Your sister also helps you undo the brainwashing, helping you to return to normal; though you save the profile on your bio-net, minus the brainwashing, should you decide you ever want to experience it again<br>
Your family is safe, both you and your sister are able to return to normal, your company is now doing better than ever. Best of all, everyone who wronged you, including those who were behind it, are now arrested and in jail.
Your future is looking bright and prosperous, and all the difficulties encountered during that night in the mansion have been overcome and reversed. This is the best possible outcome you could have imagined.
Game over: Good End 1: Defeat the Mischievous Woman and save both you and your Sister.
(Ending 7/7)
*** Thanks for Playing! ***
Your fairly sure this is the best possible outcome that could have been achieved, though perhaps your curious what other ends that your path might have led to? Do you journey back to the start of that night, to seek a different end?
[[Journey to the Beginning]]{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $breast is 1)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 2)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 3)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 4)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 5)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 6)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 7)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
You examine your breasts in the mirror
[[Check Mirror]]{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $butt is 1)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 2)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 3)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 4)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 5)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 6)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 7)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
You twist and look back at the mirror to see your own butt and hips.
[[Check Mirror]]{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $preg is 1)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 2)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 3)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 4)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 5)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 6)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 7)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_7full.png"> ]]}
You turn to the side to exaime your own stomach in the mirror.
[[Check Mirror]]You step through the opaque surface of the mirror, entering a new and unfamliar realm not to dissimilar from your own. emerging on the otherside at a future point in time.
Feeling a sudden weight in your hands, you look down to see the three control chips are within your grasp!
This must be a dimension where you already faced and overame the challenges of the mansion without difficulty.
(Set: $KeyFragment to 3)
(set: $DiningGame to 5)
(set: $GardenGame to 5)
(set: $LabGame to 5)
Steping away from the mirror, you are ready to confront whatever awaits you in the control room, ready to end this.
[[Go back to your room]] {(set: $breast to it + 1)
(if: $images is 1)[(if: $breast is 1)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 2)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 3)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 4)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 5)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 6)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 7)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
You feel an increase of weight on your chest, a growing pressure under your skin as your breasts slowly expand outwards. Cupping them in your hands, there's no doubt: your breasts have grown larger.
[[OPTIONS]]{(Set: $butt to it + 1)}
{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $butt is 1)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 2)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 3)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 4)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 5)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 6)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 7)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
You feel slight pressure inside of your hips and thighs. As new weight accumulates below your waist; you adjust your gait slightly, stepping wider to adjust to your broadening body. Running your hands down your lower end you notice your hips, butt and thighs have all grown larger.
[[OPTIONS]]{(Set: $preg to it + 1)}
{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $preg is 1)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 2)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 3)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 4)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 5)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 6)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 7)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_7full.png"> ]]}
Your senses are overwhelmed with pleasure, you moan and gasp uncontrollably as you are brought to the edge of climax... but not enough to achieve release!
There's a sudden pressure in your lower stomach; some force pushing deep into your body, filling you with warmth as your womb blooms and you grow flushed with need.
You can feel a weight growing inside you. Your stomach bloats outwards and you arch your back as the pressure enhances the overwhelming pleasure clouding your mind.
Your thighs grind together as you feel as they widen outwards as your breasts swell slightly in response to whatever is growing in your womb. Your hands grope a little at your ample 'birthing hips' as they tingle with new weight.
Once the pressure ceases, you take a deep breath and try to regain your composure, taking a moment to notice your belly has grown larger. You're more pregnant than you were.
[[OPTIONS]]You move quietly through the house.
You can hear foot steps and the echo of unfamilar voices throughout the halls; there are intruders everywhere.
Peeking around a corner, you see one of them coming up the stairs towards you.
In a rush of adreniline you turn and sprint backwards, smacking right into another intruder!
He grabs your wrist and pulls you in front of him.
"Gotcha, now let's make a few changes" You hear him say, as he takes out mobile tablet and you hear a couple of electronic trills from behind you.
Suddenly you recall what you witnessed moments ago, of the other intruders using their tablets to transform the house guest into a giant pregnant woman; what if they are about to do the same to you...
You need to escape!
Thinking fast, you kick them in the shin and push your attacker back into a wall; frustrated and angry they lunge at you, grabbing your night robe, causing it to tear off your body as you frantically dash away.
You can hear him following fast on your heels, but you know your way around the house better than he does.
After darting through a few sharp corners your pursuer loses sight of you, once clear, you find a safe place to hide.
You hear your pursuer and several others run back and forth looking for you, but they are unable to find your hiding place.
"Did you find the last one?" someone calls over the intruder's radio.
"No, they got away; I sent the package to their Bio-Net before they escaped. Should we keep looking for them?" They reply:
"Negative, the boss want to have her fun; empty the halls and seal the exits. If they want to lift the lock down, they'll need to get to the controll room. There's no chance of that without the control chips and the captains have one of those each."
"Alright, heading out now." your persuer says, before leaving the area.
You wait for a little while until the coast is clear, then emerge from your hiding place.
You're not sure why they're leaving the halls clear, but you know you'll need to assemble the control chips in order to get into the control room, restore the security system and call for help.
In the distance you hear various exit doors slam shut and lock; your stuck in this mansion with whoever these "bosses" are, you decide to go back to your room and get your bearings...
[[Collect yourself before proceeding]]You go to the bathroom to get a better look at yourself as you perform the scan.
Looking at your chest, you scan both of your breasts to see if they've been altered in any way.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/BoobsN1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="BoobsN1_1full.png">
Turning to see your own butt as best as you can, you scan slowly over your rear, hips and thighs to see if there's been any recent changes.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/ButtN1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="ButtN1_1full.png">
Finally, remembering the gravid belly of the woman before, you scan your own stomach just in case.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/PregN1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="PregN1_1full.png">
Breathing a sigh of relief, all your proportions seem to be normal for now.
Though there also appears to be no way to clear the intrusive program from your Bio-Net; you have a feeling that you should avoid any bodily changes until you can have your system restored.
(set: $breast to 1)
(set: $butt to 1)
(set: $preg to 1)
(set: $Sister to 0)
}[[Go back to your room]] You go into the hallway and see masked men with strange tablets have your sister amd a house guest from your family's company that you don't know the name of.
There are others nearby looking for the rest of your family. They haven't seen you yet, so you can avoid them if you're careful.
[[Try and Follow the ones with your sister.]]You see one of the intruders point the strange tablet towards the house guest, who looks dazed and mesmerized.
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/Intro01.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Intro01.png">
You catch a brief glimpse of the tablet screen held by the intruder, it looks as though they have access to her bio-net, but how is that possible? They are supposed to be unhackable!
Suddenly the house guest starts lustfully moaning as she enters a sort of trance; something is wrong.
Her breasts begin to grow before your eyes! You watch them both enlarge before noticing that her hips slowly widening too! Her thighs bulge outwards and thicken. You realise that her belly is starting to distend, slowly at first, then growing ever faster until she looks...
{(if: $images is 1)[<img src="Images/Intro02.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Intro02.png">
As you watched, the skinny house guest has been transformed into a huge pregnant woman with twins!
One of the intruders places something on her, it trills a few times, but then flashes a red light.
One of the masked henchmen calls into their radio "We found someone who's not on the target list, please advise?"
"Take them to the van outside the perimeter. Have you found the others?" a disembodied voice replies
"We found the girl, no sign of the other one yet. Should we max out the girl's bio-net?"
"No, we may need that one for leverage; bring her to me!"
"On our way"
Your sister is then dragged away. The whole while seeming blissfully unaware of whats even happening...
[[Try and reach the control room]]You go to the control room, but the door won't open when it scans your eye!
You try to scan your retina again, but notice something wrong with the control panel.
It's been broken open. There's three empty spaces inside where the control chips for the door mechanism should be!
Looking around, you see dirty footprints all around the door leading to three different parts of your house. They probably took one each to make it impossible for someone to get inside.
You'll need to carefully move through the house and see if you can find where the control chips might be... or who has them.
[[Search carefully for clues]]Once inside, you close the door and look at the mirror.
Thinking back to your sister and the woman who you watched them inflated to huge proportions, you quickly run a self-scan to make sure your own bio-net hasn't been...
"*** System Error: Unknown Proccesses are causing interference to proportional allocation functions; increases to proportions may become irreversable. Proceed with caution. ***"
Some kind of intrusive program has infected your bio-net!
You had better run an in-depth scan before proceeding...
[[Run a full body scan]]Image Options.
Images are currently: {(if: $images is 1)[ON](else-if: $images is 0)[OFF]}
{(if: $images is 1)
[(link: "TURN OFF IMAGES")
[(set: $images to 0)
(goto: "OPTIONS")]
](else-if: $images is 0)
[(link: "TURN ON IMAGES")
[(set: $images to 1)
(goto: "OPTIONS")]]}
TG Options.
TG variants are currently: {(if: $TG is 1)[ON](else-if: $TG is 0)[OFF]}
{(if: $TG is 1)
[(link: "TURN OFF TG")
[(set: $TG to 0)
(goto: "OPTIONS")]
](else-if: $TG is 0)
[(link: "TURN ON TG")
[(set: $TG to 1)
(goto: "OPTIONS")]]}
{(if: $breast is 6)[You can't seem to expand your breasts any more.](else-if: $breast is <6)[[Fill Breasts]]}
{(if: $butt is 6)[You can't seem to expand your hips any more.](else-if: $butt is <6)[[Widen Hips & Thighs]]}
{(if: $preg is 6)[You can't seem to progress your pregnancy any more.](else-if: $preg is <6)[[Develop Fertility]]}
[[Enter Alternate Reality]]
[[Check Mirror]](if: $LabGame is 4)[(Set: $LabGame to it + 1)(Set: $KeyFragment to it + 1)The gigantic pregnant woman sighs with discontentment, she seems annoyed but seems obliged to recognize your victory, though she does so with a passive aggressive tone.
As she speaks, you feel your head clearing and the room brightens slowly. The halucination is over!
"You have answered the final question correctly... you may step forward, and retrieve the chip; take it and depart, if your so determined to embrace futility..."
She waves at a low table with the chip sat on it
The gigantic pregnant woman looks away in disinterest; before subtly casting her gaze vagely in your direction. With what little interest she can muster she murmurs "though, if you have come to realize the value of surrender, and wish to see what destiny holds... then you need only return, I will be here... waiting."
With that the entrance to the lab opens, you could return to your room; or you could stay and explore your "destiny".
](Else:)[(Set: $LabGame to it + 1)The gigantic pregnant woman rolls her eyes in disinterest, and says "that was correct... you may approach, one step closer."
She stares off in the distance and explains "You may leave and return at any time; either way it matters little; so if you need a break, take one... if not, we shall proceed."
She adds while caressing her own massive belly "just remember that leaving only delays destiny... surrender is inevitable."
With that you see the green access light turn on over the entry door, you can leave the area, or keep playing if you'd like.]
[[Play the Lab Game]]
[[Go back to your room]] {(Set: $preg to it + 1)
(if: $preg is 2)["I am sorry, that answer is incorrect; now you will embrace... destiny"<br><br>(display: "Belly:2-3")]
(elseif: $preg is 3)["I am sorry, that answer is incorrect; now you will embrace... destiny"<br><br>(display: "Belly:2-3")]
(elseif: $preg is 4)["Your answer has led you to the incorrect path; embrace... destiny"<br><br>(display: "Belly:4-5")]
(elseif: $preg is 5)["Your answer has led you to the incorrect path; embrace... destiny"<br><br>(display: "Belly:4-5")]
(elseif: $preg is 6)["Incorrect once again; Surrender... embraces your destiny"<br><br>(display: "Belly:6-7")]
(elseif: $preg is 7)["Incorrect once again; Surrender... embraces your destiny"<br><br>(display: "Belly:6-7")]}
{(if: $images is 1)[
(if: $preg is 1)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 2)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 3)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 4)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 5)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 6)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $preg is 7)[ <img src="Images/Preg1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Preg1_7full.png"> ]
(if: $preg is 8)[
[[Bad End Pregnant Overload]] ]
The gigantic pregnant woman says "That is true destiny; embrace pleasure, surrender and be filled with life."
Then she sighs and adds while gazing at the ceiling "Do you wish to continue... if not, you may rest, if that is what you want."
With that you see the green access light turn on over the entry door, you can leave the area, or keep playing if you'd like.
[[Play the Lab Game]]
[[Go back to your room]]
(if: $GardenGame is 4)[(Set: $GardenGame to it + 1)(Set: $KeyFragment to it + 1)Your surroundings come to an abrupt stop, as you suddenly find yourself in at the center of the maze on top of a high tech treadmill that is steadily powering down.
Looking around, you spot the Wide-Hipped Curvaceous Woman as she furrows her brow slightly in frustration. Clearly, she wasn't expecting you to get this far; she motions to a table with the control chip and says in a bit of a huff "You've answered correctly and passed my test; the chip you're looking for is over there. Take it and leave."
Then her expression changes slightly, as if a thought just crossed her mind and she continues with a slightly more inviting tone "Though if you still need training, I would be more than happy to whip you into shape. That is, if you think your up to it... Just say the word, I'll be right here, waiting."
You pick up the chip and an iron gate opens on the far side; the shortcut back out of the maze from the center. You could return to your room, or decide to continue "training" and see how far it takes you.
](Else:)[(Set: $GardenGame to it + 1)"Good, maybe your not completely hopeless; keep this up and I might even let you see the finish."
She sighs and continues "As much as I'd like to see you walk until your legs give out, I should probably give you a chance to take a break. Let me know if you want to keep playing, or if need a little breather."
She slaps her own massive ass and brags "If you want an ass this big you'll need to push yourself; get a few questions wrong and I'll show you what I mean..."
With that you see a virtual door repeatedly appear in the side a ways in front of you every few meters, you can exit the area now, or keep playing if you'd like.]
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Play the Garden Game]]{(Set: $butt to it + 1)
(if: $butt is 2)["That's the wrong answer; I think you need to be punished."<br><br>(display: "Butt:2-3")]
(elseif: $butt is 3)["That's the wrong answer; I think you need to be punished."<br><br>(display: "Butt:2-3")]
(elseif: $butt is 4)["Wrong again, clearly you need more punishment to learn."<br><br>(display: "Butt:4-5")]
(elseif: $butt is 5)["Wrong again, clearly you need more punishment to learn."<br><br>(display: "Butt:4-5")]
(elseif: $butt is 6)["Wrong! You must enjoy being punished!"
<br><br>(display: "Butt:6-7")]
(elseif: $butt is 7)["Wrong! You must enjoy being punished!"
<br><br>(display: "Butt:6-7")]}
{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $butt is 1)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 2)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 3)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 4)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 5)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 6)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $butt is 7)[ <img src="Images/Butt1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Butt1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
{(if: $butt is 8)[
[[Bad End Butt Overload]] ]
She smiles mischeviously and says "Better, but you have a long way to go if were going make you the shape you should be. Let me know if you want to keep playing, or if you need a little break."
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Play the Garden Game]] ](if: $DiningGame is 4)[(Set: $DiningGame to it + 1)(Set: $KeyFragment to it + 1)Your avatar moves to the head of the dining table. The glowing key icon turns into the control chip for the security room as the digital overlay of the room dissolves away.
For a moment, you wonder why your avatar is looking over to the side, before you realise that it's not just an avatar. It's you! You look down and see that you're holding the chip in your hands.
The scantily clad Volumptious Woman pouts a bit and points to the chip reluctantly says "Hmph, well I guess you don't want to play with me anymore; Take your boring chip"
For a moment, you aren't too sure what to do. Looking from her to the chip you're holding.
The scantily clad Volumptious Woman smirks as she says "Even though the game is over, you and I can still have some fun if you'd like... feel free to visit anytime, I know I'd like that."
Now back in the 'real world', you could return to your room, or you could decide you'd like to continue playing.
](else:)[(Set: $DiningGame to it + 1)"You're no fun, that answer was correct; your avatar will move one space closer to the key."
She sighs and explains "Let me know if you'd like to keep playing, or if you'd like to take a quick break."
She adds a quick addentum while carressing her own bust "You don't have to get every question right you know... I know I'd prefer that."
With that you see a virtual door appear on the far side of the room, you can exit the area now, or keep playing if you'd like.
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Play the Dining Room Game]] "Incorrect, how about a kiss?"(set: $breast to it + 1)
Your body freezes up, she must have sent another lag spike to your system.
{(if: $breast is 2)[(display: "Breast:2-4")]
(elseif: $breast is 3)[(display: "Breast:2-4")]
(elseif: $breast is 4)[(display: "Breast:5-6")]
(elseif: $breast is 5)[(display: "Breast:5-6")]
(elseif: $breast is 6)[(display: "Breast:7-8")]
(elseif: $breast is 7)[(display: "Breast:7-8")]
(elseif: $breast is 8)[(display: "Breast:7-8")]}
{(if: $images is 1)[(if: $breast is 1)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_1full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_1full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 2)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_2full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_2full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 3)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_3full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_3full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 4)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_4full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_4full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 5)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_5full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_5full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 6)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_6full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_6full.png"> ]
(else-if: $breast is 7)[ <img src="Images/Boobs1_7full.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Boobs1_7full.png"><endif>]]}
(if: $breast is 8)[
[[Bad End Breast Overload]] ]
}(else:)[She giggles and says "Looking good, my kiss has this effect on people. Let me know if you want to keep playing, or if you'd like to take a quick break."
With that you see a virtual door appear on the far side of the room, you can exit the area now, or keep playing if you'd like.
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Play the Dining Room Game]] ]You wake up in your bedroom, you hear an alarm in the hallway...
(if: $TG is 0)[ [[Go Investigate]] ](else-if: $TG is 1)[ [[Go Investigate Hallway]] ](link-undo: "Go back") to the page you were just on.
Expansion Mansion is a HTML game created in (link: "Twine 2")[(open-url: https://twinery.org/)]
In case you didn't get this game from TF Games, here's the official link:
(link: "TF Games Expansion Mansion")[(open-url: "https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=2348")]
(You can use the 'Discuss this game' option to let us know about bugs and feedback)
If you want to see, or even buy more 3D renders by Zed, go check out his site:
(link: "Zed's Labs")[(open-url: "http://zedslabs.com/")]
Anon and Zed would like to thank all the writers of the Twine Wiki and Harlowe documentation, HiEv from the TFGames forum for their patience and all of the players for their wonderful feedback.
1.0 Complete release (pending bugfixes)
First thing EVER uploaded here, so bear with me as I hammer out the bugs and kinks in the whole process.
1.1 Fixed a few errors and feedback comments (Probably broke something I missed too)
* Change Image extensions to match game text. Should fix Linux and IOS errors with image display
* reset stats on restart
* Spelloing
* Add 'Ending X/X'
* Options menu (TG/Images on/off)
* Set ALL images to be options controllable
* Much code Tidying...
* Fixed all the things people spotted that Zed broke with 1.1
1.2 Image Scaling
* More Menu Items on the Sidebar
* Image Scaling should now be browser-window sized! Somone test this on a phone and let Zed know if it breaks the universe.
* Removal of the 'back' button (we will only let you cheat as far as the cheats we provide)
* Show which chip/keys you have in the sidebar
Included a 'Story Menu' with links to this site, Zed's Site and the Changelog.
* Stopped the (not totally unintended) exploit of 'previously visited links' appearing as such.
* Allowed players to leave the 'Story Menu'
* Spelloing corrections
* Changed the image scaling method to try and correct a bug in Firefox browsers
* Zed screamed at code until it obeyed him
* Image Scaling changes to code (should work in Firefox, chrome and phones)
* Code Typo affecting the 'breast counter' dissappearing
* Code typo affecting winning the garden game and limiting completing the game.
* Code typo that stopped all games being marked as 'won'
1.3.0 (Fanservice 1/3)
* Added Dining Room Boss image
* Added a little more description to the Dining Room 'Loss' Expansions
* Added 'Questioner' Image to the Dining Room
1.3.1 (Fanservice 1.5/3)
* Added the Garden Boss image
* Added a Garden Questioner image
* Cleared up a lot of spacing issues in the Dining room and Garden
1.3.2 (Fanservice 2/6)
* Added more description to the Garden Loss expansions
* Decided that fanservice needs to be 6-long, not just 3 long.
1.4.0 (All the Fanservice)
* Added more description to the Lab Loss expansions
* Added images of the Giant Pregnant Woman
1.4.1 (Final polishing)
* Updated Version number
* Added the option to skip the intro (for frequent replayers)
* Lawdz o spelang ficksez
* Final boss code error fixed
* 'By Choice' Expansions on cleared bosses now have flavour text
* Coding changes in the 'final battle' regardin the sister's images
Other than bugfixes, this might be the last update EM ever sees.
Anon and Zed would like to thank all of our players, testers and hecklers for playing and thank you for playing too!
Known Issues:
* The side-bar does not scroll, so things can be cut off the bottom on smaller screens. (Images can be turned off to avoid this)
* Minor Spelling and grammar Errors (if you can spot them, let us know where they are, or quote the line/misspelled word.)
(link-undo: "Go back") to the page you were just on.As you struggle to break free she approaches slowly, walking in an alluring way that causes her breasts to sway from side to side.
Coming nose to nose with you, she kisses you deeply; playfully caressing your chest with soft warm hands.
She gives you an odd look, and then starts blowing into your mouth. As she does you feel your chest rising to meet her touch; gently pressing out with each breath from her you receive.
She releases you from her grip and it's then you notice your breasts have grown; somehow she overrode your bio-network and enlarged your breasts slightly.She approaches you, giving you a coy smile. She playfully motions to your breasts and then smiles when she alludes to them expanding with a gesture of her hands.
Cupping your now sizable breasts in her palms, bobbing them up and down a few times to emphasize their increasing size and weight and giggling a bit at how much they've grown since you started.
Her lips meet yours firmly, pressing her body against you with some soft inhalations to tease you; while she does you feel her hands upon your breasts as she gives them a massage, like she's trying to urge them outwards by touch.
You see her eyebrows bob slightly as if she's signalling to you what’s about to occur, before she locks lips with you and begins puffing more intensely into your mouth. You feel a fluttering sensation in your chest, as each breath from her causes them to expand.
Feels like her hands are moulding the flesh of your breasts like clay as her breath fills them, inflating them to ever more ample proportions.
Once she releases her grip you can't help but cup your larger breasts. She overrode your bio-network again and enlarged your breasts by a good amount this time.She approaches briskly, wearing a sultry smile as she eyes your breasts like a predator closing in. She's so eager that she bumps into you and almost knocks you over.
Hungrily she grasps your overflowing breasts, sinking her fingers into the prodigious flesh of your bosom. Running her hands around the heft of your breasts to emphasize just how large they've become, she moans sensually as she presses her breasts against yours to signal her intension.
She kisses you deeply while occasionally giving light moaning breaths into your mouth to taunt you, but she doesn't lock her lips to yours, allowing them to slip back out. She breathes soft giggles over your mouth as you feel her hands knead and rub your breasts deeply. Her movements become firmer and more intense as she pulls your breasts towards her with increasing need.
You see her eye your body up and down before one last time before she stares into your gaze intently. Finally, she pushes her face into yours locking lips with you as you hear her take a deep breath in through the nose, she begins blowing hard into your mouth as you feel the pressure growing within your chest.
She times her breaths with yours, blowing in each time you inhale causing your chest to expand just a bit further each time, using your body's rhythm against you.
Your breasts have already grown considerably but she isn't satisfied, holding the back of your head as she takes deeper breaths to force more air into you.
You feel her picking up your giant melons with her hands and forearms. Embracing them as she shoves her own considerable boobs into yours. You can feel the new weight of your breasts making contact with hers; your breasts now large enough that they are pushing the two of you apart!
Yet she seems unsatisfied with how much they've grown, making them even larger!
She finally releases her grip, letting you catch your breath. Your breasts have grown much larger than they were before! Once more, she overrode your bio-network and enlarged your breasts by a considerable amount.Breast(set: $breast to 1)
Butt(set: $butt to 1)
Preg(set: $preg to 1)
Sister(set: $Sister to 0)
DiningGame(set: $DiningGame to 0)
GardenGame(set: $GardenGame to 0)
LabGame(set: $LabGame to 0)
KeyFragment(set: $KeyFragment to 0)
Images(set: $images to 1)
[[Go back to your room]]
[[Go to Dining/Reception]]
[[Go to Lab]] The wide-hipped curvaceous woman slows down until you pass her.
Now she's immediately behind you.
You can't see what she's doing but feel a strange resistance to your steps forward, as if a weight was lowered onto your body; you are having difficulty keeping up.
*Whack!* You feel her hand land hard on your ass.
"Faster, don't slow down; push through it, give me more."
*Whack!* Another spank, you feel yourself pushing through the resistance.
She alternates between swatting your ass or hips when you slow down.
With each swat you feel your flesh swell in response: your inner thighs start to rub up against each other, and you have to step wider and wider to avoid being slowed down by your shifting gait.
Each step brings a jiggle to your backside and you can feel how your hips sway with each wide step.
You feel as if your gait has become broader to accommodate the new changes, as you adjust your posture accordingly.
The wide-hipped curvaceous woman ceases the torment and moves to the front of you, holding up a mirror; somehow she overrode your bio-network and enlarged your butt, hips, and thighs slightly.The wide-hipped curvaceous woman quickly circles around until she's right behind you.
Somehow she’s increasing the resistance to your movement even further, as if she's burdening you with a heavier load upon your body.
Your pace is starting to slow; you cannot keep up.
*Whack!* You feel her hand land hard on your ass.
"Go faster, I won't let you slow down; give me more! Show me what you've got!"
*Whack!* Another spank... It's so hard to keep pushing, you want to slow down. *Whack!* but each time you try to, she drives you forward with a sharp swat.
She punishes your ass or hips with repeated strikes, forcing you forward.
You feel your body expand with each hit; softening each blow slightly and gaining the bulk needed to overcome the new resistance.
You feel your inner thighs rubbing against one another, and you have to step around yourself to avoid being slowed down by your thicker legs.
With each step you feel more of your own weight shift around, and your hips move in larger more circular motions to acclimate to your increased girth.
Your pattern of walking has widened somewhat, as you feel one of your hips brush up against a hedge and you move closer to the center in response;
you adapt a new pattern of movement to get around yourself, and soon become adjusted to it.
The wide-hipped curvaceous woman moves in front of you with a pleased look on her face, holding up a mirror she seems happy with the result; like a sculptor with a statue, except you are her subject.
Somehow she overrode your bio-network and significantly enlarged your butt, hips, and thighs by a good amount.
The wide-hipped curvaceous woman sprints behind you, moving with surprising speed.
Your movement feels as though it's being anchored down through some unseen force by her, it's becoming a struggle to continue moving at all; you nearly fall over from the fatigue, you cannot possibly maintain this pace.
*Wham!* *Wham!* *Wham!* You feel the fury of her hands fall upon you.
"Faster, no stopping. No giving up! Give me everything you have."
*Wham!* Another strike, you cannot imagine continuing. *Wham!* Each time you almost stop, the pain she inflicts keeps you from stopping; making you take a few more steps each time.
Your entire backside feels like its on fire, her strikes come from every angle and hit anything that slows down.
You feel your butt jutting out with extra flesh, as your hips and thighs widen to try and add more padding to soften the punishment.
At first you think the resistance is decreasing, but no, you are growing past it; as you endurance increases and the new muscle under the curves pushes you forwards.
There's a sensation in your thighs as you feel them swell outwards; growing even thicker. Anticipating the change, you widen your legs slightly before they start brushing against each other.
You feel your hips and thighs broadening as you take longer steps, you adjust your hips to sway more with each step, moving your feet in ever wider arcs to maintain a balance with your thicker curves.
Your widening hips force you to adopt an exaggerated swaying motion; your proportions increasing to such a scale to make it impossible to walk normally.
The hedge walls feels like they’re closing in around you, making you move to the center to avoid scraping the walls with your broadening hips and thighs,
At first the new movement feels silly, you feel almost embarrassed to have a butt this big and hips this wide; though the thought of another smack prevents you from thinking about it too much.
You walk on as you try to forget about how large you're growing and it eventually becomes more natural to you.
The wide-hipped curvaceous woman pounces in front of you, holding up a mirror she seems happy with the result.
As you look over your... shocking changes, she grins from ear to ear nodding in approval as if to congratulate your progress, but what are you progressing into?
Somehow she overrode your bio-network and greatly enlarged your butt, hips, and thighs by a large amount.
You blink and rub your eyes a little. Everything seems so hazy; like your surroundings have shifted to a kind of surreal dream.
The Gigantic Pregnant Woman glances at one of the non-pregnant images of you, as the clone obediently approaches her without a word; a lab table is lowered from the ceiling with various pumps and tubes leading to a test bed.
The other image clones gather around the chosen one as the gigantic pregnant lady fixes the tubes to her breasts and sex, you try and utter a response but you can't make a sound.
The pumps come to life, with a soft electric hum and the methodical motions of the various pressurizing mechanisms.
Some unknown fluid begins churning into the mirror image of you upon the lab table, each pulse of the pump adding more and more of the fluid to her body.
The other images begin rubbing all across her body, caressing her hips, butt, belly and breasts; as your mirror image begins gasping and moaning with pleasure.
You notice her belly start to distend outwards, a little at first, but more and more with each pump of the lab machines. Her stomach is clearly growing before you as the fluid pumps into her.
"That's right. This is your true purpose" the giant pregnant woman says as she adjusts the pumps
The other images start rubbing some kind of lotion across the belly of the chosen image, as you watch her breasts swell and her hips widen a little.
Suddenly when the pumps cease the rises from the table and walks towards you, she moves into the same space you were occupying as you look down and see that the changes have occurred to you.
Was that you on the lab table? Or did the image transfer their growth to you?
You are uncertain, but you notice now that your belly has become more gravid. Your hips feel wider and your breasts ache a little. Could it be your pregnancy has progressed somewhat?Your vision becomes hazy and blurred; your reactions seem delayed, like you aren't quite able to move or react by your own will.
One of the moderately pregnant images approaches the Gigantic Pregnant Woman; the giant pregnant woman rubs her hands down the mirror images body, from their shoulders all the way down their butt and her vagina.
As this occurs you feel a tingle running down your spine, it feels relaxing and stimulating.
The other image clones gather around the chosen one as the tubes are mounted onto her breasts and sex; trying to move or speak only comes out as a weak moan, you still aren't certain if you are actually where you seem to be.
The pumps fire up to a more vigorous pace now. The electric hum is more audible and the volume of fluid being readied seems much greater than before.
You watch as the fluid is released into her familiar body, the rapid pumping of machines adding fluid at a steady and unrelenting pace.
She makes eye contact with you, and your body trembles all over; your heartbeat seems to match the rhythm of the machines, as each pulse seems to resonate to you as well.
The others begin rubbing your mirror image's belly, seeming to try and coax her flesh to grow ever larger; as your mirror image arches her back and squirms, overwhelmed by the sensation.
You notice her belly steadily grow larger, by slight but significant amounts each pump cycle, as the tubes continue expanding her body without limit. You can almost feel a pressure within yourself in sympathy.
A guilty heat grows within you as you watch her grow. Her belly getting fuller, rounder and heavier as she groans. Writhing under the touch of all those hands, feeling her growing body. Urging her on. Eager for her to grow for them! You realise that you're groaning in time to your mirror clone.
The other images start to intensify their massage, as her hips broaden slightly, and her breasts enlarge.
Suddenly the sensations ceases as the machines come to an abrupt halt. She begins moving towards you as you begin caressing your own body in anticipation, feeling yourself swell a little with each passing breath.
She reaches you and you glance down at your body as she takes your position. Suddenly your body balloons outwards to meet her more gravid, fertile dimensions.
You swear you felt it this time, some of what she felt while she grew.
You cannot know one way or another; though your belly has become much more gravid. Your hips have definitely widened and your breasts feel heavier. Your pregnancy has progressed significantly.Your senses become obscured by a sudden metal fog, as if your own perception is now opaque to you. You become a passive observer to the surroundings, unable to affect what's coming.
One of the more gravid pregnant images obediently comes before Gigantic Pregnant Woman, you scoff at how ridiculous her proportions have become, but then you whimper and shutter when you realize you have become as large the one before her...
The giant tic pregnant woman begins rubbing the chosen image in a lewd and sexual manner, you feel yourself become warm and flushed with need at the sight of this, your breathing quickening to the pace of your mirror image. You can't help but imagine those hands on you... Caressing your belly... your breasts. You shiver at the feeling of her hand sliding down to your sex.
You feel weightless as the others gather behind her and lift her onto the table; you try and protest but your every thought and action just becomes a lewd moan, unable to express anything other than your growing need for something to fill you.
This time, when the pumps are attached, you look away. You swear you can feel the tubes latching onto you. Sliding into you and... The faint click as the machines turn on: The pumps now accelerate to a frenzied pace, as the electric hum echoes louder in the room and an inordinate amount of fluid is prepared.
The tubes suddenly gush to life, the rapid pumping of the machines pouring torrents of their mysterious payload into her at a furious pace.
You feel an intense pressure rising in your body; your heart is racing as you feel like you’re on the verge of climax; every new pump and pulse of the machines quickening your pulse, as you gasp uncontrollably.
The images around her begin slathering heaps of lotion and oil upon your mirror sprawled on the table, preparing her body to progress to the peak of fertility; your mirror image is feverishly rubbing herself, while gasping and moaning loudly in pleasure.
Her belly surges outwards, rapidly swelling outwards under the relentless force of the pumps, as the tubes inflate her body to enormous proportions. The pressure increasing, weighing down on her as she breathes heavily. You have to stop yourself from mirroring her movements, but you can't ignore the feelings welling up inside you. Flowing into you.
The other images rub every square inch of the mirror images body; deeply kneading the flesh and stretching it out further; her hips broaden for childbearing, as her breasts engorge and swell with milk.
You can hardly contain your own sensations, growing in intensity until you're about to... to... the feeling suddenly ends once the machines stop!
She is carried onto her feet by the others as she stares deeply into your soul. You feel your hands mirror hers, caressing your own huge belly as it seems to enlarge a little bit more with each breath you take in.
She approaches you, as your body expands outwards to meet her dimensions as she reaches you.
You are almost certain it was you on that table; or is that just what the image wanted you to think? Your mind is too confused for you to reason an answer.
Glancing down at your own body, your stomach has swelled larger to become much more gravid. Your hips have widened further and your breasts feel tight, full, and weighty. Your pregnancy has progressed greatly.
{(if: $images is 1)[<br>
(if: $Sister is 1)[ <img src="Images/Sis-1.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Sis-1.png"> ]
(else-if: $Sister is 2)[ <img src="Images/Sis-2.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Sis-2.png"> ]
(else-if: $Sister is 3)[ <img src="Images/Sis-3.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Sis-3.png"> ]
(else-if: $Sister is 4)[ <img src="Images/Sis-4.png" style= "max-width:100%;max-height:100%" alt="Sis-4.png"> ]]<br>}