/* Player */
<<set $player = {
name: "default",
lastname: "default",
title: "default",
tits: 0,
vag: 0,
ass: 0,
lips: 0,
hand: 0,
bimbo: 0,
antidote: 0,
pussy_description: ""
} >>
<<set $sophia = {
bimbo: 0,
antidote: 1,
} >>
<<set $oprah = {
bimbo: 0,
antidote: 1,
} >>
<<set $helga = {
bimbo: 0,
antidote: 0,
} >>
<<set $shi = {
bimbo: 0,
antidote: 0,
} >>
<<set $game = {
pixelSize: 640 }
<</silently>>Image size in pixels:
<<link -->> <<set $game.pixelSize = Math.max(128, $game.pixelSize - 128)>>
<<update>> <</link>> <<liveblock>> $game.pixelSize <</liveblock>> <<link ++>> <<set $game.pixelSize = Math.min(1280, $game.pixelSize + 128)>> <<update>> <</link>>
<<print '<img class="medium" src="images/start00.jpg" @style="\'width: ' +
+ 'px;\'">'>>
Фон игры (todo Сделать выбор)
<<back "Return.">><<silently>>
/// Флаг отладки
<<set $debug to false>>
<<set $gamestart = 0>>
<<set $time = 0>>
<<set $oldlabkey = 0>>
<<set $basementkey = 0>>
<<set $searchlibrary = 0>>
<<set $searchbigroom = 0>>
<<set $searchexit = 0>>
<<set $searchwardrobe = 0>>
<<set $searchfireplace = 0>>
<<set $searchcorridor = 0>>
<<set $searchdiningroom = 0>>
<<set $searchbasement = 0>>
<<set $searchtoilet = 0>>
<<set $searchhall = 0>>
<<set $librarytrail = 0>>
<<set $enigmatrail = 0>>
<<set $fireplacetrail = 0>>
<<set $syringetrial = 0>>
<<set $cupcaketrial = 0>>
<<set $sophiahelp = 0>>
<<set $bottlesuck = 0>>
<<set $bottlefuck = 0>>
<<set $gloryhole = 0>>
<<set $fireplaceporn = 0>>
<<set $sexmachine = 0>>
<<set $toilet1 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas1 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas2 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas3 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas4 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas5 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas6 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas7 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas8 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas9 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas10 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas11 = 0>>
<<set $bimbogas12 = 0>>
<<set $lipsArrayData to [
["You have some kind of narrow strip on your face instead of normal lips.", "images/body/lips00.jpg"],
["You have small, expressionless lips.", "images/body/lips01.jpg"],
["Medium lips: not great, not terrible.", "images/body/lips02.jpg"],
["You have big lips; they immediately let men know that you like to suck.", "images/body/lips03.jpg"],
["You have incredible inhuman lips. Give the duck back her beak, bitch!", "images/body/lips04.jpg"]]>>
<<set $boobsArrayData to [
["You have micro-boobs, that's what microscopes were invented for.", "images/body/tits00.jpg"],
["You have small and sexy breasts.", "images/body/tits01.jpg"],
["You have awesome and hot tits.", "images/body/tits02.jpg"],
["You have huge melons.", "images/body/tits03.jpg"],
["You have huge udder; fuck, are you a girl or a cow?", "images/body/tits04.jpg"]]>>
<<set $assArrayData to [
["You have a mini butt, it could use a little fat.", "images/body/ass00.jpg"],
["You have a typical average butt.", "images/body/ass01.jpg"],
["Your big butt attracts a lot of attention.", "images/body/ass02.jpg"],
["You have a huge ass, the kind that usually get stuck in washing machines.", "images/body/ass03.jpg"],
["You have a huge grotesque ass, don't get stuck in the doorway.", "images/body/ass04.jpg"]]>>
<<set $pussyArrayData to [
["You have a virgin hole between your legs.", "images/body/vag00.jpg"],
["You have a narrow pussy between your legs.", "images/body/vag01.jpg"],
["You have a slightly torn vagina between your legs.", "images/body/vag02.jpg"],
["You have a fucked-up, leaking vulva.", "images/body/vag03.jpg"],
["You have a huge, disgusting, fucked-up cunt with fleshy labia.", "images/body/vag04.jpg"]]>>
<<set $handArrayData to [
["Your hands and nails are unkempt. Do you work in a mine or something like that?", "images/body/hand00.jpg"],
["You have rough skin on your hands and unpainted nails.", "images/body/hand01.jpg"],
["You have normal hands and well-groomed nails.", "images/body/hand02.jpg"],
["You have delicate hands and long painted nails.", "images/body/hand03.jpg"],
["You have delicate hands and incredibly long painted nails with rhinestones; you can't do anything with your hands normally.", "images/body/hand05.jpg"]]>>
<</silently>><<nobr>><<if $restore_player == 1>><<set $player = $backup_player >><<set $restore_player = 0>><</if>>
<<set $textData = $lipsArrayData[$player.lips]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td><td> Нет данных</td>
<td><div>$textData[0]</div></td><td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $boobsArrayData[$player.tits]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td><td> Нет данных</td>
<td><div>$textData[0]</div></td><td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $assArrayData[$player.ass]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $pussyArrayData[$player.vag]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $handArrayData[$player.hand]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<back "Return.">><<if $gamestart == 1>><<nobr>>
<div class="clock" ><<current_time>></div><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>
<img src="images/body/face01.jpg" style="max-width: 205px; max-height: 238px;" />
<<elseif $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>
<img src="images/body/face02.jpg" style="max-width: 205px; max-height: 238px;" />
<img src="images/body/face03.jpg" style="max-width: 205px; max-height: 238px; " />
Bimbofication: $player.bimbo
Antidote: $player.antidote
<i>by Blood-Red_Circus and wwall
[[Support the authors]]</i><<include "CharacterInit">>
<<include "ItemInit">>
<<include "widgets">><<show-img jugsaw01>>
<b>"JUGSaw"</b> is a non-commercial parody porn mini-game based on the cult film "Saw" (part two).
The game contains profanity, humiliation, cruelty, sex, BDMS, body modification, psychotropic drugs.
The authors condemn and do not promote violence, illegal substances and humiliation of other people (without their informed consent). The game is an exclusively entertaining project.
All events and characters are fictitious.
By clicking the "Next" button, you confirm that you have read this note, agree to a dismissive and offensive attitude towards the character controlled by you, and take all further responsibility upon yourself.
[[Next.|start00]]<<show-img warning>>
This game is intended for people of legal age.
To continue, please confirm that you are of legal age.
[[I confirm that I am of legal age.|choice]]
[[I'm not of legal age.|badend0]]
<<widget "describe-ass" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_ass[_args[0]][$player.ass]>>
<<widget "describe-boobs" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_boobs[_args[0]][$player.tits]>>
<<widget "describe-vagina" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_vagina[_args[0]][$player.vag]>>
<<widget "describe-lips" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_lips[_args[0]][$player.lips]>>
<<widget "describe-hand" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_hand[_args[0]][$player.hand]>>
<<widget "save-player" >>
<<set $backup_player = $player>>
<<widget "restore-player" >>
<<set $restore_player = 1>>
<<widget "show-img" name >>
<<if $debug >>
<<print "имя сцены= "+passage()>>
<<print "картинка = "+_args[0]>>
<<print '<img class="medium" src="images/'+_args[0]+'.jpg" @style="\'width: ' + $game.pixelSize + 'px;\'">'>>
<<widget "show-gif" name >>
<<if $debug >>
<<print "имя сцены= "+passage()>>
<<print "картинка = "+_args[0]>>
<<print '<img class="medium" src="images/'+_args[0]+'.gif" @style="\'width: ' + $game.pixelSize + 'px;\'">'>>
<<widget bimbogas>>
<<if $time gte 60 and $bimbogas1 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas1 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 120 and $bimbogas2 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas2 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 180 and $bimbogas3 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas3 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 240 and $bimbogas4 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas4 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 300 and $bimbogas5 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas5 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 360 and $bimbogas6 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas6 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 420 and $bimbogas7 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas7 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 480 and $bimbogas8 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas8 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 540 and $bimbogas9 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas9 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 600 and $bimbogas10 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas10 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 660 and $bimbogas11 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas11 = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 720 and $bimbogas12 == 0>><<set $bimbogasstop = 0>><<set $bimbogas12 = 1>><</if>>
<<widget bimbogasevent>>
<<if $bimbogas1 == 1 or $bimbogas2 == 1 or $bimbogas3 == 1 or $bimbogas4 == 1 or $bimbogas5 == 1 or $bimbogas6 == 1 or $bimbogas7 == 1 or $bimbogas8 == 1 or $bimbogas9 == 1 or $bimbogas10 == 1 or $bimbogas11 == 1 or $bimbogas12 == 1>><<goto "bimbogasevent">><</if>>
<<widget trials>>
<<if $time gte 100 and $librarytrail == 0>><<set $librarytrail = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 280 and $fireplacetrail == 0>><<set $fireplacetrail = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 520 and $sophiahelp == 0 and $sophia.bimbo lte 3>><<set $sophiahelp = 1>><</if>>
<<if $time gte 640 and $enigmatrail == 0>><<set $enigmatrail = 1>><</if>>
<<widget trialsevent>>
<<if $librarytrail == 1>><<goto "librarytrail01">><</if>>
<<if $fireplacetrail == 1>><<goto "fireplacetrail01">><</if>>
<<if $sophiahelp == 1>><<goto "sophiahelp01">><</if>>
<<if $enigmatrail == 1>><<goto "enigmatrail01">><</if>>
<<widget end01>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 10>><<goto "end01_01">><</if>>
<div style="text-align: center;">If you want to support the authors, you can donate to our TON wallet: UQCywrylGDLbsvRtnRF5v1ZJkies2jb52VbIujSbGx9CSvDI
<img src="images/wallet.jpg" style="max-width: 360px; max-height: 360px;">
We also accept positive reviews and likes. :)</div>
<<back "Return.">><<show-img badend0>>
Enjoy your youth!
And come back when everything is possible for you.<<show-img start00>>
Ok, let's go.
Want to watch the intro?
[[I want to watch the intro!|start01]]
[[Nah, I already played this game, skip the intro.|start12]]
<<show-img start01>>
"Fuck. Fu-u-uck..." thoughts flash through your head. In your sick, buzzing and very heavy head. As if someone had been drinking all night, and to such an extent that he does not remember not only this night, but also everything else in his life.
Raising your head, you realize that you are in some old abandoned house. Together with four other girls. But... who are you?
[[Next.|start02]]<<show-img start02>>
"We're fucked. And this is fucking bullshit!" Oprah threw her shoe at the TV.
“Don't lose your composure. This is what she wants from us,” said the reasonable Sophia.
"Oprah's right, we're fucked," shrugged the gothic Helga.
"If we work together, we can handle this," encouraged the Asian Shi, then looked at you. "Hey, girl. You still haven't told us what to call you?"
"Call me..."
[[Emma [easy difficulty: virgin, starts with bimbo level 0].|start13-1]]
[[Angela [medium difficulty: not a virgin, starts bimbo level 1].|start13-2]]
[[Goldie [hard difficulty: far from a virgin, starts with bimbo level 3, breasts, ass and lips enlarged, manicure improved].|start13-3]]
<<show-img start02>>
"You're such a sleepyhead. Even a storm wouldn't wake you up," the black girl giggled.
"Well, everyone's here, everyone's awake. I guess something's about to happen now," the skinny brunette shrugged.
"Wait, wait! Where are we? Who are you? I’m... who..." you blurted out.
"Cunt glue," the African girl smirked again. "We're all in the same boat. No one here remembers anything or understands anything. Welcome to the team, bitch."
[[Next.|start03]]<<show-img start03>>
Bitch? You glanced at the dirty and cracked mirror. It reflected an ordinary young girl. Dark hair, grey eyes, small breasts, skinny body.
But… You didn’t recognize yourself. You’re not even sure you’ve always been a girl. You’re not sure of anything. Fuck, your head hurts so much...
[[Next.|start04]]<<show-img start04>>
"Then you'll feel your tits and play with your pussy. First, we need to get out of here," said the rudest member of your involuntary company.
In the center of the room stood an old TV, which the brunette tried to turn on, but she couldn't.
"Maybe, since we don't remember our names, we should come up with names? Or nicknames? We have to call each other something..." said the Asian woman, who had been studying the wooden walls until then.
[[Next.|start05]]<<show-img start05>>
"I don't know why exactly, but the name Sophia keeps popping into my head," said the brunette, fiddling with the TV.
"Helga. Just Helga," the gothic girl, who had been silent in the corner until then, said quietly.
"Yeah, fuck it, you can call me Oprah. I don't know who that is, but it sounds impressive. Like I'm the queen of all blacks..." the only African girl said pompously, naturally.
"I'll just call myself Shi - easy to remember," the Asian girl shrugged her skinny shoulders.
Well, now it's your turn...
[[Next.|start06]]<<show-img start06>>
"Hello, bitches!" the TV suddenly turned on, and Sophia even jumped away from it in surprise.
"I want to play a game with you..." the cold and arrogant female voice from the TV continued.
"Get us out of here, you crazy white ho!" Oprah screamed.
[[Next.|start07]]<<show-img start07>>
"Most people in our world don't need brains. Most don't create anything new, don't do anything creative, don't contribute to society..." a girl in strange battle makeup said from the screen, as if she were some kind of scary doll. "You haven't used your intellect your entire life. From society's point of view, you are parasites. You are not able to give the world anything good with your mind. However, you are able to serve humanity in another capacity..."
"I'll kick yo white ass, come here, you cunt-skank!" Oprah didn't let up.
[[Next.|start08]]<<show-img start08>>
"Shut up, you stupid bitch!" the girl on TV freaked out. "That's it! That's what I'm talking about, fuck. Her life depends on my words, and she's interrupting me. You're a brainless, useless creature... Where was I? Oh, right. You can serve humanity in another capacity - as sex dolls to satisfy human lust."
[[Next.|start09]]<<show-img start09>>
"According to my highly accurate research, the more sexually satisfied a population is, the fewer crimes it commits and the fewer wars it wages. That is, depraved girls - sluts - contribute to our society. By becoming brainless sluts, you will not only benefit the world, but you will also become happy..."
"Come here, you unsatisfied bitch, I'll fuck you with my fist right now!" Oprah yelled.
[[Next.|start10]]<<show-img start10>>
"You are now under the influence of bimbo gas - my brilliant invention," the maniac nevertheless kept her cool and continued to lay out the rules. "The doors of the house will open in 12 hours, but by that time you will have turned into brainless dolls. The fact that you do not remember anything is one of the effects of my invention. And some even had time to change their bodies, and quite significantly... If you want to avoid the fate of a sex toy for draining sperm, then antidotes are scattered around the house - temporary blockers of bimbo gas. One antidote can protect your body for only 1 hour..."
[[Next.|start11]]<<show-img start11>>
"However, to obtain antidotes, you will have to pass trials. Prove that your head is not just for putting food in it, and you can keep your sanity. Or become a dumb bimbo doll whose only job in life is to satisfy as many dicks and cunts as possible. Make your choice. Game on!"
<<show-img start03>>
“Okay, Emma, 5 points for Gryffindor. Idk, why did I say that... Oh, fuck it, let’s go,” Oprah said when the iron door to the room opened.
"Wait, we don't know what's in there, if we knew, but we don't know..." Shi stopped her.
"We need to stick together and explore the house together," Sophia reasoned logically.
"I'll stay here..." Helga said sadly and desperately.
"I'm on reconnaissance, we need to get out of this mess," Oprah walked out the door.
"You know what happens in horror movies, when everyone gets separated?!" Shi exclaimed loudly and desperately.
"A great team..." Sophia threw up her hands.
<<set $name = "Emma">>
<<set $gamestart = 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo = 0>>
<<show-img start03>>
"Okay, you'll be our guardian angel, Angela. But fuck it, let's go," Oprah said when the iron door to the room opened.
"Wait, we don't know what's in there, if we knew, but we don't know..." Shi stopped her.
"We need to stick together and explore the house together," Sophia reasoned logically.
"I'll stay here..." Helga said sadly and desperately.
"I'm on reconnaissance, we need to get out of this asshole," Oprah walked out the door.
"You know what happens in horror movies, when everyone gets separated?!" Shea exclaimed loudly and desperately.
"A great team..." Sophia threw up her hands.
<<set $name = "Angela">>
<<set $gamestart = 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo = 1>>
<<set $player.vag = 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img start03>>
"Did they kidnap you right off the pylon, Goldie? Whatever, fuck, let's go," Oprah said when the iron door to the room opened.
"Wait, we don't know what's in there, if we knew, but we don't know..." Shi stopped her.
"We need to stick together and explore the house together," Sophia reasoned logically.
"I'll stay here..." Helga said sadly and desperately.
"I'm on reconnaissance, we need to get out of this asshole," Oprah walked out the door.
"You know what happens in horror movies, when everyone gets separated?!" Shea exclaimed loudly and desperately.
"A great team..." Sophia threw up her hands.
<<set $name = "Goldie">>
<<set $gamestart = 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo = 3>>
<<set $player.vag = 2>>
<<set $player.tits = 1>>
<<set $player.ass = 1>>
<<set $player.lips = 1>>
<<set $player.hand = 1>><</nobr>><<silently>><<bimbogas>><<bimbogasevent>><<trials>><<trialsevent>><<end01>><</silently>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img bigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img bigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img bigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A big windowless room where this crazy "game" began.
At first glance, there is nothing interesting here except the TV standing in the middle of the room. But you can examine the room more carefully. <<if $time lte 719>>Also in the room is [[Helga.|helga]]<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchbigroom == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom01]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom02]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom03]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom04]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 4 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom05]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 5 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom06]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 6 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom07]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 7 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom08]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 8 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom09]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 9 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the big room.|searchbigroom10]] <</if>>
<<if $searchbigroom == 10 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Inspect the hidden hatch.|secrethatch01]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the big room [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[👁 Look in the mirror.|mirrorbigroom01]]
<<nobr>>[[Go to the corridor.|corridor01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img helga01>><</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 4 and $helga.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img helga02>><</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img helga03>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo lte 3>>Nickname: Helga.<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 4 and $helga.bimbo lte 6>>Nickname: Helga.<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 7 >>Nickname: Gaga.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo lte 3>>Chest: small.<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 4 and $helga.bimbo lte 6>>Boobs: medium.<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 7 >>JUGS: huge.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo lte 3>> Helga is a goth girl. It's unlikely that she was happy before she got here, but here she's completely lost heart. It seems that she's not trying to fight, she's resigned to her fate. Helga just sits in the corner, looks at the walls, sometimes walks from side to side. Perhaps, deep down, she herself wants to become a bimbo, wants to stop suffering, wants to be happy...<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 4 and $helga.bimbo lte 6>> Helga is still a goth girl. But already on the way to a bimbo girl. It seems that her face has become a little kinder and more cheerful. However, she still does nothing, does not fight for her mind and for her freedom. Helga just sits in the corner, sometimes walks from side to side, and sometimes even dances. The perfect test subject for bimbo gas.<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 7 >> Helga is no longer a goth girl, and she is no longer Helga. Now she is a bimbo girl who calls herself Gaga (and giggles wildly). It is clear that there is no trace left of her depressive personality. She walks from side to side, sways her hips, shakes her huge boobs and dances cheerfully.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo lte 3>>Gothic image, dark makeup, small forms. Her appearance seems to tell you: "don't come near me, bitch. Or I'll stab you with a switchblade."<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 4 and $helga.bimbo lte 6>>Gothic image, dark makeup, medium shapes. Now her appearance seems to tell you: "don't come near me, bitch. But if you do, I'll lick your pussy."<</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 7 >> The gothic image and dark makeup entered into a good symbiosis with the girl's new bimbo personality. Now she is a bimbo in dark tones, and her appearance seems to say to you: "come to me, darling. I will lick your pussy, and I will lick your ass and even your legs!"<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo lte 3>>"Life is shit anyway," Helga shrugged sadly, catching your gaze on her. <</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 4 and $helga.bimbo lte 6>>"$name, I'm so sad. Kiss me," Helga made sad eyes, begging you for a kiss. <</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 7 >>"Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your bad romance!" the bimbo goth sang, running her hand over her huge chest. Seduces you, such a bitch.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo gte 4>>[[♀♀ Kiss Helga.|helgakiss01]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">♀♀ Kiss Helga [requires medium bimbofication for both].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $helga.bimbo gte 7 and $player.bimbo gte 6>>[[♀♀ Have sex.|helgasex01]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">♀♀ Have sex [requires high bimbofication for both].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<return "Back.">><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent 10 minutes but still couldn't find anything except dust, dirt and despair.
<<set $searchbigroom = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent another 10 minutes, and during this time you found even more dust, dirt and despair.
"Oh, $name, what are you looking for? Happiness?" a sarcastic, cold voice came from the speaker located on the wall.
<<set $searchbigroom = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img search\searchbigroom06>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent another 10 minutes searching for dust, dirt and despair, but… You found some old, slightly rusty key.
“Oh, ahem. Haha! And I was looking for it,” the maniac said somewhat hesitantly. “Put the key in a visible place, please. Don’t you dare open the door to the lab with it! It’s too dangerous! I probably shouldn’t have told you that this key can open…”
The lab, then? You’ll have to check!
<<set $searchbigroom = 3>>
<<set $oldlabkey = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
It seems you've searched the room completely. It's unlikely that there's anything else here, but you can poke around a bit more, no one's stopping you. Except for time, of which you're catastrophically short...
<<set $searchbigroom = 4>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
"There's nothing here. That's for sure. Stop wasting your time, this game is getting boring," a voice came from the speaker. Maybe she's hiding something? Or maybe she's really bored watching you look around the same room over and over again.
<<set $searchbigroom = 5>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent 10 minutes and still couldn't find anything but dust, dirt and despair. Don't you think you're repeating yourself?
<<set $searchbigroom = 6>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
"I would read you one of my poems so that you wouldn't be so bored searching this empty room over and over and over and over again, but you still won't understand the genius of my rhymes," the maniac tried to mock using the speakers installed on the walls.
She's lying anyway, her poems are just shitty, that's why she's embarrassed to read them...
<<set $searchbigroom = 7>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
"When I chose you for this game, $name, I couldn't even imagine how stupid you are without my bimbo gas," the maniac sighed heavily.
How do they say? Whoever seeks will find!
<<set $searchbigroom = 8>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbigroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbigroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbigroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
After another 10 minutes, you found nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g!
Even the maniac stopped taunting you through the speakers on the walls.
Maybe it's time to stop and admit defeat?
<<set $searchbigroom = 9>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img secrethatch01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img secrethatch02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img secrethatch03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Suddenly, it dawns on you! The TV! You struggle to move the old and very heavy TV and discover some kind of hatch underneath it! Holy shit!
"Uh, $name, don't go there. There's nothing interesting there," the bitch who kidnapped you trembled suspiciously.
Maybe there really is nothing there. But it wouldn't hurt to check. Although you should think for a minute first...
<<set $searchbigroom = 10>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img secrethatch01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img secrethatch02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img secrethatch03>><</if>><</nobr>>
The hatch seems to be unlocked. There might be an exit! Or another trap. Or it might just be a dead end. You need to check it yourself first, and then call the others. But do you really need to check…?
[[Forward! More precisely, downwards.|secrethatch02]]
[[Back.|bigroom01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img start03>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img mirror01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img mirror02>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Intelligence: above average.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>Intelligence: below average.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >>Intelligence: low.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Hair: brunette.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>Hair: blonde.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >>Hair: blonde.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.lips == 0>>Lips: you have some kind of narrow strip on your face instead of normal lips.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 1>>Lips: you have small, expressionless lips.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 2>>Lips: average - not great, not terrible.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 3>> Lips: you have big lips; they immediately let men know that you like to suck.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 4>>Lips: you have incredible inhuman lips. Give the duck her beak back, bitch!<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.tits == 0>>Chest: you have micro-boobs, that's what microscopes were invented for.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 1>>Chest: you have small and sexy breasts.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 2>>Chest: you have awesome and hot tits.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 3>>Chest: you have huge melons.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 4>>Chest: you have huge udder; fuck, are you a girl or a cow?
<<nobr>><<if $player.ass == 0>>Ass: you have a mini butt, it could use some fat.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 1>>Ass: you have a normal average butt.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 2>>Ass: your big butt attracts a lot of attention.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 3>>Ass: you have a huge butt, the kind that usually get stuck in washing machines.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 4>>Ass: you have a huge grotesque butt, don't get stuck in a doorway.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.vag == 0>>Vagina: you have a virgin hole between your legs.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 1>>Vagina: you have a tight pussy between your legs.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 2>>Vagina: you have a slightly fucked vulva between your legs.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 3>>Vagina: you have a fucked up leaking vagina.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 4>>Vagina: you have a huge disgusting fucked up cunt with fleshy labia.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.hand == 0>>Hands: your hands and nails are unkempt. Do you work in a mine or something like that?<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 1>>Hands: your hands are rough and your nails are unpainted.<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 2>>Hands: you have normal hands and well-groomed nails.<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 3>>Hands: you have delicate hands and long painted nails.<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 4>>Hands: you have delicate hands and incredibly long painted nails with rhinestones; you can't do anything with your hands normally.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img corridor01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img corridor02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img corridor03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A long corridor with many doors and a staircase going down. <<nobr>><<if $time lte 179>>The corridor is currently being searched by [[Shi.|shi]]<</if>><</nobr>>
Some of the doors have signs on them:
"Big Room" - this is where you started.
"Syringe Room" - closes at 4:00.
"Library" - you're too stupid to read.
"Old Lab" - don't enter!
"Toilet" - shared.
<<nobr>><<if $searchcorridor == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the corridor.|searchcorridor01]] <</if>>
<<if $searchcorridor == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the corridor.|searchcorridor02]] <</if>>
<<if $searchcorridor == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the corridor.|searchcorridor03]] <</if>>
<<if $searchcorridor == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the corridor.|searchcorridor06]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the corridor [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Big room.|bigroom01]]
<<nobr>><<if $time lte 239>>[[Syringe room.|syringeroom01]] <</if>>
<<if $time gte 240>><span style="color: red;">Syringe room [closed at 4:00].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oldlabkey == 1>>[[Old lab [you have the key to the door].|oldlab01]] <</if>>
<<if $oldlabkey == 0>><span style="color: red;">Old lab [door locked].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Go downstairs.|hall01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img shi01>><</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>><<show-img shi02>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>>Nickname: Shi.<</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>>Nickname: Shi.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>>Butt: small.<</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>>Butt: medium.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>>Chest: small.<</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>>Chest: medium.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>> Shi looks like a very smart Asian girl. But at the same time, she can't be called brave or even a leader. She is not aggressive, tries to work and find a way out herself, does not rely on others. Perhaps she will become a dark horse and come to the finish line first. Or she will be the first to become a dumb bimbo, it depends on luck...<</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>> It seems that Shi has changed a little. But she still looks like a very smart Asian girl, albeit an individualist who does not want to work in a team. Shi is still as non-aggressive as before, tries to work and find a way out herself, does not rely on others.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>> Short stature, thin body, small ass and chest. Nondescript, unremarkable appearance.<</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>> Short stature, thin body, average butt and average breasts. The girl's appearance has become slightly sexier.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>>"You know we should be looking for antidotes, not staring?" Shi said disapprovingly when she noticed you looking at her.<</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>>"What are you looking at? Don't be shy, kiss me if you want it so much," the Asian girl smiled playfully at you when she caught you looking at her.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo gte 4>>[[♀♀ Kiss Shi.|shikiss01]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">♀♀ Kiss Shi [requires medium bimbofication for both].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<span style="color: red;">♀♀ Have sex [requires high level of bimbofication for both].</span>
<<return "Back.">>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchcorridor01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchcorridor02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchcorridor03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You searched the corridor for 10 minutes, examined the parquet, looked at the walls, but so far you couldn't find anything interesting. <<nobr>><<if $time lte 179>>"There must be something important here," said Shi, who was searching the corridor at the same time as you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchcorridor = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchcorridor04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchcorridor05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchcorridor06>><</if>><</nobr>>
You searched the corridor for 10 minutes, and finally managed to find that part of the parquet floor could be lifted up. Ah, a hiding place! With trembling hands, you open the hiding place and find… dirty women’s panties?
“These aren’t mine, but you can have them, ahaha!” the mocking laughter of the girl who kidnapped you was heard from the speaker on the wall. “Perhaps some maniac lived here before me. Or just a pervert…”
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Yeah, those panties are clearly not the first freshness. It seems like someone also jerked off on them. And came, of course. Ugh…<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>Yeah, those panties are clearly not the first freshness. You decided to examine them a little closer, took them in your hand and brought them a little closer to your face. And I even sniffed them involuntarily! Well, they clearly have female juices and male sperm on them…<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>>You grabbed the panties and greedily brought them to your face. And what a wonderful smell! The smell of old sperm and female secretions! And a little mold. Everything immediately became so pink and pleasant before your eyes… But, unfortunately, you have to go…<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchcorridor = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<show-img search\searchcorridor07>>
During another search of the area, you thought to remove the mechanical wall clock (which didn't work anyway) and open its back. There you found a syringe, which was glowing slightly pink.
"Congratulations, $name, you found a dose of the antidote," a voice came from the speaker. "However, it was a prototype antidote. Despite its excellent protection from bimbo gas, it also has side effects. Will you risk your body to save your mind? Make your choice!"
[[Inject prototype antidote.|searchcorridor04]]
<<nobr>>[[Throw away prototype antidote.|searchcorridor05]]
<<set $searchcorridor = 3>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img syringeroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img syringeroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img syringeroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A room with a hole in the middle of the floor, containing a pile of used syringes glowing pink. <<nobr>><<if $syringetrial == 0>>Apparently, this is some kind of trial created by the sick brain of the psychopath who kidnapped you.<</if>>
<<if $syringetrial == 1>>You have successfully passed the trial created by the twisted brain of the crazy kidnapper bitch.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $syringetrial == 0>>[[Start the trial.|syringetrial01]]<</if>>
<<if $syringetrial == 1>><span style="color: green;"> You have already passed this trial.</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Go to the corridor.|corridor01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>><<silently>><<bimbogas>><<bimbogasevent>><<trials>><<trialsevent>><<end01>><</silently>>
<<if $player.bimbo lte 3 and $time lte 99>><<show-img library01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6 and $time lte 99>><<show-img library02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 and $time lte 99>><<show-img library03>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo lte 3 and $time gte 100>><<show-img library04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6 and $time gte 100>><<show-img library05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 and $time gte 100>><<show-img library06>><</if>><</nobr>>
A small library with many old books. Some of them are very old due to dampness and improper storage conditions (and what other storage conditions can there be in an abandoned house?). <<nobr>><<if $time lte 99>>Currently being searched by [[Sophia.|sophia]]<</if>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 299>> Currently being searched by [[Shi.|shi]]<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchlibrary == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the library.|searchlibrary01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchlibrary == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the library.|searchlibrary02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchlibrary == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the library.|searchlibrary03]]<</if>>
<<if $searchlibrary == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the library.|searchlibrary04]]<</if>>
<<if $searchlibrary == 4 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the library.|searchlibrary08]]<</if>>
<<if $searchlibrary == 5 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the library.|searchlibrary09]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the library [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Go to the corridor.|corridor01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img oldlab01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img oldlab02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img oldlab03>><</if>><</nobr>>
An abandoned makeshift laboratory. There are many empty glass vials scattered here, some with residues of various chemicals at the bottom.
"Don't touch anything here!" the voice of a maniac girl threatened from the speaker on the wall. "You shouldn't be here, this is not a play area! Go away!"
Your gaze is immediately drawn to an untouched vial emitting a soft greenish light.
<<nobr>><<if $time lte 719>>[[👁 Examine the green vial.|oldlab02]]<</if>><<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Examine the green vial [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $time lte 719>>[[👁 Examine the empty bottle.|bottle01]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Examine the empty bottle [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Go out into the corridor.|corridor01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img toilet01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img toilet02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img toilet03>><</if>><</nobr>>
An old toilet, which is not very pleasant to be in because of the smell. However, it does not smell like sewage and shit, but rather like a fungus that has affected the ceiling and the upper part of the walls. <<nobr>><<if $gloryhole == 0>>There is a small and strange lever on the wall that obviously opens something.<</if>>
<<if $gloryhole gte 1>>There is the lever on the wall that opens the glory hole.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $gloryhole == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Look closely at the lever on the wall.|gloryhole01]] <</if>>
<<if $gloryhole == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[To the lever on the wall.|gloryhole05]] <</if>>
<<if $gloryhole == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[To the lever on the wall.|gloryhole09]] <</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;">To the lever on the wall [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchtoilet == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the toilet.|searchtoilet01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchtoilet == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the toilet.|searchtoilet02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchtoilet == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the toilet.|searchtoilet03]]<</if>>
<<if $searchtoilet == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the toilet.|searchtoilet06]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the toilet [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $toilet1 == 0 >>[[🛊Pee.|piss01]]<</if>>
<<if $toilet1 == 1 >>[[🛊Pee.|piss02]]<</if>>
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
[[Go to the corridor.|corridor01]]
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img hall01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img hall02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img hall03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A large hall with many doors and a staircase leading up. Like the corridor, there are signs on the doors:
"Dining Hall" - opens at 3:00. Be patient, piggies.
"Guest Room" - don't make yourself at home!
"Basement" - watch out for the steps! And the basement is closed!
"Wardrobe" - clothes cost money, don't tear them!
"Fireplace Hall" - do not touch the fireplace!
"Exit" - opens at 12:00.
<<nobr>><<if $time lte 179>>The lobby is currently being searched by [[Oprah.|oprah]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 299>>The lobby is currently empty except you.<</if>>
<<if $time gte 300 and $time lte 419>>The lobby is currently empty except for [[Shi.|shi]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>The lobby is currently empty except for [[Sophia.|sophia]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>The lobby is currently empty except for you.<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>>Everyone is gathered in the lobby: [[Oprah|oprah]], [[Shi|shi]], [[Sophia|sophia]] and even [[Helga|helga]].<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Exit door.|exit01]]
<<nobr>><<if $searchhall == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the hall.|searchhall01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchhall == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the hall.|searchhall02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchhall == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the hall.|searchhall03]]<</if>>
<<if $searchhall == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the hall.|searchhall04]]<</if>>
<<if $searchhall == 4 and $time lt 719>>[[👁 Search the hall.|searchhall05]]<</if>>
<<if $searchhall == 5 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the hall.|searchhall06]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the hall [the door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $time gte 180>>[[Dining room.|diningroom01]]<</if>>
<<if $time lte 179>><span style="color: red;">Dining room [will open at 3:00].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Room for guests.|guestroom01]]
<<nobr>><<if $basementkey == 1>>[[Basement [you have a key to the door].|basement01]] <</if>>
<<if $basementkey == 0>><span style="color: red;">Basement [the door is locked].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Fireplace Hall.|fireplace01]]
<<nobr>>[[Go upstairs.|corridor01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchcorridor08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchcorridor09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchcorridor10>><</if>><</nobr>>
You inject yourself with a suspicious antidote prototype, your head starts spinning, everything in your eyes turns purple. You sit down on the floor, but then fall...
You open your eyes, your own saliva is running down your cheek. But it seems you are quite healthy. You just lost consciousness and with it half an hour of time. The main thing is that your blood received another dose of the antidote. <<nobr>><<if $time lte 179>>"Hey, are you alive? You fell and were lying here, I was scared," Shi, sitting next to you, smiled.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Continue the "game".|corridor01]]
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 39>><</nobr>><<show-img syringetrial01>>
In front of you is a large pit filled with used syringes, with some of the glowing pink substance still left.
"Welcome to the dump of broken dreams, $name! Although I may need to work on the name a little more..." the voice of a mad scientist came from the speaker on the wall. "This trial is as simple as it gets: in front of you are hundreds of used syringes with the remains of various experimental drugs. Hidden among them are 5 doses of antidote. But will you risk going down to Hell for them? Make your choice!"
So... Maybe you should call the other girls? There are 5 antidotes here! Enough for everyone! Together you can find a solution. But 5 doses for you alone are almost guaranteed to help you win this "game". What a difficult choice...
[[Call everyone.|syringetrial02]]
[[Jump into the pit yourself.|end06_01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img gloryhole01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img gloryhole02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img gloryhole03>><</if>><</nobr>>
"This switch activates the opening of the glory hole," the voice of the maniac girl suddenly rang out from the speaker located on the wall. It was as if she was reading out instructions. "There is a zombified man behind the wall, don't even try to ask for help, he will not hear you and will not understand. There is a new version of the antidote in his blood, and not only in his blood, if you understand me. Another of my patented means makes the balls produce sperm faster, the penis to be hard, and the brain to think about nothing but sex. And his hands are tied behind his back, so he can't jerk off, ahaha... You can suck out the antidote. But I warn you: because of the bimbo gas sprayed in the air, you will pounce on his penis and will not be able to control yourself. Make your choice!"
[[Suck out the antidote!|gloryhole02]]
[[Move away.|toilet01]]
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img gloryhole01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img gloryhole02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img gloryhole03>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Stop, $name!" the maniac girl's voice suddenly rang out as you approached the switch again. "First, leave some antidote for the other girls, ahaha! And second, along with the sperm and antidote, the substance that turns the owner of this dick into a brainless sex zombie also gets into your body. So if I were you, I wouldn't risk an overdose..."
[[Suck out more antidote!|gloryhole06]]
[[Move away.|toilet01]]
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img gloryhole01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img gloryhole02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img gloryhole03>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Stop, $name! Freeze, fuck!" the bitch's voice rang out in panic when you just looked at the switch. "The sex-zombie-drug will fry your brains! At best, you'll become a brainless sucker! You'll suck for food and shelter! You definitely don't need it! Or do you?"
[[Suck out MORE antidote! MORE!|end04_01]]
[[Move away.|toilet01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchtoilet01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchtoilet02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchtoilet03>><</if>><</nobr>>
For ten whole minutes you examined the toilet, felt the walls, looked at the mold-infested ceiling. Nothing. It's a toilet. There's hardly any treasure buried here.
<<set $searchtoilet = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchtoilet04>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchtoilet05>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchtoilet06>><</if>><</nobr>>
Another ten minutes of treasure hunting in the toilet. You're not giving up, are you?
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>"Sorry, $name, I really need to pee, I'll just be a second! Excuse me!" Sophia looked into the toilet, you went out, waited a minute, then came back when the girl did her business. After all, some people use the toilet for its intended purpose, imagine that.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>"Sorry, honey, I really need to pee!" Sophia ran into the toilet, you went out, waited a minute, then came back when the girl did her business. After all, some people use the toilet for its intended purpose, imagine that.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7>>Without saying anything, Sophia ran into the toilet, pulled down her pants, sat down on the toilet and started doing her business. You tactfully left, waited a minute, then came back when the girl had finished. After all, some people use the toilet for its intended purpose, imagine that.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchtoilet = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<show-img search\searchtoilet07>>
Finally, you thought to open the toilet tank and look there, and there you found a black garbage bag. Inside was a strange vial, glowing red, and two notes. The first one reads:
<i>"Destroy me after reading! This is a trap for the most aggressive and evil of you, bitch. If you want to do her any harm, just give her the second note and the vial. P.S.: the trap is in the toilet tank, since she would never climb in there herself. P.P.S.: the liquid is based on the DNA of this bitch, it will be useless for others." </i>
And the second one:
<i>"For the alpha female! I acknowledge your superiority, it is girls like you who succeed in this world. So accept my humble gift - a double dose of the antidote, based on your DNA! This potion won't work on regular bitches."</i>
Hmm... A great chance to put Oprah in her place, who is clearly not the kindest girl on the planet. But maybe you should save your humanity and pour this suspicious liquid into the toilet?
[[Give to Oprah.|searchtoilet04]]
<<set $searchtoilet = 3>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img piss01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 >><<show-img piss02>><</if>><</nobr>>
It's great when you can just sit on a dirty toilet in a disgusting restroom and think about the meaning of life. Let a maniac girl watch you, let you have little time. No one can take away the pleasant sensations of urination from you!
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $toilet1 = 1>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img piss03>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img piss04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img piss05>><</if>><</nobr>>
You would happily spend the whole day in the toilet, but... You don't want to, there is no such physical need at the moment. And you don't have much time. Move it, Roach!
[[Back.|toilet01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchtoilet01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchtoilet02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchtoilet03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Once again you search the toilet for 10 minutes. Guess what you find? No shit. It seems that you have already found all the most interesting things here. On the other hand, you can continue to waste your precious life on all sorts of crap, that's your business.
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img oldlab04>>
"Don't touch it! $name, please put that bottle back!" a panicked voice came from the speaker. "I was developing a special order for the army here a long time ago. You have a chemical-biological weapon in your hands that can cause an apocalypse! Futapocalypse! Shit, I knew it had to be disposed of..."
[[⚧ Open the vial!|end05_01]]
[[Put the bottle back.|oldlab01]]<<show-img bottle01>>
You pick up an empty bottle. There's nothing unusual about it.
"Uh-uh, $name, you might think I was drinking in the lab, but that's not true! The bottle was planted here by ill-wishers!" the psycho bitch tried to justify herself for some reason. <<if $player.bimbo gte 4>>For some reason, looking at this bottle, you have all sorts of dirty thoughts...<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo gte 4>>[[Play with the bottle.|bottle02]]<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo lte 4>><span style="color: red;">At high bimbification, you can play with the bottle.</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo gte 7>>[[Ride the bottle.|bottle03]]<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo lte 6>><span style="color: red;">At very high bimbification, you can ride the bottle.</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Put the bottle down in place.|oldlab01]]<<show-gif ends\end05_01>>
You slightly open the bottle, as a strange smell hits your nose. Then your stomach twists sharply. Your body hurts wildly, as if you were being turned inside out!
"A-A-A!!!" you scream with all your might. Shrilly, as if you were being killed. Although that is exactly what it feels like, you even managed to say goodbye to life...
But the pain passed as quickly as it came. And at the same time, you felt that something had changed in you. You felt energy, strength, desire and... what is that between your legs?! Is that... A dick? Have you grown a man's dick?!
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img sophia01>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img sophia02>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img sophia03>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>Nickname: Sophia.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>Nickname: Sophia.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>Nickname: Sofy.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>Hair: brunette.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>Hair: brunette with white streaks.
<</if>><<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>Hair: platinum blonde.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>Fragile Sofia seems like a smart and reasonable girl. Perhaps the smartest and most reasonable girl in your forced company. She looks like a gray mouse, but at the same time her composure suggests that she would be perfect for the role of a gray cardinal.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>It seems that Sophia has lost some of her mind and rationality due to bimbo gas, but she still thinks quite sensibly and, most importantly, calmly.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>There is no trace left of Sophia's common sense, reason and composure. She can't even pronounce her nickname! Of course, the bimbo gas is to blame for all this. It seems that now the punchy girl doesn't even try to fight, the remnants of her mind have surrendered to her eternally wet pussy.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>She has a miniature body, a small butt and undefined breasts. Men rarely turn around to look at such girls.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>> Her body is no longer fragile in appearance, and her butt and breasts have gained weight significantly, Sophia's lips have also become larger. Men love to hang out with girls like this.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>Sophia used to be a fragile girl, but now she has a massive trunk and melon-sized breasts. It’s hard to take your eyes off such beauties, and not just for men.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>"How are you, $name? Are you holding up? We can't give up, we can handle this together!" Sophia encouraged you as your eyes met.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>"That's weird, $name... are you hot too? Please hug me," Sophia smiled at you, biting her lip slightly.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>"Oh, $name, you're so cute! Want to make... a little... love?" Sofy winked lustfully at you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo gte 4>>[[♀♀ Hug Sophia.|sophiakiss01]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">♀♀ Hug Sophia [requires medium bimbofication for both].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 and $player.bimbo gte 6>>[[♀♀ Make love with Sophia.|sophiasex01]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">♀♀ Make love with Sophia [requires high bimbofication for both].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<return "Back.">>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchlibrary01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchlibrary02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchlibrary03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent 10 minutes searching the library. Books-books-books. Thick books, thin books, good books, bad books, books with pictures… The library! <<nobr>><<if $time lte 99>> "Perhaps together we will find something interesting here," said Sophia, who was also looking around the room at the same time as you.<</if>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 299>>"Sophia couldn't have searched everything here. Together we'll definitely find something interesting," Shi encouraged you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchlibrary = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchlibrary04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchlibrary05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchlibrary06>><</if>><</nobr>>
After spending another 10 minutes looking around the library, your gaze caught on one book - "50 Shades of Grey". Apparently, something very depressing. Perhaps some kind of dystopia. For example, due to the emission of harmful substances, the skies on the planet are covered with gray clouds, from which toxic rains fall. And the main characters (a kind, but not rich guy and a spoiled, but sweet girl) survive in a new dangerous world and build tender and vanilla relationships... <<nobr>><<if $time lte 99>> "We'll have to read it if we keep our sanity," grinned Sophia, who was still looking around the room with you. <</if>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 299>>"Oh, you better not read that," Shi smiled at you, seeing the book in your hands. You wonder how she knows? Everyone here has lost their memories...<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchlibrary = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchlibrary07>>
For 10 minutes you looked through the books, opened them, quickly flipped through them, checked the contents. In one of the books you found a screen on which a video immediately turned on. Oh, you got it! It's one of those hypnotic videos from the Internet!
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>But you're sure this crap doesn't work anyway...<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>You're not sure it's because of this video, but you felt such a pleasant warmth in your lower abdomen...<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>>You need a dick now! A strong big dick! Or a wet pussy! You really want to fuck!<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchlibrary = 3>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchlibrary08>>
During another library search, you opened one of the books, and there was a secret compartment! There you found a small vial, glowing pink, and a note: <i>"A special antidote based on the DNA of the smartest of you. Anyone else who drinks this bottle will receive a shock dose of bimbofication. Make your choice!"</i>
It is obvious that Sophia is the most rational one from the start. You should probably give her this vial with the note. But you really want to drink it yourself... What if you are the smartest? The other girls are definitely not suitable, only Sophia and you.
It could also be a trap. Maybe you should just pour out the suspicious liquid?
[[Give to Sophia.|searchlibrary05]]
[[Drink yourself.|searchlibrary06]]
<<nobr>>[[Pour out.|searchlibrary07]]
<<set $searchlibrary = 4>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchlibrary12>>
Oh! You found a tablet with a hypnotic picture in another book. I mean... seriously? The psychopathic girl had so little to do that she threw tablets with hypnosis into books?!
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Besides, this hypnosis doesn't work at all...<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>Oh, and why did your panties start to squelch so nicely? Is it because of the hypnosis? Does it really work?<</if>>
<<set $searchlibrary = 5>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchlibrary01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchlibrary02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchlibrary03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You've spent another 10 minutes searching the library. Let's be honest and frank: you're unlikely to find anything else here. No need to waste time, you don't have much of it anyway. Well, unless you deliberately don't want to waste your precious time. Then, of course, stay and fuck around... <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 299>>"I doubt there's anything else of interest left here. We need to move on," Shi concluded logically.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img oprah01>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img oprah02>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img oprah03>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>>Nickname: Oprah.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>>Nickname: Oprah.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >>Nickname: Opa-opa!<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>>Ass: small.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>>Butt: big.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >>Arse: huge.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>> Oprah looks like a girl who grew up in the most dangerous ghetto. She is aggressive, daring, and doesn't mince words. Her face constantly expresses mistrust, as if she is looking down on everyone. Although in a physical fight she would probably defeat all the other participants (possibly all together), but her intellect is so-so.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>> Although Oprah looks like a girl who grew up in the most dangerous ghetto, she is now less aggressive and daring. Her face does not express such anger as before, and her low intelligence has become even lower.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >> Oprah (or as she calls herself "Opa-Opa!") has completely transformed. From an aggressive ghetto bitch, she has become a cheap fat ghetto whore. Now she does not show aggression to others, smiles at everyone and shakes her ass. Intelligence, which was not high before, has dropped to the necessary minimum of life. She does not drool - that's already good.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>> Oprah has an athletic build, is tall, and has an average, unremarkable face. She also has a small ass (which is strange for an African girl, you must admit).<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>> Oprah no longer has an athletic build, her body has gained fat, her face has become more feminine, but the main change is Oprah's ass. It seems to have become twice as wide as it was before.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >> No trace remains of her athletic physique. But now Oprah has a beautiful female face, beautiful hands, big tits and an ass that can crush a small city.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>>"What are you staring at? Don't you have anything better to do? Go find some antidotes, you stupid white bitch!" the black girl yelled at you angrily when she caught you looking at her.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>>"Hey, $name! Come here, I want to smack your white ass," Oprah smirked, but her offer seemed quite sincere.<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >>"Whoa, whoa! $name-$name! Fuck-fuck!" the black girl beckoned you with an air kiss.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo gte 4>>[[♀♀ Hanging with Oprah.|oprahkiss01]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">♀♀ Hanging with Oprah [requires medium bimbofication for both].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 and $player.bimbo gte 6>>[[♀♀ Fuck-fuck!|oprahsex01]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">♀♀ Fucking with Oprah [requires high bimbofication for both].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<return "Back.">>
<<if $player.bimbo lte 3 and $time lte 719>><<show-img exit01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6 and $time lte 719>><<show-img exit02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 and $time lte 719>><<show-img exit03>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo lte 3 and $time gte 720>><<show-img exit04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6 and $time gte 720>><<show-img exit05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 and $time gte 720>><<show-img exit06>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $time gte 720>>The door is open. Forward to freedom!<</if>>
<<if $time lte 719>>The fucking door is locked! And it looks like it's armored. It's unlikely that you'll be able to open it with a crowbar or even a shotgun. You'll have to wait until 12:00.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchexit == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Carefully inspect the door.|searchexit01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchexit == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Carefully inspect the door.|searchexit02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchexit == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Carefully inspect the door.|searchexit03]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Carefully inspect the door [the door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $time gte 720 and $player.bimbo lte 3>>[[Get out!|end11_01]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720 and $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>[[Get out.|end12_01]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720 and $player.bimbo gte 7>>[[Get out?|end13_01]]<</if>>
<<if $time lte 719>><span style="color: red;">The door is locked [opens at 12:00].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Back.|hall01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchhall01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchhall02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchhall03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent 10 minutes searching the hall. Nothing yet, but it was too early to despair. There must be something important here! <<nobr>><<if $time lte 179>>"Hey, Snowflake, did you find anything interesting?" Oprah asked you from the hall.<</if>><<if $time gte 300 and $time lte 419>>"If we try, we'll definitely find something useful!" Shi encouraged you as she searched the other side of the hall. <</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>> "I'm sure they haven't searched everything yet," Sophia said, searching the hall with you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchhall = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchhall04>>
You managed to tear off one floorboard. Underneath it was an old photograph, covered in dust. After wiping away the layer of dust, a pornographic photo opened up to your gaze. It seems that this was some time around the 70s?
"Vintage porn..." the maniac said thoughtfully through the speaker on the wall, and you even flinched in surprise. "I don't like hairy genitals, sorry."
<<set $searchhall = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchhall05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchhall06>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchhall07>><</if>><</nobr>>
Once again, you searched the hall and found nothing... wait, what is this? In a crack in the wall you found a very oddly shaped key, worn, with traces of rust. <<nobr>><<if $time lte 179>>"Hey, Snowflake, did you find the key? Now find the door it opens!" Oprah, who was in the hall, said rudely. <</if>><<if $time gte 300 and $time lte 419>>"Did you find the key? Check the doors! It should definitely fit one of the closed doors!" Shi was happy with your find. <</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>> "Wow, a key! It might come in handy!" Sophia rejoiced, searching the hall with you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchhall = 3>>
<<set $basementkey = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchhall08>>
It seems... you managed to rip off another floorboard! And under it was... another old photo! Was this house where vintage porn was filmed before? Then it's clear why there are all these iron doors here: so that the neighbors don't hear, and also so that the actresses don't run away...
"Whoredom, debauchery and... and pussies," the maniac sighed through the speaker, reading your thoughts.
<<set $searchhall = 4>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchhall09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchhall10>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchhall11>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent another 10 minutes and found... the meaning of life! Ah, I'm screwing you. You found some old rusty nails. They could probably be used as a weapon, but:
1. You're more likely to get tetanus from them.
2. There are much more suitable things scattered around here: sticks, iron rods, dirty boots.
3. Who to fight? The maniac doesn't want to go out and fight, she can only talk through screens and speakers. In short, after doing this mental analysis, you feel like...
Your thoughts are becoming clearer. It's weird. Perhaps, because your brain was actively thinking about rusty nails, your bimbofication slowed down a little. Or so it seemed to you... Who knows?
<<set $searchhall = 5>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchhall01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchhall02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchhall03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Another 10 minutes wasted. Admit it, are you the type of person who will knock on a closed door until it breaks? <<nobr>><<if $time lte 179>>"There's nothing here anymore, we've searched everything," Oprah spat angrily on the floor. <</if>><<if $time gte 300 and $time lte 419>>"It seems there's nothing here anymore, we need to move on," Shi reasonably concluded. <</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>> "Empty, nothing. We've already found everything useful," Sophia sighed sadly, searching the hall with you. <</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<silently>><<bimbogas>><<bimbogasevent>><<trials>><<trialsevent>><<end01>><</silently>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img diningroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img diningroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img diningroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A dining room with a large table and very tasty cakes on it. There are also beautiful and very old cabinets and chests of drawers. Real antiques! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>Currently in the dining room is [[Oprah.|oprah]]<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>Currently the dining room is being searched by [[Sophia.|sophia]]<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchdiningroom == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the dining room.|searchdiningroom01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchdiningroom == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the dining room.|searchdiningroom02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchdiningroom == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the dining room.|searchdiningroom05]]<</if>>
<<if $searchdiningroom == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the dining room.|searchdiningroom06]]<</if>>
<<if $searchdiningroom == 4 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the dining room.|searchdiningroom07]]<</if>>
<<if $searchdiningroom == 5 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the dining room.|searchdiningroom10]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the dining room [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $cupcaketrial == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Go to the cupcakes.|cupcaketrial01]]<</if>>
<<if $cupcaketrial == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Go to the cupcakes.|cupcaketrial03]]<</if>>
<<if $cupcaketrial == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Go to the cupcakes.|cupcaketrial05]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;">👁 Go to the cupcakes [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Back to the hall.|hall01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img guestroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img guestroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img guestroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A clean and cozy (relative to the rest of the house) room with an armchair and a large double bed. It seems that there are even clean sheets on it. You can rest a little. But only a little! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 240 and $time lte 419>>Currently [[Sophia|sophia]] is resting in the room.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>Currently [[Oprah|oprah]] is resting in the room.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[👁 Look in the mirror.|mirrorguestroom01]]
<<nobr>><<if $time lte 719>>[[Rest a little.|rest01]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;">Rest a little [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Go to the hall.|hall01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>><<silently>><<bimbogas>><<bimbogasevent>><<trials>><<trialsevent>><<end01>><</silently>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img basement01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img basement02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img basement03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A large basement with many boxes and barrels along the walls. Even plants somehow grow here! Oh, and there's also a fuck machine and some dildos scattered around...
<<nobr>><<if $sexmachine == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Approach the sex machine.|sexmachine01]]<</if>>
<<if $sexmachine == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Approach the sex machine.|sexmachine03]]<</if>>
<<if $sexmachine == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Approach the sex machine.|sexmachine05]]<</if>>
<<if $sexmachine == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Approach the sex machine.|sexmachine07]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;">👁 Approach the sex machine [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchbasement == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement03]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement08]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 4 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement09]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 5 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement12]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 6 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement13]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 7 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement14]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 8 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement15]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 9 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement18]]<</if>>
<<if $searchbasement == 10 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the basement.|searchbasement19]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the basement [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Go up to the hall.|hall01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img wardrobe01>>
A very spacious wardrobe in excellent condition with an incredible amount of pink things. Almost everything is pink here: dresses, T-shirts, skirts, shoes. Even the lighting is pink! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 120 and $time lte 239>>Currently in the wardrobe is [[Sophia.|sophia]]<</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>Currently in the wardrobe is [[Shi.|shi]]<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchwardrobe == 0 and $time lte 719>> [[👁 Search the wardrobe.|searchwardrobe01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchwardrobe == 1 and $time lte 719>> [[👁 Search the wardrobe.|searchwardrobe02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchwardrobe == 2 and $time lte 719>> [[👁 Search the wardrobe.|searchwardrobe03]]<</if>>
<<if $searchwardrobe == 3 and $time lte 719>> [[👁 Search the wardrobe.|searchwardrobe06]]<</if>>
<<if $searchwardrobe == 4 and $time lte 719>> [[👁 Search the wardrobe.|searchwardrobe07]]<</if>>
<<if $searchwardrobe == 5 and $time lte 719>> [[👁 Search the wardrobe.|searchwardrobe08]]<</if>>
<<if $searchwardrobe == 6 and $time lte 719>> [[👁 Search the wardrobe.|end08_01]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the wardrobe [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Back to the hall.|hall01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>><<silently>><<bimbogas>><<bimbogasevent>><<trials>><<trialsevent>><<end01>><</silently>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img fireplace01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img fireplace02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img fireplace03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A large room with a fireplace, lots of old sofas and a monitor screen on the wall showing porn. There is also a bar counter with numerous bottles of alcohol in the room. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>Currently in the room with the fireplace is [[Oprah.|oprah]]<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>Currently searching the room with the fireplace is [[Shi.|shi]]<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $searchfireplace == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the room with the fireplace.|searchfireplace01]]<</if>>
<<if $searchfireplace == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the room with the fireplace.|searchfireplace02]]<</if>>
<<if $searchfireplace == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the room with the fireplace.|searchfireplace05]]<</if>>
<<if $searchfireplace == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the room with the fireplace.|searchfireplace06]]<</if>>
<<if $searchfireplace == 4 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the room with the fireplace.|searchfireplace07]]<</if>>
<<if $searchfireplace == 5 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Search the room with fireplace.|searchfireplace08]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Search the room with fireplace [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $fireplaceporn == 0 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn01]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 1 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn02]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 2 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn03]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 3 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn04]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 4 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn05]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 5 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn06]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 6 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn07]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 7 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn08]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 8 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn09]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 9 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|fireplaceporn10]]<</if>>
<<if $fireplaceporn == 10 and $time lte 719>>[[👁 Watch porn.|end09_01]]<</if>>
<<if $time gte 720>><span style="color: red;"> 👁 Watch porn [the exit door opened, you need to run!].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Back to the hall.|hall01]]
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchexit01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchexit02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchexit03>><</if>><</nobr>>
For 10 minutes you examined the massive metal door, tugged at the handle, knocked on the hinges. By the look of it, this door could withstand a good explosion.
"$name, let me save you some time - you can't open this door," the psychopathic girl's voice came from the speaker mounted on the wall.
<<set $searchexit = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchexit01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchexit02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchexit03>><</if>><</nobr>>
And again, FOR SOME REASON, you decided to examine a heavy armored door. Are you going to write a dissertation on doors?
"$name, don't just stand there, go look for antidotes!" Shi shouted at you as she passed by. Apparently, everyone was concerned (or puzzled?) by your stupidity.
<<set $searchexit = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchexit01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchexit02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchexit03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Fuck, you won't find any shit here.
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end11_01>>
Bright rays of dawn hit your eyes...
You got out! You won! You completely retained your mind and your intellect. You outplayed the evil bitch.
Smiling, you enjoyed the fresh air. Taking all the girls, you first went to the hospital. More precisely, you wanted to find people so that they would call an ambulance and the police.
[[Next.|end11_02]]<<show-img ends\end12_01>>
Bright rays of dawn hit your eyes...
You got out! Finally, this nightmare is over! Although you have changed a little since you got here, although there are fewer logical thoughts in your head, you still outplayed the evil bitch.
Smiling, you enjoyed the fresh air and some lightness in your head. Taking all the girls, you first went to the hospital. More precisely, you wanted to find people so that they would call an ambulance and the police.
[[Next.|end12_02]]<<show-img ends\end13_01>>
Bright rays of dawn hit your eyes...
You got out! And... what next? Did you have to get out of the house? Yes, that's right, it was some kind of game and you won it. Probably...
You smiled stupidly and breathed in the fresh air, thoughts were completely absent in your head. Shi took all the girls, led them to residential buildings and asked people to call an ambulance. Wow, you'll get to ride in a car with flashing lights!
[[Next.|end13_02]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent ten minutes looking at the clothes and shoes. Everything is so... pink. And some people really do have such a wardrobe! Imagine: having only pink clothes… <<nobr>><<if $time gte 120 and $time lte 239>>"It's a nightmare, everything is so pink," Sophia, who was also rummaging through the wardrobe, read your thoughts.<</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>"We can't give up, we need to keep searching," Shi, who was also searching the wardrobe at the moment, said very optimistically.<</if>> <</nobr>>
<<set $searchwardrobe = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe06>><</if>><</nobr>>
While you were rummaging through this wardrobe, you had an irresistible desire to try on a couple of things. Which you did, actually. They're so pink. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 120 and $time lte 239>>"$name, don't you have anything better to do? Pull yourself together, we need to get out of here! You can do it, I believe in you!" said Sophia, who was also searching through the closet right now.<</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>"The bimbo gas must have gotten to you, $name," Shi shook her head disapprovingly.<</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Pink is clearly not your thing. Too bright and flashy.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>Pink looks good on you, doesn't it? Maybe you should wear it all the time now?<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>>Pink is definitely your color! You should wear it all the time!<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchwardrobe = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe07>>
When you opened one of the many shoe boxes, you noticed a small bottle glowing gray (gray!) with a note next to it:
"Hello, bitch! This is Antibimbon4000, my new advanced brain booster. When you opened the box, you triggered the self-destruct mechanism - in a minute, the capsule with the bimbo-liquid will open and neutralize the drug. Are you ready to trust me without hesitation and drink it right now or will you miss your chance? Make your choice!"
Trust and drink?
[[Trust and drink.|searchwardrobe04]]
<<nobr>>[[Do nothing.|searchwardrobe05]]
<<set $searchwardrobe = 3>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe10>>
You found very interesting shoes. Pink, with rhinestones, with high heels. You were fascinated by the way the stones sparkled. It's strange, you weren't interested in such things before (probably, you don't remember anything). You sat down on the nightstand and tried on these magical shoes. They fit perfectly! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 120 and $time lte 239>>"Hey, $name! You're doing the wrong thing! You should be fighting!" Sophia tried to bring you back to reality.<</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>"$name, how are you? You should be looking for antidotes, not shoes!" said Shi when she saw you trying on the shoes.<</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Your desire to wear such shoes scares you. It's probably time to leave the wardrobe before it's too late.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>What's so bad about liking shoes? Maybe now is not the best time, but later on you can!<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>> Oh, yes, now you will always wear such shoes. They are comfortable and beautiful! But in this house they can get dirty. Take them with you when the "game" is over!<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchwardrobe = 4>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe11>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe12>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe13>><</if>><</nobr>>
You found such a pretty outfit: a short see-through top and a little skirt. Of course, pink! You couldn't resist trying them on. Oh, how these clothes suit you!
You're just so pretty! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 120 and $time lte 239>>"$name, please come to your senses!" Sophia said desperately, shaking your shoulders. <</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>"You've become quite the bimbo, haven't you, $name?" Shi sighed heavily, looking at you. <</if>> <</nobr>>
It seems like your mind is slipping away from you. There are fewer thoughts... You need to leave the wardrobe immediately! Although is it necessary...?
<<set $searchwardrobe = 5>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Once again, you spent 10 minutes examining the clothes in your closet (and not searching for an antidote!). Well, that's probably your choice. After all, becoming a dumb bimbo cum hole is also a conscious human choice. And people must respect other people's choices. If this choice does not affect them personally...
<<set $searchwardrobe = 6>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end08_01>>
You were so carried away by trying on clothes in the wardrobe that you didn’t notice how this whole crazy “game” ended. Of course, you managed to get a shock dose of bimbo gas. It was hard for you to think, only simple thoughts were spinning in your head. And now these thoughts were like: “What a beautiful dress!”, “What shoes!”, “Oooh! The handbag is fire!”, “Wow, what bracelets, so shiny!” and so on.
You need to take all this with you! As a kind of prize. But… How to take all this? And where to go! You don’t remember where you used to live and what you did…
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchfireplace01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchfireplace02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchfireplace03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You started searching the room with the fireplace. There were probably a lot of interesting things hidden here, but so far you hadn't found anything. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Found what? Share it!" Oprah giggled.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Don't give up, keep searching," Shi encouraged you as you searched.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchfireplace = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchfireplace04>>
As soon as you started searching again, you noticed that one brick in the wall was loose. You took it out, and inside you found a blue-glowing syringe and a note: "Psst, bitch, what happens if you mix the antidote and the super-boob-enlarger? I don't know, I haven't tried it yet. Let's try it? But you have to inject it right into the boob. Deep into the boob. Make your choice!"
[[Inject experimental antidote!|searchfireplace03]]
<<nobr>>[[Put syringe down.|searchfireplace04]]
<<set $searchfireplace = 2>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchfireplace01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchfireplace02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchfireplace03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You've already found 1 antidote here (albeit along with the boob enhancer), but you still continue searching the room. The room is big, there are definitely a lot of things, secrets and surprises hidden here.<<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Fuck, what am I doing here?" Oprah sighed, searching the room with you.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Do you think there's anything interesting left here?" Shi asked, searching the room with you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchfireplace = 3>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchfireplace01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchfireplace02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchfireplace03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Another 10 minutes and still nothing. Maybe you should switch to searching other rooms? The house is big, there could be a lot of things in it.<<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"I haven't been able to find anything for 20 minutes..." Oprah sighed in disappointment.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"How are you doing? I don't think there's anything else here," Shi said sadly.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchfireplace = 4>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchfireplace01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchfireplace02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchfireplace03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Okay, now you definitely need to think about stopping looking at the walls, halves and sofas of the room with the fireplace, since there hasn't been anything valuable here for a long time.<<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Let me guess: you were just wasting your time too?" Oprah looked at you understandingly. Oprah! Understandingly!<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Eh..." was all that escaped Shi. Apparently, she can't find anything here either.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchfireplace = 5>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchfireplace01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchfireplace02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchfireplace03>><</if>><</nobr>>
And again you spent 10 minutes looking for something you don't know. But you didn't find it.
"$name, there's nothing else here. Honestly. Go look in the other rooms," the maniac girl's voice rang out through the speaker mounted on the wall.
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplaceporn01>>
On the monitor screen, a young blonde was being fucked in her tight pussy. She was smiling, her eyes were rolling back in pleasure, she was feeling incredibly good. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>“90% of porn actresses are white bitches. But the little mermaid is now ours, well, fucked up,” Oprah glanced at the screen.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>“Beautiful video, isn’t it?” She smiled at you, noticing that you were staring at the porn.<</if>><</nobr>>
"Nature created us to get maximum pleasure from the process of copulation," the maniac girl commented on what was happening on the screen through the speaker mounted on the wall. "Otherwise, the human species would have died out long ago. You don't want us to die out, do you? Then you need to fuck. Combine business with pleasure."
<<set $fireplaceporn = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplaceporn02>>
This time, there was a girl with a dick in her mouth on the monitor screen. She skillfully pleased her partner, licked the head of his cock, played with it with her tongue, ran her lips over it... <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Suck-suck, white bitch. Know your place," Oprah chuckled when she looked at the screen.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Wow, she sucks good. Would you like to suck a dick now too, perhaps?" Shi winked at you.<</if>><</nobr>>
"People learned to please each other orally long before the wheel was invented," the psycho bitch commented on the video. "It's natural for us to please our partner in such a simple way, there's nothing humiliating about it. On the contrary, a girl who has a dick in her mouth completely controls the pleasure and fate of a man…”
<<set $fireplaceporn = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplaceporn03>>
The girl on the monitor received a portion of sperm on her young and beautiful face. She posed like this for the camera, then slowly began to send sperm into her greedy mouth, savoring every drop. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"White bitch in white cum," Oprah smirked again.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Wow, so much sperm!" Shi giggled, assessing the picture on the monitor.<</if>><</nobr>>
"Sperm is not only procreation, but also a few grams of delicious dietary yogurt!" the maniac laughed through the loudspeakers.
<<set $fireplaceporn = 3>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<show-img fireplaceporn04>>
Suddenly, your kidnapper appeared on the screen instead of porn. And she had her breasts exposed. You even flinched in surprise.
"Congratulations, $name, you passed the trial!" she clapped theatrically. "What trial? You should have found the note stuck to the back of the monitor! Then you would have known that the first of you to spend 30 minutes watching porn would get a dose of the antidote. You lazy and inattentive cunts..."
You flinched again, this time because you were pricked by a syringe that came out of the couch. Here, the antidote is obtained... <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>> "You're lucky, bitch," Oprah sighed heavily.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Wow, congratulations on the antidote!" Shi said sincerely.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $fireplaceporn = 4>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplaceporn05>>
On the monitor screen, a strong man was pounding a fragile and tender blonde in the ass with all his might. She was screaming, squealing, but at the same time it was obvious that she liked what was happening, that she was getting real pleasure from it. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"$name, I bet you were also fucked in the ass before you got here," Oprah made a sarcastic comment.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Wow, even my cheeks turned red!" laughed Shi, who was also looking at the monitor at the moment.<</if>><</nobr>>
"Boys like to fuck girls in the ass," the maniac could not resist commenting again. "That's how boys feel their power, and it's also harder to get pregnant from the anal, ahaha!"
<<set $fireplaceporn = 5>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif fireplaceporn06>>
You were watching porn on the monitor again and, without noticing it, your hand started stroking your pussy through your panties. It felt so good, so arousing. And it was kind of hot in here, so you let your tits out to get some fresh air… <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Hey, $name, I'm actually here! White bitches are going nuts," Oprah shook her head disapprovingly, noticing what you were doing.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Maybe I should join in too?" She winked at you.<</if>><</nobr>>
"$name, masturbating while high on bimbo gas might not be entirely safe, but that's up to you, of course," the maniac who had kidnapped you commented on your actions. And she may be right, because right now you have some strange lightness in your head...
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $fireplaceporn = 6>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplaceporn07>>
On the screen, two blondes were pleasing one man in every possible way. First, they sucked his cock together, then they took turns putting their holes under it. But they didn’t forget about themselves: they caressed each other, kissed passionately and licked wet pussies… <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>“You want to be the third one, right?” Oprah sneered contemptuously. As always, though.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>“Oh, I might join them,” Shi giggled stupidly.<</if>><</nobr>>
“Girls should help each other!” In a cheerful voice, the maniac girl pronounced the truism. “I wouldn’t refuse to help them. And you?”
<<set $fireplaceporn = 7>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplaceporn08>>
This time the petite white girl was with a huge black man. In every sense of the word, huge. His dick was the size of her hand! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Now that's a real man," Oprah said approvingly. <</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Wow! That's huge!" Shi playfully bit her lower lip. <</if>><</nobr>>
"$name, have you ever tried a big black dick? Oh yeah, I just erased your fucking memory..." the psychopath sighed. "Well, you should definitely try it when the game is over. You'll like it!"
<<set $fireplaceporn = 8>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif fireplaceporn09>>
All that porn on the screen had you really turned on. Your panties were already squelching so much that you took them off. Freedom for your pussy!
And you started stroking your pearl. Pleasure for your pussy! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"$name, isn't anything bothering you? Your brain must have completely melted, you poor bitch..." Oprah sighed, watching you masturbate.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Mmm, you're so naughty!" Shi laughed, looking at you.<</if>><</nobr>>
"Uh, $name, you should probably stop watching porn. There will be no more antidotes for watching it, but your mind may not be able to handle it,” the criminal girl said with slight concern. What did she say about the mind? You didn't hear correctly. Your head is so calm and pleasant now…
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $fireplaceporn = 9>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplaceporn10>>
On the screen, one girl was servicing men. Many men. A lot of men. She doesn't have as many holes as there are men there.
At first, she worked with her hands and mouth, the men approached her one by one. She looked so happy, so peaceful, as if she had found her purpose in life... <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Another white bitch has found her purpose in life," Oprah giggled, reading your thoughts.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Oh, so much attention, and all to her," Shi giggled, looking at the screen.<</if>><</nobr>>
"Some girls like to service many men at once," the maniac commented on what was happening on the screen. "Imagine how much good she brings to this world? How many people she makes happy? Do you want to be like her?"
<<set $fireplaceporn = 10>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\end09_01>>
You were so engrossed in watching porn on the screen that you completely forgot about time, about antidotes and about some kind of game. You were attracted by lustful girls and their blissful smiles, as well as strong boys and their beautiful strong cocks.
You openly and without embarrassment caressed yourself, had crazy orgasms, rested for 5-10 minutes, and continued to play with your pussy. You did not notice your "sisters in misfortune", did not pay attention to the comments of the maniac, you did not even notice how the doors of the house opened...
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You began searching the dining room. The cupcakes on the table were a distraction, but your resolve was not to be broken! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>"That crazy white bitch could have left us more food," Oprah fumed as she searched the room as well.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"I'm sure there's more to this place than just food," Sophia said as she searched the room with you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchdiningroom = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom06>><</if>><</nobr>>
You found a fresh red apple in the cabinet. It's strange that there's no note from a maniac or anything like that nearby. Is this apple poisoned? Does it contain an antidote? Or is it just an apple to have a snack. And you wouldn't mind just having a snack...
[[Eat an apple!|searchdiningroom03]]
<<nobr>>[[Put the apple back in place.|searchdiningroom04]]
<<set $searchdiningroom = 2>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You searched the dining room for the next ten minutes and found nothing. There was a suspicious spice jar, you shook it out, but all that was inside were strong-smelling herbs from India. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>"Fuck, that smells like crap," Oprah looked at you with a displeased look. <</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"We could make something tasty, but unfortunately we don't have time for that," Sophia commented. <</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchdiningroom = 3>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Another 10 minutes of searching, more spices. It seems like you emptied half the jars, the room smelled like you were in India. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>"You could at least open the window. Haha, just kidding, bitch," Oprah pretended to laugh, but in the end she still ended up with a displeased face.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"My stomach is growling..." Sophia sighed sadly.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $searchdiningroom = 4>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom11>>
In one of the spice jars, you still managed to find a small container. Opening it, you found a green pill and a note: <i>"This is an antidote. No traps. Earned it for your searching skills, bitch."</i>
Can you trust this note? Or is this some kind of tricky trap again?
[[Use the pill.|searchdiningroom08]]
<<nobr>>[[Put the pill on the table.|searchdiningroom09]]
<<set $searchdiningroom = 5>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom03>><</if>><</nobr>>
It seems you've already searched the entire dining room. There's nothing more to search here. Although you can continue to enjoy the smell of the Indian spices you shook out of the jars...
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img cupcaketrial01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img cupcaketrial02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img cupcaketrial03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You've walked over to the beautiful cupcakes that are almost glowing pink! Or maybe they really do glow. Next to them was a note: <i>"Hey, bitch! Did you know that wide hips on a girl biologically signal to men that she is healthy and has high reproductive capacity? The cupcake in front of you contains an antidote, as well as my new revolutionary invention - an Assopin. So you win either way. But be careful! No more than one cupcake per girl, or you'll fucking overdose!"</i>
[[Eat a cupcake.|cupcaketrial02]]
[[Move away.|diningroom01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img cupcaketrial01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img cupcaketrial02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img cupcaketrial03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You went back to the beautiful cupcakes. So delicious, so tempting, so pink...
"Uh, $name, you read the warning, right?" the slightly agitated voice of the maniac rang out. "One cupcake for each! Not because I'm greedy, but because you'll fucking overdose!"
Yes, yes, an overdose. But the cupcakes are so magnificent... <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>"Do you want an ass like an African woman's?" Oprah smirked.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"You should be more careful with those cupcakes, they're dangerous!" Sophia warned you.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Eat another cupcake.|cupcaketrial04]]
[[Move away.|diningroom01]]
\<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img cupcaketrial01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img cupcaketrial02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img cupcaketrial03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Unable to resist, you hurried to the plate of cupcakes. The most delicious cupcakes on the planet! So tempting, so delicious, so magnificent…
“$name, I probably shouldn’t have added my drugs to such delicious cupcakes, I apologize,” the worried voice of the maniac girl rang out. “But you need to step away from this plate. Fight the desire! You will win!”
Mmm, cupcakes…
[[Pounce on the cupcakes!|end10_01]]
[[Step away.|diningroom01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img mirror03>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img mirror04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img mirror05>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Intelligence: above average.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>Intelligence: below average.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >>Intelligence: low.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>Hair: brunette.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>>Hair: blonde.<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >>Hair: blonde.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.lips == 0>>Lips: you have some kind of narrow strip on your face instead of normal lips.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 1>>Lips: you have small, expressionless lips.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 2>>Lips: average - not great, not terrible.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 3>> Lips: you have big lips; they immediately let men know that you like to suck.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 4>>Lips: you have incredible inhuman lips. Give the duck her beak back, bitch!<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.tits == 0>>Chest: you have micro-boobs, that's what microscopes were invented for.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 1>>Chest: you have small and sexy breasts.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 2>>Chest: you have awesome and hot tits.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 3>>Chest: you have huge melons.<</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 4>>Chest: you have huge udder; fuck, are you a girl or a cow?
<<nobr>><<if $player.ass == 0>>Ass: you have a mini butt, it could use some fat.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 1>>Ass: you have a normal average butt.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 2>>Ass: your big butt attracts a lot of attention.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 3>>Ass: you have a huge butt, the kind that usually get stuck in washing machines.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 4>>Ass: you have a huge grotesque butt, don't get stuck in a doorway.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.vag == 0>>Vagina: you have a virgin hole between your legs.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 1>>Vagina: you have a tight pussy between your legs.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 2>>Vagina: you have a slightly fucked vulva between your legs.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 3>>Vagina: you have a fucked up leaking vagina.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 4>>Vagina: you have a huge disgusting fucked up cunt with fleshy labia.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.hand == 0>>Hands: your hands and nails are unkempt. Do you work in a mine or something like that?<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 1>>Hands: your hands are rough and your nails are unpainted.<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 2>>Hands: you have normal hands and well-groomed nails.<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 3>>Hands: you have delicate hands and long painted nails.<</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 4>>Hands: you have delicate hands and incredibly long painted nails with rhinestones; you can't do anything with your hands normally.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img rest01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img rest02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img rest03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You lay down on the bed for a while, your legs need a rest, as does your whole body. And your mind too. Too much stress, too much tension. Now you will gather your strength and join the fight again... <<nobr>><<if $time gte 240 and $time lte 419>> "I'm very tired, but I need to continue. Just a little rest..." yawned Sophia.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>> "Oh, how tired I am of everything," Oprah sighed heavily.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $time += 29>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img sexmachine01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img sexmachine02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img sexmachine03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Sex machine. What else can I say? Dildos, a motor and all these technical things. And there is a note attached to it:
<i>“Hello, bitch! The artificial penises in front of you are lubricated with an antidote, but there is a nuance - this type of antidote is absorbed only through the inner walls of the vagina with abundant lubrication (that is, with direct penetration, you can’t lubricate your finger). In addition to the antidote, Vagino-Elastin is applied to the dildo - I initially developed this product to ease childbirth. But, as it turned out, it wears out the female genitals too much. Are you ready to sacrifice your pussy to save your sanity? Make your choice!"</i>
Shit, this crazy bitch’s imagination is completely fucked up.
What are you watching? Decide now!
[[Use sex machine.|sexmachine02]]
[[Back.|basement01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img sexmachine01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img sexmachine02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img sexmachine03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Sex machine. The same sex machine that gave you such a nice feeling not long ago.
"Whoa-whoa-whoa, easy, $name!" the maniac spoke through the speaker on the wall. "There are very strong chemicals in there, they can cause addiction... or other side effects."
That's true, but there's an unused dildo here, which also has an antidote...
[[Use the sex machine again.|sexmachine04]]
[[Back.|basement01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img sexmachine01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img sexmachine02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img sexmachine03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Yes, this is the sex machine.
"$name!" the psychopath exclaimed. "There's no more antidote on the dildo! Stop!"
Maybe not, but you noticed one nice attachment on the sex machine - a big black dildo. Maybe it has an antidote?
[[Use sex machine with black dildo!|sexmachine06]]
[[Back.|basement01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img sexmachine01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img sexmachine02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img sexmachine03>><</if>><</nobr>>
A sex machine fucked to death.
"$name, you are a cold-blooded, heartless killer," the psycho bitch said disapprovingly.
[[Back.|basement01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement03>><</if>><</nobr>>
It was hard to decide where to start searching in such a large basement. First you opened the barrels, but they contained some chemicals. Maybe if you poured them out, there would be something useful at the bottom. But you didn't want to cause an apocalypse. For now...
<<set $searchbasement = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement06>><</if>><</nobr>>
Searching through the many drawers, you found a box. It looked nice, but you couldn't figure out how to open it. On one side you saw a small inscription scratched with a nail: <i>"Dickraiser"</i>.
"Some old useless crap," you thought, shrugged and threw the box away.
<<set $searchbasement = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchbasement07>>
During another search, you found a small box with an orange pill and a note:
<i>"Hey, bitch. How are you? Fuck it, don’t answer. Here’s a pill that will increase the effects of bimbo gas if you take it. Why do you need this, you wonder? While you were unconscious, I placed remotely activated antidote capsules in your stomachs. Don’t worry, if you don’t use them, they’ll come out on their own. Now, these capsules contain a shock dose of the antidote. And if you take the orange capsule, you can help another participant. Just say her nickname out loud. On the other hand, you don’t have to sacrifice yourself for someone else. Make your choice."</i>
[[Help Sophia.|searchbasement04]]
[[Help Oprah.|searchbasement05]]
[[Help Shi.|searchbasement06]]
<<nobr>>[[Refuse to sacrifice yourself.|searchbasement07]]
<<set $searchbasement = 3>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement12>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement13>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement14>><</if>><</nobr>>
Continuing to search the basement, you found a paper letter that had fallen between two drawers. It was a romantic letter, judging by the heart on it.
"Fuck..." the maniac's desperate voice rang out.
Okay, now you're especially interested. You opened the letter and started reading:
<i>"Purrr! My kitty, I respect your courage and your desire to be in the thick of things, to be on the tip of the spear. You are the bravest and most determined person I know. Sorry for my hysteria yesterday, I'm just really worried about you. But I'm sure that together we can handle everything. You are my heart and my soul. Kiss you tenderly.</i>
You didn't understand anything. Judging by the maniac's reaction, this could be her letter. And if so, who is it intended for? One of you? Does the psychopath have an accomplice? If so, then... is it one of you? Or is there no accomplice here? Or did the bitch react not to your discovery, but to something else happening in the house? There are more questions than answers...
<<set $searchbasement = 4>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchbasement15>>
When you opened the next box, red pollen from it got into your eyes. At first you coughed, and then you felt warmth all over your body, your cheeks filled with blood, as did some other parts of your body...
"Oh-oh! It seems you inhaled Arousaldin - not my most successful drug, to be honest, it hasn't even gone into mass production," the voice of the cunt that kidnapped you was heard. "Arousaldin really arouses, but it has a serious side effect - if you don't relieve tension, it will not be eliminated from the body and will get into the brain. In short, you will go a little stupid if you don't at least jerk off. Make your choice!"
What a scumbag! But do you have a choice? However, there is always a choice, even if it is a shitty one...
[[Give in to desire!|searchbasement10]]
<<nobr>>[[Be patient!|searchbasement11]]
<<set $searchbasement = 5>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You found... well, you didn’t find shit. Did you think you'd find something useful or interesting here every time? And here's a hole from ass as a gift for you, you fucking cunt...
<<set $searchbasement = 6>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<show-img search\searchbasement19>>
There's a photo of a girl with a strap-on and an incredibly familiar face behind the boxes. Is it Shi? It's Shi! Guaranteed, it's her. On the other hand, you wouldn't be surprised if you found a photo of yourself with a strap-on here. No one remembers anything! And the photo doesn't say anything at all.
Although Shi is a beauty here, of course...
<<set $searchbasement = 7>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You didn't find anything interesting again, loser. Maybe it's time to give up? Maybe it's time to do something else? Something useful, for example?
<<set $searchbasement = 8>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You didn't find anything. More precisely, you've already found a lot of things here, but not in this approach. It seems there's nothing more useful here.
“No fish here!” the maniac laughed, but you didn't get the joke...
<<set $searchbasement = 10>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement03>><</if>><</nobr>>
That's it. You've searched everything here. You're just wasting your time.
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img bottle02>>
<<nobr>><<if $bottlesuck == 0>>For some reason, you licked the neck of the bottle, played with it with your tongue, then took it in your mouth and greedily began to suck, as if you had a strong man's dick in your mouth.<</if>>
<<if $bottlesuck == 1>> For some reason, you licked the neck of the bottle AGAIN, played with it with your tongue, then took it in your mouth and greedily began to suck, as if you had a strong man's dick in your mouth.<</if>><</nobr>>
"Oh, you perverted bottle-sucker!" the maniac laughed through the speaker.
You didn't care about her comment, you just wanted to suck the bottle, imagining something completely different in its place. You swallowed as deeply as you could. What a mouth you have, indeed!
However, after a couple of minutes of this action, you came to your senses and put the bottle back.
<<set $bottlesuck = 1>>
<<set $time += 2>><</nobr>>
<<show-img bottle03>>
<<nobr>><<if $bottlefuck == 0>>Unable to contain your lust, you take off your clothes, sit over the bottle and press its neck to your vagina.<</if>>
<<if $bottlefuck == 1>>Unable to contain your lust, you take off your clothes AGAIN, sit over the bottle and press its neck to your vagina.<</if>><</nobr>>
"Ahaha! What a slutty, horny little hole you are!" a shrill laugh came from the speaker on the wall.
<<nobr>><<if $player.vag == 0>>And then the bottle entered your virgin hole (once virgin). You deflowered yourself with a bottle! You're a fucking idiot!<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 1>>And then the bottle entered your very tight hole.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 2>>And then the bottle entered your hole.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 3>>And then the bottle entered your developed hole.<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 4>>And then the bottle entered your torn hole. You barely feel the bottle! It's like it's dangling in a bucket!<</if>><</nobr>>
You start moving on the bottle. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. What a wonderful sensation! It's like you're flying in the sky! You could stay here forever. Living with this bottle, taking care of it, marrying it...
With these strange and absurd thoughts, the muscles of your vagina began to contract. You came, riding the bottle. Fuck, what a thrill...
After catching your breath, you got up from the bottle, shook yourself off and got dressed.
<<set $bottlefuck = 1>>
<<if $player.vag == 0>><<set $player.vag = 1>><</if>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif syringetrial02>>
You called all the girls. Sophia, Oprah and Shi answered your call. Apparently, Helga had completely given up. You briefly outlined the situation.
"Easy. Everyone takes off their clothes, gives them to one. She wraps the limbs, jumps down and rakes out the syringes. She'll also put someone's shoe on her hand..." Sophia instantly came up with a plan for victory. It was not for nothing that you called everyone.
"A piece of cake, I'll do it," brave Oprah shrugged.
"Then we'll take off our clothes," Shi winked at you and began to undress. You also began to take off your clothes.
[[Next.|syringetrial03]]<<show-gif ends\end06_01>>
You jump into the pit and start rummaging through the used syringes with the remains of the glowing pink substance. First carefully, and then more and more assertively, boldly and furiously. You need these antidotes!
Ouch! You injected yourself! But that won't stop you.
"Eh, $name, you should be more careful," the confused voice of the maniac came from the speaker. "You can move the syringes with your foot, or cover your hands with something... Shit, these syringes contain dangerous substances, you fucking idiot!"
But you didn't hear her anymore. Like a madwoman, you rummaged through the syringes, injected yourself with them, rummaged again...
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<show-img syringetrial03>>
"Stupid test," Oprah said, putting on her protective gear and jumping into the pit. "Listen, bitch, you're stupid!"
The psychopath held back and said nothing. The black girl acted carefully, but soon she pulled out the first syringe, emitting a dim green glow. In movies, such a light usually means either poison or radiation...
Then another syringe followed. Then two at once. And finally, the last one. The entire operation took no more than 5 minutes.
[[Next.|syringetrial04]]<<show-gif syringetrial04>>
"I climbed into the pit, I'm taking two syringes. Any objections?" Oprah asked in a tone that did not tolerate objections when she got to the top.
"Well, actually, I came up with the plan, and Helga is here too..." Sophia tried to object, but Oprah immediately slapped her.
Maybe it's time to put this arrogant bitch in her place? On the other hand, she might win...
[[Separate peacefully.|syringetrial05]]
[[Put Oprah in her place!|end07_01]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img syringetrial05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-img syringetrial06>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Girls, girls, no need to fight!" Shi intervened in the conflict. "Oprah, you jumped into the pit, take two syringes. It's completely fair."
"That's what I'm talking about," the black girl chuckled, picking up two syringes.
Everyone else took one and helped give each other injections. Well, the trial was passed as well as possible. Your chances of winning have increased...
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 2>>
<<set $sophia.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 1>>
<<set $syringetrial = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img ends\end07_01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-img ends\end07_02>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Stop, Oprah, this is going too far..." you didn't have time to finish your sentence before you got a punch in the face. You fell to the floor, not thinking clearly.
"You know, white bitch, I'm going to take your antidote too," you felt the black woman sit on you. "I'm going to take all your antidotes! Now give them to me quickly!"
No one argued with her. Although, perhaps, if everyone had pounced on her together, you could have won. You just didn't dare. Pathetic pissers...
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<show-gif cupcaketrial04>>
You licked your lips hungrily and pounced on one of the cupcakes like a predator. Mmm, so delicious! Very, very, very delicious! A masterpiece of culinary art. As soon as you finished the cupcake and licked your fingers, your butt began to shake involuntarily.
<<nobr>><<if $player.ass lte 1>>"Your hips are too narrow. They were. Now they will be better and more seductive," a sudden comment was heard from the speaker. <</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 2>>"Your hips are not bad, but now they will be even better. You will become the main heartbreaker!" a sudden comment was heard from the speaker. <</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 3>>"Now you will have the biggest ass in the area. All the men will turn around!" a sudden and delighted comment came from the speaker. <</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 4>>“Oh, what a pity that my product can’t make your ass even bigger. It will shake and pass...” came a sudden and disappointed comment from the speaker. <</if>><</nobr>>
Soon your ass stopped shaking. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>"White people's asses are too small anyway," Oprah commented on the event.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"You'll be beautiful with any ass," Sophia encouraged you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>>
<<set $cupcaketrial = 1>>
<<if $player.ass lte 3>><<set $player.ass += 1>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<show-gif cupcaketrial05>>
You couldn't resist and pounced on another cupcake. The smallest one! You're just REALLY hungry...
And again, as soon as you finished devouring this culinary masterpiece, your ass involuntarily shook. Much stronger this time!
<<nobr>><<if $player.ass lte 1>>"Your hips were too narrow, how did you even live with them?" the psycho girl commented from the speaker.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 2>>"Congratulations on your new ass. The men will be delighted!" the psycho girl commented from the speaker.<</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 3>>"Now you can even win a prize for a huge ass in Brazil. And there is very high competition there..." the psycho girl's enthusiastic comment was heard from the speaker. <</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 4>>"Oh, it's a shame that your ass has nowhere to grow. It'll shake and pass..." the psychopathic girl's comment was heard from the speaker. <</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>>
<<set $cupcaketrial = 2>>
<<if $player.ass lte 3>><<set $player.ass += 1>><</if>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\end10_01>>
Unable to resist the overwhelming desire, paying no attention to anything, you pounced on the remaining cupcakes. And not just one (the smallest one, yeah), but all at once. You ate and ate, your body shaking, especially your ass, which had become truly enormous. However, since it had nowhere else to grow, everything went to other parts of your body: your chest, legs, arms, stomach. You were getting fat right before our eyes…
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-gif sexmachine04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-gif sexmachine05>><</if>><</nobr>>
You decided that you needed an antidote now (apparently, you decided so, because otherwise it turns out that you just decided to fuck a sex machine).
Having pressed the "ON" button, you settled in more comfortably, getting closer and closer to this hellish device. Now it hits your vagina, goes up, goes over your clitoris... Everything turned you on a little, of course. And... A dildo inside!
<<nobr>><<if $player.vag == 0>>The sex machine took your virginity! You are a completely crazy lustful animal. <</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 1>>The sex machine entered your tight pussy. Oh, what interesting sensations. <</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 2>>The sex machine entered your pussy. Oh, what an interesting sensation. <</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 3>>The sex machine entered your fucked-up vagina. Oh, what a pleasant sensation. <</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 4>>The sex machine entered your huge fucked-up cunt. You practically didn’t feel it! <</if>><</nobr>>
You started playing with yourself with your fingers to get even more pleasant sensations. After all, the note said that you needed lube. And what lube without arousal and pleasure?
A few minutes later, a loud moan escaped your lips. You don’t know if it was the substances applied to the dildo or your lust, but you madly liked everything that was happening! Soon you began to cum on the inanimate machine, which did not stop the process for a second, maintaining a perfect rhythm.
After catching your breath, you got dressed and dusted yourself off. Well, that was interesting.
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $sexmachine = 1>>
<<set $time += 9>>
<<if $player.vag lte 3>><<set $player.vag += 1>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-gif sexmachine06>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-gif sexmachine07>><</if>><</nobr>>
You decided that another antidote wouldn't hurt you now (apparently, you decided so, because otherwise it turns out that you just wanted to fuck the sex machine AGAIN, you crazy nymphomaniac).
Pressing the "ON" button again, you took a comfortable place. And, as before, you got closer and closer to your goal (the antidote). And... Dildo inside!
<<nobr>><<if $player.vag == 1>>The sex machine entered your tight pussy again. Oh, how good it feels! <</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 2>>The sex machine entered your pussy again. Oh, how good it feels! <</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 3>>The sex machine entered your used vagina again. You definitely need a bigger dildo!<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 4>>The sex machine entered your huge fucked-up cunt again. What a pity that the dildo is so small! <</if>><</nobr>>
You started masturbating to enhance the pleasant sensations. One dick is good, but a dick and fingers are even better!
And again you couldn’t hold back your moans. More precisely, at first they were moans, and then it was more like screams. As if a crowd of blacks were fucking you. You gave in to the robot and…
Your body trembled, and your vagina began to descend both inside and outside. It seemed like you had two orgasms at once: vaginal and clitoral. Indescribable feelings of real euphoria…
You got dressed and shook yourself off, as if nothing had happened. Finally, you stroked the dildo with your palm and kissed it.
It's strange, but it seems that you are having a harder time thinking now.
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>>
<<set $sexmachine = 2>>
<<if $player.vag lte 3>><<set $player.vag += 1>><</if>><</nobr>><<show-gif sexmachine08>>
You took off the small white dildo and attached a large black one to the sex machine, which was standing right next to it. There can't be no antidote on it!
You pressed the "ON" button and selected the maximum speed! The more lube - the more antidote, right? Maybe not, but... Dildo inside!
<<nobr>><<if $player.vag == 2>>A giant black dildo burst into your pussy at great speed. It is quite painful, but very pleasant!<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 3>>A giant black dildo burst into your used vagina at great speed. It hurts just a little, but it feels so good!<</if>>
<<if $player.vag == 4>>A giant black dildo burst into your torn cunt at great speed. There was no pain at all, just a big, black thrill!<</if>><</nobr>>
Your fingers caressed your clitoris as if some demon had possessed them. You squealed, screamed, and soon began to cum violently...
Then again...
And one more time...
You were all sweaty, tired, but you didn't want to leave the sex machine. However, you soon smelled something burning, you noticed smoke coming from your "lover", who immediately stopped.
You fucked the fuck machine to death!
With a disappointed sigh, you stood up, got dressed, and dusted yourself off.
Sleep well, dear friend...
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $sexmachine = 3>>
<<set $time += 29>>
<<if $player.vag lte 3>><<set $player.vag += 1>><</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-gif gloryhole04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-gif gloryhole05>><</if>><</nobr>>
You pressed the lever, a small window in the wall opened, and a strong male dick immediately stuck through it. You, as the bitch-kidnapper warned, were unable to resist the desire. Your unbearable lust (and bimbo gas, of course, yeah) made your knees buckle. And now you are already on your knees with a dick in your mouth. Greedily sucking it, savoring every movement and every moment. Saliva drips from your mouth onto the floor.
<<nobr>><<if $player.lips lte 1>>"You have terrible lips for sucking. Disgusting. You just need bigger lips," a sudden comment came from the speaker. <</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 2>>"You suck well, but just imagine how you can give a blowjob with even bigger lips?" a sudden comment came from the speaker.<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 3>>"Wow! With lips like those, you can only suck! Tell me, are you grateful to me?" a sudden comment came from the speaker. <</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 4>>"This is the most beautiful blowjob I've ever seen. And all thanks to your huge lips, given to you by me. Where's the gratitude, cocksucker?" a sudden comment came from the speaker. <</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-gif gloryhole06>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-gif gloryhole07>><</if>><</nobr>>
You jerked off his cock with your mouth like crazy, as if a succubus (or suckubus) had possessed you. You moved your head, your lips, helped with your hand. You need to get the antidote! By any means necessary...
Under your pressure, the man couldn't stand it and shot sperm from his dick into you. You collected all the drops of the "antidote" in your mouth, without spilling a single one, and then greedily swallowed it all. Yummy!
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img gloryhole08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img gloryhole09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img gloryhole10>><</if>><</nobr>>
At first, you only felt the wonderful, delicious taste of sperm, its pleasant consistency... But then your mouth burned strongly, then your lips "burned up" too. You involuntarily grabbed your face.
<<nobr>><<if $player.lips lte 3>>"Well, well, well, a side effect, apparently. I forgot to warn you that this type of antidote can make your lips bigger. Don't worry, it's even better for you," the maniac girl explained. Thanks for warning me, bitch!<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 4>>"Well, well, well, a side effect, apparently. I forgot to warn you that this type of antidote can make your lips bigger. But your lips have nowhere else to grow. So it will burn a little now, and then it will go away, don't worry," the maniac girl explained. Thanks for the warning, bitch!<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 4>>
<<if $player.lips lte 3>><<set $player.lips += 1>><</if>>
<<set $gloryhole = 1>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-gif gloryhole11>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-gif gloryhole12>><</if>><</nobr>>
You pressed the lever again, and again a strong cock appeared from behind the opened window. The cock instantly appeared in your greedy mouth. If there was a world championship in kneeling before a cock, you would take first place. But it's all bimbo gas, it's not your fault and not the fault of your lustful wet pussy. Very wet! You feel how your female juices flow down your thighs, and the muscles of your vagina contract lustfully, wanting a powerful and wild fuck.
"You don't listen to advice at all, do you?" the voice of the kidnapper girl sighed heavily. "You know, great, being a bimbo is just your destiny!"
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-gif gloryhole13>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-gif gloryhole14>><</if>><</nobr>>
It wasn't long before the cock shot its healing and delicious sperm into you again. And you know how to get cum, slut!
You greedily milked the cock dry, collected every last drop and swallowed it with great pleasure. All for the antidote, of course.
"Ever thought about working in a gloryhole?" the invisible interlocutor asked mockingly. "Hmm... I wonder if such a job actually exists? Or is it all myths from porn movies and porn games...?"
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img gloryhole15>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img gloryhole16>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img gloryhole17>><</if>><</nobr>>
Once again, just like the first time, you felt a strong heat in your mouth and on your lips. But this time the heat didn't scare you, rather the opposite, it beckoned and excited you...
<<nobr>><<if $player.lips lte 3>>"If you wanted to enlarge your lips, AGAIN, you could have just asked me, and not risk an overdose..." a familiar voice said coldly. "Stop! My devices are recording something strange: an additional dose of the antidote has appeared in your blood, but the sex-zombie-drug has had a negative effect on the cerebral cortex! However, why am I worried, it's your brain..."<</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 4>>"Your lips have nowhere else to enlarge, so it will tingle a little and go away..." a familiar voice said coldly. "Stop! My devices are recording something strange: an additional dose of the antidote has appeared in your blood, but the sex-zombie-drug has had a negative effect on the cerebral cortex! However, why am I worried, it's your brain..."<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 4>>
<<set $gloryhole = 2>>
<<if $player.lips lte 3>><<set $player.lips += 1>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<show-gif ends\end04_01>>
The next thing you remember is a dick in front of your face, a dick in your mouth, sperm, a dick in front of your face again, a dick in your mouth, sperm...
You stopped analyzing what was happening, thinking about the meaning of life and high matter, you now obey the most basic instinct. And, as we know, the sucking reflex is an innate reflex in humans.
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchlibrary09>>
"Sophia, I think this is for you," you handed the girl a pink-glowing vial and a note.
"Thank you, you're very kind, $name," Sophia smiled, reading the note. "Well, let's rock."
The girl emptied the bottle in one gulp.
"I think my thoughts have become a little clearer. In any case, I haven't gotten any worse. Thanks again, $name! You're awesome!" Sophia showered you with compliments.
And you went back to the shelf where you found the vial.
<<set $sophia.antidote += 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchlibrary10>>
You decided to take a risk and emptied the vial of pink liquid in one gulp. A feeling of lightness immediately spread throughout your entire body, and all your thoughts evaporated, leaving your mind completely empty.
It seems that this antidote was intended for Sophia, but now you don’t care, now you feel so good and calm, and in your head it’s so blissfully quiet…
<<if $player.bimbo lte 8>><<set $player.bimbo += 2>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo == 9>><<set $player.bimbo += 1>><</if>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchlibrary11>>
You decide to pour out this pink liquid. You can't trust a crazy maniac! This is definitely a trap! And if you leave this liquid, other girls might fall into the trap. Better safe than sorry, as they say...
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img secrethatch04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img secrethatch05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img secrethatch06>><</if>><</nobr>>
As soon as you grabbed the hatch handle, the maniac's voice immediately came from the speakers: "Stop, $name! It's against the rules! Don't open that hatch!"
It's afraid...
Although not right away, you managed to lift the hatch cover and then open it. You went down the narrow stairs and found yourself in a low room with very unpleasant damp air and a rotten smell. But there was no way back...
[[Next.|secrethatch03]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img secrethatch07>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img secrethatch08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img secrethatch09>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Don't come here! Don't you dare!" the girl continued to panic.
So, you're doing everything right. To be sure, you picked up a metal rod that was lying on the floor. Then, with a heavy sigh, you opened the door. Behind it was a long corridor with no windows or doors.
"Red! Apple! Pineapple! Pinepineapple?" it seemed the maniac was going through the familiar stop words. "Ok-ok! We're finishing the game! Ok-ok-ok, $name, you've won! I'll turn off the bimbo gas and you can go home!"
But you had already approached another door, located at the end of the corridor. Apparently, here it is - the moment of truth...
[[Next.|secrethatch04]]<<show-img secrethatch10>>
A bright light suddenly hit your eyes. You instantly came to your senses and looked around.
A room with many screens and monitors, on which everything that was happening in the house was broadcast. And a huge office chair, turned with its back to you. You squeezed the iron rod in your hand tighter and took two steps forward.
The chair slowly began to turn around…
[[Next.|secrethatch05]]<<show-img secrethatch11>>
"Congratulations, $name. You found a vulnerability I didn't foresee. You outplayed me," the maniac clapped theatrically.
You immediately thought that a hatch in the floor was quite a vulnerability. Even if there was a TV on it. You gripped the metal rod tighter and took another step forward.
"Stop! Stop, $name! I'll give you $1 million!" the psychopath immediately began to bargain. "I have my own chemical corporation, I have a lot of money! I'll give you... $10 million! How about that? Oh, and I can also make other girls your slaves. That would be awesome! A lot of money and personal slaves! Agree!".
And there really is something so... tempting in this offer. Only a person with a very strong will could refuse 10 million dollars (and slaves to boot)...
And a girl with a strong will would hardly deny herself the pleasure of kicking this bitch in the ass...
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>[[Refuse the deal with the bitch!|end02_01]] <</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><span style="color: red;">Refuse the deal with the bitch! [your will is too weak, bimbofication must be 3 or lower].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo gte 4>>[[Agree to the deal with the bitch!|end03_01]] <</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><span style="color: red;">Agree to the deal with the bitch! [your will is too strong, bimbofication must be 4 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\end02_01>>
Your answer was a punch to the maniac's sly face. She grabbed her cheek, panic was written all over her face, but she still found the strength and threw herself at you with all her weight.
"Take that, bitch!" she screamed madly.
"You're the bitch!" you answered in the heat of battle.
You pulled each other's hair, dealt each other clumsy blows, scratched.
But in the end, you managed to break the crazy girl and tie her hands with a T-shirt torn in the fight. She is more of a nerd than a terminator, so the result was predictable - the bitch is defeated...
[[Next.|end02_02]]<<show-img ends\end03_01>>
"You know what?" you began mysteriously. "I agree!"
You extended your hand, and the maniac girl shook it firmly, manly.
"Shake on!" she rejoiced. "You made the right choice."
"It's better to look at the world through the window of a Ferrari than through the window of a bus," you tried to say something smart, but it turned out to be a typical quote from bimbo girls' social networks...
<<save-player>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchwardrobe08>>
There's no time!
You tear the cap off the bottle and gulp down the suspicious liquid. Your mouth immediately feels so warm and pleasant, then this warmth moves into your throat and, finally, straight into your tummy. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 120 and $time lte 239>>"$name, what did you drink there? You should be more careful with the food and drinks in here," Sophia, who was also in the wardrobe at that moment, noted solicitously.<</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>"Everything okay, $name? You have a strange expression on your face..." Shi, who was next to you, did not understand what exactly had happened.<</if>> <</nobr>>
It seems that nothing has changed for the worse, and your consciousness has cleared up a little. So this time the fucking maniac girl didn't lie to you...
<<if $player.bimbo gte 1>><<set $player.bimbo -= 1>><</if>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img search\searchwardrobe09>>
Trust the bitch-kidnapper without thinking? No, this is clearly some kind of trap. But you can't be screwed that easily, can you? <<nobr>><<if $time gte 120 and $time lte 239>>"$name, are you okay? You seem thoughtful," Sophia, who was also in the wardrobe at that moment, noted solicitously.<</if>><<if $time gte 420 and $time lte 539>>"Why are you frozen, $name? Let's continue searching, we don't have much time," Shi said, making a sensible remark.<</if>> <</nobr>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchfireplace05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchfireplace06>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchfireplace07>><</if>><</nobr>>
You collected your thoughts, took a few deep breaths, and stuck the syringe right into your tit. The blue liquid entered, you felt warmth, then heat. Wow, your breasts slightly enlarged right before your eyes! You wonder if this effect will last?
At the same time, it seems that the antidote also worked. But, of course, you have no proof. <<nobr>><<if $time gte 180 and $time lte 279>>"Holy shit! Why did you stick a syringe into your tit? Stupid white bitch..." Oprah nodded disapprovingly, seeing your appearance.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Oh, you should have asked, I would have helped you," Shi smiled at you, seeing the syringe sticking out of your chest.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<if $player.tits lte 3>><<set $player.tits += 1>><</if>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchfireplace08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchfireplace09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchfireplace10>><</if>><</nobr>>
No-no-no, no fucking way! Give an injection right into the chest? And with an unknown drug at that? You didn't find your body in the trash!
You put the syringe and note in a visible place. Suddenly, one of the girls will find it useful...
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchcorridor11>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 >><<show-img search\searchcorridor12>><</if>><</nobr>>
You decide to get rid of the suspicious syringe with an even more suspicious prototype, throw the syringe on the floor and crush it with your foot.
"Why like that, $name. And most importantly, why the fuck?" the maniac bitch lamented. "You could have given it to one of the other girls..."
"So that they could also poison themselves with your so-called prototype?" you grinned. "Lick my tits and clit!"
It was probably the right decision. The kidnapper herself kindly warned about some side effects...
<<nobr>>[[Continue the "game".|corridor01]]
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchcorridor01>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchcorridor02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchcorridor03>><</if>><</nobr>>
You spent another 10 minutes searching the corridor, but found nothing here. It seems there is nothing more here. And there won't be.
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<show-gif search\searchdiningroom07>>
You decided to take a risk and have a snack. It’s unlikely that you’ll become Sleeping Beauty or some other Snow White because of an apple.
Mmm! Delicious! An excellent apple. You bit, bit, bit, until there was only a small core left. Only then did your chest tremble. It seemed to start to swell a little!
The psycho bitch mixed something into the apple! She’s a sly cunt! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>"Wow, at least now I know from your example that it's better to refrain from eating here," laughed Oprah, who was also in the dining room.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"Oh, why did you eat it all at once... Okay, don't worry, it even suits you," smiled Sophia, who was in the dining room with you.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<if $player.tits lte 3>><<set $player.tits += 1>><</if>>
<<set $time += 19>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom10>><</if>><</nobr>>
No, no, no! You're not that easy to catch. You're not going to eat that poisoned apple. Haven't you ever seen Snow White?! <<nobr>><<if $time gte 360 and $time lte 539>>"Hey, Snowflake, remember Snow White?" Oprah somehow read your mind.<</if>><<if $time gte 540 and $time lte 719>>"I wouldn't either, it's not safe," Sophia supported your decision.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom12>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom13>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom14>><</if>><</nobr>>
After some thought, you decided to take a chance, popped the pill in your mouth and swallowed it. Well, your ass or chest didn't start to heat up and shake right away, which is already a good sign. Apparently, the pill really is an antidote. She didn't lie, the psycho bitch...
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchdiningroom10>><</if>><</nobr>>
Haha! You're not that easy to fool! That's why you put the pill and the note on the table. Maybe another fool will come along. And if it's an antidote... Well, you just helped someone, did a good deed. In any case, you're a beauty and a goddess.
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement10>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Sophia," you said, popping an orange pill into your mouth and swallowing it.
"I never doubted it!" the psychopath laughed through the speaker mounted on the wall. "As I promised, I will remotely activate the capsule in her esophagus, she will receive a TRIPLE dose of the antidote!"
"But that's not all!" she said a typical phrase for a store on a couch. "I support the unpopular opinion that goodness should be rewarded. So... you didn't eat a bimbo gas booster, you ate an antidote! You made the right choice..."
Wow! Sometimes, it turns out, doing good deeds is profitable. Take note.
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $sophia.antidote += 3>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement10>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Oprah," you said, popping an orange pill into your mouth and swallowing it.
"That would be the logical choice if she were standing behind you with a baseball bat," the psychopath laughed through the speaker mounted on the wall. "But the choice is yours, of course... As I promised, I will remotely activate the capsule in her esophagus, giving her a TRIPLE dose of the antidote!"
"But that's not all!" she said a typical phrase for a store on a couch. "I support the unpopular opinion that goodness should be rewarded. So... you didn't eat a bimbo gas booster, you ate an antidote! You made the right choice..."
Wow! Sometimes, it turns out, doing good deeds is profitable. Take note.
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 3>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement08>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement09>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement10>><</if>><</nobr>>
"Shi," you said, popping an orange pill into your mouth and swallowing it.
"W-what? Why? I don't understand..." the psychopath hesitated through the speaker mounted on the wall. "But I will do as you wish. As I promised, I will remotely activate the capsule in her esophagus, she will receive a TRIPLE dose of the antidote!"
"But that's not all!" she said a typical phrase for a store on a couch. "I support the unpopular opinion that goodness should be rewarded. So... you didn't eat a bimbo gas booster, you ate an antidote! You made the right choice..."
Wow! Sometimes, it turns out, doing good deeds is profitable. Take note.
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 3>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchbasement11>>
Fuck these stupid bitches! What good have they ever done to you? Why the fuck should you sacrifice yourself for someone?! Everyone for themselves! Human is a wolf to human! And a wolf is also a wolf to human, it turns out...
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchbasement16>>
Unable to hold back any longer, you took off your clothes and began fingering your swollen clit. You have to admit, the sensations were incredible! You completely lost control and drowned in pleasure and enjoyment.
You wished it would never end, but soon every cell of your body began to cum. Even though you don't remember anything from your past, you are sure that this was the most powerful orgasm in your life.
"Interesting... I will need to refine the drug and still release it into mass production," the bitch commented on what was happening through the speaker on the wall.
<<set $time += 14>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement17>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 >><<show-img search\searchbasement18>><</if>><</nobr>>
No! You will not succumb to temptation! All this fucking sex is the work of Satan! People, repent of your sin, repent, motherfuckers! Because the punishment is already close... motherfuck.
"That's willpower, I respect it," a voice came from the speakers. "It's a pity that at this rate neither her nor your brains will remain..."
<<set $time += 9>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img search\searchbasement20>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img search\searchbasement21>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img search\searchbasement22>><</if>><</nobr>>
In one of the drawers you found... oh, a lollipop! Wow! It looks so delicious. There's a note next to it:
<i>"Lick it, bitch." </i>
You really want to... But it could be a trap!
[[Lick the lollipop!|searchbasement16]]
<<nobr>>[[Put the lollipop back.|searchbasement17]]
<<set $searchbasement = 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchbasement23>>
You licked your lips, swallowed, and licked the big, colorful lollipop. Then again. And again. Yummy! So sweet. These are the kind of things you can lick forever…
“Congratulations, $name!” you winced at the maniac’s voice coming from the speaker. “There was an antidote in the lollipop. I was actually thinking of putting a bimbo gas booster in there, but the lollipop was so tempting and pretty that I decided to coat it with the antidote…”
Oh, twice as good! Yummy and antidote. You are the winner in life.
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 19>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchbasement24>>
With trembling hands, you put the lollipop back in the drawer and close it. A tear runs down your cheek. Damn the inventor of treats! You're the reason all the girls around the world are crying!
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchtoilet08>>
You found Oprah and handed her the bottle with the second note.
"Heh, good bitch," the black girl chuckled, reading the note and then drinking the red liquid in one gulp. "Oh, it's so warm. So calm. Like the tension and aggression have gone somewhere..."
Aha, so the crazy maniac's potion is working. Take that, you evil pussy!
However, despite your triumph, you quietly backed away and returned to the toilet. Away from sin...
<<if $oprah.bimbo lte 8>><<set $oprah.bimbo += 2>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo == 9>><<set $oprah.bimbo += 1>><</if>>
<<set $time += 14>><</nobr>><<show-gif search\searchtoilet09>>
You decided to remain a decent person and poured the hellish liquid into the toilet. Why? You need to win. And only complete shameless bitches win in this world…
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end01_01>>
As the maniac-bitch promised, the doors of the house opened 12 hours after the start of her crazy "game".
But, let's be honest, by that time you weren't particularly interested in this fact. How can I put it mildly... You became a little dumber than you were when you got into the house. Much dumber. Fuck, you became so stupid that all your behavior was reduced to animal instincts: eat, make yourself pretty and fuck.
So when you noticed that the doors of the house opened...
[[Next.|end01_02]]<<show-gif ends\end01_02>>
...You immediately went to fuck.
You caught some suspicious guy in a dark alley (he was the first person you saw after your transformation) and offered him to fuck you. The guy was in some shock, a little confused, but after a few minutes he was pounding your wet cunt with his strong cock.
It's just a pity that it didn't last long. You need more! You need strong cocks!
[[Next.|end01_03]]<<show-img ends\end01_03>>
Two days later you were able to get home (at first it was difficult to remember where exactly you live, and then these men got in the way with their big dicks). The first thing you decided to do was update the interior, make it brighter and pinker! And also buy yourself some new clothes!
So you spent all your money on upgrading your fuckdrome. But you need money! You need something to eat, you need procedures, you need new beautiful things!
[[Next.|end01_04]]<<show-img ends\end01_04>>
So, with the help of a kind man who came to visit you, you were able to register on a website to do webcam work. As it turned out... it's the coolest job in the world!
You just sit in front of the camera, sometimes undress, talk to boys, put stuff in yourself (while enjoying yourself), and you even get paid! Those who work in factories are fools! Silly! Become webcam sluts!
<<show-img ends\end01_05>>
You often invited men from the site to your home. What can you hide from these kind and decent people? They send tokens! Young, old, white, black - they are all so kind and so good! Oh, and their strong dicks are so delicious!
Plus they usually brought gifts (in addition to dicks): shoes, beautiful underwear, suits and money. It's so nice!
"Men, give gifts to girls! We appreciate you very much for this!" you thought. And this was one of your few thoughts that day...
[[Next.|end01_06]]<<show-gif ends\end01_06>>
Soon you met such a cool guy! What's his name... Oh, yeah, App Gray T! Oh, and what a dick he has! Very hard! Very big! Very black! He could fuck you three times a day! Or five!
He gave you some powder to try that you had to inhale. And he also explained how girls should behave. Although he didn't say girls, but "stupid bitches". However you still understood him perfectly! You're smart!
[[Next.|end01_07]]<<show-gif ends\end01_07>>
He loved taking you to parties with his black friends. You were always the center of attention! You were like a real star! All the men looked at you, groped you, fucked you. Usually in several holes at once!
And how many compliments they gave you: "white bitch", "bimbo chick", "brainless tit", "cocksucker", "cum swallower", "sex doll" - this list can go on and on. Boys are so imaginative!
[[Next.|end01_08]]<<show-gif ends\end01_08>>
App Gray T also took you to meet some guys. You just had to suck them off, or offer them your eternally wet cunt, or your well-fucked ass. In most cases, you liked these new acquaintances. Your "boyfriend" couldn't introduce you to bad people!
The men gave you money, which you gave to App Gray T. And he allowed you to keep 10% as a bonus. Hooray! He's so awesome!
[[Next.|end01_09]]<<show-gif ends\end01_09>>
And you also made new girlfriends! You met at one of the parties thrown by App Gray T. They are so much like you! They also love to have fun, dance and fuck!
You had slumber parties from time to time: you drank wine, discussed boys, fought with pillows and... fucked each other with strap-ons, dildos and any objects that came to hand. It was so much fun!
[[Next.|end01_10]]<<show-img ends\end01_10>>
You don't know what happened to the other participants of that strange game. However, you never asked yourself this question. They are probably doing just as well as you.
You enjoy life, enjoy male attention, enjoy strong cocks.
And also... You made this world a little better, as the maniac-bitch said. Thanks to you, many (very many) men have drained their sperm along with aggression. You can be proud of yourself. You are a true bimbo girl.
END №1: True bimbo.
<<nobr>>[[Reroll game back with lower bimbofication level?|bigroom01]]
<<set $player.bimbo = 7>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end02_02>>
The maniac girl helped you figure out the many buttons (after several hits to her stomach), you turned off the bimbo gas, turned on the antidote spray and opened the doors.
A few minutes later, you met the girls in the hallway of the house, you all laughed and hugged. They thanked you for the victory, for freedom and for a new life.
Together, you left this damned house…
[[Next.|end02_03]]<<show-img ends\end02_03>>
Except the bitch. She was arrested by the police who came to the call.
As it turned out, the crazy girl had already committed a series of crimes, but before, her victims were individuals, not groups of people. This time, she decided to reach a new height and lost.
As she said, she turned out to be the owner of a large chemical corporation, a scientist and entrepreneur well known in narrow circles. Some considered her a genius; the one who will change the world...
[[Next.|end02_04]]<<show-gif ends\end02_04>>
You and the girls who ended up with you in the cruel "game" saw each other from time to time and had parties. You became very close friends. Of course, after your release, you learned your real names, partially remembered your past, but among yourselves you continued to call each other by nicknames: Oprah, Sophia, Helga, Shi and, of course, $name…
[[Next.|end02_05]]<<show-img ends\end02_05>>
Once the whole story leaked to the press, you became a real star – a girl who defeated an evil genius bitch. You were interviewed every day, but you were only happy about it, you liked the attention, you were carried around like a heroine.
You even managed to make money from it. However, sometimes you thought, what if you agreed to take 10 million dollars from the maniac girl...
<<show-img ends\end02_06>>
"I wanted to make this world a better place! Girls would be happy! Men would be satisfied! There would be less crime in the world!" the villain tried to justify herself in court, but everyone just twirled their fingers at their temples and laughed at her sick philosophy. However, when she answered the question of why she kidnapped you and other girls, you were no longer laughing. "They wrote bad reviews on my corporation's products! They were parasites! They did nothing good for the world, they only took a shit!"
Yeah... She kidnapped you and tried to turn you into a sex doll because of a bad review. Fuck...
The court sentenced the criminal to 5 life sentences. But you still had doubts: what if she wasn't acting alone?
[[Next.|end02_07]]<<show-img ends\end02_07>>
You found the perfect way to monetize your experience – write a book. And… It instantly became a bestseller! Fuck authors with literary talent, creating entire new Universes, amazing characters and checking every letter. You survived a traumatic event, you are cooler than them all!
[[Next.|end02_08]]<<show-gif ends\end02_08>>
However, after what you experienced, you really began to avoid and be wary of people, you stopped trusting this whole world. That's why dates became a rarity for you, and full-fledged sex even more rare.
Basically, you satisfied yourself: with your fingers, a pillow, toys. Sometimes you sat in sex chats, sometimes you communicated on camera (with your face covered by a mask), but you avoided personal meetings. It's safer to masturbate yourself, isn't it?
[[Next.|end02_09]]<<show-img ends\end02_09>>
You also fell in love with alcohol. It calmed you down, relieved stress, eased pain, and dispelled worries. And there were many worries: after only five years, your popularity had collapsed, publishers did not want to print new books, and almost everyone had forgotten about the old one. You also rarely saw your friends in misfortune: Shi left almost immediately and cut off all ties, Helga went to prison for drugs, you and Oprah were too different, only with Sophia did you maintain a strong connection, but by phone, since she moved to another country.
[[Next.|end02_10]]<<show-img ends\end02_10>>
Cats became your best friends. First there was one cat, then you decided to make her a friend, then you adopted another one from the shelter...
They're so cool! Cats won't betray you, won't kidnap you, won't try to pump you full of chemicals to make you a hole for cum. Pussies are better than people!
END №2: The authoress and her pussies.
[[Reroll game back?|bigroom01]]<<show-img ends\end03_02>>
The maniac girl poked some buttons on the keyboard, then you waited for about ten minutes, discussed how she would hand over the money. And then you moved from the underground shelter into the house (together, otherwise she might have turned on the gas there and wants to lure you into a trap).
The will of the former "sisters in misfortune" was completely suppressed. The villainess inspired Helga, Sophia and Oprah that they were now your slaves and were obliged to carry out all your orders.
That's how you left the house: they were on all fours, and you were holding their leashes.
[[Next.|end03_03]]<<show-img ends\end03_03>>
By the way, where is Shi? Oh, fuck her!
The crazy girl gave you 10 million dollars the next day, as promised. The first thing you did was look for a mansion, which was pretty cheap. There were some crimes, someone was killed. But not you! Now you have a big roof over your head! And also many rooms, turrets, a large plot of land and a beautiful pool! Dreams come true!
[[Next.|end03_04]]<<show-gif ends\end03_04>>
You spent a whole week celebrating your housewarming: you posted an ad on social media that you were inviting all the cool guys and girls (strictly 18+!). There were also a lot of emojis, but that doesn't change the essence.
Hundreds of people partied at your party, you became a real local star. Alcohol flowed like a river at your parties, as did sperm. Everyone fucked and enjoyed life. "Why else live?" you said...
<<set $player.bimbo = 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\end03_05>>
Of course, you didn't forget about your slaves. During the day they cleaned up after the parties and put everything in order, and at night they put on a show and had fun with the others. It seems they were also quite happy. It's unlikely that they understood 100% of what was happening and realized the frailty of existence, they were more like trained squirrels, only very beautiful and loving to fuck in front of everyone.
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You loved spending money! Buying yourself new beautiful clothes (usually pink), new shoes, getting beauty treatments, eating in expensive restaurants. And you bought yourself a car too! Not a Ferrari, but a pink one with an opening roof! All your friends were jealous of you!
A year later, you became a real blogger and "opinion leader". Instagram adored you, TikTok idolized you. Some laughed and called you a "dumb blonde", but fuck them! Worthless haters!
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And you also periodically met with a crazy maniac girl. You quickly found a common language - the language of passion. Each of your meetings was something delightful, each of your meetings was full of bright and stormy orgasms. And your partner threw you money after such evenings (seeing how you spend it and not wanting you to remain poor).
"Thank you very much!" you said when she once again gave you a wad of money.
"I told you that you would thank me for your kidnapping," she grinned.
"I thank you for my kidnapping," you winked at her, and you merged again in a crazy kiss.
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Your slaves quickly bored you in terms of sex. Cleaning the house and the territory is good, but fucking them every day is boring. You need variety!
You sold Oprah forever to some strange old white millionaire for 100 thousand dollars. He was pleasantly surprised by such a price (apparently, you underestimated her!).
You made an agreement with a porn studio, now Sophia sometimes films for them and brings you profit.
Helga is rented from you by a local pimp with a very strange name App Gray T. You split the profits equally.
And Shi... Where the fuck is Shi?! Anyway, fuck Shi.
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Finally, thanks to your social networks and slaves, you have become self-sufficient. The money is not increasing, but it is not decreasing either, even without the help of the maniac girl. She was very surprised when you told her about it. The bitch-kidnapper asked to conduct a couple of scientific tests on you, but did not stop giving out money.
And good for you! More money - more fun!
"God gave us life so that we could have fun," you once wrote on your Instagram and attached a photo with a bunch of money.
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You are 146% satisfied with your life. The day of the kidnapping was the best day of your life. Before that, you were a nobody, an ordinary gray mouse, living an ordinary gray meaningless life. You did not create anything new, did not move progress forward, did not make people happy. And now you are happy yourself, and you make the world around you a little better. You are definitely queen!
END №3: Bimbo Queen.
[[Reroll game back?|end03_restore]]<<show-gif ends\end04_02>>
When the doors of the house finally opened, you continued sucking. You weren't going to go anywhere. Why? There's a dick here and there's... sperm. And a comfortable toilet. Of course, you could use some food or a drink of water, but a little later.
As a result, the police found you only a day after the end of this crazy "game" (in which you can't be called a winner). They obligingly "saved" you and the sex-zombie who was behind the wall. His condition was absolutely critical. You almost killed him with your blowjobs!
<<set $player.bimbo = 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\end04_03>>
You were taken to the hospital, but they didn't know what to do with you. Unless some of the medical staff decided to take advantage of your generous offers: "I want saki-saki!", "Let me suck you!", "Take out your dick, I'll suck you!", "Suck-suck-suck!", "SUCK!".
The doctors decided that you had severe mental retardation and wanted to send you to an asylum, but one nurse (man-nurse) kidnapped you and settled you in his place...
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Of course, he did it with one goal in mind – you had to suck his dick.
And at first he was very happy with his decision: you ate simple food, knew how to do makeup and beauty, and it didn't cost much money to support you. But one dick wasn't enough for you. You literally fucked the "poor" kidnapper with your insatiable sucker.
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The orderly began inviting his friends so that you could service their strong cocks. He paid off debts for some, took money from some himself, and his closest friends fucked your mouth just for fun.
And you liked what was happening. After all, "saki-saki" (as you put it) was more fun for ten men to do than for one. Your pussy was constantly pulsating and leaking lube, like a small river, but the nurse and his friends never fucked you in the vagina. Why? As soon as you saw a cock, you pounced on it with your mouth and didn't let go until he came.
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Your new kidnapper found out that the police were investigating your disappearance from the hospital and placed you with his cousin in the neighboring town. The cousin just happened to own a sex shop... with a glory hole! What happiness! What luck!
When you saw the hole in the wall that you loved so much, you couldn't tear yourself away from it. Even when there were no male cocks there, you sat next to it, waiting for a new strong "guest" and his seed.
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Of course, there were a lot of problems with you: he needed to feed you, wash you, hide you from the law, buy you clothes and makeup, but the local sex shop became a real center of attraction.
Men from all over town flocked to it. The first weeks you serviced 5-10 cocks a day, then 10-20, and after six months the number of cocks reached 50! Thanks to such a quantity of sperm that you ate, you could save a little on food. Minus 1-2 yogurts a day - that's also money!
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And what money you brought to the owner of the sex shop! Men even came from neighboring towns, you sucked so greedily and so well. Many clients of the "glory hole" agreed that you were the best sucker that had ever been in their lives.
As for you... You don't need much to be happy. Ten strong dicks - the day was not wasted. Twenty strong dicks - even better. Fifty strong dicks - that's what you live for now...
END №4: Glory Bimbo.
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"I heard a scream, is everything okay here?" Sophia entered the lab. As soon as you saw her, you lost control of yourself. You pounced on her with inhuman strength and knocked her to the floor. "Aaaah! Let me go! It hurts!"
You didn't react to the girl's screams, your new organ needed a hole.
"THE SMELL OF FRESH PUSSY!" you screamed, inserting your strong cock into Sophia's vagina. It seemed that she no longer resisted. This is probably due to either bimbo gas or gas from the flask you opened. Looks like Sophia's body was changing too, but you didn't care, you needed to fuck!
In just a minute you filled the girl's hole full of your sperm...
<<set $player.bimbo = 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\end05_03>>
Sophia folded in half and also screamed like a cutter “AAAAA!!!” Her scream even slightly deafened you. And a minute later, as expected, a man's penis appeared. This time you watched everything from the side: the penis literally grew out of her small clitoris, then the pussy grew into a scrotum, and then two small testicles fell into it. It was very strange, as if you were watching a body horror movie from the 80s.
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You and the renewed Sophia exchanged glances, smiled at each other and went back to the house. You caught the goth Helga and the Asian Shi, undressed them and mercilessly fucked them in turns.
Contrary to expectations, they did not grow dicks. You and Sophia just fucked them (of course, getting unearthly pleasure in the process).
Therefore, your sperm or blood does not contain the substance that makes women grow penises. The substance was only in the vial. And Sophia’s dick grew because you fucked her next to the open bottle. Congratulations, the crime is solved.
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By the time the doors of the house opened and this crazy "game" ended, you could already think with more than just your dick. Apparently, 10 orgasms restored your ability to think at least somewhat rationally. Not nearly as much as before, but at least you stopped attacking your "sisters in misfortune" and began to speak clearly.
When you and the girls got out, a police patrol car noticed you: you and Sophia were trans bimbos, Helga was a bimbo without a dick, Oprah, although she had undergone changes, looked the most adequate of your company. And Shi... Where the fuck is Shi? Oh, fuck Shi...
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Your strange company was taken to the hospital. There they conducted all sorts of tests, took samples, tried to question you somehow. But soon you had a mad desire to stick your new dick into some hole! You took off your clothes and started jerking off right in front of the doctors. Of course, they had seen a lot in their careers, but this was the first time they had seen such crap.
But they managed to take your sperm for analysis…
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Soon the military came for you. Apparently, this is due to what the fucking kidnapper said - the drug that made you grow a dick was originally developed for the military. They tried to handcuff you, but you, unexpectedly for yourself, threw off one, then the second. You were incredibly strong! You could move mountains!
And you fucked one of them, yes...
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You had to run away from the hospital. You don't know what happened to the other girls, but your instincts have become incredibly strong, both the instinct of survival and the instinct of reproduction.
You wonder if it was a weapon or a medicine to create super soldiers...?
You hid in an abandoned building, for several days you had to find food in the trash. And jerk off 10 times a day to relieve this strong feeling of arousal. Sometimes you even came on your face and in your mouth, because you thought: "it's more fun this way"...
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Soon, to your surprise, Shi found you. She took you to a secluded house in the wilderness, where Sophia was already. The government was now looking for you both, so there were no other options, you both understood this and did not object to such cohabitation. Shi sometimes stopped by and brought food, and you and Sophia fucked each other many times a day. In the mouth, in the ass, jerking off, pissing on each other, spanking with whips, in general, trying in every way to diversify your sex life and enhance the pleasures you received.
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Your relationship with Sophia couldn't be called love, but you were quite happy together. Sometimes you both fucked Shi, who was bringing in groceries (and she wasn't against it). However, after six months of this life, you had a sincere dream: to get out of here and fuck everything that moves. And someday you will do it. Definitely...
END №5: Bimbofutapocalypse (local).
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Soon you felt dizzy and collapsed on the syringes.
"Oh, I see, you overdosed on the 'new skin' - my revolutionary drug that rejuvenates the skin," the voice came from the speakers, but you didn't understand much of it at the moment. "Basically, the drug embeds latex particles into old skin, making it younger and more elastic. But you overdid it... Seems like your skin is getting covered in latex..."
You looked at your hands, which, just like the bitch from the speaker said, were getting covered in latex.
<<set $player.bimbo = 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\end06_03>>
Then you saw the same shit happening to the skin of your legs, and later you felt your face go numb and become covered with a film.
"There were a lot of different used syringes," the bitch who did this to you sighed heavily. "I'm sure you got a dose of "Bimbo++" and "elastin" for your holes... in general, most likely, now you'll become a latex bimbo doll, sorry..."
You wanted to scream, but you couldn't. You couldn't say a word! And then everything went dark...
<<show-gif ends\end06_04>>
"Bros, check this doll out! She looks so alive!" a male voice was heard through the veil of darkness. How long have you been here? How long were you unconscious?
"LOL, OMG. What, you want to fuck her?" a second voice was heard. They were most likely young guys who had snuck into the abandoned house. So the doors were already open...
"Oh, fuck, her mouth is warm and wet!" one of the guys stuck two fingers in your mouth. "Maybe someone fucked her recently? Some homeless person, lol."
"Move away, coward!" a third voice was heard, and then you felt a dick entering your mouth. You can feel it!
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"Fuck, guys, like a real woman!" the young fucker shared his impressions.
"How would you know how real women suck cocks... Holy shit, she's alive! She's breathing!" someone finally paid attention to it. "She's some kind of pervert in a BDSM suit!"
"But if she's not resisting, then she's not against it," the guy chuckled, continuing to shove his dick into your wet mouth. "Go ahead, put the bitch in doggy style, she still has holes."
The other guys didn't have to be persuaded for long, literally 10 seconds later you were already being fucked in two latex-covered holes.
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You felt... very nice! You liked feeling cocks inside you. It seemed that without them you didn't feel complete (as complete as you can be for a latex doll). But all good things don't last forever, very quickly two guys came, then the third of the group had you in the mouth.
"Mmm, more..." you managed to say.
"LOL! Guys, the slut wants more!" the leader of the young guys laughed. "What, will you be our slave?"
"I will be... a slave..." you croaked somehow, feeling an irresistible passion and lust.
"Okay, guys, I'm taking her for myself. You know, I have a free house," the leader firmly stated, then helped you to your feet. In the fog, you followed him...
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Your consciousness returned to you only at the moment when you felt a young and strong cock in your rubber cunt.
"Yes, bitch, take it!" the guy rejoiced, inserting his cock into you. "Now you will forever be my doll."
"Your... doll..." you confirmed, experiencing real bliss.
"Ha! Lucky for us guys to find such a pervert," the boy puffed on you, but soon he discharged right inside you.
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Now you didn't understand much. But you knew one thing for sure - you enjoyed the constant fucking of your holes by young strong cocks. By the way, they also fed you food, gave you water and beer to drink, even washed you. In general, they took care of you in between fucking. What good and nice boys! Sometimes they brought other friends too...
So, you weren't bored, that's for sure. It turns out that a half-human - half-latex doll can have a rich and joyful life...
END №6: Bimbo latex doll.
[[Reroll game back?|end06_restore]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img ends\end07_03>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-img ends\end07_04>><</if>><</nobr>>
Oprah tied your hands with your own T-shirts. Now you really can't resist. And because of the bimbo gas, you'll lose some of your sanity with each passing hour. Soon the black woman brought Helga into the room, tied up, but she didn't care.
You and the girls begged Oprah to free you so that you could all fight together against the crazy maniac girl who kidnapped you. But she was adamant. Besides, as she said, now she has plans for you...
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After some time, Oprah apparently got bored. She decided to start her "game".
"The bitch who licks my shoes first, I will untie and let her go wherever she wants," she grinned. And then Shi threw herself at her feet. You didn't even have time to think about anything, and this Asian was already licking the "new kidnapper's" dirty shoes with all her might.
"Ha-ha-ha, the right choice," Oprah was delighted by such enthusiasm and after a few minutes of licking her shoes, she really did untie the girl. "You can still search the house, look for antidotes."
"Thank you, I really appreciate your kindness," the Asian bowed respectfully and left the room. What a sly-assed scumbag and traitor!
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…By the time the doors of the house opened, your bound trio had changed greatly. Now you were three brainless bimbos.
“I am your Mistress now,” the black girl said aggressively.
“You are my Mistress now,” Helga confirmed.
“You are my Mistress now,” Sophia said.
“You are my Mistress now,” you repeated.
“Follow me, my white bitches!” Oprah giggled, and you, along with the other girls, followed her limply. Forward, to a new life…
<<set $player.bimbo = 9>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end07_07>>
Despite her memory loss, Oprah quickly teamed up with the local Africans. They gave her shelter. Of course, she shared with them what she had, namely three white brainless slaves.
By the way, she changed her name to Kendra. And you and your "sisters in misfortune" were obliged to call her Queen Kendra.
You were used in everyday life, you were abused, but, of course, most of all you were used for sexual pleasures.
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You became the favorite pussy licker of the entire ghetto!
Seriously, you tried harder than anyone else! Black Mistresses got orgasms with you literally after a minute of active work of your dexterous tongue.
Of course, you did more than that. You also licked feet, exposed your holes to strap-ons and all sorts of objects, they spat in your mouth, pissed there, pissed on your body, made you walk on a leash. In short, you turned out to be a universal slave, devoted to the Mistress, respecting her friends and ready to do everything for them.
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Sophia wasn't so diligent and assiduous, and so her holes were given to the local gang for protection. That is, she lived under the same roof with you, but left for a day or two, they fucked her in every possible way, humiliated her, mocked her... then returned for a day or two so that she could rest. Then it all started again.
But Sophia was so happy! Her eyes always shone when she went to the dangerous guys from the gang. Black Mistresses say that the boys started filming perverted porn with her! You even envied her a little...
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Former goth Helga was forced to work for a local pimp with some strange nickname. The pimp and Queen Kendra split the profits equally, a very fair deal. Helga was happy too, although sometimes the pimp beat her up and humiliated her (but she liked that too, although she carefully hid it).
The girl quickly became a popular cheap whore in the ghetto. It seemed that she was fucked by absolutely every owner of a dick within a fifteen-mile radius. And... you were a little jealous of her too. Just a little...
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However, you are happy as is. Your life suits you perfectly. You are Queen Kendra's most beloved slave. You cook, clean the house, lick your Mistress's feet, lick her holes, serve her friends, and answer to the nickname "snowflake". What could be better?
END №7: Interracial bimbo-pussylicker.
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Hahaha! Your genius is truly... genius! You decided to stay here! Right in the wardrobe. You managed to find a key in the house that locked the door of your new wonderful pink house. You also brought a mattress from the guest room. And you found some money in the house. As if that crazy maniac girl deliberately slipped you money so that you would buy food, because she saw that you did not want to leave.
The bathroom was more difficult, but it is temporary. Until you find yourself a new house and move all these wonderful pink things there!
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During the day, you loved to walk around the city and show off your outfits to everyone. Some of them were, let's say, quite provocative. But you loved all this attention from people! Men looked at you with hungry eyes, girls envied you. And how could they not envy such a beautiful bimbo body and those wonderful shoes?
Jealous, bitches! You are queen here!
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One day, a young and attractive man came up to you right on the street and handed you his business card (wow, he has a business card!). It turned out that he was a photographer. Of course, you immediately agreed to pose for him! Every girl dreams of being a model, such chances cannot be missed. After all, the life of a model is everyone's attention, adoration and envy. This is success.
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The photographer, when he found out about your amnesia and homelessness, immediately offered to move in with him. Wow, he's so kind and cool! It's like heaven sent you this angel!
He helped you move all-all-all of your clothes from your wardrobe to his small house in the suburbs. Look, it's only been a month since that "game", and you've already achieved so much! You have a roof over your head, all of your things are safe now, and you live with a gorgeous guy. And you're a model!
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Of course, you don't deny your roommate sex. Firstly, he's done so much for you. And secondly, it's for business! He takes photos, sells them to someone, gives you some of the money. That's how models work, isn't it?
It seemed like over the next month the photographer fucked you in every possible pose and outfit. Sometimes you had to work three times a day! But you had a little secret: this kind of work was a thrill for you. You love fucking!
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Soon your roommate started bringing other girls to the shoot. Yeah, teamwork! And you're a team player. So you did everything the photographer told you: you and the girls fucked each other with strapons, fingers, dildos, licked pussies, sometimes had role-playing games, and sometimes your man joined in.
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About six months after you won the game (you won a wardrobe of clothes, therefore, you won) your roommate started bringing other men. Well, that's what a model does, you didn't complain. Although you didn't quite understand why they were yelling at you, calling you a "slut", "cunt", "prostitute". They were probably getting into character. They were actors! Or models... You didn't ask who they were, you were just working.
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Your photographer has now also become your producer. This is good, because all real models should have a producer. But of course, you had a lot of work. Sometimes you were filmed many times a day, but even more often you rehearsed. How did you understand that these were rehearsals? Well, there were no cameras and photographers, it all makes sense.
But you do not complain about the hardships of your new life. You have definitely achieved success. You are now a bimbo model!
END №8: Bimbo model.
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After some time (maybe a day or two), Shi came back for you. All this time, you only stopped a couple of times to steal a cake from the dining room, wash it down with water and sleep for an hour or two.
The Asian girl covered you with a blanket, took you to the car and drove to some quiet house outside the city. There, she gave you a small room with everything you need, it even had your own private bathroom!
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The first thing you did in your new home was… ask for porn and start doing what you do so well – a long and wonderful wank.
You fingered your clit, rubbed yourself against the pillow and watched the beautiful blondes getting fucked in all their holes.
Even though you imagined yourself in their place, you were happy with the way things were. It was easier to please yourself than to look for a normal partner (or normal partners).
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The next day, Shi brought you some goodies and also installed cameras in your room. Lots of cameras. And in the bathroom too. She said it was for your safety. Why would she lie? Shi gave you a roof over your head, gave you clothes, gave you food, and gave you… porn!
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And she also brought you a lot of different sex toys, which you immediately began to try on yourself. Oh, these are such incredible sensations! Humanity has come up with so many things to satisfy women's needs in sex. Vibrators of thousands of different shapes and thousands of different modes, dildos of any shape and any size, sexy clothes. Everything for you! Everything for your pleasure!
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You don't know what Shi did, but she kept stopping by to bring you food. Sometimes couriers delivered food to you. They were so confused when you opened the door for them naked! Ahaha! But don't touch! You're the only one who can touch yourself with your hands. And, in fact, you touch almost all your free time.
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A year later, you have already greatly expanded your holes, both your pussy and your ass. But at the same time, you tried to avoid contact with people. Why do you need people when you have so many toys? And Shi continues to bring new dildos, fuck machines and outfits. You feel like queen. Queen of masturbation…
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The right hand is a girl's best friend, as people say. And they are right, because no one will make you feel as good as you do. You know perfectly well what your body and your pussy need, you give yourself amazing orgasms. And people... Selfish, evil and vile creatures. Fuck people!
END №9: Bimbo goonette.
[[Reroll game back?|end09_restore]]<<show-img ends\end10_02>>
When the doors of the house opened, you were already hungry. Of course, you had become much heavier, all this beauty now needs to be fed! You found the nearest cheap eatery by smell and ate your fill there. As payment, you gave a gold chain found in the wardrobe at home. Yeah, you don't have that many things, you won't even have enough food for a few days!
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You found a brilliant solution: men want girls, you want to eat, you need to pay money for food. Therefore, men could give you money for pleasing them. Ingenious idea! And why hasn't anyone thought of this before?!
Not all men agree (which is strange), but you quickly found the right approach and the right place for this - a truck stop outside the city. There is also a cafe nearby, everything is very convenient!
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You still need a place to live, so you rented a shabby room in the worst neighborhood. What other options do you have? All your money goes on food! And you also need to buy yourself various things to attract men.
But you are not upset! You enjoy every sandwich, every hot dog, every donut and every triple portion of French fries!
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Soon you discovered that there were a lot of black men in your new neighborhood. And you also discovered that they were delighted with your curvaceous forms! But your main discovery was the impressive size of their dicks. Not all of them, but many of them. So big, so delicious, so... black.
Boys often began to visit you, bringing tasty treats and their big black cocks. You got the nickname "FWA" - Fat White Ass. But in general, boys called you different names, you did not resent them for this. You could only kick them out if your "friend" brought little food.
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But you don't forget the truck stop either. You go there once or twice a week, because you still have a lot of friends there. Friends who are always happy to feed you.
The cook from this cafe even asked him to marry you after your next blowjob. You promised to think about it. He doesn't mind you having fun with other men, he feeds you well, maybe you really should accept his offer?
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But that same day, when you came home, your black friends came to you. Oh, you just loved their big cocks! Of course, food was your number one priority, but hard cocks were your second (and even the color doesn't matter, you're not a vile racist or anything like that).
Your friends in the area could fuck you all day long, you just needed a break to eat. By the way, they gave you money too. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to pay for the room and would leave them! And they also love it when you buy yourself new sexy clothes.
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And so the first year after that "game" passed. Well... you are completely happy! You have wonderful friends who are always ready to help (and feed), you do not deny yourself anything, you even have a fiancé! But you have not yet said "yes", you are still thinking...
And you also accept yourself as you are. That is the main thing.
END №10: Bimbo-BBW.
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At the hospital you underwent a full examination, told about your symptoms, about your amnesia. They kept you there for two whole days, but they didn't find any physical damage, the MRI showed excellent brain function, and your memory... The doctors can't guarantee that it will return. However, the police, of course, were able to establish your identity, as well as the identities of all the other "sisters in misfortune".
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Soon you were giving detailed statements to the police. You told every little detail, you even went to the crime scene together, but the detectives could find absolutely no evidence. As if nothing had ever happened.
There were only 6 DNA samples in the house (5 participants and one zombified man in the toilet), not a single tape was found.
It turns out that the place where the bitch was during the game was right under the house, but the villainess prudently burned down her "operational center".
You had several logical assumptions.
First, that the cunt can pay the police. She is clearly not from the poor.
And, secondly, that your kidnapper had an accomplice. Perhaps one of the participants, because how could she not leave a single hair, setting all these traps and preparing the whole house for the "game"?
<<show-img ends\end11_04>>
Over time, you remembered your past. Not everything, but fragments. You reconnected with your parents, with old friends, they helped you remember more and more details from your past life.
Also, close people helped you with housing and money at first. It turns out that there are not only crazy bitches-kidnappers in the world, but also good, sympathetic people who will always give you a shoulder and a hand to get up if you fall.
[[Next.|end11_05]]<<show-img ends\end11_05>>
And you met a great guy! He also supported you in every way, took you on dates, gave you flowers. You immediately found a common language with him (even though he wasn't kidnapped or tried to turn him into a mindless bimbo slut).
You could chat on the phone for hours, discuss everything, and he also had a great sense of humor.
[[Next.|end11_06]]<<show-img ends\end11_06>>
He didn't rush you with sex, but you wanted it yourself.
It was beautiful, romantic and very sensual. He put rose petals everywhere, cooked dinner, opened an expensive bottle of wine.
You danced a slow dance, then kissed passionately. He slowly undressed you, kissed your neck, chest, played with your pussy, gave you indescribable pleasure... So you made love all night.
[[Next.|end11_07]]<<show-img ends\end11_07>>
Helga (now she calls herself Gaga) has completely changed, although you hardly knew her past. But now she has become a dumb bimbo slut.
As far as you know, today the girl is a porn star. Her videos can be found all over the Internet. And she did not specialize in any one fetish, she did almost everything. Group sex, big black cocks, lesbians, BDSM, golden showers and much, much more.
There are rumors that she is addicted to all sorts of crap. And also that anyone who wants to can fuck her for money.
And... the former goth is now happy.
[[Next.|end11_08]]<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img ends\end11_08>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img ends\end11_09>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img ends\end11_10>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>Sophia, like you, survived this "adventure" without much harm to her intellect. She also remembered a lot, reunited with her family and friends, and returned to university.
You maintain a very warm relationship with her and see each other quite often.
You have become real fighting friends, who have gone through fire, water, and bimbo gas together.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>Sophia is a little less lucky than you. Before, she was very smart, but now her intelligence is closer to average.
She remembered only a little of her past life, but her family helps her a lot. Sophia also continued to study at the university, only now she prefers parties instead of books.
You sometimes communicate with her, but still your personalities and tastes are too different.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>Sophia was a very smart girl. Until that damned trial.
Sophia didn't remember anything from the past, dropped out of the university where she studied, broke ties with her family and old friends. She preferred to hang out with new acquaintances.
They say the girl got hooked on chemistry and became a prostitute. Moreover, for the sake of a dose, she was ready to do almost anything. Even other prostitutes considered her a complete slut.
By the way, she once starred in a video with Helga! It turned out well, but she was not invited to the sequel...
However, despite all this, Sophia is happy. <</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img ends\end11_11>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img ends\end11_12>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img ends\end11_13>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>>You weren't surprised when you heard that Oprah went to jail after a fight. She broke a girl's arm and knocked out a tooth. And robbed her victim. Yes, that's her style.
However, in prison she became an authority. Everyone fears her, everyone respects her, everyone pleases her. Apparently, it couldn't be any other way with Oprah.
Of course, you don't keep in touch with her. But sometimes you think: maybe her fate would have been better if her bimbo gas had changed her?<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>>You weren't surprised when you heard that Oprah went to jail for drug dealing. Although she became less aggressive after that fucked up house, it couldn't overcome her criminal nature.
As far as you know, in prison she became a bitch, anyone could use her tongue. And she was also used as a spittoon and a urinal.
If you were a little angrier, you would say that this cunt deserved such a fate. But you are not that bad a person. Besides, even though you don't communicate with her, there is a rumor that Oprah is fine with everything...<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >>Oprah (or Opa-Opa, as she now calls herself), to your surprise, has become a street prostitute. There is no trace left of her former aggression and hostility. Now any passerby can slap her huge ass, and she will not even break his fingers. Rather, she will even smile and name the price for "fuck-fuck".
You heard that the African woman has become a real star in the ghetto, since she does not charge much (and her pimp takes half anyway), and is ready to do almost everything and with anyone.
One day you thought about the fact that bimbo gas changed her fate for the better, because now she is happy.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Next.|end11_10]]<<show-img ends\end11_14>>
And Shi... Where the fuck is Shi?!
She disappeared right after you and the girls were taken to the hospital. You never heard from her again. She's always been an individualist, of course, but you suspect Shi is involved in some very dark things...
But fuck Shi.
[[Next.|end11_11]]<<show-img ends\end11_15>>
The news periodically talks about the girl who kidnapped you and other girls. She became quite popular, the sly journalists even came up with a stupid nickname for her - "JUGSaw".
Recently she kidnapped three girls in Canada, and before that seven in Australia. And in Texas, the bitch turned two guys into blondes with huge boobs. No one has been able to establish her identity, she leaves no evidence.
You tried to conduct your own investigation, but if law enforcement agencies around the world can't find her, then what can one girl do?
[[Next.|end11_12]]<<show-img ends\end11_16>>
Two years have passed since those events. It seems like the whole world has changed, but you have changed.
You have become smarter, braver, and kinder to people, especially to those close to you.
You were recently in France with your boyfriend, and he proposed to you in front of the Eiffel Tower. This is probably the happiest day of your life.
Many people don't value their intelligence, but not you, and not anymore.
END №11: NOT bimbo.
[[View the medium bimbification ending (other characters' bimbification levels will remain the same).|end12_bimbo]]
[[View the high bimbification ending (other characters' bimbification levels will remain the same).|end13_bimbo]]<<show-img ends\end12_02>>
At the hospital, you underwent a full examination, told about your symptoms (in simple terms, but still), about your amnesia. They kept you there for two whole days, but they didn't find any physical damage, the MRI showed that the cerebral cortex was working worse than in a normal person, and your memory... The doctors can't guarantee that it will return. However, the police, of course, were able to establish your identity, as well as the identities of all the other "sisters in misfortune".
<<show-img ends\end12_03>>
Soon you were giving evidence to the police. You tried to tell everything, but sometimes you got confused in your testimony, you even went to the crime scene together, but the detectives could not find any evidence at all. As if nothing had ever happened.
There were only 6 DNA samples in the house (5 participants and one zombified man in the toilet), not a single tape was found.
It turns out that the place where the bitch was during the game was right under the house, but the villainess prudently burned down her "operational center".
Well, what to do now. The police are not omnipotent, they can't find all the criminals. To be honest, you weren't even particularly upset about it. You just didn't think about it.
[[Next.|end12_04]]<<show-img ends\end12_04>>
You still couldn't remember your past. You had a few images in front of your eyes, but they didn't mean anything to you. So you decided not to reconnect with your family or old friends. They were complete strangers to you.
Of course, they tried to help you, but you were just bored with them. They had some kind of emotional attachment to you, but you didn't.
So you found new friends. And then more friends. You had a lot of friends now! In cheap clubs everyone becomes friends so quickly...
[[Next.|end12_05]]<<show-gif ends\end12_05>>
Boys especially love to be friends! You liked to get drunk with girls and then dance until your legs could hold you up. At such moments, guys who wanted to make friends would join you. You didn't mind, because the more new interesting friends you have, the better.
You danced with them, hugged, kissed, and then, closer to the morning, you left the dance floor.
[[Next.|end12_06]]<<show-gif ends\end12_06>>
Often you went to their house, but sometimes you went to the toilet. The guys really loved to bend you over at the toilet and fuck you good. They also loved it when you sucked them. However, you loved all of this yourself! You got such pleasant sensations, your lower tummy was hot, and your pussy was flowing.
So, if you look at everything that was happening from the other side, it was you who used these unfortunate guys, and not they you, he-he…
[[Next.|end12_07]]<<show-img ends\end11_07>>
Helga (now she calls herself Gaga) has completely changed, although you hardly knew her past. But now she has become a dumb bimbo slut.
Today the girl is a porn star. Her videos can be found everywhere on the Internet. And you love watching videos with her! Moreover, she did not specialize in any one fetish, she did almost everything. Group sex, big black cocks, lesbians, BDSM, golden showers and much, much more.
Rumor has it that she is addicted to all sorts of crap. You sometimes talk to her on the phone. She told you in secret that anyone who wants to can fuck her for money.
And... the former goth is now happy.
[[Next.|end12_08]]<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img ends\end11_08>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img ends\end12_07>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img ends\end11_10>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>Sophia, unlike you, survived this "adventure" without much harm to her intellect. She remembered a lot, reunited with her family and friends, returned to university.
Sometimes you talk to her on the phone, but you don't see each other in person. Although you've been through a lot together, you and Sophia are still too different...<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>Sophia, like you, was lucky to keep her sanity, although not 100%. Before that, she was very smart, but now her intelligence is more like average.
She remembered only a little of her past life, but her family helps her a lot. Sophia also continued to study at the university, only now she prefers parties instead of books.
You and Sophia became best friends! At first, you just saw each other a lot, drank coffee in coffee shops and beer in bars, but then you admitted to yourselves that there was something more between you. You became lovers.
You had an open relationship, you did not want to limit each other in anything. Each of you strove to ensure that your partner received maximum pleasure...<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>Sophia was a very smart girl. Until that damned test.
Sophia didn't remember anything from the past, dropped out of the university where she studied, broke off ties with her family and old friends. She preferred to hang out with new acquaintances.
You sometimes talked to her on the phone. Unfortunately, the girl got hooked on chemistry and became a prostitute. For a dose, she was ready to do almost anything. Moreover, other prostitutes considered her a complete slut. Sophia even offered you to use her for money!
By the way, she once starred in a video with Helga! It turned out well, but she was not invited to the sequel...
However, despite all this, Sophia is happy.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img ends\end11_11>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img ends\end11_12>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img ends\end11_13>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>>You weren't surprised when you heard that Oprah went to jail after a fight. She broke a girl's arm and knocked out a tooth. And robbed her victim. Yes, that's her style.
However, in prison she became an authority. Everyone fears her, everyone respects her, everyone pleases her. Apparently, it couldn't be any other way with Oprah.
You visited her several times and sent her packages. Each time, she laughs and calls you a "good white bitch."
However, sometimes you think: maybe her fate would have turned out better if her bimbo gas had changed?<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>>You weren't surprised when you heard that Oprah went to jail for drug dealing. Although she became less aggressive after that fucked up house, it couldn't overcome her criminal nature.
In prison, she became a bitch, anyone could use her tongue. And she was also used as a spittoon and a urinal.
If you were a little angrier, you would say that this cunt deserved such a fate. But you are not that bad a person. You send her packages and visited her several times. By the way, Oprah claims that she is happy with everything...<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >>Oprah (or Opa-Opa, as she now calls herself), to your surprise, has become a street prostitute. There is no trace left of her former aggression and hostility. Now any passerby can slap her huge ass, and she won't even break his fingers. Rather, she will smile and name the price for "fuck-fuck".
You heard that the African girl has become a real star in the ghetto, since she doesn't charge much (and her pimp takes half of it anyway), and is ready to do almost anything with anyone.
You met a couple of times, but there is nothing to talk about with the girl, she has become too stupid. But she offered to lick your pussy for 10 dollars. You promised to think about it.
It seems that bimbo gas has changed her fate for the better, because now she is happy.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Next.|end12_10]]<<show-img ends\end11_14>>
And Shi... Where the fuck is Shi?!
She disappeared right after you and the girls were taken to the hospital. You never heard from her again. She's always been an individualist, of course, but there's something wrong with her. Or is that just your imagination?
But fuck Shi.
<<show-img ends\end11_15>>
The news periodically talks about the girl who kidnapped you and other girls. She became quite popular, the sly journalists even came up with a stupid nickname for her - "JUGSaw".
Recently she kidnapped three girls in Canada, and before that, seven in Australia. And in Texas, the bitch turned two guys into blondes with huge boobs. No one was able to establish her identity, she leaves no evidence.
You didn't know how to feel about her. On the one hand, she was a criminal and kidnapped people, and on the other... Many people became happy after that. Including you.
[[Next.|end12_12]]<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img ends\end12_08S>>
<<else>><<show-img ends\end12_08>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>You and Sophia were happy together. You partied in clubs, hung out in bars, made passionate love. Sometimes other people joined you, and the whole action turned into a real orgy. And sometimes each of you fucked someone else. You had a free and comfortable relationship.
Soon, you and the girl even moved in together and built a life together. You were very similar. More precisely, you became very similar after that "game".
Many people do not value their intelligence, and for the two of you there are more important things...
<<else>>You loved hanging out in clubs and hanging out in bars. You made new friends, most of whom were for one evening. But you didn't want more.
You liked freedom, the feeling of lightness and wild animal sex. What else is worth living for, if not for pleasant sensations? Many people do not value their intelligence, and for you there are more important things...<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>> END №12-S: Two half-bimbos.
<<else>>END №12: Half-bimbo.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[View low bimbification ending (other characters' bimbification levels remain the same).|end11_bimbo]]
[[View high bimbification ending (other characters' bimbification levels remain the same).|end13_bimbo]]<<show-img ends\end13_02>>
At the hospital you underwent a full examination, tried to tell them what had happened, but they didn't understand you very well. Only idiots work in these hospitals! They kept you there for two whole days, but they didn't find any physical damage, the MRI showed that the cerebral cortex was working much, much worse than in a normal person, and your memory... The doctors say that it's unlikely to ever return. The surprising thing is that you haven't forgotten how to hold a spoon. However, the police, of course, were able to establish your identity, as well as the identities of all the other "sisters in misfortune".
[[Next.|end13_03]]<<show-img ends\end13_03>>
Soon you were giving evidence to the police. Or rather, trying to give evidence. You were waving your arms emotionally and telling them that you had been kidnapped, and the detectives were covering their faces with their palms and laughing. You even went to the crime scene together, but the detectives couldn't find any evidence at all. As if nothing had ever happened.
There were only 6 DNA samples in the house (5 participants and one zombified man in the toilet), not a single tape was found.
It turns out that the place where the bitch was during the game was right under the house, but the villainess prudently burned down her "operational center".
That's good. You don't feel any anger or hatred towards the maniac girl. Why should she be put in jail? What did she do wrong? She gave you a new body and this amazing lightness in your head!
[[Next.|end13_04]]<<show-img ends\end13_04>>
You couldn't remember anything from the past. So you gave up on your family and old friends. They were strangers to you, they were boring people.
Instead of these old farts and stuffy people, you found yourself new friends! You found new friends every evening! You were shown such cool places, where you can be free, you can be yourself. You can even walk around naked in front of everyone, and that's exactly how you like it!
<<show-gif ends\end13_05>>
The boys treated you to drinks, treated you to strange pills that made you laugh, and most importantly, treated you to their strong cocks and sperm!
You simply loved to fuck! You could fuck all day long, with different men (and different girls too). That feeling when your pussy starts to get wet is priceless. As is the feeling of a dick inside you. And the feeling when your vaginal muscles spasm – that's just the bomb! That's what life is worth. That's what you were living for now.
[[Next.|end13_06]]<<show-gif ends\end13_06>>
Sometimes the boys would take you home from clubs and bars. Only you! There were no other bitches there to steal your cocks. All the cocks were yours! All the cocks and all the cum! And all the orgasms, ha-ha-ha!
The boys fucked you in all your holes, sometimes in turns, sometimes at once. By the way, you could also get an orgasm from anal sex, and even from a cock in your mouth! It is not known whether bimbo gas changed you so much, or simply the strong feeling of arousal brings you to bliss. But thanks to the kidnapping bitch for such a pleasant feeling!
[[Next.|end13_07]]<<show-img ends\end13_07>>
Helga (now she calls herself Gaga) has completely changed, although you hardly knew her past. But now she has become a dumb bimbo slut. Just like you!
Today the girl is a porn star. Her videos can be found everywhere on the Internet. And you love watching videos with her! Moreover, she did not specialize in any one fetish, she did almost everything. Group sex, big black cocks, lesbians, BDSM, golden showers and much, much more. It's so cool! And it's also cool that anyone can fuck her for money.
She got hooked on all sorts of crap, even treating you to it. And she also invited you to act in porn! Such a chance cannot be missed, so you happily agreed. The producers liked your joint work, they invite you to individual shootings.
The former goth is now very, very happy.
[[Next.|end13_08]]<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img ends\end11_08>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img ends\end11_09>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img ends\end11_10>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>Sophia, unlike you, survived this "adventure" without much harm to her intellect. She remembered a lot, reunited with her family and friends, returned to university.
Soon you stopped communicating and seeing each other. Although you went through a lot together, you and Sophia are still fucking different...<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>Sophia has partially retained her mind. Mostly. Before, she was very smart, but now her intelligence has become more like average.
She remembered only a little of her past life, but her family helps her a lot. Sophia also continued to study at the university, only now she prefers parties instead of books.
You sometimes communicate with her, but your personalities and tastes are still too different. Although she is a party girl, she is very, very far from you.<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7 >>Sophia is literally your sister in misfortune! Or rather, your sister in happiness.
Sophia didn't remember anything from the past, dropped out of the university where she studied, broke off ties with her family and old friends. She preferred to hang out with new acquaintances. Everything is like you!
You sometimes talk to her on the phone and see each other in real life. Sometimes you hang out together, take illegal drugs and have orgies! By the way, Sophia bragged that she became a prostitute. She was ready to do almost anything for the sake of a dose. Moreover, other prostitutes considered her a complete slut. Sophia even offered you to join her craft!
By the way, she once starred in a video with Helga! The same as you. It turned out well, but she wasn't invited to the sequel (unlike you, heh-heh)... However, despite all this, Sophia is very, very happy.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>><<show-gif ends\end13_08>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img ends\end13_09>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img ends\end13_10>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $oprah.bimbo lte 3>> You weren't surprised when you heard that Oprah went to jail after a fight. She broke a girl's arm and knocked out a tooth. And she robbed her victim. Yes, that's her style.
However, in prison she became an authority. Everyone fears her, everyone respects her, everyone pleases her. Apparently, it couldn't be any other way with Oprah.
You visit her from time to time and send her packages. You are even given a VIP room for visitors. There you lick a black girl's feet and pussy, and she laughs and calls you a "dumb white bitch." She also said that when she gets out, she will stop living with you and you will provide for her. You were sincerely happy about this. Finally, someone will take full responsibility for your life!<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 4 and $oprah.bimbo lte 6>> You weren't surprised when you heard that Oprah went to jail for drug dealing. Although she became less aggressive after that fucked up house, it couldn't overcome her criminal nature.
In prison, she became a bitch, anyone could use her tongue. She was also used as a spittoon and a urinal.
You periodically send her packages and visit her. One time, Oprah's neighbor bribed the guards because she wanted her "pussy to be licked by a white bitch porn actress." You were flattered, because you haven't filmed much porn yet. However, your desire had little to do with it.
They took you to a cell and locked you there for a day, you served Oprah's neighbor - a very powerful black woman. She sat on your face, spat in your mouth, even used it as a urinal a few times. And she made Oprah lick your pussy.
All in all, you had a great time! You'll definitely come back!<</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 7 >>Oprah (or Opa-Opa, as she now calls herself), to your surprise, has become a street prostitute. There is no trace left of her former aggression and hostility. Now any passerby can slap her huge ass, and she will not even break his fingers. Rather, she will smile and name the prices for "fuck-fuck".
You heard that the African woman has become a real star in the ghetto, since she does not charge much (and her pimp takes half of it anyway), and is ready to do almost everything with anyone.
You periodically see each other, drink, have fun. And sometimes you even fuck! Once her pimp caught you, you sucked him off so that he would not be angry. The pimp offered you to work for him, you promised to think about it (well, as appropriate as the word "think" is for your brain). A week later you saw him again in secret from your friend, sucked him off, but still hadn't made a decision. Then another week later... And a week later you were sucking off a pimp right on the street!
Bimbo gas changed her fate for the better, because now she is very happy.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Next.|end13_10]]<<show-img ends\end11_14>>
And Shi... Where the fuck is Shi?!
She disappeared right after you and the girls were taken to the hospital. You never heard from her again. You had thoughts about Shi, but you couldn't put them together into anything coherent.
But fuck Shi.
[[Next.|end13_11]]<<show-img ends\end11_15>>
The news periodically talks about the girl who kidnapped you and other girls. She became quite popular, the sly journalists even came up with a stupid nickname for her - "JUGSaw".
Recently she kidnapped three girls in Canada, and before that, seven in Australia. And in Texas, the bitch turned two guys into blondes with huge boobs. No one has been able to establish her identity, she leaves no evidence.
But everything they say about her is slander! She is good, you know it for sure! She makes people happy. She made you happy too!
[[Next.|end13_12]]<<show-img ends\end13_11>>
You truly enjoy your new life. You fuck handsome men (all people are handsome in their own way), you have fun with cool girls, your life is full of bright colors and amazing emotions.
Thanks to filming porn, you earn great money and don't need anything. People recognize you on the street and smile. You look like a real GODDESS.
"The Game" has definitely changed your life for the better. Thanks to that magical bitch.
Many people don’t value their intelligence... People like you.
END №13: Bimbo.
[[View low bimbification ending (other characters' bimbification levels remain the same).|end11_bimbo]]
[[View medium bimbification ending (other characters' bimbification levels remain the same).|end12_bimbo]]<<nobr>><<if $player.hand == 4 and $player.lips == 4 and $player.ass == 4 and $player.tits == 4 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>>>
<<show-gif maxmods>>
Suddenly, every muscle in your body started to contract. You fell to the floor and convulsed, drooling from your lips.
"$name, it seems your body has overdosed on bimbo gas. Normally, it would have changed your body, but there is nothing else to change. You are already 100% bimbo. Don't worry, the attack will pass soon..." the maniac reassured you through the speaker.
And indeed, everything passed soon, you felt much better, you got to your feet.
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 3>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 0 and $player.ass gte 1 and $player.tits gte 1 and $player.hand gte 1 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif lipsmod01>>
Suddenly your lips started to burn. As if a thousand micro-bees had stung you at once. In a panic, you started to feel your lips. It seemed that they really were slightly swollen…
“What is this, $name? Lips? Where did that come from, you didn’t have lips before, ahaha!” the cold and mocking voice of the maniac was heard through the speakers installed on the walls.
Yeah, your lips really were really small before. Now they’ve become bigger…
<<set $player.lips = 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 1 and $player.hand gte 2 and $player.tits gte 2 and $player.ass gte 2 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif lipsmod02>>
Suddenly your lips went numb, as if from anesthesia. Then heat and pain broke through this sensation. You involuntarily grabbed your lips, which seemed to have become much larger.
“Lips are the most sensual part of a girl. And the most sucking one, ahaha!” came a mocking comment through the loudspeaker on the wall.
If before your lips were expressionless, now they can be called pretty and sexy.
<<set $player.lips = 2>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>> <</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 2 and $player.hand gte 3 and $player.tits gte 3 and $player.ass gte 3 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif lipsmod03>>
Your lips began to hurt rather unpleasantly. It was as if they had been pierced with many needles. You grabbed your face and discovered that your lips had become frankly large.
"$name, now you can become a great cocksucker in the glory hall! Think about it. There you will find your true happiness..." the voice said through the speaker.
Yeah, now your lips can be called sucking. That's what men will think about when they look at you - about how you suck a dick...
<<set $player.lips = 3>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.lips == 3 and $player.hand gte 4 and $player.tits gte 4 and $player.ass gte 4 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif lipsmod04>>
And again your face was struck by invisible needles. You doubled over in pain and grabbed your face. It's strange where those fingers on your face came from... Those are lips! Your lips have become the size of your fingers!
"Quack, ducky-$name, quack! Ahaha!" your kidnapper mocked. "If for some inexplicable reason you don't want to suck cocks, you can always join the freak show, ahaha!"
Yeah, with lips like those there really are only two paths in life. But few people in this world have lips like that...
<<set $player.lips = 4>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 3>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 0 and $player.tits gte 1 and $player.hand gte 1 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif assmod01>>
You feel the muscles in your buttocks contracting on their own, then they fill with some kind of mystical warmth. Without understanding anything, you bare your butt and start examining it.
"So-so-so. Someone finally got a girl's butt, huh, $name? Because before, your butt was like a guy's, flat and ugly. Don't worry, you'll thank me later, ahaha!" the psychopath's voice sounded from the speakers installed on the walls.
Well, the butt really did get a little bigger, she's right about that...
<<set $player.ass = 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>> <</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 1 and $player.hand gte 2 and $player.tits gte 2 and $player.lips gte 1 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif assmod02>>
Suddenly, the muscles in your thighs started to contract violently. Then it spread to your buttocks. It was as if you were twerking against your will. You undressed and started examining your butt.
"Oh, $name, you're dancing great! Now you have something to shake, ahaha!" the maniac laughed mockingly through the speakers. "Now you can go to clubs and not be embarrassed that other girls can twerk, but you can't."
Well, she's ri... Fuck her, bitch! Let her make her ass bigger if she wants to! Right...?
<<set $player.ass = 2>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>> <</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 2 and $player.hand gte 3 and $player.tits gte 3 and $player.lips gte 2 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif assmod03>>
The muscles in your legs began to contract, followed by the muscles in your butt. You immediately realized what was happening and pulled your clothes down so they wouldn't rip.
"The butt is every girl's best friend, because it's the butt that catches men's eyes and makes them turn around. Congratulations, now you finally have a best friend!" your captor taunted through the speakers.
Yeah, your butt is really big now. It's so unusual. It shakes so strangely when you walk...
<<set $player.ass = 3>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.ass == 3 and $player.hand gte 4 and $player.tits gte 4 and $player.lips gte 3 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif assmod04>>
And again your legs, thighs and buttocks began to tremble in some crazy (but passionate) dance. However, this time your ass began to grow so fast that it tore your pants.
"Hey, $name, what a huge trunk you have now! Watch out, don't get stuck in the gate, ahaha!" the maniac laughed maliciously through the speakers on the walls. "But seriously, many men like big asses. Especially men with big black cocks. Big! Black! Cocks! Have you ever had one? You definitely will..."
With such a huge ass, you became very awkward and clumsy. However, this is not the end of life. Rather, the beginning of a new life...
<<set $player.ass = 4>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 3>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 0 and $player.hand gte 1 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif titsmod01>>
You feel your boobs burning with fire, not painfully, but rather pleasantly. However, then the fire gets hotter. Without understanding what's happening, you bare your chest. It seems that it has become bigger... It has definitely become bigger!
"Oh, $name, you finally have the beginnings of breasts. Perhaps you should thank me, ahaha!" the maniac's voice came from the speaker mounted on the wall.
Well, she's right about something. Now you actually have breasts...
<<set $player.tits = 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 1 and $player.hand gte 2 and $player.ass gte 1 and $player.lips gte 1 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif titsmod02>>
Suddenly your chest felt so warm, as if something was heating them from the inside. Soon, that warmth turned into heat, and the heat was getting stronger and stronger. In a panic, you unbuttoned your top.
"$name, are you admiring your new boobs? They suit you. Why are you fighting? Become a better version of yourself," said a cold bitch from the speaker on the wall.
Well, now you really have nice boobs. Congratulations…?
<<set $player.tits = 2>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 2 and $player.hand gte 3 and $player.ass gte 2 and $player.lips gte 2 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif titsmod03>>
Suddenly and abruptly, your boobs seemed to be engulfed in flames, very painful and unpleasant flames (is there any other kind of flame?). You instinctively throw off your clothes.
"Wow! What boobs! Many people would envy you, $name. I'll tell you a secret: even I envy you a little..." a voice sounded from the speaker.
Yeah, your boobs have become really heavy and uncomfortable. But that's okay, you'll get used to it.
<<set $player.tits = 3>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.tits == 3 and $player.hand gte 4 and $player.ass gte 3 and $player.lips gte 3 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif titsmod04>>
You feel your boobs swelling so much that they rip your clothes apart! It happens so fast that you are in shock and don’t know how to react… They are so huge!
“Ladies and… ladies! We have a new world record holder for boobs – $name! I’m sure you can now take a prize at a cow show, ahaha!” the kidnapper mocked through the speakers on the walls. “But let’s be honest: men are animals. They fuck everything that moves. And this way your boobs will shake even more, that is, attract much more attention.”
She is right in some ways… But these boobs are so big that it’s really hard to walk with them!
<<set $player.tits = 4>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 3>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>> <</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 0 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif handmod01>>
Suddenly, your hands felt like they were on fire. You instinctively started rubbing your palms together, trying to somehow knock down the invisible, but very painful flame.
"Don't worry, $name, this is the bimbo gas affecting your hands. Soon the skin on them will become softer, and not like a ghetto dishwasher's," the maniac explained through the speakers installed on the walls.
Well, that calmed you down a little. You stopped rubbing your hands like crazy and examined them. It seemed that the skin really did become smoother and more pleasant...
<<set $player.hand = 1>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>> <</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 1 and $player.tits gte 1 and $player.ass gte 1 and $player.lips gte 1 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif handmod02>>
Your hands suddenly began to hurt. Your palms, the backs of them, and even each finger! Especially your fingertips, they seemed to be on fire!
"My bimbo gas is such a brilliant invention that it even affects the keratin in your nails, making it stronger, smoother, and sometimes even coloring it. Any girl would sell her soul to the devil for nails like that..." the maniac said through the speakers installed on the walls.
Your nails really did become more well-groomed and beautiful, as if they had been painted with clear varnish.
<<set $player.hand = 2>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 2 and $player.tits gte 2 and $player.ass gte 2 and $player.lips gte 2 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif handmod03>>
Once again, your hands and fingers were on fire. But this time, you weren't afraid. You already knew that it was unlikely that something really terrible would happen to them.
"Oh, $name, do you really like the irreversible changes to your hands? When you got here, your hands were scary to look at. And now any man would cum in 10 seconds from handjob with such beautiful nails," the maniac seemed to admire the changes she brought to your body.
Your nails turned pink. I wonder if this is really forever? Or will such a beautiful color disappear?
<<set $player.hand = 3>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.hand == 3 and $player.tits gte 3 and $player.ass gte 3 and $player.lips gte 3 and $player.antidote == 0 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
<<show-gif handmod04>>
Your hands were on fire again, but this time it was pleasant, both physically and mentally. You watched with impatience as your nails changed, became longer and… rhinestones just appeared on them? What? How?
“Don’t be scared, $name! This is creatine that has taken the form of rhinestones. Did you really think that real rhinestones would grow on your nails? Or even diamonds? Although you are not a shining example of intelligence, since you ended up here. Enjoy your new nails! By the way, they are very, very strong now,” the maniac was proud of her work on changing your body.
Well… It’s hard to do any small work with such nails. But they look incredibly beautiful…
<<set $player.hand = 4>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 3>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>>
<<if $player.antidote gte 1 and $player.bimbo lte 3 and $bimbogasstop == 0>><<show-gif antidote01>><</if>>
<<if $player.antidote gte 1 and $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6 and $bimbogasstop == 0>><<show-gif antidote02>><</if>>
<<if $player.antidote gte 1 and $player.bimbo gte 7 and $bimbogasstop == 0>><<show-gif antidote03>><</if>>
<<if $player.antidote gte 1 and $bimbogasstop == 0>>
You feel the heat in your body, but your organism resists it. Although, let's be honest, it is resisted by the antidote in your blood. Otherwise, your body would acquire irreversible changes, as would your mind. However, you should never forget that 1 dose of bimbo gas blocker protects for only 1 hour...
<<set $player.antidote -= 1>>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $bimbogasstop = 1>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<silently>><<if $bimbogas1 == 1>><<set $bimbogas1 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas2 == 1>><<set $bimbogas2 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas3 == 1>><<set $bimbogas3 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas4 == 1>><<set $bimbogas4 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas5 == 1>><<set $bimbogas5 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas6 == 1>><<set $bimbogas6 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas7 == 1>><<set $bimbogas7 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas8 == 1>><<set $bimbogas8 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas9 == 1>><<set $bimbogas9 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas10 == 1>><<set $bimbogas10 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas11 == 1>><<set $bimbogas11 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $bimbogas12 == 1>><<set $bimbogas12 = 2>><</if>>
<<if $shi.antidote gte 1>><<set $shi.antidote -= 1>><<else>><<set $shi.bimbo += 1>><</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 6>><<set $shi.bimbo = 5>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.antidote gte 1>><<set $sophia.antidote -= 1>><<else>><<set $sophia.bimbo += 1>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 11>><<set $sophia.bimbo = 10>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.antidote gte 1>><<set $oprah.antidote -= 1>><<else>><<set $oprah.bimbo += 1>><</if>>
<<if $oprah.bimbo gte 11>><<set $oprah.bimbo = 10>><</if>>
<<if $helga.antidote gte 1>><<set $helga.antidote -= 1>><<else>><<set $helga.bimbo += 1>><</if>>
<<if $helga.bimbo gte 11>><<set $helga.bimbo = 10>><</if>>
<<return "Return.">>
<<show-img librarytrail01>>
"Girls, run here quickly! I found a secret room!" Sophia's joyful cry was heard. "Come on, follow my voice! It seems there is something interesting here!"
[[Follow Sophia's call.|librarytrail02]]
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img library04>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img library05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7 >><<show-img library06>><</if>><</nobr>>
In the library, you saw one of the bookcases open. You went into the room behind it, and Oprah and Shi soon followed. Apparently, there was no point in waiting for Helga.
“Who said that books are useless?” smirked the nerdy Sophia.
"They're heavy, you can hit them hard," joked Oprah. Well, you hope she was joking...
[[Next.|librarytrail03]]<<show-img librarytrail07>>
You went out into the corridor towards the voice, but then suddenly thought...
Fuck them, fuck them all!
You have your own business here, by the way! You need to find an antidote, scratch your ass and all that...
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 2>>
<<set $librarytrail = 2>>
<<set $time += 1>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img librarytrail02>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><<show-img librarytrail03>><</if>><</nobr>>
Inside were five chairs, placed back to back.
"Well, I guess we'll have to sit on them..." Shi made the only possible conclusion.
"It certainly can't get any worse," Oprah shrugged and plopped down in one of the chairs.
"It could always get worse," Sophia said sadly, taking the empty seat.
You, like the others, sat down in the empty chair.
[[Next.|librarytrail04]]<<show-img librarytrail04>>
There were two TVs on the walls, which started working as soon as four chairs were occupied.
"Hello, bitches. I want to play a game with you, which I call the Bimbo Prisoner's Dilemma," the maniac girl began to broadcast cheerfully from the screen, then faltered and quietly added: "I still need to work on the name..."
"Give birth already, you pig!" Oprah angrily told her.
"So, your goal is to decide who gets the antidote: you personally or the girl on the right," the psychopath voiced the rules. "There are buttons in the armrests of the chairs. The left one is for you to choose, the right one is for the neighbor on the right. They are even labeled for the stupid! Ahem... If everyone chooses themselves, then no one will get the antidote. If everyone chooses the neighbor on the right, then everyone will get two antidotes. In all other cases, it is all a matter of personal choice: you save yourself or someone else. Make your choice!"
[[Next.|librarytrail05]]<<show-img librarytrail05>>
"Stop! Freeze!" Sophia said sharply. "Don't press anything. It's obvious that everyone needs to choose the neighbor on the right."
"Yeah, if only I trusted that bitch Shi, who's sitting on the left," Oprah snapped.
"After saying that, you definitely shouldn't trust me," the little Asian girl spat on the floor.
"Fuck, girls, what are you doing! We can all get 2 antidotes! Come on!"
So, the situation is this: Sophia is to your right, Shi is to her right, Oprah is to her right, and you are to Oprah's right. So Oprah is deciding your fate! Fuck... And you are deciding the fate of Sophia, who will definitely give Shi the antidote.
Here's your bimbo prisoner's dilemma...
[[Give the antidote to Sophia.|librarytrail06]]
[[Keep the antidote for yourself.|librarytrail07]]
<<show-img librarytrail06>>
"So..." the game manager happily summed up the results from the monitor screen. "$name chose Sophia! Sophia chose Shi! Shi chose... herself! And Oprah chose herself. You could have won together. But each decided to pull the blanket over herself..."
"How stupid, girls..." Sophia said disappointedly. "But thank you, $name. Apparently, you are the only team player here..."
"Ouch!" Shi jerked. The chairs began injecting antidotes into the girls. Everyone, except you. It turns out that you lost the most...
"Thank you for the game, and now get out of this room before it fills with tenfold concentration of bimbo gas. Well, the antidotes are still in the chairs, you can start taking them apart... Anyway, you get the idea." the psychopath explained her motives. "Get lost and close the door tightly behind you!"
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $sophia.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 2>>
<<set $librarytrail = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>>
<<show-img librarytrail06>>
"So..." the game manager happily summed up the results from the monitor screen. Sophia chose Shi! Shi chose... herself! Oprah chose... herself. "$name chose herself! You could have won together. But each decided to pull the blanket over herself..."
"How stupid, girls, how stupid..." Sophia said disappointedly.
"Ouch!" Shi jerked. Then you jerked from the pain right in your buttocks, as if something had pricked. The chairs began injecting antidotes into the girls. Everyone, except Sophia. It turns out that she lost the most...
"Thank you for the game, and now get out of this room before it fills with a tenfold concentration of bimbo gas. Well, the antidotes are still in the chairs, you can start taking them apart... Anyway, you get the idea." the psychopath explained her motives. "Get lost and close the door tightly behind you!"
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 2>>
<<set $librarytrail = 2>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplacetrail01>>
"Hey, white bitches! And one Asian bitch... Everyone go to the room with the fireplace! Something is happening here! Run here quickly!" Oprah screamed at the top of her voice. Perhaps it is better to go not to her, but away from her, because she is a very dangerous and unpredictable person...
[[Go to Oprah.|fireplacetrail02]]
<<nobr>>[[Hide for a while.|fireplacetrail07]]
<<set $fireplacetrail = 2>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplacetrail02>>
You sighed heavily and walked up to Oprah. Soon, Sophia and Shi arrived.
It turned out that the bar counter had opened slightly, and there was a tape recorder and two pills glowing pink.
"A tape recorder? Seriously? You fucking have screens and speakers. Are you still in the 90s, you dumb cunt!" Oprah screamed loudly. To your surprise, the maniac held back and didn't answer, but Shi still went and turned on the recording.
"Fuck off, you black-assed bitch," a familiar voice rang out on the recording, which had anticipated criticism directed at her. "Now to the trial. Go to hell yourself, and save your friend - this is what modern feminism is based on. At least in theory. The pills in front of you enhance the effect of bimbo gas. If one of you takes 1 pill, then everyone else gets an antidote. And if two of you take 1 pill, then everyone else gets 2 antidotes. And don’t even think about taking more than 2 pills of this antidote, you’ll overdose! You have 10 minutes to think about it. Make your choice, bitches."
[[Next.|fireplacetrail03]]<<show-gif fireplacetrail07>>
To be on the safe side, you decided to sit it out in the toilet. You never know. You don't trust Oprah, and the other girls, either. You can handle it yourself. You don't need anyone...
<<set $sophia.antidote += 1>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 1>>
<<set $helga.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplacetrail03>>
"Helga!" Shi and Oprah said in unison, then the African woman ran into the big room to fetch the girl. The situation was quickly explained to her.
"Okay, whatever, I agree," the girl shrugged and giggled stupidly. It seemed she really didn't care.
"We need another!" Oprah said in a tone that brooked no argument.
Perhaps it was worth sacrificing a little of herself to help the others. On the other hand, why the fuck?
[[Keep quiet.|fireplacetrail04]]
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 4>>[[Convince Sophia [requires a low level of bimbification on your part].|fireplacetrail05]]
<<else>><span style="color: red;">Convince Sophia [requires a low level of bimbification on your part].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Volunteer yourself.|fireplacetrail06]]<<show-img fireplacetrail04>>
Oprah looked at Sophia predatorily, then grabbed her, twisted her arm and shoved one of the pills into her mouth. The poor girl tried to resist, to fight back, but it was useless, since the African was much stronger. The aggressor threw the girl to the ground and sat on her face.
"That's it, bitch, that's it," Oprah said when Sophia finally swallowed the ill-fated pill. She was left with no choice...
When Helga herself ate the second pill, the bar counter opened again, there were 6 green pills. You are sure that Oprah would have taken everything for herself, but she was simply afraid of an overdose.
You took your "prize" and swallowed it right away.
<<set $player.antidote += 2>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 2>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 2>>
<<set $sophia.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $helga.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img fireplacetrail05>>
"Sophia, you're a team player. You said yourself that we should help each other and stick together. Please, help us all right now, and then we'll help you," you gave an inspiring speech. The girl smiled, nodded her head, took one pill and swallowed it.
When Helga herself took the second pill, the bar counter opened again, there were 6 green pills. You're sure Oprah would have taken all of them for herself, but she was just afraid of an overdose.
You took your "prize" and swallowed it right away.
<<set $player.antidote += 2>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 2>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 2>>
<<set $sophia.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $helga.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif fireplacetrail06>>
"Okay, girls, I'll do it. I hope you can help me too," you smiled, took the pill, threw it in your mouth and swallowed it right away.
When Helga took the second pill herself, the bar counter opened again, there were 6 green pills. You are sure that Oprah would have taken all of them for herself, but she was just afraid of an overdose.
Everyone took their "prize" and swallowed it right away. Let's hope your sacrifice won't be in vain...
<<set $sophia.antidote += 2>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 2>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 2>>
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $helga.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-img sophiahelp01>>
"Hey, $name, wait," Sophia suddenly came up to you and spoke in a whisper. Then she took you by the hand and led you to the toilet so that no one would disturb you. "I found two antidote pills. You helped me, I want to share them with you. I swear I'm not trying to set you up. You helped me, and I want to help you, I just want to return the favor."
Wow. That's an interesting proposition. Are you sure Sophia won't set you up. Maybe you should trust her after all?
[[Take pill.|sophiahelp02]]
<<nobr>>[[Refuse pill.|sophiahelp03]]
<<set $sophiahelp = 2>><</nobr>><<show-img sophiahelp02>>
"I'll accept your help, Sophia," you smiled back at the girl. "And I'm very grateful to you."
You took the greenish pill from her hand and popped it into your mouth.
"You're welcome, friend," the girl nodded.
You hugged each other tightly, then each of you went your separate ways.
<<set $sophia.antidote += 1>>
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 2>><</nobr>><<show-gif sophiahelp03>>
"Sorry, Sophia, I can't accept this..." you shook your head sadly.
"I understand that you can't trust me 100%, that's okay," the girl smiled sadly in response. “I hope that when all this is over, you and I could become friends...”
Each of you went your separate ways.
<<set $sophia.antidote += 2>>
<<set $time += 2>><</nobr>><<show-img enigmatrail01>>
"Girls! I found a tape recorder and two boxes behind the fireplace! Let's meet in the hall! Come on, there's some kind of riddle, I need you!" Shi shouted at the top of her lungs. A riddle? Great. The maniac has run out of imagination, she's making riddles now.
[[Go to Shi.|enigmatrail02]]
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>[[Hide for a while.|enigmatrail07]]<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7>>[[Hide for a while.|enigmatrail08]]<</if>>
<<set $enigmatrail = 2>><</nobr>><<show-img enigmatrail02>>
You, Oprah, Sophia, and Shi herself gathered in the hallway of the house. She had a tape recorder and two boxes in her hands. The Asian girl took a deep breath and turned on the recording.
"Hello, BITCHES!" the maniac emphasized the insult she loved to use on you. "I have a riddle for you. If you guess correctly, one box with antidotes will open. If you guess wrong, a box with bimbo gas boosters will open. You will not know if you have solved the riddle until you take the pills. The contents of the other box will be destroyed using an acid capsule. So..."
[[Next.|enigmatrail03]]<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img enigmatrail10>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img enigmatrail11>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img enigmatrail12>><</if>><</nobr>>
No-no-no, riddles are not your thing. And there's probably a trap there. Besides, you have other things to do. In the toilet, for example. And Sophia will solve everything there, she's a smart girl, her brains haven't completely burned out yet.
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 1>>
<<set $sophia.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img enigmatrail10>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img enigmatrail11>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img enigmatrail12>><</if>><</nobr>>
No-no-no, riddles are not your thing. And there's probably a trap there. Besides, you have other things to do. In the toilet, for example. And Sophia's brains are completely melted, so there's little chance of winning there...
<<set $oprah.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $shi.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $sophia.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $shi.bimbo lte 3>> <<show-img enigmatrail03>><</if>>
<<if $shi.bimbo gte 4>><<show-img enigmatrail04>><</if>><</nobr>>
<i>"There were two, one arrived,
Into the river another dived,
One ran away cause of a mouse,
How much bitches in da house?"</i>
"One?" Shi scratched her head. "Two plus one minus one and minus one? Right?"
"I don't know shit about this," Oprah shrugged. "Where am I and where are the riddles?"
You're not sure about Shi's answer, since the riddle might be tricky. So that leaves you and Sophia...
<<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>>[[Solve it yourself [requires a low level of bimbification on you].|enigmatrail04]]<</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4>><span style="color: red;">Solve it yourself [requires a low level of bimbification on you].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 6>>[[Let Sophia solve it [requires a low or medium level of bimbification on Sophia].|enigmatrail05]]<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7>><span style="color: red;">Let Sophia solve it [requires a low or medium level of bimbification on Sophia].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo gte 7>>[[Keep silent.|enigmatrail06]]<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><span style="color: red;">Keep silent [if you keep silent, Sophia will solve the riddle].</span><</if>><</nobr>><<show-img enigmatrail05>>
“Yeah, that’s easy,” you smiled confidently. "The question is: how many bitches in the house? Five bitches in the house. That's us. The cunt who kidnapped us often calls us bitches, she even specifically highlighted this word at the beginning of the recording."
"Exactly, you're right," Sophia supported you.
"I'll vote for five too," Shi nodded.
"And nothing depends on me," Oprah shrugged.
One of the boxes opened, you boldly took apart the pills and swallowed them without a shadow of a doubt.
"You solved the riddle correctly," the maniac's voice from the speaker on the wall pleased you. "That's why each of you just received the antidote. Congratulations, bitches!"
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 1>>
<<set $sophia.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>> <<show-img enigmatrail08>><</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img enigmatrail09>><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $sophia.bimbo lte 3>>"The answer is five," Sophia said confidently. "There are five of us. And the question was about the number of bitches in the house, that is, about us. A riddle with a catch."<</if>>
<<if $sophia.bimbo gte 4 and $sophia.bimbo lte 6>> "I think the answer is five," Sophia hesitated slightly, no longer as smart as before. "Probably a riddle with a catch. I think the maniac is hinting at us, that we are bitches."<</if>><</nobr>>
"Yes, it seems true. I will also vote for five," Shi nodded.
"I will also vote for Sophia's option," you agreed with the girl's arguments.
"And nothing depends on me," Oprah shrugged.
One of the boxes opened, you boldly took apart the pills and swallowed them without a shadow of a doubt.
"You solved the riddle correctly," the maniac's voice cheered you from the speaker on the wall. "So each of you just received the antidote. Congratulations, bitches!"
<<set $player.antidote += 1>>
<<set $oprah.antidote += 1>>
<<set $shi.antidote += 1>>
<<set $sophia.antidote += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<if $player.bimbo lte 3>><<show-img enigmatrail05>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 4 and $player.bimbo lte 6>><<show-img enigmatrail06>><</if>>
<<if $player.bimbo gte 7>><<show-img enigmatrail07>><</if>><</nobr>>
"We don't have any other options, it seems," Sophia lowered her head in disappointment.
"Let's support Shi," you agreed with the Asian girl.
"And nothing depends on me," Oprah shrugged.
One of the boxes opened, you took apart the pills with trembling hands and, somehow overcoming your doubts, swallowed them.
"You didn't solve the riddle," the maniac's voice from the speaker on the wall stunned you and the girls. "That's why each of you just received a bimbo gas amplifier. You are stupid BITCHES!"
<<set $player.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $oprah.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $shi.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $sophia.bimbo += 1>>
<<set $time += 9>><</nobr>><<show-gif sophiakiss01>>
You couldn't help but succumb to Sophia's charms, to her sensual lips and her flushed cheeks. You approached the girl, gently hugged her with one hand, and ran your other hand over her face, over her young and tender skin. You take her into the guest room so that no one will disturb you.
She smiled back at you, hugged you around the waist, leaned forward, and your lips touched. At first gently and somewhat timidly, then more and more boldly.
Passion mixed with tenderness, your hands stroked your bodies, and your tongues slowly caressed each other. You would really like time to stop.
But, coming to your senses, you understand that you need to continue acting. The "game" is not over yet...
<<set $time += 2>><</nobr>>
<<show-gif sophiasex01>>
You smiled, walked up to Sophia, ran your fingers through her light hair, led her to the guest room and bit into her inviting big lips. Without breaking the kiss, you undressed each other, caressed your bodies with your hands, you did everything as if you were one whole, as if you had loved each other all your lives.
Sophia kissed your neck, caressed your hips with her gentle fingers and long nails, whispered all sorts of pleasant nonsense in your ear...
[[Next.|sophiasex02]]<<show-gif oprahkiss01>>
You smiled at Oprah, she came up to you, took your hand and led you to the guest room. There she put one arm around you, the other hand on the back of your head, pulled you towards her and kissed you on the lips. You started stroking her arm, shoulder, neck, and she pressed you tighter, kissed you more and more assertively, stuck her tongue deeper into your mouth.
Soon she started pawing at your ass, squeezing it, even slapped it lightly. You were turned on by her actions. Despite the changes in Oprah, she was still so confident and assertive.
"Okay, okay," after a few minutes she broke the kiss and even smiled at you slightly, which is the highest degree of approval from her...
<<set $time += 2>><</nobr>><<show-gif oprahsex01>>
Oprah, seeing your look full of desire, takes you by the hand, leads you to the guest room and there pounces on you with a kiss. You undress each other as if in a dance, then she takes your hand and leads you to a relatively clean place where you can lie down.
"Stroke," she pointed to her body, then lay down on her stomach. Yeah, you got it, she wants you to caress her. Which you basically started doing. Your fingers ran over the soft skin of her back, over her arms, over her hips. And your partner almost purred with pleasure.
Then you started stroking her body with your palms, kneading her shoulders, squeezing her hips, squeezing her big black ass...
[[Next.|oprahsex02]]<<show-gif helgakiss01>>
Exhausted with desire, you approached Helga, hugged her and passionately grabbed her lips with yours. The girl reciprocated, with double passion she began to play with her tongue in your mouth. Her tongue did some incredible miracles: caressed your palate (both upper and lower), licked your tongue in a circle. Then the girl just started sucking your tongue, as if it were a man's penis!
She behaved insanely, depravedly and incredibly pleasantly! You were blown away by her actions. What a pity that this can't last forever...
<<set $time += 2>><</nobr>>
<<show-gif helgasex01>>
You approached Helga, ran your hand along her waist and kissed her passionately. The girl responded to your kiss and immediately raised the stakes - her deft hand began to caress your pussy through your panties. Just like that! You admired her pressure and did the same: you began to stroke her pussy through her panties.
Meanwhile, her lips kissed your lips, then moved to your cheek, to your ear, to your neck. You didn’t even have time to notice how the girl began to kiss your chest…
[[Next.|helgasex02]]<<show-gif shikiss01>>
You took a step towards Shi, when suddenly she pounced on you and locked you in her arms. In these arms you entered the guest room. What followed was pure madness: your tongues intertwined in an incredible dance, full of passion, lust and, the aforementioned madness. It probably looks pretty cringe-worthy from the outside. It's good that you don't see yourself from the outside...
You didn't want it to end, but after a few minutes Shi broke the kiss and released you from her arms.
"It was very nice, but we need to move on," the Asian woman smiled at you, wiping her saliva-smeared lips with her hand. Well, she's right, you need to move on.
<<set $time += 2>><</nobr>><<show-gif oprahsex02>>
Suddenly the girl jumped up, turned around, grabbed you by the back of the head and buried you between her legs. You were so surprised that you didn't understand anything, but you automatically moved your tongue over her wet (very wet!) pussy.
"Come on, come on! Work!" the African encouraged you. You moved your tongue harder, more actively and boldly. "Like this, like this!"
You liked giving pleasure in such a simple way, and you also liked the way she behaved: assertively, dominantly and imperiously. But there was no trace left of her anger.
[[Next.|oprahsex03]]<<show-gif oprahsex03>>
The African took control again. More precisely, she stood up and then sat right on your face. You didn't resist. Firstly, it was useless. Secondly, it all turned you on. You felt another drop of your lubricant flow out of your pussy...
The girl held your hair, and you worked your tongue with all your might, at maximum speed and with maximum diligence.
"Come on, white bitch, come on!" the powerful girl squeezed your head with her legs, and then she convulsed and had a wild orgasm.
Soon she let go of your head and began to dress. Well, it was... very nice.
<<set $time += 14>><</nobr>><<show-gif sophiasex02>>
Sophia turned your back to her, began to kiss the lobe of your ear, and her hand reached your groin and went down to your pussy. With gentle and timid movements, she began to caress you, a pleasant shiver ran through your entire body. You wanted to completely surrender to this amazing feeling and your wonderful partner.
A minute later, she was already actively playing with your treasure with her hand, caressing your clitoris, giving amazing pleasure. But you really wanted to continue, and also wanted to thank her...
[[Next.|sophiasex03]]<<show-gif sophiasex03>>
Having found a relatively clean place, you lay down in the 69 position to caress each other with your tongues. As soon as you finally touched her treasure with your wet tongue, the girl involuntarily shuddered and moaned softly. As soon as she touched your pussy, you did the same: shuddered and moaned.
You acted synchronously, like two team players, your tongues began to work in time, slowly at first, then faster and faster, your hands caressed each other's bodies, and your minds were somewhere in Paradise.
After a few minutes of such caresses, you both began to breathe heavily, the muscles of your pussies began to contract, bringing each of you indescribable sensations. Probably, such an orgasm can be called perfect - long, bright and, most importantly, joint.
You lay in each other's arms for a few more minutes, and then reluctantly began to dress...
<<set $time += 14>><</nobr>>
<<show-gif helgasex02>>
At first, Helga gently kissed your nipple with her lips, played with it, then more and more actively and boldly she used her tongue. You loved everything she did. The girl sincerely and with all her heart tried to please you. It was obvious that her pleasure was in pleasing you. Perhaps her former gothic submissiveness played a role here, but you decided not to think about it at such a wonderful moment.
You enjoyed your partner's tongue on your breast. First one, then the other. And then it went lower and lower...
[[Next.|helgasex03]]<<show-gif helgasex03>>
Helga reached your pussy, began to kiss it with her lips, caress it with her tongue. She did all this as if she had a lot of experience. And even if it wasn’t so, the former goth had no shortage of enthusiasm.
Under the pressure of her virtuoso tongue, you felt an orgasm approaching. You grabbed her by the hair, pulled her even closer to you, so that she wouldn’t even think about stopping licking your clitoris.
Helga didn’t try to break free, she only added zeal to her work. Everything swam before your eyes with pleasure…
“I hope you liked it,” Helga winked when you came down from a stormy orgasm. You smiled at her and kissed her forehead…
<<set $time += 14>><</nobr>><<widget current_time>>\
<<show_time $time>>
<<widget show_time>>\
<<if _args[0] == undefined>>>>
<<set $timeText = "??:??">>
<<set $hour = Math.trunc(_args[0] / 60)>>
<<set $minutes = _args[0] - 60*$hour >>
<<if $hour lte 9>> <<set $hour = "0" + $hour>><</if>>
<<if $minutes lte 9>> <<set $minutes = "0" + $minutes>><</if>>
<<set $timeText = ""+$hour+":"+$minutes>>
<<print $timeText>>\
<<widget update-button-style>>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage0">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage1">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage2">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage3">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage4">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage5">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage6">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage7">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage8">>\
<<removeclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage9">>\
<<if $gamestart == 1>>\
<<set $class = "bimboBackgroundImage"+ ($player.bimbo.toString())>>
<<addclass "body" $class>>
<<addclass "body" "bimboBackgroundImage0">>
<<goto "toilet01">><<restore-player>>
<<goto "oldlab01">><<restore-player>>
<<goto "syringetrial01">><<restore-player>>
<<goto "syringetrial01">><<restore-player>>
<<goto "wardrobe01">><<restore-player>>
<<goto "fireplace01">><<restore-player>>
<<goto "diningroom01">><<restore-player>>
<<goto "bigroom01">><<set $player.bimbo = 0>>
<<goto "end11_01">><<set $player.bimbo = 9>>
<<goto "end13_01">><<set $player.bimbo = 5>>
<<goto "end12_01">>