<div class="story-title"></div>
<<if $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part4 is true>>
<div id="diaS">
<span style="color:white"><<date>></span>
<div id="diaS">Stats</div>
<<include "Stats">>
<<include [[Game Config]]>>
<<include [[Missão Config]]>>
<<include [[Missões Familia Config]]>>
<<include [[Missões-Alunos Config]]>>
<<include [[Missões-Professores Config]]>>
<<include [[Missões-Outros Config]]>>
<<include [[Missões Paralelas - Professores]]>>
<<include [[Missões Paralelas - Alunos]]>>
<<include [[Missões Paralelas - Outros]]>>
<<include [[Perosonagens-Jogador Config]]>>
<<include [[Personagens-Familia Config]]>>
<<include [[Personagens-Escola-Alunos Config]]>>
<<include [[Personagens-Escola-Professores Config]]>>
<<include [[Personagens-Outros Config]]>>
<<include [[NPC's]]>>
<<include [[HornyBar]]>>
<<include [[Personagens Stats]]>>
<<include [[Sexstats]]>>
<<include [[Itens]]>>
<<include [[Passagem_Secreta]]>>
<<include [[Embriaguez]]>>
<<include [[Provas Escolares]]>>
<<include [[Sex Cenes]]>>
<<include [[RPG personagens]]>>
<<include [[Jogos]]>>/*
Date & Time Widget Setup
window.GameDays to [
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
window.GameMonths to [
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
Below we have to use the multi-parameter version of the Date
constructor, rather than the date string version, because the
date string version treats a missing timezone offset as UTC.
While there are ways to determine players' timezone offsets,
so they could be added to a date string, it's more convenient
simply to use the multi-parameter constructor.
The point of this is so that you can simply initialize the game
world clock to whatever date and time you wish without having to
worry about the players' timezone offsets, while still ensuring
that they all see the same game world dates and times.
/* params: year , month(0-based) , day , hour(24H) , minute [, second ] */
$gameDate to new Date(2022, 1, 5, 17, 30); /* e.g. Fev 5, 2022 17:30 */
Date & Time Advancement Widget Definitions
/* Adds the specified number of minutes. */
<<widget "addmins">>\
<<run $gameDate.setMinutes($gameDate.getMinutes() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of hours. */
<<widget "addhours">>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of days. */
<<widget "adddays">>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0] * 24)>>\
Date & Time Printing Widget Definitions
/* Prints the current date ("{weekday} {month} {day}, {year}"). */
<<widget "date">>\
<<print String.format("{0} {1} {2}, {3}",
/* Prints the current time (12H). */
<<widget "time12hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() eq 0>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gt 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours() - 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours()>>\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>> \
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12>>PM<<else>>AM<</if>>\
/* Prints the current time (24H). */
<<widget "time24hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getHours()>>:\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>>\
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $Missao.MTEspere is false>>
<<goto "MTM4 - Pornstar">>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<<if $Missao.MTEspere is false>>
<<goto "MTM1 - Presente da Namorada">>
<<if $LexiM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 21>>
<<goto "LXM8 - Investigação">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<goto "PQM7 - A Professora te Chama">>
<<if $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<<goto "LPM6 - Conheça Minha Família">>
<<if $MaeM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 16>>
<<if $Missao.MomEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM9 - Portas Fechadas">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Amizade gte 25>>
<<goto "PEFM5 - Sedução">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "PEFM2 - A Desportista, a Massagista e a Professora de Piano">>
<<if $PennyM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala" or $Mae.local is "Cozinha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoMae" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $Mae.local is "Banheiro">>
<<goto "PYM9 - Minha mãe me deu bronca">>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $game.RandomEventPorDia gt 0 and $game.RandomEventPorDia lte 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala" or $Mae.local is "Cozinha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoMae" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $Mae.local is "Banheiro">>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 10>>
<<goto "Porta-Evento-Aleatorio-Mãe">>
<<if $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $game.RandomEventPorDia gt 0 and $game.RandomEventPorDia lte 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala" or $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaN.local is "Banheiro">>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 10 and $Aleatorio lt 20>>
<<goto "Porta-Evento-Aleatorio-Irma_mais_velha">>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $game.RandomEventPorDia gt 0 and $game.RandomEventPorDia lte 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala" or $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaN.local is "Banheiro">>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 20 and $Aleatorio lt 30>>
<<goto "Porta-Evento-Aleatorio-Irma_mais_nova">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<include [[Casa-Comodos-com bairo noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Casa-Comodos-noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<include [[Casa-Comodos-noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Casa-Comodos-dia]]>>
<<set $game = {
version: "v0.0.9",
periodo: undefined,
periodosNome: undefined,
periodDay: undefined,
periodWeek: undefined,
TVprogramaçao: 0,
leptopSenha_IrmaV: false,
video_diario: 0,
chaveBau_Mae: false,
chaveDiario_IrmaN: false,
JornadaLiteraria: false,
LerLivro: 0,
SexEvent: 0,
RandomSexEvent: 0,
RandomEventPorDia: 3,
RandomEventConfig: 0,
RandomEventOutside: 1,
Action: false,
matarAula: 0,
salaSecreta: false,
JogadorMassagista: false,
Padre: 0,
usandoMenu: false,
MsgIrmaN: false,
ViuNotify: false,
notifyContatos: 0,
notifyAgenda: 8,
notifyFotos: 0,
notifyMenssagens: 0,
notifyEmGeral: 0,
<<set $gameProgress = {
intro_Complete_part1: false,
intro_Complete_part2: false,
intro_Complete_part3: false,
intro_Complete_part4: false,
intro_Complete_part5: false,
intro_Complete_part6: false,
<<set $Acoes = {
Masturbacao: false,
TreinouHJ: false,
CafedaManha: false,
Almoco: false,
Jantar: false,
TreinoProfFisica: 0,
Beber: false,
SexoPennyEscola: false,
Click: false,
Verdade: false,
Mentira: false,
<<set $Conhece = {
Lexi: false,
Penny: false,
Debora: false,
Mia: false,
MissTravella: false,
SrtaCooper: false,
MassagistaTeen: false,
Carmen: false,
LenaPaul: false,
ProfQuimica: false,
ProfLiteratura: false,
ProfGeografia: false,
ProfHistoria: false,
ProfBiologia: false,
ProfFisica: false,
ProfSociologia: false,
ProfMatematica: false,
ProfFilosofia: false,
ProfEdFisica: false,
ProfArte: false,
Pai: false,
LoenFreas: false,
LeftVizinha: false,
RightVizinha: false,
Aaliyah: false,
Samantha: false,
RoxyRaye: false,
Angela: false,
Gabbie: false,
NewProfFisica: false,
<<set $Conversa to {
Mae: 0,
IrmaV: 0,
IrmaN: 0,
guardiao: 0,
<<set $A2M4Conversa to {
ProfArte: false,
ProfBiologia: false,
ProfLiteratura: false,
ProfEdFisica: false,
ProfHistoria: false,
ProfQuimica: false,
ProfSociologia: false,
<<set $PFM3festa to {
Parte1: false,
Parte2: false,
Parte3: false,
Parte4: false,
<<set $code to "">>
<<set $codigo = {
suave: false,
medio: false,
hardcore: false,
master: false,
supremo: false,
<<set $CodigoAtivado = {
Suave: false,
Medio: false,
Hardcore: false,
Master: false,
Supremo: false,
<<set $BaterNaPorta = {
Amigo: false,
LeftVizinha: false,
RightVizinha: false,
Apartamento: false,
Amigo2: false,
MissTravella: false,
PennyHouse: false,
ProfHistoria: false,
ProfQuimica: false,
ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia: false,
ProfSociologia: false,
ProfMatematica: false,
ProfFilosofia: false,
ProfEdFisica: false,
ProfArte: false,
ProfFisica: false,
LenaPaul: false,
<<set $NinguemAtende = {
Amigo: false,
LeftVizinha: false,
RightVizinha: false,
Apartamento: false,
Amigo2: false,
MissTravella: false,
PennyHouse: false,
ProfHistoria: false,
ProfQuimica: false,
ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia: false,
ProfSociologia: false,
ProfMatematica: false,
ProfFilosofia: false,
ProfEdFisica: false,
ProfArte: false,
ProfFisica: false,
LenaPaul: false,
<<set $CountryClub to {
Trabalho: false,
Socio: false,
<<set $CountryClub_Demitido = 0>>
<<set $NudesCell to {
Mae: 0,
IrmaV: 0,
IrmaN: 0,
<<set $detention to {
FicarDepois: 0,
<<set $ConversasLiberadas to {
Paixao: false,
Debora: false,
Mia: false,
ProfQuimica: false,
Samantha: false,
<<set $Hypno to {
Mae: 0,
ProfArte: 0,
SrtaTravella: 0,
<<set $JillM5Respostas to {
Virgem: false,
<<set $Carros = {
ModeloOitoRodas: false,
ModeloAlien: false,
ModeloBaiano: false,
ModeloBatmovel: false,
ModeloGoku: false,
ModeloLataVelha: false,
<<set $Roupas to {
Mae: 0,
SrtaTravella: 0,
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<set $Aleatorio2 to random(10)>>
<<set $Missao = {
Ativa: 0,
Completa: 0,
STCEspere: false,
MNUEspere: false,
MomEspere: false,
STMEspere: false,
PHEspere: false,
PAEspere: false,
VEEspere: false,
MTEspere: false,
<<set $MissaoCongif = {
AaliyahAulas: false,
PQM3Espiao: false,
<<set $Ligacao = {
ProfQuimica: 0,
<<set $DateLenaPaul = {
Restaurante: false,
Shopping: false,
Praia: false,
<<set $LPrespostas = {
ConfirmarNamoro: false,
Proficao: false,
Familia: false,
<<set $MaeEvents = {
Ginastica: false,
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas = {
LadoPenny: false,
Neutro: false,
LadoAmigos: false,
};>>/* Jogador */
<<set $Jogador = {
Nome: "",
Sobrenome: "",
Profissao: "Student",
person_designacao: "main",
<<set $Guardiao = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Spiritual Guardian",
<<set $DeDPersonagem = {
Nome: "",
Sobrenome: "",
/* Mãe */
<<set $Mae = {
Nome: "",
Relacao: "",
RelacaoJogador: "",
Profissao: "Hairdresser",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Irma Mais Velha */
<<set $IrmaV = {
Nome: "",
Relacao: "",
RelacaoJogador: "",
Profissao: "Doctor",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Irma Mais Nova */
<<set $IrmaN = {
Nome: "",
Relacao: "",
RelacaoJogador: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Pai */
<<set $Pai = {
Nome: "",
Relacao: "",
};>>/* Amigo */
<<set $Amigo = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Amigo 2 */
<<set $Amigo2 = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Valentão */
<<set $Valentao = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Garota que você é apaixonado */
<<set $Paixao = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Mandy Filha do Professor de Matematica */
<<set $Lexi = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Penny A nerd da sala */
<<set $Penny = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Debora A Melhor amiga da $Paixão */
<<set $Debora = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Mia A Segunda Melhor amiga da $Paixão */
<<set $Mia = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Lesbica do Banheiro */
<<set $Manu = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Putinha da Escola */
<<set $RoxyRaye = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Amiga da Irma mais Nova (Alex Tanner) */
<<set $AlexT = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professora de Quimica */
<<set $ProfQuimica = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professora de Linguas */
<<set $ProfLiteratura = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professor de Geografia */
<<set $ProfGeografia = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professora de História */
<<set $ProfHistoria = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professora de Biologia */
<<set $ProfBiologia = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professor de Física */
<<set $ProfFisica = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professora de Sociologia */
<<set $ProfSociologia = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professor de Matematica */
<<set $ProfMatematica = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professor de Filosofia */
<<set $ProfFilosofia = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professora de Educação-Física */
<<set $ProfEdFisica = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Professora de Arte */
<<set $ProfArte = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Nova "Professora" de Fisica */
<<set $NewProfFisica = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/*========================== Vice-Diretor ===========================*/
<<set $ViceDiretor = {
Nome: "Lamar",
Profissao: "Deputy Principal",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
<<widget "periodos">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6>>
<!-- 6:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 0>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Sunrise">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 7:00 - 12:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 1>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Morning">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<!-- 12:00 - 13:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 2>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Noon">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 12:00 - 15:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 3>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 15:00 - 18:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 4>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Evening">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>
<!-- 18:00 - 19:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 5>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Sunset">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 19:00 - 21:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 6>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Night">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<!-- 21:00 - 0:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 7>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Mouth of the Night">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 0>>
<!-- 0:00 - 1:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 8>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Midnight">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 1 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 1:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $game.periodos to 9>>
<<set $game.periodosNome to "Night Dawn">>
<<widget "locations">>
<<include [[Local Mãe]]>>
<<include [[Local Irma Mais Velha]]>>
<<include [[Local Irma Mais Nova]]>>
<<include [[Local Alunos]]>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfGeografia is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<include [[Local Professores]]>>
<<include [[Local Outros]]>>
<</widget>>/* set day names */
<<widget "periodDay">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1>>
<<set $game.periodDay to "Monday">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 2>>
<<set $game.periodDay to "Tuesday">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 3>>
<<set $game.periodDay to "Wednesday">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<set $game.periodDay to "Thursday">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<set $game.periodDay to "Friday">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<set $game.periodDay to "Saturday">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 7>>
<<set $game.periodDay to "Sunday">>
<<widget "periodWeek">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1 or $gameDate.getDay() is 2 or $gameDate.getDay() is 3 or $gameDate.getDay() is 4 or $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<set $game.periodWeek to "weekday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 0 or $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<set $game.periodWeek to "weekend">>
<<widget "diasdasemana">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1>>
<<set $game.day to "Monday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 2>>
<<set $game.day to "Tuesday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 3>>
<<set $game.day to "Wednesday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<set $game.day to "Thursday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<set $game.day to "Friday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<set $game.day to "Saturday">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 7>>
<<set $game.day to "Sunday">>
/*=========================== Jogador ===============================*/
<<set $JogadorM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Devising A Fancy Plan",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom at night",
MissaoID: "JM1",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $JogadorM2 = {
MissaoNome: "A Rather Strange Question",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recess",
MissaoID: "JM2",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Taking Action",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom between 15:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "JM3",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM4 = {
MissaoNome: "What Now?",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom between 15:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "JM4",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Decent Proposal",
MissaoDica: "Attend the next physical lesson",
MissaoID: "JM5",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM6 = {
MissaoNome: "The High School Teachers",
MissaoDica: "Attend the next physical lesson",
MissaoID: "JM6",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM7 = {
MissaoNome: "This Is The Answer",
MissaoDica: "Go to your room",
MissaoID: "JM7",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM8 = {
MissaoNome: "$MassagistaTeen.Nome, I Need You. Part I",
MissaoDica: "Go to your room between 12:00 and 17:00",
MissaoID: "JM8",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM9 = {
MissaoNome: "$MassagistaTeen.Nome, I Need You. Part II",
MissaoDica: "Have $200 and Go to your room between 15:00 and 17:00",
MissaoID: "JM9",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM10 = {
MissaoNome: "Handjob Online",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom at night to see $CarmenCa.Nome's live",
MissaoID: "JM10",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM11 = {
MissaoNome: "The Horny Schoolgirl",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recess and sit with your friends",
MissaoID: "JM11",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JogadorM12 = {
MissaoNome: "Let's play Dungeons & Dragons?",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recess",
MissaoID: "JM12",
MissaoDono: "$Jogador.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*========================= Missões Mãe =============================*/
<<set $MaeM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Oh, Miss Tavella",
MissaoDica: "Go to School between 12:00 and 13:00",
MissaoID: "MM1",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $MaeM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Hot Massage",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 16:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "MM2",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM3 = {
MissaoNome: "You can talk, I'm your $Jogador.RelacaoMae",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 16:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "MM3",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM4 = {
MissaoNome: "I never felt like this",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom between 13:00 to 18:00",
MissaoID: "MM4",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Mommy Motivated",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 16:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "MM5",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM6 = {
MissaoNome: "The Neighbor of the House on the Left",
MissaoDica: "Go to the neighbor's house on the left between 13:00 and 17:00 on weekday",
MissaoID: "MM6",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Jane Fonda's Workout",
MissaoDica: "Be home between 17:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "MM7",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Cooking With Passion",
MissaoDica: "Go to the kitchen between 18:00 and 19:00",
MissaoID: "MM8",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM9 = {
MissaoNome: "Closed Doors",
MissaoDica: "Be home between 16:00 and 17:00",
MissaoID: "MM9",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM10 = {
MissaoNome: "Taking Pictures",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 15:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "MM10",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MaeM11 = {
MissaoNome: "Confortable Clothes",
MissaoDica: "Go to the kitchen for breakfast",
MissaoID: "MM11",
MissaoDono: "$Mae.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======================== Missões IrmaV ============================*/
<<set $IrmaVM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Please Excuse Me",
MissaoDica: "Go to $IrmaV.Nome's bedroom while she is there",
MissaoID: "IVM1",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $IrmaVM2 = {
MissaoNome: "What Happened?",
MissaoDica: "Wait a few days and go to your bedroom between 15:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "IVM2",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM3 = {
MissaoNome: "I'm Still Sad",
MissaoDica: "Wait a few days and go to your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV $IrmaV.Nome's badroom while she is there",
MissaoID: "IVM3",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Walk With My $IrmaV.Relacao",
MissaoDica: "Have at least $10 and go to the living room o between 12:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "IVM4",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM5 = {
MissaoNome: "$IrmaV.Nome is Back",
MissaoDica: "Go Have Breakfast With Your Family",
MissaoID: "IVM5",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom between 13:00 to 18:00",
MissaoID: "IVM6",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM7 = {
MissaoNome: "The Mad Girl",
MissaoDica: "Go to Remote Neighborhood between 13:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "IVM7",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Organizing the Operation",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house on Thursday between 20:00 to 22:00",
MissaoID: "IVM8",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM9 = {
MissaoNome: "Operation: To be in a hospital you have to be patient",
MissaoDica: "Go to Hospital on Friday between 22:00 to 23:00",
MissaoID: "IVM9",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaVM10 = {
MissaoNome: "Doutor Lindomar",
MissaoDica: "Go To Your Neighborhood",
MissaoID: "IVM10",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaV.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======================== Missões IrmaN ============================*/
<<set $IrmaNM1 = {
MissaoNome: "My Dear Brutes",
MissaoDica: "Go to $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom",
MissaoID: "INM1",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $IrmaNM2 = {
MissaoNome: "And Then, Did It?",
MissaoDica: "Go to $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom between 21:00 and 23:00",
MissaoID: "INM2",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaNM3 = {
MissaoNome: "The Beauty and the Bully. Part I",
MissaoDica: "Go to $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom between 18:00 and 19:00 while she is there",
MissaoID: "INM3",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaNM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Confrontation",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recess",
MissaoID: "INM4",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaNM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Genius Idea",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 18:00 and 19:00 while $IrmaN.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "INM5",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaNM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Typing",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom between 20:00 and 23:00",
MissaoID: "INM6",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaNM7 = {
MissaoNome: "$IrmaN.Nome's Messages",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom between 20:00 and 23:00 and chat with your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome via text messages",
MissaoID: "INM7",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $IrmaNM8 = {
MissaoNome: "I need to know",
MissaoDica: "On Weekday go to the living room between 13:00 and 14:00",
MissaoID: "INM8",
MissaoDono: "$IrmaN.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $fundo to "inicio">>
<h1><center>High School Days</center></h1>
<img id="eighteenmore" src="content/others/images/Classificacao-Indicativa.jpg">
<p>This game is a complete fiction - any resemblance to people living or dead is entirely coincidental.</p>
<p>The author does not encourage the practices presented in this story. Leave your perversions to fiction.</p>
<p>All models presented in this work are of legal age.</p>
<p>This game is completely prohibited for under the age of 18, if you are over 18, have fun. If you are under 18 (I know you will play the anyway, but I have to deliver the message.): Leave Now!</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I'm over 18|Sou maior de 18]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I'm under 18|Sou menor de 18]]>><</button>>@@<<if $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part5 is true>>
<<if $game.usandoMenu is false>>
<<link [[Cheat|Segredo]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $game.usandoMenu is true>>
<<linkprepend "Cheat">><</linkprepend>>
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Suave is true or $CodigoAtivado.Medio is true or $CodigoAtivado.Hardcore is true or $CodigoAtivado.Master is true or $CodigoAtivado.Supremo is true>>
<<if $game.usandoMenu is false>>
<<link [[Time Control]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $game.usandoMenu is true>>
<<linkprepend "Time Control">><</linkprepend>>
<<if $game.usandoMenu is false>>
<a data-passage="Cell Phone">
<span>Cell Phone</span>
<<elseif $game.usandoMenu is true>>
<<linkprepend "Cell Phone">><</linkprepend>>
<<if $game.usandoMenu is false>>
<<link [[Backpack]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $game.usandoMenu is true>>
<<linkprepend "Backpack">><</linkprepend>>
<<if $game.usandoMenu is false>>
<<link [[Tips]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $game.usandoMenu is true>>
<<linkprepend "Tips">><</linkprepend>>
<<if $game.usandoMenu is false>>
<<link [[Special Thanks]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $game.usandoMenu is true>>
<<linkprepend "Special Thanks">><</linkprepend>>
<<if $game.usandoMenu is false>>
[[Developer Notes]]
<<elseif $game.usandoMenu is true>>
<<linkprepend "Developer Notes">><</linkprepend>>
<<if $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part6 is true>>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/WWard" target="_blank">
<img src="content/others/images/icons/patreon.jpg" style="width: 100%; border: 2px solid #57c;" >
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/wward" target="_blank">
<img src="content/others/images/icons/subscriberstar.jpg" style="width: 100%; border: 2px solid #57c;" >
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 06:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:30 - 07:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>> <!-- 7:00 - 7:10 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Escola">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Escola">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Escola">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Escola">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 07:10 - 07:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 07:30 - 08:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 08:00 - 08:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 08:30 - 09:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 09:00 - 09:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:30 - 09:40 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 9:40 - 09:50 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:50 - 10:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Escola">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Escola">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "3B">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "3B">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "2A">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<elseif $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Escola">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Escola">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praca">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praca">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Shopping">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Parque">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Parque">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praca">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praca">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Shopping">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Shopping">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Shopping">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Shopping">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Sábado ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<set $Penny.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Parque">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2'Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa's Amigo2Namorada">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "Casa-Abandonada">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Praca">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Shopping">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Shopping">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Shopping">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================ Domingo ==============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $Amigo.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<set $Amigo2.local to "Casa-Amigo2">>
<<set $Valentao.local to "unknow">>
<<set $Paixao.local to "Casa-Matthews">>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Lexi.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "undefined">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Penny.local to "Casa-Freas">>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<set $Debora.local to "Casa-Moore">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<set $Mia.local to "Casa-Johnson">>
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<set $Samantha.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.local to "undefined">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*===================================================================*/ <<set $fundo to "inicio">>\
<center><strong>Here is an age-appropriate video.</strong></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls muted>
<source src="content/others/videos/babyshark.mp4" type="video/mp4">
</video></center> <<FundoDiaNoite>>
<p><strong>You are a young virgin boy and a loser who has just been humiliated by your chemistry teacher and the girl who you fell in love with in high school. Feeling desolate and with no prospect of life, everything changes when you meet the school janitor.</strong></p>
<div id="fixa">\
<img id ="jogador" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg">You:<hr>\
<p>Your Name:
<<textbox "$Jogador.Nome" "Will" $Jogador.Nome autofocus>>
Your Surname:
<<textbox "$Jogador.Sobrenome" "Ward" $Jogador.Sobrenome>></p>
<img id="familyfixa" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg">
<p><<textbox "$Mae.Nome" "Brandi" $Mae.Nome>>
She is your:<<textbox "$Mae.Relacao" "stepmother" $Mae.Relacao>>
You are hers:<<textbox "$Jogador.RelacaoMae" "stepson" $Jogador.RelacaoMae>></p>
<img id="familyfixa" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg">
<p><<textbox "$IrmaV.Nome" "Kimmy" $IrmaV.Nome>>
She is your:<<textbox "$IrmaV.Relacao" "stepsister" $IrmaV.Relacao>>
You are hers:<<textbox "$Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV" "stepbrother" $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV>></p>
<img id="familyfixa" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg">
<p><<textbox "$IrmaN.Nome" "Alli" $$IrmaN..Nome>>
She is your:<<textbox "$IrmaN.Relacao" "stepsister" $IrmaN.Relacao>>
You are hers:<<textbox "$Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN" "stepbrother" $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN>></p>
<div id="famly">\
Your $Mae.Relacao, $Mae.Nome, is a divorced woman who lives in a house with her children. She is very affectionate and somewhat overprotective.
<center><img id="familia" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae.jpg"></center>
<div id="famly">\
Your older $IrmaV.Relacao, $IrmaV.Nome, works as a nurse. She is quite independent, has a protective instinct and has a boyfriend.
<center><img id="familia" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1.jpg"></center>
<div id="famly">\
Your younger $IrmaN.Relacao, $IrmaN.Nome, is a popular girl at school and has lots of friends. She always likes to see the best in people.
<center><img id="familia" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2.jpg"></center>
High School Days/* Zelador */
<<set $Zelador = {
Nome: "Brian",
Relacao: "little known",
Profissao: "janitor",
Sexo: "M",
isCharacter: true,
/* Jorge */
<<set $Jorge = {
Nome: "Jorge",
Relacao: "classmate",
Profissao: "student",
/* Jack */
<<set $Jack = {
Nome: "Jack",
Relacao: "classmate",
Profissao: "student",
/* Ronny */
<<set $Ronny = {
Nome: "Ronny",
Relacao: "classmate",
Profissao: "student",
/* Harry */
<<set $Harry = {
Nome: "Harry",
Relacao: "classmate",
Profissao: "student",
/* Peter */
<<set $Peter = {
Nome: "Peter",
Relacao: "classmate",
Profissao: "student",
/* Inspetor da escola */
<<set $Gaston = {
Nome: "Gastón",
Profissao: "Inspector",
Sexo: "M",
/* Assaltante */
<<set $Assaltante = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Thief",
Sexo: "M",
/* Padre */
<<set $Padre = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Priest",
Sexo: "M",
/* Mordomo */
<<set $Mordomo = {
Nome: "Maurice",
Profissao: "Butler",
Sexo: "M",
<div id="estud">\
<img id="teens" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg">\
<p>Your very perverted best friend, who is also a virgin, has probably seen every porn movie on the planet.</p>
<<textbox "$Amigo.Nome" "Adam" $Amigo.Nome>>
<img id="teens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg">\
<p>Your other best friend has a girlfriend of three years, yet they've never had sex. He's always frustrated with it.</p>
<<textbox "$Amigo2.Nome" "Kevin" $Amigo2.Nome>>
<img id="teens" src="content/characters/valentao/valentao.jpg">\
<p>Your rival intimidates you, your best friend, and anyone else who looks weaker than himself.</p>
<<textbox "$Valentao.Nome" "Ronald" $Valentao.Nome>>
<img id="teens" src="content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg">\
<p>The girl you're in love with, pretends to be a saint to her family, but actually flirts with all the men at school to get what she wants.</p>
<<textbox "$Paixao.Nome" "Victoria" $Paixao.Nome>>
<div id="prof">\
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg">\
Chemistry Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfQuimica.Nome" "Ivy" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg">\
History Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfHistoria.Nome" "Diana" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/P_Geografia.jpg">\
Geography Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfGeografia.Nome" "Mark" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg">\
Literature Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfLiteratura.Nome" "Phoenix" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg">\
Biology Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfBiologia.Nome" "Summer" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>
<img id ="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg">\
Physics Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfFisica.Nome" "Fagner" $ProfFisica.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg">\
Sociology Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfSociologia.Nome" "Nicole" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/prof_Matematica.jpg">\
Maths Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfMatematica.Nome" "Billy" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>
<img id ="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg">\
Philosophy Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfFilosofia.Nome" "Oracio" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg">\
Physical Education Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfEdFisica.Nome" "Cherry" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>
<img id="teachers" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg">\
Art Teacher:
<<textbox "$ProfArte.Nome" "Lisa" $ProfArte.Nome>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Start - Skip Prologue|prólogo_part19]]>><<addhours 32>><<set $Jogador.Moralidade -= 10>><</button>>@@<<Fundo3B>>\
<<ref $Jogador>>It's Saturday, 4 pm. I'm the only student stuck in detention while everyone else is enjoying beeing a teenager. I would like to know what I have done to deserve this punishment.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You do remember some things...<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome come up front and tell me why you didn't do your homework!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, can I tell from here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>No, I want you to come here and explain to the whole class.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>A little embarrassed, you walk to the front of the room and face classmates.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't do my homework because, I just don't see the value in life of learning chemistry.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The teacher and students are shocked.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I don't intend to be a chemist, not even work in the field. So I don't see practical use in learning this chemistry or several other subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you had the same behavior last year. You are here again and still have the devious idea that you won't need to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I never said I don't need to study. I said that I don't see the value in learning how many molecules are in a mole of oxygen. I find it much more useful to learn, for example, about ways to earn a passive income or how to earn money in careers that I would enjoy.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, sometimes I imagine how embarrassed your mother must feel. One daughter studied medicine and is a nurse. The other daughter, not only has high grades, but is one of the smartest students in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Then there is you, a totally dead-end kid, with grande prospects of becoming a fast-food attendant.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>There is no need to talk like that. I just realize that we're wasting time learning these subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Well, you can waste more of your time tomorrow in detention.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Detention? But why?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Frankly, you do not participate in any school activities; you don't do your homework; and you are not thinking about your future. Maybe Saturday afternoon is a good time for you to contemplate your life choices.<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Well, I was condemned and humiliated in front of the whole class for having my own opinion. My $Mae.Relacao scolded me and cut my allowance, which wasn't so much anyhow. Even Victoria called me a bum when I met her on the way out.<</ref>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Maybe everyone's right, maybe I really don't have a future and...<</ref>>
<<narrador>>The school bell rings, ending my punishment.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part2]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>><<Fundo3B>>\
<<narrador>>You were leaving school a little discouraged, but happy that the punishment was over, when...<</narrador>>
<b>Don't worry. Today everything can change.</b>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is Mr...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn around and see one of the school janitors standing in front of you with a pleasant smile.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/NPCs/zeladores/zelador.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Profissao>>One day I was in a very bad situation, worse than yours actually. But with the help of an old man, everything changed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh hi, Mr... um...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You don't remember the janitor's name.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>$Zelador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Mr. $Zelador.Nome, I don't know what you're talking about.<</fala>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>Oh a long time ago, when I was about your age, my life was in chaos. My parents were getting divorced, my girlfriend had left me to be with my best friend, and my family could no longer pay the rent. I was deeply depressed, when an old man in my neighborhood, who was known to be a bit crazy, helped me a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>He had watched me for a long time to make sure I was the right person.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Right for what?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The janitor looked from side to side to make sure no one was around. Then he leaned toward $Jogador.Nome like he was going to tell him a secret.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>He gave me the best gift I could imagine, the power to manipulate people's wills.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Power? Manipulate? You must be kidding.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He looked at my face and chuckles out of the corner of his mouth.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>Boy, don't doubt what you don't know. Anyhow, I'm not here to explain things to you. I only need to know if you accept it or not.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at the janitor suspiciously, because you don't believe a word he is saying. Maybe he's just a crazy old man. Your curiosity is so great that he decided to accept it. Then you mockingly say...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I accept this "power". I can't wait to control minds of people like Professor Xavier.<</fala>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>I assure you that you will not regret this.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part3]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>><<FundoEscola>>\
<<narrador>>You half expected him to grab you and look into your eyes, or exhibit some strange behavior. Instead, he just sticks out his hand.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/Estenda_a_Mão.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>High five.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>High five.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/Aperto_de_mao.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Only that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Zelador" $Zelador.Nome>>Only that!<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>As I was leaving, I heard the janitor say "See you later". Actually, I didn't understand much of what happened, only that the old janitor is already getting senile. Now I have to get home.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part4]]>><<addhours 4>><</button>><<FundoCasaSala>>\
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/Nightfall.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>After a crazy day of punishment at school and after being scolded by your $Mae.Relacao, you simply decided to take a break and watch a movie with $IrmaN.Nome until $IrmaV.Nome arrived home.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/AvengersEndGame.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Affs! Seriously, you guys chose this geek movie!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really cool. you should watch the other films in the franchise. Everyone likes them, even $Mae.Relacao!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She likes anything she can watch with you nerds.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Shut up, you both. I want to see how they kill Thanos.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the movie, $IrmaN.Nome gets up<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I'm craving ice cream. I'm thinking about calling the store and buying some.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Order one for me too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, do you want too?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao cut my allowance. I have to watch what I spend my money on. So, no...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV, I'll buy it for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Haha. Not!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>That's why you get bullied at school. You believe everything!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look at the audacity of this bitch!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Well... I'll just order.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part5]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Too bad, an ice cream would be great right now. I really wanted to buy some, but I have to save money. Would $IrmaV.Nome buy it for me?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ummm $IrmaV.Nome, could you please buy the ice cream for me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No way! Buy it with your own money.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh please, $Mae.Relacao has cut my allowance. Now I have to save money.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It is your fault that you have to repeat the year. Besides, everyone is low on money.<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Disappointed, I remember what the $Zelador.Profissao $Zelador.Nome said about powers and such.
Is this really true? Could I telepathically manipulate my sister into buying me ice cream?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You put both fingers on your forehead and mentally start thinking, "I'm $IrmaV.Nome and I want to buy $Jogador.Nome some ice cream." Unfortunately, nothing happens.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/mentalize.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You get up and try again. This time you stare at her and say out loud, "I'm $IrmaV.Nome, and I want to buy $Jogador.Nome some ice cream." She stops, looks at you, and starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/riso.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>What's wrong with you, $Jogador.Nome? Are you okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a scam! It doesn't work!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>What doesn't work?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>You know what? I'm going to buy you some ice cream, because that cardboard you made was funny. HAHAHAHA!<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Did it work? I don't know.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You go to $IrmaN.Nome and tell her what ice cream flavor you want.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part6]]>><<addhours 3>><</button>><<FundoQuartoJogador>>\
<<narrador>>What a crazy day. You return to your room and finally decide to go to sleep.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You take a little too long to sleep, today was so confusing that many thoughts float through your head, but with time you start to relax when all of a sudden...<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/guardiao/guardiao.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part7]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>><<FundoBemDormido>>\
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/guardiao/guardiao.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Guardiao" ???>>Eh, champion, let's start?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get the biggest scare of your life.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my god, who are you?! Why are you here?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" ???>>Calm down, boy. I'll explain everything to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So speak up now, before I call the police.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" ???>>Scream all you want, nobody is here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm, why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" ???>>Just look around, boy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wooow<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look around amazed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part8]]>><<addhours 2>><</button>><<FundoBemDormido>>\
<<narrador>>You see yourself floating in a nebula millions of miles from Earth.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This is a dream?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" ???>>More or less. Although, you're not technically asleep, I raised your conscience and brought you here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come? Who are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" ???>>I have a lot of names. You can call me whatever you want. Technically, I'm your Spiritual Guardian.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you serious?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>More or less. I'm actually 50% your consciousness, 40% the consciousness of all other users, and 10% the consciousness of powers.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then the powers is all real?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Yes, everything my friend, $Zelador.Nome, told you is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Soc I really able to use my powers with my $IrmaN.Relacao?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>No, you just made a fool of yourself.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>But relax, I'll explain everything to you about the powers and what you can do with them. Do you want to see?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, please!<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>><p>Your main power is the Manipulation of Others Thoughts. This means that you can "send" an idea to someone's thoughts. Now depending on some factors this idea can be accepted. If accepted, they will accept it as truth. For example:</p>
<p>You try to use your powers to make your sister buy you some ice cream. If she was already open to the idea of buying you some ice cream, it is quite likely that this idea will be accepted as true. On the contrary, if she already had a clear belief that she didn't want, couldn't or you didn't deserve ice cream, this thought would be rejected. Do you understand?</p><</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If I understand this correctly, I could suggest something to her mentally and, if accepted, she would believe or do whatever I suggested. Isn't it wrong to manipulate a person like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>I understand why $Zelador.Nome chose you. Obviously, if you tell people that, they wouldn't like it. Technically, it's nothing imposing. In the end, she'll just do what she wants. Your $IrmaN.Relacao cannot be forced to buy you some ice cream. If she were to buy you some ice cream, she may not know why she did it, but afterwards she would feel good about doing it. This power is just a "gentle nudge" to get her to do what she already wants to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know... This whole thing still feels a little wrong.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>You don't need to use these powers, if you don't want to. But if you decide to pass them on to someone, be very careful who you chose to pass these powers to. As Uncle Ben used to say, "With great powers comes great responsibility." There are people who want the power, but don't care about the repercussions of using them.
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/guerra1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
These powers helped bad people wage wars.
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/guerra2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/guerra3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
That's why Brian has entrusted you with the responsibility of using these powers. Because he knows, you would never use them to hurt or harm an innocent person.
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay. Let's say I agree to use these powers, how would I do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>It isn't very difficult. Your attempt on your $IrmaN.Relacao was a good one, but there was a crucial mistake. She wasn't relaxed. She was bored from watching a movie she doesn't like.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, the person has to be relaxed for it to work?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>In the beginning, yes. You should have eye contact with the person, speak the sentence out loud, and they should be relaxed. As you gain experience using your powers, only eye contact will be enough.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think I understand. Make sure she is, look into her eyes and speak out loud? And how will I know if it worked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>While you use your powers, the person will be in a trance state, sort of like a hypnosis. When you are done, they will remain in that state for a few seconds then return to normal as if nothing had happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So she won't remember anything?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>No, and when she regains consciousness she will think that this idea came from her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What if I have more questions? Can I talk to you again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>You forget that I am part of your consciousness. If you want to talk to me, you can just meditate a little and I will help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>It is almost dawn. Our time is running out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you Spiritual Guardian.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>See you anytime. Hahahahaha...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You find yourself moving away from your $Guardiao.Profissao. The world around you shifts into what feels more like a dream.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part11]]>><<addhours 6>><</button>><<FundoQuartoJogador>>\
<<narrador>>The sun rises and you are woken by your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, we're headed out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/acordando.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Me and the girls are already going to the massage institute. I won third place last week, remember?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, yes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I had planned on buying you a massage, but after what they told me about you at school on Friday, consider this part of your punishment.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>When will you be back?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Probably not until after 6. We can have any type of massage available there and it's only valid for one day. Likely, won't be back until late.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>You can order a pizza for lunch. There is some money in my room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay $Mae.Nome, thanks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You try to go back to sleep, after all, it's Sunday, but you can't. Since you're home alone, you decide to do whatever you want.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/cantando.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/dançando.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>Walk naked around the house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/carapeladao.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>Everything you wouldn't do with your family home.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part12]]>><<addhours 6>><</button>><<FundoCasaSala>>\
<<narrador>>After lunch, a delicious pizza, you have nothing else to do. You decide to do something you've never done, look through $Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome's rooms.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>In $IrmaN.Nome's room, you find a bunch of Korean posters and magazines for teenagers.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/bts.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/revistas_teen.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>In $IrmaV.Nome's room, some books and medical supplies.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/itensmedicos.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/images.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>In $Mae.Nome's room, the only thing of interest is a big locked box.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/caixa.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Just as you get bored and begin to leave, you find something very interesting in her wardrobe.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/interessante.jpg"></center>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part1 to true>>\
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, look what my $Mae.Relacao has been hiding in here. A porn movie! I never thought she liked that stuff.
It's still only 2 pm. The girls won't be back for a while. There's plenty of time to watch this beautiful piece of work on the living room TV.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room and put the movie on the old DVD player.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls muted>
<source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/Big_Macky1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You decide to grab a headphone and turn the volume up to maximum for a better experience.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls muted>
<source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/Big_Macky2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls muted>
<source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/Big_Macky3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls muted>
<source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/Big_Macky4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<JogadorHorny 50>>
<<addmins 15>>\
<<narrador>>You get very horny, take off your clothes and start masturbating.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You are completely glazed over watching the "movie." You're not normally able to watch porn. Being alone at home is the perfect opportunity.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls muted>
<source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/Big_Macky5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<JogadorHorny 50>>
<<narrador>>You keep masturbating frantically. You are almost to climax, when all of a sudden...<</narrador>>
<center><img id="famscare" src="content/locations/casa/sala/familia_assustada.jpg"></center>
<<addhours 1>>\
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Startled, you turn and face $Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You climax right at that moment. They watch in horror, as they are covered in cum.<</narrador>>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part2 to true>>\
<<JogadorMoralidade 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>AAAAhhh, you aren't supposed to be back so early!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>There was a problem with one of the masseuses. We couldn't do the last massage. $Jogador.Nome, what have you done?!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>They look to the side and see the movie you were watching. Your $Mae.Relacao recognizes the scene...<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls muted>
<source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/Big_Macky6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You are mortified. You run to your room and lock yourself there wanting this horrible day to not have happened.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part16]]>><<addhours 6>><<addmins 15>><</button>><<set $fundo to "seuroom">>
<<narrador>>After several hours of hiding in your locked room, you hear the sound of knocking at your door.<</narrador>>
<strong>"knock knock"</strong>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, let's talk.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Go away! I don't want to talk to anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome. I'm not mad. I just want to talk. I promise.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You decide to let $Mae.Nome in to hear what she has to say. She sits at your side of the bed and pats your back.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>How do you feel?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I feel like I can't even look at your face. I'm so embarrassed!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, it's ok. This behavior is normal for boys your age.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, but I don't even do it very often. The one day I'm home alone and try to masturbate, this happens.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Like I said, $Jogador.Nome, I'm not mad at you. I talked to the girls and they agreed to forget about it and never talk about it again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But they're still very angry about what happened. We've agreed you're going to do something nice for them and they'll forgive you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what do I have to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>That is something you will have to resolve with them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>You will still have to do something for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I said I wasn't mad, I didn't say you don't deserve any punishment. Especially for going through my things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what do you want me to do?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part17]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>><<set $fundo to "seuroom">>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Unfortunately, a friend of mine just went through a divorce from her husband. Now she's moving, but she doesn't have the money to pay people to help her move. That's where you come in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>You'll pay for the moving truck; you'll help her unload her furniture; and you'll help tidy up her house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But that will take all day. Not to mention, I'm low on money since you canceled my allowance...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Not a negotiation! That's the price of my forgiveness. After this, we're square. I'll even give you a reward.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Reward? What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>It's a secret!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ok, $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you hug.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome gets up to leave the room, but first she turns and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I love you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I love you too, $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>As $Mae.Nome leaves, you get into bed and start thinking about the events of the past few days.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part18]]>><<addmins 2>><</button>><<set $fundo to "seuroom-noite">>
<<ref "Jogador">>Oh my god, what a day. In addition to the problems at school, boring teachers, $Paixao.Nome who doesn't care about me, the chemistry teacher's riding my ass, $Valentao.Nome constantly bullying me, now I have to do services to my family.
But all that aside, I now have the power of "Hypnosis". To hypnotize people by manipulating their wills, he really couldn't have come to me at a better time.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>After thinking a lot about your life you end up falling asleep knowing that tomorrow you will have a lot of work to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Continue|prólogo_part19]]>><<addhours 3>><</button>><<FundoBemDormido>>\
<<timed 2s t8n>>__by Will Ward__<</timed>>
<h1><<timed 4s t8n>>__High School Days__<</timed>></h1>\
<<timed 7s t8n>>\
<<goto "No Dia Seguinte">>
<<if $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part3 is true>>
<strong>Fitness:</strong> $Jogador.Fitness<br>
<strong>Intelligence:</strong> $Jogador.Intelgencia<br>
<strong>Bravery:</strong> $Jogador.Ousadia<br>
<<if $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part2 is true>>
<strong>Morality:</strong> $Jogador.Moralidade<br>
<<if $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part3 is true>>
<strong>Sexual Experience:</strong> $Jogador.Ex_Sexual<br>
<strong>Money:</strong> $Jogador.Dinheiro<br>
<<if $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part1 is true>>
<<if $horny gte 0 and $horny lt 10>>
Not Horny
<<elseif $horny gte 10 and $horny lt 30>>
A Little Horny
<<elseif $horny gte 30 and $horny lt 50>>
<<elseif $horny gte 50 and $horny lt 70>>
Very Horny
<<elseif $horny gte 70 and $horny lt 90>>
Extremely Horny
<<elseif $horny gte 90 and $horny lt 100>>
Uncontrollably Horny
<<elseif $horny gte 100>>
Uncontrollably Horny
<<statusbar "horny-bar" "$totalHorny" "$horny" "$alivio">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9>>
<<goto "STM12 - Oportunidade de Hipnose">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>> <<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9>>
<<goto "STM8 - Duas senhoras loucas">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>> <<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9>>
<<goto "STM6 - Você já pensou em mim?">>
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Missao.MomEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM10 - Trando Fotos">>
<<if $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 17>>
<<if $Missao.MomEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM7 - Ginástica Jane Fonda">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>> <<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9>>
<<goto "STM3 - Conte-me mais">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "STM2 - Histórias do Passado">>
<<if $IrmaNM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 13>>
<<goto "INM8 - Preciso Saber">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>> <<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9>>
<<goto "STM1 - Visita">>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<goto "INM5 - Ideia de Gênio">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "MM5 - Mamãe motivada">>
<<if $MaeM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Missao.MomEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM3 - Pode falar, eu sou sua mãe">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<goto "PQM1 - Não, não, não, não é possivel isso!">>
<<if $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 10>>
<<goto "IVM4 - Andar Com Minha Irmã">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MomEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM2 - Gostei da massagem">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 17>> /*=================================*/
<<include [[MM7-Mae-exercicios]]>>
<<else>> /*==========================================================*/
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>></div></a>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Sala">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio isnot 50>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch TV|TV]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<if $Missao.MTEspere is false>>
<<goto "MTM3 - Atendendo...">>
<<if $LexiM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 and $gameDate.getHours() is 0>>
<<goto "LXM6 - O Telefonema">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PQM6 - Pesquisando">>
<<if $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 19>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 120>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo gte 22 and $LenaPaul.Paixao gte 40>>
<<goto "LPM5 - Terceiro Encontro">>
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 19>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 120>>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo gte 15 and $LenaPaul.Paixao gte 25>>
<<goto "LPM4 - Segundo Encontro">>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 19>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 120>>
<<goto "LPM3 - Primeiro Encontro">>
<<if $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<goto "JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?">>
<<if $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "IVM6 - A Vingança é um Prato Melhor Servido Três Vezes">>
<<if $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<goto "INM6 - Digitando">>
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "MM4 - Eu nunca me senti assim">>
<<if $JogadorM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23 or $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 2>>
<<goto "JM10 - Punhetão online">>
<<if $AmigoM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "A1M5 - Ligação">>
<<if $JogadorM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 200>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<<goto "JM9 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II">>
<<if $JogadorM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<<goto "JM8 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I">>
<<if $JogadorM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM7 - Essa é a Resposta">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is true and $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is true and $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is true and $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is true and $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is true and $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is true and $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<goto "A2M4 parte 2 - Fazendo Sua Parte">>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstagio gte 66>>
<<if $Dossier is true>>
<<goto "JM6 parte 3 - Os Professores da Escola">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<if $JogadorM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM4 - E agora?">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM3 - Tomando Atitude">>
<<if $gameDate.getMonth() gte 1 and $gameDate.getDate() lte 14>>
<<if $game.periodos is 4>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "IVM2 - O que aconteceu?">>
<<if $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7>>
<<if $JogadorM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM1 - Bolando um plâno mirabolante">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23 and $horny >= 70>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Sleep|insonia]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 5 and $horny >= 70>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Sleep|insonia]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Sleep|sonhos]]>><<addhours 4>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 5>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Sleep|sonhos]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $horny gte 70>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Masturbate|punhetao_quarto]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
<<narrador>>Chemistry teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome is calling you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Answer Cell|Ligacoes-ProfQuimica]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Not Answer|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button "Do art homework" "PAM1 - Fazer Dever de Casa">><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<if $game.MsgIrmaN is false>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Messages with Your Sister|Menssagens-com-Alli]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Quarto]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 to true>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Quarto]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 to true>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Quarto]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 to true>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Quarto]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 to true>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Quarto]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Full to true>><</button>>@@
<<if $QuadroDePresente is true>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Hang the painting the art teacher gave you|Quadro-que-a-professora-de-arte-de-deu]]>><<set $QuadroDePresente to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $QuadroDePresente is false and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" or $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[See painting|Quadro-que-a-professora-de-arte-de-deu]]>><<set $QuadroDePresente to false>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Use Computer|computador]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wardrobe|Guarda-Roupa]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Meditate|Meditar]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCozinha>>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Mae.status is "Relaxing">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<goto "MM11 - Roupas confortaveis">>
<<if $MaeM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>
<<if $Missao.MomEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM8 - Cozinhando com Paixão">>
/*=========================== Cozinhando ============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 11 or $gameDate.getHours() is 18>> /*===*/
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*======================================================*/
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha">> /*==============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 11>> /*=========================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/IrmaV-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<elseif $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa" or $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /==========================*/
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">> /*================================*/
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getHours() is 11>> /*==============================================================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getHours() is 11>> /*===========================================================*/
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*========================*/
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">> /*================================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18>> /*=========================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-MaeCozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What do we have for dinner?|Mae-Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*=================*/
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">> /*================================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18>> /*=========================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<else>> /*==========================================================*/
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekday" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekend" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio isnot 50>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wait for Breakfast|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(6)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<<if $Acoes.CafedaManha is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have Breakfast|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<if $Acoes.Almoco is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have Lunch|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Helping to Wash Dishes|Ajudar-Lavar-Louça]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $Acoes.Jantar is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have Dinner|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Helping to Wash Dishes|Ajudar-Lavar-Louça]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Wait for Breakfast|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<if $Acoes.CafedaManha is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Have Breakfast|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $Acoes.Almoco is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Have Lunch|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Helping to Wash Dishes|Ajudar-Lavar-Louça]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $Acoes.Jantar is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Have Dinner|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Helping to Wash Dishes|Ajudar-Lavar-Louça]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Look For Something|Procurar]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoMae>>
<<if $MaeM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 16>>
<<goto [[Mãe-Quarto]]>>
/*======================== Troca de Roupa ===========================*/
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<<goto "Mae-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<goto "Mae-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<<goto "Mae-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<goto "Mae-Se-Vestindo">>
/*======================== Troca de Roupa ===========================*/
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $Mae.local is "QuartoMae">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-QuartoMae" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>></div></a>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is sleeping now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $Mae.local is "QuartoMae">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-QuartoMae" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>></div></a>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is sleeping now.<</narrador>>
<<if $Mae.local isnot "QuartoMae">>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 30>>
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala" or $Mae.local is "Cozinha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoMae" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $Mae.local is "Banheiro">>
<<goto "Pego-Mae-Quarto">>
<<narrador>>You are in your $Mae.Relacao's bedroom, be careful not to get caught, she would not like to see you here.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 30 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
<<narrador>>You are in your $Mae.Relacao's bedroom, be careful not to get caught, she would not like to see you here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Bed|CamaMae]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Wardrobes|ArmarioMae]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Dresser|ComodaMae]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Chest|Bau]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.chaveBau_Mae is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[iPad|iPad]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10 or $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome is taking a shower right now.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade is 100 and $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<include [[Mãe-Banho1]]>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Take a Peek|Mãe-Banho2]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome is taking a shower right now.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade is 100 and $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<include [[Mãe-Banho1]]>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Take a Peek|Mãe-Banho2]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30 or $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is taking a shower right now.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade is 100 and $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<include [[Irma_mais_velha-Banho1]]>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Take a Peek|Irma_mais_velha-Banho2]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is taking a shower right now.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade is 100 and $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<include [[Irma_mais_velha-Banho1]]>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Take a Peek|Irma_mais_velha-Banho2]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio isnot 50>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20 or $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is taking a shower right now.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade is 100 and $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<include [[Irma_mais_nova-Banho1]]>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take a Peek|Irma_mais_nova-Banho2]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is taking a shower right now.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade is 100 and $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<include [[Irma_mais_nova-Banho1]]>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take a Peek|Irma_mais_nova-Banho2]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Mae.local isnot "Banheiro" or $IrmaV.local isnot "Banheiro" or $IrmaN.local isnot "Banheiro">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take a Bath|Banho]]>><<set $Acoes.Masturbacao to false>><</button>>@@
<<if $horny >= 70>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Masturbate|punhetao_banheiro]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Look in the mirror|Espelho]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40 or $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<if $gameDate.getMonth() gte 1 and $gameDate.getDate() lte 16>>
<<goto "IVM3 - Ainda Estou Triste">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<if $IrmaVM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "IVM1 - Por Favor Me Desculpe">>
/*======================== Troca de Roupa ===========================*/
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">> /*==============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<<goto "IrmaV-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<<goto "IrmaV-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">> /*==========================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<<goto "IrmaV-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<<goto "IrmaV-Se-Vestindo">>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
/*======================== Troca de Roupa ===========================*/
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao is sleeping now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao is sleeping now.<</narrador>>
<<if $IrmaV.local isnot "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 30>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Sala" or $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaV.local is "Banheiro">>
<<goto "Pego-IrmaV-Quarto">>
<<narrador>>You are in your $IrmaV.Relacao's bedroom, be careful not to get caught, she would not like to see you here.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 30 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
<<narrador>>You are in your $IrmaV.Relacao's bedroom, be careful not to get caught, she would not like to see you here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Bed|CamaIrma1]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Wardrobes|ArmarioIrma1]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Dresser|ComodaIrma1]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.leptopSenha_IrmaV is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Laptop|LaptopIrma1]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Laptop|LaptopIrma1]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<goto "INM3 parte 2 - A Bela e o Bruto. Parte I">>
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>
<<goto "INM3 - A Bela e o Bruto. Parte I">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<goto "INM2 - E então, fez?">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "INM1 - Meu Querido Brutamontes">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<goto "IrmaN-Se-Vestindo">>
/*======================== Troca de Roupa ===========================*/
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">> /*==============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<goto "IrmaN-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<<goto "IrmaN-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">> /*==========================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<goto "IrmaN-Se-Vestindo">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<<goto "IrmaN-Se-Vestindo">>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
/*======================== Troca de Roupa ===========================*/
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-QuartoIrmaMaisNova" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao is sleeping now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-QuartoIrmaMaisNova" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao is sleeping now.<</narrador>>
<<if $IrmaN.local isnot "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 30>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala" or $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaN.local is "Banheiro">>
<<goto "Pego-IrmaN-Quarto">>
<<narrador>>You are in your $IrmaN.Relacao's bedroom, be careful not to get caught, she would not like to see you here.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 30 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
<<narrador>>You are in your $IrmaN.Relacao's bedroom, be careful not to get caught, she would not like to see you here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Bed|CamaIrma2]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Wardrobes|ArmarioIrma2]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Dresser|ComodaIrma2]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rummage Through Diary|DiarioIrma2]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Sair|Casa]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoEscola>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<goto "PYM10 - Detenção com Penny">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<narrador>>The school is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The school is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<narrador>>The school is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio gte 60>>
<<goto "PAM6 - E o site ficou pronto">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<<goto "PFSM7 - A Farsa">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<if $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<<goto "PQM5 - Compras da Semana">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<<goto "PQM4 - Mais Problemas">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 2>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<<goto "PQM3 - Um Problema Chamado Ivy">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<<goto "PQM2 - Professora Lebelle">>
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<goto "PAM4 - A Artista. Parte II">>
<<if $JillM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<goto "JLLM3 - Ninguém Gosta de Ladra de Namorado">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
<<goto "INM2 parte 2 - E então, fez?">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM1 - Oh, Senhorita Tavella">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<narrador>>It's break time, you can explore the school with your friends or just wait for the next class to start.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wait for the end of the recess|Escola]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(10)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lte 30>>
<<narrador>>The class has already started, it's better to run so as not to be late.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 39>>
<<set $vaimataraula to random(0, 100)>>
<<if $vaimataraula gte 0 and $vaimataraula lte 50>>
<<goto "Pego Pelo Gastón">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 29>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
<<goto "Pego Pelo Gastón">>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<if $Debora.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Debora-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/debora/debora.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Penny-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-RoxyRaye-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/darla/darla.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
<<if $Valentao.local is "Escola">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Valentao-Escola" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/valentao/valentao.jpg"]]
<p>See class schedule:</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Class Time|Grade Escolar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Escola-Lugares-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<include [[Escola-Lugares-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Escola-Lugares-Dia]]>>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<<if $Caneta_Hidrografica is true>>
<<narrador>>You take the teachers' felt pen.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/images/felt-pen.jpg">
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Get the teachers' felt pen|3B]]>><<set $Caneta_Hidrografica to true>><<set $Itens += 1>><<set $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1>>
<<if $escolaAulas is 1>>
<<goto "Aula de Matematica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 2>>
<<goto "Aula de Quimica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 3>>
<<goto "Aula de Filosofia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<<goto "Intervalo">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 5>>
<<goto "Aula de Literatura">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 6>>
<<goto "Aula de História">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 7>>
<<goto "Aula de Geografia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 2>>
<<if $escolaAulas is 1>>
<<goto "Aula de Sociologia">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 2>>
<<goto "Aula de Ed.Fisica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 3>>
<<goto "Aula de Arte">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<<goto "Intervalo">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 5>>
<<goto "Aula de Biologia">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 6>>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica (Sem Professor)">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica - Professora Dalton">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 7>>
<<goto "Aula de Literatura">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 3>>
<<if $escolaAulas is 1>>
<<goto "Aula de Literatura">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 2>>
<<goto "Aula de Geografia">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 3>>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica (Sem Professor)">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica - Professora Dalton">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<<goto "Intervalo">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 5>>
<<goto "Aula de Arte">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 6>>
<<goto "Aula de Matematica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 7>>
<<goto "Aula de Quimica">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $escolaAulas is 1>>
<<goto "Aula de Quimica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 2>>
<<goto "Aula de Matematica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 3>>
<<goto "Aula de História">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<<goto "Intervalo">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 5>>
<<goto "Aula de Biologia">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 6>>
<<goto "Aula de Literatura">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 7>>
<<goto "Aula de Ed.Fisica Quadra">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<if $escolaAulas is 1>>
<<goto "Aula de Geografia">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 2>>
<<goto "Aula de Filosofia">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 3>>
<<goto "Aula de Sociologia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<<goto "Intervalo">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 5>>
<<goto "Aula de Biologia">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 6>>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica (Sem Professor)">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica - Professora Dalton">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Fisica">>
<<elseif $escolaAulas is 7>>
<<goto "Aula de História">>
<<if $LexiM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<goto "LXM2 - Recreio com Lexi">>
<<if $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<goto "JM12 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?">>
<<if $JillM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<goto "JLLM2 - A Ladra de Namorado">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<if $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "INM4 - Confronto">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<<goto "INM2 parte 2 - E então, fez?">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<if $JogadorM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM2 - Uma pergunta um tanto estranha">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit with your friends|Sentar-com-Seus-Amigos]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true and $Conhece.Mia is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit with the Baby Dolls|Sentar-com-as-babydolls]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true and $Penny.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit with the Nerd|Sentar-com-a-nerd]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true and $Lexi.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit with teacher's daughter|Sentar-com-a-filha-do-professor]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true and $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit alone|Sentar-sozinho]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBanheiroMasculino>>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<<goto "INM2 parte 2 - E então, fez?">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 10>>
<<goto "Banheiro-Eventos-Intervalo">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Enter in Cabin Door|Cabine-Toalete]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBanheiroFeminino>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What are you doing here? This is the ladies' bathroom! leave now or I'll call the deputy principal!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadra>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PEFM1 - Vamos Jogar um Pouco">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<<narrador>>One of the classes is taking physical education class right now.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/escola/quadra/videos/ED-Fisia-aulas1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/escola/quadra/videos/ED-Fisia-aulas2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/escola/quadra/videos/ED-Fisia-aulas1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/escola/quadra/videos/ED-Fisia-aulas2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $game.day is "Thursday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 7>>
<<narrador>>Your class is taking physical education class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to physical education lesson|3B]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Paixao.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-Escola-Quadra" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<if $Debora.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Debora-Escola-Quadra" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/debora/debora.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-Escola-Quadra" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-RoxyRaye-Escola-Quadra" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/darla/darla.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Escola-Quadra" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-Escola-Quadra" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-Escola-Quadra" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoDiretoria>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What are you doing here? This is the teachers' lounge, you have nothing to do here. Leave before I call the deputy principal!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<Fundo2A>>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Get the teachers' felt pen|2A]]>>
<<set $Caneta_Hidrografica to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<<set $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>><</button>>@@
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<<if $Caneta_Hidrografica is true>>
<<narrador>>You take the teachers' felt pen.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/images/felt-pen.jpg"></center>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/2A/gifs/2A-aula-1.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>The 2A is having a super boring literature class, you notice half the room sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao sees you and whispers to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, me tire dessa aula insuportável, por favor.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia >= 40>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Get Her Out of the Room and Skip Class Together|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You just leave, you better not get in trouble with the director.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/2A/gifs/2A-aula-2.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You see the 2A studying hard, what a responsible class.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/2A/gifs/2A-aula-1.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>The 2A is having a super boring literature class, you notice half the room sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao sees you and whispers to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, save me from this insufferable lesson, please.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia >= 40>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Get Her Out of the Room and Skip Class Together|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You just leave, you better not get in trouble with the director.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/2A/gifs/2A-aula-2.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You see the 2A studying hard, what a responsible class.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:10 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Banheiro">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 06:10 - 06:20 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:20 - 06:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 06:30 - 06:40 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:40 - 07:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Banheiro">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Parque">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Parque">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Parque">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Parque">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Banheiro">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Parque">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Parque">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "Banheiro">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $Mae.local to "QuartoMae">>
/*===================================================================*/<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:10 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 06:10 - 06:20 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:20 - 06:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Banheiro">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 06:30 - 06:40 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:40 - 07:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Praca">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Praca">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa" or $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" or $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa" or $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" or $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Hospital">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Banheiro">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Praca">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Praca">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa" and $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" or $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Banheiro">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*============================ Sabádo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Praca">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Praca">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Parque">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa" and $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" or $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Casa-do-Namorado">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "Banheiro">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $IrmaV.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
/*===================================================================*/<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 06:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:10 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 06:10 - 06:20 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Banheiro">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:20 - 06:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 06:30 - 06:40 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:40 - 07:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>> <!-- 7:00 - 7:10 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Escola">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 07:10 - 07:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 07:30 - 08:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 08:00 - 08:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 08:30 - 09:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 09:00 - 09:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:30 - 09:40 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 9:40 - 09:50 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:50 - 10:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "2A">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Parque">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Parque">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Banheiro">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Parque">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Parque">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "undefined">>
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Banheiro">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*============================ Sábado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Parque">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Parque">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Praca">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Cozinha">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:10 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 20>>
<!-- 21:10 - 21:20 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Sala">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:20 - 21:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "Banheiro">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 21:30 - 21:40 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:40 - 22:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $IrmaN.local to "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<if $LexiM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "LXM6 - O Telefonema">>
<<switch random(1, 9)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You get a good night's sleep, but you don't remember very well what you dreamed of.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho8.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You have a good night's sleep, remember having dreamed of something sexy.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You get a good night's sleep, but you don't remember very well what you dreamed of.<</narrador>>
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You get a good night's sleep, you remember dreaming of something fantastic.<</narrador>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You get a good night's sleep, but you don't remember very well what you dreamed of.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Moralidade lte 75>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho9.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You have a good night's sleep, remember having dreamed of something sexy.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<case 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You get a good night's sleep, you remember dreaming of something fantastic.<</narrador>>
<<case 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho6.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You get a good night's sleep, you remember dreaming of something fantastic.<</narrador>>
<<case 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho7.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You have a good night's sleep, remember having dreamed of something sexy.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<case 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho10.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You have a good night's sleep, remember having dreamed of something sexy.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<case 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You have a good night's sleep, remember having dreamed of something sexy.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1 or $gameDate.getDay() is 2 or $gameDate.getDay() is 3 or $gameDate.getDay() is 4 or $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>\
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wake Up|Acordar]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(6)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia to 3>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 0 or $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>\
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wake Up|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia to 3>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<div id="containerPC">
<div id="monitorPC">
<div id="monitorscreenPC">
<<include [[Pc]]>>
<a data-passage="jogarlol" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="pcgamelol">[img[content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/icons/lol_icon.png]]
<span class="iconNomepc">League of Legends</span>
<a data-passage="jogarwow" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="pcgamewow">[img[content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/icons/wow_icon.png]]
<span class="iconNomepc">World of Warcraft</span>
<a data-passage="jogarcsgo" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="pcgamecsgo">[img[content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/icons/csgo_icon.png]]
<span class="iconNomepc">Conter Strike: Global Offensive</span>
<img id="lixeira" src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/icons/lixera.png">
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Turn Off Computer|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><</button>>@@<<set $totalHorny to 100>>
<<set $horny to $totalHorny>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<narrador>>This room is locked.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This room is always locked! Why buy so many computers if no one can enter this room.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lte 59>>
<<if $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>>
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<goto "PYM8 - Direto para a sala secreta">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lte 59>>
<<if $PennyM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<goto "PYM7 - Aí não, agora não">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lte 59>>
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<goto "PYM6 - Sem pressa">>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<goto "LPM2 - Você vai sair comigo.">>
<<if $LenaPaulM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<goto "LPM1 - Quer sair comigo?">>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Penny-Escola-Biblioteca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-Escola-Biblioteca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Escola-Biblioteca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Escola-Biblioteca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Access Secret Room|Sala-Secreta]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $JornadaLiteraria is true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Continue Book|continuar-livro]]>><<set $game.LerLivro += 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leaf Through Books|folhear livros]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PBM1 - Presente de Professor">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PLM1 - Problemas com as Notas">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What are you doing here? This is the teachers' room, you have nothing to do here. Leave before I call the deputy principal!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaSala>>
<div id="container">
<div id="monitor">
<div id="monitorscreen">
<<include [[TV programação]]>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Change the Channel|TV]]>><<set $game.TVprogramaçao += 1>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Turn off TV|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 0>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoMae>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You rummage through your $Mae.Relacao's bed and you find $Mae.Nome's used panties.<</narrador>>
<<set $CalcinhaUsada.Mae to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/calcinha-usada_mae.jpg">
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade <= 70>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hmmm look at these soft panties my $Mae.Relacao wore yesterday, it still smells like her to it.<</ref>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You find $Mae.Relacao's cell phone, you try to unlock it.<</narrador>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $NudesCell.Mae is 0>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 70>>
<<narrador>>You can't unlock her phone, so leave it there.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 70 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
<<set $NudesCell.Mae += 1>>
<<set $game.notifyFotos += 1>>
<<narrador>>You can unlock her phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Do you look for pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You find lots of interesting pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude8.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have uploaded these photos to your cell phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You leave your $Mae.Relacao's cell phone the way she left it, so as not to raise suspicion that you messed with it.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $NudesCell.Mae is 1>>
<<narrador>>You can unlock her phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Do you look for pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude8.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You leave your $Mae.Relacao's cell phone the way she left it, so as not to raise suspicion that you messed with it.<</narrador>>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<narrador>>You don't find anything.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoMae>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<narrador>>You only find a few clothes, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoMae>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<if $game.chaveBau_Mae is false>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You find a set of keys.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You take one of them.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/chave-bau.jpg"></center>
<<set $game.chaveBau_Mae to true>><<set $Itens += 1>>
<<narrador>>You find some cosmetics, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.chaveBau_Mae is true>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<narrador>>You find some cosmetics, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><</button>>@@
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/caixa.jpg">
<<if $game.chaveBau_Mae is true>>
<<narrador>>You open the chest.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see several that the chest is full, there are many things there, but a ipad in front of everything calls your attention.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[iPad|iPad]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.chaveBau_Mae is false>>
<<narrador>>You unfortunately do not have the key to open it.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The key must definitely be somewhere.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaBanheiro>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/banho/banho1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You take that hot bath.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/banho/banho2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You take that cold shower.<</narrador>>
<<set $horny -= 30>>
<<if $horny >= 50>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Masturbate|Banho]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Masturbacao to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $Acoes.Masturbacao is true>>\
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaBanheiro>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Paixao.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful woman! One day I will be the one to have sex with her.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Take off those panties, my love!<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with that little ass for me my goddess.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah! Show me these titties.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação5.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>Do you think of Miss Cooper mom of your friend $Amigo.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with me Miss Cooper relax $Amigo.Nome won't know.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah, show me the giant melons.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god Miss Cooper you are so hot.<</ref>>
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>Do you remember $MissTravella.Nome taking a shower while masturbating.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh $MissTravella.Nome come to my house soon, I want to see those big tits again.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 4>>
<<if $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Do you remember your $Mae.Relacao changing while she masturbates.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-naked-massage-MM2-1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god $Mae.Relacao you are so hot.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-naked-massage-MM2-2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I just masturbated thinking about my mom, what's happening to me?<</ref>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
/*============================ <<else>> =============================*/
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Paixao.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful woman! One day I will be the one to have sex with her.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Take off those panties, my love!<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with that little ass for me my goddess.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah! Show me these titties.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação5.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You find your younger $IrmaN.Relacao's cell phone and try to unlock it.<</narrador>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $NudesCell.IrmaN is 0>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 70>>
<<narrador>>You can't unlock your phone, so leave it there.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 70 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
<<set $game.notifyFotos += 1>>
<<set $NudesCell.IrmaN += 1>>
<<narrador>>You can unlock her phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Do you look for pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You find lots of interesting pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude8.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You already have the images saved on your Cell Phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You leave your $IrmaN.Relacao's cell phone the way she left it, so as not to raise suspicion that you messed with it.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $NudesCell.IrmaN is 1>>
<<narrador>>You can unlock her phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Do you look for pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-nude8.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You leave your $IrmaN.Relacao's cell phone the way she left it, so as not to raise suspicion that you messed with it.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You rummage through your younger $IrmaV.Relacao's bed and you find $IrmaN.Nome's used panties.<</narrador>>
<<set $CalcinhaUsada.IrmaN to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/itens/calcinhas_usada/calcinha-usada_irmaN.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade <= 75>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hmm. look at that soft panties, sure my $IrmaN.Relacao wore yesterday, it still smells like her<</ref>>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<narrador>>You don't find anything.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<narrador>>You find some clothes, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $game.chaveDiario_IrmaN is false>>
<<narrador>>You found a copy of your little $IrmaN.Relacao's diary key.<</narrador>>
<<set $game.chaveDiario_IrmaN to true>><<set $Itens += 1>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/chave-diario-irmaN.jpg">
<<elseif $game.chaveDiario_IrmaN is true>>
<<narrador>>You find some cosmetics, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You find some cosmetics, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/diario.jpg"></center>
<<if $game.chaveDiario_IrmaN is false>>
<<narrador>>You find your $IrmaN.Relacao's diary, you try to open it but without the key it's difficult.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The diary key must be somewhere.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.chaveDiario_IrmaN is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Open Diary|Diario]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCozinha>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<narrador>>You explore the kitchen but find nothing interesting.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You find your older $IrmaV.Relacao's cell phone, you try to unlock it.<</narrador>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $NudesCell.IrmaV is 0>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 70>>
<<narrador>>You can't unlock her phone, so leave it there.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 70 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
<<set $game.notifyFotos += 1>>
<<set $NudesCell.IrmaV += 1>>
<<narrador>>You can unlock her phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Do you look for pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You find lots of interesting pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude8.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow so many naked images of my $IrmaN.Relacao, oh my god he is so hot.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You have uploaded these photos to your cell phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You leave your $IrmaV.Relacao's cell phone the way she left it, so as not to raise suspicion that you messed with it.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $NudesCell.IrmaV is 1>>
<<narrador>>You can unlock her phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Do you look for pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You find lots of interesting pictures of her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude8.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You already have the images saved on your Cell Phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You leave your $IrmaV.Relacao's cell phone the way she left it, so as not to raise suspicion that you messed with it.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You rummage through your older $IrmaV.Relacao's bed and you find some used $IrmaV.Nome panties.<</narrador>>
<<set $CalcinhaUsada.IrmaV to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/calcinha-usada_irmaV.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade <= 75>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hmmm look at that soft panties sure my $IrmaV.Relacao wore yesterday, it still smells like her.<</ref>>
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<narrador>>You don't find anything.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $game.leptopSenha_IrmaV is false>>
<<narrador>>Underneath some clothes you find a piece of paper with something written on it.<</narrador>>
<<set $game.leptopSenha_IrmaV to true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/senha-notebook.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $game.leptopSenha_IrmaV is true>>
<<narrador>>You find some clothes, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You find some clothes, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
/*=========================== Imagem ================================*/
<<narrador>>You find some cosmetics and medical utensils, but nothing special.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
<<if $game.leptopSenha_IrmaV is false>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<<include [[LaptopIrma1-senha Conteudo]]>>
<<narrador>>You don't have the password to unlock your $IrmaV.Nome's leptop.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.leptopSenha_IrmaV is true>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<<include [[LaptopIrma1 Conteudo]]>>
<a data-passage="Leptop-Pasta" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="leptoppasta">[img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/pasta_icon.png]]<span class="iconNomeleptop">Video Diary</span></div></a>
<img id="lixeira" src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/icons/lixera.png">
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>><<set $fundo to "suakitchen">>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(6)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part1 to true>>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part2 to true>>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part3 to true>>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part4 to true>>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part5 to true>>
<<set $gameProgress.intro_Complete_part6 to true>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $Mae.status to "Normal">>
<<set $IrmaV.status to "Normal">>
<<set $IrmaN.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Amigo.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Amigo2.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Valentao.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Paixao.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Lexi.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Penny.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Debora.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Mia.status to "Normal">>
<<set $Manu.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfQuimica.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfFisica.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.status to "Normal">>
<<set $ProfArte.status to "Normal">>
<<narrador>>The next day you wake up at the usual time. It's Monday, so you grab some breakfast before heading off to school.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome are sitting at the table, but as soon as you sit down, $IrmaV.Nome gets up and goes to work without saying anything. $IrmaN.Nome won't even look at you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You are left alone in the kitchen with $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz The girls are still really mad at you. Do something nice for them, and they’ll forgive you.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but what?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I don’t know. You’ve always been such a creative boy. I am sure you’ll think of something.>>
<<MamaeDiz For now, get to school. You are going to be late.>>
<<narrador>>As you get up to leave, your $Mae.Relacao says,<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Don’t forget to help my friend move today. She’ll be waiting for you after school. I hope you saved some money.>>
<<narrador>>Without saying a word, you leave to get ready to go to school.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Go to school|Escola]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(9)>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<</button>>@@ <<widget "aulas">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:10 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 0>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:10 - 8:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 1>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:50 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 2>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:50 - 9:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 3>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:40 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 3>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:40 - 10:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 4>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:50 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 5>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:50 - 11:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 6>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:40 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 6>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:40 - 12:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 7>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 7>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 8>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:10 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 9>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:10 - 14:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 10>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:50 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 11>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:50 - 15:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 12>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:40 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 12>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:40 - 16:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 13>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:50 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 14>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:50 - 17:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 15>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:40 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 15>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:40 - 18:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 16>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 16>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 17>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<!-- 19:00 - 0:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 18>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 0:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $escolaAulas to 19>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $LexiM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "LXM7 - Prova de Matematica #1">>
<<if $LexiM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "LXM5 - Vai Ter Prova">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>All right, students do the exercises in the book on pages 166 to 170 and don't piss me off!<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Jorge.Nome>>Teacher $ProfMatematica.Nome I didn't understand the 2. You can explain it to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>I told you not to piss me off! When it comes to an explanation class, pay more attention so that you don't need to ask more questions!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What an asshole, this guy doesn't care about his students at least he doesn't piss me off either! I stay out of his way and he stays out of mine.<</ref>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>The math lesson was going on.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>So, some exponential equations cannot be reduced to an equal power...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>But literally nobody cares.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/baderna-escolar.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome and other boys are in a circle talking.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>...then I said to him: Whoever you think you are, I'm much better than you, and so he did...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>When you hear...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" Girl>>Dad, ahmmm, teacher! I didn't understand very well, can you explain it to me again.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Of course I explain my well.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is false>>
<<ref $Jogador>><<textbox "$Lexi.Nome" "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome autofocus>> is a lucky girl, the daughter of one of the most influential teachers in the school and "knowingly" never gets low grades in any subject, it's really lucky.<</ref>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Lexi.Nome is a lucky girl, the daughter of one of the most influential teachers in the school and "knowingly" never gets low grades in any subject, it's really lucky.<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-na-classe.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<narrador>>My math teacher is giving an oral test.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Hey $Amigo2.Nome, If I had twice as many pens as I have, I could give two to each of my three brothers and I would still have four pens left. How many pens do I have?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ahmmmmm 5 pens.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Correct!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome A safe needs a password with 4 different digits to be opened. On the numerical display are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. How many different passwords can be created without repetition of numbers?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have no idea ahmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>3024 passwords.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Correct!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, I didn't expect that.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome my child you must get it right!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Tell me, I'm ready.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>So there you go... What is the square root of 144?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She looks disappointed.<</ref>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>12.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>You got it right, my congratulations my daughter!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome leans toward you and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Amhmm it doesn't even seem like they have already combined that easy question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>To me it looks like she was disappointed, like, it looks like her father underestimated her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Underestimated I doubt, he is her father, he makes it too easy for her.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>What are you three talking about there?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>We just want to know when it's $Amigo.Nome's turn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Me???<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>You are right.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome if a train is leaving a town at 125 miles per hour while leaving the neighboring town another train is leaving at 95 miles per hour...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Amigo.Nome got screwed.<</ref>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Lexi is false>>
<<narrador>>The math lesson was going on.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>So, some exponential equations cannot be reduced to an equal power...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>But literally nobody cares.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/baderna-escolar.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome and other boys are in a circle talking.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>...then I said to him: Whoever you think you are, I'm much better than you, and so he did...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>When you hear...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" Girl>>Dad, ahmmm, teacher! I didn't understand very well, can you explain it to me again.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Of course I explain my well.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is false>>
<<ref $Jogador>><<textbox "$Lexi.Nome" "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome autofocus>> is a lucky girl, the daughter of one of the most influential teachers in the school and "knowingly" never gets low grades in any subject, it's really lucky.<</ref>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Lexi.Nome is a lucky girl, the daughter of one of the most influential teachers in the school and "knowingly" never gets low grades in any subject, it's really lucky.<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-na-classe.jpg"></center>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Quimica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Quimica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Thursday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de História]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $game.day is "Wednesday">>
<<if $PennyM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PYM4 - Você é só um garoto">>
<<if $game.day is "Wednesday">>
<<if $PennyM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PYM1 - Trabalho em Dupla">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Good morning, students, today we are going to learn about Material Properties, pay attention because you are going to take the exam, at the end of the class bring me the notebook to receive the visa!<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Aff, Chemistry is matter is one of the subjects I like least! at least at the end of the class we will receive a visa.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You simply copy a colleague's answers and take them to the teacher.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/escrevendo-no-caderno.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome looks at you with a disapproving look as if she knows what you've done, but she gives you a visa anyway.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You go back to your place and remain bored.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Good morning students today I want you to read the book on pages 237 to 244.<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>At least today's class is read-only I can think better of how to hypnotize the teachers.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>A few minutes pass, you'll still be distracted thinking of the best way to hypnotize the teachers so you can get over it more easily when suddenly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Why aren't you reading the $Jogador.Nome book?!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome said indignantly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry Teacher I was just...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Just focus on studying! I said this year I wouldn't go easy on you.<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Aff! Why!<</ref>>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof-sala-de-aula3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Good morning students today I want you to do the exercises on the blackboard in silence.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/lousa-exercicios-de-quimica.jpg" height="500" width="750"></center>
<<ref "Jogador">>Oh shit, look? How!? How did she write all this so fast? it even looks like she had all this written on the board!<</ref>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, call! I wanted to be like this with the teacher haha.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo/artes/arte1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Man, you're good at drawing ehm!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Lots of free time at school bro haha.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>What is this conversation with you two back there?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and your friend get scared and $Amigo.Nome hides the drawing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Nothing no teacher, I was just asking $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Clearing doubts with $Jogador.Nome then you can be kidding.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>she says while laughing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the fuck teacher!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Guys stop this side conversation and do the activities mainly you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two stop talking and go back to pretending you're studying.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Filosofia]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
<<if $detention.FicarDepois is 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<set $detention.FicarDepois -= 1>>
<<elseif $detention.FicarDepois is 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Exit|Escola]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Thursday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Matematica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "Aula de Filosofia (Sem Professor)">>
<<if $game.day is "Friday">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PFM3 - Festa de Despedida">>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PFM2 - Prova de Filosofia">>
<<if $game.day is "Friday">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PFM1 - Anuncio">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Let's discuss philosophy...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The class is silent for a few seconds.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $Jack.Nome>>What has philosophy?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Oh, yes... Any questions?<</fala>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Ahahah this teacher is a big shot, he's been at this school for so long that he's getting gaga.<</ref>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>So, yo, the bitch was like, "what?" And i was like "later one!"<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is false>>
<<fala "Penny" Girl>>But teacher, what does this have to do with Socratic Dialectics?<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But teacher, what does this have to do with Socratic Dialectics?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Oh I don't know, I didn't even remember that the lesson is about that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay but what happened next? Continues to tell about his first trip to Amsterdam.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>After 2 days of partying I had to go back home, totally broke, because the salary is:<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/e-o-salario-o.jpg"></center>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Sociologia]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>You go to the recess. $Valentao.Nome passes by you but does nothing.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The signal for half-time rang, the moment you stand up, $Valentao.Nome passes and slaps you on the head.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/valentao/gifs/tapa-na-cabeca.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You think about fighting back but decide not to sacrifice your life for no reason.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>The bell rang for the break, you see $Paixao.Nome dropped her school supplies.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'd better not go and help her, I promised my friends that I would avoid being just one more of her sycophants.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You think about fighting back but decide not to sacrifice your life for no reason.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" Peter>>Excuse me, young lady, I can help you.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Of course Peter thank you very much!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don't help but there are always some cattle that do.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>The bell rang for the break, you see $Paixao.Nome dropped her school supplies and decided to help.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Amham... Need help?<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Yes, please take my pens and put them in the case, and my notebooks under my wallet.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course dear.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take each of her things and put them in their proper place, it takes longer than you expected.<</narrador>>
<<ref "Jogador">>I've never seen anyone with that much pen in my life.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Very well I already...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see she walked away and left you handling things alone. This girl really knows how to manipulate a man.<</narrador>>
<<case 3>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Let's go to recess $Jogador.Nome, stop fooling around!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Easy brother, it looks like you are going to take the train.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And that I am very hungry, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Understanding yes of course!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Recess|Refeitorio]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.day is "Wednesday" or $game.day is "Thursday">>
<<goto "PLM2 - Pede para ela parar">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Good morning, students today, let's talk about the Animal Farm book.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god, this is for sure the most boring class in the school that makes you want to sleep.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>A true modern classic, conceived by one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, The Animal Revolution is a fable about power. It narrates the insurrection of farm animals against their owners. Progressively, however, the revolution degenerated into a tyranny even more oppressive than that of humans.
Written in the midst of World War II and published in 1945 after being rejected by several publishers, this short narrative caused discomfort by fiercely satirizing the Stalinist dictatorship at a time when the Soviets were still allies of the West in the struggle against the Nazi-fascist axis. In fact, the references are clear: the despotic Napoleon would be Stalin, the banished Snowball would be Trotsky, and the political events - purges, institution of a police state, tendentious distortion of history - mimic those that were underway in the Union Soviet. As the Cold War intensified, the same reasons that caused embarrassment at the time of its publication led The Animal Revolution to be widely used by the West in the following decades as an ideological weapon against communism. Orwell himself, a supporter of socialism and an enemy of any form of political manipulation, felt uncomfortable with...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look around and see half the class totally bored and the other half asleep.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/dormindo-na-aula1.gif"></center>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>Literature lesson was on.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>… “Lord of the Flies” explores the dark side of humanity, a savagery that sustains even the most civilized human beings. The book is a tragic parody of children's adventure tales, illustrating the evil nature of humanity. It presents the reader with a chronology of the events that led a group of hopeful boys to disaster. The way they survive, their uncivilized environment, unsupervised by anyone, sets the tone for the book. The book has no philosophical and poetic flourishes, nor long descriptions. It is an allegory, which means that the characters and objects in the novel are conveyed through the central ideas of the book. By portraying the various ways, the way boys live on this island, in this new environment and interact with this new freedom, Golding explores the ghosts, the illusory apparitions, that is, the vast spectrum by which human beings drive stress as changes and tensions. Let's go to the story of the book, but with that commitment not to deliver everything to the reader of this space. In the midst of a nuclear war, a group of boys survived a plane crash on a completely uninhabited island. The plane crashed and was dragged out to sea, leaving the boys stranded on an unknown island. Because of the devastation of the atomic bomb, it is likely that no one knows the whereabouts of these children …<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/dormindo-na-aula2.gif"></center>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de História]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(10)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Tuesday">>
<<if $detention.FicarDepois is 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<set $detention.FicarDepois -= 1>>
<<elseif $detention.FicarDepois is 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Exit|Escola]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Geografia]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Thursday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Ed.Fisica Quadra]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfHistoria.status is "Teacher and Friend">>
<<goto "PHM7 - Vai Ter Prova de História">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Good morning students today let's talk about World War I. Write down everything I write on the board and write down everything I say is super important.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see students taking their notebooks to take notes so you decide to take them too to avoid problems.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You were listening to the teacher's explanation in silence, you even start to be interested in the teacher's explanation, but then your friend $Amigo.Nome, looking at you, says something more interesting.<</narrador>>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is false>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome I think <<textbox "$Penny.Nome" "Penny" $Penny.Nome autofocus>> is into you.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome I think $Penny.Nome is into you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you mean guy? The most nerd girl in school? She usually doesn't like anyone, or likes the popular guy who doesn't care about her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Man I don't know if these theories are correct but she's looking at you now.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>As soon as you look at her the moment you look and you're embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Ask her out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe it's that...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome interrupts the explanation and looks at the two of you and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I see that students $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo.Nome already understand the subject very well, I'll let them explain it to everyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry teacher, we'll be quiet.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>This time it passes but next time they will both explain the lesson to everyone in the room.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look to the side and see $Penny.Nome giggling shyly.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is false>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Good morning students today let's talk about World War I. Write down everything I write on the board and write down everything I say is super important.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see students taking their notebooks to take notes so you decide to take them too to avoid problems.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You were listening to the teacher's explanation in silence, you even start to be interested in the teacher's explanation, but then your friend $Amigo.Nome, looking at you, says something more interesting.<</narrador>>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome I think $Penny.Nome is into you.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Penny is false>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome I think <<textbox "$Penny.Nome" "Penny" $Penny.Nome autofocus>> is into you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you mean guy? The most nerd girl in school? She usually doesn't like anyone, or likes the popular guy who doesn't care about her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Man I don't know if these theories are correct but she's looking at you now.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>As soon as you look at her the moment you look and you're embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Ask her out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe it's that...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome interrupts the explanation and looks at the two of you and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I see that students $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo.Nome already understand the subject very well, I'll let them explain it to everyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry teacher, we'll be quiet.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>This time it passes but next time they will both explain the lesson to everyone in the room.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look to the side and see $Penny.Nome giggling shyly.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Good morning, students today, let's talk about the French Revolution, get your notebook to write down the important points.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>The French Revolution was a direct result of the crisis France was experiencing at the end of the 18th century. Popular dissatisfaction (with the economic and political crisis that the country was experiencing) allied with the interests of the bourgeoisie in implementing the ideas of the Enlightenment in the country as a way to combat the privileges of the French aristocracy. At the end of the 18th century, France was an absolutist monarchy in which the king was Louis XVI. Louis XVI's power, as in any absolutist regime, was full, and French society was divided into very well-defined social groups. The social composition of France was as follows: First State: clergy; Second Estate: nobility; Third Estate: rest of the population. This social division in France had a clear social inequality, since the First and Second States had privileges that did not extend to the Third Estate. The highlight goes to the tax exemptions that both classes had and to the right of some nobles to be able to collect taxes from the peasants who worked on their lands.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class is silent, concentrating on the explanation.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You try to stay awake but some subjects are particularly boring.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/voce-quase-dormindo.gif"></center>
<<case 3>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Good morning, folks today's lesson is about the Russian Revolution.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Thanks to the book club that the teacher and I did, I am getting better at this.<</ref>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your friend $Amigo2.Nome leans toward you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome my aunt told me that you are going to the teacher's house quite often, what do you do there?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn it! What now?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ahm... go there at my mother's request, because they know each other and... they both like to exchange cooking recipes.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My God I am terrible at making excuses.<</ref>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Oh, that's okay then, I just thought it was a little strange.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's it and...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Please pay attention in class, because this subject is very important.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, I'm sorry.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The lesson goes on normally from then on.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Good morning, folks today's lesson is about the Russian Revolution.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh God, this topic again.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>In 1917, two revolutions swept through Russia, ending centuries of imperial rule and setting into motion political and social changes that would lead to the formation of the Soviet Union. While the two revolutionary events took place within a few short months, social unrest in Russia had been simmering for decades. In the early 1900s, Russia was one of the most impoverished countries in Europe with an enormous peasantry and a growing...<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/voce-quase-dormindo.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You find the subject matter kind of boring, you almost fall asleep in class.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Geografia]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Thursday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
<<if $detention.FicarDepois is 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<set $detention.FicarDepois -= 1>>
<<elseif $detention.FicarDepois is 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Exit|Escola]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/prof-geo-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>...so if you losers don't understand the concept of old and new world order, the world will never change, and you will continue to be the shit that you are...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh shit, he's not for a second of talking.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>Now get the notebooks, because I'm going to dictate the text for you.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'd better write it down because he gets nervous and sends it to the director.<</ref>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>The geography class and rolling.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/prof-geo-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>What is the island you? Madagascar, Indonesia, Barbados, Bermuda or Libya?<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is false>>
<<fala "Penny" Girl>>Libya.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Libya.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>Correct!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome, besides Turkey, which other country is present on two continents?.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I know there, Scotland?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>Wrong! Dumb!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome pay attention: It is a country in Europe; In the past, it invaded Brazil; Land of flowers and windmills; It took Brazil away in the last Cup; In the Cup final, he lost to Spain; Its language is Dutch; Which country is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're kidding me! Of course it's Italy, ahahaha.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>Wrong! Maybe you should stop looking at memes on the internet and then you would know that all the issues raised in class are serious!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a son of a bitch! What a fucking break-in!<</ref>>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
<<if $detention.FicarDepois is 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<set $detention.FicarDepois -= 1>>
<<elseif $detention.FicarDepois is 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Exit|Escola]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Fisica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Filosofia]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-socio-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Good morning, guys, today let's study the concept of society.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Amm, guys, I don't know exactly how the rhythm works at this school, so help me it's a lesson for each subject and...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This teacher is new, giving at school as well as teaching itself, she said on the first day that it was her first time teaching.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>So students, then pick up the handout and answer the small questionnaire about society.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your friend $Amigo.Nome leans over and says something to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, you're giving me a little pity for this teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Because she started teaching so recently that almost all the students are taking advantage of her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Last week I said that in this school, they don't give tests or work or homework.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And she believed?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>He even believed the deputy principal to deny everything. But that took 4 days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Seriously, last week I told her my dog ate my homework and she believed me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, it's better not to keep trying to fool her, because one day she'll call and get mad at everyone who did this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Truth! We'd better stay cool for now.<</fala>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-socio-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Good morning, guys, today let's study the Contemporary Society.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Boring!<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You bored with class start watching your class and hear some boys talk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $Ronny.Nome>>...so she said she wanted to go out with me, and asked me to meet her after class, and that's what I did.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Harry.Nome>>Okay, but what happened after?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Ronny.Nome>>When she saw me, she didn't even say anything, she dragged me by the hand and took me to the ladies' room, there she gave me a blowjob.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Harry.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Ronny.Nome>>That's right, and tonight we'll meet again, it's today, my friend. It's today that I have sex with $Paixao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Hearing your loved one's name, you retreat into sadness again, thinking, why $Paixao.Nome doesn't care about you, yet still leaves with half the school.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>He just leans over his desk, he just needs a little peace.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.day is "Tuesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Ed.Fisica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Good morning, students today, the class will be in the classroom, so get the handout.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The room is outraged!<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Or, or, or, guys, come on, you know which court is only on Thursday, so take the handout and turn to page 28, we're going to talk about the importance of healthy eating and constant exercise.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Physical Education class is usually pretty easy even when we don't go on court, so it's no sacrifice to answer these questions.<</ref>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Speak dude.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>The boys and I were talking, don't you think the physical education teacher is very hot?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I find it strange that you only noticed it now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Come to think of it, most teachers at school are strangely too hot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, there must be a reason, without the final accounts.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You make small talk and do simple Physical Education activities until the end of the class.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Good morning, students today, the class will be in the classroom so take the booklet and open it to page 31.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look to the side and hear $Paixao.Nome saying to her friends, some things that don't make you very happy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>It's true friends, I caught him and his friend was very easy.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is false>>
<<fala "Debora" Girl>>But they have girlfriends, like you did to get them out of the way.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>But they have girlfriends, like you did to get them out of the way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Ah, with sensuality you get everything.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is false>>
<<fala "Mia" Girl>>Okay but what was $Valentao.Nome like in bed?<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Okay but what was $Valentao.Nome like in bed?<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Ah he was a stud, strong manly, he commanded everything, he took me from behind, kissed my back and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>It hurts in your heart to see that the girl you like is hooking up with your enemy ark.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You are silent for the rest of the class, you just don't want to talk to anyone.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.day is "Tuesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Arte]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-bio-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Good morning students today, let's talk about the male reproductive system, how I like this topic.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This is for sure the naughty teacher in school, no matter the subject of the class she tries to talk a little about sex, especially now that she will spend 50 minutes talking about cocks.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Open the book on page 69 that's it.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-bio-sala-de-aula3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You open page 69 of the book.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/sistema-reprodutor-masculino.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Watch closely girls note that the penis is not stimulated and ready to penetrate the vagina so I'm going to show you here a picture of a penis stimulated and ready for action.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes the picture and shows it to the girls in the room and then shows it to the boys.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-bio-foto-celular-penis.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>As you see this is a great specimen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $Amigo.Nome turns to you and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I wanted to shove my big specimen into her pussy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Who don't want, right... Hahaha.<</fala>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-bio-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Good morning students, today let's talk about the female reproductive system this class the boys will like.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your friend $Amigo.Nome leans close to you and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You don't know how long I've been waiting for this class.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Take the book and turn to page 101, hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You open page 101 of the book.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/sistema-reprodutor-feminino1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/sistema-reprodutor-feminino2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>As you can see there aren't any real pictures of a vagina in the book, so I'm going to have to show you one here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Will you show your pussy here for everyone to see?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Ahm no, I did this with the class last year and the principal said it was "inappropriate" but she didn't say anything about showing a photo.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She pulls out her cell phone and shows a picture of herself to all the boys and then the girls.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-bio-foto-celular-vagina.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She begins to explain the function, and parts of the female pelvic region.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome leans over and tells you:<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Finally a good lesson at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Finally, right bro.<</fala>>
<<if $game.day is "Tuesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Fisica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(10)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Thursday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Literatura]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(10)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Fisica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(10)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PFSM6 - Sumiu!!!">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PFSM3 - Ausência">>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM6 - Os Professores da Escola">>
<<if $JogadorM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM5 - Proposta Decente">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Good morning, students today, let's learn about electromagnetism, pay attention because it's a complicated subject that will fall on the test, if you exclude a doubt, don't be ashamed to raise your hand and say what you don't understand, so I'll come back and explain it again. Okay?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome begins to explain the lesson.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome leans over and says something to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Then $Jogador.Nome, just pay attention to the question I'm going to ask the teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Ahm Teacher, I have a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>So do it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>If Professor Xavier doesn't enter the magnet's mind because of the metal, how does he enter the mind of the Wolverine who has adamantium blood.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Well, the fact that Doctor Xavier can't read Magneto's mind and can read Wolverine's is because what protects the mind from the magnet is not the metal itself, but the technology used in the helmet combined with the magnetic field it uses. designs. Simply having the adamantium skull doesn't protect Wolverine from Doctor Xavier's mind reading, as he can't create a magnetic field and utilize the properties of adamantium the same way I fucked the ass of someone reading it...huehuehue.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You didn't expect this one. Ahah.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Good morning students today, let's learn a little about astrophysics.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Then $Jogador.Nome, just pay attention to the question I'm going to ask the teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>So do it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Who would win this fight? The Sun or 1 trillion buckets of water.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Well... no matter how many buckets The sun doesn't go out. Because actually he's not on fire, what happens is a constant nuclear reaction, due to the immense friction between my balls and his mother's ass, that intergalactic slut. hahahaha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class bursts out laughing.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/rindo-na-aula1.gif"></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Why so much ignorance. Hahaha.<</fala>>
<<if $game.day is "Tuesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Literatura]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de História]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $ProfArteM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PAM2 - A tal prova de expressionismo">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Good morning, students today, let's observe the surrealism of Salvador Dalí's works and then answer the questionnaires in the handout.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This is the kind of subject I really don't understand why we have to study.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>But relax, I'll help you all with the quiz.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>At least teacher $ProfArte.Nome is nice.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You start to answer the questionnaire relatively easily with the help of teacher $ProfArte.Nome on the blackboard until...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>I have to ask you a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Okay, what old people use to help walk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The crutch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Take a punch!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/valentao/gifs/soco-na-cara1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>After that punch, in a mixture of pain and hate, you turn to fight back but teacher $ProfArte.Nome interrupts.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome doesn't need to move! Ronald, come with me to the principal' room now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Or what?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>You know what will happen!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Okay, okay, I'm going, and I don't need you to go there with me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome stares at you as he leaves the room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Is everything alright $Jogador.Nome? Do you want me to or bring ice or something?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You don't need a teacher. $Valentao.Nome is not that strong.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say that, playing tough.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, haha, now keep doing the activity.<</fala>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Good morning, students today, let's observe the surrealism of Salvador Dalí's works and then answer the questionnaires in the handout.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This is the kind of subject I really don't understand why we have to study.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>But relax, I'll help you all with the quiz.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>At least teacher $ProfArte.Nome is nice.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You try unpretentiously answer the questionnaire, but enchants yourself by the arts of surrealism.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/Art/art1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/Art/art2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/Art/art3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Good morning students today, the class will be more relaxed, I want you to draw a picture that demonstrates life, not your life, but what "life" means to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Virtually no one understood.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Teacher, I didn't understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yeah I know it sounds a bit complicated, but that's right I want to see your creativity when representing life, and after you finish bring it to me and I'll give it a score from 1 to 10.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Well, represent "the life"? I have no idea what I could do.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Maybe draw a lake, and some houses around it, because without water there would be no life, at least not on earth.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah, I think that's a good idea.<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/desenho-arte1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You start drawing, and until your drawing is getting pretty, but then $Amigo.Nome leans over to tell you something.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Then $Jogador.Nome just look at the drawing I made.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>It shows a pornographic cartoon.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo/artes/arte2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is this man, what does this have to do with the theme?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What? A man and a woman in the process of creating a new life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but I doubt you're going to give this to a teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Are you challenging me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Check it out.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And there he goes. This guy doesn't hit the head very well.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome comes face to face with teacher $ProfArte.Nome, trembling with anxiety.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Ahmm, teacher I already finished the drawing.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome looks at him suspiciously, takes the drawing...<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sala-de-aula3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>...and take a good look at it.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo/artes/arte2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome, can you explain your "work"?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Well, this is my representation of life, a man and a woman creating a new life.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She looks him in the eye, and trying to hold back her laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>You are very cocky. But at least it's creative.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He gives a shy little laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I give it an 7 for your daring.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome returns to the table with a big smile on his face.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So man what did she say?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You ask.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>She gave me 7.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>She said it was because of my daring, but I could see in her eyes that she liked it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah, hahahaha.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>See if you can. Maybe I should learn a little more from $Amigo.Nome, maybe boldness is the key to victory.<</ref>>
<<if $game.day is "Tuesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Matematica]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(10)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $game.day is "Thursday">>
<<if $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "SCM1 - Vitamina Emagrecedora">>
<<if $game.day is "Thursday">>
<<if $JillM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JLLM4 - Convidando">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Today the class is on the court, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The class is excited.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The boys decide to play basketball, and the girls just fiddle with their cell phones.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/basquete-escola.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>And since you and $Amigo.Nome aren't good at sports you decide to just keep talking.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>... but man I already told you, this movie is a shit, it doesn't make any sense.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, it's expensive, as if picking up women were so easy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yeah man! Where ...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are interrupted by $Valentao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hey will the godmothers can stop talking and come you to complete the time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We're not, we're good at sports.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Oh the asshole, I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Valentao.Nome pointing to $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Ahm $Valentao.Nome, I don't...<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Oh dude it's better to obey if you don't want to be shaken ehm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Valentao.Nome dragging $Amigo.Nome with one arm.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>With nothing else to make you decide to stay until the end of class fiddling with your cell phone.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/jogo-de-celular1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 2>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Today the class is on the court, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The class is excited.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The boys decide to play basketball, and the girls just fiddle with their cell phones.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/basquete-escola.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>And since you and $Amigo.Nome aren't good at sports you decide to just keep talking.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>...no, but that was slutty, how dare she do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Calm down man, your mom didn't forbid you from watching porn, she just said you need to take a break because you're exaggerating.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Dude you know I always give a 2 hour timeout before...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are interrupted by $Valentao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hey sissies, there's one missing to complete the team, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome was about to get up to go play, but $Valentao.Nome interrupts.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>You were terrible last time. $Jogador.Nome goes there and shows you that you're not as much of a sucker as you seem.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm as bad as he is.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say limitation to $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Did I ask you something? Go ahead and at least pretend you know how to play.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go without much choice.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You try to do your best, but your best is not enough.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/vc-basquete-escola-fail.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>The game is over and your team lost.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Then sucker you made us lose the game.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/valentao/gifs/tapa-na-cabeca.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why is he mad, I said I didn't know how to play.<</ref>>
<<JogadorAptidaoEsportiva 1>>
<<if $game.day is "Thursday">>
<<if $detention.FicarDepois is 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<set $detention.FicarDepois -= 1>>
<<elseif $detention.FicarDepois is 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Exit|Escola]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<if $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "JM11 - A Estudante Exitada">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<if $PaixaoM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PXM3 - Destronando a Abelha Rainha parte I">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<if $PaixaoM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PXM2 - Meninas Malvadas">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<if $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "A2M2 - O Manual de Sexo">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Guys, I can't take it anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>My girlfriend doesn't want to have sex with me!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And have you ever dated the guy? 2 years, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>3, turned 3 last week.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But at least she says why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>She said her father "forced" her to take a vow of chastity at age 13.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Wait a minute, but didn't you say she sucked the cock of half the regional basketball players?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>She said she was drunk and that's why she doesn't count.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But that doesn't make sense! The vow of chastity was broken just the same, no matter if she was drunk or not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Finally la hipocresía, right. But that's it, I think it's just an excuse and she doesn't really like me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Mano, seriously, I was done with her, in her place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Which, it's true, especially nowadays that the easiest thing in the world is to have sex.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>So why are you still a virgin?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Because of such a mitigating circumstance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I'm a one-woman man and I still haven't found my soulmate to stand with her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah, up to me with that hahahhaha.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Haahahhah.<</fala>>
<<case 2>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You are sitting with your friends in the cafeteria talking about random subjects.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...I'm talking 2008 Hulk dude beat up Thanos, that soy Hulk from Avengers Ultimatum wouldn't stand a chance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Man You're traveling, no movie version of the Hulk would stand a chance against Thanos.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No man, the Hulk is Marvel's strongest being in terms of physical strength and...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Look there guys...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and your friends look to the side, and see what's happening.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/refeitorio/gifs/briga1.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You and your friends are thrilled, excited about the quality entertainment happening at school, that's great.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What's going on here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The fight stops instantly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Come with me now! I'll take them to the deputy director!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Gaston.Nome takes everyone involved by the hair to the deputy director.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, it didn't have to come, $Gaston.Nome, to end the fun!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>This guy is a killjoy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So it is.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoRefeitorio>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You decide to sit alone today, just to relax.<</narrador>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You decide to sit alone today, and you are soon lost in thought.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now, with these new powers I need to think about how to use them to pass the year more easily, how am I going to hypnotize each of the teachers at this school?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You're there concentrating on a plan, but then suddenly...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hey sucker!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/valentao/gifs/tapa-na-cabeca.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome already arrives sending a slap on the head.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Why aren't you with those losers of your friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's none of your business, but I just need to be alone to think about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Think about it, I know... I saw how you look at $Paixao.Nome, I know you like her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know what you're talking about!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Dude! What it is? Even a blind man sees that you like her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>But, dude! relax, I've had sex with her several times, I'll teach you how to do it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Look, I'll help you, step 1. Don't be you. Step 2<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>... <</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>There is no step 2. HAHAHAHHAHAH.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you've done your grace now leave me alone!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>No, man. Now it's serious, now it's serious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>But I already meant it, man, it's not good! $Paixao.Nome doesn't like guys like you, you know, you're skinny, small, you have a ridiculous haircut, you look like a virgin, full of pimples, accept it, she's not for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>By the way, no girl is for you, I think you would get along much better as a homosexual, maybe that's better for you than chasing girls who will never mind you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>I hope you enjoyed my advice, because I have to go, I'm going to have $Paixao.Nome give me a blowjob, just to relieve the stress.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Until next time $Jogador.Nome, remember what I told you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome leaves, you feel bubbling inside.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hate this guy, I can hypnotize the teachers, but I'm also going to make this guy pay me, I'm going to get revenge for all those years of humiliation he put me through.<</ref>>
<<case 2>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You decide to sit alone today, and soon you are lost in thought.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After a while you notice something strange happening down the hall with the Physics teacher and a Sociology teacher.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see the two entering the 2A that is empty at break time.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hmmm, what are they going to do there? Would it be nice to go check it out?<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia >= 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go take a look|Espiando-a-professora-de-sociologia-e-o-professor-de-filosofia]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Melhor não]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Melhor não]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
Not yet implemented
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoRefeitorio>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I better not go, if they catch me they'll probably punish me so you better let it go.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@/* Jogador */
<<set $Jogador = {
Fitness: 10,
Intelgencia: 10,
Ousadia: 0,
Moralidade: 100,
Ex_Sexual: 0,
Dinheiro: 250,
status: 0,
aptidaoEsportiva: 0,
conhecimentoLiterario: 0,
popularidade: 0,
roupaSuperior: "Car T-Shirt",
roupaInferior: "Children's Shorts",
sapato: "Old Tennis",
anel: undefined,
alianca: undefined,
colar: undefined,
pulseira: undefined,
haircut: undefined,
/*========================== Mulheres =========================== */
/* Mae */
<<set $Mae = {
Amizade: 10,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_Sex: false,
/* Irma Mais Velha */
<<set $IrmaV = {
Amizade: 10,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Irma Mais Nova */
<<set $IrmaN = {
Amizade: 10,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 75,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Garota que você gosta */
<<set $Paixao = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 65,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Filha do professor de matematica */
<<set $Lexi = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 80,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* CDF da escola que gosta do protagonista */
<<set $Penny = {
Amizade: 10,
Paixao: 50,
Moralidade: 80,
Desejo: 50,
has_sex: false,
/* Melhor amiga da $Paixao */
<<set $Debora = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 70,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Amiga da $Paixao */
<<set $Mia = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 60,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* A vadia da escola */
<<set $RoxyRaye = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 50,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Professora de Quimica */
<<set $ProfQuimica = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Professora de Linguas */
<<set $ProfLiteratura = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Professora de História */
<<set $ProfHistoria = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 95,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Professora de Biologia */
<<set $ProfBiologia = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 50,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Professora de Sociologia */
<<set $ProfSociologia = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Professora de Educação-Física */
<<set $ProfEdFisica = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 83,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Professora de Arte */
<<set $ProfArte = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Senhorita Tavella */
<<set $MissTravella = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 85,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Mãe do Melhor Amigo */
<<set $SrtaCooper = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 95,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Atendente do Instituto de Massagem */
<<set $AtendenteIM = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 78,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Lesbica do Banheiro */
<<set $Manu = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 80,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Massagista Teen */
<<set $MassagistaTeen = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 70,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Namorada do seu melhor amigo */
<<set $CarmenCa = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 50,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Sua Primeira Namorada */
<<set $LenaPaul = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 85,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Mãe da Amanda (Angela White) */
<<set $Angie = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Irmã Mais Nova da Amanda (Gabbie Carter) */
<<set $Gabbie = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 88,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Namorada Amigo2 */
<<set $Shyla = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 95,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Vizinha da Esquerda (Melanie Hicks) */
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 70,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Bartender (Danielle Maye) */
<<set $BartDani = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 80,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Bartender (Kagney Linn Karter) */
<<set $BartKagney = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 78,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Ex-Melhor Amiga da IrmaV Kendall Kayden */
<<set $Kendall = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 72,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Irma da Ex-Melhor Amiga da IrmaV Kayla Kayden */
<<set $Kayla = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 75,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Esposa da Professora de Educação-Física (Aaliyah Love) */
<<set $Aaliyah = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Filha da Professora de Educação-Física (Samantha Rone) */
<<set $Samantha = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 77,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/* Nova "Professora" de Fisica */
<<set $NewProfFisica = {
Amizade: 0,
Paixao: 0,
Moralidade: 85,
Desejo: 0,
has_sex: false,
/*============================== Homens =============================*/
/*====================== Loen Freas (Pai da Penny) ==================*/
<<set $LoenFreas = {
Amizade: 0,
Inimizade: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
/*============================= Homens ==============================*/
/* Seu melhor amigo */
<<set $Amigo = {
Amizade: 100,
Moralidade: 50,
/* Seu segundo melhor amigo */
<<set $Amigo2 = {
Amizade: 100,
Moralidade: 50,
/* Valentão da escola */
<<set $Valentao = {
Amizade: 0,
Moralidade: 70,
/* Professor de Matematica */
<<set $ProfMatematica = {
Amizade: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
/* Professor de Geografia */
<<set $ProfGeografia = {
Amizade: 0,
Inimizade: 0,
Moralidade: 70,
/* Professor de Física */
<<set $ProfFisica = {
Amizade: 0,
Moralidade: 90,
/* Professor de Filosofia */
<<set $ProfFilosofia = {
Amizade: 0,
Moralidade: 60,
/* Vicê Diretor Lamar */
<<set $ViceDiretor = {
Amizade: 0,
Inimizade: 0,
Moralidade: 80,
/* Bartender Homem */
<<set $BartenderH = {
Amizade: 0,
Moralidade: 88,
};>>/* Limitação dos Estatus dos personagens */
/* Jogador */
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 100>>
<<set $Jogador.Fitness to 100>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Fitness to 0>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia gte 100>>
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia to 100>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia to 0>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia gte 100>>
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia to 100>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia to 0>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade to 0>>
<<if $Jogador.Ex_Sexual gte 100>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual to 100>>
<<if $Jogador.Ex_Sexual lt 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual to 0>>
<<if $horny gte 100>>
<<set $horny to 100>>
<<if $horny lt 0>>
<<set $horny to 0>>
/*========================== Mulheres =========================== */
/* Mae */
<<if $Mae.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Mae.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Mae.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Mae.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Mae.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Mae.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Mae.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Mae.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Mae.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Mae.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Mae.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Mae.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Mae.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Mae.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Mae.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Mae.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Irma Mais Velha */
<<if $IrmaV.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $IrmaV.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $IrmaV.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $IrmaV.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $IrmaV.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $IrmaV.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $IrmaV.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $IrmaV.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Irma Mais Nova */
<<if $IrmaN.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $IrmaN.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $IrmaN.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $IrmaN.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $IrmaN.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $IrmaN.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $IrmaN.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $IrmaN.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Garota que você gosta */
<<if $Paixao.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Paixao.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Paixao.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Paixao.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Paixao.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Paixao.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Paixao.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Paixao.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Paixao.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Paixao.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Paixao.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Paixao.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Paixao.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Paixao.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Filha do professor de matematica */
<<if $Lexi.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Lexi.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Lexi.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Lexi.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Lexi.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Lexi.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Lexi.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Lexi.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Lexi.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Lexi.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Lexi.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Lexi.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Lexi.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Lexi.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Nerd da escola que gosta do protagonista */
<<if $Penny.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Penny.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Penny.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Penny.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Penny.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Penny.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Penny.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Penny.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Penny.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Penny.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Penny.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Penny.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Penny.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Melhor amiga da $Paixao */
<<if $Debora.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Debora.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Debora.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Debora.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Debora.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Debora.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Debora.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Debora.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Debora.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Debora.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Debora.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Debora.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Debora.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Debora.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Debora.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Debora.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Segunda Amiga da $Paixao */
<<if $Mia.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Mia.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Mia.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Mia.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Mia.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Mia.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Mia.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Mia.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Mia.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Mia.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Mia.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Mia.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Mia.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Mia.Moralidade to 0>>
/* A Vadia da Escola */
<<if $RoxyRaye.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professora de Quimica */
<<if $ProfQuimica.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professora de Linguas */
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professora de História */
<<if $ProfHistoria.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professora de Biologia */
<<if $ProfBiologia.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professora de Sociologia */
<<if $ProfSociologia.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professora de Educação-Física */
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professora de Arte */
<<if $ProfArte.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfArte.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfArte.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $ProfArte.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $ProfArte.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $ProfArte.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $ProfArte.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfArte.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Senhorita Tavella */
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $MissTravella.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $MissTravella.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $MissTravella.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $MissTravella.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $MissTravella.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $MissTravella.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Mãe do Melhor Amigo */
<<if $SrtaCooper.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Atendente do Instituto de Massagem */
<<if $AtendenteIM.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $AtendenteIM.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $AtendenteIM.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $AtendenteIM.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $AtendenteIM.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $AtendenteIM.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $AtendenteIM.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $AtendenteIM.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Massagista Teen */
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Namorada do seu melhor amigo */
<<if $CarmenCa.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $CarmenCa.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $CarmenCa.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $CarmenCa.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $CarmenCa.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $CarmenCa.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $CarmenCa.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $CarmenCa.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Sua Primeira Namorada */
<<if $LenaPaul.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade to 0>>
/* A lesbia do banheiro masculino */
<<if $Manu.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Manu.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Manu.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Manu.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Manu.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Manu.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Manu.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Manu.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Manu.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Manu.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Manu.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Manu.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Manu.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Manu.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Manu.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Manu.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Namorada Amigo2 */
<<if $Shyla.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Shyla.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Shyla.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Shyla.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Shyla.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Shyla.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Shyla.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Shyla.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Shyla.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Shyla.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Shyla.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Shyla.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Shyla.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Shyla.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Bartender (Danielle Maye) */
<<if $BartDani.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $BartDani.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $BartDani.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $BartDani.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $BartDani.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $BartDani.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $BartDani.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $BartDani.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $BartDani.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $BartDani.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $BartDani.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $BartDani.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $BartDani.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $BartDani.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Bartender (Kagney Linn Karter) */
<<if $BartKagney.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $BartKagney.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $BartKagney.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $BartKagney.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $BartKagney.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $BartKagney.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $BartKagney.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $BartKagney.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Vizinha da casa á Esquerda (Melanie Hicks) */
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Ex-Melhor Amiga da IrmaV Kendall Kayden */
<<if $Kendall.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Kendall.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Kendall.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Kendall.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Kendall.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Kendall.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Kendall.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Kendall.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Kendall.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Kendall.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Kendall.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Kendall.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Kendall.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Kendall.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Irma da Ex-Melhor Amiga da IrmaV Kayla Kayden */
<<if $Kayla.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Kayla.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Kayla.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Kayla.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Kayla.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Kayla.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Kayla.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Kayla.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Kayla.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Kayla.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Kayla.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Kayla.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Kayla.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Kayla.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Esposa da Professora de Educação Fisica (Aaliyah Love) */
<<if $Aaliyah.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Aaliyah.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Esposa da Professora de Educação Fisica (Aaliyah Love) */
<<if $Samantha.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Samantha.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Samantha.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Samantha.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Samantha.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $Samantha.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $Samantha.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $Samantha.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $Samantha.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $Samantha.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $Samantha.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $Samantha.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $Samantha.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Samantha.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Nova "Professora" de Fisica (Diamond Jackson) */
<<if $NewProfFisica.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.Paixao gte 100>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Paixao to 100>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.Paixao lt 0>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Paixao to 0>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.Desejo gte 100>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Desejo to 100>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.Desejo lt 0>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Desejo to 0>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Moralidade to 0>>
/*============================= Homens ==============================*/
/* Seu melhor amigo */
<<if $Amigo.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Amigo.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Amigo.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Amigo.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Amigo.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Amigo.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Seu segundo melhor amigo */
<<if $Amigo2.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Amigo2.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Amigo2.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Amigo2.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Valentão da escola */
<<if $Valentao.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $Valentao.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $Valentao.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $Valentao.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $Valentao.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $Valentao.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professor de Matematica */
<<if $ProfMatematica.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfMatematica.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfMatematica.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfMatematica.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professor de Geografia */
<<if $ProfGeografia.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfGeografia.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfGeografia.Inimizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfGeografia.Inimizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfGeografia.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfGeografia.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professor de Física */
<<if $ProfFisica.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfFisica.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfFisica.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfFisica.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Professor de Filosofia */
<<if $ProfFilosofia.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ProfFilosofia.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Vice diretor Lamar */
<<if $ViceDiretor.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $ViceDiretor.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $ViceDiretor.Inimizade gte 100>>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade to 100>>
<<if $ViceDiretor.Inimizade lt 0>>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade to 0>>
<<if $ViceDiretor.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $ViceDiretor.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Vice Prefeito Loen */
<<if $LoenFreas.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $LoenFreas.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $LoenFreas.Inimizade gte 100>>
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade to 100>>
<<if $LoenFreas.Inimizade lt 0>>
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade to 0>>
<<if $LoenFreas.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $LoenFreas.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade to 0>>
/* Bartender Homem */
<<if $BartenderH.Amizade gte 100>>
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade to 100>>
<<if $BartenderH.Amizade lt 0>>
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade to 0>>
<<if $BartenderH.Moralidade gte 100>>
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade to 100>>
<<if $BartenderH.Moralidade lt 0>>
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade to 0>>
/*============================= Fundos ==============================*/
<<removeclass "body">>
<<if $fundo>>
<<addclass "body" $fundo>>
/*======================= Limitações Bebidas ========================*/
<<if $BebidaNivel gte 5000>>
<<set $BebidaNivel to 5000>>
Class Time 3B
<b>07:10 - 08:00</b> : Mathematics
<b>08:00 - 08:50</b> : Chemistry
<b>08:50 - 09:40</b> : Philosophy
<b>09:40 - 10:00</b> : Recess
<b>10:00 - 10:50</b> : Literature
<b>10:50 - 11:40</b> : History
<b>11:40 - 12:30</b> : Geography
<b>07:10 - 08:00</b> : Sociology
<b>08:00 - 08:50</b> : Physical Education
<b>08:50 - 09:40</b> : Art
<b>09:40 - 10:00</b> : Recess
<b>10:00 - 10:50</b> : Biology
<b>10:50 - 11:40</b> : Physical
<b>11:40 - 12:30</b> : Literature
<b>07:10 - 08:00</b> : Literature
<b>08:00 - 08:50</b> : Geography
<b>08:50 - 09:40</b> : Physical
<b>09:40 - 10:00</b> : Recess
<b>10:00 - 10:50</b> : Art
<b>10:50 - 11:40</b> : Mathematics
<b>11:40 - 12:30</b> : Chemistry
<b>07:10 - 08:00</b> : Chemistry
<b>08:00 - 08:50</b> : Mathematics
<b>08:50 - 09:40</b> : History
<b>09:40 - 10:00</b> : Recess
<b>10:00 - 10:50</b> : Biology
<b>10:50 - 11:40</b> : Literature
<b>11:40 - 12:30</b> : Physical Education
<b>07:10 - 08:00</b> : Geography
<b>08:00 - 08:50</b> : Philosophy
<b>08:50 - 09:40</b> : Sociology
<b>09:40 - 10:00</b> : Recess
<b>10:00 - 10:50</b> : Biology
<b>10:50 - 11:40</b> : Physical
<b>11:40 - 12:30</b> : History
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairro>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "IVM10 - Doutor Lindomar">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Bairro1-Lugares-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<include [[Bairro1-Lugares-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Bairro1-Lugares-Dia]]>>
<<set $BaterNaPorta.LeftVizinha to false>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LeftVizinha-Vizinha-Esquerda" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"]]
<<if $MaeM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() isnot 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Work in the garden|Trabalhar-no-Jardim]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoVizinhaDireita>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<set $BaterNaPorta.RightVizinha to false>>
There is still nothing here
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 3 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<<narrador>>The Pub is closed doors now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<else>> /*==========================================================*/
<<if $Lexi.local is "Bar">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Bar" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Bar">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-Bar" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Bar">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Bar" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Bar">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-Bar" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Bar">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Bar" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Bar">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-Bar" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Bar">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-Bar" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drinks|Bebidas]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.Amigo to false>>
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo-Casa-Cooper" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-Casa-Cooper" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-Casa-Cooper" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<if $Amigo2M6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Praca">>
<<goto "A2M6 - Não Me Chame de Talarico">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<goto "A2M4 - Fazendo Sua Parte">>
<<if $Amigo2M3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Praca">>
<<goto "A2M3 - Mulher de Fases">>
<<if $Amigo2M1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Praca">>
<<goto "A2M1 - Problemas">>
<<if $PaixaoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 13>>
<<goto "PXM1 - Provocação">>
<<if $game.periodo is 6>>
<<if $game.day is "Friday">>
<<include [[Pagode na praça]]>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-Praça" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<if $Debora.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Debora-Praça" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/debora/debora.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-Praça" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Praça" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Praca" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Praça" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-Praça" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LeftVizinha-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfHistoria-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Aaliyah-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<if $Samantha.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Samantha-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-RoxyRaye-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/darla/darla.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<if $Angie.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Angie-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/angela/angela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Praca">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-Praca" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Assalto na praça]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<include [[Assalto na praça]]>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take a walk|Dar uma volta praça]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit on a bench|Sentar-no-banco]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The church is closed doors now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<narrador>>The church is closed doors now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<<narrador>>They are having mass in the church now.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/locations/igreja/images/padre.jpg"></center>
<<if $Mae.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Paixao.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-paixao-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $Penny.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Penny-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfGeografia is true>>
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfGeografia-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_geografia/P_Geografia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfFisica-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true>>
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfMatematica-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_matematica/prof_Matematica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfFilosofia-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<if $Angie.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Angie-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/angela/angela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Igreja">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-Igreja" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Talk to the priest|falar-com-padre]]>><<set $game.Padre += 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<FundoDiaNoite>> <<set $game.usandoMenu to true>>
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include [[Celular Papel-de-Parede]]>>
<a data-passage="Contatos" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="cel-icone-cont">[img[content/others/celular/icones/contatos.png]]
<span class="iconNome">Contacts</span>
<a data-passage="Agenda" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="cel-icone-agenda">[img[content/others/celular/icones/agenda.png]]
<span class="iconNome">Schedule</span>
<a data-passage="Fotos" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="cel-icone-fotos">[img[content/others/celular/icones/fotos.png]]
<span class="iconNome">Photos</span>
<<narrador>>Click on the icons for more information.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous()`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<set $game.usandoMenu to true>>
<<if $Itens == 0>>
Your Backpack is empty
You have $Itens items
<<if $Calcinha.Mae is true>>
<<narrador>>A $Mae.Nome panties.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/calcinha_mae.jpg">
<<if $Calcinha.IrmaV is true>>
<<narrador>>A $IrmaV.Nome panties.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/calcinha_irmaV.jpg">
<<if $Calcinha.IrmaN is true>>
<<narrador>>A $IrmaN.Nome panties.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/calcinha_irmaN.jpg">
<<if $CalcinhaUsada.Mae is true>>
<<narrador>>A used $Mae.Nome panties.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/calcinha-usada_mae.jpg">
<<if $CalcinhaUsada.IrmaV is true>>
<<narrador>>A used $IrmaV.Nome panties.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/calcinha-usada_irmaV.jpg">
<<if $CalcinhaUsada.IrmaN is true>>
<<narrador>>A used $IrmaN.Nome panties.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/calcinha-usada_irmaN.jpg">
<<if $MicrocameraEspia gt 0>>
<<narrador>>You Have $MicrocameraEspia Micro Spy Camera.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-eletronicos/images/mini-camera-de-segurança.jpg">
<<if $Caneta_Hidrografica is true>>
<<narrador>>A felt pen.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/images/felt-pen.jpg">
<<if $game.chaveDiario_IrmaN is true>>
<<narrador>>A copy of your litle $Jogador.IrmaN's diary key.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/chave-diario-irmaN.jpg">
<<if $game.chaveBau_Mae is true>>
<<narrador>>One of the keys to the chest in your $Mae.Relacao's bedroom.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/chave-bau.jpg"></center>
<<if $Dossier is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/docie.jpg"></center>
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<if $FotodePassaporte is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/Foto-de-Passaporte-Jogador.jpg"></center>
/*============================ Bebidas ==============================*/
<<if $Bebidas.Absinto is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/absinto.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Cachaca is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/cachaça.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Cerveja is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/cerveja.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Champanhe is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/champanhe.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Conhaque is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/conhaque.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Gim is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/gim.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Licor is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/licor.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Rum is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/rum.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Saque is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/saquê.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Soju is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/soju.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Tequila is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/tequila.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Vinho is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/vinho.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Vodka is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/vodka.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bebidas.Whiskey is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/whisky.jpg"></center>
<<if $SorosSuspeitos gt 0>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/hospital/Soro-suspeito.jpg"></center>
<<if $QuadroDePresente is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/quadro1.jpg"></center>
<<if $VitaminaX.Cheio is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/frascoV-cheio.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $VitaminaX.Vazio is true>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/frascoV-vazio.jpg"></center>
<<if $CamisinhaM.Nova gte 1>>
<<narrador>>You have $CamisinhaM.Nova condoms.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/camisinha.jpg"></center>
<<if $Alianca.Namoro gte 2 and $Alianca.AloneAnel gte 1>>
<<narrador>>Two date rings and a solitaire ring: Silver.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-joias/alianca-namoro.jpg">
<<if $Perfume.PureVoodoo is true>>
<<narrador>>You have a Pure Voodoo perfume.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/puru-voodoo.jpg">
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous()`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoDiaNoite>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to true>>
<<narrador>>A small space for the Big Responsible for this project to continue.<</narrador>>
<a data-passage="Gorjeta" class="link-internal">
<div class="tierApoiadores">[img["content/others/apoiadores/Gorjeta.jpg"]]</div></a>
<a data-passage="Apoiadores - Sherminador" class="link-internal">
<div class="tierApoiadores">[img["content/others/apoiadores/Sherminador.jpg"]]</div></a>
<a data-passage="Apoiadores - Jim Levenstein" class="link-internal">
<div class="tierApoiadores">[img["content/others/apoiadores/Jim-Levenstein.jpg"]]</div></a>
<a data-passage="Apoiadores - Erik Stifler" class="link-internal">
<div class="tierApoiadores">[img["content/others/apoiadores/Erik-Stifler.jpg"]]</div></a>
<a data-passage="Apoiadores - The Stifmeister" class="link-internal">
<div class="tierApoiadores">[img["content/others/apoiadores/The-Stifmeister.jpg"]]</div></a>
<a data-passage="Apoiadores - Beta House" class="link-internal">
<div class="tierApoiadores">[img["content/others/apoiadores/The-President-of-the-BETA-House.jpg"]]</div></a>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous()`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<set $game.usandoMenu to true>>
<p>And folks I hope that enjoying the game, if you can consider giving me a financial support on Patreon or SubscribeStar so that this game can be further developed, there are a lot of different rewards for those who support me, so I would really appreciate it if you would help me out. You can't imagine what I'm preparing for the future of this game. Spoiler alert: (whisper) "very porn."</p>
Will Ward
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/WWard" target="_blank">
<img src="content/others/images/icons/patreon.jpg" style="width: 100%; border: 2px solid #57c;" >
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/wward" target="_blank">
<img src="content/others/images/icons/subscriberstar.jpg" style="width: 100%; border: 2px solid #57c;" >
<p>Hey guys, everything quiet? I just wanted to let you know that this is my first project involving programming, so at some point there might be a coding error that I haven't noticed yet. Also I'm not fluent in English so at some point in the game there might be spelling errors. Anyway, I ask you to reveal and point out these errors so I can correct them. I will always be trying to do what's best for you.</p>
Will Ward
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous()`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@
<<switch $game.TVprogramaçao>>
<<case 0>>
<center><video id="programaTV" width="885" autoplay>
<source src="content/locations/casa/sala/tv/Tv-Cena-De-Acao-1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="programaTV" width="885" autoplay>
<source src="content/locations/casa/sala/tv/Tv-Cena-De-Comedia-1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="programaTV" width="885" autoplay>
<source src="content/locations/casa/sala/tv/Tv-Esporte-1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<</switch>><center><img id="imgpc" src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/tela-de-fundo.jpg"></center><center><img id="imgcel" src="content/others/celular/capa-celular.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imgLaptop" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/capa-leptop-senha-irma1.jpg"></center>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/guardiao/guardiao.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/guardiao/guardiao2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/guardiao/guardiao3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/guardiao/guardiao4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Hey, Dude! Do you have any doubts on how to use the powers?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How My Powers Work?|Guardião-Conversa]]>><<set $Conversa.guardiao to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What's your name?|Guardião-Conversa]]>><<set $Conversa.guardiao to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><</button>>@@
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Lugares-Centro-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<include [[Lugares-Centro-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Lugares-Centro-Dia]]>>
<<if $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 22>>
<<goto "IVM9 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente">>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Hospital">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Hospital" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Hospital">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-Hospital" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Hospital">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-Hospital" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaoDeBeleza>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The beauty salon is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<narrador>>The beauty salon is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Mae.local is "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Salão" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cut Hair|Escolher-Corte]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Cameras.Fotografica is true>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 21>>
<<if $Missao.MTEspere is false>>
<<goto "MTM5 - Sessão Fotográfica">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The mall is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<narrador>>The mall is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
<<narrador>>Go to Risky's Store.<</narrador>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Shopping">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-Shopping" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<if $Debora.local is "Shopping">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Debora-Shopping" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/debora/debora.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "Shopping">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-Shopping" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Shopping">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-Shopping" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<include [[Shopping-Locais-Dia2]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Shopping-Locais-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<include [[Shopping-Locais-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Shopping-Locais-Dia]]>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $Valentao.local is "Casa-Abandonada">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Valentao-Casa-Abandonada" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/valentao/valentao.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<if $ProfArteM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 8>>
<<goto "PAM8 - Ciclismo">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 14>>
<<goto "STM7 - Me conte as novidades">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 14>>
<<goto "STM5 - Senhorita Tavella">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 14>>
<<goto "STM4 - Curiosidade">>
<<if $JillM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "JLLM1 - Jill">>
<<if $game.periodos is 7 and $game.periodos is 8 and $game.periodos is 9>>
<<include [[Parque-Culto]]>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<if $Debora.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Debora-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/debora/debora.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-Parque" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfHistoria-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
<<if $Mae.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Parque" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Parque" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Aaliyah-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<if $Samantha.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Samantha-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-RoxyRaye-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/darla/darla.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<if $Angie.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Angie-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/angela/angela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"]]
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Parque">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-Parque" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Parque]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 to true>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Parque]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 to true>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Parque]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 to true>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Parque]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 to true>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Run a Little|corrida]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Night Walk|Passeio-Noturno]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/meditar.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You sit in a meditative pose waiting to find, your $Guardiao.Profissao.<</narrador>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>\
<<goto "falar-com-guardiao">><<addmins 1>>
<<switch $Conversa.guardiao>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Your new main power is the Manipulation of Others Thoughts, this means that you can "send" an idea to someone's thoughts and depending on some factors this idea can be accepted, and the person from whom this idea was raised will accept it as true for example:
<p>You use your powers to make your sister buy you ice cream. If she was already open to maybe buying you an ice cream it is quite likely that this idea will be accepted as true, but if she already had a clear thought that she didn't want, couldn't or you didn't deserve ice cream this thought will not be accepted as true.</p><</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>In the beginning, using these powers is more complicated because the person must be relaxed, you must have clear visual contact with them and say the command out loud. As you gain experience things can be easier with only visual contact being necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Be conservative in your use of power, because by giving a command that's too megalomaniacal and hard to accept as true, you run the risk of the person noticing what you were trying to do and thinking you're crazy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Guardiao.Profissao, What's your name?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>I've had many names, and been called many other things, You can particularly call me whatever you want!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so I'll call you <<textbox "$Guardiao.Nome" "Kid" $Guardiao.Nome>>.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.Amigo2 to false>>
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Amigo2">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Amigo2-CasaAmigo2" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairro>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bar">><<addmins 3>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Igreja">><<addmins 5>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Praça">><<addmins 5>>
<<if $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<if $Missao.STCEspere is false>>
<<goto "SCM5 - Agora Sim Vamos Jogar">>
<<if $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<if $Missao.STCEspere is false>>
<<goto "SCM4 - Fazendo Isso Certo Agora">>
<<if $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<if $Missao.STCEspere is false>>
<<goto "SCM3 - Resolvendo problemas relacionados ao Dia de Dungeons & Dragons">>
<<if $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<if $Missao.STCEspere is false>>
<<goto "SCM2 - Dia de Dungeons & Dragons">>
<<if $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<goto "IVM8 - Organizando a Operação">>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 19>>
<<goto "A1M6 - Jantar de Comemoração">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper" and $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PXM4 - Destronando a Abelha Rainha parte II">>
<<if $AmigoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<<goto "A1M4 - Hoje você consegue uma namorada">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper" and $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "A2M5 - Senta que lá vem história">>
<<if $AmigoM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<<goto "A1M3 - O Próximo Passo">>
<<if $AmigoM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.day is "Saturday" and $game.periodos is 5>>
<<goto "A1M2 - O Encontro Duplo">>
<<if $AmigoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<<goto "A1M1 - A Garota da Cam">>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-amigo/casa-porta-da-frente-amigo-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-amigo/casa-porta-da-frente-amigo-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-amigo/casa-porta-da-frente-amigo.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.Amigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.Amigo is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $Amigo.local isnot "Casa-Cooper" and $SrtaCooper.local isnot "Casa-Cooper">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Bairro-CasaAmigo]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Bairro-CasaAmigo]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 or $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper" or $SrtaCooper.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Bairro-CasaAmigo]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.Amigo to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Escola">><<addmins 5>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Centro">><<addmins 19>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro 1">><<addmins 19>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Parque">><<addmins 5>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Shopping">><<addmins 5>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "SalaoDeCabelos">><<addmins 5>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Hospital">><<addmins 5>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/portaria-apartamento-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/portaria-apartamento-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/portaria-apartamento.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.Apartamento is true>>
<<narrador>>The receptionist lets you in.<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Portaria-Apartamento">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Introduce yourself to a receptionist|Andando Centro-Apartamento]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.Apartamento to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "IVM7 - A Louca">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Lugares-BairroAfastado-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<include [[Lugares-BairroAfastado-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Lugares-BairroAfastado-Dia]]>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro Afastado">><<addmins 30>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro Afastado">><<addmins 50>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Centro">><<addmins 30>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro 1">><<addmins 50>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/gifs/pagode-na-praca.gif"></center>
<p><i>Beautiful brunette with teeth bright</i></p>
<p><i>Go to the pagode the noise is right</i></p>
<p><i>Don't date me demure</i></p>
<p><i>That I'm married but I'm not sure</i></p>
<p><i>Models of now is very weird</i></p>
<p><i>These girls showing their thighs</i></p>
<p><i>With the shins smooth as heart of palm</i></p>
<p><i>The girls of today I don't make it easy </i></p>
<p><i>I and my wife made the combination</i></p>
<p><i>I go to the pagode she won't</i></p>
<p><i>Last saturday i went she stayed</i></p>
<p><i>Next saturday she stays and i go</i></p>
<p><i>I with my wife already saw that we don't dup</i></p>
<p><i>She goes down and I go up</i></p>
<p><i>For a while now it's been going in town</i></p>
<p><i>She goes up and I go down</i></p>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/gifs/pagode-na-praca.gif"></center>
<p><i>Guitar who is no good, knife that doesn't cut</i></p>
<p><i>If I lose, I don't care</i></p>
<p><i>The handle of my hoe was a nice handle</i></p>
<p><i>He was not from Guatambú, he was from Sugar Cane</i></p>
<p><i>One day in the countryside I was thirsty all the time</i></p>
<p><i>I sucked the hoe's handle and threw the hoe away</i></p>
<p><i>Hoe who is no good, knife that doesn't cut</i></p>
<p><i>If I lose, I don't care</i></p>
<p><i>I ran after a jaguar getting ready to shoot</i></p>
<p><i>From the state of São Paulo it crossed over to Paraná</i></p>
<p><i>The hunt that I shoot I swear that it does not escape</i></p>
<p><i>The cartridge missed, I slapped the jaguar to death</i></p>
<p><i>Cartridge who is no good, knife that doesn't cut</i></p>
<p><i>If I lose, I don't care</i></p>
<p><i>I took my money, lent it to a comrade</i></p>
<p><i>The little guy is gone, no money and nothing else</i></p>
<p><i>Borrowed money is a great danger</i></p>
<p><i>We lose the money and we also lose a friend</i></p>
<p><i>Friend who is no good, knife that does not cut</i></p>
<p><i>If I lose, I don't care</i></p>
<p><i>My father-in-law's farm borders mine</i></p>
<p><i>Wedding present, he gave it to me because I didn't have one.</i></p>
<p><i>With this marriage, I am suddenly rich</i></p>
<p><i>I married your farm and brought the girl as a gift</i></p>
<p><i>Marriage who is no good, knife that doesn't cut</i></p>
<p><i>If I lose, I don't care</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>Ooooo mode!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<addhours 2>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/andando-na-praca.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to take a walk around the square and see an interesting figure.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/praca/videos/gostosa-na-praca.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You see a woman with nice short shorts tucked up her ass.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You feel more aroused when you see her ass.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/andando-na-praca.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to take a walk around the square and see an interesting figure.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/gostosa-na-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You see a woman with nice short shorts tucked up her big ass.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You feel more aroused when you see her ass.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You sit next to a man on a bench.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/forrest-gump.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>He begins to tell you remarkable stories that happened in his life and the lessons she learned on this journey.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Really great advice and lessons.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 3>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia gte 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/andando-na-praca.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to take a walk around the square and see an interesting figure.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/praca/videos/gostosa-na-praca2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You see a woman with nice short shorts tucked up her ass.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You feel more aroused when you see her ass.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/andando-na-praca.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to take a walk around the square and see an interesting figure.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/praca/videos/gostosa-na-praca3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You see a woman with nice short shorts tucked up her ass.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You feel more aroused when you see her ass.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/andando-na-praca.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to take a walk around the square at night and see an interesting figure.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/praca/videos/gostosa-na-praca-a-noite.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You see a beautiful woman with a skirt that lifts her skirt and shows you her bare ass.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You feel more aroused when you see her ass.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/andando-na-praca.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to take a walk around the square at night and see an interesting figure.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/gifs/gostosas-a-noite.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You see two women walking normally, until a guy comes up from behind and pulls down one of their pants.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You feel more aroused when you see her nudity.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You can't sleep.<</narrador>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/insonia/insonia1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/insonia/insonia2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/insonia/insonia3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/insonia/insonia4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<timed 4s t8n>>
<<narrador>>Your mind is wandering with lustful thoughts.<</narrador>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido3.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido5.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido7.jpg"></center>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido8.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido6.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/insonia/poluido2.jpg"></center>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You need to "relieve tension" before bed.<</narrador>>
<<timed 9s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $assalto to random(100)>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/assaltante1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Assaltante" $Assaltante.Profissao>>Lost, lost pass the money.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= $assalto>>
<<narrador>>The robber steals $assalto of your money and walks away.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You need to be stronger or have a weapon to be able to defend yourself from an assault.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Run Out of There|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<if $game.periodo is 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/gifs/pagode-na-praca.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You find several hillbillies playing a good pagode in the square.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Stay Awhile|pagode]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/maconheiros-na-praça1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/maconheiros-na-praça2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/maconheiros-na-praça3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>There are some stoners in the square, be careful not to be robbed.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take a Walk|Dar uma volta praça]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take a Walk|Dar uma volta praça-assalto]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/sala/sala_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Living Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Seu_quarto" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/SeuQuarto_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/cozinha/cozinha_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCozinha>>
<span class="o-texto">Kitchen</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/quarto-mae_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">$Mae.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/quarto-irmaV_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaV.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/quarto-irmaN_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaN.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Banheiro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/banheiro/banheiro_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBanheiro>>
<span class="o-texto">Bathroom</span>
<a data-passage="Bairro 1" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/sala/sala-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonSala>>
<div class="o-texto">Living Room</div>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Seu_quarto" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/SeuQuarto-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/cozinha/cozinha-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCozinha>>
<span class="o-texto">Kitchen</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/quarto-mae-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuartoMae>>
<span class="o-texto">$Mae.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/quarto-irmaV-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaV.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/quarto-irmaN-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaN.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Banheiro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/banheiro/banheiro-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBanheiro>>
<span class="o-texto">Bathroom</span>
<a data-passage="Bairro 1" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/sala/sala_icon.jpg"]]
<div class="o-texto">Living Room</div>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Seu_quarto" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/SeuQuarto_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/cozinha/cozinha_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Kitchen</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_da_sua_mae/quarto-mae_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">$Mae.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/quarto-irmaV_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaV.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/quarto-irmaN_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaN.Nome's Room</span>
<a data-passage="SuaCasa_Banheiro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/casa/banheiro/banheiro_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBanheiro>>
<span class="o-texto">Bathroom</span>
<a data-passage="Bairro 1" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Casa" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Home</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Bar" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/bar.jpg"]]<<PositonBar>>
<span class="o-texto">Pub</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Vizinha da Esquerda" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/vizinha-esquerda.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaLeftVizinha>>
<span class="o-texto">Left Neighbor</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Vizinha da Direita" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/vizinha-direita.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Right Neighbor</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-CasaAmigo" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa-amigo.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAmigo>>
<span class="o-texto">Cooper's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Casa dos Corpora" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa-corpora.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Corpora's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Praça" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/praca_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonPraca>>
<span class="o-texto">Square</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Escola" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/escola_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscola>>
<span class="o-texto">School</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Igreja" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/igreja.jpg"]]<<PositonIgreja>>
<span class="o-texto">Church</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Casa dos Paparozzi" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa-paparozzi.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaPaparozzi>>
<span class="o-texto">Paparozzi's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/centro/centro_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCentro>>
<span class="o-texto2">Downtown</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroNobre>>
<span class="o-texto2">Rich Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-BairroAfastado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bairro-afastado_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroAfastado>>
<span class="o-texto2">Remote Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Casa" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa-noite.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Your Home</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Bar" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/bar-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonBar>>
<span class="o-texto">Pub</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Vizinha da Esquerda" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/vizinha-esquerda-noite.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Left Neighbor</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Vizinha da Direita" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/vizinha-direita-noite.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Right Neighbor</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-CasaAmigo" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa-amigo-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAmigo>>
<span class="o-texto">Cooper's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Casa dos Corpora" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa-corpora-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaCorpora>>
<span class="o-texto">Corpora's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Praça" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/praca-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonPraca>>
<span class="o-texto">Square</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Escola" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/escola-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscola>>
<span class="o-texto">School</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Igreja" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/igreja-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonIgreja>>
<span class="o-texto">Church</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Casa dos Paparozzi" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/casa-paparozzi-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaPaparozzi>>
<span class="o-texto">Paparozzi's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/centro/centro-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCentro>>
<span class="o-texto2">Downtown</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroNobre>>
<span class="o-texto2">Rich Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-BairroAfastado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bairro-afastado-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroAfastado>>
<span class="o-texto2">Remote Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="3B" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/SaladeAula_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscola3B>>
<span class="o-texto">Your Class (3B)</span>
<a data-passage="2A" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/2A/Classe-2A_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscola2A>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaN.Nome's Class (2A)</span>
<a data-passage="Refeitorio" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/refeitorio/Refeitorio_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaRefeitorio>>
<span class="o-texto">Refectory</span>
<a data-passage="Biblioteca" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/biblioteca/Biblioteca_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Library</span>
<a data-passage="BanheiroMasculino" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/banheiroMasculino/Banheiro-Masculino_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaBanheiroMasculino>>
<span class="o-texto">Men's Bathroom</span>
<a data-passage="BanheiroFeminino" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/banheiroFeminino/Banheiro-Feminino_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaBanheiroFeminino>>
<span class="o-texto">Ladies Bathroom</span>
<a data-passage="Diretoria" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/diretoria/Diretoria_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Principal' Room</span>
<a data-passage="SaladosProfessores" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/saladosProfessores/Sala-dos-professores_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaSaladosProfessores>>
<span class="o-texto">Teachers' Room</span>
<a data-passage="SaladeComputadores" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/saladosComputadores/Sala-de-informatica_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Computers Room</span>
<a data-passage="Quadra" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/quadra/Quadra_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaQuadra>>
<span class="o-texto">Sports Court</span>
<a data-passage="Bairro 1" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Neighborhood</span>
</div></a><a data-passage="3B" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/SaladeAula-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscola3B>>
<span class="o-texto">Your Class (3B)</span>
<a data-passage="2A" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/2A/Classe-2A-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscola2A>>
<span class="o-texto">$IrmaN.Nome's Class (2A)</span>
<a data-passage="Refeitorio" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/refeitorio/Refeitorio-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaRefeitorio>>
<span class="o-texto">Refectory</span>
<a data-passage="Biblioteca" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/biblioteca/Biblioteca-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaBiblioteca>>
<span class="o-texto">Library</span>
<a data-passage="BanheiroMasculino" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/banheiroMasculino/Banheiro-Masculino-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaBanheiroMasculino>>
<span class="o-texto">Men's Bathroom</span>
<a data-passage="BanheiroFeminino" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/banheiroFeminino/Banheiro-Feminino-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaBanheiroFeminino>>
<span class="o-texto">Ladies Bathroom</span>
<a data-passage="Diretoria" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/diretoria/Diretoria-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Principal' Room</span>
<a data-passage="SaladosProfessores" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/saladosProfessores/Sala-dos-professores-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaSaladosProfessores>>
<span class="o-texto">Teachers' Room</span>
<a data-passage="SaladeComputadores" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/saladosComputadores/Sala-de-informatica-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Computers Room</span>
<a data-passage="Quadra" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/escola/quadra/Quadra-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonEscolaQuadra>>
<span class="o-texto">Sports Court</span>
<a data-passage="Bairro 1" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Hospital" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/hospital.jpg"]]<<PositonHospital>>
<span class="o-texto">Hospital</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-SalaoDeCabelos" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/salao-de-beleza.jpg"]]<<PositonSalaodeBeleza>>
<span class="o-texto">Beauty Salon</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Academia" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/academia-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonGym>>
<span class="o-texto">Gym</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Supermercado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/supermercado/supermercado-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Supermarket</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Apartamento" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/apartamento-amigo2.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamento>>
<span class="o-texto">Apartment</span>
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Casa-Srta.Tavella" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/casa-srta-travella.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaTravella>>
<span class="o-texto">Tavella's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Casa-Lebelle" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/Casa-Lebele-Frente.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaLebelle>>
<span class="o-texto">Lebelle's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Shopping" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/shopping.jpg"]]<<PositonShopping>>
<span class="o-texto">Mall</span>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Porta Centro-Casa-Byers" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/Casa-Byers.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaByers>>
<span class="o-texto">Byers's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Parque" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/parque.jpg"]]<<PositonParque>>
<span class="o-texto">Park</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true and $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<elseif $Conhece.ProfQuimica isnot true and $Conhece.MissTravella isnot true>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Bairro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1_icon.jpg"]]<<BairroUM>>
<span class="o-texto2">Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroNobre>>
<span class="o-texto2">Rich Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-BairroAfastado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bairro-afastado_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroAfastado>>
<span class="o-texto2">Remote Neighborhood</span>
</div></a><a data-passage="Andando Centro-Hospital" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/hospital-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonHospital>>
<span class="o-texto">Hospital</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-SalaoDeCabelos" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/salao-de-beleza-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonSalaodeBeleza>>
<span class="o-texto">Beauty Salon</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Academia" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/academia-noite-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonGym>>
<span class="o-texto">Gym</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Supermercado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/supermercado/supermercado-frente-noite.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Supermarket</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Apartamento" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/apartamento-amigo2-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamento>>
<span class="o-texto">Apartment</span>
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Casa-Srta.Tavella" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/casa-srta-travella-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaTravella>>
<span class="o-texto">Tavella's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Casa-Lebelle" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/Casa-Lebele-Frente-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaLebelle>>
<span class="o-texto">Lebelle's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Shopping" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/shopping-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonShopping>>
<span class="o-texto">Mall</span>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Porta Centro-Casa-Byers" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/Casa-Byers-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaByers>>
<span class="o-texto">Byers's House</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Parque" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/parque-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonParque>>
<span class="o-texto">Park</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true and $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<elseif $Conhece.ProfQuimica isnot true and $Conhece.MissTravella isnot true>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Bairro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<BairroUM>>
<span class="o-texto2">Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroNobre>>
<span class="o-texto2">Rich Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-BairroAfastado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bairro-afastado-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroAfastado>>
<span class="o-texto2">Remote Neighborhood</span>
</div></a><<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Casa dos Klump" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/Casa-Klump-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaKlump>>
<span class="o-texto">Klump's House</span>
<a data-passage="Barbearia" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/barber-shop-noite.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Barber Shop</span>
<<if $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Motel-Frente" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/motel-noite.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Motel</span>
<a data-passage="Indo para o Bordel" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bordel-frente-noite.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Brothel</span>
<a data-passage="CasaAbandonada" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/casa-abandonada-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAbandonada>>
<span class="o-texto">Abandoned House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro Afastado-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/centro/centro-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCentro>>
<span class="o-texto2">Downtown</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro Afastado-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroNobre>>
<span class="o-texto2">Rich Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro Afastado-Bairro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<BairroUM>>
<span class="o-texto2">Neighborhood</span>
</div></a><<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Casa dos Klump" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/Casa-Klump.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaKlump>>
<span class="o-texto">Klump's House</span>
<a data-passage="Barbearia" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/barber-shop.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Barber Shop</span>
<<if $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Motel-Frente" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/motel.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Motel</span>
<a data-passage="Indo para o Bordel" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bordel-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Brothel</span>
<a data-passage="CasaAbandonada" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/casa-abandonada.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAbandonada>>
<span class="o-texto">Abandoned House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro Afastado-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/centro/centro_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCentro>>
<span class="o-texto2">Downtown</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro Afastado-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroNobre>>
<span class="o-texto2">Rich Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro Afastado-Bairro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1_icon.jpg"]]<<BairroUM>>
<span class="o-texto2">Neighborhood</span>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/images/corrida-no-parque.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to run a little, then you see something interesting<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/parque/videos/corrida-matinal1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>A woman in a somewhat…different outfit running through the park with her sample breasts.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 7>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Parque]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/images/corrida-no-parque.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to run a little, then you see something interesting.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/parque/videos/corrida-matinal2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>A beautiful woman walking in front of you showing herself to you.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Parque]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/images/corrida-no-parque.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to run a little, then you see something interesting.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/parque/videos/corrida-matinal3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>A beautiful woman with full breasts running.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see her running and slowly you get hypnotized and you can't even pay attention to the running.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Parque]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/images/corrida-no-parque.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to run a bit, then you see it's not very cool.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/parque/videos/corrida-matinal4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>A fat man struggling with the scales, running as fast as he can.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You then decide to run even more so as not to risk getting this way in the future.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Parque]]>><<addhours 1>><<set $horny -= 2>><</button>>@@
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/images/corrida-no-parque.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to run a bit then you see something... unusual?<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/parque/videos/corrida-matinal5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>Ahhhmmmm, no comments about it, run soon my friend and ... have a healthier life.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Parque]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 7 and $game.periodos is 8 and $game.periodos is 9>>
<<narrador>>The store is closed now.<</narrador>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Micro Spy Camera: Price: $100</div>
<img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-eletronicos/images/mini-camera-de-segurança.jpg">
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 100>>
You don't have the money to buy this.
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-eletronicos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 100>><<set $MicrocameraEspia += 1>><<set $Itens += 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Photographic Camera: Price: $650</div>
<img id="produtosimg" src="locations/shopping/loja-de-eletronicos/images/camera-fotografica.jpg">
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 650>>
You don't have the money to buy this.
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-eletronicos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 650>><<set $Cameras.Fotografica to true>><<set $Itens += 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Shopping]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 7 and $game.periodos is 8 and $game.periodos is 9>>
<<narrador>>The store is closed now.<</narrador>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Black Polo Shirt: Price: $194</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/camisa-polo.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 194>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Camisa_polo_preta is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
+48 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-roupas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 194>>
<<set $Camisa_polo_preta to true>>
<<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "Black Polo Shirt">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 48>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">White Shirt: Price: $200</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/camisa-branca.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 200>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Camisa_branca is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
+59 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-roupas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 200>>
<<set $Camisa_branca to true>>
<<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "White Shirt">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 59>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Shorts: Price: $150</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/bermuda.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 150>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bermuda is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
+40 Style
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-roupas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= $150>>
<<set $Bermuda to true>>
<<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Shorts">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 40>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Black pant: Price: $220</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/calça-preta.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 220>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Calca_preta is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
+63 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-roupas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 220>>
<<set $Calca_preta to true>>
<<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Black pant">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 63>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">White sneakers: Price: $240</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/tenis-branco.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 240>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Tenis_Branco is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
+43 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-roupas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 240>>
<<set $Tenis_Branco to true>>
<<set $Jogador.sapato to "White sneakers">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 43>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Black sneakers: Price: $500</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/tenis-preto.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 500>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Tenis_Preto is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
+73 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-roupas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 500>>
<<set $Tenis_Preto to true>>
<<set $Jogador.sapato to "Black sneakers">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 73>><</button>>@@
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-Shopping-LojaRoupas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Shopping]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoJoalheria>>
<<if $game.periodos is 7 and $game.periodos is 8 and $game.periodos is 9>>
<<narrador>>The store is closed now.<</narrador>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Dating Rings: Silver $225</div>
<img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-joias/alianca-namoro.jpg">
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 225>>
You don't have the money to buy this.
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-joias]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>>
<<set $Alianca.Namoro += 2>>
<<set $Alianca.AloneAnel += 1>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Shopping]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoShooping>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro >= 26>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Buy tickets and watch movies|cinema-dentro]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 26>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 26>>
<<narrador>>You don't have money to pay the ticket.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Shopping]]>><</button>>@@<<set $Itens = 0>>
<<set $Calcinha = {
Mae: false,
IrmaV: false,
IrmaN: false,
<<set $CalcinhaUsada = {
Mae: false,
IrmaV: false,
IrmaN: false,
<<set $MicrocameraEspia = 0>>
<<set $Cameras = {
Fotografica: false,
<<set $Caneta_Hidrografica to false>>
<<set $Dossier to false>>
<<set $FotodePassaporte to false>>
/*============================= Roupas ==============================*/
<<set $Camisa_polo_preta to false>>
<<set $Camisa_branca to false>>
<<set $Bermuda to false>>
<<set $Calca_preta to false>>
<<set $Tenis_Branco to false>>
<<set $Tenis_Preto to false>>
/*============================ Livros =============================*/
<<set $Livro = {
AnimalFarm: false,
<<set $AnimalFarm = {
Capitulo1: false,
Capitulo2: false,
Capitulo3: false,
Capitulo4: false,
Capitulo5: false,
Full: false,
/*============================= Soros ===============================*/
<<set $SorosSuspeitos = 0>>
/*=================== Quadros Professora de Arte ====================*/
<<set $QuadroDePresente to false>>
/*============================= Poções ==============================*/
<<set $VitaminaX to {
Cheio: false,
Vazio: false,
/*=========================== Camisinha =============================*/
<<set $CamisinhaM to {
Nova: 0,
Usada: 0,
/*============================== Anés ===============================*/
<<set $Alianca to {
Namoro: 0,
Casamento: 0,
AloneAnel: 0,
/*============================ Perfumes =============================*/
<<set $Perfume to {
PureVoodoo: false,
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/gifs/cult1.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You see some people doing some kind of bizarre ritual it's best to get the hell out of here.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/gifs/cult2.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You see some people doing some kind of bizarre ritual it's best to get the hell out of here..<<narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/gifs/cult3.gif"></center>
<<narrador>>You see some people doing some kind of bizarre ritual it's best to get the hell out of here.<</narrador>>
<</switch>><a data-passage="loja-de-eletronicos" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-eletronicos/loja_de_eletronicos-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Electronics Store</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-roupas" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/loja-de-roupas-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonShoppingLojadeRoupas>>
<span class="o-texto">Clothing Store</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-joias" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-joias/joalheria-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Jewelry</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-variedades" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/Loja-de-variedades-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonShoppingLojadeVariedades>>
<span class="o-texto">Risky's Store</span>
<a data-passage="cinema" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/cinema/cinema-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Movie Theater</span>
<a data-passage="Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/centro_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Downtown</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-eletronicos" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-eletronicos/loja_de_eletronicos-noite-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Electronics Store</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-roupas" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/loja-de-roupas-noite-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonShoppingLojadeRoupas>>
<span class="o-texto">Clothing Store</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-joias" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-joias/joalheria-noite-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Jewelry</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-variedades" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/Loja-de-variedades-dentro-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonShoppingLojadeVariedades>>
<span class="o-texto">Risky's Store</span>
<a data-passage="cinema" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/cinema/cinema-noite-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Movie Theater</span>
<a data-passage="Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/centro-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Downtown</span>
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include [[Celular Papel-de-Parede]]>>
<div class="h-scrollbar"><div>
<<include [[Personagens-Contato]]>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoDiaNoite>>
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include [[Celular Papel-de-Parede-agenta]]>>
<div class="h-scrollbar"><div>
<<include [[Compromissos]]>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoDiaNoite>>
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include [[Celular Papel-de-Parede]]>>
<div class="h-scrollbar"><div>
<<include [[Fotos-Conteudo]]>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>\
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-perfil.jpg">
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>\
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Mae.Nome Lynn $Jogador.Sobrenome
Status: $Mae.status
Friendship: $Mae.Amizade
Passion: $Mae.Paixao
Morality: $Mae.Moralidade
Desire: $Mae.Desejo
<p>$Mae.Nome is a 42-year-old divorced woman who lives in a big house with her three children $IrmaV.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome and $Jogador.Nome, she is very protective of her children, especially $IrmaN.Nome the youngest.</p>
<p>You feel very lonely after the end of marriage, but the well-being of your children is above your love life.</p>
<p>Gets along with pretty much everyone but the neighbor on the left who is called a gossip several times by $Mae.Nome.</p>
<p>$Mae.Nome wins 3 tickets to get several free massages at the massage institute at the Country Club $Mae.Nome takes her two daughters $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome and leaves her son $Jogador.Nome home alone under the excuse of grounding him for repeating the school year and because she wanted to have a girls' day. There they receive several relaxing massages, but after a problem in the administration $Mae.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome are prevented from having the last massage, so the three girls go home early. There they find $Jogador.Nome masturbating, scaring a porn movie on TV and turning to them right in the climax ejaculating on the three, $Jogador.Nome runs to his room embarrassed, the three women are extremely angry but $Mae.Nome goes to talk to him. $Mae.Nome comforts him saying that this is something normal at his age but that he will still be grounded for having messed with his things, she says that a friend of hers has just divorced and is moving and tells $Jogador.Nome to help her with the move, only then would he be forgiven, she also recommends that he do the same for $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome, try to do something for them so that they will forgive her. He then pormetes that he will have an idea and do everything to make them forgive him.</p>
<<if $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Mae.Nome takes her son $Jogador.Nome to the Country Club at the massage institute to finish with the grats pass they got, there $Jogador.Nome meets the masseuse $MassagistaTeen.Nome who gives him an erotic massage masturbating him, at the end $MassagistaTeen.Nome gives $Jogador.Nome her phone number in case he wants another massage someday. As $Jogador.Nome leaves, he meets up with his $Jogador.RelacaoMae again and asks her how the massage went. She is slightly embarrassed and says that she felt like she was in heaven, and $Jogador.Nome wonders if she was massaged in the same way he was. $Jogador.Nome wonders if they will then go back home, $Mae.Nome also asks $Jogador.Nome how the massage went, he says a "I don't even tell you" and gives a smile with a corner of his mouth.</p>
<<if $MaeM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Mae.Nome talks to her $Jogador.RelacaoMae $Jogador.Nome about the massage he had at the County Club in the massage room. $Jogador.Nome is uncomfortable talking about it, but after $Mae.Nome tirelessly pushes the subject, $Jogador.Nome decides to go into the details about the massage, including the fact that the masseuse masturbated him at the end. $Mae.Nome claims that he already knew this simply from the happiness $Jogador.Nome showed when he left the massage room.</p>
<p>With all this $Jogador.Nome decides to ask his $Mae.Relacao how her massage was then, she said that she had nothing to hide and that she was naked almost 100% of the time and said that she loves to be naked because she feels free, $Jogador.Nome then concludes that $Mae.Nome doesn't feels free at home because she practically doesn't get naked, since her kids are always at home, $Mae.Nome gets annoyed with what $Jogador.Nome said so she decides to end the conversation. Then $Jogador.Nome leaves the room leaving $Mae.Nome alone in thought.</p>
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Mae.Nome went to her $Jogador.RelacaoMae $Jogador.Nome' bedroom to say that she thought about the conversation they had about $Mae.Nome feeling free, she says she thought about it and concluded that she almost never felt free, as she always had to lead a life of responsibilities and that he can never do what he wanted. $Jogador.Nome suggests that $Mae.Nome start taking care of herself more and that she leave some housework for her children $IrmaN.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $Jogador.Nome, but she, despite wanting this, thinks her children are too young for that.</p>
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome then to help his $Mae.Relacao, finds an opportunity and hypnotizes her leaving her motivated.</p>
<p>$Mae.Nome calls her kids into the living room to announce the changes coming to the house. Showing that the hipsone her $Jogador.RelacaoMae $Jogador.Nome made her worked and now she is motivated to make changes in her life and in the lives of her children, now they will be forced to do their part in the maintenance of the house, $IrmaV.Nome knows how to cook so she will make lunch , $IrmaN.Nome is already doing a lot at school so it won't be necessary for her to help more than she already does. And $Jogador.Nome must assume his role as man of the house and get a job, $Mae.Nome says that the neighbor who lives on the left needs a young man to do some work.</p>
<p>$Mae.Nome is very excited to see that her children are willing to help her with the chores. $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome don't understand what's going on with their $Mae.Relacao, $Jogador.Nome seems partially regretful that he didn't specify what he really wanted in hypnosis and that he will now have to get a job.</p>
<p>Looks like $Mae.Nome's habit changes are just beginning.</p>
<<if $MaeM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's Left Neighbor's house to find out more about the job she wants you to do.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome accepts the job.</p>
<<if $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome overhears $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome complaining that $Mae.Nome is in the living room working out in a tiny bathing suit so $Jogador.Nome decides to go there to see what's going on.</p>
<p>Seeing her like that, $Jogador.Nome is impressed by the beauty of $Mae.Nome's body. She says that a woman her age should take better care of her body so she asked for help from her friend $MissTravella.Nome and now she is doing exercises to take better care of her health and to look better too. $Jogador.Nome says that $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome aren't enjoying this new habit of hers and asks if $Mae.Nome doesn't care about their opinion, $Mae.Nome says she does, but that they just need to get used to it, and since $Jogador.Nome doesn't see any problem with it, she doesn't see this as such a big problem.</p>
<<if $MaeM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, goes to the kitchen and is surprised to find his $Mae.Relacao cooking in her underwear, $Mae.Nome explains that as the only clean clothes available were wet, she decided to go cook only with her underwear. $Mae.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome if she's going overboard, and he replies that if she likes to dress like that he's supportive, but $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome won't like it. $Mae.Nome then says that $Jogador.Nome' support is very important to her.</p>
<<if $MaeM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome sees $Mae.Nome carrying some boxes to her bedroom, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome are helping and complaining about the weight of the boxes. You then offer to take the boxes to them and leave them in $Mae.Nome's bedroom.</p>
<p>Upon arriving at $Mae.Nome's bedroom, $Jogador.Nome asks if he can see what's in the box, but $Mae.Nome doesn't let him, and says it's just dumbbells. When leaving her bedroom, $Jogador.Nome leaves a small gap so he can spy on $Mae.Nome and see what she's doing. She opens one of the boxes and takes out a latex outfit, $Mae.Nome gets dressed in that outfit and starts masturbating, $Jogador.Nome is very excited to see this, but at that moment $IrmaN.Nome appears asking what $Jogador.Nome is doing there scaring him. He just says he delivered the boxes to $Mae.Nome and was on his way out.</p>
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Mae.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to take some pictures of her while $Mae.Nome talks to $Jogador.Nome about wanting to wear more comfortable clothes all the time. $Mae.Nome wanted to use it but $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome wouldn't accept it, but she hopes that everyone in the house would do the same as her. $Jogador.Nome says she wouldn't mind and cites some advantages to wearing less clothes, $Jogador.Nome decides to help her with that using hypnosis.</p>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome hypnotizes $Mae.Nome by making her care less about her daughters' opinions and do the things she's always wanted to do with $Jogador.Nome' support.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome were having breakfast until $Jogador.Nome asks them where $Mae.Nome is, at which point $Mae.Nome appears. Wearing only underwear, and saying that from now on this will be the standard of dress she will keep at home, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome are outraged by this, but $Jogador.Nome reinforces his support for $Mae.Nome and everything she decides to do.</p>
<<if $PennyM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Mae.Nome goes to her $Jogador.RelacaoMae $Jogador.Nome to complain about the note the Biology teacher sent her, $Jogador.Nome is relieved that she has done her part. $Mae.Nome scolds him and says he will go to school detention.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<set $game.notifyContatos to 0>>
<a data-passage="Mae_Perfil" class="link-visited link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg]]
<a data-passage="Irma1_Perfil" class="link-visited link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg]]
<a data-passage="Irma2_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg]]
<a data-passage="Amigo_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg]]
<a data-passage="Amigo2_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg]]
<a data-passage="Valentao_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/valentao/valentao.jpg]]
<a data-passage="Paixao_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<a data-passage="Lexi_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<a data-passage="Penny_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/penny/penny.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<a data-passage="Debora_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/debora/debora.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<a data-passage="Mia_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/mia/mia.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<a data-passage="RoxyRaye_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/darla/darla.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<a data-passage="Srta.Travella_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.MassagistaTeen is true>>
<a data-passage="MassagistaTeen_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/massagistateen/massagista-teen-icon.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<a data-passage="SrtaCooper_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<a data-passage="Carmen_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<a data-passage="LenaPaul_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/lena/lena.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<a data-passage="Angela_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/angela/angela.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<a data-passage="Gabbie_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<a data-passage="LeftVizinha_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfQuimica_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfHistoria_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfLiteratura_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfBiologia_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfSociologia_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfEdFisica_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfArte_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="NewProfFisica_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/mela/mela.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<a data-passage="Aaliyah_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<a data-passage="Samantha_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfFisica_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfMatematica_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_matematica/prof_Matematica.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfGeografia is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfGeografia_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_geografia/P_Geografia.jpg]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<a data-passage="ProfFilosofia_Perfil" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg]]
<</if>><div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-perfil.jpg">
Name: $IrmaV.Nome Palin $Jogador.Sobrenome
Status: $IrmaV.status
Friendship: $IrmaV.Amizade
Passion: $IrmaV.Paixao
Morality: $IrmaV.Moralidade
Desire: $IrmaV.Desejo
<p>$IrmaV.Nome is a 24-year-old girl and is studying nursing at the municipal college, lives in a house with her $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome, her $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome and his $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV $Jogador.Nome. She decided to pursue a career in nursing because she always liked to play in her childhood as a doctor with $Jogador.Nome who were always very close, but everything changed when she entered college and did an internship in the city's hospital, now she hardly stops at home.</p>
<p>She has a boyfriend named Henry she's known since high school.</p>
<p>$Mae.Nome wins 3 tickets to get several free massages at the massage institute at the Country Club $Mae.Nome takes her two daughters $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome and leaves her son $Jogador.Nome home alone under the excuse of grounding him for repeating the school year and because she wanted to have a girls' day. There they receive several relaxing massages, but after a problem in the administration $Mae.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome are prevented from having the last massage, so the three girls go home early. There they find $Jogador.Nome masturbating, scaring a porn movie on TV and turning to them right in the climax ejaculating on the three, $Jogador.Nome runs to his room embarrassed, the three women are extremely angry but $Mae.Nome goes to talk to him. $Mae.Nome comforts him saying that this is something normal at his age but that he will still be grounded for having messed with his things, she says that a friend of hers has just divorced and is moving and tells $Jogador.Nome to help her with the move, only then would he be forgiven, she also recommends that he do the same for $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome, try to do something for them so that they will forgive her. He then pormetes that he will have an idea and do everything to make them forgive him.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $IrmaV.Nome's room to apologize about the incident on Sunday, but she was still furious, didn't want an apology, and kicked $Jogador.Nome out of her room.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$IrmaV.Nome comes home crying too much, her family comes to comfort her, she tells her that she found out she was fired and that she caught her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend, she was so devastated that she forgot she was angry with $Jogador.Nome because of the incident on Sunday.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his sister $IrmaV.Nome's room to see how she is doing. $IrmaV.Nome was still sad about being fired from her job and betrayed by her boyfriend. $IrmaV.Nome vented to $Jogador.Nome about how dedicated she was to her job and said that she thought about reporting her boss doctor, but didn't do it because he was a very rich and powerful man. And that she never realized that her ex-boyfriend was of dubious character, because she had always been a nerd at school. Even though she feels better after the conversation and $Jogador.Nome suggests that $IrmaV.Nome take a walk to calm down, she only asks $Jogador.Nome to leave her alone for a while.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$IrmaV.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome saying that she thought about what $Jogador.Nome said and suggested that they both take a walk in the park, while they are there, $IrmaV.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome, to buy her an ice cream. When he goes to buy it, a girl stops him to ask him how she is doing, and says that she is going to meet her boyfriend, which is why she was exercising. She leaves and $Jogador.Nome doesn't understand anything. His $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome appears at this moment, and says that the girl who stopped him is his former best friend, the girl who was with her boyfriend. After saying this $IrmaV.Nome doesn't feel well and asks $Jogador.Nome to take her away. At home $IrmaV.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to leave her alone, because she needs to think.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome wakes up in the morning and goes to breakfast. He sits down next to $IrmaV.Nome, and she tells him that she can't let herself be shaken, and that she is ready to move on, but first she must get revenge. $Jogador.Nome tries to change her mind, but she is totally determined to do this. She asks $Jogador.Nome to help her, he denies it, but when $IrmaV.Nome reminds him of the living room incident, $Jogador.Nome reluctantly accepts, but asks her not to do anything too heavy with them, but $IrmaV.Nome leaves the kitchen before making her promise, only telling $Jogador.Nome that she will give them exactly what they deserve.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$IrmaV.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome' bedroom and says that she will apply three revenges, one for each person who hurt her.</p>
<p>First, Against Doctor Lindomar: Set a trap to catch Doctor Lindomar harassing a patient and take it to the police.</p>
<p>Second, Against $Kendall.Nome: Making a man who has hook up $Kendall.Nome and her sister $Kayla.Nome at the same time assume that $Kayla.Nome is much better than her.</p>
<p>Third, Against Your Ex-Boyfriend: Making him regret ruining his relationship with $IrmaV.Nome by making him jealous of her.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome accepts these ideas and they both decide to start with Doctor Lindomar, $Jogador.Nome promises that he will ask his friends to help him look for a girl who accepts to do this job.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>While $Jogador.Nome takes a walk in the remote neighborhood he sees a fire in a house and then in the second he finds his $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome she says that that is her ex boyfriend's house, $Jogador.Nome then understands that it was $IrmaV.Nome who set the house on fire, scared $Jogador.Nome leaves along with $IrmaV.Nome.</p>
<p>Upon arriving home $Jogador.Nome asks how $IrmaV.Nome can do that and that setting someone's house on fire is a crime. But $IrmaV.Nome says she made sure no one saw her and that the house was empty. Changing the subject $IrmaV.Nome says that she went to the hospital to talk to Doctors Tavella and Cooper and together with them they obtained a document associating Dr. Lindomar with a pharmaceutical company involved in money laundering, kidnappings and false imprisonment, which leaves $Jogador.Nome scared. $Jogador.Nome says he talked to his friends and they agreed to help with the plan and found a girl to bait Dr. Lindomar and agreed to meet Thursday night at $Amigo.Nome's house to organize everything and avoid problems.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>At $Amigo.Nome's house, $Jogador.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome Tavella, Miss Cooper and $RoxyRaye.Nome are deciding details of the plan. When everything was decided $RoxyRaye.Nome calls the hospital and makes an appointment with Dr. Lindomar. Strangely Lindomar asks for a photo of $RoxyRaye.Nome, which makes her uncomfortable but ends up doing it, soon after he asks some personal questions over the phone that $RoxyRaye.Nome reluctantly answers, so after this interrogation he schedules the appointment at 22:00 with the excuse that this is his only one free time on Friday, $RoxyRaye.Nome accepts and the call ends. Everyone is worried about this connection $Jogador.Nome says that Doctor Lindomar looks a lot like a psychopath after his new victim but $RoxyRaye.Nome says she's not afraid.</p>
<p>Soon after, Miss Cooper says that she and $MissTravella.Nome need to get back to the hospital. $Amigo2.Nome says that his girlfriend is calling him and is going there very furious, $Amigo.Nome offers $Amigo2.Nome a ride to avoid a fight at his house leaving $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome alone.</p>
<p>$RoxyRaye.Nome reveals to $Jogador.Nome what attracted her to him, she reveals that he smells of sex and that he really enjoys it. With that both take off their clothes and $RoxyRaye.Nome performs oral sex on $Jogador.Nome. At the end of the oral sex $RoxyRaye.Nome praises the taste of $Jogador.Nome' semen and they both leave.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome Tavella, Miss Cooper and $RoxyRaye.Nome position themselves to perform the operation. $RoxyRaye.Nome goes to the receptionist and talks about her appointment with Doctor Lindomar, while $MissTravella.Nome, who was watching Doctor Lindomar, gives the signal for $Jogador.Nome and Miss Cooper to enter with $Jogador.Nome disguised as a patient in a wheelchair. Doctor Lindomar goes to the reception and dismisses the receptionist and $RoxyRaye.Nome tries to wrap Lindomar as much as possible. Meanwhile $Jogador.Nome and Miss Cooper go to Doctor Lindomar's office. Miss Cooper hugs $Jogador.Nome and asks to be careful, while $Jogador.Nome enters Doctor Lindomar's office, Miss Cooper goes to find $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome to get statements from the other doctors and nurses.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome enters the office and looks for a place to hide, then he sees a table with some vials with some liquid inside. $Jogador.Nome decides to get some and hide while Lindomar and $RoxyRaye.Nome arrive.</p>
<p>When $RoxyRaye.Nome arrives, she changes and puts on the patient's nightgown, meanwhile, Doctor Lindomar gets ready in another room, when he reappears, $Jogador.Nome, already hidden, starts recording everything. Lindomar uses a stethoscope to listen to $RoxyRaye.Nome's heartbeat, after he asks to see her vagina he frees his hands and puts his whole hand in her vagina, so what was supposed to be a consultation turned into a fisting making $RoxyRaye.Nome uncomfortable. Then Lindomar asks again to hear $RoxyRaye.Nome's heartbeat, which again becomes uncomfortable, but this time he unbuttons her nightgown revealing her breasts with the justification that the shirt gets in the way of hearing the heart, $RoxyRaye.Nome without much choice accepts this. Doctor Lindomar asks her to close her eyes while trying to let her relax, but at that moment he comes very close to her ear and recites a few words in an unfamiliar language that makes $RoxyRaye.Nome sleepy and makes her sleep. These words affect $Jogador.Nome as well, who ends up passing out from sleep along with her.</p>
<p>It takes some time and you wake up in a moving car tied to an iron ladder, and next to you $RoxyRaye.Nome is tied to a board nailed to the floor of the car completely naked. Both try to break free but can't. Doctor Lindomar who was driving the car brags about not falling into $IrmaV.Nome's trap. $RoxyRaye.Nome asks him what he did to her to get so sleepy so fast he doesn't answer but says someone will get two new guinea pigs. At that moment The Spirit Guardian appears to $Jogador.Nome helping him to do advanced hypnosis to disorient Lindomar and make the car flip over. With a lot of effort and a lot of concentration $Jogador.Nome manages to make Lindomar get confused and flip the car. As $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome are tied up they both don't get hurt as much. $Jogador.Nome managed to free himself from his bonds by rubbing against the iron beam that $Jogador.Nome was tied to, soon after he released $RoxyRaye.Nome and they both went to see what happened. Both see Doctor Lindomar lying on top of the steering wheel you check his pulse and see that he is still alive, you find your cell phone next to Lindomar and look for the video of the office but find nothing, Lindomar deleted it. Even without a video, proving what happened, both decide to take the ropes and tie Lindomar and leave him in the trunk of the car, to deliver him to the police. $Jogador.Nome manages to start the car and they both return home.</p>
<<if $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome manage to get back to the house before the car dies, $IrmaV.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome Tavella, Miss Cooper were worried waiting. There $Jogador.Nome explains what happened and says they managed to capture Lindomar, and that he was tied up in the trunk of the car, but when $Jogador.Nome went to show his friends he was no longer there, $Jogador.Nome realizes that the trunk of the car was broken, then $Jogador.Nome deduces that he must have fallen and no one saw him and still says that Lindomar deleted the video of the test from $Jogador.Nome' cell phone.</p>
<p>To console them Miss Cooper shows them the documents and the report of the harassment of the doctors and nurses. So without much choice, everyone goes to the police station to file a complaint.</p>
<p>They tell the Chief of Police everything including the part that Lindomar made $RoxyRaye.Nome and $Jogador.Nome sleep which leaves the Chief of Police astonished, but in general he believes the story and says that the fact that $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome slept must be because of a sleep gas he must have used. The Chief of Police thanks him and promises that he will make Lindomar pay for his crimes, leaving everyone relieved.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome go home, $IrmaV.Nome wants to release $Jogador.Nome from revenge because she thinks he already does too much against Lindomar. But $Jogador.Nome says that he doesn't want to stop, and that he will help $IrmaV.Nome in whatever it takes, which makes $IrmaV.Nome very happy. $IrmaV.Nome asks if it's true that $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome fell asleep so fast, $Jogador.Nome confirms it but says it really must be a gas that Lindomar left in the room or some kind of medicine. At that moment $Jogador.Nome shows $IrmaV.Nome the serum bottles he stole from Doctor Lindomar's office, which is very strange the fact that there is nothing written on these bottles, and that this is unacceptable in a hospital, leaving medicines without identification. So $Jogador.Nome puts those vials away and tells $IrmaV.Nome not to tell $Mae.Nome anything about what happened at the Hostpital and $IrmaV.Nome agrees.</p>
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<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-perfil.jpg">
Name: $IrmaN.Nome Rae $Jogador.Sobrenome
Status: $IrmaN.status
Friendship: $IrmaN.Amizade
Passion: $IrmaN.Paixao
Morality: $IrmaN.Moralidade
Desire: $IrmaN.Desejo
<p>$IrmaN.Nome is 18 years old and a sophomore in high school, is the most popular girl in her class and is always hanging out with her friends. She lives at home with her $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome and his $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $Jogador.Nome.</p>
<p>It's quite affectionate but not innocent at all.</p>
<p>$Mae.Nome wins 3 tickets to get several free massages at the massage institute at the Country Club $Mae.Nome takes her two daughters $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome and leaves her son $Jogador.Nome home alone under the excuse of grounding him for repeating the school year and because she wanted to have a girls' day. There they receive several relaxing massages, but after a problem in the administration $Mae.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome are prevented from having the last massage, so the three girls go home early. There they find $Jogador.Nome masturbating, scaring a porn movie on TV and turning to them right in the climax ejaculating on the three, $Jogador.Nome runs to his room embarrassed, the three women are extremely angry but $Mae.Nome goes to talk to him. $Mae.Nome comforts him saying that this is something normal at his age but that he will still be grounded for having messed with his things, she says that a friend of hers has just divorced and is moving and tells $Jogador.Nome to help her with the move, only then would he be forgiven, she also recommends that he do the same for $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome, try to do something for them so that they will forgive her. He then pormetes that he will have an idea and do everything to make them forgive him.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome apologizes to his sister $IrmaN.Nome about the incident on Sunday. She plays tough at first, but makes $Jogador.Nome a proposal to receive her forgiveness, to help her get a date with the school bully who has always bullied $Jogador.Nome. He thinks it is a terrible idea but reluctantly accepts.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome form a plan to make the school bully $Valentao.Nome look weak and submissive under threat of telling your family secret all over the school. You go to him with confidence and get him to accept your blackmail.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio gte 50>> /* 3° Missão da IrmaN */
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom and accidentally catches her changing, shortly after he goes back there, $IrmaN.Nome says she's getting ready for her meeting with $Valentao.Nome, $Jogador.Nome is amazed that the meeting would already happen tonight. $Jogador.Nome makes one last attempt to make $IrmaN.Nome give up on this meeting with $Valentao.Nome, but $IrmaN.Nome doesn't give up and asks $Jogador.Nome to release her soon because she would walk, $Jogador.Nome asks why not take a taxi and $IrmaN.Nome completes saying that she won't take a taxi because she intends to save money as she will pay the dinner bill. $Jogador.Nome is shocked to hear this but $IrmaN.Nome doesn't accept criticism. Before leaving for her date with $Valentao.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome she says that she will tell $Jogador.Nome about dinner when she gets back. $Jogador.Nome is deeply concerned that $Valentao.Nome will not comply with the agreement.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>When $IrmaN.Nome comes home from her date with $Valentao.Nome, $Jogador.Nome goes to talk to her. $IrmaN.Nome says the meeting was strange because $Valentao.Nome was acting very different from the way he acted at school. $Jogador.Nome realizing that at least in part $Valentao.Nome complied with the agreement tells $IrmaN.Nome that he is just like those guys who act like macho in front of others but who are cowards deep down. $IrmaN.Nome doesn't agree and thinks about asking $Valentao.Nome for a new date, $Jogador.Nome doesn't agree with her but she just says that $Valentao.Nome was possibly shy in the presence of a woman like her. $Jogador.Nome, unhappy with all this, tries once again to discourage him from going out with $Valentao.Nome, but $IrmaN.Nome irreducibly asks $Jogador.Nome to tell $Valentao.Nome on her behalf that they will both have a second date.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$IrmaN.Nome goes to the refectory to ask $Jogador.Nome to look for $Valentao.Nome around the school to ask him when she and he meet again, $Jogador.Nome tries once more to get her to give up on this idea, but she just ignores him. $IrmaN.Nome still asks $Jogador.Nome to ask for his phone number because she forgot to ask, $Jogador.Nome without much choice goes looking for $Valentao.Nome around the school.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Valentao.Nome and to talk about the new date $IrmaN.Nome wants to have with $Valentao.Nome, but $Valentao.Nome doesn't want to have another date with $IrmaN.Nome because he's fulfilled his end of the deal, and insinuates that if $Jogador.Nome doesn't arrange for $IrmaN.Nome to forget about this story, $Valentao.Nome will accept this new date and will have sex with her. $Jogador.Nome, upon hearing this, becomes possessed with rage, doesn't hold back and throws a punch with all his strength at $Valentao.Nome, the confusion was so great that $Gaston.Nome takes you to the deputy principal.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome is taken to deputy principal Lamar, who as punishment for assaulting $Valentao.Nome gives $Jogador.Nome a Saturday in detention.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$IrmaN.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome to ask if he asked $Valentao.Nome for his cell phone number, but $Jogador.Nome says he forgot, $IrmaN.Nome gets very angry with him, but at that moment $Jogador.Nome has a "great idea", buy a new cell phone chip with a new number and hand it to her saying it's $Valentao.Nome's number. So $Jogador.Nome goes to the mall and buys a new chip. $Jogador.Nome then returns home and says this number to his $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome saying it's $Valentao.Nome's cell phone number. $Jogador.Nome also asks why $IrmaN.Nome wants a boyfriend so badly, and she simply answers for the same reason that every girl does, and because her friends also have a boyfriend. $Jogador.Nome is stunned by the answer, but $IrmaN.Nome just doesn't want to hear it and thinks that $Jogador.Nome wouldn't understand.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$IrmaN.Nome sends a message to the number $Jogador.Nome gave her thinking it's $Valentao.Nome's number, $Jogador.Nome without much schooling answers the message, $IrmaN.Nome asks when they're both going out again, $Jogador.Nome manages to trick her by saying $Valentao.Nome will be very busy every day and that's why they won't be able to go out again. $IrmaN.Nome asks him why $Valentao.Nome acted the way he did at the date, so $Jogador.Nome makes up a story that $Valentao.Nome is having family problems. $Jogador.Nome posing as $Valentao.Nome says that he and $IrmaN.Nome won't be able to meet even at school, and makes $Valentao.Nome's friends tend to be assholes with girls which $IrmaN.Nome ends up believing $Jogador.Nome can get $IrmaN.Nome away from $Valentao.Nome, but now they will both talk every night by text message. $Jogador.Nome thinks he can make her give up on $Valentao.Nome once and for all by texting him.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome start talking through text messages, $Jogador.Nome avenging himself to be $Valentao.Nome without $IrmaN.Nome knowing, $Jogador.Nome thought that with time $IrmaN.Nome could end up getting sick of $Valentao.Nome and that these conversations would only be to protect his $IrmaN.Relacao, but over time he starts to enjoying talking to $IrmaN.Nome, especially since she told him things she would never tell $Jogador.Nome. But over time the conversations of $IrmaN.Nome and $Jogador.Nome pretending to be $Valentao.Nome start to get steamier with $IrmaN.Nome sending $Jogador.Nome several sexy pictures and several nude photos, and $Jogador.Nome sending her a picture of his cock.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome asks $IrmaN.Nome if she still talks to $Valentao.Nome since she hasn't talked about him in a long time and $Jogador.Nome is very curious to know what she would say about $Valentao.Nome to $Jogador.Nome. $IrmaN.Nome replies that she and $Valentao.Nome talk all night and that he is nothing like what $Jogador.Nome said, she even says that someday $Jogador.Nome and $Valentao.Nome might become friends.</p>
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<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg">
Name: $Amigo.Nome Pitts Cooper
Status: $Amigo.status
Friendship: $Amigo.Amizade
Morality: $Amigo.Moralidade
<p>$Amigo.Nome Cooper is a 20-year-old boy in his third year of high school and is known as a school pervert, the most thinking and sex-seeking boy in the entire school, but he never did. He repeated year along with his childhood friend $Jogador.Nome.</p>
<p>He lives with his mother, his father died before he was born which made his mother extremely overprotective.</p>
<<if $AmigoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his friend $Amigo.Nome's house and finds out that he is meeting a cam girl, and that they have arranged to meet some day. $Jogador.Nome thinks this is crazy and quite dangerous but $Amigo.Nome continues with this idea and invites $Jogador.Nome to go along. He says no, but when $Amigo.Nome tells him that the cam-girl is bringing a friend, he accepts.</p>
<<if $AmigoM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Amigo.Nome's house to wait for her girl to pick them up, she arrives, and reveals to be a beautiful woman named $CarmenCa.Nome, the 3 of us go to a five stars restaurant that $CarmenCa.Nome insisted on paying for, but a girl arrives and introduces herself as $LenaPaul.Nome, the girl $CarmenCa.Nome would call to accompany. $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome have a great connection, and soon realize that $Amigo.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome are going to the bathroom together, you both peek through the window, and see that $CarmenCa.Nome has gone to give $Amigo.Nome a blowjob.</p>
<<if $AmigoM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Amigo.Nome is determined to ask $CarmenCa.Nome to dating, but he is very insecure about it, because she is a cam-girl and has probably had sex with dozens of men, and because $Amigo.Nome is still a virgin he is very insecure about it. $Jogador.Nome is sad that he can't help, but promises to try to talk to $Amigo2.Nome because maybe he has a solution.</p>
<<if $AmigoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome now knows how to give massages, so he goes to $Amigo.Nome's house. He finds him looking very bad for having given up hope of finding the Book of Love and solving his problems, so he offers him a massage to improve his situation with $CarmenCa.Nome. $Amigo.Nome refuses at first because he thinks it's too gay, but ends up accepting because $Jogador.Nome insists. $Jogador.Nome Hypnotizes $Amigo.Nome to be someone more confident. When $Amigo.Nome regains consciousness, he feels much better and is ready to ask $CarmenCa.Nome for a exclusivity.</p>
<<if $AmigoM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Amigo.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome to invite him to a celebratory dinner at his house when he will finally officially announce $CarmenCa.Nome as his girlfriend, the dinner would take place on Saturday at 20:00 at $Amigo.Nome's house, he asks $Jogador.Nome to go a little earlier. $Jogador.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo.Nome's mother, $Amigo2.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome's mother and $LenaPaul.Nome are invited to this dinner.</p>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his friend $Amigo.Nome's house for the celebration dinner, $Amigo2.Nome was already there. $Amigo.Nome explains that the only ones who know that $CarmenCa.Nome is already $Amigo.Nome's girlfriend are $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome, so he tells them not to tell anyone, especially his mother $SrtaCooper.Nome. Both agree and the doorbell rings, thinking it's $CarmenCa.Nome, $Amigo.Nome goes there and answers it, but he gets a big surprise, it was $Amigo2.Nome's girlfriend, $Shyla.Nome who was already furious with him, both argue briefly, but are interrupted by $Amigo.Nome who asks to both stop fighting because it's a very special day, $Shyla.Nome not telling $Amigo.Nome's mom the surprise if she can stay for dinner, $Amigo.Nome agrees on the condition that $Shyla.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome don't fight over dinner, they agree. Then the doorbell rings again. $Amigo.Nomev will answer because this time it could be $CarmenCa.Nome. She arrives and hugs $Amigo.Nome along with her best friend $LenaPaul.Nome, everyone greets each other. $Amigo2.Nome and $Jogador.Nome introduce $Shyla.Nome to $LenaPaul.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome. $CarmenCa.Nome tells $Amigo.Nome that unfortunately her mother can't come to this dinner, but she had to go with someone, at that moment $Valentao.Nome arrives entering $Amigo.Nome's house as if the house was his. He walks in and teases everyone present at the moment, calling $Amigo.Nome a brother-in-law, calling $Amigo2.Nome weak when defending himself by his girlfriend, talking about $IrmaN.Nome to $Jogador.Nome, calling $LenaPaul.Nome "the cloudy night girl" and after that going upstairs to go to the bathroom. $CarmenCa.Nome is deeply embarrassed by her stepbrother's attitude, and apologizes to everyone. $SrtaCooper.Nome arrives in the room where everyone is and calls everyone to the dining room as dinner is on the table.</p>
<p>Everyone has a nice dinner, $Amigo2.Nome and $Shyla.Nome don't fight, $Valentao.Nome continues with his annoying comments but doesn't do anything else, $Amigo.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome officially announce to everyone that $CarmenCa.Nome is now $Amigo.Nome's girlfriend. $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome talk, $Jogador.Nome asks $LenaPaul.Nome about the story of "the girl in the cloudy night", $LenaPaul.Nome seems embarrassed about this story and prefers not to tell that day, she just says it was a misadventure of her adolescence. With that $LenaPaul.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome the story of the "needy sister", $Jogador.Nome prefers not to tell the truth so he just says that it's a family problem and that he'll tell her another day. After dinner $SrtaCooper.Nome calls $Amigo.Nome to help her do the dishes, but he doesn't want to, $CarmenCa.Nome then offers to help her do the dishes but $Amigo.Nome quickly refuses, and calls $Jogador.Nome to talk privately. He tells $Jogador.Nome to help $SrtaCooper.Nome do the dishes, $Jogador.Nome denies it at first but after $Amigo.Nome explains why he can't and that $SrtaCooper.Nome still doesn't know that $CarmenCa.Nome is a cam-girl he reluctantly accepts.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome then goes with $SrtaCooper.Nome to the kitchen and there they start washing that huge pile of dirty dishes, while they do it they have an excellent conversation, $SrtaCooper.Nome asks some questions about $CarmenCa.Nome and $Jogador.Nome tries to answer as best he can. When $SrtaCooper.Nome asks him if he knows what she works for, $Jogador.Nome just replies that he doesn't. When they are almost done washing the dishes $LenaPaul.Nome goes to the kitchen and tells $Jogador.Nome that there was an argument between $Shyla.Nome and $Valentao.Nome, now they both want to leave, so $LenaPaul.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome to go say goodbye to them. $SrtaCooper.Nome releases him as she was already done washing the dishes. $Jogador.Nome goes there to say goodbye to her friends, there they are, $Jogador.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome, $Shyla.Nome is in the bathroom and $Valentao.Nome is outside. $CarmenCa.Nome invites everyone to watch the live broadcast that she will do that night especially for them, to celebrate this wonderful toite. After this invitation $CarmenCa.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome and $Valentao.Nome leave. $Amigo.Nome is deeply jealous and asks $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome not to watch her live stream, as $CarmenCa.Nome is now officially $Amigo2.Nome's girlfriend, they both owe him respect. They reluctantly accept after $Amigo2.Nome forced them to accept. $Shyla.Nome comes back from the bathroom and drags $Amigo2.Nome out saying that she already wants to leave, without even giving him a chance to explain himself. $Jogador.Nome also decides to leave so he says goodbye to $Amigo.Nome.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@ <center><img id="imgLaptop" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/capa-leptop-irma1.jpg"></center><div id="containerPC">
<div id="monitorPC">
<div id="monitorscreenPC">
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/jogos/Lol-1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/jogos/Lol-2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You play a League of Legends game.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|computador]]>><<addmins 40>><</button>>@@<div id="containerPC">
<div id="monitorPC">
<div id="monitorscreenPC">
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/jogos/Wow-1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/jogos/Wow-2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You play World of Warcraft.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|computador]]>><<addhours 2>><</button>>@@<div id="containerPC">
<div id="monitorPC">
<div id="monitorscreenPC">
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/jogos/Csgo-1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/jogos/Csgo-2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You play a bit of Counter Strike: Global Offensive.<</narrador>>
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<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg">
Name: $Amigo2.Nome Charles Klein
Status: $Amigo2.status
Friendship: $Amigo2.Amizade
Morality: $Amigo2.Moralidade
<p>$Amigo2.Nome Klein is an 19-year-old boy in the third year of high school. He has an older girlfriend who goes to college, but she comes from a very traditional family and doesn't want to have sex before marriage, which makes $Amigo2.Nome very upset, but the two like each other more and don't intend to break up.</p>
<p>$Amigo2.Nome lives in an apartment downtown with his aunt, they don't get along and prohibits $Amigo2.Nome from taking his girlfriend home, and joining the football team.</p>
<p>$Amigo2.Nome is very fond of sports, including playing football, basketball, lacrose whenever he can, so he became friends with the high school football team despite not being able to join.</p>
<<if $Amigo2M1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome meets $Amigo2.Nome in the plaza, and tells him about his insecurity about asking $LenaPaul.Nome out and about his friend $Amigo.Nome's insecurity about being intimidated to ask $CarmenCa.Nome out and asks if he has an idea how to help. $Amigo2.Nome says that he is also having problems with his girlfriend because she doesn't want to have sex with him. But he says that maybe he has a solution and that is for $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo.Nome to meet him in the school cafeteria at recess time.</p>
<<if $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Amigo2.Nome summons $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo.Nome to the school cafeteria at break time, where he talks about a book that might help them solve their sexual problems. The three of them go to the library to look for the book. $Jogador.Nome finds $Penny.Nome in the library, where she tells him that in the past there was an intense search for the book, but they found nothing, but at this moment $Amigo2.Nome and $Amigo.Nome interrupt them saying that they found something, a note from a guy named Stifler, saying that he went after the "Book of Love" to publish it on the Internet, but when he arrived the book wasn't there, and had been taken by a guy named Bastion of Light. $Jogador.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, and $Amigo2.Nome come to the conclusion that the Bastion of Light is a former student, former teacher, or former employee, so the three boys organize themselves to try to find out who the Bastion of Light is. $Amigo2.Nome goes to talk to some students and the soccer team, $Amigo.Nome to some students at school, and $Jogador.Nome to some teachers.</p>
<<if $Amigo2M3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome witnesses a fight in the square between $Amigo2.Nome and his girlfriend $Shyla.Nome, and when she leaves Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome talk. $Amigo2.Nome tells her about his misadventures with his girlfriend, and before leaving he tells $Jogador.Nome to do his homework to talk to the teachers and try to find out more about the Bastion of Light.</p>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome asks all the female teachers about the Bastion of Light, but none of them know anything about it, and on top of that each one gives him different tasks to perform.</p>
<<if $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome meet at $Amigo.Nome's house to talk about what they found out about Bastion of Light. $Amigo.Nome says that he talked to the Librarian and some of the janitors, but found out nothing, $Jogador.Nome says that he only found out that Bastion of Light was probably a very religious guy, but $Amigo2.Nome finds out a lot of disappointing things. Other students from the school were also after the book to sell on the Internet in order to get a lot of money, and they told $Amigo2.Nome that this book exists since the 60's and that many boys wrote their own sexual experiences in it. In 2007 this book was revitalized by three students, but this revitalization got a lot of attention from the principal at the time so there was a big search for the Book of Love in the school, but they found nothing. $Amigo2.Nome also confirms that Bastion of Light really was probably a very religious guy, and probably such a guy would destroy the Book of Love, and the three are extremely disappointed to believe that the book no longer exists.</p>
<<if $Amigo2M6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome finds $Amigo2.Nome in the square very sad, and he reveals that he has tried to find out more about the Book of Love, but it probably doesn't exist anymore. But $Jogador.Nome now knows how to massage and says that he can solve the problem with his girlfriend, only he needs to give her a massage. $Amigo2.Nome doesn't like the idea at all and even calls $Jogador.Nome a Talarico Shave Shin, $Jogador.Nome denies being a Talarico and asks for a vote of confidence from $Amigo2.Nome who reluctantly accepts.</p>
<<if $JogadorM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Even with $Amigo.Nome not letting $Jogador.Nome or $Amigo2.Nome watch his girlfriend $CarmenCa.Nome's live stream, $Jogador.Nome still decides to watch it, while $Jogador.Nome watches $CarmenCa.Nome's pornographic live stream, $Amigo2.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome. $Amigo2.Nome asks if $Jogador.Nome is watching $CarmenCa.Nome $Jogador.Nome' live stream confirms that yes, $Jogador.Nome also listens to $Amigo2.Nome's cell phone audio denouncing that he was also watching the live stream. Both then start talking while watching. $Jogador.Nome even says that he wouldn't feel comfortable dating a girl who records live videos of herself masturbating for other guys to see, $Amigo2.Nome says he could reveal that without too much trouble.</p>
<p>$LenaPaul.Nome then calls $Jogador.Nome, she reveals that she is also watching $CarmenCa.Nome's live stream and that she has been watching $CarmenCa.Nome's pornographic lives stream for more than a month without her knowing, so $Jogador.Nome said she was talking to $Amigo2.Nome suggests that $LenaPaul.Nome join the conversation o which she accepts with great enthusiasm.</p>
<p>$LenaPaul.Nome suggests that $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome masturbate together on cell phone while watching $CarmenCa.Nome masturbating on the live stream, they both don't like the idea but change their minds when $LenaPaul.Nome says she will masturbate along with them, they both accept on the condition that $LenaPaul.Nome moans a lot and says things like she was together with $CarmenCa.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome accepts, and you have a strange and excellent experience, $CarmenCa.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome climax together and $Jogador.Nome a few seconds later, and $Amigo2.Nome says he came too along with them, and $LenaPaul.Nome is super happy that they all cum together, but needs to hang up because she thinks that because she hears footsteps and thought it was her father coming, $Amigo2.Nome also hangs up because he said his aunt started to complain about the noise.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome is worried that someone in his family has heard, he sees his bedroom door ajar and fluttering, it could have been the wind, but $Jogador.Nome is still worried that they not only heard him but also watched him.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/valentao/valentao.jpg">
Name: $Valentao.Nome
Status: $Valentao.status
Friendship: $Valentao.Amizade
Morality: $Valentao.Moralidade
<p>$Valentao.Nome is the high school bully, bullying everyone who looks weaker than him, especially $Jogador.Nome, in the afternoon he goes to the abandoned house to smoke pot with his rowdy friends.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Paixao.Nome Reid Matthews
Status: $Paixao.status
Friendship: $Paixao.Amizade
Passion: $Paixao.Paixao
Morality: $Paixao.Moralidade
Desire: $Paixao.Desejo
<p>$Paixao.Nome is one of the most popular girls in school, leader of "The Baby Dools" and also the secret crush of $Jogador.Nome that she was in love with since childhood, but she is fake, manipulative, and probably had sex with almost every boy in school.</p>
<p>He pretends to be a saint to her parents, but behind their back he literally does whatever he wants. She uses her beauty and her innocent face to achieve her goals.</p>
<<if $PaixaoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Paixao.Nome $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome were talking about a boy that $Paixao.Nome was cheating on, they were so immersed in the conversation that they didn't even realize that $Jogador.Nome heard everything.</p>
<<if $PaixaoM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome is sitting in the cafeteria with his friends $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome, then $Jogador.Nome spots the girls $Paixao.Nome, $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome, and tells his friends that he has a plan to get $Paixao.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome don't like the idea at all, $Amigo.Nome even tells them about a day when $Paixao.Nome disrespected his father's memory while talking to his mother. Seeing this, $Jogador.Nome says he has a plan to put her in her rightful place.</p>
<<if $PaixaoM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome is in the cafeteria with his friends, $Jogador.Nome then tells them his plan inspired by a teenage romantic comedy movie, Basically, they must make the boys start ignoring her, break the friendship bond with $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome, and destroy her self-esteem, and then the plan will be completed, $Jogador.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome then decide to plan more details of the Sunday plan at $Amigo.Nome's house.</p>
<<if $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Amigo.Nome's house to discuss the plan, and there they decide that the best way for the boys to start ignoring $Paixao.Nome is if each of them has a girlfriend, more precisely a rich old lady. For her friends to get away from $Paixao.Nome, $Jogador.Nome suggests attacking the weak link, $Mia.Nome, the girl who is only with them because they are popular. By completing these two tasks $Paixao.Nome's self-esteem will automatically plummet. So the plan will be as follows: $Jogador.Nome will approach $Mia.Nome and try to undermine the girls' friendship, and $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome will seek to find out more about the Longing Prom place frequented by rich old ladies.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Lexi.Nome McComber
Status: $Lexi.status
Friendship: $Lexi.Amizade
Passion: $Lexi.Paixao
Morality: $Lexi.Moralidade
Desire: $Lexi.Desejo
<p>$Lexi.Nome, the math teacher's daughter, is known for being the most spoiled girl in high school because her father is the math teacher. Because after all, that alone would lead to high marks in this one and all the other lessons.</p>
<<if $LexiM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Lexi.Nome's house for a walk in the park. There they talk, and there he discovers that $Lexi.Nome doesn't get good grades just because she is the math teacher's daughter, but because he charges her much more than the other students, according to him $Lexi.Nome should be an example for the school. $Jogador.Nome finds all this very strange, because $ProfMatematica.Nome is a terrible teacher he doesn't even care to demonstrate it to everyone and he doesn't even care to try to make a decent class. $Lexi.Nome then says that he doesn't like being a teacher. $Jogador.Nome tries to change the subject by asking why $Lexi.Nome works at a little shop at the Mall if she's rich. And she says it has to do with her father, but she also doesn't know why she has to work there. They keep talking for a while longer, then $Jogador.Nome takes $Lexi.Nome back home $Lexi.Nome says she really enjoyed this tour and that it's really nice to have someone to talk to, $Jogador.Nome urges $Lexi.Nome to try to fit in with the school crowd, she says that for As hard as it is for her, she'll try. $Lexi.Nome hugs $Jogador.Nome with a warm hug and enters her house and $Jogador.Nome leaves.</p>
<<if $LexiM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome was at the refectory table with his friends $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome, when he sees $Lexi.Nome at her table alone, he decides to go sit with her despite the disapproval and jokes of his friends.</p>
<p>When sitting down with $Lexi.Nome, $Jogador.Nome invites her to do something after lesson, with great excitement $Lexi.Nome suggests they watch a movie at home, which $Jogador.Nome accepts.</p>
<<if $LexiM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Lexi.Nome's house to watch a movie with her, she chooses a movie called Cheeky that according to her, she never watched this movie, which is apparently a comedy.</p>
<p>When $Lexi.Nome puts the film on, both realize that it is actually an erotic film, which makes her extremely embarrassed, but $Jogador.Nome comforts her by saying that she does not need to feel ashamed, because after all it is just a film. $Jogador.Nome and $Lexi.Nome watch this movie halfway through, as $Lexi.Nome hears the noise of her father's car approaching, she promptly takes the movie away and changes the channel.</p>
<p>When ProfMatematica.Nome gets home he spots $Jogador.Nome, which makes him uncomfortable, but when $Lexi.Nome tries to explain he ends up letting it go. $ProfMatematica.Nome says he just came home to get some documents and is about to leave again, leaving $Lexi.Nome outraged, but he leaves anyway.</p>
<p>$Lexi.Nome comments to $Jogador.Nome that $ProfMatematica.Nome used to do this, come home and leave right away, receive phone calls and leave at any time and when she asks why he refuses to tell, she asks that this behavior is strange and worries about it. $Jogador.Nome agrees that this behavior is really quite strange.</p>
<p>After $ProfMatematica.Nome leaves for his "appointment" $Jogador.Nome tells $Lexi.Nome that he has to leave, $Lexi.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to stay to finish the movie, but $Jogador.Nome reiterates that he needs to leave, but they both agree to continue watching the movie on another day.</p>
<<if $LexiM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes back to $Lexi.Nome's house to continue watching the movie, $ProfMatematica.Nome wasn't home at that time, so both continue watching the movie where they left off, until they hear a knock on the door, there were two police officers who wanted to talk to $ProfMatematica.Nome about a confidential matter, $Lexi.Nome says he's not home so both cops leave. $Lexi.Nome is upset by this visit and wonders what her father is up to, but $Jogador.Nome asks them to continue watching the movie.</p>
<p>$Lexi.Nome seems to have gotten used to watching all those nude scenes and simulated sex with $Jogador.Nome, their friendship starts to get stronger.</p>
<<if $LexiM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>During Math lesson, teacher $ProfMatematica.Nome receives a call and leaves the classroom, when he returns he tells his students that he needs to leave for a while, leaving the classroom without a teacher, the whole students celebrates, exert $Lexi.Nome, who stays quite worried.</p>
<<if $LexiM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome receives a call at dawn, it is $Lexi.Nome saying that those police officers who visited her while watching Cheeky, are at that moment at her house talking to her father about a high-risk investment, in addition she mentions two men in suits, one of them one is quite big, and the other one is smaller but has several gold chains and expensive accessories. $Lexi.Nome mentions that apparently they have some important appointment on Friday, but she can't figure out where.</p>
<p>$Lexi.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to help her investigate this matter, $Jogador.Nome doubts that two high school students can resolve this matter, but $Lexi.Nome promises that if $Jogador.Nome helps she will do anything, so $Jogador.Nome asks that in exchange for his help she send him the photo of answer sheet for the next math test which $Lexi.Nome accepts in exchange for her help.</p>
<<if $LexiM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Math teacher $ProfMatematica.Nome gives a test to all of his students, and thanks to the deal $Lexi.Nome made with $Jogador.Nome, she sends him a picture of the test answer, which he takes with great care and delivers along with most of the lesson to avoid arousing suspicion.</p>
<<if $LexiM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome receives a call from $Lexi.Nome, saying that his father will be leaving in about 30 minutes, and asks $Jogador.Nome to come to her house to follow him. $Jogador.Nome hangs up the phone and goes to $Lexi.Nome's house. When he was almost there $Lexi.Nome calls him again asking about his location. He says he is giving birth, so $Lexi.Nome asks him to hide because his father is already leaving, at that moment $Jogador.Nome hides in the flower bed and watches $ProfMatematica.Nome getting into the car and leaving down the road. When $Jogador.Nome comes out of hiding, $Lexi.Nome appears with another car and offers him a ride, $Jogador.Nome gets into her car and both begin to chase $ProfMatematica.Nome's car.</p>
<p>$Lexi.Nome asks what they should do when they get there, $Jogador.Nome says he doesn't know but that $Lexi.Nome should talk to her father to find out what's going on, $Lexi.Nome says she already asks $ProfMatematica.Nome but he never tells the truth, but $Jogador.Nome insists that she put him against the wall so that he will tell the truth even though $Lexi.Nome is afraid of it.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $Lexi.Nome follow $ProfMatematica.Nome's car to the Pub which is close to $Jogador.Nome' house, he doubts that this big secret he keeps is going out drinking with his friends, so $Jogador.Nome asks $Lexi.Nome to wait in the car and enters the Pub.</p>
<p>Even with the Pub full, $Jogador.Nome sees $ProfMatematica.Nome entering through a door at the back of the Pub, $Jogador.Nome tries to approach, but is stopped by a security guard, who says that only employees go through that door, $Jogador.Nome wonders why $ProfMatematica.Nome would work in a Pub. $Jogador.Nome then goes to talk to the bartender who is a beautiful woman, but she also says that it is a private area, "only for employees", when questioning the girl $Jogador.Nome ends up irritating her, so without much to do $Jogador.Nome goes back to the car to tell $Lexi.Nome what he saw inside the Bar.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome tells $Lexi.Nome what he saw inside, upon hearing $Jogador.Nome, $Lexi.Nome finds everything very strange. $Lexi.Nome then says that she saw some men entering the back of the bar, $Jogador.Nome and $Lexi.Nome go there to see if there is another entrance. Arriving there, both see that the back door is also guarded by two security guards. $Lexi.Nome is sorry, and $Jogador.Nome suggests that there is nothing more that can be done, $Lexi.Nome starts to deny it until they see $ProfMatematica.Nome leaving and getting in his car, $Lexi.Nome despairs saying that she has to get home before him, reiterating that they continued to investigation the other day.</p>
<<if $LexiM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome sits down with $Lexi.Nome to talk about the outcome of the investigation, $Lexi.Nome says she couldn't get home in time before her father, and as an apology she said she was with $Jogador.Nome, hearing that $Jogador.Nome gets upset, but forgives her. $Lexi.Nome says that $ProfMatematica.Nome thinks $Jogador.Nome and $Lexi.Nome are dating and that $ProfMatematica.Nome has invited him over to his house.</p>
<p>$Lexi.Nome regrets that the investigation has come to nothing, but $Jogador.Nome says that something is going on in that pub, and the only idea he had to find out about the pub is to find someone who is leaving there and try to gain his trust so that he tell the secrets there. $Lexi.Nome says it's going to be complicated but that she's happy that they can still see each other and that they finally have a friend.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Penny.Nome Katesh Freas
Status: $Penny.status
Friendship: $Penny.Amizade
Passion: $Penny.Paixao
Morality: $Penny.Moralidade
Desire: $Penny.Desejo
<<if $Penny.has_sex is true>>\
Handjob: $PennySex.punheta
Have You Ever Masturbated Her: $PennySex.masturbou
Fingering Anal: $PennySex.fingering_anal
Sucked Her Tits: $PennySex.suck_tits
Titjob: $PennySex.titjob
Had Oral Sex: $PennySex.faz_oral
Received Oral Sex: $PennySex.recebe_oral
Vaginal Sex: $PennySex.vaginal
Anal Sex: $PennySex.anal
Facial: $PennySex.facial
Creampie: $PennySex.creampie
Creampie Anal: $PennySex.creampie_anal
Pearl Necklace: $PennySex.pearlnecklace
Cum in her Pussy: $PennySex.cum_pussy
Cum in her Butt: $PennySex.cum_butt
Cum in her Ass: $PennySex.cum_ass
Eat your Cum: $PennySex.eat_cum
Cum: $PennySex.cum
<p>$Penny.Nome Katesh Freas is the nerd leader of the group always gets very high grades, studies all day, is very shy and harbors a secret crush on $Jogador.Nome.</p>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Penny.Nome lives in a mansion in rich neighborhood, and she is the daughter of the deputy mayor, Loen Freas, who took over as mayor when the mayor was absent.</p>
<<if $PennyM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>On a Wednesday the chemistry teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome spent a paired schoolwork, whose pair would be chosen at random, $Penny.Nome was very lucky was chosen to do the work in pairs with $Jogador.Nome the boy she was secretly in love with, while talking to him, she asked to find her in her house any time before 17:30 because before that her father would not be home.</p>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Penny.Nome prepares a plan so that she can be alone with $Jogador.Nome in his bedroom and have sex with him, but is thwarted by his father who has come home from work early and is furious that $Jogador.Nome has been seen entering his house. $Penny.Nome does some of the chemistry work with $Jogador.Nome, with her butler Maurice keeping watch under the orders of her father Loen.</p>
<<if $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome returns to $Penny.Nome's house with the intention of finishing the chemistry assignment that was left incomplete, but she tries to have sex with him again, and when $Jogador.Nome confesses that he is very afraid of her father, $Penny.Nome gives up, and they both continue doing the assignment until it is finished.</p>
<<if $PennyM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>The day of the chem homework delivery arrives and $Penny.Nome seemed very upset with $Jogador.Nome, because she didn't even look him in the face and no longer exhibited her iconic smile, observing this $Jogador.Nome went to talk to her, said that the fault of the event was all hers for not having realized that $Jogador.Nome is just a boy, not a man as she had thought, $Jogador.Nome try to at least continue the friendship, $Penny.Nome doesn't accept and says she can't be friend with a coward. Hearing this, $Jogador.Nome decides to change his attitude.</p>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome finally gets up the nerve and goes to $Penny.Nome's house at night, climbs up to $Penny.Nome's bedroom window, where he apologizes for being a coward and suggests they both have sex right there at that moment. $Penny.Nome tells him her father is sleeping in a nearby room, but $Jogador.Nome doesn't care, she accepts, and they have a magical night of sex.</p>
<p>After they finish $Penny.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome if he was a virgin, he says yes, but thinks this was a criticism of his sexual performance, but $Penny.Nome denies saying she was also a virgin, but $Jogador.Nome seems not to believe it, Abos hear a noise behind the door, $Penny.Nome thinks it is her father who has woken up and is going to his room, so $Jogador.Nome jumps out the window even at the risk of getting hurt.</p>
<p>$Penny.Nome's father arrives at her room in a rage but $Jogador.Nome has already escaped through the window. He asks about the noise and says he heard voices, but $Penny.Nome says she just woke up to go to the bathroom and hit her little toe on the edge of the closet which made her cry out in pain. He believes in parts, and goes back to his room suspicious.</p>
<<if $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Penny.Nome to ask about the Book of Love. $Penny.Nome thinks that $Jogador.Nome is after the Book of Love, because of his sexual performance the other day. $Jogador.Nome insists that it's not because of that it's because of other problems, so $Penny.Nome tells him that the book is probably a legend as there was an intense search in the school for the Book of Love but no one found it. Afterwards $Amigo2.Nome and $Amigo.Nome go to $Jogador.Nome saying that they have found something but before $Jogador.Nome leaves $Penny.Nome says that they both need to talk about their relationship.</p>
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome looks for $Penny.Nome in the library to talk about that night of sex that day, $Penny.Nome says everything was wonderful but tells $Jogador.Nome that they can't meet anymore because of her father who would never accept the relationship between the two, $Penny.Nome seemed very afraid of him, but with a lot of insistence $Jogador.Nome manages to convince $Penny.Nome to continue meeting sexually inside the school, since $Penny.Nome can't leave the house except to go to school and church. $Jogador.Nome takes $Penny.Nome to the janitor's room where she performs oral sex on him. They have to quickly get back to the room so they try to hurry which makes $Jogador.Nome mad, but $Penny.Nome promises they will continue afterwards.</p>
<<if $PennyM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>After they meet at the janitor's office, $Jogador.Nome goes to $Penny.Nome to suggest they do something similar again. $Penny.Nome suggests they both go to the emergency stairs as there is a virtually empty seat as there has never been an emergency at the school. $Jogador.Nome likes the idea and they decide to go there. Between $Jogador.Nome' jokes and $Penny.Nome's jokes, she shows her ass to cheer $Jogador.Nome up, soon after $Penny.Nome performs oral sex on $Jogador.Nome again, they think about having sex right there, they just don't do it for lack of time and because it's very uncomfortable, but $Jogador.Nome knows they would eventually return there and promises to find a suitable place for them to have sex.</p>
<<if $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome discovers a secret room in the library so he goes to $Penny.Nome to suggest they both have sex there. $Penny.Nome says she wasn't in the mood to have sex, but after $Jogador.Nome insists she agrees to go there, $Jogador.Nome introduces $Penny.Nome to the face fuck but during the act the biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome appears. Taking both of them to the staff room, however, $ProfBiologia.Nome is not angry with $Jogador.Nome and $Penny.Nome but with the school system. $ProfBiologia.Nome then gives them both a special punishment, a Saturday night in detention. And she gives them both a note to warn their parents about the punishment, but with a lighter reason for detention, $Jogador.Nome about a botched Biology homework, and $Penny.Nome about a book destroyed in the library.</p>
<<if $PennyM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to school detention on Saturday night where the deputy principal is already waiting, a few minutes later $Penny.Nome arrives. The deputy principal recites the rules of detention and says that $Penny.Nome and $Jogador.Nome together should essay on "the importance of school detention in building more respectful students." Deputy principal Lamar leaves the detention room, heading to his own office leaving $Jogador.Nome and $Penny.Nome alone.</p>
<p>$Penny.Nome looks worried that getting detention will affect her future, $Jogador.Nome comforts her by saying it could have been worse, $Penny.Nome says luckily it wasn't her father who saw the note but her mother. $Penny.Nome says they both need to do the essay, $Jogador.Nome doesn't like the idea even says that the deputy principal wouldn't even read it, but $Penny.Nome wants to do the essay anyway so $Jogador.Nome accepts even though it's very annoying. $Jogador.Nome and $Penny.Nome spend a lot of time trying to make this essay, so long that $Jogador.Nome even naps at the table, being woken up by $Penny.Nome. $Jogador.Nome is bored and $Penny.Nome is too distracted to write anything.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome then suggests they do something more fun, $Penny.Nome questions, as she doesn't think there's anything fun about detention. Answering this question $Jogador.Nome hugs $Penny.Nome from behind in a lassive way showing his intense sexual feelings, $Penny.Nome doesn't think this is a good idea because the warden was in his office next to the detention, but because $Jogador.Nome insisted so much and because they had nothing else to do for her. Eventually accepts, and they both have sex in the detention room. In the end $Penny.Nome goes to clean up while $Jogador.Nome writes the essay.</p>
<p>The deputy principal comes back and asks to deliver the essay to you, even without reading it he gives the grade <<if $FezRedacaoDetencao.PennyI is false>>6,5 <<elseif $FezRedacaoDetencao.PennyI is true>>10<</if>>, and then expels $Jogador.Nome and $Penny.Nome in the detention room, finally they were released. $Penny.Nome and $Jogador.Nome go outside the school, but they can't talk as much because $Penny.Nome Loen's father shows up by car at that exact moment, Loen and $Jogador.Nome exchange cold looks, $Jogador.Nome comes to the conclusion that Loen hates him.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Debora.Nome
Status: $Debora.status
Friendship: $Debora.Amizade
Passion: $Debora.Paixao
Morality: $Debora.Moralidade
Desire: $Debora.Desejo
<p>$Debora.Nome is $Paixao.Nome's best friend, member of "The Baby Dolls", she is a very lively girl and always hangs out with her best friend.</p>
<<if $PaixaoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Paixao.Nome $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome were talking about a boy that $Paixao.Nome was cheating on, they were so immersed in the conversation that they didn't even realize that $Jogador.Nome heard everything.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Mia.Nome
Status: $Mia.status
Friendship: $Mia.Amizade
Passion: $Mia.Paixao
Morality: $Mia.Moralidade
Desire: $Mia.Desejo
<p>$Mia.Nome is $Paixao.Nome's second best friend is a merber of "The Baby Dolls" and is known for not being very smart and for always having a guy to "help" on exams and do his homework.</p>
<<if $PaixaoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Paixao.Nome $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome were talking about a boy that $Paixao.Nome was cheating on, they were so immersed in the conversation that they didn't even realize that $Jogador.Nome heard everything.</p>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome walks over to $Paixao.Nome, $Mia.Nome and $Debora.Nome to hear what they're talking about. Apparently $Paixao.Nome is at war with another girl, and $Mia.Nome will have to forcefully seduce a boy who is this girl's boyfriend while $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome record everything to show at school. $Mia.Nome doesn't want to do that but is forced by $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome, this meeting would take place on Saturday. $Jogador.Nome stops listening to the conversation and goes back to his friends.</p>
<<if $JillM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the park and observes $Mia.Nome grabbing and kissing a guy while her friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome observe everything and take several pictures. When the guy walks away $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome go to $Mia.Nome and then walk away leaving $Mia.Nome alone.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Mia.Nome and asks about her kissing that guy falsely claiming he's a boyfriend of a friend of his. $Mia.Nome says whether or not he has a girlfriend is none of her business, so $Jogador.Nome reveals that he knows $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome intend to expose these photos to everyone at school and questions why $Mia.Nome lets $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome treat her like that because clearly $Mia.Nome isn't comfortable with this situation. But $Mia.Nome doesn't want to talk, and walks away leaving you to talk to yourself. "All right, when you're known throughout the school as a boyfriend thief you'll understand what I'm talking about!" says $Jogador.Nome as $Mia.Nome leaves.</p>
<<if $JillM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Paixao.Nome $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome climb on top of one of the tables during recess in the refectory and tease a girl with pictures of $Mia.Nome kissing her boyfriend and $Mia.Nome is visibly uncomfortable with this situation. This girl that the girls call "Sausage Hair" says the three Baby Dolls will get their change in addition to calling $Mia.Nome a Boyfriend Thief. At that moment $Gaston.Nome arrives, who puts an end to all this mess that the girls have created.</p>
<<if $JillM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome finds $Mia.Nome after lesson alone looking sad. They both talk, $Mia.Nome explains to $Jogador.Nome that no girl wanted to talk to her except $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome and that the boys who have a boyfriend now don't even look her in the face. $Jogador.Nome says this is the consequence of being known as a boyfriend thief. Sad $Mia.Nome says that everyone hates her, but $Jogador.Nome says he doesn't, even despite everything $Mia.Nome, $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome did to him, $Jogador.Nome just says that $Mia.Nome is just a girl trying to fit in with the popular crowd, and calls $Paixao.Nome sadistic. $Mia.Nome defends $Paixao.Nome and asks what happened to $Jogador.Nome, who not long ago $Jogador.Nome was in love with her. $Jogador.Nome says that he has opened his eyes and now knows that $Paixao.Nome is a bad girl and that's why he stopped pushing her and advises $Mia.Nome to do the same. $Mia.Nome says she can't especially now that they're her only friends. $Mia.Nome says she needs to go but first tells $Jogador.Nome not to tell anyone about their conversation.</p>
<<if $JillM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Mia.Nome was playing soccer with the girls in her class and realizes that she is still disliked by the girls. Seeing this $Jogador.Nome goes to talk to her. $Jogador.Nome asks if $Mia.Nome is still being harassed by the girls and she says yes.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome asks whether or not $Mia.Nome is going to go out with her friends on the weekend, she says they'll just do the usual going to the mall at night.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome seeing that $Mia.Nome is free this weekend $Jogador.Nome invites her to spend a day at the beach and $Mia.Nome accepts.</p>
<<if $JillM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $Mia.Nome meet on the beach, $Mia.Nome asks why $Jogador.Nome decided to ask her out of nowhere. $Jogador.Nome says it was because neither $Paixao.Nome nor $Debora.Nome would date her and the other girls at school were still harassing her. $Mia.Nome thought $Jogador.Nome asked her out to try to get closer to $Paixao.Nome. $Jogador.Nome says that $Paixao.Nome is just pretty but she's bad and $Debora.Nome too, but $Mia.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome that $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome aren't that bad because they already bought her a lot of clothes and never asked her to return the money.
$Jogador.Nome and $Mia.Nome go to another area of the beach, a more empty area, there $Mia.Nome suggests that she and $Jogador.Nome play truth or dare $Jogador.Nome starts asking and $Mia.Nome chooses truth, $Jogador.Nome asks which school teacher $Mia.Nome would hook up, she replies that she wouldn't take any and that they are all old, $Jogador.Nome rephrases the question, which teacher $Mia.Nome finds more attractive and she replies that she doesn't like women but the most attractive teacher is $ProfEdFisica.Nome. $Mia.Nome now asks the question and $Jogador.Nome answers truth, she asks if $Jogador.Nome is a virgin, <<if $JillM5Respostas.Virgem is false>>$Jogador.Nome answers no, $Mia.Nome is surprised that $Jogador.Nome is no longer a virgin and asks how he lost his virginity, but $Jogador.Nome refuses to answer. <<elseif $JillM5Respostas.Virgem is true>>$Jogador.Nome answers yes, $Mia.Nome asks if $Jogador.Nome really wanted to lose his virginity to $Paixao.Nome, but $Jogador.Nome refuses to answer.<</if>> $Jogador.Nome asks again, $Mia.Nome answers true, $Jogador.Nome then asks what $Mia.Nome thinks of $Paixao.Nome's fight with that red-haired girl, $Mia.Nome replies that she doesn't think what $Paixao.Nome did is right but says that being popular is important for a girl.
$Mia.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome the question, he answers the challenge, $Mia.Nome challenges $Jogador.Nome to take a swim in the sea completely naked, $Jogador.Nome refuses and says that if anyone catches him doing that he would be thrown off the beach, $Mia.Nome replies that no one will catch him because no one stays where they are, but $Jogador.Nome with shame still refuses to be naked, $Mia.Nome then says that if $Jogador.Nome takes his clothes off she does too, so she takes off her clothes and $Jogador.Nome takes her clothes off too. Before they both jump into the water, they sunbathe on the beach, while $Jogador.Nome admires the beauty of $Mia.Nome's body. Both jump out of the sea and swim naked for a few minutes until the day starts to get dark then $Jogador.Nome and $Mia.Nome come out of the water and stay for a few minutes talking lying on the sand.
$Jogador.Nome and $Mia.Nome talk about how cool that day was, they both obviously want to do something again, but $Mia.Nome's friends don't like $Jogador.Nome and he says that if $Mia.Nome keeps hanging out with $Jogador.Nome, $Debora.Nome and $Paixao.Nome will stop being $Mia.Nome's friends. too, but she promises to speak well of $Jogador.Nome to the girls to try to improve $Jogador.Nome' image for them. $Mia.Nome says she has to go meet $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome at the mall so they both say their goodbyes with the promise of meeting up again to do something together.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<<MamaeDiz Ah... hello dear. Need something?>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true and $IrmaV.local isnot "Sala" and $IrmaN.local isnot "Sala" and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
@@.btnHypno;<<button [[Hypno|Mae-Hypno-Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Mae.Amizade gte 25 and $IrmaV.local isnot "Sala" and $IrmaN.local isnot "Sala" and $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Offer a massage|Massagem-SalaMae]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[About that friend of yours...|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Sala Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Sala Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why are you always so alone?|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Sala Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you thought about getting married again?|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Sala Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*====================*/
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*=========================*/
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*===================*/
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sala2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sala3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Remember that time that...|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Sala Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why were you fired anyway?|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Sala Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why you girls are so complicated?|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Sala Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Sala Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<<goto "INM5 parte 3 - Ideia de Gênio">>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you doing at school?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Sala Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Sala Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why that guy?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Sala Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of man do you like?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Sala Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You are leaving school totally distracted when you remember that you have to help your $Mae.Relacao's friend with the move and that she would come to school to pick you up.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look around and at the exit you see a beautiful blonde woman.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You approach her and before you can say a single word she says:<</narrador>>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>Ammmm... Hi, you are $Jogador.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome son of $Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome?</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes and you are my $Mae.Relacao's friend, right?<</fala>>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>Yes, so are you ready to help me with the move?</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" ???>>Not really, I honestly have no desire to do that.<</fala>>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>Oh come on boy, animation! And if you help me in the end I'll give you a recompence for your service.</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>A is, what will it be?<</fala>>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>Let's take it easy, at the right time you'll see.</span></div>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>And then? Let's go?</span></div>
<<narrador>>Says the woman pointing to her car.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>As you go in her car, you ask her:<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, what's your name again?<</fala>>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>I'm a "new" Miss Tavella but you can call me <<textbox "$MissTravella.Nome" "Sarah" $MissTravella.Nome autofocus>>.</span></div>
<<narrador>>You get into the car and she takes you to your house where the moving truck was already parked in front.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You pay the truck driver like your $Mae.Relacao says, and there goes all your money.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You help unload Miss Tavella's furniture, you are amazed at how much this woman has.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM1 parte 2 - Oh, Senhorita Tavella]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 250>>
<<set $MaeM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addhours 10>>
/* Melhor Amiga da Mãe */
<<set $MissTravella = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Doctor",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Mãe do Melhor Amigo */
<<set $SrtaCooper = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "unknow",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Atendente do Instituto de Massagem (Christy Love) */
<<set $AtendenteIM = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Clerk",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Massagista Teen */
<<set $MassagistaTeen = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Masseuse",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Namorada do seu melhor amigo */
<<set $CarmenCa = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Cam Girl",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Sua Primeira Namorada */
<<set $LenaPaul = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "undefined",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Mãe da Amanda (Angela White) */
<<set $Angie = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "undefined",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Irmã Mais Nova da Amanda (Gabbie Carter) */
<<set $Gabbie = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "undefined",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Namorada Amigo2 */
<<set $Shyla = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "student",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Vizinha á Esquerda (Melanie Hicks) */
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "housewife",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Ex-Melhor Amiga da IrmaV Kendall Kayden */
<<set $Kendall = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Irma da Ex-Melhor Amiga da IrmaV Kayla Kayden */
<<set $Kayla = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Esposa da Professora de Educação Fisica (Aaliyah Love) */
<<set $Aaliyah = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Piano Teacher",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Filha da Professora de Educação Fisica (Samantha Rone) */
<<set $Samantha = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Masseuse",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Mulher das aulas na academia (Dee Williams) */
<<set $Dee = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Bartender (Danielle Maye) */
<<set $BartDani = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Bartender",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Bartender (Kagney Linn Karter) */
<<set $BartKagney = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Bartender",
Sexo: "F",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/*============================== Homens =============================*/
/* Loen Freas (Pai da Penny) */
<<set $LoenFreas = {
Nome: "Loen",
Profissao: "Mayor",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Bartender Homem */
<<set $BartenderH = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "Bartender",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Bartender Homem */
<<set $DrLindomar = {
Nome: "Lindomar",
Profissao: "Doctor",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Pai da Lena */
<<set $PaidaLena = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "undefined",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
/* Irmão da Lena */
<<set $IrmaodaLena = {
Nome: "",
Profissao: "undefined",
Sexo: "M",
local: undefined,
status: "Normal",
<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<narrador>>Several hours pass. You fall on the couch exhausted from exhaustion after spending the day dragging furniture all over the house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, it's finally over, well I think I'm leaving...<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Didn’t you work hard all day, don’t you want to eat and drink something before you leave?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, is it the reward you promised me?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Oh of course! Wait a second!>>
<<narrador>>She goes to the kitchen and back.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what do you have for me?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz That!>>
<<narrador>>She shows you a bottle of wine.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>A... bottle of wine.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz It’s not just a bottle of wine, it’s a Vilosell 2009, why? Do not like?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, not only, I figured it was something different.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz What kind?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, nothing not.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Hhumm.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ok Boy, I urgently need a shower, don’t eat and drink without me. Seriously, it’s impolite not to wait for the lady to get dressed.>>
<<narrador>>You stay in the living room waiting for $MissTravella.Nome to come out of the bath.<</narrador>>
<<ref "$Jogador">>Wow, look at the size of this woman's house, it must be very rich. Oh she's packed with two glasses back, I think I better go get it.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You decide to get the wine glasses.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When you pick up the wine glasses, you go back to the living room and coincidentally pass in front of the bathroom, you see a crack in the door open, you hear the sound of the shower running, a curiosity on your face, you decide to take a quick peek.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You see $MissTravella.Nome naked taking a shower.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref "Jogador">>Oh, Miss Tavella, what an incredible body you have, Oh, Miss Tavella, what lovely breasts you have, I wish I could come in with you now, but I have to go back to the living room.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM1 parte 3 - Oh, Senhorita Tavella]]>><<addmins 10>><<set $MaeM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-perfil.jpg">
Name: $MissTravella.Nome Tavella
Status: $MissTravella.status
Friendship: $MissTravella.Amizade
Passion: $MissTravella.Paixao
Morality: $MissTravella.Moralidade
Desire: $MissTravella.Desejo
<<if $MissTravella.has_sex is true>>
Handjob: $SrtaTravellaSex.punheta
Have You Ever Masturbated Her: $SrtaTravellaSex.masturbou
Fingering Anal: $SrtaTravellaSex.fingering_anal
Sucked Her Tits: $SrtaTravellaSex.suck_tits
Titjob: $SrtaTravellaSex.titjob
Had Oral Sex: $SrtaTravellaSex.faz_oral
Received Oral Sex: $SrtaTravellaSex.recebe_oral
Vaginal Sex: $SrtaTravellaSex.vaginal
Anal Sex: $SrtaTravellaSex.anal
Facial: $SrtaTravellaSex.facial
Creampie: $SrtaTravellaSex.creampie
Creampie Anal: $SrtaTravellaSex.creampie_anal
Pearl Necklace: $SrtaTravellaSex.pearlnecklace
Cum in her Pussy: $SrtaTravellaSex.cum_pussy
Cum in her Butt: $SrtaTravellaSex.cum_butt
Cum in her Ass: $SrtaTravellaSex.cum_ass
Eat your Cum: $SrtaTravellaSex.eat_cum
Cum: $SrtaTravellaSex.cum
<p>$MissTravella.Nome Tavella is a recently divorced woman, strong and secure in any situation.</p>
<p>$MissTravella.Nome is $Mae.Nome's best friend, they connected when $MissTravella.Nome was at college and $Mae.Nome, there they did a lot of crazy things. But over a boy they ended up fighting and only recently reconciled when $MissTravella.Nome moved to her city after getting married.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MissTravella.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome' house and meets $Mae.Nome, seeing $Jogador.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome decides to tell a funny story about her $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome when they were young. Looks like $MissTravella.Nome will visit $Jogador.Nome again and again.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MissTravella.Nome calls $Mae.Nome saying she needs $Jogador.Nome' help, she tells him that and then he goes straight to her house. Arriving there $Jogador.Nome thinks that $MissTravella.Nome was in trouble for having called him that, but she says no, she just wanted to talk to him without her $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome around. $MissTravella.Nome then tells a story of two young women who fell in love and then fought out of jealousy. The story of $MissTravella.Nome and $Mae.Nome, $Jogador.Nome's $Mae.Relacao. He is impressed by this story and asks $MissTravella.Nome if she intends to win back her $Mae.Relacao. $MissTravella.Nome says not now but she only said all that to $Jogador.Nome because he needed to know. $MissTravella.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome how he feels to hear this, and he says that well and that if $MissTravella.Nome and $Mae.Nome stayed together $MissTravella.Nome would do $Mae.Nome a lot of good. $MissTravella.Nome is happy that $Jogador.Nome likes the idea of $Mae.Nome and $MissTravella.Nome together but asks him not to tell $Mae.Nome what she told him about their past.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MissTravella.Nome goes to visit $Mae.Nome again, when $Jogador.Nome enters the living room $Mae.Nome leaves the room so $MissTravella.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to sit next to her, so he does. $MissTravella.Nome asks if $Jogador.Nome is a serial flirt or if he's just like his $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome, $Jogador.Nome is embarrassed by this question but hints to $MissTravella.Nome that he's quite experienced, $Jogador.Nome says not so much so $MissTravella.Nome says he's right and should enjoy it his youth and trying to get as many girls as possible. $MissTravella.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome to meet her on Monday at the park at 14:00, $Jogador.Nome asks $MissTravella.Nome not to tell her $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome about this conversation.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome finds $MissTravella.Nome in the Park and she invites him to run along with her, as they run $MissTravella.Nome asks once more about $Jogador.Nome' relationships, he talks about two girls, a mean girl from the school he was always in love with and another girl he loves. met on a blind date. $MissTravella.Nome asks if $Jogador.Nome is unsure which one to choose, $Jogador.Nome says "more or less", so $MissTravella.Nome replies for him to have both at the same time, $Jogador.Nome is impressed by what she says, so $MissTravella.Nome says they are no longer in 90s and says that today it is perfectly normal for a couple formed by three or more people. $Jogador.Nome asks not to tell anything about this conversation to his $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome. $MissTravella.Nome agrees and challenges $Jogador.Nome to a race, before he even accepts she runs away leaving him behind, $Jogador.Nome then tries to recover and runs after her.</p>
<p>Both go running to $MissTravella.Nome's house, she celebrates her victory while $Jogador.Nome says it didn't count. $MissTravella.Nome ignores him and demands a prize, she demands that $Jogador.Nome tell the truth, only the truth, nothing but the truth $Jogador.Nome says yes, scared, but she says it's just a few things she needs to know. As a first $MissTravella.Nome asks if she will ever start dating $Mae.Nome, if $Jogador.Nome and his sisters $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome will accept. $Jogador.Nome replies that his sisters may find it strange at first but at some point they will accept it, $Jogador.Nome also says he likes her a lot, but if $MissTravella.Nome ever decides to win $Mae.Nome back she should let him know first. As a second question $MissTravella.Nome asks him if he spied her taking a shower the day he helped her with the move. Embarrassed $Jogador.Nome says yes and apologizes for it, but $MissTravella.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to relax and that she would be disappointed if he didn't peek. Feeling better hearing this $Jogador.Nome calls $MissTravella.Nome hot, and she thanks him for saying so. And $MissTravella.Nome's third question was if $Jogador.Nome was still a virgin, $Jogador.Nome answers no. $MissTravella.Nome is curious and wants to know the girl's name, $Jogador.Nome says that $Penny.Nome was a school girl. $MissTravella.Nome then asks how this happened, but $Jogador.Nome doesn't say anything.</p>
<p>As second prize $MissTravella.Nome demands that $Jogador.Nome give her a massage but not at that moment as she has an appointment, so she asks $Jogador.Nome to come back another time to give her a massage.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome massages $MissTravella.Nome as she had asked, but taking advantage of her relaxed $Jogador.Nome decides to hypnotize her, $Jogador.Nome gives a command to take their friendship to the next step. $Jogador.Nome is curious to know how she will assimilate those words.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome again goes to find $MissTravella.Nome in the park to run with her again, but this time he prepares and manages to outrun her. Both run to $MissTravella.Nome's house and this time $Jogador.Nome wins. He then claims his prize but he asks $MissTravella.Nome not to get mad at him for what he's going to ask for. So he asks $MissTravella.Nome to show him her breasts and $MissTravella.Nome surprisingly accepts, $MissTravella.Nome shows her breasts to $Jogador.Nome who is distracted by looking at them. He asks to play them and $MissTravella.Nome also accepts. After a while $MissTravella.Nome thinks $Jogador.Nome has had enough fun and puts her tits back inside her bra. $Jogador.Nome says he wants to do it again someday, so $MissTravella.Nome says that if he keeps it a secret from everyone, especially $Mae.Relacao, he'll maybe let $Jogador.Nome touch her boobs again.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MissTravella.Nome goes to visit $Mae.Nome again, when $Jogador.Nome arrives, $Mae.Nome says that $MissTravella.Nome told things about him, $Jogador.Nome is distressed thinking that she told some secret, or that she had ratted out what they did, when $Mae.Nome leaves the room $Jogador.Nome sits next to $MissTravella.Nome , she asks him indecent questions, making $Jogador.Nome uncomfortable that his mother could arrive at any moment and catch them both having these conversations. When $Mae.Nome arrives in the room $MissTravella.Nome disguises it, saying that she was asking $Jogador.Nome to come to her house as she will need his help again, which she accepts without questioning too much.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the park and finds $MissTravella.Nome there, she asks if he wants to run with her again, and he suggests they run home, she accepts so you start running to her house. You arrive with $MissTravella.Nome at her house, you sit on the sofa so she asks you what's new, $Jogador.Nome says that now $Mae.Nome, when she's home without any visitors, is only in her panties and bra, $MissTravella.Nome says that $Jogador.Nome must be loving this situation, although it is true $Jogador.Nome says that it is absurd for her to think that because $Mae.Nome is $Jogador.Nome's mother, but $MissTravella.Nome reiterates that even so $Jogador.Nome is a man and men are like that. Saying that $MissTravella.Nome has an idea but doesn't tell $Jogador.Nome, and says he won't know until Saturday.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MissTravella.Nome visits $Mae.Nome again and $Jogador.Nome is pleasantly surprised, $MissTravella.Nome is only wearing a lingerie like $Mae.Nome. She questions him about the fact that he told $MissTravella.Nome that $Mae.Nome now wears less clothes, but $MissTravella.Nome comforts her by saying that she loved the idea, and that it reminds her of the time they both went to the beach, $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome arrive in the living room at that moment, $Jogador.Nome says that $MissTravella.Nome approves of $Mae.Nome's new clothing pattern, and they wonder what happened to the ladies in this town.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, goes to $MissTravella.Nome's house, she already answers wearing lingerie, $Jogador.Nome questions her why the clothes and if it's because of his mother, $MissTravella.Nome replies that $Mae.Nome is very convincing and then invites $Jogador.Nome to enter. $Jogador.Nome sees a pole dancing stage in the living room, $MissTravella.Nome says that she has been practicing pole dancing, $Jogador.Nome asks if he can see her dance for him, $MissTravella.Nome at first does not accept it, but with $Jogador.Nome' insistence she ends up accepting it. $Jogador.Nome takes advantage of $MissTravella.Nome's pole dancing performance, until he says that he should charge $Jogador.Nome to see her doing strip, $Jogador.Nome doesn't like the idea, but $MissTravella.Nome says that if he wants to continue watching he should give her a gift, like a perfume.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $MissTravella.Nome's house with her gift in hand, a perfume called Puro Voodoo. $MissTravella.Nome accepts the gift and lets you watch pole dancing again, this time she lets you watch a little longer than last time.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $MissTravella.Nome's house to see the striptease again, $MissTravella.Nome is irritated by the boy's frankness, but ends up accepting it. This time she does touch $Jogador.Nome's body, she even lets $Jogador.Nome touch her breasts and her ass. But after that she abruptly cuts him off, which angers $Jogador.Nome who wanted her to continue, but $MissTravella.Nome says that would be inappropriate, $Jogador.Nome responds that they are both adults and that's no big deal, but out of fear of what $Mae.Nome might say if she found out $MissTravella.Nome decides to take a step back in her relationship with $Jogador.Nome, who, despite being disappointed and not agreeing, respects her decision, he turns around and leaves.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MissTravella.Nome visits $Mae.Nome once more, $Jogador.Nome and $MissTravella.Nome shake hands but $Mae.Nome realizes that this time they didn't seem so happy to see each other, $Mae.Nome questions both but each makes up an excuse which $Mae.Nome believes without questioning herself too much, $Mae.Nome asks that $Jogador.Nome gives $MissTravella.Nome a massage to make her feel better, $Jogador.Nome reluctantly accepts, $Mae.Nome then asks what $Jogador.Nome is going to do at $MissTravella.Nome's house, $Jogador.Nome and $MissTravella.Nome disagree, but $Mae.Nome is suspicious of both. $MissTravella.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to get her a glass of water, but $Mae.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to continue massaging her, so she goes to bring $MissTravella.Nome a glass of water herself, leaving $Jogador.Nome and $MissTravella.Nome alone.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome continues the massage on $MissTravella.Nome, despite enjoying the massage very much, she does not fail to mention the strangeness of the moment, because they are close to $Mae.Nome as if nothing is happening and they suggest that both stop seeing each other definitively, $Jogador.Nome is outraged. $MissTravella.Nome finds it strange to look at $Mae.Nome knowing that she rubbed herself on her $Jogador.RelacaoMae's lap, $Jogador.Nome says it's just that she doesn't care about it, implies that she wanted more she can't get it, so $Jogador.Nome "helps" her with that by hypnotizing her.</p>
<p><i>"I am $MissTravella.Nome Tavella from today I stop caring about social norms, and I continue my relationship with $Jogador.Nome normally and doing exactly what I want without caring if it would be moral or immoral, but still keeping it a secret, mainly from $Mae.Nome."</i></p>
<p>At that moment, $Mae.Nome arrives in the living room with $MissTravella.Nome's glass of water, $MissTravella.Nome then suddenly leaves with the excuse of a problem at work, $Mae.Nome finds this very strange and asks $Jogador.Nome to ask what happened, he just confirms what $MissTravella.Nome said, but $Mae.Nome doesn't seem to have fully believed it.</p>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MissTravella.Nome goes to $MissTravella.Nome's house to see the result of the Hypnosis, she welcomes $Jogador.Nome with joy, he even thinks it's strange when she says she needs to talk to him, but she comforts him saying he'll like it. $MissTravella.Nome says she's been thinking that she should change a lot of her habits, and that she's decided to stop holding back with $Jogador.Nome, and asks him what he thinks, he's so happy he grabs her breasts without her giving permission first, she seems to have liked, because she decides to take her breasts out, and lets $Jogador.Nome take them without any problem, she then performs oral sex on $Jogador.Nome. After that she was paralyzed with $Jogador.Nome's semen in her hands, he asks if she's okay, he says yes, it's just a lot to process "it seems like I met you a few days ago and you were just my friend’s $Jogador.RelacaoMae, and today I sucked your dick.", and she also says that this is not a problem "I can't imagine going out in my underwear a month ago, but now it seems like a good idea". $Jogador.Nome thinks this must be the effect of the hypnosis, $MissTravella.Nome then asks $Jogador.Nome not to tell $Mae.Nome about this and they keep doing things like that.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<narrador>>You run back into the living room and hope she didn't see you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After a few minutes $MissTravella.Nome appears in a bathrobe.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-roupão1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You make room on the couch, and she sits beside you, you put both glasses on the table and fill them both with wine.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Are you old enough to drink?>>
<<narrador>>You are speechless.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahamm, ahammmm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She laughs.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz HAHAHA is a joke. Even if you haven’t relaxed, I won’t tell your $Mae.Relacao.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Speaking of $Mae.Relacao, how did you meet?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Oh it’s a long story, it all started when I was in college I was in the 4th year of medicine when a guy came and told me...>>
<<ref "$Jogador">>I can't stop thinking about Miss Tavella taking a shower is the first woman I see naked in person I need to see this again.<</ref>>
<<ref "$Jogador">>I know you hypnotize her, but it has to be something lighter at first, right, like $Guardiao.Profissao something that she is more likely to accept, and she should be relaxed like now. Well, here I come.<</ref>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz ...so she called Vladimir Putin and said...>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, Miss Tavella?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz You can call me $MissTravella.Nome anyway.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay $MissTravella.Nome can I say something?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then quickly grab her cheeks and stare into her eyes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm $MissTravella.Nome I really enjoyed tonight, I think $Jogador.Nome is a very special boy, and I want to see him again any day."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then let go of it and notice it with a distant look, but within seconds it is back to normal.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ahmm, what happened?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I... feel weird. You asked me if you could say something, and then I... I don’t remember anything.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I said... my $Mae.Relacao likes you a lot and would like to see you more often.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz You know... this is an excellent idea. Then I take it and say hi to you.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It would be nice ...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well it's getting late I think it's time for me to go.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Thank you so much for helping $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome hugs her tightly, pressing her breasts into his face.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella_abraço1.jpg"></center>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $MaeM1.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 2>>
<<set $MissTravella.status to "The Desired Visitor">>
<<addmins 20>>
Mãe Missoes<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<<narrador>>Another sunny day is born.<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/nascer-do-sol1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/nascer-do-sol2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<MamaeDiz Wake up dear. Time to have breakfast and go to school.>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/acordando.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<timed 4s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave the Badroom|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "IVM5 - Kimmy está de volta">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/familia-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/familia-na-mesa2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/cozinha/cafe-da-manha.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You help yourself to a delicious breakfast prepared by your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekday" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekend" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Go to school|Escola]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(9)>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to true>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to true>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<switch $Conversa.Mae>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Mom why are you always alone... I mean... Why you never remarried?<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Pai is true>>
<<MamaeDiz After $Pai.Nome left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Pai is false>>
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?</span></div>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How could I forget?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Yes, and then after a lot of crying, I saw that I had three kids beside me who needed me, and if that guy you called "dad" didn’t want to be part of this, he was the one who was losing.>>
<<MamaeDiz So I dedicated 100% of my life to raising you, and I didn’t even see the time go by, you grew up so fast, I got older, I’m not old enough to run after a boyfriend.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don’t say that $Mae.Relacao, you’re a beautiful woman, any guy would be lucky to be with you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome but honestly this is not the conversation I want to have with my $Jogador.RelacaoMae.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, I... I’m on my way.<</fala>>
<<MaePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, have you thought about getting married again?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Honestly no.>>
<<if $Conhece.Pai is true>>
<<MamaeDiz After $Pai.Nome left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Pai is false>>
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.</span></div>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what about today? Do you think about getting a boyfriend?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz No, I’m too old to go chasing men around.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are not old $Mae.Nome.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz But no, I don’t intend to get a man right now.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly I prefer it this way! I don’t want to share you with another guy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You and your $Mae.Relacao keep talking a little more.<</narrador>>
<<MaePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<widget "JogadorFitness">>
<<set $Jogador.Fitness = parseInt($Jogador.Fitness + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''You are getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "JogadorIntelgencia">>
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia = parseInt($Jogador.Intelgencia + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''You are getting smarter intelligent''</span>
<<widget "JogadorOusadia">>
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia = parseInt($Jogador.Ousadia + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''You are getting bravery''</span>
<<widget "JogadorMoralidade">>
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade = parseInt($Jogador.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:red">''You are getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "JogadorExSexual">>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual = parseInt($Jogador.Ex_Sexual + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''You are more sexually experienced''</span>
<<widget "JogadorStatus">>
<<set $Jogador.status = parseInt($Jogador.status + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your stats improved''</span>
<<widget "Status">>
<<if $Jogador.status gte 0 and $Jogador.status lt 100>>
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 100 and $Jogador.status lt 200>>
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 200 and $Jogador.status lt 300>>
''Boring dude''
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 300 and $Jogador.status lt 400>>
''No style''
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 400 and $Jogador.status lt 500>>
''Dude from across the street''
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 500 and $Jogador.status lt 600>>
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 600 and $Jogador.status lt 700>>
''Nice guy''
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 700 and $Jogador.status lt 800>>
''Cute guy''
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 800 and $Jogador.status lt 900>>
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 900 and $Jogador.status lt 1000>>
''The Guy''
<<elseif $Jogador.status gte 1000>>
<<widget "JogadorAptidaoEsportiva">>
<<set $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva = parseInt($Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''You are getting better at sports''</span>
<<widget "AptidaoEsportiva">>
<<if $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 0 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 10>>
''Horrible in sports''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 10 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 20>>
''Horrible in sports''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 20 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 30>>
''Bad in sports.''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 30 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 40>>
''Bad in sports''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 40 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 50>>
''Mediocre athlete''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 50 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 60>>
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 60 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 70>>
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 70 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 80>>
''Talented athlete''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 80 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 90>>
''Talented athlete''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 90 and $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva lt 100>>
''Talented athlete''
<<elseif $Jogador.aptidaoEsportiva gte 100>>
''The greatest athlete''
<<widget "JogadorConhecimentoLiterario">>
<<set $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario = parseInt($Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''You are getting more literary knowledge''</span>
<<widget "ConhecimentoLiterario">>
<<if $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 0 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 10>>
''Beginner reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 10 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 20>>
''Beginner reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 20 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 30>>
''Bad reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 30 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 40>>
''Bad reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 40 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 50>>
''Average reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 50 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 60>>
''Average reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 60 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 70>>
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 70 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 80>>
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 80 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 90>>
''Excellent reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 90 and $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario lt 100>>
''Excellent reader''
<<elseif $Jogador.conhecimentoLiterario gte 100>>
''Book devourer''
<<widget "JogadorPopularidade">>
<<set $Jogador.popularidade = parseInt($Jogador.popularidade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''You are getting more popular''</span>
<<widget "JogadorHorny">>
<<set $horny = parseInt($horny + $args[0])>> <span style="color:pink">''You are more horny''</span>
<<widget "Gozar">>
<<set $alivio = parseInt($alivio = 100)>>
''<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/videos/cum.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/videos/cum2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
/*=========================== Mulheres ==============================*/
<<widget "MaeAmizade">>
<<set $Mae.Amizade = parseInt($Mae.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your $Mae.Relacao is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MaeAmizadefall">>
<<set $Mae.Amizade = parseInt($Mae.Amizade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''The friendship between you and your $Mae.Relacao is waning''</span>
<<widget "MaePaixao">>
<<set $Mae.Paixao = parseInt($Mae.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your $Mae.Relacao is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MaeMoralidade">>
<<set $Mae.Moralidade = parseInt($Mae.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''Your $Mae.Relacao is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "MaeDesejo">>
<<set $Mae.Desejo = parseInt($Mae.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your $Mae.Relacao wants you more''</span>
<<widget "IrmaVAmizade">>
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade = parseInt($IrmaV.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your $IrmaV.Relacao is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "IrmaVAmizadefall">>
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade = parseInt($IrmaV.Amizade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''The friendship between you and your $IrmaV.Relacao is waning''</span>
<<widget "IrmaVPaixao">>
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao = parseInt($IrmaV.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your $IrmaV.Relacao is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "IrmaVMoralidade">>
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade = parseInt($IrmaV.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''Your $IrmaV.Relacao is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "IrmaVDesejo">>
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo = parseInt($IrmaV.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your $IrmaV.Relacao wants you more''</span>
<<widget "IrmaNAmizade">>
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade = parseInt($IrmaN.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your $IrmaN.Relacao is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "IrmaNAmizadefall">>
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade = parseInt($IrmaN.Amizade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''The friendship between you and your $IrmaN.Relacao is waning''</span>
<<widget "IrmaNPaixao">>
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao = parseInt($IrmaN.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your $IrmaN.Relacao is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "IrmaNMoralidade">>
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade = parseInt($IrmaN.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''Your $IrmaN.Relacao is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "IrmaNDesejo">>
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo = parseInt($IrmaN.Desejo) + $args[0]>>
<span style="color:green">''Your $IrmaN.Relacao wants you more''</span>
<<widget "PaixaoAmizade">>
<<set $Paixao.Amizade = parseInt($Paixao.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Paixao.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "PaixaoPaixao">>
<<set $Paixao.Paixao = parseInt($Paixao.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Paixao.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "PaixaoMoralidade">>
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade = parseInt($Paixao.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Paixao.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "PaixaoDesejo">>
<<set $Paixao.Desejo = parseInt($Paixao.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Paixao.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "LexiAmizade">>
<<set $Lexi.Amizade = parseInt($Lexi.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Lexi.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "LexiPaixao">>
<<set $Lexi.Paixao = parseInt($Lexi.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Lexi.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "LexiMoralidade">>
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade = parseInt($Lexi.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Lexi.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "LexiDesejo">>
<<set $Lexi.Desejo = parseInt($Lexi.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Lexi.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "PennyAmizade">>
<<set $Penny.Amizade = parseInt($Penny.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Penny.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "PennyPaixao">>
<<set $Penny.Paixao = parseInt($Penny.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Penny.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "PennyMoralidade">>
<<set $Penny.Moralidade = parseInt($Penny.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Penny.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "PennyDesejo">>
<<set $Penny.Desejo = parseInt($Penny.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Penny.Nome is lusting you even more''</span>
<<widget "PennyAmizadeDown">>
<<set $Penny.Amizade = parseInt($Penny.Amizade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''The friendship between you and $Penny.Nome is fading''</span>
<<widget "PennyPaixaoDown">>
<<set $Penny.Paixao = parseInt($Penny.Paixao - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''The passion between you and $Penny.Nome is fading''</span>
<<widget "PennyMoralidadeUP">>
<<set $Penny.Moralidade = parseInt($Penny.Moralidade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Penny.Nome's morality is increasing''</span>
<<widget "PennyDesejoDown">>
<<set $Penny.Desejo = parseInt($Penny.Desejo - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:red">''$Penny.Nome is losing lust for you''</span>
<<widget "DeboraAmizade">>
<<set $Debora.Amizade = parseInt($Debora.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Debora.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "DeboraPaixao">>
<<set $Debora.Paixao = parseInt($Debora.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Debora.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "DeboraMoralidade">>
<<set $Debora.Moralidade = parseInt($Debora.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Debora.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "DeboraDesejo">>
<<set $Debora.Desejo = parseInt($Debora.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Debora.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "MiaAmizade">>
<<set $Mia.Amizade = parseInt($Mia.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Mia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MiaPaixao">>
<<set $Mia.Paixao = parseInt($Mia.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Mia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MiaMoralidade">>
<<set $Mia.Moralidade = parseInt($Mia.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Mia.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "MiaDesejo">>
<<set $Mia.Desejo = parseInt($Mia.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Mia.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "RoxyRayeAmizade">>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade = parseInt($RoxyRaye.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $RoxyRaye.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "RoxyRayePaixao">>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao = parseInt($RoxyRaye.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $RoxyRaye.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "RoxyRayeMoralidade">>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade = parseInt($RoxyRaye.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$RoxyRaye.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "RoxyRayeDesejo">>
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo = parseInt($RoxyRaye.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$RoxyRaye.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ProfQuimicaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade = parseInt($ProfQuimica.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfQuimicaPaixao">>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao = parseInt($ProfQuimica.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfQuimicaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfQuimica.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfQuimicaDesejo">>
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo = parseInt($ProfQuimica.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ProfLiteraturaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade = parseInt($ProfLiteratura.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfLiteraturaPaixao">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao = parseInt($ProfLiteratura.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfLiteraturaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfLiteratura.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfLiteraturaDesejo">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo = parseInt($ProfLiteratura.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ProfHistoriaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade = parseInt($ProfHistoria.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfHistoriaPaixao">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao = parseInt($ProfHistoria.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfHistoriaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfHistoria.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfHistoriaDesejo">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo = parseInt($ProfHistoria.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ProfBiologiaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade = parseInt($ProfBiologia.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfBiologiaPaixao">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao = parseInt($ProfBiologia.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfBiologiaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfBiologia.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfBiologiaDesejo">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo = parseInt($ProfBiologia.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ProfSociologiaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade = parseInt($ProfSociologia.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfSociologiaPaixao">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao = parseInt($ProfSociologia.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfSociologiaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfSociologia.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfSociologiaDesejo">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo = parseInt($ProfSociologia.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ProfEdFisicaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade = parseInt($ProfEdFisica.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfEdFisicaPaixao">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao = parseInt($ProfEdFisica.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfEdFisicaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfEdFisica.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfEdFisicaDesejo">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo = parseInt($ProfEdFisica.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ProfArteAmizade">>
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade = parseInt($ProfArte.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfArte.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfArtePaixao">>
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao = parseInt($ProfArte.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and your teacher $ProfArte.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfArteMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfArte.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfArte.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfArteDesejo">>
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo = parseInt($ProfArte.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfArte.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "MissTravellaAmizade">>
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade = parseInt($MissTravella.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $MissTravella.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MissTravellaPaixao">>
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao = parseInt($MissTravella.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $MissTravella.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MissTravellaMoralidade">>
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade = parseInt($MissTravella.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$MissTravella.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "MissTravellaDesejo">>
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo = parseInt($MissTravella.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$MissTravella.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "SrtaCooperAmizade">>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade = parseInt($SrtaCooper.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $SrtaCooper.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "SrtaCooperPaixao">>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao = parseInt($SrtaCooper.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $SrtaCooper.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "SrtaCooperMoralidade">>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade = parseInt($SrtaCooper.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$SrtaCooper.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "SrtaCooperDesejo">>
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo = parseInt($SrtaCooper.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$SrtaCooper.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "AtendenteIMAmizade">>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade = parseInt($AtendenteIM.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $AtendenteIM.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "AtendenteIMPaixao">>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao = parseInt($AtendenteIM.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $AtendenteIM.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "AtendenteIMMoralidade">>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade = parseInt($AtendenteIM.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$AtendenteIM.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "AtendenteIMDesejo">>
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo = parseInt($AtendenteIM.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$AtendenteIM.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "MassagistaTeenAmizade">>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade = parseInt($MassagistaTeen.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $MassagistaTeen.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MassagistaTeenPaixao">>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao = parseInt($MassagistaTeen.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $MassagistaTeen.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "MassagistaTeenMoralidade">>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade = parseInt($MassagistaTeen.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$MassagistaTeen.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "MassagistaTeenDesejo">>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo = parseInt($MassagistaTeen.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$MassagistaTeen.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "CarmenCaAmizade">>
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade = parseInt($CarmenCa.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $CarmenCa.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "CarmenCaPaixao">>
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao = parseInt($CarmenCa.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $CarmenCa.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "CarmenCaMoralidade">>
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade = parseInt($CarmenCa.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$CarmenCa.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "CarmenCaDesejo">>
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo = parseInt($CarmenCa.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$CarmenCa.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "LenaPaulAmizade">>
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade = parseInt($LenaPaul.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $LenaPaul.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "LenaPaulPaixao">>
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao = parseInt($LenaPaul.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $LenaPaul.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "LenaPaulMoralidade">>
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade = parseInt($LenaPaul.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$LenaPaul.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "LenaPaulDesejo">>
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo = parseInt($LenaPaul.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$LenaPaul.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "AngieAmizade">>
<<set $Angie.Amizade = parseInt($Angie.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Angie.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "AngiePaixao">>
<<set $Angie.Paixao = parseInt($Angie.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Angie.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "AngieMoralidade">>
<<set $Angie.Moralidade = parseInt($Angie.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Angie.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "AngieDesejo">>
<<set $Angie.Desejo = parseInt($Angie.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Angie.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "GabbieAmizade">>
<<set $Gabbie.Amizade = parseInt($Gabbie.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Gabbie.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "GabbiePaixao">>
<<set $Gabbie.Paixao = parseInt($Gabbie.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Gabbie.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "GabbieMoralidade">>
<<set $Gabbie.Moralidade = parseInt($Gabbie.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Gabbie.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "GabbieDesejo">>
<<set $Gabbie.Desejo = parseInt($Gabbie.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Gabbie.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "NewProfFisicaAmizade">>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Amizade = parseInt($NewProfFisica.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $NewProfFisica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "NewProfFisicaPaixao">>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Paixao = parseInt($NewProfFisica.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $NewProfFisica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "NewProfFisicaMoralidade">>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Moralidade = parseInt($NewProfFisica.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$NewProfFisica.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "NewProfFisicaDesejo">>
<<set $NewProfFisica.Desejo = parseInt($NewProfFisica.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$NewProfFisica.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ManuAmizade">>
<<set $Manu.Amizade = parseInt($Manu.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Manu.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ManuPaixao">>
<<set $Manu.Paixao = parseInt($Manu.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Manu.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ManuMoralidade">>
<<set $Manu.Moralidade = parseInt($Manu.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Manu.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ManuDesejo">>
<<set $Manu.Desejo = parseInt($Manu.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Manu.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "ShylaAmizade">>
<<set $Shyla.Amizade = parseInt($Shyla.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Shyla.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ShylaPaixao">>
<<set $Shyla.Paixao = parseInt($Shyla.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Shyla.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ShylaMoralidade">>
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade = parseInt($Shyla.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Shyla.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ShylaDesejo">>
<<set $Shyla.Desejo = parseInt($Shyla.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Shyla.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "VizinhaEsquerdaAmizade">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade = parseInt($VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "VizinhaEsquerdaPaixao">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao = parseInt($VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "VizinhaEsquerdaaMoralidade">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade = parseInt($VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo = parseInt($VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "BartDaniAmizade">>
<<set $BartDani.Amizade = parseInt($BartDani.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $BartDani.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "BartDaniPaixao">>
<<set $BartDani.Paixao = parseInt($BartDani.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $BartDani.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "BartDaniMoralidade">>
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade = parseInt($BartDani.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$BartDani.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "BartDaniDesejo">>
<<set $BartDani.Desejo = parseInt($BartDani.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$BartDani.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "BartKagneyAmizade">>
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade = parseInt($BartKagney.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $BartKagney.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "BartKagneyPaixao">>
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao = parseInt($BartKagney.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $BartKagney.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "BartKagneyMoralidade">>
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade = parseInt($BartKagney.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$BartKagney.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "BartKagneyDesejo">>
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo = parseInt($BartKagney.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$BartKagney.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "KendallAmizade">>
<<set $Kendall.Amizade = parseInt($Kendall.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Kendall.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "KendallPaixao">>
<<set $Kendall.Paixao = parseInt($Kendall.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Kendall.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "KendallMoralidade">>
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade = parseInt($Kendall.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Kendall.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "KendallDesejo">>
<<set $Kendall.Desejo = parseInt($Kendall.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Kendall.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "KaylaAmizade">>
<<set $Kayla.Amizade = parseInt($Kayla.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Kayla.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "KaylaPaixao">>
<<set $Kayla.Paixao = parseInt($Kayla.Paixao + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Kayla.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "KaylaMoralidade">>
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade = parseInt($Kayla.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Kayla.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "KaylaDesejo">>
<<set $Kayla.Desejo = parseInt($Kayla.Desejo + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Kayla.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "AaliyahAmizade">>
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade = parseInt($Aaliyah.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Aaliyah.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "AaliyahPaixao">>
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao = parseInt($Aaliyah.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Aaliyah.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "AaliyahMoralidade">>
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade = parseInt($Aaliyah.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Aaliyah.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "AaliyahDesejo">>
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo = parseInt($Aaliyah.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Aaliyah.Nome wants you more''</span>
<<widget "SamanthaAmizade">>
<<set $Samantha.Amizade = parseInt($Samantha.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Samantha.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "SamanthaPaixao">>
<<set $Samantha.Paixao = parseInt($Samantha.Paixao + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The passion between you and $Samantha.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "SamanthaMoralidade">>
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade = parseInt($Samantha.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Samantha.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "SamanthaDesejo">>
<<set $Samantha.Desejo = parseInt($Samantha.Desejo + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Samantha.Nome wants you more''</span>
/*============================ Homens ===============================*/
<<widget "AmigoAmizade">>
<<set $Amigo.Amizade = parseInt($Amigo.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Amigo.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "AmigoMoralidade">>
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade = parseInt($Amigo.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''$Amigo.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "Amigo2Amizade">>
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade = parseInt($Amigo2.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Amigo2.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "Amigo2Moralidade">>
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade = parseInt($Amigo2.Moralidade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Amigo2.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ValentaoAmizade">>
<<set $Valentao.Amizade = parseInt($Valentao.Amizade + $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and $Valentao.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ValentaoMoralidade">>
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade = parseInt($Valentao.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''$Valentao.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfMatematicaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade = parseInt($ProfMatematica.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfMatematica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfMatematicaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfMatematica.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfMatematica.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfGeografiaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade = parseInt($ProfGeografia.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfGeografia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfGeografiaInimizade">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade = parseInt($ProfGeografia.Inimizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:red">''The geography teacher $ProfGeografia.Nome hates you even more, beware he can become your enemy''</span>
<<widget "ProfGeografiaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfGeografia.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfGeografia.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ProfFisicaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade = parseInt($ProfFisica.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfFisica.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfFisicaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfFisica.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfFisica.Nome is getting more immoral''
<<widget "ProfFilosofiaAmizade">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade = parseInt($ProfFilosofia.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ProfFilosofiaMoralidade">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade = parseInt($ProfFilosofia.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "ViceDiretorAmizade">>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade = parseInt($ViceDiretor.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your deputy principal $ViceDiretor.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "ViceDiretorInimizade">>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade = parseInt($ViceDiretor.Inimizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:red">''The deputy principal $ViceDiretor.Nome hates you even more, beware he can become your enemy''</span>
<<widget "ViceDiretorMoralidade">>
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade = parseInt($ViceDiretor.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The deputy principal $ViceDiretor.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "VicePrefeitoAmizade">>
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade = parseInt($LoenFreas.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your vice Mayor $LoenFreas.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "VicePrefeitoInimizade">>
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade = parseInt($LoenFreas.Inimizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:red">''The vice Mayor $LoenFreas.Nome hates you even more, beware he can become your enemy''</span>
<<widget "VicePrefeitoMoralidade">>
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade = parseInt($LoenFreas.Moralidade - $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The vice Mayor $LoenFreas.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<widget "BartenderHAmizade">>
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade = parseInt($BartenderH.Amizade + $args[0])>> <span style="color:green">''The friendship between you and your teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome is getting stronger''</span>
<<widget "BartenderHMoralidade">>
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade = parseInt($BartenderH.Moralidade - $args[0])>>
<span style="color:green">''Your teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome is getting more immoral''</span>
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I need to ask!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why that guy? Why $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh he's handsome, he's so strong and so... wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please, $IrmaN.Nome understand, he is not good for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You only say that when he hits you at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not only me, he hits everyone who is weaker than him, he's always with a lot of girls and as he dumps, he's always skipping class, understand he's not a good guy for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I know he's a bit of a troubled boy, but maybe I can make him a good guy, maybe he's dating me and you'll even become friends.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can already imagine how good friends we would be, him going out to the whole school saying, "Hey guys I fucking $Jogador.Nome's sister, it's his sister's such a slut" I definitely can't let that happen.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can't change a guy like him, he just is what he is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You need a guy who treats you like the princess you are, a guy who values you, a guy who truly loves you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, I know what I'm doing and i know $Valentao.Nome will be all that if he has a chance to change.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No she doesn't know, she's such a good girl that she doesn't realize that some people are just bad.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You both keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I will ask you a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What kind of man do you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Why do you want to know that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing, just out of curiosity.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>All right then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like handsome, strong men, not necessarily muscular, but who show strength.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>That treats me well, and that they are brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, because it looks nothing like the singers you listen to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, there was a time when I liked the more effeminate type, and even metrosexual, but I think that was just a phase.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Today I like real men better as they say. ahahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will I ever be able to look like a man to your liking?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look, it will be difficult!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>HAHAha it's a joke! With effort and persistence you can.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys are talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome why are girls so complicated?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How come $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, ahmm... I have a friend who likes a girl who doesn't care about him so how would he win her over?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A friend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, a... a friend...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Well first you have to see how this girl treats you, if she only treats you good or bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bad... ahum... well, that what he said.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>If a girl treats you bad, never treat you well, because she sure as hell doesn't deserve your love!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I love her... he... he love her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Maybe it's better, your friend forgets about her because if she treats him badly he can only be a horrible person because that friend of yours is an amazing boy !!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Really!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, Ok I'll... I'll tell him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room running. and her $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome stays there with a smile on her face.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... $IrmaV.Nome Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I think everyone has liked someone who didn't like him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but what about you? Who was the guy who didn't care about you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was in 7th grade and there was a beautiful boy with long blond hair sitting in front of me, I always tried to make him look at me but never could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>One day I asked one of my friends for help at the time she was also into another boy at school so we decided to try to do a double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How crazy, a double date, and you barely knew the guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it gets worse!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In this meeting I realized that he barely talks to me he didn't pay any attention to me which I found strange because if he didn't like me why accepted the invitation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really really weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I noticed that he was very interested in my friend's conversation with the boy she was with.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was very sad at that moment, and I left crying, I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The next morning at school I met my friend who went on a date with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She asked why I suddenly left, and so I said, it's not obvious, the guy I like doesn't care about me, but he's into you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She said that pretending he was strangely very interested in her conversation with his date but still they didn't end up dating, if processor just friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what a crazy story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it still has the big plot twist.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A month passed and that guy I liked, who went on a double date with me, showed up dating my friend's date from that same double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So he was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what an absurd story!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, So this is it , this is the story of how I fell in love and broke my face for the first time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The first? and the second how was it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This one you know, but another day I'll tell you.<</fala>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Ah... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11>>
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa" and $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hello $Jogador.Nome, I’m cooking now, talk later.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<MamaeDiz Oh... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Ah... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-MaeCozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What do we have for dinner?|Mae-Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hello $Jogador.Nome, I’m cooking now, talk later.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 19>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Ah... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<MamaeDiz Oh... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11 and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/IrmaV-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome, I'm cooking now, talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11 and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/IrmaV-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome, I'm cooking now, talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<<goto "INM5 parte 3 - Ideia de Gênio">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete a task she asked to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><</button>>@@
<<MamaeDiz Ah... hello dear. Need something?>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 22 or $game.JogadorMassagista is true and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
@@.btnHypno;<<button [[Hypno|Mae-Hypno-Quarto]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Mae.Amizade gte 25 and $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Offer a massage|Massagem-QuartoMae]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[About that friend of yours...|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Quarto Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Quarto Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why are you always so alone?|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Quarto Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you thought about getting married again?|Conversando-Mae-Casa-Quarto Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<<goto "INM5 parte 3 - Ideia de Gênio">>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-quarto1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you doing at school?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Quarto Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Quarto Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why that guy?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Quarto Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of man do you like?|Conversando-Irma2-Casa-Quarto Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*====================*/
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*=========================*/
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is too sad to talk now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*===================*/
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Remember that time that...|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Quarto Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why were you fired anyway?|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Quarto Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why you girls are so complicated?|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Quarto Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?|Conversando-Irma1-Casa-Quarto Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/IrmaV MissõesIrmaN Missões<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
<<narrador>>You see $IrmaN.Nome in her room and decide to go talk to her about Sunday's incident.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She is already annoyed by his presence.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome before you say anything I don't want to talk to you.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-angry1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please $IrmaN.Nome I need to explain what happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You don't need to explain anything! In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a child anymore and I know very well that you were masturbating.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Forgive me for that situation I...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You were the first boy I ever saw naked, and the first boy who cum in me, that will never change.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please, if there's anything I can do to make up for it, I'll do it, I'll do anything to make you happy, but I miss our conversations, I want to be your friend again.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>His $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome looks at him shyly and says:<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Well, there is a little something you can do for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Whatever you want! Just say that I do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>There's a boy at school that I've liked for a while but he doesn't care for me, he doesn't even look at me and so I wanted you to help me stay with him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, honestly if he doesn't look at you, he's blind or he's gay, HAHHAHAH.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't talk like that $Jogador.Nome, seriously!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>He's such a strong guy, so masculine so… wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay okay, so tell me who you are.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Try to guess...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You know him, he's from your class, he's tall, strong and handsome...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It can not be...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I can yes<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No way! Jake Harper is not a boy for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Jake Harper?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM1 parte 2 - Meu Querido Brutamontes]]>><<addmins 5>><<set $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey, isn't that what you're talking about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Of course not! it's $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/what.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my god how I wish Jake Harper was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome how can you like someone as scoundrel as he is?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't talk like that about him, I know he's really stupid on the outside, but inside I know he has a good heart.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome pay attention! He is a guy, who is with a different girl everyday, he literally told me that $Paixao.Nome gives him a blowjob whenever he asks.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I know he's pretty erratic, but maybe he just needs someone to put him on the right path.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He needs someone to spank that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry $IrmaN.Nome but this I can't do, I can't let my dear $IrmaN.Relacao be with a brutes like him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You promised, you said anything! If you don't do this for me, I'll never forgive you again.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$IrmaN.Nome is a sensitive and innocent girl would never get along with an asshole like $Valentao.Nome but if I don't help she'll never forgive me.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright I'll help you conquer it but what exactly do you want me to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Just try to find out more about him and I'll do the rest.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So are we okay now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>For now yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hug each other.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You quickly leave her room and go to your room to use the computer.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM1 parte 3 - Meu Querido Brutamontes]]>><<addmins 5>><<set $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to your pc to look for more stuff about $Valentao.Nome on social media.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You research a lot of information and put it all together in a dossier.<</narrador>>
<div id="containerPC">
<div id="monitorPC">
<div id="monitorscreenPC">
<<include "Pc">>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/valentao/valentao.jpg">
Nome: $Valentao.Nome Tannen
<p>He's the high school bully, bullies everyone who looks weaker than him, he's 20 years old, He likes Trap music, He likes smoking marijuana and he's almost never home.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>>It hurts my soul to know that my $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome likes a guy like him, $IrmaN.Nome forgive me but I won't let him touch a strand of her hair.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You keep thinking of a way to stop it, but nothing comes to mind.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>But that's a matter for another time, maybe later you'll have a better idea.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 20>>
<center><img id="imgcel" src="content/others/celular/capa-branca.jpg"></center><span class="compromissostxt"><h1>Commitments</h1></span>
<span class="compromissos">
<<set $game.notifyAgenda to 0>>
<<include [[Familia_Missoes]]>>
<<include [[Alunos_Missoes]]>>
<<include [[Professoras_Missoes]]>>
<<include [[Outros_Missoes]]>>
<<include [[Homens_Missoes]]>>
<<narrador>>You go to $IrmaV.Nome's room when she starts you start explaining about the incident on Sunday.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry $IrmaV.Nome I don't even know where I was thinking...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>What embarrasses me the most isn't you getting caught masturbating it's you being a pervert, bastard, disgusting!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please I need your apology, I don't want to keep fighting with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Get out of my room!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, if there's anything I can do to make up for it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>NOT! You can't do anything, you can't give me anything I want, just get out of my room!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She throws you out of the room and you realize it won't be so easy to get her apology.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't imagine she was so angry about it, I could see the anger on her face, oppress her eyes were watering, am I going to have to appeal to her altruistic and empathetic side of a nursemaid to forgive me?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You go back to your room to think about how to gain forgiveness and regain your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome trust.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End?" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaVM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $IrmaVM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
Amigo1 Missões<<FundoCasaAmigo>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa-Cooper]]>><</button>>@@
/*========================= Missões Penny ===========================*/
<<set $PennyM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Paired Schoolwork",
MissaoDica: "Attend the chemistry lesson on wednesday",
MissaoID: "PYM1",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $PennyM2 = {
MissaoNome: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Rich Neighborhood between 13:00 and 17:30",
MissaoID: "PYM2",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM3 = {
MissaoNome: "The Mayor's Daughter",
MissaoDica: "Go to the $Penny.Nome's House between 13:00 and 17:30",
MissaoID: "PYM3",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM4 = {
MissaoNome: "You Are Just a Boy",
MissaoDica: "Attend the chemistry lesson on wednesday",
MissaoID: "PYM4",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Making Me a Man",
MissaoDica: "Have 20 or more of Bravery and go to $Penny.Nome's house between 21:00 to 0:00",
MissaoID: "PYM5",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM6 = {
MissaoNome: "No Rush",
MissaoDica: "Meet $Penny.Nome at the Library at recess",
MissaoID: "PYM6",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Not here, not yet",
MissaoDica: "Meet $Penny.Nome at the Library at recess",
MissaoID: "PYM7",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Straight to the secret room",
MissaoDica: "Meet $Penny.Nome at the Library at recess",
MissaoID: "PYM8",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM9 = {
MissaoNome: "My $Jogador.RelacaoMae Scolded Me",
MissaoDica: "Go home while your $Jogador.RelacaoMae is there",
MissaoID: "PYM9",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PennyM10 = {
MissaoNome: "Detention with $Penny.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Go to school from 19:00 to 20:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "PYM10",
MissaoDono: "$Penny.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*====================== Missões Paixão (Riley) =====================*/
<<set $PaixaoM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Provocation",
MissaoDica: "Go to the square between 13:00 and 14:00",
MissaoID: "PXM1",
MissaoDono: "$Paixao.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $PaixaoM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Mean Girls",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recess sit with your friends",
MissaoID: "PXM2",
MissaoDono: "$Paixao.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PaixaoM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Dethroning the Queen Bee part I",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recessand sit with your friends",
MissaoID: "PXM3",
MissaoDono: "$Paixao.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $PaixaoM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Dethroning the Queen Bee part II",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house on Sunday while $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome are there from 10:00 to 13:00",
MissaoID: "PXM4",
MissaoDono: "$Paixao.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================== Missões Mia?? (Jill Kassify) ===================*/
<<set $JillM1 = {
MissaoNome: "$Mia.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Go to the park on Saturday between 13:00 to 18:00",
MissaoID: "JLLM1",
MissaoDono: "$Mia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JillM2 = {
MissaoNome: "The Boyfriend Thief",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recess",
MissaoID: "JLLM2",
MissaoDono: "$Mia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JillM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Nobody Likes Boyfriend Thief",
MissaoDica: "Meet $Mia.Nome at school after class",
MissaoID: "JLLM3",
MissaoDono: "$Mia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JillM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Inviting",
MissaoDica: "Be in Physical Education lesson on the sports court on Thursday",
MissaoID: "JLLM4",
MissaoDono: "$Mia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $JillM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Sun and Beach Day",
MissaoDica: "Go to the beach on the weekend between 16:00 and 17:00",
MissaoID: "JLLM5",
MissaoDono: "$Mia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======================== Missões Lexi =============================*/
<<set $LexiM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Meeting $Lexi.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Go to McComber's House between 18:00 and 19:00",
MissaoID: "LXM1",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Recess with $Lexi.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Refectory at recess",
MissaoID: "LXM2",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Home cinema with $Lexi.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Go to McComber's House between 18:00 and 19:00",
MissaoID: "LXM3",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM4 = {
MissaoNome: "More Film",
MissaoDica: "Go to McComber's House between 18:00 and 19:00",
MissaoID: "LXM4",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM5 = {
MissaoNome: "There will be Test",
MissaoDica: "Be present in the next math lesson",
MissaoID: "LXM5",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM6 = {
MissaoNome: "The Phone Call",
MissaoDica: "Be in your bedroom at night (this can disrupt your sleep)",
MissaoID: "LXM6",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Math Test #1",
MissaoDica: "Be present in the next math lesson",
MissaoID: "LXM7",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Investigation",
MissaoDica: "Be home on Friday at 21:00",
MissaoID: "LXM8",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LexiM9 = {
MissaoNome: "Investigation Result",
MissaoDica: "Sit with $Lexi.Nome in the refectory at recess",
MissaoID: "LXM8",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======================== Missões Manu =============================*/
<<set $ManuM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Writing on the door",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM1",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $ManuM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Wild Philosophy",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM2",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ManuM3 = {
MissaoNome: "A Patty Woman",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM3",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ManuM4 = {
MissaoNome: "I Wrote and I'm Still Running",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM4",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ManuM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Oh go take you in the ass",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM5",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ManuM6 = {
MissaoNome: "To be a cuck or not to be?",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM6",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ManuM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Spiderman",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM7",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ManuM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Animal World",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM8",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ManuM9 = {
MissaoNome: "The Toilet Writer",
MissaoDica: "Enter the school toilet cabin",
MissaoID: "MnuM9",
MissaoDono: "???",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======================= Missões Amigo =============================*/
<<set $AmigoM1 = {
MissaoNome: "The Girl From Cam",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house",
MissaoID: "A1M1",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $AmigoM2 = {
MissaoNome: "The Double Date",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house on saturday from 18:00 to 19:00",
MissaoID: "A1M2",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $AmigoM3 = {
MissaoNome: "The Next Step",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house while he's there",
MissaoID: "A1M3",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $AmigoM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Today You Get a Girlfriend",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house while he's there",
MissaoID: "A1M4",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $AmigoM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Call",
MissaoDica: "Go to your badroom between 12:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "A1M5",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $AmigoM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Celebration Dinner",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house on Saturday between 19:00 and 20:00",
MissaoID: "A1M6",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $AmigoM7 = {
MissaoNome: "undfined",
MissaoDica: "undfined",
MissaoID: "A1M7",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======================= Missões Amigo2 ============================*/
<<set $Amigo2M1 = {
MissaoNome: "Troubles",
MissaoDica: "Go to the square while $Amigo2.Nome is there between 13:00 and 14:00",
MissaoID: "A2M1",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo2.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $Amigo2M2 = {
MissaoNome: "The Sex Manual",
MissaoDica: "Sit with your friends in the Refectory",
MissaoID: "A2M2",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo2.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $Amigo2M3 = {
MissaoNome: "Phasic Woman",
MissaoDica: "Go to the square while $Amigo2.Nome is there between 13:00 and 14:00",
MissaoID: "A2M3",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo2.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $Amigo2M4 = {
MissaoNome: "Doing Your Part",
MissaoDica: "Go to the square",
MissaoID: "A2M4",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo2.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $Amigo2M5 = {
MissaoNome: "Sit down, here comes the story",
MissaoDica: "Go to $Amigo.Nome's house on Sunday while $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome are there from 10:00 to 13:00",
MissaoID: "A2M5",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo2.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $Amigo2M6 = {
MissaoNome: "Don't Call Me Talarico",
MissaoDica: "Go to the square while $Amigo2.Nome is there between 13:00 and 14:00",
MissaoID: "A2M6",
MissaoDono: "$Amigo2.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house, ring the bell at your house, and your mother answers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hello, good afternoon $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello Miss Cooper is $Amigo.Nome here?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>He's in the room, please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter your house, without your asking Miss Cooper takes off her coat and hangs it on the rack while calling $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Angel!! Your friend $Jogador.Nome is here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome answers from inside his room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Just a minute!!!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>While you wait, you and Miss Cooper talk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>$Amigo.Nome has been locked in his room for a long time, this worries me a lot.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Surely he was jerking off.<</ref>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>I'm very worried about him, since he was 13 he doesn't stop... "locking himself in closed places all by himself..." I've never seen him with a girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you think he is gay?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>N-No I just think... he's very lonely, like, he's just spent most of the time at home, locked in his room, doing whatever, sometimes $Amigo2.Nome comes here to spend some time with him, and... that's not healthy at all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're just exaggerating, $Amigo.Nome is very cheerful, he's always smiling, he's just homey.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>I hope so but the problem is that...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome!!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys are interrupted by $Amigo.Nome, he looks pretty excited.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Climb up here, I have something amazing to show you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at Miss Cooper with a worried look.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>$Jogador.Nome can go at another time and we can talk.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>With these words you will run to find $Amigo.Nome in his room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M1 parte 2 - A Garota da Cam]]>><<addmins 7>><<set $AmigoM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to $Amigo.Nome's room.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Upon entering, he already goes after you and locks the door...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dude! What is that! Because you locked a door.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Because what I'm going to show you my mother can neither hear nor see.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, this chat is weird!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He rolls his eyes.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Guy hooks up with her.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>It shows a live stream from your computer.<</narrador>>
<div id="containerPC">
<div id="monitorPC">
<div id="monitorscreenPC">
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/namorada-amigo-cam1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a porn actress doing live. What do you have?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No, it's not a porn star, it's a cam girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's literally the same thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No it's not, but let's not get into that discussion.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>The point is, she wants to go out with me next Saturday!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Amigo.Nome with great joy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Explain it better there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I was literally her first fan, when she started doing lives cam, you know very well that I'm always looking for new talent.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, even that video of the Swedish girl you sent me last week my mother saw it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I told you to put a password on your cell phone, b-but going on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I started following her when practically no one knew her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Then we started talking and stuff, we started to become kind of friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But then I stopped following and decided to meet new talents, that's something I always do, it's at my core.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Jogador.Nome confused.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But then I missed her, I decided to go see her as she is today after a few months and she is like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome points to a pc again.<</narrador>>
<div id="containerPC">
<div id="monitorPC">
<div id="monitorscreenPC">
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/namorada-amigo-cam2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You do not understand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmmm, hotter?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No, I mean yes, to what much more popular.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So I tried to get back to her, but now he has too many subscribers he didn't have time to answer me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>However, this morning with a curious e-mail from her saying that she was joking and missing the conversations, and she gave her cell phone number.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And after a lot of talking, she wants to meet me next Saturday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So what do you think?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I think you will be kidnapped|A1M1 parte 3 - A Garota da Cam]]>><<set $AmigoM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>><<set $horny += 20>><<addmins 8>><</button>>@@
/*============================= Casa ================================*/
<<widget "FundoCasa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "corredor-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "corredor-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "corredor">>
/*========================= Quarto Jogador ==========================*/
<<widget "FundoQuartoJogador">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "seuroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "seuroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "seuroom">>
/*========================= Bem Dormido =============================*/
<<widget "FundoBemDormido">>
<<set $fundo to "bemdormido">>
/*============================== Sala ===============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaSala">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "livingroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "livingroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "livingroom">>
/*============================ Cozinha ==============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaCozinha">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "suakitchen-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "suakitchen-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "suakitchen">>
/*============================ Banheiro =============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaBanheiro">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "seubathroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "seubathroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "seubathroom">>
/*=========================== Quarto Mãe ============================*/
<<widget "FundoQuartoMae">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "maeroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "maeroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "maeroom">>
/*==================== Quarto Irma Mais Velha =======================*/
<<widget "FundoQuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "eldestsisterroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "eldestsisterroom">>
/*==================== Quarto Irma Mais Nova ========================*/
<<widget "FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "youngersisterroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "youngersisterroom">>
/*============================ Bairro ===============================*/
<<widget "FundoBairro">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "bairroum-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "bairroum">>
/*============================== Bar ================================*/
<<widget "FundoBar">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 3 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
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<<set $fundo to "bar">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 3>>
<<set $fundo to "bar">>
/*======================== Vizinha Esquerda =========================*/
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<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda">>
/*======================== Vizinha Direita ==========================*/
<<widget "FundoVizinhaDireita">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "vizinadadireita-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "vizinadadireita-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "vizinadadireita">>
/*========================== Casa Amigo =============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaAmigo">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-amigo-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-amigo-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-amigo">>
/*========================== Casa Amigo =============================*/
/*======================== Quarto Amigo =============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaAmigoQuarto">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-quarto-amigo-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-quarto-amigo">>
/*========================= Casa Corpora ============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaCorpora">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora">>
/*======================= Casa Paparozzi ============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaPaparozzi">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-paparozzi-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-paparozzi-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "casa-paparozzi">>
/*============================== Praça ==============================*/
<<widget "FundoPraca">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "praca-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "praca">>
/*============================== Escola =============================*/
<<widget "FundoEscola">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "schoolhall-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "schoolhall-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "schoolhall">>
/*============================ Sua Sala 3B ==========================*/
<<widget "Fundo3B">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "classroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "classroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "classroom">>
/*============================== Sala 2A ============================*/
<<widget "Fundo2A">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "irmanclassroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "irmanclassroom-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "irmanclassroom">>
/*=========================== Refeitorio ============================*/
<<widget "FundoRefeitorio">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "refeitorio-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "refeitorio">>
/*=========================== Biblioteca ============================*/
<<widget "FundoBiblioteca">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "biblioteca-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "biblioteca-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "biblioteca">>
/*========================== Sala Secreta ===========================*/
<<widget "FundoSalaSecreta">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-secreta">>
/*======================= Banheiro Masculino ========================*/
<<widget "FundoBanheiroMasculino">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "banheiromasculino">>
/*======================= Banheiro Feminino =========================*/
<<widget "FundoBanheiroFeminino">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "banheirofeminino-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "banheirofeminino">>
/*=========================== Diretoria =============================*/
<<widget "FundoDiretoria">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "diretoria">>
/*=========================== Detenção ==============================*/
<<widget "FundoDetention">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "detention-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "detention">>
/*===================== Sala dos Professores ========================*/
<<widget "FundoSalaDosProfessores">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-professores-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-professores-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-professores">>
/*====================== Sala de Informatica ========================*/
<<widget "FundoSalaDeInformatica">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-computadores-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-computadores">>
/*============================ Quadra ===============================*/
<<widget "FundoQuadra">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "quadra-escola">>
/*============================ Igreja ===============================*/
<<widget "FundoIgreja">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "igreja-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "igreja-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "igreja">>
/*============================ Centro ===============================*/
<<widget "FundoCentro">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "centro-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "centro">>
/*=========================== Hospital ==============================*/
<<widget "FundoHospital">>
<<set $fundo to "hospital">>
/*======================= Salão de Beleza ===========================*/
<<widget "FundoSalaoDeBeleza">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "salaodebeleza">>
/*============================ Academia =============================*/
<<widget "FundoAcademia">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "academia-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "academia-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "academia">>
/*========================== Supermercado ===========================*/
<<widget "FundoSupermercado">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "supermercado-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "supermercado">>
/*===================== Apartamento Portaria ========================*/
<<widget "FundoApartamentoPortaria">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-portaria-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-portaria">>
/*====================== Apartamento Amigo2 =========================*/
<<widget "FundoApartamentoAmigo2">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-amigo2-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-amigo2-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-amigo2">>
/*==================== Apartamento Hutchison ========================*/
<<widget "FundoApartamentoHutchison">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-irmasHutchison-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-irmasHutchison">>
/*=============== Apartamento Professora de História ================*/
<<widget "FundoApartamentoProfdeHistoria">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-Prof-Historia-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-Prof-Historia-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-Prof-Historia">>
/*=============== Apartamento Professora de História ================*/
/*=========== Apartamento Professora de História Cozinha ============*/
<<widget "FundoApartamentoProfdeHistoriaCozinha">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-Prof-Historia-cozinha-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-Prof-Historia-cozinha-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "apartamento-Prof-Historia-cozinha">>
/*====================== Casa Srta.Travella =========================*/
<<widget "CasaSrtaTravella">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "srta-travella-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "srta-travella-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
/*========================= Casa Lebelle ============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaLebelle">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "Casa-Lebelle-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "Casa-Lebelle-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "Casa-Lebelle">>
/*============================ Shooping =============================*/
<<widget "FundoShooping">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "shopping-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "shopping-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "shopping">>
/*======================= Loja de Eletronicos =======================*/
<<widget "FundoLojaDeEletronicos">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-eletronicos-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-eletronicos-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-eletronicos">>
/*========================= Loja de Roupas ==========================*/
<<widget "FundoLojaDeRoupas">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-roupas-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-roupas-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-roupas">>
/*=========================== Joalheria =============================*/
<<widget "FundoJoalheria">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-joias-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-joias-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-joias">>
/*====================== Loja de Variedades =========================*/
<<widget "FundoLojadeVariedades">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-variedades-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-variedades-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "loja-de-variedades">>
/*====================== Estudio Fotográfico ========================*/
<<widget "FundoEstudioFotografico">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "estudio-fotografico-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<set $fundo to "estudio-fotografico">>
/*============================= Cinema ==============================*/
<<widget "FundoCinema">>
<<set $fundo to "cinema">>
/*=========================== Casa Byers ============================*/
<<widget "FundoCasaByers">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<set $fundo to "Casa-Byers-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "Casa-Byers-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================= Parque ==============================*/
<<widget "FundoParque">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<<set $fundo to "parque-noite">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<set $fundo to "parque">>
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
<<widget "FundoBairroNobre">>
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/*========================== Casa Aniston ===========================*/
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/*========================= Casa McComber ===========================*/
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/*========================== Casa Anysio ============================*/
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/*========================== Country Club ===========================*/
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/*============================ Piscina ==============================*/
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/*====================== Quadras Esportivas =========================*/
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/*======================== Sala de Massagem =========================*/
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/*============================== Sauna ==============================*/
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/*========================== Sala de Yoga ===========================*/
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/*============================== Praia ==============================*/
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/*========================= Bairro Afastado =========================*/
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/*========================== Casa Klump =============================*/
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/*========================== Barber Shop ============================*/
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/*========================= Casa Abandonada =========================*/
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/*==================== Fundo Ceu Dia e Noite =======================*/
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/*============================== Sala ===============================*/
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/*=========================== Quarto Mãe ============================*/
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/*==================== Quarto Irma Mais Velha =======================*/
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/*==================== Quarto Irma Mais Nova ========================*/
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/*============================ Cozinha ==============================*/
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/*============================ Banheiro =============================*/
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/*============================== Bar ================================*/
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/*======================== Vizinha Esquerda =========================*/
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/*======================== Vizinha Direita ==========================*/
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/*========================== Casa Amigo =============================*/
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/*========================== Casa Corpora ===========================*/
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/*========================= Casa Paparozzi ==========================*/
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/*============================== Praça ==============================*/
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/*============================ Sua Sala 3B ==========================*/
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/*============================== Sala 2A ============================*/
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/*=========================== Refeitorio ============================*/
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/*=========================== Biblioteca ============================*/
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/*========================== Sala Secreta ===========================*/
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/*======================= Banheiro Masculino ========================*/
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/*======================= Banheiro Feminino =========================*/
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/*=========================== Diretoria =============================*/
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/*===================== Sala dos Professores ========================*/
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/*====================== Sala de Informatica ========================*/
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/*============================ Quadra ===============================*/
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/*============================ Igreja ===============================*/
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/*=========================== Hospital ==============================*/
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/*======================= Salão de Beleza ===========================*/
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/*========================== Academia ===============================*/
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/*========================= Supermercado ============================*/
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/*===================== Apartamento Portaria ========================*/
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/*====================== Apartamento Amigo2 =========================*/
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/*==================== Apartamento Hutchison ========================*/
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/*=============== Apartamento Professora de História ================*/
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/*====================== Casa Srta.Travella =========================*/
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/*========================= Casa Lebelle ============================*/
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/*============================ Shooping =============================*/
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
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/*======================= Loja de Eletronicos =======================*/
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/*======================== Loja de Roupas ===========================*/
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/*=========================== Joalheria =============================*/
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/*====================== Loja de Variedades =========================*/
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/Loja-de-variedades-dentro-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
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/*====================== Loja de Variedades =========================*/
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/*========================== Cinema Frente ==========================*/
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/*=========================== Casa Byers ============================*/
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/*============================= Parque ==============================*/
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/*======================= Casa Freas (Penny) ========================*/
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/*========================= Casa Aniston ============================*/
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/*========================= Casa McComber ===========================*/
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/*========================= Casa Anysio =============================*/
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/*========================= Country Club ============================*/
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/*============================ Piscina ==============================*/
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/*====================== Quadras Esportivas =========================*/
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/*======================= Sala de Massagem ==========================*/
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/*============================= Sauna ===============================*/
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/*========================= Sala de Yoga ============================*/
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/*============================= Praia ===============================*/
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/*========================== Casa Klump =============================*/
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/*========================== Barber Shop ============================*/
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/*========================= Casa Abandonada =========================*/
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<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/casa-abandonada/casa-abandonada.jpg"></center>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 40 and $MissTravella.Paixao gte 40>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $Missao.STMEspere is false>>
<<goto "STM13 - Evolução">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 20 and $MissTravella.Paixao gte 20>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $Missao.STMEspere is false>>
<<goto "STM11 - Se Segurando">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Perfume.PureVoodoo is true>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $Missao.STMEspere is false>>
<<goto "STM10 - Mais Striptease">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<if $Missao.STMEspere is false>>
<<goto "STM9 - Striptease">>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-srta-travella/portas-casa-srta-travella-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-srta-travella/portas-casa-srta-travella-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-srta-travella/portas-casa-srta-travella.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.MissTravella is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa Srta.Tavella">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.MissTravella is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $MissTravella.local isnot "Casa-Travella">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Centro-Casa-Srta.Tavella]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.MissTravella to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.MissTravella to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Centro-Casa-Srta.Tavella]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.MissTravella to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.MissTravella to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $MissTravella.local is "Casa-Travella">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Centro-Casa-Srta.Tavella]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.MissTravella to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.MissTravella to false>>
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Casa-Travella">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-Casa-Tavella" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@ <<FundoCasaAmigoQuarto>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In morals, it smells like a kidnapping to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>He is going to screw it up!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do what? Is what it seems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It's not like that at all, it's very serious, and I even want you to go with me on this date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Because if I don't have the courage to do this alone, if you go with me then you would be more confident.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome I don't feel like being left out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It doesn't have to be like this, I can ask her to take a friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll go with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>That's it man, from Saturday we will be different men.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, it's ok man, I'm leaving, I don't want to be watching the porn of your "little friend" with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Stay in peace brother until next time.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome met a porn actress on the internet, really a very strange story, hopefully not a trap.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You leave $Amigo.Nome's house thinking about the strange situation you just went through.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $AmigoM1.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $AmigoM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.status to "Normal">>
<<addmins 3>>
<</button>>@@ <<narrador>>You hear the shower running.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome is taking a shower better wait my turn to use it.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@ <<narrador>>You hear the shower running.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is taking a shower better wait my turn to use it.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>><</button>>@@ <<narrador>>You hear the shower running.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is taking a shower better wait my turn to use it.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaBanheiro>>
<<narrador>>Overwhelmed by curiosity and desire, you slowly open the door.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is slowly undressing and stepping into the shower.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I always thought my $Mae.Relacao was beautiful but oh my god.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Banho1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god look at this woman's body, the exercises are giving a good result.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Banho2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>The hand reaches a shake, your cock gets hard.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better get out of here before someone sees me.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>><br>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>Overwhelmed by curiosity and desire, you slowly open the door.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow I never thought that my $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome was so hot, even being so skinny.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/IrmaV-Banho1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow! look at her slowly entering the water.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You watch your sister as your cock starts to harden.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/IrmaV-Banho2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better get out of here before someone sees me.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>><br>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>Overwhelmed by curiosity and desire, you slowly open the door.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow my little $IrmaN.Relacao has become a beautiful woman, look at this body.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-banho3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a hot woman $IrmaN.Nome is becoming.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-banho1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Does she already have a tattoo? Tu me marques, who was the lucky one that marked you?<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-banho2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>All I wanted is to go in and put my hands on that cute little ass and...<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What am I doing, am I fantasizing about my $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome? This shouldn't be normal.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better get out of here before someone sees me.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>><br>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>Overwhelmed by curiosity and desire, you slowly open the door.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow my little $IrmaN.Relacao has become a beautiful woman, look at this body.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-banho2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god, look at her groping that cute little ass.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-banho3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wish I had my hands on her.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You're so turned on by this sight, making your cock hard that it accidentally slams one of your feet into the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Who's there?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-banho7.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Says $IrmaN.Nome, scared..<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'll get out of here before she sees me.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You run out of there at that moment, luckily $IrmaN.Nome didn't see who was there.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>><br>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</switch>><<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao needs to talk to you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Listen to what she has to say|Eventos-Aleatorios-Mãe-Va-Arrumar-o-Quarto1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Not now|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is currently cleaning the house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Pass there|Eventos-Aleatorios-Mãe-Eu-Acabei-De-Limpar1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is calling you from the living room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go there|Eventos-Aleatorios-Yoga-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [["I'm busy"|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is sunbathing in the backyard.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go there|Eventos-Aleatorios-BanhodeSol-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<else>> /*==================================================*/
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao needs to talk to you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Listen to what she has to say|Eventos-Aleatorios-Mãe-Va-Arrumar-o-Quarto1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Not now|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is currently cleaning the house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Pass there|Eventos-Aleatorios-Mãe-Eu-Acabei-De-Limpar1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is calling you from the living room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go there|Eventos-Aleatorios-Yoga-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [["I'm busy"|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You hear a strange noise coming from your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome's badroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spy|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Solo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You take your clothes to wash and your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go there|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Vamos-Lavar-A-Roupa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Later I'll Do It|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You hear loud music.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go see what it is|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Dançando]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave it there|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>
<<narrador>>You see your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is watching something on her iPad.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go take a peek|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Assistindo-Porno]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You were taking some notes when all of a sudden...<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ahm hello?|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaN-Me-Da-Dinheiro]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You go out|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen and find your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What you want?|Eventos-Aleatorios-Me-Ajuda-Na-Cozinha]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You go out|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You hear a strange noise from your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[See what's happening|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaN-Bedroom]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Best not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>
<<narrador>>You hear a strange noise coming from your $Mae.Relacao's bedroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[See what's happening|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaN-Pegando-Roupas-da-Mamae]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Best not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The gym is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<narrador>>The gym is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "PFSM2 - Não dá mais">>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LeftVizinha-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfHistoria-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Aaliyah-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<if $Samantha.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Samantha-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Gym">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfFisica-Gym" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"]]
<<narrador>>The cost of daily training is: $5<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Look Around|Academia-olhar-em-volta]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 5>>
"You don't have money to pay for your workout today"
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout|Academia-Treinar]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
"Have you trained today"
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Academia">><<addmins 5>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You look around as you walk through the gym.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This gym is full of girls. It's worth spending the subscription money just to look at these beauties.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Garotasgym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow! look at these girls!<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Garotasgym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I would love to fuck all the women here.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better stop looking or they'll call me a pervert.<</ref>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You look around as you walk through the gym.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This gym is full of girls. It's worth spending the subscription money just to look at these beauties.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Garotasgym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow! look at these girls!<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Garotasgym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I would love to fuck all the women here.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better stop looking or they'll call me a pervert.<</ref>>
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You look around as you walk through the gym.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This gym is full of girls. It's worth spending the subscription money just to look at these beauties.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Garotasgym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow! look at these girls!<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Garotasgym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I would love to fuck all the women here.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better stop looking or they'll call me a pervert.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Academia]]>><<addmins 20>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 40>>
<<goto "PAM10 parte 3 - Admirando">>
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio is 30>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 40>>
<<goto "PAM10 parte 2 - Admirando">>
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 40>>
<<goto "PAM10 - Admirando">>
<<if $ProfArteGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym">>
<<goto "PAGMP1 - E a professora de arte malhando">>
<<if $ProfArteGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*================*/
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym">> /*===============================*/
<<narrador>>You were working out quietly when you notice that your teacher $ProfArte.Nome is also working out at the same time.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Look, teacher $ProfArte.Nome is trained here too.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, she is so beautiful.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You watch for a few minutes as teacher $ProfArte.Nome trains.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is really, really hot.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>But it's better to get back to my exercises.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You keep exercising.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<switch random(1, 9)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You train Triceps.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-triceps.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You train Biceps.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-biceps.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You train Abdomen.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-abdômen.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<<narrador>>You train Legs.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-pernas.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<<narrador>>You train Calfs.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-panturrilhas.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<<narrador>>You train Shoulders.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-ombros.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<<narrador>>You train Trapeze.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-trapézio.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<<narrador>>You train Back.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-costas.jpg"></center>
<<case 9>>
<<narrador>>You train Chest.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-peito.jpg"></center>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>During your training you look to the side and see the instructor helping one of the women very closely.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Gym-Treino-Cena1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow! Can this Analdo?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It even makes you want to become a gym instructor just to grope girls like that.<</ref>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You are focused on your training, something immediately steals your attention.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow! How hot she is!<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Gym-Treino-Cena2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<ref $Jogador>>Look at this body!<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh there, the guy was also hypnotized by her body.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You look around and notice that half the men at the gym have stopped to watch the beautiful woman exercising.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You look around as you pause your workout.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This gym is full of girls. It's worth spending the subscription money just to look at these beauties.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Gym-Treino-Cena3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<ref $Jogador>>I would love to fuck all the women here.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better get back to training or they'll consider me a pervert.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<case 4>>
<<narrador>>You are focused on your training, something immediately steals your attention.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>A somewhat exhibitionist woman starts running beside you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Gym-Treino-Cena4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<ref $Jogador>>She looks like she knows she's watching, and it looks like she likes to be watched.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This town is full of bitches. I'm still going to fuck them all.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<case 5>>
<<narrador>>You look around as you pause your workout.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This gym is full of girls. It's worth spending the subscription money just to look at these beauties.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/academia/videos/Gym-Treino-Cena5.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<ref $Jogador>>I would love to eat all the women here.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better get back to training or they'll consider me a pervert.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<JogadorFitness 2>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Academia]]>><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Crew Cut $50</div>
<img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/salao-de-beleza/images/Crew-cut.jpg">
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 50>>
You don't have the money to make this cut.
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Cut|SalaoDeCabelos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Pompadour $50</div>
<img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/salao-de-beleza/images/Pompadour-cut.jpg">
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 50>>
You don't have the money to make this cut.
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Cut|SalaoDeCabelos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Razor Part $50</div>
<img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/salao-de-beleza/images/Razor-Part-cut.jpg">
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 50>>
You don't have the money to make this cut.
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Cut|SalaoDeCabelos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SalaoDeCabelos]]>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Crew Cut $80</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/salao-de-beleza/images/Crew-cut.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 80>>
<p>You don't have the money to make this cut.</p>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Crew Cut">>
<p>Your hair is already like this.</p>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Pompadour" or $Jogador.haircut is "Razor Part">>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Change Haircut|Cortes-Normais]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 80>>
<<set $Jogador.haircut to "Crew Cut">><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
+60 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Haircut|Cortes-Normais]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 80>>
<<set $Jogador.haircut to "Crew Cut">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 60>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Pompadour $80</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/salao-de-beleza/images/Pompadour-cut.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 80>>
<p>You don't have the money to make this cut.</p>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Pompadour">>
<p>Your hair is already like this.</p>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Crew Cut" or $Jogador.haircut is "Razor Part">>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Change Haircut|Cortes-Normais]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 80>>
<<set $Jogador.haircut to "Pompadour">><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
+60 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Haircut|Cortes-Normais]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 80>>
<<set $Jogador.haircut to "Pompadour">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 60>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Razor Part $80</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/salao-de-beleza/images/Razor-Part-cut.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 80>>
<p>You don't have the money to make this cut.</p>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Razor Part">>
<p>Your hair is already like this.</p>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Crew Cut" or $Jogador.haircut is "Pompadour">>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Change Haircut|Cortes-Normais]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 80>>
<<set $Jogador.haircut to "Razor Part">><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
+60 Status
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Cut|Cortes-Normais]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 80>>
<<set $Jogador.haircut to "Razor Part">>
<<set $Jogador.status += 60>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SalaoDeCabelos]]>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Armored Cut $10000</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/barber-shop/images/corte-Blindado.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 10000>>
<p>You don't have the money to make this cut.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Haircut|Cortes-Chavosos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10000>><<addhours 3>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Buzz Buzzard Cut $10000</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/barber-shop/images/corte-Zeca-Urubu.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 10000>>
<p>You don't have the money to make this cut.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Haircut|Cortes-Chavosos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10000>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Little Boy Ney Cut $10000</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/barber-shop/images/corte-Moicano-Menino-Ney.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 10000>>
<p>You don't have the money to make this cut.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Haircut|Cortes-Chavosos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10000>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Big-bald D'Cria Cut $12500</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/barber-shop/images/corte-Calvao-DCria.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 10000>>
<p>You don't have the money to make this cut.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Choose Haircut|Cortes-Chavosos]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10000>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Barbearia]]>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao quickly comes to you.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, have you seen the mess you left in your room?>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-Va-Arrumar-O-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry $Mae.Relacao, I was about to clean up.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz You always say that but you always leave the work to me.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but I'm really busy right now.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz You are already quite big, you can clean your room by yourself!>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-Va-Arrumar-O-Quarto2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know $Mae.Relacao is that...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz You want me to treat you like a responsible adult, so you must act like one.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go clean the room|Eventos-Aleatorios-Mãe-Va-Arrumar-o-Quarto2]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I clean later|Casa]]>>
<<set $Mae.Amizade -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<narrador>>After a lot of work, you finally cleaned your bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao gives you a reward, a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<MaeAmizade 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>You were taking some notes, and out of nowhere your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome comes up behind you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Me-Da-Dinheiro-Ai1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn! what a scare $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Me-Da-Dinheiro-Ai2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, just writing down a few things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Okay, I came to talk to you because I have a big order for you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Me-Da-Dinheiro-Ai3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it and what is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I was thinking about hanging out with my friends on Saturday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>And I need you to give me $50.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? No way!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh please $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN I already asked $Mae.Nome but she didn't want to give me anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, you ask for money every week.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Please $Jogador.Nome I promise I will make it up to you someday.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Borrow money|Me dá um dinehiro aí2]]>><<addmins 10>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Dinheiro lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I don't have any money|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Not today|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, $IrmaN.Nome I'll lend you this money.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh thank you so much $Jogador.Nome! You are the best $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN in the world!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives you a hug.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Me-Da-Dinheiro-Ai4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<IrmaNAmizade 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The supermarket is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<narrador>>The supermarket is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Work|Trabalho-Mercado]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Supermercado">><<addmins 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/supermercado/images/supermercado-contratação.jpg"></center>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Work in the market|trabalho-full-time]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Work in the market|trabalho-meio-periodo]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<<narrador>>You arrived too early at work.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You arrived too late for work.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Supermercado]]>><</button>>@@
Still nothing here
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Supermercado]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room, and your $Mae.Relacao was there.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala-sentada-sala.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ah... hello dear. Alright?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, Hi $Mae.Relacao, I've already done what you asked me to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I helped Miss Tavella move.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I was notified. She told me you were very nice and helpful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I did the best I could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I know, actually she praises you so much that I decided to reward you for all your effort.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? Will you give me money?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No, but I'm sure you'll like it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is what it is?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Remember on Sunday that... we... we caught you... you know?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sadly yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yeah, that day there was a problem with one of the masseuses that made us need to come back early.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And then it was missing a massage for me and $IrmaV.Nome to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What about $IrmaN.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>She managed to do before such "problem".<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But then, they already decided and hired another masseuse and yesterday they called me to say that I and one more companion could do the massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I called $IrmaV.Nome, but she is so busy working at the hospital and paying attention to her boyfriend that she can't go with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And $IrmaN.Nome is gone, it wouldn't be fair for her to go again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And then I want you to go massage with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? I thought it was just for women, that's why you didn't take me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No, it's for everyone, I didn't take you because it was only three free passes and I wanted to do a girls' day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah but what day are we going?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say excited.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>An hour from now, I knew you would love the idea so I left it marked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks, $Mae.Relacao, I'll get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You will prepare for your visit to the masseuse with your $Mae.Relacao and after an hour you will drive there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM2 parte 2 - Gostei da massagem]]>>
<<set $MaeM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $AtendenteIM.status to "Normal">>
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-de-massagem">>
<<narrador>>Two ride together in $Mae.Nome's car to the massage institute.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You get there and take a good look around.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, what a beautiful place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>If you liked it here, just wait when you get to the massage room, it's divine!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome goes to the attendant.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Excuse me I'm $Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome I came to do my last massage.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/atendenteim/images/Atendente-I-M.jpg"></center>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>Oh I know you're the promotion woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yes it's me.<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>It's him?.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ah, it's my $Jogador.RelacaoMae $Jogador.Nome, he came to do the massage with me, since my massage and that of my daughter $IrmaV.Nome was missing and she couldn't come, so I brought him.<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>Okay, you can now go into the left room to change because the masseuse is already waiting.<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>The boy $Jogador.Nome will have to wait a little because the masseuse is a little late.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do I have to wait here at reception?<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>Yes but it's only for a few minutes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Well... I'm already going crazy to receive this massage, when $IrmaN.Nome received it she said that the last one was the best so I really wanted to know how it is.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao follows her massage room, and you just sit at the reception desk and wait.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>A few minutes pass.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... lady, I've been here for a few minutes, and I wanted a glass of water and...<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>Water! you can go in the corridor passing in front of the rooms there you can drink water.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Then you go quickly through the massage rooms to the water.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When you come back, you see one of the doors ajar, you curious as you always decide to look through the cracks to see what's going on.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow!<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-naked-massage-MM2-1.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<narrador>>You see your $Mae.Relacao naked changing her clothes.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god I saw my $Mae.Relacao naked!<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You look again.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god she is beautiful!<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-naked-massage-MM2-2.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<narrador>>You look closely at your $Mae.Relacao realizing how the exercises she is doing are working.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Suddenly someone touches your shoulder.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You get a big fright, but try not to scream so you don't get your $Mae.Relacao's attention.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" Masseuse>>Hallo!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a scare girl!<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/massagista-teen.jpg"></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" Masseuse>>Sorry, you're $Jogador.Nome right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" Masseuse>>I'm your masseuse... and... ahmm... what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, not me, I was just looking for the bathroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" Masseuse>>Come with me your message will start now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, let's go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>By the way, what's your name?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" Masseuse>>Nice to meet you I'm <<textbox "$MassagistaTeen.Nome" "Erin" $MassagistaTeen.Nome autofocus>><</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the massage room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM2 parte 3 - Gostei da massagem]]>><<addmins 7>><<set $MaeM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>><<set $MassagistaTeen.status to "Normal">><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "sala-de-massagem">>
<<narrador>>You and the masseuse arrive at your massage room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You can take off your clothes and put on a towel<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you ahmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hahaha relax, I won't look. In fact, I'm going to the other room to prepare myself.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You change and lie on your back on the massage gurney.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi, I am back.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Just let me fix it here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've never done that, I'm a little nervous.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Relax, stay calm, because it will be one of the best sensations of your life!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Okay, let's get started, ready?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take a deep breath.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I am.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>So she starts.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh but this is very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I told you you would like it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I should come here more often.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Definitely should.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I remember the first time I was massaged, I was ecstatic, so I decided to work with it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That was how long ago. I mean... you look my age.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That was when I was 18 years old, today I'm 20.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are talking for a few minutes while $MassagistaTeen.Nome massages you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now turn around, face me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome lifts your towel and you're embarrassed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM2 parte 4 - Gostei da massagem]]>><<addmins 37>><<set $MaeM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "sala-de-massagem">>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>What was it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing is... you saw my dick.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, it always happens, I see dicks, every day.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's like I'm the first woman who's ever seen your dick right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm... Without being my family, yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Oh so are you a virgin?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, and don't get me wrong, I just don't want to talk about it!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No need to be ashamed of it, and between us, you have a giant cock, someday you will make a girl very happy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks $MassagistaTeen.Nome, you are so nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>But I'm not just being nice, it's the truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And to show you that, I'm going to advance this part, the best part of the massage.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome slowly slides her fingers down her body reaching the towel over her crotch.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome puts her hand under the towel and starts stroking his cock.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ohhh... my god $MassagistaTeen.Nome what...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome puts her finger to her lips.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Shiii.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Don't say anything, just enjoy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome starts to masturbate you with both hands and will increase the speed more and more.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome will quickly masturbate you up and down, until you can't take it anymore.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm cumming!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Come on, cum it all for me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You cum in $MassagistaTeen.Nome's hand.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You are ecstatic.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome liked it? Did you have fun?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have no idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I'll leave my number here with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>If in case you want another massage, just call me. I give you a special discount.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get the number.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was one of the best moments of my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, until another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the massage room still ecstatic over your "massage".<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Up ahead you find your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Hi darling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao how was your massage?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh it was amazing, I felt like I was in heaven.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Did her masseuse do the same thing $MassagistaTeen.Nome did to me?<</ref>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Let's go $Jogador.RelacaoMae.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are driving back in your $Mae.Relacao's car.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I forgot to ask, how was your massage? what do you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh $Mae.Relacao, I don't even tell you hahah.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You smirk slightly in the corner of your face, and your $Mae.Relacao doesn't understand a thing.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.punheta += 1>>
<<addmins 23>>
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaV.Nome I was remembering the time when we were kids and played doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I remember well, it was at that time that I thought about working in the health area, I like to take care of people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, remember the day $Valentao.Nome broke my arm and you took care of me until the doctors arrived?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, it was the first time I entered that hospital...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome's eyes start to water.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No please don't cry, I'm trying to cheer you up you need to move on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, I know, it's just that... It's very hard to lose your dream career and the boyfriend I know since high school on the same day, in the worst possible way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will help you get through this, we all will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I know, I just need some time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hug and you leave her alone to think.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, $IrmaV.Nome why were you fired anyway? I didn't quite understand this story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The medical director who is very well by the way retired spent two days and he was replaced by a new one. From the moment he walked in I didn't like him, he had very strange behavior for a doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He took strange things with him, he paid for things from the hospital and took them home, not to mention the harassment with all the women who work there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did he do??<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I've often seen him coming up behind the women with a lascivious way, he rubs the ass of the most inexperienced nurses, and then I couldn't take it for granted!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was it when you try to organize a protest?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Before I tried to talk to him, like... calmly, and tell him to stop, but then he threatened to destroy my reputation so I could never work in a hospital again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a son of a bitch this guy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So I tried to organize a protest, several girls who work there agreed to participate, but then the medical director found out beforehand and I was fired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But how did he find out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh I have no idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't worry $IrmaV.Nome soon you'll get a new job.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $IrmaV.Nome keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.Mae>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah...$Mae.Relacao, about that friend of yours $MissTravella.Nome how you guys met? I asked her that when I saw her but it seems like it’s a pretty long story right?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz In fact it’s not that big, she’s overly detailed.>>
<<MamaeDiz Well... I was an innocent girl from the countryside arriving in a big city, I was young and I wanted fun and excitement.>>
<<MamaeDiz But once I got there, the fun and excitement were cut short when I was robbed, and I was totally broke, I couldn’t even go home.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? So what did you do?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Luckily $MissTravella.Nome found me and put me to live in hiding inside her college, and we’ve become best friends since then, you had to see how we did it back then.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why had I never heard of her, since you and she are so close?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Because... we had a fight over a guy, so we stopped talking for a while, so I came back here and she stayed in her town.>>
<<MamaeDiz We only met again and made up a short time ago, when she got married and came to live in this town.>>
<<MamaeDiz I didn’t tell you or the girls because... it was a very intense time and different from what I live in today and I didn’t want to be thinking about the past.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright $Mae.Relacao I understand you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay but what did you think of her?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh she’s really nice, I even wanted her to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz That would be very good.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, I have to go, I have a lot to do.<</fala>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh, I really like action movies, or movies that involve survival in the wild.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I like it too, especially any movie that has The Rock!!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz The Rock it’s amazing.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah!! I Love Hobbs & Shaw, I really wanted it to have a sequel.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Yeah, it’s an action movie, it has to be fun, and I had a lot of fun watching it.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Someday I’ll be as strong as he is, that’s my goal!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz And I’ll like it too, ahahahah.>>
<<MamaeDiz There’s another movie that I really like, a The Rock movie, but it’s also good, the ...>>
<<narrador>>You two keep talking about action movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, how are you doing at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Better than you from what I've heard. HAHAHAHAHA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm serious, you spend hours with your friends on the phone, go out with them all the time, you don't take a minute to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look $Jogador.Nome you can rest assured that as popular as I am, my grades are one of the highest in my class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ahn... what is it? You repeated last year, and many teachers don't have good things to say about you, what moral do you have to charge me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know very well that I think school is a waste of time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Okay, but wasting an entire year was not a waste of time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It wasn't on purpose, I thought I might recover in the last trimester.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yeah, but now you have to do it all over again, and besides that you and that friend of yours $Amigo.Nome are getting more and more bad spoken at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I try to defend you when girls talk bad about you in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>They think you are stupid, weak, cowardly, and too preppy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Our! And you defend me from these things?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Sure! You are my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN I would do everything for you, just as you would do everything for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But, you better do something about your public image if you don't want to be remembered as the biggest loser the college has ever seen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gets up and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep thinking about the conversation they had.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't know my reputation was that bad, it looks like I'm going to have to not only hypnotize the teacher's but improve my school reputation, at least until the end of the year.<</ref>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like surreal and hard to understand movies<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? Like which ones?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Type, Mulholland Drive, Daisies, Donnie Darko, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Mother! And others.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've never heard of these movies.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You should give it a go and watch it because they're so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay but why do you like these movies?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh I really like the aesthetics of the movies, they are very visually beautiful, and I like to reflect on the movie I watch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahhmmm I don't really like movies like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't like movies that make you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't like movies that don't make sense.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like, get your message across with your fucking movie! Don't get a lot of symbolism and indirection, make your message with this movie clear!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I don't really think that way, I feel really smart when I watch a movie like that and I understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I feel like I'm being cheated! I keep imagining the director like this: this suckers keep trying to decipher this movie, it's just a bunch of random things that I thought and did this shit, now keep watching and keep giving me money so I can do more. That's what I imagine when I watch a movie like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You really need to watch a movie like that, maybe someday we'll watch a movie like that together, then I'll show you that what you said isn't true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so do you like another kind of movie?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I also like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.matarAula is 0 or $game.matarAula is 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What are you doing outside of class? Get out of here or I'll call the deputy principal!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go back to your classroom|3B]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.matarAula gte 2>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>I can see that you are a rebellious boy, maybe a talk with the deputy principal will end your rebellion.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Be taken to the deputy principal|Vice-Diretor]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The barber shop is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<narrador>>The barber shop is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have a Haircut|Cortes-Chavosos]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>><div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/massagista-teen.jpg">
Name: $MassagistaTeen.Nome
Status: $MassagistaTeen.status
Friendship: $MassagistaTeen.Amizade
Passion: $MassagistaTeen.Paixao
Morality: $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade
Desire: $MassagistaTeen.Desejo
<<if $MassagistaTeenSex.has_sex is true>>\
Handjob: $MassagistaTeenSex.punheta
Have You Ever Masturbated Her: $MassagistaTeenSex.masturbou
Fingering Anal: $MassagistaTeenSex.fingering_anal
Sucked Her Tits: $MassagistaTeenSex.suck_tits
Titjob: $MassagistaTeenSex.titjob
Had Oral Sex: $MassagistaTeenSex.faz_oral
Received Oral Sex: $MassagistaTeenSex.recebe_oral
Vaginal Sex: $MassagistaTeenSex.vaginal
Anal Sex: $MassagistaTeenSex.anal
Facial: $MassagistaTeenSex.facial
Creampie: $MassagistaTeenSex.creampie
Creampie Anal: $MassagistaTeenSex.creampie_anal
Pearl Necklace: $MassagistaTeenSex.pearlnecklace
Cum in her Pussy: $MassagistaTeenSex.cum_pussy
Cum in her Butt: $MassagistaTeenSex.cum_butt
Cum in her Ass: $MassagistaTeenSex.cum_ass
Eat your Cum: $MassagistaTeenSex.eat_cum
Cum: $MassagistaTeenSex.cum
<p>$MassagistaTeen.Nome is the masseuse who massaged $Jogador.Nome for the first time at the massage institute. She is 20 years old, and at 18 she received her first massage which she enjoyed so much that she decided to work with it and give other people the same feeling she felt in her first massage.</p>
<<if $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MassagistaTeen.Nome meets $Jogador.Nome and gives him a very nice massage, and because they have a good first impression of each other she decides to give him a more intimate massage by masturbating him right there.</p>
<<if $JogadorM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome calls $MassagistaTeen.Nome and they decide to meet at the Country Club, $Jogador.Nome tells $MassagistaTeen.Nome that he wants to learn how to massage, and although she refuses at first, she decides to accept because of her friendship with $Jogador.Nome. She wants $Jogador.Nome to accept and pay $100 for a massage right now and pay $100 for the massage class the next day. $Jogador.Nome prefers to pay $200 for the class, and the now free massage, and $MassagistaTeen.Nome accepts. $MassagistaTeen.Nome gives a massage similar to the last time but with a different outcome with $MassagistaTeen.Nome performing oral sex on $Jogador.Nome.</p>
<<if $JogadorM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome calls $MassagistaTeen.Nome to talk about massage classes and she shows up at his house. $MassagistaTeen.Nome explains that she took a few days off and since she can't teach $Jogador.Nome how to massage at his house, the two decide to go to the Country Club near closing. $MassagistaTeen.Nome talks to the massage institute clerk who gives her the keys to the place, $Jogador.Nome and $MassagistaTeen.Nome enter. $MassagistaTeen.Nome teaches $Jogador.Nome how to give a very simple shoulder massage and an erotic massage for women, the weather gets so hot that they both have sex right there during the massage class. After they break up, $MassagistaTeen.Nome escorts $Jogador.Nome home and they talk about their relationship, $MassagistaTeen.Nome says that they are Friends with Benefits and that she doesn't like to feel trapped in any monogamous relationship.</p>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Mae.Nome hands $Jogador.Nome a letter from $LenaPaul.Nome, it was an apology and a gift for $Jogador.Nome enduring that event with her father at that dinner, a gift certificate for a free massage at the Country Club Massage Instinct. $Mae.Nome suggests he gift her back, $Jogador.Nome says she has rations but now he's going to enjoy his girlfriend's gift.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome then goes to the massage institute where he is reunited with $MassagistaTeen.Nome, who gives him a massage while she massages him both talk and $MassagistaTeen.Nome takes off her clothes implying that she wants sex with $Jogador.Nome, he says he now has a girlfriend, $MassagistaTeen.Nome asks if this stops him and $Jogador.Nome replies that he doesn't know because she once suggested that they both make a threesome with another girl and asks what $MassagistaTeen.Nome thinks about it, she replies that although he doesn't know her that would mean a free pass, $Jogador.Nome is suspicious but still falls for it on $MassagistaTeen.Nome's charms so they both have sex. At the end, the attendant goes to $MassagistaTeen.Nome's room where she finds both naked and $MassagistaTeen.Nome with semen sprayed on her face, they have a slight discussion about having sex with a customer is wrong and $MassagistaTeen.Nome says that $Jogador.Nome is not an ordinary customer, he is her friend. The attendant then says that $Jogador.Nome has to leave and $MassagistaTeen.Nome has to take a shower because she has other customers to attend to.</p>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to visit $MassagistaTeen.Nome at the Massage Institute, but is faced with a big mess, $MassagistaTeen.Nome nervous cursing someone, $Jogador.Nome goes to her and asks what happened and she replies that she was fired for both having sex that day.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome suggests that $MassagistaTeen.Nome work at the market, but she says it's not worth it because it pays very little and the hours are long, and she would have to go back to her parents' house, which she doesn't want. $Jogador.Nome feels guilty that she was fired, but she comforts him by telling her not to blame herself, still feeling guilty. $Jogador.Nome says that anything she needs she can count on him.</p>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome answers a call from $MassagistaTeen.Nome saying that she has found a way to make money, and wants to tell $Jogador.Nome herself.</p>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$MassagistaTeen.Nome goes over to $Jogador.Nome' house, $MassagistaTeen.Nome greets $Mae.Nome, and he and $Jogador.Nome go to talk in his bedroom. $MassagistaTeen.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome that she found something she can do that doesn't involve massage, she says she thought about being a porn star, $Jogador.Nome doesn't believe it at first but it's the honest truth, $MassagistaTeen.Nome says it's the best option she has, $Jogador.Nome insists on saying that there are better options to earn money but she says that besides being her best option it's something she wants to do, and if she doesn't like it she goes back and tries something else, $Jogador.Nome asks "What do you mean I come back here?" and she says she's going to need to move, $Jogador.Nome asks again if that's really what she wants, she then confirms. She can then help her so they can do a photo session and she asks $Jogador.Nome to buy a photographic camera and meet her at the Mall at 21:30.</p>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome meets $MassagistaTeen.Nome at the Mall, $Jogador.Nome tells them to go straight to the photo studio, but $MassagistaTeen.Nome reveals that both will invade the studio after the Mall closes, $Jogador.Nome is stunned by this, $MassagistaTeen.Nome then explains why she decided that and that everything is already planned, she says that she has already disabled the cameras in front of the studio and shows two cans of spray paint and two masks, $Jogador.Nome is uncertain about this plan, but since $MassagistaTeen.Nome seemed very confident, he ended up going along with it.</p>
<p>They hid until the Mall almost closed, both enter the studio's reception, both hide under the reception desk while two men pass by them, they leave through the door and don't even lock it, when they realize that the Mall is practically empty and the lights are off, $MassagistaTeen.Nome gets out from under the table and puts on her mask, $Jogador.Nome does the same, then they both go up to the second floor where the studio really is.</p>
<p>Both enter the studio and when turning on the lights, $MassagistaTeen.Nome gives $Jogador.Nome a can of spray paint and asks him to graffiti the security cameras, after both disable all the cameras they take off the masks and finally leave for the photo shoot. $Jogador.Nome decides to take more spontaneous photos of $MassagistaTeen.Nome, he asks her to stand in front of the Chroma Key and make movements while he says the photo of her, while she moves doing these poses she takes off her clothes, both are very excited about this situation, so they end up doing sex inside the photo studio. When they're done, both get dressed and carefully leave the photo studio and the mall, taking care not to be seen.</p>
<p>Outside the mall as they left, $MassagistaTeen.Nome takes $Jogador.Nome' camera and says she'll find someone to develop the photos. She doesn't know what comes after that but asks if $Jogador.Nome will help her, he says yes, he just asks her to avoid putting him in situations that could land him in jail.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<set $game.usandoMenu to true>>
<div id="fixa">
<center><h1>Player Status</h1></center>
<p><strong>Fitness:</strong> Your physical strength and how muscular you are, the more "Fitness" you have the greater your chance of winning a fight. You will be more respected by the sportsmen of the school, and you will have access to girls who like strong men.</p>
<p><strong>Intelligence:</strong> How smart you are, the smarter you are, the better chances you have with your teachers, more respect for school nerds, and access to girls who like smart guys.</p>
<p><strong>Bravery:</strong> How brave, bold and confident you are. The more "Bravery" you have, the more daring things you can do with your girls and take the initiative as needed.</p>
<p><strong>Morality:</strong> How moral you are, the less morality you have the more you will think about sex and the more sexual situations you will seek, no matter what woman you are.</p>
<p><strong>Sexual Experience:</strong> How many sexual experiences have you had.</p>
<p><strong>Horny Bar:</strong> Show how turn on you are (If you are "Extremely Horny" or "Uncontrollably Horny" You can't sleep).</p>
<p><strong>Money:</strong>Your current money.</p>
<div id="fixa">
<center><h1>Characters Status</h1></center>
<p><strong>Status:</strong> The current status of the character.</p>
<p><strong>Friendship:</strong> How friendly is this character to you.</p>
<p><strong>Passion:</strong> How passionate the character is about you (The more in love the character is, the more likely he is to want a serious relationship with you).</p>
<p><strong>Morality:</strong> How moral is this character.</p>
<p><strong>Desire:</strong> How much this character wants you sexually.</p>
<div id="fixa">
<center><h1>Cell Phone</h1></center>
<p><strong>Contacts:</strong> You can access statuses and read a little about the characters in the game that you know.</p>
<p><strong>Agenda:</strong> Tips on how to start the next event with each character</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Photos:</strong>You can see and review how pictures the characters send you.</p>
<div id="fixa">
<p>Your backpack is your inventory.</p>
<div id="fixa">
<p>Remember to sleep through the night.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous()`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<center><strong><h2>Enter Codes to Activate Cheats.</h2></strong></center> <<set $game.usandoMenu to true>>
<center><<textbox "$code" $code autofocus>></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue">>
<<if $code !== $InstintoSuperior.nivel1 and $code !== $InstintoSuperior.nivel2 and $code !== $InstintoSuperior.nivel3 and $code !== $InstintoSuperior.nivel4 and $code !== $InstintoSuperior.nivel5>>
<<replace "#test">><span style="color:red">Wrong Code.</span><</replace>>
<<elseif $code == $InstintoSuperior.nivel1 and not $codigo.suave>>
<<linkprepend "#test">><span style="color:red">Soft Code Accepted.</span><</linkprepend>>
<<set $codigo.suave to true>>
<<goto "Código Suave">>
<<elseif $code == $InstintoSuperior.nivel2 and not $codigo.medio>>
<<linkprepend "#test">><span style="color:red">Medium Code Accepted.</span><</linkprepend>>
<<set $codigo.medio to true>>
<<goto "Código Médio">>
<<elseif $code == $InstintoSuperior.nivel3 and not $codigo.hardcore>>
<<linkprepend "#test">><span style="color:red">Hardcore Code Accepted.</span><</linkprepend>>
<<set $codigo.hardcore to true>>
<<goto "Código Hardcore">>
<<elseif $code == $InstintoSuperior.nivel4 and not $codigo.master>>
<<linkprepend "#test">><span style="color:red">Master Code Accepted.</span><</linkprepend>>
<<set $codigo.master to true>>
<<goto "Código Master">>
<<elseif $code == $InstintoSuperior.nivel5 and not $codigo.supremo>>
<<linkprepend "#test">><span style="color:red">Supreme Code Accepted.</span><</linkprepend>>
<<set $codigo.supremo to true>>
<<goto "Código Supremo">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous()`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<nobr>>
<<if $codigo.suave is true>>
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Suave is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Enable Soft Code|Código Suave]]>>
<<set $CodigoAtivado.Suave to true>>\
<<set $Jogador.Fitness += 10>>\
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia += 10>>\
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia += 10>>\
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 1000>>\
<<set $Mae.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Mae.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Mae.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Mae.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Paixao.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Paixao.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Paixao.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Lexi.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Lexi.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Lexi.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Penny.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Penny.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Penny.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Penny.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Debora.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Debora.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Debora.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Debora.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Mia.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Mia.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Mia.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Mia.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Shyla.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Shyla.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Shyla.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Samantha.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Samantha.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Samantha.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Angie.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Angie.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Angie.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Angie.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $BartDani.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $BartDani.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $BartDani.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Kendall.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Kendall.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Kendall.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Kayla.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Kayla.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Kayla.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Manu.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Manu.Paixao += 10>>\
<<set $Manu.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Manu.Desejo += 10>>\
<<set $Amigo.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $Valentao.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade -= 10>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade += 10>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade += 10>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade += 10>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade -= 10>>\
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>\
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Suave is true>>
<center><h2>Soft Code has already been Activated!!!</h2></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Go back home" "Casa">><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@
<<if $codigo.medio is true>>
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Medio is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Enable Medium Code|Código Médio]]>>
<<set $CodigoAtivado.Medio to true>>\
<<set $Jogador.Fitness += 15>>\
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia += 15>>\
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia += 15>>\
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 1500>>\
<<set $Mae.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Mae.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Mae.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Mae.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Paixao.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Paixao.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Paixao.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Lexi.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Lexi.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Lexi.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Penny.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Penny.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Penny.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Penny.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Debora.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Debora.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Debora.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Debora.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Mia.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Mia.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Mia.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Mia.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Shyla.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Shyla.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Shyla.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Samantha.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Samantha.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Samantha.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Angie.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Angie.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Angie.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Angie.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $BartDani.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $BartDani.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $BartDani.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Kendall.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Kendall.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Kendall.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Kayla.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Kayla.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Kayla.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Manu.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Manu.Paixao += 15>>\
<<set $Manu.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Manu.Desejo += 15>>\
<<set $Amigo.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $Valentao.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade += 15>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade += 15>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade += 15>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade += 15>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade -= 15>>\
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>\
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Medio is true>>
<center><h2>Medium Code has already been Enabled!!!</h2></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Go back home" "Casa">><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@
<</nobr>>/* Um Pequeno Agradecimento aos Apoiadores. Acessem o canal do meu Podcast no Youtube, Spotfy e outros: Quebra-Cabeça Podcast, Fiquem bem, se se forem usar Cheats me apoiem No Patreon Krl, sejam honestos! */
<<set $InstintoSuperior = {
nivel1: "d401dwlJsh",
nivel2: "I65lqE3cWQJ04",
nivel3: "mm8vQ8qIzBopt200",
nivel4: "avFwX1wgT6uww4m0M9gL",
nivel5: "jREeg2xJnPMVnVS6lqm0HDJ75",
<<if $codigo.hardcore is true>>
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Hardcore is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Enable Hardcore Code|Código Hardcore]]>>
<<set $CodigoAtivado.Hardcore to true>>\
<<set $Jogador.Fitness += 20>>\
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia += 20>>\
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia += 20>>\
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 2000>>\
<<set $Mae.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Mae.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Mae.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Mae.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Paixao.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Paixao.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Paixao.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Lexi.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Lexi.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Lexi.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Penny.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Penny.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Penny.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Penny.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Debora.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Debora.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Debora.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Debora.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Mia.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Mia.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Mia.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Mia.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Shyla.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Shyla.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Shyla.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Samantha.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Samantha.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Samantha.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Angie.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Angie.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Angie.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Angie.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $BartDani.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $BartDani.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $BartDani.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Kendall.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Kendall.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Kendall.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Kayla.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Kayla.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Kayla.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Manu.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Manu.Paixao += 20>>\
<<set $Manu.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Manu.Desejo += 20>>\
<<set $Amigo.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $Valentao.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade += 20>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade += 20>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade += 20>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade += 20>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade -= 20>>\
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>\
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Hardcore is true>>
<center><h2>Hardcore Code has already been activated!!!</h2></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Go back home" "Casa">><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@
<<if $codigo.master is true>>
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Master is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Activate Master Code|Código Master]]>>
<<set $CodigoAtivado.Master to true>>\
<<set $Jogador.Fitness += 25>>\
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia += 25>>\
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia += 25>>\
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 2500>>\
<<set $Mae.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Mae.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Mae.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Mae.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Paixao.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Paixao.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Paixao.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Lexi.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Lexi.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Lexi.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Penny.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Penny.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Penny.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Penny.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Debora.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Debora.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Debora.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Debora.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Mia.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Mia.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Mia.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Mia.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Shyla.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Shyla.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Shyla.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Samantha.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Samantha.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Samantha.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Angie.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Angie.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Angie.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Angie.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $BartDani.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $BartDani.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $BartDani.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Kendall.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Kendall.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Kendall.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Kayla.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Kayla.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Kayla.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Manu.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Manu.Paixao += 25>>\
<<set $Manu.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Manu.Desejo += 25>>\
<<set $Amigo.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $Valentao.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade += 25>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade += 25>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade += 25>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade += 25>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade -= 25>>\
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>\
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Master is true>>
<center><h2>Master Code has already been Activated!!!</h2></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Go back home" "Casa">><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@
<<if $codigo.supremo is true>>
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Supremo is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Activate Supreme Code|Código Supremo]]>>
<<set $CodigoAtivado.Supremo to true>>\
<<set $Jogador.Fitness += 30>>\
<<set $Jogador.Intelgencia += 30>>\
<<set $Jogador.Ousadia += 30>>\
<<set $Jogador.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 3000>>\
<<set $Mae.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Mae.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Mae.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Mae.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $IrmaV.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $IrmaN.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Paixao.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Paixao.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Paixao.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Paixao.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Lexi.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Lexi.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Lexi.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Lexi.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Penny.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Penny.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Penny.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Penny.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Debora.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Debora.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Debora.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Debora.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Mia.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Mia.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Mia.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Mia.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $RoxyRaye.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfQuimica.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfLiteratura.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfHistoria.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfBiologia.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfSociologia.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfEdFisica.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfArte.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $MissTravella.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $SrtaCooper.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $AtendenteIM.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $MassagistaTeen.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $CarmenCa.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $LenaPaul.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Shyla.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Shyla.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Shyla.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Shyla.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Aaliyah.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Samantha.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Samantha.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Samantha.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Samantha.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Angie.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Angie.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Angie.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Angie.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Gabbie.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $BartDani.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $BartDani.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $BartDani.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $BartDani.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $BartKagney.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Kendall.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Kendall.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Kendall.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Kendall.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Kayla.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Kayla.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Kayla.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Kayla.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Manu.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Manu.Paixao += 30>>\
<<set $Manu.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Manu.Desejo += 30>>\
<<set $Amigo.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Amigo.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Amigo2.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $Valentao.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $Valentao.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfMatematica.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfFisica.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Inimizade += 30>>\
<<set $ProfGeografia.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Inimizade += 30>>\
<<set $ViceDiretor.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Inimizade += 30>>\
<<set $LoenFreas.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Amizade += 30>>\
<<set $BartenderH.Moralidade -= 30>>\
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>\
<<if $CodigoAtivado.Supremo is true>>
<center><h2>Supreme Code has already been Activated!!!</h2></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Go back home" "Casa">><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You were entering the men's bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Take this sucker!!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see $Valentao.Nome and two other guys sticking a geek's head down the toilet and flushing.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/banheiroMasculino/images/enfiando-a-cabeça-na-privada.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I better get out of here before it gets to me.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ManuM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM9 - Escritor do Toalete">>
<<if $ManuM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM8 - Mundo Animal">>
<<if $ManuM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM7 - Spiderman">>
<<if $ManuM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM6 - Ser Corno ou Não Ser?">>
<<if $ManuM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM5 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu">>
<<if $ManuM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM4 - Escrevi e Sai Correndo">>
<<if $ManuM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM3 - Uma Arlinda Mulher">>
<<if $ManuM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.MNUEspere is false>>
<<goto "MnuM2 - Filosofia Braba">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio >= 66>>
<<if $Caneta_Hidrografica is true>>
<<goto "MnuM1 - Escrevendo nas Portas parte 2">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<goto "MnuM1 - Escrevendo nas Portas">>
<<ref $Jogador>>There is nothing to do here.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|BanheiroMasculino]]>><</button>>@@ <<FundoBanheiroMasculino>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you recognize a phrase written on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
"To Infinite"
<<narrador>>Only the sentence is incomplete.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Someone wrote a Buzz Lightyear sentence but didn't finish, so I have to.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don't have any pens, so I'm going to get a pen from your classroom to finish a sentence.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Go get a pen" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 2>>
Manu Missões<<FundoBanheiroMasculino>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the same cabin in the bathroom now with pen in hand to finish the phrase od Buzz Lightyear.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You then created it next to the phrase "and beyond".<</narrador>>
"To Infinity and Beyond"
<<ref $Jogador>>The great Buzz Lightyear sentence is finished. My task is done today.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM1.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ManuM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is false>> /*=========================*/
<<narrador>>You see a small lever behind one of the bookcases.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You pull the lever down and a small trap door opens, it is small, but you can get through it.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You find a secret room.<</narrador>>
<<set $game.salaSecreta to true>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Secret Room|Sala-Secreta]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.salaSecreta is false>> /*=====================*/
<<narrador>>You find an interesting book. You get to read and learn a lot from it.<</narrador>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 1>>
<<set $game.JornadaLiteraria to true>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<case 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>You flip through some books, but you're not interested in anything.<</narrador>>
<<case 10>>
<<narrador>>You find an interesting book. You get to read and learn a lot from it.<</narrador>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 1>>
<<set $game.JornadaLiteraria to true>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Biblioteca]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<narrador>>You are in your room thinking about how to make $IrmaV.Nome forgive you, after a lot of thinking you come to the conclusion that the only way is to appeal to her altruistic side and her big heart.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Would it work for me to simulate an accident, go to the hospital and be treated by her?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's a good idea. But what could I do to be taken to the hospital?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You think for a few minutes, but you don't have any good ideas.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You hear a door opening, and a woman crying.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You recognize the voice and realize it's your sister $IrmaV.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room to see what's going on, you see that your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome and your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome are already there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[See what happened|IVM2 parte 2 - O que aconteceu?]]>><<addmins 3>><<set $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstagio += 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<MamaeDiz Honey what's going on because you're crying?>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Today was the worst day of my life!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A few days ago, the medical director retired and was replaced by a new one. This new medical director is disgusting, from day one on the job he harassed all the women who worked at the hospital.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I tried to talk him out of it, to get him to stop doing that, and he started harassing me a lot more than before.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You approach shyly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a motherfucker guy!!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao looks at you with a crooked look.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome smiles at you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>But not only that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I tried to organize a protest against him only he found out before and he fired me, and he said he would fire anyone who supported my protest..<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz It’s outrageous to think that someone like that is working in healthcare.>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, I was devastated by it and needed to talk to someone, so I went to my boyfriend's house who lives nearby, but what I saw made me worse than before.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What happened?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome takes a deep breath and wipes tears from her face.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I arrived at his house, glad I had the key because I finally found out that my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I’m very sorry.>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I didn’t know if I was really sad or even angry, I just run to home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>On the same day I lost my job, my boyfriend and my best friend! I have nothing else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You’re wrong $IrmaV.Nome, you still have people in your family who will never leave you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome is right we will never let you down.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Her $Mae.Relacao hugs $IrmaV.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz It’s gonna be alright honey let’s get through it together.>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Okay, thanks guys, but I’m going to my room, I need to be alone for a while.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is going to her room, when she passes you, you hold her hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If you want to talk to me...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Okay $Jogador.Nome, I just want to be alone for a while.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome goes back to the room, you see $Mae.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome talking about $IrmaV.Nome's situation. You return to your duties, it seems that $IrmaV.Nome is not mad at you anymore, but she is very sad, to talk now, maybe it's better to leave her alone for a few days, she really needs to be at peace with herself.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstagio += 70>>
<<set $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaV.Nome I was remembering the time when we were kids and played doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I remember well, it was at that time that I thought about working in the health area, I like to take care of people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, remember the day $Valentao.Nome broke my arm and you took care of me until the doctors arrived?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, it was the first time I entered that hospital...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome's eyes start to water.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No please don't cry, I'm trying to cheer you up you need to move on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, I know, it's just that... It's very hard to lose your dream career and the boyfriend I know since high school on the same day, in the worst possible way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will help you get through this, we all will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I know, I just need some time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hug and you leave her alone to think.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, $IrmaV.Nome why were you fired anyway? I didn't quite understand this story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The medical director who is very well by the way retired spent two days and he was replaced by a new one. From the moment he walked in I didn't like him, he had very strange behavior for a doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He took strange things with him, he paid for things from the hospital and took them home, not to mention the harassment with all the women who work there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did he do??<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I've often seen him coming up behind the women with a lascivious way, he rubs the ass of the most inexperienced nurses, and then I couldn't take it for granted!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was it when you try to organize a protest?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Before I tried to talk to him, like... calmly, and tell him to stop, but then he threatened to destroy my reputation so I could never work in a hospital again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a son of a bitch this guy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So I tried to organize a protest, several girls who work there agreed to participate, but then the medical director found out beforehand and I was fired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But how did he find out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh I have no idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't worry $IrmaV.Nome soon you'll get a new job.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $IrmaV.Nome keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome why are girls so complicated?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How come $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, ahmm... I have a friend who likes a girl who doesn't care about him so how would he win her over?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A friend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, a... a friend...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Well first you have to see how this girl treats you, if she only treats you good or bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bad... ahum... well, that what he said.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>If a girl treats you bad, never treat you well, because she sure as hell doesn't deserve your love!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I love her... he... he love her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Maybe it's better, your friend forgets about her because if she treats him badly he can only be a horrible person because that friend of yours is an amazing boy !!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Really!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, Ok I'll... I'll tell him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room running. and her $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome stays there with a smile on her face.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... $IrmaV.Nome Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I think everyone has liked someone who didn't like him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but what about you? Who was the guy who didn't care about you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was in 7th grade and there was a beautiful boy with long blond hair sitting in front of me, I always tried to make him look at me but never could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>One day I asked one of my friends for help at the time she was also into another boy at school so we decided to try to do a double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How crazy, a double date, and you barely knew the guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it gets worse!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In this meeting I realized that he barely talks to me he didn't pay any attention to me which I found strange because if he didn't like me why accepted the invitation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really really weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I noticed that he was very interested in my friend's conversation with the boy she was with.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was very sad at that moment, and I left crying, I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The next morning at school I met my friend who went on a date with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She asked why I suddenly left, and so I said, it's not obvious, the guy I like doesn't care about me, but he's into you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She said that pretending he was strangely very interested in her conversation with his date but still they didn't end up dating, if processor just friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what a crazy story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it still has the big plot twist.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A month passed and that guy I liked, who went on a double date with me, showed up dating my friend's date from that same double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So he was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what an absurd story!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, So this is it , this is the story of how I fell in love and broke my face for the first time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The first? and the second how was it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This one you know, but another day I'll tell you.<</fala>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.Mae>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah...$Mae.Relacao, about that friend of yours $MissTravella.Nome how you guys met? I asked her that when I saw her but it seems like it’s a pretty long story right?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz In fact it’s not that big, she’s overly detailed.>>
<<MamaeDiz Well... I was an innocent girl from the countryside arriving in a big city, I was young and I wanted fun and excitement.>>
<<MamaeDiz But once I got there, the fun and excitement were cut short when I was robbed, and I was totally broke, I couldn’t even go home.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? So what did you do?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Luckily $MissTravella.Nome found me and put me to live in hiding inside her college, and we’ve become best friends since then, you had to see how we did it back then.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why had I never heard of her, since you and she are so close?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Because... we had a fight over a guy, so we stopped talking for a while, so I came back here and she stayed in her town.>>
<<MamaeDiz We only met again and made up a short time ago, when she got married and came to live in this town.>>
<<MamaeDiz I didn’t tell you or the girls because... it was a very intense time and different from what I live in today and I didn’t want to be thinking about the past.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright $Mae.Relacao I understand you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay but what did you think of her?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh she’s really nice, I even wanted her to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz That would be very good.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, I have to go, I have a lot to do.<</fala>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh, I really like action movies, or movies that involve survival in the wild.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I like it too, especially any movie that has The Rock!!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz The Rock it’s amazing.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah!! I Love Hobbs & Shaw, I really wanted it to have a sequel.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Yeah, it’s an action movie, it has to be fun, and I had a lot of fun watching it.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Someday I’ll be as strong as he is, that’s my goal!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz And I’ll like it too, ahahahah.>>
<<MamaeDiz There’s another movie that I really like, a The Rock movie, but it’s also good, the ...>>
<<narrador>>You two keep talking about action movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.Mae>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Mom why are you always alone... I mean... Why you never remarried?<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Pai is true>>
<<MamaeDiz After $Pai.Nome left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Pai is false>>
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?</span></div>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How could I forget?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Yes, and then after a lot of crying, I saw that I had three kids beside me who needed me, and if that guy you called "dad" didn’t want to be part of this, he was the one who was losing.>>
<<MamaeDiz So I dedicated 100% of my life to raising you, and I didn’t even see the time go by, you grew up so fast, I got older, I’m not old enough to run after a boyfriend.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don’t say that $Mae.Relacao, you’re a beautiful woman, any guy would be lucky to be with you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome but honestly this is not the conversation I want to have with my $Jogador.RelacaoMae.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, I... I’m on my way.<</fala>>
<<MaePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, have you thought about getting married again?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Honestly no.>>
<<if $Conhece.Pai is true>>
<<MamaeDiz After $Pai.Nome left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Pai is false>>
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.</span></div>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what about today? Do you think about getting a boyfriend?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz No, I’m too old to go chasing men around.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are not old $Mae.Nome.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz But no, I don’t intend to get a man right now.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly I prefer it this way! I don’t want to share you with another guy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You and your $Mae.Relacao keep talking a little more.<</narrador>>
<<MaePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, how are you doing at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Better than you from what I've heard. HAHAHAHAHA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm serious, you spend hours with your friends on the phone, go out with them all the time, you don't take a minute to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look $Jogador.Nome you can rest assured that as popular as I am, my grades are one of the highest in my class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ahn... what is it? You repeated last year, and many teachers don't have good things to say about you, what moral do you have to charge me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know very well that I think school is a waste of time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Okay, but wasting an entire year was not a waste of time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It wasn't on purpose, I thought I might recover in the last trimester.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yeah, but now you have to do it all over again, and besides that you and that friend of yours $Amigo.Nome are getting more and more bad spoken at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I try to defend you when girls talk bad about you in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>They think you are stupid, weak, cowardly, and too preppy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Our! And you defend me from these things?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Sure! You are my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN I would do everything for you, just as you would do everything for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But, you better do something about your public image if you don't want to be remembered as the biggest loser the college has ever seen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gets up and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep thinking about the conversation they had.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't know my reputation was that bad, it looks like I'm going to have to not only hypnotize the teacher's but improve my school reputation, at least until the end of the year.<</ref>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like surreal and hard to understand movies<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? Like which ones?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Type, Mulholland Drive, Daisies, Donnie Darko, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Mother! And others.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've never heard of these movies.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You should give it a go and watch it because they're so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay but why do you like these movies?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh I really like the aesthetics of the movies, they are very visually beautiful, and I like to reflect on the movie I watch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahhmmm I don't really like movies like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't like movies that make you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't like movies that don't make sense.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like, get your message across with your fucking movie! Don't get a lot of symbolism and indirection, make your message with this movie clear!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I don't really think that way, I feel really smart when I watch a movie like that and I understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I feel like I'm being cheated! I keep imagining the director like this: this suckers keep trying to decipher this movie, it's just a bunch of random things that I thought and did this shit, now keep watching and keep giving me money so I can do more. That's what I imagine when I watch a movie like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You really need to watch a movie like that, maybe someday we'll watch a movie like that together, then I'll show you that what you said isn't true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so do you like another kind of movie?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I also like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I need to ask!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why that guy? Why $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh he's handsome, he's so strong and so... wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please, $IrmaN.Nome understand, he is not good for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You only say that when he hits you at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not only me, he hits everyone who is weaker than him, he's always with a lot of girls and as he dumps, he's always skipping class, understand he's not a good guy for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I know he's a bit of a troubled boy, but maybe I can make him a good guy, maybe he's dating me and you'll even become friends.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can already imagine how good friends we would be, him going out to the whole school saying, "Hey guys I fucking $Jogador.Nome's sister, it's his sister's such a slut" I definitely can't let that happen.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can't change a guy like him, he just is what he is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You need a guy who treats you like the princess you are, a guy who values you, a guy who truly loves you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, I know what I'm doing and i know $Valentao.Nome will be all that if he has a chance to change.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No she doesn't know, she's such a good girl that she doesn't realize that some people are just bad.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You both keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I will ask you a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What kind of man do you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Why do you want to know that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing, just out of curiosity.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>All right then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like handsome, strong men, not necessarily muscular, but who show strength.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>That treats me well, and that they are brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, because it looks nothing like the singers you listen to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, there was a time when I liked the more effeminate type, and even metrosexual, but I think that was just a phase.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Today I like real men better as they say. ahahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will I ever be able to look like a man to your liking?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look, it will be difficult!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>HAHAha it's a joke! With effort and persistence you can.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys are talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome? Have you talked to $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Still not calm!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Damn $Jogador.Nome talk to him soon!<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-angry1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tomorrow I speak!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>It's really good because I'm tired of waiting.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just, can I say something?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Very careful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Watch out for $Valentao.Nome, he's a guy with a bad temper, who goes out with several girls at the same time, and if you want to be a part of that, be careful not to get hurt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't worry $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN, I'm pretty good at taking care of myself, and on the issue of him dating a lot of girls he just needs someone good enough to change him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Unfortunately not everyone can change, remember that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You left your younger $IrmaN.Relacao's room. And he goes back to his room, getting rid of talking to $Valentao.Nome at recess.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Go to your bedroom" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Amigo.Nome's house and the two of them together to meet as girls.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Man, I can't wait to meet my girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's her name again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Have I not told you yet? Her name is <<textbox "$CarmenCa.Nome" "Karen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>She said she's going to take us by car and pick us up here at home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will she come get us?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dude, I think it's the man who should get her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I think so too, but she insisted, and besides that she has a car and we don't, so maybe it's better that way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>May be ...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey man, is this friend she's gonna call her cam-girl too?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I don't know man, she didn't tell me anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I hope she's not boring.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you are talking for a few more minutes when you hear a bus in front of $Amigo.Nome's house, then you go and see.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>A beautiful car stops in front of the house, and from inside comes a beautiful Latin woman.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M2 parte 2 - O Encontro Duplo]]>><<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstagio += 17>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaAmigo>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She approaches you two.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hi $Amigo.Nome it's nice to finally see you in person.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Good evening $CarmenCa.Nome, I really wanted to see you up close, you don't know how much I dreamed of that day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Aaham.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh, $CarmenCa.Nome, this one is my friend $Jogador.Nome I told you about.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good evening $CarmenCa.Nome, you have no idea how much this guy has talked about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Nice to meet you, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... Where is my date?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>She says she's going to meet us directly at the restaurant.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tell the truth, she won't come, will she?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>But it's true! She'll meet us right at the restaurant.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax! You will love her, she is beautiful, smart and a wonderful person.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Wow, if she's all that, the question is if she's going to like $Jogador.Nome AHAHHAHA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Let's stop talking, let's go to the restaurant, because I'm starving.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then get into $CarmenCa.Nome's car and go straight to the restaurant, while $CarmenCa.Nome drives, $Amigo.Nome sits in the front seat to talk to her along the way, while you stay in the back seat imagining your companion's face.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>A few minutes passed, the three of you enter the five-star restaurant.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/outros/restaurante.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... Are you sure $CarmenCa.Nome is here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Of course I'm sure.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's just that I don't think I have the money to pay for any dish in a place like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Relax boy, you two are my guests I'll pay for everything!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome approaches you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>She earns big money with cam-girl! <</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M2 parte 3 - O Encontro Duplo]]>><<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstagio += 17>><<set $CarmenCa.status to "Normal">><<addmins 15>><</button>>@@
/*============================= Lexi ================================*/
<<widget "ConheceLexi">>
<<set $Conhece.Lexi to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $Lexi.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you know the teacher's daughter. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy.''</span>
/*============================ Penny ================================*/
<<widget "ConhecePenny">>
<<set $Conhece.Penny to true>><<set $PennyM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $Penny.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you know the school's CDF. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy.''</span>
/*=========================== Debora ================================*/
<<widget "ConheceDebora">>
<<set $Conhece.Debora to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $Debora.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you meet $Paixao.Nome's best friend. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy.''</span>
/*============================= Mia =================================*/
<<widget "ConheceMia">>
<<set $Conhece.Mia to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $Mia.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you meet $Paixao.Nome's second best friend. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy.''</span>
/*=========================== Roxy Raye =============================*/
<<widget "ConheceRoxyRaye">>
<<set $Conhece.RoxyRaye to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $RoxyRaye.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''You just met $RoxyRaye.Nome Kwilecki. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy.''</span>
/*=========================== MissTavella ===========================*/
<<widget "ConheceMissTravella">>
<<set $Conhece.MissTravella to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $MissTravella.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you know Miss Tavella. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy.''</span>
/*======================== Senhorita Cooper =========================*/
<<widget "ConheceSrtaCooper">>
<<set $Conhece.SrtaCooper to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $SrtaCooper.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you know Miss Cooper. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy.''</span>
/*======================== MassagistaTeen ===========================*/
<<widget "ConheceMassagistaTeen">>
<<set $Conhece.MassagistaTeen to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $MassagistaTeen.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you meet the young masseuse from the massage institute. You can find out more about her in your cell phone contacts policy''</span>
/*============================ Carmen ==============================*/
<<widget "ConheceCarmen">>
<<set $Conhece.Carmen to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $CarmenCa.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you know the cam-girl your friend $Amigo.Nome talks about so much. You can find out more about her in your mobile contacts policy''</span>
/*=========================== Lena Paul =============================*/
<<widget "ConheceLenaPaul">>
<<set $Conhece.LenaPaul to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $LenaPaul.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you meet $LenaPaul.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome's best friend, and your world starts to get better. You can find out more about her in your mobile contacts policy''</span>
/*========================== Angela White ===========================*/
<<widget "ConheceAngela">>
<<set $Conhece.Angela to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $Angie.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you meet $Angie.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome's mother. Ally?''</span>
/*========================= Gabbie Carter ===========================*/
<<widget "ConheceGabbie">>
<<set $Conhece.Gabbie to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $Gabbie.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you meet $Gabbie.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome's sister. Better keep an eye on her''</span>
/*==================== Professora de Quimica ========================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfQuimica">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfQuimica to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfQuimica.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Chemistry teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome the locations at her home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*==================== Professora de História =======================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfHistoria">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfHistoria to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfHistoria.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your History teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome the locations at her home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*===================== Professor de Geografia ======================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfGeografia">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfGeografia to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfGeografia.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Geography teacher $ProfGeografia.Nome the locations''</span>
/*=================== Professora de Literatura ======================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfLiteratura">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfLiteratura to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfLiteratura.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Literature teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome the locations at her home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*==================== Professora de Biologia =======================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfBiologia">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfBiologia to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfBiologia.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome the locations at her home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*===================== Professora de Fisica ========================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfFisica">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfFisica to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfFisica.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Physics teacher $ProfFisica.Nome the locations at his home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*=================== Professora de Sociologia ======================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfSociologia">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfSociologia to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfSociologia.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Sociology teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome the locations at her home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*=================== Professora de Matematica ======================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfMatematica">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfMatematica to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfMatematica.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Maths teacher $ProfMatematica.Nome the locations at his home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*=================== Professora de Filosofia ======================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfFilosofia">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfFilosofia to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfFilosofia.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Philosophy teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome the locations at his home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*================ Professora de Educação Física ====================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfEdFisica">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfEdFisica to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $ProfEdFisica.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Physical Education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome the locations at her home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*====================== Professora de Arte =========================*/
<<widget "ConheceProfArte">>
<<set $Conhece.ProfArte to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your Art teacher $ProfArte.Nome the locations at her home and your position on the map are now available''</span>
/*====================== VIzinha da Esqueda =========================*/
<<widget "ConheceLeftVizinha">>
<<set $Conhece.LeftVizinha to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $VizinhaEsquerda.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know your neighbor $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome better''</span>
/*===== Esposa da Professora de Educação Fisica (Aaliyah Love) ======*/
<<widget "ConheceAaliyah">>
<<set $Conhece.Aaliyah to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $Aaliyah.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''You just met $Aaliyah.Nome the dear wife of $ProfEdFisica.Nome Paparozzi''</span>
/*===== Filha da Professora de Educação Fisica (Samantha Rone) ======*/
<<widget "ConheceSamantha">>
<<set $Conhece.Samantha to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $Samantha.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''You just met $Samantha.Nome the dear daughter of $ProfEdFisica.Nome Paparozzi''</span>
/*========== Nova Professora de Física (Diamond Jackson) ============*/
<<widget "ConheceNewProfFisica">>
<<set $Conhece.NewProfFisica to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>><<set $NewProfFisica.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''You meet $NewProfFisica.Nome, the new Physics Teacher''</span>
/*============================= Homens ==============================*/
/*============================== Pai ================================*/
<<widget "ConhecePai">>
<<set $Conhece.Pai to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<span style="color:green">''Now that you know your father. You can find out more about it in your cell phone's contacts policy.''</span>
/*=================== Loen Freas (Pai da Penny) =====================*/
<<widget "ConheceLoenFreas">>
<<set $Conhece.LoenFreas to true>><<set $game.notifyContatos += 1>>
<<set $LoenFreas.status to "Normal">>
<span style="color:green">''Now you know $Penny.Nome's Father Mayor Loen Freas, this guy will be a problem for you.''</span>
<<set $fundo to "restaurante">>
<<narrador>>They choose a table and sit on their chairs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, she'll be here in a little while, she's just a little late.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? because I'm feeling cheated.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Look at her over there. You saw it, it arrived.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see a beautiful blonde in a black dress coming towards you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" ???>>Hello, $CarmenCa.Nome is good to see you again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" ???>>Hey $Amigo.Nome is nice to finally know him, you do not know how much this one, talked about you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says pointing to $CarmenCa.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" ???>>And you must be $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, it's me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" ???>>Very nice to meet you my name is <<textbox "$LenaPaul.Nome" "Amanda" $LenaPaul.Nome>>.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hallo.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Please someone can call the waiter soon, because I'm full of hunger.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You call the waiter and each make your request.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M2 parte 4 - O Encontro Duplo]]>><<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstagio += 17>><<set $LenaPaul.status to "Normal">><<addmins 15>><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "restaurante">>
<<narrador>>And then the double date begins, you notice a perfect harmony between $Amigo.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>They look so good together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>That's what I say, for a long time she was worried that a guy would never really like her because of her profession.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I wanted to ask you this, are you a cam-girl too?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I don't, $CarmenCa.Nome always wanted us to do this together, but that's not for me, I'm much more of a romantic type you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, I'm kind of like that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah and $CarmenCa.Nome does that too, to piss off the family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>This is her thing, I better not keep talking.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, please count.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay, but I won't tell you the details.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Her mother is a former hooker, she has never met her father, and her stepbrother is...normal, in fact he is the only normal one in that house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think $Amigo.Nome studies with him, his name is $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait there $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So you know him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I know it very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Please don't tell anyone this because he's too embarrassed about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course not, of course not.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Um, so our little friend $Valentao.Nome is ashamed of his family? It's good to know that.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so what kind of music do you like.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking until, you see $Jogador.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome going to the bathroom together.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey, look over there. Why are they going to the bathroom together?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Shall we go outside and take a look?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Trust me, this has happened once before.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>OKay, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go outside and climb on top of a container through the bathroom window to see what's going on. You and $LenaPaul.Nome stand side by side watching the scene.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorOusadia 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M2 parte 5 - O Encontro Duplo]]>>
<<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstagio += 17>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 45>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "restaurante">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You look out the window and see the scene with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/Carmen-Banheiro-Bq1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, look at this!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I heard that she already took some boys to the bathroom but later dismissed them, it was kind of a joke.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But with him she did it.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M2 parte 5 - O Encontro Duplo]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/Carmen-Banheiro-Bq2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow, but she gets heavy ehm!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Choking all over.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M2 parte 5 - O Encontro Duplo]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/Carmen-Banheiro-Bq3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it weird for us to watch our friends perform oral sex?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sadly yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So we better go back to our table and pretend nothing happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I agree with you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go back to your tables and pretend nothing happened.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M2 parte 6 - O Encontro Duplo]]>><<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstagio += 17>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "restaurante">>
<<narrador>>You two went back to the table pretending nothing had happened.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see $Amigo.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome coming back to the table.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey, where did you two go?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>They don't really know what to say, they just get confused and embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I noticed that you guys take a while to back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It's just... It's just... we... ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>We... we... ahmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax, guys, we're just kidding.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah, let's continue our dinner, sit down there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Dinner remains as normal as possible.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After a while, lots of conversation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I enjoyed meeting you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I confess to you that I wasn't expecting anything tonight, but meeting you was wonderful, maybe we can go out again one of these days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Would be nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>So guys, let's go? because today was a busy day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$CarmenCa.Nome pays the bill and you go outside the restaurant.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You get in the car and $CarmenCa.Nome leaves the two of you in front of $Amigo.Nome's house and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Eae what did you think of $CarmenCa.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Amazing, best girl I ever met.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I also really liked $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Do you want to come home? So we talked more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, no, I just want to go home, I'm so tired right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Alright then, bro, we'll see you another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You greet each other, then you leave.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstagio += 15>>
<<set $AmigoM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 36>>
<<narrador>>You look for $Valentao.Nome in the recess and see him beating up a boy apparently 3 years younger than him.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then $Valentao.Nome I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He just hit the poor boy saying: I'll talk to you later.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hey fag want to get some too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have a better idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How about you choking on my cock?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He catches you by the collar threatening to punch you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>What guy wants to die?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You tremble at the base, but don't back down.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No but you would die of embarrassment if you knew that your half sister is a porn star and your mother was a whore.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He lets you go.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>First, she's not a porn star she is, cam-girl and second, how did you find out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That doesn't matter, the fact is that this is true I saw with my eyes your stepsister showing herself naked on the internet, and by very reliable sources I found out that she is indeed your sister, besides knowing that your mother was a prostitute until a few months ago.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Okay, so what do you want?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>What? For you to turn to me like that and throw all this in my face you certainly want something in return to keep it all a secret.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, you're smarter than I thought.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But relax, everything I want you can do and it won't be difficult.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Speak the fuck up! I am over what to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First: More respect for the holder of truth!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'm loving it!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Second: You're going to leave me alone from now on, you're going to leave me, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, and anyone else who's even the slightest bit close to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Okay, there are other suckers who can do my homework and buy me lunch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Third: I don't even want you near $Paixao.Nome, she'll be mine, only mine!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>I disagree that she will be yours, but I accept that term, in the end I'm not lacking bitches behind me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This brings us to the most important point. And if you hesitate I'll tell everyone everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Stop stalling and talk right away.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM2 parte 3 - E então, fez?]]>><<set $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<FundoEscola>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Unfortunately my little $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is in love with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>I don't blame her the girls have always liked me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly, girls you have plenty of it, I tried to make her forget you, I tried to say that you are a bastard who never takes on a relationship and that you probably have AIDS, but she doesn't listen to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's why you're going to do the following:<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My sister will ask you out. She will call you, you will not call her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>After that you will agree to go out with her and in this date you will have to act like a perfect weakling, fearful and submissive. Since she likes you because you do the exact opposite let's make her dislike it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Honestly man, I don't know how to be.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If you don't know, you'll have to learn, remember that I know your family's big secret.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>All right, all right, if I do this for you, do you promise that you'll keep this secret, and that you won't be asking me any more favors?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I promise.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Okay, so you can tell her she can ask me out anytime.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay! Do the job well!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were already leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh just one more thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't try to make fun of her or in any way try to deceive me, because I'll know, and it'll be worse for you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave feeling like a victor and leaving $Valentao.Nome stunned behind.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorOusadia 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="filmes" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/shopping/cinema/movies/Morbius.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="filmes" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/shopping/cinema/movies/The_Batman.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<div id="container">
<div id="monitor">
<div id="monitorscreen">
<<include [[cinema-filmes]]>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|cinema]]>><<addhours 3>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-perfil.jpg">
Name: $CarmenCa.Nome
Status: $CarmenCa.status
Friendship: $CarmenCa.Amizade
Passion: $CarmenCa.Paixao
Morality: $CarmenCa.Moralidade
Desire: $CarmenCa.Desejo
<p>$CarmenCa.Nome is a cam girl who has a mother who was a prostitute, and has a younger stepbrother who is in the third year of high school.</p>
<p>She met $Amigo.Nome while doing a live broadcast when she still had few followers, sometime later they talk again, and arrange to go out, arrange a double date with $Jogador.Nome, and $LenaPaul.Nome, in which $CarmenCa.Nome ended up doing oral sex on $Amigo.Nome in the bathroom.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-perfil.jpg">
Name: $LenaPaul.Nome Lynn Byers
Status: $LenaPaul.status
Friendship: $LenaPaul.Amizade
Passion: $LenaPaul.Paixao
Morality: $LenaPaul.Moralidade
Desire: $LenaPaul.Desejo
<<if $LenaPaul.has_sex is true>>\
Handjob: $LenaPaulSex.punheta
Have You Ever Masturbated Her: $LenaPaulSex.masturbou
Fingering Anal: $LenaPaulSex.fingering_anal
Sucked Her Tits: $LenaPaulSex.suck_tits
Titjob: $LenaPaulSex.titjob
Had Oral Sex: $LenaPaulSex.faz_oral
Received Oral Sex: $LenaPaulSex.recebe_oral
Vaginal Sex: $LenaPaulSex.vaginal
Anal Sex: $LenaPaulSex.anal
Facial: $LenaPaulSex.facial
Creampie: $LenaPaulSex.creampie
Creampie Anal: $LenaPaulSex.creampie_anal
Pearl Necklace: $LenaPaulSex.pearlnecklace
Cum in her Pussy: $LenaPaulSex.cum_pussy
Cum in her Butt: $LenaPaulSex.cum_butt
Cum in her Ass: $LenaPaulSex.cum_ass
Eat your Cum: $LenaPaulSex.eat_cum
Cum: $LenaPaulSex.cum
<p>$LenaPaul.Nome is $CarmenCa.Nome's best friend. $LenaPaul.Nome and $Jogador.Nome met at a restaurant on a double date with $CarmenCa.Nome and $Amigo.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome and $Jogador.Nome got along really well and maybe we're already seeing something happen.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome tries to call $LenaPaul.Nome for a date, this time alone, but $Jogador.Nome was too nervous and insecure, so he couldn't call her out.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $LenaPaul.Nome again, this time quite confident, and asks her out on a date, and she accepts quite excitedly.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome was getting ready for his date with $LenaPaul.Nome, but $Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome arrive at that moment and start asking questions about the girl. After answering their questions they give her tips on where $Jogador.Nome can take her like a restaurant, the mall or the beach, $Jogador.Nome takes those tips into consideration. $Jogador.Nome finishes getting ready and finally leaves to meet $LenaPaul.Nome, you choose the place then $Jogador.Nome calls the Uber then both go there.</p>
<p>After that meeting, $Jogador.Nome takes $LenaPaul.Nome to the door of his house, kisses her goodbye, and suggests that they both come in and have sex. But $LenaPaul.Nome refuses saying that she doesn't do that on the first date, but comforts $Jogador.Nome saying that if the next dates are as good as this one, she would agree to have sex with him.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome was getting ready for his second date with $LenaPaul.Nome when $Mae.Nome arrives and asks where he's going, after $Jogador.Nome answers $Mae.Nome and $Jogador.Nome spend some time talking about $LenaPaul.Nome, until $Jogador.Nome finishes getting ready and goes on the date with her.</p>
<p>During this meeting $LenaPaul.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome about that story $Valentao.Nome mentioned at dinner at $Valentao.Nome's house, about $Jogador.Nome' needy $IrmaN.Relacao. So with $LenaPaul.Nome promising to tell the story also mentioned by $Valentao.Nome about an emo band, $Jogador.Nome tells the story of how $IrmaN.Nome had $Jogador.Nome broker a meeting between her and $Valentao.Nome, which leaves $LenaPaul.Nome impressed. After hearing this $LenaPaul.Nome tells her story. She says that years ago she was the lead singer of a punk band with other girls, once she needed a ride to go to a show in another city, and $Valentao.Nome would take her. But in the middle of this trip it starts to rain very hard as they were in a convertible car, they got totally wet in this long car trip. And the show didn't even happen, it was cancelled, due to the weather conditions.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome takes $LenaPaul.Nome to her house and again suggests that they both have sex, but $LenaPaul.Nome again refuses, saying that her parents are home, but as a consolation prize she offers her huge breasts to $Jogador.Nome, promising that in the next meeting maybe he will see more than her breasts.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome was getting ready for his third date with $LenaPaul.Nome when $Mae.Nome arrives and asks where he's going, $Jogador.Nome replies that he's going to his third date with $LenaPaul.Nome, $Mae.Nome asks when $Jogador.Nome is going to introduce $LenaPaul.Nome to her, but $Jogador.Nome says he doesn't know yet. $Mae.Nome then asks him what $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome are going to do next, indicating that she thinks $LenaPaul.Nome and $Jogador.Nome will be able to initiate sexual contact. $Jogador.Nome is uncomfortable with this and refuses to talk about it with his $Mae.Relacao, but even so $Mae.Nome gives him a walk which makes $Jogador.Nome even more uncomfortable that he asks her to leave his bedroom while he gets ready.</p>
<p>During the date that $LenaPaul.Nome asked about $Jogador.Nome' family and then he told little about $Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome. After that $LenaPaul.Nome tells a little about her father, mother, sister and brother, also about her aunt to $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle, $Jogador.Nome is shocked to know that $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle, the woman who has been treating him like a slave in the last few days, is $LenaPaul.Nome's aunt. So $Jogador.Nome vents to her some of the things $ProfQuimica.Nome put $Jogador.Nome through. $LenaPaul.Nome never imagined her aunt would do such things. From that $LenaPaul.Nome changes the subject so that it doesn't spoil their night.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome takes $LenaPaul.Nome back to her house, they still talk about the revelation that $ProfQuimica.Nome is $LenaPaul.Nome's aunt. Since they are both talking about family $LenaPaul.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome that she wants to meet his family, $Jogador.Nome thinks it's a good idea because $Mae.Nome has already shown interest in meeting $LenaPaul.Nome. Just thinking about it makes $LenaPaul.Nome nervous, but $Jogador.Nome soothes her with a kiss, $Jogador.Nome again asks if he can come in, and this time $LenaPaul.Nome accepts and takes $Jogador.Nome inside and she performs oral sex on him.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Saturday morning $Jogador.Nome was at home and remembers that at noon $LenaPaul.Nome was going to go there for lunch with her family, $Jogador.Nome then gives this news to $Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome, they intend to ask all kinds of questions to the girl and ask her against the wall, but $Jogador.Nome tells them not to turn a pleasant lunch into an interrogation, so they hurry up to get everything ready for $LenaPaul.Nome's arrival.</p>
<p>When $LenaPaul.Nome arrives, $Jogador.Nome introduces her to $Mae.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome, and then they all go to the kitchen for lunch, $Jogador.Nome tries to sit next to $LenaPaul.Nome but is stopped by $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome. $Mae.Nome starts asking if she works or studies and $LenaPaul.Nome says that she still doesn't work or study, because she hasn't discovered her vocation yet, which $Mae.Nome doesn't like a little, then $IrmaV.Nome asks how many boyfriends $LenaPaul.Nome had before $Jogador.Nome, and she replies that she only had one and they broke up because her old boyfriend cheated on her with another man, which makes $IrmaV.Nome like her right away. $IrmaN.Nome then asks where she bought the shoes she was wearing, so they are talking for a long time about women's issues, after dinner $LenaPaul.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome were talking so much that $LenaPaul.Nome couldn't even pay attention to $Jogador.Nome. After $LenaPaul.Nome left $Jogador.Nome wanted to know what $Mae.Nome thought of $LenaPaul.Nome, because he had a feeling $Mae.Nome didn't like her. $Mae.Nome says that the fact that she isn't working or studying makes it seem like she's just looking for a husband to support her, to which $Jogador.Nome responds saying it's too early to have this conversation, as both of them haven't even made it official the relationship. $Mae.Nome then adds that she may be wrong but that's her opinion.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, goes to $LenaPaul.Nome's house to meet her family, $Jogador.Nome is a little nervous, and $LenaPaul.Nome tries to "comfort" him by saying that there's nothing to worry about, just her father who is a little angry, which makes $Jogador.Nome even more nervous. $LenaPaul.Nome then argues with $Jogador.Nome where he introduces her to her father $PaidaLena.Nome, her mother $Angie.Nome and her sister $Gabbie.Nome.</p>
<p>During dinner $Angie.Nome calls Mike $LenaPaul.Nome's younger brother, who sits at the dinner table, he was so engrossed in his video game that he possibly didn't even notice $Jogador.Nome was there, even though $LenaPaul.Nome tried to introduce him. During dinner $PaidaLena.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome some uncomfortable questions, which makes him furious when Ned asks about his father. After that $Jogador.Nome leaves the table and $LenaPaul.Nome goes to him to try to calm him down, with that $LenaPaul.Nome apologizes for her father's behavior and calls $Jogador.Nome to her bedroom. They talk about some things discussed during dinner and after that $Jogador.Nome asks $LenaPaul.Nome on a date, which she happily accepts, but says it won't be official until $Jogador.Nome buys her a ring. $Gabbie.Nome enters the bedroom at that moment, disturbing the couple, saying that she is there at the behest of her father to stop $LenaPaul.Nome and $Jogador.Nome from doing something. $LenaPaul.Nome is outraged by this and has an idea so she leaves her bedroom leaving $Jogador.Nome alone with $Gabbie.Nome. Upon returning $LenaPaul.Nome was with $Angie.Nome and tells $Gabbie.Nome that her father is waiting for her in the car to solve the problem. Without much choice $Gabbie.Nome leaves $Angie.Nome, then leaves $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome together in her bedroom and alone, $LenaPaul.Nome then explains to $Jogador.Nome what she did with $Angie.Nome's help. The climate gets more and more romantic and to compensate $Jogador.Nome for the stress spent during dinner $LenaPaul.Nome performs $Jogador.Nome once again, oral sex.</p>
<<if $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome buys the engagement rings and goes to $LenaPaul.Nome's house to surprise her. You are attended to by $Angie.Nome, who calls $LenaPaul.Nome to see you, you give her the wedding ring and then $LenaPaul.Nome wants to go up with you to her bedroom and celebrate, but is stopped by $Angie.Nome. $Angie.Nome calls $LenaPaul.Nome for a private conversation, a "Woman Talk".</p>
<p>While $Jogador.Nome waits for $LenaPaul.Nome and $Angie.Nome to talk, $Gabbie.Nome comes to you and tells you why $PaidaLena.Nome likes $Jogador.Nome, $Gabbie.Nome said that $PaidaLena.Nome overheard a conversation between $LenaPaul.Nome and $Angie.Nome in which $LenaPaul.Nome says she performed oral sex on $Jogador.Nome and then he asked $Gabbie.Nome to be cold with $Jogador.Nome over dinner. But since $Gabbie.Nome wasn't cold enough, Ned cut her allowance and ground her. $Gabbie.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome she's only telling him this out of revenge. After that $LenaPaul.Nome comes back and tells $Jogador.Nome that she's in for a surprise for him, and that it's $Angie.Nome's idea. $LenaPaul.Nome leads $Jogador.Nome to her car and takes him to the outlying neighborhood, where $LenaPaul.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to wear a blindfold and takes him to a motel room where $Angie.Nome has already prepared a plate of mullet and wine. After eating $LenaPaul.Nome begins to seduce $Jogador.Nome, and they finally have their first night of mullet, wine and lots of sex. $Jogador.Nome is very happy to have a girlfriend, but wonders how he's going to act now with other girls in his life. That night $Jogador.Nome has a strange dream. $Jogador.Nome was walking and he sees himself at a crossroads, when looking to the right side you see a happy man with his wife and five children, on the left side you see an equally happy man but with several naked women by his side. $Jogador.Nome wakes up alone next to a letter from $LenaPaul.Nome saying, "$Jogador.Nome, I had to get home before sunrise, because if my dad wakes up and finds I didn't come home the night before he'll have a tantrum, but last night was magic, as I said, that's exactly how I imagined our first time. See you another day. Kisses $LenaPaul.Nome." So $Jogador.Nome then leaves the motel which is next to a strip club.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoSupermercado>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/supermercado/images/trabalho-supermercado.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/supermercado/images/trabalho-supermercado2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>After a long and exhausting day of work you earn $36.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 36>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End of Work|Supermercado]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@<<FundoSupermercado>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/supermercado/images/trabalho-supermercado.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/supermercado/images/trabalho-supermercado2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>After a long and exhausting day of work you earn $18.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 18>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End of Work|Supermercado]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<switch $game.LerLivro>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You pick up the same book and continue slowly where you left off.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You pick up the same book and continue slowly where you left off.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You pick up the same book and continue slowly where you left off.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
<<case 4>>
<<narrador>>You pick up the same book and continue slowly where you left off.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
<<case 5>>
<<narrador>>You pick up the same book and continue slowly where you left off.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Biblioteca]]>><</button>>@@Jogador Missoes<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<narrador>>You're in your room thinking about how you're going to improve your situation with your high school grades.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now let's think how do I hypnotize the teachers and make them give me higher grades?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hypnotizing them will not be easy as they need to be relaxed for hypnosis to work, and no one is relaxed at school, especially those who are working.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>So maybe i should find out where they live and try to sneak in at some point.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But how? I can't just ask them where they live, that would be too suspicious.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Maybe $Amigo.Nome or $Amigo2.Nome mine knows where at least one of them lives.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I will question them as soon as possible.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM1.MissaoEstagio to 100>>
<<set $JogadorM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You are with your friends $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome talking.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey guys, do you know where the teachers live?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>How come $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's just to know...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What do you mean just to know? What are you going to do at the teachers' house?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing is just... just...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>For... the... Halloween... Halloween...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Since they pissed me off since the day I joined this school, I thought I'd do special Halloween pranks with them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>It's almost nine months to Halloween.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I want to start planning now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>You should find yourself something to do!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>He is right! my mom said she has a woman who is paying for...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys, you know it or not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I only know about the history teacher, she lives in the apartment below mine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? And what is she like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I don't know, she doesn't see her going out much, you know I don't really like staying home because of my aunt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, well, at least we already know about one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And you $Amigo.Nome know where a teacher lives?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh, I only heard my mom once saying that the teachers of Literature and Biology live in a apartament downtown, but I have no idea what the address is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait, do they live together?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Yeah they are sisters.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Wait for a minute, didn't you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$ProfBiologia.Nome said this about three times in the last year.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... I didn't remember.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>You are really inattentive huh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but enough of that, now, let's talk about the good stuff, let's talk about that new movie that's in the theater or...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $JogadorM2.MissaoEstagio to 100>>
<<set $JogadorM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You're in your room, lying on your bed, thinking about how you'll hypnotize your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome now that you know where she lives.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Perhaps... I... could go to her place before she arrives. She's going to come home from work tired, she's going to lie on the couch and watch TV, and then in that moment, I hypnotize her, and leave before she knows it.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But if she sees me, if she's not relaxing enough, what if she goes home and leaves right now?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>If this happens, I... improvise!<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Sounds like a great idea..<</ref>>
<<narrador>>With that in mind, you go to the apartment of your teacher.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM3 parte 2 - Tomando Atitude]]>>
<<set $JogadorM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 70>>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<goto "VEM4 - À Beira da Piscina">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<goto "VEM2 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I">>
<<if $MaeM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<goto "MM6 - A vizinha da casa a esquerda">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-esquerda/vizinha-da-esquerda-porta-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-esquerda/vizinha-da-esquerda-porta-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-esquerda/vizinha-da-esquerda-porta.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 and $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Esquerda]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LeftVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LeftVizinha to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6 and $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Esquerda]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LeftVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LeftVizinha to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Conhece.LeftVizinha is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Esquerda]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LeftVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LeftVizinha to false>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Esquerda]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.LeftVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-direita/vizinha-da-direita-porta-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-direita/vizinha-da-direita-porta-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-direita/vizinha-da-direita-porta.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.RightVizinha is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Vizinha da Direita">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.RightVizinha is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 and $Conhece.RightVizinha is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Direita]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.RightVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.RightVizinha to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6 and $Conhece.RightVizinha is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Direita]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.RightVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.RightVizinha to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Conhece.RightVizinha is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Direita]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.RightVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.RightVizinha to false>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Vizinha da Direita]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.RightVizinha to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.Apartamento to false>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<<include [[Apartamentos-Dia2]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Apartamentos-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<include [[Apartamentos-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Apartamentos-Dia]]>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true and $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoHutchison" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/Apartamento-Hutchison-dentro-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoHutchison>>
<span class="o-texto">Sisters Hutchison's Apartment</span>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoAmigo2" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-amigo2/apartamento-amigo2-noite-icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoAmigo2>>
<span class="o-texto">$Amigo2.Nome's Apartment</span>
<<if $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoProfdeHistoria" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/Apartamento-Professora-de-Historia-Noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoPoteet>>
<span class="o-texto">Poteet's Apartment</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/centro-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Downtown</span>
</div></a><<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true and $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoHutchison" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/Apartamento-Hutchison-dentro_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoHutchison>>
<span class="o-texto">Sisters Hutchison's Apartment</span>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoAmigo2" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-amigo2/apartamento-amigo2-icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoAmigo2>>
<span class="o-texto">$Amigo2.Nome's Apartment</span>
<<if $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoProfdeHistoria" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/Apartamento-Professora-de-Historia_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoPoteet>>
<span class="o-texto">Poteet's Apartment</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/centro_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Downtown</span>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-amigo2/porta-loft-amigo2-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-amigo2/porta-loft-amigo2-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-amigo2/porta-loft-amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.Amigo2 is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in"..<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "ApartamentoAmigo2">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.Amigo2 is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $Amigo2.local isnot "Casa-Amigo2">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoAmigo2]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo2 to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo2 to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoAmigo2]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo2 to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.Amigo2 to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Amigo2">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoAmigo2]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.Amigo2 to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>><<narrador>>Many thanks to supporters of tier Erik Stifler without you this game would go ahead.<</narrador>>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Stéphane Titeux</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Woest Brayan</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Marco Kaufmann</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Bad Boyz Recordz</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Sturrock</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">joe156</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">matt stoneman</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Kurt Edmunds</div></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<narrador>>Many thanks to the supporters of The Stifmeister tier, without you this game would not be the same.<</narrador>>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Eugen Schikanov</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">igor colby</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">pokemon master</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Aaron Michael James Michaud</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Julio Garcia</div></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<narrador>>Many thanks to all supporters of tier Jim Levenstein if it weren't for you this game wouldn't even happen.<</narrador>>
<center><div id="apoiadores">ShadowDragon</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Mr Lumber22</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Cameron Hunter</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Ilya makarenko</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Omar Wilson</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Nick Morris</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">nicolas333</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Artrell Matthews</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Matt Stoneman</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">rouze</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">David Phillips</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Cameron</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Patrick Geyer</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Robert Sanders</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Oliver Flett</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Gabriele Luciani</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Abdi</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Allen House</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Robert Irwin</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Jono56</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Marcus Schroeder</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Christopher Hearrell</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Turbo</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">ToughUniSilkie</div></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
<<widget "BairroUM">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala" or $Mae.local is "Cozinha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoMae" or $Mae.local is "Banheiro" or $Mae.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Sala" or $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaV.local is "Banheiro" or $IrmaV.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala" or $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaN.local is "Banheiro" or $IrmaN.local is "Praca" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola" or $IrmaN.local is "3B" or $IrmaN.local is "2A" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Praca" or $Paixao.local is "Escola" or $Paixao.local is "3B" or $Paixao.local is "2A" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $Paixao.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Praca" or $Debora.local is "Escola" or $Debora.local is "3B" or $Debora.local is "2A" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Debora.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Debora.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Praca" or $Mia.local is "Escola" or $Mia.local is "3B" or $Mia.local is "2A" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Mia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Mia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $Mia.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Praca" or $Lexi.local is "Bar" or $Lexi.local is "Escola" or $Lexi.local is "3B" or $Lexi.local is "2A" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $Lexi.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola" or $Penny.local is "3B" or $Penny.local is "2A" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Penny.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Penny.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Praca" or $SrtaCooper.local is "Casa-Cooper" or $SrtaCooper.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Praca" or $CarmenCa.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Praca" or $MissTravella.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Bar" or $LenaPaul.local is "Igreja" or $LenaPaul.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "Igreja" or $Angie.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Igreja" or $Gabbie.local is "Praca" or $Gabbie.local is "Escola" or $Gabbie.local is "2A" or $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Casa-LeftVizinha" or $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "3B" or $ProfQuimica.local is "2A" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Bar" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Praca" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "3B" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "2A" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Praca" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "3B" or $ProfHistoria.local is "2A" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "3B" or $ProfBiologia.local is "2A" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Bar" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Praca" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "3B" or $ProfSociologia.local is "2A" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Praca" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "3B" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "2A" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Bar" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Praca" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "3B" or $ProfArte.local is "2A" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfArte.local is "Bar" or $ProfArte.local is "Casa-Corpora" or $ProfArte.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Praca" or $Aaliyah.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "Praca" or $Samantha.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Praca" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola" or $RoxyRaye.local is "2A" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "3B" or $NewProfFisica.local is "2A" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Praca" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Bar" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper" or $Amigo.local is "Escola" or $Amigo.local is "3B" or $Amigo.local is "2A" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/amigo/images/amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Cooper" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola" or $Amigo2.local is "Praca" or $Amigo2.local is "3B" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola" or $Amigo2.local is "2A" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $Amigo2.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "3B" or $Amigo.local is "Escola" or $ProfMatematica.local is "2A" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "3B" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "2A" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "3B" or $ProfGeografia.local is "2A" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "3B" or $ProfFisica.local is "2A" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $Valentao.local is "3B" or $Valentao.local is "2A" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/valentao/images/valentaowalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Casa ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonCasa">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala" or $Mae.local is "Cozinha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoMae" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $Mae.local is "Banheiro">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Sala" or $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaV.local is "Banheiro">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala" or $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaN.local is "Banheiro">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Casa ==============================*/
/*=============================== Sala ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonSala">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Sala">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Casa ==============================*/
/*============================ Cozinha =============================*/
<<widget "PositonCozinha">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Casa ==============================*/
/*========================== Quarto Mãe =============================*/
<<widget "PositonQuartoMae">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "QuartoMae">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "QuartoMae">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "QuartoMae">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Casa ==============================*/
/*===================== Quarto Irma Mais Velha ======================*/
<<widget "PositonQuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Casa ==============================*/
/*===================== Quarto Irma Mais Nova =======================*/
<<widget "PositonQuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Casa ==============================*/
/*=========================== Banheiro ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonBanheiro">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "Banheiro">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Banheiro">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Banheiro">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=============================== Bar ===============================*/
<<widget "PositonBar">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Bar">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*==================== Casa Vizinha da Esquerda =====================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaLeftVizinha">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================ Casa Amigo ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaAmigo">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo/images/amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Cooper">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*=========================== Casa Corpora ==========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaCorpora">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Casa-Corpora">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================== Praca ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonPraca">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Praca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonEscola">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "3B" or $ProfQuimica.local is "2A" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "3B" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "2A" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "3B" or $ProfHistoria.local is "2A" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "3B" or $ProfBiologia.local is "2A" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "3B" or $ProfSociologia.local is "2A" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "3B" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "2A" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "3B" or $ProfArte.local is "2A" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "3B" or $NewProfFisica.local is "2A" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "3B" or $ProfGeografia.local is "2A" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "3B" or $ProfFisica.local is "2A" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "3B" or $ProfMatematica.local is "2A" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "3B" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "2A" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Escola" or $Paixao.local is "3B" or $Paixao.local is "2A" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Paixao.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Escola" or $Debora.local is "3B" or $Debora.local is "2A" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Debora.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Debora.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Escola" or $Mia.local is "3B" or $Mia.local is "2A" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Mia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Mia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Mia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Escola" or $Lexi.local is "3B" or $Lexi.local is "2A" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Lexi.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola" or $Penny.local is "3B" or $Penny.local is "2A" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Penny.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Penny.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Penny.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Escola" or $IrmaN.local is "3B" or $IrmaN.local is "2A" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola" or $RoxyRaye.local is "2A" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Escola" or $Gabbie.local is "2A" or $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo.local is "Escola" or $Amigo.local is "3B" or $Amigo.local is "2A" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Amigo.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo/images/amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Escola" or $Amigo2.local is "3B" or $Amigo2.local is "2A" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
<<if $Valentao.local is "Escola" or $Valentao.local is "3B" or $Valentao.local is "2A" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Refeitorio" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Biblioteca" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-BanheiroM" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-BanheiroF" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Professores'Room" or $Valentao.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/valentao/images/valentaowalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*=============================== 3B ================================*/
<<widget "PositonEscola3B">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Penny.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo/images/amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
<<if $Valentao.local is "3B">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/valentao/images/valentaowalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*=============================== 2A ================================*/
<<widget "PositonEscola2A">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "2A">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*=========================== Refeitorio ============================*/
<<widget "PositonEscolaRefeitorio">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo/images/amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
<<if $Valentao.local is "Escola-Refeitorio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/valentao/images/valentaowalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*=========================== Biblioteca ============================*/
<<widget "PositonEscolaBiblioteca">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*======================= Banheiro Masculino ========================*/
<<widget "PositonEscolaBanheiroMasculino">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Valentao.local is "Escola-BanheiroM">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/valentao/images/valentaowalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*======================== Banheiro Feminino ========================*/
<<widget "PositonEscolaBanheiroFeminino">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-BanheiroF">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*======================= Sala dos Professores ======================*/
<<widget "PositonEscolaSaladosProfessores">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
/*============================= Bairro 1 ============================*/
/*============================= Escola ==============================*/
/*============================= Quadra ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonEscolaQuadra">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $Penny.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Escola-Quadra">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*============================ Bairro 1 =============================*/
/*============================= Igreja ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonIgreja">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/P_Geografiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Igreja">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
/*============================ Bairro 1 =============================*/
/*========================== Casa Paparozzi =========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaPaparozzi">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonCentro">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "SalaoDeCabelos" or $Mae.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Hospital">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Gym" or $Paixao.local is "Shopping" or $Paixao.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym" or $Lexi.local is "Loja-de-Variedades" or $Lexi.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Gym" or $Mia.local is "Shopping" or $Mia.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Shopping" or $Debora.local is "Parque" or $Debora.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Parque" or $MissTravella.local is "Gym" or $MissTravella.local is "Hospital" or $MissTravella.local is "Casa-Travella">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Parque" or $CarmenCa.local is "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Parque" or $LenaPaul.local is "Gym" or $LenaPaul.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Parque" or $SrtaCooper.local is "Hospital">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Casa-Lebelle" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Casa-Hutchison" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Casa-Poteet" or $ProfHistoria.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Casa-Hutchison" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Gym" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Gym" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym" or $ProfArte.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Gym" or $Aaliyah.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "Gym" or $Samantha.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "Parque" or $Angie.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Parque" or $Gabbie.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $Amigo.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/amigo/images/amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Amigo2" or $Amigo2.local is "Shopping" or $Amigo2.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*============================ Hospital =============================*/
<<widget "PositonHospital">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Hospital">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Hospital">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Hospital">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*======================== Salão de Beleza ==========================*/
<<widget "PositonSalaodeBeleza">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mae.local is "SalaoDeCabelos">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*============================== Gym ================================*/
<<widget "PositonGym">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Gym">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*========================== Casa Lebelle ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaLebelle">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Casa-Lebelle">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*========================== Casa Tavella ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaTravella">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Casa-Travella">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*=========================== Apartamento ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonApartamento">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Casa-Poteet">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Casa-Hutchison">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Casa-Hutchison">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Amigo2">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*=========================== Apartamento ===========================*/
/*======================= Apartamento Amigo2 ========================*/
<<widget "PositonApartamentoAmigo2">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Casa-Amigo2">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*=========================== Apartamento ===========================*/
/*======================= Apartamento Poteet ========================*/
<<widget "PositonApartamentoPoteet">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Casa-Poteet">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*=========================== Apartamento ===========================*/
/*====================== Apartamento Hutchison ======================*/
<<widget "PositonApartamentoHutchison">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Casa-Hutchison">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Casa-Hutchison">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*============================ Shopping =============================*/
<<widget "PositonShopping">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Shopping">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Shopping">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Shopping">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Shopping">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*============================ Shopping =============================*/
/*==================== Shopping - Loja de Roupas ====================*/
<<widget "PositonShoppingLojadeRoupas">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*============================ Shopping =============================*/
/*================== Shopping - Loja de Variedades ==================*/
<<widget "PositonShoppingLojadeVariedades">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*========================= Casa dos Byers ==========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaByers">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
/*============================= Centro ==============================*/
/*============================= Parque ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonParque">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $Mae.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mae/images/maewalk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $Amigo.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo/images/amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $Amigo2.local is "Parque">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/amigo2/images/amigo2walkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonBairroNobre">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $Mia.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $Lexi.local is "Casa-McComber">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $Penny.local is "Casa-Freas">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $CarmenCa.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $LenaPaul.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $SrtaCooper.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $ProfQuimica.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Casa-Aniston" or $ProfSociologia.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Samantha.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Sauna" or $RoxyRaye.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Angie.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Gabbie.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Casa-Anysio">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Casa-McComber">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*=========================== Casa Freas ============================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaFreas">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Penny.local is "Casa-Freas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/penny/images/pennywalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================== Casa Aniston ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaAniston">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Casa-Aniston">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================= Casa McComber ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaMcComber">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Lexi.local is "Casa-McComber">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Casa-McComber">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof_Matematicawalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*=========================== Casa Anysio ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaAnysio">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Casa-Anysio">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof_Filosofiawalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================== Country Club ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCountryClub">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Yoga" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Massagem" or $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================== Country Club ===========================*/
/*============================= Piscina =============================*/
<<widget "PositonPiscina">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaV.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1walk_icon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================== Country Club ===========================*/
/*======================== Quadras Esportivas =======================*/
<<widget "PositonQuadrasEsportivas">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyahwalk_icon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================== Country Club ===========================*/
/*======================== Sala de Massagem =========================*/
<<widget "PositonSaladeMassagem">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/debora/images/deborawalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================== Country Club ===========================*/
/*============================== Sauna ==============================*/
<<widget "PositonSauna">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2walk_icon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerdawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*========================== Country Club ===========================*/
/*========================= Salão de Yoga ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonYoga">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixaowalkicon.png">
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexiwalkicon.png">
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof_Historiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof_Biologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof_Artewalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Nobre ===========================*/
/*============================= Praia ===============================*/
<<widget "PositonPraia">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Mia.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mia/images/miawalkicon.png">
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/namorada-amigowalkicon.png">
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/lena/images/lenawalkicon.png">
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srtaCooperwalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof_Quimicawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof_Literaturawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof_Sociologiawalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof_Ed_Fisicawalkicon.png">
<<if $Samantha.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samanthawalk_icon.png">
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/darla/images/darlawalkicon.png">
<<if $Angie.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/angela/images/angelawalkicon.png">
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Praia">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbiewalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Afastado ========================*/
<<widget "PositonBairroAfastado">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Casa-Klump">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $Valentao.local is "Casa-Abandonada">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/valentao/images/valentaowalkicon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Casa-Klump">>
<img id="person2" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Afastado ========================*/
/*============================ Casa Klump ===========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaKlump">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Casa-Klump">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/mela/images/melawalk_icon.png">
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Casa-Klump">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof_fisicawalkicon.png">
/*========================== Bairro Afastado ========================*/
/*========================== Casa Abandonada ========================*/
<<widget "PositonCasaAbandonada">>
<div class="localPersons">
<<if $Valentao.local is "Casa-Abandonada">>
<img id="person" src="content/characters/valentao/images/valentaowalkicon.png">
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Full is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Missao.PHEspere is false>>
<<goto "PHM8 - Queimando Largada">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 20>>
<<if $Missao.PHEspere is false>>
<<goto "PHM6 - Mulher-Maravilha">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Amizade gte 25>>
<<if $Missao.PHEspere is false>>
<<goto "PHM5 - E já chegamos na metade do livro.">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Amizade gte 10>>
<<if $Missao.PHEspere is false>>
<<goto "PHM4 - Quadrinhos e Mais">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.PHEspere is false>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "PHM3 - Lendo ainda mais">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Missao.PHEspere is false>>
<<goto "PHM2 - Um Momento Agradavel">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $Missao.PHEspere is false>>
<<goto "PHM1 - Leitura">>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/Porta-Apartamento-Professora-de-Historia-Noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/Porta-Apartamento-Professora-de-Historia-Noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/Porta-Apartamento-Professora-de-Historia.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in"..<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Apartamento-Prof-Historia">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $ProfHistoria.local isnot "Casa-Poteet">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoProfdeHistoria]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfHistoria to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfHistoria to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoProfdeHistoria]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfHistoria to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfHistoria to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $ProfHistoria.local is "Casa-Poteet">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoProfdeHistoria]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfHistoria to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfHistoria to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Casa-Poteet">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfHistoria-Casa-Poteet" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaoDeBeleza>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-salao1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-salao2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ah... hello dear. I'm working now later we talk.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "SalaoDeCabelos">><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ah... hello dear. Need something?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[About that friend of yours...|Conversando-Mae-Parque Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Mae-Parque Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why are you always so alone?|Conversando-Mae-Parque Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you thought about getting married again?|Conversando-Mae-Parque Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.Mae to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola"]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Today was boring|Conversa-Irma2-Escola Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Irma2-Escola Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you doing at school?|Conversando-Irma2-Praça Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Irma2-Praça Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why that guy?|Conversando-Irma2-Praça Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of man do you like?|Conversando-Irma2-Praça Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-parque.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you doing at school?|Conversando-Irma2-Parque Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Irma2-Parque Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why that guy?|Conversando-Irma2-Parque Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of man do you like?|Conversando-Irma2-Parque Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-hospital1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-hospital2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I'm working right now and I don't feel like talking to you either.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Hospital">><</button>>@@<<FundoEscola>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Parque]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|ApartamentoAmigo2]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Shopping]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up man, what's good?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa-Cooper]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Parque]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up man, what's new?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Quadra]]>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You come to your teacher's apartment, but are stopped by the porter.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $Recepcionista.Profissao>>Hello $Jogador.Nome, did you come to visit Mr $Amigo2.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm... Yeah, I came to visit him.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Recepcionista.Profissao>>I'm sorry, but he's not home at the moment.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm... Not a problem, he left his notebook at school, and I came to return it.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Recepcionista.Profissao>>Oh, is that it? So you can leave it with me, which I'll return when he arrives!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, it won't be necessary, I also wanted to have a word with his aunt, you know... for her to go easy on him.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Recepcionista.Profissao>>Okay, if you insist, go up ...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you sir.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take the elevator down to the floor below your friend's apartment and stop in front of your history teacher's door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You try to open a door, but it's locked.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>Fuck! How come I didn't think the apartment could be locked and now what do I do?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>Does she leave the key under the rug?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You look for the key under the rug but find nothing.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>Of course not, this is an apartment, the spare key must be with the receptionist.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>Can I open this door with a hairpin?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe yes.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>Damn but I don't have any hairpins to try.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>Damn failed mission, I'm leaving...<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You turn around and bump into your teacher.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You get a big scare.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/susto.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome? what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-casa1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome... ahm... have you been there a long time?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No I just got here, but what are you doing in front of my house?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You think of something.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah... I'm doing an interview with the teachers, for... a journalism course.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Do you want to be a journalist?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No. "cough" I mean... who knows right? I am trying to open new horizons and test new possibilities.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Look, you're to be congratulated $Jogador.Nome, I always thought you'd never be much, but appearances are deceiving, aren't they?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Come in... and I'll give you the interview you need.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You didn't expect to come face to face with your teacher, without having to invent a story about an interview work, from a journalism course that you don't even participate in. So you decide to enter your teacher's apartment, it would raise a lot of suspicion if you didn't, so you decide to see how far you go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM3 parte 3 - Tomando Atitude]]>>
<<set $JogadorM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You see $Valentao.Nome humiliating a boy at school.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/valentao/videos/Bully1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hallo? Hallo? Anybody home??<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PYM2 - Penny">>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Lugares-Bairro-Nobre-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<include [[Lugares-Bairro-Nobre-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Lugares-Bairro-Nobre-Dia]]>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro-Nobre">><<addmins 20>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Centro">><<addmins 20>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro-Nobre">><<addmins 40>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro 1">><<addmins 40>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro-Nobre">><<addmins 20>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro Afastado">><<addmins 20>>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Freas" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/casa-freas-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaFreas>>
<span class="o-texto">Freas's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Aniston" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/casa-aniston-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAniston>>
<span class="o-texto">Aniston's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos McComber" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/casa-mccomber-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaMcComber>>
<span class="o-texto">McComber's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Anysio" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/Casa-Anysio-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAnysio>>
<span class="o-texto">Anysio's House</span>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true or $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<a data-passage="AndandoSocio/Trab Country Club-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/country-club-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCountryClub>>
<span class="o-texto">Country Club</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Country Club-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/country-club-noite.jpg"]]<<PositonCountryClub>>
<span class="o-texto">Country Club</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Nobre-Praia" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/praia/praia-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonPraia>>
<span class="o-texto">Beach</span>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true and $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true and $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Bairro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<BairroUM>>
<span class="o-texto2">Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/centro/centro-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCentro>>
<span class="o-texto2">Downtown</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-BairroAfastado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bairro-afastado-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroAfastado>>
<span class="o-texto2">Remote Neighborhood</span>
</div></a><<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Freas" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/casa-freas_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaFreas>>
<span class="o-texto">Freas's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Aniston" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/casa-aniston_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAniston>>
<span class="o-texto">Aniston's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos McComber" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/casa-mccomber_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaMcComber>>
<span class="o-texto">McComber's House</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Anysio" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/Casa-Anysio_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCasaAnysio>>
<span class="o-texto">Anysio's House</span>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true or $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<a data-passage="AndandoSocio/Trab Country Club-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/country-club.jpg"]]<<PositonCountryClub>>
<span class="o-texto">Country Club</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Country Club-Bairro-Nobre" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/country-club.jpg"]]<<PositonCountryClub>>
<span class="o-texto">Country Club</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Nobre-Praia" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/praia/praia_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonPraia>>
<span class="o-texto">Beach</span>
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<elseif $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true and $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true and $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-Bairro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro1/Bairro1_icon.jpg"]]<<BairroUM>>
<span class="o-texto2">Neighborhood</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/centro/centro_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonCentro>>
<span class="o-texto2">Downtown</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Centro-BairroAfastado" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu2">[img["content/locations/bairro-afastado/bairro-afastado_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonBairroAfastado>>
<span class="o-texto2">Remote Neighborhood</span>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>The Country Club is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<narrador>>The Country Club is already closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<<narrador>>Lunch Time get back to work at 13:00.<</narrador>>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Work|Country Club-Trabalho-manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<<narrador>>You arrived too late for work, come back at 13:00.<</narrador>>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Work|Country Club-Trabalho-Tarde]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>You arrived too late for work, come back tomorrow at 8:00.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<narrador>>You arrived too late for work, come back tomorrow at 8:00.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<include [[Lugares-Country Club-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<<include [[Lugares-Country Club-Noite]]>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<include [[Lugares-Country Club-Dia]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You are enter the Country Club.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>To join Country Club You must be a Member or an Employee.<</narrador>>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Country Club">>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Country Club">>
<<if $CountryClub_Demitido is 2>>
<<narrador>>You can't work here anymore.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ask For a Job|Andando Country Club-Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $CountryClub.Trabalho to true>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To become a member you need to pay $20 per day.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Become a Member|Andando Country Club-Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $CountryClub.Socio to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bairro-Nobre">><<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>><</button>>@@<a data-passage="Piscina" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/piscina/piscina-noite-icon.jpg"]]<<PositonPiscina>>
<span class="o-texto">Pool</span>
<a data-passage="Quadras-Esportivas" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/quadras-esportivas/quadras-esportivas-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuadrasEsportivas>>
<span class="o-texto">Sports Courts</span>
<a data-passage="Sala de Massagem" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/sala-de-massagem/massage-room-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonSaladeMassagem>>
<span class="o-texto">Massage Institute</span>
<a data-passage="Sauna" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/sauna/sauna-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonSauna>>
<span class="o-texto">Sauna</span>
<a data-passage="Yoga-Room" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/yoga/yoga-room-noite_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonYoga>>
<span class="o-texto">Yoga Room</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Nobre-Country Club" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Rich Neighborhood</span>
</div></a><a data-passage="Piscina" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/piscina/piscina-icon.jpg"]]<<PositonPiscina>>
<span class="o-texto">Pool</span>
<a data-passage="Quadras-Esportivas" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/quadras-esportivas/quadras-esportivas_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonQuadrasEsportivas>>
<span class="o-texto">Sports Courts</span>
<a data-passage="Sala de Massagem" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/sala-de-massagem/massage-room_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonSaladeMassagem>>
<span class="o-texto">Massage Institute</span>
<a data-passage="Sauna" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/sauna/sauna_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonSauna>>
<span class="o-texto">Sauna</span>
<a data-passage="Yoga-Room" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/country-club/yoga/yoga-room_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonYoga>>
<span class="o-texto">Yoga Room</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Nobre-Country Club" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/bairro-nobre/bairro-nobre_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Rich Neighborhood</span>
<<if $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is false and $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<goto "PAM12 parte 3 - Sob o Sol">>
<<if $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio is 30>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is false and $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<goto "PAM12 parte 2 - Sob o Sol">>
<<if $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<goto "PAM12 - Sob o Sol">>
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Debora-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/debora/debora.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfHistoria-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaV.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Aaliyah-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<if $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Samantha-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-RoxyRaye-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/darla/darla.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<if $Angie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Angie-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/angela/angela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-CountryClub-Piscina" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Swim Without Permission|Piscina-Nadar-sem-permição]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Swim|Piscina-Nadar]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit facing the pool|Sentar-se em frente a piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Debora-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/debora/debora.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Aaliyah-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Play Basketball|jogar-basquete]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Play Tennis|jogar-tennis]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfHistoria-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-CountryClub-Yoga" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSauna>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerda.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LeftVizinha-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-RoxyRaye-CountryClub-Sauna" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/darla/darla.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<if $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $Missao.MTEspere is false>>
<<goto "MTM2 - Sem Rumo">>
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Paixao-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<if $MissTravella.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<if $Samantha.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Samantha-CountryClub-Massagem" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Praia">><<addmins 15>>
<<if $JillM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 16>>
<<goto "JLLM5 - Dia de Sol e Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<if $Mia.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mia-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<if $SrtaCooper.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-SrtaCooper-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<if $CarmenCa.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-CarmenCa-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/namorada_amigo/namorada-amigo_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<if $Samantha.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Samantha-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.RoxyRaye is true>>
<<if $RoxyRaye.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-RoxyRaye-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/darla/darla.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<if $Angie.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Angie-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/angela/angela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Praia">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-Praia" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Swim|Praia-Nadar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Get Tan|se-bronzear]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-bar.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. How’s it going?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Lexi-Bar Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Lexi-Bar Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome. Are you okay?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Mia-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Mia-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. How’s it going?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Lexi-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Lexi-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome. Are you okay?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Mia-Escola Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Mia-Escola Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. How’s it going?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Lexi-Escola Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Lexi-Escola Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<if $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey sweetie, What do you need?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I admire you|Conversa-Penny-Escola Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Penny-Escola Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome doesn't want to talk to you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Continue her story to understand why.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey sweetie, What do you need?<</fala>>
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola is false>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Shall we go to the janitor's room?|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador S/N]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $PennyM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola is false>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Let's go to the stairs|PYM7 - Escadas S/N]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola is false>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Let's go to the secret room|PYM8 - Sala Secreta S/N]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I admire you|Conversa-Penny-Escola Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Penny-Escola Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I was thinking here|Conversa-Penny-Escola Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<if $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey sweetie, You want to study with me?<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Study with Her" "Estudar-com-Penny">><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I admire you|Conversa-Penny-Escola-Biblioteca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Penny-Escola-Biblioteca Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome doesn't want to talk to you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Continue her story to understand why.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey sweetie, You want to study with me?<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Study with Her" "Estudar-com-Penny">><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I admire you|Conversa-Penny-Escola-Biblioteca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Penny-Escola-Biblioteca Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I was thinking here|Conversa-Penny-Penny-Escola-Biblioteca Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><</button>>@@
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfHistoria-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfFisica-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfGeografia is true>>
<<if $ProfGeografia.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfGeografia-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_geografia/P_Geografia.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true>>
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfMatematica-Escola-Professores'Room" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_matematica/prof_Matematica.jpg"]]
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-sala-dos-professores1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-sala-dos-professores2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. How’s it going?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome is playing tennis with her best friend $Paixao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome. Are you okay?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Mia-Escola-Quadra Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Mia-Escola-Quadra Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Today was boring|Conversa-Irma2-Escola-Quadra Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Irma2-Escola-Quadra Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Paixao-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Paixao-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<if $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<goto "LGMP1 - Ajudando Lexi a Treinar">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Help Her Workout|Ajudando-Lexi-Malhar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-Lexi]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $JillGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Mia.local is "Gym">>
<<goto "JLGMP1 - Assistindo Jill Malhar">>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $JillGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Mia.local is "Gym">>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Watch Her Working Out|Assistindo-Mia-Malhar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-Mia]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-shopping.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, would you like to buy something?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "loja-de-variedades">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome is with her friends $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-mia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-mia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/paixao-debora-mia3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Shopping">><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome is with her friends $Paixao.Nome and $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-mia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-mia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/paixao-debora-mia3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Shopping">><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome is with her friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-mia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-mia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/paixao-debora-mia3.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome. I'm busy now, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Shopping">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-parque2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-parque6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome. Are you okay?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Mia-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Mia-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. How’s it going?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Lexi-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Lexi-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-piscina7.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome. Are you okay?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Mia-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Mia-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 8)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina8.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. How’s it going?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Lexi-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Lexi-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaN.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
<<goto "Porta-Evento-Aleatorio-Irma_mais_nova-Piscina">>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! Is there again?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you doing at school?|Conversando-Irma2-Piscina Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of movie do you like best?|Conversando-Irma2-Piscina Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why that guy?|Conversando-Irma2-Piscina Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What kind of man do you like?|Conversando-Irma2-Piscina Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaN to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<set $game.RandomEventOutside to 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome is playing tennis with her best friend $Debora.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-sport5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-sport6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@
<<if $Debora.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas" and $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome is playing tennis with her best friend $Paixao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-debora-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-sport5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/paixao-debora-sport6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Debora.local is "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Debora.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, complete the task she asked you to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sport5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah... Oh big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN! I am busy now. We'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You see your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmanN.Nome in the sauna.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sauna1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Sauna">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-yoga5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome is with her friends, best leave her alone.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You see $Lexi.Nome doing yoga with another girl.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-kendall-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-kendall-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-kendall-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-kendall-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-kendall-yoga5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-kendall-yoga6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-kendall-yoga7.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, I'm kind of busy right now, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<if $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is false>> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $ConversasLiberadas.Mia is true>> /*====================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome. Are you okay?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Mia-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Mia-Praia Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/valentao/valentao.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>What are you doing here $Jogador.Nome, want to be beaten again?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|CasaAbandonada]]>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg">
Name: $Jogador.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome <br>
Fitness: $Jogador.Fitness <br>
Intelligence: $Jogador.Intelgencia <br>
Bravery: $Jogador.Ousadia <br>
Morality: $Jogador.Moralidade <br>
Sexual Experience: $Jogador.Ex_Sexual <br>
Status: <<Status>> <br>
Sports Aptitude: <<AptidaoEsportiva>> <br>
Literary Knowledge: <<ConhecimentoLiterario>> <br>
Popularity: $Jogador.popularidade <br>
<<if ndef $Jogador.haircut>>
<p>None specific</p>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Crew Cut">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/beauty room/images/Crew-cut.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Pompadour">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/beauty-room/images/Pompadour-cut.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.haircut is "Razor Part">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/beauty-room/images/Razor-Part-cut.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.roupaSuperior is "Car T-Shirt">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/roupas-camiseta1.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaSuperior is "Black Polo Shirt">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/camisa-polo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaSuperior is "White Shirt">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/camisa-branca.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.roupaInferior is "Children's Shorts">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/roupas-bermuda1.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaInferior is "Shorts">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/bermuda.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaInferior is "Black pant">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/calça-preta.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.sapato is "Old Tennis">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/tenis-velho1.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.sapato is "White sneakers">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/tenis-branco.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.sapato is "Black sneakers">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/tenis-preto.jpg"></center>
<<if ndef $Jogador.anel>>
<p>You don't have any ring</p>
<<if $Jogador.alianca is "Dating Ring: Silver">>
<p>You are wearing a dating ring.</p>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/aliancadenamoro.jpg"></center>
<<if ndef $Jogador.colar>>
<p>You don't have any necklace</p>
<<if ndef $Jogador.pulseira>>
<p>You don't have any bracelet.</p>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 0 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 20>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/hipertrofia-nivel1.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 20 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 40>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/hipertrofia-nivel2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 40 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 60>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/hipertrofia-nivel3.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 60 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 80>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/hipertrofia-nivel4.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 80 and $Jogador.Fitness lte 100>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/hipertrofia-nivel5.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Banheiro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/images/nadando-na-piscina.jpg"</center>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Piscina]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/images/sentado-em-frente-a-piscina.jpg"</center>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/videos/piscina1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/videos/piscina2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/videos/piscina3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/videos/piscina4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/videos/piscina-hot1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Piscina]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/country-club/quadras-esportivas/images/jogando-basquete.jpg"</center>
<<narrador>>You play basketball with other Country Club guys.<</narrador>>
<<AptidaoEsportiva 1>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Quadras-Esportivas]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/country-club/quadras-esportivas/images/jogando-tennis.jpg"</center>
<<narrador>>You play tennis with other Country Club guys.<</narrador>>
<<AptidaoEsportiva 1>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Quadras-Esportivas]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/images/passeio-no-parque-noite.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take a night walk in the park.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At night the park is a very dangerous place so it is a great act of courage to walk around.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorOusadia 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praia/images/nadar-praia.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praia]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<narrador>>You get a stylish tan.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Praia]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/country-club/piscina/images/nadando-na-piscina.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorOusadia 3>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
<<if $Aleatorio <= 30>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Piscina]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $Aleatorio >= 70>>
<<narrador>>Another employee comes to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" Employee>>You are crazy, dude! Get out of there and get back to work or you'll be fired.<</fala>>
<<set $CountryClub_Demitido += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Piscina]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $Aleatorio >= 70 and $CountryClub_Demitido is 1>>
<<narrador>>The Country Club Owner sees you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You are fired.<</narrador>>
<<set $CountryClub_Demitido += 1>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<goto "Country Club">>
<<set $CountryClub.Trabalho is false>>
<<narrador>>You enter your teacher's house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have a nice house.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Thanks.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I need to change my clothes. You can wait for me, then we start the interview.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright I wait.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your teacher locks herself in her room to change her clothes.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I have a little time to go through her stuff and try to figure something out.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You walk into the room next to the living room and notice a sort of office in teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/estante-de-livros.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You look at your bookcase and pull out some books to take a look.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/1776.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>A book about independence.<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/a-world-lit-only-by-fire.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>A book about the middle ages.<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/fifty-shades-of-grey.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>A porn for women, teacher is naughty hahaah.<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/familia-sacana.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>This one I don't know, I have no idea what it is.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hide the books back in the shelf.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>What are you doing with my books?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I..., I..., I..., I was just realizing that and you have this book I'm reading.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pull any book off the shelf.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/animal-farm.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Are you reading Animal Farm?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uh yeah I'm at the beginning but I'm enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Oh yeah? And do you understand?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, how could I not understand a book about a farm.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Oh poor boy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I think you are not understanding the book.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>What do you think about coming here to my house again to discuss this book, it is really very interesting and very important for the history of the world.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahhmmmm okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Could it be Thursday afternoon?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so Thursday afternoon is like our "Book Club".<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I always wanted to have a book club.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so I need to leave now.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey, but what about the interview?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, we ended up taking too long and... I just remembered that I have a... appointment with my $Mae.Relacao and I can't miss it!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Okay then, see you on Thursday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Until Thursday then teacher bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You walk out the door of your teacher's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, it looks like nothing went to plan, but at least it wasn't too bad, it's okay that I didn't hypnotize her and now I'm in a book club, but at least I'll have other chances in the next few days.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You leave your tired teacher's apartment.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $JogadorM3.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 25>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praca/images/sentado-na-praça.jpg"></center>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/praca/videos/gostosa-na-praca.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/praca/videos/gostosa-na-praca2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/locations/praca/videos/gostosa-na-praca3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<if $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Read Animal Farm|Ler-AnimalFarm-Praça]]>><<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Praça]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<if $game.Padre is 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/locations/igreja/images/padre.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Padre" $Padre.Profissao>>This place scares me a lot at night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Padre" $Padre.Profissao>>Sorry boy but you're not ready to know that yet.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.Padre is 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/locations/igreja/images/padre.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Padre" $Padre.Profissao>>The world is very different once you get to know the other side.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you mean? I can't understand it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Padre" $Padre.Profissao>>You still don't understand a lot of things kid, maybe in the future you will.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<addmins 4>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.Padre gte 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/locations/igreja/images/padre.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Padre" $Padre.Profissao>>There is a whole supernatural world right under our eyes, but people don't want to see it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't want to or can't?<</fala>>
<<fala "Padre" $Padre.Profissao>>Actually they hide, but if people would go after them they would discover the truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what is the truth?<</fala>>
<<fala "Padre" $Padre.Profissao>>Boy I'm sorry but I'm very busy right now come back another day.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<addmins 9>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I honestly admire you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Seriously? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I wanted to have that same desire to study that you have.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I's not desire...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It's kind of the only thing I can do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does this have anything to do with your father?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes, I haven't left the house for a long time, except to go to school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but why is he like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Don't get me wrong $Jogador.Nome but this is a family matter.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Did you hear about that movie of the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about other subjects for a while.<</narrador>>
<<PennyAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hallo $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I love your cheerful way of being.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<PaixaoPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<</switch>><<if $NudesCell.Mae is 0 or $NudesCell.IrmaV is 0 or $NudesCell.IrmaN is 0>>
<center>"You still don't have photos"</center>
<<if $NudesCell.Mae is 1>>
<a data-passage="Mae_Foto" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg]]
<<if $NudesCell.IrmaV is 1>>
<a data-passage="Irma1_Fotos" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg]]
<<if $NudesCell.IrmaN is 1>>
<a data-passage="Irma2_Fotos" class="link-internal link-image">
<div class="contatos">[img[content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg]]
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include "Celular Papel-de-Parede">>
<div class="h-scrollbar"><div>
<<if $NudesCell.IrmaV is 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude8.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoDiaNoite>>
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include "Celular Papel-de-Parede">>
<div class="h-scrollbar"><div>
<<if $NudesCell.IrmaN is 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-nude8.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoDiaNoite>>
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include "Celular Papel-de-Parede">>
<div class="h-scrollbar"><div>
<<if $NudesCell.IrmaV is 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-cell-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-nude8.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoCountryClub>>
<<narrador>>You spend the morning serving drinks to rich people by the pool.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You get your salary: $28.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 28>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@<<FundoCountryClub>>
<<narrador>>You spend the afternoon serving drinks to rich people by the pool.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You get your salary: $30.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 30>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Country Club]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(19)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>><</button>>@@Penny Missões<<Fundo3B>>
<<narrador>>Chemistry lesson was going normally.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So students, pay attention in lesson?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I hope so because today I'm going to do a pair work for you to deliver to me next week.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class laments.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Be quiet because now I'm going to draw the names.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ahmm teacher, can't we choose who we're going to do the work with?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>No, because it always happens that you choose your partners for the work, you always get the same pairs from the same friends and when it comes to presenting the work, it still turns out terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So this time, neither I nor anyone else will choose the pairs, fate will decide.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She pulls out a box with the names of all the students.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So let's start with your first pair, which is:<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome and $Paixao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Shit!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Shit!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Shit!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>The next pair will be.
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Amigo2.Nome and $Ronny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What's up dude! You are Ok...<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Ronny.Nome>>Is it good to help at work, at! Athlete disgraced!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Okay, okay calm!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>The next pair will be.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome and $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Penny.Nome? The girl they said they like me? Well, at least she's smart and will probably do most of the work on her own.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Look at her, so smiling.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The chemistry teacher continued to draw the names for the work until they were finished.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And so comes the end of the class.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And then you meet $Penny.Nome to decide details about the job.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM1 parte 2 - Trabalho em Dupla]]>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<set $PennyM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome are you ready to get the work done?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah??<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, we can do it another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Well, you can come to my house anytime you want. Only come before 17:30 is when my dad is not home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is there a problem with your father?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, it's just that he's a little angry and I'd rather not cause him any problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where do you live?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I live up there in the rich neighborhood, you'll find that out easily.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, someday I'll go there for the agent to do the work.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Until then, Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye, $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $PennyM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $PennyM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_nova/diario.jpg"></center>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<center><h1>Dear Diary</h1></center>
<p>Dear Diary today my sister and my mother went to the Country Club and each of us received several different types of massages such as shiatsu, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, erotic massage, (it was my favorite) but unfortunately my sister and mother could not receive this last massage because there was a problem with one of the massagers. So we came home early, when we got home, my sister and my mother, we came across $Jogador.Nome masturbating watching a porn movie, and we arrived at the worst time, he turns around and cum in us, (hit in my chest), I was very angry with him, but during the shower I thought a lot about $Jogador.Nome's big thick hard cock, and I ended up calming down a bit but as my mother and $IrmaV.Nome were very angry, I decided to pretend I was angry too, because it's kind of weird you take a jet of cum from your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN and until you like it, and think about his cock while you're in the shower.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Dear Diary today my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $Jogador.Nome came to apologize for what he had done on Sunday, masturbating and cumming on us was really not cool, at least at the beginning, but I really wasn't that angry with him, I would have forgiven him but he insisted on doing something for me so I accepted.</p>
<p>I told him how much I liked $Valentao.Nome, and how much I wanted to go out with him, he didn't like the idea at all, but I pushed him a little bit to accept, okay, I know $Valentao.Nome has been bullying him since he started at that school, and he's a jerk to everyone, but he's so handsome, so strong, I bet he could protect me from any danger, and I know that a special girl like me could very well transform it into something better.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Dear Diary today I finally had my first date with $Valentao.Nome, he invited me to school today. I got all dressed up, and I walked to the place where we had agreed, a very expensive restaurant, nothing was as I expected I thought he would be a bad boy who would show me amazing things, who would take me for a great ride motorcycle, that we would have very strong emotions. But it was none of that.</p>
<p>First, he took me to that super expensive restaurant that doesn't match the vibe he passes, it seems that he only chose this place because it was expensive and because I was already willing to pay the bill that day.</p>
<p>Second, it seems that he was not at all in the mood to tell me anything about himself, I talked a lot about myself and the things I like but it seems he was distracted during the explanation. And that she had no interest in saying anything about him. It seems he was more interested in eating as much as he could.</p>
<p>Third, he was very different from how he acts at school, I would try to take his hand, he would take it away, I would try, I would look into his eyes he would dodge it, I would try to make him feel more comfortable and he would not let it. I can't understand why he was so shy, is it me? Do I make him nervous?</p>
<p>After dinner, I paid for everything myself, as we agreed ($600, the most expensive dinner I've ever had). After that, I asked him if he wanted to do something nice after all this, but he said no. He said he had other things to do and walked away, leaving me there alone./p>
<p>This meeting was very weird, maybe I made him nervous, maybe he was worried about something, or I don't know, he wasn't having a good day. When I got home I told my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN that this meeting was very strange, I also told him that I intend to have a new meeting with him, to give him another chance, it could be that he was nervous with my presence, maybe he was distracted, but $Jogador.Nome didn't like my idea, unfortunately he doesn't understand me.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Dear diary, today I went to my brother at school to tell him, to go to $Valentao.Nome and ask when the next meeting will be, $Jogador.Nome didn't want to do that but he ended up having to do it, since I fear a deal, I asked him too give me $Valentao.Nome's cell number. I hope the next meeting is better than the previous one.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Dear diary, today I had to go to $Jogador.Nome to ask him for the number he asked for $Valentao.Nome, but he said he forgot to ask which made me deeply annoyed, but strangely he decided to stop everything he is doing to go to $Valentao.Nome's half sister that he said he knows and ask for his number, and that's really what he did, it was very strange for him to do it out of the blue, but at least it's already done, now I'll be able to talk to $Valentao.Nome, whenever I he wants.</p>
<<if $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Dear Diary, Today I started chatting with $Valentao.Nome via text messages, he said that unfortunately we won't be able to meet for a while because he will be busy practically every night, and at school he doesn't want his friends to be assholes to me, On the one hand, I'm sad that I can't talk to $Valentao.Nome in person anymore, but at least we can talk all night, because someday we can meet, we'll start dating and we can have a date with my friends. Oh I can't wait for that to happen!</p>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Dear diary, I've been talking to $Valentao.Nome for some time on the cell phone and I've already learned a lot of incredible things about him, we're getting closer and closer even far away, hopefully someday we can meet.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_nova]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<<include [[LaptopIrma1-pasta fundo]]>>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 1>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#1</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video6-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 2>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#2</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video3-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 3>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#3</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video5-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 4>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#4</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video4-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 5>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#5</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video2-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 6>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#6</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video6-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 7>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#7</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video3-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 8>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#8</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video5-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 9>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#9</span></div>
<<if $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<div class="leptopvideo"><<link [img[content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video2-icon.png][Leptop-videos]]>><<set $game.video_diario to 10>><</link>><span class="iconleptop2">#10</span></div>
<<ref $Jogador>>My $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome's virtual diary.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_Irma_mais_velha]]>><</button>>@@ <center><img id="imgLaptop" src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/win-exp10.jpg"></center><<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisVelha>>
<<switch $game.video_diario>>
<<case 1>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<video id="notebook-videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video-diario.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Today was a very strange day. In the morning me, my sister and my mother went to the country club for some massages, all I did were very good, but there was a problem with the last masseuse, which made me leave, which made me very upset, because this was my only day off in the month, and because of a problem at the establishment we had to leave, only my sister $IrmaN.Nome does this massage, which I have no idea how it went, but because of her reaction it must have been the best.
But that wasn't even the next part, when I got home I came across my little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV masturbating frantically, even he had come in my hair which was the biggest nonsense! Although I know this is normal and very common at his age, I was shocked by this event I saw my little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV naked masturbating and cumming in front of me, and it was very difficult, this was something I should never have. seen, over time I will end up forgetting that.
I'm going to sleep now, or at least try, until another day bye.<</fala>>
<<case 2>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<video id="notebook-videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video6-diario.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Today my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV $Jogador.Nome came to apologize for the incident on Sunday, and in the face of the biggest dickhead said he could not be in peace if I do not forgive him, I was very angry and sent him away can you believe it, after ejaculated in me came with a crying face to ask me for excuses, I have to start to calm down, I will devote myself 100% to work, try to stay away from the medical director, because he is cause many poblemas there.<</fala>>
<<case 3>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<video id="notebook-videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video3-diario.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Today was the worst day of my life! A few days ago, the medical director retired and was replaced by a new one. This new medical director is disgusting, from the first day of work he harassed all the women who worked in the hospital. I tried to tell him to stop, but he started harassing me much more than before. I tried to organize a protest against him, but he found out first and fired me, and said he would fire anyone who supported my protest. Then I went to my boyfriend's house because I needed someone to talk to, so I went to my boyfriend's house who lives nearby, but what I saw made me worse than before. I saw him with my best friend, they were there in bed naked having sex, I don't know how I never realized what they were doing to me behind my back, then in a mixture of anger and deep sadness I ran back home and told my family the whole story, I was so sad that I couldn't even feel angry at $Jogador.Nome for ejaculating on me.<</fala>>
<<case 4>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<video id="notebook-videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video5-diario.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Today my little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV $Jogador.Nome came to keep me company, he came to ask me how I was, and said I needed to get out a little to cheer me up, and you know what? I think he's right, I haven't left my room, my house, he's right to tell me to go out for a while, maybe going to the park is a good idea.<</fala>>
<<case 5>>
<div class="laptop">
<div class="laptopcontent">
<video id="notebook-videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video4-diario.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Today $Jogador.Nome and I went to the park, which I thought would be a nice walk, it was all destroyed because that slut who was having sex with my boyfriend who was said to be my friend was there, I got so angry that I asked my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV to for us to leave, I was so angry that I didn't even listen to what my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV said and locked myself in my room. Dude, there's no way, how can a girl be so fake like that, how can she betray her best friend, and keep dating her ex, without prodding herself, in the biggest poker face, as if nothing had happened, oh my god how there can be such stupid people in this world!!! I really need to get back, it can't stay like this, she has to suffer like I suffered, I have to think of a plan, a way to make those two pay for everything.<</fala>>
<<case 6>>
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<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This morning I told my brother that I decided not to be sad anymore for everything that happened, but I also told him that I wanted revenge, he didn't want to participate in revenge, no, but I insisted and he had to accept, now I just need to get an idea of how I can get revenge on these two traitors. And also my ex-boss, because I won't let it go cheap.<</fala>>
<<case 7>>
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<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh today I finally thought I planned all my revenges and told them to my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV. My grand plan to trap Doctor Lindomar can't go wrong! I just hope $Jogador.Nome finds a girl who accepts to be the bait for that damn doctor, $Jogador.Nome said he'll ask for help from his friends, I hope at least $Amigo.Nome accepts because his mother works there at the hospital I used to work so she'll be from big help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>After that I'll have to get revenge on my ex-best friend $Kendall.Nome I've come to the conclusion that the worst thing she can experience is seeing her sister $Kayla.Nome being better than her, she hates the fact that her sister $Kayla.Nome is better than her in everything, and if a man who hook up both of them admits that $Kayla.Nome is better, it will be the end of the world for her. I just don't know who this guy will be, I hope $Jogador.Nome thinks of something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And then all that's left is revenge on my ex-boyfriend. $Jogador.Nome suggested doing the "Success is the best revenge" move and I told him it's a good idea but now I think it's too little for him. With the rage I am I could even destroy his house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hahahaha, but I don't think I would be able to do that.<</fala>>
<<case 8>>
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<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This morning I decided to leave the house early and went to the hospital to try to find out more about Dr. Lindomar, but as I had been fired I couldn't go in without attracting a lot of attention, so I called Dr. Tavella and Dr. Cooper helped me, I explained the whole situation to both of them who agreed to help me. They were not on their work shift but both managed to get into the hospital without drawing too much attention, they just said they are working overtime, when the receptionist got distracted they managed to get me in, we went to Doctor Lindomar's office which at that time was empty , so we look for anything about it. Most things were bullshit like personal documents but we found a document relating him to a pharmaceutical company, but we couldn't see the name because it was blurred, the document itself said about the payment he would receive on delivery of a new female guinea pig and that this payment was going to come in the name of one Shakal, but I imagine it's the code name of someone important. With this document in hand Dr. Tavella, Dr. Cooper and I left the hospital, Dr. Cooper was worried that we were dealing with very dangerous people, but even so, she agreed to help the same thing with Dr. Tavella. After that we broke up, I decided to take a walk around to reflect more on the subject, then I started to think about revenge against my ex-boyfriend I got lost in my thoughts and when I realized I was already on the street where he lives, so I imagined in the words my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV $Jogador.Nome told me "Success is the best revenge" I started to wonder if that was really enough.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Unfortunately for my ex-boyfriend to show just the great woman he lost to me wasn't enough, and that's what I was thinking about while walking, and I saw my ex-boyfriend's house so I remembered that at that time he wouldn't be in house and he doesn't live with anyone else, so as the street was empty I decided to go in. I didn't know exactly what I was going to do there until I went to his bedroom, the room where I caught him cheating on me with my best friend, I looked at that bed and remembered the scene. In a fit of rage I grabbed a chair from the kitchen and hit his bed several times until I broke it in half. Afterwards I went to the kitchen as I was still angry I broke the other chairs on top of his dining table. So I was calmer but I still wanted to do something else so I took all his clothes I piled them all in the living room and set them on fire, at first I was feeling better but then the fire started to spread through the house, I tried to put out the fire but it was too late, that's when I saw that I had crossed the line. As I couldn't put out the fire on my own, I left the house and immediately called the fire department, said I was one of the neighbors and I smelled smoke coming from one of the houses. When they arrived the house was already on fire, I was in despair until I saw my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV $Jogador.Nome for some reason just seeing him around calmed me down, so I went to him, I tried not to show too much panic, I told him that that house it belonged to my ex, so he, who is not stupid at all, already understood what I did, so indignant he took me away.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>At home he was very worried, he said what I had done was a crime, I knew it was wrong but he tries to keep me calm and minimize the situation so my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV doesn't worry anymore, and besides that I had to talk to him about my discoveries about Dr. Lindomar, I gave him the document and explained what we discovered. $Jogador.Nome also said that he and his friends agreed to participate in the plan and that they found a girl to be Lindomar's bait, one $RoxyRaye.Nome and said that they will meet on Thursday night at $Amigo.Nome's house to discuss the plan.<</fala>>
<<case 9>>
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<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Today we had our meeting at $Amigo.Nome's house to plan what would happen, but if there's one thing I noticed it's that that girl $Jogador.Nome called to help, $RoxyRaye.Nome she's pretty weird, she was already inside $Amigo.Nome's house before $Jogador.Nome and I arrive and it seems that no one knew she was there and besides, she calls the hospital to make an appointment with Lindomar and answers all the invasive and personal questions in front of everyone, she is pretty weird but at least agreed to help. We talked about our plan for tomorrow, then I went home alone, I think $Jogador.Nome stayed at his friend's house, maybe they were going to play video games or something.<</fala>>
<<case 10>>
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<video id="notebook-videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/quarto_de_sua_irma_mais_velha/leptop/video2-diario.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The plan we made went very wrong, and I don't even know where to start but everything was going perfectly, $RoxyRaye.Nome entered the hospital to wait for Lindomar, $MissTravella.Nome Tavella was watching Lindomar and when she gave the signal, $Jogador.Nome and Dr. Cooper entered and went to do his part of the plan. Meanwhile, I was phoning the other nurses and doctors to try to get depositions from $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome. After Dr. Cooper and $MissTravella.Nome joined us in a short time we were able to collect testimonies and reports from almost all the people who work at the hospital. But everything started to go wrong when it was past midnight $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome didn't meet us to talk about the video they recorded we were super worried so we entered the hospital we all went to Dr. Lindomar's office but there was no one there. We just had to wait a little longer, when I look at the clock it's already more than 1 am and after we all called $Jogador.Nome' cell phone hundreds of times, all the time going to voicemail, that's when we realized that $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome were probably they had been captured by Lindomar I went into despair and started to cry, but $MissTravella.Nome consoled me, she said that everything was going to be fine and that I had to go to the police station to explain what happened, but the police station was closed because it was already dawn so the only thing thing we could do in this situation is wait.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A few hours passed and we finally saw $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome driving a wrecked car I was so happy to see that $Jogador.Nome is ok that I didn't even ask what had happened but he told everyone that Lindomar tried to kidnap them but luckily, Lindomar flipped the car, $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome didn't have severe damage, because they were tied up. After a while trying to get free $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome saw that Lindomar was unconscious, so they tied him up and put him in the trunk. But when $Jogador.Nome opened the trunk to show Lindomar it was no longer there, so $Jogador.Nome realized that the trunk of the car was broken, due to the rollover. $Jogador.Nome says that Lindomar deleted the video of the evidence from his cell phone and he regrets that, but at least we had the documents and the testimony of the doctors and nurses. Then we wait for dawn and deliver the evidence to the police station. As much as $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome's report was hard to believe (because they both felt a strong sleep and blacked out out of nowhere) the chief of police believed it. As much as Lindomar is not yet in prison, he is already a fugitive and is being sought.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I had so much weight on my conscience for having dragged my brother and so many people into this mess, I decided to release him from my revenge plan, after all this is my problem and I can't keep dragging him to solve my problems, but he refused leaving my revenge plan, he said that we are in this together, and that now the easiest revenge will be $Kendall.Nome's, I was impressed with my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV's willingness to help me he is really an amazing person. I was still having doubts about that story about them feeling sleepy out of nowhere and I asked him to explain to me what had really happened, he said that, yes, it had happened, but that maybe the policeman is right, maybe that sleep was induced by a gas or medicine that exhaled through the air. $Jogador.Nome still talks about some bottles he found in Lindomar's office I was surprised because they don't have any identification of what they are so I told $Jogador.Nome to keep them, maybe I'll look for someone to say what's inside those bottles, because maybe it was what made $Jogador.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome fall asleep.<</fala>>
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<p>As a child, Solange was always the darling of the family, until her mother left the family, and her father became sick and died, so Solange needed to give up her childhood to take care of her two younger sisters Kyla and Gina, and of your newborn brother Norman. His life was not easy, but over time he managed to keep himself, at 22 he left his small town in search of adventure and excitement, went to a big city where he met Katlin, a young medical student, who brought the emotion that was . looking for. But after an ugly fight with Katlin, Solange decided to move back to her hometown, where she met Ramon, whom he married and had three children Anna, Barney and Claire. The marriage was unsuccessful, Ramon left the family after 5 years of marriage and never returned. Solange had already been abandoned once so she promised herself that it would never happen again, so she decided to dedicate her life to taking care of her three children, and being what she always did best, taking care of others.</p>
<p>One fine day Solange brought her and her children a gift and three tickets to receive several free massages at the Country Club but the problem is that there were only three tickets and four people to take with her so she took her daughters and left her son at home because he was grounded for his bad school behavior and because Solange had wanted a day with the girls for a long time, so several massages were given, but unfortunately, the last massage was postponed because there wasn't a problem with one of the masseuses, just your daughter Claire had this massage. Because of this incident she and the girls were forced to return home early. Upon arriving home, Solange came across her son Barney masturbating watching one of her porn movies, the scare was great, with that he turns right at the moment of climax and ends up ejaculating on his mother and sisters. Solange with her face covered in sperm is stunned to see her son in this situation, he very embarrassed runs off naked to his room. Solange understood the anger her daughters felt after this situation, but she also felt empathy for how much embarrassment Barney went through, so Solage asks the girls to forgive him, they don't accept it at first, but Claire would agree to forgive him if he did a favor to her. So Solange has an idea.</p>
<p>Hours passed, that's when that night, Solange knocks on her son's bedroom door Barney asked to talk, he reluctantly accepts, they have a frank conversation about what they went through, Barney asks her forgiveness for the event, by then with love in her heart she forgives him, but she still thinks he deserves punishment for messing with her things, so she asks Barney to help her friend Katlin with the change after the divorce. Solange and Katlin rekindle their friendship 2 years earlier when Katlin moved to Solange town, after so long without speaking they become great friends again. Barney agrees to help Katlin with the move and about her sisters, Solange asks Barney to offer to do something for them to get the girls' forgiveness. Barney nods and they both exchange a warm I love you.</p>
<<if $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Solange finds out that her son Barney has finished his punishment, and happy with this situation she thinks of rewarding him by taking her to the Country Club to receive the massage that neither she nor her daughter Anna ever got. She tells him about the reward he deserves and Barney gets very excited about it. They both go to the Country Club that afternoon, and both get separated to have their massages on separate fields. As they change clothes, Solange has the slight impression that someone is watching her naked, She went to the massage room still excited, the masseur was there, and his presence alone made a waterfall of steam flow out of her vagina, for he was a strong, muscular, handsome man, and his smell made her much hornier than she already was. The massage began and that man slowly threw oil over her back and began to squeeze her, Solange felt more and more aroused with the touch of the strong but soft hands of the masseur, and continued massaging slowly, that's when he pulled out the carving that covered Solange's buttocks, her heart raced when he threw the massage eye over her naked ass, and began to massage her, squeezing and massaging her, at that moment her vagina began to drip again, Solange saw herself completely naked, and the masseur looking at her, she saw a bulge sticking out of his pants, feeling desired for the first time in many years, Solange asks the masseur to work on her vagina, so he debates and that's it, he began to massage her vagina making circular motions, massaging each lip, upper and lower, and rubbing her clit angrily and gently at the same time. Solange has a powerful orgasm, like she has never had before, the massage is over, Solange has thoroughly enjoyed her excellent vacation time of her life, but now it is time to get back to reality, she goes to the lobby where she waits for her son Barney to arrive. Upon appearing Barney asks her how the massage went, of course Solange couldn't tell her son that she had a porn actress orgasm during the massage, so she just says that she felt in paradise. As they were driving home Solange asks Barney how his massage went, and he just replies that he wouldn't tell, Solange understands at that moment that her son received a massage similar to his. They both return home ecstatic after the massage.</p>
<<if $MaeM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Solange knew that her son Barney had received an erotic massage like hers, Solange didn't know why but wanted to know more about the massage her son had. They meet, at one point Solange decides to ask her son for details about the massage, Barney doesn't feel comfortable with the conversation, always trying to divert the subject, But Solange was determined to know more so she keeps urging Barny to tell him about the massage. Solange manages to ease Barney's heart and he finally reveals the sordid detail of the massage. The masseuse granted Barney an unplanned masturbation. Barney doesn't give more details about it because he's embarrassed. Solange confirms her suspicions and for her that was enough, but Barney was curious to know how her massage was, Solange didn't want to tell everything exactly how it happened, so she simply said that she got naked during the massage and that she liked it, she felt free With all this, Barney begins to question a lot more about this massage until he comes to the conclusion that Solage didn't feel free in his own home. As much as this is true, Solange doesn't like the way her son said and leaves him grounded in her room.</p>
<p>Solange knew that the only time she felt free in her life was when she traveled to that big city, she wanted to do those things she did with Katlin again but now with 3 kids it would be impossible.</p>
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Solange feels guilty for having left her son Barney grounded because he said she didn't feel free, so Solange went to talk to Barney in her room and told a little about what she felt, Barney attentive as always said that Solange could indeed be free and that she could take care of herself a little more, leaving some housework for him, Anna and Claire. Solange knows she can't do that, it's her responsibility to do these chores, but her son unfortunately doesn't understand that. Solange really wanted to be free again, but that would mean there would be a lot of things her children would have a hard time accepting.</p>
<p>Solange takes Barney out of punishment even though he doesn't understand his mother and the reasons that led her to be like this.</p>
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $Mae.status is "Motivated">>
<p>One day Barny meets Solange who offers her a shoulder massage, Solange thinks it's strange but doesn't refuse because she had some neck pain, the massage was a little strange, as Solange was relaxing her mind flew away she didn't even feel that Barney was present anymore . As Solange's mind flew away, phrases popped into her mind saying "Big childrens" "Three beautiful childrens" "Now I can do what I want" "Now I can take care of myself more". A few minutes passed and Solange's mind started to wake up, she was dizzy she didn't quite understand what was going on, Barney was still massaging her shoulder, she saw the clock, it had only been a minute but it felt like a lot longer. Solange thanks Barney for the massage he finds her mother's attitude strange, Solange says she feels motivated but asks Barney to leave because she needs to be alone for a while.</p>
<p>Solange doesn't understand how her mind has traveled so fast and for such a short time since it felt like several minutes, Solage thinks it was a momentary daydream. Those words disappeared from her memory, the only thing left was an uncontrollable urge to do something new. At that moment Solange went to her room, locked the door, got completely naked and did yoga, recited her favorite poem by Shakespeare, sang, danced, and felt very happy, she spent an hour locked in her room doing everything her mind wanted for her. As stupid as it sounded, and it felt pretty good, she needed to keep doing her housework, but she wanted to do more of that stuff, and she didn't want to keep it hidden from her kids. So she imagines that she should schedule a meeting to talk to them, because they are already big enough to have responsibilities in this house.</p>
<p>Solange doesn't know what happened, why her thinking has changed so much, but she feels much happier that way.</p>
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Solange calls her daughters Anna and Claire and her son Barney over to talk about the changes coming to their home. Solange feels a deep urge to do more of the things she enjoys but she can only do that if her kids help with the housework. As Anna already knows how to cook Solange assigns her the task of making lunch, Claire already frequently does some housework and is a straight A student at school so she will continue to do so and only help Solange with a few other specific things. Now Barney will have to get a job, Solange suggests that Barney go to the neighbor because he heard that she is hiring a boy for some activities.</p>
<p>Solange's children find all this sudden change strange but they don't say anything so as not to get in the way of Solange's genuine happiness, everything indicates that the changes are just beginning.</p>
<<if $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Solange decides to start making changes in her life, and starts to leave the sedentary lifestyle, and do daily exercises, her daughters Anna and Claire don't like the idea of their mother exercising, maybe they think their mother is doing it because she would be looking for another man to replace their father's memory. The girls don't understand that Solange does this for herself and no one else.</p>
<p>One day when her son Barney was exercising, he came to ask why this new behavior, Solange already expected that Barney as well as his sisters would complain about their new activity, but Barney surprises her, saying that he doesn't see any problem in Solange does exercises, and that supports her mother in her choices, which makes Solange very happy.</p>
<p>Since Barney supports the exercises Solange does, she is reluctant to ask him to help her do these exercises or even do them with her, but maybe he has a lot more to do.</p>
<<if $MaeM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>After Solange takes a long relaxing shower, she realizes that all her clean clothes are wet, and she couldn't wait to dry as she needed to make dinner, so boldly Solange puts on only her panties and her bra, and goes to cook anyway.</p>
<p>Her son Barney watches her cooking like this, she explains the whole situation. In Solange's mind, this was no big deal, but maybe she was crossing the line, so she asks her son to see what he thinks. He then says he supports it, which makes Solange much more relieved.</p>
<<if $MaeM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>A few more days go by and finally Solange's groceries arrived, some gym dumbbells and a few more new toys, Solange was ready to try to find herself better sexually so from that day after the groceries arrived, Solange put on her new Latex outfit and did something he hasn't done in a long time masturbating. She as she slowly rubbed her clit she thought of big strong muscular guys and also thought of sweet and cute girls. It was a very good thing, he liked it a lot and he couldn't wait to try out his new sex toys, like dildos, vibrators, butt plugs and other things.</p>
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>One day Solange was tidying her wardrobe and found an old photo camera, as nowadays people use their cell phones to take pictures, this camera was forgotten for a while. Solange realizes she still has enough film to take a few more pictures so she asks her son Barney to take some pictures of her. Solange poses for photos Barney talks about that day when Solange made dinner only in her underwear. Solange says that for her he would wear these clothes all the time, but she can't do that with three kids at home, but Barney says he wouldn't mind if that happened and even says he wanted everyone in the house to do the same thing Solange did. Solange is incredulous with all this but doesn't scold her son, because, as much as she doesn't admit it, deep down she wants that too, but her daughters Anna and Claire wouldn't like any of it and the good coexistence with them comes first.</p>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Solange wakes up much earlier after a troubled night, which constantly popped into her mind that she couldn't be limiting herself, limiting her happiness just because her daughters Anna and Claire wouldn't like it, so when she woke up she finally decided for all that, while at home Solange will only wear panties and bra, clothes much more comfortable. So Solange decided to go have breakfast with Anna, Barney and Claire, and announce her outfit changes. As expected, Anna and Claire didn't like this story of Solange being in her underwear all the time, but Barney heroically imposed herself in the face of it, and defended her mother, supporting her in this situation, after that Anna and Claire stayed silent for breakfast. All morning, Solange knows that it will take them a while to get used to this, but she also knows that someday they will do the same thing as her.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>>My $Mae.Relacao is writing a book, what an interesting thing.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It even feels like my $Mae.Relacao's life.<</ref>>
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<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:30 - 07:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praca">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praca">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Hospital">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praca">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praca">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*=============================== Sábado ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Igreja">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praca">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praca">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Parque">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<set $Gabbie.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Shopping-LojaRoupas">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Praia">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Praia">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
/*============================== Domingo ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<<set $MissTravella.local to "Casa-Travella">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>>
<<set $SrtaCooper.local to "Casa-Cooper">>
<<if $Conhece.Carmen is true>>
<<set $CarmenCa.local to "Casa-Gibson">>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<set $LenaPaul.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $Conhece.LeftVizinha is true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.local to "Casa-LeftVizinha">>
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<set $Aaliyah.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<set $Angie.local to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Sala" or $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaV.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaV.local is "Banheiro">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto4.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I just...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Get out of here now!<</fala>>
<<IrmaVAmizadefall 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaV.local isnot "Sala" or $IrmaV.local isnot "Cozinha" or $IrmaV.local isnot "QuartoMae" or $IrmaV.local isnot "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaV.local isnot "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $IrmaV.local isnot "Banheiro">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome what are you doing in your $IrmaV.Relacao’s bedroom.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I'm already leaving.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala" or $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoMae" or $IrmaN.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaN.local is "Banheiro">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-quarto1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I just...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Get out of here now!<</fala>>
<<IrmaNAmizadefall 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $IrmaN.local isnot "Sala" or $IrmaN.local isnot "Cozinha" or $IrmaN.local isnot "QuartoMae" or $IrmaN.local isnot "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $IrmaN.local isnot "Banheiro">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome what are you doing in your $IrmaN.Relacao’s bedroom.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I'm already leaving.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala" or $Mae.local is "Cozinha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoMae" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisVelha" or $Mae.local is "QuartoIrmaMaisNova" or $Mae.local is "Banheiro">>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome what you doing in my bedroom?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I just...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Get out of here now!>>
<<MaeAmizadefall 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>Maybe Physics Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome is the best option, because he's nice to the point of helping me, gets along with everyone at school and isn't so straight as to refuse to help me.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>But I also know he won't do it for free, I'm sure he'll want something in return.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>In the next physics class I'll talk to him, and I'll do my best to convince him to help me.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $JogadorM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $JogadorM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You're in your room, lying on your bed.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It will be very difficult to continue to do this alone.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I went to my teacher's house with a plan in mind but it all went wrong.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I was lucky not to have been kicked out of there.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Maybe I need help from some teachers, at least to tell me where the other teachers live.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But who? I'll think.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The chemistry teacher? $ProfQuimica.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-perfil.jpg"></center>
<p>No, she hates me, why she would help me?</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The history teacher? $ProfHistoria.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/profHistoria-perfil.jpg"></center>
<p>No, I went to her house in a very strange way, and if I asked her to give me the address of the other teachers it would be even stranger.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The geography teacher? $ProfGeografia.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/prof-geo-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<p>No, he's a son of a bitch, even capable of telling the other teachers I'm spying on them.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The literature teacher? $ProfLiteratura.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/profLiteratura-perfil.jpg"></center>
<p>No, she's so boring she probably doesn't know any teachers other than her sister, she won't have anything to tell me about them.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The biology teacher? $ProfBiologia.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/profBiologia-perfil.jpg"></center>
<p>Yeah, maybe she can help me, she's a nice teacher, but she always walks the line between being fired and working at school, she's definitely being monitored by the vice principal for her debauchery.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The physics teacher? $ProfFisica.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<p>Yeah, he's a nice, smart, and funny teacher. Maybe is a good idea.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The sociology teacher? $ProfSociologia.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/profSocio-perfil.jpg"></center>
<p>Yeah, she's a nice teacher, but she's very new at school, she sure doesn't know the other teachers very well yet.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The math teacher? $ProfMatematica.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<p>It might be. He does everything for his daughter Lexi that maybe if I asked her to ask him, he would accept. But how would I convince her to help me?</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The philosophy teacher? $ProfFilosofia.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<p>Maybe he's a good teacher and knows everyone so he's the one who's been at school the longest, but he's already so old that he's having a hard time even teaching so maybe it's not such a good option.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The physical education teacher? $ProfFilosofia.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/profEdFisica-perfil.jpg"></center>
<p>I don't know, nobody knows anything about her, I have no idea if she would help me or not.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>The art teacher? $ProfArte.Nome</p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/profArte-perfil.jpg"></center>
<p>She's the nicest teacher in school, but she wouldn't do it for me.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>>And now? Which one to choose?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM4 parte 2 - E agora?]]>>
<<set $JogadorM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>Physics lesson is almost over and you are wondering what to say to your teacher.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>So, students, did you understand Newton's laws? I hope so because this will all be in the next tests.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>The bell rings.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>See you next time!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher I have a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Then ask your question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We can talk outside?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Is it any question about the matter?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not exactly.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay, let's go out into the hallway and talk.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM5 parte 2 - Proposta Decente]]>>
<<set $JogadorM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 49>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, are you in trouble? Did you not understand something?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, i need you to help me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Are you experiencing any problems at home?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, my $Mae.Relacao, took everything from me because I failed a year.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay so what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hence, I need help to get through this year.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>And what do you mean by that? Do you want private lessons? I'll let you know that I'll charge ehm!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need you to give me high marks for the next two months until the end of the year!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome is very funny. How about tutoring, I charge $130 a day, but because you are my student, I accept $129,99!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm not kidding teacher! I need you to do this for me!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Are you saying you want me to give you high marks every two months, and you still don't do anything in my classes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You speak in a way that makes it sound much worse, but that's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>You need a psychologist!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, reason with me! I am a man of vision, I feel my place is not here, this education system is so flawed that I can't see a future for myself as long as I keep wasting time at school because that's exactly what I'm doing, wasting time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We live a very short life and miss many of the wonderful surprises of the outside world in wasting our time. I know I have to stay here at school, but I think I could use that time thinking and working on things more edifying than just learning math for example, nowadays we have calculators to do difficult math for us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, are you sure that your childhood dream was to be stuck in a room with several students who are only interested in passing the grade to finish school life soon and finally start life for real? Or I don't know, traveling the world, climbing mount everest or living a great adventure?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay, $Jogador.Nome, nice speech, convinced me, I'll help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Yes, you remember my childhood dreams, that I wanted to become an astronaut, after the football player, after the actor, after the porn actor...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>But let's say I help you, what do I get in return?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I think it would be easier for you to fulfill these dreams if you were thin.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I know, after my divorce in 2012 and my ex-wife taking all my money, I started eating non-stop, gained weight and never had any reason to exercise again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You had no reasons, now you do, because I'm going to help you lose weight and make your dreams come true.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Would you do that for me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One hand washes the other right?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>You really know what you're talking about! Closed then!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait, there's one more thing you're going to need to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM5 parte 3 - Proposta Decente]]>>
<<set $JogadorM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not all teachers are understanding like you, and they won't help me just for a cute little speech.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Dude, I can't help you with other teachers grades.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But no need, I just want you to tell me where they live, tell me where they go, and give me a rundown on it all!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Do you want me to make a dossier for each of my co-workers?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Basically yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay, this is really weird, but as long as you don't say that I'm the one who passed this informations to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax, no one will question this, and if they do, I say it was $Amigo.Nome, then they stop asking.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay, Business closed!<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/Aperto_de_mao.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will you bring me the teachers dossier next class?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Yes, I already know some teachers who are my friends, but others I will have to spy on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>be careful not to get caught.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Fica tranquilo, não serei!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I better go back to class right?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>You can go!, and remember our deal!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $JogadorM5.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $JogadorM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>Physics class is already over.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>The bell rings.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher I have a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay, let's go into the hallway.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM6 parte 2 - Os Professores da Escola]]>>
<<set $JogadorM6.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 49>>
<<narrador>>You and your teacher go down to the school hallway to have a quick conversation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then the teacher made the dossier?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Of course I did, I did my part, I made a short summary about the places that all the teachers go to and where they live.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He takes the dossier out of his jacket and hands it to you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/docie.jpg"></center>
<<set $Dossier to true>><<set $Itens += 1>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>It doesn't open here. Check it out at your house, there may be someone watching us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep it in your backpack.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Well, I did my part, now you must do yours.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I will!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Great, I'm going to start working out at the gym and hope to see you there to support me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, now let's go our separate ways to avoid suspicion.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Each one goes one way.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You should still read the dossier in your backpack. Read it in a more comfortable place, like your bedroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "School" "Escola">>
<<set $JogadorM6.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You're in your room and get the dossier to take a look.<</narrador>>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle <br>
Age: 36 <br>
Address: House in Downtown <br>
Places She Frequent: School, Pub, Country Club, Park and Square. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/profHistoria-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfHistoria.Nome Kroft Poteet <br>
Age: 41 <br>
Address: Apartament in Downtown <br>
Places She Frequent: School, Pub, Country Club, Park and Square. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/prof-geo-sala-de-aula1.jpg">
Name: $ProfGeografia.Nome Vernon <br>
Age: 45 <br>
Address: Unknown <br>
Places He Frequent: School. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/profLiteratura-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfLiteratura.Nome Marie Hutchison <br>
Age: 37 <br>
Address: Apartment in Downtown <br>
Places She Frequent: School, Pub, Gym, Church, Country Club, Park, Square and Beach. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/profBiologia-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfBiologia.Nome Cox Hutchison <br>
Age: 34 <br>
Address: Apartment in Downtown <br>
Places She Frequent: School, Gym, Country Club, Park and Square. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/profSocio-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfSociologia.Nome Miller Aniston <br>
Age: 28 <br>
Address: Rich Neighborhood <br>
Places She Frequent: School, Gym, Church, Country Club, Park, Square and Beach. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/profMath.jpg">
Name: $ProfMatematica.Nome McComber <br>
Age: 51 <br>
Address: Rich Neighborhood <br>
Places He Frequent: School. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula1.jpg">
Name: $ProfFilosofia.Nome Anysio <br>
Age: 78 <br>
Address: Rich Neighborhood <br>
Places He Frequent: School. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/profEdFisica-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfEdFisica.Nome Anne Paparozzi <br>
Age: 42 <br>
Address: Neighborhood <br>
Places He Frequent: School, Pub, Gym, Country Club, Park, Square and Beach. <br>
<div id="fixa">
<img id="docie" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/profArte-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfArte.Nome Sunshine Corpora <br>
Age: 42 <br>
Address: Neighborhood <br>
Places He Frequent: School, Pub, Gym, Country Club, Park, Square and Beach. <br>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I know more about teachers and finally I can start hypnotizing.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You leave the dossier in a drawer under the clothes in the wardrobe.<</narrador>><<set $Docie to false>><<set $Itens -= 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $JogadorM6.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfArteGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 2>>
<<addmins 30>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/guarda-roupa/guarda-roupa.jpg"></center>
<<if $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Soros Guardados|Guarda-Roupa-Soros]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Change Clothes|Trocar-de-Roupa]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<if $Jogador.roupaSuperior is "Car T-Shirt">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/roupas-camiseta1.jpg"></center>
<<if $Camisa_polo_preta is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Black Polo Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "Black Polo Shirt">><<set $Jogador.status += 48>><</button>>@@
<<if $Camisa_branca is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear White Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "White Shirt">><<set $Jogador.status += 59>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaSuperior is "Black Polo Shirt">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/camisa-polo.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Car T-Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "Car T-Shirt">><<set $Jogador.status -= 48>><</button>>@@
<<if $Camisa_branca is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear White Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "White Shirt">><<set $Jogador.status -= 11>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaSuperior is "White Shirt">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/camisa-branca.jpg"></center>
<<if $Camisa_polo_preta is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Black Polo Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "Black Polo Shirt">><<set $Jogador.status += 11>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Car T-Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaSuperior to "Car T-Shirt">><<set $Jogador.status -= 59>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.roupaInferior is "Children's Shorts">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/roupas-bermuda1.jpg"></center>
<<if $Bermuda is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Shorts|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Shorts">><<set $Jogador.status += 40>><</button>>@@
<<if $Calca_preta is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Black Polo Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Black pant">><<set $Jogador.status += 63>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaInferior is "Shorts">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/bermuda.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear "Children's Shorts"|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Children's Shorts">><<set $Jogador.status -= 40>><</button>>@@
<<if $Calca_preta is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Black Polo Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Black pant">><<set $Jogador.status += 23>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.roupaInferior is "Black pant">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/calça-preta.jpg"></center>
<<if $Calca_preta is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear Black Polo Shirt|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Black pant">><<set $Jogador.status -= 23>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wear "Children's Shorts"|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.roupaInferior to "Children's Shorts">><<set $Jogador.status -= 63>><</button>>@@
<<if $Jogador.sapato is "Old Tennis">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/tenis-velho1.jpg"></center>
<<if $Tenis_Branco is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put on White Sneakers|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.sapato to "White sneakers">><<set $Jogador.status += 43>><</button>>@@
<<if $Tenis_Preto is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put on Black Sneakers|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.sapato to "Black sneakers">><<set $Jogador.status += 73>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.sapato is "White sneakers">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/tenis-branco.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put on Old Sneakers|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.sapato to "Old Tennis">><<set $Jogador.status -= 43>><</button>>@@
<<if $Tenis_Preto is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put on Black Sneakers|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.sapato to "Black sneakers">><<set $Jogador.status += 30>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.sapato is "Black sneakers">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/images/tenis-preto.jpg"></center>
<<if $Tenis_Branco is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put on White Sneakers|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.sapato to "White sneakers">><<set $Jogador.status -= 30>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put on Old Sneakers|Espelho]]>><<set $Jogador.sapato to "Old Tennis">><<set $Jogador.status -= 73>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|Guarda-Roupa]]>><</button>>@@Riley Missões<<FundoPraca>>
<<narrador>>You go to the square while the three Baby Dolls are there.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/parque/images/The-Baby-Dolls.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You hear the girls talk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>... then that boy came to me and asked me to date! You can believe me dating a loser like him.
<<fala "Debora" Girl>>I can't believe it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" Girl>>What did you say after that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>I thought of saying no, never, ever, but no, he told me he's going to tell me he's going to pay me a restaurant, he's going to drop everything for me, he's going to take me wherever he wants, he's going to pay me iFood whenever I ask , and he will always be there for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Then let it go! If the fool wants to do that, that's his problem.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" Girl>>That bad you are.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" Girl>>You don't even have a clue. She once made a boy pay for a trip for them, but the day before they left she broke up with him and went on that trip with another boy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>And this guy who asked me to date has the potential to do a lot more, he's such a happy horn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" Girl>>HAHAHAHAHHAH.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>These girls are very bad.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>><<textbox "$Debora.Nome" "Melissa" $Debora.Nome>> is ironically very similar to $Paixao.Nome in both evil and appearance.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>><<textbox "$Mia.Nome" "Jill" $Mia.Nome>>, on the other hand, doesn't seem to fit the two so well, even though she's trying very hard. She looks pretty out of place.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $PaixaoM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $PaixaoM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PaixaoM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You are in the rich neighborhood, admiring the beautiful mansions there, and looking for $Penny.Nome's house..<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see a house with a man standing in front of it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Excuse me, is this $Penny.Nome's house?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Mordomo.Profissao>>And you are...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My name is $Jogador.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Mordomo.Profissao>>You can go in, Miss Freas is waiting.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get a good look at the front of this mansion before you enter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-dos-Freas(Penny)/casa-freas.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, when $Penny.Nome told me she lived in the Rich Neighborhood, I didn't think her house would be so big.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM2 parte 2 - Penny]]>>
<<set $PennyM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-freas">>
<<narrador>>You take a good look around your friend's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/Casa-dos-Freas(Penny)/casa-freas-dentro.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what an incredible mansion, I would easily live here.<</ref>>
<<fala "NPC" $Mordomo.Profissao>>Miss Freas is waiting for you in your room to do your school work.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Mordomo.Profissao>>Just up the stairs is the first room on the right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go up the stairs and go to the first door on the right.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Penny.Nome it's me $Jogador.Nome came to do the chemistry work.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You can enter it's open.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hear $Penny.Nome through the door asking you to enter.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM2 parte 3 - Penny]]>>
<<set $PennyM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-freas-quarto-penny">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome let's get st...<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto1.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome it as you are.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's ok with me, but with you it seems to be much better! How beautiful you look $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>And now? Am I prettier?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto3.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You are quite embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm $Penny.Nome, you don't think we should get the job done.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Forget work $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Isn't that what you always do?<</fala>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto5.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We're going to fuck! Now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, you know very well that I have always liked you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes... ehr I mean... I just found out a few days ago and...<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto6.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So, let me explain...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I always saw in movies and romance series that a man should always take action. So I always tried to make it clear that I liked you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So since you never took action, I decided to do it for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... I didn't know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>If you knew, would you come to me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... I, I, I don't know... I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Then, even better, lie down here on the bed now and let's fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome I'm honestly not ready.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome! Look at my breasts.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto7.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Are they pretty? Do you want to suck them?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-quarto8.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So come my love! Because I'm wet!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both hear a furious slamming of doors.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>They both tremble with fear.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh my God, my father has arrived!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't he only arrive at 17:30?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Something happened at work, sometimes the city hall releases you early.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome is getting dressed as she talks.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait a minute, is your father the mayor?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, not the mayor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>He is the deputy mayor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>However, the mayor has been absent for two weeks so, yes, he is practically the mayor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn it!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM2 parte 4 - Penny]]>>
<<set $PennyM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 12>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-freas-quarto-penny">>
<<narrador>>You hear his angry footsteps approaching.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh my God, he's coming!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you think I should hide?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No he probably already knows that you are here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Just open the notebook and pretend you are writing something.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take a $Penny.Nome Notebook and a pen and pretend you are writing.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The door open...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Loen" $LoenFreas.Profissao>>What is happening here?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/pai-da-penny/images/Loen-Freas.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Dad I...<</fala>>
<<fala "Loen" $LoenFreas.Profissao>>Who is he?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He points to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>He is... a friend from school we are doing our chemistry homework.<</fala>>
<<fala "Loen" $LoenFreas.Profissao>>You know I don't like you bringing people into the house while you are alone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I know, but we have to do your chemistry homework in pairs, and we have to turn it in on Wednesday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Loen" $LoenFreas.Profissao>>So let's do this. You keep doing the work and Maurice will be watching you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Loen" $LoenFreas.Profissao>>Maurice!!<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Mordomo.Profissao>>You called sir?<</fala>>
<<fala "Loen" $LoenFreas.Profissao>>Yes, they have school work to do, I want you to keep an eye on both of them to make sure they do their work in the right way and nothing more than that, when they are done, escort the little boy out.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Mordomo.Profissao>>Yes sir $LoenFreas.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you start doing chemistry work normally with Butler Maurice watching over you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look at the clock you see that it's late so decide to leave, unfortunately you haven't finished your chemistry work yet but you agreed to finish it another day.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<set $PennyM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 50>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:30 - 07:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:10 --> <!-- Aula 0 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:10 - 7:30 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "3B">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "3B">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 8:30 - 8:50 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:50 - 9:00 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "3B">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "3B">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:30 - 9:40 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "3B">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 9:40 - 9:50 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:50 - 10:00 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 10:30 - 10:50 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:50 - 11:00 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 11:30 - 11:40 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:40 - 12:00 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*======================== Segunda-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 2>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:30 - 07:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:10 --> <!-- Aula 0 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:10 - 7:30 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 8:30 - 8:50 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:50 - 9:00 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:30 - 9:40 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 9:40 - 9:50 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:50 - 10:00 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 10:30 - 10:50 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:50 - 11:00 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 11:30 - 11:40 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:40 - 12:00 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================== Terça-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:30 - 07:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:10 --> <!-- Aula 0 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:10 - 7:30 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 8:30 - 8:50 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:50 - 9:00 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:30 - 9:40 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 9:40 - 9:50 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:50 - 10:00 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 10:30 - 10:50 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "3B">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:50 - 11:00 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "3B">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "3B">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 11:30 - 11:40 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "3B">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:40 - 12:00 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quarto-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 4>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:30 - 07:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:10 --> <!-- Aula 0 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:10 - 7:30 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "3B">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 8:30 - 8:50 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "3B">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:50 - 9:00 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:30 - 9:40 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 9:40 - 9:50 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:50 - 10:00 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 10:30 - 10:50 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:50 - 11:00 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 11:30 - 11:40 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:40 - 12:00 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Quadra">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Quinta-Feira ============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<!-- 00:00 - 6:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 06:00 - 06:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 06:30 - 07:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:10 --> <!-- Aula 0 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:10 - 7:30 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 --> <!-- Aula 01 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "3B">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 8:30 - 8:50 --> <!-- Aula 02 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "3B">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:50 - 9:00 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 9:30 - 9:40 --> <!-- Aula 03 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 9:40 - 9:50 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:50 - 10:00 --> <!-- Intervalo -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 50>>
<!-- 10:30 - 10:50 --> <!-- Aula 04 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 50 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:50 - 11:00 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 40>>
<!-- 11:30 - 11:40 --> <!-- Aula 05 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 40 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:40 - 12:00 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 --> <!-- Aula 06 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "3B">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "unknow">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Escola-Professores'Room">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Escola-Biblioteca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*========================= Sexta-Feira =============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*============================ Sabado ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 7>>
<!-- 00:00 - 7:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 7:00 - 7:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<!-- 7:30 - 8:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 8:00 - 8:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 9>>
<!-- 8:30 - 9:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 9:00 - 9:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Praca">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 9 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>
<!-- 9:30 - 10:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Igreja">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Igreja">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Igreja">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 10:00 - 10:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Gym">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 11>>
<!-- 10:30 - 11:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 11:00 - 11:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Parque">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 11 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>
<!-- 11:30 - 12:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 12:00 - 12:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 12 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<!-- 12:30 - 13:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 13:00 - 13:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 14>>
<!-- 13:30 - 14:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 14:00 - 14:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 14 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 15>>
<!-- 14:30 - 15:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 15:00 - 15:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 15 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>
<!-- 15:30 - 16:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 16:00 - 16:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>
<!-- 16:30 - 17:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "CountryClub-Sauna">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 17:00 - 17:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<!-- 17:30 - 18:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Yoga">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Gym">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 18:00 - 18:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<!-- 18:30 - 19:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "CountryClub-Piscina">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 19:00 - 19:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<!-- 19:30 - 20:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Parque">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Praca">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Praia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 20:00 - 20:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<!-- 20:30 - 21:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 21:00 - 21:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 22>>
<!-- 21:30 - 22:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Bar">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Bar">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<!-- 22:00 - 22:30 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 22 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<!-- 22:30 - 23:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
/*=========================== Domingo ===============================*/
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<!-- 23:00 - 00:00 -->
<<set $ProfQuimica.local to "Casa-Lebelle">>
<<set $ProfLiteratura.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.local to "Casa-Poteet">>
<<set $ProfBiologia.local to "Casa-Hutchison">>
<<set $ProfSociologia.local to "Casa-Aniston">>
<<set $ProfEdFisica.local to "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfArte.local to "Casa-Corpora">>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is false>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<set $NewProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfGeografia.local to "unknow">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisica.local to "Casa-Klump">>
<<set $ProfMatematica.local to "Casa-McComber">>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "unknow">>
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofia.local to "Casa-Anysio">>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I honestly admire you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Seriously? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I wanted to have that same desire to study that you have.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I's not desire...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It's kind of the only thing I can do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does this have anything to do with your father?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes, I haven't left the house for a long time, except to go to school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but why is he like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Don't get me wrong $Jogador.Nome but this is a family matter.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Did you hear about that movie of the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about other subjects for a while.<</narrador>>
<<PennyAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hallo $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I love your cheerful way of being.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<PennyPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You study with a $Penny.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You have a lot of difficulty, but she is very patient and helps you a lot.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorIntelgencia 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Intelgencia lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia gte 20>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PYM5 - Me Tornando Homem">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 17 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
<<if $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PYM3 - A Filha do Prefeito">>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-dos-Freas(Penny)/casa-freas-porta-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-dos-Freas(Penny)/casa-freas-porta-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-dos-Freas(Penny)/casa-freas-porta.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.PennyHouse is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa dos Freas">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.PennyHouse is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $Penny.local isnot "Casa-Freas">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Freas]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.PennyHouse to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.PennyHouse to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Freas]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.PennyHouse to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.PennyHouse to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $Penny.local is "Casa-Freas">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Freas]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.PennyHouse to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.PennyHouse to false>>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<if $Penny.local is "Casa-Freas">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Penny-Casa-Freas" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCentro>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Lebelle/Porta-Casa-Lebelle-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Lebelle/Porta-Casa-Lebelle-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Lebelle/Porta-Casa-Lebelle.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa Lebelle">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $ProfQuimica.local isnot "Casa-Lebelle">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Centro-Casa-Lebelle]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfQuimica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfQuimica to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Centro-Casa-Lebelle]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfQuimica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfQuimica to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $ProfQuimica.local is "Casa-Lebelle">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Andando Centro-Casa-Lebelle]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfQuimica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfQuimica to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfQuimica is true>>
<<if $ProfQuimica.local is "Casa-Lebelle">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-prof_Quimica-Casa-Lebelle" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoApartamentoPortaria>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "PBM4 - E você e Penny hein?">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 2>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PLM3 - Por que isso é tão chato?">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PBM3 - Oh, de novo, meu">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday" and $gameDate.getDay() is 2>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "PBM2 - Isso é Estranho">>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/Porta-Apartamento-Hutchison-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/Porta-Apartamento-Hutchison-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/Porta-Apartamento-Hutchison.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in"..<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Apartamento Hutchison">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $ProfLiteratura.local isnot "Casa-Hutchison" and $ProfBiologia.local isnot "Casa-Hutchison">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoHutchison]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoHutchison]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $ProfLiteratura.local is "Casa-Hutchison" or $ProfBiologia.local is "Casa-Hutchison">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Knock on the door|Porta-ApartamentoHutchison]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfLiteraturaProfBiologia to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Casa-Hutchison">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Casa-Hutchison" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.local is "Casa-Hutchison">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfBiologia-Casa-Hutchison" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Portaria-Apartamento]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Aniston/Porta-Casa-Aniston-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Aniston/Porta-Casa-Aniston-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Aniston/Porta-Casa-Aniston.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa dos Aniston">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $ProfSociologia.local isnot "Casa-Aniston">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Aniston]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfSociologia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfSociologia to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Aniston]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfSociologia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfSociologia to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $ProfSociologia.local is "Casa-Aniston">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Aniston]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfSociologia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfSociologia to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfSociologia is true>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.local is "Casa-Aniston">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfSociologia-Casa-Aniston" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<if $LexiM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<goto "LXM4 - Mais filminho">>
<<if $LexiM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<goto "LXM3 - Cinema em casa com Lexi">>
<<if $LexiM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<<goto "LXM1 - Conhecendo Lexi">>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/Porta-Casa-McComber-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/Porta-Casa-McComber-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/Porta-Casa-McComber.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfMatematica is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa dos McComber">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfMatematica is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 and $Lexi.local isnot "Casa-McComber" or $ProfMatematica.local isnot "Casa-McComber">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos McComber]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfMatematica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfMatematica to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos McComber]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfMatematica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfMatematica to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $Lexi.local is "Casa-McComber" or $ProfMatematica.local is "Casa-McComber">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos McComber]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfMatematica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfMatematica to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfMatematica is true>>
<<if $ProfMatematica.local is "Casa-McComber">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfMatematica-Casa-McComber" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_matematica/prof_Matematica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Casa-McComber">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Casa-McComber" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>The philosophy teacher is no longer at home. Where did he go?<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Anysio/Porta-Casa-Anysio-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Anysio/Porta-Casa-Anysio-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Anysio/Porta-Casa-Anysio.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa dos Anysio">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $ProfFilosofia.local isnot "Casa-Anysio">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Anysio]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFilosofia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFilosofia to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Anysio]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFilosofia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFilosofia to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $ProfFilosofia.local is "Casa-Anysio">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Bairro-Nobre-Casa dos Anysio]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfFilosofia to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfFilosofia to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfFilosofia is true>>
<<if $ProfFilosofia.local is "Casa-Anysio">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfMatematica-Casa-Anysio" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro-Nobre]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairro>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "PEFM3 - A professora de Piano">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Paparozzi/Porta-Casa-Paparozzi-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Paparozzi/Porta-Casa-Paparozzi-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Paparozzi/Porta-Casa-Paparozzi.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa dos Paparozzi">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $ProfEdFisica.local isnot "Casa-Paparozzi" and $Aaliyah.local isnot "Casa-Paparozzi" and $Samantha.local isnot "Casa-Paparozzi">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Paparozzi]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfEdFisica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfEdFisica to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Paparozzi]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfEdFisica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfEdFisica to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $ProfEdFisica.local is "Casa-Paparozzi" or $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $Aaliyah.local is "Casa-Paparozzi" or $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $Samantha.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Paparozzi]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfEdFisica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfEdFisica to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfEdFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Casa-Paparozzi" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Aaliyah is true>>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Aaliyah-Casa-Paparozzi" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Samantha is true>>
<<if $Samantha.local is "Casa-Paparozzi">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Samantha-Casa-Paparozzi" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/samantha/samantha.jpg"]]
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<if $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas is false>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Piano Lessons|Aulas de Piano]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Piano Lessons|Aulas de Piano]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go get the money from the teacher's room|Quarto-Paparozzi Pegar Dinheiro]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairro>>
<<if $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<goto "PAM13 - Em fim, Inspiração">>
<<if $ProfArteM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<goto "PAM11 - Eu estou quase lá">>
<<if $ProfArteM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<goto "PAM9 - Tentando Pintar">>
<<if $ProfArteM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<goto "PAM7 - Sem inspiração">>
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArte.status is "Talented Artist">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<goto "PAM4 parte 3 - A Artista. Parte II">>
<<if $ProfArteM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<goto "PAM3 - A Artista. Parte I">>
<<if $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 21>>
<<goto "PAM1 parte 2 - Fazer Dever de Casa">>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Corpora/Porta-Casa-Corpora-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Corpora/Porta-Casa-Corpora-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Corpora/Porta-Casa-Corpora.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfArte is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa dos Corpora">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfArte is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $ProfArte.local isnot "Casa-Corpora">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Corpora]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfArte to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfArte to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Corpora]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfArte to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfArte to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $ProfArte.local is "Casa-Corpora">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Corpora]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfArte to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfArte to false>>
<<if $Conhece.ProfArte is true>>
<<if $ProfArte.local is "Casa-Corpora">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfArte-Casa-Corpora" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro 1]]>><</button>>@@<a data-passage="loja-de-eletronicos" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-eletronicos/loja_de_eletronicos-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Electronics Store</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-roupas" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-roupas/loja-de-roupas-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonShoppingLojadeRoupas>>
<span class="o-texto">Clothing Store</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-joias" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-joias/joalheria-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Jewelry</span>
<a data-passage="loja-de-variedades" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/Loja-de-variedades-frente.jpg"]]<<PositonShoppingLojadeVariedades>>
<span class="o-texto">Risky's Store</span>
<a data-passage="cinema" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/shopping/cinema/cinema-frente.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Movie Theater</span>
<a data-passage="Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/centro-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Downtown</span>
<<if $Conhece.ProfLiteratura is true and $Conhece.ProfBiologia is true>>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoHutchison" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/Apartamento-Hutchison-dentro_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoHutchison>>
<span class="o-texto">Sisters Hutchison's Apartment</span>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoAmigo2" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-amigo2/apartamento-amigo2-icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoAmigo2>>
<span class="o-texto">$Amigo2.Nome's Apartment</span>
<<if $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<a data-passage="Porta-ApartamentoProfdeHistoria" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/Apartamento-Professora-de-Historia_icon.jpg"]]<<PositonApartamentoPoteet>>
<span class="o-texto">Poteet's Apartment</span>
<a data-passage="Andando Bairro-Centro" class="link-internal">
<div class="menu">[img["content/locations/centro/centro-noite_icon.jpg"]]
<span class="o-texto">Downtown</span>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $NewProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>
<<goto "NPFM2 - Mela Dalton">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $VitaminaX is true>>
<<goto "PFSM5 - A única solução possível">>
<<if $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PFSM4 - O que está acontecendo com o professor Klump?">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-klump/Porta-Casa-Klump-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-klump/Porta-Casa-Klump-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-klump/Porta-Casa-Klump.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.ProfFisica is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa dos Klump">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.ProfFisica is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Klump]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFisica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFisica to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Klump]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFisica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.ProfFisica to false>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Casa dos Klump]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfFisica to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.ProfFisica to false>>
<<if $Conhece.NewProfFisica is true>>
<<if $NewProfFisica.local is "Casa-Klump">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-NewProfFisica-Casa-Klump" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.ProfFisica is true>>
<<if $ProfFisica.local is "Casa-Klump">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-ProfFisica-Casa-Klump" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey dear how are you?<</fala>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 10>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Hallo|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Parque Gym]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What are you doing?|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<narrador>>Many thanks to the supporters who donated $1,00, all of you are important to me.<</narrador>>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Clifford sutton33</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Maverick Kross</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Giuseppe</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">rupinder</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Jimmy Lovell</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">marksulima</div></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<narrador>>Many thanks to the supporters of the Sherminator tier, without you this game would not be the same.<</narrador>>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Hypnoticflame</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Jamie Dunn</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Maidanezu</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Luis Monroy Gómez Franco</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">marksulima</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">luke</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">Box78</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">C.S.</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">julian</div></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Penny.Nome's house to continue the chemistry work that is incomplete.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see $Penny.Nome in front of her house waiting for you to arrive.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome are you ready to continue the work, because I am!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, including I...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She grabs you by the arm and pulls you into her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM3 parte 2 - A Filha do Prefeito]]>>
<<set $PennyM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome are alone in the living room.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So $Penny.Nome I was think...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Shut up! We don't have much time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She throws you on the couch.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/Penny1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's finish what we started last time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome I don't think it's a good one...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's fuck, now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>B-but.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's hurry, because the butler is not home right now and my father is at work, and no other staff is home right now, which means we are alone!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says this while rubbing herself against his crotch.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/Penny2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $horny lt 50>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Why isn't your dick that hard? Come on big boy I want an iron stake in my pussy.<</fala>>
<<elseif $horny lt 50>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I love to feel your rock hard cock in my pussy, let's get these clothes off.<</fala>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome I don't think we should...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Be still, just let it happen!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She kiss you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/Penny3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait $Penny.Nome, I can't do this!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Why you can't?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your father, he, scares me!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No need to be afraid of him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think I do, he's a mayor! He's a politician, someone who can finish my life if I get in his way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Relax, my father is not that kind of politician. I guess.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But $Jogador.Nome, I live with him every day, I know how he is, you just have to be the least bit smart not to have problems with him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly $Penny.Nome, I can't, he scares me too much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Please $Jogador.Nome we just...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, it's better not.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome looks disappointed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So all right, let's keep doing our work.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome, I'll...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No! please, don't say nothing!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You finish the chemistry assignment, but $Penny.Nome didn't look happy at all when it was over.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You say goodbye to $Penny.Nome, but she doesn't say a word.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<set $PennyM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 50>>
<<narrador>>You are in chemistry lesson.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The teacher stands up.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/prof-sala-de-aula3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Today it is time to turn in your work, pairs come and turn in your work.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>All the students get up and go to give their work to the teacher, including you and $Penny.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You hand your work to the teacher and go back to your seats, $Penny.Nome doesn't even look at you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Your friends, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome, talk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Guys, do you have any idea what it is like to do something with $Paixao.Nome? She is unbearable!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>You say that because you didn't go with $Ronny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>He made me do all the work by myself.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And you $Jogador.Nome, how was it to do the Job with $Penny.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm guys I'll be right back...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Penny.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome, can we talk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>All right, what do you want?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I want to explain to you why...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Wait, wait...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I am the one who has to apologize to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes, it was my fault, I fantasized about this moment for so long that I realized that maybe you weren't ready.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You are just a boy $Jogador.Nome, I thought you were a man, my mistake entirely.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The signal rings.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And $Penny.Nome leaves without saying a word.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She turns around and looks you in your eyes.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can we still be friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you are a coward, I can't be friends with cowards.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You need to redeem yourself with $Penny.Nome, but you don't have enough bravery to face her father.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You can get more Bravery by taking night walks in the park (between 19:00 and 0:00).<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $PennyM4.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $PennyM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(12)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey dear how are you?<</fala>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 10>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Hallo|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Praça Gym]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What are you doing?|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey dear how are you?<</fala>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 10>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Hallo|Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-Piscina Gym]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What do you work on?|Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-SrtaTavella-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hello dear, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<CasaSrtaTravella>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Hey dear why are you here?>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 10>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Hallo|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Casa-Tavella Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 25>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Offer a massage|Massagem-SrtaTravella-Casa-Travella]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What do you work on?|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Casa-Tavella Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Casa-Tavella Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa Srta.Tavella">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey dear I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Inativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 10>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Help Miss Tavella to record her gymnastics|SrtaTavella-Gravar-Ginastica]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-SrtaTavella]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@<<FundoHospital>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey dear, I'm working now, we talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Hospital">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hello dear, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoSauna>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellaandvickyvette-sauna1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellaandvickyvette-sauna2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellaandvickyvette-sauna3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellaandvickyvette-sauna4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellaandvickyvette-sauna5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravellaandvickyvette-sauna6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Sauna">><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey dear how are you?<</fala>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade gte 10>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Hallo|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Bar Gym]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What do you work on?|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Bar Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-SrtaTavella-Bar Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaAmigo>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-SrtaCooper-Casa-Cooper Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa-Cooper">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-SrtaCooper-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-SrtaCooper-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-SrtaCooper-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-SrtaCooper-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-SrtaCooper-Escola-Biblioteca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><</button>>@@<<FundoHospital>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-hospital1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-hospital2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-hospital3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-hospital4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-hospital5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-hospital6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm working now later we'll talk.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Hospital">><</button>>@@<<FundoSauna>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-sauna1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-sauna2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-sauna3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-sauna4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Sauna">><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<narrador>>You run to $Penny.Nome's house, you spot her closed bedroom window and start throwing pebbles to get attention.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see lights coming on.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome opens the window and looks at you from up there.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome? What are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Penny.Nome with little volume in her voice.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You also speak with little volume in your voice.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome, can I come up there? I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I think we'd better talk tomorrow at school!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No $Penny.Nome, we have to talk now! Now $Penny.Nome, now is the time!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Okay, okay, you can come up! Just keep your voice down.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... how am I going to get up there?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I don't know, you should have brought a ladder.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why I always forget these details?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Couldn't you throw your braids like Rapunzel?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, I'll climb.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I can do it.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador.Nome>>I can do it!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try Climb|PYM5 parte 2 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>Try climbing to $Penny.Nome's window.<</narrador>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $game.Action is true>>
<<if $Aleatorio gt $Jogador.Fitness>>
<<narrador>>You can't go up, try again.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio is 100 and $Jogador.Fitness isnot 100>>
<<narrador>>You almost make it up though, but you slip when you are near $Penny.Nome's window.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome! Nooooooooo!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You fall to the ground unconscious.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "IrmaV-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<addhours 4>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<addhours 4>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio is 1>>
<<narrador>>You climb easily.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<goto "PYM5 parte 3 - Me Tornando Homem">><<addmins 2>><<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio lte $Jogador.Fitness>>
<<narrador>>You can go up, $Penny.Nome is waiting for you.<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<goto "PYM5 parte 3 - Me Tornando Homem">><<addmins 2>><<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try Climb|PYM5 parte 2 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $game.Action to true>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Try again later" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<addmins 5>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You wake up in the hospital after suffering a fall and hitting your head.<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hi little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV.<</fala>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-hospital1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-hospital2.jpg"></center>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>You were found passed out in the street, apparently you hit your head, but you are all right now.<</fala>>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ahmm what happened last night?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't tell my sister I was having sex with a girl.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, I was with some friends, when we ended up drinking too much, and I ended up passing out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Strange, you never drink too much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... can I leave?<</fala>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Of course you can, but go to school now because you are late!<</fala>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Of course you can.<</fala>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Hospital]]>><</button>>@@
<</timed>><<set $fundo to "casa-freas-quarto-penny">>
<<set $game.Action to false>>
<<narrador>>You enter $Penny.Nome's room, and find her waiting for you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What do you need to tell me to have to come here at this time of night?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I made a mistake, I didn't appreciate you enough $Penny.Nome, you are a wonderful person, and I want you very much now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You mean...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, let's fuck now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But my father is sleeping now and he have a light sleep.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It doesn't matter, if he gets nervous, if he comes here and sees us in the middle of sex, it doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is the here and now!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You wake up in the hospital after suffering a fall and hitting your head.<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi dear.<</fala>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-hospital5.jpg"></center>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You were found passed out in the street, apparently you hit your head, but you are all right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But don't you work here at night?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, but I spent the night here just to make sure you would be okay.<</fala>>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You looked so happy sleeping, did something special happen yesterday?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, let's say I was with a beautiful girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>There was quite a night, right big boy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, just don't tell my $Mae.Relacao ok?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Of course not, it's our secret.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... can I leave?<</fala>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Of course you can, but go to school now because you are late!<</fala>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Of course you can.<</fala>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Hospital]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you?|Conversa-CarmenCa-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you?|Conversa-CarmenCa-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you?|Conversa-CarmenCa-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you?|Conversa-CarmenCa-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$CarmenCa.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/Carmen-Maddy-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-Carmen-Maddy-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@<<FundoLojaDeRoupas>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm shopping now.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How are you?|Conversa-CarmenCa-Shopping-LojaRoupas Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "loja-de-roupas">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What is this outfit?|Conversa-LenaPaul-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LenaPaul-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I dreamed about you|Conversa-LenaPaul-Praca Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What is this outfit?|Conversa-LenaPaul-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LenaPaul-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I dreamed about you|Conversa-LenaPaul-Parque Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What is this outfit?|Conversa-LenaPaul-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LenaPaul-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I dreamed about you|Conversa-LenaPaul-CountryClub-Piscina Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $LenaPaulGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $LenaPaul.Amizade gte 25>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<goto "LPGMP1 - Lena e Amiga na Academia">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LenaPaul-Alexis-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LenaPaul-Alexis-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome is training with her friend, it's best to leave her alone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-LenaPaul]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-LenaPaul]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What is this outfit?|Conversa-LenaPaul-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LenaPaul-Praia Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I dreamed about you|Conversa-LenaPaul-Praia Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-yoga5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What is this outfit?|Conversa-LenaPaul-Escola-Biblioteca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LenaPaul-Escola-Biblioteca Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I dreamed about you|Conversa-LenaPaul-Escola-Biblioteca Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What is this outfit?|Conversa-LenaPaul-Bar Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LenaPaul-Bar Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I dreamed about you|Conversa-LenaPaul-Bar Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-freas-quarto-penny">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome this makes me so happy, that I will give you this gift.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Penny.Nome unzipping her pajamas.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait! Let me unwrap it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmm, I like this!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Suck her tits|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeahhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take off your bra|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeahhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Turn your back|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $PennySex.suck_tits += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Turn your back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Bite your ass|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Just take off my panties.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take off her panties|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, my god.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Did you like my pink pussy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's so hard not to fall for it.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Lick her pussy with your finger in her ass|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<set $PennySex.recebe_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh yeeahh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh my god.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Suck my dick now!|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgggghhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Aahhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>mmmmmmmmmmhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You like me to suck your dick.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Deep Throat|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 12>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhhhrr.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her Pussy|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Harder|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 14>><<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Aaaaaahhhh<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make her cum|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 15>><<set $PennySex.cum += 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah baby, fuck my pussy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh my god i'ts so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Aaaaaah aaaahh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cowgirl reverse|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 16>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah mmmmmmm oh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oooohh fuck my pussy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Harder|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 17>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Aaaaaaahhhh ahhhhrrrr.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Fuck yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh i'ts so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Squeeze my tits.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>OOOOhh Yeas fuck me fuck me.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cowgirl reverse|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 18>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I need you cock please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ooooohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>OOOOhh god<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make her cum again|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 19>><<set $PennySex.cum += 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Aaaaaaahhhh OOOhhh OOhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Mmmmmmm fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oooohh oohhhh yes aaahhh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ooooohhhh fuuuuuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in Her face|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 20>><<set $PennySex.facial += 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Cum to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah mmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Mmmmmmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 4 - Me Tornando Homem]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 21>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM5-PennySex23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 15>>
<<narrador>>She tastes your semen on her face.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm so glad we made up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Me too.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 5 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Penny.has_sex to true>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfQuimica-Casa-Lebelle]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Lebelle">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfQuimica-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfQuimica-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfQuimica-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfQuimica-Praia]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoSauna>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-sauna1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-sauna2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-sauna3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Sauna">><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't respect you, you can't talk to her until you change that.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfQuimica-Bar]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-Escola-ProfessoresRoom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what are you doing here?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $fundo to "casa-freas-quarto-penny">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM5-SmilingCumFace.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I go to the bathroom, I have to clean up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes that was the best sex I ever had.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I thought you were a virgin.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Actually I was, b-but what did you mean by that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was I not good enough for you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>N-no I didn't mean that, it's just that I thought I thought you were a virgin first, but that's okay because I was a virgin too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, I also took your virginity?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Err... of course, of course, of course, of course.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One more "of course" and I believe it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course!!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hear a noise approaching.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh fuck, we made too much noise, my father is coming.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God, I have to go quickly.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Go out the window, now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how hard it was to climb up to such a high place like this?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Choose, which is harder, to quickly climb out the window, and try to stay alive when you hit the ground, or to stay here and try to explain to my father, what you are doing at this time of night in his wanted daughter's bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's right, and better to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Go fast!<</fala>>
<br><<set $PennyCenas.Pijama to true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try to leave|PYM5 parte 6 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>Tip: Fitness test, you have to get down from Penny's house quickly and you only get one chance.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.Action is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM5 parte 6 - Me Tornando Homem]]>>
<<set $game.Action to true>>
<<if $game.Action is true>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gt $Jogador.Fitness>>
<<narrador>>You jump out of $Penny.Nome's bedroom window.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You fall to the ground and hit your head.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "IrmaV-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<addhours 4>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<addhours 4>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<elseif $Aleatorio lte $Jogador.Fitness>>
<<narrador>>You fall to the ground in superhero pose!<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/pouso-de-superheroi.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>><p>Because it is exactly like a superhero that you feel.</p>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/pool-palmas.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<set $game.Action to false>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Casa-Hutchison]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Casa-Hutchison Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Casa-Hutchison Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">><</button>>@@<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Escola-Biblioteca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Escola-Biblioteca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Escola-Biblioteca Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-Escola-ProfessoresRoom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-Escola-ProfessoresRoom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-Escola-ProfessoresRoom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Amizade gte 40>>
<<goto "PLGMP2 - Treino de Luta Livre">>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Amizade gte 25>>
<<goto "PLGMP1 - Professora de Luta">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fight Training|Treino-de-Luta-ProfLiteratura]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-ProfLiteratura]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
/*===================================================================*/ <<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fight Training|Treino-de-Luta-ProfLiteratura]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino2-com-ProfLiteratura]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-kiley-sauna1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-kiley-sauna2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Sauna">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 or $game.periodos is 1 or $game.periodos is 2 or $game.periodos is 3 or $game.periodos is 4 or $game.periodos is 5>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7 or $game.periodos is 8 or $game.periodos is 9>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-Praia]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfLiteratura-Praia Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfLiteratura-CountryClub-Yoga]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@a<<FundoApartamentoProfdeHistoria>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfHistoria-Casa-Poteet]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfHistoria-Casa-Poteet Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfHistoria-Casa-Poteet Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento-Prof-Historia">><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-Escola-ProfessoresRoom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-Escola-ProfessoresRoom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-Escola-ProfessoresRoom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<goto "PHGMP1 - Ajudando a Professora Diana Treinar">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Help Her Workout|Ajudando-ProfHistoria-Malhar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfHistoria-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-ProfHistoria]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfHistoria-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfHistoria-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfHistoria-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfHistoria-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfHistoria-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfHistoria-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfHistoria-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfHistoria-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfHistoria-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<narrador>>You see your teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome with her yoga group.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-yogagroup1.jpg"></center>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfHistoria-CountryClub-Yoga]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@a<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/prof-geo-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/prof-geo-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfGeografia" $ProfGeografia.Nome>>What do you want $Jogador.Nome? What is your problem?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You see your biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome doing yoga with a friend.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-august-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You see your biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome doing yoga with a friend.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-august-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You see your biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome doing yoga with a friend.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-august-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa">>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now, let's talk later.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfBiologia-CountryClub-Yoga]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<FundoApartamentoHutchison>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfBiologia-Casa-Hutchison]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Casa-Hutchison Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Casa-Hutchison Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$ProfBiologia.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25 and $game.JogadorMassagista is false>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You also need to learn how to massage to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.JogadorMassagista is false>>
<<narrador>>You also need to learn how to massage to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Ousadia gte 25 and $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Go massage her|Espiar-ProfBio-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfBiologia-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfBiologia-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfBiologia-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfBiologia-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<if $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfBiologia-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfBiologia-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfBiologia-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to the indoor ring.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport6.jpg"></center>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa">>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now, let's talk later.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfBiologia-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaKlump>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-casa1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome what you want?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa dos Klump]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<narrador>>You are at the gym with $ProfFisica.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay $Jogador.Nome help me to workout.<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Help him workout|ProfFisica-treino]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Academia]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaAniston>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-Casa-Aniston]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Casa-Aniston Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Casa-Aniston Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Aniston">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaFreas>>
<<if $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I admire you|Conversa-Penny-Casa-Freas Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Penny-Casa-Freas Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Freas">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome doesn't want to talk to you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Continue her story to understand why.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Freas">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I admire you|Conversa-Penny-Casa-Freas Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Penny-Casa-Freas Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I was thinking here|Conversa-Penny-Penny-Casa-Freas Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Freas">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-escola-professoresroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-escola-professoresroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-escola-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-escola-professoresroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-escola-professoresroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $ProfSociologiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PSM1 - Bodybuilding">>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm working out now.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino2-com-ProfSociologia]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$ProfSociologia.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Enter|Espiar-ProfSociologia-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfSociologia-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfSociologia-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 and $game.periodos is 1 and $game.periodos is 2 and $game.periodos is 3 and $game.periodos is 4>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-Praia]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praia Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@
<<else>> /*==========================================================*/
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-Praia]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfSociologia-Praia Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm kind of busy right now, so I'll talk to you later.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm kind of busy right now, so I'll talk to you later.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfSociologia-CountryClub-Yoga]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaMcComber>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>What are you doing in my house! get out of here now!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa dos McComber]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/profMath.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>What do you want $Jogador.Nome? What is your problem?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaAnysio>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome what am I doing here?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa dos Anysio]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaMcComber>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. How’s it going?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Lexi-Casa-McComber Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-Lexi-Casa-McComber Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos McComber">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaPaparozzi>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Casa-Paparozzi]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Casa-Paparozzi Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Casa-Paparozzi Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<narrador>>You see your physical education teacher workout in the park.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Bar]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Bar Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Bar Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1 or $gameDate.getDay() is 3 or $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<goto "PEFGCM1 - Educação Fisica">>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is 1 or $gameDate.getDay() is 3 or $gameDate.getDay() is 5>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-and-dee-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-and-dee-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is helping a woman to train. It's better not to disturb them.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[See the teacher teaching|ProfEdFisica-Dee-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 2 or $gameDate.getDay() is 4 or $gameDate.getDay() is 6>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-carter-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-carter-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-carter-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-carter-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-carter-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is helping a girl to train. It's better not to disturb them.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome. I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-ProfEdFisica]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-escola-professoresroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-escola-professoresroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-escola-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-escola-professoresroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-Praia]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfEdFisica-Praia Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<<narrador>>You see your physical education teacher in the locker room.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-sporttennis1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfEdFisica-CountryClub-QuadrasEsportivas]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what you are doing here?<</fala>>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 21 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button "Help her with the paintings" "PAM5 - As Pinturas da Professora">><</button>>@@
<<if $ProfArte.Amizade gte 25>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Offer a massage|Massagem-ProfArte-Casa-Corpora]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-Casa-Corpora]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfArte-Casa-Corpora Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfArte-Casa-Corpora Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Corpora">><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-CountryClub-Bar]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfArte-Bar Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfArte-Bar Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-escola-professoresroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-escola-professoresroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-Gym]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-ProfArte]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-Parque]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfArte-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfArte-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-Piscina]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfArte-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfArte-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You your art teacher $ProfArte.Nome doing a morning run.<</narrador>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfArte-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfArte-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-Praca]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-ProfArte-Praça Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-ProfArte-Praça Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sauna1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sauna2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Sauna">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeYoga>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now but we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Teacher, do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?|A2M4 - ProfArte-CountryClub-Yoga]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PFSM1 - Cansaço">>
<<if $Acoes.TreinoProfFisica lte 5>>
<<narrador>>$ProfFisica.Nome is having difficulty in training.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Acoes.TreinoProfFisica is 10>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinoProfFisica gt 5>>
<<narrador>>$ProfFisica.Nome is improving in training.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-treino9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Acoes.TreinoProfFisica is 10>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Academia]]>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinoProfFisica += 1>>
<<addhours 1>>
/*============================ Penny ================================*/
<<set $PennySex = {
punheta: 0,
masturbou: 0,
fingering_anal: 0,
suck_tits: 0,
titjob: 0,
faz_oral: 0,
recebe_oral: 0,
vaginal: 0,
anal: 0,
facial: 0,
creampie: 0,
creampie_anal: 0,
cum_pussy: 0,
cum_butt: 0,
cum_ass: 0,
pearlnecklace: 0,
cum_mouth: 0,
eat_cum: 0,
cum: 0,
/*=================== Sarah Tavella (Julia Ann) =====================*/
<<set $SrtaTravellaSex = {
punheta: 0,
masturbou: 0,
fingering_anal: 0,
suck_tits: 0,
titjob: 0,
faz_oral: 0,
recebe_oral: 0,
vaginal: 0,
anal: 0,
facial: 0,
creampie: 0,
creampie_anal: 0,
cum_pussy: 0,
cum_butt: 0,
cum_ass: 0,
pearlnecklace: 0,
cum_mouth: 0,
eat_cum: 0,
cum: 0,
/*==================== Amanda Byers (Lena Paul) =====================*/
<<set $LenaPaulSex = {
punheta: 0,
masturbou: 0,
fingering_anal: 0,
suck_tits: 0,
titjob: 0,
faz_oral: 0,
recebe_oral: 0,
vaginal: 0,
anal: 0,
facial: 0,
creampie: 0,
creampie_anal: 0,
cum_pussy: 0,
cum_butt: 0,
cum_ass: 0,
pearlnecklace: 0,
cum_mouth: 0,
eat_cum: 0,
cum: 0,
/*============== Vizinha da Esquerda (Melanie Hicks) ================*/
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex = {
punheta: 0,
masturbou: 0,
fingering_anal: 0,
suck_tits: 0,
titjob: 0,
faz_oral: 0,
recebe_oral: 0,
vaginal: 0,
anal: 0,
facial: 0,
creampie: 0,
creampie_anal: 0,
cum_pussy: 0,
cum_butt: 0,
cum_ass: 0,
pearlnecklace: 0,
cum_mouth: 0,
eat_cum: 0,
cum: 0,
/*======================= Roxy Raye (Darla) =========================*/
<<set $RoxyRayeSex = {
punheta: 0,
masturbou: 0,
fingering_anal: 0,
suck_tits: 0,
titjob: 0,
faz_oral: 0,
recebe_oral: 0,
vaginal: 0,
anal: 0,
facial: 0,
creampie: 0,
creampie_anal: 0,
cum_pussy: 0,
cum_butt: 0,
cum_ass: 0,
pearlnecklace: 0,
cum_mouth: 0,
eat_cum: 0,
cum: 0,
/*====================== Massagista Adolecente ======================*/
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex = {
punheta: 0,
masturbou: 0,
FingeringAnal: 0,
suck_tits: 0,
titjob: 0,
faz_oral: 0,
recebe_oral: 0,
vaginal: 0,
anal: 0,
facial: 0,
creampie: 0,
creampie_anal: 0,
cum_pussy: 0,
cum_butt: 0,
cum_ass: 0,
pearlnecklace: 0,
cum_mouth: 0,
eat_cum: 0,
cum: 0,
<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle
Status: $ProfQuimica.status
Friendship: $ProfQuimica.Amizade
Passion: $ProfQuimica.Paixao
Morality: $ProfQuimica.Moralidade
Desire: $ProfQuimica.Desejo
<p>$ProfQuimica.Nome a chemistry teacher, she has always treated $Jogador.Nome differently from the other students, she has always been much more strict and hard on him, which makes $Jogador.Nome think that she hates him.</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is true>>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his chemistry teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome to ask her about a guy named Bastion of Light. She says she doesn't know him and gets very angry that $Jogador.Nome isn't using his free time to study because his grades are so low. $Jogador.Nome is outraged that $ProfQuimica.Nome wants to meddle in his life and says that she is not his $Jogador.RelacaoMae.</p>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$ProfQuimica.Nome shows up at $Jogador.Nome' house by surprise at night to talk to his $Mae.Relacao, they are going to talk alone in $Mae.Nome's room, $Jogador.Nome is extremely worried about this, when they call him to talk. $ProfQuimica.Nome says that $Jogador.Nome' grades are extremely low and that he doesn't make any effort to improve them, $ProfQuimica.Nome tries to explain but his $Mae.Relacao interrupts him, $ProfQuimica.Nome then tells some distorted stories about $Jogador.Nome, such as the day he embarrassed her in public saying that she is not a $Mae.Relacao, saying that $Jogador.Nome didn't give a damn about her losing a child, she says that $Jogador.Nome forced $Penny.Nome to do his work, completely alone, and also said that this behavior has been happening since the beginning of last year. $Mae.Nome apologizes for her $Jogador.RelacaoMae's supposed behavior and says she will punish him, but $ProfQuimica.Nome interferes and makes a supposed peace agreement: free private lessons, where $Jogador.Nome and $ProfQuimica.Nome could get to know each other better, $Jogador.Nome doesn't like the idea, but his $Mae.Relacao thinks it's great and praises $ProfQuimica.Nome for this suggestion. $ProfQuimica.Nome tries to humiliate $Jogador.Nome by looking him in the eye and calling him a little boy, and leaves. $Mae.Nome gets extremely angry with her $Jogador.RelacaoMae $Jogador.Nome and says that he will attend these private lessons of teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome's whether he wants to or not. Because it is too late for discussion, $Mae.Nome throws $Jogador.Nome out of his room along with $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome who have been following the fight from the beginning.</p>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, was about to leave school when $ProfQuimica.Nome stops him and reminds him of the private lessons she and $Jogador.Nome' $Mae.Relacao had agreed he would take. With no choice, $Jogador.Nome goes with $ProfQuimica.Nome. Arriving at $ProfQuimica.Nome's house, $Jogador.Nome says he wants to start his private class as soon as possible, but $ProfQuimica.Nome reveals her real intentions. She knew that $Jogador.Nome asked teacher Klump for the addresses of all the teachers at the school and used it to blackmail $Jogador.Nome into his employee. $Jogador.Nome refuses to do so but $ProfQuimica.Nome is emphatic and threatens to report him for stalking and assault if he doesn't accept. So with no choice $Jogador.Nome accepts $ProfQuimica.Nome's order to wash his clothes, it took a lot longer than $Jogador.Nome expected.</p>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, was about to leave school when $ProfQuimica.Nome stops him and reminds him of private lessons again, without much choice $Jogador.Nome goes with $ProfQuimica.Nome. Arriving at her house $ProfQuimica.Nome says that on that day she will go out with her boyfriend and wants $Jogador.Nome to iron all her clothes, he refuses at first but decides to accept, $ProfQuimica.Nome goes to take a shower and then $Jogador.Nome thinks if it would be a good idea to spy on her. <<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is false>> $Jogador.Nome thinks spying on her might get him into trouble so he decides not to. <<elseif $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> $Jogador.Nome takes courage and decides to spy on $ProfQuimica.Nome taking a shower, which makes $Jogador.Nome turn on.<</if>></p>
<p>$ProfQuimica.Nome comes out of the bathroom already dressed and says for $Jogador.Nome to finish ironing the clothes and go store them in her bedroom, and even told $Jogador.Nome not to try anything cute because there are security cameras recording everything. <<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is false>> $Jogador.Nome thanks him for not going to spy on $ProfQuimica.Nome in the bath. And he keeps ironing $ProfQuimica.Nome's clothes.<<elseif $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> $Jogador.Nome is transfixed upon hearing this and understands he irons all the clothes in fear of what $ProfQuimica.Nome might do when she finds out $Jogador.Nome spied on her in the shower.<</if>>.</p>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, was already leaving school when $ProfQuimica.Nome shows up, but this time he just says to go with her, and $Jogador.Nome goes. <<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is false>> Arriving home $ProfQuimica.Nome says that this time $Jogador.Nome should wash the bathroom, he asks to do something else but $ProfQuimica.Nome is irreducible, and $Jogador.Nome washes $ProfQuimica.Nome's bathroom against his will. <<elseif $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> Arriving home $ProfQuimica.Nome says she knows that $Jogador.Nome spied on her taking a shower, $Jogador.Nome apologizes, and $ProfQuimica.Nome decides to castile him by making him wash the bathroom, he asks her to do something else, but $ProfQuimica.Nome is irreducible and forces him to wash her bathroom.<</if>></p>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, was already leaving school when $ProfQuimica.Nome shows up, and tells him to do comparisons for her, $ProfQuimica.Nome gives the money and $Jogador.Nome forcibly goes. After shopping $Jogador.Nome meets $LenaPaul.Nome at the market, and she offers to help bring $ProfQuimica.Nome's groceries to her house and $Jogador.Nome accepts. Along the way $LenaPaul.Nome encourages $Jogador.Nome to come up with a plan to make $ProfQuimica.Nome stop these abuses, $Jogador.Nome says he can't do much because $ProfQuimica.Nome keeps several security cameras in her house, then $LenaPaul.Nome complements saying that then $Jogador.Nome must find a way to get access to these security cameras in the house and $ProfQuimica.Nome and $Jogador.Nome say they'll think of something. $Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfQuimica.Nome's house, leaves the groceries on the table and stares at one of her house's security cameras as he thinks of a plan.</p>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome, you find on the internet cameras similar to the model of security cameras at $ProfQuimica.Nome's house, so you spend hours researching and learning about how these cameras work, and $Jogador.Nome comes to the conclusion that he won't be able to break into the cameras alone, so he thinks about calling a friend to help: $LenaPaul.Nome.</p>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome was at home when he receives a message from $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle by his $Mae.Relacao saying that $Jogador.Nome has class that day so he is again forced to go to her house, getting there $ProfQuimica.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome that on that day she will have a romantic dinner with her boyfriend she wants $Jogador.Nome to cook for her, $Jogador.Nome says he doesn't know how to cook but $ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't care but says it would be better for $Jogador.Nome if she liked the food, $Jogador.Nome goes to the kitchen and calls $LenaPaul.Nome, and after explaining the whole situation $LenaPaul.Nome says that is already going to help.</p>
<p>$ProfQuimica.Nome almost catches $Jogador.Nome talking to $LenaPaul.Nome, $Jogador.Nome manages to trick her by saying he doesn't know what to cook, $ProfQuimica.Nome says there's noodles in the cupboard and then I left. $Jogador.Nome then tries to cook the noodles. A few minutes go by and $LenaPaul.Nome arrives, she was there at the door talking to $ProfQuimica.Nome, you signal $LenaPaul.Nome to stall her while you go search $ProfQuimica.Nome's computer for the security camera recordings, and find the video of the conversation between him and $ProfQuimica.Nome saves one. copies it to his cell phone and erases all the recordings $ProfQuimica.Nome has of him. $Jogador.Nome goes back to the kitchen and finds $ProfQuimica.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome there, $ProfQuimica.Nome asks if the food is ready but he says no, so $ProfQuimica.Nome gets nervous, because her boyfriend is already arriving but the food wasn't ready yet, $Jogador.Nome ignores all this and starts making out with $LenaPaul.Nome, pretending to $ProfQuimica.Nome that he didn't know her, and $LenaPaul.Nome does the same. $Jogador.Nome convinces $ProfQuimica.Nome to give him money to buy tomatoes to make sauce, but in fact $Jogador.Nome was intent on buying a sleeping pill to use on $ProfQuimica.Nome and her boyfriend. $Jogador.Nome returns to $ProfQuimica.Nome's house with the tomatoes and secretly the sleeping pill, he finds $ProfQuimica.Nome nervous waiting for her boyfriend $Jogador.Nome says he bought the tomatoes and she tells him to go straight to finish the noodles. In the kitchen $LenaPaul.Nome was already finishing cooking the noodles, so you explain your plan to her to put $ProfQuimica.Nome and her boyfriend to sleep as revenge for everything she did to him, and show $ProfQuimica.Nome's disturbing video which leaves $LenaPaul.Nome impressed. $Jogador.Nome, and $LenaPaul.Nome hear $ProfQuimica.Nome and someone else arriving so $Jogador.Nome quickly breaks up the pills and mixes them into the noodles. $ProfQuimica.Nome appears in the kitchen with her boyfriend, he thinks that $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome are cooks that $ProfQuimica.Nome has hired, and everyone enters pretending yes, as $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome had already finished cooking $ProfQuimica.Nome asks them to leave, they both apparently go but actually stay in the living room waiting for the medicine to take effect. When they return to the kitchen $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome find $ProfQuimica.Nome and her boyfriend falling asleep, while sleeping they both go to her bedroom.</p>
<p>In $ProfQuimica.Nome's bedroom, $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome talk about the security cameras, $Jogador.Nome wanted a way to turn them off whenever he wanted, but $Jogador.Nome finds this very difficult to do, $Jogador.Nome then gives the idea of seeing $ProfQuimica.Nome's personal photos on his computer. $Jogador.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome see some pictures and some of those pictures show $ProfQuimica.Nome naked which leaves $LenaPaul.Nome shocked to see her aunt like this. These photos make $Jogador.Nome excited, so he suggests to $LenaPaul.Nome that they have sex, at first $LenaPaul.Nome is a little apprehensive about being in her aunt's bed, but ends up accepting, and they have sex in $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle's bed.</p>
<p>$LenaPaul.Nome suggests they both delete the security camera videos, but $Jogador.Nome suggests they both watch them having sex first, $LenaPaul.Nome accepts. After watching the video $Jogador.Nome erases everything that happened in the house that day.</p>
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<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/profHistoria-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfHistoria.Nome Kroft Poteet
Status: $ProfHistoria.status
Friendship: $ProfHistoria.Amizade
Passion: $ProfHistoria.Paixao
Morality: $ProfHistoria.Moralidade
Desire: $ProfHistoria.Desejo
<p>$ProfHistoria.Nome is your history teacher, she is very boring in class but seems to be a lot of fun in her personal life, she likes to read books and watch movies.</p>
<<if $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome looks her up at $ProfHistoria.Nome's house to try to hypnotize her, but she shows up right on time and catches him by surprise, he makes up an excuse that he is interviewing only teachers and so he manages to get into her house, she leaves the room for a moment then $Jogador.Nome tries to find out more about her by going into the library of her house, and she catches him at that moment $Jogador.Nome makes an excuse that he is interested in books, so $ProfHistoria.Nome calls him to together start a book club, every Thursday night.</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is true>>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome to ask about a guy named Bastion of Light, she says she doesn't know him but she asks several questions that leave $Jogador.Nome in a quandary. $Jogador.Nome makes some kind of excuse but $ProfHistoria.Nome doesn't seem to believe him, $Jogador.Nome leaves and $ProfHistoria.Nome looks suspicious.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's house for book club but $Jogador.Nome thought that they would read the book, not discuss the first chapter. $ProfHistoria.Nome is disappointed to hear that $Jogador.Nome hasn't read the first chapter of the book, but in order not to miss the trip, they decide to read the first chapter of the book and discuss it, they do so. $Jogador.Nome is stunned that he didn't read the book at home and misses the chance to make $ProfHistoria.Nome relax and hypnotize her.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's house for book club, this time prepared, read the complete chapter 2. $ProfHistoria.Nome has prepared cookies for them to enjoy this moment, $Jogador.Nome and $ProfHistoria.Nome have a very nice moment discussing about the Book that $Jogador.Nome, even forgot his reason for being there, to hypnotize her, then $Jogador.Nome tries to offer to help $ProfHistoria.Nome to wash the dishes, but she does not accept, so she drops a plate, when $Jogador.Nome, asks if it's okay, she says yes and tells $Jogador.Nome to go away.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfHistoria.Nome's house to continue with his meetings for the book club, then $Jogador.Nome notices on $ProfHistoria.Nome's bookshelf something standing out between the books: a Wonder Woman comic, $Jogador.Nome then looks for more comics among the teacher's things, and finds another Wonder Woman comic and a Batman one, at that moment comes up behind $Jogador.Nome, $ProfHistoria.Nome asking what he's snooping around in the middle of his books, $Jogador.Nome comments about being surprised that $ProfHistoria.Nome likes to read superhero comics. She at first reacts with a little hostility, but then she shows indifference and both go to the living room to comment on the third chapter of Animal Farm, ending the conversation $ProfHistoria.Nome goes to wash the dishes and $Jogador.Nome asks to help her wash the dishes, she denies it at first but with $Jogador.Nome' insistence she accepts. As they wash the dishes, they both talk about comics, until $Jogador.Nome suggests that she include those comics in the book club, but she says that the Book Club is for analyzing complex literary works, not for reading superhero comics, $Jogador.Nome insists, so she ends up accepting the proposal to read some comics after discussing Animal Farm.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfHistoria.Nome's house to continue the discussion about the Animal Farm book. When they finished the discussion about the book, $Jogador.Nome suggested that they both read the Wonder Woman comic, as they had finished that chapter of the Book, $ProfHistoria.Nome accepted $Jogador.Nome' proposal. They don't even see the time go by because of how pleasant that moment was.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfHistoria.Nome's house to continue the discussion about Animal Farm, after discussing the book $ProfHistoria.Nome voluntarily takes the Wonder Woman comic so they can continue reading the comic until the end. $Jogador.Nome is already leaving, but $ProfHistoria.Nome invites him to watch Wonder Woman on Saturday, which $Jogador.Nome accepts.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment to watch Wonder Woman, $Jogador.Nome is surprised when $ProfHistoria.Nome puts on Wonder Woman from 1975, $Jogador.Nome is surprised because he thought they were both going to watch Gal Gadot's movies, so $ProfHistoria.Nome realizing $Jogador.Nome's disappointment says he is getting used to big cinematic battles, and asks him to give that TV show that marked his childhood a chance. $Jogador.Nome and $ProfHistoria.Nome watch the Wonder Woman series and when they were watching the third episode, $Jogador.Nome sees an opportunity for Hypnosis in $ProfHistoria.Nome.</p>
<p>"I'm becoming friends with $Jogador.Nome and what do friends do? They help with his school problems, as his teacher I have a moral duty to help him with his school problems."</p>
<p>$ProfHistoria.Nome sees $Jogador.Nome standing in front of her, thinks that she dozed off, it was already quite late, so they both decided to finish watching just one more episode.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$ProfHistoria.Nome announces a test on the Russian Revolution, a subject that $Jogador.Nome and $ProfHistoria.Nome often talked about during their Animal Farm book discussions, $Jogador.Nome thinks the reason for this test topic is the result of Hypnosis.</p>
<<if $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Instead of $Jogador.Nome reading only the sixth chapter of Animal Farm, $Jogador.Nome finishes reading all the remaining chapters and surprises $ProfHistoria.Nome, $Jogador.Nome says it was because of having announced the proof about Russian Revolution, $ProfHistoria.Nome$ProfHistoria.Nome is happy that $Jogador.Nome is finally paying attention to the lessons, $Jogador.Nome asks if she narrowed the test topic to just Russian Revolution, because they both read Animal Farm, she says no, but $Jogador.Nome realized she was lying, so they sit down and discuss the book as a whole.</p>
<p>At the end of the discussion $ProfHistoria.Nome goes to the kitchen to wash dishes and $Jogador.Nome goes along to help her. Because they finished Animal Farm, $ProfHistoria.Nome suggests that they both find another book to continue their book club, $Jogador.Nome then complements saying that while they don't find this new book they can go reading comics and watching movies from time to time, which $ProfHistoria.Nome thinks is excellent idea.</p>
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<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/profLiteratura-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfLiteratura.Nome Marie Hutchison
Status: $ProfLiteratura.status
Friendship: $ProfLiteratura.Amizade
Passion: $ProfLiteratura.Paixao
Morality: $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade
Desire: $ProfLiteratura.Desejo
<p>$ProfLiteratura.Nome is the literature teacher, her subject is very boring, almost all the students sleep in her class. She has a sister who is also a teacher, and in her class at the same school is $ProfBiologia.Nome.</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is true>>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his literature teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome to ask about a guy named Bastion of Light, she says that technically the priest is a Bastion of Light but she doesn't know anyone with that last name. $ProfLiteratura.Nome says that $Jogador.Nome' grades are worrying and asks to talk to him sometime in the teachers' lounge.</p>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome go to the teachers' lounge to talk to the biology teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome, there $Jogador.Nome is stopped by $Gaston.Nome, $Jogador.Nome says he came to talk to the teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome, $Gaston.Nome goes to check and then lets $Jogador.Nome into the teachers' lounge. $ProfLiteratura.Nome talks to $Jogador.Nome about last year's bad grades that made him repeat grades, that the board approved a new teaching method that now only the best students can get into a good college, and if $Jogador.Nome doesn't try hard that year besides being able to repeat again, maybe I could never get into college. $Jogador.Nome asks $ProfLiteratura.Nome if there is anything she could do to help him, but she says that what she can do she is already doing, and tells $Jogador.Nome to find an easier way to study, as $Jogador.Nome has a hard time with that.</p>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome to talk about his studies at her house, $ProfLiteratura.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome not to study with her sister $ProfBiologia.Nome anymore, she explains that $ProfBiologia.Nome is not interested in teasing him but rather teasing her, $Jogador.Nome says he can't leave classes because he needs a grade in biology. Seeing that $Jogador.Nome was irreducible $ProfLiteratura.Nome just tells $Jogador.Nome to ask $ProfBiologia.Nome, to stop these pranks. $Jogador.Nome asks why they fight so much, but she doesn't even bother to explain, she just leaves.</p>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the literature teacher's house, for his private class, there he finds $ProfLiteratura.Nome and $ProfBiologia.Nome, $Jogador.Nome complains about the two of them being in the same room and they're probably going to fight, but they said they came to an agreement with no one disturbing anyone's lesson, so $ProfBiologia.Nome stays in her bedroom.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome asks $ProfLiteratura.Nome why she and $ProfBiologia.Nome fight so much. She then shares some stories about her and $ProfBiologia.Nome's past: "It all started when they were kids, $ProfBiologia.Nome always got everything she wanted because she was the youngest, the cutest and the most 'talented' no matter how much she did all this in moderation, she still had all the highlights, as well as stealing all the attention when $ProfLiteratura.Nome got the highest grades in school. So with this exclusion, $ProfLiteratura.Nome decided to focus on her studies, every day she spent several hours reading, she only got the best grades, she was the number one student at school, but in terms of popularity, $ProfBiologia.Nome was the best. $ProfBiologia.Nome was the one invited to all the parties, she was the one who stayed with all the boys, she was the one who listened to loud music until dawn, not letting me sleep." In addition, she said that $ProfBiologia.Nome stole her ex-husband she was married a few years ago, and found out that her husband was cheating on me with her sister $ProfBiologia.Nome.</p>
<p>And she had to move back in with $ProfBiologia.Nome because she was the only person she knew who had an apartment, but despite everything, she's her sister, and he still loves her. After $ProfLiteratura.Nome tells all of this, class begins, $ProfLiteratura.Nome starts reading War and Peace to $Jogador.Nome. $ProfLiteratura.Nome spends a long, exhausting time reading that book to $Jogador.Nome, until the end of class. $Jogador.Nome tells $ProfLiteratura.Nome that his voice makes her sleepy, so $ProfLiteratura.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome to read the book next class. They say goodbye and $Jogador.Nome leaves.</p>
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<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/profBiologia-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfBiologia.Nome Cox Hutchison
Status: $ProfBiologia.status
Friendship: $ProfBiologia.Amizade
Passion: $ProfBiologia.Paixao
Morality: $ProfBiologia.Moralidade
Desire: $ProfBiologia.Desejo
<p>$ProfBiologia.Nome is the biology teacher, she takes advantage of her subject to always talk about sex, and show sexual images, it is said that once she showed her own vagina in class so that the students would have a more complete lesson on the subject, and of course was severely punished by the vice principal. She is the sister of literature teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome.</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is true>>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome to ask about a guy named Bastion of Light, who says that this nickname sounds like someone who is very religious, and that he doesn't know anyone like that. $ProfBiologia.Nome says that $Jogador.Nome' grades are worrying and asks to talk to him sometime in the teachers' lounge.</p>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome go to the teachers' lounge to talk to the biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome, there $Jogador.Nome is stopped by $Gaston.Nome, but $ProfBiologia.Nome herself appears and lets him in. There $ProfBiologia.Nome talks to $Jogador.Nome about the low grades he had, about the fact that he repeated from last year and that he would hate to see him repeat it again, $Jogador.Nome tries to explain himself but $ProfBiologia.Nome says he understands his reasons, but how to still study it's important she invites him to a private class where they would practically have all the answers for the next Biology test that would happen, $Jogador.Nome enthusiastically accepts. $Jogador.Nome's private class was Tuesday night at $ProfBiologia.Nome's house.</p>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the Biology teacher's house, for the so-called private lesson, so $ProfBiologia.Nome gives a long class on anatomy, $Jogador.Nome finds it a little strange that she is unnecessarily lengthening the topic. Until then, $ProfLiteratura.Nome, the sister of teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome and her Literature teacher, arrives. $ProfLiteratura.Nome thinks you're strange in her house, but he soon realizes that you're in class and praises $Jogador.Nome for having the smarts to study with his own teacher instead of studying alone, realizing that $ProfLiteratura.Nome locks himself in his room telling them to avoid talking loud, because she also needed to study, they don't seem to have a good relationship. So supposedly $ProfBiologia.Nome would now start the sexual reproduction class, but $ProfBiologia.Nome purposely just keeps repeating obscenities out loud, until her sister storms out of her room, they then have a quick argument, with $ProfLiteratura.Nome telling $ProfBiologia.Nome to keep her voice down and criticizing the her sister's promiscuous way, while $ProfBiologia.Nome calls her a boring moralist. After that $ProfLiteratura.Nome locks himself in her room again. $Jogador.Nome asks why $ProfBiologia.Nome is doing this, $ProfBiologia.Nome asks if $Jogador.Nome has ever argued with any siblings he might have. $Jogador.Nome has already argued with $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome, but he thinks it's strange two women over 30 years old fighting like they were two children but decides not to question it. Class ends and $ProfBiologia.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome to come back on Friday to continue the sexual reproduction business. $Jogador.Nome finds this all very strange, especially since $ProfBiologia.Nome practically drags him out of her apartment.</p>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the biology teacher's house to continue his sexual reproduction lesson, there $Jogador.Nome tells $ProfBiologia.Nome not to fight with $ProfLiteratura.Nome because it's horrible to be in the middle of a fight, so she promises she won't fight with her while he's inside her house, at the end of class, $ProfBiologia.Nome decides to show $Jogador.Nome several videos and images of animals reproducing. A few minutes pass and $ProfLiteratura.Nome arrives, seeing $Jogador.Nome and $ProfBiologia.Nome, $ProfLiteratura.Nome simply asks them to be quieter this time, $ProfBiologia.Nome says she promised $Jogador.Nome he wouldn't fight her while he was here. $ProfLiteratura.Nome then locks himself in her room. $ProfBiologia.Nome said she has a very special video for $Jogador.Nome, a video that shows human sexual reproduction, hearing such words $Jogador.Nome doesn't believe it, but she puts the erotic video on the TV at extremely high volume which makes $ProfLiteratura.Nome leave the room in a rage. $ProfBiologia.Nome and $ProfLiteratura.Nome fight again, and $Jogador.Nome finds himself in the middle of it all. Until they start fighting over who should teach $Jogador.Nome. Tired of this nonsense, $Jogador.Nome says he needs both classes, which they reluctantly accept. Literature class is on Tuesday and biology lesson is on Wednesday.</p>
<<if $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome to the Biology teacher's house for the continuation of his lessons. Upon entering, she already calls $Jogador.Nome a Lover Boy, which he doesn't understand at first, so she mentions the incident with $Penny.Nome, which makes $Jogador.Nome very uncomfortable. $ProfBiologia.Nome is very interested in $Jogador.Nome and $Penny.Nome's relationship and asks several questions, which $Jogador.Nome reluctantly answers. $ProfBiologia.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome if he remembers that during a fight with $ProfLiteratura.Nome she mentioned that the deputy principal disapproved of her idea, now she reveals that this idea is for sex education lessons. That idea wasn't proven at the time because the deputy principal didn't think it was necessary, but now that $Jogador.Nome and $Penny.Nome had sex at school, $ProfBiologia.Nome has the perfect argument to demand sex education lessons. $Jogador.Nome is apprehensive and asks $ProfBiologia.Nome not to expose either him or $Penny.Nome. $ProfBiologia.Nome promises that she won't expose anyone, but for that to happen she's going to need $Jogador.Nome' help with his sister $ProfLiteratura.Nome.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome asks if this really all has to do with his sister and also talks about $ProfLiteratura.Nome's allegations in the last lesson. $ProfBiologia.Nome answers all of this. She says that even though they fight all the time, she loves her because they are sisters, $ProfBiologia.Nome she didn't steal $ProfLiteratura.Nome's husband, he hit on her, and she said she only stayed with him unless he broke up with $ProfLiteratura.Nome, then he said it was over but when she found out it was a lie they broke up. Also according to $ProfBiologia.Nome, $ProfLiteratura.Nome was always jealous of $ProfBiologia.Nome, because she was sociable, she liked to be with the crowd, while $ProfLiteratura.Nome didn't. $ProfLiteratura.Nome wasn't excluded, she excluded herself, she thought she was too good to hang out with the school people, so everyone started calling her stuck up and arrogant, and $ProfBiologia.Nome was the only one who defended her.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome gets these stories about $ProfLiteratura.Nome so $ProfBiologia.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome to help why. The only person who has a sex education project that was not approved other than the $ProfLiteratura.Nome who vice in the direction and influence and his projector has his school vote that this was approved even though the teachers were in favor. $Jogador.Nome agrees to help $ProfBiologia.Nome as long as she gives $Jogador.Nome a 10 on all the tests until the end of the year, and $ProfBiologia.Nome accepts. At that moment $ProfLiteratura.Nome arrives home. $ProfBiologia.Nome says that $Jogador.Nome was already leaving because today's lesson was very fast. $Jogador.Nome then leaves, ending his Biology lesson.</p>
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<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/profSocio-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfSociologia.Nome Miller Aniston
Status: $ProfSociologia.status
Friendship: $ProfSociologia.Amizade
Passion: $ProfSociologia.Paixao
Morality: $ProfSociologia.Moralidade
Desire: $ProfSociologia.Desejo
<p>$ProfSociologia.Nome is the sociology teacher, she is young, it is the first time she is working as a teacher and because of that she becomes a bit naive, because several students have cheated her for their own benefit.</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is true>>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his Sociology teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome to ask about a guy named Bastion of Light, she says she doesn't know him because she has only been at the school a short time.</p>
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<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/profEdFisica-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfEdFisica.Nome Anne Paparozzi
Status: $ProfEdFisica.status
Friendship: $ProfEdFisica.Amizade
Passion: $ProfEdFisica.Paixao
Morality: $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade
Desire: $ProfEdFisica.Desejo
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome is the physical education teacher, and the students don't know much about her except that she loves sports.</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is true>>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome to ask her about a guy named Bastion of Light. She says she doesn't know him, but says she wants to talk to $Jogador.Nome, but doesn't say what he wants to talk about.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>As requested by his physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome, $Jogador.Nome goes to meet her at the schoolyard at 18:00 $ProfEdFisica.Nome is there and invites him to play some basketball, $Jogador.Nome reluctantly accepts. After the game $ProfEdFisica.Nome takes him to her house and explains why she took him there, she tells him that she knows he asked the physics teacher to give her the address of all the teachers, $Jogador.Nome is worried but $ProfEdFisica.Nome makes him a deal. She says that she wants $Jogador.Nome to help her make his wife accept a proposal for an open relationship, with $Jogador.Nome seducing $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife, it would be easier for her to accept an open relationship. $Jogador.Nome doesn't like the idea very much, but accepts when $ProfEdFisica.Nome says that she will stage all of her tricks with girls that she has used all her life, and also with the bonus that $Jogador.Nome could be the first to have sex with $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife since the birth of their daughter. $ProfEdFisica.Nome promises that she will call $Jogador.Nome to set up a date to introduce him to her wife.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome' house and invites him for a walk, $ProfEdFisica.Nome takes him to her house because that day $Jogador.Nome is going to meet $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife.</p>
<p>At $ProfEdFisica.Nome's house, she teaches $Jogador.Nome a little about women and teaches that to seduce a married woman $Jogador.Nome must be more patient and first of all become friends with the person. During the conversation a beautiful blonde woman arrives, $Aaliyah.Nome, $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife.</p>
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome tells her that $Jogador.Nome is her new piano student. Hearing these words $Jogador.Nome doesn't understand anything but after $Aaliyah.Nome goes upstairs to change clothes, $ProfEdFisica.Nome explains that these piano lessons are just one reason $Jogador.Nome and $Aaliyah.Nome can meet often and become friends and that $Jogador.Nome can always catch up. the $25 class that $ProfEdFisica.Nome leaves in her bedroom. Knowing all this $Jogador.Nome accepts the lessons.</p>
<p>When $Aaliyah.Nome invites $Jogador.Nome back to watch a movie with her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome, $Jogador.Nome accepts. At the end of the movie a girl, Blonde appears there and she has a quick argument with $Aaliyah.Nome about her wearing short clothes, this girl quickly leaves, and $Aaliyah.Nome reveals that this girl is her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome's daughter.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Aaliyah.Nome's house for his first piano lesson. At the end of her lesson $Aaliyah.Nome offers $Jogador.Nome a snack which he accepts, and while she goes to prepare this snack $Jogador.Nome goes upstairs and goes to her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome's room to get the $25 left by $ProfEdFisica.Nome to pay her.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the kitchen and pays $Aaliyah.Nome with the $25 left by $ProfEdFisica.Nome, $Jogador.Nome and $Aaliyah.Nome eat a lache while talking, $Aaliyah.Nome is a sweetheart.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome has daily piano lessons with $Aaliyah.Nome, and after these lessons $Jogador.Nome takes the money that $ProfEdFisica.Nome leaves in her bedroom to pay for the lessons, and after that $Jogador.Nome always stays a little longer with $Aaliyah.Nome, to strengthen their bonds of friendship.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome' house again and says and takes him to her house to start the next step to conquer a married woman: Seduction. $Jogador.Nome says that he doesn't know how to seduce so $ProfEdFisica.Nome shows in practice how to seduce someone leaving $Jogador.Nome a little scared and turn on.</p>
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome thus says that it is very easy to seduce someone, but $Jogador.Nome adds that it is easy to seduce a man, not a woman, so $ProfEdFisica.Nome teaches him how to seduce a woman, saying that seducing a married woman is the same way that seducing a man only with more patience and going little by little.</p>
<p>At the end of the explanation $Jogador.Nome shows himself turn on for $ProfEdFisica.Nome, but she immediately leaves there saying that it has nothing to do with it and that it is for $Jogador.Nome to solve it himself.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/profArte-perfil.jpg">
Name: $ProfArte.Nome Sunshine Corpora
Status: $ProfArte.status
Friendship: $ProfArte.Amizade
Passion: $ProfArte.Paixao
Morality: $ProfArte.Moralidade
Desire: $ProfArte.Desejo
<p>$ProfArte.Nome is the art teacher, she is the best teacher in the school, kind, caring, hardworking, always takes care of her students.</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is true>>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to his art teacher $ProfArte.Nome to ask about a guy named Bastion of Light, she says she doesn't know anyone with this nickname, but as she sees $Jogador.Nome in his spare time she gives him a paper on impressionism and tells him to deliver it to her house to help him with his grades.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome does the homework required by teacher $ProfArte.Nome and delivers it to her house, $Jogador.Nome delivers his homework and $ProfArte.Nome invites him to dinner. They have a pleasant conversation and $ProfArte.Nome reveals that she feels very lonely at home as her husband is always late. $ProfArte.Nome reinforces that in her next lesson she will have a test on expressionism (the subject of her homework), and she demands that $Jogador.Nome get a good grade or already know this subject.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome gives all her students a surprise test on Expressionism, because $Jogador.Nome has already done a project with this theme, $Jogador.Nome takes the test without much difficulty.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to teacher $ProfArte.Nome's house to ask her how he did on the last exam, she said she was correcting the exams in the basement and she invites $Jogador.Nome to go down there with her and wait for her to correct and $Jogador.Nome accepts.</p>
<p>As $ProfArte.Nome finishes grading the test, $Jogador.Nome looks around and notices several paintings. $ProfArte.Nome has just corrected the test and says that $Jogador.Nome got a 10 he's glad to hear that. $Jogador.Nome then asks $ProfArte.Nome about those paintings and $ProfArte.Nome says she did it. $Jogador.Nome is impressed but $ProfArte.Nome says it's no big deal, $Jogador.Nome says her paintings are very good and asks why these paintings are hidden in the basement and not in the living room for everyone to see, $ProfArte.Nome says her husband doesn't like them and that $ProfArte.Nome is not good at painting. $Jogador.Nome says that her paintings are amazing and asks if she likes to paint, she says yes but she thinks she's not good at it and hasn't painted in a long time. $Jogador.Nome advises her to keep painting because she thinks $ProfArte.Nome's husband is crazy for not realizing the talent she has.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome is at school about to leave when $Gaston.Nome shows up and says that teacher $ProfArte.Nome is waiting for him in the staff room. Arriving there $Jogador.Nome finds the teacher $ProfArte.Nome, she says that her previous one inspired her and so she gives $Jogador.Nome a painting she made of him. He is grateful for this gift and says he has to get back to painting. Even though she wants to go back to painting, she thinks it's better not to because she probably still doesn't have enough confidence to do so. $Jogador.Nome then decides to hypnotize her making her feel more confident.</p>
<p>After hypnotizing her $Jogador.Nome goes to her house. There he sees some paintings hanging in the living room, $Jogador.Nome asks if those paintings are painted by her, and she confirms, $Jogador.Nome then asks her if her husband liked it or not, she says no but she didn't care anymore with the stupid rules he imposed. $ProfArte.Nome says that she thought about what $Jogador.Nome said and that she decided to go back to painting and wants to sell her paintings on the internet and asks $Jogador.Nome for help for this part in exchange for 10% of the sales value, which $Jogador.Nome happily accepts.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome will help $ProfArte.Nome with her paintings at her house day after day, until one day $Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfArte.Nome's house and says that he finally managed to sell the paintings so she gives $Jogador.Nome 10% of the value of the 3 paintings sold. $ProfArte.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome that they can both go further and suggests that $Jogador.Nome create a special website for her, but $Jogador.Nome says he thinks it's a great idea but doesn't know how to make a website. $ProfArte.Nome says she will find someone to make a website for her, but she just needs to know if $Jogador.Nome will continue to help her. $Jogador.Nome asks if her husband is okay with all this, but $ProfArte.Nome says he doesn't even know it and it's better not to know. $Jogador.Nome finds it strange that a guy won't let his wife make money doing what she likes, especially something as harmless as painting. They both agree to keep it all a secret.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome is called by $ProfArte.Nome to the teacher's room. There she tells $Jogador.Nome that her website was ready and shows him how it turned out, $Jogador.Nome says that now she just needs a big painting to debut the website. $ProfArte.Nome says that lately she has been interested in painting human figures and that she intends to make paintings like that.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfArte.Nome's house to see her newest painting, she says she is having problems and takes him to the basement where he is faced with a blank canvas, $ProfArte.Nome admits that she tried to do several different paintings, but no inspiration came. $Jogador.Nome suggests that she paint her husband or her children, but $ProfArte.Nome explains that she doesn't feel the slightest desire to paint her husband or her children. $Jogador.Nome then asks what she intends to do, so she says she wants to paint $Jogador.Nome, she explains her reasons, but $Jogador.Nome does not accept it, he tells $ProfArte.Nome to try to get new experiences to find new inspiration, which $ProfArte.Nome without much choice accepts.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the park and finds $ProfArte.Nome with a bicycle, $ProfArte.Nome says she is trying to find inspiration by doing different things, that's why she decided to ride a bike that day, she invites $Jogador.Nome to ride with her, but because she is without a bike, he refusal.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfArte.Nome's house again to see if she is painting something new, she takes $Jogador.Nome down to the basement and shows her her new painting, of a man riding a bike, $Jogador.Nome likes the painting, but $ProfArte.Nome doesn't so much, she says she doesn't feel it nothing when looking at the image, but thanks $Jogador.Nome for the tip because despite not having found the inspiration she wanted, she feels that she is on the right path.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $ProfArte.Nome start to see each other at the gym periodically, until one day she stops $Jogador.Nome and genuinely praises his body noting that the exercises are doing very well for $Jogador.Nome, she also asks to touch $Jogador.Nome's ripped abdomen, which he uncomfortably accepts. $ProfArte.Nome comments that she wanted her husband to start working out to look at least like $Jogador.Nome.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome visits $ProfArte.Nome to see if she is painting anything new, $ProfArte.Nome takes $Jogador.Nome down to the basement and shows him an easel painting of a man in ancient Greece, $Jogador.Nome thinks the painting is fantastic but she says it's still not what she wanted, but that it is "almost there".</p>
<<if $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome begins to meet $ProfArte.Nome prodically at the Country Club pool, until one day $Jogador.Nome sees $ProfArte.Nome swimming a little in the pool and there comes a moment when she feels a cramp and starts to drown. $Jogador.Nome then quickly takes off his shirt and jumps into the water to save her, after having saved her she thanks him and $Jogador.Nome massages her leg relieving the cramp.</p>
<<if $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome visits $ProfArte.Nome again who seems to have finally painted something that made her happy, $Jogador.Nome then goes to the basement with her and comes across a painting of a man on a beach with a woman on his lap, $Jogador.Nome asks if this picture was to represent him and $ProfArte.Nome, and she replies no, $Jogador.Nome realizes that the painting was meant to represent both of them but since $ProfArte.Nome doesn't want to admit it he changes the subject by asking why she liked this painting so much more than the others, and she replies that she was inspired by neoclassical paintings with eroticism and that from now on she wants to paint pictures like that. $ProfArte.Nome says that she will put this painting up for sale on her website and that she will start working on the next painting, $Jogador.Nome then offers to help her with whatever she needs.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/prof_geografia/images/prof-geo-sala-de-aula1.jpg">
Name: $ProfGeografia.Nome Vernon
Status: $ProfGeografia.status
Friendship: $ProfGeografia.Amizade
Morality: $ProfGeografia.Moralidade
<p>$ProfGeografia.Nome is the geography teacher, he is a strict and authoritarian teacher, none of the students like him.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-sala-de-aula2.jpg">
Name: $ProfFisica.Nome Klump
Status: $ProfFisica.status
Friendship: $ProfFisica.Amizade
Morality: $ProfFisica.Moralidade
<p>$ProfFisica.Nome is the physics teacher, extremely smart and funny, after helping $Jogador.Nome find out more about the other teachers at school, he struggles to lose weight and fulfill his dreams that are outside the classroom.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome has been helping $ProfFisica.Nome train for a few days now, but $ProfFisica.Nome seems to be getting discouraged, $Jogador.Nome insists so he doesn't give up, so $ProfFisica.Nome says he's going to be strong and keep going.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to help teacher $ProfFisica.Nome workout but he doesn't show up, $Jogador.Nome then asks the clerk if he's seen $ProfFisica.Nome there, and the clerk says he hasn't seen $ProfFisica.Nome in a few days. $Jogador.Nome wonders if he gave up so he goes to his house.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfFisica.Nome's house, $Jogador.Nome asks him why he won't workout anymore. Then he says he's tired and he can't take any more training every day and can't eat any of his sweets anymore. $Jogador.Nome then gives a motivational speech about never giving up that seems to have an effect on $ProfFisica.Nome who says he'll think about whether it's really worth continuing.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Deputy Principal Lamar went to 3B to tell the students that teacher $ProfFisica.Nome took a last-minute vacation and won't be going to school for the next few days. $Jogador.Nome worries and decides to go to his house to find out what happened.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $ProfFisica.Nome's house to check on him, and the woman answers the door. $Jogador.Nome tells her he wants to talk to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome so she lets him in and finds teacher $ProfFisica.Nome in exactly the same situation as before. $Jogador.Nome asks him why he decided to take a vacation like that out of the blue, and he replies that after $Jogador.Nome' last visit he decided to go back to workout but tried to lift too much weight and then twisted his arm. $Jogador.Nome asks who that woman is who answered the door, he says it's his sister $NewProfFisica.Nome who came to spend a few days with him.</p>
<p>$NewProfFisica.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome over, she criticizes $Jogador.Nome' plan to help $NewProfFisica.Nome lose weight in exchange for giving him a straight 10 for the rest of the year. She says that $NewProfFisica.Nome has a great life as a teacher and that he shouldn't exercise his body but his mind, she also criticizes that if anyone finds out about their plan it could ruin $NewProfFisica.Nome's career. $Jogador.Nome says she can't control life. She tries to reinforce the idea that he has to exercise his brain and not his body, but $Jogador.Nome says that even she doesn't believe that, and if she did, she would do the same. $NewProfFisica.Nome gets very angry at these words and slaps $Jogador.Nome and kicks him out of the house.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes again to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome's house and who answers is $NewProfFisica.Nome, she receives him with hostility but ends up letting him in. $Jogador.Nome sees that teacher $ProfFisica.Nome is drunk so he doesn't know if it would be a good idea to hypnotize him. $NewProfFisica.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to bring him a bottle of Vodka $Jogador.Nome then goes to the kitchen and sees that the bottle of Vodka is on a very high shelf so $Jogador.Nome tries to get on a chair and after not reaching he puts his backpack on top of the chair to trying to reach $Jogador.Nome tries to go up but $NewProfFisica.Nome arrives at that exact moment and stops $Jogador.Nome from doing so. $NewProfFisica.Nome fights with $Jogador.Nome for being slow to do this but he says he was trying to get the Vodka bottle for $ProfFisica.Nome, she says the Vodka bottles are not there and says that she will prepare $NewProfFisica.Nome's drink herself, knowing that $Jogador.Nome comes back to the living room.</p>
<p>In the living room $NewProfFisica.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome for the bottle of Vodka and not $Jogador.Nome says that his sister $NewProfFisica.Nome will prepare his drink, he doesn't seem to like the idea but $Jogador.Nome doesn't pay attention and decides to hypnotize him as fast as possible, $Jogador.Nome hypnotizes him to do it get back to his exercises as soon as possible, but the post-hypnosis effect on $ProfFisica.Nome was different compared to other people, which left $Jogador.Nome in debt. $NewProfFisica.Nome arrives in the living room with $ProfFisica.Nome's drink in her hands, which he drinks voraciously. $NewProfFisica.Nome asks if $Jogador.Nome already said what he was going to say to $ProfFisica.Nome, he said yes so $NewProfFisica.Nome tells him to go away. $Jogador.Nome was about to leave but $NewProfFisica.Nome hands him her backpack that $Jogador.Nome had almost forgotten about.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Physics lesson starts but teacher $ProfFisica.Nome doesn't show up, and after a few minutes deputy Principal Lamar appears again who says that teacher $ProfFisica.Nome still hasn't returned from his vacation and so he was going to teach the lesson to everyone at that moment.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>During the school recess, $Jogador.Nome hears a heated conversation between the deputy principal and $NewProfFisica.Nome Dalton, vice principal Lamar tries to convince $NewProfFisica.Nome to temporarily replace Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome while he does not return, $NewProfFisica.Nome does not want to because she does not like the idea of deceiving students, then deputy principal Lamar says he has no problem deceiving students and that he did it when he was a teacher, after much insistence she ends up accepting it.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/profMath.jpg">
Name: $ProfMatematica.Nome McComber
Status: $ProfMatematica.status
Friendship: $ProfMatematica.Amizade
Morality: $ProfMatematica.Moralidade
<p>$ProfMatematica.Nome is the math teacher, he hates his job, hates his students and hates the school, and he doesn't try to hide it one bit, it seems that the only person he likes in the whole school is his own daughter $Lexi.Nome.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula1.jpg">
Name: $ProfFilosofia.Nome Anysio
Status: $ProfFilosofia.status
Friendship: $ProfFilosofia.Amizade
Morality: $ProfFilosofia.Moralidade
<p>$ProfFilosofia.Nome is the philosophy teacher, and also the oldest person working at the school, sometimes he gets lost explaining something in class and starts telling random things from his past.</p>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Philosophy teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome announces that he is retiring after several years at the school, and the students suggest they throw him a farewell party because he has been an excellent teacher all these years. He says that Monday he will give the whole class a test and Friday will be his last class.</p>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Philosophy teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome gives the philosophy test to his test students.</p>
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>The students throw a small farewell party for philosophy professor $ProfFilosofia.Nome. All the students stay in their groups, looking at all this $Jogador.Nome decides he can see a little bit of everything the others are doing.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome convinces his friends $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome to play a prank on $Valentao.Nome while he slept, the three go to him and make several drawings of a penis on his face. They do this carefully so as not to wake him up, when they are done they decide to go back to their seats as if nothing had happened.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome and his friends go to $Penny.Nome who was listening to some funny stories from the teacher, they get to hear the story of the day he slept in Munich and woke up in Zurich Switzerland, $Amigo.Nome even said he wanted to go on a crazy trip like this.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome sees $Lexi.Nome drawing alone, she seems sad that she is always so lonely, so $Jogador.Nome goes to her to try to cheer her up. $Jogador.Nome says that she needs to fit in more with the crowd, but she replies that no one likes her, and that she doesn't have any friends. $Jogador.Nome then replies that he is her friend, and asks her out. Which she enthusiastically accepts and tells him to come over to her house any day at 18:00.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome walks over to $Paixao.Nome, $Mia.Nome and $Debora.Nome to hear what they're talking about. Apparently $Paixao.Nome is at war with another girl, and $Mia.Nome will have to forcefully seduce a boy who is this girl's boyfriend while $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome record everything to show at school. $Mia.Nome doesn't want to do that but is forced by $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome, this meeting would take place on Saturday. $Jogador.Nome stops listening to the conversation and goes back to his friends.</p>
<p>At the end of the party, $ProfFilosofia.Nome's teacher thanks everyone who put in the party for him, and says goodbye to all the students. Who knows, maybe someday they'll see him again. When the teacher leaves, $Valentao.Nome wakes up a little lost, the class starts laughing at him for having several drawings of a penis on his face, which makes him very angry, but the only thing he can do is run to the bathroom to clean himself. Meanwhile $Jogador.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome laugh non-stop.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>Your chemistry teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>Your literature teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>Your biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>Your sociology teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>Your geography teacher $ProfGeografia.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>Your physics teacher $ProfFisica.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>Your math teacher $ProfMatematica.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>Your philosophy teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>$CarmenCa.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
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<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBanheiroMasculino>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you recognize a phrase written on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<p>"Everything in life depends on how much you want to fuck someone. You work, to fuck someone, you study, to fuck someone, you use drugs, to fuck someone, you workout, you drink poison, you do all the disgrace to fuck someone, you go to a concert, with the intention of leaving there to fuck someone, you make a donation, you do charity, you post the photo of the donation, of the charity you did on Instagram, on Facebook, for the girls to look and say "Oh he is charitable" "He has a social thought" "Ah I'll fuck with him" to fuck someone, disgrace! Everything in life is intended to fuck someone, the amount of willingness you want to skin a pussy, disgrace! So don't give me that "Oh I'm a charity" "I'm a friend of the community" You're not a friend of any disgrace you want to fuck someone dude, you get fucked to fuck someone. You don't study to have a good job, to collect money to say "Oh I don't know what, I'm successful". YOU STUDY TO SAY "AH FUCK I HAVE MONEY, I'M GOING TO FUCK WHORES I'M GOING TO FUCK EVERYBODY DISGRACE"! So that's the idea, do everything, DO EVERYTHING IN THE INTENTION OF SKIN A PUSSY, DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!!!"</p>
<<ref $Jogador>>For that is what the philosopher Piton, whose disciple was none other than Karl Marx, used to say.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>As a matter of fact, he didn't make the quote.<</ref>>
<p>"Everything in life depends on how much you want to fuck someone. You work, to fuck someone, you study, to fuck someone, you use drugs, to fuck someone, you workout, you drink poison, you do all the disgrace to fuck someone, you go to a concert, with the intention of leaving there to fuck someone, you make a donation, you do charity, you post the photo of the donation, of the charity you did on Instagram, on Facebook, for the girls to look and say "Oh he is charitable" "He has a social thought" "Ah I'll fuck with him" to fuck someone, disgrace! Everything in life is intended to fuck someone, the amount of willingness you want to skin a pussy, disgrace! So don't give me that "Oh I'm a charity" "I'm a friend of the community" You're not a friend of any disgrace you want to fuck someone dude, you get fucked to fuck someone. You don't study to have a good job, to collect money to say "Oh I don't know what, I'm successful". YOU STUDY TO SAY "AH FUCK I HAVE MONEY, I'M GOING TO FUCK WHORES I'M GOING TO FUCK EVERYBODY DISGRACE"! So that's the idea, do everything, DO EVERYTHING IN THE INTENTION OF SKIN A PUSSY, DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!!!"</p>
<p>- PITON, Philosopher.</p>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now, yes!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM2.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ManuM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Country Club">><<addmins 10>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/familia-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/familia-na-mesa2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/cozinha/almoco.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You help yourself to a delicious lunch prepared by your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekday" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekend" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to true>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/familia-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/familia-na-mesa2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/cozinha/jantar.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You help yourself to a delicious dinner prepared by your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<if $Mae.local is "Cozinha">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekday" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Cozinha-weekend" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Cozinha">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-Cozinha" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to true>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mae.Relacao, I can help you wash dishes.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha7.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Sure $Jogador.RelacaoMae, thank you very much.>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
<<if $Mae.Paixao gte 30>>
<<MaePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 7 and $game.periodos is 8 and $game.periodos is 9>>
<<narrador>>The store is closed now.<</narrador>>
<<else>> /*=========================================================*/
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
<<goto "INM5 parte 2 - Ideia de Gênio">>
<<narrador>>This is the Risky's Store you can buy anything here, but the chances are high that you will buy a stolen product.<</narrador>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Animal Farm $45</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 45>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Livro.AnimalFarm is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-variedades]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 45>>
<<set $Livro.AnimalFarm to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Passport Photo (Fake ID) $50</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/foto-de-passaporte.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 50>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $FotodePassaporte is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-variedades]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>>
<<set $FotodePassaporte to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Pure Voodoo $55</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/puru-voodoo.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 55>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Perfume.PureVoodoo is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|loja-de-variedades]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 55>>
<<set $Perfume.PureVoodoo to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Loja-de-Variedades">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Lexi-Loja-de-Variedades" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Shopping]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome is now in a massage room.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaBanheiro>>
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Paixao.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful woman! One day I will be the one to have sex with her.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Take off those panties, my love!<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with that little ass for me my goddess.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah! Show me these titties.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação5.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>Do you think of Miss Cooper mom of your friend $Amigo.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with me Miss Cooper relax $Amigo.Nome won't know.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah, show me the giant melons.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god Miss Cooper you are so hot.<</ref>>
/*===================================================================*/ <<case 3>>
<<narrador>>Do you remember $MissTravella.Nome taking a shower while masturbating.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh $MissTravella.Nome come to my house soon, I want to see those big tits again.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 4>>
<<if $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Do you remember your $Mae.Relacao changing while she masturbates.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-naked-massage-MM2-1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god $Mae.Relacao you are so hot.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-naked-massage-MM2-2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I just masturbated thinking about my mom, what's happening to me?<</ref>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
/*============================ <<else>> =============================*/
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Paixao.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful woman! One day I will be the one to have sex with her.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Take off those panties, my love!<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with that little ass for me my goddess.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah! Show me these titties.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação5.jpg"></center>
/*===================================================================*/ <<case 5>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 75 and $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Debora.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God $Debora.Nome is so hot.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>How can she be so much like $Paixao.Nome.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy8.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy9.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/debora/images/debora-fantasy10.jpg"></center>
/*============================ <<else>> =============================*/
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Paixao.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful woman! One day I will be the one to have sex with her.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Take off those panties, my love!<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with that little ass for me my goddess.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah! Show me these titties.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-imaginação5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 75 and $Conhece.Mia is true>>
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Mia.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-fantasy1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God $Mia.Nome is so hot.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-fantasy2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>How can she be so much like $Paixao.Nome.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-fantasy3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-fantasy4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-fantasy5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-fantasy6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-fantasy7.jpg"></center>
/*============================ <<else>> =============================*/
<<narrador>>Do you think of Miss Cooper mom of your friend $Amigo.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come with me Miss Cooper relax $Amigo.Nome won't know.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah, show me the giant melons.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-imaginação3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god Miss Cooper you are so hot.<</ref>>
<<case 7>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 75 and $Conhece.Lexi is true>>
<<narrador>>Do you think of $Lexi.Nome when you masturbate.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy2.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy3.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy4.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy5.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy6.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-fantasy8.jpg"></center>
/*============================ <<else>> =============================*/
<<narrador>>Do you remember $MissTravella.Nome taking a shower while masturbating.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh $MissTravella.Nome come to my house soon, I want to see those big tits again.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/srta_travella-chuveiro2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome alone in the pool.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, my little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome is getting more and more beautiful.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, my little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome is getting more and more beautiful.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wonder why she is sensualizing like that?<</ref>>
<<if $IrmaN.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>Your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome is not immoral enough to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Conversa-Irma2-CountryClub-Piscina]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventOutside to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, now she's taking off her bikini top.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god she has such beautiful breasts!<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like she wants to take off one more piece of bikini.<</ref>>
<<if $IrmaN.Moralidade lte 60>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>Your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome is not immoral enough to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Conversa-Irma2-CountryClub-Piscina]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventOutside to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god she's taking off her bikini bottom!<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<if $IrmaN.Moralidade lte 35>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>Your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome is not immoral enough to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Conversa-Irma2-CountryClub-Piscina]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventOutside to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god she's masturbating right now in the pool what a naughty girl.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 35>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Jerk off|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN, you are so hot.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>That's it, $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN, stay on doggystyle for me.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN, is so hot.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN, have a little beautiful pussy.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Some day her pussy and her ass will be mine!<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yes baby face to me.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She has a moan so nice to hear.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum with her|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I better leave now before someone sees me.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my sister is so hot.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I better leave now before someone sees me.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
/*===================================================================*/Amigo2 MissõesLenaPaul Missões/*================ Missões Srta. Tavella (Julia Ann) ================*/
<<set $SrtaTravellaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Visit",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 9:00 and 10:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "STM1",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Stories from the Past",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 9:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "STM2",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Tell me More",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 9:00 and 10:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "STM3",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Curiosity",
MissaoDica: "Go to the park between 14:00 and 15:00 while $MissTravella.Nome is there on Monday",
MissaoID: "STM4",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Miss Tavella",
MissaoDica: "Go to the park between 14:00 and 15:00",
MissaoID: "STM5",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Have you ever thought of me?",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 9:00 and 10:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "STM6",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Tell me the news",
MissaoDica: "Go to the park between 14:00 and 15:00",
MissaoID: "STM7",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Two Crazy Ladies",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 9:00 and 10:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "STM8",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9 = {
MissaoNome: "Striptease",
MissaoDica: "Go to $MissTravella.Nome's house between 19:00 and 21:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "STM9",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10 = {
MissaoNome: "More Striptease",
MissaoDica: "After to buy Pure Voodoo perfume go to $MissTravella.Nome's house between 11:00 and 13:00",
MissaoID: "STM10",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11 = {
MissaoNome: "Holding on",
MissaoDica: "Go to $MissTravella.Nome's house between 11:00 and 13:00",
MissaoID: "STM11",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM12 = {
MissaoNome: "Hypnosis Opportunity",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 9:00 and 10:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "STM12",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaTravellaM13 = {
MissaoNome: "Evolution",
MissaoDica: "Go to $MissTravella.Nome's house between 11:00 and 13:00",
MissaoID: "STM13",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======================= Missões Lena Paul =========================*/
<<set $LenaPaulM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Will You Go Out With Me?",
MissaoDica: "Meet $LenaPaul.Nome in the school library between 17:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "LPM1",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LenaPaulM2 = {
MissaoNome: "You Will Go Out With Me.",
MissaoDica: "Meet $LenaPaul.Nome in the school library between 17:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "LPM2",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LenaPaulM3 = {
MissaoNome: "First Date",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom to get ready for your date between 19:00 and 20:00",
MissaoID: "LPM3",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LenaPaulM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Second Date",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom to get ready for your date between 19:00 and 20:00",
MissaoID: "LPM4",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LenaPaulM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Third Date",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom to get ready for your date between 19:00 and 20:00",
MissaoID: "LPM5",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LenaPaulM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Meet My Family",
MissaoDica: "Be at your house between 10:00 and 12:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "LPM6",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LenaPaulM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Meet the Parents",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Byers house between 18:30 and 20:00",
MissaoID: "LPM7",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $LenaPaulM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Mullet, Wine and...",
MissaoDica: "Buy Dating Rings and go to $LenaPaul.Nome Byers's house between 19:00 and 23:00",
MissaoID: "LPM8",
MissaoDono: "$LenaPaul.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*==================== Missões Lauren Phillips ======================*/
<<set $SrtaCooperM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Slimming Vitamin",
MissaoDica: "Be present for physical education lesson on Thursday",
MissaoID: "SCM1",
MissaoDono: "$SrtaCooper.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaCooperM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Dungeons & Dragons Day",
MissaoDica: "Go to Cooper's house on the weekend between 15:00 and 18:00.",
MissaoID: "SCM2",
MissaoDono: "$SrtaCooper.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaCooperM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Solving Issues Related to Dungeons & Dragons Day",
MissaoDica: "Go to Cooper's house on the weekend between 15:00 and 18:00.",
MissaoID: "SCM3",
MissaoDono: "$SrtaCooper.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaCooperM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Doing it right now",
MissaoDica: "Go to Cooper's house between 15:00 and 18:00.",
MissaoID: "SCM4",
MissaoDono: "$SrtaCooper.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $SrtaCooperM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Now let's play!",
MissaoDica: "Go to Cooper's house on the weekend between 15:00 and 18:00.",
MissaoID: "SCM5",
MissaoDono: "$SrtaCooper.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================== Missões Vizinha da Esquerda ====================*/
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Gardener",
MissaoDica: "Have at least 40 Fitness and Work at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house between 13:00 and 17:00 between Monday and Saturday",
MissaoID: "VEM1",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Truth or Dare Part I",
MissaoDica: "Go to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's on Friday between 20:00 and 23:00",
MissaoID: "VEM2",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Truth or Dare Part II",
MissaoDica: "Work in the garden at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house between 13:00 and 17:00 between Monday and Saturday",
MissaoID: "VEM3",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "The Poolside",
MissaoDica: "Visit $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house between 13:00 and 17:00 at weekday",
MissaoID: "VEM4",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Pool Seduction Part I",
MissaoDica: "Work in the garden at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house between 13:00 and 17:00 between Monday and Saturday",
MissaoID: "VEM5",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Pool Seduction Part II",
MissaoDica: "Work in the garden at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house between 13:00 and 17:00 between Monday and Saturday",
MissaoID: "VEM6",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Pool Seduction Part III",
MissaoDica: "Work in the garden at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house between 13:00 and 17:00 between Monday and Saturday",
MissaoID: "VEM7",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================= Missões Massagista Adolecente ===================*/
<<set $MassagistaTeenM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Girlfriend's Gift",
MissaoDica: "Be at home between 14:00 and 17:00",
MissaoID: "MTM1",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MassagistaTeenM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Aimlessly",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Massage Institute at the Country Club between 13:00 and 17:00",
MissaoID: "MTM2",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MassagistaTeenM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Answer...",
MissaoDica: "Be in your bedroom between 19:00 and 22:00",
MissaoID: "MTM3",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MassagistaTeenM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Pornstar",
MissaoDica: "Be home between 15:00 and 20:00 on Saturday",
MissaoID: "MTM4",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $MassagistaTeenM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Photographic Session",
MissaoDica: "Buy a Camera at the Mall and go to the Mall between 21:00 and 22:00 any day of the week",
MissaoID: "MTM4",
MissaoDono: "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<narrador>>You go to the school library and meet $LenaPaul.Nome, the girl you met on the double date with your friend $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>H-Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, I didn't know that you studied here at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I don't study here. Well, I used to, but I graduated two years ago.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but then what are you doing here in the library? And in these clothes?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives a shy little laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I like to wear short clothes, they are very comfortable, especially in this city where it is unbearably hot, so I...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, she is so beautiful, and in these clothes... Would it be a good idea to call her for a date, just the two of us?<</ref>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>... my mother used to tell me that...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, $LenaPaul.Nome, can I ask you a question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You did.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... can I ask you one more question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You asked again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so can I ask you two more questions?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You have already done so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>When?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Now! Wooooooooooooow!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/wazowski2olhos.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, I'm just kidding!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but I need to tell you something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So say it, we've already had enough of this!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... want... not... will...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God my hand is sweating, she with those beautiful eyes, those short clothes, and those full breasts are making me very nervous.<</ref>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Do you want...?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I want... you...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Me..?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That you... read this book that is very good.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pick up a random book from the bookshelf.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>The Kama Sutra?<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/biblioteca/livros/kama-sutra.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, yes, ahmm he is very... Don't you find it strange that this book is in a high school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Very strange.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, I'm leaving!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>B-but $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>See you another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You run out of the library.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Man! I couldn't do it! Why does she make me so nervous?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I have to change this!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $LenaPaulM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $LenaPaulM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $AmigoM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 2>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaN.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Well, tired but well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So tell me how today's class went.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Actually it was pretty dull, do you really want to hear everything?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I do! You are my little $IrmaN.Relacao, everything that happens in your life is important to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, I so enjoy the way you are a good listener.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All for you $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You caress your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome's cheeks.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>So, the first class today was pretty boring, but my friend told me that...<</fala>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaN.Nome, today's classes were super boring.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>And when they are not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know... it seems that some of the teachers this school went to college for boring, especially the literature teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like literature, but she really makes the class boring.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>99% of people sleep in lesson twice a day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>In my class it is the same thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, did you have any trouble in your class today?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh no, not today. It was pretty monotonous just...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You are entering the massage room while $Mia.Nome is there for a massage.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Mia.Nome seems to know the masseuse well, they seem to be friends.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>She looks embarrassed about undressing in front of the masseuse.<</ref>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade lt 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome is too embarrassed to undress in front of the masseuse, bullshit right? (Maybe if she was more immoral she would take her clothes off).<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 28>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Even embarrassed mia takes off her clothes, what a beautiful girl she is.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>So finally the girls will start.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This massage this beautiful ass!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>That's it, masseur, keep smoothing $Mia.Nome!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wait, is the masseuse hitting on the $Mia.Nome? that's right?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It seems that $Mia.Nome didn't like it...<</ref>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene, $Mia.Nome must get more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 23>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wait a minute, $Mia.Nome accepts the masseuse's advances? She really is a naughty girl.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Mia.Nome has a beautiful pussy.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Jerk Off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She also has beautiful tits.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Mia.Nome is very hot.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Did the masseuse lick her pussy?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This masseuse is really very Naughty.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50 and $Mia.Moralidade lt 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Mia.Moralidade lt 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $Mia.Nome must get more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 19>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>The masseuse giving mia a nice massage.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a different massage! I liked it.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Humm looks like things are getting hotter.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Humm looks like things are getting hotter.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god I love this.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>That's right $Mia.Nome suck that pussy.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god how I wish I could be there with them.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god how I wish I could be there with them.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god how I wish I could be there with them.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<narrador>>I'm cumming I'm cumming!<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Mia-e-Edyn-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Edyn-Massagem21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hello $Jogador.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper, is $Amigo.Nome there?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>He is there in his room, you can come up!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were on your way up when.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hold on a second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Can we talk for a second?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, what's up?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>I am very worried about $Amigo.Nome. He has been acting strange.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you mean? What has he been doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Since you went out together that Saturday, he has been talking to himself, he has been sleeping much later than usual, now he locks himself in his room and gets very angry when I ask him why.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>$Jogador.Nome, did something happen that day?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We went on a double date with two girls, and one of them he met on the Internet.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Oh my God, you know how dangerous that is! I'm going to talk to him right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, this meeting was fine, they were both very nice, and I think he and $CarmenCa.Nome got along very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>But then why he is so strange?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well I'm going to find out now!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go up the stairs to the door of your friend's room.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome it's me $Jogador.Nome, can I come in?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He unlocks the door and opens the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, come in here!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He pulls you into his room before you can say anything.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M3 parte 2 - O Próximo Passo]]>>
<<set $AmigoM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You are in your friend's room, he looks like he hasn't slept in days.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dude! What's wrong with you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I am ready to take a step that I don't know how to proceed, I have spent the night researching, I have marathoned several videos on the subject and I still haven't come up with a good answer.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it, man, what's keeping you up at night?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I want to ask $CarmenCa.Nome to marry me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is that all?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What do you mean just that? Do you still think it is not enough?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not that I thought it would be something more serious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Carmen is an experienced woman, she has had sex with many guys, she has cum it hundreds of times, and I say this because I have seen it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And I am still a virgin, and she is my first girl, the first girl I would have any chance of calling my girlfriend, and I don't want to make a mistake.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The guy, but I don't know how I could help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Unfortunately, I think I am the only one who can solve this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am also in trouble, I met $LenaPaul.Nome in the library at school and I really wanted to call her for a date, just the two of us, but I couldn't. I'm not sure what to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Why? What happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, my hands started to sweat, my heart raced and I couldn't.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It seems that we both have problems with girls.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, now how to solve it is the big question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will talk to $Amigo2.Nome, maybe he has some ideas.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>True, because he is the only one of us who has a girlfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm off to the next one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>See you next time, bro.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M3 parte 3 - O Próximo Passo]]>>
<<set $AmigoM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You go downstairs, $Amigo.Nome's mother is already downstairs waiting for you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>So what? What is happening to my son?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She talks to me as if I were a doctor.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Problems with girls.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm I think you should ask him directly because I don't know if I should talk.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Okay, okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll be going now, see you later...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $AmigoM3.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $AmigoM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Amigo2M1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 36>>
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, how are you doing at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Better than you from what I've heard. HAHAHAHAHA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm serious, you spend hours with your friends on the phone, go out with them all the time, you don't take a minute to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look $Jogador.Nome you can rest assured that as popular as I am, my grades are one of the highest in my class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ahn... what is it? You repeated last year, and many teachers don't have good things to say about you, what moral do you have to charge me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know very well that I think school is a waste of time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Okay, but wasting an entire year was not a waste of time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It wasn't on purpose, I thought I might recover in the last trimester.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yeah, but now you have to do it all over again, and besides that you and that friend of yours $Amigo.Nome are getting more and more bad spoken at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I try to defend you when girls talk bad about you in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>They think you are stupid, weak, cowardly, and too preppy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Our! And you defend me from these things?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Sure! You are my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN I would do everything for you, just as you would do everything for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But, you better do something about your public image if you don't want to be remembered as the biggest loser the college has ever seen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gets up and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep thinking about the conversation they had.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't know my reputation was that bad, it looks like I'm going to have to not only hypnotize the teacher's but improve my school reputation, at least until the end of the year.<</ref>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like surreal and hard to understand movies<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? Like which ones?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Type, Mulholland Drive, Daisies, Donnie Darko, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Mother! And others.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've never heard of these movies.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You should give it a go and watch it because they're so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay but why do you like these movies?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh I really like the aesthetics of the movies, they are very visually beautiful, and I like to reflect on the movie I watch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahhmmm I don't really like movies like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't like movies that make you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't like movies that don't make sense.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like, get your message across with your fucking movie! Don't get a lot of symbolism and indirection, make your message with this movie clear!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I don't really think that way, I feel really smart when I watch a movie like that and I understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I feel like I'm being cheated! I keep imagining the director like this: this suckers keep trying to decipher this movie, it's just a bunch of random things that I thought and did this shit, now keep watching and keep giving me money so I can do more. That's what I imagine when I watch a movie like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You really need to watch a movie like that, maybe someday we'll watch a movie like that together, then I'll show you that what you said isn't true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so do you like another kind of movie?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I also like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I need to ask!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why that guy? Why $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh he's handsome, he's so strong and so... wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please, $IrmaN.Nome understand, he is not good for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You only say that when he hits you at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not only me, he hits everyone who is weaker than him, he's always with a lot of girls and as he dumps, he's always skipping class, understand he's not a good guy for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I know he's a bit of a troubled boy, but maybe I can make him a good guy, maybe he's dating me and you'll even become friends.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can already imagine how good friends we would be, him going out to the whole school saying, "Hey guys I fucking $Jogador.Nome's sister, it's his sister's such a slut" I definitely can't let that happen.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can't change a guy like him, he just is what he is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You need a guy who treats you like the princess you are, a guy who values you, a guy who truly loves you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, I know what I'm doing and i know $Valentao.Nome will be all that if he has a chance to change.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No she doesn't know, she's such a good girl that she doesn't realize that some people are just bad.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You both keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I will ask you a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What kind of man do you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Why do you want to know that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing, just out of curiosity.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>All right then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like handsome, strong men, not necessarily muscular, but who show strength.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>That treats me well, and that they are brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, because it looks nothing like the singers you listen to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, there was a time when I liked the more effeminate type, and even metrosexual, but I think that was just a phase.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Today I like real men better as they say. ahahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will I ever be able to look like a man to your liking?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look, it will be difficult!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>HAHAha it's a joke! With effort and persistence you can.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys are talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-parque.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, how are you doing at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Better than you from what I've heard. HAHAHAHAHA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm serious, you spend hours with your friends on the phone, go out with them all the time, you don't take a minute to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look $Jogador.Nome you can rest assured that as popular as I am, my grades are one of the highest in my class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ahn... what is it? You repeated last year, and many teachers don't have good things to say about you, what moral do you have to charge me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know very well that I think school is a waste of time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Okay, but wasting an entire year was not a waste of time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It wasn't on purpose, I thought I might recover in the last trimester.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yeah, but now you have to do it all over again, and besides that you and that friend of yours $Amigo.Nome are getting more and more bad spoken at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I try to defend you when girls talk bad about you in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>They think you are stupid, weak, cowardly, and too preppy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Our! And you defend me from these things?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Sure! You are my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN I would do everything for you, just as you would do everything for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But, you better do something about your public image if you don't want to be remembered as the biggest loser the college has ever seen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gets up and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep thinking about the conversation they had.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't know my reputation was that bad, it looks like I'm going to have to not only hypnotize the teacher's but improve my school reputation, at least until the end of the year.<</ref>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-parque.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like surreal and hard to understand movies<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? Like which ones?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Type, Mulholland Drive, Daisies, Donnie Darko, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Mother! And others.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've never heard of these movies.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You should give it a go and watch it because they're so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay but why do you like these movies?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh I really like the aesthetics of the movies, they are very visually beautiful, and I like to reflect on the movie I watch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahhmmm I don't really like movies like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't like movies that make you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't like movies that don't make sense.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like, get your message across with your fucking movie! Don't get a lot of symbolism and indirection, make your message with this movie clear!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I don't really think that way, I feel really smart when I watch a movie like that and I understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I feel like I'm being cheated! I keep imagining the director like this: this suckers keep trying to decipher this movie, it's just a bunch of random things that I thought and did this shit, now keep watching and keep giving me money so I can do more. That's what I imagine when I watch a movie like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You really need to watch a movie like that, maybe someday we'll watch a movie like that together, then I'll show you that what you said isn't true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so do you like another kind of movie?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I also like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-parque.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I need to ask!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why that guy? Why $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh he's handsome, he's so strong and so... wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please, $IrmaN.Nome understand, he is not good for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You only say that when he hits you at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not only me, he hits everyone who is weaker than him, he's always with a lot of girls and as he dumps, he's always skipping class, understand he's not a good guy for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I know he's a bit of a troubled boy, but maybe I can make him a good guy, maybe he's dating me and you'll even become friends.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can already imagine how good friends we would be, him going out to the whole school saying, "Hey guys I fucking $Jogador.Nome's sister, it's his sister's such a slut" I definitely can't let that happen.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can't change a guy like him, he just is what he is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You need a guy who treats you like the princess you are, a guy who values you, a guy who truly loves you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, I know what I'm doing and i know $Valentao.Nome will be all that if he has a chance to change.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No she doesn't know, she's such a good girl that she doesn't realize that some people are just bad.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You both keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-parque.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I will ask you a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What kind of man do you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Why do you want to know that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing, just out of curiosity.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>All right then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like handsome, strong men, not necessarily muscular, but who show strength.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>That treats me well, and that they are brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, because it looks nothing like the singers you listen to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, there was a time when I liked the more effeminate type, and even metrosexual, but I think that was just a phase.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Today I like real men better as they say. ahahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will I ever be able to look like a man to your liking?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look, it will be difficult!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>HAHAha it's a joke! With effort and persistence you can.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys are talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.Mae>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah...$Mae.Relacao, about that friend of yours $MissTravella.Nome how you guys met? I asked her that when I saw her but it seems like it's a pretty long story right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>In fact it's not that big, she's overly detailed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Well... I was an innocent girl from the countryside arriving in a big city, I was young and I wanted fun and excitement.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But once I got there, the fun and excitement were cut short when I was robbed, and I was totally broke, I couldn't even go home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? so what did you do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Luckily $MissTravella.Nome found me and put me to live in hiding inside her college, and we've become best friends since then, you had to see how we did it back then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why had I never heard of her, since you and she are so close?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Because... we had a fight over a guy, so we stopped talking for a while, so I came back here and she stayed in her town.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>We only met again and made up a short time ago, when she got married and came to live in this town.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I didn't tell you or the girls because... it was a very intense time and different from what I live in today and I didn't want to be thinking about the past.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright mom I understand you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Okay but what did you think of her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh she's really nice, I even wanted her to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>That would be very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, I have to go, I have a lot to do.<</fala>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh, I really like action movies, or movies that involve survival in the wild.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I like it too, especially any movie that has The Rock!!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>The Rock it's amazing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah!! I Love Hobbs & Shaw, I really wanted it to have a sequel.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yeah, it's an action movie, it has to be fun, and I had a lot of fun watching it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Someday I'll be as strong as he is, that's my goal!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And I'll like it too, ahahahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>There's another movie that I really like, a The Rock movie, but it's also good, the ...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two keep talking about action movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.Mae>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Mom why are you always alone... I mean... Why you never remarried?<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Pai is true>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>After $Pai.Nome left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Pai is false>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us and I was sad for a long time, you remember that time, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How could I forget?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yes, and then after a lot of crying, I saw that I had three kids beside me who needed me, and if that guy you called "dad" didn't want to be part of this, he was the one who was losing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>So I dedicated 100% of my life to raising you, and I didn't even see the time go by, you grew up so fast, I got older, I'm not old enough to run after a boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that mom, you're a beautiful woman, any guy would be lucky to be with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome but honestly this is not the conversation I want to have with my $Jogador.RelacaoMae.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, I... I'm on my way.<</fala>>
<<MaePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, have you thought about getting married again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Honestly no.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Pai is true>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>After $Pai.Nome left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Pai is false>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>After <<textbox "$Pai.Nome" "Leo" $Pai.Nome autofocus>> left us I always had to take care of you guys so I was too busy to try and get a boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what about today? Do you think about getting a boyfriend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No, I'm too old to go chasing men around.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are not old $Mae.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But no, I don't intend to get a man right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly I prefer it this way! I don't want to share you with another guy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You and your $Mae.Relacao keep talking a little more.<</narrador>>
<<MaePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>>Converças Irma Mais Nova<<FundoQuadra>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaN.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Well, tired but well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So tell me how today's class went.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Actually it was pretty dull, do you really want to hear everything?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I do! You are my little $IrmaN.Relacao, everything that happens in your life is important to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, I so enjoy the way you are a good listener.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All for you $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You caress your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome's cheeks.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>So, the first class today was pretty boring, but my friend told me that...<</fala>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadra>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaN.Nome, today's classes were super boring.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>And when they are not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know... it seems that some of the teachers this school went to college for boring, especially the literature teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like literature, but she really makes the class boring.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>99% of people sleep in lesson twice a day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>In my class it is the same thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, did you have any trouble in your class today?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh no, not today. It was pretty monotonous just...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@Converças Mãe<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Well, in spite of everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just for the record, I don't like what they do to you one bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not just because you are the teacher's daughter that you are gossipy and tell him everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Now other people need to know that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In time they will realize this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what do you think about...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have a beautiful look innocent but at the same time sensual.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LexiPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You are entering the massage room while $Lexi.Nome is there for a massage.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow $Lexi.Nome sees no problem taking off her clothes in front of the masseuse.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>The masseuse seems to have enjoyed it, no wonder $Lexi.Nome has a beautiful body.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Lexi.Nome is really very hot.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You are now hypnotized by the masseuse massaging $Lexi.Nome's ass.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You are now hypnotized by the masseuse massaging $Lexi.Nome's ass.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You are now hypnotized by the masseuse massaging $Lexi.Nome's ass.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What is the masseuse doing?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This masseuse is also very hot.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Lexi.Nome seems to have been startled by the differentiated massage.<</ref>>
<<if $Lexi.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $Lexi.Nome must become more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 22>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful pussy this masseuse has!<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Jerk Off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 25 and $Lexi.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Lexi.Moralidade lt 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $Lexi.Nome must become more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 18>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I so wanted to be with them.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I so wanted to be with them.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I so wanted to be with them.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I so wanted to be with them.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lexi-e-LenaNic-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-LenaNic-Massagem21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to the square and meet your friend $Amigo2.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Just taking a break from everything, from school, from my girlfriend, from my aunt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I talked to $Amigo.Nome and we realized that we both have problems with women.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ae? what problems?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome wants to ask $CarmenCa.Nome to marry him but he is intimidated by her history, a cam girl who has probably dated many guys, and he, he is $Amigo.Nome...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Classic trust problem!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And I went to call $LenaPaul.Nome to date but I got too nervous and couldn't.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>It seems to be the same problem! Lack of confidence.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then what do you think we can do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Unfortunately I am not in a position to help anyone with girl problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I can't even get my girlfriend to have sex with me, I am suffering from a serious case of blue balls.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But not even with the trust part? You asked her out and asked for exclusivity, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>No man, have you forgotten? She did it all, she took the initiative.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a shame.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>But that's okay, man, and I'll think of a solution.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>At school break time I'll tell you and $Amigo.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Praça">>
<<set $Amigo2M1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $Amigo2M1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@Converças Lexi<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Well, in spite of everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just for the record, I don't like what they do to you one bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not just because you are the teacher's daughter that you are gossipy and tell him everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Now other people need to know that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In time they will realize this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what do you think about...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have a beautiful look innocent but at the same time sensual.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LexiPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Well, in spite of everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just for the record, I don't like what they do to you one bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not just because you are the teacher's daughter that you are gossipy and tell him everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Now other people need to know that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In time they will realize this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what do you think about...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have a beautiful look innocent but at the same time sensual.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LexiPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>>Converças PaixaoConverças DeboraConverças MiaConverças Penny<<FundoRefeitorio>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>What are you doing here, loser.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Debora is false>>
<<fala "Debora" Girl>>Forget it, you're not going to sit with us.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Debora is true>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>Forget it, you're not going to sit with us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Go there with your loser friends!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit with your friends|Sentar-com-Seus-Amigos]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit alone|Sentar-sozinho]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You sit with $Penny.Nome the biggest nerd in school.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, how nice of you to come sit here with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome, what did you think of the math class?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ah, it was amazing, the only bad thing was the teacher all the time pampering his gossipy daughter. I know that I'm not the best student in his lesson because of that little mouse.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that about her without knowing $Penny.Nome, she can be pretty cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, please don't defend that two-faced gossip in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay $Penny.Nome, I didn't come here to fight with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Good, but then tell me $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing that is interesting?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I've been doing it...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome doesn't want to talk to you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Continue her story to understand why.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit with your friends|Sentar-com-Seus-Amigos]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sit alone|Sentar-sozinho]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You sit with $Penny.Nome the biggest nerd in school.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, how nice of you to come sit here with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome, what did you think of the math class?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ah, it was amazing, the only bad thing was the teacher all the time pampering his gossipy daughter. I know that I'm not the best student in his lesson because of that little mouse.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that about her without knowing $Penny.Nome, she can be pretty cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, please don't defend that two-faced gossip in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay $Penny.Nome, I didn't come here to fight with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Good, but then tell me $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing that is interesting?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I've been doing it...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoRefeitorio>>
<<if $LexiM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
<<if $escolaAulas is 4>>
<<goto "LXM9 - Resultado da Investigação">>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You sit at the desk of the math teacher's daughter: $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Lexi.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, why do you do it here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to sit with you, why? Is there a problem?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>It's not that... you'll get a bad reputation at school for being seen with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Reputation worse than mine impossible<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hahahha.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then $Lexi.Nome, what's new?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Nothing much, just the same things apart from the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoRefeitorio>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Guys, I have invited you two here to talk about something important.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>All three of us have problems with women and we need to solve them!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It has not been easy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>But I have a possible solution.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what is that solution?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I have heard a legend that there is a book in this school, that teaches boys like us how to solve sexual problems with girls.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But what is this book?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And I think it's called "The Bible".<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"The Bible"? Don't you find that kind of offensive?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Whatever, that's the name of the book.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But then where is this book?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Probably somewhere in the library.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>That's it. So, shall we look for it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Of course now! Let's take advantage of the fact that we're at recess.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But first, let's finish eating!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's it!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You three finish eating then go to the library.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A2M2 parte 2 - O Manual de Sexo]]>>
<<set $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 10>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/vice-diretor/images/vice-diretor-perfil.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>And then I get caught trying to skip class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Deputy principal Lamar I can explain...<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>I don't want to hear explanations!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>I want to see work!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>But maybe I should go easy on you this time!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Three days after class in detention.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it? Three days?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Don't talk to me like that, kid! Consider yourself lucky.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Now go back to your room, you have a long day ahead of you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says deputy principal Lamar with a sarcastic smile on his face.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go back to the classroom very angry|3B]]>>
<<set $detention.FicarDepois to 1>>
<<narrador>>The rules of detention are very simple, if you talk: 10 minutes of detention, if you eat: 10 minutes of detention, if you sleep: 10 minutes of detention, if you did anything in detention besides sit down and shut up.<</narrador>>
"There will be more content here"
<<addmins 60>>
<<if $Lexi.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Lexi.Moralidade lt 60>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Lexi.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Lexi.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym14.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<LexiDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@Converças Senhorita Tavella<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body is wonderful, you must train a lot to have such a beautiful body<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Just taking a walk.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is nice to see you again! My $Jogador.RelacaoMae talks about you a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Really? What does she say about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She told me a little bit about the time you were roommates and how you became friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And that's all she said?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but she didn't tell me what you two were fighting about.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Maybe someday she will tell you, but enough about your $Jogador.RelacaoMae, I want to hear about you! How are things going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My life has been crazy since this year began...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both of you continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Just taking a walk.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is nice to see you again! My $Jogador.RelacaoMae talks about you a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Really? What does she say about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She told me a little bit about the time you were roommates and how you became friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And that's all she said?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but she didn't tell me what you two were fighting about.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Maybe someday she will tell you, but enough about your $Jogador.RelacaoMae, I want to hear about you! How are things going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My life has been crazy since this year began...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both of you continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body is wonderful, you must train a lot to have such a beautiful body<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Hi $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Really? what do you think is beautiful about me?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body is wonderful, you must train a lot to have such a beautiful body<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz We definitely must.>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Srta.Tavella">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You three are in the library but you have no idea where to start looking for such a book.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I will ask the librarian.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I'll look in the biology and reproduction section.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll ...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see $Penny.Nome in the library.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll go talk to $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Penny.Nome to ask her some questions.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Penny.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome I really want to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me too, but it's not about us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, we can talk about us another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Okay, what then do you want to talk about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I want to know if you've heard about a book... different... that... say is here in the library.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You want to know about that sex "bible"?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm... Ahmmm... yes.<</fala>>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome is this about what I said after we had sex that day?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No I...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Relax, I wasn't criticizing you, I just... wanted to know if you were a virgin or not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No I... let's say, I need to improve things about myself and that book can help me and my friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Okay, but I think that book doesn't even exist, I think it's just a legend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why do you think that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Because I know that some years ago there was an intense search to find this book, really, they searched the school for this book.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But they found nothing, so if this book really existed it probably isn't even in this school anymore, at least that's what I think.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, anyway, thanks for your help $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You're welcome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At this moment you two are interrupted by $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, come look! Did we find a deal?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>When you say we, you mean me, right?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were going with your friends to see their discovery but $Penny.Nome pulls you in.<</narrador>>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome remember we need to talk!<</fala>>
<<elseif $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We could talk $Jogador.Nome any day just the two of us.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You nod your head in affirmation and then go with your friends.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A2M2 parte 3 - O Manual de Sexo]]>>
<<set $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 7>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter one of the massage rooms and see $Paixao.Nome already inside.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Paixao.Nome is already in lingerie waiting for a masseur.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Paixao.Nome really has a perfect body.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Paixao.Nome so this is a sensorial massage?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god $Paixao.Nome has such a beautiful ass.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh they will change position.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It seems that there is an atmosphere between them, should I be jealous?<</ref>>
<<if $Paixao.Moralidade lt 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $Paixao.Nome needs to be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 24>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh she has beautiful tits.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh she has beautiful tits.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This masseuse is also beautiful.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful pussy $Paixao.Nome has.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Jerk Off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful pussy $Paixao.Nome has.<</ref>>
<<if $Paixao.Moralidade lt 50 and $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Paixao.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $Paixao.Nome needs to be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 19>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love to see two women making love.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love to see two women making love.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love to see two women making love.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love to see two women making love.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love to see two women making love.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love to see two women making love.<</ref>>
<<if $Paixao.Moralidade lt 25 and $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Paixao.Moralidade lt 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $Paixao.Nome needs to be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 13>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 21>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 21>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 22>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 22>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 22>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 23>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 23>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 23>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 24>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 25>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 25>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 25>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 26>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 26>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 26>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 27>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Riley-e-LanaRhoades-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 27>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 27>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem28.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Biblioteca]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Check it out $Jogador.Nome I found a secret compartment in this bookcase.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>It opens a small door inside one of the bookcases.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what's in there?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Let's find out now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I think we found the book!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome puts his arm deep into the secret compartment of the bookcase and pulls out a note.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Is that all? Where is the book?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Hold on.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome searches inside again.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>There's nothing else in there just that note.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, and what it says there, read it to us!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Humhm "Dear student who is still in the legends about the bible also known as the Book of Love, a few days ago I came back to this school a long time after I graduated, with the objective of taking the book of love to the internet, because it is a content that I thought was important for young people, but when I went to get the book from its hiding place (the little door at the bottom of bookcase 8 in the library) it was no longer there, It had been stolen by someone who left a message "Bastion of Light" I knew this guy, so I went to his house to sink his face in the asphalt and get the book back, but we talked a lot and he introduced me to another Bible and today I am Universal, so I say to you guys, abandon sex, drugs and uncontrolled partying and come to Universal you too." "Signed Stifler."<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Stifler?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've heard that name somewhere before!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>So have I.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh $Amigo2.Nome, what about the book? This Stifler doesn't say anything else about the... book of love as he himself says?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Not only does he say it was stolen by the bastion of light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That confirms what $Penny.Nome said.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>How come? What did she say?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She said that there was a huge search for that book, they totally searched the school for that book, but they found nothing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>They found nothing, maybe because this bastion of light was a student, or a staff member, or a teacher who knew about the book of love, so he took it home so they couldn't find it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>The only question that remains is who is the bastion of light?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The school bell rings you need to get back to class.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What the hell! Recess is over!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the classroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A2M2 parte 4 - O Manual de Sexo]]>>
<<set $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Now what? How will we find this book?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Calm down we just need to know now who this bastion of light is and where he lives.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, if he is really an ex-employee or an ex-teacher, someone here in this school must know him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And if he was a former student some of the boys or girls must be younger siblings or friends of this bastion of light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Then the three of us can investigate. I can investigate the employee.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>You want to talk to the staff just to have an excuse to chat with the librarian.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It's not my fault she's so fucking hot!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>All right, I can ask around, maybe someone from the soccer team knows the golden bastion.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then I'll talk to the teachers.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>So that leaves $Amigo.Nome investigating the school staff, $Jogador.Nome investigating the teachers, and I talk to my teammates and some other students.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just one more thing, don't mention the Book of Love in any of the conversations, it might attract unnecessary attention.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Great! We'll gather the information and meet Sunday morning at my place okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>And you guys shut up because finally a teacher has arrived, and another class is about to begin.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Amigo2M3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
Converças Lena Paul<<CasaSrtaTravella>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Hi $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MissTravella.Nome, what do you work on?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I am a doctor, $Jogador.Nome, and I work there at the hospital.>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome worked there too, she is a nurse.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome works there too, she is a nurse.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yes, I know her, she has a lot of courage.>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I agree, to face the boss like that, she was very brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But enough about my $IrmaV.Relacao, tell me about yourself.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Srta.Travella">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Courage? Why?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz She has been facing the head doctor with great courage.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz This new chief doctor that has arrived has been harassing some of the doctors and nurses, and your $IrmaV.Relacao is fighting bravely against it.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yes, she is quite a woman.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All good, but now enough about bad things, tell me what's new.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Srta.Tavella">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, what is this outfit?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, don't you think it's a little short? It looks like a bathing suit?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's short, yes, but I also think I'm setting a fashion trend, in the future everyone will be wearing clothes like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, if you're saying so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And also this city is super hot, I would walk around naked in the city if I could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't you be ashamed to walk everywhere naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not really, I think I would even like people to look at me, after all I know I am beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about you? Would you stop wearing clothes if you could?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I guess if I was more muscular yes.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... maybe so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mark my words $Jogador.Nome nudity in public, that is the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tell me, what is the good one?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your eyes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The blue of your eyes hypnotize me. It looks like the blue sky on a summer day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, what is this outfit?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, don't you think it's a little short? It looks like a bathing suit?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's short, yes, but I also think I'm setting a fashion trend, in the future everyone will be wearing clothes like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, if you're saying so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And also this city is super hot, I would walk around naked in the city if I could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't you be ashamed to walk everywhere naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not really, I think I would even like people to look at me, after all I know I am beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about you? Would you stop wearing clothes if you could?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I guess if I was more muscular yes.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... maybe so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mark my words $Jogador.Nome nudity in public, that is the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tell me, what is the good one?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your eyes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The blue of your eyes hypnotize me. It looks like the blue sky on a summer day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, what is this outfit?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, don't you think it's a little short? It looks like a bathing suit?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's short, yes, but I also think I'm setting a fashion trend, in the future everyone will be wearing clothes like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, if you're saying so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And also this city is super hot, I would walk around naked in the city if I could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't you be ashamed to walk everywhere naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not really, I think I would even like people to look at me, after all I know I am beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about you? Would you stop wearing clothes if you could?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I guess if I was more muscular yes.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... maybe so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mark my words $Jogador.Nome nudity in public, that is the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tell me, what is the good one?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your eyes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The blue of your eyes hypnotize me. It looks like the blue sky on a summer day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter one of the massage rooms and see $CarmenCa.Nome already inside.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Carmen-Maddy-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$CarmenCa.Nome takes off her clothes completely in front of the masseuse, the masseuse looks annoyed.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Carmen-Maddy-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$CarmenCa.Nome does her best to show her butt to the masseuse, it seems that she is trying to seduce the masseuse.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Carmen-Maddy-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Really $CarmenCa.Nome has a wonderful body, I understand $Amigo.Nome for falling in love with her.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Carmen-Maddy-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>And she also has a nice butt.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Carmen-Maddy-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful pussy she has.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Carmen-Maddy-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/paixao/videos/Riley-LanaRhoades-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>$CarmenCa.Nome seems to be very excited.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$CarmenCa.Nome seems to be trying to seduce the masseuse but she doesn't seem to be falling for her charms.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>To continue this scene you must meet the masseuse and make her more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 23>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You are taking a walk when you see what looks like your friend $Amigo2.Nome arguing with a girl.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Shyla" Girl>>Why is it so hard to understand that I want to wait until I get married?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Because you had sex with Doug Willhans and Scott Thompson at the same time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Yes, a very intimate conversation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And on top of that you sucked off the entire basketball team including the reserves.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" Girl>>That doesn't count, I was drunk, both times!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>When you get tired of this business of waiting for marriage, you'll want to do it again!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And I bet when you get to college you'll want to have a lesbian experience.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And then you'll want to have an orgy, or anal sex.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" Girl>>Don't you think I'm convinced of that? My parents waited until they were married!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Oh yeah, my aunt went to school with your mother and she said that your mother opened her legs for any guy who took her for a motorcycle ride.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" Girl>>Stop being rude!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And your father? He's a beta and an asshole. Champion of handjobs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm or guys, what's going on here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, come on, tell her what you said that day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What I said about what?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo2/images/shyla1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Shyla" Girl>>I'm sorry $Amigo2.Nome but I don't need to stay here listening to advice from a stranger.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She walks away very angry.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Who is this woman?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>She's <<textbox "$Shyla.Nome" "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>, my girlfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She who is your girlfriend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Yes, I don't even know why, it took me so long to introduce you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A2M3 parte 2 - Mulher de Fases]]>>
<<set $Amigo2M3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>This one is excellent at annoying and tormenting me, and she is the champion of the world.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Once she said that if I don't go without she won't want to live anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>My God, what do I do now?
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey, my friend, hold on, who told you to like this woman in phases?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>She is complicated, but perfect, she is everything I wanted, my lucky star!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You should write that down, it would make a good song.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, we need that book!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Continue your investigation and I'll continue mine.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome goes away and leaves you alone in the square, he seems very desperate to find the book.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Praça">>
<<set $Amigo2M3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $Amigo2M3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@Converças CarmenCa<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $CarmenCa.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am in the best phase of my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Because my work is wonderful, and I'm making a lot of money with it, I'm seeing a nice guy, I'm healthy, my family is doing well, so my life is wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am happy for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>But what about you $Jogador.Nome? How is your life?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>With me things are normal, but soon I will be as good as you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Great... so how's the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<CarmenCaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $CarmenCa.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am in the best phase of my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Because my work is wonderful, and I'm making a lot of money with it, I'm seeing a nice guy, I'm healthy, my family is doing well, so my life is wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am happy for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>But what about you $Jogador.Nome? How is your life?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>With me things are normal, but soon I will be as good as you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Great... so how's the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<CarmenCaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter the massage room and see $LenaPaul.Nome entering at that moment.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow $LenaPaul.Nome has a beautiful body hum!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>The masseuse seemed a little disturbed to see $LenaPaul.Nome naked.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>And the massage begins.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come on, masseuse, don't be ashamed to touch this beautiful body!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My god what beautiful breasts $LenaPaul.Nome has!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-Lena-Cadence-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/Lena-Cadence-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>They seem to be discussing something that I don't know what it is.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>To continue this scene you must meet the masseuse and make her more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 22>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter the massage room and see $MissTravella.Nome entering at that moment.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>She seems to be waiting for the masseuse, but where is he?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I think I could massage her since the masseur is not coming.<</ref>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is false>>
<<narrador>>To continue this scene you must learn how to give massages.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After a while the masseur appears, and the message continues as normal.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 29>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage her|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You enter the massage room because you know that the masseur will not show up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, I didn't know you worked here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't work here, but I came to you especially to give you a massage.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Thank you very much for the affection $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $MissTravella.Moralidade gt 75>>
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $MassagistaTeen.Nome must be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep massaging $MassagistaTeen.Nome until the end, she thanks you and compliments your skills.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 28>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $MissTravella.Moralidade lte 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I will take out my site here to make it easier for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you very much.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummm is very good, $Jogador.Nome you have magic hands.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<<goto "STM4 parte 3 - Curiosidade">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $MissTravella.Moralidade gt 60>>
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $MassagistaTeen.Nome must be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep massaging $MassagistaTeen.Nome until the end, she thanks you and compliments your skills.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 25>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $MissTravella.Moralidade lte 60>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Por favor vire se pra mim.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Do you like my breasts?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummm how delicious.<</fala>>
<<if $MissTravella.Moralidade gt 50>>
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $MassagistaTeen.Nome must be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep massaging $MassagistaTeen.Nome until the end, she thanks you and compliments your skills.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 23>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $MissTravella.Moralidade lte 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's time to massage down here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmmm, I like this.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Humm I am loving this massage on my breasts.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-SrtaTavella-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Massagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hmm take off my panties.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeas!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome is not yet ready to go any further in massage.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep massaging $MassagistaTeen.Nome until the end, she thanks you and compliments your skills.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 20>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You are in the square thinking about which teacher to start investigating with.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Let me think, we have 11 teachers, 4 men and 7 women.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It might be better for me to avoid going to the teachers' house to ask questions, as this can be very invasive and embarrassing.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It is better to meet with teachers around town and ask them than to go to their house.<</ref>>
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>You must talk to the 7 female teachers about this Bastion of Light to try to find out something about it.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Start" "Praça">>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>You still don't know anything about the school teachers. Complete the quest: "$JogadorM6.MissaoNome" of: $Jogador.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>>Converças Prof Arte<<FundoPraca>>
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Corpora">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $ProfArte.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfArte.Moralidade lt 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfArte.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfArte.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-cena2-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $ProfArte.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@Converças Prof Biologia<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No, it sounds like someone who has a nickname like that is quite religious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, he probably was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No, it sounds like someone who has a nickname like that is quite religious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, he probably was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy called the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bastion of Light? Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Apparently he is a former student or a former teacher who has studied or worked at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know anyone who is called a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, thanks anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>A second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was taking a look at each student's transcript, I saw yours and was disappointed.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Your grades since last year are terrible, and not only in my classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes teacher but I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, you don't have to try to explain anything, I will help you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will it? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>On Tuesday I will give you a paper on expressionism, but if you do this paper and hand it in to me at home before I pass it on to the other students I will give you an extra point.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why would you do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because you are a student who needs help and I am going to give you that help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks teacher, I will do it as soon as possible!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do it right, and it will be very good, both for me and for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No, it sounds like someone who has a nickname like that is quite religious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, he probably was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No, it sounds like someone who has a nickname like that is quite religious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, he probably was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No, it sounds like someone who has a nickname like that is quite religious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, he probably was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-sport6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No, it sounds like someone who has a nickname like that is quite religious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, he probably was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No, it sounds like someone who has a nickname like that is quite religious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, he probably was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@Converças Prof Literatura<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 or $game.periodos is 1 or $game.periodos is 2 $game.periodos is 3 or $game.periodos is 4 or $game.periodos is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7 or $game.periodos is 8 $game.periodos is 9>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sport-baseball5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-yoga6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 60>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 40>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $ProfLiteratura.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do you know anyone who was called Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Only the priest of that church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does priest have the nickname Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No nickname, but technically he would be a Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Apart from the priest, I don't know anyone else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for your help teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you, it's about your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... does it have to be now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Not now, because it's going to be a long conversation, so meet me in the teachers' lounge to talk!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I can't go into the teachers' lounge but $Gaston.Nome won't let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If he tries to stop you, tell him I let you in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay teacher, I'm going.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade gte 50>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-cena2-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $ProfLiteratura.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@Converças Prof ED.Fisica<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-sporttennis1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, you know a guy named Bastion of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing I just think he was a student or a teacher at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it about?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Go to the school court on Monday at 18:00 and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know you will like it, now you can go, and get ready.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica to true>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@Converças Prof História<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think he was a teacher or student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't think so, because I have worked at this school for a long time, and I have never heard of a Guardian of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bastion.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahmm... Bastion of Light..., but..., why these questions? Why are you looking for this guy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... ahm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't tell her anything about the Book of Love.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This guy is someone who sold an Xbox to my friend $Amigo.Nome, but he disappeared with the money, and didn't deliver the Xbox.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Uhm, I prefer Playstation. But why do you think he was a school teacher or student?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because... that one he left that information on the website...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My God, what a lame excuse.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome becomes suspicious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well too bad you don't know, I have to go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You're leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wait!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn to listen to her, already expecting a scolding.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Remember that on Thursday we have our book club, just the two of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sure, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look back and she is still looking at you with a suspicious face.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think he was a teacher or student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't think so, because I have worked at this school for a long time, and I have never heard of a Guardian of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bastion.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahmm... Bastion of Light..., but..., why these questions? Why are you looking for this guy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... ahm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't tell her anything about the Book of Love.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This guy is someone who sold an Xbox to my friend $Amigo.Nome, but he disappeared with the money, and didn't deliver the Xbox.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Uhm, I prefer Playstation. But why do you think he was a school teacher or student?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because... that one he left that information on the website...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My God, what a lame excuse.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome becomes suspicious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well too bad you don't know, I have to go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You're leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wait!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn to listen to her, already expecting a scolding.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Remember that on Thursday we have our book club, just the two of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sure, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look back and she is still looking at you with a suspicious face.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think he was a teacher or student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't think so, because I have worked at this school for a long time, and I have never heard of a Guardian of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bastion.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahmm... Bastion of Light..., but..., why these questions? Why are you looking for this guy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... ahm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't tell her anything about the Book of Love.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This guy is someone who sold an Xbox to my friend $Amigo.Nome, but he disappeared with the money, and didn't deliver the Xbox.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Uhm, I prefer Playstation. But why do you think he was a school teacher or student?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because... that one he left that information on the website...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My God, what a lame excuse.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome becomes suspicious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well too bad you don't know, I have to go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You're leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wait!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn to listen to her, already expecting a scolding.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Remember that on Thursday we have our book club, just the two of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sure, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look back and she is still looking at you with a suspicious face.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento-Prof-Historia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think he was a teacher or student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't think so, because I have worked at this school for a long time, and I have never heard of a Guardian of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bastion.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahmm... Bastion of Light..., but..., why these questions? Why are you looking for this guy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... ahm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't tell her anything about the Book of Love.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This guy is someone who sold an Xbox to my friend $Amigo.Nome, but he disappeared with the money, and didn't deliver the Xbox.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Uhm, I prefer Playstation. But why do you think he was a school teacher or student?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because... that one he left that information on the website...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My God, what a lame excuse.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome becomes suspicious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well too bad you don't know, I have to go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You're leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wait!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn to listen to her, already expecting a scolding.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Remember that on Thursday we have our book club, just the two of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sure, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look back and she is still looking at you with a suspicious face.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think he was a teacher or student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't think so, because I have worked at this school for a long time, and I have never heard of a Guardian of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bastion.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahmm... Bastion of Light..., but..., why these questions? Why are you looking for this guy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... ahm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't tell her anything about the Book of Love.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This guy is someone who sold an Xbox to my friend $Amigo.Nome, but he disappeared with the money, and didn't deliver the Xbox.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Uhm, I prefer Playstation. But why do you think he was a school teacher or student?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because... that one he left that information on the website...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My God, what a lame excuse.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome becomes suspicious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well too bad you don't know, I have to go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You're leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wait!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn to listen to her, already expecting a scolding.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Remember that on Thursday we have our book club, just the two of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sure, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look back and she is still looking at you with a suspicious face.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think he was a teacher or student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't think so, because I have worked at this school for a long time, and I have never heard of a Guardian of Light.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bastion.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahmm... Bastion of Light..., but..., why these questions? Why are you looking for this guy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... ahm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't tell her anything about the Book of Love.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This guy is someone who sold an Xbox to my friend $Amigo.Nome, but he disappeared with the money, and didn't deliver the Xbox.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Uhm, I prefer Playstation. But why do you think he was a school teacher or student?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because... that one he left that information on the website...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My God, what a lame excuse.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome becomes suspicious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well too bad you don't know, I have to go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You're leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wait!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn to listen to her, already expecting a scolding.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Remember that on Thursday we have our book club, just the two of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sure, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look back and she is still looking at you with a suspicious face.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfHistoria.Moralidade lt 60>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfHistoria.Moralidade lt 40>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfHistoria.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym14.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym15.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $ProfHistoria.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@Converças Prof Quimica<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to ask you something.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Is it about the school subject?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I need to know if you know someone who is known as the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I don't know you, and what baffles me the most is that you, with all that free time, are walking around instead of being at home studying to improve your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher this is important for me, my friends are also involved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So instead of studying, you hang around playing investigation games with your friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what does that have to do with you? Why do you care so much whether I'm studying or not? Leave me alone, you are not my $Jogador.RelacaoMae!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You're right, $Jogador.Nome, I'm not your $Jogador.RelacaoMae! But listen to me, one day you will regret your words.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica to true>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to ask you something.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Is it about the school subject?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I need to know if you know someone who is known as the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I don't know you, and what baffles me the most is that you, with all that free time, are walking around instead of being at home studying to improve your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher this is important for me, my friends are also involved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So instead of studying, you hang around playing investigation games with your friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what does that have to do with you? Why do you care so much whether I'm studying or not? Leave me alone, you are not my $Jogador.RelacaoMae!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You're right, $Jogador.Nome, I'm not your $Jogador.RelacaoMae! But listen to me, one day you will regret your words.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica to true>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to ask you something.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Is it about the school subject?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I need to know if you know someone who is known as the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I don't know you, and what baffles me the most is that you, with all that free time, are walking around instead of being at home studying to improve your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher this is important for me, my friends are also involved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So instead of studying, you hang around playing investigation games with your friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what does that have to do with you? Why do you care so much whether I'm studying or not? Leave me alone, you are not my $Jogador.RelacaoMae!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You're right, $Jogador.Nome, I'm not your $Jogador.RelacaoMae! But listen to me, one day you will regret your words.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Lebelle">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica to true>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to ask you something.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Is it about the school subject?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I need to know if you know someone who is known as the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I don't know you, and what baffles me the most is that you, with all that free time, are walking around instead of being at home studying to improve your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher this is important for me, my friends are also involved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So instead of studying, you hang around playing investigation games with your friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what does that have to do with you? Why do you care so much whether I'm studying or not? Leave me alone, you are not my $Jogador.RelacaoMae!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You're right, $Jogador.Nome, I'm not your $Jogador.RelacaoMae! But listen to me, one day you will regret your words.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica to true>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to ask you something.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Is it about the school subject?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I need to know if you know someone who is known as the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I don't know you, and what baffles me the most is that you, with all that free time, are walking around instead of being at home studying to improve your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher this is important for me, my friends are also involved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So instead of studying, you hang around playing investigation games with your friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what does that have to do with you? Why do you care so much whether I'm studying or not? Leave me alone, you are not my $Jogador.RelacaoMae!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You're right, $Jogador.Nome, I'm not your $Jogador.RelacaoMae! But listen to me, one day you will regret your words.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica to true>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to ask you something.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Is it about the school subject?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I need to know if you know someone who is known as the Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I don't know you, and what baffles me the most is that you, with all that free time, are walking around instead of being at home studying to improve your grades!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher this is important for me, my friends are also involved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So instead of studying, you hang around playing investigation games with your friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what does that have to do with you? Why do you care so much whether I'm studying or not? Leave me alone, you are not my $Jogador.RelacaoMae!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You're right, $Jogador.Nome, I'm not your $Jogador.RelacaoMae! But listen to me, one day you will regret your words.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica to true>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
Converças Prof Sociologia<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-yoga5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Yoga-Room">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 and $game.periodos is 1 and $game.periodos is 2 and $game.periodos is 3 and $game.periodos is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<else>> /*==========================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Aniston">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know a guy named Bastion of Light?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it was a teacher or a student at the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I have just started teaching, so I haven't had time to get to know everyone yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All in then teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia to true>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfSociologia.Moralidade lt 60>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfSociologia.Moralidade lt 40>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfSociologia.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 8)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym14.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-gym15.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $ProfSociologia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<ProfSociologiaAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$ProfSociologia.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<narrador>>You are in your room lying on your bed thinking about all the conversations with the teachers.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Fuck man, no teacher knows anything about the Bastion of Light!<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And on top of that the teachers want to talk to me about my grades! This sucks!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio to 100>>
<<set $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfSociologiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 2>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Amigo.Nome's house and $Amigo2.Nome is already there waiting for you to start talking about what you have discovered about the Book of Love.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>So guys, what did you find out about the Book of Love?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I couldn't find out much, no teacher knows anything, no teacher has heard of Bastion of Light or anything like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What a pity, and you $Amigo.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I haven't found out anything, except that the librarian has been a model in the past.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I told you to talk to more people than the librarian!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But she didn't tell me, her sister did.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Well, whatever! Because I found out something rather disappointing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did you find out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Well, sit down, here comes the story.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/senta-que-la-vem-historia.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A2M5 parte 2 - Senta que lá vem história]]>>
<<set $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I talked to the guys on the football team, and one of them told me that his friend's sister's cousin was known as Bastion of Light at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>He was a very religious guy, one who thinks everything is wrong, and one day he came to our school for an event.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But is that all?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>About the Bastion of Light yes, but I also found out that there are other guys looking for this book at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Who are they?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>They are junior high school students, they told me a lot of things. The book of love exists since the 60's and many guys like us wrote their own sexual experiences in this book, but with the time the book was deteriorating, but in 2007 it was revitalized by three students, the problem is that after this revitalization this book started to call a lot of attention, until it reached the ears of the principal at the time, who was super nervous about all this, and made a big search in the whole school to find this book.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This confirms with what $Penny.Nome said.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Yes, but that book was never found, maybe that was when the Bastion of Light came and stole the Book of Love.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But why? Why would such a religious guy care so much that a book about sex was taken by the school principal?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, and how did he find out about the book if he wasn't even from this school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>This story is very strange, maybe those guys know more?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>No, it's better not to join them because they want to find the book but not to learn from it or to share their experience for the next readers to see.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>They want to sell it, as this book has become a legend, many people would stop a lot of money to have it in their house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So we can't let this happen!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Yes, if this book really exists.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What do you mean?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>We don't know anything about the real whereabouts of this book, the only thing we know is that the guy who found the book is a very religious guy, and let's be realistic, what would a very religious guy do with a book that teaches young people the best way to have sex?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hey guys, you want something?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A2M5 parte 3 - Senta que lá vem história]]>>
<<set $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>Out of nowhere Miss Cooper arrives on the premises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No mom, leave us alone!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Take off, I just wanted to know if you wanted a snack or something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, thank you very much Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Me neither, thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Okay, be my guest, kids.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Miss Cooper leaves.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, now go on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ah yes, a very religious guy would probably take the book to destroy it, I honestly think the book is gone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what now? Our search is over?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>There is no reason to keep searching for something that no longer exists.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I'm still not going to be able to ask $CarmenCa.Nome to go out with me, you'll still have your girl bossing you around, and $Jogador.Nome will still be embarrassed to ask girls out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Or we can try to change on our own.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a horrible end to this saga!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What a disappointing end!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Sorry, guys, I didn't mean for it to end this way.<</fala>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 10 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<narrador>>You leave $Amigo.Nome's house disappointed.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<<narrador>>You and $Amigo.Nome leave $Amigo2.Nome's house disappointed.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>I don't know what happened to the Book of Love, I just know that this story doesn't end here!<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You are thinking about everything that happened while you were looking for the Book of Love.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What Now? How am I going to solve my problems?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How will my friends solve their problems?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I need to consult someone wiser than me.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You then put yourself in a meditative posture, to talk to your Spiritual Guardian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/meditar.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/guardiao/guardiao5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>What's up $Jogador.Nome? I miss you so much.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What the fuck are you doing down there?|JM7 parte 2 - Essa é a Resposta]]>>
<<set $JogadorM7.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the fuck are you doing under my bed?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>What? A badass guy has to have a triumphal entrance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Whatever, I need your help with something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>So... What do you need?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You may know that my friends and I were looking for Book of Love but could not find it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Yes, and although former bearers had possession of the book today I don't know the whereabouts of the book.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, $Amigo2.Nome believes that the book has been destroyed, so I thought, if the book can't help us, maybe you can help us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Helping me with my insecurity, helping $Amigo2.Nome with his girlfriend, and helping $Amigo.Nome with his future girlfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>$Jogador.Nome, you know that I am just someone who answers questions.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So answer this question: How do I help myself and my friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>$Jogador.Nome, isn't it clear to you? You have powers! You can hypnotize your friend into proposing to his girl!<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>You can hypnotize your other friend's girlfriend so that she can have sex with him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, but what about me? How do I solve my insecurities?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>$Jogador.Nome understands, your hypinosis overcomes any mental triggers, traumas, inhibitions and disorders, if you use it correctly the whole world can do whatever you want. How can you have any insecurity with all this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But people need to be relaxed, and they are never relaxed!<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Let me give you a hint: The best way to make a person relax is with a massage!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Massagem?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Yes, often just a little shoulder massage is enough.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I never thought of that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Learn to massage and everything will become easier.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And I already know how I will learn to massage! I must go!<</fala>>
<<if def $Guardiao.Nome>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Until next time $Jogador.Nome and a hug from your friend $Guardiao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Until next time $Jogador.Nome and a hug from your friend $Guardiao.Profissao.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM7 parte 3 - Essa é a Resposta]]>>
<<set $JogadorM7.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You wake up! And you already know what to do!<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>That girl who massaged me that time left me her phone number.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Maybe she can teach me how to massage people.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I will call her as soon as possible.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $JogadorM7.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $JogadorM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You are in your room with your cell phone calling $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/falando-ao-celular.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Remember when you gave me that massage that day?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Of course, I remember, do you want another massage?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm... sort of.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Well, come here to the Country Club for a chat.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 2 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>>
<<set $JogadorM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<narrador>>You are at the Country Club looking for $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She spots you and comes to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi, $Jogador.Nome do you want a massage?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but not today, today I want you to teach me how to do massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Putz, what now?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... want to learn how to massage the girls I meet.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I'm sorry $Jogador.Nome, but I can't do that for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Because you're going to massage people and you're going to take away all my clients.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No I won't, I just want to massage the girls.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I understand your intention $Jogador.Nome, but I also have women.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on $MassagistaTeen.Nome, I need you, it can be just a simple massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Okay, $Jogador.Nome, I'll teach you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks! Thanks a lot!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>All right, but I can afford it, first, I don't want you to steal my clients.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Second, I don't want you to teach anyone else how to do massages.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Third, I want $100 for the massage we will do now and another $100 to teach you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I would love a massage but I don't have $100 here right now.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro lt 100>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/others/videos/lie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Why do you go to a Country Club without money?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm... it happens.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Okay, I'll give you a massage on my own today, but next time you'll have to give me $200 so I can teach you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, but why do you need to take me for a massage now?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Because when I left I had to tell my boss that I was going to pick up a client, so if I arrive without anyone, he will think I was wandering around.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, your boss is pretty strict.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That's right.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>What's up? Let's go?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the massage room. $MassagistaTeen.Nome gives you $100 to pay the receptionist, but remember, in order for her to teach you how to give massages, you must pay her $200.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>>
<<set $JogadorM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<set $fundo to "sala-de-massagem">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You two go to the massage room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Well, we're here, I'll go over and change.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll get ready too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then take off your clothes and put on the towel.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You lie down on the massage bed and wait for $MassagistaTeen.Nome to arrive.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So... can we begin?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes! Of course!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 1>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Are you enjoying this, just wait to see what comes next.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will this massage be different from the other one?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It will start out similar, but it will look different in the end.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I can't wait to see how it turns out.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 2>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can I tell you something?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You can.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I really missed your touch.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And this touch here?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 3>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is the best part.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MM2-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hmmm, so you are enjoying it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Would you like it better if I took off my clothes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can you?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Of course I can! There are only the two of us here.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.punheta += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I want you naked for me now.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Your wish is my command.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my god you are so beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Thank you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome chuckles shyly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let me see you a little.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is very beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>See, I told you it would be different.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 5>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Just let me get this towel out of here so it doesn't get in my way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So do you have more to come?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>There is much more to come.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, my god.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think this massage is much better than the last one.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Still good.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Want to see everything from a different angle?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Check it out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hummm, I like this.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Oh, how delicious!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Shall we go to the grand-finale?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.facial += 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Come here, cum on me.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<set $MassagistaTeen.has_sex to true>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM8-Erin-Continue-Massagem18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Humm what delicious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was incredible!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM8 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $JogadorM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 1>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "sala-de-massagem">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/JM8-Erin-Massagem-CumFace.jpg"></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>What's up, $Jogador.Nome? How are you feeling?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you give massages like this to everyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I did it this way for you because you are my friend!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And is this normal here? Like: do all the masseuses here give massages like this?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No. I mean some masseuses here are quite naughty, but they don't do anything like that with their clients because they usually have limits, more strict than them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tomorrow can you teach me how to do massages?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It can be any day you want just call me beforehand and bring me $200.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so bye until next time.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome, it was a pleasure.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "Country Club">>
<<set $JogadorM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $JogadorM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You are in your room with your cell phone calling $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/falando-ao-celular.jpg"></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have $200 here and I want you to teach me how to give massages.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Give me your address and I will come there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I live in the neighborhood near the center.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Oh relax, I know where it is, I'm coming.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Bye bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 2 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 35>>
"Ding Dong"
<<narrador>>Ring the bell.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/massagista-teen-porta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, are you ready to learn massage?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, ah here is your $200.<</fala>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 200>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Thank you, and where can we start?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait a minute, you don't think...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, I will teach you how to massage here in your home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We can't do that here!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahmm $Jogador.Nome, who is your friend?>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao arrives at that moment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, this is $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two greet each other.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Well done and... call me $Mae.Nome.>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Okay $Mae.Nome.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Well, you two make yourselves at home and... I’ll leave you alone.>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao leaves.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because of this. My family is at home.<</fala>>
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*=======================================*/
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ahm... why is she wearing only panties and a bra?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm...she was sunbathing.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So, where do we go for you to learn how to do the massage?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How about the Country Club?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No, I took a few days off.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Because I want this $200 just for myself, I don't want you to pay the receptionist so that at the end of the month my employer will give me a minimum wage!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but I don't have anywhere else for us to do this.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Maybe we can still do it at the Country Club, but we have to be there a little before it closes, at 18:30.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>We just have to decide what we are going to do until then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know what I can do until then.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then spend a few hours playing video games.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="jogar" width="777" height="439" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/pc/jogos/Csgo-2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome played better than you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 3 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(18)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(29)>>
<<narrador>>You wait until 18:00 and go to the Country Club, you get there almost at closing time.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Look, by now the massage parlors are about to close, so we have to go there quickly.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but if someone sees us.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>If someone comes along you hide and I'll roll the person up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are going to the massage room, but you see the clerk closing the salon.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God, what now?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Relax, hide somewhere and I'll roll her up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hide inside the broom closet and look through the doorway to see $MassagistaTeen.Nome talking to the clerk. You see that the clerk has given $MassagistaTeen.Nome a key and left.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't imagine what $MassagistaTeen.Nome said to the clerk to get her to give $MassagistaTeen.Nome the key, she is really a very strange girl.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Seeing that everything is safe, you come out of hiding and go to $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, the clerk left me the key, but let's hurry because we don't have much time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome quickly took you to the massage room, not even bothering to explain how she convinced the clerk to let her in.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 2>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "sala-de-massagem">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $MassagistaTeen.Nome are in the massage room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So, $Jogador.Nome all set?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, where should I start?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Just sit here next to me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit down next to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, now what?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Make a C with your hands and place them on my shoulder so that the fingers are pointing down. Slide the hands down so that the thumb straps are on top of the shoulders. Feel the outline of the muscles just above the collarbone with your fingertips.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You do what she asked.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Press your fingertips and thumbs on the trapezius on both sides, starting from the inside, near the neck. Bring the muscles up toward the person's collarbone, without letting go. The idea is to hold and lift, but without squeezing or forcing with your fingers.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>While doing the massage, try to pick up a rhythm. Raise your arms and apply less pressure, then lower them and channel the movement into short pulses with your fingers. Finding a comfortable rhythm will allow you to massage with the correct technique for longer.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>After pressing on the inside of the trapezium for a few minutes, gradually spread your hands towards the person's arms. Then, change direction and move towards the neck. Continue doing this until the person becomes more relaxed, calm, and tension-free.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You do everything she asked.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And that's it! It relieves tension from the shoulder and neck muscles, which relaxes you a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is that all?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, you still want more?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... we came here and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>HAHAHAHAHA I'm kidding $Jogador.Nome, of course that's not all, I'm going to teach you an incredible massage to do on your girls.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Still good.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>First I'm going to take off my clothes. Do you want to watch?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But of course!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Have I ever told you that you are beautiful?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You already said yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I say it again, you are beautiful!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Her cheeks get flushed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I'm going to remove this business here, I don't think it's necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now put plenty of lubricant in your hands and start rubbing your back lightly.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like this?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That's it, let your hands slide down my body.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, you are doing it right.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now massage my chest.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like this?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's good too, but you can also tell the girl to turn around.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now, massage my hips, you can climb on top of the stretcher if you like.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you like it like this?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now you can massage my thighs between them.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like this?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>More or less, you can take the towel off, it looks better that way.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>This can massage my butt without fear.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, very soft.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now comes the most important part, the intimate massage.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Massage my pussy.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Let's go left upper lip and right upper lip.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That's it, very delicate.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Leave your hand well lubricated.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And run your hand lightly over the whole side of my crotch.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That's it, real smooth, real slow.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, now pay attention, your main goal now is to make me cum at least once.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it possible for you to come more than once in a row?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, but if you do it once, you will have passed the test, so do your best to make me cum!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like this?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, but it is not always good to stick your finger in the woman's pussy, try to vary the techniques.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That's it, real smooth, real slow.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now make a V with your fingers and rub my two upper lips together.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That's right.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.masturbou += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Vary the techniques, use all the ones you have, and the girl will tell you which one she likes best.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now do it faster!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, that's very good.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 13>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now let me turn around.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome faces you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Get some more lube and rub it on my breasts, as always be gentle.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>That's it. How decent.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 14>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, put it all over my pussy.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Make it all gooey.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 15>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And this big lollipop here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry I couldn't help it.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Take off your clothes now!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now this massage is going to be good!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I'm going to turn my back now! Don't stop the massage!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 17>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you want me to fuck your pussy?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then say it to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Fuck my pussy!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 18>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Oh, yes.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is this the first time you have done this?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>During the massage yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummm.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 20>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 21>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 22>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 22>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hold on, let me put this stretcher away.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>She is bothering me.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Here I am, on all for you. Do you like the view?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Come my man.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 23>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 23>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummm.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh yeah yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh Ohhh Ohhhh Ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Owwwnn.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 24>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 24>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem28.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhhhh Ohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Spank my ass.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hmmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 25>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 25>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem29.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I have to fix it here!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>One second.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome is saying this very breathlessly.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 26>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 26>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem30.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome look at me, am I hot?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>A lot!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Then tell me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are so hot, you make my cock rise up and make it harder than a diamond bar.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I am ready for you, come to me!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 27>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 27>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem31.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhhh.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem32.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeahhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Pull my hair.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeahhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 28>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 28>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Harder, go!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem33.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Owwnn yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhhhhhh yeahhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 29>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 29>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem34.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 30>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 30>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem35.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh yeahhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummm Yeahhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 31>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 31>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem36.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will lift you up now!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeahh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 32>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 32>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem37.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummmm fuck.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You spank her tits.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ahhhhh Ahhhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 33>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 33>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem38.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Spread your legs!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Spread your legs!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh Ohhhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 34>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 34>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem39.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I can watch!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Of course HAHAHAHAHA.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 35>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 35>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem40.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 36>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 36>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem41.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummmm Hummmm yeah yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 37>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 37>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem42.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh OhhhOhhh Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhhhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ahhhh Ahhhh Ahhhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 4 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 38>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.facial += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 38>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Massagem43.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Suck my dick!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 5 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $game.JogadorMassagista to true>>
<<addmins 1>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "sala-de-massagem">>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/JM9-Erin-Massagem-CumFace2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So how did I do?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You were amazing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, that I never thought that this massage class would end in sex.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>But relax, you have learned well.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>The fact that I have had sex with you proves this, you know that the massage started well when girls want to fuck you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Still, I can already imagine all that I can do with it.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's late, wait for me to take a shower and let's go out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll wait here.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Or you can come with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was just waiting for you to say that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You shower together before $MassagistaTeen.Nome locks up the studio and leaves.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/JM9-Erin-Bath.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM9 parte 6 - Erin, Eu Preciso de Você. Parte II]]>>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome locks up and you leave the Country Club.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, what are you going to do now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just go to my house.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Do you want me to accompany you there?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Usually it is the boy who accompanies the girl home.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You don't have to accompany me, my home is too far away. And besides, I'm the oldest.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You don't have to accompany me, my home is too far away. And besides, I'm the oldest.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Okay, so let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome holds his hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why did you take my hand?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>For nothing really, just, a little comfort is good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, what is between us? Are we in a relationship?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No, no, they tried to trap me once and I didn't like it, I wouldn't trap myself again in a relationship.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So we have one...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Friends with Benefits, that's what we have.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, my friend with benefits.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I like the idea of having a friend with benefits.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You talk and $MassagistaTeen.Nome takes you home.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You say goodbye, thus ending a beautiful day.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $AmigoM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Amigo2M6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $JogadorM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 63>>
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hello $Jogador.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper, is $Amigo.Nome there?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>He is there in his room, you can come up!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were on your way up when.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hold on a second $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Can we talk for a second?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is there a problem, Miss Cooper?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Yes, $Amigo.Nome's attitudes are making me worried, after that day when you and $Amigo2.Nome were here, he seems so sad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is because $Amigo2.Nome told us something very impactful.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, it's just guy stuff.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Guy stuff?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but relax that this will all change today.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because... I have found something he will like.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You climb the stairs and go to your friend's room in high spirits.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M4 parte 2 - Hoje você consegue uma namorada]]>>
<<set $AmigoM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door of $Amigo.Nome's room, he lets you in.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey bro, how are you?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome has dark circles under his eyes and looks frail.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Man, you are really bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But rejoice for I have good news.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I am not too well to receive good news.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on man, I already know how I can help you with you and $CarmenCa.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>A is it? And what can you do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, this might be a little strange what I'm going to ask you now, but... I need to give you a massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, a quick shoulder massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You is, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No I'm not, you that let me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because a shoulder massage can change everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Man, I'm not going to become confident out of the blue just by getting a shoulder massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You may end up being surprised!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>All right, but don't tell anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course not!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh, god!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $Amigo.Nome sit on the bed next to each other.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome, you are uncomfortable.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't be tense, try to relax.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Uhn, Okay!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You massage $Amigo.Nome's shoulder for seconds.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you relaxed?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, I am feeling much better already.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then the time had come.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Time for what?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hypnotize|A1M4 parte 3 - Hoje você consegue uma namorada]]>>
<<set $AmigoM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I $Amigo.Nome am a awesome man, I have an amazing girl, and I want her to be my girlfriend today! I have the confidence to do it, I'm going to ask $CarmenCa.Nome to dating me and she will accept because I'm awesome."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome continues to stare into the distance for a few more seconds.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Time for what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You said the time had come, and then time for what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Time for you to get well!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you feeling?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I feel much better than before, in fact I feel very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, as incredible as it may seem, your massage is really miraculous.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... are you thinking of anything else?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, I feel like talking to $CarmenCa.Nome, I feel really good, I think I'm ready to ask her to marry me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it serious? But, weren't you intimidated because she had already had sex with several guys and you were still a virgin?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yeah but that's over, I feel so good that it doesn't intimidate me anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>By the way, I'm going to call her now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are not going to ask her to date you by cell phone, are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Of course not, I'll call her on a date, and I'll propose to her there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I'll leave you alone to get ready.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome and thanks a lot man!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave $Amigo.Nome's house, still impressed that the massage worked perfectly.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $AmigoM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $AmigoM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $AmigoM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Amigo.status to "Confident Guy">>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>You are in the square and meet your friend $Amigo2.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Amigo2.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Actually pretty bad $Jogador.Nome, I kept trying to find out more about the book of love but it really doesn't seem to exist anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I have good news, I found a way to solve our problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Oh yeah? How?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to talk to your girlfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Talk what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Actually it's not exactly talk, I need to give her a massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Massage? Why massage her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's just a quick shoulder massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>This is very strange, even for you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Where I come from it has a name, it's called Talarico Shave Shin.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What does it mean?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>It's about a guy who claims to be your friend but actually has his eye on your girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, man, I'm not eyeing your woman. Trust me, I've learned a massage that can change everything!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>That sounds like Talarico talk.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't call me Talarico! Look, if you want you can come along.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, no problem, but you have to trust me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Okay, $Jogador.Nome, I'll give you a vote of confidence, but don't forget! Nobody likes a Shave Shin!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'm not going to shave anyone's shins.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Neither yours.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Neither mine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Okay $Jogador.Nome, let's plan this meeting some time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I have to go now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>All right, but don't forget I'm watching you, $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You swallow hard and walk away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $Amigo2M6.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $Amigo2M6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 17>>
<<narrador>>You are arriving at the library to meet $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Look at her there, all pretty and hot.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And here I am, a great guy who has powers and is going to be able to call her out!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Very good $Jogador.Nome, thank you for asking.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahmmm, you came to tell me something the other day, and what was it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was going to tell you... Saturday 20:30!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What's on at 20:30 Saturday night?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will take you for a wonderful walk, under the light of the full moon.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It looks tempting. Where are we going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a surprise, but I guarantee you'll like it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hummm... you had me looking forward to it, so it better not disappoint me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I guarantee, you will love it!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment you leave in a mysterious exit.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I did it!!!!!! My goodness gracious, I can't believe it!!!!!! Oh my God, now I have to plan this date! I have to find out what she likes!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you recognize a phrase written on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<p><i>"I found you</i></p>
<p><i>All puffy and stoned in a bar</i></p>
<p><i>Sunk in the drink</i></p>
<p><i>I cut your armpit hair and toenails</i></p>
<p><i>I called you sweetheart</i></p>
<p><i>I taught you all the self-reversals of life</i></p>
<p><i>And the translation movement that makes the Earth rotate</i></p>
<p><i>I told you it was important to compete</i></p>
<p><i>But I'll beat you to death if you don't win</i></p>
<p><i>You were</i></p>
<p><i>Now the most important thing</i></p>
<p><i>That ever happened to me at this moment</i></p>
<p><i>Until today in my whole life</i></p>
<p><i>A paradox of the imperfect past tense</i></p>
<p><i>Complex with the Theory of Relativity</i></p>
<p><i>At a crucial moment</i></p>
<p><i>Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.</i></p>
<p><i>And who to mafagafigate the little mafagafos</i></p>
<p><i>A good amafagafigator will be"</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love this song, I'm going to write one more piece of this song!<</ref>>
<p><i>"I found you</i></p>
<p><i>All puffy and stoned in a bar</i></p>
<p><i>Sunk in the drink</i></p>
<p><i>I cut your armpit hair and toenails</i></p>
<p><i>I called you sweetheart</i></p>
<p><i>I taught you all the self-reversals of life</i></p>
<p><i>And the translation movement that makes the Earth rotate</i></p>
<p><i>I told you it was important to compete</i></p>
<p><i>But I'll beat you to death if you don't win</i></p>
<p><i>You were</i></p>
<p><i>Now the most important thing</i></p>
<p><i>That ever happened to me at this moment</i></p>
<p><i>Until today in my whole life</i></p>
<p><i>A paradox of the imperfect past tense</i></p>
<p><i>Complex with the Theory of Relativity</i></p>
<p><i>At a crucial moment</i></p>
<p><i>Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.</i></p>
<p><i>And who to mafagafigate the little mafagafos</i></p>
<p><i>A good amafagafigator will be</i></p>
<p><i>I told you</i></p>
<p><i>That the pediatrician is the doctor responsible for the health of pedicure</i></p>
<p><i>The 'eyeist' takes care of the eyes and the optician</i></p>
<p><i>God forbid, they will never touch mine</i></p>
<p><i>For me</i></p>
<p><i>You are a mythological beast</i></p>
<p><i>With pixaim hair looking like a moose</i></p>
<p><i>I said that</i></p>
<p><i>To rhyme with the sum of the squares of the catheters</i></p>
<p><i>Which is equal to the fucking hypotenuse"</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wanted to write this whole song, but I don't have much time.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM3.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ManuM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>After a lot of work, you finally cleaned kitchen.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao gives you a reward, a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>A deal is a deal! Here's your money.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome's room to see how she is doing, you see her lying on the bed thoughtfully.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I'm still a little sad about everything that happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No, I just... It's just that I was so dedicated to the hospital, I did my best, I worked late every day to show how efficient I was. But then the chief physician fires me just because I didn't accept his harassment.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This can't stay like this, he can't go unpunished.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I thought about reporting him at first, but he is a very powerful and rich man, a friend of judges, so it wouldn't do any good!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am sorry.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And about my ex-boyfriend who I caught him cheating on me with my best friend, he is now making a point of defaming me to all his friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a motherfucker!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I never wanted that, the only thing I wanted was for people to like me, I never realized how doubtful his character was, this relationship between them has been going on for a long time, I just didn't realize it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're nice, I bet you'll soon make other friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I guess not, I was always the school nerd, the only people who talked to me were my... ex and my ex-girlfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're pretty, you'll soon get a guy 10 times better than him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Maybe, but I just want to be alone for a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you feel better already?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ahm, who knew I'm the nurse here and you're the one healing my wounds.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If you want to talk, you know where to find me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>You hug each other and you leave $IrmaV.Nome's badroom.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You are in the living room watching TV, when your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome arrives.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, I thought about what you told me and... I thought we could go for a walk.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think that's a great idea, where do you want to go?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ahm, how about a walk in the park?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Cool, shall we go now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Come on, then it'll do me a lot of good.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM4 parte 2 - Andar Com Minha Irmã]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You and your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome are taking a relaxing walk in the park.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So $IrmaV.Nome how are you feeling now that you have left the house for a bit to get some fresh air.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh, much better, now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Thank you so much for being there for me at such a difficult time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It wasn't only me, $Mae.Relacao and $IrmaN.Nome were also there for you at all times.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah I thank you and $Mae.Relacao ahm... look there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your sister points to an ice cream stand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Can you buy me an ice cream?
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, give me the money.
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It's just that I don't have any money now can you pay for me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, I don't know, you didn't want to buy me ice cream that day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome puts her two fingers on her forehead and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I'm $Jogador.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome and I want to buy some ice cream for my beautiful sister.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You cut her off laughing, she laughs too.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay I'll go get you some ice cream, you wait here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the ice cream stand and buy her an ice cream and one for yourself.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10>>
<<narrador>>You were walking back to your $IrmaV.Relacao when a girl stopped you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Kendall" ???>>Hey man, can you tell me how I'm doing?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/ex-melhor-amiga-IrmaV/images/kendall-alongamento1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How do you mean? You mean how I look?<</fala>>
<<fala "Kendall" ???>>Yeah, yeah, how do I look?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, for someone who's working out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Kendall" ???>>I'm meeting my boyfriend in a few hours so I'm working out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Kendall" ???>>See you kid.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Boy... who is this girl... what a strange conversation.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome will come to you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM4 parte 3 - Andar Com Minha Irmã]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome here's your ice cream.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Thanks, ahm... what did that girl want with you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, she asked if she was okay and that she was meeting her boyfriend in an hour and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome gets very angry.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>That bitch is dating him!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you mean? Do you know her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, that slut is <<textbox "$Kendall.Nome" "Kendall" $Kendall.Nome>>, my ex-best friend who I caught her with my scumbag ex.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So when she said she was going to meet her boyfriend...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Those scumbags are dating!!!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, let's go, please, I'm not feeling well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, then let's go.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM4 parte 4 - Andar Com Minha Irmã]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<narrador>>You walk $Jogador.Nome to her bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome don't let, that girl shake you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Leave me alone for a while please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome I...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No, $Jogador.Nome, I appreciate your help, but I really need to be alone for a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>We'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, then we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room, leaving $IrmaV.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-bar.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Well, in spite of everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just for the record, I don't like what they do to you one bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not just because you are the teacher's daughter that you are gossipy and tell him everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Now other people need to know that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In time they will realize this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what do you think about...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-bar.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have a beautiful look innocent but at the same time sensual.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LexiPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, how are you doing at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Better than you from what I've heard. HAHAHAHAHA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm serious, you spend hours with your friends on the phone, go out with them all the time, you don't take a minute to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look $Jogador.Nome you can rest assured that as popular as I am, my grades are one of the highest in my class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ahn... what is it? You repeated last year, and many teachers don't have good things to say about you, what moral do you have to charge me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know very well that I think school is a waste of time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Okay, but wasting an entire year was not a waste of time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It wasn't on purpose, I thought I might recover in the last trimester.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yeah, but now you have to do it all over again, and besides that you and that friend of yours $Amigo.Nome are getting more and more bad spoken at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I try to defend you when girls talk bad about you in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>They think you are stupid, weak, cowardly, and too preppy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Our! And you defend me from these things?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Sure! You are my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN I would do everything for you, just as you would do everything for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But, you better do something about your public image if you don't want to be remembered as the biggest loser the college has ever seen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gets up and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep thinking about the conversation they had.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't know my reputation was that bad, it looks like I'm going to have to not only hypnotize the teacher's but improve my school reputation, at least until the end of the year.<</ref>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Relacao, what kind of movie do you like best?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like surreal and hard to understand movies<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously? Like which ones?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Type, Mulholland Drive, Daisies, Donnie Darko, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Mother! And others.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've never heard of these movies.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You should give it a go and watch it because they're so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay but why do you like these movies?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh I really like the aesthetics of the movies, they are very visually beautiful, and I like to reflect on the movie I watch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahhmmm I don't really like movies like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Don't like movies that make you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't like movies that don't make sense.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like, get your message across with your fucking movie! Don't get a lot of symbolism and indirection, make your message with this movie clear!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I don't really think that way, I feel really smart when I watch a movie like that and I understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I feel like I'm being cheated! I keep imagining the director like this: this suckers keep trying to decipher this movie, it's just a bunch of random things that I thought and did this shit, now keep watching and keep giving me money so I can do more. That's what I imagine when I watch a movie like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You really need to watch a movie like that, maybe someday we'll watch a movie like that together, then I'll show you that what you said isn't true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so do you like another kind of movie?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, I also like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about movies for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaN>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I need to ask!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why that guy? Why $Valentao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh he's handsome, he's so strong and so... wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please, $IrmaN.Nome understand, he is not good for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You only say that when he hits you at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not only me, he hits everyone who is weaker than him, he's always with a lot of girls and as he dumps, he's always skipping class, understand he's not a good guy for you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I know he's a bit of a troubled boy, but maybe I can make him a good guy, maybe he's dating me and you'll even become friends.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can already imagine how good friends we would be, him going out to the whole school saying, "Hey guys I fucking $Jogador.Nome's sister, it's his sister's such a slut" I definitely can't let that happen.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can't change a guy like him, he just is what he is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You need a guy who treats you like the princess you are, a guy who values you, a guy who truly loves you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, I know what I'm doing and i know $Valentao.Nome will be all that if he has a chance to change.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No she doesn't know, she's such a good girl that she doesn't realize that some people are just bad.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You both keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome, I will ask you a question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What kind of man do you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Why do you want to know that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing, just out of curiosity.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>All right then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I like handsome, strong men, not necessarily muscular, but who show strength.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>That treats me well, and that they are brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, because it looks nothing like the singers you listen to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, there was a time when I liked the more effeminate type, and even metrosexual, but I think that was just a phase.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Today I like real men better as they say. ahahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will I ever be able to look like a man to your liking?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Look, it will be difficult!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>HAHAha it's a joke! With effort and persistence you can.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys are talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaNPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You meet your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome at the Pool.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Piscina-Solo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-IrmaN-CountryClub-Piscina]]>><<set $game.RandomEventOutside to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Very good, I am doing a run here, to keep healthy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, unfortunately your grades last year were terrible, but I will always do my best to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>We're not at school $Jogador.Nome, you can call me $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, Ahm... Why are you so nice to everyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's me, I like to help people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I have seen all teachers lose their temper because they are stressed or because they are having a bad day, but it seems that this has never happened to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know, maybe it's because I'm always on good terms with the world, and maybe that's how it repays me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Cool, teacher... ahm $ProfArte.Nome I'll let you continue your exercise now. Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Very good, thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, unfortunately your grades last year were terrible, but I will always do my best to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>We're not at school $Jogador.Nome, you can call me $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, Ahm... Why are you so nice to everyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's me, I like to help people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I have seen all teachers lose their temper because they are stressed or because they are having a bad day, but it seems that this has never happened to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know, maybe it's because I'm always on good terms with the world, and maybe that's how it repays me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca-exercicios3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, for a woman of my age it is very comforting to receive a compliment from a young man like you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you are not that old.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I am 42 years old and no man looks at me nowadays.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that $ProfArte.Nome, you are wonderful, don't accept anyone telling you otherwise.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Cool, teacher... ahm $ProfArte.Nome I'll let you continue your exercise now. Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<ProfArtePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, for a woman of my age it is very comforting to receive a compliment from a young man like you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you are not that old.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I am 42 years old and no man looks at me nowadays.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that $ProfArte.Nome, you are wonderful, don't accept anyone telling you otherwise.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArtePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 8)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina8.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Well, in spite of everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just for the record, I don't like what they do to you one bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not just because you are the teacher's daughter that you are gossipy and tell him everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Now other people need to know that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In time they will realize this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what do you think about...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 8)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-piscina8.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have a beautiful look innocent but at the same time sensual.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LexiPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Very good, thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, unfortunately your grades last year were terrible, but I will always do my best to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>We're not at school $Jogador.Nome, you can call me $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, Ahm... Why are you so nice to everyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's me, I like to help people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I have seen all teachers lose their temper because they are stressed or because they are having a bad day, but it seems that this has never happened to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know, maybe it's because I'm always on good terms with the world, and maybe that's how it repays me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, for a woman of my age it is very comforting to receive a compliment from a young man like you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you are not that old.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I am 42 years old and no man looks at me nowadays.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that $ProfArte.Nome, you are wonderful, don't accept anyone telling you otherwise.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArtePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Very good, thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, unfortunately your grades last year were terrible, but I will always do my best to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>We're not at school $Jogador.Nome, you can call me $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, Ahm... Why are you so nice to everyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's me, I like to help people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I have seen all teachers lose their temper because they are stressed or because they are having a bad day, but it seems that this has never happened to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know, maybe it's because I'm always on good terms with the world, and maybe that's how it repays me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Corpora">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, for a woman of my age it is very comforting to receive a compliment from a young man like you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you are not that old.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I am 42 years old and no man looks at me nowadays.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that $ProfArte.Nome, you are wonderful, don't accept anyone telling you otherwise.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArtePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Corpora">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Very good, thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, unfortunately your grades last year were terrible, but I will always do my best to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>We're not at school $Jogador.Nome, you can call me $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, Ahm... Why are you so nice to everyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's me, I like to help people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I have seen all teachers lose their temper because they are stressed or because they are having a bad day, but it seems that this has never happened to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know, maybe it's because I'm always on good terms with the world, and maybe that's how it repays me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, for a woman of my age it is very comforting to receive a compliment from a young man like you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you are not that old.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I am 42 years old and no man looks at me nowadays.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that $ProfArte.Nome, you are wonderful, don't accept anyone telling you otherwise.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArtePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Very good, thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, unfortunately your grades last year were terrible, but I will always do my best to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>We're not at school $Jogador.Nome, you can call me $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, Ahm... Why are you so nice to everyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's me, I like to help people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I have seen all teachers lose their temper because they are stressed or because they are having a bad day, but it seems that this has never happened to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know, maybe it's because I'm always on good terms with the world, and maybe that's how it repays me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, for a woman of my age it is very comforting to receive a compliment from a young man like you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you are not that old.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I am 42 years old and no man looks at me nowadays.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that $ProfArte.Nome, you are wonderful, don't accept anyone telling you otherwise.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArtePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCozinha>>
<<narrador>>You go to breakfast with your family, you sit down next to $IrmaV.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I've thought long and hard about what happened on our walk and I've come to a conclusion.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hey realized that I can't let these things get to me, that my ex and that bitch have moved on, so I need to move on too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, I thought you were really sad about what happened, but you've gotten over it really well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>But I can't move on without revenge!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It's true, they did a lot of damage to me, my ex-boss, my ex-boyfriend, and $Kendall.Nome. For me to move on, I need to get back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't you think there is a better way to move on?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Maybe there is, but I've always done everything right to make people like me, and now these same people have stabbed me in the back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But don't you think that revenge is a bad way to move on? As Don Ramón used to say: revenge is never full, it kills the soul and poisons it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I know but, $Jogador.Nome, don't you think they deserve a change?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And so, that's it, they deserve punishment for what they did, and you're going to help me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't want any part of this!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It doesn't matter if you want to! You go! Remember that day I caught you jerking off in the living room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, just stop reminding me of that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>But then, will you help me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but do you at least know how you'll get revenge?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Not yet, but I'll think of something, this little head here sometimes thinks too much evil.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Promise we won't do anything too heavy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, I'll give them exactly what they deserve.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome finishes her breakfast and leaves..<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait a minute, you didn't promise...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome is already far away, you decide not to go after her because you have better things to do.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Go to school" "Escola">>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(9)>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to true>>
<<set $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Cozinha">>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to true>>
<<set $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Remember that time that...|Conversando-Irma1-Praça Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why were you fired anyway?|Conversando-Irma1-Praça Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why you girls are so complicated?|Conversando-Irma1-Praça Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?|Conversando-Irma1-Praça Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@
Converças Irma Mais Velha<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Remember that time that...|Conversando-Irma1-Parque Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why were you fired anyway?|Conversando-Irma1-Parque Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why you girls are so complicated?|Conversando-Irma1-Parque Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?|Conversando-Irma1-Parque Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ah... Hey little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV! All right?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Remember that time that...|Conversando-Irma1-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why were you fired anyway?|Conversando-Irma1-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Why you girls are so complicated?|Conversando-Irma1-CountryClub-Piscina Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?|Conversando-Irma1-CountryClub-Piscina Paixão]]>><<set $Conversa.IrmaV to 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaV.Nome I was remembering the time when we were kids and played doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I remember well, it was at that time that I thought about working in the health area, I like to take care of people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, remember the day $Valentao.Nome broke my arm and you took care of me until the doctors arrived?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, it was the first time I entered that hospital...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome's eyes start to water.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No please don't cry, I'm trying to cheer you up you need to move on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, I know, it's just that... It's very hard to lose your dream career and the boyfriend I know since high school on the same day, in the worst possible way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will help you get through this, we all will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I know, I just need some time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hug and you leave her alone to think.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, $IrmaV.Nome why were you fired anyway? I didn't quite understand this story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The medical director who is very well by the way retired spent two days and he was replaced by a new one. From the moment he walked in I didn't like him, he had very strange behavior for a doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He took strange things with him, he paid for things from the hospital and took them home, not to mention the harassment with all the women who work there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did he do??<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I've often seen him coming up behind the women with a lascivious way, he rubs the ass of the most inexperienced nurses, and then I couldn't take it for granted!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was it when you try to organize a protest?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Before I tried to talk to him, like... calmly, and tell him to stop, but then he threatened to destroy my reputation so I could never work in a hospital again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a son of a bitch this guy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So I tried to organize a protest, several girls who work there agreed to participate, but then the medical director found out beforehand and I was fired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But how did he find out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh I have no idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't worry $IrmaV.Nome soon you'll get a new job.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $IrmaV.Nome keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome why are girls so complicated?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How come $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, ahmm... I have a friend who likes a girl who doesn't care about him so how would he win her over?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A friend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, a... a friend...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Well first you have to see how this girl treats you, if she only treats you good or bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bad... ahum... well, that what he said.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>If a girl treats you bad, never treat you well, because she sure as hell doesn't deserve your love!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I love her... he... he love her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Maybe it's better, your friend forgets about her because if she treats him badly he can only be a horrible person because that friend of yours is an amazing boy !!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Really!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, Ok I'll... I'll tell him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room running. and her $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome stays there with a smile on her face.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... $IrmaV.Nome Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I think everyone has liked someone who didn't like him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but what about you? Who was the guy who didn't care about you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was in 7th grade and there was a beautiful boy with long blond hair sitting in front of me, I always tried to make him look at me but never could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>One day I asked one of my friends for help at the time she was also into another boy at school so we decided to try to do a double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How crazy, a double date, and you barely knew the guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it gets worse!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In this meeting I realized that he barely talks to me he didn't pay any attention to me which I found strange because if he didn't like me why accepted the invitation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really really weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I noticed that he was very interested in my friend's conversation with the boy she was with.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was very sad at that moment, and I left crying, I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The next morning at school I met my friend who went on a date with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She asked why I suddenly left, and so I said, it's not obvious, the guy I like doesn't care about me, but he's into you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She said that pretending he was strangely very interested in her conversation with his date but still they didn't end up dating, if processor just friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what a crazy story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it still has the big plot twist.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A month passed and that guy I liked, who went on a double date with me, showed up dating my friend's date from that same double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So he was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what an absurd story!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, So this is it , this is the story of how I fell in love and broke my face for the first time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The first? and the second how was it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This one you know, but another day I'll tell you.<</fala>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaV.Nome I was remembering the time when we were kids and played doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I remember well, it was at that time that I thought about working in the health area, I like to take care of people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, remember the day $Valentao.Nome broke my arm and you took care of me until the doctors arrived?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, it was the first time I entered that hospital...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome's eyes start to water.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No please don't cry, I'm trying to cheer you up you need to move on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, I know, it's just that... It's very hard to lose your dream career and the boyfriend I know since high school on the same day, in the worst possible way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will help you get through this, we all will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I know, I just need some time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hug and you leave her alone to think.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, $IrmaV.Nome why were you fired anyway? I didn't quite understand this story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The medical director who is very well by the way retired spent two days and he was replaced by a new one. From the moment he walked in I didn't like him, he had very strange behavior for a doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He took strange things with him, he paid for things from the hospital and took them home, not to mention the harassment with all the women who work there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did he do??<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I've often seen him coming up behind the women with a lascivious way, he rubs the ass of the most inexperienced nurses, and then I couldn't take it for granted!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was it when you try to organize a protest?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Before I tried to talk to him, like... calmly, and tell him to stop, but then he threatened to destroy my reputation so I could never work in a hospital again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a son of a bitch this guy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So I tried to organize a protest, several girls who work there agreed to participate, but then the medical director found out beforehand and I was fired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But how did he find out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh I have no idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't worry $IrmaV.Nome soon you'll get a new job.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $IrmaV.Nome keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome why are girls so complicated?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How come $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, ahmm... I have a friend who likes a girl who doesn't care about him so how would he win her over?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A friend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, a... a friend...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Well first you have to see how this girl treats you, if she only treats you good or bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bad... ahum... well, that what he said.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>If a girl treats you bad, never treat you well, because she sure as hell doesn't deserve your love!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I love her... he... he love her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Maybe it's better, your friend forgets about her because if she treats him badly he can only be a horrible person because that friend of yours is an amazing boy !!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Really!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, Ok I'll... I'll tell him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room running. and her $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome stays there with a smile on her face.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... $IrmaV.Nome Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I think everyone has liked someone who didn't like him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but what about you? Who was the guy who didn't care about you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was in 7th grade and there was a beautiful boy with long blond hair sitting in front of me, I always tried to make him look at me but never could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>One day I asked one of my friends for help at the time she was also into another boy at school so we decided to try to do a double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How crazy, a double date, and you barely knew the guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it gets worse!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In this meeting I realized that he barely talks to me he didn't pay any attention to me which I found strange because if he didn't like me why accepted the invitation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really really weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I noticed that he was very interested in my friend's conversation with the boy she was with.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was very sad at that moment, and I left crying, I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The next morning at school I met my friend who went on a date with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She asked why I suddenly left, and so I said, it's not obvious, the guy I like doesn't care about me, but he's into you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She said that pretending he was strangely very interested in her conversation with his date but still they didn't end up dating, if processor just friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what a crazy story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it still has the big plot twist.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A month passed and that guy I liked, who went on a double date with me, showed up dating my friend's date from that same double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So he was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what an absurd story!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, So this is it , this is the story of how I fell in love and broke my face for the first time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The first? and the second how was it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This one you know, but another day I'll tell you.<</fala>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $IrmaV.Nome I was remembering the time when we were kids and played doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I remember well, it was at that time that I thought about working in the health area, I like to take care of people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, remember the day $Valentao.Nome broke my arm and you took care of me until the doctors arrived?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, it was the first time I entered that hospital...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome's eyes start to water.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No please don't cry, I'm trying to cheer you up you need to move on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, I know, it's just that... It's very hard to lose your dream career and the boyfriend I know since high school on the same day, in the worst possible way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will help you get through this, we all will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I know, I just need some time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hug and you leave her alone to think.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, $IrmaV.Nome why were you fired anyway? I didn't quite understand this story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The medical director who is very well by the way retired spent two days and he was replaced by a new one. From the moment he walked in I didn't like him, he had very strange behavior for a doctor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He took strange things with him, he paid for things from the hospital and took them home, not to mention the harassment with all the women who work there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did he do??<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I've often seen him coming up behind the women with a lascivious way, he rubs the ass of the most inexperienced nurses, and then I couldn't take it for granted!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was it when you try to organize a protest?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Before I tried to talk to him, like... calmly, and tell him to stop, but then he threatened to destroy my reputation so I could never work in a hospital again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a son of a bitch this guy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So I tried to organize a protest, several girls who work there agreed to participate, but then the medical director found out beforehand and I was fired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But how did he find out?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh I have no idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't worry $IrmaV.Nome soon you'll get a new job.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $IrmaV.Nome keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch $Conversa.IrmaV>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome why are girls so complicated?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How come $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, ahmm... I have a friend who likes a girl who doesn't care about him so how would he win her over?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A friend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, a... a friend...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Well first you have to see how this girl treats you, if she only treats you good or bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bad... ahum... well, that what he said.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>If a girl treats you bad, never treat you well, because she sure as hell doesn't deserve your love!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I love her... he... he love her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Maybe it's better, your friend forgets about her because if she treats him badly he can only be a horrible person because that friend of yours is an amazing boy !!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Really!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm, Ok I'll... I'll tell him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room running. and her $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome stays there with a smile on her face.<</narrador>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... $IrmaV.Nome Have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I think everyone has liked someone who didn't like him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but what about you? Who was the guy who didn't care about you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was in 7th grade and there was a beautiful boy with long blond hair sitting in front of me, I always tried to make him look at me but never could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>One day I asked one of my friends for help at the time she was also into another boy at school so we decided to try to do a double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How crazy, a double date, and you barely knew the guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it gets worse!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In this meeting I realized that he barely talks to me he didn't pay any attention to me which I found strange because if he didn't like me why accepted the invitation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really really weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I noticed that he was very interested in my friend's conversation with the boy she was with.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was very sad at that moment, and I left crying, I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The next morning at school I met my friend who went on a date with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She asked why I suddenly left, and so I said, it's not obvious, the guy I like doesn't care about me, but he's into you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She said that pretending he was strangely very interested in her conversation with his date but still they didn't end up dating, if processor just friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what a crazy story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes but it still has the big plot twist.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A month passed and that guy I liked, who went on a double date with me, showed up dating my friend's date from that same double date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So he was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh was!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow what an absurd story!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, So this is it , this is the story of how I fell in love and broke my face for the first time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The first? and the second how was it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This one you know, but another day I'll tell you.<</fala>>
<<IrmaVPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter one of the massage rooms and see $ProfLiteratura.Nome already inside.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, the Teacher is very hot.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>And the massage begins.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>The masseuse needed to remove her pants to continue the massage, $ProfLiteratura.Nome seems to accept this.<</ref>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<ref $Jogador>>But it seems that the teacher is not so comfortable with this.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $ProfLiteratura.Nome must be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 26>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Things are getting better! The masseuse now removes $ProfLiteratura.Nome's panties.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wish I had the privileged view that this masseuse has.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, my good teacher is getting wet?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I am liking the way this is going.<</ref>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $ProfLiteratura.Nome must be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 23>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is my teacher taking off the masseuse's clothes? Wow.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't believe it, my good teacher is literally hitting on the masseuse.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a beautiful pussy this woman has.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>The masseuse is wanting to go further with the teacher even gave her a lick on her ass.<</ref>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 35>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $ProfLiteratura.Nome must be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 20>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Moralidade lt 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>To continue this scene $ProfLiteratura.Nome must be more immoral.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message remains normal from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 19>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now the massage I wanted to see will begin.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Jerk off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Jerking off|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 21>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 21>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Cavanni-Massagem25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Who would have thought that the righteous teacher has more fire than the Human Torch.<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
/*===================================================================*//*================== Missões Professora de Arte =====================*/
<<set $ProfArteM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Doing Homework",
MissaoDica: "Go do your art homework in your bedroom between 13:00 and 23:00",
MissaoID: "PAM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM2 = {
MissaoNome: "That Test Of Expressionism",
MissaoDica: "Be present at the next art lesson",
MissaoID: "PAM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM3 = {
MissaoNome: "The Artist. Part I",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Corpora's house between 18:00 and 21:30",
MissaoID: "PAM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM4 = {
MissaoNome: "The Artist. Part II",
MissaoDica: "Go to School between 12:00 and 13:00",
MissaoID: "PAM4",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM5 = {
MissaoNome: "The Teacher's Paintings",
MissaoDica: "Go to $ProfArte.Nome Corpora while she is at her house between 18:00 and 21:30",
MissaoID: "PAM5",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM6 = {
MissaoNome: "And the website is ready!",
MissaoDica: "Wait a few days",
MissaoID: "PAM6",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM7 = {
MissaoNome: "Uninspired",
MissaoDica: "Go to $ProfArte.Nome Corpora while she is at her house between 18:00 and 21:30",
MissaoID: "PAM7",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Cycling",
MissaoDica: "Go to the park on the weekend between 08:00 and 09:00",
MissaoID: "PAM8",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM9 = {
MissaoNome: "Painting",
MissaoDica: "Go to $ProfArte.Nome Corpora while she is at her house between 18:00 and 21:30",
MissaoID: "PAM9",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM10 = {
MissaoNome: "Admiring",
MissaoDica: "Have at least 40 fitness and will work out at the Gym between 14:30 and 15:30 (While $ProfArte.Nome is there)",
MissaoID: "PAM10",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM11 = {
MissaoNome: "$Jogador.Nome, I'm Almost There",
MissaoDica: "Go to $ProfArte.Nome Corpora while she is at her house between 18:00 and 21:30",
MissaoID: "PAM11",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM12 = {
MissaoNome: "Under the Sun",
MissaoDica: "Have at least 50 fitness and go to the pool at the Country Club between 15:30 and 16:30 (While $ProfArte.Nome is there)",
MissaoID: "PAM12",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfArteM13 = {
MissaoNome: "In End, Inspiration",
MissaoDica: "Go to $ProfArte.Nome Corpora while she is at her house between 18:00 and 21:30",
MissaoID: "PAM13",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================= Missões Professora de Química ===================*/
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "No, no, no, that's not possible!",
MissaoDica: "Go to the living room between 20:00 and 22:00",
MissaoID: "PQM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfQuimicaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle",
MissaoDica: "Go to School between 12:00 and 13:00 on Monday",
MissaoID: "PQM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfQuimicaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "A Big Problem Called $ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Go to School between 12:00 and 13:00 on Tuesday",
MissaoID: "PQM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfQuimicaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "More Problems",
MissaoDica: "Go to School between 12:00 and 13:00",
MissaoID: "PQM4",
MissaoDono: "$ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfQuimicaM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Shopping of the Week",
MissaoDica: "Go to School between 12:00 and 13:00",
MissaoID: "PQM5",
MissaoDono: "$ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfQuimicaM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Search",
MissaoDica: "Go to your bedroom",
MissaoID: "PQM6",
MissaoDono: "$ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7 = {
MissaoNome: "The Teacher Calls You",
MissaoDica: "Be home on the weekend between 16:00 and 19:00",
MissaoID: "PQM7",
MissaoDono: "$ProfQuimica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================ Missões Professora de História ===================*/
<<set $ProfHistoriaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Reading",
MissaoDica: "Buy the book Animal Farm and go to the History teacher's house on Thursday from 18:00 to 21:00",
MissaoID: "PHM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "A Pleasant Time",
MissaoDica: "Read Animal Farm chapter 2 and go to the History teacher's apartament on Thursday from 18:00 to 21:00",
MissaoID: "PHM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Reading Further",
MissaoDica: "Read Animal Farm chapter 3 and go to the History teacher's apartament on Thursday from 18:00 to 21:00",
MissaoID: "PHM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Comics and More",
MissaoDica: "Read Animal Farm chapter 4, reach 10 friendship with her and go to the History teacher's apartament on Thursday from 18:00 to 21:00",
MissaoID: "PHM4",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaM5 = {
MissaoNome: "And we're already halfway through the book.",
MissaoDica: "Read Animal Farm chapter 5, reach 25 friendship with her and go to the History teacher's apartament on Thursday from 18:00 to 21:00",
MissaoID: "PHM5",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaM6 = {
MissaoNome: "Wonder Woman",
MissaoDica: "Go to the History teacher's apartment on Saturday at 20:00",
MissaoID: "PHM6",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaM7 = {
MissaoNome: "There will be a history test",
MissaoDica: "Be present in the next History lesson",
MissaoID: "PHM7",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaM8 = {
MissaoNome: "Burning Start",
MissaoDica: "Read Animal Farm chapter 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and go to the History teacher's apartament on Thursday from 18:00 to 21:00",
MissaoID: "PHM8",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================ Missões Professor de Ed. Fisica ==================*/
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Let's Play a Little",
MissaoDica: "Go to the school court on Monday from 18:00 to 19:00",
MissaoID: "PEFM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfEdFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "The Sportswoman, the Masseuse and the Piano Teacher",
MissaoDica: "Be at your house on Saturday between 13:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "PEFM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfEdFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "The Piano Teacher",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Paparozzi's house for the first piano lesson between 16:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "PEFM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfEdFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "Piano Lessons",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Paparozzi's house and continue your piano lessons between 16:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "PEFM4",
MissaoDono: "$ProfEdFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM5 = {
MissaoNome: "Seduction",
MissaoDica: "Have 25 Friendship with $Aaliyah.Nome and be at your house on Saturday between 13:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "PEFM5",
MissaoDono: "$ProfEdFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================= Missões Professora de Biologia ==================*/
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Teacher's Gift",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Teachers' Room during recess or after lesson when Biology Teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "PBM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfBiologia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfBiologiaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "This is Weird",
MissaoDica: "Go to Hutchison's Sisters Apartment between 19:00 and 21:00 on Tuesday",
MissaoID: "PBM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfBiologia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfBiologiaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Oh Fuck, Not Again",
MissaoDica: "Go to Sisters Hutchison's Apartment between 19:00 to 21:00 on Friday",
MissaoID: "PBM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfBiologia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfBiologiaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "And You and $Penny.Nome huh?",
MissaoDica: "Go to Sisters Hutchison's Apartment between 19:00 to 21:00 on Wednesday",
MissaoID: "PBM4",
MissaoDono: "$ProfBiologia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*============== Missões Professora de ProfLiteratura ===============*/
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Problems With Grades",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Teachers' Room during recess or after lesson when Literature Teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "PLM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfLiteratura.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Ask Her to Stop",
MissaoDica: "Attend the literature lesson on Wednesday or Thursday",
MissaoID: "PLM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfLiteratura.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Why is this so boring?",
MissaoDica: "Go to Hutchison's Sisters Apartment between 19:00 and 21:00 on Tuesday",
MissaoID: "PLM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfLiteratura.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*=============== Missões Professora de Sociologia ==================*/
<<set $ProfSociologiaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Bodybuilding",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym between 14:30 and 15:30",
MissaoID: "PSM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfLiteratura.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*============== Missões Nova "Professora" de Fisica ================*/
<<set $NewProfFisicaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Introducing Everyone The New Physics Teacher",
MissaoDica: "Be present in the next Physics lesson",
MissaoID: "NPFM1",
MissaoDono: "$NewProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $NewProfFisicaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "$NewProfFisica.Nome Dalton",
MissaoDica: "Go to the Klump's house between 13:00 and 18:00",
MissaoID: "NPFM2",
MissaoDono: "$NewProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Physics Test",
MissaoDica: "Be present in the next Physics lesson",
MissaoID: "NPFM3",
MissaoDono: "$NewProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================= Missões Professor de Filosofia ==================*/
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Announcement",
MissaoDica: "Attend the philosophy lesson on friday",
MissaoID: "PFM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFilosofia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "Philosophy Test",
MissaoDica: "Attend the philosophy lesson on monday",
MissaoID: "PFM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFilosofia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Farewell Party",
MissaoDica: "Attend the philosophy lesson on friday",
MissaoID: "PFM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFilosofia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "The Old New Old Teacher",
MissaoDica: "Attend the philosophy lesson on monday",
MissaoID: "PFM4",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFilosofia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================== Missões Professor de Física ====================*/
<<set $ProfFisicaM1 = {
MissaoNome: "Tiredness",
MissaoDica: "Help the physics teacher train one more time",
MissaoID: "PFSM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFisicaM2 = {
MissaoNome: "I Can Not Anymore",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym between 14:30 to 18:00",
MissaoID: "PFSM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFisicaM3 = {
MissaoNome: "Absence",
MissaoDica: "Be present for the next Physics class",
MissaoID: "PFSM3",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFisicaM4 = {
MissaoNome: "What's up with Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome?",
MissaoDica: "Go to Teacher Klump's house",
MissaoID: "PFSM4",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFisicaM5 = {
MissaoNome: "The only possible solution",
MissaoDica: "Go to Teacher Klump's house",
MissaoID: "PFSM5",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFisicaM6 = {
MissaoNome: "It's gone!!!",
MissaoDica: "Be present for the next Physics class",
MissaoID: "PFSM6",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfFisicaM7 = {
MissaoNome: "The Farce",
MissaoDica: "Be at school on Friday during recess",
MissaoID: "PFSM7",
MissaoDono: "$ProfFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
Professora de História Missões (Diana Prince)Professor de Filosofia Missões<<Fundo3B>>
<<narrador>>His philosophy class was proceeding normally.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>...so everything that happened to him, didn't really happen, because of the events of the first three centuries...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Normal as much as possible. Until:<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Students please I have an important announcement, next week I will be retiring.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class is in shock.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>That's right me... I've worked my whole life at this school and finally decided to retire.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.Penny is true>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome raises her hand and says:<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Teacher, we will miss you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Thank you very much, $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.Penny is false>>
<<narrador>>A girl raises her hand and says:<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" Garota>>Teacher, we're going to miss you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>I could have retired a few years ago, but since I have always loved my job I wanted to keep working and now I find that the time has come for me to say goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Teacher, how about a farewell party?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>That won't be necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, teacher, I think it would be a good idea to have a farewell party for you, because you have always been a great teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Exactly, teacher, let us thank you for putting up with us for all these years.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Okay then, but promise me you'll do a simple ceremony, I'm not old enough for things.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Just a few exotic dancers will be fine.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>But I just have to say, one thing, my last day of school is next Friday.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>And on Monday I have to give you your last exam.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class is sorry.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>But relax students, the test will be very easy, you will only have 3 questions each one of them take 3 points 3+3+3 from 9 to get 10 you will have to have the prowess to write the right name.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Seriously, I've had students write their own name wrong.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The bell rings.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Goodbye, class is over and we'll see you next week, study for the test.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>The oldest teacher in the school is retiring and we'll miss him.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Next Lesson" "Aula de Sociologia">>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, your grades are terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, but are they that bad?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you literally got a 1 in one of the subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but it was only in chemistry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>And also in my subjects you have to improve a lot!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You just have to concentrate more on my lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really hard for me you know.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at the teacher's wonderful body from top to bottom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how it is but that you can do it, you are a smart boy I know that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, your grades are terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, but are they that bad?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you literally got a 1 in one of the subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but it was only in chemistry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>And also in my subjects you have to improve a lot!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You just have to concentrate more on my lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really hard for me you know.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at the teacher's wonderful body from top to bottom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how it is but that you can do it, you are a smart boy I know that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Please don't say that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Tell me I'm very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, you look very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how beautiful and hot I am, don't be afraid to compliment me like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, it's just that some girls find a guy who compliments like that rude.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>For with me you have the freedom to praise just like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Please don't say that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Tell me I'm very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, you look very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how beautiful and hot I am, don't be afraid to compliment me like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, it's just that some girls find a guy who compliments like that rude.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>For with me you have the freedom to praise just like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, your grades are terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, but are they that bad?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you literally got a 1 in one of the subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but it was only in chemistry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>And also in my subjects you have to improve a lot!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You just have to concentrate more on my lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really hard for me you know.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at the teacher's wonderful body from top to bottom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how it is but that you can do it, you are a smart boy I know that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Please don't say that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Tell me I'm very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, you look very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how beautiful and hot I am, don't be afraid to compliment me like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, it's just that some girls find a guy who compliments like that rude.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>For with me you have the freedom to praise just like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoApartamentoHutchison>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, your grades are terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, but are they that bad?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you literally got a 1 in one of the subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but it was only in chemistry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>And also in my subjects you have to improve a lot!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You just have to concentrate more on my lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really hard for me you know.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at the teacher's wonderful body from top to bottom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how it is but that you can do it, you are a smart boy I know that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoApartamentoHutchison>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Please don't say that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Tell me I'm very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, you look very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how beautiful and hot I am, don't be afraid to compliment me like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, it's just that some girls find a guy who compliments like that rude.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>For with me you have the freedom to praise just like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I'm good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I have a chance to repeat the year again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, your grades are terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, but are they that bad?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you literally got a 1 in one of the subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but it was only in chemistry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>And also in my subjects you have to improve a lot!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You just have to concentrate more on my lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really hard for me you know.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at the teacher's wonderful body from top to bottom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how it is but that you can do it, you are a smart boy I know that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Please don't say that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Tell me I'm very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, you look very hot today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I know how beautiful and hot I am, don't be afraid to compliment me like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, teacher, it's just that some girls find a guy who compliments like that rude.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>For with me you have the freedom to praise just like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfBiologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MissTravella.Nome, what do you work on?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I am a doctor, $Jogador.Nome, and I work there at the hospital.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome worked there too, she is a nurse.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome works there too, she is a nurse.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, I know her, she has a lot of courage.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I agree, to face the boss like that, she was very brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But enough about my $IrmaV.Relacao, tell me about yourself.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Courage? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>She has been facing the head doctor with great courage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>This new chief doctor that has arrived has been harassing some of the doctors and nurses, and your $IrmaV.Relacao is fighting bravely against it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, she is quite a woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All good, but now enough about bad things, tell me what's new.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body is wonderful, you must train a lot to have such a beautiful body<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MissTravella.Nome, what do you work on?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I am a doctor, $Jogador.Nome, and I work there at the hospital.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome worked there too, she is a nurse.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome works there too, she is a nurse.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, I know her, she has a lot of courage.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I agree, to face the boss like that, she was very brave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But enough about my $IrmaV.Relacao, tell me about yourself.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Courage? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>She has been facing the head doctor with great courage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>This new chief doctor that has arrived has been harassing some of the doctors and nurses, and your $IrmaV.Relacao is fighting bravely against it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, she is quite a woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All good, but now enough about bad things, tell me what's new.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your body is wonderful, you must train a lot to have such a beautiful body<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You're in front of her apartment and knock on the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, teacher, it's $Jogador.Nome, I'm here for the book club.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She answers to come in behind the door: "The door is open, she says".<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You go into your apartment and $ProfHistoria.Nome is there waiting.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, are you ready to start?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I've got the book here and I'm ready.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Then you can sit there on the couch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Let's start by discussing the first chapter, the farm was a clear reference to...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hold on, I thought we were going to start reading the book.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>What do you mean $Jogador.Nome? Don't you know how the book club works?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, how does it work?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>You read the book at home and we meet to discuss it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, I didn't know that.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>So you haven't read anything?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Damn it! Today's meeting is ruined!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well we can just read the book today, and next time I promise I'll read the book at home and we'll do the book club the right way.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Okay, we're already here, right? Do you want me to start reading?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, please.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She opens the book and starts reading.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side, he lurched across the yard, kicked off his boots at the back door, drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery, and made his way up to bed, where Mrs. Jones...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How am I going to hypnotize her like that, she will simply continue reading and I won't have any opportunity to try to hypnotize her, not to mention that she doesn't seem relaxed at all.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Is $Jogador.Nome paying attention?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, sure.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Then continue where I left off.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Third paragraph.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, ahm, I knew it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At one end of the big barn, on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern which hung from a beam. He was twelve years old and had lately grown rather stout, but he was still a majestic-looking pig, with a wise and benevolent appearance in spite of the fact that his tushes had never been cut. Before long the other...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You read chapter one in full.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, do you understand the metaphors?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I understood that the farm was the Soviet Union and the animals were the political leaders of the time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Exactly, and then we will continue next week, read chapter two and discuss the reading.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so I can leave now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Yes, $Jogador.Nome, you're free to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>See you next time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave your teacher's house mentally tired.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then, bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Portaria-Apartamento">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $AnimalFarm.Capitulo1 to true>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 73>>
<<narrador>>You and your friends are talking in the cafeteria.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look at the girls at the center table.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/refeitorio/images/The-Baby-Dolls-escola.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome, $Debora.Nome and your muse $Paixao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys I have a plan to win over $Paixao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Dude, come on, she hates you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>She hates everyone actually.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But guys, you have to understand that...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>We don't have to understand anything! We don't want you with that girl!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Take it easy, man.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Sorry man, it's just that this girl always talked bad about me and I never cared, but I found out that this girl disrespected my dead father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How do you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>My mom told me, they bumped into each other somewhere and they had a fight.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And how was it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I don't know very well, my mother didn't give many details, I only know that she disrespected my family, especially the memory of my father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, these girls are bad, and $Paixao.Nome is the worst of them, if you are really our friend, stay away from this bitch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But guys, I also have a plan that can give her a break.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Revenge is what I want!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not necessarily revenge, but it might help her to be more humble.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And what is your idea?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I saw it in a movie, but tomorrow I'll tell you my idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And why don't you say it now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dude! Get in the game! Recess is already ending and I need to plan it better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Okay, then.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The bell rings and you go back to the room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $PaixaoM2.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $PaixaoM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PaixaoM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 21>>
<<if $MissTravella.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $MissTravella.Moralidade lt 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $MissTravella.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $MissTravella.Moralidade lt 37>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $MissTravella.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym14.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-gym15.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $MissTravella.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoRefeitorio>>
<<narrador>>You sit down with your friends in the cafeteria.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome now tell us your plan that you should have told us yesterday!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay guys but you're going to have to help me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>No problem.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Always brother!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I saw a movie that had an insufferable girl, even a little bit like $Paixao.Nome, and her friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In this movie two girls and a boy make a plan to destroy her popularity and so this is what we are going to do. Come closer.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You show a sheet of paper in your notebook to explain to your friends your plan.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PXM3-Caderno.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Paixao.Nome is an evil dictator, correct?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>That's right!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And how do you overthrow a dictator? You take away his resources.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You circle with your finger "Boys".<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Paixao.Nome would be nobody without the boys who flatter her and do everything for her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Including you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, including me!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Bastard.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We have to think of a way to make these boys ignore her, including me, I swear I'll stop!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say this with one hand on your chest.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Your friends don't seem to take it seriously.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm serious!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>All right, go on, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You circle with your finger "Self Esteem".<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She may be a girl with a perfect body, but what if we make her believe she's not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Okay, but how do we do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>There are some forms of hypnosis on the Internet.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hypnosis?!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hypnosis?!?!|PXM3 parte 2 - Destronando a Abelha Rainha parte I]]>>
<<set $PaixaoM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hypnosis?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How does he know about Hypnosis?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you mean hypnosis?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It's hard to explain, go to the house and I'll show you.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my Goooood!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but now we still have the third item.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You circle with your finger "Loyal Followers".<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Paixao.Nome would be nothing without her best "friends".<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You make quotes with your fingers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Why "friends" in quotes?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome make quotes with your fingers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because this kind of girl has no real friends, she has followers who follow her because it is to their advantage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It only takes one of them to fight and the third pillar of the queen bee is destroyed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The bell rings, time to go back to the classroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Damn! We haven't even decided everything that is going to happen.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Relax, Sunday everybody is at my house and we will discuss this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh and tell me about the hypnosis thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, and...<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Then you suckers it's time to go back to the room, are you deaf? hahahahahahah<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/paixao/images/paixao-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She's leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, let's finish this bitch off!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the room knowing that you have a mission to accomplish.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $PaixaoM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $PaixaoM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 13>>
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is false and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is false and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the second chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the foot of the orchard.</p>
<p>This was early in March. During the next three months there was much secret activity. Major’s speech had given to the more intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for thinking that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the cleverest of the animals. Pre eminent among the pigs were two young boars named Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr. Jones was breeding up for sale...</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 60>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is false and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the third chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>How they toiled and sweated to get the hay in! But their efforts were rewarded, for the harvest was an even bigger success than they had hoped...</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 55>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the fourth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>By the late summer the news of what had happened on Animal Farm had spread across half the county. Every day Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons whose instructions were to mingle with the animals on neighbouring farms, tell them the story of the Rebellion, and teach them the tune of ‘Beasts of England’</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 50>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is true and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the fifth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>As winter drew on, Mollie became more and more troublesome. She was late for work every morning and excused herself by saying that she had overslept, and she complained of mysterious pains, although her appetite was excellent.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 45>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is true and $AnimalFarm.Full is true>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the sixth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them, and not for a pack of idle, thieving human beings.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the seventh chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>It was a bitter winter. The stormy weather was followed by sleet and snow, and then by a hard frost which did not break till well into February. The animals carried on as best they could with the rebuilding of the windmill, well knowing that the outside world was watching them and that the envious human beings would rejoice and triumph if the mill were not finished on time.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the eighth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Afew days later, when the terror caused by the executions had died down, some of the animals remembered — or thought they remembered — that the Sixth Commandment decreed “No animal shall kill any other animal.”</p><</ref>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the ninth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Boxer’s split hoof was a long time in healing. They had started the rebuilding of the windmill the day after the victory celebrations were ended.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 9s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the tenth and final chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Years passed. The seasons came and went, the short animal lives fled by. A time came when there was no one who remembered the old days before the Rebellion, except Clover, Benjamin, Moses the raven, and a number of the pigs.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 11s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><<addmins 135>><</button>>@@
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the second chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the foot of the orchard.</p>
<p>This was early in March. During the next three months there was much secret activity. Major’s speech had given to the more intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for thinking that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the cleverest of the animals. Pre eminent among the pigs were two young boars named Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr. Jones was breeding up for sale...</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|Praça]]>><<addmins 85>><</button>>@@
<<if $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is false and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is false and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the second chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the foot of the orchard.</p>
<p>This was early in March. During the next three months there was much secret activity. Major’s speech had given to the more intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for thinking that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the cleverest of the animals. Pre eminent among the pigs were two young boars named Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr. Jones was breeding up for sale...</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|Parque]]>><<addmins 60>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is false and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the third chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>How they toiled and sweated to get the hay in! But their efforts were rewarded, for the harvest was an even bigger success than they had hoped...</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|Parque]]>><<addmins 55>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is false and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the fourth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>By the late summer the news of what had happened on Animal Farm had spread across half the county. Every day Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons whose instructions were to mingle with the animals on neighbouring farms, tell them the story of the Rebellion, and teach them the tune of ‘Beasts of England’</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|Parque]]>><<addmins 50>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is true and $AnimalFarm.Full is false>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the fifth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>As winter drew on, Mollie became more and more troublesome. She was late for work every morning and excused herself by saying that she had overslept, and she complained of mysterious pains, although her appetite was excellent.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|Parque]]>><<addmins 45>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $AnimalFarm.Capitulo2 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo3 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo4 is true and $AnimalFarm.Capitulo5 is true and $AnimalFarm.Full is true>>
<<timed 0s t8n>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/Animal-Farm_Livro.jpg"></center>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You read the sixth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them, and not for a pack of idle, thieving human beings.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the seventh chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>It was a bitter winter. The stormy weather was followed by sleet and snow, and then by a hard frost which did not break till well into February. The animals carried on as best they could with the rebuilding of the windmill, well knowing that the outside world was watching them and that the envious human beings would rejoice and triumph if the mill were not finished on time.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the eighth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Afew days later, when the terror caused by the executions had died down, some of the animals remembered — or thought they remembered — that the Sixth Commandment decreed “No animal shall kill any other animal.”</p><</ref>>
<<timed 7s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the ninth chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Boxer’s split hoof was a long time in healing. They had started the rebuilding of the windmill the day after the victory celebrations were ended.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 9s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You also read the tenth and final chapter of Animal Farm.<</narrador>>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<ref $Jogador>><p>Years passed. The seasons came and went, the short animal lives fled by. A time came when there was no one who remembered the old days before the Rebellion, except Clover, Benjamin, Moses the raven, and a number of the pigs.</p><</ref>>
<<timed 11s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|Parque]]>><<addmins 135>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, what is this outfit?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, don't you think it's a little short? It looks like a bathing suit?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's short, yes, but I also think I'm setting a fashion trend, in the future everyone will be wearing clothes like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, if you're saying so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And also this city is super hot, I would walk around naked in the city if I could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't you be ashamed to walk everywhere naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not really, I think I would even like people to look at me, after all I know I am beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about you? Would you stop wearing clothes if you could?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I guess if I was more muscular yes.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... maybe so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mark my words $Jogador.Nome nudity in public, that is the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tell me, what is the good one?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your eyes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The blue of your eyes hypnotize me. It looks like the blue sky on a summer day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, what is this outfit?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, you like this swimsuit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, I think it's beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>He is quite different from other women, but that's okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's what they say, isn't it? what's beautiful is for show.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And also it's only temporary, it's just until I'm allowed to walk around naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't you be ashamed to walk everywhere naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not really, I think I would even like people to look at me, after all I know I am beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about you? Would you stop wearing clothes if you could?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I guess if I was more muscular yes.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... maybe so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mark my words $Jogador.Nome nudity in public, that is the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tell me, what is the good one?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your eyes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The blue of your eyes hypnotize me. It looks like the blue sky on a summer day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, what is this outfit?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, you like this swimsuit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, I think it's beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>He is quite different from other women, but that's okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's what they say, isn't it? what's beautiful is for show.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And also it's only temporary, it's just until I'm allowed to walk around naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't you be ashamed to walk everywhere naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not really, I think I would even like people to look at me, after all I know I am beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about you? Would you stop wearing clothes if you could?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I guess if I was more muscular yes.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... maybe so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mark my words $Jogador.Nome nudity in public, that is the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tell me, what is the good one?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your eyes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The blue of your eyes hypnotize me. It looks like the blue sky on a summer day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaul.Moralidade gte 50>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $LenaPaul.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $LenaPaul.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't make the effort to change, of course you won't!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Why don't you start studying more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I think this is a waste of time, not studying in itself, but what you study, and I don't see any real utility in what I learn at school today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But not even in literature?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly literature is one of the most boring subjects in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What a pity you think this way, to be left out of the wonderful world of literature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stop fooling around $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I'm not fooling.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh come on, I'm just a middle-aged woman, nobody finds me attractive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You definitely don't look at yourself from the mirror, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I don't believe it, but I still thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, so you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoBiblioteca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't make the effort to change, of course you won't!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Why don't you start studying more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I think this is a waste of time, not studying in itself, but what you study, and I don't see any real utility in what I learn at school today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But not even in literature?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly literature is one of the most boring subjects in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What a pity you think this way, to be left out of the wonderful world of literature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-escola-biblioteca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stop fooling around $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I'm not fooling.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh come on, I'm just a middle-aged woman, nobody finds me attractive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You definitely don't look at yourself from the mirror, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I don't believe it, but I still thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, so you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoApartamentoHutchison>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't make the effort to change, of course you won't!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Why don't you start studying more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I think this is a waste of time, not studying in itself, but what you study, and I don't see any real utility in what I learn at school today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But not even in literature?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly literature is one of the most boring subjects in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What a pity you think this way, to be left out of the wonderful world of literature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stop fooling around $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I'm not fooling.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh come on, I'm just a middle-aged woman, nobody finds me attractive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You definitely don't look at yourself from the mirror, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I don't believe it, but I still thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, so you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento Hutchison">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 or $game.periodos is 1 or $game.periodos is 2 or $game.periodos is 3 or $game.periodos is 4 or $game.periodos is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't make the effort to change, of course you won't!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Why don't you start studying more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I think this is a waste of time, not studying in itself, but what you study, and I don't see any real utility in what I learn at school today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But not even in literature?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly literature is one of the most boring subjects in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What a pity you think this way, to be left out of the wonderful world of literature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7 or $game.periodos is 8 or $game.periodos is 9>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't make the effort to change, of course you won't!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Why don't you start studying more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I think this is a waste of time, not studying in itself, but what you study, and I don't see any real utility in what I learn at school today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But not even in literature?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly literature is one of the most boring subjects in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What a pity you think this way, to be left out of the wonderful world of literature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 0 or $game.periodos is 1 or $game.periodos is 2 or $game.periodos is 3 or $game.periodos is 4 or $game.periodos is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stop fooling around $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I'm not fooling.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh come on, I'm just a middle-aged woman, nobody finds me attractive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You definitely don't look at yourself from the mirror, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I don't believe it, but I still thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, so you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodos is 6 or $game.periodos is 7 or $game.periodos is 8 or $game.periodos is 9>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-parque-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stop fooling around $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I'm not fooling.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh come on, I'm just a middle-aged woman, nobody finds me attractive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You definitely don't look at yourself from the mirror, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I don't believe it, but I still thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, so you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't make the effort to change, of course you won't!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Why don't you start studying more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I think this is a waste of time, not studying in itself, but what you study, and I don't see any real utility in what I learn at school today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But not even in literature?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly literature is one of the most boring subjects in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What a pity you think this way, to be left out of the wonderful world of literature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stop fooling around $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I'm not fooling.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh come on, I'm just a middle-aged woman, nobody finds me attractive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You definitely don't look at yourself from the mirror, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I don't believe it, but I still thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, so you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't make the effort to change, of course you won't!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Why don't you start studying more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I think this is a waste of time, not studying in itself, but what you study, and I don't see any real utility in what I learn at school today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But not even in literature?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Honestly literature is one of the most boring subjects in school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What a pity you think this way, to be left out of the wonderful world of literature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stop fooling around $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I'm not fooling.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh come on, I'm just a middle-aged woman, nobody finds me attractive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You definitely don't look at yourself from the mirror, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I don't believe it, but I still thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, so you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfLiteraturaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter the massage room and see $ProfBiologia.Nome entering at that moment.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_biologia/videos/ProfBio-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, I better get the massage oil.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Good idea.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage her|Espiar-ProfBio-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to take off your panties here.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_biologia/videos/ProfBio-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I like where this is going.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Massage Her|Espiar-ProfBio-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_biologia/videos/ProfBio-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I didn't know you worked here $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't work here, this is a gift for you.<</fala>>
<<if $ProfBiologia.Moralidade gte 75>>
<<narrador>>Your Biology teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome needs to get more immoral to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The massage continues normally from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 28>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $ProfBiologia.Moralidade lt 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Massage Her|Espiar-ProfBio-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_biologia/videos/ProfBio-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hummmmmmmm Hummmmmmmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Massage Her|Espiar-ProfBio-CountryClub-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_biologia/videos/ProfBio-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hummmmmmmm Hummmmmmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfBiologia.Nome is not yet ready to go any further in massage.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep massaging $ProfBiologia.Nome until the end, she thanks you and compliments your skills.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 26>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You're in front of her apartment and knock on the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, teacher, it's $Jogador.Nome, I'm here for book club, this time I read chapter 2 at home.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She answers to come in behind the door: "The door is open" she says.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You enter your apartment and $ProfHistoria.Nome is there waiting.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, I did it this time, I read the whole second chapter.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Excellent.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Perfect, and look, I made us some cookies.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome shows you a batch of cookies.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Sit down there on the couch and let's get started.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, let's start with...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You spend about an hour discussing the book, it was such a delightful activity that you almost forgot your goal of hypnotizing the teacher.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wow, today was very productive, next week we will continue $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, what are you going to do now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Nothing much, just washing dishes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says as she goes to the kitchen.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PHM2 parte 2 - Um Momento Agradavel]]>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 63>>
<<set $BebidaNivel = 0>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente = {
nivel1: true,
nivel2: false,
nivel3: false,
nivel4: false,
nivel5: false,
nivel6: false,
nivel7: false,
nivel8: false,
nivel9: false,
nivel10: false,
<<set $Embriaguez = 0>>
<<set $Bebidas = {
Absinto: false,
Cachaca: false,
Gim: false,
Rum: false,
Whiskey: false,
Vodka: false,
Cerveja: false,
Vinho: false,
Champanhe: false,
Conhaque: false,
Saque: false,
Tequila: false,
Licor: false,
Soju: false,
<<set $NaoSair to false>>
<<widget "Embriaguez">>
<<if $BebidaNivel gte 1 and $BebidaNivel lt 500>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 500 and $BebidaNivel lt 1000>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 1000 and $BebidaNivel lt 1500>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 1500 and $BebidaNivel lt 2000>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 2000 and $BebidaNivel lt 2500>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 2500 and $BebidaNivel lt 3000>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 3000 and $BebidaNivel lt 3500>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 3500 and $BebidaNivel lt 4000>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 4000 and $BebidaNivel lt 4500>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 to true>>
<<elseif $BebidaNivel gte 4500 and $BebidaNivel lt 5000>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 to false>>
<<set $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 to true>>
<<if $Bebidas.Absinto is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of absinthe.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of absinthe.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/absinto.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Absinto is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 57>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 57>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Cachaca is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of cachaça.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of cachaça.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/cachaça.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Cachaca is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 43>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 43>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Cerveja is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of beer.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of beer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/cerveja.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Cerveja is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 12>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 12>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Champanhe is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of champagne.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of champagne.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/champanhe.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Champanhe is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 11>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 11>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Conhaque is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of brandy.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of brandy.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/conhaque.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Conhaque is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 50>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 50>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Gim is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of gin.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of gin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/gim.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Gim is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 43>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 43>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Licor is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of liquor.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of liquor.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/licor.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Licor is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 35>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 35>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Rum is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of rum.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of rum.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/rum.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Rum is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 60>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 60>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Saque is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of sake.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of sake.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/saquê.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Saque is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 14>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 14>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Soju is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of soju.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of soju.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/soju.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Soju is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 31>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 31>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Tequila is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of tequila.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of tequila.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/tequila.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Tequila is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 34>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 34>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Vinho is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of wine.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of wine.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/vinho.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Vinho is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 13>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 13>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Vodka is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of vodka.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of vodka.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/vodka.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Vodka is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 40>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 40>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Whiskey is true>>
<<narrador>>You buy a bottle of whisky.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<narrador>>You drink the full bottle of whisky.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/whisky.jpg"></center>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is true>>
<<if $BebedorExperiente.nivel1 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 100>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel2 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 200>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel3 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 300>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel4 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 400>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel5 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 500>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel6 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 600>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel7 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 700>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel8 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 800>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel9 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 900>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<elseif $BebedorExperiente.nivel10 is true>>
<<if $Embriaguez gte 1000>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You drank too much.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/PerdaTotal.jpg"></center>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SrtaTravella-Hospital-Atendimento">>
<<adddays 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to false>>
<<set $Itens -= 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Whiskey is true>>
<<if $Acoes.Beber is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink|Bebendo]]>>
<<set $Embriaguez += 57>>
<<set $BebidaNivel += 57>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to true>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Bar]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Beber to false>>
<<if $FotodePassaporte is false>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 8 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/bartender-homem/images/bartender-homem.jpg"></center>
<<fala "BartenderH" Bartender>>Hey kid I know you're not old enough to drink, turn around and walk away.<</fala>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 13 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/bartender-kagney/images/Kagney-Bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "BartKagney" Bartender>>Hey kid I know you're not old enough to drink, turn around and walk away.<</fala>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/bartender-danielle/images/Danielle-Bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "BartDani" Bartender>>Hey kid I know you're not old enough to drink, turn around and walk away.<</fala>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/bartender-danielle/images/Danielle-Bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "BartDani" $BartDani.Profissao>>Hey kid I know you're not old enough to drink, turn around and walk away.<</fala>>
<<elseif $FotodePassaporte is true>>
<<narrador>>You show your "Passport Photo" to the Bartender and he lets you choose your drinks.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You can buy any drink and drink it right here or take it somewhere else, but be careful not to drink too much.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Some drinks have a higher alcohol content than others.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The more you drink, the more accustomed you will be to the drink, and your level of resistance to alcohol will increase.<</narrador>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Absinthe $23</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/absinto.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 23>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Absinto is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 23>>
<<set $Bebidas.Absinto to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Cachaça $12</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/cachaça.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 12>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Cachaca is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 12>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cachaca to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Beer $10</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/cerveja.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 10>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Cerveja is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10>>
<<set $Bebidas.Cerveja to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Champagne $57</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/champanhe.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 57>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Champanhe is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 57>>
<<set $Bebidas.Champanhe to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Brandy $37</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/conhaque.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 37>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Conhaque is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 37>>
<<set $Bebidas.Conhaque to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Gin $44</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/gim.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 44>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Gim is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 44>>
<<set $Bebidas.Gim to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Liquor $182</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/licor.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 182>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Licor is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 182>>
<<set $Bebidas.Licor to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Rum $62</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/rum.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 62>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Rum is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 62>>
<<set $Bebidas.Rum to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Sake $35</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/saquê.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 35>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Saque is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 35>>
<<set $Bebidas.Saque to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Soju $37</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/soju.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 37>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Soju is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 37>>
<<set $Bebidas.Soju to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Tequila $82</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/tequila.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 82>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Tequila is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 82>>
<<set $Bebidas.Tequila to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Wine $50</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/vinho.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 50>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Vinho is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vinho to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Vodka $50</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/vodka.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 50>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Vodka is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>>
<<set $Bebidas.Vodka to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<div class="shop">
<div class="produtos">Whisky $50</div>
<center><img id="produtosimg" src="content/locations/bar/Bebidas/whisky.jpg"></center>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro <= 50>>
<p>You don't have the money to buy.</p>
<<elseif $Bebidas.Whiskey is true>>
<p>You already have this item.</p>
@@.btnBUY;<<button [[Buy|Bebidas]]>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 50>>
<<set $Bebidas.Whiskey to true>>
<<set $Itens += 1>>
<<if $Bebidas.Absinto is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Absinthe|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Cachaca is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Cachaça|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Cerveja is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Beer|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Champanhe is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Champagne|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Conhaque is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Brandy|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Gim is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Gin|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Licor is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Liquor|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Rum is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Rum|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Saque is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Sake|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Soju is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Soju|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Tequila is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Tequila|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Vinho is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Wine|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Vodka is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Vodka|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Bebidas.Whiskey is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Drink Whiskey|Bebendo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Back|Bar]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not in my subject, you do all the activities, my subject is for you to pass without problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least in physical education I will pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But your other matters your situation is appalling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we can't do much, that's the situation!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I understand...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I wasn't very good at school...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I take good care of my health, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I appreciate your intentions, but you are not my type...<</fala>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know ahahhahahhahahha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is Lesbian, so her passion for you can't get any bigger... yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@Professora de Ed. Fisica Missões (Cherie DeVille)<<FundoQuadra>>
<<narrador>>You go to the court and meet your physical education teacher.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, how's it going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm everything, but why did you call me here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Let's play a little basketball first.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says as she hits a basketball.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know I don't play very well, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Relax, it's just a little game to warm up the spirit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll do my best.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You play basketball with your teacher for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You're very tired, stretched out on the floor, but she's still full of energy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, let's get on with the game.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, you've already won, I can't take it anymore, it was the worst game of my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Don't be dramatic, you didn't play that bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't make any baskets, and you've already made 20.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Take it easy $Jogador.Nome, here, stand up.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She extends her hand for you to stand up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, please tell me why you called me here.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>The school is about to close, come with me and I'll explain on the way.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Without much choice and very tired you accept your teacher's suggestion, even without knowing where she's going.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM1 parte 2 - Vamos Jogar um Pouco]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<narrador>>You go into the kitchen with her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, teacher you want help with the dishes.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I need her to give me a chance to hypnotize her.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Cena-Lavando-Louça1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No need, $Jogador.Nome, but thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I insist, professor, I have free time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>It's really not necessary, $Jogador.Nome, if you want to leave, go ahead.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I'll see you next week.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Cena-Lavando-Louça2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>You were about to leave when you heard the sound of a plate breaking.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, what was that?<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Shit, you fuking kidding me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is there a problem teacher?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>No, thank you very much $Jogador.Nome, please go away.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome looks a little sad so you decide to leave as she told you to, even though you don't understand why she was so sad about a broken plate.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Portaria-Apartamento">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome will drive you to her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher why did you bring me to your house, this is very strange.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Relax, $Jogador.Nome, would you like some ice cream?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says with a pot of ice cream in her hand.
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I want.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She then gives you some ice cream.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I brought you here for a very delicate reason.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what is?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I know that you asked to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome to give us the address of all the teachers' homes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yes, he told me about your concern about your grades, I just don't know how knowing where we live will help you, but relax, he only told me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, I'm sorry. Don't tell the vice principal. I'll do it...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Relax kid, I just want to make a deal.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What deal?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you know what an open relationship is?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No... what is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>It is a relationship in which those involved can have sex with other people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what does that have to do with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Calm down, everything in its own time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I don't know if you know but I'm Lesbian, and married, my wife is an amazing woman, but I feel like she's not enough for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I want to be able to have sex with other women but still be married, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think so, you are married, and you want your wife to accept the open relationship, correct?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yes, that's right. But she is a very correct woman, it was already difficult for her to assume her bisexuality and marry me, imagine her accepting the idea of an open relationship.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but I still don't understand why you are telling me all this.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I need you to help me make her accept this idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First, how would I do this? Second, because you are asking one of your students at school to enter your intimate life like that and third, where is your wife because we are not all talking together?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM1 parte 3 - Vamos Jogar um Pouco]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 25>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>My wife and my daughter are not at home because I needed to talk to you alone, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Pay attention $Jogador.Nome, someday you will meet a beautiful, wonderful girl, you will marry her, you will be happy for a long time, but not forever. Someday you will wake up and you will feel something in your mouth, do you know what that is? This is the desire to suck a pussy that is not your wife's.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, believe me, I've always been a woman who liked to be with several women, and this, my boy, this desire to be with several women doesn't disappear when you get married.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ok but why do you need me? And how can I help?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I need you, precisely because you need me, you are having problems with your grades and I can help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Physical education is the subject I need help with the least.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Then I can help you with your popularity among the students, I heard some stories and it seems that the other students don't respect you, and I can teach you some of my secrets with the girls.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, maybe it would be a good idea to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>That's right, kid, we'll be great friends.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She holds up her hand to you as a sign of respect.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, but I still don't know how I could help you. Do you want me to sit down with your wife and try to ask her to accept the open relationship?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Dear no, as I said she is a bisexual woman, she has already had sex with some men, and I'm sure she misses it, you could be her option to have an open relationship.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait a minute, let me get this straight, are you asking me to seduce your wife?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>In other words, yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because you think she will want me, I mean, she must know older and more experienced guys for that.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>No, no, on the contrary, she likes young men, the young man, even if he is less experienced, has more energy.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I just need to introduce her to you, and you make her want to have sex with you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM1 parte 4 - Vamos Jogar um Pouco]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What makes you think that she will want to have sex with me or that I will succeed in seducing her.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Have you forgotten that I'm going to teach you everything about girls? So if you can seduce my wife, you'll be able to do it with any girl in school.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>And as a bonus, you'll be the first guy she's had sex with since the birth of our daughter.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, I accept your proposal.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Great, give me your number and someday I'll invite you to introduce you to my wife.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You give her your cell phone number.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>So that's it, I'll take you home.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You accept her ride and she takes you home, you say goodbye with a hug, as $ProfEdFisica.Nome's car drives away, you get inside the house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 2>>
<<addmins 21>>
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not in my subject, you do all the activities, my subject is for you to pass without problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least in physical education I will pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But your other matters your situation is appalling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we can't do much, that's the situation!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I understand...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I wasn't very good at school...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not in my subject, you do all the activities, my subject is for you to pass without problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least in physical education I will pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But your other matters your situation is appalling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we can't do much, that's the situation!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I understand...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I wasn't very good at school...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-alongamento-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I take good care of my health, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I appreciate your intentions, but you are not my type...<</fala>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know ahahhahahhahahha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is Lesbian, so her passion for you can't get any bigger... yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I take good care of my health, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I appreciate your intentions, but you are not my type...<</fala>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know ahahhahahhahahha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is Lesbian, so her passion for you can't get any bigger... yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not in my subject, you do all the activities, my subject is for you to pass without problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least in physical education I will pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But your other matters your situation is appalling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we can't do much, that's the situation!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I understand...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I wasn't very good at school...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaPaparozzi>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I take good care of my health, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I appreciate your intentions, but you are not my type...<</fala>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know ahahhahahhahahha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is Lesbian, so her passion for you can't get any bigger... yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not in my subject, you do all the activities, my subject is for you to pass without problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least in physical education I will pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But your other matters your situation is appalling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we can't do much, that's the situation!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I understand...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I wasn't very good at school...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I take good care of my health, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I appreciate your intentions, but you are not my type...<</fala>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know ahahhahahhahahha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is Lesbian, so her passion for you can't get any bigger... yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not in my subject, you do all the activities, my subject is for you to pass without problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least in physical education I will pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But your other matters your situation is appalling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we can't do much, that's the situation!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I understand...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I wasn't very good at school...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I take good care of my health, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I appreciate your intentions, but you are not my type...<</fala>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know ahahhahahhahahha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is Lesbian, so her passion for you can't get any bigger... yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not in my subject, you do all the activities, my subject is for you to pass without problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least in physical education I will pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But your other matters your situation is appalling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we can't do much, that's the situation!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I understand...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yeah, I wasn't very good at school...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I take good care of my health, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I appreciate your intentions, but you are not my type...<</fala>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know ahahhahahhahahha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is Lesbian, so her passion for you can't get any bigger... yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade gte 50>>
<<switch random(1, 9)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<case 9>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym14.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-gym15.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $ProfEdFisica.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<ProfEdFisicaDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You spy on sociology teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfSociologia-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome? I didn't know you work here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't work here, I'm just passing through.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I think I like it.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage her|Espiar-ProfSociologia-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God how hot she is.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage her|Espiar-ProfSociologia-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have to massage here you know this part is important.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Excuse me, I don't know if I want a massage there.<</fala>>
<<if $ProfSociologia.Moralidade gte 75>>
<<narrador>>Your Sociology teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome needs to get more immoral to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The massage continues normally from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 27>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $ProfSociologia.Moralidade lt 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage her|Espiar-ProfSociologia-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I don't mean you can't massage my ass, it's okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, let's continue.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome is not yet ready to go any further in massage.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The massage continues normally from then on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 26>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You walk into your friend's house, to discuss how they are going to dethrone the queen bee.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, come on, we need to discuss our plan.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, let's start without beating around the bush about how we're going to get the boys at school to reject her.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/estrategia.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What if we make up something bad about her and spread it around the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, that's not morally correct, and besides, it could get us in trouble if they find out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I know! Think with me, the boys who do everything for her are what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Single guys, if each one of these guys had a girlfriend, and preferably a very bossy one, most of them would start to ignore $Paixao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But how are you going to make sure that all the guys get girlfriends? Besides, how are you going to make sure that they stop kissing your ass?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Do you know the Longing Prom? It's a party attended by several rich old ladies, many of whom are widows and are after a young man.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>How do you know this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ahm... never mind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But is that it? Would the boys at school be with these old ladies just because they are rich?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>It's worth a try.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, next.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PXM4 parte 2 - Destronando a Abelha Rainha parte II]]>>
<<set $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 11>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now her little friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I have no idea how we are going to get them away.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Yeah, Ironically they are as alike physically as they are in personality.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, that much alike.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I could be wrong but $Mia.Nome seems different from them, as if she is being influenced.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Like Peter Pettigrew in relation to James Potter, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, she seems like she is only with $Debora.Nome and $Paixao.Nome just because they are popular.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So just attack the weak link.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And what about $Debora.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know much about her, maybe we should focus on $Mia.Nome, maybe I can talk to her and find out more about $Debora.Nome and $Paixao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Great.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And with all this going on in her life, consequently her self-esteem also drops.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what if it doesn't? And what if she still thinks she's the last of the bunch?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Hardly, by destroying the two of the three pillars of her popularity, the last one won't fall too, and if it doesn't, it won't be enough to support the structure.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PXM4 parte 3 - Destronando a Abelha Rainha parte II]]>>
<<set $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Ok, if all that's left is how we're going to apply all of this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll take care of the part with $Mia.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Then $Amigo.Nome and I can try to get something at the ball of nostalgia.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Let's go to the next Longing Prom and see how many of her ladies are single and looking for a younger guy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>That sounds like a self offering.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>No, but you have to understand that...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys, I'm going, I have to go home early.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave your friends discussing how they would carry out the plan, as you leave $Amigo.Nome's house you think.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Holy shit! I forgot to ask $Amigo.Nome about hypnosis!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 13>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Not if you keep studying the books we are going to read in the book club.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank goodness.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>But there are also the other subjects that you will need attention to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a lot to study. It's very tiring all this.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>You get the hang of it with time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So... you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Do you think I'm pretty?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I thank you very much $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Take it easy there big boy, remember that I am your teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, yeah, okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Not if you keep studying the books we are going to read in the book club.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank goodness.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>But there are also the other subjects that you will need attention to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a lot to study. It's very tiring all this.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>You get the hang of it with time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So... you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Do you think I'm pretty?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I thank you very much $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Take it easy there big boy, remember that I am your teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, yeah, okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoApartamentoProfdeHistoria>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Not if you keep studying the books we are going to read in the book club.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank goodness.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>But there are also the other subjects that you will need attention to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a lot to study. It's very tiring all this.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>You get the hang of it with time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So... you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento-Prof-Historia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoApartamentoProfdeHistoria>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Do you think I'm pretty?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I thank you very much $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Take it easy there big boy, remember that I am your teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, yeah, okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Apartamento-Prof-Historia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Not if you keep studying the books we are going to read in the book club.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank goodness.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>But there are also the other subjects that you will need attention to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a lot to study. It's very tiring all this.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>You get the hang of it with time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So... you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Do you think I'm pretty?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, teacher, you are wonderful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I thank you very much $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Take it easy there big boy, remember that I am your teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, yeah, okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaFreas>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I honestly admire you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Seriously? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I wanted to have that same desire to study that you have.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I's not desire...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It's kind of the only thing I can do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does this have anything to do with your father?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes, I haven't left the house for a long time, except to go to school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but why is he like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Don't get me wrong $Jogador.Nome but this is a family matter.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Did you hear about that movie of the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about other subjects for a while.<</narrador>>
<<PennyAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Freas">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hallo $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I love your cheerful way of being.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<PennyPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Freas">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter one of the massage rooms and see $ProfEdFisica.Nome already inside.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>The physical education teacher has a wonderful body.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>A girl has arrived, looks like the masseuse.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade gte 75>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is not immoral enough to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The massage continues as normal from there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 26>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $ProfEdFisica.Moralidade gte 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome asks the masseuse to take off her bra, she accepts.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome is not yet ready to go any further in massage.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The massage continues as normal from there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 25>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter one of the massage rooms and see $ProfArte.Nome already inside.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go and Massage Her|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome didn't know you work here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't work here, but when I saw you coming in I decided to surprise you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I think I liked this surprise.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage Her|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hmmmmmm very good.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage Her|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage Her Tits|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hmmmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button "Hypno" "ProfArte-Hypno-Massage">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio is 66 and $ProfArte.status is "Talented Artist">>
<<narrador>>You've hypnotized her today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage Her Tits|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Massagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome is not yet ready to go any further in massage.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The message continues normal from there.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button "Hypno" "ProfArte-Hypno-Massage">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio is 66 and $ProfArte.status is "Talented Artist">>
<<narrador>>You've hypnotized her today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>><<addmins 24>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $CarmenCa.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-shopping-lojaderoupas4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am in the best phase of my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Because my work is wonderful, and I'm making a lot of money with it, I'm seeing a nice guy, I'm healthy, my family is doing well, so my life is wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am happy for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>But what about you $Jogador.Nome? How is your life?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>With me things are normal, but soon I will be as good as you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Great... so how's the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<CarmenCaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "loja-de-roupas">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $CarmenCa.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am in the best phase of my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Because my work is wonderful, and I'm making a lot of money with it, I'm seeing a nice guy, I'm healthy, my family is doing well, so my life is wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am happy for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>But what about you $Jogador.Nome? How is your life?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>With me things are normal, but soon I will be as good as you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Great... so how's the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<CarmenCaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $CarmenCa.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I am in the best phase of my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Because my work is wonderful, and I'm making a lot of money with it, I'm seeing a nice guy, I'm healthy, my family is doing well, so my life is wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am happy for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>But what about you $Jogador.Nome? How is your life?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>With me things are normal, but soon I will be as good as you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Great... so how's the...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<CarmenCaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Yes, you have a great chance of repeating this year.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the hell!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I was even advised to force you to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Who told you to do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I can't tell you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the... what the...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, we're just going to talk about another subject...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Really? What do you find beautiful in me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Her eyes, they are so blue and bright, they make me hypnotic.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Don't talk like that because I feel old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nonsense, you are the youngest teacher in the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>But still, it is always nice to hear a compliment from a student.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Yes, you have a great chance of repeating this year.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the hell!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I was even advised to force you to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Who told you to do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I can't tell you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the... what the...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, we're just going to talk about another subject...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Really? What do you find beautiful in me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Her eyes, they are so blue and bright, they make me hypnotic.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Don't talk like that because I feel old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nonsense, you are the youngest teacher in the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>But still, it is always nice to hear a compliment from a student.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Yes, you have a great chance of repeating this year.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the hell!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I was even advised to force you to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Who told you to do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I can't tell you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the... what the...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, we're just going to talk about another subject...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Really? What do you find beautiful in me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Her eyes, they are so blue and bright, they make me hypnotic.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Don't talk like that because I feel old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nonsense, you are the youngest teacher in the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>But still, it is always nice to hear a compliment from a student.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 and $game.periodos is 1 and $game.periodos is 2 and $game.periodos is 3 and $game.periodos is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Yes, you have a great chance of repeating this year.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the hell!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I was even advised to force you to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Who told you to do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I can't tell you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the... what the...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, we're just going to talk about another subject...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<else>> /*==========================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Yes, you have a great chance of repeating this year.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the hell!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I was even advised to force you to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Who told you to do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I can't tell you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the... what the...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, we're just going to talk about another subject...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.periodos is 0 and $game.periodos is 1 and $game.periodos is 2 and $game.periodos is 3 and $game.periodos is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Really? What do you find beautiful in me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Her eyes, they are so blue and bright, they make me hypnotic.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Don't talk like that because I feel old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nonsense, you are the youngest teacher in the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>But still, it is always nice to hear a compliment from a student.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<else>> /*==========================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-praia-noite4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Really? What do you find beautiful in me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Her eyes, they are so blue and bright, they make me hypnotic.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Don't talk like that because I feel old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nonsense, you are the youngest teacher in the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>But still, it is always nice to hear a compliment from a student.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I'm good thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uhm, teacher, do you think that because of my grades I could end up repeating this year just like last year?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Yes, you have a great chance of repeating this year.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the hell!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I was even advised to force you to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Who told you to do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>I can't tell you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the... what the...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, we're just going to talk about another subject...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Aniston">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaAniston>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/images/prof-sociologia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Really? What do you find beautiful in me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Her eyes, they are so blue and bright, they make me hypnotic.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if you were my age I would be crazy about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>Don't talk like that because I feel old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nonsense, you are the youngest teacher in the school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfSociologia" $ProfSociologia.Nome>>But still, it is always nice to hear a compliment from a student.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<ProfSociologiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Aniston">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<narrador>>Here you can advance the time, whenever you want, as many times as you want.<</narrador>> <<set $game.usandoMenu to true>>
<<narrador>>Observation: As you advance 12 hours or 1 day, it will be counted as if you had gone to sleep.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 1 Minute|Time Control]]>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 15 Minutes|Time Control]]>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><<addmins 15>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 30 Minutes|Time Control]]>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 1 Hour|Time Control]]>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6 and $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 30>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 3 Hours|Time Control]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia to 3>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addhours 3>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 3 Hours|Time Control]]>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><<addhours 3>><</button>>@@
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 22>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 6 Hours|Time Control]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia to 3>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addhours 5>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 6 Hours|Time Control]]>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><<addhours 5>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 12 Hours|Time Control]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia to 3>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addhours 12>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Advance 1 Day|Time Control]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia to 3>>
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<adddays 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Go back home" "Casa">><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoIrmaMaisNova>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>You hear a strange noise coming from your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome's badroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You open the you go outside the house and carefully look out the window.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Solo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>What will she do?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You keep watching.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Solo2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, she took off her bra!<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Would it be right for me to continue watching?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Yes, keep spying on her|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Solo]]>><<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[No, that's wrong|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Whether it is right or wrong, I don't care, I will keep watching.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Solo3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My $IrmaV.Relacao is super turned on.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Solo4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, what am I doing? She is my $IrmaV.Relacao.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>You immediately stop watching her and leave.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao is cleaning the house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-Eu-Acabei-De-Limpar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-Eu-Acabei-De-Limpar2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-Eu-Acabei-De-Limpar3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You enter the room now.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome don’t come in here now, I just cleaned up.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry, I did not see it.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Look and your shoe is all dirty.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-Eu-Acabei-De-Limpar4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Take off your shoes and leave.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Take off your shoes and leave.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You take off your shoes and go out|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Me-Ajuda-Na-Cozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, please help me tidy up the kitchen?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not me, today is your day to clean up the kitchen.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh come on, I did all the dishes myself, help me with this $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have a lot of things to do now.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-Me-Ajuda-Na-Cozinha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Please help me, and I'll give you something in return.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah? Then give me $50 there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I can only give you $10, is that okay?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Help her clean up the kitchen for $10|Me ajuda na cozinha2]]>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[$10 is too little, so no.|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $IrmaN.Amizade -= 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You go to the laundry room to drop off your clothes, but you find your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome there.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Vamos-Lavar-A-Roupa1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you going to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to leave my clothes for $Jogador.RelacaoMae to wash later.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Leave it to me then, $Jogador.RelacaoMae said, since I'm not working I should help her do the laundry.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Vamos-Lavar-A-Roupa2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you serious, that you have to do the laundry now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Why? You think I can't do a task as simple as that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Need I remind you that last year you mixed plain and colored clothes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It was just a one time thing, I won't do it again.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Vamos-Lavar-A-Roupa3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you sure?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can I trust it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Of course!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, then you can wash the clothes, big $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the premises leaving $IrmaV.Nome to wash dishes in peace.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you recognize a phrase written on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<p>"Attention the guy who has been completing my sentences in the last few days: I wrote and I'm still running, Dick in the ass of whoever is reading."<p>
<<narrador>>You stop reading the sentence before you get to the end because you've already figured out the joke.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You pick up your pen and give your answer.<</narrador>>
<p>"You're not going to pull that old gag on me are you son?"</p>
<p>"Do you know what i did to the last guy that tried that? Well i tore him limb from the limb!"</p>
<<ref $Jogador>>That's it I left my message, I hope he noticed the reference.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM4.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ManuM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
Professora de Química Missões (Ivy Lebelle)<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<narrador>>You are in the living room watching TV at night.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When suddenly you hear the doorbell ring.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Gee, but who can it be at this hour.>>
<<narrador>>Your mother comes over to answer it.<</narrador>>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<narrador>>But first she puts on her most presentable clothes.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahm, $Jogador.Nome, it looks like you have a visitor.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go over to see who it is and are startled.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Good night, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $ProfQuimica.Nome with a sadistic smile.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing here?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I came to talk to your mother about your performance at school.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Jogador.Nome, swallow hard.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahm, no offense young lady...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$ProfQuimica.Nome, Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No offense $ProfQuimica.Nome, but did you really need to come to the house at this hour?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Sorry to bother you Mrs. $Jogador.Sobrenome but this is really quite urgent.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh, that's fine, let's talk in my room.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-porta.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome walks past you with a fatal look in her eyes, that makes your heart freeze.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>All this confusion has attracted the attention of $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what's going on?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Troubles, my chemistry teacher came to the house to talk to mom about my school performance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This is not a good sign.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what's worse, she's probably mad at me because we had a fight on the street the other day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh, little boy...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your sister $IrmaN.Nome puts her hand on your left shoulder and says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Thank goodness I'm not you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Come on, let's try to hear what they're saying.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, please, this is very childish... but ahm?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two girls went to try to hear everything from behind the door. You don't do anything but get curious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are they talking about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ahmm, you don't want to know!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you mean I don't want to know! Of course I want to know, that's why I asked!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Shut up! Let's hear it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Did she say to... ahm recall him?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>No, she said bawl him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No... it sounds like it's to...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>They say together in unison.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Call him!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Call him!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The bedroom door opens at this moment, and the girls fall at the feet of their chemistry teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome. Their mother is in the background embarrassed by the situation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Hi teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hi $ProfQuimica.Nome, how I miss your lessons.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome doesn't say anything in this situation, she just points at you and signals for you to enter the room with them.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, please come in, we need to talk.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Without much choice and very apprehensive you enter the room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Enter in bedroom|PQM1 parte 2 - Não, não, não, não é possivel isso!]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<narrador>>You enter the room. And $ProfQuimica.Nome closes the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, do you have something to tell me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... I think... my grades are pretty bad...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>What else?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... I don't know...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>See, I knew he wouldn't admit it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome told me that you are the student with the lowest grade in her class, and she said that you don't bother to study at all!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, it's not that I don't care about studying... but I just don't like chemistry.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>She also said that you embarrassed her in public by saying that she is not a mother!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait a minute, that's not quite true!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You see, he doesn't care a bit that I lost a child.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't...<</fala>>
<<if $PennyM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>She also said that you forced a poor studious girl in class to do your school work.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Her name is $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, that's not...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You did your homework on $Penny.Nome, didn't you?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $ProfQuimica.Nome approaching you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>That's why I had to zero his grade on the test.<</fala>>
<<if $PennyM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You had to see how much she admired him, after they did this assignment together she didn't even want to look him in the face.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>The disappointment was clear, surely he forced her to do the work alone while he was on his cell phone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Is this true $Jogador.Nome?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>And this has been going on since the beginning of last year.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I try to make him change, I try to make him study but he just treats me badly, it's completely inhuman.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome's eyes start to tear up at this point.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, please you can't believe what she says, she's such a....<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome please it's not that she's almost crying.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome, I'm sorry for his behavior, you can be sure that his punishment will be drastic.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn it!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Ahm... ma'am, miss, I propose something else.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM1 parte 3 - Não, não, não, não é possivel isso!]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 21>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Maybe $Jogador.Nome and I, we just need to get to know each other better.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I propose private lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I'm sorry, but I can't afford it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>It is not necessary, I'll give the private lessons myself in my own home, completely free of charge.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Yes, I think this cycle of hate has to end, and I am willing to take the first step towards change.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>How nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>And not only will we get to know each other better as a result, but it will improve his grades, because we will be studying all day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All day?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, this kind woman is being very generous with you, willing to forgive you for all the bad things you've done and even to give you free private lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Don't be so hard on him, he's just a little boy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She comes right up to you and looks you in the eyes.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>But we're going to be great friends, aren't we, $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are so speechless that you can't say or think anything.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Thank you so much, $ProfQuimica.Nome, for being so understanding with my $Jogador.RelacaoMae.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Thank you for your attention.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome opens the door and $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome fall at $ProfQuimica.Nome's feet showing that they were still trying to listen to the conversation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ahm... hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh my god this isn't the bathroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Bye girls, nice to see you again.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome walks past them, opens the living room door and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I don't even have words to describe how disappointed I am in you and what you did.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, please, she twisted everything...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No $Jogador.Nome, it's too late for more discussion, you're going to attend her private lessons whether you like it or not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But $Mae.Relacao...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No buts $Jogador.Nome, it's too late for discussion, and all three of you get out of my room, I have to rest.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She makes you $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome leave her room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hey, $Jogador.Nome, you're in big trouble.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh brother, it's a good thing I'm not you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You already said that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I just wanted to reaffirm that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to your room to process everything that happened tonight.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 18>>
<<narrador>>You were in your room until your phone rings.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see it's your friend $Amigo.Nome so you decide to answer.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome waaazzzzuuupp?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Waaazzzzzuuuuuuuuppppppp?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Waaazzzzzuuuuuuuuppppppp?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, I called you real quick because I'm organizing a dinner here at my house.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says panting after the Waaazzzzzuuuuuuuuppppppp.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Huh? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I have an announcement to make for everyone, a big announcement, so this requires a big dinner!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And this announcement you want to make has something to do with $CarmenCa.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, now she is my girlfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's it dude congratulations!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yeah, but don't go around talking because my mom can't find out until dinner.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And who else is going to that dinner?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It will be me, you, my mom, $Amigo2.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome's mom and $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Awesome! It will be great.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, dinner will start at 20:00 on Saturday at my place but I ask you to come a little earlier.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll be there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Thanks man, until next time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hang up the phone and go back to what you were doing.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $AmigoM5.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $AmigoM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house for the celebration dinner.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The door was already open, he was already waiting, you enter his house and $Amigo2.Nome was already there.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey man, glad you two are already here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I need to say please, the only ones who know that $CarmenCa.Nome is my girlfriend are you, so avoid telling other people, especially my mother, she will only know when the time is right. Can I count on you not to tell anyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Don't worry, man, not so many people will come here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment the doorbell rings.<</narrador>>
<p>"Ding Dong"</p>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It must be $CarmenCa.Nome...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your friend $Amigo.Nome goes to answer the door and gets a surprise.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Where is he! $Amigo.Nome! What are you doing here?!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Shyla.Nome goes up to $Amigo2.Nome very angry, and starts slapping him which he defends with his arms.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What am I doing here?! Ouch! Ouch! What are you doing here?! Ouch! Ouch! You who weren't invited! Ouch!<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>I went to your house, to surprise you and your aunt said that you were having dinner at $Amigo.Nome's house then I thought.... who is $Amigo2.Nome, for sure it's a little bitch throwing herself at you! So your aunt gave me that address.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Stop it! $Amigo.Nome is him there, my friend!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome says pointing to $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>In the same way you should let me know where you're going!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Oh? Should I let you know where I go every day?<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Yes!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Who should warn me is you because it wasn't me that...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Guys, fight at home, because today is a very special day to waste time on this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Huh? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Promise not to tell anyone?<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Yeah, I promise!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Today I'm going to announce $CarmenCa.Nome as my girlfriend to my mom, and I don't want anyone else to know about it until I announce it, especially my mom, can you keep this secret?<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Fine, but only if you let me stay for dinner.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, okay, you can stay for dinner, just avoid fighting the two of you!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Amigo.Nome pointing to $Amigo2.Nome and $Shyla.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>All right?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The bell rings again...<</narrador>>
<p>"Ding Dong"</p>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Now yes, it must be $CarmenCa.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome answers the door.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M6 parte 2 - Jantar de Comemoração]]>>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstagio += 17>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>$CarmenCa.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome arrive.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Hi sweetie.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$CarmenCa.Nome says to $Amigo.Nome before they hug.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey guys, hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's good to see you $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Who are they?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Shyla.Nome this is $CarmenCa.Nome, $Amigo.Nome's girlfriend, $CarmenCa.Nome this is $Shyla.Nome my girlfriend.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/images/carmen-dress.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Nice to meet you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Nice to meet you too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Shyla.Nome, whispers to $Amigo2.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>She dresses like a bitch!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And this is my friend $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-dress.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Hi, I love your dress.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you so much.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Shyla.Nome, whispers to $Amigo2.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>And this one doesn't even wear a bra, I'm glad I came here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome whispers back to $Shyla.Nome<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Shyla.Nome, please behave.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$CarmenCa.Nome goes to $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Sweetie, I'm sorry but my mom can't come.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What a pity I wanted so much for she and my mom to get to know each other.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>But someone else had to come with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>As well? Who?<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Oh fuck I'm so hungry.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome arrives at $Amigo.Nome's house as if it were his house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M6 parte 3 - Jantar de Comemoração]]>>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstagio += 17>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>What is he doing here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome says to $CarmenCa.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>What's up, $Amigo.Nome, aren't you happy to see your brother-in-law?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And he still knows about our relationship?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Sorry, but it's impossible to hide things from him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>But relax $Amigo.Nome I promised to behave, I mean if your mother's cooking is good...<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>And... who is this cute young lady here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Valentao.Nome heading towards $Shyla.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome places himself in front of $Shyla.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>She is my girlfriend! So stay with her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Stop it $Amigo2.Nome, I can fend for myself!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Oh, are you serious? How can a beautiful woman like you be dating this idiot?<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Get out of here stupid boy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>The guy is so weak that it's his girl who defends him hahahaha!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hey honey, when you get tired of this loser, come hang out with me, I guarantee you'll love it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Not even dead.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hey look what we have here too, the needy $IrmaN.Relacao's boy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome says about you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Leave me alone $Valentao.Nome, you don't want...<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Relax man, I'm just saying hi, I'm not violating any of our agreement.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What agreement $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>And... look who's accompanying him the cloudy night girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Shut up $Valentao.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, if she asks you to take her to listen to an Emo band, refuse, a borther advice I'll give you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Ahm, brother-in-law where is the bathroom?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Stop talking about this! And it's upstairs!<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>See you in a little while, suckers.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome goes upstairs to use the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Everyone is uncomfortable with what $Valentao.Nome said and $CarmenCa.Nome is deeply embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Guys, I'm sorry, he's always been like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>All right, let's not let our night go downhill just because $Valentao.Nome came.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hey boys... wow, it's good that a lot of people came.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>It's all ready, you can come to the dining room.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Everyone goes there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M6 parte 4 - Jantar de Comemoração]]>>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstagio += 17>>
<<addmins 18>>
<<set $fundo to "dinner-room-amigo">>
<<narrador>>Everyone is in awe of the large dining table.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa-amigo/sala-de-jantar/A1M6-grande-jantar.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>I hope you like it because when $Amigo.Nome asked me to make a special dinner I was really surprised why.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Soon you will know why mom.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>And... so what are you waiting for? You can sit down.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit in the third chair on the right, $LenaPaul.Nome sits next to you in the second chair on the right. $Amigo.Nome sits in the third chair on the left and $CarmenCa.Nome sits next to him in the second chair on the left. $Shyla.Nome sits in the first chair on the Right side, and $Amigo2.Nome sits on the edge next to $Shyla.Nome. And Miss Cooper sits at the other end of the table next to her and $Amigo.Nome's side.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment $Valentao.Nome comes back from the bathroom and sits in the last vacant chair, the first chair on the left, next to his stepsister and $Amigo2.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Wow, I'm glad I have a really big table that almost didn't fit everyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I'm sorry mom is that some people showed up by surprise.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Oh no problem the more people the better!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>So Dinner begins is a time of great joy and celebration, $Shyla.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome aren't bickering, and $Valentao.Nome, despite some nagging comments, isn't being as much of a jerk as usual.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Attention everyone!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome gets up together with $CarmenCa.Nome, the time has come!<</narrador>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>We have an important announcement.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, $CarmenCa.Nome is officially my girlfriend!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Really? Wow I'm so happy!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Miss Cooper gets up and gives her son and daughter-in-law a hug.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>But how long have you been dating?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>A few days away!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>We wanted to do it right, and to do it right you needed to know!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>But now I need to meet $CarmenCa.Nome's mother, why didn't she come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Ahm, there were some problems that...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$CarmenCa.Nome continues to tell Miss Cooper why her mother can't make it to dinner, while $LenaPaul.Nome talks to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome's mom is a really nice person, you need to meet her any day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can be sure that someday I will meet her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It would have been much better if she had come instead of $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>By the way, what did he mean by the cloudy night girl and about an emo show?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, this is just a misadventure that happened in my teenage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahm... I don't want to talk about it today. What about the needy $IrmaN.Relacao thing and the deal?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, this is a family problem, another day I'll tell you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Dinner continues very well until the end.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Our! How many dirty dishes I have to wash, $Amigo.Nome come help me wash the dishes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome is talking to $CarmenCa.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh, mom not now!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>What a lack of education son! In front of your girlfriend!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>I don't mind helping.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I mean... don't you, huh $Jogador.Nome can we talk for a second?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You don't understand anything but go with him, until you get away from the group.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, will you please go help my mother with the dishes for me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will not you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No $Jogador.Nome, I know my mother if I accept to do this now I'll have to clean the whole house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So tell $CarmenCa.Nome to go, she herself said she doesn't mind helping.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No, I can't leave my mom and $CarmenCa.Nome alone because they can talk about what she works for.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yeah my mom who doesn't know that $CarmenCa.Nome is a cam-girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>They are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, at some point they will be alone and talk.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>This I can handle myself, but I need you to keep my mom busy with the dishes and I'll keep $CarmenCa.Nome busy with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I do that but you owe me one!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the group where Miss Cooper was waiting.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Miss Cooper, I'll help you with the dishes.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>No need $Jogador.Nome you is invited, I want my son to help me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I insist I can help.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>All right, since you want it that much, come with me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You follow Miss Cooper into the kitchen and come across a large pile of dirty dishes.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M6 parte 5 - Jantar de Comemoração]]>>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstagio += 17>>
<<addmins 45>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "cozinha-amigo">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My God, how much.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Yeah, but let's start, the sooner we start the sooner we finish.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You roll up your sleeves and start doing the dishes together with Miss Cooper.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Then $Jogador.Nome tells me something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>How long have you known $CarmenCa.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>A little while ago, I met her on that day when $Amigo.Nome and I went out together at night.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes we went on a double date, me $Amigo.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>$LenaPaul.Nome, it's that blonde who sat next to you, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>She is your girlfriend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, we're just friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>She should be your girlfriend, you guys are so cute together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah... maybe.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>It's so weird, you and $Amigo2.Nome were $Amigo.Nome's only friends until a few days ago, and now the house is full and some people I barely know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, $LenaPaul.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome you already know, so there's $Shyla.Nome who is $Amigo2.Nome's girlfriend and $Valentao.Nome who is $CarmenCa.Nome's half-brother and is not exactly our friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>And what do you think of $CarmenCa.Nome? She is cool?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, she's great.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>It's because I don't know her very well yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>$Amigo.Nome doesn't talk much about her and I never had the opportunity to talk, just the two of us, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I know.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Do you know what she does for a living? Does she work or study?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>See what now?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, I do not know.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Oh really? I thought it was kind of weird when I saw her for the first time, like... wow she looks like 4 years older than $Amigo.Nome what a girl that age wants like $Amigo.Nome who hasn't even left high school yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You don't have to worry, she's awesome, she just likes younger guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>I hope so, but... you really don't know what she works for?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, maybe $Amigo.Nome knows.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Yeah, but... I don't know, it seems like he avoids talking about her with me, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is like.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are almost done washing the dishes and at that moment $LenaPaul.Nome appears.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Hey sweet heart.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi, Ahm.. $Jogador.Nome, $Shyla.Nome and $Valentao.Nome ended up arguing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no! And how it was?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, $Valentao.Nome started teasing $Amigo2.Nome so $Shyla.Nome went out and defended her boyfriend, then the conversation goes and the conversation comes, $Shyla.Nome slapped $Valentao.Nome who got very angry and now they both want to leave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Let's say goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I mean... I'm kind of busy right now...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Relax, $Jogador.Nome, you can go say goodbye to your friends, I'll finish alone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, thank you, Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Come on, we talked so much, I'm practically your friend now call me <<textbox "$SrtaCooper.Nome" "Lauren" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, thanks bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|A1M6 parte 6 - Jantar de Comemoração]]>>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstagio += 17>>
<<addmins 26>>
<<narrador>>You to the living room of $Amigo.Nome's house, there you are, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $CarmenCa.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where's $Valentao.Nome and $Shyla.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Shyla.Nome's in the bathroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>And I told $Valentao.Nome to wait outside because I have something to say.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Despite the ups and downs, today was wonderful, you all worked hard to help $Amigo.Nome make this amazing night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Thank you so much guys!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Yes, and to honor you I'm going to do a special live for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Huh?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Yes, a special and exclusive live for you I will send you the access link in the e-mail.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So that's why you asked me for their e-mail?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome arrives at that exact moment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>$CarmenCa.Nome let's go soon! I'm tired of waiting!<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Well, until next time folks.<</fala>>
<<fala "Carmen" $CarmenCa.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Bye bye Baby!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I'm going too, $Jogador.Nome, they'll give me a ride.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, Bye $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Bye bye guys.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The farewell is over, and $Amigo.Nome is already pointing the finger at you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You two don't even think about seeing my naked girlfriend masturbating on camera!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Because I don't want you to see her like that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You show me a live from her that day, crazy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yeah, but now she's my girlfriend, and you guys should have respect! Do we have a deal?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I asked, do we have a deal?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ok we are.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, we are.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Great.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Shyla.Nome comes back from the bathroom just then.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>Let's go $Amigo2.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>But I...<</fala>>
<<fala "Shyla" $Shyla.Nome>>No, no but not half a but, I can't stand to stay here anymore, let's go!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Shyla.Nome dragging her boyfriend out of $Amigo.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm also going $Amigo.Nome, until another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>See you, man! Be alright!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave $Amigo.Nome's house and return to his house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstagio += 15>>
<<set $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $AmigoM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $JogadorM10.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 3>>
<<addmins 21>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "seuroom-noite">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<ref $Jogador>>All right, I said I wasn't going to do this, but sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You think as you go towards your computer to look for the email with the link to $CarmenCa.Nome's live stream.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, the live stream has started well.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 1>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my God, what a greedy girl.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 2>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now comes the best part of the live stream.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You feel your cell phone vibrating, it's $Amigo2.Nome and you decide to answer it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Amigo2.Nome, what's up?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Dude, are you watching $CarmenCa.Nome's live stream?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I knew it, I knew you'd watch it!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I can hear from here that you're watching it too!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Damn! I thought you couldn't hear.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, and... does your girlfriend know you're watching?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What? She doesn't even know $CarmenCa.Nome is a cam-girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And don't tell her, okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course not.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 3>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Man, I don't know how $Amigo.Nome is comfortable knowing that his girlfriend masturbates every day live for other guys to see.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome has always been into these more depraved things, so maybe it's okay for him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I couldn't be comfortable with that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I think I could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh really? Would you be comfortable knowing that $Shyla.Nome makes videos of herself masturbating to lots of guys?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I think so, because I'm the one who fucks her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In your case, you don't even have sex with her hahahahaha.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Damn it!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You realize you're getting another call this time from $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Calm down there $Amigo2.Nome because I have to answer another call.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 4>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, dinner at $Amigo.Nome's house was wonderful, wasn't it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, it was really good $LenaPaul.Nome, we could...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wait, are you watching $CarmenCa.Nome's live stream?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not me...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, I'm watching too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you watch a live stream of your childhood friend masturbating?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>At first I didn't see it but over time I started to be curious about watching it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She knows this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>That I'm watching this? Yes. That I've been watching her lives for over a month? Do not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One month.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was talking to $Amigo2.Nome, can I join you in the conversation?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes you can, it will be awesome!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 5>><<addmins 4>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came back $Amigo2.Nome, and I brought $LenaPaul.Nome with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Are you also watching $CarmenCa.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I am, of course!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>How awesome!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Guys, I had an idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What if you two start jerking off now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Because this is weird!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I don't want to masturbate while talking to my friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What a pity I thought of masturbating with you but...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>W-Wait there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You didn't say you were going to masturbate either.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But then? Do you accept? But it has to be both.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ahm ok.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but you promise to moan a lot, and say things like you're with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Good idea $Jogador.Nome..<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Smart $Jogador.Nome, very smart, So get started.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Jerk off|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 6>><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<narrador>>You take off your clothes and start touching yourself, watching $CarmenCa.Nome and listening to $LenaPaul.Nome on the phone.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>That $CarmenCa.Nome ride that dick.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oooohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This situation is very strange but I'm loving it!<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>That turn this little ass for me $CarmenCa.Nome let me suck that little pussy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome makes noise with her mouth to simulate oral sex on another woman.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue Jerking off|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 7>><<addmins 6>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oohhh, $CarmenCa.Nome let me cup your ass while you take that dick in your pussy ooohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhh yes $CarmenCa.Nome yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhh my Gooooooddd.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue Jerking off|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 8>><<addmins 4>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhh that $CarmenCa.Nome that, sit down yummy $CarmenCa.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhhh oohhhh!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I will cum.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhhh oohhhh!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahhhhhhhhhhh, whew.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome climaxes at the same time as $CarmenCa.Nome, you also climax a little after $CarmenCa.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue Jerking off|JM10 - Punhetão online]]>><<set $game.SexEvent to 9>><<addmins 6>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome says breathlessly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Are you still there? You were so quiet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We were worried about not cum as soon as you started moaning.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cool. And $Amigo2.Nome? $Amigo2.Nome still here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I am, I am, I was just a little distracted.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/namorada_amigo/videos/JM10-Carmen-Cam15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>How wonderful, my first phone masturbation, and still with two boys, how amazing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That was weirdly, cool, especially since I cum almost together with you and $CarmenCa.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Incredible, and you $Amigo2.Nome cum together with us?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Ahm... Yes, of course, of course.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my Dod I'm hearing footsteps, I think my dad heard it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahm, I have to hang up, I went.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Damn it! My aunt said I'm talking too loud, I have to turn it off too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both hang up the call. This leaves you worried that someone in your household might have heard you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look at your bedroom door and it is ajar, and swinging.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It might have been the wind.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But if it wasn't.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And if they heard me.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And if they not only heard me, they also watched me.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You get worried and think that someone in your family saw you masturbating on the computer and talking to someone on the cell phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Worried or not, you decide to go to sleep because it's been a busy day.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 21 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Sleep" "sonhos">>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $JogadorM10.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $JogadorM10.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 5>>
<<addhours 4>>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Sleep" "sonhos">>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $JogadorM10.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $JogadorM10.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 5>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Penny.Nome in the library, she said she wanted to talk about the relationship between you and her so you don't know what to expect.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You said you wanted to talk about our relationship, so that's what I'm here for.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, that night we made love was wonderful, but it made me realize something really bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>My father will never accept us both. After you left my house that night he came to my room in a rage because he had dreamed that a boy broke into our house and was in my room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah, I got exactly that reaction, but luckily he didn't catch us. So what if he caught us, I don't know what would happen to me, or to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But, you said your father wasn't dangerous.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Maybe, but actually I don't know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you saying we can't meet anymore?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes, maybe it's the safest.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, $Penny.Nome, I refuse to stop seeing you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But $Jogador.Nome my father...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey, hey $Penny.Nome, do you still like me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Like.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you want to keep meeting with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I want very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So let's continue.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But I can't even leave the house properly, I can only go to school and church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So let's just meet at school or church.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We can't $Jogador.Nome, I go to church with my dad, and here at school they can pick us up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's going to be all right $Penny.Nome trust me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just don't know where we would meet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Wants to know? I know a place.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 parte 2 - Sem pressa]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM6.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 7>>
<</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper.jpg">
Name: $SrtaCooper.Nome Phillips Cooper
Status: $SrtaCooper.status
Friendship: $SrtaCooper.Amizade
Passion: $SrtaCooper.Paixao
Morality: $SrtaCooper.Moralidade
Desire: $SrtaCooper.Desejo
<p>$SrtaCooper.Nome Cooper is the mother of $Jogador.Nome' best friend $Amigo.Nome. She is a widow and has taken care of $Amigo.Nome alone for over 10 years, is overprotective of everything related to her son, and often interferes in his life. She is very cheerful and friendly. $Jogador.Nome since he was a child feels a secret physical attraction to her.</p>
<<if $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>$Jogador.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome and $Amigo.Nome are in physical education lesson talking when $Amigo.Nome says that his mother $SrtaCooper.Nome is wanting to lose weight and even asked $Amigo.Nome to buy her something to lose weight and he bought a bottle with some liquid that he says is a vitamin or hormone for weight loss. $Jogador.Nome says those things they sell to lose weight don't work. $Amigo.Nome says he bought it on the internet, $Amigo2.Nome says that it can be bad, $Amigo.Nome then asks what he does with it, so $Jogador.Nome takes it from his hand and puts it in his backpack, he says he throws it away later, but $Jogador.Nome actually doesn't want it $SrtaCooper.Nome Cooper spoil her wonderful body with these things. The three talk again and $Jogador.Nome forgets to throw that liquid away.</p>
<<if $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>$Jogador.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome were chatting in the refectory until $Amigo.Nome suggests they start playing Dungeons & Dragons and he says he's read the books and has an adventure prepared. Jogador.Nome and $Amigo.Nome think it's a good idea. Then when Jogador.Nome gets home his character to play with his friends.</p>
<<if $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome go to $Amigo.Nome's house to play Dungeons & Dragons, there he and $Amigo2.Nome discover that $Amigo.Nome will be a master and player at the same time, which makes $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome suspicious, but $Amigo.Nome says that it would not be possible to play with just two players. $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome try to play anyway, but it doesn't work, as $Amigo.Nome had a high advantage, even causing $Jogador.Nome' character to die. $Jogador.Nome, not to be annoyed anymore, leaves the living room and goes to get a glass of water in the kitchen and on the way back he has a glimpse of $SrtaCooper.Nome changing clothes in the bedroom, $Jogador.Nome tries to spy on her for a longer time but $Amigo.Nome calls him to the living room. Returning to the living room, $Jogador.Nome finds that $Amigo.Nome cheated to win, so everyone understands that they need one more player to work, $Amigo.Nome also demands of them a greater development of their own character, so they decide to correct all that another day.</p>
<<if $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome go to $Amigo.Nome's house to solve problems before playing Dungeons & Dragons, the trio try to think of one more person to play with them, until $Amigo2.Nome suggests that $Amigo.Nome call his girlfriend $CarmenCa.Nome, he replies that she doesn't like it. of these things, so $Amigo.Nome returns the question, $Amigo2.Nome replies that only if he wants both of them fighting all the time. So $Amigo.Nome asks about $LenaPaul.Nome, so $Jogador.Nome gets up and walks away, to call $LenaPaul.Nome to ask her. You ask her if she would agree to join your roleplaying group, but she says she can't, but $Jogador.Nome can't focus on $LenaPaul.Nome's teasing because he again sees $SrtaCooper.Nome changing clothes in her bedroom. Upon returning to the living room $Jogador.Nome tells that $LenaPaul.Nome will not be able to participate, $Amigo.Nome says that while they decide who they will call to play, $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome need to better develop the story of their characters. They decide to sort it out another day.</p>
<<if $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>$Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome go to $Amigo.Nome's house to solve problems before playing Dungeons & Dragons, $Amigo.Nome says that $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome should better formulate the story of their characters. $Jogador.Nome says he kept the same character he created, but improved his story and $Amigo2.Nome created a new character but needed $Amigo.Nome's help to relove some details, meanwhile $Jogador.Nome tells his friends he's going to drink a glass of d' water but actually he intends to watch $SrtaCooper.Nome changing clothes again. $Jogador.Nome approaches the door to watch $SrtaCooper.Nome changing clothes, but inadvertently leans against the door making it creak, which scares $SrtaCooper.Nome, making her grab a bat telling whoever is there to leave. Then $Jogador.Nome reveals himself, he manages to trick her by saying that he came to ask her to play Dungeons & Dragons with them, she ends up accepting and asks $Jogador.Nome to leave her bedroom so she can change, so he goes back to the living room as if nothing had happened. You go back to the living room and talk to your friends, $Amigo2.Nome already had his character ready and then $SrtaCooper.Nome arrives who announces that $Jogador.Nome convinced her to play with them and then $Amigo.Nome helps his mother $SrtaCooper.Nome create her own character. After $SrtaCooper.Nome created her character it was all set to play and then they set to finally play over the weekend.</p>
<<if $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Amigo.Nome's house to play Dungeons & Dragons, but arrives a little early, $Jogador.Nome and $SrtaCooper.Nome cleaning the bathroom in an extremely short outfit, which has $Jogador.Nome hypnotized on her, until $Amigo.Nome appears giving $Jogador.Nome a scare. $Amigo.Nome asks $Jogador.Nome to help him prepare everything for the game, when $Amigo2.Nome arrives $Jogador.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome and $SrtaCooper.Nome finally manage to play without much problem. At the end of the game everyone complains that the story that day was so short, but $Jogador.Nome is secretly happy that $SrtaCooper.Nome's character is similar to her in real life.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<Fundo3B>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Good morning students, are you ready for the philosophy test?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>The whole room says nothing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Come on guys, it's the penultimate time you'll see me, animation!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole room vibrates trying to look excited.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>So that's it, as I said, there are three questions each worth 3 points, and an extra point for spelling the name correctly.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>As he says this, he is handing out the test to every student, including you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You take your test and start.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>First question:<</narrador>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<p>I. What is the difference between morals and ethics?</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ethics is a set of knowledge extracted from the investigation of human behavior when trying to explain moral rules in a rational, grounded, scientific and theoretical way. It is a reflection on morals. Morality, on the other hand, is the set of rules applied in everyday life and used continuously by each citizen. These rules guide each individual, guiding their actions and their judgments about what is moral or immoral, right or wrong, good or bad.|PFM2 parte 2 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaI to true>>
<<addmins 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ethics is the set of rules applied in everyday life and used continuously by each citizen. These rules guide each individual, guiding their actions and their judgments about what is ethical or unethical. Morality, on the other hand, is a set of knowledge extracted from the investigation of human behavior when trying to explain moral rules in a rational, grounded, scientific and theoretical way.|PFM2 parte 2 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaI to false>>
<<addmins 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ethics is the set of rules applied in everyday life and used to define the behavior of each person. Morality, on the other hand, is a set of knowledge extracted many times from religion that dictates what is moral and immoral.|PFM2 parte 2 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaI to false>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>Second question:<</narrador>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<p>II. Moral judgments can be different depending on the moral code on which they are based. However, any moral judgment has two aspects in common with the other:</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[A. Formal aspect and physical aspect;|PFM2 parte 3 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaII to false>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[B. Formal aspect and relative aspect;|PFM2 parte 3 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaII to false>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[C. Formal aspect and content aspect;|PFM2 parte 3 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaII to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[D. Content aspect and physical aspect.|PFM2 parte 3 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaII to false>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>Third question:<</narrador>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<p>“Moral norms vary depending on culture and historical period. They can also be questioned and dismissed.” This means that:</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[A. We cannot think about the moral norms that are enforced;|PFM2 parte 4 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaIII to false>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[B. We have to agree with moral norms because they are the norms of our culture;|PFM2 parte 4 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaIII to false>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[C. We do not act “morally” if we obey the rules that society establishes;|PFM2 parte 4 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaIII to false>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[D. Morality is a set of values by which people guide their behavior and, therefore, is subject to change depending on the country and the historical moment in which people are inserted.|PFM2 parte 4 - Prova de Filosofia]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Prova1Filosofia.PerguntaIII to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You finish the test and give it to your teacher.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hope I did well on this test.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>As your friends haven't finished the test yet, you wait until the end of class in silence.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Recess" "Intervalo">>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>>
<</button>>@@/*======================= Provas de Filosofia =========================*/
<<set $Prova1Filosofia to {
PerguntaI: false,
PerguntaII: false,
PerguntaIII: false,
/*======================= Redação da Detenção ========================*/
<<set $RedacaoDetencao to {
PennyI: "",
<<set $FezRedacaoDetencao to {
PennyI: false,
};>><<set $fundo to "saladozelador">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome takes you to a secluded spot at school.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What place is this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>This right here is the janitor's room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But isn't it dangerous for him to appear here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, at this time they are working, so we are alone here and there is no one to disturb us.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>While $Penny.Nome says this she is taking off her clothes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You take her clothes off too although still a little shy about having sex at school.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, it's going to be okay, nobody's going to come here and get us.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 parte 2 - Sem pressa]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You're totally naked, then $Penny.Nome starts getting down on you getting to her knees.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 40>>
<<narrador>>She also seems a little shy about performing oral sex at school, but does the best she can.<</narrador>>
<<PennyMoralidade 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Suck her tits|PYM6 parte 2 - Sem pressa]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $PennySex.suck_tits += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 parte 2 - Sem pressa]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh, Kgh, Kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum|PYM6 parte 2 - Sem pressa]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Cum on my face now!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But still I get more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But, you're going back to class now, so we need to go back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 parte 3 - Sem pressa]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM6.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 1>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "saladozelador">>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM6-PennyCumFace2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We'll continue later.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah, now I need to clean up because I can't miss lesson.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get dressed and leave the janitor's room, a little while later $Penny.Nome leaves too.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You can meet $Penny.Nome at school after school (between 12:30 and 13:00) and suggest that she come with you to the janitor's room to continue what they were doing.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Next Lesson" "3B">>
<<set $PennyM6.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome, what do you say we go to the janitor's office?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I love the idea, I'm already wet with lust for you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You go together to the janitor's office|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<set $fundo to "saladozelador">>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go with $Penny.Nome to the janitor's office, and she wastes no time in taking off all her clothes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Suck her tits|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>>
<<set $PennySex.suck_tits += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade lt 75>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You get totally naked, so $Penny.Nome starts to get down on you by getting down on her knees.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 40>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Suck her tits|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>>
<<set $PennySex.suck_tits += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade lt 75>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $Penny.Moralidade lt 75>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh, Kgh, Kgh.<</fala>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade gte 75>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Cum in my face $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome must get more immoral to finish this scene, she is not ready to have sex at school yet.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Moralidade lt 75>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hummm hummmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ooohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Say I'm a bad girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I'm a bad girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Say I'm a slut.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I'm a slut.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah you are totally slut.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Say I'm a bad, bad fucking slut.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I'm a bad, bad fucking slut.<</fala>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<PennyMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How much do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I like so much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmmmm Hmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hmmmmmmm hmmmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh I love that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I love so much.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh owwww.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Owww my God ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hmmmmmmm fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmm hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh ohhhhhh ohhhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Owww ohhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh oh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmm ohhhh ohhh ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza is true>> /*====================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah hummmm hmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh owww.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oowww ohhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Cum in my face pleace.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM6 - Sexo na sala do zelador]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 14>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM6-PennyCumFace2.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I loved that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So long, my hard-on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>See you later my hottie.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome goes to get cleaned up and you leave the janitor's room, $Penny.Nome leaves shortly after you.<</narrador>>
<<set $PennyCenas.QuartoDeLimpeza to true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to true>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was thinking here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a really, really naughty girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And yes, and the next time we are alone, you know what I will do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will take you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah, yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to rip off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll throw you on the bed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>There is my place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And ride her like a mare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'd better keep my voice down.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahahhahahahhahahhahh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahahhahahahhahahhahh.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about other subjects for a while.<</narrador>>
<<PennyDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was thinking here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a really, really naughty girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And yes, and the next time we are alone, you know what I will do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will take you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah, yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to rip off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll throw you on the bed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>There is my place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And ride her like a mare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'd better keep my voice down.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahahhahahahhahahhahh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahahhahahahhahahhahh.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about other subjects for a while.<</narrador>>
<<PennyDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Penny.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was thinking here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a really, really naughty girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And yes, and the next time we are alone, you know what I will do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will take you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah, yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to rip off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll throw you on the bed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>There is my place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And ride her like a mare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'd better keep my voice down.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahahhahahahhahahhahh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahahhahahahhahahhahh.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking about other subjects for a while.<</narrador>>
<<PennyDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Freas">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go to $Penny.Nome in the library.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did you think of our meeting in the janitor's room?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It was great, and we could do similar things more often, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, do you know if there's another place here at school that hardly anyone goes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahmm... the emergency stairs, since there's never been a real emergency that it had to be used, it must be empty.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, do you want to go there?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You extend your hand to her. She smiling takes your hand with grace and delicacy and you go together to the emergency stairs.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM7.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome go to the emergency stairs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes, but let's go up a little, we can't stay here at the beginning.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, let's go then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hang on.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Just let me do a stretch.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey don't be so naughty.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I can't hold back, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's go up you little bastard.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uh trolled!<</fala>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey, what a bastard, behave boy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hahhahahahha.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>You keep going up the stairs, you get a little tired.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One second $Penny.Nome, I'm getting tired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You can't get tired now, we haven't even started.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was already kind of tired before I talked to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So I'll show you something to cheer you up.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome shows her ass.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Owo, what a delicious ass!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You can play.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Is there something there that you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's just that I never thought about it.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We need to go up a little more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Continue like this with your shorts down.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So what do you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think I want to try.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Try what?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Get down and watch.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uh Uh, ahn.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, no, not my ass.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Not yet.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I thought...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah... I know, but I'm not ready yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But I'm ready to give you a present here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome lowers her and starts descending on you, halfway down the stairs.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, are we going to have sex here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ih hthgiankh giht hwohuladnh bgeh as ghohot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I think it wouldn't be as good here as if it were in a more comfortable place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Perhaps you are right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You must find a quiet, comfortable place where you and $Penny.Nome are alone to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 parte 2 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<narrador>>You can review this scene by talking to $Penny.Nome right after class ends.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 parte 3 - Aí não, agora não]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM7.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 1>>
Converças Senhorita Cooper<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I told you, call me $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $SrtaCooper.Nome... so what are you doing now?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Just taking a walk, getting some fresh air, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, I like to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome should do that too, he just stays holed up in that room, he hardly ever comes out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now that he's dating, that will change.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yeah, but enough about $Amigo.Nome, tell me about you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaCooperAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I told you, call me $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $SrtaCooper.Nome... so what are you doing now?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Just taking a walk, getting some fresh air, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, I like to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome should do that too, he just stays holed up in that room, he hardly ever comes out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now that he's dating, that will change.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yeah, but enough about $Amigo.Nome, tell me about you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaCooperAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I told you, call me $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $SrtaCooper.Nome... so what are you doing now?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Just taking a walk, getting some fresh air, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, I like to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome should do that too, he just stays holed up in that room, he hardly ever comes out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now that he's dating, that will change.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yeah, but enough about $Amigo.Nome, tell me about you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaCooperAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa-Cooper">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-escola-biblioteca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I told you, call me $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $SrtaCooper.Nome... so what are you doing now?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Just taking a walk, getting some fresh air, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, I like to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome should do that too, he just stays holed up in that room, he hardly ever comes out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now that he's dating, that will change.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yeah, but enough about $Amigo.Nome, tell me about you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaCooperAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I told you, call me $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $SrtaCooper.Nome... so what are you doing now?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Just taking a walk, getting some fresh air, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, I like to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome should do that too, he just stays holed up in that room, he hardly ever comes out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now that he's dating, that will change.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yeah, but enough about $Amigo.Nome, tell me about you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaCooperAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I told you, call me $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $SrtaCooper.Nome... so what are you doing now?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Just taking a walk, getting some fresh air, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, I like to come here once in a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome should do that too, he just stays holed up in that room, he hardly ever comes out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now that he's dating, that will change.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yeah, but enough about $Amigo.Nome, tell me about you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaCooperAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It was incredible, I just wanted us to have a place of our own to continue.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sure there's a place like this here at school, I'll find it and we'll continue.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome cleans up and you go back to the class that's already back, and you're kind of late.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Next Lesson" "3B">>
<<set $PennyM7.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $PennyM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome, What do you think about going to the stairs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Just go now baby.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Let's go to the stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome go to the emergency stairs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's go up a bit, we can't stay here at the beginning.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gt 50>> /*================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fingering Her Ass on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.fingering_anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She Sucks yor Cock on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do some stretching here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey you bastard, again with that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is the goal.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's go up you little bastard.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gt 50>> /*================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fingering Her Ass on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.fingering_anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She Sucks yor Cock on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uh trolled!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey, hey boy, stop it! Again with this fooling around.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hahhahahahha.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's go upstairs, you little bastard.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gt 50>> /*================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fingering Her Ass on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.fingering_anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She Sucks yor Cock on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>You keep going up the stairs and you get a little tired.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Shall we stop now?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You're very anxious to see my ass, aren't you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is obvious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>There you have it.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<PennyMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gt 50>> /*================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fingering Her Ass on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.fingering_anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She Sucks yor Cock on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a beautiful ass.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Is there something there that you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gt 50>> /*================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fingering Her Ass on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.fingering_anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She Sucks yor Cock on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Go up a little more this way with the shorts down.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So what do you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think I'm getting hard.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahahahahah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gt 50>> /*================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fingering Her Ass on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.fingering_anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She Sucks yor Cock on Stairs|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Well, then? Do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<if $Penny.Desejo lte 50>> /*===================================*/
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey kid, don't even think about sticking anything up my ass.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But, ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, more, I'm not ready for that yet.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome doesn't want you enough for that.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She your Cock|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo gt 50>> /*================================*/
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Go ahead, kid.<</fala>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<PennyMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fingering Her Ass|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<set $PennySex.fingering_anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uh Uh, ahn.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummm hummmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahnn.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Now it's my turn.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome lowers herself down and starts to descend on you, in the middle of the stairs.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keep sucks your cock|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Go to Secret Room|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, are we going to have sex right here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ih hthgiankh giht hwohuladnh bgeh as ghohot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I think it wouldn't be as good here as if it were in a more comfortable place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe you are right.<</fala>>
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==============================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good thing I know a perfect place for that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Where?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come with me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome takes your hand and follows you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.salaSecreta is false>> /*=========================*/
<<narrador>>You must find a quiet, comfortable place where you and $Penny.Nome are alone to continue this scene. Maybe a secret room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Cum in my face pleace.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Escadas]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM6-PennyCumFace2.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I loved that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So long, my hard-on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>See you later my hottie.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys exit the stairs before someone comes along and catch you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to true>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome go to the secret room in the library.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Wow, I didn't even know this secret room existed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't either, I just recently found out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But then, where do we stop?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, what are you going to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh God.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Finger her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her Ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh ahmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep finger her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her Ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Have you ever used oil like this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmmm no.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhhh ahhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep finger her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her Ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Open your mouth.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hmmmmm hmmmm ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her Ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Fuck me please.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her Ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hummmm fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $game.salaSecreta is true>> /*==========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck Her Ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmm hmmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's try anal?<</fala>>
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===================================*/
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmm yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let's try.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's try.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try anal|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*================================*/
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Not yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You must increase $Penny.Nome's desire to continue this scene.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ooohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Anal|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 8>>
<<set $PennySex.anal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmm hmmmm fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep anal|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hmmmm ahn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh ohh ohhh ohhhh God.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhh ohhhhh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhh ohhhhh yes fuck my ass.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh oh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhhhh ohhhh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhh hmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Tell me I'm a fucking dirty whore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a fucking dirty whore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes I am.<</fala>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<PennyMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She suck your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[She sucks your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh my God ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Suck that fucking dirty bitch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hmmmmm hmmmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She kepp suck your cock|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Fuck her ass again|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas28.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her ass again|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas29.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas30.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmmm ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh my God ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmm ohhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh big ohhh my God.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas31.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh aaaihhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh yes God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh fuck Ooohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh oohhh ohhh my God.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas32.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohhhh oh my God.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 19>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.Escadas is true>> /*============================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
<<if $Penny.Desejo gte 60>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Penny.Desejo lt 60>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 24>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas33.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh fucking tear my ass open the ass.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her ass|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 20>>
<<set $PennySex.cum_ass += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas34.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh yes oh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh ohhh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She eat your cum|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 21>>
<<set $PennySex.eat_cum += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas35.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummmm hummmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummmm delicious.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 22>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 22>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM7-SubindoAsEscadas36.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummmm hummmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Great.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 23>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 23>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM7-PennyCumAss.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I loved it, my first time having anal sex.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The first of many, hopefully.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Of course it does.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>See you later my dirty girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>See you later my dirty boy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both get dressed and leave the secret room, very carefully so that no one sees you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 24>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Cum in my face pleace.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM6-SexQuartodeLimpeza14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM7 - Sala Secreta]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 25>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 25>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM6-PennyCumFace2.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I loved that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So long, my hard-on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>See you later my hottie.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both get dressed and leave the secret room, very carefully so that no one sees you.<</narrador>>
<<set $PennyCenas.Escadas to true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room, and your $Mae.Relacao was there.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala-sentada-sala.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahm $Jogador.Nome, I want to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay what is it?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I want to talk to you about the massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... there's nothing to talk about.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh really? I think we have a lot to talk about.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like...?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Like how was your massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, I don't feel comfortable talking about this with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh come on $Jogador.Nome, no need to feel ashamed I'm your $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, I went to the massage room, and met the masseuse, she was nice to me, and she is almost the same age as me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And what else happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... then she asked me to take off my clothes and get a towel while she went to the other room to get ready, she left the room, she came back wearing a robe, so the massage started, and it was very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Good as? Give me more details about the massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... why? Why are you so curious to know the details of my massage?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>It's not just... that... I worry about my son, and I want to know everything that goes on in his life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I was on my back so it started slowly on my back, then it went down to my legs, slowly running oil down my legs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then she asked me to turn around, and started massaging my chest, and we were talking a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And what did you two talk about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, about... Her massage, she told me the story about the first massage she got, and that's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>It's not just that. I know you're hiding something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm not hiding anything!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you can tell, don't be ashamed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, do you really want to know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I want!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She accidentally saw my dick, I was embarrassed by this situation, but she complimented the size of it, which made me feel more at ease, and then at the end of the massage she gave me a hand job.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lhe-acordando2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh I knew it!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM3 parte 2 - Pode falar, eu sou sua mãe]]>>
<<set $MaeM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>The way you looked after the massage, you were beaming with happiness so I suspected that something special happened to you there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but what about you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>What about me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You also left there quite happy so I also want to know what happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>All right, I tell you, I'm not ashamed of it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I was naked 100% of the time in the massage I really like being naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it just that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Of course it is. I have nothing to hide.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then, let's see, why do you like to be naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Because that's how I feel free.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you feel trapped if you are wearing clothes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>A little bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So why not become a nudist?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what a conversation this is, on top of your $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was you who started it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Hey, I don't become a nudist because I'm a woman with 3 kids, the house is never empty and I've never been alone, that's why.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So you never felt free?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahmmm... $Jogador.Nome, enough about this subject, I don't want to talk about it anymore okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, okay, but you're the one who came up with this subject.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room leaving your $Mae.Relacao alone, she looks thoughtful.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $MaeM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 13>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Penny.Nome in the library.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Glad you're okay, and... I know a good place for us to be together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>At where?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I discovered a secret room here in the library.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, let's go play a little.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But are you already wanting to have sex? I'm not that interested in having sex right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But maybe we can do something different.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What kind?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come with me and I'll show you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahm... I don't know, and besides that the biology teacher said she will come here to talk to me and talk to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But she'll probably talk to you only after class, so now we could have some fun.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah, maybe you're right, in the end we have to enjoy our free time at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly, will you come with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah, we will.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You extend your hand and $Penny.Nome takes it, together you go to the secret room, making sure no one sees you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM8.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and Penny go to the secret room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What different are we going to do here today?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Today I'm going to show you something called face fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It's simple to take off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Penny takes off her clothes, and waits.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Get on your knees.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Penny gets on her knees.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She opens her mouth and closes her eyes.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>AAAAAAAAAA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Stand aside for a bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Here we go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You stick your dick in her mouth, she looks surprised by that.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh hmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kggggghhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh oh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh ahhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummmmmmm kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhhhhh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh hgh hmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hgh hgh hgh hgh hgh ogh fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh ahhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummm aaaaaaaaaa hummmm kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>What is happening here???!!!!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh shit.<</ref>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh shit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh shit.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Caught by the teacher|PYM8 parte 2 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I asked what is happening in here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two are speechless, both of you cannot speak a word.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You get dressed and $ProfBiologia.Nome takes you to the staff room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 parte 3 - Direto para a sala secreta]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM8.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>You were in your room when your $Mae.Relacao arrived.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, can we talk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About what?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She approaches you and sits on her bed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Remember that conversation we had?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About that massage?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahm... after that, you asked me if I ever felt free, and I thought about it a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what did you discover?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I rarely felt free, to do what I wanted, to travel wherever I wanted, I always had to take care of someone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I am the oldest of 4 siblings, after my mother disappeared and my father died, I never had a minute to myself, I was a child but I already had to take care of my younger brothers.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yes, then later I married your father and we had 3 children, and one day he disappears out of nowhere, so I again had to raise 3 children by myself.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Don't get me wrong $Jogador.Nome, I love you, I love $IrmaV.Nome, and I love $IrmaN.Nome, but I feel trapped by it all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... $Mae.Relacao, you don't need to feel trapped anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>How not? I you guys are so young, I can't just do what I want and let you guys go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's where you're wrong $Mae.Relacao, we're not kids anymore, $IrmaV.Nome is already graduated, I'm over 18 and $IrmaN.Nome is already pretty independent.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But I can't drop everything and let you guys do everything in this house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But it doesn't have to be that way, we're not as dependent as you think, you can start doing the things you want, we can get by sometimes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I wanted it to be that simple. But that was it $Jogador.Nome, I just needed to vent a little.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao leaves your room without hearing what you have to say.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My $Mae.Relacao wants to be freer to do what she wants, but she is afraid that $IrmaV.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome and I will not be able to do some household chores without her.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Would it be right to hypnotize her? Just so she would lose that fear?<</ref>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is false>>
<<narrador>>You need to meet your $Mae.Relacao sometime when she is relaxed to do her hypnosis, perhaps at night in her room just before she goes to sleep.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<narrador>>You can hypnotize your $Mae.Relacao anytime and anywhere in the house as long as they are alone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM4.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 20>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 22>>
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Mae.Relacao, I see you were almost going to sleep.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Yes, but do you need anything?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I just came to say good night.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Really?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, well I don’t do this every day but, today I wanted to.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, good night $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... how was your day?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say, slowly approaching me.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Do you really want to know?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm it was pretty exhausting, today at work I had to....>>
<<narrador>>You follow her cheeks look deep into her eyes and recite the hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I’m $Mae.Nome, I have three beautiful, independent children, and they’re old enough that I can take more care of myself and do more of the things I want to do."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You step back a bit, your mother stares off into the distance for a few seconds, then she comes back into the real world again.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Realizing this you start talking about a subject to give the impression that you are talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I used to think that people don’t need to...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm $Jogador.RelacaoMae, I’m a little tired right now, I wonder if you could let me get some sleep.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure $Mae.Relacao, sorry to bother you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good night.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz You don’t bother me $Jogador.Nome, I’m just tired... and good night to you too.>>
<<narrador>>You leave her badroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>>
<<set $Mae.status is "Motivated">>
<<set $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I am not sure what I should do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Mae.Relacao, how are you?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Very well, but do you need anything?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not really, I just wanted to give you a massage.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm... why?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because, you work a lot and I think it’s important to do this for you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, I won’t refuse a grateful shoulder massage.>>
<<narrador>>You begin to massage her slowly and deeply.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see that she has become totally relaxed with your massage so you hold her by the cheeks and look deeply into her eyes reciting the hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I am $Mae.Nome I have three beautiful, independent children, they are grown up enough that I can take more care of myself and can do more of the things I want to do."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao stares off into the distance for a few seconds, then she comes back into the real world again.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep massaging her as if nothing much is happening.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm, what a good massage.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Glad you liked it, Mom, how are you feeling now?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Very well, I feel motivated.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good. I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her badroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>>
<<set $Mae.status to "Motivated">>
<<set $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I am not sure what I should do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Mae.Relacao, how are you?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Very well, but do you need anything?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not really, I just wanted to give you a massage.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm... why?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because, you work a lot and I think it's important to do this for you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, I won’t refuse a grateful shoulder massage.>>
<<narrador>>You begin to massage her slowly and deeply.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see that she has become totally relaxed with your massage so you hold her by the cheeks and look deeply into her eyes reciting the hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I am $Mae.Nome I have three beautiful, independent children, they are grown up enough that I can take more care of myself and can do more of the things I want to do."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao stares off into the distance for a few seconds, then she comes back into the real world again.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep massaging her as if nothing much is happening.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm, what a good massage.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Glad you liked it, Mom, how are you feeling now?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Very well, I feel motivated.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good. I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her badroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>>
<<set $Mae.status to "Motivated">>
<<set $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I am not sure what I should do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao calls you into the living room, you get there and $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome are already there.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Glad you all arrived, today I have an important announcement to make.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What is this announcement.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I've been thinking, and it's time for us to make changes, here at home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>You three are already quite grown up, you can already help me with my work here at home.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn, I think I should have specified better what she was supposed to do with hypnosis.<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But how so? What work?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>For example washing the house, cooking, washing the dishes, it's time to do these works.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>So, which of these tasks do you prefer to do?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Nobody says anything.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Okay, since no one suggested anything I'll indicate something for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome how about you cook?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Because you're the only person who knows how to cook besides me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>All right, I'll make lunch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome since you're still in school and getting good grades, you can clean the kitchen but it doesn't have to be all day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Great, I already clean the kitchen from time to time and will continue to clean the kitchen from time to time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>As for you $Jogador.Nome, you need to assume the role of the man in the house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do I need to take on the role? Was I no longer the man in the house?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahmmm, no, you won't be the man of the house until you get a job.<</fala>>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I work at the County Club now and then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But there they pay very little for the role you perform, in addition to being out all day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>In fact I know the perfect job for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Which one?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>The neighbor on the left once told me that she needed a young man to help her with some of her jobs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like...?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Like... mowing the lawn, walking the dogs, gardening, that sort of thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know how much she will pay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No, but she said it paid well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll drop by any time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahhhh I'm so happy seeing my kids so grown up doing their best to help me. I love you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome leaves the room while you $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>What happened to her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>She is so different, out of nowhere I come with this to help her with the housework.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And now I'm going to have to get a job...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The three of you keep talking for a while about your $Mae.Relacao's change of habits, of course you haven't talked about hypnosis with your sisters and now it's just a case of waiting for the new things your $Mae.Relacao will do in her spare time.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM5.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>So which one of you is going to explain to me why you were having sex in the library room.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Nobody answers anything.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>So no one will speak? Right.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Penny.Nome what would her father say if he found out about this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No teacher please don't tell my dad.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Ah, now you decide to speak! Then tell me why they were having sex in the library room!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Okay, $Jogador.Nome and I have a secret relationship, but we can't meet anywhere other than school because my dad would never accept our relationship.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hmm I see, now you $Jogador.Nome, answer me how you discovered the library room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was by accident, I was digging through the books so I found it and... as you know I wanted to find the secret room.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>It doesn't matter how I found out, what matters is the punishment you will take.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh what a drug!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please teacher don't tell $Penny.Nome's father he will be possessed with rage.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I understand you, I was young, like the hormones under the skin, I can't blame you for the case that happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No!?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No!?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Of course not!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>It is the fault of this traditional school institution, which does not take into account that young people have sexual desires, and the only thing they do is repress them.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I already proposed this once but no one accepted it, maybe now they will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You two were very lucky. If any of the other teachers at the school had caught you, you would have been fried, you would have been thrown out of school immediately, and on top of that your parents and both of you would have known what had happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>But as I'm much more generous than the other teachers, just a Saturday night punishment solves it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Saturday night, I didn't even know I had punishment at that time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Because this is a special case, in all these years in high school this is the first time this has happened. Then you will receive a one-time punishment, a Saturday night in detention.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>And what will we say to our parents?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Don't worry, I'm going to send a letter to $Jogador.Nome' $Mae.Relacao and say that... he didn't turn in the anatomy work, and simply printed a picture of a penis and a vagina and delivered.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Penny.Nome, on the other hand, spoiled a library book, and the library was very upset about it because the book was hers, what a shame $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfBiologia.Nome writes these notes into her computer and e-mails them to her mom and $Penny.Nome's dad.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You're excused, and thank me for saving your lives.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Thank you teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two walk out of the teachers' exit, maybe it's best not to invent other places at school to have sex.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>But you can still review the full scenes, just go talk to $Penny.Nome at school as soon as the last class is over.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Next Lesson" "3B">>
<<set $PennyM8.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 16>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/penny-na-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Penny.Nome, let's go to the secret room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Just go now baby.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Let's go to the secret room|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome go to the secret room.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome takes off her clothes, and waits.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Get down on your knees.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome gets down on her knees.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Open your mouth and close your eyes.<</fala>>
<<if $Penny.Moralidade gte 55>>
<<PennyMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Aaaaaah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Stand a little aside.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Aaaaaaaaaaaaah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He we go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You stick your cock in her mouth, she seems surprised by this.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh hmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kggggghhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hmmmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh oh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh ahhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummmmmmm kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhhhhh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh hgh hmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hgh hgh hgh hgh hgh ogh fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh ahhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummm aaaaaaaaaa hummmm kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh ahhhhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh ahhhhhhh kgh ahhhhhhh kgh ahhhhhhh kgh ahhhhhhh kgh ahhhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhhh ahhhhh kgh ahhhhh kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It's amazing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's fun?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>So much fun.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is this the best thing you have ever done today?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Humhum I need some more please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You really such a nasty girl.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kggghhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hummmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kggghhhhh ahhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kggghhhhh ahhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS is true>> /*=========================*/
<<if $horny gte 70>> /*======================================*/
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>All in my glasses hummm.<</fala>>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM8-FaceFuckSalaSecreta18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahhhh hummmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Clean your glasses, $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Humhum.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM8 - Sala Secreta Face Fuck]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM8-PennyCumFace3.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Humm I'ts so good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We need to go, imagine if another teacher comes along and catches us again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You are right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>While, $Penny.Nome cleans herself up, you leave the secret room alone, a little while later $Penny.Nome also leaves.<</narrador>>
<<set $PennyCenas.FaceFuckSS to true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
/*===================================================================*/Professora de Biologia Missões (Summer Brielle)Professora de Literatura Missões (Phoenix Marie)<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<narrador>>You go to the staff room to find Biology Teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome, to find out what she wanted to say about your grades.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>You can't go in here, it's the teachers' room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome asked me to meet her here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>So I'm going to go check it out first.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Gaston.Nome, will not be needed.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfBiologia.Nome opens the door to the room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I was already waiting for Mr. $Jogador.Sobrenome to talk.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Oh, then all right.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then enter the teachers' room, everyone is there looking at you, $ProfBiologia.Nome takes you to a private room to talk more freely, you have no idea what to expect.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PBM1 parte 2 - Presente de Professor]]>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>You are alone with teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The teacher you said you wanted to talk about my grades, so what?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-escola-professoresroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Well, as you know your grades are a failure. I felt so sorry for you when you repeated the year, it's very sad, you should have finished high school and you're still here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really, but so what?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I understand your philosophy that we waste too much time in school and life is too short to waste on theoretical knowledge and bla bla bla.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You may be right, but you were wrong the moment you thought studying was not necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't think that, I think the study is necessary, I just don't think it's necessary to study biology, for example, since I don't want to be a biologist, I don't think this study is necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You are wrong to think so, so I give you this gift, a private lesson.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are disappointed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My gift is a private lesson?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>It's actually more than that but you can't tell anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Because I don't want the other students to know that I'm practically going to give you all the answers for the next test in this class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Serious?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Now you're excited, aren't you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is obvious!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>But remember don't tell anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, but where will it be?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>At my house on Tuesday at 19:00 try not to be late, because I leave at 21:00 and our class will be a little long.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll be there.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Then it's dismissed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 13>>
<<narrador>>You go to the staff room to find Literature teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome, to find out what she wanted to say about your grades.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>You can't go in here, it's the teachers' room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome asked me to meet you here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>So I'm going to go check it out first.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He goes to her and back.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>You can come in, she is waiting in the closed room.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then enter the staff room, everyone is there looking at you, you go to the only closed room inside the staff room, you enter there and there is teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PLM1 parte 2 - Problemas com as Notas]]>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 50>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-Escola-ProfessoresRoom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-Escola-ProfessoresRoom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-Escola-ProfessoresRoom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, you wanted to see me to talk about my grades, so here I am.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Yes, $Jogador.Nome, your grades were terrible last year, and I believe that if you don't improve a lot this year, not only will you not be able to graduate, but you won't be able to get into any decent college.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is this serious?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Yes, because the board has approved a new program of study, and only exemplary students will be able to participate in it and get into a good college.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>So, if you don't put in the effort, you may not finish your studies and end up never going to college.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And could you do something to help me?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I already did, I'm warning you about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Now it all depends on you, are you going to study or not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm.... I will but it's not that easy.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you don't find it easy to study, it's good to find a way to make it easier, or prepare for the difficult life that awaits you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Now you can go, I already gave my message.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, bye teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 13>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Biology teacher's house for her "special class".<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she answers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, then what will this private lesson be about.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Sexual reproduction and anatomy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And so where do we start?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>This way.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She picks up several books.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All this?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Not only will we see the most important.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You sit on the couch and the class starts, the teacher starts with anatomy, teaching everything very slowly and very calmly, you think it's strange because she's not like that in the classroom, but she doesn't say anything.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Some time passes, the Biology teacher has already taught you everything about anatomy, you think it's strange because she seems to be stretching the subject unnecessarily, she seems like she's been talking about penises and vaginas for half an hour, until...<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PBM2 parte 2 - Isso é Estranho]]>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 89>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>$ProfBiologia.Nome I ahm... $Jogador.Nome what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome arrives at his house at that moment.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey $ProfLiteratura.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What is he doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>We agreed to have a special class with him.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I know, to help you with your grades. Good idea $Jogador.Nome, instead of studying alone, you decide to study with the teachers themselves.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>We're in the middle of lesson so if you don't mind...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Of course, of course I'm going out, just please keep your voice down, because I have to study too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome locks herself in a while, it's probably hers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You two don't seem to have a good relationship.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>She's just a boring moralist.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Well, where were we... Oh, we're done with the antomy part.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Finally.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Now let's start with SEXUAL REPRODUCTION.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>For some reason she talks very loud about sexual reproduction, you think it's strange but you take it and continue your studies.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>This is a type of reproduction that requires the union of two specialized reproductive cells, the gametes, to form an egg (or zygote), which gives rise to a new individual. SEXUAL or SEXUAL reproduction includes two fundamental processes: meiosis and fertilization. It is in meiosis that the gametes that intervene in SEXUAL reproduction are formed.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She keeps doing it... talking out loud in a few words.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... teacher why are you talking so hard when you come to any word that equates to sex?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Pay attention.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome HUMAN SEXUAL reproduction occurs when the DICK enters the PUSSY, and when the man CUM inside her.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She screams as she says those words that remind me of sex and then $ProfLiteratura.Nome leaves the room in a rage.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>You can stop it! I am wanting to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Then you can see she hates to talk about sex.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>That's not what I'm trying to study and you won't let me concentrate.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>And besides we have neighbors what they will think of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I don't care what people think of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Of course, if I did, I wouldn't be so promiscuous.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Don't be a boring moralist in front of our student.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bitch!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She locks herself back in her room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Did you see this? Didn't say she was boring?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PBM2 parte 3 - Isso é Estranho]]>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why are you doing this?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, you must have a brother never did anything just to piss each other off?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Obviously you, $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome have argued with each other, but you still think it's weird that two women in their 30s are arguing like they're kids, even though you think that you try not to question it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey, it's ok.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>So did $Jogador.Nome like today's lesson?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it over? We've just started talking about sexual reproduction.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You're right, we continue on... Friday at the same time, maybe?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can but ahm... when is this test?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Don't worry $Jogador.Nome, everything will be clear to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She drags you to the exit, you don't understand what just happened.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What the fuck just happened?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You decide to leave because on Friday there's more.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>Literature lesson went on as usual, boring as usual, until:<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, can we talk outside for a second?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes but why.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Come and you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PLM2 parte 2 - Pede para ela parar]]>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I admire the way you found to study, but not with my sister!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why? She's my biology teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Because she's not wanting to teach you anything, she's just trying to provoke me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>She always did this while I was studying, she got in the way of my studies by always going out with a different man. But now that her charms don't work like they used to, she needs you, to find a reason to keep pissing me off.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher, I have nothing to do with it, she's offering me lessons and I'm accepting, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Then ask her to stop it! She's 35 now, it's time to stop acting like a teenager.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why do you fight so much?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>It's a long story, but in short it started!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome leaves at that moment, she didn't really explain her problem with her sister $ProfBiologia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hope they don't fight anymore, it's horrible to be in the middle of a fight.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Biology teacher's house for the continuation of your lessons.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she answers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You walk into her house and sit right on the couch.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Shall we continue Tuesday's lesson?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, only in the end we will do something different.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's different?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>In time you will know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I hope it doesn't have to do with bickering with teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Of course not, she likes it so much she's going to climb the walls.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just try not to fight with her, it's horrible to be in the middle of a fight.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>All right $Jogador.Nome, I promise not to fight her while you're here.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>But enough about her, let's talk about sex!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I mean... sexual reproduction.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Her lesson takes place normally, teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome explains everything in detail, with scientific methods, how sexual reproduction works with different species of animals.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Okay, I think we've talked about everything in terms of sexual reproduction.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, now what? What are we going to do differently?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I couldn't do this at school, but since we're here I'll show you what I did myself.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes a flash drive and plugs it into her TV.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>These are videos of various animals reproducing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm... why?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Because it's time for you to see all this in practice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is this really necessary?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, shut up and pay attention.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PBM3 parte 2 - Oh, de novo, meu]]>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 67>>
<<narrador>>She starts showing some pictures and short videos of animals breeding.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/TV/reproducao-incetos.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/TV/reproducao-repteis.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/TV/reproducao-anfibios.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>And mammals.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/TV/reproducao-mamiferos.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>As she shows the images and videos she explains everything again what she had already explained, and you still don't understand the purpose of it all.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>But then comes teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome, $ProfBiologia.Nome's sister.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $ProfBiologia.Nome, hi $Jogador.Nome, I hope this time you guys are quieter.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Relax $ProfLiteratura.Nome, $Jogador.Nome told me not to fight you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Good, because I have a very complex book to read.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome locks himself in her room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Well $Jogador.Nome, let's continue because now I have a special video.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why is it special?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Because it's a video showing sexual reproduction with humans.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>That's it, let's see.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PBM3 parte 3 - Oh, de novo, meu]]>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 46>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>She hits play and starts a pornographic scene at high volume.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/TV/PBM3-Alexis1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You may have seen something like this, well this is a representation of human sexual reproduction.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome leaves her room furious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What the fuck is this $ProfBiologia.Nome!?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>What a swear word, I thought you didn't do that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfBiologia.Nome says ironically.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>You are showing a pornographic video to a boy! What is your problem.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>It's our class on sexual reproduction, if you don't know what it is you should study more, and $Jogador.Nome is old enough to learn about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>You're crazy, you put this disgusting video on this volume, at this time, we have neighbors you know.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No problem, if they want to watch it, just come here.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I hate your sarcasm, see $Jogador.Nome? She just wanted you to come over here to make me angry.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I told her not to do anything to piss you off.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>And I didn't, she was the one who got angry with my class alone.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PBM3 parte 3 - Oh, de novo, meu]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/TV/PBM3-Alexis2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome please turn off the TV.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up to go hang up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome don't turn off the TV.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You stop and stand, but you won't turn off the TV.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome go hang up or he's in detention.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome she can't do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>You shouldn't do that, what would the vice principal say if he knew what you were doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>The deputy principal is a sucker, he pretends to be tough so people are afraid of him but he lowers his head to everything the Principal says about him.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>You demoralize him just because he didn't approve of that dirty idea of yours.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think I'm leaving now.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Stay there $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Stay there $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh dude.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PBM3 parte 3 - Oh, de novo, meu]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/TV/PBM3-Alexis3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What would you think if I started teaching $Jogador.Nome literature and he stayed up all day reading?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>It would be good for him, but he would never get boring like you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>So let's see, $Jogador.Nome, how do you feel about having Literature lessons on Tuesday.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Tuesday are my lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I thought this would be our last class.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>He said it all!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>And then do you agree to take classes with me, do you agree to become an intellectual and stop having lessons with her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome don't care what this insufferable geek says, please $Jogador.Nome, my classes are always amazing, like the ones we've had.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teach...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>You will be the smartest student at $Jogador.Nome school, imagine all the faculties that would fight for you for having all that literary knowledge.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I teach you everything you need to know about various creatures, have you heard about cryptozoology?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>STOP!!!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I understand both, I need a 10 in biology and a 10 in literature! I can very well do both classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>All right, it could be mine on Tuesday.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Mine might be on Wednesday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's it! No need for this pointless fight.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm leaving now, I'll be back on Tuesday, try not to kill yourself until then.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You walk away imposing.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Literature teacher's house for your first private literature class.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she answers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You also see teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Hey.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no, you two here? Will you fight again?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>No, no $Jogador.Nome, we've come to an agreement.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Nobody disturbs the other's class, because that would only disturb you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Yes, and that means out of here!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Calm down, this house is also mine, I'll stay there in my room.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfBiologia.Nome locks herself in her bedroom leaving you and $ProfLiteratura.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, teacher why do you and teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome fight so much?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>It's a long story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can tell, we have time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>It all started when we were kids, she always got everything she wanted, as she was the youngest, the cutest, and the most "talented".<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"Talented"?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Yes, everything she did was cause for applause, "Look how good $ProfBiologia.Nome is singing", "Look how smart $ProfBiologia.Nome is", "Look how $ProfBiologia.Nome dances like a striper", no matter how sparingly she did it all, she still had all the highlights, even when I often only got high grades.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>So with that exclusion I decided to focus on studies, every day I spent several hours reading, I only got the best grades, I was the number one student in school, but in terms of popularity $ProfBiologia.Nome was the best.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>She was the one who was invited to all the parties, she was the one who stayed with all the boys, she was the one who listened to loud music until dawn, not letting me sleep.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But I never thought she would be able to steal my husband.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I was married a few years ago, and I found out that my husband was cheating on me with my sister.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is this serious?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Then we got divorced, so I had to move in with $ProfBiologia.Nome because she's the only person I know who had the money to live in an apartment.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow! What a thing!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But despite everything I love her, after all she is my sister.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So it is...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Yeah, but then $Jogador.Nome, enough about $ProfBiologia.Nome and let's study this classic from Liev Tolstói's War and Peace literature.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/Apartamento-Hutchison/guerraepaz.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God, what a giant book.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Well, let's spend a lot of time arguing about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what about the proof? Let's not finish this book until the next exam.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But $Jogador.Nome, you shouldn't study for the test, you should study for life, now pay attention I'm going to start reading.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PLM3 parte 2 - Por que isso é tão chato?]]>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You spend a lot of time reading the book, an exhausting time you almost sleep sometimes, but after a while you finish the lesson.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Have we finished the book yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>We've finished today's lesson, but the book, we still have a long way to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm... all right.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But are you enjoying the book? Do you are understanding?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't get me wrong, but this book is kind of boring.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>How are you finding everything boring? This book is wonderful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, your voice makes me sleepy, it's weird...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, you don't have a lot of excitement when reading, and listening to you reading non-stop for a long time, makes you sleepy.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Too bad, so next time you can read it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, maybe it's better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, until another day teacher.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say stretching.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her apartment and walk away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 96>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Biology teacher's house for the continuation of your lessons.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she answers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Get in there, lover boy.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/images/prof-biologia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>What? You still ask? Weren't you the one I caught having sex with $Penny.Nome at school?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say a little embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah it was.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No need to be ashamed $Jogador.Nome, you did a great job!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She holds out her hand indicating for you to high five, and you shyly do.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I thought you were angry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>No way, you're young, beautiful, your hormones are in full bloom, I can't blame you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>However, I had to be firm with you, what you did was wrong that's why you were grounded.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, but that's okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Tell me... how long have you been fucking her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We're going to study or we're going to talk about my intimate life?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Calm down kid, I'm just curious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, not long time ago. But don't tell anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Of course not, but are you guys dating?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I never stopped to think about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>You know... when I caught you two together that day I had a great idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What an idea?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Do you remember last week when $ProfLiteratura.Nome said about the deputy principal not being supportive of an idea I had?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I remember.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>So... my idea was sex education at school, you can imagine that the vice principal hated that idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes and...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>His argument was that sex education lessons were never needed, but now you and $Penny.Nome had sex at school, that proves I was right, and sex education lessons are more than necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, do what you want, but please don't expose me or $Penny.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>All right, $Jogador.Nome, I won't expose anyone, but you'll have to help me with a matter.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Qual assunto?|PBM4 parte 2 - E você e Penny hein?]]>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 17>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Help with what?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>My sister.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not possible that all this has to do with your sister!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>In parts yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh why teacher!?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>But calm down $Jogador.Nome, the only person who prevents me from approving sex education lessons at school is $ProfLiteratura.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Because even though we fight all the time, I love her, she's my damn sister, and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable even at school, for having a subject she doesn't like.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But that doesn't make sense, because you do a lot of things to annoy her here, but at school do you think it's wrong? Why do you fight so much? She told me you stole her husband.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>This thing about me stealing from her husband is totally distorted, I didn't steal from her husband, he hit on me, I said I would only stay with him if he broke up with her, and he said he was done, but when I found out that he lied to me too then we broke up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So why do you fight so much?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Oh, $ProfLiteratura.Nome was always jealous of me, I don't like to say that about my sister but it's true, just because I was more talented but beautiful and more popular at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I was sociable, I liked being with the crowd, she didn't. She wasn't excluded, she excluded herself, she thought she was too good to hang out with the people at school, so everyone started calling her stuck up and arrogant, and I was the only one who defended her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, but what do you want me to do, want me to help you how?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I want you to make her more pleasant, less boring and unbearable.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Want me to make her more like you?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, ahm, more or less, just less boring and less moralistic than she is today. She hasn't had that much contact with anyone nice like you in a while, so maybe if you tried to make her less annoying maybe you could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what does this have to do with sex education at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>The last time I tried to propose this, there was a vote among all the teachers, and most were in favor of it, but $ProfLiteratura.Nome blocked it all.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>She has a big influence on the board's decisions because her curriculum is one of the best in town.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So she voted against it and even though most of the teachers were in favor they discarded the idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Exactly.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So you want me to make you a more "liberal" person to take sex education classes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This isn't going to be easy.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Maybe not, but it's not impossible, check it out you'll come here every Tuesday and Wednesday, she'll have hours of contact with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, let's say I accept, what do I get out of it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>I guarantee you'll pass my class with only high grades.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>With 10?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, with 10, but you can't tell anyone, if the deputy principal finds out I'm doing this, he'll fire me right away.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, this is our little secret.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>But this will only be valid for the test after the next one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Because anatomy and sexual reproduction are going to drop, and we've studied all of that, and I want to see if you're going to do well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then. Closed.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two share a warm handshake, at that moment $ProfLiteratura.Nome arrives home.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hi guys, don't worry, I won't disturb your lesson.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>In fact $Jogador.Nome was already on his way out..<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at her confused.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Oh really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Yes, his lesson was faster today, he's learning everything so fast.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Well then, until another day $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfBiologia" $ProfBiologia.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye teachers.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her apartment and walk away.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<<narrador>>Are you at your house when...<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome! What’s this story that you printed out a penis and a vagina and turned it in as an anatomy homework?!>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Thankfully, the biology teacher freed us ourselves.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sorry $Mae.Relacao it was just a joke, apparently the teacher didn’t like it.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I got an email from $ProfBiologia.Nome and she said that’s why you're grounded Saturday night.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do I really have to go?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Of course it does! This is for you to learn what school is for studying not for these jokes.>>
<<narrador>>You hear your $Mae.Relacao’s scolding, and then you go back to your bedroom, at least I didn’t get another punishment here at home, after all if it wasn’t for $ProfBiologia.Nome everything could be much worse.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $PennyM9.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $PennyM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "detention">>
<<narrador>>You're in detention with the deputy principal.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/vice-diretor/images/vice-diretor-perfil.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>A few minutes pass and $Penny.Nome arrives.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Well, well, finally the library princess arrived, I thought she wouldn't join the party.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome sits behind you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Two students alone in the detention room on Saturday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Deputy principal I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Shut Up!!!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>As it's your first time here $Penny.Nome I apologize for your mistake.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>$Penny.Nome Freas arrested for destroying a School Book.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>$Jogador.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome, detection for turning in inappropriate biology paper.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Now for the rules of detention: No talking, no eating, no sleeping, no going out.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>And to make things more interesting for the two of you, you should do a 25-page essay on the importance of school detention in developing more respectful students.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>25 pages is a lot.<</ref>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Now you two stay there, I'll be in my room next door, and any noise I hear I'll come over here and I'll give you one more Saturday in detention.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>So be silent.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He walks out of the detention room and locks them in there, leaving you and $Penny.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 2 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $fundo to "detention">>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome start writing the essay together.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You notice that $Penny.Nome is a little quiet.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome is fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, I'm in detention, this has never happened to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Calm down $Penny.Nome, it won't make any difference to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I know but it's just that... forget it you wouldn't understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But think about it, it could be worse. What did your father say when he heard about the punishment?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I was very lucky, because it wasn't him who saw it, it was my mother, she was very angry, she grounded me, but at least she didn't tell my father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Less bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But come on, let's do this essay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What for? They don't even read.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But I think it's important to do that, maybe this essay will make us learn something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I doubt it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, let's make this essay, at least then we'll do something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh all right, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then start doing the essay, and that's a lot more boring than it sounds.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 13>>
<<narrador>>You go to the neighbor who lives to the left of your house to find out more about the job your $Mae.Relacao said.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and a beautiful woman answers.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>Well, well, what we have here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>G-Good morning lady, I am...<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>I know you are, you are $Jogador.Nome, son of $Mae.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Y-Yes exactly.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is it just me or is she wearing a see-through shirt and no bra?<</ref>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>You may come in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM6 parte 2 - A vizinha da casa a esquerda]]>>
<<set $MaeM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 6>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "detention">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome have been trying to get this essay done for over an hour and still haven't made it to the front page..<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>...the detention forms more respectful students for the disapproval of behaviors considered problematic...<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, that's not very good. What do you think $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahm... $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You end up dozing off from being so tired.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uhmhumhm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hello? Helloo?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahh $Penny.Nome, what a sleep.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 74>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry $Penny.Nome that was really boring.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>And I can't write anything else either!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>As I'm going to write 25 pages of... "the importance of school detention in the formation of more respectful students" I don't know what to write about this with more than one page.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's why I said $Penny.Nome, why make this essay, this is just to stress us out.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Penny rips the page out of the notebook and starts the text again.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh come on $Penny.Nome let's do something nicer.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We have nothing else to do here, even my cell phone doesn't have a battery.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Mine doesn't either, but maybe I have a cool idea of something we can do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>It is what it is?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You get up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just let me see if the door is really locked.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I'm not understanding, what agent could do.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>You hug her from behind lassively.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We are alone, we can do many things alone.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>What is this $Jogador.Nome? may have cameras here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax $Penny.Nome doesn't have a camera here at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But what about the deputy director? His room next door.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He's probably sleeping, come on $Penny.Nome it'll be nice to have sex here.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We'll get in more trouble if he shows up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He won't show up $Penny.Nome, relax.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh, we can't do that here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why not, we've done it elsewhere.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on $Penny.Nome, you want this as much as I do.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uhmmmm yeah.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You kiss her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come with me.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh my God I'm getting naked in the middle of detention.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh, my God, it's already so hard.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<set $PennySex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh my God kill me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh, ohhhh yes ohhh yes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her pussy|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Owwwnn ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ahn ohhhh oooohhnnnn ohhhn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohh owwwn humm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks you|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Let me take my pants off.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucking you|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<set $PennySex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh, my god i'ts so big ahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uhmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<set $PennySex.titjob += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hummmm yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohhh hummm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I knew you were thinking about fucking my tits before.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You sucks her|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hummmm hummm humm hum.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep suck her|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<set $PennySex.recebe_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhh Goddddh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh ah oh ah ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh oohhhh ooohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her again|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhh ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh my God yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohhhh oohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh yes ohhhh my Gody yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oohh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hummm hummm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Face fuck|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep lunged her throat|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Kgh kgh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Hummmm hummmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cowgirl on top of the teacher's desk|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep cowgirl on top of the teacher's desk|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh uhmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohhh ohhh owwnn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep cowgirl on top of the teacher's desk|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 21>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh uhmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohhh ohhh owwnn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep cowgirl on top of the teacher's desk|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 22>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 22>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh I want your finger in my ass.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohhh ohhh ooohhh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ooohhhh ohhh oh my God ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhh oh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh yes ohhh yes ohhh yes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cowgirl reverse on top of the teacher's desk|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 23>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 23>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>hummmmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uhmmmmm ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep cowgirl reverse on top of the teacher's desk|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 24>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 24>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yeah oohhh ohhh ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh my God , ohh ohhh ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh ohhhhh uhmm uhmmmm oohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 25>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 25>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh oohhh ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh oohh yes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 26>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 26>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh oohhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uhmmm ohh ohh ohh oohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 27>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 27>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex28.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Uhmmm oohhh ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhhh oh God oh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I wanna taste your cum.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Humm I wanna taste.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Humm fuck ohhhh ohhh ohhh fuck ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 28>>
<<set $PennySex.facial += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 28>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex29.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhh ohhohh oh yes yes yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ohhhh yes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 29>>
<<set $PennySex.eat_cum += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 29>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/penny/videos/PYM10-PennyDetentionSex30.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 3 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 30>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 30>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/penny/images/PYM10-PennyCumFace4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Oh, this is the best hobby possible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I said it would be good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I was even in disbelief that the director didn't show up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can go there and get dressed and clean, I'll do the writing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Really, but, don't you think I'd better help you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It won't be necessary, I know exactly what to write.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>While $Penny.Nome changes and cleans up, you write the essay.<</narrador>>
<<set $PennyCenas.Detention to true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 4 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<narrador>>The students prepare a small farewell party for the philosophy teacher $ProfFilosofia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The party is small because the vice principal did not allow the party at school, but as the 3B students are rebels, they decided to do it anyway.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>I thank all of you for the effort to throw a farewell party for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We thank you for being a good teacher for so many years at this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>And then let's get the party started before $Gaston.Nome comes and ends it all.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole room screams, "YEEEEEEEEE."<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hope $Gaston.Nome didn't hear.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You and your friends are talking in your corner.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And now how will it be with the teacher's retirement, you know... who will be the replacement?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>It will happen what always happens, we will be without a teacher for about 2 weeks and then a new one will appear.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I hope he's a nice teacher.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look around and see your classmates in their own clubs, You and your friends talking amongst yourselves, $Penny.Nome and other studious students talking to the teacher, $Valentao.Nome sleeping, $Lexi.Nome drawing alone, the Baby Dolls talking to each other in their places, and the other students in their respective groups.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Seeing all this you decide you can do some things.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Prank with the Sleepy Bully|PFM3 parte 2 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte1 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Chat with the teacher and the nerds|PFM3 parte 3 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte2 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Talking to the Math Teacher's Daughter|PFM3 parte 4 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte3 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Babby Dolls|PFM3 parte 5 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte4 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fundo to "detention">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You can now write your essay.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Bro, I'm not going to write 25 pages at all, one page is more than enough.<</ref>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<center><h1>The importance of school detention in the formation of more respectful students.</h1></center>
<p><<textbox "$RedacaoDetencao.PennyI" "Write the Essay" $RedacaoDetencao.PennyI autofocus>>.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Oh fuck developer! You write this shit!|PYM10 parte 4 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $RedacaoDetencao.PennyI to "">>
<<addmins 14>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Okay, I already wrote|PYM10 parte 4 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 16>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<center><h1>The importance of school detention in the formation of more respectful students.</h1></center>
<p>Students tend to hate the idea of detention in schools, the very idea of you not using their time the way they wouldn't want to is bad for them, especially Saturday detentions, those are the worst. But from that experience I came to the conclusion that detention is really important.</p>
<p>In theory, detention is a terrible thing for students, but this detention time can be used for them to develop other skills that are not learned in school, especially if there is pleasant company. The company of the student in detention can be their best hobby and their best source of learning, together they can enjoy a good time together, talk about good and uplifting things, and even form a new friendship.</p>
<p>So detention can be a very bad and boring thing, but if this time is used well, it can result in one of the best experiences that a student can have in his life and generate unique and uplifting experiences that echo throughout his life.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I'm done|PYM10 parte 5 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $FezRedacaoDetencao.PennyI to false>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<center><h1>The importance of school detention in the formation of more respectful students.</h1></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I'm done|PYM10 parte 5 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $FezRedacaoDetencao.PennyI to true>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "detention">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You write the essay and $Penny.Nome cleans up and dresses.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The deputy principal comes back from his office yawning with sleep and finds you both sitting in your seats as if nothing had happened.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>And so it looks like you two behaved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Did you do the writing?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and hand the essay to the deputy principal.<</narrador>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<center><h1>The importance of school detention in the formation of more respectful students.</h1></center>
<p>Students tend to hate the idea of detention in schools, the very idea of you not using their time the way they wouldn't want to is bad for them, especially Saturday detentions, those are the worst. But from that experience I came to the conclusion that detention is really important.</p>
<p>In theory, detention is a terrible thing for students, but this detention time can be used for them to develop other skills that are not learned in school, especially if there is pleasant company. The company of the student in detention can be their best hobby and their best source of learning, together they can enjoy a good time together, talk about good and uplifting things, and even form a new friendship.</p>
<p>So detention can be a very bad and boring thing, but if this time is used well, it can result in one of the best experiences that a student can have in his life and generate unique and uplifting experiences that echo throughout his life.</p>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Uhmmm... 6,5.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>6,5?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You didn't even read it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>What do you think they are? Lawyers?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Get out of here soon!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $Penny.Nome are finally free! You leave the classroom together and you go outside the school.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 6 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You write the essay and $Penny.Nome cleans up and dresses.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The deputy principal comes back from his office yawning with sleep and finds you both sitting in your seats as if nothing had happened.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>And so it looks like you two behaved.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Did you do the writing?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and hand the essay to the deputy principal.<</narrador>>
<div id="instructions" class="paper">
<center><h1>The importance of school detention in the formation of more respectful students.</h1></center>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Uhmmm... 10.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>10 wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? 10?<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>I haven't read it yet but it seems to be well done, congratulations.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Now get out of here!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and Penny are finally free! You leave the classroom together and you go outside the school.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PYM10 parte 6 - Detenção com Penny]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We make a nice duo.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, high five.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys do a high five together.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment $Penny.Nome's Dad drives up to pick up $Penny.Nome. He looks nervous.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Loen" $LoenFreas.Profissao>>$Penny.Nome, let's go soon.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like $Penny.Nome's mom told her dad after all.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome gets in the car without another word, $Penny.Nome's Dad can't stop looking at you for a second in the meantime.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The car carrying $Penny.Nome and her father quickly pulls away leaving you alone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my god this guy hates me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You come home, there's nothing else to do here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $PennyM10.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys what do you think about pranking $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Do you really want to mess with him?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He's there sleeping, it'll be easy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I'm in, it's going to be funny.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I already know what we can do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>The classic Penis in the face drawing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and your friends go to $Valentao.Nome who is sleeping on his tummy and draw several drawings of a penis on the uncovered part of his face.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I just want to see what he's going to do when he wakes up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He'll never know it was us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yeah, who told him to sleep here at school.<</fala>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte2 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Chat with the teacher and the nerds|PFM3 parte 3 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte2 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte3 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Talking to the Math Teacher's Daughter|PFM3 parte 4 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte3 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte4 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Babby Dolls|PFM3 parte 5 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte4 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte1 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte2 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte3 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte4 is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFM3 parte 6 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You and your friends go to the teacher who is telling one of his stories to $Penny.Nome and other students.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>What story do you want to hear now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Tell a story about travel, these are my favorites.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>So pay attention. I was living in Munich at the time at this time, and I was drinking with some guys I met at the circus, and it was one hell of a night! I drank a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>After that, I decided to leave so I stopped at the point to wait for a taxi, when the taxi driver arrived I saw that I had no money and no documents, so he didn't want to take me even though my house was nearby.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>So as it was already more than 3:30 in the morning and I was very cold I decided to take a nap in the trunk of a bus.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>I don't know why I was sleeping but I woke up in Zurich Switzerland completely lost.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wooow!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Then, going back home is a story for another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Someday I want to do something similar.<</fala>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte1 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Prank with the Sleepy Bully|PFM3 parte 2 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte1 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte3 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Talking to the Math Teacher's Daughter|PFM3 parte 4 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte3 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte4 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Babby Dolls|PFM3 parte 5 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte4 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte1 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte2 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte3 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte4 is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFM3 parte 6 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You see $Lexi.Nome alone drawing, immersed in her own world, and decide to go check on her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Lexi.Nome what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I'm just drawing a little.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why are you just standing there alone?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>You know $Jogador.Nome, nobody likes me, wherever I am you can see that people are not comfortable with my presence.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Too bad, but you can't let it get to you, you have to have some friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Here at school I don't have any.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're wrong $Lexi.Nome, I'm your friend, even we can hang out one of these days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Okay, so it could be any day you want.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so I'll stop by your house at 18:00 one of these days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome, you're awesome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're welcome.<</fala>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte1 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Prank with the Sleepy Bully|PFM3 parte 2 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte1 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte2 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Chat with the teacher and the nerds|PFM3 parte 3 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte2 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte4 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Babby Dolls|PFM3 parte 5 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte4 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte1 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte2 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte3 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte4 is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFM3 parte 6 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You see the Baby Dolls talking a lot, it looks like they are talking about something important.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You think it's a good idea to go there and listen to their conversation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>You know that second year girl, she wants war!<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>What she does is without excuse.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Totally.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>It's time for us to give back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>It's $Mia.Nome's turn to pay back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Me, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Because now it's your turn, you have to show that you're on our side.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>I think she should strike at the heart.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Yeah, $Mia.Nome you have to seduce and grab her boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>While the two of us are going to stay hidden and record everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>And then we're going to show here at school how that girl's boyfriend cheats on her with other girls.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>She will be devastated by this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>And she'll learn never to mess with us again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I do not want to do that! I'm going to be known as a boyfriend thief all over school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>I know, but you need to do this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>We've been taking it easy on you for a long time, it's time for you to prove that you're worthy of being with us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>You'll make an appointment with him at the park in the afternoon!<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>When he arrives you kiss him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>And we recorded everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Are you sure I really need to do this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Yes, and it is vom not to waver with us.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Apparently $Paixao.Nome is at war with another girl.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Would it be a good idea for me to see how this meeting goes?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You stop listening to their conversation and go back to your friends.<</narrador>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte1 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Prank with the Sleepy Bully|PFM3 parte 2 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte1 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte2 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Chat with the teacher and the nerds|PFM3 parte 3 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte2 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte3 is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Talking to the Math Teacher's Daughter|PFM3 parte 4 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $PFM3festa.Parte3 to true>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $PFM3festa.Parte1 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte2 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte3 is true and $PFM3festa.Parte4 is true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFM3 parte 6 - Festa de Despedida]]>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>The party is almost over and the class has to get everything ready for the next class.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>I thank you all for this wonderful farewell party.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/images/prof-filosofia-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>We are the ones to thank the teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFilosofia" $ProfFilosofia.Nome>>Goodbye my dear students, maybe I'll come at the end of the year to attend your graduation.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You all say goodbye to the teacher, wishing to someday see him again.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>With the noise of the class in the farewell of the professor $Valentao.Nome wakes up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>The teacher is already gone? Ahm?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Jack.Nome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome, what's that on your face?<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He takes out his cell phone and uses it as a mirror to see the drawing on his face.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>OH FUCK, WHO WAS THE MOTHERFUCKER THAT DRAWN THAT PACK ON MY FACE!?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class laughs.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome, without much choice and very angry, goes to the bathroom to try to get the drawings out of his face.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>While you and your friends are dying of laughter.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Next Lesson" "3B">>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JillM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $LexiM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>You can sit there on the couch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>So, to what do I owe this beautiful visit?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>W-Well my $Mae.Relacao said you were looking for a boy to do some services.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>Is it true you want these services?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I want to know what these services are, and how much you are paying.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>You're right, come with me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes you to the garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-esquerda/jardim-mau-cuidado.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Jesus Christ, what a mess.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>Well, that's why I need you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I have to clean the garden, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>Simply clean and take care of it.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>You can come here anytime between 13:00 and 17:00 Monday to Saturday to work in the garden, for which I will pay you $20 every hour.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$20 an hour?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so I accept.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>Excellent.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I'll be back tomorrow to start work.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>See you later $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, what's your name anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>We have been neighbors for so long, how come you don't know my name?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's just that my memory is bad, you know, and I haven't seen you for so long.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>Okay, my name is <<textbox "$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome" "Melanie" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome autofocus>>.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, see you another day.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" ???>>See you later $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>That see-through t-shirt of hers made me very distracted.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $MaeM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $MaeM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.status to "Normal">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 2>>
<<addmins 14>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 55>>
<<goto "VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 63>>
<<goto "VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lte 70>>
<<goto "VEM5 - Sedução na Piscina parte I">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<goto "VEM3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte II">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 40>>
<<if $Missao.VEEspere is false>>
<<goto "VEM1 - Jardineiro">>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<narrador>>You work in the garden for an hour.<</narrador>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-jardim.jpg"></center>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Good job $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Here is your money.<</fala>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<narrador>>She then pays you $20.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Vizinha da Esquerda]]>><</button>>@@
<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-perfil.jpg">
Name: $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome Kelleher Hicks
Status: $VizinhaEsquerda.status
Friendship: $VizinhaEsquerda.Amizade
Passion: $VizinhaEsquerda.Paixao
Morality: $VizinhaEsquerda.Moralidade
Desire: $VizinhaEsquerda.Desejo
<<if $MissTravella.has_sex is true>>\
Handjob: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.punheta
Have You Ever Masturbated Her: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.masturbou
Fingering Anal: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.fingering_anal
Sucked Her Tits: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.suck_tits
Titjob: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.titjob
Had Oral Sex: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.faz_oral
Received Oral Sex: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.recebe_oral
Vaginal Sex: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.vaginal
Anal Sex: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.anal
Facial: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.facial
Creampie: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.creampie
Creampie Anal: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.creampie_anal
Pearl Necklace: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.pearlnecklace
Cum in her Pussy: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.cum_pussy
Cum in her Butt: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.cum_butt
Cum in her Ass: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.cum_ass
Eat your Cum: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.eat_cum
Cum: $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.cum
<p>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is $Jogador.Nome' neighbor, in the past she and $Mae.Nome used to meet and talk, $Jogador.Nome even saw her once or twice but never really talked.</p>
<<if $MaeM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome learns from his $Mae.Relacao that his neighbor $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is giving a young man a paid job. $Jogador.Nome goes to her house to learn more about this job. $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome meets $Jogador.Nome in a see-through shirt and no bra which makes $Jogador.Nome nervous and distracted. He finds out that the job she is offering is working in her garden, earning $20 an hour, which $Jogador.Nome enthusiastically accepts.</p>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome starts working at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house as a gardener, during these days $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is showing off her body to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, seducing him. One day when $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome was naked showing off for $Jogador.Nome, excited the boy goes to confront her, he asks why she is naked, she answers ironically "I can walk naked in my own house $Jogador.Nome", $Jogador.Nome insists on the question "But, you you don't mind walking around naked even with me in here?" "Does that bother you in any way?" she responds coldly, which $Jogador.Nome denies. When $Jogador.Nome was about to leave, $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome invites $Jogador.Nome to go to her house on Friday at 20:00, when neither her husband nor her children would be home.</p>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house at the time she said. She invites him to play Truth or Dare, all of $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's questions and answers tend to be sexual and all of $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's challenges force $Jogador.Nome to take off an item of clothing, and all of $Jogador.Nome's challenges, she ignores the challenge and take off a piece of your clothing. At the end of the game both were already naked and $Jogador.Nome had a hard cock, that's when $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome insinuates that she will perform oral sex on $Jogador.Nome, $Jogador.Nome does not like the idea of a married woman performing oral sex on him and refuses, $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome then explains that her marriage she's a failure and that's why she wants $Jogador.Nome, but he still thinks it's wrong, at that moment they both hear a noise outside, it's $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's husband arriving, $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome tells $Jogador.Nome to get his clothes and go out the back, while he did that, $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome intimidates him by saying "$Jogador.Nome, don't even think it's over here.", $Jogador.Nome doesn't even think of an answer and quickly leaves through the back doors.</p>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>After several days of working as a gardener at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house, $Jogador.Nome finally gets the garden clean and tidy, so he goes to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome to let her know that his job is done. $Jogador.Nome finds $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome already naked in the living room with the bottle in hand, he wants both to continue playing where they left off, because she is married and has children. $Jogador.Nome still thinks it is wrong, but after much insistence, $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome convinces $Jogador.Nome to let her oral sex on him. When they finished $Jogador.Nome remembers to comment to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome that he finally finished his gardening services and that maybe she doesn't need him anymore, she then says that if she needs him again she will contact him.</p>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house to pay a visit, $Jogador.Nome finds her in front of the pool sunbathing, he asks if she has a new job for him, she then says that the only job she has for $Jogador.Nome today is to apply sunscreen on her, he then rubs her back, then she takes her breasts out of her bra and asks $Jogador.Nome to apply protection to her breasts. She says that his jobs are not as necessary as they used to be, but that she will allow $Jogador.Nome to continue working in her garden, as she enjoys his presence.</p>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome who was working in her garden to apply sunscreen to her again, like the last time she asks you to apply sunscreen to her back and breasts, but this time she goes a little further and asks him to apply sunscreen to her butt, which $Jogador.Nome accepts.</p>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome who was working in her garden to put sunscreen on her again, like the last time she asks you to put sunscreen on her back, her breasts and her butt. $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome remembers when she performed oral sex on $Jogador.Nome and tells him so and after getting a silly response she suddenly kisses him saying she wants his dick again. She takes him to a corner and starts to perform oral sex on $Jogador.Nome again and masturbates with her breasts, when they finish she releases $Jogador.Nome to leave.</p>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome calls $Jogador.Nome who was working in her garden to put sunscreen on her again, like the last time she asks you to put sunscreen on her back, her breasts and her butt, she again asks for $Jogador.Nome' dick, at this point $Jogador.Nome was already more open in his relationship with a married woman, so much so that $Jogador.Nome finally takes the attitude that $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome wanted, so they have sex, but are interrupted by the arrival of $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's husband, to prevent him from seeing him, $Jogador.Nome quickly catches her clothes and runs out and jumps over the wall of her house.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoBanheiroMasculino>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you recognize a phrase written on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<p>"Baby, baby, do baby do biruleibe leibe?"</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Baby?|MnuM5 parte 2 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Justin Bieber?|MnuM5 parte 3 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Oh go take you in the ass!|MnuM5 parte 4 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu]]>>
<<set $ManuM5.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You missed!<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/banheiroMasculino/images/baby.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Justin Bieber?|MnuM5 parte 3 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu]]>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Oh go take you in the ass!|MnuM5 parte 4 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu]]>>
<<set $ManuM5.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>You missed!<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/banheiroMasculino/images/justin.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Baby?|MnuM5 parte 2 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu]]>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Oh go take you in the ass!|MnuM5 parte 4 - Ah, vai ti toma no cu]]>>
<<set $ManuM5.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>You're right!<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/banheiroMasculino/images/ah-vai-ti-toma-no-cu.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>But what the fuck is this? I do not understand anything.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Sorry about that, I was out of ideas.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM5.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ManuM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<narrador>>Now it would be philosophy lesson but the school still hasn't hired a teacher so the mess is cleared up.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/baderna-escolar.gif"></center>
<<if $game.day is "Monday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Sociologia]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hallo $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-LeftVizinha-Casa-LeftVizinha Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LeftVizinha-Casa-LeftVizinha Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hallo $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-LeftVizinha-Praca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LeftVizinha-Praca Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoSauna>>
<<narrador>>You try to spy on $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome but everything is so blurry you can't.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">><</button>>@@Converças Vizinha da Casa à esquerda (Melanie Hicks)Lexi Missões<<FundoBairroNobre>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Lexi.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bairro-nobre/casa-mccomber_icon.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow what a nice house, the teacher must earn a big salary at school.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and $Lexi.Nome answers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, glad you came.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Lexi.Nome, do you want to go for a walk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yeah, sure, where are we going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... how about we take a walk in the park.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I love this idea, let's go...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes you by the hand and you go to the park.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM1 parte 2 - Conhecendo Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $Lexi.Nome go to the park for a walk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome what do you like to do in your spare time.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Ahm... I like to go for a walk around the city, I don't like to stay at home too long.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Because if my father is there, he forces me to study non-stop.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Study?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yeah, as I'm "the teacher's daughter" he demands a lot from me, saying that I should set an example.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is serious?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, did you know that people at school think you only get high grades because you're the teacher's daughter?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Really? But this is not true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But that's what people think.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Wow, I need to try my best to be the example of a student and students think I only get good grades because I'm the teacher's daughter.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry, but this is all very strange, because he demands so much from you, and he doesn't try at all to give a good lesson.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, he's a terrible teacher, and he doesn't even care about showing it to everyone and he doesn't even care about giving a decent lesson.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yes, it's just that he doesn't like being a teacher, he complains about it every day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but enough about him, tell me about you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM1 parte 2 - Conhecendo Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>What do you want to know?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... you work in a store, in the mall, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yes, my father put me to work there about 3 months ago.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why? If you are so rich?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I have no idea, one fine day he said, hey $Lexi.Nome I found you a job. And there I am to this day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yes, my father does these things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but tell me more about yourself, what kind of music do you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I really like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys talk for a while.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The day starts to get dark and you decide to take her back home.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM1 parte 3 - Conhecendo Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 37>>
<<narrador>>You take $Lexi.Nome back to her house, she seems a lot happier.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome thanks for the tour, it did me a lot of good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're welcome, but I still think you should try to fit in more with the school crowd.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>It's quite difficult for me, but I'll try.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>But at least I still have you to talk to.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome gives you a warm hug, and enters her house, you're leaving too.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<set $LexiM1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $LexiM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You go to your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome what are you going to...<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/INM3-irma2-nude.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome get out of here I'm changing!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She closes the door in his face.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'm sorry.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow my $IrmaN.Relacao has a nice body.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>A few minutes go by and then $IrmaN.Nome opens the door and calls out to you. Then you go to her room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome please knock on the door before entering.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sorry... but what outfit is this?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/INM3-irma2-dress.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Did you like it? I'm going to use it on my date with $Valentao.Nome tonight.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? But is it tonight?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yes, he finally asked me out.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a son of a bitch! He wasn't supposed to ask her out, it should be the other way around.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And are you dressed like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yeah. Why? Some problem?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>For starters, it's an extremely short dress!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh come on $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And look at that cleavage you're looking like a luxury escort!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I'm sorry $Jogador.Nome, but he asked me to go with provocative clothes.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But what a fucking motherfucker!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why can't you see that he's a scoundrel who just wants to have sex with you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome shut up, you definitely don't know what you're talking about!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Now excuse me, I already have that I have to go now because we're walking.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Walking why? Why don't you take a taxi?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Because I have to save money because this time I'm going to pay the bill.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like this? Will you pay the bill?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>The restaurant bill? Yeah! We agreed that I would pay the bill this time and he would pay the next time.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>For such a smart girl, she's making the dumbest decisions I've ever seen.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome how can you be so innocent?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome stop trying to treat me like a child, I'm tired of it. Now I need to go. When I get back I'll tell you how it went.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She walks past you and straight through the front door of your house, heading towards your date with $Valentao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god $Valentao.Nome won't keep our deal! How could I think I could trust him. How stupid I was.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You go back to your chores. $IrmaN.Nome will return from the meeting sometime between 21:30 and 23:00.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You see that your $IrmaN.Relacao has arrived from the meeting she had with $Valentao.Nome. She went into her room to change clothes.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>This time you remember knocking on the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome, can we talk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You may come in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So how was the date?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/INM3-irma2-dress.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Umm... it was weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I told! I told you not to trust that guy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But it's not for the same reason you were talking about.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah? So why was the meeting weird?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I don't know, he doesn't look the same to me when I saw him at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>He seemed kind of shy to me, you know. Or a little flustered.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I tried to make him feel comfortable but... it looks like he didn't even want to be there with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I told $IrmaN.Nome this guy pretends to be what he's not, he pays macho in front of others but deep down he's a coward.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>No no, it can't be! I think I'll give him another chance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, it's not possible!<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Maybe he was embarrassed to see a woman like me and couldn't react.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my god! No!<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>I think it's best to arrange another meeting with him to improve things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome please listen to what you're saying... he clearly doesn't want you so you better stop it...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, please don't try to trick me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Now leave please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh and I forgot to tell him so tomorrow, please go to him tomorrow and tell him we'll have a new date soon okay?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome locks herself in her bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god how is it possible! More this one now.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You go back to being chores.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go to the refectory when your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome shows up to ask you for something.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Can you please find $Valentao.Nome to ask him when we're going out again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alli for God's sake forget about this guy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>You need to help me, he's there with his friends. Oh, and also ask him to give me his phone number, I forgot to ask yesterday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh all right, but you'll still really regret going after him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the refectory and go look for $Valentao.Nome around the school.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM4 parte 2 - Confronto]]>>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Valentao.Nome and his gang and ask him to talk, he then leaves his friends and comes to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>What you want?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Unfortunately my $IrmaN.Relacao still wants to date you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>HAHA, they like me anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what's that story about you buy me this dinner and I'll pay for the next one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>You said how I should act with your $IrmaN.Relacao, I did what you asked! So that was my payment, food grats.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And anyway now you're going to have to pay because she wants another date.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Forget it, I won't do this anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Listen here, you...<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>No! Listen here you!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome places his finger violently on his chest.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>This is all your problem! It's your $IrmaN.Relacao! Don't bother me with that! Besides that I already fulfilled the agreement, I went on the date with her, I acted like a castrated, I compromised now you don't bother me!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what am I going to do with my $IrmaN.Relacao?<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>That's your problem! Give her a fix! If not I'll fix your needy little $IrmaN.Relacao if you know what I mean!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh you didn't say that! You motherfucker!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Punch that motherfucker|INM4 parte 3 - Confronto]]>>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $Aleatorio2 to random(10)>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>You don't hold back and punch $Valentao.Nome with all your might.<</narrador>>
<<if ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) lt 30 and ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) gte 0>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/soco-fraco.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Wow, is that all you get?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, my God.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay loop>
<source src="content/characters/valentao/gifs/soco-na-cara2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome punches you in the face that knocks you to the ground.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What's going on here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The confusion was so great that it caught $Gaston.Nome's attention, who came to you to see what's going on.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>It happens $Gaston.Nome, is that this guy attacked me for no reason, I just gave the change.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just stay away from my $IrmaN.Relacao, you psycho.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say while on the floor a little dizzy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Come with me! Let's go to the deputy principal!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Gaston.Nome takes you by the arm to the principal's office while $Valentao.Nome stays behind.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome I stay away from her.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Everyone in the refectory watched the scene in awe, thankfully $IrmaN.Nome wasn't there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM4 parte 4 - Confronto]]>>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<elseif ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) lt 60 and ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) gte 30>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/soco-medio.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Wow, your punch is good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>But not as good as mine.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay loop>
<source src="content/characters/valentao/gifs/soco-na-cara2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome punches you in the face that knocks you to the ground.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What's going on here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The confusion was so great that it caught $Gaston.Nome's attention, who came to you to see what's going on.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>It happens $Gaston.Nome, is that this guy attacked me for no reason, I just gave the change.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just stay away from my $IrmaN.Relacao, you psycho.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say while on the floor a little dizzy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Come with me! Let's go to the deputy principal!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Gaston.Nome takes you by the arm to the principal's office while $Valentao.Nome stays behind.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome I stay away from her.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Everyone in the refectory watched the scene in awe, thankfully $IrmaN.Nome wasn't there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM4 parte 4 - Confronto]]>>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<elseif ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) lt 85 and ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) gte 60>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/soco-forte.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You knock $Valentao.Nome down with your punch that screams in pain and surprise.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Ouch! that motherfucker.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What's going on here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The confusion was so great that it caught $Gaston.Nome's attention, who came to you to see what's going on.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>Turns out $Gaston.Nome is that this guy assaulted me for no reason.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He just stays away from my $IrmaN.Relacao, you psycho.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Come with me! Let's go to the deputy principal!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Gaston takes you by the arm to the principal's office while $Valentao.Nome stays behind.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Valentao" $Valentao.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome I stay away from her.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Everyone in the refectory watched the scene in awe, thankfully $IrmaN.Nome wasn't there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM4 parte 4 - Confronto]]>>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<elseif ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) gte 85 and ($Jogador.Fitness - $Aleatorio2) lte 100>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/soco-de-virar-a-cabeça.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>His punch resets $Valentao.Nome's brain. He falls hard to the ground.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What's going on here?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The confusion was so great that it caught $Gaston.Nome's attention, who came to you to see what's going on.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome is passed out on the floor and his hand is hurt. $Gaston.Nome then concludes the obvious.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Come with me! Let's go to the deputy principal!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Valentao.Nome takes you by the arm to the principal's office as $Valentao.Nome passes out while $Valentao.Nome's friends reappear to help him.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>After that he'll never even get close to my $IrmaN.Relacao again.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Everyone in the refectory watched the scene in awe, thankfully $IrmaN.Nome wasn't there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|INM4 parte 4 - Confronto]]>>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<narrador>>$Gaston.Nome takes you to the deputy principal.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/vice-diretor/images/vice-diretor-perfil.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>$Jogador.Nome! I always received complaints about you, like not studying, not trying hard, trying to skip class, but... Aggression? I never thought I was capable of this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Deputy Director Lamar, I'm sorry, I lost control and...<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Shut up!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>It's no use apologizing. This school is completely against aggression, maybe $Valentao.Nome deserved a punch in the face. but it's not just because he deserved it that you should do it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Now hmm let me see... a nice punishment for Mr. $Jogador.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don't know why he does so much suspense I already know he's going to say a Saturday in detention.<</ref>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>A Saturday in detention!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>You will be spared a day of leisure, to spend a long day in detention!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, deputy principal is just that because I've spent Saturday in detention before.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Yes! You better show up there, otherwise it will be worse!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Now get out of my office!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the board.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What decadence! Now I have to think of a better way to separate $IrmaN.Nome from $Valentao.Nome and now I also have Saturday detention.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<if $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Exercise 1|Lexi-Exercicio1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<if $LexiGym.Exercicio1 gte 5>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Exercise 2|Lexi-Exercicio2]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Lexi.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<if $LexiGym.Exercicio2 gte 5>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Exercise 3|Lexi-Exercicio3]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You arrive at the gym and decide to work out a little.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>But at that moment $Lexi.Nome appears.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, I'm looking for a personal trainer to help me, have you seen him anywhere?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, $Lexi.Nome I usually train alone so I don't know where the personal trainers are here.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LGMP1 - Ajudando Lexi a Treinar]]>>
<<set $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh, so it's ok I train alone today.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome tries to lift a dumbbell but it's too heavy for her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Lexi.Nome has a beautiful ass!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait, $Lexi.Nome, you're not going to be able to lift it like this, you're all crooked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Help me here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You try to straighten her spine.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Forget $Lexi.Nome, this is too heavy for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yeah it's true!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LGMP1 - Ajudando Lexi a Treinar]]>>
<<set $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, I think you better do this exercise.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take $Lexi.Nome to another exercise machine.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You stay behind $Lexi.Nome assisting her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You put your hands here and bend your knees doing squats.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Okay, I think I understand.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LGMP1 - Ajudando Lexi a Treinar]]>>
<<set $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Help me here $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, I'll help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on, 1.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>2.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>3.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>4.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>5.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Go strong.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>6.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>7.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>8, come on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>9, one more time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>10.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's right!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Phew, I'm tired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax, get some rest and we'll continue, okay?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After the break, you continue to help $Lexi.Nome with this exercise.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the exercises you say goodbye to $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You can continue helping $Lexi.Nome work out by talking to her at the gym.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 50>>
/*========================== Missões Lexi ===========================*/
<<set $LexiGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "Helping $Lexi.Nome Workout",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym when $Lexi.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "LGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$Lexi.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $LexiGym = {
Exercicio1: 0,
Exercicio2: 0,
Exercicio3: 0,
/*========================= Missões Jill ============================*/
<<set $JillGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "Watching $Mia.Nome Workout",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym when $Mia.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "JLGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$Mia.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome help me here with this exercise.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Lexi.Nome and help her with that exercise.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Lexi-Exercicio1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's go, 1.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>2.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>3.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>4.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>5.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Go there, put strength.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>6.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>7.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>8, let's go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>9, one more time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>10.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's right!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Phew I'm tired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax, get some rest and we'll continue, okay?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After the rest you continue helping $Lexi.Nome with this exercise.<</narrador>>
<<if $LexiGym.Exercicio1 is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome what do you think we do another exercise?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I think it's an excellent idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The next exercise with $Lexi.Nome is now available.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the exercises you say goodbye to $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $LexiGym.Exercicio1 += 1>>
<<addmins 58>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay $Lexi.Nome, please lie down here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I don't think I can lift this on my own.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax girl, I'll help you!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So let's go.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Lexi-Exercicio2]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on, 1.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>2.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>3.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>4.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>5.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>6.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>7.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>8.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Let me do the last 2 by myself.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... 9.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God 10!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Congratulations $Lexi.Nome, you are doing great!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's take a break and then we'll continue.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After the break you continue helping $Lexi.Nome with this exercise.<</narrador>>
<<if $LexiGym.Exercicio2 gte 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome what do you think we do another exercise?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I think it's an excellent idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The next exercise with $Lexi.Nome is now available.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the exercises you say goodbye to $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $LexiGym.Exercicio2 += 1>>
<<addmins 58>>
<<if $LexiGym.Exercicio3 is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay $Lexi.Nome lie there on the floor and do sit-ups.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>All right I think I can.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on, do twenty sit-ups.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You step on $Lexi.Nome's feet to help her with her sit-ups.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>18, 19, 20...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome and $Jogador.Nome accidentally bump their heads during the sit-up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh! My head.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Sorry, was not my intention.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, let's take a break and we'll continue okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After the break you continue helping $Lexi.Nome with this exercise.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the exercises you say goodbye to $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $LexiGym.Exercicio3 += 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $LexiGym.Exercicio3 gte 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $Lexi.Nome lay there on the floor and do sit-ups.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>All right I think I can.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on, do twenty sit-ups.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You step on $Lexi.Nome's feet to help her with the sit-ups, but this time you're standing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Gym10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>After each sit-up $Lexi.Nome looks hypnotized to her crotch, where her head is exactly the same height. $Lexi.Nome's eyes stare at her cock, but you don't seem to notice.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>18, 19, 20...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So $Lexi.Nome? How it feels?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's take a break and then continue the exercises.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>This time $Lexi.Nome doesn't respond, she just bites the corner of her lips provocatively.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After the break you continue helping $Lexi.Nome with this exercise, $Lexi.Nome continues each sit-up staring at your groin.<</narrador>>
<<LexiDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the exercises you say goodbye to $Lexi.Nome with a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $LexiGym.Exercicio3 += 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>You go to the living room where your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is there.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, did you ask $Valentao.Nome for his cell number?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No ahmm... I forgot...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'm not going to tell her I punched $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh what the hell! You faltered with me again!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was bad, a lot happened that I had forgotten about.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I should give her any number, then she would finally stop bothering me with it.<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, please remember to ask him for his number the next time you meet.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Actually I should buy a new phone number and give her this new number and there I pretend to be $Valentao.Nome and make her stop liking him. Wow, what a great idea!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... actually I know $Valentao.Nome's stepsister so I can ask her for his cell phone number, and give it to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Seriously? Would you do that for me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure! I actually owe it to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She walks up to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to the mall and buy a new cell phone chip.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SuaCasa_Sala">>
<<set $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You buy a cell phone chip with a new number.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>"95550123" looks like I've heard this number somewhere.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Now you return home you need to pass this new number to your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "Shopping">>
<<set $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You go to your $IrmaN.Relacao to tell her the number.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaN.Nome, I finally got $Valentao.Nome's number.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-sorriso.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Pass me please!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is "95550123".<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Ah thank you, finally I could have contact with him.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Ahm... $IrmaN.Nome why do you want a boyfriend like that so much?<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, for the reasons every girl wants! And also because all my friends have a boyfriend, and I don't want to be left behind.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's not possible, no, I can't really be listening to this!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then that's it? Do you just want to have a boyfriend because your friends have one?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, you wouldn't understand! Now leave me alone.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the enclosure, unfortunately $IrmaN.Nome wants $Valentao.Nome anyway, but at least she doesn't have his real number.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome is getting dressed now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spy|Mae-Se-Vestindo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better Not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome is getting dressed now.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Se-Vestindo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I know I shouldn't do this, but she has such a wonderful body I need to see more.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Spying|Mae-Se-Vestindo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 2>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Se-Vestindo2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I feel mesmerized watching my $Mae.Relacao wearing her clothes.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Spying|Mae-Se-Vestindo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Se-Vestindo3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's already running out, maybe I'd better get out of here!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome is getting dressed now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spy|IrmaV-Se-Vestindo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better Not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/IrmaV-Se-Vestindo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were changing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Relax, I just got dressed!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my God I better get out of here.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is getting dressed now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spy|IrmaN-Se-Vestindo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better Not|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<narrador>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is getting dressed now.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/IrmaN-Se-Vestindo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I know I shouldn't do this but she has such a wonderful body I need to see more, I never noticed how much $IrmaN.Nome has grown.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I feel hypnotized watching my $IrmaN.Relacao wearing her clothes.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Spying|IrmaN-Se-Vestindo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 2>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/IrmaN-Se-Vestindo2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I feel mesmerized watching my little $IrmaN.Relacao wearing her clothes.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Spying|IrmaN-Se-Vestindo]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 3>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/IrmaN-Se-Vestindo3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, how beautiful this girl is.<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz Hey $Jogador.Nome what are you doing standing there!>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... nothing no $Mae.Relacao, I was just looking for my ring that fell off.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Phew, that was close.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, when you feel your cell phone vibrating.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh no, it's $IrmaN.Nome texting my new number that I gave her saying it was $Valentao.Nome's number.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You take her cell phone to see what she's talking about.<</narrador>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What the hell, I guess I'll have to answer.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I really enjoyed our date that day, what do you think about us going out again on Friday?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I can't, I have a thing with my friends.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>So on Saturday?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Actually I'll be busy every night for a long time so we can't go out anymore okay?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>But why? You are so weird.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I am?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Yeah, at that date, you weren't acting the way you do at school.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I was just distracted.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>And here you still look different, do you have a problem?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Holy shit, this is not going to work!<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yeah... I... I'm having problems at home, you know, family problems.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Oh, I know how it is. Can you believe I once caught my brother $Jogador.Nome masturbating in the living room?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But what a bastard she would tell $Valentao.Nome that!<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Calm down $Jogador.Nome... Pretend it's $Valentao.Nome talking!<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Wow, what a loser! masturbating instead of having sex with real women.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey don't say that about my brother okay?!<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>At least she defends me.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>But then, won't we be able to go out anyway?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Not.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>But we can keep talking by message, right?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah, better than nothing right.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Of course, oh and don't come looking for me at school either.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Why?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Because I have some really weird friends and they tend to be kind of assholes to girls and I don't want them to be like that to you.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Ahh, I'm glad you want to project me.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yeah, but now I have to leave, I need to settle an important matter around here.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>What an important man you are LOL, fine, but tomorrow we'll talk again okay?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Okay. Bye $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Bye $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Phew, I managed to talk her out of meeting $Valentao.Nome at school or anywhere else, now I just have to pretend I'm $Valentao.Nome on my cell phone until she gets over this idea of having a boyfriend just because of her friends or lose all interest in $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 43>>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 90>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 80>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 40>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 30>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 20>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 10>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<goto "INM7 - As Menssagens de Alli">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 100>>
<<switch random(1, 7)>> /*==========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, when you feel your cell phone vibrating it must be $IrmaN.Nome again.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Can I send you a photo?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Clear.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie1.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>How I am?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You are so pretty.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Really?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Aww you're so cute, I knew you weren't what my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN said.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn, I don't think this is working.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>How come?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>He always said that you're an asshole, that you're a womanizer, that you bully everyone, but now that I'm talking to you I realize you're not like that.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like I can't seem to get her to dislike $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Cool, but let's talk about something else, all right?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>All right.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Today at school my friend did a very funny thing...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<case 2>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Did you like the last photo I sent you?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, I liked it a lot.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I hope you like this one too.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie2.jpg"></center>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You're so cute I can't even describe it.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Oh thank you, what do you think is most beautiful about me?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Your eyes, the blue of your eyes make me hypnotized.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Thank you.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie3.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want me to tell you what I like most about you?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don't think I want to know what she likes best about $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>No need not.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>No need to be shy, I really like your muscles, your smell and your attitude at school, and other things.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What do you mean other things!?<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>How come other things?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Never mind, I'll tell you another day.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Now I want to tell you what my friend did today.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<case 3>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Did you like the last photo I sent you?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, I liked it a lot.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I hope you like this one too.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my God, look at that cleavage of hers.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>This photo is perfect.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Really? And this one?<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie5.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my God, she's only in panties.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You're so beautiful... are you only in panties?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Glad you noticed.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This is getting hotter and hotter.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>$IrmaN.Nome what are you wanting?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I just want to know if I'm as hot as the other girls you were fuck.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And now? I have to pretend I'm $Valentao.Nome, but this time I can just tell the truth my $IrmaN.Relacao is really hot.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Yes, you are, the hottest of them all.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I'm very happy to hear that.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Now I have to tell you something...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<case 4>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Did you like the last photo I sent you?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, I liked it a lot.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I hope you like this one too.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie6.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 25>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god she's showing me her breasts.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my little $IrmaN.Relacao has beautiful breasts.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>So, what do you think?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What do I tell her now, she's my $IrmaN.Relacao, but I have to pretend I'm $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You are wonderful!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>But what did you feel to see me like this?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I felt excited.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>How excited, give me details.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Want details, okay.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You made my dick hard with stone, what I want most now is to shove it between your magic tits.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>That's exactly what I wanted to hear.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Get ready because tomorrow I'll show you several new photos. Of course if you have the patience for it.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Of course I will have...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<case 5>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want to see some of my pictures?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, please.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie1.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>HeeeEEEeei.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>What a beautiful girl.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie2.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Look here.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God she's so beautiful, my little $IrmaN.Relacao is so beautiful.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie3.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want another?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, pelase.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie4.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>These are my photos for today.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<case 6>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want to see some pictures of me again?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, please.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome this time sends her several pictures in a bikini.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie6.jpg"></center>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>What a beautiful girl.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie7.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God she is so beautiful.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie8.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome shows a picture of her taking off her bra.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie9.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want to see more photos?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Of course I want!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>So send me a picture of you first.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I can't.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Why not?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I need an excuse not to send pictures.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Because I'm not home.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Really? What a pity.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>But tomorrow I'll send you.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why did I say that!<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Alright then, tomorrow I'll show you the best pictures.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I'll be waiting.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<case 7>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want the best pictures of me?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Is obvious.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome this time sends him several nuds.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie10.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, how beautiful she is those beautiful breasts, they set my mind on fire.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie11.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I really wanted my dick between them.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And this little pussy must be tight and wet, I know it's wrong to think about it seeing my $IrmaN.Relacao but I can't help myself.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie12.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>And so what are you thinking?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I already have the dick in the forehead already.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Good, because I still have 2 photos, but I'll only send them to you if you send me a photo, I'm your hard cock!<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Do I send a picture of my dick to my little $IrmaN.Relacao, this is so wrong.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Come on $Valentao.Nome show this giant I want to see.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Okay just give me a second...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You think a little.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Would it be right for me to send a picture of my dick to my little $IrmaN.Relacao? This is so wrong.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But she's already sent me nude pictures.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But she doesn't know it's me, if she knew she wouldn't send me.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But she's seen me jerking off, and cumming on her, will she recognize my dick?<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>So?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I will send.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You take a picture of your dick, without showing your face..<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/Nude-Jogador.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 2>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Nice cock, I got wet here.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Now it is your turn.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>As you wish.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome sends you two nude photos from the back.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie13.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can see her little ass perfectly.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie14.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>And then? You liked what you saw.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I loved it, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>One of?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>We don't have to stop talking, we can talk every day if we want, because I want to.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>And I want too.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to your badroom, when you feel your cell phone vibrating.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>It's $IrmaN.Nome texting her crush "$Valentao.Nome".<</narrador>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey girl.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>You said so little about yourself that day, tell me more about yourself.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And now? I don't know much about $Valentao.Nome, maybe I'd better come up with a few things.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>What kind?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Oh, tell me about yourself, the things you like to do, the movies you watch.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You then talk about some things you like and make up other things so "$Valentao.Nome" doesn't look so much like you.<</narrador>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Wow, you like so much amazing stuff.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She lied, she doesn't really like those things I said.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Now it's her turn to tell me more about yourself.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>So your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome tells you a lot of things about her, things you already knew because she was your $IrmaN.Relacao, and other things that she exaggerated a little bit, to try to impress $Valentao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 10>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, when you feel your cell phone vibrating it must be $IrmaN.Nome again.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'm curious to know what she thinks about me.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>$IrmaN.Nome, I saw $Jogador.Nome at school these days, I want to know how he is.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Why are you so interested in how my brother is doing?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Not at all, it's just curiosity.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Oh he's a good brother, he's a little weird but he's nice.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>It's just that you said you caught him masturbating once in the living room and I wanted to know more about that.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>He wouldn't like me telling you these things, but just know that it was just an awkward and surprising event.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>At least she wouldn't tell $Valentao.Nome all the details of this story.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Why surprising?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Because he's not one to do these things, he's a little too straitlaced, you know?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>But how do you know he's not one to do these things?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Are we just going to talk about my brother or are we going to talk about something else?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yeah, you're right, let's talk about something more interesting.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You talk about different subjects for a while longer, until you say "good night" and end the messages.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 20>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, when you feel your cell phone vibrating it must be $IrmaN.Nome again.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Can I send you a photo?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Clear.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie1.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>How I am?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You are so pretty.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Really?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Aww you're so cute, I knew you weren't what my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN said.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn, I don't think this is working.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>How come?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>He always said that you're an asshole, that you're a womanizer, that you bully everyone, but now that I'm talking to you I realize you're not like that.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like I can't seem to get her to dislike $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Cool, but let's talk about something else, all right?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>All right.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Today at school my friend did a very funny thing...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 30>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Did you like the last photo I sent you?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, I liked it a lot.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I hope you like this one too.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie2.jpg"></center>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You're so cute I can't even describe it.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Oh thank you, what do you think is most beautiful about me?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Your eyes, the blue of your eyes make me hypnotized.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Thank you.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie3.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want me to tell you what I like most about you?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don't think I want to know what she likes best about $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>No need not.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>No need to be shy, I really like your muscles, your smell and your attitude at school, and other things.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What do you mean other things!?<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>How come other things?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Never mind, I'll tell you another day.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Now I want to tell you what my friend did today.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 40>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Did you like the last photo I sent you?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, I liked it a lot.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I hope you like this one too.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my God, look at that cleavage of hers.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>This photo is perfect.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Really? And this one?<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie5.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my God, she's only in panties.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You're so beautiful... are you only in panties?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Glad you noticed.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This is getting hotter and hotter.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>$IrmaN.Nome what are you wanting?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I just want to know if I'm as hot as the other girls you were fuck.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And now? I have to pretend I'm $Valentao.Nome, but this time I can just tell the truth my $IrmaN.Relacao is really hot.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Yes, you are, the hottest of them all.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I'm very happy to hear that.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Now I have to tell you something...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Can I ask you a more intimate question?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my God, how am I supposed to respond to that?<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Okay, you can.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>How many girls have you had sex?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, what the hell, what am I talking about? $Valentao.Nome must have been over 10, but what will she think when she says that?<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Oh... I don't know exactly... but it was more than 10 for sure.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>So are you experienced?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>More or less, but enough talking about it, you're too young for that.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I'm not that new, I've also had some experiences.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>How come?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I'm not as silly as you think, and I've done a lot!<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wait, is she saying she's not a virgin anymore? How come?<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Wait a minute, are you saying she's not a virgin anymore?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I'm not saying anything.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>But are you or not?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I do not say.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Please tell me!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/memes/eu-nao-digo.jpg"></center><</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Maybe another day, but not today.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Why?<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Because you need to be patient boy, you look like my brother.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn, I need more calm.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah, okay, I'm sorry.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>No problem.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>But today I need to tell you something.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You tell a story that actually happened to you at school, but you avoid saying names to avoid confusion.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer, until you say "good night" and the messages end.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Did you like the last photo I sent you?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, I liked it a lot.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I hope you like this one too.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/IrmaN-Selfie6.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 25>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god she's showing me her breasts.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, my little $IrmaN.Relacao has beautiful breasts.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>So, what do you think?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What do I tell her now, she's my $IrmaN.Relacao, but I have to pretend I'm $Valentao.Nome.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You are wonderful!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>But what did you feel to see me like this?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I felt excited.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>How excited, give me details.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Want details, okay.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>You made my dick hard with stone, what I want most now is to shove it between your magic tits.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>That's exactly what I wanted to hear.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Get ready because tomorrow I'll show you several new photos. Of course if you have the patience for it.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Of course I will have...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want to see some of my pictures?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes please.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie1.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>HeeeEEEeeiii.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>What a beautiful girl.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie2.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Look here.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God she's so beautiful, my little $IrmaN.Relacao is so beautiful.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie3.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Do you want one more?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, pelase.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie4.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Do you want to see more photos?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Of course I want!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Tomorrow then I'll take more pictures for you.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>All right!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>I want you to send me pictures too.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Ahm, maybe another day, I don't look very good today.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>All right, but don't think I forgot about it okay.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This could be a problem.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 80>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want to see some pictures of me again?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes, please.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome this time sends her several pictures in a bikini.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie6.jpg"></center>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>What a beautiful girl.<</msg>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie7.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God she is so beautiful.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie8.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome shows a picture of her taking off her bra.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie9.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want to see more photos?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Of course I want!<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Then send a picture of yourself.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I can't.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Why?<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I need an excuse not to send pictures.<</ref>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Because I'm not home.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Really? What a pity.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>But tomorrow I'll send you.<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why did I say that!?<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Alright then, tomorrow I'll show you the best pictures.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I'll be waiting.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio is 90>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom, and grab your cell phone to talk to $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Hey $Valentao.Nome.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Want the best pictures of me?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Is obvious.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome this time sends him several nuds.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie10.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, how beautiful she is those beautiful breasts, they set my mind on fire.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie11.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I really wanted my dick between them.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And this little pussy must be tight and wet, I know it's wrong to think about it seeing my $IrmaN.Relacao but I can't help myself.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie12.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>And so what are you thinking?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I already have the dick in the forehead already.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Good, because I still have 2 photos, but I'll only send them to you if you send me a photo, I'm your hard cock!<</msg>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Do I send a picture of my dick to my little $IrmaN.Relacao, this is so wrong.<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Come on $Valentao.Nome show this giant I want to see.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Okay just give me a second...<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You think a little.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Would it be right for me to send a picture of my dick to my little $IrmaN.Relacao? This is so wrong.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But she's already sent me nude pictures.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But she doesn't know it's me, if she knew she wouldn't send me.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But she's seen me jerking off, and cumming on her, will she recognize my dick?<</ref>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>So?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I will send.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You take a picture of your dick, without showing your face.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/Nude-Jogador.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 2>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>Nice cock, I got wet here.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Now it is your turn.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>As you wish.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome sends you two nude photos from the back.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie13.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can see her little ass perfectly.<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/Irma2-Selfie14.jpg"></center>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>And then? You liked what you saw.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>I loved it, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>One of?<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>Yes.<</msg>>
<<msg "IrmaN" $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome>>We don't have to stop talking, we can talk every day if we want, because I want to.<</msg>>
<<msg "JogadorRon" $Valentao.Nome ($Jogador.Nome)>>And I want too.<</msg>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while longer, the topics of your conversations are getting hotter and hotter, and it makes you more and more excited and worried.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaNM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 100>>
/*===================================================================*/Senhorita Tavella Missões (Julia Ann)<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the living room and get a very pleasant surprise.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-and-mae1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Do you remember her $Jogador.Nome? You helped her move that day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I remember well.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Well, I just came to visit, say hi to $Mae.Nome, and to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Great.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>We were reminiscing about some things from the past.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You want to hear a cool story from me and your mom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I don't think it's a good idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Oh relax $Mae.Nome, it's your short story.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Sit down with us $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go and over there and sit with them.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So, since she drank too much, too much, at that time she had a habit of sleeping naked at home. But once she had to sleep at the house of a "friend" of ours at the time. Out of nowhere she woke up in the middle of the night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I was hot ok? And drunk so I... took off my clothes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome says a little embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Exactly, this "friend" of ours gave her a jacket of his to wear. But at some point she went to the bathroom and didn't come back to the bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>$Mae.Nome wants to tell the end of the story?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Anhhh all right.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I don't remember anything else that happened that night, but I was woken up by $MissTravella.Nome's mom because I was sleeping under the dinner table in just my underwear and windbreaker.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start laughing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Well, she didn't remember that the other day, but this friend of ours and I remember it very well. To this day she is known to my family as: The girl who slept with her panties under the table.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn what a story!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>That was a long time ago $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Not so much! And we have a lot more stories, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No, not enough storytelling today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Anyway, I already have to go! It was good to see you $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>See you later, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the two of them alone to discuss their affairs.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<</button>>@@Jill Missões (Jill Kassidy)<<FundoParque>>
<<narrador>>You go to the park to see what will happen. $Debora.Nome and $Paixao.Nome are hiding behind a bush watching $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome is at the front and seems to be waiting for someone. A few minutes pass and a guy appears.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She seems to be having a good conversation with him. But suddenly she jumps on him, and gives him a big, hot kiss.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The guy looks surprised, but kisses her back with much more excitement.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/JLLM1-mia-beija-o-namorado-da-garota.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Meanwhile, $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome watch it all while taking pictures.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The guy $Mia.Nome is kissing walks away from her, he must have thought better of it is wrong to cheat on his girlfriend and walks away from $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Seeing this $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome go to $Mia.Nome to say they took several pictures. $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome then leave leaving $Mia.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Maybe it's a good idea but I think I'd better go talk to her.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go Talk to Her|JLLM1 parte 2 - Jill]]>>
<<set $JillM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<widget "notificationEmGeral">>
<<set $game.notifyEmGeral = $game.notifyAgenda + $game.notifyFotos + $game.notifyContatos + $game.notifyMenssagens>>
<<if $game.notifyEmGeral gt 0>>
<span class="notify">$game.notifyEmGeral</span>
<<elseif $game.notifyEmGeral is 0>>
<<widget "notificationContatos">>
<<if $game.notifyContatos gt 0>>
<span class="notify2">$game.notifyContatos</span>
<<elseif $game.notifyContatos is 0>>
<<widget "notificationAgenda">>
<<if $game.notifyAgenda gt 0>>
<span class="notify3">$game.notifyAgenda</span>
<<elseif $game.notifyAgenda is 0>>
<<widget "notificationFotos">>
<<if $game.notifyFotos gt 0>>
<span class="notify4">$game.notifyFotos</span>
<<elseif $game.notifyFotos is 0>>
<<widget "notificationMenssagens">>
<<if $game.notifyMenssagens gt 0>>
<span class="notify5">$game.notifyMenssagens</span>
<<elseif $game.notifyMenssagens is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Mia.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>What you want?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Calm down, I came in peace.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just want to say that I know that guy you kissed and he's the boyfriend of a friend of mine.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I have no idea who that guy is.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She crosses her arms.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>So what? That guy wanted to kiss me and I accepted, whether or not he has a girlfriend is not my problem.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No need to hide $Mia.Nome, I know you and your friends are planning to display these pictures for the whole school to see.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>How do you know that? Oh forget it I don't even know why I'm still talking to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She turns around already leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why do you let them treat you like that?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She stops and turns to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're doing this just to please them, just because $Paixao.Nome has a competitor. Why are you doing this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>They are my friends $Jogador.Nome, and by the way you don't understand the world of girls so I can't even explain.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I may not understand how the girl world works, but I know that a true friend doesn't override the other's wishes just to remain the most popular girl in high school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome, your little sermon is over because now I have to go, I have a lot more to do instead of listening to a loser like you trying to give me a little friendship lesson.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome turns to leave.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, when you're known throughout the school as a boyfriend thief you'll understand what I'm talking about!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome walks away and leaves you talking to yourself, but you know that $Mia.Nome heard her last sentence and that she's going to think about it.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Parque">>
<<set $JillM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $JillM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JillM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 20>>
<div class="smartphone">
<div class="smartphonecontent">
<<include [[Celular Papel-de-Parede]]>>
<div class="h-scrollbar"><div>
<<include [[Menssagens-Conteudo]]>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@
<<if $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<a data-passage="Srta.Travella_Menssagens" class="link-internal">
<div class="imgmsg">[img[content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg]]
<div class="configmsg">
<span class="txtmsg">$Mae.Nome's Room</span>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, you are such a nice guy.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Every now and then I go to the gym and make videos doing gymnastics for people who like to train at home, I sell these people a video with some exercises.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a really cool thing to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, but lately and I'm not able to sell these things anymore, because nobody buys DVDs anymore so I wanted you to help me with these videos, because I wanted to broadcast them live on the internet and I don't know how to do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I see, you are lucky, I know how to do this and I will help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>That's good $Jogador.Nome thank you so much you're a love.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She happily gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-Beijo-na-bochecha1.jpg"></center>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, you are such a nice guy.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Every now and then I go to the gym and make videos doing gymnastics for people who like to train at home, I sell these people a video with some exercises.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a really cool thing to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, but lately and I'm not able to sell these things anymore, because nobody buys DVDs anymore so I wanted you to help me with these videos, because I wanted to broadcast them live on the internet and I don't know how to do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I see, you are lucky, I know how to do this and I will help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>That's good $Jogador.Nome thank you so much you're a love.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She happily gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-Beijo-na-bochecha1.jpg"></center>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Hi $Jogador.Nome, you are such a nice guy.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Every now and then I go to the gym and make videos doing gymnastics for people who like to train at home, I sell these people a video with some exercises.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a really cool thing to do.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yes, but lately and I’m not able to sell these things anymore, because nobody buys DVDs anymore so I wanted you to help me with these videos, because I wanted to broadcast them live on the internet and I don’t know how to do that.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I see, you are lucky, I know how to do this and I will help you.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz That’s good $Jogador.Nome thank you so much you're a love.>>
<<narrador>>She happily gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-Beijo-na-bochecha1.jpg"></center>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Srta.Tavella">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, you are such a nice guy.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Every now and then I go to the gym and make videos doing gymnastics for people who like to train at home, I sell these people a video with some exercises.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a really cool thing to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, but lately and I'm not able to sell these things anymore, because nobody buys DVDs anymore so I wanted you to help me with these videos, because I wanted to broadcast them live on the internet and I don't know how to do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I see, you are lucky, I know how to do this and I will help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>That's good $Jogador.Nome thank you so much you're a love.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She happily gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-Beijo-na-bochecha1.jpg"></center>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, you are such a nice guy.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Every now and then I go to the gym and make videos doing gymnastics for people who like to train at home, I sell these people a video with some exercises.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a really cool thing to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, but lately and I'm not able to sell these things anymore, because nobody buys DVDs anymore so I wanted you to help me with these videos, because I wanted to broadcast them live on the internet and I don't know how to do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I see, you are lucky, I know how to do this and I will help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>That's good $Jogador.Nome thank you so much you're a love.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She happily gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-Beijo-na-bochecha1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She happily gives you a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "STGMP1 - Sarah Tavella Treino Hiper Intenso">>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>You go with $MissTravella.Nome to the back of the gym.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome let's do this broadcast?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, let's start now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You prepare everything to be broadcast live on the internet.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You stand behind the video camera, and start recording while $MissTravella.Nome stands in front of you explaining the exercises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All, right $MissTravella.Nome Tavella Hyper Intense Workout take one.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi everybody i'm $MissTravella.Nome Tavella and this is gonna be my intense fucking workout, don't be a pussy, lets see if you keep up and be prepared to sweat your ass off.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts by doing a stretch by placing her hands on her feet.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She does a stretch with just her arms.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now you stretch your left arm behind your head, your left arm, and your right arm.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome continues to exercise for a while longer and you continue behind the cameras recording, until they are done for today and you end the broadcast.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you so much for your help $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, when you need me again, just call me.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>To help me record I will always need you.<</fala>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>You go with $MissTravella.Nome to the back of the gym.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome let's do this broadcast?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, let's start now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You prepare everything to be broadcast live on the internet.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You stand behind the video camera, and start recording while $MissTravella.Nome stands in front of you explaining the exercises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All, right $MissTravella.Nome Tavella Hyper Intense Workout take two.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi everybody i'm $MissTravella.Nome Tavella and this is gonna be my intense fucking workout, don't be a pussy, lets see if you keep up and be prepared to sweat your ass off.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts by doing a stretch by sitting on the floor, and putting both feet together so that her leg is open.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now you go slowly back and forth.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You will feel a slight stretch in your thighs near your pelvis.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>As she talks she runs her hands over her thighs to demonstrate the stretch area.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After a few minutes of doing this over and over, she opens her legs fully to demonstrate another stretch.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now you spread your legs as wide as you can, try to keep your posture straight.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome then bends down, placing her right hand on her right foot.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Stretch well until your hand touches her foot, remember to keep your legs straight.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now on the other side.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome then switches sides placing her left hand on her left foot.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>It makes me feel really good, especially these days.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome continues to exercise for a while longer and you continue behind the cameras recording, until they are done for today and you end the broadcast.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you so much for your help $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, when you need me again, just call me.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>To help me record I will always need you.<</fala>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>You go with $MissTravella.Nome to the back of the gym.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome let's do this broadcast?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, let's start now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You prepare everything to be broadcast live on the internet.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You stand behind the video camera, and start recording while $MissTravella.Nome stands in front of you explaining the exercises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All, right $MissTravella.Nome Tavella Hyper Intense Workout take three.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi everybody i'm $MissTravella.Nome Tavella and this is gonna be my intense fucking workout, don't be a pussy, lets see if you keep up and be prepared to sweat your ass off.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts doing a stretch by sitting on the floor, and lying down.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now you will lie on the floor try to maintain a straight posture.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome then pays her left knee to her chest.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now you're going to take her knee to her chest and hold it for a few seconds.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now on the other side.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome shifts her knee and leans against his chest.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Try to relax while you do this.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome continues to exercise for a while longer and you continue behind the cameras recording, until they are done for today and you end the broadcast.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you so much for your help $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, when you need me again, just call me.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>To help me record I will always need you.<</fala>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<case 4>>
<<narrador>>You go with $MissTravella.Nome to the back of the gym.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome let's do this broadcast?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, let's start now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You prepare everything to be broadcast live on the internet.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You stand behind the video camera, and start recording while $MissTravella.Nome stands in front of you explaining the exercises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All, right $MissTravella.Nome Tavella Hyper Intense Workout take four.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi everybody i'm $MissTravella.Nome Tavella and this is gonna be my intense fucking workout, don't be a pussy, lets see if you keep up and be prepared to sweat your ass off.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts by taking an elastic band and placing one end on each foot.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>This exercise here will strengthen your biceps.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You pull up and come back down, pull up and come back down, to at least 5 sets of 30.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After this exercise $MissTravella.Nome takes a bottle of water.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Don't forget to hydrate!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome starts drinking so hard that she ends up spilling some.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Oops.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>This strangely unnerves you a little and $MissTravella.Nome seems to have noticed it because she starts purposefully pouring water on her body, and drinking water in a sensual way.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Just drink water, throw some on your body too, it helps to refresh.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You don't understand why $MissTravella.Nome is acting this way. You prefer not to say anything, and let the exercises continue naturally.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You go with $MissTravella.Nome to the back of the gym.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome is here, here I record my gym lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seems like a good place for that to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, almost nobody comes here at this time and it's very quiet, perfect for us to record.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, let's start recording soon.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You prepare everything to be broadcast live on the internet.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You stand behind the video camera, and start recording while $MissTravella.Nome stands in front of you explaining the exercises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, $MissTravella.Nome Tavella Hyper Intense Workout take one.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi everybody i'm $MissTravella.Nome Tavella and this is gonna be my intense fucking workout, don't be a pussy, lets see if you keep up and be prepared to sweat your ass off.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, she is very intense with these videos.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She starts by doing a stretch by placing her hands on her feet.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She does a stretch with just her arms.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now you stretch your left arm behind your head, your left arm, and your right arm.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Treino-Hiper-Intenso3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Sarah continues to exercise for a while longer and you continue behind the cameras recording, until they are done for today and you end the broadcast.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you so much for your help $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, when you need me again, just call me.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>To help me record I will always need you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<</button>>@@Professora de Arte Missões (Lisa Ann)<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<narrador>>You start doing your Art homework.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/homework.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Finishing your homework you decide at any moment to go to the Art teacher's house to deliver the work.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 63>>
<<narrador>>With your homework in hand you go to the Art Teacher's house to deliver the work.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she will answer.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, I brought my that work you asked me to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's cool $Jogador.Nome, please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I did the best I could ok. Do you want to read now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Now I'm making $Jogador.Nome dinner, then I read.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I think I'll be gone now.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No... ahm how about you have dinner here with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No thanks but I don't want to bother you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It won't be a bother, I really want you to stay here. And while I finish cooking you can read the work you've done.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, since then I'm going to stay inciste I'm going to stay.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>So come with me, let's go to the kitchen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go with her to the kitchen and sit at the dining table. While she finishes cooking you read her homework.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>A few minutes later she finishes cooking and you finish reading her work.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then? What did you think of my work?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It was good, I could have written a little more, but what you do is already good.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome serves you and her a plate and sits next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-jantar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but... because you wanted me to stay here.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Because I didn't want to be alone, at least you can keep me company.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you live here alone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No, I live with my husband, but he's never home so I end up being so lonely.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You should go out a little too.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I go out a little, but usually he only arrived very late.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... what a pity.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Well... but see what's new.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys talk for a while until the end of dinner.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow look at the time, it's getting late and I have to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh all right, but remember that in the next class I'm going to give a test on expressionism, the subject of your work that you researched.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay I'll remember that.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>You better get a high grade, boy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $ProfArte.Nome with a mocking tone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I do teacher... ahm... bye until another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye $Jogador.Nome, be well.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 62>>
<<narrador>>You are in the living room using your cell phone and your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome is beside you using her cell phone.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/IrmaN-Livingroom1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You are curious to know what she would say to you about her conversations with $Valentao.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaN.Nome I gave you $Valentao.Nome's number that day and you didn't say anything else about it, so what happened, do you still talk to him?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Of course we do, we talk almost every day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what do you think of him?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>He's nothing like you said, he's a brave guy at school, but talking to me he's a sweetheart. I said he was different.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So it looks like I was wrong about him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Absolutely but relax and I forgive you, and I think someday you can be good friends.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>As if.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Strangely, I'm starting to enjoy these impersonating $Valentao.Nome and having these conversations with my $IrmaN.Relacao that I would never have if I asked face to face.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaNM8.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $IrmaNM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 20>>
<</button>>@@Professor de Fisica Missões<<FundoAcademia>>
<<narrador>>You help your physics teacher work out for a few days.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Until then he was doing well, but now he's not so excited to continue training.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And another training day is over.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Any problem teacher? Why are you so discouraged?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Boy, I appreciate your effort in trying to help me but I won't be able to lose weight.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you talking about? You are doing so well!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>I'm already tired of all this, of training day after day and not losing weight.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We only started a few days ago, it takes time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>That's why it's going to take a long time for me to lose weight, I've only been at it for a few days and I'm already tired. I think it's better to give up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can't give up, think about your dreams.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Well, I'll hardly be able to fulfill my dreams being as fat as I am. If there was another way it would be so much better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe there's another way.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Which?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know yet, but I'll think of something, but in the meantime continue your training! Please don't give up.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Ok $Jogador.Nome, I'm going to be strong and keep going.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 75>>
<</button>>@@/*============================== Penny ================================*/
<<set $PennyCenas = {
Pijama: false,
QuartoDeLimpeza: false,
Escadas: false,
FaceFuckSS: false,
Detention: false,
<<narrador>>You're at your house when you hear a sound of someone knocking on the door, you quickly go there to answer it, and there's a surprise grid because it's your physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-NaPorta1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, wanna go for a ride?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but where are we going?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Remember our deal? So today you will meet my wife.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright then, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You board $ProfEdFisica.Nome's car that takes you to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM2 parte 2 - A Desportista, a Massagista e a Professora de Piano]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome takes you to her house where you expected to find her wife, but she's not there.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome where is your wife?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You don't have to call me teacher here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but where is your wife?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>She's not home yet, I wanted to talk to you a little bit first.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Maybe I've already said that my wife is a little different from me, I was raised a free place where I could do whatever I wanted, so much so that I found out I'm a lesbian very early on, but she don't.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>She grew up in a traditional home which makes her very ashamed to talk about these subjects.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>So I thought the best way for you to seduce her is to become her intimate friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Friend? But wouldn't that be friendzone?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Not always.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Grab paper and pen boy, here's your first lesson on women.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Do you know how long a woman decides whether or not she wants to have sex with you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>The first 8.3 seconds.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait, that doesn't seem to be true.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>It's just that all that I've told you doesn't apply to married women. With married women you should be calmer, and never go straight to the golden port.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Which brings us to Step one: Friendship.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You should become a good friend of hers, a guy she can talk to whenever she needs to, and if you become that friend you should meet up with her often.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Because I...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment the door of the room opens and a beautiful blonde woman enters.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" ???>>Sweetie huh? Who is this boy.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>This is $Jogador.Nome, the boy I told you about.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome this is <<textbox "$Aaliyah.Nome" "Amelia" $Aaliyah.Nome>> my wife.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>And also your new teacher.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Teacher?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM2 parte 3 - A Desportista, a Massagista e a Professora de Piano]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 27>>
<<narrador>>You seem surprised to hear that $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife will be your teacher.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come teacher?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Oh stop kidding $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You had told me that day that you really wanted to learn to play the piano so I thought "Oh if I only knew a really good piano teacher to teach my friend $Jogador.Nome, Oh I know my wife is a piano teacher".<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>And one of the best in our region by the way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Piano lessons?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yes, $Aaliyah.Nome has agreed to give you daily Piano lessons for a very low price.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, not now $ProfEdFisica.Nome got me piano lessons and I still have to pay!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Aaliyah.Nome excuse us for a second, I need to talk to $ProfEdFisica.Nome alone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>All right I'm going upstairs to change!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>As $Aaliyah.Nome goes up the stairs you talk to $ProfEdFisica.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome how come piano lessons?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>That's the way I thought for you guys to become friends, and you'll still have the gift of learning to play the piano.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But $ProfEdFisica.Nome and the paying part? Did you even wonder if I have the money to pay for these lessons?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I already thought about it, every day after a class you go to my room, you go to the nightstand and inside one of the drawers I leave $25 to pay for the class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, good.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You see $Jogador.Nome, you can trust me, with my help, you only win in this story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright then call $Aaliyah.Nome so I can say I accept piano lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>No need $Jogador.Nome, I'm here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-escadas1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Says $Aaliyah.Nome as she goes down the stairs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Looks like you've already discussed everything, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Yes, he already accepted the $25 per class, he just needed to decide the class schedule.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can it be in the afternoon between 16:00 and 18:00?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Perfect!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well then, since everything is decided I think I'd better leave now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome me and $ProfEdFisica.Nome are going to watch a movie together, do you want to watch it with us?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>That's a great idea, you can stay as long as you want $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>As long as you insist, fine.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch movie with them|PEFM2 parte 4 - A Desportista, a Massagista e a Professora de Piano]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 16>>
<<narrador>>You and the two women watch a movie on TV.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At the end of this movie the three of you talk about it.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/ProfEdFisica-Aaliyah-SentadosNaSala1.jpg"></center>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<ProfEdFisicaAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>Until the door opens and a blonde girl walks through it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Samantha" ???>>Who is this guy!<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-angry1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome gets up and goes towards the girl.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>We're the ones asking the questions here, young lady! What short outfit is this? Who let you out like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Samantha" ???>>Mom let me wear this outfit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Relax $Aaliyah.Nome, it's just an outfit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>She's looking like a bitch in that outfit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Samantha" ???>>Thanks!<</fala>>
<<fala "Samantha" ???>>Now will any of you tell me who this boy is and what he does here at home?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>He studies at the school where I teach.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>And now he's my new piano student.<</fala>>
<<fala "Samantha" ???>>Good, you're finally back to work.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Girl you can't talk to her like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Samantha" ???>>Whatever, stay there with your student and I'll take a ride.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Again?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The girl doesn't even stay to listen to $ProfEdFisica.Nome and just quickly leaves the house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Who is this girl?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>She is our daughter <<textbox "$Samantha.Nome" "Sammy" $Samantha.Nome>>.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>She has no way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I need to go, it's late.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>All right $Jogador.Nome, see you in our first class?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, until next time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Bye Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 123>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How can I improve my piano skills?|Conversa-Aaliyah-Casa-Paparozzi Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are a really beautiful woman|Conversa-Aaliyah-Casa-Paparozzi Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome I'm workout now.<</fala>>
<<if $AaliyahGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 40>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Help Her Workout|Ajudando-Aaliyah-Malhar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $Acoes.TreinouHJ is false>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 5>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Workout with her|treino-com-Aaliyah]]>><<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 5>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You don't have money to workout today.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Acoes.TreinouHJ is true>>
<<narrador>>Have you workout today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How can I improve my piano skills?|Conversa-Aaliyah-Praca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are a really beautiful woman|Conversa-Aaliyah-Praca Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How can I improve my piano skills?|Conversa-Aaliyah-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are a really beautiful woman|Conversa-Aaliyah-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome is playing tennis now, it's best not to bother her.<</narrador>>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome is playing tennis now, it's best not to bother her.<</narrador>>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, I'm a little busy right now, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[How can I improve my piano skills?|Conversa-Aaliyah-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are a really beautiful woman|Conversa-Aaliyah-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@Converças Aaliyah (Aaliyah Love)<<FundoCasaPaparozzi>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Samantha.Nome doesn't like you too much to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praca6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Samantha.Nome doesn't like you too much to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Samantha.Nome doesn't like you too much to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Samantha.Nome doesn't like you too much to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<if $ProfEdFisica.local is "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<narrador>>$Samantha.Nome is massaging $ProfEdFisica.Nome right now.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous. Maybe if I was more bravery I would go.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Spy|Espiar-ProfEdFisica-Samantha-Massagem]]>><<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $ProfEdFisica.local isnot "CountryClub-Massagem">>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-massageroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Samantha" $Samantha.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I'm not going to massage you! You're an employee here just like me.<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-massageroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Samantha" $Samantha.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, the price of the massage is $120.<</fala>>
"Not yet implemented"
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Sala de Massagem">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-praia6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$Samantha.Nome doesn't like you too much to talk to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<narrador>>You see $Samantha.Nome spying on $Paixao.Nome working out.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is $Samantha.Nome doing?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Samantha.Nome gets a fright and gets angry.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Samantha" $Samantha.Nome>>Nothing $Jogador.Nome! Ahm...leave me alone!<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@Converças Samantha (Samantha Rone)<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Aaliyah.Nome Louise Krump
Status: $Aaliyah.status
Friendship: $Aaliyah.Amizade
Passion: $Aaliyah.Paixao
Morality: $Aaliyah.Moralidade
Desire: $Aaliyah.Desejo
<p>$Aaliyah.Nome is the beloved wife of $ProfEdFisica.Nome Paparozzi's teacher. She is a very kind woman. Unlike $ProfEdFisica.Nome, she is bisexual and is far more protective of her daughter than $ProfEdFisica.Nome.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome' house and invites him for a walk, $ProfEdFisica.Nome takes him to her house because that day $Jogador.Nome is going to meet $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife.</p>
<p>At $ProfEdFisica.Nome's house, she teaches $Jogador.Nome a little about women and teaches that to seduce a married woman $Jogador.Nome must be more patient and first of all become friends with the person. During the conversation a beautiful blonde woman arrives, $Aaliyah.Nome, $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife.</p>
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome tells her that $Jogador.Nome is her new piano student. Hearing these words $Jogador.Nome doesn't understand anything but after $Aaliyah.Nome goes upstairs to change clothes, $ProfEdFisica.Nome explains that these piano lessons are just one reason $Jogador.Nome and $Aaliyah.Nome can meet often and become friends and that $Jogador.Nome can always catch up. the $25 class that $ProfEdFisica.Nome leaves in her bedroom. Knowing all this $Jogador.Nome accepts the lessons.</p>
<p>When $Aaliyah.Nome invites $Jogador.Nome back to watch a movie with her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome, $Jogador.Nome accepts. At the end of the movie a girl, Blonde appears there and she has a quick argument with $Aaliyah.Nome about her wearing short clothes, this girl quickly leaves, and $Aaliyah.Nome reveals that this girl is her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome's daughter.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $Aaliyah.Nome's house for his first piano lesson. At the end of her lesson $Aaliyah.Nome offers $Jogador.Nome a snack which he accepts, and while she goes to prepare this snack $Jogador.Nome goes upstairs and goes to her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome's room to get the $25 left by $ProfEdFisica.Nome to pay her.</p>
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to the kitchen and pays $Aaliyah.Nome with the $25 left by $ProfEdFisica.Nome, $Jogador.Nome and $Aaliyah.Nome eat a lache while talking, $Aaliyah.Nome is a sweetheart.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome has daily piano lessons with $Aaliyah.Nome, and after these lessons $Jogador.Nome takes the money that $ProfEdFisica.Nome leaves in her bedroom to pay for the lessons, and after that $Jogador.Nome always stays a little longer with $Aaliyah.Nome, to strengthen their bonds of friendship.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/samantha/images/samantha-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Samantha.Nome Krump Paparozzi
Status: $Samantha.status
Friendship: $Samantha.Amizade
Passion: $Samantha.Paixao
Morality: $Samantha.Moralidade
Desire: $Samantha.Desejo
<p>$Samantha.Nome is the daughter of $ProfEdFisica.Nome Paparozzi and $Aaliyah.Nome Krump. She's a rebellious girl who does what she wants and doesn't care what her moms say.</p>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome goes to $Jogador.Nome' house and invites him for a walk, $ProfEdFisica.Nome takes him to her house because that day $Jogador.Nome is going to meet $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife.</p>
<p>At $ProfEdFisica.Nome's house, she teaches $Jogador.Nome a little about women and teaches that to seduce a married woman $Jogador.Nome must be more patient and first of all become friends with the person. During the conversation a beautiful blonde woman arrives, $Aaliyah.Nome, $ProfEdFisica.Nome's wife.</p>
<p>$ProfEdFisica.Nome tells her that $Jogador.Nome is her new piano student. Hearing these words $Jogador.Nome doesn't understand anything but after $Aaliyah.Nome goes upstairs to change clothes, $ProfEdFisica.Nome explains that these piano lessons are just one reason $Jogador.Nome and $Aaliyah.Nome can meet often and become friends and that $Jogador.Nome can always catch up. the $25 class that $ProfEdFisica.Nome leaves in her bedroom. Knowing all this $Jogador.Nome accepts the lessons.</p>
<p>When $Aaliyah.Nome invites $Jogador.Nome back to watch a movie with her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome, $Jogador.Nome accepts. At the end of the movie a girl, Blonde appears there and she has a quick argument with $Aaliyah.Nome about her wearing short clothes, this girl quickly leaves, and $Aaliyah.Nome reveals that this girl is her and $ProfEdFisica.Nome's daughter.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaPaparozzi>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for your first Piano lesson.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Aaliyah.Nome while she's playing the piano, she's playing beautiful music.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wait for her to play until the end and when she finishes you applaud her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I saw you there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't mean to disturb you, you play so well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you, you can sit here next to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Do you already know a little about piano or not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I still don't know anything about piano.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh okay, today you're going to learn a lot then.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Wow, I'm hungry, I think I'll make a sandwich. Do you want one too?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to the kitchen and I'll make one for me and one for you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $Aaliyah.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa dos Paparozzi">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 70>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Back" "PEFM3 parte 2 - A professora de Piano">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaPaparozzi>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen and find $Aaliyah.Nome looking for something.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Procurando-Cozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what a privileged view I have here.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Where is it? Where is it?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Procurando-Cozinha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I could stare at her ass all day.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh, $Jogador.Nome, it's already there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ummm yes, yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, I almost forget, here's the payment for the lesson.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I was here looking for a plate to serve you the sandwich but I couldn't find it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, let's eat anyway.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Paparozzi/sanduiche.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>While you guys eat you and $Aaliyah.Nome talk. $Aaliyah.Nome is a sweetheart.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-cute.jpg"></center>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>After that quick snack you decide to leave, tomorrow there will be more lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio is 80>>
<<goto "PEFM4 parte 5 - Aulas de Piano">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<goto "PEFM4 parte 4 - Aulas de Piano">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio is 40>>
<<goto "PEFM4 parte 3 - Aulas de Piano">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio is 20>>
<<goto "PEFM4 parte 2 - Aulas de Piano">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<goto "PEFM4 - Aulas de Piano">>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<include "Aula: Cena na Cozinha de Toalha">>
<<case 2>>
<<include "Aula: Teoria Musical">>
<<case 3>>
<<include "Aula: Professora na Ginastica">>
<<case 4>>
<<include "Aula: Problemas no Encanamento">>
<<case 5>>
<<include "Aula: Um Lanche na Cozinha">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Phew! I need to take a shower, if you want to eat something you can go to the kitchen and eat something ok?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 63>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen and grab a banana, when $Aaliyah.Nome arrives in a towel.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Toalha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, came to get a banana?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what a privileged view I have here.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes sure.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Toalha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I'm going to pick some grapes here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>So, shall we eat?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Won't you put on some clothes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>It will not be necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, I almost forget.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pay her the tuition money.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit at the table to eat the fruit, you're kind of stunned that $Aaliyah.Nome is only wearing a towel, but she manages to hide it very well.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>While you guys eat you and $Aaliyah.Nome talk. $Aaliyah.Nome is a sweetheart.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-cute.jpg"></center>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>After eating these fruits you decide to leave, tomorrow there will be more lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm fine, mainly because you're here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Glad you like my presence.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I like it a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And do you live here with anyone else?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Yes, with my husband and my children.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh and where are they?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>My husband is at work and my children are at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm... Cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Not so nice, I get so lonely here at home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>At least I'm here to keep you company.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, smile for you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The two of you keep talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoVizinhaEsquerda>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Is it really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hmm so tell me, what do you think is most beautiful in me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Y-Your body.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She approaches you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>My body? But you never saw me naked to say my body is beautiful.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She leaves you speechless.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm kidding $Jogador.Nome but I appreciate your compliment.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoCasaPaparozzi>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How can I improve my piano skills?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can do a lot of things like, I'm going to see a lot of classical pianists, and pay a lot of attention to how they play.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I know a youtuber pianist who plays many different songs like music from games, movies, series, he is very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Yes, watching him play you can greatly improve his abilities.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What else can I do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can practice reading sheet music because...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaPaparozzi>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a really beautiful woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, You are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But the truth is, $ProfEdFisica.Nome is lucky to have you by her side.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, but tell me what you think is most beautiful about me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile is the most beautiful I've ever seen.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, so nice.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Paparozzi">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How can I improve my piano skills?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can do a lot of things like, I'm going to see a lot of classical pianists, and pay a lot of attention to how they play.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I know a youtuber pianist who plays many different songs like music from games, movies, series, he is very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Yes, watching him play you can greatly improve his abilities.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What else can I do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can practice reading sheet music because...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a really beautiful woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, You are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But the truth is, $ProfEdFisica.Nome is lucky to have you by her side.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, but tell me what you think is most beautiful about me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile is the most beautiful I've ever seen.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, so nice.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahPaixao 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How can I improve my piano skills?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can do a lot of things like, I'm going to see a lot of classical pianists, and pay a lot of attention to how they play.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I know a youtuber pianist who plays many different songs like music from games, movies, series, he is very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Yes, watching him play you can greatly improve his abilities.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What else can I do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can practice reading sheet music because...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a really beautiful woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, You are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But the truth is, $ProfEdFisica.Nome is lucky to have you by her side.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, but tell me what you think is most beautiful about me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile is the most beautiful I've ever seen.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, so nice.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahPaixao 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How can I improve my piano skills?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can do a lot of things like, I'm going to see a lot of classical pianists, and pay a lot of attention to how they play.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I know a youtuber pianist who plays many different songs like music from games, movies, series, he is very good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Yes, watching him play you can greatly improve his abilities.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What else can I do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>You can practice reading sheet music because...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a really beautiful woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, You are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But the truth is, $ProfEdFisica.Nome is lucky to have you by her side.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, but tell me what you think is most beautiful about me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your smile is the most beautiful I've ever seen.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, so nice.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking to her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahPaixao 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@/*===================================================================*/
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>But today's lesson is different, Today is a theoretical lesson.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She sits in a chair in front of a table and you sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The theory lesson is very difficult.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...But I'm not understanding anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Pay attention $Jogador.Nome, just pay attention to the timing of the notes.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-AulaTeorica1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But at the same time it's complicated because you also I have to pay attention to those lines there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>The name is Pentagram, and what will define the notes in the Pentagram are the clefs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I'm going to get a book here that shows the three existing keys.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-AulaTeorica2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome gets up to look for that book, she looks in a drawer there in the living room.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what a round ass she has.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Where is it? Where is it?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wanted so badly to touch her and slap her.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-AulaTeorica3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god, my dick is getting hard here, but I can't but I can't let her see!<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I thought, here $Jogador.Nome these are the treble, C clef and bass clef.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>The Treble Clef is for...<</fala>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>You have a complicated theory lesson.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>So that's it $Jogador.Nome, it wasn't that hard, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh teacher it was very complicated.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Relax, over time you get used to it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I'm going to put the books there and I'll be right back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 2 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 63>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 2 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You go back from the bedroom, quickly, you get there before $Aaliyah.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Here's the payment for the lesson.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Until the next lesson teacher Amelia.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pay her the tuition money.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Until the next lesson $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to get the money to pay you because I left it in my backpack there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Okay, you can go get it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I also need to do some things now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 3 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 63>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 3 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the living room to pay $Aaliyah.Nome and find her exercising.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Should I interrupt her? To pay her or just leave money and leave.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, but what a hot woman she with that hard little ass.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Uh, $Jogador.Nome? I hadn't seen you there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just came to pay you for the lesson.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want to do gymnastics with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no, no thanks, I just want to watch you exercise.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Okay if that's what you prefer.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<narrador>>You are lost in thought watching $Aaliyah.Nome's beauty as she exercises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome is everything okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, yeah, I'm just a little tired.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<narrador>>Oh, my cock is already extremely hard, I better get out of here before she realizes it.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to get the money to pay you because I left it in my backpack there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Okay, you can go get it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I also need to do some things now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's room and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 4 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 63>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 4 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the living room to pay $Aaliyah.Nome and find her doing something under the sink under the sink.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Uh, $Jogador.Nome? You can help me here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's happening?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Looks like there's a problem with the plumbing in the sink you can come here and take a look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't understand much of it but that's ok.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You bend down to take a look at the sink plumbing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... there are some strange things here, maybe you should call a plumber.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Maybe you're right, I'll call him now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She calls the plumber and you keep trying to figure out what's going on in her plumbing.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Encanamento1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What a delay, it seems that there is no plumber in this town.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh hello ah voice mail what the hell.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No need to call anymore, I think I solved it.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Encanamento2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh good, thank you so much $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Before I forget, here's your payment.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you make me so happy.<</fala>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Phew! I need to take a shower, if you want to eat something you can go to the kitchen and eat something ok?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 5 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 63>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM4 parte 5 - Aulas de Piano]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen and find $Aaliyah.Nome looking for something.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Procurando-Cozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what a privileged view I have here.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Where is it? Where is it?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Procurando-Cozinha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I could stare at her ass all day.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh, $Jogador.Nome, it's already there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ummm yes, yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, I almost forget, here's the payment for the lesson.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I was here looking for a plate to serve you the sandwich but I couldn't find it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, let's eat anyway.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Paparozzi/sanduiche.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>While you guys eat you and $Aaliyah.Nome talk. $Aaliyah.Nome is a sweetheart.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-cute.jpg"></center>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>After that quick snack you decide to leave, tomorrow there will be more lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You're at your house when you hear a sound of someone knocking on the door, you quickly go there to answer it, and there's a surprise grid because it's your physical education teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-NaPorta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, wanna go for a ride?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but where are we going?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>It's time for us to take the next step in our deal.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright then, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You board $ProfEdFisica.Nome's car that takes you to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM5 parte 2 - Sedução]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome takes you to her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And so what's the next step?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>The next step is simple: Seduction.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seduction? I don't know how to seduce anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>How can you not seduce anyone?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $ProfEdFisica.Nome as she approaches you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Sedução1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I doubt you don't know how to seduce.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Because with that strong chest you have!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She slides her hand down your chest, sensually making you excited and embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>W-What is she doing?<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher what are you doing?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Sedução2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I'm not doing anything, those strong arms of yours are making me more and more ohhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Cherie starts to moan which makes her even more turn on.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But wait, wasn't she Lesbian?<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Sedução3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>That even leaves me wanting some of that here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She quickly grabs your dick violently, over your pants making you even more excited.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow wow wow, teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome what are you doing.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Sedução4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You've been a very, very bad student $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Maybe you deserve a punishment.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome throws you hard against the wall as she caresses her body, his cock already hard through his pants.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>What am I going to do with you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>You can lick my dick, I don't care. Interest!<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Your grades are dropping more and more. So maybe you need a lesson.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome sensually approaches her ear.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You saw how easy it is, that's how you seduce someone.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PEFM5 parte 3 - Sedução]]>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Did I like it? For a second I thought you...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>That I was going to give you a blowjob, right? hahaha<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I've been curious to try on a man, you know, just out of curiosity, maybe someday.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But now have you seen how easy it is to seduce a person?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's easy to seduce a man, it should be that simple to seduce a woman too.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You're right, seducing a woman is a little more complicated.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/images/prof-Ed-fisica-livingroom-sit.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>But it's no different than what I did to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>For example, what did I do at first?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You approached me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Exactly, when you go to seduce a woman, you approach her slowly respecting your time and her space, if she lets you approach her, then you start praising her.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Start with more innocent compliments like: Complimenting your hair, your eyes, your smile.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Then, over time, you start praising her body, her breasts, her mouth, her ass.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It doesn't seem so difficult with you talking like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>It's not difficult at all, you just need to notice the signs. Signals are very important in the next step, which is physical contact.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You'll start with a softer physical contact, like... Stroking her hair, slowly sliding your hand down her back when you go to hug her, touching your arms, her shoulder, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just that? Is this how you seduce a woman?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>A married woman, remember that! For a married woman you need to be more patient.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Now whenever you meet her you will focus on these 3 things: Approach, Praise and Touch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, now I understand what I should do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But in the meantime.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You point down showing the volume of her pants.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/vol-na-calca.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>I have nothing to do with it, solve this problem alone.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome says as she quickly leaves the room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But ahm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Shit.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You leave $ProfEdFisica.Nome's house knowing she has a new "little problem" to solve.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you recognize a phrase written on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<p><i>"To be cuck or not to be</i></p>
<p><i>Here's my query</i></p>
<p><i>Without you I live suffering</i></p>
<p><i>By the pub drinking</i></p>
<p><i>Making a mess"</i></p>
<p><i>"You are very fiery</i></p>
<p><i>So beautiful and affectionate</i></p>
<p><i>The way i always wanted</i></p>
<p><i>My hot little thing</i></p>
<p><i>Give to the poor, is kind</i></p>
<p><i>I'm cuck but I'm happy"</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love this song, I'm going to write one more piece of this song!<</ref>>
<p><i>Soy un man conformed</i></p>
<p><i>I hear the voice of the heart</i></p>
<p><i>I'm a cuck in love</i></p>
<p><i>I know I've been gored</i></p>
<p><i>But what's worth is horny</i></p>
<p><i>And in bed when it ignites</i></p>
<p><i>By another name call me</i></p>
<p><i>But there's an easy explanation</i></p>
<p><i>My name is Will Smith</i></p>
<p><i>Easy to confuse</i></p>
<p><i>With August Alsina</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wanted to write this whole song, but I don't have much time.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM6.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ManuM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom to see what's going on and are pleasantly surprised.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-IrmaN-Bedroom1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN is taking off her clothes!<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I know it's wrong but I have to keep watching.<</ref>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<narrador>>You keep watching.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-IrmaN-Bedroom2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>A large volume begins to appear in your pants, you squeeze your penis to try to contain yourself, but he becomes even more hard.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Will I continue to subscribe? Do I jerk o right here?<</ref>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 50>> /*=============================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>Better not my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN. Why am I doing this?<</ref>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Ousadia lt 50>> /*=============================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>Better shouldn't be too dangerous.<</ref>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Ousadia lt 50 and $Jogador.Moralidade gte 50>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better not, that's too dangerous, and besides, she's my $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN. Why am I doing this?<</ref>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Ousadia gte 50 and $Jogador.Moralidade lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Peeking and Jerk Off|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaN-Bedroom]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[No, that's wrong|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<narrador>>Keep watching your $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaN while you jerk off.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-IrmaN-Bedroom3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yes baby take off that shirt now, let me see your tits.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-IrmaN-Bedroom4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>That pass that lollipop in your pink pussy, as if it were my lollipop.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yes baby come with me.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You accidentally trip over the door which makes a noise that gives away your presence.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh my God! Is anyone there?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Shit! I better get out of here before she sees me.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[No, that's wrong|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Phew! I need to take a shower, if you want to eat something you can go to the kitchen and eat something ok?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Cena na Cozinha de Toalha - Parte 2]]>>
<<addmins 63>>
<</button>>@@ <<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Cena na Cozinha de Toalha - Parte 3]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen and grab a banana, when $Aaliyah.Nome arrives in a towel.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Toalha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, came to get a banana?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what a privileged view I have here.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes sure.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Toalha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I'm going to pick some grapes here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>So, shall we eat?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Won't you put on some clothes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>It will not be necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, I almost forget.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pay her the tuition money.<</narrador>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit at the table to eat the fruit, you're kind of stunned that $Aaliyah.Nome is only wearing a towel, but she manages to hide it very well.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>While you guys eat you and $Aaliyah.Nome talk. $Aaliyah.Nome is a sweetheart.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-cute.jpg"></center>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>After eating these fruits you decide to leave, tomorrow there will be more lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>But today's lesson is different, Today is a theoretical lesson.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She sits in a chair in front of a table and you sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The theory lesson is very difficult.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>...But I'm not understanding anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Pay attention $Jogador.Nome, just pay attention to the timing of the notes.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-AulaTeorica1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But at the same time it's complicated because you also I have to pay attention to those lines there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>The name is Pentagram, and what will define the notes in the Pentagram are the clefs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I'm going to get a book here that shows the three existing keys.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-AulaTeorica2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome gets up to look for that book, she looks in a drawer there in the living room.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what a round ass she has.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Where is it? Where is it?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wanted so badly to touch her and slap her.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-AulaTeorica3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my god, my dick is getting hard here, but I can't but I can't let her see!<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I thought, here $Jogador.Nome these are the treble, C clef and bass clef.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>The Treble Clef is for...<</fala>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>You have a complicated theory lesson.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>So that's it $Jogador.Nome, it wasn't that hard, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh teacher it was very complicated.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Relax, over time you get used to it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I'm going to put the books there and I'll be right back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Teoria Musical - Parte 2]]>>
<<addmins 63>>
<</button>>@@ <<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Teoria Musical - Parte 3]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You go back from the bedroom, quickly, you get there before $Aaliyah.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Here's the payment for the lesson.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Until the next lesson teacher Amelia.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pay her the tuition money.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Until the next lesson $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to get the money to pay you because I left it in my backpack there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Okay, you can go get it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I also need to do some things now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Professora na Ginastica - Parte 2]]>>
<<addmins 63>>
<</button>>@@ <<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Professora na Ginastica - Parte 3]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the living room to pay $Aaliyah.Nome and find her exercising.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Should I interrupt her? To pay her or just leave money and leave.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, but what a hot woman she with that hard little ass.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Uh, $Jogador.Nome? I hadn't seen you there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just came to pay you for the lesson.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want to do gymnastics with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no, no thanks, I just want to watch you exercise.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Okay if that's what you prefer.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<narrador>>You are lost in thought watching $Aaliyah.Nome's beauty as she exercises.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome is everything okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, yeah, I'm just a little tired.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Ginastica8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<narrador>>Oh, my cock is already extremely hard, I better get out of here before she realizes it.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to get the money to pay you because I left it in my backpack there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Okay, you can go get it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I also need to do some things now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's room and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Problemas no Encanamento - Parte 2]]>>
<<addmins 63>>
<</button>>@@ <<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Problemas no Encanamento - Parte 3]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the living room to pay $Aaliyah.Nome and find her doing something under the sink under the sink.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Uh, $Jogador.Nome? You can help me here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's happening?<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Looks like there's a problem with the plumbing in the sink you can come here and take a look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't understand much of it but that's ok.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You bend down to take a look at the sink plumbing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... there are some strange things here, maybe you should call a plumber.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Maybe you're right, I'll call him now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She calls the plumber and you keep trying to figure out what's going on in her plumbing.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Encanamento1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What a delay, it seems that there is no plumber in this town.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh hello ah voice mail what the hell.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No need to call anymore, I think I solved it.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Encanamento2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh good, thank you so much $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Before I forget, here's your payment.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you make me so happy.<</fala>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Paparozzi's house for Piano lesson, $Aaliyah.Nome is sitting in front of the piano.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, ready for your lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-piano2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You have an excellent one hour lesson.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>What did you think of today's lesson $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was great thank you very much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Phew! I need to take a shower, if you want to eat something you can go to the kitchen and eat something ok?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, thanks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You need to go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome's bedroom and get the money to pay for piano lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Um Lanche na Cozinha - Parte 2]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 63>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "quarto-paparozzi">>
<<narrador>>You look for the money $ProfEdFisica.Nome left for you to pay for the lesson.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Vasculhando-Quarto1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 25>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Aula: Um Lanche na Cozinha - Parte 3]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen and find $Aaliyah.Nome looking for something.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Procurando-Cozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, what a privileged view I have here.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Where is it? Where is it?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Procurando-Cozinha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I could stare at her ass all day.<</ref>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh, $Jogador.Nome, it's already there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ummm yes, yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ah, I almost forget, here's the payment for the lesson.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 25>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>I was here looking for a plate to serve you the sandwich but I couldn't find it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, let's eat anyway.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Paparozzi/sanduiche.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>While you guys eat you and $Aaliyah.Nome talk. $Aaliyah.Nome is a sweetheart.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/aaliyah/images/aaliyah-cute.jpg"></center>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<narrador>>After that quick snack you decide to leave, tomorrow there will be more lessons.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<</button>>@@/*================ Missões Srta. Tavella (Julia Ann) ================*/
<<set $SrtaTravellaGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "$MissTravella.Nome Tavella Hyper Intense Workout",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym and help Miss Tavella record her gymnastics",
MissaoID: "STGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$MissTravella.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*================ Missões Amanda Byers (Lena Paul) =================*/
<<set $LenaPaulGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "$LenaPaul.Nome and Friend at the Gym",
MissaoDica: "Have 25 Friendship with $LenaPaul.Nome and go to the gym on Saturday while $LenaPaul.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "LPGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$Aaliyah.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*=========== Missões Aaliyah Love (Amelia Louise Krump) ============*/
<<set $AaliyahGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "Helping $Aaliyah.Nome",
MissaoDica: "Heve 50 of Fitness and go to the gym and workout with $Aaliyah.Nome",
MissaoID: "AAGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$Aaliyah.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<narrador>>You see your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome in her $Mae.Relacao's bedroom getting her clothes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-IrmaN-Pegando-Roupas-da-Mamae1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You see, you know she shouldn't be doing this, because a few days ago you heard that your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome forbade $IrmaN.Nome to take her clothes.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>So you decide to reveal yourself to see her reaction to seeing you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/videos/Event-IrmaN-Pegando-Roupas-da-Mamae2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing $IrmaN.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>N-Nothing.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaN.Nome quickly tries to hide her $Mae.Relacao's red dress behind her back.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I saw you picking up $Mae.Relacao's clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What if I am? What is the problem.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The problem is, I know she forbade you to wear her clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But I'm not using it, I'm just seeing how it would look on me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>To use later, right?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You notice $IrmaN.Nome walking down the hall.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll go tell her you're taking her clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>No $Jogador.Nome don't do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll turn a blind eye to you for $10!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Good thing $Mae.Relacao gives me an allowance.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take the $10 and walk away|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 10>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<narrador>>You are in your bedroom until your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome arrives, it looks like she wants to talk to you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome I already know what I'm going to do! I already had my ideas for my revenges.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come revenge? Wouldn't you just get revenge on your ex-boyfriend or just that ex-friend of yours?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, but there were three people who hurt me, so I will have to apply three revenges.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I won't have, we will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you sure you want to proceed with this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, these people need to pay!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so what do you have in mind?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So, I'll start with my ex-boss, Doctor Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Doctor Lindomar, he's a guy who harasses all the doctors and nurses and why doesn't he go to jail? Or why isn't he fired?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Because someone powerful passes cloth to him. He must have some friend inside the city hall who gets him out of all this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So we need to catch him in a trap, a trap that makes it impossible for someone to look at it and think "this is wrong, he should be arrested".<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Right, but how do we do that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>First, we need a girl, a girl who is going to see him and who has to take morphine or whatever else makes her incapable.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Or that he thinks she is incapable.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>That's it $Jogador.Nome, you're already thinking like me. Do you know any girls who would take a job like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't but maybe $Amigo.Nome or $Amigo2.Nome do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It's a great idea, talk about it with your friends, because $Amigo.Nome's mother is a doctor and works there too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then we would just need to put a camera there and record everything that happens.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And meanwhile someone stays and collects the reports of all the doctors and nurses who were harassed by him, and after we have all the evidence and evidence in hand we will take everything to the police.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly and after all these reports from people who worked with him, after even the video we are going to record, it is impossible for him not to be arrested.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>That's it, he'll get what he deserves.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay but there are three revenges, what are the others?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The next revenge will be against my ex-best friend $Kendall.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you have in mind?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>To $Kendall.Nome's bad luck, I've known her for over seven years and I know what she really is and I know what her kryptonite is: her sister <<textbox "$Kayla.Nome" "Kayla" $Kayla.Nome>>.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM6 parte 2 - A Vingança é um Prato Melhor Servido Três Vezes]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 25>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-quarto3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She always tries to compete with her, always trying to be better but never succeeds, especially when it comes to men.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where do you want to get?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>If a man who has already been with her and her sister assumes to her that her sister is better, she will want to destroy herself.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? So just make someone who's went out both of them admit that $Kayla.Nome is better? Are you sure that's enough?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Of course, if there's something we women don't want to hear from men, it's that another woman is better than us, especially if that other woman is our own sister.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay but who can this guy be that went out with $Kendall.Nome is going to hook up Kayla and assume that $Kayla.Nome is better?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>For me, he could be anyone but my ex-boyfriend's son of a bitch, which makes me think about my revenge on him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How about thinking like that? Success is the best revenge.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You show him the big woman he lost, you get dressed up to look beautiful like you've never been and show yourself to him, for him to realize that he lost the best woman in his life.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Excellent idea. And after we've done all that, I'll be free to carry on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Let's start with Doctor Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I can talk to my friends and we'll try to find a girl who's willing to join our plan.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And I can go talk to the doctors and nurses who were harassed by Doutor Lindomar so they can help unmask him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then that's it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It will be difficult but we will make it.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 2>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You sit with your friends in the refectory.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys, I need you to help me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Then you explain your whole plan together with your sister to catch Doctor Lindomar in a trap.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>My mother talks very badly about this guy every day!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And so, one more reason for you to help me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>But then, which girl would accept to be the bait for Doctor Harassment?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Would $Amigo2.Nome accept?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>No, none of the Baby Dolls would accept to participate in anything that was done for us, even if it is beneficial.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>How about... $Lexi.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, $Lexi.Nome is too shy for that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I already know...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Who?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You probably don't, but there's a girl here at school who I think would do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Who?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Come with me I'll introduce you to <<textbox "$RoxyRaye.Nome" "Darla" $RoxyRaye.Nome autofocus>>.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM11 parte 2 - A Estudante Exitada]]>>
<<set $JogadorM11.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome takes you and $Amigo2.Nome to 2A (His $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome's class), where there is a beautiful girl there.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Guys, this is $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hello who are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I'm $Amigo.Nome and these are my friends $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Get out of here!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No, but we need you.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I know why boys like you come to me, so I already say I don't want to!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome turns to $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I think she doesn't want to help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>At least let us explain!<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Okay, you have 60 seconds.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, my $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome was a nurse who worked at the hospital, her new boss was a guy who was all the time harassing the doctors and nurses, my $IrmaV.Relacao didn't accept that and tried to speak out against him, but before that happened she was fired without just cause so now she's planning revenge on that disgraced doctor and setting a trap to put him in jail.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Is this serious?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure!<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I thought the three of you were going to ask me to take your virginity away from you.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>They are not will be necessary...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Are you sure $Jogador.Nome? Don't you think we should...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Amigo2.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>My bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look... we just want you to accept, to be part of a plan to put a bad guy in jail.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome crosses her arms in denial.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>What do I get from that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I don't know, the satisfaction of ridding several other women of ridding themselves of a scoundrel?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome laughs out of the corner of her mouth.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|JM11 parte 3 - A Estudante Exitada]]>>
<<set $JogadorM11.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>And by chance what would I have to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>You will be the bait.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She's a pretty girl, a well-made girl, a pretty girl like you is going to be exactly what he's looking for.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are almost mesmerized by her beauty.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It will work like this... you will have a female problem and you will go to the hospital, and you will try to be attended by Doctor Lindomar, while you are there you will try to pretend that you are drunk or drugged, then he will ahm... he will take advantage of you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome doesn't say a word, she just continues with her arms crossed and an angry face.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So while he'll be there alone with you, we'll leave a camera recording everything. Meanwhile my $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome will be collecting reports from nurses and doctors who will describe her daily behavior in the hospital.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And the next day we'll take all this evidence to the police station for him to finally be arrested.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Am I going to be groped and bullied and maybe raped just to bait a harassing doctor?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Talking like that you make it look a lot worse!<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Still, even if I accepted, what do I get in return!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The three of you are silent for a second, until you break the silence.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's cool what you want.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>What I want?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome slowly approaches you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Let me think, what do I want?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She comes face to face with you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I don't know what I want but I want from you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>His?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>His?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Yes, there's something about you that intrigues me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is what it is?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I don't know, you smell like... you smell like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome's strange attitude starts to freak you out.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I agree to give you... something you wanted. And you will accept to participate.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Yes accepted.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I liked you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So we'll meet at $Amigo.Nome's house on Thursday night to decide all this in the best possible way.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You give her the address and she leave.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Amigo.Nome, what a strange girl, how did you meet her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I don't know her, I just heard that she would do anything as long as they paid.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Whatever it was, at least this time it was free.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Did it really come out for free?<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $JogadorM11.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>You are taking a stroll through the outlying neighborhood when several gossip sirens are heading your way and around the corner.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Taken by curiosity you go there to see what is happening.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/casa-em-chamas.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You then come across a house on fire and several firefighters organizing to put out the fire.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>A firefighter comes out of there with an ax in hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" Firefighter>>Thankfully, it looks like the house is empty, but the start of the fire is still unknown.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are watching everything from afar and a little worried about what is happening, when all of a sudden.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-public1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a scare $IrmaV.Nome! What are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Giving back to someone. By the way, this house is my ex's..<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then no...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yesss...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You did not...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes I did...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's get out of here now!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM7 parte 2 - A Louca]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 55>>
<<narrador>>You return home with your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome, how can you do this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Ahmm... I don't know what you're talking about.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome, you know very well that burning down someone's house is a crime! What if they catch you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I made sure I got in and out of there without anyone seeing me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what if someone was there at his house? You would have jeopardized the life of a person who has nothing to do with this story.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Calm down $Jogador.Nome, I made sure the house was really empty, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I went to the hospital to try to find out more about Dr. Lindomar, I asked Dr. $MissTravella.Nome and Dr. Cooper to help me, and we got this document.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I went to the hospital to try to find out more about Dr. Lindomar, I asked Dr. $MissTravella.Nome and Dr. $SrtaCooper.Nome to help me, and we got this document.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/dr.lindomar/images/document.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This document shows that he has involvement with a pharmaceutical company.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He is a doctor. Is not? So it seems like it makes sense, especially for running the hospital.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It's not quite like that $Jogador.Nome, this company started to send medicine just for his office.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In addition, this company has money laundering, kidnapping and private imprisonment rumors.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, that sounds dangerous.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, I talked to my friends and they agreed to help, and we got a girl to be Lindomar's bait.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And what is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's $RoxyRaye.Nome, a strange girl from the school, and we agreed to meet on Thursday night at $Amigo.Nome's house so we can discuss this and organize everything, so that nothing goes wrong.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Okay so on Thursday we solve everything.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go with your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see that $Amigo2.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, Miss Cooper and $MissTravella.Nome Tavella are already there waiting.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Finally, you have arrived.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>We thought you wouldn't show up.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>We thought you wouldn't show up.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yeah, and we should be at work right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Sorry for the delay, we can talk now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wait... where's $RoxyRaye.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I am here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/darla/images/IVM8-darla.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Wait, where were you?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>In your bedroom, you have a lot of stuff there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome takes a bite of the wind looking at $Amigo.Nome with a sensual gaze.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But why...<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Okay, okay, let's get started.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM8 parte 2 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>Everyone is in living room is seated with you and $IrmaV.Nome going to explain the plan to everyone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Good night guys, we are gathered to put the doctor Dr. Lindomar in prison for moral and sexual harassment, with employees and patients.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The plan will be as follows...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/estrategia.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tomorrow afternoon, $RoxyRaye.Nome will go to Doctor Lindomar to be seen... what kind of doctor is Doctor Lindomar?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Gynecologist.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course... so $RoxyRaye.Nome goes to the Gynecologist and demands to be seen by Dr. Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>While $RoxyRaye.Nome and Lindomar go to $IrmaV.Nome's office, $Amigo.Nome and $MissTravella.Nome will gather all the doctors and nurses to collect testimonies and reports about Lindomar's behavior at work.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In the meantime, Miss Cooper and I are going to look around the office for anything else that might link Lindomar with that company that manufactures pharmaceuticals and is investigated for money laundering, kidnapping and false imprisonment.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Meanwhile I'll be in the office with $RoxyRaye.Nome and Lindomar, hiding recording everything that happens.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So that's it folks, any questions?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I have a question, what if he's busy at the time, what if they send me to another doctor?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So maybe it would be better for you to wait for him to be able to see you, don't accept being seen by other doctors just for him.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Wow $Jogador.Nome, this really doesn't look suspicious at all.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome replies sarcastically.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>As she picks up her cell phone, $RoxyRaye.Nome keeps talking.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Don't you think it would be much better if I called there to make an appointment?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome dials the number and calls the hospital.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$RoxyRaye.Nome, wait a...<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Shut up, it's calling...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome clicks on speakerphone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" Receptionist>>Hospital Clinico Municipal good night.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Good evening, I'm $RoxyRaye.Nome Kwilecki, and I'd like to schedule an appointment with the gynecologist Doctor Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Receptionist>>Only a moment...<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Receptionist>>The doctor requires you to send a photo for evaluation.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>A photo? Like a photo of me?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Receptionist>>Yes a photo of you, he wants to evaluate you.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>O-Okay, I'll send it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome changes her voice on her cell phone to talk to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>A picture, the guy wants a picture of me how come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>This is definitely not normal.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome then takes a photo from her cell phone and sends it to the hospital, and unmutes the call.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-Selfie1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>Oh yes my girl you are very beautiful.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome that scares, and says whispering.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It's him, it's Dr. Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you, are you Doctor Lindomar?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>Yes it's me... and your appointment will be booked if you answer the following questions.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Questions?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>Yes, your age please.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I am 21 years old.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>21? She's older than me and still in my $IrmaN.Relacao's class, how strange!<</ref>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>Okay, tell me a little about yourself, do you have a good relationship with your parents? Do you have many friends, do you travel often?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Ahm... I don't understand how this interferes with my appointment...<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>Just answer the questions please.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>All right, I don't know my father, my mother and I have a common relationship, I have some friends and I really like to travel, I travel whenever I can.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>All right, young lady, now just one more question, do you have any sexually transmitted diseases?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>N-No, I don't.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>Very well, young lady, it will be a pleasure to see you tomorrow at 22:00.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>22:00 o'clock don't you think it's a little late?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>It's my only available time, tomorrow, and in fact at night I work better, my concentration is sharper.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Alright then, it's marked.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Doctor>>So, see you tomorrow.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Up until.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome ends the call, she looks worried.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM8 parte 3 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>My God what was that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>That was Doctor Lindomar acting normally.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It even looks like a serial killer asking her victim questions to see if it's worth killing her.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Calm down $Jogador.Nome, you're going to scare $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>No no, this guy doesn't scare me, yes he looks like a piscopath, but I'm not afraid, and tomorrow night this guy is going to be screwed.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Glad we managed to get this all sorted out, but $MissTravella.Nome and I need to get back to the hospital as soon as possible before they miss us.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Glad we managed to get this all sorted out, but $MissTravella.Nome and I need to get back to the hospital as soon as possible before they miss us.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>She's right, let's go...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I'm leaving too, bye guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Dammit, my girlfriend is calling me, I forgot to tell her I'd be here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Now, she's going to my house in a rage, or she's coming here in a rage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Is she coming here?! No, I won't.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I'm already fed up with your crazy girlfriend coming here straight to make a shack. Come with me, I'll give you a ride in my mother's car.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yes, then agent already takes advantage and buys a box of chocolate for her to calm down...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome and $Amigo.Nome are walking and talking to the exit until the exit.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At $Amigo.Nome's house, it was just you and $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM8 parte 4 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, remember when I said you tease me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I remember.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>And remember when I said you smell like... I couldn't remember?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I remember too, why?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Because I found out what you smell like.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She approaches you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>You smell sex.<</fala>>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Aaaand... that's good?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I like it, I like it a lot.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome kisses you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$RoxyRaye.Nome I don't know if...<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Relax, let it happen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She completely strips off her clothes and quickly takes off her pants and starts sucking his already hard cock.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM8-Darla-BoqueteMelhorAmigo'sHouse1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucking your cock|IVM8 parte 4 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>She continues sucking his cock with even more fervor.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM8-Darla-BoqueteMelhorAmigo'sHouse2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is actually very good at it, she is very experienced.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucking your cock|IVM8 parte 4 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You then shove your cock much harder into her throat, to choke her, she seems to like that.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM8-Darla-BoqueteMelhorAmigo'sHouse3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You take the cock out of her mouth and tap it on her tongue.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have to tell you, you are very good at this, you must have a lot of experience.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Shut up and give me your cum!!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucking your cock|IVM8 parte 4 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>She takes a break from his cock and starts sucking your balls.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM8-Darla-BoqueteMelhorAmigo'sHouse4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have to tell you, you are very good at this, you must have a lot of experience.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Shut up and give me your cum!!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|IVM8 parte 4 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<narrador>>You cum in $RoxyRaye.Nome's face, with her mouth open and call out trying to get as much of your semen as possible.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM8-Darla-BoqueteMelhorAmigo'sHouse5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|IVM8 parte 4 - Organizando a Operação]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/darla/images/IVM8-CumInDarla'sFace.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hmmm, your cum are fucking delicious, have you had pineapple before?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>N-no.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome gets dressed while talking to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I've tried many, many fucking guys, but you is the best so far!<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you for your contribution.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome leaves, you get dressed and you go too, it's better to leave than risk $IrmaV.Nome arriving and catching you naked in his office.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $RoxyRaye.has_sex to true>>
<<set $RoxyRayeSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 4>>
/*===================================================================*/<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-perfil.jpg">
Name: $RoxyRaye.Nome Jolie Kwilecki
Status: $RoxyRaye.status
Friendship: $RoxyRaye.Amizade
Passion: $RoxyRaye.Paixao
Morality: $RoxyRaye.Moralidade
Desire: $RoxyRaye.Desejo
<<if $RoxyRaye.has_sex is true>>\
Handjob: $RoxyRayeSex.punheta
Have You Ever Masturbated Her: $RoxyRayeSex.masturbou
Fingering Anal: $RoxyRayeSex.fingering_anal
Sucked Her Tits: $RoxyRayeSex.suck_tits
Titjob: $RoxyRayeSex.titjob
Had Oral Sex: $RoxyRayeSex.faz_oral
Received Oral Sex: $RoxyRayeSex.recebe_oral
Vaginal Sex: $RoxyRayeSex.vaginal
Anal Sex: $RoxyRayeSex.anal
Facial: $RoxyRayeSex.facial
Creampie: $RoxyRayeSex.creampie
Creampie Anal: $RoxyRayeSex.creampie_anal
Pearl Necklace: $RoxyRayeSex.pearlnecklace
Cum in her Pussy: $RoxyRayeSex.cum_pussy
Cum in her Butt: $RoxyRayeSex.cum_butt
Cum in her Ass: $RoxyRayeSex.cum_ass
Eat your Cum: $RoxyRayeSex.eat_cum
Cum: $RoxyRayeSex.cum
<p>$RoxyRaye.Nome is a high school girl who attends 2A, she is known for being quite promiscuous, and for having sex with the boys at school for money.</p>
<<if $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>During recess in the refectory $Jogador.Nome explains to $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome his plan to stop Doctor Lindomar and they accept to participate. So $Amigo.Nome says he knows the perfect girl for this kind of mission. So he takes $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome to 2A and introduces them to $RoxyRaye.Nome. There they explain the plan to her, $RoxyRaye.Nome doesn't accept it at first but after $Jogador.Nome explains she ends up accepting it telling $Jogador.Nome to do something for her but $RoxyRaye.Nome doesn't say what but says that $Jogador.Nome intrigues her. $Jogador.Nome even without knowing what she wants accepts her deal. So $Jogador.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome ask $Amigo.Nome who that strange girl is and how did he meet her. Then he says he doesn't know her, I've only heard that she does anything as long as she pays.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoHospital>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<narrador>>You, $IrmaV.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome, Miss Cooper and $RoxyRaye.Nome are all ready to start the coup.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<narrador>>You, $IrmaV.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome, $SrtaCooper.Nome and $RoxyRaye.Nome are all ready to start the coup.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome enters the hospital and goes straight to the receptionist.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Good evening... I'm here for my appointment at the gynecologist Doctor Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Receptionist>>What is your name?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>$RoxyRaye.Nome Kwilecki.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Receptionist>>Very well, please wait.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome sits in one of the chairs to wait a while.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment $MissTravella.Nome, who was watching Doctor Lindomar's room hidden, she was watching him the place so she calls you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>He's already gone.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>So you and Miss Cooper walk into the hospital, you are in a wheelchair disguised as a patient.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/cadeira-de-rodas.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>At that moment Doctor Lindomar appears at the reception.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Good night my girl.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Lindomar is a tall man, very thin and pale.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>He you Miss Cooper taking you somewhere in a wheelchair.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Dr. Cooper, I've already dismissed you from your job today.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>I know, but this kid is in a lot of pain and he needs an anesthetic, it's fast.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You put on an exaggerated pained face to try to convey the truth of the story to Miss Cooper.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I know, but this kid is in a lot of pain and he needs an anesthetic, it's fast.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You put an exaggerated pained face to try to convey the truth of the story to $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Okay, but go fast!<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>You're excused, you can go too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Lindomar says to the receptionist then he turns to $RoxyRaye.Nome, there is only the two of them in the room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Now you my dear come with me.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>No, wait, I need to tell you a few things first...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome needs to stall the Doctor for as long as possible while you and Doctor Cooper go to Doctor Lindomar's office.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 2 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<narrador>>You and Miss Cooper are quickly heading to Doctor Lindomar's office.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>It's here, it's here, $Jogador.Nome arrived.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, do you already know what to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Yes, I $MissTravella.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome will meet with all the doctors and nurses who had problems with Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly... ahmm where are they? By the way because the hospital is not empty.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>No, I know, he let me off work earlier today, maybe he did the same with the other doctors. Relax, $MissTravella.Nome and I are going to find them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you better go, he can't see you here, and I need to find somewhere to hide in this room.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>It is clear.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Miss Cooper was already turning to leave.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Oh $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Senhorita Cooper hugs you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Be careful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you Miss Cooper.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>Now go! Quickly!<</fala>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<narrador>>You and $SrtaCooper.Nome are quickly heading to Doctor Lindomar's office.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>It's here, it's here, $Jogador.Nome arrived.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, do you already know what to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yes, I $MissTravella.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome will meet with all the doctors and nurses who had problems with Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly... ahmm where are they? By the way because the hospital is not empty.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>No, I know, he let me off work earlier today, maybe he did the same with the other doctors. Relax, $MissTravella.Nome and I are going to find them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you better go, he can't see you here, and I need to find somewhere to hide in this room.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>It is clear.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome was already turning to leave.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome hugs you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Be careful!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Now go! Quickly!<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 3 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<set $fundo to "hospital-consultorio">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter the Lindomar clinic and look for a place to hide and try to record what will happen.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You notice that there is a small space next to a cupboard and a table full of medicines and some of them look like serums in bottles.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But what are these nameless bottles for?<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/hospital/Soro-suspeito.jpg"></center>
<<set $SorosSuspeitos += 22>>
<<narrador>>You hear footsteps of someone approaching, so you quickly decide to grab some of these serums and put them in your backpack, then you hide in the small, narrow space between the locker and the medicine table.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The doors open and $RoxyRaye.Nome and Doctor Lindomar enter.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>...but seriously I needed to...<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>It's okay $RoxyRaye.Nome you've been doing a lot of things this far that you couldn't wait to get this far to tell you, but now I need you to take your clothes off and put on that nightgown.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Right, I'll wait for you to change, back there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You stop yourself from spying on $RoxyRaye.Nome changing clothes.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/darla/images/IVM9-darla-naked.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oops.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome finishes changing and sits waiting for Doctor Lindomar to return.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Okay, maybe I better start recording now.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You take your cell phone out of your pocket and start recording.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 3 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar returns with a stethoscope.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Okay, come on, let's listen to that little heart.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>But my heart is fine, I'm with...<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Calm down girl, it's going to be quick, it's just standard procedure, to get your health.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Umm... right.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Now inhale and breathe.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Now inhale and hold.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Now you can let go.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I still can't understand why this is so important.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar licks the stethoscope.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Your heart is fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>How good.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Now let's see your vagina.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 3 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Come on, relax, be calm. Is this your first time doing this?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>No, but it always makes me nervous.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Don't worry, it will be quick and painless.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar licks his lips as he looks at $RoxyRaye.Nome's vagina.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar then puts on his gloves.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>He looks like a bad villain from a Mexican soap opera.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 3 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar lubricates his gloves.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Do you have frequent sexual intercourse?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Yes, often.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Without $RoxyRaye.Nome seeing, Dr. Lindomar takes off his gloves and greases her hand.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Then he starts lubricating her vagina.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>You have boyfriend?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>No, but I have multiple sexual partners. This is bad?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Of course not, this is perfect.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Umm... you are...<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Yes my sweetie calm down.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>It's just that in all the doctors I've been, they never put their whole hand on mine...<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>This is my way of working so calm down.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn, with this recording this guy is definitely going to jail.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 3 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>How are you feeling?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Strange... ahm what are you doing.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>I'm just checking your capabilities.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>My what?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>I'm testing your vaginal abilities, it's even weird that the other doctors you've seen don't do these tests.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I don't think I'll be there anymore...<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>It won't be necessary, we're done here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar licks the fingers that just came out of $RoxyRaye.Nome's vagina, without her seeing. But $Jogador.Nome records it all.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 3 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>And then we're done, can I go now?<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Calm down, calm down, I just need to check your pulse again first.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>But why? Need to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>No, you can't go, you must take the full exam, after that you can leave.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Okay, get this over with.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar unbuttons $RoxyRaye.Nome's nightgown.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>What are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>This stethoscope is bad, I won't be able to hear her heart unless this nightgown doesn't get in my way.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Oh alright, but do it soon cause I'm cold.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Close your eyes, don't worry, everything will become clearer to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Darla closes her eyes.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Just concentrates on my voice, and don't forget to breathe.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>You feel more and more loose, more and more relaxed.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, your mind starts to wander and your body starts to get tired.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>He comes even closer to $RoxyRaye.Nome's ear.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Fhtagn, ya fhalgof'n ymg' fhalma ah llllnah.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a hell he is doing.<</ref>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>ymg' nnn hup fhtagn nilgh'ri lloigshogg ng ah'lloigshogg yogfm'log mgep ph' ah.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What the hell is he talking about?<</ref>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>ng n'ghftnah mgep ph' fhtagn, ya darling.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>n'ghftyar's llll nog.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Apparently Darla slept.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, he'd put her to sleep with his words, like he'd done it.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Sleep starts hitting you too.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, what's that he's done?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 3 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Dr. Lindomar lays her down on the stretcher.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a sleep, what's going on...<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't take it anymore...<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/darla/videos/IVM9-Darla-Hospital22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You pass out from sleep, what could have happened...<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 4 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 47>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "estrada-noite">>
<<if $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio isnot 70>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where I am?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start waking up in a moving car, you then find yourself with your arms tied between an iron rafter, you're in the back of the car but there's no passenger seat, just you and $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, glad you're okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$RoxyRaye.Nome?<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/darla/images/IVM9-darla-amarrada-no-carro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome is completely naked tied to a wooden board nailed to the floor.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>This is so embarrassing.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You try to ignore that $RoxyRaye.Nome is completely naked and tied up next to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where are we?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I have no idea, I also woke up a little while ago, we could be on time in this car.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Car?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start screaming.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>HEY YOU, WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?! WHERE ARE WE?!<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Glad you woke up sir ahm... $Jogador.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He shows his cell phone in his hands.<</narrador>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>Did you really think I would fall into this pathetic trap you guys invented to get me, I'm sure this is your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome's doing.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>You freak, what have you done to me? Because I got so sleepy so fast.<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>You think you're so experts, try to guess this one! And by the way, try to guess where we're going.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where are we going?<</fala>>
<<fala "DrLindomar" $DrLindomar.Nome>>You will already know, but here's a tip, someone will receive two new guinea pigs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guinea Pigs?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>And now we have to get out of here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You try to free yourself from the bonds but it is very difficult.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I can't let go, these ropes are too strong.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Oh and now who can defend us?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Meee.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Aaahhh.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What a fucking scare.<</ref>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>What was $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm... nothing... nothing...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Inside your mind|IVM9 parte 5 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $Acoes.Click to false>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You wait a few seconds.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And then...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Now!!!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You do great mental strength.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/mentalize2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 8 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Spirit Guardian what do I do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>$Jogador.Nome, I must have told you once, that your mental powers go far beyond the suggestion of wills.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but I don't have training, I don't know how to do anything else with it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>All right, I shouldn't do this, but, I'll teach you how to do something simple that can help save you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>You have to disorient Lindomar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>He is driving this car at high speed on a road at dawn, a simple disorientation is like instead of him turning left, turning right, would probably cause him to crash the car, and you would have a chance to escape.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But how do I do it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>He's not relaxed, so you're going to have to concentrate, and push, a force you've never done in your life!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will you help me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Yeah ok...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 6 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $Acoes.Click to false>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Clear your mind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Now there is nothing between you and Lindomar's mind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Take a deep breath.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>And inhale.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>So you do.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Visualize, Lindomar's mind as a door, it is locked, you have a staple in your pocket, try to open the door.<</fala>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 25>> /*==================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/Tentando-abrir-porta.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You can't open the door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see something approaching, something pushes you out of there.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/Expulso.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 7 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 75>> /*==============*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/Tentando-abrir-porta.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You can't open the door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Try again.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try to open the door again|IVM9 parte 6 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 75 and $Aleatorio lte 100>> /*===========*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/Tentando-abrir-porta.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You manage to open the door, now you can enter.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/Abrindo-porta.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Enter through the door|IVM9 parte 8 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 2>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $Acoes.Click is false>> /*==================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try to open the door|IVM9 parte 6 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<set $Acoes.Click to true>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoBemDormido>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I couldn't, this is very difficult.<</fala>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Try again $Jogador.Nome, concentrate.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 6 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $Acoes.Click to false>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio isnot 80>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Now it will be simpler, look for something similar to a lane change device there that you find in the train stations.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>It doesn't take long and you find it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I found it, now what?<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/alavanca-mudanca-de-trilho.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Now wait for my signal, you need to pull that lever with all your might to make him disorient at the right time.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM9 parte 4 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $Acoes.Click to false>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio is 80>>
<<fala "Guardiao" $Guardiao.Profissao>>Go $Jogador.Nome, pull that lever.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are using all the strength of your being to pull that lever.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>AAHhhhhhrrr.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Until you finally manage to pull that lever.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You are quickly pulled in, being expelled from Lindomar's mind.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Something Happens|IVM9 parte 9 - Operação: Para estar em um hospital é preciso ser paciente]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>On a tight curve to Lindomar, he should have turned left, but now he turned left, falling off the ravine and flipping the car, but luckily he lands facing up.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/acidente-de-carro.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Since you and $RoxyRaye.Nome are tied up, you don't get hurt as much.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you ok $RoxyRaye.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm... ahm... what happened to him?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, maybe some animal got on the road.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>This motherfucker likes animals, how sweet... Can you break free from these ropes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe, if I rub this rope against this iron beam, I might be able to break free.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You tighten it with all your might, and after a few long minutes the rope breaks.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Glad I finally got it.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Great, let me go too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You release $RoxyRaye.Nome, and they both get out of the car, $RoxyRaye.Nome is still naked.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You go to the front of the car and see Dr. Lindomar lying on top of the steering wheel.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Did he die?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You open the door and check his pulse.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Looks like he didn't, he just passed out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Grab those ropes, I'll tie him up.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You tie it up and put it in the back seats of the car where you and $RoxyRaye.Nome were, you see your cell phone on the seat, glad it's intact.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Here's my cell phone, it seems to be fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Did you record everything?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course it is here...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look for the video, but you can't find it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn it!<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>What happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The motherfucker was smarter and deleted the video.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>But at least we caught him, and we can tell the police everything that happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, help me get this guy in the trunk of his car.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome gladly helps you out, so they both go to the front of the car and try to start it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Do you even know where we are?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have no idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Even with the car visibly destroyed you manage to leave and after a long journey you manage to return home.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>You and $RoxyRaye.Nome go back to your neighborhood, with Lindomar's car totally wrecked, he is so wrecked that he dies just before he gets home.<</narrador>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<narrador>>Luckily you see $IrmaV.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome and Miss Cooper up front waiting worried about you and $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<narrador>>Luckily you see $IrmaV.Nome, $Amigo.Nome, $Amigo2.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome and $SrtaCooper.Nome up front waiting worried about you and $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome welcomes you with a hug.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/abraço.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Glad you're fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Where were you two?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Whose car is this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And why is she naked?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome says pointing to $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Phew... it's a long story, but in short, the plan didn't go as expected.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Lindomar is more dangerous than we thought, he tried to kidnap us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but at least we managed to capture him, come see he's here in the back of the car.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the back of the car where the passenger seat would be, you open the door, but there's no one there.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Where is he?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>As he managed to escape, he was very well tied up.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>And weakened from the accident.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The trunk of the car is broken! How did we not see this!?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Shit! All this for nothing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, we couldn't capture him, and yet he managed to delete the video with the evidence from my cell phone.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" Miss>>But we have at least the reports of harassment from all the doctors and nurses.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Miss Cooper shows a bunch of documents in her hands.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>But we have at least the reports of harassment from all the doctors and nurses.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome shows a bunch of documents in her hands.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>In addition to several compromising documents from him.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And two direct victims of his kidnapping attempt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're right, let's go to the police station to file a complaint.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, but first we need to put some clothes on this woman, because she can't go to the police station naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Finally, I was getting cold.<</fala>>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<narrador>>Miss Cooper goes quickly to her house and lends $RoxyRaye.Nome some of her clothes, wait for the day to break and the police station open then everyone goes to the police station.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome quickly goes to her house and lends $RoxyRaye.Nome some of her clothes, wait for the day to break and the police station open then everyone goes to the police station.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM10 parte 2 - Doutor Lindomar]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 25>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "delegacia-noite">>
<<if $Conhece.SrtaCooper is false>> /*===========================*/
<<narrador>>You, $RoxyRaye.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome, Miss Cooper, $MissTravella.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome go to the police station and file a complaint about everything that happened, each one telling the smallest details about what happened, Miss Cooper still shows all the reports and documents against Lindomar.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Conhece.SrtaCooper is true>> /*========================*/
<<narrador>>You, $RoxyRaye.Nome, $IrmaV.Nome, Miss Cooper, $MissTravella.Nome, $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome go to the police station and file a complaint about everything that happened, each one telling the smallest details about what happened, $SrtaCooper.Nome still shows all the reports and documents against Lindomar.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>Alright, I just didn't understand one thing, what do you mean you ended up sleeping out of nowhere?<</fala2>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>It's really, I don't know what happened, out of nowhere I felt relentless sleep.<</fala>>
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>You were there, right?<</fala2>>
<<narrador>>Referring to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>Explain to me better what happened.<</fala2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, Lindomar, was slowly getting close to $RoxyRaye.Nome, and he said some things close to her ear, then she started to sleep, and a few seconds later I also felt really sleepy and ended up sleeping too, that must be how he saw me.<</fala>>
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>And what did he say?<</fala2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I think he was speaking in another language.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I know it sounds crazy but you have to believe us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, because we brought the car and...<</fala>>
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>Calm down folks, I believe in you.<</fala2>>
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>You have so many reports, documents, and witnesses to the case that it's pretty hard not to believe you.<</fala2>>
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>Maybe Lindomar used some kind of gas that puts people exposed to it to sleep. And I think it's pretty likely he fell out of the car while you were on your way back here.<</fala2>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Then...<</fala>>
<<fala2 "NPC" Police Chief>>So I thank you for the report, I guarantee that we will find Lindomar and make him pay for his crimes.<</fala2>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Oh thank you policeman.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After all this, everyone goes back to their homes, to rest, because it was a full day!<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|IVM10 parte 3 - Doutor Lindomar]]>>
<<set $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 37>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom to rest after a bizarre night when your $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome arrives.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome can we talk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Clear.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I'm releasing you from these revenges of mine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Why?! Because you've been kidnapped, by a miracle you manage to come back, and I've realized that I can't drag you around to solve my problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But we're in this together, and now it's just going to be the easiest revenge, that of your ex-best friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It is but I have to formulate that plan better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's ok, you can take as long as you need, but when you think, you can come to me, I'll help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Excellent.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh... and that story about you and $RoxyRaye.Nome feeling sleepy out of nowhere and falling asleep is it really true?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, maybe the policeman is right, maybe it's the effect of some gas, or medicine he left exhaling in the air.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And speaking of medicine I found this.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take out of your backpack those serum bottles you found in Lindomar's office.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/hospital/Soro-suspeito.jpg"></center>
<<set $SorosSuspeitos -= 22>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I found this in his clinic, I take it because they are medicines that, there is nothing talking about them, there is no box, there is no package insert, there is no name, there is nothing, I found this very strange so I stole some.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>In the hospital, no medicine can go without anything identifying him, I have no idea what that could be.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It's better to save it, maybe it's important.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You put all the vials inside a guard shoe box inside your wardrobe.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... $IrmaV.Nome, just one more thing, don't tell $IrmaV.Relacao about anything we did at the hospital and everything that happened afterwards, otherwise she'll go crazy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It is clear.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/hospital/Soro-suspeito.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'd better keep the serums here for now, at least until I know what they're for.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<narrador>>You're in the refectory with your friends when you hear $Paixao.Nome, $Debora.Nome and $Mia.Nome climbing on top of the table getting everyone's attention.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Hello everyone, you know me, and I'm sure you know the Sausage Hair over there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She points to a red-haired girl sitting at the same table as your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "AlexT" ???>>Come on $Paixao.Nome, get over it, you know I'm better than you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>You all know Sausage Hair is a slut, but she's a slut who can't even keep her boyfriend, check it out folks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Paixao.Nome shows everyone the video of $Mia.Nome kissing that girl's boyfriend, she is visibly shaken but tries to keep her posture.<</narrador>>
<<fala "AlexT" ???>>Well, I didn't even want him anymore, he and this thief of boyfriends can be very happy together.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says referring to $Mia.Nome, who seems not at all comfortable with all this, but accepts.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>Look at her sad look, you can cry dear.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>But who are you going to cry for now? If she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "AlexT" ???>>You will pay me for this!<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>What are you going to do take my boyfriend away?<</fala>>
<<fala "AlexT" ???>>I don't play low like you, you'll get your payback, but meanwhile the whole school now knows who you are, the sadistic slut, the pirate parrot and the boyfriend thief.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>You can cry all you want...<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What's going on here?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>Nothing's happening here $Gaston.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>Yeah, we've already put the Sausage Hair in its place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>It's good that it's over! Because if not, you would have a word with the deputy director!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Girl brawls always disappoint, never end in a beating.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $Amigo.Nome to you and $Amigo2.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What a waste.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Mia.Nome is very Talarica, who knew, no!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $JillM2.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $JillM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JillM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 13>>
<<narrador>>You were walking away when you see $Mia.Nome alone, in a corner, she looks sad.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/mia/images/JLLM3-mia-escola-sad.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mia.Nome is everything okay with you?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome still very defensive.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Of course yes! I don't seem to be!?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome then lets her guard down.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yeah, maybe you were right, about being known as a boyfriend thief.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Today no other girl wanted to talk to me except $Debora.Nome and $Paixao.Nome, and guys who have girlfriends don't even look me in the face anymore because they're afraid their girlfriend will do something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I said. This is the consequence of being known as a boyfriend thief.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Now everyone apart from $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome hates me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I do not hate you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>No need to lie $Jogador.Nome, of course you hate me and my friends have always been cruel to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but I don't hate you, you're just a girl who wants to follow the trend of the most popular girl in high school to be her friend and also be popular. Even if this popular girl is a sadistic slut like $Paixao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey don't talk about my friend like that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just told the truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome crosses her arms.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>What happened to you? A little while ago you were in love with $Paixao.Nome and now you're talking about her like that?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She leaves you speechless.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How did you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Man... $Paixao.Nome knows, $Debora.Nome knows, sausage hair knows, maybe even the teachers know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fuck!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>But I don't blame you she's very pretty.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, but I don't like her anymore. I realized that she is mean, and cruel, and probably has serious psychological problems.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome giggles lightly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You need to do like I did, she's a bad person and I stopped licking her feet. I think you should do that too?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>But $Jogador.Nome doesn't work, especially after the... boyfriend thief situation, it's just them who will continue to be my friends anyway.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But $Mia.Nome uhm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Now I have to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Until you're cool $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome was about to leave, but she comes back.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>She doesn't say I told you that to anyone, ehm!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She then turns around and walks away.<</narrador>>
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $JillM3.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $JillM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JillM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 27>>
<<narrador>>Physical Education lesson is going on, and the girls are playing soccer.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Futebol1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>And $Mia.Nome is among them.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Futebol2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>The signal rings.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Okay, girls put your stuff away because you're dismissed.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see that $Mia.Nome tries to greet her colleagues and team, but no one greets her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Disappointed $Mia.Nome picks up her backpack and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You have a great idea and decide to go after it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you still being bullied by the other girls?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yeah, I still am.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well don't worry, soon they'll forget about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So… are you going out with $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome over the weekend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Well... don't go out, we'll meet as we always meet, but no big deal.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So... do you want to go out with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Go out?!!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, like... as a friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh I do not know...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's just that I thought since the girls aren't talking to you, maybe you were going to spend the weekend with $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome, but since you're not going to do anything I thought we'd go to… beach, beach.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>The beach? You don't seem like the beach type.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't go every day, but yes I like it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, okay, I go to the beach every weekend at 16:00, drop by so we can do something nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, so we'll see you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say goodbye, then each one goes to one side.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $JillM4.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $JillM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JillM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 62>>
<<narrador>>You go to the beach to find $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The beach isn't very crowded today, so you can find $Mia.Nome fairly easily.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You lie down with her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome today is so good, I thought it was strange that there are so few people here today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It's not that weird, I actually like it better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Humhum.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey, I was just wondering, why did you suddenly want to come to the beach with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know, you're being bullied all over the school, and $Mia.Nome and $Debora.Nome aren't going to do anything special with you, so I decided to spend some time with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yes, but we almost never talk, I don't understand why you wanted to go out with me, are you trying to get closer to me to try to get closer to $Paixao.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, no, of course not. I don't even know what guys see in her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Man, you were in love with her until a few days ago, tell me what you saw in her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, yeah, I don't even know anymore, because she's just pretty... but she's also bad, she's a bad girl, and $Debora.Nome too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>They're not that bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Huh? So tell me something nice she did for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>$Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome have already bought me several clothes, and they never asked me to give them back their money.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay... so they did something nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Not only that, and I don't want to talk about them, let's do something cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What kind?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Come with me... if you dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I do!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go with her|JLLM5 parte 2 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $JillM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You and $Mia.Nome, go to a more empty area of the beach.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, it's really beautiful here!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yeah, and look, you can see everyone from here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then... I needed the courage to come here why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>No, we just need privacy to play a prank.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What prank?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It's a game I play with my friends called truth or dare, and it seems cool to play it with a boy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay let's go white then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>You start by asking.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, truth or dare?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... Which school teacher would you hook up?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>What question is this $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey, that's a good question for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I wouldn't take any teachers from school, they're all old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so which teacher do you find most attractive?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>None.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not a female teacher?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Ahm... look, I like men, okay, but the teacher I find most attractive is $ProfEdFisica.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good choice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Okay, now it's my turn to ask.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go with her|JLLM5 parte 3 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $JillM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Truth or Dare?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Truth!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Are you a virgin?<</fala>>
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*===================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, I doubt it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is true!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>You look very virgin.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, but I'm not!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>So who did you ask for your virginity with?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's only one question per round so wait your turn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh damn it!<</fala>>
<<elseif $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*============*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm... I am.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yup.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>So you really wanted to lose your virginity to Riley, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's only one question per round so wait your turn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh damn it!<</fala>>
<<set $JillM5Respostas.Virgem to true>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Truth or Dare?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Truth!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think of $Paixao.Nome's fight with that red-haired girl, over popularity.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I was enjoying the other questions more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just answer.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Okay, I think it's silly, but important, school popularity is important for a girl, so I think she has to fight to remain the most popular girl in school, but I don't think it's right what she did.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And why don't you tell her that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It's only one question per round so wait your turn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh Okay!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Now it's my turn, truth or dare.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Dare|JLLM5 parte 4 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $JillM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 18>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Challenge.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Ahmm... alright, I dare you to take a dip.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Beauty!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>That's it, it's a dip in the sea, naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I do not!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because if someone catches me, I'm kicked out of here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Which is? We are alone here, no one will catch you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Would you do it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yes, I've done it before.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I doubt it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It doesn't matter, you have to do is the challenge.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I do not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>No?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not screwing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>What if I take off my clothes and dive naked with you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>And... if I take off my clothes with you and jump into the sea with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Um... you first.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts undressing slowly in front of you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You stare at her body.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, this girl is really hot.<</ref>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Now it's her turn.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take off your clothes|JLLM5 parte 4 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You quickly take off your clothes, even though you are somewhat uncomfortable with this situation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm not bad...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you, now let's go to the sea!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Don't wait, let's lie here for a while, catching this wonderful sunshine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but just a little.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Look at this view, I really like coming here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, it's a really beautiful place! But here I see something more beautiful.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Jogador.Nome says as he looks at $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh boy, my eyes stay up here!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But it's not a lie, you're beautiful, you have a beautiful body.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Thanks. Um... I mean... I know.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start laughing.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, shall we swim a little now? Before someone catches us here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts chuckling.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>We will.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go for a swim|JLLM5 parte 4 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome takes your hand and together you go to the sea.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wooow, this water is warm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I'm telling you, this place is wonderful, swimming here is really good!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You enter the water all of a sudden and then you decide to take a dip.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can see $Mia.Nome naked down here, I'll stay down here anyway.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>You like being down there, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I like being in the water, that's where I can think.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Alright Percy Jackson.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Let's bet a race?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Of course yes!|JLLM5 parte 4 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course yes!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start swimming quickly to try to reach $Mia.Nome but you can't.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She's very good at it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>There is! Take this one, I won!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course her naked body in the water distracted me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh you shameless! She was watching me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really hard not to look.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After a few more minutes at sea you decide to head back to the sand.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back to sand|JLLM5 parte 4 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 24>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Ohhh, that day was pretty cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah it was...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>We should do something similar another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>As long as you don't ask me to get naked again.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>If she gets naked too, I won't mind.<</ref>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Don't tell me you didn't like it.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/JLLM5-mia-praia-com-vc1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I liked the part where you got naked in front of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh stop!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And anyway you're friends with $Debora.Nome and $Paixao.Nome, and they hate me, if you start dating me too often they'll kick you out of their group too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yes, they don't really go with your face, but maybe if I speak well of you they'll give you a chance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I doubt it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>And in the meantime, we can meet, now and then, here and there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And it would be nice to see you once in a while.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two talk for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/JLLM5-mia-praia-com-vc2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Until you see the beautiful sunset.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/JLLM5-Mia-Praia16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think we should go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yeah, it's getting late, and I have to meet the girls at the mall.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You wear your clothes|JLLM5 parte 4 - Dia de Sol e Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 17>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<narrador>>You are walking on the beach and talking. With the sunset behind you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Today was a good day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I agree.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>But then, are we up for it, going out again when possible?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... let me think.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Stop that!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome says with a laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, it was really cool today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yes, but now I have to go, the girls must already be waiting for me at the mall.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, bye $Mia.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Bye bye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says goodbye to you with a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
<<MiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<set $JillM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $JillM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JillGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 18>>
/*===================================================================*//*====================== Paixão (Riley Reid) ========================*/
<<widget "TalkLibPaixao">>
<<set $ConversasLiberadas.Paixao to true>>
<span style="color:green">''Now you can talk to $Paixao.Nome whenever you find her somewhere.''</span>
/*==================== Debora (Melissa Moore) =======================*/
<<widget "TalkLibDebora">>
<<set $ConversasLiberadas.Debora to true>>
<span style="color:green">''Now you can talk to $Debora.Nome whenever you find her somewhere.''</span>
/*====================== Mia (Jill Kassidy) =========================*/
<<widget "TalkLibMia">>
<<set $ConversasLiberadas.Mia to true>>
<span style="color:green">''Now you can talk to $Mia.Nome whenever you find her somewhere.''</span>
/*=================== Prof Quimica (Ivy Lebelle) ====================*/
<<widget "TalkLibProfQuimica">>
<<set $ConversasLiberadas.ProfQuimica to true>>
<span style="color:green">''Now you can talk to $ProfQuimica.Nome whenever you find her somewhere.''</span>
/*====================== Sam (Samantha Rone) ========================*/
<<widget "TalkLibSamantha">>
<<set $ConversasLiberadas.Samantha to true>>
<span style="color:green">''Now you can talk to $Samantha.Nome whenever you find her somewhere.''</span>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, it's fine with me, apart from the fact that the girls at this school are still harassing me, it's fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About that, everything will be fine, in a few days everyone forgets about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I hope so, but at least I have my friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are sure? Do they keep asking you to do things you don't want to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Sometimes but nothing at that level.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Less bad.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You talk some more, until...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Come on, they're coming, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get out of there right now.<</narrador>>
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Really? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hard to say, you are beautiful in many ways, but your eyes make me more and more attracted to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you don't even like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't really like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm I hope this is true...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer, until you see $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome approaching, so you decide to walk away so as not to get $Mia.Nome in trouble with her only two friends.<</narrador>>
<<MiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoQuadra>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, it's fine with me, apart from the fact that the girls at this school are still harassing me, it's fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About that, everything will be fine, in a few days everyone forgets about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I hope so, but at least I have my friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are sure? Do they keep asking you to do things you don't want to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Sometimes but nothing at that level.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Less bad.<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Quadra">> /*=================================================*/
<<narrador>>You talk some more, until...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Come on, they're coming, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get out of there right now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Escola-Quadra" or $Debora.local isnot "Escola-Quadra">> /*===========================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoQuadra>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Really? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hard to say, you are beautiful in many ways, but your eyes make me more and more attracted to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you don't even like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't really like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm I hope this is true...<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Escola-Quadra" or $Debora.local is "Escola-Quadra">> /*=================================================*/
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer, until you see $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome approaching, so you decide to walk away so as not to get $Mia.Nome in trouble with her only two friends.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Escola-Quadra" or $Debora.local isnot "Escola-Quadra">> /*===========================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, it's fine with me, apart from the fact that the girls at this school are still harassing me, it's fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About that, everything will be fine, in a few days everyone forgets about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I hope so, but at least I have my friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are sure? Do they keep asking you to do things you don't want to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Sometimes but nothing at that level.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Less bad.<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Praca" or $Debora.local is "Praca">>
<<narrador>>You talk some more, until...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Come on, they're coming, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get out of there right now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Praca" or $Debora.local isnot "Praca">> /*=========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Really? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hard to say, you are beautiful in many ways, but your eyes make me more and more attracted to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you don't even like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't really like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm I hope this is true...<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Praca" or $Debora.local is "Praca">>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer, until you see $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome approaching, so you decide to walk away so as not to get $Mia.Nome in trouble with her only two friends.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Praca" or $Debora.local isnot "Praca">> /*=========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, it's fine with me, apart from the fact that the girls at this school are still harassing me, it's fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About that, everything will be fine, in a few days everyone forgets about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I hope so, but at least I have my friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are sure? Do they keep asking you to do things you don't want to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Sometimes but nothing at that level.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Less bad.<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Parque" or $Debora.local is "Parque">>
<<narrador>>You talk some more, until...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Come on, they're coming, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get out of there right now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Parque" or $Debora.local isnot "Parque">> /*========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Really? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hard to say, you are beautiful in many ways, but your eyes make me more and more attracted to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you don't even like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't really like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm I hope this is true...<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Parque" or $Debora.local is "Parque">>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer, until you see $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome approaching, so you decide to walk away so as not to get $Mia.Nome in trouble with her only two friends.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Parque" or $Debora.local isnot "Parque">> /*========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, it's fine with me, apart from the fact that the girls at this school are still harassing me, it's fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About that, everything will be fine, in a few days everyone forgets about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I hope so, but at least I have my friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are sure? Do they keep asking you to do things you don't want to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Sometimes but nothing at that level.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Less bad.<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">> /*===========================================*/
<<narrador>>You talk some more, until...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Come on, they're coming, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get out of there right now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Debora.local isnot "CountryClub-Piscina">> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Really? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hard to say, you are beautiful in many ways, but your eyes make me more and more attracted to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you don't even like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't really like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm I hope this is true...<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Debora.local is "CountryClub-Piscina">> /*===========================================*/
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer, until you see $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome approaching, so you decide to walk away so as not to get $Mia.Nome in trouble with her only two friends.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "CountryClub-Piscina" or $Debora.local isnot "CountryClub-Piscina">> /*=======================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Oh, it's fine with me, apart from the fact that the girls at this school are still harassing me, it's fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>About that, everything will be fine, in a few days everyone forgets about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I hope so, but at least I have my friends $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are sure? Do they keep asking you to do things you don't want to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Sometimes but nothing at that level.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Less bad.<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Praia" or $Debora.local is "Praia">>
<<narrador>>You talk some more, until...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Come on, they're coming, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get out of there right now.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Praia" or $Debora.local isnot "Praia">> /*=========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Really? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hard to say, you are beautiful in many ways, but your eyes make me more and more attracted to you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you don't even like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't really like $Paixao.Nome anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hmm I hope this is true...<</fala>>
<<if $Paixao.local is "Praia" or $Debora.local is "Praia">>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer, until you see $Paixao.Nome and $Debora.Nome approaching, so you decide to walk away so as not to get $Mia.Nome in trouble with her only two friends.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Paixao.local isnot "Praia" or $Debora.local isnot "Praia">> /*=========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<MiaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade gte 60>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mia/images/mia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym6.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Mia.Moralidade lt 60>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym7.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym8.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Mia.Moralidade lt 50>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym9.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym10.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Mia.Moralidade lt 25>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym11.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym12.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym13.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym14.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/mia-gym15.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You train with $Mia.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<MiaAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<MiaDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey Leverboy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Escola Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Escola Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey Leverboy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Praca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Praca Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey Leverboy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Praia Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey Leverboy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Parque Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey Leverboy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-RoxyRaye-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-RoxyRaye-CountryClub-Piscina Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoSauna>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-sauna1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-sauna2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You wanted to get closer to see the best but it's too dangerous.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Sauna">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadra>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey Leverboy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Escola-Quadra Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-RoxyRaye-Escola-Quadra Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><</button>>@@
Converças Roxy Raye<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm doing great, as always, thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what are you doing here at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Studying huh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You swear?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Of course not, I'm wondering which boy will do my homework in exchange for a blowjob. Are you in the mood?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm...I'll think about it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want a blowjob now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'll leave it for later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoQuadra>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm doing great, as always, thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what are you doing here at school?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Playing sports huh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$RoxyRaye.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Of course not, I'm just watching the boys play football, I love seeing these sweaty men running around, it makes me very horny.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... all right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoQuadra>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-escola4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want a blowjob now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'll leave it for later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm doing great, as always, thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing around here?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Just taking a break, taking a walk, getting some fresh air, does that answer your question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>But that's right, I spend a lot of time at home, so I need to go out from time to time, because every now and then I meet a guy who is willing to do something for me in exchange for a blowjob.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And get many?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Not as many as I would like, in this city strangely there are very few men.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>For me this is a blessing.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want a blowjob now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'll leave it for later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm doing great, as always, thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing around here?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Just taking a break, taking a walk, getting some fresh air, does that answer your question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Actually I'm just picking some fruits.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Picking fruits?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Clear.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So where are the fruits?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Ahm... we'd better change the subject...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoParque>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want a blowjob now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'll leave it for later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm doing great, as always, thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing around here?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Just taking a break, taking a walk, getting some fresh air, does that answer your question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm actually just cooling off a bit here in the pool.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Want to stay here with me?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You stay in the pool with her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want a blowjob now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'll leave it for later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>I'm doing great, as always, thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing around here?<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Just taking a break, taking a walk, getting some fresh air, does that answer your question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Actually I just came here on the beach to get some sun.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Want to stay here with me?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $RoxyRaye.Nome sit side by side on the beach while you talk for a while<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraia>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $RoxyRaye.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/darla/images/darla-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "RoxyRaye" $RoxyRaye.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, do you want a blowjob now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I'll leave it for later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<RoxyRayePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm fine, mainly because you're here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Glad you like my presence.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I like it a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what do you do around here?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm just taking a walk, I'm tired of just staying home all day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/vizinhaesquerda-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You look so beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Is it really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hmm so tell me, what do you think is most beautiful in me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Y-Your body.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She approaches you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>My body? But you never saw me naked to say my body is beautiful.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She leaves you speechless.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm kidding $Jogador.Nome but I appreciate your compliment.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoAcademia>>
<<narrador>>You see $Mia.Nome at the gym and decide to approach her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I just want to see you work out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not at all, I just like to see you working out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Ahmm okay.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<narrador>>You're mesmerized watching $Mia.Nome workout.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Ummm $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... what?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you got distracted.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Certainly.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $JillGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $JillGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 30>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mia.Nome, I'm going to watch you work out again okay?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome is doing squats.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I don't understand why you like to watch me work out so much but that's ok.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<narrador>>You're mesmerized watching $Mia.Nome workout.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Ummm $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... what?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>It looks like you got distracted.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Certainly.<</fala>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade lte 55>> /*=================================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>So you like watching my body, I've noticed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm Guilty.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Now you can see better.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome lowers her shorts and showing her pussy naked and starts doing the squats like this.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome you stare at her pink asshole.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yes, I noticed that you like that.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Alright, next.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Assistindo-Mia-Malhar]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome until a treadmill ran over her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's great to see you running.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I'm glad you like!<</fala>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade lte 55>> /*=================================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>And now you will like it even more.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome lifts her shirt to show you her boobs.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yuh huh look at my boobs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I am seeing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Yeah, do you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure!<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>And now let's go to the next one.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Assistindo-Mia-Malhar]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome will train her legs on a machine.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>And now I'm going to train the legs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are doing very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Uh look how strong I am!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome gets up and goes to another machine to train her calves.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Look how much weight I can lift with my calves.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>That ass of hers, extremely inviting to give a big slap! Makes me wooowoowwoowow!!!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... it's wonderful $Mia.Nome keep it up!<</fala>>
<<if $Mia.Moralidade gt 55>> /*==================================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Okay, I'm done for today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Owee wanted to see more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>You should train, not watch me all the time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do what? I like to see you work out.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 24>>
<<elseif $Mia.Moralidade lte 55>> /*=============================*/
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I'll train some more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Huh? But I thought you'd be done for today now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Not this time, come with me you will enjoy "Watching".<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Assistindo-Mia-Malhar]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 12>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome picks up a pilates ball and bounces on it.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing now $Mia.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Nothing, I'm just jumping around for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Even, because I know you like to watch me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome lifts her shirt to show you her breasts.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>I know you like to see my boobs.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Look at me here, check out my wiggle!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Imagine me rolling on you, on your lap.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I imagine, I'm even jealous of that ball.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome starts laughing.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome turns around and has her back to you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Look at $Jogador.Nome, look at your ass, imagine that in you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I imagine, I'm even jealous of that ball.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome starts laughing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Let's go to the ropes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Assistindo-Mia-Malhar]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 4>>
<<narrador>>$Mia.Nome picks up the ropes and starts exercising.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You who aren't silly or anything, go right after her to see her butt.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>You like to see my ass right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, could you show it to me again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>No, that's enough for today, next time you'll see it again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Owwwn.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mia/videos/Mia-Gym14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>That's it.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 12>>
/*===================================================================*//*============= Missões Professora de Arte (Lisa Ann) ===============*/
<<set $ProfArteGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "And The Art Teacher Working Out",
MissaoDica: "Go work out at the gym while your teacher $ProfArte.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "PAGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfArte.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*========= Missões Professora de História (Diana Prince) ===========*/
<<set $ProfHistoriaGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "Helping Teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome To Work Out",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym when $ProfHistoria.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "PHGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfHistoria.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfHistoriaGym = {
Exercicio1: 0,
Exercicio2: 0,
Exercicio3: 0,
/*======= Missões Professora de Ed. Fisica (Cherie Deville) =========*/
<<set $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP1 = {
MissaoNome: "Physical Education",
MissaoDica: "Go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome at the gym on Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 15:00",
MissaoID: "PEFGCM1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfEdFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Ativa",
<<set $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP2 = {
MissaoNome: "More Physical Education Lesson",
MissaoDica: "Go to $ProfEdFisica.Nome at the gym on Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 15:00 and see her teaching a lesson",
MissaoID: "PEFGCM2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfEdFisica.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
/*======== Missões Professora de Literatura (Phoenix Marie) =========*/
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1 = {
MissaoNome: "Fighting Teacher",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym when $ProfLiteratura.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "PLGMP1",
MissaoDono: "$ProfLiteratura.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2 = {
MissaoNome: "Wrestling Training",
MissaoDica: "Go to the gym when $ProfLiteratura.Nome is there",
MissaoID: "PLGMP2",
MissaoDono: "$ProfLiteratura.Nome",
MissaoEstagio: 0,
MissaoEstatus: "Inativa",
<<narrador>>You were working out quietly when you notice that your teacher $ProfArte.Nome is also working out at the same time.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Look, teacher $ProfArte.Nome is trained here too.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, she is so beautiful.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You watch for a few minutes as teacher $ProfArte.Nome trains.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is really, really hot.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>But it's better to get back to my exercises.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You keep exercising.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 2>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfArteGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfArteGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hello class today we will have a test.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Nooooo.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mia" $Mia.Nome>>Nooooo.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yuppieeeee.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>And the theme is what we have been studying in recent lessons: expressionism.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come on! I hope that with that work I get a good grade on this test.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome walks past the students handing out the tests to each of them.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When looking at the test in front of you, you already remember everything you studied, and that the test seems to be easy, so you complete it without much difficulty.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When you finish the test, you give it to the teacher who welcomes you with a wink. You understand it's because you've already done secret work on this subject so you respond with a wink back.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $ProfArteM2.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfArteM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 62>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You meet your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome, she seems kind of lost.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome ahm... can you help me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In what?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I've been working out here for so long and I've never been able to increase my musculature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And...?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>And I noticed that you've evolved a lot since you started training so I wanted you to show me what you do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>All right, you can sit there and I'll help you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, lie there, let's start with the bench press.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't know if I can handle it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax, I'll stay here and help you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PHGMP1 - Ajudando a Professora Diana Treinar]]>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, hold it like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Oh, oh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, hold on so I'm going to switch sides to stop helping.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, now let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help $ProfHistoria.Nome train for a while.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $ProfHistoria.Nome is enough for today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Thank you, I feel even stronger now.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 55>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Art Teacher's house to ask about your test score.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she will answer.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, it's great to see you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, I just came to ask how I did on the last test.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter your house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You see in the living room two kids playing video games so focused on the TV that they didn't even realize you'd arrived.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are those your children?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes, Edward and Calleb and I also have one more daughter but she is not home right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And your husband?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>He's not home right now, you know how it is, right? Always working late.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I know, and... what was my test score?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was correcting now, do you want to come down with me? Then I just corrected it and I tell you how much you took.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come down?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes, I was correcting test down in the basement.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm...okay, if it's not too much trouble?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Of course not, let's...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $ProfArte.Nome go down to the basement.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[In the basement...|PAM3 parte 2 - A Artista. Parte I]]>>
<<set $ProfArteM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 5>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora-porao">>
<<narrador>>You and $ProfArte.Nome are in the basement.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I'm just fixing it, just wait a second.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome sits on top of a bed in the basement.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look around and see that in this basement there are several things, like a bed, a TV, a canvas and several paintings.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why are there so many beautiful paintings, here in the basement, these paintings should be in the living room.<</ref>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-quadro2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, I just finished correcting your test and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She makes a suspense.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And...?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Congratulations you got 10.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, good, I thought I had gone really bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>You put in the effort, so your grade was really good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you for the chance teacher ahm... who are these paintings here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh those silly little things? I did that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yeah, but they're nothing more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No... these paintings are pretty cool. I just wonder why these paintings are here and not there in the living room.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It's just that my husband doesn't like them very much, he thinks I'm not good at it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He can only be crazy because, look at this painting...<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-quadro1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He obviously represents...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>A...portrait of today's youth, who are highly influenced by the culture of sex and violence...ah ok I have no idea what you meant by that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I liked your interpretation, but this is a joke I make when I have nothing to do, I just pick up a brush and randomly throw it on a canvas just to see what forms in the end.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But at the same time, the house is yours and you should be able to display your paintings wherever you want.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>The house actually belongs to my husband, and he doesn't like my paintings so I leave them here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a shame that your husband doesn't appreciate your art, but what about you, do you like them, or do you like to paint?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I like it, but I don't think I have the knack for it, so I haven't painted in a long time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think you should keep painting, because... I think your husband is crazy not to see the talent you have.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... I'd better go, it's getting late.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Alright $Jogador.Nome, until another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfArteM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You're at school, about to leave when...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome wants to see you in the teachers' lounge.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what have I done now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>I don't know what you did, but you have to go now!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[He takes you to the teachers' lounge|PAM4 parte 2 - A Artista. Parte II]]>>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>He takes you to the private room inside the staff room.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And there you find teacher $ProfArte.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-escola-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, ahm... why did you call me here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Don't worry $Jogador.Nome, I just called you here to give you a gift.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She pulls it out and hands you a painting.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/quadro1.jpg"></center>
<<set $QuadroDePresente to true>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 3>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>After that visit of hers, you inspired me. So I started to paint, and I made you when you were leaving.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I know he doesn't look much like you but...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I loved it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, this is beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, I'm glad you liked it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, ahm... you have to go back to painting.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Will it be?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes of course, that painting you made was amazing, so I don't think you should waste your talent.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh I don't know, you're just being polite.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes of course, that painting you made was amazing, so I don't think you should waste your talent.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Ahm... maybe $Jogador.Nome, I don't know if this is for me, thanks for the compliment.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But teacher I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I need to get back to work now, I'm sorry.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then. Until another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Up until.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome has great artistic talent but doesn't believe in herself, maybe it's time to put my hypnotic powers to work.<</ref>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is false>>
<<narrador>>To continue you need to learn how to massage.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<narrador>>To continue you Massage Institute at the County Club while she is there, or acquire 25 Friends with her and offer a massage by going to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 16>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/casa/seu_quarto/quadro-na-parede.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>A beautiful painting given as a gift by teacher $ProfArte.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back|SuaCasa_Seu_quarto]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>Hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button "Increase her confidence to turn her into a talented artist" "ProfArte-Hypno">>
<<set $Hypno.ProfArte to 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back to Massage|Espiar-ProfArte-Massagem]]>><</button>>@@<<switch $Hypno.ProfArte>> /*==========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*======================================================*/
<<narrador>>You grab $ProfArte.Nome's eyes, look deep into hers, and recite your hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm $ProfArte.Nome, I'm a full-fledged artist, I recognize that, and I'm going to start showing more of my art, the negative criticism of my husband and other people. I'll turn anything I want into art."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome looks away for a few seconds as her mind wanders, then she returns to the real world again.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" `previous()`>>
<<set $ProfArte.status to "Talented Artist">>
<<addmins 3>>
<</switch>> /*=========================================================*/<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, do you want a massage?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I want, $Jogador.Nome, I really need a good massage right now.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Simple Massage|ProfArte-Massagem-Simples]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Sexy Massage|ProfArte-Massagem-Sexy]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Back" "Casa dos Corpora">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<narrador>>You give $ProfArte.Nome a shoulder massage.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/massagem-no-ombro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Endo how relaxed she is you decide to hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button [[Hypno|ProfArte-Hypno-Casa-Corpora]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "Casa dos Corpora">><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@"not yet implemented"
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "Casa dos Corpora">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<narrador>>Hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button "Increase her confidence to turn her into a talented artist" "ProfArte-Hypno">>
<<set $Hypno.ProfArte to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I do not know what to do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "Casa dos Corpora">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Art Teacher's house to see the result of the hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, glad you came.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher can I come in?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh yes please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look around and see the few pictures around her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, are all these paintings yours?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes, I hung them up this morning.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But didn't you say your husband didn't like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes, but I got tired of following his stupid rule, after all, this house is mine too, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah... if you say so.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>And even I thought a little about it. I think I'll start making paintings to sell on the internet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think this is a great idea, but why did you change your mind so quickly?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I don't know, all of a sudden I realized that I'm really good at it and if my husband doesn't like it, it's because there's something wrong with him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If that's what you want, I wish you luck.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>But $Jogador.Nome I want you to help me with the internet part because I don't know how to use these things...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Everything is fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh and I wish you would come here more often you know... I think you inspire me and in return, when I sell the paintings I'll give you 10% of what I get with them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Closed! This is going to be great.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Then we'll start working on these frames, I have so many ideas, which I'm sure you'll like.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's how I like it!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys chat for a few more minutes, she gives you some picture ideas she thought of, she seems very excited. Apparently the hypnosis worked perfectly.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio lte 100>>
<<goto "PAM5 parte 5 - As Pinturas da Professora">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio gte 20 and $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio lt 30>>
<<goto "PAM5 parte 4 - As Pinturas da Professora">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio gte 10 and $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio lt 20>>
<<goto "PAM5 parte 3 - As Pinturas da Professora">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio gte 0 and $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio lt 10>>
<<goto "PAM5 parte 2 - As Pinturas da Professora">>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 0>> /*=============================*/
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to Art Teacher $ProfArte.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, glad you came.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Please come in.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I'm painting a House by the Railroad.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It's there, House by the Railroad a good name.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help $ProfArte.Nome make this painting, trying to inspire more and more.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/pintura1.jpg"></center>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 0>> /*=========================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 1/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 2>> /*=====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 2/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 4>> /*=====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 3/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 6>> /*=====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 4/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 8>> /*=====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 5/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Phew, we're finally done.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You advertise on eBay a painting called "House by the Railroad" for $350, I hope someone buys it soon.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<narrador>>You go to Art Teacher $ProfArte.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, glad you came.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Please come in.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I'm painting a Winter's Day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help $ProfArte.Nome make this painting, trying to inspire more and more.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/pintura2.jpg"></center>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 10>> /*========================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 1/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 12>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 2/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 14>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 3/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 16>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 4/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 18>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 5/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Phew, we're finally done.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You advertise on eBay a painting called "Warming Winder" for $400, I hope someone buys it soon.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<narrador>>You go to Art Teacher $ProfArte.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, glad you came.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Please come in.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I'm painting romantic art.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help $ProfArte.Nome make this painting, trying to inspire more and more.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/pintura3.jpg"></center>
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 10>> /*========================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 1/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 22>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 2/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 24>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 3/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 26>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 4/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Okay, I think that's good enough for today.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 28>> /*====================*/
<span style="color:green">''Progress 5/5''</span>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Phew, we're finally done.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You advertise on eBay a painting called "Love Boat" for $320, I hope someone buys it soon.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstagio += 2>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 61>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoCasaCorpora>>
<<narrador>>You go to Art Teacher $ProfArte.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, glad you came.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Please come in.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome I have good news for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>We managed to sell the 3 paintings.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes and here's your part.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She reaches out and hands you $107.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>As promised 10% off each of the paintings.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow! This worked as well as I had hoped.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes but I think we can go further! I think we can create an official website to sell other paintings.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a good idea but I can't help with this part of creating a website because I don't know how to do it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh, it's ok I can find someone to make the site for me. I just need to know if you'll keep helping me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, we are partners!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Business partners!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You give a formal handshake.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/Aperto_de_mao.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But... and how is it with your husband? Is he accepting this?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>He doesn't even know I'm doing this, and it's even better if he doesn't.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's kind of weird that he doesn't accept that his wife makes money doing what she likes, in her case paintings.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I think so too, but for now we keep it a secret.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>But let me tell you how I intend to make the site.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome tells you some things she plans to do on the site, you guys talk about it for a while.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio += 70>>
<<set $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Exercise 1|ProfHistoria-Exercicio1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGym.Exercicio1 gte 5>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Exercise 2|ProfHistoria-Exercicio2]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfHistoria.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGym.Exercicio2 gte 5>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Exercise 3|ProfHistoria-Exercicio3]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You will help the teacher to exercise.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome ahm... can you help me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can sit there and I'll help you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, lie there, let's start with the bench press.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't know if I can handle it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax, I'll stay here and help you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|ProfHistoria-Exercicio1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, hold it like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Oh, oh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, hold on so I'm going to switch sides to stop helping.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, now let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help $ProfHistoria.Nome train for a while.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $ProfHistoria.Nome is enough for today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Thank you, I feel even stronger now.<</fala>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGym.Exercicio1 is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$ProfHistoria.Nome what do you think we do another exercise?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I think it's an excellent idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The next exercise with $ProfHistoria.Nome is now available.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaGym.Exercicio1 += 1>>
<<addmins 58>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You will help the teacher to exercise.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome ahm... can you help me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But this time we're going to train on the back in the crossover.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You come here, hold this bar.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Separate your legs and pull.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>So?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, you have to pull it behind your head, you know, because then you strengthen your back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, like this!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|ProfHistoria-Exercicio2]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You help her train for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $ProfHistoria.Nome is enough for today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Thank you, I feel even stronger now.<</fala>>
<<if $ProfHistoriaGym.Exercicio2 is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$ProfHistoria.Nome what do you think we do another exercise?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I think it's an excellent idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The next exercise with $ProfHistoria.Nome is now available.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaGym.Exercicio2 += 1>>
<<addmins 58>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You will help the teacher to exercise.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome ahm... can you help me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Today I wanted to do a lighter exercise for the legs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so I'm going to give you some stretches.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do it like this with me, put one leg in and the other in the nose, then you're going to bend the front leg and come back.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>All right.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|ProfHistoria-Exercicio3]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You help her train for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You exercise with her for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<if $ProfHistoria.Paixao is 30>> /*=============================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now Let's do an arm stretch.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Gym11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You pass another stretch to $ProfHistoria.Nome she doesn't seem to be as stretched out in the but.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $ProfHistoria.Nome is enough for today.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Thank you, I feel even stronger now.<</fala>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaGym.Exercicio3 += 1>>
<<addmins 58>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to $ProfLiteratura.Nome who is practicing punching the punching bag.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like she fights really well.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, you seem to know how to fight very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Yeah more or less, I'm just practicing the punches.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can you help me? To improve my fighting skills here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But I don't even know where to start... I'm not a wrestling teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can you at least hold the punching bag so I can throw some punches?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Okay put it on just let me put the gloves on you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Okay put it on just let me put the gloves on you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>And I also give you some tips.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PLGMP1 - Professora de Luta]]>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 0>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome helps you practice punching for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>That's it $Jogador.Nome, continue with that sequence of three punches.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, now stronger.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Now as I explained.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>That's very good $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks for the tips teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you need it again, you can call me $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 55>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to $ProfLiteratura.Nome who is practicing punching the punching bag.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like she fights really well.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey teacher, you seem to know how to fight very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Yeah more or less, I'm just practicing the punches.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can you help me? To improve my fighting skills here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But I don't even know where to start... I'm not a wrestling teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can you at least hold the punching bag so I can throw some punches?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Okay put it on just let me put the gloves on you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Okay put it on just let me put the gloves on you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>And I also give you some tips.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Treino-de-Luta-ProfLiteratura-Socos]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 0>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$ProfLiteratura.Nome helps you practice punching for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>That's it $Jogador.Nome, continue with that sequence of three punches.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, now stronger.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Now as I explained.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>That's very good $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks for the tips teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>If you need it again, you can call me $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 55>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/images/prof-literatura-gym2.jpg"></center>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Amizade gte 25>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Punch Training|Treino-de-Luta-ProfLiteratura-Socos]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.local is "Gym">>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Amizade gte 40>>
@@.btnOutro;<<button [[Wrestling Training|Treino-de-Luta-ProfLiteratura-Wrestling]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>After you practice punching with teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome, you decide to take a break.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome wants me to teach you something else, because you're really good at punching.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What can you still teach me?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I can teach you some wrestling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So let's go.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Come on, your goal is to throw me off balance and try to bring me down.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says this as she bends down and gets on all fours.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You then bend down and stand and put your hand on her ass.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey her hand doesn't start on my ass.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But we could adapt.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Her hand starts here look.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You she indicates that her hand should start on her arm.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm going to put my hand here in front and you should make me take my hand away from trying to take me down and try to get on top of me, the one on top usually has the advantage.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You push her arm down, and with your other hand you hold her arm underneath.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Go there you can pull!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then pull her arm knocking her to the ground.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Wow, you did really well!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Come on, let's do it again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PLGMP2 - Treino de Luta Livre]]>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Good $Jogador.Nome, you learned this gope right.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But now I'm going to show you another scam.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You position yourself behind her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>You're enjoying this, right teacher, I'm also enjoying feeling her warm body in my arms.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She holds your neck, pulling you forward, getting on top of you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Then she holds her hands preventing you from having any reaction.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome what are you going to do? Your opponent is on top of you holding your hands, the referee is counting you have to get out of this situation fast what do you do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... uh...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Her breasts are so big and so round.<</ref>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Desejo gte 15>> /*==========================*/
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, think fast while you think the judge is counting I do this to you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She rubs her breasts in your face making you excited.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, thank you so much teacher!<</ref>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... uh...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You surprise yourself by getting out and under $ProfLiteratura.Nome and throwing her to the side.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Good $Jogador.Nome, you managed to distract me.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Now you can take me down I'll let you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can knock me down.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'm going to drop my penis in her face.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You start to climb on top of her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now you try to get out from under me.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Will I...<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better not.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She manages to break free and you train for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 57>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>After you practice punching with teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome, you decide to take a break.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome wants me to teach you something else, because you're really good at punching.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What can you still teach me?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I can teach you some wrestling.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So let's go.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Come on, your goal is to throw me off balance and try to bring me down.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says this as she bends down and gets on all fours.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You then bend down and stand and put your hand on her ass.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Hey her hand doesn't start on my ass.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But we could adapt.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Her hand starts here look.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You she indicates that her hand should start on her arm.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>I'm going to put my hand here in front and you should make me take my hand away from trying to take me down and try to get on top of me, the one on top usually has the advantage.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You push her arm down, and with your other hand you hold her arm underneath.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Go there you can pull!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then pull her arm knocking her to the ground.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Wow, you did really well!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Come on, let's do it again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Treino-de-Luta-ProfLiteratura-Wrestling]]>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Good $Jogador.Nome, you learned this gope right.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>But now I'm going to show you another scam.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You position yourself behind her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>You're enjoying this, right teacher, I'm also enjoying feeling her warm body in my arms.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She holds your neck, pulling you forward, getting on top of you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Then she holds her hands preventing you from having any reaction.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome what are you going to do? Your opponent is on top of you holding your hands, the referee is counting you have to get out of this situation fast what do you do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... uh...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Her breasts are so big and so round.<</ref>>
<<if $ProfLiteratura.Desejo gte 15>> /*==========================*/
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, think fast while you think the judge is counting I do this to you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She rubs her breasts in your face making you excited.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, thank you so much teacher!<</ref>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... uh...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You surprise yourself by getting out and under $ProfLiteratura.Nome and throwing her to the side.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Good $Jogador.Nome, you managed to distract me.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>Now you can take me down I'll let you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can knock me down.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'm going to drop my penis in her face.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You start to climb on top of her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfLiteratura" $ProfLiteratura.Nome>>What are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now you try to get out from under me.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/prof_literatura/videos/ProfLiteratura-Gym15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Will I...<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Better not.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She manages to break free and you train for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 57>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room and your $Mae.Relacao is there.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala-sentada-sala.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome called me she needs her help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And did she say why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No but she told you to go to her house now, you better go should it be an emergency.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then go to $MissTravella.Nome Tavella's house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to her house|STM2 parte 2 - Histórias do Passado]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 35>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<narrador>>You go to $MissTravella.Nome's house and knock on the door.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/Srta.Travella-Abrindo-Porta.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, glad you came!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome is everything ok? You called me here, I thought there was an emergency.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Sorry, there's no emergency happening, but I wanted to talk to you, but without your mom around.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Ahm... please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house and sit on the couch, she sits with you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome I need to tell you a story about me that happened a long time ago.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Need? Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You will understand why.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>It all started in the summer of 1998, I was 21 years old and I was in the 3rd year of medical school, I met a girl who was arriving in the city with a group of friends, over time we became friends and from that friendship came a passion, but after a fight over jealousy it all ended, she decided to go back to her city and we never saw each other again. More than twenty years have passed, today we are both single, do you think you can go back after all that happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I don't know $MissTravella.Nome, this story is very summarized, I don't even know who this girl is.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, that's why I called you here, I needed to tell you the truth about me and your $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait there! Are you telling me that you and my mom dated when you were in college?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>No, we didn't date but an atmosphere started to happen between us, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but how did it all end then?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>It was my fault, at the time I had a boyfriend he was nice, but I knew it wouldn't last long so I decided to break up with him, to leave my way clear for $Mae.Nome, but when I went to tell her about our breakup she had made it a boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And who was this guy?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I don't know, a random guy from college. I decided to wait for this relationship to end but one night I had a strong jealousy crisis so $Mae.Nome and I had a big fight, so she came back to this city and I continued my studies until I met the guy I married years later and who I have now divorced.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you told me this story but what do you want from me? Do you want to win back my $Mae.Relacao?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>No...or rather...not now, because I don't even know if she's still considering staying with me, or if she really liked me or that was all just in my head. But the thing is, I needed to tell you this, I felt like you needed to know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And how do you feel knowing all this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I mean, you're great, you're beautiful, you're smart, and maybe if you stayed together you'd do her some good.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I'm glad you think so, but please don't tell $Mae.Nome, she won't be happy to hear that I told you that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah I know that she avoids telling some things about her past a lot, she tells very little about you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I need to go now.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Okay, until another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<narrador>>You go to the living room and get a very pleasant surprise.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-and-mae1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome how are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>$MissTravella.Nome I'll be right back, I need to settle a business.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome gets up and leaves the living room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome sits here with me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go and sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Before you say anything I didn't say anything about your past.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I wasn't going to say anything about it.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But I talked a lot about myself, and I still don't know anything about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>There's not much to know.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Oh tell me if you are like your $Mae.Relacao in terms of relationships, or if you are a serial flirt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think neither.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I mean, I have some girls who...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Some? You seem to be quite experienced then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not so much but there are some girls I would hook up.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But that's how it's done, you really have to enjoy your youth, get as many girls as you can.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, don't tell my $Mae.Relacao about this conversation we're having.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Of course not, it will be our little secret.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn my $Mae.Relacao is coming.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were about to get up to leave.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, meet me at the park on Monday at 14:00 so we can talk, okay?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment her $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome arrives in the living room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>What are you talking about?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome was just telling me how well he's doing at school and apparently he wants you to give him allowance again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>How ugly $Jogador.Nome asking $MissTravella.Nome to ask me that!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome gives you a wink before you leave.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM3.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<narrador>>You go to the park to find $MissTravella.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque-corrida1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Come with me let's run!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Run why?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Exercise, exercises are good.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Try to follow me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome starts running and you try to keep up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And so $MissTravella.Nome, did you call me here to run with you?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, I like to talk to you so let's run together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So it's.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome how are you with those girls?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Remember when I asked you how you are in love relationships? You said you have some girls, and I wanted to know more about that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>There's not much to know there's a girl at school that I like but she's a little mean to everyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And there's another one I met on a blind date with my friend and she's pretty cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Are you in doubt about which one you are with?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>More or less.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Why not have both?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MissTravella.Nome?!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>What? We are no longer in the 90s, nowadays it is perfectly normal for a couple made up of three or more people.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah I understand but it's still hard like... can I handle both?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Of course yes! It's not that hard to deal with women.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I hope... look, don't tell my $Mae.Relacao any of this, because otherwise she'll fill me with questions.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Of course not.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey, shall we go for a run over there at my home?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know I'm getting tir...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome starts to run much faster, passing you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome! I'm winning.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then tighten up your steps and start running after her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to her house|STM4 parte 2 - Curiosidade]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<narrador>>You run with $MissTravella.Nome to her house, you go inside and you sit very tired on the couch.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Take that! I won!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It didn't count.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say panting.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You started running and I wasn't even ready.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>It doesn't matter, since I've won it I'm going to demand a prize.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what do you want?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I want to... ask you some questions and I want you to answer the truth, only the truth, nothing but the truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Holy shit, I'm in a courtroom all of a sudden.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hahaha, don't worry $Jogador.Nome, it's just a few things I want to know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's ok to start.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Okay... if I ever started dating your $Mae.Relacao, would you and your sisters accept it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's hard for me to answer for them but I think they will find it strange at first but with time yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But and you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I? I already consider you a lot, I like you more, but if you ever decide to try to win my $Mae.Relacao back, let me know first.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Okay just.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Now the second question, did you spy me taking a shower that day you helped me move?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You swallow hard at these words.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Answer me, I swear I won't be mad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes I peeked, sorry but I was very curious.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I knew... but relax I forgot the bathroom door open, in fact I think I'd be disappointed if you didn't spy on me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good, so I can say that you are very hot.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Thank you so much.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But now the last question.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Are you a virgin?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You swallow hard once more.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I'm not a virgin.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yup..<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And what's her name?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will not speak.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Come on, $Jogador.Nome, tell me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright! Her name is $Penny.Nome and she's a friend from school.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But how did this happen?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's a question for another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Alright. So now my second prize is...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Second prize? When will I get my prize?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Is just you win a race from me.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I want a massage but not right now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes, I have an appointment now but you can come back here whenever you want to give me a massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is false>>
<<narrador>>To continue you need to learn how to massage.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<narrador>>To continue you need to go to the Massage Institute at the County Club while she is there, or acquire 25 Friendship with her and offer a massage by going to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 40>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MissTravella.Nome, do you want a massage?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I want, $Jogador.Nome, I really need a good massage right now.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Simple Massage|SrtaTravella-Massagem-Simples]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Sexy Massage|SrtaTravella-Massagem-Sexy]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Back" "Casa Srta.Tavella">><</button>>@@<<CasaSrtaTravella>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio is 66 and $MissTravella.status isnot "Even More Curious">>
<<goto "STM4 parte 3 - Curiosidade">>
<<narrador>>You give $MissTravella.Nome a shoulder massage.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/massagem-no-ombro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Endo how relaxed she is you decide to hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button [[Hypno|SrtaTravella-Hypno-Casa-Corpora]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "Casa Srta.Tavella">><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@
"not yet implemented"<<CasaSrtaTravella>>
<<narrador>>Hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio is 66 and $MissTravella.status isnot "Even More Curious">>
@@.btnHypno;<<button "Advance the Relationship" "SrtaTavella-Hypno">>
<<set $Hypno.SrtaTravella to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio is 66 and $MissTravella.status is "Even More Curious">>
<<ref $Jogador>>I do not know what to do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "Casa Srta.Tavella">><</button>>@@<<switch $Hypno.SrtaTravella>> /*====================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm $MissTravella.Nome and after several days of being friends with $Jogador.Nome, I'm ready to take our relationship one step further."<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Let's see what happens when she assimilates those words.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome looks away for a few seconds as her mind travels, then she returns to the real world again.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, has she received her award yet?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yes $Jogador.Nome, you are already released.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" `previous()`>>
<<set $MissTravella.status to "Even More Curious">>
<<addmins 2>>
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<if lastVisited("SrtaTravella-Massagem-Simples") is 1>> /*==========*/
<<narrador>>You give $MissTravella.Nome a shoulder massage.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/massagem-no-ombro.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>She seems to be quite relaxed.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You grab $MissTravella.Nome by the cheeks, look deep into her eyes and recite your hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm $MissTravella.Nome and after several days of being friends with $Jogador.Nome, I'm ready to take our relationship one step further."<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Let's see what happens when she assimilates those words.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome looks away for a few seconds as her mind travels, then she returns to the real world again.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, has she received her award yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes $Jogador.Nome, you are already released.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $MissTravella.status is "Even More Curious">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif lastVisited("Espiar-SrtaTravella-Massagem") is 1>> /*=======*/
<<ref $Jogador>>She seems to be quite relaxed.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You grab $MissTravella.Nome by the cheeks, look deep into her eyes and recite your hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm $MissTravella.Nome and after several days of being friends with $Jogador.Nome, I'm ready to take our relationship one step further."<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Let's see what happens when she assimilates those words.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome looks away for a few seconds as her mind travels, then she returns to the real world again.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, has she received her award yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Yes $Jogador.Nome, you are already released.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Country Club">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $MissTravella.status to "Even More Curious">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<narrador>>You go to the park to find $MissTravella.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque-corrida1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, are you running with me again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course yes! I came for my rematch let's run to your house!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Okay then, let's go!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Before she even finishes talking, you run away as fast as possible.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Oops! So it's not worth it!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Then she tries to run after you to try to make up for lost time.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to her house|STM5 parte 2 - Senhorita Tavella]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 9>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<narrador>>You run with $MissTravella.Nome to her house, you go inside and you sit very tired on the couch.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now I've won!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>It didn't count! You started running when I wasn't ready yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It doesn't matter, I won and now I want my prize.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Alright, so... what do you want?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... I want something, but I don't think you would accept it.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Try it...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Promise you won't get mad?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You have to ask me first to know if I'm not going to get mad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was remembering the time I saw you taking a shower and then I thought I want to see you again.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Do you want to see me take a shower again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I want to see your breasts.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But what a naughty boy you are.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She lowers the top of her dress, showing you her breasts.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-boobs1.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, they are exactly as I remembered them.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How I wanted to touch those breasts.<</ref>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, do you want to say something?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm.. t-tit.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She seems to have said something, it would be good for you to pay attention $Jogador.Nome.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm.. what did you say?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>HAHAHA, do you want to order something else?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, ask her.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can I touch them?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You want it then do it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>As you say these words $MissTravella.Nome approaches you and then you get very close to her touching her breasts slowly enjoying every second.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM5-Srta.Travella-Boobs.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wish this moment didn't end.<</ref>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And now $Jogador.Nome arrives.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You've had enough fun for today.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says this as she puts her boobs back inside her bra.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I miss you already, I already want to do this again.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You want is?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, totally.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So let's do it like this, I know kids your age like to brag about what's going on in your life.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>If you promise me not to tell anyone especially your $Mae.Nome about it, I don't know, who knows, maybe we can do something like that again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But if you tell someone then it's all over!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's ok, I accept, I'm not even one to tell everyone about what happens in my life.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>It's better this way!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And then you want something to eat before I go?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you chat for a few more minutes while eating a sandwich, then you decide to leave, but delightful surprises with $MissTravella.Nome are ahead.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<narrador>>You go to the gym to help $ProfFisica.Nome train but you can't find him.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hey, where is $ProfFisica.Nome, maybe he got sick.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You then decide to ask the gym attendant.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey dude. Do you know a chubby guy who comes to train here every now and then?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Attendant>>Yes, I've seen him a few times.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But do you know why he didn't come today?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Attendant>>I have no idea, but he hasn't been in a few days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... thanks, man.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hmm... did he give up? I think I'd better go see him at his house.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFSM2 parte 2 - Não dá mais]]>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<narrador>>Go to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome's house and ring the doorbell.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, ahm... why aren't you going to train anymore?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Ahm... between $Jogador.Nome let's talk.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Enter the living room of his house and then he sits on the couch and continues watching a movie that seems to be old.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-derrotado1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then man, why didn't you go workout?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Because I'm tired, and I can't take it anymore!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what about your dreams? Why don't you go after them anymore?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>No, I gave up on my dreams, because now my new dream is to be a bakery, that's what I want.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then that's it? Will you give up?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Yes, losing weight is very difficult and it takes a lot longer. I have to go on a diet, I didn't always have to avoid eating my sweets.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you can't give up and... what if Jack Robinson gave up? What if George Washington gave up? What if Martin Luther King gave up? What if Martin Apollo Creed gave up? What if Katherine Jackson gave up on having children?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Is she not a woman?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The point is, you can't give up. And that would just be Jackson 3.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Okay $Jogador.Nome, I'll think if it's really worth me to continue!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's really good, you're my teacher and I'm the one who's having to teach you this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Until another day, and I hope you get back to your daily workouts.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then leave impotently.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro Afastado">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You and the whole class are waiting for the Physics Teacher to arrive but he never shows up.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>So about 5 minutes pass and the whole class is in doubt about why teacher $ProfFisica.Nome didn't come to teach today and then deputy Principal Lamar walks through the door.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/vice-diretor/images/vice-diretor-perfil.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Students, I'm here to bring a message from teacher $ProfFisica.Nome: He said he decided to take a last-minute vacation and that he won't be teaching in the next few days.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn! What happened.<</ref>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>So the Principal demanded that I stay with you here. Unfortunately.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Will you teach us physics?<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Of course not four eyes!<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>I know you are bums who hate studying! So do what you want just don't fill my patience.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class celebrates as you go to chat with your friends.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys, what do you think happened to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Didn't you hear? He is on vacation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hopefully other teachers will go on vacation as well.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Maybe I'd better go over to his house later and find out what happened.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 52>>
<<narrador>>He goes to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome's house and rings the doorbell but the one who answers is a woman.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-porta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi ahm... who are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" ???>>Who am I? Who are you?! You who came here!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ok I'm $Jogador.Nome and I came to see my teacher $ProfFisica.Nome Klump is he?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She turns to the side and screams.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" ???>>$ProfFisica.Nome! Your student has arrived!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" ???>>Come in boy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter his house and find him in the same situation as before.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-derrotado2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher? What happened? Did you ask for a vacation from school?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Ahm...yeah those words of yours yesterday motivated me so last night I decided to go out and continue my exercises but I lifted too much weight so I twisted my arm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Did you twist your arm?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Yes, the doctor told me not to exert myself for a few days so I decided to take a few days off.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And who is that woman who answered the door for me?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>It's my sister <<textbox "$NewProfFisica.Nome" "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>, she came to spend a few days here with me.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFSM4 parte 2 - O que está acontecendo com o professor Klump?]]>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome who was watching you in the background approaches you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Ahm... excuse me $ProfFisica.Nome can I speak with your student for a second?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Oh, all right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two get away from $ProfFisica.Nome a little and you two talk alone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>You are $Jogador.Nome right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yup.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>What is this story about helping him to lose weight in exchange for him helping you to improve in his subject?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are surprised when she says that.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How do you know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>It is not obvious? he told me!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Now I'll get straight to the point! You have to stop putting these ideas in his head!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Because he has a great life as a teacher, is he obese? Yeah, but he has to focus on exercising his brain, not his body!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Besides, this agreement of yours is extremely wrong! If anyone finds out about this he'll lose his job and have to go back to our mother's house!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, I'm sorry but you can't control his life, and you can't stop it! He is my friend and I will help him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>He has to exercise his brain and not his body!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Even you don't believe it! If you believed you would do the same!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She apparently gets very angry at those words.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-angy.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She slaps you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/tapa-na-cara.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ouch!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Get out of here now!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the $ProfFisica.Nome house now. You have to think of something to cheer your teacher up.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro Afastado">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@Senhorita Cooper Missões (Lauren Phillips)<<FundoQuadra>>
<<narrador>>Physical Education lesson is going on, you and your friends are talking.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Did guys know my mom is trying to lose weight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I don't know, but now she spends her day doing yoga and making me buy protein shakes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Wait a minute but is she looking to lose weight or get muscular?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I don't know, and she even asked me to buy this.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>It shows a vial with some liquid inside.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/frascoV-cheio.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Yeah, a vitamin, hormone, I don't know, but I think it's a thing to help lose weight.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're aware that these things to slim down don't work, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Where did you buy this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Where did you buy this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You must have bought a water with coloring, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Or rather, something that can do harm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay so what do I do with it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I got it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then take the vial from $Amigo.Nome's hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then I throw it away.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Not least because I can't let Miss $SrtaCooper.Nome spoil that beautiful body with those things.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You then go back to talking about other subjects, but you end up forgetting to throw that liquid away.<</narrador>>
<<set $VitaminaX.Cheio to true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 52>>
<<narrador>>He goes to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome's house and rings the doorbell but $NewProfFisica.Nome answers.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-porta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Oh what are you doing here?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to talk to teacher $ProfFisica.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>You have to leave him alone! He's going to get screwed over this ridiculous deal of yours.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't come to talk about it, it's just that I know a way to cheer him up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Okay, come in, but be quick, please.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room and see teacher $ProfFisica.Nome in the same place he was the other day, still apparently in the same situation.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-derrotado1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_fisica/videos/profFisica-derrotado2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>But now he appears to be drunk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He is drunk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Yes, this morning the... as he says his "supplies" ran out so he went to buy more and as he had more money than necessary he bought several bottles of Vodka too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Yes, I'll be in the back, be quick.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get to $ProfFisica.Nome's side and try to talk to him even though you're drunk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher you have to get out of this life! You are at rock bottom and the only reason you are this way is because you...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfFisica.Nome interrupts you right now.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, can you go to the kitchen and bring me another bottle of Vodka?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>As he apparently didn't even hear you, you go get your bottle of vodka without saying anything else.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFSM5 parte 2 - A única solução possível]]>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen to get the bottle of Vodka for $ProfFisica.Nome but you don't know where it is.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You spot what appears to be a bottle of vodka but is on an extremely high shelf.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You then grab a chair and climb on top of it to try to get that bottle but you still can't reach beyond this shelf being very high it's at the very back where there are a lot of things in front of you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You then take your backpack and place it on top of the chair and plan to climb on top, but at that moment $NewProfFisica.Nome arrives, she seems to be furious to see what you are doing.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-angy.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>What the fuck are you doing, you freak!?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The teacher asked me to get him a bottle of Vodka.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>The vodka bottles aren't there, this shelf is for storing things we practically don't use!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what is it...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Oh, you know what boy! Go to the room to talk to your teacher and I'll prepare a drink for him, then it's even better because I prepare it my way.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fine! As you wish.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But what a nervous woman.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Without much choice you return to the room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFSM5 parte 3 - A única solução possível]]>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You go back into the living room and sit next to your teacher.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, can you go to the kitchen and bring me another bottle of vodka?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... your sister $NewProfFisica.Nome is making your drink.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Ugh, I hate it when she does that, she always mixes other things in my drink, last time he wanted to add sweetener and...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hell! I should hypnotize him now, while his sister is still in the kitchen, but he's drunk how would my hypnosis occur in a drunken mind?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Well, those who don't risk don't gain.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>...because when my wife left me I...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You quickly grab his cheeks and stare deep into his eyes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm $ProfFisica.Nome I have a cool student who deserves to get a 10 by the end of the year, he helped me to work out and exercise, now I know I need to get back to my exercises, I'll be able to lose weight to be able to do everything I want always wanted."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He is looking lost to the beyond but unlike the other hypnosis he seems not to understand anything what is happening, but strangely he doesn't say anything.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment $NewProfFisica.Nome arrives in the living room at that exact moment with $ProfFisica.Nome's Drink in her hands.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Here's $ProfFisica.Nome his drink.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Finally, give it to me here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She hands the Vodka drink to $ProfFisica.Nome who starts drinking it very voraciously.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome is done? Have I told him everything I wanted to?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She speaks in an ironic way.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes so...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Then she can go now...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>$NewProfFisica.Nome! Don't talk like that to our guest.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem teacher $ProfFisica.Nome, I was just leaving.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Don't forget your backpack.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She hands you her backpack, it looks partially open.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I almost forgot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Alright, now you can go...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, until another day teacher, I hope you can get back to active soon.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>He waves at you as $NewProfFisica.Nome leads you to the exit.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hope the teacher gets back to work soon.<</ref>>
<<set $VitaminaX.Cheio to false>>
<<set $VitaminaX.Vazio to true>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro Afastado">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<narrador>>Physics lesson has just started you are in your chair waiting for the physical education teacher to show up.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>A few minutes pass and someone appears.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/vice-diretor/images/vice-diretor-perfil.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Hi guys I'm back.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Again appears from Vice Principal Lamar, it seems that teacher $ProfFisica.Nome will not appear anytime soon.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Students, teacher $ProfFisica.Nome hasn't returned from his vacations yet so I'll stay here for now, so... do the exercises in the workbook and hand them in to me at the end of the lesson.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The students didn't like the idea very much, they thought that Lamar would leave them free like the last time, but without much school everyone starts doing the exercises, except your friend $Amigo.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh no fuck I'm going to do this shit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>We need it because...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>He's not going to do anything he just told us to do it for everyone to be quiet while he sleeps.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh look, he's already sleeping.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Really he is face down on his desk apparently he is sleeping.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what are we going to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You know what we're going to do.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Adam takes a deck of cards out of his pocket and the 3 start playing cards. This apparently infects the entire room as soon the entire room is playing cards.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the lesson, the deputy principal Lamar woke up and he seems bewildered so all the students keep their letters, Lamar doesn't miss anything and leaves the room, nor does he bother to check if the students did the activity.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 52>>
<<narrador>>You find enter the cabin and pasted on the door you find a picture.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/banheiroMasculino/images/spiderman-cadeirante.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You immediately know what it means so you write it on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<p><i>"Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can, can I walk? No I can't."</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>This video was very funny, I'll even write more.<</ref>>
<p><i>"Spider-Man, Spider-Man paraplegic Spider-Man, can he stand, no he can't! He's paralyzed from the waist down, look out! He can't feel his legs."</i></p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM7.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ManuM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $JogadorM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> -
<<if $JogadorM6.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<elseif $JogadorM6.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<p>Go to your badroom to better analyze these document.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM9.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM10.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM11.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio isnot 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - <p>Go to your bedroom and create your character.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/player/jogador.jpg"> - $JogadorM12.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - <p>Hypnotize $Mae.Nome by massaging her when she is alone or going to her room at night just before she goes to sleep.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - <p>Complete a quest "$IrmaVM2.MissaoNome" of $IrmaV.Nome.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM9.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM10.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa" and $Mae.Amizade lt 25 and $Mae.Moralidade gte 70>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - <p>Reach at least 25 Friendship and lowers Morality to 70 to hypnotize her.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa" and $Mae.Amizade gte 25 and $Mae.Moralidade gte 70>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - <p>Lower Morality below 70 to hypnotize her.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa" and $Mae.Amizade lt 25 and $Mae.Moralidade lt 70>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - <p>Have at least 25 friendship to hypnotize her.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa" and $Mae.Amizade gte 25 and $Mae.Moralidade lt 70 and $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - <p>Offer a massage to hypnotize her in her bedroom or living room.</p
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa" and $Mae.Amizade gte 25 and $Mae.Moralidade lt 70 and $game.JogadorMassagista is false>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - <p>You still don't know how to massage, learn by completing the quest "$MassagistaTeen.Nome, I Need You. Part II".</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> - $MaeM11.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - Complete $Jogador.Nome's quest "The Horny Schoolgirl"<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $IrmaVM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $JogadorM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM9.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaVM10.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaVM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaNM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - To continue with $IrmaN.Nome's next quest Complete $Amigo.Nome's "$AmigoM2.MissaoNome" quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $AmigoM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaNM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM2.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - <p>Go to school and talk to $Valentao.Nome, at school, in the refectory or in the bathroom.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - $IrmaNM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - <p>Go to your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome's bedroom between 21:30 and 23:00.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> -
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> -
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 33>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - <p>Go to the mall to buy the cell phone chip.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstagio is 66>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - <p>Go talk to your $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> -
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> -
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $IrmaNM7.MissaoEstagio gte 10>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> - <p>Keep talking to $IrmaN.Nome via text messages.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> -
<hr id="quests">
<<if $IrmaNM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
/*===================================================================*/<<if $PennyM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - Complete the quest "Oh, Miss Tavella" of $Mae.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - Complete $Amigo2.Nome's $Amigo2M2.MissaoNome quest to continue<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $game.salaSecreta is false>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - Find a "Secret Place" at school to meet $Penny.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $game.salaSecreta is true>>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM9.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> - $PennyM10.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PennyM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*======================*/
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/penny/penny.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PaixaoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"> - $PaixaoM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PaixaoM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"> - $PaixaoM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PaixaoM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"> - $PaixaoM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"> - $PaixaoM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $PaixaoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/paixao/paixao.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JillM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"> - $JillM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JillM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"> - $JillM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JillM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"> - $JillM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JillM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"> - $JillM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JillM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"> - $JillM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JillM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JillGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mia/mia.jpg"> - $JillGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiM9.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LexiM9.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Conhece.Lexi is true and $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - <p>Have at least 50 Fitness</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Conhece.Lexi is true and $Jogador.Fitness gte 50 and $LexiGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lexi/lexi.jpg"> - $LexiGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM1.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - <p>Go to teacher $ProfArte.Nome's house between 18:30 and 21:00.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArte.status isnot "Talented Artist">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Go and hypnotize $ProfArte.Nome at her house (if you have already completed the quest "$MassagistaTeen.Nome, I Need You. Part II") or at the Massage Institute.<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArte.status is "Talented Artist">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio gte 0 and $ProfArteM5.MissaoEstagio lt 100>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Keep going to $ProfArte.Nome Corpora while she is there between 18:00 and 21:00 to help her with the paintings.<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio lt 60>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Wait a few days.<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio gte 60>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM9.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Have at least 40 Fitness<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM10.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio is 30>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Keep going to train at the Gym between 14:30 and 15:30 (While $ProfArte.Name is there)<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Keep going to train at the Gym between 14:30 and 15:30 (While $ProfArte.Name is there)<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM11.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Have at least 40 Fitness<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM12.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio is 30>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Continue to the Country Club pool between 15:30 and 16:30 (While $ProfArte.Name is there)<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - Continue to the Country Club pool between 15:30 and 16:30 (While $ProfArte.Name is there)<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteM13.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfArteGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_arte/prof_Arte.jpg"> - $ProfArteGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - $ProfQuimicaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - <p>Complete the Quest "$LenaPaulM5.MissaoNome" of $LenaPaul.Nome.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - $ProfQuimicaM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - <p>Complete the Quest "$LenaPaulM8.MissaoNome" of $LenaPaul.Nome.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/prof_Quimica.jpg"> - <p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfHistoriaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true and $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - <p>Have at least 50 Fitness</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Conhece.ProfHistoria is true and $Jogador.Fitness gte 50 and $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_historia/prof_Historia.jpg"> - $ProfHistoriaGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - $ProfEdFisicaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - $ProfEdFisicaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - $ProfEdFisicaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - $ProfEdFisicaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Aaliyah.Amizade lt 25>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - <p>Have at least 25 friendship with $Aaliyah.Nome.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Aaliyah.Amizade gte 25>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> - $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfEdFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/prof_Ed_Fisica.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> - $ProfBiologiaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> - $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> - Complete teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome's next quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> - $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> - Complete teacher $ProfLiteratura.Nome's next quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> - $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM8.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> -
Complete a quest from $Penny.Nome: $PennyM8.MissaoNome.<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_biologia/prof_Biologia.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfLiteraturaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfBiologiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - Complete teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome's next quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfLiteraturaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfBiologiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - Complete teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome's next quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $ProfBiologiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - Complete teacher $ProfBiologia.Nome's next quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfLiteraturaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfLiteratura.Amizade gte 25>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - $ProfLiteraturaGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $ProfLiteratura.Amizade gte 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_literatura/prof_Literatura.jpg"> - $ProfLiteraturaGymMP2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"> - $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $NewProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"> - $NewProfFisicaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/mela/mela.jpg"> - $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfSociologiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/prof_Sociologia.jpg"> - $ProfSociologiaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AmigoM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"> - $AmigoM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AmigoM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"> - $AmigoM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AmigoM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"> - $AmigoM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AmigoM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"> - $AmigoM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AmigoM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"> - $AmigoM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"> - $AmigoM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo/amigo.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Amigo2M1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> - $Amigo2M1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> - Complete $Penny.Nome's $PennyM5.MissaoNome quest to continue <br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Amigo2M2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> - $Amigo2M2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Amigo2M3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> - $Amigo2M3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> - $Amigo2M4.MissaoDica<br>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio gte 30 and $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio lt 100>>
<p>You need to talk to all female teachers:</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfArte is false>>
<p>Art Teacher: $ProfArte.Nome</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfBiologia is false>>
<p>Biology Teacher: $ProfBiologia.Nome</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfLiteratura is false>>
<p>Literature Teacher: $ProfLiteratura.Nome</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfEdFisica is false>>
<p>Physical Education Teacher: $ProfEdFisica.Nome</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfHistoria is false>>
<p>History Teacher: $ProfHistoria.Nome</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfQuimica is false>>
<p>Chemistry Teacher: $ProfQuimica.Nome</p>
<<if $A2M4Conversa.ProfSociologia is false>>
<p>Sociology Teacher: $ProfSociologia.Nome</p>
<<if $Amigo2M4.MissaoEstagio is 100>>
<p>Go to your room.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Amigo2M5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> - $Amigo2M5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Amigo2M6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> - $Amigo2M6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $Amigo2M6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/amigo2/amigo2.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg"> - $ProfFilosofiaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg"> - $ProfFilosofiaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg"> - $ProfFilosofiaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg"> - $ProfFilosofiaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFilosofiaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_filosofia/prof_Filosofia.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $JogadorM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $Acoes.TreinoProfFisica lt 10>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - <p>Help your Physics teacher $ProfFisica.Nome to workout.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Acoes.TreinoProfFisica gte 10>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - $ProfFisicaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $VitaminaX is false>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - Complete $SrtaCooper.Nome Cooper's "Slimming Vitamin" quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $VitaminaX is true>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - $ProfFisicaM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - $ProfFisicaM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> - $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/prof_fisica.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Jogador.Dinheiro lt 120>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - <p>Have at least $120 to spend on the date.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 120>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 120 and $LenaPaul.Desejo gte 15 and $LenaPaul.Paixao gte 25 and $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> -
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro lt 120>>
<p>Have at least $120 to spend on the date.</p>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo lt 15>>
<p>Make $LenaPaul.Nome have at least 15 Desire.</p>
<<if $LenaPaul.Paixao lt 15>>
<p>Make $LenaPaul.Nome have at least 15 Passion.</p>
<<if $AmigoM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<p>Complete the quest "$AmigoM6.MissaoNome" of $Amigo.Nome.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 120 and $LenaPaul.Desejo gte 22 and $LenaPaul.Paixao gte 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> -
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro lt 120>>
<p>Have at least $120 to spend on the date.</p>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo lt 15>>
<p>Make $LenaPaul.Nome have at least 22 Desire.</p>
<<if $LenaPaul.Paixao lt 15>>
<p>Make $LenaPaul.Nome have at least 40 Passion.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Jogador.Ousadia lt 25>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - <p>Have at least 25 Bravery.</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Jogador.Ousadia gte 25>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Alianca.Namoro gte 2 and $Alianca.AloneAnel gte 1 and $LenaPaul.Desejo gte 40 and $LenaPaul.Paixao gte 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> -
<<if $Alianca.Namoro lt 2 and $Alianca.AloneAnel lt 1>>
<p>Collect money and buy a date ring at the jewelry store in the mall.</p><br>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo lt 40>>
<p>Make $LenaPaul.Nome have at least 40 Desire.</p>
<<if $LenaPaul.Paixao lt 40>>
<p>Make $LenaPaul.Nome have at least 40 Passion.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> - $LenaPaulGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"> -
<p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $Conhece.MissTravella is true>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Complete $Penny.Nome Freas's "Making Me a Man" quest<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa" and $PennyM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM8.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Perfume.PureVoodoo is false>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Go to the Mall and buy the Pure Voodoo perfume<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Perfume.PureVoodoo is true>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade lt 20 and $MissTravella.Paixao lt 20>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Have at least 20 Friendship and 20 Passion with $MissTravella.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MissTravella.Amizade gte 20 and $MissTravella.Paixao lt 20>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Have at least 20 Passion with $MissTravella.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MissTravella.Amizade lt 20 and $MissTravella.Paixao gte 20>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Have at least 20 Friendship with $MissTravella.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MissTravella.Amizade gte 20 and $MissTravella.Paixao gte 20>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $MissTravella.Amizade lt 40 and $MissTravella.Paixao lt 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Have at least 40 Friendship and 40 Passion with $MissTravella.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MissTravella.Amizade gte 40 and $MissTravella.Paixao lt 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Have at least 40 Passion with $MissTravella.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MissTravella.Amizade lt 40 and $MissTravella.Paixao gte 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - Have at least 40 Friendship with $MissTravella.Nome<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $MissTravella.Amizade gte 40 and $MissTravella.Paixao gte 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - <p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa" and $MissTravella.Amizade lt 10>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - <p>Have at least 10 friendship with $MissTravella.Nome Tavella.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - <p>Say a "Halo" to $MissTravella.Nome Tavella while she is in the square, in the park, at her house, by the pool or at the bar.</p>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaTravellaGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaCooperM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<if $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"> - <p>Complete the quest "$JogadorM12.MissaoNome".</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"> - $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/cooper/srtaCooper_icon.jpg"> - <p>End of content with this character (for now).</p><br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - Have at least 40 Fitness<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 40>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 70>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - Have at most 70 Morality<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Jogador.Moralidade lte 70>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 70>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - Have at most 70 Morality<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Jogador.Moralidade lte 70>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM6.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 63>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - Have at most 63 Morality<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Jogador.Moralidade lte 63>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - $VizinhaEsquerdaM6.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gt 55>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - Have at most 55 Morality<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Jogador.Moralidade lte 55>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/vizinhaesquerda.jpg"> - $VizinhaEsquerdaM7.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/massagistateen/massagista-teen-icon.jpg"> - $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/massagistateen/massagista-teen-icon.jpg"> - $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MassagistaTeenM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/massagistateen/massagista-teen-icon.jpg"> - $MassagistaTeenM3.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/massagistateen/massagista-teen-icon.jpg"> - $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Cameras.Fotografica is false>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/massagistateen/massagista-teen-icon.jpg"> - Buy a camera at the Mall<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<elseif $Cameras.Fotografica is true>>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/massagistateen/massagista-teen-icon.jpg"> - $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $AaliyahGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<img id="comp" src="content/characters/aaliyah/aaliyah.jpg"> - $AaliyahGymMP1.MissaoDica<br>
<hr id="quests">
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>You hear loud music playing that bothers you a little.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Bro! What loud music! who sure this is $IrmaN.Nome's fault.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>But arriving in the room you find your other $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Dançando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>$IrmaV.Nome?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Dançando2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Did she dance again? She hadn't done this in a long time.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Dançando3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Uh look at that wiggle.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Dançando4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh, $Jogador.Nome hadn't seen you there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She pauses the music.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just came to ask you to turn the music down a little bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh I'm sorry $Jogador.Nome I didn't even realize how loud it was.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... okay, I noticed you're dancing again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yes, I know I haven't done that since I finished school but now that I have more free time I'm back to dancing here at home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Even after all this time you still dance very well.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome turns the music back on at a lower volume and goes back to dancing while she talks to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I was afraid I was rusty but apparently I still...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You're hypnotized watching her ass swaying back and forth.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Dançando5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh $IrmaV.Nome wiggle, wiggle, wiggle in these see-through pants without panties.<</ref>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Humm?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 70>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Do you still know how to Twerk?|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Dançando]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I just got distracted|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Dançando-Negação]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes I am $IrmaV.Nome was just wondering if you still know how to Twerk.<</fala>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Twerk?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I remember you used to do it in the past and Mom didn't like it.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaV.Moralidade gte 70>> /*===============================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Now I understand why she didn't like me dancing Twerk.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>After that, it's better not to continue.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So it is. Just keep the music volume down $IrmaV.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn around and leave.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She's my $IrmaV.Relacao! What was I thinking?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $IrmaV.Moralidade lt 70>> /*============================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I remember very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you still know how to dance like that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I think so, let me try.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Dançando6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And then? What do you think?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I think I'm getting horny.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're still pretty good at it!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-Dançando7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, her dancing desire, with this transparent leggin, it makes me want to ask her to go further but it's better not.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She wouldn't like it. Still.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course you do, $IrmaV.Nome. Just turn the music volume down.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn around and leave.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She's my $IrmaV.Relacao! What was I thinking?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>You sneak up behind $IrmaV.Nome to take a look at what she's watching and you're in for a surprise.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is watching porn.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $IrmaV.Nome!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You lean on her shoulders giving her a big scare.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh my God, $Jogador.Nome! What a fright!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You were watching porn, right? naughty!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Speak quietly.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start laughing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hahahahahhah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>You're laughing at what I've also caught you watching porn remember.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but I well remember that you were angry with me for several days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And it was not without reasons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And besides that porn you were watching was terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why? Have you seen that video?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No, it's just that... because uh...<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaV.Moralidade gte 55>> /*===============================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh forget it, I don't even know why I'm talking about pornography with you.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 70>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try to make her talk|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Assistindo-Porno]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave her alone|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Assistindo-Porno-Negação]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Go $IrmaV.Nome speak.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaV.Moralidade gte 70>> /*===============================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I don't have to tell you about the things I do in my privacy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, I'll leave you there with your intimacies.<</fala>>
<<IrmaVMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $IrmaV.Moralidade lt 70>> /*============================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh alright.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>What kind of story do these videos have? Most of them are about a schoolgirl coming to her teacher's office and telling his "please sir, I've been such a bad girl, you need to punish me".<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Then the fucking teacher looks at her and says "lean over the table" and it's obvious that this girl is not 18 you can tell just by her hands, her tits, her lips and her 28 year old face, and whatever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She then looks at him, he then leans towards her, just start having sex but not before he has to say "take this cock, bitch!" and she just warmly says extremely embarrassing things that don't make any sense.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Then you keep wanting to see something that goes beyond the sexual act, but often it doesn't go beyond that, there's no connection, there's no chemistry, no story line, no fantasy. Do you have any fantasy?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it for me to answer?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I'm just saying that history is everything in porn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>When you see a woman in the act you can get a sliver her own personality featured in her. And you want to think about what I would do in that situation. Then you'll be fine when the porn ends because you know it was very real.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And then did you understand?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[No|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Assistindo-Porno]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Yes|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Assistindo-Porno-Negação]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No? Oh.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Hand me my iPad, I'll show you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hand her the iPad.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She picks it up and starts zapping looking for something.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You're visibly embarrassed by this and Kimmy notices.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Don't act like a child this is just for your education.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see her looking for something you notice something strange.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey is this a brother and sister roleplay video?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This is just fantasy, this taboo thing is more about secret sexuality, not fantasies about you in this case.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I never said that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Umm... you got it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Just watch.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>She is pretty right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah she is pretty.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And look how she performs, she acts like she has a secret wish, but she knows it's so wrong.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>You see? It's so much better than all that rubbish you watch.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two are watching for a while.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>This part.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The orgasm is so quiet that you feel everything she feels.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Then? are you enjoying it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, it's cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>I know you're enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh, do you think people do that position in real life?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, it seems difficult.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You've been watching it for a while, until the hormones start to kick in.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<if $IrmaV.Moralidade gte 62>> /*===============================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So that's it I better get out.<</fala>>
<<IrmaVMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $IrmaV.Moralidade lt 62>> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome sees your erection.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>And she tries to hold her laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You feel ashamed and try to hide it.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>But it's ok I... also get turn on while watching porn before bed, that's normal.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 62>> /*=========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Get out of there, the stuff is getting weird!|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Assistindo-Porno-Negação]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Moralidade lt 62>> /*=====================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue here, the stuff is getting better and better!|Eventos-Aleatorios-IrmaV-Assistindo-Porno]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 3>>
<<addmins 6>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 3>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Wants to know? You need to watch until the end we are getting to the best part.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She then hands you the iPad.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>So you two are watching the video.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/videos/Event-IrmaV-AssistindoPorno12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You two are watching the scene until the end...<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<IrmaVMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 70>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm... of course I do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Then that's it! Stop watching that shit you see and watch quality porn.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 62>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I don't think I'll ever watch porn with you again.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and leave.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, come on.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade gte 70>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "NPFM3 - Prova de Fisica">>
<<if $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "NPFM1 - Apresentando a todos o novo professor de física">>
<<narrador>>Now it would be Physics lesson, but the teacher is absent so...<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The riot is released.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/sala_de_aula/gifs/baderna-escolar.gif"></center>
<<if $game.day is "Tuesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Literatura]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de História]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
/*===================================================================*/<<narrador>>Thank you very, very, very much to you supporter of tier: The President of the BETA House, thank you very much for helping this project<</narrador>>
<center><div id="apoiadores">guy paquette</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">James Champion</div></center>
<center><div id="apoiadores">dennis persson</div></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(2)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasa>>
<<narrador>>You're at your house when you see $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome talking and they look unwell.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-quarto1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-angry.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>...I can't understand, out of nowhere she comes up with this one!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>She's acting like she lives alone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Who's acting like she lives alone? What are you talking about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao is there in the living room doing exercises.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So she started doing it out of nowhere.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That must be because of those changes she had been talking about.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Or because of my hypnosis.<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>But that's not all $Jogador.Nome, she's working out looking like Jane Fonda, and she's wearing a tiny bathing suit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Yeah, like I said, she's acting like nobody's home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where is she?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>There in the living room, I wanted to watch TV but I don't think I'll be able to.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You end the conversation with $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome and go to the living room to see what's going on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM7 parte 2 - Ginástica Jane Fonda]]>>
<<set $MaeM7.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room to see for yourself what is going on.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh, hey, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh, I thought about it and I think a woman my age should be more concerned about her health.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>So then I talked about it with my friend $MissTravella.Nome and she decided to help me, did you know that she makes videos of exercises similar to Jane Fonda and puts it on the internet?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Then that's it? Are you exercising to take better care of your health?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And to be more beautiful too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you don't have to. Serious! Your body is incredible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>What was it $Jogador.Nome? Don't you want me not to take care of my health?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>N-no $Mae.Relacao ahm... I don't see any problem with that but it's the girls who aren't enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Well, at least now it's two by two.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But don't you care what they think?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I care, but I think they just need to get used to it, for example, you don't see any problem with that, so maybe it's not that bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I'm leaving now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Okay, $Jogador.Nome I'm glad you still support me.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM7.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hey, $Jogador.Nome I’m just working out.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I see... but, I only saw asking if the girls are already better accepting their new habits?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Not yet.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I hope they accept it better with time, because I can see how this is doing you good.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can see it by her gorgeous body.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz I hope so.>>
<<MaeMoralidade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 55>> /*=====*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm, $Jogador.Nome... I noticed that you are working out from time to time.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, a little.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Since you have so much experience in doing exercises, could you tell me if I’m doing everything right?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Of course yes|Mae-Workout]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Oh... better not|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to true>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gt 55>> /*=============================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, help me here, see if I’m doing it right.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Alright|Mae-Workout]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Oh... better not|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to true>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>> /*=============================*/
<<narrador>>To continue this scene you must have at least 50 fitness.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to true>>
<<addmins 7>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz What do you think of my flexibility?>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Does she realize that she’s getting me turned on by all this?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It’s v-very good.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz If you want you can get very close, to analyze better.>>
<<MaeMoralidade 1>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How come? Get closer to analyze better?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You approach her.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Don’t get too close to $Jogador.Nome, she might see the bulge in his pants.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz And then? Is my flexibility good for you? That is an expert.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don’t know if she’s really wanting my help, or if she’s really wanting to show off to get my cock hard, and why would she want that? She's my $Mae,Relacao.<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz I’m not an expert on anything, but I think you’re doing very well.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz This one is the cat cow posture.>>
<<MamaeDiz You can come closer to see if I’m lifting my hips correctly.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She literally asked me to come over to see if she’s lifting one hip in the correct way, what do you mean? Who doesn’t know how to lift her hips?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm.. it looks v-very good.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz It’s fine.>>
<<narrador>>After a few repetitions.<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 78 and $Mae.Moralidade lt 78 and $Mae.Amizade gte 18>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Mae-Workout]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 18>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, do you need help with anything else?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz No, I’m fine now, thanks.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn it!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to true>>
<<addmins 18>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 2>>
<<MamaeDiz Now I’m going to train the gluteus, tell me if I’m doing it right.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, and it’s very good.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Now the left side.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz And so $Jogador.Nome, am I doing it right?>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She’s doing everything right, why does she still ask me?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... of course, of course.<</fala>>
<<MaeMoralidade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 74 and $Mae.Moralidade lt 74 and $Mae.Amizade gte 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Mae-Workout]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 3>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, do you need help with anything else?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz No, I’m fine now, thanks.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn it!<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 3>>
<<MamaeDiz I’m going to do another glute workout.>>
<<MamaeDiz See if I’m doing it right.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It looks like it is.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Really? Come closer so you can see it better.>>
<<MaeMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz And then what do you think?>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She’s doing this on purpose, it’s not possible.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can almost smell her pussy.<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz What do you think of my flexibility?>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz Look how much I can achieve.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don’t think I can handle it.<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz Come closer, see...>>
<<MaeMoralidade 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM7-MaeWorkout16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>My dick is like a stone.<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz So what do you think $Jogador.Nome?>>
<<MamaeDiz Say something.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, I better get out.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh, alright.>>
<<narrador>>She looks disappointed.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I shouldn’t think of her like that, because she’s my $Mae,Relacao, but that’s dirty.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen and you are in for a big surprise.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-MaeCozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>$Mae.Relacao?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why is she cooking in that outfit?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-MaeCozinha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Cooking with that round little ass, rocking it back and forth... uh what am I thinking? She's my $Mae.Relacao!<</ref>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<narrador>>She turns and sees you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-MaeCozinha3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh, hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was just... just passing through. Ahm... what outfit is this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Did you like it? I was changing but I saw that my only clean clothes were wet so I decided to cook only underwear.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>And so far I'm enjoying it. But and you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Do you think it's cool or do you think I'm going too far?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I uh...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But if I'm going too far, say so.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I like the world to see my $Mae.Relacao's sculptural body, but that's wrong, I shouldn't feel physical attraction to my $Mae.Relacao, so I should ask her to stop it, but I don't want to hurt her either.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I already know.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If you like to dress like that, I totally support it, but I don't think $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>I get it...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But at least you support me, that's very important to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah. But... what are you making for dinner?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh, I'm doing...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a few more minutes while $Mae.Nome continues making dinner.<</narrador>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM8.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $MaeM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>You see your $Mae.Relacao cooking, wearing her new beautiful outfit.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm just passing through.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm...so...what are you making for dinner?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz Today I'm cooking a...>>
<<ref $Jogador>>God forgive me but I think I'm starting to enjoy seeing my $Mae.Relacao scantily clad around the house, and I think I'd like her to be completely in the...<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz Did you hear me $Jogador.Nome?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... no, sorry, I got distracted.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz I asked if you can see how long it will take for the chicken to be ready.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh, forget it... I'll see for myself.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh wow, if only I could reach out and slap that swaying ass... ohh she's your $Mae.Relacao $Jogador.Nome, get a grip.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Umm... it's getting almost ready.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Surely.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-Mae-Cozinha9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>The two of you continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MaeAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasa>>
<<narrador>>Her $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome with $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome carrying some boxes to $Mae.Nome's bedroom, this box feels heavy.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/caixas-pesadas.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You then go to them.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome what's going on?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao bought some things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>It even looks like gym weights because this box is so heavy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let me take this box to her bedroom then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Are you sure you can handle it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I can take it, I'm strong, check it out.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/biceps.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You then show your biceps, which doesn't seem to impress the girls, but they still hand you the box, and yes, it's pretty heavy.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Ahm... I think I regretted offering to help.<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Are you ok $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... ahm... of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Mae.Nome's bedroom, the door is closed so you knock on the door and she lets you in.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM9 parte 2 - Portas Fechadas]]>>
<<set $MaeM9.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You enter her bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao your box is...<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto-workout1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Umm... $Mae.Relacao?<</ref>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto-workout2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome can leave it there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, what did you buy? I can see?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>No!! Ahm... I mean no.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>It's just a few more dumbbells.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah... by the way, you bought several weights from the gym, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Ahm... yes I decided to buy it, to train whenever I want, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah but why don't you leave it out there? Then both me and $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome would also use it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yeah... you can use them whenever you want, but I prefer to leave them in my bedroom, after all, I like to train here and there is also a lot of space here and I have a place to store them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh okay, I'm leaving now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, please, when you leave, close the door, okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You close the door but leave a little gap open you want to peek to see what's inside the box.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She opens the box and takes out a latex suit.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Latex1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>A latex suit? Why?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She starts to undress to get dressed in her new latex outfit.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Latex2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, times I wanted to see my $Mae.Relacao naked again. What a daring thought of mine.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Dude, it's not possible that there was only this in that box, it was so heavy.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wait, my $Mae.Relacao is going somewhere, what is she going to do?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God...<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Latex3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is masturbating!<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This makes me very tunr on! Would it be a good idea if...<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what are you doing standing there?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get scared because of your $IrmaN.Relacao, but you stop yourself from screaming.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing! I-I just delivered the box to $Mae.Relacao, and I was already leaving.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You immediately leave there leaving your $IrmaN.Relacao a little confused.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM9.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $MaeM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>The bedroom door is closed.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spy|Mãe-Quarto]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome is working out now.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome is working out now.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 3>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome is working out now.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 4>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome is working out now.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 5>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome is working out now.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM9-Workout13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><<addmins 2>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You are in the living room watching TV, when suddenly $Mae.Nome appears with a camera in her hands.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, I found this camera, I don't know if it's working but I want you to try to take some pictures of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM10-MaeFotos1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The camera seems to be working perfectly.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Good, I found this camera inside my wardrobe and I thought, I haven't taken pictures in a long time and so I came here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, ahm... I see you're not wearing those short clothes anymore.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM10-MaeFotos2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yeah, I wanted to wear less clothes all the time, but the girls wouldn't accept it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Are the photos getting any good?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes a lot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But... Mom, know that whatever your decision I support, I wouldn't mind if you wore any kind of clothes, or decided not to wear any kind of clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Yes $Jogador.Nome, thank you so much for the support, maybe one day they'll be more accepting of this idea of less clothes, and maybe someday you'll all decide to join me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it would be a good idea because, you know... every day $IrmaV.Nome and I fight over who will do the laundry on that day, because there's always a lot of laundry, but if we wore less clothes it would be easier to do the laundry.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>You are right $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>But I don't want to upset them, and putting myself in their shoes for a second, maybe I'd find it a little weird if my $Mae.Relacao walked around in her underwear only.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, it's okay $Mae.Relacao, like I said, whatever you decide I support.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, look, it looks like the camera film is over.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh, okay, I'll have it develo... is there still a place that develops photos here in town?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Oh so fine, then I'll look for a place that does that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome goes back to her chores.<</narrador>>
<<if $Mae.Amizade gte 20 and $Mae.Moralidade lt 70>> /*==========*/
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome cares a lot about $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome and that's why she's afraid to start wearing just a few clothes, maybe some hypnosis can help her.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Mae.Amizade gte 20 and $Mae.Moralidade gte 70>> /*=====*/
<<narrador>>Even though $Mae.Nome wants to wear only a few clothes, she is still very morally correct, maybe someday she will break that barrier.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Mae.Amizade lt 20 and $Mae.Moralidade lt 70>> /*=======*/
<<narrador>>You're still not close enough to $Mae.Nome to continue. Try another day...<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Mae.Amizade lt 20 and $Mae.Moralidade gte 70>> /*======*/
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome isn't ready to move on with her return to wearing little clothes just yet.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $MaeM10.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mae.Relacao, do you want a massage?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Yeah, I really need a good massage right now.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Simple Massage|Mae-QuartoMae-Massagem-Simples]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Sexy Massage|Mae-QuartoMae-Massagem-Sexy]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mae.Relacao, do you want a massage?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Yeah, I really need a good massage right now.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Simple Massage|Mae-Sala-Massagem-Simples]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make Sexy Massage|Mae-Sala-Massagem-Sexy]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<narrador>>You give $Mae.Nome a shoulder massage.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/massagem-no-ombro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Seeing how relaxed she is you can hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button [[Hypno|Mae-Hypno-Sala-True]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "SuaCasa_Sala">><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@"not yet implemented"
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "SuaCasa_Sala">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaSala>>
<<narrador>>Hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa">>
<<if $Mae.Moralidade lt 70>>
<<if $Mae.status isnot "Relaxing">>
@@.btnHypno;<<button "Leave her in more comfortable clothes" "Mae-Hypno">>
<<set $Hypno.Mae to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Mae.status is "Relaxing">>
<<ref $Jogador>>I've hypnotized her.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I think my $Mae.Relacao's morality are too high for that.<</ref>>
<<else>> /*==================================================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>I do not know what to do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Sala]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<switch $Hypno.Mae>> /*=============================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<narrador>>You grab $Mae.Nome by the cheeks, look deep into her eyes and recite your hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm $Mae.Nome, I made a breakthrough a few days ago and started doing a lot of things I always wanted to do, but $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome aren't really liking the idea, but I can't be limited by their opinion, if they don't like my new habits they will have to learn to deal with it, and maybe one day they will accept it as well as my $Jogador.RelacaoMae $Jogador.Nome."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome looks away for a few seconds as her mind wanders, then she returns to the real world again.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" `previous()`>>
<<set $Mae.status to "Relaxing">>
<<set $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<addmins 4>>
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoCasaCozinha>>
<<narrador>>You, $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome are in the kitchen having breakfast and talking.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-irma2-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao still hasn't shown up.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After talking to $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome for a few minutes you start to miss $Mae.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you know where $Mae.Relacao is?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>No, since I woke up I haven't seen her. And you $IrmaN.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Me either.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mae" $Mae.Nome>>Are you talking about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MM11 parte 2 - Roupas confortaveis]]>>
<<set $MaeM11.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $Roupas.Mae to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha4.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz What are you looking at?>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao you're almost... naked!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz It’s not like that, I’m just wearing more comfortable clothes.>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao what idea is this? Now you're going to be in lingerie all the time?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Here at home? Yup.>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao have you lost your mind?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Tell me, what’s the problem with me wearing only lingerie inside my own house?>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>The problem is that you don’t live alone at home, what would you think if $Jogador.Nome suddenly started his only underwear here at home?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I would think it was a good idea.>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome points at $IrmaV.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz It would actually be nice if you all followed my example, the less clothes need to be washed, it would help you and $Jogador.Nome because you always argue when you go to do laundry.>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>This is madness $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Why do you suddenly start wearing short clothes like that?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz In fact, I’ve always liked to wear few clothes, but I’ve been thinking that at least when I’m at home healthy, it would be so fun to wear less clothes, because I only see an advantage in that.>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Look, $Mae.Relacao, I'm sorry to say but we disagree.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Do you and $IrmaN.Nome disagree?>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome too right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome I support whatever $Mae.Relacao decides to do!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, if $Mae.Relacao decides to only wear lingerie here at home and that makes her happy what’s the problem?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She’s a grown woman, who does what she thinks is best.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome approaches you and gives you a kiss on the forehead.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Now I want to have breakfast in peace. I really hope you both understand my side and accept my choice.>>
<<narrador>>The three of you eat breakfast in silence, hopefully someday $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome will accept $Mae.Nome's new way of dressing.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End/Go to school" "Escola">>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(9)>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to true>>
<<set $MaeM11.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<elseif $game.periodWeek is "weekend">>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Cozinha">>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to true>>
<<set $MaeM11.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 15>>
<<widget "MamaeDiz">>
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>
<div class="falaMae">
<img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome
<hr id="dlgs">
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>
<div class="falaMae">
<img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome
<hr id="dlgs">
<<widget "SrtaTravellaDiz">>
<<if $Roupas.SrtaTravella is 0>>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella">
<img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_icon.jpg">
$MissTravella.Nome Tavella
<hr id="dlgs">
<<elseif $Roupas.SrtaTravella is 1>>
<div class="falaSrtaTravella">
<img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/travella/srtaTravella_lingerie_icon.jpg">
$MissTravella.Nome Tavella
<hr id="dlgs">
<</widget>><<widget "MamaeSalaImgs">> /*========================================*/
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>> /*=======================================*/
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*===================================*/
<<switch random(1, 9)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<case 9>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala-sentada2.jpg"></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</widget>> /*=======================================================*/
<<widget "MamaeSalaSentadaImgs">> /*=================================*/
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>> /*=======================================*/
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala-sentada-sala.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala-sentada-sala2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*===================================*/
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-sala-sentada2.jpg"></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</widget>> /*=======================================================*/
<<widget "MamaeCozinhaImgs">> /*=====================================*/
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>> /*=======================================*/
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-cozinha7.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*===================================*/
<<switch random(1, 7)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-cozinha8.jpg"></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</widget>> /*=======================================================*/
<<widget "MamaeQuartoImgs">> /*======================================*/
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>> /*=======================================*/
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*===================================*/
<<switch random(1, 8)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto-sentada2.jpg"></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</widget>> /*=======================================================*/
<<widget "MamaeQuartoSentadaImgs">> /*===============================*/
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>> /*=======================================*/
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto-sentada.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*===================================*/
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto-sentada1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto-sentada2.jpg"></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</widget>> /*=======================================================*/
<<widget "MamaeTeAcordandoImgs">> /*=================================*/
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>> /*=======================================*/
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lhe-acordando1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lhe-acordando2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lhe-acordando3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lhe-acordando4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lhe-acordando5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lhe-acordando6.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*===================================*/
<<switch random(1, 8)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-lhe-acordando8.jpg"></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</widget>> /*=======================================================*/
<<widget "MamaeQuartoBravaImgs">> /*===============================*/
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>> /*=======================================*/
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-quarto2.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>> /*===================================*/
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-lingerie-quarto-angry.jpg"></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</widget>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>You give $Mae.Nome a shoulder massage.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/massagem-no-ombro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Seeing how relaxed she is you can hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
@@.btnHypno;<<button [[Hypno|Mae-Hypno-QuartoMae-True]]>><<addmins 1>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae">><<addmins 3>><</button>>@@"not yet implemented"
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back" "SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuartoMae>>
<<narrador>>Hypnotize her.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.JogadorMassagista is true>>
<<if $MaeM10.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa">>
<<if $Mae.Moralidade lt 70>>
<<if $Mae.status isnot "Relaxing">>
@@.btnHypno;<<button "Leave her in more comfortable clothes" "Mae-Hypno">>
<<set $Hypno.Mae to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Mae.status is "Relaxing">>
<<ref $Jogador>>I've hypnotized her.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I think my $Mae.Relacao's morality are too high for that.<</ref>>
<<else>> /*==================================================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>I do not know what to do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Quarto_da_sua_Mae]]>><<addmins 5>><</button>>@@<<FundoRefeitorio>>
<<narrador>>You are with your friends in the refectory at school, talking about various subjects.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When $Amigo.Nome has an idea.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Guys, these days I was thinking. How about if we played a tabletop RPG.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Man, I've always wanted to do this, but it's too complicated.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I heard you need to read a huge book before you start playing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It's true what if I told you that I'm reading the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I thought you didn't like to read.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>I dislike. But these days I ended up running out of internet and as I had nothing to do I found this book in the basement and started reading.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Then that's it! Let's Play!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But don't you think we're going to need more people? Because $Amigo.Nome would be the master and only you and I as players.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It's the first time we're going to play, we're going to play just ourselves this time, then next time, we'll look for other people to play with.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Look, let's do it like this, you create the character at your house and on the weekend in the afternoon you go to my house and we play.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>But how do you create the character?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>To create your character is very simple, you need...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Renan explains to you how to create your character.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>While $Amigo.Nome was explaining, you were already having several ideas. Playtime is over but you already know exactly what kind of character you are going to create.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue/3B" "3B">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio to 50>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<narrador>>You have to create a character to play Dungeons & Dragons with your friends.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What race do I choose?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Dwarf|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Anao to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Elf|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Elfo to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Halfling|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Halfling to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Human|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Humano to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Dragonborn|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Draconato to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Gnome|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Gnomo to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Half-Elf|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.MeioElfo to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Half-Orc|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.MeioOrc to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Tiefling|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Tiefling to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Warforged|JM12 parte 2 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Races.Warforged to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<elseif $Races.Anao is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Dwarf.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.Elfo is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Elf.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.Halfling is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Halfling.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.Humano is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Human.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.Draconato is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Dragonborn.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.Gnomo is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Gnome.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.MeioElfo is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Half-Elf.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.MeioOrc is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Half-Orc.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.Tiefling is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Tiefling.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Races.Warforged is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You choose Warforged.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now I need to choose a class.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose Class|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $Races to {
Anao: false,
Elfo: false,
Halfling: false,
Humano: false,
Draconato: false,
Gnomo: false,
MeioElfo: false,
MeioOrc: false,
Tiefling: false,
Warforged: false,
<<set $Classes to {
Barbaro: false,
Bardo: false,
Clerigo: false,
Druida: false,
Guerreiro: false,
Monge: false,
Paladino: false,
Ranger: false,
Ladino: false,
Feiticeiro: false,
Bruxo: false,
Mago: false,
<<if $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>Choose a class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Barbarian|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Barbaro to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Bard|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Bardo to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cleric|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Clerigo to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Druid|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Druida to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fighter|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Guerreiro to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Monk|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Monge to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Paladin|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Paladino to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ranger|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Ranger to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rogue|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Ladino to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sorcerer|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Feiticeiro to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Warlock|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Bruxo to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wizard|JM12 parte 3 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<set $Classes.Mago to true>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<elseif $Classes.Barbaro is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Barbarian class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Bard class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Cleric class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Druid class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Fighter class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Monk class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Paladin class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Ranger class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Rogue class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Sorcerer class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Warlock class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true and $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You chose the Wizard class.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[My character stayed|JM12 parte 4 - Vamos jogar Dungeons & Dragons?]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $Races.Anao is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Anao-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Anao-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Anao-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Anao-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Anao-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Anao-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Anao-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Anao-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Anao-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Anao-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Anao-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dwarf Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Anao-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.Elfo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Elfo-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Elfo-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Elfo-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Elfo-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Elfo-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Elfo-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Elfo-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Elfo-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Elfo-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Elfo-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Elf Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Elfo-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.Halfling is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Halfling-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Halfling-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Halfling-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Halfling-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Halfling-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Halfling-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Halfling-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Halfling-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Halfling-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Halfling-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Halfling-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Halfling Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Halfling-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.Humano is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Humano-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Humano-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Humano-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Humano-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Humano-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Humano-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Humano-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Humano-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Humano-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Humano-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Humano-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Human Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Humano-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.Draconato is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Draconato-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Draconato-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Draconato-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Draconato-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Draconato-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Draconato-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Draconato-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Draconato-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Draconato-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Draconato-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Draconato-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Dragonborn Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Draconato-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.Gnomo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Gnomo-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Gnomo-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Gnomo-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Gnomo-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Gnomo-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Gnomo-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Gnomo-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Gnomo-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Gnomo-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Gnomo-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Gnomo-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Gnome Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Gnomo-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.MeioElfo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Meio-Elfo-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Meio-Elfo-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Meio-Elfo-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Meio-Elfo-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Meio-Elfo-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Meio-Elfo-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Meio-Elfo-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Meio-Elfo-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Meio-Elfo-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Meio-Elfo-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Meio-Elfo-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Elf Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Meio-Elfo-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.MeioOrc is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Meio-Orc-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Meio-Orc-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Meio-Orc-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Meio-Orc-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Meio-Orc-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Meio-Orc-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Meio-Orc-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Meio-Orc-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Meio-Orc-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Meio-Orc-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Meio-Orc-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Half-Orc Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Meio-Orc-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.Tiefling is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Tiefling-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Tiefling-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Tiefling-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Tiefling-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Tiefling-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Tiefling-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Tiefling-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Tiefling-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Tiefling-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Tiefling-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Tiefling-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Tiefling Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Tiefling-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Races.Warforged is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Warforged-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Bard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Warforged-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Cleric.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Warforged-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Druid.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Warforged-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Fighter.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Warforged-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Monk.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Warforged-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Paladin.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Warforged-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Ranger.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Warforged-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Rogue.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Warforged-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Sorcerer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Warforged-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Warlock.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Warforged-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<narrador>>You make a Warforged Wizard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Warforged-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You take the time to write your character's profile and life story.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $JogadorM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<widget "DeDPersonagem">>
<<if $Races.Anao is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Anao-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Anao-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Anao-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Anao-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Anao-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Anao-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Anao-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Anao-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Anao-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Anao-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Anao-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Anao-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.Elfo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Elfo-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Elfo-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Elfo-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Elfo-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Elfo-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Elfo-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Elfo-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Elfo-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Elfo-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Elfo-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Elfo-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Elfo-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.Halfling is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Halfling-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Halfling-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Halfling-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Halfling-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Halfling-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Halfling-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Halfling-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Halfling-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Halfling-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Halfling-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Halfling-Bruxo.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Halfling-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.Humano is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Humano-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Humano-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Humano-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Humano-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Humano-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Humano-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Humano-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Humano-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Humano-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Humano-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Humano-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Humano-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.Draconato is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Draconato-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Draconato-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Draconato-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Draconato-Druida.jpg"></center>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Draconato-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Draconato-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Draconato-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Draconato-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Draconato-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Draconato-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Draconato-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Draconato-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Draconato-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.Gnomo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Feiticeiro.jpg">???<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Gnomo-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.MeioElfo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Meio-Elfo-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.MeioOrc is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Meio-Orc-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.Tiefling is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Tiefling-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Races.Warforged is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/icons/Icon-Warforged-Barbaro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bards/icons/Icon-Warforged-Bardo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/icons/Icon-Warforged-Clerigo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/icons/Icon-Warforged-Druida.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/icons/Icon-Warforged-Guerreiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/monges/icons/Icon-Warforged-Monge.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/icons/Icon-Warforged-Paladins.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/icons/Icon-Warforged-Ranger.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/icons/Icon-Warforged-Ladino.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/icons/Icon-Warforged-Feiticeiro.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/icons/Icon-Warforged-Bruxo.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<div class="falaDeDPerson"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/magos/icons/Icon-Warforged-Mago.jpg">$DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<widget "DeDKillingan">>
<div class="falaDeDKillingan"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/Killingan/Killingan-Icon.jpg">Killingan Antônio<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<widget "DeDLaurenova">>
<div class="falaDeDKillingan"><img class="avatar2" src="content/others/DnD/Laurenova/Laurenova-Icon.jpg">Laurenova Coperov<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>_args.raw</span></div>
<<widget "DeDRaca">>
<<if $Races.Anao is true>>
<<elseif $Races.Elfo is true>>
<<elseif $Races.Halfling is true>>
<<elseif $Races.Humano is true>>
<<elseif $Races.Draconato is true>>
<<elseif $Races.Gnomo is true>>
<<elseif $Races.MeioElfo is true>>
<<elseif $Races.MeioOrc is true>>
<<elseif $Races.Tiefling is true>>
<<elseif $Races.Warforged is true>>
<<widget "DeDClasse">>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<<widget "DeDPersonagemPronto">>
<<if $Races.Anao is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Anao-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Anao-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Anao-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Anao-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Anao-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Anao-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Anao-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Anao-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Anao-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Anao-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Anao-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Anao-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.Elfo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Elfo-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Elfo-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Elfo-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Elfo-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Elfo-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Elfo-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Elfo-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Elfo-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Elfo-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Elfo-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Elfo-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Elfo-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.Halfling is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Halfling-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Halfling-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Halfling-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Halfling-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Halfling-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Halfling-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Halfling-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Halfling-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Halfling-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Halfling-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Halfling-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Halfling-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.Humano is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Humano-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Humano-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Humano-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Humano-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Humano-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Humano-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Humano-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Humano-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Humano-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Humano-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Humano-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Humano-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.Draconato is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Draconato-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Draconato-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Draconato-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Draconato-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Draconato-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Draconato-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Draconato-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Draconato-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Draconato-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Draconato-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Draconato-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Draconato-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.Gnomo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Gnomo-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Gnomo-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Gnomo-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Gnomo-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Gnomo-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Gnomo-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Gnomo-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Gnomo-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Gnomo-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Gnomo-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Gnomo-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Gnomo-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.MeioElfo is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Meio-Elfo-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Meio-Elfo-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Meio-Elfo-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Meio-Elfo-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Meio-Elfo-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Meio-Elfo-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Meio-Elfo-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Meio-Elfo-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Meio-Elfo-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Meio-Elfo-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Meio-Elfo-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Meio-Elfo-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.MeioOrc is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Meio-Orc-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Meio-Orc-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Meio-Orc-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Meio-Orc-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Meio-Orc-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Meio-Orc-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Meio-Orc-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Meio-Orc-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Meio-Orc-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Meio-Orc-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Meio-Orc-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Meio-Orc-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.Tiefling is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Tiefling-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Tiefling-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Tiefling-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Tiefling-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Tiefling-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Tiefling-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Tiefling-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Tiefling-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Tiefling-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Tiefling-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Tiefling-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Tiefling-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Races.Warforged is true>>
<<if $Classes.Barbaro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/barbaros/Warforged-Barbaro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bardo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bards/Warforged-Bardo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Clerigo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/clericos/Warforged-Clerigo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Druida is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/druidas/Warforged-Druida.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Guerreiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/guerreiros/Warforged-Guerreiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Monge is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/monges/Warforged-Monge.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Paladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/paladinos/Warforged-Paladins.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ranger is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/rangers/Warforged-Ranger.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Ladino is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/ladinos/Warforged-Ladino.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Feiticeiro is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/feiticeiros/Warforged-Feiticeiro.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Bruxo is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/bruxos/Warforged-Bruxo.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $Classes.Mago is true>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/magos/Warforged-Mago.jpg"></center>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house to play Dungeons & Dragons for the first time.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, have you made your character yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I made a <<DeDRaca>> <<DeDClasse>>.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>And I made a Gnome Mage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And I made a Half-Orc Paladin.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But, man, you're the master, you can't be a player.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey, why not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Why can't a guy be a referee and a player at the same time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>This analogy doesn't apply, and besides, a story with only 2 players wouldn't work, it has to be at least three.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, let's play anyway if it doesn't work out let's try again another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You prepare the board, to start playing, but as $Amigo.Nome was the master and at the same time a character he started to favor himself until $Jogador.Nome' character died.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dude why did you do that?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>He wanted to deal the final blow to the creature.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You were just unlucky!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You literally made lightning strike my head out of nowhere!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And you died... bad luck...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, you know what, throw you two there and I'll have a glass of water.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM2 parte 2 - Dia de Dungeons & Dragons]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the living room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome... we found out we have a problem.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That it's not good to be a master and a player at the same time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Also, because he already knows the end of the story and he just gave me a spoiler.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Was unintentionally...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Oh yeah, don't say...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did you discover?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>It had a much higher level than us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So you died?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I die... but as $Amigo.Nome is the master, his Paladin gained a miraculous strength from the god he serves and killed the creature alone...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It was pure luck...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, this is dirty... we need to find someone else to play with us...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Yeah, but we'll decide another day because I have to leave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so we'll decide another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave $Amigo.Nome's house, still thinking about $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<narrador>>You were just leaving when...<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Not so fast $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/atrasdevc.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You turn around.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Remember about our private lessons?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh damn!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Yes! Let's go because we don't have much time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She grabs you by the arm and forcibly leads you to her car, then she takes you to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM2 parte 2 - Professora Lebelle]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Welcome to my house $Jogador.Nome, what do you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think we should start lesson soon to end soon.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Lesson?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Do you really think I would teach you for free?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>That's right, I'm not going to teach you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So why did you call me here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So you see those dirty clothes? My maid quit two weeks ago I was quite sad, as I was never good at these housework, but hey! I have a new maid! Do you know her name?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No! I not be your maid!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Yes you will, because I overheard a conversation between teacher Klump and teacher $ProfEdFisica.Nome that you asked him to give you the address of all the teachers at the school.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Fuck! Teacher Klump was far from discreet about it!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn it, teacher!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Yeah right there! You will do everything I asked! Go wash clothes, wash dishes, make me dinner, bathe my grandmother... whatever I want!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Because if not, I'll go to the police station and I'll say you're stalking me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I'm pretty sure my boyfriend saw you trying to break into my house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I never did it! What are you talking about?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Besides how about I say you hit me.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But what a crazy bitch!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I never did it!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>But who will they believe, me or you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are a crazy bitch!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>And you are now my slave!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You're not famous actor $Jogador.Nome! Don't try to play Jack Sperrow on me because if you don't, you're going to lose!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How I want to punch her in the face!<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Well, no need to say anything $Jogador.Nome. You can wash your clothes and then let them dry. But be careful not to mix white with colored too!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn it and now.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You can go wash the dishes! I'll stay here watching TV. When you're done, you can leave, but stay tuned because tomorrow I'll call again for you to iron!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How many years in jail would I get for breaking that iron on her head?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Without much choice you wash all her clothes, unfortunately this took a lot longer than you thought, there were even men's clothes among them. Unfortunately it looks like $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle is just getting started.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/lavandopratos.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 150>>
<<narrador>>You were just leaving when...<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Not so fast $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/atrasdevc.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You turn around.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no, again!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Did you forget what I said yesterday?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I forgot!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Yesterday I told you that you're going to iron all the clothes, so let's go!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She grabs you by the arm and leads you to the car.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM3 parte 2 - Um Problema Chamado Ivy]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What the hell! How long will I have to do this!?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Until all the clothes are gone.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I mean, how long do I have to do these things for you?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>For as long as I want $Jogador.Nome, don't you understand?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I will release you from all this. When I think you deserve it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>No buts! In a few minutes I'm going out with my boyfriend and you can iron all these clothes yourself.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Will you leave me here in your house alone?!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Yes, why? Are you afraid of the dark?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Now don't bother me, iron these clothes and I'll take a shower.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start to iron the big pile of $ProfQuimica.Nome's clothes you washed yesterday but you hear the shower running in the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is it a good idea to try to atone for her by taking a shower?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/considerando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spy on Her Taking a Shower|PQM3 parte 3 - Um Problema Chamado Ivy]]>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao to true>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|PQM3 parte 4 - Um Problema Chamado Ivy]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao to false>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "Casa-Lebelle-Banheiro">>
<<narrador>>You cautiously approach the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Luckily she left the door open, so you carefully open the door and you can see her taking a shower.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_quimica/videos/ProfQuimica-Banho1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Look at her ass, my God, I wish I could go in there with her.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_quimica/videos/ProfQuimica-Banho2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Look at these wonderful breasts now, I'm even getting excited.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome turns off the shower.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn it! Looks like she's leaving, I better get back to ironing.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You go back to ironing clothes|PQM3 parte 4 - Um Problema Chamado Ivy]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is false>> /*======================*/
<<addmins 4>>
<<ref $Jogador>>You better not, if she catches me, I'm fucked!<</ref>>
<<elseif $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> /*===================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>Let's iron clothes soon, so she doesn't suspect anything!<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/desfarca.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome comes out of the bathroom already dressed and walks over to you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I'm already leaving.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Leave the clothes well pressed and then put them away in my bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, just go away and leave me alone.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She was already leaving until but before she turned around.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Oh, I almost forgot, don't even think about trying to leave early, or do something funny because I have security cameras all over the house that I bought just to watch you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes a device out of her bag and presses the button.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Smile you are being filmed.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She turn and walk out the door.<</narrador>>
<<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is false>> /*======================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>Good thing I didn't peek at her in the bathroom.<</ref>>
<<elseif $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> /*===================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh fuck, I recorded myself spying on her.<</ref>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>You iron all that clothes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/passandoroupa.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>It takes you a few hours to finish everything, after that you're tired of it.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 165>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>> /*===========================================*/
<<case 1>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Damned boy! He spied me taking a shower.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ay, caramba!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You will see me boy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry teacher...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She hangs up the phone leaving you to talk to yourself.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 2>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Son of a bitch! He spied me taking a shower.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ay, caramba!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You will regret what you did!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry teacher...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She hangs up the phone leaving you to talk to yourself.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<case 3>> /*====================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>You shameless naughty dog! He spied me taking a shower.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ay, caramba!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Next time you come I'm going to cut off your penis because that's what you do with a perverted dog!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry teacher...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She hangs up the phone leaving you to talk to yourself.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<</switch>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>You were just leaving when...<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/atrasdevc.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You turn around.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Let's go! And no hassle!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM4 parte 2 - Mais Problemas]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> /*=======================*/
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I know you spied me taking a shower that day!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm sorry teacher. I got curious.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Well, now you will pay for your curiosity.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And now? What do you want me to do.<</fala>>
<<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> /*=======================*/
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Since you are very fond of spying on people in the bathroom, I decided to let you wash the bathroom today.<</fala>>
<<elseif $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is false>> /*==================*/
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Today you are going to wash the bathroom.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... not anything but that!<</fala>>
<<if $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is true>> /*=======================*/
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>It's your punishment for spying on me showering.<</fala>>
<<elseif $MissaoCongif.PQM3Espiao is false>> /*==================*/
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Don't be so dramatic, some men would do anything to wash the bathroom of a woman like me.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Now get on with it right now because today I don't have much time to waste on nonsense.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She locks herself in her bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She's definitely going to be watching me through the security cameras so I better start cleaning that bathroom soon.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You spend just over an hour cleaning the bathroom, it wasn't as gross as you'd thought, but still, it was pretty nasty.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 137>>
<<if $AaliyahGymMP1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Aaliyah.local is "Gym">>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<goto "AAGMP1 - Ajudando Amelia">>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome is training now.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>> /*=================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Aaliyah.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You train with $Aaliyah.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome seems to enjoy watching you workout.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>> /*============================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome can you help me here again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure!<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Sorry, but I always forget...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, I really enjoy helping you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You help her improve her posture.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh thank you so much $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You help her exercise for a while.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome seems to enjoy you helping her workout.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahDesejo 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">><<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>><<addhours 1>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/<<FundoAcademia>>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome is working out like she always worked out.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome trains a little less than she usually trains.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>And she decides to go for another exercise.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She looks like she's trying to do a triceps exercise.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Gosh, she's got all the wrong posture.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is she married to a Physical Education teacher and doesn't know how to do the exercise correctly? Guess I'll have to help her.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Aaliyah.Nome. Looks like you're having a little trouble.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Yes, help me, I still don't know how to do that.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First, you must maintain a correct posture.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help her improve her posture.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh is this how I have to do it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That! Now yes...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You help her exercise for a while.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $AaliyahGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $AaliyahGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 62>>
<</button>>@@Amelia Missões (Aaliyah Love)<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<narrador>>You go to your bedroom and try to choose the best outfit for your date with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hmm... what do I choose?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>At that moment your cell phone rings, it's $LenaPaul.Nome so you answer it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what about our date tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's all planned out, you'll love our date, I promise!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh good, I'll be waiting for you in front of the park.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then I'll meet you there. Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Bye Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your bedroom door opens.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/interruption.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, are you going on a date tonight?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... I'm...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz And with a girl?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes... ahm...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/what.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come? Because you are surprised!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Her $Mae.Relacao calls $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Girls! $Jogador.Nome has a date tonight!>>
<<narrador>>They come running.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/shecomming.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>A date?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Who is she?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nobody... nobody I just want you to leave me alone...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Calm down $Jogador.Nome, no need to be embarrassed.>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Yeah, and we're gonna help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But $Jogador.Nome, tell me who is she?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz When are we going to meet her?>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Is she from school?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz No, she is not from school, her name is $LenaPaul.Nome and I met her a few days ago.>>
<<MamaeDiz And when will we meet her?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, maybe one day.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz But where are you going to take it?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... you know... I haven't even thought about it yet!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Nooo.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It got off to a good start!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Huh? So where do i take her?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz You can take her to a restaurant.>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Oh, $Mae.Relacao, in restaurant, people our age much prefer to hang out at the mall.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>To people your age you mean... In fact in the last few days there are people doing beach parties at night.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome listen to what I say wherever you take her, remember to treat her right.>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>And choose a good outfit too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Wear a good perfume girls love fragrant men.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, you've already helped me a lot so now leave me alone.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/getout.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You take them all out of your bedroom so you can get ready for that date.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Getting close to the time for this meeting you go to the park to meet $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to date|LPM3 parte 2 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(20)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to the front of the park and find $LenaPaul.Nome waiting for you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You greet her with a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And then where are we going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where are we going? Umm...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Hmm... what were the options my family suggested?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Restaurant|LPM3 parte 2 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Mall|LPM3 parte 2 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date on the Beach|LPM3 parte 2 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to that restaurant we went to when we first met?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's a good idea, but you have the money for it, that restaurant is kind of expensive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I have, come on.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hope I have.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the restaurant.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Restaurant|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Restaurante to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to the mall?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's a good idea, I think it's a good idea, I even want to watch a movie at the cinema.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We can do that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the mall.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Mall|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Shopping to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to the beach?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>The beach? At this time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, because I heard that there's been a party at night these last few days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh that's good, so let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the beach.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date on the Beach|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Praia to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "restaurante">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome go to the restaurant where you met.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You go to your table. You pull out the chair for $LenaPaul.Nome to sit in.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome is really beautiful.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-dress2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, do you like this place?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh I love this place, the food here is excellent.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And the coolest thing is that this is where we met, do you remember that day?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Laughing $LenaPaul.Nome responds.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, we see our friends having oral sex in the bathroom.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment the waiter arrives offering the menu, it seems he heard what $LenaPaul.Nome said.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The food arrives and you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<include [[Date-Converça-Alli-ea-BandaEmo]]>>
<<narrador>>You talk about other topics over dinner.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<include [[Date-Converça-Familias]]>>
<<narrador>>You talk about other topics over dinner.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 80>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, you are so funny.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome says with a laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I need to go to the bathroom $Jogador.Nome, will you wait for me a second?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome goes to the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Umm... do I pay the bill now before she arrives, or wait for her to share?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Pay Entire Account|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wait for her to arrive and say that they will split the bill|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Yeah, I'll foot the whole bill, she's a nice girl who deserves me to do this for her.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You call the waiter and ask for the bill.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Gave $200, dear!<</narrador>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 200>> /*==============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Pay|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 200>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Dinheiro lt 200>> /*===========================*/
<<narrador>>You don't have the money to pay this bill.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Change your mind|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>You pay the bill.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome comes back from the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, are we leaving?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey waiter, can you...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, no need to worry.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Did you pay everything?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course... you deserve that and more.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome is very happy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, you are so wonderful.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 5>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 5>>
<<narrador>>After this amazing dinner you take her to her house.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm I think I'll wait my girl she'll split the bill with me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The waiter goes back to where she was and you wait for $LenaPaul.Nome to arrive.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, are we leaving?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey waiter, can you bring the bill?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Will she offer to split?<</ref>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It was $200, shall we split it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fine... let's share then.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Pay Your Share|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 100>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<narrador>>After the amazing dinner you take her to her house.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I think I'll wait for $LenaPaul.Nome to arrive so we can split the bill, after all, I'm not her father to pay everything.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You wait a while and then $LenaPaul.Nome comes back.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, are we leaving?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey waiter, can you bring the check?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Will she offer to share?<</ref>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It was $200, shall we split it?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Dinheiro gte 200>> /*==============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Change your mind and pay the whole bill|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Dinheiro lt 200>> /*===========================*/
<<narrador>>You don't have the money to pay this bill.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Pay only your share|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know what, $LenaPaul.Nome, let me pay for everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? It's $200 I don't really mind paying half.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, no, no, leave this one to me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome is very happy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, you are so amazing.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 4>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 4>>
<<narrador>>After this amazing dinner you take her to her house.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 200>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 200>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 200>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Fine... let's split then.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After this amazing dinner you take her to her house.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 100>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 100>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 100>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome go to the mall.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-shopping.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So, $Jogador.Nome, do you have any idea what we're going to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah I thought we'd have some ice cream and then we'd watch a movie.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay, sounds like a good idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two go to the mall's ice cream parlor.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You order your favorite ice cream flavor and $LenaPaul.Nome orders a strawberry popsicle.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You eat ice cream and chat for a while.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<include [[Date-Converça-Alli-ea-BandaEmo]]>>
<<narrador>>You talk for a while longer about other matters.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<include [[Date-Converça-Familias]]>>
<<narrador>>You talk for a while longer about other matters.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>When you see that the movie is about to start you go there to the cinema to choose which movie you are going to watch.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So $LenaPaul.Nome likes any movie on the list?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It doesn't matter to me, you can choose one if you want.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose an Action and Adventure movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 26>>
<<addmins 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose a Drama Movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 26>>
<<addmins 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choosing a Romantic Comedy Movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 26>>
<<addmins 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choosing a Science Fiction Movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 26>>
<<addmins 15>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Choose a Horror Movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 26>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... let's watch an action movie then, shall we?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sure, let's go.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 100>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You watch the action-adventure movie.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/action-adventure-movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did you think $Jogador.Nome? Because I found it exciting, it even made me want to take fighting lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I thought it was cool, but someone was throwing popcorn at me so I couldn't concentrate very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Too bad the mall is almost closing, I wish we had time to do something else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well we can continue somewhere else, I can take you to your house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>My house is from here, we can walk.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 4>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... let's watch a drama movie then, shall we?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sure, let's go.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 120>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<narrador>>You watch the drama movie.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/drama-movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did you think $Jogador.Nome? Because I found it so sad, I got really bad about what happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... I couldn't concentrate because someone kept throwing popcorn at me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Too bad the mall is almost closing, I wish we had time to do something else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well we can continue somewhere else, I can take you to your house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>My house is close to here, we can walk.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 2>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 2>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... let's watch a romantic comedy then, shall we?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sure, let's go.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 90>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<narrador>>You watch the romantic comedy movie.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/romantic-comedy-movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I liked it, but someone kept throwing popcorn at me so I couldn't concentrate very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm... I couldn't concentrate because someone kept throwing popcorn at me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Too bad the mall is almost closing, I wish we had time to do something else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well we can continue somewhere else, I can take you to your house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>My house is from here, we can walk.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 4>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 4>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... so let's watch a science fiction movie, shall we?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sure, let's go.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 110>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<narrador>>You watch the science fiction movie.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/science-fiction-movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did you think $Jogador.Nome? Because I think I didn't understand this movie very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course... there was someone throwing popcorn at us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Too bad the mall is almost closing, I wish we had time to do something else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well we can continue somewhere else, I can take you to your house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>My house is from here, we can walk.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... so let's watch a horror movie, shall we?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sure, let's go.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch movie|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 95>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<<narrador>>You watch the horror movie.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/horror-movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did you think $Jogador.Nome? I got so scared, sorry for cuddling you all the time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, you don't even make me realize that someone was throwing popcorn at me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Too bad the mall is almost closing, I wish we had time to do something else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well we can continue somewhere else, I can take you to your house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>My house is from here, we can walk.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness gte 0 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 10>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 10 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 20>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 2>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 20 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 30>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 3>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 30 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 4>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50 and $Jogador.Fitness lt 75>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 5>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 75>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 6>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take her home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome go to the beach.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>There seems to be a party going on.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/praia/images/festa-praia-noite.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Look what a tropical climate, what a beautiful place it looks like we're in Hawaii.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I knew you would like.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Glad she liked it.<</ref>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Good evening, welcome to our land, I want to offer you a cocktail at half price.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cocktail?<</fala>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Yes, we have several cocktails on sale, you can choose one here on the menu.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The Waiter gives you the menu.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... there are several options here, which one do you want?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahm... I'm not good at picking, you pick one, and I'll get the same.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Margarita|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 10>>
<<addmins 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Irish Coffee|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 20>>
<<addmins 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sex on the Beach|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 30>>
<<addmins 3>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Sangria|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 40>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm...so I want a Margarita.<</fala>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Oh... good choice they say this drink makes a person more confident.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cool, let's see what we'll have the courage to do by the end of the night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Exactly.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Waiter bring us two margaritas.<</fala>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drinks, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drinks, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<else>> /*======================================================*/
<<narrador>>The waiter goes to get the drinks.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... so I want an Irish Coffee.<</fala>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Oh... good choice they say this drink makes you more energized after all it is made from coffee and served hot.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cool, how much energy will we have at the end of the night?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What will you have at the end of the night?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Waiter bring us two Irish Coffees.<</fala>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drinks, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drinks, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<else>> /*======================================================*/
<<narrador>>The waiter goes to get the drinks.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm...so I want a Sex on the Beach.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome laughs at the name of the drink.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Oh... good choice they say this drink was named after the many tourists who visit Florida's beaches during the spring. It can make people who drink it feel sexy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Perfect.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Waiter bring us two Sex on the Beach.<</fala>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drink, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drink, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<else>> /*======================================================*/
<<narrador>>The waiter goes to get the drink.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... so I want the Sangria.<</fala>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Oh... good choice, it is said that Sangria can leave a person in a sluggish, zen-like state.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I hope we don't get sleepy tonight.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Waiter bring us two sangrias.<</fala>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drink, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>While the waiter goes to get the drink, you and $LenaPaul.Nome talk.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<else>> /*======================================================*/
<<narrador>>The waiter goes to get the drink.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<include [[Date-Converça-Familias]]>>
<<narrador>>You chat some more while you wait for the waiter to come with your drink.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<include [[Date-Converça-Alli-ea-BandaEmo]]>>
<<narrador>>You chat some more while you wait for the waiter to come with your drink.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<narrador>>After a while, the waiter comes back with their drinks.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It took a while...<</fala>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Sorry, it's just that you guys were talking, something so important that I decided to wait.<</fala>>
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>But...<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Garconpraia" Waiter>>Here are your good drinks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After a while, the waiter comes back with their drinks.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You guys have your drinks while chatting.<</narrador>>
<<if $game.TVprogramaçao is 10>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 2>>
<<JogadorOusadia 2>>
<<JogadorStatus 10>>
<<elseif $game.TVprogramaçao is 20>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 2>>
<<JogadorFitness 1>>
<<JogadorStatus 10>>
<<elseif $game.TVprogramaçao is 30>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 2>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<JogadorStatus 10>>
<<elseif $game.TVprogramaçao is 40>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 2>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<JogadorStatus 5>>
<<narrador>>After drinking and talking a lot you take an Uber and you take her to her house.<</narrador>>
<<if $LenaPaulM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM3 parte 3 - Primeiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 60>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM4 parte 3 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 60>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take Her Home|LPM5 parte 3 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.TVprogramaçao to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 60>>
<<addmins 15>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>You take $LenaPaul.Nome back to her house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/levando-a-garota-para-casa.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Today's meeting was fantastic.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh did you like it? Can you show me how much you liked it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm... of course I can.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome approaches you and gives you a sweet kiss.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-kiss.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Want to come in and make a mess?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh $Jogador.Nome, I'm not a one-date girl.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ohh no.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh yeah... maybe next time you'll get something good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In the next? So will there be next one?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>If the next dates are as good as this one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And they will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So until next Saturday, at the same time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>To the next.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome gives him one more kiss and says goodbye entering her house.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You then go back to your house.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The location of $LenaPaul.Nome's house is now available.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $LenaPaulGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 4>>
<</button>>@@<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what a story $Valentao.Nome said about his $IrmaN.Relacao being needy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, I don't want to talk about that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh... tell me, $Jogador.Nome, please I promise this stays between us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, I will, if you later tell the story of the cloudy night and the emo band.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome takes a deep breath.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Alright, you first.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I owed my $IrmaN.Relacao a favor, for something I did so she told me that she was in love with $Valentao.Nome and wanted me not only to tell him that, but she wanted me to broker a meeting between the two of them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And you did it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>More or less, I didn't want my little $IrmaN.Relacao to have a date with that motherfucker, but I had a plan.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know the day we met, you told me that $Valentao.Nome and $CarmenCa.Nome are half brothers, and that their mother is a former prostitute and that makes him very ashamed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I told him that my $IrmaN.Relacao was in love with him, and that they would have a date that night, but that he should act the opposite extreme of what he does.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He should act like a perfect submissive beta.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, I doubt he accepted.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He accepted yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He was very scared of what everyone would think if they found out that his stepsister is a cam-girl and his mother is an ex-prostitute so he accepted my proposal.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And this is what happened? He acted like that with her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know exactly how it went, but my $IrmaN.Relacao didn't like it very much.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Of course not, if I may say your $IrmaN.Relacao was just horny, nothing more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sorry to say that about your $IrmaN.Relacao but that's the truth, she was just horny.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">> /*================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>After that meeting she decided to give him one more chance.<</fala>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*==============*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It could have been, but it wasn't just that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>After that meeting she decided to give him one more chance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What?! Why?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, those girl things, "I want to fix him" "he's a sensitive guy, I can help him be a better person".<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You make a thin voice trying to imitate $IrmaN.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome thinks it's funny.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow, your $IrmaN.Relacao was very innocent.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah I know.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Inativa">> /*============*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But enough about $IrmaN.Nome, tell me about the cloudy night story and the emo band.<</fala>>
<<elseif $IrmaNM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*==========*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I tried to renegotiate this with $Valentao.Nome but it didn't work out very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I had another idea, $IrmaN.Nome asked me to get $Valentao.Nome's cell phone number, so I bought a new one and gave her that number so she would think it was $Valentao.Nome's number.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And I've been talking to her pretending I'm $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow, what kind of things do you guys talk about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I let her tell me about school stuff, and I always try to respond with something $Valentao.Nome would say.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But... what are you going to do when $IrmaN.Nome wants to meet $Valentao.Nome in person.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I told her that "$Valentao.Nome" and she couldn't meet for a while, not even at school, and I'm using that time to get her to give up on $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now, if she wants to meet $Valentao.Nome anyway, then I have another idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But enough about $IrmaN.Nome, tell me about the cloudy night story and the emo band.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay... a few years ago I had a punk band.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, a few years ago I had formed a punk band with some friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Did $CarmenCa.Nome also participate?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No, but she always supported me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Our band was small but we had potential, we certainly managed to book a show in another city, but my dad never liked that idea, so my mom asked $CarmenCa.Nome's mom to take me to that show, but $CarmenCa.Nome's mom couldn't drive at the time, she had her license suspended, so the one who had to take me was... $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn… what the hell this trip must have been.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It was, but not because of $Valentao.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>The day was cloudy, it looked like it was going to rain and $CarmenCa.Nome's mother's car was a convertible and didn't have a top, she already understood where I'm going, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Imagine 5 hours in a convertible car, raining like hell, everyone wet with $Valentao.Nome not stopping talking shit the whole trip.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn, but at least you guys managed to introduce yourself?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No, the show was canceled due to weather conditions.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn, what a bad misfortune.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah, but at least it's over, the band didn't last long either so it's ok.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I have a photo of myself from that time, here on my phone. Look, I was the lead singer.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-punk1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your clothes are nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I thought you guys were going to hear an emo band.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No, $Valentao.Nome is so dumb he doesn't know the difference between punk and emo, and he didn't even know I wasn't going to watch the show, I was going to perform.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so let's move on to something else...<</fala>>
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>You eat and talk for a while, between laughs and jokes it seems like $LenaPaul.Nome likes to spend time with you.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<narrador>>You chat for a while while you wait for your drinks, between laughs and jokes it seems like $LenaPaul.Nome likes to spend time with you.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/<<if $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus is "Completa" and $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">> /*============================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, we've been dating for a few days, but I still don't know much about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come? What you want to know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Well... tell me a little about your family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>There's not much to say, I have a $Mae.Relacao and two sisters.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay, tell me a little about them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, my $Mae.Relacao is... nice, she's very affectionate and hardworking, she took care of three kids by herself.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And her sisters?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, there's the oldest $IrmaV.Nome and the youngest $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*===================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome works as a nurse, or rather used to.<</fala>>
<<elseif $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*============*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$IrmaV.Nome works as a nurse.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And she's very kind, but she can be vindictive at times.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What about $IrmaN.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I told $IrmaN.Nome that day about Ronald and that she liked him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh yeah. And what did you do about it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh and... I'm trying to work this out as best I can.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But apart from this story, she is a very smart girl, she only spends late nights at school, and is also very sociable, she is always with her friends going to and fro.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cool, they look great, but what about uncles, aunts, cousins, do you have them?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yes I do, I have a little too much if you must know, but why are you asking me all this about my family?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahm... not at all, it's just curiosity.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But and you tell me a little about your family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>There's not much to know, my family is very traditional, a father, a mother, two daughters and a son.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but tell me more about them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay, ahm... my father, he is very strict, and very strict with everyone, but he demands a lot from us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>My mother is the opposite of my father, she is quite permissive, and lets us do everything while my father locked me and my brothers in the room and forced us to study, my mother would go there and let us go out, let us call Carmem so we can spend the day together, let me create a band, and that's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, and your brothers?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>My younger brother is 10 years old and he is very hyperactive, he is too busy for my parents, and my sister is... everything my father likes, he studies all day, he just gets high grades and does everything he wants .<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah, I think she's the same age as her sister $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are they in the same class?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I don't know, but maybe my aunt does.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Aunt?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, she teaches chemistry at school.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Chemistry?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your aunt stocky, has dark hair and gray eyes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, why? Do you know her?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my Goooooooooooood!!!!!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your aunt is $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, you know, how cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Cool?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She is the Devil!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>How come.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She always tormented me at school, to this day I don't know why, and now she's invented this "private lessons" that has nothing to do with private lessons, it's just an excuse to get her to work for free.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Work for free?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, she makes me wash, iron, wash the dishes, wash the bathroom, she makes me do all that and I don't do it, she said she's going to the police station to file a complaint against me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Tell your $Mae.Relacao what's going on.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She wouldn't believe it, Ivy went over to my house, gave a show of victimism, told a lot of lies and my mother believed it, so now I need to go to her house for "Private Lessons" with the endorsement and authorization of my $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Damn man, what a situation ehm... I didn't know my aunt was so troubled.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, she's driving me crazy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Alright then, let's change the subject $Jogador.Nome, don't let this ruin our night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course...<</fala>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<narrador>>You're in your bedroom again getting ready to go on a date with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment your $Mae.Relacao arrives.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/interruption.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hey $Jogador.Nome, are you going somewhere?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, remember that girl I dated her the other time?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I remember.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I'm going to date with her again.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz That’s very good $Jogador.Nome, tell me a little about her.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She’s beautiful, funny, and we match up in a lot of things.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz That’s great, and where are you going today?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And I haven’t decided yet, but I accepted your suggestions.<</fala>>
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Restaurante is true>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Last time we went to the restaurant.<</fala>>
<<elseif $DateLenaPaul.Shopping is true>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Last time we went to the mall.<</fala>>
<<elseif $DateLenaPaul.Praia is true>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Last time we went to the beach.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Good luck on your date, $Jogador.Nome, have fun.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thank you $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz And I judge in boy!>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get all dressed up, put on perfume, and go find $LenaPaul.Nome at your house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to date|LPM4 parte 2 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(20)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to $LenaPaul.Nome's house to pick her up for the date and she's already waiting for you in front of her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You greet her with a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome? Where are we going today?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I still have two options that were suggested by my family.<</ref>>
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Restaurante is false>> /*=====================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Restaurant|LPM4 parte 2 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Shopping is false>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Mall|LPM4 parte 2 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Praia is false>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date on the Beach|LPM4 parte 2 - Segundo Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to that restaurant we went to when we first met?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's a good idea, but you have the money for it, that restaurant is kind of expensive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I have, come on.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hope I have.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the restaurant.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Restaurant|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Restaurante to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to the mall?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's a good idea, I think it's a good idea, I even want to watch a movie at the cinema.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We can do that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the mall.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Mall|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Shopping to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to the beach?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>The beach? At this time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, because I heard that there's been a party at night these last few days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh that's good, so let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the beach.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date on the Beach|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Praia to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $Alianca.Namoro is 2 and $Alianca.AloneAnel is 1>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23>>
<<if $LenaPaul.Desejo gte 40 and $LenaPaul.Paixao gte 40>>
<<goto "LPM8 - Tainha, Vinho e...">>
<<if $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<if $game.periodWeek is "weekend" and $gameDate.getDay() is 0>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia gte 25>>
<<goto "LPM7 - Entrando Numa Fria">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Byers/Porta-Casa-Byers-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Byers/Porta-Casa-Byers-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-Byers/Porta-Casa-Byers.jpg"></center>
<<if $BaterNaPorta.LenaPaul is true>>
<<narrador>>You hear a "Come in".<</narrador>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Casa Byers">>
<<if $NinguemAtende.LenaPaul is true>>
<<narrador>>No one answers, they must be sleeping or there's no one at home.<</narrador>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 23 or $LenaPaul.local is "Casa-Byers">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Centro-Casa-Byers]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LenaPaul to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LenaPaul to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 6>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Centro-Casa-Byers]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LenaPaul to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><<set $NinguemAtende.LenaPaul to false>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 6 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $LenaPaul.local is "Casa-Byers">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ring the Bell|Porta Centro-Casa-Byers]]>><<set $BaterNaPorta.LenaPaul to true>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@
<<set $BaterNaPorta.LenaPaul to false>>
<<if $Conhece.LenaPaul is true>>
<<if $LenaPaul.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-LenaPaul-Casa-Byers" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/lena/lena.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Angela is true>>
<<if $Angie.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Angie-Casa-Byers" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/angela/angela.jpg"]]
<<if $Conhece.Gabbie is true>>
<<if $Gabbie.local is "Casa-Byers">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Gabbie-Casa-Byers" class="link-internal"><div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/gabbie/gabbie.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Centro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaLebelle>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What is this outfit?|Conversa-LenaPaul-CasaByers Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You are so beautiful today|Conversa-LenaPaul-CasaByers Paixao]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $LenaPaulM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[I dreamed about you|Conversa-LenaPaul-Casa-Byers Desejo]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa Byers">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaLebelle>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, what is this outfit?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, don't you think it's a little short? It looks like a bathing suit?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's short, yes, but I also think I'm setting a fashion trend, in the future everyone will be wearing clothes like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, if you're saying so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And also this city is super hot, I would walk around naked in the city if I could.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wouldn't you be ashamed to walk everywhere naked?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not really, I think I would even like people to look at me, after all I know I am beautiful.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That is true.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about you? Would you stop wearing clothes if you could?<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, I guess if I was more muscular yes.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Fitness gte 50>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... maybe so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mark my words $Jogador.Nome nudity in public, that is the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then, tell me, what is the good one?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Byers">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your eyes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The blue of your eyes hypnotize me. It looks like the blue sky on a summer day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Well, in spite of everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just for the record, I don't like what they do to you one bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not just because you are the teacher's daughter that you are gossipy and tell him everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Now other people need to know that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In time they will realize this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what do you think about...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a while.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos McComber">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Lexi.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You are beautiful today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Seriously? what do you think is beautiful about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your look.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have a beautiful look innocent but at the same time sensual.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>How her cheeks flush.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome you are so kind.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She touches your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>One of these days we should go out together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We definitely must.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LexiPaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos McComber">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<narrador>>You take $LenaPaul.Nome back to her house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/levando-a-garota-para-casa.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Today's meeting was fantastic.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I never thought you'd ever had a band, let alone a punk band.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We were really good, you should have seen it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You approach you and kiss her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-kiss.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You look her in the eye.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, shall we go in? I want to show you something.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I know very well what you want to show me... but I'm already warning you that it won't happen today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh what is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh what is it? My parents are home, maybe they're awake now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But it's a consolation.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome lowers her dress and shows her breasts.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-boobs1.jpg"></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/player/videos/maskeyes.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You like them?<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-boobs2.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome tucks her breasts back into her dress.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So be patient.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ohh no.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh yeah... maybe next time you'll see more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>In the next? So will there be next one?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>If the next dates are as good as this one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And they will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So until next Saturday, at the same time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>To the next.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome gives him one more kiss and says goodbye entering her house.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You then go back to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $LenaPaulM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You’re in your bedroom again getting ready to go on a date with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment your $Mae.Relacao arrives.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/interruption.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hey $Jogador.Nome, are you going on a date with that girl again?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, it looks like she likes me.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz That’s really good, $Jogador.Nome. When are you going to bring her here so we can meet her?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, we haven’t talked about it yet.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz So what are you going to do today?>>
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Restaurante is false>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Today I’m taking her to the restaurant.<</fala>>
<<elseif $DateLenaPaul.Shopping is false>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Today I’m taking her to the mall.<</fala>>
<<elseif $DateLenaPaul.Praia is false>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Today I’m taking her to the beach.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz And what are you going to do afterwards?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How so afterwards?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Well... in my time, after the third date, women are already more willing to start a more... carnal relationship.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh $Mae.Relacao I don't want to talk about this with you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz No...no...no...no... We need to have this conversation now if you don’t want to. But I just want you to know that if you have any doubts about anything you can ask me.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It’s okay $Mae.Relacao, I’ll remember that, but I don’t think anything will happen tonight. $LenaPaul.Nome is a little conservative.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, but... I want you to take this!>>
<<narrador>>She takes a condom out of her pocket.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/camisinha.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz I didn’t know your size so I took the most common.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao! You weren’t supposed to do this!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Just take it, please.>>
<<narrador>>She forcefully hands you the condom.<</narrador>><<set $CamisinhaM.Nova += 1>>
<<MamaeDiz You don’t have to tell me if you used it, but if you want me to buy another one I...>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao! Please leave!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, okay, I’m leaving.>>
<<narrador>>After this awkward conversation, you get dressed and go to $LenaPaul.Nome’s house to take her on a date.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to date|LPM5 parte 2 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(20)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(30)>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to $LenaPaul.Nome's house to pick her up for the date and she's already waiting for you in front of her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You greet her with a na greeting.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome? Where are we going today?<</fala>>
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Restaurante is false>> /*=====================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Restaurant|LPM5 parte 2 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Shopping is false>> /*========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Mall|LPM5 parte 2 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $DateLenaPaul.Praia is false>> /*===========================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date on the Beach|LPM5 parte 2 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to that restaurant we went to when we first met?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's a good idea, but you have the money for it, that restaurant is kind of expensive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I have, come on.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I hope I have.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the restaurant.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Restaurant|LenaPaul-Date-No-Resaurante]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Restaurante to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to the mall?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I think it's a good idea, I think it's a good idea, I even want to watch a movie at the cinema.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We can do that too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the mall.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date at the Mall|LenaPaul-Date-No-Shopping]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Shopping to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you think about going to the beach?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>The beach? At this time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, because I heard that there's been a party at night these last few days.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh that's good, so let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You call an Uber and they take you to the beach.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Date on the Beach|LenaPaul-Date-Na-Praia]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $DateLenaPaul.Praia to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You take $LenaPaul.Nome back to her house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/levando-a-garota-para-casa.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Today's meeting was fantastic.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I just got a little worried when you told me that $ProfQuimica.Nome Lebelle is your aunt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I never thought she could do these things to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't want to talk about her, I want to talk about us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I also want to talk about us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I really want to meet your family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My $Mae.Relacao actually asked me about it, it looks like she wants to meet you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>That's great, because I want to get to know her and she wants to get to know me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh that makes me even nervous.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So let me calm you down.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pull her by the neck and kiss her passionately.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-kiss.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You look her in the eye.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So, shall we go in? I want to show you something.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome looks you in the eye and smiles.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Maybe today you deserve a treat.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Come with me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She grabs you by the shirt and they both walk silently into her house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/convidando-para-entrar.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to date|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 6>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "Casa-Byers">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You walk into her house with $LenaPaul.Nome, she turns on the lights and looks at you and whispers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Come with me $Jogador.Nome, just don't talk loud and everything will be fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Shall we go to your bedroom?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No, my sister is there, let's stay right here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Here in the middle of the living room?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah, just don't talk it loud and nobody comes here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Sit there on the couch and wait a minute so I can put on something more comfortable.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome goes to the bathroom, and comes back wearing nothing but panties and a t-shirt.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome says it very quietly, almost whispering.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, what do you think?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>And you respond in the same way.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think I like it.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She approaches you|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>Lena approaches you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Want to see my boobs again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I want.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But that's not my best part.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She turns onto her back and starts to rub herself in his lap.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I really wanted to take those thong panties off her, but she's the one in charge tonight.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>And she turns to face you and kisses your crotch.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>This is my thanks for these wonderful encounters you have given me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes off his pants revealing his cock.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>And looking into her eyes she kisses his testicles.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Do you want me to suck your cock?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You nod your head in the affirmative.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $LenaPaul.has_sex is true>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<narrador>>She goes back to sucking her testicles again.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'm going to hold her head so she can choke on my cock.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You release it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Do it again.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hold her head against her cock even longer until she blushes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm... I love this.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her mouth|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.cum_mouth += 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cum in my mouth.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>><<set $alivio = 100>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM5-LenaPaul-Boquete14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She drinks all of her semen and seems to enjoy it a lot.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hum... thanks.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM5 parte 4 - Terceiro Encontro]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.eat_cum += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/LPM5-Lena-EatCum1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome says it very quietly, almost whispering and you respond in kind.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And so? Did you like my gift?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... I loved it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome gets up and so do you, and puts her pants back on.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You'd better go, luckily no one woke up, but we can't risk it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, see you at the house next week? For... a lunch?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes... it's a good idea, we'll see you there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, so Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say goodbye to $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $LenaPaulM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You are at home and you remember that today is the day that $LenaPaul.Nome is going to come to your house for lunch.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You walk up to $Mae.Relacao, $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome who are talking together in the kitchen.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-cozinha1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys, I have an important announcement. $LenaPaul.Nome is coming here today for lunch.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz That’s great $Jogador.Nome, do you mean that movie are we going to meet my daughter-in-law?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but please avoid calling her daughter-in-law, it's just that we haven't talked about it yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>But we will finally be able to tell you things about $Jogador.Nome that we would never ask him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>And also telling her embarrassing stories of him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Girls, I’m here.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Girls, you can’t keep asking that kind of question to his girlfriend, you can’t keep humiliating her brother in front of her.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That’s it $Mae.Relacao, thank you!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz You have to put her against the wall!>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? $Mae.Relacao?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Sorry $Jogador.RelacaoMae, but I need to know what kind of woman is approaching my $Jogador.RelacaoMae. Like, what if she's only interested in the family's money?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, she has as much money as we do, maybe even more.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>But $Mae.Relacao is right $Jogador.Nome, do you know how many boyfriends she had before you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Exactly, she's a round slut who'll be with anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She is not like that!<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>He is sure? Open your eyes, because soon she might be hooking up with her best friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay… okay… okay, ask her all the questions you want, but please try not to turn a nice lunch into an interrogation.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, $Jogador.Nome, I promise I’ll behave. Girls...>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>We promise that we will behave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>We promise that we will behave.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Great, now I'm going to make us lunch. Ahm... $Jogador.Nome is she vegan?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, she is not vegan.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Phew! Fortunately.>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome makes you a spectacular lunch while you get ready to greet $LenaPaul.Nome, while you wait for her to arrive, you try to ignore your sisters teasing and threatening to bring up the maturbation incident that day.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to date|LPM6 parte 2 - Conheça Minha Família]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(50)>>
<<narrador>>You go to talk to $LenaPaul.Nome at the gym but you see her talking to a woman.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Who is she?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LenaPaul-Alexis-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is she a friend of $LenaPaul.Nome's?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LenaPaul-Alexis-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's best to leave her alone.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $LenaPaulGymMP1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $LenaPaulGymMP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome sends you a message saying she's going to your house, $IrmaV.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome and $Mae.Nome are ready to welcome $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*====================*/
<<narrador>>But there was a problem.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, please put on more normal clothes.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Why $Jogador.Nome? Didn’t you say you like my new outfit?>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-butt1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I like it, but $LenaPaul.Nome will come here, if you welcome her like this she’ll think you’re crazy.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay $Jogador.Nome, I’ll do it for you.>>
<<narrador>>She goes to her room and changes clothes.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>Everyone is all ready to welcome $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM6 parte 2 - Conheça Minha Família]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $Roupas.Mae to 0>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>Ten minutes pass and the little bed rings, you go to answer it. It’s $LenaPaul.Nome, she’s arrived.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-dress3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, so glad you’re finally here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You greet each other with a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi, do you like my dress? My $Mae.Relacao said it would be nice if I wore red.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He's handsome, but come on, I want to introduce you to my family.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome, $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome were already waiting behind you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome this is my $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome. $Mae.Relacao this is $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz It’s really nice to meet the girl who saw $Jogador.RelacaoMae doesn’t stop talking.>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome welcomes her with a hug.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome this is my older $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome. $IrmaV.Nome this is $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_velha/images/irma1-sala1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It’s nice to meet the girl who’s been catch up on with my little $Jogador.RelacaoIrmaV.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz $IrmaV.Nome!>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This is my $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome always quite ironic.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And this is my little $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/irma_mais_nova/images/irma2-sala2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome, I’m $IrmaN.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi to all of you $Jogador.Nome has told me a lot about you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>So it’s time for us to talk a little about him to you.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Come with us.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM6 parte 3 - Conheça Minha Família]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome leads $LenaPaul.Nome into the kitchen and everyone sits at the table for lunch.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You try to sit next to $LenaPaul.Nome, but $IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome won’t let you and sit one to the left and one to the right of $LenaPaul.Nome. Without much choice you sit on the other side of the table, next to your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Then everyone gathers for lunch.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz So... $LenaPaul.Nome tells me a little about yourself.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And...! the interrogation is about to begin.<</ref>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>How come about me?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Well... if you work, or study, or you can tell me a little about your family if you want.>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I currently don't work or study...<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Oh I’m sorry, I know how it is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But it was good that you talked about my family, because I remember that $Jogador.Nome must also know you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/quem-eu.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes $Jogador.Nome, my father is dying to meet you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don’t see the time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You give an uncomfortable smile.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It can be Sunday night if you want.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I honestly don’t want to have to meet her father.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... okay, maybe.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Great, but what were you talking about lady...?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz $Mae.Nome, you can call me $Mae.Nome, and yes I was asking about your life goals, you don’t work or study so what do you intend to do in a few years.>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I still don’t know, I’m trying to find my calling.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Hmm... still trying to figure out your vocation, that’s not a good sign.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao... don’t worry, she’ll have plenty of time to discover her vocation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome sorry for asking like this, but I need to know I need to know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>How many boyfriends did you have before $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Kimmy! Ahm... $LenaPaul.Nome you don't have to answer if you don't want to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No $Jogador.Nome, no problem, I only had one boyfriend before $Jogador.Nome, and we broke up because he cheated on me with another man.<</fala>>
<<if $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*===================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>It is serious? So we have a lot in common girl.<</fala>>
<<else>> /*======================================================*/
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>Wow...<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>At least with $IrmaV.Nome she seems to have gotten along well.<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Now I want to ask a question.
<<ref $Jogador>>Here it comes...<</ref>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>Where did you buy these beautiful shoes from?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I bought it at the mall at that store and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You all have lunch and meet for a while. It looks like $LenaPaul.Nome got along great with $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome, but it looks like $Mae.Nome is still a little suspicious of $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After lunch you were hoping to spend time alone with $LenaPaul.Nome, but it looks like she had to come home sooner than you expected.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/almoco.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*====================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM6 parte 3 - Conheça Minha Família]]>>
<<set $Roupas.Mae to 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*=============*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM6 parte 3 - Conheça Minha Família]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 68>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*====================*/
<<narrador>>After $LenaPaul.Nome leaves, you go to the kitchen and find your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>This time she returned to her comfortable clothes.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*=============*/
<<narrador>>After $LenaPaul.Nome leaves, you go to the kitchen and find your $Mae.Relacao.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, it looks like you didn't like $LenaPaul.Nome very much.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Me? No... of course I liked her, why do you think I didn’t like her?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, it just seems.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, I just didn’t think it was cool, the fact that she doesn’t have a direction in life, she’s not working or studying, it seems she’s just looking for a husband to support her.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao, this conversation is very early and we haven’t even taken on dating yet and you’re already talking about marriage.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I’m just saying what it sounds like, $Jogador.Nome. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s my opinion.>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome didn't get along very well at first, maybe that opinion will change over time. But soon the time will come for you to meet $LenaPaul.Nome's parents, hopefully they will have a good of you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $LenaPaulM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You go to $LenaPaul.Nome's house to meet her parents.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and $LenaPaul.Nome answers.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, are you ready to meet my parents yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm a little nervous, that's all.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Relax, okay... you just have to worry about my father, he's a little nervous you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Was this to relax me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Either way, I'll be by your side.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes her hand and leads you into her house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/comeinside.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM7 parte 2 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>She takes you to the living room where she introduces you to her family for the first time.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome, meet my family, my father <<textbox "$PaidaLena.Nome" "Ned" $PaidaLena.Nome>>.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/pai-da-lena/images/pai-da-lena-perfil.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You reach out to greet him but he doesn't do the same, just keeps looking at you with a stoic posture and says absolutely nothing.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/stoic.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And she is...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You receive an unexpected hug from the blue-eyed brunette woman.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/hug1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Angie" ???>>It's really nice to finally meet you, $LenaPaul.Nome has told me a lot about you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She hugs you so tight it almost suffocates you in her breasts.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mother... mother let him go... let him breathe.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" ???>>Oh sorry, I got too carried away.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Well... $Jogador.Nome this is my mother <<textbox "$Angie.Nome" "Angela" $Angie.Nome>>.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's... nice to meet you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And this is my little sister <<textbox "$Gabbie.Nome" "Mariah" $Gabbie.Nome>>.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She doesn't say a word, just smiles and understands the hand to greet you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/Aperto_de_mao.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahm... so shall we go to the kitchen?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "Casa-Byers-Cozinha">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome takes you to the table and sits next to you. $Angie.Nome sits at the end of the table and $PaidaLena.Nome sits at the opposite end. $Gabbie.Nome sits in front of her with only one seat left at the table.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome didn't you say you had a brother?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah... he must be in his room playing video games, he just does that for a living.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Mike!! Come now! Dinner is at the table.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Angie.Nome, call Mike then appears a little boy who sits in the only vacant seat at the table he doesn't even seem to have noticed his presence.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mike this is my friend $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Mike doesn't even look at you, he just keeps his face buried in the video game.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/garoto-no-videogame.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I said he just does that for a living.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Speaking of just that for a living, $Jogador.Nome, What do you do for a living?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/quem-eu.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>No, my father! Of course it's you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Dad, you don't have to act like that!<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>It's just a question! I hope he's resilient enough to withstand a question!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm just studying.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Great! Education is something very important, what do you study? Medicine? Law? Architecture? What?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is he by any chance thinking I'm going to college?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Tell the truth|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $Acoes.Verdade to true>>
<<set $Acoes.Mentira to false>>
<<addmins 9>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Lie|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $Acoes.Mentira to true>>
<<set $Acoes.Verdade to false>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<if $Acoes.Verdade is true and $Acoes.Mentira is false>> /*=========*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm studying at school.<</fala>>
<<JogadorOusadia 1>><<set $LPrespostas.Proficao to false>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Wait, wait, are you still in high school?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Dad, relax, he's just a little younger than I am.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>But he's still in high school! The man should be older than the woman!<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Calm down dear. It's new times.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>New times hmm...<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>But then when you finish high school, I hope it's still this year, what are you going to do, what are you going to work on? If you don't go to work, what are you going to study?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Gosh, I never thought of that!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I will... uh...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>When you were going to give an answer, $LenaPaul.Nome speaks for her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Dad, we're young, we don't have to decide our whole lives when we get out of high school.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>In my time, the man needed to be a man, and he had to have responsibilities from an early age, to learn to support his family in the future!<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>$PaidaLena.Nome, I think it's still too early for that.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>I'm just saying that this kid should get his life together as quickly as possible.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Acoes.Verdade is false and $Acoes.Mentira is true>> /*=====*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm studying...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Think of a profession there $Jogador.Nome!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Psychologist... I mean, psychology.<</fala>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>><<set $LPrespostas.Proficao to true>>
<<AngieDesejo 1>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>I don't like psychologists, once a man who studied psychology stole the wife of one of my friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>But what does this have to do with psychology?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Turns out this man used psychology to manipulate half the women in town, including my friend's wife.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This guy is rock!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I would never do that $PaidaLena.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>For you it's Mr. Byers.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<narrador>>The weather was very tense so $Gabbie.Nome decides to break the ice.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Are you already boyfriend and girlfriend??<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at each other for a moment.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>We haven't stopped to talk about it yet, would it be a good idea to make it official now?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Confirm|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $LPrespostas.ConfirmarNamoro to true>>
<<addmins 9>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Say they haven't talked about it yet|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $LPrespostas.ConfirmarNamoro to false>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<if $LPrespostas.ConfirmarNamoro is true>> /*=======================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Umm...yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You will hold $LenaPaul.Nome's hand.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/segurandoamao.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We are dating yes.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulPaixao 1>>
<<AngieAmizade 1>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome looks at you she looks a little confused but still smiles.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>In my time, for you to date a girl you first needed to ask her father's permission.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Dad!<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>And to take it in hand, it was only after three months of dating. And do you know what the name of that was? Politeness!<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I agree with Dad.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome looks a little nervous about her sister.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $LPrespostas.ConfirmarNamoro is false>> /*==================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Haven't we talked about it yet?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You guys hold $LenaPaul.Nome's hand.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/segurandoamao.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
<<AngiePaixao 1>>
<<GabbiePaixao 1>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome looks at you she looks a little confused but still smiles.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Fine and what do you intend to do? Are you going to take on a relationship with my daughter or are you going to keep rolling her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Dad, he's not fooling me, we just haven't talked about it yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I agree with Dad.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome looks a little nervous about her sister.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<narrador>>With the weather once again heavy this time $Angie.Nome tries to appease the situation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome? Tell us about your family, I'm looking forward to meeting you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Your $IrmaN.Relacao is $IrmaN.Nome, correct?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, how do you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>She studies in the same class as me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's great, are you friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Umm... more or less.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How...<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what does your father work at?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My father? I don't know.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>How do you not know?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Tell your sad story|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $Acoes.Verdade to true>>
<<set $Acoes.Mentira to false>>
<<addmins 9>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Lie again|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $Acoes.Verdade to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Mentira to true>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<if $Acoes.Verdade is true and $Acoes.Mentira is false>> /*=========*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... haven't seen my dad since I was 4 years old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Oh my god what happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... I don't know exactly, one day he said he was going to buy cigarettes and I never saw him again.<</fala>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>><<set $LPrespostas.Familia to false>>
<<AngieAmizade 1>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Wow, how bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>But who do you live with in your house?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just with my $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome and my younger $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome and my older $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Wait, don't you have any male figures to look up to?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Daad!<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome, seriously, what kinds of values can a man who had no father pass on to my future grandchildren!<</fala>>
<<elseif $Acoes.Verdade is false and $Acoes.Mentira is true>> /*=====*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My father he is...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Go $Jogador.Nome, think of a top profession, preferably one that earns a lot of money!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He's a doctor, but I don't know what kind of doctor he is.<</fala>>
<<set $LPrespostas.Familia to true>>
<<AngiePaixao 1>>
<<GabbiePaixao 1>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Hmm... much better. And when will I meet him?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Shit!<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... that won't be easy because... He's living in another country, he and my $Mae.Relacao are divorced, you know...<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>What disfintional family do you have ahm?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>But who do you live with in your house?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just with my $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome and my younger $IrmaN.Relacao $IrmaN.Nome and my older $IrmaV.Relacao $IrmaV.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Wait, don't you have any male figures to look up to?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Daad!<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome, seriously, what kinds of values can a man who had no father pass on to my future grandchildren!<</fala>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>This guy is already pushing his limits.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/angry.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Try to calm down|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<if $Jogador.Ousadia gte 35 and $Jogador.Moralidade lte 70>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Don't accept this insult|LPM7 parte 3 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Deep breath $Jogador.Nome, deep breath $Jogador.Nome.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think I'm done here. Excuse me.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/se-levantando-do-jantar.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You get up and walk out the front door, $LenaPaul.Nome goes after you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, where are you going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just need to be alone for a while.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome I'm sorry about him hm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome I just haven't cursed him yet with all the bad words I know because he's your father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>This isn't personal, $Jogador.Nome, he's just being a father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, but it looks like he's looking for reasons to hate me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But he's not doing that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome takes your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Come, let's go to my bedroom, I want to show you something.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You take a deep breath and go with her|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<narrador>>You stand up imposing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Want to know Ned? He is going to screw it up!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What the fuck?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Better watch what you say boy!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/raiva-no-jantar.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You stand there looking at me with that little disapproving look of yours, criticizing everything I say, saying that nothing is good, trying to humiliate me in front of $LenaPaul.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So that's what I say! I saw fuck $PaidaLena.Nome, go fuck your ass, you old fucking bitch!!!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enraged leave the kitchen and out the front door, $LenaPaul.Nome goes after you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what happened.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I just need some time alone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome I'm sorry about him hm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome I lost my mind sorry but her father is unbearable.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>This isn't personal, $Jogador.Nome, he's just being a father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, but it looks like he's looking for reasons to hate me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But he's not doing that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome takes your hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Come, let's go to my bedroom, I want to show you something.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You take a deep breath and go with her|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>$ProfEdFisica.Nome is teaching a woman at the gym.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch her Training|PEFGCM1 - Educação Fisica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>The teacher and her student are very hot, I wanted to watch longer, but I have more to do.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $game.RandomSexEvent is 0>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>The teacher and her student are very hot, I wanted to watch longer, but I have more to do.<</ref>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Inativa">>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch More|ProfEdFisica-Dee-Gym]]>>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.RandomSexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.RandomSexEvent is 1>>
<<if $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP2.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "PEFGCM2 - Educação Fisica Parte II">>
<<narrador>>You change your mind and decide to go back to watching $ProfEdFisica.Nome's class. You watch until the woman finishes working out.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Squize, squize, squize, Yes!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch her Training|ProfEdFisica-Dee-Gym]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You can see how much you are evolving, your glutes are incredible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Dee" ???>>Thank you!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Now I show you another exercise, do you want me to show you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Dee" ???>>Yes!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You're going to hold on to these cables and you're going to throw your body forward, and you're going to hold on.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>So you're going to exercise, back and forth, I advise you to do 3 sets of 15.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I better leave now, I don't think anything else will happen.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You change your mind and decide to go back to watching $ProfEdFisica.Nome's class. You watch until the woman finishes working out.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Squize, squize, squize, Yes!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch her Training|PEFGCM1 - Educação Fisica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You can see how much you are evolving, your glutes are incredible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Dee" ???>>Thank you!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>Now I show you another exercise, do you want me to show you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Dee" ???>>Yes!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>You're going to hold on to these cables and you're going to throw your body forward, and you're going to hold on.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_ed_fisica/videos/ProfEdFisica-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfEdFisica" $ProfEdFisica.Nome>>So you're going to exercise, back and forth, I advise you to do 3 sets of 15.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I better leave now, I don't think anything else will happen.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfEdFisicaGymCena1MP2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 5>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "Casa-Byers-LenaPal-Quarto">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome takes you to her bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome this is my bedroom and my sister's too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He's really...nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I know it's a little childish, but we've shared this bedroom since childhood.<</fala>>
<<if $LPrespostas.Proficao is true or $LPrespostas.Familia is true>> /*============================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome I...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome why did you lie?<</fala>>
<<if $LPrespostas.Proficao is true and $LPrespostas.Familia is false>> /*===========================================================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Why you said you go to psychology college.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was embarrassed, I wanted your father to think I was good for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You don't have to try to impress him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And...<</fala>>
<<elseif $LPrespostas.Familia is true and $LPrespostas.Proficao is false>> /*========================================================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Why you said here it of your father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How do you know I lied about him?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Remember? Her $Mae.Relacao commented that she hasn't seen her father in years.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take a deep breath.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was embarrassed to tell him that, his father seems to value this traditional family business so much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's ok, I understand you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And...<</fala>>
<<elseif $LPrespostas.Familia is true and $LPrespostas.Proficao is true>> /*=========================================================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Why you said you go to psychology college and because you said here about your father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was ashamed, I wanted your father to think I was not good for you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You don't have to try to impress him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And... about your father?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How do you know I lied about him?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Remember? Her mother commented that she hasn't seen her father in years.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take a deep breath.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I was embarrassed to tell him that, his father seems to value this traditional family business so much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's ok, I understand you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And...<</fala>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<if $LPrespostas.ConfirmarNamoro is true>> /*===================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, why did you say we're dating?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ahm... when your sister asked that question, I started to think, I figured it would be a good idea to make it official in front of your family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why? Didn't you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I liked it, but I wanted you to make a formal request first.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I understood.<</fala>>
<<elseif $LPrespostas.ConfirmarNamoro is false>> /*==============*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I thought, about $Gabbie.Nome's question.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahm... I think it's about time we made it official.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I understood.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>You kneel before $LenaPaul.Nome, take her hands and look into her eyes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/pedido-de-namoro.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome, do you want to be my girlfriend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes I want!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and you both share a passionate kiss, until $LenaPaul.Nome interrupts.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LenaPaul-Beijonoquarto2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But to be official, I want a dating ring right here on my finger.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll buy you one tomorrow.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue to kiss her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LenaPaul-Beijonoquarto3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>At that moment the door opens.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh, uh... am I interrupting?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes it is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I'm sorry but daddy told you to leave the door open.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She comes to you and sits on one of the beds.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome can you help me with my homework?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome, can't you see we're trying to be alone for a bit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I know, but dad told me to stay close to you guys to make sure you don't do anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh what the hell!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wait a minute, I got an idea, $Jogador.Nome wait here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome walks out the door, leaving you and $Gabbie.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, do you have a brother?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, just $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome, who are women. Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Because I think it would be cool, like, you're dating my sister, what if I date your brother?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I wouldn't see any problem, but like I said, I don't have a brother.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hmm... it's a shame.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Angie.Nome enters the bedroom.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/interruption.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome come on, we have to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Go where? Today? At this time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>We need to solve that problem that you know very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>But dad sent...<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Your father is waiting for you in the car for you to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh... it's good.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Gabbie.Nome leaves the bedroom, while $LenaPaul.Nome returns.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Thanks $Mae.Relacao.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Angie.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome hug each other.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/abraco-de-amigas.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Enjoy kids.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Angie.Nome closes the door leaving you and $LenaPaul.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I said, my $Mae.Relacao is cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I told her that you and I want to be alone for a while, but dad and $Gabbie.Nome won't let us. Then she comes up with an idea that makes dad have to take $Gabbie.Nome to settle an issue.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But since dad didn't want us to be alone, she said she'd stay home to take care of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So is she home?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>She is, but she won't disturb us, she'll calm him down.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After saying those words $LenaPaul.Nome starts kissing you making you sit on one of the beds, something good is coming.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>This is the reward for all the stress you went through today.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take off your clothes, leaving only your underwear on.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome takes off her shirt and kneels in front of her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She starts kissing your pelvic region, your penis starts to give signal.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>With a lot of voracity in her gaze, $LenaPaul.Nome slowly runs her hand over her pelvic region.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>Then she takes off her underwear revealing your cock.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome starts licking his testicles, and goes up slowly, then she uses saliva to lubricate his cock.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<narrador>>Unable to stand it any longer, $LenaPaul.Nome grabs his dick with great voracity.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome decides to take off her bra.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I was truly sucking your cock, every good get naked.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Receive Titjob|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.titjob += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<narrador>>With her massive breasts, $LenaPaul.Nome wraps it around his cock, using saliva to lubricate it.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome goes back to supplying his cock with great voracity.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Handjob|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.punheta += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome jerks off at you while looking into your eyes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome goes back to sucking your cock.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Realizing you're about to come, you stand up, but $LenaPaul.Nome continues to suck his cock.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in Her Face|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.facial += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome waits for his cum with her mouth open like the ravenous girl she is.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM7-LenaPaul-Oral10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $alivio = 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM7 parte 4 - Entrando Numa Fria]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.eat_cum += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/LPM7-Lena-EatCum2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>And then? Did you like my apology?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is clear.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome starts to get dressed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You better get dressed too, you don't want my mother to come and see you like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why not? Didn't you say she's on our side?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>She's on our side, but she's still my mother.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I have to go too.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So you come here, have sex with me and leave?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not... me...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I'm just kidding $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>When my father arrives he won't want to see you here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You grab your clothes and leave $LenaPaul.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $LenaPaulM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You go to $LenaPaul.Nome's house to surprise her.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The one who answers the door is $Angie.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/angela-abrindo-porta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Angie.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, did you come to see Lena?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yup.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Please come in?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/comein.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 2 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 6>>
<</button>>@@Converças Angela White<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Angie-Praca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Gabbie-Praca Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoParque>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 or $game.periodos is 1 or $game.periodos is 2>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Angie-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodos is 3 or $game.periodos is 4 or $game.periodos is 5>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Angie-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Gabbie-Parque Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Angie-Casa-Byers Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa Byers">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaLebelle>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Gabbie-Casa-Byers Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Casa Byers">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Angie-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Gabbie-CountryClub-Piscina Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-sport4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, I'm playing golf now, we'll talk later.<</fala>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraia>>
<<if $game.periodos is 0 or $game.periodos is 1 or $game.periodos is 2 or $game.periodos is 3 or $game.periodos is 4>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Angie-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.periodos is 5>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praia-tarde1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praia-tarde2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Angie-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Gabbie-Praia Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>$Angie.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>$Gabbie.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaLebelle>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Angie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>I'm fine, with a lot to do but I'm fine, but what about you? How are you with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh we're great, and $PaidaLena.Nome is he already accepting the relationship between me and $LenaPaul.Nome better?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>No, it's still the same, but for me you're already part of the family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks. And $Gabbie.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome has nothing against you, but she knows what sister fights are like, and Gabbie likes to be daddy's girl.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You laugh<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two continue to converse for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<AngieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Byers">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>>Converças Gabbie Carter<<FundoEscola>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Gabbie-Escola Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadra>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey how are you?|Conversa-Gabbie-Escola-Quadra Amizade]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Angie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-praca6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>I'm fine. How are you with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh we're great, and $PaidaLena.Nome is he already accepting the relationship between me and $LenaPaul.Nome better?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>No, it's still the same, but for me you're already part of the family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks. And $Gabbie.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome has nothing against you, but she knows what sister fights are like, and Gabbie likes to be daddy's girl.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You laugh<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two continue to converse for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<AngieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Angie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>I'm fine. How are you with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh we're great, and $PaidaLena.Nome is he already accepting the relationship between me and $LenaPaul.Nome better?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>No, it's still the same, but for me you're already part of the family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks. And $Gabbie.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome has nothing against you, but she knows what sister fights are like, and Gabbie likes to be daddy's girl.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You laugh<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two continue to converse for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<AngieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Angie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-parque-manha5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>I'm fine. How are you with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh we're great, and $PaidaLena.Nome is he already accepting the relationship between me and $LenaPaul.Nome better?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>No, it's still the same, but for me you're already part of the family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks. And $Gabbie.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome has nothing against you, but she knows what sister fights are like, and Gabbie likes to be daddy's girl.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You laugh<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two continue to converse for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<AngieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Angie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>I'm fine. How are you with $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh we're great, and $PaidaLena.Nome is he already accepting the relationship between me and $LenaPaul.Nome better?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>No, it's still the same, but for me you're already part of the family.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks. And $Gabbie.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome has nothing against you, but she knows what sister fights are like, and Gabbie likes to be daddy's girl.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You laugh<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two continue to converse for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<AngieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house and see $PaidaLena.Nome in the living room watching TV, he looks at you indignantly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Oh, what is this boy doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>He came to see $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>See $LenaPaul.Nome? It's not enough to have seen it that day, you want to see it again.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Angie.Nome looks at you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>She doesn't care about him. $LenaPaul.Nome is already on her way.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome and $Gabbie.Nome walk down the stairs $LenaPaul.Nome greets you with a kiss on the cheek.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/beijo-no-rosto.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to see you, and I came to give you a gift.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take it out of your pocket and show her your Dating Rings.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/shopping/loja-de-joias/alianca-namoro.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She can't handle so much excitement.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Our Dating Rings.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You place the dating ring on her and the solitaire ring on her other hand.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You put the other ring on your finger.<</narrador>>
<<set $Alianca.Namoro -= 2>>
<<set $Alianca.AloneAnel -= 1>>
<<set $Jogador.alianca to "Dating Ring: Silver">>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh thank you so much $Jogador.Nome! That's exactly what I wanted.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>Excuse me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$PaidaLena.Nome interrupts $LenaPaul.Nome's merriment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $PaidaLena.Nome>>I will shit.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/Me-dao-licenca-eu-vou-cagar.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$PaidaLena.Nome gets up and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome let's go to the bedroom I want to do something nice.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>No, no, no.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/no-no-no.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Angie.Nome to $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Mae.Relacao what happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Let's talk, $Jogador.Nome, if you'll excuse us, it's a woman's talk.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You respect their privacy and step back a little.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 2 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You sit in the living room and wait for $LenaPaul.Nome and $Angie.Nome to talk.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$Gabbie.Nome sits next to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Gabbie.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Did you know that daddy doesn't like you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You respond with irony.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn, I could never have imagined that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>And do you know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Gabbie.Nome looks around.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/secret.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>It's because he overheard a conversation between mom and $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what did they talk about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Look, don't tell anyone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I swear I don't.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome told mom that she made a...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Made a...?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>That she made a oral sex on you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How it is? Did she tell?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Yes, they talk about everything, and they never tell me what they're talking about, I only found out because my dad told me and told me to act cool with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't think you were that cold to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Yes, and for that, my father grounded me, he took my allowance this week.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>And now I'm telling you all this out of revenge.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh, just one more thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Can you give me $10? Because I ran out of masada you know...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Give her $10|LPM8 parte 2 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 10>>
<<set $Acoes.Click to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 7>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|LPM8 parte 2 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $Acoes.Click to false>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<if $Acoes.Click is true>> /*=======================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you were very helpful to me.<</fala>>
<<GabbieAmizade 2>>
<<narrador>>You give her $10.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/pagando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Thank you and...<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Can I ask you a question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>How was her blowjob? I was wondering how it went.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What!?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Ahm... $LenaPaul.Nome and $Angie.Nome are approaching, pretend we're talking about something.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Acoes.Click is false>> /*==================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I'm low on money here.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/pagando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Aff, so can I at least ask you a question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>How was her blowjob? I was wondering how it went.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What!?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Yeah... tell me how it went, I've always wanted to talk about it with someone other than mom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Silence! $LenaPaul.Nome and $Angie.Nome are getting closer, pretend we're talking about something.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<narrador>>$Gabbie.Nome starts giggling madly as if you just said something super funny.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome and $Angie.Nome arrive and seem to understand nothing about why $Gabbie.Nome is laughing so hard.<</narrador>>
<<if $Acoes.Click is true>> /*===================================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, why did you give $Gabbie.Nome money?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... why...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Gabbie.Nome is apprehensive.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because, $IrmaN.Nome borrowed money from her at school. And I'm just giving it back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Did she tell you that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Gabbie.Nome answers in her place.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Careful $LenaPaul.Nome, $Gabbie.Nome usually lies.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I usually nothing! Shut up!<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Girls, girls, don't fight in front of the visitor.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Of course not, because.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, we have to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>For your badroom?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No ahahah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's a surprise, mom's idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then we go?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Angie" $Angie.Nome>>Want me to take you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Not this time mom, let me take you in the car.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome drives you to the outlying neighborhood.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 3 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<narrador>>You were arriving in the remote neighborhood.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, can you use this blindfold inside the glove compartment?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I don't want you to see where we're going.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is that part of the surprise?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yup.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You open the glove compartment and put on the blindfold until the end of the trip.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Arriving there $LenaPaul.Nome leads you to a place, you hear a song <i>"I put a spell on you because you're mine you're mine."</i> $LenaPaul.Nome leads you to a place where you smell cinnamon.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 20>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "motel-quarto">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where are we?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome then takes off her blindfold.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/motel/motel-quarto.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We're here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome, did you buy us a hotel room?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>In fact, it was my mother.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>She said that she had all this prepared for my father, but he didn't want to.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Well, $Gabbie.Nome said they talk about everything.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow you guys really talk about everything ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, nothing... and she even left us dinner.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It seems so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is what it is?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I don't know, let's see.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's fish.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Mullet.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/tainha.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And there's wine, she left it all prepared.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/vinho.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You guys have a nice dinner with that mullet and wine.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Main course time|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome gets up and sits on the bed.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, I have a lot of pain in my neck $Jogador.Nome, can you come and give me a massage please?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You go to her and start massaging her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She takes off the top|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>She takes off the top.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She lies on the bed and you kiss her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You take an ice cube|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/pegandoicecube.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Kissing|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<narrador>>She starts to unbutton your pants.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<narrador>>As he kisses her pelvis she takes off his pants revealing his dick.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your cock|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucking your cock|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take off her panties|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take off her panties|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Suck her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.recebe_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep sucking her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Fuck, fuck ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep sucking her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome pulls her head.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I want your cock inside me.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep sucking her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh fuck yes.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spooning|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh fuck... God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh my God, my God.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh... my Godd.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spooning|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Doggy Style|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh... ohh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh ohh ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.cum += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex28.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Uhmh my God hummm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Uhmmmhh ohh ohh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Doggy Style|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex29.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 21>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 23>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.titjob += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex30.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex31.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her pussy|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 22>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 22>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex32.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah ohh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Uhmm ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 23>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.titjob += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 23>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex33.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Titjob|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 24>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her tits|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 25>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.pearlnecklace += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 24>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex34.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her tits|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 25>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.pearlnecklace += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 25>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex35.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $alivio = 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 26>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 26>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex36.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex37.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 27>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 27>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/LPM8-LenaPaulMotelSex38.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LPM8 parte 4 - Tainha, Vinho e...]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 28>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.eat_cum += 1>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 28>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/LPM8-Lena-CumTits.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It was exactly how I imagined our first time would be.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was amazing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's official now, you're my boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But wasn't I since that Sunday that I asked you out on a date?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, but now that it's official, it's finished.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So it's.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I finally have a girlfriend. It's amazing how good she is to me.<</ref>>
<<if $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<ref $Jogador>>But on second thought, now that I have a girlfriend, how am I supposed to act with $Paixao.Nome? Or with $MassagistaTeen.Nome or with $Penny.Nome? Or like any other I might have one day?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It wouldn't be right for me to cheat on a girl as amazing as $LenaPaul.Nome, but now I have other girls in my life.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What the hell! I only get a girlfriend when there are several girls wanting my dick. When I was a virgin, I didn't get anyone with a girlfriend!<</ref>>
<<elseif $PennyM6.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<ref $Jogador>>But on second thought, now that I have a girlfriend, how am I supposed to act with $Paixao.Nome? Or with $MassagistaTeen.Nome? Or like any other I might have one day?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It wouldn't be right for me to cheat on a girl as amazing as $LenaPaul.Nome, but now I have other girls in my life.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What the hell! I only get a girlfriend when there are several girls wanting my dick. When I was a virgin, I didn't get anyone with a girlfriend!<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Flying in thoughts you sleep next to $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You have a strange dream. When you are walking you see yourself at a crossroads, looking to the right you see a happy man with his wife and 5 children, on the left you see an equally happy man but with several naked women by his side. You fall to your knees and wake up.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You wake up early in the morning $LenaPaul.Nome is not by your side, but she left a note.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>"$Jogador.Nome, I had to get home before sunrise, because if my dad wakes up and finds I didn't come home the night before he'll have a tantrum, but last night was magic, as I said, that's exactly how I imagined our first time. See you another day. Kisses $LenaPaul.Nome."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You walk out of that motel, and you memorize it. It's next to a strip club.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>With nothing else to do, you leave.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro Afastado">>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to false>>
<<if $CountryClub.Socio is true>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 20>>
<<set $game.matarAula to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.CafedaManha to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Almoco to false>>
<<set $Acoes.Jantar to false>>
<<set $Embriaguez to 0>>
<<set $Acoes.SexoPennyEscola to false>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<set $game.MsgIrmaN to false>>
<<set $MissaoCongif.AaliyahAulas to false>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to false>>
<<set $Missao.MomEspere to false>>
<<set $MaeEvents.Ginastica to false>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $LenaPaulM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addhours 12>>
<<narrador>>You were just leaving when...<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/atrasdevc.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You turn around.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Today I want you to go to the supermarket and do the shopping for me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives you a shopping list.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why don't you do it yourself?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Because I have an appointment and because you're going to do it for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Here, take the money.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives you $150.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Don't even think about trying to do something funny with that money, that money is exactly what you need to buy everything you have there, not a penny more, not a cent less.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You read some of the shopping list.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you crazy? As I'm going to take all this to your house, I'm on foot.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Your problem.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gives you the key to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM5 parte 2 - Compras da Semana]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 150>>
<<addmins 24>>
<<narrador>>You go to the market and start buying things from $ProfQuimica.Nome's list.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/comprando-coisas-mercado.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You buy everything on her list you would already hold to pay when you spot $LenaPaul.Nome in a coffee shop inside the supermarket.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-cafe1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-cafe2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome? What are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, shopping for your aunt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Why? Did $ProfQuimica.Nome make you do this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, at least she gave me the money, I won't have to pay all this with my money.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Do you want some help getting all this to her house?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If it's not too much trouble, I want.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay, let's go pay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome stop by the cashier pay the $150 so $LenaPaul.Nome helps you carry the shopping bags to $ProfQuimica.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM5 parte 3 - Compras da Semana]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro -= 150>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome walk together carrying several shopping bags.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/carregando-sacolas.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! But this is heavy!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, and I feel guilty for putting you in this, you must have much better things to do right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, but it's my aunt who's doing it, right? So it's not your fault.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Why don't you just stop it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because, my $Mae.Relacao is on her side, and she also said that if I don't take her orders, she'll spread the word to everyone in town that I hit her, harassed her and whatever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow, so you have to think of something to make her stop it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But it is hard. She keeps cameras all over the house, even if I were to look for something to incriminate she would find out in no time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Well, in that case, maybe you need access to the cameras in her house, and then think of something you can do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're right, I'll think of something.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome near $ProfQuimica.Nome's house but you stop $LenaPaul.Nome from getting any closer.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, thanks for the help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Don't you want me to go in there with you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, it's going to be pretty quick, and besides, I don't want $ProfQuimica.Nome to see me with you because it might make things worse for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay, so I'll wait for you out here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house and leave the shopping bags on the table in the kitchen.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You face the kitchen security camera and walk out of her house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/encarando-camera.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome take a walk around town and then you each go your own way.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<narrador>>You go to the gym to do your exercises but something catches your eye.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Gym1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is that teacher $ProfSociologia.Nome?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Gym2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, she's working out pretty hard.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Gym3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>But she is very hot ehm!<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Most of the guys at the gym stop to look at her, she's drawing great attention.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wants to know? I'll record it and then show it to my friends.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_sociologia/videos/ProfSocio-Gym4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You take her cell phone and record her working out for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 62>>
<</button>>@@Professora de Sociologia Missões (Nicole Aniston)<<FundoQuartoJogador>>
<<narrador>>You go on your computer to search for security cameras.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You search for a while until you find a model similar to the cameras used at $ProfQuimica.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After hours of searching you come to the conclusion...<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>That you won't be able to break into her cameras alone so you'll need a friend.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/pc-raiva.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>And you know very well who you are going to call...<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "Casa">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM6.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 249>>
<<narrador>>You were at your house when...<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, your teacher called me, she said you have lesson now, and she asks why you haven’t shown up yet?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But she didn’t say anything.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz It doesn’t matter. You have lesson so you must go!>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Uff, okay, I'll be right there!<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz It doesn’t matter. You have class so you must go!>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Even because, I have cameras to invade.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You leave the house and walk to teacher $ProfQuimica.Nome’s house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM7 parte 2 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter teacher Lebelle's house, the door was open.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, you're finally here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What do you want now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Today my boyfriend is coming here for a romantic candlelight dinner, but I don't have time to cook so you go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bad idea, I don't know how to cook.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Well, that's your problem! Know that no matter how much you cook, I'm in charge, and if I don't like the food I'll eat you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, okay, witch of Hansel and Gretel, and what are you going to do in the meantime?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I'm going to stay here in the living room painting my nails!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I'm still amazed at this woman's audacity.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>What are you still doing here! Go to work!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Without much choice you go to the kitchen to start cooking.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to the kitchen|PQM7 parte 3 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome answers the door, and you sneak a peek at what's going to happen.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/susto2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome what are you doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, hey aunt $ProfQuimica.Nome happens to be my mom...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome, I appreciate your visit but I'm very busy right now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You signal $LenaPaul.Nome to wind up $ProfQuimica.Nome as much as possible.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/sinalizando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No, no, no, it's very important.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I was with my mom when...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go look for the computer|PQM7 parte 4 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You return to $ProfQuimica.Nome's house with the shopping done.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome is in the living room apparently waiting for her boyfriend.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, has he composed everything he needed?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>What are you up to ehm?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Why out of nowhere did you decide to go out and buy something?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not for nothing.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome apparently doesn't believe it.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/suspeito.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Stay calm!<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Okay, so go ahead and finish that noodle!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You then head straight to the kitchen.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to the kitchen|PQM7 parte 3 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome go into the living room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What will we do now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now, we'll wait.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's wait for them to sleep and then?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>We do whatever we want!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So it is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What are you going to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I go to her bedroom to erase our conversations from the cameras, right, because if not, she will know that we know each other.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Why can't she know that we know each other?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know, but I think it's cool to trick her like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Let's go to the kitchen, see if they're asleep.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to the kitchen|PQM7 parte 3 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 7>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "Casa-Lebelle-Cozinha">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go into the kitchen, pull your cell phone out of your pocket, and call $LenaPaul.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/ligando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome, I need your help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>For what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm at $ProfQuimica.Nome's and she wants me to cook dinner for her and her boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, and I need you to come here to distract her while I look for her personal computer to gain access to the security cameras.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome, I'll be right there.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, we'll see you.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And now what do I cook for $ProfQuimica.Nome?<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Who were you talking to?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/susto2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You get scared.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm.. no one... I... was just wondering what you want me to cook?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Inside the closet is pasta.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She just says that and leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You then pick up your cell phone and watch a video on the internet of how to make pasta.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>A few minutes pass when you hear a knock on the door.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go see what's going on|PQM7 parte 2 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 23>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>He goes back to the kitchen quickly, and just then $ProfQuimica.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome arrive.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, where were you? You should be cooking!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I... just went to the bathroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Okay, and... is the noodles ready yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Not yet? My boyfriend is almost here and you're not done yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's almost done calm down.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And who is this girl with you?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/flerte.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to pretend you don't know her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>This is $LenaPaul.Nome, my niece.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You extend your hand to greet her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/Aperto_de_mao.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nice to meet you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She decides to pretend like you<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's a pleasure too.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Okay, $Jogador.Nome, now go finish cooking.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But, aunt, who is he? And why are you forcing him to cook?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>He???<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>He's... ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>He's the cook... I hired.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I hired him to make a special dish for my boyfriend after all, tonight is special.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, right, and you told me to go out and buy tomatoes to make the sauce, didn't you?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I said?! But I...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome looks at $LenaPaul.Nome who is beside her with her arms crossed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Alright, go to the market and buy 5 tomatoes and I'll keep making the food until you come back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The money is missing.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome tries to control her anger, next to $LenaPaul.Nome, takes her wallet and gives you $50.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/pagando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks $ProfQuimica.Nome, I'll buy it and I'll be right back.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go shopping|PQM7 parte 5 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You go to the kitchen to continue cooking, and $LenaPaul.Nome was there, she finished cooking things for you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-cozinhando.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi... $Jogador.Nome, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, you can stop pretending $ProfQuimica.Nome is there in the living room waiting for her boyfriend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh good... I couldn't take any more pretending that we didn't know each other.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So it is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>So bring the tomatoes?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, and I brought that too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You show a medicine box, $LenaPaul.Nome reads it to you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/pilulasdosono.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>This is...?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>A sleeping pill.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's just payback for $ProfQuimica.Nome making me work for free all this time, just put some in her food and that's it. She and her boyfriend are going to sleep for at least 5 hours, and we can do whatever we want in the meantime!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow, what madness! But don't you think $ProfQuimica.Nome will get even harder on you if she finds out you've done this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I would think so, but I already had access to the security cameras here, I deleted all the recordings that I showed up and I still saved it on my cell phone.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take your cell phone out of your pocket and play $ProfQuimica.Nome's compromising video.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/mostrando-video-com-celular.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<p><i>"Because if not, I'll go to the police station and I'll say you're stalking me."</i></p>
<p><i>"I'm pretty sure my boyfriend saw you trying to break into my house."</i></p>
<p><i>"I never did it! What are you talking about?!"</i></p>
<p><i>"Besides how about I say you hit me."</i></p>
<p><i>"But I never did it!"</i></p>
<p><i>"But who will they believe, me or you?"</i></p>
<p><i>"You are a crazy bitch!"</i></p>
<p><i>"And you are now my slave!"</i></p>
<p><i>"You're not famous actor $Jogador.Nome! Don't try to play Jack Sperrow on me because if you don't, you're going to lose!"</i></p>
<p><i>"Well, no need to say anything $Jogador.Nome. You can wash your clothes and then let them dry. But be careful not to mix white with colored too!"</i></p>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-surpresa1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hear $ProfQuimica.Nome talking to someone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Looks like he arrived, put it right there in the noodles.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take your pills, break them down, put them in the noodles and quickly put them in the noodles, you start to stir to mix everything together.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/misturando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome sets the dinner table and serves two courses.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM7 parte 3 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome enters the kitchen with her boyfriend.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/profQuimica-com-namorado.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Look what I prepared for us...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome sees that you and $LenaPaul.Nome are still there.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>What are you still doing here?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Boyfriend>>Wow, $ProfQuimica.Nome, did you hire cooks to prepare something for us?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>Ahm... Yes, yes, I did. And now they're already leaving isn't it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfQuimica.Nome looks at you crookedly. So you and $LenaPaul.Nome try to keep your character.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, miss $ProfQuimica.Nome, $LenaPaul.Nome and I are on our way out.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the living room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to the livingroom|PQM7 parte 2 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome go into the kitchen to discreetly watch $ProfQuimica.Nome and her boyfriend.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>They don't seem to be getting any sleep.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/sono1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "NPC" Boyfriend>>I... wanted to know when... you'll meet... parents.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfQuimica" $ProfQuimica.Nome>>I... don't know... not yet... made up my mind.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Boyfriend>>My... father told me that... you would be invited to... our...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment they both passed out from sleep.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/dormindo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome go over to make sure you're both asleep.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Confirming their suspicions, they both celebrate silently, before heading to $ProfQuimica.Nome's badroom.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/comemoracao.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to the bedroom|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 6>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "Casa-Lebelle-Quarto">>
<<narrador>>You go to $ProfQuimica.Nome's bedroom and find her computer.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh good, no password.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/usandopc.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Find the program that shows the security cameras and see $ProfQuimica.Nome and $LenaPaul.Nome talking in front of $ProfQuimica.Nome's house, you can hear the audio perfectly.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You search the camera recordings and find a very specific one, then you press play.<</narrador>>
<p><i>"Yeah right there! You will do everything I asked! Go wash clothes, wash dishes, make me dinner, bathe my grandmother... whatever I want!"</i></p>
<p><i>"Because if not, I'll go to the police station and I'll say you're stalking me."</i></p>
<p><i>"I'm pretty sure my boyfriend saw you trying to break into my house."</i></p>
<p><i>"I never did it! What are you talking about?!"</i></p>
<p><i>"Besides how about I say you hit me."</i></p>
<p><i>"But I never did it!"</i></p>
<p><i>"But who will they believe, me or you?"</i></p>
<p><i>"You are a crazy bitch!"</i></p>
<p><i>"And you are now my slave!"</i></p>
<p><i>"You're not famous actor $Jogador.Nome! Don't try to play Jack Sperrow on me because if you don't, you're going to lose!"</i></p>
<p><i>"Well, no need to say anything $Jogador.Nome. You can wash your clothes and then let them dry. But be careful not to mix white with colored too!"</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>Now $ProfQuimica.Nome, enough blackmail!<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You save this video on your cell phone, and delete all other security camera videos that appear to you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You go back to the security camera program and you see that $ProfQuimica.Nome is heading into the kitchen to see what you're doing, despite $LenaPaul.Nome's best efforts to stop her.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn it! I have to get back to the kitchen! If not I'm dead.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to the kitchen quickly|PQM7 parte 3 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>After you go to the market and buy some tomatoes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/comprando-coisas-mercado.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You decide to go to the Risky's Store in the Mall.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/considerando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You do the shopping and go back to the teacher's house|PQM7 parte 2 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 25>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "Casa-Lebelle-Quarto">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome go to $ProfQuimica.Nome's bedroom, you access the security camera app and see $ProfQuimica.Nome and her boyfriend sleeping on the table.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/usandopc.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look here $LenaPaul.Nome, what $ProfQuimica.Nome does that's why she controls everything I do here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I wish there was a way for me to control these cameras to turn off whenever I come here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Is there no way you can do this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, if there is, I don't know how, and besides that must be very difficult.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But what about $Jogador.Nome, let's see what $ProfQuimica.Nome hides on this computer?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome?! What an amazing idea, here we go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get $ProfQuimica.Nome's personal files with $LenaPaul.Nome at her side, then you open a folder of photos.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Photos, let's see some photos that your aunt hides.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome approaches you to see these photos.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/PQM7-profQuimica-foto1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Does my aunt save selfies on her computer? This is old stuff.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it's good, so we can see several things.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/PQM7-profQuimica-foto2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>As much as I hate her for everything she does to me, I have to admit that she has pretty eyes, it looks like she runs in the family.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You look at $LenaPaul.Nome as you say this.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look this Picture.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/PQM7-profQuimica-foto3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What is she thinking? That she is Nicki Minaj.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And this one with her showing her waist tattoos.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/PQM7-profQuimica-foto4.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>She likes to take sexy pictures ehm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look at this then.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/PQM7-profQuimica-foto5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my God she's my aunt, I shouldn't be seeing this.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/nao-quero-ver.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now look at this one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>No, I don't want to see my aunt naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, but look at that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, okay.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_quimica/images/PQM7-profQuimica-foto6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can you see it in her body?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh really? That she takes a picture with a face full of semen.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>There isn't that much.<</fala>>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<LenaPaulMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh $Jogador.Nome, if there's one thing I didn't think I'd see, it's my aunt naked.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax, baby, it's gone, gone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But now I have a better idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome looks at you and instantly she understands what you mean.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh no, no, no, we're not having sex here at my aunt's house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why not? She's sleeping, and she won't wake up anytime soon.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh but what about the cameras?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We erase later, she'll never know we had sex in her bed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But do you really want this, here, in your chemistry teacher's bedroom?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I do, look how hard my dick is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But is it really that hard?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You reveal your hard cock.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Were just those pictures of my aunt enough to make you so hard?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a lot of vigor.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Handjob|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.punheta += 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Alright, alright.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She slowly starts to masturbate you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Does she like my fingers wrapped around your cock?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You nod your head in affirmation.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<narrador>>With great horny in her eyes she tastes his cock with her mouth.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Your cock is delicious today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Uhmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Getting Blowjob|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She takes her clothes off|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Uhmm uhmm uhmm uhmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Do you want to see my breasts?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She takes her clothes off|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<narrador>>She quickly takes off her shirt.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She slowly takes off her bra revealing her soft breasts.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 30>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Here are my breasts.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.titjob += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<narrador>>With her beautiful breasts on display, $LenaPaul.Nome wraps them around his cock and makes you stimulate him up and down.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah that's like that.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob again|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You take off her panties|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome goes back to cupping his cock with extreme vigor.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Do you know what I want?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I want that big hard cock in me.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[You take off her panties|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<<narrador>>You and $LenaPaul.Nome climb onto the bed with their ass facing you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, show me that sexy body.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just like that, oh my god fuck.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You admire the beauty of the splendor of her beautiful ass and beautiful pussy.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God, look how wet you are.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome laughs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow baby, turn around for me.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<<narrador>>$LenaPaul.Nome stands in front for you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You want spread my legs on?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She lifts her legs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Please, please, oh fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Reverse Cowgirl|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Fuck<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh shit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my God, oh fuck, fuck, fuck.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make her cum|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.cum += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Fuck. I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oooh shit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oooh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oooh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ooohh my God, yes, yes, yes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh it's so amazing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Fuck.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's fucking beautiful pussy.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your pussy it's so pretty.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's so wet.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh shit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ooohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Shall we change the position?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my god yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>This is so good it makes me come again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Reverse Cowgirl|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Look at me from this angle.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh I love seeing your ass like this.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Doggy style|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 26>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh my God, fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh fuck it's so good.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Change Position|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Shall we change positions?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ummm.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She turns around and licks your cock.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Delicious.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cowgirl|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 21>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, gimme that good dick.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 22>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Change Position|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 22>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, my God, Damn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What you... fucking.. size dick...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ooohhh, ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make her cum again|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 23>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.cum += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 23>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my God... ooohhhh fuck... fuck... Oohh...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah... oohhhh.... shit...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oohhhh.... oohhhh...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep making her cumming|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 24>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 24>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Goooddd ohhh... ohhahahahahaooh my God...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh my God.... oh my God...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh fuck... yes, fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>It's so fucking good, it's so fucking good.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh my God.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 25>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 25>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>How you make me cum like that, in your dick every touch.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hummmm oh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oohhh yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Fuck...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Doggy style|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 26>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 26>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica28.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh pussy yes... yes... oh my God...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh... yes...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make her cum again|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 27>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.cum += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Seashell|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 29>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 27>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica29.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh my God... yes...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh... fuck... fuck...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohh meu Deus... é a terceira.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 28>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 28>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica30.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhh fuck... right there.. right there... right there...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhhh my Godd, my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Fuck... ohhh... ohh shit...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Seashell|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 29>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Creampie her|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 31>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.creampie += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 29>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica31.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Put in me get to... oh... maybe...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ohhh yes... yes... yes... yes...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her pussy|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 30>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 30>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica32.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I want you cum in me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But are you taking birth control?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I dont fucking care, i want you fuck me until fill my pussy with cum.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>I want to feel all your milk running down my pussy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Creampie her|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 31>>
<<set $LenaPaulSex.creampie += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 31>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica33.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $alivio = 100>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cum for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh... shit...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh yes... that's it, that's it, that's it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my God, amanhã eu vou ter que comprar pilula.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yes, yes, yes, Ummmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 32>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 32>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/lena/videos/PQM7-Lena-SexoQuartoProfQuimica34.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Cumming on my now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Yeah, just remember...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>...my aunt must never know that we did this in her bed!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She will never know.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PQM7 parte 6 - A Professora te Chama]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 33>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 33>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/PQM7-Creampie1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Oh I'm glad you convinced me to have sex today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So did you like it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>If I liked it, damn it, I cum three times.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>But so is good. I couldn't stand it and maybe next time I'll have to call a little friend to help me.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is this serious? Is $LenaPaul.Nome suggesting a menage? It must be a trap, better ignore it.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And now I need to delete all this stuff from the surveillance cameras, like, imagine if $ProfQuimica.Nome wakes up and watches us having sex in her bed.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>You're right, it's better to erase everything and then we'll leave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Or we can watch our performance and then delete everything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Dirty, dirty boy show me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You two watch the video of the two of you having sex transmitted by the security cameras which left both of you excited again, and you both realized it because you were still naked. Despite wanting to have sex again, it was already late, they were both tired, and $ProfQuimica.Nome could wake up at any moment. So you just erase from the security cameras everything that happened in that house that day. They both leave $ProfQuimica.Nome's house and say goodbye with a passionate kiss.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulMoralidade 1>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
<<JogadorHorny 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $ProfQuimicaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 45>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome is doing yoga.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-yoga1.jpg"></center>
<<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>$Jogador.Nome, I'm not able to do the yoga postures by myself, can you help me?</span></div>
<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>
<div class="falaMae"><img class="avatar2" src="content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg">$Mae.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome<hr id="dlgs"><br><span>$Jogador.Nome, I'm not able to do the yoga postures by myself, can you help me?</span></div>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course yes.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz So stand behind me and help me keep my back straight.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>It’s hard not to think about it, but I like the feeling of her ass touching my crotch better.<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz Now from the front.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, her flexibility is very good.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Take a deep breath.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's possible that she also likes me touching her that way.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Thanks $Jogador.Nome, can you help me with squats now?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Yes!|Eventos-Aleatorios-Yoga-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<narrador>>You help her do squats.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Squats are my favorite thing to do.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And it's also what I like the most.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Her beautiful ass in those tight yoga pants is amazing, if she works out with less clothes she'll be even better.<</ref>>
<<if $horny gte 50>> /*==========================================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Is it just me or is she looking at my erection?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God, this is so embarrassing.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|Eventos-Aleatorios-Yoga-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now stretch your arms.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-MaeYoga9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm... I think that's good enough for today.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao $Mae.Nome is sunbathing in the backyard.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-BanhodeSol1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go sunbathe with her|Eventos-Aleatorios-BanhodeSol-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-BanhodeSol2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Mae.Relacao, can I sunbathe with you?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Of course, it’s always good to have company.>>
<<narrador>>You sunbathe next to for a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 70>> /*==============================*/
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-BanhodeSol3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, my $Mae.Relacao's big tits are distracting me.<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz What is $Jogador.Nome looking at?>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... uh...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ahm... do you want me to put sunscreen on you?|Eventos-Aleatorios-BanhodeSol-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Nothing.|Eventos-Aleatorios-BanhodeSol-Mãe-Negação]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<else>> /*======================================================*/
<<if $Mae.Moralidade lt 70>> /*==============================*/
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, can you put some sunscreen on me?>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 80>> /*======================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Alright|Eventos-Aleatorios-BanhodeSol-Mãe1]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 2>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</if>> /*===============================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Better not|Eventos-Aleatorios-BanhodeSol-Mãe-Negação]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<else>> /*==================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 2>>
<<if $Jogador.Moralidade lt 70>> /*==============================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... do you want me to put sunscreen on you?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-BanhodeSol4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Yes! Put protector here on my breasts please.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-BanhodeSol5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You spread sunscreen over her breasts.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Ohhhh, good, I needed this.>>
<<MamaeDiz Now pass my butt please.>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Event-BanhodeSol6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You then spread sunscreen over $Mae.Nome’s butt.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Oohhhhhh... yes...>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh... Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.>>
<<narrador>>You then lie down next to her and continue sunbathing with her for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.RandomEventConfig is 0>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... nothing no $Mae.Relacao, I just got distracted.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You keep sunbathing with your $Mae.Relacao for a while. She puts on sunscreen herself.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.RandomEventConfig is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Better not, $Mae.Relacao, that’s not very suitable.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Ahm... okay...>>
<<narrador>>You keep sunbathing with your $Mae.Relacao for a while. She puts on sunscreen herself.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>>
<<set $game.RandomEventConfig to 0>>
<<set $game.RandomEventPorDia -= 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "dinner-room-amigo">>
<<narrador>>You were walking back with a glass of water to finish watching your friends play when you pass in front of $SrtaCooper.Nome's room and notice a crack open.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM2-Sta.Cooper-Spy1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh my God Miss Cooper is changing your clothes.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't want to watch my best friend's mom, but I always thought she was so hot.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>So I will...<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You had $Amigo.Nome calling you into the living room.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh okay... maybe it's better this way... $Amigo.Nome wouldn't like the fact that I was admiring his mother.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Back to the living room|SCM2 - Dia de Dungeons & Dragons]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house to talk about Dungeons & Dragons, after you arrive $Amigo2.Nome appears after a few minutes.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Guys, we have to talk, it won't be easy, but if we really want to play Dungeons & Dragons we'll need to do some important things...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>First uh...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>First we need to find someone else to play with because the master can't be a player!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He's right, it won't work without a third player.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, okay, but do you think that's all? You didn't develop the story of your characters you...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Hi boys.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>At that moment $SrtaCooper.Nome appears to say hi to everyone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Mom we are in the middle of an important matter.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Sorry, I didn't mean to interfere. Is it something from school?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's not that we tried to play Dungeons & Dragons and it didn't work out very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Because we need one more player!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$SrtaCooper.Nome, why don't you play with us?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Me? I don't even have time, I have a lot to do so I'm going to have to turn it down, boys.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>But feel free to come here whenever you want.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome goes to her living room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, any more ideas?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What if we call your girlfriend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$CarmenCa.Nome? No, she doesn't like it very much. Why don't you call your girlfriend?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>$Shyla.Nome? Only if you want us quarreling all the time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You're right and how about $LenaPaul.Nome, $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You're right, I'll call her to see if she accepts.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up, and walk away from your friends to talk to $LenaPaul.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM3 - Resolvendo problemas relacionados ao Dia de Dungeons & Dragons]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 13>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You dial $LenaPaul.Nome's number.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$LenaPaul.Nome...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me and my friends assembling an RPG group, do you want to play with us?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome I would love to but...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You again see a crack open in $SrtaCooper.Nome's bedroom door.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM2-Sta.Cooper-Spy1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh Miss Cooper is changing your clothes again.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM3-Sta.Cooper-Spy2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, she has such a beautiful body.<</ref>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome... $Jogador.Nome...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You give the consent and step away from the door a little.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh hey $LenaPaul.Nome, sorry I got a little distracted.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Okay, but finally. I can't play with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Ahm... okay...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go back to your friends to break the news to them.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM3 - Resolvendo problemas relacionados ao Dia de Dungeons & Dragons]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys, $LenaPaul.Nome can't play with us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>While we decide who we're going to call to play with us, you guys need to write your characters better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Okay, okay, we'll meet another day to formulate this better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so we'll decide another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave $Amigo.Nome's house, still thinking about $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house to talk about Dungeons & Dragons.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, today we need to solve the problems of our characters you will have to formulate your character's story well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going to keep the character I created, he died an unfair death, I just decided to formulate him a little bit.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You explain your character's story.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Very good, how about you Kevin?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I need you to help me, I've decided to make a Dwarf Paladin, I've already created the story but I need you to help me with the divinity part he follows...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Well... your character is Loyal and Good so you should choose a similar deity and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>While your friends decide on $Amigo2.Nome's character you decide to go get a "glass of water".<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'll get a glass of water, I'll be right back.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Will Miss Cooper be changing clothes again?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM4 - Fazendo Isso Certo Agora]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 13>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You see a small crack in $SrtaCooper.Nome's bedroom door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look around to see if no one is nearby so you try to spy on her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM2-Sta.Cooper-Spy1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh Miss Cooper is changing again.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't want to stare at my best friend's mom, but I always thought she was so hot.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM3-Sta.Cooper-Spy2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Bro, look at those boobs, they're beautiful.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM4-Sta.Cooper-Spy3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh yes, baby what a beautiful ass this woman has.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is a big woman.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM4-Sta.Cooper-Spy4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You accidentally lean against the door making it creak, which scares $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>What a fuck!<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh fuck.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome picks up a bat and starts approaching the door.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>And now what do I do?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM4 - Fazendo Isso Certo Agora]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM4-Sta.Cooper-Spy5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>I know you are in there.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Come the fuck out.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You decide to reveal yourself.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM4-Sta.Cooper-Spy6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, no, it's $Jogador.Nome, it's $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She sets the bat aside.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM4-Sta.Cooper-Spy7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... sorry I just... thought I'd try to convince you to play with us.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>But I...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM4-Sta.Cooper-Spy8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Please, we've always wanted to play D&D, but we need one more player, otherwise it won't work and besides it's a pretty cool game, I...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Okay, okay $Jogador.Nome... if it's so important to you I play... I can try to play a little with you guys.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>But please let me change first.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh no.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh okay sorry.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She closes the door and she goes back to the living room where her friends were.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM4 - Fazendo Isso Certo Agora]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>You go back to your friends.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>There $Jogador.Nome, look at some characteristics of the character that $Amigo2.Nome created.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Personality traits: I judge people by their actions, not their words. Ideals: There's nothing good about pretending to be something I'm not. Bonds: My tools are a symbol of my past life, I will carry them never to forget. Flaws: I am convinced of the meaning of my destiny, and blind to risks and failures.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>The guy raised a religious fanatic.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Religious fanatic?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I didn't even realize he was getting like this.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>No, but so that's good! A different character, with a strong personality and...<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>And my character? How do I do it?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Mom, did you decide to play with us?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Yes, $Jogador.Nome convinced me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>But how...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... $Amigo.Nome explain to your mother how she can create her character.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome teaches $SrtaCooper.Nome how she can create her character and that's what she does she creates a Human Barbarian.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Finally you manage to get fully organized and everyone now with their characters ready, finally you book to play this weekend afternoon.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to your friend $Amigo.Nome's house to play Dungeons & Dragons, but it looks like you're too early.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You walk around the house and see the bathroom door open.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$SrtaCooper.Nome is cleaning the place.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM5-Sta.Cooper-Limpando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, $SrtaCooper.Nome is wearing a really short outfit to clean the house.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>How can...<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM5-Sta.Cooper-Limpando2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don't feel good thinking about my best friend's mother like that but... how can I not think like that?<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/cooper/videos/SCM5-Sta.Cooper-Limpando3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Look at that beautiful ass, rocking back and forth with that shartinho tucked right in the middle of her buttocks, with her pink panties showing underneath, not enough to fully cover her pus...<</ref>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, have you arrived yet?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are so startled that it leaves you paralyzed, but hold back so you don't scream and scare $SrtaCooper.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>You arrived much earlier than I expected, $Amigo2.Nome hasn't even arrived yet...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome... Are you okay?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes... yes I am.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I-I'm just excited enough to start playing!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Okay, so help me get everything ready and wait for $Amigo2.Nome to arrive.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help $Amigo.Nome prepare the table, the dice, and everything else needed to play and they wait for a while until $Amigo2.Nome arrives.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM5 - Agora Sim Vamos Jogar]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo2.Nome finally arrives and sits at the table to play.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/cooper/images/srta-cooper-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Don't forget about me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Amigo.Nome sits at one end of the table, you sit at the other end $Amigo2.Nome sits on your left and $SrtaCooper.Nome sits on your right.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So let's start... ahm... what's your character's name again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>><<textbox "$DeDPersonagem.Nome" "Ivern" $DeDPersonagem.Nome>> <<textbox "$DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome" "Fyukoake" $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome>>.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM5 parte 2 - Agora Sim Vamos Jogar]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 20>>
/*===================================================================*/<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/angela/images/angela-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Angie.Nome White Byers
Status: $Angie.status
Friendship: $Angie.Amizade
Passion: $Angie.Paixao
Morality: $Angie.Moralidade
Desire: $Angie.Desejo
<p>$Angie.Nome White Byers is a 39 year old woman, very cheerful and energetic, she is married to $PaidaLena.Nome Byers, has three children $LenaPaul.Nome Byers, $Gabbie.Nome Byers and Mike Byers.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="personsperfil" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-perfil.jpg">
Name: $Gabbie.Nome Covarrubias Byers
Status: $Gabbie.status
Friendship: $Gabbie.Amizade
Passion: $Gabbie.Paixao
Morality: $Gabbie.Moralidade
Desire: $Gabbie.Desejo
<p>$Gabbie.Nome Covarrubias Byers is an 18 year old girl, curious, sneaky and somewhat innocent, she studies in 2A and is a classmate of $IrmaN.Nome $Jogador.Sobrenome. She is the daughter of $PaidaLena.Nome Byers and $Angie.Nome Byers, and has a brother and sister, Mike and $LenaPaul.Nome Byers.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoAcademia>>
<<narrador>>$Aaliyah.Nome is working out.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like you're still having trouble doing this exercise.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Aaliyah.Nome. Looks like you're having a little trouble.<</fala>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Yes, can you help me again?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First, you must maintain a correct posture.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help her improve her posture.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Aaliyah" $Aaliyah.Nome>>Oh is this how I have to do it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That! Now yes...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/aaliyah/videos/Aaliyah-Gym8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You help her exercise for a while.<</narrador>>
<<AaliyahAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<addmins 62>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lte 23>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bairro-afastado/motel-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 0 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 5>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bairro-afastado/motel-noite.jpg"></center>
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 5 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bairro-afastado/motel.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Enter the Motel|Motel]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "motel-quarto">>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/motel/motel-recepcao.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Talk to Receptionist|Motel-Recepcionista]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "motel-quarto">>
<div id="fixa">
<p><i>We are currently without employees.</i></p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "bordel">>
<div id="fixa">
<p><i>We are looking for Strippers, contact us and we will open the brothel soon.</i></p>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Bairro Afastado]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBairroAfastado>>
<<set $game.usandoMenu to false>>
<<timed -1s t8n>>\
<<goto "Bordel">><<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you recognize a phrase written on the bathroom door.<</narrador>>
<p><i>"Eating armadillo is good</i></p>
<p><i>What a pity it hurts your back</i></p>
<p><i>Because the animal is short</i></p>
<p><i>And that's why I prefer goats."</i></p>
<p><i>"Goats have breasts</i></p>
<p><i>That feed their descendants</i></p>
<p><i>In the animal world there is a lot of bitching</i></p>
<p><i>For example, dogs</i></p>
<p><i>That bang its own mother, its sister and its aunts</i></p>
<p><i>They are stuck on all fours loving each other</i></p>
<p><i>In broad daylight."</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>I love this song, I'm going to write one more piece of this song!<</ref>>
<p><i>"The animals, there are some interesting animals</i></p>
<p><i>Just imagine what the sex of elephants is like</i></p>
<p><i>And camels that have balls on their backs</i></p>
<p><i>And the cows that wherever they go</i></p>
<p><i>Leave a trail of shit."</i></p>
<p><i>"The doves when they fly</i></p>
<p><i>Unbelievably, they are flying over</i></p>
<p><i>With your asshole staring at our heads</i></p>
<p><i>Hence comes the blast from your anal bazooka</i></p>
<p><i>Do you already have a dove with a laser sight</i></p>
<p><i>The shot always comes out fatal."</i></p>
<<ref $Jogador>>I wanted to write this whole song, but I don't have much time.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM8.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ManuM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ManuM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MNUEspere to true>>
<<addmins 5>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "DeDTaverna">>
<<narrador>>Once upon a time...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you kidding that you're going to start with once upon a time!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Shut up, I'm the narrator now!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Once upon a time there was a young <<DeDRaca>> <<DeDClasse>> named $DeDPersonagem.Nome $DeDPersonagem.Sobrenome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>He arrives at a tavena and to find Kilingan Antonio his longtime friend he finds Kilingan sitting at a table taking a sip of beer.<</narrador>>
<<DeDPersonagem Hello Killingan.>>
<<DeDKillingan Hello $DeDPersonagem.Nome, what have you been up to the last few days?>>
<<narrador>>Killingan is an extremely strong Dwarf Paladin and is convinced of his ideals.<</narrador>>
<<DeDPersonagem I have so much to tell you but first I want a beer.>>
<<narrador>>While they talk and catch up Killingan and $DeDPersonagem.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And at that moment they both see a beautiful human woman who enters the bar.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She is a tall redhead with a statuesque body.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/others/DnD/Laurenova/Laurenova.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She goes to the bar owner and starts talking to him.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>So the bar owner calls Killingan and $DeDPersonagem.Nome, they go to him.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" Barman>>What do you think about doing something for money?<</fala>>
<<DeDLaurenova Oh it depends.>>
<<DeDKillingan Can you give more details?>>
<<fala "NPC" Barman>>I present to you two Laurenova, she is my particular mercenary, but for the quest the next quest she will need the help of a Paladin and an <<DeDClasse>>.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Barman>>So if you do this for me I promise to pay you a lot of money, what do you think?<</fala>>
<<DeDPersonagem I accept the mission.>>
<<DeDLaurenova I will not disappoint.>>
<<DeDKillingan On my honor.>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>And that's what we have for today!<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>But is that all? Bad we play!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>We continue another day.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|SCM5 parte 3 - Agora Sim Vamos Jogar]]>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So what did you think?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Weak.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Meaningless.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaCooper" $SrtaCooper.Nome>>Short.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Calm down guys, next time there will be more things I promise, it's just that there wasn't time to do much more than that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $Amigo2.Nome leave $Amigo.Nome's house disappointed because the story was so short, but you're happy because the character $SrtaCooper.Nome created is very similar to her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $SrtaCooperM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Missao.STCEspere to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 7 and $gameDate.getMinutes() gte 30 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 8>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Ah... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 11>>
<<if $MaeM5.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa" and $IrmaVM2.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hello $Jogador.Nome, I’m cooking now, talk later.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn’t want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Café da Manhã]]>><</button>>@@
<<MamaeDiz Oh... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Ah... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Almoço]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/MM8-MaeCozinha1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[What do we have for dinner?|Mae-Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/mae/videos/Mae-Cozinhando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<MamaeDiz Hello $Jogador.Nome, I’m cooking now, talk later.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() is 19 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-na-mesa.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Oh... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Jantar]]>><</button>>@@
<<if $MaeM1.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">>
<<narrador>>Your $Mae.Relacao doesn't want to talk to you, to do a job she asked to do.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
<<MamaeDiz Oh... hello dear. Need something?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SuaCasa_Cozinha]]>><</button>>@@
/*===================================================================*/<<if $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">> /*=========================*/
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mae/images/mae-workout.jpg"></center>
<<MamaeDiz Oh... hello dear. I’m workout now.>>
<<if $MaeEvents.Ginastica is false>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hey|Mae-Workout]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $MaeEvents.Ginastica is false>>
<<MamaeDiz Thank you for helping me workout today.>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $MaeM7.MissaoEstatus isnot "Completa">> /*==================*/
<<if $Mae.local is "Sala">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Mae-Casa-Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas"><<if $Roupas.Mae is 0>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_icon.jpg"]]<<elseif $Roupas.Mae is 1>>[img["content/characters/mae/mae_lingerie_icon.jpg"]]<</if>></div></a>
<<if $IrmaV.local is "Sala">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma1-Casa-Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_velha/irma1_icon.jpg"]]
<<if $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstatus isnot "Ativa" and $IrmaNM3.MissaoEstagio isnot 50>>
<<if $IrmaN.local is "Sala">>
<a data-passage="Conversa-Irma2-Casa-Sala" class="link-internal">
<div class="conversas">[img["content/characters/irma_mais_nova/irma2_icon.jpg"]]
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Watch TV|TV]]>><</button>>@@
@@.btnDestaque;<<button [[Leave|Casa]]>><</button>>@@
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/<<FundoEscola>>
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Gabbie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I am well thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you and $IrmaN.Nome friends? Or at least get along well?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>We don't talk much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It would be nice if you two were friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I think so too but she's just in her little group and we don't have much of a chance to get to know each other better, maybe someday.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Escola">><<addmins 10>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Gabbie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-escola1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I am well thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you and $IrmaN.Nome friends? Or at least get along well?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>We don't talk much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It would be nice if you two were friends.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I think so too but she's just in her little group and we don't have much of a chance to get to know each other better, maybe someday.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadra">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Gabbie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I am well thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And how is it at your house? Do you and $LenaPaul.Nome get along?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>So so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh, she and my mom are always talking together and never include me in those conversations.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But do you know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>They say I'm too young to talk about these things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>But it's a lie! I'm not that young! I'm already 18 years old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Perhaps you should try to show them that you are mature enough to understand these matters.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I already tried, but it didn't help. But forget it... let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Byers">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Gabbie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praca4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I am well thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And how is it at your house? Do you and $LenaPaul.Nome get along?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>So so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh, she and my mom are always talking together and never include me in those conversations.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But do you know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>They say I'm too young to talk about these things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>But it's a lie! I'm not that young! I'm already 18 years old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Perhaps you should try to show them that you are mature enough to understand these matters.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I already tried, but it didn't help. But forget it... let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Gabbie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-parque5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I am well thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And how is it at your house? Do you and $LenaPaul.Nome get along?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>So so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh, she and my mom are always talking together and never include me in those conversations.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But do you know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>They say I'm too young to talk about these things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>But it's a lie! I'm not that young! I'm already 18 years old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Perhaps you should try to show them that you are mature enough to understand these matters.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I already tried, but it didn't help. But forget it... let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Gabbie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I am well thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And how is it at your house? Do you and $LenaPaul.Nome get along?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>So so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh, she and my mom are always talking together and never include me in those conversations.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But do you know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>They say I'm too young to talk about these things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>But it's a lie! I'm not that young! I'm already 18 years old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Perhaps you should try to show them that you are mature enough to understand these matters.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I already tried, but it didn't help. But forget it... let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $Gabbie.Nome, how are you?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/gabbie/images/gabbie-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I am well thank you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And how is it at your house? Do you and $LenaPaul.Nome get along?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>So so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>Oh, she and my mom are always talking together and never include me in those conversations.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But do you know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>They say I'm too young to talk about these things.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>But it's a lie! I'm not that young! I'm already 18 years old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Perhaps you should try to show them that you are mature enough to understand these matters.<</fala>>
<<fala "Gabbie" $Gabbie.Nome>>I already tried, but it didn't help. But forget it... let's talk about something else.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continued talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<GabbieAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-livingroom6.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I dreamed about you at lest night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Really? And what did you dream about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was midnight, we were on my yacht.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm, yacht, I'm already enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On this yacht you were in a white dress, we were guided by the starlight, you were as beautiful as ever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did we do tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I took you to my luxury bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ripped off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And we had sex all night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! I liked your dream, I'm even wet now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa Byers">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I dreamed about you at lest night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Really? And what did you dream about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was midnight, we were on my yacht.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm, yacht, I'm already enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On this yacht you were in a white dress, we were guided by the starlight, you were as beautiful as ever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did we do tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I took you to my luxury bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ripped off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And we had sex all night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! I liked your dream, I'm even wet now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-escola-biblioteca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I dreamed about you at lest night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Really? And what did you dream about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was midnight, we were on my yacht.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm, yacht, I'm already enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On this yacht you were in a white dress, we were guided by the starlight, you were as beautiful as ever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did we do tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I took you to my luxury bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ripped off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And we had sex all night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! I liked your dream, I'm even wet now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Biblioteca">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-parque3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I dreamed about you at lest night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Really? And what did you dream about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was midnight, we were on my yacht.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm, yacht, I'm already enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On this yacht you were in a white dress, we were guided by the starlight, you were as beautiful as ever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did we do tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I took you to my luxury bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ripped off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And we had sex all night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! I liked your dream, I'm even wet now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I dreamed about you at lest night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Really? And what did you dream about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was midnight, we were on my yacht.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm, yacht, I'm already enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On this yacht you were in a white dress, we were guided by the starlight, you were as beautiful as ever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did we do tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I took you to my luxury bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ripped off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And we had sex all night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! I liked your dream, I'm even wet now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Bar">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I dreamed about you at lest night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Really? And what did you dream about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was midnight, we were on my yacht.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm, yacht, I'm already enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On this yacht you were in a white dress, we were guided by the starlight, you were as beautiful as ever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did we do tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I took you to my luxury bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ripped off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And we had sex all night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! I liked your dream, I'm even wet now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<<switch random(1, 1)>>
<<case 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $LenaPaul.Nome.<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lena/images/lena-praia5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I dreamed about you at lest night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Really? And what did you dream about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was midnight, we were on my yacht.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Hmm, yacht, I'm already enjoying it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On this yacht you were in a white dress, we were guided by the starlight, you were as beautiful as ever.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>What did we do tonight?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>First I took you to my luxury bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I ripped off your clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And we had sex all night.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lena" $LenaPaul.Nome>>Wow! I liked your dream, I'm even wet now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both continue talking for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<LenaPaulDesejo 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praia">><<addmins 30>><</button>>@@
<</switch>><<FundoCasaSala>><<set $Roupas.Mae to 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to the living room and get a very pleasant surprise.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-and-mae1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Olá $Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome told me some things about you.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What did she say? Did she tell you about what we did that day?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What did she tell you?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Well, I told her mother that you’ve been helping me a lot at home.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, how nice!<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz Yeah, $Jogador.Nome, I didn’t know you’d been helping $MissTravella.Nome.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Helping what I don’t understand!<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh, wait a long time $MissTravella.Nome, I need to run some business.>>
<<narrador>>Your mother $Mae.Nome leaves the living room at this point leaving you and $MissTravella.Nome alone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM6 parte 2 - Você já pensou em mim?]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>$Jogador.Nome sits down next to $MissTravella.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, have you been thinking about me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Oh, thought while you're in the shower and...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that here, my mother might end up listening.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But answer the question! Do you think about me or not?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sometimes.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Oh, good, I thought she was getting old.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But seriously, avoid saying these things around my mother.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I shouldn't be so embarrassed, $Jogador.Nome, and besides, you're the only person I feel comfortable talking to about these things, because you've already seen my...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz What are you talking about?>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome arrives at that exact moment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I was just asking $Jogador.Nome to stop by the house, because I'm going to need his help again.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh so alright!>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why does she want me to go to her house?<</ref>>
<<MamaeDiz Now $Jogador.Nome, leave us alone, we need to talk about woman stuff.>>
<<narrador>>You leave the room, leaving them to talk in peace.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<if $MaeM11.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>
<<set $Roupas.Mae to 1>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>You go to the park to find $MissTravella.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-parque-corrida1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, are you running with me again?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, let's bet a race to your house?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Worth what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No big deal, it's just so we can talk in peace.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Okay, let's go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You run with $MissTravella.Nome to her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Run to her house|STM7 parte 2 - Me conte as novidades]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 9>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<narrador>>You run to $MissTravella.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Phew, we arrived.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, finally.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit together on the couch.<</narrador>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome tell me the news.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know one you'll like.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>My mother now at home only wears panties and a bra at home.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>True, she said that from now on she would wear more comfortable clothes at home.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>And do you know why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... of course not.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But why wasn't she like this the last time I went to visit her?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She said that she will only wear normal clothes if she has visitors, the girls are very nervous at home.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But you must be loving it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say cynically.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>H-How so? But how absurd! She's my mother.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>Even so, you're still a man, and men are like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>But relax, I won't tell her.<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>I actually had an idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "SrtaTravella" $MissTravella.Nome>>You won't know until Saturday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But and you? Now it's your turn to tell me something new...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking to $MissTravella.Nome for a while longer.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<narrador>>You go into the living room and you're in for a very, very, very pleasant surprise.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-and-mae-lingerie1.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Hi $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What's going on here?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, did you tell $MissTravella.Nome that I wear very little clothes now?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I told and...<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz And you did a great job of telling! Why didn’t you tell me yourself?>>
<<MamaeDiz I figured you would think I was going crazy, not that it would come across to me like that.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Are you kidding, this reminds me of the time we used to go to the beach...>>
<<narrador>>At that moment $IrmaN.Nome and $IrmaV.Nome arrive in the living room and are as surprised as $Jogador.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/locations/casa/sala/irmas_assustadas.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome what's going on here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MissTravella.Nome seems to agree with mom about wearing more comfortable clothes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma2" $IrmaN.Nome>>What's going on with the ladies in this town?<</fala>>
<<fala "Irma1" $IrmaV.Nome>>They all went crazy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$IrmaV.Nome and $IrmaN.Nome talk for a while about how weird it is for $Mae.Nome and $MissTravella.Nome to talk together in a lungierie and act like it's normal. You don't say anything you just secretly take advantage of the situation.<</narrador>>
<<MissTravellaMoralidade 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM8.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 20>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<set $Roupas.SrtaTravella to 1>>
<<narrador>>You show up unexpectedly at $MissTravella.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-lingerie-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Jogador.Nome!>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome answers the door wearing a bikini with her nipple barely sticking out of her bra.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MissTravella.Nome? What outfit is this?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz It’s the outfit I wear around the house now.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just because of my mother?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz She is very convincing. Enter...>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome answers the door wearing a bikini with her nipple barely sticking out of her bra.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see a pole dancing stage in the living room.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is that? Have you been training pole dancing?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Just a little.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? I can see?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz No! Why do you think you could?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what is it? Why would you be training pole dancing? Unless you intend to dance for someone?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ahm...>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Fine, but I don’t want you to touch me!>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright! I promise.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM9 - Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You sit on the couch and try to enjoy $MissTravella.Nome's show for yourself.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM9-Srta.Travella-Polidance1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM9 - Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM9-Srta.Travella-Polidance2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz And then? What are you thinking of my ass?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's even hard to find an adjective.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM9 - Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM9-Srta.Travella-Polidance3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM9 - Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM9-Srta.Travella-Polidance4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM9 - Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM9-Srta.Travella-Polidance5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I keep watching you enjoying all this, I think I should charge you to watch me.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh why? I followed the rules.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yes, but that’s good enough for today, if you want to see more you’ll need to give me a gift.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, present now?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz It could be a perfume for example.>>
<<narrador>>You leave $MissTravella.Nome’s house, now she wants gifts, what else will she ask for next?<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You show up unexpectedly at $MissTravella.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-lingerie-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Jogador.Nome?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome, and I brought your gift, want to see it?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hand her the perfume as she lets you into her house.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="locations/shopping/loja-de-variedades/produtos/puru-voodoo.jpg">
<<set $Perfume.PureVoodoo to false>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Pure Voodoo?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, it looks really good.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Okay, sit over there on the couch.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM10 - Mais Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You sit on the couch, $MissTravella.Nome brings the pole dancing stage over to you and starts performing.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM9-Srta.Travella-Polidance1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM10 - Mais Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM10-Srta.Travella-Polidance1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Do you want to see my world without panties?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is clear.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM10 - Mais Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM10-Srta.Travella-Polidance2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Not this time.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nooo.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Enjoy what you can handle.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM10 - Mais Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM10-Srta.Travella-Polidance3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM10 - Mais Striptease]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM10-Srta.Travella-Polidance4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz That’s it for today.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, what is it?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Leave it for another day, because you need to, relieve that erection of yours there.>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/vol-na-calca.jpg">
<<narrador>>You leave $MissTravella.Nome's house, maybe next time there will be more.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM10.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 4>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You show up unexpectedly at $MissTravella.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-lingerie-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Jogador.Nome? Why are you here?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi, I came to see you taking off your clothes again.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She lets you into her house.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz What is that? Boy! Respect me!>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh sorry I came to see you and I've been thinking about your body all these days and I wanted to see more and I followed every rule you told me.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz So, do you want to see more?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I want to see more.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Alright to sit there on the couch and enjoy.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome throws you on the sofa and starts rubbing herself against you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>She approaches you and says in your ear.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz You want a more intimate more private dance, and I can give you that.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She sits on your lap.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I thought I couldn't touch you.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Exactly, you can’t touch me. I can touch you.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Is that what you like? See my ass like that?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She rubs her vagina under her panties, which makes you more and more excited.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She sits on top of you.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I love feeling her hard cock like that, underneath me.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She takes your hand and places it on her ass.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Grab my ass, lover boy.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM11 - Se Segurando]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM11-Srta.Travella-Polidance8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Come on you can caress my breasts now.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz And... that’s it for today.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? Why?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I’m not a stripper $Jogador.Nome, I don’t have to make it to the end.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz And it would still be inappropriate, you’re my best friend’s $Jogador.RelacaoMae.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what's the problem with that, you want it, I want it too, nothing should stop us, and besides that we're not doing too much.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Jogador.Nome we don’t do anything much because I try to hold back whenever I’m stripping for you, it turns me on.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz But imagine what your mother would do if she found out, out of respect for her I think we should hold back so we don’t go too far.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't understand.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I know for you but it’s getting harder and harder to hold on to you so maybe we should take a step back.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?!<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Maybe just for a few days, until I think better of it.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, if that's what you want, I respect your decision, and I'll be on my way.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were about to leave.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ahm... $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<narrador>>You turn to her.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz See you...>>
<<narrador>>You leave $MissTravella.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/vol-na-calca.jpg">
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn I'm going to have to solve my blue ball problems myself.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstagio += 20>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM11.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 11>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You enter the living room and find $MissTravella.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-and-mae-lingerie1.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Oi $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oi $MissTravella.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You don't seem so excited to see each other.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Guys... what happened?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz What happened to make you two so down today? $MissTravella.Nome, $Jogador.Nome did something bad to you.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz No, no, it’s nothing to do with $Jogador.Nome, it’s just... I had problems at work.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And I... I just woke up feeling bad, that's all.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh, less bad...>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, $MissTravella.Nome said she has neck pain, how about giving her a massage?>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Mae.Nome doesn’t have to, I...>>
<<MamaeDiz Nothing! $Jogador.Nome does an incredible massage, you’ll love it.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I know.>>
<<MamaeDiz What?>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I mean $Jogador.Nome, I’ll take a massage.>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, come on, don’t be rude...>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Massage Her|STM12 - Oportunidade de Hipnose]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You walk over to $MissTravella.Nome and sit behind her and start massaging her while she talks to $Mae.Nome.<</narrador>>
<img id="imagens" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-massage1.jpg">
<<MamaeDiz But then, I noticed that $Jogador.Nome had been to your house several times this week, what was he doing there?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What was I doing there?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz What was he doing there?>>
<<narrador>>You two said in unison.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Yes... you went to her house several times this week, what did you guys do?>>
<<narrador>>You and $MissTravella.Nome look at each other.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... no big deal, we just talk.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz And... it’s just a normal conversation between two friends, right, $Jogador.Nome?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We talk about many subjects.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I know, there, you guys seem to be acting weird... you two.>>
<<MamaeDiz Are you sure nothing happened?>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yeah... ahm I’m just a little thirsty, can you get me a glass of water $Jogador.Nome?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm going.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz No $Jogador.Nome, keep massaging her, let me get the water.>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome leaves the living room.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM12 - Oportunidade de Hipnose]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You are in the living room giving $MissTravella.Nome a massage. You are alone.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Oh this massage is so good I almost forget to say this is really weird.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Us having to meet up next to your mom and pretending we’re not doing a big deal...>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But that's not a big deal.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I’m not talking about the massage, I’m talking about the striptease and all that.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What are you trying to say?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I didn’t want to but... maybe we should stop this thing altogether.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz It’s really weird looking at your mom knowing I rubbed myself on her $Jogador.RelacaoMae’s lap.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You just don't care about it.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I wanted to but I can’t.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes you can...<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz How?>>
<<narrador>>You then quickly grab her cheeks and stare into her eyes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I am $MissTravella.Nome Tavella from today I stop caring about social norms, and I continue my relationship with $Jogador.Nome normally and doing exactly what I want without caring if it would be moral or immoral, but still keeping it a secret, mainly from $Mae.Nome."<</fala>>
<<MissTravellaMoralidade 10>>
<<narrador>>You release her and she gets that familiar distant look.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment $Mae.Nome arrives in the living room.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $MissTravella.Nome, I brought her water glass here.>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome, hearing $Mae.Nome's voice, seems to come back to reality at that moment.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Oh, thank you so much, $Mae.Nome, but I have to go...>>
<<MamaeDiz Really? But so thirsty? You always stay longer.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ahm... sorry, but I need to solve a... work problem.>>
<<MamaeDiz Alright then, bye.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Bye $Mae.Nome, bye $Jogador.Nome.>>
<<narrador>>You wave to $MissTravella.Nome as she walks away.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Your mother looks at you.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, what happened here?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Your are sure?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I do, it must have just been a problem at work.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave the living room, your mother still looks suspicious.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $MissTravella.status to "Breaking Moral Rules">>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "srta-travella">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go over to $MissTravella.Nome’s house to see how she's doing after that hypnosis.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/srtaTravella-lingerie-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Jogador.Nome? Good to see you again.>>
<<narrador>>$MissTravella.Nome attends to him very excited, she seems to have been drinking a little.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $MissTravella.Nome, it’s good to see you’re happy.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I’m great, I’m happy to see you, because I need to talk to you.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hmm... I knew it was going to be a bomb.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Don’t relax $Jogador.Nome, you’ll like it I promise.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit next to her.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Jogador.Nome... after that day at your house I thought a lot about both of us.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz And... I decided to take back what I said.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I decided to stop holding back with you.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You are very happy and get up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is serious?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yeah.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why did you change your mind?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz I thought about it a bit and... I came to this conclusion, actually I came to several conclusions, maybe several habits that I should change, but that’s beside the point. I really want to know what do you think?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I think it’s wonderful I finally get to do this.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>You place your hands on her breasts.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Hmmmm, you didn’t even wait for me to give permission, did you?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was reflex.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz No problem.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She takes her breasts out|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>She takes her breasts off and lets you hold them.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz And then? Are you enjoying it?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Uhmmm.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz That cock naked so hard for me.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[It's Here|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz It’s here?>>
<<narrador>>She lowers his pants and starts to stimulate his penis over his underwear.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 40>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She Kneels|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Let me take a closer look?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Show your breasts before|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Reveal your cock|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Show me your breasts again.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes her breasts off and lets you hold them.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz It’s gonna see my big tits.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Reveal your cock|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Wuuuuu.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz You have a nice dick.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $MissTravella.has_sex to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<narrador>>Finally she bit down on his cock.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yes!>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ummmmmmmmm.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Blowjob|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your balls|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<narrador>>Finally she bites his penis.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz humhmhmhmhm.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Oh... the taste of that dick...>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Blowjob|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your balls|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ohhhh cock in my mouth.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Ummmmmm.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your balls|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz kgh ummmmm.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucks your balls|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hand Job|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaSex.punheta += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz ummmmm.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucks your balls|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hand Job|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaSex.punheta += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz hahahahahha.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz ohhhh.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hand Job|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaSex.punheta += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz You love twitches in my fuckig tits?>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz ohhhh yeaaah.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz ohhhh fuck.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob again|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Let’s go to the couch.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Blowjob|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hand Job again|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz ummmmhmmm>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep Blowjob|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hand Job again|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz This cock is so fucking hard.>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Following in my mouth.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Hand Job again|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<<narrador>>She starts masturbating you very vigorously looking into your eyes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yeah, I know you want to come and I want you to come for me ahm...>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz You wanna cum? Ummm?>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Cum for me... yeah you wanna cum for me?>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her hand|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<set $alivio = 100>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yeaaaahh... ummm...>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/travella/videos/STM13-Boquete22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz That’s it, and then... did you get what you wanted?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes. And you?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz It’s been a while since I’ve sucked a cock as big as yours.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|STM13 - Evolução]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 21>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/travella/images/STM13-A-Taste-of-Cum.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She gets up with her hand all sticky from his semen.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you well?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and get dressed.<</narrador>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Yeah... I just... it’s just a lot to process, it seems like I met you a few days ago and you were just my friend’s $Jogador.RelacaoMae, and today I sucked your dick.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And is this a problem for you?<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz No! It’s just crazy, like... I can’t imagine going out in my underwear a month ago, but now it seems like a good idea.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It must be the effect of the hypnosis.<</ref>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz $Jogador.Nome. Don’t tell your mother any of this okay?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Maybe we’ll keep doing more things like that... if it’s working, of course...>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Sure enough, see you another day, Miss Tavella.<</fala>>
<<SrtaTravellaDiz Until another day Little Boy Ward.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Centro">>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $SrtaTravellaM13.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Missao.STMEspere to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<narrador>>You are in the refectory talking to your friends while they choose food.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>So I was there with her and then she asked if I wanted to buy one...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Then you look at $Lexi.Nome at her table, alone as usual.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/escola/refeitorio/images/garota-sozinha-no-refeitorio.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, $Lexi.Nome is still alone, I think I'll sit with her, after all I need to get close to her to hypnotize her father. And besides, she needs a companion..<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You turn to your friends.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Guys, we'll talk later. I'll talk to $Lexi.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome, what's up, do you want to hook up $Lexi.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not me...<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Watch out ahm... her dad won't like this at all and will grade her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, she's my friend... I'll just talk to her.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>So yeah... go there.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were about to go.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You turn.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Don't forget to use a condom hahahaha.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I didn't need to say it out loud.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You walk away from $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome who are fooling around and go talk to $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM2 parte 2 - Recreio com Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<narrador>>You sit next to $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what are you doing here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to eat with you, is there a problem? Because if you want, I can leave.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>No, no, no, you can stay here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And so? Are you going to do something today?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>No, nothing important.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Great, what do you think we do something?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Like, we watch a movie at my house?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's... it's a good idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Great, and today is a great idea because my dad won't be home so we can have some privacy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... all right.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>So... what kind of movies do you like?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I like...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You spend some time talking about movies until recess is over and you two go back to the classroom.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $LexiM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $LexiM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 17>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Lexi.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome! Glad you came.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, we're going to watch a movie, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Of course, come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You walk into her house and she lets you sit on the couch so she sits next to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So $Lexi.Nome...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What movie are we going to watch?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh, I almost forgot...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We're going to watch Cheeky.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've never heard of this movie.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yeah and I didn't watch it, but I apparently it's a comedy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So perfect let's watch.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM3 - Cinema em casa com Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM3.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome puts the movie on TV, this movie seems to be old.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... $Lexi.Nome, what is this movie about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Ohh... I don't know, I found it in my dad's collection.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Right after $Lexi.Nome says this there is a big nude scene in the movie.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oww.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... $Lexi.Nome? Did you choose an erotic movie for us to watch?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I'm so sorry... I... I'm so embarrassed now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Relax $Lexi.Nome, let's watch it like it's any movie, and there's no need to feel ashamed, after all it's just a movie, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Ahm... that's ok $Jogador.Nome but promise not to say that to anyone.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM3 - Cinema em casa com Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM3.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>You watch the movie halfway through $Lexi.Nome looked quite embarrassed but you did your best to try to make her feel more comfortable with the numerous nude scenes and simulated sex in this movie.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<LexiAmizade 5>>
<<narrador>>Halfway through the film, you hear the noise of a car outside $Lexi.Nome's house, so she gets up from the couch where you are sitting.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh my father arrived, let me take the film.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You want me to hide.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>No, you don't, my father is not a murderer.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Only I think he wouldn't like to catch the two of us here watching an erotic movie.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome then switches to a sports channel at which point $ProfMatematica.Nome walks through the door and spots the two of you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM3 - Cinema em casa com Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM3.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 47>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome? Who is this boy and what is he doing here?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>The bastard is so oblivious to what goes on in class that he didn't even recognize one of his students.<</ref>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Dad, he's a classmate, he's $Jogador.Nome, don't you remember?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You nod to him.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Ahm... of course I remember. You are the boy who failed the year.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's always like that they just remember it.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome... you know I don't like visiting when I'm not home, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Sorry dad but, you're never home, and now that I finally have a friend that I can talk to and... invite him to watch movies and...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Now! It's okay, it's okay, $Lexi.Nome, anyway I just came to get some documents and I gotta get rid of it again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Where are you going?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Little girl you know...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Ugh work thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>That's right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfMatematica.Nome goes upstairs and up to the second floor, leaving you and $Lexi.Nome alone again.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM3 - Cinema em casa com Lexi]]>>
<<set $LexiM3.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Aff, he always does that, he comes home from work, a few minutes pass, the phone rings, he has to go out again, this is terrible.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Does he teach at school in the afternoon too?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>No, he has another work in an office in the afternoon, but I have no idea where that is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>But I really think it's strange why he's always going out and not saying anything, sometimes he goes out at night and comes back at dawn. He says he has to solve some problems at work and leaves in the middle of dinner, I've seen him leave even at school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This is really weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh, he's coming back.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfMatematica.Nome comes downstairs with a folder in his hand.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Ahm... $Lexi.Nome, I'll be right back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And you.... little boy... I'm watching you!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are unresponsive.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$ProfMatematica.Nome leaves.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look at the time and realize it's already late.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome I'm leaving now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>But already? We haven't even finished watching the movie yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Huh? I thought you were embarrassed to watch this movie next to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Y-Yes I was but, I enjoy your company, and the movie was starting to get interesting if you know what I mean.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No problem, we can continue watching tomorrow if you want.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Alright, Goodbye $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Goodbye $Lexi.Nome, be well.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<set $LexiM3.MissaoEstagio += 60>>
<<set $LexiM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 14>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to $Lexi.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/lexi/images/lexi-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome! Let's keep watching the movie?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, that's what I came here for... and to be close to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You walk into her house and sit on the couch.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is your father there?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>No, he's working and I don't know what time he'll be back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh okay, better this way we can watch the movie in peace.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome puts the movie back on where you left off.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM4 - Mais filminho]]>>
<<set $LexiM4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You keep to watch the movie, and it looks even more erotic than before.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome watches this movie with you next to her, she is still embarrassed to see these scenes next to her, but she is starting to get used to your presence.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 5>>
<<narrador>>Until they knock on the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Who will it be at this hour?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wouldn't that be your father?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>No, my dad doesn't have to slam the door to get in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome pauses the movie and goes to answer it.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM4 - Mais filminho]]>>
<<set $LexiM4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 40>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>She looks through the peephole.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/policiais-na-porta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>There are two policemen.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She opens the door.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Ahm... Hello?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Cop>>Good afternoon, we want to speak with $ProfMatematica.Nome McComber.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>He's my dad and he's not home.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Cop>>What time will he be back?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I don't know I... Wait a minute what's going on? What do you want with it.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Cop>>We just want to ask a few questions, but it's a confidential matter.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Confidential matter?<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Cop>>Yeah, we'll come back later.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>They turn around and leave.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM4 - Mais filminho]]>>
<<set $LexiM4.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow... what is your dad up to?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I have no idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what a story is that confidential matter thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I... I don't know I just... when my father arrives I explain this to him and say that some policemen came looking for him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then let's continue watching the movie, it was almost over.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/locations/Casa-McComber/videos/aPervertida-cena11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome seems to have become more comfortable watching all these scenes of nudity and simulated sex so much so that if you sit down next to her to watch this movie you lay your head on her shoulder.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/lay-our-head2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<LexiPaixao 1>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the film both were excited after seeing this sequence of nude scenes but $Lexi.Nome is a very shy girl and $Jogador.Nome knew that so in order not to embarrass her even more $Jogador.Nome says goodbye to her with the promise of meeting again another day.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro-Nobre">>
<<set $LexiM4.MissaoEstagio += 70>>
<<set $LexiM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 21>>
<<narrador>>Math lesson has just started.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/prof-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Students... pay attention.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>In the next lesson we will have a test the test will be about everything we learned in the last few days.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn. Fuck then!<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Study hard good luck.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Now let's start class and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>His cell phone starts to ring.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Ahm... a reason I need to answer.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfMatematica.Nome leaves the classroom to answer his cell phone.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>In this your friend $Amigo.Nome bows to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Oh man! Look at this! Test in the next lesson? I won't have time to study.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Me either.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I'm glad my girlfriend can give me some tips.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfMatematica.Nome returns to the classroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Students, I'm going to have to leave for a few minutes because a problem has arisen at work.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Hey, isn't this your job?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>Minus 2 points Mr. Klein.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole room starts laughing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Shit!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The teacher leaves and the whole classroom begins to celebrate the absence of the teacher. Except $Lexi.Nome who looks worried, but as you were talking to your friends, you end up not even noticing $Lexi.Nome's concern.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue/Next Lesson" "3B">>
<<set $LexiM5.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $LexiM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 52>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<if lastVisited("SuaCasa_Seu_quarto") is 1>> /*=====================*/
<<narrador>>You were about to go to sleep when your phone starts ringing.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You didn't want to answer it, but you decide to do it so that it stops ringing.<</narrador>>
<<elseif lastVisited("sonhos") is 1>> /*=============================*/
<<narrador>>You were sleeping having your favorite dreams.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/sonhos/sonho11.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<narrador>>But something interrupts his moment of rest, his cell phone starts to ring.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You didn't want to answer it, but you decide to do it so that it stops ringing.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Lexi.Nome, why are you calling me at this time of night?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I'm sorry I had to disturb your sleep, but you're the only person I trust and I needed to tell someone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay and what do you need to tell me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Remember those police we saw that day when we were watching that movie?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I remember.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>So... they're here now talking to my dad.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can see them.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yes, I'm hiding, my father doesn't know that I'm listening to their conversation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And what are they saying.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Ahm... I don't really know what, it looks like it's about some high-risk investment that they make a lot of profit.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>They who? The policemen?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Look... there are more people in living room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>There are two men in suits, one is quite large, and the other looks like the boss he is full of gold chains and expensive accessories.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>There are those two policemen we saw that day and my father.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tell me more about what they're talking about?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh damn they're leaving...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM6 - O Telefonema]]>>
<<set $LexiM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 11>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>They're gone... but it looks like there's going to be something important on Friday.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Something important what? Where?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I don't know, I couldn't understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I'm scared I don't know what my father is up to.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's too bad $Lexi.Nome, I don't know what to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome please can you help me solve this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Solve $Lexi.Nome? We are just two high school students.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome please, if you help me to at least get my father out of this I'll do anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Anything? Serious?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yes anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, so you're the math teacher's daughter, you should have access to the test answer.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>And?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So I want you to send me a picture of the answer sheet for me, I need to get a 10 on this test.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome, this is going to be quite risky for me, but if you promise to help me I promise to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I'll help you, send me the test answer tomorrow and on Friday we'll investigate it, all right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Alright $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>It's a lot for you to assimilate at once, but as you were very tired, you simply preferred to lie in your bed and enjoy your sleep.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "sonhos">>
<<set $LexiM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $LexiM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>The math lesson has just started and the teacher, without saying anything, is already handing out the tests to each one.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/profMath.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You're sorry $Lexi.Nome still hasn't sent you the picture of the test answer.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The teacher gives the test to all students.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfMatematica" $ProfMatematica.Nome>>For those who studied good test, for those who didn't study good luck.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>At that moment you get a message on your cell phone you carefully open it and realize that $Lexi.Nome has finally sent you the test answer.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/prof_matematica/images/gabarito-prova1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You are relieved that $Lexi.Nome has kept her end of the bargain.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You take the test with great care so that the teacher doesn't suspect that you were using your cell phone or that you had the answer key for the test.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You keep the test until the end of the lesson when the students handed the test to the teacher you decided to hand it in with them to raise as little suspicion as possible.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue/Next Lesson" "3B">>
<<set $LexiM7.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $LexiM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 52>>
<<narrador>>You were at your house when you got a call from $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/ligando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, remember our deal?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I remember.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, my dad is leaving in about 30 minutes. Come here and let's follow him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, I'm on my way.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hang up the phone and go to $Lexi.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to her house|LXM8 parte 2 - Investigação]]>>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 29>>
<<narrador>>You're arriving at $Lexi.Nome's house when your phone rings again.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $Lexi.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome where are you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm close to your house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>My father is leaving, hide and don't let him see you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hide inside the flowerbed in $Lexi.Nome's backyard as you watch $ProfMatematica.Nome get into her car.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/escondendo-das-pantas.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome I'm hiding in the flowerbed, her dad is getting the car.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The motors come on and $ProfMatematica.Nome starts driving, as soon as he pulls out, then you come out of hiding.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Then a car honks behind you which gives you a real scare. But looking back you see it's $Lexi.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, come in... we have to catch up with him.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You don't even have time to recover from the scare, you just get in the car and $Lexi.Nome puts the pedal to the metal to follow her father.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She drives|LXM8 parte 3 - Investigação]]>>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 12>>
<<narrador>>You and $Lexi.Nome are in the car, she is driving and following $ProfMatematica.Nome's car.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't know you drove $Lexi.Nome.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/characters/lexi/videos/Lexi-Dirigindo.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I... I don't know how to drive, but when I saw my father leaving the only thing I could do was take my mother's car and follow him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I would offer to take over the driving but I don't know how to drive very well either, it's a good thing he's not racing, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yeah...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>What do we'll do? You know... when we get there?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... I don't know, but I think you have to talk to your father, and find out where he always goes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I already asked, but he never tells the truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You have to be more insistent, and if he lies, expose that lie, at some point he will get stuck and tell the truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh... I'm afraid $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You will need courage.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She drives|LXM8 parte 4 - Investigação]]>>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You and $Lexi.Nome follow $ProfMatematica.Nome to his neighborhood from his house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where is he going?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>His car then slows down and parks.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/carro-estacionado.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh he's stopping.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfMatematica.Nome gets out of the car and goes into the Pub.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is he walking into the Pub?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So he's just going out drinking with friends?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>It's not possible. Why is he hiding this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Stay there, I'll go take a look.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get out of $Lexi.Nome's car and go inside the Bar.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM8 parte 5 - Investigação]]>>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You enter the Pub and start looking for $ProfMatematica.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The Pub is quite full today but you can still see $ProfMatematica.Nome coming in through a door at the back of the Pub.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You approach to try to enter to see what is behind that door, but you are stopped by the security guard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/seguranca.jpg"></center>
<<fala "NPC" Security>>No one enters here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But the guy there came in...<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Security>>He's an official.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You don't believe in security...<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why $ProfMatematica.Nome would work in a pub.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>But you prefer not to argue with him, you bartender and decide to ask her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... barwoman?<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/bartender-danielle/images/Danielle-Bar1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "BartDani" Bartender>>Hi, wait a minute, are you old enough to be here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... of course I am... and I'm old enough to know what's behind that door.<</fala>>
<<fala "BartDani" Bartender>>Ohhhh nice try kid, but that area is private.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How is that private?<</fala>>
<<fala "BartDani" Bartender>>It's for officials.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is serious? Because I saw a man in a suit entering there, I don't think that a man dressed all elegantly like him would be a simple employee of this Pub.<</fala>>
<<fala "BartDani" Bartender>>What you want ehm boy want trouble?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course not I...<</fala>>
<<fala "BartDani" Bartender>>So stop bothering me if you want to order a drink be my guest, but don't waste my time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She goes back to work leaving you alone.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Aff.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>With nothing else to do, you head back to the car to tell $Lexi.Nome these things.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM8 parte 6 - Investigação]]>>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstagio += 10>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go back to $Lexi.Nome's car.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome, what did you see?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>What? What do you mean "nothing"?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, your father went through a door and stayed there. When I went to try to see what was inside I was stopped by a security guard who did not let me in.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>What a fu...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>He said it was for employees only, and I obviously didn't believe it, so I went to ask the bartender, who confirmed what he said and got mad when I questioned it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>They are lying.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is clear that they are lying, because his father would be a simple employee of that Pub.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>It's really weird, but what now?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now I don't know, now I don't know anymore, we can't go through that security guard, unless there's another entrance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, when you were there I saw some men coming in from the back of the bar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is there another entry there?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Let's see.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/carona-com-mulher.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|LXM8 parte 6 - Investigação]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You get out of the car and go to the back of the bar, there is a door but also guarded by two security guards.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/bar/segurancas-dos-fundos.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Ah, damn it! It's also watched.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah $Lexi.Nome, I don't think there's much else we can do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>But what do you mean $Jogador.Nome? We need to find out more about this... ahm...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome sees her dad coming out of the pub, he gets in his car and starts the engine.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Oh what the hell! My father is already leaving! I need to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>I have to get home before my dad, otherwise he might get suspicious.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what about the investigation?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome opens the car door for you to get out.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>We'll settle this another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Lexi.Nome drives away trying to drive as fast as she can (she really doesn't know how to drive very well), leaving you alone. At least your house is close to there.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $LexiM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $LexiM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 14>>
<<narrador>>You sit down with $Lexi.Nome to talk about the investigation.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $Lexi.Nome, I need to talk to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, that's good because I also need it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then? Did you make it to your house on time?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>No.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then what happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>When I got home my father was already waiting for me. He was very angry that I left the house at night and in the car. But I said that...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Said that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, don't be mad but I said I would find you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Lexi.Nome!?<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Sorry, was the only thing I thought of.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But what did your father do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Surprisingly he didn't do anything but scold me, but it seems he thinks we're dating.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why do you think that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>He wants you to come over to his house and talk to him.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh damn!<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>And the worst part is that we found nothing. We were only taken to one Pub.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, but something's going on in that pub, and I'm going to find out what it is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>How?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>The only thing I thought about is trying to find someone who is leaving there and try to gain his trust, and then he will tell me the secrets of that place.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Yeah, it's going to be complicated, but at least we can keep seeing each other.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Despite everything, I'm happy because I have a friend.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You continue talking for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
<<LexiAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue/Next Lesson" "3B">>
<<set $LexiM9.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $LexiM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 22>>
<<narrador>>You go to your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, teacher, it's $Jogador.Nome, I'm here for book club, this time I read chapter 3 at home.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She answers to come in behind the door: "The door is open" she says.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house, and she is not in the living room, you think that she must be in the kitchen preparing some cookies like last time, then you notice something curious in the bookcase that is in her office next to the living room.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>In the midst of all those intellectual books, with great historical value, you notice something that interests you much more.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/Hq-mulher-maravilha1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Does the teacher read comic books?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Does she have more?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You search the shelves for more comics, and you find two more.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/Hq-batman1.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/Hq-mulher-maravilha2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>I never thought that the teacher was a fan of comic books.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You start flipping through the comics, seeing the action scenes when...<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Snooping?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take a slight fright and look back.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-casa2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, what are you looking for in my books?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I was just surprised because I found these comics in the middle of your books.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>And...? Can't a woman like those things that are considered "boyish"?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course you can, I was just surprised.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Anyway, let's go to the living room, we need to start our chapter meeting today.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the living room and start talking about Animal Farm's 3rd class, until you reach a point where you don't have much else to talk about.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, what are you going to do now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Nothing much, just washing dishes.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says as she goes to the kitchen.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you go after her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PHM3 parte 2 - Lendo ainda mais]]>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 44>>
<<narrador>>You go into the kitchen with her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, teacher you want help with the dishes.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I need her to give me a chance to hypnotize her.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Cena-Lavando-Louça1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>It won't be necessary, $Jogador.Nome...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I insist, we can talk while we wash the dishes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Alright, if you ask that much question, you can come help me...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then help $ProfHistoria.Nome with the dishes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/lavandopratos.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>While you wash the dishes with $ProfHistoria.Nome. You decide to bring up the subject of comics.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... teacher, I could never have guessed that you were a fan of comics.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Yeah, I read since I was a kid.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is your favorite superhero.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Definitely Wonder Woman.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, I really wanted to read those comics with you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Read comics with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, we can implement it in our book club.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hahaha.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, the book club is for us to read and discuss complex literary works, not to read superhero comics.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I think it would be so much cooler than Animal Farm.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Look, maybe we read a little bit, but we have to focus on these historical books.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, okay, if that's how it is.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Maybe if I get closer to her I can get her to accept reading the comics with me, which could bring us closer and at some point I can hypnotize her.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You help her wash all the dishes, she feels really hugged with you. You go away and think about it.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Portaria-Apartamento">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go to your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, teacher, it's $Jogador.Nome, I'm here for book club, this time I read chapter 4 at home.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She answers to come in behind the door: "The door is open" she says.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You open the door to her apartment and she's already there waiting for you on the couch with a batch of cookies.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome, shall we start?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on, I've read the entire fourth chapter and we have a lot to talk about.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then talk about the fourth chapter of the book, the conversations between $Jogador.Nome and $ProfHistoria.Nome about the book had been like a lesson about the book for $Jogador.Nome, but now that he is already getting the hang of it and he and $ProfHistoria.Nome are getting closer and closer to them they only comment on specific moments in the Book.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Wow, we've covered everything in this chapter, it was pretty quick this time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Since then we have time, then we could read the comics.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Read the comics?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, uh, don't we have some extra time?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Alright, I was just about to start reading one of Wonder Woman, if you want to stay and hear me read it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This looks good.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome will get the Wonder Woman comic and come back to you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/Hq-mulher-maravilha1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You sit down next to $ProfHistoria.Nome and you both start reading the comic, you spend so much time reading and talking about the comic that you don't even see the time pass.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After a while, you see the time and decide to leave, so you say goodbye to $ProfHistoria.Nome and you leave already wanting to continue reading that comic book with teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Portaria-Apartamento">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM4.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 80>>
<<narrador>>You go to your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, teacher, it's $Jogador.Nome, I'm here for book club, this time I read chapter 4 at home.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She answers to come in behind the door: "The door is open" she says.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You open the door to her apartment and she's already there waiting for you on the couch with a batch of cookies.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>And so $Jogador.Nome prepared for yet another Animal Farm chapter analysis?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, it depends... are we going to read some comics later?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Maybe, yes, but only if I like your comments.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You start to talk about this chapter of the Book, the conversation this time is seeming less didactic and more relaxed on $ProfHistoria.Nome's part, she seems to enjoy your company, it doesn't even seem like they've reached the middle of the book.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>After discussing Animal Farm, $ProfHistoria.Nome willingly picks up the Wonder Woman comic and reads the comic along with you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/apartamento/apartamento-professora-de-historia/images/Hq-mulher-maravilha1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>You two spend a lot of time reading the comic until you're done.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Our! It was great.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>It was cool huh...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Look, I wanted to talk some more, but it's late so I have to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Look, $Jogador.Nome, I was thinking, do you want to watch Wonder Woman at home on Saturday night?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I think I've already watched the 2017 and 2020 Wonder Woman movies, but I think it would be a good idea to spend some more time with teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome... and also to hypnotize her.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yes, it's a good idea can I come at 20:00?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>That's great so see you, you'll love it I'm sure.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her house soon the day will come to hyponotize her.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Portaria-Apartamento">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM5.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 95>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You go to your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher, it's me...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She opens the door.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, shall we watch Wonder Woman today?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Yeah, let's do it now.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit on the couch in front of the TV as $ProfHistoria.Nome brings you some food while she sits next to her and puts Wonder Woman on for you to watch.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mete loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/MulherMaravilha1975.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahmm I thought we would watch the newer movies with Gal Gadot.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ohh did you think...? Oh no, I actually wanted to introduce you to this series, I watched it as a kid.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ohh, okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are a little disappointed, and $ProfHistoria.Nome sees through it.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I know it seems a bit lame for those of you who are used to huge cosmic battles in superhero movies, but I think you should give this a chance because it marked my childhood.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay... I'll give it a chance.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I hope you like it, nothing against the new Wonder Woman movies, but this series has a special place in my heart.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... I hope I like it too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You watch the first episode, you try not to mind the dated effects, and so you end up having a lot of fun with the series so you and $ProfHistoria.Nome decide to watch another episode, and after that another one.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PHM6 - Mulher-Maravilha]]>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 140>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>During the third episode in a row of Wonder Woman you notice that teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome is almost falling asleep, after all it's late and she's watching the whole series snuggled up in her covers.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>This is a unique opportunity to hypnotize her.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You get up and try to move slowly so that she doesn't notice, the lights in the room are off, you are only being lit by the TV light you slowly approach $ProfHistoria.Nome and quickly grab her by the cheeks and start reciting your magic words.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/hypno/hypno1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"I'm becoming friends with $Jogador.Nome and what do friends do? They help with his school problems, as his teacher I have a moral duty to help him with his school problems."<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take your hand away from your cheeks and pull away, then you see her eyes wander as if her mind is wandering. After a few seconds she comes back to reality as if nothing had happened and she sees you standing in front of her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Nothing, I just noticed you were whispering and I came to wake you up.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Yeah, I really must have dozed off, also... look how late it is.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you already want me to leave?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahmm... finish watching this episode first.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If that's what you want, fine.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit next to her and watch the episode until the end.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/lay-our-head2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
<<ProfHistoriaPaixao 1>>
<<narrador>>At the end of the movie $ProfHistoria.Nome appears sleepy, so you just say goodbye and leave.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Portaria-Apartamento">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $ProfHistoria.status to "Teacher and Friend">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 34>>
<<narrador>>History lesson was going on as usual.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-sala-de-aula2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Students, next week we will have a test, theme: Russian Revolution.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But teacher, will this be the only subject of the test? Because this isn't the only subject we've been studying, and you don't usually do monothematic tests.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I know, but I decided to make this test with a single topic so that everyone can study the topic carefully and get a good grade. But pay attention, it's not just because the test will have only one topic that it will be an easy test. Remember the book I've been talking about in Animal Farm lessons, if you've been paying attention to the lessons and analogies in the book, this test won't be a problem for you.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Did he narrow the exam to just the Russian Revolution because we're studying the book?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>The history lesson continues, and you decide to surprise $ProfHistoria.Nome and read through Animal Farm at the next book club meeting.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue/3B" "3B">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM7.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 52>>
<<narrador>>You go to your history teacher $ProfHistoria.Nome's apartment.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, teacher, it's $Jogador.Nome, I'm here for book club.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She answers to come in behind the door: "The door is open" she says.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You open the door to her apartment and she's already there waiting for you on the couch with a batch of cookies.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_historia/images/prof-historia-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome, what did you think of the sixth chapter?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You sit on the couch next to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I thought it was cool, but I prefer the seventh.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>How come? Did you read 2 chapters?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>More than that, I read the entire book.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Why did you decide to finish reading the book all of a sudden?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Because you said there was going to be a test next week and because you said that those who paid attention to the Animal Farm book the test won't be a problem.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>It's good, finally you're paying attention to the lessons.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I've always been.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Ahaha I doubt it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But and you? You narrowed the exam down to just one subject because of me?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Let's see what she will answer.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>O-Of course not $Jogador.Nome. I preferred to leave the test with just one theme for the reasons I already mentioned at school.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You realize that $ProfHistoria.Nome is clearly lying, but she prefers not to say anything.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>So let's get right to the point, since you've finished the book let's talk about it as a whole.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then discuss the book as a whole.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PHM8 parte 2 - Queimando Largada]]>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 104>>
<<narrador>>You go into the kitchen with her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, teacher you want help with the dishes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome doesn't have to keep calling me teacher if we're not at school, he calls me $ProfHistoria.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay $ProfHistoria.Nome want help doing the dishes?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_historia/videos/ProfHistoria-Cena-Lavando-Louça1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>It won't be necessary, $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I insist, we can talk while we wash the dishes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Alright, if you ask that much question, you can come help me...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then help $ProfHistoria.Nome with the dishes.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/lavandopratos.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>$ProfHistoria.Nome looks at you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, we're done with Animal Farm.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, we're done.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>Do you like to discuss books with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I like.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>So we have to find another book to read together.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe so, but which one?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>I don't know yet, but we'll meet when I think of one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Or, while you don't think of an interesting book for us to read, we can read comics, or watch some movies, you know... from time to time.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfHistoria" $ProfHistoria.Nome>>It really is an excellent idea.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You help her wash all the dishes. You feel good around $ProfHistoria.Nome, and $ProfHistoria.Nome feels good with you, it's so nice to be friends with the teacher.<</narrador>>
<<ProfHistoriaAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Portaria-Apartamento">>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfHistoriaM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Missao.PHEspere to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You're walking around the school during recess, you pass in front of the principal's door which is ajar and there seems to be something going on inside, you hear his voice and a woman's.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Carefully, you try to open the door, trying your best not to make any noise so you can peek inside.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/espiando-pela-porta.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PFSM7 parte 2 - A Farsa]]>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>...we've looked everywhere, all the colleges in town but we haven't found anyone else to take the position of teacher of physics so we need you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>But I'm not even a teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>If you knew where your brother is, it would help.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>He should have already returned from his vacation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>I know, I call my relatives, I call his friends, but nobody knows where he went, I even called him, but he just says that everything is fine and that no one should go after him.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>So that's why we need you to replace him, the school can't be without a teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>But as I already said, I'm not a teacher, much less physics, I can't deceive students by teaching something I don't know.<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>But there's no problem deceiving students, when I was a teacher I did that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>...<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>Not to mention those who feel it necessary to waste a good teacher with this high school that we have, especially with the students of 3B, who are the only ones who have a future there are $Penny.Nome Freas who is a know-it-all and $Lexi.Nome McComber who is the daughter of $ProfMatematica.Nome. Apart from them and one or two others, the class is a bunch of hopeless losers.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>But what if someone asks a question I don't know how to answer?<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>I'll give you a tip, follow standard school textbook, have them do an activity in each class and if someone asks a question, tell $Penny.Nome to answer.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Then that's it? If someone asks a question, do I send a student to answer?<</fala>>
<<fala "ViceDiretor" $ViceDiretor.Profissao>>It's not as bad as it looks...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Someone takes your shoulder|PFSM7 parte 3 - A Farsa]]>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<narrador>>You feel someone grabbing your shoulder violently.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>What are you doing here?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I...? I just...<</fala>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Get the hell out of here before I report you to the principal so he can give you a suspension.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You don't say anything, you just get out of there as quickly as possible.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $ProfFisicaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 52>>
<<narrador>>It's time for physics class but nobody shows up.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Until after a few minutes...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Good morning class.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-professora1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Hi everyone, I'm the substitute Physics teacher, I'll be filling in for $ProfFisica.Nome while he doesn't come back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>And his name is?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>I'm $NewProfFisica.Nome Dalton, and you must be $Penny.Nome right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Yes, have you heard of me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>I already heard that you are the smartest girl in this class.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Thank you!<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>But before I meet you all I wanted to know what Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome was teaching before he took his vacation.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>He was doing an informal dissertation on the problems encountered when practicing Kirchhoff's Laws.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Okay, maybe we'll discuss this in the next lesson and...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She spots you among the students, you have an ironic expression controlling yourself not to laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Ahm... you know what... maybe we don't need to do anything today, maybe in the next lesson we'll resume all activities but today you're free to do whatever you want.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class celebrates.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And you and your friends get together to talk.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>They replaced Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome with another hottie, maybe I'm starting to like this school.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Too bad she's just a substitute teacher and soon $ProfFisica.Nome will be back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>She is Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome's sister.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>It is really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>How do you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... I was becoming friends with Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome I was helping him lose weight until one day...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>And you tell your friends how you met $NewProfFisica.Nome, you try to leave out the part about your agreement with $ProfFisica.Nome and the fact that $NewProfFisica.Nome is not a teacher. At the end of the story, you make your friends promise not to tell anyone.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Conhece.NewProfFisica to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 50>>
Nova Professora de Fisica Missões (Diamond Jackson)Converças Mela Dalton<<FundoCasaKlump>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome has nothing to talk to you about right now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Casa dos Klump">><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/prof-fisica-sala-de-aula1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfFisica" $ProfFisica.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoSalaDosProfessores>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-professoresroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-professoresroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-professoresroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-professoresroom5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Hi.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|SaladosProfessores-dentro]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-parque1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome has nothing to talk to you about right now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Parque">><</button>>@@<<FundoPiscina>>
<<switch random(1, 6)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-piscina1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-piscina2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-piscina3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-piscina4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-piscina5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-piscina6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome has nothing to talk to you about right now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Piscina">><</button>>@@<<FundoPraca>>
<<switch random(1, 5)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/Mela-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/Mela-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/Mela-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/Mela-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/Mela-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome has nothing to talk to you about right now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Praça">><</button>>@@<<FundoIgreja>>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome it's here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Igreja]]>><</button>>@@<<FundoBar>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-bar1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-bar2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-bar3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-bar4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome has nothing to talk to you about right now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnDestaque;<<button "Back" "Bar">><</button>>@@<<FundoQuadrasEsportivas>>
<<switch random(1, 3)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-sport1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-sport2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-sport3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$NewProfFisica.Nome has nothing to talk to you about right now.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Quadras-Esportivas">><</button>>@@<<FundoCasaKlump>>
<<narrador>>You go to Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome's house to see if $NewProfFisica.Nome is still there.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she answers.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-porta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Oh, it's you... come in...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Were you expecting someone?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>I was, maybe my brother?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's exactly what I came to talk to you about, how did you have the nerve to take $NewProfFisica.Nome's place in lessons, when you're not even a teacher?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>How do you know this?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I heard you talking to the Deputy Principal.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Well... then you understand the trouble I got myself into.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>$NewProfFisica.Nome didn't leave any tests for the students, and now I'm going to have to make a test for everyone when I have no idea what to put on that test.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>When would this test be due?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>For the next lesson, I only have a few days to prepare the questions and give them to you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>A tip, when you are going to give a test, you must notify a class beforehand so that everyone can study, otherwise the students will hate you, especially because you are young and have already started classes with a surprise test.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Damn it, now what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good thing I'm not you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Have you done your debauchery yet? Now get out, I'm going to try to study and get a minimally decent pass.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her house.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I just want to see how this woman's test goes.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro Afastado">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>Physics lesson starts, and you want to see what this test $NewProfFisica.Nome prepared will look like.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Teacher $NewProfFisica.Nome arrives in classroom.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-professora2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Well done students, I have something to say to you.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Umm... here it comes.<</ref>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>I got word from the Deputy Principal that the old teacher left without giving you a test so I had to give you a test today.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Jack.Nome>>But without prior notice?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class starts to grumble, but $NewProfFisica.Nome surprises everyone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>But instead I decided to do something different, an oral exam, I ask a question, you give me an answer and I give a grade consistent with the response of the class in general.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Wait a minute teacher, let me see if I understood, are you going to ask a question and for each student and are you going to give a grade based on the average of the class?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>That's right $Penny.Nome I'm not surprised you're the smartest in the classroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>But that's not fair.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>On the contrary $Penny.Nome is the fairest with everyone. But if you like tests that much I can give you the written tests, one for each of you, like all the other teachers do.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The whole class gives a collective "no" and several students demonstrate for $NewProfFisica.Nome to administer her oral test.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>$Penny.Nome seems like most of her colleagues disagree with you, but if you want I'll give everyone a test.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>You...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome tried to reason with the teacher, but some students interfered.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $Jorge.Nome>>$Penny.Nome shut up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>$Penny.Nome, sit there and be quiet.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" $Jack.Nome>>$Penny.Nome leaves the teacher...<</fala>>
<<fala "Debora" $Debora.Nome>>$Penny.Nome don't be a selfish bitch.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome without much choice, sits down and doesn't say anything else.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Good move $NewProfFisica.Nome, good move.<</ref>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Alright... so let's get started...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|NPFM3 - Prova de Fisica]]>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>Teacher Dalton went from student to student asking questions about physics.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>What is Newton's third law?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Whose law? ...<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Consider a falling rock and a child on a merry-go-round that rotates with constant angular velocity. About the movement of the stone and the child, it is correct to say that:<</fala>>
<<fala "Paixao" $Paixao.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Explain the Pascal's principle.<</fala>>
<<fala "Lexi" $Lexi.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>An electric current of magnitude 5 A flows through a conducting wire. Determine the amount of charge that passes through a cross section in 1 minute.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Is this serious?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>After asking all the students, including you, she sits down for a few minutes to analyze the responses and decide on the final grade for the class.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Meanwhile $Penny.Nome comes to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, can we talk?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|NPFM3 - Prova de Fisica]]>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<addmins 35>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome sits with you and your friends.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I'm finding this teacher very weird.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Why? She is great.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>She's there dividing everyone's grades, and that's not right, the grades should be equivalent to each one's performance, not the class as a whole.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I think you're overreacting $Penny.Nome, maybe it's just her way of teaching.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>She didn't teach anything, just asked a few questions, and she's there deciding the grade for the entire class based on each student's answer!<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>This doesn't make the slightest sense, you agree with me don't you $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Stay by her side|NPFM3 - Prova de Fisica]]>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.LadoPenny to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<addmins 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Stay neutral|NPFM3 - Prova de Fisica]]>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.Neutro to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<addmins 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Stand by your friends|NPFM3 - Prova de Fisica]]>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.LadoAmigos to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<if $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.LadoPenny is true>> /*=================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I agree with $Penny.Nome. This isn't normal, a qualified teacher like her should use to know this doesn't work in the long run.<</fala>>
<<PennyAmizade 1>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>And not to mention I know I know you two are advocating this just because that way you have a chance of getting a higher grade for the class average.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>This is an outrage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I would never do that.<</fala>>
<<elseif $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.Neutro is true>> /*================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... I do not know.<</fala>>
<<PennyPaixaoDown 1>>
<<PennyDesejoDown 1>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I know I know you're advocating this just because that way you have a chance of getting a higher grade than the class average.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>This is an outrage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>I would never do that.<</fala>>
<<elseif $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.LadoAmigos is true>> /*============*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$Penny.Nome I think they're right, maybe you're a little neurotic and it's just the teacher's way of teaching.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Really?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's $Penny.Nome let it go, it's not worth your time.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*===========================================================*/
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>So, students, I've already made up my mind that the grade for the class was very good for all of you to participate and the grade for class 3B is 7.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Some students celebrate the grade, others are indifferent, but $Penny.Nome is outraged.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>7?!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Oh $Penny.Nome, it wasn't that bad was it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>I never got a 7 in my entire school history!<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Me too $Penny.Nome, we're the same.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$Penny.Nome gets angry.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>No, we are not the same! My grades average 10 and 9, 8 when I do bad, but 7?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Although I don't care about my grades as much as $Penny.Nome does, I understand her indignation, not least because if it were $ProfFisica.Nome I would have my guaranteed 10.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>This is how this troubled Physics lesson ends, with Teacher Dalton saying goodbye to the students.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "3B">>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 3>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 7 and $gameDate.getHours() lt 13>>
<<if $NewProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "NPFM3 - Prova de Fisica">>
<<if $NewProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Ativa">>
<<goto "NPFM1 - Apresentando a todos o novo professor de física">>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<narrador>>A Aula de fisica ia correndo sem muitos problemas.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora8.jpg"></center>
<<case 9>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora9.jpg"></center>
<<case 10>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora10.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Então, alunos façam os exercicios na apostila e quando terminarem me entreguem.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Mesmo com a ordem da professora, grande parte da sala nem se importa em fazer a atividade.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Adam se inclina para você.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Que me desculpe o professor Sherman mas sua irmã é muito gostosa.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>Isso é verdade, com essa musa aqui quase não me faz sentir falta dele.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>E ela não fica me zoando por causa das minhas perguntas, olha só.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Adam se levanta.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Ahm, professora: Por que quando têm uma boa noite de sono, as pessoas dizem que dormiram como um bebê, se bebês costumam acordar várias vezes durante a noite?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Adamn, se consentre em suas atividades e depois eu respondo.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Viu, ela não me zoa.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>E nem te responde.<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo" $Amigo.Nome>>Mas essa é questão, essas perguntas não precisam de resposta, por não terem resposta, isso é o que deixa tudo mais interessante.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<fala "Amigo2" $Amigo2.Nome>>What?<</fala>>
<<case 2>>
<<narrador>>A Aula de fisica ia correndo sem muitos problemas.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 10)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora4.jpg"></center>
<<case 5>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora5.jpg"></center>
<<case 6>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora6.jpg"></center>
<<case 7>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora7.jpg"></center>
<<case 8>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora8.jpg"></center>
<<case 9>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora9.jpg"></center>
<<case 10>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_fisica/images/mela-professora10.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Então, alunos façam os exercicios na apostila e quando terminarem me entreguem.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Mesmo com a ordem da professora, grande parte da sala nem se importa em fazer a atividade.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" $Jack.Nome>>Professora, eu não entendi a pergunta 3, pode me explicar.<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Penny pode ajudar o seu colega?<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Porque eu?<</fala>>
<<fala "Mela" $NewProfFisica.Nome>>Porque eu tenho certeza que você é bastante inteligente, e humilde o suficiente para ajudar um colega com dificudade.<</fala>>
<<fala "Penny" $Penny.Nome>>Ahm... okay eu vou ajudar ele.<</fala>>
<<if $game.day is "Tuesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de Literatura]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Wednesday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Recess|Intervalo]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(9)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $game.day is "Friday">>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Next Lesson|Aula de História]]>><<set $gameDate.setHours(11)>><<set $gameDate.setMinutes(40)>><</button>>@@
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button[[Try to Skip Class|Pego Pelo Gastón]]>>
<<set $game.matarAula += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Leave|Escola]]>><</button>>@@
/*===================================================================*/Vizinha da Esquerda Missões (Melanie Hicks)<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 0>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda1.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome came by to check on my work.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wave to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 10>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda2.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome came by to check on my work.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wave to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 20>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda3.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome came by to check on my work.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wave to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 30>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda4.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome came by to check on my work.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What is she thinking?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wave to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 40>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda5.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Why is she showing me her breasts?<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Wave to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 50>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda6.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
<<ref $Jogador>>If she's going to show off for me now, I'll do the same.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Show yourself to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 60>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda6.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>If she's going to show off for me now, I'll do the same.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Show yourself to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 70>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda6.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>If she's going to show off for me now, I'll do the same.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Show yourself to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 80>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda11.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>If she's going to be showing off that wet pussy for me now, I'll tempt her too.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Show yourself to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 90>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda12.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>If she's going to be showing off that wet pussy for me now, I'll tempt her too.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Show yourself to her|VEM1 parte 2 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, I'm almost done here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda2.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She waves back at you, but she doesn't say anything.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like she understood.<</ref>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 15>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, I'm almost done here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda3.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She waves back at you, but she doesn't say anything.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like she understood.<</ref>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 25>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, I'm almost done here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda4.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She waves back at you, but she doesn't say anything.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What is she thinking?<</ref>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 35>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, I'm almost done here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda5.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She waves back at you, and shows you her breasts.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What is she thinking? Why is she showing me her breasts?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, Miss $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, you blurted out...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You stare at her bust, but she doesn't seem to understand you as she keeps showing you her breasts.<</narrador>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 45>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, I'm almost done here.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda6.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She waves back at you, and shows you her breasts.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What is she thinking? Why is she showing me her breasts?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm, Miss $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, you blurted out...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You stare at her bust, but she doesn't seem to understand you as she keeps showing you her breasts.<</narrador>>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 55>>
<<narrador>>You show off for her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/videos/Jardineiro.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 2>>
<<narrador>>You and she flaunts back at you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda8.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She pulls down her short shorts and shows her big ass to you.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What does this woman want ehm? Does she want my cock that much?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 65>>
<<narrador>>You show off for her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/videos/Jardineiro.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 2>>
<<narrador>>You and she flaunts back at you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda8.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda9.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She pulls down her short shorts and shows her big ass to you again.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What does this woman want ehm? Does her husband not give her sugar?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 75>>
<<narrador>>You show off for her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/videos/Jardineiro.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 2>>
<<narrador>>You and she flaunts back at you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda7.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda8.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda9.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She pulls down her short shorts and shows her big ass to you again.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She then takes off her shorts completely and sits in the chair behind her.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda10.jpg"></center>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda11.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She spreads her legs showing her pussy in all its glory.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What does this woman want ehm? Does her husband not give her sugar?<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You finish work at her house for today.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 85>>
<<narrador>>You show off for her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/videos/Jardineiro.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 2>>
<<narrador>>You and she flaunts back at you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda12.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She takes off all her clothes and is completely naked.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What is she up to by getting naked for me, does she want to have sex with me, am I going to talk to her?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No, it's better not, she must be just kidding.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio is 95>>
<<narrador>>You show off for her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/characters/player/videos/Jardineiro.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<VizinhaEsquerdaDesejo 2>>
<<narrador>>You and she flaunts back at you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda13.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She lays down on the chair and spreads her legs for you perfectly showing her pussy and her ass.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>What is she up to by getting naked for me, does she want to have sex with me, am I going to talk to her?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No, it's better not, she must be just kidding.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>She then gets up from her chair and turns around, leans over, and spreads her buttocks, fully showing her asshole to you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda14.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Oh, that's not possible, she's giving me a hard-on, I'm going to talk to her.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go talk to her|VEM1 parte 3 - Jardineiro]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstagio += 5>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<narrador>>You enter her house. You look $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's nakedness up and down.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda12.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Miss $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, did you take your clothes off?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I can walk naked in my own house $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But, you don't mind walking around naked even with me in here?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Does that bother you in any way?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course not ma'am.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Excellent.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were about to leave feeling demoralized, but Melanie stops you from leaving.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Where are you going boy, we're not done yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>My husband went on a business trip, you know how boring it is, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes...<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And this weekend, my kids are leaving school and going straight to my mother-in-law's house.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm going to be so lonely, so I thought of you coming to keep me company.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>O-okay, I come.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Come on Friday at 20:00.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I come.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Now you can go, my boy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her house, the image of her naked doesn't get out of your head.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Vizinha da Esquerda">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM1.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<narrador>>You go to $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM2-vizinhaesquerdaPorta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hallo $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome, I was surprised when you asked me to come here tonight.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I just wanted some company and a game to play.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What games?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Humm... truth or dare, do you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, it's one of my favorite games.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>So let's play, you can sit in the living room.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sits with you|VEM2 parte 2 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</button>>@@<<FundoVizinhaEsquerda>><<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<<narrador>>She picks up an empty bottle.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I hope you are prepared, because I don't accept quits.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I don't usually give up.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She sits across from you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Do you want to spin the bottle?<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<FundoVizinhaEsquerda>><<set $Aleatorio to random(100)>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/girando-garrafa.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<if $Aleatorio gte 0 and $Aleatorio lt 50>> /*==================*/
<<narrador>>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome asks you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Truth or Dare.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Truth|VEM2 parte 4 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $TruthDare.Verdade to true>>
<<set $TruthDare.Desafio to false>>
<<set $Jogador1.Verdade += 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Dare|VEM2 parte 4 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $TruthDare.Desafio to true>>
<<set $TruthDare.Verdade to false>>
<<set $Jogador1.Desafio += 1>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio gte 50 and $Aleatorio lte 100>> /*===========*/
<<set $Aleatorio2 to random(100)>>
<<narrador>>You ask $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome.<</narrador>>
<<if $Aleatorio2 gte 0 and $Aleatorio2 lt 50>> /*============*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She asks|VEM2 parte 5 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $TruthDare.Verdade to true>>
<<set $TruthDare.Desafio to false>>
<<set $Jogador2.Verdade += 1>>
<<elseif $Aleatorio2 gte 50 and $Aleatorio2 lte 100>> /*=====*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She asks|VEM2 parte 5 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $TruthDare.Desafio to true>>
<<set $TruthDare.Verdade to false>>
<<set $Jogador2.Desafio += 1>>
<</if>> /*===================================================*/
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
/* Verdade ou Desafio */
<<set $Jogadores to 0>>
<<set $TruthDare to {
Verdade: false,
Desafio: false,
<<set $Jogador1 to {
Verdade: 0,
Desafio: 0,
<<set $Jogador2 to {
Verdade: 0,
Desafio: 0,
<<set $VEM2 to {
Verdade1: false,
Verdade2: false,
Verdade3: false,
<<if $TruthDare.Verdade is true and $TruthDare.Desafio is false>>
<<if $Jogador1.Verdade is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Are you a virgin?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why always this question?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Just answer.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador.Ex_Sexual is 0>> /*===============================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Y-Yes, I am.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>No need to be embarrassed, that could change sooner than you think.<</fala>>
<<elseif $Jogador.Ex_Sexual gte 1>> /*===========================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, I'm not.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Seriously, I didn't expect this one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why do I look like a virgin?!<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Yes, but rest assured, this is not all bad.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Spin the bottle again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<elseif $Jogador1.Verdade is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>When you watch porn, what category do you like the most?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And who said I watch porn?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>All the kids your age watch it.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm not like all the boys my age, I don't watch porn very often, but I can say one category that I definitely like.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And... what is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Mother I'd Like to Fuck aka MILF.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Oh, I know very well.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why? Do you also like to watch?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>One question at a time boy.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Spin the bottle again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 7>>
<<elseif $Jogador1.Verdade is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I like both.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I like both.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>No, you must choose one or the other.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I can't choose one or the other because in some women I like the chest more, and in others I like the ass more.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Okay, so what about me? What do you like more?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Two questions at a time now?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>You just answer.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>On you I like the breasts more.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Excellent.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Truth.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I already asked everything I wanted, spin again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $TruthDare.Verdade is false and $TruthDare.Desafio is true>>
<<if $Jogador1.Desafio is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Okay, take off your T-shirt.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Don't question, just do.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, alright.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/tira-a-camisa.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I took off my shirt.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>You're sexy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You thank a little embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Spin the bottle again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Jogador1.Desafio is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Okay, take off your pants.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But why?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Don't question, just do.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/tira-a-calca.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, take it off.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>She spins the bottle again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Jogador1.Desafio is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Okay, take off your underwear.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, not that.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Go $Jogador.Nome, don't be scared.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, not that.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Do it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No!<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Do it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No!<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Do it!<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, alright!<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop><source src="content/others/videos/tira-a-cueca.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I took it off, and are you satisfied?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Of course, you have a big cock.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You thank a little embarrassed.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Spin the bottle again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I ordered everything I wanted, spin it again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<if $TruthDare.Verdade is true and $TruthDare.Desafio is false>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Truth.<</fala>>
<<if $VEM2.Verdade1 is false>> /*================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ask about her husband|VEM2 parte 5 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<set $VEM2.Verdade1 to true>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VEM2.Verdade2 is false>> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ask about her children|VEM2 parte 5 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<set $VEM2.Verdade2 to true>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VEM2.Verdade3 is false>> /*============================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ask about life|VEM2 parte 5 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<set $VEM2.Verdade3 to true>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $VEM2.Verdade1 is true and $VEM2.Verdade2 is true and $VEM2.Verdade3 is true>> /*==========================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Ask about your sex life|VEM2 parte 5 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tell me a little about your husband.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Is this by any chance a question?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, but she answers.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>My husband is 59 years old, he works in an office downtown and he is terrible at satisfying me sexually.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You are surprised by her frank response.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, in the can, like this?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Well, you told me to talk about my husband, I did.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And now it's my turn to spin the bottle.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How many kids do you have?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I have three children and both are not here now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tell me more.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Well, I have two boys who are at my mother-in-law's house. And I have a stepdaughter who is in college.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tell me more.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>You want to know more about my daughter, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Also.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I just knew she has a boyfriend, so don't think about her too much, think of me instead.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And now it's my turn to spin the bottle.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 4>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Tell me a little about your life.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>How come about my life?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, tell me about your job, what you like to do in your spare time, that sort of thing.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I think it's so cute of you asking these innocent questions to me.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get confused.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Well, if you want to know, I'm a housewife and I like to be like that, I don't really like to go out, I like to stay at home, watching TV and doing my thing, I only go out when necessary.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I also enjoy reading steamy romance novels like Electric Idol or Fifty Shades of Grey.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And now it's my turn to spin the bottle.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Since everything I ask she tries to pull it to the sexual side so I'm also going to ask a question along those lines.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How is your sex life with your husband?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Finally a good question on $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>It sucks, he's out at work all day, and when he comes home he's always tired and he doesn't even pay attention to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I haven't had sex in months and I haven't cum with another man in years, sometimes I'm so jealous of my stepdaughter that I already tried to seduce her boyfriend but he didn't want me, which made me feel old and now I don't know anymore what to do.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You feel like she's wanted to get it out of her for a long time.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, if you feel that way why don't you talk to him or why don't you file for divorce?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I've already talked to him, but he doesn't care, he says he needs to work to support the house so I have to hold on, but I'm already tired, and about the divorce I don't want to, if I get divorced how are my children?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But then what are you going to do?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Like I said, I don't know.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>But enough about that, I'm going to spin the bottle.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I have nothing more to ask so spin the bottle again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $TruthDare.Verdade is false and $TruthDare.Desafio is true>>
<<if $Jogador2.Desafio is 1>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, I dare you to... pick up your phone and pull a prank call on someone random.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome... are you serious? You can ask me for something nicer if you want.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like what? Take off your dress?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Good idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wait, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She gets up.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Well I'm going to take off my dress like you asked.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Certainty?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>That's it...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She sits down with you again and you go back to playing.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And now it's my turn to spin the bottle.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Jogador2.Desafio is 2>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, and I dare you to...<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Take off my bra? Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She takes off her bra.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Did she say anything?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... nice breasts.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Thank you.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I will spin again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $Jogador2.Desafio is 3>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Since she wants to take off her clothes then let her take it off completely.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And I dare you to take off your panties and get totally naked.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says absolutely nothing, just takes off her shoes and leaves them beside her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>Then she gets down on one knee, and takes off her panties and tosses them to the side.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wow, did she take it.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Done, now what?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... ahm... it spins again.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Spin Bottle|VEM2 parte 3 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $Jogador2.Desafio is 4>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can I touch your boobs?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>This is not a dare.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh so...<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm going to do a dare, I dare you to touch my boobs.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Dare accepted.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>So what do you think of them?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I-I don't even know what to say.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM2-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>You do not need to say anything.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>But we can do something much better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Lie down and let me see your hard cock.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM2 parte 6 - Verdade ou Desafio parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstagio += 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, no, we can't do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>It's just a blowjob, $Jogador.Nome, relax.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you're married, I can't do that.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, my marriage is going from bad to worse, I'm tired of taking the initiative and he always says he's tired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But this is wrong...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You hear a noise outside.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Oh damn, he's here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But you didn't say he went on a business trip.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Apparently he arrived earlier then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And now what do I do.<</fala>>
<<if $Jogador1.Desafio is 1>> /*=================================*/
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Grab your T-shirt and quickly and go out the back way.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Go! Go! Go!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and grab your T-shirt, you were about to run desperately to the back when $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome summons you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, don't even think it's over here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your heart was racing so fast you can't even think of a response, you just run shirtless, out the back door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When you leave her house, you take a deep breath, put your shirt back on, go back to your house like nothing happened.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Jogador1.Desafio is 2>> /*=============================*/
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Grab your T-shirt and pants and quickly and exit through the back.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Go! Go! Go!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and grab your T-shirt and pants, you were about to run desperately to the back when $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome summons you<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, don't even think it's over here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your heart was racing so fast you can't even think of an answer, you just run in your underwear, out the back door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When you leave her house, you take a deep breath, put on your T-shirt and your pants, go back to your house as if nothing had happened.<</narrador>>
<<elseif $Jogador1.Desafio is 3>> /*=============================*/
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Grab your clothes quickly and go out the back way.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Go! Go! Go!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up and get your clothes, you were about to run desperately to the back when $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome summons you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, don't even think it's over here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your heart was racing so fast you can't even think of an answer, you just run naked, to the back door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When you leave her house, you take a deep breath, put on your clothes, go back to your house as if nothing had happened.<</narrador>>
<<else>> /*======================================================*/
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Quick and exit through the back.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Go! Go! Go!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You get up, you were about to run desperately to the back when $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome summons you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, don't even think it's over here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Your heart was racing so fast you can't even think of a response, you just run, out the back door.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>When you leave her house, you take a deep breath and go back to your house as if nothing had happened.<</narrador>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Casa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $TruthDare.Verdade to false>>
<<set $TruthDare.Desafio to false>>
<<set $Jogador1.Verdade to 0>>
<<set $Jogador2.Verdade to 0>>
<<set $Jogador1.Desafio to 0>>
<<set $Jogador2.Desafio to 0>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Looks like you did a good job.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/vizinha-da-esquerda/beautifulgarden.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>After a lot of work, you leave the garden clean and beautiful, as it always should be.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I think I'll go find $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome to let her know my work is done.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM3 parte 2 - Verdade ou Desafio parte II]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You look for $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome at her house.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>Then you find her naked in the living room with a bottle in her hand, waiting for you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM1-vizinhaesquerda12.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome, ready to continue playing.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What is it $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome? If her husband arrives?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>We won't take long, we'll just pick up where we left off.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But that's wrong, you're married, you have kids.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Because it bothers you so much, a married woman also likes sex, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but I would never want my future wife to do that to me. And I put myself in his shoes and I feel really bad.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>So put yourself in my shoes $Jogador.Nome, imagine you've been married for over 20 years to a woman, and she stops having sex with you, you've been asking her for sex for months but she always denies it, but then a sexy young woman begins working at home, wouldn't it be understandable that you would want to have sex with her when your wife doesn't?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... ahm...<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Those who do not provide assistance make room for competition, lose preference and have to deal with the consequences.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Plus it's just a blowjob, no need to worry, plus he'll never know.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM3 parte 2 - Verdade ou Desafio parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, if you promise he'll never know.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>He'll never know, and it'll just be between the two of us.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, and then...<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Lie down there and enjoy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take off your pants and lie down on the floor.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM3-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>Then she starts sucking you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM3 parte 2 - Verdade ou Desafio parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerda.has_sex to true>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM3-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ummm, ummm... ummmm, ummmm<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her mouth|VEM3 parte 2 - Verdade ou Desafio parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.cum_mouth += 1>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.eat_cum += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM3-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
<<narrador>>You start to cum in her mouth.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And she in turn drinks all of her semen without dropping a single drop.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM3 parte 2 - Verdade ou Desafio parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<set $Jogador.Ex_Sexual += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM3-VizinhaEsquerda-VerdadeDesafio17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Oh, my god it all is so much.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>My husband doesn't cum it that much.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I didn't even remember that I already finished my work as a gardener, so I guess my services will not be necessary anymore.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ahm... okay, if I need you again I'll get in touch with you, since you live next door, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, I'm on my way...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her house a bit bewildered, you feel a bit guilty for letting a married woman perform oral sex on you, but that feeling soon passes.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorMoralidade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You enter $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house, the door was open, and you start looking for $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome around the house.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She doesn't seem to be in here.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM4 parte 2 - À Beira da Piscina]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 5>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You look for $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome in the garden.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>She spots you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM3-vizinhaesquerda-piscina.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to her.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome I came to see if you have a new job for me here?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Work?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I enjoyed working here and you pay well so I was wondering if you...<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>If I can give you a job today?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Look, the only job I can give you today is for you to pass me the sunscreen.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Also rub my back.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her back|VEM4 parte 2 - À Beira da Piscina]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstagio += 12>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So how's the wedding going?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Are you really interested?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... not really.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM4 parte 2 - À Beira da Piscina]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstagio += 12>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Talk less and put sunscreen on my breasts.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You hesitate for a second.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, you've seen it, you've already played it, you can pass.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You put sunscreen on her boobs.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her boobs|VEM4 parte 2 - À Beira da Piscina]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstagio += 12>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>You rub the sunscreen on her boobs.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Well, let's talk about your work here then.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I'm not going to lie to you, your jobs here aren't as demanding as they used to be.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>But as I enjoy your company I will continue paying you to continue taking care of my garden.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Seriously, would you do that for me?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Of course, because I know you'll do many things for me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>You can go now, tomorrow you can go back to work here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay then, see you tomorrow, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Goodbye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstagio += 14>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 6>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is at the pool and she seems to be calling you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM3-vizinhaesquerda-piscina.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, since you took a break from your work, come over here and put sunscreen on my back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pass the protector on her back.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her back|VEM5 - Sedução na Piscina parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstagio += 14>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You spread the sunscreen on her back.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Put sunscreen on my boobs please.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM5 - Sedução na Piscina parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstagio += 14>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>She takes her tits out of her bra and you put the sunscreen on her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Come on, now spread it out the same way you did last time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You obey her order.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM5 - Sedução na Piscina parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstagio += 14>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>She turns around on all fours.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Now, put sunscreen on my butt, last time you forgot that.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... okay.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put sunscreen in her butt|VEM5 - Sedução na Piscina parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstagio += 14>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Come on, now rub it, put those big hands on my butt.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her butt|VEM5 - Sedução na Piscina parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstagio += 14>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohh, yes!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM5 - Sedução na Piscina parte I]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstagio += 14>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, that's all for today.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright, so until another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Until...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstagio += 16>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is at the pool and she seems to be calling you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM3-vizinhaesquerda-piscina.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, since you took a break from your work, come over here and put sunscreen on my back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pass the protector on her back.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her back|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You spread the sunscreen on her back.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Put sunscreen on my boobs please.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>She takes her tits out of her bra and you put the sunscreen on her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Come on, now spread it out the same way you did last time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You obey her order.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>She turns around on all fours.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Now, put sunscreen on my ass, please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put sunscreen in her butt|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her butt|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohh, yes!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[End?|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<narrador>>She faces you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>I was thinking about that night and that we had oral sex then...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>We actually didn't have sex, you performed oral sex on me.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Try not to talk.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She pulls you in and gives you a big kiss.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, so do you want it?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Yes I want your dick again, and from what I see he wants me too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome referring to her penis.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/vol-na-calca2.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your cock|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<narrador>>She takes you to the corner, sits on a box, with her back to the wall.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She unzips his pants revealing his cock.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Oh, my Goodness.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Then she starts sucking you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucks your cock|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.titjob += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ummmmmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucks your cock|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.titjob += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ahhhh ummmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.titjob += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhh uuuuuhhh ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep jitjob|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh uuummm ohh ohh ohh ohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep jitjob|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Cum in my face.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|VEM6 - Sedução na Piscina parte II]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.facial += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<<narrador>>You splash your seminal load in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's face, who is very pleased about it.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM6-vizinhaesquerdaCumFace1.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>She licks her lips and tastes his semen that was on top of her mouth.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hmmm did I tell you that her semen tastes amazing?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Good, now you know.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now you can go.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You leave her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM6.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 3>>
/*===================================================================*/<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You work in $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's garden.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$VizinhaEsquerda.Nome is at the pool and she seems to be calling you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/VEM3-vizinhaesquerda-piscina.jpg"></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, since you took a break from your work, come over here and put sunscreen on my back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You pass the protector on her back.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her back|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<narrador>>You spread the sunscreen on her back.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Put sunscreen on my boobs please.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<narrador>>She takes her tits out of her bra and you put the sunscreen on her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Come on, now spread it out the same way you did last time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You obey her order.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM4-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>She turns around on all fours.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Now, put sunscreen on my butt, please.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Put sunscreen in her butt|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Rub her butt|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM5-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohh, yes!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<narrador>>She faces you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>And then $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Just give me her big dick, no need to stall this time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She pulls you in and gives you a big kiss.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 20>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, so do you want it?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Of course.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She sucks your cock|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<narrador>>She takes you to the corner, sits on a box, with her back to the wall.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>She unzips his pants revealing his cock.<</narrador>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Oh, my Goodness.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Then she starts sucking you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucks your cock|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.titjob += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ummmmmmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She keeps sucks your cock|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.titjob += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ahhhh ummmm.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh, kgh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Titjob|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.titjob += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhh uuuuuhhh ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep jitjob|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh uuummm ohh ohh ohh ohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep jitjob|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM6-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Give me your pussy you slut!<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Finally lost his shyness, boy.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Take off her panties|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<<narrador>>You take off her panties.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM7-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM7-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Uhhhhh ohhhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM7-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhh ohhh ohhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make her cum|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaSex.cum += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop><source src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/videos/VEM7-VizinhaEsquerda-ABeiraDaPiscina19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhh fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhhhhh ohhh ohhh uhhhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Ohhhhhhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|VEM7 - Sedução na Piscina parte III]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<<narrador>>You hear a noise in the living room and the voice of an adult male.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" ???>>Honey, I'm arrive.<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Shit!!! My husband arrived.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?!<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" ???>>Are you there at the pool?<</fala>>
<<fala "VizinhaEsquerda" $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome>>Go, get out of here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>O-okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take your clothes and leave $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's house, jumping over the wall of her house and getting dressed in the middle of the street, luckily there was no one on the street at that moment.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/vizinha_esquerda/images/pulando-a-cerca.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>Even with that high-adrenaline moment, all you can think about is your cock still hard if you're just angry at $VizinhaEsquerda.Nome's husband-fucker.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM7.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $VizinhaEsquerdaM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Jogador.Dinheiro += 20>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<narrador>>You were at home when your $Mae.Relacao comes to you.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, a letter has arrived for you.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Letter? Who sends letters these days?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Apparently your girl $LenaPaul.Nome.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, is it $LenaPaul.Nome?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take the letter from her hand and open the envelope.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/carta-de-amor.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>"$Jogador.Nome I appreciate the patience you had with my dad at that dinner and I already apologized, but I still didn't think it was enough so my mom helped me choose something else for me to give you. Consider it a gift extra from me and an apology from my mom. I hope you like it. Love, your girlfriend $LenaPaul.Nome."<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Girlfriend, so it’s official? Why didn’t you tell me?>>
<<narrador>>Says $Mae.Nome apparently jealous.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, but that is beside the point now.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Okay, what did she give you?>>
<<narrador>>You pull out a card that was inside the envelope.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Looks like a gift certificate, a free massage at the Country Club massage institute.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Wow, that’s a nice gift, you need to reciprocate with something similar.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What kind?<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz I know, there, it’s your girlfriend, you have to think of something.>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, you're right, but now I'm going to enjoy my girlfriend's gift.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You were about to leave.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome, now that you have a girlfriend, we need to have some talks.>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn it! There she goes with those conversations again.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe later mom, because now I have to leave.<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome wait...>>
<<narrador>>You leave the house before she can understand the sentence.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Oh, it’s good that he doesn’t even think he’s going to escape our conversation.>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Go to the Massage Institute at the Country Club|MTM1 parte 2 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 45>>
<</button>>@@Massagista Adolecente Missões (Erin Stone)<<FundoSaladeMassagem>>
<<narrador>>You go to the massage instinct at the Country Club, after talking to the attendant for a few minutes she tells you to wait your turn. So there you are, sitting around waiting for your turn to be served while the attendant talks to someone on their cell phone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>...I'm telling my friend, that guy is weak, he doesn't know how to treat a woman...<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>It's so annoying to have to wait.<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay mute loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/esperando.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>A few minutes pass.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And then? Has anyone else?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $MassagistaTeen.Nome to the attendant, she looks around the room and you look at you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome! Good to see you!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She walks up to you and gives you a hug.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Good to see you $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Came to get a massage, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course, I got a gift card.<</fala>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/massagista-teen2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Let's enjoy your gift card then.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You follow her to her private room where she will give you a massage.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So $Jogador.Nome, we haven't seen each other in a while, how are things going?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Normal, much to talk about.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Take your clothes off in the meantime.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Already?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, we've seen each other naked before.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, you're right.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take off your clothes while $MassagistaTeen.Nome prepares the massage table.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>But then, it tells more about what you've been doing.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, you know how it is, after many years I... ahm...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You turn and look at $MassagistaTeen.Nome she is taking her clothes off.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome, what are you doing?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>He knows? We can enjoy this massage better.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... it's just...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Any problem $Jogador.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>That's what I was going to tell you, I have a girlfriend, you know...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Oh... and it stops you...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe, but she once suggested that we have a threesome with another girl, what do you think that means?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I don't know $Jogador.Nome, I don't know her, but if it were me I think that means free pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It is serious?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Of course...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I don't know...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>To motivate you I will give you a sample.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And then? Did you decide?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You didn't even think about it, you just lay down on the massage table and the massage begins.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<narrador>>As she massages your body you run your hand over her body.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Look, he doesn't even look like the guy who was worried about cheating on his girlfriend.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You said yourself she gave me a free pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No, I said, if it was me, I THINK that would mean free pass.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But just for her to consider having a threesome in such a short time of dating maybe that means she's more open to it.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>If it's right, I think I want to meet her.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Did I mention your boobs are beautiful?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah, I said yes.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Let's spice things up a bit here.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts to masturbate you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Blowjob|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I hope your girlfriend is okay with this...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She starts performing oral sex on you.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep blowjob|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She takes off the rest of her clothes.|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She takes off the rest of her clothes.|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep blowjob|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep blowjob|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep blowjob|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's time for pussy tea.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Uuuhhh oohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Reverse Cowgirl|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Uuuhhh oohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Reverse Cowgirl|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Uuuhhh oohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This pink pussy is so beautiful.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Missionary|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Missionary|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Missionary|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh... ohh.. my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh... ohh.. fuck yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fucking her|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<addmins 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Missionary|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh... ohh.. fuck.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh... ohh... ohh... ohh...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Missionary|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Uhh... ohh... ohh... ohhhh... ohhh... ohhh... oh, my God.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Oohhh... oh... my God.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Make her cum|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.cum += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 21>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>mmmmmm... oohhhh... ohhhh... ohhhh...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her face|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.facial += 1>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 22>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 22>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorExSexual 1>>
<<set $alivio to 100>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 23>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 23>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM1-TerceiraMassagem27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Speak the truth, you like the taste, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM1 parte 3 - Presente da Namorada]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 24>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 24>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/MTM1-Erin-Massagem-CumFace3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Wow, it was just like the last time.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I thought about that too.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome watches you as you get dressed.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>At that moment the door opens.<</narrador>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome, do you have other clients to...<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome what happened here.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It is not obvious?<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome, you can't have sex with customers, that's wrong!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>He's not just any customer, he's... my friend.<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>Ohh okay...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She says ironically.<</narrador>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>Now take a shower and you have other customers to attend to.<</fala>>
<<fala "AtendenteIM" Clerk>>Oh... and your "friend" has to go...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The attendant leaves the premises upset.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome, won't that get you into trouble?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Of course not, there's no rule that you can't have sex with a friend during the massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... I'll let you work, I'll visit you another day. Bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Until another day.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Says $MassagistaTeen.Nome as she steps into the shower.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You pass the attendant at the front desk she dries you off apparently angrily.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "Country Club">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM1.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>You go to the massage parlor to pay $MassagistaTeen.Nome a visit, you see her but she doesn't look very happy.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>...you know what, I always thought the salary here was really bad! You're the ones hanging around! Bitches!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You see $MassagistaTeen.Nome storming out of the institute.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome what happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Can you believe I got fired?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No, tell me it was because of...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, it was because the attendant caught us after sex that day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm so sorry $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You talk as you leave the massage institute.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM2 parte 2 - Sem Rumo]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And now? This was the only job I got, it will be hard to find another one here in this city.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You can work in the supermarket.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Oh... what the hell! The supermarket pays very little, even if I worked there I would have to go back to live with my parents.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Any problems living with your parents?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Everyone... my mother is extremely controlling and my father is completely absent, I started working and a month later I was living alone.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Can you sustain yourself for a while?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah, I got insurance for a while, but if I don't get a job soon, I won't be able to pay my rent and I'll have to move back in with my parents.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... now I feel guilty $MassagistaTeen.Nome, you got fired because of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No, please don't blame yourself... everything will be fine, I'll look for a new job and everything will be fine.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If there's anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to ask.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are a good friend, now I need to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh alright, see you another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Until.<</fala>>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true>> /*==========================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>Fuck! I hope I didn't get fired too.<</ref>>
<<elseif $CountryClub.Socio is true>> /*=========================*/
<<ref $Jogador>>Sad that this happened to $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</ref>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "Country Club">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM2.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM3.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>You're in your bedroom, when your cell phone starts ringing, it's $MassagistaTeen.Nome calling you.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You answer.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello, $MassagistaTeen.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, I just called because I found a way to make money.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Still good, and what is it?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I'll tell you later, can we meet on Saturday? Because I'm going to need your help.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay... but why don't you tell me now?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Because I want to be in front of you to tell you this and I don't know what you might think of me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It sounds serious, but that's okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I'll come to your house at 19:00, okay? I need to go now, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You end the call.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "SuaCasa_Seu_quarto">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM3.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM3.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
"Ding Dong"
<<narrador>>Ring the bell.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/massagista-teen-porta.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $MassagistaTeen.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what were you going to tell me that day?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>We can go to a more private place because I...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz $Jogador.Nome!>>
<<narrador>>$Mae.Nome goes to you two.<</narrador>>
<<MamaeDiz Did you bring your friend here again?>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes... she's... a friend from school, we're going to do a school project, right $MassagistaTeen.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah... of course...<</fala>>
<<MamaeDiz Less bad...>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, $MassagistaTeen.Nome come on, the history teacher is not going to be happy if we take too long to do this work.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You drag $MassagistaTeen.Nome into your bedroom.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's good to see you Miss $Jogador.Sobrenome.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM4 parte 2 - Pornstar]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 6>>
<<narrador>>You have $MassagistaTeen.Nome in your bedroom, you lock your bedroom door to avoid trouble.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I hope this doesn't cause you any problems.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Your mom knows you're dating, right? She couldn't be too happy watching you take another girl into your bedroom.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... I don't know, you're the first girl I've taken to my bedroom so I don't know how she would react.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Really am I the first girl you take to your bedroom?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And... but don't brag about it.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome laughs lightly.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but what did you have to tell me?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So, I thought a little bit at home about what I'm good at doing so I could work on it, but I came to the conclusion that I'm not good at anything that doesn't involve massage.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Don't say that, you must be good at a lot of things.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Wanted me to go, but then I thought instead of doing something I'm good at like I just work I'm going to do something I enjoy.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Like what?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, I thought about being a porn star.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What?!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM4 parte 3 - Pornstar]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstagio += 33>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah, that $Jogador.Nome, that's the best option I have.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome, if you're thinking of doing this just for the money I think there are better options.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's for the money but it's also because I like damn sex.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But, $MassagistaTeen.Nome, this business isn't all sex all the time, there are a lot of things that can get you into trouble.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Imagine your future, and if you want to have children one day, have you thought about whether they see one of your movies? Or if you don't like it, but you're still successful, once a porn actress you will always be seen as a porn actress.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I know, $Jogador.Nome, I've considered all of this, and I still want to do it, if I don't like it I'll come back here and try something else.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>How come I get back here?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So... for me I'm going to have to move...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Where are you going?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>To Whiterockville, but rest assured it's not now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you sure this is what you want? Because maybe you can get a job as a massagist somewhere else.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>The massage institute is the only place here in this city that offers a massage service in this city.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>But yeah I'm pretty sure this is what I want.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So okay, if that's what you want I promise I'll help.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Thanks $Jogador.Nome, and since you're going to help me I need you to buy me a camera at the mall.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I need some photos for this production company as a first selection step.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... so you want me to take pictures of you?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes, it's just that I can't spend any money right now, but I promise that as soon as I can, I'll pay you back.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, all right, so... where are we going to take the pictures? Because here at home you can't, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No, that's already decided, we go to the photographic studio in the mall and take these pictures, let's go there at 21:30 any day of the week.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Damn late huh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Trust me, this is the best time.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>But now I need to go.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh, Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You accompany $MassagistaTeen.Nome to the exit.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I can't forget to buy the camera.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "Casa">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM4.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.MTEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 33>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Mall and find $MassagistaTeen.Nome in a pack on your back.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello $MassagistaTeen.Nome, let's go so let's go to the photo studio?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>No not yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Why not yet?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I didn't tell you before but we're going to break into that studio after the mall closes.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you crazy $MassagistaTeen.Nome?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>And because that's the only way, you can't take pictures of explicit nudity in this studio, so we invade the studio and...<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome, what's this idea? Here at the mall at night it is full of security guards, not to mention the security cameras.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, trust me, I already planned everything, I came here earlier and I disabled the two security cameras at the entrance.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, what if there are cameras inside?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Then we will use this:<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome pulls out two masks from her backpack.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/mascaras.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>With two cans of spray paint in her hands she says.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>We neutralize the other cameras as well. We just have to go in without anyone seeing, take the pictures, and leave without anyone seeing.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The studio has a clear glass front door, which makes you doubt $MassagistaTeen.Nome's plan.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you sure?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Of course I do, just follow me...<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 2 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(22)>>
<<set $gameDate.setMinutes(0)>>
<<narrador>>The Mall is almost empty. You and $MassagistaTeen.Nome put on a mask and look through the glass of the photo studio, apparently the reception is empty.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome leads the way, she quickly hides under the desk in the office that is closed in front, $MassagistaTeen.Nome then signals you to do the same as her, without thinking twice you do.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then, what now?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>shhh.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She makes a sign for you to shut up.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You can then hear two people passing by and talking, by the voice you realize that they are two men.<</narrador>>
<<fala "NPC" Guy 1>>...I'm saying it's going to get caught.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Guy 2>>No, I've done this several times and never got caught.<</fala>>
<<fala "NPC" Guy 1>>But you know, she's clumsy.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>They walk out the door and don't even lock it.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You wait a few minutes under the table in silence to make sure no one appears.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>The mall and studio lights are apparently off, so $MassagistaTeen.Nome crawls out from under the table and puts on her mask.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Come on $Jogador.Nome, it's time.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You then also leave under the table, put on your mask and both go to the second floor where the studio really is.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $fundo to "vizinadaesquerda-jardim">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>You finally enter the photo studio, the lights were off but $MassagistaTeen.Nome turns them on.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-locais" src="content/locations/shopping/estudio-fotografico/estudio-fotografico.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This place is very beautiful!<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah... so for starters, take this can, and look for the security cameras and... inkjet them.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome hands you the spray paint cans.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You look for the security cameras and tag the 3 you managed to find $MassagistaTeen.Nome tag a camera.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>So finally let's get started with these pictures.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take off the masks, and put them inside the backpack along with the cans of spray paint.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So get out there in front of that chroma key and let's get started.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's take more spontaneous photos, do several poses and I'll take the pictures.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Lift the shirt.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Photo.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 2>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 2>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now take off your bra.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Photo.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do some little jumps too, to show joy and irreverence, I imagine the producers like that.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>So she does.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Photo.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 3>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 3>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now turn your butt to me, go.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession5.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You mean for the camera, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You understood me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Photo.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 4>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 4>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now lower the panties let's make a picture of the asshole.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession6.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Are you enjoying it?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Photo. Of course.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 5>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 5>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Come on, now take off the rest of your clothes.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession7.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession8.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 6>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 6>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now to finish, it moves a lot and I'm going to take several pictures in sequence.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Alright.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession9.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Photo. Photo. Photo. Photo.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 7>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 7>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Phew! After that, I got tired.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Let's see the pictures.<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession10.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It turned out good.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I can see you really liked it.<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/vol-na-calca2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ohh it's really hard not to hold back.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 8>>
<<addmins 2>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 8>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>It's better this way.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome pushes you making you sit in a chair, she kneels in front of you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession11.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome I...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Shhhh...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She puts a finger to your lips in silence.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Let it roll $Jogador.Nome, you deserve it.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She Sucks You|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 9>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.faz_oral += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 9>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession12.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[She Keep Sucks You|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 10>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 10>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession13.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Fuck Her (The Perch)|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 11>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.vaginal += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 11>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession14.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 12>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 12>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession15.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Fuck... Oh yes... ohh ohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 13>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 13>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession16.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 14>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 14>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession17.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Fan|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 15>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 15>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession18.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Uhmmm ohhh ohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 16>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 16>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession19.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh my God... yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Uhmm my fuck... yeah... yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah.. uhmmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 17>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 17>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession20.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah... ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah... ohh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh... ummmm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 18>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 18>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession21.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh... yeah.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both get up and switch positions.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Right Angle|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 19>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 19>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession22.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh, ohh... ohhh... ohh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 20>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 20>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession23.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh... ohh ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohh ummm ohhh ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 21>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 21>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession24.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh... ohh ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohh ummm ohhh ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 22>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 22>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession25.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh... ummmh uhmmmh yaeh ohh ohhh ohh ummmh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 23>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 23>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession26.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome gets up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I want to sit on you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>As long as I look at those titties of hers it's going to be great.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Hummm.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Amazon|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 24>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 24>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome positions herself on top of you and starts bouncing in your lap.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession27.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh yeah ohhh ohhh yeah.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 25>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 25>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession28.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh ummmh.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 26>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 26>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession29.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 27>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 27>>
<<narrador>>You switch positions again.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession30.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Keep fuck her|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 28>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 28>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession31.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yes...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh ohhhh ohhh ohhh yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[The Right Angle|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 29>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 29>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession32.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ummh yeah ohhh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohh ohh ohhh ohh ohh ohh ohh fuck yeah yeah.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Cum in her pussy|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 30>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenSex.cum_pussy += 1>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 30>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/massagistateen/videos/MTM5-PhotoSession33.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhhh yeahh.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>This is so hot.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 3 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 30>>
<<addmins 1>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 31>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/massagistateen/images/MTM5-CuminPussy1.jpg"></center>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Ohhh this was so good I can't believe we made it here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You know what we did is a crime, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>But no one will ever know it was us, for there to even be any investigation they would need to know that someone broke in here, and by the time they realize... if they realize, it will be too late.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>If you say so...<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Argg you should have come in my mouth, there's no shower here, I can't shower now, I'll have to get dressed honeydew.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Regrets?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Of course not.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You and $MassagistaTeen.Nome put on your clothes, put on your masks and carefully leave the photo studio, and with enough caution you manage to go unnoticed by the security guards Shopping and manage to leave there without being seen.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|MTM5 parte 4 - Sessão Fotográfica]]>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstagio += 25>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<narrador>>Outside the Mall, you are walking on your way home.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Now I have to develop these photos and mail them to the production company.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>To reveal pictures? Send photos by mail?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah, I know, they're pretty old-fashioned..<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You see, conservative pornographic filmmakers, how interesting.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$MassagistaTeen.Nome laughs..<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And after this? I mean... what are the next steps?<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>I don't know, but I don't think I'll have a contract after that, so I'll probably have to send more stuff.<</fala>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>You're going to help me, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I will.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Just avoid putting us in situations that would put us in jail.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say in a good-natured tone.<</narrador>>
<<fala "MassagistaTeen" $MassagistaTeen.Nome>>Yeah... i'll try.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You walk together and talk until each one takes his own path and separates, each one going to his house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Continue" "Casa">>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstagio += 34>>
<<set $MassagistaTeenM5.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 37>>
<<narrador>>You were about to leave when...<</narrador>>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome!<</fala>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/gaston/gaston2.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Gaston" $Gaston.Nome>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome wants to see you in the teacher's room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Serious? Thanks for letting $Gaston.Nome know.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go to the teacher's room to find $ProfArte.Nome.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PAM6 parte 2 - E o site ficou pronto]]>>
<<addmins 3>>
<<narrador>>He takes you to the private room inside the staff room.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>And there you find teacher $ProfArte.Nome.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-escola-professoresroom3.jpg"></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome that's good to see you again.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Teacher Corpora, do you need me?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I just wanted to let you know that my website is ready.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Really? I can see?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Of course!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She shows you the site on her computer, it's a very simple site with no pictures of her just pictures of some of her paintings that have already been sold.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Cool, it's a good site to start. Now you just need a fresh paint job to debut the site.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>You're right! Lately I've been interested in painting human figures, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It's a good idea.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>You can come to my house any day of the week at 18:00 and I'll paint something.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay so one day I'll go there to help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, I don't think I could have done this without you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Your welcome teacher, bye.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstagio to 100>>
<<set $ProfArteM6.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM7.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 16>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Art Teacher's house to ask about your test score.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she will answer.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, it's great to see you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, I just came to ask how I did on the last test.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter your house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, I came to see your newest painting.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yeah, I'm in trouble, follow me and I'll show you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PAM7 parte 2 - Sem inspiração]]>>
<<set $ProfArteM7.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora-porao">>
<<if $game.SexEvent is 0>>
<<narrador>>$Jogador.Nome follows $ProfArte.Nome into the basement and between several canvases with incomplete paintings from discarded canvases, and a blank canvas on the easel.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/cavalete.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What happened?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I'm out of inspiration, I tried to draw a man, a woman, a child, two children, a family, but nothing was good, everything was too generic, you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I know, but what now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Well, usually when an artist is uninspired he tries to get ideas from other places.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>But I don't understand, you looked so inspired, you said you wanted to paint human figures, why don't you paint your husband or your children?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>My husband... I haven't had the slightest desire to paint him lately, he's just been pestering me about this business with the paintings in the living room.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, what about your kids?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh... I don't know, I think I've been in this monotony for so long that they don't give me as much emotion as they used to, my kids only play video games and my daughter is never home.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So what do you intend to do.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I ahm...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome looks you up and down.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I could paint you.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PAM7 parte 2 - Sem inspiração]]>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 9>>
<<elseif $game.SexEvent is 1>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? No.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome, you are the person who inspired me to follow this dream of making paintings, nothing more than you being my inspiring muse.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm flattered $ProfArte.Nome, but I don't feel comfortable knowing that someone I don't even know is buying a painting with my face on it.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>But I thought you were going to help me $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I help you with anything...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Anything less, paint you?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So far yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>But and now.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Maybe you have to look elsewhere for inspiration, I don't know, go to the park, talk to people, maybe inspiration will come like that.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It's ok $Jogador.Nome, if you don't want me to paint you I respect your decision.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... whatever, you call me, and I'll always help you.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Alright $Jogador.Nome, see you another day.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Bye.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go upstairs and leave her house.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM7.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfArteM7.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM8.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<narrador>>You go to the park and you see in front of the lake, $ProfArte.Nome with a bike.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You approach her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM8-ProfArte-Ciclismo1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hey $ProfArte.Nome? Why are you here?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hey $Jogador.Nome... What am I doing here? You're the young one here, boys your age don't get up early on the weekend.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm not like all the boys hahaha.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>Both laugh.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Remember when you said to look elsewhere for inspiration?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes, I remember.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>So after you left my house that day I found this old bike parked and decided to take it for a ride in the park.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This is very good, it can help you to distract your head and give you another inspiration.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Do you want to walk with me?<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM8-ProfArte-Ciclismo3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh... I'm without a bike here now.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh... okay maybe another day then.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>See you later $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>See you later $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She mounts the bike and starts pedaling.<</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome looks very hot in these tight shorts.<</ref>>
<<JogadorHorny 5>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Parque">>
<<set $ProfArteM8.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ProfArteM8.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM9.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 8>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Art Teacher's house to ask about your test score.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she will answer.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, it's great to see you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, I just came to ask how I did on the last test.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter your house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to visit you, I want to know if you are painting something new.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes, I'm trying, come see.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PAM9 parte 2 - Tentando Pintar]]>>
<<set $ProfArteM9.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora-porao">>
<<narrador>>$Jogador.Nome follows $ProfArte.Nome into the basement and sees a new painting on the easel.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/pintura4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It turned out pretty cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>More or less.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>So more or less, it's perfect.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It's just a guy I saw while riding that day, I look at this painting and I don't feel anything, you know, you might even like it but... it doesn't motivate me... you know?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>No...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It must be an artist thing, you wouldn't understand.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>And then?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I'll keep looking for inspiration and maybe later I'll put this one up for sale on the site.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I hope you find the inspiration you want and want.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I hope so.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you talk for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM9.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfArteM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You are working out hard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-peito.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>At that moment you realize that someone approached you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM10-ProfArte-Treino1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher, did you come to work out today?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes, maintaining health is important, right?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Are you painting something? Or did you find some inspiration?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh, not yet.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, I hope you find it soon then.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thanks.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You go back to training like before, $ProfArte.Nome seems to keep looking at you.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-gym3.jpg"></center>
<<JogadorFitness 2>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>You are working out hard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-peito.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>At that moment you realize that someone approached you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM10-ProfArte-Treino1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You shake hands and you go back to working out, $ProfArte.Nome continues to watch you during your workout.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM10-ProfArte-Treino2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She watches you during practice but doesn't say anything else.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorFitness 2>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>You are working out hard.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/locations/academia/images/treino-peito.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>At that moment you realize that someone approached you.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM10-ProfArte-Treino1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hello teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You shake hands and you go back to working out, $ProfArte.Nome continues to watch you during your workout.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM10-ProfArte-Treino2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She watches you during and after a while she comes to you.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>$Jogador.Nome...<</fala>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM10-ProfArte-Treino3.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I've been noticing you these past few days, I notice you're getting so strong and handsome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You drop the weight to the side and stand up.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Is it serious? Thank you teacher.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes... can I feel your abdomen?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well... ahm...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She doesn't even wait for you to answer and already runs her hand over her ripped abdomen.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM10-ProfArte-Treino4.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ProfArteDesejo 1>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Wow, I really like strong, ripped abs like yours.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I feel flattered, teacher.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say you feel a little uncomfortable.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh... I wish my husband would start working out here, maybe he'll look a little bit like you.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She picks up her weights again and continues her workout.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Congratulations $Jogador.Nome, keep it up.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Thanks $ProfArte.Nome...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome's sassy touches got you a little excited, you use that energy to continue your workouts.<</narrador>>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<JogadorFitness 2>>
<<if $Jogador.Fitness lt 100>>
<<JogadorStatus 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Academia">>
<<set $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstagio += 40>>
<<set $ProfArteM10.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM11.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $Acoes.TreinouHJ to true>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Art Teacher's house to ask about your test score.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she will answer.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, it's great to see you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, I just came to ask how I did on the last test.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter your house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to visit you, I want to know if you are painting something new.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes I am, come see!<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PAM11 parte 2 - Eu estou quase lá]]>>
<<set $ProfArteM11.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora-porao">>
<<narrador>>$Jogador.Nome follows $ProfArte.Nome into the basement and sees a new painting on the easel.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/pintura5.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It turned out pretty cool.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>More or less.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>What? This painting is great.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I admit that I liked this one a little more than the last one, but it's still not what I want.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>This is confusing to me.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yeah, I know, but know that I'm almost there, your advice was good, I'm on the right track.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, at least that.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Believe $Jogador.Nome, soon I will be able to find the necessary inspiration.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you talk for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM11.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfArteM11.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Country Club pool areas, although you don't go in the water you stay there looking at the girls in the pool until.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, enjoying the view?<</fala>>
<<switch random(1, 4)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom1.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom2.jpg"></center>
<<case 3>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom3.jpg"></center>
<<case 4>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom4.jpg"></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Ahm... no... I...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Relax $Jogador.Nome, it's okay for you to stop by to see the girls, there's nothing wrong with that.<</fala>>
<<if $CountryClub.Trabalho is true and $CountryClub.Socio is false>> /*===========================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm alone, taking a break from work.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh, do you work here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yes.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Good thing having a job is good.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>It's just a shame you can't swim with me here.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Yeah, but you can feel free.<</fala>>
<<elseif $CountryClub.Socio is true and $CountryClub.Trabalho is false>> /*===========================================================*/
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I'm just, getting some rest.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh, do you work here?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Oh no.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh, come swim with me then.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Not today, $ProfArte.Nome, today I just want to rest.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Oh...okay then.<</fala>>
<</if>> /*=======================================================*/
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome slowly enters the pool, and you stand there for a while admiring her.<</narrador>>
<<switch random(1, 2)>>
<<case 1>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom5.jpg"></center>
<<case 2>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-livingroom6.jpg"></center>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">>
<<set $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Country Club pool areas, although you don't go in the water you stay there looking at the girls in the pool until.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM12-ProfArte-SobSol1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>Teacher $ProfArte.Nome is here again...<</ref>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/PAM12-ProfArte-SobSol2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<JogadorHorny 10>>
<<ref $Jogador>>She is very hot...<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No, $Jogador.Nome, lusting after a married woman is wrong.<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>But I think it's okay for me to say hi to her.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>You go to teacher $ProfArte.Nome who is sunbathing in front of the pool.<</narrador>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher $ProfArte.Nome.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hello $Jogador.Nome.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome gives you a good look up and down.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Why doesn't she take off that shirt and come get some sun with me?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You take off your shirt showing your defined body.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/characters/player/images/abdomem.jpg"></center>
<<narrador>>$ProfArte.Nome seems to look at her body with desire.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="IMG-Vertical-Persons" src="content/characters/prof_arte/images/prof-arte-surpresa1.jpg"></center>
<<ProfArteDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>You lie down to get some sun next to $ProfArte.Nome, while you are sunbathing, you talk about different subjects.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">>
<<set $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio += 30>>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 45>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Country Club pool areas.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>This pool is almost empty today so you can easily see $ProfArte.Nome taking a swim.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You think about going into the water with her, but before that happens she starts to drown.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/afogando1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She starts screaming for help so without thinking twice you jump in the water to help her.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/others/videos/rescue-save1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<narrador>>She starts screaming for help so without thinking twice you jump in the water to help her, she wasn't able to swim so you pick her up and pull her out of the water and put her on the edge of the pool.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! My leg, I think I got a cramp.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Wow, what bad luck.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Not so much, you were close to help me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>It was nothing, I just did what anyone would do.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you so much $Jogador.Nome, for saving me.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Now let's massage that calf.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You massage her calf, relieving the cramp she had.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, you are very kind.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Do you need anything else right now?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you so much, $Jogador.Nome, I'm already fine.<</fala>>
<<ProfArteDesejo 1>>
<<narrador>>You help her up, and she asks you saying that everything is fine, so with that situation both of you sunbathe in front of the pool for a while.<</narrador>>
<<ProfArteAmizade 2>>
<<ProfArtePaixao 1>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Leave" "Country Club">>
<<set $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstagio += 40>>
<<set $ProfArteM12.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstatus to "Ativa">>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<set $game.SexEvent to 0>>
<<set $game.notifyAgenda += 1>>
<<addmins 60>>
<<narrador>>You go to the Art Teacher's house to ask about your test score.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You knock on the door and she will answer.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Jantar1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Hi $Jogador.Nome, it's great to see you.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Hi teacher, I just came to ask how I did on the last test.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes please come in.<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You enter your house.<</narrador>>
<center><video id="videos" autoplay controls loop>
<source src="content/characters/prof_arte/videos/ProfArte-Atendendo-Porta2.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></center>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>I came to visit you, I want to know if you are painting something new.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Yes, and I think I found the inspiration I was looking for.<</fala>>
@@.btnUI;<<button [[Continue|PAM13 parte 2 - Em fim, Inspiração]]>>
<<set $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<addmins 3>>
<</button>>@@<<set $fundo to "casa-corpora-porao">>
<<narrador>>$Jogador.Nome follows $ProfArte.Nome into the basement and sees her new painting on the easel.<</narrador>>
<center><img id="imagens" src="content/others/images/quadros/pintura6.jpg"></center>
<<ref $Jogador>>This pentura reminds me of something.<</ref>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>And then did you like it?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Wait, was this painting meant to represent us?<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>$ProfArte.Nome, did you paint us?<</fala>>
<<narrador>>She looks restless.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>N-no, what makes you persevere that?<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, you painted a man with a woman on his lap as they are getting out of the pool.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>No $Jogador.Nome, first of all they are not in the pool, but on the beach.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay...<</fala>>
<<narrador>>You say ironically.<</narrador>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>And secondly, this is a couple that is on a nudist beach, it has nothing to do with us.<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Of course this painting represents us, but she will never admit it.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Okay, but why did you like this painting so much, I mean, more than the others?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>I was very inspired by these neoclassical painters like La Source, Nymphes et Satires and Grande Odalisque who explore eroticism, and I think I found myself, and that's what I want to paint.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>You want to paint naked people?<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Not naked people, eroticism, naturalism, the sacred and the profane, forbidden desire, understand?<</fala>>
<<ref $Jogador>>No.<</ref>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Of course I understood teacher...<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>That's great, I'm going to put this painting on my website. And I'm already starting work on the next one.<</fala>>
<<fala "Jogador" $Jogador.Nome>>Well, you can count on my help for whatever you want.<</fala>>
<<fala "ProfArte" $ProfArte.Nome>>Thank you $Jogador.Nome, this work, and this help you've been giving me, makes me very happy!<</fala>>
<<narrador>>The two of you talk for a few more minutes.<</narrador>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Bairro 1">>
<<set $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstagio += 50>>
<<set $ProfArteM13.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<set $Missao.PAEspere to true>>
<<addmins 25>>
<</button>>@@<div id="fixa">
<img id="PerfilM" src="content/characters/mela/images/mela-perfil.jpg">
Name: $NewProfFisica.Nome Dalton
Status: $NewProfFisica.status
Friendship: $NewProfFisica.Amizade
Passion: $NewProfFisica.Paixao
Morality: $NewProfFisica.Moralidade
Desire: $NewProfFisica.Desejo
<p>$NewProfFisica.Nome Dalton is $ProfFisica.Nome Klump's sister, she is a woman with a choleric temperament and strong personality, and very sagacious. Under pressure from Deputy Principal Lamar, she replaces her brother as a teacher, temporarily while he is missing.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM1.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$NewProfFisica.Nome replaces Teacher $ProfFisica.Nome for the first time, she introduces herself to the students and asks what subject was covered in lessons before $ProfFisica.Nome left, $Penny.Nome responds, and realizing the complexity of the subject $NewProfFisica.Nome decides to leave the class free that day.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM2.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>$Jogador.Nome goes to $NewProfFisica.Nome's house and confronts her saying that he knows what she did, he says that he heard her talking to the Deputy Principal and he knows that she doesn't even want to be a teacher and even so, $NewProfFisica.Nome then tells $Jogador.Nome the problem she got into put, because $ProfFisica.Nome left without giving any test so she is the one who will have to do that and has no idea what to put on the test, $Jogador.Nome asks when this test will be, she replies that it is for the next lesson, $Jogador.Nome then says that before giving it the test she must warn the students, for everyone to study otherwise the students would hate her, $NewProfFisica.Nome is distressed and $Jogador.Nome mocks her situation.</p>
<<if $ProfFisicaM3.MissaoEstatus is "Completa">>\
<p>Physics class starts and $NewProfFisica.Nome arrives, and announces to everyone that she would have a Physics test, the whole classroom was already starting to grumble about not having prior notice, but $NewProfFisica.Nome cleverly dodges the students' criticism by doing something different, she decides do an oral test and the grades would not be individual, it would be a single collective grade, $Penny.Nome does not like the idea and complains to the teacher, saying that this is not fair, so $NewProfFisica.Nome replies that on the contrary it is fairer with everyone, but if $Penny.Nome didn't want she could give an individual note to everyone, this possibility revolts a large part of the classroom, intimidating $Penny.Nome and accepting the test in that same way. The test happens, at the end of the test $Penny.Nome sits down with $Jogador.Nome and her friends, $Penny.Nome vents about the choice her friends disagree with her, even $Amigo2.Nome says it must just be her way of teaching and $Penny.Nome replies that she didn't teach her anything, and asks $Jogador.Nome's opinion. <<if $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.LadoPenny is true>>He agrees with $Penny.Nome. She then responds to $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome saying that they are only supporting this so they would have a chance to get a higher grade than the average of the rest of the class, despite being true they find this statement absurd. <<elseif $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.Neutro is true>>He is neutral on this question, $Penny.Nome then responds to $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome saying that they are only supporting this so they would have a chance to get a higher grade than the average of the rest of the class, despite being true they find this statement absurd. <<elseif $NewProfFisicaM3Escolhas.LadoAmigos is true>>He agrees with $Amigo.Nome and $Amigo2.Nome and even though he knows the truth about $NewProfFisica.Nome, he asks if $Penny.Nome is maybe getting a little neurotic about it, she considers if $Jogador.Nome might be right.<</if>> $NewProfFisica.Nome announces the class grade: 7, $Penny.Nome is outraged by this grade, $Amigo2.Nome says 7 is a reasonably good grade, $Penny.Nome says she never got a 7 in her life, she always gets 10, 9 and 8 when she's bad. $Jogador.Nome secretly agrees with $Penny.Nome the final if it was $NewProfFisica.Nome, $Jogador.Nome would have rolled the 10 they had agreed on.</p>
@@.btnUI;<<button "Back to the Game ➞" `previous(3)`>><<set $game.usandoMenu to false>><</button>>@@<<FundoBanheiroMasculino>>
<<narrador>>You enter the cabin from inside the bathroom.<</narrador>>
<<narrador>>You see all the things that are written on the cabin door.</narrador>>
<<ref $Jogador>>Looks like the toilet writer doesn't have room to write on that door anymore.<</ref>>
<<narrador>>Then you see something written right there on the little end of the door in a different color.<</narrador>>
"After class behind the court"
<<ref $Jogador>>Damn, does the Toilet Writer want to meet me?<</ref>>
<<ref $Jogador>>I don't know I don't want that, it seems kind of weird.<</ref>>
@@.btnUI;<<button "End" "Escola">>
<<set $ManuM9.MissaoEstagio += 100>>
<<set $ManuM9.MissaoEstatus to "Completa">>
<<addmins 5>>