<h2>Disclaimer 1</h2>\
This game is meant to be erotic and satirical in nature. Do not build your personal views on sex, relationships, sexual orientation, gender identity, or race relations from a pornographic game.
<h2>Disclaimer 2</h2>\
All characters within this game are at least eighteen years old.
<h2>Disclaimer 3</h2>\
As this game is pornographic, it's use is restricted to those at or above the legal age to consume pornography within their state or country. Please click the correct button below (answer honestly!) to begin the game.
<h2>Disclaimer 4</h2>\
All places, religions, people, and anything else is fiction and has no connection to the real world. Everything represented in this game is highly fictionalized and glamourized.
<h2>Disclaimer 5</h2>\
Do not attempt to replicate any part of this game in real life.
<h2>Disclaimer 6</h2>\
This game has <strong>sound</strong>, such as music and noises in sex scenes.
The world is inspired by the "Game of Thrones" world created by G.R.R. Martin and the TV-Show on HBO.
Similar names, places, and pictures are completely coincidental.
I do not own any material depicted in this game, if you in fact do own some and want stuff to be removed, feel free to contact me.
[[I am not of legal age to consume pornographic content or I do not understand the Disclaimers|Exit]]
[[I am of legal age to consume pornographic content and understand all Disclaimers|Setup]]
/* Quest-Var */
/* Olenna Q3 */
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = 2>>
<<set $OlennaFighter = 1>>
/* Olenna Q2 */
<<set $Sword_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $SwordWhet_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $Hook_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $String_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $StringAndHook_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $KeyTree_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $KeyChest_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $WhetStone_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
<<set $KeyDoor_Inventory_Ole = false>>\
/* Olenna Q1 */
<<set $tracks_found = 0>>
/* Margaery Q3 */
<<set $ducks_shot = 0>>
/* Main Story HG */
<<set $HG_IntroDone = false>> // 0 not finished, 1 ravens send
/* Main Story DS Ending */
<<set $MS_leanor_status = 0>> // 0 not finished, 1 ravens send
/* Leanor Q1 */
<<set $colbyTalk = 0>>
<<set $colbyFree = false>>
<<set $chestOpen = false>>
<<set $keyInventory = false>>
<<set $screwdriverInventory = false>>
<<set $batInventory = false>>
<<set $knifeInventory = false>>
<<set $ropeInventory = false>>
<<set $guardStanding = true>>
<<set $windowOpen = false>>
/* Charlotte Q1 */
<<set $CharlotteQ1Number = 0>>
<<set $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon = 0>>
<<set $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess = 0>>
/* Intro */
<<set $introClothes = false>>
<<set $introTalk = false>>
/* Raenyra Q1 */
<<set $raenyra_battle = 1>>
<<set $raenyra_health = 100>>
<<set $plaeyon_health = 100>>
<<set $plaeyon_stamina = 100>>
/* Raenyra Q2 */
<<set $raenyra_pic_found = -1>>
<<set $raenyra_pic_found_burned = false>>
/* Raenyra Q3 */
<<set $torchInventory = false>>
<<set $cryptDoorOpen = false>>
<<set $acidInventory = false>>
<<set $showelInventory = false>>
<<set $scissorsInventory = false>>
<<set $waterInventory = false>>
<<set $flowerInventory = false>>
<<set $fireCauldron = false>>
<<set $waterCauldron = false>>
<<set $cryptQuestAdvancement = 0>>
<<set $cryptIntro = false>>
/* Daenerys Q1 */
<<set $daenerys_pos = 0>>
<<set $plaeyon_pos = 0>>
<<set $horse_stamina = 100>>
<<set $distanceToFinish = 1000>>
/* Daenerys Q2 */
<<set $cell1 = 'closed'>>
<<set $cell2 = 'closed'>>
<<set $cell3 = 'closed'>>
<<set $cell4 = 'closed'>>
<<set $prisonDone = false>>
/* Daenerys Q3 */
<<set $KushBook1 = false>>
<<set $KushBook2 = false>>
<<set $KushBook3 = false>>
<<set $KushBook4 = true>>
<<set $KushBook5 = false>>
<<set $bookshelf_open = false>>
<<set $KushOilInventory = false>>
<<set $KushBookInventory = false>>
<<set $KushBookPressed1 = false>>
<<set $KushBookPressed2 = false>>
<<set $KushBookPressed3 = false>>
<<set $KushBookPressed4 = false>>
<<set $KushBookPressed5 = false>>
<<set $KushBookCode = "">>
<<set $KushBookCodeReal = "DRWFL">>
<<set $KushJadeFreed = false>>
<<set $KushEggInventory = false>>
<<set $KushDead = false>>
/* Colby Q1 */
<<set $colby_beers = 0>>
<<set $colby_beer_level = 0>>
<<set $plaeyon_beers = 0>>
<<set $beer_level = 0>>
<<set $plaeyon_drinking_stamina = 100>>
<<set $intoxication = 0>>
/* Alison Q1 */
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_won = 0>>
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_choice = 0>>
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won = 0>>
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice = 0>>
/* Place-Var */
<<set $finished_Place_dorne = 0>>//0 default, 1 done
<<set $finished_Place_reach = 0>>
<<set $finished_Place_stormlands = 0>>
<<set $finished_Place_westerlands = 0>>
<<set $finished_Place_crownlands = 0>>
<<set $finished_Place_riverlands = 0>>
<<set $finished_Place_vale = 0>>
<<set $finished_Place_iron = 0>>
<<set $finished_Place_north = 0>>
<<set $leaveKL = false>>//default false
/* Westeros */
<<set $HighgardenUnlock = false>> //default false
<<set $CasterlyRockUnlock = false>> //default false
<<set $DragonstoneUnlock = false>> //default false
/* Place-Outcome */
<<set $Outcome_Place_crownlands = 0>> // 0 notDone, 1 Marriage Leanor, 2 Steward Leanor
<<set $Outcome_Place_reach = 0>> // 0 notDone, 1 Marriage Margaery, 2 Lannister, 3 Gold payed
/* Debugg-Var */
<<set $Show_Room = false>>
<<set $JumpStart = 0>> //default 0
/* Basic Stats */
<<set $time to 1>> // 1 Morning, 2 Noon, 3 Night
<<set $day to 1>> // 1 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Thursday, 5 Friday, 6 Saturday, 7 Sunday
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>
<<set $sexType to 0>> // 0 undress, 1 handjob, 2 bj, 3 missionary, 4 cowgirl, 12 cumBj, 13 cumChest
<<set $gold to 15>> //default 15
<<set $debt to 2000000>>
<<set $debtPayedAmount = 0>>
<<set $debtWeekly to 2>>
<<set $debtLastWeek = 0>>
<<set $weeklyIncrease = 2>>
<<set $dailyIncome to 0>>
<<set $debtToPay = 4>>
<<set $debtDefered = false>>
<<set $debtPayedThisWeek = false>>
<<character 'Collector' 'img/portraits/UnknownM.jpg'>>
<<set $houseMeetedThisWeek = false>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 30>>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 50>>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 50>>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 50>>\
<<set $TargaryenSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 40>>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 60>>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 50>>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 70>>\
<<character 'Ambassador' 'img/portraits/UnknownM.jpg'>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "">>\
<<set $houseMeetingObject = 0>>\
<<set $fightSkill = 0>>
<<set $ridingSkill = 0>>
<<set $brewingSkill = 0>>
<<set $herbalistSkill = 0>>
<<set $swimmingSkill = 0>>
<<set $harvestingSkill = 0>>
/* Targaryan */
/* Aegis */
/* Raenyra */
<<set $raenyra_pic = 1>>
<<set $raenyra_love = 10>>
<<set $raenyra_quest = 1>> // 1 is default
<<set $raenyra_door = 0>> // 0 nothing, 1 room, 2 bath
/* Leanor */
<<set $leanor_pic = 1>>
<<set $leanor_love = -80>> //-80 default
<<set $leanor_quest = 1>>
<<set $leanor_door = 0>> // 0 nothing, 1 room, 2 bath
<<set $leanor_status = 0>> //0 nothing, 1 steward, 2 wife
/* Plaeyon */
<<set $playerName = "Plaeyon">>
<<set $plaeyon_Marriage = 0>> //0 not married, 1 Leanor, 2 Margaery
<<set $plaeyon_pic = 1>>
/* Daenerys */
<<set $daenerys_pic = 1>>
<<set $daenerys_love = -10>>
<<set $daenerys_quest = 1>>
<<set $daenerys_door = 0>> // 0 nothing, 1 room, 2 bath
/* Lannister */
/* Tyrell */
/* Orlena */
<<set $olenna_pic = 1>>
<<set $olenna_love = 20>>
<<set $olenna_quest = 1>>
<<set $olenna_door = 0>>
/* Margaery */
<<set $margaery_pic = 1>>
<<set $margaery_love = 30>>
<<set $margaery_quest = 1>>
<<set $margaery_door = 0>>
<<set $margaery_status = 0>> //0 default, 1 Married Plaeyon,
/* Kingslanding Court */
/* Angela */
<<set $angela_pic = 1>>
<<set $angela_love = 40>>
<<set $angela_quest = 1>>
<<set $angela_door = 0>>// 0 nothing, 1 brewing room, 2 Greenhouse
/* Alison */
<<set $alison_pic = 1>>
<<set $alison_quest = 1>>//Quest = 2 is max
/* Colby */
<<set $colby_pic = 1>>
<<set $colby_quest = 1>>//Quest = 2 is max
/* Gianna */
<<set $gianna_avaiable = true>>
/* Charlotte */
<<set $charlotte_pic = 1>>
<<set $charlotte_quest = 1>>//Quest = 2 is max
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 0>> //0 Dragonstone, 1 Wall, 2 Prison,
/* Character-Level */
/* Special */
<<character 'Developer' 'img/portraits/AA-developer.jpg'>>
<<set $GameVersion = "V0.2 by The Emperor King">>
/* Audio */
<<set $volume = 0.5>>
<<cacheaudio "TarTheme" "img/sound/tarTheme.mp3">>
<!-- Music licensed by: Elite Alliance Music -->
<<cacheaudio "TyrTheme" "img/sound/tyrTheme.mp3">>
<!-- Music composed by Ramin Djawadi -->
<<cacheaudio "LanTheme" "img/sound/lanTheme.mp3">>
<!-- Game of Thrones S8 Official Soundtrack | The Rains of Castamere - Ramin Djawadi -->
<<cacheaudio "LanInstrumentalTheme" "img/sound/lanInstrumentalTheme.mp3">>
<!-- Game of Thrones S8 Official Soundtrack | The Rains of Castamere - Ramin Djawadi --><img src="img/portraits/extra/ZZbannersmall.jpg" width="75%">
<b>Date and Time</b>
<<if $day == 1>>\
<<elseif $day == 2>>\
<<elseif $day == 3>>\
<<elseif $day == 4>>\
<<elseif $day == 5>>\
<<elseif $day == 6>>\
<<elseif $day == 7>>\
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<elseif $time == 2>>\
<<elseif $time == 3>>\
$energy Power
$gold Pound
<b>Weekly debt</b>
<<set $currentPassage = passage()>>
<<if $Show_Room == true>>
<<button "Cheats" Cheat>><</button>>
<<if $angela_quest >= 4 or $Show_Room == true>>\
<<button "Book about all Houses" BookHouses>><</button>>\
<<button "Wait" $currentPassage>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = $time -1>>\
<<button "Volume $volume" $currentPassage>>\
<<set $volume = $volume + 0.25>>\
<<if $volume > 1>>\
<<set $volume = 0>>\
<<if $MS_leanor_status >= 1>>\
<<button "Stability" Stability>>\<</button>>\
<<button "Debug" $currentPassage>>\
<<if $Show_Room == false>>\
<<set $Show_Room = true>>\
<<set $Show_Room = false>>\
<<button "Emergency Exit" EmergencyExit>>\<</button>>\
/*with png*/
style="position: relative;">
src="img/lorient/map.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if $doromityBuild is true>>\
@src="'img/lorient/mapDormitory.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if $doromityBuild is true>>\
@src="'img/lorient/mapSportsground.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
/*without png*/
<img src="img/lorient/shopSold.jpg" width="100%">\
/*img with param*/
<img @src="'img/lena/sport/sport'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="100%">\<<audio ":all" stop>>\
<<goto "CourtyardKL">>\
<<button "Shop" Shop>><</button>>\
[[Finish talk |Garden]]
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,4) >>\
Firstname: <<textbox "$firstname" "Leonardo">>
Lastname: <<textbox "$lastname" "Marino">>
/* Speach */
/* creating characters and associating them with images (goes in StoryInit) */
<<character 'lisa' 'images/portraits/lisa.jpg'>>
/* using the generated macros in passages */
<<lisa>>Hey there!<</lisa>>
<<maxine>>Do i know you?<</maxine>>
<<billy>>You just use the name you passed into the {{{<<character>>}}} macro as its own macro to create speech boxes!<</billy>>
/* Riddle anwers text box */
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>
<<if ["test", "testing", "tested"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<set $cell1 = 'open'>>\
<<goto "Cell A">>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["The lock does not open", "The lock does not move", "Nothing moves"])>><</replace>>
/* popover */
<<popover 'invert' 'opaque'>>Hi there!<</popover>>
<<popover 'transparent' 'my-class'>>[img[assets/my-img.png]]<</popover>>
<<popover 'my-class'>>[img[assets/my-img.png]]<</popover>>
<<popover 'noclick'>>[[Move on]]<</popover>>
/* notify */
/% a simple, two-second-long notification with no added classes %/
<<notify>>Achievement unlocked!<</notify>>
/% a lengthy five-second-long notification %/
<<notify 5s>>$xp experience points earned.<</notify>>
/* timed, fadein and linkreplace */
<<timed 2s>>\
Look at the letter.
<<fadein 2>>
<<timed 5s>>\
<<linkreplace "You start your travel to Lorient..">>
/* Table */
<td>Late Morning</td>
<td>After Noon</td>
</table><h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<b> - Bold text
<strong> - Important text
<i> - Italic text
<em> - Emphasized text
<mark> - Marked text
<small> - Smaller text
/* Color */
<h1 style="color:Tomato;">Hello World</h1>
<p style="color:DodgerBlue;">Lorem ipsum...</p>
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">Ut wisi enim...</p>Thanks for your honesty.
Have a nice day and life.<img src="img/portraits/extra/ZZbannerBig.jpg" width="100%">
Welcome to Game of Boobs, a game made with Twine. In this game, you'll play as the heir of an old king, navigating through a world filled with both friends and foes and ultimately ruling over the realm.
Are you capable of becoming a ruler who fosters prosperity and harmony, or will you lose it all for yourself and your family?
This game was inspired by games like "The Monastery" by Alcahest, "The Good Son" by Lobsterman9999, "The Company" by Westane, and some others I forgot.
Any similarities in names, locations, or images are purely coincidental.
I want to clarify that I do not own any of the materials shown in this game. If you own any of the material and would like it removed, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Please use a headphone as this game has sounds.
Firstname: <<textbox "$playerName" "Plaeyon">>
<<linkreplace "Content-Info (Spoiler)">>\
<small>Content goes until you completed Highgarden.
If you need to find a quest or more info on a character, feel free to take a look into the "Book of all Houses" in your Bedroom.</small>
Written: 2023-06-08
<<linkreplace "Time, Date and Energy">>
<u>Time, Date and Energy</u>
The day is divided into three parts: morning, noon and night.
Most actions will advance time.
There are specific actions that can only be performed during a particular time and day.
To advance to the next day, simply sleep in your bedroom. You'll also restore your energy every time you do so.
<<linkreplace "Gold">>\
In order to pay off your debt at the "Golden Bank", you will require gold.
To earn gold, it is necessary to gain influence over other houses and partake in various activities.
Failure to repay the debt for two consecutive weeks will result in "Golden Bank" seizing all your assets, causing your dynasty to lose the Game of Boobs.
<<linkreplace "Stability">>\
Maintaining stability is crucial to ensure that your domain remains under control. (Active after completing Act I.)
You can increase it every week with an event. Otherwise, you can also finish a Houses-Quest to get it on your side.
If the satisfaction of a House reaches 0, a rebellion will be initiated and the likelihood of winning it is very low.
<<linkreplace "Relationships">>\
You will need to keep good relationships with your own family and other families to have lewd interactions.
Relationships can be increased by interacting with characters.
Level 100 is the maximum you can reach with a character.
<<linkreplace "Quest">>\
Every significant character has a quest for you. To get additional information about a quest, you can make use of the book in your bedroom.
You can read this info again by clicking on the "Info"-Button in the side panel.
<div style="text-align: center;">\
<<button "Begin" Intro>><</button>>
<<button "Skipt Intro" Bedroom>><</button>>\
<<button "Jump Starts" JumpStart1>><</button>>\
<<linkreplace "Changelog">>\
<b>2023-06-08 V0.2</b>
-Added House Tyrell/The Reach
-Added House-Stability
-Changed Dialog-Design
-Changed Custome-Player-Name
<b>2023-05-12 V0.1-Fix3</b>
-Changed Intro so she is now really your Aunt (Must have been drunk writing it. Thanks to tgp31)
-Fixed Cell-Unlock on Dragonstone (Copy-Paste-Mistake)
<b>2023-05-11 V0.1-Fix2</b>
-Really fixed Dragonstone arrival (For Info: You have to complete all quests of Raenyra/Daenerys for this to unlock.
Then talk to Angela.)
<b>2023-05-10 V0.1-Fix1</b>
-Added "Skip Intro"
-Changed some spelling mistakes | <small>Thanks to jeffrey1667 for some examples</small>
-Changed the arrival on Dragonstone, should work better now
-Changed Intro-Speed
-Fixed Raenyra-Armory | <small>Thanks derpymeh for the Quick Fix</small>
<b>2023-05-07 V0.1</b>
Initial Release
<</linkreplace>>\<<audio "TarTheme" loop volume 0.5 play>>\
<div style="text-align: center;">\
<h2>It is the year <b>1263 AC</b>.</h2>\
<<timed 1s>>\
Around 979 years after <b style="color:Tomato;">Daenerys Targaryen</b>.
/* all times are 4, except "after the events" which is 6 */
<<timed 1s>>\
The land of Westeros is <b>still the same</b>.
The land of Westeros has changed.
<<timed 1s>>\
The land of the <b>Seven Kingdoms</b>.
The land of only one Kingdom.
<<timed 1s>>\
The old houses are dead.
The old houses <b>are alive</b>.
<<timed 1s>>\
The old Houses are new Houses.
The land of Westeros is ruled by different rulers and rules.
The <b>Seven</b> Kingdoms are <b>One</b>, but still separated.
<<timed 1s>>\
The <b style="color:Tomato;">Targaryen</b> have reclaimed the throne, which is not the iron one anymore.
<<linkreplace "Restoring the events">>\
Following the Song of Ice and Fire, the general belief was that there were no surviving Targaryens.
But in a brief period while being in Esteros, Viserys Targaryen's legacy was carried forth through the birth of his child.
The identity of the child who played a pivotal role in the re-establishment of the Targaryen dynasty is shrouded in mystery and remains unknown. However, as per the popular legend, this enigmatic figure held the key to the origins of one of the most renowned and impactful royal houses in the history of Westeros.
A descendant of his, also named Viserys, successfully tamed the long-lost dragon Drogon and used it to conquer Westeros anew.
<<linkreplace "The War in the North">>\
On a certain night, before the impending conflict with the North, Drogon, the mighty dragon, met an untimely demise as it slumbered, there is a belief that he was poisoned or bewitched.
This led Viserys Targaryen to only dispatch his army towards the North.
But to prevent bloodshed and to save thousands of lives, the Queen of the North surrendered and got voluntarily integrated back into the Seven Kingdoms.
But the House <b style="color:DodgerBlue;">Stark</b> had two demands:
<b>The King of the Seven Kingdoms should never have an army again.</b>
<b>King Viserys IV. should be the last King, as the line of succession should be changed to females.</b>
This, thou weakening the King's authority, influence, and inheritance plans got accepted.
<<linkreplace "The new King">>\
Exactly 526 years later, in the year 1196, there was an event that nearly brought back the war to the continent.
<b>Queen <b style="color:Tomato;">Paulya II.</b> died.</b>
She gave birth to a son, a male, a reject, and died at a significantly high age in childbirth.
As her daughter <b style="color:Tomato;">Leanor</b> was only just born and an infant, the throne went to her son,
which name was Aegis, later known as <b style="color:Tomato;">Aegis I</b>.
Not because he was the first King to be named Aegis, but because he was the first <b>King</b> there was for hundreds of years.
Leanor, sometimes called the "True Heir of the Targaryen" had even after becoming an adult no intentions to rule and so did not want the throne, instead, she wanted and got the castle Dragonstone and all lands that belong to the Targaryan-Dynasty.
<<linkreplace "Who am I">>\
Leanor is your aunt and King Aegis I. is your father, for you being <b style="color:Tomato;">$playerName</b>, first son of the King.
Although you weren't a legit son, for you being a <b>bastard</b> for more than half of your life, until one day your father decided to legitimize you as a real Targaryen.
<<linkreplace "My family">>\
You got two <b>step-sisters</b>: <b style="color:Tomato;">Daenerys</b> and <b style="color:Tomato;">Raenyra</b>.
One of which your father ordered you to marry, so your claim on the throne would be unassailable, as he wants you to be his heir.
<b>He wants you to get the male gender back into the line of succession.</b>
[[Are you ready? |IntroBedroom]]
</div>\<<audio "TarTheme" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<timed 6s>>\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are waking up in your bedroom in the castle in Kingslanding.
<<timed 2s>>\
<small>knock knock knock</small>
<<timed 4s>>\
Your sister Daenerys opens the door.
<<timed 8s>>\
<<speech "Daenerys">>Brother, wake up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah.. What is the matter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Go grab your clothes, the time has come.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>W.. What time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>The King you idiot.. he is dying.
The Meister and Raenyra is already with him.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright I am on my way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Stop talking, start getting ready!<</speech>>
She left your room.
<<linkreplace "Grab your clothes.">>\
You put your clothes on.
<<set $introClothes = true>>\
[[Go to your father|IntroHallway]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/door_closed.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<timed 4s>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela_work.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the hallway in front of the King's bedroom.
<<timed 6s>>\
You see Meister Angela just leaving the bedroom. She looks done.
<<speech "Meister">>Prince $playerName, good that you are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister! My father, how is he?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>His time has come.
He won't live till noon.<</speech>>
You are in a state of shock. You know that nothing will be the same.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>My god..<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>He told me he wants to talk to you.. one last time.<</speech>>
You shudder a bit because you can only imagine what your father is going to tell you.
[[Enter the King's room|IntroKing]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom-king.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<timed 1s>>\
@src="'img/scene/intro/bedroom.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
You are in the King's bedroom.
Only your two sisters, the Kingsguard, and your father are here.
<<speech "Raenyra">>$playerName , what took you so long?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Im sorry, I came a quickly as possible.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Like always.. haha<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Why are you laughing Daenerys, there is nothing to laugh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>I am laughing because I want to. Do not make the mistake to tell me what to do!<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Why are you laughing Daenerys, there is nothing to laugh!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You hear your father make himself known.">>\
You hear your father make himself known.
<<speech "Aegis">>Oooohhhh... *cough cough*<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Father!<</speech>>
<<speech "Aegis">>Plaeyon.. my only son.
Come closer, I want to see your face one last time<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You get closer.">>\
You get closer and can finally see his face.
He looks old and at the end of his powers, the kings-duty took their price.
<img src="img/scene/intro/bedroom-king.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Aegis">>Ahhh... you became a real man. A real king<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Father, I cannot be the King. You are the only King.
And my Sister Raenyra should be the heir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Aegis">>She cannot be.. she doesn't have the heart for it, but you have it.
You know what is important. And I choose you to be my heir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>But fathe-<</speech>>
<<speech "Aegis">>Shut up. I do not have much time.<</speech>>
You keep your mouth shut and listen to what your father has to say.
<<speech "Aegis">>$playerName , I, Aegis the first, King of the seven kingdoms, Lord of the man and so on, first protector of the land, change the line of succession and choose you to be the next King of the seven kingdoms.<</speech>>
You feel honored, but also a big weight upon your shoulders.
<small>He gets a bit closer to you and starts to whisper</small>
<<speech "Aegis">>Son... you will have to change yourself, bend yourself till you forget who you really are. As king your first duty is the realm and the people, only your last duty is yourself.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "I don't understand, you said I am already good, but why should I have to change?">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't understand, you said I am already good, but why should I have to change?<</speech>>
<<speech "Aegis">>Ahhh.. the world won't accept you the way you are.. but you will have to find that out by yourself...<</speech>>
<<speech "Aegis">>Go- *cough cough* -send your sisters back in, I want to talk to them also.. but you go.. to the great hall..<</speech>>
<<speech "Aegis">> You need to be crowned before I leave this world...<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Goodbye father, and thank you for all..<</speech>>
[[Send your sisters back in and go to the great hall.|IntroGreatHall]]
<</linkreplace >>
<</linkreplace >>
<</linkreplace >><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela_work.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
You are in the great hall, also known as the throneroom.
<<speech "Meister">>Prince $playerName, the King already instructed me. Please come closer and change.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister Angela, I- I do not know what to say.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Say nothing, this is the moment your father planned for you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You get closer and change.">>\
You get closer and change.
And you see a few people from the land and the court.
<<speech "Meister">>Prince $playerName, son of King Aegis I.
I crown you the next King of the seven Kingdoms.
Ruler of the first men.
Lord Protector of the realm.
She puts the crown on your head and starts to shout with all the other people in the room.
<<speech "Meister">>Long may he reign. Long may he reign. Long may he reign.<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom-close.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela_throne.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
@src="'img/kg/alison_throne.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
@src="'img/tar/plaeyon/plaeyon_throne.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
@src="'img/tar/plaeyon/crown_throne.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
There you are. Standing before the thrown. Clothe like a king. With the crown resting on your head.
You are the King.
[[Let your rein begin.|IntroInfo]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom-king.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is your bedroom.
<<if $introTalk == false>>
A week has passed since your father left this world and you became the King.
Today is the day you will be lectured in ruleling this kingdom, for this you got a meeting with your Meister, which is also your Hand in the Tower of the Hand.
[[Go to the Tower of the Hand|TowerHand]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hand-room.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
You are in the Tower of the Hand.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister, I am here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Good to see you, your majesty.
We have to talk about ruling the kingdom, please take a seat.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You sit down, eagerly awaiting her lessons.">>\
You sit down, eagerly awaiting her lessons.
<<speech "Meister">>Alright first of all, we are broke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What? How? How in the world can the King be broke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>We have no income, just expenses. That is how.
Your aunt Leanor has all the remaining land of the Targaryen Dynasty, except Kingslanding of course.<</speech>>
Oh shit, you think to yourself, a king without gold won't be long a king. You think of other ways to generate income.
<<linkreplace "That is not good, but what about the other lords and houses, don't they have to pay tax or something.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That is not good, but what about the other lords and houses, don't they have to pay tax or something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>They have to yes, but they do not. Milord, we do not have an army to enforce the taxes on those lords. Only the Baratheon pay from free will, but they are not a big house so it is not enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, so I have to get those houses to pay taxes by liking me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Yes, but this will take a lot of time.
Unfortunately, you will have to find some other way of income until then. Because the Golden Bank in Esteros wants it to pay tax each Monday until the debt is paid.<</speech>>
Your heart skips a beat.
I am the king, the fucking king! And I have to find work like a peasant, you think to yourself.
<<linkreplace "Alright, I guess there is no other way. I try to find something to get money.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, I guess there is no other way. I try to find something to get money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Great, but I am afraid that this is not all..<</speech>>
Not all.. she said, how much can I take.. you think.
<<speech "Meister">>Even if your lordship can pay the bank debt, the other houses will revolt against your reign.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Please make it stop.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Please make it stop.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Your father was the only child of Paulya II. so there could not be another king. But you, you have two sisters, Raenyra even older than you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>I know how the houses are, some might be okay with that, but houses like Stark in the North, Tyrell in the Reach, or Lannister in the West will never tolerate you.<</speech>>
You try to get your thoughts together and find a solution for those houses.
<<linkreplace "Okay.. I understand.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay.. I understand. I need to get those houses to pay income and not revolutionize against me.
Those two things are the complete opposite of each other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Difficult situation, it won't be easy and maybe you need different methods for each house.
A good mix of blackmail, seduction, and pledges might be the way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright. Anything else?<</speech>>
You ask with the fear that she might tell you even more things to handle.
<<speech "Meister">>No, not at the moment. If you need me, I will be in the sept normally.
Another tip I would give you is to start getting a better relationship with your sisters and your aunt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, okay.. can you write all of that may be down somewhere?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Surely your majesty. In your room, there will be a book about all houses in the seven Kingdoms and also a report about our talk today and what to do.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Thank you very much.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Have a good day my King.<</speech>>
With that, you leave the room and go to your bedroom. You are exhausted and need to lie down a bit.
[[You return to your room and go to bed|Bedroom]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom-king.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is your bedroom.
On the shelve, you see the "[[Book about all Houses|BookHouses]]".
On the table next to you is the [[report|ReportIntro]] from the Meister.
<<if $MS_leanor_status >= 1>>\
The daily report about the [[stability|Stability]] in the realm is also on the table.
There is a [[map|RegionResources]] on the wall.
<<if $day == 1 and $debtPayedThisWeek == false>>\
You have a meeting with the [[Golden Bank.|Paydebt]]
<<elseif $day == 4 and $houseMeetedThisWeek == false>>\
You have a meeting with one of [[the Houses|HouseMeeting]]
<<elseif ($time == 3 or $energy == 0)>>\
You can [[sleep|SleepKL]] in your bed.
It is too early to sleep.
<<set $place = "Bedroom">>\
<<button "Hallway" HallwayKL>><</button>>\<h2>The Book about all Houses of the Seven Realms</h2>
Between these pages is the story of Westeros. Each important house is listed with all living members.
Each house is listed with its coat of arms and a short information about itself.
The members of each house are listed by age.
[[Stark (WIP)|StarkBook]]
[[Lannister (WIP)|LannisterBook]]
[[Baratheon (WIP)|BaratheonBook]]
[[Martell (WIP)|MartellBook]]
<<back>>Report from the ruling-lecture with the king.
<h2>GBD (Golden Bank debt)</h2>\
The seven Kingdoms have a debt of about 2.000.000 pounds of gold with the Golden Bank.
You can earn money by doing some activity or getting houses to pay tax.
You can review your finances from the report I will place in the Tower of the Hand.
The Bank of Esserso wants it to pay tax each Monday.
You need to have the required amount of gold each Monday.
You can pay the gold from the Tower of the Hand each Monday Evening.
<h2>IOH (Influence Over Houses)</h2>\
The seven Kingdoms are in themselves very divided and won't accept you as a male King.
You need to bribe them somehow by blackmailing, seducing, and giving pledges.
You should try your best with your family first if you are done with that, I will inform the others about the new King.
Your current progress can be seen in the report I will place in the Tower of the Hand.
If you fail to gather enough influence you will probably get dethroned and usurped.
If you have some other questions, feel free to contact me in the sept.
<small>Meister Angela</small>
<small>post scriptum: I will add contents to this report if there is more to do</small>
<img src="img/house/tyrell.jpg" width="30%">\
Coat of arms: A golden rose, on a green field
Motto: Growing hard
Titles: Warden of the Reach, Highgarden
Living members:
<img src="img/house/lannister.jpg" width="30%">\
Coat of arms: A gold lion, on a crimson field
Motto: Hear Me Moan!
Titles: Warden of the West, Casterly Rock
Living members:
<img src="img/house/targaryen.jpg" width="30%">\
Coat of arms: Dragon, red on black
Motto: Fire and Ass
Titles: Rulers of the seven Kingdoms, Kingslanding, Dragonstone
Living members:
[[$playerName I.|PlaeyonBook]]
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/plaeyon/plaeyon' + $plaeyon_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Age: 28
Status: You, legitimized bastard, the male heir of Aegis I.
Title: King of the Seven Kingdoms
<<if $raenyra_quest >= 1 or $daenerys_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>Getting The Sisters In Line.</strong>
As the new king, I need the family behind my back. I should try to get in favour of my two sisters Raenyra and Daenerys.\
<<if $raenyra_quest >= 4 and $daenerys_quest >= 4>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
<<if $raenyra_quest >= 4 and $daenerys_quest >= 4>>\
<strong>The True Heir Of The Targaryen</strong>
After my two sisters stand with me. I need to get my aunt Leanor to pay up for her land. I also need her so the other the kingdoms have to accept me. But first I should talk to Meister Angela about this.\
<<if $leanor_quest >= 4>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $MS_leanor_status == 1>>\
<strong>The King Of The Seven Kingdoms</strong>
My whole family stands behind me. I am the undisputed heir of the Targaryen dynasty. I have already decided which two Houses my next targets are. I only have to get onto the wagon in the courtyard.\
<<if $MS_leanor_status == 2>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $HighgardenUnlock == true>>\
<strong>The Reach</strong>
I arrived at Highgarden and made a deal with the Tyrells. First, I will help Princess Margaery with the harvest and Lady Olenna with her Lannister problem. Then they will support me and stand with me against the other Houses.
If I fulfilled my part of the deal, I should be able to meet with Olenna in the conference room.\
<<if $finished_Place_reach == 1>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
Actor: Manuel Ferrara
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' + $raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Age: 24
Status: Sister, Rightful heir to Aegis I. through the female succession
Title: Princess
Relationship: $raenyra_love
<<if $raenyra_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>Putting up a fight</strong>
Fighting is one of her greatest passions. Maybe you should meet here in the armory and train with her.\
<<if $raenyra_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
<<if $raenyra_quest >= 2>>\
<strong>Finding Waldo</strong>
Lately, I have seen her here in the courtyard looking at some pictures or something, maybe I should check on her.\
<<if $raenyra_quest > 2>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $raenyra_quest >= 3>>\
<strong>A stick for a dog</strong>
Last time Raenyra told me that the staff our father had in his last few years got lost somewhere at the graveyard. Maybe I should talk to her and help find it. \
<<if $raenyra_quest > 3>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
Actress: Eva Elfie
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' + $daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Age: 21
Status: Sister
Title: Princess
Relationship: $daenerys_love
<<if $daenerys_quest >= 1>>\
Dragon riding is one of the most important skills of a Targaryan, unfortunately, there are no more dragons. But it is still one of Daenerys greatest passions. Maybe you should meet here in the barn and have a ride out with her.\
<<if $daenerys_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
<<if $daenerys_quest >= 2>>\
<strong>Breaker of chains</strong>
Daenerys is always in the Tower of the Hand and looks over to the prison, maybe I should check on her.\
<<if $daenerys_quest > 2>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $daenerys_quest >= 3>>\
<strong>Mother of the dragons</strong>
After our little prison adventure, one inmate told us that she knows where an old dragon egg is. I should talk with the Daenerys and the Meister about this.\
<<if $daenerys_quest > 3>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
Actress: Naomi Woods
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/leanor/leanor' + $leanor_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Age: 28
Status: Aunt<<if $leanor_status == 0>>, "True Heir of the Targaryen"<<elseif $leanor_status == 2>>, Wife<</if>>
Titel: <<if $leanor_status == 1>>Steward of Dragonstone<<elseif $leanor_status == 2>>Queen of the seven Kingdoms, Lady of Dragonstone<<else>>Lady of Dragonstone<</if>>
Relationship: $leanor_love
<<if $leanor_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>True Heir of the Targaryen</strong>
I have to influence her so she revokes her claim on the throne and she starts to pay the tax. For this, I will have to travel to Dragonstone and talk with her.\
<<if $leanor_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
<<if $leanor_quest >= 2>>\
I finally arrived on the isle of Dragonstone, a castle built on a huge volcano surrounded by water.
When I look outside of my window I can see Lady Leanor every day swimming in the water at the beach. Maybe I should visit her.\
<<if $leanor_quest > 2>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $leanor_quest >= 3>>\
<strong>The old tongue</strong>
Lady Leanor likes to speak Valyrian and if I also start to learn the language of our forefathers she might be even more impressed. I should talk to her in her bedroom.\
<<if $leanor_quest > 3>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
Actress: Skylar Vox
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Age: 50
Status: Mother of Margaery, Dynasty-Head
Title: Lady of Highgarden, Lady of the Reach
Relationship: $olenna_love
<<if $HighgardenUnlock == true>>\
<<if $olenna_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>The Problem With The Lannisters</strong>
Upon meeting House Tyrell, they informed me they required my assistance to find the Lannisters-Saboteurs. I should probably meet with Lady Olenna in the conference room to discuss the next steps.\
<<if $olenna_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
<<if $olenna_quest >= 2>>\
<strong>Tracking The Lannisters-Saboteurs</strong>
Lady Olenna asked me to talk to her in her bedroom. This way, she can inform me about the Lannister hideout.
<<if $olenna_quest > 2>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $olenna_quest >= 3>>\
<strong>Into The Lion's Den</strong>
We managed to find and ground the Lannisters-Saboteurs in the ruin. We only need more men to eliminate them. For this, Lady Olenna wanted to talk to me at the entrance in the morning.\
<<if $olenna_quest > 3>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
You have to unlock Highgarden in the Reach.
Actress: Brandi Love
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Age: 34
Status: Daughter of Lady Olenna Tyrell
Title: <<if $Outcome_Place_reach == 1>>Queen Consort, <</if>>Princess of Highgarden, Princess of the Reach
Relationship: $margaery_love
<<if $HighgardenUnlock == true>>\
<<if $margaery_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>Blue Harvest</strong>
Upon meeting House Tyrell, they informed me, that my assistance is required with the harvest. Helping there is crucial to the goal: obtaining the support of the Tyrells. I should go to the field to meet Princess Margaery.\
<<if $margaery_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
<<if $margaery_quest >= 2>>\
<strong>A Maze In The Daze</strong>
Margaery asked me to meet her in the garden sometime after I helped her in the field.\
<<if $margaery_quest > 2>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $margaery_quest >= 3>>\
<strong>I Am The Hunter</strong>
The last time we spoke, she expressed interest in joining me on a hunting trip. For this, I should meet her in the Hall.\
<<if $margaery_quest > 3>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
You have to unlock Highgarden in the Reach.
Actress: Tina Kay
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/lan/cersei/cersei' + $cersei_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Age: 35
Status: Mother of Myrcella and Marya, Dynasty-Head
Titel: Lady of Casterly Rock, Lady of the West
Relationship: $sersei_love
Out of content.
Actress: Nicole Aniston
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5>>\
@src="'img/kg/alison' +$alison_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<elseif $day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6>>\
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<elseif $day == 7 and $gianna_avaiable == true>>\
@src="'img/kg/gianna1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the hallway.
<<if $day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5>>\
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkKLAlison]]
<<elseif $day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6>>\
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkKLColby]]
<<button "Bedroom" Bedroom>><</button>>\
<<if $raenyra_door >= 1>>\
<<button "Raenyras Bedroom" BedroomKLRae>><</button>>\
<<button "Raenyras Bedroom [Locked]" BedroomKLRaeLocked>><</button>>\
<<if $daenerys_door >= 1>>\
<<button "Daenery's Bedroom" BedroomKLDae>><</button>>
<<button "Daenery's Bedroom [Locked]" BedroomKLDaeLocked>><</button>>\
<<button "Courtyard" CourtyardKL>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 1>>\
src="img/tar/raenyra/bedroom1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is Raenyras bedroom.
<<if ($raenyra_pic_found == 2)>>\
<<linkreplace "Search for the drawings">>\
Search for the drawings.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>How could she not find this one by herself?<</speech>>
You pick a piece of paper up.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic3.jpg" width="50%">\
<<notify 5s>>You found drawing 3 out of 5<</notify>>\
You take a quick look at it and stuff it into your pocket.
<<set $raenyra_pic_found = 3>>\
<<if $time == 1>>\
You can see Raenyra getting ready.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Wow, you scared me.. thought you would be someone else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Don't worry, it is only me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Do you want anything?<</speech>>
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkKLRae]]
<<if $raenyra_door >= 2>>\
<<button "Bathroom" BathKLRae>><</button>>\
<<button "Bathroom [Locked]" BathKLRaeLocked>><</button>>\
<<button "Hallway" HallwayKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 1>>\
src="img/tar/daenerys/bedroom1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is Daenery's bedroom.
<<if $time == 1>>\
You can see Daenerys getting ready.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Brother.. didn't know I let you in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The door was opend so..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Soo... you just come in? That is not very kinglike..
Anyways, do you want something?<</speech>>
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkKLDae]]
<<if $daenerys_door >= 2>>\
<<button "Bathroom" BathKLDae>><</button>>\
<<button "Bathroom [Locked]" BathKLDaeLocked>><</button>>\
<<button "Hallway" HallwayKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bathroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 3)>>\
src="img/tar/raenyra/bath1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This Raenyras bathroom.
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 3)>>\
You can see Raenyra taking a bath.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Hey, what are you doing in here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Just checking in on you. Everything okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Yes sure.. but can you let me have my free time on my own?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alrigth, good night Raenyra.<</speech>>
You leave the room.
<<button "Raenyras Bedroom" BedroomKLRae>><</button>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bathroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
src="img/tar/daenerys/bath1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This Daenerys bathroom.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
You can see Raenyra just coming out of the tub.
<<speech "Daenerys">>No privacy in this whole castle.. I guess I should move out. What do you say brother?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am sorry, I just heard the water running.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>I.. well.. I should probably not say what I would like to say to you, so I just tell you:
Get out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, I am very sorry.. have a good night Daenerys.<</speech>>
You leave the room.
<<button "Daenery's Bedroom" BedroomKLDae>><</button>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/kl/castle/sleep.gif" width="100%">\
Sleeping... zzz ZZZ zzz
<<set $energy = 100>>\
<<set $time to 1>>\
<<set $day to $day + 1>>\
<<if $day > 7>>\
Weekly tax income:
<<if $finished_Place_dorne == 1>>\
Dorne (Martell) + 5 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 5>>\
<<if $finished_Place_reach == 1>>\
Reach (Tyrell) + 10 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 10>>\
<<if $finished_Place_stormlands == 1>>\
Stormlands (Baratheon) + 5 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 5>>\
<<if $finished_Place_westerlands == 1>>\
Westerlands (Lannister) + 15 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 15>>\
<<if $finished_Place_crownlands == 1>>\
Crownlands (Targaryen) + 10 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 10>>\
<<if $finished_Place_riverlands == 1>>\
Riverlands (Tully) + 5 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 5>>\
<<if $finished_Place_vale == 1>>\
Vale (Arryn) + 5 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 5>>\
<<if $finished_Place_iron == 0>>\
Iron Islands (Greyjoy) - 3 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold - 3>>\
<<if $finished_Place_north == 1>>\
North (Stark) + 5 pounds of Gold.
<<set $gold = $gold + 5>>\
<<set $day to 1>>\
<<set $debtPayedThisWeek = false>>\
<<set $houseMeetedThisWeek = false>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<<linkreplace "Wake up">>\
<<goto $place>>\
<<if $finished_Place_dorne == 0 and $MartellSatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Martell">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
<<elseif $finished_Place_reach == 0 and $TyrellSatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Tyrell">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
<<elseif $finished_Place_stormlands == 0 and $BaratheonSatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Baratheon">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
<<elseif $finished_Place_westerlands == 0 and $LannisterSatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Lannister">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
<<elseif $finished_Place_riverlands == 0 and $TullySatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Tully">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
<<elseif $finished_Place_vale == 0 and $ArrynSatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Arryn">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
<<elseif $finished_Place_iron == 0 and $GreyjoySatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Greyjoy">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
<<elseif $finished_Place_north == 0 and $StarkSatisfaction == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Stark">>\
<<goto GameOverHouses>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/courtyard.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if ((($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2) and $raenyra_quest == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are on the courtyard.
<<if ((($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2) and $raenyra_quest == 2)>>\
[[You see Raenyra |Quest2Rae]]
<<button "Hallway" HallwayKL>><</button>>
<<button "Barn" BarnKL>><</button>>\
<<button "Armory" ArmoryKL>><</button>>\
<<if $leaveKL == true>>\
<<button "Westeros" Westeros>><</button>>\
<<button "Great Hallway" GreatHallwayKL>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the great hallway.
<<if ($raenyra_pic_found == 0)>>\
<<linkreplace "Serach for the drawings">>\
Serach for the drawings.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What do we have here?<</speech>>
You pick a pice of paper up.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic1.jpg" width="50%">\
<<notify 5s>>You found drawing 1 out of 5<</notify>>\
You take a quick look at it and stuff it into your pocket.
<<set $raenyra_pic_found = 1>>\
<<button "Courtyard" CourtyardKL>><</button>>
<<button "Tower of the Hand" HandRoomKL>><</button>>\
<<button "Throne room" ThroneRoomKL>><</button>>\
<<button "Great Sept" SeptKL>><</button>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/armory.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the armory. Current Fight-Skill: $fightSkill
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
You see Raenyra in the armory.
<<if $energy >= 25>>\
[[Train with her.|ArmoryTrainKL]]
<<if $fightSkill == 100>>
[[Let's have a duel.|ArmoryTrainDuelKL]]
Train with her [Energy >= 25]
<<if $time != 3 and $energy >=25>>\
Work [Too late/Not enough energy]
<<button "Courtyard" CourtyardKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/barn.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the barn. Current Riding-Skill: $ridingSkill
<<if ($raenyra_pic_found == 3)>>\
<<linkreplace "Serach for the drawings">>\
Serach for the drawings.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What do we have here?<</speech>>
You pick a pice of paper up.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic4.jpg" width="50%">\
<<notify 5s>>You found drawing 4 out of 5<</notify>>\
You take a quick look at it and stuff it into your pocket.
<<set $raenyra_pic_found = 4>>\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
You see Daenerys in the barn.
<<if $energy >= 25>>\
[[Ride out with her.|BarnTrainKL]]
<<if $ridingSkill >= 100>>
[[Let's have a race.|BarnTrainRaceKL]]
Train with her [Energy >= 25]
<<if $time != 3 and $energy >=25>>\
Work [Too late/Not enough energy]
<<button "Courtyard" CourtyardKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hand-room.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $daenerys_quest == 2>>\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the Tower of the Hand.
<<if ($raenyra_pic_found == 1)>>\
<<linkreplace "Serach for the drawings">>\
Serach for the drawings.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Another one for the bank.<</speech>>
You pick a pice of paper up.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic2.jpg" width="50%">\
<<notify 5s>>You found drawing 2 out of 5<</notify>>\
You take a quick look at it and stuff it into your pocket.
<<set $raenyra_pic_found = 2>>\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $daenerys_quest == 2>>\
[[Approach Daenerys|Quest2Dae]]
<<button "Great Hallway" GreatHallwayKL>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 3>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $daenerys_quest == 3>>\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the great sept.
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $daenerys_quest == 3>>\
[[Approach Daenerys|Quest3Dae]]
<<if $time == 3>>\
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkKLAngela]]
<<button "Great Hallway" GreatHallwayKL>><</button>>
<<if $angela_door >= 1>>\
<<button "Brewing Chamber" BrewingChamberKL>><</button>>\
<<elseif $angela_door == 0 and $time == 1 and ($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5)>>\
<<button "Brewing Chamber [Locked]" BrewingChamberLockedKL>><</button>>\
<<button "Brewing Chamber" BrewingChamberKL>><</button>>\
<<if $angela_door >= 2>>\
<<button "Greenhouse" GreenhouseKL>><</button>>\
<<elseif $angela_door < 2 and $time == 1 and ($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6)>>\
<<button "Greenhouse [Locked]" GreenhouseLockedKL>><</button>>\
<<button "Greenhouse" GreenhouseKL>><</button>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the throne room.
<<if ($raenyra_pic_found == 4)>>\
<<linkreplace "Serach for the drawings">>\
Serach for the drawings.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Holy shit, even here?<</speech>>
You pick a pice of paper up.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic5.jpg" width="50%">\
<<notify 5s>>You found drawing 5 out of 5<</notify>>\
You take a quick look at it and stuff it into your pocket.
<<set $raenyra_pic_found = 5>>\
<<button "Dungeon" DungeonKL>><</button>>
<<button "Great Hallway" GreatHallwayKL>><</button>><<audio ":all" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/westeros/westeros.jpg" width="50%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/kingslanding.png'" width="50%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
<<if $DragonstoneUnlock == true>>\
<img @src="'img/westeros/dragonstone.png'" width="50%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
<<if $HighgardenUnlock == true>>\
<img @src="'img/westeros/highgarden.png'" width="50%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;right: 20;">\
You are looking at the map of Westeros. From here you can travel to all other places.
<<button "Kingslanding" CourtyardKL>><</button>>\
<<if $DragonstoneUnlock == true>>\
<<button "Dragonstone" TravelToDS>><</button>>\
<<if $HighgardenUnlock == true>>\
<<button "Highgarden" TravelToHG>><</button>>\
<</if>>\<<audio ":all" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/dragonstoneClose.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are at the shore of Dragonstone.
<<button "Stairs" BridgeDS>><</button>>
<<button "Beach" BeachDS>><</button>>
<<if $MS_leanor_status != 0>>\
<<button "Westeros" TravelOfDS>><</button>>\
<<button "You can't return to Kingslanding until a ship arrives." EntranceDS>><</button>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/door_closed.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Raenyra's bedroom is locked.
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the keyhole">>\
You spy through the keyhole.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/raenyra/bedroom1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/portraits/extra/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Hello, is anybody there?
$playerName ?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that she calls your name that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes.. yes.. it is me. Just wanted to look after you.
Well I have to keep going.<</speech>>
Puh.. that was awkward.
<<notify 5s>>Raenyra relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $raenyra_love >= -100>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love - 5>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Hallway" HallwayKL>><</button>>\Time $time
<<button "+1 time" Cheat>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time to 1>>\
Date: $day
<<button "+1 day" Cheat>>
<<set $day to $day + 1>>\
<<set $lenaTalkedToday to false>>\
<<if $day > 7>>\
<<set $day to 1>>
<<button "-1 day" Cheat>>
<<set $day to $day - 1>>\
<<if $day < 1>>\
<<set $day to 1>>\
<<set $lenaTalkedToday to false>>\
Gold: $gold
<<button "+10 Gold" Cheat>>
<<set $gold = $gold + 10>>\
Targaryen-Quests-Finish: L:$leanor_quest D:$daenerys_quest R:$raenyra_quest
<<button "Finished KL Targaryen Quests" Cheat>>
<<set $leanor_quest = 4>>\
<<set $daenerys_quest = 4>>\
<<set $raenyra_quest = 4>>\
<<set $leaveKL = true>>\
<<set $DragonstoneUnlock = true>>\
Leanor-Quest-End: $leanor_status
<<button "Steward: 1" Cheat>>\
<<set $leanor_status = 1>>\
<<button "Wife: 2" Cheat>>\
<<set $leanor_status = 2>>\
<<button "Finish MainQuest1" Cheat>>\
<<set $MS_leanor_status = 1>>\
<<set $finished_Place_crownlands = 1>>\
<<button "Unlock Reach" Cheat>>
<<set $HighgardenUnlock = true>>
Got to:
<<button "Kingslanding" HallwayKL>><</button>>\<<button "Dragonstone" HallwayDS>><</button>>
<<button "Highgarden" HallwayHG>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/door_closed.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Raenyra's bathroom is locked.
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 3)>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the keyhole">>\
You spy through the keyhole.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bathroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/raenyra/bath1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/portraits/extra/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Raenyra">>$playerName ? Are you in my room?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that she calls your name that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey.. yeah.. just heard the water running. I thought you forgot it.
Well I have to keep going.<</speech>>
Puh.. that was awkward.
<<notify 5s>>Raenyra relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $raenyra_love >= -100>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love - 5>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Bedroom" BedroomKLRae>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Reanyra are alone.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkKLRae>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic = 1>>\
<<if $raenyra_love >= 40>>\
<<button "Lewd" TalkKLRae>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic = 2>>\
| Lewd [Love > 40]\
<<if $raenyra_love >= 70>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkKLRae>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic = 3>>\
| Nude [Love > 70]\
<<if $raenyra_love > 30 and $energy >= 25>>\
How about we two have some fun together?
<<button "Do you want to have sex?" SexKLRae>>\
Do you want to have sex? [Love > 30, Energy >= 25]
Lets talk about..
<<button "How are you doing?" TalkKLRae>>
I am doing fine.
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $raenyra_quest == 3>>\
[[Are you looking for something?|Quest3RaeStart]]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" BedroomKLRae>>
<<if $time != 3>>
<<set $time = $time + 1>>
<</button>>\<img src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Raenyra">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
_name is undressing for you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/undress.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
_name works your dick with her hands.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/handjob.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
_name gives you a blowjob.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/bj1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
She just keeps on going.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/bj2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 3>>\
You start to fuck her pussy.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/vagina1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
You go on an fuck her rhythmically.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/vagina2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 4>>\
_name takes initiative and starts to ride you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/riding1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
_name really seems to enjoy this.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/riding2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 12>>\
You cum into _name's mouth.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 13>>\
You cum onto _name's chest.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/cumChest1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 30>>\
<<button "Handjob" SexKLRae>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $raenyra_love to $raenyra_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLRae">>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 50>>\
<<button "Blowjob" SexKLRae>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $raenyra_love to $raenyra_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLRae">>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 70>>\
<<button "Riding" SexKLRae>>\
<<set $sexType to 4>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $raenyra_love to $raenyra_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLRae">>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 90>>\
<<button "Missionary" SexKLRae>>\
<<set $sexType to 3>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 50>>\
<<set $raenyra_love to $raenyra_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLRae">>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>
<<button "Cum in mouth" SexKLRae>>\
<<set $sexType to 12>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<goto "SexKLRae">>\
<<button "Cum on chest" SexKLRae>>\
<<set $sexType to 13>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<goto "SexKLRae">>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = 100>>\
Increased relationship by 2.
Current relationship at $raenyra_love.
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" HallwayKL>>\
<<if $time == 5>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
<<goto "SleepKL">>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
<<goto "HallwayKL">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/armory.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are training with Raenyra.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<img @src="'img/scene/armory/training'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="100%">\
After a while, you feel exhausted and end the training.
<<if $fightSkill < 30>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Puh, not that hard isn't it?<</speech>>
You are out of breath and can't answer straight.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wh.. well.. well.. it definitely was something..<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Oh come on, you have to get way fitter if you want to have a chance against me.
Will I see you here next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Maybe yes.. I need some time to rest. See you.<</speech>>
<<elseif $fightSkill < 50>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Good fight. You nearly got me.<</speech>>
You know that she is lying, you didn't come up to fight. But you don't want her to know.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah, was fun.. I have to get going.<</speech>>
<<elseif $fightSkill < 70>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Fuck, you are getting really strong brother.<</speech>>
This time was good.. just a little bit more and you can get her.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Didn't even break a sweat. See you next time.<</speech>>
<<elseif $fightSkill == 100>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Holy, you beat me hard in training..
I guess you are ready to fight me.<</speech>>
It is time to put your sister in place, is what you think. You are strong enough.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Raenyra, next time we will duel us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Yeess, our battle will be epic. I can't wait!<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>You increase your Fight-Skill +10!
Raenyra relationship + 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $raenyra_love <= 95>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love + 5>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<if $fightSkill != 100>>\
<<set $fightSkill = $fightSkill + 10>>\
<<button "Finish training" ArmoryKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/armory.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($date == 2 or $date == 4 or $date == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are ready to duel yourself with your sister.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Alright brother, the rules are simple.
We do not kill each other. We do not ask others for help. We do not change weapons.<</speech>>
You nod your head.
<<speech "Raenyra">>And for the fun part.. if you lose, you own me 50 pounds of gold!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>50 pound? I did not agree with that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Wait wait wait, hear me out.
But if you win, you will not only get my respect but I will also show you some fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>50 pounds or your respect. Great deal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Oh brother, don't be such a killjoy.. let us fight<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ohhh, for fucks sake..<</speech>>
[[Let the fight beginn|FightRaenyra]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/armory.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/armory/duell/battle' +$raenyra_battle + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Raenyra HP: $raenyra_health
Your HP: $plaeyon_health
Your Stamina: $plaeyon_stamina
<<if $plaeyon_health <= 0>>
She defeated you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Fuck... you are so strong.<</speech>>
Raenyra helps you up.
<<speech "Raenyra">>And you are going to be so broke..
50 pounds of Gold is what I seek! HAHAHA<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, but we will fight again.. this isn't over!<</speech>>
<<if $raenyra_quest == 1>>\
<<set $gold = $gold - 50>>\
<<button "Finish the duel" ArmoryKL>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $raenyra_health = 100>>\
<<set $plaeyon_health = 100>>\
<<set $plaeyon_stamina = 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_battle = 1>>\
<<if $raenyra_battle != 4>>\
<<if $plaeyon_stamina >= 10>>\
<<button "Light Attack" FightRaenyra>>\
<<set $raenyra_health = $raenyra_health - 20>>\
<<set $plaeyon_stamina = $plaeyon_stamina - 10>>\
Light Attack [Not enough stamina 10]\
<<if $plaeyon_stamina >= 20>>\
<<button "Heavy Attack" FightRaenyra>>\
<<set $raenyra_health = $raenyra_health - 30>>\
<<set $plaeyon_stamina = $plaeyon_stamina - 20>>\
Heavy Attack [Not enough stamina 20]\
<<if $plaeyon_stamina <= 80>>\
<<button "Recover" FightRaenyra>>\
<<set $plaeyon_stamina = $plaeyon_stamina + 20>>\
Recover [Stamina < 80]\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,4) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
<<set $plaeyon_health = $plaeyon_health - 10>>
<<elseif _randomNumber == 2>>
<<set $plaeyon_health = $plaeyon_health - 12>>
<<elseif _randomNumber == 3>>
<<set $plaeyon_health = $plaeyon_health - 15>>
<<elseif _randomNumber == 4>>
<<set $plaeyon_health = $plaeyon_health - 18>>
You defeated her.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Ugh.. stop please..<</speech>>
You stand on top of her with a bright smile in your face.
You have hardly ever been so proud of yourself.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Fuck yeah.. there I got you.. what a fight<</speech>>
You help her stand up.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Nice.. you have become a great fighter.. and I need to keep my promise.
You may meet me in my room at some point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What about you stop locking yourself in? So I might have the chance to even get in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Alright, I can do this, but for now, I have to take a bath.
Maybe we can fight for fun later again.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Raenyra relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love + 20>>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = 100>>\
<<if $raenyra_quest == 1>>\
<<set $raenyra_quest = 2>>\
<<set $raenyra_door = 1>>\
<<button "Finish the duel" ArmoryKL>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $raenyra_health = 100>>\
<<set $plaeyon_health = 100>>\
<<set $plaeyon_stamina = 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_battle = 1>>\
<<if $raenyra_health <= 60>>\
<<set $raenyra_battle = 2>>\
<<if $raenyra_health <= 30>>\
<<set $raenyra_battle = 3>>\
<<if $raenyra_health <= 0>>\
<<set $raenyra_battle = 4>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/courtyard.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if ((($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2) and $raenyra_quest == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You sit next to Raenyra.
<<if $raenyra_pic_found == -1>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey, what are you doing?<</speech>>
She quickly puts some sheets of paper away.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Brother, well.. I am just enjoying the weather.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So you did not just put a few sheets of paper awkwardly away?<</speech>>
You see the expression on her face change to a nervous one.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Shut up.. okay sorry
I'm just so dumb.<</speech>>
You try to comfort her.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You ain't dumb, you are one of the most brilliant people I know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Well whom do you know? Daenerys and the guards maybe?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey, I just want to help you.<</speech>>
She fumbles in her pocket again and brings out the papers.
<<speech "Raenyra">>You are right, I am sorry for being so mean to you.<</speech>>
She takes a big breath and starts speaking with a very soft voice.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Here take a look at those drawings I found here yesterday.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You take the pieces of paper into your own hands">>\
You take the pieces of paper into your own hands.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic0.jpg" width="50%">\
You see a pencil drawing of her on a white piece of paper.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Great painting of yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Thats the thing, it is not from me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, so you found a great artist?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>NO. I don't know who did it and I also don't want it to exist.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ever heard about fire? Burn it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Yeah sure, thanks brother.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You are a little puzzled and start to stand up to get away.">>\
You are a little puzzled and start to stand up to get away.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Wait! Arghh.. okay.. I can't tell you much, but I know that there are more pictures of me out there.
I need you to find them for me before anyone else sees them!
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And why are they so problematic? <</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>You don't understand much little brother.. those pictures will get more.. more revealing.
And you probably don't want the entire kingdom to have pictures of me in their bedroom, don't you?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Alright, so I go on a quest to search drawings of you, is that what you want?">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, so I go on a quest to search for drawings of you, is that what you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Thank you very much!
I will be waiting here for you!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Let's start the hunt!">>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic_found = 0>>
<<goto "CourtyardKL">>\
<<elseif ($raenyra_pic_found >= 0 and $raenyra_pic_found != 5)>>\
<<speech "Raenyra">>Did you already find all drawings?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Nope, just I..I was just on the search here.. I found $raenyra_pic_found of 5 until now<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Please hurry up!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Be right on the way!">>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<goto "CourtyardKL">>\
<<elseif $raenyra_pic_found == 5>>\
<<speech "Raenyra">>Did you already find all drawings?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes.. I found all of them<</speech>>
She has a nervous look on her face.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Alright, give them to me! To.. to burn them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Not so fast, let us have one last look at them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Not needed..<</speech>>
She tries to reach out to your pocket to grab them but you manage to hold her off.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Oh come one..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Just a quick look won't hurt..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You pull the pictures out and lay them in front of you in the grass.">>\
You pull the pictures out and lay them in front of you in the grass.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic1.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>First one.. who knows how your room looks?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>I don't know, he might have looked through my window..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You pull out the next one.">>\
You pull out the next one.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic2.jpg" width="50%">
You hear Raenyra mumbling something.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Such a fucking idio..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Nothing..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "One more to go..">>\
One more to go..
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic3.jpg" width="50%">
Raenyra looks very shy to the side.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Is this your.. is this your..<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Don't say it..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So it is!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Picture number 4 coming up.">>\
Picture number 4 coming up.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic4.jpg" width="50%">
She stands up and starts to go away the moment you pull this one out..
A few seconds later she comes back.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Stop it, okay.. that's it.. I don't want to see it anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright.. but you have to tell me who draw you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>It was a friend. A close one. His bags got stolen on the way home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So you are having a lover. Who is its?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>I can't tell you. I really can not.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You won't tell me, so let's see the last one too.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You won't tell me, so let's see the last one too.<</speech>>
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic5.jpg" width="50%">
She stands up in anger and lets a quick scream out.
<<speech "Raenyra">>FUCK!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Fuck? Well yes indeed. So.. this little hunt was really fun. Ha ha<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>For you yes.. For me not so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Not so much, oh come one.. I didn't do all this just for me.
At least not from the beginning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Okay, you are right.. thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are welcome but how will you return the favor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Well, you have seen a lot of me already.
Maybe you can scrub my back when I am in the Bath next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah, that sounds good..<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Please burn them now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You take the pictures and go to the fireplace.">>\
You take pictures and go to the fireplace where the burning fire is warming your whole body.
A moment before you throw the drawings into the fire you take a look around you.
Nobody is here, Raenyra is already gone away you start to speak to yourself.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Who is that guy in the last picture? A close friend from somewhere else she said..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This could come in handy later?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Burn them.">>\
You burn the pictures.
<<set $raenyra_pic_found_burned = false>>\
<<set $raenyra_quest = 3>>\
<<set $raenyra_door = 2>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic = 2>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Raenyra relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<if $raenyra_love <= 80>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love + 20>>\
<<goto "CourtyardKL">>\
<<linkreplace "Keep them.">>\
You stuff the pictures back into your pocket.
<<set $raenyra_pic_found_burned = false>>\
<<set $raenyra_quest = 3>>\
<<set $raenyra_door = 2>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic = 2>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Raenyra relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love + 20>>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = 100>>\
<<goto "CourtyardKL">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You see Raenyra looking through all drawers and closets in the whole castle.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Where is it? Where is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am here!<</speech>>
She looks up to you for a moment and then keeps on searching.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Very funny brother, maybe you should apply for the court fool position.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Only if you try to be the court dancer. Quick one-two and so on..<</speech>>
An awkward silence fills the room until you try to start over again.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ahhh, okay what are you searching for sister?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>I am searching for father's staff. The green one with the golden top.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes, I know which one, and I might even have a suggestion where it could be.<</speech>>
She stops searching and comes very close to your ear. She starts to whisper.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Oh yeah, my brother my king. Where does your majesty think the staff is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>In the crypt.<</speech>>
She steps back.
<<speech "Raenyra">>IN THE CRYPT! OF COURSE! Where else should it be..
No seriously, will you help me or not?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I already told you.. come follow me and we will find it together.<</speech>>
[[You and Raenyra go to the crypt.|Q3CryptEntrance]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cryptEntrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $scissorsInventory == false>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/scissors.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $cryptIntro == false>>
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the entrance to the crypt.
<<if $cryptIntro == false>>\
You hear something rumbling behind you. Kawushhh. The door behind you slams shut.
<<speech "Raenyra">>What the fuck..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ah shit, guess we have to find another way out. Do you know one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Wait, let me think.. in fathers crypt is a second exit.. but the door to it is also locked.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Mhh, maybe I can find a way to open it.
Can you just wait in the main room?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>You ask me if I can wait and watch you do all the work.. sure. haha<</speech>>\
She goes into the main room and you have to find a way to open the king's crypt.
<<set $cryptIntro = true>>\
<<if $scissorsInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Pick up the scissors">>\
<<set $scissorsInventory = true>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptEntrance">>\
<<if $showelInventory == true and $waterInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Dig for water">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/hole.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/waterBucket.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You see a freshly dug out bucket of water.
<<linkreplace "Pick up the bucket">>\
<<set $waterInventory = true>>\
<<set $cryptQuestAdvancement = 1>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptEntrance">>\
[[Go to the main room|Q3CryptMain]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cryptMain.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $flowerInventory == false>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/flowerpot.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/crypt/raenyra' + $cryptQuestAdvancement + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Raenyra are in the main room of the crypt.
<<if $scissorsInventory == true and $flowerInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Trim the bush with the scissors">>\
<<set $flowerInventory = true>>
<<set $cryptQuestAdvancement = 2>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptMain">>\
[[Go to the entrance|Q3CryptEntrance]]
[[Go to the left wing|Q3CryptLeft]]
[[Go to the right wing|Q3CryptRight]]
[[Go to the kings chamber|Q3CryptDoor]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cryptLeft.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $showelInventory == false>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/showel.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the left wing.
<<if $showelInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Pick up the showel">>\
<<set $showelInventory = true>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptLeft">>\
[[Go to the main room|Q3CryptMain]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cryptRight.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cauldron.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $waterCauldron == true>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/water.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $fireCauldron == true>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/fire.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You see a cauldron infront of you, in which you could create acid.
<<if $waterCauldron == false and $waterInventory == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Put the water in the cauldron.">>\
<<set $waterCauldron = true>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptRight">>\
<<if $fireCauldron == false and $torchInventory == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Ignite the fire with the torch.">>\
<<set $fireCauldron = true>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptRight">>\
<<if $fireCauldron == true and $waterCauldron == true and $flowerInventory == true and $acidInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Let's put the flower in and create the acid.">>\
<<set $acidInventory = true>>\
<<set $cryptQuestAdvancement = 3>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptRight">>\
You see Raenyra looking through all drawers and closets in the whole castle.
[[Go to the main room|Q3CryptMain]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cryptKingDoor.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $torchInventory == false>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/torch.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $cryptDoorOpen == false>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cryptDoor.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $cryptDoorOpen == false>>\
The door to the crypt of the king is blocked. You need to find a way to open it.
The door to the crypt of the king is opend.
<<if $acidInventory == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Let's burn this damn door.">>\
<<set $acidInventory = false>>\
<<set $cryptDoorOpen = true>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptDoor">>\
<<if $torchInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Take the torch">>\
<<set $torchInventory = true>>\
<<goto "Q3CryptDoor">>\
[[Go to the main room|Q3CryptMain]]
<<if $cryptDoorOpen == true>>\
[[Go to the kings chamber|Q3CryptKing]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Raenyra/cryptKing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Raenyra are in the crypt of the king.
<<speech "Raenyra">>You fucking did it.. how did you know how to create acid?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister Angela once told me all about that flower.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Great!<</speech>>
Your sister starts to search the room for the staff.
<<linkreplace "Let me help to search the staff.">>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Let me help searching the staff.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Sure, you take the right side, I search here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You search the right">>
You search to the right and look between the other graves.
There you see it, the staff of the king.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Raenyra, I found it!<</speech>>
She quickly turns around and comes to you.
<<linkreplace "You give here the staff.">>
<<speech "Raenyra">>YESSS, thats it! Ohhh I could kiss you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ohh, I think you should give me one! Haha<</speech>>
She stops looking at the staff and starts to stare seriously into your eyes.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Hmm, get your pants off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Get your fucking pants off!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You start to remove your pants">>
You start to remove your pants.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Lay down.. yeah right there!<</speech>>
Raenyra undresses and climbs on top of your dick.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/riding1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<speech "Raenyra">>Oh fuck yeah! Brother.. who could have known..<</speech>>
She grinds your dick hard.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/riding2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<speech "Raenyra">>Ahhh.. so good.. $playerName!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am coming.. Raenyra!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>What already? Okay okay.. wait..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She gets off of your body and lays herself in front of you.">>\
She gets off of your body and lays herself in front of you.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Alright.. come on.. give it to me!!<</speech>>
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/raenyra/sex/cumChest1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Arrghhhh..<</speech>>
You spurt your hot semen onto her juicy tits.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Ohhh.. that was so good.. we have to do this often.. very often..<</speech>>
You are a little bit out of breath.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah.. we will.. but first, let us get out of here<</speech>>
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
<<set $raenyra_quest = 4>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic = 3>>
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Raenyra relationship + 30!<</notify>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love + 30>>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = 100>>\
[[Leave the crypt though the second exit|CourtyardKL]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/door_closed.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Daenerys bedroom is locked.
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the keyhole">>\
You spy through the keyhole.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/daenerys/bedroom1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/portraits/extra/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hey, somebody there? $playerName, is it you?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that she calls your name that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes.. yes.. it is me. Just wanted to look after you.
Well I have to keep going.<</speech>>
Puh.. that was awkward.
<<notify 5s>>Daenerys relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $daenerys_love >= -100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love - 5>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Hallway" HallwayKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/door_closed.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Daenerys bathroom is locked.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the keyhole">>\
You spy through the keyhole.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bathroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/daenerys/bath1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/portraits/extra/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hello? $playerName are you there?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that she calls your name that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ahh.. yes Dani.. I thought you would be in your room.<</speech>>
Puh.. that was awkward.
<<notify 5s>>Daenerys relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $daenerys_love >= -100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love - 5>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Bedroom" BedroomKLDae>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Daenerys are alone.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkKLDae>>\
<<set $daenerys_pic = 1>>\
<<if $daenerys_love >= 40>>\
<<button "Lewd" TalkKLDae>>\
<<set $daenerys_pic = 2>>\
| Lewd [Love > 40]\
<<if $daenerys_love >= 70>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkKLDae>>\
<<set $daenerys_pic = 3>>\
| Nude [Love > 70]\
<<if $daenerys_love > 30 and $energy >= 25>>\
How about we two have some fun together?
<<button "Do you want to have sex?" SexKLDae>>\
Do you want to have sex? [Love > 30, Energy >= 25]
Lets talk about..
<<button "How are you doing?" TalkKLDae>>
I am doing fine.
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" BedroomKLDae>>
<<if $time != 3>>
<<set $time = $time + 1>>
<</button>>\<img src="img/kl/castle/bedroom.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Daenerys">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
You start to manhandle _name boobs.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/undress.webp'" width="100%">\
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
You slap your dick onto her face.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/handjob.gif'" width="100%">\
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
_name gives you a blowjob.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/bj1.webp'" width="100%">\
She just keeps on going.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/bj2.webp'" width="100%">\
<<elseif $sexType == 3>>\
You start to fuck her pussy.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/vagina1.webp'" width="100%">\
You go on an fuck her rhythmically.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/vagina2.webp'" width="100%">\
<<elseif $sexType == 4>>\
_name takes initiative and starts to ride you.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/riding1.webp'" width="100%">\
_name really seems to enjoy this.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/riding2.webp'" width="100%">\
<<elseif $sexType == 12>>\
You cum into _name's mouth.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/cumFace.gif'" width="50%">\
<<elseif $sexType == 13>>\
You cum onto _name.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/cumChest.gif'" width="100%">\
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 30>>\
<<button "Handjob" SexKLDae>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $daenerys_love to $daenerys_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLDae">>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 50>>\
<<button "Blowjob" SexKLDae>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $daenerys_love to $daenerys_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLDae">>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 70>>\
<<button "Riding" SexKLDae>>\
<<set $sexType to 4>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $daenerys_love to $daenerys_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLDae">>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 90>>\
<<button "Missionary" SexKLDae>>\
<<set $sexType to 3>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 50>>\
<<set $daenerys_love to $daenerys_love + 2>>\
<<goto "SexKLDae">>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>
<<button "Cum in mouth" SexKLDae>>\
<<set $sexType to 12>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<goto "SexKLDae">>\
<<button "Cum on chest" SexKLDae>>\
<<set $sexType to 13>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<goto "SexKLDae">>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
Increased relationship by 2.
Current relationship at $daenerys_love.
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" HallwayKL>>\
<<if $time == 5>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
<<goto "SleepKL">>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
<<goto "HallwayKL">>\
<</if>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
<<if $ridingSkill != 0>>\
src="img/kl/castle/forest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/barn/riding/riding' +_randomNumber + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
src="img/kl/castle/barn.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $ridingSkill == 0>>
You see her in the barn.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey Daenerys, I am ready for our first ride out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hello brother, give me one minute and we can go.<</speech>>
After a while, you both swing yourselves on the horses and start to ride into the forest.
<img src="img/kl/castle/forest.jpg" width="100%">\
<<linkreplace "After getting Kingslanding out of sight, she stops">>
After getting Kingslanding out of sight, she stops.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Brrrrrr.. stop little girl!<</speech>>
She turns herself around and looks straight into your face.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Brother, we the Targaryens were dragon riders.
I hope you know this, don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah, I know.
But we have last seen a dragon hundreds of years ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>What if I tell you, that we might see one in a few years?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You must be kidding.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>No I am not, but you will have to learn how to handle a horse before you can handle a dragon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You would give this dragon to me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Maybe, I don't know yet. But what I know is that these clothes are holding me back!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You stare at her as she starts to strip out of her clothes.">>
You stare at her as she starts to strip out of her clothes.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wait, what are you doing?<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/forest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/barn/riding/riding' +_randomNumber + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
She is now completely naked on her horse.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Fuck.. what if somebody sees us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>I do not care!
I want to ride to be free and I can't be free if something restrains me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, well I guess if you have to..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>You should be naked too.. It is such a great feeling!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You both go on with your ride">>
You are on a ride out with Daenerys.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<img @src="'img/scene/barn/training'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">\
<<linkreplace "After a while you feel exhausted and end the training.">>
After a while, you feel exhausted and end the training.
<<speech "Daenerys">>That was fun.. we have to do this more often.
I am here every Monday, Wednesday an.. Friday, always at noon.<</speech>>
Your back is aching.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't know.. I<</speech>>
She interrupts you.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Come on, we were dragon riders.
As the "King", you will have to learn how to ride!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am very busy ruling the kin..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Ah fuck the Kingdom.. Wednesday, I am waiting for you.
And don't forget: No clothes!<</speech>>
You are on a ride out with Daenerys.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<img @src="'img/scene/barn/training'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">\
After a while, you feel exhausted and end the training.
<<if $ridingSkill < 30 and $ridingSkill != 0>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Holy, I were so fast!<</speech>>
Your back is killing you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes.. what a great horse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>I go take a bath now, we will see each other next time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Maybe yes.. I also need some time to rest. See you.<</speech>>
<<elseif $ridingSkill < 50 and $ridingSkill != 0>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Good ride. Maybe next time you can be faster than me.<</speech>>
You know that her horse is way faster than yours, so you may never catch her.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah, was fun.. next time maybe!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ridingSkill < 70 and $ridingSkill != 0>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Fuck, you are getting really fast brother.<</speech>>
This time was good.. just a little bit more and you can catch her.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ahh, I just love the wind blowing around my head!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ridingSkill == 100 and $ridingSkill != 0>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Fucking hell, you were here before me..
I guess we should race together?<</speech>>
You are a great enough rider that you could beat your sister in a race.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Daenerys, next time we will race against each other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>I am excited brother!<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>You increase your Riding-Skill +10!
Daenerys relationship + 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $daenerys_love <= 95>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love + 5>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<if $ridingSkill != 100>>\
<<set $ridingSkill = $ridingSkill + 10>>\
<<button "Finish training" BarnKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/barn.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are ready to race your sister.
<<speech "Daenerys">>$playerName , I hope you are sitting tight in your saddle.
The first to reach Kingslanding again wins. A ride of 1000 meters.<</speech>>
You nod your head.
<<speech "Daenerys">>And for the fun part.. if you lose, you own me 50 pounds of gold!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>50 pound? Nah.. that is way too much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Alright pussy, 20 pounds.
But if you win, you will not only get my respect but I will also show you some fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay lets do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Get ready brother!<</speech>>
[[Let the race beginn|RaceDaenerys]]<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/forest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/barn/riding/riding' +_randomNumber + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<set _finishline = $distanceToFinish - $plaeyon_pos>>\
Distance to finishline: _finishline m
Daenerys position: $daenerys_pos m
Your position: $plaeyon_pos m
Your Stamina: $horse_stamina
<<if $plaeyon_pos >= 1000>>
You get over the finish line before her.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Wooohhaaa... brrrr...<</speech>>
She stops her horse behind you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>First! I am the First!!<</speech>>
You step off of your horses and also help her get off.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Nice.. you have become a great rider.. and I need to keep my promise.
My room shall be open for you from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Great, so I can see you every time I want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Not every time, but we will see each other more often.
I am gonna take a bath now.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Daenerys relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love + 20>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
<<if $daenerys_quest == 1>>\
<<set $daenerys_quest = 2>>\
<<set $daenerys_door = 1>>\
<<button "Finish the duel" ArmoryKL>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $daenerys_pos = 0>>\
<<set $plaeyon_pos = 0>>\
<<set $horse_stamina = 100>>\
<<elseif $daenerys_pos >= 1000>>
She defeated you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Fuck... you are fast.<</speech>>
Daenerys steps off her horse.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Well ridden, you still own me 20 pounds!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, but we will race again.. this isn't over!<</speech>>
<<if $daenerys_quest == 1>>\
<<set $gold = $gold - 20>>\
<<button "Finish the duel" BarnKL>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $daenerys_pos = 0>>\
<<set $plaeyon_pos = 0>>\
<<set $horse_stamina = 100>>\
<<if $horse_stamina >= 20>>\
<<button "Trot" RaceDaenerys>>\
<<set $plaeyon_pos = $plaeyon_pos + 100>>\
<<set $horse_stamina = $horse_stamina - 20>>\
Trot [Not enough stamina 20]\
<<if $horse_stamina >= 40>>\
<<button "Gallop" RaceDaenerys>>\
<<set $plaeyon_pos = $plaeyon_pos + 200>>\
<<set $horse_stamina = $horse_stamina - 40>>\
Gallop [Not enough stamina 40]\
<<if $horse_stamina <= 80>>\
<<button "Step" RaceDaenerys>>\
<<set $plaeyon_pos = $plaeyon_pos + 50>>\
<<set $horse_stamina = $horse_stamina + 20>>\
Step [Stamina < 80]\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,4) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
<<set $daenerys_pos = $daenerys_pos + 60>>
<<elseif _randomNumber == 2>>
<<set $daenerys_pos = $daenerys_pos + 90>>
<<elseif _randomNumber == 3>>
<<set $daenerys_pos = $daenerys_pos + 120>>
<<elseif _randomNumber == 4>>
<<set $daenerys_pos = $daenerys_pos + 150>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hand-room.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $daenerys_quest == 2>>\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You go to Daenerys who is looking outside of the window of the tower.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Little sister, what are you doing in here?<</speech>>
She turns around and lets out a sigh.
<<speech "Daenerys">>$playerName , I have to do something.. all these people..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She points to the building in the distance.">>
She points to the building in the distance.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/prison.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Daenerys">>My brother and king, please tell me why we have so many prisoners wasting their whole life rotting in a cell?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well, Dani they are prisoners because they commited crimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yeah sure, the last two weeks I was at the courthouse incognito and saw that the judge didn't even listen to anyone. He just sent them to prison.<</speech>>
You are a bit annoyed.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I believe the judge does his work properly.
You shouldn't worry too much about them.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You turn around and leave.">>
You turn around and leave.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Wait! There is more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hmm, what is there more to know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>One of the so-called criminals told the judge that he knows where a dragon egg is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>They would say anything to not get sent to prison sister..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes yes yes, of course. But she was pretty believable.. if the judge would have listened.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Okay, would you be fine if we too would take a look down there?">>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, would you be fine if we too would take a look down there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes.. you help me free some of these so-called criminals and I free some of my time for you in the future, deal?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright and if we find something out about his dragon egg we also investigate this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Great! See you down there!!<</speech>>
[[She runs down the stairs to the prison and you follow her.|PrisonKL]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/prison.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Daenerys are outside of the prison.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Whoah.. look at this place.. it is huge.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>All the scum of the city is imprisoned here and there is a lot of scum still out in the streets.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">> Let's see.. where is the entrance?
There come to follow me. We have to ask a guard to guide us through here.<</speech>>
[[Follow her inside|PrisonKLInside]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/prison.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/kg/alison' +$alison_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Daenerys stand inside the prison and you see a familiar face.
<<speech "Alison">>Your Majesty my King and Princess Daenerys, how comes the honor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ahhh Alison, I didn't know you also guard the prisoners?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Yes indeed my lord, I guard the prisoners a few days of the week when I am not on duty in the castle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Alright, enough cock sucking.. where is the section with the female prisoners?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>In the west wing my princess.
I will guide you there.<</speech>>
You see Daenerys following Alison as she leads the way to the west wing.
[[Follow them both.|PrisonKLWestWing]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/kg/alison' +$alison_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You, Daenerys, and the Kingsguard Alison stand in a hallway with cells on each side.
<<speech "Alison">>This is the west wing where we keep our female prisoners.
It is very small in comparison with the male section of the prison.<</speech>>
You see Daenerys looking into each cell as you pass by. Suddenly she stops.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Can you open this one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>I am afraid i can't do this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And if I order you to it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Still not possible, the problem is that each cell is locked with a different code which only the judge knows.
So I couldn't even open it in an emergency like a fire.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>What? They would all just burn to death?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Yes, each one of the already forfeited their lives by committing a felony so your father King Aegis I. changed it so that only the judge could open a cell door with the code.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You see Daenerys getting angry and decide to intervene.">>\
You see Daenerys getting angry and deciding to intervene.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, where is the judge at the moment? He shall come and give us the codes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>He left the city yesterday and headed north to the wall.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Fucking hell.. just my fucking luck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Isn't there any other way?<</speech>>
Alison thinks for a brief moment.
<<speech "Alison">>Well there is.
As you can see there is a small sign next to each cell.<</speech>>
You both take a look at a small pocket with a piece of paper in it.
<img src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/prison_wall.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Alison">>The code to each cell is a riddle.
You could try to solve it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>A riddle.. I thought this prison is secure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>My princess the normal folk is not able to read, write, calculate nor solve such difficult riddles which need a lot of intellect.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Can you solve one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>I did not get an education so I am not too far from the mob.
I am afraid I am not capable.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You believe that you could be able to solve the riddles.">>\
You believe that you could be able to solve the riddles.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you Alison. I think that I and Daenerys can solve these riddles fairly quickly.
You can now return to your guarding duty. We will call if we need you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>As you command your majesty.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "With that she leaves you two alone in the hallway.">>\
With that, she leaves you two alone in the hallway.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay Daenerys.. you take the ones on the right and I take the ones on the left-hand side.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>I think we should solve them together.. you probably wouldn't get even one riddle down without me.
I tell you which cell we need and which women I have seen at the courthouse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, lets get started.<</speech>>
[[She takes a good look into each cell and marks the one you should open for her.|PrisonKLHallway]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Daenerys stand in the hallway with cells on each side.
[[Cell A]]
[[Cell B]]
[[Cell C]]
[[Cell D]]
[[Cell E]]
<<if $prisonDone == true>>\
[[Leave the prison|PrisonLeaveKL]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell1_' +$cell1 + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Deanerys take a look into Cell A.
<<if $cell1 == 'closed'>>\
<<linkreplace "Lets have a look at the riddle.">>\
You take a look at the riddle.
<i><p style="color:Red;">I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind.</p></i>\
<<if $cell1 == 'closed'>>\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["echo", "an echo", "echos"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<set $cell1 = 'open'>>\
<<goto "Cell A">>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["The lock does not open", "The lock does not move", "Nothing moves"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<<linkreplace "Talk with the inmate.">>\
You talk with the inmate.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hello who are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Who cares..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I do, your King.<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Oh the king.. do you see my fingers milord?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hey, we want to help you to get out of here.. so be a little bit more friendly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>You want to bail me out? Well if that is so.. than my name is Giana.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Why are you in here Giana?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>I was on my way out of Kingslanding down to Dorne. There was a man who raped a woman. I intervened but he was a soldier. So.. i landed here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Well if that is so.. brohter, get her out.<</speech>>
You input the right code an the prison door opens.
<<linkreplace "Talk with the freed inmate.">>\
You talk with the freed inmate.
<<speech "Prisoner">>Wow, thank you very much.. here something for you eye as a small reward.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are welcome.
Just wait here, when we leave you can come with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Brother.. come we have to help others.<</speech>>
Before you go you take a quick look into the cell and see a letter painted roof.
<i><p style="color:Red;">J</p></i>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell2_' +$cell2 + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Deanerys take a look into Cell B.
<<if $cell2 == 'closed'>>\
<<linkreplace "Lets have a look at the riddle.">>\
You take a look at the riddle.
<i><p style="color:Red;">You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy.</p></i>\
<<if $cell2 == 'closed'>>\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["candle", "a candle", "candles"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<set $cell2 = 'open'>>\
<<goto "Cell B">>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["The lock does not open", "The lock does not move", "Nothing moves"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<<linkreplace "Talk with the inmate.">>\
You talk with the inmate.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hello<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Oh hello.. I do not get visitors often.. I am Boni.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Greetings Boni, we are here to help you. How did you get in here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>To be honest, I don't know. I am working in a brother here and one night a customer was really really drunk.. we both had sex and after that he run away.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Okay go on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>My boss called the guards the next day and they brought me here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I guess your boss thought that you stole the money from him for your services?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Yes yes, something like that said the judge.. ahh please get me out of here.. I will reward you if you know what I mean.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Don't worry, we will get you out.<</speech>>
You input the right code an the prison door opens.
<<linkreplace "Talk with the freed inmate.">>\
You talk with the freed inmate.
<<speech "Prisoner">>Nice
Here for your efforts.. I should probably search for a different work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are welcome.
Just wait here, when we leave you can come with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Brother.. come we have to help others.<</speech>>
Before you go you take a quick look into the cell and see a letter painted roof.
<i><p style="color:Red;">I</p></i>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell3_' +$cell3 + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Daenerys take a look into Cell C.
<<if $cell3 == 'closed'>>\
<<linkreplace "Let's have a look at the riddle.">>\
You take a look at the riddle.
<i><p style="color:Red;">The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman.</p></i>\
<<if $cell3 == 'closed'>>\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["heroine", "a heroine", "heroines"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<set $cell3 = 'open'>>\
<<goto "Cell C">>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["The lock does not open", "The lock does not move", "Nothing moves"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<<linkreplace "Talk with the inmate.">>\
You talk with the inmate.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hello prisoner, I am the k..<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>King.. yes you are.
And a handsome one too.<</speech>>
Daenerys seems a bit impatient.
<<speech "Daenerys">>What is your name and why are you in here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>My name can be whatever you want, but for now, you can call me Rae.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Okay Rae why are you in here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Murder.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Murder so you killed someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Yes indeed, his name was George van Best.
He was a nobleman from Esteros. He earned it you can be sure.<</speech>>
You turn to Daenerys and speak with her privately.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>She is a murderer, she is rightly imprisoned.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>You are right, we should let her stay in there.<</speech>>
You hear a knocking on the metal bars.
<<speech "Prisoner">>Hello Milord, I can hear you.
If you let me out I will come in handy later one, I promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well I have not decided yet what to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>It is your choice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hmm.. lets have a look around first.<</speech>>
You input the right code and the prison door opens.
<<linkreplace "Talk with the freed inmate.">>\
You talk with the freed inmate.
<<speech "Prisoner">>Thank you very much milord.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are welcome.
Are you heading back to Esteros?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Maybe.. I haven't decided yet. Haha<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Just wait here for the moment, you can come with us when we leave.<</speech>>
Before you go you take a quick look into the cell and see a letter-painted roof.
<i><p style="color:Red;">Z</p></i>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Deanerys take a look into Cell D.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This one is empty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hey, look there on the roof. What is that..<</speech>>
You take a look at the roof and see a letter painted there.
<i><p style="color:Red;">Z</p></i>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell4_' +$cell4 + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Daenerys take a look into Cell E, the last one in the sector.
<<if $cell4 == 'closed'>>\
<<linkreplace "Let's have a look at the riddle.">>\
You take a look at the riddle.
<i><p style="color:Red;">The codes is the composition of all cells.</p></i>\
<<if $cell4 == 'closed'>>\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["jizz"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<set $cell4 = 'open'>>\
<<goto "Cell E">>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["The lock does not open", "The lock does not move", "Nothing moves"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<<linkreplace "Talk with the inmate.">>\
You talk with the inmate.
<<speech "Daenerys">>This is her $playerName, this is the woman who talked about the dragon egg.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, lets bail here out then.<</speech>>
You turn to the prisoner.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Greetings, I am the king and this is my sister the princess.
She told me that you know something about a dragon egg.<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Your majesty! Yes indeed, I saw one with my own two eyes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Where! Where did you see it? Was it here in Westeros?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Yes, it was in the cellar of my father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Who is your father?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>This I will tell you once you freed me. I know that you are here to break some chains aren't you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Brother we have to get her out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't know, Alison might also know her name and father's name. So..<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Hey.. the egg is very well hidden.. and I could also show you something more.
I cut lick your stick if you would want that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well ähm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Come on.. even a king needs sometimes a friend to have real fun with. You can't always rely on your sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Please?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am sure she didn't mean it like this.
Let's try to open the gate okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Fine.<</speech>>
You input the right code and the prison door opens.
<<linkreplace "Talk with the freed inmate.">>\
You talk with the freed inmate.
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you very much. My name is Jade and my father is Sir Ronald Kush.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Ronald.. I think I already heard his name. Daenerys we should ask the Meister to appoint a meeting with him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes, let us do this right after we get back to the castle.<</speech>>
Before you go you take a quick look into the cell and see a letter-painted roof.
<<linkreplace "Turn around for a second.">>\
You turn around for a second.
<<speech "Jade">>Wait.. I keep my promises.<</speech>>
You turn back around only to see her getting naked and down on her knees.
<video id="video" autoplay loop>\
<source src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell4_bj1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<linkreplace "She keeps on going.">>\
She keeps on going.
<video id="video" autoplay loop>\
<source src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell4_bj2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<linkreplace "After a short while you come into her mouth and you all leave the cells.">>\
<<set $prisonDone = true>>\
<<goto PrisonKLHallway>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/leave.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $cell3 == 'open'>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell3_freed.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Daenerys and all the freed women leave the prison.
The freed women chant together as they walk away into the distance.
<<speech "Prisoner">>Thanks to our king! Long shall he reign! Thanks to our king!<</speech>>
Jade is still next to you and Daenerys. She starts to bow.
<<speech "Jade">>Princess Daenerys Targaryen you are truly the breaker of chains.
You have my respect and my gratitude.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>You kept your promise to my brother. I only hope that your tale of the dragon egg is also the truth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>It is. Maybe we see each other again at some point. Fare you well.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "With those words she leaves.">>\
With those words, she leaves. Alison the Kingsguard comes over to you.
<<speech "Alison">>Your majesty are those the prisoners you freed?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes indeed. We gave them real justice and they gave us a nice tale.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Let us go back to the castle brother. We have work to do.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Yes, but you still own me one.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes, but you still own me one.
We had a deal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>You are right. If this fucking Jade can keep her promise then I can as well.
Meet me in my room at some point.. maybe we can even take a bath together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright lets head back.<</speech>>
<<set $daenerys_quest = 3>>\
<<set $daenerys_door = 2>>\
<<set $daenerys_pic = 2>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Daenerys relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love + 20>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
[[Go back home.|CourtyardKL]]
<<set $daenerys_pic = 2>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $daenerys_quest == 2>>\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You go to Daenerys who is waiting in the sept.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey Daenerys, did you already meet the Meister?<</speech>>
She turns around.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hey brother, no I was just waiting for you.
Let us go to her together.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You both go to the Meister.">>\
You both go to the Meister.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Daenerys">>Meister Angela, we need your help.<</speech>>
Meister Angela doesn't turn around and keeps on cleaning the chalice.
<<speech "Meister">>Hello Princess Daenerys I am afraid I do not have time at the moment.
Can I contact you later again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't think I have enough time to wait for you.<</speech>>
You see her freeze for a moment as she realizes that you are there with your sister.
After a quick moment, she puts her work aside and turns around.
<<speech "Meister">>Your majesty king $playerName I am so sorry. I should have known better.
What is it that you need, I am at your service.<</speech>>
You see an angry smirk on Daenerys face as she takes a step closer to Angela.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Nice that you freed some time for us. It almost feels like you work for us.
Anyway, as the King already said it is a matter of time.<</speech>>
Angela lowers her head.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Do you know Sir Ronald Kush?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>I know him, he is one of the knights of House Baratheon. He lives in the Stormlands.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Can you appoint a meeting with him?">>\
<<speech "Meister">>Of course I could but how urgent is the issue?
If I would call for him this would take at least a week until he is here.<</speech>>
Daenerys turns herself to you, she seems very impatient.
<<speech "Daenerys">>We can't wait so long. We have to reach him as fast as possible. He has a dragon egg in his mansion.<</speech>>
You try to shush her last few words but the Meister has already heard them.
<<speech "Meister">>A dragon egg? By the lord, it has to be thousands of years old, why is the matter so urgent then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hmmm, we believe that this egg could still bear life in it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>A dragon for a Targaryen, this would shift the power balance remarkably.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes yes whatever. We have to reach the egg as fast as possible.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "We have to travel to him to reach the egg in time.">>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We have to travel to him to reach the egg in time. If he starts to think that we know about the egg, he would hide it I am sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You are right milord. I will prepare a small discrete caravan for us three.<</speech>>
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagon.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Daenerys">>For us three?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>If you think the egg could still be alive, you need my knowledge on how to transport the egg the best way back here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Alright. Arrange all of this.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright. Arrange all of this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Yes we can travel as soon as the sun sets.
Oh, one more thing. We have to lay low so that nobody in the realm knows about you as the new king.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay.. Daenerys we see each other at night again.<</speech>>
[[Lets wait until night.|KushTravelKL]]
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagon.jpg" width="100%">\
As soon as the sun sets you three and a few knights get together to travel to the Kush mansion.
You ride day and night, over hills and through valleys. You pass by manny villages and castles until you finally arrive at the Kush mansion one week later.
<<set $time to 1>>\
[[You and your entourage arrive.|KushOutsideKL]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/outside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/Roland_Kush.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are greeted by Sir Roland Kush.
<<speech "Roland">>Good day to you fellow travelers. What brings you here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Roland Kush, I am P..<</speech>>
Meister Angela cuts you off.
<<speech "Meister">>He is Philip one of my servants and I am the Meister of king Aegis I.<</speech>>
Sir Roland bows down.
<<speech "Roland">>Forgive me, I did not know that the princess is also with you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You turn around and see Daenerys stepping out of the wagon and stretching herself.">>\
You turn around and see Daenerys stepping out of the wagon and stretching herself.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagon.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/daenerysWagon.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Daenerys">>Sir Roland we didn't come to talk with you.<</speech>>
You take a few steps back so that he has no chance to recognize you.
<<speech "Roland">>Of course, what is it that you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>We want your dragon egg.<</speech>>
Sir Roland looks shocked and a little bit worried.
<<speech "Roland">>My dragon egg? Oh, I am very sorry but I do not have one.
If I had one I would have given it you already.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>We have our informations.<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>May I ask from where those informations are?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>From your daughter Jade.<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>Jade... yes.. she was always a difficult child.
The last thing I heard from her was that she got sentenced to jail.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Daenerys takes a few steps closer to Sir Roland.">>\
Daenerys takes a few steps closer to Sir Roland.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagon.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/daenerysWagonClose.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Daenerys">>And I released her from the prison.
So if we would take a look around your mansion, we wouldn't find a dragon egg.<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>Of course not because there is none as I already tried to..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Sir Colby have a look at Sir Ronland for the time we take a look around his mansion.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Sir Colby steps behind Sir Roland.">>\
Sir Colby steps behind Sir Roland.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/outside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/Roland_Kush.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Colby">>As you wish princess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Meister and servant Philip come follow me inside.<</speech>>
[[You follow Daenerys and Angela inside|KushMansion]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You, Daenerys, and Angela go inside.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Good speech sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>I and Daenerys will have a look around the first floor. You take the ground floor. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes good idea.<</speech>>
[[Search the ground floor for the dragon egg.|KushLivingroom]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/livingroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/servant1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the living room.
<<if $KushBookInventory == false and $KushBook1 == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Talk with the servant">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hello do you know anything about the book in the library?<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>Oh hello, yes indeed. But we will have to make a little deal for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>I need a book myself. It has a white cover. <</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright see you in a bit.<</speech>>
<<elseif $KushBookInventory == true and $KushBook1 == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the servant the book">>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Here you go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">> That's the one yes.. The first verse was..<</speech>>
The servant tells you about the first verse in the book.
<<set $KushBook1 = true>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/kitchen.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/servant2.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the kitchen.
<<if $KushOilInventory == false and $KushBook2 == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Talk with the servant">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hello, what are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>Hello fellow servant, I have to wait here like this until Sir Roland has hunger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, do you know anything about this book in the library?<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>I guess you mean the tale about a different world?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Exactly, there are some pieces missing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>I can help you with that if you find me the olive oil.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright I will be back.<</speech>>
<<elseif $KushOilInventory == true and $KushBook2 == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the servant the oil">>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Here you go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>Thank you very much.. If I remember correctly..<</speech>>
The servant tells you about the second verse in the book.
<<set $KushBook2 = true>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushOilInventory == false>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/oil.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the hallway.
<<if $KushOilInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Pick up the oil.">>\
<<set $KushOilInventory = true>>\
<<goto KushHallway>>\
style="position: relative;">\
<<if $bookshelf_open == false>>\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/bookshelf.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/bookshelf_open.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushBookInventory == false>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/bookWhite.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the library.
<<if $bookshelf_open == false>>\
<<if $KushBookPressed1 == false>>\
<<button "Pink Wolf" KushLibrary>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed1 = true>>\
<<set $KushBookCode = $KushBookCode + "W">>\
Pink Wolf |\
<<if $KushBookPressed2 == false>>\
<<button "Red Fish" KushLibrary>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed2 = true>>\
<<set $KushBookCode = $KushBookCode + "F">>\
Red Fish |\
<<if $KushBookPressed3 == false>>\
<<button "Cyan Lion" KushLibrary>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed3 = true>>\
<<set $KushBookCode = $KushBookCode + "L">>\
Cyan Lion |\
<<if $KushBookPressed4 == false>>\
<<button "Blue Dragon" KushLibrary>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed4 = true>>\
<<set $KushBookCode = $KushBookCode + "D">>\
Blue Dragon |\
<<if $KushBookPressed5 == false>>\
<<button "Green Rose" KushLibrary>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed5 = true>>\
<<set $KushBookCode = $KushBookCode + "R">>\
Green Rose |\
<<button "Reset" KushLibrary>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed1 = false>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed2 = false>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed3 = false>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed4 = false>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed5 = false>>\
<<set $KushBookCode = "">>\
<<if $KushBookPressed1 == true and $KushBookPressed2 == true and $KushBookPressed3 == true and $KushBookPressed4 == true and $KushBookPressed5 == true>>\
<<button "Try" KushLibrary>>\
<<set $KushBookPressed5 = true>>\
<<if $KushBookCode == $KushBookCodeReal>>\
<<set $bookshelf_open = true>>
<<set $KushBookCode = $KushBookCode + "R">>\
You opend the bookshelf.
[[Follow the path.|KushCaveHallway]]
<<if $KushBookInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Pick up the book.">>\
<<set $KushBookInventory = true>>\
<<goto KushLibrary>>\
[[Read the open book|KushLibraryBook]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/book.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushBook1 == true>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/book1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if $KushBook2 == true>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/book2.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if $KushBook3 == true>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/book3.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if $KushBook4 == true>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/book4.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if $KushBook5 == true>>\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/book5.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the library.
<<if $KushBook1 == true and $KushBook2 == true and $KushBook3 == true and $KushBook4 == true and $KushBook5 == false>>\
<<linkreplace "You see Daenerys coming to you.">>\
You see Daenerys coming to you.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/bookshelf.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey what did you find?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Nothing. Nothing at all just some more of those damn servants.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>This is not completely true. We found this piece of paper.<</speech>>
She gives it to you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is it. This is one of the missing verses in the book.
I belive that the bookshelf in the library has some kind of secret which is connected to this book and this verse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>You think this is some kind of riddle?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes, lets have a try.<</speech>>
<<set $KushBook5 = true>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/servant3.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the sideroom.
<<if $KushBook3 == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Talk with the servant">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hello do you know anything about the book in the library?<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>Maybe if you can pay me for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Pay you? What do you think I am? The king?<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>No but you look like someone who has access to the vault. 50 pound of gold and I tell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>50 pound?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>Take it or leave it. You have no place to negotiate.<</speech>>
<<if $KushBook3 == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the servant gold">>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Here you go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>I can finally leave! Your reward is the third verse..<</speech>>
The servant tells you about the third verse in the book.
<<set $gold = $gold - 50>>\
<<set $KushBook3 = true>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/cellar_hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in a cave.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Good job brother, this looks like a cave in which I would hide a dragon egg.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes indeed.. come we have to find the egg as soon as possible.<</speech>>
[[Go further|KushCaveJail]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wall.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/jade_chained.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
As you two wander further into the cave you see a familiar face.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey Daenerys.. am I the only one who sees a girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>A girl? Holy shit.. you are right. This looks like Jade from the prison!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You carefully step closer.">>\
You carefully step closer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hello? Can you hear me? Jade?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Hugghhh.. hello.. aren't you the $playerName and Daenerys?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes yes it is us two. What happened to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>'cough' well.. after you bailed me out I went home to my father to get the dragon egg for you. But he caught me.. and now I am chained here for a few weeks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Can we help you? Do you know where the key is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Overthere on the wall..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You walk to the wall with the key.">>\
You walk to the wall with the key. As soon as you arrive there you see Daenerys and Jade distracted and talking to each other.
At this point, you think..
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Jade.. she is under my control now..
[[I could let her free.. maybe she will thank me for that in the future?|KushJadeFree]]
[[I could let her chained.. maybe I could find some other use for her?|KushJadeChained]]<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wall.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/jade_freed.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You take the keys and free Jade.
<<set $KushJadeFreed = true>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Here you go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you very much again. The mister and misses chain breaker if guess. haha<</speech>>
You three have a quick laugh together.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Well anyways.. can you help us find the dragon egg?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Of course! Follow me it is in the room back there.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Daenerys relationship + 10!<</notify>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love + 10>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
[[You follow them.|KushCaveEgg]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wall.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/jade_chained.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You take the keys and go back to the two.
<<set $KushJadeFreed = false>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well.. Daenerys I have decided otherwise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>You did what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't want to free her yet. We will get her after we are done here back to Kingslanding.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>What the hell are you doing $playerName?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am the King and this is my decision!
You get the egg and I get her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Come on you can't be serious?<</speech>>
You turn your back to Jade and speak with Daenerys privately.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't trust her. We will keep her under house arrest in the castle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>But.. okay.. next time tell me about this before you make the decision.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Come on we have to find the egg.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Daenerys relationship - 10!<</notify>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love - 10>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
[[You lead the way.|KushCaveEgg]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/cave_egg.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/dragonegg.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if $KushJadeFreed == false>>\
You and Daenerys arrive in the cellar room.
<<speech "Daenerys">>There!! There it is on the counter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>My god..<</speech>>
Jade leads you and Daenerys to the cellar room.
<<speech "Jade">>There it is! I think my father has had it for 3 years.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>My god..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Go closer to the egg.">>\
You two go closer to the egg.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/cave_egg.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/dragonegg.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/daenerysDragonEggClose.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Daenerys">>Look at it! It is beautiful!
Do you know what this means?<</speech>>
You see Daenerys eyes sparkling.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>House Targaryen will have a dragon again. A dragon that will be in line with Balerion, Vhagar, and Drogon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Our enemies will crumble below our feet.
History will know me as the mother of dragons!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You hear a rumbling behind you.">>\
You hear a rumbling behind you and turn around.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wall.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushEggInventory == false>>
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Meister">>Ah there you are! Seven hells.. you found it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Daenerys takes the dragon egg under her top.">>\
Daenerys takes the dragon egg under her top.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/cave_egg.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushEggInventory == false>>
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/daenerysDragonEgg.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes we found it.. it is nearly cold...
Meister we have to keep it warm don't we?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Cold? Oh noo.. we have to be quick.. follow me outside to the wagon!<</speech>>
[[Go to the wagon|KushWagon]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagonInside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushEggInventory == false>>
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/daenerysDragonEggWagon.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Daenerys sits down in the wagon with the dragon egg.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister Angela what can we do?<</speech>>
You see Angela fumbling around in the cabinets of the wagon.
<<speech "Meister">>We have to keep the egg warm the way a dragon would..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>So I just sit on it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Yes .. maybe no.. this won't be enough..<</speech>>
Angela runs around like a maniac and looks through many books.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What about a fire?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>We can't transport a fire and it would be too hot for the beginning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>What is hotter as a human but not as hot as fire?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "A womb.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A womb.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>A womb?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister could this work?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>A child before it is born is also kept in the womb to maintain a specific temperature.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>How could this even fit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>When a woman gives birth to a child her womb and everything else extends itself. So your womb and vagina would be capable of hosting a dragon egg of this size.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Wait no no no.. I know that this won't fit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We have to try it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You are right your majesty. Quick get her hands and I disrobe her!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You tie her up.">>\
You tie her up.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagonInside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushEggInventory == false>>
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/daenerysDragonEggWagonInsert.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Meister Angela gives her a flask with some liquid in it.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Ohh my god..<</speech>>
Daenerys tries to push it in herself.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Aghhh! No it is not working!<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>We need to stretch her.
King $playerName you have to try to stretch her pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I.. but how?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Don't be such an idiot brother! Think about the dragon!
We need it! Get your dick out and do it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sister I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Shut up and do it!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You unbuckle her shackles and your shorts to get your dick out.">>\
You unbuckle her shackles and your shorts to get your dick out.
You insert your dick into her pussy and try to stretch it!
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/vagina1.webp'" width="100%">\
<<linkreplace "You go on and try it harder!">>\
You go on and try it harder!
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/vagina2.webp'" width="100%">\
<<linkreplace "I am coming..">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am coming..<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes yes come! It is working! I can feel my pussy getting wider!<</speech>>
You cum into Daenerys mouth.
<img @src="'img/tar/daenerys/sex/cumFace.gif'" width="50%">\
<<linkreplace "Meister Angela takes the egg as you cum.">>\
Meister Angela takes the egg as you cum and shoves it right into Daenerys pussy.
She lets out a loud scream.
<<speech "Daenerys">>AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
SEVEN HELLS!<</speech>>
You can't quite comprehend what has happened.
<<speech "Meister">>I am so sorry princess but there was no other way. It is inside of you now!
We did it!<</speech>>
[[Daenerys layes herself back completely exhausted but with a smile on her face.|KushWagon2]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagonInside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KushEggInventory == false>>
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/daenerysDragonEggWagonInserted.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Daenerys lays herself back completely exhausted but with a smile on her face.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Thank you, Meister and brother.
I am glad we did it.. lets hope that it was not too late..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Don't mention it.
You did our house a great duty!<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Princess you have to rest now.
It will be a long way home but we will stick together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Yes let us get going.. wait what is about Sir Roland?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I will take care of it.<</speech>>
[[Get out of the wagon|KushOutsideKL2]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/outside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/Roland_Kush.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You step outside of the wagon and go over to Sir Colby and Sir Roland.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Roland we found a dragon egg in your mansion.
You lied to us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>How dare you talk to me like this lowborn!<</speech>>
Sir Colby gives Sir Roland a hard strike across the face.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you, Sir Colby.
I am not a lowborn Sir Roland or should I say only Roland<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>He is King Pleayon of the seven Kingdoms.
Ruler of the first men.
Lord Protector of the realm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And you Roland are a filthy liar, thief, and criminal.
You will be stripped of your titles and sentenced to [[death|KushDeath]] or to [[the wall|KushWall]]<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/outside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/Roland_Kush.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You stand next to Sir Colby and Roland.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And you Roland are a filthy liar, thief, and criminal.
You will be stripped of your titles and sentenced to death.<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>Please I didn't know! If I knew that you would be the king I wouldn't have lied. I just wanted to protect the egg an..<</speech>>
You nod to Sir Colby and she gives Roland a hard strike across the face.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Silence!
Sir Colby send him to the seven hells!<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>As you command your majesty.<</speech>>
Sir Colby gets her sword out and beheads Roland on the spot.
<<set $KushDead = true>>\
[[Okay, let us get back home|KushEnding]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/outside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/Roland_Kush.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You stand next to Sir Colby and Roland.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And you Roland are a filthy liar, thief, and criminal.
You will be stripped of your titles and sent to the wall.<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>Thank you milord! The wall is the right place for me!
I can't tell you how much I thank you for my life!!<</speech>>
You nod to Sir Colby and she gives Roland a hard strike across the face.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Enough!
Sir Colby get him ready to travel. He will walk behind our wagon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>As you command your majesty.<</speech>>
Sir Colby ties Roland with his hands behind the wagon.
<<set $KushDead = false>>\
[[Okay, let us get back home|KushEnding]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/outside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/jade_outside.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Before you go back to the wagon you take one last look at the mansion.
<<if $KushJadeFreed == false>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Colby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Yes your majesty?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>In the mansion in the cellar is a prisoner.
I want her in the Prison in Kingslanding.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Alright I get her him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Her. Her name is Jade and put her in my dungeon below the castle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>I am sorry. As you command.<</speech>>
Sir Colby gets back inside the mansion to collect Jade.
<<if $KushDead == false>>\
You see Jade running over to you.
<<speech "Jade">>$playerName !
I have to thank you again for saving me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You owe me one.
I send your father to the wall and I give you his titles and remains.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you very much!
I could not ask for anything more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We will see each other again I am sure.<</speech>>
She nods as you turn around to go to the wagon.
You see Jade running over to you.
<<speech "Jade">>My father.. you killed him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I did because he deserved it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you!<</speech>>
You are a little surprised to here her say this.
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you for freeing me again and for ending my father's life!
He was a bad person.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I only did what was right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>I owe you one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You owe me two. All his titles and remains are yours now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you very much!
I could not ask for anything more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We will see each other again I am sure.<</speech>>
She nods as you turn around to go to the wagon.
[[Travel back home.|KushTravelKL2]]<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wagon.jpg" width="100%">\
You all travel back to the castle in Kingslanding.
Daenerys is very happy with her dragon egg inside of her womb which makes her indeed the mother of dragons.
Meister Angela was quite stressed gathering all pieces of information about dragon motherhood.
<<if $KushDead == false>>\
Roland "the liar" Kush as a new member of the wall and soon to be wearing the black.
Roland "the liar" Kush rotting in the seven hells.
<<if $KushJadeFreed == false>>\
Jade Kush is your prisoner in the wagon behind.
Jade Kush as the new Lord over the Kush mansion owning you a great favor.
And you as a king who not only pleased his sister Daenerys but also maybe equipped your dynasty with a dragon.
<<set $time to 3>>\
<<set $day to $day + 1>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
<<set $daenerys_quest = 4>>\
<<set $daenerys_pic = 3>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Daenerys relationship + 30!<</notify>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love + 30>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
[[You and your entourage arrive back at home.|CourtyardKL]]<h2>Kingslanding Court</h2>\
<img src="img/house/kingslanding.jpg" width="30%">\
Location: Red Keep, Crownlands, Westeros
Founded: 2 BC
Living members:
[[Meister Angela|AngelaBook]]
[[Sir Alison|AlisonBook]]
[[Sir Colby|ColbyBook]]
[[Sir Gianna|GiannaBook]]
<<if $DragonstoneUnlock == true>>\
[[Sir Charlotte|CharlotteBook]]
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<h2>Meister Angela</h2>\
Age: 38
Status: Cleric, Physician
Title: Meister, High Septon
Relationship: $angela_love
<<if $angela_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>Brewing Meister</strong>
I know that Meister Angela is an expert in potions. Maybe I could learn something from her.\
<<if $angela_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
<<if $angela_quest >= 2>>\
Last time Angela told me that if I would want to know more about flora and fauna I should just meet her at the greenhouse. I probably should have a look at it.\
<<if $angela_quest > 2>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
<<if $angela_quest >= 3>>\
<strong>The Witch</strong>
Angela brews an experimental potion with a special plant from the greenhouse and wants to test it now. She told me that this would be completely safe and that only I could be the guinea pig. She is probably in the sept.\
<<if $angela_quest > 3>>\
<p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p>\
Actress: Angela White
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/alison' +$alison_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<h2>Sir Alison</h2>\
Age: 33
Status: Warrior, Dutiful
Titel: Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
<<if $alison_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>The most noble gamer</strong>
Sir Alison likes to win, like always. She plays many games with a wide range of difficulties. From complex to very easy like rock paper scissors. Maybe I could find time for a quick round of it.\
<<if $alison_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
Actress: Alison Taylor
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<h2>Sir Colby</h2>\
Age: 33
Status: Warrior, Drunkard
Titel: Kingsguard
<<if $colby_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>Drunken Duty</strong>
Sir Colby always leaves very early each Saturday. Maybe I could catch her in the hallway before she disappears.\
<<if $colby_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
Actress: Bunny Colby
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/gianna1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<h2>Sir Gianna</h2>\
Age: 39
Status: Warrior, Thoughtless
Title: Kingsguard
Actress: Gianna Michaels
<<back>><<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<set _goldAmount to 5>>\
<<set _relationshipAmount to 5>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/barn.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/daenerys/daenerys' +$daenerys_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
You are working with the horses in the barn and see Daenerys waving to you.
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hey, nice to see you doing something for the horses.<</speech>>
You smile at her back.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah I like those brave animals and it also pays a bit our bill. haha<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Sure well I have to keep going.
Happy sweating to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thanks.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Daenerys relationship + _relationshipAmount!<</notify>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = $daenerys_love + _relationshipAmount>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
You are working with the horses in the barn.
<img @src="'img/scene/barn/work'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After a few hours you are done and earned the Kingdom _goldAmount pounds of gold.
<<set $time = $time +1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<if $energy >= 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + _goldAmount>>\
<<button "Finish working" BarnKL>><</button>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<set _goldAmount to 5>>\
<<set _relationshipAmount to 5>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/barn.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tar/raenyra/raenyra' +$raenyra_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
You whet and clean the swords in the Armory as Raenyra comes over to you.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Brother what are you doing in here? Am I not sharp enough?<</speech>>
You smile at her back.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am earning our daily bread and butter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Well, I have to keep going, but nice that you do something for the family.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>See you later.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Raenyra relationship + _relationshipAmount!<</notify>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love + _relationshipAmount>>\
<<if $raenyra_love > 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = 100>>\
You are whetting and cleaning the swords.
<img @src="'img/scene/armory/work'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After a few hours, you are done and earned the Kingdom _goldAmount pounds of gold.
<<set $time = $time +1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<if $energy >= 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + _goldAmount>>\
<<button "Finish working" ArmoryKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/greenhouse.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<elseif (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 1)>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela_greenhouse.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $angela_quest >= 2>>\
You are in the greenhouse and see Meister Angela. Current Herbalist-Skill: $herbalistSkill
<<speech "Meister">>Good morning your majesty. Is your lordship ready for some gardening?<</speech>>
[[Lets go into the garden|GreenhouseTrainKL]]
<<elseif (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 1)>>\
You are in the brewing chamber and see Meister Angela. Current Herbalist-Skill: $herbalistSkill
<<speech "Meister">>Good morning your majesty. You are quite early. I was just getting everything ready and prepared.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Morning Meister Angela.. yes I just showed up to do some work.<</speech>>
You are in the greenhouse. Current Herbalist-Skill: $herbalistSkill
<<button "Great Sept" SeptKL>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/brewing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<elseif (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 1)>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela_brewing.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
You are in the brewing chamber and see Meister Angela. Current Brewing-Skill: $brewingSkill
<<speech "Meister">>Good morning your majesty. Is your lordship ready to brew some potions?<</speech>>
[[Brew some potions|BrewingTrainKL]]
<<elseif (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 1)>>\
You are in the brewing chamber and see Meister Angela. Current Brewing-Skill: $brewingSkill
<<speech "Meister">>Good morning your majesty. You are quite early. I was just getting everything ready and prepared.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Morning Meister Angela.. yes I just showed up to do some work.<</speech>>
You are in the brewing chamber. Current Brewing-Skill: $brewingSkill
<<button "Great Sept" SeptKL>><</button>><<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/brewing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Angela brew some potions.
<<if $brewingSkill == 0>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright how do I do this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Over there is the "Book of Brewing".
In it, you can find all recipes for all potions ever made.<</speech>>
You open the book and a big cloud of dust shoots you in the face.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Puhhhfff.. quite dusty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>I have most of the recipes in my head so I don't have to look at it very often.
But for you, it would be a great practice.
You should start with the first 100 pages.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And after those?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>After page 100 there are the deadly potions.
But we don't do them here there are a bit too dangerous.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay let us begin.<</speech>>
<img @src="'img/scene/brewing/training'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After quite some time of putting ingredients into a cauldron you all it a day.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister, I think I am done for today.<</speech>>
Angela walks over to you and takes a look into your cauldron.
<img @src="'img/scene/brewing/angelaWalk.gif'" width="25%">
<<notify 5s>>You increase your Brewing Skill +10!
Angela relationship + 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love + 5>>\
<<if $angela_love > 100>>\
<<set $angela_love = 100>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $brewingSkill = $brewingSkill + 10>>\
<<if $brewingSkill > 100>>\
<<set $brewingSkill = 100>>\
<<if $brewingSkill < 40>>\
She seems unimpressed.
<<speech "Meister">>Well pretty good for a starter.
But you still have a long way to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right.
We will see each other next time.<</speech>>
<<elseif $brewingSkill < 80>>\
<<speech "Meister">>Getting better every time.
Still quite a way to go but you are heading there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Finding the right temperature is quite hard but I will work it out I am sure.<</speech>>
<<elseif $brewingSkill == 100>>\
<<speech "Meister">>Holy I couldn't have done it better myself.
You have become quite a brewing master. Well done!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh thank you very much.<</speech>>
<<if $brewingSkill == 100 and $angela_quest == 1>>\
<<button "Finish brewing" BrewingTrainFinishKL>><</button>>\
<<button "Finish brewing" BrewingChamberKL>><</button>>\
<</if>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/brewing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Before you leave Angela catches you.
<<speech "Meister">>Milord $playerName!
I just wanted to tell you that you did it.<</speech>>
You start to smile a bit.
<<speech "Meister">>I think we are done here, you have become a brewing master yourself.
If you want you can use my laboratory in the morning to brew some stuff<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you very much but why should I brew something?
I wouldn't even know what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You don't have to brew for yourself but rather for some customers.
This way you could earn some money<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>How much do you think is possible?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">> Normally around 7-10 pounds of gold per shift. Potions are quite popular.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright that is a good opportunity.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Well as I said I keep the lab open for you in the morning. For safety reasons please only brew when I am here too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure.
Have a nice day!<</speech>>
A moment before you are out of the door you hear Angela again.
<<speech "Meister">>Oh I nearly forgot. If you would like to learn something about plants and stuff feel free to head over to the greenhouse. I am there each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright I will have a look at it.<</speech>>
<<set $angela_quest = 2>>\
<<set $angela_door = 1>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Angela relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love + 20>>\
<<if $angela_love > 100>>\
<<set $angela_love = 100>>\
<<button "Finish brewing" BrewingChamberKL>><</button>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<set _goldAmount to random(7,10)>>\
<<set _relationshipAmount to 5>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/brewing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<elseif $time == 1>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela_brewing.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are brewing some potions and see Angela walking over.
<<speech "Meister">>Hey, nice to see you brewing.<</speech>>
You smile at her back.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes it gives really good gold.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>If you need anything just ask okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thanks.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Angela relationship + _relationshipAmount!<</notify>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love + _relationshipAmount>>\
<<if $angela_love > 100>>\
<<set $angela_love = 100>>\
<img @src="'img/scene/brewing/training'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After a few hours, you are done and earned the Kingdom _goldAmount pounds of gold.
<<set $time = $time +1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<if $energy >= 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + _goldAmount>>\
<<button "Finish working" BrewingChamberKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/door_closed.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to the brewing chamber is locked.
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the keyhole">>\
You spy through the keyhole.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/brewing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/FOTW/angela_brewing.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/portraits/extra/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Meister">>Hello? Anyone there?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Morning, well yes it is me $playerName. I forgot the time.
I will be back later!<</speech>>
Puh.. that was awkward.
<<notify 5s>>Angela relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $angela_love >= -100>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love - 5>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Sept" SeptKL>><</button>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/greenhouse.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You and Angela are doing some garden work.
<<if $herbalistSkill == 0>>\
<<speech "Meister">>Gardening is not as hard as some say.
You already mastered the potion game so this one will be easy for you.<</speech>>
Angela walks over to some flowers and touches them.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Do I just have to water them or what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Well basicly yes. Watering with some extras.
Some flowers need a lot warmer some only a bit.
Some flowers need to be cut down a bit and so on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Nothing else?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Nothing else.
You just have to begin and in a blink of an eye you will be a master.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright lets go.<</speech>>
<img @src="'img/scene/greenhouse/training'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After quite some time of putting ingredients into a cauldron you all it a day.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Angela my back hurts and my fingers are all dirty.
I guess it is time to rest now.<</speech>>
Angela turns around with a bowl of strange yellow liquid in it.
<img @src="'img/scene/greenhouse/angelaCooking.gif'" width="25%">
<<notify 5s>>You increase your Brewing Skill +10!
Angela relationship + 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love + 5>>\
<<if $angela_love > 100>>\
<<set $angela_love = 100>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $herbalistSkill = $herbalistSkill + 10>>\
<<if $herbalistSkill > 100>>\
<<set $herbalistSkill = 100>>\
<<if $herbalistSkill < 40>>\
She seems unimpressed.
<<speech "Meister">>Well pretty good for a starter.
But you still have a long way to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right.
We will see each other next time.<</speech>>
<<elseif $herbalistSkill < 80>>\
<<speech "Meister">>Getting better every time.
Still quite a way to go but you are heading there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Finding the right amount of water is quite tricky but I will work it out I am sure.<</speech>>
<<elseif $herbalistSkill == 100>>\
<<speech "Meister">>Holy I couldn't have done it better myself.
You have become quite a gardening master. Well done!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh thank you very much.<</speech>>
<<if $herbalistSkill == 100 and $angela_quest == 2>>\
<<button "Finish gardening" GreenhouseTrainFinishKL>><</button>>\
<<button "Finish gardening" GreenhouseKL>><</button>>\
<</if>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/greenhouse.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Before you leave Angela catches you.
<<speech "Meister">>Milord $playerName!
I just wanted to tell you that you did it.<</speech>>
You start to smile a bit.
<<speech "Meister">>I think we are done here, you have become a gardening master yourself.
If you want you can visit me more often here in the greenhouse.
You could even earn some gold by working here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you very much. I will come by sometimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Maybe we could even water the plants a bit differently at some point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What do you mean by this?<</speech>>
Angela gives you a wink.
<<speech "Meister">>You should get going. It was a pleasure to work with you milord.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The pleasure is all mine. Have a good day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You too.. and wait!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You stop..">>\
You stop and see Angela running into the brewing chamber.
<<speech "Meister">>Just a moment! I try to be quick!
where is it.. fuck.. ah.. There it is!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Angela returns..">>\
Angela returns with a small flask in her hands.
<<speech "Meister">>Here have a look.<</speech>>
Angela places the flask on the table and you look at it closely.
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/potion.jpg" width="50%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What is this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>This is what you created. This is a potion made with one of the flowers you looked after and brewed in your cauldron.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Same question. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>It is a potion which enhances your memory.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, give it to me then.<</speech>>
Angela picks up the potion again before you could take it.
<<speech "Meister">>Well I didn't test it till now. The problem is I can only test it on you because it was made specifically for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So I am the lab rad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>If you want to yes. Meet me at some point in the sept at night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright I am interested. See you then.<</speech>>
You head out.
<<set $angela_pic = 2>>
<<set $angela_quest = 3>>\
<<set $angela_door = 2>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Angela relationship + 30!<</notify>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love + 30>>\
<<if $angela_love > 100>>\
<<set $angela_love = 100>>\
<<button "Finish gardening" GreenhouseKL>><</button>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<set _goldAmount to random(7,10)>>\
<<set _relationshipAmount to 5>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/greenhouse.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<<elseif $time == 1>>\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela_greenhouse.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the garden and see Angela walking over.
<<speech "Meister">>Hey, nice to see you gardening with me.<</speech>>
You smile at her back.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes it is so nice to be here. So quiet. So peaceful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>If you need anything just ask okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thanks.<</speech>>
<img @src="'img/scene/greenhouse/angelaWatering.gif'" width="75%">
You see Meister Angela pouring something over herself which then drops down on the plants.
<<notify 5s>>Angela relationship + _relationshipAmount!<</notify>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love + _relationshipAmount>>\
<<if $angela_love > 100>>\
<<set $angela_love = 100>>\
<img @src="'img/scene/greenhouse/training'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After a few hours you are done and earned the Kingdom _goldAmount pounds of gold.
<<set $time = $time +1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<if $energy >= 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + _goldAmount>>\
<<button "Finish working" GreenhouseKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/door_closed.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to the brewing chamber is locked.
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the keyhole">>\
You spy through the keyhole.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/greenhouse.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/FOTW/angela_greenhouse.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/portraits/extra/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Meister">>Hello? Anyone there?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Morning, well yes it is me $playerName. I forgot the time.
I will be back later!<</speech>>
Puh.. that was awkward.
<<notify 5s>>Angela relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<if $angela_love >= -100>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love - 5>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Sept" SeptKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Meister Angela are alone in the sept.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkKLAngela>>\
<<set $angela_pic = 1>>\
<<if $angela_love >= 40>>\
<<button "Lewd" TalkKLAngela>>\
<<set $angela_pic = 2>>\
| Lewd [Love > 40]\
<<if $angela_love >= 70>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkKLAngela>>\
<<set $angela_pic = 3>>\
| Nude [Love > 70]\
<<if $angela_love > 30 and $energy >= 25>>\
How about we two have some fun together?
<<button "Do you want to have sex?" SexKLAngela>>\
Do you want to have sex? [Love > 30 | Energy > 25]
Lets talk about..
<<if $angela_quest == 3>>\
[[What about this potion you were talking?|Quest3Angela]]
<<if $raenyra_quest >= 4 and $daenerys_quest >= 4 and $DragonstoneUnlock ==false>>
[[We need to talk about my aunt Leanor.|MainQuestLeanor]]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" SeptKL>><</button>>\<img src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Angela">>\
<<set _namePlace = "SexKLAngela">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
_name is undressing herself for you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/undress.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
_name works your dick with her hands.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/handjob.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
_name gives you a blowjob.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/bj1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
She just keeps on going.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/bj2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 3>>\
You start to fuck her pussy.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/vagina1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
You go on an fuck her rhythmical.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/vagina2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 4>>\
_name takes initiative and starts to ride you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/riding1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
_name really seems to enjoy this.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/riding2.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 12>>\
You cum into _name's mouth.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<elseif $sexType == 13>>\
You cum onto _name's chest.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/cumChest1.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<if $angela_love > 30>>\
<<button "Handjob" SexKLAngela>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $angela_love to $angela_love + 2>>\
<<if $angela_love > 50>>\
<<button "Blowjob" _namePlace>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $angela_love to $angela_love + 2>>\
<<if $angela_love > 70>>\
<<button "Riding" _namePlace>>\
<<set $sexType to 4>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $angela_love to $angela_love + 2>>\
<<if $angela_love > 90>>\
<<button "Missionary" _namePlace>>\
<<set $sexType to 3>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 50>>\
<<set $angela_love to $angela_love + 2>>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>
<<button "Cum in mouth" _namePlace>>\
<<set $sexType to 12>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<button "Cum on chest" _namePlace>>\
<<set $sexType to 13>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<if $daenerys_love > 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
Increased relationship by 2.
Current relationship at $daenerys_love.
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" HallwayKL>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Meister Angela are alone in the sept.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Good evening Meister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Good evening your majesty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You told me about this potion.
I am ready to become your lab rat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Oh great! Please follow me into the test room.<</speech>>
[[Follow her.|AngelaTestIntro]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/brewing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Meister Angela are in the test room.
<<speech "Meister">>Alright please sit down there and focus on the stage.<</speech>>
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/potion.jpg" width="50%">\
You take a seat as she places the potion flask next to you on a table.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So how is this going to work?
Do I just drink it and wait if it kills me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>I can assure you that it won't kill you.
Also, I will head backstage and give you a sign when to drink it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You will have to drink it fully. After that, I will show up on the stage and you will have to watch me and remember any strange or unusual things you notice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Will I see everything pink or what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Haha.. you are quite funny my king but if I would tell you it would destroy the experiment.
Anyways I should head backstage and after my little presentation is over I will ask you some questions which you have to answer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What if I can't answer them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Then we simply do it again until you can. See you in a moment.<</speech>>
And with that, she disappears behind the curtains.
<<linkreplace "You wait quite a bit until..">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%">\
You wait quite a bit until you hear Angela behind the stage.
<<speech "Meister">>Your majesty I am ready now. Are you ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes all good here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Alright then please drink the potion completely.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You take the potion..">>\
You take the potion and drink it completely.
<img @src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/drinking.gif'" width="75%">
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I have drunken it all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Okay now close your eyes please.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You close your eyes and wait.">>\
You close your eyes and wait.
<<timed 10s>>\
<<speech "Meister">>Alright open your eyes now and try to take everything in. Try to remember as much as possible!<</speech>>
[[You open your eyes now.|AngelaTest1]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alrigth I think I have seen it all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Anything different?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No everything alright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Okay close your eyes again.<</speech>>
With that, she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest2]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela2.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Meister">>Anything different now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No.. wait.. something looks different but I can't quite find it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Okay close your eyes again.<</speech>>
With that, she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest3]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela3.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Meister">>Now?<</speech>>
You start to rub your eyes.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wow, you are so hot. But can you go one level back again there is something weird.<</speech>>
You see Angela getting a little bit red.
<<speech "Meister">>Thank you 'giggle' close your eyes again.<</speech>>
With that, she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest4]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela4.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What is this..<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>What is what?<</speech>>
You feel some pain in your head.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>How could this be? Are you a witch?<</speech>>
You see Angela smiling.
<<speech "Meister">>Close your eyes again.<</speech>>
With that, she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest5]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela5.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Meister">>How is it now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I can't see your breasts anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Of course, you can't because I put on my clothes again.
Close your eyes again.<</speech>>
With that, she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest6]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela6.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Meister">>What if I only show some parts of me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It is spreading.. all over you..<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Don't forget to remember all things you see on stage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes yes.. it is just hard to comprehend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Okay close your eyes again let's try it fully clothed again.<</speech>>
With that, she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest7]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela7.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Meister">>Can you see everything clearly?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Clearly yes indeed.. I can you very clear?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Great..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister I don't know if this should be like it is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Don't worry it is all good.
Let's try it again fully nude maybe this one will get you back in line.
Oh and don't forget to look for unusual things.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes alright go on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Close your eyes again.<</speech>>
With that she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest8]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela8.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Meister">>Suprise!
I tried the same outfit again!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Angela can we please stop?
My head hurts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Sure yes.. let me just try one more thing and then we stop.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay only one more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Close your eyes again.<</speech>>
With that, she disappears again behind the stage.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The [[next|AngelaTest9]] one please!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela9.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You open your eyes again.
<<speech "Meister">>Alright this is the last one.
What do you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Nothing.. I literally can't see you Angela!<</speech>>
Angela takes a quick moment to think.
<<speech "Meister">>Hmm.. can you open the drawer in the table?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You open the drawer.">>\
You open the drawer and see another flask in it.
<<speech "Meister">>Please drink this potion with an antidote.<</speech>>
[[Drink the flask|AngelaTest10]]
<<timed 3s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela10.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You drink the flask.
<<speech "Meister">>Better?<</speech>>
You can slowly see all of Angela again.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It is getting better yes... phew..<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Alright and now the question of all things.
What did you notice?<</speech>>
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["censored"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<goto "AngelaTest11">>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["I don't think this was ist.", "Feels wrong.", "No that's not right."])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hmmm.. I think we have to try it again.<</speech>>
Angela gives you another flask which you drink and you [[close your eyes|AngelaTest1]].
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Angela/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/angela10.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You see Angela smile.
<<speech "Meister">>Correct you did it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That was very strange..
but do you now know what you wanted to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You definitely gave me some good informations.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And what should have changed for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Your memory should have increased extremely.
Now you should be able to keep things like the complete "Book about all Houses" in your mind.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You try to concentrate and suddenly you feel like you could remember every page of the book.">>\
You try to concentrate and suddenly you feel like you could remember every page of the book.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Great I think it works.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Your majesty it was a hard night. You should probably rest a bit now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right, good night Meister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Sleep well.<</speech>>
<<set $time to 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
<<set $angela_quest = 4>>\
<<set $angela_pic = 3>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Angela relationship + 30!<</notify>>\
<<set $angela_love = $angela_love + 30>>\
<<if $angela_love > 100>>\
<<set $angela_love = 100>>\
[[And with that you leave the lab room and go back into the sept.|AngelaTest12]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the great sept.
<<button "Great Hallway" AngelaTest13>><</button>>
<<button "Brewing Chamber" AngelaTest12>><</button>>\
<<button "Greenhouse" AngelaTest12>><</button>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
As soon as you want to go into the Great Hallway you hear a familiar voice behind you.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Brother what are you doing here so late?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Still a bit dizzy..">>\
Still a bit dizzy in your head you turn around.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well sister I had a late night session with Meister Ange..<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/raenyra1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
At this moment you realize that you can't see your sister anymore and your legs start to shake.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Raenyra.. is this you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Of course brother I am right in front you you.
Can't you see me?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I can't see you.. I.. I can only see your clothes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>What do you mean you can only see..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You lose your balance and..">>\
[[You lose your balance and everything goes black..|AngelaTest14]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<timed 3s>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom-king.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/raenyra2.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
After quite a while you hear some voice and wake up in your bedroom.
<<speech "Raenyra">>He is waking up..<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Your majesty? Can you hear me?<</speech>>
You slowly open your eyes and as you can see both your sister and the Meister you are very relieved.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Raenyra.. Angela.. what happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Can you see us brother?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes yes.. sister what are you wearing?<</speech>>
Meister Angela shocks a bit.
<<speech "Meister">>Can you see your sisters breasts?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes.. I can see them..<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Thank god.. you are back again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Can someone explain me what happened?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Angela pulls out a small flask from her pocket.">>\
Angela pulls out a small flask from her pocket.
<<speech "Meister">>The antidote you drank had only a temporary effect.
And after you left the lab and saw your sister you must have had a small stroke of some sort.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A stroke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Don't worry it is all good now. After you passed out Raenyra helped me to get you here.
And I created a personalized potion to negate the effects.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>For this she needed some sample of your soul.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>My soul?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Only a small sample of your juice, your sperm.
You should be able to remember it even because of your increased memory capability.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You try to remember what happened.">>\
You try to remember what happened.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/handjob.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/FOTW/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video.</p>\
[[You snap back to reality.|AngelaTest15]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom-king.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Angela/raenyra2.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You snap back to reality.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you both.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Don't mention it brother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You should rest now.
Your majesty will feel like a new man tomorrow.<</speech>>
With that, both leave the room and you are now [[alone in your bedroom.|Bedroom]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/alison' +$alison_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Alison are in the hallway.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkKLAlison>>\
<<set $alison_pic = 1>>\
<<if $alison_quest >= 2>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkKLAlison>>\
<<set $alison_pic = 2>>\
| Nude [Finish Quest]\
<<if $time != 3>>\
[[Hello Sir Alison, how about a quick game?|Q1Alison]]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" HallwayKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Colby are in the hallway.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wait where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Your majesty I was just heading into town.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Isn't it quite late?
Shouldn't you rather head home?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>My home is here in your castle milord.
But I go into the town to visit a tavern.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Which tavern?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>The golden Duck.
If you would like to you can accompany me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is a good idea, Sir Colby.
Let's head to the golden Duck. haha<</speech>>
[[You and Sir Colby dress as peasants and head to the tavern.|Q1ColbyTavern1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Colby/tavern.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Colby/colby0.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Colby arrived in the tavern.
<<speech "Colby">>Here we are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Looks quite comfortable.
You should call me Philip as long as we are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Okay your majesty..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And also don't call me your majesty. I am just Philip and you are my friend Colby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>I am sorry.. Philip.. quite weird.
Anyways there we should head to the bar.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You two head for the bar.">>\
You two head for the bar.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Colby/tavern_bar.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Colby/colby0.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Barkeeper! Two beer please.<</speech>>
The barkeeper pours you two beers.
<img src="img/questitem/Q1-Colby/beer.jpg" width="50%">\
<<speech "Colby">>Cheers!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Cheers!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You two clank your beers together and you drink them completely straight away.">>\
You two clank your beers together and you drink them completely straight away.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ahhhh.. very good.
Do you want another?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Sure! Wait.. how about we make a little challenge out of this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You mean who drinks the most?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Something like this. Barkeeper bring us twelve beers!<</speech>>
The barkeeper pours you twelve beers.
<<speech "Colby">>The one who can drink six beers faster wins.
Are you in for this challenge?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You can bet on it!<</speech>>
[[You two get in position and Colby counts down. 3.. 2.. 1.. Go.|Q1ColbyTavern2]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<if $beer_level == 3>>\
<<set $beer_level = 0>>\
<<set $plaeyon_beers = $plaeyon_beers +1>>\
<<elseif $beer_level > 3>>\
<<set $beer_level = 1>>\
<<set $plaeyon_beers = $plaeyon_beers +1>>\
<<if $colby_beer_level >= 3>>\
<<set $colby_beer_level = 0>>\
<<set $colby_beers = $colby_beers +1>>\
<<elseif $colby_beer_level > 3>>\
<<set $colby_beer_level = 1>>\
<<set $colby_beers = $colby_beers +1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Colby/tavern_bar.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Colby/colby' + $plaeyon_beers +'.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Sir Colby finished beers: $colby_beers Beers
Sir Colby beer level: $colby_beer_level
Your finished beers: $plaeyon_beers Beers
Current beer level: $beer_level Level
Intoxication-Level: $intoxication
<<if $intoxication >= 100>>\
You feel that you drank too much.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Miss Colby... I don't feel so good...<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>What is the matter Phili...<</speech>>
Her voice trails off and everything around you starts to get darker and darker..
[[Until you lose your consciousness.|SleepKL]]
<<elseif $plaeyon_beers == 6>>\
You finished your beers before her.
<<speech "Colby">>Seven hells. How can you be such a strong drinker?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>'burp' I.. 'burp' I never thought I could drink so much.<</speech>>
She walks over to the counter.
<<speech "Colby">>Barkeeper.. all drinks on me!<</speech>>
You hear the bell strike midnight.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>> It's quite late we should 'hics' get going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>You are right.. lets head home!<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!<</notify>>\
<<if $colby_quest == 1>>\
<<set $colby_quest = 2>>\
<<set $colby_pic = 2>>\
<<button "Get home" Q1ColbyTavern4>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $colby_beers = 0>>\
<<set $plaeyon_beers = 0>>\
<<set $beer_level = 0>>\
<<set $intoxication = 0>>\
<<button "Get home" Q1ColbyTavern4>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $colby_beers = 0>>\
<<set $plaeyon_beers = 0>>\
<<set $beer_level = 0>>\
<<set $intoxication = 0>>\
<<elseif $colby_beers == 6>>\
She defeated you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Woha.. you are like a manhole.<</speech>>
Colby takes one of your beers and drinks ist also.
<<speech "Colby">>'burp' Well.. I come here very often 'burp'.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We have to do this again 'burp'.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Sure.. every second day if it is up to me.<</speech>>
<<button "Get home" Bedroom>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $colby_beers = 0>>\
<<set $plaeyon_beers = 0>>\
<<set $beer_level = 0>>\
<<set $intoxication = 0>>\
<<button "Take a small sip" Q1ColbyTavern3>>\
<<set $beer_level = $beer_level + 1>>\
<<set $intoxication = $intoxication + 10>>\
<<button "Take a big sip" Q1ColbyTavern3>>\
<<set $beer_level = $beer_level + 2>>\
<<set $intoxication = $intoxication + 15>>\
<<button "Rest" Q1ColbyTavern3>>\
<<set $intoxication = $intoxication - 20>>\
<<if $intoxication > 0>>\
<<set $intoxication == 0>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<set $colby_beer_level = $colby_beer_level + _randomNumber>>\
<</if>>Quick Tutorial:
You have to drink six beers faster than Colby.
Each beer has three levels until it is emptied.
Each sip increases your intoxication level.
If your intoxication reaches 100 you lose the game or if Colby finishes her beers faster than you.
[[You two get in position and Colby counts down. 3.. 2.. 1.. Go.|Q1ColbyTavern3]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/bedroom-king.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Colby arrive back in the castle. You both head to your room.
Colby looks over at you and smiles.
<<speech "Colby">>Well.. are you still Philip tonight?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>'hics' Well only if you are still Colby..<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Do you want to have some more fun?<</speech>>
Colby does a little sexy dance in front of you. After that, she touches your crotch.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oha.. I didn't know that you are so beautiful.<</speech>>
Colby gets a little bit red and sinks onto her knees.
<<speech "Colby">>Let me see your cock!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Open your pants and get your penis out.">>\
Open your pants and get your penis out and she gets straight to work.
<img @src="'img/questitem/Q1-Colby/sex_bj1.gif'" width="100%">\
<<speech "Colby">>'slurp' 'slurp' give me more! Fuck me Philip!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You lay down and..">>\
You lay down and she starts to ride your dick vividly.
<img @src="'img/questitem/Q1-Colby/sex_vagina.gif'" width="100%">\
<<speech "Colby">>Ahhh Ahhh.. you are so hot.. fuck me harder!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ughhh... Colby.. I am coming!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Already? Okay I get down..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She steps down and fumbles you.">>\
She steps down and fumbles at you.
<img @src="'img/questitem/Q1-Colby/sex_cum.gif'" width="100%">\
She jerks you off until you shoot your hot semen between her legs.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ughhh... that.. that was so hot..<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Ahhh.. you are a great lover milord! haha.
I'll shower now.. see you around.<</speech>>
She grabs herself between her legs where your sperm is still sitting and licks her fingers with her tongue.
After that, she leaves and you just can't quite believe that she was really satisfied.
Anyways.. I should get some sleep you think
[[Go to sleep|SleepKL]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/alison' +$alison_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Alison are in the hallway.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hello Sir Alison, how about a quick game?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Oh hello my King. What are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I know that you like to play games.
How about you play a quick round of rock paper scissors with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Well.. if you insist I would very much like to play a round.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Great. How about a little encouragement?
If you win you get let's say... an extra pay of 5 pounds of gold.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Oh oh.. and if you win you get something for your eyes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am excited.. okay lets go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>No no no.. not here my king. Please follow me.<</speech>>
[[You follow Sir Alison to a backroom|Q1AlisonBackroom1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Alison/backroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
As you step into the backroom Alison tells you to wait a second as she closes the door.
<<linkreplace "You wait a few seconds.">>\
You wait a few seconds and Alison returns.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Alison/backroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/alison1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Alison">>Okay I have changed clothes. Now I am ready for the game.
How many rounds?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Lets say best of 8?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Okay.. and don't forget my extra payment!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I do not have to remember because I will win easily!<</speech>>
[[You two start your round of rock paper scissor.|Q1AlisonBackroom2]]
<</linkreplace>>\1 = Rock 2 = Paper 3 = scissor
<<if $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice != 0>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_choice = _randomNumber>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Alison/table.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/hand' + $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice +'Player.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/hand' + $AlisonQ1_alison_choice +'Enemy.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice == 1 and $AlisonQ1_alison_choice == 2>>\
Sir Alison wins the round. Paper defeats Rock.
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_won = $AlisonQ1_alison_won + 1>>\
<<elseif $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice == 2 and $AlisonQ1_alison_choice == 3>>\
Sir Alison wins the round. Scissor defeats Paper.
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_won = $AlisonQ1_alison_won + 1>>\
<<elseif $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice == 3 and $AlisonQ1_alison_choice == 1>>\
Sir Alison wins the round. Rock defeats Scissor.
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_won = $AlisonQ1_alison_won + 1>>\
<<elseif $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice == 1 and $AlisonQ1_alison_choice == 3>>\
You win the round. Rock defeats Scissor.
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won = $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won + 1>>\
<<elseif $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice == 3 and $AlisonQ1_alison_choice == 2>>\
You win the round. Scissor defeats Paper.
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won = $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won + 1>>\
<<elseif $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice == 2 and $AlisonQ1_alison_choice == 1>>\
You win the round. Paper defeats Rock.
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won = $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won + 1>>\
<<elseif $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice == $AlisonQ1_alison_choice>>\
Oh no you both picked the same. Nobody gets a point.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Alison/backroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/alison' + $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The first to get 5 rounds wins.
Sir Alison rounds won: $AlisonQ1_alison_won
Your rounds won: $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won
<<if $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won == 5>>\
You beat her.
<<speech "Alison">>Good job! I knew that you would be a great player as well!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You gave me a good fight. This was a lot of fun.<</speech>>
She walks over to you.
<<speech "Alison">>You know I promised you something for your eyes.. but what about something for your whole body?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I like where this conversation is going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Alright.. lets get over there.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!<</notify>>\
<<if $alison_quest == 1>>\
<<set $alison_quest = 2>>\
<<set $alison_pic = 2>>\
<<button "Go to Alison" Q1AlisonBackroom3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_won = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_choice = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice = 0>>\
<<button "Go to Alison" Q1AlisonBackroom3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_won = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_choice = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice = 0>>\
<<elseif $AlisonQ1_alison_won == 5>>\
She defeated you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright.. you are a serious gamer.<</speech>>
Sir Alison pats you on the shoulder.
<<speech "Alison">>Next time you will defeat me I am certain.
This game has a lot to do with luck so maybe Fortuna will be on your side when we play again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thanks for the kind words Sir Alison<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>But you still owe me some extra money milord.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A deal is a deal.<</speech>>
<<button "You give her the gold and you both head back to the hallway" HallwayKL>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $gold = $gold - 5>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_won = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_alison_choice = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_won = 0>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice = 0>>\
<<button "Rock" Q1AlisonBackroom2>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice = 1>>\
<<button "Paper" Q1AlisonBackroom2>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice = 2>>\
<<button "Scissor" Q1AlisonBackroom2>>\
<<set $AlisonQ1_plaeyon_choice = 3>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Alison/backroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/alison5.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Sir Alison lays herself on the couch.
<<speech "Alison">>Get your dick out my king!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No foreplay or anything?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Our game took long enough to be considered foreplay.
Again.. pull your pants down!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You hesitate a bit but eventually you get your dick out.">>\
You hesitate a bit but eventually you get your dick out.
<<speech "Alison">>Fuck me you animal!<</speech>>
You start to thrust into her with all your might.
<img @src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/sex_vagina1.gif'" width="100%">\
<<speech "Alison">>Is that all you got?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ughhh.. I can't go faster.. this is so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Stop. Stop it I said!<</speech>>
You are quite surprised by her dominant side even against you as the king.
<<linkreplace "She pulls your dick out of her pussy with her hands and stands up.">>\
She pulls your dick out of her pussy with her hands and stands up.
<<speech "Alison">>Do you think I am a little girl? Because I am not. Sit over there on the chair. NOW!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You are frightened by her explosive behavior and do as she says.">>\
You are frightened by her explosive behavior and do as she says.
<<speech "Alison">>Let me show you what real power is!<</speech>>
She steps on top of your dick as you lay in the chair close to falling off of it.
Sir Alison starts to jump up and down on your dick with all her might. With every down, you feel your balls aching under the pressure of her body slamming down on you.
<img @src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/sex_vagina2.gif'" width="60%">\
<<speech "Alison">>Ahhh Ahhh.. so much better... don't you dare cum now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Alison.. I can't hold it much longer...<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Fuck.. not even a king can fuck good...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She steps down and puts your dick between her breasts.">>\
She steps down and puts your dick between her breasts.
<img @src="'img/questitem/Q1-Alison/sex_cum.gif'" width="100%">\
You cum nearly immediately once your dick touches her sweaty hot boobs.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ughhh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Let it all out.. go.. more.. ahhh..<</speech>>
You spurt your hot semen all over her chest.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That was so good.. I didn't think that you would..<</speech>>
She puts her finger covered in sperm onto your lips.
<<speech "Alison">>Pssssst... not use many words, little king.. it is all good now.
We had our fun and now let us go back to business.<</speech>>
And with those words, she stands up. Takes a towel from the shelve and cleans herself of your sperm.
After that, she leaves the room completely naked and without looking back.
You just sit there for a few minutes completely exhausted. After a while, you think you should also head back to your duty.
[[Go back to the hallway.|HallwayKL]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<audio "TarTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/sept.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Meister Angela are alone in the sept.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister, we need to talk about my aunt Leanor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>You are right. The time has come when we need to show Leanor her place.
She has to surrender to you milord otherwise you can never make your claim to the throne official.
Please follow me into the map room.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You follow her.">>\
You follow her into the room where you see a giant map of the continent.
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorIntro/mapRoom.jpg" width="100%">\
The room is so big that every word spoken has an echo.
<<speech "Meister">>Your majesty. This is the king's map room. Only the king himself has access to it.<</speech>>
You are quite impressed.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wow.. this is my whole kingdom.. now I can feel its size of it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>As I already mentioned in the first week of your reign. Leanor as the folk says the "True Heir of the Targaryan" has all titles and lands of your dynasty except Kingslanding and of course the title King of the seven Kingdoms.<</speech>>
You nod.
<<speech "Meister">>On the one hand she generates a good amount of gold with all of her land but she doesn't pay her taxes to you as her rightful lord.
On the other hand, many houses would like to see her on the throne. She always refused but my spies told me that this time there could be a change of heart.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "So she is a dangerous vassal who doesn't pay his taxes.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So she is a dangerous vassal who doesn't pay his taxes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Exactly. We need her to kiss our boots if you want to say it like this otherwise we could never tell the other houses of your coronation without the big possibility of them revolting.<</speech>>
You think a bit about what she said as you glance at the giant map in front you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So she is a dangerous vassal who doesn't pay his taxes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Did you already send someone to her with our demands?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>I did and he came back with this letter.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "The Meister gives you a piece of paper.">>\
The Meister gives you a piece of paper.
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorIntro/note.jpg" width="50%">
You read the whole letter but some words are unknown to you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Zālagon zirȳla? What does this mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>It is old Valyrian and means "burn him".
She only wants to speak to you.<</speech>>
You look a bit frightened.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>But isn't this dangerous?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>It is but we do not have a choice. We can't attack her and we can't call other houses for help because they would most likely side with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right.. they haven't sworn an oath yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Sir Colby and Sir Gianna will accompany you on your journey.
With them, you should be fairly safe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay get everything ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>As you command my king. I will arrange everything and we head out later today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>>And don't forget. You are the King of the seven Kingdoms. Ruler of the first men.
Lord Protector of the realm. You do not have to bow before anyone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I will certainly keep that in mind.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "With that you both leave the room and wait until everything is ready for the trip across Westeros">>\
<<set $leaveKL = true>>\
<<set $DragonstoneUnlock = true>>\
<<goto TravelDS>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/travel/shipTargaryan.jpg" width="100%">\
Later that day you, Sir Colby, and Sir Gianna set sails to Dragonstone fully prepared to influence Lady Leanor to pay her taxes and to renounce her claims.
Aegon I. launched his great conquest from Dragonstone so you believe that this island and Lady Leanor are the key part of getting a real grip on Westeros.
<<linkreplace "As you stand on the ship bow and feel the wind blowing through your hair as you get your first glimpse of the aisle.">>\
As you stand on the ship's bow and feel the wind blowing through your hair as you get your first glimpse of the isle.
<img src="img/places/dragonstone/dragonstoneSee.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Colby">>Your majesty we will arrive on Dragonstone in a few minutes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I understand. Are we prepared for this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>I and Sir Gianna would give our lives for you. Nobody will hurt you.<</speech>>
[[You and your entourage arrive.|EntranceDSQ1Laenor]]
<<set $gianna_avaiable = false>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<<audio "TarTheme" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/dragonstoneClose.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are at the shore and gasp as you see the long stairwell leading up to the castle.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That are many steps.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gianna">>A conqueror has to climb even the steepest mountain.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you Sir Gianna for reminding me that I am special.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gianna">>I am sorry milord.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Anyways we should get going the sun will set sun.<</speech>>
[[Follow the stairs up to Dragonstone.|LeaQ1Bridge]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bridgeClose.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are on the bridge to Dragonstone.
<<button "Entrance Hall" EntranceHallDS>><</button>>
<<button "Shore" EntranceDS>><</button>>\<<audio "TarTheme" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bedroomKing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is your bedroom on Dragonstone.
On the shelve you see the "[[Book about all Houses|BookHouses]]".
<<if $MS_leanor_status >= 1>>\
The daily report about the [[stability|Stability]] in the realm is also on the table.
There is a [[map|RegionResources]] on the wall.
<<if $day == 1 and $debtPayedThisWeek == false>>\
You have a meeting with the [[Golden Bank.|Paydebt]]
<<elseif $day == 4 and $houseMeetedThisWeek == false>>\
You have a meeting with one of [[the Houses|HouseMeeting]]
<<elseif ($time == 3 or $energy == 0)>>\
You can [[sleep|SleepKL]] in your bed.
It is too early to sleep.
<<set $place = "BedroomDS">>\
<<button "Hallway" HallwayDS>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/bedroom.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<elseif $time == 3 and ($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6)>>\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorBalconySmall1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorBalconySmall2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This Leanor's bedroom.
<<if $time == 1>>\
You can see Leanor getting ready.
<<speech "Leanor">>Wow, you scared me.. thought you would be someone else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Don't worry, it is only me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Do you want anything?<</speech>>
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkDSLea]]
<<if $leanor_door >= 2>>\
<<button "Bathroom" BathDSLea>><</button>>\
<<button "Bathroom [Locked]" BathDSLeaLocked>><</button>>\
<<button "Balcony" BalconyDS>><</button>>\
<<button "Hallway" HallwayDS>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bathroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/bath.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This Leanor's bathroom.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
You can see Leanor in the bathtub.
<<speech "Leanor">>My island, my bath. What are you doing in here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I must have gone into the wrong room. Everything looks fairly similar here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Are you insulting my home? The home of our family dynasty?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well I.. I did not want to insult you in any way. I just wanted to-<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Anyways get out now I want to finish washing.<</speech>>
You leave the room.
<<button "Leanors Bedroom" BedroomDSLea>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 3 and $charlotte_avaiable == 0>>\
@src="'img/kg/charlotte' +$charlotte_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the hallway.
<<if $time == 3 and $charlotte_avaiable == 0>>\
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkDSCharlotte]]
<<button "Bedroom" BedroomDS>><</button>>\
<<if $leanor_door >= 1>>\
<<button "Leanors Bedroom" BedroomDSLea>><</button>>
<<button "Leanors Bedroom [Locked]" BedroomDSLeaLocked>><</button>>
<<button "Entrance Hall" EntranceHallDS>><</button>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/balcony.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 3 and ($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6)>>\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorBalcony1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorBalcony2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are on the balcony.
<<if $time == 3 and ($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6)>>\
You can see Leanor looking into the distance.
<<speech "Leanor">>I love it here. So much water and so few people.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It is remarkable but you don't like people?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You are already one too many on my isle but I will let it slip.<</speech>>
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkDSLea]]
<<button "Leanors Bedroom" BedroomDSLea>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
<<if ($day == 3 or $day == 6 or $day == 7) and $time == 2>>\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throneRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $charlotte_avaiable == 0>>\
@src="'img/kg/charlotte' +$charlotte_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the throne room.
<<if ($day == 3 or $day == 6 or $day == 7) and $time == 2>>\
<<speech "Leanor">>$playerName , what are you doing in my throne room?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I've came to talk to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I am very busy at the moment. Ruleing and administering.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay then we talk later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Good..Charlotte lead him out.<</speech>>
<<if $leanor_quest == 4>>\
You have to think quickly as you see Charlotte coming up to you.
[[No I have to talk to you|MainQuestDS1]]
[[Sir Charlotte leads you out of the room.|EntranceHallDS]]
<<elseif $charlotte_avaiable == 0>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here without Lady Leanor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am the king and this is my property.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Someone who has to say "I am the king" is no real king and now get out of here.<</speech>>
[[You suddenly swallowed your tongue so you turn around and leave the throne room a bit humiliated.|EntranceHallDS]]
<<button "Entrance Hall" EntranceHallDS>><</button>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/beach.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 2 and ($day == 1 or $day == 5)>>\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/beach1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/beach2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 2 and ($day == 1 or $day == 5)>>\
You see Leanor in the distance also on the beach. Swimming-Skill: $swimmingSkill
<<if $energy >= 25>>\
[[How about some watersport?|BeachDSTrain]]
How about some watersport? [Energy >= 25]
You are at the beach. Swimming-Skill: $swimmingSkill
<<if $time != 3 and $energy >=25>>\
Work [Too late/Not enough energy]
<<button "Shore" EntranceDS>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the entrance hall.
<<button "Hallway" HallwayDS>><</button>>
<<button "Throne room" ThroneDS>><</button>>\
<<button "Cave" CaveDS>><</button>>
<<button "Stairs" BridgeDS>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/cave.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the cave.
<<button "Entrance Hall" EntranceHallDS>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Leanor's bathroom is locked.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the wooden gap.">>\
You spy through the wooden gap.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bathroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/bath.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Leanor">>Who is there? $playerName it is you isn't it?!
Are you spying on me?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that she calls your name that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Leanor... sorry for spying on you.. I was.. well I am sorry.<</speech>>
You walk awkwardly away.
<<notify 5s>>Leanor relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $leanor_love = $leanor_love - 5>>\
<<if $leanor_love < -100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = -100>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Bedroom" BedroomDSLea>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/leanor/leanor' +$leanor_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Leanor are alone.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkDSLea>>\
<<set $leanor_pic = 1>>\
<<if $leanor_love >= 40>>\
<<button "Lewd" TalkDSLea>>\
<<set $leanor_pic = 2>>\
| Lewd [Love > 40]\
<<if $leanor_love >= 70>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkDSLea>>\
<<set $leanor_pic = 3>>\
| Nude [Love > 70]\
<<if $leanor_love > 30 and $energy >= 25>>\
How about we two have some fun together?
<<button "Do you want to have sex?" SexDSLea>>\
Do you want to have sex? [Love > 30, Energy >= 25]
Lets talk about..
<<if $leanor_quest == 3>>\
[[I have a question about our past|Quest3LeaStart]]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" BedroomDSLea>>
<<if $time != 3>>
<<set $time = $time + 1>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Leanor's bedroom is locked.
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the wooden gap.">>\
You spy through the wooden gap.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/bedroom.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Leanor">>What made that sound? Charlotte? $playerName?<</speech>>
You are so caught by surprise that she calls your name that you instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It is me.. agh.. I was just walking by and stumbled against your door. I am sorry.<</speech>>
Puh.. that was awkward.
<<notify 5s>>Leanor relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $leanor_love = $leanor_love - 5>>\
<<if $leanor_love < -100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = -100>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Hallway" HallwayDS>><</button>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/beach/water.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/beach/swimming' + _randomNumber + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You draw your tracks with Leanor.
<<if $swimmingSkill == 0>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The water.. the weightlessness and the freedom in the water is just so nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You are right. It feels like you could fly.
This is how it must have felt to ride a dragon in the sky.<</speech>>
You light up a bit shyly.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Dragons yeah.. that were the times.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>If we could just get those again.. nobody would stand in our way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure.. but that is a tale for another day. Now please just let me enjoy the swim with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Oh that is sweat.. don't make me blush.
Well but anyways I will be here and if you want to swim with me I wouldn't say no.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay.. see you next time.<</speech>>
<img @src="'img/scene/beach/train'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="60%">
After quite some time of swimming up and down on the beach.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That is enough.. I am exhausted.<</speech>>
Leanor swims over to you.
<<notify 5s>>You increase your Swimming-Skill +20!
Leanor relationship + 10!<</notify>>\
<<set $leanor_love = $leanor_love + 10>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = 100>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set $swimmingSkill = $swimmingSkill + 20>>\
<<if $swimmingSkill > 100>>\
<<set $swimmingSkill = 100>>\
<<if $swimmingSkill < 40>>\
She seems unimpressed.
<<speech "Leanor">>You are fast out of breath. Some more training should help you with that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right.
We will see each other next time.<</speech>>
<<elseif $swimmingSkill < 80>>\
<<speech "Leanor">>You can swim as far as I can. You build some stamina.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Not enough.. you are still faster than me and I can't let that stay like this.<</speech>>
<<elseif $swimmingSkill == 100>>\
<<speech "Leanor">>Holy I couldn't have done it better myself.
You have become quite a fish. Well done!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A fish? Haha.. that was fun.<</speech>>
<<if $swimmingSkill == 100 and $leanor_quest == 2>>\
<<button "Finish brewing" BeachDSTrainFinish>><</button>>\
<<button "Finish brewing" BeachDS>><</button>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bridgeClose.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/kg/charlotte_bridge.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/plaeyon/plaeyon_bridge.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
As you climb the stairs on the bridge you see a person dressed in black coming towards you.
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are expected. Follow me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well.. hello? Who are you? You should show more respect before your king.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>I do not serve any king, only the Lady of Dragonstone which name is Leanor.
And my Lady awaits your presence in the throne room. So hurry up and follow me.<</speech>>
You are a bit confused what to do. Should you [[demand more respect|LeaQ1BridgeA]] or [[go with it|LeaQ1BridgeB]]?<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bridgeClose.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/kg/charlotte_bridge.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/plaeyon/plaeyon_bridge.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You decided to insist on her having more respect.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Stop right there you uncouth broad.
I demand that you show your king respect right now and beg for my forgiveness.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>I am so sorry.. that you think you are in any position to make demands. Lady Leanor strictly instructed me on how to handle your arrival and so will I do. Now keep your mouth shut otherwise we will stand on this bridge the whole remaining day.<</speech>>
As you want to speak up again you feel the hand of Sir Colby on your shoulder as she starts to whisper into your ear.
<<speech "Colby">>Your majesty we shouldn't create an uproar here. Let us first here what your Aunt Leanor has to say.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right.. I have to get through this.<</speech>>
[[After quite a walk you four arrive at the throne room.|LeaQ1Throne1]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bridgeClose.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/kg/charlotte_bridge.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/plaeyon/plaeyon_bridge.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You decided to let this disrespectfulness slip for once.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Gianna please keep an eye out for her. She seems like a trouble maker.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gianna">>Don't worry I will not let her out of sight.<</speech>>
[[After quite a walk you four arrive at the throne room.|LeaQ1Throne1]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You four arrive in the throne room. Right after you enter you can see your Aunt sitting there on the throne.
Sir Charlotte announces as soon as you make your first step into the room.
<<speech "Charlotte">>May I present to you: Lady Leanor Targaryen of Dragonstone
Daughter of Traeon and the true heir of the Targaryen"<</speech>>
Lady Leanor turns around and looks straight into your face.
<<speech "Leanor">>Little nephew I am so glad that you came.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am neither little nor just your nephew. I am the King of the seven Kingdoms now I demand that you pay respect Lady Leanor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Forgive my rudeness I just thought now that the line of succession is favoring females that your mandia Raenyra would sit on the dēmalion down there in your castle. This wouldn't have changed your status as just a dārilaros in which case I would be of higher rank than you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You are quite impressed by her way of speaking and her mixing Valyrian fluently into the normal language.">>\
You are quite impressed by her way of speaking and her mixing Valyrian fluently into the normal language.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I forgive you as you are a part of my family. Anyways I came to talk with you about the tax money you own the crown.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>So I own you something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes you do. And not only that but also your claim on the throne has to be revoked.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>How can I claim the throne when you sit on it dārys?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Don't play games with me. We aren't children anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>So you didn't forget our time together.. how old were we both? 18? But I was always way more mature than you.. you always wanted to play board games or do you remember that one time we played doctor? <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You remember vaguely but enough to get your head red as a tomato.">>\
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorIntro/doctorGame.jpg" width="100%">\
You remember vaguely but enough to get your head red as a tomato.
<<speech "Leanor">>You always wanted to be the patient under control by me as the doctor.
Haha.. the time you want me to do surgery on your pe..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Enough.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You take two more steps towards her on the throne.">>\
You take two more steps towards her on the throne.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I did not come here to please you. I come in matters of the family.
We as the Targaryens have to stand together and this means that you will have to pay your taxes and that YOU will have to support my decisions as the family head.<</speech>>
Leanor sits there silent for a while.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Do you understand me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I do... you are right.. the family has to fight together. We can only rule Westeros united.
Please follow me I want to show you the treasures I have gathered so we can be honest with each other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Finally thank you Aunt.<</speech>>
Lady Leanor stands up and leaves the room followed by her knight Sir Charlotte.
[[You follow her with your own two knights|LeaQ1Treasure]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/prisoncell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You all climb many stairs up to the treasure room.
<<speech "Leanor">>Here is it. Please you deserve to enter first.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Sir Charlotte opens the door and you enter.">>\
Sir Charlotte opens the door and you enter.
<<speech "Leanor">>Little nephew.. you think that pure gold comes out of your mouth if you speak.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Leanor what are you-<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Sir Charlotte it is time.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You hear a scream as you turn around and see Sir Gianna with the sword of Sir Charlotte in her chest.">>\
You hear a scream as you turn around and see Sir Gianna with the sword of Sir Charlotte in her chest.
<<speech "Gianna">>Milord.. I .. I couldn't..-<</speech>>
At this moment you see Sir Colby jump in between you and Sir Charlotte who is running over to you.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/prisoncell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/fight.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You all climb many stairs up to the treasure room.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Leanor stop this bloodshed<</speech>>
[[You hear a loud *bonk* and everything went dark|LeaQ1PrisonIntro]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<fadein 5s>>\
You wake up in a room supposedly to be your prison cell.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What... what happened.. ahh.. is anybody there?<</speech>>
<<fadein 5s>>\
<<speech "Colby">>Milord! Thank god you are finally awake!<</speech>>
<<fadein 5s>>\
[[You stand up|LeaQ1Prison]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/prisoncell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/plaeyon/plaeyon1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/windowSmall.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/chestClosed.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/ironbars.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You stand in your prison cell.
[[Go to the window in the back|LeaQ1PrisonWindowColby]]
[[Look at the chest|LeaQ1PrisonChest]]
<<if $windowOpen == true>>\
[[Go out of the window|LeaQ1PrisonWindow]]
<<elseif $keyInventory == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Open the windows with the key">>\
<<set $windowOpen = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1Prison>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $colbyFree == false>>\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/colbyWindow.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/colbyWindow2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/windowBig.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You look through the window into Sir Colby's cell.
<<if $colbyTalk == 0>>\
<<set $colbyTalk = 1>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Colby are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Your majesty.. it is so nice to see your face.. I thought I would have lost you..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>You must have lost your memory. We ran into an ambush from Lady Leanor.
As soon as you stepped into the room Leanor gave the command to Sir Charlotte to attack us.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You touch the backside of your head and find it hurting a lot.">>\
You touch the backside of your head and find it hurting a lot.
<<speech "Colby">> Unfortunately Sir Charlotte managed to surprise Sir Gianna and kill her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>She is dead? What how?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Sir Charlotte put her sword right through her chest. It was horrible.
After that, I reacted as quickly as it was possible and fought Charlotte.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You are very unsettled about everything that has happened.">>\
You are very unsettled about everything that has happened.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And what did I do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>As I fought, Lady Leanor hit your head with a big wooden stick. You lost consciousness and Leanor called in four more guards which overpowered me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And then I woke up here.. what happened to you over there? What did they do to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Agghh.. not much.. they tied me up and put those clips on me.. which hurt a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright.. lets first get you freed and then we search for a way out of here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You go back and look around your room for helpful items">>\
<<goto LeaQ1Prison>>\
<<elseif $colbyTalk == 1>>\
<<speech "Colby">>Have you already found something to cut my ropes with?<</speech>>
<<elseif $colbyTalk == 2 and $keyInventory == false>>\
You cut with the knife the ropes of Sir Colby.
<<speech "Colby">>Ahhh.. thank you very much.. I can finally feel my hands again. Now I just need to get those clamps off.<</speech>>
You watch as Sir Colby takes off the clamps one for one and with each she lets out a small moan.
<<speech "Colby">>Mmmhhhgff.. this was the last one.. my nipples feel so sensitive now..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Yes yes.. my hands still feel a bit numb. Wait what is this?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Sir Colby goes onto her knees to pick something up.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/colbyWindow2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/keyColby.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/windowBig.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Sir Colby goes onto her knees to pick something up.
<<speech "Colby">>I found a key. I could only pick it up with my tits because my hands are so numb.. but here.. grab it maybe you can open something with it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Lets have a look.<</speech>>
<<set $colbyTalk = 3>>\
<<set $keyInventory = true>>\
<<elseif $colbyTalk == 3>>
<<speech "Colby">>Did you find any use for the key I gave you?<</speech>>
<<if $knifeInventory == true and $colbyFree == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Give Colby the knife">>
<<set $colbyTalk = 2>>\
<<set $colbyFree = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1PrisonWindowColby>>\
[[Step back|LeaQ1Prison]]<img src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/Numberlock.jpg" width="100%">\
This is the lock of the chest, but what was the code?
<<linkreplace "Hint">>\
Sometimes a look through a window helps.
<<if $chestOpen == false>>\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["221"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<set $chestOpen = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1PrisonChestOpen>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["The lock does not open", "The lock does not move", "Nothing moves"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
[[Open the chest|LeaQ1PrisonChestOpen]]
[[Go back|LeaQ1Prison]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/chestOpen.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $knifeInventory == false>>\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/knife.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You take a look in the chest.
<<if $knifeInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Take the knife">>\
<<set $knifeInventory = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1PrisonChestOpen>>\
[[Go back|LeaQ1Prison]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/windowOutside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $batInventory == false>>\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/baseballbat.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are outside of your cell.
<<if $ropeInventory == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Get the bat with the rope">>
<<set $batInventory = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1PrisonWindow>>\
The bat is too hight to reach
[[Go back|LeaQ1Prison]]
[[Go into the next room|LeaQ1PrisonRoom1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/room1.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $screwdriverInventory == false>>\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/screwdriver.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/book.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in a room in the tower.
<<if $screwdriverInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Take the screwdriver">>\
<<set $screwdriverInventory = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1PrisonRoom1>>\
<<linkreplace "Read the book">>\
Book of the History of Dragonstone.
<small>Lord Aegon Targaryen planned his invasion of Westeros from the Chamber of the Painted Table. At the start of the Conquest, Aegon called bannermen and allies to Dragonstone, including the Velaryons of Driftmark, the Celtigars of Claw Isle, the Bar Emmons of Sharp Point, and the Masseys of Stonedance. Aegon and his sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys, conquered six of the Seven Kingdoms, with only Dorne remaining independent. Ser Quenton Qoherys, the master-at-arms of Dragonstone, was named Lord of Harrenhal by Aegon.
Aegon established his new seat, the Aegonfort, where he first made landfall at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush. The city of King's Landing, the new capital, eventually formed around it. Aegon divided his reign between King's Landing, Dragonstone, and royal progresses throughout the realm. The king raised his eldest son and heir, Prince Aenys at King's Landing, while Queen Visenya raised Aegon's younger son, Maegor at Dragonstone. In time, Maegor became known as the "Prince of Dragonstone". In 35 AC, the Aegonfort was torn down in preparation for the construction of the Red Keep, so Aegon the Conqueror returned to his beloved Dragonstone. Two years later Aegon died from a stroke while in the Chamber of the Painted Table. Vhagar burned the king's body in the castle yard.</small>
[[Go to the hallway|LeaQ1PrisonHallway]]
[[Go back|LeaQ1PrisonWindow]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/prisonHallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $ropeInventory == false>>\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/rope.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $guardStanding == true>>\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/guard.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in a room in the tower.
<<if $batInventory == true and $guardStanding == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Take the guard out with the bat">>
<<set $guardStanding = false>>\
<<goto LeaQ1PrisonHallway>>\
<<elseif $batInventory == false>>\
You see a guard standing in the way. How do I get past her?
<<if $ropeInventory == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Take the rope">>
<<set $ropeInventory = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1PrisonHallway>>\
<<if $guardStanding == false>>\
[[Go to Sir Colbys cell|LeaQ1PrisonColbyCell]]
[[Go back|LeaQ1PrisonRoom1]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/colbyCell.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/ironbars.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You stand before the cell of Sir Colby.
<<if $screwdriverInventory == true>>\
[[Open the prisondoor|LeaQ1PrisonOutro]]
[[Go back to the hallway|LeaQ1PrisonHallway]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/colbyCell.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You freed Sir Colby.
<<speech "Colby">>Finally.. thank you very much milord.<</speech>>
You both hug each other for a quick moment.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright we have to get going.
Let's see how Leanor will react when we suddenly stand in her throne room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>This time I will not be overpowered. This time we are prepared.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We just have to crack this door.<</speech>>
[[Go to the door|LeaQ1DoorLock]]<<audio "TarTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<linkreplace "You enter the throne room.">>\
You enter the throne room.
<img src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/entrance.gif" width="100%">\
Sir Charlotte starts to announce you as soon as you make your first step into the room.
<<speech "Colby">>
Rise for king $playerName, first of his name.
King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
Protector of the Realm<</speech>>
You can see the disbelieve in the face of Lady Leanor as you walk up to the throne.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Lady Leanor I can see that you are surprised that I stand here again so shortly after our last conversation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>But.. skorkydoso? Sir Charl-<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Hmmpf..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You take a look over to Sir Charlotte">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/wall.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/CharlotteBondage.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You take a look over to Sir Charlotte and see her tied up by Sir Colby.
<<speech "Colby">>Sir Charlotte is unfortunately out of business for today.<</speech>>
You look back to Leanor with a smirk on your face.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So how about we talk like adults who want to strengthen their families.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You impressed me. Ao really did. I didn't think that ao have what it takes but ao shown me otherwise.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You step up to her Throne so now that you are at eye level.">>\
You step up to her Throne so now that you are at eye level.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You killed Sir Gianna.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I am sorry for your loss, it was not planned this way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Where is my ship?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I let them know that they could sail home. So they set sail a few moments after you entered Dragonstone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Can you send out a raven so they come and pick us up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>We don't have a Meister so we also don't have ravens here at the moment.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You give her your hand for a handshake.">>\
You give her your hand for a handshake.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Let the past die, kill it if you have to.
We both have to look into the future. We have to stick together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You are right. You already proved to me that you are a vala of real strength. Let us work together.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You two shake hands.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/handshake.gif" width="75%">\
<<speech "Leanor">>Feel free to move around here. The next ship which could pick you up will drop anchor in around a week. So we have time to get to know each other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright where will I reside.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I had a bedroom prepared for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Good. I am very tired. We will see each other tomorrow.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You step down and go to the door.">>\
You step down and go to the door.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh and one more thing
If you ever try to lie and hurt me or my family again, I will find you and I will kill you.<</speech>>
Lady Leanor nods.
<<speech "Leanor">>Understood aōha majesty.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Leanor relationship + 50!<</notify>>\
<<set $leanor_love = $leanor_love + 50>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = 100>>\
<<set $leanor_quest = 2>>\
[[You head out to your bedroom|BedroomDS]]
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
Vom thronsaal ausgehen:
Trophy room/Achivementroom mit evtl. alte szenen wie quest abschlüsse nochmal ansehen
<img src="img/questitem/Q1-Leanor/Numberlock.jpg" width="100%">\
This is the number lock of the door, but what was the code?
<<linkreplace "Take a look again into the book">>\
Book of the History of Dragonstone.
<small>Lord Aegon Targaryen planned his invasion of Westeros from the Chamber of the Painted Table. At the start of the Conquest, Aegon called bannermen and allies to Dragonstone, including the Velaryons of Driftmark, the Celtigars of Claw Isle, the Bar Emmons of Sharp Point, and the Masseys of Stonedance. Aegon and his sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys, conquered six of the Seven Kingdoms, with only Dorne remaining independent. Ser Quenton Qoherys, the master-at-arms of Dragonstone, was named Lord of Harrenhal by Aegon.
Aegon established his new seat, the Aegonfort, where he first made landfall at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush. The city of King's Landing, the new capital, eventually formed around it. Aegon divided his reign between King's Landing, Dragonstone, and royal progresses throughout the realm. The king raised his eldest son and heir, Prince Aenys at King's Landing, while Queen Visenya raised Aegon's younger son, Maegor at Dragonstone. In time, Maegor became known as the "Prince of Dragonstone". In 35 AC, the Aegonfort was torn down in preparation for the construction of the Red Keep, so Aegon the Conqueror returned to his beloved Dragonstone. Two years later Aegon died from a stroke while in the Chamber of the Painted Table. Vhagar burned the king's body in the castle yard.</small>
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["35"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<set $chestOpen = true>>\
<<goto LeaQ1EntranceHall1>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["The lock does not open", "The lock does not move", "Nothing moves"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
src="img/tar/plaeyon/plaeyon1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You two stand in the entrance hall infront of the door to the throne room.
[[Lets suprise the Lady of Dragonstone|LeaQ1Throne2]]<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<set _goldAmount to 10>>\
<<set _relationshipAmount to 5>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/beach.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $day == 1 or $day == 5 or $day == 2 or $day == 3>>\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/beach1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/beach2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $day == 1 or $day == 5 or $day == 2 or $day == 3>>\
You are fishing and see Leanor on the beach.
<<speech "Leanor">>Ughh.. the fish stinks.<</speech>>
You smile at her.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The smell doesn't matter only the taste.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>The taste.. well you are right. I normally only see it prepared as a meal for me.
Keep on going I want a feast tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Leanor relationship + _relationshipAmount!<</notify>>\
<<set $leanor_love = $leanor_love + _relationshipAmount>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = 100>>\
You are fishing.
<img @src="'img/scene/beach/work'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After a few hours, you are done and earned the Kingdom _goldAmount pounds of gold.
<<set $time = $time +1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<if $energy >= 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + _goldAmount>>\
<<button "Finish fishing" BeachDS>><</button>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/beach.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/beach2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Before you leave Leanor catches you.
<<speech "Leanor">>Nephew I just wanted to say that.. sȳrī is a great swimmer.<</speech>>
You start to smile a bit.
<<speech "Leanor">>and.. I had a great time with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Nice that you say that and I also enjoyed it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>We had a rough start but I think that we.. that I can be more open to ao.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>How do you mean that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Well for example ñuha castle.. I will keep my door open for you anytime.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you for your trust.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Don't overdo it thou.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure.
Have a nice day!<</speech>>
After that, you head back to the stairs.
<<set $leanor_quest = 3>>\
<<set $leanor_door = 1>>\
<<set $leanor_pic = 2>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Leanor relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $leanor_love = $leanor_love + 20>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = 100>>\
<<button "Finish swimming" EntranceDS>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/leanor/leanor' +$leanor_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Leanor are alone in her bedroom.
<<speech "Leanor">>If it isn't our swimming champion. $playerName what do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I need you help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Ñuhon? I am amused.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You know that we originally came from Valyria. Over there we spoke a language that we held onto for so long. We are known for speaking the old tongue Valyrain as well as the common one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Sure go on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister Angela in Kingslanding never taught the language to me. So I wanted to ask you for your help so that I could understand more of it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You want me as your teacher? How could I say no to this? It is a duty to the crown.
Follow me ezīmagon the entrance hall.<</speech>>
[[You follow her|Q3LeaIntro]]<img src="img/places/dragonstone/bedroom.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Leanor">>\
<<set _place = "SexDSLea">>\
<<set _getOut = "HallwayDS">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
_name is undressing for you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/undress.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
_name works your dick with her hands.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/handjob.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
_name sucks your dick.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/bj1.webm" type="video/webm">
She squeezes your dick between her big tits.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/bj2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 3>>\
You start to fuck her pussy.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/vagina1.webm" type="video/webm">
You go on an fuck her rhythmically.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/vagina2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 4>>\
_name climbs on top of you and you start to thrust into her.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/riding1.webm" type="video/webm">
_name really seems to enjoy this.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/riding2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 12>>\
You cum into _name's mouth.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 13>>\
You cum onto _name's chest.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/cumChest1.webm" type="video/webm">
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 30>>\
<<button "Handjob" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $leanor_love to $leanor_love + 2>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 50>>\
<<button "Blowjob" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $leanor_love to $leanor_love + 2>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 70>>\
<<button "Riding" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 4>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $leanor_love to $leanor_love + 2>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 90>>\
<<button "Missionary" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 3>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 50>>\
<<set $leanor_love to $leanor_love + 2>>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>
<<button "Cum in mouth" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 12>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<button "Cum on chest" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 13>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = 100>>\
Increased relationship by 2.
Current relationship at $leanor_love.
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" _getOut>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tar/leanor/leanor' +$leanor_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Leanor are alone in the entrance hall.
<<speech "Leanor">>Alright sit down.<</speech>>
You sit down as Leanor slams a big book on the table.
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book.jpg" width="50%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well that is a huge book.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>And in it is all Valyrian grammar and every word ever spoke in this udrir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So I am learning that just by heart?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>No.. we only do the first few pages. It is simply summarized.
I ask you for words and sentences in Valyrian and you translate them. Then we do it vice versa.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright good plan.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Get ready.<</speech>>
[[You open up the book and start to read the first few pages.|Q3LeaQuestion1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/leanor1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Leanor gives you your first steps into the Valyrian language.
<<speech "Leanor">>Good.. let me just write the first sentence.. a fairly easy one for the start.<</speech>>
She hands you a small piece of paper with a sentence on it.
<<linkreplace "Take a look.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/q1.png" width="50%">\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["i love leanor"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<goto Q3LeaQuestion2>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["This doesn't seem right","Wrong","Maybe it is something different"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<h2>Valyrian Tongue</h2>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book2.png" width="75%">\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/leanor2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I love Leanor.. is this right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I sure hope so.. you are so charming. But yes the translation is correct.
Lets try another.<</speech>>
She hands you a small piece of paper with a sentence on it.
<<linkreplace "Take a look.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/q2.png" width="50%">\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["dragon fire is very hot"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<goto Q3LeaQuestion3>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["This doesn't seem right","Wrong","Maybe it is something different"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<h2>Valyrian Tongue</h2>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book2.png" width="75%">\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/leanor3.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Dragon fire is very hot<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You are right again. Now something you could say to some of those Stark bastards.<</speech>>
She hands you a small piece of paper with a sentence on it.
<<linkreplace "Take a look.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/q3.png" width="50%">\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["this throne belongs to me"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<goto Q3LeaQuestion4>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["This doesn't seem right","Wrong","Maybe it is something different"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<h2>Valyrian Tongue</h2>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book2.png" width="75%">\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/leanor4.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This throne belongs to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Good.. now try it the different way around.<</speech>>
She hands you a small piece of paper with a sentence on it.
<<linkreplace "Take a look.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/q4.png" width="50%">\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["iksan se darys"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<goto Q3LeaQuestion5>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["This doesn't seem right","Wrong","Maybe it is something different"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<h2>Valyrian Tongue</h2>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book2.png" width="75%">\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/leanor5.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Iksan se darys.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Impressive.. lets try one more.<</speech>>
She hands you a small piece of paper with a sentence on it.
<<linkreplace "Take a look.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/q5.png" width="50%">\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["se iedar iksis iorves"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<goto Q3LeaQuestion6>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["This doesn't seem right","Wrong","Maybe it is something different"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<h2>Valyrian Tongue</h2>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book2.png" width="75%">\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/leanor6.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Se iedar iksis iorves.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Why would I say this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I don't know.. maybe you could try this when a Greyjoy wants to swim with you.
Anyways here comes the last one.<</speech>>
She hands you a small piece of paper with a sentence on it.
<<linkreplace "Take a look.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/q6.png" width="50%">\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if ["iksan ia zaldrizes kipagiros"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<goto Q3LeaQuestion7>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["This doesn't seem right","Wrong","Maybe it is something different"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<h2>Valyrian Tongue</h2>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book2.png" width="75%">\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/mainRoom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/leanor6.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Iksan ia zaldrizes kipagiros.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Excellent you did it. You correctly translated all sentences.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you very much for your teaching. It wouldn't have been possible without you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Don't mention it. It was a lot of fun. But you should always keep this book with you. It could help you if you don't understand some words in the future.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure great. Have a great rest of your day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh and Leanor our time together will end soon. We have to speak with each other by official means.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You are right. Meet me in the throne room for this. Oh and also no more locked door here on this isle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure great.<</speech>>
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $leanor_quest = 4>>\
<<set $leanor_door = 2>>\
<<set $leanor_pic = 3>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed! Leanor relationship + 30!<</notify>>\
<<set $leanor_love = $leanor_love + 30>>\
<<if $leanor_love > 100>>\
<<set $leanor_love = 100>>\
[[And with that Leanor leaves and you are alone in the room.|EntranceHallDS]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the throne room.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>My time here has come to an end and we have to talk about everything again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Again? Alright as you wish.<</speech>>
You think of a few options.
<<if $leanor_love >= 90>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[We have to bond our family together with a marriage.|MainQuestDS1Marriage]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We have to bond through a marriage but I don't know if she loves me enough to agree.
[Love >= 90]<</speech>>
<<if $charlotte_quest >= 2>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[I will overthrow her and have her give me back all Targaryan-Titles|MainQuestDS1Force]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I have to overthrow her somehow but Sir Charlotte would be too big of a problem.
[Charlotte Quest]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[Actually I have to go... see you next time.|EntranceHallDS]]<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the throne room.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We have to show the world our unity. That we as a family fight as one man.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>So what do you propose?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A marriage between you and me. Like in the old times. A sister marries her brother, a uncle his niece and a nephew his aunt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>How in the world would this be allowed?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It doesn't matter. Only you and I matter. We two together will form a new Westeros. A new Kingdom. Do you agree?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Agree with what? That you want to strengthen our grip: yes. That you want to marry me like this: no!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What does that mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I want to be asked like a lady. Not like a peasant.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You take a deep breath.">>\
You take a deep breath, go down on your knees and you stretch out your hand.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Lady Leanor of Dragonstone, beloved Aunt.
Will you do me the honor and be my queen?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Leanor stands up and takes your hand.">>\
<<audio "TarTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
Leanor stands up and takes your hand.
<<fadein 5s>>\
<<speech "Leanor">>King $playerName of House Targaryen, the First of His Name.
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.
I accept your proposal and I will be your queen!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You both kiss.">>\
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/kiss.jpg" width="40%">\
You both kiss. After that Leanor turns herself to the rest of her court.
<<speech "Leanor">>Get the Meister!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I thought you didn't have one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Right but you have one on the ship which just docked down at the riverbank. Angela should be her name right?<</speech>>
[[At this moment the doors to the throne room opens up and you see Meister Angela.|MainQuestDS1Marriage2]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the throne room.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are nothing. You are just a footnote in the book of history.
You will never be more than just the aunt of the king.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>$playerName what are you saying? Are you out of your mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I never had a more clear mind. I concluded that I do not need you. I only need your properties and titles.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Nephew.. we had such a great time together. Who can you throw all of this away?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You abduct me and held me hostage on the isle of our forefathers.
You told Sir Charlotte to kill Sir Gianna. You are questioning my dominion.
What did you expect? That we eat cake together?<</speech>>
Leanor stands enraged.
<<speech "Leanor">>You will regret that! SIR CHARLOTTE COME HERE!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "The door opens up.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/door.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/force/colbyEntrance.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door opens up and Sir Colby walks in.
<<speech "Colby">>Sir Charlotte is busy at the moment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>How? How can this be?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Sir Colby ties her up.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/force/forceSet1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Sir Colby ties her up.
<<speech "Leanor">>You will pay for this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I believe that you will pay me. You will pay your taxes. But rather as Steward of Dragonstone then Lady.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You give Sir Colby a sign and she put a piece of paper on the throne.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is an official contract in which you declare me as the only rightful owner over the lands you currently hold. Furthermore, you revoke your claims on the throne.
In short, you will be nothing more than a farmer by my grace.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You can't make me sign it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You give Sir Colby another sign.">>\
You give Sir Colby another sign and she puts Leanor in her place by slapping her.
<<speech "Leanor">>You bastard. YOU ARE A BASTARD!<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/force/forceSet2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Lady Leanor signs the contract.
[[This does put a smile on my face.|MainQuestDS1Force2]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Colby are in the hallway.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkKLColby>>\
<<set $colby_pic = 1>>\
<<if $colby_quest >= 2>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkKLColby>>\
<<set $colby_pic = 2>>\
| Nude [Finish Quest]\
<<if $time == 3>>\
[[Wait where are you going?|Q1Colby]]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" HallwayKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/charlotte' +$charlotte_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Charlotte are in the hallway.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkDSCharlotte>>\
<<set $charlotte_pic = 1>>\
<<if $charlotte_quest >= 2>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkDSCharlotte>>\
<<set $charlotte_pic = 2>>\
| Nude [Finish Quest]\
[[Sir Charlotte how about a quick game?|Q1Charlotte]]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" HallwayDS>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/charlotte' +$charlotte_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Charlotte are in the hallway.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sir Charlotte how about a quick game?<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>A game with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Is this a test? An ambush?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Nope just a little leisure activity.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Okay then let us play. Let's say a guessing game.
I think of a number between 0 and 100 and you try to guess it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sounds good go on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Alright.. we play 3 rounds and for every round, you have 5 tries. And...<</speech>>
[[Sir Charlotte thinks of a number.|Q1CharlotteTry1]]<<set $CharlotteQ1Number to random(0,100)>>\
CharlotteQ1Number: $CharlotteQ1Number
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Sir Charlotte are in the hallway.
<<speech "Charlotte">>Alright I got a number. Try to guess it.<</speech>>
<<textbox "$CharlotteQ1NumberGuess" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess == $CharlotteQ1Number>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteGuessed>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteTry2>>
<span id="output"></span><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You said $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess
<<if ($CharlotteQ1Number + 20) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number + 10) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 20) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way more.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 10) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit more.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A little bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A small bit more.<</speech>>
<<textbox "$CharlotteQ1NumberGuess" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess == $CharlotteQ1Number>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteGuessed>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteTry3>>
<span id="output"></span><<set $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon = $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon +1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You said $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess
<<if $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon == 1>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>First one correct.
Shall we go on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[Sure!|Q1CharlotteTry1]]<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon == 2>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Another one. You are quite good in this game.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[Final round here I come.|Q1CharlotteTry1]]<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon == 3>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Correct again. You won!
Tell me Targaryens can't read minds can they?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No not that I know.. well, at least I can't. Haha<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>I think we both also had a very rough start.
How about we are a bit more friendly to each other in the future?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes let us be respectfully to each other.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You two shake hands">>\
You two shake hands.
<<speech "Charlotte">>Do you want to piss on me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>I can be your toilet if you want to?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "I never did this.. to like.. well if you would let me?">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I never did this.. to like.. well if you would let me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Sure! Get your dick out.<</speech>>
You unpack your dick and start to piss on her.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/piss.webm" type="video/webm">
As you piss on her she tries to catch as much urine as possible with her tongue.
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh this is so hot. And now fuck me! Go lay down!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You lay down and she starts to ride you.">>\
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/sex.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ahhh.. harder.. faster..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Charlotte I am coming..<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Wait let me get it out!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She steps off your dick and takes your cock into her own hands.">>\
She steps off your dick and takes your cock into her own hands.
You immediately cum as she touches your dick and spurt cum all over her face.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/cum.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Aghhh.. so good. I didn't think pissing on you before we fuck could be such a turn-on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>It was quite nice. I should head back now.<</speech>>
<<if $charlotte_quest == 1>>\
<<set $charlotte_quest = 2>>\
<<set $charlotte_pic = 2>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
<<set $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon = 0>>\
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!<</notify>>\
[[She stands up and leaves you to yourself.|HallwayDS]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You said $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess
<<if ($CharlotteQ1Number + 20) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number + 10) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 20) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way more.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 10) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit more.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A little bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A small bit more.<</speech>>
<<textbox "$CharlotteQ1NumberGuess" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess == $CharlotteQ1Number>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteGuessed>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteTry4>>
<span id="output"></span><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You said $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess
<<if ($CharlotteQ1Number + 20) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number + 10) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 20) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way more.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 10) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit more.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A little bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A small bit more.<</speech>>
<<textbox "$CharlotteQ1NumberGuess" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess == $CharlotteQ1Number>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteGuessed>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteTry5>>
<span id="output"></span><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You said $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess
<<if ($CharlotteQ1Number + 20) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number + 10) <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 20) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>Ohh.. way more.<</speech>>
<<elseif ($CharlotteQ1Number - 10) >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>A bit more.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number <= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A little bit less.<</speech>>
<<elseif $CharlotteQ1Number >= $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess>>\
<<speech "Charlotte">>You are very close. A small bit more.<</speech>>
<<textbox "$CharlotteQ1NumberGuess" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess == $CharlotteQ1Number>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteGuessed>>\
<<goto Q1CharlotteTry6>>
<span id="output"></span><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You said $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess
<<speech "Charlotte">>You didn't make it. The number was $CharlotteQ1Number<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Shit.. I thought it would be $CharlotteQ1NumberGuess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Do you want to try this round again or quit our little game?
You already won $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon out of 3 rounds.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[Lets try this round again|Q1CharlotteTry1]] or [[I think I had enough for now.|Q1CharlotteGiveUp]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q1-Charlotte/charlotte' +$CharlotteQ1RoundsWon + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are next to Sir Charlotte.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I think I had enough for now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Alright we'll play another time<</speech>>
<<set $CharlotteQ1RoundsWon = 0>>\
[[You leave.|HallwayDS]]<div
style="position: relative;">
<img src="img/house/bookBackground.jpg" width="100%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/charlotte' +$charlotte_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
<h2>Sir Charlotte</h2>\
Age: 28
Status: Insidious, Sadist
Titel: Kingsguard of Dragonstone
<<if $charlotte_quest >= 1>>\
<strong>Guessing is the game</strong>
I and Sir Charlotte had a rough start. Maybe a little game with her could calm the waves.\
<<if $charlotte_quest > 1>><p style="color:MediumSeaGreen;">| Done</p><</if>>\
Actress: Charlotte Sartre
<<back>><<audio "TarTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/travel/shipTargaryan.jpg" width="100%">\
You and your crew are on the way to Dragonstone.
<<fadein 10s>>\
[[You and your entourage arrive.|EntranceDS]]
<</fadein>>\<<audio "TarTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/travel/shipTargaryan.jpg" width="100%">\
You and your crew are sailing away from Dragonstone.
<<fadein 10s>>\
[[You take a look at the map.|Westeros]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/door.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/FOTW/angela_work.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are standing next to Leanor in the throne room as Meister Angela walks in.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Meister Angela! Nice to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Your Majesty was your journey successful?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Indeed. I and Lady Leanor will mary.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>This way we will be bond together for every house to see.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>That is a great Idea. Where will the wedding be milord?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You and Leanor look each other deep into the eyes.">>
You and Leanor look each other deep into the eyes.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We will do it here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>On Dragonstone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>We don't need a feast. Only the marriage ceremony.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>As you please. I will get everything ready.<</speech>>
[[The wedding starts.|MainQuestDS1Marriage3]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/wedding.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/weddingSet1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The wedding starts as you enter the sept room.
<<speech "Leanor">>Ah there he is. Are we ready Angela?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Yes milady we can start.
You majesty please stand next to Lady Leanor<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You walk next to her.">>\
You walk next to her.
<<speech "Meister">>Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the sept so that in the presence of the septon and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Faith of the Woman with a sacred seal.
You may now start with your speeches.<</speech>>
You feel ready for this big step and take Leanor's hands.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I, $playerName, take you, Lady Leanor of Dragonstone, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you,
in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my
You see a big smile on her face.
<<speech "Leanor">>And I, Leanor, take you, King $playerName of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You both take your time.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/wedding.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/weddingSet2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You both take your time as you deeply stare with bliss into each other's eyes. You feel like the outside world would take a stop for the time you are here with Leanor.
<<speech "Meister">>Lords and Ladies I declare those two members of the faith hereby to Husband and Wife.
To King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Milord, you may kiss your queen now.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You kiss her.">>\
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/kiss.jpg" width="40%">\
You kiss her.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I love you Leanor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>And I love you $playerName. May House Targaryen never be divided again.<</speech>>
After a brief moment for you two Meister Angela reminds you.
<<speech "Meister">>Milord the marriage must be consummated here in front of the eyes of the Meister. This is the old Valyrian way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are right. Shall we?<</speech>>
You look over to Leanor.
<<speech "Leanor">>Of course. Let's unite.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You and Leanor remove all clothes.">>
<<audio "TarTheme" stop>>\
You and Leanor remove all clothes and she climbs on top of you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/sex1.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Leanor">>Ahhhh you are so good. Fuck..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You want to change the position so you take her from behind.">>
You want to change the position so you take her from behind.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/sex2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Leanor">>Ohhh my god.. I think I am cumming!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wait let me help you with that.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You put her down on a chair to bring her to an intense orgasm.">>
You put her down on a chair to bring her to an intense orgasm.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/sex3.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Leanor">>Hmmm... Ahhhhh.. MY GOOD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Cum for me!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>AAAAghhhhhfff... this was so good. I didn't know you have that in you.
Now that you cared so much for me... let me care a bit for you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She goes down on her knees and starts to work your dick with her boobs.">>
She goes down on her knees and starts to work your dick with her boobs.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/bj2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ohhh Okay.. I am ready to finish.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Give it to me!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She lays herself below your dick and you cum all over her face.">>
She lays herself below your dick and you cum all over her face.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Agghhh.... ahhh... I fucking love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I love you too.<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/wedding.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/weddingSet4.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Leanor runs her finger over her face and licks off a good amount of your cum.
<<linkreplace "Suddenly you hear the Meister whom you completely forgot.">>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/wedding.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/wedding/weddingSet3.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Suddenly you hear the Meister whom you have completely forgotten.
<<speech "Meister">>May I ask you now for a sample of both your juices.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Of course.<</speech>>
Leanor takes another finger to collect more sperm of you on her face and she lets it drip down into the jar of Meister Angela.
After that, you also take your finger to collect Leanor's squirt and you also put it into the jar.
<<speech "Meister">>Thank you very much. You are truly King and Queen now.
May you both have a long reign.<</speech>>
[[You and Leanor spend the night together.|MainQuestDS1Marriage4]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<set $time to 1>>\
<<set $day to $day + 1>>\
<<if $day > 7>>\
<<set $day to 1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
After your time together you meet up in the throne room the next day.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Leanor, I will travel back to Kingslanding today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Is our time together already over?
I wish it would have been forever.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Not only you.
But now that we are man and woman can I expect your tax payment?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Of course. And you also have my backing in an upcoming war against the other Houses.
We as the Targaryans stand together as one big family. Your sisters are my sisters and my land is your land.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is very nice to hear. But I could notice that you didn't pack your things.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>This is true. I would like to stay here on the island. Not only so I can protect our homestead but also that you have your space to.. well do everything you need to rule with an iron fist.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I appreciate your honesty and I respect your will.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Thank you very much. Travel fast and light.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>See you soon.<</speech>>
<<set $leanor_status = 2>>\
<<set $plaeyon_Marriage = 1>>\
<<set $Outcome_Place_crownlands = 1>>\
[[You are ready to leave as you remember one thing.|MainQuestDS1CharlotteChoice]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are ready to leave as you remember one thing.
What will you do with Charlotte?
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I thought about Charlotte and [[I forgive her.|MainQuest1DSCharlotteStay]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I thought about Charlotte and [[I don't want her around you or me. I will send her to the Wall.|MainQuest1DSCharlotteWall]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I thought about Charlotte and [[I want her in my prison in Kingslanding.|MainQuest1DSCharlottePrison]]<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are ready to leave as you remember one thing.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I thought about Charlotte and I forgive her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>So she can stay here with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes. She shall be here to assist you by any means.
See you soon.<</speech>>
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 0>>\
[[And with those words you leave Leanor and head back to Kingslanding.|MainQuest1DSOutro]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are ready to leave as you remember one thing.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't want her around you or me. I will send her to the Wall.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>She shall wear the black?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes. She is a good fighter but not a good knight. So the best place for her is the wall.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You are right. Will she travel with you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Not with my ship but I will send another to pick her up. <</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>As you wish.<</speech>>
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 1>>\
[[And with those words you leave Leanor and head back to Kingslanding.|MainQuest1DSOutro]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are ready to leave as you remember one thing.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I thought about Charlotte and I want her in my prison in Kingslanding.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>My Knight as a prisoner?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>She killed Gianna and I can't let this slip.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You have every right to do this but please let me inform her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Very good. Oh, and she will sail with me back today. So be quick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>As you wish king.<</speech>>
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 2>>\
[[And with those words you leave Leanor and head back to Kingslanding.|MainQuest1DSOutro]]<<audio "TarTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/travel/shipTargaryan.jpg" width="100%">\
You did it once more.
You got abducted by your Aunt. Managed to escape and got the whole Targaryen family behind your back.
You know that your return to Kingslanding will be celebrated as if Aegon the Conqueror himself would have returned.
<<linkreplace "Every House..">>\
Every House of Westeros will now know that you <<if $leanor_status == 2>>married your aunt and Lady of Dragonstone Leanor. That all land of the Targaryen dynasty is now brought together. All wealth and power in your family have been united by an unbreakable marriage.<<else>>defeated the so-called "True Heir of the Targaryen". This makes you the undisputed head of the dynasty. Long may he reign, with all wealth and all power the Targaryen has to offer.<</if>>\
<<linkreplace "You also decided...">>\
You also decided that Charlotte the Knight Slayer shall be <<if $charlotte_avaiable == 0>>forgiven. As she only did her duty.<<elseif $charlotte_avaiable == 1>>a member of the night watch. Now guarding the Wall in the North.<<else>>imprisoned in your dungeon. Things you might do to her are unthinkable.<</if>>\
<<fadein 10s>>\
[[You and your entourage arrive back in Kingslanding.|MainQuest1KLHomecoming]]
<<audio ":all" stop>>\
<h2>Error<<timed 1s>>.<<timed 1s>>.<<timed 1s>>.<</timed>><</timed>><</timed>></h2>\
<<timed 4s>>
<<fadein 2s>>
<<speech "Developer">>Oh shit.. It is not good that you are here. That means that you finished the game.
Not good for you as your journey ends here and also not good for me as I have to add stuff to the game.<</speech>>
The Developer takes a look at his notes and reads them straight off the paper.
<<speech "Developer">>I hope that you liked my little game.
I think that you can go back to the "open world" but there won't be more main quest content available for you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Developer points to the wall.">>\
<a href="https://patreon.com/TheEmperorKing"> <img src="img/portraits/extra/Patreon.jpg" width="48%"></a>
The developer points to the wall.
<<speech "Developer">>This is a link to my Patreon. You can support me there if you want.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Why you should do this?">>\
Why you should do this you ask the Developer.
<<speech "Developer">>Because you get.. well.. hmm... you get nothing if I am right. Nothing except maybe a feeling of satisfaction.
Anyways I would be thankful for your support.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "He ready off of his notes once again.">>\
<<speech "Developer">>Now say something about the future stor...
Will you keep your kingdom and pay your debt?
Or will your throne be usurped by the other Houses or by the Golden Bank?
This and more in the next version of Game of Boobs.
Make sure to leave a review on the F95Zone-Game-Page.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Okay enough of this.">>\
One way or another thank you for playing and I hope you had fun.
I value your feedback and strongly encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review on F95Zone.
This was Game of Boobs $GameVersion.
Notable links:
<a href="https://f95zone.to/members/the-emperor-king.2451517"> <img src="img/portraits/extra/F95Zone.jpg" width="48%"></a>\
<a href="https://patreon.com/TheEmperorKing"> <img src="img/portraits/extra/Patreon.jpg" width="48%"></a>\
<<button "You arrive in Kingslanding" CourtyardKL>><</button>>\
<</timed>>Oh shit. What happend?
Attention: This could break some quests. In an ideal world you wouldn't even be here.
Please get me back to:
<<button "My Bedroom in Kingslanding" Bedroom>>\<</button>>
<<button "My Bedroom on Dragonstone" BedroomDS>>\<</button>>
<<back "I pressed the button on accident">><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/force/forceSet1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Lady Leanor signs the contract.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This does put a smile on my face.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Here.. there you have it. I hope you are proud of yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am. And now I want you to suck my dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>You son of a bit-<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I may let you stay here. I may not imprison you. If you start to show some affection towards me.<</speech>>
Leanor thinks for a moment and then goes down on her knees.
<<speech "Leanor">>Fine. If you insist.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You open up your pants.">>\
<<audio "TarTheme" stop>>\
You open up your pants and Leanor starts to suck your dick.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/force/sex1.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Leanor">>Slurp.. Slurp.. enough?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Show me your pussy.">>
She shows you her pussy so you start to pound her.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/force/sex2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Leanor">>Agghhh.. faster...<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You want it harder? Get on top of me!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She starts to ride you.">>
She starts to ride you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/MainQuestLeanorOutro/force/sex3.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Leanor">>Hmmm... Ahhhhh.. MY GOOD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am close!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Come in my mouth!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She climbs off and points your dick towards her mouth.">>
She climbs off and points your dick towards her mouth but you decide to cum all over her face.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tar/leanor/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Leanor">>Fuck.. I told you to cum in my mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are not in charge here. Never forget that.<</speech>>
[[You pull your pants up again.|MainQuestDS1Force3]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<set $time to 1>>\
<<set $day to $day + 1>>\
<<if $day > 7>>\
<<set $day to 1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You pull your pants up again.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Leanor I will travel back to Kingslanding today.<</speech>>
She nods.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Now that I am Lord of Dragonstone and you are just my Steward here I expect the payment of tax from now on. If not I will send force down here to enforce my claim. Do you understand?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Yes King $playerName I understand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Good. Oh and also if I hear anyone talking here about you as the "True Heir of the Targaryen" it will not only be their end but also your end as noblewoman.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>I.. okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I will also position an administrator of mine here. Who will give reports on your behavior, who you meet, and let's say everything else happening here? You are under my watch from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Thank you very much. Have a fast travel back to your home your majesty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Very good. See you soon.<</speech>>
<<set $leanor_status = 1>>\
<<set $Outcome_Place_crownlands = 2>>\
[[You are ready to leave as you remember one thing.|MainQuestDS1CharlotteChoice]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/dungeonKL/dungeonEntrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in your personal dungeon.
<<if $KushJadeFreed == false and $daenerys_quest >= 4>>\
<<button "Cell A" DungeonKLCellA>><</button>>\
<<button "Cell A" DungeonKLCellEmpty>><</button>>\
<<if $charlotte_avaiable == 2>>\
<<button "Cell B" DungeonKLCellB>><</button>>\
<<button "Cell B" DungeonKLCellEmpty>><</button>>\
<<button "Cell C" DungeonKLCellEmpty>><</button>>\
<<button "Cell D" DungeonKLCellEmpty>><</button>>\
<<button "Throne room" ThroneRoomKL>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cellJade/prisoner.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the cell and see Jade Kush tied up.
<<if $time != 3 and $energy >= 25>>\
[[I will fuck you now.|DungeonKLCellASex]]
It is too late to do something or you don't have energy.
<<button "Dungeon" DungeonKL>><</button>><img src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cell.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Jade">>\
<<set _place = "DungeonKLCellASex">>\
<<set _getOut = "DungeonKL">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
You place _name on top of you and fuck her.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cellJade/sex1.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
You pinch her nipples as you keep on fucking her.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cellJade/sex2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
You cum all over her chest.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cellJade/sex3.webm" type="video/webm">
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<button "Riding" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<button "Riding and nipple pinching" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<button "Cum on her" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" _getOut>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/dungeonKL/cellCharlotte/prisoner' +_randomNumber + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are in the cell and see Sir Charlotte tied up.
<<if $time != 3 and $energy >= 25>>\
[[I will fuck you now.|DungeonKLCellBSex]]
It is too late to do something or you don't have energy.
<<button "Dungeon" DungeonKL>><</button>><img src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cell.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Jade">>\
<<set _place = "DungeonKLCellBSex">>\
<<set _getOut = "DungeonKL">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
You finger her pussy and also slap her.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cellCharlotte/sex1.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
You fuck _name in the pussy.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cellCharlotte/sex2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
You cum all over her face.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cellCharlotte/sex3.webm" type="video/webm">
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<button "Fingering" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<button "Fuck" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<button "Cum on her" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" _getOut>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/dungeonKL/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the cell but it is empty.
<<button "Dungeon" DungeonKL>><</button>><<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/payDebt/room.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/payDebt/collectorM' +_randomNumber + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are going into the administrator room and see the collector from the Golden Bank.
<<if $debtPayedAmount == 0>>\
<<Collector>>Your majesty king $playerName. First of all, I want to congratulate you on your new title.
The King of the Seven Kingdoms. Quite a demanding position if not the most demanding.<</Collector>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you very much. I have never seen you around here so can you please tell me your name?<</speech>>
<<Collector>>I do not have a name. When we start to work for the bank we discard our names. We identify ourselves only by our work title. So you may call me the Collector as my job is to collect taxes and interest charges.<</Collector>>
You look a bit puzzled.
<<Collector>> This would get us to the core of this meeting. Let's keep these simple financial exchanges as short as possible. You owe us a lot of gold. Let me just check..<</Collector>>
<<linkreplace "He takes a look at his notes">>\
<<Collector>>Your father and family-owned us 2.000.000 pound of gold.<</Collector>>
You stop to breathe for a moment.
<<Collector>>This creates an interest rate of $debtWeekly per week. That is not too much isn't it?<</Collector>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No no.. that is good.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>Great. As we planned to keep the rate low for the beginning until you got everything under control let us say. Haha.
Each week we will increase the rate so you can pay off the debt.<</Collector>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wait.. so this is already the reduced amount.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>Yes. $debtWeekly pounds of gold per week for now. You said the amount would be okay?<</Collector>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yeah.. well.. yes of course. Let us start with this.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>And one more thing so everything is clear. If you can't pay the debt don't worry. You can also pay for it one week later. But if you also can't pay then... well we might have to use some drastic measures.<</Collector>>
He claps his hands once.
<<Collector>>Good. Where is the gold for this week?<</Collector>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Right over here.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>Thank you very much and have a nice week. Same time next Monday.<</Collector>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>Farewell your majesty!<</Collector>>
And with those words, he leaves with the gold.
<<set $gold = $gold - $debtToPay>>\
<<set $debtPayedAmount = $debtToPay>>\
<<set $debt = $debt - $debtToPay>>\
<<set $debtToPay = $debtToPay + $weeklyIncrease>>\
<<set $debtLastWeek = 0>>\
<<set $debtDefered = false>>\
<<set $debtPayedThisWeek = true>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<Collector>>Ah you majesty. You look very good. Do you have the gold?<</Collector>>
<<if $gold >= $debtToPay>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Here it is.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>Thank you very much and have a nice week I wish.<</Collector>>
And with that, the collector leaves.
<<set $gold = $gold - $debtToPay>>\
<<set $debtPayedAmount = $debtToPay>>\
<<set $debt = $debt - $debtToPay>>\
<<set $debtToPay = $debtToPay + $weeklyIncrease - $debtLastWeek>>\
<<set $debtLastWeek = 0>>\
<<set $debtDefered = false>>\
<<set $debtPayedThisWeek = true>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<elseif $debtDefered == false>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am a bit short this week.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>Oh.. so you want to defer payment for a week?<</Collector>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes please.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>Not a problem at all. Just remember that you will have to pay this week's interest and the next week's together next Monday. Until then farewell.<</Collector>>
<<set $debtLastWeek = $debtToPay>>\
<<set $debtToPay = $debtToPay + $weeklyIncrease + $debtLastWeek>>\
<<set $debtDefered = true>>\
<<set $debtPayedThisWeek = true>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am a bit short this week.<</speech>>
<<Collector>>You were short last week too. I am afraid that this is the end of our arrangement.<</Collector>>
<<button "Finish" GameOverBank>><</button>>
<<if $debtToPay > 40 and $debtDefered == false>>\
<<set $debtToPay == 40>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/GameOver/bank/goldenCompany.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
A week after the Collector left you spot a big army infront of your walls.
<<speech "Raenyra">>Brother.. who are this men?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Raenyra.. I think I fucked it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Your majesty! The Iron Company arrived. They are here to get every land and gold we have.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Let us fight them brother!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Look at there size... we don't have enough men.<</speech>>
<h2>This is the end of your dynasty.</h2><<audio "TarTheme" stop>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestKLHomecoming/kingslanding.jpg" width="100%">\
You are at the gate of Kingslanding and take a deep breath.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Finally home again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Can you hear the folk cheer?<</speech>>
You take a quick moment to listen to it yourself.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes.. let's not let them wait too long. They shall finally see their king.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "At this moment you see the gate opening..">>\
At this moment you see the gate opening and Sir Alison.
<<speech "Alison">>You majesty! Finally, you are back at home. We were worried your aunt would have done something to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Your worries were justified but that's a story for another time.
Is the city secure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Yes, please follow me inside. We have a lot to discuss.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You follow Sir Alison inside the castle.">>
You follow Sir Alison inside the castle as you take a look into the streets of Kingslanding.
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestKLHomecoming/clapping.gif" width="100%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The streets are crowded with people.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You stop for a moment to talk to the peasants.">>
You stop for a moment to talk to the peasants.
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestKLHomecoming/talk.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>BELOVED PEOPLE OF KINGSLANDING, I have returned. Our lands and lives will be full of joy and pleasure. Not a single soul will have to worry about the future. I will be the bright light that leads you all through the darkness.<</speech>>
[[You continue walking to the red keep smiling and waving.|MQ1KLTowerOfHand]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/hand-room.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You enter the Tower of the Hand.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I didn't think that they would be so happy seeing their king.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Don't think too much about it brother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>If the people have food and peace, they normally cheere to everyone.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You quickly turn around.">>
You quickly turn around and see both of your sisters.
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestKLHomecoming/tower1.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Daenerys, Raenyra! My god.. it is so nice to see you both.<</speech>>
You hug each other.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Daenerys what happened to you? Are you pregnant?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>I am. But not from a man.<</speech>>
She winks toward you.
<<speech "Raenyra">>She also told me about the dragon egg. We are all very excited.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, but we all agree to keep it a secret. You know what a dragon means. And what if it will never be born? We would be extremely vulnerable.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Don't worry we all know how important my child will be.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "The door to the tower opens up again.">>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/MainQuestKLHomecoming/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/FOTW/angela' + $angela_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
The door to the tower opens up again and Meister Angela enters.
<<speech "Meister">>Greetings to you all. I see that you familiarized yourself quite fast again milord.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>How could I not with these incredible women.<</speech>>
She gives you a short smile.
<<if $leanor_status == 2>>\
<<speech "Meister">>Alright, now that you married your Aunt Lady Leanor and brought together the whole dynasty we can start to inform the other Houses about you succeeding your father Aegis I.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Alright, now that you put your aunt's ambitions down and degraded her to a steward, you control now all lands of the whole Targaryen dynasty. This means that we can start to inform the other Houses about you succeeding your father Aegis I.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What would happen if we would not inform anyone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>First of you wouldn't be able to reign, even if we would act like Raenyra would be the Queen. Second of the Houses might already know about you being the King.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>How could they know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Well.. spies and the folk of Kingslanding might have already known it. Well at least they know now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A secret no longer a secret. Well how do we approach the other kingdoms.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Briebery at first I would suggest. We can't reach out to all houses and simultaneously get their consent. Let us have a quick look at the map.<</speech>>
[[She puts a map on the table.|MQ1KLMap]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<audio ":all" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/westeros/resources/map.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/dorne' +$finished_Place_dorne + '.png'" width="100%" style="position:
absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/reach' +$finished_Place_reach + '.png'" width="100%" style="position:
absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/stormlands' +$finished_Place_stormlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/westerlands' +$finished_Place_westerlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/crownlands' +$finished_Place_crownlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/riverlands' +$finished_Place_riverlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/vale' +$finished_Place_vale + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/iron' +$finished_Place_iron + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/north' +$finished_Place_north + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The map of Westeros and its regions.
<<speech "Meister">>This is the map of Westeros with all its regions and their main economic factor or rather their special characteristic.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The Crownlands this is where we are. And our main aspect is what? People?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Well yes. The Crownlands is the most populated region. I will mark it green later as you already conquered it.<</speech>>
Raenyra points at the Vale.
<<speech "Raenyra">>What is this? I thought the Wall would be further north?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>This is not the Wall. This is the symbol of building stones. Nearly every castle in Westeros is built on these stones.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Can you give us a quick overlook?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Sure.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Meister Angela tells you all about history and importance of the regions.">>\
Meister Angela tells you all about the history and importance of the regions. Afterwards she writes a note so you can look it up anytime you want to.
Dorne provides many exotic products which are uncommon in the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. These products include olives, lemons, pomegranates, plums, cloth, spices, and blood oranges.
<b>The Stormlands</b>
The Stormlands are thinly populated compared to most of the Seven Kingdoms, and their people have a reputation for being stormy like their weather. They are most important when it comes to getting resources off and on to Westeros.
<b>The Reach</b>
The Reach is the second wealthiest region in the Seven Kingdoms behind the Westerlands, but it is the most fertile region. Among the products it produces are melons, fireplums, peaches, apples, and grapes.
<b>The Crownlands</b>
The metropolis of King's Landing is the driving force of the region, with the largest population and harbor in the realm. Trade and taxes flow into the capital from every corner of the realm acknowledging the throne.
<b>The Westerlands</b>
The Westerlands are not the largest, most populous, or most fertile part of the realm, but they are the richest. The land is dotted with mines from which pour gold and silver in astonishing quantities. There are gold mines at Casterly Rock, the Golden Tooth, Castamere, Nunn's Deep, and the Pendric Hills.
<b>The Vale</b>
The Valemen are known as reliable warriors steeped in honor and the worship of the Faith of the Seven. The knights of the Vale consider themselves the finest in the Seven Kingdoms and consider the Eyrie to be the most beautiful castle of the realm. There are many rock quarries in the Vale, which produce “white stone” suitable for use in castle walls.
<b>The Riverlands</b>
The Riverlands are rich and fertile and populous. The numerous rivers that run across their expanse are used for trading and the transport of goods. With so much trade on the rivers, villagers will haul their grain and other goods to it to see it sold and carried elsewhere by the merchants.
<b>The Iron Islands</b>
The islands are sparse and rocky with a thin, stony soil that makes it hard for the smallfolk to farm, often having to do without the animals that might make their job easier, such as oxen or horses. With so little wealth on the islands themselves, it is not difficult to understand why the ironborn of old turned to raiding.
<b>The North</b>
As the North is largely uncultivated, there are few roads of import there. Most of the inland trade passes by either the Kingsroad or the rivers. The North's exact military strength has not yet been revealed. According to some reports, the north can perhaps raise eighty-five thousand soldiers, the biggest army in all of Westeros, although it takes a long time for armies to be gathered from such a large region.
<<linkreplace "So where should we start?">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So where should we start?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>I would suggest you to start with the Houses Lannister or Tyrell.
Theire wealth and nutriments will consolidate your rule.
Folk without money or food will start a rebellion.<</speech>>
You think about where you want to start.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[The Reach|MQ1KLReach]] will be the place I first go. Food is more important than gold.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[The Westerlands (WIP)|MQ1KLWesterlands]] will be the place I first go. Gold is more important than food.<</speech>>
<<set $MS_leanor_status = 1>>\
<<set $finished_Place_crownlands = 1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/westeros/resources/map.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/dorne' +$finished_Place_dorne + '.png'" width="100%" style="position:
absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/reach' +$finished_Place_reach + '.png'" width="100%" style="position:
absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/stormlands' +$finished_Place_stormlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/westerlands' +$finished_Place_westerlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/crownlands' +$finished_Place_crownlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/riverlands' +$finished_Place_riverlands + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/vale' +$finished_Place_vale + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/iron' +$finished_Place_iron + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<img @src="'img/westeros/resources/north' +$finished_Place_north + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The map of Westeros and its regions.
<<linkreplace "Information about the regions.">>\
Dorne provides many exotic products which are uncommon in the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. These products include olives, lemons, pomegranates, plums, cloth, spices, and blood oranges.
<b>The Stormlands</b>
The Stormlands are thinly populated compared to most of the Seven Kingdoms, and their people have a reputation for being stormy like their weather. They are most important when it comes to getting resources off and on to Westeros.
<b>The Reach</b>
The Reach is the second wealthiest region in the Seven Kingdoms behind the Westerlands, but it is the most fertile region. Among the products it produces are melons, fireplums, peaches, apples, and grapes.
<b>The Crownlands</b>
The metropolis of King's Landing is the driving force of the region, with the largest population and harbor in the realm. Trade and taxes flow into the capital from every corner of the realm acknowledging the throne.
<b>The Westerlands</b>
The Westerlands are not the largest, most populous, or most fertile part of the realm, but they are the richest. The land is dotted with mines from which pour gold and silver in astonishing quantities. There are gold mines at Casterly Rock, the Golden Tooth, Castamere, Nunn's Deep, and the Pendric Hills.
<b>The Vale</b>
The Valemen are known as reliable warriors steeped in honor and the worship of the Faith of the Seven. The knights of the Vale consider themselves the finest in the Seven Kingdoms and consider the Eyrie to be the most beautiful castle of the realm. There are many rock quarries in the Vale, which produce “white stone” suitable for use in castle walls.
<b>The Riverlands</b>
The Riverlands are rich and fertile and populous. The numerous rivers that run across their expanse are used for trading and the transport of goods. With so much trade on the rivers, villagers will haul their grain and other goods to it to see it sold and carried elsewhere by the merchants.
<b>The Iron Islands</b>
The islands are sparse and rocky with a thin, stony soil that makes it hard for the smallfolk to farm, often having to do without the animals that might make their job easier, such as oxen or horses. With so little wealth on the islands themselves, it is not difficult to understand why the ironborn of old turned to raiding.
<b>The North</b>
As the North is largely uncultivated, there are few roads of import there. Most of the inland trade passes by either the Kingsroad or the rivers. The North's exact military strength has not yet been revealed. According to some reports, the north can perhaps raise eighty-five thousand soldiers, the biggest army in all of Westeros, although it takes a long time for armies to be gathered from such a large region.
<<back>>\<<audio "TyrTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<fadein 3s>>\
<h1>The Reach</h1>\
<img src="img/westeros/regions/tyrell.jpg" width="100%">\
<<fadein 5s>>\
The Reach is the second wealthiest region in the Seven Kingdoms behind the Westerlands, but it is the most fertile region. Among the products it produces are melons, fireplums, peaches, apples, and grapes.
<<set $HighgardenUnlock = true>>\
<<fadein 10s>>\
[[The Reach will be the place I first go. Food is more important than gold.|MQ1KLReach1]]
<</fadein>>\<<audio "LanInstrumentalTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<back>><<audio ":all" stop>>\
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestKLHomecoming/tower1.jpg" width="100%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>The Reach will be the place I first go. Food is more important than gold.<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>A very wise decision brother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Meister get everything prepared for the coming departure of the King.<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Of course princess. Your entourage will be waiting for you in the courtyard Milord.
In the meantime, I will send out ravens to all Houses to inform them about their new King.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Very good.<</speech>>
<<set $HighgardenUnlock = true>>\
[[You hug your sisters and also leave the Tower of the Hand.|TutorialHouses]]<h2>Tutorial about Houses</h2>\
Now that the other Kingdoms know they won't get a Queen, like it should be, but instead they get you as theire new King, they will make demands so they profit from this peculiar situation.
Every Thursday, one of the the Houses will confront you with its demands.
You can descide how to handle them, but keep in mind, everytime you displease a House, his satisfaction will decrease.
If a House as no patience left for your reign they will start a rebellion against your whole dynasty.
You won't survive such a rebellion as you do not have an army or such at this point in time.
To look up the satisfaction status, click the "Stability" button in the sidepanel.
[[You head out to the Hallway.|GreatHallwayKL]]<div style="text-align: center;">
<h2>Stability of the Seven Realms</h2>
100 is the maximum satisfaction a House can have.
0 is the lowest amount of satisfaction. If a House reaches this value they will rebell against you.
<img src="img/house/martell.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_dorne == 0>>\
<b>Martell: $MartellSatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Martell: DONE</b>
<img src="img/house/tyrell.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_reach == 0>>\
<b>Tyrell: $TyrellSatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Tyrell: DONE</b>
<img src="img/house/baratheon.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_stormlands == 0>>\
<b>Baratheon: $BaratheonSatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Baratheon: DONE</b>
<img src="img/house/lannister.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_westerlands == 0>>\
<b>Lannister: $LannisterSatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Lannister: DONE</b>
<img src="img/house/tully.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_riverlands == 0>>\
<b>Tully: $TullySatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Tully: DONE</b>
<img src="img/house/arryn.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_vale == 0>>\
<b>Arryn: $ArrynSatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Arryn: DONE</b>
<img src="img/house/greyjoy.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_iron == 0>>\
<b>Greyjoy: $GreyjoySatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Greyjoy: DONE</b>
<img src="img/house/stark.jpg" width="20%">
<<if $finished_Place_north == 0>>\
<b>Stark: $StarkSatisfaction</b>
<b style="color:gold;">Stark: DONE</b>
</div>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,8) >>\
<<set _eventNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1 and $finished_Place_dorne == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Martell">>\
<<elseif _randomNumber == 2 and $finished_Place_reach == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Tyrell">>\
<<elseif _randomNumber == 3 and $finished_Place_stormlands == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Baratheon">>\
<<elseif _randomNumber == 4 and $finished_Place_westerlands == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Lannister">>\
<<elseif _randomNumber == 5 and $finished_Place_riverlands == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Tully">>\
<<elseif _randomNumber == 6 and $finished_Place_vale == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Arryn">>\
<<elseif _randomNumber == 7 and $finished_Place_iron == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Greyjoy">>\
<<elseif _randomNumber == 8 and $finished_Place_north == 0>>\
<<set $HousenameMeeting = "Stark">>\
<<set _randomNumber = -1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if _randomNumber != -1>>\
You are having a meeting with one of the ambassadors of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<if _eventNumber == 1>>\
<<set $houseMeetingObject to random(10,30) >>\
<<Ambassador>>Your majesty I am the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
My master would need some financial help from the crown.
Would you sent us $houseMeetingObject pounds of gold.<</Ambassador>>
You think about a few solutions.
<<if $gold >= $houseMeetingObject>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I will help him and [[send the required amount.|GoldSend]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I do not have enough gold in my treasure chamber.<</speech>>
<<if $gold >= ($houseMeetingObject / 2)>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I will help him but only [[send half of the wanted amount.|HalfGoldSend]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I do not even have half of the required gold amount in my treasure chamber.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I have to disapprove of the demands of your master. Tell him that I will [[not send him any gold.|NoGoldSend]]<</speech>>
<<elseif _eventNumber == 2>>\
<<set $houseMeetingObject to random(1,2) >>\
<<Ambassador>>Your majesty I am the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
My master would like to see a member of the royal family at his court for $houseMeetingObject days.
We thought about your lovely sister, Princess Raenyra.<</Ambassador>>
You think about a few solutions.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I will [[send her.|SisterSend]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I have to disapprove of the demands of your master. Tell him that I will [[not send him my sister.|NoSisterSend]]<</speech>>
<<elseif _eventNumber == 3>>\
<<Ambassador>>Your majesty I am the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
My master has let this picture be manufactured and would like you to have a look at it.<</Ambassador>>
You think about a few solutions.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright let me have [[a look at it.|PictureLooked]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I have [[no time for such a requests.|NoTime]] at the moment.<</speech>>
You thought that you would have a meeting with one of the ambassadors of the Houses, but apparently there is no one for you to meet.
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<set $houseMeetedThisWeek = true>>\<<set _SatisfactionChange = -15>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are having a meeting with the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I disapprove of his demands. I will not send him any gold.<</speech>>
<<Ambassador>>This is not what my Master hoped for. House $HousenameMeeting will accept your decision.<</Ambassador>>
<<notify 5s>>$HousenameMeeting satisfaction _SatisfactionChange<</notify>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<if $HousenameMeeting == "Martell">>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = $MartellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $MartellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tyrell">>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = $TyrellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TyrellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Baratheon">>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = $BaratheonSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $BaratheonSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Lannister">>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = $LannisterSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $LannisterSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tully">>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = $TullySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TullySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Arryn">>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = $ArrynSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $ArrynSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Greyjoy">>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = $GreyjoySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $GreyjoySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Stark">>\
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = $StarkSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $StarkSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 100>>\
<</if>>\<<set _SatisfactionChange = 10>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are having a meeting with the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I will help him and send half of the required amount.<</speech>>
<<Ambassador>>Thank you very much although we hoped for more. House $HousenameMeeting will not forget this.<</Ambassador>>
<<notify 5s>>$HousenameMeeting satisfaction + _SatisfactionChange<</notify>>\
<<set $gold = $gold - ($houseMeetingObject / 2)>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<if $HousenameMeeting == "Martell">>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = $MartellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $MartellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tyrell">>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = $TyrellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TyrellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Baratheon">>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = $BaratheonSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $BaratheonSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Lannister">>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = $LannisterSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $LannisterSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tully">>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = $TullySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TullySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Arryn">>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = $ArrynSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $ArrynSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Greyjoy">>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = $GreyjoySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $GreyjoySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Stark">>\
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = $StarkSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $StarkSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 100>>\
<</if>>\<<set _SatisfactionChange = 25>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are having a meeting with the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I will help him and send the required amount.<</speech>>
<<Ambassador>>Thank you very much. House $HousenameMeeting will not forget this.<</Ambassador>>
<<notify 5s>>$HousenameMeeting satisfaction + _SatisfactionChange<</notify>>\
<<set $gold = $gold - $houseMeetingObject>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<if $HousenameMeeting == "Martell">>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = $MartellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $MartellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tyrell">>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = $TyrellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TyrellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Baratheon">>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = $BaratheonSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $BaratheonSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Lannister">>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = $LannisterSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $LannisterSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tully">>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = $TullySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TullySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Arryn">>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = $ArrynSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $ArrynSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Greyjoy">>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = $GreyjoySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $GreyjoySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Stark">>\
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = $StarkSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $StarkSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 100>>\
<</if>>\<<set _SatisfactionChange = 15>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are having a meeting with the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I will send her.<</speech>>
<<Ambassador>>Thank you very much. House $HousenameMeeting will not forget this.<</Ambassador>>
<<notify 5s>>$HousenameMeeting satisfaction + _SatisfactionChange
Raenyra relationship - 15!<</notify>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love - 15>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<if $HousenameMeeting == "Martell">>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = $MartellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $MartellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tyrell">>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = $TyrellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TyrellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Baratheon">>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = $BaratheonSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $BaratheonSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Lannister">>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = $LannisterSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $LannisterSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tully">>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = $TullySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TullySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Arryn">>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = $ArrynSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $ArrynSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Greyjoy">>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = $GreyjoySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $GreyjoySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Stark">>\
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = $StarkSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $StarkSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 100>>\
<</if>>\<<set _SatisfactionChange = -10>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are having a meeting with the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I will send her.<</speech>>
<<Ambassador>>This is not what my Master hoped for. House $HousenameMeeting will accept your decision.<</Ambassador>>
<<notify 5s>>$HousenameMeeting satisfaction + _SatisfactionChange
Raenyra relationship + 10!<</notify>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = $raenyra_love + 10>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<if $HousenameMeeting == "Martell">>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = $MartellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $MartellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tyrell">>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = $TyrellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TyrellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Baratheon">>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = $BaratheonSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $BaratheonSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Lannister">>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = $LannisterSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $LannisterSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tully">>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = $TullySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TullySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Arryn">>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = $ArrynSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $ArrynSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Greyjoy">>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = $GreyjoySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $GreyjoySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Stark">>\
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = $StarkSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $StarkSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 100>>\
<</if>>\<<set _SatisfactionChange = 10>>\
<<fadein 10s>>\
<img @src="'img/scene/HouseMeeting/pictures/' + $HousenameMeeting+ '.jpg'" width="50%">\
The ambassador shows you the picture of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<timed 10s>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is a nice picture.<</speech>>
<<Ambassador>>Feel free to admire it as long as you want. House $HousenameMeeting will not forget this.<</Ambassador>>
<<notify 5s>>$HousenameMeeting satisfaction + _SatisfactionChange<</notify>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<if $HousenameMeeting == "Martell">>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = $MartellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $MartellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tyrell">>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = $TyrellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TyrellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Baratheon">>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = $BaratheonSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $BaratheonSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Lannister">>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = $LannisterSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $LannisterSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tully">>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = $TullySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TullySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Arryn">>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = $ArrynSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $ArrynSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Greyjoy">>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = $GreyjoySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $GreyjoySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Stark">>\
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = $StarkSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $StarkSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 100>>\
<</if>>\<<set _SatisfactionChange = -15>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/kl/castle/thronroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are having a meeting with the ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tell your master that I have no time for such a request.<</speech>>
<<Ambassador>>This is not what my Master hoped for. House $HousenameMeeting will accept your decision.<</Ambassador>>
<<notify 5s>>$HousenameMeeting satisfaction + _SatisfactionChange<</notify>>\
<<button "Finish" $place>><</button>>
<<if $HousenameMeeting == "Martell">>\
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = $MartellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $MartellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $MartellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tyrell">>\
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = $TyrellSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TyrellSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TyrellSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Baratheon">>\
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = $BaratheonSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $BaratheonSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $BaratheonSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Lannister">>\
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = $LannisterSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $LannisterSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $LannisterSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Tully">>\
<<set $TullySatisfaction = $TullySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $TullySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $TullySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Arryn">>\
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = $ArrynSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $ArrynSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $ArrynSatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Greyjoy">>\
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = $GreyjoySatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $GreyjoySatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $GreyjoySatisfaction = 100>>\
<<elseif $HousenameMeeting == "Stark">>\
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = $StarkSatisfaction + _SatisfactionChange>>\
<<if $StarkSatisfaction > 100>>
<<set $StarkSatisfaction = 100>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/GameOver/bank/goldenCompany.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
As you wake up you hear loud noises outside and take a look through the window.
<<Ambassador>>I am the Ambassador of House $HousenameMeeting.
My master and the other Houses have enough of your reign.<</Ambassador>>
You see a few thousand soldiers in front of the castle.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is not good.<</speech>>
<h2>This is the end of your dynasty.</h2><<audio "TyrTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/travel/carriageTargaryan.jpg" width="100%">\
You and your crew are on the way to Highgarden in the Reach.
<<fadein 10s>>\
<<if $HG_IntroDone == true>>\
[[You and your entourage arrive.|EntranceHG]]
[[Your carriage arrives in the Reach.|TravelHG]]
<</fadein>>\<<fadein 4s>>\
<<set $day = 2>>\
<<set $time = 1>>\
<img src="img/places/highgarden/highgardenFar.jpg" width="100%">\
Later you arrive in the Reach with a good sight on Highgarden.
<<speech "Alison">>Milord in the distance you can already see Highgarden. We expect a warm welcome from Lady Olenna.<</speech>>
[[You nod and gaze at the castle until you arrive at the main gate.|IntroHG1]]
<</fadein>>\<<audio ":all" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/highgardenGate.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are at the entrance gate of Highgarden.
<<if $olenna_quest == 3>>\
[[You see Lady Olenna|OlennaQ3Start]]
<<button "Hall" HallHG>><</button>>
<<button "Westeros" TravelOfHG>><</button>>\<<audio ":all" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/highgardenGate.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tyr/margaery/margaeryIntro.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tyr/olenna/olennaIntro.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are at the entrance gate of Highgarden and see two figures.
<<speech "Olenna">>You must be King $playerName. We have heard a lot about you already and are honred by your visit.<</speech>>
She curtsies.
<<speech "Olenna">>May I introduce you to my daughter Margaery.<</speech>>
The women next to Lady Olenna bows.
<<speech "Margaery">>Your majesty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Please come inside we have something to drink and eat for you. The long travel must have been tireing.<</speech>>
[[You are blown away by this warm welcome and follow them without saying a single word.|IntroHG2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/hall1.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and ($time == 1 and $margaery_quest == 3))>>\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the hall.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and ($time == 2 and $margaery_quest == 3))>>\
[[You see Margaery.|MargaeryHunt1]]
<<button "Hallway" HallwayHG>><</button>>
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and ($time == 3 and $margaery_door < 2))>>\
<<button "Bathhouse [Locked]" BathhouseHGLocked>><</button>>
<<elseif (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and ($time == 3 and $olenna_door < 2))>>\
<<button "Bathhouse [Locked]" BathhouseHGLocked>><</button>>
<<button "Bathhouse" BathhouseHG>><</button>>
<<button "Entrance" EntranceHG>><</button>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the hallway.
<<button "Garden Door" GardenDoorHG>><</button>>
<<button "Bedroom" BedroomHG>><</button>>\
<<if $margaery_door >= 1>>\
<<button "Margaerys Bedroom" BedroomHGMar>><</button>>\
<<button "Margaery's Bedroom [Locked]" BedroomHGMarLocked>><</button>>\
<<if $olenna_door >= 1>>\
<<button "Olena's Bedroom" BedroomHGOle>><</button>>
<<button "Olena's Bedroom [Locked]" BedroomHGOleLocked>><</button>>
<<button "Hall" HallHG>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bath.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
src="img/tyr/margaery/bath.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<elseif (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 3)>>\
src="img/tyr/olenna/bath.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the bathhouse.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
You can see Margaery washing her body.
<<speech "Margaery">>King $playerName do you wish to join me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No, I just wanted to check on you. Everything okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>The water could be warmer but your presence makes everything more enjoyable.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alrigth well I should get going<</speech>>
You leave the room.
<<elseif (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 3)>>\
<<speech "Olenna">>Your majesty I see you found our bath. Feel free to take a look around.<</speech>>
You get a little bit red as you see her big boobs and shortly after that, you make eye contact.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am sorry that I disturbed you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Oh don't worry dear, when I was as young as you are I also did very.. let's say interesting things.<</speech>>
You are left speechless and leave the room in total silence.
It appears to be empty but you are still blown away by this cave waterfall repurposed as probably the greatest shower of all of Westeros.
<<button "Hall" HallHG>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 1>>\
src="img/tyr/margaery/bed.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is Margaery's bedroom.
<<if $time == 1>>\
You can see her at the window.
<<speech "Margaery">>Oh greetings your majesty, it is a pleasure for me and my family that you visit us here.
Please feel free to take a look at whatever you want. Apart from wheat, here on Highgarden we also grow strong and beautiful flowers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Indeed your.. flowers are very beautiful.<</speech>>
She gives you a shy smile.
<<speech "Margaery">>Can I do something for the King?<</speech>>
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkHGMar]]
<<button "Hallway" HallwayHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Margaery are alone.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkHGMar>>\
<<set $margaery_pic = 1>>\
<<if $margaery_love >= 40>>\
<<button "Lewd" TalkHGMar>>\
<<set $margaery_pic = 2>>\
| Lewd [Love > 40]\
<<if $margaery_love >= 70>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkHGMar>>\
<<set $margaery_pic = 3>>\
| Nude [Love > 70]\
<<if $margaery_love > 30 and $energy >= 25>>\
How about we two have some fun together?
<<button "Do you want to sleep with me?" SexHGMar>>\
Do you want to have sex? [Love > 30, Energy >= 25]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" BedroomHGMar>>
<<if $time != 3>>
<<set $time = $time + 1>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Margaery's bedroom is locked.
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the wooden gap.">>\
You spy through the wooden gap.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tyr/margaery/bed.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Margaery">>Ahh.. anyone there? Is it you milord?<</speech>>
You feel really shy because of your accidental slip.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ohh.. ähm yes I am sorry Margaery. I was just heading to my room and slipped a bit on the floor.<</speech>>
You quickly walk past her room, not knowing if she bought your excuse.
<<notify 5s>>Margaery relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $margaery_love = $margaery_love - 5>>\
<<if $margaery_love < -100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = -100>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Hallway" HallwayHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to Olenna's bedroom is locked.
<<if $time == 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the wooden gap.">>\
You spy through the wooden gap.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tyr/olenna/bed.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Olenna">>Come in servant!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh sorry it was me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Don't worry darling, but a young King should rather spy on young Princesses than on old Ladys.<</speech>>
You quickly walk past her room with a giant redhead.
<<notify 5s>>Olenna relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $olenna_love = $olenna_love - 5>>\
<<if $olenna_love < -100>>\
<<set $olenna_love = -100>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Hallway" HallwayHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $time == 1>>\
src="img/tyr/olenna/bed.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is Olenna's bedroom.
<<if $time == 1>>\
You can see the Queen of Thornes on her bed getting ready for the day.
<<speech "Olenna">>Young King you must have missed your bedroom or did you want to visit an old carton?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Good morning Lady Olenna.<</speech>>
She sits there waiting for your next move.
[[I would like to talk to you.|TalkHGOle]]
<<button "Hallway" HallwayHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Olenna are alone.
What if you could dress like..
<<button "Normal" TalkHGOle>>\
<<set $olenna_pic = 1>>\
<<if $olenna_love >= 40>>\
<<button "Lewd" TalkHGOle>>\
<<set $olenna_pic = 2>>\
| Lewd [Love > 40]\
<<if $olenna_love >= 70>>\
<<button "Nude" TalkHGOle>>\
<<set $olenna_pic = 3>>\
| Nude [Love > 70]\
<<if $olenna_love > 30 and $energy >= 25>>\
How about we two have some fun together?
<<button "Do you want to sleep with me?" SexHGOle>><</button>>
Do you want to have sex? [Love > 30, Energy >= 25]
<<if $olenna_quest == 2>>\
[[So what are the next steps against the Lannisters?|OlennaQ2Start]]
<<button "Alright, thats all, see you!" BedroomHGOle>>
<<if $time != 3>>
<<set $time = $time + 1>>
<</button>>\<img src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Margaery">>\
<<set _place = "SexHGMar">>\
<<set _getOut = "HallwayHG">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
_name is undressing for you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/undress.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
_name carcasses your dick with her boobs and hands.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/handjob.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
_name sucks your dick.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/bj1.webm" type="video/webm">
She takes it all in.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/bj2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 3>>\
You start to fuck her pussy.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/vagina1.webm" type="video/webm">
She seems to really enjoy it.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/vagina2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 4>>\
_name climbs on top of you and rubs her pussy with your lance.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/riding1.webm" type="video/webm">
You start to thrust into _name's pussy hard.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/riding2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 12>>\
You cum onto _name's face.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 13>>\
You wanted to cum on her boobs but she places herself so your dick is placed above her holes as you cum.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/cumChest1.webm" type="video/webm">
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 30>>\
<<button "Handjob" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $margaery_love to $margaery_love + 2>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 50>>\
<<button "Blowjob" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $margaery_love to $margaery_love + 2>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 70>>\
<<button "Riding" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 4>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $margaery_love to $margaery_love + 2>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 90>>\
<<button "Missionary" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 3>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 50>>\
<<set $margaery_love to $margaery_love + 2>>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>
<<button "Cum in mouth" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 12>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<button "Cum on chest" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 13>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = 100>>\
Increased relationship by 2.
Current relationship at $margaery_love.
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" _getOut>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%">\
<<set _name = "Olenna">>\
<<set _place = "SexHGOle">>\
<<set _getOut = "HallwayHG">>\
<<if $sexType == 0>>\
_name is undressing for you.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/undress.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 1>>\
_name takes matters into her own hand.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/handjob.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 2>>\
_name licks around your dick.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/bj1.webm" type="video/webm">
She starts to suck it.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/bj2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 3>>\
You start to fuck her pussy.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/vagina1.webm" type="video/webm">
It feels weird that she keeps so strong eye contact.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/vagina2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 4>>\
You lay yourself flat on the bed and let her work her magic.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/riding1.webm" type="video/webm">
She turns around to you so you can see her great body.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/riding2.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 12>>\
You are ready to cum onto _name's face but you prematurely ejaculate.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/cumFace.webm" type="video/webm">
<<elseif $sexType == 13>>\
She told you to cum on her chest but you already nutted inside of her.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/olenna/sex/cumChest1.webm" type="video/webm">
<<if $cumCounter < 100 and $cumCounter != -1>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 30>>\
<<button "Handjob" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 1>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $olenna_love to $olenna_love + 2>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 50>>\
<<button "Blowjob" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 2>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $olenna_love to $olenna_love + 2>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 70>>\
<<button "Riding" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 4>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 25>>\
<<set $olenna_love to $olenna_love + 2>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 90>>\
<<button "Missionary" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 3>>\
<<set $cumCounter to $cumCounter + 50>>\
<<set $olenna_love to $olenna_love + 2>>\
<<elseif $cumCounter > 75 and $cumCounter != -1>>
<<button "Cum in mouth" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 12>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<button "Cum on chest" _place>>\
<<set $sexType to 13>>\
<<set $cumCounter to -1>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 100>>\
<<set $olenna_love = 100>>\
Increased relationship by 2.
Current relationship at $olenna_love.
<<notify 5s>>Energy -25!<</notify>>\
<<if $cumCounter == -1>>\
<<button "Finish" _getOut>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<set $energy to ($energy - 25)>>\
<<set $sexType to 0>>\
<<set $cumCounter to 0>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The door to the bathroom is locked.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 3)>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the wooden gap.">>\
You spy through the wooden gap.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bath.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tyr/margaery/bath.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Margaery">>Ahhhh.. gods! Who scared me here? King $playerName is that you?<</speech>>
You are caught by surprise and instantly answer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I thought it was empty. I am sorry Princess.<</speech>>
You walk awkwardly away.
<<notify 5s>>Margaery relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $margaery_love = $margaery_love - 5>>\
<<if $margaery_love < -100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = -100>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and $time == 3)>>\
<<linkreplace "Spy through the wooden gap.">>\
You spy through the wooden gap.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bath.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tyr/olenna/bath.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/keyhole.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You can catch a glips of her.
<<set _randomNumber to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _randomNumber == 1>>
You stumble over your own feet and make a noise on the door.
<<speech "Olenna">>Do we have a spy in Highgarden? GUARDS!<</speech>>
You don't want to make a scene so you solve the situation quickly.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It is only me Lady Olenna.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Oh its you.. well then.. a King shouldn't walk around like a mysterious man.<</speech>>
You walk awkwardly away.
<<notify 5s>>Olenna relationship - 5!<</notify>>\
<<set $olenna_love = $olenna_love - 5>>\
<<if $olenna_love < -100>>\
<<set $olenna_love = -100>>\
You manage to spy on her without getting noticed.
<<button "Hall" HallHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/gardenDoor.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are standing infront of the garden door.
<<button "Garden" GardenHG>><</button>>\
<<button "Conference room" ConferenceRoomHG>><</button>>
<<button "Hallway" HallwayHG>><</button>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/garden.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and ($time == 2 and $margaery_quest == 2))>>\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the garden.
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and ($time == 2 and $margaery_quest == 2))>>\
[[You see Margaery.|MargaeryMaze1]]
<<if $margaery_quest >= 3>>\
<<button "Maze" MazeEntrance>><</button>>\
<<button "Field" FieldHG>><</button>>
<<button "Garden Door" GardenDoorHG>><</button>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/field.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are on the fields. Harvesting-Status: $harvestingSkill %
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
<<if $harvestingSkill >= 100>>\
[[Tell Margaery that you harvested everything.|MargaeryHarvestDone]]
<<elseif $energy >= 25>>\
[[You see Margaery in the field.|MargaeryHarvest]]
You see Margaery in the field but you are out of power.
<<if $time != 3 and $energy >=25>>\
Work [Too late/Not enough energy]
<<button "Garden" GardenHG>><</button>>
<<audio ":all" stop>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroomKing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This is your bedroom on Highgarden.
On the shelve you see the "[[Book about all Houses|BookHouses]]".
The daily report about the [[stability|Stability]] in the realm is also on the table.
There is a [[map|RegionResources]] on the wall.
<<if $day == 1 and $debtPayedThisWeek == false>>\
You have a meeting with the [[Golden Bank.|Paydebt]]
<<elseif $day == 4 and $houseMeetedThisWeek == false>>\
You have a meeting with one of [[the Houses|HouseMeeting]]
<<elseif ($time == 3 or $energy == 0)>>\
You can [[sleep|SleepKL]] in your bed.
It is too early to sleep.
<<set $place = "BedroomHG">>\
<<button "Hallway" HallwayHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the conference room.
<<speech "Olenna">>Ah King $playerName you are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Lady Olenna I have decided to help you with your Lannister problem.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Please let's meet me at the gate in a few minutes. There I can show you our next steps.<</speech>>
[[You nod and wait outside of Highgarden.|OlennaTracks2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/garden.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the garden with Margaery.
<<speech "Margaery">>Good morning Milord! Nice of you to visit me here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Milord? Are we using titles again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>We aren't on the field anymore. We are back in the world of kings and queens.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, good morning to you Princess! You told me to meet you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Indeed, I have some free time and would like to spend it with you.
Come follow me!<</speech>>
[[And with that she runs off to another part of the garden.|MargaeryMaze2]]<img src="img/scene/HG/HGIntro/olennaThrone.jpg" width="100%">\
You followed the two and stand now in a conference room.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wow.. Lady Olenna your realm is truly breathtaking. So much green in combination with this beautiful castle. Astonishing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Thank you very much, Milord. But if you allow me to be so bold and ask you directly. By what do we deserve your honour?<</speech>>
You are impressed by her way of handling business and must chuckle a bit.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are allowed to ask me that, haha. I have come to discuss the future of delivery of wheat and other sorts of grains to Kingslanding and to the rest of Westeros.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Is something not alright with our nutriments?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh not at all. I just want to make sure that we won't have problems with that under any given circumstances.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Lady Olenna stands up.">>\
Lady Olenna stands up.
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGIntro/olennaThrone2.jpg" width="50%">\
<<speech "Olenna">>We can be honest with each other can we Milord?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Surely.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>We have an inconvenience here in the Reach. The inconvenience is the weather, especially this year. It is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. Our harvest becomes less and less. It is at an all-time low this year so we don't have enough for the whole seven Kingdoms.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Gods I didn't know about this.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You feel a hook coming up to you.">>\
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGIntro/margaery.jpg" width="50%">\
You feel a hook coming up to you.
<<speech "Margaery">>Also those Lannister bastards are on our tail.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Margaery watch your language.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>But it is true mother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What is the matter with those Westlanders?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">> Their search for power has found the reach. We have no proof but we believe that they send their soldier on missions to destroy our harvest.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You are not happy with the situation.">>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well what can I do to solve this problematic situation with a good outcome for both of us?<</speech>>
Lady Olenna takes a moment to think but you believe that this is a game with marked cards.
<<speech "Olenna">>There are a few things you could help us with.
First, you could help my daughter with the harvest this year, this would make it possible to have more food for your kingdom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>I could very well use your help King $playerName. I promise we will have fun doing it together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That is a good suggestion. What else?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>I for myself could use your help as I know that you are a skilled fighter and rider. Maybe you could help me find those Lannister guerrilla fighters in my realm.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You think about the offer from Lady Olenna.">>
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGIntro/olennaThrone.jpg" width="100%">\
You think about the offer from Lady Olenna.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So if I help Margaery with the harvest this year and I find the Lannister with you Lady Olenna, you can guarantee me your food delivery and support in those uncertain times?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Surely.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, where do we start?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Please rest first. Highgarden stands you open, I have had a bedroom prepared. If you want to start you can find me in the garden or the fields, around noon. My mother is mostly in the conference room. <</speech>>
You nod.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you very much.<</speech>>
[[With those words and a pounding head, you move to your bedroom in Highgarden.|BedroomHG]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<set _randomNumber to random(1,3) >>\
<<set _goldAmount to 10>>\
<<set _relationshipAmount to 5>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/field.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 1 or $day == 3 or $day == 5) and $time == 2)>>\
You are working on the field and Margaery shouts to you.
<<speech "Margaery">>$playerName good morning!<</speech>>
You shout back.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Morning Margaery.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>I see you are already very busy, happy sweating.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thanks you too.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Margaery relationship + _relationshipAmount!<</notify>>\
<<set $margaery_love = $margaery_love + _relationshipAmount>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = 100>>\
You are working in the field.
<img @src="'img/scene/HG/field/work'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="75%">
After a few hours, you are done and earned the Kingdom _goldAmount pounds of gold.
<<set $time = $time +1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<if $energy >= 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + _goldAmount>>\
<<button "Finish working" FieldHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/field/mill.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/HG/field/margaery' + $harvestingSkill + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are at the mill with Margaery.
<<speech "Margaery">>Here we are. Let me present to you: The Mill.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I have already seen mills and even bigger ones.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Size doesn't matter as much as some people think $playerName.<</speech>>
You two bring the grains into the mill after that you meet outside again.
<<speech "Margaery">>With that one of our harvests is concluded. Here take this as a kind of compensation for your work.<</speech>>
She hands you a key.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A key is my revenue?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>A key to a door of my bedroom at Highgarden. Oh and there will be around 50 pounds of gold waiting for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You bedroom? 50 pounds?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Well it ain't much but it's honest work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh 50 is quite a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>For you maybe. Let's head back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure.<</speech>>
You are left a bit speechless as you two head back to highgarden.
<<speech "Margaery">>You know what we should do more things together, meet me in the garden sometimes.<</speech>>
Margaery heads inside the castle.
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!
Margaery relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $margaery_love = $margaery_love + 20>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = 100>>\
<<if $margaery_quest == 1>>\
<<set $margaery_quest = 2>>\
<<set $margaery_door = 1>>\
<<set $harvestingSkill = 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + 50>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
<<button "Finish" FieldHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/field.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/HG/field/margaery' + $harvestingSkill + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
You are on the field with Margaery.
<<if $harvestingSkill == 0>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>Good day to you Milord.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Princess Margaery it is nice to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Okay let me just go through it once more, you might already know a lot of things I am going to tell you now.<</speech>>
You start to listen.
<<speech "Margaery">>The first and only rule is that there are no titles on the field. That means that I am just Margaery and you are just $playerName here, you okay with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Of course. What's next?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Well today we are going to plant seeds for the next harvest. Here let me show you.<</speech>>
Margaery starts to plant seeds in front of your eyes as you try to replicate what she shows you.
<<elseif $harvestingSkill == 25>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>Hello today is going to be a bit more exhausting. Today we will have to check the wheat if it is good, so we don't harvest rotten grains next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And for that you had to remove your upper clothing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Yes and you will do the same in an hour. Haha, we will sweat a lot and I don't want to ruin it.<</speech>>
And with that, you two get to work.
<<elseif $harvestingSkill == 50>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>It is time to harvest. Today we will go to the field over there and harvest it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Anything to look for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Except that this will be even more exhausting than last time and because of that you should also remove some garments, nothing else to worry about.<</speech>>
And with that, you two get to work.
<<elseif $harvestingSkill == 75>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>Today we will do quite the dirty work. We have to separate the wheat from the chaff.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>How do we do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>It is pretty easy if you think about it and pretty hard if you do it. We take these wooden clubs and punch the wheat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alrigth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>After that we have to transport the grains to the granary. For this, you shouldn't wear any clothes as you do this work after you sweated hard, the grains will stick to your clothing.<</speech>>
And with that, you two get to work.
<img @src="'img/scene/HG/field/train' + $harvestingSkill + '.gif'" width="60%">
After quite some time you are tired.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well that has to be enough for today.<</speech>>
Margaery comes over to you.
<<notify 5s>>You advanced the harvesting to $harvestingSkill %
Margaery relationship + 10!<</notify>>\
<<set $margaery_love = $margaery_love + 10>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = 100>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<set $time = $time + 1>>\
<<if $harvestingSkill == 0>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>Well done, we planted the seeds for next year's harvest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You have everything prepared in steps so that you can harvest all the time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Yes that is our secret why we can sell so many grains. Oh and of course the good ground.<</speech>>
<<elseif $harvestingSkill == 25>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>Alrigth, now that we have some grown wheat we can harvest it next time. Be sure not to miss it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I wouldn't want to miss this for all in the world.<</speech>>
<<elseif $harvestingSkill == 50>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>No we have all the wheat harvested and stored, we just have to separate the wheat from the chaff.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am excited.<</speech>>
<<elseif $harvestingSkill == 75>>\
<<speech "Margaery">>We did it. All of our yields are stored in the granary.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So what next?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Well there is one more step we have to do. Next time we bring some of it to the mill so we can get flour for baking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright till next time.<</speech>>
<<set $harvestingSkill = $harvestingSkill + 25>>\
<<if $harvestingSkill > 100>>\
<<set $harvestingSkill = 100>>\
<<button "Finish" FieldHG>><</button>>\<<speech "Developer">>Hey, sis!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hey, sis!<</speech>>
<<speech "Aegis">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Raenyra">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Daenerys">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leanor">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Meister">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alison">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Colby">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gianna">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Charlotte">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Servant">>Hey bro, what're you up to?<</speech>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/entrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/HG/maze/margaery1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are standing in front of a maze made of hedges.
<<speech "Margaery">>May I present to you the famous hedge maze of Highgarden.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So you want to get lost? Like those princesses who don't want to marry a man picked by their parents?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Kinda.. but I want to be found. Found by you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That behaviour may not be appropriate for a lady.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>I am not like the other ladies. I am what I am. Oh, and you might find some statues of me in the maze from a long time ago!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Come on we aren't really doing this aren-<</speech>>
Margaery vanished into the labyrinth before you could finish your sentence.
[[You enter the maze yourself.|Maze1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/crossing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
After a few meters in you are pretty much lost. This seems like the middle of the maze.
[[Go Forward.|MazeN1]]
[[Go Left.|MazeW1]]
[[Go Right.|MazeE1]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeS1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeW2]]
[[Go Backwards.|Maze1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/left.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeE2]]
[[Go Backwards.|Maze1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeS2]]
[[Go Backwards.|Maze1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/t.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeS1]]
[[Go Left.|MazeS4]]
[[Go Rigth.|MazeS3]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/right.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Right.|MazeS5]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeS2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found one of the four statues.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeS2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeS6]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeS4]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/deadEnd.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found a dead end.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeS5]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/t.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeE3]]
[[Go Right.|MazeE4]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/deadEnd.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found a dead end.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/crossing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeE5]]
[[Go Left.|MazeE6]]
[[Go Right.|MazeE7]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/right.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Right.|MazeE9]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE4]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found one of the four statues.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE4]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/left.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeE8]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE4]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/left.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeE4]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE7]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/right.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Right.|MazeE4]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeE5]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeW3]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/right.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Right.|MazeW4]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/t.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeW5]]
[[Go Right.|MazeW6]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW3]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/t.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeW7]]
[[Go Right.|MazeW8]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW4]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/deadEnd.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found a dead end.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW4]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/left.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeW9]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW5]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
This looks to be the way out.
<<if $margaery_quest == 2>>\
[[Leave the maze.|MargaeryMaze3]]
[[Leave the maze.|MazeExit]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW5]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue3.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found one of the four statues.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeW7]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeN2]]
[[Go Backwards.|Maze1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/crossing.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeN3]]
[[Go Left.|MazeN4]]
[[Go Right.|MazeN5]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/deadEnd.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found a dead end.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeN6]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/left.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeN7]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/deadEnd.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found a dead end.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN4]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/t.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Left.|MazeN8]]
[[Go Right.|MazeN9]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN5]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/way.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are lost.
[[Go Forward.|MazeN10]]
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN7]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/statue4.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found one of the four statues.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN7]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/deadEnd.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found a dead end.
[[Go Backwards.|MazeN8]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/entrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/scene/HG/maze/margaery2.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
After successfully navigating through the maze, Margaery welcomes you.
<<speech "Margaery">>Holy you made it in record time. Nobody came out of this maze as fast as you did.<</speech>>
You are a bit out of breath.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So.. so you do this with everyone who comes to Highgarden?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>No, only with the ones I like.<</speech>>
She gives you a cheeky smile.
<<speech "Margaery">>Well thank you for the nice day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>In the end I think it was fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Yes! We have to do something again. Have you ever been hunting?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Then we will do this. Meet me in the Hall in the morning.<</speech>>
She turns around and walks away only to stop a second later.
<<speech "Margaery">>Oh and have you seen our bath here on Highgarden?
You have to see it someday. I will make sure to have it unlocked for you.
See you!<</speech>>
And with that, she leaves you alone.
[[Head back to the garden.|GardenHG]]
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!
Margaery relationship + 25!<</notify>>\
<<set $margaery_love = $margaery_love + 25>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = 100>>\
<<if $margaery_quest == 2>>\
<<set $margaery_quest = 3>>\
<<set $margaery_door = 2>>\
<<set $margaery_pic = 2>>
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/entrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You found your way out of the maze.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Seven hells.. this maze is big.<</speech>>
<<button "Garden" GardenHG>><</button>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/maze/entrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You see the entrance to the maze.
[[Alright, lets have a look inside.|Maze1]]
<<button "Garden" GardenHG>><</button>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/hall1.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 4 or $day == 6) and ($time == 1 and $margaery_quest == 3))>>\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the hall with Margaery.
<<speech "Margaery">>Oh, I'm glad you made it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I didn't want to miss the hunt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Straight to the point. Let's get going. The hunting party is already waiting for us.<</speech>>
[[You follow Margaery to the forest.|MargaeryHunt2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
As you make your way to the hunting party, you find yourself surrounded by the beauty of the forest.
<<speech "Margaery">>Aahhhhh... take a deep breath!<</speech>>
You inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So clean and fresh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>How is the air in Kingslanding?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Smelly.<</speech>>
She grabs you by your shoulder and laughs.
<<speech "Margaery">>SMELLY?! Haha! Someday, I hope to experience breathing it. Even if it is only so I can find out if you speak the truth about your air or if you are just smelling yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You can take a nose off me right now if you want.<</speech>>
She gets very close to your chest and breathes hard as you smile at her.
<<speech "Margaery">>Alrigth, it is definitely you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Nah.. this can't be haha!<</speech>>
You have a good time with Margaery.
[[Soon you arrive at the right spot.|MargaeryHunt3]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the forest.
<<speech "Margaery">>Alright may I present you, the hunting party.<</speech>>
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/intro1.jpg" width="100%">\
You see two young women with buckets in their hands.
<<speech "Margaery">>King $playerName these are Lyra and Relya our hunting support. Lyra, Relya this is King $playerName.<</speech>>
They both take a bow and give you a smile.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Nice to meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Don't worry if they don't answer you, they are not very talking active.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Surely but for what are the buckets?<</speech>>
Margaery grabs herself a bucket.
<<speech "Margaery">>We will put the bait into those buckets from which the ducks will eat then.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Then we wait until there are enough ducks. After a while, we startle them and shoot them out of the air with our crossbows.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Margaery gives you a smile.">>\
Margaery gives you a smile.
<<speech "Margaery">>Correrct, it seems to me that you were already on a duck hunt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I was one time as a child with my father. What do you use as bait here on Highgarden?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>We use male spunk.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You think you heard wrong.">>\
You think you heard wrong.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What? I asked what you use as duck bait.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>I heard you the first time. We use male sperm as bait. First, we have to get some in the buckets, then we wait until there are enough ducks. Just like you explained.<</speech>>
You are still a bit irritated.
<<speech "Margaery">>Come we will show you.<</speech>>
[[You follow them.|MargaeryHunt4]]
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/intro2.jpg" width="100%">\
You are now on a field and see three men naked on the ground.
<<speech "Margaery">>These are the sperm givers. Each of us will milk her bucket. Don't worry you don't have to do it yourself, we will use one bucket together.<</speech>>
You find the practice quite strange but it also turns you on to see young women milk sperm out of these men.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Margaery gets straight to work..">>\
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/intro3.jpg" width="100%">\
Margaery gets straight to work and shows that she is not wearing undergarments.
<<speech "Margaery">>You see, it's quite easy and fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I still don't understand why you don't just use bread or something like this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Bread is also good, but only if you want to wait the whole day for one duck to come by. Sperm has a way stronger scent, which attracts the ducks.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "The woman named Lyra, you believe, signals Margaery that she has a problem...">>\
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/intro4.jpg" width="100%">\
The woman named Lyra, you believe, signals Margaery that she has a problem with the milking.
<<speech "Margaery">>No no no. You are not doing it right. You have to work the whole shaft with your hand. Up and down, only then he will shoot his cream into the bucket. It will take ages if you just touch it a bit.
Isn't that right Milord?<</speech>>
You get a bit red.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure yes.. you.. you have to take his penis into your whole hand.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You see Margaery getting very stiff...">>\
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/intro5.jpg" width="100%">\
You see Margaery getting very stiff as it seems that her man is ready to cum.
<<speech "Margaery">>Yes, get it out, a good load for our King!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Please don't say such things.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>I just tell the truth.<</speech>>
She starts to talk right into the man's ear.
<<speech "Margaery">> Your cum will be used for the royal duck hunt. The King, as well as I, will not be pleased with just a few drops!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "After the man shoots three more loads into the bucked..">>\
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/intro6.jpg" width="100%">\
After the man shoots three more loads into the bucket she takes a look at it.
<<speech "Margaery">>Hmm this should be enoug.<</speech>>
She starts to pet his dick.
<<speech "Margaery">>You did good, I thought your dick would be limp after the first load but you held on. The Kind and I are proud of you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Margaery stands up.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/intro7.jpg" width="100%">\
Margaery stands up.
<<speech "Margaery">>Good, this should be enough to start our hunt. Now we have to wait for the ducks. Follow me to the hunting spot.<</speech>>
You think Margaery possesses a shameless demeanour, but her grace and charm are undeniable.
[[You feel your rock hard dick between your legs as you follow them.|MargaeryHunt5]]
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/duck.jpg" width="100%">\
You wait a while with the ladies until the ducks start to eat the cum in the bucket.
<<speech "Margaery">>Oh look, look!<</speech>>
Margaery pulls on your arm to get your attention.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A duck, nice.
You were right, they came very fast with the sperm-bucket.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Go take the crossbow. You shoot and I reload it. Try to get the all!<</speech>>
She hands you the crossbow and starts to startle the ducks so the fly through the air.
[[You take aim.|HuntHG1]]<<set _duck to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/sky.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/duck' + _duck + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<div style="text-align: center;">
You see the duck flying. You already got $ducks_shot ducks.
<<speech "Margaery">>Okay this seem to be quite a slow duck. Take your time and shoot it down.<</speech>>
<<button "Shoot Left" HuntHG1>>
<<if _duck == 1>>\
<<goto HuntHGTutorialGood>>\
<<goto HuntHGFail>>\
<<button "Shoot Middle" HuntHG1>>
<<if _duck == 2>>\
<<goto HuntHGTutorialGood>>\
<<goto HuntHGFail>>\
<<button "Shoot Right" HuntHG1>>
<<if _duck == 3>>\
<<goto HuntHGTutorialGood>>\
<<goto HuntHGFail>>\
</div>\<<set _duck to random(1,3) >>\
<<set _do to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _do == 1>>\
<<if _duck == 1>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<elseif _duck == 3>>\
<<set _position = 1>>\
<<set _position to random(1,2) >>\
<<if _position == 2>>\
<<set _position = 3>>\
<<set _trap to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/sky.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/duck' + _duck + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if _do == 1>>\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/trap' + _position + _trap + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<div style="text-align: center;">
You see the duck flying. You already got $ducks_shot ducks.
<<timed 0.5s>>\
3, \
<<timed 0.75s>>\
2, \
<<timed 0.1s>>\
1, \
<<timed 1.10s>>\
0, \
<<timed 1.25s>>
<<goto HuntHGFail>>
<<button "Shoot Left" HallHG>>
<<if _duck == 1>>\
<<set $ducks_shot = $ducks_shot + 1>>\
<<if $ducks_shot == 30>>\
<<goto HuntHGFinish>>\
<<goto HuntHG2>>\
<<goto HuntHGFail>>\
<<button "Shoot Middle" HallHG>>
<<if _duck == 2>>\
<<set $ducks_shot = $ducks_shot + 1>>\
<<if $ducks_shot == 30>>\
<<goto HuntHGFinish>>\
<<goto HuntHG2>>\
<<goto HuntHGFail>>\
<<button "Shoot Right" HallHG>>
<<if _duck == 3>>\
<<set $ducks_shot = $ducks_shot + 1>>\
<<if $ducks_shot == 30>>\
<<goto HuntHGFinish>>\
<<goto HuntHG2>>\
<<goto HuntHGFail>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You didn't get the duck and it flew away. You managed to shoot $ducks_shot ducks down
<<speech "Margaery">>And the duck is gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Shit..<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>We have to do it all over again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Why? I already got a duck? We already have a meal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>You won't learn how to duck hunt if you don't duck hunt.<</speech>>
She doesn't let herself be argued with so you [[start over again.|HuntHG2]]
<<set $ducks_shot = 0>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You shot your first duck.
<<speech "Margaery">>Nice you got it! The upcoming ducks won't be so slow, so be prepared.<</speech>>
[[I understand, let's start.|HuntHG2]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You shot all of the $ducks_shot ducks.
<<speech "Margaery">>You are a natural talent.<</speech>>
You turn around and see Margaery and one of the women from earlier naked.
<<speech "Margaery">>You already met Lyra, she just wanted to see a real man hunting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>A real man? You must have seen men before?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Do you remember how she failed in milking that man?
She told me that she would be very gratefull if she could try it again on a real man. On a real man like you.<</speech>>
Margaery starts to whisper into your ear.
<<speech "Margaery">>She has never done it with a man before and you would be great as her first.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You are suprised by this offer.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery3.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are suprised by this offer.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>What?<</speech>>
Margaery puts her hands between your legs.
<<speech "Margaery">>It would also mean a lot to me. I started to really like you. And as you know, I will be the upcoming Lady of Highgarden.<</speech>>
Margaery winks towards you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, I guess I don't have much of a choice.<</speech>>
[[The tree of you head back to Margaery's bedroom in Highgarden.|MargaeryHunt6]]
<<set $ducks_shot = 0>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the bedroom with Margaery and Lyra.
<<speech "Margaery">>$playerName please get your dick out and I will guide Lyra how to worship it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Are you ready for it Lyra.<</speech>>
Lyra nods.
<<linkreplace "You get your dick out as Lyra goes on her knees instructed by Margaery.">>\
You get your dick out as Lyra goes on her knees instructed by Margaery.
<<speech "Margaery">>Jerk his shaft up and down. You can use as much force as you like, it doesn't hurt a man to feel the full power of a woman. You can also use your mouth and lick the tip of it.<</speech>>
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/sex0.webm" type="video/webm">
After a few seconds of her working your meat you feel the urge to cum. Infact you are so turned on by her jerking your penis and Margaery giving her instructions like a commander aswell as the strange milkin situation from earlier today that you shot your load prematurely.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ah shit.. damn.. I didn't want to..<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Don't worry Lyra this happens more often to a man than you think. Here $playerName take a seat as I and Lyra will tease you a bit until you are ready for another round.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "A bit ashamed you take a seat in the back of the bedroom as you watch the two.">>\
A bit ashamed you take a seat in the back of the bedroom as you watch the two.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/sex1.webm" type="video/webm">
Lyra starts to lick the Margaery's clit.
<<speech "Margaery">>Ahhh this is good.. a woman likes this as much as a man does. Really stick your toung in it. Ahh.. lick at this bud at the top of it.. oh yeah.. this is good.. I am all wet now!<</speech>>
After a few minutes you feel like you are ready for a second round.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are doing this very good Lyra.. I think I am ready again.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Margaery singnals Lyra that she should swap places with you on the chair.">>\
Margaery singnals Lyra that she should swap places with you on the chair.
<<speech "Margaery">>Take a good look on what is happening next. $playerName sit here!<</speech>>
You walk over to her and sit down on another chair as Lyra watches from afar.
<<speech "Margaery">>Here let me work that shaft of yours with my cunt.<</speech>>
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/sex2.webm" type="video/webm">
Margaery grinds on your shaft and goes up and down on it. But after a few seconds you feel this urge again.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Margaery... I think I am coming again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>So soon again? Well.. Lyra get over here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Margaery orders her to kneel next to her so you can cum on their faces.">>\
Margaery orders her to kneel next to her so you can cum on their faces.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/sex3.webm" type="video/webm">
You spurt your load on both of their faces.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Aghhh.. hells..<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Ahhh.. I guess this is enough. Our man here has a bad day. Normally they last longer, but don't worry we will try it again another time.<</speech>>
Lyra stands up.
<<speech "Margaery">>Please head out, I wan't to exchange a few words with the King.<</speech>>
[[Lyra leaves the room as Margaery still holds your dick frimly in her hands.|MargaeryHunt7]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/margaery4.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
Lyra leaves the room as Margaery still holds your dick frimly in her hands.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ah.. I am so sorry that-<</speech>>
She puts her finger on your mouth.
<<speech "Margaery">>Don't worry, I believe that it was quite helpful to her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>If you say so, I can only tell you that it was a big pleasure for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>It was also a pleasure for me. You know what, I believe that I can trust you.<</speech>>
She looks deep into your eyes.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I can say the same about you. You are quite a woman.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">> Alright, I should get going, it was a long day. Oh, and I will put in a good word for you at my mother.<</speech>>
[[You both hug each other and you leave the room.|HallwayHG]]
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!
Margaery relationship + 30!<</notify>>\
<<set $margaery_love = $margaery_love + 30>>\
<<if $margaery_love > 100>>\
<<set $margaery_love = 100>>\
<<set $margaery_quest = 4>>\
<<set $margaery_pic = 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q1-Olenna/olenna0.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You met up with Lady Olenna and you two headed out into the forest.
<<speech "Olenna">>Well here we are. Those Lannisters-Saboteurs were here last night and one of my guards told me that they left strange tracks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Strange tracks? Like footprints?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>This is exactly what I need you for, they didn't leave footprints like normal humans. There are a bunch of tracks and we need your help to identify them so my soldiers can follow the right track.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am no tracker, I don't think I can do-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Please you have to try, we don't have much time. If we are too late the the saboteurs will move on and we start our search at zero.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She pulls a book out of her bags.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/Q3-Leanor/book.jpg" width="50%">\
She pulls a book out of her bag.
<<speech "Olenna">>This book was used by some of our wild hunters. Maybe it can help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[I will try my best.|HGTracks1]]<</speech>>
<</linkreplace>>\<<set _track to random(1,7) >>\
<<if _track == 1>>\
<<set _solution = "bear">>\
<<elseif _track == 2>>\
<<set _solution = "deer">>\
<<elseif _track == 3>>\
<<set _solution = "moose">>\
<<elseif _track == 4>>\
<<set _solution = "lion">>\
<<elseif _track == 5>>\
<<set _solution = "bison">>\
<<elseif _track == 6>>\
<<set _solution = "coyote">>\
<<elseif _track == 7>>\
<<set _solution = "fox">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q1-Olenna/ground.jpg" width="40%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q1-Olenna/tracks' + _track + '.png'" width="40%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You already identified $tracks_found animal tracks.
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Submit Answer">>\
<<if [_solution].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>\
<<if $tracks_found == 5>>\
<<goto HGTracksFinish>>\
<<set $tracks_found = $tracks_found + 1>>\
<<goto HGTracksRight>>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["This doesn't seem right","It has to be something else","I think it is the wrong animal"])>><</replace>>\
<span id="output"></span>
<small>Bears have five toes on each foot, each with a curved, 1¼ inch, nonretractable claw.</small>
<small>Deer tracks have two toes (hooves), that make an upside-down heart-shaped track.</small>
<small>Moose tracks look like two crescent-shaped halves with two dew claws.</small>
<small>Bison tracks have two thick hooves, that make an upside-down heart-shaped track.</small>
<small>Lions show four toes, normally without claws.</small>
<small>Coyotes register four toes with claws in both front and hind feet.</small>
<small>Fox tracks have four toes and a distinct triangular paw pad. Though similar to coyotes, fox prints tend to be a bit wider.</small><<set _talk to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q1-Olenna/olenna' + $tracks_found + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You identify the last animal track.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I think this were all tracks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Very good. But which track do you think is the one from the Lannisters?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hmmm..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You point on one of those tracks.">>\
You point to one of those tracks.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This one!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Alright, Soldiers follow this track! Thank you King $playerName. We can now head back to Highgarden.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Good, looks like after all I am a real tracker.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Indeed, maybe you can track the way to my bedroom one day. We will talk there about our next steps.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure I meet you there sometime.<</speech>>
[[You both head back to Highgarden.|HallHG]]
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!
Olenna relationship + 20!<</notify>>\
<<set $olenna_love = $olenna_love + 20>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 100>>\
<<set $olenna_love = 100>>\
<<if $olenna_quest == 1>>\
<<set $olenna_quest = 2>>\
<<set $olenna_door = 1>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<<set _talk to random(1,3) >>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Margaery/forrest.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q1-Olenna/olenna' + $tracks_found + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You give Olenna your answer.
<<if _talk == 1>>\
<<speech "Olenna">>Oh yeah, that appears right to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You have such an animal here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Nearly every animal that lives somewhere in Westeros has its origin here, so yes we do have such animals here.<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk == 2>>\
<<speech "Olenna">>That track could belong to the animal. Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes I have no doubts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Let me have a look into the book... yes your answer seems to be correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Thank you! I think I get really good a this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[Show me the next one.|HGTracks1]]<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Olenna are alone.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So what are the next steps against the Lannisters?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Your Majesty I am glad you ask, please follow me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You follow her to the conference room.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You follow her to the conference room.
<<speech "Olenna">>My soldiers managed to follow the tracks to an old castle ruin. We believe that they use it as a hideout.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Then let your soldiers arrest them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>If only it would be so easy. We strongly believe that they are somewhere in ruin. But we couldn't find anybody. We only found strange signs.<</speech>>
You know where this is going.
<<speech "Olenna">>And so I wanted to ask Your Majesty if you could help us search through the ruin.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I guess I have no choice if I want your support against the other Houses?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Well we've made a deal. You help us with Lannister and harvest problems, so you don't have the choice to say no.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright, then we should get going.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Lady Olenna looks a bit uncomfortable.">>\
Lady Olenna looks a bit uncomfortable.
<<speech "Olenna">>I have to stay here on Highgarden-<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>If I go, you go as well!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Who am I to say no to the King of the Seven Kingdoms? The books will not tell the tale about a Lady of Thornes who is scared to look into the eyes of her enemies, they will tell the story about the brave Lady of Highgarden.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Then everything is said. Let's go.<</speech>>
[[You give her a smile and you two and a group of soldiers head to the ruin.|OleQ2Ruin]]
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/ruinFar.jpg" width="100%">\
Your group arrives at the castle ruin as a soldier comes up to Olenna.
<<speech "Roland" "Soldier">>This is the place milady! We think that those Lannister bastards are hiding deep down in the ruin. There is a door but opening it with brute force will take weeks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Thank you soldier! Are the upper parts all searched and cleared?<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland" "Soldier">>Yes, the upper ruin is safe for you to enter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Shall we?<</speech>>
Lady Olenna looks over towards you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[Let's head in.|OleQ2RuinEntrance]]<</speech>>
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/entrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/olenna1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Olenna are alone.
[[Go to the stairs.|OleQ2Stairs]]
[[Go to the left.|OleQ2Tower]]
[[Go to the right.|OleQ2Right]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/stairs.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are on the stairs.
[[Go up.|OleQ2Up]]
[[Go down.|OleQ2Down]]
[[Go back to the entrance.|OleQ2RuinEntrance]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/right.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/rightTable.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $Hook_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/right.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the right wing.
<<if $Hook_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Grab the hook">>\
<<set $Hook_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2Right>>\
<<if $Hook_Inventory_Ole == true and $String_Inventory_Ole == true and
$StringAndHook_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Craft the Hook and String together">>\
<<set $StringAndHook_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2Right>>\
<<if $Sword_Inventory_Ole == true and $WhetStone_Inventory_Ole == true and
$SwordWhet_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Whet the sword">>\
<<set $SwordWhet_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2Right>>\
[[Go to the garden.|OleQ2RuinGarden]]
[[Go back to the entrance.|OleQ2RuinEntrance]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/tower.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KeyTree_Inventory_Ole == true and $KeyDoor_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/tower.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the tower.
<<if $KeyTree_Inventory_Ole == true and $KeyDoor_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Open the chest">>\
<<set $KeyDoor_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2Tower>>\
[[Go back to the entrance.|OleQ2RuinEntrance]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/garden.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $KeyTree_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/garden.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the garden.
<<if $KeyTree_Inventory_Ole == false and $StringAndHook_Inventory_Ole == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Get the key">>\
<<set $KeyTree_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2RuinGarden>>\
<<elseif $StringAndHook_Inventory_Ole == false>>
The key is too far up.
[[Go back.|OleQ2Right]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/upper.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $String_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/upper.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are on the upper level.
<<if $String_Inventory_Ole == false and $SwordWhet_Inventory_Ole == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Cut the courtains">>\
<<set $String_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2Up>>\
<<elseif $String_Inventory_Ole == false and $Sword_Inventory_Ole == true>>\
The sword is not sharp enough.
[[Go to the stairs.|OleQ2Stairs]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/cellar.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $Sword_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/cellar.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the cellar.
<<if $Sword_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Grab the sword">>\
<<set $Sword_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2Down>>\
[[Go towards the door.|OleQ2Door]]
[[Go back to the stairs.|OleQ2Stairs]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $WhetStone_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are infront of the door.
<<if $WhetStone_Inventory_Ole == false>>\
<<linkreplace "Grab the whet stone">>\
<<set $WhetStone_Inventory_Ole = true>>\
<<goto OleQ2Door>>\
<<if $KeyDoor_Inventory_Ole == true>>\
<<linkreplace "Open the door.">>\
<<goto OleQ2DoorOpen>>\
[[Go back to the cellar.|OleQ2Down]]<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door2.jpg" width="100%">\
The door opens up and you take a look inside.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Soldier come here! The Lannisters are down there.<</speech>>
The soldier also takes a look.
<<speech "Roland" "Soldier">>Very good. Can you please tell Lady Olenna the news as I fortify this door?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You head back up to Lady Olenna.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/entrance.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/olenna2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You head back up to Lady Olenna.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ah, there you are. I managed to open the door and we could scout the Lannister down there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Great! We two can head back to Highgarden now. From there I will send more soldiers down here and we eliminate those criminals.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>That's a good idea!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Lady Olenna comes over towards you as you pack your things and gives you a kiss on the lips.">>\
Lady Olenna comes over towards you as you pack your things and kisses you on the lips.
<<speech "Olenna">>A kiss for my King. Thank you very much, without you we wouldn't have found them and wouldn't be able to eliminate the threat. The doors of Highgarden may be open for you from this day on. Tomorrow morning we will come back here with my soldiers. It would be a pleasure if you could also come if you would like to meet me at the entrance!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Tomorrow at the entrance, I will be there don't worry!<</speech>>
[[She then turns around and you two head to Highgarden.|HallwayHG]]
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!
Olenna relationship + 25!<</notify>>\
<<set $olenna_love = $olenna_love + 25>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 100>>\
<<set $olenna_love = 100>>\
<<set $olenna_quest = 3>>\
<<set $olenna_door = 2>>\
<<set $olenna_pic = 2>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/highgardenGate.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Olenna are alone.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Hello Lady Olenna!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Greeting your Majesty, are you ready to eliminate the Lannisters-Saboteurs?
I heard that you are a good fighter, even better than your sister Raenyra?<</speech>>
You blush a bit.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I defeated here once, but that doesn't mean that I am the better fighter. <</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>I strongly believe that your fighting skill will be way too much for those bastards.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>And I heard that the Lady of Highgarden will show her thornes today!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>House Tyrell always grows hard, so let us head to the castle.<</speech>>
[[You and Olenna jump on the wagon to the castle ruin with many other soldiers.|OlennaRuin1]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/olenna30.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are standing again in front of the door to the Lannister hideout.
You see a soldier coming over towards you.
<<speech "Roland" "Soldier">>Your Majesty<</speech>>
He turns to Lady Olenna.
<<speech "Roland" "Soldier">>Milady, the Lannisters know about our presence and are ready to fight their way out of here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Is there a second way out or in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Roland" "Soldier">>No, they are trapped in there. We could hunger them out if you would like.<</speech>>
Lady Olenna lets out a loud laugh.
<<speech "Olenna">>So that Highgarde could be called out as a place where people hunger to death? No, we have to deal with them the old way.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "The soldier quickly bows and turns towards the door.">>\
The soldier quickly bows and turns towards the door.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>So how do we do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>We open the doors and let them out in small groups and each one of us takes one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Alright but shoul-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "The soldier opens the door.">>\
The soldier opens the door.
<<speech "Olenna">>BE PREPARED!<</speech>>
[[You take out your sword and get ready.|OlennaRuinFight1]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<set _sword to random(1,4) >>\
<<set _do to random(1,2) >>\
<<set _place = "OlennaRuinFight1">>\
<<set _placeWon = "OlennaRuinFight1Won">>\
<<set _placeFail = "OlennaRuinFight1Fail">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/sword' + _sword + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter1' + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<div style="text-align: center;">
You are fighting the Lannister-Saboteurs. You already defended $OlennaFightsWon strikes out of 15.
<<timed 0.7s>>\
3, \
<<timed 0.9s>>\
2, \
<<timed 1.0s>>\
1, \
<<timed 1.20s>>\
0, \
<<timed 1.5s>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Upper Left" _place>>
<<if _sword == 1>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Upper Right" _place>>
<<if _sword == 2>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Lower Left" _place>>
<<if _sword == 3>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Lower Right" _place>>
<<if _sword == 4>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter11.png'" width="135%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $OlennaFighterStatus == 5>>\
You managed to land the final blow and defeat the knight.
<<set $OlennaFighter = 2>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = 0>>\
[[You see another one coming up.|OlennaRuinFight2]]
You managed to hurt the knight, so she loses some of her armour.
[[You get ready for the next round.|OlennaRuinFight1]]
<</if>>\<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = 2>>\
<<set $OlennaFighter = 1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter11.png'" width="135%" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The enemy knight gives you a hard blow and you stumble on the ground.
[[After a few seconds you get back on your feed, but the knight repaired his armor.|OlennaRuinFight1]]<<set _sword to random(1,4) >>\
<<set _do to random(1,2) >>\
<<set _place = "OlennaRuinFight2">>\
<<set _placeWon = "OlennaRuinFight2Won">>\
<<set _placeFail = "OlennaRuinFight2Fail">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/sword' + _sword + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<div style="text-align: center;">
You are fighting the Lannister-Saboteurs. You already defended $OlennaFightsWon strikes out of 15.
<<timed 0.7s>>\
3, \
<<timed 0.9s>>\
2, \
<<timed 1.0s>>\
1, \
<<timed 1.20s>>\
0, \
<<timed 1.5s>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Upper Left" _place>>
<<if _sword == 1>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Upper Right" _place>>
<<if _sword == 2>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Lower Left" _place>>
<<if _sword == 3>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Lower Right" _place>>
<<if _sword == 4>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $OlennaFighterStatus == 5>>\
You managed to land the final blow and defeat the knight.
<<set $OlennaFighter = 3>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 1>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = 0>>\
[[You see another one coming up.|OlennaRuinFight3Intro]]
You gave the knight a big blow through which she loses her balance and some of her armor.
[[You get ready for the next round.|OlennaRuinFight2]]
<</if>>\<<set $OlennaFighter = 2>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = 0>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/fighter' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The enemy knight gives you a hard blow and you stumble on the ground.
[[After a few seconds you get back on your feed, but the knight repaired his armor.|OlennaRuinFight2]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/knight.png" width="135%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You see a big male knight walking out of the door. It seems that he is the last one.
<<speech "Olenna">>King $playerName! Let us take him together!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Step back it is to danger-<</speech>>
<<set $OlennaFighter = 3>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = 1>>\
[[Lady Olenna jumps into battle.|OlennaRuinFight3]]<<set _sword to random(1,4) >>\
<<set _do to random(1,2) >>\
<<set _place = "OlennaRuinFight3">>\
<<set _placeWon = "OlennaRuinFight3Won">>\
<<set _placeFail = "OlennaRuinFight3Fail">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/background.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/sword' + _sword + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/olenna' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<div style="text-align: center;">
You are fighting the Lannister-Saboteurs. You already defended $OlennaFightsWon strikes out of 15.
<<timed 0.7s>>\
3, \
<<timed 0.9s>>\
2, \
<<timed 1.0s>>\
1, \
<<timed 1.20s>>\
0, \
<<timed 1.5s>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Upper Left" _place>>
<<if _sword == 1>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Upper Right" _place>>
<<if _sword == 2>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Lower Left" _place>>
<<if _sword == 3>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
<<button "Lower Right" _place>>
<<if _sword == 4>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = $OlennaFightsWon + 1>>\
<<if $OlennaFightsWon == 15>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = $OlennaFighterStatus + 1>>\
<<goto _placeWon>>\
<<goto _place>>\
<<goto _placeFail>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/olenna' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $OlennaFighterStatus == 5>>\
You managed to land the final blow and defeat the knight.
[[You take a deep breath.|OlennaRuinFightFinale]]
You give the knight a big blow as Lady Olenna tries a new fight move.
[[You get ready for the next round.|OlennaRuinFight3]]
<</if>>\<<set $OlennaFighter = 3>>\
<<set $OlennaFightsWon = 0>>\
<<set $OlennaFighterStatus = 1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/olenna' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The enemy knight gives you and Olenna a hard blow that both of you stumble onto the ground.
[[After a few seconds you get back on your feed, but the knight repaired his armor.|OlennaRuinFight3]]<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/HG/Q2-Olenna/door.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/olenna' + $OlennaFighter + $OlennaFighterStatus + '.png'"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
After a while, you can speak again.
<<speech "Olenna">>We did it Milord!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Seven Hells! This way exhausting...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Lady Olenna gives you a big kiss on the lips.">>\
Lady Olenna gives you a big kiss on the lips.
<<speech "Olenna">>I am all sweaty.. this was the most demanding thing I have done in a long time..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You can say this aloud..<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Let's head back to Highgarden. I need a shower and you certainly need one as well.<</speech>>
[[You pack your things and head back to the castle.|OlennaRuinFightShower]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bath.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tyr/olenna/bath.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the bath with Lady Olenna. As she undresses herself you feel your member getting stiff.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/washing.webm" type="video/webm">
<<speech "Olenna">>Oh look at this, your shaft is growing hard.<</speech>>
You get a bit red but manage to answer her confidently.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Well it is normal for a man when he sees such a beautiful woman.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>You are quite chivalrous, if you wouldn't be the King you would certainly be a sought-after knight.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You step under the falling water.">>\
You step under the falling water.
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/flaccid.gif" width="50%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ahh.. the water is fucking cold!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Oh.. now you aren't so hard anymore haha. I should have told you that the water comes right from the source.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It's okay.. a cold shower is good for the health I heard. Haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You continue to wash..">>\
You continue to wash as Olenna starts to rub your shoulder.
<<speech "Olenna">>Let me help you. The way you are doing it, we will run out of water before you're clean.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is not necessa-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You turn towards her and she sinks onto her knees.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/sex1.gif" width="70%">\
You turn towards her and she sinks onto her knees to suck on your dick and balls.
<<speech "Olenna">>Ohh I haven't had a man for a long time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Fuck.. you are so good.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She gives you a soft shove to signal that you shall lay down on the ground.">>\
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/sex2.gif" width="70%">\
She gives you a soft shove to signal that you shall lie down on the ground. She then climbs on top of your penis.
<<speech "Olenna">>Oh yes.. you are really hard!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>This is really dirty!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>How can this be dirty? I am just cleaning every spot of you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "After hearing the squeaking of her butt bumping up and down you feel your stamina coming to an end.">>\
After hearing the squeaking of her butt bumping up and down you feel your stamina coming to an end.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I am coming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Wait! Don't shoot it on the ground.. take my mouth, I want to smell your spunk!<</speech>>
<img src="img/questitem/HG/Q3-Olenna/cum.gif" width="70%">\
You shoot your load onto her face and mouth.
<<speech "Olenna">>Very good! I needed this, sorry if it came out of the blue.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I don't mind.<</speech>>
You sit there on the ground with your half-hard member still in your hands and a big smile on your face.
<<speech "Olenna">>Well.. I should get going, the soldiers probably want to see me and have a debriefing.<</speech>>
She stands up and is ready to leave.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Wait wait wait! What about our deal?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Well did you help my daughter already with the harvest?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You think about your time with Margaery.">>\
You think about your time with Margaery.
<<if $margaery_quest >= 2>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>If that is so then let us meet up in the conference room later. A deal is a deal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>See you later!<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>No, but I will help her next.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Meet me in the conference room once you have. You fulfil your promises and we do ours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I will head into the garden with your daughter tomorrow! Don't worry-<</speech>>
[[You both dry off yourselves and head out.|HallHG]]
<<notify 5s>>Quest completed!
Olenna relationship + 30!<</notify>>\
<<set $olenna_love = $olenna_love + 30>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 100>>\
<<set $olenna_love = 100>>\
<<set $olenna_quest = 4>>\
<<set $olenna_pic = 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = 0>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<<audio "TyrTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/travel/carriageTargaryan.jpg" width="100%">\
You and your crew are on the way back to Kingslanding.
<<fadein 10s>>\
[[You take a look at the map.|Westeros]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the conference room.
<<speech "Olenna">>Ah King $playerName, what do you need.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I want to talk about our deal. I helped you with your Lannister problem and with the harvest, in return, you wanted to promise me your support and food deliveries.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>I remember. And as a tree always grows, we Tyrells always keep our promises.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You shake hands with Lady Olenna and leave the room.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery' + $margaery_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You shake hands with Lady Olenna and leave the room as Margaery comes in.
<<speech "Margaery">>Your Majesty! I didn't know you wanted to leave us already.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I have to rule the realm so I don't have time to just sit around here, even if I would wish for it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>I understand, it was a great time with you Milord.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You give her a smile.">>\
You smile at her.
<<speech "Margaery">>So you only came here to gather our support?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>To be honest yes. This was my main goal.<</speech>>
Olenna puts herself between you and Margaery. She then starts to talk to her daughter.
<<speech "Olenna">>He kept his side of the deal so we have to keep ours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>You will mother, but how long may you remain as the Lady of Highgarden and the Lady of the Reach?<</speech>>
You see Margaery giving a wink towards Olenna.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Please ladies, I don't want to have any disagreements linger here.<</speech>>
Lady Olenna turns around toward you and puts an arm around Margaery.
<<speech "Olenna">>Disagreements? No, my beloved daughter just thinks that our agreement should be rooted. So it still applies once I am no longer in charge. That is something you would also profit from, wouldn't you?<</speech>>
[[You knew it from the beginning, there is always a hook.|HGOutro2]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 3 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)
or ($olenna_quest >= 4 and $margaery_quest >= 2)>>\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are in the conference room.
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 3 or $day == 6) and $time == 2)>>\
[[You could do some work with Olenna.|OlennaWork]]
<<if (($day == 2 or $day == 3 or $day == 6) and $time == 2) and $olenna_quest == 1>>\
[[You see Lady Olenna.|OlennaTracks1]]
<<if $olenna_quest >= 4 and $margaery_quest >= 2>>\
[[You see Lady Olenna and want to talk about your deal.|HGOutro1]]
<<button "Garden Door" GardenDoorHG>><</button>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You knew it from the beginning, there is always a hook.
You think about a few solutions to the problem:
<<if $plaeyon_Marriage == 0 and $margaery_quest >= 4>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[We could bond our Houses together with a marriage.|MainHG1Marriage]]<</speech>>
<<elseif $plaeyon_Marriage > 0>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We could have bonded our Houses together with a marriage, but I am already married to my aunt Leanor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We could bond our Houses together with a marriage, but I don't know if Margaery would accept it. [Margaery Quest "I Am The Hunter" Finished]<</speech>>
<<if $gold >= 2000>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[I could give you a guarantee of 2000 pounds of gold, the amount of a few years harvest.|MainHG1Gold]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>If I had 2000 pounds of gold I could probably buy their loyalty.<</speech>>
<<if $CasterlyRockUnlock == true>>\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[What if I do you a big favour and diminish the wealth of House Lannister?|MainHG1Lannister]]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>If I had access to House Lannister I could have done something to consolidate the Reach. [Casterly Rock Unlocked]<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>[[Actually I have to think about it a bit. We will meet again.|GardenDoorHG]]<</speech>><div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You knew it from the beginning, there is always a hook.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We could bond our Houses together with a marriage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>A wedding between you and my daughter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>If Margaery accepts?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>How could I say no to this? It would be an honour for me and my family to be your wife and queen consort.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Do you also accept the proposal Lady Olenna?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>I do. Let me quickly get the Meister for the marriage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>But Mother, shouldn't we make a grand wedding out of this? Invite guests out of all of Westeros?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Secretly you would also like this wedding to be bigger but you know that you don't have time to plan a grand wedding.">>\
Secretly you would also like this wedding to be bigger but you know that you don't have time to plan a grand wedding.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>My future beloved wife, we will make up for it in the future, but for now I don't have time for weeks and months of planning such a wedding.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>And we also wouldn't like to rush such a great event, so much could go wrong. So let us host a great fest after all of the King's concerns about the realm are resolved.<</speech>>
Margaery turns towards you.
<<speech "Margaery">>I understand and you are right my King. First the realm then the individuals.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You two head into the small throne room of Highgarden.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Marriage/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Marriage/weddingThrone.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You two head into the small throne room of Highgarden.
<<speech "Olenna">>I give you my heart, my daughter Margaery, future Lady of Highgarden and Warden of the Reach.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Lady Olenna puts Margaery's hand onto yours.">>\
Lady Olenna puts Margaery's hand onto yours.
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Marriage/hands.jpg" width="50%">\
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Lady Margaery of House Tyrell, would you like to unite our Houses into one, to be my wife and queen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>King $playerName of House Targaryen, First of his Name, would you like House Tyrell to be part of your House and to be my husband and king?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Prisoner" "Meister">>You may now kiss your wife now.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You both kiss each other.">>\
You both kiss each other.
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Marriage/wedding.gif" width="50%">\
<<speech "Margaery">>My husband and King would you like to head to the bedroom to make our wedding official in the eyes of the gods?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I certainly do.<</speech>>
[[You two head into the bedroom, as well as Lady Olenna and the Meister.|MainHG2Marriage]]
<</linkreplace>>\Lannister TODO
<<set $Outcome_Place_reach = 2>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You knew it from the beginning, there is always a hook.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I could give you a guarantee of 2000 pounds of gold, the amount of a few years' harvest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>But Milord, do we look bribable?<</speech>>
Lady Olenna signals Margaery to keep quiet.
<<speech "Olenna">>Milord King, this sounds like an honourable offer. I as the Warden of the South accept it, may our trade relationship and alliance prosper.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You are happy with the outcome and you shake hands again with Olenna and also with Margaery.">>\
You are happy with the outcome and you shake hands again with Olenna and also with Margaery
<<speech "Margaery">>When can we expect the payment?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I will tell your Meister to send ravens back to Kingslanding so that the gold is sent as quickly as possible. For the time it is on the way I will stay here, if you agree?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Agreed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Agreed.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You sent out ravens and wait until your summoned freight arrives.">>\
You sent out ravens and wait until your summoned freight arrives. But for the time being still on Highgarden you notice some strange activities.
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/garden.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Gold/garden.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
One day you saw them both in the garden whispering you think about you and your family.
You managed to overhear some sentences.
<<speech "Olenna">>He paid us a lot ... very generous.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Don't over-evaluate his generosity, he would do anything ... reign. You know how the Targaryens are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>I know how they are, you probably don't remember Aegon as he burned thousands of knights in the Field of Fire as well as our King ... dener, ending his lineage. I know how gruesome ... and we should get on their side ... anyone else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>But Moth-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Sip it! You played a big gamble as you altered our deal with him, we are very lucky he is not the broadest mind on ... and that he mostly thinks with his penis.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>I managed to arrange-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Enought now. I demand that you get on his good side, that he looks upon you with lust and desperation.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "A day later you saw Margaery coming out of the shower as you walked across the hall.">>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/hall1.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Gold/hall.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
A day later you saw Margaery coming out of the shower as you walked across the hall.
<<speech "Margaery">>Oh hello $playerName, nice to see you!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "And tonight, the day before the gold should arrive, you hear a strange noise at night.">>\
And tonight, the day before the gold should arrive, you hear a strange noise at night.
<<speech "Margaery">>Your Majesty, are you awake?<</speech>>
You open up the door and see her completely naked.
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Gold/margaeryNaked.gif" width="75%">\
<<speech "Margaery">>May I enter?<</speech>>
You are stunned by her beauty. A blooming flower right on your doorstep.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Ye.. yes of course, please enter.<</speech>>
She puts her naked butt onto your bed and covers her up with sheets.
<<speech "Margaery">>It is very cold tonight, can you warm me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I shall warm you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Yes, come back into your bed and warm me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You also get under the blanket...">>
You also get under the blanket and Margaery instantaneous grabs between your legs.
<<speech "Margaery">>You see, you are also very cold measured by the size of your shaft. Let me warm it.<</speech>>
She then crawls completely under the sheets and starts to suck your dick. Not seeing anything more than a figure below the blanket you enjoy her.
A few seconds later, after your member got hard she puts it inside of her pussy and you both fuck through the whole night.
<<linkreplace "At some point you two finished up.">>\
At some point, you two finished up.
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Gold/bed.gif" width="100%">\
<<speech "Margaery">>Thank you my King! You managed to really warm me.<</speech>>
She then steps out of your bed.
<<speech "Margaery">>We will see each other tomorrow. Oh and please don't talk to my mother about tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I won't tell her a word.<</speech>>
She then leaves you alone in your bed.
[[The next morning..|MainHG2Gold]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/hall1.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
The next morning you and the Tyrells gather up in the Hall.
<<speech "Olenna">>Good morning! Did you sleep well? Was everything all right? Nothing disturbed your sleep?<</speech>>
Margaery glances over towards you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I slept like a baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>My mother is just asking because your gold got delivered at night. And your men had a small accident with some tools, which made quite a loud sound in the middle of the night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>Well, anyways, it is not important. I had my people already count the gold and everything is all right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Very good. I am glad we got it sorted out. Targaeryens and Tyrells are pulling in the same direction once again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Please feel free to visit us anytime again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>I will come by very soon again. Goodbye, Lady Olenna, Lady Margaery.<</speech>>
<<set $Outcome_Place_reach = 3>>\
[[You head back to Kingslanding.|MainHGOutro3]]<<fadein 4s>>\
<<audio "TyrTheme" loop volume $volume play>>\
<<set $day = 2>>\
<<set $time = 1>>\
<img src="img/places/highgarden/highgardenFar.jpg" width="100%">\
And so you leave Highgarden behind in the distance.
You managed to provide Kingslanding and the rest of Westeros with food deliveries from the Reach.
Furthermore, you strengthened your grip around House Tyrell, so they acknowledge your position as King of the Seven Kingdoms and support you with tax income.
<<if $Outcome_Place_reach == 1>>\
You married the lovely Margaery, first in line for Highgarden. She is now your wife and queen consort.
<<elseif $Outcome_Place_reach == 2>>\
You managed to do the Tyrells a huge favour in diminishing the wealth of House Lannister.
<<elseif $Outcome_Place_reach == 3>>\
You bribed the Ladies of Highgarden with lots of gold.
<<set $finished_Place_reach = 1>>\
<img src="img/travel/carriageTargaryan.jpg" width="100%">\
[[You and your entourage arrive back in Kingslanding.|ENDING]]
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery1.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You and Margaery are in the bedroom, as well as Lady Olenna and the Meister to oversee the unification.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Are you ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Ye..yes I just feel a bit uncomfortable with my mother in here.<</speech>>
Lady Olenna shouts from the other side of the room.
<<speech "Olenna">>Don't worry darling, just think that we aren't here at all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Thats not helping much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We have to do it. It is normal and it is not our first time together, do you remember?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Yes, you are right.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Margaery starts to undress...">>\
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Gold/margaeryNaked.gif" width="75%">\
Margaery starts to undress and soon stands completely naked in the middle of the room.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Thank you very much, let me help you now.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She pulls your trousers down and starts to carcasses your dick with her boobs and hands.">>\
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/handjob.webm" type="video/webm">
She pulls your trousers down and starts to caress your dick with her boobs and hands. It seems that she starts to forget about the other two people in the room and focuses only on you.
<<speech "Margaery">>You really make me wet. Let us do it now!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "She lays herself onto her back and you start to pound her pussy.">>\
She lays herself onto her back and you start to pound her pussy.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/vagina1.webm" type="video/webm">
She seems to really enjoy it.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/vagina2.webm" type="video/webm">
You hear a rumbling in the other half of the room as the two women stand up.
<<speech "Olenna">>Alright, we have seen enough and leave you two to your fun.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "They leave you two alone and you have a really good time with Margaery.">>\
They leave you two alone and you have a really good time with Margaery.
After quite a while you are ready to finish.
<video controls autoplay loop muted>\
<source src="img/tyr/margaery/sex/cumChest1.webm" type="video/webm">
You cum onto her pussy and she starts to push your cum into her vagina.
<<speech "Margaery">>Ahhh.. $playerName you are a really good lover, husband. I am very fortunate.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Not only you, wife. Haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "You two lay next to each other for quite a while.">>\
You two lay next to each other for quite a while.
<img src="img/scene/HG/HGOutro/Gold/bed.gif" width="100%">\
<<speech "Margaery">>What about if I come with you to Kingslanding? To meet with your sisters and the courtiers?<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Sure why not. I think your mother can keep the business running here and you and Raenyra could become really close friends.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Then we have a deal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Oh please not a deal again. Haha<</speech>>
[[You two laugh and sleep until the next morning.|MainHG3Marriage]]
<<set $plaeyon_Marriage = 2>>\
<<set $margaery_status = 1>>\
<<set $Outcome_Place_reach = 1>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/margaery/margaery3.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You wake up with Margaery next to you.
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>It seems it is already noon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Well, I forget the time when I am with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>We have to pack our things. I want to head back to Kingslanding today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaery">>Just 5 more minutes..<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Okay, but only because of you.<</speech>>
[[You and Margaery pack your things and say farewell to Olenna as you head back to Kingslanding.|MainHGOutro3]]<<set _randomNumber to random(1,4) >>\
<<set _goldAmount to 10>>\
<<set _relationshipAmount to 10>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/highgarden/conference.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/tyr/olenna/olenna' + $olenna_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
You are working on some documents with Lady Olenna.
<<speech "Olenna">>It is nice that you help an old Lady like me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Plaeyon" $playerName>>Now you are talking nonsense, you are indeed a yound woman.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olenna">>All right, all right, you old smoothie.<</speech>>
<<notify 5s>>Olenna relationship + _relationshipAmount!<</notify>>\
<<set $olenna_love = $olenna_love + _relationshipAmount>>\
<<if $olenna_love > 100>>\
<<set $olenna_love = 100>>\
<img @src="'img/scene/HG/conference/work'+_randomNumber+ '.gif'" width="50%">
After a few hours, you are done and earned the Kingdom _goldAmount pounds of gold.
<<set $time = $time +1>>\
<<if $time > 3>>\
<<set $time = 3>>\
<<set $energy = $energy -25>>\
<<if $energy >= 0>>\
<<set $gold = $gold + _goldAmount>>\
<<button "Finish working" ConferenceRoom>><</button>>\<img src="img/portraits/extra/timeline.jpg" width="100%">
Please choose the timestamp and tell me your choices.
<<button "Dragonstone" JumpStart2>>\
<<set $JumpStart = 1>>\
<<button "The Reach/The Westerlands" JumpStart2>>\
<<set $JumpStart = 2>>\
<<back>><img src="img/questitem/Q2-Raenyra/pic4.jpg" width="50%">
Did you burn the pictures of Raenyra?
<<button "Yes" JumpStart3>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic_found_burned == true>>\
<<button "No" JumpStart3>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic_found_burned == false>>\
<<set $raenyra_pic = 3>>\
<<set $raenyra_love = 100>>\
<<set $raenyra_quest = 4>>\
<<set $raenyra_door = 2>>\
<<set $daenerys_pic = 3>>\
<<set $daenerys_love = 100>>\
<<set $daenerys_quest = 4>>\
<<set $daenerys_door = 2>>\
<<set $leaveKL = true>>\
<<set $DragonstoneUnlock = true>>\<div
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q2-Daenerys/cell3_' +$cell3 + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Did you free Rae in the Prison?
<<button "Yes" JumpStart4>>\
<<set $cell3 = 'open'>>\
<<button "No" JumpStart4>>\
<<set $cell3 = 'closed'>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/wall.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/jade_chained.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Did you free Jade from Sir Roland Kush's cellar?
<<button "Yes" JumpStart5>>\
<<set $KushJadeFreed = true>>\
<<button "No" JumpStart5>>\
<<set $KushJadeFreed = false>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/outside.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/questitem/Q3-Daenerys/Roland_Kush.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
@src="'img/kg/colby' +$colby_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
Did you kill or sent Sir Roland Kush to the wall?
<<if $JumpStart == 1>>\
<<button "Kill" JumpStartDS>>\
<<set $KushDead = true>>\
<<button "Wall" JumpStartDS>>\
<<set $KushDead = true>>\
<<button "Kill" JumpStart6>>\
<<set $KushDead = true>>\
<<button "Wall" JumpStart6>>\
<<set $KushDead = true>>\
<</if>>\<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/places/dragonstone/dragonstoneSee.jpg" width="100%">\
<<button "Let's start your adventure!" MainQuestLeanor>><</button>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/throne.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
<<if $leanor_pic == 1>>\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone1.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
src="img/tar/leanor/leanorThrone2.png" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
How was your meeting with Lady Leanor?
<<button "I married her." JumpStart7>>\
<<set $leanor_status = 2>>\
<<set $plaeyon_Marriage = 1>>\
<<set $Outcome_Place_crownlands = 1>>\
<<button "I degraded her to a steward." JumpStart7>>\
<<set $leanor_status = 1>>\
<<set $Outcome_Place_crownlands = 2>>\
<<set $leanor_pic = 3>>\
<<set $leanor_love = 100>>\
<<set $leanor_quest = 4>>\
<<set $leanor_door = 2>>\
style="position: relative;">\
src="img/places/dragonstone/hallway.jpg" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
@src="'img/kg/charlotte' +$charlotte_pic + '.png'" width="100%"
style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">\
How did Sir Charlotte end up?
<<if $JumpStart == 2>>\
<<button "In my Prison." JumpStartHGCR>>\
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 2>>\
<<button "At the Wall." JumpStartHGCR>>\
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 1>>\
<<button "Still on Dragonstone." JumpStartHGCR>>\
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 0>>\
<<button "In my Prison." JumpStart8>>\
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 2>>\
<<button "At the Wall." JumpStart8>>\
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 1>>\
<<button "Still on Dragonstone." JumpStart8>>\
<<set $charlotte_avaiable = 0>>\
<</if>>\<<fadein 5s>>\
<img src="img/scene/MainQuestKLHomecoming/tower1.jpg" width="100%">\
<<button "Let's start your adventure!" MainQuest1DSOutro>><</button>>\