<div class="header">HR Office</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Events/Interview.jpeg")]]
You look on your rather small resume, then up at a handsome mid-age man in a suit. He looks.. disappointed. And a bit irritated. <br>
"So... Miss Weed, right? Evelyn Weed"
<<linkreplace "Yes, that's you">>
"18 years old. Quite young. You finished school and... what about college or university?"
<<linkreplace "Heh, it's complicated. You barely made it through school, to be honest">>
"Mhm. No experience, no degree. Great. Yet you want to work in our company 'at any job available'. Why?"
<<linkreplace "... Your parents think you're a failure">>
"Mhm. And?"
<<linkreplace "And you are here to prove them wrong! By getting a job">>
The man looks at you with disgust while you make puppy eyes at him. Your sweet baby face versus a face of an old angry man. <br>
"Stop it! No way such a silly child can work here! Good luck elsewhere, miss Weed. What are you even trying..."
[[Your dad is the head of the Tax Department->B1: Meeting][$minute += 30]]
<u>$dayOfWeek</u> <br><br>
<div align="center">
<table border="0">
<style>@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Allerta+Stencil&display=swap');</style>
<td class="timer">
<p style="color:#F5F4F4; font-size: 3px">.</p>$showHour:$showMinute
<p style="color: gold; font-size: 20px">
<strong>¤ <p id="Money"><<print Math.trunc($mainChar.money)>></p></strong></p>
Energy: <br>
<<if $mainChar.sanity <= 50>>
<br> Sanity: <br>
<<include "PaperDoll">>
<<include "Morning routine">>
<<if $hour == 22>>
<u><strong>You must be in bed by 23:00</strong></u>
<<elseif $hour < 9>>
<u><strong>You must be at work by 9:00</strong></u>
<<if $mainChar.sanity <= 20>>
@@.minus;Warning: Low sanity@@
if (Save.ok() && Save.slots.ok() && turns() % 11 == 0) {
console.log("Available slots: " + Save.slots.length);
console.log("Filled slots: " + Save.slots.count());
console.log("Get the first slot: " + Save.slots.get(0));
console.log("If the first log filled? " + Save.slots.has(0));
console.log("Do we have any filled slots? " + Save.slots.isEmpty());
Save.slots.save(0, "AUTOSAVE", {"ki": "velu"});
console.log("Available slots: " + Save.slots.length);
console.log("Filled slots: " + Save.slots.count());
console.log("Get the first slot: " + Save.slots.get(0));
console.log("If the first log filled? " + Save.slots.has(0));
console.log("Do we have any filled slots? " + Save.slots.isEmpty());
<</script>><!-- ------ VERSION CHECK ------ -->
<<include "VERSION">>
<<set $currentDateDay = 0>>
<!-- ------ MAIN CHARACTER AND BOSSES ------ -->
<<include "MainChar stats">>
<<include "Clothes stats">>
<<set $pathToPaperDollClothes = String.format("PaperDoll/Office suit/" + $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice + ".png")>>
<!-- ------ GLOBAL VARIABLES ------ -->
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Monday">>
<<set $day = 1>>
<<set $hour = 9>> <!-- Work starts at 9am -->
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $cheatTier = 0>>
<!-- ------ PICS PATH ------ -->
<<set $picsPathState = "Online">>
<!-- ------ COMPATIABILITY ------ -->
<<set $phoneIsUsed = false>>
<!-- ------ MESSAGES ------ -->
<<set $B1Messages = []>>
<<set $B2Messages = []>>
<<set $B3Messages = []>>
<<set $B1UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<set $B2UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<set $B3UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<set $B1Answered = false>>
<<set $B2Answered = false>>
<<set $B3Answered = false>>
<<set $mainChar = {
firstName: 'Evelyn',
lastName: 'Weed',
age: 18,
money: 20,
energy: 100,
corruption: 10,
sanity: 100,
intelligence: 10,
level: 1,
workStatus: "Helper",
bossRelationship: 20,
bossesData: {
level1: {relationship: 0},
level2: {relationship: 0},
level3: {relationship: 0},
level4: {relationship: 0},
clothes: {
officeSuitChoice: "Office suit 1-1",
clubWearChoice: "Club outfit 2-1",
eveningDressChoice: "Evening dress 3-1",
beachWearChoice: "Beach outfit 4-1",
homeWearChoice: "Home wear 1-1",
}>><<widget "timeWidget">>
<<if $minute >= 60>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute -= 60>>
<<if $hour < 10>>
<<set $showHour = '0' + $hour>>
<<set $showHour = $hour>>
<<if $minute < 10>>
<<set $showMinute = '0' + $minute>>
<<set $showMinute = $minute>>
<<if $hour >= 20 or $hour < 8>>
<<set $timeOfDay = "Night">>
<<set $timeOfDay = "Day">>
<<widget "dayChangeWidget">>
<<if $dayOfWeek == "Monday" && $hour > 23>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Tuesday">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $hour -= 24>>
<<elseif $dayOfWeek == "Tuesday" && $hour > 23>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Wednesday">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $hour -= 24>>
<<elseif $dayOfWeek == "Wednesday" && $hour > 23>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Thursday">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $hour -= 24>>
<<elseif $dayOfWeek == "Thursday" && $hour > 23>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Friday">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $hour -= 24>>
<<elseif $dayOfWeek == "Friday" && $hour > 23>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Saturday">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $hour -= 24>>
<<elseif $dayOfWeek == "Saturday" && $hour > 23>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Sunday">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $hour -= 24>>
<<elseif $dayOfWeek == "Sunday" && $hour > 23>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Monday">>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $hour -= 24>>
<<widget "Test">>
<<include "RegularCheck">>
<<include "Version check code">>
// These numbers show the current version of the game. This prevents getting old version var from save files.
<<if $gameVersion != [1,1,0]>><<set $gameVersion = [1,1,0]>><<endif>><!-- ------ VARIABLES BORDERS CHECK ------ -->
<<if $mainChar.age < 18>>
<<set $mainChar.age = 18>>
<<if $mainChar.money < 0>>
<<set $mainChar.money = 0>>
<<if $mainChar.energy < 0>>
<<set $mainChar.energy = 0>>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy > 100>>
<<set $mainChar.energy = 100>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption < 0>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 0>>
<<if $mainChar.level == 1 and $mainChar.corruption > 100>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 100>>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2 and $mainChar.corruption > 200>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 200>>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3 and $mainChar.corruption > 300>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 300>>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 4 and $mainChar.corruption > 400>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 400>>
<<if $mainChar.sanity < 0>>
<<set $mainChar.sanity = 0>>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity > 100>>
<<set $mainChar.sanity = 100>>
<<if $mainChar.bossRelationship < 0>>
<<set $mainChar.bossRelationship = 0>>
<<elseif $mainChar.bossRelationship > 100>>
<<set $mainChar.bossRelationship = 100>>
<!-- ------ PICS PATH ------ -->
<<if $picsPathState == "Online">>
<<set $picsPath = "https://MilkyNail.site/">>
<<elseif $picsPathState == "Offline">>
<<set $picsPath = "">>
<<set $currentPassage to passage()>>
<<include "New variables">>
<<if ndef $menuLinksList>>
<<set $menuLinksList = [
"CHANGELOG", "Phone", "Settings", "Version check", "Cheat entrance", "Access card cabinet"
<<if $menuLinksList.includes(passage())>>
<<link "Back">>
<<goto $pastPassage>>
<<link "Phone">>
<<set $pastPassage = passage()>>
<<if $phoneIsUsed == true>><<script>>UIBar.stow(true);<</script>><<endif>>
<<goto "Phone">>
<<link "Cheat">>
<<set $pastPassage = passage()>>
<<if $phoneIsUsed == true>><<script>>UIBar.stow(true);<</script>><<endif>>
<<goto "Cheat entrance">>
<<link "CHANGELOG">>
<<set $pastPassage = passage()>>
<<if $phoneIsUsed == true>><<script>>UIBar.stow(true);<</script>><<endif>>
<<goto "CHANGELOG">>
<!-- <<link "Settings">>
<<set $pastPassage = passage()>>
<<if $phoneIsUsed == true>><<script>>UIBar.stow(true);<</script>><<endif>>
<<goto "Settings">>
<</link>> -->
<<endif>><div align="center" class="header">Changelog</div>
<<link "Back">><<goto $pastPassage>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 1.1.0</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 1.1.0</u></strong>
- Messages moved from Phone to Laptop. I had planned to use messages in scenes of Evelyn's daily life, but the architecture of the system I created is clearly not suited for that. That's okay, I'll just use them differently now by creating scenes differently.
- Now all boss activities like Working/Loitering/Ordering will have a higher base chance of occurrence (30%->40%). This may still not be enough, but let's start small for now. I also increased the chance of events appearing in the Club (lvl2 boss) and Gentlemen's Club/Racecourse (lvl3 boss) scenes by 10%.
- Also, clothing now adds 10% per level to the base event chance. (Previously added 5% per level).
- Added a Bathroom. You can apply makeup there in the morning. It gives an additional +10% chance to trigger events. I also added the ability to take contraceptive pills, but it has no use for now :)
- Added a Kitchen. You can brew coffee there. It will give you +20 energy. It's free, but you can only drink it twice a day.
- Now you can recover 70 energy in the morning instead of 100.
- Added optional morning rituals. Basically they are reminders in the left side menu that appear in the morning and remind the player to drink coffee (if necessary) + apply makeup + take useless birth control pills.
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 1.0.0</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 1.0.0</u></strong>
- Fixed an embarrassing bug that caused messages to not display at all.
- Added the ability to send and receive images in Messages.
- When you get a new boss (including the very first boss, Mike), he will now write to you in Messages. This always happens when Evelyn enters the Living Room.
- By the way, the chat with a certain boss is only available after he has sent you a message. Just a small detail.
- Added one last message from the first boss, Mike. On the evening of the day when the player changes him to Richie, Mike will text you to tell you that you did not act nicely. And you will have the opportunity to give him some valuable advice.
- I've included a final message from Richie. It contains 4 pictures~ I really hope that the size of them is comfortable.
- The Watch Porn section in the Laptop now has 9 gifs, three for each of the available levels. They get more and more perverted as the main character gets more and more corrupted, and there are "thoughts" of the main character for each gif. These gifs weigh a lot, unfortunately I was not able to compress them all to a comfortable size.
- Now, while Loitering with Mike (lvl1 boss), there's a 15% base change to encounter a new scene. Hypnotized by a porn video on a cell phone, Evelyn starts to masturbate. And Mike catches her. You need 25 points of Corruption to make things even more interesting and see 3 new gifs~
- Added a tiny NSFW event with a gif to Loitering with Richie (lvl2 boss). Tiny but cute.
- Added 10 random pictures to Social Media (in Laptop). Beautiful or 'cringe', they reflect the internet and let players feel this section better now.
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 0.9.9</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 0.9.9</u></strong>
- Converted all animations from .gif format to .webp format, which reduced the weight of the media folder by almost half without any loss of quality!
- Changed the visual style of the game. This affected absolutely everything, including headers, links, fonts, buttons, backgrounds, media... Everything.
- Fixed "back" links in the Wardrobe and Online Clothes Shop. Tiny change.
- Added Messages to Phone! Now you can receive messages! But they still need to be added so that the player can receive them, this is in progress. For now, the messenger itself has been created.
- Purely for the test, bosses will send you messages when you do not wake up on time from too low Sanity. You can reply to them and say that you're sorry for oversleeping.
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 0.9.5</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 0.9.5</u></strong>
- The Phone menu now has color hints for Sanity. Green for value above 50 points, yellow from 20 to 50, and red for value below 20 points.
- I was afraid that it would be difficult for players to understand how the level increases when reaching 100 points of Corruption, so upon reaching maximum Corruption (100 points for the first level), the Phone menu will have a visual hint and text informing you that you should just wait for the desired scene at work.
- Added a scene where Mike is being changed to a new boss of the second level! Handsome Richie will come to the main character's office with a 20% chance for any action. Just be sure that the level of Corruption is equal to 100.
- I also decided to add an "introductory" SFW scene that the main character will see the next working day after the boss change. I think this will help the player understand what's going on.
- In the case of the second boss, the "Pretend to work" link will be replaced with the "Work as a secretary" link. Now, to raise the Boss relationship, the player will need to complete the simplest memorization task. You can do it guys, I believe in you!
- First task has been added to the "Work as a secretary" action where you have to print out a specific document and bring it to the boss. If this is the right document, you will encounter a simple erotic scene with 3 gifs with a base chance of 30%.
- Another task has been added to the "Work as a secretary" action, where you will have to make coffee for the boss like a real secretary! If you do everything right, you will see a simple erotic scene with 3 new gifs with a base chance of 30%.
- A third task has been added to the "Work as a secretary" action, in which you must call a guy and reschedule Richie's meeting for the appointed time. There is no erotic reward for this task.
- Added an event to the "Loitering" action, which appears with a base chance of 30%. There is one extra link, and you need to have at least 130 Corruption points to be able to see the extra scene. And this event has 8 new gifs in total.
- Added a tiny SFW event to the "Order food" action. Just because I wanted to. It's cute.
- In the case of the second boss, you can now go to the Club with him after work! Yes, a new location. You can hang out there from 19:30 to 21:00. If the player is critically low on Energy, moving to this location will increase it to 20 points. Please note that an action in the Office usually takes 1 hour (work - 2 hours), but in the Club each action takes +- 20 minutes. So on average there is enough time for 4-5 events.
- There are 3 locations in the Club where you can: dance (Dance Floor), flirt with guys or drink an energy drink (Bar), stalk people (Bathroom).
- As I already said, you can drink an energy drink in the Club Bar. This action costs $10, gives you 30 Energy and does not waste any time.
- In fact, dancing on the Club Dance Floor is pointless for now. With a basic chance of 60%, you can watch an event where you get touched by the butt. That's about it.
- In the bar, you can drink an energy drink or "hunt" for men by casting seductive glances. In case of a successful hunt (50% chance + clothing bonus) you can pick up a guy and start drinking with him. Every 20 minutes there is a 50% chance that he will take you to the Bathroom for another sex scene (6 gifs). If you're unlucky and he doesn't offer, you can take him to the Bathroom yourself (this action requires 130 Corruption).
- While drinking with a man at a Bar, you can also offer him something more perverted~ This action requires 170 Corruption and contains 4 new gifs.
- In the Club's Bathroom, you can spy on others. There is a 40% chance that you will see a couple doing something naughty. This event contains 5 gifs.
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 0.9.8</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 0.9.8</u></strong>
- Changed the tier-1 job status from "Assistant" to "Helper". "Assistant" will be a tier-3 job status.
- Created a scene for the transition from the second to the third level. Victor - CEO of this company - will approach the main character in the middle of the work day if she has 200 points of Corruption. To get this event with a 20% chance, you will need either to Loiter or to Order Food. Victor will offer you an after-work date, and from that day on you will be able to actually go on an after-work date with Victor (there will be a link in the lobby).
- In the third level office, you will be able to work just like the previous bosses. But this time, Victor will take you with a 40% chance to one of two locations: Gentlemen's Club or Racecourse. The main character is now a personal assistant and must accompany the boss to business meetings! There is also a third location, but we will leave it for the future. There are some problems with it for now.
- In all the above locations, each action takes one hour, adds 3 Boss Relationship points and removes 5 points of Energy.
- In the Gentlemen's Club, with a 25% chance, you can meet an old gentleman Jim, who will openly tell you that Victor used to go to this place with his wife.
- In the Gentlemen's Club, with a 25% chance you can meet Jenna, Victor's former classmate who is now selling him information. She is a lesbian and with a 60% chance she can start showing you signs of attention that will end with cunnilingus in the bathroom. This event has 4 new gifs.
- At the Racecourse, with a 25% chance, you may meet a stranger who offers to bet on the victory of an old lame horse. The chance of winning is only 1%. But in case of victory the main character will receive $ 1000. And in case of failure you will see one of four new gifs.
- In Racecourse, there's a 25% chance of meeting William, a former friend of the boss, with whom they're not on the best of terms. Word for word, William fucked the protagonist in the throat for money, thinking she was Victor's daughter. The event requires 250 units of Corruption and contains 5 new gifs.
- While Loitering, there's a 15% chance to see an event where Victor talks to his wife on the phone. Be a good assistant, crawl under the boss's desk! This event contains 3 new gifs.
- While Loitering, there's a 15% chance of stumbling upon an event where the boss is bothering the protagonist during her rest. What does this have to do with anal sex? A riddle. And this riddle contains 4 new gifs.
- While Ordering food at the office, there's a 30% chance you'll stumble upon a cute SFW food scene.
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 0.9.5</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 0.9.5</u></strong>
- The Phone menu now has color hints for Sanity. Green for value above 50 points, yellow from 20 to 50, and red for value below 20 points.
- I was afraid that it would be difficult for players to understand how the level increases when reaching 100 points of Corruption, so upon reaching maximum Corruption (100 points for the first level), the Phone menu will have a visual hint and text informing you that you should just wait for the desired scene at work.
- Added a scene where Mike is being changed to a new boss of the second level! Handsome Richie will come to the main character's office with a 20% chance for any action. Just be sure that the level of Corruption is equal to 100.
- I also decided to add an "introductory" SFW scene that the main character will see the next working day after the boss change. I think this will help the player understand what's going on.
- In the case of the second boss, the "Pretend to work" link will be replaced with the "Work as a secretary" link. Now, to raise the Boss relationship, the player will need to complete the simplest memorization task. You can do it guys, I believe in you!
- First task has been added to the "Work as a secretary" action where you have to print out a specific document and bring it to the boss. If this is the right document, you will encounter a simple erotic scene with 3 gifs with a base chance of 30%.
- Another task has been added to the "Work as a secretary" action, where you will have to make coffee for the boss like a real secretary! If you do everything right, you will see a simple erotic scene with 3 new gifs with a base chance of 30%.
- A third task has been added to the "Work as a secretary" action, in which you must call a guy and reschedule Richie's meeting for the appointed time. There is no erotic reward for this task.
- Added an event to the "Loitering" action, which appears with a base chance of 30%. There is one extra link, and you need to have at least 130 Corruption points to be able to see the extra scene. And this event has 8 new gifs in total.
- Added a tiny SFW event to the "Order food" action. Just because I wanted to. It's cute.
- In the case of the second boss, you can now go to the Club with him after work! Yes, a new location. You can hang out there from 19:30 to 21:00. If the player is critically low on Energy, moving to this location will increase it to 20 points. Please note that an action in the Office usually takes 1 hour (work - 2 hours), but in the Club each action takes +- 20 minutes. So on average there is enough time for 4-5 events.
- There are 3 locations in the Club where you can: dance (Dance Floor), flirt with guys or drink an energy drink (Bar), stalk people (Bathroom).
- As I already said, you can drink an energy drink in the Club Bar. This action costs $10, gives you 30 Energy and does not waste any time.
- In fact, dancing on the Club Dance Floor is pointless for now. With a basic chance of 60%, you can watch an event where you get touched by the butt. That's about it.
- In the bar, you can drink an energy drink or "hunt" for men by casting seductive glances. In case of a successful hunt (50% chance + clothing bonus) you can pick up a guy and start drinking with him. Every 20 minutes there is a 50% chance that he will take you to the Bathroom for another sex scene (6 gifs). If you're unlucky and he doesn't offer, you can take him to the Bathroom yourself (this action requires 130 Corruption).
- While drinking with a man at a Bar, you can also offer him something more perverted~ This action requires 170 Corruption and contains 4 new gifs.
- In the Club's Bathroom, you can spy on others. There is a 40% chance that you will see a couple doing something naughty. This event contains 5 gifs.
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 0.9.0</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 0.9.0</u></strong>
- When Sanity drops to 50 units or less, it's progress bar is now displayed directly below the Energy progress bar.
- Slightly improved the time counter before you can go home (in the Office). The main change is that it no longer displays negative numbers.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to order food to the Office even with a negative balance. Capitalism doesn't work like that!
- Added a border that separates events in the Office from opportunities to do something next. It will help to visually distinguish them and improve readability.
- Now when you select one of several links in the event, the unselected ones disappear.
- Now when you select any type of activity in Office, there is a 25% chance to get an event that is not related to the selected activity.
- Added an event that is not related to any activity in Office. The actual chance of getting it is about 8%, lol, but that's how it should be. Mike (your boss) asks you to bring coffee to his office. One of the event progression paths is only available at 20+ Corruption and contains 6 new gifs.
- Slightly changed and simplified the random event selection system. Now you are guaranteed to get an event with a 30% chance, plus a clothing bonus (from 5% to 15%). Previously, the base chance of an event was 23%, which was too low in my opinion.
- Added a scene in the Office. It can be seen while pretending to work and its base chance to appear is 15%. It has three event progression paths. One of them requires 15 Corruption and the other requires 60.
- Now the base increase in Relationship with the boss while working is 3 units, not 5.
- If every morning brings +20 Sanity points, Monday morning now brings 50 units.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Energy progress bar to display poorly when Energy was at 0 or 100 units.
- If Sanity is at 0 during sleep (and the next day is not a day off), the main character will now "sleep the alarm" and not go to work in the morning. Relationship with the boss decreases by 20 units, but Sanity increases by 50 units.
<<linkreplace "<strong><u>Version 0.8.0</u></strong>">>
<strong><u>Version 0.8.0</u></strong>
- I regret nothing <3
<<link "Back">><<goto $pastPassage>><</link>><p style="font-size: 10pt"><i>By MilkyNail (MariaMod)</i></p><div class="header">Cheat menu</div>
<<if def $tryingCheatCode && $tryingCheatCode != "">>
<!-- <<for _i = 0; _i < $tryingCheatCode.length; _i++>>
<<if $tryingCheatCode[_i] == " ">>
<<set $tryingCheatCode.deleteAt(_i)>>
<<set $tryingCheatCode[_i].toLowerCase()>>
<</for>> -->
<<switch $tryingCheatCode>>
<<case "WorkingIsFun" "Working Is Fun" "workingisfun" "working is fun">>
@@.plus; Code is correct! Access tier: 1/3 @@
<<set $cheatTier = 1>>
<<case "DadWillBeProud" "Dad Will Be Proud" "dadwillbeproud" "dad will be proud">>
@@.plus; Code is correct! Access tier: 2/3 @@
<<set $cheatTier = 2>>
<<case "BestBossEver" "Best Boss Ever" "bestbossever" "best boss ever">>
@@.plus; Code is correct! Access tier: 3/3 @@
<<set $cheatTier = 3>>
@@.minus; Wrong code! @@ <br>
Please make sure that you use "camel case" and don't add space between words or punctuation marks. The code should look like this: ExampleOfCheatCode
<<set $tryingCheatCode = "">>
<</nobr>>Current access tier: $cheatTier/3
<<include "Cheat menu">>
Enter the cheat code:
<<if visited() == 1>><<textbox "$tryingCheatCode" "" autofocus>><<else>><<textbox "$tryingCheatCode" "">><<endif>> - <<link "Apply!">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>>
If you are a SubscribeStar subscriber, you can just log in via [[Access card cabinet]] to get access to the cheat menu options. <strong>Attention! The Access card cabinet works only in the game, hosted on my site (MilkyNail.site/morningcoffee.html). Sorry for inconvenience. You can always use cheat codes, though.</strong>
If you don't have cheat codes, you can become a subscriber on <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/mariamod/subscribe">SubscribeStar</a> or <a href="https://patreon.com/MilkyNail">Patreon</a>
If you have any problems or questions, please contact me via email (milkynailmail@gmail.com) or my <a href="https://discord.gg/GC37yVQ">Discord server</a>
<<link "Back">><<goto $pastPassage>><</link>><div class="header">Bedroom</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Bedroom.jpg")]]
<<script>> var d = new Date(); variables().currentDateDay = d.getDate(); <</script>>
<<if $currentDateDay != $lastDayVersionWasChecked>>
<<include "Version check code">> <<set $lastDayVersionWasChecked = $currentDateDay>>
You are standing in your bedroom trying to figure out what to do next. The options are limited, to be honest. There is a bed and there is you. While you think, you decide to lie down and rest a little.
<<if $mainChar.level == 2 and $hasReceivedLastMessageFromB1 != true>>
<<set $hasReceivedLastMessageFromB1 = true>>
Oh, it looks like you got a message<sup>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@</sup>! It's from your <u>last boss</u>, Mike. You might want to check your Laptop.
<<StartMessagesConversation "Last message">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3 and $hasReceivedLastMessageFromB2 != true>>
<<set $hasReceivedLastMessageFromB2 = true>>
Oh, it looks like you got a message<sup>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@</sup>! It's from your <u>last boss</u>, Richie. You might want to check your Laptop.
<<StartMessagesConversation "Last message">>
<<linkreplace "Bed">>
Bed: <<link "Sleep">>
<<if $hour >= 9>>
<<if $hour >= 8>>
<<set $hour += 24>>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $mainChar.energy += 100>>
<<set $sleepingPlace = "Bedroom">>
<<goto "Bedroom: Waking up">>
<!--<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 300 and $mainChar.level < 4>>@@.LvlUp;Lvl3->Lvl4 (max)@@<<endif>>-->
<<if $hour >= 9>>
Bed: Take a nap -
<<link "15min">><<set $minute += 15>><<set $energy += 5>><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>> |
<<link "30min">><<set $minute += 30>><<set $energy += 10>><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>> |
<<link "1hour">><<set $hour += 1>><<set $energy += 20>><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>> |
<<link "2hour">><<set $hour += 2>><<set $energy += 30>><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>>
[[Go to Living Room->Living Room]]<div class="header">Living Room</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/LivingRoom.jpg")]]
<<if $hour == 19 and $minute == 30 and $lastDayMainCharWasWelcomedHome != $day>>
<<set $lastDayMainCharWasWelcomedHome = $day>>
Uhh, home sweet home! You have some sweet time before bed. A few free hours. Sounds great, right? <<if visited() == 1>>Don't forget, you have to be in bed by 23:00! You will need your strength tomorrow, girl.<<endif>>
<<elseif $hour == 21 and $minute == 30 and $lastDayMainCharWasWelcomedHome != $day>>
You definitely had a great night! Your ears are still ringing... Such a cool night, damn it! Can you imagine working at this club? That would be awesome.
<<if $lastDayMainCharWasWelcomedHome != $day>>
Home sweet home...
Sitting on a couch, you think about what to do next. For now, you are just occupied with thoughs, looking out the window. The weather is beautiful today. Wow, was that a crow flying by?
<<if $mainChar.level == 1 and ndef $B1Messages[0]>>
Oh, it looks like you got a message<sup>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@</sup>! It's from your <u>new boss</u>, Mike. You might want to check your Laptop.
<<StartMessagesConversation "First message">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2 and ndef $B2Messages[0]>>
Oh, it looks like you got a message<sup>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@</sup>! It's from your <u>new boss</u>, Richie. You might want to check your Laptop.
<<StartMessagesConversation "First message">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3 and ndef $B3Messages[0]>>
Oh, it looks like you got a message<sup>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@</sup>! It's from your <u>new boss</u>, Victor. You might want to check your Laptop.
<<StartMessagesConversation "First message">>
<<if $B1UnreadMessages > 0 or $B2UnreadMessages > 0 or $B3UnreadMessages > 0>>
[[Kitchen]] <br>
[[Bathroom]] <br>
<<if $hour <= 9>>
<<if $day == 2>>
<br><br> Being an adult sucks, right? Anyway, a new day - a new opportunity to show that your parents were wrong about you being a useless, silly kid!
<<link "<strong>Go to work</strong>">>
<<set $workState = "Coming">>
<<set $hour = 9>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<goto "Lobby">>
<<endif>><<widget "energyBar">>
<<if $mainChar.energy < 0>>
<<set $mainChar.energy = 0>>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy > 100>>
<<set $mainChar.energy = 100>>
<<if $mainChar.energy == 0>><progress class="energyBar" value="0" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 1>><progress class="energyBar" value="1" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 2>><progress class="energyBar" value="2" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 3>><progress class="energyBar" value="3" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 4>><progress class="energyBar" value="4" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 5>><progress class="energyBar" value="5" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 6>><progress class="energyBar" value="6" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 7>><progress class="energyBar" value="7" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 8>><progress class="energyBar" value="8" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 9>><progress class="energyBar" value="9" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 10>><progress class="energyBar" value="10" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 11>><progress class="energyBar" value="11" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 12>><progress class="energyBar" value="12" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 13>><progress class="energyBar" value="13" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 14>><progress class="energyBar" value="14" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 15>><progress class="energyBar" value="15" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 16>><progress class="energyBar" value="16" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 17>><progress class="energyBar" value="17" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 18>><progress class="energyBar" value="18" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 19>><progress class="energyBar" value="19" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 20>><progress class="energyBar" value="20" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 21>><progress class="energyBar" value="21" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 22>><progress class="energyBar" value="22" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 23>><progress class="energyBar" value="23" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 24>><progress class="energyBar" value="24" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 25>><progress class="energyBar" value="25" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 26>><progress class="energyBar" value="26" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 27>><progress class="energyBar" value="27" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 28>><progress class="energyBar" value="28" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 29>><progress class="energyBar" value="29" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 30>><progress class="energyBar" value="30" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 31>><progress class="energyBar" value="31" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 32>><progress class="energyBar" value="32" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 33>><progress class="energyBar" value="33" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 34>><progress class="energyBar" value="34" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 35>><progress class="energyBar" value="35" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 36>><progress class="energyBar" value="36" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 37>><progress class="energyBar" value="37" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 38>><progress class="energyBar" value="38" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 39>><progress class="energyBar" value="39" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 40>><progress class="energyBar" value="40" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 41>><progress class="energyBar" value="41" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 42>><progress class="energyBar" value="42" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 43>><progress class="energyBar" value="43" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 44>><progress class="energyBar" value="44" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 45>><progress class="energyBar" value="45" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 46>><progress class="energyBar" value="46" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 47>><progress class="energyBar" value="47" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 48>><progress class="energyBar" value="48" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 49>><progress class="energyBar" value="49" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 50>><progress class="energyBar" value="50" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 51>><progress class="energyBar" value="51" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 52>><progress class="energyBar" value="52" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 53>><progress class="energyBar" value="53" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 54>><progress class="energyBar" value="54" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 55>><progress class="energyBar" value="55" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 56>><progress class="energyBar" value="56" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 57>><progress class="energyBar" value="57" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 58>><progress class="energyBar" value="58" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 59>><progress class="energyBar" value="59" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 60>><progress class="energyBar" value="60" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 61>><progress class="energyBar" value="61" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 62>><progress class="energyBar" value="62" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 63>><progress class="energyBar" value="63" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 64>><progress class="energyBar" value="64" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 65>><progress class="energyBar" value="65" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 66>><progress class="energyBar" value="66" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 67>><progress class="energyBar" value="67" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 68>><progress class="energyBar" value="68" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 69>><progress class="energyBar" value="69" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 70>><progress class="energyBar" value="70" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 71>><progress class="energyBar" value="71" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 72>><progress class="energyBar" value="72" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 73>><progress class="energyBar" value="73" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 74>><progress class="energyBar" value="74" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 75>><progress class="energyBar" value="75" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 76>><progress class="energyBar" value="76" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 77>><progress class="energyBar" value="77" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 78>><progress class="energyBar" value="78" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 79>><progress class="energyBar" value="79" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 80>><progress class="energyBar" value="80" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 81>><progress class="energyBar" value="81" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 82>><progress class="energyBar" value="82" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 83>><progress class="energyBar" value="83" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 84>><progress class="energyBar" value="84" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 85>><progress class="energyBar" value="85" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 86>><progress class="energyBar" value="86" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 87>><progress class="energyBar" value="87" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 88>><progress class="energyBar" value="88" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 89>><progress class="energyBar" value="89" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 90>><progress class="energyBar" value="90" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 91>><progress class="energyBar" value="91" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 92>><progress class="energyBar" value="92" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 93>><progress class="energyBar" value="93" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 94>><progress class="energyBar" value="94" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 95>><progress class="energyBar" value="95" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 96>><progress class="energyBar" value="96" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 97>><progress class="energyBar" value="97" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 98>><progress class="energyBar" value="98" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 99>><progress class="energyBar" value="99" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.energy == 100>><progress class="energyBar" value="100" max="100"></progress>
<<widget "sanityBar">>
<<if $mainChar.sanity <= 0>><progress class="sanityBar" value="0" max="100">sanity</progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity == 1>><progress class="sanityBar" value="1" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 2>><progress class="sanityBar" value="2" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 3>><progress class="sanityBar" value="3" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 4>><progress class="sanityBar" value="4" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 5>><progress class="sanityBar" value="5" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 6>><progress class="sanityBar" value="6" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 7>><progress class="sanityBar" value="7" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 8>><progress class="sanityBar" value="8" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 9>><progress class="sanityBar" value="9" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 10>><progress class="sanityBar" value="10" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 11>><progress class="sanityBar" value="11" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 12>><progress class="sanityBar" value="12" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 13>><progress class="sanityBar" value="13" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 14>><progress class="sanityBar" value="14" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 15>><progress class="sanityBar" value="15" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 16>><progress class="sanityBar" value="16" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 17>><progress class="sanityBar" value="17" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 18>><progress class="sanityBar" value="18" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 19>><progress class="sanityBar" value="19" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 20>><progress class="sanityBar" value="20" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 21>><progress class="sanityBar" value="21" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 22>><progress class="sanityBar" value="22" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 23>><progress class="sanityBar" value="23" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 24>><progress class="sanityBar" value="24" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 25>><progress class="sanityBar" value="25" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 26>><progress class="sanityBar" value="26" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 27>><progress class="sanityBar" value="27" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 28>><progress class="sanityBar" value="28" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 29>><progress class="sanityBar" value="29" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 30>><progress class="sanityBar" value="30" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 31>><progress class="sanityBar" value="31" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 32>><progress class="sanityBar" value="32" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 33>><progress class="sanityBar" value="33" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 34>><progress class="sanityBar" value="34" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 35>><progress class="sanityBar" value="35" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 36>><progress class="sanityBar" value="36" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 37>><progress class="sanityBar" value="37" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 38>><progress class="sanityBar" value="38" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 39>><progress class="sanityBar" value="39" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 40>><progress class="sanityBar" value="40" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 41>><progress class="sanityBar" value="41" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 42>><progress class="sanityBar" value="42" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 43>><progress class="sanityBar" value="43" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 44>><progress class="sanityBar" value="44" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 45>><progress class="sanityBar" value="45" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 46>><progress class="sanityBar" value="46" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 47>><progress class="sanityBar" value="47" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 48>><progress class="sanityBar" value="48" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 49>><progress class="sanityBar" value="49" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 50>><progress class="sanityBar" value="50" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 51>><progress class="sanityBar" value="51" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 52>><progress class="sanityBar" value="52" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 53>><progress class="sanityBar" value="53" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 54>><progress class="sanityBar" value="54" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 55>><progress class="sanityBar" value="55" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 56>><progress class="sanityBar" value="56" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 57>><progress class="sanityBar" value="57" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 58>><progress class="sanityBar" value="58" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 59>><progress class="sanityBar" value="59" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 60>><progress class="sanityBar" value="60" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 61>><progress class="sanityBar" value="61" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 62>><progress class="sanityBar" value="62" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 63>><progress class="sanityBar" value="63" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 64>><progress class="sanityBar" value="64" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 65>><progress class="sanityBar" value="65" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 66>><progress class="sanityBar" value="66" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 67>><progress class="sanityBar" value="67" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 68>><progress class="sanityBar" value="68" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 69>><progress class="sanityBar" value="69" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 70>><progress class="sanityBar" value="70" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 71>><progress class="sanityBar" value="71" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 72>><progress class="sanityBar" value="72" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 73>><progress class="sanityBar" value="73" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 74>><progress class="sanityBar" value="74" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 75>><progress class="sanityBar" value="75" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 76>><progress class="sanityBar" value="76" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 77>><progress class="sanityBar" value="77" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 78>><progress class="sanityBar" value="78" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 79>><progress class="sanityBar" value="79" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 80>><progress class="sanityBar" value="80" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 81>><progress class="sanityBar" value="81" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 82>><progress class="sanityBar" value="82" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 83>><progress class="sanityBar" value="83" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 84>><progress class="sanityBar" value="84" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 85>><progress class="sanityBar" value="85" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 86>><progress class="sanityBar" value="86" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 87>><progress class="sanityBar" value="87" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 88>><progress class="sanityBar" value="88" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 89>><progress class="sanityBar" value="89" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 90>><progress class="sanityBar" value="90" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 91>><progress class="sanityBar" value="91" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 92>><progress class="sanityBar" value="92" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 93>><progress class="sanityBar" value="93" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 94>><progress class="sanityBar" value="94" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 95>><progress class="sanityBar" value="95" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 96>><progress class="sanityBar" value="96" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 97>><progress class="sanityBar" value="97" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 98>><progress class="sanityBar" value="98" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity== 99>><progress class="sanityBar" value="99" max="100"></progress>
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity >= 100>><progress class="sanityBar" value="100" max="100"></progress>
<</widget>><div class="header">Phone</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Phone.jpg")]]
You unlock our phone. Check time, battery, messages, adjust brightness. So... You haven't forgotten why you took your phone out, have you?
<strong><u>Personality</u></strong> <br>
Name: $mainChar.firstName <br>
Last name: $mainChar.lastName <br>
Age: $mainChar.age
<<if $mainChar.level == 1 and $mainChar.corruption == 100>>
@@.LvlUp;100/100@@ <p title="Wait for an opportunity at work!"><sup><a>?</a></sup></p>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2 and $mainChar.corruption == 200>>
@@.LvlUp;200/200@@ <p title="Wait for an opportunity at work! (Loiter or order food)"><sup><a>?</a></sup></p>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3 and $mainChar.corruption == 300>>
@@.LvlUp;300/300@@ <p title="Next boss will be added later! (W.I.P.)"><sup><a>?</a></sup></p>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 4 and $mainChar.corruption == 400>>
@@.LvlUp;400/400@@ <p title="Congratulations! Max corruption reached!"><sup><a>?</a></sup></p>
$mainChar.corruption/<<print $mainChar.level>>00
<<if $mainChar.sanity > 50>>
<p style="color: green">$mainChar.sanity</p>/100
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity <= 50 and $mainChar.sanity > 20>>
<p style="color: yellow">$mainChar.sanity</p>/100
<<elseif $mainChar.sanity <= 20>>
<p style="color: #ed2939">$mainChar.sanity</p>/100
<a title="Pro tip: keep Sanity high or suffer mental breakdowns"><sup>?</sup></a>
<strong><u>Work</u></strong> <br>
Level: $mainChar.level <br>
Status: <p style="color: gold">$mainChar.workStatus</p> <br>
Relationship with boss: $mainChar.bossRelationship/100
<strong><u>W.I.P.!</u></strong> Unfortunately, the core of the game is still under development. Currently available: 3 out of 4 Bosses.
Buy cheat codes and support the author: <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/mariamod">SubscribeStar</a> & <a href="https://patreon.com/milkynail">Patreon</a>. You can also chat with me on my <a href="https://discord.gg/GC37yVQ">Discord server</a> (don't forget to ping me!) or via email: milkynailmail@gmail.com
<<link "Back">><<goto $pastPassage>><</link>><div class="header">Laptop</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Laptop.jpg")]]
You stare at the bright screen of a new laptop. So many possibilities! You can shop online, manage your clothes, look at other people's posts or browse porn sites. All the activities a young adult like you could need!
<<include "Messages section">>
[[Wardrobe]] <br>
[[Online clothes shop]]
<<if ($hour == 22 and $minute >= 30) or $hour < 9 or $hour >= 23>>
Browse social media - It's too late
<<if $mainChar.energy <= 10>>
Browse social media - You are too tired
[[Browse social media->Social media]]
<<if ($hour == 22 and $minute >= 30) or $hour < 9 or $hour >= 23>>
Watch porn - It's too late
<<if $mainChar.energy <= 10>>
Watch porn - You are too tired
[[Watch porn->Porn]]
[[Turn off Laptop->Living Room]]<!-- DAYLY UPDATE SECTION -->
<<if $bossLevel == 1>>
<<set $bossesData.level1.relationship = $bossRelationship>>
<<elseif $bossLevel == 2>>
<<set $bossesData.level2.relationship = $bossRelationship>>
<<elseif $bossLevel == 3>>
<<set $bossesData.level3.relationship = $bossRelationship>>
<<elseif $bossLevel == 4>>
<<set $bossesData.level4.relationship = $bossRelationship>>
<<if $dayOfWeek == "Saturday" or $dayOfWeek == "Sunday">>
<<set $hour += 24>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<div class="header">Bedroom</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/WakingUp.jpg")]]
<<if $clubAction == "Hunting - Fucked at home">>
<<set _event = "Hunting - Fucked at home">>
<<include "B2 Club event storage">>
<<if ($mainChar.sanity <= 0 and $dayOfWeek != "Monday") or $theLastDayOverslept == $day>>
<<if $theLastDayOverslept != $day>>
<<set $hour = random(10,12)>>
<<set $minute = either(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)>>
Oh shit... Looks like you missed the alarm. Or was your morale just too low to get up, soldier? Don't worry, shitty days happen. Today is too late to go to work. The best you can do is scroll through social media for a bit and then go back to sleep.
<<if $theLastDayOverslept != $day>>
<<set $theLastDayOverslept = $day>>
Damn, your boss obviously texted<sup>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@</sup> you, asking where you are... He's definitely mad. You might want to check your Laptop.
@@.minus;-20 Boss relationship@@<<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 20>>
<<StartMessagesConversation "Overslept for work">>
Good morning! What a beautiful weather outside! Too bad you have to go to work. Are you ready to miss another day of your life for money? Atta girl!
<<if $dayOfWeek == "Monday">>
<<set _moneySpent = Math.trunc($mainChar.money / 5)>>
You had a great time this weekend! During this fun time you spent $<<print _moneySpent>> on snacks and entertainment.
@@.minus;-$<<print _moneySpent>> Money@@ <<set $mainChar.money -= _moneySpent>> <br>
@@.plus;Skipped: Saturday, Sunday@@
<<if $dayOfWeek == "Monday" or $mainChar.sanity <= 0 or $theLastDayOverslept == $day>>
@@.plus;+50 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity = 50>>
@@.plus;+20 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity += 20>>
<<endif>> <br>
@@.plus;+70 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy += 70>>
<!--<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 300 and $mainChar.level < 4>>
<<include "New level">>
[[Get off bed->Bedroom]]<div class="header">Lobby</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/OfficeLobby.jpg")]]
<<set $workAction = "">>
<<if $workState == "Coming">>
<<if previous() == "B3: Meeting">>
It's pretty interesting when you come to work with the CEO~ And your new boss was not as cool as you might have expected. He had a long phone call with his wife while driving. "The sound was off", "passed out in the car", bluh-bluh-bluh... <br>
"Hey, Evelyn? Go to the third floor, will you? Office number 301. Take the keys." All right! But what about Richie? "That asshole screwed up his report again, I'm going to pay him a visit right now. Oh, yeah, and tell him that his secretary is taken now." Wow, cool!
As you approach the counter, you will be greeted by a security guard. He visually inspects you while you chat with the smiling concierge and sign into the logbook. <br>
"Here is your office key! Have a nice day, Evelyne." Thankies~
<<link "Proceed to your office">>
<<if $mainChar.level == 4>>
<<set _linkToOffice = "B3: Your Office">>
<<set _linkToOffice = "B" + $mainChar.level + ": Your Office">>
<<goto _linkToOffice>>
<<elseif $workState == "Leaving">>
Before leaving your floor, you stop by your favorite boss to collect your hard-earned money for the day. The envelope on his desk quickly disappears into your purse. Right after a careful count.
<<if $mainChar.level == 1>>
<<set _wage = 5>>
<<set _perfomanceBonus = Math.trunc($mainChar.bossRelationship / 4)>>
<<set _totalMoney = _wage + _perfomanceBonus>>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2>>
<<set _wage = 7>>
<<set _perfomanceBonus = Math.trunc($mainChar.bossRelationship / 3)>>
<<set _totalMoney = _wage + _perfomanceBonus>>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3>>
<<set _wage = 10>>
<<set _perfomanceBonus = Math.trunc($mainChar.bossRelationship / 2)>>
<<set _totalMoney = _wage + _perfomanceBonus>>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 4>>
<<set _wage = 15>>
<<set _perfomanceBonus = Math.trunc($mainChar.bossRelationship / 1)>>
<<set _totalMoney = _wage + _perfomanceBonus>>
<table border="3">
<td style="width: 200px"><u>Daily wage:</u> </td>
<td align="center" style="width: 100px"><p style="color: green"> $<<print _wage>> </p></td>
<td style="width: 200px"><u>Performance bonus:</u><p title="Based on your relationship with boss"><sup><a>?</a></sup></p></td>
<td align="center" style="width: 100px">+<p style="color: green"> $<<print _perfomanceBonus>> </p>+</td>
@@.plus;+$<<print _totalMoney>> Money@@ <<set $mainChar.money += _totalMoney>>
<<include "Lobby events">>
<<link "<strong>Go outside and wait for a bus</strong>">>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 30>>
<<goto "Living Room">>
<div class="header">Settings</div>
<<radiobutton "$picsPathState" "Online" autocheck>> Online version (load pics from MilkyNail.site/MCPics)
<<radiobutton "$picsPathState" "Offline" autocheck>> Offline version (load pics from {<a target="_blank" href="./">this directory</a>}/MCPics)
<<radiobutton "$phoneIsUsed" false autocheck>> PC layout (original)
<<radiobutton "$phoneIsUsed" true autocheck>> Mobile layout (wide things will be displayed a bit better)
<!-- <<radiobutton "$gamePicsAnimation" "Enabled" autocheck>> Animated in-game pics
<<radiobutton "$gamePicsAnimation" "Disabled" autocheck>> Not animated in-game pics
<<radiobutton "$darknessGlitches" "Enabled" autocheck>> High Darkness causes visual "glitches"
<<radiobutton "$darknessGlitches" "Disabled" autocheck>> High Darkness doesn't cause visual "glitches"
--> <<link "Apply and go back">><<goto $pastPassage>><</link>><<widget "UpdateInfoRefresh">>
<!-- _args[0] - should updateInfo() be "checked" in order to show errors. "check" or nothing -->
<<if def _args[0]>>
<<set $check = _args[0]>>
function updateInfo(a) {
/* if a == "check" player will receive all error messages */
try {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onerror = function() {
if (a == "check") { alert("Server request (opening, sending) failed!") };
} catch(error) {
if (a == "check") { alert(error.message) };
http.onload = function() {
if (http.status === 200 && http.readyState == 4) {
var text = http.responseText;
variables().updateText = text;
} else {
if (a == "check") { alert("Server request failed! Http status: " + http.status + " " + http.statusText) };
try {
http.open('GET', "https://MilkyNail.site/updateMC.php", true);
http.onerror = function() {
if (a == "check") { alert("Server request failed! (Probably server side or network issue)") };
} catch(error) {
if (a == "check") { alert(error.message) };
<<widget "VersionAndOptions">>
<<set $gameVersionText = String.format("v"+$gameVersion[0]+"."+$gameVersion[1]+"."+$gameVersion[2])>>
<<set $serverGameVersionText = String.format("v"+$serverGameVersion[0]+"."+$serverGameVersion[1]+"."+$serverGameVersion[2])>>
<strong><<print $gameVersionText>></strong><sub><<if $picsPath.first() == "h">>online<<else>>offline<<endif>></sub>
(<<link "Options">>
<<if !$menuLinksList.includes(passage())>>
<<UpdateInfoRefresh>> <!-- Doesn't work, but must be here -->
<<set $lastPassageVersionCheck = passage()>>
<<set $pastPassage to passage()>>
<<if $phoneIsUsed == true>><<script>>UIBar.stow(true);<</script>><<endif>>
<<goto "Version check">>
<<if $serverGameVersionText != "v0.0.0" and $serverGameVersionText != $gameVersionText>>
<a title="New version available">!</a>
<<if $serverGameVersionText != $gameVersionText and $lastUpdateDialogVersion != $serverGameVersionText>>
<<set $updateDialogPause = false>>
<<set $lastUpdateDialogVersion = $serverGameVersionText>>
function closeUpdateDialog() {
function updateDialog() {
Dialog.append("New version available!");
setTimeout(closeUpdateDialog, 2000);
<</widget>><<include "Version check code">>
<<radiobutton "$picsPathState" "Online" autocheck>> Online version (load pics from MilkyNail.site/MCPics) <br>
<<radiobutton "$picsPathState" "Offline" autocheck>> Offline version (load pics from {<a target="_blank" href="./">this directory</a>}/MCPics)
<<radiobutton "$phoneIsUsed" false autocheck>> PC layout (original) <br>
<<radiobutton "$phoneIsUsed" true autocheck>> Mobile layout (wide things will be displayed a bit better)
<!-- (For more settings click on the "Settings" button at the bottom of side menu, or this [[link->Settings]])
<br> -->
<<set $serverGameVersionText = String.format("v"+$serverGameVersion[0]+"."+$serverGameVersion[1]+"."+$serverGameVersion[2])>>
Latest game version available: <<print $serverGameVersionText>> (<a target="_blank" href="https://MilkyNail.site/morningcoffee.html">download</a>)
<<if ($serverGameVersionText != "v0.0.0" and $serverGameVersionText != $gameVersionText)>> <strong>New!</strong><<endif>> <br>
<<link "Check again">><<UpdateInfoRefresh "checked">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>>
<<link "Apply and go back">><<goto $lastPassageVersionCheck>><</link>><<script>>
function updateInfo(a) {
/* if a == "check" player will receive all error messages */
try {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onerror = function() {
if (a == "check") { alert("Server request (opening, sending) failed!") };
} catch(error) {
if (a == "check") { alert(error.message) };
http.onload = function() {
if (http.status === 200 && http.readyState == 4) {
var text = http.responseText;
variables().updateText = text;
} else {
if (a == "check") { alert("Server request failed! Http status: " + http.status + " " + http.statusText) };
try {
http.open('GET', "https://MilkyNail.site/updateMC.php", true);
http.onerror = function() {
if (a == "check") { alert("Server request failed! (Probably server side or network issue)") };
} catch(error) {
if (a == "check") { alert(error.message) };
<<set $orderNum = 0>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $updateText.length; _i++>>
<<if $updateText[_i] == ".">>
<<set $num = $updateText[_i]>>
variables().num = parseInt(variables().num, 10)
<<set $serverGameVersion[$orderNum] = $num>>
<<set $orderNum++>>
<</for>><<set $updateText = "">>
// version of the CURRENT game file
<<set $gameVersion = [1,1,0]>>
// version of the LATEST game file. Must be 0-0-0 in the beginning of the game
<<set $serverGameVersion = [0,0,0]>>
<<set $gameVersionText = String.format("v"+$gameVersion[0]+"."+$gameVersion[1]+"."+$gameVersion[2])>><<if ndef $subscribeName>>
<<set $subscribeName = "">>
<<if ndef $subscribePrice>>
<<set $subscribePrice = 0>>
<<if ndef $subscribeNameAuthCode>>
<<set $subscribeNameAuthCode = "">>
<<if ndef $subscribePriceAuthCode>>
<<set $subscribePriceAuthCode = "">>
<<if ndef $subscribePriceAuthCodeShow>>
<<set $subscribePriceAuthCodeShow = 0>>
<<if ndef $authCode>>
<<set $authCode = "">>
var queryString = window.location.search;
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
try {
var nickname = urlParams.get('nick');
var price = parseInt(urlParams.get('amount'));
} catch {}
try {
var error = urlParams.get('er');
} catch {}
if (error == 1) {
alert("Auth error! Contact MilkyNail");
if (price != null && price > 0) {
variables().subscribePrice = price;
if (nickname != null) {
variables().subscribeName = nickname;
<<if $subscribePrice > 0 and $subscribePrice <= 500>>
<<set $cheatTier = 1>>
<<elseif $subscribePrice > 500 and $subscribePrice <= 1400>>
<<set $cheatTier = 2>>
<<elseif $subscribePrice > 1400>>
<<set $cheatTier = 3>>
<<set $cheatTier = 0>>
<div align="center" class="header">Access card cabinet</div>
<<if $subscribeLevel > 0>>
[img[String.format("https://MilkyNail.site/TechPics/Access Card " + $cheatTier + ".png")]]
<a href="https://subscribestar.adult/oauth2/authorize?client_id=atQylTyZ70wNBWzY81jo7H7IJIwY1NJVa3LaLTGIRts&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmilkynail.site%2Fget-subscription%2FSubscribeStar%2FSS-morningcoffee.php&response_type=code&scope=subscriber.read+subscriber.payments.read+user.read">Log in to SubscribeStar account</a>
<!-- <br>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/oauth2/authorize? ...">Log in to Patreon account</a> -->
<<if $cheatTier == 0>>
Become a subscriber on <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/mariamod/subscribe">SubscribeStar</a> to be able to use this cabinet
Name: <<if $subscribeName == "">>-<<else>><<print $subscribeName>><<endif>> <br>
Subscription price: $<<print $subscribePrice/100>> <br>
Subscription level: <<print $cheatTier>>
If you have any problems or questions, please contact me via email (milkynailmail@gmail.com) or my <a href="https://discord.gg/GC37yVQ">Discord server</a>
[[Back->Cheat entrance]]<<if $cheatTier == 1 or $cheatTier == 2 or $cheatTier == 3>>
<strong><u>Basic access card ($5)</u></strong>
Current money: $mainChar.money <br>
<<link "+$50">><<set $mainChar.money += 50>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> | <<link "-$50">><<set $mainChar.money -= 50>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>>
Current Energy: $mainChar.energy <br>
<<link "+30 Energy">><<set $mainChar.energy += 30>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> | <<link "-30 Energy">><<set $mainChar.energy -= 30>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>>
<u>Basic access card ($5)</u> (NO ACCESS)
Current money: $mainChar.money <br>
+$100 | -$100
Current Energy: $mainChar.energy <br>
+30 Energy | -30 Energy
<<if $cheatTier == 2 or $cheatTier == 3>>
<strong><u>Advanced access card ($14)</u></strong>
Current Corruption: $mainChar.corruption <br>
<<link "+10 Corruption">><<set $mainChar.corruption += 10>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> | <<link "-10 Corruption">><<set $mainChar.corruption -= 10>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>>
Current Sanity: $mainChar.sanity <br>
<<link "+20 Sanity">><<set $mainChar.sanity += 20>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> | <<link "-20 Sanity">><<set $mainChar.sanity -= 20>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>>
<u>Advanced access card ($14)</u> (NO ACCESS)
Current Corruption: $mainChar.corruption <br>
+10 Corruption | -10 Corruption
Current Sanity: $mainChar.sanity <br>
+20 Sanity | -20 Sanity
<<if $cheatTier == 3>>
<strong><u>Full access card ($24)</u></strong>
Current Relationship with boss: $mainChar.bossRelationship <br>
<<link "+20 Relationship">><<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 20>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> | <<link "-20 Relationship">><<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 20>><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>>
<u>Full access card ($24)</u> (NO ACCESS)
Current Relationship with boss: $mainChar.bossRelationship <br>
+20 Relationship | -20 Relationship
<<endif>><!-- Here you add new variables to objects like $mainChar through 'if ndef ...' -->
<!-- For some reason new vars in StoryInit are not safe, too. Old version saves don't get new vals from there -->
<<if $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice == "Club wear 1-1">>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice = "Club outfit 2-1">>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice == "Evening dress 1-1">>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice = "Evening dress 3-1">>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice == "Beach wear 1-1">>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice = "Beach outfit 4-1">>
<<if $mainChar.workStatus == "Assistant">>
<<set $mainChar.workStatus = "Helper">>
<!-- v0.9.9 => v1.0.0 -->
<<if ndef $B1Messages>>
<<set $B1Messages = []>>
<<set $B2Messages = []>>
<<set $B3Messages = []>>
<<set $B1UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<set $B2UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<set $B3UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<set $B1Answered = false>>
<<set $B2Answered = false>>
<<set $B3Answered = false>>
<<timed 4s>>
<<script>>UIBar.show(); UIBar.unstow(true);<</script>>
<<goto "Disclaimer">>
<<timed 500ms>>
<div align="center" style="opacity: 0; animation: logoAppearing 3s ease-in;">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "TechPics/AuthorLogo.png")]]
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Tech/Poster.png")]] <br>
<h1 align="center">DISCLAIMER</h1>
<h2 align="center">Warning: Adult content!</h2>
<div align="center">This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is unintended. All characters in the game are fictional, as well. Any coincidences with reality are random.<br>
All characters in this game are fictional and any similarities to any people, living or dead, are purely coincidental.
All explicit actions are performed by consenting adults aged 18 or older. Images are for illustrative purposes only.</div>
<!-- <strong><u>Audio warning!</u></strong> This game has music, but it won't play until you start it.
It uses the music volume of your device.<br>
<strong><u>Content warning!</u></strong> This game has (or will have soon) fetishes, such as: gay sex, humiliation, cheating (on you), physical and verbal violence, degradation, feminization, prostitution, drug use. Continue, if playing games with such fetishes is not prohibited by your government or beliefs.
<hr> -->
<strong><u>W.I.P.!</u></strong> Unfortunately, the core of the game is still under development (or it's abandoned?..). Currently available: 3 out of 4 Bosses. Lvl4 clothes are unavailable for now, too. Sorry.
<<radiobutton "$picsPathState" "Online" autocheck>> Online version (load pics from MilkyNail.site) <br>
<<radiobutton "$picsPathState" "Offline" autocheck>> Offline version (load pics from {<a target="_blank" href="./">this directory</a>}/MCPics). Choose this if you downloaded the game with pics folder and wish to use it.
<<radiobutton "$phoneIsUsed" false autocheck>> PC layout (original) <br>
<<radiobutton "$phoneIsUsed" true autocheck>> Mobile layout (wide things will be displayed a bit better)
<!-- To change these settings later, press the "Settings" button at the bottom of the side menu.
-->To change these settings later, press the "Options" link at the top of the side menu.
<div align="center">Are you 18+ years old and want to play?</div> <br>
<div align="center"><<button "Yes!">><<goto "Interview">><</button>></div>
<<include "Version check code">><<if tags().includes("HOME")>>
<<set $pathToPaperDollClothes = String.format("PaperDoll/Home wear/" + $mainChar.clothes.homeWearChoice + ".png")>>
<<elseif tags().includes("WORK")>>
<<set $pathToPaperDollClothes = String.format("PaperDoll/Office suit/" + $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice + ".png")>>
<<elseif tags().includes("CLUB")>>
<<set $pathToPaperDollClothes = String.format("PaperDoll/Club outfit/" + $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice + ".png")>>
<<elseif tags().includes("FANCY-PLACE")>>
<<set $pathToPaperDollClothes = String.format("PaperDoll/Evening dress/" + $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice + ".png")>>
<<elseif tags().includes("BEACH")>>
<<set $pathToPaperDollClothes = String.format("PaperDoll/Beach wear/" + $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice + ".png")>>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/" + $pathToPaperDollClothes)]]<div class="header">Laptop: Planning outfits</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Wardrobe.png")]]
Here you can set outfits for different locations. <<if visited() <= 4>>But it's only work for now...<<endif>>
<<link "Office suits">><<toggleclass ".OfficeSuitsLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.OfficeSuitsLevels;➤@@ @@.OfficeSuitsLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="OfficeSuitsLevels hidden"> <br>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 1">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 1>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 1>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 2>>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 2">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 2>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 2>>
Office suits - Lvl 2 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 3">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 3>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 3>>
Office suits - Lvl 3 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 4>>
Office suits - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<link "Club outfits">><<toggleclass ".ClubOutfitsLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.ClubOutfitsLevels;➤@@ @@.ClubOutfitsLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="ClubOutfitsLevels hidden"> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 2>>
<<link "Club outfits - Lvl 2">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Club outfit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 2>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Club outfit" 2>>
Club outfits - Lvl 2 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<link "Club outfits - Lvl 3">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Club outfit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 3>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Club outfit" 3>>
Club outfits - Lvl 3 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Club outfits - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Club outfit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Club outfit" 4>>
Club outfits - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<link "Evening dresses">><<toggleclass ".EveningDressesLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.EveningDressesLevels;➤@@ @@.EveningDressesLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="EveningDressesLevels hidden"> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<link "Evening dresses - Lvl 3">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Evening dress">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 3>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Evening dress" 3>>
Evening dresses - Lvl 3 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Evening dresses - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Evening dress">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Evening dress" 4>>
Evening dresses - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<link "Beach outfits">><<toggleclass ".BeachOutfitsLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.BeachOutfitsLevels;➤@@ @@.BeachOutfitsLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="BeachOutfitsLevels hidden"> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Beach outfits - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Beach wear">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Wardrobe sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Beach wear" 4>>
Beach outfits - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
[[Back->Laptop]]<div class="header">Laptop: Online shop</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/OnlineShop.webp")]]
A colorful website with a huge amount of clothes welcomes you. Here you can buy different sets of clothes online. <<if visited() <= 4>>Each set has an 'event bonus' stat that increases the chances of random events appearing.<<endif>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = "">>
<<link "Office suits">><<toggleclass ".OfficeSuitsLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.OfficeSuitsLevels;➤@@ @@.OfficeSuitsLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="OfficeSuitsLevels hidden"> <br>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 1">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 1>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 1>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 2>>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 2">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 2>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 2>>
Office suits - Lvl 2 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 3">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 3>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 3>>
Office suits - Lvl 3 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Office suits - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Office suit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Office suit" 4>>
Office suits - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<link "Club outfits">><<toggleclass ".ClubOutfitsLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.ClubOutfitsLevels;➤@@ @@.ClubOutfitsLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="ClubOutfitsLevels hidden"> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 2>>
<<link "Club outfits - Lvl 2">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Club outfit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 2>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Club outfit" 2>>
Club outfits - Lvl 2 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<link "Club outfits - Lvl 3">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Club outfit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 3>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Club outfit" 3>>
Club outfits - Lvl 3 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Club outfits - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Club outfit">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Club outfit" 4>>
Club outfits - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<link "Evening dresses">><<toggleclass ".EveningDressesLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.EveningDressesLevels;➤@@ @@.EveningDressesLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="EveningDressesLevels hidden"> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<link "Evening dresses - Lvl 3">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Evening dress">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 3>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Evening dress" 3>>
Evening dresses - Lvl 3 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Evening dresses - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Evening dress">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Evening dress" 4>>
Evening dresses - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
<<link "Beach outfits">><<toggleclass ".BeachOutfitsLevels" "hidden">><</link>>
@@.BeachOutfitsLevels;➤@@ @@.BeachOutfitsLevels.hidden;⮟@@
<p class="BeachOutfitsLevels hidden"> <br>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 4>>
<<link "Beach outfits - Lvl 4">>
<<set $clothesSection = "Beach wear">>
<<set $clothesLevel = 4>>
<<goto "Shop sections">>
<</link>><<ClothesCounter "Beach wear" 4>>
Beach outfits - Lvl 4 [Current level: $mainChar.level]
[[Back->Laptop]]<<set $clothes = {
officeSuit: [ [],
/* level 1 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 0,
corruption: 0,
isBought: true,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 50,
corruption: 30,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 70,
corruption: 60,
isBought: false,
/* level 2 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 50,
corruption: 120,
isBought: false,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 70,
corruption: 150,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 100,
corruption: 180,
isBought: false,
/* level 3 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 70,
corruption: 210,
isBought: false,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 90,
corruption: 250,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 120,
corruption: 270,
isBought: false,
/* level 4 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 110,
corruption: 320,
isBought: false,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 150,
corruption: 340,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 200,
corruption: 380,
isBought: false,
clubOutfit: [ [], [],
/* level 2 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 0,
corruption: 0,
isBought: true,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 40,
corruption: 140,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 70,
corruption: 170,
isBought: false,
/* level 3 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 60,
corruption: 220,
isBought: false,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 100,
corruption: 250,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 130,
corruption: 280,
isBought: false,
/* level 4 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 90,
corruption: 310,
isBought: false,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 120,
corruption: 340,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 170,
corruption: 370,
isBought: false,
eveningDress: [ [], [], [],
/* level 3 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 0,
corruption: 0,
isBought: true,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 70,
corruption: 230,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 120,
corruption: 270,
isBought: false,
/* level 4 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 120,
corruption: 330,
isBought: false,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 160,
corruption: 350,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 180,
corruption: 370,
isBought: false,
beachOutfit: [ [], [], [], [],
/* level 4 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 0,
corruption: 0,
isBought: true,
/* item 2 */
eventBonus: 20,
price: 70,
corruption: 340,
isBought: false,
/* item 3 */
eventBonus: 30,
price: 110,
corruption: 380,
isBought: false,
homeWear: [ [],
/* level 1 */
[ [],
/* item 1 */
eventBonus: 10,
price: 0,
corruption: 0,
isBought: true,
}>><div class="header">Laptop: Planning outfits - $clothesSection</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Wardrobe.png")]]
<<if $clothesSection == "Office suit">>
<<if $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Office suit/Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Office suit $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice == "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Is wearing at work</u>
<<link "Wear this at work">><<set $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice = "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-1">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice)
<<if $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Office suit/Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Office suit $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice == "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Is wearing at work</u>
<<link "Wear this at work">><<set $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice = "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-2">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice)
<<if $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Office suit/Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Office suit $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice == "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Is wearing at work</u>
<<link "Wear this at work">><<set $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice = "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-3">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice)
<<elseif $clothesSection == "Club outfit">>
<<if $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Club outfit/Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Club outfit $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice == "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Is wearing at club</u>
<<link "Wear this at club">><<set $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice = "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-1">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice)
<<if $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Club outfit/Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Club outfit $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice == "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Is wearing at club</u>
<<link "Wear this at club">><<set $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice = "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-2">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice)
<<if $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Club outfit/Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Club outfit $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice == "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Is wearing at club</u>
<<link "Wear this at club">><<set $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice = "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-3">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice)
<<elseif $clothesSection == "Evening dress">>
<<if $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Evening dress/Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Evening dress $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice == "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Is wearing at fancy places</u>
<<link "Wear this at fancy places">><<set $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice = "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-1">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice)
<<if $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Evening dress/Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Evening dress $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice == "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Is wearing at fancy places</u>
<<link "Wear this at fancy places">><<set $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice = "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-2">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice)
<<if $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Evening dress/Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Evening dress $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice == "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Is wearing at fancy places</u>
<<link "Wear this at fancy places">><<set $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice = "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-3">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice)
<<elseif $clothesSection == "Beach wear">>
<<if $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Beach wear/Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Beach wear $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice == "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Is wearing at beach</u>
<<link "Wear this at beach">><<set $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice = "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-1">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice)
<<if $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Beach wear/Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Beach wear $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice == "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Is wearing at beach</u>
<<link "Wear this at beach">><<set $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice = "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-2">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice)
<<if $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].isBought == true>>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Beach wear/Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Beach wear $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice == "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Is wearing at beach</u>
<<link "Wear this at beach">><<set $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice = "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-3">><<goto $currentPassage>><</link>> (now wearing: $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice)
<div class="header">Laptop: Online shop - $clothesSection</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/OnlineShop.webp")]]
<<if $clothesSection == "Office suit">>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Office suit/Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Office suit $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice = String.format("Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Sold and set as current suit for work</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Office suit/Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Office suit $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice = String.format("Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Sold and set as current suit for work</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Office suit/Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Office suit $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice = String.format("Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.officeSuit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Office suit " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Sold and set as current suit for work</u>
<<elseif $clothesSection == "Club outfit">>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Club outfit/Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Club outfit $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice = String.format("Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Sold and set as current outfit for club</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Club outfit/Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Club outfit $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice = String.format("Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Sold and set as current outfit for club</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Club outfit/Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Club outfit $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice = String.format("Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.clubOutfit[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Club outfit " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Sold and set as current outfit for club</u>
<<elseif $clothesSection == "Evening dress">>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Evening dress/Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Evening dress $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice = String.format("Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Sold and set as current dress for fancy places</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Evening dress/Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Evening dress $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice = String.format("Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Sold and set as current dress for fancy places</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Evening dress/Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Evening dress $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice = String.format("Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.eveningDress[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Evening dress " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Sold and set as current dress for fancy places</u>
<<elseif $clothesSection == "Beach wear">>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Beach wear/Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-1.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Beach wear $clothesLevel-1</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice = String.format("Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-1")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][1].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-1">>
<u>Sold and set as current outfit for beach</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Beach wear/Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-2.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Beach wear $clothesLevel-2</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice = String.format("Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-2")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][2].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-2">>
<u>Sold and set as current outfit for beach</u>
<table class="showDollTable"><tr><td rowspan="2" style="width: 30%">
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/PaperDoll/Beach wear/Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-3.png")]] </td><td>
<strong>Beach wear $clothesLevel-3</strong> <br><br>
Event bonus: @@.plus;<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].eventBonus>>%@@ </td></tr><tr><td>
<<if $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].isBought != true>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].corruption>>
<<link "$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption">>
<<set $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].isBought = true>>
<<set $mainChar.clothes.beachWearChoice = String.format("Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<set $mainChar.money -= $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].price>>
<<set $itemWasJustSold = String.format("Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-3")>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption [Current corruption: $mainChar.corruption]
$<<print $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].price>> & $clothes.beachWear[$clothesLevel][3].corruption Corruption
<<if $itemWasJustSold == "Beach wear " + $clothesLevel + "-3">>
<u>Sold and set as current outfit for beach</u>
[[Back->Online clothes shop]] <<if $mainChar.level == 1 and $mainChar.corruption >= 100>>
<<set $mainChar.level = 2>>
<<set $mainChar.bossesData.level1.relationship = $mainChar.bossRelationship>>
<<set $mainChar.bossRelationship = 20>>
<<set $mainChar.workStatus = "Secretary">>
<<if $mainChar.corruption < 100>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 100>>
@@.LvlUp;Level 2! New Boss: Richie! New Office!@@ <br>
@@.plus;Daily wage: $5 -> $7@@ <br>
@@.plus;Performance bonus: 25% -> 30%@@
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2 and $mainChar.corruption >= 200>>
<<set $mainChar.level = 3>>
<<set $mainChar.bossesData.level2.relationship = $mainChar.bossRelationship>>
<<set $mainChar.bossRelationship = 20>>
<<set $mainChar.workStatus = "Assistant">>
<<if $mainChar.corruption < 200>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 200>>
@@.LvlUp;Level 3! New Boss: Victor! New Office!@@ <br>
@@.plus;Daily wage: $7 -> $10@@ <br>
@@.plus;Performance bonus: 30% -> 50%@@
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3 and $mainChar.corruption >= 300>>
<<set $mainChar.level = 4>>
<<set $mainChar.bossesData.level3.relationship = $mainChar.bossRelationship>>
<!-- Commented, because boss and status stays the same
<<set $mainChar.bossRelationship = 20>>
<<set $mainChar.workStatus = "Daddy's Girl">> -->
<<if $mainChar.corruption < 300>>
<<set $mainChar.corruption = 300>>
@@.LvlUp;Level 4!@@ <br>
@@.plus;Daily wage: $10 -> $15@@ <br>
@@.plus;Performance bonus: 50% -> 100%@@
<<widget "ClothesCounter">>
<!-- _args[0] - The name of clothes (like "Office suit") -->
<!-- _args[1] - Level of clothes (like 1, 2, 3, 4) -->
<<set _clothesBought = 0>>
<<if _args[0] == "Office suit">>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $clothes.officeSuit[_args[1]].length; _i++>>
<<if $clothes.officeSuit[_args[1]][_i].isBought == true>>
<<set _clothesBought += 1>>
(_clothesBought/<<print $clothes.officeSuit[_args[1]].length - 1>>)
<<elseif _args[0] == "Club outfit">>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $clothes.clubOutfit[_args[1]].length; _i++>>
<<if $clothes.clubOutfit[_args[1]][_i].isBought == true>>
<<set _clothesBought += 1>>
(_clothesBought/<<print $clothes.clubOutfit[_args[1]].length - 1>>)
<<elseif _args[0] == "Evening dress">>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $clothes.eveningDress[_args[1]].length; _i++>>
<<if $clothes.eveningDress[_args[1]][_i].isBought == true>>
<<set _clothesBought += 1>>
(_clothesBought/<<print $clothes.eveningDress[_args[1]].length - 1>>)
<<elseif _args[0] == "Beach wear">>
<<for _i = 1; _i < $clothes.beachOutfit[_args[1]].length; _i++>>
<<if $clothes.beachOutfit[_args[1]][_i].isBought == true>>
<<set _clothesBought += 1>>
(_clothesBought/<<print $clothes.beachOutfit[_args[1]].length - 1>>)
<<unset _clothesBought>>
<</widget>><div class="header">Laptop: Watch porn</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/WatchingPorn.png")]]
Dad never talked to you about the birds and the bees. Good thing you grew up with access to the Internet and could figure it all out for yourself! Truth is, you are still learning. And oh boy, are you good at it~
<<include "Porn levels">>
<<set $minute += 30>>
@@.plus;+5 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 5>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<if $hour == 22 and $minute >= 30>>
Watch a bit more - It's too late
<<if $mainChar.energy <= 10>>
Watch a bit more - You are too tired
[[Watch a bit more->Porn]]
[[Back->Laptop]] <div class="header">Laptop: Social media</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/BrowsingSocialMedia.webp")]]
You doomscroll for a while, letting a stream of digital happiness carry you into a void. A place where you no longer need to think, just look at photos and press the like button. It's like sleeping... And it actually helps.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/SocialMedia/SocialMedia" + random(1,10) + ".jpg")]]
<<set $minute += 30>>
@@.plus;+15 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity += 15>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<if $hour == 22 and $minute >= 30>>
Stay a little longer - It's too late
<<if $mainChar.energy <= 10>>
Stay a little longer - You are too tired
[[Stay a little longer->Social media]]
[[Back->Laptop]] <div class="header">Boss Office</div>
A super angry interview man led you through long corridors. And he was completely silent all the time. <br>
You, on the other hand, were cheerfully greeting everyone you met along the way.
After a lot of paperwork, you were finally introduced to your new supervisor! Well, if you can call it an introduction. The interviewer was just waiting for you to walk into a small office and close the door behind you...
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss1/Mike.png")]]
"Heyy! You are my new <p style="color: gold">assistant</p>, right? Evelyn. Good, good. I really need an extra pair of hands all the time!"<br>
You introduced yourself, looking at your new boss. 'Mike', his badge says.
"So young and already working! I'm 22 myself. Just a nobody, helping to move documents around... And I have worked hard to earn this place! Now I have a helper! Wow. They even fired someone to free the next office for you!" <br>
Somehow, this asian boy with messy hair was even more excited than you.
<<link "Skip all his gibberish about actual work and go to your office">>
<<set $minute += 30>>
<<goto "B1: Your Office">>
<</link>><div class="header">Your Office</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss1/YourOffice.jpg")]]
<<include "B1 actions">>
<<if $mainChar.energy < 10>>
Pretend to work - You are too tired
<<link "Pretend to work">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Pretending">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<link "Loiter">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Loitering">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= 5>>
<<link "Order something to eat - $5">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Ordering">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Order something to eat - [Money: $5]
<<if $hour == 19>>
<<link "Go home!">>
<<set $workState = "Leaving">>
<<goto "Lobby">>
Go home -
<<if $minute == 0>>
[<<print (19 - $hour)>>h left]
<<elseif $minute != 0>>
<<if $hour == 18>>
[<<print (60 - $minute)>>m left]
<<elseif $hour != 18>>
[<<print (18 - $hour)>>h <<print (60 - $minute)>>m left]
<table border="2" style="margin: auto; border-collapse: separate; padding: 1%; border-style: solid"><tr><td style="border: none">
<<if $workAction == "Pretending">>
<<set _workHours = 1>>
You do your best to pretend you are very busy. From looking at the computer screen and humming under your nose to moving papers around. Damn, parents would be proud of you. Such a good girl! <br>
Even Mike noticed your efforts, passing by. Yes, he's lucky to have such a busy bee by his side~
@@.plus;+3 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<include "B1 events">>
<<elseif $workAction == "Loitering">>
<<set _workHours = 1>>
What could be better than relaxing at work? Chatting with your friends won't make your boss happy, but hey, not everything in this world is about money, right? Enjoy the sun on your skin, relax in a comfortable chair...
@@.minus;-1 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 1>>
<<include "B1 events">>
<<elseif $workAction == "Ordering">>
<<set _workHours = 2>>
You order some food delivery. And oh boy, did that take a while... Were they making that soda can especially for you? The price is high, too. But you are too hungry to think about that. The soda can hisses in your hands, letting everyone around you know that you are about to have a great time.
@@.minus;-$5 Money@@ <<set $mainChar.money -= 5>> <br>
@@.plus;+40 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy += 40>>
<<include "B1 events">>
You sit on your little chair and look at the widow. The street is full of happy children running around, people walking, dogs chasing each other among them. But you are here, sitting in this small boring office. What will you do next?
<<include "B1 events">>
<<set $workAction = "">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _workHours; _i++>>
<<set _rand = either("under", "over")>>
<<if _rand == "under">>
<<set $minute += random(40, 59)>>
<<elseif _rand == "over">>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute += random(1, 20)>>
<<for $minute >= 60>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute -= 60>>
<<if $hour >= 19 or ($hour == 18 and $minute >= 30)>>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set _eventChance = random(1,100) - ($mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice.slice(-1)*10)>>
<!-- Events will appear 10% more if main character wears a makeup -->
<<if $lastDayAppliedMakeup == $day>>
<<set _eventChance -= 10>>
<!-- Player has 25% chance (4 actions including this, 25 for each) to meet an unconditional event -->
<<if random(1,100) <= 25>>
<<set $workAction = "Unconditional event">>
<<if $workAction == "Unconditional event">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("Make me coffee")>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Pretending">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("Form 23-e", "Good girl")>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Loitering">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("Risky voice message","Masturbating")>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Ordering">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("Sharing is caring")>>
<!-- -->
<!-- If there's enough corruption for progression, 20% chance is rolling every event time, overriding others -->
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 100>>
<<if _eventChance <= 20>> <<set _event = "Leveling up">>
<<include "B1 event storage">>
<<if def _event and _event != "">>
<<switch _event>>
<<case "Make me coffee">> <!-- "Unconditional event" -->
Suddenly, your boss looked out of his office. "Hey, Evelyn? Mind to make me a cup of coffee? No sugar!" He gives you a smile and goes back to his desk. <br>
All right, this is part of your job here. You take a rather large cup with "BEST BOSS EVER" written on it and wait for the coffee machine to fill it with aromatic brown liquid.
<<link "Take cup and go to Mike's office">>
<<set $bossEvent = "Make me coffee: In Boss Office">>
<<goto "B1: Boss Office">>
<<case "Form 23-e">> <!-- "Pretending" -->
Mike comes to you, holding his cup of coffee. "Hey! I noticed that you are quite busy with something right now. But it seems I'm out of form 23-e. Do you have any?" <br>
Some form 23-e... Okay.
<<linkreplace "Search on the table">> <<addclass "#link2" "hidden">>
You stop for a moment, trying to recover some distant memories of what that form should look like. After a few fruitless tries you just look at the table, rummuging through papers. Oh, some of them has the right number! <br>
"Oh, thanks! We need to make more of them."
@@.plus;+2 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 2>>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<linkreplace "Search on the table, but better">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">>
Shrugging, you say to Mike that you need to take a look. "Okay." Suddenly, you stand up and bend over the desk, almost hitting your supervisor with your ass. "Um.. Why do you.." Anyway, you feel his look at your rear as you continue your search. <br>
Here! You hold up a few identical papers. 23-e, right? Looking back at smiling Mike, you finally give him the forms.
@@.plus;+3 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 5>>
<<case "Good girl">> <!-- "Pretending" -->
You worked really hard this hour. Well, not really. You did nothing of value and even managed to drop a document and step on it. But Mike was really proud of you! <br>
"Not bad! You are clearly doing your best! Good girl." What? Lol. Okay, nevermind.
<<linkreplace "Good enough to get a raise? (◕ﻌ◕ )">> <<addclass "#link2" "hidden">> <<addclass "#link3" "hidden">>
"Nope! Not yet."
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 15>>
<<linkreplace "Make puppy eyes!">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">> <<addclass "#link3" "hidden">>
You open your eyes wider, raise your eyebrows, and stick out your lower lip to give Mike the best puppy eyes possible. You have been training all your childhood, asking your parents for more money and gifts. <br>
"Wh-what are you doing?.." <br><br>
<<linkreplace "Woof!">>
Giggling, you see him turn red for no reason and walk back to his office. Wow, he liked it~ You can tell he liked it. What a pervert.
@@.plus;+3 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 5>>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/15]
<<endif>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 60>>
<<linkreplace "You are the best girl~">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">> <<addclass "#link2" "hidden">>
With a soft moan, you squint a little and look at your confused boss. Showing your teeth, you make a growling sound. Judging by Milke's red cheeks, you are a natural at being a 'good girl'. Exhaling, you slowly tell him that you can be a <i>very</i> good girl for him. <br>
"Jeez, Evelyn... Relax.." Gulping, he leaves your office with a visible bulge in his pants. Run, little human, run! Rrrr!
@@.plus;+7 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 7>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/60]
<<endif>> <br>
<<case "Risky voice message">> <!-- "Loitering" -->
Sitting on your ass and doing particulatly nothing, you decided to chat with your friend Rita. After a few "hey" and "come on i know you are here", Rita started to type you something. An awfully long message... Damn. Is she okay? Finally, she stopped typing and sent you ... "busy rn". ??? But before you can ask her anything else, you get a voice message from her.
<<linkreplace "Listen it, at your own risk">>
"FUUUUCK!! UHHH!!! Yes-yes-yes-yes 😍💖💖". Giggling, you quickly turn down the volume. This horny bitch is with her boyfriend right now. Shit, Mike must have heard that. And probably not only him...
@@.plus;+5 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 5>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
<<case "Masturbating">> <!-- "Loitering" -->
You were scrolling through memes and ads on your phone when a particular post caught your eye. Porn. It was a video of a girl being gently facefucked by her boss. There's no way she wasn't enjoying it~ You know this because you would love to be in her place. <br>
Fantasizing about sucking dicks, you couldn't help yourself. Without thinking twice, you lowered your hand and started rubbing between your legs, hypnotized by this video. Girls have needs, nothing wrong with that. <br>
"Umm.. Evelyn? What the hell are you doing? Are you masturbating??" Shit. You didn't notice Mike leaving his office...
<<linkreplace "Stop doing that">> <<addclass "#link2" "hidden">>
Exhaling loudly, you stop rubbing yourself and give Mike the "you got me, yeah, now piss off" expression. You can tell he was both shocked and embarrassed. And he decided to go back to his office immediately, lol. "Don't give me that look! That's unprofessional behavior!" Yeah, yeah... piss off.
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 25>>
<<linkreplace "But whyyy?">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">>
Looking at your shocked and embarrassed boss, you can't help but giggle. Relax! Or don't relax, that's even better~ <br>
He definitely needs to see this video for himself to understand your actions! "Wha.. 'A Slut Secretary Facefu..' What the hell is this???" Cool, right?~ "Get back t-to work or something!! Stop watching porn on company time!" <br>
When you see red Mike running back to his office, you almost laugh at his reaction. Mischief managed~ Poor boy.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss1/MikeMasturbating" + random(1,3) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+3 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 5>>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/25]
<<endif>> <br>
<<case "Sharing is caring">> <!-- "Ordering" -->
As you devour your small pizza with soda, Mike comes by with a load of documents he needs to move around the floor. He looks tired. <br>
"Oh, bon appetit. Do you mind if I put this pile here for a second? No? Splendid."
<<linkreplace "Offer him a piece">>
"For me? Ohh, how sweet of you! Thanks, Evelyn." He smiles and takes his share of the pizza covered in cheap oil. The two of you sit there for a minute, enjoying a meal in this small, dusty room.
@@.plus;+2 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 2>>
<<case "Leveling up">> <!-- Has 20% appearing chance if max corruption -->
A normal working day was suddenly interrupted when a relatively young man entered your office. He was older than Mike and a bit taller.
"Hmm..." Without saying a word to you, he walked into your boss's office and slammed the door. Oh, looks like trouble... And indeed, after a short conversation in raised voices, Mike flew out into the hallway like a bullet, holding a stack of papers and making excuses as he went: "But I swear, Richie! It's not my fault your damn floor runs out of paper so fast!"
You heard his hurried footsteps in the hallway for a few more seconds. ... Why did this Richie never come out of Mike's office?
<<link "Investigate! @@.LvlUp;Lvl1->Lvl2@@">>
<<goto "B2: Meeting">>
<</link>> <br>
<<linkreplace "Wait a little bit">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">>
After a minute or so, Richie walked out as if nothing had happened. He didn't even look at you, like you were nothing...
Последний пост-обновление был: 15 января
- Перенес Сообщения из Телефона в Ноутбук. Раньше я планировал использовать сообщения в сценах в повседневной жизни Эвелин, но архитектура созданной мной системы явно для этого не подходит. Ничего, просто теперь я буду использовать их иначе, создавая сцены по-другому.
- Теперь все события с боссами типа Working/Loitering/Ordering будут иметь более высокий базовый шанс появления (30%->40%). Этого может быть все еще недостаточно, но пока начнем с малого. Так же я на 10% увеличил шанс появления сцен в Club (lvl2 boss) и Gentlemen's Club/Racecourse (lvl3 boss).
- Так же теперь одежда добавляет по 10% к базовому шансу на событие за уровень. (Раньше добавляла 5% за уровень)
- Added Bathroom. You are able to apply makeup there in the morning. It will give an addition +10% to the chance to trigger events. I also added ability to take contraceptive pills, but it has no use for now :)
- Added Kitchen. You can brew a coffee there. This will give you +20 Energy. It's free, but you can drink it only two times a day.
- Теперь утром восстанавливается 70 единиц энергии, а не 100.
- Добавил необязательные утренние ритуалы. По сути это напоминалки в левом боковом меню, которые появляются утром и напоминают игроку о том что можно выпить кофе (если есть необходимость) + нанести макияж + выпить бесполезные противозачаточные таблетки.
VERSION ................ da
CHANGELOG ........ da
PassageReady ...... da
Сайт .........................
Пост-обновление публикуется: 1 февраля<div class="header">Boss Office</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss1/Mike.png")]]
<<include "B1 Boss Office event storage">>
[[Go back to your office->B1: Your Office]]<<switch $bossEvent>>
<<case "Make me coffee: In Boss Office">>
Knocking, you step into a small dusty room with little to no light. "Oh, thank you!" Mike takes a sip and gives a moment for the flavor to unfold. "Yeah, this is the good stuff~". <br>
Big man loves his coffee. Anyway, your business here is finished. Right?
<<linkreplace "Complement his look">> <<addclass "#link2" "hidden">>
You decided to stay a little longer and took a good look at the man sitting in front of you. "Hm?.. What's wrong?" Nothing. You give him a warm smile and say that you really like his glasses. <br>
"Thank you! I love them too! They are quite sturdy and the plastic is top quality!" You can't hide a giggle, looking at his excited face.
@@.plus;+3 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 3>>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 20>>
<<if $haveSuckedMikeForFirstTime != true>> <<set $haveSuckedMikeForFirstTime = true>>
<<linkreplace "Umm... Care for a blowjob?..">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">>
"What?? Are you high or something?" <br><br>
<<linkreplace "Nope, you're just bored. Come on, Mr. Boss~">>
He blushes as he looks at your smiling face. "You're beautiful and all, Evelyn, but... we shouldn't do this!" <br><br>
<<linkreplace "An assistant and her big, strong boss. That's classic! Now let's have some fun!">>
"Oh, shit... We are not supposed to. But.. okay." He slowly unzips his pants, hoping that no one will walk in at this odd moment. <br>
Smiling happily (yay, some fun!), you crawl under your shy lover's desk. After a few seconds, his rather average but very hard dick disappears in your hungry mouth. "Uhh!! Oh, c-careful!" You roll your eyes and try to remember the last time you had to insist on giving someone a head.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss1/OfficeBlowjob" + random(1,6) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+7 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 7>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
<<elseif $haveSuckedMikeForFirstTime == true>>
<<linkreplace "Care for a blowjob?">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">>
"Uhh..." Mike definitely looks like someone who needs a good cock sucking. And his face tells you that he knows it, but is just shy. Or afraid of being caught. Or something else. <br>
"Yeah, I guess." Blushing, he unzips his pants while you happily crawl under his desk. You are both too excited to hold moans as you begin the process. Leaning back, Mike closes his eyes and tries his best to last longer than usual.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss1/OfficeBlowjob" + random(1,6) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+7 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 7>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/20]
<<set $bossEvent = "">><<if visited() == 1 and turns() != 1>><<goto "B2: First workday">><<endif>>
<div class="header">Your Office</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/YourOffice.jpg")]]
<<include "B2 actions">>
<<if $mainChar.energy < 10>>
Work as secretary - You are too tired
<<link "Work as secretary">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Working">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<link "Loiter">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Loitering">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= 5>>
<<link "Order something to eat - $5">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Ordering">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Order something to eat - [Money: $5]
<<if $hour == 19>>
<<link "Go home!">>
<<set $workState = "Leaving">>
<<goto "Lobby">>
Go home -
<<if $minute == 0>>
[<<print (19 - $hour)>>h left]
<<elseif $minute != 0>>
<<if $hour == 18>>
[<<print (60 - $minute)>>m left]
<<elseif $hour != 18>>
[<<print (18 - $hour)>>h <<print (60 - $minute)>>m left]
<table border="2" style="margin: auto; border-collapse: separate; padding: 1%; border-style: solid"><tr><td style="border: none">
<<if $workAction == "Working">>
<<set _workHours = 1>>
<<set _secretaryWork = either("Filling out document", "Making coffee", "Scheduling a meeting")>>
<<if _secretaryWork == "Filling out document">>
<<set _correctAnswer = either("F-41", "H-11", "K-11")>>
<<set _options = ["F-41", "H-11", "K-11"]>>
<<set _options.shuffle()>>
Richie walked from his office to yours, a little irritated, and rummaged through the desks and drawers. He obviously wanted to find something, but he couldn't. "Listen, Evelyn, I really need a form <strong><u>@@#correctAnswer;_correctAnswer@@</u></strong>. Print it, fill it out. And hurry, please! I need it in my office in ten minutes." After giving the instructions, the boss left you alone.
<<linkreplace "Well, time to get to work!">>
<<replace "#correctAnswer">>????<</replace>>
<<replace "#listbox">>
<<listbox "_answer" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _options>><</listbox>>
Okay, this seems really urgent! You haven't forgotten what document he was talking about, have you?
<<linkreplace "Print and fill out form ">>
<<replace "#correctAnswer">>_correctAnswer<</replace>> <<replace "#listbox">><</replace>>
<<include "B2 events">>
<<elseif _secretaryWork == "Making coffee">>
<<set _correctAnswer = either("black", "with sugar", "with cream", "with sugar & cream")>>
<<set _options = ["black", "with sugar", "with cream", "with sugar & cream"]>>
You got bored and called Richie to see if he needed anything. "Ha, what a good girl you are, Evy! Well, let me think... How about a coffee?" You glanced at a coffee maker on the small desk next to you. Can do, sure. "Great! Make it <strong><u>@@#correctAnswer;_correctAnswer@@</u></strong>, will you? See you soon!"
<<linkreplace "Go to coffee machine">>
<<replace "#correctAnswer">>?????<</replace>>
<<replace "#listbox">>
<<listbox "_answer" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _options>><</listbox>>
Alright, all we need to do is make sure there are grains... Check! Water. Check! Then we press this button. One more time. Then wait. <br>
After a minute of mechanical coughing and wheezing, you get a cup of fresh, hot coffee! But wait, what about sugar and cream?
<<linkreplace "Boss wanted his coffee ">>
<<replace "#correctAnswer">>_correctAnswer<</replace>> <<replace "#listbox">><</replace>>
<<include "B2 events">>
<<elseif _secretaryWork == "Scheduling a meeting">>
<<set _correctAnswer = either("1PM", "2PM", "3PM", "4PM", "5PM")>>
<<set _options = ["1PM", "2PM", "3PM", "4PM", "5PM"]>>
You were doing nothing when the work phone rang in front of you. Oh, Richie wants something. Clearing your throat, you pick it up. <br>
"Hey, Evy? There's a business card on your desk. To your right. Look for it! A blue piece of shitty paper with a photo on it and... Yeah, great. I need you to call this man and tell him that Richie is changing the time of the meeting to <strong><u>@@#correctAnswer;_correctAnswer@@</u></strong>." <br>
Sure, sounds easy enough! You pick up the card and look for the number on it.
<<linkreplace "Call the number">>
<<replace "#correctAnswer">>???<</replace>>
<<replace "#listbox">>
<<listbox "_answer" autoselect>><<optionsfrom _options>><</listbox>>
"Hey. Who's this?" The man on the other end does not sound so friendly. Anyway, you tell him that 'Richie changes the meeting time to ...'. Hell, what time was it?
<<linkreplace "...changes the meeting time to ">>
<<replace "#correctAnswer">>_correctAnswer<</replace>> <<replace "#listbox">><</replace>>
<<include "B2 events">>
<<elseif $workAction == "Loitering">>
<<set _workHours = 1>>
Today is a good day. It's sunny outside, almost no wind, no traffic jam. Why not spend some time looking at the beautiful street below you, observing people and cars? Work can wait!
@@.minus;-1 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 1>>
<<include "B2 events">>
<<elseif $workAction == "Ordering">>
<<set _workHours = 2>>
Come on, you are hungry! You tell Richie that you are taking a lunch break, then open the food delivery app. Mmm, so much sweet and fatty food! Yummers! <br>
After a painfully long hour, you finally get your hot plastic bag of tasty goods and ready to feast.
@@.minus;-$5 Money@@ <<set $mainChar.money -= 5>> <br>
@@.plus;+40 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy += 40>>
<<include "B2 events">>
You are sitting at your desk looking around. What do you want to do next? You can... try to help Richie with his work. Or check your phone. Or maybe take a lunch break? So many possibilities.
<<include "B2 events">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _workHours; _i++>>
<<set _rand = either("under", "over")>>
<<if _rand == "under">>
<<set $minute += random(40, 59)>>
<<elseif _rand == "over">>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute += random(1, 20)>>
<<for $minute >= 60>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute -= 60>>
<<if $hour >= 19 or ($hour == 18 and $minute >= 30)>>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set _eventChance = random(1,100) - ($mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice.slice(-1)*10)>>
<!-- Events will appear 10% more if main character wears a makeup -->
<<if $lastDayAppliedMakeup == $day>>
<<set _eventChance -= 10>>
<!-- Player has 25% chance (4 actions including this, 25 for each) to meet an unconditional event (when not working) -->
<<if random(1,100) <= 25 and $workAction != "Working">>
<<set $workAction = "Unconditional event">>
<<if $workAction == "Unconditional event">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("")>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Working">>
<<if _secretaryWork == "Filling out document">>
<<if _answer == _correctAnswer>>
<<if _eventChance <= 30>> <<set _event = either("Filling out document - Lewd end")>>
<<if _event != "Filling out document - Lewd end">>
"What? Oh, yeah, <strong>_correctAnswer</strong>. Thanks, Evelyn." The guy took the paper from you and continued typing on the computer, comparing something to the data you brought him. Mission accomplished, you helped the boss!
@@.plus;+4 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 4>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<elseif _answer != _correctAnswer>>
Richie was typing something on his computer when you brought him the paper. "Oh, just in time! ... What is this? Evelyn, stop being so up in the clouds! I asked for <strong>_correctAnswer</strong>, not _answer! Damn it, I'll do it myself." Shit, it looks like you filled out the wrong form.. You just wasted your time.
@@.minus;-1 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 1>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<elseif _secretaryWork == "Making coffee">>
<<if _answer == _correctAnswer>>
<<if _eventChance <= 30>> <<set _event = either("Making coffee - Lewd end")>>
<<if _event != "Making coffee - Lewd end">>
Mike was sitting in his chair reading a newspaper. Just look at this gentleman! <br>
"Uh, thank you!" He takes a sip from a hot cup. A big pause after you see a blissful smile on his face. "Much appreciated, Evy~" You smile back before leaving his office. Let the guy enjoy his coffee and newspaper~
@@.plus;+4 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 4>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<elseif _answer != _correctAnswer>>
Mike was sitting in his chair reading a newspaper. "Uh, finally! How's my ... coffee?" He takes a sip, then looks at you slowly. Something must be wrong. "Evy, my girl, I said '<strong>_correctAnswer</strong>', not '_answer'" Damn.. <br>
He shrugs, then takes another big sip. "It's fine, though. Just.. pay attention next time."
@@.minus;-1 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 1>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<elseif _secretaryWork == "Scheduling a meeting">>
<<if _answer == _correctAnswer>>
After listening to the curses on the phone, you dialed Richie to report that the meeting had been rescheduled for _answer. <br>
"Hm? Yeah, yeah, good. Thanks, Evelyn." Pretty poor praise~ But that's okay, he must be very busy.
@@.plus;+4 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 4>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<elseif _answer != _correctAnswer>>
After listening to the curses on the phone for some time, you dialed Richie to report that the meeting had been rescheduled for _answer. <br>
"What?? No, damn it! I said '<strong>_correctAnswer</strong>', not '_answer'! Evelyn, do I have to do everything myself?! ... Sorry. I'll call this asshole myself." Now that was rude! But you did screw up... And he said 'sorry'. Uh, let's get back to work.
@@.minus;-1 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 1>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Loitering">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("Loiter bj","Boobs!")>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Ordering">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("French fries")>>
<!-- -->
<!-- If there's enough corruption for progression, 20% chance is rolling every event time, overriding others (except work) -->
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 200 and $workAction != "Working" and $VictorInvitedToDate != true>>
<<if _eventChance <= 20>> <<set _event = "Leveling up">>
<<include "B2 event storage">>
<!-- Cases when space is not needed are listed below-->
<<if def _event and _event != ""
and _event != "Filling out document - Lewd end" and _event != "Making coffee - Lewd end" and _event != "Scheduling a meeting - Lewd end">>
<<switch _event>>
<<case "???????????????????">> <!-- "Unconditional event" -->
<<case "Filling out document - Lewd end">> <!-- "Working" -->
When you arrived at the office with the document, you found Richie in a more than relaxed state. He was calmly drinking whiskey from a glass and looking out the window. <br>
"Huh? What is this? Ah, <strong>_answer</strong>! Sorry, honey, I completely forgot to tell you. I found the already filled out document a few minutes ago." <br>
Shrugging your shoulders, you handed the paper to the boss anyway. Can you go back to your desk now? "Hmm... Well, since you're here and I'm on a break..." He approached you and put the empty glass on his desk. "Maybe we can spend this time with pleasure?~"
@@.plus;+4 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 4>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<linkreplace "Well.. Why not?~">>
To be honest, you were never against a quickie. And somehow Richie knew that. You are obviously not a slut, but... a dick is a dick, right? Besides, how can you say "no" to your superior?~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/FillDocumentFuck" + random(1,3) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+5 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 5>> <br>
@@.minus;-8 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 8>>
<<case "Making coffee - Lewd end">> <!-- "Working" -->
Richie was more than happy to receive a cup of hot and tasty coffee. Sitting in his chair, the boss took sip after sip. Looks like you did everything right! <br>
"Mmm... I like it~" Turning sideways on the chair, he began to unzip his pants. "My previous secretary could never make a really good cup of coffee, you know. And she always yelled at me when I took my dick out, can you believe it?" A hard, throbbing cock was already waiting for your response to this subtle invitation.
@@.plus;+4 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 4>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<linkreplace "You are nothing like her!">>
That previous secretary was a rude, ungrateful girl! It took you less than ten seconds to lock the door and come to Richie. "What a good girl you are, Evy~" Smiling, he guides your head with his hand. The coffee can wait.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/MakingCoffeeBj" + random(1,3) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+3 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 5>>
<<case "Loiter bj">> <!-- "Loitering" -->
While you were doing nothing, Richie went by a few times, trying to find something in both offices. He finally finds a file with a dozen papers and exhales happily. <br>
"Phew, I thought I destroyed it! ... Evy, why are you doing nothing? Can you at least pretend to be busy? Gosh, remind me why I chose you for this job..."
<<linkreplace "Because... you like fuckable secretaries?">>
"... Yes. Yes, you are right. Actually, come with me!" He grabs your hand and literally drags you to his office, closing the door behind you. <br>
Before you know it, you are on your knees with his dick in your mouth. "Now get to work, girl! Make yourself useful!" Well... You start moving your head back and forth, looking up at your boss. No need to be so rude, you are more than willing to perform your duties~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/LoiterBj" + random(1,4) + ".webp")]]
<<linkreplace "Let him go deeper!">> <<addclass "#link2" "hidden">>
Richie doesn't even need an invitation! When he reaches the moment of orgasm, he shoves his dick deep down your throat without warning. Luckily you are a professional and can take it. But he's still an asshole!
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/LoiterBjCumIn" + random(1,2) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+3 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 5>>
<</linkreplace>> <br>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 130>>
<<linkreplace "Let him cum all over your pretty face!">> <<addclass "#link1" "hidden">>
Richie is about to cum and you can feel it! But before he can make a decision, you push him away and open your mouth. "Oh, girl! You are... such... a PERV!!" Smiling, you receive his seed and feel it dripping down your chin. Damn, so much? You are both dirty perverts~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/LoiterBjCumOut" + random(1,2) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+5 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 5>> <br>
@@.minus;-8 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 8>>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/130]
<<endif>> <br>
<<case "Boobs!">> <!-- "Loitering" -->
You are happily hanging out, chatting with friends, and listening to music. The weather is cool, and many of them are sending you videos and voice messages from their walks. Lucky them. You have to sit your ass in four walls and make money! Uh, who knew it would be so hard to work! <br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by Richie leaving his office to get some empty blanks. "Hey, sweetie. Doing nothing again? I won't tell your boss if you flash those boobs~"
<<linkreplace "Ugh.. Boys...">>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/FlashingBoobs.webp")]]
He leans forward and gives your right nipple a gentle pinch. "Whore~" Get lost! What a jerk he is..
@@.plus;+1 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 1>>
<<case "French fries">> <!-- "Ordering" -->
Before you can start eating, Richie passes by and says in a singing voice: "Your ass is gonna be huuge~". <br>
Uh, shut up! Winking at you, he goes back to his office while you angrily unpack a box of French fries. God, that smell is so good! 💕
<<case "Leveling up">> <!-- Has 20% appearing chance if max corruption -->
An ordinary day was interrupted by a man who walked into your office. He was about 35-40 years old and quite handsome! You even (stopped scrolling messages on the phone) (put your lunch aside) and asked how you could help him.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/Victor.png")]]
"Good day.. Evelyn. I'm looking for Richie. Is he around right now?" Um.. yeah, probably. Yes, he is. "Great. ... Are you his new secretary?" Yep, you worked with him for quite some time! He's cute, but a little rough~ <br>
"Evelyn, you are a pretty girl..." - he comes closer to you and looks right into your beautiful eyes - "...and I'd love to spend an evening with you after work." He left his business card on your table, smiled and proceeded to Richie's office. <br>
You look at the very cool business card he left. Victor. CEO of this company?!! You bet you've seen his face on the portraits all over the floors!
@@.plus;Date opportunity after work!@@ <<set $VictorInvitedToDate = true>>
<<set $clubAction = "">>
<div class="header">Club</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Club.png")]]
<<if visited() == 1 and turns() != 1>>
After a rather long drive you reach the place. You've heard of this club, but you've never been here. Extremely loud music, lots of drunk people, dim colorful lights - everything was perfect! Definitely the place to dream about after a long day of working in a gray office.
You and Richie are having a good time. It's kind of weird how you're separated, but sometimes you get together and hang out. But it's cool, you're both okay with it.
<<if $hour < 21 and $mainChar.energy > 0>>
[[Go to Dance Floor->B2: Club Dance Floor]] <br>
[[Go to Bar->B2: Club Bar]] <br>
[[Go to Bathroom->B2: Club Bathroom]]
It's too late to party... The music is loud and you are sleepy. It's probably time to go home.
<<linkreplace "Ask Richie to drive you home">>
<<if $hour < 21>>
You tell Richie that it's cool here, but you'd love to go home right now. "Damn... All right, it's fine. You're a buzz-kill, but it's fine. Let's go, Evy, I'll give you a ride!" Thank you~
You tell Richie that it's cool here, but you are really tired and sleepy. "It's okay. We had our fun, right? I'm pretty tired myself, to be honest. Come on, Evy. I will give you a ride."
<<link "Let Richie drive you home">>
<<set $hour = 21>>
<<set $minute = 30>>
<<goto "Living Room">>
<<set _eventChance = random(1,100) - ($mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice.slice(-1)*10)>>
<!-- Events will appear 10% more if main character wears a makeup -->
<<if $lastDayAppliedMakeup == $day>>
<<set _eventChance -= 10>>
<<if $clubAction == "Dancing">>
<<if _eventChance <= 60>> <<set _event = either("Hand on a butt")>>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom">>
<<set _event = "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom">>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Waiting for some action">>
<<set _event = "Waiting for some action">>
<<include "B2 Club event storage">><div class="header">Boss Office</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/Richie.png")]]
You enter an office to find Richie sitting on Mike's chair, looking around. Seeing Mike here was more than normal - this place suited him. But Richie was different... You just noticed how small and dark this room really is. <br>
The intruder looked at your badge for a few seconds. "Evelyn, huh? Cute name." And now he's just staring at your breasts... "I've been working in this ugly room for three damn years. And nobody gave me such a cute assistant~"
<<linkreplace "Well, thank you?...">>
Richie finally stopped eating you with his eyes and stood up. Smiling he comes over to you to have a better look at your body. This is quite uncomfortable... But hot. He is definitely an asshole, but an interesting one! <br>
"You don't belong here, Evy. This dusty room, stupid Mike... Such a sweet girl deserves a better place." Well, maybe. Moving papers and smelling dust is not entertaining at all.
<<linkreplace "But you need this job!">>
"Ha! I can give you a raise, honey~ You can work with me. But I wander..." He pauses, puts his hand on your butt and squeezes it firmly. "...do you REALLY want to be my secretary? I'm more 'demanding' than Mike, you know~"
<<linkreplace "...">>...
Mike was walking down the hall when he noticed a murmuring crowd in front of his office. What are those moans? Wait, where are they coming from?.. Giggling, people let him through.
<<linkreplace "With red cheeks, he opens the door a little bit...">>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/MeetingRichie1.webp")]]
People were looking at you, but hell... There's no way you are going to stop Richie! Moaning like a bitch in heat, you were in total bliss. Fuck, this is the best thing that has happened to you in weeks! You needed a dick in you so badly...
<<linkreplace "Accept Richie's offer~">>
With shaking legs, you accept your new position~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/MeetingRichie2.webp")]]
<<include "New level">>
<<link "Skip the paperwork and say goodbye to Mike">>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $workState = "Leaving">>
<<goto "Lobby">>
<div class="header">Second Floor</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/SecondFloor.jpg")]]
You knew your new office would be on the next floor, somewhere above Mike. As you exit the elevator, you look around with interest. This floor is certainly more stylish! Metal, glass panels, plants... Cool! <br>
Luckily you notice a Richie in the distance. He was talking to someone, but stopped and quickly approached you when he noticed his new secretary. <br>
"Evelyn, you are right on time! Your former colleague just left! Come on, this way." He marched forward and led you to your new workplace. This door? Okay.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss2/YourOffice.jpg")]]
You stepped inside and noticed that this office was much cooler than your previous room. Richie was right when he called that place ugly! As in the previous case, your place would be the room before the boss's office. Hey, they have a better coffee maker and a work phone! <br>
A strong hand slapped your butt, pulling you out of your daydreams. "I see you are quite happy with the surroundings, huh? Glad you like it, honey. You will make a fine secretary~" Smiling, Richie went to his office, leaving you alone.
[[Well, time to make yourself at home!->B2: Your Office]]<div class="header">Club: Bathroom</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/ClubBathroom.jpg")]]
It's the only place in the club where you can hear your breath. Where you can hear your thoughts... A moment of silence with the smell of tap water. Disgusting.
<<if $clubAction != "">>
<<include "B2 Club actions">>
<<if _event == "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom">>
[[Say goodbye and clean yourself up->B2: Club Bathroom]]
<<if $hour < 21 and $mainChar.energy > 0>>
<<link "Wait for some action">>
<<set $clubAction = "Waiting for some action">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
It's getting late.. You should probably go home...
[[Leave bathroom->B2: Club]]<div class="header">Club: Dance Floor</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/ClubDanceFloor.jpg")]]
Be in the middle of the crowd, move with the flow! Let your thoughts be pushed away by violent basses and flashing lights! Rhythm, movement, bodies!
<<if $clubAction != "">>
<<include "B2 Club actions">>
<<if $hour < 21 and $mainChar.energy > 0>>
<<link "Dance">>
<<set $clubAction = "Dancing">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Oh, damn.. You are so tired...
[[Leave dance floor->B2: Club]]<div class="header">Club: Bar</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/ClubBar.jpg")]]
Look at people dancing while drinking sweet or bitter alcohol. If loud music is not enough to make you forget about a hard day, booze will do the trick. Plus, it's a great place to meet new people!
<<if $clubAction != "">>
<<include "B2 Club actions">>
<<if $hour < 21 and $mainChar.energy > 0>>
<<if $clubAction == "Hunting">>
<<set _huntLink = "Keep hunting!">>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Hunting - Drinking with man">>
<<set _huntLink = "Say goodbye and try to hunt for another man!">>
<<set _huntLink = "Hunting time!">>
<<link _huntLink>>
<<set $clubAction = "Hunting">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Oh, damn.. You are so tired...
<<if $clubAction == "">>
<<if $mainChar.money >= 10>>
<<link "Buy an energy drink - $10">>
<<set $clubAction = "Buying an energy drink">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Buy an energy drink - [Money: $10]
[[Leave bar->B2: Club]]
<table border="2" style="margin: auto; border-collapse: separate; padding: 1%; border-style: solid"><tr><td style="border: none">
<<if $clubAction == "Dancing">>
You decide to spend the next few minutes dancing super hard in the middle of the floor. Nothing feels better than letting your body do the work for you, moving around and swinging your hips! You really lose track of time and it feels like you have only been here for a couple of minutes.
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<include "B2 Club events">>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Hunting">>
You decide it's the perfect time for your favorite bar entertainment. Hunting men! <br>
Changing your posture and slowly looking around with a sexy gaze, you wait for a man to come up to you and try to get you a drink. It's not a quick process. It takes patience. Watch your prey, try to understand them, wink at smiling ones...
<<if random(1,100)-($mainChar.clothes.clubWearChoice.slice(-1)*5) <= 50>>
<<set $barMaleName = either("Mark","Rick","Morty","Bob","Jack","Din","Sam","Alex","Jake","Liam","Henry","Leo")>>
Fortunately, your actions have attracted a fierce hunter of the opposite sex! <br>
"Hey! Can I get you a drink, sweetie?~ My name is $barMaleName, and yours?"
<<link "Accept the drink!">>
<<set $clubAction = "Hunting - Drinking with man">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Sadly, no one seems to be interested in you. You saw a couple of gay guys, a bunch of sweaty nerds, and men who were already too drunk. Well, better luck next time!
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<include "B2 Club events">>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Hunting - Drinking with man">>
You spend some lovely time with your new friend $barMaleName. He cracks a lot of jokes - and pretty good ones at that. He's not the prettiest guy around, but he's cute and quite generous - he orders you a lot of drinks! <br>
But you are a wise fox and don't drink too much. Let $barMaleName drink, your goal is something more interesting than getting drunk.
<<if random(1,100) <= 40>>
After a few more minutes, you are both relaxed and visibly into each other. The evening is going well~ <br>
"So, Evelyn. Why don't we find a more private place to enjoy each other?" You giggle, biting your lip and looking at your knee. It's currently being attacked by a gentle <<print $barMaleName>>'s hand! Are you ready?
<<link "Come with $barMaleName">>
<<set $clubAction = "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom">>
<<goto "B2: Club Bathroom">>
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 170>>
<<link "Why don't you invite this gentleman to your place?~">>
<<set $clubAction = "Hunting - Fucked at home">>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $mainChar.energy += 100>>
<<set $sleepingPlace = "Bedroom">>
<<goto "Bedroom: Waking up">>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/170]
After a few more minutes, you are both relaxed and visibly into each other. The evening is going well~ <br>
$barMaleName tells you one joke after another, making you burst out laughing. He's a cool guy and you're definitely having a great time! But, sadly, he doesn't seem to be ready to take the next step.
<<if $hour < 21>>
<<link "Accept another drink">>
<<set $clubAction = "Hunting - Drinking with man">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Accept another drink - It's way too late..
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 130>>
<<link "Tell $barMaleName that you want him. Here and now!">>
<<set $clubAction = "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom">>
<<goto "B2: Club Bathroom">>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/130]
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 170>>
<<link "Why don't you invite this gentleman to your place?~">>
<<set $clubAction = "Hunting - Fucked at home">>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $mainChar.energy += 100>>
<<set $sleepingPlace = "Bedroom">>
<<goto "Bedroom: Waking up">>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/170]
<<include "B2 Club events">>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom">>
<<include "B2 Club events">>
<<set $clubAction = "">>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Buying an energy drink">>
You could really use an energy drink right now! You say that to a smiling bartender, wait a few seconds, and you get a can of super-sweet liquid. Just the way you like it. <br>
As you drink it, you will feel your thoughts become more organized and your arms feel stronger! But wait, why are you feeling sad? Is it because you just paid five times more for a drink than it actually costs? Don't be silly, that's how clubs work!
@@.plus;+30 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy += 30>>
<<include "B2 Club events">>
<<elseif $clubAction == "Waiting for some action">>
<<if random(1,100) < 40>>
<<set _peekingIsSuccessful = true>>
You wait in a bathroom stall for a while, watching memes and waiting for someone to do something interesting. <br>
Finally, you hear footsteps and the shy giggles of a girl. She's breathing loudly, and it looks like she's dragging a boy with her. Hee-hee, you are in for a show!
You wait in a bathroom stall for a while, watching memes and waiting for someone to do something interesting. <br>
Unfortunately, nothing ever happens. A couple of girls argue about something, a hooker sniffs coke, someone in the next stall gets sick. Usual stuff.
@@.minus;-10 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 10>>
<<if _peekingIsSuccessful == true>>
<<include "B2 Club events">>
<<if $clubAction != "Buying an energy drink">>
<<set _rand = either("under", "over")>>
<<if _rand == "under">>
<<set $minute += random(13,20)>>
<<elseif _rand == "over">>
<<set $minute += random(20, 27)>>
<<if $hour >= 21 or ($hour == 20 and $minute >= 50)>>
<<set $hour = 21>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<!-- Cases when space is not needed are listed below-->
<<if def _event and _event != ""
and _event != "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom" and _event != "Hunting - Fucked at home">>
<<switch _event>>
<<case "Hand on a butt">> <!-- "Dancing" -->
In the process you noticed that something was off... Wait, someone is touching your butt! A gentle squeeze makes you giggle, letting a stranger continue. <br>
As you move your hips and continue dancing, you can't help but wonder, is it a boy or a girl? And how old are they? Oh! They gave you a sweet, soft slap! And moved their hand away? Whyyy... <br>
Unfortunately, when you turned around, you saw no one who might do that. Well, that was kind of cute.
@@.plus;+1 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 1>>
<<case "Hunting - Fucked in bathroom">> <!-- "Hunting" -->
You are a slut. You do what sluts do - meet a guy in a bar and then fuck him in a bathroom in less than an hour. There's nothing to be proud of, but - hey! - you're not ashamed of it either!
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Club/HuntingBathroomSex" + random(1,6) + ".webp")]]
Relax, let him take you. Doesn't it feel good? To be dirty. To be fucked by a stranger in a club bathroom. Damn, you needed it! <br>
Shh, don't be so loud! Someone might hear you and you don't want that, right? Just bite your lip and take the cock like a good girl.
@@.plus;+12 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 12>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
<<case "Hunting - Fucked at home">> <!-- "Hunting" --> <!-- Playing at "Bedroom: Waking up" -->
<<set $clubAction = "">>
Suffering from a hangover, you slowly open your eyes. Damn it! Was the sun always this bright?.. And birds so loud? <br>
Taking a deep breath, you try to remember last night. Oh.. Oh! You went to the club with boss, then met a guy at the bar. What was his name?.. $barMaleName! Yeah. You invited him over and then a drink-fuck fiesta happened.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Club/HuntingFuckedAtHome" + random(1,4) + ".webp")]]
Shit... This asshole complitely emptied his balls into you. And not just once. So slippery... It seems he woke up earlier and left without saying goodbye. What a dork.
@@.plus;+14 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 14>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
<<case "Waiting for some action">> <!-- "Waiting for some action" -->
Whispering, two half-drunk bodies find a place to fuck. Little do they know that a horny gremlin is stalking them from the next booth. Whispers, soft moans. It was so hot to watch. <br>
You are a creep, yes. But it has always been your fetish to look at others. Especially when they are fucking~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Club/BathroomPeeking" + random(1,5) + ".webp")]]
@@.plus;+5 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 5>> <br>
@@.minus;-2 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 2>>
<<if visited() == 1 and turns() != 1>><<goto "B3: First workday">><<endif>>
<div class="header">Your Office</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/YourOffice.png")]]
<<include "B3 actions">>
<<if $mainChar.energy < 10>>
Assist Victor - You are too tired
<<link "Assist Victor">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Working">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<link "Loiter">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Loitering">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<if $mainChar.money >= 5>>
<<link "Order something to eat - $5">>
<<if $hour < 19>>
<<set $workAction = "Ordering">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Order something to eat - [Money: $5]
<<if $hour == 19>>
<<link "Go home!">>
<<set $workState = "Leaving">>
<<goto "Lobby">>
Go home -
<<if $minute == 0>>
[<<print (19 - $hour)>>h left]
<<elseif $minute != 0>>
<<if $hour == 18>>
[<<print (60 - $minute)>>m left]
<<elseif $hour != 18>>
[<<print (18 - $hour)>>h <<print (60 - $minute)>>m left]
<table border="2" style="margin: auto; border-collapse: separate; padding: 1%; border-style: solid"><tr><td style="border: none">
<<if $workAction == "Working">>
<<set _workHours = 1>>
You call Victor on his work phone in the office next door. When he picks up, you ask if you can you be of any service to him?
<<include "B3 events">>
<<elseif $workAction == "Loitering">>
<<set _workHours = 1>>
You are a good personal assistant, but even good personal assistants need some personal time to rest. Come on, even waiting for another trip with Victor is tiring! You deserve it. <br>
Besides, you really have nothing to do so far...
@@.minus;-1 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship -= 1>>
<<include "B3 events">>
<<elseif $workAction == "Ordering">>
<<set _workHours = 2>>
When you look out the window, you take a moment to appreciate what you have. Loving parents, a good job, rich sex life. But, damn it.. You could trade this all for a bucket of spicy chicken wings right now! <br>
Some time later, you get your hot cardboard bucket from a delivery boy and are ready to devour it. Girls gotta eat!
@@.minus;-$5 Money@@ <<set $mainChar.money -= 5>> <br>
@@.plus;+40 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy += 40>>
<<include "B3 events">>
You are sitting in your luxurious office trying to decide what to do next. Should you call Vic and ask him if he needs your help? Maybe you should relax a bit? But if you really want to relax, you should do it with junk food! Uh, tough decisions...
<<include "B3 events">>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _workHours; _i++>>
<<set _rand = either("under", "over")>>
<<if _rand == "under">>
<<set $minute += random(40, 59)>>
<<elseif _rand == "over">>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute += random(1, 20)>>
<<for $minute >= 60>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute -= 60>>
<<if $hour >= 19 or ($hour == 18 and $minute >= 30)>>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<endif>><<set _eventChance = random(1,100) - ($mainChar.clothes.officeSuitChoice.slice(-1)*10)>>
<!-- Events will appear 10% more if main character wears a makeup -->
<<if $lastDayAppliedMakeup == $day>>
<<set _eventChance -= 10>>
<!-- Player has 25% chance (4 actions including this, 25 for each) to meet an unconditional event (when not working) -->
<<if random(1,100) <= 25 and $workAction != "Working">>
<<set $workAction = "Unconditional event">>
<<if $workAction == "Unconditional event">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("")>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Working">>
<<if random(1,100) <= 50 and $hour < 17>>
<<set _assistantWork = either("Go to Gentlemen's Club", "Go to Racecourse")>>
<!-- "Go to Restaurant" was removed for time being -->
<<set _assistantWork = either("Nothing")>>
<<if _assistantWork == "Go to Gentlemen's Club">>
"Yeah, I could use some help! I'm going to the <strong><u>Gentlemen's Club</u></strong> soon and it would be great if you could join me." <br>
Sounds fun! You tell your boss that it's your duty as an assistant to accompany him! And it would be cool to change those gray walls to something more refined.
<<link "Get dressed and wait for Victor">><<set $fancyPlaceTimer = random(2,5)>><<set $minute += 15>><<set $workAction = "">><<goto "B3: Gentlemen's Club">><</link>>
<<elseif _assistantWork == "Go to Racecourse">>
"Yeah, I could use some help! I'm going to the <strong><u>Racecourse</u></strong> soon and it would be great if you could join me." <br>
Sounds fun! You tell your boss that it's your duty as an assistant to accompany him! And it would be cool to take a walk after sitting for so long.
<<link "Get dressed and wait for Victor">><<set $fancyPlaceTimer = random(2,5)>><<set $minute += 15>><<set $workAction = "">><<goto "B3: Racecourse">><</link>>
<<elseif _assistantWork == "Go to Restaurant">>
"Yeah, I could use some help! I'm going to the <strong><u>Restaurant</u></strong> soon and it would be great if you could join me." <br>
Sounds fun! You tell your boss that it's your duty as an assistant to accompany him! And it would be cool to take a break and enjoy some good food.
<<link "Get dressed and wait for Victor">><<set $fancyPlaceTimer = random(2,4)>><<set $minute += 15>><<set $workAction = "">><<goto "B3: Restaurant">><</link>>
<<elseif _assistantWork == "Nothing">>
"Hm... Thank you, but nothing comes to mind, Evelyn." <br>
All right then. You will just sit there and wait for something to happen...
<<elseif $workAction == "Loitering">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("Wife calls", "Buttfucking for poor boss")>>
<<elseif $workAction == "Ordering">>
<<if _eventChance <= 40>> <<set _event = either("Chicken wings are not served in restaurants")>>
<!-- -->
<!-- If there's enough corruption for progression, 20% chance is rolling every event time, overriding others -->
<!-- <<if $mainChar.corruption >= 300 and $workAction != "Working">>
<<if _eventChance <= 20>> <<set _event = "Leveling up">>
<<endif>> -->
<<include "B3 event storage">>
<!-- Cases when space is not needed are listed below-->
<<if def _event and _event != "">>
<<switch _event>>
<<case "???????????????????">> <!-- "Unconditional event" -->
<<case "????????????????">> <!-- "Working" -->
<<case "Wife calls">> <!-- "Loitering" -->
While you are chilling, you hear a boss in the next office talking to his wife on the phone. Hm... is he angry? Is she angry? <br>
You can't help your curiosity and get up to go to the door. "No, honey.. Listen to me! No! Now you are being foolish. We've talked about this before." Victor sounds rather irritated.
<<linkreplace "He seems to need some moral support!">>
You quietly open the door and see the surprised look on your boss's face. Shh! He was ready to talk to you when you made a sign to be quiet. "Mhm.. I agree, love, but wouldn't it be weird? ... No, I don't want to disappoint you. MHH?!"
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/BossCallingWifeBj" + random(1,3) + ".webp")]]
Not sure about Vic disappointing his wife, but you for sure are not disappointing him! While he was chatting about family matters, you crawled under the boss's desk and pulled out his half-erected dick. Looking up at Vic's face with his dick in his mouth, you were surprised that he didn't protest. In fact, he even put his hand on the back of your head, trying to get deeper into your mouth. <br>
"Mhh.. You know... I think you are right. Yes. Mm. Yeah..." The boss closes his eyes and smiles while you suck him off like a good little assistant. "Yes, I will be there. I promise you. After all, I-.. uh... I love you, honey. Thank you." <br>
Wow, that was unexpected and very unnatural. But hey, you are always happy to help!
@@.plus;+5 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 5>> <br>
@@.minus;-8 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 8>>
<<case "Buttfucking for poor boss">> <!-- "Loitering" -->
Sitting and watching cat videos, you predictably irritated your boss, who was working on something. "Evelyn, why are you doing nothing again?" But what's wrong with that? You are an assistant, you assist meeting and everything. There is no meeting now. "True..." <br>
... Is there a need for asststance with that bulge in your pants? "Uh... Yes, let's go." Yay! Sex! "But it will be anal." Sure, no problem.
<<linkreplace "Go to the boss's office and present yourself like a good girl">>
You walk into Victor's office and before he even closes the door, you bend over the desk and drop your panties. "Wow. Has anyone called you a slut yet?" Yes, a few times. But definitely not enough!
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/BossButtfuck" + random(1,4) + ".webp")]]
"Damn.. So tight! Uh.." Yes, just like that~ Vic must be really into buttfucking. "I.. like anal. But my wife never let me do her like that..." What a cruel woman! Now you know why your boss hires young sluts - to fuck their tight little asses in the office behind the wife's back! <br>
"Sh-shut up!.."
@@.plus;+10 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 10>> <br>
@@.minus;-14 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 14>>
<<case "Chicken wings are not served in restaurants">> <!-- "Ordering" -->
While you are watching some videos and eating, Victor comes by. "Oh, you decided to order food? Bon appetite. But we could just go to a restraunt, you know." Yes, go to the most expensive restaurant in the city to get a tiny plate of something very cold. You point a bone at him and add that his favorite restaurant doesn't even serve chicken wings! And that is exactly what you wanted. Deep fried and full of every spice imaginable.<br>
Victor rolls his eyes and tells you that chicken wings are not the best food in the world. Nevertheless, he takes two out of your bucket and goes back to his office. "I have to know what my assistant eats! ... Bon appetite."
<<case "Leveling up">> <!-- Has 20% appearing chance if max corruption -->
<div class="header">Third Floor</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/ThirdFloor.jpg")]]
You walk into your new office on the third floor. Damn, it looks cool! Cozy couches, moss, expensive parquet... It looks more like a chill zone than a place to work! And you love it here~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/YourOffice.png")]]
Wow, your new office looks just as good! As the assistant to the CEO, you have the most stylish room of all the secretaries! Everything is just the way it should be.
[[Let's see how soft this chair is!->B3: Your Office]]<<if $VictorDatePhase == 1>>
<div class="header">Restaurant</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Restaurant.png")]]
You decide to call Vic and tell him that you are free and waiting. In less than five minutes, a cool car picks you up and this fine gentleman in an expensive suit takes you to a part of town you've never been to before. The "rich district"! <br>
Here you are, riding in a luxury car with the CEO. Isn't that a success? Your parents should be proud of you!~
An hour later you were sitting in a very nice restaurant, drinking wine and laughing at Victor's jokes. He told you that he's very new at his job. Still, he seems to be doing a good job, judging by the reports. "But... you know, Evelyn, I like to keep talented people around. You can't run a successful company alone!"
<<linkreplace "Oh, you totally understand that!">>
Oh, you totally understand that! After a hard day of bossing around and making a ton of money you do need a talented young girl to take care of your sore body~ "Wh-what?.. Well, you're not wrong, but.. ... I think I've mistaken you for yet another silly pretty girl. You are not so silly, are you?" Giggling, you finish your wine, playfully rubbing your feet against his ankle. So... a promotion?~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/DateWithVictorFootRubbing.jpg")]]
"Yes, young lady. Just don't talk too much about your job duties, okay? I don't want to ruin my family with this little trick." Understood, sir! "You will be my personal assistant." Absolutely. And what about that blush on his cheeks? Should you assist your new boss tonight?~
"Mh.. You little devil..."
<<link "Let Victor pay and drive you somewhere more private">>
<<set $hour = 21>>
<<set $minute = 40>>
<<set $VictorDatePhase = 2>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<elseif $VictorDatePhase == 2>>
<div class="header">Hotel: Room 606</div>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/DateWithVictorHotelFuck1.webp")]]
You had a wonderful night with Victor in the best hotel room. To be honest, he blushed way too much for an experienced old man. But he definitely wanted you! <<linkreplace "And that's all that matters~">>And that's all that matters~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/DateWithVictorHotelFuck2.webp")]]
He ignored a few calls from his wife. Does she suspect something? Who knows. Who cares. <<linkreplace "This man is yours tonight!">>This man is yours tonight!
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/DateWithVictorHotelFuck3.webp")]]
<<include "New level">>
<<link "Fall asleep next to your new boss">>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 46>>
<<set $mainChar.energy += 100>>
<<set $sleepingPlace = "Hotel">>
<<set $VictorDatePhase = 3>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<elseif $VictorDatePhase == 3>>
<div class="header">Hotel: Room 606</div>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/WakingUpInAHotel.jpg")]]
Good morning! What a beautiful wea... Damn, you missed the alarm!! Wait... There was no alarm. Now you remember what happened yesterday and why you are waking up in a hotel with a man. That was a good night~ <br>
But you still have to go to work! Wake up big boss, you have a company to run!
<<link "<strong>Take a bath and ride to work with Vic</strong>">>
<<set $workState = "Coming">>
<<set $hour = 9>>
<<set $minute = 14>>
<<goto "Lobby">>
<div class="header">Restaurant</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Restaurant.png")]]
<<if visited() == 1 and turns() != 1>>
Oh, you remember this place! This is the restaurant Vic took you to on your first date! So romantic~ <br>
"Do you like it here? My favorite place in the city... They serve the best pan-fried duck breast in the whole wide world!" Okay, if you say so.
@@.plus;+3 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 5>>
<<include "B3 Fancy actions">>
<<if $fancyPlaceTimer != 0 and $hour < 19 and $mainChar.energy >= 5>>
<<link "Pass some time">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Pass some time - Boss says it's time to go
<<if $fancyPlaceTimer == 0 or $hour >= 19 or $mainChar.energy < 5>>
<<link "Drive back to Office">>
<<set $minute += 15>>
<<goto "B3: Your Office">>
<<linkreplace "Drive back to Office">>
Victor looks a little surprised by your desire to leave this place. "Are you sure, Evelyn? I still have some business to take care of. But if you insist..."
<<link "Yeah, drive back to Office">>
<<set $minute += 15>>
<<goto "B3: Your Office">>
<<endif>><!-- Cases when space is not needed are listed below-->
<<if def _event and _event != "">>
<<if passage() == "B3: Gentlemen's Club">>
<<include "Gentlemen's Club event storage">>
<<elseif passage() == "B3: Racecourse">>
<<include "Racecourse event storage">>
<<elseif passage() == "B3: Restaurant">>
<<include "Restaurant event storage">>
<<set _eventChance = random(1,100) - ($mainChar.clothes.eveningDressChoice.slice(-1)*10)>>
<!-- Events will appear 10% more if main character wears a makeup -->
<<if $lastDayAppliedMakeup == $day>>
<<set _eventChance -= 10>>
<<if passage() == "B3: Gentlemen's Club">>
<<if _eventChance <= 50>> <<set _event = either("Old gentleman approaches", "An old ladyfriend - lesbian")>>
<<elseif passage() == "B3: Racecourse">>
<<if _eventChance <= 50>> <<set _event = either("Betting on Limping Betcy", "William, the daughter fucker")>>
<<elseif passage() == "B3: Restaurant">>
<<if _eventChance <= 50>> <<set _event = either("?????????????????", "?????????????????")>>
<<include "B3 Fancy event storage">>
<table border="2" style="margin: auto; border-collapse: separate; padding: 1%; border-style: solid"><tr><td style="border: none">
<<if passage() == "B3: Gentlemen's Club">>
You are sitting with Victor at the most elite Gentlemen's Club in the whole wide world. A fine place for rich men to talk, do business and have fun. Some of them are with their wives, some of them are with beautiful escort girls. The ones like you.
<<include "B3 Fancy events">>
<<elseif passage() == "B3: Racecourse">>
You and Victor enjoy the horse parades before (or after?) another race. They are beautiful! Women and children totally agree with you, chatting about how gorgeous these horses are. And only fat old men discuss their speed and strength. They whisper and it looks like each of them knows something special~
<<include "B3 Fancy events">>
<<elseif passage() == "B3: Restaurant">>
You are enjoying your meal with Victor. As you chat, you discuss how beautiful this place is and how well the musicians are playing this particular song. Uh, if only this moment would last forever...
<<include "B3 Fancy events">>
<<if $fancyPlaceTimer != 0 and $hour < 19>>
<<set $fancyPlaceTimer -= 1>>
<<set _rand = either("under", "over")>>
<<if _rand == "under">>
<<set $minute += random(40, 59)>>
<<elseif _rand == "over">>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute += random(1, 20)>>
<<if $hour >= 19 or ($hour == 18 and $minute >= 30)>>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<endif>><div class="header">Racecourse</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Racecourse.jpg")]]
<<if visited() == 1 and turns() != 1>>
Victor has brought you to a large field that looks like a huge stadium. But there's something wrong with it... <br>
"It's called a racecourse, not a stadium. Stadiums are for athletes, racecourses are for horses." Oh, so... horse racing bets? "Yes, horse racing bets. I'm not a big fan of gambling, but I have to meet rich and powerful people here. And they love to gamble, for some reason."
@@.plus;+3 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 5>>
<<include "B3 Fancy actions">>
<<if $fancyPlaceTimer != 0 and $hour < 19 and $mainChar.energy >= 5>>
<<link "Pass some time">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Pass some time - Boss says it's time to go
<<if $fancyPlaceTimer == 0 or $hour >= 19 or $mainChar.energy < 5>>
<<link "Drive back to Office">>
<<set $minute += 15>>
<<goto "B3: Your Office">>
<<linkreplace "Drive back to Office">>
Victor looks a little surprised by your desire to leave this place. "Are you sure, Evelyn? I still have some business to take care of. But if you insist..."
<<link "Yeah, drive back to Office">>
<<set $minute += 15>>
<<goto "B3: Your Office">>
<<endif>><div class="header">Gentlemen's Club</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/GentlemensClub.jpg")]]
<<if visited() == 1 and turns() != 1>>
After a long trip with Victor, he takes you to a new place. Damn. Damn! What kind of enormously luxurious place is this?? <br>
"Never been to a Gentlemen's Club before?~ Uh, I love it! It's the only place you can get away from the world and talk to a man with manners." Hm... Well, it's definitely hard to find a man with manners these days. So these refined nerds gather in elite closed clubs like this one to talk? All right.
@@.plus;+3 Boss relationship@@ <<set $mainChar.bossRelationship += 3>> <br>
@@.minus;-5 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy -= 5>>
<<include "B3 Fancy actions">>
<<if $fancyPlaceTimer != 0 and $hour < 19 and $mainChar.energy >= 5>>
<<link "Pass some time">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
Pass some time - Boss says it's time to go
<<if $fancyPlaceTimer == 0 or $hour >= 19 or $mainChar.energy < 5>>
<<link "Drive back to Office">>
<<set $minute += 15>>
<<goto "B3: Your Office">>
<<linkreplace "Drive back to Office">>
Victor looks a little surprised by your desire to leave this place. "Are you sure, Evelyn? I still have some business to take care of. But if you insist..."
<<link "Yeah, drive back to Office">>
<<set $minute += 15>>
<<goto "B3: Your Office">>
<<endif>><<if $mainChar.level == 2>>
<table border="2" style="margin: auto; border-collapse: separate; padding: 1%; border-style: solid"><tr><td style="border: none">
<<if visited("B2: Club")>>
After you collect your money, you are completely free to go home and have a wonderful evening of porn, dino nuggets and loneliness. <br>
Or you can come to Richie who is chilling outside and join him for the after-work club trip.
The first day of work with the new boss is over and you are about to head home. After saying goodbye to the security guard, you are ready to go to the bus stop when you notice Richie right in front of the building doors. He was obviously waiting for you, standing next to a started car. <br>
"Hey, Evy. How was your first day?~ Don't answer, I know it was fantastic. Listen, I like to hit a local club after long days like this one. Wanna come with me?" Gosh, is it a date?.. "Ha-ha-ha!! You wish it was! Of course not, you have to polish my dick for years for this promotion!" <br>
Rolling your eyes, you take a moment to think while Richie waits for your answer.
<<link "Go to club with Richie!">>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 30>>
<<if $mainChar.energy < 20>>
<<set $mainChar.energy = 20>>
<<goto "B2: Club">>
<<if $VictorInvitedToDate == true>>
<table border="2" style="margin: auto; border-collapse: separate; padding: 1%; border-style: solid"><tr><td style="border: none">
You think about the business card that Victor, the CEO, gave you. He's probably free right now and you can call him and go on a date. Or maybe tomorrow will be a better day?
<<link "Go on a date with Victor! @@.LvlUp;Lvl2->Lvl3@@">>
<<set $hour = 19>>
<<set $minute = 30>>
<<if $mainChar.energy < 20>>
<<set $mainChar.energy = 20>>
<<set $VictorDatePhase = 1>>
<<goto "B3: Meeting">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3>>
<!-- -->
<<switch _event>>
<<case "Betting on Limping Betcy">>
Victor noticed a man in the crowd and rushed over to him. "Oh, there he is! Evelyn, I'll meet you in an hour, stay here!" Meh, all right... With nothing else to do, you decided to continue watching the horses.
<<if $hasBetOnBetcy != true>>
<<set $hasBetOnBetcy = true>>
Just a few minutes later, a soft male voice pulled you out of your daydream. "Hello, young lady." Oh? The voice belonged to a rich-looking man, about Victor's age. "I noticed you were all alone, so I decided to keep you company." This is really sweet! You could use some entertainment. <br>
"Then you are in luck, miss. Look, the race is about to begin!" Oh, he's right. "Have you made any bets? No? Why don't you try your luck with the Limping Betcy?" That.. sick old white horse? "1 to 100! No one bets on the poor girl. But there is still about a 1% chance that she will win!" Well... You are not sure about betting on her. <br>
"Then let's make a bet just between us. If Limping Betcy wins, I will give you $1000, just like if you bet $10. In case Betcy loses, well... you owe me a date. How does that sound?" Pretty fair! Either way, you get the entertainment. But you are pretty pressed for time, so how about a very short date? "Sure, no problem! The race is on, eyes on the Betcy!"
Just a few minutes later, a soft male voice pulled you out of your daydream. "Hello again, young lady!" You turned your head to see a smiling, rich-looking man. The one you bet on the horses with. Well, hello! <br>
"Isn't it a beautiful day? And on this beautiful day you are here all alone again." Life is unfair... "Hm, probably? Anyway, I came here to offer you another bet." On the Limping Betcy? $1000 if she wins, a date if she loses? "Absolutely right! The race is about to begin. Would you like to try your luck again?"
<<linkreplace "Bet on Limping Betcy's win!">>
You are shaking hands with your companion when a shot is fired and the horses charge forward. The bet is placed.
Limping Betcy <u><strong><<print either("starts the race very well.", "stumbles over a stone at the very beginning.", "starts even better than the other horses!")>></strong></u>
<<linkreplace "Go, Betcy, go!">>
Limping Betcy <u><strong><<print either("runs head to head with the other horses.", "begins to limp, moving more and more slowly.", "moves very steadily and keeps her eyes on the road!")>></strong></u>
<<linkreplace "The finish line is dead ahead!">>
Come on, come on, come on! The man next to you is smiling, looking at shouting you. Just a little faster...
<u><strong>FINISH</strong></u> <br>
<<if random(1,100) == 1>>
Limping Betcy takes the @@.plus;1st@@ place!!!
The crowd is shocked by this surprising result. People murmur, not believing that an old mare like Betcy could actually win the race. <br>
But a few people cheer and celebrate the victory. Including you! You dance around happily, making people giggle. Your horse has won! 1% chance of winning, that's crazy! <br>
"Unbelievable! After all these years, poor Betcy still has something to show us! Well, here is your money, young lady. Thank you for your company and I hope to see you here again in the future!" <br>
You thank the smiling man and hug him goodbye. Today is your lucky day!
@@.plus;+$1000@@ <<set $mainChar.money += 1000>>
Limping Betcy takes the @@.minus;<<print either("2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "6th")>>@@ place...
Exhaling sharply, you watch the old white mare being taken away. Today is not the day. <br>
"Tough luck. But don't be sad. Were you not entertained?" You were, that's true. 1% chance of winning, that's a lot of luck. "Of course. But we had fun, and that's all that matters." <br>
You feel a man's hand slip slowly under your skirt. He is gentle. People talk about their bets and discuss the race while you enjoy the soft butt massage under the dress. <br>
"I know a quiet place for a 'quick date' that you owe me. Shall we?~"
<<linkreplace "Yes. You can use a 'quick date' right now">>Yes. You can use a 'quick date' right now
You lost your bet, but you still won some great sex. Isn't that perfect? <br>
Damn, this man is really good... You are almost glad that you lost!
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/BettingOnBetcyFuck" + random(1,4) + ".webp")]]
Time to fix your makeup and go find Victor. Let's hope he's not already waiting for you.
@@.plus;+7 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 7>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
<<case "William, the daughter fucker">>
Another race starts and everyone is watching, screaming and praying for their horse to win. Everyone except you and Victor. Your boss keeps looking at his watch and then at the crowd. Another meeting? <br>
"Yes, I have to meet a very important man in a few minutes. You'll be all right here on your own, won't you?" Yep, totally. "I'll be back soon. Have fun!" Yeah-yeah, go. Don't worry.
<<if $hasMetWilliam != true>>
<<set $hasMetWilliam = true>>
As Victor disappears into a noisy crowd, a nervous and slightly angry man approaches you. "Hello. I'm William." You shake his hand, greet him, and tell him your name like a good girl. William looks about 30-40 years old. Damn, why does he keep looking where Vic went? "No, it's... nothing. I just didn't expect your asshole dad to be here today, Evelyn." <br>
... What? The grimace of confusion is easy to read on your face. But William is still looking at the crowd, paying almost no attention to you. He is old, not very smart, and angry at Victor. Funny situation~
<<linkreplace "Yeah, your dad Victor is a real asshole!">>
Not even trying to hold back a smile, you say that you totally agree with him! Your father - Victor - is a big asshole! Your acting as Vic's daughter is pretty bad, but William totally buys it. <br>
"Oh, so he doesn't just treat his friends badly, but his own daughter as well? Outrageous!" Yeah! He doesn't even give you half the allowance you deserve! Suddenly you see a look of surprise and disgust on your companion's face. "Oh, you mean the money? Of course. I've heard some stories about 'Victor's daughter who'll do anything for money', but I thought it was all a joke". <br>
Wow, so Victor does have a real daughter! And she's hungry for money. Interesting. But let's push a little harder~ You press your soft body against William, smiling and winking in the most seductive way possible. Joke or not, you really LOVE money and are ready to do ANYTHING for it! <br>
"O-Oh... Damn, girl! Not.. not in public!"
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 250>>
<<linkreplace "Whore yourself out">>Whore yourself out
"<<print either(
"Uh! Yes, take that, you whore! Work with your little slutty mouth!! Yeah!!!",
"Mmh!! You like that, little bitch?~ Your dad.. uh.. would be so ashamed!..",
"Yeah! Choke on my dick like your mother did! She was a fine slut, now you take her place!!",
"Victor.. uh.. raised such a good little cocksucker! I'm gonna cum deep down your slutty throat!",
"Yeah, who's the 'little bitch' now, Victor? Your daughter! Take it deeper, you cheap whore!!"
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/WilliamFacefuck" + random(1,5) + ".webp")]]
Shit.. You are such a bad girl. But this is sooo good!! You are soaking wet right now...
@@.plus;+$15@@ <<set $mainChar.money += 15>> <br>
@@.plus;+9 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 9>> <br>
@@.minus;-14 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 14>>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/250]
As Victor disappears into a noisy crowd, you notice a nervous man approaching you. William~ Not so smart, not so young, he still thinks you are Victor's daughter. <br>
"Hello, girl... ... How are you?" Damn, he's boring. Shrugging your shoulders, you continue the most tense conversation of your life. Boooriiing!
<<if $mainChar.corruption >= 250>>
<<linkreplace "Whore yourself out">>Whore yourself out
"<<print either(
"Uh! Yes, take that, you whore! Work with your little slutty mouth!! Yeah!!!",
"Mmh!! You like that, little bitch?~ Your dad.. uh.. would be so ashamed!..",
"Yeah! Choke on my dick like your mother did! She was a fine slut, now you take her place!!",
"Victor.. uh.. raised such a good little cocksucker! I'm gonna cum deep down your slutty throat!",
"Yeah, who's the 'little bitch' now, Victor? Your daughter! Take it deeper, you cheap whore!!"
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/WilliamFacefuck" + random(1,5) + ".webp")]]
Shit.. You are such a bad girl. But this is sooo good!! You are soaking wet right now...
@@.plus;+$15@@ <<set $mainChar.money += 15>> <br>
@@.plus;+9 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 9>> <br>
@@.minus;-14 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 14>>
??? - [Corruption: $mainChar.corruption/250]
<<switch _event>>
<<case "Old gentleman approaches">>
"Victor, my boy!" You see an old gentleman in a suit approaching you while you are enjoying a cup of tea with the boss. Vic takes a deep breath and shakes the old man's hand. "Jim. Hello, how are you?" <br>
But Jim ignores his question and looks at you closely. "Oh, look at that beauty! Lady, you are quite sexy! Much better than the last girl you fucked with..." You thank him while Vic takes the old man's elbow and walks away with him. "Jim, once again, that is my wife you are talking about!" <br>
Laughing, you sit there while two gentlemen talk in the distance. After a while, Vic comes back to you and apologizes. But hey, that's alright~
@@.plus;+2 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 2>> <br>
@@.minus;-1 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 1>>
<<case "An old ladyfriend - lesbian">>
<<if $metJenna != true>>
<<set $metJenna = true>>
Suddenly, Victor interrupts the discussion and smiles at a middle-aged woman. She approaches your table and hugs Vic as if they were close friends. "Hey! Evelyn, this is Jenna, we went to school together." She sits down next to you and puts a suitcase on the table. "Long time no see, Vic. Your girl looks very good~" Winking at you in the most suggestive way possible, Jenna makes it clear to you that she likes girls. <br>
"Yeah, Evelyn's a really good assistant. Anyway, show me the papers. I paid for them every penny you asked for, remember?" Smiling, she turns her attention back to your boss and starts talking about her work. Something about money laundering. Boring stuff.
Suddenly, Victor interrupts the discussion and smiles at a middle-aged woman who approaches your table. "Jenna!" Oh, the lesbian friend of your boss. "Hello, Vic. Evelyn, good to see you again~" She smiles and sits down next to you. <br>
The next hour passes slowly. Jenna and Vic discuss some graphics, money, super important information and plan the next meeting. Boring stuff.
<<if random(1,100) <= 60>>
As she talks, Jenna puts her hand on your thigh and gently massages it. Uh-oh... She seems to enjoy your company more than talking to Victor. Can't blame her, though... <br>
"Well, Vic, I have to go to the bathroom. Let's resume in five minutes, shall we?" Your boss agrees and continues to read some document. She pinches your leg gently, walking away.
<<linkreplace "Tell Vic that you have to go there, too">>Tell Vic that you have to go there, too
"Yeah, kitten, keep licking that wet cunt!!" Breathing loudly, you keep kissing and pleasing the milf, praying that no one enters bathroom in five minutes. Jenna is so wild! And so... tasty~ <br>
"Faster! Uh.. I said faster, girl!"
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Boss3/JennaCuniInGentsClub" + random(1,4) + ".webp")]]
Shit, you want more! It's so addictive, you don't want to stop... But Vic is probably wondering where you two are. Time to finish.
@@.plus;+7 Corruption@@ <<set $mainChar.corruption += 7>> <br>
@@.minus;-10 Sanity@@ <<set $mainChar.sanity -= 10>>
<<switch _event>>
<<case "????????????????">>
............................. У Вика встреча с похотливым мужиком и тебе надо по просьбе босса отвлечь этого мужика. Виктор начинает обсуждать с ним сделку и ты начинаешь отвлекать мужика, подмигивая ему и может оголяя грудь или поглаживая ногу.
Бонус, если будешь сильно стараться он оттъебет тебя в туалете. Это при высокой испорченности.
<<case "????????????????">>
............................. У Вика встреча с недоверчивым мужиком и тебе нужно всячески показать что ты глупая девка-проститутка, которая вообще ничего не понимает. Он даже может залезть тебе рукой под юбку чтобы проверить.
<</switch>><<if $B1UnreadMessages > 0 or $B2UnreadMessages > 0 or $B3UnreadMessages > 0>>
<<done>><<toggleclass ".MessagesOptions" "hidden">><</done>>
<<link "Messages">><<toggleclass ".MessagesOptions" "hidden">><</link>>
<p class="MessagesOptions">➤
<<if $B1UnreadMessages > 0 or $B2UnreadMessages > 0 or $B3UnreadMessages > 0>>
<p class="MessagesOptions hidden">⮟</p>
<p class="MessagesOptions hidden">
<<if def $B1Messages[0]>>
<<link "Mike">>
<<set $B1UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<goto "B1 Messages">>
<<if $B1UnreadMessages > 0>>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@<<endif>>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 2 and def $B2Messages[0]>>
<<link "Richie">>
<<set $B2UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<goto "B2 Messages">>
<<if $B2UnreadMessages > 0>>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@<<endif>>
<<if $mainChar.level >= 3 and def $B3Messages[0]>>
<<link "Victor">>
<<set $B3UnreadMessages = 0>>
<<goto "B3 Messages">>
<<if $B3UnreadMessages > 0>>@@.messageGoldEnvelope;✉@@<<endif>>
</p><<include "B1 Messages operator">>
<div class="header">Messages</div>
<!-- If it's the last message from opponent and player is watching. They will "type" -->
<<if $messageIsTyping == true>>
<<set $messageIsTyping = false>>
<<set _messageTailIsNeeded = true>>
<<set _allMessagesLength = $B1Messages.length-1>>
<<timed 0.9s>>
<<removeclass "#TypingBox" "hidden">>
<<timed 2.4s>>
<<addclass "#TypingBox" "hidden">>
<<timed 3.4s>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<set _allMessagesLength = $B1Messages.length>>
<div class="messagerBox">
<div class="messagerFieldHeader">
<p class="MessagerTopName">🐶 Mike</p>
<<if $B1Messages[_allMessagesLength].text.includes("MCPics")>>
uploading media file
is typing
<p id="TypingBoxDotOne">•</p><p id="TypingBoxDotTwo">•</p><p id="TypingBoxDotThree">•</p>
<div class="messagerField">
<<for _message = 0; _message < _allMessagesLength; _message++>>
<<if _message > 0>><<endif>>
<<if $B1Messages[_message].from == "Mike">>
<div class="messageBodyIncoming">
<<if $B1Messages[_message].text.includes("MCPics")>>
<!-- If the message has link to img, shows as img -->
[img[String.format($picsPath + $B1Messages[_message].text)]]
<div style="float:left; font-family: Georgia, serif;">🐶 Mike</div>
<div style="float:right; font-size: 10pt; opacity: 90%; color: #8996ad"><<DisplayMessageTime $B1Messages[_message].time>></div>
<<if ndef $B1Messages[_message+1] or
(def $B1Messages[_message+1] and $B1Messages[_message+1].from != "Mike") or
_messageTailIsNeeded == true>>
<!-- If it's the last message in total or the last message from this person or person is typing, showing message tail -->
<div class="messageTailIncoming"><div></div></div>
<<elseif $B1Messages[_message].from == "Evelyn">>
<div class="messageBodyOutcoming">
<<if $B1Messages[_message].text.includes("MCPics")>>
<!-- If the message has link to img, shows as img -->
[img[String.format($picsPath + $B1Messages[_message].text)]]
<div style="float:right; font-family: Georgia, serif;">😺 Evelyn</div>
<div style="float:left; font-size: 10pt; opacity: 90%; color: #c3d6fa"><<DisplayMessageTime $B1Messages[_message].time>></div>
<<if ndef $B1Messages[_message+1] or (def $B1Messages[_message+1] and $B1Messages[_message+1].from != "Evelyn")>>
<!-- If it's the last message in total or the last message from this person, showing message tail -->
<div class="messageTailOutcoming"><div></div></div>
<div class="messagerFieldFooter">
<<if def $B1MessageAnswer>>
<div class="messageAnswer"><<ShowAnswer>></div>
[[Back->Laptop]]<<include "B3 Messages operator">>
<div class="header">Messages</div>
<!-- If it's the last message from opponent and player is watching. They will "type" -->
<<if $messageIsTyping == true>>
<<set $messageIsTyping = false>>
<<set _messageTailIsNeeded = true>>
<<set _allMessagesLength = $B3Messages.length-1>>
<<timed 0.9s>>
<<removeclass "#TypingBox" "hidden">>
<<timed 2.4s>>
<<addclass "#TypingBox" "hidden">>
<<timed 3.4s>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<set _allMessagesLength = $B3Messages.length>>
<div class="messagerBox">
<div class="messagerFieldHeader">
<p class="MessagerTopName">🐰 Victor</p>
<<if $B3Messages[_allMessagesLength].text.includes("MCPics")>>
uploading media file
is typing
<p id="TypingBoxDotOne">•</p><p id="TypingBoxDotTwo">•</p><p id="TypingBoxDotThree">•</p>
<div class="messagerField">
<<for _message = 0; _message < _allMessagesLength; _message++>>
<<if _message > 0>><<endif>>
<<if $B3Messages[_message].from == "Victor">>
<div class="messageBodyIncoming">
<<if $B3Messages[_message].text.includes("MCPics")>>
<!-- If the message has link to img, shows as img -->
[img[String.format($picsPath + $B3Messages[_message].text)]]
<div style="float:left; font-family: Georgia, serif;">🐰 Victor</div>
<div style="float:right; font-size: 10pt; opacity: 90%; color: #8996ad"><<DisplayMessageTime $B3Messages[_message].time>></div>
<<if ndef $B3Messages[_message+1] or
(def $B3Messages[_message+1] and $B3Messages[_message+1].from != "Victor") or
_messageTailIsNeeded == true>>
<!-- If it's the last message in total or the last message from this person or person is typing, showing message tail -->
<div class="messageTailIncoming"><div></div></div>
<<elseif $B3Messages[_message].from == "Evelyn">>
<div class="messageBodyOutcoming">
<<if $B3Messages[_message].text.includes("MCPics")>>
<!-- If the message has link to img, shows as img -->
[img[String.format($picsPath + $B3Messages[_message].text)]]
<div style="float:right; font-family: Georgia, serif;">😺 Evelyn</div>
<div style="float:left; font-size: 10pt; opacity: 90%; color: #c3d6fa"><<DisplayMessageTime $B3Messages[_message].time>></div>
<<if ndef $B3Messages[_message+1] or (def $B3Messages[_message+1] and $B3Messages[_message+1].from != "Evelyn")>>
<!-- If it's the last message in total or the last message from this person, showing message tail -->
<div class="messageTailOutcoming"><div></div></div>
<div class="messagerFieldFooter">
<<if def $B3MessageAnswer>>
<div class="messageAnswer"><<ShowAnswer>></div>
[[Back->Laptop]]<<widget "ReceiveMessage">>
<!-- _args[0] - Time of message being sent, 4 digits (like "0945", means 09:45). "0000" for present time -->
<!-- _args[1] - From whom was the message sent with "From" (like "FromMike") -->
<!-- _args[2] - Text of the message (like "Hello") -->
<<if _args[1] == "FromMike">>
<<set _newMessage = $B1Messages.length>>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage] = {time: "", from: "Mike", text: ""}>>
<<if _args[0] == "0000">>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage].time = $showHour + "" + $showMinute>>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage].time = _args[0]>>
<<if passage() != "B1 Messages">>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<elseif passage() == "B1 Messages">>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<if passage() == "B1 Messages">>
<<set $messageIsTyping = true>>
<<elseif passage() != "B1 Messages">>
<<set $B1UnreadMessages += 1>>
<<elseif _args[1] == "FromRichie">>
<<set _newMessage = $B2Messages.length>>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage] = {time: "", from: "Richie", text: ""}>>
<<if _args[0] == "0000">>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage].time = $showHour + "" + $showMinute>>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage].time = _args[0]>>
<<if passage() != "B2 Messages">>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<elseif passage() == "B2 Messages">>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<if passage() == "B2 Messages">>
<<set $messageIsTyping = true>>
<<elseif passage() != "B2 Messages">>
<<set $B2UnreadMessages += 1>>
<<elseif _args[1] == "FromVictor">>
<<set _newMessage = $B3Messages.length>>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage] = {time: "", from: "Victor", text: ""}>>
<<if _args[0] == "0000">>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage].time = $showHour + "" + $showMinute>>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage].time = _args[0]>>
<<if passage() != "B3 Messages">>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<elseif passage() == "B3 Messages">>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<if passage() == "B3 Messages">>
<<set $messageIsTyping = true>>
<<elseif passage() != "B3 Messages">>
<<set $B3UnreadMessages += 1>>
<<widget "SendMessage">>
<!-- _args[0] - Time of message being sent, 4 digits (like "0945", means 09:45). "0000" for present time -->
<!-- _args[1] - To whom was the message sent with "To" (like "ToMike") -->
<!-- _args[2] - Text of the message (like "Hello") -->
<<if _args[1] == "ToMike">>
<<set _newMessage = $B1Messages.length>>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage] = {time: "", from: "Evelyn", text: ""}>>
<<if _args[0] == "0000">>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage].time = $showHour + "" + $showMinute>>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage].time = _args[0]>>
<<set $B1Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<elseif _args[1] == "ToRichie">>
<<set _newMessage = $B2Messages.length>>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage] = {time: "", from: "Evelyn", text: ""}>>
<<if _args[0] == "0000">>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage].time = $showHour + "" + $showMinute>>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage].time = _args[0]>>
<<set $B2Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<elseif _args[1] == "ToVictor">>
<<set _newMessage = $B3Messages.length>>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage] = {time: "", from: "Evelyn", text: ""}>>
<<if _args[0] == "0000">>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage].time = $showHour + "" + $showMinute>>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage].time = _args[0]>>
<<set $B3Messages[_newMessage].text = _args[2]>>
<<widget "DisplayMessageTime">>
<!-- _args[0] - Time to display, 4 digits (like "0945") -->
<<print _args[0][0] + _args[0][1] + ":" + _args[0][2] + _args[0][3]>>
<<widget "SetAnswer">>
<!-- _args[0] - Short text that will be a "name" of the outgoing message. To give player context -->
<!-- _args[1] - To whom was the message sent with "To" (like "ToMike") -->
<!-- _args[2] - Text of the message (like "Hello") -->
<<if _args[1] == "ToMike">>
<<set $B1MessageAnswer = {shortName: "", text: ""}>>
<<set $B1MessageAnswer.shortName = _args[0]>>
<<set $B1MessageAnswer.text = _args[2]>>
<<set $B1Answered = false>>
<<elseif _args[1] == "ToRichie">>
<<set $B2MessageAnswer = {shortName: "", text: ""}>>
<<set $B2MessageAnswer.shortName = _args[0]>>
<<set $B2MessageAnswer.text = _args[2]>>
<<set $B2Answered = false>>
<<elseif _args[1] == "ToVictor">>
<<set $B3MessageAnswer = {shortName: "", text: ""}>>
<<set $B3MessageAnswer.shortName = _args[0]>>
<<set $B3MessageAnswer.text = _args[2]>>
<<set $B3Answered = false>>
<<widget "ShowAnswer">>
<<if passage() == "B1 Messages" and def $B1MessageAnswer>>
<<link $B1MessageAnswer.shortName>>
<<SendMessage "0000" "ToMike" $B1MessageAnswer.text>>
<<unset $B1MessageAnswer>>
<<set $B1Answered = true>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<elseif passage() == "B2 Messages" and def $B2MessageAnswer>>
<<link $B2MessageAnswer.shortName>>
<<SendMessage "0000" "ToRichie" $B2MessageAnswer.text>>
<<unset $B2MessageAnswer>>
<<set $B2Answered = true>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<elseif passage() == "B3 Messages" and def $B3MessageAnswer>>
<<link $B3MessageAnswer.shortName>>
<<SendMessage "0000" "ToVictor" $B3MessageAnswer.text>>
<<unset $B3MessageAnswer>>
<<set $B3Answered = true>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<widget "StartMessagesConversation">>
<!-- _args[0] - The name of the conversation (like "Overslept for work") -->
<<switch _args[0]>>
<<case "Overslept for work">>
<<if $mainChar.level == 1>>
<<set $B1MOversleptForWorkTurn = 1>><<include "B1M Overslept for work">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2>>
<<set $B2MOversleptForWorkTurn = 1>><<include "B2M Overslept for work">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<set $B3MOversleptForWorkTurn = 1>><<include "B3M Overslept for work">>
<<case "First message">>
<<if $mainChar.level == 1>>
<<set $B1MFirstMessageTurn = 1>><<include "B1M First message">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2>>
<<set $B2MFirstMessageTurn = 1>><<include "B2M First message">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3>>
<<set $B3MFirstMessageTurn = 1>><<include "B3M First message">>
<<case "Last message">>
<<if $mainChar.level == 2>>
<<set $B1MLastMessageTurn = 1>><<include "B1M Last message">>
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 3>>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 1>><<include "B2M Last message">>
<<include "B1M Overslept for work">>
<<include "B1M First message">>
<<include "B1M Last message">><<include "B2M Overslept for work">>
<<include "B2M First message">>
<<include "B2M Last message">><<include "B3M Overslept for work">>
<<include "B3M First message">><<if $B1MOversleptForWorkTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0915" "FromMike" "Evelyn? Where are you?">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0920" "FromMike" "Are you still sleeping?..">>
<<set $B1MOversleptForWorkTurn = 2>>
<<elseif $B1MOversleptForWorkTurn == 2>>
<<if $B1Answered == true>>
<<set $B1MOversleptForWorkTurn = 3>>
<<set $B1Answered = false>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "Tell Mike that you are sorry" "ToMike" "Sorry boss!! I have been so stressed lately... I'll set more alarms">>
<<elseif $B1MOversleptForWorkTurn == 3>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromMike" "Uhh... I'm not happy about this. Anyway, stay home today. Try to relax or something">>
<<set $B1MOversleptForWorkTurn = 0>>
<<endif>><<include "B2 Messages operator">>
<div class="header">Messages</div>
<!-- If it's the last message from opponent and player is watching. They will "type" -->
<<if $messageIsTyping == true>>
<<set $messageIsTyping = false>>
<<set _messageTailIsNeeded = true>>
<<set _allMessagesLength = $B2Messages.length-1>>
<<timed 0.9s>>
<<removeclass "#TypingBox" "hidden">>
<<timed 2.4s>>
<<addclass "#TypingBox" "hidden">>
<<timed 3.4s>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<set _allMessagesLength = $B2Messages.length>>
<div class="messagerBox">
<div class="messagerFieldHeader">
<p class="MessagerTopName">🐺 Richie</p>
<<if $B2Messages[_allMessagesLength].text.includes("MCPics")>>
uploading media file
is typing
<p id="TypingBoxDotOne">•</p><p id="TypingBoxDotTwo">•</p><p id="TypingBoxDotThree">•</p>
<div class="messagerField">
<<for _message = 0; _message < _allMessagesLength; _message++>>
<<if _message > 0>><<endif>>
<<if $B2Messages[_message].from == "Richie">>
<div class="messageBodyIncoming">
<<if $B2Messages[_message].text.includes("MCPics")>>
<!-- If the message has link to img, shows as img -->
[img[String.format($picsPath + $B2Messages[_message].text)]]
<div style="float:left; font-family: Georgia, serif;">🐺 Richie</div>
<div style="float:right; font-size: 10pt; opacity: 90%; color: #8996ad"><<DisplayMessageTime $B2Messages[_message].time>></div>
<<if ndef $B2Messages[_message+1] or
(def $B2Messages[_message+1] and $B2Messages[_message+1].from != "Richie") or
_messageTailIsNeeded == true>>
<!-- If it's the last message in total or the last message from this person or person is typing, showing message tail -->
<div class="messageTailIncoming"><div></div></div>
<<elseif $B2Messages[_message].from == "Evelyn">>
<div class="messageBodyOutcoming">
<<if $B2Messages[_message].text.includes("MCPics")>>
<!-- If the message has link to img, shows as img -->
[img[String.format($picsPath + $B2Messages[_message].text)]]
<div style="float:right; font-family: Georgia, serif;">😺 Evelyn</div>
<div style="float:left; font-size: 10pt; opacity: 90%; color: #c3d6fa"><<DisplayMessageTime $B2Messages[_message].time>></div>
<<if ndef $B2Messages[_message+1] or (def $B2Messages[_message+1] and $B2Messages[_message+1].from != "Evelyn")>>
<!-- If it's the last message in total or the last message from this person, showing message tail -->
<div class="messageTailOutcoming"><div></div></div>
<div class="messagerFieldFooter">
<<if def $B2MessageAnswer>>
<div class="messageAnswer"><<ShowAnswer>></div>
[[Back->Laptop]]<<if $B2MOversleptForWorkTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0915" "FromRichie" "Evy, where the hell are you?">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0920" "FromRichie" "Girl I kinda need you here right now">>
<<set $B2MOversleptForWorkTurn = 2>>
<<elseif $B2MOversleptForWorkTurn == 2>>
<<if $B2Answered == true>>
<<set $B2MOversleptForWorkTurn = 3>>
<<set $B2Answered = false>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "Tell Richie that you are sorry" "ToRichie" "Damn.. I overslept... Sorry about that! I have been stressing my ass out lately :<">>
<<elseif $B2MOversleptForWorkTurn == 3>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "Okay, I get it. Take the day off if you want. But I expect you to do your job tomorrow!!">>
<<set $B2MOversleptForWorkTurn = 0>>
<<endif>><<if $B3MOversleptForWorkTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0915" "FromVictor" "Evelyn? Are you sleeping or what?">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0920" "FromVictor" "Evelyn, answer me">>
<<set $B3MOversleptForWorkTurn = 2>>
<<elseif $B3MOversleptForWorkTurn == 2>>
<<if $B3Answered == true>>
<<set $B3MOversleptForWorkTurn = 3>>
<<set $B3Answered = false>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "Tell Victor that you are sorry" "ToVictor" "I'm terribly sorry, boss! The last few days have been too stressful and I just.. overslept, yeah">>
<<elseif $B3MOversleptForWorkTurn == 3>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromVictor" "Poor thing. That's fine, I can manage things today without you, get some rest. But don't slack off tomorrow">>
<<set $B3MOversleptForWorkTurn = 0>>
<<endif>><!-- Plays the very first time the main character gets job from the new boss -->
<<if $B2MFirstMessageTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "Hey, hot stuff">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "That was fun😎 I hope you are on pills">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "Anyway, see you tomorrow! Don't be late~">>
<<SetAnswer "This bastard.." "ToRichie" "Yeah, I am on pills, dork. I mean, boss🥰">>
<<set $B2MFirstMessageTurn = 0>>
<<endif>><!-- Plays the very first time the main character gets job from the new boss -->
<<if $B1MFirstMessageTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromMike" "Hey! It's me, Mike!">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromMike" "I thought it would be better if you had my number. Just to keep in touch">>
<<SetAnswer "Good idea" "ToMike" "Absolutely! That's useful 🙃">>
<<set $B1MFirstMessageTurn = 0>>
<<endif>><!-- Plays the very first time the main character gets job from the new boss -->
<<if $B3MFirstMessageTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromVictor" "Hello, it's Victor. This is my number in case you need me">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromVictor" "And... thank you for a lovely evening">>
<<SetAnswer "Ohh, so cute!" "ToVictor" "The pleasure is mine, boss 😘😘😘">>
<<set $B3MFirstMessageTurn = 0>>
<<endif>><!-- Plays the very last time the main character gets job from the new boss. This is a text to Mike -->
<<if $B1MLastMessageTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromMike" "Hey...">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromMike" "You know, that was pretty rude. To fuck with Richie right in my office😒">>
<<set $B1MLastMessageTurn = 2>>
<<elseif $B1MLastMessageTurn == 2>>
<<if $B1Answered == true>>
<<set $B1MLastMessageTurn = 3>>
<<set $B1Answered = false>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "Can't say no to Richie!" "ToMike" "Heh, yeah.. Sorry about that😅 He was very pushy!">>
<<elseif $B1MLastMessageTurn == 3>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromMike" "Congrats on your new job, anyway. And I'm still a loser without a helper...">>
<<set $B1MLastMessageTurn = 4>>
<<elseif $B1MLastMessageTurn == 4>>
<<if $B1Answered == true>>
<<set $B1MLastMessageTurn = 5>>
<<set $B1Answered = false>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "Loser?" "ToMike" "You are not a loser! But next time you have a chance to screw a girl, don't waste time">>
<<elseif $B1MLastMessageTurn == 5>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromMike" "I wish it was that easy🙄">>
<<set $B1MLastMessageTurn = 0>>
<!-- Plays the very last time the main character gets job from the new boss. This is a text to Richie -->
<<if $B2MLastMessageTurn == 1>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "Hey, Evy. What the fuck? Aren't you supposed to be my secretary or something?">>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "CEO came to me today and said that you are his assistant now. How's that possible??">>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 2>>
<<elseif $B2MLastMessageTurn == 2>>
<<if $B2Answered == true>>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 3>>
<<set $B2Answered = false>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "Show him~" "ToRichie" "MCPics/Boss3/FuckingVictorHotelSelfie1.jpg">>
<<elseif $B2MLastMessageTurn == 3>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "Nooo. No way, you cheap whore">>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 4>>
<<elseif $B2MLastMessageTurn == 4>>
<<if $B2Answered == true>>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 5>>
<<set $B2Answered = false>>
<<SendMessage "0000" "ToRichie" "MCPics/Boss3/FuckingVictorHotelSelfie3.jpg">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "You have more!" "ToRichie" "MCPics/Boss3/FuckingVictorHotelSelfie2.jpg">>
<<elseif $B2MLastMessageTurn == 5>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "I should have known you'd spread your legs at the first opportunity😑">>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 6>>
<<elseif $B2MLastMessageTurn == 6>>
<<if $B2Answered == true>>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 7>>
<<set $B2Answered = false>>
<<SendMessage "0000" "ToRichie" "No goodbye kiss?~ 😘">>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<SetAnswer "Just a bit more.." "ToRichie" "MCPics/Boss3/FuckingVictorHotelSelfie4.jpg">>
<<elseif $B2MLastMessageTurn == 7>>
<<ReceiveMessage "0000" "FromRichie" "Go to hell">>
<<set $B2MLastMessageTurn = 0>>
<<endif>><<set _randomGif = random(1,3)>>
<<if $mainChar.level == 1>>
<<if _randomGif == 1>>
[Level 1] Wow, look how easily she takes dick to the base! A good angle, relaxed throat.. What else? Breathing through the nose, yeah. Easy-peasy, you can do that!
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn1-1.webp")]]
<<elseif _randomGif == 2>>
[Level 1] Cum can taste bad, but... It's still hot as fuck. Hot, dirty.. Just imagine yourself in her place~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn1-2.webp")]]
<<elseif _randomGif == 3>>
[Level 1] Nothing new here. You've seen a lot of home movies from your lesbian friends.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn1-3.webp")]]
<<elseif $mainChar.level == 2>>
<<if _randomGif == 1>>
[Level 2] Damn, she's a pro! Such a big cock, such a good stretch. Anyway, why do all 'pros' always have no boobs?..
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn2-1.webp")]]
<<elseif _randomGif == 2>>
[Level 2] Take this like a good girl! Shit, you could use some good aggressive sex right now~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn2-2.webp")]]
<<elseif _randomGif == 3>>
[Level 2] You can't always rely on men, you know. A machine looks ugly, but nothing can beat these <strong>unstoppable</strong> thrusts! They are almost as good as vibrations.
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn2-3.webp")]]
<<elseif $mainChar.level >= 3>>
<<if _randomGif == 1>>
[Level 3] One day, a long time ago, you became curious. And when the house was empty, you prepared yourself with a crazy thrill in your heart. Butt gave you the best orgasms of your life! You loved it...
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn3-1.webp")]]
<<elseif _randomGif == 2>>
[Level 3] Yes, spread your holes, you pink-nailed slut~ Almost begging to be ass-fucked!
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn3-2.webp")]]
<<elseif _randomGif == 3>>
[Level 3] Fuck.. She totally doesn't give a damn about someone seeing her. No panties, outside, getting fucked with a big smile. That's one happy girl~
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/HomePorn/HomeWatchingPorn3-3.webp")]]
<div class="header">Kitchen</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Kitchen.jpg")]]
What time is it? Silly question, it's time for a snack! So, what are we cooking?
<<include "Making coffee">>
[[Go to Living Room->Living Room]]<!-- Gives additional +20 energy to the max of 100 -->
<<if $lastDayMadeACoffee != $day and $coffeeShotsLeft != 2>>
<<set $coffeeShotsLeft = 2>>
<<set _coffeeLink = "Make a coffee (" + $coffeeShotsLeft + "/2)">>
<<if $coffeeShotsLeft == 0>>
_coffeeLink - Enough coffee for today!
<<if $mainChar.energy >= 100>>
_coffeeLink - It won't give you any more energy
<<link _coffeeLink>>
<<set $lastDayMadeACoffee = $day>>
<<set $coffeeShotsLeft -= 1>>
<<set $coffeeWasJustDrank = true>>
<<set $minute += 5>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<if $coffeeWasJustDrank == true>>
<<set $coffeeWasJustDrank = false>>
@@.plus;+20 Energy@@ <<set $mainChar.energy += 20>>
<<endif>><div class="header">Bathroom</div> <br>
[img[String.format($picsPath + "MCPics/Locations/Bathroom.jpg")]]
You are standing in the bathroom looking at yourself in the mirror. Why do bathrooms always feel so clean and so dirty at the same time?..
<<include "Applying makeup">> <br>
<<include "Taking a pill">>
[[Go to Living Room->Living Room]]<!-- Gives an additional +10% bonus to all events -->
<<if $lastDayAppliedMakeup == $day>>
Apply makeup - You already did it today
<<link "Apply makeup">>
<<set $lastDayAppliedMakeup = $day>>
<<set $makeupWasJustApplied = true>>
<<set $minute += 10>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<if $makeupWasJustApplied == true>>
<<set $makeupWasJustApplied = false>>
@@.plus;+10% event bonus (applied makeup)@@
<<endif>><<if $hour <= 9>>
<<if $lastDayMadeACoffee != $day and $mainChar.energy < 100>>
<u>[X] Made a coffee</u>
<!--[O] Made a coffee-->
<<if $lastDayAppliedMakeup != $day>>
<u>[X] Applied makeup</u>
<!--[O] Applied makeup-->
<<if $lastDayTookAPill != $day>>
<u>[X] Take a no-kids pill</u>
<!--[O] Take a no-kids pill-->
<<endif>><!-- Has no effects for now -->
<<if $lastDayTookAPill == $day>>
Take a contraceptive pill - You already did it today
<<link "Take a contraceptive pill">>
<<set $lastDayTookAPill = $day>>
<<set $pillWasJustTaken = true>>
<<goto $currentPassage>>
<<if $pillWasJustTaken == true>>
<<set $pillWasJustTaken = false>>
@@.plus;+nothing (pregnancy hasn't yet been added to the game..)@@