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<snap id="titulo">🅝🅞🅦 🅛🅤🅒🅚🅨 </snap>
<span class="btmenu"> [[Start|intro1]] </span>
<p>*Click on Start only if you are above the legal age of your contry* </p>
<h1>At some point in time before the bat virus...</h1>
<img src="files/intro/alley.gif" width="100%">
<p id="thinking">This is how is gonna end hmm? Well... Could be worse i think...</p>
<p id="narrator">Rain falls loudly while a buzz starts to happen in your hears.</p>
<p id="thinking">Really... How did i get that unlucky? I never did anything really bad with anyone.</p>
<p id="narrator">Your hand is in the middle of your abodomen, above your fast-food uniform, full of blood.</p>
<p id="thinking">Good fucking idea, me. "Oh, yeah, lets take that dark alley shortcut at the middle of the night to my appartament because i'm so tired that i just want to sleep". There is a reason why people avoid those paths you dumb cunt.</p>
<p id="narrator">While a lot of blood is coming out you, most of it is washing away with the rain.</p>
<p id="thinking">I must be cursed, thats it, my only actual moment of "lucky" was when i didnt die in that car crash when i was 4, like my parents. Well, maybe lucky dont really fit with my deformed face that i got from it , maybe actual lucky would have been to just have died right there and then. Not living these past 24 years would have been for the better.</p>
<p id="narrator">There was a point when the stab actually hurted a lot, but right now is almost like there is no pain in your body.</p>
<p id="thinking">That fucker really stabbed me for 20 dollars and because "im ugly as hell". Yeah man, i know, i have seen me. What can i do?</p>
<p id="narrator">Your eyes are starting to get heavy, its hard to keep them open now.</p>
<p id="thinking">Like, i know that i'm deformed and all, but what its up with my luck, really? Just because i'm ugly doesnt mean i have to flip a coin and chose the wrong side like 98% of the times... Its kinda of a super-power if i think about it actually, but like, the other way around...</p>
<p id="narrator">The buzz in your hears stops at this point, you cant hear anything actually.</p>
<p id="thinking">How long have i been sitting here thinking... Just die for fuck sake...</p>
<p id="narrator">Your vision starts to got black.</p>
<p id="thinking">Shit... Whos gonna take care of Maya...? Maybe someone will hear her barking... when she gets hungry... I really... hope... so......</p>
<p id="narrator">Consciousness is fading out, cant really think or feel at this point...</p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Die|intro2]]</snap><br><br><br><br><br>
<snap id="timeclock">@@#now;<<now>>@@ </snap>
<<link "<button id='brk-btn'> >> </button>">>
<<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>>
/* Example using a $abuse Story variable. */
<div class="container">
<img src="files/misc/energy.png" />
<<statusbar "energy-bar" "$totalEnergy" "$energy" "$penergy">>
$energy / $totalEnergy
<b>Made by Nickis.</b>🅝🅞🅦 🅛🅤🅒🅚🅨/% The names of the Days of the Week. %/
<<set setup.DAYS to ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]>>
/% The names of the Time Periods of a Day. %/
<<set setup.PERIODS to ["Asleep", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night", "Late Night"]>>
/% The current Game Day: Monday. %/
<<set $day to 1>>
/% The current Time Period: Morning. %/
<<set $period to 1>>
<<set $totalEnergy to 100>>
<<set $energy to $totalEnergy>>
<<set $penergy to 0>>
* <<now>>
* Displays the current Day of Week, Period of Day and Day Number.
<<widget "now">>
\<<print setup.PERIODS[$period]>><br><<print setup.DAYS[$day % 7]>> - Day $day
* <<AdvancePeriod [number of periods]>>
* Advance current Time Period by a set number of periods, if no number
* if pass to widget then current Time Period is advanced by 1 unit.
* <<AdvancePeriod>> Advances time period by 1 unit.
* <<AdvancePeriod 1>> Advances time period by 1 unit.
* <<AdvancePeriod 2>> Advances time period by 2 units.
* If the current day's time boundary is exceeded then the Day Number
* will also be updated.
<<widget "AdvancePeriod">>
<<set _offset to 1>>
<<set _periodsInDay to setup.PERIODS.length>>
<<if $args.length > 0>>
<<set _offset to $args[0]>>
<<set $period += _offset>>
/% Update the Day Number as necessary. %/
<<if $period >= _periodsInDay>>
<<set $day += Math.trunc($period / _periodsInDay)>>
<<set $period to ($period % _periodsInDay)>>
* <<NextMorning>>
* Advances the current Time Period to the Morning of the next day.
<<widget "NextMorning">>
/% Increament the Day Number by 1 unit. %/
<<set $day += 1>>
Set the current Time Period to the index of the
"Morning" element of setup.PERIODS array.
<<set $period to 1>>
<<widget "Clock">>
<<if $period==0>>
<<addclass "#story-banner" "asslep">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "morning">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "noon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "afternoon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "evening">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "night">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "latenight">>
<<if $period==1>>
<<addclass "#story-banner" "morning">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "asslep">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "noon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "afternoon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "evening">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "night">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "latenight">>
<<if $period==2>>
<<addclass "#story-banner" "noon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "morning">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "asslep">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "afternoon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "evening">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "night">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "latenight">>
<<if $period==3>>
<<addclass "#story-banner" "afternoon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "morning">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "noon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "asslep">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "evening">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "night">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "latenight">>
<<if $period==4>>
<<addclass "#story-banner" "evening">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "morning">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "noon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "afternoon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "asslep">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "night">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "latenight">>
<<if $period==5>>
<<addclass "#story-banner" "night">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "morning">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "noon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "afternoon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "evening">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "asslep">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "latenight">>
<<if $period==6>>
<<addclass "#story-banner" "latenight">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "morning">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "noon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "afternoon">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "evening">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "night">>
<<removeclass "#story-banner" "asslep">>
[[teste|test2]]<<set $penergy to 10>>
[[teste|test3]]<<set $penergy to -20>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Hey, sis!Hey, <</pspeech>>
<<speech "Dakota" >>Conta-se que por volta do ano 250 A.C, na China antiga, um príncipe da região norte do país, estava às vésperas de ser coroado imperador, mas, de acordo com a lei, ele deveria se casar. Sabendo disso, ele resolveu fazer uma “disputa” entre as moças da corte ou quem quer que se achasse digna de sua proposta. No dia seguinte, o príncipe anunciou que receberia, numa celebração especial, todas as pretendentes e lançaria um desafio. Uma velha senhora, serva do palácio há muitos anos, ouvindo os comentários sobre os preparativos, sentiu uma leve tristeza, pois sabia que sua jovem filha nutria um sentimento de profundo amor pelo príncipe. Ao chegar em casa e relatar o fato a jovem, espantou-se ao saber que ela pretendia ir à celebração, e indagou incrédula:<</speech>>
<p>Conta-se que por volta do ano 250 A.C, na China antiga, um príncipe da região norte do país, estava às vésperas de ser coroado imperador, mas, de acordo com a lei, ele deveria se casar. Sabendo disso, ele resolveu fazer uma “disputa” entre as moças da corte ou quem quer que se achasse digna de sua proposta. No dia seguinte, o príncipe anunciou que receberia, numa celebração especial, todas as pretendentes e lançaria um desafio. Uma velha senhora, serva do palácio há muitos anos, ouvindo os comentários sobre os preparativos, sentiu uma leve tristeza, pois sabia que sua jovem filha nutria um sentimento de profundo amor pelo príncipe. Ao chegar em casa e relatar o fato a jovem, espantou-se ao saber que ela pretendia ir à celebração, e indagou incrédula</p>
[[Corridor|Corridor]] corredorDouble-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.[[Wake up|Bedroom]][[Turn off|Bedroom]]<p id="narrator">At the same time, orbiting around the earth, a small spaceship with 2 small green humanoid-like fellows were having a debate.</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Yeah, yeah. I know. Just stop screaming already, we have to start working.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>You just dont want to admit that i was right. HAHAHAHA GET STOMPED BY MY SUPERIOR GENES!<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>We are twins dude.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Oh, right.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>...<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>...<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>As i was saying lets start working. According to the data im getting the dominant beings of this planet are called humans. Humanoids and for our lucky, extremely emotional.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>So did you choose someone already?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>I dont know... Nothing really that fits the criteria around here... Oh, wait, i found the perfect one... But hes kindaaaa of almost dead. Shit.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Well, almost dead is not dead, maybe we can still do something.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>I dont know, we shouldnt get that involded.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Come on, we cant let the perfect subject just slip out of our hands. Think about the riches we will get if we can put this project up and running.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>I dont know, this species is really primitive. We can easily get fucked by authorities if we do too much.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Richeeeeeees.......<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>.......ok, lets do it then. Go to him and pull him up.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>On it.<</speech>>
<img src="files/intro/abduction.gif" width="100%">
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro3]]</snap><h1>One abduction later...</h1>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>...You said <b>almost</b> dead right? Because this looks full dead.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Well, i'm still getting small vital readings from him.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Let me take a look... Hmmm... Well this body is done for, not much we can do about it at this point.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>We can still transfer his core i think.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Can this primitive species even handle that kind of surgery?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Not 100%, definitely, but we can make do with some modifications. Its now or never i dont think the machines can still make him hold on to life that much longer.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Damn, how we gonna find a body compatible enough so fast to put him in?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>I already made the computer look for something a while ago just to be safe. Let me see... It found a comatose patient that its body is still in good conditions but his core is about to extinguish.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Should have said it sooner! We dont have much time to do this. Lets get this other body then.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The ship going at light speed stops just above a hospital and proceeds to abduct the body in question.</p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro4]]</snap><<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Why do they look so different?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>The analysis says this one suffered some accident that destroyed his face and parts of the body and the other one is in coma because of a severe trauma to the head.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>But this one is still alive right? We just gonna kill him?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>No, he spent too much time like this, his core will be gone any minute now by itself, nothing we can do about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Lets begin then. Fast.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The aliens then start the proceedings for the transfer of the core. </p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Why is his core like that? Is it defective?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Its weird indeed, is like a whole chunk of it is missing. But thats good actually, we can make the modifications we need for the transfer to work on this missing part.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">After hours of unstopable surgery.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>FINNALY. I never want to do this again. Are the vitals good?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Yeah, they seem fine for now. He should wake up after some time.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Great. Drop him back at the medical facility i just want to go lay down now and look up what this race is into.<</speech>>
<img src="files/intro/hptroomnight.png" width="100%">
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>How we gonna even explain this... This dude is up for a ride. Hope you are ready, my man.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Says the alien while putting the body on the hospital bed.</p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro5]]</snap><h1>A few days later</h1>
<p id="thinking">Hmmm...??? Hmmm?? My mouth is so dry. I really wish i had some water...</p>
<p id="narrator">You try to move your legs a little but they feel like they weight a ton.</p>
<p id="thinking">Why do i feel so weak? Cant even open my eyes.</p>
<p id="narrator">After a lot of effort you are finally able to open you eyes just to get hurt by the sun light coming from the window.</p>
<p id="thinking">Shit, thats bright... Where i am? Is this a hospital? Why i'm in a hospital?</p>
<p id="narrator">You start to think and think even if thinking makes you head hurt a little and then you remember.</p>
<p id="thinking">OH! RIGHT! I got stabed and died! That was it. Ok, ok. Great, i remembered, nice...</p>
<p id="narrator">...</p>
<p id="thinking">No, wait, i'm not dead. What the hell? Did someone found and saved me? That must have been it. Nice, one thing actually going in my favor for once, about time.</p>
<p id="narrator">Just as you were thinking that a nurse comes into the room.</p>
<img src="files/intro/nursecle.jpg" width="100%">
<<speech "isabella" Nurse>>Now lets check on the sleeping beautyyyyy.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She look at you, you look at her. There was a brief silence and then.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Nurse>>OH MY GOD HE IS AWAKE!<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">As she says that she rushes off the room screaming.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Nurse>>WHERE IS THE DOCTOR?!<</speech>>
<p id="thinking">Hmmmm, ok?</p>
<p id="narrator">You just lay there wondering why she reacted like that for some time and then you hear someone entering the room.</p>
<img src="files/chars/Jessica/doctor1.jpg" width="100%">
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>I swear to God if shes pulling a prank on me i'm gonna get her fired...<</speech>>
<p id="thinking">Oh, she must be the Doctor, she is really pretty.</p>
<p id="narrator">When she sees you awake she almost starts screaming like the nurse but you notice she controls herself and soon starts talking.</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>Hi, i'm Dr. Jessica, how are you feeling?<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You try to speak but notices that no words come out.</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>Dont worry, thats normal in coma cases, it will soon pass and you will be able to talk.<</speech>>
<p id="thinking">Coma? What is she talking about?</p>
<p id="narrator">She notices you confusion.</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>It seems the patient doesnt have full memories of the accident.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while writing on a piece of paper.</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>You see, you suffered a accident 3 years ago when you were 16 that caused you to enter a comatose state. I wont be going into much detail right now because it wont do you any good, i'm just gonna run a few tests on you and leave you to rest. I will be calling your family and they will probably be coming to see you tomorrow.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She then starts to run a few tests on you and then stops.</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>Jesus, besides your normal initial confusion it does seems like everything is fine. I'm been taking care of you for about 3 years, i'm really happy that you are making a recovery.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while putting away her equipaments and preparing to leave.</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>Now its time for you to rest to recover your strength. I will be coming back tomorrow morning, if you need anything you can call a nurse with that button. See you soon.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">And she leaves.</p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro6]]</snap><h1>A few hours later, with the moon already in the sky.</h1>
<p id="narrator">The whole time while the Doctor was running tests and for a long time after she left you have been thinking.</p>
<p id="thinking">What is going on? Coma? 3 years? Maybe they confused me for another patient? Or did the stab make me enter a coma? No, no. That wouldn't make sense either, she said I was 16 when it happened, but at that age, I was in the orphanage still and I'm sure never entered a coma after that.</p>
<p id="narrator">You actually felt a lot better since waking up. You look at your side and notice a small cabinet by the bed with some papers above it.</p>
<p id="thinking">Let me see if I can find any clue.</p>
<p id="narrator">You think while getting the sheets of paper.</p>
<p id="thinking">Blah blah blah, medical terms... HM... "Medical form of patient <<textbox "$player_name" "Mark">>"?</p>
<u><h2>Write above the name of your liking.</h2></u>
<p id="thinking">Who is that? What is going on?</p>
<p id="narrator">You rummage through the cabinet drawers and find a small mirror.</p>
<p id="thinking">If 3 years passed, then I should look older, probably, let's see...</p>
<p id="narrator">You take the mirror in your hands to see your face, but the face you see is of a stranger.</p>
<p id="thinking">What? Who the hell is that?</p>
<p id="narrator">While he was shocked, without any warning, a light beam appears around his body.</p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro7]]</snap><h1>Earlier at the same day.</h1>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Hmm? Oh, he woke up, he woke up.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Says the alien while kicking the other who is laid down in the chair looking at videos in MeTube.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>What? He did? But I was still watching this man making a house with just a bamboo in the middle of the forest.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Yeah, those humans are fascinating their culture and way of thinking.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Shut up, you have been watching their videos non-stop for the last few days. Lucky for you its still bright down there. When the night comes we gonna pull him up and begin.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The other alien doesn't respond because he is fixated on watching a music video that looks like K-pop.</p>
<p id="narrator">When night comes they begin.</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>It's time, lets start.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Right, right.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Responds the alien while pressing some buttons on the ship panel.</p>
<p id="narrator">Suddenly there is a bright light that soon dissipates and reveals a man standing in the middle of the ship looking scared.</p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro8]]</snap><p id="narrator">You are suddenly teleported from your bed to a place that looks way more sci-fi than you thought possible to exist, but strangely you are not that shaken by it.</p>
<p id="narrator">When you find you ground after the sudden teleport you look ahead and see 2 kinds of small green alien looking people. Then suddenly one of them begins to say something.</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜, ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏, ⍙⟒ ⍀⟒⍾⎍⟟⍀⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏃⌇⌇⟟⌇⏁⏃⋏☊⟒ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⏃ ⏁⏃⌇☍.<</speech>>
<p id="thinking">What?</p>
<p id="narrator">The alien that was speaking sees you confusion and turn to the other to say something.</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>⎅⟟⎅ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⎍⍀⋏ ⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⍀⏃⋏⌇⌰⏃⏁⍜⍀?<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>⟟ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☍ ⌇⍜.<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>⍙⟒⌰⌰, ⟟⏁⌇ ⎅⍜⟒⌇⋏⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⟟⏁ ⏚⊬ ⏁⊑⟒ ⎎⏃☊⟒ ⊑⟒ ⟟⌇ ⋔⏃☍⟟⋏☌. ⊬⍜⎍ ⋔⎍⌇⏁ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎎⍜⍀☌⍜⏁⏁⟒⋏.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>⍙⊑⏃⏁? ⋏⍜ ⟟ ⎅⟟⎅⋏⏁ ⎎⍜⍀☌⟒⏁ ⏃⋏⊬⏁⊑⟟⋏☌ ⌰⟒⏁ ⋔⟒ ⌇⟒⟒... ⍜⊑, ⍜⍜⌿⌇.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The other alien press some buttons on his tablet-looking-thing.</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>I fucking told you forgot to turn it on.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>WELL I WAS BUSY LOOKING AT PUPPIES, OK? IM SORRY!<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Out of nowhere you begin to understand what they are saying. And the alien that tried to talk to you earlier resumes his monologue.</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Greetings human, we require your assistance with the most important task that will be of great benefit and interest for your well-being as an individual. Would you be so kind to hear and collaborate with us?<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Why are you talking like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Well... it was how the aliens talked in their movies.<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>SO YOU DID WATCHED THEIR MOVIES!<</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Well... I had to... For scientific purposes... Obviously...<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The alien says while looking away kind of ashamed.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Let <b>me</b> talk with him.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Says the alien while turning to you.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Sup champ, you see, we need you to do something for us, but it will actually help you out too, what do you say?<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Each second you are getting more calm but still defensive, you just nod you head.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Great! I'm gonna sum up quickly for you! You must be confused as fuck, which is normal. So lets start from the beginning. You must remember that you had some kind of accident that basically killed you, you WOULD think. But in truth, we saved you. I mean, we saved your <b>being</b> not your body in truth, that was already dead.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You look confused, really confused.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Yeah, yeah, i know. This is all out nowhere, but dont worry, it will get EVEN MORE STRANGEEEEEEE. HAHAHAHA. No, wait, just kidding, kind of... You see, to save you we had to transfer your core, which was still alive. According to my researches you humans refer and think of it in a more primitive way, you guys call it a "soul". Its more tangible and scientific than you think, but nevermind that.<</speech>>
<p id="thinking">To save my life they transferred my soul? Then who is this person that i'm in?</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Now, you must be wondering "who is this person that you are in", and no we are not telepathic. You just are really easy to read, sooooo this body was actually really compatible with your soul, but the thing is, the person this body belonged to was in a coma and its soul was about to die and there was nothing we could do about, BUT with some work we would be able to heal its trauma and still use the body that was in amazing conditions considering it all, since we did not had a lot time to look for something else we settled with this.<</speech>>
<p id="thinking">I understand it all, but i still fell that i should be more shocked by all that is happening, what is going on?</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Sit right there, we are going to explain what having your soul transferred entails and what we want from you.<</speech>>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro9]]</snap><<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Let’s start with us 2, we come from a galaxy far far away from yours where our race through generations and generations advanced to a point where there was no more reason to perform sexual acts for reproduction, now we work more like genetics clones from our initial parents and we even lost our reproductive organ. BUT the thing is that we still watch tremendous amounts of porn because it gives us an AMAZING high in the head, kind of like a drug if you prefer. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You want to laugh by what he is saying but you notice that he is looking really serious.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>So due to that the porn industry is really lucrative where we come from but at the same time is a monopoly that belong to a few organizations and its really hard to enter in this business. Besides that, its quality is getting bad, everything feels fake and forced now days and its always the same kind of aliens that appears in the productions. Then we had an idea, what if we found a new race to our likes and did something more natural? That’s where you come in. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">He says that while showing some alien porn on his tablet-looking-thing.</p>
<img src="files/intro/alien.gif" width="80%">
<p id="thinking">They want me to do porn?? Alien porn?? .</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>So what we want from you is that you have as much sex with as much females as you can! And we going to record it all and sell it with our copyright in it! Amazing right? Well, let’s begin then! <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">He says while getting up and smiling. .</p>
<p id="narrator">With some effort you begin to talk. .</p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Why… Why me? <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">He turns back to you. .</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Oh, yeah. The soul thing. Well, your soul is really perverse, like out of the charts, enough to provide us with more than enough sexual content. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The other alien that was just watching silently then starts to speak.</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>While that’s true, you also kind of <b>have</b> to help us. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>What? Why? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Humans aren’t 100% compatible with the soul transfer method and your soul was fucked up to begin with. So we had to do some modifications to the method, that means is not a perfect solution. The thing is, your soul can’t support itself on a different body for long periods of time but when you do sexual acts with another person your souls actually collide and transfer energy between each other, energy that <b>you</b> can’t produce on your on, and the more intimacy and sexual attraction is in the act the more energy is charged. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Doesn’t that mean… that i could just find only one person to continue to have sex with? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>For starters, yes. But when that transfer happens continuously between the same individuals it begins to lose its efficiency, until barely any energy is transferred. So for that to not happen you got to need more sources of energy. <</speech>>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>But hear this out! <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The other alien begins to say. .</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>We studied some parts of your memory and realized you have no experience at all with real sex! <</speech>>
<p id="thinking">No need to say it like that tho….</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Soooooo in the modifications we did on your soul we also improved and add a lot of features that will help you! Check it out, its awesome! A piece of art I would even say. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">He pulls some kind of computer screen that’s shows an image that you can only assume it’s your soul. .</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>In this part around here, where there was supposed to be part of you, it had nothing, which was perfect to add some things, to start, since you need sex to survive and you race is really driven by pheromones we made so you exhale a lot of it, of the highest quality! Ladies will be crazy for you my man the more time you expend with them, but it does have different results depending on the person in question… Also we improved your body, you shouldn’t even be able to stand up with that body so soon after so much time in a coma but we made it stronger! Faster! ALPHA! BIGGGGGGGER! <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The alien says while screaming looking at the spaceship roof and with his hand in the air. .</p>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Well there is some side effects also, like your inhibitions, they will begin to change a lot. You will feel yourself way more open about things, confident, dominant and well… horny as fuck. This will also affect people around you, so pay attention. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Is that way I’m taking this all way better than I think I should? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Yes, we made some modifications so that you can take those news more easily. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>So what should I do in this body? Act like I was him? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>We think you should, because if you don’t, humans may find it strange and we want the life around you to seem natural. So yes, you should assume its identity, for now at least. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">There is a mirror like thing on the side. You stand up to take a good look at yourself. You are tall, white, have brown hair and looks young and handsome. .</p>
<p id="thinking">This guy is really good looking I should say… So this will be who I’m, starting now… I wonder if my life will actually get better… I was sick of nothing good ever happening to me… I will make sure to make good use of this new chance as much as I can, for me and for this body owner. .</p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>So I gotta have sex to live anyway and you guys want to record that sex right? Since I’m only alive right now because of you two, I will accept your proposal and help. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">GREAT! Says both of them.</p>
<<speech "et1" First-Alien>>Don’t worry too much about it, you will naturally be wanting to have a lot of sex, you won’t even think about the fact that if you don’t you will die! <</speech>>
<<speech "et2" Second-Alien>>Don’t talk like that, stupid. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>So, how do I call you guys? <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">Suddenly the atmosphere around the room gets heavy… You feel your throat get really dry… And then one the alien starts to speak with a lot of authority in his voice. .</p>
<<speech "et1" John>>You can just call me John. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>…<</pspeech>>
<<speech "et2" YUJUG>>…<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" John>>…<</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>John?<</pspeech>>
<<speech "et1" John>>Sup? <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>*cough cough* Well you guys can call me $player_name now, I think. How this recording is going to work actually? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "et1" John>>Don’t worry about it, we have our ways, we will also maintain contact when needed, also we may pay and give you something here and there if you actually help us out and provide some quality porn. <</speech>>
<<speech "et2" YUJUG>>For now its better that you go back to the hospital and rest until tomorrow, try to understand what is your new stand in the society with your new body and all. I will start to send you back. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Just as you are starting to be teleported to you room you hear the distant voice of John.</p>
<<speech "et1" John>>Take care and good lucky out there $player_name!<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Then you are back at your hospital room.</p>
<<speech "et2" YUJUG>>John??? Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "et1" John>>What? I like it.<</speech>>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro10]]</snap><p id="narrator">You hear some noises around, hospital-like noises, and then you slowly open your eyes to find yourself in your hospital bed in the morning according to the lights coming out the curtains.</p>
<p id="thinking">Yesterday feels like a dream, but I am in a hospital bed right know so I don’t think it was…</p>
<p id="narrator">Suddenly, pain. In your groin. You lift the sheet that’s covering you just to see a massive erection.</p>
<p id="thinking">FUUUUCK, I feel like I’m going to explode. And what is up with this size? Did Yujug and John do something?</p>
<p id="narrator">Then there is a knock on the door and you hear someone saying “Coming iiiiin!”. You quickly hide you bulge to the best of capacities.</p>
<img src="files/intro/isabella.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Hiiii, I’m Isabella! Your nurse!<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says with a big smile.</p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Hiii…<</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You say while trying not to draw attention to your bulge.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Sooo, we have to see if everything is in order with your body. Would you mind sitting up and taking off your clothes?<</speech>>
<p id="thinking">Shit. For real? Nothing I can do now at this point.</p>
<p id="narrator">You sit up shyly and starts to take of you clothes, while Isabella is preparing something with her back to you.</p>
<img src="files/intro/isabella2.png" width="80%">
<p id="thinking">She is really hot…</p>
<p id="narrator">You hear something fall, looks like Isabella dropped something.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Oops, hehe. Let me just get that.<</speech>>
<img src="files/intro/isabella3.png" width="80%">
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>You see, I’m being your nurse for some months now, I’m really happy that you woke up and you actually seem to be in great conditions even just coming out of a coma, what a miracle!<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She then turns around and sees your massive erection and her eyes go wide.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>OH! Hehehe, don’t worry about it, that happens sometimes. I’m just going to check you, no need to be shy.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She then checks various parts of your body until get gets to your penis.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Wow, it really didn’t go down after all this time…<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You see that her face is a bit flushed, maybe the pheromones that the aliens talked about are having some effect.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Well, we do have to see if <b>all</b> your body is working properly…<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She then put some gloves and opens her blouse.</p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Let’s take care of that!<</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Wait, what?<</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">She doesn’t respond, she just turns to get something.</p>
<video src="files/intro/isabellav1.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls width="640" height="480"></video>
<p id="narrator">She gets some type of oil and starts to masturbate you.</p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro11]]</snap><<speech "isabella" Isabella >>You knon i always found you really cute when i came to take care of you<</speech>>
<video src="files/intro/isabellav2.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls width="640" height="480"></video>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Wow you can really hold on, huh? <</speech>>
<p id="thinking"> What is going on…? Are the pheromones really that strong or she is just a slut…? BUT FUCK, THAT FEELS GOOD! </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Hmmm, I’m feeling really horny… And you just. don’t. cum.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while pumping you. </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Maybe I could lick it a bit…<</speech>>
<img src="files/intro/isabella4.png" width="80%">
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Hmmm tastes good… Ok maybe more than just a lick…<</speech>>
<video src="files/intro/isabellav3.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls width="640" height="480"></video>
<p id="thinking"> HOLY SHIT THAT’S FEELS AMAZING! </p>
<p id="narrator">You think it couldn’t be better but then Isabella takes thing up a notch. </p>
<video src="files/intro/isabellav4.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls width="640" height="480"></video>
<p id="narrator">She took of her clothes at some point you dont even know when, maybe to not dirty it.</p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>THAT’S TOO MUCH! IM GONNA CUM! <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">Isabella quickly pull a cup that you don’t even know where it came from. </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Yes! Let it all out! <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while pointing your cock to the cup and masturbating you. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>FUUUUUUUCK!! <</pspeech>>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>WOW, that’s a really good amount…<</speech>>
<img src="files/intro/isabella5.png" width="80%">
<p id="narrator">You are just kind of dead on the bed now. </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Well, I’m just going to go clean this cup now and be right back to finish your examination. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She gets up and goes to the bathroom you have in your room. You swear you hear the sound of someone licking something… Then she gets back. </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Ok, now let’s get you clean and finish the examinations. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Things go normal after that while Isabella finishes up her tests on you. </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Well, you do seem like you are fine, way more fine than I would expect from someone that just got out of coma. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while making a curios expression. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Well… Maybe I just have a really good recover speed…<</pspeech>>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Yeah, I have no idea… Well Dr. Jessica said that she will come to see you later and that your family is coming to visit you today, Im not gonna make any promises but I feel like you will get out of here soon enough if you continue to recover like that. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Well, that’s good to hear. Thanks for the help Isabella. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>No problem cutie. Just lay down now and rest until the doctor comes to see you. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while closing the door and blowing kisses. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro12]]</snap><p id="narrator">After some time laying down you start to think about some things. </p>
<p id="thinking">Fuck that was awesome, I want more of that, much more… I kind of accepted back then that I wouldn’t be able to find a partner with my deformed face and amazing bad luck, but now I feel like I can do anything I want… </p>
<p id="narrator">You think laying down on the hospital bed looking at the celling. </p>
<p id="thinking">I wonder how this dude family is… Hope his family is good looking hehehe… No… Wait, should I be thinking like that? </p>
<p id="narrator">You remember about how the aliens said that your inhibitions would be getting weaker and that you would be open to more things than normal, so would the people around you. </p>
<p id="thinking">Well… I mean… They are not <b>MY</b> family… So just maybe… </p>
<p id="narrator">You start day dreaming about fucking a bunch of hot woman. </p>
<p id="thinking">That would be good… Shit. I’m getting hard again. </p>
<p id="narrator">You just try to calm yourself for now. </p>
<p id="thinking">I wonder even how this dude got in a coma… </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro13]]</snap><p id="narrator">You hear a knock and the Dr. Jessica enters the room. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Excuse me, $player_name. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>No problem Doctor. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>You seem to be doing fine. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says with a smile. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Thanks Doctor. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Right, now let’s take a look at how you are doing. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She gets the paper that the nurse wrote when doing your exams. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Wow, physically everything seems fine, more than fine actually, how curious. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Yeah…<</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You say trying not to be suspicious…</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Let’s check how you doing in the head then. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>What? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Yeah, mentally. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Oh, right. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Do you remember how you got in a coma now? <</speech>>
<p id="thinking">Shit, what do I do now? I don’t know anything about this guy besides his name. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>No, I don’t really remember anything actually, I just know my name from the sheet that I read. <</pspeech>>
<p id="thinking">Amnesia from head injuries is not that uncommon right? I think so…</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Hm? Maybe you are having some kind of temporary amnesia… How peculiar… Do you not remember how things work? Or do you have only problems remembering things problem? <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Yeah, I know things, but I don’t have any personal memory I think. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Well, that’s not good, we got to run some exams and prescribe you some medicines, with luck this may be only a temporary memory loss post-coma. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while writing of a paper. </p>
<p id="thinking">Well, I think this will do for now…</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>I’m going to my office now and will be back with your family when they get in hospital, ok? Got to have a talk with them about your memory. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Yeah, sure Doctor. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>See you soon, $player_name. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She leaves. </p>
<p id="thinking">She didn’t seem that affected by the pheromones thing, but well the aliens did say its effects vary from person to person and on the circumstances. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro14]]</snap><p id="narrator">You wait a few hours, well more like sleep a few hours, when wake up by knock in the door. </p>
<p id="narrator">We coming in! Says who you assume is Jessica. </p>
<p id="narrator">Before you can actually compute who is “we” you vision gets blinded by what you can only assume is a pair of mountains. </p>
<<speech "monica" Monica>>My baby! You finally woke up! I’m so happy! Give me a hug. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Then you realize someone is hugging you with her boobs on your face. </p>
<<speech "sindy" Sindy>>Mom! Let him breath… For god’s sake…<</speech>>
<<speech "monica" Monica>>Oh, I’m sorry honey, are you ok? <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Now not being killed by asphyxiation you can actually get a look at who is “we”. </p>
<p id="narrator">One of them is Doctor Jessica, now the other one seems older than Jessica, maybe around 40 years old but still looking like a proper milf. </p>
<img src="files/intro/monica1.jpg" width="80%">
<p id="narrator">The other one is more petite. She is kind of faraway compared to the other two and she doesn’t look too happy also. She may be around 20 years old. </p>
<img src="files/intro/sindy1.webp" width="80%">
<<speech "monica" Monica>>I missed you so much, honey. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You don’t know for <b>sure</b> who she is yet. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Well $player_name, I already told them about your current condition. The one by you side is your<<textbox "$monica_name" "step-mom">> (and you are her <<textbox "$player_relmom" "step-son">>)<</speech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>And the girl is your younger<<textbox "$sindy_name" "step-sister">> (and you are her <<textbox "$player_relsis" "step-brother">>) <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Then the woman besides you start to speak.</p>
<<speech "monica" Monica>>I’m so sad about you having lost your memory, honey but I’m so happy you back with us! The Doctor already explained some things to me and what I should do to help you. My name is Monica, the young lady is Sindy and you also have another older<<textbox "$amelia_name " "step-sister">> ">> called Amelia.
(and you are her <<textbox "$player_relsis2" "step-brother">>)<</speech>>
<u><h2>Chose what your relationships will be</h2></u>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro15]]</snap> <<speech "monica" Monica >>I’m sorry Amelia couldn’t come to see you… She probably had something really important to attend… I don’t really know what she’s being doing for some time now. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You can notice some sadness on her expression. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Its ok Monica, no problem, I can meet her another time. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>Oh $player_relmom, you can just call me $monica_name. <</speech>>
<p id="thinking">Never really had a mother, no one wanted a deformed child, got to get used to that, I think. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Ok, $monica_name. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">She smiles and gives you a hug another time, but this time not almost killing you with her breasts. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Well, nice to meet you two, I think? I’m sorry that I can’t really remember anything…<</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>Don’t worry about sweetie! We are more than happy that you are back with us! And the Doctor explained how we got to have patience with helping you regain your memories. <</speech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Yes, that’s right, I came to the conclusion that the best thing, besides giving you some medicines and rest, is for you to go back to a familiar place and since you are showing great recover speed, we will just need you for more a few days in the hospital until we can send you home. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Jessica then turns to Monica and explains some more things about the tests they will be doing to you in the head to confirm if there is any complications. </p>
<p id="narrator">While you are kind of paying attention to them talking, you notice you $sindy_name staring at you, but as soon you lock eyes with her, she quickly turns her head. </p>
<p id="thinking">Well… That’s weird. Wonder what that’s about. </p>
<p id="thinking">I still need to learn more about them, lets try to ask some things. Let’s see if I have a dad in the picture. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>So, $monica_name, why didn’t father come? <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">Monica turns to you with an awkward face. </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>Well honey, you see, your father is a very busy man with his job. And we have been divorced for a few years now. He has his own family now. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Oh, really? How long ago did you guys get divorced? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>It was around the time you got in a coma sweetie. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says with a melancholic voice. </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>But don’t worry honey! Its not about you or anything, things hadn’t been good with us for some, time even before the accident. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>What accident? <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You ask trying to know how you got in a coma. You also noticed your $sindy_name cringe her body in the back of the room. </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>I think its best we talk about that another time, $player_relmom. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Your $monica_name says with her hand resting affectionately on your head. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Yeah, I agree. We can’t go too hard on you so soon. You should digest some of the information first. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">The Doctor says. And then continues. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica >>Well, I’m going to leave you guys alone to talk, if you excuse me.<</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Sure, thanks Dr. Jessica. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">She then proceeds to leave the room. </p>
<p id="narrator">You and your $player_relmom spend a few hours talking about some things and also asking her a few questions. From what you gathered Sindy is just starting college, since it’s the beginning of the year and she’s 18, one year younger than you. Amelia, your other $amelia_name, is 24 and she seems to be making money on her on, you mother doesn’t really know how because Amelia has been distant for a while and misbehaving a lot. Now it seems you guys live in a good house, not really that luxurious but still, a good house, thanks to your Dad that has been depositing money for your family since the divorce, which is also why your $monica_name doesn’t need to work. </p>
<p id="narrator">About your dad, he seems to have remarried to another woman that has two kids, about your age, one girl and one boy. Your $monica_name doesn’t really have too much contact with them. </p>
<p id="narrator">That’s what you gathered from this time speaking. Sometimes Monica tries to include Sindy in the conversation, but it seems that she just doesn’t really feel like participating. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro16]]</snap> <h1>After a few hours talking its time for the people visiting the hospital to leave</h1>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name >>We have to go now, honey.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says with a sad face.</p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Don’t worry I will be fine.<</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>I want you to continue to get better fast, so you can come home already.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She then gives you a kiss in the cheek and begins to leave the room. </p>
<p id="narrator">While they are both leaving you wave your hands to you $sindy_name and she actually waves back, even if a little weakly. </p>
<p id="narrator">Now you are back to being alone in the room. </p>
<p id="thinking">Jesus… I don’t even remember the last time I talked that much… Not a lot of people wanted to be friends with me before because they first judge me by my appearance. Not like I really resented them, I learned to take care of me and deal with it since young age…</p>
<p id="thinking">But now I feel like things can be different, I feel I can actually do what I want. And if my unnatural lack of luck is out of the way, even better</p>
<p id="narrator">You feel hopefull while laying down. </p>
<p id="thinking">Monica is really gentle… And really, really hot for her age… I don’t even know how I didn’t got a massive erection just being by her side. </p>
<p id="thinking">Sindy is really cute also. If they both are like that, I wonder how Amelia looks like… Shit! <b>NOW</b> I’m getting hard. </p>
<p id="narrator">Its kind of late already and you begin to feel the slumber taking a hold of you…</p>
<h3>That night you dream about…</h3>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Monica|intro17.1]]</snap>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Sindy|intro17.2]]</snap>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Jessica|intro17.3]]</snap><p id="narrator">Monica happily giving you a titjob.</p>
<img src="files/intro/monicav1.webp" width="70%">
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro18]]</snap><p id="narrator">Sindy sucking on your cock. </p>
<img src="files/intro/sindyv1.webp" width="70%">
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro18]]</snap><p id="narrator">You ponding Dr. Jessica on her office table. </p>
<img src="files/intro/jessicav1.webp" width="70%" class="rotateimg90">
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro18]]</snap><p id="narrator">About a week passes since the first visit from your “family”. </p>
<p id="narrator">Between then and now, Monica has visited you a couple of times by herself to talk and check on you. You feel like you are really starting to get close to her and each time you see her you get more attracted to her beauty. You pick up that since divorcing she doesn’t really feel attractive anymore and hasn’t been with any other man. </p>
<p id="narrator">Besides resting, you start to do some exercises to get your body in a health shape and in a really fast pace you begin to gain a good amount of mass and muscles, you suppose it has something to do with the modifications the aliens did on your soul. You also receive a simple hair cut because your hair was really long. </p>
<p id="narrator">Talking about the aliens, Yujug and John, they haven’t contacted at all since the last time you spoke, but you feel like is just a matter of time until they do. </p>
<p id="narrator">The nurse Isabella comes to check on you a few times, but nothing like what happened before happens again, you come to a conclusion that it takes some sort of circumstance to really trigger that kind of reaction so suddenly. From your observations the nurse already found you attractive, is already kind of a slut and had direct and prolonged contact with your pheromones and cock. So, you suppose that in others cases it would take a little more effort than that. </p>
<p id="narrator">Today is supposed to be your last day on the hospital and also you last check up with Dr. Jessica before being released. Thing is, that in the last few days with her running tests on your head, you can actually notice her attitude starting to change towards you. You notice that she some times stares at you when you are not looking and that she touches your body way longer than necessary in some cases. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro19]]</snap>
<p id="narrator">Today should be your last day here, you were called a few minutes ago to Dr. Jessica office. </p>
<p id="narrator">*knock knock*</p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>>Come in! <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Hi, Doctor. <</pspeech>>
<img src="files/intro/jessica2.jpg" width="80%">
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Hello, $player_name. How are you doing today? <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>I’m fine, feeling really good actually. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">That was a lie, the last few days you have being extremely horny and today, since you woke up, you have this erection that just won’t go down, but you hided in your pants the best you could. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> That’s good to hear. Now let’s do your final check up to see if everything is really fine so I can get you released to go home. But don’t forget that you will still have to come to see me occasionally so we can keep tabs on how your memory is doing. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Sounds good to me. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Ok, now strip to your briefs. <</speech>>
<p id="thinking"> Fuck, not again... </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>To my briefs, Doctor? <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Yeah, we got to make sure everything is alright before letting you go. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Right… If you say so…<</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You start to undress yourself and the whole time Jessica is looking straight at you. Until you get to your pants. </p>
<p id="thinking"> I’m scared, Isabella is way different from Jessica, I don’t really know how she going to react if she sees me with a hard-on… Lets just get this over with. </p>
<p id="narrator">Then you quickly pull you pants down reveling a massive bulge on your underwear. </p>
<p id="narrator">Jessica sees and says under her breath. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Oh my… <</speech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> *cough cough* Well, lets start the examination then. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while not addressing your erection, maybe to not embarrass you. </p>
<p id="narrator">She does examine first your upper body and then your legs a little, until she gets to your crotch. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Hmm… is everything alright down here, $player_name? <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Oh! Yeah, its fine, Doctor, I just seem to be having a little problem since I woke up. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Little…? <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says whispering. </p>
<p id="narrator">She is now staring at it while sitting on her chair and you can see some sort of hunger in her eyes. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Well, we <b>have</b> to check if everything is alright… <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says to you but you feel that she is saying to convince herself that it wouldn’t be wrong. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Could you take those briefs off? <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">Being stared like that actually makes you even more hard. Thinking about what happened with Isabella you are hopeful that Jessica maybe will finish you off. So, you without questioning take your briefs off. </p>
<img src="files/intro/jessica3.jpg" width="70%">
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Holy… <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says surprised. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Errr… we should… hmmm… Check that… To see if its alright and all that… <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says with kind of a lost voice while searching for something in her drawer. </p>
<p id="narrator">Then she gets up with some kind of metric tape on her hands. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Why don’t you go the middle of the room $player_name. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You do as she says. </p>
<p id="narrator">Then she approaches you and gets on her knees, dangerously close to your penis. </p>
<p id="thinking"> Fuck yeah! That’s it! </p>
<p id="narrator">She takes a look at your cock while her face is really close to it, then she opens her metric tape. </p>
<img src="files/intro/jessica4.jpg" width="70%">
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> I will just… measure it… really quickly… to write with your other body records… for medical reasons…<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She then starts to measure your cock without ever touching it. You can actually feel you blood pumping even more to down there. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Wow that’s, *cough* big…<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says while finishing measuring it, but just before closing her tape you can feel that she lightly brushed her fingers on the under side of you cock. You don’t really know if it was on purpose or just an accident. </p>
<p id="narrator">Jessica suddenly gets up and goes to her table. You also notice that her face is really blushed. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> You seem to be perfectly healthy $player_name. <b>Really</b> healthy. I’m be handling your release now, you can put on your clothes back and go to your room now, your $monica_name should be picking you up shortly. <</speech>>
<p id="thinking"> Wait, that’s it? </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Eeeer, sure Dr. Jessica, thanks for everything. <</pspeech>>
<p id="thinking"> I’m felling like I’m going to explode. </p>
<<speech "jessica" Dr.Jessica>> Its just my job, $player_name. And also, you can just call me Jessica. Bye bye for now, I will see you in your future appointment. <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Right… Bye then, Jessica. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You go back to your room to organize your things for leaving. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro20]]</snap><h1>Shortly after, in you room. </h1>
<p id="thinking">What the hell? I thought she would suck me off or something but nothing even happened. Should I have tried to start something myself? She seemed like she wanted at least, maybe the pheromones Is just a push for <b>ME</b> to get things done when it really gets down to it… </p>
<p id="narrator">You are changing to some clothes Monica brought you before and preparing to leave. </p>
<p id="narrator">Your penis is still hard as rock in your pants, more than ever before. </p>
<p id="thinking">I actually feel light headed from all this blood going just to my penis. I want to cum so hard. How long can I even go without any sex or something? Days? Months? The aliens didn’t even say. </p>
<p id="narrator">You hear a knock on the door and a head of a male nurse pops in. </p>
<<speech "man" Nurse>>Mister $player_name, your family should be here to pick you up shortly. Could you wait for them in the lobby? Thanks.<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">And he leaves. </p>
<p id="thinking">Well, the erection is hidden, not fully, but at least a bit. Let’s get going. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro21]]</snap><p id="narrator">You leave your room and walk through a corridor of the hospital to get to the lobby. </p>
<p id="narrator">You notice Isabella, the nurse, leaving a patient room which seems to be empty. </p>
<p id="narrator">While walking by, she sees you and gives you a little smile and makes a face fit for a slut. </p>
<h3> Do you: </h3>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Pull her in to the room with you|intro22.1]]</snap>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Ignore her|intro23]]</snap>
<u><h2>This choice will determine some "sex" scenes that you will see in the rest of the intro.</h2></u><p id="narrator">You get Isabella by the arm and pull her to the room without anyone seeing it, and close it behind you. </p>
<p id="narrator">You notice a surprised expression on her and at the same time lust on her eyes. </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>So, you finally going to do something? <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Shut up. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You pull her to a ferocious kiss which she returns in full. </p>
<p id="narrator">While making out she begins to strip you out of your clothes and you do the same with her uniform. </p>
<p id="narrator">When you are both naked you began to masturbate each other a bit, she’s really wet. </p>
<p id="narrator">Before anything else happens you turn her around and throw her to the sofa that this room has. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Butt up, slut. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella>>But… the condom…<</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Shut. Up. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You don’t even wait for her, you push head down at the sofa, lift her butt and bury your cock in her pussy. </p>
<img src="files/intro/isabellav5.webp" width="70%">
<p id="narrator">Isabella moans like a whore by the insertion. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro22.2]]</snap>
<<if $isabellascene>>
<p id="narrator">You get to the lobby and sees your $monica_name already waiting there, by herself.</p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name >> You sure took your time. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She comes to give you a hug.</p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>> I’m sorry, $monica_name. Had to take care of something. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name >> I’m just kidding, I’m really happy that you woke up and it will finally be coming home, let’s get going. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You get to the lobby and wait a little bit, until you see Monica parking and coming in.</p>
<p id="narrator">She is all smiles and comes fast to you to give you a hug. </p>
<p id="thinking">Shit. </p>
<p id="narrator">Before you can react, she is already all over you. </p>
<p id="narrator">Your hard is penis nestled between her thighs. </p>
<p id="thinking">OH, that feels good. I hope she doesn’t notice. </p>
<p id="narrator">Due to all her excitement to seeing her $player_relmom finally leaving the hospital after years she doesn’t seem to notice you cock almost touching her pussy lips through the clothes. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>> That’s good, $monica_name. We should get going before it gets late. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You say hoping to break off the hug already. </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name >> Oh, you are right. Let’s go. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You both get in the car. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>> Sindy couldn’t come? <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You don’t ask about Amelia, your other $amelia_name, at this point because you already figure it out, she wouldn’t be coming to see you any time. </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name >> No, dear. Sindy… is still having some problems dealing with you.<</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>> But why is that? You still haven’t told me. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name >> Let’s… get you settled home first and I will explain it to you. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You drop the subject for now. </p>
<p id="narrator">It takes a few hours to get to your house, its already almost late night. It seems to be in a good neighborhood. And the house itself looks quite big, at least from your past experience with houses you lived. </p>
<p id="thinking">Wow she drove all this distance each time she came to visit? Even before I woke up? </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro24]]</snap><p id="narrator">You start to fuck her without thinking about anything until you notice that Isabella is actually fucking herself on you cock. </p>
<img src="files/intro/isabellav6.webp" width="70%">
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>God, you really are a slut. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella>>Yes. YES I AM! <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She fucks you like that for some time and while you are surprised and really into it, she manages to push on to the sofa herself and starts riding you. </p>
<img src="files/intro/isabellav7.webp" width="70%">
<p id="narrator">In the middle of the riding she stops and begins to shake while her pussy contracts around your cock, seems like she is already cumming. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro22.3]]</snap><p id="narrator">You take the opportunity to flip her on the sofa and pin her down. </p>
<img src="files/intro/isabellav8.webp" width="70%">
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Bitch, <b>you</b> are the one getting fucked here, not me. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You start fucking her like a wild animal, she is still looking like she is cumming, even more than before. You never had a lot of experience with sex before so you assume that your performance and effects have something to do with the changes in your soul and body. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro22.4]]</snap><p id="narrator">After a while fucking like that you feel that you going to cum, so you take your penis out her pussy and points to her face. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Take that, slut. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">She seems a little out of it but still opens her mouth to receive your shot. </p>
<p id="narrator">You paint her face in white while a few strings of cum goes in her mouth which she happily accepts. </p>
<img src="files/intro/isabella6.webp" width="70%">
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro22.5]]</snap><p id="narrator">You are finishing dressing yourself, light on your feet from finally getting that load out, and actually a little energized, you wonder if it has something to do with the soul thing. </p>
<p id="narrator">Isabella is still laying down on the sofa, full nude, trying to get her strength back. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Are you going to be fine by yourself? I have to leave. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">She only groans. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>Well, ok then, take care Isabella. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You give her a light tap on the thigh. </p>
<<speech "isabella" Isabella >>Call… me…<</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>We will see. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">You leave the room and closes the door behind you. </p>
<p id="thinking">Hope no one finds her there like that. </p>
<<set $isabellascene to 1>>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro23]]</snap><p id="narrator">She parks her car, unlocks the door and you both go in the house. </p>
<p id="narrator">There is some balloons and a sign written “Welcome home $player_name!” </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>Sindy helped me setup for your arrival. She is probably sleeping right know since school starts early tomorrow. And alsoooo…<</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She takes you hand and takes you to the kitchen. </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>There is cake!! <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She says presenting you a chocolate cake. </p>
<p id="thinking">That’s actually really sweet… They really loved this guy…</p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>So… Do you feel like you remember anything, $player_relmom? <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>No… Nothing in particular… I’m sorry, Monica. <</pspeech>>
<p id="narrator">It feels bad to lie to them like that, but what can you actually do? </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>Its no problem sweetie. The doctor said that it may take some time before things starts to get back to you. No need to rush. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You guys talk a little while eating the cake. </p>
<p id="narrator">Monica yawn. She seems tired, driving back and forth from the hospital these last few days must have got her really tired and besides that is quite late already. </p>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>You can go to sleep, $monica_name. You seem really tired. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>But I still have to show you around, honey... <</speech>>
<<pspeech "You" $player_name>>We can sort this out tomorrow, don’t worry about it. <</pspeech>>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>Well, if you say so… Come on, let me at least show you your room. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">You two then go upstairs with her guiding you, she actually points out what room are hers and where the bathroom is. </p>
<p id="narrator">When you get there it’s a medium size room and the end of the upstairs corridor. Things seem really clean, she must have cleaned up before coming to pick you up. There is some super-heroes’ posters, some poster of woman semi-naked also. A computer, a single bed and all that. Seems like a room of a childhood you never had. </p>
<<speech "monica" $monica_name>>Well, sweetie I will be going to my room then. I’m happy you are home now, sleep well. <</speech>>
<p id="narrator">She gives you a kiss in the cheek, leaves and closes the door. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro25]]</snap><p id="thinking">That’s it then. The start of my new life. I wonder what I should do now… I think first I should sleep actually. </p>
<p id="narrator">You strip down from your clothes and put on some boxers and lay down on the bed to sleep. You find yourself more tired than normal, must be from the change of scenery. </p>
<p id="narrator">…</p>
<p id="narrator">…</p>
<p id="narrator">…</p>
<<if $isabellascene>>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[End intro|intro26]]</snap>
<p id="narrator">Some time passes with you laying down, you don’t really know how much, some hours maybe, but you just can’t sleep with this hardon you have, you actually feel like its sucking the life out you. </p>
<p id="thinking">I should take a cold shower or something this won’t go down by itself like that. </p>
<p id="narrator">You remember where the bathroom is from what Monica told you. </p>
<p id="narrator">But after you leave you room and heads to the bathroom you actually notice that the door is barely closed and there light coming out of it. So <b>naturally</b> you go check it out. While approaching it you hear the shower is on. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro25.1]]</snap>
<<endif>><h3>Thats it for the of the LONG-ASS intro guys, thanks for playing my game until here, hope you liked. Sorry for any misspelling, english is not my first language. Starting next update we will begin the sandbox part out the game besides that, heres what i have planed for the next update:
-First sandbox part
-New additions to the UI
-New mechanics
-New characters
-And of course... lots of porn!
I'm also open to suggestions, tips, compliments or curses.
If you find any bugs and feel like it, do reach out.
Have a great day, see you.
Thanks, Nickis.
</h3><p id="narrator">You approach the door quietly and look through the gap and sees a woman getting into the shower. </p>
<img src="files/intro/amelia1.jpg" width="80%">
<p id="thinking">Who is that? Is that Amelia? Must be, I don’t think a thief would just invade a home to take a shower…</p>
<video src="files/intro/ameliav1.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls width="640" height="480"></video>
<p id="thinking">Just when I wanted to take a cold shower or something… Wait… What is she doing? Is she…?</p>
<img src="files/intro/amelia2.jpg" width="80%">
<p id="thinking">Wow she is masturbating! </p>
<p id="narrator">Your cock is bursting out of the boxers. </p>
<p id="thinking">Fuck it, I’m just going to beat one off watching. I don’t care at this point. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro25.2]]</snap><p id="narrator">You try to watch as closely as you can through the door gap. </p> <p id="thinking">She’s really getting into it…</p>
<p id="narrator">So are you tho. </p>
<p id="narrator">Suddenly Amelia takes a dildo out of nowhere. </p>
<img src="files/intro/amelia3.jpeg" width="80%">
<p id="thinking">I knew she would be fucking hot. Monica genes must be blessed by Aphrodite or something. </p>
<video src="files/intro/ameliav2.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls width="640" height="480"></video>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[Continue|intro25.3]]</snap><p id="narrator">You are almost ripping your cock off at this point. Completely have forgotten you are in the middle of the corridor. </p>
<img src="files/intro/amelia4.jpg" width="80%">
<p id="narrator">Amelia changes her position at this point. She seems to be holding her moans the best she can. She also doesn’t seem to be far from orgasming. </p>
<p id="thinking">I’m almost cumming too. She is too hot. This is too hot. </p>
<video src="files/intro/ameliav3.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls width="640" height="480"></video>
<p id="narrator">Amelia orgasms and watching it so do you. You cum on the floor a tremendous amount of cum. </p>
<p id="narrator">You are both out of it for a time, but you recover first, tries to clean the floor with your underwear the best you can and rushes back to your room afraid of being seen. </p>
<p id="narrator">You then passes out on your bed. </p>
<snap class="nextbtn">[[End intro|intro26]]</snap>