<h1>Intro</h1>You have been hired as a security officer for a shopping center. The shopping center is located near a busy intersection of traffic where large volumes of people pass through every day. Because it's so easy to blend in the crowd, it has become a hot spot for thieves. Not the professional kind that plan ahead. The kind of thieves that you find in here, is more the spur of the moment kind of thief. As this mall contains a lot of shops aimed at women, most often the crime involves women who are caught grabbing a bag or panty of the shelve that they didn't pay for.
The security job isn't much but at least you have something to do after you graduated high school. You could have gone to college but the advertisement for this place drew you in. It gives you on the job training including pay from day one. There is no unpaid introduction program you need to do. This is really a great opportunity for someone with no marketable skills.
Before you can do the more interesting part of the job like questioning suspects, you will start with the simpler things like patrolling the shopping center and watching the CCTV.
<<set $imgDir to 'Images/'>>
<<set $vidDir to 'Videos/'>>
<<set $suspectguilt to 0>>
<<set $caughtthief to 0>>
<<set $randomevent to false>>
<<set $maxsuspicion to 1>>/*Determines the value of how often you need to find a woman during patrol before you can detain her*/
<<set $CCTVresult to false>>
<<set $timeofday to 1>>
<<set $CCTVproficiencymessage to false>>
<<set $firsttimeCCTV to false>>
<<set $firsttimePatrol to false>>
<<set $firsttimeDetain to false>>
<<set $firsttimeInterview to false>>
<<set $firsttimeFrisk to false>>
<<set $firsttimeStripSearch to false>>
<<set $firsttimeCavitySearch to false>>
<<set $firsttimeBlowjob to false>>
<<set $firsttimePlaster to false>>
<<set $firstoneplastered to false>>
<<set $CCTVReview to 0>>
<<set $patrolling to 0>>
<<set $detaining to 0>>
<<set $interview to 0>>
<<set $clothessearch to 0>>
<<set $bodysearch to 0>>
<<set $cavity to 0>>
<<set $CCTVReviewPractice to 1>>
<<set $patrollingPractice to 1>>
<<set $detainingPractice to 2>>
<<set $interviewPractice to 2>>
<<set $clothessearchPractice to 2>>
<<set $bodysearchPractice to 3>>
<<set $cavityPractice to 3>>
<<set $MaxCCTVReview to 2>>
<<set $Maxpatrolling to 3>>
<<set $Maxdetaining to 4>>
<<set $Maxinterview to 4>>
<<set $Maxclothessearch to 5>>
<<set $Maxbodysearch to 6>>
<<set $Maxcavity to 6>>[[Glazing Gallery]]
[[Hints]]<h1>First Day</h1>A colleague meets you at the door as you enter your job for the first time. "Welcome", he says as he greets you. "Follow me", he continues. He walks towards an office around the corner and waves you to come inside. He gestures you to sit down as he asks if you want something to drink. "A black coffee", you reply. "That's my guy", your new colleague responds. It seems your first bonding has started, even if it's over something as simple as how to drink your coffee. After a short moment he returns with 2 cups of coffee of which one cup ends in front of you.
He starts explaining, "Let's see to get you a functioning part of this group as fast as possible. To do so, let me start with the basics.
To be a full functioning security guard you will need to be trained in several skills to be able to take part in all the responsiblities. These responsibilities consist of 2 stages, search for suspects and find evidence for the crime the suspect committed.
To search suspects you can use the following methods:
Once you have found a suspect you will learn to apply the following techniques
<li>[[Strip Search|StripSearchTutorial]]</li>
<li>[[Cavity Search|CavitySearchTutorial]]</li>
Is everything clear?", he ends his explanation. You're not sure if you already grasp every aspect of what he just explained. The look on your face gives enough away that you haven't understood the whole gist of what was said.
"Maybe the best thing to do first, is to start with how the pros do it. Let me give you an [[Example]] of how it is done."
<video class="openingvid" @src="$vidDir + 'Intro.mp4'" autoplay controls muted></video>
<<button [[Intro]]>><</button>>False Sense of Security<<set _i to 0>>
<<if $detaining <$Maxdetaining >>
<<set $detaining +=1>>
<h1>Detaining Suspect</h1>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '1Detain/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max1Detain>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '1Detain/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
<<if $interview <$interviewPractice>>
You have detained a suspect. Great job keeping the mall clean of thieves. For the rest of the process, you will need to leave it to your colleague as you haven't yet been trained to question her.<br>
[[Go Back|Hub]]
<<elseif $shoplyfters[$suspect].guilty eq true>>
You are not going through the whole process to know if she is guilty. She had her chance last time. Now it is time to take your revenge on her malicious intent to keep on stealing while having enough chance to change her behaviour. It's time to [[enjoy|Blowjob]]
Now that you detained the suspect it's is time to find out what she stole.
[[Question Suspect|InterviewSuspect]]<</if>><div class="warning"><b>Preview Built</b></div>
<<include "SkillsStatus">>
Get shoplyfters unmasked and more...<<if $timeofday eq 1>>
<div class="hubmenu">
<div class="daytitle">MORNING</div>
<div class="smallprint">Click on the action you want to execute this morning</div>
<<if $CCTVReview <$CCTVReviewPractice>><<else>><div class="dayaction">
<div class="dayactiontitle">CCTV</div>
<div class="dayactionimage">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/cctvmonitoring.jpg'][CCTV]]</div>
<<if $patrolling <$patrollingPractice>><<else>><div class="dayaction">
<div class="dayactiontitle">PATROL</div>
<div class="dayactionimage">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/patrol.jpg'][PatrollingSuspect]]</div>
<div class="dayaction">
<div class="dayactiontitle">TRAINING</div>
<div class="dayactionimage">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/securitywebsite.jpg'][TrainingCenter]]</div></div></div>
<<if $timeofday eq 2>><div class="hubmenu">
<div class="daytitle">AFTERNOON</div>
<div class="smallprint">Click on the action you want to execute this afternoon</div>
<<if $CCTVReview <$CCTVReviewPractice>><<else>><div class="dayaction">
<div class="dayactiontitle">CCTV</div>
<div class="dayactionimage">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/cctvmonitoring.jpg'][CCTV]]</div>
<<if $patrolling <$patrollingPractice>><<else>><div class="dayaction">
<div class="dayactiontitle">PATROL</div>
<div class="dayactionimage">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/patrol.jpg'][PatrollingSuspect]]</div>
<<if $timeofday eq 3>>
<div class="hubmenu">
<div class="daytitle">EVENING</div>
<div class="smallprint">Click on the action you want to execute this evening</div>
/*<div class="dayaction">
<div class="dayactiontitle">BOSS</div>
<div class="dayactionimage">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss3.jpg'][Boss]]</div></div>*/
<div class="dayaction">
<div class="dayactiontitle">END SHIFT</div>
<div class="dayactionimage">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/evening.jpg'][End Shift]]</div></div></div>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/securitywebsite.jpg']]<br>
The coursework that you do here is to be able to start performing the job. First you will need to build enough experience through training. Once you are fully trained you can go and use your newly acquired skills. For every skill that you mastered you are able to start training for a new skill until you are a fully certified security guard.
<div class="skillsmenu2">
<div>Training Requirements Symbol -></div>
<div> [img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]</div></div>
<div class="skillsmenu2">
<div>Job Experience Symbol -></div>
<div>[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]</div></div>
<<if $CCTVReview < $CCTVReviewPractice>>[[CCTV Training|CCTVReview]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $CCTVReview eq $MaxCCTVReview and $patrolling < $patrollingPractice>>[[Patrolling|PatrollingSchool]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $patrolling eq $Maxpatrolling and $detaining < $detainingPractice>>[[Detain Suspect|Detain]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $detaining eq $Maxdetaining and $interview < $interviewPractice>>[[Question Suspect|Question]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $interview eq $Maxinterview and $clothessearch < $clothessearchPractice>>[[Frisking|Frisking]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $clothessearch eq $Maxclothessearch and $bodysearch < $bodysearchPractice>>[[Strip Search|Strip Search]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $bodysearch eq $Maxbodysearch and $cavity < $cavityPractice>>[[Cavity Search|Cavity Search]]<<else>><</if>>
<<if $cavity > $cavityPractice>>You completed all the available training<</if>>
[[Go Back|Hub]]<h1>Interview Training</h1>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/Study.gif']]
<div class="wikiquote"><i>Interrogation (also called questioning) is interviewing as commonly employed by law enforcement officers, military personnel, intelligence agencies, organized crime syndicates, and terrorist organizations with the goal of eliciting useful information, particularly information related to suspected crime. Interrogation may involve a diverse array of techniques, ranging from developing a rapport with the subject to torture.</i></div>
[[Back to work|Hub]]
<<set $interview += 1>>
<<set $timeofday += 1>><h1>Detain Training</h1>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/Study.gif']]
<div class="wikiquote"><i>Detention is the process whereby a state or private citizen lawfully holds a person by removing their freedom or liberty at that time. This can be due to (pending) criminal charges preferred against the individual pursuant to a prosecution or to protect a person or property. Being detained does not always result in being taken to a particular area (generally called a detention centre), either for interrogation or as punishment for a crime (see prison). An individual may be detained due a psychiatric disorder, potentially to treat this disorder involuntarily. They may also be detained for to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis.</i></div>
[[Back to work|Hub]]
<<set $detaining += 1>>
<<set $timeofday += 1>><h1>Frisking Training</h1>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/Study.gif']]
<div class="wikiquote"><i>Frisking (also called a patdown or pat down) is a search of a person's outer clothing wherein a person runs their hands along the outer garments of another to detect any concealed weapons or objects. </i></div>
[[Back to work|Hub]]
<<set $clothessearch += 1>>
<<set $timeofday += 1>><h1>Strip Search Training</h1>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/Study.gif']]
<div class="wikiquote"><i>A strip search is a practice of searching a person for weapons or other contraband suspected of being hidden on their body or inside their clothing, and not found by performing a frisk search, but by requiring the person to remove some or all clothing. The search may involve an official performing an intimate person search and inspecting their personal effects and body cavities (mouth, vagina, rectum, etc.). A strip search is more intrusive than a frisk and requires legal authority. Regulations covering strip searches vary considerably and may be mandatory in some situations or discretionary in others. </i></div>
[[Back to work|Hub]]
<<set $bodysearch += 1>>
<<set $timeofday += 1>><h1>Cavity Search Training</h1>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/Study.gif']]
<div class="wikiquote"><i>A body cavity search, also known simply as a cavity search, is either a visual search or a manual internal inspection of body cavities for prohibited materials (contraband), such as illegal drugs, money, jewelry, or weapons. Body cavities frequently used for concealment include the mouth, vagina, and rectum. It is far more invasive than the standard strip search that is typically performed on individuals taken into custody, either upon police arrest or incarceration at a jail, prison, or psychiatric hospital. Often the procedure is repeated when the person leaves the institution.
Body cavity searches may also be conducted at some international border crossings such as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection when they suspect international travelers of hiding contraband—such as drugs </i></div>
[[Back to work|Hub]]
<<set $cavity += 1>>
<<set $timeofday += 1>><h1>Patrol</h1>
<<set $patrollist to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $shoplyfters.length; _i++>>
<<if $shoplyfters[_i].patrolavailable eq true>>
<<set $patrollist.push(_i)>>
<<if $patrolling <$Maxpatrolling >>
<<set $patrolling +=1>>
<<set $suspect to random(1,$shoplyfters.length)-1>>*/
<<set $suspect to $patrollist.random()>>
<<if $patrollist.length eq 0>>
You didn't find anyone suspicous. Make sure that you look on the CCTV cameras to see if you there are any women to keep an eye on.
[[Go Back|Hub]]
<<elseif $shoplyfters[$suspect].suspicion < $maxsuspicion>>
On your patrol you see one of the woman that you saw acting suspicious on the CCTV. At the moment she isn't doing anything that warrants you to detain her, so you have to let her get [[back on your way|Hub][$shoplyfters[$suspect].suspicion += 1]]
<<elseif $detaining <$detainingPractice>>
The woman you found is acting highly suspicious but you don't yet have the <b>required training</b> to detain her.
[[Go Back|Hub]]
You believe you see a crime in progress. It's time to [[detain her|DetainSuspect]].
<div class="patrolpic">
<<if typeof $suspect === 'undefined'>>
<<else>>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + 'profile.jpg']]
<<set $timeofday += 1>><h1>Patrol Training</h1>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/Study.gif']]
<div class="wikiquote"><i>Patrolling is a military tactic. Small groups or individual units are deployed from a larger formation to achieve a specific objective and then return. The tactic of patrolling may be applied to ground troops, armored units, naval units, and combat aircraft. The duration of a patrol will vary from a few hours to several weeks depending on the nature of the objective and the type of units involved.
There are several different types of patrol each with a different objective. The most common is to collect information by carrying out a reconnaissance patrol. Such a patrol may try to remain clandestine and observe an enemy without themselves being detected. Other reconnaissance patrols are overt, especially those that interact with the civilian population.</i></div>
[[Back to work|Hub]]
<<set $patrolling += 1>>
<<set $timeofday += 1>><<set _i to 0>>
<<if $interview <$Maxinterview >>
<<set $interview +=1>>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '2Question/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max2Question>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '2Question/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
<<if $clothessearch <$clothessearchPractice>>
You start questioning the suspect to see what she has stolen. After completing the questioning it seems, you still haven't gotten any evidence to definitively prove she is guilty. It is time to get your colleague involved and let him take over for to frisk the suspect.<br>
[[Go Back|Hub]] <<else>>
It seems that she doesn't want to give you any information on the crime she commited. It is time to go a step further and see what you can find by frisking her.
[[Frisking|ClothessearchSuspect]]<</if>><<set _i to 0>>
<<if $clothessearch <$Maxclothessearch >>
<<set $clothessearch +=1>>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '3Frisk/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max3Frisk>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '3Frisk/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
<<if $bodysearch <$bodysearchPractice>>
Frisking the suspect already gave you some clues as to her guilt. She definetly isn't innocent. To be able to get the required evidence some further processing is required. For the next part however you need to leave it to your colleague. Wish you had studied a bit harder and knew how to do a strip search. Now that is where this job starts to get interesting.<br>
[[Go Back|Hub]]<<else>>
You have found that you need to continue your investigation of the suspect in front of you. She clearly doesn't seem to like the direction this is taking, but you are sure that you have an obligation to find out the truth. Let's continue with the [[Strip Search|BodysearchSuspect]]<</if>>
<<set _i to 0>>
<<if $bodysearch <$Maxbodysearch >>
<<set $bodysearch +=1>>
<h1>Strip Search</h1>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '4StripSearch/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max4StripSearch>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '4StripSearch/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
<<if $cavity <$cavityPractice>>
Doing this strip search is one of the perks you got into this job. It seems only very attractive women are doing the stealing in these parts. Feeling up on her body makes your dick hard. You can't have your thoughts go any further. You need to remain professional. As you haven't finished your training yet, this is where your path with the suspect splits and you leave it to your colleague to continue with the cavity search.<br>
[[Go Back|Hub]]<<else>>
It might be totally unnecessary but you are sure, you will be able to get a better idea of the suspects guilt after you do a [[Cavity Search|CavitySuspect]]<</if>>
<<set _i to 0>>
<<if $cavity <$Maxcavity >>
<<set $cavity +=1>>
<h1>Cavity Search</h1>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '5CavitySearch/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max5CavitySearch>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '5CavitySearch/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
<<if $cavity <$Maxcavity>>
Giving her a cavity search feels great but also bad. You shouldn't let the power get to your head. Let's leave it with the cavity search and both go our seperate ways before she brings in the police. If she only knew how much trouble she could get you in. Let's just scare her a bit more and send her on her way. You have gotten the stolen goods back and given her a good scare. That should be enough to deter her from further using her five finger discount.<br>
[[Go Back|Hub]]<<else>>
The cavity search proofs she had more up her sleeve than appeared to be at first sight. You have established irrefutable that she is [[guilty|Guilty][$shoplyfters[$suspect].guilty to true]]<</if>>
<<set _i to 0>>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '6Blowjob/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max6Blowjob>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '6Blowjob/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
<<if $shoplyfters[$suspect].encounters > 0>>
Now that she has given you a blowjob, it's time for the main course.
<<set $shoplyfters[$suspect].encounters +=1>>
The blowjob was great but you feel it's enough for now. You warn her to not come back otherwise she is in for a treat. Your treat to be more precise.
[[Go Back|Hub]]
<</if>><<set _i to 0>>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '8Cumshot/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max8Cumshot>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '8Cumshot/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
[[Continue|Plastered][$shoplyfters[$suspect].finished to true]]<<set _i to 0>>
<div class="suspecthandling"><span id="handlingcounter">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '7Sex/' + '1.jpg']]</span>
<<set _maxj to $shoplyfters[$suspect].Max7Sex>>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set _j to _i%_maxj>>
<<set _j += 1>>
<<set _i +=1>>
<<replace "#handlingcounter">>[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '7Sex/' + _j + '.jpg']]<</replace>>
<<if $shoplyfters[$suspect].encounters > 1>>
The sex was great, but this deserves a proper ending. Let's [[Cum|Cumshot]]
"You should really stop stealing if you want this not to happen again", you warn her. You release her with this warning as you finish yourself off after this encounter. If there is a next time, you know it's not you that is going to make you cum.
[[Go Back|Hub][$shoplyfters[$suspect].encounters +=1]]
<h1>CCTV Training</h1>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/Study.gif']]
<div class="wikiquote"><i>Closed-circuit television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point-to-point (P2P), point-to-multipoint (P2MP), or mesh wired or wireless links. Even though almost all video cameras fit this definition, the term is most often applied to those used for surveillance in areas that require additional security or ongoing monitoring (Videotelephony is seldom called "CCTV").
Surveillance of the public using CCTV is common in many areas around the world. Video surveillance has generated significant debate about balancing its use with individuals' right to privacy even when in public.</i></div>
You will use CCTV to discover suspicous activity. Before you can detain a suspect you first need to make sure you catch any acitvity first via CCTV before you can move in.
[[Back to work|Hub]]
<<set $CCTVReview += 1>>
<<set $timeofday += 1>><h1>Welcome</h1>
This game tells the tale of a security guard who finds out his job has some nice benefits. You will start by learning the ropes as you become more and more adept in the world of security.
<div class="contentwarning"><b>Content Warning:</b><ul>
<li>Forced Sex</li>
This game has been created with [[Twine|https://twinery.org/]] in the [[Sugarcube|https://www.motoslave.net/sugarcube/]] format
[[Continue|Warning]] <b>Credits</b>
This game is created by [[TheCat5Meow|https://f95zone.to/members/402843/]]
Thanks to Mylf and Teamskeet for "sponsoring" the assets in this game.
Note: I am in no way affiliated with Mylf.com or Teamskeet.com and make no money of you visiting the links, but if you appreciate their content am sure they would like you as a customer.
<b>Previous work</b>
[[Guess Women|https://f95zone.to/threads/161544/]]
<<return>><h1>New Day</h1>
<<if $firsttimeCCTV eq false and $CCTVReview lte $CCTVReviewPractice>>
[[Report to your boss|Event1]]
<<set $firsttimeCCTV to true>>
<<elseif $firsttimePatrol eq false and $patrolling lte $patrollingPractice and $CCTVReview eq $MaxCCTVReview>>
[[Report to your boss|Event2]]
<<set $firsttimePatrol to true>>
<<elseif $firsttimeDetain eq false and $detaining lte $detainingPractice and $patrolling eq $Maxpatrolling>>
[[Report to your boss|Event3]]
<<set $firsttimeDetain to true>>
<<elseif $firsttimeInterview eq false and $interview lte $interviewPractice and $detaining eq $Maxdetaining>>
[[Report to your boss|Event4]]
<<set $firsttimeInterview to true>>
<<elseif $firsttimeFrisk eq false and $clothessearch lte $clothessearchPractice and $interview eq $Maxinterview>>
[[Report to your boss|Event5]]
<<set $firsttimeFrisk to true>>
<<elseif $firsttimeStripSearch eq false and $bodysearch lte $bodysearchPractice and $clothessearch eq $Maxclothessearch>>
[[Report to your boss|Event6]]
<<set $firsttimeStripSearch to true>>
<<elseif $firsttimeCavitySearch eq false and $cavity lte $cavityPractice and $bodysearch eq $Maxbodysearch>>
[[Report to your boss|Event7]]
<<set $firsttimeCavitySearch to true>>
<<elseif $firstoneplastered eq true and $firsttimePlaster eq false>>
[[Report to your boss|Event9]]
<<set $firsttimePlaster to true>>
<<elseif $shoplyfters.length eq 0>>
You have [[Completed]] the game
[[Start New Day|Hub]]
<<set $firsttimeBlowjob to false>>
<<set $firsttimePlaster to false>>
<<set $interview to 0>>
<<set $clothessearch to 0>>
<<set $bodysearch to 0>>
<<set $cavity to 0>>
<<if $caughtthief>0>>Wow you stopped $caughtthief crimes in total<</if>>
<<if $CCTVReview eq $MaxCCTVReview>>Wow you are fully trained on CCTV<</if>>
<<if $patrolling eq $Maxpatrolling>>Wow you are fully trained on patrolling<</if>>
<<if $detaining eq $Maxdetaining >>Wow you are fully trained on detaining<</if>>
<<if $interview eq $Maxinterview >>Wow you are fully trained on interviewing<</if>>
<<if $clothessearch eq $Maxclothessearch>>Wow you are fully trained on frisking<</if>>
<<if $bodysearch eq $Maxbodysearch>>Wow you are fully trained on strip search<</if>>
<<if $cavity eq $Maxcavity>>Wow you are fully trained on cavity search<</if>>*/
<<set $timeofday to 1>>
<<set $imgDir to 'Images/'>>
<<set $vidDir to 'Videos/'>>
/*Encounter is only sexual encounter i.e. blowjob, sex or cumshot*/
/*AngelicaCoralvine */
<<set $Angelica = {
"name" : "Angelica",
"fullname" : "Angelica Coralvine",
"imageloc" : $imgDir + "AngelicaCoralvine/",
"patrolavailable": false,
"suspicion" : 0,
"detained" : 0,
"guilty" : false,
"encounters" : 0,
"finished": false,
"Max1Detain": 1,
"Max2Question": 4,
"Max3Frisk": 10,
"Max4StripSearch": 14,
"Max5CavitySearch": 6,
"Max6Blowjob": 18,
"Max7Sex": 8,
"Max8Cumshot": 10}>>
/*Crystal Taylor*/
<<set $Crystal = {
"name" : "Crystal T",
"fullname" : "Crystal Taylor",
"imageloc" : $imgDir + "CrystalTaylor/",
"patrolavailable": false,
"suspicion" : 0,
"detained" : 0,
"guilty" : false,
"encounters" : 0,
"finished": false,
"Max1Detain": 12,
"Max2Question": 17,
"Max3Frisk": 18,
"Max4StripSearch": 13,
"Max5CavitySearch": 3,
"Max6Blowjob": 17,
"Max7Sex": 10,
"Max8Cumshot": 10}>>
/*Alexis Malone*/
<<set $Alexis = {
"name" : "Alexis",
"fullname" : "Alexis Malone",
"imageloc" : $imgDir + "AlexisMalone/",
"patrolavailable": false,
"suspicion" : 0,
"detained" : 0,
"guilty" : false,
"encounters" : 0,
"finished": false,
"Max1Detain": 7,
"Max2Question": 2,
"Max3Frisk": 17,
"Max4StripSearch": 7,
"Max5CavitySearch": 3,
"Max6Blowjob": 11,
"Max7Sex": 12,
"Max8Cumshot": 9}>>
/*Armani X*/
<<set $Armani = {
"name" : "Armani",
"fullname" : "Armani X",
"imageloc" : $imgDir + "ArmaniX/",
"patrolavailable": false,
"suspicion" : 0,
"detained" : 0,
"guilty" : false,
"encounters" : 0,
"finished": false,
"Max1Detain": 8,
"Max2Question": 8,
"Max3Frisk": 11,
"Max4StripSearch": 11,
"Max5CavitySearch": 5,
"Max6Blowjob": 11,
"Max7Sex": 10,
"Max8Cumshot": 8}>>
/*Brooke Banner*/
<<set $Brooke = {
"name" : "Brooke",
"fullname" : "Brooke Banner",
"imageloc" : $imgDir + "BrookeBanner/",
"patrolavailable": false,
"suspicion" : 0,
"detained" : 0,
"guilty" : false,
"encounters" : 0,
"finished": false,
"Max1Detain": 2,
"Max2Question": 13,
"Max3Frisk": 31,
"Max4StripSearch": 13,
"Max5CavitySearch": 10,
"Max6Blowjob": 9,
"Max7Sex": 8,
"Max8Cumshot": 8}>>
/*Crystal Clark*/
<<set $Crystal2 = {
"name" : "Crystal C",
"fullname" : "Crystal Clark",
"imageloc" : $imgDir + "CrystalClark/",
"patrolavailable": false,
"suspicion" : 0,
"detained" : 0,
"guilty" : false,
"encounters" : 0,
"finished": false,
"Max1Detain": 4,
"Max2Question": 6,
"Max3Frisk": 26,
"Max4StripSearch": 7,
"Max5CavitySearch": 3,
"Max6Blowjob": 10,
"Max7Sex": 9,
"Max8Cumshot": 10}>>
<<set $shoplyfters = [$Angelica, $Crystal, $Alexis, $Armani, $Brooke, $Crystal2]>>
<<set $shoplyftersdetained to 0>>
<<set $shoplyfterssexpartners to []>>
<<set $glazinggallery to []>><div class="warning"><h1><b>WARNING</b></h1>
This is the first release of the game. The game hasn't been playtested yet so you might encounter bugs or gameplay that isn't yet fleshed out. There is a pipeline of work that is foreseen to happen before the game is finished. This means gameplay will get added or removed based on feedback from the community.
If you are ok with being a <u>guinea pig</u>, you can start the game with the link at the bottom of this page.
This build is released to gather feedback to know what works and what doesn't work. To improve the game, you can help me by making any bugs or improvement points known. To post your feedback you can use the F95zone forum thread of this game.
If you <b>don't like</b> <u>unfinished content</u> it would be better to come back to this game once it is fully released. Playing it at the current stage might be disappointing as the game still lacks content. Once the game is released would love for you to enjoy the game in it's full glory. If you have taken an interest in the concept please follow the thread to be updated when it will get released.
[[Start the game|OpeningVid]]<<if $CCTVReview <$MaxCCTVReview >>
<<set _CCTVcap to 1>>
<<set _CCTVcap to 0>>
<<set $CCTVoptions to [1,2]>>
<<set $CCTVoptionchosen to $CCTVoptions.pluck()>>
<<if $CCTVoptionchosen eq 1>>
<<include "CCTV_Option1">>
<<elseif $CCTVoptionchosen eq 2>>
<<include "CCTV_Option2">>
<<set $timeofday += 1>>/*CCTV*/
<<if $CCTVReview lte $CCTVReviewPractice>>
<<set $CCTVpracticeskillpoint to $CCTVReview>>
<<set $CCTVrealworldskillpoint to 0>>
<<elseif $CCTVReview gt $CCTVReviewPractice>>
<<set $CCTVpracticeskillpoint to $CCTVReviewPractice>>
<<set $CCTVrealworldskillpoint to $CCTVReview-$CCTVReviewPractice>>
Code incorrect
<div class="skillsmenu">
<div class="skillsmenu">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $CCTVpracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $CCTVReviewPractice-$CCTVpracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $CCTVrealworldskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $MaxCCTVReview-$CCTVrealworldskillpoint-$CCTVReviewPractice; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]
<<if $patrolling lte $patrollingPractice>>
<<set $patrollingPracticeskillpoint to $patrolling>>
<<set $patrollingrealworldskillpoint to 0>>
<<elseif $patrolling gt $patrollingPractice>>
<<set $patrollingPracticeskillpoint to $patrollingPractice>>
<<set $patrollingrealworldskillpoint to $patrolling-$patrollingPractice>>
Code incorrect
<div class="skillsmenu">
<div class="skillsmenu">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $patrollingPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $patrollingPractice-$patrollingPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $patrollingrealworldskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $Maxpatrolling-$patrollingrealworldskillpoint-$patrollingPractice; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]
<<if $detaining lte $detainingPractice>>
<<set $detainingPracticeskillpoint to $detaining>>
<<set $detainingrealworldskillpoint to 0>>
<<elseif $detaining gt $detainingPractice>>
<<set $detainingPracticeskillpoint to $detainingPractice>>
<<set $detainingrealworldskillpoint to $detaining-$detainingPractice>>
Code incorrect
<div class="skillsmenu">
<div class="skillsmenu">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $detainingPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $detainingPractice-$detainingPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $detainingrealworldskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $Maxdetaining-$detainingrealworldskillpoint-$detainingPractice; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]
<<if $interview lte $interviewPractice>>
<<set $interviewPracticeskillpoint to $interview>>
<<set $interviewrealworldskillpoint to 0>>
<<elseif $interview gt $interviewPractice>>
<<set $interviewPracticeskillpoint to $interviewPractice>>
<<set $interviewrealworldskillpoint to $interview-$interviewPractice>>
Code incorrect
<div class="skillsmenu">
<div class="skillsmenu">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $interviewPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $interviewPractice-$interviewPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $interviewrealworldskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $Maxinterview-$interviewrealworldskillpoint-$interviewPractice; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]
<<if $clothessearch lte $clothessearchPractice>>
<<set $clothessearchPracticeskillpoint to $clothessearch>>
<<set $clothessearchrealworldskillpoint to 0>>
<<elseif $clothessearch gt $clothessearchPractice>>
<<set $clothessearchPracticeskillpoint to $clothessearchPractice>>
<<set $clothessearchrealworldskillpoint to $clothessearch-$clothessearchPractice>>
Code incorrect
<div class="skillsmenu">
<div class="skillsmenu">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $clothessearchPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $clothessearchPractice-$clothessearchPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $clothessearchrealworldskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $Maxclothessearch-$clothessearchrealworldskillpoint-$clothessearchPractice; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]
<<if $bodysearch lte $bodysearchPractice>>
<<set $bodysearchPracticeskillpoint to $bodysearch>>
<<set $bodysearchrealworldskillpoint to 0>>
<<elseif $bodysearch gt $bodysearchPractice>>
<<set $bodysearchPracticeskillpoint to $bodysearchPractice>>
<<set $bodysearchrealworldskillpoint to $bodysearch-$bodysearchPractice>>
Code incorrect
<div class="skillsmenu">
<div>Strip Search</div>
<div class="skillsmenu">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $bodysearchPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $bodysearchPractice-$bodysearchPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $bodysearchrealworldskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $Maxbodysearch-$bodysearchrealworldskillpoint-$bodysearchPractice; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]
<<if $cavity lte $cavityPractice>>
<<set $cavityPracticeskillpoint to $cavity>>
<<set $cavityrealworldskillpoint to 0>>
<<elseif $cavity gt $cavityPractice>>
<<set $cavityPracticeskillpoint to $cavityPractice>>
<<set $cavityrealworldskillpoint to $cavity-$cavityPractice>>
Code incorrect
<div class="skillsmenu">
<div>Cavity Search</div>
<div class="skillsmenu">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $cavityPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $cavityPractice-$cavityPracticeskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $cavityrealworldskillpoint; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $Maxcavity-$cavityrealworldskillpoint-$cavityPractice; _i++>>
[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]
<h1>Plastered $shoplyfters[$suspect].name</h1>
<h4>Congratulations, you got some nice glazing going on!</h4>
You made the mall a safer place by getting her glazed. This is the last time that you will see her.<br><br>
<div class="plastered">
[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '8Cumshot/' + '1.jpg']]
<<set $suspectindex to $shoplyfters[$suspect]>>
<<set $glazinggallery.push($suspectindex)>>
<<set $shoplyfters.delete($suspectindex)>>
<<set $firstoneplastered to true>><video class="openingvid" @src="$vidDir + 'Tutorial/' + 'Detain.mp4'" autoplay controls muted></video>
<div class="smallprint">Sound is muted by default, use controls to turn up the volume</div>
<<return>><video class="openingvid" @src="$vidDir + 'Tutorial/' + 'Questioning.mp4'" autoplay controls muted></video>
<div class="smallprint">Sound is muted by default, use controls to turn up the volume</div>
<<return>><video class="openingvid" @src="$vidDir + 'Tutorial/' + 'Frisking.mp4'" autoplay controls muted></video>
<<return>>[img[$imgDir + '/Other/cctvtutorial.gif']]
<<return>>[img[$imgDir + '/Other/patrol.jpg']]
<<return>><video class="openingvid" @src="$vidDir + 'Tutorial/' + 'StripSearch.mp4'" autoplay controls muted></video>
<div class="smallprint">Sound is muted by default, use controls to turn up the volume</div>
<<return>><video class="openingvid" @src="$vidDir + 'Tutorial/' + 'CavitySearch.mp4'" autoplay controls muted></video>
<div class="smallprint">Sound is muted by default, use controls to turn up the volume</div>
<<return>><h1>Colleague</h1>Your colleague shows you how he looks for suspect via CCTV and patrolling. It doesn't take him long before he finds somebody that has taken something that isn't hers. "Let me show how a pro deals with her."
<video class="openingvid" @src="$vidDir + 'Tutorial/' + 'Colleague.mp4'" autoplay controls muted loop></video>
"Now that I have shown you how it's done, you know what training is aheard of you. Before you can get to the fun stuff, you will first need to build experience. This will start with familiarizing yourself with the CCTV. Once you have learned to use that you can go on expanding your knowledge until you are a fully certified security guard. Operating the CCTV starts with going to the <u><b>training center</b></u> to get your certification. Once you have that, you are allowed to use CCTV in practice. For every new job that you can do here, you will need to <u><b>fully master the previous job</b></u> before you can move on. So to go on to patrolling you will need to be an experienced CCTV operator."
You are eager to start now you have seen what great perks this job will bring. [[Let's jump in|Hub]]<b>Hint to progress in the game:</b>
<<if $CCTVReview eq 0>>
<div class="newskill">New skill available: CCTV</div>
<<elseif $CCTVReview < $CCTVReviewPractice>>
Go to the training center to enhance your CCTV skills
<<elseif $CCTVReview < $MaxCCTVReview>>
Start using CCTV to catch some criminals
<<elseif $patrolling eq 0>>
<div class="newskill">New skill available: Patrolling</div>
<<elseif $patrolling < $patrollingPractice>>
To start patrolling first thing you will need to do is learn the skill
<<elseif $patrolling < $Maxpatrolling>>
Do a patrol and see if you can catch anybody acting suspicious. If you aren't able to find someone, make sure you already captured some suspicous activity via CCTV.
<<elseif $detaining eq 0>>
<div class="newskill">New skill available: Detain</div>
<<elseif $detaining < $detainingPractice>>
Now that you are qualified to do patrolling, it's time to learn to detain your suspect
<<elseif $detaining < $Maxdetaining>>
If you see a suspicious person you can detain that person. Start making this place a safer place.
<<elseif $interview eq 0>>
<div class="newskill">New skill available: Question</div>
<<elseif $interview < $interviewPractice>>
For the next phase in your training, you will need to learn to question your suspect. Go to the training center to enhance your skills.
<<elseif $interview < $Maxinterview>>
Now that you are trained to question a suspect, go and see if you can get your suspect to confess.
<<elseif $clothessearch eq 0>>
<div class="newskill">New skill available: Frisking</div>
<<elseif $clothessearch < $clothessearchPractice>>
Start training to frisk your suspect
<<elseif $clothessearch < $Maxclothessearch>>
Frisking requires practice to make sure you find any hidden items on their person
<<elseif $bodysearch eq 0>>
<div class="newskill">New skill available: Strip Search</div>
<<elseif $bodysearch < $bodysearchPractice>>
Your next skill will make things more interesting. Train to learn how to perform a Strip Search to discover any hidden items on a person.
<<elseif $bodysearch < $Maxbodysearch>>
A strip search is putting the suspect in a very vulnerable position. This requires a lot of practicing to get right. See if you can find a suspect to practice on.
<<elseif $cavity eq 0>>
<div class="newskill">New skill available: Cavity Search</div>
<<elseif $cavity < $cavityPractice>>
The last training you need to become a fully trained security professional is to learn how to do a cavity search.
<<elseif $cavity < $Maxcavity>>
A cavity search is a method to use only in very special cases. Although this method shouldn't be your default approach. Doing this search respectable to the suspect requires training with real suspects. Go and practice so you are qualified to respectfully perform the task.
It seems you have learned everything there is to learn. Go and make the shopping center a safer place. You are now a fully certified security professional. Congratulations!
<<if $CCTVReview <$MaxCCTVReview >>
<<set _CCTVcap to 1>>
<<set _CCTVcap to 0>>
<<if $CCTVresult>>
Congratulations you caught someone performing suspicous activities<br><br>
<<set $CCTVReview += _CCTVcap>>
<<if $CCTVReview eq $MaxCCTVReview and $CCTVproficiencymessage eq false>>
You have achieved maximum proficiency in CCTV security and can move on to learn a new skill. Go to the training center to acquire your next skill
<<set $CCTVproficiencymessage to true>>
<div class="singlepicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Stealing/thiefcaught.jpg']]</div>
Better luck next time. You weren't able to identify any suspicious activity.<br><br>
<div class="singlepicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Stealing/thief.jpg']]</div>
[[Move On|Hub]]<h1>Glazing Gallery</h1>
<<if $glazinggallery.length eq 0>>
You haven't yet made it to the end with one of the suspects.
Show the progress with each of the women caught
<div class="trophycase">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $glazinggallery.length; _i++>>
[img[$glazinggallery[_i].imageloc + '8Cumshot/' + '1.jpg']]
[[Return to Hub|Hub]]<<include "HintsCard1">>
<<include "HintsCard2">>
<br><br><<return>><h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
Your boss calls you into her office. "As you have just learned to operate CCTV, you will need to learn the responsibilities that come with it.", she says. You look towards her and you see that she means it. She continues: "You keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviour but this doesn't mean stalking women. CCTV exists to protect the business of the shops in this mall. Don't betray the trust that they have put in you."
It sounds very sinister the way that she is addressing you. You know you will need to be responsible in this job, but the way she is conveying the message makes you uneasy.
"Let me see that you can be trusted or else there will be consequences.", she says as she finalizes her speech to you. She gestures to the door that you can leave.
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
Patrolling is going to be a next step. You will use this technique to look for suspects. If you find any, you will tell your colleague. Until you have learned how to detain a suspect, you will only observe and not interact with anyone in this mall. The only people you are allowed to speak to are your colleagues. Do I make myself clear?
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
You are now allowed to start training how to detain a suspect. You can detain someone if they are showing suspicious behaviour. Make sure that you do not harm any of the people you detain. It is merely a first step to see if someone has done anything wrong. Before you have definitive proof, I want you to handle these suspects as customers of the stores here. No reason to give a bad reputation to this establishment just because of some minor theft. Please keep this in mind with the way you carry yourself in this place. You always represent this company. Don't ever forget that.
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
What have you done? You shouldn't be out there fucking women. You crossed a line here that you shouldn't have crossed. It is time for some punishment.
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bosspunishment.jpg']]</div>
As you have now pushed your luck on what you can do as part of this job, your boss has taken it upon herself to make sure you will learn your lesson.
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>YOU WON THE GAME</h1>
Congratulations you have won the game. You have made the mall an ultimate place of safety. The shopkeepers are in awe of your skills and praise the aptitude with which you were able to rinse this place from the sprawling attack of shoplifting that was going on before you were looking out for this place.<h1>Guilty</h1>
<div class="guiltypic">[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + 'profile.jpg']]
<div class="guiltboard">Suspect Name<br>$shoplyfters[$suspect].fullname</div>
[[Go Back|Hub]]<h1>CCTV Live Feed</h1>
You are reviewing the CCTV cameras to see if you can find anything suspicious. Click on the camera you think is capturing a crime to report.<br>
<<set $a to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]>>
<<set $b to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]>>
<<set _choice1 to "[img[$imgDir + '/CCTV/' + $a.pluck() + '.gif'][CCTV_Result_Caught][ $CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set _choice2 to "[img[$imgDir + '/CCTV/' + $a.pluck() + '.gif'][CCTV_Result_Caught][ $CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set _choice3 to "[img[$imgDir + '/CCTV/' + $a.pluck() + '.gif'][CCTV_Result_Caught][ $CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set _choice4 to "[img[$imgDir + '/Stealing/' + $b.pluck() + '.gif'][CCTV_Result_Caught][ $CCTVresult to true]]">>
<<set _imageorder to [_choice1, _choice2, _choice3, _choice4]>>
<<set _image1 to _imageorder.pluck()>>
<<set _image2 to _imageorder.pluck()>>
<<set _image3 to _imageorder.pluck()>>
<<set _image4 to _imageorder.pluck()>>
<div class="cctvmon">
[[Go Back|Hub]]<div class="CCTVgallery">
<div id="countdown1"></div>
<div id="countdown2">..calculating...</div>
<div id="countdown3"></div>
<div id="countdown4"></div>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set $seconds to $seconds - 1>>
<<if $seconds gt 0>>
<<replace "#countdown1">><<print $suspectgallery[$k]>><</replace>>
<<replace "#countdown2">><<print $suspectgallery[$k+1]>><</replace>>
<<replace "#countdown3">><<print $suspectgallery[$k+2]>><</replace>>
<<replace "#countdown4">><<print $suspectgallery[$k+3]>><</replace>>
<<set $k +=1>>
<<set $cctvlist to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $shoplyfters.length; _i++>>
<<if $shoplyfters[_i].patrolavailable eq false>>
<<set $cctvlist.push(_i)>>
<<set $suspect to $cctvlist.random()>>
<h1>Suspicion Detection CCTV Operations</h1>
You are now part of a new way of working in the security industry. As off today the company has acquired new technology that helps sift through thousands of hours of security footage captured via CCTV, so you can easily identify any suspects. Later on you will be able to detain these suspects when going out on patrol.<br><br>
When you press the button the camera feed starts spitting out women captured by the AI doing supposedly suspicious behaviour. Because most are false flags it's up to you to see if there are any recurring women captured. Once you see a woman recurring <b><u>three times</u></b>, you should click on that picture to add her to the suspect list. Once the feed stops, you are guaranteed that one of the four women showing should be added as a suspect.
<<set $suspect1 to "[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '0Suspicion/1.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$shoplyfters[$suspect].patrolavailable to true;$CCTVresult to true]]">>
<<set $suspect2 to "[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '0Suspicion/2.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$shoplyfters[$suspect].patrolavailable to true;$CCTVresult to true]]">>
<<set $suspect3 to "[img[$shoplyfters[$suspect].imageloc + '0Suspicion/3.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$shoplyfters[$suspect].patrolavailable to true;$CCTVresult to true]]">>
<<set $suspect4 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/1.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect5 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/2.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect6 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/3.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect7 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/4.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect8 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/5.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect9 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/6.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect10 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/7.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect11 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/8.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect12 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/9.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect13 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/10.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect14 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/11.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspect15 to "[img[$imgDir + '/RandomWomen/12.jpg'][CCTV_Result_Caught][$CCTVresult to false]]">>
<<set $suspectgallery to [$suspect4, $suspect5, $suspect6, $suspect7, $suspect8, $suspect9, $suspect10, $suspect11, $suspect12, $suspect13, $suspect14, $suspect15]>>
<<set $suspectgallery.shuffle()>>
<<set $suspectpart1 to []>>
<<set $suspectpart1 to [$suspectgallery.pluckMany(4), $suspect1]>>
<<set $suspectpart1.shuffle()>>
<<set $suspectpart2 to []>>
<<set $suspectpart2 to [$suspectgallery.pluckMany(1)]>>
<<set $suspectpart2.shuffle()>>
<<set $suspectpart3 to []>>
<<set $suspectpart3 to [$suspectgallery.pluckMany(3), $suspect2]>>
<<set $suspectpart3.shuffle()>>
<<set $suspectpart4 to []>>
<<set $suspectpart4 to [$suspectgallery.pluckMany(1)]>>
<<set $suspectpart4.shuffle()>>
<<set $suspectpart5 to []>>
<<set $suspectpart5 to [$suspectgallery.pluckMany(3), $suspect3]>>
<<set $suspectpart5.shuffle()>>
<<set $suspectgallery to [$suspectpart1, $suspectpart2, $suspectpart3, $suspectpart4, $suspectpart5]>>
<<set $suspectgallery to $suspectgallery.flat(3)>>
<<set $k to 0>>
<<set $seconds to $suspectgallery.length-2>>
<<if $cctvlist.length eq 0>>
<br>It seems you have uncovered all suspicous women in this mall.
<div id="passage2">
<<button "Activate Camera Feed">><<set $passage2Shown = true>><<replace "#passage2">><<include [[CCTV_Option2B]]>><</replace>><</button>>
[[Go Back|Hub]]<h1>Skills</h1>
<<include "SkillsStatus">>
<<return>><h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
You enter the office of your boss. "To find out if someone is guilty you can question the suspect", your boss says. With asking the right questions you can find out what has happened. It's meant to see if there are any clues as to whether your suspect is guilty or not. Good luck with using this new technique. You are well on your way to becoming a full functioning member of our company.
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
Now that you have the basics down of questioning a suspect, it is time to move on to the next part of training. To be able to make sure someone isn't hiding a stolen object, you can frisk them. Please keep these actions professional so I don't hear any complaints from our customers.
Maybe the best you can do is show me what you know about [[frisking|BossFrisk]].<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
You are well on your way to learning to be a security officer that fits in with our branch. There is still enough to learn however. As you may have noticed, even with frisking the suspect you might not be able to find the stolen wares. In these cases you will have to go one step further and do a strip search. This enables you to make sure there isn't anything hidden on their body and you find anything that they might be hiding. Good luck with trying out these new techniques in practice.
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
You are now up to your last bit of training. This training is really last resort when all other ways of finding evidence have failed. You thought strip search would be the final step, but you are wrong. Some women try to put items up their vagina. The technique to find out what's up there is called cavity search. Good luck mastering this last skill as that concludes your training to be a fully proficient security officer.
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/BossFrisk.gif']]</div>
Very well. You are going to be an excelent addition to our team in the way that you handle this task.
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<h1>Boss Review</h1>
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/boss.jpg']]</div>
Congratulations, you are now a fully trained security officer. You are able to perform all the tasks that are requested from you and can be a productive member of staff.
<div class="eventpicture">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/certified.png']]</div>
[[Start Next Shift|Hub]]<b>Skills Explained</b>
The colors represent either classroom training via the training center
<div class="skillsmenu">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircleempty.png']]</div>
Or training done in practice
<div class="skillsmenu">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircleempty.png']]</div>
Once you are trained the circle will be filled until you have filled all circles. You need to complete all training circles before you can go on to put skills in practice.
<div class="skillsmenu">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/lightbluecircle.png']]</div>
Once you have completed the skill in practice, the circle will be filled like so
<div class="skillsmenu">[img[$imgDir + '/Other/bluecircle.png']]</div>
<b>Steps to progress through the game</b>
<li>CCTV: First step is to see if there are any suspects in the mall</li>
<li>Patrol: Once you established someone is acting suspicious is a matter of catching them in the act</li>
<li>Detain: After you have caught them on patrol you can detain the suspect</li>
<li>Interrogation: After you have detained the suspect, you try to find out if someone is guilty by questioning, frisking, strip search and cavity search</li>