!This Version 0.20
-This game is my first project.
-Sorry for the typos and problems.
-Since my native language is not English, I am writing with the help of translation.
-The game contains sexual content.
-The story may change in the future.
-It will cover Abdl, FEMDOM, BDSM, Sissification, Transformation, and mind control.
-The game is currently in demo development, I want to bring frequent updates and add things like an interface, inventory, and statistics system.
-If there are fetishes you would like to have in the game, please specify.
-Your feedback is very important.
-You can support me on Patreon.
-You must be 18 years or older to play this game. Please do not play if you are not 18 years old.
Creator: Fixers
Have a good time! [[So let's start.|name1]]
!!<center>Start a New Game</center>
Enter your name: <<textbox "$name" "John">> [[Enter|fotoerkek]]
<<set $gun +=0 >>
!Look at the mirror.
▶You are 21 years old.
▶You just finished college.
▶You live alone and away from family.
▶You should start looking for a job.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/firstbase.jpg" width="65%" height="50%">
src="imagex/city.jpg" />
<map name="image-map">
<area data-passage="Enter Home" alt="home" title="home" coords="272,163,404,161,406,206,272,205" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Park" alt="park" title="park" coords="412,278,410,351,563,352,567,281" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Men's Boutique" alt="mens boutique" title="mens boutique" coords="68,287,64,340,158,339,157,289" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Tangent Home" alt="tangent home" title="tangent home" coords="148,169,147,217,241,217,240,169" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Club" alt="club" title="club" coords="33,73,32,126,122,125,122,73" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Natalie Home" alt="natalie home" title="natalie home" coords="192,23,190,69,287,73,282,24" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Grocerry" alt="market" title="market" coords="596,69,596,112,680,112,677,71" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Coffe Shop" alt="coffe shop" title="coffe shop" coords="674,398,671,459,744,457,741,394" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="girlsboutique" alt="girlsboutique" title="girlsboutique" coords="542,70,444,74,445,130,546,132,546,104" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="sexshop" alt="sexshop" title="sexshop" coords="665,192,764,192,767,252,666,251" shape="poly">
<<if $tangentstory is 4>>
[[Something's wrong.|tangentstory4]]
<div class="row"><<if $saat < 23 >><<if $tangentstory is 3>><div class="column"><a data-passage="Call Tangent to watch a movie." class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/tangentmenu.jpg" ><span>Call Tangent to watch a movie.</span></a></div><</if>><</if>>
<div class="column"><a data-passage="▶Kitchen" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/mutfakmenu.jpg" ><span>Kitchen</span></a></div>
<div class="column"><a data-passage="▶Bathroom" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/banyomenu.jpg" ><span>Bathroom</span></a></div>
<div class="column"><a data-passage="▶Bedroom" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/yatakodamenu.jpg" ><span>Bedroom</span></a></div>
<<if $abdlsissy > 0 >><div class="column"><a data-passage="Penny Room" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/pennyroom.jpg" ><span>Penny Room</span></a></div><</if>>
<<if $saat < 23>><div class="column"><a data-passage="home1" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/dısmenu.jpg" ><span>Outdoor</span></a></div><</if>>
<img src="imagex/home/mutfak.jpg" width="95%" height="50%">
<<if $backpack.has('Energy Drink')>>
<<button "Drink Energy">><<set $energy += 40>><<drop $backpack "Energy Drink" 1>><</button>>
[[▶Return|Enter Home]]
<img src="imagex/home/banyo.jpg" width="95%" height="50%">
<<if $nataliestory > 4 and $abdlstory is 2 and $diaper is 1>>
[[Penny just came in.]]
<<if $saat is 9 and $abdlstory is 3 and setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Saturday">>
[[▶I can hear voices from inside.]]
<<if $saat is 9 and $abdlstory is 3 and setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Sunday">>
[[▶I can hear voices from inside.]]
[[▶Return|Enter Home]]
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="▶Sleep" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/uykumenu.jpg" ><span>Sleep</span></a>
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="▶Computer" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/computermenu.jpg" ><span>Computer</span></a>
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="Wardrobe" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/wardrobe.jpg" ><span>Wardrobe</span></a>
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="Enter Home" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/salonmenu.jpg" ><span>Return</span></a>
<<if $abdlstory > 1>>
[[Change Diaper]]
<<if $diaper is 0>>
<img src="imagex/pee/pee.gif" width="95%" height="50%">
Heyyy, what are you doing here?
I'm peeing.
Babies can't pee here. Please leave now.
<img src="imagex/dus/dus2.jpg" width="95%" height="50%">
!Good Morning.
<<if $diaper is 0>>
[[Get out of bed.|▶Bedroom]]
You pissed in your diaper, [[call penny to help.]]
<<NextDay>>\''Day'': <<print $day>>
''Name'': <<print $name>>
<span style="color:#83DB70;">
''Cash''</span>: <<print $cash>>!Park
<div class="row">
<<if $saat < 22>>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="▶Training" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/spormenu.jpg" ><span>Training(1h)</span></a>
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="▶Run" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/kosumenu.jpg" ><span>Run(1h)</span></a>
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="▶Relax" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/relaxmenu.jpg" ><span>Relax(1h)</span></a>
It's late, you should go to sleep.
<div class="column">
<a data-passage="home1" class="darken"><img src="imagex/menu/dısmenu.jpg" ><span>Return</span></a>
<img src="imagex/park/spor.jpg" width="60%" height="100%">
+1 Fitness
<<set $fitness += 1>>
[[▶Return Park|▶Park]]
<img src="imagex/park/kosu.jpg" width="90%" height="50%" >
<<if $tangentstory is 0>>
<<print "Whatt!!!">>
<<print "[[▶Look Girl]]">>
<<print "[[▶Dont Look]]">>
<img src="imagex/park/relax.jpg" width="90%" height="50%">
<<if $abdlstory is 4 and $nataliestory is 7 and $tangentstory is 5>>
You find a stone and lie down on it. You think about the last days and the events that have happened. You realize that your life has changed, but you also realize that something has gone wrong. You try to get out of these dilemmas. You can't go on with your life like this. You have to make a decision. The women who have entered your life in the last few weeks have accelerated your sex life. You've only seen them in porn movies. You thought you couldn't handle it all. Maybe you liked being humiliated, or maybe you liked the way Penny treated you like a mother. Do you need a dominatrix like Tangent? Your trans friend Natalie? You're going to disappear in the middle of it all and you have to make one of the most important decisions of your life.
[[You will continue with Penny and Natalie.(abdl+sissy)]]
[[You'll continue with Tangent and Natalie.(femdom+sissy)]]
<img src="imagex/park/manita.gif" width="60%" height="100%">
<<set $evil += 1>>
Evil +1
<span class="erkek">-Heyy What are you doing?</span>
<span class="kız">-hahah Nothing:)</span>
<span class="erkek">-I do not think so.</span>
<span class="kız">-What do you think?</span>
[[I guess you just do yoga.|chose1]]
[[I like your choice of clothes.|chose2]]
[[Return Park|▶Park]]<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-Actually, I'm not hiding from anyone.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Sorry, I thought wrong.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-Okey ,No problem.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Would you like to join me?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-Hımm, Why not.</span><</say>>
[[Let's go]]<<set $tangentlove += 1>>
<<set $tangenthikaye to 1>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-Thanks</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-hahahah Are you okay?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-hıhı Im okey.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-My name is $name . You?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-My name is Tangent .</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Okey. Where do you live?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-I live in an apartment across the park.You?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Me too.I hope to see you again</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-I hope.</span><</say>>
<<set $tangentstory to 1>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Where do you live?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-I live in an apartment across the park.You?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Wooww, i live there too.i haven't seen you before.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-I just settled.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Do you want me to show you around the city?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-I don't know you that well.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Hımm,Then let's meet. My name is $name .</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-My name is Tangent . Nice to meet you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Nice to meet you too.Now that I've met you, we can tour the city.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-Haahahaha That's fun but I'm a little busy right now.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Ok we'll do it another day.</span><</say>>
<<set $tangentstory to 1>>
<<widget "NextDay">>\
<<set $DayOfWeek to $DayOfWeek +1>>\
<<set $HasDoneJob to false>>
<<set $ClubDone to false>>
<<set $duspenny to false>>
<<set $saat to 8>>
<<set $gun += 1>>
<<if $DayOfWeek > 6>>\
<<set $DayOfWeek to 0>>\
<<widget "NextTime">>\
<<set $saat to $saat +1>>\
<<if $time is 24>>\
<<set $time to 0>>\
<<widget "ShowDay">>\
<<set _DayNames to ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]>>\
<<print _DayNames[$DayOfWeek]>>\
<<widget "ShowTime">>\
<<set _TimeNames to ["Morning","Noon","Afternoon","Evening","Night","Midnight"]>>\
<<print _TimeNames[$time]>>\
<<widget "saatgecti">>\
<<set $saat += 1>>
<<if $saat > 23>>
<<set $saat to 8>>
<</widget>>\Day: <<ShowDay>>\ <<print $gun>>
Time: $saat : 00
Money: $para
<<if $diaper is 1>>You are diapered.<</if>>
<<if $clothes is 0>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/firstbase.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/blackjean.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/redjean.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/whitejean.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 4>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/fitnesskiyafettam.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 5>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/hoodiejean.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 6>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/pijamas.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 7>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/firstgift.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 8>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/elbisecoraptopuklu.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 9>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/elbisecorapsandalet.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 10>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/maid.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 11>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/scgirl.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 12>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a1.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 13>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 13>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a3.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 15>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra1.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 16>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 17>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra3.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 18>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba1.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 19>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 20>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba3.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 21>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a4.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 22>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a5.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 23>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a6.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 24>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra4.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 25>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra5.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 26>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra6.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 27>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba4.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 28>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba5.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 29>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba6.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 30>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a7.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 31>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a8.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 32>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a9.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 33>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra7.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 34>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra8.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 35>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra9.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 36>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba7.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 37>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba8.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 38>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba9.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 39>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a10.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 40>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a11.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 41>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a12.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 42>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra10.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 43>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra11.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 44>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra12.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 45>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba10.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 46>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba11.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 47>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba12.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 48>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a13.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 49>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a14.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 50>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a15.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 51>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra13.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 52>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra14.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 53>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra15.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 54>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba13.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 55>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba14.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 56>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba15.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 57>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a16.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 58>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a17.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 59>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a18.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 60>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra16.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 61>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra17.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 62>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra18.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 63>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba16.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 64>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba17.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 65>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba18.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 66>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a19.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 67>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra19.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 68>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba19.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 69>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a20.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 70>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/b20.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 71>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a21.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 72>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba21.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 73>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a22.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 74>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba22.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 75>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a23.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 76>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba23.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 77>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a24.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>><<if $clothes is 78>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba24.jpg" width="80%" height="50%"><</if>>
<img src="imagex/home/dıs.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">- hey, this is my apartment.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">- I live here stupid.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">- Okey.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">- [[Come in dog!]]</span><</say>>▶Coffe Shop
<img src="imagex/sokak/kafe.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<if $meslek is 0>>[[▶Look job]]<</if>>
<<if $meslek is 1 >><<if $saat < 20>> [[▶Work(3h)|▶Work]]<<else>> It's late, you should go to sleep.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $saat < 22>><<if $tangentstory is 2 and setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Friday">>[[Meet Tangent]]<</if>><</if>>
Energy Drink 20$ <<if $para > 19>><<button "[[Buy]]">><</button>><</if>>
Vodka 100$ <<if $para > 99>><<button "[[Buy|Vodka]]">><</button>><</if>>
<<NextTime>>\ ▶Sex Shop
You're in front of the sex shop building. You've never been to a place like this before. You feel excited and nervous. You don't know what to expect. You realize that the sex shop is on the second floor. You enter the building and head for the stairs. As you climb the stairs, you think about what you're going to buy.
You saw the sign. The sign says "Alara's Toy Shop". At first the name sounds funny to you. Then you think it makes sense. Are you ready to go inside?
[[I am ready.]]
[[I am not ready.|home1]]
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Clothing Name</th>
<th>Try on the outfit</th>
<td>Black t-shirt</td>
<td>$ 55</td>
<td><<if $blackt is 0>>[[Try on Black t-shirt]]<<else>>You already have this.<</if>></td>
<td>Red t-shirt</td>
<td>$ 55</td>
<td><<if $redt is 0>>[[Try on Red t-shirt]]<<else>>You already have this.<</if>></td>
<td>White t-shirt</td>
<td>$ 55</td>
<td><<if $whitet is 0>>[[Try on White t-shirt]]<<else>>You already have this.<</if>></td>
<td>$ 60</td>
<td><<if $hoodie is 0>>[[Try on Hoodie]]<<else>>You already have this.<</if>></td>
<td>$ 70</td>
<td><<if $pajamas is 0>>[[Try on Pajamas]]<<else>>You already have this. <</if>>
<td>Tracksuit Set</td>
<td>$ 110</td>
<td><<if $tracksuit is 0>>[[Try on Tracksuit Set]]<<else>>You already have this.<</if>></td>
[[Return|home1]] !İnside
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-heyyy! What are you doing? Why are you wearing me a mask and a collar?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-I said shut up, dog. You're going to wear these because you're a fucking dog! Follow me dog!</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/video/part1.gif" width="90%" height="50%" >
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-KISS My Shoes DOG!</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-Why?Why should I kiss your shoes?I just wanted to fuck you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-First you have to deserve it dog!</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-WTF!!! I can not understand.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-You'll understand, but I said kiss my shoe, you idiot!</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/video/part2.gif" width="90%" height="50%" >
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-Thanks,is it over? I stand up.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!<span class="kız">-What!![[Sit Dog!]]</span><</say>>
!What The Fuck!
<img src="imagex/home/zindan.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-What kind of place is this?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">-Here is your reward. Come here [[dog.]]</span><</say>>!Sit Dog!
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-Sorry!</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-Sorry???</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-Sorry Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/video/part3.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-Take off my jacket.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/video/part33.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-Wel done dog.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!-[[Thanks Mistress.]]<</say>>!Reward
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-Reward to you (spit)!</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>!!<span class="erkek">-Thanks Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-Keep licking.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/video/part4.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-Well done Dog, I'm done with you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>!!<span class="kız">-Fuck off [[now]].</span><</say>>!Slave
!You experienced the first change.
!Change Level
<<set $changelevel += 1>>
<<set $tangentstory to 4>>▶Look job
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Hello </span><</say>>
<<say 'Barista Girl' "imagex/sokak/is.jpg" >><span class="kız">-Hello </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-I'm looking for a job.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Barista Girl' "imagex/sokak/is.jpg" >><span class="kız">-Hmm, have you worked in any cafe before?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-No, I just finished school and I'm looking for a job.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Barista Girl' "imagex/sokak/is.jpg" >><span class="kız">-It's okay, I might have a job for you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Oh thank you. What should I do?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Barista Girl' "imagex/sokak/is.jpg" >><span class="kız">-You can be a waitress. I will prepare the coffees and you will take the coffees.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Yes, I can do that. How much will I be charged?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Barista Girl' "imagex/sokak/is.jpg" >><span class="kız">-You will receive $30 per day.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-Yes, this is fine for me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Barista Girl' "imagex/sokak/is.jpg" >><span class="kız">-You can work once a day. I will be waiting for you tomorrow.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">-OK see you tomorrow.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Barista Girl' "imagex/sokak/is.jpg" >><span class="kız">-See you</span><</say>>
<<set $meslek += 1>>
<<if $HasDoneJob is true>>
You've already done the job today
[[Do the job]]
[[Return|home1]] ▶Statistics
Change Level: <<print $changelevel>>
Sissy Level:<<print $sissylevel>>
The better you are, the less bad things happen to you.
Goodness :<<print $goodness>>
The worse you are, the more bad things happen to you.
Evil:<<print $evil>>
Fitness: $fitness
Shy: $shy
Courage: $courage
<<return "Game">>Business offer
-I want to offer you a job.
-What kind of work?
-My girlfriends are looking for a waitress for their party tonight. You're going to get $500 for a night's work, do you want to do it?
-Wow, 500 $? Yes, I really need this.
-Okay, take this address. Go straight, I'll let them know you're [[coming.|mansion]]
<<if $garson is 5>>
Barista girl is looking at you.
Ask why you're looking.
-Am I doing something [[wrong?|Business offer]]
<img src="imagex/home/malikane.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
-Wow, this place is huge, I hope it's not too crowded or I have to work hard.
[[Ring the bell]]First meeting
-I came for the waitress.
-Ahh, got it. Sorry I forgot to say my name. Hello, I'm Natalia.
-Nice to meet you. My name is $name.
-Come on in. Let me tell you the [[job.]]Job
-I'll tell you. First of all, all we want is for you to have fun. You will bring us drinks and do the guests' requests. I only have one condition. I need you to sign this document so I can pay your money. My father wants to know where the money went.
-Of course . No problem for me.
-Very good.
[[sign it]]Opsi!!
-Here is your uniform.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/garson.jpg" width="30%" height="50%">
-Whatttt? This is a girl waitress outfit.
-I know, but this is all we have.
-I would never wear this.
-Hahaha. You signed the contract and said you would do anything I asked there.
-No, I signed that contract for money.
-Don't sign without reading next time.
-What could happen if I don't comply?
-If you do not comply with the contract, you have to pay a very large amount of money :)
[[-Noooooo]]Work Baby...
-Guests are coming. Get ready.
-Ok Miss
-Well done.
You serve the guests all night and everyone laughs and makes fun of you. Some girls smack your butt but you can't do anything. You get so tired and you drop a glass on the floor. When you take the glass, your skirt rises and your butt is visible. The girls laugh at [[you.]]End of the night!
-Come here Baby.
The girl is calling you.
-Yes Miss.
-Let's start the fun.
-because i want that
-Okay Miss
-Sit here.
-They all gather around and start spitting on you.
!Coffe Shop
<<if $nataliestory is 5>>
You are serving coffee and you see someone sitting at the table. You get very angry. Why are you so angry because the person sitting at the table is Natalie. You start to walk towards her in anger. Natalie notices you and smiles wickedly. You see the smile on her face and you are surprised. Noticing your surprised expression, Natalie says to you:
<img src="imagex/nm.jpg" width="65%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Are you surprised to see me $name?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Shut up and listen to me, I am not gay.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I never said you were gay.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">But I am very angry with you for what you did to me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You were so happy when I did it.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I wasn't myself. You drugged me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I just brought out your subconscious. You'll see, you'll start to enjoy it. You might even start to enjoy it. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Leave me alone.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I know you'll come to see me and I have a surprise for you. If you're curious, I'll be waiting for you on Thursday.</span><</say>>
Without answering, you turn around and go back to work. As you walk away from Natalie, you can hear her laughing at you.
You worked hard today, you earned $30.
Your waitress skill increased by 1.
<<set $para += 30>>
You've done the job!
<<set $HasDoneJob to true>>
[[▶Coffe Shop]]
<<set $nataliestory to 6>>
You worked hard today, you earned $30.
Your waitress skill increased by 1.
<<set $para += 30>>
You've done the job!
<<set $HasDoneJob to true>>
[[▶Coffe Shop]]
<<inv $backpack>>
<<return "Game">>Tangent Home
<<if $tangentstory is 1>>
<<if $saat < 22>>
[[Knock on the door.]]
It's late, you should go to sleep.
[[Return|home1]] <<if setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Monday" or setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Friday" or setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Thursday" or setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is"Saturday" or setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is"Sunday">>\
You knock on the door, but the door does not open, I guess she is not at home. I'll come again tomorrow.
<<if setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Tuesday" or setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Wednesday">>\
She opens the door.
She salutes from the range.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hi</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hello how are you?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız"> I am good how are you</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I am also good. I came because I was wondering how it was. Can I go inside?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Unfortunately. I am not very available right now.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hmm, see you later then.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hey, wait 1 minute.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Ok I am waiting.</span><</say>>
You wait a bit and it comes back.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Do you want to have coffee on Friday?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hmm okay, I'll be waiting for you on Friday.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">OK, see you on Friday.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Bye.</span><</say>>
Tangent Love +1
Tangent Friendship +1
<<set $tangentfriendship +=1>>
<<set $tangentlove +=1>>
<<set $tangentstory to 2>>
<<NextTime>>\ !Meet Tangent
You're waiting for Tangent. Tangent arrives in 10 minutes.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hello</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hello, Welcome. What do you drink?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Americano</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Do you want to milk ?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">No thanks.</span><</say>>
[[You're going to get the coffees.|meet tangent 2]]
<<NextTime>>\You get the coffees and you come back. Give Tangent the coffee.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Thanks</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You're welcome Can I ask something?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I am listening.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What were you doing in the park?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hmmmm, it could be called work.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I understand Do you go to the park often?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I like to exercise in the park so I go often.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I also like to exercise.</span><</say>>
<<if $fitness gte 3>>
You've done enough fitness.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I can see his muscles he looks really sexy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thank you, you look fit.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Thanks</span><</say>>
<<if $fitness lt 3>>
You didn't do enough fitness.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">HAHAHA You're a bad liar.</span><</say>>
She's making fun of you.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hey, please stop.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It was nice spending time with you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Also with you</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You can come to me whenever you want. I live upstairs anyway.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I know. I like to watch movies, maybe we can watch something together.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It would be a very good idea. I will invite you soon.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">ok bye then</span><</say>>
Okay [[Goodbye|home1]]
<<set $tangentstory to 3 >>!Watch movie with Tangent
You're calling Tangent.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hi are you available?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hi, yes I am available.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Do you want to come to my house to watch a movie?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Super I'm coming soon.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">OK I'm waiting for you.</span><</say>>
[[After a while, the doorbell rings.]]
You open the door and Tangent walks in.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Welcome, you go to the living room and I'm coming to find something to drink.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Okey</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You come back with two glasses of wine.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I think we're going to watch a romantic movie</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why not.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I like romantic movies. Let's start watching.</span><</say>>
[[After a while]]Tangent leans on you. You put your arm on your shoulder. Tangent likes it.
Tangent Love +1
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Are you comfortable?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Yes</span><</say>>
After a while, Tangent falls asleep.
[[Look at her breasts.]]
[[Cover with blanket]]
<<set $tangentlove += 1>>
You cover Tangent with a blanket and she continues to sleep. She wakes up after a while and smiles when she sees that she is covered with a blanket.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Thank you for covering me.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No problem.</span><</say>>
Tangent hugs you and kisses you on the lips.
Tangent Love+1
[[You are starting to make love.|She hugs you and starts kissing you.]]!Look at her breasts.
<img src="imagex/sahne/meme.jpg" width="90%" height="50%">
Wow So Beautiful. They look so soft. Should I touch?
[[Do not touch]]
<img src="imagex/sahne/meme1.jpg" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Wow they are so soft.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">What??</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Ow sorry i just wanted to touch it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Wtf are you doing?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Sorry, Tangent.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You have to get permission before you touch me you idiot.So you wanted to touch my chest. Why don't we do this at my house?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What? I like this idea.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come with me.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">[[Okey]]</span><</say>>!Do not touch.
I must not touch. She's sleeping, she can notice me.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Aww Ohh sorry I fell asleep.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No problem. I didn't want to wake up.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Oh, thank you, you are very kind.</span><</say>>
Tangent Love +1
[[She hugs you and starts kissing you.]]
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">- If you want your prize, come with me.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">- [[Yes, I want a reward.]]</span><</say>><<set $charisma += 1>>
<<set $tangentlove += 1>>
!Let's have some fun. You're starting to have sex with Tangent.
Charisma +1
Tangent Love +1
Tangent blows you.
<img src="imagex/sahne/sakso.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
Then you sit on your lap and fuck her.
<img src="imagex/sahne/am.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
You fuck her in the Doggy position and cum.
Tangent smiles and goes home without saying [[anything.|home1]]
<<set $tangentkendievin to 1>>
<<set $tangentstory to 4>>
[[Call Tangent]]
Call Tangent
Invite Tangent to your home.[[Call|kendi evin]]
Meet Tangent at her house. [[Call|onun evi]]Invite Tangent to your home.
<<if $tangentkendievin is 1>>[[tangent blowjob]]/[[tangent fuck to ass]]/[[tangent fuck]]<</if>>
<<if $tangentkendievin is 0>>[[Return|Call Tangent]]
Tangent Home
<<if $dominanthikaye is 1>>[[kırbaçlanmak]]/[[Pegging]]/[[<<if $abdlsissy is 0 or $femdomsissy is 0>>
Tangent is a dominant character, so if you advance with Tangent, you will begin to become her slave.
<<if $tangentstory is 0>>Go to the park. A little jogging will do you good.<</if>><<if $tangentstory is 1>>You can visit Tangent's house.<</if>><<if $tangentstory is 2>>You can meet tangent at the coffe shop on Friday. (I think it would be good to exercise in between)<</if>><<if $tangentstory is 3>>Maybe you could invite him to watch a movie.<</if>><<if $tangentstory is 4>>Come home late (21:00). You should relax in the park.<</if>>
You should relax in the park.
!Penny Abdl Content
<<if $abdlstory is 0>>Go to the club.<</if>><<if $abdlstory is 1>>Go to the club one more time, Penny might be there.<</if>><<if $abdlstory is 2 >>You have to take your buttplug out in the bathroom.You should put your nappy on. Press the change diaper button in your room.<</if>><<if $abdlstory is 3>>Penny showers at 9:00 a.m. on the weekends.4 times. You should relax in the park.<</if>>
You should relax in the park.
<<if $nataliestory is 0>>Watch camgirl.<</if>><<if $nataliestory is 1>>-Send message.<</if>><<if $nataliestory is 2>>-Go Natalie home.<</if>><<if $nataliestory is 3>>Text Natalie when you're ready.<</if>><<if $nataliestory is 4>>Meet Natalie at the club.<</if>><<if $nataliestory is 5>>Keep working at the coffee shop.<</if>><<if $nataliestory is 6>>Go see your surprise.<</if>>
<<return "Game">>
<<if $abdlsissy is 1>>Your real journey begins. You've made your choice, go to Penny's room and explain your decision to her.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 2>>Do you want to show Natalie your dress?<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 3>>Put on a Sissy Dress. Go to Penny's room.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 4>>Penny's waiting for you in her room.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 5>>Natalie might need you. Don't forget to say hi to Natalie on Thursday.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 6>>Check Penny Room.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 7>>Check Penny Room.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 10>>Buy something from the women's boutique and go back home.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 11>>Send an email to Mike or Steve.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 12>>Go to Penny's room and talk to her.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 13>>Let them know that you're ready to send the email.<</if>><<if $abdlsissy is 14 >>Meet Natalie at her place.<</if>>
<<if $femdomsissy is 1>>Your real journey begins. You've made your choice. Tangent should be home, go and talk to him.<</if>><<if $femdomsissy is 2>>You should ask Natali for help.<</if>><<if $femdomsissy is 2>>Watch Gay Porn.<</if>>
<<return "Game">>!Club
<img src="imagex/club.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Welcome to the club The club is only open on Saturdays and Sundays at 20:00
<<if $saat > 19>>
<<if setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Saturday" or setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Sunday">>[[Enter Club]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Return|home1]] !Club
<img src="imagex/club.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<if $ClubDone is true>>
Its late.
<<if $nataliestory is 4>>[[Find Natalie.]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlstory is 0>>[[Sit at a table.]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlstory is 1>>Maybe I'll see Penny again.[[Sit at a table.|story2]]<</if>>
You sit at a table. You order beer. After a while, the beer comes and you drink your beer watching the dancers. Then you notice someone looking at you. She looks a little older than you, but you like the way she dances. You get up and start dancing next to him. He notices you and smiles at you. You take the opportunity and say hi.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hello, you dance very well.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Thank you. It's my first time seeing you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't come to many clubs.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hmm, I understand.You're not too bad.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hahaha thanks.My name is $name .</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Nice to meet you. My name is penny.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Beautiful name just like you.</span><</say>>
Smiling, he goes to the group of girlfriends. You realize that you have had enough to drink and you return home.
[[Return|Enter Home]]
<<set $abdlstory to 1>>
<<set $HasDoneJob to true>>!Club
<img src="imagex/club.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You order and drink beer again. You keep looking for the penny, but it doesn't show up. A few hours later, you see the penny coming out of the club angry and you run to catch it. You catch her at the door and grab her arm.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hey Penny</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">What do you want.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Is there a problem? I saw that you were angry.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Yes, I have a big problem. My landlord kicked me out of the house.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">WHAT! How can he do this.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I only delayed the rent for a few days and threw me out. Now I have to find a new house.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I know we just met, but I can find you a place to stay.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">How?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">How about you stay with me?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hey I'm not looking for a boyfriend.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't want you to be my girlfriend either. I have an empty room and you can stay there if you want. The room will be completely yours and we will pay the rent together.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hmm, that idea sounds good. Okay, I can stay with you until I find a new place.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Then let me show you the house.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I have to get my things first, I can't sleep in this dress.</span><</say>>
[[Ok. Let's go get your stuff.]]
You take your things and go home. Penny moves into her room. You spend a week together. Penny helps with the housework and it becomes easier to manage the house with her. You do the household chores together. Meanwhile, you know each other well.
But a week later, you wake up on morning and Penny invites you for breakfast.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What?</span><</say>>
You peed on your bed at night.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">How can this be? The last time I peed when I was 5 years old.</span><</say>>
Just then, Penny enters the room. You immediately pull the quilt over you.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Why don't you come for breakfast? You are very sleepy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'll come right away. Can you wait a bit?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Aaaa I made you breakfast and you're not even getting out of bed.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'll come right away.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come on.</span><</say>>
Penny runs to the bed and lifts the covers.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">what?????? Did you pee under?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No no.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">$name, you pissed on the bed.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I've never done anything like this before. I am so ashamed.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">$name is not a problem. Calm down . Just a little accident. Come on, take a shower. I wash the sheets.</span><</say>>
You're very surprised by Penny's behavior.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Please don't worry, I'll clean it all up.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I said take a shower, I'll take care of it.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, thank you very much, I will not forget this favor.</span><</say>>
You are going to take a [[shower.]]
<img src="imagex/dus/dus2.jpg" width="95%" height="50%">
You take a shower and come [[back.]]Penny cleaned the bed.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Penny thanks.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">No problem, $name. Come on, let's have breakfast.</span><</say>>
You have breakfast together, then you do the daily chores and relax. At night, penny comes to your [[room.]]<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hi $name..</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hi Penny..</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I came to say good night..</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Oh thanks good night..</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Do you need help, $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">On which subject?.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">About the morning event..</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hahaha It happened once. It won't happen again, penny..</span><</say>>
Penny sits on the edge of her bed.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">$name, I think you need some help. There may be a problem with your health. I can help you with this..</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I am also worried about my health because I have never experienced anything like this before..</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Let me help you..</span><</say>>
[[What kind of help?]]
[[No thank you.(Abdl story end.)|Enter Home]]Penny arrives with a bag in her hand. She opens the bag and takes out a diaper and powder.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Here such help is only for the night.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No No this is penny for babies.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">$name, if you start peeing under it all the time. I can't wash sheets every day.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm sorry Penny, but this is so embarrassing.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">It's okay, just you and I will know.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'll only accept this on one condition, penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm listening to you, $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">This event will stay between us.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Of course, $name, this is for your health.</span><</say>>
Penny wants you to lie [[down.]]You go to bed and Penny starts taking off her clothes.
<img src="imagex/diaper2.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
Come on, lie down, you'll be more [[comfortable.]]<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay Penny, but I'm so embarrassed.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">It's okay, calm down.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/diaper1.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Penny Please be quick.</span><</say>>
I have an idea to [[distract you.]]<img src="imagex/diaper3.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Woww your tits are so beautiful.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Thank you, I distracted you. I'm even done.</span><</say>>
Penny is tying her diaper. You get up and put on your pajamas. Penny says good night and leaves.
The diaper makes you feel very comfortable and you fall asleep right away.
[[Enter Home]]
<<set $diaper to 1>>
<<set $abdlstory to 2>><<set $abdlsissy to 0>>
<<set $femdomsissy to 0>>
<<set $DayOfWeek to 0>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<set $imgDir to 'resources/'>>
<<set $gun to 1>>
<<set $para to 0>>
<<set $meslek to 0>>
<<set $gunler to 0>>
<<set $garson to 0>>
<<set $slave to 0>>
<<set $tangenthikaye to 0>>
<<set $intro to 0>>
<<set $tangentstory to 0>>
<<set $club to 0>>
<<set $dus to 0>>
<<set $sexshop to 0>>
yeni statlar
<<set $changelevel to 0>>
<<set $sissylevel to 0>>
<<set $goodness to 0>>
<<set $evil to 0>>
<<set $courage to 0>>
<<set $shy to 0>>
<<set $charisma to 0>>
<<set $fairness to 0>>
<<set $dominant to 0>>
<<set $submasive to 0>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $fitness to 0>>
<<newinv $backpack>>
<<set $backpack to Inventory.create()>>
<<set $vodka to 0>>
<<set $abdlstory to 0>>
<<set $diaper to 0>>
<<set $tangentstory to 0>>
Love:<<set $tangentlove to 0>>
Friendship:<<set $tangentfriendship to 0>>
<<set $nataliestory to 0>>
<<set $natalielove to 0>>
<<character 'main' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>
<<character 'Alara' 'imagex/dialog/alara.jpg'>>
<<character 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>>
<<character 'Natalie' 'imagex/dialog/natalie.jpg'>>
<<character 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>>
<<set $saat to 8>>
<<if $saat > 23>>
<<set $saat to 8>>
<<set $blackt to 0>>
<<set $whitet to 0>>
<<set $pajamas to 0>>
<<set $tracksuit to 0>>
<<set $redt to 0>>
<<set $firstgift to 0>>
<<set $hoodie to 0>>
<<set $clothes to 0>>
<<set $elbise to 0>>
<<set $maiddress to 0>>
<<set $scgirl to 0>>
<<set $makeup to 0>>
<<set $clothesmod to 0>>
<<set $dress to 0>>
<<set $shoes to 0>>
<<set $c3 to 0>><<set $c5 to 0>><<set $c6 to 0>>Computer
[[Watch porn.]]
[[Watch Live Stream]]
[[Spend time.]]
[[Mail Box]]
<<if $saat < 22 >>
<<if $nataliestory is 1>>[[Send Message]]<</if>>
<<if $nataliestory is 3>>I want to talk to Natalie.[[Send Massage|nataliestory3]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 8>> [[New Massage]]<</if>>
[[▶Bedroom]] Watch Porn
<<if $saat < 22>>
<<if $nataliestory > 3 >>
*New Category*
It's late, you should go to sleep.
Watch Live Stream
<img src="imagex/live.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<if $saat < 22>>
<<if $nataliestory is 0>>[[Girl2]]<</if>>
It's late, you should go to sleep.
iş ara
evden çalış masa başı!Purchase Energy Drink 20$
<<set $para -= 20>><<pickup $backpack "Energy Drink" 1>>
!Girl 1
<img src="imagex/girl1.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Look at another girl.|Watch Live Stream]]
<<NextTime>>\ !Girl 2
<img src="imagex/girl2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Wow this girl is a shemale.
[[Looks so sweet.]]
[[I don't watch a trans girl. (You can't progress in the Natalie Story.)|Watch Live Stream]]
!Girl 3
<img src="imagex/girl3.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
[[Look at another girl.|Watch Live Stream]]
<<NextTime>>\ !Donate
It doesn't matter to you. It continues to broadcast.
You lost $10.
<<set $para -= 10>>
[[Return|Watch Live Stream]]!Natalie
[[10$|natalie donate]]
[[Watch Live Stream]] !Natalie Cam
<img src="imagex/girl2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You lost $10.
Natalie sees the donation. She smiles:
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Thank you. What's your name stranger?</span><</say>>
You open the chat and tell him your name.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>>Hi My name is $name.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Nice to to meet you. Then I increase the speed for you</span><</say>>
<<set $para -= 10>>
[[You keep watching.]]!Natalie Cam
<img src="imagex/cam1.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Wow it makes me incredibly horny.</span><</say>>
[[Donate another $10.]]
[[Close the broadcast.|Watch Live Stream]]!Natalie Cam
Natalie smiles:
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Did you like it?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I liked it too much.</span><</say>>
Natalie takes the keyboard and writes you a private message.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">If you want, we can chat after the broadcast ends, naughty boy.</span><</say>>
[[Wait for the live broadcast to end.]]
<<set $para -= 10>>!Natalie Cam
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie's broadcast ends and she sends you a message.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hey are you still there?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yes, I waited for you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Thank you for waiting, but I'm very tired. can you message me later?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">It's okay, I'll text you later. [[Good night.|Watch Live Stream]]</span><</say>>
<<set $nataliestory to 1>>!Send a message to Natalie
Natalie online. Do you want to message ?
!Send Message
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hi natalie do you remember me? We met in a previous broadcast.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Yes I remember your name is $name</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yes right how are you?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I am good how are you ?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I am also good. What are you doing ?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I was very busy, I had one video shoot. I am very tired. I'm resting now.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What kind of video shoot? I didn't know you made a video. Something like a vlog?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hahaha Yeah something like that.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">i got it</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What are you doing?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I work, I do sports, I spend time.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It looks fun.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Not really.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Why don't we do something fun then?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What are we going to do?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm available on Thursday, why don't you come to me?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">A very good idea.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Bring something Vodka when you come. Don't buy wine, I hate it.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">OK, I won't forget.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">See you on Thursday.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">See you later</span><</say>>
<<set $nataliestory to 2>>
<<NextTime>>\ Natalie Home
<<if $saat < 22>>
<<if setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Thursday">>
[[Knock the door]]
Natali is not available. Come on Thursday.
It's late, you should go to sleep.
<<if $abdlsissy is 5>>
[[Hi Natalie]]
!Natalie Home
<<if $femdomsissy is 2>>
[[Knock the door.|femdomsissy2]]
<<if $abdlsissy is 2>>
[[Knock the door.|abdlsissy2]]
<<if $nataliestory is 2>>
You are waiting for Natali to open the door.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Welcome. Did you get something to drink?</span><</say>>
<<if $vodka is 1>>
[[Yes|natalinin sevgisi arttı.]]
[[No|natali sevgi düştü]]
<<if $nataliestory is 6>>
You are waiting for Natali to open the door.Natalie opens the door.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Come to get your surprise?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yeah, I was curious, so I came.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">[[Come inside.]]</span><</say>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 8>>[[Welcome My Love...]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 14>>[[Talk to Natalie about modeling.]]<</if>>
!Goodness +1
<<set $goodness += 1>>
[[Come in.]]!Evil +1
<<set $evil += 1>>
[[Come in.]]You are sitting in the chair. Natali looks at you and says:
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You, get some rest . I'll be right back.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">OK I'm waiting for you.</span><</say>>
10 minutes later:
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What would you like to do? We can watch a movie if you want.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I have a better idea. I'll ask you a question and if you can't answer. You're either going to drink alcohol or take off one of your clothes. The choice is up to you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You pervert....</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Come on Natali, you said you wanted to have fun.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">[[Well let's get started then.]]</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">First question. What is your favorite movie?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hey, don't be so boring.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay okay. What did you think when you saw me at the door?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">When I first saw you, I thought you were more handsome than I expected.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">hmm so it's your turn</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What did you think when you first opened the broadcast?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I thought her hips were prettier than most girls.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hahaha thank you little pervert.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What kind of lover would you want?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">like myself.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">How?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I want a trans girlfriend.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I guess I'm out of luck.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hahahaha you wouldn't be in this house if you didn't have the chance to be silly.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hmm, I'm glad. It's your turn.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">How badly do you want to fuck me?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Wow, that's a tough question, I won't answer that and I'm taking off my clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">The room began to heat up.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">How badly do you want me to fuck you?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Wait a second.</span><</say>>
Natali takes off her shirt and your eyes lock on her breasts.
<img src="imagex/natalie1.jpg" width="30%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Did you like it?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">[[They look like very pretty.]]</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Thanks If you want to see more, you have to ask harder questions.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I will try.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Did you touch your own ass?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">How?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Have you ever done anal with a toy or finger?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">No Natalieeeee</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay okay calm down.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'm a resident, I don't like the question anyway.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">OK, it's your turn.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">How many people have you been together?</span><</say>>
Natalie takes off her pants, showing she's bored. She stands up and shows you her underwear.
<img src="imagex/natalie3.jpg" width="30%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">You look very beautiful.</span><</say>>
Natalie laughs and turns around to show you her ass.
<img src="imagex/natalie4.jpg" width="30%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie you look like a girl.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm already a girl, but...</span><</say>>
She sits and spreads her legs.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">The only difference is I have a penis.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/natalie2.jpg" width="30%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, please, I don't think I'm ready for this. Sorry, I'd better go.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Wait, please, it's normal that you're not ready, I can understand that. When it was broadcast, you were just watching and maybe masturbating. It doesn't matter, I like you. We don't just need to fuck. We can do other things together. Please message me when you're ready. Let's go out together or watch a movie. Now you can go to $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I understand it was nice spending time with you but for now bye Natalie</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Goodbye $name</span><</say>>
<<set $nataliestory to 3>>!Purchase Vodka 100$
<<set $para -= 100>><<pickup $backpack "Vodka" 1>>
<<set $vodka to 1>>Milf Porn
[[Milf Blowjob]]
[[Milf Tits Fuck]]
[[Milf Missioner]]
[[Milf Doggy]]
[[Return|Watch porn.]]BBW Porn
[[BBW Handjob]]
[[BBW Doggy]]
[[Return|Watch porn.]] BBC Porn
[[BBC Blowjob]]
[[BBC Cowgirl]]
[[Return|Watch porn.]] Gay Porn
[[Return|Watch porn.]] Gay Porn
<img src="imagex/gayporn.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<if $femdomsissy is 3>>
Kapı çalıyor.
[[Look at the door.|femdomsissy3]]
<<return "Return">>
<</if>>BBC Blowjob
<img src="imagex/bbcblowjob.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
<<NextTime>>\ BBC Cowgirl
<img src="imagex/bbccowgirl.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
<<NextTime>>\ Milf Blowjob
<img src="imagex/milfblowjob.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
<<NextTime>>\ Milf Tits Fuck
<img src="imagex/milftitsfuck.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
<<NextTime>>\ Milf Missioner
<img src="imagex/milfmisyoner.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
<<NextTime>>\ BBW Handjob
<img src="imagex/bbwhandjob.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
<<NextTime>>\ BBW Doggy
<img src="imagex/bbwdoggy.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
<<NextTime>>\ Milf Tits Fuck
<img src="imagex/milfdoggy.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<return "Return">>
!Penny Can you help ?
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I peed in my penny diaper. Can you change it?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Of course my baby. Let's go to bed.I chose animal-printed baby diapers for you.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/diaperchange1.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Penny, this isn't funny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Be quiet now, my baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Puffff OKEY</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Let's sprinkle some powder to prevent irritation.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/diaperchange2.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thanks Penny</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">No problem, my love.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/diaperchange3.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Oww, I'm sorry my shirt is open.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It's okay, I love them.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Owww, my love. Everything is okay. If you need anything, just let me know.</span><</say>>
[[get out of bed|▶Bedroom]]
<<set $diaper to 1>>
<<if $diaper is 1>>
<<set $diaper to 0>>
You took off the diaper.
<<set $diaper to 1>>
You put on the diaper.
[[Return|▶Bedroom]] !Send a message to Natalie
What do you think I should write to Natalie?
[[I need to apologize because I upset her.]]
[[Just tell Natalie that you are ready.]]!Restaurant
You find an empty table and sit down, waiting for Natalie to arrive. After a short while, Natalie arrives, dressed in a very stylish dress, and sits down across from you.
<img src="imagex/nataliedinner.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hi $name</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hi Natalie. Thank you for having dinner with me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You're welcome. I haven't been out to dinner with someone like this in a long time.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'm glad to hear that. How long has it been since you had a boyfriend?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It's been a long time.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Why is that?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">There are many reasons that make me dislike men.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hmm, what are those reasons?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">The simplest one is that you guys are too hairy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hahaha, yes, you're right about that, Natalie, but there's something you shouldn't forget.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What's that?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">You used to be hairy too.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hahaha, yes, but that was a long time ago.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">How did you decide to become trans?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">That's a long story, so never mind.</span><</say>>
[[You notice that Natalie is getting bored.]]You notice that Natalie is bored.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, are you bored?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Very much so.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">We can continue the night somewhere else.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">No, I don't want to have sex with you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I didn't mean that, Natalie. We can go to a club or something.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hmm, that works for me. Let's get up and go.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay, excuse me waiter, can we have the check please?</span><</say>>
[[You both get into a taxi to go from the restaurant to the club.]]!Club
!!Natalie orders drinks as soon as you enter and drinks very fast. You warn her but she doesn't listen.
[[One hour later.]] !Club
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata1.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!!You are looking around to find Natalie. It doesn't take you long to find her, because Natalie is doing pole dancing right in the [[middle of the club.]]!Club
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata1.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!!You're going over there.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, Natalie, what are you doing?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Just having fun and having fun.</span><</say>>
!!You realize you're too drunk.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Come on, Natalie, get off the stage.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I don't want to get off.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Come on, get off. We need to talk.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Talk. I'm listening to you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Not like this. Get off the stage. We're just gonna talk.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What's changed? You didn't want to fuck me before, and now you've decided you do?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, don't talk like that, please.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I don't want to talk to you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I won't leave you like this.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I don't give a shit about you. Just come closer, there's something I need to say in your ear.</span><</say>>
!!You're getting closer.
<img src="imagex/clubgirl.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
!!See that girl sitting behind me? She's been staring at me since I got here. I'm about to fuck her and you just watch and then we can talk about whatever you want to talk about.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, don't be ridiculous, you're too drunk and I'm sure you can't fuck that girl. She's too pretty for you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">How about a bet?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, you're exaggerating.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You're a coward.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, I'm not a coward.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">If I fuck her, I'll take you home and treat you like a coward. If I don't fuck her, you can do whatever you want to me. Deal?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, you're full of shit.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I knew you were a coward.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'm not a coward.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Then do you have a deal?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Deal. You're gonna regret this.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Just get on the couch and sit down, but try not to cum.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hahaha, very funny, Natalie.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata2.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!![[You get on the couch and start watching Natalie.]]
!!Natalie looks at her and turns around, shaking her ass at him.
!!The girl starts throwing the money she has in her hand. It's very clear that both of them are drunk.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata3.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!![[Natalie is starting to go too far.]]
She pulls down her panties and shows him her asshole.Her eyes widen and she licks his finger. You can tell she's getting horny.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata4.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
[[Natalie continues to exaggerate the situation.]]
!!Natalie looks up at him. He pulls out his hard cock and waves it at her.
!!She gets up from her seat and starts giving Natalie a blowjob.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata5.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!![[You are very surprised by this.]]!Club
!!They both get carried away and take off their clothes. People gather and watch them.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata6.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!!Natalie starts fucking her.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/nata7.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!![[The crowd is getting too big.]]!Club
!!Natalie, enough.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, come with me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Club Girl' 'imagex/dialog/clubgirl.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hey, who the fuck are you? Fuck off.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Shut up, you idiot.</span><</say>>
!!You take Natalie by the arm. You get her dressed and you leave the club. You take a taxi to [[Natalie's house.]]
!Natalie Home
!!On the way, Natalie started to come to. The two of you went into the house together. As soon as Natalie got home, she started screaming.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What the fuck did I do? I drank too much, damn it!</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Stop, Natalie, calm down.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I can't calm down. I can't calm down. What was I thinking when I was fucking that girl? I'm a disgrace.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Please, Natalie, don't be sad.</span><</say>>
!!Natalie's starting to cry.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Come here.</span><</say>>
!!You're hugging Natalie.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Thank you for bringing me here.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">It's okay, Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I said some bad things to you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">It's okay. It's okay. Let me make us some coffee.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Wait, please, I'll do it. I owe you an apology.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay, I'm gonna go to the couch and wait for you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay, I'll be right back.</span><</say>>
!!Natalie goes to the kitchen. [[She makes the coffee and comes back.]]!Natalie Home
!!Natalie hands you the coffee and sits down next to you. You notice that Natalie has calmed down.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Are you feeling better?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Yes, I'm better. Now forget all that and drink your coffee.</span><</say>>
!!You notice the strange taste of the coffee, but you attribute the bad taste to Natalie being [[drunk.]]!I am feeling dizzy.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, I don't feel well.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Calm down, my love.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, what's happening to me?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Remember, darling? I made a bet with you and you lost.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, my eyes are closing.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Calm down, I just put some medicine in your coffee. It's for your own good, darling.</span><</say>>
[[Whatt]]!After a while, you wake up.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/sissy1.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, what's happening to me? I can't move.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Aww, poor thing, my love.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, please help me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm already helping you. They're all here to help you.</span><</say>>
!![[Natalie puts a screen in front of you and starts watching.]]
!Sissy Hypno
<img src="imagex/nataclub/sissyhypno1.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!!You watch this video repeatedly for [[hours.]]
!Natalie's coming back.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/sissy2.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!!You're under Natalie's control.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hi, darling.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hi, my love.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">How are you feeling?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">So horny and sweet.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hmm, good. Can I ask you a question?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">You can, my love.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What kind of man are you $name?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Passive.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">That's right, baby.Will you let me use you now?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Of course, darling, you can do whatever you want to me.</span><</say>>
!![[Natalie's putting you to bed.]]!Natalie's bed
!!Natalie's lying next to you.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Baby, do you want to watch another video?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yes, I do, my love.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Then let's get you on your stomach.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay, love.</span><</say>>
!!Natalie puts you on your stomach and opens a video in front of you.
<img src="imagex/nataclub/sissyhypno2.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Did you like this video, my love?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yes, I do. Thank you, darling.</span><</say>>
!!Natalie starts playing with your asshole while [[you watch the video.]]
!Natalie's bed
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Baby, I'm gonna use my fingers to make your asshole bigger. Please tell me if it hurts.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/nataclub/sissy3.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
!![[Your asshole is expanding.]]
!Natalie's bed
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Baby, I think your asshole is big enough. Now I'm gonna stick a dildo in your ass, so leave yourself alone. You'll enjoy it in time, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay, darling, I'm waiting.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/nataclub/sissy4.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Ahhh, it hurts.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Relax, darling. Enjoy the pain.</span><</say>>
!![[You start to feel pleasure and your eyes close.]]!Natalie's bed
Suddenly you wake up. You feel like you've been asleep for a long time. You're still in Natalie's bed. You turn your head and realize that Natalie is sleeping next to you.
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">What have you done to me!</span><</say>>
Natalie opens her eyes and smiles at you.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Good morning, $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">What have you done to me!</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Calm down and I'll tell you everything.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Hurry up. I don't remember what you did to me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I brought you coffee. When you were drinking it you fainted. I thought it was from too much alcohol, so I gave you a painkiller and you took it. Then I brought you to bed and you fell asleep right away. I wish you hadn't fallen asleep so fast :)</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Natalie, you're lying to me, I have a vague memory of you sticking something in my butt.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Oww you have a really good imagination. You made some noises at night and I thought it was a dream. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Oh, I was afraid it was real.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hey, you're so hurtful. It feels good to touch your butt.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">It's not really a funny joke.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Come on, it was just a joke.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Okay, I gotta go home now.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay, whatever you want, but will you come back later?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Of course I'll come back.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">If you don't come back, I'll come back, mmmmm.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Bye, Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Goodbye.</span><</say>>
[[You're leaving Natalie's house and heading to your house.]]!Street
I feel terrible. I feel like there's something in my butt all the time.
I have to go home and go to the bathroom right now.
You get home and you run straight to the bathroom. You think you have something on your butt and you look in the mirror.
[[Look in the mirror.]]
<img src="imagex/nataclub/buttplug.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Fuck you Natalie. I knew this wasn't a dream.</span><</say>>
<<set $nataliestory to 5>>
!!Suddenly she gets up and goes on stage . [[She starts pole-dancing.|middle of the club.]]
!Send Massage
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Hi Natalie,</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hi.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">How are you?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm doing well, and you?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I'm doing fine. There's something I wanted to tell you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm listening.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I think I treated you badly. I disappointed you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm glad you realize that.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I'm sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have left you that way. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I accept your apology. I'm available tonight.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Thank you very much. Then, we'll see each other for dinner tonight.</span><</say>>
[[You are getting ready and you are ready to go.]]
<<NextTime>>\ !Send Massage
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Hi Natalie</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hi</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I thought about it and realized that I'm ready.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Congratulations.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Is that it?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What did you expect me to say?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I don't know.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I really don't have time right now. If you want to talk, I'm going to the club this weekend, you can find me there. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Okay.</span><</say>>
<<set $club to 1>>
<<set $nataliestory to 4>>
<<NextTime>>\ !▶Bathroom
<img src="imagex/nataclub/buttplug.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">You're trying to take out your buttplug and Penny walks in.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">What?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Penny, can you get out?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">What the fuck are you doing?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Penny, leave me alone.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">A buttplug in your ass?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yeah, it's a long story.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Oww baby. I didn't know you had such a fantasy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Penny, please shut up!</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Shh, come on, come with me, let's help you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Just help me get this off.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny'>><span class="kız">[[Okay, I'll do it.]]</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Penny, I can't get this off.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">We need to lubricate it a little bit, and then I'll take it off.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay, be gentle, please.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Enjoy it, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Penny! Penny!</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Penny's lubricating your butt. You feel weird when she does it. You make a little moaning sound.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Ummm.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">You like it?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">It's a strange feeling.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Hmm.</span><</say>>
!!Penny's pressing her buttplug a little bit.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yeah, I feel weird. I think I like it.</span><</say>>
!Sissy Level +1
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">[[Do you want me to keep going?]]</span><</say>>
!!Penny's pulling her puttplug out of her ass.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Ummmm. My ass hurts, but my dick is hard.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Relax, baby, it's so narmal.Now I'm gonna help you a little bit more.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/penny/penny1.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What are you gonna do, Penny?I don't want you to hurt me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Baby, I would never hurt you. I'm just gonna make you feel better.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Thank you, </span><</say>>
!![[Penny puts her finger in his hole and starts rubbing his cock.]]!Bedroom
<img src="imagex/penny/penny2.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">You like that?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yeah, it feels weird.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Should I keep going?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">[[Yeah. Yeah.]]</span><</say>>!Bedroom
<img src="imagex/penny/penny3.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I like that, thank you, Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">[[It's not over yet.]]</span><</say>>!Bedroom
<img src="imagex/penny/penny4.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Ahhh Ahhh Continue, Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Are you coming, baby?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">[[Yeah, yeah, yeah.]]</span><</say>>!Bedroom
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Penny, stop, I came.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">You're so sweet, baby.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/penny/penny5.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Thank you, Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">It's okay, honey. Now let's get you [[back in diapers.]]</span><</say>>!Bedroom
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Let's sprinkle some powder to prevent irritation.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/diaperchange2.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thanks Penny</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">No problem, my love.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/diaperchange3.gif" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Oww, I'm sorry my shirt is open.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It's okay, I love them.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Owww, my love. Everything is okay. If you need anything, just let me know.</span><</say>>
<<set $diaper to 1>>
<<set $abdlstory to 3>>!Penny Room
<<if $abdlsissy is 1>>[[You should talk to Penny about your change.]]<</if>>
<<if $clothes is 8 or $clothes is 9>>[[Show Penny your new stuff.]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 4>>[[Go inside.]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 6>>[[There's a voice coming from behind the door.]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 7>>[[Your clothes are ready.]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 12>>[[I should tell you about the modelling.]]<</if>>
[[Return|Enter Home]]
!Penny in the shower.
!!You open the door quietly. You gently poke your head out through the door. Your hands shake and your pupils dilate at the sight. Penny is taking a shower with her back turned. You watch the drops of water trickle down her round buttocks. It turns you on so much.
<img src="imagex/dus/dus1.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
!!You close the door slowly and get out before Penny notices.
<<set $evil += 1>>
<<set $dus to 1>>
!Look Closer
!!You dare to take a closer look. You get closer and Penny bends slightly and her pussy is exposed. Slowly she cleans her pussy. You look at Penny's pussy as you rub your hardening penis.
<img src="imagex/dus/dus6.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
!!You slip and fall on the wet floor. Penny spotted you.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Heyy $name! What are you doing?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Sorry, Penny. I was passing by and I heard noises coming from the shower, so I thought I'd see what was going on.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm taking a shower. Isn't that normal?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You're right, Penny. I'm going out.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Wait! I'm not gonna let this go unpunished. Go to my room and wait for me. I'll get dressed.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm sorry, Penny. Isn't that enough?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">No, it's not enough. Wait for me in my room.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, Penny.</span><</say>>
!![[You go to her room and wait for Penny.]]!Penny Room
!!After a while Penny comes in. She sits on the couch and looks at you.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">What are you waiting for?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What should I do?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come over here and get on my knees.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why do you want to do that?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm going to punish you so you won't do what you did again.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm sorry, Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Get over here right now.</span><</say>>
!!You listen to Penny and do what you want.
<img src="imagex/ceza/pennyceza1.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Are you gonna do it again?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, no, no, no, no. Stop, please.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Are you gonna do it again?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Don't call me Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What should I call you? Stop, it hurts.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You're gonna call me Mommy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Whaaa!</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Penny keeps hitting you in the butt.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/ceza/pennyceza2.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Mom, please stop.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Good boy.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Penny stops hitting.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why should I call you Mommy?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Because I'm your mommy and you're my little baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">That's bullshit.</span><</say>>
!!Penny keeps hitting.
<img src="imagex/ceza/pennyceza3.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, don't hit me, Mom.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Who am I $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You're my mom.</span><</say>>
!Change Level +1
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Okay, that's enough. If I catch you watching me in the shower again, the punishment will be severe.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I won't watch you again, Mom.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">[[You can go now, baby.|Enter Home]]</span><</say>>
<<set $changelevel += 1>>
<<set $dus += 1>>
<<set $abdlstory to 4>>
<<NextTime>>\ !Penny in the shower.
!!You open the door quietly. You gently poke your head out through the door. Your hands shake and your pupils dilate at the sight. Penny is taking a shower with her back turned. You watch the drops of water trickle down her round buttocks. It turns you on so much.
<img src="imagex/dus/dus22.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
!!You close the door slowly and get out before Penny notices.
<<set $evil += 1>>
<<set $dus to 2>>
<<NextTime>>\ !Penny in the shower.
!!You open the door quietly. You gently poke your head out through the door. Your hands shake and your pupils dilate at the sight. Penny is taking a shower with her back turned. You watch the drops of water trickle down her round buttocks. It turns you on so much.
<img src="imagex/dus/dus4.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
[[Look closer.]]
<<set $evil += 1>>
<<set $dus to 5>>
!Penny in the shower.
!!You open the door quietly. You gently poke your head out through the door. Your hands shake and your pupils dilate at the sight. Penny is taking a shower with her back turned. You watch the drops of water trickle down her round buttocks. It turns you on so much.
<img src="imagex/dus/dus3.gif" width="80%" height="50%" >
!!You close the door slowly and get out before Penny notices.
<<set $evil += 1>>
<<set $dus to 3 >>
<<NextTime>>\ !Don't look
!!You did him a favor by not bothering him.
!! Goodness +1
<<set $goodness += 1>>!Natalie Home
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">So you wanted to know about your surprise.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yes, and I'm waiting for you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Wait for me to get ready.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">This better not take too long.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay, I'll be right there.</span><</say>>
You wait about 10 minutes. [[And Natalie comes back.]]!Natalie Home
You see Natalie and you're shocked. Natalie comes in with four giant dildos.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">No, Natalie, I won't let you put them in my ass.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Haahahhaha Calm down, these are not for you, my love.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What are you going to do with them, Natalie? They're huge cocks.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It's okay, it's just a private show for you.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/nmv1.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Impressive! Wait a second. What's on your penis?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">A chastity cage.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What's that for?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">For longer pleasure.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I don't get it. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">[[Just watch.]]</span><</say>>
!Natalie Home
<img src="imagex/nmv2.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
Natalie's jumping on a horse cock. Your dick gets hard. You start rubbing it while you watch.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You can masturbate if you want.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I will. You make me so horny.</span><</say>>
You unbutton your pants and pull your cock out and [[start masturbating.]]
!Natalie Home
<img src="imagex/nmv3.gif" width="100%" height="50%">
Natalie's starting to take it all in.You can't hold back anymore. You're so horny.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'm coming, Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Really? Really? Just one minute?</span><</say>>
These insulting words make you even hornier and you come.
Natalie starts laughing.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You came in just one minute. You're not gay, my love. You're a little sissy. I think you need a chastity cage too.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, shut up.</span><</say>>
!Sissy Level +1
[[You blush, pull up your pants and go out.|home1]]
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $nataliestory to 7>>!Home
You enter the house and you notice that there is a different smell inside. You look around. There's incense burning on the table.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, is anyone there?</span><</say>>
Suddenly you hear footsteps behind you. You turn around and someone you don't know is spraying you in the face.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, what are you d..oo..iii?</span><</say>>
[[You collapse before you can finish your sentence.]]!A few minutes later
You're slowly waking up. You find it hard to open your eyes. You look at the darkness in front of you. the image gradually becomes clearer.
<img src="imagex/ts4.jpg" width="60%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hey, baby. I'm glad you're awake.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Tangent, what did you do to me?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You needed to be trained. And I'm gonna train you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why? You think you're a real man.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You think you're a real man. You tried to touch me without permission. I won't let you do it again. Where were we?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Please don't do it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You'll thank me when it's over, but [[let's start with your punishment.]]</span><</say>>!Punishment.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Bend Over $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, I'm not gonna do that.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You're an idiot. You'll do what I say, slave.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I know it's gonna hurt.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You will learn to enjoy it because you are my slave. Now bend over.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, Tangent.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">What did you say, you idiot!</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I apologize, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">[[Well done, slave.]]</span><</say>>
!Well done, slave.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">First, let's widen your butt a little.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts1.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">How do you like that?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">[[It's time for your punishment.]]</span><</say>>!It's time for your punishment.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Are you ready for your punishment, slave?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts2.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Will you ever touch me again without my permission?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts2.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Do you deserve your punishment?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">[[Yes Mistress.]]</span><</say>>!Fun time
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">That's enough punishment. Now let's make your little hole a little bigger. Would you like that, worm?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Go and bend over the bed.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts4.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Do you want me to fuck you?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">[[Well done, Worm.]]</span><</say>>!Fun Time
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts5.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Oww you like that, bitch?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts6.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Shut the fuck up. Come back to [[me right now.]]</span><</say>>
!Fuck Time
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts7.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Do you like it when I fuck you, slut?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Why don't you thank me then?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thanks, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Well done, slut. Do you like swinging on the swings?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Very good, [[let's swing you.]]</span><</say>>!Swing Time
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts8.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You look so cute in there, loser.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thanks Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts9.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You did so well today, you deserve an award.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thank you, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">[[I'll let you cum.]]</span><</say>>
!Cum Time
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts10.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You will not come again without my permission, do you understand?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">If you come without my permission.Then I will do things to your ass that you can't even imagine.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm letting you cum now, loser. Cum for your mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/tstory/ts11.gif" width="100%" height="100%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hahahahaha Well done, bitch. Now pack up and go home. You will come here whenever I call you, do you understand me?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">[[Then get out.|home1]]</span><</say>>
<<set $tangentstory to 5>><img src="imagex/home/banyokapı.jpg" width="95%" height="50%">
Penny's taking a shower. You gonna peek through the door?
<<if $dus is 0>>
[[Don't look.]]
<<if $dus is 1>>
[[Don't look.]]
<<if $dus is 2>>
[[Don't look.]]
<<if $dus is 3>>
[[Don't look.]]
<</if>>!Try on Black T-shirt
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/black.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
You're trying on the Black T-shirt. If you like it, you can buy it.
<<if $para > 55>>[[Buy Black T-shirt]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
[[▶Men's Boutique]]!Try on Red T-shirt
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/red.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
You're trying on the Red T-shirt. If you like it, you can buy it.
<<if $para > 55>>[[Buy Red T-shirt]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
[[▶Men's Boutique]]!Try on White T-shirt
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/whitets.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
You're trying on the White T-shirt. If you like it, you can buy it.
<<if $para > 55>>[[Buy White T-shirt]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
[[▶Men's Boutique]]!Try on Pijamas
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/fitnesskiyafet.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
You're trying on the Tracksuit Set . If you like it, you can buy it.
<<if $para > 110>>[[Buy Tracksuit Set]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
[[▶Men's Boutique]]
You bought a white T-shirt. You can change from the wardrobe in your room.
[[▶Men's Boutique]]
<<set $whitet to 1>>
<<set $para -= 55>>You bought a black T-shirt. You can change from the wardrobe in your room.
[[▶Men's Boutique]]
<<set $blackt to 1>>
<<set $para -= 55>>You bought a Red T-shirt. You can change from the wardrobe in your room.
[[▶Men's Boutique]]
<<set $redt to 1>>
<<set $para -= 55>>You bought a pajamas. You can change from the wardrobe in your room.
[[▶Men's Boutique]]
<<set $pajamas to 1>>
<<set $para -= 70>>You bought a tracksuit set. You can change from the wardrobe in your room.
[[▶Men's Boutique]]
<<set $tracksuit to 1>>
<<set $para -= 110>>!Try on Pajamas
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/pijama.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
You're trying on the Pijamas . If you like it, you can buy it.
<<if $para > 70>>[[Buy Pajamas]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
[[▶Men's Boutique]]!Wardrobe
<<if $abdlsissy is 9>>[[Look in the mirror.|storynext]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy > 9>>[[How should I look today?]]<<else>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Clothing Name</th>
<th>Try on the outfit</th>
<td>Black t-shirt</td>
<td>[[Wear the black T-shirt.]]</td>
<<if $hodie is 1>>
<td>[[Wear the Hoodie]]</td>
<<if $redt is 1>>
<td>Red t-shirt</td>
<td>[[Wear the Red t-shirt]]</td>
<<if $whitet is 1>>
<td>White t-shirt</td>
<td>[[Wear White t-shirt]]</td>
<<if $pajamas is 1>>
<td>[[Wear Pajamas]]</td>
<<if $tracksuit is 1>>
<td>Tracksuit Set</td>
<td>[[Wear Tracksuit Set]]</td>
<<if $firstgift is 1>>
<td>Sissy Dress</td>
<td>[[Wear Sissy Dress]]</td>
<<if $maiddress is 1>>
<td>Maid Dress</td>
<td>[[Wear Maid Dress]]</td>
<<if $scgirl is 1>>
<td>School Girl Clothes</td>
<td>[[Wear School Girl Clothes]]</td>
[[Return|▶Bedroom]] You're wearing your Tracksuit.
<<set $clothes to 4>>You're wearing your red T-shirt.
<<set $clothes to 2>>You're wearing your White T-shirt.
<<set $clothes to 3>>You're wearing your Pajamas.
<<set $clothes to 6>>You're wearing your black T-shirt.
<<set $clothes to 1>>!Try on Hoodie
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/hoodie.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
You're trying on the Hoodie . If you like it, you can buy it.
<<if $para > 60>>[[Buy Hoodie]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
[[▶Men's Boutique]]You bought a tracksuit set. You can change from the wardrobe in your room.
[[▶Men's Boutique]]
<<set $hoodie to 1>>
<<set $para -= 60>>You're wearing your Hodie.
<<set $clothes to 5>>!Goodbye Tangent
You call Tangent and tell him that you don't want to see him anymore. He gets very angry with you and tells you that if you appear in front of him again, he will chain you to his house on a leash forever. [[You hang up on him and are happy with your decision.|home1]]
<<set $abdlsissy to 1>>
!Goodbye Penny
You go home and tell Penny that she needs to pack her things and that she wants to live alone. She is shocked by what she hears and her eyes fill with tears. She asks you to leave her room and she packs her things and [[leaves the house.|home1]]
<<set $femdomsissy to 1>>!Penny Room
You walk in. Penny's in bed reading a book.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hi, Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hey, $name. You need something?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, there's just something I want to talk to you about.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Of course, honey, I'm all ears.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">A lot of things have been happening in my life lately, and they've been affecting me a lot. I had someone else in my life besides you and I thought that what he wanted was too much for me. I made a decision to cut him out of my life. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I understand your decision and I support you always, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thank you, Penny. I also realize that I have changed, and what has happened during this time has affected me a lot. I'm starting to think I'm not a man at all. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Well, that's interesting. Go on, please.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I want to change, but I don't know how. I need you to help me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Oww baby, I'll help you. You shouldn't rush into this and I'm not going to force anything. First of all, it's not just about changing your body. The first step is to change your thoughts.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I understand you might be right.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Your thoughts have already started to change with the decisions you've made. Free your thoughts.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thank you, Penny, for your advice. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You're welcome, baby. I'm so happy for your decision and I want to give you a gift.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">That would make me very happy. I love getting presents.</span><</say>>
[[Penny's gonna go get your gift.]]!First Gift
<img src="imagex/firstgift.jpg" width="90%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Here's my first gift to you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Can I open it?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You can open it whenever you want.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'll open it right away.</span><</say>>
You open your present and out comes a short pink dress. You didn't expect it and you blushed when you saw it.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Calm down, baby. Don't be embarrassed. I can understand you perfectly.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You can try it on now if you want. Or you can try it on when you feel ready.</span><</say>>
[[Now try it in front of the Penny.]]
[[Then try it in your room.]]
!I want to try it now.
!!You gain courage.
!!Sissy Level +1
You start to undress. Penny watches you with a smile.
Slowly you start to put the dress on. You feel the fabric against your skin.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/firstgift.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You look beautiful, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thank you, but I'm a little embarrassed.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Baby, it's okay, you'll get used to it. I think you should spend some [[time in your outfit.|Enter Home]]</span><</say>>
<<set $clothes to 7>>
<<set $firstgift to 1>>
<<set $courage += 1>>
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $abdlsissy to 2>>
!You go back to your room and decide to try it.
You take off your clothes and touch the dress. The fabric excites you.
You try it on in a hurry.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/firstgift.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I love this. I gotta tell Natalie right away.</span><</say>>
[[Tell Natalie.]]
[[Don't tell Natalie.]]
<<set $clothes to 7>>
<<set $firstgift to 1>>
You're wearing your Sissy Dress.
<<if $elbise is 0>><<set $clothes to 7>><</if>>
<<if $elbise is 1>><<set $clothes to 8>><</if>>
<<if $elbise is 2>><<set $clothes to 9>><</if>>!Don't tell Natalie.
!!Sissy Level +1
!!Shy +1
You decide not to tell Natalie. How long are you going to avoid it?
!!You've become shy.
[[Enter Home]]
<<set $shy += 1>>
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $abdlsissy to 2>>!Tell Natalie.
!!You gain courage.
!!Sissy Level +1
You call Natalie and tell her what happened. Natalie doesn't believe it. She wants you to go home as soon as possible. Don't forget to bring your dress. [[You hang up the phone laughing.|Enter Home]]
<<set $courage += 1>>
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $abdlsissy to 2>>!Tangent Home
<<if $femdomsissy is 1>>
You're going to Tangent. Tangent opens the door. She's surprised to see you.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Look who's here.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hello, Tangent.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hello. What do you want now?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">There are things I want to talk about.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Okay, let's talk. [[Come on in.]]</span><</say>>
<<if $tangentstory is 1>>
<<if $saat < 22>>
[[Knock on the door.]]
It's late, you should go to sleep.
[[Return|Enter Home]]
!Tangent Home
You go in and Tangent closes the door and comes in behind you. You kneel in the middle of the hall and wait before he comes.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hey, what are you doing?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I obey you, mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I didn't order you to do this.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I know, but I want to do it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Why do you want to do it?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't think I'm a man anymore. That's why I want you to help me and guide me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Are you sure about this? There's no going back.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes, recent events have made me make this decision.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Okay, I will guide you, but you must swear to me that you will obey me. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I swear it, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I am your Mistress now and I will turn you into a sissi. You will enjoy the journey and continue your life as a sissy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">[[Yes, mistress, I accept.]]</span><</say>>!First Lesson
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You must stop thinking of yourself as a man.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm trying to do that, mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">It's not enough. You must stop masturbating.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What do you mean, mistress?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I forbid you to masturbate with your hands anymore. Can you restrain yourself?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I think it will be very difficult, mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">No problem, I have a solution for that.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">[[Wait for me.]]</span><</say>>!First Lesson.
Tangent comes back with a box. He hands it to you and asks you to look in it.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Open it, it's for you.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/kafes.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I know what this is.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You surprise me.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't think I need this, mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm not sure. I need you to prove it to me. Let's put you to the test.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What kind of test, mistress?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'll play with you a little and if you cum, you'll lock up.Do you accept?</span><</say>>
[[Yes, I do, Mistress.]]
[[No Misstress, I know I can't hold back. Please lock me up.]]!Test
You gained courage.+1
Sissy level +1
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Lie down and take off your clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes mistress.</span><</say>>
Tangent takes off her high heels. She starts rubbing his cock with her feet.
He can't take too much of your hard cock as he undresses.
<img src="imagex/foottest.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
You can't take it much longer and you cum.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Thanks for making my job easier, baby.Since you can't take it, I'm gonna have to lock you up.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Mistress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/kafes2.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I have your keys. You will never come without my permission again. Do you understand?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">That's enough for today. You can go.</span><</say>>
You're locked in now. You're gonna have to find a solution to your horniness.
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $courage += 1>>
<<set $femdomsissy to 2>>
!Chasity Cage
Sissy level +1
Shy +1
You know you can't take it and you surrender to Tangent.
<img src="imagex/kafes2.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
You're locked in now. You're gonna have to find a solution to your horniness.
<<set $femdomsissy to 2>>
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $shy += 1>>
src="imagex/city.jpg" />
<map name="image-map">
<area data-passage="Enter Home" alt="home" title="home" coords="272,163,404,161,406,206,272,205" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Park" alt="park" title="park" coords="412,278,410,351,563,352,567,281" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Men's Boutique" alt="mens boutique" title="mens boutique" coords="68,287,64,340,158,339,157,289" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="Visit Tangent." alt="tangent home" title="tangent home" coords="148,169,147,217,241,217,240,169" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Club" alt="club" title="club" coords="33,73,32,126,122,125,122,73" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Natalie Home" alt="natalie home" title="natalie home" coords="192,23,190,69,287,73,282,24" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Grocerry" alt="market" title="market" coords="596,69,596,112,680,112,677,71" shape="poly">
<area data-passage="▶Coffe Shop" alt="coffe shop" title="coffe shop" coords="674,398,671,459,744,457,741,394" shape="poly">
</map>You can easily advance the clock.
[[1 Hour]]
[[2 Hours]]
[[▶Computer]]<<if $saat < 22>>
[[Return|Spend time.]]
[[Return|Spend time.]]
<</if>><<if $saat < 21>>
[[Return|Spend time.]]
[[Return|Spend time.]]
<</if>>!Natalie Home
Natalie's opening the door.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hey, shy boy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Oh, hi. Oh, hey.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Come on in.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Sure. I have something to tell you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">[[I'm curious.]]</span><</say>> !Natalie Home
You go inside. You sit on the couch. Natalie sits across from you.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Natalie, my life has changed a lot lately. You've had a lot to do with it, but I like spending time with you. I've tried to adapt to the changes in my life and I've made important choices. I don't know where these choices will take me. Will you be there to help me on my journey?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">This is quite a surprise to me. I didn't know you would embrace me in this way, but I like it. I will help you on your journey. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'll help you on your journey. Thank you. Actually, I've already started. There's something I want to show you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hurry up, I'm very curious.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, give me a minute.</span><</say>>
You unbuckle your pants. Natalie stares at you in surprise. You take off your panties.
<<linkreplace "Whattt!" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/cage2.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Did you lock yourself in?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, my mistress locked me in.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You have a mistress?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes, I do.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">They're bad people. It's not nice that she forced you to do this.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Calm down, Natalie, I asked her to show me the way.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm sorry I was surprised and reacted that way.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Do you want to know why I came to you?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Yes, I'm listening to you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm very horny and I need to find a solution. That's why I came to you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">There's only one way to start. Prostate orgasm.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "What the hell is that?" t8n>>\
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm gonna put pressure on your prostate. With that pressure, you'll ejaculate. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Sounds simple.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hahaha, it's not that simple.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why not?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Because we're gonna have to stick something up your ass to get to your prostate.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, no, </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay, then you're gonna have to figure out your own solution to your horniness problem.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Sorry, I'm not used to this yet.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">We can start right now if you want.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm a little nervous, but okay, let's do it.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "I'm READY" t8n>>\
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'll get ready. You can take off your clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, I'll wait for you.</span><</say>>
Natalie comes back after a while.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hi, baby.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/natasis1.jpg" width="60%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Wow, you're beautiful, Natalie. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hahahah thank you. We're just getting started.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Let's get started." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/natasis2.jpg" width="60%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Do you like it? I picked them specially for you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">They're beautiful.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Thanks, but we have to stay focused. You might not succeed the first time. We'll keep trying, it's okay.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I understand, but I think I can do it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">The videos I showed you before might help you. Do you want to watch one of them?</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Yes" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/natasis5.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Keep watching and just focus on his asshole.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm starting.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Okay" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/natasis3.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
Natalie lubes up the dildo and shoves it up your ass. You moan. Natalie gives a little smile. She keeps shoving the dildo in and out of your ass.
<<linkreplace "Okay" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/natasis4.gif" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Natalie keeps doing it, but you're not coming. Natalie notices.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm stopping now.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">That was close.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I know, but it's gonna take a lot more focus.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I guess you're right.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız"> You should practice at home.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I will. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You should get yourself a dildo and some lube first.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I will. Thank you, Natalie. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You're welcome, $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You're a good friend.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">So are you. I'll always support you. Don't forget to come to me if you have any other problems.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I will. Bye, Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Bye, $name.</span><</say>>
Sissy Level +1
Change Level +1
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $changelevel += 1>>
<<set $femdomsissy to 3>>!Natalie Home
Natali is opening the door.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hi, $name. Welcome. Do you want to come in?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hi, Natalie. There's something I want to show you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm curious, so come on in.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Come in." t8n>>\
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What are you going to show me?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Stop! Stop! Let me get ready. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay, you can get ready in the room.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">All right, I'll be right there. Wait for me.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "You put on your dress and go inside." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/tam/firstgift.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">OMG! You look so cute.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Come on, I'm embarrassed.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Sweet thing, you hahahaha</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Just a second." t8n>>\
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Something seems to be missing.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What's missing?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I know. You're missing shoes.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What kind of shoes should I wear?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hold on a second.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Natalie's bringing two pairs of shoes." t8n>>\
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Choose one of these, I'm sure it will suit you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You want this one?</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/topuklu1.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You want this one?</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/topuklu2.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Which one will you choose.</span><</say>>
[[Option 1]]
[[Option 2]]
<</linkreplace>>\!Option 1
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/topuklu1.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I want this one.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I think it's nicer. It's all yours now.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Oh, thank you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You're welcome, but there's one more thing missing.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I think I look beautiful.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">No, baby. Can you please lift up your skirt?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Natalie, is that necessary?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Baby, would you lift up your skirt?</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Okey." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/boxer1.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Baby, WTF. You're wearing boxers under that dress. You're tacky, love.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What was I supposed to wear, Natalie?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I have a beautiful set for you.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Here you go." t8n>>\
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Try these on.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I hope my penis is up to it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">We'll figure that out in the future.</span><</say>>
Natali gives you a set of white underwear and you put it on.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/beyazset2.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It's beautiful, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I feel like a girl.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm glad you feel that way. You can have it all. We should redo your closet. We should go shopping with you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't think I'm ready for that.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm sure you will be in the future.</span><</say>>
You're getting changed and you're ready to go.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Thank you for what you've done, Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You're welcome, my love. Don't forget to stop by my place. Muck <3</span><</say>>
Sissy Level +1
Shy Level +1
Change Level +1
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $changelevel += 1>>
<<set $shy += 1>>
<<set $abdlsissy to 3>>
<<set $elbise to 1>>!Option 2
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/topuklu1.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I want this one.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I think it's nicer. It's all yours now.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Oh, thank you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You're welcome, but there's one more thing missing.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I think I look beautiful.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">No, baby. Can you please lift up your skirt?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Natalie, is that necessary?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Baby, would you lift up your skirt?</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Okey." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/boxer1.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Baby, WTF. You're wearing boxers under that dress. You're tacky, love.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What was I supposed to wear, Natalie?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I have a beautiful set for you.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Here you go." t8n>>\
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Try these on.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I hope my penis is up to it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">We'll figure that out in the future.</span><</say>>
Natali gives you a set of white underwear and you put it on.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/beyazset.jpg" width="70%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It's beautiful, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I feel like a girl.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm glad you feel that way. You can have it all. We should redo your closet. We should go shopping with you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't think I'm ready for that.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm sure you will be in the future.</span><</say>>
You're getting changed and you're ready to go.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thank you for what you've done, Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You're welcome, my love. Don't forget to stop by my place. Muck <3</span><</say>>
Sissy Level +1
Shy Level +1
Change Level +1
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $changelevel += 1>>
<<set $shy += 1>>
<<set $abdlsissy to 3>>
<<set $elbise to 2>>!Penny Room
You're entering the room.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hey, look at me, Mom.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/abdlsissy31.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Wow, baby, you look beautiful.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Oh, thank you, mom.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Where did you get these, honey?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">They were a gift from a friend of mine named Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">It's nice to have a friend who supports you, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yeah, she helps me a lot.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Okey." t8n>>\
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Can I see more, baby?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Sure, Mom. She gave me a panty.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Can I see it, baby?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Here, Mommy.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/abdlsissy32.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Baby, it's beautiful, but it's not for you, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why, Mom? I loved it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Baby, we can't diaper you in your underwear.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">But I like it very much, Mom.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm sorry, sweetie, come on, let's change.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, Mom.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come on, lay down on the bed, baby.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Okey Mom." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/abdlsissy33.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">First, let's take off those pretty panties. Now, let's put some powder on them. Let's put the diaper on.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, Mommy.</span><</say>>
Penny's putting your diaper on.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Thank you, Mommy.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come on, pose for me in your diaper.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Okey Mom." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/abdlsissy34.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You look beautiful, baby. Don't forget to show it to your friend:)</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'll go see her the first chance I get.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Give her my love, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, mom.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Bye, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Bye , Mom.</span><</say>>
Sissy Level +1
Change Level +1
[[Return|Enter Home]]
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $changelevel += 1>>
<<set $abdlsissy to 4>>!Home
You move towards the door. You wonder who is outside. Curious, you open the door. You open the door and see Tangent standing there.
<img src="imagex/femdomsissy31.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hello.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Welcome, my Misstress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Is this how you greet me?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I apologize, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Get down on your knees right now.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Yes Mistress." t8n>>\
-You get down on your knees and wait for the tangent.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Well done. Now kiss my boots.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/femdomsissy32.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
-You bend down and kiss your boots.
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
-Tangent pats your head and comes in.
-She looks around your house. She opens the refrigerator and looks at you and laughs. She walks into your room.
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
She looks at the computer screen.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Are you watching gay porn?</span><</say>>
-You keep quiet.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">How do you plan to cum with that locked cock of yours?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I was just watching, Mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">I forbid you to watch porn anymore.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why, Mistress?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">You must discover yourself. You won't get anywhere watching porn.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You're right, mistress.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Now take off your clothes and get on your knees.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Misstress.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/femdomsissy33.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
-Tangent takes a pink panty out of her bag and hands it to you.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Here, this is for you. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">That's what this is for, mistress.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Think of it as a starter. Put it on. I wonder how it will look.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, Misstres.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">Now give me a pose, I want to take a picture of you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes Misstres.</span><</say>>
-You're posing.
<img src="imagex/femdomsissy34.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
-She's taking your picture.
<<say 'Tangent' 'imagex/dialog/tangent.jpg'>><span class="kız">That's enough. Goodbye, Slave.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Goodbye, Mistress.</span><</say>>
Sissy Level +1
Change Level +1
[[Return|Enter Home]]
<<set $sissylevel += 1>>
<<set $changelevel += 1>>
<<set $femdomsissy to 4>>!Alara's Toy Shop
!!You walk through the door. The shop looks empty. There is someone sitting at a table inside. She notices you coming in and looks at you.
<img src="imagex/sexshop/sexshop.jpg" width="80%" height="100%">
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Welcome to Alara's Toy Shop. I'm Alara. What kind of toy would you like?</span><</say>>
!!The girl sitting at the table is smiling at you. She's warmer than you expect.
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Hello, Alara. I'm looking for a dildo. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Of course, please let me show you our models. First of all, are you looking for your girlfriend?</span><</say>>
[[No, I'm looking for myself.]]
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I'm looking out for myself.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Thank you for being honest. I can help you better.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">You're welcome, I'm listening.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">I recommend you start with a small dildo.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">You're right, I want to start with a small size.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">I also recommend using it with lubricant.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Then can I have a bottle of lubricant?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Of course you can.</span><</say>>
<<if $para > 49>>
You buy a dildo and lube.
İlgilenirseniz sizin için özel bir eğitimimz var. Müşterilerimizin bilinçli bir şekilde kullanmalarını istiyoruz.Katılmak istermisiniz?
[[Yes, I would like to join.]]
[[No, Thanks|home1]]
<<set $sexshop to 1>>
You don't have enough money, so you can't buy it.
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I'll come back later. I'll come back later. Thank you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Yeah, I'm looking for my girlfriend.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Oh, I see. Has she used a dildo before?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I don't know. We want to try anal.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Okay, I understand. Thank you for that information. Let me show you some models to start anal.</span><</say>>
!!She shows you models from small to large.
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">I recommend one of the small models to start with.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Well, you may be right.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Please use lubricant during use.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Of course, thank you. How much for the lube and the dildo? </span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">The oil is $10 and the dildo is $40. Total $50.</span><</say>>
<<if $para > 49>>
!!You buy a dildo and lube.
!!You say thank you and leave.
<<set $sexshop to 1>>
!!You don't have enough money, so you can't buy it.
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I'll come back later. I'll come back later. Thank you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Please move over to the couch. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">I want to make it more comfortable for you. Let's do it in doggy position.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Okay, whatever you like.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Get comfortable and try to get more comfortable.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Okey..." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/sexshop/dildo1.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">You have a nice ass. First important point: You have to lubricate the dildo well, otherwise it will hurt you and reduce your pleasure.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Here I go. Ready?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Yes, I'm ready.</span><</say>>
Alara slowly moves the dildo around her ass and makes it slippery.
Then she starts to insert it slowly into your ass.
You moan a little.
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Ahhhh mmmmmmm</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Do you like it?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Yeah, go on.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Keep Going!" t8n>>\
Alara starts to put pressure on his prostate.
<img src="imagex/sexshop/dildo2.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
It makes you hornier. Pleasure juice starts dripping out of your pussy.
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Hey, I can see you're wet. Everything's going well. Congratulations.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">Keep going Alara! I'm so close to cumming.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/sexshop/dildo3.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
You've cum. Alara sees you cum and slowly removes the dildo and gives your ass a tiny smack.
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">Hahahaha Do you feel happy?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name''imagex/dialog/boy.jpg' >><span class="boy">I feel extremely happy. Thank you for the course.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Alara''imagex/dialog/alara.jpg' >><span class="girl">You're welcome. Have a good day.</span><</say>>
You pack up, get your things and leave.
<<set $sexshop to 1>>!Penny Room
!!Penny wants you inside.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Baby, will you come in?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come on, let's check your diaper and then we'll go shopping.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/html1.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
!!You lie in bed and Penny changes your diaper.
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/html2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Now let's find some clothes for you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I think these will look great on you.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/html3.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Penny, these are girls' clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Yes, honey, but these are for you. I think you'd look great in these clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Do I have to wear these?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Yes, honey. I can't take you shopping if you don't.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Penny, these are so short, people can see my diaper.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Maybe, baby, what's wrong?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm embarrassed, Penny.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You're so sweet, baby. People can see your diaper. It's okay, love.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/html4.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You put on the clothes and you're ready to go shopping.
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
First you go to the grocery store with Penny.
<img src="imagex/html5.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
People around are looking at you and laughing. You feel very embarrassed.
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
Penny notices your embarrassment and smiles at you.
It's okay, honey. Besides, I think you like it.
<img src="imagex/html6.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
He moves his hand to his crotch and realizes his cock is hard.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">MMMMMM My little sweetie has an erection.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come on, come with me.</span><</say>>
She takes you by the hand and leads you to the nursery.
<img src="imagex/html6.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">First, let's get you comfortable. Then we'll change your diaper.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Continue" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/html7.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Penny starts giving his erect penis a handjob.
<img src="imagex/html8.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You can't take it anymore and you come.
He cleans and dresses you and you go home.
<<set $abdlsissy to 5>>
<<set $scgirl to 1>>!Natalie Home
<img src="imagex/hotel1.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hi $name, you were a waitress at the cafe, right?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yeah.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Can I ask you a favour?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Natalie, I hope nothing bad happens to me because of your favour.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">No, no, no, no, it's no problem.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">All right, then.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I needed money and I was going to work as a waitress in a hotel for one night.But my uncle got sick and I have to look after him. Can you work for me? </span><</say>>
[[Take the job as a waiter in a hotel.]]
!Take the job as a waiter in a hotel.
<img src="imagex/hotel1.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I can do hotel work.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Thank you very much, I'll never forget this favour.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What kind of a waitressing job, what do I have to do?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It's very simple. You'll do room service. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">About 5 or 6 people ask for room service. The cook or bartender prepares the order, gives you the order and you deliver the order. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Is there anything I should pay attention to?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Yes, there is. Before you deliver, knock on the door and say that room service is here and act according to the answer. The order takers may have offers. If you accept, you can get high tips.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay, that sounds profitable and easy.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Lastly, you have to wear the waitress outfit they give you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'll wear it, no problem.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay, they'll pick you up soon.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Tonight? </span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Yeah, tonight.</span><</say>>
After a while, a vehicle arrives.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">They're here. If you're ready, you can go. Thank you for everything.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">You're welcome.</span><</say>>
[[You get in the car and drive to the hotel.]]
You get out of the car and enter the hotel. A girl is standing at the reception desk. You walk up to her.
<img src="imagex/hotel2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hi, I'm here about the waitress job.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Receptionist' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">Hi, but we're expecting Natalie.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Her uncle got sick, so I'm filling in for her.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Receptionist' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">Hmm. It's a bit of a hassle, but I think we can manage.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What's the problem?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Receptionist' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">We're waiting for Natalie, so we've organised our outfits accordingly.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Don't you have any clothes for me?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Receptionist' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">No, you're gonna have to wear these.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I can't work in my own clothes?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Receptionist' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">No, we have certain rules. You can change your clothes in the dressing room.</span><</say>>
[[You accept because you promised Natalie and head for the dressing room.]] !Dressing Room
You enter the room and you see the items on the chair.
You guessed it, these are waitress outfits.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I was excited when Penny took me to the supermarket in women's clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'd better start enjoying this job.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/hotel3.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
[[You pick up the clothes and put them on.]]
<<set $maiddess to 1>>!Hotel
<img src="imagex/hotel4.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You walk shyly towards the kitchen of the hotel, but you don't have any problems. People don't look at you and laugh or make fun of you. Everyone goes on with their work. Then the chef looks at you.
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>Hello, young man, are you new to the job?<</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">No, it's just a one-off, my mate's got a job and I'm covering for him.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>I see, and I think the clothes belong to him.<</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yes, unfortunately.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>It's okay, we're used to everything here.<</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">What do you mean? Do you always see men wearing women's clothes?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>Not exactly, but the customers have some strange requests.<</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I think I'm in for some surprises.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>If you do what they ask, you won't have any problems.<</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'll remember that. Thank you.</span><</say>>
That's when the phone rings and the first order comes in.
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>Your first order's here, mate. Here you go, two beers and a French fry. That'll be 21.<</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Okay, I'll take it right away.</span><</say>>
You take the order and you walk up to the room.
[[You get to the front of the room, you knock on the door.]]
!Room 21
You knock on the door:
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I've got your room service order.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Stranger in the room' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>><span class="boy">Leave it at the door and go.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yes, sir.</span><</say>>
You're surprised how easy it is.
[[You go back to the kitchen.]]!Hotel
You go back to the kitchen and the chef's looking at you.
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>Did you deliver, mate?<</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Yeah, I did, it was easy.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>I hope they're all that easy.<</say>>
A couple of hours go by, no orders. The phone rings and it's an order.
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>It's an order, mate, don't sleep. A bottle of champagne and some grapes for room 15. <</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">On my way, sir.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Chef' 'imagex/dialog/chef.jpg'>>Don't be too eager.<</say>>
He says it with a smile and you can't understand his smile.
[[You're on your way to the room.]]!Room 15
You come to the front of the room and knock on the door.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Room service, here's your order.</span><</say>>
As with the previous order, you bend down and prepare to put it down. But suddenly you hear a voice from inside.
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">Bring it in, honey.</span><</say>>
You slowly open the door and go inside. You don't know what to expect, so you walk looking at the floor. You lift your head for a moment and freeze at what you see in front of you.
<<linkreplace "Wow!!" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/hotel5.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You're shocked by the sight in front of you. There's a naked old man on his knees on the floor.
I've never seen a femboy waitress before.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Actually, I'm not a femboy.</span><</say>>
You talk too much, sissy. Pour me some champagne and don't talk too much. I've got plenty to fill your mouth.
<<linkreplace "What!!" t8n>>\
She spreads her legs and strokes his cock between her legs.
<img src="imagex/hotel6.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">His dick is so big.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">I can hear you, sissy.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I apologise, sir.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/Receptionist.png'>><span class="kız">It's okay, I'll take it as a compliment.</span><</say>>
You're giving her a glass of champagne.
Come and sit next to me.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'd better get back to work.</span><</say>>
It's all right, darling, you're new. What the customer wants is what the customer wants. Now come and sit down.
<img src="imagex/hotel6.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You go to the woman and sit down.
She looks at you and then turns to the old man.
Do you want a drink too?
The man says nothing, just nods.
Well done, come on.
The man lies down and opens his mouth as if he's done this many times.
The woman takes the glass and sips it.
Then suddenly you hear the sound of water.
<<linkreplace "Whattt!" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/hotel7.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
She starts pissing on him.
It's very strange what you're seeing:
[[Hey, what are you doing?]]
[[Keep quiet.]]
<</linkreplace>>\!Hey, what are you doing?
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm Rewarding Him.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Stop it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Shut up, bitch. I told you to shut up.</span><</say>>
He grabs you by the head and throws you to the ground.
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Somebody wants a lesson. Hold his head.</span><</say>>
The old man hugs you from behind and holds your hands. She grabs his cock, puts it in her mouth and starts fucking his face.
It's too hard on your throat.
That's when you notice the old man behind you stroking your arse.
You try to shout but you can't speak because of the cock in your mouth.
<<linkreplace "The old man strokes his cock and rubs it against you." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/hotel9.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
He slowly pulls down her knickers and runs them across her bum.
She realises he's fucking her face.
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">I think doggy likes you. I'm letting you cum.</span><</say>>
As soon as he heard that, he lunged at your arse and shoved the head of his cock up your arse.
You were caught off guard by his move and it hurt so much, your eyes welled up.
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Oww Shame on you. </span><</say>>
Your tight arse squeezed his little cock and he came as soon as he put it in.
<<linkreplace "She's close to cumming. She forced his cock down her throat." t8n>>\
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm coming, baby.</span><</say>>
You looked into his eyes and realised that he was enjoying it very much. He came straight down your throat and into your stomach without you even having to swallow.
<img src="imagex/hotel10.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
She pulled his cock out of your mouth and pushed you. You fell to the floor.
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Well done, sissy. Here's $100 for fucking your face.</span><</say>>
They throw the money at you, pack their things and leave. They leave you in the room.
You lie on the floor for a while. Your throat hurts a lot. You fall asleep exhausted with the pain.
When you wake up in the morning, you leave the room and go to the kitchen, you realise that everyone has left. You change your clothes and head home.
<<set $para += 100>>
[[Return Home|home1]]
<<set $abdlsissy to 6>>
<<set $maiddress to 1>>!Keep quiet.
You keep quiet about what's going on and you watch him.
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">You like that, sissy?</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/hotel8.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Without waiting for you to answer, he turns his cock round and starts pissing on you.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, stop.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Shut up and just drink.</span><</say>>
You're covered in piss.
<<say 'Woman in the room' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Here, this toilet costs $20.</span><</say>>
<<set $para += 20>>
You take the money and you go out. Your clothes stink of piss.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">I can't work like this. </span><</say>>
You change. No more incidents at night and you go home in the morning.
[[Return Home|home1]]
<<set $abdlsissy to 6>>
<<set $maiddress to 1>>You're wearing your School Girl Clothes.
<<set $clothes to 11>>
You're wearing your Sissy Dress.
<<set $clothes to 11>>!Girl's Boutique
<<if $abdlsissy > 9>>
!!The inside is much girly and more colourful than the men's boutique. This is not a place where you have shopped before, so you are a bit shy.
<img src="imagex/c3.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
$150<<if $para > 150>> [[Buy|buyc3][$c3 to 1]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
<img src="imagex/c5.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
$250<<if $para > 250>> [[Buy|buyc5][$c5 to 1]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
<img src="imagex/c6.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
$300<<if $para > 300>> [[Buy|buyc6][$c6 to 1]]<<else>>You don't have enough money.<</if>>
<<if $diapersissy is 10>>[[Return|diapersissy]]<<else>>[[Return|home1]]<</if>>
<</if>>!Try on RED Latex Club Dress
You don't feel ready to try them yet. You just pick it up and look at it.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/redlatex.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Return|girlsboutique]] !Try on Mini Dress
You don't feel ready to try them yet. You just pick it up and look at it.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/mini.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Return|girlsboutique]] !Try on Boots and Gloves
You don't feel ready to try them yet. You just pick it up and look at it.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/eldiven.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Return|girlsboutique]] !Try on Black Lingerie Set
You don't feel ready to try them yet. You just pick it up and look at it.
<img src="imagex/kiyafet/clotheshop/siyahset.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
!There's a voice coming from behind the door.
You are approaching the door and there is the sound of talking coming from inside. You can hear Penny's voice clearly, but you have no idea who the other person is. Penny is talking about fashion. The other person listens to her and confirms what she says.
Suddenly it gets quiet. Penny walks to the door and opens the door.
With the door opening, you lose your balance and fall to the floor.
<img src="imagex/parti1.png" width="80%" height="50%">
When you look up, you see Penny's feet.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">It's a shame. Were you eavesdropping on us?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, no, no, I just heard voices inside and I thought something was wrong.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">And you're lying, you're so naughty! It's a shame you were bugging your mum's room.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm sorry, Mom.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Is he always this naughty?</span><</say>>
Suddenly you turn your head and you're shocked.
<<set $clothes to 11>>!Penny Room
<img src="imagex/parti2.png" width="80%" height="50%">
Sitting across from you is the woman from the hotel.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm sorry, darling. He's not always this naughty, he's just not disciplined enough.</span><</say>>
Then why don't you discipline her?
She doesn't seem to recognise you. She might have something to hide from Penny.
Penny pauses for a moment and then shouts at you:
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Get on your feet right now.</span><</say>>
You stand up. The woman looking at you from behind Penny smiles slightly.
Penny sits on the sofa and asks you to get down on your knees to spank your bottom. Without objection you lie over Penny's lap and Penny starts spanking your nappy.
<img src="imagex/parti3.png" width="80%" height="50%">
Penny pauses:
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Have you met my friend Kayla?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek"> No.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Say hello to Kayla $name</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hi, Kayla, nice to meet you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hello. Nice to meet you too, sweetie.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Penny, I want to tell you about a party.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">What kind of party?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">It's a new age costume party.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Um, I don't think I'm dressed for a costume party.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">That's okay, baby. There's two of you. We're dressed up. We're just picking out outfits for the person we're bringing.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I get it. It's a weird concept.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Would you and $name like to come along?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I don't know, I don't think we have any clothes ready.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">No problem, I've been participating for a long time and I have clothes suitable for $name at home. I can send them to you if you want. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Then we can come.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Okay, I'll send the ticket and the outfit. They pick up everyone who has a ticket with a private car. We're going to have so much fun.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I've missed our fun days.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Kayla' 'imagex/dialog/kayla.jpg'>><span class="kız">Me too, honey. I have to leave now. I'll see you at the party. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">See you, honey.</span><</say>>
Penny's going to take you to the party and you think you'll have fun, so it won't be a problem.
When you're ready to go to the party, come get the clothes from Penny.
<<set $abdlsissy to 7 >>!Penny Room
You knock and you walk in.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Baby, Kayla sent your clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I was worried.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Um, they're a little uncomfortable, but we have to dress for the party.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I want to see them, Mum.</span><</say>>
Penny opens the box and you can't make out anything, all you notice is a tail and cat ears.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Kayla's picked out a cat-girl costume for you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Do I have to wear this?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Yes, baby, but you have to be careful tonight, this outfit is a bit risqué and your nappy won't fit so you have to be careful. If you need the loo, come and find me and we'll sort it out.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Mum, I don't want to wear this.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You have to listen to me or you'll get more detention.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm sorry, Mum.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Watch your behaviour! We're getting dressed now and they're coming to pick us up.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">OK, Mum.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/parti4.png" width="80%" height="50%">
You get dressed and Penny puts a collar around your neck and your mouth's shut so you can't say anything.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">We're ready, baby. Let's go.</span><</say>>
The car arrives to take you to the party and you crawl in on your knees.
Keep going.
You go to the club where the party is. Penny grabs the leash and pulls you in.
<img src="imagex/parti5.png" width="80%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come here, baby.</span><</say>>
When you walk in, you're surprised at what you see. There are so many people in your situation.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Look, baby, you got a lot of friends. Come on, let's take your leash off.</span><</say>>
[[Start Enjoy!]]
!Costume Party
<img src="imagex/parti6.png" width="80%" height="50%">
In the corner you see someone in a rabbit costume lying next to the owner, who looks like an Egyptian goddess.
<img src="imagex/parti7.png" width="80%" height="50%">
You approach slowly. He notices you and smiles.
The owner also notices you and gestures for you to come over.
When you get to him, I stroke his head, he likes you. And he looks at your body.
-Sweet thing. -Sweet thing. Come on, follow us, my rabbit has to go to the toilet.
<img src="imagex/parti8.png" width="80%" height="50%">
You nod and follow them.
When you come to an empty room instead of a toilet, the woman bends down, undoes your rabbit's knickers and tells you to lie down on the floor.
<img src="imagex/parti9.png" width="80%" height="50%">
The rabbit starts to piss on you.
-Good girl.
The rabbit steps aside and she pulls up her knickers.
-It's my turn to relax.
Her big cock is swinging towards you.
<img src="imagex/parti10.png" width="80%" height="50%">
She gets behind you and starts fucking you.
-Your hole is so tight, bitch. It turns me on so much.
She's pushing your hole so hard, she's cumming in it.
-Well done, kitten.
-Good job.
You collapse on the floor. Your arsehole is dripping with cum.
You rest for a while and then come back.
[[Return|Start Enjoy!]]
!Costume Party
<img src="imagex/parti11.png" width="80%" height="50%">
Kayla is sitting alone in the pub and you're a little scared to go up to her. You slowly make your way towards her.
When you get there, you try to ask her where Penny will be, but Kayla doesn't understand anything because your mouth is gagged.
-Did you miss me, sissy?
-You look good in your clothes. You should've seen what I did to the boy who wore them before.
-I can show you if you want.
You shout no, but Kayla mocks you, grabs your collar and pulls you under the stairs.
<img src="imagex/parti12.png" width="80%" height="50%">
He's done this to a lot of people before. That's why he's got so many sex toys to use on the floor.
-You lacked a little discipline, and we're gonna fix that today.
<img src="imagex/parti13.png" width="80%" height="50%">
He picks something up off the floor. He spanks you on the arse. It hurts, but you can't make a sound and you start to cry.
He realises you're crying and turns to you.
-Does it hurt? I'm doing it to hurt you, stupid. You'll listen to me from now on.
Kayla ignores you and spanks you until your arse turns purple. Then she walks out leaving you there like nothing happened.
You lie on the floor crying for a while and then you get out.
[[Return|Start Enjoy!]]!Costume Party
You start walking around looking for Pennyi. You can't find Pennyi anywhere. Just as you're about to give up looking for her, you pause and look up to see two muscular men looking at you and laughing.
<img src="imagex/parti14.png" width="80%" height="50%">
They've got huge cocks and they're smiling at you.
-I love fucking sissy.
You try to run away but they catch you.
<img src="imagex/parti15.png" width="80%" height="50%">
One of them tries to put his cock in your mouth and the other one gets behind you and starts fucking you.
They don't stop fucking you until you're covered in jizz. When they're done, they spit on you and go on having fun.
[[Return|Start Enjoy!]]!Return Home
You're trying to get home somehow. As you approach the door, you hear a voice behind you.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Oh, baby. Oh, baby.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/parti16.png" width="80%" height="50%">
You're relieved when you hear it. Penny comes over and looks at you.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">What happened to you, baby? I'm so sorry, honey. I shouldn't have left you.</span><</say>>
Penny unties you and you get in a taxi and go home.
[[Return|Enter Home]]
<<set $abdlsissy to 8>>Penny takes your leash off and you're free to go wherever you want.
[[Go to the person in the bunny suit.]]
[[Ask Kayla about Penny.]]
[[Call around for Penny.]]
[[Enough fun, I've got to go.]]!Message Box
<<if $abdlsissy is 8 >>[[Natalie]]<</if>>
Natalie: The hotel was very pleased with its service. I have to thank you for what you've done.
<<linkreplace "You're welcome, but there have been a few problems." t8n>>\
$name :You're welcome, but there have been a few problems.
Natalie: I know what's going on. Give me a chance to make it up to you. I have the perfect plan for you.
[[Okay, I'll see you Thursday.|▶Computer]]
<</linkreplace>>\!Natalie Home
<img src="imagex/p1.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
You walk in, Natalie gives you a nice hug and you sit on the sofa. She looks at you excitedly.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Come on, tell me!</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Tell me what, Natalie?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">What happened at the hotel?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It was very complicated. First of all, they asked me to wear your clothes. I thought it would be a problem, but it seemed normal to everyone.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">They're used to it.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What do you mean?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It's a long story, never mind. How did it feel to wear women's clothes in front of everyone?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It was different from what I thought. I think I liked it.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Wow. Perfect. Then I have an even better surprise for you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop, please. I'm so sick of surprises.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Okay, calm down. I'll tell you everything.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes, I'm listening to you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Firstly, I'm going to spend the day with you. First we'll go shopping. Then we'll go to the hairdresser's, and finally we'll have a coffee together. Is that OK with you?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No surprises, we'll just do what you say and go back home.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Yeah, come on, I'll get ready and we'll go shopping.</span><</say>>
[[Time for shopping.]]!Clothes Shop
<img src="imagex/p2.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
You go to the shopping centre with Natalie. You enter a store with both a male and female section. You head to the male section. Natalie browses the women's section.
Natalie slowly makes her way behind you.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hey, </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">You scared me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">That's not why we're here.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I want to buy something for myself.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I know, but not in this section!</span><</say>>
Natalie will take you to the women's department.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Natalie, the last time I wore women's clothes, nothing good happened to me, so I need to stay away from sex for a while.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Wearing women's clothes doesn't make you a whore. What, you think I'm a whore?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, Natalie, I don't mean that. It's just that a man who wears women's clothes is just a slut.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">So let me show you otherwise.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't think it's gonna make a difference, but okay, I'll let you.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Dress selection." t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/p3.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">First, let's pick out a dress for you. I don't think it should be light colours. </span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Why ?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Because I don't want you to draw attention only with your dress and body.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It makes sense.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I think a black dress is ideal. Well, let's see, that looks pretty good. There's a little leg slit, but that's not a problem. You should sit and stand more carefully.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I think I can fix that.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Let's try it on.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Dressing Room" t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/p4.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
You take off your clothes and put on the black dress.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Wow, you look great in it.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">It's a little short.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Yeah, but I think it'd look great with the stockings and the bag.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">All right, if you say so.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Let's take it off. We're gonna be late for our appointment at the hairdresser's.</span><</say>>
You take the dress. You go to the [[hairdresser]].
<img src="imagex/p5.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
When you realise that Natalie brought you to a women's hairdresser, you get angry with her.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Natalie, this is a women's hair salon and I'm a man.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You seem to be forgetting the outfit we just bought.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Natalie, you and I know the outfit we just bought. People will think I'm a pervert.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">No, they won't think you're a pervert. The owner is a very good friend of mine. We were on the school team together when we were kids.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Is the owner a man?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Well, he used to be a man, but now she's a transgender person like me.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Well, that makes it more normal.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Besides, my hair used to be like yours, but it's grown over time and I've had to have it groomed a lot, so you'd better start getting used to it.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'll think about it.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Meanwhile, you sit in the chair and the procedures are done."t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/p6.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
The hairdresser finishes his work and leaves.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">You look so cute.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I've never seen my hair like this before.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm sure it'll get prettier as it grows out. </span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Time to try on the dress!"t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/p7.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Now you're marvellous.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Does it look good to you?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Beautiful? You look perfect.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Now I'll get ready and we'll have a coffee at the cafe nearby.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Natalie's getting ready, and she's got something for you."t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/p14.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
She's got a little pair of heels and a pair of knickers for you. You're wearing them.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm ready, are you ready?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yeah, I'm ready, but I'm still not comfortable.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">It's okay, we'll just have coffee and go home.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, okay, I'm calm. Let's go.</span><</say>>
[[You and Natalie are going for coffee.]]
<</linkreplace>>\!Coffe Shop
<img src="imagex/p8.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
You place your orders and wait for them to be prepared.
You sit at the table and talk about everyday matters.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hey, look at them, huh?</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "Who should I look at?"t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/p9.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Don't forget your promises to me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm not forgetting, I just wanted you to look.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes, I am.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm the bald one.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hey, I'm not sharing men with you.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm just kidding.</span><</say>>
<<linkreplace "The men take their coffee and sit at the table next to you."t8n>>\
<img src="imagex/p10.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
They talk in low voices while drinking their coffee. Occasionally you make eye contact. The man smiles at you.
You turn to Natalie and realise you've already crossed paths with the man.
The bald man looks at Natalie:
My mate and I are going to the pool hall, do you want to come with us?
Natalie: I have to ask my friend first, do you want to go?
You think for a while. Then you realise that the man is looking at you very muscular and handsome.
[[Okay, let's go, we'll have some fun.]]
!Billiard Room
<img src="imagex/p11.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
You're going to the pool hall. Natalie already warms up to him and leaves you alone.
You're at the bookshelf looking around.
The guy who's interested in you comes up to you.
<img src="imagex/p12.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
You're going to the pool hall. Natalie already warms up to him and leaves you alone.
You're at the bookshelf looking around.
The guy who's interested in you comes up to you.
-Why didn't you come round?
-I don't really like playing pool.
-I guess you like books more.
-Hahaha Yeah, I guess.
-Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. -I'm Steve.
-I'm glad to meet you. -Well, I hope you're aware of my situation.
-I don't know what you're trying to say.
-I'm not a woman.
-I'm smart enough to realise that.
-I have to say, I'm glad you're smart.
-Well, can I get to know you better later?
-You're very kind. -You don't look it from the outside.
-Thank you.
-Okay, maybe. I'd love to get to know you.
-Then here's my number. You can call me anytime.
-Okay, I will.
Natalie looks at you and you signal to her to leave, [[you say goodbye to the men and go home.]]!Natalie Home
<img src="imagex/p13.jpg" width="100%" height="80%">
You've come to Natalie's house. You jump right into bed and lie down. Natalie comes and sits on the bed.
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">How was your day?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Very good?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Are you sure?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yeah, I felt happy for the longest time.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Is that because of that guy?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Heyyyy</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Come on, what's his name?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Steve.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hmm. Do you like him?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Yes, but why is very important to me.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Why?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Steve didn't look at me like I was a slut to be fucked. He chatted to me and said he wanted to spend more time with me. He said he knew I was a bloke and he was nice. That's something I don't already feel.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">I'm glad you feel that way. How will you ever find him again?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">He gave me her number.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Natalie' >><span class="kız">Hey, do you have a boyfriend or is it just me?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Stop embarrassing me. It's late and I want to go to sleep happy.</span><</say>>
[[Let's go to sleep.|home1]]
<<set $abdlsissy to 9>>!Look in the mirror.
<<if $abdlsissy is 9>> [[I want to try on the dresses Natalie and I bought.]]<</if>>
!Look in the mirror.
<img src="imagex/r1.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You're trying on the clothes you bought with Natalie. The feel of the dress against your skin is hot. You realise your penis is hard.
[[Play with the dildo.]]
[[Don't do anything.]]
<img src="imagex/r2.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You lift up your dress. You touch your legs in the mirror. You start masturbating in front of the mirror.
[[Just then, Penny walks through the door.]]!Play with the dildo.
You remember the dildo you bought in the sex shop before and you want to play with it. You take the dildo and the lube from the drawer.
<img src="imagex/r3.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You lubricate the dildo well.
<img src="imagex/r4.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You sit on the bed and fix the dildo. You start bouncing on it.
[[Just then, Penny walks through the door.]]Don't do anything.
You touch yourself in front of the mirror and do nothing despite your hardening penis.
[[Just then, Penny walks through the door.]]!Penny walks through the door.
<img src="imagex/r5.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Penny notices the door's ajar. She's looking through the door at you.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Wow, my baby's hair looks so beautiful and look at that hair.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm finally having my dream baby girl.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I gotta give her a little help.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/r6.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
[[Then she goes to his room.]]I think I need a shower.
You take off your dress and hang it up. You go into the bathroom to take a shower.
<img src="imagex/r7.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Meanwhile Penny is waiting outside and hiding from you.
<img src="imagex/r8.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Realising that you are in the bathroom, Penny enters your room and collects your things, especially your men's clothes. She leaves the women's clothes and adds a few things. She wants you to notice what she has done. She waits for you to get out of the shower and leaves the room as you walk towards your room.
<img src="imagex/r9.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey Penny!</span><</say>>
[[She leaves without looking at you.]]!You're going into your room.
<img src="imagex/r10.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You check the room, you think there's no difference. Then your eye falls on the cupboard. You notice that one door is open. You approach it for a closer look.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Where are my clothes? And why are these clothes in my closet? Penny must have done this. I need to talk to her about this.</span><</say>>
You're about to stand up when you catch a glimpse of the closet.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Wow, that dress is a beautiful colour. I wonder how it would look on me.</span><</say>>
You decide to try it on.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">I'd better wear socks underneath.</span><</say>>
[[You try on the blue dress.]]!You try on the blue dress.
<img src="imagex/r12.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You're wearing the blue dress and the fishnet stockings.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Well, it's not bad, just a little low-cut. Maybe I could wear it to dinner with Steve.</span><</say>>
You get a little excited thinking about it. You're blushing a little and smiling stupidly.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">I want to try the other dress.</span><</say>>
[[The other dress is a little longer and the colour is a little brighter.]]!The other dress is a little longer and the colour is a little brighter.
<img src="imagex/r13.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You're wearing the grey dress.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Well, it's a strange dress, but I think it's beautiful.</span><</say>>
Suddenly, your head gets all fuzzy.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">What's happening to me? I can't believe how my life has changed. My clothes are gone and in their place are women's clothes. Instead of looking for my clothes, I'm sitting here trying on women's clothes, but it's making me so horny.</span><</say>>
Your eyes fill up. You're about to cry and you turn round in the wardrobe and you see the latex dress.
[[Ohhh, what's that dress?]]
!Ohhh, what's that dress?
<img src="imagex/r11.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You put the dress on after you've examined it a bit.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Wow, it was a little hard to put on. What? It's too short. It shows my penis. How do women wear this. I think I should wear panties. I don't have any knickers to match. I'll ask Penny to help me.</span><</say>>
You're calling Penny.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hey, Penny, can you take a look?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">I'll be right there, honey.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/r14.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Soon Penny comes into the room.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Just as I thought she would. You look great in that dress, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Thank you. Did you take my things?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Yeah, honey, I don't think you need them anymore.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Do I have to wear them outside?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Yes, honey.</span><</say>>
You give Penny an approving look and look down.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="boy">Hahahaha I guessed your problem honey so I came prepared so here's what you need.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/r15.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Penny is holding a pair of panties the same colour as your dress.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">You should wear them. People should see your knickers rather than your penis.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/r16.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You're wearing the panties Penny gave you.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Yeah, that's better.</span><</say>>
Penny stays quiet and just looks at you.
[[Understand what you have to do. (ABDL Content)]]
[[Do you need something?(nonABDL Content)]]!Understand what you have to do.
<img src="imagex/r18.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You take off your clothes and get on the bed.
Butt in the air.
Penny comes to the bed and ties the pink nappy of her choice.
<img src="imagex/r19.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">You look so cute, baby...</span><</say>>
Penny lies down and you lie on her lap.
Her big round tits hit you in the face.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Opps! I'm sorry, sweetie.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">It's okay, Mommy. I'm going to start.</span><</say>>
Penny nods and pushes her tits into you. You start sucking on Penny's breasts. You can't describe the taste, it's weird but delicious. You start to think.
Penny doesn't have a child. How come she's got milk coming out of her tits? I'm really curious. I should ask her about it, but right now I just want her to relax. I'll ask her later.
<img src="imagex/r17.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Penny's making little moans as she sucks Penny's milk.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">MMmmmhhhhhh! Go on, sweetie.</span><</say>>
As you drink the milk, you feel sleepy. Your eyes close. Penny realises this and slowly pulls away. She lays you down on the bed. She gives your bum a little pat.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Good night, baby.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/r20.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
[[You fall asleep.|▶Sleep]]
<<set $diaper to 1>>
<<set $abdlsissy to 10>>!Do you need something?
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Penny, do you need something?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Yeah, honey, my breasts are really sore.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">Is there anything I can do to help?</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Honey, I think one of my ducts is blocked. Can you suck on it a little bit to get it open?</span><</say>>
You realise this isn't a request. You have to do it. You take off your clothes before you get into bed.
Penny's lying down and you lie on her lap.
Her big round tits are in your face.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Opps! I'm sorry, sweetie.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="boy">It's okay, Mommy. Here goes.</span><</say>>
Penny nods and pushes her tits into you. You start sucking on Penny's breasts. You can't describe the taste, it's weird but delicious. You start to think.
Penny doesn't have a child. How come she's got milk coming out of her tits? I'm really curious. I should ask her about it, but right now I just want her to relax. I'll ask her later.
<img src="imagex/r17.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Penny's making little moans as he sucks Penny's milk.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">MMmmmhhhhhh! Go on, sweetie.</span><</say>>
As you drink the milk, you feel sleepy. Your eyes close. Penny realises this and slowly pulls away. She lays you down on the bed. She gives your bum a little pat.
<<say 'Penny' >><span class="kız">Good night, baby.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/r21.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
[[You fall asleep.|▶Sleep]]
<<set $abdlsissy to 10>>Makeup
<div class="box"><a data-passage="makeup" class="darken"><img src="imagex/girly.jpg" width="50%" height="50%"><span>Girly</span><<set $clothesmod to 1>></a></div>
!What kind of make-up should I choose?
<img src="imagex/mp.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Light pink tones.|clothes][$makeup to 1]]
<img src="imagex/mr.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Medium shades of red.|clothes][$makeup to 2]]
<img src="imagex/mb.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Heavy black tones.|clothes][$makeup to 3]]
<img src="imagex/c1.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 1]]
<img src="imagex/c2.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 2]]
<<if $c3 is 1>><img src="imagex/c3.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 3]]<</if>>
<img src="imagex/c4.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 4]]
<<if $c5 is 1>><img src="imagex/c5.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 5]]<</if>>
<<if $c6 is 1>><img src="imagex/c6.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 6]]<</if>>
<<if $c3 is 2>><img src="imagex/c7.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 7]]
<img src="imagex/c8.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 8]]
<img src="imagex/c9.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 9]]
<img src="imagex/c10.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 10]]
<img src="imagex/c11.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 11]]
<img src="imagex/c12.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|shoes][$dress to 12]]<</if>>
<img src="imagex/f1.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|final][$shoes to 1]]
<img src="imagex/f2.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|final][$shoes to 2]]
<img src="imagex/f3.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">
[[Select|final][$shoes to 3]]!My outfit combination.
<<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a1.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 12]]<</if>> <<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a2.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 13]]<</if>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a3.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 14]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra1.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 15]]<</if>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra2.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 16]]<</if>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra3.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 17]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba1.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 18]]<</if>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba2.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 19]]<</if>><<if $dress is 1 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba3.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 20]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a4.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 21]]<</if>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a5.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 22]]<</if>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a6.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 23]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra4.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 24]]<</if>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra5.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 25]]<</if>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra6.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 26]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba4.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 27]]<</if>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba5.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 28]]<</if>><<if $dress is 2 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba6.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 29]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a7.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 30]]<</if>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a8.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 31]]<</if>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a9.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 32]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 1>> <img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra7.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 33]]<</if>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra8.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 34]]<</if>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra9.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 35]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba7.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 36]]<</if>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba8.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 37]]<</if>><<if $dress is 3 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba9.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 38]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a10.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 39]]<</if>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a11.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 40]]<</if>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a12.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 41]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 1>> <img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra10.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 42]]<</if>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra11.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 43]]<</if>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra12.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 44]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba10.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 45]]<</if>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba11.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 46]]<</if>><<if $dress is 4 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba12.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 47]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a13.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 48]]<</if>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a14.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 49]]<</if>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a15.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 50]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 1>> <img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra13.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 51]]<</if>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra14.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 52]]<</if>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra15.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 53]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba13.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 54]]<</if>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba14.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 55]]<</if>><<if $dress is 5 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba15.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 56]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a16.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 57]]<</if>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a17.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 58]]<</if>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a18.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 59]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 1>> <img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra16.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 60]]<</if>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra17.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 61]]<</if>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra18.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 62]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba16.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 63]]<</if>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba17.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 64]]<</if>><<if $dress is 6 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba18.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 65]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 66]]<</if>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 66]]<</if>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 66]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 67]]<</if>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 67]]<</if>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ra19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 67]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 68]]<</if>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 68]]<</if>><<if $dress is 7 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba19.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 68]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 69]]<</if>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 69]]<</if>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 69]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 69]]<</if>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 69]]<</if>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 69]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 70]]<</if>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 70]]<</if>><<if $dress is 8 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba20.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 70]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 71]]<</if>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 71]]<</if>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 71]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 71]]<</if>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 71]]<</if>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 71]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 72]]<</if>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 72]]<</if>><<if $dress is 9 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba21.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 72]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 73]]<</if>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 73]]<</if>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 73]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 73]]<</if>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 73]]<</if>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 73]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 74]]<</if>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 74]]<</if>><<if $dress is 10 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba22.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 74]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 75]]<</if>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 75]]<</if>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 75]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 75]]<</if>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 75]]<</if>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 75]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 76]]<</if>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 76]]<</if>><<if $dress is 11 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba23.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 76]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 1>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 77]]<</if>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 77]]<</if>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 77]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if $makeup is 2>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 77]]<</if>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 77]]<</if>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/a24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 77]]<</if>><</if>><<if $makeup is 3>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 1>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 78]]<</if>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 2>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 78]]<</if>><<if $dress is 12 and $shoes is 3>><img src="imagex/kiyafet/ba24.jpg" width="50%" height="50%">[[Return|Wardrobe][$clothes to 78]]<</if>><</if>>
!You bought it successfully.
<<set $para -= 150>>
[[Return|girlsboutique]] !You bought it successfully.
<<set $para -= 250>>
[[Return|girlsboutique]] !You bought it successfully.
<<set $para -= 300>>
[[Return|girlsboutique]] !Front of the Boutique
<img src="imagex/ss1.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You're leaving after spending some time in the boutique.
It's a boring day.
As you walk around looking around, you notice two men coming the other way. The man's face looks familiar from somewhere.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hey, this is Steve.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/ss2.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
Steve recognises you and comes towards you with a smile. Seeing Steve makes you happy, but it also makes you feel nervous.
Why do I feel like this. He's just a guy and now I like him?
While you're thinking about these things, Steve and his friend come to you.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hi, $name.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Steve' 'imagex/dialog/steve.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hi, Steve.</span><</say>>
You turns to his mate.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Oh, hello there.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Mike' 'imagex/dialog/mike.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hello, pretty lady.</span><</say>>
You blush a little surprised by this compliment. You give a little smile.
<<say 'Steve' 'imagex/dialog/steve.jpg'>><span class="erkek">What have you been up to?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I wanted to do some shopping. I thought it might help me clear my head.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Steve' 'imagex/dialog/steve.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I hope it's all right.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">That's very thoughtful of you. Thank you, nothing's wrong.</span><</say>>
His friend looked you up and down when you finished.
<<say 'Mike' 'imagex/dialog/mike.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you something. Have you ever modelled before?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hahaha Of course not. I've never had a man's body that good.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Mike' 'imagex/dialog/mike.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I don't think Steve ever told you. We have a company that makes clothes for athletes. We want to make it more diverse. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Mike' 'imagex/dialog/mike.jpg'>><span class="erkek">We've come up with unisex products and we're going to start selling them.We need a model to advertise them.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't think I'm up to it.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/ss3.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You're looking at Steve. He's looking at you thoughtfully.
<<say 'Mike' 'imagex/dialog/mike.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, take your time. Think it over. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Steve' 'imagex/dialog/steve.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I don't know, I think you can do this, but if you want to.</span><</say>>
I don't want to turn Steve down.
<<say 'Mike' 'imagex/dialog/mike.jpg'>><span class="erkek">We can pay you well. It's not a one-off, we'll pay you for every take.</span><</say>>
You're thinking I don't have anything but a coffeehouse job right now. Maybe I could take it. I could make some good money and spend more time with Steve.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, that sounds good. How do I get in touch with you?</span><</say>>
Here's my card.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">There's no phone number on the card.</span><</say>>
There's no number here.
Yeah, we just want to keep things corporate, so there's an e-mail address on the back. Please let me know when you're free. We'll send a car to pick you up.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">(Wow, everything looks so official.)</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Okay, thanks. See you then.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Steve' 'imagex/dialog/steve.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Bye $name.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Bye.</span><</say>>
You keep walking home.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm now a model for a clothing company. Wow, this is a really interesting day. I'm really excited about the modelling job. I can't wait to talk to Penny and Natalie about modelling.</span><</say>>
<<set $diapersissy to 11>>
!Mail Box
[[Send Mail]]
[[▶Computer]] !Send Mail
<<if $abdlsissy is 11>>[[Send Steve an e-mail.]]
[[Send Mike an e-mail.]]<</if>>
<<if $abdlsissy is 13>><<if setup.GetDay($DayOfWeek) is "Saturday" and $saat is 13>> [[Tell him you're ready.]]<</if>><</if>>!Send Mike an e-mail.
"Hello, Steve. You needed a pattern for your clothes. I've decided I can do it. Can you share the details.
Assistant: -Good afternoon. I'm Steve's assistant. I take care of his mail.
(Wow, they are really corporate.)
You: - I'm sorry, I didn't know that.
Assistant: -It's okay, can I know your name?
You : -Of course I $name .
Assistant: -Steve told me about you, can you share your address and the time you are available?
You: -I am completely available on Saturday. It can be any time that day. And my address is ....
Assistant: -I'll check for a second. Is 1 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday available for you?
You: - Yes, it is convenient for me.
Assistant: -I will send a car to pick you up. Thank you for working with us.
You : - You're welcome.
Assistant: -Send a message on Friday when you are ready.
(I should go and tell Penny, she'll be happy.)
<<set $abdlsissy to 12>>
!Send Mike an e-mail.
Hi, Mike, I'm Steve's mate. You needed a model for your clothes. I've decided that I can do it. Could you give me the details.
Assistant: -Good afternoon. I'm Mike's assistant. I take care of his mail.
(Wow, they are really corporate.)
You: - I'm sorry, I didn't know that.
Assistant: -It's okay, can I know your name?
You : -Of course I $name .
Assistant: -Mike told me about you, can you share your address and the time you are available?
You :- I'm completely available on Saturday. It can be any time that day. And my address is ....
Assistant: -I'm just checking for a second. Is 1pm on Saturday available for you?
You: - Yes, it is convenient for me.
Assistant: -I'll send a car to pick you up. Thank you for working with us.
Assistant: -Send a message on Friday when you're ready.
(I should go and tell Penny, she'll be happy.)
<<set $abdlsissy to 12>>
!Tell him you're ready.
The big day has arrived. Perhaps I'll be modeling for the rest of my life, or maybe this is just a one-time thing. About a year ago, I couldn't even dream of becoming a model. My goal was to find a job and a girlfriend and continue my life like a regular person. But the people who entered my life changed me, and so did the events that happened to me. Some of them were things I truly wasn't prepared for. I was really angry at Natalie for what she did to me. Penny's first diaper change for me. And then there's Tangent. He's my major trauma. Now, I don't want to remember these things. I'm ready, and I'm sending an email to the secretary. I asked them to come pick me up. I should get ready now. They'll be here soon. What should I wear? Steve will probably be there:
I think I'll dress a bit formal. Because this is a job, and I should take it seriously. They're acting like a corporate company, so I better act [[accordingly.]]!I should tell you about the modelling.
<img src="imagex/j1.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You're so excited to talk about modelling. You open the door in a hurry.
<img src="imagex/j2.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You see Penny playing with her tits on your bed.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">I'm so sorry. </span><</say>>
You're turning round in a hurry.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">It's okay, baby. You're my little baby. Come here, please.</span><</say>>
You're slowly sitting on the end of the bed.
Penny realises you're staring at her tits.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">You hungry, baby.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Hıhı</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Sorry, I think my ducts are clogged. No milk today :) But why don't you give Mummy a massage.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Sure, Mummy, whatever you like.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Come and sit behind me. Start rubbing gently with your hands.</span><</say>>
<img src="imagex/j3.jpg" width="100%" height="50%">
You start rubbing Penny's breasts. You realise that the texture is very soft.
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Baby, I'm sorry, I forgot to ask why you came..</span><</say>>
Penny's tits are messing with your head.
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Penny, I'm going modelling.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">What kind of modelling, love?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">A friend I met has a sports company and I'm going to model their unisex clothes.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Hmm. Do I know this friend of yours, baby?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">No, we just met. His name's Steve.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">My baby has a boyfriend?</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">Mum, don't be mad. We're just friends.</span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">I'm not mad, honey, I'm happy for you. If you think you'd be good at it, there's nothing stopping you from modelling. But please take care of yourself. I don't want anything bad to happen to you.</span><</say>>
<<say '$name' 'imagex/dialog/boy1.jpg'>><span class="erkek">That's very thoughtful of you, Mum. Thank you. I'll go on Friday. </span><</say>>
<<say 'Penny' 'imagex/dialog/penny.jpg'>><span class="kız">Good luck, darling.</span><</say>>
You're massaging your breasts for a while. Your hands are getting wet. Penny says that's enough and you leave the room.
<<set $abdlsissy to 13>>
[[Return|Penny Room]]!You're ready to go.
<img src="imagex/m2.jpg" width="100%" height="100%">
When you look out the window, you see an SUV coming to pick you up. You head downstairs and get into the vehicle. The driver greets you and informs you about the destination. He says the shoot will be at the Sports Store, and that's where you'll be heading. You nod in approval and thank him in some way, then continue to look out of the window.
[[You arrive in front of the sports store.]]!Sport Store
You get out of the car. When you enter the store, you notice a small crowd inside. This crowd isn't made up of customers but of the people working for the photoshoot. Inside, you're trying to spot Steve or Mike. At that moment, you notice a woman approaching you.
Secretary: -Hello, welcome.
You: -Hello, I'm here for the photoshoot.
Secretary: -I'm the secretary for Mr. Steve and Mr. Mike. We were expecting you. If you're ready, let's get started. Today, we'll only try two sets. After reviewing them, we'll be in touch with you for the continuation.
You: -Alright, I'm ready, but can I see Steve first?
Secretary: -Unfortunately, they are not here right now. They're in a meeting for a new business venture. I'll inform them that you're here. They'll come to see you. They've talked about you a lot. (Winks.)
You smile and head in the direction she pointed you to. You're given two sets of sportswear. You try on the first sports outfit, consisting of leggings and a top. Now, it's time for the photos.
<img src="imagex/m1.jpg" width="100%" height="100%">
The photo shoot is over, but Steve is still nowhere to be found. The secretary approaches you, telling you that the car is ready to take you back, and that your daily fee will be deposited into your bank account. You get into the car and head back home. Not seeing Steve has left you a bit disappointed, but you continue on your way, hoping to see him soon.
[[Meanwhile, in the office meeting.]]!Meanwhile, in the office meeting.
<img src="imagex/m3.jpg" width="100%" height="100%">
Patron: -What's the situation?
Mike: -It's under control for now.
Patron: -Don't scare the gazelle.
Steve: -As you wish, sir. The plan is going very well at the moment.
A woman's voice comes from behind.
<img src="imagex/m4.jpg" width="100%" height="100%">
Woman: -You've finally done it, Steve.
Steve: -I caught the gazelle you missed, Tangent.
<<set $abdlsissy to 14 >>
[[Return|Enter Home]]!Talk to Natalie about modeling.
<img src="imagex/h1.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You: Hello sweetheart.
Natalie: Hi darling. Where have you been? I missed you.
You: I missed you too. I started modeling.
Natalie: Wow! How did you start doing that?
You: Do you remember Steve?
Natalie: Yes, I remember. Is Steve my ex-boyfriend?
You: Hey, no boyfriend or anything. I'm modeling for a sports brand; they have unisex clothing.
Natalie: Hmm, I'm happy for you. Did they give you clothes?
You: They did.
Natalie: Can you show me?
You: They're not with me; they're at home.
Natalie: I would have liked to try them on.
You: Come, let's go to my place. We can try on the clothes and watch a movie.
Natalie: That sounds great.
You and Natalie get ready together and head [[towards home.]]
<img src="imagex/h2.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You and Natalie go to your room.
Natalie: The room is nice, just a bit too masculine.
You: I know, but it should stay like this for a while. Let's try on the clothes.
<img src="imagex/h3.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You give Natalie some sportswear that you've been given.
You: Hey, it looks great on you.
Natalie: No!! It looks better on your butt.
You: Stop talking about my butt.
Natalie: Relax, I was just joking.
You: I'm going through emotionally mixed times right now. I'm sorry, and I haven't forgotten what you did to my butt.
Natalie: Those were for you. Look at yourself now. If you hadn't experienced those, you wouldn't have ended up like this.
You: Still, I can't easily forget them.
At that moment, Penny enters.
She has two glasses of fruit juice in her hand and offers them to you.
Penny: Hellooo. I saw you coming in, so I brought some fruit juice in case you want to drink something.
You: Thanks, Mom.
Natalie: You never told me about your mom.
You: She's not my real mom. She was there for me in tough times. That's why she's like a mom to me.
Natalie: I understand. Hello, ma'am.
Penny: Hello, sweetheart. My name is Penny.
Natalie: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Penny.
<img src="imagex/h4.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You take the drinks from Penny.
Penny: I'll leave you alone. If you need anything, I'll be in my room.
You: Okay, Mom. Goodbye.
<img src="imagex/h5.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
After drinking the fruit juices Penny brought you, you chat with Natalie for a while. Suddenly, you feel a warmth in your body.
When you look at Natalie, you notice that she is rubbing her hand on her crotch.
You: What are you doing, Natalie?
Natalie: I feel so horny, I can't stop myself. Please help.
Suddenly, you feel the same horniness.
You: Why do I feel like this? My penis is so hard it feels like it's going to explode.
At that moment, Natalie puts her hand on your penis.
[[Push your hand away and everybody do it themselves.]]
[[You put your hand on Natalie's penis.]]
<img src="imagex/h9.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You put your hand on Natalie's erect penis.
Natalie: Thank you...
Natalie pulls his penis out of the hem of her panties. You start masturbating each other.
Natalie: Ahhhh!
You : Ahhh yes ......
After a while you cum with a loud noise.
<img src="imagex/h12.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Natalie: I feel so good at last.
You : Yeah, me too, ohhh I feel so horny all of a sudden.
<img src="imagex/h13.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Penny :[[What the hell do you think you're doing!!!]]!Home
<img src="imagex/h10.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You push Natalie's hand away and take off your tights and start masturbating.
Natalie agrees with you.
Natalie: Ahhhh!
You : Ahhh yes ......
After a while you ejaculate with the rising voices.
<img src="imagex/h11.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Natalie: I feel so good at last.
You : Yeah, me too, ohhh I feel so horny all of a sudden.
<img src="imagex/h13.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Penny :[[What the hell do you think you're doing!!!]]!Home
<img src="imagex/h14.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
You: Mom, we're really sorry, it just happened.
You answer shyly.
Natalie : Ms. Penny, it's normal, we're friends and we helped each other.
Penny : No, you're a naughty girl. We have to find a solution to this situation.
You : Mom, we're sorry. We felt really horny.
Penny: Then I'll find a solution.
But first I'll start with Natalie.
<img src="imagex/h15.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Penny grabs Natalie, puts her on her leg and starts slapping her butt.
Natalie: Ahhh you're hurting me. Stop it.
Penny : I won't stop until you apologize for what you did.
Natalie : Fuck you. Stop it, I'm not apologizing.
Penny: You naughty thing, you'll learn to behave.
Penny picks up a tool. She starts hitting Natalie with it.
Natalie: Ahhh it hurts so much.
Penny: Apologize and say you'll do what I say.
Natalie : I'm sorry, I'll do whatever you say.
<img src="imagex/h16.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Penny stops hitting Penny, good little girl, you just need some manners.
Natalie looks at her with an angry face.
Penny: [[Now wait for me, I have one last gift for you.]]!Home
<img src="imagex/h17.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Penny enters the room laughing. They have something familiar in their hands.
Natalie: No, damn it, I'm not doing this.
Penny: I think you want some more manners.
You : Mom, is that really necessary?
Penny : Don't worry, honey, you've got one in you. I've seen what you've done. This won't come out until you control yourself. Do you understand me?
You and Natalie helplessly accept what he says.
<img src="imagex/h18.jpg" width="80%" height="50%">
Coming soon...